Scala Examples
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Example 1
Source File: TimeLimitedFutureSpec.scala From gfc-concurrent with Apache License 2.0 | 9 votes |
package com.gilt.gfc.concurrent import java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException import scala.concurrent.{ Future, Await } import import scala.concurrent.duration.Duration import org.scalatest.{WordSpec, Matchers} class TimeLimitedFutureSpec extends WordSpec with Matchers { import TimeLimitedFutureSpec._ "RichFuture" when { import ScalaFutures._ "waiting for a result to happen" should { "return the completed original Future if it completes before the given timeout" in { val now = System.currentTimeMillis val future: Future[String] = (Future { Thread.sleep(1000); "Here I am" }).withTimeout(Duration(5, "seconds")) val msg: String = Await.result(future, Duration(10, "seconds")) val elapsed = (System.currentTimeMillis - now) msg should equal ("Here I am") elapsed should be (2000L +- 1000L) } "return the failure of the original Future if it fails before the given timeout" in { val now = System.currentTimeMillis val future = (Future { Thread.sleep(1000); throw new NullPointerException("That hurts!") }).withTimeout(Duration(5, "seconds")) a [NullPointerException] should be thrownBy { Await.result(future, Duration(10, "seconds")) } val elapsed = (System.currentTimeMillis - now) elapsed should be (2000L +- 1000L) } "return the timeout of the original Future if it had one and it went off and was shorter than the given one" in { val now = System.currentTimeMillis val timingOutEarlier = Timeouts.timeout(Duration(1, "seconds")) val future = timingOutEarlier.withTimeout(Duration(5, "seconds")) a [TimeoutException] should be thrownBy { Await.result(future, Duration(10, "seconds")) } val elapsed: Long = (System.currentTimeMillis - now) elapsed should be >= 500l elapsed should be <= 4000l } "return the timeout if the original Future does not timeout of its own" in { val now = System.currentTimeMillis val timingOutLater = Timeouts.timeout(Duration(3, "seconds")) val future = timingOutLater.withTimeout(Duration(1, "seconds")) a [TimeoutException] should be thrownBy { Await.result(future, Duration(10, "seconds")) } val elapsed: Long = (System.currentTimeMillis - now) elapsed should be >= 1000l elapsed should be <= 2500l } } // an example of how it could be used "used in our most common use case" should { "fit nicely" in { val call: Future[String] = svcCall(1000).withTimeout(Duration(5000, "milliseconds")).recover { case _: TimeoutException => "recover.timeout" case other => s"recover.${other.getMessage}" } Await.result(call, Duration(10, "seconds")) should be ("data-1000") val call2: Future[String] = svcCall(5000).withTimeout(Duration(1000, "milliseconds")).recover { case _: TimeoutException => "recover.timeout" case other => s"recover.${other.getMessage}" } Await.result(call2, Duration(10, "seconds")) should be ("recover.timeout") } } } } object TimeLimitedFutureSpec { def svcCall(latency: Long): Future[String] = Future { Thread.sleep(latency); s"data-${latency}" } }
Example 2
Source File: Launcher.scala From sparkplug with MIT License | 7 votes |
package springnz.sparkplug.client import{ URLEncoder, InetAddress } import better.files._ import com.typesafe.config.{ ConfigRenderOptions, Config } import org.apache.spark.launcher.SparkLauncher import springnz.sparkplug.util.{ BuilderOps, ConfigUtils, Logging, Pimpers } import import scala.concurrent.Future import scala.util.{ Properties, Try } object Launcher extends Logging { import BuilderOps._ import Pimpers._ def startProcess(launcher: SparkLauncher): Future[Unit] = { val processFuture = Future { launcher.launch() }.withErrorLog("Failed to launch: ") processFuture.flatMap { process ⇒ executeProcess(process) } } private def executeProcess(process: Process): Future[Unit] = Future { val outStream = for (line ← outStream.getLines()) { } val errorStream = for (line ← errorStream.getLines()) { } process.waitFor() } def launch(clientAkkaAddress: String, jarPath: File, mainJarPattern: String, mainClass: String, sparkConfig: Config, akkaRemoteConfig: Option[Config], sendJars: Boolean = true): Try[Future[Unit]] = Try { val fullExtraJarFolder = jarPath.pathAsString val sparkHome = Properties.envOrNone("SPARK_HOME") val sparkMaster = Properties.envOrElse("SPARK_MASTER", s"spark://${InetAddress.getLocalHost.getHostAddress}:7077") log.debug(s"Spark master set to: $sparkMaster") // TODO: enable this functionality (need Spark 1.5 for this) // val sparkArgs: Array[String] = config.getString("spark.submit.sparkargs").split(' ') if (!sparkMaster.startsWith("local[") && !sparkHome.isDefined) throw new RuntimeException("If 'SPARK_MASTER' is not set to local, 'SPARK_HOME' must be set.") val appName = mainClass.split('.').last val mainJar = jarPath.glob(mainJarPattern).collectFirst { case f ⇒ f.pathAsString } val configVars: Seq[(String, String)] = ConfigUtils.configFields(sparkConfig).toSeq val akkaRemoteConfigString = { config ⇒ val configString = config.root().render(ConfigRenderOptions.concise()) URLEncoder.encode(configString, "UTF-8") } val launcher = (new SparkLauncher) .setIfSome[String](mainJar) { (l, mj) ⇒ l.setAppResource(mj) } .setMainClass(mainClass) .setAppName(appName) .setMaster(sparkMaster) .setIfSome[String](sparkHome) { (l, sh) ⇒ l.setSparkHome(sh) } .addAppArgs("appName", appName) .addAppArgs("clientAkkaAddress", clientAkkaAddress) .setIfSome(akkaRemoteConfigString) { (l, config) ⇒ l.addAppArgs("remoteAkkaConfig", config) } .setFoldLeft(configVars) { case (launcher, (key, value)) ⇒ launcher.setConf(key, value) } .setDeployMode(sparkConfig.getString("spark.deploymode")) val extraJarFiles = jarPath.glob("*.jar") .map { case f ⇒ f.pathAsString } .filterNot(_.contains("/akka-")) val launcherWithJars = if (sendJars) extraJarFiles.foldLeft(launcher) { case (l, jarFile) ⇒ l.addJar(jarFile) } else if (extraJarFiles.length == 0) launcher else launcher .setConf(SparkLauncher.DRIVER_EXTRA_CLASSPATH, s"$fullExtraJarFolder/*") .setConf(SparkLauncher.EXECUTOR_EXTRA_CLASSPATH, s"$fullExtraJarFolder/*") startProcess(launcherWithJars) } }
Example 3
Source File: KVStore.scala From Freasy-Monad with MIT License | 6 votes |
package examples.cats import cats.Id import import import scala.collection.mutable import scala.concurrent.duration.Duration import scala.concurrent.{Await, Future} @free trait KVStore { type KVStoreF[A] = Free[GrammarADT, A] sealed trait GrammarADT[A] def put[T](key: String, value: T): KVStoreF[Unit] def get[T](key: String): KVStoreF[Option[T]] def delete(key: String): KVStoreF[Unit] def update[T](key: String, f: T => T): KVStoreF[Unit] = for { vMaybe <- get[T](key) _ <- => put[T](key, f(v))).getOrElse(Free.pure(())) } yield () } object Main extends App { import KVStore.ops._ def program: KVStoreF[Option[Int]] = for { _ <- put("wild-cats", 2) _ <- update[Int]("wild-cats", _ + 12) _ <- put("tame-cats", 5) n <- get[Int]("wild-cats") _ <- delete("tame-cats") } yield n val idInterpreter = new KVStore.Interp[Id] { val kvs = mutable.Map.empty[String, Any] def get[T](key: String): Id[Option[T]] = { println(s"get($key)") kvs.get(key).map(_.asInstanceOf[T]) } def put[T](key: String, value: T): Id[Unit] = { println(s"put($key, $value)") kvs(key) = value } def delete(key: String): Id[Unit] = { println(s"delete($key)") kvs.remove(key) } } val resId: Id[Option[Int]] = import cats.implicits.catsStdInstancesForFuture import val futureInterpreter = new KVStore.Interp[Future] { val kvs = mutable.Map.empty[String, Any] def get[T](key: String): Future[Option[T]] = Future { println(s"get($key)") kvs.get(key).map(_.asInstanceOf[T]) } def put[T](key: String, value: T): Future[Unit] = Future { println(s"put($key, $value)") kvs(key) = value } def delete(key: String): Future[Unit] = Future { println(s"delete($key)") kvs.remove(key) } } val resFuture: Future[Option[Int]] = Await.ready(resFuture, Duration.Inf) }
Example 4
Source File: ShellClient.scala From incubator-toree with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.toree.kernel.protocol.v5.client.socket import import akka.util.Timeout import org.apache.toree.communication.ZMQMessage import import org.apache.toree.kernel.protocol.v5.client.{ActorLoader, Utilities} import org.apache.toree.kernel.protocol.v5.{KernelMessage, UUID} import Utilities._ import org.apache.toree.kernel.protocol.v5.client.execution.{DeferredExecution, DeferredExecutionManager} import org.apache.toree.kernel.protocol.v5.content.ExecuteReply import org.apache.toree.utils.LogLike import scala.concurrent.Await import scala.concurrent.duration._ import akka.pattern.ask class ShellClient( socketFactory: SocketFactory, actorLoader: ActorLoader, signatureEnabled: Boolean ) extends Actor with LogLike { logger.debug("Created shell client actor") implicit val timeout = Timeout(21474835.seconds) val socket = socketFactory.ShellClient(context.system, self) def receiveExecuteReply(parentId:String, kernelMessage: KernelMessage): Unit = { val deOption: Option[DeferredExecution] = DeferredExecutionManager.get(parentId) deOption match { case None => logger.warn(s"No deferred execution for parent id ${parentId}") case Some(de) => Utilities.parseAndHandle(kernelMessage.contentString, ExecuteReply.executeReplyReads, (er: ExecuteReply) => de.resolveReply(er)) } } override def receive: Receive = { // from shell case message: ZMQMessage => logger.debug("Received shell kernel message.") val kernelMessage: KernelMessage = message // TODO: Validate incoming message signature logger.trace(s"Kernel message is ${kernelMessage}") receiveExecuteReply(message.parentHeader.msg_id,kernelMessage) // from handler case message: KernelMessage => logger.trace(s"Sending kernel message ${message}") val signatureManager = actorLoader.load(SecurityActorType.SignatureManager) import val messageWithSignature = if (signatureEnabled) { val signatureMessage = signatureManager ? message Await.result(signatureMessage, 100.milliseconds) .asInstanceOf[KernelMessage] } else message val zMQMessage: ZMQMessage = messageWithSignature socket ! zMQMessage } }
Example 5
Source File: StdinClient.scala From incubator-toree with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.toree.kernel.protocol.v5.client.socket import import org.apache.toree.communication.ZMQMessage import import org.apache.toree.kernel.protocol.v5.client.ActorLoader import org.apache.toree.kernel.protocol.v5.{HeaderBuilder, KMBuilder, KernelMessage} import org.apache.toree.kernel.protocol.v5.content.{InputReply, InputRequest} import org.apache.toree.utils.LogLike import org.apache.toree.kernel.protocol.v5.client.Utilities._ import play.api.libs.json.Json import StdinClient._ import akka.pattern.ask import scala.concurrent.duration._ import scala.concurrent.Await object StdinClient { case class ResponseFunctionMessage(responseFunction: ResponseFunction) type ResponseFunction = (String, Boolean) => String val EmptyResponseFunction: ResponseFunction = (_, _) => "" } private var responseFunc: ResponseFunction = EmptyResponseFunction override def receive: Receive = { case responseFunctionMessage: ResponseFunctionMessage => logger.debug("Updating response function") this.responseFunc = responseFunctionMessage.responseFunction case message: ZMQMessage => logger.debug("Received stdin kernel message") val kernelMessage: KernelMessage = message val messageType = kernelMessage.header.msg_type if (messageType == InputRequest.toTypeString) { logger.debug("Message is an input request") val inputRequest = Json.parse(kernelMessage.contentString).as[InputRequest] val value = responseFunc(inputRequest.prompt, inputRequest.password) val inputReply = InputReply(value) val newKernelMessage = KMBuilder() .withParent(kernelMessage) .withHeader(HeaderBuilder.empty.copy( msg_type = InputReply.toTypeString, session = getSessionId )) .withContentString(inputReply) .build import val messageWithSignature = if (signatureEnabled) { val signatureManager = actorLoader.load(SecurityActorType.SignatureManager) val signatureMessage = signatureManager ? newKernelMessage Await.result(signatureMessage, 100.milliseconds) .asInstanceOf[KernelMessage] } else newKernelMessage val zmqMessage: ZMQMessage = messageWithSignature socket ! zmqMessage } else { logger.debug(s"Unknown message of type $messageType") } } }
Example 6
Source File: SparkKernelClient.scala From incubator-toree with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.toree.kernel.protocol.v5.client import import akka.pattern.ask import akka.util.Timeout import org.apache.toree.comm._ import org.apache.toree.kernel.protocol.v5._ import org.apache.toree.kernel.protocol.v5.client.execution.{DeferredExecution, ExecuteRequestTuple} import org.apache.toree.kernel.protocol.v5.client.socket.HeartbeatMessage import org.apache.toree.kernel.protocol.v5.client.socket.StdinClient.{ResponseFunctionMessage, ResponseFunction} import org.apache.toree.kernel.protocol.v5.content.ExecuteRequest import org.apache.toree.utils.LogLike import scala.concurrent.duration._ import import scala.util.{Failure, Success} val comm = new ClientCommManager( actorLoader = actorLoader, kmBuilder = KMBuilder(), commRegistrar = commRegistrar ) // TODO: hide this? just heartbeat to see if kernel is reachable? def heartbeat(failure: () => Unit): Unit = { val future = actorLoader.load(SocketType.Heartbeat) ? HeartbeatMessage future.onComplete { case Success(_) =>"Client received heartbeat.") case Failure(_) => failure()"There was an error receiving heartbeat from kernel.") } } def shutdown() = {"Shutting down client") actorSystem.terminate() } }
Example 7
Source File: CodeCompleteHandler.scala From incubator-toree with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.toree.kernel.protocol.v5.handler import akka.pattern.ask import org.apache.toree.kernel.protocol.v5._ import org.apache.toree.kernel.protocol.v5.content._ import org.apache.toree.kernel.protocol.v5.kernel.{ActorLoader, Utilities} import Utilities._ import org.apache.toree.utils.{MessageLogSupport, LogLike} import import play.api.libs.json.{JsPath, Json} import import scala.concurrent.Future import scala.util.Success class CodeCompleteHandler(actorLoader: ActorLoader) extends BaseHandler(actorLoader) with MessageLogSupport { override def process(kernelMessage: KernelMessage): Future[_] = { logKernelMessageAction("Generating code completion for", kernelMessage) Utilities.parseAndHandle( kernelMessage.contentString, CompleteRequest.completeRequestReads, completeRequest(kernelMessage, _ : CompleteRequest) ) } private def completeRequest(km: KernelMessage, cr: CompleteRequest): Future[(Int, List[String])] = { val interpreterActor = actorLoader.load(SystemActorType.Interpreter) val codeCompleteFuture = ask(interpreterActor, cr).mapTo[(Int, List[String])] codeCompleteFuture.onComplete { case Success(tuple) => val reply = CompleteReplyOk(tuple._2, tuple._1, cr.cursor_pos, Metadata()) val completeReplyType = MessageType.Outgoing.CompleteReply.toString logKernelMessageAction("Sending code complete reply for", km) actorLoader.load(SystemActorType.KernelMessageRelay) ! km.copy( header = HeaderBuilder.create(completeReplyType), parentHeader = km.header, contentString = Json.toJson(reply).toString ) case _ => new Exception("Parse error in CodeCompleteHandler") } codeCompleteFuture } }
Example 8
Source File: IsCompleteHandler.scala From incubator-toree with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.toree.kernel.protocol.v5.handler import akka.pattern.ask import org.apache.toree.kernel.protocol.v5._ import org.apache.toree.kernel.protocol.v5.content._ import org.apache.toree.kernel.protocol.v5.kernel.{ActorLoader, Utilities} import Utilities._ import org.apache.toree.utils.{MessageLogSupport, LogLike} import import play.api.libs.json.{JsPath, Json} import import scala.concurrent.Future import scala.util.Success class IsCompleteHandler(actorLoader: ActorLoader) extends BaseHandler(actorLoader) with MessageLogSupport { override def process(kernelMessage: KernelMessage): Future[_] = { logKernelMessageAction("Determining if code is complete for", kernelMessage) Utilities.parseAndHandle( kernelMessage.contentString, IsCompleteRequest.isCompleteRequestReads, isCompleteRequest(kernelMessage, _ : IsCompleteRequest) ) } private def isCompleteRequest(km: KernelMessage, cr: IsCompleteRequest): Future[(String, String)] = { val interpreterActor = actorLoader.load(SystemActorType.Interpreter) val codeCompleteFuture = ask(interpreterActor, cr).mapTo[(String, String)] codeCompleteFuture.onComplete { case Success(tuple) => val reply = IsCompleteReply(tuple._1, tuple._2) val isCompleteReplyType = MessageType.Outgoing.IsCompleteReply.toString logKernelMessageAction("Sending is complete reply for", km) actorLoader.load(SystemActorType.KernelMessageRelay) ! km.copy( header = HeaderBuilder.create(isCompleteReplyType), parentHeader = km.header, contentString = Json.toJson(reply).toString ) case _ => new Exception("Parse error in CodeCompleteHandler") } codeCompleteFuture } }
Example 9
Source File: CommMsgHandler.scala From incubator-toree with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.toree.kernel.protocol.v5.handler import org.apache.toree.comm.{KernelCommWriter, CommRegistrar, CommWriter, CommStorage} import import org.apache.toree.kernel.protocol.v5.content.CommMsg import org.apache.toree.kernel.protocol.v5.kernel.{Utilities, ActorLoader} import org.apache.toree.kernel.protocol.v5.{KMBuilder, KernelMessage} import org.apache.toree.utils.MessageLogSupport import import play.api.libs.json.JsPath import scala.concurrent.Future import class CommMsgHandler( actorLoader: ActorLoader, commRegistrar: CommRegistrar, commStorage: CommStorage ) extends BaseHandler(actorLoader) with MessageLogSupport { override def process(kernelMessage: KernelMessage): Future[_] = Future { logKernelMessageAction("Initiating Comm Msg for", kernelMessage) ExecuteRequestState.processIncomingKernelMessage(kernelMessage) val kmBuilder = KMBuilder().withParent(kernelMessage) Utilities.parseAndHandle( kernelMessage.contentString, CommMsg.commMsgReads, handler = handleCommMsg(kmBuilder), errHandler = handleParseError ) } private def handleCommMsg(kmBuilder: KMBuilder)(commMsg: CommMsg) = { val commId = commMsg.comm_id val data = logger.debug(s"Received comm_msg with id '$commId'") val commWriter = new KernelCommWriter(actorLoader, kmBuilder, commId) commStorage.getCommIdCallbacks(commId) match { case None => logger.warn(s"Received invalid id for Comm Msg: $commId") case Some(callbacks) => logger.debug(s"Executing msg callbacks for id '$commId'") // TODO: Should we be checking the return values? Probably not. callbacks.executeMsgCallbacks(commWriter, commId, data) .filter(_.isFailure).map(_.failed).foreach(throwable => { logger.error("Comm msg callback encountered an error!", throwable) }) } } private def handleParseError(invalid: Seq[(JsPath, Seq[ValidationError])]) = { // TODO: Determine proper response for a parse failure logger.warn("Parse error for Comm Msg! Not responding!") } }
Example 10
Source File: ShutdownHandler.scala From incubator-toree with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.toree.kernel.protocol.v5.handler import org.apache.toree.comm.{CommRegistrar, CommStorage, KernelCommWriter} import org.apache.toree.kernel.protocol.v5.content.{ShutdownReply, ShutdownRequest, CommOpen} import org.apache.toree.kernel.protocol.v5.kernel.{ActorLoader, Utilities} import org.apache.toree.kernel.protocol.v5._ import import org.apache.toree.utils.MessageLogSupport import import play.api.libs.json.JsPath import import scala.concurrent.Future class ShutdownHandler( actorLoader: ActorLoader ) extends BaseHandler(actorLoader) with MessageLogSupport { override def process(kernelMessage: KernelMessage): Future[_] = Future { logKernelMessageAction("Initiating Shutdown request for", kernelMessage) val kernelInfo = SparkKernelInfo val shutdownReply = ShutdownReply(false) val replyHeader = Header( java.util.UUID.randomUUID.toString, "", java.util.UUID.randomUUID.toString, ShutdownReply.toTypeString, kernelInfo.protocolVersion) val kernelResponseMessage = KMBuilder() .withIds(kernelMessage.ids) .withSignature("") .withHeader(replyHeader) .withParent(kernelMessage) .withContentString(shutdownReply).build logger.debug("Attempting graceful shutdown.") actorLoader.load(SystemActorType.KernelMessageRelay) ! kernelResponseMessage // Instruct security manager that exit should be allowed KernelSecurityManager.enableRestrictedExit() System.exit(0) } }
Example 11
Source File: CommInfoRequestHandler.scala From incubator-toree with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.toree.kernel.protocol.v5.handler import org.apache.toree.comm.CommStorage import org.apache.toree.kernel.protocol.v5._ import org.apache.toree.kernel.protocol.v5.content.CommInfoReply import org.apache.toree.kernel.protocol.v5.kernel.ActorLoader import org.apache.toree.utils.MessageLogSupport import play.api.libs.json.Json import import scala.concurrent.{Future, future} class CommInfoRequestHandler( actorLoader: ActorLoader, commStorage: CommStorage) extends BaseHandler(actorLoader) with MessageLogSupport { def buildCommMap(targetName: String) = { commStorage.getCommIdsFromTarget(targetName) match { case Some(commVector) => { => Map(x -> Map("target_name" -> targetName))).flatten.toMap } case _ => { Map() } } } override def process(kernelMessage: KernelMessage): Future[_] = Future { logKernelMessageAction("Initiating CommInfo request for", kernelMessage) val commMap = (Json.parse(kernelMessage.contentString) \ "target_name").asOpt[String] match { case Some(targetName) => { buildCommMap(targetName) } case None => { //target_name is missing from the kernel message so return all comms over every target commStorage.getTargets().map(buildCommMap(_)).reduce(_ ++ _) } } val commInfoReply = CommInfoReply(commMap.asInstanceOf[Map[String, Map[String, String]]]) val kernelInfo = SparkKernelInfo val replyHeader = Header( java.util.UUID.randomUUID.toString, "", java.util.UUID.randomUUID.toString, CommInfoReply.toTypeString, kernelInfo.protocolVersion) val kernelResponseMessage = KMBuilder() .withIds(kernelMessage.ids) .withSignature("") .withHeader(replyHeader) .withParent(kernelMessage) .withContentString(commInfoReply).build actorLoader.load(SystemActorType.KernelMessageRelay) ! kernelResponseMessage } }
Example 12
Source File: CommOpenHandler.scala From incubator-toree with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.toree.kernel.protocol.v5.handler import org.apache.toree.comm.{KernelCommWriter, CommStorage, CommRegistrar, CommWriter} import import org.apache.toree.kernel.protocol.v5.content.CommOpen import org.apache.toree.kernel.protocol.v5.kernel.{Utilities, ActorLoader} import org.apache.toree.kernel.protocol.v5.{KMBuilder, KernelMessage} import org.apache.toree.utils.MessageLogSupport import import play.api.libs.json.JsPath import scala.concurrent.Future import class CommOpenHandler( actorLoader: ActorLoader, commRegistrar: CommRegistrar, commStorage: CommStorage ) extends BaseHandler(actorLoader) with MessageLogSupport { override def process(kernelMessage: KernelMessage): Future[_] = Future { logKernelMessageAction("Initiating Comm Open for", kernelMessage) ExecuteRequestState.processIncomingKernelMessage(kernelMessage) val kmBuilder = KMBuilder().withParent(kernelMessage) Utilities.parseAndHandle( kernelMessage.contentString, CommOpen.commOpenReads, handler = handleCommOpen(kmBuilder), errHandler = handleParseError ) } private def handleCommOpen(kmBuilder: KMBuilder)(commOpen: CommOpen) = { val commId = commOpen.comm_id val targetName = commOpen.target_name val data = logger.debug( s"Received comm_open for target '$targetName' with id '$commId'") val commWriter = new KernelCommWriter(actorLoader, kmBuilder, commId) commStorage.getTargetCallbacks(targetName) match { case None => logger.warn(s"Received invalid target for Comm Open: $targetName") commWriter.close() case Some(callbacks) => logger.debug(s"Executing open callbacks for id '$commId'") // TODO: Should we be checking the return values? Probably not. callbacks.executeOpenCallbacks(commWriter, commId, targetName, data) .filter(_.isFailure).map(_.failed).foreach(throwable => { logger.error("Comm open callback encountered an error!", throwable) }) } } private def handleParseError(invalid: Seq[(JsPath, Seq[ValidationError])]) = { // TODO: Determine proper response for a parse failure logger.warn("Parse error for Comm Open! Not responding!") } }
Example 13
Source File: KernelInfoRequestHandler.scala From incubator-toree with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.toree.kernel.protocol.v5.handler import org.apache.toree.kernel.protocol.v5._ import org.apache.toree.kernel.protocol.v5.content.KernelInfoReply import org.apache.toree.kernel.protocol.v5.kernel.ActorLoader import org.apache.toree.utils.LogLike import scala.concurrent._ class KernelInfoRequestHandler(actorLoader: ActorLoader, languageInfo: LanguageInfo) extends BaseHandler(actorLoader) with LogLike { def process(kernelMessage: KernelMessage): Future[_] = { import Future { logger.debug("Sending kernel info reply message") val kernelInfo = SparkKernelInfo val kernelInfoReply = KernelInfoReply( kernelInfo.protocolVersion, kernelInfo.implementation, kernelInfo.implementationVersion, languageInfo, kernelInfo.banner ) // TODO could we use HeaderBuilder here? val replyHeader = Header( java.util.UUID.randomUUID.toString, "", java.util.UUID.randomUUID.toString, MessageType.Outgoing.KernelInfoReply.toString, kernelInfo.protocolVersion ) val kernelResponseMessage = KMBuilder() .withIds(kernelMessage.ids) .withSignature("") .withHeader(replyHeader) .withParent(kernelMessage) .withContentString(kernelInfoReply).build actorLoader.load(SystemActorType.KernelMessageRelay) ! kernelResponseMessage } } }
Example 14
Source File: CommCloseHandler.scala From incubator-toree with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.toree.kernel.protocol.v5.handler import org.apache.toree.comm.{KernelCommWriter, CommRegistrar, CommWriter, CommStorage} import import org.apache.toree.kernel.protocol.v5.content.CommClose import org.apache.toree.kernel.protocol.v5.kernel.{Utilities, ActorLoader} import org.apache.toree.kernel.protocol.v5.{KMBuilder, KernelMessage} import org.apache.toree.utils.MessageLogSupport import import play.api.libs.json.JsPath import scala.concurrent.Future import class CommCloseHandler( actorLoader: ActorLoader, commRegistrar: CommRegistrar, commStorage: CommStorage ) extends BaseHandler(actorLoader) with MessageLogSupport { override def process(kernelMessage: KernelMessage): Future[_] = Future { logKernelMessageAction("Initiating Comm Close for", kernelMessage) ExecuteRequestState.processIncomingKernelMessage(kernelMessage) val kmBuilder = KMBuilder().withParent(kernelMessage) Utilities.parseAndHandle( kernelMessage.contentString, CommClose.commCloseReads, handler = handleCommClose(kmBuilder), errHandler = handleParseError ) } private def handleCommClose(kmBuilder: KMBuilder)(commClose: CommClose) = { val commId = commClose.comm_id val data = logger.debug(s"Received comm_close with id '$commId'") val commWriter = new KernelCommWriter(actorLoader, kmBuilder, commId) commStorage.getCommIdCallbacks(commId) match { case None => logger.warn(s"Received invalid id for Comm Close: $commId") case Some(callbacks) => logger.debug(s"Executing close callbacks for id '$commId'") // TODO: Should we be checking the return values? Probably not. callbacks.executeCloseCallbacks(commWriter, commId, data) .filter(_.isFailure).map(_.failed).foreach(throwable => { logger.error("Comm close callback encountered an error!", throwable) }) } } private def handleParseError(invalid: Seq[(JsPath, Seq[ValidationError])]) = { // TODO: Determine proper response for a parse failure logger.warn("Parse error for Comm Close! Not responding!") } }
Example 15
Source File: BrokerTransformer.scala From incubator-toree with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import org.apache.toree.interpreter.InterpreterTypes.ExecuteOutput import org.apache.toree.interpreter.Results.Result import import org.apache.toree.interpreter.{ExecuteError, ExecuteFailure, Results} import scala.concurrent.Future def transformToInterpreterResult(futureResult: Future[CodeResults]): Future[(Result, Either[ExecuteOutput, ExecuteFailure])] = { import futureResult .map(results => (Results.Success, Left(Map("text/plain" -> results)))) .recover({ case ex: BrokerException => (Results.Error, Right(ExecuteError( name = ex.getClass.getName, value = ex.getLocalizedMessage, stackTrace = ))) }) } }
Example 16
Source File: GetTicketInfoSpec.scala From 006877 with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.goticks import org.scalatest.MustMatchers import org.scalatest.WordSpec import scala.concurrent.{Future, Await} class GetTicketInfoSpec extends WordSpec with MustMatchers { object TicketInfoService extends TicketInfoService with MockWebServiceCalls import TicketInfoService._ import scala.concurrent.duration._ "getTicketInfo" must { "return a complete ticket info when all futures are successful" in { val ticketInfo = Await.result(getTicketInfo("1234", Location(1d,2d)), 10.seconds) ticketInfo.event.isEmpty must be(false) ticketInfo.event.foreach( event=> must be("Quasimoto")) ticketInfo.travelAdvice.isEmpty must be(false) must be (Seq("Madlib", "OhNo", "Flying Lotus")) } "return an incomplete ticket info when getEvent fails" in { val ticketInfo = Await.result(getTicketInfo("4321", Location(1d,2d)), 10.seconds) ticketInfo.event.isEmpty must be(true) ticketInfo.travelAdvice.isEmpty must be(true) ticketInfo.suggestions.isEmpty must be (true) } } } trait MockWebServiceCalls extends WebServiceCalls { import com.github.nscala_time.time.Imports._ import def getEvent(ticketNr: String, location: Location): Future[TicketInfo] = { Future { if(ticketNr == "1234") { TicketInfo(ticketNr, location, event = Some(Event("Quasimoto", Location(4.324218908d,53.12311144d), new DateTime(2013,10,1,22,30)))) } else throw new Exception("crap") } } def callWeatherXService(ticketInfo: TicketInfo): Future[Option[Weather]] = { Future { Some(Weather(30, false)) } } def callWeatherYService(ticketInfo: TicketInfo): Future[Option[Weather]] = { Future { Some(Weather(30, false)) } } def callTrafficService(origin: Location, destination: Location, time: DateTime): Future[Option[RouteByCar]] = { Future { Some(RouteByCar("route1", time - (35.minutes), origin, destination, 30.minutes, 5.minutes)) } } def callPublicTransportService(origin: Location, destination: Location, time: DateTime): Future[Option[PublicTransportAdvice]] = { Future { Some(PublicTransportAdvice("public transport route 1", time - (20.minutes), origin, destination, 20.minutes)) } } def callSimilarArtistsService(event: Event): Future[Seq[Artist]] = { Future { Seq(Artist("Madlib", ""), Artist("OhNo", ""), Artist("Flying Lotus", "fly.lo/calendar")) } } def callArtistCalendarService(artist: Artist, nearLocation: Location): Future[Event] = { Future { Event(,Location(1d,1d), } } }
Example 17
Source File: WindowsPluginFrontend.scala From protoc-bridge with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package protocbridge.frontend import import java.nio.file.{Files, Path, Paths} import protocbridge.ProtocCodeGenerator import scala.concurrent.blocking import import scala.concurrent.Future object WindowsPluginFrontend extends PluginFrontend { case class InternalState(batFile: Path) override def prepare(plugin: ProtocCodeGenerator): (Path, InternalState) = { val ss = new ServerSocket(0) val state = createWindowsScript(ss.getLocalPort) Future { blocking { val client = ss.accept() val response = PluginFrontend.runWithInputStream(plugin, client.getInputStream) client.getOutputStream.write(response) client.close() ss.close() } } (state.batFile, state) } override def cleanup(state: InternalState): Unit = { Files.delete(state.batFile) } private def createWindowsScript(port: Int): InternalState = { val classPath = Paths.get(getClass.getProtectionDomain.getCodeSource.getLocation.toURI) val classPathBatchString = classPath.toString.replace("%", "%%") val batchFile = PluginFrontend.createTempFile( ".bat", s"""@echo off |"${sys .props( "java.home" )}\\bin\\java.exe" -cp "$classPathBatchString" ${classOf[ BridgeApp ].getName} $port """.stripMargin ) InternalState(batchFile) } }
Example 18
Source File: PosixPluginFrontend.scala From protoc-bridge with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package protocbridge.frontend import java.nio.file.{Files, Path} import protocbridge.ProtocCodeGenerator import java.nio.file.attribute.PosixFilePermission import scala.concurrent.blocking import scala.concurrent.Future import import scala.sys.process._ import java.{util => ju} object PosixPluginFrontend extends PluginFrontend { case class InternalState( inputPipe: Path, outputPipe: Path, tempDir: Path, shellScript: Path ) override def prepare(plugin: ProtocCodeGenerator): (Path, InternalState) = { val tempDirPath = Files.createTempDirectory("protopipe-") val inputPipe = createPipe(tempDirPath, "input") val outputPipe = createPipe(tempDirPath, "output") val sh = createShellScript(inputPipe, outputPipe) Future { blocking { val fsin = Files.newInputStream(inputPipe) val response = PluginFrontend.runWithInputStream(plugin, fsin) fsin.close() val fsout = Files.newOutputStream(outputPipe) fsout.write(response) fsout.close() } } (sh, InternalState(inputPipe, outputPipe, tempDirPath, sh)) } override def cleanup(state: InternalState): Unit = { Files.delete(state.inputPipe) Files.delete(state.outputPipe) Files.delete(state.tempDir) Files.delete(state.shellScript) } private def createPipe(tempDirPath: Path, name: String): Path = { val pipeName = tempDirPath.resolve(name) Seq("mkfifo", "-m", "600", pipeName.toAbsolutePath.toString).!! pipeName } private def createShellScript(inputPipe: Path, outputPipe: Path): Path = { val scriptName = PluginFrontend.createTempFile("", s"""|#!/usr/bin/env sh |set -e |cat /dev/stdin > "$inputPipe" |cat "$outputPipe" """.stripMargin) val perms = new ju.HashSet[PosixFilePermission] perms.add(PosixFilePermission.OWNER_EXECUTE) perms.add(PosixFilePermission.OWNER_READ) Files.setPosixFilePermissions( scriptName, perms ) scriptName } }
Example 19
Source File: DbManagement.scala From bitcoin-s with MIT License | 5 votes |
package org.bitcoins.db import org.bitcoins.core.util.{BitcoinSLogger, FutureUtil} import org.flywaydb.core.Flyway import org.flywaydb.core.api.FlywayException import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future} trait DbManagement extends BitcoinSLogger { _: JdbcProfileComponent[AppConfig] => import profile.api._ import scala.language.implicitConversions def migrate(): Int = { val module = appConfig.moduleName val config = Flyway .configure() .locations(s"classpath:${driverName}/${module}/migration/") val flyway = config.dataSource(jdbcUrl, username, password).load try { flyway.migrate() } catch { case err: FlywayException => logger.warn( s"Failed to apply first round of migrations, attempting baseline and re-apply", err) //maybe we have an existing database, so attempt to baseline the existing //database and then apply migrations again flyway.baseline() flyway.migrate() } } }
Example 20
Source File: FlushMode.scala From scribe with MIT License | 5 votes |
package scribe.writer.file import java.util.concurrent.atomic.{AtomicBoolean, AtomicLong} import scribe.util.Time import scala.concurrent.Future import scala.concurrent.duration._ import trait FlushMode { def dataWritten(logFile: LogFile, writer: LogFileWriter): Unit } object FlushMode { object NeverFlush extends FlushMode { override def dataWritten(logFile: LogFile, writer: LogFileWriter): Unit = {} } object AlwaysFlush extends FlushMode { override def dataWritten(logFile: LogFile, writer: LogFileWriter): Unit = writer.flush() } case class AsynchronousFlush(delay: FiniteDuration = 1.second) extends FlushMode { private lazy val delayMillis = delay.toMillis private lazy val flushing = new AtomicBoolean(false) private lazy val dirty = new AtomicBoolean(false) private lazy val lastFlush = new AtomicLong(0L) private var logFile: LogFile = _ override def dataWritten(logFile: LogFile, writer: LogFileWriter): Unit = { this.logFile = logFile if (flushing.compareAndSet(false, true)) { flush() } else { dirty.set(true) } } private def flush(): Unit = Future { try { val delay = this.delayMillis - (Time() - lastFlush.get()) if (delay > 0L) { Thread.sleep(delay) } logFile.flush() } finally { lastFlush.set(Time()) if (dirty.compareAndSet(true, false)) { flush() } else { flushing.set(false) } } } } }
Example 21
Source File: UnMarshalling.scala From introduction-to-akkahttp with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.shashank.akkahttp.basic.routing import import akka.http.scaladsl.marshalling.Marshal import akka.http.scaladsl.model.{HttpMethods, HttpRequest, HttpResponse, MessageEntity} import akka.http.scaladsl.unmarshalling.Unmarshal import{ActorMaterializer, Materializer} import akka.util.ByteString import scala.concurrent.Await import scala.concurrent.duration._ import import spray.json._ object UnMarshalling { def main(args: Array[String]) { implicit val sys = ActorSystem("IntroductionToAkkaHttp") implicit val mat:Materializer = ActorMaterializer() //type FromStringUnmarshaller[T] = Unmarshaller[String, T] val intFuture = Unmarshal("42").to[Int] val int = Await.result(intFuture, 1.second) println("int unmarshalling "+int) //type FromStringUnmarshaller[T] = Unmarshaller[String, T] val boolFuture = Unmarshal("off").to[Boolean] val bool = Await.result(boolFuture, 1.second) println("off unmarshalling "+bool) //type ToEntityMarshaller[T] = Marshaller[T, MessageEntity] val string = "Yeah" val entityFuture = Marshal(string).to[MessageEntity] val entity = Await.result(entityFuture, 1.second) // don't block in non-test code! println(entity) //type ToResponseMarshaller[T] = Marshaller[T, HttpResponse] val errorMsg = "Not found, pal!" val responseFuture = Marshal(404 -> errorMsg).to[HttpResponse] val response = Await.result(responseFuture, 1.second) println(response) //type FromEntityUnmarshaller[T] = Unmarshaller[HttpEntity, T] val jsonByteString = ByteString("""{"name":"Hello"}""") val httpRequest = HttpRequest(HttpMethods.POST, entity = jsonByteString) val jsonDataUnmarshalledFuture = Unmarshal(httpRequest).to[String] val jsonDataUnmarshalled = Await.result(jsonDataUnmarshalledFuture, 1.second) println(jsonDataUnmarshalled) sys.terminate() } }
Example 22
Source File: AnotherServiceImpl.scala From lagom with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package docs.scaladsl.mb import akka.Done import akka.NotUsed import import import import import import import com.lightbend.lagom.scaladsl.api.ServiceCall import //#inject-service class AnotherServiceImpl(helloService: HelloService) extends AnotherService { //#inject-service //#subscribe-to-topic helloService .greetingsTopic() .subscribe // <-- you get back a Subscriber instance .atLeastOnce( Flow.fromFunction(doSomethingWithTheMessage) ) //#subscribe-to-topic var lastObservedMessage: String = _ private def doSomethingWithTheMessage(greetingMessage: GreetingMessage): Done = { lastObservedMessage = greetingMessage.message Done } import override def foo: ServiceCall[NotUsed, String] = ServiceCall { req => scala.concurrent.Future.successful(lastObservedMessage) } def subscribeWithMetadata = { //#subscribe-to-topic-with-metadata import import helloService .greetingsTopic() .subscribe .withMetadata .atLeastOnce( Flow[Message[GreetingMessage]].map { msg => val greetingMessage = msg.payload val messageKey = msg.messageKeyAsString val kafkaHeaders = msg.get(KafkaMetadataKeys.Headers) println(s"Message: $greetingMessage Key: $messageKey Headers: $kafkaHeaders") Done } ) //#subscribe-to-topic-with-metadata } def skipMessages = { //#subscribe-to-topic-skip-messages helloService .greetingsTopic() .subscribe .atLeastOnce( Flow[GreetingMessage].map { case msg @ GreetingMessage("Kia ora") => doSomethingWithTheMessage(msg) case _ => Done // Skip all messages where the message is not "Kia ora". } ) //#subscribe-to-topic-skip-messages } }
Example 23
Source File: SlickRepos.scala From lagom with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package docs.home.scaladsl.persistence import akka.Done import slick.dbio.DBIOAction import slick.dbio.Effect import slick.dbio.Effect.All import slick.sql.FixedSqlAction object SlickRepos { object Initial { // #slick-mapping-initial import slick.jdbc.H2Profile.api._ class PostSummaryRepository { class PostSummaryTable(tag: Tag) extends Table[PostSummary](tag, "post_summary") { def * = (postId, title) <> (PostSummary.tupled, PostSummary.unapply) def postId = column[String]("post_id", O.PrimaryKey) def title = column[String]("title") } val postSummaries = TableQuery[PostSummaryTable] def selectPostSummaries() = postSummaries.result } // #slick-mapping-initial } object WithCreateTable { // need to import it first to make table compile import import slick.jdbc.H2Profile.api._ class PostSummaryTable(tag: Tag) extends Table[PostSummary](tag, "post_summary") { def * = (postId, title) <> (PostSummary.tupled, PostSummary.unapply) def postId = column[String]("post_id", O.PrimaryKey) def title = column[String]("title") } // import again, for documentation purpose // #slick-mapping-schema import import slick.jdbc.H2Profile.api._ class PostSummaryRepository { // table mapping omitted for conciseness val postSummaries = TableQuery[PostSummaryTable] def createTable = postSummaries.schema.createIfNotExists } // #slick-mapping-schema } object Full { import import slick.jdbc.H2Profile.api._ class PostSummaryRepository { class PostSummaryTable(tag: Tag) extends Table[PostSummary](tag, "post_summary") { def * = (postId, title) <> (PostSummary.tupled, PostSummary.unapply) def postId = column[String]("post_id", O.PrimaryKey) def title = column[String]("title") } val postSummaries = TableQuery[PostSummaryTable] def createTable = postSummaries.schema.createIfNotExists // #insert-or-update def save(postSummary: PostSummary) = { postSummaries.insertOrUpdate(postSummary).map(_ => Done) } // #insert-or-update } } }
Example 24
Source File: ServiceLocatorSessionProviderSpec.scala From lagom with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.lightbend.lagom.internal.persistence.cassandra import import import import akka.testkit.TestKit import com.typesafe.config.Config import com.typesafe.config.ConfigFactory import org.scalatest.BeforeAndAfterAll import import scala.concurrent.duration._ import scala.concurrent.Await import scala.concurrent.Future import org.scalatest.matchers.must.Matchers import org.scalatest.wordspec.AnyWordSpec class ServiceLocatorSessionProviderSpec extends AnyWordSpec with Matchers with BeforeAndAfterAll { val system = ActorSystem("test") val config: Config = ConfigFactory.load() val uri = new URI("http://localhost:8080") protected override def afterAll(): Unit = { TestKit.shutdownActorSystem(actorSystem = system, verifySystemShutdown = true) } val locator = new ServiceLocatorAdapter { override def locateAll(name: String): Future[List[URI]] = { name match { case "existing" => Future.successful(List(uri)) case "absent" => Future.successful(Nil) } } } val providerConfig: Config = config.getConfig("") val provider = new ServiceLocatorSessionProvider(system, providerConfig) ServiceLocatorHolder(system).setServiceLocator(locator) "ServiceLocatorSessionProvider" should { "Get the address when the contact points exist" in { val future = provider.lookupContactPoints("existing") Await.result(future, 3.seconds) mustBe Seq(new InetSocketAddress(uri.getHost, uri.getPort)) } "Fail the future when the contact points do not exist" in { val future = provider.lookupContactPoints("absent") intercept[NoContactPointsException] { Await.result(future, 3.seconds) } } } }
Example 25
