scala.xml.Text Scala Examples
The following examples show how to use scala.xml.Text.
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Example 1
Source File: ExecutorThreadDumpPage.scala From drizzle-spark with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.ui.exec import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest import scala.xml.{Node, Text} import org.apache.spark.ui.{UIUtils, WebUIPage} private[ui] class ExecutorThreadDumpPage(parent: ExecutorsTab) extends WebUIPage("threadDump") { private val sc = def render(request: HttpServletRequest): Seq[Node] = { val executorId = Option(request.getParameter("executorId")).map { executorId => UIUtils.decodeURLParameter(executorId) }.getOrElse { throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Missing executorId parameter") } val time = System.currentTimeMillis() val maybeThreadDump = sc.get.getExecutorThreadDump(executorId) val content = { threadDump => val dumpRows = threadDump.sortWith { case (threadTrace1, threadTrace2) => val v1 = if (threadTrace1.threadName.contains("Executor task launch")) 1 else 0 val v2 = if (threadTrace2.threadName.contains("Executor task launch")) 1 else 0 if (v1 == v2) { threadTrace1.threadName.toLowerCase < threadTrace2.threadName.toLowerCase } else { v1 > v2 } }.map { thread => val threadId = thread.threadId <tr id={s"thread_${threadId}_tr"} class="accordion-heading" onclick={s"toggleThreadStackTrace($threadId, false)"} onmouseover={s"onMouseOverAndOut($threadId)"} onmouseout={s"onMouseOverAndOut($threadId)"}> <td id={s"${threadId}_td_id"}>{threadId}</td> <td id={s"${threadId}_td_name"}>{thread.threadName}</td> <td id={s"${threadId}_td_state"}>{thread.threadState}</td> <td id={s"${threadId}_td_stacktrace"} class="hidden">{thread.stackTrace}</td> </tr> } <div class="row-fluid"> <p>Updated at {UIUtils.formatDate(time)}</p> { // scalastyle:off <p><a class="expandbutton" onClick="expandAllThreadStackTrace(true)"> Expand All </a></p> <p><a class="expandbutton hidden" onClick="collapseAllThreadStackTrace(true)"> Collapse All </a></p> <div class="form-inline"> <div class="bs-example" data-example-id="simple-form-inline"> <div class="form-group"> <div class="input-group"> Search: <input type="text" class="form-control" id="search" oninput="onSearchStringChange()"></input> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p></p> // scalastyle:on } <table class={UIUtils.TABLE_CLASS_STRIPED + " accordion-group" + " sortable"}> <thead> <th onClick="collapseAllThreadStackTrace(false)">Thread ID</th> <th onClick="collapseAllThreadStackTrace(false)">Thread Name</th> <th onClick="collapseAllThreadStackTrace(false)">Thread State</th> </thead> <tbody>{dumpRows}</tbody> </table> </div> }.getOrElse(Text("Error fetching thread dump")) UIUtils.headerSparkPage(s"Thread dump for executor $executorId", content, parent) } }
Example 2
Source File: RegexSentenceAnnotator.scala From jigg with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package jigg.pipeline import java.util.Properties import import scala.xml.{Node, Elem, Text, Atom} import jigg.util.XMLUtil.RichNode class RegexSentenceAnnotator(override val name: String, override val props: Properties) extends Annotator { @Prop(gloss = "Regular expression to segment lines (if omitted, specified method is used)") var pattern = "" @Prop(gloss = "Use predefined segment pattern newLine|point|pointAndNewLine") var method = "pointAndNewLine" readProps() val splitRegex = pattern match { case "" => method match { case "newLine" => RegexSentenceAnnotator.newLine case "point" => RegexSentenceAnnotator.point case "pointAndNewLine" => RegexSentenceAnnotator.pointAndNewLine case other => argumentError("method") } case pattern => pattern.r } private[this] val sentenceIDGen = jigg.util.IDGenerator("s") override def annotate(annotation: Node): Node = { annotation.replaceAll("document") { e => val line = e.text val sentenceBoundaries = 0 +: splitRegex.findAllMatchIn(line).map(_.end).toVector :+ line.length val sentences: Vector[Node] = sentenceBoundaries.sliding(2).toVector flatMap { case Seq(begin_, end_) => def isSpace(c: Char) = c == ' ' || c == '\t' || c == '\n' val snippet = line.substring(begin_, end_) val begin = snippet.indexWhere(!isSpace(_)) match { case -1 => begin_ // space only case offset => begin_ + offset } val end = snippet.lastIndexWhere(!isSpace(_)) match { case -1 => begin_ case offset => begin_ + offset + 1 } // val sentence: String = line.substring(begin, end).trim() val sentence: String = line.substring(begin, end) if (sentence.isEmpty) None else { Option(<sentence id={ } characterOffsetBegin={ begin+"" } characterOffsetEnd={ end+"" }>{ sentence }</sentence>) } } // val textRemoved = XMLUtil.removeText(e) // XMLUtil.addChild(textRemoved, <sentences>{ sentences }</sentences>) e addChild <sentences>{ sentences }</sentences> } } override def requires = Set() override def requirementsSatisfied = Set(Requirement.Ssplit) } object RegexSentenceAnnotator extends AnnotatorCompanion[RegexSentenceAnnotator] { val newLine = """\n+""".r val point = """。+""".r val pointAndNewLine = """\n+|。\n*""".r }
Example 3
Source File: SpaceTokenizerAnnotator.scala From jigg with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package jigg.pipeline class SpaceTokenizerAnnotator(override val name: String, override val props: Properties) extends SentencesAnnotator { override def newSentenceAnnotation(sentence: Node): Node = { val sindex = sentence \@ "id" val text = sentence.text val range = (0 until text.size) def isSpace(c: Char) = c == ' ' || c == '\t' val begins = 0 +: (1 until text.size).filter { i => isSpace(text(i-1)) && !isSpace(text(i)) } val ends = begins map { range indexWhere (i=>isSpace(text(i)), _) match { case -1 => text.size case e => e } } val tokenSeq = map { case ((b, e), i) => <token id={ sindex + "_tok" + i } form={ text.substring(b, e) } characterOffsetBegin={ b+"" } characterOffsetEnd={ e+"" }/> } val tokens = <tokens annotators={ name }>{ tokenSeq }</tokens> sentence addChild tokens } override def requires = Set(Requirement.Ssplit) override def requirementsSatisfied = Set(Requirement.Tokenize) }
Example 4
Source File: ExecutorThreadDumpPage.scala From sparkoscope with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.ui.exec import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest import scala.xml.{Node, Text} import org.apache.spark.ui.{UIUtils, WebUIPage} private[ui] class ExecutorThreadDumpPage(parent: ExecutorsTab) extends WebUIPage("threadDump") { private val sc = def render(request: HttpServletRequest): Seq[Node] = { val executorId = Option(request.getParameter("executorId")).map { executorId => UIUtils.decodeURLParameter(executorId) }.getOrElse { throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Missing executorId parameter") } val time = System.currentTimeMillis() val maybeThreadDump = sc.get.getExecutorThreadDump(executorId) val content = { threadDump => val dumpRows = threadDump.sortWith { case (threadTrace1, threadTrace2) => val v1 = if (threadTrace1.threadName.contains("Executor task launch")) 1 else 0 val v2 = if (threadTrace2.threadName.contains("Executor task launch")) 1 else 0 if (v1 == v2) { threadTrace1.threadName.toLowerCase < threadTrace2.threadName.toLowerCase } else { v1 > v2 } }.map { thread => val threadId = thread.threadId val blockedBy = thread.blockedByThreadId match { case Some(blockedByThreadId) => <div> Blocked by <a href={s"#${thread.blockedByThreadId}_td_id"}> Thread {thread.blockedByThreadId} {thread.blockedByLock}</a> </div> case None => Text("") } val heldLocks = thread.holdingLocks.mkString(", ") <tr id={s"thread_${threadId}_tr"} class="accordion-heading" onclick={s"toggleThreadStackTrace($threadId, false)"} onmouseover={s"onMouseOverAndOut($threadId)"} onmouseout={s"onMouseOverAndOut($threadId)"}> <td id={s"${threadId}_td_id"}>{threadId}</td> <td id={s"${threadId}_td_name"}>{thread.threadName}</td> <td id={s"${threadId}_td_state"}>{thread.threadState}</td> <td id={s"${threadId}_td_locking"}>{blockedBy}{heldLocks}</td> <td id={s"${threadId}_td_stacktrace"} class="hidden">{thread.stackTrace}</td> </tr> } <div class="row-fluid"> <p>Updated at {UIUtils.formatDate(time)}</p> { // scalastyle:off <p><a class="expandbutton" onClick="expandAllThreadStackTrace(true)"> Expand All </a></p> <p><a class="expandbutton hidden" onClick="collapseAllThreadStackTrace(true)"> Collapse All </a></p> <div class="form-inline"> <div