zio.console.Console Scala Examples
The following examples show how to use zio.console.Console.
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Example 1
Source File: ExampleApp.scala From caliban with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package caliban.play import caliban.{ ExampleApi, ExampleService, PlayRouter } import caliban.ExampleData.sampleCharacters import caliban.ExampleService.ExampleService import play.api.Mode import play.api.mvc.DefaultControllerComponents import play.core.server.{ AkkaHttpServer, ServerConfig } import zio.clock.Clock import zio.console.Console import zio.internal.Platform import zio.Runtime import scala.io.StdIn.readLine object ExampleApp extends App { implicit val runtime: Runtime[ExampleService with Console with Clock] = Runtime.unsafeFromLayer(ExampleService.make(sampleCharacters) ++ Console.live ++ Clock.live, Platform.default) val interpreter = runtime.unsafeRun(ExampleApi.api.interpreter) val server = AkkaHttpServer.fromRouterWithComponents( ServerConfig( mode = Mode.Dev, port = Some(8088), address = "" ) ) { components => PlayRouter( interpreter, DefaultControllerComponents( components.defaultActionBuilder, components.playBodyParsers, components.messagesApi, components.langs, components.fileMimeTypes, components.executionContext ) )(runtime, components.materializer).routes } println("Server online at http://localhost:8088/\nPress RETURN to stop...") readLine() server.stop() }
Example 2
Source File: TransportSpec.scala From zio-keeper with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package zio.keeper.transport import zio._ import zio.console.{ Console, _ } import zio.duration._ import zio.keeper.TransportError import zio.logging.Logging import zio.nio.core.SocketAddress import zio.test.Assertion._ import zio.test._ import zio.test.environment.TestEnvironment object TransportSpec extends DefaultRunnableSpec { private val udpEnv = (TestEnvironment.live ++ Logging.ignore) >>> udp.live(128) def bindAndWaitForValue( addr: SocketAddress, startServer: Promise[Nothing, SocketAddress], handler: Channel => UIO[Unit] = _ => ZIO.unit ): ZIO[ConnectionLessTransport, TransportError, Chunk[Byte]] = for { q <- Queue.bounded[Chunk[Byte]](10) h = (out: Channel) => { for { _ <- handler(out) data <- out.read _ <- q.offer(data) } yield () }.catchAll(ex => putStrLn("error in server: " + ex).provideLayer(Console.live)) p <- bind(addr)(h).use { bind => for { address <- bind.localAddress _ <- startServer.succeed(address) chunk <- q.take } yield chunk } } yield p def spec = suite("transport")( suite("udp")( testM("can send and receive messages") { checkM(Gen.listOf(Gen.anyByte)) { bytes => val payload = Chunk.fromIterable(bytes) for { addr <- SocketAddress.inetSocketAddress(0) startServer <- Promise.make[Nothing, SocketAddress] chunk <- bindAndWaitForValue(addr, startServer).fork address <- startServer.await _ <- connect(address).use(_.send(payload).retry(Schedule.spaced(10.milliseconds))) result <- chunk.join } yield assert(result)(equalTo(payload)) } } ).provideCustomLayer(udpEnv) ) }
Example 3
Source File: Aggregate.scala From elastiknn with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.klibisz.elastiknn.benchmarks import java.io.File import kantan.csv._ import kantan.csv.ops._ import kantan.csv.generic._ import zio._ import zio.blocking.Blocking import zio.console.Console import zio.logging.log import zio.logging.slf4j.Slf4jLogger import zio.stream.ZSink object Aggregate extends App { final case class Params(resultsBucket: String = "", resultsPrefix: String = "", aggregateBucket: String = "", aggregateKey: String = "", s3Minio: Boolean = false) private val parser = new scopt.OptionParser[Params]("Aggregate results into a single file") { override def showUsageOnError: Option[Boolean] = Some(true) help("help") opt[String]("resultsBucket").action((x, c) => c.copy(resultsBucket = x)) opt[String]("resultsPrefix").action((x, c) => c.copy(resultsPrefix = x)) opt[String]("aggregateBucket").action((x, c) => c.copy(aggregateBucket = x)) opt[String]("aggregateKey").action((x, c) => c.copy(aggregateKey = x)) opt[Boolean]("s3Minio").action((x, c) => c.copy(s3Minio = x)) } def apply(params: Params): ZIO[Any, Throwable, Unit] = { val s3Client = if (params.s3Minio) S3Utils.minioClient() else S3Utils.defaultClient() val layer = (Blocking.live ++ ZLayer.succeed(s3Client)) >>> Slf4jLogger.make((_, s) => s, Some(getClass.getSimpleName)) ++ ResultClient.s3(params.resultsBucket, params.resultsPrefix) ++ Blocking.live val logic = for { // Stream