scala.collection.concurrent Scala Examples
The following examples show how to use scala.collection.concurrent.
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Example 1
Source File: KuduService.scala From pulse with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package io.phdata.pulse.logcollector import java.util.{ ArrayList, Collections } import com.typesafe.scalalogging.LazyLogging import io.phdata.pulse.common.domain.TimeseriesEvent import org.apache.kudu.client.SessionConfiguration.FlushMode import org.apache.kudu.client.{ CreateTableOptions, KuduClient, KuduException, KuduTable } import org.apache.kudu.{ ColumnSchema, Schema, Type } import scala.collection.concurrent object TimeseriesEventColumns { val TIMESTAMP = "ts" val KEY = "key" val TAG = "tag" val VALUE = "value" } private[logcollector] def getOrCreateTable(tableName: String): KuduTable = KerberosContext.runPrivileged { if (tableCache.contains(tableName)) { tableCache(tableName) } else if (!client.tableExists(tableName)) {"Kudu table not found: $tableName") val columns = new ArrayList[ColumnSchema] columns.add( new ColumnSchema.ColumnSchemaBuilder(TimeseriesEventColumns.TIMESTAMP, Type.UNIXTIME_MICROS).key(true).build) columns.add( new ColumnSchema.ColumnSchemaBuilder(TimeseriesEventColumns.KEY, Type.STRING) .key(true) .build) columns.add( new ColumnSchema.ColumnSchemaBuilder(TimeseriesEventColumns.TAG, Type.STRING) .key(true) .build) columns.add( new ColumnSchema.ColumnSchemaBuilder(TimeseriesEventColumns.VALUE, Type.DOUBLE) .key(false) .build) val schema = new Schema(columns) val opts = new CreateTableOptions() .setRangePartitionColumns(Collections.singletonList(TimeseriesEventColumns.TIMESTAMP)) .addHashPartitions(Collections.singletonList(TimeseriesEventColumns.KEY), 4) val table = client.createTable(tableName, schema, opts) tableCache.put(tableName, table)"Created Kudu table $tableName") table } else { val table = client.openTable(tableName) tableCache.put(tableName, table) table } } }
Example 2
Source File: OffsetStore.scala From lagom with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.lightbend.lagom.spi.persistence import akka.Done import akka.persistence.query.NoOffset import akka.persistence.query.Offset import scala.concurrent.Future import scala.collection.concurrent class InMemoryOffsetStore extends OffsetStore { private final val store: concurrent.Map[String, Offset] = concurrent.TrieMap.empty override def prepare(eventProcessorId: String, tag: String): Future[OffsetDao] = { val key = s"$eventProcessorId-$tag" Future.successful(new OffsetDao { override def saveOffset(offset: Offset): Future[Done] = { store.put(key, offset) Future.successful(Done) } override val loadedOffset: Offset = store.getOrElse(key, NoOffset) }) } }
Example 3
Source File: LiftOver.scala From hail with MIT License | 5 votes |
package import is.hail.backend.BroadcastValue import import is.hail.variant.{Locus, ReferenceGenome} import is.hail.utils._ import import scala.collection.JavaConverters._ import scala.collection.concurrent import scala.language.implicitConversions class SerializableHtsjdkLiftOver(val tmpdir: String, val fsBc: BroadcastValue[FS], val chainFile: String) extends Serializable { @transient lazy val value: htsjdk.samtools.liftover.LiftOver = { val localChainFile = LiftOver.getLocalChainFile(tmpdir, fsBc.value, chainFile) new htsjdk.samtools.liftover.LiftOver(new } } object LiftOver { private[this] val localChainFiles: concurrent.Map[String, String] = new concurrent.TrieMap() def getLocalChainFile(tmpdir: String, fs: FS, chainFile: String): String = localChainFiles.getOrElseUpdate(chainFile, LiftOver.setup(tmpdir, fs, chainFile)) def setup(tmpdir: String, fs: FS, chainFile: String): String = { val localChainFile = ExecuteContext.createTmpPathNoCleanup(tmpdir, "lift-over", "chain") fs.copyRecode(chainFile, localChainFile) if (!fs.exists(localChainFile)) fatal(s"Error while copying chain file to local file system. Did not find '$localChainFile'.") localChainFile } def apply(tmpdir: String, fs: FS, chainFile: String): LiftOver = new LiftOver(tmpdir, fs.broadcast, chainFile) } class LiftOver(val tmpdir: String, val fsBc: BroadcastValue[FS], val chainFile: String) extends Serializable { val lo = new SerializableHtsjdkLiftOver(tmpdir, fsBc, chainFile) def queryInterval(interval: is.hail.utils.Interval, minMatch: Double = htsjdk.samtools.liftover.LiftOver.DEFAULT_LIFTOVER_MINMATCH): (is.hail.utils.Interval, Boolean) = { val start = interval.start.asInstanceOf[Locus] val end = interval.end.asInstanceOf[Locus] if (start.contig != end.contig) fatal(s"'start' and 'end' contigs must be identical. Found '$interval'.") val contig = start.contig val startPos = if (interval.includesStart) start.position else start.position + 1 val endPos = if (interval.includesEnd) end.position else end.position - 1 if (startPos == endPos) fatal(s"Cannot liftover a 0-length interval: ${ interval.toString }.\nDid you mean to use 'liftover_locus'?") val result = lo.value.liftOver(new htsjdk.samtools.util.Interval(contig, startPos, endPos), minMatch) if (result != null) (Interval( Locus(result.getContig, result.getStart), Locus(result.getContig, result.getEnd), includesStart = true, includesEnd = true), result.isNegativeStrand) else null } def queryLocus(l: Locus, minMatch: Double = htsjdk.samtools.liftover.LiftOver.DEFAULT_LIFTOVER_MINMATCH): (Locus, Boolean) = { val result = lo.value.liftOver(new htsjdk.samtools.util.Interval(l.contig, l.position, l.position), minMatch) if (result != null) (Locus(result.getContig, result.getStart), result.isNegativeStrand) else null } def checkChainFile(srcRG: ReferenceGenome, destRG: ReferenceGenome) { val cMap = lo.value.getContigMap.asScala cMap.foreach { case (srcContig, destContigs) => srcRG.checkContig(srcContig) destContigs.asScala.foreach(destRG.checkContig) } } }
Example 4
Source File: ObservableStream.scala From fotm-info with MIT License | 5 votes |
package info.fotm.util import import scala.collection.concurrent import scala.collection.JavaConverters._ trait Subscription { def unsubscribe(): Unit } trait ObservableReadStream[+T] { def foreach(observer: T => Unit): Subscription def filter(p: T => Boolean): ObservableReadStream[T] def map[U](f: T => U): ObservableReadStream[U] def flatMap[U](f: T => ObservableStream[U]): ObservableReadStream[U] } trait ObservableWriteStream[-T] { def publish(value: T): Unit } trait ObservableStream[T] extends ObservableReadStream[T] with ObservableWriteStream[T] { self => type Observer = T => Unit // private interface private val subs: concurrent.Map[Subscription, Observer] = new concurrent.TrieMap[Subscription, Observer]() private val weaksubs: concurrent.Map[Subscription, Observer] = new MapMaker().concurrencyLevel(4).weakKeys.makeMap[Subscription, Observer].asScala private def addsub(pool: concurrent.Map[Subscription, Observer], observer: Observer): Subscription = { val sub = new Subscription { def unsubscribe(): Unit = pool -= this } pool.put(sub, observer) sub } private def weaksub(observer: Observer): Subscription = addsub(weaksubs, observer) // implementers interface def publish(value: T) = { for { (_, o) <- subs } o(value) for { (_, o) <- weaksubs } o(value) } // public interface def foreach(observer: Observer) = addsub(subs, observer) def filter(p: T => Boolean) = new ObservableStream[T] { val sub = self.weaksub(t => if (p(t)) publish(t)) }.asInstanceOf[ObservableReadStream[T]] // TODO: make map expose ObservableReadStream def map[U](f: T => U) = new ObservableStream[U] { val sub = self.weaksub(f andThen publish) } def flatMap[U](f: T => ObservableStream[U]) = new ObservableStream[U] { val refs = scala.collection.mutable.Set.empty[Subscription] val sub = { refs += _.weaksub(publish) } }.asInstanceOf[ObservableReadStream[U]] }
Example 5
Source File: MemoryStore.scala From shield with MIT License | 5 votes |