class="bs-example" data-example-id="simple-form-inline"> <div class="form-group"> <div class="input-group"> Search: <input type="text" class="form-control" id="search" oninput="onSearchStringChange()"></input> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p></p> // scalastyle:on } <table class={UIUtils.TABLE_CLASS_STRIPED + " accordion-group" + " sortable"}> <thead> <th onClick="collapseAllThreadStackTrace(false)">Thread ID</th> <th onClick="collapseAllThreadStackTrace(false)">Thread Name</th> <th onClick="collapseAllThreadStackTrace(false)">Thread State</th> <th onClick="collapseAllThreadStackTrace(false)">Thread Locks</th> </thead> <tbody>{dumpRows}</tbody> </table> </div> }.getOrElse(Text("Error fetching thread dump")) UIUtils.headerSparkPage(s"Thread dump for executor $executorId", content, parent) } }
Example 5
Source File: ExecutorThreadDumpPage.scala From SparkCore with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.ui.exec import import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest import scala.util.Try import scala.xml.{Text, Node} import org.apache.spark.ui.{UIUtils, WebUIPage} private[ui] class ExecutorThreadDumpPage(parent: ExecutorsTab) extends WebUIPage("threadDump") { private val sc = def render(request: HttpServletRequest): Seq[Node] = { val executorId = Option(request.getParameter("executorId")).map { executorId => // Due to YARN-2844, "<driver>" in the url will be encoded to "%25253Cdriver%25253E" when // running in yarn-cluster mode. `request.getParameter("executorId")` will return // "%253Cdriver%253E". Therefore we need to decode it until we get the real id. var id = executorId var decodedId = URLDecoder.decode(id, "UTF-8") while (id != decodedId) { id = decodedId decodedId = URLDecoder.decode(id, "UTF-8") } id }.getOrElse { throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Missing executorId parameter") } val time = System.currentTimeMillis() val maybeThreadDump = sc.get.getExecutorThreadDump(executorId) val content = { threadDump => val dumpRows = { thread => <div class="accordion-group"> <div class="accordion-heading" onclick="$(this).next().toggleClass('hidden')"> <a class="accordion-toggle"> Thread {thread.threadId}: {thread.threadName} ({thread.threadState}) </a> </div> <div class="accordion-body hidden"> <div class="accordion-inner"> <pre>{thread.stackTrace}</pre> </div> </div> </div> } <div class="row-fluid"> <p>Updated at {UIUtils.formatDate(time)}</p> { // scalastyle:off <p><a class="expandbutton" onClick="$('.accordion-body').removeClass('hidden'); $('.expandbutton').toggleClass('hidden')"> Expand All </a></p> <p><a class="expandbutton hidden" onClick="$('.accordion-body').addClass('hidden'); $('.expandbutton').toggleClass('hidden')"> Collapse All </a></p> // scalastyle:on } <div class="accordion">{dumpRows}</div> </div> }.getOrElse(Text("Error fetching thread dump")) UIUtils.headerSparkPage(s"Thread dump for executor $executorId", content, parent) } }
Example 6
Source File: XmlSerialization.scala From ike with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.allenai.ike.index import scala.xml.{ Elem, Node, Text } object XmlSerialization { def xml(text: IndexableText): Elem = { val children = addSpaces(text.sentences map xml) <document>{ children }</document> } def xml(tokens: Seq[IndexableToken]): Elem = { val children = addSpaces(tokens map xml) <sentence>{ children }</sentence> } def xml(token: IndexableToken): Elem = <word pos={ token.pos } lemma={ token.lemma } chunk={ token.chunk }>{ token.word }</word> def addSpaces(elems: Seq[Elem]): Seq[Node] = { val n = elems.size val spaces = List.fill(n)(Text(" ")) for { (elem, space) <- node <- List(elem, space) } yield node } }
Example 7