Source File: CassandraTestServer.scala From lagom with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.lightbend.lagom.internal.testkit import java.nio.file.Files import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit import akka.persistence.cassandra.testkit.CassandraLauncher import import import play.api.Logger import play.api.inject.ApplicationLifecycle import scala.concurrent.Future import scala.util.Try private[lagom] object CassandraTestServer { private val LagomTestConfigResource: String = "lagom-test-embedded-cassandra.yaml" private lazy val log = Logger(getClass) def run(cassandraDirectoryPrefix: String, lifecycle: ApplicationLifecycle): Int = { val cassandraDirectory = Files.createTempDirectory(cassandraDirectoryPrefix) // Shut down Cassandra and delete its temporary directory when the application shuts down lifecycle.addStopHook { () => import Try(CassandraLauncher.stop()) // The ALLOW_INSECURE option is required to remove the files on OSes that don't support SecureDirectoryStream // See Future(MoreFiles.deleteRecursively(cassandraDirectory, RecursiveDeleteOption.ALLOW_INSECURE)) } val t0 = System.nanoTime() CassandraLauncher.start( cassandraDirectory.toFile, LagomTestConfigResource, clean = false, port = 0, CassandraLauncher.classpathForResources(LagomTestConfigResource) ) log.debug(s"Cassandra started in ${TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.toMillis(System.nanoTime() - t0)} ms") CassandraLauncher.randomPort } }
Example 26
Source File: HListShapeSpec.scala From slickless with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package slickless import shapeless.{::, HNil} import slick.jdbc.H2Profile.api._ import class HListShapeSpec extends Spec { class Users(tag: Tag) extends Table[Long :: String :: HNil](tag, "users") { def id = column[Long]( "id", O.PrimaryKey, O.AutoInc ) def email = column[String]("email") def * = id :: email :: HNil } lazy val users = TableQuery[Users] "slick tables with hlist mappings" - { "should support inserts and selects" in { val db = Database.forConfig("h2") val action = for { _ <- users.schema.create _ <- users += 1L :: "[email protected]" :: HNil ans <- users.result.head _ <- users.schema.drop } yield ans whenReady( { _ should equal (1L :: "[email protected]" :: HNil) } } } }
Example 27
Source File: GenShapeSpec.scala From slickless with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package slickless import shapeless.{HNil, Generic} import slick.jdbc.H2Profile.api._ import class GenShapeSpec extends Spec { case class Address(id: Long, house: Int, street: String) class Addresss(tag: Tag) extends Table[Address](tag, "addresses") { def id = column[Long]("id", O.PrimaryKey, O.AutoInc) def house = column[Int]("house") def street = column[String]("street") def * = (id :: house :: street :: HNil).mappedWith(Generic[Address]) } lazy val addresses = TableQuery[Addresss] "slick tables with generic mappings" - { "should support inserts and selects" in { val db = Database.forConfig("h2") val address = Address(1L, 29, "Acacia Road") val action = for { _ <- addresses.schema.create _ <- addresses += address ans <- addresses.result.head _ <- addresses.schema.drop } yield ans whenReady( { _ should equal(address) } } } }
Example 28
Source File: Issue42.scala From slickless with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
import slickless.Spec import shapeless.{HNil, Generic} import slick.jdbc.H2Profile.api._ import slickless._ import class Issue42 extends Spec { case class Department(id: Long, city: String) case class Employee(id: Long, dept1: Department, dept2: Department, email: String) class Employees(tag: Tag) extends Table[Employee](tag, "emps42") { def id = column[Long]("id", O.PrimaryKey, O.AutoInc) def departmentIdA = column[Long]("dept_a_id") def departmentCityA = column[String]("dept_a_city") def departmentIdB = column[Long]("dept_b_id") def departmentCityB = column[String]("dept_b_city") def email = column[String]("email") def departmentA = (departmentIdA, departmentCityA).mapTo[Department] def departmentB = (departmentIdB, departmentCityB).mapTo[Department] def * = (id :: departmentA :: departmentB :: email :: HNil).mappedWith(Generic[Employee]) } lazy val emps = TableQuery[Employees] "slick tables with nested case class mappings" - { "should support inserts and selects" in { val db = Database.forConfig("h2") val emp = Employee(1L, Department(21L, "Brighton"), Department(22L, "Hove"), "[email protected]") val action = for { _ <- emps.schema.drop.asTry _ <- emps.schema.create _ <- emps += emp ans <- emps.result.head _ <- emps.schema.drop } yield ans whenReady( { _ should equal(emp) } } } }
Example 29
Source File: LargeSpec.scala From slickless with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package userapp import slick.jdbc.H2Profile.api._ import shapeless._ import slickless._ case class Large( a: Int, b: Int, c: Int, d: Int, e: Int, f: Int, g: Int, h: Int, i: Int, j: Int, k: Int, l: Int, m: Int, n: Int, o: Int, p: Int, q: Int, r: Int, s: Int, t: Int, u: Int, v: Int, w: Int, x: Int, y: Int, z: Int ) class LargeTable(tag: Tag) extends Table[Large](tag, "large") { def a = column[Int]("a") def b = column[Int]("b") def c = column[Int]("c") def d = column[Int]("d") def e = column[Int]("e") def f = column[Int]("f") def g = column[Int]("g") def h = column[Int]("h") def i = column[Int]("i") def j = column[Int]("j") def k = column[Int]("k") def l = column[Int]("l") def m = column[Int]("m") def n = column[Int]("n") def o = column[Int]("o") def p = column[Int]("p") def q = column[Int]("q") def r = column[Int]("r") def s = column[Int]("s") def t = column[Int]("t") def u = column[Int]("u") def v = column[Int]("v") def w = column[Int]("w") def x = column[Int]("x") def y = column[Int]("y") def z = column[Int]("z") def * = ( a :: b :: c :: d :: e :: f :: g :: h :: i :: j :: k :: l :: m :: n :: o :: p :: q :: r :: s :: t :: u :: v :: w :: x :: y :: z :: HNil ).mappedWith(Generic[Large]) } import class LargeSpec extends slickless.Spec { "slick tables with >22 column mappings" - { "should support inserts and selects" in { val LargeTable = TableQuery[LargeTable] val db = Database.forConfig("h2") val large = Large( 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26 ) val action = for { _ <- LargeTable.schema.create _ <- LargeTable += large ans <- LargeTable.result.head _ <- LargeTable.schema.drop } yield ans whenReady( { _ should equal(large) } } } }
Example 30
Source File: CrystallisationResource.scala From self-assessment-api with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package router.resources import javax.inject.Inject import play.api.libs.json.{JsNull, JsValue} import play.api.mvc.{Action, AnyContent, BodyParser, ControllerComponents} import router.constants.Versions import router.constants.Versions._ import{CrystallisationService, Service} import import class CrystallisationResource @Inject()(service: CrystallisationService, val cc: ControllerComponents, val authConnector: AuthConnector) extends BaseResource(cc, authConnector) with Service { def post(param: Any*): Action[JsValue] = AuthAction.async(parse.json) { implicit request => withJsonBody[JsValue] { { case Left(error) => buildErrorResponse(error) case Right(apiResponse) => buildResponse(apiResponse) } } } // Note that intent V1 requires empty JSON (i.e. {}) whereas V2 requires completely empty body. So we need to parse // accordingly these with the empty body parsed to JsNull private val jsonOrEmptyParser: BodyParser[JsValue] = parse.using { request => if (Versions.getFromRequest(request).contains(VERSION_1)) parse.json else => JsNull) } def intent(param: Any*): Action[JsValue] = AuthAction.async(jsonOrEmptyParser) { implicit request => withJsonBody[JsValue] { body => val serviceOutcome = body match { case JsNull => service.postEmpty case json => } { case Left(error) => buildErrorResponse(error) case Right(apiResponse) => buildResponse(apiResponse) } } } def get(param: Any*): Action[AnyContent] = { AuthAction.async { implicit request => service.get().map{ case Left(error) => buildErrorResponse(error) case Right(apiResponse) => buildResponse(apiResponse) } } } }
Example 31
Source File: SelfEmploymentEopsDeclarationResourceSpec.scala From self-assessment-api with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package router.resources import import play.api.mvc.Result import play.api.test.FakeRequest import router.errors.{ErrorCode, IncorrectAPIVersion, UnsupportedAPIVersion} import support.ResourceSpec import import import scala.concurrent.Future class SelfEmploymentEopsDeclarationResourceSpec extends ResourceSpec with MockSelfEmploymentEopsDeclarationService { class Setup { val resource = new SelfEmploymentEopsDeclarationResource( service = mockSelfEmploymentEopsDeclarationService, authConnector = mockAuthConnector, cc = controllerComponents ) mockAuthAction } val request = FakeRequest() "post" should { "return a 204 with the response headers" when { "the service returns a HttpResponse containing a 204 with no json response body" in new Setup { .returns(Future.successful(Right(HttpResponse(NO_CONTENT, None, testHeaderResponse)))) val result: Future[Result] ="","","","")(FakeRequest().withBody(requestJson)) status(result) shouldBe NO_CONTENT headers(result) shouldBe testHeader contentType(result) shouldBe None } } "return a 200 with a json response body and response headers" when { "the service returns a HttpResponse containing a 200 with a json response body" in new Setup { .returns(Future.successful(Right(HttpResponse(OK, Some(responseJson), testHeaderResponse)))) val result: Future[Result] ="","","","")(FakeRequest().withBody(requestJson)) status(result) shouldBe OK headers(result) shouldBe testHeader contentType(result) shouldBe Some(JSON) contentAsJson(result) shouldBe responseJson } } "return a 406 with a json response body representing the error" when { "the service returns an IncorrectAPIVersion response" in new Setup { .returns(Future.successful(Left(IncorrectAPIVersion))) val result: Future[Result] ="","","","")(FakeRequest().withBody(requestJson)) status(result) shouldBe NOT_ACCEPTABLE contentType(result) shouldBe Some(JSON) contentAsJson(result) shouldBe ErrorCode.invalidAcceptHeader.asJson } } "return a 404 with a json response body representing the error" when { "the service returns an UnsupportedAPIVersion response" in new Setup { .returns(Future.successful(Left(UnsupportedAPIVersion))) val result: Future[Result] ="","","","")(FakeRequest().withBody(requestJson)) status(result) shouldBe NOT_FOUND contentType(result) shouldBe Some(JSON) contentAsJson(result) shouldBe ErrorCode.notFound.asJson } } } }
Example 32
Source File: PropertyEopsDeclarationResourceSpec.scala From self-assessment-api with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package router.resources import import play.api.mvc.Result import play.api.test.FakeRequest import router.errors.{ErrorCode, IncorrectAPIVersion, UnsupportedAPIVersion} import support.ResourceSpec import import import scala.concurrent.Future class PropertyEopsDeclarationResourceSpec extends ResourceSpec with MockPropertyEopsDeclarationService { class Setup { val resource = new PropertyEopsDeclarationResource( service = mockPropertyEopsDeclarationService, authConnector = mockAuthConnector, cc = controllerComponents ) mockAuthAction } val request = FakeRequest() "post" should { "return a 204 with the response headers" when { "the service returns a HttpResponse containing a 204 with no json response body" in new Setup { .returns(Future.successful(Right(HttpResponse(NO_CONTENT, None, testHeaderResponse)))) val result: Future[Result] ="","","")(FakeRequest().withBody(requestJson)) status(result) shouldBe NO_CONTENT headers(result) shouldBe testHeader contentType(result) shouldBe None } } "return a 200 with a json response body and response headers" when { "the service returns a HttpResponse containing a 200 with a json response body" in new Setup { .returns(Future.successful(Right(HttpResponse(OK, Some(responseJson), testHeaderResponse)))) val result: Future[Result] ="","","")(FakeRequest().withBody(requestJson)) status(result) shouldBe OK headers(result) shouldBe testHeader contentType(result) shouldBe Some(JSON) contentAsJson(result) shouldBe responseJson } } "return a 406 with a json response body representing the error" when { "the service returns an IncorrectAPIVersion response" in new Setup { .returns(Future.successful(Left(IncorrectAPIVersion))) val result: Future[Result] ="","","")(FakeRequest().withBody(requestJson)) status(result) shouldBe NOT_ACCEPTABLE contentType(result) shouldBe Some(JSON) contentAsJson(result) shouldBe ErrorCode.invalidAcceptHeader.asJson } } "return a 404 with a json response body representing the error" when { "the service returns an UnsupportedAPIVersion response" in new Setup { .returns(Future.successful(Left(UnsupportedAPIVersion))) val result: Future[Result] ="","","")(FakeRequest().withBody(requestJson)) status(result) shouldBe NOT_FOUND contentType(result) shouldBe Some(JSON) contentAsJson(result) shouldBe ErrorCode.notFound.asJson } } } }
Example 33
Source File: TaxCalcResourceSpec.scala From self-assessment-api with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package router.resources import import play.api.mvc.Result import play.api.test.FakeRequest import router.errors.{ErrorCode, IncorrectAPIVersion, UnsupportedAPIVersion} import support.ResourceSpec import import import scala.concurrent.Future class TaxCalcResourceSpec extends ResourceSpec with MockTaxCalcService { class Setup { val resource = new TaxCalcResource( service = mockTaxCalcService, authConnector = mockAuthConnector, cc = controllerComponents ) mockAuthAction } "get" should { "return a 200 with the response headers" when { "the service returns a HttpResponse containing a 200 with no json response body" in new Setup { MockTaxCalcService.get() .returns(Future.successful(Right(HttpResponse(OK, None, testHeaderResponse)))) val result: Future[Result] = resource.get("","")(FakeRequest()) status(result) shouldBe OK headers(result) shouldBe testHeader contentType(result) shouldBe None } } "return a 200 with a json response body and response headers" when { "the service returns a HttpResponse containing a 200 with a json response body" in new Setup { MockTaxCalcService.get() .returns(Future.successful(Right(HttpResponse(OK, Some(responseJson), testHeaderResponse)))) val result: Future[Result] = resource.get("","")(FakeRequest()) status(result) shouldBe OK headers(result) shouldBe testHeader contentType(result) shouldBe Some(JSON) contentAsJson(result) shouldBe responseJson } } "return a 406 with a json response body representing the error" when { "the service returns an IncorrectAPIVersion response" in new Setup { MockTaxCalcService.get() .returns(Future.successful(Left(IncorrectAPIVersion))) val result: Future[Result] = resource.get("","")(FakeRequest()) status(result) shouldBe NOT_ACCEPTABLE contentType(result) shouldBe Some(JSON) contentAsJson(result) shouldBe ErrorCode.invalidAcceptHeader.asJson } } "return a 404 with a json response body representing the error" when { "the service returns an UnsupportedAPIVersion response" in new Setup { MockTaxCalcService.get() .returns(Future.successful(Left(UnsupportedAPIVersion))) val result: Future[Result] = resource.get("","")(FakeRequest()) status(result) shouldBe NOT_FOUND contentType(result) shouldBe Some(JSON) contentAsJson(result) shouldBe ErrorCode.notFound.asJson } } } }
Example 34
Source File: PropertyEopsObligationsResourceSpec.scala From self-assessment-api with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package router.resources import import play.api.mvc.Result import play.api.test.FakeRequest import router.errors.{ErrorCode, IncorrectAPIVersion, UnsupportedAPIVersion} import support.ResourceSpec import import import scala.concurrent.Future class PropertyEopsObligationsResourceSpec extends ResourceSpec with MockTaxCalcService { class Setup { val resource = new TaxCalcResource( service = mockTaxCalcService, authConnector = mockAuthConnector, cc = controllerComponents ) mockAuthAction } "get" should { "return a 200 with the response headers" when { "the service returns a HttpResponse containing a 200 with no json response body" in new Setup { MockTaxCalcService.get() .returns(Future.successful(Right(HttpResponse(OK, None, testHeaderResponse)))) val result: Future[Result] = resource.get("","")(FakeRequest()) status(result) shouldBe OK headers(result) shouldBe testHeader contentType(result) shouldBe None } } "return a 200 with a json response body and response headers" when { "the service returns a HttpResponse containing a 200 with a json response body" in new Setup { MockTaxCalcService.get() .returns(Future.successful(Right(HttpResponse(OK, Some(responseJson), testHeaderResponse)))) val result: Future[Result] = resource.get("","")(FakeRequest()) status(result) shouldBe OK headers(result) shouldBe testHeader contentType(result) shouldBe Some(JSON) contentAsJson(result) shouldBe responseJson } } "return a 406 with a json response body representing the error" when { "the service returns an IncorrectAPIVersion response" in new Setup { MockTaxCalcService.get() .returns(Future.successful(Left(IncorrectAPIVersion))) val result: Future[Result] = resource.get("","")(FakeRequest()) status(result) shouldBe NOT_ACCEPTABLE contentType(result) shouldBe Some(JSON) contentAsJson(result) shouldBe ErrorCode.invalidAcceptHeader.asJson } } "return a 404 with a json response body representing the error" when { "the service returns an UnsupportedAPIVersion response" in new Setup { MockTaxCalcService.get() .returns(Future.successful(Left(UnsupportedAPIVersion))) val result: Future[Result] = resource.get("","")(FakeRequest()) status(result) shouldBe NOT_FOUND contentType(result) shouldBe Some(JSON) contentAsJson(result) shouldBe ErrorCode.notFound.asJson } } } }
Example 35
Source File: TaxCalcConnectorSpec.scala From self-assessment-api with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package router.connectors import mocks.MockHttp import mocks.config.MockAppConfig import mocks.httpParser.MockSelfAssessmentHttpParser import play.api.http.Status import play.api.libs.json.Json import router.httpParsers.SelfAssessmentHttpParser.SelfAssessmentOutcome import support.UnitSpec import import import scala.concurrent.Future class TaxCalcConnectorSpec extends UnitSpec with MockHttp with MockAppConfig with MockSelfAssessmentHttpParser { class Setup { object TestConnector extends TaxCalcConnector( mockHttp, mockSelfAssessmentHttpParser, mockAppConfig ) MockAppConfig.taxCalcUrl returns taxCalcUrl } lazy val taxCalcUrl = "test-sa-api-url" val path = "/2.0/test-path" "get" should { "return a HttpResponse" when { "a successful HttpResponse is returned" in new Setup { val response = HttpResponse(Status.OK, Some(Json.obj())) MockHttp.GET[SelfAssessmentOutcome](s"$taxCalcUrl$path").returns(Future.successful(Right(response))) await(TestConnector.get(path)(hc)) shouldBe Right(response) } } } }
Example 36
Source File: CrystallisationConnectorSpec.scala From self-assessment-api with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package router.connectors import mocks.MockHttp import mocks.config.MockAppConfig import mocks.httpParser.MockSelfAssessmentHttpParser import play.api.http.Status import play.api.libs.json.{JsValue, Json} import router.httpParsers.SelfAssessmentHttpParser.SelfAssessmentOutcome import support.UnitSpec import import import scala.concurrent.Future class CrystallisationConnectorSpec extends UnitSpec with MockHttp with MockAppConfig with MockSelfAssessmentHttpParser { class Setup { object TestConnector extends CrystallisationConnector( mockHttp, mockSelfAssessmentHttpParser, mockAppConfig ) MockAppConfig.crystallisationApiUrl returns crystallisationApiUrl } lazy val crystallisationApiUrl = "test-di-api-url" val path = "/2.0/test-path" "post" should { "return a HttpResponse" when { "a successful HttpResponse is returned" in new Setup { val response = HttpResponse(Status.NO_CONTENT) val requestJson = Json.obj("test" -> "request json") MockHttp.POST[JsValue, SelfAssessmentOutcome](s"$crystallisationApiUrl$path", requestJson) .returns(Future.successful(Right(response))) await(, requestJson)(hc)) shouldBe Right(response) } } } "postEmpty" should { "return a HttpResponse" when { "a successful HttpResponse is returned" in new Setup { val response = HttpResponse(Status.NO_CONTENT) MockHttp.POSTEmpty[SelfAssessmentOutcome](s"$crystallisationApiUrl$path") .returns(Future.successful(Right(response))) await(TestConnector.postEmpty(path)(hc)) shouldBe Right(response) } } } "retrieve" should { "return a HttpResponse" when { "a successful HttpResponse is returned" in new Setup { val response = HttpResponse(Status.OK, Some(Json.obj())) MockHttp.GET[SelfAssessmentOutcome](s"$crystallisationApiUrl$path") .returns(Future.successful(Right(response))) await(TestConnector.get(path)(hc)) shouldBe Right(response) } } } }
Example 37
Source File: DividendsConnectorSpec.scala From self-assessment-api with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package router.connectors import mocks.MockHttp import mocks.config.MockAppConfig import mocks.httpParser.MockSelfAssessmentHttpParser import play.api.http.Status import play.api.libs.json.{JsValue, Json} import router.httpParsers.SelfAssessmentHttpParser.SelfAssessmentOutcome import support.UnitSpec import import import scala.concurrent.Future class DividendsConnectorSpec extends UnitSpec with MockHttp with MockAppConfig with MockSelfAssessmentHttpParser { class Setup { object TestConnector extends DividendsConnector( mockHttp, mockSelfAssessmentHttpParser, mockAppConfig ) MockAppConfig.dividendsApiUrl returns dividendsApiUrl } lazy val dividendsApiUrl = "test-di-api-url" val path = "/2.0/test-path" "amend" should { "return a HttpResponse" when { "a successful HttpResponse is returned" in new Setup { val response = HttpResponse(Status.OK, Some(Json.obj())) val requestJson = Json.obj("test" -> "request json") MockHttp.PUT[JsValue, SelfAssessmentOutcome](s"$dividendsApiUrl$path", requestJson).returns(Future.successful(Right(response))) await(TestConnector.put(path, requestJson)(hc)) shouldBe Right(response) } } } "retrieve" should { "return a HttpResponse" when { "a successful HttpResponse is returned" in new Setup { val response = HttpResponse(Status.OK, Some(Json.obj())) MockHttp.GET[SelfAssessmentOutcome](s"$dividendsApiUrl$path").returns(Future.successful(Right(response))) await(TestConnector.get(path)(hc)) shouldBe Right(response) } } } }
Example 38
Source File: CharitableGivingConnectorSpec.scala From self-assessment-api with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package router.connectors import mocks.MockHttp import mocks.config.MockAppConfig import mocks.httpParser.MockSelfAssessmentHttpParser import play.api.http.Status import play.api.libs.json.{JsValue, Json} import router.httpParsers.SelfAssessmentHttpParser.SelfAssessmentOutcome import support.UnitSpec import import import scala.concurrent.Future class CharitableGivingConnectorSpec extends UnitSpec with MockHttp with MockAppConfig with MockSelfAssessmentHttpParser { class Setup { object TestConnector extends CharitableGivingConnector( mockHttp, mockSelfAssessmentHttpParser, mockAppConfig ) MockAppConfig.cgApiUrl returns cgApiUrl } lazy val cgApiUrl = "test-cg-api-url" val path = "/2.0/test-path" "amend" should { "return a HttpResponse" when { "a successful HttpResponse is returned" in new Setup { val response = HttpResponse(Status.OK, Some(Json.obj())) val requestJson = Json.obj("test" -> "request json") MockHttp.PUT[JsValue, SelfAssessmentOutcome](s"$cgApiUrl$path", requestJson).returns(Future.successful(Right(response))) await(TestConnector.put(path, requestJson)(hc)) shouldBe Right(response) } } } "retrieve" should { "return a HttpResponse" when { "a successful HttpResponse is returned" in new Setup { val response = HttpResponse(Status.OK, Some(Json.obj())) MockHttp.GET[SelfAssessmentOutcome](s"$cgApiUrl$path").returns(Future.successful(Right(response))) await(TestConnector.get(path)(hc)) shouldBe Right(response) } } } }
Example 39
Source File: SavingsAccountsConnectorSpec.scala From self-assessment-api with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package router.connectors import mocks.MockHttp import mocks.config.MockAppConfig import mocks.httpParser.MockSelfAssessmentHttpParser import play.api.http.Status import play.api.libs.json.{JsValue, Json} import router.httpParsers.SelfAssessmentHttpParser.SelfAssessmentOutcome import support.UnitSpec import import import scala.concurrent.Future class SavingsAccountsConnectorSpec extends UnitSpec with MockHttp with MockAppConfig with MockSelfAssessmentHttpParser { class Setup { object TestConnector extends SavingsAccountConnector( mockHttp, mockSelfAssessmentHttpParser, mockAppConfig ) MockAppConfig.savingsAccountsApiUrl returns savingsAccountsApiUrl } lazy val savingsAccountsApiUrl = "test-di-api-url" val path = "/2.0/test-path" "create" should { "return a HttpResponse" when { "a successful HttpResponse is returned" in new Setup { val response = HttpResponse(Status.CREATED, Some(Json.obj())) val requestJson = Json.obj("test" -> "request json") MockHttp.POST[JsValue, SelfAssessmentOutcome](s"$savingsAccountsApiUrl$path", requestJson).returns(Future.successful(Right(response))) await(, requestJson)(hc)) shouldBe Right(response) } } } "retrieve" should { "return a HttpResponse" when { "a successful HttpResponse is returned" in new Setup { val response = HttpResponse(Status.OK, Some(Json.obj())) MockHttp.GET[SelfAssessmentOutcome](s"$savingsAccountsApiUrl$path").returns(Future.successful(Right(response))) await(TestConnector.get(path)(hc)) shouldBe Right(response) } } } "amend" should { "return a HttpResponse" when { "a successful HttpResponse is returned" in new Setup { val response = HttpResponse(Status.NO_CONTENT) val requestJson = Json.obj("test" -> "request json") MockHttp.PUT[JsValue, SelfAssessmentOutcome](s"$savingsAccountsApiUrl$path", requestJson).returns(Future.successful(Right(response))) await(TestConnector.put(path, requestJson)(hc)) shouldBe Right(response) } } } }
Example 40
Source File: SelfEmploymentConnectorSpec.scala From self-assessment-api with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package router.connectors import mocks.MockHttp import mocks.config.MockAppConfig import mocks.httpParser.MockSelfAssessmentHttpParser import play.api.http.Status import play.api.libs.json.{JsValue, Json} import router.httpParsers.SelfAssessmentHttpParser.SelfAssessmentOutcome import support.UnitSpec import import import scala.concurrent.Future class SelfEmploymentConnectorSpec extends UnitSpec with MockHttp with MockAppConfig with MockSelfAssessmentHttpParser { class Setup { object TestConnector extends SelfEmploymentConnector( mockHttp, mockSelfAssessmentHttpParser, mockAppConfig ) MockAppConfig.selfEmploymentUrl returns selfEmploymentUrl } lazy val selfEmploymentUrl = "test-sa-api-url" val path = "/2.0/test-path" "post" should { "return an HttpResponse" when { "a successful HttpResponse with no content is returned" in new Setup { val response = HttpResponse(Status.NO_CONTENT) val requestJson = Json.obj("test" -> "request json") MockHttp.POST[JsValue, SelfAssessmentOutcome](s"$selfEmploymentUrl$path", requestJson).returns(Future.successful(Right(response))) await(, requestJson)(hc)) shouldBe Right(response) } } } }
Example 41
Source File: PropertyConnectorSpec.scala From self-assessment-api with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package router.connectors import mocks.MockHttp import mocks.config.MockAppConfig import mocks.httpParser.MockSelfAssessmentHttpParser import play.api.http.Status import play.api.libs.json.{JsValue, Json} import router.httpParsers.SelfAssessmentHttpParser.SelfAssessmentOutcome import support.UnitSpec import import import scala.concurrent.Future class PropertyConnectorSpec extends UnitSpec with MockHttp with MockAppConfig with MockSelfAssessmentHttpParser { class Setup { object TestConnector extends PropertyConnector( mockHttp, mockSelfAssessmentHttpParser, mockAppConfig ) MockAppConfig.propertyUrl returns propertyUrl } lazy val propertyUrl = "test-sa-api-url" val path = "/2.0/test-path" "get" should { "return a HttpResponse" when { "a successful HttpResponse is returned" in new Setup { val response = HttpResponse(Status.OK, Some(Json.obj())) MockHttp.GET[SelfAssessmentOutcome](s"$propertyUrl$path").returns(Future.successful(Right(response))) await(TestConnector.get(path)(hc)) shouldBe Right(response) } } } "post" should { "return an HttpResponse" when { "a successful HttpResponse with no content is returned" in new Setup { val response = HttpResponse(Status.NO_CONTENT) val requestJson = Json.obj("test" -> "request json") MockHttp.POST[JsValue, SelfAssessmentOutcome](s"$propertyUrl$path", requestJson).returns(Future.successful(Right(response))) await(, requestJson)(hc)) shouldBe Right(response) } } } }
Example 42
Source File: SelfAssessmentConnectorSpec.scala From self-assessment-api with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package router.connectors import mocks.MockHttp import mocks.config.MockAppConfig import mocks.httpParser.MockSelfAssessmentHttpParser import play.api.http.Status import play.api.libs.json.Json import router.httpParsers.SelfAssessmentHttpParser.SelfAssessmentOutcome import support.UnitSpec import import import scala.concurrent.Future class SelfAssessmentConnectorSpec extends UnitSpec with MockHttp with MockAppConfig with MockSelfAssessmentHttpParser { class Setup { object TestConnector extends SelfAssessmentConnector( mockHttp, mockSelfAssessmentHttpParser, mockAppConfig ) MockAppConfig.saApiUrl returns saApiUrl } lazy val saApiUrl = "test-sa-api-url" val path = "/test-path" "get" should { "return a HttpResponse" when { "a successful HttpResponse is returned" in new Setup { val response = HttpResponse(Status.OK, Some(Json.obj())) MockHttp.GET[SelfAssessmentOutcome](s"$saApiUrl$path").returns(Future.successful(Right(response))) await(TestConnector.get(path)(hc)) shouldBe Right(response) } } } }
Example 43
Source File: TodoPresenter.scala From udash-demos with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
package io.udash.todo.views.todo import io.udash._ import io.udash.logging.CrossLogging import io.udash.todo._ import io.udash.todo.rpc.model.{Todo => STodo} import import scala.util.{Failure, Success} import class TodoPresenter(model: ModelProperty[TodoViewModel], todoStorage: TodoStorage) extends Presenter[TodoState] with CrossLogging { private val todos = model.subSeq(_.todos) // Toggle button state update listener private val toggleButtonListener = todos.listen { todos => model.subProp(_.toggleAllChecked).set(todos.forall(_.completed)) } // Load from storage todoStorage.load() onComplete { case Success(response) => updateTodos(response) // Persist to do list on every change todos.listen { v => => STodo(, todo.completed))) } case Failure(ex) => logger.error("Can not load todos from server!") } // Persist todos on every change private val todosPersistListener = todoStorage.listen { todos => updateTodos(todos) } override def handleState(state: TodoState): Unit = { model.subProp(_.todosFilter).set(state.filter) } override def onClose(): Unit = { super.onClose() toggleButtonListener.cancel() todosPersistListener.cancel() } def addTodo(): Unit = { val nameProperty: Property[String] = model.subProp(_.newTodoName) val name = nameProperty.get.trim if (name.nonEmpty) { todos.append(Todo(name)) nameProperty.set("") } } def startItemEdit(item: ModelProperty[Todo], nameEditor: Property[String]): Unit = { nameEditor.set(item.subProp( item.subProp(_.editing).set(true) } def cancelItemEdit(item: ModelProperty[Todo]): Unit = item.subProp(_.editing).set(false) def endItemEdit(item: ModelProperty[Todo], nameEditor: Property[String]): Unit = { val name = nameEditor.get.trim if (item.subProp(_.editing).get && name.nonEmpty) { item.subProp( item.subProp(_.editing).set(false) } else if (name.isEmpty) { deleteItem(item.get) } } def deleteItem(item: Todo): Unit = todos.remove(item) def clearCompleted(): Unit = todos.set(todos.get.filter(TodosFilter.Active.matcher)) def setItemsCompleted(): Unit = CallbackSequencer().sequence { val targetValue = !model.subProp(_.toggleAllChecked).get todos.elemProperties.foreach(p => p.asModel.subProp(_.completed).set(targetValue)) } private def updateTodos(updated: Seq[STodo]): Unit = todos.set( => Todo(name = todo.title, completed = todo.completed))) }
Example 44
Source File: ExposedRpcInterfaces.scala From udash-demos with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
package io.udash.todo.rpc import io.udash.rpc._ import io.udash.todo.rpc.model.Todo import import scala.concurrent.Future import class ExposedRpcInterfaces(todoStorage: TodoStorage) extends MainServerRPC { override def store(todos: Seq[Todo]): Future[Boolean] = Future { if ( { ClientRPC(AllClients).storeUpdated(todos) true } else false } override def load(): Future[Seq[Todo]] = Future { todoStorage.load() } }
Example 45
Source File: ContactFormPresenter.scala From udash-demos with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
package import io.udash._ import io.udash.core.Presenter import{Contact, ContactId} import{ContactFormState, ApplicationContext, IndexState} import org.scalajs.dom import import scala.util.{Failure, Success} class ContactFormPresenter(model: ModelProperty[ContactEditorModel]) extends Presenter[ContactFormState] { import ApplicationContext._ override def handleState(state: ContactFormState): Unit = { state match { case ContactFormState(None) => model.subProp(_.loaded).set(true) model.subProp(_.loadingText).set("") model.subProp(_.isNewContact).set(true) model.subProp(_.firstName).set("") model.subProp(_.lastName).set("") model.subProp("") model.subProp("") case ContactFormState(Some(id)) => model.subProp(_.loaded).set(false) model.subProp(_.loadingText).set("Loading contact data...") model.subProp(_.isNewContact).set(false) loadContactData(id) } } def loadContactData(id: ContactId): Unit = { restServer.contacts(id).load() onComplete { case Success(contact) => model.subProp(_.loaded).set(true) model.subProp( model.subProp(_.firstName).set(contact.firstName) model.subProp(_.lastName).set(contact.lastName) model.subProp( model.subProp( case Failure(ex) => model.subProp(_.loadingText).set(s"Problem with contact details loading: $ex") } } def createContact(): Unit = { restServer.contacts().create(Contact( ContactId(-1), model.subProp(_.firstName).get, model.subProp(_.lastName).get, model.subProp(, model.subProp( )) onComplete { case Success(contact) => applicationInstance.goTo(IndexState) case Failure(ex) => dom.window.alert(s"Contact creation failed: $ex") } } def updateContact(): Unit = restServer.contacts(model.subProp( model.subProp(, model.subProp(_.firstName).get, model.subProp(_.lastName).get, model.subProp(, model.subProp( )) onComplete { case Success(contact) => applicationInstance.goTo(IndexState) case Failure(ex) => dom.window.alert(s"Contact update failed: $ex") } }
Example 46
Source File: IndexPresenter.scala From udash-demos with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
package import io.udash._ import import{Contact, ContactId, PhoneBookId, PhoneBookInfo} import org.scalajs.dom import import scala.concurrent.Future import scala.util.{Failure, Success} class IndexPresenter(model: ModelProperty[IndexViewModel]) extends Presenter[IndexState.type] { import override def handleState(state: IndexState.type): Unit = refresh() def removeContact(id: ContactId): Unit = { restServer.contacts(id).remove() onComplete { case Success(removedContact) => model.subSeq(_.contacts.elements).remove(removedContact) refreshPhoneBooksSizes(model.subModel(_.books)) case Failure(ex) => dom.window.alert(s"Contact removing failed! ($ex)") } } def removePhoneBook(id: PhoneBookId): Unit = { restServer.phoneBooks(id).remove() onComplete { case Success(_) => val elements = model.subSeq(_.books.elements) val removed = elements.get.find( == id) removed.foreach(elements.remove) case Failure(ex) => dom.window.alert(s"Phone book removing failed! ($ex)") } } def refresh(): Unit = { refreshPhoneBooks(model.subModel(_.books), restServer.phoneBooks().load(), "Loading phone books...") refreshContacts(model.subModel(_.contacts), restServer.contacts().load(), "Loading contacts...") } private def refreshContacts(model: ModelProperty[DataLoadingModel[Contact]], elements: Future[Seq[Contact]], loadingText: String) : Unit = { model.subProp(_.loaded).set(false) model.subProp(_.loadingText).set(loadingText) elements onComplete { case Success(elems) => model.subProp(_.loaded).set(true) model.subSeq(_.elements).set(elems) case Failure(ex) => model.subProp(_.loadingText).set(s"Error: $ex") } } private def refreshPhoneBooks(model: ModelProperty[DataLoadingModel[PhoneBookExtInfo]], elements: Future[Seq[PhoneBookInfo]], loadingText: String) : Unit = { model.subProp(_.loaded).set(false) model.subProp(_.loadingText).set(loadingText) elements onComplete { case Success(elems) => model.subProp(_.loaded).set(true) model.subSeq(_.elements).clear() elems.foreach { el => model.subSeq(_.elements).append( PhoneBookExtInfo(,, el.description, 0) ) } refreshPhoneBooksSizes(model) case Failure(ex) => model.subProp(_.loadingText).set(s"Error: $ex") } } private def refreshPhoneBooksSizes(model: ModelProperty[DataLoadingModel[PhoneBookExtInfo]]): Unit = { model.subSeq(_.elements).elemProperties.foreach { el => val element = el.asModel restServer.phoneBooks( onComplete { case Success(count) => element.subProp(_.contactsCount).set(count) case Failure(ex) => dom.window.alert(s"Contacts count for book ${} loading failed: $ex") element.subProp(_.contactsCount).set(-1) } } } }
Example 47
Source File: IndexPresenter.scala From udash-demos with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
package io.udash.demos.files.views.index import io.udash._ import io.udash.demos.files.{ApplicationServerContexts, IndexState} import io.udash.logging.CrossLogging import import scala.util.{Failure, Success} class IndexPresenter(model: ModelProperty[UploadViewModel]) extends Presenter[IndexState.type] with CrossLogging { import io.udash.demos.files.ApplicationContext._ private val uploader = new FileUploader(Url(ApplicationServerContexts.uploadContextPrefix)) rpcService.listenStorageUpdate(() => reloadUploadedFiles()) override def handleState(state: IndexState.type): Unit = { reloadUploadedFiles() } def uploadSelectedFiles(): Unit = { uploader .upload("files", model.subSeq(_.selectedFiles).get) .listen(model.subProp(_.state).set(_)) } def reloadUploadedFiles(): Unit = { serverRpc.loadUploadedFiles() onComplete { case Success(files) => model.subProp(_.uploadedFiles).set(files) case Failure(ex) => logger.error(ex.getMessage) } } }
Example 48
Source File: DemoFileUploadServlet.scala From udash-demos with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
package io.udash.demos.files.jetty import import{File, InputStream} import java.nio.file.Files import java.util.UUID import io.udash.demos.files.UploadedFile import io.udash.demos.files.rpc.ClientRPC import import io.udash.rpc._ class DemoFileUploadServlet(uploadDir: String) extends FileUploadServlet(Set("file", "files")) { new File(uploadDir).mkdir() override protected def handleFile(name: String, content: InputStream): Unit = { val targetName: String = s"${UUID.randomUUID()}_${name.replaceAll("[^a-zA-Z0-9.-]", "_")}" val targetFile = new File(uploadDir, targetName) Files.copy(content, targetFile.toPath) FilesStorage.add( UploadedFile(name, targetName, targetFile.length()) ) // Notify clients ClientRPC(AllClients).fileStorageUpdated() } }
Example 49
Source File: UserRegistrationService.scala From scala-play-realworld-example-app with MIT License | 5 votes |
package import authentication.api.SecurityUserCreator import commons.exceptions.ValidationException import commons.repositories.DateTimeProvider import commons.utils.DbioUtils import authentication.models.{NewSecurityUser, SecurityUserId} import users.models.{User, UserId, UserRegistration} import users.repositories.UserRepo import play.api.Configuration import slick.dbio.DBIO import private[users] class UserRegistrationService(userRegistrationValidator: UserRegistrationValidator, securityUserCreator: SecurityUserCreator, dateTimeProvider: DateTimeProvider, userRepo: UserRepo, config: Configuration) { private val defaultImage = Some(config.get[String]("app.defaultImage")) def register(userRegistration: UserRegistration): DBIO[User] = { for { _ <- validate(userRegistration) user <- doRegister(userRegistration) } yield user } private def validate(userRegistration: UserRegistration) = { userRegistrationValidator.validate(userRegistration) .flatMap(violations =>, new ValidationException(violations))) } private def doRegister(userRegistration: UserRegistration) = { val newSecurityUser = NewSecurityUser(, userRegistration.password) for { securityUser <- securityUserCreator.create(newSecurityUser) now = user = User(UserId(-1),, userRegistration.username,, null, defaultImage, now, now) savedUser <- userRepo.insertAndGet(user) } yield savedUser } }
Example 50
Source File: ContextPassingSpec.scala From sangria with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package sangria.execution import sangria.parser.QueryParser import sangria.schema._ import sangria.util.FutureResultSupport import scala.util.Success import import org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers import org.scalatest.wordspec.AnyWordSpec class ContextPassingSpec extends AnyWordSpec with Matchers with FutureResultSupport { trait ColorComponent { def color = "green" } trait NameComponent { def name = "foo" } trait PersonComponent { this: NameComponent => def fullName = name + " bar" } class Cake extends ColorComponent with NameComponent with PersonComponent val ColorType = ObjectType("Color", fields[ColorComponent with NameComponent, Unit]( Field("colorName", StringType, resolve = _.ctx.color), Field("name", StringType, resolve = val NameType = ObjectType("Name", fields[NameComponent, Unit]( Field("name", StringType, resolve = val PersonType = ObjectType("Person", fields[PersonComponent, Unit]( Field("fullName", StringType, resolve = _.ctx.fullName), Field("name", NameType, resolve = _ => ()))) def colorField[Ctx <: ColorComponent with NameComponent] = Field("color", ColorType, None, resolve = (ctx: Context[Ctx, Unit]) => ()) val QueryType = ObjectType("Query", fields[Cake, Unit]( colorField, Field("person", PersonType, resolve = _ => ()) )) val schema = Schema(QueryType) "Context" should { "should respect inheritance" in { val Success(doc) = QueryParser.parse(""" { color {name, colorName} person { name {name} fullName } } """) Executor.execute(schema, doc, userContext = new Cake).await should be (Map( "data" -> Map( "color" -> Map( "name" -> "foo", "colorName" -> "green"), "person" -> Map( "name" -> Map("name" -> "foo"), "fullName" -> "foo bar")))) } } }
Example 51
Source File: FutureResultSupport.scala From sangria with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package sangria.util import sangria.execution.{ErrorWithResolver, QueryAnalysisError} import sangria.marshalling.ResultMarshallerForType import language.postfixOps import scala.concurrent.{Await, ExecutionContext, Future} import scala.concurrent.duration._ import trait FutureResultSupport { implicit class FutureResult[T](f: Future[T]) { def await = Await.result(f, 10 seconds) def await(duration: Duration) = Await.result(f, duration) def awaitAndRecoverQueryAnalysis(implicit m: ResultMarshallerForType[T]): T = Await.result(recoverQueryAnalysis, 10 seconds) def recoverQueryAnalysis(implicit m: ResultMarshallerForType[T]): Future[T] = f.recover { case analysisError: QueryAnalysisError => analysisError.resolveError(m.marshaller).asInstanceOf[T] } def awaitAndRecoverQueryAnalysisScala(implicit ev: T =:= Any) = Await.result(recoverQueryAnalysisScala, 10 seconds) def recoverQueryAnalysisScala(implicit ev: T =:= Any) = f.recover { case analysisError: ErrorWithResolver => analysisError.resolveError } } object sync { val executionContext = ExecutionContext.fromExecutor(new java.util.concurrent.Executor { def execute(command: Runnable) = }) } }
Example 52
