scala.collection.SortedSet Scala Examples
The following examples show how to use scala.collection.SortedSet.
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Example 1
Source File: CostEstimator.scala From maha with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
// Copyright 2017, Yahoo Holdings Inc. // Licensed under the terms of the Apache License 2.0. Please see LICENSE file in project root for terms. package import import import grizzled.slf4j.Logging import scala.collection.SortedSet trait FactCostEstimator extends Logging { def isGrainKey(grainKey: String): Boolean def grainPrefix(schemaRequiredEntity: String, entity:String): String = if(schemaRequiredEntity == entity) { schemaRequiredEntity } else { s"$schemaRequiredEntity-$entity" } def allPrefix(entity: String): String = s"*-$entity" def getSchemaBasedGrainRows(grainKey: String, request:ReportingRequest, filters: scala.collection.mutable.Map[String, Filter], defaultRowCount: Long): Option[Long] def getAllBasedGrainRows(grainKey: String, request:ReportingRequest, filters: scala.collection.mutable.Map[String, Filter]): Option[Long] def getDefaultRows(defaultRowCount: Long, request:ReportingRequest, filters: scala.collection.mutable.Map[String, Filter]) = { defaultRowCount * (request.numDays + 1) } def getRowsEstimate(schemaRequiredEntitySet:Set[(String, Filter)] , dimensionsCandidates: SortedSet[DimensionCandidate] , factDimList: List[String] , request: ReportingRequest , filters: scala.collection.mutable.Map[String, Filter] , defaultRowCount:Long): RowsEstimate = { val schemaBasedGrainKeys = { case (requiredEntity, filter) => => grainPrefix(requiredEntity, } val schemaBasedResult = schemaBasedGrainKeys.filter(isGrainKey).flatMap { grainKey => val grainRows = getSchemaBasedGrainRows(grainKey, request, filters, defaultRowCount) if(request.isDebugEnabled) { info(s"schemaBasedResult grainKey=$grainKey grainRows=$grainRows") } grainRows } val (isGrainOptimized, rows) = if(schemaBasedResult.nonEmpty) { (true, schemaBasedResult.min) } else (false, getDefaultRows(defaultRowCount, request, filters)) //all based grain key, take highest grain for fact table val allBasedResult ={ grainKey => val grainRows = getAllBasedGrainRows(grainKey, request, filters) if(request.isDebugEnabled) { info(s"allBasedResult grainKey=$grainKey grainRows=$grainRows") } grainRows } val (isScanOptimized, scanRows) = if(allBasedResult.nonEmpty) { (true, allBasedResult.max) } else (false, Long.MaxValue) val estimate = RowsEstimate(rows, isGrainOptimized, scanRows, isScanOptimized) if(request.isDebugEnabled) { info(s"$estimate") } estimate } def getCostEstimate(rowsEstimate: RowsEstimate, rowCostMultiplierOption: Option[CostMultiplier]) : Long = { val cost = for { rowCostMultiplier <- rowCostMultiplierOption costMultiplier <- rowCostMultiplier.rows.find(rowsEstimate.rows) } yield (costMultiplier * rowsEstimate.rows).longValue() cost.getOrElse(Long.MaxValue) } } trait DimCostEstimator { def getCardinalityEstimate(grainKey: String, request: ReportingRequest,filters: scala.collection.mutable.Map[String, Filter]): Option[Long] } class DefaultDimEstimator extends DimCostEstimator { def getCardinalityEstimate(grainKey: String, request: ReportingRequest,filters: scala.collection.mutable.Map[String, Filter]): Option[Long] = None } class DefaultFactEstimator(grainKeySet: Set[String] = Set.empty , defaultRowCount: Long = 100 ) extends FactCostEstimator { def isGrainKey(grainKey: String): Boolean = grainKeySet(grainKey) def getGrainRows(grainKey: String, request:ReportingRequest, filters: scala.collection.mutable.Map[String, Filter], defaultRowCount: Long): Option[Long] = { Option((defaultRowCount * (request.numDays + 1)).longValue()) } def getSchemaBasedGrainRows(grainKey: String, request:ReportingRequest, filters: scala.collection.mutable.Map[String, Filter], defaultRowCount: Long): Option[Long] = { getGrainRows(grainKey, request, filters, defaultRowCount) } def getAllBasedGrainRows(grainKey: String, request:ReportingRequest, filters: scala.collection.mutable.Map[String, Filter]): Option[Long] = { getGrainRows(grainKey, request, filters, defaultRowCount) } }