Source File: ComplexTypes.scala From incubator-daffodil with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.daffodil.dsom import scala.xml.Node import org.apache.daffodil.dpath.NodeInfo import org.apache.daffodil.api.WarnID import scala.xml.Text import scala.xml.Comment sealed abstract class ComplexTypeBase(xmlArg: Node, parentArg: SchemaComponent) extends SchemaComponentImpl(xmlArg, parentArg) with TypeBase with NonPrimTypeMixin { final override def optRestriction = None final override def optUnion = None final override def typeNode = NodeInfo.Complex requiredEvaluationsIfActivated(modelGroup) final def group = modelGroup final def sequence = group.asInstanceOf[Sequence] final def choice = group.asInstanceOf[Choice] private lazy val <complexType>{ xmlChildren @ _* }</complexType> = xml final lazy val Seq(modelGroup) = { val s = smg schemaDefinitionUnless(s.length == 1, "A complex type must have exactly one model-group element child which is a sequence, choice, or group reference.") s } private lazy val smg = { { xmlChild => ModelGroupFactory(xmlChild, this, 1, false) } } private lazy val childrenForTerms = { xmlChildren.flatMap { xmlChild => { xmlChild match { case <annotation>{ annotationChildren @ _* }</annotation> => { val dais = annotationChildren.find { ai => ai.attribute("source") match { case Some(n) => n.text.contains("ogf") && n.text.contains("dfdl") case _ => false } } if (dais != None) { this.SDW(WarnID.InvalidAnnotationPoint, "complexType is not a valid annotation point. Annotation ignored.") } None } case textNode: Text => None case _: Comment => None case _ => Some(xmlChild) } } } } } final class GlobalComplexTypeDef( xmlArg: Node, schemaDocumentArg: SchemaDocument) extends ComplexTypeBase(xmlArg, schemaDocumentArg) with GlobalNonElementComponentMixin with NestingLexicalMixin { // Nothing needed here. The base class and mixins are providing all the functionality needed. } final class LocalComplexTypeDef(xmlArg: Node, val elementDecl: ElementDeclMixin) extends ComplexTypeBase(xmlArg, elementDecl) with LocalNonElementComponentMixin with NestingLexicalMixin { // Nothing needed here. The base class and mixins are providing all the functionality needed. }
Example 8
Source File: SimpleTransformationStd.scala From xml-lens with MIT License | 5 votes |
package pl.msitko.xml.bench import import scala.xml.{Elem, Text, XML} object SimpleTransformationStd extends SimpleTransformation { def transform(el: Elem): Elem = { if(el.child.size == 1) { val replaceWith = el.child.head match { case t: Text => Text(t.text.toUpperCase) case a => a } el.copy(child = List(replaceWith)) } else { el } } override def transform(input: String): String = { val xml = XML.loadString(input) val transformed = { case el: Elem if el.label == "a" => el.copy(child = el.child.flatMap { case el: Elem if el.label == "interesting" => el.copy(child = el.child.flatMap { case el: Elem if el.label == "special" => transform(el) case a => a }) case a => a }) case a => a } val writer = new StringWriter XML.write(writer, transformed.head, "UTF-8", true, null) writer.toString } }
Example 9
Source File: ExecutorThreadDumpPage.scala From multi-tenancy-spark with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.ui.exec import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest import scala.xml.{Node, Text} import org.apache.spark.ui.{UIUtils, WebUIPage} private[ui] class ExecutorThreadDumpPage(parent: ExecutorsTab) extends WebUIPage("threadDump") { private val sc = def render(request: HttpServletRequest): Seq[Node] = { val executorId = Option(request.getParameter("executorId")).map { executorId => UIUtils.decodeURLParameter(executorId) }.getOrElse { throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Missing executorId parameter") } val time = System.currentTimeMillis() val maybeThreadDump = sc.get.getExecutorThreadDump(executorId) val content = { threadDump => val dumpRows = threadDump.sortWith { case (threadTrace1, threadTrace2) => val v1 = if (threadTrace1.threadName.contains("Executor task launch")) 1 else 0 val v2 = if (threadTrace2.threadName.contains("Executor task launch")) 1 else 0 if (v1 == v2) { threadTrace1.threadName.toLowerCase < threadTrace2.threadName.toLowerCase } else { v1 > v2 } }.map { thread => val threadId = thread.threadId val blockedBy = thread.blockedByThreadId match { case Some(blockedByThreadId) => <div> Blocked by <a href={s"#${thread.blockedByThreadId}_td_id"}> Thread {thread.blockedByThreadId} {thread.blockedByLock}</a> </div> case None => Text("") } val heldLocks = thread.holdingLocks.mkString(", ") <tr id={s"thread_${threadId}_tr"} class="accordion-heading" onclick={s"toggleThreadStackTrace($threadId, false)"} onmouseover={s"onMouseOverAndOut($threadId)"} onmouseout={s"onMouseOverAndOut($threadId)"}> <td