scala.collection.SortedMap Scala Examples

The following examples show how to use scala.collection.SortedMap. You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example.
Example 1
Source File: SortedMapDeserializerModule.scala    From mango   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package com.kakao.shaded.jackson.module.scala.deser

import java.util.AbstractMap
import java.util.Map.Entry

import scala.collection.{mutable, SortedMap}
import scala.collection.immutable.TreeMap

import com.kakao.shaded.jackson.core.JsonParser
import com.kakao.shaded.jackson.databind._
import com.kakao.shaded.jackson.databind.deser.std.{MapDeserializer, ContainerDeserializerBase}
import com.kakao.shaded.jackson.databind.jsontype.TypeDeserializer
import com.kakao.shaded.jackson.databind.`type`.MapLikeType
import com.kakao.shaded.jackson.module.scala.modifiers.MapTypeModifierModule
import deser.{ContextualDeserializer, Deserializers, ValueInstantiator}
import com.kakao.shaded.jackson.module.scala.introspect.OrderingLocator
import scala.language.existentials

private class SortedMapBuilderWrapper[K,V](val builder: mutable.Builder[(K,V), SortedMap[K,V]]) extends AbstractMap[K,V] {
  override def put(k: K, v: V) = { builder += ((k,v)); v }

  // Isn't used by the deserializer
  def entrySet(): java.util.Set[Entry[K, V]] = throw new UnsupportedOperationException

private object SortedMapDeserializer {
  def orderingFor = OrderingLocator.locate _

  def builderFor(cls: Class[_], keyCls: JavaType): mutable.Builder[(AnyRef,AnyRef), SortedMap[AnyRef,AnyRef]] =
    if (classOf[TreeMap[_,_]].isAssignableFrom(cls)) TreeMap.newBuilder[AnyRef,AnyRef](orderingFor(keyCls)) else

private class SortedMapDeserializer(
    collectionType: MapLikeType,
    config: DeserializationConfig,
    keyDeser: KeyDeserializer,
    valueDeser: JsonDeserializer[_],
    valueTypeDeser: TypeDeserializer)
  extends ContainerDeserializerBase[SortedMap[_,_]](collectionType)
  with ContextualDeserializer {
  private val javaContainerType =
    config.getTypeFactory.constructMapLikeType(classOf[MapBuilderWrapper[_,_]], collectionType.getKeyType, collectionType.getContentType)

  private val instantiator =
    new ValueInstantiator {
      def getValueTypeDesc = collectionType.getRawClass.getCanonicalName
      override def canCreateUsingDefault = true
      override def createUsingDefault(ctx: DeserializationContext) =
        new SortedMapBuilderWrapper[AnyRef,AnyRef](SortedMapDeserializer.builderFor(collectionType.getRawClass, collectionType.getKeyType))

  private val containerDeserializer =
    new MapDeserializer(javaContainerType,instantiator,keyDeser,valueDeser.asInstanceOf[JsonDeserializer[AnyRef]],valueTypeDeser)

  override def getContentType = containerDeserializer.getContentType

  override def getContentDeserializer = containerDeserializer.getContentDeserializer

  override def createContextual(ctxt: DeserializationContext, property: BeanProperty) =
    if (keyDeser != null && valueDeser != null) this
    else {
      val newKeyDeser = Option(keyDeser).getOrElse(ctxt.findKeyDeserializer(collectionType.getKeyType, property))
      val newValDeser = Option(valueDeser).getOrElse(ctxt.findContextualValueDeserializer(collectionType.getContentType, property))
      new SortedMapDeserializer(collectionType, config, newKeyDeser, newValDeser, valueTypeDeser)
  override def deserialize(jp: JsonParser, ctxt: DeserializationContext): SortedMap[_,_] = {
    containerDeserializer.deserialize(jp,ctxt) match {
      case wrapper: SortedMapBuilderWrapper[_,_] => wrapper.builder.result()

private object SortedMapDeserializerResolver extends Deserializers.Base {
  private val SORTED_MAP = classOf[collection.SortedMap[_,_]]

  override def findMapLikeDeserializer(theType: MapLikeType,
                              config: DeserializationConfig,
                              beanDesc: BeanDescription,
                              keyDeserializer: KeyDeserializer,
                              elementTypeDeserializer: TypeDeserializer,
                              elementDeserializer: JsonDeserializer[_]): JsonDeserializer[_] =
    if (!SORTED_MAP.isAssignableFrom(theType.getRawClass)) null
    else new SortedMapDeserializer(theType,config,keyDeserializer,elementDeserializer,elementTypeDeserializer)