results from S3. resultClient <- ZIO.access[ResultClient](_.get) results = resultClient.all() // Transform them to rows. aggStream = results .mapMPar(10) { res => val agg = AggregateResult(res) log.info(agg.toString).map(_ => agg) } rows <- aggStream.run(ZSink.collectAll).map(_.sortBy(a => (a.dataset, a.similarity, a.algorithm))) // Write the rows to a temporary file csvFile = File.createTempFile("tmp", ".csv") writer = csvFile.asCsvWriter[AggregateResult](rfc.withHeader(AggregateResult.header: _*)) _ = rows.foreach(writer.write) _ <- log.info(s"Wrote ${rows.length} rows to csv file.") _ = writer.close() // Upload the file. blocking <- ZIO.access[Blocking](_.get) _ <- blocking.effectBlocking(s3Client.putObject(params.aggregateBucket, params.aggregateKey, csvFile)) } yield () logic.provideLayer(layer) } override def run(args: List[String]): URIO[Any with Console, ExitCode] = parser.parse(args, Params()) match { case Some(params) => apply(params).exitCode case None => sys.exit(1) } }
Example 4
Source File: ContinuousBenchmark.scala From elastiknn with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.klibisz.elastiknn.benchmarks import com.klibisz.elastiknn.api.{Mapping, NearestNeighborsQuery, Similarity, Vec} import zio._ import zio.console.Console object ContinuousBenchmark extends App { private val randomDenseFloats = Dataset.RandomDenseFloat(1000, 50000, 1000) private val randomSparseBools = Dataset.RandomSparseBool(3000, 50000, 1000) private val field = "vec" private val bucket = s"elastiknn-benchmarks" private val k = 100 private val experiments = Seq( // L2 exact, LSH Experiment( randomDenseFloats, Mapping.DenseFloat(randomDenseFloats.dims), NearestNeighborsQuery.Exact(field, Similarity.L2), Mapping.L2Lsh(randomDenseFloats.dims, 400, 1, 3), Seq( Query(NearestNeighborsQuery.L2Lsh(field, 1000), k) ) ), // Angular exact, LSH Experiment( randomDenseFloats, Mapping.DenseFloat(randomDenseFloats.dims), NearestNeighborsQuery.Exact(field, Similarity.Angular), Mapping.AngularLsh(randomDenseFloats.dims, 400, 1), Seq( Query(NearestNeighborsQuery.AngularLsh(field, 1000), k) ) ), // Jaccard exact, sparse indexed, LSH Experiment( randomSparseBools, Mapping.SparseBool(randomSparseBools.dims), NearestNeighborsQuery.Exact(field, Similarity.Jaccard), Mapping.JaccardLsh(randomSparseBools.dims, 400, 1), Seq( Query(NearestNeighborsQuery.JaccardLsh(field, 1000), k) ) ) ) override def run(args: List[String]): URIO[Console, ExitCode] = { val s3Client = S3Utils.minioClient() val experimentEffects = experiments.map { exp => for { _ <- ZIO(s3Client.putObject(bucket, s"experiments/${exp.md5sum}.json", codecs.experimentCodec(exp).noSpaces)) params = Execute.Params( experimentHash = exp.md5sum, experimentsBucket = bucket, experimentsPrefix = "experiments", datasetsBucket = bucket, datasetsPrefix = "data/processed", resultsBucket = bucket, resultsPrefix = "results", parallelism = 2, s3Minio = true, recompute = true ) _ <- Execute(params) } yield () } val pipeline = for { bucketExists <- ZIO(s3Client.doesBucketExistV2(bucket)) _ <- if (!bucketExists) ZIO(s3Client.createBucket(bucket)) else ZIO.succeed(()) _ <- ZIO.collectAll(experimentEffects) _ <- Aggregate(Aggregate.Params(bucket, "results", bucket, "results/aggregate/aggregate.csv", s3Minio = true)) } yield () pipeline.exitCode } }
Example 5
Source File: WebsocketZio.scala From sttp with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package sttp.client.examples import sttp.client._ import sttp.client.asynchttpclient.zio._ import sttp.client.ws.WebSocket import sttp.model.ws.WebSocketFrame import zio._ import zio.console.Console object WebsocketZio extends App { def useWebsocket(ws: WebSocket[Task]): ZIO[Console, Throwable, Unit] = { def send(i: Int) = ws.send(WebSocketFrame.text(s"Hello $i!")) val receive = ws.receiveText().flatMap(t => console.putStrLn(s"RECEIVED: $t")) send(1) *> send(2) *> receive *> receive *> ws.close } // create a description of a program, which requires two dependencies in the environment: // the SttpClient, and the Console val sendAndPrint: ZIO[Console with SttpClient, Throwable, Unit] = for { response <- SttpClient.openWebsocket(basicRequest.get(uri"wss://echo.websocket.org")) _ <- useWebsocket(response.result) } yield () override def run(args: List[String]): ZIO[ZEnv, Nothing, ExitCode] = { // provide an implementation for the SttpClient dependency; other dependencies are // provided by Zio sendAndPrint .provideCustomLayer(AsyncHttpClientZioBackend.layer()) .fold(_ => ExitCode.failure, _ => ExitCode.success) } }