id={s"${threadId}_td_id"}>{threadId}</td> <td id={s"${threadId}_td_name"}>{thread.threadName}</td> <td id={s"${threadId}_td_state"}>{thread.threadState}</td> <td id={s"${threadId}_td_locking"}>{blockedBy}{heldLocks}</td> <td id={s"${threadId}_td_stacktrace"} class="hidden">{thread.stackTrace}</td> </tr> } <div class="row-fluid"> <p>Updated at {UIUtils.formatDate(time)}</p> { // scalastyle:off <p><a class="expandbutton" onClick="expandAllThreadStackTrace(true)"> Expand All </a></p> <p><a class="expandbutton hidden" onClick="collapseAllThreadStackTrace(true)"> Collapse All </a></p> <div class="form-inline"> <div class="bs-example" data-example-id="simple-form-inline"> <div class="form-group"> <div class="input-group"> Search: <input type="text" class="form-control" id="search" oninput="onSearchStringChange()"></input> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p></p> // scalastyle:on } <table class={UIUtils.TABLE_CLASS_STRIPED + " accordion-group" + " sortable"}> <thead> <th onClick="collapseAllThreadStackTrace(false)">Thread ID</th> <th onClick="collapseAllThreadStackTrace(false)">Thread Name</th> <th onClick="collapseAllThreadStackTrace(false)">Thread State</th> <th onClick="collapseAllThreadStackTrace(false)">Thread Locks</th> </thead> <tbody>{dumpRows}</tbody> </table> </div> }.getOrElse(Text("Error fetching thread dump")) UIUtils.headerSparkPage(s"Thread dump for executor $executorId", content, parent) } }
Example 10
Source File: ExecutorThreadDumpPage.scala From iolap with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.ui.exec import import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest import scala.util.Try import scala.xml.{Text, Node} import org.apache.spark.ui.{UIUtils, WebUIPage} private[ui] class ExecutorThreadDumpPage(parent: ExecutorsTab) extends WebUIPage("threadDump") { private val sc = def render(request: HttpServletRequest): Seq[Node] = { val executorId = Option(request.getParameter("executorId")).map { executorId => // Due to YARN-2844, "<driver>" in the url will be encoded to "%25253Cdriver%25253E" when // running in yarn-cluster mode. `request.getParameter("executorId")` will return // "%253Cdriver%253E". Therefore we need to decode it until we get the real id. var id = executorId var decodedId = URLDecoder.decode(id, "UTF-8") while (id != decodedId) { id = decodedId decodedId = URLDecoder.decode(id, "UTF-8") } id }.getOrElse { throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Missing executorId parameter") } val time = System.currentTimeMillis() val maybeThreadDump = sc.get.getExecutorThreadDump(executorId) val content = { threadDump => val dumpRows = { thread => <div class="accordion-group"> <div class="accordion-heading" onclick="$(this).next().toggleClass('hidden')"> <a class="accordion-toggle"> Thread {thread.threadId}: {thread.threadName} ({thread.threadState}) </a> </div> <div class="accordion-body hidden"> <div class="accordion-inner"> <pre>{thread.stackTrace}</pre> </div> </div> </div> } <div class="row-fluid"> <p>Updated at {UIUtils.formatDate(time)}</p> { // scalastyle:off <p><a class="expandbutton" onClick="$('.accordion-body').removeClass('hidden'); $('.expandbutton').toggleClass('hidden')"> Expand All </a></p> <p><a class="expandbutton hidden" onClick="$('.accordion-body').addClass('hidden'); $('.expandbutton').toggleClass('hidden')"> Collapse All </a></p> // scalastyle:on } <div class="accordion">{dumpRows}</div> </div> }.getOrElse(Text("Error fetching thread dump")) UIUtils.headerSparkPage(s"Thread dump for executor $executorId", content, parent) } }
Example 11
Source File: ExecutorThreadDumpPage.scala From spark1.52 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.ui.exec import import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest import scala.util.Try import scala.xml.{Text, Node} import org.apache.spark.ui.