Source File: SchemaDefinitionSpec.scala From sangria with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package sangria.schema import sangria.ast import sangria.execution.Executor import sangria.validation.StringCoercionViolation import sangria.introspection.{IntrospectionParser, introspectionQuery} import sangria.util.FutureResultSupport import sangria.marshalling.queryAst._ import sangria.parser.DeliveryScheme.Throw import import org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers import org.scalatest.wordspec.AnyWordSpec class SchemaDefinitionSpec extends AnyWordSpec with Matchers with FutureResultSupport { "Schema" should { "collect all reachable types in `additionalTypes`" in { val CustomScalarType = ScalarType[String]("CustomScalar", coerceOutput = valueOutput, coerceUserInput = { case s: String => Right(s) case _ => Left(StringCoercionViolation) }, coerceInput = { case ast.StringValue(s, _, _, _, _) => Right(s) case _ => Left(StringCoercionViolation) }) val NamedType = InterfaceType("Named", fields[Unit, Unit]( Field("name", OptionType(StringType), resolve = _ => None), Field("custom", OptionType(CustomScalarType), resolve = _ => None))) val DogType = ObjectType("Dog", interfaces[Unit, Unit](NamedType), fields[Unit, Unit]( Field("barks", OptionType(BooleanType), resolve = _ => None))) val CatType = ObjectType("Cat", interfaces[Unit, Unit](NamedType), fields[Unit, Unit]( Field("meows", OptionType(BooleanType), resolve = _ => None))) val queryType = ObjectType("Query", fields[Unit, Unit]( Field("foo", OptionType(StringType), resolve = _ => None))) val schema = Schema(queryType, additionalTypes = DogType :: CatType :: Nil) val introspection = IntrospectionParser.parse(Executor.execute(schema, introspectionQuery).await) val fromIntro = schema.types.keySet should be (fromIntro) List(schema.types.keySet, fromIntro) foreach { typeNames => typeNames should ( contain("Named") and contain("Dog") and contain("Cat") and contain("CustomScalar")) } } } }
Example 53
Source File: ParallelIteratorExecutor.scala From codepropertygraph with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package io.shiftleft.passes import import scala.concurrent.duration.Duration import scala.concurrent.{Await, Future} class ParallelIteratorExecutor[T](iterator: Iterator[T]) { def map[D](func: T => D): Iterator[D] = { val futures = Future.traverse(iterator) { element => Future { func(element) } } Await.result(futures, Duration.Inf) } }
Example 54
Source File: TestSegmentReadingForMultiThreading.scala From carbondata with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.carbondata.spark.testsuite.segmentreading import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit import import scala.concurrent.duration.Duration import scala.concurrent.{Await, Future} import org.apache.spark.sql.{CarbonUtils, Row} import org.apache.spark.sql.test.util.QueryTest import org.scalatest.BeforeAndAfterAll class TestSegmentReadingForMultiThreading extends QueryTest with BeforeAndAfterAll { override def beforeAll: Unit = { sql("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS carbon_table_MulTI_THread") sql( "CREATE TABLE carbon_table_MulTI_THread (empno int, empname String, designation String, doj " + "Timestamp, workgroupcategory int, workgroupcategoryname String, deptno int, deptname " + "String, projectcode int, projectjoindate Timestamp, projectenddate Timestamp,attendance " + "int,utilization int,salary int) STORED AS carbondata") sql( s"LOAD DATA LOCAL INPATH '$resourcesPath/data.csv' INTO TABLE carbon_table_MulTI_THread " + "OPTIONS('DELIMITER'= ',', 'QUOTECHAR'= '\"')") sql( s"LOAD DATA LOCAL INPATH '$resourcesPath/data1.csv' INTO TABLE carbon_table_MulTI_THread " + "OPTIONS('DELIMITER'= ',', 'QUOTECHAR'= '\"')") sql( s"LOAD DATA LOCAL INPATH '$resourcesPath/data.csv' INTO TABLE carbon_table_MulTI_THread " + "OPTIONS('DELIMITER'= ',', 'QUOTECHAR'= '\"')") sql( s"LOAD DATA LOCAL INPATH '$resourcesPath/data1.csv' INTO TABLE carbon_table_MulTI_THread " + "OPTIONS('DELIMITER'= ',', 'QUOTECHAR'= '\"')") } test("test multithreading for segment reading") { CarbonUtils.threadSet("carbon.input.segments.default.carbon_table_MulTI_THread", "1,2,3") val df = sql("select count(empno) from carbon_table_MulTI_THread") checkAnswer(df, Seq(Row(30))) val four = Future { CarbonUtils.threadSet("carbon.input.segments.default.carbon_table_MulTI_THread", "1,3") val df = sql("select count(empno) from carbon_table_MulTI_THread") checkAnswer(df, Seq(Row(20))) } val three = Future { CarbonUtils.threadSet("carbon.input.segments.default.carbon_table_MulTI_THread", "0,1,2") val df = sql("select count(empno) from carbon_table_MulTI_THread") checkAnswer(df, Seq(Row(30))) } val one = Future { CarbonUtils.threadSet("carbon.input.segments.default.carbon_table_MulTI_THread", "0,2") val df = sql("select count(empno) from carbon_table_MulTI_THread") checkAnswer(df, Seq(Row(20))) } val two = Future { CarbonUtils.threadSet("carbon.input.segments.default.carbon_table_MulTI_THread", "1") val df = sql("select count(empno) from carbon_table_MulTI_THread") checkAnswer(df, Seq(Row(10))) } Await.result(Future.sequence(Seq(one, two, three, four)), Duration(300, TimeUnit.SECONDS)) } override def afterAll: Unit = { sql("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS carbon_table_MulTI_THread") CarbonUtils.threadUnset("carbon.input.segments.default.carbon_table_MulTI_THread") } }
Example 55
Source File: SubscriptionManagementSpec.scala From chronicler with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import com.github.fsanaulla.chronicler.core.duration._ import com.github.fsanaulla.chronicler.core.enums.{Destination, Destinations} import com.github.fsanaulla.chronicler.core.model.Subscription import{DockerizedInfluxDB, Futures} import org.scalatest.{FlatSpec, Matchers} import class SubscriptionManagementSpec extends FlatSpec with Matchers with Futures with DockerizedInfluxDB { override def afterAll(): Unit = { influx.close() super.afterAll() } val subName = "subs" val dbName = "async_subs_spec_db" val rpName = "subs_rp" val destType: Destination = Destinations.ANY val newDestType: Destination = Destinations.ALL val hosts = Array("udp://", "udp://") val subscription = Subscription(rpName, subName, destType, hosts) val newSubscription: Subscription = subscription.copy(destType = newDestType) val duration: String = 1.hours + 30.minutes lazy val influx: AhcManagementClient = InfluxMng(host, port, Some(creds)) "Subscription API" should "create subscription" in { influx.createDatabase(dbName).futureValue.right.get shouldEqual 200 influx .createRetentionPolicy(rpName, dbName, duration, 1, Some(duration)) .futureValue .right .get shouldEqual 200 influx.showDatabases().futureValue.right.get.contains(dbName) shouldEqual true influx .createSubscription(subName, dbName, rpName, destType, hosts) .futureValue .right .get shouldEqual 200 val subscr = influx.showSubscriptionsInfo.futureValue.right.get.headOption .flatMap(_.subscriptions.headOption) .get subscr.subsName shouldEqual subscription.subsName subscr.addresses shouldEqual subscription.addresses subscr.destType shouldEqual subscription.destType subscr.addresses.toList shouldEqual subscription.addresses.toList } it should "drop subscription" in { influx.dropSubscription(subName, dbName, rpName).futureValue.right.get shouldEqual 200 influx.showSubscriptionsInfo.futureValue.right.get shouldEqual Nil influx.dropRetentionPolicy(rpName, dbName).futureValue.right.get shouldEqual 200 influx.dropDatabase(dbName).futureValue.right.get shouldEqual 200 } }
Example 56
Source File: RetentionPolicyManagerSpec.scala From chronicler with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import com.github.fsanaulla.chronicler.core.duration._ import com.github.fsanaulla.chronicler.core.model.RetentionPolicyInfo import{DockerizedInfluxDB, Futures} import org.scalatest.{FlatSpec, Matchers} import class RetentionPolicyManagerSpec extends FlatSpec with Matchers with Futures with DockerizedInfluxDB { override def afterAll(): Unit = { influx.close() super.afterAll() } val rpDB = "db" lazy val influx: AhcManagementClient = InfluxMng(host, port, Some(creds)) "Retention policy API" should "create retention policy" in { influx.createDatabase(rpDB).futureValue.right.get shouldEqual 200 influx.showDatabases().futureValue.right.get.contains(rpDB) shouldEqual true influx .createRetentionPolicy("test", rpDB, 2.hours, 2, Some(2.hours), default = true) .futureValue .right .get shouldEqual 200 influx .showRetentionPolicies(rpDB) .futureValue .right .get .contains(RetentionPolicyInfo("test", "2h0m0s", "2h0m0s", 2, default = true)) shouldEqual true } it should "drop retention policy" in { influx.dropRetentionPolicy("autogen", rpDB).futureValue.right.get shouldEqual 200 influx.showRetentionPolicies(rpDB).futureValue.right.get shouldEqual Seq( RetentionPolicyInfo("test", "2h0m0s", "2h0m0s", 2, default = true) ) } it should "update retention policy" in { influx.updateRetentionPolicy("test", rpDB, Some(3.hours)).futureValue.right.get shouldEqual 200 influx.showRetentionPolicies(rpDB).futureValue.right.get shouldEqual Seq( RetentionPolicyInfo("test", "3h0m0s", "2h0m0s", 2, default = true) ) } it should "clean up everything" in { influx.dropRetentionPolicy("test", rpDB).futureValue.right.get shouldEqual 200 influx.showRetentionPolicies(rpDB).futureValue.right.get.toList shouldEqual Nil influx.dropDatabase(rpDB).futureValue.right.get shouldEqual 200 influx.showDatabases().futureValue.right.get.contains(rpDB) shouldEqual false } }
Example 57
Source File: AuthenticationSpec.scala From chronicler with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import com.github.fsanaulla.chronicler.core.enums.Privileges import com.github.fsanaulla.chronicler.core.model.{InfluxException, UserPrivilegesInfo} import{DockerizedInfluxDB, Futures} import org.scalatest.{FlatSpec, Matchers} import class AuthenticationSpec extends FlatSpec with Matchers with Futures with DockerizedInfluxDB { override def afterAll(): Unit = { influx.close() authInflux.close() super.afterAll() } val userDB = "db" val userName = "some_user" val userPass = "some_user_pass" val userNPass = "some_new_user_pass" val admin = "admin" val adminPass = "admin" lazy val influx: AhcManagementClient = InfluxMng(host, port) lazy val authInflux: AhcManagementClient = InfluxMng(host = host, port = port, credentials = Some(creds)) "Authenticated User Management API" should "create admin user " in { influx.showUsers.futureValue.left.get shouldBe a[InfluxException] } it should "create database" in { authInflux.createDatabase(userDB).futureValue.right.get shouldEqual 200 } it should "create user" in { authInflux.createUser(userName, userPass).futureValue.right.get shouldEqual 200 authInflux.showUsers.futureValue.right.get.exists(_.username == userName) shouldEqual true } it should "set user password" in { authInflux.setUserPassword(userName, userNPass).futureValue.right.get shouldEqual 200 } it should "set user privileges" in { authInflux .setPrivileges(userName, userDB, Privileges.READ) .futureValue .right .get shouldEqual 200 } it should "get user privileges" in { val userPrivs = authInflux.showUserPrivileges(userName).futureValue.right.get userPrivs.length shouldEqual 1 userPrivs.exists { upi => upi.database == userDB && upi.privilege == Privileges.withName("READ") } shouldEqual true } it should "revoke user privileges" in { authInflux .revokePrivileges(userName, userDB, Privileges.READ) .futureValue .right .get shouldEqual 200 authInflux.showUserPrivileges(userName).futureValue.right.get shouldEqual Array( UserPrivilegesInfo(userDB, Privileges.NO_PRIVILEGES) ) } it should "drop user" in { authInflux.dropUser(userName).futureValue.right.get shouldEqual 200 authInflux.dropUser(admin).futureValue.right.get shouldEqual 200 } }
Example 58
Source File: UserManagementSpec.scala From chronicler with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import com.github.fsanaulla.chronicler.core.enums.Privileges import com.github.fsanaulla.chronicler.core.model.{UserInfo, UserPrivilegesInfo} import{DockerizedInfluxDB, Futures} import org.scalatest.{FlatSpec, Matchers} import class UserManagementSpec extends FlatSpec with Matchers with Futures with DockerizedInfluxDB { override def afterAll(): Unit = { influx.close() super.afterAll() } val userDB = "db" val userName = "Martin" val userPass = "pass" val userNPass = "new_pass" val admin = "Admin" val adminPass = "admin_pass" lazy val influx: AhcManagementClient = InfluxMng(host, port, Some(creds)) "User Management API" should "create user" in { influx.createDatabase(userDB).futureValue.right.get shouldEqual 200 influx.createUser(userName, userPass).futureValue.right.get shouldEqual 200 influx.showUsers.futureValue.right.get .contains(UserInfo(userName, isAdmin = false)) shouldEqual true } it should "create admin" in { influx.createAdmin(admin, adminPass).futureValue.right.get shouldEqual 200 influx.showUsers.futureValue.right.get .contains(UserInfo(admin, isAdmin = true)) shouldEqual true } it should "show user privileges" in { influx.showUserPrivileges(admin).futureValue.right.get shouldEqual Nil } it should "set user password" in { influx.setUserPassword(userName, userNPass).futureValue.right.get shouldEqual 200 } it should "set privileges" in { influx.setPrivileges(userName, userDB, Privileges.READ).futureValue.right.get shouldEqual 200 influx .setPrivileges("unknown", userDB, Privileges.READ) .futureValue .left .get .getMessage shouldEqual "user not found" influx.showUserPrivileges(userName).futureValue.right.get shouldEqual Array( UserPrivilegesInfo(userDB, Privileges.READ) ) } it should "revoke privileges" in { influx.revokePrivileges(userName, userDB, Privileges.READ).futureValue.right.get shouldEqual 200 influx.showUserPrivileges(userName).futureValue.right.get shouldEqual Array( UserPrivilegesInfo(userDB, Privileges.NO_PRIVILEGES) ) } it should "disable admin" in { influx.disableAdmin(admin).futureValue.right.get shouldEqual 200 influx.showUsers.futureValue.right.get .contains(UserInfo(admin, isAdmin = false)) shouldEqual true } it should "make admin" in { influx.makeAdmin(admin).futureValue.right.get shouldEqual 200 influx.showUsers.futureValue.right.get .contains(UserInfo(admin, isAdmin = true)) shouldEqual true } it should "drop users" in { influx.dropUser(userName).futureValue.right.get shouldEqual 200 influx.dropUser(admin).futureValue.right.get shouldEqual 200 } }
Example 59
Source File: SystemManagementSpec.scala From chronicler with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import{AhcIOClient, InfluxIO} import{DockerizedInfluxDB, Futures} import org.scalatest.{FlatSpec, Matchers} import class SystemManagementSpec extends FlatSpec with Matchers with Futures with DockerizedInfluxDB { override def afterAll(): Unit = { influx.close() super.afterAll() } lazy val influx: AhcIOClient = InfluxIO(host, port, Some(creds)) it should "ping InfluxDB" in { val result = shouldEqual "OSS" result.version shouldEqual version } }
Example 60
Source File: CompressionSpec.scala From chronicler with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import java.nio.file.Paths import import import com.github.fsanaulla.chronicler.ahc.shared.Uri import com.github.fsanaulla.chronicler.core.alias.Id import com.github.fsanaulla.chronicler.core.api.DatabaseApi import import org.asynchttpclient.Response import org.scalatest.concurrent.{Eventually, IntegrationPatience, ScalaFutures} import org.scalatest.{FlatSpec, Matchers} import import scala.concurrent.Future class CompressionSpec extends FlatSpec with Matchers with DockerizedInfluxDB with ScalaFutures with Eventually with IntegrationPatience { override def afterAll(): Unit = { mng.close() io.close() super.afterAll() } val testDB = "db" lazy val mng = InfluxMng(host, port, Some(creds), None) lazy val io = InfluxIO(host, port, Some(creds), compress = true) lazy val db: DatabaseApi[Future, Id, Response, Uri, String] = io.database(testDB) it should "ping database" in { eventually { shouldEqual version } } it should "write data from file" in { mng.createDatabase(testDB).futureValue.right.get shouldEqual 200 db.writeFromFile(Paths.get(getClass.getResource("/large_batch.txt").getPath)) .futureValue .right .get shouldEqual 204 db.readJson("SELECT * FROM test1").futureValue.right.get.length shouldEqual 10000 } }
Example 61
Source File: SubscriptionManagementSpec.scala From chronicler with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.github.fsanaulla.chronicler.akka import import _root_.akka.testkit.TestKit import{AkkaManagementClient, InfluxMng} import com.github.fsanaulla.chronicler.core.duration._ import com.github.fsanaulla.chronicler.core.enums.{Destination, Destinations} import com.github.fsanaulla.chronicler.core.model.Subscription import{DockerizedInfluxDB, Futures} import org.scalatest.{FlatSpecLike, Matchers} import class SubscriptionManagementSpec extends TestKit(ActorSystem()) with FlatSpecLike with Matchers with Futures with DockerizedInfluxDB { override def afterAll(): Unit = { influx.close() TestKit.shutdownActorSystem(system) super.afterAll() } val subName = "subs" val dbName = "async_subs_spec_db" val rpName = "subs_rp" val destType: Destination = Destinations.ANY val newDestType: Destination = Destinations.ALL val hosts = Array("udp://", "udp://") val subscription = Subscription(rpName, subName, destType, hosts) val newSubscription: Subscription = subscription.copy(destType = newDestType) val duration: String = 1.hours + 30.minutes lazy val influx: AkkaManagementClient = InfluxMng(host, port, Some(creds)) "Subscription API" should "create subscription" in { influx.createDatabase(dbName).futureValue.right.get shouldEqual 200 influx .createRetentionPolicy(rpName, dbName, duration, 1, Some(duration)) .futureValue .right .get shouldEqual 200 influx.showDatabases().futureValue.right.get.contains(dbName) shouldEqual true influx .createSubscription(subName, dbName, rpName, destType, hosts) .futureValue .right .get shouldEqual 200 val subscr = influx.showSubscriptionsInfo.futureValue.right.get.headOption .flatMap(_.subscriptions.headOption) .get subscr.subsName shouldEqual subscription.subsName subscr.addresses shouldEqual subscription.addresses subscr.destType shouldEqual subscription.destType subscr.addresses.toList shouldEqual subscription.addresses.toList } it should "drop subscription" in { influx.dropSubscription(subName, dbName, rpName).futureValue.right.get shouldEqual 200 influx.showSubscriptionsInfo.futureValue.right.get shouldEqual Nil influx.dropRetentionPolicy(rpName, dbName).futureValue.right.get shouldEqual 200 influx.dropDatabase(dbName).futureValue.right.get shouldEqual 200 influx.close() shouldEqual {} } }
Example 62
Source File: SystemManagementSpec.scala From chronicler with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.github.fsanaulla.chronicler.akka import import _root_.akka.testkit.TestKit import{AkkaManagementClient, InfluxMng} import{DockerizedInfluxDB, Futures} import org.scalatest.{FlatSpecLike, Matchers} import class SystemManagementSpec extends TestKit(ActorSystem()) with FlatSpecLike with Matchers with Futures with DockerizedInfluxDB { override def afterAll(): Unit = { influx.close() TestKit.shutdownActorSystem(system) super.afterAll() } lazy val influx: AkkaManagementClient = InfluxMng(host, port, Some(creds)) it should "ping InfluxDB" in { val result = shouldEqual "OSS" result.version shouldEqual version } }
Example 63
Source File: RetentionPolicyManagerSpec.scala From chronicler with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.github.fsanaulla.chronicler.akka import import _root_.akka.testkit.TestKit import{AkkaManagementClient, InfluxMng} import com.github.fsanaulla.chronicler.core.duration._ import com.github.fsanaulla.chronicler.core.model.RetentionPolicyInfo import{DockerizedInfluxDB, Futures} import org.scalatest.{FlatSpecLike, Matchers} import import scala.language.postfixOps class RetentionPolicyManagerSpec extends TestKit(ActorSystem()) with FlatSpecLike with Matchers with Futures with DockerizedInfluxDB { override def afterAll(): Unit = { influx.close() TestKit.shutdownActorSystem(system) super.afterAll() } val rpDB = "db" lazy val influx: AkkaManagementClient = InfluxMng(host, port, Some(creds)) "Retention policy API" should "create retention policy" in { influx.createDatabase(rpDB).futureValue.right.get shouldEqual 200 influx.showDatabases().futureValue.right.get.contains(rpDB) shouldEqual true influx .createRetentionPolicy("test", rpDB, 2 hours, 2, Some(2 hours), default = true) .futureValue .right .get shouldEqual 200 influx .showRetentionPolicies(rpDB) .futureValue .right .get .contains(RetentionPolicyInfo("test", "2h0m0s", "2h0m0s", 2, default = true)) shouldEqual true } it should "drop retention policy" in { influx.dropRetentionPolicy("autogen", rpDB).futureValue.right.get shouldEqual 200 influx.showRetentionPolicies(rpDB).futureValue.right.get shouldEqual Seq( RetentionPolicyInfo("test", "2h0m0s", "2h0m0s", 2, default = true) ) } it should "update retention policy" in { influx.updateRetentionPolicy("test", rpDB, Some(3 hours)).futureValue.right.get shouldEqual 200 influx.showRetentionPolicies(rpDB).futureValue.right.get shouldEqual Seq( RetentionPolicyInfo("test", "3h0m0s", "2h0m0s", 2, default = true) ) } it should "clean up everything" in { influx.dropRetentionPolicy("test", rpDB).futureValue.right.get shouldEqual 200 influx.showRetentionPolicies(rpDB).futureValue.right.get.toList shouldEqual Nil influx.dropDatabase(rpDB).futureValue.right.get shouldEqual 200 influx.showDatabases().futureValue.right.get.contains(rpDB) shouldEqual false } it should "clear up after all" in { influx.close() shouldEqual {} } }
Example 64
Source File: AuthenticationSpec.scala From chronicler with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.github.fsanaulla.chronicler.akka import import _root_.akka.testkit.TestKit import{AkkaManagementClient, InfluxMng} import com.github.fsanaulla.chronicler.core.enums.Privileges import com.github.fsanaulla.chronicler.core.model.{InfluxException, UserPrivilegesInfo} import{DockerizedInfluxDB, Futures} import org.scalatest.{FlatSpecLike, Matchers} import class AuthenticationSpec extends TestKit(ActorSystem()) with FlatSpecLike with Matchers with Futures with DockerizedInfluxDB { override def afterAll(): Unit = { influx.close() authInflux.close() TestKit.shutdownActorSystem(system) super.afterAll() } val userDB = "db" val userName = "some_user" val userPass = "some_user_pass" val userNPass = "some_new_user_pass" val admin = "admin" val adminPass = "admin" lazy val influx: AkkaManagementClient = InfluxMng(host, port) lazy val authInflux: AkkaManagementClient = InfluxMng(host = host, port = port, credentials = Some(creds)) "AuthenticationUserManagement" should "create admin user " in { influx.showUsers.futureValue.left.get shouldBe a[InfluxException] } it should "create database" in { authInflux.createDatabase(userDB).futureValue.right.get shouldEqual 200 } it should "create user" in { authInflux.createUser(userName, userPass).futureValue.right.get shouldEqual 200 authInflux.showUsers.futureValue.right.get.exists(_.username == userName) shouldEqual true } it should "set user password" in { authInflux.setUserPassword(userName, userNPass).futureValue.right.get shouldEqual 200 } it should "set user privileges" in { authInflux .setPrivileges(userName, userDB, Privileges.READ) .futureValue .right .get shouldEqual 200 } it should "get user privileges" in { val userPrivs = authInflux.showUserPrivileges(userName).futureValue.right.get userPrivs.length shouldEqual 1 userPrivs.exists { upi => upi.database == userDB && upi.privilege == Privileges.withName("READ") } shouldEqual true } it should "revoke user privileges" in { authInflux .revokePrivileges(userName, userDB, Privileges.READ) .futureValue .right .get shouldEqual 200 authInflux.showUserPrivileges(userName).futureValue.right.get shouldEqual Array( UserPrivilegesInfo(userDB, Privileges.NO_PRIVILEGES) ) } it should "drop user" in { authInflux.dropUser(userName).futureValue.right.get shouldEqual 200 authInflux.dropUser(admin).futureValue.right.get shouldEqual 200 authInflux.close() shouldEqual {} influx.close() shouldEqual {} } }
Example 65
Source File: UserManagementSpec.scala From chronicler with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.github.fsanaulla.chronicler.akka import import _root_.akka.testkit.TestKit import{AkkaManagementClient, InfluxMng} import com.github.fsanaulla.chronicler.core.enums.Privileges import com.github.fsanaulla.chronicler.core.model.{UserInfo, UserPrivilegesInfo} import{DockerizedInfluxDB, Futures} import org.scalatest.{FlatSpecLike, Matchers} import class UserManagementSpec extends TestKit(ActorSystem()) with FlatSpecLike with Matchers with Futures with DockerizedInfluxDB { override def afterAll(): Unit = { influx.close() TestKit.shutdownActorSystem(system) super.afterAll() } val userDB = "db" val userName = "Martin" val userPass = "pass" val userNPass = "new_pass" val admin = "Admin" val adminPass = "admin_pass" lazy val influx: AkkaManagementClient = InfluxMng(host, port, Some(creds)) "User Management API" should "create user" in { influx.createDatabase(userDB).futureValue.right.get shouldEqual 200 influx.createUser(userName, userPass).futureValue.right.get shouldEqual 200 influx.showUsers.futureValue.right.get .contains(UserInfo(userName, isAdmin = false)) shouldEqual true } it should "create admin" in { influx.createAdmin(admin, adminPass).futureValue.right.get shouldEqual 200 influx.showUsers.futureValue.right.get .contains(UserInfo(admin, isAdmin = true)) shouldEqual true } it should "show user privileges" in { influx.showUserPrivileges(admin).futureValue.right.get shouldEqual Nil } it should "set user password" in { influx.setUserPassword(userName, userNPass).futureValue.right.get shouldEqual 200 } it should "set privileges" in { influx.setPrivileges(userName, userDB, Privileges.READ).futureValue.right.get shouldEqual 200 influx .setPrivileges("unknown", userDB, Privileges.READ) .futureValue .left .get .getMessage shouldEqual "user not found" influx.showUserPrivileges(userName).futureValue.right.get shouldEqual Array( UserPrivilegesInfo(userDB, Privileges.READ) ) } it should "revoke privileges" in { influx.revokePrivileges(userName, userDB, Privileges.READ).futureValue.right.get shouldEqual 200 influx.showUserPrivileges(userName).futureValue.right.get shouldEqual Array( UserPrivilegesInfo(userDB, Privileges.NO_PRIVILEGES) ) } it should "disable admin" in { influx.disableAdmin(admin).futureValue.right.get shouldEqual 200 influx.showUsers.futureValue.right.get .contains(UserInfo(admin, isAdmin = false)) shouldEqual true } it should "make admin" in { influx.makeAdmin(admin).futureValue.right.get shouldEqual 200 influx.showUsers.futureValue.right.get .contains(UserInfo(admin, isAdmin = true)) shouldEqual true } it should "drop users" in { influx.dropUser(userName).futureValue.right.get shouldEqual 200 influx.dropUser(admin).futureValue.right.get shouldEqual 200 influx.close() shouldEqual {} } }
Example 66
Source File: SystemManagementSpec.scala From chronicler with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.github.fsanaulla.chronicler.akka import import _root_.akka.testkit.TestKit import{AkkaIOClient, InfluxIO} import{DockerizedInfluxDB, Futures} import org.scalatest.{FlatSpecLike, Matchers} import class SystemManagementSpec extends TestKit(ActorSystem()) with FlatSpecLike with Matchers with Futures with DockerizedInfluxDB { override def afterAll(): Unit = { io.close() TestKit.shutdownActorSystem(system) super.afterAll() } lazy val io: AkkaIOClient = InfluxIO(host, port, Some(creds)) it should "ping InfluxDB" in { val result = shouldEqual "OSS" result.version shouldEqual version } }
Example 67
Source File: MeasurementApiSpec.scala From chronicler with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.github.fsanaulla.chronicler.akka import import _root_.akka.testkit.TestKit import com.github.fsanaulla.chronicler.akka.SampleEntitys._ import{AkkaIOClient, InfluxIO} import{AkkaManagementClient, InfluxMng} import com.github.fsanaulla.chronicler.akka.shared.InfluxConfig import{DockerizedInfluxDB, FakeEntity, Futures} import org.scalatest.{FlatSpecLike, Matchers} import class MeasurementApiSpec extends TestKit(ActorSystem()) with FlatSpecLike with Matchers with Futures with DockerizedInfluxDB { override def afterAll(): Unit = { mng.close() io.close() TestKit.shutdownActorSystem(system) super.afterAll() } val db = "db" val measName = "meas" lazy val influxConf = InfluxConfig(host, port, credentials = Some(creds), compress = false, None) lazy val mng: AkkaManagementClient = InfluxMng(host, port, credentials = Some(creds)) lazy val io: AkkaIOClient = InfluxIO(influxConf) lazy val meas: io.Measurement[FakeEntity] = io.measurement[FakeEntity](db, measName) it should "write single point" in { mng.createDatabase(db).futureValue.right.get shouldEqual 200 meas.write(singleEntity).futureValue.right.get shouldEqual 204"SELECT * FROM $measName").futureValue.right.get shouldEqual Seq(singleEntity) } it should "bulk write" in { meas.bulkWrite(multiEntitys).futureValue.right.get shouldEqual 204"SELECT * FROM $measName").futureValue.right.get.length shouldEqual 3 mng.close() shouldEqual {} io.close() shouldEqual {} } }
Example 68
Source File: Main.scala From chronicler with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import import import scala.util.{Failure, Success} object Main { def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { val host = args.headOption.getOrElse("localhost") val influx = InfluxMng(host) val result = for { // write record to Influx _ <- influx.createDatabase("db") // retrieve written record from Influx databases <- influx.showDatabases() // close _ = influx.close() } yield databases result.onComplete { case Success(Right(dbs)) => dbs.foreach(println) case Success(Left(err)) => println(s"Can't retrieve boys coz of: $err") case Failure(exception) => println(s"Execution error: $exception") } } }
Example 69
Source File: Main.scala From chronicler with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import import com.github.fsanaulla.chronicler.macros.annotations.{field, tag} import import import scala.util.{Failure, Success} object Main { def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { final case class Boy(@tag name: String, @field age: Int) val t = Boy("f", 1) val host = args.headOption.getOrElse("localhost") val influx = InfluxIO(host) val meas = influx.measurement[Boy]("db", "cpu") val result = for { // write record to Influx _ <- meas.write(t) // retrieve written record from Influx boys <-"SELECT * FROM cpu") // close client _ = influx.close() } yield boys result.onComplete { case Success(Right(boys)) => boys.foreach(b => println( case Success(Left(err)) => println(s"Can't retrieve boys coz of: $err") case Failure(exception) => println(s"Execution error: $exception") } } }
Example 70
Source File: FutureUtilsSpec.scala From akka-persistence-couchbase with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package akka.persistence.couchbase.internal import org.scalatest.concurrent.ScalaFutures import org.scalatest.{Matchers, WordSpec} import org.scalatest.Inspectors._ import scala.concurrent.Future import class FutureUtilsSpec extends WordSpec with Matchers with ScalaFutures { "The future utils" must { "allow for sequential traversal" in { @volatile var counter = -1 val result = FutureUtils .traverseSequential(0 to 1000)( n => Future { counter += 1 (n, counter) } ) .futureValue forAll(result) { case (n, c) => n should ===(c) } } } }
Example 71
Source File: ReservationProjectionSpec.scala From ddd-leaven-akka-v2 with MIT License | 5 votes |
package ecommerce.sales.view import java.sql.Date import com.typesafe.config.{Config, ConfigFactory} import ecommerce.sales._ import ecommerce.sales.ReservationStatus.{Confirmed, Opened} import import org.scalatest._ import pl.newicom.dddd.messaging.event.OfficeEventMessage import import class ReservationProjectionSpec extends WordSpecLike with Matchers with ViewTestSupport { override def config: Config = ConfigFactory.load() val dao = new ReservationDao val projection = new ReservationProjection(dao) "ReservationProjection" should { "consume ReservationCreated event" in { // When projection.consume(ReservationCreated(new ReservationId("reservation-1"), "client-1")).run() // Then val reservation = dao.byId("reservation-1").result assert( == Some(Opened)) } } "ReservationProjection" should { "consume ReservationConfirmed event" in { // Given dao.createOrUpdate(ReservationView("reservation-1", "client-1", Opened, new Date(now.getMillis))).run() // When projection.consume(ReservationConfirmed(new ReservationId("reservation-1"), "client-1", Money(10))).run() // Then val reservation = dao.byId("reservation-1").result assert( == Some(Confirmed)) } } override def ensureSchemaDropped = dao.ensureSchemaDropped override def ensureSchemaCreated = dao.ensureSchemaCreated implicit def toEventMessage(event: ReservationCreated): OfficeEventMessage = OfficeEventMessage(CaseRef(event.reservationId.value, ReservationOfficeId, None), event) implicit def toEventMessage(event: ReservationConfirmed): OfficeEventMessage = OfficeEventMessage(CaseRef(event.reservationId.value, ReservationOfficeId, None), event) }
Example 72
Source File: ShipmentProjectionSpec.scala From ddd-leaven-akka-v2 with MIT License | 5 votes |
package ecommerce.sales.view import com.typesafe.config.{Config, ConfigFactory} import ecommerce.shipping.{ShipmentCreated, ShipmentId, ShippingOfficeId} import ecommerce.shipping.ShippingStatus.Waiting import ecommerce.shipping.view.{ShipmentDao, ShipmentProjection} import org.scalatest._ import pl.newicom.dddd.messaging.event.OfficeEventMessage import import class ShipmentProjectionSpec extends WordSpecLike with Matchers with ViewTestSupport { override def config: Config = ConfigFactory.load() val dao = new ShipmentDao val projection = new ShipmentProjection(dao) "ShipmentProjection" should { "consume ShipmentCreated event" in { // When projection.consume(ShipmentCreated(new ShipmentId("shipment-1"), "order-1")).run() // Then assert(dao.byId("shipment-1").result.get.status == Waiting) } } override def ensureSchemaDropped = dao.ensureSchemaDropped override def ensureSchemaCreated = dao.ensureSchemaCreated implicit def toEventMessage(event: ShipmentCreated): OfficeEventMessage = OfficeEventMessage(CaseRef(event.shipmentId.value, ShippingOfficeId, None), event) }
Example 73
Source File: Transaction.scala From scredis with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package scredis import scredis.protocol.Request import scredis.protocol.requests.TransactionRequests.{Exec, Multi} import import scala.util.{Failure, Success} private[scredis] final case class Transaction (requests: Seq[Request[_]]) { val execRequest = Exec( private val future = execRequest.future future.onComplete { case Success(results) => var i = 0 requests.foreach { request => if (!request.future.isCompleted) { results.apply(i) match { case Success(x) => request.success(x) case Failure(e) => request.failure(e) } } i += 1 } case Failure(e) => requests.foreach { request => if (!request.future.isCompleted) { request.failure(e) } } } override def toString: String = requests.mkString("Transaction(", ", ", ")") } private[scredis] object Transaction { val MultiRequest = Multi() }
Example 74
Source File: RedisClusterSpec.scala From scredis with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package scredis import org.scalatest.concurrent.ScalaFutures import org.scalatestplus.scalacheck.ScalaCheckDrivenPropertyChecks import import org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers import org.scalatest.wordspec.AnyWordSpec class RedisClusterSpec extends AnyWordSpec with Matchers with ScalaFutures with ScalaCheckDrivenPropertyChecks { val keys = org.scalacheck.Arbitrary.arbString.arbitrary // we assume there is a local cluster started on ports 7000 - 7005 // see lazy val cluster = RedisCluster(Server("localhost",7000)) val badSeed1 = Server("localhost",7777) val badSeed2 = Server("localhost",2302) val badSeeds = List(badSeed1, badSeed2, Server("localhost",7003)) "connection to cluster" should { "work for a single valid seed node" in { val info = cluster.clusterInfo().futureValue info("cluster_state") should be ("ok") info("cluster_known_nodes").toInt should be (6) // 6 total nodes info("cluster_size").toInt should be (3) // 3 master nodes } "work when some of the seed nodes are offline" in { val badServers = RedisCluster(badSeeds) val info = badServers.clusterInfo().futureValue info("cluster_state") should be ("ok") info("cluster_known_nodes").toInt should be (6) // 6 total nodes info("cluster_size").toInt should be (3) // 3 master nodes } } "writes to cluster" should { "be readable" in { forAll { (key:String, value: String) => whenever (value.nonEmpty) { val res = for { _ <- cluster.set(key, value) g <- cluster.get(key) } yield g.get res.futureValue should be(value) } } } "be idempotent" in { forAll { (key:String, value: String) => whenever (value.nonEmpty) { val res = for { _ <- cluster.set(key, value) g1 <- cluster.get(key) _ <- cluster.set(key, value) g2 <- cluster.get(key) } yield (g1.get,g2.get) res.futureValue should be(value,value) } } } } // TODO basic test for each supported / unsupported command }
Example 75
Source File: MultipartFormDataWritable.scala From play-swagger with MIT License | 5 votes |
package import java.nio.file.{Files, Paths} import play.api.http.{HeaderNames, Writeable} import play.api.libs.Files.TemporaryFile import play.api.mvc.MultipartFormData.FilePart import play.api.mvc.{Codec, MultipartFormData} object MultipartFormDataWritable { import val boundary = "--------ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1234567890" def formatDataParts(data: Map[String, Seq[String]]): Array[Byte] = { val dataParts = data.flatMap { case (key, values) => { value => val name = s""""$key"""" s"--$boundary\r\n${HeaderNames.CONTENT_DISPOSITION}: form-data; name=$name\r\n\r\n$value\r\n" } }.mkString("") Codec.utf_8.encode(dataParts) } def filePartHeader(file: FilePart[TemporaryFile]): Array[Byte] = { val name = s""""${file.key}"""" val filename = s""""${file.filename}"""" val contentType = { ct => s"${HeaderNames.CONTENT_TYPE}: $ct\r\n" }.getOrElse("") Codec.utf_8.encode(s"--$boundary\r\n${HeaderNames.CONTENT_DISPOSITION}: form-data; name=$name; filename=$filename\r\n$contentType\r\n") } val singleton = Writeable[MultipartFormData[TemporaryFile]]( transform = { form: MultipartFormData[TemporaryFile] => formatDataParts(form.dataParts) ++ form.files.flatMap { file => val fileBytes = Files.readAllBytes(Paths.get(file.ref.file.getAbsolutePath)) filePartHeader(file) ++ fileBytes ++ Codec.utf_8.encode("\r\n") } ++ Codec.utf_8.encode(s"--$boundary--") }, contentType = Some(s"multipart/form-data; boundary=$boundary") ) }
Example 76
Source File: KVStore.scala From Freasy-Monad with MIT License | 5 votes |
package examples.scalaz import scalaz._ import scalaz.Id.Id import freasymonad.scalaz._ import scala.collection.mutable import scala.concurrent.duration.Duration import scala.concurrent.{Await, Future} @free trait KVStore { type KVStoreF[A] = Free[GrammarADT, A] sealed trait GrammarADT[A] def put[T](key: String, value: T): KVStoreF[Unit] def get[T](key: String): KVStoreF[Option[T]] def delete(key: String): KVStoreF[Unit] def update[T](key: String, f: T => T): KVStoreF[Unit] = for { vMaybe <- get[T](key) _ <- => put[T](key, f(v))).getOrElse(Free.pure(())) } yield () } object Main extends App { import KVStore.ops._ def program: KVStoreF[Option[Int]] = for { _ <- put("wild-cats", 2) _ <- update[Int]("wild-cats", _ + 12) _ <- put("tame-cats", 5) n <- get[Int]("wild-cats") _ <- delete("tame-cats") } yield n val idInterpreter = new KVStore.Interp[Id] { val kvs = mutable.Map.empty[String, Any] def get[T](key: String): Id[Option[T]] = { println(s"get($key)") kvs.get(key).map(_.asInstanceOf[T]) } def put[T](key: String, value: T): Id[Unit] = { println(s"put($key, $value)") kvs(key) = value } def delete(key: String): Id[Unit] = { println(s"delete($key)") kvs.remove(key) } } val resId: Id[Option[Int]] = import scalaz.std.scalaFuture.futureInstance import val futureInterpreter = new KVStore.Interp[Future] { val kvs = mutable.Map.empty[String, Any] def get[T](key: String): Future[Option[T]] = Future { println(s"get($key)") kvs.get(key).map(_.asInstanceOf[T]) } def put[T](key: String, value: T): Future[Unit] = Future { println(s"put($key, $value)") kvs(key) = value } def delete(key: String): Future[Unit] = Future { println(s"delete($key)") kvs.remove(key) } } val resFuture: Future[Option[Int]] = Await.ready(resFuture, Duration.Inf) }
Example 77
Source File: Master.scala From Scala-Design-Patterns-Second-Edition with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.ivan.nikolov.scheduler.actors import java.time.LocalDateTime import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit import{Props, Cancellable, Actor} import akka.routing.RoundRobinPool import com.ivan.nikolov.scheduler.actors.messages.{Work, Schedule, Done} import com.ivan.nikolov.scheduler.config.job.{Daily, Hourly} import com.typesafe.scalalogging.LazyLogging import scala.concurrent.duration.Duration import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer import class Master(numWorkers: Int, actorFactory: ActorFactory) extends Actor with LazyLogging { val cancelables = ListBuffer[Cancellable]() val router = context.actorOf( Props(actorFactory.createWorkerActor()).withRouter(RoundRobinPool(numWorkers)), "scheduler-master-worker-router" ) override def receive: Receive = { case Done(name, command, jobType, success) => if (success) {"Successfully completed {} ({}).", name, command) } else { logger.error("Failure! Command {} ({}) returned a non-zero result code.", name, command) } case Schedule(configs) => configs.foreach { case config => val cancellable = this.context.system.scheduler.schedule( config.timeOptions.getInitialDelay(, config.frequency), config.frequency match { case Hourly => Duration.create(1, TimeUnit.HOURS) case Daily => Duration.create(1, TimeUnit.DAYS) }, router, Work(, config.command, config.jobType) ) cancellable +: cancelables"Scheduled: {}", config) } } override def postStop(): Unit = { cancelables.foreach(_.cancel()) } }
Example 78
Source File: Master.scala From Scala-Design-Patterns-Second-Edition with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.ivan.nikolov.scheduler.actors import java.time.LocalDateTime import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit import{Props, Cancellable, Actor} import akka.routing.RoundRobinPool import com.ivan.nikolov.scheduler.actors.messages.{Work, Schedule, Done} import com.ivan.nikolov.scheduler.config.job.{Daily, Hourly} import com.typesafe.scalalogging.LazyLogging import scala.concurrent.duration.Duration import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer import class Master(numWorkers: Int, actorFactory: ActorFactory) extends Actor with LazyLogging { val cancelables = ListBuffer[Cancellable]() val router = context.actorOf( Props(actorFactory.createWorkerActor()).withRouter(RoundRobinPool(numWorkers)), "scheduler-master-worker-router" ) override def receive: Receive = { case Done(name, command, jobType, success) => if (success) {"Successfully completed {} ({}).", name, command) } else { logger.error("Failure! Command {} ({}) returned a non-zero result code.", name, command) } case Schedule(configs) => configs.foreach { case config => val cancellable = this.context.system.scheduler.schedule( config.timeOptions.getInitialDelay(, config.frequency), config.frequency match { case Hourly => Duration.create(1, TimeUnit.HOURS) case Daily => Duration.create(1, TimeUnit.DAYS) }, router, Work(, config.command, config.jobType) ) cancellable +: cancelables"Scheduled: {}", config) } } override def postStop(): Unit = { cancelables.foreach(_.cancel()) } }
Example 79
Source File: GenericHandler.scala From tap with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package controllers.handlers import import play.api.Logger import play.api.libs.json.{JsValue, Json} import import scala.concurrent.Future import scala.reflect.runtime.universe._ import scala.util.Try trait GenericHandler { def queryTime(start:Long):Int = (System.currentTimeMillis() - start).toInt def validJson(parameters:Option[String]):Option[JsValue] = parameters.flatMap(p => Try(Json.parse(p)).toOption).map(_.result.get) def extractParameter[A:TypeTag](paramName:String,parameters:Option[String]):Option[Any] = { val jsParams = validJson(parameters) Logger.debug(s"JSON: $jsParams") jsParams.flatMap { jp => val result = Try((jp \ paramName).toOption).toOption.flatten typeOf[A] match { case t if t =:= typeOf[String] => Try([String])).toOption.flatten // scalastyle:ignore case t if t =:= typeOf[Double] => Try([Double])).toOption.flatten // scalastyle:ignore case t if t =:= typeOf[Int] => Try([Int])).toOption.flatten // scalastyle:ignore case _ => None } } } def dummyResult(text:String):Future[StringResult] = Future { StringResult("This features is not implemented yet") } }