trait SortedMapDeserializerModule extends MapTypeModifierModule {
  this += (_ addDeserializers SortedMapDeserializerResolver)
Example 2
Source File: AnnotationData.scala    From ScalaClean   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.scalaclean.analysis

object AnnotationData extends StandardExtensionDescriptor[AnnotationData] {

  override protected def buildImpl(posOffsetStart: Int, posOffsetEnd: Int, otherParams: String*): AnnotationData = {
    val map: Map[String, String] = otherParams.toList.drop(1).grouped(2).collect {
      case k :: v :: Nil => k -> v
      case x :: Nil =>
        println(s"***** $x")
        x.toString -> "UNKNOWN"
    new AnnotationData(posOffsetStart, posOffsetEnd, otherParams(0), map)

case class AnnotationData(posOffsetStart: Int, posOffsetEnd: Int, fqName: String, values: Map[String, String]) extends StandardExtensionData {

  import scala.collection.SortedMap

  override def restToCSV: String = {
    val csv = if (values.isEmpty) "" else values.toList.sortBy(_._1).map { e => s"${e._1},${e._2}" }.mkString(",", ",", "")

  override def toString: String = s"AnnotationData[${maskToString(posOffsetStart)},${maskToString(posOffsetEnd)},$fqName,${SortedMap.empty[String, String] ++ values}"

  require(!fqName.contains(","), fqName)
  values.foreach {
    case (k, v) =>
      require(!k.contains(","), s"key of $k")
      require(!v.contains(","), s"value of $v")
Example 3
Source File: QueryString.scala    From graphcool-framework   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package cool.graph.stub

import com.netaporter.uri.Uri

import scala.collection.SortedMap

object QueryString {
  def queryStringToMap(asNullableString: String): Map[String, String] = {
    Option(asNullableString) match {
      case Some(string) =>
        Map(Uri.parse(s"?$string").query.params: _*).filterKeys(_.trim != "").mapValues(_.getOrElse(""))
      case None =>


  def queryMapToString(queryMap: Map[String, Any]): String = {
    queryMap.isEmpty match {
      case false => "?" + { case (k, v) => s"$k=$v" }.mkString("&")
      case true  => ""

  def mapToSortedMap(map: Map[String, Any]): SortedMap[String, Any] = {
    SortedMap(map.toSeq: _*)
Example 4
Source File: NGrams.scala    From featran   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package com.spotify.featran.transformers

import com.spotify.featran.FeatureBuilder

import scala.collection.{mutable, SortedMap}

  def fromSettings(
    setting: Settings
  ): Transformer[Seq[String], Set[String], SortedMap[String, Int]] =

private[featran] class NGrams(name: String, val low: Int, val high: Int, val sep: String)
    extends NHotEncoder(name, false) {
  override def prepare(a: Seq[String]): Set[String] = ngrams(a).toSet

  override def buildFeatures(
    a: Option[Seq[String]],
    c: SortedMap[String, Int],
    fb: FeatureBuilder[_]
  ): Unit =
    super.buildFeatures(, c, fb)

  private[transformers] def ngrams(a: Seq[String]): Seq[String] = {
    val max = if (high == -1) a.length else high
    val b = Seq.newBuilder[String]
    var i = low
    while (i <= max) {
      if (i == 1) {
        b ++= a
      } else if (i <= a.size) {
        val q = mutable.Queue[String]()
        var j = 0
        val it = a.iterator
        while (j < i) {
          j += 1
        b += mkNGram(q, sep)
        while (it.hasNext) {
          b += mkNGram(q, sep)
      i += 1

  private def mkNGram(xs: mutable.Queue[String], sep: String): String = {
    val sb = StringBuilder.newBuilder
    val i = xs.iterator
    while (i.hasNext) {
Example 5
Source File: NHotWeightedEncoder.scala    From featran   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package com.spotify.featran.transformers

import com.spotify.featran.{FeatureBuilder, FeatureRejection, FlatReader, FlatWriter}

import scala.collection.SortedMap
import scala.collection.mutable.{Map => MMap, Set => MSet}

  def fromSettings(
    setting: Settings
  ): Transformer[Seq[WeightedLabel], Set[String], SortedMap[String, Int]] = {
    val encodeMissingValue = setting.params("encodeMissingValue").toBoolean
    NHotWeightedEncoder(, encodeMissingValue)

private[featran] class NHotWeightedEncoder(name: String, encodeMissingValue: Boolean)
    extends BaseHotEncoder[Seq[WeightedLabel]](name, encodeMissingValue) {
  import MissingValue.MissingValueToken