{UIUtils, WebUIPage} private[ui] class ExecutorThreadDumpPage(parent: ExecutorsTab) extends WebUIPage("threadDump") { private val sc = def render(request: HttpServletRequest): Seq[Node] = { val executorId = Option(request.getParameter("executorId")).map { executorId => // Due to YARN-2844, "<driver>" in the url will be encoded to "%25253Cdriver%25253E" when // running in yarn-cluster mode. `request.getParameter("executorId")` will return // "%253Cdriver%253E". Therefore we need to decode it until we get the real id. var id = executorId var decodedId = URLDecoder.decode(id, "UTF-8") while (id != decodedId) { id = decodedId decodedId = URLDecoder.decode(id, "UTF-8") } id }.getOrElse { throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Missing executorId parameter") } val time = System.currentTimeMillis() val maybeThreadDump = sc.get.getExecutorThreadDump(executorId) val content = { threadDump => val dumpRows = threadDump.sortWith { case (threadTrace1, threadTrace2) => { val v1 = if (threadTrace1.threadName.contains("Executor task launch")) 1 else 0 val v2 = if (threadTrace2.threadName.contains("Executor task launch")) 1 else 0 if (v1 == v2) { threadTrace1.threadName.toLowerCase < threadTrace2.threadName.toLowerCase } else { v1 > v2 } } }.map { thread => val threadName = thread.threadName val className = "accordion-heading " + { if (threadName.contains("Executor task launch")) { "executor-thread" } else { "non-executor-thread" } } <div class="accordion-group"> <div class={className} onclick="$(this).next().toggleClass('hidden')"> <a class="accordion-toggle"> Thread {thread.threadId}: {threadName} ({thread.threadState}) </a> </div> <div class="accordion-body hidden"> <div class="accordion-inner"> <pre>{thread.stackTrace}</pre> </div> </div> </div> } <div class="row-fluid"> <p>Updated at {UIUtils.formatDate(time)}</p> { // scalastyle:off <p><a class="expandbutton" onClick="$('.accordion-body').removeClass('hidden'); $('.expandbutton').toggleClass('hidden')"> Expand All </a></p> <p><a class="expandbutton hidden" onClick="$('.accordion-body').addClass('hidden'); $('.expandbutton').toggleClass('hidden')"> Collapse All </a></p> // scalastyle:on } <div class="accordion">{dumpRows}</div> </div> }.getOrElse(Text("Error fetching thread dump")) UIUtils.headerSparkPage(s"Thread dump for executor $executorId", content, parent) } }
Example 12
Source File: ExecutorThreadDumpPage.scala From Spark-2.3.1 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.ui.exec import java.util.Locale import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest import scala.xml.{Node, Text} import org.apache.spark.SparkContext import org.apache.spark.ui.{SparkUITab, UIUtils, WebUIPage} private[ui] class ExecutorThreadDumpPage( parent: SparkUITab, sc: Option[SparkContext]) extends WebUIPage("threadDump") { // stripXSS is called first to remove suspicious characters used in XSS attacks def render(request: HttpServletRequest): Seq[Node] = { val executorId = Option(UIUtils.stripXSS(request.getParameter("executorId"))).map { executorId => UIUtils.decodeURLParameter(executorId) }.getOrElse { throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Missing executorId parameter") } val time = System.currentTimeMillis() val maybeThreadDump = sc.get.getExecutorThreadDump(executorId) val content = { threadDump => val dumpRows = threadDump.sortWith { case (threadTrace1, threadTrace2) => val v1 = if (threadTrace1.threadName.contains("Executor task launch")) 1 else 0 val v2 = if (threadTrace2.threadName.contains("Executor task launch")) 1 else 0 if (v1 == v2) { threadTrace1.threadName.toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT) < threadTrace2.threadName.toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT) } else { v1 > v2 } }.map { thread => val threadId = thread.threadId val blockedBy = thread.blockedByThreadId match { case Some(_) => <div> Blocked by <a href={s"#${thread.blockedByThreadId}_td_id"}> Thread {thread.blockedByThreadId} {thread.blockedByLock}</a> </div> case None => Text("") } val heldLocks = thread.holdingLocks.mkString(", ") <tr id={s"thread_${threadId}_tr"} class="accordion-heading" onclick={s"toggleThreadStackTrace($threadId, false)"} onmouseover={s"onMouseOverAndOut($threadId)"} onmouseout={s"onMouseOverAndOut($threadId)"}> <td id={s"${threadId}_td_id"}>{threadId}</td> <td id={s"${threadId}_td_name"}>{thread.threadName}</td> <td id={s"${threadId}_td_state"}>{thread.threadState}</td> <td id={s"${threadId}_td_locking"}>{blockedBy}{heldLocks}</td> <td id={s"${threadId}_td_stacktrace"} class="hidden">{thread.stackTrace}</td> </tr> } <div