Example 80
Source File: GraphQlController.scala From tap with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package controllers import javax.inject.Inject import models.GraphqlSchema import models.graphql.GraphqlActions import play.api.Logger import play.api.libs.json.{JsObject, JsValue, Json} import play.api.mvc.{Action, AnyContent, InjectedController, Result} import sangria.ast.Document import sangria.execution.{ErrorWithResolver, Executor, QueryAnalysisError} import sangria.marshalling.playJson.{PlayJsonInputUnmarshallerJObject, PlayJsonResultMarshaller} import sangria.parser.{QueryParser, SyntaxError} import sangria.schema.Schema import views.GraphiqlPage import import scala.concurrent.Future import scala.util.{Failure, Success} class GraphQlController @Inject() (assets: AssetsFinder, gqlSchema: GraphqlSchema, actions: GraphqlActions) extends InjectedController { val schema:Schema[GraphqlActions,Unit] = gqlSchema.create def graphiql:Action[AnyContent] = Action { request =>"Got Any content request from:" + request.remoteAddress) //Ok(views.html.graphiql(assets)) Ok(GraphiqlPage.render("Explore TAP with GraphiQL")) } def graphql:Action[JsValue] = Action.async(parse.json) { request => val query = (request.body \ "query").as[String] val operation = (request.body \ "operationName").asOpt[String] val variables = (request.body \ "variables").asOpt[JsObject].getOrElse(Json.obj())"Query received from ${request.remoteAddress} >>> ${operation.getOrElse("No query")}")"Variables: $variables") process(query,operation,variables) } def process(query:String,name:Option[String],variables:JsObject):Future[Result] = QueryParser.parse(query) match { case Success(queryAst) => executeGraphQLQuery(queryAst, name, variables) case Failure(error: SyntaxError) => Future.successful(BadRequest(error.getMessage)) case _ => Future.successful(BadRequest("There was a problem with the request to TAP graphql.")) } def executeGraphQLQuery(query: Document, name: Option[String], vars: JsObject):Future[Result] = { Executor.execute(schema, query, actions, operationName = name, variables = vars) .map(Ok(_)) .recover { case error: QueryAnalysisError => BadRequest(error.resolveError) case error: ErrorWithResolver => InternalServerError(error.resolveError) } } }
Example 81
Source File: HttpTimeoutSpec.scala From http-verbs with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import{ServerSocket, URI} import java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException import org.scalatest.concurrent.ScalaFutures import org.scalatest.BeforeAndAfterAll import org.scalatest.wordspec.AnyWordSpecLike import org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers import org.webbitserver.handler.{DelayedHttpHandler, StringHttpHandler} import org.webbitserver.netty.NettyWebServer import play.api.Play import play.api.test.FakeApplication import import import import scala.concurrent.Await import scala.concurrent.duration.DurationInt import class HttpTimeoutSpec extends AnyWordSpecLike with Matchers with ScalaFutures with BeforeAndAfterAll { lazy val fakeApplication = FakeApplication(additionalConfiguration = Map("ws.timeout.request" -> "1000")) override def beforeAll() { super.beforeAll() Play.start(fakeApplication) } override def afterAll() { super.afterAll() Play.stop(fakeApplication) } "HttpCalls" should { "be gracefully timeout when no response is received within the 'timeout' frame" in { val http = new WSHttp with TestHttpCore // get an unused port val ss = new ServerSocket(0) ss.close() val publicUri = URI.create(s"http://localhost:${ss.getLocalPort}") val ws = new NettyWebServer(global, ss.getLocalSocketAddress, publicUri) try { //starts web server ws.add( "/test", new DelayedHttpHandler(global, 2000, new StringHttpHandler("application/json", "{name:'pong'}"))) ws.start().get() implicit val hc = HeaderCarrier() val start = System.currentTimeMillis() intercept[TimeoutException] { //make request to web server Await.result(http.doPost(s"$publicUri/test", "{name:'ping'}", Seq()), 5.seconds) } val diff = (System.currentTimeMillis() - start).toInt // there is test execution delay around 700ms diff should be >= 1000 diff should be < 2500 } finally { ws.stop() } } } }
Example 82
Source File: JavafxBoot.scala From eclair with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package fr.acinq.eclair import import import fr.acinq.eclair.gui.{FxApp, FxPreloader} import grizzled.slf4j.Logging import javafx.application.Application import object JavafxBoot extends App with Logging { try { val datadir = new File(System.getProperty("eclair.datadir", System.getProperty("user.home") + "/.eclair")) val config = NodeParams.loadConfiguration(datadir) val headless = System.getProperty("eclair.headless") != null if (headless) { implicit val system = ActorSystem("eclair-node-gui", config) val setup = new Setup(datadir) { kit => Boot.startApiServiceIfEnabled(kit) } } else { System.setProperty("javafx.preloader", classOf[FxPreloader].getName) Application.launch(classOf[FxApp], datadir.getAbsolutePath) } } catch { case t: Throwable => val errorMsg = if (t.getMessage != null) t.getMessage else t.getClass.getSimpleName System.err.println(s"fatal error: $errorMsg") logger.error(s"fatal error: $errorMsg", t) System.exit(1) } }
Example 83
Source File: Autoprobe.scala From eclair with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package fr.acinq.eclair.payment.send import{Actor, ActorLogging, ActorRef, Props} import fr.acinq.bitcoin.Crypto.PublicKey import fr.acinq.eclair.crypto.Sphinx.DecryptedFailurePacket import fr.acinq.eclair.payment.{PaymentEvent, PaymentFailed, RemoteFailure} import fr.acinq.eclair.router.Announcements import fr.acinq.eclair.router.Router.{Data, PublicChannel} import fr.acinq.eclair.wire.IncorrectOrUnknownPaymentDetails import fr.acinq.eclair.{LongToBtcAmount, NodeParams, randomBytes32, secureRandom} import scala.concurrent.duration._ class Autoprobe(nodeParams: NodeParams, router: ActorRef, paymentInitiator: ActorRef) extends Actor with ActorLogging { import Autoprobe._ import // refresh our map of channel_updates regularly from the router context.system.scheduler.schedule(0 seconds, ROUTING_TABLE_REFRESH_INTERVAL, router, Symbol("data")) override def receive: Receive = { case routingData: Data => scheduleProbe() context become main(routingData) } def main(routingData: Data): Receive = { case routingData: Data => context become main(routingData) case TickProbe => pickPaymentDestination(nodeParams.nodeId, routingData) match { case Some(targetNodeId) => val paymentHash = randomBytes32 // we don't even know the preimage (this needs to be a secure random!)"sending payment probe to node=$targetNodeId payment_hash=$paymentHash") paymentInitiator ! PaymentInitiator.SendPaymentRequest(PAYMENT_AMOUNT_MSAT, paymentHash, targetNodeId, maxAttempts = 1) case None =>"could not find a destination, re-scheduling") scheduleProbe() } case paymentResult: PaymentEvent => paymentResult match { case PaymentFailed(_, _, _ :+ RemoteFailure(_, DecryptedFailurePacket(targetNodeId, IncorrectOrUnknownPaymentDetails(_, _))), _) =>"payment probe successful to node=$targetNodeId") case _ =>"payment probe failed with paymentResult=$paymentResult") } scheduleProbe() } def scheduleProbe() = context.system.scheduler.scheduleOnce(PROBING_INTERVAL, self, TickProbe) } object Autoprobe { def props(nodeParams: NodeParams, router: ActorRef, paymentInitiator: ActorRef) = Props(classOf[Autoprobe], nodeParams, router, paymentInitiator) val ROUTING_TABLE_REFRESH_INTERVAL = 10 minutes val PROBING_INTERVAL = 20 seconds val PAYMENT_AMOUNT_MSAT = (100 * 1000) msat // this is below dust_limit so there won't be an output in the commitment tx object TickProbe def pickPaymentDestination(nodeId: PublicKey, routingData: Data): Option[PublicKey] = { // we only pick direct peers with enabled public channels val peers = routingData.channels .collect { case (shortChannelId, c@PublicChannel(ann, _, _, Some(u1), _, _)) if c.getNodeIdSameSideAs(u1) == nodeId && Announcements.isEnabled(u1.channelFlags) && routingData.channels.exists(_._1 == shortChannelId) => ann.nodeId2 // we only consider outgoing channels that are enabled and announced } if (peers.isEmpty) { None } else { peers.drop(secureRandom.nextInt(peers.size)).headOption } } }
Example 84
Source File: BatchingClient.scala From eclair with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package fr.acinq.eclair.blockchain.bitcoind.rpc import{Actor, ActorLogging, ActorRef, Status} import akka.pattern.pipe import fr.acinq.eclair.blockchain.bitcoind.rpc.BatchingClient.Pending import scala.collection.immutable.Queue class BatchingClient(rpcClient: BasicBitcoinJsonRPCClient) extends Actor with ActorLogging { import override def receive: Receive = { case request: JsonRPCRequest => // immediately process isolated request process(queue = Queue(Pending(request, sender))) } def waiting(queue: Queue[Pending], processing: Seq[Pending]): Receive = { case request: JsonRPCRequest => // there is already a batch in flight, just add this request to the queue context become waiting(queue :+ Pending(request, sender), processing) case responses: Seq[JsonRPCResponse]@unchecked => log.debug("got {} responses", responses.size) // let's send back answers to the requestors require(responses.size == processing.size, s"responses=${responses.size} != processing=${processing.size}") { case (JsonRPCResponse(result, None, _), Pending(_, requestor)) => requestor ! result case (JsonRPCResponse(_, Some(error), _), Pending(_, requestor)) => requestor ! Status.Failure(JsonRPCError(error)) } process(queue) case [email protected](t) => log.error(t, s"got exception for batch of ${processing.size} requests") // let's fail all requests processing.foreach { case Pending(_, requestor) => requestor ! s } process(queue) } def process(queue: Queue[Pending]) = { // do we have queued requests? if (queue.isEmpty) { log.debug("no more requests, going back to idle") context become receive } else { val (batch, rest) = queue.splitAt(BatchingClient.BATCH_SIZE) log.debug(s"sending {} request(s): {} (queue={})", batch.size, batch.groupBy(_.request.method).map(e => e._1 + "=" + e._2.size).mkString(" "), queue.size) rpcClient.invoke( pipeTo self context become waiting(rest, batch) } } } object BatchingClient { val BATCH_SIZE = 50 case class Pending(request: JsonRPCRequest, requestor: ActorRef) }
Example 85
Source File: ThroughputSpec.scala From eclair with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import java.util.UUID import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong import{Actor, ActorRef, ActorSystem, Props} import akka.testkit.TestProbe import fr.acinq.bitcoin.{ByteVector32, Crypto} import fr.acinq.eclair.TestConstants.{Alice, Bob} import fr.acinq.eclair._ import fr.acinq.eclair.blockchain._ import fr.acinq.eclair.blockchain.bitcoind.ZmqWatcher import fr.acinq.eclair.payment.relay.{CommandBuffer, Relayer} import fr.acinq.eclair.wire.{Init, UpdateAddHtlc} import org.scalatest.funsuite.AnyFunSuite import scala.concurrent.duration._ import scala.util.Random class ThroughputSpec extends AnyFunSuite { ignore("throughput") { implicit val system = ActorSystem("test") val pipe = system.actorOf(Props[Pipe], "pipe") val blockCount = new AtomicLong() val blockchain = system.actorOf(ZmqWatcher.props(blockCount, new TestBitcoinClient()), "blockchain") val paymentHandler = system.actorOf(Props(new Actor() { val random = new Random() context.become(run(Map())) override def receive: Receive = ??? def run(h2r: Map[ByteVector32, ByteVector32]): Receive = { case ('add, tgt: ActorRef) => val r = randomBytes32 val h = Crypto.sha256(r) tgt ! CMD_ADD_HTLC(1 msat, h, CltvExpiry(1), TestConstants.emptyOnionPacket, Upstream.Local(UUID.randomUUID())) context.become(run(h2r + (h -> r))) case ('sig, tgt: ActorRef) => tgt ! CMD_SIGN case htlc: UpdateAddHtlc if h2r.contains(htlc.paymentHash) => val r = h2r(htlc.paymentHash) sender ! CMD_FULFILL_HTLC(, r) context.become(run(h2r - htlc.paymentHash)) } }), "payment-handler") val registerA = TestProbe() val registerB = TestProbe() val commandBufferA = system.actorOf(Props(new CommandBuffer(Alice.nodeParams, registerA.ref))) val commandBufferB = system.actorOf(Props(new CommandBuffer(Bob.nodeParams, registerB.ref))) val relayerA = system.actorOf(Relayer.props(Alice.nodeParams, TestProbe().ref, registerA.ref, commandBufferA, paymentHandler)) val relayerB = system.actorOf(Relayer.props(Bob.nodeParams, TestProbe().ref, registerB.ref, commandBufferB, paymentHandler)) val wallet = new TestWallet val alice = system.actorOf(Channel.props(Alice.nodeParams, wallet, Bob.nodeParams.nodeId, blockchain, relayerA, None), "a") val bob = system.actorOf(Channel.props(Bob.nodeParams, wallet, Alice.nodeParams.nodeId, blockchain, relayerB, None), "b") val aliceInit = Init(Alice.channelParams.features) val bobInit = Init(Bob.channelParams.features) alice ! INPUT_INIT_FUNDER(ByteVector32.Zeroes, TestConstants.fundingSatoshis, TestConstants.pushMsat, TestConstants.feeratePerKw, TestConstants.feeratePerKw, Alice.channelParams, pipe, bobInit, ChannelFlags.Empty, ChannelVersion.STANDARD) bob ! INPUT_INIT_FUNDEE(ByteVector32.Zeroes, Bob.channelParams, pipe, aliceInit) val latch = new CountDownLatch(2) val listener = system.actorOf(Props(new Actor { override def receive: Receive = { case ChannelStateChanged(_, _, _, _, NORMAL, _) => latch.countDown() } }), "listener") system.eventStream.subscribe(listener, classOf[ChannelEvent]) pipe ! (alice, bob) latch.await() var i = new AtomicLong(0) val random = new Random() def msg = random.nextInt(100) % 5 match { case 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 => 'add case 4 => 'sig } import system.scheduler.schedule(0 seconds, 50 milliseconds, new Runnable() { override def run(): Unit = paymentHandler ! (msg, alice) }) system.scheduler.schedule(5 seconds, 70 milliseconds, new Runnable() { override def run(): Unit = paymentHandler ! (msg, bob) }) Thread.sleep(Long.MaxValue) } }
Example 86
Source File: FuzzyPipe.scala From eclair with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import{Actor, ActorLogging, ActorRef, Stash} import fr.acinq.eclair.Features import import fr.acinq.eclair.wire.{Init, LightningMessage} import scodec.bits.ByteVector import scala.concurrent.duration._ import scala.util.Random class FuzzyPipe(fuzzy: Boolean) extends Actor with Stash with ActorLogging { import def receive = { case (a: ActorRef, b: ActorRef) => unstashAll() context become connected(a, b, 10) case _ => stash() } def stayOrDisconnect(a: ActorRef, b: ActorRef, countdown: Int): Unit = { if (!fuzzy) context become connected(a, b, countdown - 1) // fuzzy mode disabled, we never disconnect else if (countdown > 1) context become connected(a, b, countdown - 1) else { log.debug("DISCONNECTED") a ! INPUT_DISCONNECTED b ! INPUT_DISCONNECTED context.system.scheduler.scheduleOnce(100 millis, self, 'reconnect) context become disconnected(a, b) } } def connected(a: ActorRef, b: ActorRef, countdown: Int): Receive = { case msg: LightningMessage if sender() == a => log.debug(f"A ---${msg2String(msg)}%-6s--> B") b forward msg stayOrDisconnect(a, b, countdown) case msg: LightningMessage if sender() == b => log.debug(f"A <--${msg2String(msg)}%-6s--- B") a forward msg stayOrDisconnect(a, b, countdown) } def disconnected(a: ActorRef, b: ActorRef): Receive = { case msg: LightningMessage if sender() == a => // dropped"A ---${msg2String(msg)}%-6s-X") case msg: LightningMessage if sender() == b => // dropped log.debug(f" X-${msg2String(msg)}%-6s--- B") case 'reconnect => log.debug("RECONNECTED") val dummyInit = Init(Features.empty) a ! INPUT_RECONNECTED(self, dummyInit, dummyInit) b ! INPUT_RECONNECTED(self, dummyInit, dummyInit) context become connected(a, b, Random.nextInt(40)) } }
Example 87
Source File: SmoothFeeProviderSpec.scala From eclair with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package fr.acinq.eclair.blockchain.fee import org.scalatest.funsuite.AnyFunSuite import import scala.concurrent.duration._ import scala.concurrent.{Await, Future} class SmoothFeeProviderSpec extends AnyFunSuite { test("smooth fee rates") { val rates = Array( FeeratesPerKB(100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 650), FeeratesPerKB(200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700, 750), FeeratesPerKB(300, 400, 500, 600, 700, 800, 850), FeeratesPerKB(300, 400, 500, 600, 700, 800, 850), FeeratesPerKB(300, 400, 500, 600, 700, 800, 850) ) val provider = new FeeProvider { var index = 0 override def getFeerates: Future[FeeratesPerKB] = { val rate = rates(index) index = (index + 1) % rates.length Future.successful(rate) } } val smoothProvider = new SmoothFeeProvider(provider, windowSize = 3) val f = for { rate1 <- smoothProvider.getFeerates rate2 <- smoothProvider.getFeerates rate3 <- smoothProvider.getFeerates rate4 <- smoothProvider.getFeerates rate5 <- smoothProvider.getFeerates } yield (rate1, rate2, rate3, rate4, rate5) val (rate1, rate2, rate3, rate4, rate5) = Await.result(f, 5 seconds) assert(rate1 == rates(0)) assert(rate2 == SmoothFeeProvider.smooth(Seq(rates(0), rates(1)))) assert(rate3 == SmoothFeeProvider.smooth(Seq(rates(0), rates(1), rates(2)))) assert(rate3 == FeeratesPerKB(200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700, 750)) assert(rate4 == SmoothFeeProvider.smooth(Seq(rates(1), rates(2), rates(3)))) assert(rate5 == rates(4)) // since the last 3 values are the same } }
Example 88
Source File: DbFeeProviderSpec.scala From eclair with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package fr.acinq.eclair.blockchain.fee import akka.util.Timeout import fr.acinq.eclair.TestConstants import fr.acinq.eclair.db.sqlite.SqliteFeeratesDb import org.scalatest.funsuite.AnyFunSuite import import scala.concurrent.duration._ import scala.concurrent.{Await, Future} class DbFeeProviderSpec extends AnyFunSuite { val feerates1: FeeratesPerKB = FeeratesPerKB(100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700) test("db fee provider saves feerates in database") { val sqlite = TestConstants.sqliteInMemory() val db = new SqliteFeeratesDb(sqlite) val provider = new DbFeeProvider(db, new ConstantFeeProvider(feerates1)) assert(db.getFeerates().isEmpty) assert(Await.result(provider.getFeerates, Timeout(30 seconds).duration) == feerates1) assert(db.getFeerates().get == feerates1) } }
Example 89
Source File: SecurityController.scala From cluster-broccoli with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package de.frosner.broccoli.controllers import javax.inject.Inject import{EitherT, OptionT} import cats.instances.future._ import cats.syntax.either._ import import import{SecurityService, WebSocketService} import jp.t2v.lab.play2.auth.{BroccoliSimpleAuthorization, LoginLogout} import play.api.{Environment, Logger} import play.api.cache.CacheApi import import import play.api.libs.json.Json import play.api.mvc.{Action, AnyContent, Controller, Results} import scala.concurrent.Future case class SecurityController @Inject()( override val securityService: SecurityService, override val cacheApi: CacheApi, override val playEnv: Environment, webSocketService: WebSocketService ) extends Controller with LoginLogout with BroccoliSimpleAuthorization { private val log = Logger(getClass) import // val loginForm = Form { mapping( SecurityController.UsernameFormKey -> text, SecurityController.PasswordFormKey -> text )(Credentials.apply)(Credentials.unapply) } def login: Action[AnyContent] = Action.async { implicit request => getSessionId(request).map(id => (id, webSocketService.closeConnections(id))) match { case Some((id, true)) =>"Removing websocket connection of $id due to another login") case _ => } (for { credentials <- EitherT.fromEither[Future]( loginForm.bindFromRequest().fold(Function.const(Results.BadRequest.asLeft), _.asRight)) login <- OptionT(securityService.authenticate(credentials)).toRight(Results.Unauthorized) result <- EitherT.right(gotoLoginSucceeded(login.providerKey)) user <- OptionT(resolveUser(login.providerKey)).toRight(Results.Unauthorized) } yield { val userResult = Results.Ok(Json.toJson(user)) result.copy( header = result.header.copy( headers = userResult.header.headers .get("Content-Type") .map { contentType => result.header.headers.updated("Content-Type", contentType) } .getOrElse(result.header.headers) ), body = userResult.body ) }).merge } def logout = Action.async(parse.empty) { implicit request => gotoLogoutSucceeded.andThen { case tryResult => getSessionId(request).map(id => (id, webSocketService.closeConnections(id))) match { case Some((id, true)) =>"Removing websocket connection of $id due to logout") case Some((id, false)) =>"There was no websocket connection for session $id") case None =>"No session available to logout from") } } } def verify = StackAction(parse.empty) { implicit request => Ok( } } object SecurityController { val UsernameFormKey = "username" val PasswordFormKey = "password" }
Example 90
Source File: BroccoliWebsocketSecurity.scala From cluster-broccoli with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package jp.t2v.lab.play2.auth import de.frosner.broccoli.auth.Account.anonymous import de.frosner.broccoli.auth.AuthMode import de.frosner.broccoli.conf import de.frosner.broccoli.controllers.AuthConfigImpl import import jp.t2v.lab.play2.stackc.{RequestAttributeKey, RequestWithAttributes} import play.api.Logger import play.api.libs.iteratee.{Enumerator, Iteratee} import play.api.mvc._ import import scala.concurrent.Future trait BroccoliWebsocketSecurity extends AsyncAuth with AuthConfigImpl { self: Controller with AuthConfig => protected def log: Logger val securityService: SecurityService private[auth] case object AuthKey extends RequestAttributeKey[User] def withSecurity[A](req: RequestHeader)( f: (Option[AuthenticityToken], User, RequestHeader) => (Iteratee[A, _], Enumerator[A])) : Future[Either[Result, (Iteratee[A, _], Enumerator[A])]] = securityService.authMode match { case AuthMode.Conf => val maybeToken = extractToken(req) val tokenString = maybeToken.getOrElse("<session ID missing>") val maybeUser = restoreUser(req, maybeUser .recover { case exception =>"Authenticating the following session failed (session probably outdated): $tokenString") // TODO log level (None, identity[Result] _) // don't follow IntelliJ's recommendation here! } .flatMap { // TODO do we need the updater here? can we even use cookies or should we authenticate for each new WS connection? case (Some(user), updater) =>"Successfully authenticated session $tokenString of $user") // TODO log level Future.successful(Right(f(maybeToken, user, req))) case (None, _) =>"Websocket to ${req.remoteAddress} not established because of missing authentication") // TODO log level authenticationFailed(req).map(result => Left(result)) } case AuthMode.None => Future.successful(Right(f(None, anonymous, req))) } implicit def loggedIn(implicit req: RequestWithAttributes[_]): User = securityService.authMode match { case AuthMode.Conf => req.get(AuthKey).get case AuthMode.None => anonymous } }
Example 91
Source File: NomadServiceSpec.scala From cluster-broccoli with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit import de.frosner.broccoli.controllers.ServiceMocks import de.frosner.broccoli.nomad.NomadConfiguration import de.frosner.broccoli.nomad.models.Job.jobFormat import de.frosner.broccoli.nomad.models._ import org.mockito.Mockito._ import org.specs2.mutable.Specification import play.api.libs.json._ import play.api.mvc._ import play.api.routing.sird._ import play.api.test._ import play.core.server.Server import squants.information.InformationConversions._ import squants.time.FrequencyConversions._ import import scala.concurrent.{Await, Future} import scala.concurrent.duration.Duration class NomadServiceSpec extends Specification with ServiceMocks { sequential "Requesting services for specific job" should { "ask consul for the services that nomad returns" in { val service = Service("my-service") val resources = Resources( shapeless.tag[Resources.CPU](20.megahertz), shapeless.tag[Resources.Memory](1.gigabytes) ) val task = Task(shapeless.tag[Task.Name]("foo"), resources, Some(Seq(service))) val taskGroup = TaskGroup(Seq(task)) val job = Job(Seq(taskGroup)) val jobId = "my-job" Server.withRouter() { case GET(p"/v1/job/my-job") => Action { Results.Ok(Json.toJson(job)) } } { implicit port => WsTestClient.withClient { client => val configuration = NomadConfiguration(url = s"http://localhost:$port") val nomadService = new NomadService(configuration, client) val result = Await.result(nomadService.requestServices(jobId), Duration(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS)) result === Seq( } } } "not explode when receiving tasks without services" in { val service1 = Service("my-service") val resources = Resources( shapeless.tag[Resources.CPU](100.megahertz), shapeless.tag[Resources.Memory](100.megabytes) ) val task1 = Task(shapeless.tag[Task.Name]("foo1"), resources, Some(Seq(service1))) val task2 = Task(shapeless.tag[Task.Name]("foo2"), resources, None) val taskGroup1 = TaskGroup(Seq(task1)) val taskGroup2 = TaskGroup(Seq(task2)) val job = Job(Seq(taskGroup1, taskGroup2)) val jobId = "my-job" Server.withRouter() { case GET(p"/v1/job/my-job") => Action { Results.Ok(Json.toJson(job)) } } { implicit port => WsTestClient.withClient { client => val configuration = NomadConfiguration(url = s"http://localhost:$port") val nomadService = new NomadService(configuration, client) val result = Await.result(nomadService.requestServices(jobId), Duration(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS)) result === Seq( } } } } }
Example 92
Source File: WsTestUtil.scala From cluster-broccoli with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package de.frosner.broccoli.controllers import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit import import play.api.libs.iteratee.{Enumerator, Input, Iteratee} import play.api.mvc.Result import play.api.test.WithApplication import scala.concurrent.{Await, Future} import scala.concurrent.duration.FiniteDuration import object WsTestUtil { private val waitTime = FiniteDuration(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS) case class Incoming(iteratee: Iteratee[Msg, _]) { def feed(message: Msg): Incoming = Incoming(Await.result(iteratee.feed(Input.El(message)), waitTime)) def end: Incoming = Incoming(Await.result(iteratee.feed(Input.EOF), waitTime)) } case class Outgoing(enum: Enumerator[Msg]) { private val messages = enum(Iteratee.fold(List[Msg]()) { (l, jsValue) => jsValue :: l }).flatMap( def get: List[Msg] = Await.result(messages, waitTime) } def wrapConnection(connection: => Future[Either[Result, (Iteratee[Msg, _], Enumerator[Msg])]]) : Either[Result, (Incoming, Outgoing)] = { val future = { { case (iteratee, enumerator) => (Incoming(iteratee), Outgoing(enumerator)) } } Await.result(future, waitTime) } }
Example 93
Source File: MasterSlaveClientExample.scala From scala-commons with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.avsystem.commons package redis.examples import import com.avsystem.commons.redis._ // Global execution context is used for the sake of simplicity of this example, // think well if this is what you actually want. import object MasterSlaveClientExample extends App { // The driver is implemented using Akka IO, so we need actor system implicit val actorSystem: ActorSystem = ActorSystem() // The client is the object that actually talks to Redis, but does not expose Redis API // Assuming Redis Sentinel is working locally on its default port, 26379 val client = new RedisMasterSlaveClient("mymaster") // API object exposes API to access individual Redis commands. The API variant we're using here is: // - node level: commands specific to single Redis connection are excluded (e.g. CLIENT SETNAME) // - asynchronous: API object uses the client to actually execute commands and returns results as Futures // - stringly-typed: Redis keys, hash keys and values used in method signatures are typed as Strings val api = RedisApi.Node.Async.StringTyped(client) // execute GET method and register callback api.get("key").onComplete { case Success(Opt(value)) => println(s"Got value $value") case Success(Opt.Empty) => println(s"Got no value") case Failure(t) => t.printStackTrace() } }
Example 94
Source File: ConnectionClientExample.scala From scala-commons with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.avsystem.commons package redis.examples import import com.avsystem.commons.redis._ // Global execution context is used for the sake of simplicity of this example, // think well if this is what you actually want. import object ConnectionClientExample extends App { implicit val actorSystem: ActorSystem = ActorSystem() // Connection client only uses a single, non-reconnectable connection val client = new RedisConnectionClient // but exposes API to manipulate that connection val api = RedisApi.Connection.Async.StringTyped(client) // for example, we can execute CLIENT GETNAME, which we cannot execute using RedisNodeClient api.clientGetname.onComplete { case Success(Opt(name)) => println(s"Connection name is $name") case Success(Opt.Empty) => println("No connection name") case Failure(t) => t.printStackTrace() } }
Example 95
Source File: NodeClientExample.scala From scala-commons with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.avsystem.commons package redis.examples import import com.avsystem.commons.redis._ // Global execution context is used for the sake of simplicity of this example, // think well if this is what you actually want. import object NodeClientExample extends App { // The driver is implemented using Akka IO, so we need actor system implicit val actorSystem: ActorSystem = ActorSystem() // The client is the object that actually talks to Redis, but does not expose Redis API val client = new RedisNodeClient // API object exposes API to access individual Redis commands. The API variant we're using here is: // - node level: commands specific to single Redis connection are excluded (e.g. CLIENT SETNAME) // - asynchronous: API object uses the client to actually execute commands and returns results as Futures // - stringly-typed: Redis keys, hash keys and values used in method signatures are typed as Strings val api = RedisApi.Node.Async.StringTyped(client) // execute GET method and register callback api.get("key").onComplete { case Success(Opt(value)) => println(s"Got value $value") case Success(Opt.Empty) => println(s"Got no value") case Failure(t) => t.printStackTrace() } }
Example 96
Source File: ClusterClientExample.scala From scala-commons with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.avsystem.commons package redis.examples import import com.avsystem.commons.redis._ // Global execution context is used for the sake of simplicity of this example, // think well if this is what you actually want. import object ClusterClientExample extends App { implicit val actorSystem: ActorSystem = ActorSystem() // The cluster client asks seed nodes about cluster state (by default local Redis instance is the only seed node) // and then uses separate RedisNodeClients to connect individually to every master mentioned in cluster state // that holds some data. val client = new RedisClusterClient // We can only execute keyed commands on cluster deployment val api = RedisApi.Keyed.Async.StringTyped(client) // Appropriate master node is automatically chosen for execution based on hash of the key and current cluster slot mapping api.get("key").onComplete { case Success(Opt(value)) => println(s"Got value $value") case Success(Opt.Empty) => println(s"Got no value") case Failure(t) => t.printStackTrace() } }
Example 97
Source File: ForkJoinCreation.scala From effpi with MIT License | 5 votes |
// Effpi - verified message-passing programs in Dotty // Copyright 2019 Alceste Scalas and Elias Benussi // Released under the MIT License: package effpi.benchmarks.effpi import scala.concurrent.duration.Duration import scala.concurrent.{ Future, Promise, Await } import import import import effpi.process._ import effpi.process.dsl.{Yielding, pyield, Loop, Rec, rec => prec, loop => ploop} import effpi.system._ object ForkJoinCreation { implicit val timeout: Duration = Duration.Inf case class Message(msg: String) type SimpleActor = Read[Message, PNil] val simpleActor = Behavior[Message, SimpleActor] { read { _ => nil } } type Sender = Rec[RecAt, (SendTo[ActorRef[Message], Message] >>: Loop[RecAt] | PNil)] def sender(receivers: Array[ActorRef[Message]])(endTimePromise: Promise[Long]) = Behavior[Nothing, Sender] { var i = 0 prec(RecA) { if (i < receivers.length) { send(receivers(i), Message("Hello, World!")) >> { i += 1 ploop(RecA) } } else { endTimePromise.success(System.nanoTime()) nil } } } def bench(numActors: Int, psC: () => ProcessSystem) = { implicit val ps = psC() val endTimePromise = Promise[Long]() val endTimeFuture = endTimePromise.future val startTime = System.nanoTime() val simpleActorsRef = (1 to numActors){ _ => Actor.spawn(simpleActor)} Actor.spawn(sender(simpleActorsRef)(endTimePromise))(ps) val endTime = Await.result(endTimeFuture, Duration.Inf) val creationDuration = endTime - startTime ps.kill() creationDuration } }
Example 98
Source File: CountingActor.scala From effpi with MIT License | 5 votes |
// Effpi - verified message-passing programs in Dotty // Copyright 2019 Alceste Scalas and Elias Benussi // Released under the MIT License: package effpi.benchmarks.effpi import scala.concurrent.duration.Duration import scala.concurrent.{ Future, Promise, Await } import import import import effpi.process._ import effpi.process.dsl.{Yielding, pyield, Loop, Rec, rec => prec, loop => ploop} import effpi.system._ object CountingActor { implicit val timeout: Duration = Duration.Inf sealed trait CounterAction object CounterAction { final case class Add(num: Int) extends CounterAction final case class Cheque(replyTo: ActorRef[Sum]) extends CounterAction } case class Sum(sum: Int) type Counter = Rec[RecAt, Read[CounterAction, (Loop[RecAt] | SendTo[ActorRef[Sum], Sum])]] val counter = Behavior[CounterAction, Counter] { var counter = 0 prec(RecA) { read { case CounterAction.Add(num) => counter += num ploop(RecA) case CounterAction.Cheque(replyTo) => send(replyTo, Sum(counter)) } } } type Contributor = Rec[RecAt, SendTo[ActorRef[CounterAction], CounterAction] >>: (Loop[RecAt] | Read[Sum, PNil])] def contributor(elemNum: Int, counter: ActorRef[CounterAction])(startTimePromise: Promise[Long], endTimePromise: Promise[Long]) = Behavior[Sum, Contributor] { startTimePromise.success(System.nanoTime()) var num = 0 prec(RecA) { if (num < elemNum) { num += 1 send(counter, CounterAction.Add(num)) >> ploop(RecA) } else { send(counter, CounterAction.Cheque(self)) >> read { x: Sum => x match { case Sum(sum) => endTimePromise.success(System.nanoTime()) // println(s"The sum of all numbers is $sum") nil }} } } } def bench(numMessages: Int, psC: () => ProcessSystem): Long = { implicit val ps = psC() val startTimePromise = Promise[Long]() val startTimeFuture = startTimePromise.future val endTimePromise = Promise[Long]() val endTimeFuture = endTimePromise.future val counterRef = Actor.spawn(counter) Actor.spawn(contributor(numMessages, counterRef)(startTimePromise, endTimePromise)) val startTime = Await.result(startTimeFuture, Duration.Inf) val endTime = Await.result(endTimeFuture, Duration.Inf) val countingDuration = endTime - startTime ps.kill() countingDuration } }
Example 99
Source File: ForkJoinThroughput.scala From effpi with MIT License | 5 votes |
// Effpi - verified message-passing programs in Dotty // Copyright 2019 Alceste Scalas and Elias Benussi // Released under the MIT License: package effpi.benchmarks.effpi import scala.concurrent.duration.Duration import scala.concurrent.{ Future, Promise } import import import import effpi.process._ import effpi.process.dsl.{Yielding, pyield, Loop, Rec, rec => prec, loop => ploop} import effpi.system._ object ForkJoinThroughput { implicit val timeout: Duration = Duration.Inf case class Message(msg: String) sealed abstract class RecAt2[A] extends RecVar[A]("InfiniteActorLoop") case object RecA2 extends RecAt2[Unit] type SimpleActor = Rec[RecAt, (Read[Message, Loop[RecAt]] | PNil)] def simpleActor(maxMsgs: Int) = Behavior[Message, SimpleActor] { var count = 0 prec(RecA) { if (count < maxMsgs) { read { _: Message => count += 1 ploop(RecA) } } else { nil } } } def bench(param: (Int, Int), psC: () => ProcessSystem) = { val (numActors, numMessages) = param implicit val ps = psC() val startTimePromise = Promise[Long]() val startTimeFuture = startTimePromise.future val endTimePromise = Promise[Long]() val endTimeFuture = endTimePromise.future val simpleActorsRef = (1 to numActors).map{ _ => Actor.spawn(simpleActor(numMessages))} val startTime = System.nanoTime() (1 to numMessages).foreach { n => // println(n) simpleActorsRef.foreach { simpleActor => simpleActor.send(Message("Hello World!")) } } val endTime = System.nanoTime() val throughputDuration = endTime - startTime ps.kill() throughputDuration } }
Example 100
Source File: ForkJoinCreation.scala From effpi with MIT License | 5 votes |
// Effpi - verified message-passing programs in Dotty // Copyright 2019 Alceste Scalas and Elias Benussi // Released under the MIT License: package effpi.benchmarks.akka import akka.NotUsed import{ Behaviors, MutableBehavior, ActorContext} import{ ActorRef, ActorSystem, Behavior, DispatcherSelector, Terminated } import scala.concurrent.Future import scala.concurrent.duration._ import scala.concurrent.{ Future, Promise, Await } import object ForkJoinCreation { case class Message(msg: String) val simpleActor = Behaviors.receive[Message] { (ctx, msg) => Behaviors.stopped } def mainActor( durationPromise: Promise[Long], numActors: Int ): Behavior[akka.NotUsed] = Behaviors.setup { ctx => val startTime = System.nanoTime() val simpleActorRefs = (1 to numActors) { id => ctx.spawn(simpleActor, "simple" + id) } simpleActorRefs.foreach { simpleActorRef => simpleActorRef ! Message("Hello World!") } val endTime = System.nanoTime() durationPromise.success(endTime - startTime) Behaviors.stopped } def bench(params: Int): Long = { val durationPromise = Promise[Long]() val durationFuture = durationPromise.future val system = ActorSystem( mainActor(durationPromise, params), "ForkJoinCreationDemo") Await.result(system.whenTerminated, Duration.Inf) val duration = Await.result(durationFuture, Duration.Inf) duration } }
Example 101
Source File: PingPong.scala From effpi with MIT License | 5 votes |
// Effpi - verified message-passing programs in Dotty // Copyright 2019 Alceste Scalas and Elias Benussi // Released under the MIT License: package effpi.benchmarks.akka import akka.NotUsed import{ Behaviors, MutableBehavior, ActorContext} import{ ActorRef, ActorSystem, Behavior, DispatcherSelector, Terminated } import scala.concurrent.Future import scala.concurrent.duration._ import scala.concurrent.{ Future, Promise, Await } import object PingPong { final case class Ping(iterations: Int, replyTo: ActorRef[Pong]) case class Pong(iterations: Int, pingTo: ActorRef[Ping]) val pong = Behaviors.receive[Ping] { (ctx, msg) => msg.replyTo ! Pong(msg.iterations - 1, ctx.self) Behaviors.same } def ping(startTimePromise: Promise[Long], endTimePromise: Promise[Long], expectedIterations: Int) = Behaviors.receive[Pong] { (ctx, pong) => if (pong.iterations == 0) { endTimePromise.success(System.nanoTime()) Behaviors.stopped } else { if (expectedIterations == pong.iterations) { startTimePromise.success(System.nanoTime()) } pong.pingTo ! Ping(pong.iterations, ctx.self) Behaviors.same } } def mainActor( durationPromise: Promise[Long], numPairs: Int, numIterations: Int ): Behavior[akka.NotUsed] = Behaviors.setup { ctx => val (startTimePromises, startTimeFutures): (List[Promise[Long]], List[Future[Long]]) = (1 to numPairs) { _ => val startTimePromise = Promise[Long]() val startTimeFuture = startTimePromise.future (startTimePromise, startTimeFuture) }.unzip val (endTimePromises, endTimeFutures): (List[Promise[Long]], List[Future[Long]]) = (1 to numPairs) { _ => val endTimePromise = Promise[Long]() val endTimeFuture = endTimePromise.future (endTimePromise, endTimeFuture) }.unzip // val refs = (1 to numPairs) { id => val refs = { (promises, id) => val (sPromise, ePromise) = promises val pongRef = ctx.spawn(pong, "pong" + id) val pingRef = ctx.spawn(ping(sPromise, ePromise, numIterations), "ping" + id) (pingRef, pongRef) } refs.foreach { (pingRef, pongRef) => pingRef ! Pong(numIterations, pongRef) } val startTimes = Await.result(Future.sequence(startTimeFutures), Duration.Inf) val startTime = startTimes.min val endTimes = Await.result(Future.sequence(endTimeFutures), Duration.Inf) val endTime = endTimes.max durationPromise.success(endTime - startTime) val pingPongDuration = endTime - startTime var terminatedProcesses = 0 Behaviors.receiveSignal { case (_, Terminated(ref)) => terminatedProcesses = terminatedProcesses + 1 if (terminatedProcesses == numPairs) { Behaviors.stopped } else { Behaviors.same } Behaviors.stopped case (_, _) => Behaviors.empty } } def bench(params: (Int, Int)): Long = { val (numPairs, numIterations) = params val durationPromise = Promise[Long]() val durationFuture = durationPromise.future val system = ActorSystem( mainActor(durationPromise, numPairs, numIterations), "PingPongDemo") Await.result(system.whenTerminated, Duration.Inf) val duration = Await.result(durationFuture, Duration.Inf) duration } }
Example 102
Source File: CountingActor.scala From effpi with MIT License | 5 votes |
// Effpi - verified message-passing programs in Dotty // Copyright 2019 Alceste Scalas and Elias Benussi // Released under the MIT License: package effpi.benchmarks.akka import akka.NotUsed import{ Behaviors, MutableBehavior, ActorContext} import{ ActorRef, ActorSystem, Behavior, DispatcherSelector, Terminated } import scala.concurrent.Future import scala.concurrent.duration._ import scala.concurrent.{ Future, Promise, Await } import object CountingActor { sealed trait CounterAction object CounterAction { final case class Add(num: Int, p: Promise[Int]) extends CounterAction final case class Cheque(replyTo: ActorRef[Sum]) extends CounterAction } case class Sum(sum: Int) val counter = Behaviors.setup[CounterAction] { ctx => new MutableCounter(ctx) } class MutableCounter( ctx: ActorContext[CounterAction] ) extends MutableBehavior[CounterAction] { var counter = 0 override def onMessage(msg: CounterAction): Behavior[CounterAction] = { msg match { case CounterAction.Add(num, p) => counter += 1 p.success(num) Behaviors.same case CounterAction.Cheque(replyTo) => replyTo ! Sum(counter) Behaviors.stopped } } } def sink(endTimePromise: Promise[Long]) = Behaviors.receive[Sum] { (ctx, msg) => endTimePromise.success(System.nanoTime()) Behaviors.stopped } def mainActor( durationPromise: Promise[Long], numMessages: Int ): Behavior[akka.NotUsed] = Behaviors.setup { ctx => val endTimePromise = Promise[Long]() val endTimeFuture = endTimePromise.future val sinkRef = ctx.spawn(sink(endTimePromise), "sink") val counterRef = ctx.spawn(counter, "counter") val startTime = System.nanoTime() val futs = (1 to numMessages) { num => val p = Promise[Int]() val f = p.future counterRef ! CounterAction.Add(num, p) f } Await.result(Future.sequence(futs), Duration.Inf) counterRef ! CounterAction.Cheque(sinkRef) val endTime = Await.result(endTimeFuture, Duration.Inf) val countingDuration = endTime - startTime durationPromise.success(countingDuration) Behaviors.receiveSignal { case (_, Terminated(ref)) => Behaviors.stopped case (_, _) => Behaviors.empty } } def bench(params: Int): Long = { val durationPromise = Promise[Long]() val durationFuture = durationPromise.future val system = ActorSystem( mainActor(durationPromise, params), "CountingActorDemo") Await.result(system.whenTerminated, Duration.Inf) val duration = Await.result(durationFuture, Duration.Inf) duration } }
Example 103
Source File: ForkJoinThroughput.scala From effpi with MIT License | 5 votes |