Example 2
Source File: ResultReader.scala From perf_tester with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.perftester.results import java.nio.file.{Files, Path} import org.perftester.results.rows._ import scala.collection.SortedSet import collection.JavaConverters._ object ResultReader { def readResults(id: String, file: Path, iterations: Int): RunResult = { val lines = Files.readAllLines(file).asScala val asValues =',').map(_.trim).toList).toList val info = asValues.collectFirst { case values if values(0) == "info" => InfoRow.parse(values) }.get val dataRows = asValues.flatMap(DataRow(_, info.version)) val gcInfo = dataRows.collect { case gc: GCDataRow => gc } def gcEvents(start: Long, end: Long) = gcInfo.collect { case gc @ GCDataRow(startNs, endNs, _, _, _, _, _, _) if (startNs > start && startNs < end) || (endNs > start && endNs < end) => gc } val background = dataRows .collect { case row: BackgroundPhaseRow => row } .groupBy { row: BackgroundPhaseRow => (row.runId, row.phaseName) } .withDefaultValue(Nil) val rows = dataRows .collect { case row: MainPhaseRow => PhaseResults(row, background((row.runId, row.phaseName)), gcEvents(row.startNs, row.endNs)) } .sortBy(r => (r.iterationId, r.phaseId)) val allPhases = rows.groupBy(_.phaseName).keySet RunResult(id, rows, allPhases) } }
Example 3
Source File: ResultReader.scala From perf_tester with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.perftester.results import ammonite.ops.{Path, read} import org.perftester.TestConfig import org.perftester.results.rows._ import scala.collection.SortedSet object ResultReader { def readResults(testConfig: TestConfig, file: Path, iterations: Int): RunResult = { val lines = read.lines ! file val asValues =',').map(_.trim).toList).toList val info = asValues.collectFirst { case values if values(0) == "info" => InfoRow.parse(values) }.get val dataRows = asValues.flatMap(DataRow(_, info.version)) val gcInfo = dataRows.collect { case gc: GCDataRow => gc } def gcEvents(start: Long, end: Long) = gcInfo.collect { case gc @ GCDataRow(startNs, endNs, _, _, _, _, _, _) if (startNs > start && startNs < end) || (endNs > start && endNs < end) => gc } val background = dataRows .collect { case row: BackgroundPhaseRow => row } .groupBy { row: BackgroundPhaseRow => (row.runId, row.phaseName) } .withDefaultValue(Nil) val rows = dataRows .collect { case row: MainPhaseRow => PhaseResults(row, background((row.runId, row.phaseName)), gcEvents(row.startNs, row.endNs)) } .sortBy(r => (r.iterationId, r.phaseId)) val allIterations = (1 to iterations).to[SortedSet] val allPhases = rows.groupBy(_.phaseName).keySet RunResult(testConfig, info, rows, allIterations, allPhases) } }
Example 4
Source File: RunResult.scala From perf_tester with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.perftester.results import org.perftester.TestConfig import org.perftester.results.rows.InfoRow import scala.collection.SortedSet case class RunResult(testConfig: TestConfig, info: InfoRow, rawData: Seq[PhaseResults], iterations: SortedSet[Int], phases: Set[String]) { rawData foreach { r => require(phases(r.phaseName), r.phaseName) } } case class RunDetails(cycleNumber: Int, testId: Int, runResult: RunResult) extends Ordered[RunDetails] { override def compare(that: RunDetails): Int = { val major = this.testId compareTo that.testId if (major != 0) major else this.cycleNumber compareTo that.cycleNumber } }
Example 5
Source File: exercise01.scala From scala-for-the-Impatient with MIT License | 5 votes |
import scala.collection.SortedSet import scala.collection.mutable.HashMap def mapStrIndex(str:String)={ var indexMap = new HashMap[Char,SortedSet[Int]]() var i = 0 str.toCharArray.foreach { c => indexMap.get(c) match { case Some(result) => indexMap(c) = result + i case None => indexMap += (c -> SortedSet { i }) } i += 1 } indexMap } println(mapStrIndex("Mississippi"))