class="row-fluid"> <p>Updated at {UIUtils.formatDate(time)}</p> { // scalastyle:off <p><a class="expandbutton" onClick="expandAllThreadStackTrace(true)"> Expand All </a></p> <p><a class="expandbutton hidden" onClick="collapseAllThreadStackTrace(true)"> Collapse All </a></p> <div class="form-inline"> <div class="bs-example" data-example-id="simple-form-inline"> <div class="form-group"> <div class="input-group"> Search: <input type="text" class="form-control" id="search" oninput="onSearchStringChange()"></input> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p></p> // scalastyle:on } <table class={UIUtils.TABLE_CLASS_STRIPED + " accordion-group" + " sortable"}> <thead> <th onClick="collapseAllThreadStackTrace(false)">Thread ID</th> <th onClick="collapseAllThreadStackTrace(false)">Thread Name</th> <th onClick="collapseAllThreadStackTrace(false)">Thread State</th> <th onClick="collapseAllThreadStackTrace(false)">Thread Locks</th> </thead> <tbody>{dumpRows}</tbody> </table> </div> }.getOrElse(Text("Error fetching thread dump")) UIUtils.headerSparkPage(s"Thread dump for executor $executorId", content, parent) } }
Example 13
Source File: ExecutorThreadDumpPage.scala From BigDatalog with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.ui.exec import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest import scala.util.Try import scala.xml.{Text, Node} import org.apache.spark.ui.{UIUtils, WebUIPage} private[ui] class ExecutorThreadDumpPage(parent: ExecutorsTab) extends WebUIPage("threadDump") { private val sc = def render(request: HttpServletRequest): Seq[Node] = { val executorId = Option(request.getParameter("executorId")).map { executorId => UIUtils.decodeURLParameter(executorId) }.getOrElse { throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Missing executorId parameter") } val time = System.currentTimeMillis() val maybeThreadDump = sc.get.getExecutorThreadDump(executorId) val content = { threadDump => val dumpRows = threadDump.sortWith { case (threadTrace1, threadTrace2) => { val v1 = if (threadTrace1.threadName.contains("Executor task launch")) 1 else 0 val v2 = if (threadTrace2.threadName.contains("Executor task launch")) 1 else 0 if (v1 == v2) { threadTrace1.threadName.toLowerCase < threadTrace2.threadName.toLowerCase } else { v1 > v2 } } }.map { thread => val threadName = thread.threadName val className = "accordion-heading " + { if (threadName.contains("Executor task launch")) { "executor-thread" } else { "non-executor-thread" } } <div class="accordion-group"> <div class={className} onclick="$(this).next().toggleClass('hidden')"> <a class="accordion-toggle"> Thread {thread.threadId}: {threadName} ({thread.threadState}) </a> </div> <div class="accordion-body hidden"> <div class="accordion-inner"> <pre>{thread.stackTrace}</pre> </div> </div> </div> } <div class="row-fluid"> <p>Updated at {UIUtils.formatDate(time)}</p> { // scalastyle:off <p><a class="expandbutton" onClick="$('.accordion-body').removeClass('hidden'); $('.expandbutton').toggleClass('hidden')"> Expand All </a></p> <p><a class="expandbutton hidden" onClick="$('.accordion-body').addClass('hidden'); $('.expandbutton').toggleClass('hidden')"> Collapse All </a></p> // scalastyle:on } <div class="accordion">{dumpRows}</div> </div> }.getOrElse(Text("Error fetching thread dump")) UIUtils.headerSparkPage(s"Thread dump for executor $executorId", content, parent) } }
Example 14
Source File: BasicElemFormats.scala From xmlconfect with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.mthaler.xmlconfect import scala.reflect._ import scala.xml.{ Node, Null, Text } object BasicElemFormats { implicit object BooleanXmlElemFormat extends SimpleXmlElemFormat[Boolean] { protected def readElem(node: Node, name: String = ""): Boolean = node.text.toBoolean } implicit object ByteXmlElemFormat extends SimpleXmlElemFormat[Byte] { protected def readElem(node: Node, name: String = ""): Byte = node.text.toByte } implicit object ShortXmlElemFormat extends SimpleXmlElemFormat[Short] { protected def readElem(node: Node, name: String = ""): Short = node.text.toShort } implicit object IntXmlElemFormat extends SimpleXmlElemFormat[Int] { protected def readElem(node: Node, name: String = ""): Int = node.text.toInt } implicit