Example 6
Source File: ZIOSpec.scala From polynote with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package polynote.testing import polynote.config.PolynoteConfig import polynote.env.ops.Enrich import polynote.kernel.Kernel.Factory import polynote.kernel.{BaseEnv, CellEnv, GlobalEnv, Kernel, ResultValue, interpreter} import polynote.kernel.environment.{Config, Env, NotebookUpdates} import interpreter.Interpreter import org.scalatest.{BeforeAndAfterAll, Suite} import polynote.kernel.logging.Logging import zio.blocking.Blocking import zio.clock.Clock import zio.console.Console import zio.internal.Platform import zio.random.Random import zio.system.System import zio.{Has, RIO, Runtime, Tagged, ZIO, ZLayer} abstract class TestRuntime object TestRuntime { val runtime: Runtime.Managed[zio.ZEnv with Logging] = ZIOSpecBase.runtime def fiberDump(): List[zio.Fiber.Dump] = runtime.unsafeRun(zio.Fiber.dumpAll).toList } trait ZIOSpecBase[Env <: Has[_]] { import ZIOSpecBase.BaseEnv type Environment = Env val baseLayer: ZLayer[Any, Nothing, BaseEnv] = ZIOSpecBase.baseLayer def envLayer: ZLayer[zio.ZEnv with Logging, Nothing, Env] val runtime: Runtime.Managed[BaseEnv] = ZIOSpecBase.runtime // TODO: should test platform behave differently? Isolate per suite? implicit class IORunOps[A](val self: ZIO[BaseEnv, Throwable, A]) { def runIO(): A = ZIOSpecBase.this.runIO(self) } implicit class IORunWithOps[R <: Has[_], A](val self: ZIO[R, Throwable, A]) { def runWith[R1](env: R1)(implicit ev: Env with Has[R1] <:< R, ev1: Tagged[R1], ev2: Tagged[Has[R1]], ev3: Tagged[Env]): A = ZIOSpecBase.this.runIO(self.provideSomeLayer[Env](ZLayer.succeed(env)).provideSomeLayer[BaseEnv](envLayer)) } def runIO[A](io: ZIO[BaseEnv, Throwable, A]): A = runtime.unsafeRunSync(io).getOrElse { c => throw c.squash } } object ZIOSpecBase { type BaseEnv = zio.ZEnv with Logging val baseLayer: ZLayer[Any, Nothing, zio.ZEnv with Logging] = Clock.live ++ Console.live ++ System.live ++ Random.live ++ Blocking.live ++ (Blocking.live >>> Logging.live) val platform: Platform = Platform.default .withReportFailure(_ => ()) // suppress printing error stack traces by default val runtime: Runtime.Managed[zio.ZEnv with Logging] = Runtime.unsafeFromLayer(baseLayer, platform) } trait ZIOSpec extends ZIOSpecBase[Clock with Console with System with Random with Blocking with Logging] { override lazy val envLayer: ZLayer[zio.ZEnv, Nothing, Environment] = baseLayer implicit class ConfigIORunOps[A](val self: ZIO[Environment with Config, Throwable, A]) { def runWithConfig(config: PolynoteConfig): A = ZIOSpec.this.runIO(self.provideSomeLayer[Environment](ZLayer.succeed(config))) } } trait ConfiguredZIOSpec extends ZIOSpecBase[BaseEnv with Config] { this: Suite => def config: PolynoteConfig = PolynoteConfig() override lazy val envLayer: ZLayer[zio.ZEnv, Nothing, BaseEnv with Config] = baseLayer ++ ZLayer.succeed(config) } trait ExtConfiguredZIOSpec[Env <: Has[_]] extends ZIOSpecBase[BaseEnv with Config with Env] { def tagged: Tagged[Env] def configuredEnvLayer: ZLayer[zio.ZEnv with Config, Nothing, Env] private implicit def _tagged: Tagged[Env] = tagged def config: PolynoteConfig = PolynoteConfig() lazy val configLayer: ZLayer[Any, Nothing, Config] = ZLayer.succeed(config) override final lazy val envLayer: ZLayer[zio.ZEnv, Nothing, BaseEnv with Config with Env] = baseLayer ++ Logging.live ++ ((baseLayer ++ configLayer) >>> configuredEnvLayer) ++ configLayer } object ValueMap { def unapply(values: List[ResultValue]): Option[Map[String, Any]] = Some(apply(values)) def apply(values: List[ResultValue]): Map[String, Any] = values.map(v => v.name -> v.value).toMap }
Example 7
Source File: InterpreterSpec.scala From polynote with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package polynote.testing import java.io.File import cats.data.StateT import cats.syntax.traverse._ import cats.instances.list._ import org.scalatest.Suite import polynote.config.PolynoteConfig import polynote.kernel.environment.Config import polynote.kernel.{Output, Result, ScalaCompiler} import polynote.kernel.interpreter.{Interpreter, State} import polynote.kernel.logging.Logging import polynote.testing.kernel.MockEnv import zio.{RIO, ZIO} import zio.blocking.Blocking import zio.clock.Clock import zio.console.Console import zio.random.Random import zio.system.System import zio.interop.catz._ import scala.reflect.internal.util.AbstractFileClassLoader import scala.reflect.io.VirtualDirectory import scala.tools.nsc.Settings import scala.tools.nsc.io.AbstractFile trait InterpreterSpec extends ZIOSpec { import runtime.