  def addMissingValue(
    fb: FeatureBuilder[_],
    unseen: MSet[String],
    keys: Seq[String],
    unseenWeight: Double
  ): Unit =
    if (keys.isEmpty) {
      fb.add(name + '_' + MissingValueToken, 1.0)
    } else if (unseen.isEmpty) {
    } else {
      fb.add(name + '_' + MissingValueToken, unseenWeight)

  override def prepare(a: Seq[WeightedLabel]): Set[String] =
    Set( _*)
  override def buildFeatures(
    a: Option[Seq[WeightedLabel]],
    c: SortedMap[String, Int],
    fb: FeatureBuilder[_]
  ): Unit = a match {
    case Some(xs) =>
      val weights = MMap.empty[String, Double].withDefaultValue(0.0)
      xs.foreach(x => weights( += x.value)
      var unseenWeight = 0.0

      val keys = weights.keySet.toList.sorted
      var prev = -1
      val unseen = MSet[String]()
      keys.foreach { key =>
        c.get(key) match {
          case Some(curr) =>
            val gap = curr - prev - 1
            if (gap > 0) fb.skip(gap)
            fb.add(name + '_' + key, weights(key))
            prev = curr
          case None =>
            unseen += key
            unseenWeight += weights(key)
      val gap = c.size - prev - 1
      if (gap > 0) fb.skip(gap)
      if (encodeMissingValue) {
        addMissingValue(fb, unseen, keys, unseenWeight)
      if (unseen.nonEmpty) {
        fb.reject(this, FeatureRejection.Unseen(unseen.toSet))
    case None => addMissingItem(c, fb)

  override def flatRead[T: FlatReader]: T => Option[Any] = FlatReader[T].readWeightedLabel(name)

  override def flatWriter[T](implicit fw: FlatWriter[T]): Option[Seq[WeightedLabel]] => fw.IF =
Example 6
Source File: PositionEncoder.scala    From featran   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package com.spotify.featran.transformers

import com.spotify.featran.{FeatureBuilder, FeatureRejection, FlatReader, FlatWriter}

import scala.collection.SortedMap

  def fromSettings(setting: Settings): Transformer[String, Set[String], SortedMap[String, Int]] =

private[featran] class PositionEncoder(name: String) extends BaseHotEncoder[String](name, false) {
  override def prepare(a: String): Set[String] = Set(a)
  override def featureDimension(c: SortedMap[String, Int]): Int = 1
  override def featureNames(c: SortedMap[String, Int]): Seq[String] = Seq(name)
  override def buildFeatures(
    a: Option[String],
    c: SortedMap[String, Int],
    fb: FeatureBuilder[_]
  ): Unit =
    a match {
      case Some(k) =>
        c.get(k) match {
          case Some(v) => fb.add(name, v.toDouble)
          case None =>
            fb.reject(this, FeatureRejection.Unseen(Set(k)))
      case None =>
        fb.reject(this, FeatureRejection.Collision)

  override def flatRead[T: FlatReader]: T => Option[Any] = FlatReader[T].readString(name)

  override def flatWriter[T](implicit fw: FlatWriter[T]): Option[String] => fw.IF =
Example 7
Source File: NHotEncoder.scala    From featran   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package com.spotify.featran.transformers

import com.spotify.featran.{FeatureBuilder, FeatureRejection, FlatReader, FlatWriter}

import scala.collection.SortedMap
import scala.collection.mutable.{Set => MSet}

  def fromSettings(
    setting: Settings
  ): Transformer[Seq[String], Set[String], SortedMap[String, Int]] = {
    val encodeMissingValue = setting.params("encodeMissingValue").toBoolean
    NHotEncoder(, encodeMissingValue)

private[featran] class NHotEncoder(name: String, encodeMissingValue: Boolean)
    extends BaseHotEncoder[Seq[String]](name, encodeMissingValue) {
  import MissingValue.MissingValueToken

  def addMissingValue(fb: FeatureBuilder[_], unseen: MSet[String], keys: Seq[String]): Unit =
    if (
      && keys.nonEmpty
    ) {
    } else {
      fb.add(name + '_' + MissingValueToken, 1.0)