Example 6
Source File: MultiSet.scala From vm with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
package import org.mmadt.language.obj.value.Value import org.mmadt.language.obj.value.strm.Strm import org.mmadt.language.obj.{Obj, _} import import scala.collection.SortedSet import scala.collection.immutable.ListSet class MultiSet[A <: Obj](val baseSet: ListSet[A] = ListSet.empty[A]) extends Seq[A] { def get(a: A): Option[A] = baseSet.find(b => a.asInstanceOf[Value[_]].g.equals(b.asInstanceOf[Value[_]].g)) def put(a: A): MultiSet[A] = { val oldObj: Option[A] = this.get(a) new MultiSet[A]( => baseSet - x).getOrElse(baseSet) + => x.hardQ(plusQ(a, x))).getOrElse(a)) } def objSize: Long = baseSet.size def qSize: IntQ = baseSet.foldRight(qZero)((a, b) => plusQ(a.q, b)) override def length: scala.Int = objSize.toInt override def apply(idx: scala.Int): A = this.baseSet.toSeq.apply(idx) override def iterator: Iterator[A] = this.baseSet.iterator override def toSeq: Seq[A] = baseSet.toSeq override def hashCode: scala.Int = baseSet.hashCode() override def equals(other: Any): Boolean = other match { case multiSet: MultiSet[_] => multiSet.baseSet == this.baseSet case _ => false } } object MultiSet { def put[A <: Obj](objs: A*): MultiSet[A] = objs.foldLeft(new MultiSet[A])((a, b) => a.put(b)) def test(a: Obj, b: Obj): Boolean = MultiSet(a.toStrm.values) == MultiSet(b.toStrm.values) def apply[A <: Obj](objs: Seq[A]): MultiSet[A] = objs.flatMap { case astrm: Strm[A] => astrm.values case x => List(x) }.foldLeft(new MultiSet[A])((a, b) => a.put(b)) }
Example 7
Source File: Logger.scala From subsearch with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.gilazaria.subsearch.output import com.gilazaria.subsearch.model.Record import scala.collection.SortedSet import scala.concurrent.Future trait Logger { // Controller def logHeader(header: String) def logConfig(threads: Int, wordlistSize: Int, resolverslistSize: Int) def logTarget(hostname: String) // Authoritative Scanner def logAuthoritativeScanStarted() def logAuthoritativeNameServer(nameServer: String) def logAuthoritativeScanCompleted() def logAddingAuthNameServersToResolvers(totalResolversSize: Int) // Zone Transfer Scanner def logStartedZoneTransfer() def logNameServersNotVulnerableToZoneTransfer() def logNameServerVulnerableToZoneTransfer(nameServer: String) def logZoneTransferCompleted() // Additional Scanners def logAdditionalScansStarted() def logAdditionalScannerError(scannerName: String, msg: String) def logAdditionalScannerFoundSubdomains(scannerName: String, subdomains: Set[String]) def logAdditionalScansCompleted() // Subdomain Bruteforce Scanner def logStartedSubdomainSearch() def logTaskCompleted() def logTaskFailed() def logPausingThreads() def logPauseOptions() def logInvalidPauseOption() def logNotEnoughResolvers() def logTimedOutScan(subdomain: String, resolver: String, duration: String) def logBlacklistedResolver(resolver: String) def logScanCancelled() def logScanForceCancelled() def logLastRequest(subdomain: String, numberOfRequestsSoFar: Int, totalNumberOfSubdomains: Int) // Records def logRecords(records: SortedSet[Record]) def logRecordsDuringScan(records: SortedSet[Record]) // Utility def completedLoggingFuture: Future[Unit] }
Example 8
Source File: CSVOutput.scala From subsearch with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.gilazaria.subsearch.output import com.gilazaria.subsearch.model.Record import com.gilazaria.subsearch.utils.{File, TimeUtils} import scala.collection.SortedSet import scala.concurrent.Future import class CSVOutput(private val file: Option[File]) extends Output { override def print(string: String): Unit = {} private var saveToFileFuture: Future[Unit] = Future(Unit) override def printRecords(records: SortedSet[Record]) = { if (file.isDefined) { saveToFileFuture = { _ => val lines = => s"${TimeUtils.timestampNow},${},${record.recordType},${}") file.get.write(lines.mkString("\n") + "\n") } } } override def writingToFileFuture: Future[Unit] = { saveToFileFuture } } object CSVOutput { def create(fileOption: Option[File]): Option[CSVOutput] = if (fileOption.isDefined) Some(new CSVOutput(fileOption)) else None }