{unsafeRun, unsafeRunSync} val classpath: List[File] = sys.props("java.class.path").split(File.pathSeparator).toList.map(new File(_)) val settings: Settings = ScalaCompiler.defaultSettings(new Settings(), classpath) def outDir: AbstractFile = new VirtualDirectory("(memory)", None) settings.outputDirs.setSingleOutput(outDir) val classLoader: AbstractFileClassLoader = unsafeRun(ScalaCompiler.makeClassLoader(settings, Nil).provide(Config.of(PolynoteConfig()))) val compiler: ScalaCompiler = ScalaCompiler(settings, classLoader).runIO() def interpreter: Interpreter lazy val initialState: State = unsafeRun(interpreter.init(State.Root).provideSomeLayer[Environment](MockEnv.layer(State.Root.id + 1))) def cellState: State = State.id(1, initialState) def assertOutput(code: String)(assertion: (Map[String, Any], Seq[Result]) => Unit): Unit = assertOutput(List(code))(assertion) def assertOutput(code: Seq[String])(assertion: (Map[String, Any], Seq[Result]) => Unit): Unit= { val (finalState, interpResults) = code.toList.map(interp).sequence.run(cellState).runIO() val terminalResults = interpResults.foldLeft((Map.empty[String, Any], List.empty[Result])) { case ((vars, results), next) => val nextVars = vars ++ next.state.values.map(v => v.name -> v.value).toMap val nextOutputs = results ++ next.env.publishResult.toList.runIO() (nextVars, nextOutputs) } assertion.tupled(terminalResults) } case class InterpResult(state: State, env: MockEnv) type ITask[A] = RIO[Clock with Console with System with Random with Blocking with Logging, A] def interp(code: String): StateT[ITask, State, InterpResult] = StateT[ITask, State, InterpResult] { state => MockEnv(state.id).flatMap { env => interpreter.run(code, state).map { newState => State.id(newState.id + 1, newState) -> InterpResult(newState, env) }.provideSomeLayer[Environment](env.toCellEnv(classLoader)) } } def interp1(code: String): InterpResult = unsafeRun { MockEnv(cellState.id).flatMap { env => interpreter.run(code, cellState).provideSomeLayer(env.toCellEnv(getClass.getClassLoader)).map { state => InterpResult(state, env) } } } def stdOut(results: Seq[Result]): String = results.foldLeft("") { case (accum, Output("text/plain; rel=stdout", next)) => accum + next.mkString case (accum, _) => accum } }
Example 8
Source File: ExampleApp.scala From caliban with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package caliban.akkahttp import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContextExecutor import scala.io.StdIn import akka.actor.ActorSystem import akka.http.scaladsl.Http import akka.http.scaladsl.server.Directives._ import caliban.ExampleData.sampleCharacters import caliban.ExampleService.ExampleService import caliban.interop.circe.AkkaHttpCirceAdapter import caliban.{ ExampleApi, ExampleService } import zio.clock.Clock import zio.console.Console import zio.internal.Platform import zio.Runtime val route = path("api" / "graphql") { adapter.makeHttpService(interpreter) } ~ path("ws" / "graphql") { adapter.makeWebSocketService(interpreter) } ~ path("graphiql") { getFromResource("graphiql.html") } val bindingFuture = Http().bindAndHandle(route, "localhost", 8088) println(s"Server online at http://localhost:8088/\nPress RETURN to stop...") StdIn.readLine() bindingFuture .flatMap(_.unbind()) .onComplete(_ => system.terminate()) }
Example 9
Source File: ExampleApp.scala From caliban with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package caliban.finch import caliban.ExampleData.sampleCharacters import caliban.ExampleService.ExampleService import caliban.{ ExampleApi, ExampleService, FinchAdapter } import com.twitter.io.{ Buf, BufReader, Reader } import com.twitter.util.Await import io.finch.Endpoint import zio.clock.Clock import zio.console.Console import zio.internal.Platform import zio.interop.catz._ import zio.{ Runtime, Task } object ExampleApp extends App with Endpoint.Module[Task] { implicit val runtime: Runtime[ExampleService with Console with Clock] = Runtime.unsafeFromLayer(ExampleService.make(sampleCharacters) ++ Console.live ++ Clock.live, Platform.default) val interpreter = runtime.unsafeRun(ExampleApi.api.interpreter) import com.twitter.finagle.Http import io.finch._ import io.finch.circe._ val endpoint = "api" :: "graphql" :: FinchAdapter.makeHttpService(interpreter) val graphiqlBuf = { val stream = getClass.getResourceAsStream("/graphiql.html") BufReader.readAll(Reader.fromStream(stream)) } val grapihql: Endpoint[Task, Buf] = get("graphiql") { graphiqlBuf.map(Ok) } val services = Bootstrap.serve[Application.Json](endpoint).serve[Text.Html](grapihql).toService val server = Http.server.serve(":8088", services) println(s"Server online at http://localhost:8088/\nPress RETURN to stop...") Await.ready(server) }
