scala.collection.immutable.StringOps Scala Examples
The following examples show how to use scala.collection.immutable.StringOps.
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Example 1
Source File: VMContext.scala From scala-json with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package json.shadow import json._ import json.internal.DefaultVMContext.PrimitiveArray import json.internal.PrimitiveJArray.Builder import json.internal.{PrimitiveJArray, SimpleStringBuilder, BaseVMContext, JValueObjectDeserializer} import scala.collection.immutable.StringOps import scala.collection.mutable import scala.reflect.ClassTag object VMContext extends BaseVMContext { def newVMStringBuilder: SimpleStringBuilder = new SimpleStringBuilder { val builder = new StringBuilder(128) def append(str: String): internal.SimpleStringBuilder = { builder append str this } def append(char: Char): SimpleStringBuilder = { builder.append(char) this } def ensureCapacity(cap: Int): Unit = builder.ensureCapacity(cap) def result(): String = builder.result() } val localMapper = new ThreadLocal[JValueObjectDeserializer] { override protected def initialValue: JValueObjectDeserializer = new JValueObjectDeserializer } //TODO: do these need to be specialized? def createPrimitiveArray[ case '\b' => sb.append("\\b") case '\t' => sb.append("\\t") case '\n' => sb.append("\\n") case '\f' => sb.append("\\f") case '\r' => sb.append("\\r") case c if c < ' ' => val t = "000" + Integer.toHexString(c) sb.append("\\u" + t.substring(t.length() - 4)) case c => sb.append(c) } } sb.append('"') sb } def newJValueFromArray(arr: Array[_]): JArray = { import json.accessors._ arr match { case x: Array[Byte] => new PrimitiveJArray[Byte](wrapPrimitiveArray(x)) case x: Array[Short] => new PrimitiveJArray[Short](wrapPrimitiveArray(x)) case x: Array[Int] => new PrimitiveJArray[Int](wrapPrimitiveArray(x)) case x: Array[Long] => new PrimitiveJArray[Long](wrapPrimitiveArray(x)) case x: Array[Double] => new PrimitiveJArray[Double](wrapPrimitiveArray(x)) case x: Array[Float] => new PrimitiveJArray[Float](wrapPrimitiveArray(x)) case x: Array[Boolean] => new PrimitiveJArray[Boolean](wrapPrimitiveArray(x)) } } def extractPrimitiveJArray[T: ClassTag: PrimitiveJArray.Builder](x: Iterable[T]): Option[JArray] = { val builder = implicitly[PrimitiveJArray.Builder[T]] x match { case x: mutable.WrappedArray[T] => Some(newJValueFromArray(x.array)) case x: IndexedSeq[T] => Some(builder.createFrom(x)) case _ => None } } }
Example 2
Source File: JStringLike.scala From scala-json with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package json.internal import json._ import scala.collection.immutable.StringOps trait JStringLike extends VM.Context.JStringBase { _: JString => def iterator: Iterator[JString] = (new StringOps(str)) => JString(c.toString)) def toJBoolean: JBoolean = if (str.isEmpty) JFalse else JTrue def toJNumber: JNumber = if (str.trim.isEmpty) JNumber(0) else try JNumber(str.trim.toDouble) catch { case x: Throwable => JNaN } def toJString: JString = this override def toString = toJSONString override def apply(x: JValue): JString = str.charAt(x.toJNumber.value.toInt).toString.js override def jString: JString = this def appendJSONStringBuilder(settings: JSONBuilderSettings = JSONBuilderSettings.pretty, out: SimpleStringBuilder, lvl: Int): SimpleStringBuilder = JValue.Context.quoteJSONString(str, out) override def jValue = this override def hashCode = str.hashCode override def canEqual(that: Any) = that match { case _: String => true case _: JString => true case _ => false } override def equals(that: Any) = that match { case x: String => x == str case JString(x) => x == str case _ => false } def ->>[T <: JValue](other: T): (JString, T) = this -> other }
Example 3
Source File: VMContext.scala From scala-json with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package json.shadow import json._ import json.internal.DefaultVMContext.PrimitiveArray import json.internal.PrimitiveJArray.Builder import json.internal.{JanssonDeserializer, PrimitiveJArray, SimpleStringBuilder, BaseVMContext} import scala.collection.immutable.StringOps import scala.collection.mutable import scala.reflect.ClassTag object VMContext extends BaseVMContext { def newVMStringBuilder: SimpleStringBuilder = new SimpleStringBuilder { val builder = new StringBuilder(128) def append(str: String): internal.SimpleStringBuilder = { builder append str this } def append(char: Char): SimpleStringBuilder = { builder.append(char) this } def ensureCapacity(cap: Int): Unit = builder.ensureCapacity(cap) def result(): String = builder.result() } //TODO: do these need to be specialized? def createPrimitiveArray[T: ClassTag](from: Array[T]): PrimitiveArray[T] = from def fromString(str: String): JValue = { JanssonDeserializer.parseString(str) } def fromAny(value: Any): JValue = JValue.fromAnyInternal(value) final def quoteJSONString(string: String, sb: SimpleStringBuilder): SimpleStringBuilder = { require(string != null) sb.ensureCapacity(string.length) sb.append(JanssonDeserializer.serializeString(string)) sb } def newJValueFromArray(arr: Array[_]): JArray = { import json.accessors._ arr match { case x: Array[Byte] => new PrimitiveJArray[Byte](wrapPrimitiveArray(x)) case x: Array[Short] => new PrimitiveJArray[Short](wrapPrimitiveArray(x)) case x: Array[Int] => new PrimitiveJArray[Int](wrapPrimitiveArray(x)) case x: Array[Long] => new PrimitiveJArray[Long](wrapPrimitiveArray(x)) case x: Array[Double] => new PrimitiveJArray[Double](wrapPrimitiveArray(x)) case x: Array[Float] => new PrimitiveJArray[Float](wrapPrimitiveArray(x)) case x: Array[Boolean] => new PrimitiveJArray[Boolean](wrapPrimitiveArray(x)) } } def extractPrimitiveJArray[T: ClassTag: PrimitiveJArray.Builder](x: Iterable[T]): Option[JArray] = { val builder = implicitly[PrimitiveJArray.Builder[T]] x match { case x: mutable.WrappedArray[T] => Some(newJValueFromArray(x.array)) case x: IndexedSeq[T] => Some(builder.createFrom(x)) case _ => None } } }
Example 4
Source File: LogInstruction.scala From cornichon with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.github.agourlay.cornichon.core import scala.collection.immutable.StringOps import scala.concurrent.duration.Duration sealed trait LogInstruction { def message: String def marginNb: Int def duration: Option[Duration] def colorized: String lazy val fullMargin: String = LogInstruction.physicalMargin * marginNb lazy val completeMessage: String = { def withMarginAndDuration(line: String): String = { val d = duration match { case None => "" case Some(dur) if dur.toMillis == 0 => s" [${dur.toMicros} μs]" case Some(dur) if dur.toSeconds >= 10 => s" [${dur.toSeconds} s]" case Some(dur) => s" [${dur.toMillis} ms]" } fullMargin + line + d } // Inject duration at the end of the first line message.split('\n').toList match { case Nil => withMarginAndDuration(message) case head :: Nil => withMarginAndDuration(head) case head :: tail => (withMarginAndDuration(head) :: => fullMargin + l)).mkString("\n") } } } object LogInstruction { val physicalMargin: StringOps = " " def renderLogs(logs: List[LogInstruction], colorized: Boolean = true): String = logs.foldLeft(new StringBuilder()) { (b, l) => l match { case NoShowLogInstruction(_, _, _) => b case l: LogInstruction => b.append("\n").append(if (colorized) l.colorized else l.completeMessage) } }.append("\n").result() def printLogs(logs: List[LogInstruction]): Unit = println(renderLogs(logs)) } case class ScenarioTitleLogInstruction(message: String, marginNb: Int, duration: Option[Duration] = None) extends LogInstruction { lazy val colorized = fansi.Color.LightGray(completeMessage).overlay(attrs = fansi.Underlined.On, start = fullMargin.length).render } case class InfoLogInstruction(message: String, marginNb: Int, duration: Option[Duration] = None) extends LogInstruction { lazy val colorized = fansi.Color.DarkGray(completeMessage).render } case class SuccessLogInstruction(message: String, marginNb: Int, duration: Option[Duration] = None) extends LogInstruction { lazy val colorized = fansi.Color.Green(completeMessage).render } case class WarningLogInstruction(message: String, marginNb: Int, duration: Option[Duration] = None) extends LogInstruction { lazy val colorized = fansi.Color.Yellow(completeMessage).render } case class FailureLogInstruction(message: String, marginNb: Int, duration: Option[Duration] = None) extends LogInstruction { lazy val colorized = fansi.Color.Red(completeMessage).render } case class DebugLogInstruction(message: String, marginNb: Int, duration: Option[Duration] = None) extends LogInstruction { lazy val colorized = fansi.Color.Cyan(completeMessage).render } case class NoShowLogInstruction(message: String, marginNb: Int, duration: Option[Duration] = None) extends LogInstruction { lazy val colorized = fansi.Color.Black(completeMessage).render }
Example 5
Source File: ParadoxLogger.scala From paradox with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.lightbend.paradox import{ PrintWriter, StringWriter } import scala.collection.immutable.StringOps trait ParadoxLogger { def debug(t: Throwable): Unit = { // we provide our own implementation because sbt doesn't offer any exception logging at debug val writer = new StringWriter() t.printStackTrace(new PrintWriter(writer)) new StringOps(writer.toString).lines.foreach(debug(_)) } def debug(msg: => String): Unit def info(msg: => String): Unit def warn(msg: => String): Unit def error(msg: => String): Unit } object NullLogger extends ParadoxLogger { override def debug(msg: => String): Unit = () override def info(msg: => String): Unit = () override def warn(msg: => String): Unit = () override def error(msg: => String): Unit = () } object PrintlnLogger extends ParadoxLogger { override def debug(msg: => String): Unit = println(s"[debug] $msg") override def info(msg: => String): Unit = println(s"[info] $msg") override def warn(msg: => String): Unit = println(s"[warn] $msg") override def error(msg: => String): Unit = println(s"[error] $msg") }