Example 9
Source File: Output.scala From subsearch with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.gilazaria.subsearch.output import com.gilazaria.subsearch.model.Record import com.gilazaria.subsearch.utils.TimeUtils import scala.collection.SortedSet import scala.concurrent.Future import trait Output { def print(string: String) def println(): Unit = println("") def println(string: String): Unit = print(s"$string\n") def printSuccess(string: String) = printSuccessWithoutTime(prependTime(string)) def printStatus(string: String) = printStatusWithoutTime(prependTime(string)) def printInfo(string: String) = printInfoWithoutTime(prependTime(string)) def printError(string: String) = printErrorWithoutTime(prependTime(string)) def printSuccessWithoutTime(string: String) = println(string) def printStatusWithoutTime(string: String) = println(string) def printInfoWithoutTime(string: String) = println(string) def printErrorWithoutTime(string: String) = println(string) def printSuccessDuringScan(string: String) = printSuccess(string) def printStatusDuringScan(string: String) = printStatus(string) def printInfoDuringScan(string: String) = printInfo(string) def printErrorDuringScan(string: String) = printError(string) // Utility final def prependTime(string: String): String = s"${TimeUtils.currentTimePretty} $string" def writingToFileFuture: Future[Unit] = Future(Unit) // Application Specific def printHeader(header: String) = { println(header) println() } def printConfig(config: List[(String, String)], separator: String) = { val string: String = config .map((tuple: (String, String)) => tuple._1 + tuple._2) .mkString(separator) println(string) println() } def printTarget(text: String, hostname: String) = { println(s"$text$hostname") println() } def printTaskCompleted(text: String) = { println() printStatusWithoutTime(text) println() } def printTaskFailed(text: String) = { println() printErrorWithoutTime(text) println() } def printPausingThreads(text: String) = {} def printPauseOptions(text: String) = {} def printInvalidPauseOptions(text: String) = {} def printLastRequest(text: String) = {} def printLastRequest() = {} def printRecords(records: SortedSet[Record]) def printRecordsDuringScan(records: SortedSet[Record]) = printRecords(records) }
Example 10
Source File: StandardOutput.scala From subsearch with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.gilazaria.subsearch.output import com.gilazaria.subsearch.model.{Record, RecordType} import com.gilazaria.subsearch.utils.File import scala.collection.SortedSet import scala.concurrent.Future import class StandardOutput(private val file: Option[File], private val verbose: Boolean) extends Output { private var saveToFileFuture: Future[Unit] = Future(Unit) override def print(string: String): Unit = { if (file.isDefined) { saveToFileFuture = { _ => file.get.write(string) } } } override def writingToFileFuture: Future[Unit] = { saveToFileFuture } override def printRecords(records: SortedSet[Record]) = { if (verbose) printRecordsVerbose(records) else printRecordsNormal(records) } protected def printRecordsVerbose(records: SortedSet[Record]) = { val lines: List[String] = records .map( .toList .flatMap { subdomain => val subdomainRecords: SortedSet[Record] = records.filter( == subdomain) val recordTypes: SortedSet[RecordType] = recordTypes.flatMap { recordType => subdomainRecords.filter(_.recordType == recordType).map { case Record(_, _, data) => val msg = formatRecordTypeAndSubdomainForPrinting(recordType, subdomain) if (recordType.isOneOf("A", "AAAA", "CNAME", "NS", "SRV")) s"$msg -> $data" else if (recordType.stringValue == "MX") s"$msg @@ $data" else s"$msg -- $data" } } } if (lines.nonEmpty) println(lines.mkString("\n")) } protected