Example 10
Source File: ExampleApp.scala From caliban with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package caliban.client import caliban.client.Client._ import sttp.client._ import sttp.client.asynchttpclient.zio.{ AsyncHttpClientZioBackend, SttpClient } import zio.console.{ putStrLn, Console } import zio.{ App, ExitCode, RIO, ZIO } object ExampleApp extends App { sealed trait Role object Role { case class Captain(shipName: String) extends Role case class Pilot(shipName: String) extends Role case class Engineer(shipName: String) extends Role case class Mechanic(shipName: String) extends Role } case class Character(name: String, nicknames: List[String], origin: Origin, role: Option[Role]) override def run(args: List[String]): ZIO[zio.ZEnv, Nothing, ExitCode] = { val character = { import caliban.client.Client.Character._ (name ~ nicknames ~ origin ~ role( Captain.shipName.map(Role.Captain), Engineer.shipName.map(Role.Engineer), Mechanic.shipName.map(Role.Mechanic), Pilot.shipName.map(Role.Pilot) )).mapN(Character) } val query = Queries.characters(None) { character } ~ Queries.character("Amos Burton") { character } ~ Queries.character("Naomi Nagata") { character } val mutation = Mutations.deleteCharacter("James Holden") def send[T](req: Request[Either[CalibanClientError, T], Nothing]): RIO[Console with SttpClient, T] = SttpClient.send(req).map(_.body).absolve.tap(res => putStrLn(s"Result: $res")) val uri = uri"http://localhost:8088/api/graphql" val call1 = send(mutation.toRequest(uri)) val call2 = send(query.toRequest(uri, useVariables = true)) (call1 *> call2) .provideCustomLayer(AsyncHttpClientZioBackend.layer()) .exitCode } }
Example 11
Source File: UdpServer.scala From zio-keeper with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package zio.keeper.example import zio.{ Chunk, Schedule } import zio.clock.Clock import zio.console.{ Console, putStrLn } import zio.keeper.transport.Channel import zio.logging.Logging import zio.nio.core.{ InetAddress, SocketAddress } object UdpServer extends zio.App { import zio._ import zio.keeper.transport._ val logging = Logging.console((_, msg) => msg) val transport = (Clock.live ++ logging) >>> udp.live(128) val localEnvironment = Console.live ++ transport override def run(args: List[String]) = (for { localHost <- InetAddress.localHost.orDie publicAddress <- SocketAddress .inetSocketAddress(localHost, 8010) .orDie console <- ZIO.environment[Console] handler = (channel: Channel) => { for { data <- channel.read _ <- putStrLn(new String(data.toArray)) _ <- channel.send(data) } yield () }.catchAll(ex => putStrLn("error: " + ex.msg)) .provide(console) _ <- putStrLn("public address: " + publicAddress.toString()) _ <- bind(publicAddress)(handler) .use(ch => ZIO.never.ensuring(ch.close.ignore)) } yield ()).ignore.as(0).provideLayer(localEnvironment) } object UdpClient extends zio.App { import zio.keeper.transport._ val logging = Logging.console((_, msg) => msg) val transport = (Clock.live ++ logging) >>> udp.live(128) val localEnvironment = Console.live ++ transport override def run(args: List[String]) = (for { localHost <- InetAddress.localHost.orDie publicAddress <- SocketAddress .inetSocketAddress(localHost, 5557) .orDie _ <- putStrLn("connect to address: " + publicAddress.toString()) _ <- connect(publicAddress) .use(_.send(Chunk.fromArray("message from client".getBytes)).repeat(Schedule.recurs(100))) } yield ()).ignore.as(0).provideLayer(localEnvironment) }
Example 12
Source File: NaiveTest.scala From caliban with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package caliban.optimizations import caliban.optimizations.CommonData._ import caliban.schema.{ GenericSchema, Schema } import caliban.{ GraphQL, RootResolver } import zio.console.{ putStrLn, Console } import zio.