object LongXmlElemFormat extends SimpleXmlElemFormat[Long] { protected def readElem(node: Node, name: String = ""): Long = node.text.toLong } implicit object FloatXmlElemFormat extends SimpleXmlElemFormat[Float] { protected def readElem(node: Node, name: String = ""): Float = node.text.toFloat } implicit object DoubleXmlElemFormat extends SimpleXmlElemFormat[Double] { protected def readElem(node: Node, name: String = ""): Double = node.text.toDouble } implicit object StringXmlElemFormat extends SimpleXmlElemFormat[String] { protected def readElem(node: Node, name: String = ""): String = node.text } implicit object CharXmlElemFormat extends SimpleXmlElemFormat[Char] { protected def readElem(node: Node, name: String = ""): Char = { val txt = node.text if (txt.length == 1) txt.charAt(0) else deserializationError("Expected Char as single-character string, but got " + txt) } } implicit object SymbolXmlElemFormat extends SimpleXmlElemFormat[Symbol] { protected def readElem(node: Node, name: String = ""): Symbol = Symbol(node.text) protected override def writeElem(obj: Symbol, name: String = ""): Node = elem(name, Null, Seq(Text( } implicit object BigIntXmlElemFormat extends SimpleXmlElemFormat[BigInt] { protected def readElem(node: Node, name: String = ""): BigInt = BigInt(node.text) } implicit object BigDecimalXmlElemFormat extends SimpleXmlElemFormat[BigDecimal] { protected def readElem(node: Node, name: String = ""): BigDecimal = BigDecimal(node.text) } implicit def enumFormat[T <: Enum[T]: ClassTag] = new SimpleXmlElemFormat[T] { protected def readElem(node: Node, name: String = ""): T = { val c = classTag[T].runtimeClass.asInstanceOf[Class[T]] Enum.valueOf(c, node.text) } } }
Example 15
Source File: BasicTextFormats.scala From xmlconfect with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.mthaler.xmlconfect import scala.reflect._ import scala.xml.{ Null, Node, Text } object BasicTextFormats { implicit object BooleanXmlTextFormat extends SimpleXmlTextFormat[Boolean] { protected def readText(text: Text, name: String = ""): Boolean = text.text.toBoolean } implicit object ByteXmlTextFormat extends SimpleXmlTextFormat[Byte] { protected def readText(text: Text, name: String = ""): Byte = text.text.toByte } implicit object ShortXmlTextFormat extends SimpleXmlTextFormat[Short] { protected def readText(text: Text, name: String = ""): Short = text.text.toShort } implicit object IntXmlTextFormat extends SimpleXmlTextFormat[Int] { protected def readText(text: Text, name: String = ""): Int = text.text.toInt } implicit object LongXmlTextFormat extends SimpleXmlTextFormat[Long] { protected def readText(text: Text, name: String = ""): Long = text.text.toLong } implicit object FloatXmlTextFormat extends SimpleXmlTextFormat[Float] { protected def readText(text: Text, name: String = ""): Float = text.text.toFloat } implicit object DoubleXmlTextFormat extends SimpleXmlTextFormat[Double] { protected def readText(text: Text, name: String = ""): Double = text.text.toDouble } implicit object StringXmlTextFormat extends SimpleXmlTextFormat[String] { protected def readText(text: Text, name: String = ""): String = text.text } implicit object CharXmlTextFormat extends SimpleXmlTextFormat[Char] { protected def readText(text: Text, name: String = ""): Char = { val txt = text.text if (txt.length == 1) txt.charAt(0) else deserializationError("Expected Char as single-character string, but got " + txt) } } implicit object SymbolXmlTextFormat extends SimpleXmlTextFormat[Symbol] { protected def readText(text: Text, name: String = ""): Symbol = Symbol(text.text) protected override def writeElem(obj: Symbol, name: String = ""): Node = Text( } implicit object BigIntXmlTextFormat extends SimpleXmlTextFormat[BigInt] { protected def readText(text: Text, name: String = ""): BigInt = BigInt(text.text) } implicit object BigDecimalXmlTextFormat extends SimpleXmlTextFormat[BigDecimal] { protected def readText(text: Text, name: String = ""): BigDecimal = BigDecimal(text.text) } implicit def enumFormat[T <: Enum[T]: ClassTag] = new SimpleXmlTextFormat[T] { protected def readText(text: Text, name: String = ""): T = { val c = classTag[T].runtimeClass.asInstanceOf[Class[T]] Enum.valueOf(c, text.text) } } }