def formatRecordTypeAndSubdomainForPrinting(recordType: RecordType, subdomain: String): String = prependTime(f"${recordType.toString}%-7s: $subdomain") protected def printRecordsNormal(records: SortedSet[Record]) = { val lines: List[String] = records .map( .toList .map(subdomain => (subdomain, records.filter( == subdomain).map(_.recordType))) .map((data: (String, SortedSet[RecordType])) => s"${data._2.mkString(", ")}: ${data._1}") if (lines.nonEmpty) printSuccess(lines.mkString("\n")) } } object StandardOutput { def create(fileOption: Option[File], verbose: Boolean): Option[StandardOutput] = if (fileOption.isDefined) Some(new StandardOutput(fileOption, verbose)) else None }
Example 11
Source File: DNSLookupImpl.scala From subsearch with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.gilazaria.subsearch.connection import com.gilazaria.subsearch.model.{Record, RecordType} import com.gilazaria.subsearch.utils.IterableUtils._ import org.xbill.DNS._ import scala.annotation.tailrec import scala.util.Try import scala.collection.JavaConverters._ import scala.collection.SortedSet class DNSLookupImpl extends DNSLookup { import DNSLookupImpl.{HostNotFoundException, ServerFailureException} override def performQueryOfType(hostname: String, resolver: String, recordType: RecordType): Try[SortedSet[Record]] = if (recordType == RecordType.AXFR) Try(performZoneTransfer(hostname, resolver)) else Try(performLookup(hostname, resolver, recordType)) private[connection] def performZoneTransfer(hostname: String, resolver: String): SortedSet[Record] = { val transfer: ZoneTransferInFactory = ZoneTransferInFactoryImpl.newAXFR(new Name(hostname), resolver, null) val xbillRecords: Set[org.xbill.DNS.Record] = xbillRecordsFromTransfer(transfer).getOrElse(Set.empty) recordsFromXbillRecords(xbillRecords) .filter(dnsRecord => ! } private[connection] def xbillRecordsFromTransfer(transfer: ZoneTransferInFactory): Try[Set[org.xbill.DNS.Record]] = { Try { Option( .map(_.asScala.toSet) .getOrElse(Set.empty) .asInstanceOf[Set[org.xbill.DNS.Record]] } } private[connection] def performLookup(hostname: String, resolver: String, recordType: RecordType): SortedSet[Record] = { val lookup: LookupFactory = new LookupFactoryImpl(hostname, recordType.intValue) lookup.setResolver(new SimpleResolver(resolver)) query(hostname, resolver, lookup) } @tailrec private[connection] final def query(hostname: String, resolver: String, lookup: LookupFactory, attempt: Int = 1): SortedSet[Record] = { lookup.getResult match { case Lookup.SUCCESSFUL => val xbillRecords = Option(lookup.getAnswers) .map(_.toSet) .getOrElse(Set.empty) recordsFromXbillRecords(xbillRecords) case Lookup.HOST_NOT_FOUND => throw new HostNotFoundException(s"The hostname $hostname was not found.") case Lookup.UNRECOVERABLE => throw new ServerFailureException(s"There was a data or server error with the resolver $resolver.") case Lookup.TYPE_NOT_FOUND => SortedSet.empty case Lookup.TRY_AGAIN => if (attempt >= 3) SortedSet.empty else query(hostname, resolver, lookup, attempt + 1) } } private[connection] def recordsFromXbillRecords(xbillRecords: Set[org.xbill.DNS.Record]): SortedSet[Record] = xbillRecords .map(xbillRecord => Record(xbillRecord.getName.toString, RecordType.fromInt(xbillRecord.getType), xbillRecord.rdataToString)) .toSortedSet } object DNSLookupImpl { def create(): DNSLookup = new DNSLookupImpl() case class HostNotFoundException(msg: String) extends Exception(msg) case class ServerFailureException(msg: String) extends Exception(msg) }
Example 12