{ App, ExitCode, ZIO } object NaiveTest extends App with GenericSchema[Console] { type MyIO[A] = ZIO[Console, Nothing, A] case class Queries(user: UserArgs => MyIO[User]) case class User( fullName: String, username: String, picture: SizeArgs => String, upcomingEvents: FirstArgs => MyIO[List[Event]] ) case class Event( id: Int, name: String, date: String, startTime: String, endTime: String, viewerRsvp: MyIO[ViewerMetadata], tags: MyIO[List[Tag]], venue: MyIO[Venue], attendingFriendsOfViewer: FirstArgs => MyIO[List[User]] ) def getUpcomingEventIdsForUser(id: Int, first: Int): MyIO[List[Int]] = putStrLn("getUpcomingEventIdsForUser").as((1 to first).toList) def getViewerMetadataForEvent(id: Int): MyIO[ViewerMetadata] = putStrLn("getViewerMetadataForEvent").as(ViewerMetadata("")) def getVenue(id: Int): MyIO[Venue] = putStrLn("getVenue").as(Venue("venue")) def getTags(ids: List[Int]): MyIO[List[Tag]] = putStrLn("getTags").as(ids.map(id => Tag(id.toString))) def getViewerFriendIdsAttendingEvent(id: Int, first: Int): MyIO[List[Int]] = putStrLn("getViewerFriendIdsAttendingEvent").as((1 to first).toList) def getEvent(id: Int): MyIO[Event] = putStrLn("getEvent").as( Event( id, "name", "date", "start", "end", getViewerMetadataForEvent(id), getTags(List(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)), getVenue(id), args => getViewerFriendIdsAttendingEvent(id, args.first).flatMap(ZIO.foreach(_)(getUser)) ) ) def getUser(id: Int): MyIO[User] = putStrLn("getUser").as( User( "name", "name", args => s"picture of size ${args.size}", args => getUpcomingEventIdsForUser(id, args.first).flatMap(ZIO.foreach(_)(getEvent)) ) ) implicit val viewerMetadataSchema: Schema[Any, ViewerMetadata] = Schema.gen[ViewerMetadata] implicit val tagSchema: Schema[Any, Tag] = Schema.gen[Tag] implicit val venueSchema: Schema[Any, Venue] = Schema.gen[Venue] implicit val userArgsSchema: Schema[Any, UserArgs] = Schema.gen[UserArgs] implicit val sizeArgsSchema: Schema[Any, SizeArgs] = Schema.gen[SizeArgs] implicit val firstArgsSchema: Schema[Any, FirstArgs] = Schema.gen[FirstArgs] implicit lazy val user: Schema[Console, User] = gen[User] val resolver = Queries(args => getUser(args.id)) val api = GraphQL.graphQL(RootResolver(resolver)) override def run(args: List[String]): ZIO[zio.ZEnv, Nothing, ExitCode] = api.interpreter .flatMap(_.execute(query).map(res => ExitCode(res.errors.length))) .exitCode }
Example 13
Source File: ExampleApi.scala From caliban with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package caliban import scala.language.postfixOps import caliban.ExampleData._ import caliban.ExampleService.ExampleService import caliban.GraphQL.graphQL import caliban.schema.Annotations.{ GQLDeprecated, GQLDescription } import caliban.schema.GenericSchema import caliban.wrappers.ApolloTracing.apolloTracing import caliban.wrappers.Wrappers.{ maxDepth, maxFields, printSlowQueries, timeout } import zio.URIO import zio.clock.Clock import zio.console.Console import zio.duration._ import zio.stream.ZStream object ExampleApi extends GenericSchema[ExampleService] { case class Queries( @GQLDescription("Return all characters from a given origin") characters: CharactersArgs => URIO[ExampleService, List[Character]], @GQLDeprecated("Use `characters`") character: CharacterArgs => URIO[ExampleService, Option[Character]] ) case class Mutations(deleteCharacter: CharacterArgs => URIO[ExampleService, Boolean]) case class Subscriptions(characterDeleted: ZStream[ExampleService, Nothing, String]) implicit val roleSchema = gen[Role] implicit val characterSchema = gen[Character] implicit val characterArgsSchema = gen[CharacterArgs] implicit val charactersArgsSchema = gen[CharactersArgs] val api: GraphQL[Console with Clock with ExampleService] = graphQL( RootResolver( Queries( args => ExampleService.getCharacters(args.origin), args => ExampleService.findCharacter(args.name) ), Mutations(args => ExampleService.deleteCharacter(args.name)), Subscriptions(ExampleService.deletedEvents) ) ) @@ maxFields(200) @@ // query analyzer that limit query fields maxDepth(30) @@ // query analyzer that limit query depth timeout(3 seconds) @@ // wrapper that fails slow queries printSlowQueries(500 millis) @@ // wrapper that logs slow queries apolloTracing // wrapper for https://github.com/apollographql/apollo-tracing }
Example 14
Source File: CodegenPlugin.scala From caliban with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package caliban.codegen import caliban.parsing.adt.Document import caliban.tools._ import sbt.Keys.commands import sbt.{ AutoPlugin, Command, State } import zio.console.{ putStrLn, Console } import zio.