// Effpi - verified message-passing programs in Dotty // Copyright 2019 Alceste Scalas and Elias Benussi // Released under the MIT License: package effpi.benchmarks.akka import akka.NotUsed import{ Behaviors, MutableBehavior, ActorContext} import{ ActorRef, ActorSystem, Behavior, DispatcherSelector, Terminated } import scala.concurrent.Future import scala.concurrent.duration._ import scala.concurrent.{ Future, Promise, Await } import object ForkJoinThroughput { case class Message(msg: String) def receiver(maxMsgs: Int) = Behaviors.setup[Message] { ctx => new MutableSimpleActor(ctx, maxMsgs) } class MutableSimpleActor( ctx: ActorContext[Message], maxMsgs: Int ) extends MutableBehavior[Message] { var count = 0 override def onMessage(msg: Message): Behavior[Message] = { count +=1 if (count < maxMsgs) { Behaviors.same } else { Behaviors.stopped } } } def mainActor( durationPromise: Promise[Long], numActors: Int, numMessages: Int ): Behavior[akka.NotUsed] = Behaviors.setup { ctx => val receiversRef = (1 to numActors).map{ id => ctx.spawn(receiver(numMessages), "receiver" + id)} val startTime = System.nanoTime() (1 to numMessages).foreach { n => receiversRef.foreach { simpleActor => simpleActor ! Message("Hello World!") } } val endTime = System.nanoTime() durationPromise.success(endTime - startTime) Behaviors.stopped } def bench(params: (Int, Int)): Long = { val (numActors, numMessages) = params val durationPromise = Promise[Long]() val durationFuture = durationPromise.future val system = ActorSystem( mainActor(durationPromise, numActors, numMessages), "ForkJoinCreationDemo") Await.result(system.whenTerminated, Duration.Inf) val duration = Await.result(durationFuture, Duration.Inf) duration } }
Example 104
Source File: ReconnectingActor.scala From scastie with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.olegych.scastie.util import{Actor, ActorContext, ActorLogging, Cancellable} import akka.remote.DisassociatedEvent import com.olegych.scastie.api.ActorConnected import import scala.concurrent.duration._ case class ReconnectInfo(serverHostname: String, serverAkkaPort: Int, actorHostname: String, actorAkkaPort: Int) trait ActorReconnecting extends Actor with ActorLogging { private var tryReconnectCallback: Option[Cancellable] = None def reconnectInfo: Option[ReconnectInfo] def tryConnect(context: ActorContext): Unit def onConnected(): Unit = {} def onDisconnected(): Unit = {} private def setupReconnectCallback(context: ActorContext): Unit = { if (reconnectInfo.isDefined) { tryReconnectCallback.foreach(_.cancel()) tryReconnectCallback = Some( context.system.scheduler.schedule(0.seconds, 10.seconds) {"Reconnecting to server") tryConnect(context) } ) } } override def preStart(): Unit = try { context.system.eventStream.subscribe(self, classOf[DisassociatedEvent]) setupReconnectCallback(context) } finally super.preStart() val reconnectBehavior: Receive = { case ActorConnected =>"Connected to server") tryReconnectCallback.foreach(_.cancel()) tryReconnectCallback = None onConnected() case ev: DisassociatedEvent => { println("DisassociatedEvent " + ev) val isServerHostname = reconnectInfo .map(info => .getOrElse(false) val isServerAkkaPort = reconnectInfo .map(info => ev.remoteAddress.port.contains(info.serverAkkaPort)) .getOrElse(false) if (isServerHostname && isServerAkkaPort && ev.inbound) { log.warning("Disconnected from server") onDisconnected() setupReconnectCallback(context) } } } }
Example 105
Source File: RestResource.scala From pizza-auth-3 with MIT License | 5 votes |
package import import import{PilotGrader, UserDatabase, BroadcastService} import BroadcastService._ import import import org.http4s.{HttpService, _} import org.http4s.dsl.{Root, _} import org.http4s.server._ import org.http4s.server.staticcontent.ResourceService import org.http4s.server.syntax.ServiceOps import org.joda.time.DateTime import play.twirl.api.Html import import import org.http4s.twirl._ import scala.concurrent.Future import scala.util.Try import scalaz._ import Scalaz._ import scala.util.{Success => TSuccess} import scala.util.{Failure => TFailure} import scala.concurrent.duration._ import scala.concurrent.Await import import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory import import io.circe.syntax._ import org.http4s.circe._ import io.circe.Json import io.circe.generic.JsonCodec class RestResource(fullconfig: ConfigFile, graders: PilotGrader, portnumber: Int = 9021, ud: UserDatabase, crestapi: Option[CrestApi] = None, eve: Option[EVEAPI] = None, mapper: Option[EveMapDb] = None, updater: Option[Update] = None, broadcasters: List[BroadcastService] = List.empty[BroadcastService]) { case class ApiError(`type`: String, message: String) case class PingRequest(message: String, from: String, to: String) case class PingResponse(total: Int) def resource = HttpService { case req @ GET -> Root / "api" / "v1" / "ping" / "group" / group => { req.decode[Json] { p =>[PingRequest] match { case Left(failure) => BadRequest(ApiError( "bad_post_body", "Unable to process your post body, please format it correctly").asJson) case Right(pingreq) => val users = ud.getUsers(s"authgroup=${group}") val templatedMessage = templates.txt.broadcast(pingreq.message,, pingreq.from, val sendreqs = ud.sendGroupAnnouncement(broadcasters, templatedMessage.toString(), pingreq.from, users) val r = Await.result(Future.sequence(sendreqs), 2 seconds).sum Ok(PingResponse(r).asJson) } } } } }
Example 106
Source File: XmppBroadcastService.scala From pizza-auth-3 with MIT License | 5 votes |
package import import import import scala.concurrent.Future import class XmppBroadcastService(host: String, password: String) extends BroadcastService { def getJabberServer(u: Pilot): String = u.accountStatus match { case Pilot.Status.internal => host case => s"allies.$host" case Pilot.Status.ineligible => s"public.$host" case _ => "none" } val xmppbot = new XmppBot xmppbot.connect("pingbot", host, password) override def sendAnnouncement(msg: String, from: String, to: List[Pilot]): Future[Int] = { Future { { p => xmppbot.sendMessage(s"${p.uid}@${getJabberServer(p)}", msg) 1 }.sum } } }
Example 107
Source File: WebappTestSupports.scala From pizza-auth-3 with MIT License | 5 votes |
package import{Socket, InetSocketAddress, ServerSocket} import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper import com.fasterxml.jackson.dataformat.yaml.YAMLFactory import com.fasterxml.jackson.module.scala.DefaultScalaModule import import scala.concurrent.{Future, Await} import import scala.util.Try import scala.concurrent.duration._ import object WebappTestSupports { val OM = new ObjectMapper(new YAMLFactory()) OM.registerModule(DefaultScalaModule) def readTestConfig(): ConfigFile = { val config = Source .fromURL(getClass.getResource("/config.yml")) .getLines() .mkString("\n") val conf = OM.readValue[ConfigFile](config, classOf[ConfigFile]) conf } }
Example 108
Source File: AjaxClient.scala From scalajs-spa-tutorial with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import java.nio.ByteBuffer import boopickle.Default._ import org.scalajs.dom import scala.concurrent.Future import import scala.scalajs.js.typedarray._ object AjaxClient extends autowire.Client[ByteBuffer, Pickler, Pickler] { override def doCall(req: Request): Future[ByteBuffer] = { url = "/api/" + req.path.mkString("/"), data = Pickle.intoBytes(req.args), responseType = "arraybuffer", headers = Map("Content-Type" -> "application/octet-stream") ).map(r => TypedArrayBuffer.wrap(r.response.asInstanceOf[ArrayBuffer])) } override def read[Result: Pickler](p: ByteBuffer) = Unpickle[Result].fromBytes(p) override def write[Result: Pickler](r: Result) = Pickle.intoBytes(r) }
Example 109
Source File: Application.scala From scalajs-spa-tutorial with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package controllers import java.nio.ByteBuffer import boopickle.Default._ import import play.api.{Configuration, Environment} import play.api.mvc._ import services.ApiService import spatutorial.shared.Api import object Router extends autowire.Server[ByteBuffer, Pickler, Pickler] { override def read[R: Pickler](p: ByteBuffer) = Unpickle[R].fromBytes(p) override def write[R: Pickler](r: R) = Pickle.intoBytes(r) } class Application @Inject() (implicit val config: Configuration, env: Environment) extends Controller { val apiService = new ApiService() def index = Action { Ok(views.html.index("SPA tutorial")) } def autowireApi(path: String) = Action.async(parse.raw) { implicit request => println(s"Request path: $path") // get the request body as ByteString val b = request.body.asBytes(parse.UNLIMITED).get // call Autowire route Router.route[Api](apiService)( autowire.Core.Request(path.split("/"), Unpickle[Map[String, ByteBuffer]].fromBytes(b.asByteBuffer)) ).map(buffer => { val data = Array.ofDim[Byte](buffer.remaining()) buffer.get(data) Ok(data) }) } def logging = Action(parse.anyContent) { implicit request => request.body.asJson.foreach { msg => println(s"CLIENT - $msg") } Ok("") } }
Example 110
Source File: LegalModal.scala From ProductWebUI with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package client.modals import shared.models.{ EmailValidationModel, UserModel } import client.LGMain.{ Loc } import org.scalajs.dom._ import scala.util.{ Failure, Success } import scalacss.ScalaCssReact._ import japgolly.scalajs.react._ import japgolly.scalajs.react.vdom.prefix_<^._ import client.components.Bootstrap._ import client.components._ import client.css._ import import scala.language.reflectiveCalls import org.querki.jquery._ object LegalModal { //TodoForm @inline private def bss = GlobalStyles.bootstrapStyles case class Props(submitHandler: (Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean) => Callback) case class State(legal: Boolean = false, showPrivacyPolicyModal: Boolean = false, showTermsOfServicesForm: Boolean = false, showEndUserAgreementModal: Boolean = false, showTrademarksModal: Boolean = false, showCopyrightModal: Boolean = false) class Backend(t: BackendScope[Props, State]) { def submitForm(e: ReactEventI) = { e.preventDefault() t.modState(s => s.copy(legal = true)) } def hide = { console.log("hide") // instruct Bootstrap to hide the modal $(t.getDOMNode()).modal("hide") } def showPrivacyPolicy(e: ReactEventI) = { console.log("in showPrivacyPolicy ") t.modState(s => s.copy(showPrivacyPolicyModal = true)) } def showTrademarks(e: ReactEventI) = { console.log("in tradeMarks ") t.modState(s => s.copy(showTrademarksModal = true)) } def showCopyright(e: ReactEventI) = { console.log("in tradeMarks ") t.modState(s => s.copy(showCopyrightModal = true)) } def showEndUserAgreement(e: ReactEventI) = { t.modState(s => s.copy(showEndUserAgreementModal = true)) } def showTermsOfServices(e: ReactEventI) = { t.modState(s => s.copy(showTermsOfServicesForm = true)) } def formClosed(state: State, props: Props): Callback = { // call parent handler with the new item and whether form was OK or cancelled //println("form closed") // println("state.showTrademarksModal : " + state.showTrademarksModal) props.submitHandler(, state.showPrivacyPolicyModal, state.showTermsOfServicesForm, state.showEndUserAgreementModal, state.showTrademarksModal, state.showCopyrightModal) } def render(s: State, p: Props) = { // log.debug(s"User is ${if ( == "") "adding" else "editing"} a todo") val headerText = "Legal" Modal( Modal.Props( // header contains a cancel button (X) header = hide => <.span(<.button(^.tpe := "button", bss.close, ^.onClick --> hide, Icon.close), <.div(DashBoardCSS.Style.modalHeaderText)(headerText)), closed = () => formClosed(s, p) ), <.form(^.onSubmit ==> submitForm)( <.div(^.className := "row", DashBoardCSS.Style.MarginLeftchkproduct)( <.ul()( <.li()(<.button(^.tpe := "button", ^.className := "btn",DashBoardCSS.Style.btnDefault, FooterCSS.Style.legalModalBtn, "Privacy Policy", ^.onClick ==> showPrivacyPolicy)), <.li()(<.button(^.tpe := "button", ^.className := "btn",DashBoardCSS.Style.btnDefault, FooterCSS.Style.legalModalBtn, "End User Agreement", ^.onClick ==> showEndUserAgreement)), <.li()(<.button(^.tpe := "button", ^.className := "btn-link",DashBoardCSS.Style.btnDefault, FooterCSS.Style.legalModalBtn, "Terms of Service", ^.onClick ==> showTermsOfServices)), <.li()(<.button(^.tpe := "button", ^.className := "btn",DashBoardCSS.Style.btnDefault, FooterCSS.Style.legalModalBtn, "Trademarks and Credits", ^.onClick ==> showTrademarks)), <.li()(<.button(^.tpe := "button", ^.className := "btn",DashBoardCSS.Style.btnDefault, FooterCSS.Style.legalModalBtn, "Copyright", ^.onClick ==> showCopyright)) ) ), <.div(bss.modal.footer, DashBoardCSS.Style.marginTop5p, DashBoardCSS.Style.marginLeftRight)() ) //submitform ) } } private val component = ReactComponentB[Props]("LegalModal") .initialState_P(p => State()) .renderBackend[Backend] .componentDidUpdate(scope => Callback { if ( || scope.currentState.showPrivacyPolicyModal || scope.currentState.showTermsOfServicesForm || scope.currentState.showEndUserAgreementModal || scope.currentState.showTrademarksModal || scope.currentState.showCopyrightModal) { scope.$.backend.hide } }) .build def apply(props: Props) = component(props) }
Example 111
Source File: ConnectionsUtils.scala From ProductWebUI with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package client.utils import client.components.{ConnectionsSelectize, LabelsSelectize} import client.handler._ import client.modules.AppModule import{CoreApi, LGCircuit} import shared.dtos._ import shared.models._ import org.scalajs.dom._ import client.sessionitems.SessionItems.{MessagesViewItems, ProfilesViewItems, ProjectsViewItems} import import scala.scalajs.js.timers._ import scala.util.{Failure, Success} import diode.AnyAction._ import client.sessionitems.SessionItems import scala.scalajs.js.JSON //scalastyle:off object ConnectionsUtils { def getCnxnForReq(cnxn: Seq[Connection], viewName: String): Seq[Connection] = { if (cnxn.isEmpty) { LGCircuit.zoom(_.connections.connectionsResponse) ++ Seq(getSelfConnnection(viewName)) } else { cnxn ++ Seq(getSelfConnnection(viewName)) } } def getNameImgFromJson (jsonBlob: String) :(String, String) = { val json = JSON.parse(jsonBlob) val name =[String] val imgSrc = if (jsonBlob.contains("imgSrc")) json.imgSrc.asInstanceOf[String] else "" (name, imgSrc) } def getCnxnFromRes (cnxn: ConnectionProfileResponse): ConnectionsModel = { val (name, imgSrc) = getNameImgFromJson(cnxn.jsonBlob) ConnectionsModel(cnxn.sessionURI, cnxn.connection, name, imgSrc) } def getConnectionsModel(response: String): Seq[ConnectionsModel] = { try { val connections =[Seq[ApiResponse[ConnectionProfileResponse]]](response) => getCnxnFromRes(e.content)) .sortBy( } catch { case e:Exception => Nil } } def getCnxnFromNot (cnxn: ConnectNotification): ConnectionsModel = { val (name, imgSrc) = ConnectionsUtils.getNameImgFromJson(cnxn.introProfile) ConnectionsModel("", cnxn.connection, name, imgSrc) } // #todo think about better structure for the label prolog // }
Example 112
Source File: MessagesHandler.scala From ProductWebUI with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package client.handler import client.modules.AppModule import diode._ import import shared.models.MessagePost import client.rootmodel.MessagesRootModel import client.logger import{CoreApi, LGCircuit} import diode.util.{Retry, RetryPolicy} import client.utils.{AppUtils, ConnectionsUtils, ContentUtils} import org.widok.moment.Moment import shared.dtos.{CancelSubscribeRequest, Expression, ExpressionContent, SubscribeRequest} import import scala.util.{Failure, Success, Try} // scalastyle:off case class RefreshMessages(potResult: Pot[MessagesRootModel] = Empty, retryPolicy: RetryPolicy = Retry(5)) extends PotActionRetriable[MessagesRootModel, RefreshMessages] { override def next(value: Pot[MessagesRootModel], newRetryPolicy: RetryPolicy): RefreshMessages = RefreshMessages(value, newRetryPolicy) } case class ClearMessages() class MessagesHandler[M](modelRW: ModelRW[M, Pot[MessagesRootModel]]) extends ActionHandler(modelRW) { // var labelFamily = LabelsUtils.getLabelProlog(Nil) override def handle: PartialFunction[Any, ActionResult[M]] = { case action: RefreshMessages => val updateF = action.effectWithRetry { CoreApi.sessionPing(LGCircuit.zoom(_.session.messagesSessionUri).value) } { messagesResponse => LGCircuit.dispatch(RefreshMessages()) val currentVal = if (value.nonEmpty) value.get.messagesModelList else Nil val msg = currentVal ++ ContentUtils .processRes(messagesResponse) .filterNot(_.pageOfPosts.isEmpty) .flatMap(content => Try([MessagePost](content.pageOfPosts(0))).toOption) MessagesRootModel(msg.sortWith((x, y) => Moment(x.created).isAfter(Moment(y.created)))) } action.handleWith(this, updateF)(PotActionRetriable.handler()) case ClearMessages() => updated(Pot.empty) } }
Example 113
Source File: ProfilesHandler.scala From ProductWebUI with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package client.handler import{Empty, Pot, PotActionRetriable} import client.rootmodel.ProfilesRootModel import shared.models.{MessagePost, ProfilesPost} import client.modules.AppModule import diode.{ActionHandler, ActionResult, ModelRW} import org.scalajs.dom.window import{CoreApi, LGCircuit} import diode.util.{Retry, RetryPolicy} import client.sessionitems.SessionItems import client.utils.ContentUtils import org.widok.moment.Moment import import scala.util.Try // Actions case class RefreshProfiles(potResult: Pot[ProfilesRootModel] = Empty, retryPolicy: RetryPolicy = Retry(3)) extends PotActionRetriable[ProfilesRootModel, RefreshProfiles] { override def next(value: Pot[ProfilesRootModel], newRetryPolicy: RetryPolicy) = RefreshProfiles(value, newRetryPolicy) } case class ClearProfiles() class ProfilesHandler[M](modelRW: ModelRW[M, Pot[ProfilesRootModel]]) extends ActionHandler(modelRW) { override def handle: PartialFunction[Any, ActionResult[M]] = { case action: RefreshProfiles => val updateF = action.effectWithRetry(CoreApi.sessionPing(LGCircuit.zoom(_.session.profileSessionUri).value)) { profilesResponse => LGCircuit.dispatch(RefreshProfiles()) val currentProfile = if (value.nonEmpty) value.get.profilesList else Nil val updatedProfiles = currentProfile ++ ContentUtils .processRes(profilesResponse) .filterNot(_.pageOfPosts.isEmpty) .flatMap(content => Try([ProfilesPost](content.pageOfPosts(0))).toOption) ProfilesRootModel(updatedProfiles.sortWith((x, y) => Moment(x.created).isAfter(Moment(y.created)))) } action.handleWith(this, updateF)(PotActionRetriable.handler()) case ClearProfiles() => updated(Pot.empty) } }
Example 114
Source File: ProjectsHandler.scala From ProductWebUI with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package client.handler import client.modules.AppModule import diode.{ActionHandler, ActionResult, Effect, ModelRW} import import shared.models.{ProfilesPost, ProjectsPost} import org.scalajs.dom.window import client.rootmodel.ProjectsRootModel import{CoreApi, LGCircuit} import diode.util.{Retry, RetryPolicy} import client.sessionitems.SessionItems import client.utils.ContentUtils import org.widok.moment.Moment import import scala.util.Try // Actions case class RefreshProjects(potResult: Pot[ProjectsRootModel] = Empty, retryPolicy: RetryPolicy = Retry(3)) extends PotActionRetriable[ProjectsRootModel, RefreshProjects] { override def next(value: Pot[ProjectsRootModel], newRetryPolicy: RetryPolicy) = RefreshProjects(value, newRetryPolicy) } case class ClearProjects() class ProjectsHandler[M](modelRW: ModelRW[M, Pot[ProjectsRootModel]]) extends ActionHandler(modelRW) { override def handle: PartialFunction[Any, ActionResult[M]] = { case action: RefreshProjects => // val labels = window.sessionStorage.getItem(SessionItems.ProjectsViewItems.CURRENT_PROJECTS_LABEL_SEARCH) val updateF = action.effectWithRetry(CoreApi.sessionPing(LGCircuit.zoom(_.session.projectSessionUri).value)) { res => LGCircuit.dispatch(RefreshProjects()) val currentProjects = if (value.nonEmpty) value.get.projectsModelList else Nil val proj = currentProjects ++ ContentUtils .processRes(res) .filterNot(_.pageOfPosts.isEmpty) .flatMap(content => Try([ProjectsPost](content.pageOfPosts(0))).toOption) ProjectsRootModel(proj.sortWith((x, y) => Moment(x.created).isAfter(Moment(y.created)))) } action.handleWith(this, updateF)(PotActionRetriable.handler()) case ClearProjects() => updated(Pot.empty) } }
Example 115
Source File: UserHandler.scala From ProductWebUI with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package client.handler import{CoreApi, LGCircuit} import diode.{ActionHandler, ActionResult, ModelRW} import org.scalajs.dom.window import shared.dtos.UpdateUserRequest import shared.models.UserModel import client.logger import diode.AnyAction._ import scala.util.{Failure, Success} import // scalastyle:off case class LoginUser(userModel: UserModel) case class LogoutUser() case class PostUserUpdate(updateUserRequest: UpdateUserRequest) case class ToggleAvailablity() class UserHandler[M](modelRW: ModelRW[M, UserModel]) extends ActionHandler(modelRW) { // val messageLoader = "#messageLoader" override def handle: PartialFunction[Any, ActionResult[M]] = { case LoginUser(userModel) => updated(userModel.copy(isAvailable = true, isLoggedIn = true)) case LogoutUser() => // todo: Cancel all subscribe request for all sessions window.sessionStorage.clear() window.location.href = "/" updated(UserModel(email = "", name = "", imgSrc = "", isLoggedIn = false)) case PostUserUpdate(req) => var count = 1 post() def post(): Unit = CoreApi.updateUserRequest(req).onComplete { case Success(response) => logger.log.debug("user update request sent successfully") case Failure(response) => if (count == 3) { // logger.log.error("user update error") LGCircuit.dispatch(ShowServerError(response.toString)) } else { count = count + 1 post() } } if (req.jsonBlob.imgSrc != null) { updated(value.copy(imgSrc = req.jsonBlob.imgSrc)) } else noChange case ToggleAvailablity() => updated(value.copy(isAvailable = !value.isAvailable)) } }
Example 116
Source File: Application.scala From ProductWebUI with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package controllers import java.nio.ByteBuffer import boopickle.Default._ import import play.api.mvc._ import play.api.{Configuration, Environment} import play.api.Environment._ import services.ApiService import shared.Api import object Router extends autowire.Server[ByteBuffer, Pickler, Pickler] { override def read[R: Pickler](p: ByteBuffer) = Unpickle[R].fromBytes(p) override def write[R: Pickler](r: R) = Pickle.intoBytes(r) } class Application @Inject()(implicit val config: Configuration, env: Environment) extends Controller { val apiService = new ApiService() def index = Action { Ok(views.html.index("LivelyGig")) // Ok(views.html.index("Welcome to Synereo - the decentralized and distributed social network")) } def logging = Action(parse.anyContent) { implicit request => request.body.asJson.foreach { msg => println(s"Application - CLIENT - $msg") } Ok("") } def autowireApi(path: String) = Action.async(parse.raw) { implicit request => println(s"Request path: $path") // get the request body as ByteString val b = request.body.asBytes(parse.UNLIMITED).get // call Autowire route Router.route[Api](apiService)( autowire.Core.Request(path.split("/"), Unpickle[Map[String, ByteBuffer]].fromBytes(b.asByteBuffer)) ).map(buffer => { val data = Array.ofDim[Byte](buffer.remaining()) buffer.get(data) Ok(data) }) } }
Example 117
Source File: ConnectionHandler.scala From ProductWebUI with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package synereo.client.handlers import diode.{ActionHandler, ActionResult, ModelRW} import synereo.client.rootmodels.ConnectionsRootModel import shared.dtos.{Connection, Content, IntroConfirmReq} import shared.models.ConnectionsModel import synereo.client.logger import{CoreApi, SYNEREOCircuit} import diode.AnyAction._ import import scala.util.{Failure, Success} // Actions //scalastyle:off case class UpdateConnections(newConnectionModel: Seq[ConnectionsModel]) class ConnectionHandler[M](modelRW: ModelRW[M, ConnectionsRootModel]) extends ActionHandler(modelRW) { override def handle: PartialFunction[Any, ActionResult[M]] = { case UpdateConnections(newConnectionsModel) => val cnxnModelMod = if (value.connectionsResponse.nonEmpty) { value.connectionsResponse ++ newConnectionsModel.filterNot(e => value.connectionsResponse.exists(p => e.connection.source == || == } else { newConnectionsModel } updated(ConnectionsRootModel(cnxnModelMod)) } }
Example 118
Source File: SearchesHandler.scala From ProductWebUI with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package synereo.client.handlers import diode.{ActionHandler, ActionResult, ModelRW} import shared.models.Label import synereo.client.rootmodels.SearchesRootModel import shared.dtos.{Connection, LabelPost, SubscribeRequest} import synereo.client.logger import{CoreApi, SYNEREOCircuit} import import scala.scalajs.js.JSConverters._ import scala.scalajs.js.JSON import scala.util.{Failure, Success} import diode.AnyAction._ import synereo.client.facades.PrologParser object SearchesModelHandler { def getSearchesModel(listOfLabels: Seq[String]): SearchesRootModel = { try { val labelsArray = PrologParser.StringToLabel(listOfLabels.toJSArray) val model =[Seq[Label]](JSON.stringify(labelsArray)) SearchesRootModel(searchesModel = model) } catch { case e: Exception => logger.log.error("error in method getsearchesModel") SearchesRootModel(Nil) } } def leaf(text: String ) = "\"leaf(text(\\\"" + s"${text}" + "\\\"),display(color(\\\"\\\"),image(\\\"\\\")))\"" } case class CreateLabels(labelStrSeq: Seq[String]) case class AddLabel(label: Label) case class UpdatePrevSearchLabel(labelStr: String) case class UpdatePrevSearchCnxn(cnxns: Seq[Connection]) // scalastyle:off class SearchesHandler[M](modelRW: ModelRW[M, SearchesRootModel]) extends ActionHandler(modelRW) { override def handle: PartialFunction[Any, ActionResult[M]] = { case CreateLabels(labelStrSeq: Seq[String]) => try { updated(SearchesModelHandler.getSearchesModel(labelStrSeq)) // noChange } catch { case e: Exception => println(s" exception in Create Label action $e") noChange } case AddLabel(label: Label) => updated(value.copy(searchesModel = value.searchesModel :+ label)) case UpdatePrevSearchLabel(labelStr) => updated(value.copy(previousSearchLabel = labelStr)) case UpdatePrevSearchCnxn(cnxns) => updated(value.copy(previousSearchCnxn = cnxns)) } }
Example 119
Source File: MessagesHandler.scala From ProductWebUI with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package synereo.client.handlers import diode._ import import shared.models.MessagePost import synereo.client.rootmodels.MessagesRootModel import diode.util.{Retry, RetryPolicy} import shared.dtos._ import synereo.client.logger import{CoreApi, SYNEREOCircuit} import import scala.util.{Failure, Success, Try} import diode.AnyAction._ import org.widok.moment.Moment import synereo.client.utils.{AppUtils, ConnectionsUtils, ContentUtils} // Actions //scalastyle:off case class RefreshMessages(potResult: Pot[MessagesRootModel] = Empty, retryPolicy: RetryPolicy = Retry(3)) extends PotActionRetriable[MessagesRootModel, RefreshMessages] { override def next(value: Pot[MessagesRootModel], newRetryPolicy: RetryPolicy): RefreshMessages = RefreshMessages(value, newRetryPolicy) } //case class StoreCnxnAndLabels(slctzId: String, sessionUriName: String) case class ClearMessages() class MessagesHandler[M](modelRW: ModelRW[M, Pot[MessagesRootModel]]) extends ActionHandler(modelRW) { override def handle: PartialFunction[Any, ActionResult[M]] = { case action: RefreshMessages => val updateF = action.effectWithRetry { CoreApi.sessionPing(SYNEREOCircuit.zoom(_.sessionRootModel.sessionUri).value) } { messagesResponse => SYNEREOCircuit.dispatch(RefreshMessages()) val currentVal = if (value.nonEmpty) value.get.messagesModelList else Nil val msg = currentVal ++ ContentUtils .processRes(messagesResponse) .filterNot(_.pageOfPosts.isEmpty) .flatMap(content => Try([MessagePost](content.pageOfPosts(0))).toOption) .map(ConnectionsUtils.getSenderReceivers) MessagesRootModel(msg.sortWith((x, y) => Moment(x.created).isAfter(Moment(y.created)))) } action.handleWith(this, updateF)(PotActionRetriable.handler()) case ClearMessages() => updated(Pot.empty) } }
Example 120
Source File: playajaxclient.scala From ProductWebUI with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import boopickle.Pickler import java.nio.ByteBuffer import boopickle.Default._ import org.scalajs.dom import scala.concurrent.Future import import scala.scalajs.js.typedarray._ object PlayAjaxClient extends autowire.Client[ByteBuffer, Pickler, Pickler] { override def doCall(req: Request): Future[ByteBuffer] = { url = "/api/" + req.path.mkString("/"), data = Pickle.intoBytes(req.args), responseType = "arraybuffer", headers = Map("Content-Type" -> "application/octet-stream") ).map(r => TypedArrayBuffer.wrap(r.response.asInstanceOf[ArrayBuffer])) } override def read[Result: Pickler](p: ByteBuffer) = Unpickle[Result].fromBytes(p) override def write[Result: Pickler](r: Result) = Pickle.intoBytes(r) }
Example 121
Source File: CSVOutput.scala From subsearch with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.gilazaria.subsearch.output import com.gilazaria.subsearch.model.Record import com.gilazaria.subsearch.utils.{File, TimeUtils} import scala.collection.SortedSet import scala.concurrent.Future import class CSVOutput(private val file: Option[File]) extends Output { override def print(string: String): Unit = {} private var saveToFileFuture: Future[Unit] = Future(Unit) override def printRecords(records: SortedSet[Record]) = { if (file.isDefined) { saveToFileFuture = { _ => val lines = => s"${TimeUtils.timestampNow},${},${record.recordType},${}") file.get.write(lines.mkString("\n") + "\n") } } } override def writingToFileFuture: Future[Unit] = { saveToFileFuture } } object CSVOutput { def create(fileOption: Option[File]): Option[CSVOutput] = if (fileOption.isDefined) Some(new CSVOutput(fileOption)) else None }
Example 122
Source File: Output.scala From subsearch with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.gilazaria.subsearch.output import com.gilazaria.subsearch.model.Record import com.gilazaria.subsearch.utils.TimeUtils import scala.collection.SortedSet import scala.concurrent.Future import trait Output { def print(string: String) def println(): Unit = println("") def println(string: String): Unit = print(s"$string\n") def printSuccess(string: String) = printSuccessWithoutTime(prependTime(string)) def printStatus(string: String) = printStatusWithoutTime(prependTime(string)) def printInfo(string: String) = printInfoWithoutTime(prependTime(string)) def printError(string: String) = printErrorWithoutTime(prependTime(string)) def printSuccessWithoutTime(string: String) = println(string) def printStatusWithoutTime(string: String) = println(string) def printInfoWithoutTime(string: String) = println(string) def printErrorWithoutTime(string: String) = println(string) def printSuccessDuringScan(string: String) = printSuccess(string) def printStatusDuringScan(string: String) = printStatus(string) def printInfoDuringScan(string: String) = printInfo(string) def printErrorDuringScan(string: String) = printError(string) // Utility final def prependTime(string: String): String = s"${TimeUtils.currentTimePretty} $string" def writingToFileFuture: Future[Unit] = Future(Unit) // Application Specific def printHeader(header: String) = { println(header) println() } def printConfig(config: List[(String, String)], separator: String) = { val string: String = config .map((tuple: (String, String)) => tuple._1 + tuple._2) .mkString(separator) println(string) println() } def printTarget(text: String, hostname: String) = { println(s"$text$hostname") println() } def printTaskCompleted(text: String) = { println() printStatusWithoutTime(text) println() } def printTaskFailed(text: String) = { println() printErrorWithoutTime(text) println() } def printPausingThreads(text: String) = {} def printPauseOptions(text: String) = {} def printInvalidPauseOptions(text: String) = {} def printLastRequest(text: String) = {} def printLastRequest() = {} def printRecords(records: SortedSet[Record]) def printRecordsDuringScan(records: SortedSet[Record]) = printRecords(records) }
Example 123
Source File: StandardOutput.scala From subsearch with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.gilazaria.subsearch.output import com.gilazaria.subsearch.model.{Record, RecordType} import com.gilazaria.subsearch.utils.File import scala.collection.SortedSet import scala.concurrent.Future import class StandardOutput(private val file: Option[File], private val verbose: Boolean) extends Output { private var saveToFileFuture: Future[Unit] = Future(Unit) override def print(string: String): Unit = { if (file.isDefined) { saveToFileFuture = { _ => file.get.write(string) } } } override def writingToFileFuture: Future[Unit] = { saveToFileFuture } override def printRecords(records: SortedSet[Record]) = { if (verbose) printRecordsVerbose(records) else printRecordsNormal(records) } protected def printRecordsVerbose(records: SortedSet[Record]) = { val lines: List[String] = records .map( .toList .flatMap { subdomain => val subdomainRecords: SortedSet[Record] = records.filter( == subdomain) val recordTypes: SortedSet[RecordType] = recordTypes.flatMap { recordType => subdomainRecords.filter(_.recordType == recordType).map { case Record(_, _, data) => val msg = formatRecordTypeAndSubdomainForPrinting(recordType, subdomain) if (recordType.isOneOf("A", "AAAA", "CNAME", "NS", "SRV")) s"$msg -> $data" else if (recordType.stringValue == "MX") s"$msg @@ $data" else s"$msg -- $data" } } } if (lines.nonEmpty) println(lines.mkString("\n")) } protected def formatRecordTypeAndSubdomainForPrinting(recordType: RecordType, subdomain: String): String = prependTime(f"${recordType.toString}%-7s: $subdomain") protected def printRecordsNormal(records: SortedSet[Record]) = { val lines: List[String] = records .map( .toList .map(subdomain => (subdomain, records.filter( == subdomain).map(_.recordType))) .map((data: (String, SortedSet[RecordType])) => s"${data._2.mkString(", ")}: ${data._1}") if (lines.nonEmpty) printSuccess(lines.mkString("\n")) } } object StandardOutput { def create(fileOption: Option[File], verbose: Boolean): Option[StandardOutput] = if (fileOption.isDefined) Some(new StandardOutput(fileOption, verbose)) else None }
Example 124
Source File: PauseHandler.scala From subsearch with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.gilazaria.subsearch.core.subdomainscanner import com.gilazaria.subsearch.core.subdomainscanner.DispatcherMessage.{PauseScanning, ResumeScanning} import com.gilazaria.subsearch.output.Logger import com.gilazaria.subsearch.utils.TimeUtils import import akka.pattern.ask import import sun.misc.{Signal, SignalHandler} import scala.concurrent.Await object PauseHandler { def create(dispatcher: ActorRef, logger: Logger): PauseHandler = new PauseHandler(List("INT"), dispatcher, logger) case class InterruptException(msg: String) extends Exception(msg) case class ContinueException(msg: String) extends Exception(msg) } class PauseHandler(signalNames: List[String], dispatcher: ActorRef, logger: Logger) extends SignalHandler { import PauseHandler.{InterruptException, ContinueException} private val signalMap = => (name, Signal.handle(new Signal(name), this))).toMap private var pausingCalled: Boolean = false override def handle(signal: Signal) = { if (pausingCalled) forceExit() else pausingCalled = true implicit val timeout = TimeUtils.akkaAskTimeout Await.result(dispatcher ? PauseScanning, TimeUtils.awaitDuration) try { while (true) { logger.logPauseOptions() val option: String = System.console.readLine().toLowerCase if (option == "e") throw new InterruptException("Exited the program.") else if (option == "c") throw new ContinueException("Continuing the scan.") else logger.logInvalidPauseOption() } } catch { case InterruptException(msg) => exit() case ContinueException(msg) => resume() } } private def forceExit() = { logger.logScanForceCancelled() System.exit(0) } private def exit() = { logger.logScanCancelled() logger.completedLoggingFuture.andThen { case _ => System.exit(0) } } private def resume() = { dispatcher ! ResumeScanning pausingCalled = false } }
Example 125
Source File: TestVersionFile.scala From ohara with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import oharastream.ohara.common.util.{Releasable, VersionUtils} import{ContainerPlatform, IntegrationTest, ServiceKeyHolder} import org.junit.{After, Test} import org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers._ import @Test def testBroker(): Unit = testVersion(s"oharastream/broker:${VersionUtils.VERSION}", Set("ohara")) private[this] def testVersion(imageName: String, expectedStrings: Set[String]): Unit = platform.nodeNames.foreach { hostname => val key = serviceKeyHolder.generateClusterKey() val containerName = s"${}-${}" val versionString: String = result( containerClient.containerCreator .imageName(imageName) .command("-v") .name(containerName) .nodeName(hostname) .create() .flatMap(_ => containerClient.log(containerName).map(_.head._2)) ) expectedStrings.foreach(s => versionString should include(s)) } @After def releaseConfigurator(): Unit = { Releasable.close(serviceKeyHolder) Releasable.close(resourceRef) } }
Example 126
Source File: ServiceKeyHolder.scala From ohara with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit import oharastream.ohara.agent.container.ContainerClient import oharastream.ohara.common.setting.ObjectKey import oharastream.ohara.common.util.{CommonUtils, Releasable} import com.typesafe.scalalogging.Logger import scala.collection.mutable import import scala.concurrent.duration.Duration import scala.concurrent.{Await, Future} if (!finalClose || !KEEP_CONTAINERS) result(client.containers()) .filter( container => clusterKey.exists(key => && ) .filterNot(container => excludedNodes.contains(container.nodeName)) .foreach { container => try { println(s"[-----------------------------------${}-----------------------------------]") // Before 10 minutes container log. Avoid the OutOfMemory of Java heap val containerLogs = try result(client.log(, Option(600))) catch { case e: Throwable => s"failed to fetch the logs for container:${}. caused by:${e.getMessage}" } println(containerLogs) println("[------------------------------------------------------------------------------------]") result(client.forceRemove( } catch { case e: Throwable => LOG.error(s"failed to remove container ${}", e) } } finally Releasable.close(client) }
Example 127
Source File: TestQueryConfiguratorLog.scala From ohara with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit import oharastream.ohara.client.configurator.LogApi import{ContainerPlatform, WithRemoteConfigurator} import import org.junit.Test import org.junit.experimental.categories.Category import org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers._ import @Category(Array(classOf[ClientGroup])) class TestQueryConfiguratorLog(platform: ContainerPlatform) extends WithRemoteConfigurator(platform: ContainerPlatform) { @Test def test(): Unit = { val log = result(LogApi.access.hostname(configuratorHostname).port(configuratorPort).log4Configurator()) log.logs.size shouldBe 1 log.logs.head.hostname.length should not be 0 log.logs.head.value.length should not be 0 val logOf1Second = result(LogApi.access.hostname(configuratorHostname).port(configuratorPort).log4Configurator(1)).logs.head.value TimeUnit.SECONDS.sleep(6) val logOf6Second = result(LogApi.access.hostname(configuratorHostname).port(configuratorPort).log4Configurator(6)).logs.head.value withClue(s"logOf1Second:$logOf1Second\nlogOf6Second:$logOf6Second") { // it counts on timer so the "=" is legal :) logOf1Second.length should be <= logOf6Second.length } } }
Example 128
Source File: TestListNode.scala From ohara with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import oharastream.ohara.client.configurator.NodeApi import import{ContainerPlatform, WithRemoteConfigurator} import org.junit.Test import org.junit.experimental.categories.Category import org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers._ import @Category(Array(classOf[ClientGroup])) class TestListNode(platform: ContainerPlatform) extends WithRemoteConfigurator(platform: ContainerPlatform) { @Test def test(): Unit = { val services = result(NodeApi.access.hostname(configuratorHostname).port(configuratorPort).list()).flatMap( services should not be Seq.empty services.find( == NodeApi.CONFIGURATOR_SERVICE_NAME) should not be None } }
Example 129
Source File: TestNodeResource.scala From ohara with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import oharastream.ohara.client.configurator.NodeApi import import{ContainerPlatform, WithRemoteConfigurator} import org.junit.Test import org.junit.experimental.categories.Category import org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers._ import @Category(Array(classOf[ClientGroup])) class TestNodeResource(platform: ContainerPlatform) extends WithRemoteConfigurator(platform: ContainerPlatform) { private[this] def nodeApi: NodeApi.Access = NodeApi.access.hostname(configuratorHostname).port(configuratorPort) @Test def testResources(): Unit = { val nodes = result(nodeApi.list()) nodes should not be Seq.empty nodes.foreach { node => nodes.exists(_.hostname == node.hostname) shouldBe true node.resources should not be Seq.empty node.resources.size should be >= 1 node.resources.foreach { resource => resource.value.toInt should be >= 1 shouldBe false resource.unit.isEmpty shouldBe false } } } @Test def testStatus(): Unit = { val nodes = result(nodeApi.list()) nodes should not be Seq.empty nodes.foreach { node => nodes.exists(_.hostname == node.hostname) shouldBe true node.state shouldBe NodeApi.State.AVAILABLE node.error shouldBe None } } }
Example 130
Source File: TestVerifyNode.scala From ohara with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package oharastream.ohara.agent.docker import java.util import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit import oharastream.ohara.agent.{DataCollie, ServiceCollie} import oharastream.ohara.client.configurator.NodeApi.{Node, State} import oharastream.ohara.common.rule.OharaTest import oharastream.ohara.common.util.{CommonUtils, Releasable} import oharastream.ohara.testing.service.SshdServer import org.junit.{After, Test} import org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers._ import scala.concurrent.Await import import scala.concurrent.duration.Duration class TestVerifyNode extends OharaTest { private[this] var errorMessage: String = _ private[this] val sshServer = SshdServer.local( 0, java.util.Map.of( "docker info --format '{{json .}}'", (_: String) => if (errorMessage != null) throw new IllegalArgumentException(errorMessage) else util.List.of(""" | { | "NCPU": 1, | "MemTotal": 1024 | } |""".stripMargin) ) ) private[this] val node = Node( hostname = sshServer.hostname(), port = sshServer.port(), user = sshServer.user(), password = sshServer.password(), services = Seq.empty, state = State.AVAILABLE, error = None, lastModified = CommonUtils.current(), resources = Seq.empty, tags = Map.empty ) private[this] val collie = ServiceCollie.dockerModeBuilder.dataCollie(DataCollie(Seq(node))).build @Test def happyCase(): Unit = Await.result(collie.verifyNode(node), Duration(30, TimeUnit.SECONDS)) @Test def badCase(): Unit = { errorMessage = CommonUtils.randomString() intercept[Exception] { Await.result(collie.verifyNode(node), Duration(30, TimeUnit.SECONDS)) }.getMessage should include("unavailable") } @After def tearDown(): Unit = { Releasable.close(collie) Releasable.close(sshServer) } }
Example 131