Source File: Message.scala From subsearch with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.gilazaria.subsearch.core.subdomainscanner import import com.gilazaria.subsearch.model.Record import scala.collection.SortedSet import scala.util.Try trait Message object DispatcherMessage extends Message { case object ResumeScanning case object PauseScanning case object NotifyOnCompletion case object AvailableForScan case class PriorityScanSubdomain(subdomain: String) case class CompletedScan(subdomain: String, resolver: String) case class FailedScan(subdomain: String, resolver: String) } object ScannerMessage extends Message { case object ScanAvailable case class Scan(subdomain: String, resolver: String, attempt: Int) case class ScanComplete(records: Try[SortedSet[Record]], subdomain: String, resolver: String) case class ScanFailed(cause: Throwable, subdomain: String, resolver: String, attempt: Int) } object ListenerMessage extends Message { case object PausingScanning case object ResumedScanning case object NotEnoughResolvers case class FoundSubdomain(subdomain: String, records: SortedSet[Record]) case class LastScan(subdomain: String, requestsSoFar: Int, totalRequests: Int) case class TaskCompleted(master: Option[ActorRef]) case class TaskFailed(master: Option[ActorRef]) case class ScanTimeout(subdomain: String, resolver: String, attempt: Int) case class BlacklistedResolver(resolver: String) }
Example 13
Source File: AuthoritativeScanner.scala From subsearch with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.gilazaria.subsearch.core import com.gilazaria.subsearch.output.Logger import com.gilazaria.subsearch.connection.{DNSLookupImpl, DNSLookup} import com.gilazaria.subsearch.model.{Record, RecordType} import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future} import scala.collection.SortedSet class AuthoritativeScanner private[core] (private val logger: Logger, private val lookup: DNSLookup)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext) { def performLookupOnHostname(hostname: String, resolver: String): Future[Set[String]] = { logger.logAuthoritativeScanStarted() dataFromQuery(hostname, resolver, RecordType.NS) .flatMap(nameservers => ipsForNameServers(nameservers, resolver)) .map(printAuthoritativeNameServers) } private[core] def ipsForNameServers(nameServers: Set[String], resolver: String): Future[Set[String]] = { Future .sequence( => dataFromQuery(ns, resolver, RecordType.A))) .map(_.flatten) } private[core] def dataFromQuery(hostname: String, resolver: String, recordType: RecordType): Future[Set[String]] = { Future { lookup .performQueryOfType(hostname, resolver, recordType) .getOrElse(SortedSet.empty[Record]) .map( .toSet } } private[core] def printAuthoritativeNameServers(nameServers: Set[String]) = { nameServers.foreach(logger.logAuthoritativeNameServer) logger.logAuthoritativeScanCompleted() nameServers } } object AuthoritativeScanner { def create(logger: Logger)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): AuthoritativeScanner = new AuthoritativeScanner(logger, DNSLookupImpl.create()) }
Example 14
Source File: ZoneTransferScanner.scala From subsearch with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.gilazaria.subsearch.core import com.gilazaria.subsearch.connection.{DNSLookupImpl, DNSLookup} import com.gilazaria.subsearch.model.{Record, RecordType} import com.gilazaria.subsearch.output.Logger import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future} import scala.util.Try import scala.collection.SortedSet class ZoneTransferScanner private[core] (private val logger: Logger, private val lookup: DNSLookup)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext) { def performLookup(hostname: String, resolvers: Set[String]): Future[Set[String]] = { logger.logStartedZoneTransfer() zoneTransfersForHostnameAndResolvers(hostname, resolvers) .map(records => recordsEndingWithHostname(hostname, records)) .map(printFoundRecords) .map(namesFromRecords) } private[core] def zoneTransfersForHostnameAndResolvers(hostname: String, resolvers: Set[String]): Future[SortedSet[Record]] = Future .sequence( => zoneTransferForHostnameAndResolver(hostname, resolver))) .map(flattenRecords) private[core] def zoneTransferForHostnameAndResolver(hostname: String, resolver: String): Future[SortedSet[Record]] = { val lookupFut: Future[SortedSet[Record]] = Future { lookup .performQueryOfType(hostname, resolver, RecordType.AXFR) .getOrElse(SortedSet.empty[Record]) } lookupFut .andThen { case records: Try[SortedSet[Record]] => if (records.getOrElse(SortedSet.empty[Record]).nonEmpty) logger.logNameServerVulnerableToZoneTransfer(resolver) } } private[core] def flattenRecords(set: Set[SortedSet[Record]]): SortedSet[Record] = if (set.isEmpty) SortedSet.empty[Record] else set.reduce(_ ++ _) private[core] def recordsEndingWithHostname(hostname: String, records: SortedSet[Record]): SortedSet[Record] = records.filter( private[core] def printFoundRecords(records: SortedSet[Record]): SortedSet[Record] = { if (records.isEmpty) logger.logNameServersNotVulnerableToZoneTransfer() else logger.logRecords(records) logger.logZoneTransferCompleted() records } private[core] def namesFromRecords(records: SortedSet[Record]): Set[String] = } object ZoneTransferScanner { def create(logger: Logger)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): ZoneTransferScanner = new ZoneTransferScanner(logger, DNSLookupImpl.create()) }
Example 15
Source File: HashNHotEncoder.scala From featran with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.spotify.featran.transformers import com.spotify.featran.{FeatureBuilder, FlatReader, FlatWriter} import com.twitter.algebird.HLL import scala.collection.SortedSet def fromSettings(setting: Settings): Transformer[Seq[String], HLL, Int] = { val hashBucketSize = setting.params("hashBucketSize").toInt val sizeScalingFactor = setting.params("sizeScalingFactor").toDouble HashNHotEncoder(, hashBucketSize, sizeScalingFactor) } } private[featran] class HashNHotEncoder(name: String, hashBucketSize: Int, sizeScalingFactor: Double) extends BaseHashHotEncoder[Seq[String]](name, hashBucketSize, sizeScalingFactor) { override def prepare(a: Seq[String]): HLL = override def buildFeatures(a: Option[Seq[String]], c: Int, fb: FeatureBuilder[_]): Unit = a match { case Some(xs) => var prev = -1 SortedSet(, c)): _*).foreach { curr => val gap = curr - prev - 1 if (gap > 0) fb.skip(gap) fb.add(name + '_' + curr, 1.0) prev = curr } val gap = c - prev - 1 if (gap > 0) fb.skip(gap) case None => fb.skip(c) } override def flatRead[T: FlatReader]: T => Option[Any] = FlatReader[T].readStrings(name) override def flatWriter[T](implicit fw: FlatWriter[T]): Option[Seq[String]] => fw.IF = fw.writeStrings(name) }
Example 16
Source File: PostResolution.scala From lithium with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.swissborg.lithium package utils import cats._ import com.swissborg.lithium.strategy._ import scala.collection.SortedSet lazy val isResolved: Boolean = { val nonEmptyPartitions = partitions.filter(_.nonEmpty) val allReachableNodes = nonEmptyPartitions.forall(_.forall { case _: ReachableNode => true case _ => false }) lazy val noSplitBrain = if (nonEmptyPartitions.lengthCompare(1) > 0) { nonEmptyPartitions.tail .foldLeft((true, nonEmptyPartitions.head)) { case ((noSplitBrain, expectedPartition), partition) => (noSplitBrain && expectedPartition.iterator.sameElements(partition.iterator), expectedPartition) } ._1 } else { // 1 or less non-empty partitions true } allReachableNodes && noSplitBrain } } object PostResolution { val empty: PostResolution = PostResolution(List.empty) def one(nodes: SortedSet[Node]): PostResolution = PostResolution(List(nodes)) def fromDecision(worldView: WorldView)(decision: Decision): PostResolution = decision match { // In all these cases the entire partition will down itself. case _: Decision.DownReachable => PostResolution.empty case Decision.DownThese(_: Decision.DownReachable, _) => PostResolution.empty case Decision.DownThese(_, _: Decision.DownReachable) => PostResolution.empty case _ => val nodesAfterDowning = worldView.nodes.toSortedSet -- decision.nodesToDown } implicit val postResolutionMonoid: Monoid[PostResolution] = new Monoid[PostResolution] { override def empty: PostResolution = PostResolution.empty override def combine(x: PostResolution, y: PostResolution): PostResolution = PostResolution(x.partitions ++ y.partitions) } }