{ RIO, Runtime } object CodegenPlugin extends AutoPlugin { override lazy val projectSettings = Seq(commands ++= Seq(genSchemaCommand, genClientCommand)) lazy val genSchemaCommand = genCommand("calibanGenSchema", genSchemaHelpMsg, SchemaWriter.write) lazy val genClientCommand = genCommand("calibanGenClient", genClientHelpMsg, ClientWriter.write) def genCommand(name: String, helpMsg: String, writer: (Document, String, Option[String], String) => String): Command = Command.args(name, helpMsg) { (state: State, args: Seq[String]) => Runtime.default.unsafeRun( execGenCommand(helpMsg, args.toList, writer) .catchAll(reason => putStrLn(reason.toString) *> putStrLn(reason.getStackTrace.mkString("\n"))) .as(1) ) state } private val commonHelp = """ |The generated code will be formatted with Scalafmt using the configuration defined by |`--scalafmtPath` option (default: ".scalafmt.conf"). | |If you provide a URL for `schemaPath`, you can provide request headers with |`--headers` option. | |The package of the generated code is derived from the folder of `outputPath`. |This can be overridden by providing an alternative package with the `--packageName` |option. """.stripMargin private val genSchemaHelpMsg = s""" |calibanGenSchema schemaPath outputPath [--scalafmtPath path] [--headers name:value,name2:value2] [--packageName name] [--effect fqdn.Effect] | |This command will create a Scala file in `outputPath` containing all the types |defined in the provided GraphQL schema defined at `schemaPath`. Instead of a path, |you can provide a URL and introspection will be used to gather the schema. | |$commonHelp | |By default, each Query and Mutation will be wrapped into a `zio.UIO` effect. |This can be overridden by providing an alternative effect with the `--effect` option. |""".stripMargin private val genClientHelpMsg = s""" |calibanGenClient schemaPath outputPath [--scalafmtPath path] [--headers name:value,name2:value2] [--packageName name] | |This command will create a Scala file in `outputPath` containing client code for all the |typed defined in the provided GraphQL schema defined at `schemaPath`. Instead of a path, |you can provide a URL and introspection will be used to gather the schema. | |$commonHelp |""".stripMargin def execGenCommand( helpMsg: String, args: List[String], writer: (Document, String, Option[String], String) => String ): RIO[Console, Unit] = Options.fromArgs(args) match { case Some(arguments) => for { _ <- putStrLn(s"Generating code for ${arguments.schemaPath}") _ <- Codegen.generate(arguments, writer) _ <- putStrLn(s"Code generation done") } yield () case None => putStrLn(helpMsg) } }
Example 15
Source File: Wrappers.scala From caliban with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package caliban.wrappers import caliban.CalibanError.{ ExecutionError, ValidationError } import caliban.{ GraphQLRequest, GraphQLResponse } import caliban.Value.NullValue import caliban.execution.Field import caliban.parsing.adt.Document import caliban.wrappers.Wrapper.{ OverallWrapper, ValidationWrapper } import zio.clock.Clock import zio.console.{ putStrLn, Console } import zio.duration.Duration import zio.{ IO, UIO, URIO, ZIO } object Wrappers { def maxFields(maxFields: Int): ValidationWrapper[Any] = ValidationWrapper { process => (doc: Document) => for { req <- process(doc) fields <- countFields(req.field) _ <- IO.when(fields > maxFields)( IO.fail(ValidationError(s"Query has too many fields: $fields. Max fields: $maxFields.", "")) ) } yield req } private def countFields(field: Field): UIO[Int] = for { inner <- innerFields(field.fields) conditional <- IO.foreach(field.conditionalFields.values)(innerFields).map { case Nil => 0 case list => list.max } } yield inner + conditional private def innerFields(fields: List[Field]): UIO[Int] = IO.foreach(fields)(countFields).map(_.sum + fields.length) }
Example 16
Source File: JavaPropertiesExample.scala From zio-config with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package zio.config.examples import zio.config.Config import zio.config.ConfigDescriptor._ import zio.console.Console import zio.{ config, console, App, ExitCode, ZEnv, ZIO, ZLayer } final case class ApplicationConfig(bridgeIp: String, userName: String) object ApplicationConfig { val configuration = ((string("bridgeIp")) |@| string("username"))(ApplicationConfig.apply, ApplicationConfig.unapply) } // The main App object JavaPropertiesExample extends App { val properties = new java.util.Properties() properties.put("bridgeIp", "") properties.put("username", "afs") override def run(args: List[String]): ZIO[ZEnv, Nothing, ExitCode] = { val configLayer = Config.fromProperties(properties, ApplicationConfig.configuration, "constant") val pgm = SimpleExample.finalExecution.provideLayer(configLayer ++ ZLayer.requires[Console]) pgm.foldM( throwable => console.putStr(throwable.getMessage).as(ExitCode.failure), _ => console.putStrLn("hurray !! Application ran successfully..").as(ExitCode.success) ) } } // The core application functions object SimpleExample { val printConfigs: ZIO[Console with Config[ApplicationConfig], Nothing, Unit] = for { appConfig <- config.config[ApplicationConfig] _ <- console.putStrLn(appConfig.bridgeIp) _ <- console.putStrLn(appConfig.userName) } yield () val finalExecution: ZIO[Console with Config[ApplicationConfig], Nothing, Unit] = for { _ <- printConfigs _ <- console.putStrLn(s"processing data......") } yield () } // A note that, with magnolia module (which is still experimental), you can skip writing the {{ configuration }} in ApplicationConfig object // import zio.config.magnolia.DeriveConfigDescriptor_,