Source File: TestK8SClientVerify.scala From ohara with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package oharastream.ohara.agent.k8s import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit import oharastream.ohara.agent.fake.FakeK8SClient import oharastream.ohara.agent.{DataCollie, ServiceCollie} import oharastream.ohara.client.configurator.NodeApi.Node import oharastream.ohara.common.rule.OharaTest import org.junit.Test import org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers._ import scala.concurrent.Await import import scala.concurrent.duration.Duration class TestK8SClientVerify extends OharaTest { private[this] val dataCollie: DataCollie = DataCollie(Seq.empty) private[this] def node: Node = Node("ohara", "user", "password") @Test def testMockK8sClientVerifyNode1(): Unit = { val fakeK8SClient = new FakeK8SClient(true, Option(K8SStatusInfo(true, "")), "") val serviceCollie: ServiceCollie = ServiceCollie.k8sModeBuilder.dataCollie(dataCollie).k8sClient(fakeK8SClient).build() Await.result( serviceCollie.verifyNode(node), Duration(30, TimeUnit.SECONDS) ) shouldBe "ohara node is running." } @Test def testMockK8sClientVerifyNode2(): Unit = { val fakeK8SClient = new FakeK8SClient(true, Option(K8SStatusInfo(false, "node failed.")), "") val serviceCollie: ServiceCollie = ServiceCollie.k8sModeBuilder.dataCollie(dataCollie).k8sClient(fakeK8SClient).build() intercept[IllegalStateException] { Await.result( serviceCollie.verifyNode(node), Duration(30, TimeUnit.SECONDS) ) }.getMessage shouldBe "ohara node doesn't running container. cause: node failed." } @Test def testMockK8sClientVerifyNode3(): Unit = { val fakeK8SClient = new FakeK8SClient(false, Option(K8SStatusInfo(false, "failed")), "") val serviceCollie: ServiceCollie = ServiceCollie.k8sModeBuilder.dataCollie(dataCollie).k8sClient(fakeK8SClient).build() intercept[IllegalStateException] { Await.result( serviceCollie.verifyNode(node), Duration(30, TimeUnit.SECONDS) ) }.getMessage shouldBe "ohara node doesn't running container. cause: failed" } @Test def testMockK8SClientVerifyNode4(): Unit = { val fakeK8SClient = new FakeK8SClient(false, None, "") val serviceCollie: ServiceCollie = ServiceCollie.k8sModeBuilder.dataCollie(dataCollie).k8sClient(fakeK8SClient).build() intercept[IllegalStateException] { Await.result( serviceCollie.verifyNode(node), Duration(30, TimeUnit.SECONDS) ) }.getMessage shouldBe "ohara node doesn't running container. cause: ohara node doesn't exists." } }
Example 132
Source File: TestK8SServiceCollieImpl.scala From ohara with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package oharastream.ohara.agent.k8s import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit import oharastream.ohara.agent.DataCollie import oharastream.ohara.agent.fake.FakeK8SClient import oharastream.ohara.client.configurator.NodeApi import oharastream.ohara.client.configurator.NodeApi.{Node, Resource} import oharastream.ohara.common.rule.OharaTest import org.junit.Test import import scala.concurrent.{Await, ExecutionContext, Future} import org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers._ import scala.concurrent.duration.Duration class TestK8SServiceCollieImpl extends OharaTest { @Test def testResource(): Unit = { val nodeCache = (1 to 3).map(x => Node(s"node$x", "user", "password")) val dataCollie = DataCollie(nodeCache) val k8sClient = new FakeK8SClient(false, None, "container1") { override def resources()( implicit executionContext: ExecutionContext ): Future[Map[String, Seq[NodeApi.Resource]]] = Future.successful { Map( "node1" -> Seq(Resource.cpu(8, Option(2.0)), Resource.memory(1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 100, Option(5.0))), "node2" -> Seq(Resource.cpu(8, Option(1.0)), Resource.memory(1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 100, Option(5.0))), "node3" -> Seq(Resource.cpu(8, Option(3.0)), Resource.memory(1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 100, Option(5.0))) ) } } val k8sServiceCollieImpl = new K8SServiceCollieImpl(dataCollie, k8sClient) val resource = result(k8sServiceCollieImpl.resources()) resource.size shouldBe 3 val nodeNames = resource.keys.toSeq nodeNames(0) shouldBe "node1" nodeNames(1) shouldBe "node2" nodeNames(2) shouldBe "node3" val node1Resource: Seq[Resource] = resource.filter(x => x._1 == "node1").flatMap(x => x._2).toSeq node1Resource(0).name shouldBe "CPU" node1Resource(0).unit shouldBe "cores" node1Resource(0).used.get shouldBe 2.0 node1Resource(0).value shouldBe 8 node1Resource(1).name shouldBe "Memory" node1Resource(1).unit shouldBe "bytes" node1Resource(1).used.get shouldBe 5.0 node1Resource(1).value shouldBe 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 100 } @Test def testEmptyResource(): Unit = { val nodeCache = (1 to 3).map(x => Node(s"node$x", "user", "password")) val dataCollie = DataCollie(nodeCache) val k8sClient = new FakeK8SClient(false, None, "container1") { override def resources()( implicit executionContext: ExecutionContext ): Future[Map[String, Seq[NodeApi.Resource]]] = Future.successful(Map.empty) } val k8sServiceCollieImpl = new K8SServiceCollieImpl(dataCollie, k8sClient) val resource = result(k8sServiceCollieImpl.resources()) resource.size shouldBe 0 } private[this] def result[T](future: Future[T]): T = Await.result(future, Duration(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS)) }
Example 133
Source File: TestRemoteFolderHandler.scala From ohara with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package oharastream.ohara.agent import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit import oharastream.ohara.client.configurator.NodeApi.Node import oharastream.ohara.common.rule.OharaTest import oharastream.ohara.common.util.{CommonUtils, Releasable} import oharastream.ohara.testing.service.SshdServer import org.junit.{After, Test} import org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers._ import import scala.concurrent.duration.Duration import scala.concurrent.{Await, Future} class TestRemoteFolderHandler extends OharaTest { private[this] val server = SshdServer.local(0) private[this] val hostname = server.hostname() private[this] val dataCollie = DataCollie( Seq( Node( hostname = hostname, port = server.port(), user = server.user(), password = server.password() ) ) ) private[this] val folderHandler = RemoteFolderHandler.builder().dataCollie(dataCollie).build() @Test def testFolderNotExists(): Unit = result(folderHandler.exist(server.hostname(), "/home/ohara100")) shouldBe false @Test def testCreateFolderAndDelete(): Unit = { val path = s"/tmp/${CommonUtils.randomString(5)}" result(folderHandler.create(hostname, path)) shouldBe true result(folderHandler.exist(hostname, path)) shouldBe true // file exists so it does nothing result(folderHandler.create(hostname, path)) shouldBe false result(folderHandler.delete(hostname, path)) shouldBe true result(folderHandler.delete(hostname, path)) shouldBe false } @Test def testListFolder(): Unit = { result(folderHandler.list(hostname, "/tmp")).size should not be 0 val path = s"/tmp/${CommonUtils.randomString(5)}" result(folderHandler.create(hostname, path)) shouldBe true result(folderHandler.list(hostname, "/tmp")) should contain(path) } @Test def testInspectFolder(): Unit = { val folderInfo = result(folderHandler.inspect(hostname, "/tmp")) shouldBe "tmp" folderInfo.permission shouldBe FolderPermission.READWRITE folderInfo.size should be > 0L folderInfo.uid should be >= 0 } private[this] def result[T](f: Future[T]): T = Await.result(f, Duration(120, TimeUnit.SECONDS)) @After def tearDown(): Unit = Releasable.close(server) }
Example 134
Source File: TestDefaultValuesAutoComplete.scala From ohara with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package oharastream.ohara.configurator import java.util.concurrent.{ConcurrentHashMap, TimeUnit} import oharastream.ohara.client.configurator.{ConnectorApi, WorkerApi} import oharastream.ohara.testing.WithBrokerWorker import org.junit.Test import org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers._ import import scala.concurrent.duration.Duration import scala.concurrent.{Await, Future} class TestDefaultValuesAutoComplete extends WithBrokerWorker { private[this] def result[T](f: Future[T]): T = Await.result(f, Duration(20, TimeUnit.SECONDS)) private[this] val configurator = Configurator.builder.fake(testUtil().brokersConnProps(), testUtil().workersConnProps()).build() private[this] val workerClusterInfo = result( WorkerApi.access.hostname(configurator.hostname).port(configurator.port).list() ).head private[this] val connectorApi = ConnectorApi.access.hostname(configurator.hostname).port(configurator.port) @Test def testDefaultValuesForPerfSource(): Unit = { val connector = result( connectorApi.request .workerClusterKey(workerClusterInfo.key) .className("oharastream.ohara.connector.perf.PerfSource") .create() ) connector.settings.keySet should contain("perf.batch") connector.settings.keySet should contain("perf.frequency") connector.settings.keySet should contain("perf.cell.length") } @Test def testDefaultValuesForConsoleSink(): Unit = { val connector = result( connectorApi.request .workerClusterKey(workerClusterInfo.key) .className("oharastream.ohara.connector.console.ConsoleSink") .create() ) connector.settings.keySet should contain("console.sink.frequence") connector.settings.keySet should contain("console.sink.row.divider") val a = new ConcurrentHashMap[String, String]() import scala.jdk.CollectionConverters._ a.elements().asScala.toSeq } }
Example 135
Source File: TestFakeConnectorAdmin.scala From ohara with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package oharastream.ohara.configurator import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit import oharastream.ohara.client.configurator.ConnectorApi.State import oharastream.ohara.common.rule.OharaTest import oharastream.ohara.common.setting.{ConnectorKey, TopicKey} import oharastream.ohara.common.util.CommonUtils import oharastream.ohara.configurator.fake.FakeConnectorAdmin import org.junit.Test import org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers._ import import scala.concurrent.duration.Duration import scala.concurrent.{Await, Future} class TestFakeConnectorAdmin extends OharaTest { private[this] def result[T](f: Future[T]): T = Await.result(f, Duration(20, TimeUnit.SECONDS)) @Test def testControlConnector(): Unit = { val connectorKey = ConnectorKey.of(CommonUtils.randomString(5), CommonUtils.randomString(5)) val topicKey = TopicKey.of(CommonUtils.randomString(5), CommonUtils.randomString(5)) val className = CommonUtils.randomString(10) val fake = new FakeConnectorAdmin() result( fake .connectorCreator() .connectorKey(connectorKey) .topicKey(topicKey) .numberOfTasks(1) .className(className) .create() ) result(fake.exist(connectorKey)) shouldBe true result(fake.status(connectorKey)).connector.state shouldBe result(fake.pause(connectorKey)) result(fake.status(connectorKey)).connector.state shouldBe result(fake.resume(connectorKey)) result(fake.status(connectorKey)).connector.state shouldBe result(fake.delete(connectorKey)) result(fake.exist(connectorKey)) shouldBe false } }
Example 136
Source File: TestInspectWorkerCluster.scala From ohara with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package oharastream.ohara.configurator import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit import oharastream.ohara.client.configurator.{InspectApi, WorkerApi} import oharastream.ohara.common.util.Releasable import oharastream.ohara.testing.WithBrokerWorker import org.junit.{After, Test} import org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers._ import import scala.concurrent.duration.Duration import scala.concurrent.{Await, Future} class TestInspectWorkerCluster extends WithBrokerWorker { private[this] val configurator = Configurator.builder.fake(testUtil().brokersConnProps(), testUtil().workersConnProps()).build() private[this] val workerClusterInfo = result( WorkerApi.access.hostname(configurator.hostname).port(configurator.port).list() ).head private[this] def inspectApi = InspectApi.access.hostname(configurator.hostname).port(configurator.port) private[this] def result[T](f: Future[T]): T = Await.result(f, Duration(20, TimeUnit.SECONDS)) @Test def inspectWithoutKey(): Unit = { val info = result(inspectApi.workerInfo()) info.imageName shouldBe WorkerApi.IMAGE_NAME_DEFAULT info.settingDefinitions.size shouldBe WorkerApi.DEFINITIONS.size info.settingDefinitions.foreach { definition => definition shouldBe WorkerApi.DEFINITIONS.find(_.key() == definition.key()).get } } @Test def inspectWithKey(): Unit = { val info = result(inspectApi.workerInfo(workerClusterInfo.key)) info.imageName shouldBe WorkerApi.IMAGE_NAME_DEFAULT info.settingDefinitions.size shouldBe WorkerApi.DEFINITIONS.size info.settingDefinitions.foreach { definition => definition shouldBe WorkerApi.DEFINITIONS.find(_.key() == definition.key()).get } } @After def tearDown(): Unit = Releasable.close(configurator) }
Example 137
Source File: TestResponseFromUnsupportedApis.scala From ohara with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package oharastream.ohara.configurator import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit import import akka.http.scaladsl.Http import akka.http.scaladsl.marshallers.sprayjson.SprayJsonSupport._ import akka.http.scaladsl.model.{HttpMethod, HttpMethods, HttpRequest} import akka.http.scaladsl.unmarshalling.Unmarshal import oharastream.ohara.client.configurator.ErrorApi import oharastream.ohara.common.rule.OharaTest import oharastream.ohara.common.util.{CommonUtils, Releasable} import org.junit.{After, Test} import org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers._ import import scala.concurrent.duration.Duration import scala.concurrent.{Await, Future} class TestResponseFromUnsupportedApis extends OharaTest { private[this] val configurator = Configurator.builder.fake().build() private[this] implicit val actorSystem: ActorSystem = ActorSystem("Executor-TestResponseFromUnsupportedApis") private[this] val expectedMessage = oharastream.ohara.configurator.route.apiUrl private[this] def result[T](f: Future[T]): T = Await.result(f, Duration(20, TimeUnit.SECONDS)) @Test def testGet(): Unit = sendRequest(HttpMethods.GET, CommonUtils.randomString()).apiUrl.get shouldBe expectedMessage @Test def testPut(): Unit = sendRequest(HttpMethods.PUT, CommonUtils.randomString()).apiUrl.get shouldBe expectedMessage @Test def testDelete(): Unit = sendRequest(HttpMethods.DELETE, CommonUtils.randomString()).apiUrl.get shouldBe expectedMessage @Test def testPost(): Unit = sendRequest(HttpMethods.POST, CommonUtils.randomString()).apiUrl.get shouldBe expectedMessage private[this] def sendRequest(method: HttpMethod, postfix: String): ErrorApi.Error = result( Http() .singleRequest(HttpRequest(method, s"http://${configurator.hostname}:${configurator.port}/$postfix")) .flatMap { response => if (response.status.isSuccess()) Future.failed(new AssertionError()) else Unmarshal(response.entity).to[ErrorApi.Error] } ) @After def tearDown(): Unit = { Releasable.close(configurator) result(actorSystem.terminate()) } }
Example 138
Source File: TestListManyPipelines.scala From ohara with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package oharastream.ohara.configurator import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit import oharastream.ohara.client.configurator.{BrokerApi, ConnectorApi, PipelineApi, TopicApi, WorkerApi} import oharastream.ohara.common.util.{CommonUtils, Releasable} import oharastream.ohara.testing.WithBrokerWorker import org.junit.{After, Test} import org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers._ import import scala.concurrent.duration.Duration import scala.concurrent.{Await, Future} class TestListManyPipelines extends WithBrokerWorker { private[this] val configurator = Configurator.builder.fake(testUtil().brokersConnProps(), testUtil().workersConnProps()).build() private[this] val workerClusterInfo = result( WorkerApi.access.hostname(configurator.hostname).port(configurator.port).list() ).head private[this] def result[T](f: Future[T]): T = Await.result(f, Duration(20, TimeUnit.SECONDS)) private[this] val numberOfPipelines = 30 @Test def test(): Unit = { val topic = result( TopicApi.access .hostname(configurator.hostname) .port(configurator.port) .request .name(CommonUtils.randomString(10)) .brokerClusterKey( result(BrokerApi.access.hostname(configurator.hostname).port(configurator.port).list()).head.key ) .create() ) val connector = result( ConnectorApi.access .hostname(configurator.hostname) .port(configurator.port) .request .name(CommonUtils.randomString(10)) .className("oharastream.ohara.connector.perf.PerfSource") .topicKey(topic.key) .numberOfTasks(1) .workerClusterKey(workerClusterInfo.key) .create() ) val pipelines = (0 until numberOfPipelines).map { _ => result( PipelineApi.access .hostname(configurator.hostname) .port(configurator.port) .request .name(CommonUtils.randomString(10)) .endpoint(connector) .endpoint(topic) .create() ) } val listPipeline = Await.result( PipelineApi.access.hostname(configurator.hostname).port(configurator.port).list(), Duration(20, TimeUnit.SECONDS) ) pipelines.size shouldBe listPipeline.size pipelines.foreach(p => listPipeline.exists( == shouldBe true) } @After def tearDown(): Unit = Releasable.close(configurator) }
Example 139
Source File: TestNodeNameUpperCaseRoute.scala From ohara with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package oharastream.ohara.configurator.route import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit import oharastream.ohara.client.configurator.NodeApi import oharastream.ohara.common.rule.OharaTest import oharastream.ohara.common.util.{CommonUtils, Releasable} import oharastream.ohara.configurator.Configurator import org.junit.{After, Test} import org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers._ import import scala.concurrent.duration.Duration import scala.concurrent.{Await, Future} class TestNodeNameUpperCaseRoute extends OharaTest { private[this] val numberOfCluster = 1 private[this] val configurator = Configurator.builder.fake(numberOfCluster, numberOfCluster, "zookeepercluster").build() private[this] val nodeApi = NodeApi.access.hostname(configurator.hostname).port(configurator.port) private[this] def result[T](f: Future[T]): T = Await.result(f, Duration(20, TimeUnit.SECONDS)) @Test def testAddNodeNameLowerCase(): Unit = { val name = CommonUtils.randomString(10).toLowerCase result(nodeApi.request.nodeName(name).port(22).user("b").password("c").create()).name shouldBe name } @Test def testAddNodeNameUpperCase1(): Unit = { val name = CommonUtils.randomString(10).toUpperCase result(nodeApi.request.nodeName(name).port(22).user("b").password("c").create()) } @Test def testAddNodeNameUpperCase2(): Unit = { val name = "HOST1.test" result(nodeApi.request.nodeName(name).port(22).user("b").password("c").create()) } @Test def testAddNodeNameUpperCase3(): Unit = { val name = "aaa-Node1.test" result(nodeApi.request.nodeName(name).port(22).user("b").password("c").create()) } @After def tearDown(): Unit = Releasable.close(configurator) }
Example 140
Source File: TestValidationRoute.scala From ohara with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package oharastream.ohara.configurator.route import oharastream.ohara.client.configurator.{ValidationApi, WorkerApi} import oharastream.ohara.common.rule.OharaTest import oharastream.ohara.common.setting.TopicKey import oharastream.ohara.common.util.{CommonUtils, Releasable} import oharastream.ohara.configurator.{Configurator, FallibleSink} import org.junit.{After, Test} import org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers._ import import scala.concurrent.duration.Duration import scala.concurrent.{Await, Future} class TestValidationRoute extends OharaTest { private[this] val configurator = Configurator.builder.fake().build() private[this] val wkCluster = result(WorkerApi.access.hostname(configurator.hostname).port(configurator.port).list()).head private[this] def result[T](f: Future[T]): T = Await.result(f, Duration("20 seconds")) @Test def validateConnector(): Unit = { val className = classOf[FallibleSink].getName val response = result( ValidationApi.access .hostname(configurator.hostname) .port(configurator.port) .connectorRequest .name(CommonUtils.randomString(10)) .className(className) .topicKey(TopicKey.of(CommonUtils.randomString(5), CommonUtils.randomString(5))) .workerClusterKey(wkCluster.key) .verify() ) response.className.get() shouldBe className } @After def tearDown(): Unit = Releasable.close(configurator) }
Example 141
Source File: TestPrivateRoute.scala From ohara with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package oharastream.ohara.configurator.route import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit import oharastream.ohara.client.configurator.PrivateApi.Deletion import oharastream.ohara.client.configurator.{PrivateApi, WorkerApi} import oharastream.ohara.common.rule.OharaTest import oharastream.ohara.configurator.Configurator import org.junit.Test import org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers._ import import scala.concurrent.duration.Duration import scala.concurrent.{Await, Future} class TestPrivateRoute extends OharaTest { private[this] val workerCount = 2 private[this] val configurator = Configurator.builder.fake(1, workerCount).build() private[this] def result[T](f: Future[T]): T = Await.result(f, Duration(20, TimeUnit.SECONDS)) private[this] val workerApi = WorkerApi.access.hostname(configurator.hostname).port(configurator.port) @Test def testDeletion(): Unit = { val workers = result(workerApi.list()) val group = val kind = workers.head.kind workers.size shouldBe workerCount result( workerApi.request .group(group) .nodeNames(workers.head.nodeNames) .brokerClusterKey(workers.head.brokerClusterKey) .create() ) result(workerApi.list()).size shouldBe workers.size + 1 // we use same group to create an new worker cluster result(workerApi.list()).groupBy( shouldBe workerCount result( PrivateApi.delete( hostname = configurator.hostname, port = configurator.port, deletion = Deletion(groups = Set(group), kinds = Set(kind)) ) ) val latestWorkers = result(workerApi.list()) latestWorkers.size shouldBe workers.size - 1 // delete again result( PrivateApi.delete( hostname = configurator.hostname, port = configurator.port, deletion = Deletion(groups = Set(group), kinds = Set(kind)) ) ) result(workerApi.list()).size shouldBe latestWorkers.size // delete group without kind result( PrivateApi.delete( hostname = configurator.hostname, port = configurator.port, deletion = Deletion(groups = Set(, kinds = Set.empty) ) ) result(workerApi.list()).size shouldBe latestWorkers.size } }
Example 142
Source File: TestContainerRoute.scala From ohara with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package oharastream.ohara.configurator.route import oharastream.ohara.client.configurator._ import oharastream.ohara.common.rule.OharaTest import oharastream.ohara.common.setting.ObjectKey import oharastream.ohara.common.util.{CommonUtils, Releasable} import oharastream.ohara.configurator.Configurator import org.junit.{After, Before, Test} import org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers._ import import scala.concurrent.{Await, Future} import scala.concurrent.duration.Duration class TestContainerRoute extends OharaTest { private[this] val configurator = Configurator.builder.fake(0, 0).build() private[this] val containerApi = ContainerApi.access.hostname(configurator.hostname).port(configurator.port) private[this] val brokerApi = BrokerApi.access.hostname(configurator.hostname).port(configurator.port) private[this] val workerApi = WorkerApi.access.hostname(configurator.hostname).port(configurator.port) private[this] val zkClusterKey = ObjectKey.of("default", CommonUtils.randomString(10)) private[this] val bkClusterKey = ObjectKey.of("default", CommonUtils.randomString(10)) private[this] val wkClusterKey = ObjectKey.of("default", CommonUtils.randomString(10)) private[this] val nodeNames: Set[String] = Set("n0", "n1") private[this] def result[T](f: Future[T]): T = Await.result(f, Duration("20 seconds")) @Before def setup(): Unit = { val nodeApi = NodeApi.access.hostname(configurator.hostname).port(configurator.port) nodeNames.isEmpty shouldBe false nodeNames.foreach { n => result(nodeApi.request.nodeName(n).port(22).user("user").password("pwd").create()) } val zk = result( ZookeeperApi.access .hostname(configurator.hostname) .port(configurator.port) .request .key(zkClusterKey) .nodeNames(nodeNames) .create() ) zk.key shouldBe zkClusterKey result(ZookeeperApi.access.hostname(configurator.hostname).port(configurator.port).start(zk.key)) val bk = result(brokerApi.request.key(bkClusterKey).zookeeperClusterKey(zkClusterKey).nodeNames(nodeNames).create()) result(brokerApi.start(bk.key)) val wk = result(workerApi.request.key(wkClusterKey).brokerClusterKey(bkClusterKey).nodeNames(nodeNames).create()) result(workerApi.start(wk.key)) } @Test def testGetContainersOfBrokerCluster(): Unit = { val containerGroups = result(containerApi.get(bkClusterKey)) containerGroups.size should not be 0 containerGroups.foreach(group => { group.clusterKey shouldBe bkClusterKey group.clusterType shouldBe "broker" group.containers.size should not be 0 }) } @Test def testGetContainersOfWorkerCluster(): Unit = { val containerGroups = result(containerApi.get(wkClusterKey)) containerGroups.size should not be 0 containerGroups.foreach(group => { group.clusterKey shouldBe wkClusterKey group.clusterType shouldBe "worker" group.containers.size should not be 0 }) } @After def tearDown(): Unit = Releasable.close(configurator) }
Example 143
Source File: TestClusterNameUpperCaseRoute.scala From ohara with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package oharastream.ohara.configurator.route import oharastream.ohara.client.configurator.{NodeApi, ZookeeperApi} import oharastream.ohara.common.rule.OharaTest import oharastream.ohara.common.util.{CommonUtils, Releasable} import oharastream.ohara.configurator.Configurator import org.junit.{After, Test} import org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers._ import spray.json.DeserializationException import import scala.concurrent.duration.Duration import scala.concurrent.{Await, Future} class TestClusterNameUpperCaseRoute extends OharaTest { private[this] val numberOfCluster = 1 private[this] val configurator = Configurator.builder.fake(numberOfCluster, numberOfCluster, "zk").build() private[this] val nodeApi = NodeApi.access.hostname(configurator.hostname).port(configurator.port) private[this] val zookeeperApi = ZookeeperApi.access.hostname(configurator.hostname).port(configurator.port) private[this] def result[T](f: Future[T]): T = Await.result(f, Duration("20 seconds")) @Test def testAddZookeeper(): Unit = { result(nodeApi.request.nodeName("host1").port(22).user("b").password("c").create()) an[DeserializationException] should be thrownBy result("ZK-${CommonUtils.randomString(10)}").nodeName("host1").create() ) } @After def tearDown(): Unit = Releasable.close(configurator) }
Example 144
Source File: TestObjectRoute.scala From ohara with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package oharastream.ohara.configurator.route import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit import oharastream.ohara.client.configurator.ObjectApi import oharastream.ohara.client.configurator.ObjectApi.ObjectInfo import oharastream.ohara.common.rule.OharaTest import oharastream.ohara.common.setting.ObjectKey import oharastream.ohara.common.util.{CommonUtils, Releasable} import oharastream.ohara.configurator.Configurator import org.junit.{After, Test} import org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers._ import spray.json.JsString import import scala.concurrent.duration.Duration import scala.concurrent.{Await, Future} class TestObjectRoute extends OharaTest { private[this] val configurator = Configurator.builder.fake(1, 1).build() private[this] val objectApi = ObjectApi.access.hostname(configurator.hostname).port(configurator.port) private[this] def result[T](f: Future[T]): T = Await.result(f, Duration(20, TimeUnit.SECONDS)) private[this] def create(): ObjectInfo = { val key = ObjectKey.of("g", "n") val settings = Map( CommonUtils.randomString() -> JsString(CommonUtils.randomString()), CommonUtils.randomString() -> JsString(CommonUtils.randomString()) ) val objectInfo = result(objectApi.request.key(key).settings(settings).create()) objectInfo.key shouldBe key settings.foreach { case (k, v) => objectInfo.settings(k) shouldBe v } objectInfo } @Test def testCreate(): Unit = create() @Test def testGet(): Unit = { val objectInfo = create() objectInfo shouldBe result(objectApi.get(objectInfo.key)) } @Test def testGetNothing(): Unit = an[IllegalArgumentException] should be thrownBy result(objectApi.get(ObjectKey.of(CommonUtils.randomString(), "n"))) @Test def testList(): Unit = { val objectInfo = create() objectInfo shouldBe result(objectApi.list()).head } @Test def testDelete(): Unit = { val objectInfo = create() result(objectApi.delete(objectInfo.key)) result(objectApi.list()) shouldBe Seq.empty } @Test def testUpdate(): Unit = { val objectInfo = create() val settings = Map( CommonUtils.randomString() -> JsString(CommonUtils.randomString()), CommonUtils.randomString() -> JsString(CommonUtils.randomString()) ) val updated = result(objectApi.request.key(objectInfo.key).settings(settings).update()) settings.foreach { case (k, v) => updated.settings(k) shouldBe v } objectInfo.settings.foreach { case (k, v) => if (k == "lastModified") updated.settings(k) should not be v else updated.settings(k) shouldBe v } } @After def tearDown(): Unit = Releasable.close(configurator) }
Example 145
Source File: ConnectorTestUtils.scala From ohara with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package oharastream.ohara.connector import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit import oharastream.ohara.client.configurator.ConnectorApi.State import oharastream.ohara.client.filesystem.FileSystem import oharastream.ohara.client.kafka.ConnectorAdmin import oharastream.ohara.common.exception.NoSuchFileException import oharastream.ohara.common.setting.ConnectorKey import oharastream.ohara.common.util.CommonUtils import oharastream.ohara.testing.OharaTestUtils import org.apache.kafka.connect.connector.Connector import org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers._ import scala.jdk.CollectionConverters._ import scala.concurrent.Await import import scala.concurrent.duration.Duration object ConnectorTestUtils { private[this] val TIMEOUT = java.time.Duration.ofSeconds(60) def assertFailedConnector(testingUtil: OharaTestUtils, connectorKey: ConnectorKey): Unit = assertFailedConnector(testingUtil.workersConnProps(), connectorKey) def assertFailedConnector(workersConnProps: String, connectorKey: ConnectorKey): Unit = CommonUtils.await( () => { val client = ConnectorAdmin(workersConnProps) try Await.result(client.status(connectorKey), Duration(20, TimeUnit.SECONDS)).connector.state == catch { case _: Throwable => false } }, TIMEOUT ) def checkConnector(testingUtil: OharaTestUtils, connectorKey: ConnectorKey): Unit = checkConnector(testingUtil.workersConnProps(), connectorKey) def checkConnector(workersConnProps: String, connectorKey: ConnectorKey): Unit = CommonUtils.await( () => { val connectorAdmin = ConnectorAdmin(workersConnProps) try { Await.result(connectorAdmin.activeConnectors(), Duration(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS)).contains(connectorKey) val status = Await.result(connectorAdmin.status(connectorKey), Duration(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS)) status.connector.state == && status.tasks.nonEmpty && status.tasks .forall(_.state == } catch { case _: Throwable => false } }, TIMEOUT ) def nonexistentFolderShouldFail( fileSystem: FileSystem, connectorClass: Class[_ <: Connector], props: Map[String, String], path: String ): Unit = { fileSystem.delete(path, true) intercept[NoSuchFileException] { val connector = connectorClass.getDeclaredConstructor().newInstance() try connector.start(props.asJava) finally connector.stop() }.getMessage should include("doesn't exist") } def fileShouldFail( fileSystem: FileSystem, connectorClass: Class[_ <: Connector], props: Map[String, String], path: String ): Unit = { fileSystem.delete(path, true) val output = fileSystem.create(path) try output.write("fileShouldFail".getBytes) finally output.close() intercept[IllegalArgumentException] { val connector = connectorClass.getDeclaredConstructor().newInstance() try connector.start(props.asJava) finally connector.stop() }.getMessage should include("NOT folder") } }
Example 146
Source File: TestPerfDefinition.scala From ohara with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package oharastream.ohara.connector.perf import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit import oharastream.ohara.client.kafka.ConnectorAdmin import oharastream.ohara.common.setting.SettingDef.{Necessary, Permission, Reference} import oharastream.ohara.common.setting.{ConnectorKey, SettingDef, TopicKey} import oharastream.ohara.common.util.CommonUtils import oharastream.ohara.kafka.connector.json.ConnectorDefUtils import oharastream.ohara.testing.WithBrokerWorker import org.junit.Test import org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers._ import scala.jdk.CollectionConverters._ import import scala.concurrent.duration.Duration import scala.concurrent.{Await, Future} class TestPerfDefinition extends WithBrokerWorker { private[this] val perfSource = new PerfSource private[this] val connectorAdmin = ConnectorAdmin(testUtil().workersConnProps()) private[this] def result[T](f: Future[T]): T = Await.result(f, Duration(20, TimeUnit.SECONDS)) @Test def checkBatch(): Unit = { val definition = perfSource.settingDefinitions().get(PERF_BATCH_KEY) definition.necessary() should not be Necessary.REQUIRED definition.defaultInt() shouldBe PERF_BATCH_DEFAULT definition.permission() shouldBe Permission.EDITABLE definition.internal() shouldBe false definition.reference() shouldBe Reference.NONE definition.valueType() shouldBe SettingDef.Type.INT } @Test def checkFrequence(): Unit = { val definition = perfSource.settingDefinitions().get(PERF_FREQUENCY_KEY) definition.necessary() should not be Necessary.REQUIRED definition.defaultDuration() shouldBe java.time.Duration.ofMillis(PERF_FREQUENCY_DEFAULT.toMillis) definition.permission() shouldBe Permission.EDITABLE definition.internal() shouldBe false definition.reference() shouldBe Reference.NONE definition.valueType() shouldBe SettingDef.Type.DURATION } @Test def testSource(): Unit = { val topicKey = TopicKey.of(CommonUtils.randomString(5), CommonUtils.randomString(5)) val response = result( connectorAdmin .connectorValidator() .connectorKey(ConnectorKey.of(CommonUtils.randomString(5), CommonUtils.randomString(5))) .numberOfTasks(1) .topicKey(topicKey) .connectorClass(classOf[PerfSource]) .run() ) response.settings().size should not be 0 response .settings() .asScala .filter(_.definition().key() == ConnectorDefUtils.TOPIC_NAMES_DEFINITION.key()) .head .definition() .necessary() shouldBe Necessary.REQUIRED response .settings() .asScala .filter(_.definition().key() == ConnectorDefUtils.CONNECTOR_CLASS_DEFINITION.key()) .head .definition() .necessary() shouldBe Necessary.REQUIRED response .settings() .asScala .filter(_.definition().key() == ConnectorDefUtils.NUMBER_OF_TASKS_DEFINITION.key()) .head .definition() .necessary() shouldBe Necessary.OPTIONAL response .settings() .asScala .filter(_.definition().key() == ConnectorDefUtils.COLUMNS_DEFINITION.key()) .head .definition() .necessary() should not be Necessary.REQUIRED response .settings() .asScala .filter(_.definition().key() == ConnectorDefUtils.WORKER_CLUSTER_KEY_DEFINITION.key()) .head .definition() .necessary() shouldBe Necessary.REQUIRED response.errorCount() shouldBe 0 } }
Example 147
Source File: TestFileInfoApi.scala From ohara with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package oharastream.ohara.client.configurator import import oharastream.ohara.client.configurator.FileInfoApi.FileInfo import oharastream.ohara.common.rule.OharaTest import oharastream.ohara.common.util.CommonUtils import org.junit.Test import org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers._ import spray.json.JsString import class TestFileInfoApi extends OharaTest { private[this] def access: FileInfoApi.Access = FileInfoApi.access.hostname(CommonUtils.hostname()).port(22) @Test def nullKeyInGet(): Unit = an[NullPointerException] should be thrownBy access.get(null) @Test def nullKeyInDelete(): Unit = an[NullPointerException] should be thrownBy access.delete(null) @Test def emptyName(): Unit = an[IllegalArgumentException] should be thrownBy"") @Test def nullName(): Unit = an[NullPointerException] should be thrownBy @Test def emptyGroup(): Unit = an[IllegalArgumentException] should be thrownBy"") @Test def nullGroup(): Unit = an[NullPointerException] should be thrownBy @Test def nullFile(): Unit = an[NullPointerException] should be thrownBy access.request.file(null) @Test def nonexistentFile(): Unit = an[IllegalArgumentException] should be thrownBy access.request.file(new File(CommonUtils.randomString(5))) @Test def nullTags(): Unit = an[NullPointerException] should be thrownBy access.request.tags(null) @Test def emptyTags(): Unit = access.request.tags(Map.empty) @Test def bytesMustBeEmptyAfterSerialization(): Unit = { val bytes = CommonUtils.randomString().getBytes() val fileInfo = new FileInfo( group = CommonUtils.randomString(), name = CommonUtils.randomString(), lastModified = CommonUtils.current(), bytes = bytes, url = None, classInfos = Seq.empty, tags = Map("a" -> JsString("b")) ) val copy = shouldBe shouldBe copy.lastModified shouldBe fileInfo.lastModified copy.bytes shouldBe Array.empty copy.url shouldBe fileInfo.url copy.tags shouldBe fileInfo.tags } @Test def nullUrlShouldBeRemoved(): Unit = { val fileInfo = new FileInfo( group = CommonUtils.randomString(), name = CommonUtils.randomString(), lastModified = CommonUtils.current(), bytes = Array.emptyByteArray, url = None, classInfos = Seq.empty, tags = Map("a" -> JsString("b")) ) FileInfoApi.FILE_INFO_FORMAT.write(fileInfo).asJsObject.fields should not contain "url" } }
Example 148
Source File: Test873.scala From ohara with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package oharastream.ohara.client.kafka import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit import import akka.http.scaladsl.marshallers.sprayjson.SprayJsonSupport._ import akka.http.scaladsl.server.Directives._ import akka.http.scaladsl.{Http, server} import oharastream.ohara.client.kafka.WorkerJson.{ConnectorCreationResponse, KafkaConnectorTaskId, _} import oharastream.ohara.common.rule.OharaTest import oharastream.ohara.common.setting.ConnectorKey import oharastream.ohara.common.util.CommonUtils import oharastream.ohara.kafka.connector.json.Creation import org.junit.Test import org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers._ import scala.concurrent.{Await, Future} import import scala.concurrent.duration.Duration import scala.jdk.CollectionConverters._ class Test873 extends OharaTest { private[this] def result[T](f: Future[T]): T = Await.result(f, Duration(60, TimeUnit.SECONDS)) @Test def testCreateConnector(): Unit = { val className = CommonUtils.randomString() val settings = Map( CommonUtils.randomString() -> CommonUtils.randomString() ) val tasks = Seq( KafkaConnectorTaskId( connector = CommonUtils.randomString(), task = 10 ) ) val server = toServer { path("connectors") { post { entity(as[Creation]) { req => complete( ConnectorCreationResponse( name =, config = req.configs().asScala.toMap, tasks = tasks ) ) } } } } try { val connectorKey = ConnectorKey.of(CommonUtils.randomString(5), CommonUtils.randomString(5)) val client = ConnectorAdmin(s"${server.hostname}:${server.port}") val response = result( client.connectorCreator().connectorKey(connectorKey).settings(settings).className(className).create() ) shouldBe connectorKey.connectorNameOnKafka() response.tasks shouldBe tasks settings.foreach { case (k, v) => response.config(k) shouldBe v } } finally server.close() } private[this] def toServer(route: server.Route): SimpleServer = { implicit val system: ActorSystem = ActorSystem("my-system") val server = Await.result(Http().bindAndHandle(route, "localhost", 0), Duration(30, TimeUnit.SECONDS)) new SimpleServer { override def hostname: String = server.localAddress.getHostString override def port: Int = server.localAddress.getPort override def close(): Unit = { Await.result(server.unbind(), Duration(30, TimeUnit.SECONDS)) Await.result(system.terminate(), Duration(30, TimeUnit.SECONDS)) } } } }
Example 149
Source File: SimpleRowSourceTask.scala From ohara with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package oharastream.ohara.client.kafka import java.util import java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean import{Row, Serializer} import oharastream.ohara.common.setting.TopicKey import oharastream.ohara.common.util.Releasable import oharastream.ohara.kafka.Consumer import oharastream.ohara.kafka.connector.{RowSourceRecord, RowSourceTask, TaskSetting} import scala.jdk.CollectionConverters._ import import scala.concurrent.Future class SimpleRowSourceTask extends RowSourceTask { private[this] var settings: TaskSetting = _ private[this] val queue = new LinkedBlockingQueue[RowSourceRecord] private[this] val closed = new AtomicBoolean(false) private[this] var consumer: Consumer[Row, Array[Byte]] = _ override protected def run(settings: TaskSetting): Unit = { this.settings = settings this.consumer = Consumer .builder() .connectionProps(settings.stringValue(SimpleRowSourceConnector.BROKER)) .groupId( .topicKeys(java.util.Set.copyOf(TopicKey.toTopicKeys(settings.stringValue(SimpleRowSourceConnector.INPUT)))) .offsetFromBegin() .keySerializer(Serializer.ROW) .valueSerializer(Serializer.BYTES) .build() Future { try while (!closed.get) { consumer .poll(java.time.Duration.ofSeconds(2)) .asScala .filter(_.key.isPresent) .map(_.key.get) .flatMap( row => settings.topicKeys() => RowSourceRecord.builder().row(row).topicKey(topic).build()) ) .foreach(r => queue.put(r)) } finally Releasable.close(consumer) } } override protected def pollRecords(): util.List[RowSourceRecord] = Iterator.continually(queue.poll()).takeWhile(_ != null).toSeq.asJava override protected def terminate(): Unit = { closed.set(true) consumer.wakeup() } }
Example 150
Source File: TestConnectorValidator.scala From ohara with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package oharastream.ohara.client.kafka import oharastream.ohara.common.rule.OharaTest import org.junit.Test import org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers._ import class TestConnectorValidator extends OharaTest { private[this] val notWorkingClient = ConnectorAdmin("localhost:2222") @Test def ignoreClassName(): Unit = an[NoSuchElementException] should be thrownBy notWorkingClient.connectorValidator().run() @Test def nullSettingKey(): Unit = an[NullPointerException] should be thrownBy notWorkingClient.connectorValidator().setting(null, "asdsad") @Test def emptySettingKey(): Unit = an[IllegalArgumentException] should be thrownBy notWorkingClient.connectorValidator().setting("", "asdsad") @Test def nullSettingValue(): Unit = an[NullPointerException] should be thrownBy notWorkingClient.connectorValidator().setting("asdsad", null) @Test def emptySettingValue(): Unit = an[IllegalArgumentException] should be thrownBy notWorkingClient.connectorValidator().setting("asdsad", "") @Test def nullSettings(): Unit = an[NullPointerException] should be thrownBy notWorkingClient.connectorValidator().settings(null) @Test def emptySettings(): Unit = an[IllegalArgumentException] should be thrownBy notWorkingClient.connectorValidator().settings(Map.empty) @Test def nullSchema(): Unit = an[NullPointerException] should be thrownBy notWorkingClient.connectorValidator().columns(null) @Test def illegalNumberOfTasks(): Unit = an[IllegalArgumentException] should be thrownBy notWorkingClient.connectorValidator().numberOfTasks(-1) @Test def nullClass(): Unit = an[NullPointerException] should be thrownBy notWorkingClient .connectorValidator() .connectorClass(null.asInstanceOf[Class[_]]) @Test def nullClassName(): Unit = an[NullPointerException] should be thrownBy notWorkingClient .connectorValidator() .className(null.asInstanceOf[String]) @Test def emptyClassName(): Unit = an[IllegalArgumentException] should be thrownBy notWorkingClient.connectorValidator().className("") @Test def nullTopicKey(): Unit = an[NullPointerException] should be thrownBy notWorkingClient.connectorValidator().topicKey(null) @Test def nullTopicKeys(): Unit = an[NullPointerException] should be thrownBy notWorkingClient.connectorValidator().topicKeys(null) @Test def emptyTopicKeys(): Unit = an[IllegalArgumentException] should be thrownBy notWorkingClient.connectorValidator().topicKeys(Set.empty) }