  override def prepare(a: Seq[String]): Set[String] = Set(a: _*)
  override def buildFeatures(
    a: Option[Seq[String]],
    c: SortedMap[String, Int],
    fb: FeatureBuilder[_]
  ): Unit = a match {
    case Some(xs) =>
      val keys = xs.distinct.sorted
      var prev = -1
      val unseen = MSet[String]()
      keys.foreach { key =>
        c.get(key) match {
          case Some(curr) =>
            val gap = curr - prev - 1
            if (gap > 0) fb.skip(gap)
            fb.add(name + '_' + key, 1.0)
            prev = curr
          case None =>
            unseen += key
      val gap = c.size - prev - 1
      if (gap > 0) fb.skip(gap)
      if (encodeMissingValue) {
        addMissingValue(fb, unseen, keys)
      if (unseen.nonEmpty) {
        fb.reject(this, FeatureRejection.Unseen(unseen.toSet))
    case None => addMissingItem(c, fb)

  override def flatRead[T: FlatReader]: T => Option[Any] = FlatReader[T].readStrings(name)

  override def flatWriter[T](implicit fw: FlatWriter[T]): Option[Seq[String]] => fw.IF =
Example 8
Source File: Bencharts.scala    From rtree2d   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
import java.awt.{Color, Paint}
import java.text.NumberFormat

import javax.imageio.ImageIO
import org.jfree.chart.JFreeChart
import org.jfree.chart.axis.LogarithmicAxis
import org.jfree.chart.plot.{DefaultDrawingSupplier, XYPlot}
import org.jfree.chart.renderer.xy.XYErrorRenderer
import{YIntervalSeries, YIntervalSeriesCollection}
import sbt._
import com.github.plokhotnyuk.jsoniter_scala.macros._
import com.github.plokhotnyuk.jsoniter_scala.core._
import com.github.plokhotnyuk.jsoniter_scala.macros.JsonCodecMaker._

import scala.collection.SortedMap

  def apply(jmhReport: File, yAxisTitle: String, targetDir: File): Unit = {
    val allResults = readFromArray(IO.readBytes(jmhReport))(make[Seq[BenchmarkResult]](CodecMakerConfig))
    val constParams = allResults.flatMap(_.params.toSeq).groupBy(_._1).collect {
      case (_, kvs) if kvs.distinct.size == 1 => kvs.head
    allResults.groupBy(benchmarkName(constParams)).foreach { case (benchmark, results) =>
      val dataset = new YIntervalSeriesCollection {
        SortedMap(results.groupBy(otherParams(constParams)).toSeq:_*).foreach { case (params, iterations) =>
          addSeries(new YIntervalSeries(params) {
            iterations.foreach { iteration =>
              val x = iteration.params.get("size").fold(0.0)(_.toDouble)
              val y = Math.max(iteration.primaryMetric.score, 1.0)
              val yLow = Math.max(iteration.primaryMetric.scoreConfidence._1, 1.0)
              val yHigh = Math.max(iteration.primaryMetric.scoreConfidence._2, 1.0)
              add(x, y, yLow, yHigh)
      val renderer = new XYErrorRenderer {
        (0 to dataset.getSeriesCount).foreach(i => setSeriesLinesVisible(i, true))
      val plot = new XYPlot(dataset, axis("Size"), axis(yAxisTitle), renderer) {
        setDrawingSupplier(new DefaultDrawingSupplier {
          override def getNextPaint: Paint = super.getNextPaint match {
            case x: Color if x.getRed > 200 && x.getGreen > 200 =>
              new Color(x.getRed, (x.getGreen * 0.8).toInt, x.getBlue, x.getAlpha)
            case x => x
      val chart = new JFreeChart(benchmark, JFreeChart.DEFAULT_TITLE_FONT, plot, true)
      ImageIO.write(chart.createBufferedImage(1200, 900), "png", targetDir / s"$benchmark.png")

  private def axis(title: String): LogarithmicAxis = new LogarithmicAxis(title) {

  private def benchmarkName(constParams: Seq[(String, String)])(result: BenchmarkResult): String = {
    val benchName = result.benchmark.split("""\.""").last { case (k, v) =>
    }.sorted.mkString(s"$benchName[", ",", "]")

  private def otherParams(constParams: Seq[(String, String)])(result: BenchmarkResult): String = {
    val constParamNames =
    val benchSuitName = result.benchmark.split("""\.""").reverse.tail.head
    result.params.filterKeys(k => k != "size" && !constParamNames(k)).map { case (k, v) =>
    }.toSeq.sorted.mkString(s"$benchSuitName[", ",", "]")

case class BenchmarkMetric(score: Double, scoreConfidence: (Double, Double))

case class BenchmarkResult(benchmark: String, params: Map[String, String], primaryMetric: BenchmarkMetric)