package shield.kvstore import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger import com.googlecode.concurrentlinkedhashmap.ConcurrentLinkedHashMap import com.typesafe.scalalogging.LazyLogging import shield.metrics.Instrumented import spray.http.{MediaType, HttpResponse} import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future} import scala.collection.concurrent class LazyWrapper[A](builder: => A) { lazy val value : A = builder } class MemoryStore(id: String, maxHashCapacity: Int, maxKeyCapacity: Int, maxLimitCapacity: Int)(implicit context: ExecutionContext) extends KVStore with LazyLogging with Instrumented { def getMillis():Long = System.currentTimeMillis private val setStore = new ConcurrentLinkedHashMap.Builder[String, LazyWrapper[TrieSet[String]]] .initialCapacity(1000) .maximumWeightedCapacity(Math.max(1000, maxHashCapacity)) .build() // todo: tweak capacity - can we do by memory size? (weigher to weigh by memory footprint) private val keyStore = new ConcurrentLinkedHashMap.Builder[String, HttpResponse] .initialCapacity(1000) .maximumWeightedCapacity(Math.max(1000, maxKeyCapacity)) .build() private val limitStore = new ConcurrentLinkedHashMap.Builder[String, AtomicInteger] .initialCapacity(1000) .maximumWeightedCapacity(Math.max(1000, maxLimitCapacity)) .build() // todo: profiling optimization - triesets are expensive to build. Is there a better data structure we can use? private def getOrSet[V](set: ConcurrentLinkedHashMap[String, V], key: String, default: V) = set.putIfAbsent(key, default) match { case null => default case existing => existing } val setGetTimer = timing("setGet", id) def setGet(key: String) : Future[Seq[String]] = setGetTimer { Future.successful(getOrSet(setStore, key, new LazyWrapper[TrieSet[String]](TrieSet[String]())).value.toSeq) } val setDeleteTimer = timing("setDelete", id) def setDelete(key: String) : Future[Long] = setDeleteTimer { setStore.remove(key) // todo: implement these according to the same semantics as RedisStore Future.successful(0L) } val setAddTimer = timing("setAdd", id) def setAdd(key: String, value: String) : Future[Long] = setAddTimer { getOrSet(setStore, key, new LazyWrapper[TrieSet[String]](TrieSet[String]())).value += value Future.successful(0L) } val setRemoveTimer = timing("setRemove", id) def setRemove(key: String, value: String) : Future[Long] = setRemoveTimer { getOrSet(setStore, key, new LazyWrapper[TrieSet[String]](TrieSet[String]())).value -= value Future.successful(0L) } val keyGetTimer = timing("keyGet", id) def keyGet(key: String) : Future[Option[HttpResponse]] = keyGetTimer { Future.successful(Option(keyStore.get(key))) } val keySetTimer = timing("keySet", id) def keySet(key: String, value: HttpResponse) : Future[Boolean] = keySetTimer { keyStore.put(key, value) Future.successful(true) } val keyDeleteTimer = timing("keyDelete", id) def keyDelete(key: String) : Future[Long] = keyDeleteTimer { keyStore.remove(key) Future.successful(0L) } val tokenTimer = timing("tokenRateLimit", id) def tokenRateLimit(key: String, rate: Int, perSeconds: Int) : Future[Boolean] = tokenTimer { // we could set up a concurrent system for actively pruning expired entries or.... // we could just let them get evicted via lru policy val floored = Math.floor(getMillis() / (perSeconds * 1000)).toLong val fullKey = s"rl:$floored:$key" val counter = getOrSet(limitStore, fullKey, new AtomicInteger(0)) // doesn't matter if we increment over the count (ie count rate limited requests), since it won't spill // over to the next bucket Future.successful(counter.incrementAndGet() <= rate) } }
Example 6
Source File: TrieSet.scala From shield with MIT License | 5 votes |
package shield.kvstore import scala.collection.concurrent import scala.collection.generic.{GenericSetTemplate, MutableSetFactory} object TrieSet extends MutableSetFactory[TrieSet] { override def empty[T]: TrieSet[T] = new TrieSet[T] } class TrieSet[T] extends scala.collection.mutable.Set[T] with GenericSetTemplate[T, TrieSet] with scala.collection.mutable.SetLike[T, TrieSet[T]] { private val map = concurrent.TrieMap[T, Null]() override def empty : TrieSet[T] = new TrieSet[T] override def companion = TrieSet override def +=(elem: T): TrieSet.this.type = { map.put(elem, null) this } override def -=(elem: T): TrieSet.this.type = { map.remove(elem) this } override def contains(elem: T): Boolean = { map.contains(elem) } override def iterator: Iterator[T] = { map.keysIterator } override def foreach[U](f: (T) => U) : Unit = { map.keys.foreach(f) } override def size : Int = { map.size } }