Example 151
Source File: LifetimeAllowanceService.scala From pertax-frontend with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package services import import{Inject, Singleton} import metrics.HasMetrics import models.LtaProtections import play.api.Mode.Mode import play.api.{Configuration, Environment, Logger} import services.http.SimpleHttp import import{HeaderCarrier, HttpReads} import import import scala.concurrent.Future @Singleton class LifetimeAllowanceService @Inject()( environment: Environment, configuration: Configuration, val simpleHttp: SimpleHttp, val metrics: Metrics, servicesConfig: ServicesConfig) extends HasMetrics { val mode: Mode = environment.mode val runModeConfiguration: Configuration = configuration lazy val lifetimeAllowanceUrl = servicesConfig.baseUrl("pensions-lifetime-allowance") def getCount(nino: Nino)(implicit hc: HeaderCarrier, rds: HttpReads[LtaProtections]): Future[Option[Int]] = withMetricsTimer("has-lta-response") { t => simpleHttp.get[Option[Int]]( lifetimeAllowanceUrl + s"/protect-your-lifetime-allowance/individuals/$nino/protections/count")( onComplete = { case r if r.status >= 200 && r.status < 300 => t.completeTimerAndIncrementSuccessCounter() Some(([LtaProtections]).count) case r => t.completeTimerAndIncrementFailedCounter() Logger.warn( s"Unexpected ${r.status} response getting lifetime allowance protections count from LTA service") None }, onError = { case e => t.completeTimerAndIncrementFailedCounter() Logger.warn("Error getting lifetime allowance protections count from LTA service", e) None } ) } def hasLtaProtection(nino: Nino)(implicit hc: HeaderCarrier, rds: HttpReads[LtaProtections]): Future[Boolean] = getCount(nino) map { case (Some(0) | None) => false case _ => true } }
Example 152
Source File: HomePageCachingHelper.scala From pertax-frontend with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package controllers.controllershelpers import import services.LocalSessionCache import import import import scala.concurrent.Future class HomePageCachingHelper @Inject()( val sessionCache: LocalSessionCache ) { def hasUserDismissedUrInvitation[T](implicit hc: HeaderCarrier): Future[Boolean] = sessionCache.fetch() map { case Some(cacheMap) => cacheMap.getEntry[Boolean]("urBannerDismissed").getOrElse(false) case None => false } def storeUserUrDismissal()(implicit hc: HeaderCarrier): Future[CacheMap] = sessionCache.cache("urBannerDismissed", true) }
Example 153
Source File: FormPartialServiceSpec.scala From pertax-frontend with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package services import com.codahale.metrics.Timer import import config.ConfigDecorator import org.mockito.Matchers._ import org.mockito.Mockito._ import org.scalatestplus.mockito.MockitoSugar import play.api.{Configuration, Environment} import play.twirl.api.Html import services.partials.FormPartialService import import import import import import util.BaseSpec import util.Fixtures._ import import scala.concurrent.Future class FormPartialServiceSpec extends BaseSpec { trait LocalSetup { val servicesConfig = app.injector.instanceOf[ServicesConfig] val timer = MockitoSugar.mock[Timer.Context] val formPartialService: FormPartialService = new FormPartialService( injected[Environment], injected[Configuration], MockitoSugar.mock[DefaultHttpClient], MockitoSugar.mock[Metrics], MockitoSugar.mock[ConfigDecorator], injected[SessionCookieCrypto], servicesConfig ) { override val metricsOperator: MetricsOperator = MockitoSugar.mock[MetricsOperator] when(metricsOperator.startTimer(any())) thenReturn timer } } "Calling FormPartialServiceSpec" should { "return form list for National insurance" in new LocalSetup { when(formPartialService.http.GET[HtmlPartial](any())(any(), any(), any())) thenReturn Future.successful[HtmlPartial](HtmlPartial.Success(Some("Title"), Html("<title/>"))) formPartialService.getNationalInsurancePartial(buildFakeRequestWithAuth("GET")).map(p => p shouldBe "<title/>") verify(formPartialService.http, times(1)).GET[Html](any())(any(), any(), any()) } "return form list for Self-assessment" in new LocalSetup { when(formPartialService.http.GET[HtmlPartial](any())(any(), any(), any())) thenReturn Future.successful[HtmlPartial](HtmlPartial.Success(Some("Title"), Html("<title/>"))) formPartialService.getSelfAssessmentPartial(buildFakeRequestWithAuth("GET")).map(p => p shouldBe "<title/>") verify(formPartialService.http, times(1)).GET[Html](any())(any(), any(), any()) } } }
Example 154
Source File: PaperlessPreferencesControllerSpec.scala From pertax-frontend with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package controllers import config.ConfigDecorator import controllers.auth.requests.UserRequest import controllers.auth.{AuthJourney, WithActiveTabAction, WithBreadcrumbAction} import models.{ActivatedOnlineFilerSelfAssessmentUser, NonFilerSelfAssessmentUser} import org.mockito.Matchers._ import org.mockito.Mockito._ import org.scalatestplus.mockito.MockitoSugar import play.api.i18n.MessagesApi import play.api.mvc.{ActionBuilder, MessagesControllerComponents, Request, Result} import play.api.test.FakeRequest import play.api.test.Helpers._ import play.twirl.api.Html import services.partials.PreferencesFrontendPartialService import import import import import import util.UserRequestFixture.buildUserRequest import util.{ActionBuilderFixture, BaseSpec, BetterOptionValues, LocalPartialRetriever, Tools} import import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future} class PaperlessPreferencesControllerSpec extends BaseSpec with MockitoSugar { import BetterOptionValues._ override implicit lazy val app = localGuiceApplicationBuilder().build() val mockPreferencesFrontendPartialService = mock[PreferencesFrontendPartialService] val mockAuthJourney = mock[AuthJourney] def controller: PaperlessPreferencesController = new PaperlessPreferencesController( mockPreferencesFrontendPartialService, mockAuthJourney, injected[WithActiveTabAction], injected[WithBreadcrumbAction], injected[MessagesControllerComponents], injected[Tools] )(mock[LocalPartialRetriever], injected[ConfigDecorator], injected[TemplateRenderer], injected[ExecutionContext]) {} "Calling PaperlessPreferencesController.managePreferences" should { "Redirect to preferences-frontend manage paperless url when a user is logged in using GG" in { when(mockAuthJourney.authWithPersonalDetails).thenReturn(new ActionBuilderFixture { override def invokeBlock[A](request: Request[A], block: UserRequest[A] => Future[Result]): Future[Result] = block( buildUserRequest(request = request) ) }) val r = controller.managePreferences(FakeRequest()) status(r) shouldBe SEE_OTHER val redirectUrl = redirectLocation(r).getValue val configDecorator = app.injector.instanceOf[ConfigDecorator] redirectUrl should include regex s"${configDecorator.preferencesFrontendService}/paperless/check-settings\\?returnUrl=.*\\&returnLinkText=.*" } "Return 400 for Verify users" in { when(mockAuthJourney.authWithPersonalDetails).thenReturn(new ActionBuilderFixture { override def invokeBlock[A](request: Request[A], block: UserRequest[A] => Future[Result]): Future[Result] = block( buildUserRequest( credentials = Credentials("", "Verify"), confidenceLevel = ConfidenceLevel.L500, request = request )) }) val r = controller.managePreferences(FakeRequest()) status(r) shouldBe BAD_REQUEST } } }
Example 155
Source File: EnrolmentsConnectorSpec.scala From pertax-frontend with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package connectors import models._ import org.joda.time.DateTime import org.mockito.Matchers.{any, eq => eqTo} import org.mockito.Mockito.when import org.scalatest.EitherValues import org.scalatest.Inspectors.forAll import org.scalatest.concurrent.ScalaFutures import org.scalatestplus.mockito.MockitoSugar import play.api.http.Status._ import play.api.libs.json.{JsObject, JsResultException, Json} import{HttpException, HttpResponse} import import util.BaseSpec import import scala.concurrent.Future class EnrolmentsConnectorSpec extends BaseSpec with MockitoSugar with ScalaFutures with EitherValues { val http = mock[DefaultHttpClient] val connector = new EnrolmentsConnector(http, config) val baseUrl = config.enrolmentStoreProxyUrl "getAssignedEnrolments" should { val utr = "1234500000" val url = s"$baseUrl/enrolment-store/enrolments/IR-SA~UTR~$utr/users" "Return the error message for a BAD_REQUEST response" in { when(http.GET[HttpResponse](eqTo(url))(any(), any(), any())) .thenReturn(Future.successful(HttpResponse(BAD_REQUEST))) connector.getUserIdsWithEnrolments(utr).futureValue.left.value should include(BAD_REQUEST.toString) } "NO_CONTENT response should return no enrolments" in { when(http.GET[HttpResponse](eqTo(url))(any(), any(), any())) .thenReturn(Future.successful(HttpResponse(NO_CONTENT))) connector.getUserIdsWithEnrolments(utr).futureValue.right.value shouldBe Seq.empty } "query users with no principal enrolment returns empty enrolments" in { val json = Json.parse(""" |{ | "principalUserIds": [], | "delegatedUserIds": [] |}""".stripMargin) when(http.GET[HttpResponse](eqTo(url))(any(), any(), any())) .thenReturn(Future.successful(HttpResponse(OK, Some(json)))) connector.getUserIdsWithEnrolments(utr).futureValue.right.value shouldBe Seq.empty } "query users with assigned enrolment return two principleIds" in { val json = Json.parse(""" |{ | "principalUserIds": [ | "ABCEDEFGI1234567", | "ABCEDEFGI1234568" | ], | "delegatedUserIds": [ | "dont care" | ] |}""".stripMargin) when(http.GET[HttpResponse](eqTo(url))(any(), any(), any())) .thenReturn(Future.successful(HttpResponse(OK, Some(json)))) val expected = Seq("ABCEDEFGI1234567", "ABCEDEFGI1234568") connector.getUserIdsWithEnrolments(utr).futureValue.right.value shouldBe expected } } }
Example 156
Source File: PayApiConnectorSpec.scala From pertax-frontend with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package connectors import models.{CreatePayment, PaymentRequest} import org.mockito.Matchers.{any, eq => eqTo} import org.mockito.Mockito.when import org.scalatest.concurrent.ScalaFutures import org.scalatestplus.mockito.MockitoSugar import play.api.http.Status._ import play.api.libs.json.{JsResultException, Json} import import import util.BaseSpec import import scala.concurrent.Future class PayApiConnectorSpec extends BaseSpec with MockitoSugar with ScalaFutures { val http = mock[DefaultHttpClient] val connector = new PayApiConnector(http, config) val paymentRequest = PaymentRequest(config, "some utr") val postUrl = config.makeAPaymentUrl "createPayment" should { "parse the json load for a successful CREATED response" in { val json = Json.obj( "journeyId" -> "exampleJourneyId", "nextUrl" -> "testNextUrl" ) when( http.POST[PaymentRequest, HttpResponse](eqTo(postUrl), eqTo(paymentRequest), any())(any(), any(), any(), any())) .thenReturn(Future.successful(HttpResponse(CREATED, Some(json)))) connector.createPayment(paymentRequest).futureValue shouldBe Some( CreatePayment("exampleJourneyId", "testNextUrl")) } "Returns a None when the status code is not CREATED" in { when( http.POST[PaymentRequest, HttpResponse](eqTo(postUrl), eqTo(paymentRequest), any())(any(), any(), any(), any())) .thenReturn(Future.successful(HttpResponse(BAD_REQUEST))) connector.createPayment(paymentRequest).futureValue shouldBe None } "Throws a JsResultException when given bad json" in { val badJson = Json.obj("abc" -> "invalidData") when( http.POST[PaymentRequest, HttpResponse](eqTo(postUrl), eqTo(paymentRequest), any())(any(), any(), any(), any())) .thenReturn(Future.successful(HttpResponse(CREATED, Some(badJson)))) val f = connector.createPayment(paymentRequest) whenReady(f.failed) { e => e shouldBe a[JsResultException] } } } }
Example 157
Source File: TrackerImplTest.scala From daml with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
// Copyright (c) 2020 Digital Asset (Switzerland) GmbH and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 package import akka.NotUsed import import{Keep, Source, SourceQueueWithComplete} import import import com.daml.ledger.api.testing.utils.{ AkkaBeforeAndAfterAll, IsStatusException, TestingException } import com.daml.ledger.api.v1.command_service.SubmitAndWaitRequest import com.daml.ledger.api.v1.commands.Commands import com.daml.ledger.api.v1.completion.Completion import com.daml.dec.DirectExecutionContext import{Status => RpcStatus} import io.grpc.Status import org.scalatest.concurrent.ScalaFutures import org.scalatest.{BeforeAndAfterEach, Matchers, Succeeded, WordSpec} import class TrackerImplTest extends WordSpec with Matchers with BeforeAndAfterEach with ScalaFutures with AkkaBeforeAndAfterAll { private var sut: Tracker = _ private var consumer: TestSubscriber.Probe[NotUsed] = _ private var queue: SourceQueueWithComplete[TrackerImpl.QueueInput] = _ private def input(cid: Int) = SubmitAndWaitRequest(Some(Commands(commandId = cid.toString))) override protected def beforeEach(): Unit = { val (q, sink) = Source .queue[TrackerImpl.QueueInput](1, OverflowStrategy.dropNew) .map { in => in.context.success(Completion(in.value.getCommands.commandId, Some(RpcStatus()))) NotUsed } .toMat(TestSink.probe[NotUsed])(Keep.both) .run() queue = q sut = new TrackerImpl(q) consumer = sink } override protected def afterEach(): Unit = { consumer.cancel() queue.complete() } "Tracker Implementation" when { "input is submitted, and the queue is available" should { "work successfully" in { val resultF1 = sut.track(input(1)) consumer.requestNext() val resultF = resultF1.flatMap(_ => sut.track(input(2)))(DirectExecutionContext) consumer.requestNext() whenReady(resultF)(_ => Succeeded) } } "input is submitted, and the queue is backpressuring" should { "return a RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED error" in { sut.track(input(1)) whenReady(sut.track(input(2)).failed)(IsStatusException(Status.RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED)) } } "input is submitted, and the queue has been completed" should { "return an ABORTED error" in { queue.complete() whenReady(sut.track(input(2)).failed)(IsStatusException(Status.ABORTED)) } } "input is submitted, and the queue has failed" should { "return an ABORTED error" in {"The queue fails with this error.")) whenReady(sut.track(input(2)).failed)(IsStatusException(Status.ABORTED)) } } } }
Example 158
Source File: ValidatorTestUtils.scala From daml with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
// Copyright (c) 2020 Digital Asset (Switzerland) GmbH and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 package com.daml.ledger.api.validation import brave.propagation import import com.daml.ledger.api.domain import com.daml.ledger.api.messages.transaction import io.grpc.Status.Code import io.grpc.StatusRuntimeException import org.scalatest._ import import scala.concurrent.Future trait ValidatorTestUtils extends Matchers with Inside with OptionValues { self: Suite => protected val traceIdHigh = 1L protected val traceId = 2L protected val spanId = 3L protected val parentSpanId = Some(4L) protected val sampled = true protected val includedModule = "includedModule" protected val includedTemplate = "includedTemplate" protected val expectedLedgerId = "expectedLedgerId" protected val packageId = Ref.PackageId.assertFromString("packageId") protected val absoluteOffset = Ref.LedgerString.assertFromString("42") protected val party = Ref.Party.assertFromString("party") protected val verbose = false protected val eventId = "eventId" protected val transactionId = "42" protected val offsetOrdering =[domain.LedgerOffset.Absolute, Int](_.value.toInt) protected val ledgerEnd = domain.LedgerOffset.Absolute(Ref.LedgerString.assertFromString("1000")) protected def hasExpectedFilters(req: transaction.GetTransactionsRequest) = { val filtersByParty = req.filter.filtersByParty filtersByParty should have size 1 inside(filtersByParty.headOption.value) { case (p, filters) => p shouldEqual party filters shouldEqual domain.Filters( Some(domain.InclusiveFilters(Set(Ref.Identifier( Ref.PackageId.assertFromString(packageId), Ref.QualifiedName( Ref.DottedName.assertFromString(includedModule), Ref.DottedName.assertFromString(includedTemplate)) ))))) } } protected def hasExpectedTraceContext(req: transaction.GetTransactionsRequest) = { inside(req.traceContext.value) { case e => isExpectedTraceContext(e) } } protected def isExpectedTraceContext(e: propagation.TraceContext) = { e.traceIdHigh() shouldEqual traceIdHigh e.traceId() shouldEqual traceId e.spanId() shouldEqual spanId Option(e.parentId()) shouldEqual parentSpanId e.sampled() shouldEqual sampled } protected def requestMustFailWith( request: Future[_], code: Code, description: String): Future[Assertion] = { val f = { case ex: StatusRuntimeException => Left(ex) }, description))) } protected def requestMustFailWith( request: Either[StatusRuntimeException, _], code: Code, description: String): Assertion = { inside(request)(isError(code, description)) } protected def isError(expectedCode: Code, expectedDescription: String) : PartialFunction[Either[StatusRuntimeException, _], Assertion] = { case Left(err) => err.getStatus should have('code (expectedCode)) err.getStatus should have('description (expectedDescription)) } }
Example 159
Source File: LedgerReader.scala From daml with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
// Copyright (c) 2020 Digital Asset (Switzerland) GmbH and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 package com.daml.ledger.service import com.daml.lf.archive.Reader import{Identifier, PackageId} import com.daml.lf.iface.reader.InterfaceReader import com.daml.lf.iface.{DefDataType, Interface} import com.daml.daml_lf_dev.DamlLf import com.daml.ledger.api.v1.package_service.GetPackageResponse import import scalaz.Scalaz._ import scalaz._ import scala.collection.immutable.Map import scala.concurrent.Future object LedgerReader { type Error = String // PackageId -> Interface type PackageStore = Map[String, Interface] val UpToDate: Future[Error \/ Option[PackageStore]] = Future.successful(\/-(None)) // FIXME Find a more suitable execution context for these helpers import def loadPackageStoreUpdates(client: PackageClient, token: Option[String])( loadedPackageIds: Set[String]): Future[Error \/ Option[PackageStore]] = for { newPackageIds <- client.listPackages(token).map(_.packageIds.toList) diffIds = newPackageIds.filterNot(loadedPackageIds): List[String] // keeping the order result <- if (diffIds.isEmpty) UpToDate else load(client, diffIds, token) } yield result private def load( client: PackageClient, packageIds: List[String], token: Option[String]): Future[Error \/ Some[PackageStore]] = packageIds .traverse(client.getPackage(_, token)) .map(createPackageStoreFromArchives) .map( private def createPackageStoreFromArchives( packageResponses: List[GetPackageResponse]): Error \/ PackageStore = { packageResponses .traverseU { packageResponse: GetPackageResponse => decodeInterfaceFromPackageResponse(packageResponse).map { interface => (interface.packageId, interface) } } .map(_.toMap) } private def decodeInterfaceFromPackageResponse( packageResponse: GetPackageResponse): Error \/ Interface = { import packageResponse._ \/.fromTryCatchNonFatal { val cos = Reader.damlLfCodedInputStream(archivePayload.newInput) val payload = DamlLf.ArchivePayload.parseFrom(cos) val (errors, out) = InterfaceReader.readInterface(PackageId.assertFromString(hash) -> payload) if (!errors.empty) \/.left("Errors reading LF archive:\n" + errors.toString) else \/.right(out) }.leftMap(_.getLocalizedMessage).join } def damlLfTypeLookup(packageStore: () => PackageStore)(id: Identifier): Option[DefDataType.FWT] = for { iface <- packageStore().get(id.packageId.toString) ifaceType <- iface.typeDecls.get(id.qualifiedName) } yield ifaceType.`type` }
Example 160
Source File: AkkaClientCompatibilityCheck.scala From daml with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
// Copyright (c) 2020 Digital Asset (Switzerland) GmbH and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 package com.daml.grpc.adapter.operation import import import{Materializer, ThrottleMode} import com.daml.grpc.adapter.ExecutionSequencerFactory import com.daml.grpc.adapter.client.ResultAssertions import com.daml.grpc.adapter.client.akka.ClientAdapter import com.daml.platform.hello.HelloRequest import com.daml.platform.hello.HelloServiceGrpc.HelloServiceStub import io.grpc.{ClientCall, MethodDescriptor} import org.scalatest.concurrent.ScalaFutures import org.scalatest.{Matchers, WordSpec} import import scala.concurrent.duration._ trait AkkaClientCompatibilityCheck { self: WordSpec with Matchers with ScalaFutures with ResultAssertions => implicit protected def system: ActorSystem implicit protected def materializer: Materializer implicit protected def esf: ExecutionSequencerFactory def akkaClientCompatible(helloStub: => HelloServiceStub): Unit = { def getCall[Req, Resp](call: MethodDescriptor[Req, Resp]): ClientCall[Req, Resp] = helloStub.getChannel.newCall(call, helloStub.getCallOptions) "respond with the correct number of elements and correct content in 1-* setup" in { val elemsF = ClientAdapter .serverStreaming(HelloRequest(elemCount), helloStub.serverStreaming) .runWith(Sink.seq) whenReady(elemsF)(assertElementsAreInOrder(elemCount.toLong)) } "tolerate rematerialization of the same response source in 1-* setup" in { val source = ClientAdapter .serverStreaming(HelloRequest(elemCount), helloStub.serverStreaming) val elemsF1 = source.runWith(Sink.seq) val elemsF2 = source.runWith(Sink.seq) whenReady(for { elems1 <- elemsF1 elems2 <- elemsF2 } yield elems1 -> elems2)({ case (elems1, elems2) => val check = assertElementsAreInOrder(elemCount.toLong) _ check(elems1) check(elems2) }) } "respond with the correct number of elements and correct content in 1-* setup when back-pressured" in { val elemsF = ClientAdapter .serverStreaming(HelloRequest(elemCount), helloStub.serverStreaming) .throttle(100, 1.second, 16, ThrottleMode.shaping) .runWith(Sink.seq) whenReady(elemsF)(assertElementsAreInOrder(elemCount.toLong)) } "handle cancellation in 1-* setup" in { val elemsF = ClientAdapter .serverStreaming(HelloRequest(elemCount), helloStub.serverStreaming) .take(halfCount.toLong) .runWith(Sink.seq) whenReady(elemsF)(assertElementsAreInOrder(halfCount.toLong)) } } }
Example 161
Source File: AkkaImplementation.scala From daml with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
// Copyright (c) 2020 Digital Asset (Switzerland) GmbH and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 package com.daml.grpc.adapter.utils.implementations import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger import import{Flow, Source} import com.daml.grpc.adapter.ExecutionSequencerFactory import com.daml.grpc.adapter.server.akka.ServerAdapter import com.daml.grpc.sampleservice.Responding import com.daml.platform.hello.HelloServiceGrpc.HelloService import com.daml.platform.hello.{HelloRequest, HelloResponse, HelloServiceGrpc} import io.grpc.stub.StreamObserver import io.grpc.{BindableService, ServerServiceDefinition} import class AkkaImplementation( implicit executionSequencerFactory: ExecutionSequencerFactory, materializer: Materializer, ) extends HelloService with Responding with BindableService { private val serverStreamingCalls = new AtomicInteger() def getServerStreamingCalls: Int = serverStreamingCalls.get() override def bindService(): ServerServiceDefinition = HelloServiceGrpc.bindService(this, global) override def serverStreaming( request: HelloRequest, responseObserver: StreamObserver[HelloResponse], ): Unit = Source .single(request) .via(Flow[HelloRequest].mapConcat(responses)) .runWith(ServerAdapter.toSink(responseObserver)) .onComplete(_ => serverStreamingCalls.incrementAndGet()) }
Example 162
Source File: SdkClient.scala From iotchain with MIT License | 5 votes |
package jbok.sdk import import cats.effect.{Clock, IO} import io.circe.Json import io.circe.syntax._ import io.circe.parser._ import import{RpcClient, RpcRequest} import import scala.scalajs.js import scala.scalajs.js.JSConverters._ import scala.scalajs.js.Promise import scala.scalajs.js.annotation.{JSExportAll, JSExportTopLevel} import scala.scalajs.js.JSON @JSExportAll final class SdkClient(val uri: URI, val client: RpcClient[IO, Json]) { def fetch(api: String, method: String, params: js.UndefOr[js.Any]): Promise[String] = { val json = params.toOption match { case Some(a) => parse(JSON.stringify(a)).getOrElse(Json.Null) case None => Json.Null } val request = RpcRequest(List(api, method), json) client.transport.fetch(request).map(_.asJson.spaces2).unsafeToFuture().toJSPromise } } @JSExportTopLevel("SdkClient") @JSExportAll object SdkClient { implicit val clock: Clock[IO] = Clock.create[IO] def http(url: String): SdkClient = { val transport = HttpTransport[IO](url) val client = RpcClient(transport) new SdkClient(new URI(url), client) } }
Example 163
Source File: EnvironmentTest.scala From nanotest-strawman with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package example.tests import verify.TestSuite import scala.concurrent.Future import scala.util.Random object EnvironmentTest extends TestSuite[Int] { def setup(): Int = { Random.nextInt(100) + 1 } def tearDown(env: Int): Unit = { assert(env > 0) } override def setupSuite() = {} override def tearDownSuite() = {} test("simple test") { env => assert(env == env) } testAsync("asynchronous test") { env => import Future(env).map(_ + 1).map { result => assert(result == env + 1) } } }
Example 164
Source File: SimpleTest.scala From nanotest-strawman with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package example.tests import verify.BasicTestSuite import scala.concurrent.Future object SimpleTest extends BasicTestSuite { test("ignored test") { ignore() } test("ignore test with reason") { ignore("test was ignored with a message") } test("canceled test") { cancel() } test("canceled test with reason") { cancel("test was canceled with a message") } test("simple assert") { def hello: String = "hello" assert(hello == "hello") } test("assert with hint") { def hello: String = "hello" assert(hello == "hello", "assertion with hint is failing") } // test("failing test") { // case class Person(name: String = "Fred", age: Int = 42) { // def say(words: String*) = words.mkString(" ") // } // assert(Person().say("ping", "poing") == "pong pong") // } test("assert equals with nulls") { val s: String = null intercept[AssertionError] { assert(s == "dummy") } } test("intercept") { class DummyException extends RuntimeException def test = 1 intercept[DummyException] { if (test != 2) throw new DummyException } } testAsync("asynchronous test") { import Future(1).map(_ + 1).map { result => assert(result == 2) } } test("intercept failure") { class DummyException extends RuntimeException intercept[AssertionError] { intercept[DummyException] { def hello(x: Int) = x + 1 if (hello(1) != 2) throw new DummyException } } } test("fail()") { def x = 1 intercept[AssertionError] { if (x == 1) fail() } } test("fail(reason)") { def x = 1 val isSuccess = try { if (x == 1) fail("dummy") false } catch { case ex: AssertionError => ex.getMessage == "dummy" } assert(isSuccess) } }
Example 165
Source File: AsyncStorageExample.scala From scalajs-react-native with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package chandu0101.scalajs.rn.examples.uiexplorer.apis import chandu0101.scalajs.rn.ReactNativeComponentB import chandu0101.scalajs.rn.apis.{AsyncStorage, AsyncStorageException} import chandu0101.scalajs.rn.components._ import chandu0101.scalajs.rn.examples.uiexplorer.{UIExample, UIExplorerBlock, UIExplorerPage} import japgolly.scalajs.react.BackendScope import chandu0101.scalajs.rn.styles.NativeStyleSheet import scala.async.Async._ import import scala.scalajs.js object AsyncStorageExample extends UIExample { val STORAGE_KEY = "@AsyncStorageExample:key" val COLORS = js.Array("red", "orange", "yellow", "green", "blue") case class State(selectedValue: String = COLORS.head, messages: js.Array[String] = js.Array()) class Backend(t: BackendScope[_, State]) { def appendMessage(message: String) = { t.modState(s => s.copy(messages = s.messages.+:(message))) } val saveError: PartialFunction[Throwable, _] = { case (ex: Throwable) => { appendMessage(s"AsyncStorage Error ${ex.asInstanceOf[AsyncStorageException].err.message.toString}") } } def onValueChange(selectedValue: String) : Unit = { t.modState(_.copy(selectedValue = selectedValue)) async { val result = await(AsyncStorage.setItem(STORAGE_KEY, selectedValue)) appendMessage(s"Saved selection to disk ${selectedValue}") }.recover(saveError) } def removeStorage : Unit = async{ val result = await(AsyncStorage.removeItem(STORAGE_KEY)) appendMessage(s"Selection Removed from Disk") }.recover(saveError) } val component = ReactNativeComponentB[Unit]("AsyncStorageExample") .initialState(State()) .backend(new Backend(_)) .render((P, S, B) => { UIExplorerPage( UIExplorerBlock("Basics - getItem, setItem, removeItem")( View()( PickerIOS(selectedValue = S.selectedValue,onValueChange = B.onValueChange _)( => PickerItemIOS(key = v , value = v,label = v)) ), Text()("Selected : ", Text(style = styles.getColorStyle(S.selectedValue))(S.selectedValue) ), Text()(" "), Text(onPress = B.removeStorage _)("Press here to remove from storage"), Text()(" "), Text()("Messages : "), => Text()(m)) ) ) ) }).componentDidMount(scope => { async { val result = await(AsyncStorage.getItem(STORAGE_KEY)) if (result != null) { scope.modState(_.copy(selectedValue = result)) scope.backend.appendMessage(s"Recovered selection from disk : ${result}") } else { scope.backend.appendMessage(s"Initialized with no selection on disk") } }.recover(scope.backend.saveError) }) .buildNative object styles extends NativeStyleSheet { def getColorStyle(c : String) = style(color := c) } override def title: String = "AsyncStorage" override def description: String = "Asynchronous local disk storage." }
Example 166
Source File: CartDaoSpec.scala From Scala-Programming-Projects with MIT License | 5 votes |
import dao.CartDao import{Cart, ProductInCart} import org.scalatest.Matchers._ import org.scalatest.concurrent.ScalaFutures import org.scalatest.RecoverMethods._ import import import play.api.Application import import scala.concurrent.Future class CartDaoSpec extends PlaySpec with ScalaFutures with GuiceOneAppPerSuite { "CartDao" should { val app2dao = Application.instanceCache[CartDao] "be empty on database creation" in { val dao: CartDao = app2dao(app) dao.all().futureValue shouldBe empty } "accept to add new cart" in { val dao: CartDao = app2dao(app) val user = "userAdd" val expected = Set( Cart(user, "ALD1", 1), Cart(user, "BEO1", 5) ) val noise = Set( Cart("userNoise", "ALD2", 10) ) val allCarts = expected ++ noise val insertFutures = whenReady(Future.sequence(insertFutures)) { _ => dao.cart4(user).futureValue should contain theSameElementsAs expected dao.all().futureValue.size should equal(allCarts.size) } } "error thrown when adding a cart with same user and productCode" in { val dao: CartDao = app2dao(app) val user = "userAdd" val expected = Set( Cart(user, "ALD1", 1), Cart(user, "BEO1", 5) ) val noise = Set( Cart(user, "ALD1", 10) ) val allCarts = expected ++ noise val insertFutures = recoverToSucceededIf[org.h2.jdbc.JdbcSQLException]{ Future.sequence(insertFutures) } } "accept to remove a product in a cart" in { val dao: CartDao = app2dao(app) val user = "userRmv" val initial = Vector( Cart(user, "ALD1", 1), Cart(user, "BEO1", 5) ) val expected = Vector(Cart(user, "ALD1", 1)) whenReady(Future.sequence( { _ => dao.remove(ProductInCart(user, "BEO1")).futureValue dao.cart4(user).futureValue should contain theSameElementsAs (expected) } } "accept to update quantities of an item in a cart" in { val dao: CartDao = app2dao(app) val user = "userUpd" val initial = Vector(Cart(user, "ALD1", 1)) val expected = Vector(Cart(user, "ALD1", 5)) whenReady(Future.sequence( { _ => dao.update(Cart(user, "ALD1", 5)).futureValue dao.cart4(user).futureValue should contain theSameElementsAs (expected) } } } }
Example 167
Source File: PostgresInstanceSpec.scala From fuuid with MIT License | 5 votes |
package io.chrisdavenport.fuuid.doobie.postgres import cats.effect.{ContextShift, IO} import cats.implicits._ import doobie._ import doobie.implicits._ import doobie.postgres.implicits._ import doobie.specs2._ import io.chrisdavenport.fuuid.FUUID import io.chrisdavenport.fuuid.doobie.implicits._ import io.chrisdavenport.testcontainersspecs2.ForAllTestContainer import com.dimafeng.testcontainers.GenericContainer import org.testcontainers.containers.wait.strategy.LogMessageWaitStrategy import java.time.Duration import java.time.temporal.ChronoUnit.SECONDS import org.specs2._ import class PostgresInstanceSpec extends mutable.Specification with IOChecker with ForAllTestContainer { sequential implicit val contextShiftIO: ContextShift[IO] = IO.contextShift(global) override lazy val container = GenericContainer( "postgres", List(5432), Map( "POSTGRES_DB" -> dbName, "POSTGRES_USER" -> dbUserName, "POSTGRES_PASSWORD" -> dbPassword ), waitStrategy = new LogMessageWaitStrategy() .withRegEx(".*database system is ready to accept connections.*\\s") .withTimes(2) .withStartupTimeout(Duration.of(60, SECONDS)) ) lazy val driverName = "org.postgresql.Driver" lazy val jdbcUrl = s"jdbc:postgresql://${container.container.getContainerIpAddress()}:${container.container.getMappedPort(5432)}/${dbName}" lazy val dbUserName = "user" lazy val dbPassword = "password" lazy val dbName = "db" lazy val transactor = Transactor.fromDriverManager[IO]( driverName, jdbcUrl, dbUserName, dbPassword ) override def afterStart(): Unit = { sql""" CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS PostgresInstanceSpec ( id UUID NOT NULL ) """ } def insertId(fuuid: FUUID): Update0 = { sql"""INSERT into PostgresInstanceSpec (id) VALUES ($fuuid)""".update } val fuuid = FUUID.randomFUUID[IO].unsafeRunSync check(sql"SELECT id from PostgresInstanceSpec".query[FUUID]) check(insertId(fuuid)) }
Example 168
Source File: PostgresTraversalSpec.scala From fuuid with MIT License | 5 votes |
package io.chrisdavenport.fuuid.doobie.postgres import cats.effect.{ContextShift, IO} import cats.implicits._ import doobie._ import doobie.implicits._ import doobie.postgres.implicits._ import io.chrisdavenport.fuuid.doobie.implicits._ import io.chrisdavenport.fuuid._ import io.chrisdavenport.testcontainersspecs2.ForAllTestContainer import com.dimafeng.testcontainers.GenericContainer import org.testcontainers.containers.wait.strategy.LogMessageWaitStrategy import java.time.Duration import java.time.temporal.ChronoUnit.SECONDS import org.specs2._ import class PostgresTraversalSpec extends mutable.Specification with ScalaCheck with FUUIDArbitraries with ForAllTestContainer { sequential implicit val contextShiftIO: ContextShift[IO] = IO.contextShift(global) override lazy val container = GenericContainer( "postgres", List(5432), Map( "POSTGRES_DB" -> dbName, "POSTGRES_USER" -> dbUserName, "POSTGRES_PASSWORD" -> dbPassword ), waitStrategy = new LogMessageWaitStrategy() .withRegEx(".*database system is ready to accept connections.*\\s") .withTimes(2) .withStartupTimeout(Duration.of(60, SECONDS)) ) lazy val driverName = "org.postgresql.Driver" lazy val jdbcUrl = s"jdbc:postgresql://${container.container.getContainerIpAddress()}:${container.container.getMappedPort(5432)}/${dbName}" lazy val dbUserName = "user" lazy val dbPassword = "password" lazy val dbName = "db" lazy val transactor = Transactor.fromDriverManager[IO]( driverName, jdbcUrl, dbUserName, dbPassword ) // lazy val transactor = Transactor.fromDriverManager[IO]( // "org.postgresql.Driver", // "jdbc:postgresql:world", // "postgres", "" // ) override def afterStart(): Unit = { sql""" CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS PostgresTraversalSpec ( id UUID NOT NULL ) """ } def queryBy(fuuid: FUUID): Query0[FUUID] = { sql"""SELECT id from PostgresTraversalSpec where id = ${fuuid}""".query[FUUID] } def insertId(fuuid: FUUID): Update0 = { sql"""INSERT into PostgresTraversalSpec (id) VALUES ($fuuid)""".update } "Doobie Postgres Meta" should { "traverse input and then extraction" in prop { fuuid: FUUID => val action = for { _ <- insertId(fuuid).run.transact(transactor) fuuid <- queryBy(fuuid).unique.transact(transactor) } yield fuuid action.unsafeRunSync must_=== fuuid } "fail on a non-present value" in prop { fuuid: FUUID => queryBy(fuuid) .unique .transact(transactor) .attempt .map(_.isLeft) .unsafeRunSync must_=== true } } }
Example 169
Source File: H2TraversalSpec.scala From fuuid with MIT License | 5 votes |
package io.chrisdavenport.fuuid.doobie.h2 import cats.effect.{ContextShift, IO} import cats.implicits._ import doobie._ import doobie.h2.implicits._ import doobie.implicits._ import io.chrisdavenport.fuuid.doobie.implicits._ import io.chrisdavenport.fuuid._ import org.specs2.ScalaCheck import org.specs2.mutable.Specification import org.specs2.specification.BeforeAll import class H2TraversalSpec extends Specification with BeforeAll with ScalaCheck with FUUIDArbitraries { implicit val contextShiftIO: ContextShift[IO] = IO.contextShift(global) lazy val transactor: Transactor[IO] = Transactor.fromDriverManager[IO]( driver = "org.h2.Driver", url = "jdbc:h2:mem:testH2Table;DB_CLOSE_DELAY=-1", user = "sa", pass = "" ) def beforeAll(): Unit = { sql""" CREATE TABLE testH2Table ( id UUID NOT NULL ) """ } def queryBy(fuuid: FUUID): Query0[FUUID] = { sql"""SELECT id from testH2Table where id = ${fuuid}""".query[FUUID] } def insertId(fuuid: FUUID): Update0 = { sql"""INSERT into testH2Table (id) VALUES ($fuuid)""".update } "Doobie H2 Meta" should { "traverse input and then extraction" in prop { fuuid: FUUID => val action = for { _ <- insertId(fuuid).run.transact(transactor) fuuid <- queryBy(fuuid).unique.transact(transactor) } yield fuuid action.unsafeRunSync must_=== fuuid } "fail on a non-present value" in prop { fuuid: FUUID => queryBy(fuuid) .unique .transact(transactor) .attempt .map(_.isLeft) .unsafeRunSync must_=== true } } }
Example 170
Source File: H2InstanceSpec.scala From fuuid with MIT License | 5 votes |
package io.chrisdavenport.fuuid.doobie.h2 import cats.effect.{ContextShift, IO} import cats.syntax.functor._ import doobie._ import doobie.h2.implicits._ import doobie.implicits._ import doobie.specs2._ import io.chrisdavenport.fuuid.FUUID import io.chrisdavenport.fuuid.doobie.implicits._ import org.specs2.mutable.Specification import org.specs2.specification.BeforeAll import class H2InstanceSpec extends Specification with IOChecker with BeforeAll { implicit val contextShiftIO: ContextShift[IO] = IO.contextShift(global) lazy val transactor: Transactor[IO] = Transactor.fromDriverManager[IO]( driver = "org.h2.Driver", url = "jdbc:h2:mem:test;DB_CLOSE_DELAY=-1", user = "sa", pass = "" ) def beforeAll(): Unit = { sql"CREATE TABLE test (id UUID NOT NULL)" } def insertId(fuuid: FUUID): Update0 = { sql"""INSERT into test (id) VALUES ($fuuid)""".update } val fuuid = FUUID.randomFUUID[IO].unsafeRunSync check(sql"SELECT id from test".query[FUUID]) check(insertId(fuuid)) }
Example 171
Source File: KnownNodesManager.scala From mantis with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import import{Actor, ActorLogging, Props, Scheduler} import import import scala.concurrent.duration._ import class KnownNodesManager( config: KnownNodesManagerConfig, knownNodesStorage: KnownNodesStorage, externalSchedulerOpt: Option[Scheduler] = None) extends Actor with ActorLogging { import KnownNodesManager._ private def scheduler = externalSchedulerOpt getOrElse context.system.scheduler var knownNodes: Set[URI] = knownNodesStorage.getKnownNodes() var toAdd: Set[URI] = Set.empty var toRemove: Set[URI] = Set.empty scheduler.schedule(config.persistInterval, config.persistInterval, self, PersistChanges) override def receive: Receive = { case AddKnownNode(uri) => if (!knownNodes.contains(uri)) { knownNodes += uri toAdd += uri toRemove -= uri } case RemoveKnownNode(uri) => if (knownNodes.contains(uri)) { knownNodes -= uri toAdd -= uri toRemove += uri } case GetKnownNodes => sender() ! KnownNodes(knownNodes) case PersistChanges => persistChanges() } private def persistChanges(): Unit = { log.debug(s"Persisting ${knownNodes.size} known nodes.") if (knownNodes.size > config.maxPersistedNodes) { val toAbandon = knownNodes.take(knownNodes.size - config.maxPersistedNodes) toRemove ++= toAbandon toAdd --= toAbandon } if (toAdd.nonEmpty || toRemove.nonEmpty) { knownNodesStorage.updateKnownNodes( toAdd = toAdd, toRemove = toRemove) toAdd = Set.empty toRemove = Set.empty } } } object KnownNodesManager { def props(config: KnownNodesManagerConfig, knownNodesStorage: KnownNodesStorage): Props = Props(new KnownNodesManager(config, knownNodesStorage)) case class AddKnownNode(uri: URI) case class RemoveKnownNode(uri: URI) case object GetKnownNodes case class KnownNodes(nodes: Set[URI]) private case object PersistChanges case class KnownNodesManagerConfig(persistInterval: FiniteDuration, maxPersistedNodes: Int) object KnownNodesManagerConfig { def apply(etcClientConfig: com.typesafe.config.Config): KnownNodesManagerConfig = { val knownNodesManagerConfig = etcClientConfig.getConfig("network.known-nodes") KnownNodesManagerConfig( persistInterval = knownNodesManagerConfig.getDuration("persist-interval").toMillis.millis, maxPersistedNodes = knownNodesManagerConfig.getInt("max-persisted-nodes")) } } }
Example 172
Source File: NetService.scala From mantis with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package io.iohk.ethereum.jsonrpc import import akka.agent.Agent import akka.util.Timeout import io.iohk.ethereum.jsonrpc.NetService.NetServiceConfig import import io.iohk.ethereum.utils.ServerStatus.{Listening, NotListening} import io.iohk.ethereum.utils.{Config, NodeStatus} import scala.concurrent.Future import scala.concurrent.duration._ import object NetService { case class VersionRequest() case class VersionResponse(value: String) case class ListeningRequest() case class ListeningResponse(value: Boolean) case class PeerCountRequest() case class PeerCountResponse(value: Int) case class NetServiceConfig(peerManagerTimeout: FiniteDuration) object NetServiceConfig { def apply(etcClientConfig: com.typesafe.config.Config): NetServiceConfig = { val netServiceConfig = etcClientConfig.getConfig("") NetServiceConfig( peerManagerTimeout = netServiceConfig.getDuration("peer-manager-timeout").toMillis.millis) } } } class NetService(nodeStatusHolder: Agent[NodeStatus], peerManager: ActorRef, config: NetServiceConfig) { import NetService._ def version(req: VersionRequest): ServiceResponse[VersionResponse] = Future.successful(Right(VersionResponse(Config.Network.peer.networkId.toString))) def listening(req: ListeningRequest): ServiceResponse[ListeningResponse] = { Future.successful { Right( nodeStatusHolder().serverStatus match { case _: Listening => ListeningResponse(true) case NotListening => ListeningResponse(false) } ) } } def peerCount(req: PeerCountRequest): ServiceResponse[PeerCountResponse] = { import akka.pattern.ask implicit val timeout = Timeout(config.peerManagerTimeout) (peerManager ? PeerManagerActor.GetPeers) .mapTo[PeerManagerActor.Peers] .map { peers => Right(PeerCountResponse(peers.handshaked.size)) } } }
Example 173
Source File: JsonRpcServer.scala From mantis with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package io.iohk.ethereum.jsonrpc.server import import import akka.http.scaladsl.model.StatusCodes import akka.http.scaladsl.model.headers.HttpOriginRange import akka.http.scaladsl.server.Directives._ import akka.http.scaladsl.server.{MalformedRequestContentRejection, RejectionHandler, Route} import ch.megard.akka.http.cors.javadsl.CorsRejection import ch.megard.akka.http.cors.scaladsl.CorsDirectives._ import ch.megard.akka.http.cors.scaladsl.settings.CorsSettings import de.heikoseeberger.akkahttpjson4s.Json4sSupport import io.iohk.ethereum.jsonrpc.{JsonRpcController, JsonRpcErrors, JsonRpcRequest, JsonRpcResponse} import io.iohk.ethereum.utils.Logger import org.json4s.JsonAST.JInt import org.json4s.{DefaultFormats, native} import import scala.concurrent.Future trait JsonRpcServer extends Json4sSupport { val jsonRpcController: JsonRpcController implicit val serialization = native.Serialization implicit val formats = DefaultFormats def corsAllowedOrigins: HttpOriginRange val corsSettings = CorsSettings.defaultSettings.copy( allowGenericHttpRequests = true, allowedOrigins = corsAllowedOrigins ) implicit def myRejectionHandler: RejectionHandler = RejectionHandler.newBuilder() .handle { case _: MalformedRequestContentRejection => complete((StatusCodes.BadRequest, JsonRpcResponse("2.0", None, Some(JsonRpcErrors.ParseError), JInt(0)))) case _: CorsRejection => complete(StatusCodes.Forbidden) } .result() val route: Route = cors(corsSettings) { (pathEndOrSingleSlash & post) { entity(as[JsonRpcRequest]) { request => handleRequest(request) } ~ entity(as[Seq[JsonRpcRequest]]) { request => handleBatchRequest(request) } } } def run(): Unit private def handleRequest(request: JsonRpcRequest) = { complete(jsonRpcController.handleRequest(request)) } private def handleBatchRequest(requests: Seq[JsonRpcRequest]) = { complete(Future.sequence( => jsonRpcController.handleRequest(request)))) } } object JsonRpcServer extends Logger { def apply(jsonRpcController: JsonRpcController, config: JsonRpcServerConfig, secureRandom: SecureRandom) (implicit actorSystem: ActorSystem): Either[String, JsonRpcServer] = config.mode match { case "http" => Right(new JsonRpcHttpServer(jsonRpcController, config)(actorSystem)) case "https" => Right(new JsonRpcHttpsServer(jsonRpcController, config, secureRandom)(actorSystem)) case _ => Left(s"Cannot start JSON RPC server: Invalid mode ${config.mode} selected") } trait JsonRpcServerConfig { val mode: String val enabled: Boolean val interface: String val port: Int val certificateKeyStorePath: Option[String] val certificateKeyStoreType: Option[String] val certificatePasswordFile: Option[String] val corsAllowedOrigins: HttpOriginRange } }
Example 174
Source File: JsonRpcHttpsServer.scala From mantis with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package io.iohk.ethereum.jsonrpc.server import{File, FileInputStream} import{KeyStore, SecureRandom} import{KeyManagerFactory, SSLContext, TrustManagerFactory} import import akka.http.scaladsl.model.headers.HttpOriginRange import akka.http.scaladsl.{ConnectionContext, Http} import import io.iohk.ethereum.jsonrpc.JsonRpcController import io.iohk.ethereum.jsonrpc.server.JsonRpcHttpsServer.HttpsSetupResult import io.iohk.ethereum.jsonrpc.server.JsonRpcServer.JsonRpcServerConfig import io.iohk.ethereum.utils.Logger import import import scala.util.{Failure, Success, Try} class JsonRpcHttpsServer(val jsonRpcController: JsonRpcController, config: JsonRpcServerConfig, secureRandom: SecureRandom)(implicit val actorSystem: ActorSystem) extends JsonRpcServer with Logger { def run(): Unit = { implicit val materializer = ActorMaterializer() val maybeSslContext = validateCertificateFiles(config.certificateKeyStorePath, config.certificateKeyStoreType, config.certificatePasswordFile).flatMap{ case (keystorePath, keystoreType, passwordFile) => val passwordReader = Source.fromFile(passwordFile) try { val password = passwordReader.getLines().mkString obtainSSLContext(keystorePath, keystoreType, password) } finally { passwordReader.close() } } val maybeHttpsContext = => ConnectionContext.https(sslContext)) maybeHttpsContext match { case Right(httpsContext) => Http().setDefaultServerHttpContext(httpsContext) val bindingResultF = Http().bindAndHandle(route, config.interface, config.port, connectionContext = httpsContext) bindingResultF onComplete { case Success(serverBinding) =>"JSON RPC HTTPS server listening on ${serverBinding.localAddress}") case Failure(ex) => log.error("Cannot start JSON HTTPS RPC server", ex) } case Left(error) => log.error(s"Cannot start JSON HTTPS RPC server due to: $error") } } private def validateCertificateFiles(maybeKeystorePath: Option[String], maybeKeystoreType: Option[String], maybePasswordFile: Option[String]): HttpsSetupResult[(String, String, String)] = (maybeKeystorePath, maybeKeystoreType, maybePasswordFile) match { case (Some(keystorePath), Some(keystoreType), Some(passwordFile)) => val keystoreDirMissing = !new File(keystorePath).isFile val passwordFileMissing = !new File(passwordFile).isFile if(keystoreDirMissing && passwordFileMissing) Left("Certificate keystore path and password file configured but files are missing") else if(keystoreDirMissing) Left("Certificate keystore path configured but file is missing") else if(passwordFileMissing) Left("Certificate password file configured but file is missing") else Right((keystorePath, keystoreType, passwordFile)) case _ => Left("HTTPS requires: certificate-keystore-path, certificate-keystore-type and certificate-password-file to be configured") } override def corsAllowedOrigins: HttpOriginRange = config.corsAllowedOrigins } object JsonRpcHttpsServer { type HttpsSetupResult[T] = Either[String, T] }
Example 175
Source File: JsonRpcHttpServer.scala From mantis with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package io.iohk.ethereum.jsonrpc.server import import akka.http.scaladsl.Http import akka.http.scaladsl.model.headers.HttpOriginRange import import io.iohk.ethereum.jsonrpc._ import io.iohk.ethereum.jsonrpc.server.JsonRpcServer.JsonRpcServerConfig import io.iohk.ethereum.utils.Logger import import scala.util.{Failure, Success} class JsonRpcHttpServer(val jsonRpcController: JsonRpcController, config: JsonRpcServerConfig) (implicit val actorSystem: ActorSystem) extends JsonRpcServer with Logger { def run(): Unit = { implicit val materializer = ActorMaterializer() val bindingResultF = Http(actorSystem).bindAndHandle(route, config.interface, config.port) bindingResultF onComplete { case Success(serverBinding) =>"JSON RPC HTTP server listening on ${serverBinding.localAddress}") case Failure(ex) => log.error("Cannot start JSON HTTP RPC server", ex) } } override def corsAllowedOrigins: HttpOriginRange = config.corsAllowedOrigins }
Example 176
Source File: BlacklistSupport.scala From mantis with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package io.iohk.ethereum.blockchain.sync import scala.concurrent.duration.FiniteDuration import{Actor, ActorLogging, Cancellable, Scheduler} import import trait BlacklistSupport { selfActor: Actor with ActorLogging => import BlacklistSupport._ def scheduler: Scheduler var blacklistedPeers: Seq[(PeerId, Cancellable)] = Nil def blacklist(peerId: PeerId, duration: FiniteDuration, reason: String): Unit = { undoBlacklist(peerId) log.debug(s"Blacklisting peer ($peerId), $reason") val unblacklistCancellable = scheduler.scheduleOnce(duration, self, UnblacklistPeer(peerId)) blacklistedPeers :+= (peerId, unblacklistCancellable) } def undoBlacklist(peerId: PeerId): Unit = { blacklistedPeers.find(_._1 == peerId).foreach(_._2.cancel()) blacklistedPeers = blacklistedPeers.filterNot(_._1 == peerId) } def isBlacklisted(peerId: PeerId): Boolean = blacklistedPeers.exists(_._1 == peerId) def handleBlacklistMessages: Receive = { case UnblacklistPeer(ref) => undoBlacklist(ref) } } object BlacklistSupport { private case class UnblacklistPeer(peerId: PeerId) }
Example 177
Source File: PeerRequestHandler.scala From mantis with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package io.iohk.ethereum.blockchain.sync import import scala.reflect.ClassTag import import{EtcPeerManagerActor, Peer} import{MessageFromPeer, PeerDisconnected} import{MessageClassifier, PeerDisconnectedClassifier} import{PeerSelector, Subscribe, Unsubscribe} import{Message, MessageSerializable} import scala.concurrent.duration.FiniteDuration class PeerRequestHandler[RequestMsg <: Message, ResponseMsg <: Message : ClassTag] (peer: Peer, responseTimeout: FiniteDuration, etcPeerManager: ActorRef, peerEventBus: ActorRef, requestMsg: RequestMsg, responseMsgCode: Int) (implicit scheduler: Scheduler, toSerializable: RequestMsg => MessageSerializable) extends Actor with ActorLogging { import PeerRequestHandler._ val initiator: ActorRef = context.parent val timeout: Cancellable = scheduler.scheduleOnce(responseTimeout, self, Timeout) val startTime: Long = System.currentTimeMillis() private def subscribeMessageClassifier = MessageClassifier(Set(responseMsgCode), PeerSelector.WithId( def timeTakenSoFar(): Long = System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime override def preStart(): Unit = { etcPeerManager ! EtcPeerManagerActor.SendMessage(toSerializable(requestMsg), peerEventBus ! Subscribe(PeerDisconnectedClassifier(PeerSelector.WithId( peerEventBus ! Subscribe(subscribeMessageClassifier) } override def receive: Receive = { case MessageFromPeer(responseMsg: ResponseMsg, _) => handleResponseMsg(responseMsg) case Timeout => handleTimeout() case PeerDisconnected(peerId) if peerId == => handleTerminated() } def handleResponseMsg(responseMsg: ResponseMsg): Unit = { cleanupAndStop() initiator ! ResponseReceived(peer, responseMsg, timeTaken = timeTakenSoFar()) } def handleTimeout(): Unit = { cleanupAndStop() initiator ! RequestFailed(peer, "request timeout") } def handleTerminated(): Unit = { cleanupAndStop() initiator ! RequestFailed(peer, "connection closed") } def cleanupAndStop(): Unit = { timeout.cancel() peerEventBus ! Unsubscribe() context stop self } } object PeerRequestHandler { def props[RequestMsg <: Message, ResponseMsg <: Message : ClassTag] (peer: Peer, responseTimeout: FiniteDuration, etcPeerManager: ActorRef, peerEventBus: ActorRef, requestMsg: RequestMsg, responseMsgCode: Int) (implicit scheduler: Scheduler, toSerializable: RequestMsg => MessageSerializable): Props = Props(new PeerRequestHandler(peer, responseTimeout, etcPeerManager, peerEventBus, requestMsg, responseMsgCode)) case class RequestFailed(peer: Peer, reason: String) case class ResponseReceived[T](peer: Peer, response: T, timeTaken: Long) private case object Timeout }
Example 178
Source File: PeerListSupport.scala From mantis with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package io.iohk.ethereum.blockchain.sync import{Actor, ActorLogging, ActorRef, Scheduler} import{EtcPeerManagerActor, Peer, PeerId} import import import import{PeerSelector, Subscribe, Unsubscribe} import io.iohk.ethereum.utils.Config.SyncConfig import scala.concurrent.duration._ import trait PeerListSupport { self: Actor with ActorLogging with BlacklistSupport => def etcPeerManager: ActorRef def peerEventBus: ActorRef def syncConfig: SyncConfig def scheduler: Scheduler var handshakedPeers: Map[Peer, PeerInfo] = Map.empty scheduler.schedule(0.seconds, syncConfig.peersScanInterval, etcPeerManager, EtcPeerManagerActor.GetHandshakedPeers)(global, context.self) def removePeer(peerId: PeerId): Unit = { peerEventBus ! Unsubscribe(PeerDisconnectedClassifier(PeerSelector.WithId(peerId))) handshakedPeers.find( == peerId).foreach { case (peer, _) => undoBlacklist( } handshakedPeers = handshakedPeers.filterNot( == peerId) } def peersToDownloadFrom: Map[Peer, PeerInfo] = handshakedPeers.filterNot { case (p, s) => isBlacklisted( } def handlePeerListMessages: Receive = { case EtcPeerManagerActor.HandshakedPeers(peers) => peers.keys.filterNot(handshakedPeers.contains).foreach { peer => peerEventBus ! Subscribe(PeerDisconnectedClassifier(PeerSelector.WithId( } handshakedPeers = peers case PeerDisconnected(peerId) if handshakedPeers.exists( == peerId) => removePeer(peerId) } }
Example 179
Source File: NetServiceSpec.scala From mantis with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package io.iohk.ethereum.jsonrpc import import import akka.agent.Agent import akka.testkit.TestProbe import io.iohk.ethereum.{NormalPatience, crypto} import io.iohk.ethereum.jsonrpc.NetService._ import{Peer, PeerActor, PeerManagerActor} import io.iohk.ethereum.nodebuilder.SecureRandomBuilder import io.iohk.ethereum.utils.{NodeStatus, ServerStatus} import org.scalatest.concurrent.ScalaFutures import org.scalatest.{FlatSpec, Matchers} import scala.concurrent.duration._ import class NetServiceSpec extends FlatSpec with Matchers with ScalaFutures with NormalPatience with SecureRandomBuilder { "NetService" should "return handshaked peer count" in new TestSetup { val resF = netService.peerCount(PeerCountRequest()) peerManager.expectMsg(PeerManagerActor.GetPeers) peerManager.reply(PeerManagerActor.Peers(Map( Peer(new InetSocketAddress(1), testRef, false) -> PeerActor.Status.Handshaked, Peer(new InetSocketAddress(2), testRef, false) -> PeerActor.Status.Handshaked, Peer(new InetSocketAddress(3), testRef, false) -> PeerActor.Status.Connecting))) resF.futureValue shouldBe Right(PeerCountResponse(2)) } it should "return listening response" in new TestSetup { netService.listening(ListeningRequest()).futureValue shouldBe Right(ListeningResponse(true)) } it should "return version response" in new TestSetup { netService.version(VersionRequest()).futureValue shouldBe Right(VersionResponse("1")) } trait TestSetup { implicit val system = ActorSystem("Testsystem") val testRef = TestProbe().ref val peerManager = TestProbe() val nodeStatus = NodeStatus(crypto.generateKeyPair(secureRandom), ServerStatus.Listening(new InetSocketAddress(9000)), discoveryStatus = ServerStatus.NotListening) val netService = new NetService(Agent(nodeStatus), peerManager.ref, NetServiceConfig(5.seconds)) } }
Example 180
Source File: JSONRPCWebSocket.scala From scala-json-rpc with MIT License | 5 votes |
package io.github.shogowada.scala.jsonrpc.example.e2e.websocket import io.github.shogowada.scala.jsonrpc.JSONRPCServerAndClient import io.github.shogowada.scala.jsonrpc.Types.JSONSender import io.github.shogowada.scala.jsonrpc.serializers.UpickleJSONSerializer import org.eclipse.jetty.websocket.api.{Session, WebSocketAdapter} import import scala.concurrent.Future import scala.util.Try class JSONRPCWebSocket extends WebSocketAdapter { private var serverAndClient: JSONRPCServerAndClient[UpickleJSONSerializer] = _ override def onWebSocketConnect(session: Session): Unit = { super.onWebSocketConnect(session) val jsonSender: JSONSender = (json: String) => { Try(session.getRemote.sendString(json)).fold( throwable => Future.failed(throwable), _ => Future(None) ) } // Create an independent server and client for each WebSocket session. // This is to make sure we clean up all the caches (e.g. promised response, etc) // on each WebSocket session. serverAndClient = JSONRPCModule.createJSONRPCServerAndClient(jsonSender) } override def onWebSocketText(message: String): Unit = { serverAndClient.receiveAndSend(message) } }
Example 181
Source File: TodoRepositoryAPIImpl.scala From scala-json-rpc with MIT License | 5 votes |
package io.github.shogowada.scala.jsonrpc.example.e2e.websocket import java.util.UUID import io.github.shogowada.scala.jsonrpc.DisposableFunction1 import import scala.concurrent.Future class TodoRepositoryAPIImpl extends TodoRepositoryAPI { var todos: Seq[Todo] = Seq() var observersById: Map[String, DisposableFunction1[TodoEvent, Future[Unit]]] = Map() override def add(description: String): Future[Todo] = this.synchronized { val todo = Todo(id = UUID.randomUUID().toString, description) todos = todos :+ todo notify(TodoEvent(todo, TodoEventTypes.Add)) Future(todo) } override def remove(id: String): Future[Unit] = this.synchronized { val index = todos.indexWhere(todo => == id) if (index >= 0) { val todo = todos(index) todos = todos.patch(index, Seq(), 1) notify(TodoEvent(todo, TodoEventTypes.Remove)) } Future() } override def register(observer: DisposableFunction1[TodoEvent, Future[Unit]]): Future[String] = this.synchronized { val id = UUID.randomUUID().toString observersById = observersById + (id -> observer) => TodoEvent(todo, TodoEventTypes.Add)) .foreach(todoEvent => notify(id, observer, todoEvent)) Future(id) } override def unregister(observerId: String): Future[Unit] = this.synchronized { observersById.get(observerId).foreach(observer => { observersById = observersById - observerId observer.dispose() }) Future() } private def notify(todoEvent: TodoEvent): Unit = { observersById.foreach { case (id, observer) => notify(id, observer, todoEvent) } } private def notify(observerId: String, observer: DisposableFunction1[TodoEvent, Future[Unit]], todoEvent: TodoEvent): Unit = { observer(todoEvent) .failed // Probably connection is lost. .foreach(_ => unregister(observerId)) } }
Example 182
Source File: Main.scala From scala-json-rpc with MIT License | 5 votes |
package io.github.shogowada.scala.jsonrpc.example.e2e.websocket import import io.github.shogowada.scala.jsonrpc.JSONRPCServerAndClient import io.github.shogowada.scala.jsonrpc.Types.JSONSender import io.github.shogowada.scala.jsonrpc.client.JSONRPCClient import io.github.shogowada.scala.jsonrpc.serializers.UpickleJSONSerializer import io.github.shogowada.scala.jsonrpc.server.JSONRPCServer import io.github.shogowada.scalajs.reactjs.ReactDOM import io.github.shogowada.scalajs.reactjs.VirtualDOM._ import org.scalajs.dom import org.scalajs.dom.WebSocket import import scala.concurrent.{Future, Promise} import scala.scalajs.js.JSApp import scala.util.{Failure, Try} object Main extends JSApp { override def main(): Unit = { val futureWebSocket = createFutureWebSocket() val serverAndClient = createServerAndClient(futureWebSocket) val mountNode = dom.document.getElementById("mount-node") ReactDOM.render( <((new TodoListView(serverAndClient.createAPI[TodoRepositoryAPI])) ()).empty, mountNode ) } private def createFutureWebSocket(): Future[WebSocket] = { val promisedWebSocket: Promise[WebSocket] = Promise() val webSocket = new dom.WebSocket(webSocketUrl) webSocket.onopen = (_: dom.Event) => { promisedWebSocket.success(webSocket) } webSocket.onerror = (event: dom.Event) => { promisedWebSocket.failure(new IOException(event.toString)) } promisedWebSocket.future } private def webSocketUrl: String = { val location = dom.window.location val protocol = location.protocol match { case "http:" => "ws:" case "https:" => "wss:" } s"$protocol//${}/jsonrpc" } private def createServerAndClient(futureWebSocket: Future[WebSocket]): JSONRPCServerAndClient[UpickleJSONSerializer] = { val jsonSerializer = UpickleJSONSerializer() val server = JSONRPCServer(jsonSerializer) val jsonSender: JSONSender = (json: String) => { futureWebSocket .map(webSocket => Try(webSocket.send(json))) .flatMap(tried => tried.fold( throwable => Future.failed(throwable), _ => Future(None) )) } val client = JSONRPCClient(jsonSerializer, jsonSender) val serverAndClient = JSONRPCServerAndClient(server, client) futureWebSocket.foreach(webSocket => { webSocket.onmessage = (event: dom.MessageEvent) => { val message = serverAndClient.receiveAndSend(message).onComplete { case Failure(throwable) => { println("Failed to send response", throwable) } case _ => } } }) serverAndClient } }
Example 183
Source File: JSONRPCModule.scala From scala-json-rpc with MIT License | 5 votes |
package io.github.shogowada.scala.jsonrpc.example.e2e import io.github.shogowada.scala.jsonrpc.serializers.CirceJSONSerializer import io.github.shogowada.scala.jsonrpc.server.JSONRPCServer import object JSONRPCModule { lazy val loggerAPI: LoggerAPI = new LoggerAPIImpl lazy val jsonRPCServer: JSONRPCServer[CirceJSONSerializer] = { val server = JSONRPCServer(CirceJSONSerializer()) server.bindAPI[CalculatorAPI](new CalculatorAPIImpl) server.bindAPI[EchoAPI](new EchoAPIImpl) server.bindAPI[LoggerAPI](loggerAPI) server } }
Example 184
Source File: APIImpl.scala From scala-json-rpc with MIT License | 5 votes |
package io.github.shogowada.scala.jsonrpc.example.e2e import import scala.concurrent.Future class CalculatorAPIImpl extends CalculatorAPI { override def add(lhs: Int, rhs: Int): Future[Int] = { Future(lhs + rhs) } override def subtract(lhs: Int, rhs: Int): Future[Int] = { Future(lhs - rhs) } } class EchoAPIImpl extends EchoAPI { override def echo(message: String): Future[String] = { Future(message) // It just returns the message as is } } class LoggerAPIImpl extends LoggerAPI { var logs: Seq[String] = Seq() override def log(message: String): Unit = this.synchronized { logs = logs :+ message println(message) // It logs the message } override def getAllLogs(): Future[Seq[String]] = { Future(logs) } }
Example 185
Source File: JSONRPCServlet.scala From scala-json-rpc with MIT License | 5 votes |
package io.github.shogowada.scala.jsonrpc.example.e2e import org.scalatra._ import import scala.concurrent.duration._ import scala.concurrent.{Await, Future} class JSONRPCServlet extends ScalatraServlet { post("/") { val server = JSONRPCModule.jsonRPCServer val futureResult: Future[ActionResult] = server.receive(request.body).map { case Some(responseJSON) => Ok(responseJSON) // For JSON-RPC request, we return response. case None => NoContent() // For JSON-RPC notification, we do not return response. } Await.result(futureResult, 1.minutes) } }
Example 186
Source File: Main.scala From scala-json-rpc with MIT License | 5 votes |
package io.github.shogowada.scala.jsonrpc.example.e2e import io.github.shogowada.scala.jsonrpc.client.JSONRPCClient import io.github.shogowada.scala.jsonrpc.serializers.CirceJSONSerializer import io.github.shogowada.scalajs.reactjs.ReactDOM import io.github.shogowada.scalajs.reactjs.VirtualDOM._ import io.github.shogowada.scalajs.reactjs.elements.ReactElement import org.scalajs.dom import import scala.concurrent.Future import scala.scalajs.js.JSApp class App( calculatorAPI: CalculatorAPI, echoAPI: EchoAPI, loggerAPI: LoggerAPI ) { def apply(): ReactElement = <.div()( <((new Calculator(calculatorAPI)) ()).empty, <((new Echo(echoAPI)) ()).empty, <((new Logger(loggerAPI)) ()).empty ) } object Main extends JSApp { override def main(): Unit = { val jsonSender: (String) => Future[Option[String]] = (json: String) => { val NoContentStatus = 204 dom.ext.Ajax .post(url = "/jsonrpc", data = json) .map(response => { if (response.status == NoContentStatus) { None } else { Option(response.responseText) } }) } val client = JSONRPCClient(CirceJSONSerializer(), jsonSender) val calculatorAPI = client.createAPI[CalculatorAPI] val echoAPI = client.createAPI[EchoAPI] val loggerAPI = client.createAPI[LoggerAPI] val mountNode = dom.document.getElementById("mount-node") ReactDOM.render((new App(calculatorAPI, echoAPI, loggerAPI)) (), mountNode) } }
Example 187
Source File: Logger.scala From scala-json-rpc with MIT License | 5 votes |
package io.github.shogowada.scala.jsonrpc.example.e2e import io.github.shogowada.scalajs.reactjs.React import io.github.shogowada.scalajs.reactjs.VirtualDOM._ import{FormSyntheticEvent, SyntheticEvent} import org.scalajs.dom.raw.HTMLInputElement import import scala.util.Success object Logger { case class State(log: String, logs: Seq[String]) type Self = React.Self[Unit, State] } class Logger(loggerAPI: LoggerAPI) { import Logger._ def apply() = reactClass private lazy val reactClass = React.createClass[Unit, State]( getInitialState = (self) => State("", Seq()), render = (self) => <.div()( <.h2()("Logger"), <.form(^.onSubmit := onLog(self))( <.input( ^.id := ElementIds.LoggerLogText, ^.value := self.state.log, ^.onChange := onChange(self) )(), <.button( ^.id := ElementIds.LoggerLog, ^.`type` := "submit" )("Log") ), <.form(^.onSubmit := onGetLogs(self))( <.button( ^.id := ElementIds.LoggerGetLogs, ^.`type` := "submit" )("Get Logs") ), <.div(^.id := ElementIds.LoggerLogs)( => { <.div()(log) }) ) ).asReactElement ) private def onChange(self: Self) = (event: FormSyntheticEvent[HTMLInputElement]) => { val log = self.setState(_.copy(log = log)) } private def onLog(self: Self) = (event: SyntheticEvent) => { event.preventDefault() loggerAPI.log(self.state.log) self.setState(_.copy(log = "")) } private def onGetLogs(self: Self) = (event: SyntheticEvent) => { event.preventDefault() loggerAPI.getAllLogs().onComplete { case Success(logs) => self.setState(_.copy(logs = logs)) case _ => } } }
Example 188
Source File: Calculator.scala From scala-json-rpc with MIT License | 5 votes |
package io.github.shogowada.scala.jsonrpc.example.e2e import io.github.shogowada.scalajs.reactjs.React import io.github.shogowada.scalajs.reactjs.VirtualDOM._ import{FormSyntheticEvent, SyntheticEvent} import org.scalajs.dom.raw.HTMLInputElement import import scala.util.Success object Calculator { case class State(lhs: Int, rhs: Int, added: Option[Int], subtracted: Option[Int]) type Self = React.Self[Unit, State] } class Calculator(calculatorAPI: CalculatorAPI) { import Calculator._ def apply() = reactClass private lazy val reactClass = React.createClass[Unit, State]( getInitialState = (self) => Calculator.State(0, 0, None, None), render = (self) => <.div()( <.h2()("Calculator"), <.form(^.onSubmit := onSubmit(self))( <.input( ^.id := ElementIds.CalculatorLhs, ^.onChange := onLhsChange(self), ^.value := self.state.lhs )(), <.input( ^.id := ElementIds.CalculatorRhs, ^.onChange := onRhsChange(self), ^.value := self.state.rhs )(), <.button( ^.id := ElementIds.CalculatorCalculate, ^.`type` := "submit" )("Calculate") ), <.div(^.id := ElementIds.CalculatorAdded)( s"${self.state.lhs} + ${self.state.rhs} = ${self.state.added.getOrElse("?")}" ), <.div(^.id := ElementIds.CalculatorSubtracted)( s"${self.state.lhs} - ${self.state.rhs} = ${self.state.subtracted.getOrElse("?")}" ) ).asReactElement ) private def onLhsChange(self: Self) = (event: FormSyntheticEvent[HTMLInputElement]) => { val value = self.setState(_.copy( lhs = value.toInt, added = None, subtracted = None )) } private def onRhsChange(self: Self) = (event: FormSyntheticEvent[HTMLInputElement]) => { val value = self.setState(_.copy( rhs = value.toInt, added = None, subtracted = None )) } private def onSubmit(self: Self) = (event: SyntheticEvent) => { event.preventDefault() val lhs = self.state.lhs val rhs = self.state.rhs calculatorAPI.add(lhs, rhs).onComplete { case Success(added) if lhs == self.state.lhs && rhs == self.state.rhs => { self.setState(_.copy(added = Some(added))) } case _ => } calculatorAPI.subtract(lhs, rhs).onComplete { case Success(subtracted) if lhs == self.state.lhs && rhs == self.state.rhs => { self.setState(_.copy(subtracted = Some(subtracted))) } case _ => } } }
Example 189
Source File: Echo.scala From scala-json-rpc with MIT License | 5 votes |
package io.github.shogowada.scala.jsonrpc.example.e2e import io.github.shogowada.scalajs.reactjs.React import io.github.shogowada.scalajs.reactjs.VirtualDOM._ import import org.scalajs.dom.raw.HTMLInputElement import import scala.util.Success object Echo { case class State(text: String, echoedText: Option[String]) type Self = React.Self[Unit, State] } class Echo(echoAPI: EchoAPI) { import Echo._ def apply() = reactClass private lazy val reactClass = React.createClass[Unit, State]( getInitialState = (self) => State(text = "", echoedText = Some("")), render = (self) => <.div()( <.h2()("Echo"), <.label(^.`for` := ElementIds.EchoText)("I say:"), <.input( ^.id := ElementIds.EchoText, ^.value := self.state.text, ^.onChange := onChange(self) )(), <.label(^.`for` := ElementIds.EchoEchoedText)("Server says:"), <.span(^.id := ElementIds.EchoEchoedText)(self.state.echoedText.getOrElse("")) ).asReactElement ) private def onChange(self: Self) = (event: FormSyntheticEvent[HTMLInputElement]) => { val text = self.setState(_.copy( text = text, echoedText = None )) echoAPI.echo(text).onComplete { case Success(echoedText) if self.state.text == text => self.setState(_.copy(echoedText = Some(echoedText))) case _ => } } }
Example 190
Source File: PasswordInfoDAO.scala From play-silhouette-4.0-slick-postgres-seed with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package models.daos import javax.inject.Inject import import import import models.daos.PasswordInfoDAO._ import models.tables.{ DbPasswordInfo, PasswordInfoTable } import play.api.db.slick.DatabaseConfigProvider import slick.backend.DatabaseConfig import slick.driver.JdbcProfile import slick.jdbc.JdbcBackend import slick.lifted.TableQuery import import scala.concurrent.Future class PasswordInfoDAO @Inject() ( protected val dbConfigProvider: DatabaseConfigProvider, userDAO: UserDAO) extends DelegableAuthInfoDAO[PasswordInfo] { val dbConfig: DatabaseConfig[JdbcProfile] = dbConfigProvider.get[JdbcProfile] val db: JdbcBackend#DatabaseDef = dbConfig.db import dbConfig.driver.api._ def passwordInfoQuery(loginInfo: LoginInfo): Query[PasswordInfoTable, DbPasswordInfo, Seq] = { for { dbLoginInfo <- userDAO.loginInfoQuery(loginInfo) dbPasswordInfo <- passwordInfos.filter(_.loginInfoId === } yield dbPasswordInfo } def find(loginInfo: LoginInfo): Future[Option[PasswordInfo]] = { { dbPasswordInfoOption => { dbPasswordInfo => PasswordInfo(dbPasswordInfo.hasher, dbPasswordInfo.password, dbPasswordInfo.salt) } } } def add(loginInfo: LoginInfo, authInfo: PasswordInfo): Future[PasswordInfo] = { { dbLoginInfoOption => { dbLoginInfo => { val dbPasswordInfo = DbPasswordInfo(authInfo.hasher, authInfo.password, authInfo.salt, += dbPasswordInfo) } } }).map { _ => authInfo } } def update(loginInfo: LoginInfo, authInfo: PasswordInfo): Future[PasswordInfo] = { { dbLoginInfoOption => { dbLoginInfo => { { passwordInfos.filter(_.loginInfoId === .map(p => (p.hasher, p.password, p.salt)) .update((authInfo.hasher, authInfo.password, authInfo.salt)) .transactionally } } } }).map { _ => authInfo } } def save(loginInfo: LoginInfo, authInfo: PasswordInfo): Future[PasswordInfo] = { { dbLoginInfoOption => { dbLoginInfo => { val dbPasswordInfo = DbPasswordInfo(authInfo.hasher, authInfo.password, authInfo.salt, } } }).map { _ => authInfo } } def remove(loginInfo: LoginInfo): Future[Unit] = { => Unit) } } object PasswordInfoDAO { private val passwordInfos = TableQuery[PasswordInfoTable] }
Example 191
Source File: PasswordInfoDAO.scala From crm-seed with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.dataengi.crm.identities.daos import import import import import scala.collection.mutable import import scala.concurrent.Future trait PasswordInfoDAO extends DelegableAuthInfoDAO[PasswordInfo] @Singleton class InMemoryPasswordInfoDAOImpl extends PasswordInfoDAO { val passwords = mutable.HashMap.empty[LoginInfo, PasswordInfo] def remove(loginInfo: LoginInfo): Future[Unit] = { Future.successful( passwords.remove(loginInfo) ) } }
Example 192
Source File: CounterEtlFunctionsSpec.scala From incubator-s2graph with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.s2graph.counter.loader.core import com.typesafe.config.ConfigFactory import org.apache.s2graph.core.schema.{Label, Service} import org.apache.s2graph.core.types.HBaseType import org.apache.s2graph.core.{S2Graph, Management} import org.apache.s2graph.counter.models.DBModel import org.scalatest.{BeforeAndAfterAll, FlatSpec, Matchers} import class CounterEtlFunctionsSpec extends FlatSpec with BeforeAndAfterAll with Matchers { val config = ConfigFactory.load() val cluster = config.getString("hbase.zookeeper.quorum") DBModel.initialize(config) val graph = new S2Graph(config)(global) val management = new Management(graph) override def beforeAll: Unit = { management.createService("test", cluster, "test", 1, None, "gz") management.createLabel("test_case", "test", "src", "string", "test", "tgt", "string", true, "test", Nil, Nil, "weak", None, None, HBaseType.DEFAULT_VERSION, false, "gz") } override def afterAll: Unit = { Label.delete(Label.findByName("test_case", false) Service.delete(Service.findByName("test", false) } "CounterEtlFunctions" should "parsing log" in { val data = """ |1435107139287 insert e aaPHfITGUU0B_150212123559509 abcd test_case {"cateid":"100110102","shopid":"1","brandid":""} |1435106916136 insert e Tgc00-wtjp2B_140918153515441 efgh test_case {"cateid":"101104107","shopid":"2","brandid":""} """.stripMargin.trim.split('\n') val items = { for { line <- data item <- CounterEtlFunctions.parseEdgeFormat(line) } yield { item.action should equal("test_case") item } } items should have size 2 } }
Example 193
Source File: GraphOperation.scala From incubator-s2graph with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.s2graph.counter.core.v2 import import import com.typesafe.config.Config import org.apache.http.HttpStatus import org.apache.s2graph.counter.config.S2CounterConfig import org.apache.s2graph.counter.core.v2.ExactStorageGraph._ import org.asynchttpclient.DefaultAsyncHttpClientConfig import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory import play.api.libs.json.{JsObject, JsValue, Json} import scala.concurrent.Await import scala.concurrent.duration._ class GraphOperation(config: Config) { // using play-ws without play app implicit val materializer = ActorMaterializer.create(ActorSystem(getClass.getSimpleName)) private val builder = new DefaultAsyncHttpClientConfig.Builder() private val wsClient = new private val s2config = new S2CounterConfig(config) val s2graphUrl = s2config.GRAPH_URL private[counter] val log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(this.getClass) import def createLabel(json: JsValue): Boolean = { // fix counter label's schemaVersion val newJson =[JsObject] ++ Json.obj("schemaVersion" -> "v2") val future = wsClient.url(s"$s2graphUrl/graphs/createLabel").post(newJson).map { resp => resp.status match { case HttpStatus.SC_OK => true case _ => throw new RuntimeException(s"failed createLabel. errCode: ${resp.status} body: ${resp.body} query: $json") } } Await.result(future, 10 second) } def deleteLabel(label: String): Boolean = { val future = wsClient.url(s"$s2graphUrl/graphs/deleteLabel/$label").put("").map { resp => resp.status match { case HttpStatus.SC_OK => true case _ => throw new RuntimeException(s"failed deleteLabel. errCode: ${resp.status} body: ${resp.body}") } } Await.result(future, 10 second) } }
Example 194
Source File: ExperimentController.scala From incubator-s2graph with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import import play.api.mvc._ import object ExperimentController extends Controller { private val rest: RestHandler = import ApplicationController._ def experiments() = experiment("", "", "") def experiment(accessToken: String, experimentName: String, uuid: String) = withHeaderAsync(jsonText) { request => val body = request.body val res = rest.doPost(request.uri, body, request.headers) { case js => val headers = res.headers :+ ("result_size" -> rest.calcSize(js).toString) jsonResponse(js, headers: _*) } recoverWith ApplicationController.requestFallback(body) } }
Example 195
Source File: HistoryMessagesBatchSender.scala From matcher with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.wavesplatform.dex.history import{Actor, Cancellable} import com.wavesplatform.dex.history.HistoryRouter.{HistoryMsg, StopAccumulate} import scala.collection.mutable import import scala.concurrent.duration._ import scala.reflect.ClassTag abstract class HistoryMessagesBatchSender[M <: HistoryMsg: ClassTag] extends Actor { val batchLinger: Long val batchEntries: Long def createAndSendBatch(batchBuffer: Iterable[M]): Unit private val batchBuffer: mutable.Set[M] = mutable.Set.empty[M] private def scheduleStopAccumulating: Cancellable = context.system.scheduler.scheduleOnce(batchLinger.millis, self, StopAccumulate) private def sendBatch(): Unit = { if (batchBuffer.nonEmpty) { createAndSendBatch(batchBuffer) batchBuffer.clear() } } def receive: Receive = awaitingHistoryMessages private def awaitingHistoryMessages: Receive = { case msg: M => scheduleStopAccumulating context become accumulateBuffer(scheduleStopAccumulating) batchBuffer += msg } private def accumulateBuffer(scheduledStop: Cancellable): Receive = { case msg: M => if (batchBuffer.size == batchEntries) { scheduledStop.cancel() sendBatch() context become accumulateBuffer(scheduleStopAccumulating) } batchBuffer += msg case StopAccumulate => sendBatch(); context become awaitingHistoryMessages } }
Example 196
Source File: ExchangeTransactionCreatorSpecification.scala From matcher with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.wavesplatform.dex.model import com.wavesplatform.dex.domain.asset.Asset import com.wavesplatform.dex.domain.bytes.ByteStr import com.wavesplatform.dex.domain.crypto import com.wavesplatform.dex.domain.crypto.Proofs import com.wavesplatform.dex.domain.order.Order import com.wavesplatform.dex.domain.order.OrderOps._ import com.wavesplatform.dex.domain.transaction.ExchangeTransactionV2 import com.wavesplatform.dex.domain.utils.EitherExt2 import com.wavesplatform.dex.{MatcherSpecBase, NoShrink} import org.scalacheck.Gen import org.scalamock.scalatest.PathMockFactory import org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers import org.scalatest.prop.TableDrivenPropertyChecks import org.scalatest.wordspec.AnyWordSpec import org.scalatest.{Assertion, BeforeAndAfterAll} import org.scalatestplus.scalacheck.{ScalaCheckPropertyChecks => PropertyChecks} import class ExchangeTransactionCreatorSpecification extends AnyWordSpec with Matchers with MatcherSpecBase with BeforeAndAfterAll with PathMockFactory with PropertyChecks with NoShrink with TableDrivenPropertyChecks { private def getExchangeTransactionCreator(hasMatcherScript: Boolean = false, hasAssetScripts: Asset => Boolean = _ => false): ExchangeTransactionCreator = { new ExchangeTransactionCreator(MatcherAccount, matcherSettings.exchangeTxBaseFee, hasMatcherScript, hasAssetScripts) } "ExchangeTransactionCreator" should { "create an ExchangeTransactionV2" when { (List(1, 2, 3) ++ List(1, 2, 3)).combinations(2).foreach { case List(counterVersion, submittedVersion) => s"counterVersion=$counterVersion, submittedVersion=$submittedVersion" in { val counter = buy(wavesBtcPair, 100000, 0.0008, matcherFee = Some(2000L), version = counterVersion.toByte) val submitted = sell(wavesBtcPair, 100000, 0.0007, matcherFee = Some(1000L), version = submittedVersion.toByte) val tc = getExchangeTransactionCreator() val oe = mkOrderExecutedRaw(submitted, counter) tc.createTransaction(oe).explicitGet() shouldBe a[ExchangeTransactionV2] } } } "take fee from order executed event" when { "orders are matched fully" in { val preconditions = for { ((_, buyOrder), (_, sellOrder)) <- orderV3MirrorPairGenerator } yield (buyOrder, sellOrder) test(preconditions) } "orders are matched partially" in { val preconditions = for { ((_, buyOrder), (senderSell, sellOrder)) <- orderV3MirrorPairGenerator } yield { val sellOrderWithUpdatedAmount = sellOrder.updateAmount(sellOrder.amount / 2) val newSignature = crypto.sign(senderSell, sellOrderWithUpdatedAmount.bodyBytes()) val correctedSellOrder = sellOrderWithUpdatedAmount.updateProofs(Proofs(Seq(ByteStr(newSignature)))) (buyOrder, correctedSellOrder) } test(preconditions) } def test(preconditions: Gen[(Order, Order)]): Assertion = forAll(preconditions) { case (buyOrder, sellOrder) => val tc = getExchangeTransactionCreator() val oe = mkOrderExecutedRaw(buyOrder, sellOrder) val tx = tc.createTransaction(oe).explicitGet() tx.buyMatcherFee shouldBe oe.submittedExecutedFee tx.sellMatcherFee shouldBe oe.counterExecutedFee } } } }
Example 197
package com.wavesplatform import com.wavesplatform.dex.domain.account.{KeyPair, PublicKey} import com.wavesplatform.dex.domain.asset.AssetPair import com.wavesplatform.dex.domain.order.{Order, OrderType} import com.wavesplatform.dex.waves.WavesFeeConstants._ import import org.scalacheck.Gen import import scala.concurrent.duration.{DurationInt, FiniteDuration} import scala.concurrent.{Await, Future} import scala.util.Random import scala.util.control.NonFatal package object it { def executeCommands(xs: Seq[MatcherCommand], ignoreErrors: Boolean = true, timeout: FiniteDuration = 3.minutes): Int = { Await.result(Future.sequence(, ignoreErrors))), timeout).sum } private def executeCommand(x: MatcherCommand, ignoreErrors: Boolean): Future[Int] = try x match { case MatcherCommand.Place(api, order) => api.tryPlace(order).map(_.fold(_ => 0, _ => 1)) case MatcherCommand.Cancel(api, owner, order) => api.tryCancel(owner, order).map(_.fold(_ => 0, _ => 1)) } catch { case NonFatal(e) => if (ignoreErrors) Future.successful(0) else Future.failed(e) } def orderGen(matcher: PublicKey, trader: KeyPair, assetPairs: Seq[AssetPair], types: Seq[OrderType] = Seq(OrderType.BUY, OrderType.SELL)): Gen[Order] = { val ts = System.currentTimeMillis() for { assetPair <- Gen.oneOf(assetPairs) tpe <- Gen.oneOf(types) amount <- Gen.choose(10, 100) price <- Gen.choose(10, 100) orderVersion <- Gen.choose[Byte](1, 3) expirationDiff <- Gen.choose(600000, 6000000) } yield { if (tpe == OrderType.BUY) trader, matcher, assetPair, amount, price * Order.PriceConstant, ts, ts + expirationDiff, matcherFee, orderVersion ) else Order.sell( trader, matcher, assetPair, amount, price * Order.PriceConstant, ts, ts + expirationDiff, matcherFee, orderVersion ) } } def choose[T](xs: IndexedSeq[T]): T = xs(Random.nextInt(xs.size)) }
Example 198
Source File: CanExtractInstances.scala From matcher with MIT License | 5 votes |
package import cats.{Id, MonadError} import import scala.concurrent.Future trait CanExtractInstances extends CanExtractInstances1 trait CanExtractInstances2 { implicit val future = new CanExtract[Future] { override def extract[ErrorT, ResultT](f: => Future[Either[ErrorT, ResultT]]): Future[ResultT] = { case Left(e) => throw new RuntimeException(s"Can't extract: $e") case Right(r) => r } } implicit val id = new CanExtract[Id] { override def extract[ErrorT, ResultT](f: => Id[Either[ErrorT, ResultT]]): Id[ResultT] = f match { case Left(e) => throw new RuntimeException(s"Can't extract: $e") case Right(r) => r } } }
Example 199
Source File: Philosopher.scala From didactic-computing-machine with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
package DiningPhilosophers import DiningPhilosophers.ForkMessages._ import DiningPhilosophers.PhilosopherMessages._ import{Actor, ActorLogging, ActorRef, ActorSystem, Props} import scala.concurrent.duration.FiniteDuration import scala.concurrent.duration.DurationInt import scala.concurrent.duration.FiniteDuration import class Philosopher(val leftFork: ActorRef, val rightFork: ActorRef) extends Actor with ActorLogging { def name = private val eatingTime = 2500.millis private val thinkingTime = 5000.millis private val retryTime = 10.millis def thinkFor(duration: FiniteDuration) = { context.system.scheduler.scheduleOnce(duration, self, Eat) context.become(thinking) } def thinking: Receive = { case Eat =>"Philosopher ${} wants to eat") leftFork ! Take rightFork ! Take context.become(hungry) } def hungry: Receive = { case ForkBeingUsed => handleForkBeingUsed() case ForkTaken =>"Philosopher ${} found one fork to be taken by other philosopher") context.become(waitingForOtherFork) } def waitingForOtherFork: Receive = { case ForkBeingUsed => handleForkBeingUsed() case ForkTaken =>"Philosopher ${} starts to eat") context.system.scheduler.scheduleOnce(eatingTime, self, Think) context.become(eating) } def eating: Receive = { case Think =>"Philosopher ${} starts to think") leftFork ! Put rightFork ! Put thinkFor(thinkingTime) } def handleForkBeingUsed(): Unit = {"Philosopher ${} found one fork to be in use") leftFork ! Put rightFork ! Put thinkFor(retryTime) } def receive = { case Think =>"Philosopher ${} started thinking") thinkFor(thinkingTime) } }
Example 200
Source File: NominatimLookup.scala From daf-semantics with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package examples.nominatim import import scala.concurrent.Await import scala.concurrent.duration.Duration import import import import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode import clients.HTTPClient // SEE: Lookup - class NominatimLookup { val http = HTTPClient def start() { http.start() } def stop() { http.stop() } def nominatim(address: String) = { val url = "" val parameters = Map( "q" -> address, "addressdetails" -> "1", "format" -> "json", "limit" -> "4", "addressdetails" -> "1", "dedupe" -> "1", "extratags" -> "1", "namedetails" -> "1").toList val ret = .withQueryString(parameters: _*) .get() .map { response => response.status match { case 200 => response.body case _ => "{}" } } ret } } object MainNominatimLookup extends App { import scala.collection.JavaConversions._ import scala.collection.JavaConverters._ val nominatim = new NominatimLookup nominatim.start() val json_mapper = new ObjectMapper val json_reader = json_mapper.reader() val result = Await.ready(nominatim.nominatim("135 pilkington avenue, birmingham"), Duration.Inf) .value.get.get val json_list: List[JsonNode] = json_reader.readTree(result).elements().toList // simulazione di output... if (json_list.size > 0) { println(s"RESULTS [${json_list.size}]") json_list .zipWithIndex .foreach { case (node, i) => println(s"result ${i + 1}") println(node.get("place_id")) println(node.get("address").get("road").asText() + ", " + node.get("address").get("house_number").asText()) } } else { println("cannot find results...") } nominatim.stop() }