Example 17
Source File: SimpleReadConfigExample.scala From zio-config with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package zio.config.examples import zio.config._ import ConfigDescriptor._ import zio.console.Console import zio.config.Config import zio.config.config import zio.{ App, ExitCode, ZEnv, ZIO } case class Prod(ldap: String, port: Int, dburl: Option[String]) object Prod { val prodConfig: ConfigDescriptor[Prod] = (string("LDAP") |@| int("PORT") |@| string("DB_URL").optional)(Prod.apply, Prod.unapply) val myAppLogic: ZIO[Config[Prod], Throwable, (String, Option[String])] = for { prod <- config[Prod] } yield (prod.ldap, prod.dburl) } object ReadConfig extends App { override def run(args: List[String]): ZIO[ZEnv, Nothing, ExitCode] = for { console <- ZIO.environment[Console].map(_.get) configLayer = Config.fromMap( Map("LDAP" -> "ldap", "PORT" -> "1999", "DB_URL" -> "ddd"), Prod.prodConfig, "constant" ) out <- Prod.myAppLogic .provideLayer(configLayer) .foldM( failure => console.putStrLn(failure.toString).as(ExitCode.failure), _ => ZIO.succeed(ExitCode.success) ) } yield out }
Example 18
Source File: catzSpecBase.scala From interop-cats with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package zio.interop import cats.Eq import cats.effect.laws.util.{ TestContext, TestInstances } import cats.implicits._ import org.scalacheck.Arbitrary import org.scalatest.funsuite.AnyFunSuite import org.scalatest.prop.Configuration import org.typelevel.discipline.Laws import org.typelevel.discipline.scalatest.FunSuiteDiscipline import zio.clock.Clock import zio.console.Console import zio.internal.{ Executor, Platform, Tracing } import zio.interop.catz.taskEffectInstance import zio.random.Random import zio.system.System import zio.{ =!=, Cause, IO, Runtime, Task, UIO, ZIO, ZManaged } private[zio] trait catzSpecBase extends AnyFunSuite with FunSuiteDiscipline with Configuration with TestInstances with catzSpecBaseLowPriority { type Env = Clock with Console with System with Random implicit def rts(implicit tc: TestContext): Runtime[Unit] = Runtime( (), Platform .fromExecutor(Executor.fromExecutionContext(Int.MaxValue)(tc)) .withTracing(Tracing.disabled) .withReportFailure(_ => ()) ) implicit val zioEqCauseNothing: Eq[Cause[Nothing]] = Eq.fromUniversalEquals implicit def zioEqIO[E: Eq, A: Eq](implicit rts: Runtime[Any], tc: TestContext): Eq[IO[E, A]] = Eq.by(_.either) implicit def zioEqTask[A: Eq](implicit rts: Runtime[Any], tc: TestContext): Eq[Task[A]] = Eq.by(_.either) implicit def zioEqUIO[A: Eq](implicit rts: Runtime[Any], tc: TestContext): Eq[UIO[A]] = Eq.by(uio => taskEffectInstance.toIO(uio.sandbox.either)) implicit def zioEqZManaged[E: Eq, A: Eq](implicit rts: Runtime[Any], tc: TestContext): Eq[ZManaged[Any, E, A]] = Eq.by( zm => ZManaged.ReleaseMap.make.flatMap(releaseMap => zm.zio.provideSome[Any]((_, releaseMap)).map(_._2).either) ) def checkAllAsync(name: String, f: TestContext => Laws#RuleSet): Unit = checkAll(name, f(TestContext())) } private[interop] sealed trait catzSpecBaseLowPriority { this: catzSpecBase => implicit def zioEq[R: Arbitrary, E: Eq, A: Eq](implicit rts: Runtime[Any], tc: TestContext): Eq[ZIO[R, E, A]] = { def run(r: R, zio: ZIO[R, E, A]) = taskEffectInstance.toIO(zio.provide(r).either) Eq.instance((io1, io2) => Arbitrary.arbitrary[R].sample.fold(false)(r => catsSyntaxEq(run(r, io1)) eqv run(r, io2))) } // 'R =!= Any' evidence fixes the 'diverging implicit expansion for type Arbitrary' error reproducible on scala 2.12 and 2.11. implicit def zmanagedEq[R: * =!= Any: Arbitrary, E: Eq, A: Eq]( implicit rts: Runtime[Any], tc: TestContext ): Eq[ZManaged[R, E, A]] = { def run(r: R, zm: ZManaged[R, E, A]) = taskEffectInstance.toIO( ZManaged.ReleaseMap.make.flatMap(releaseMap => zm.zio.provide((r, releaseMap)).map(_._2).either) ) Eq.instance((io1, io2) => Arbitrary.arbitrary[R].sample.fold(false)(r => catsSyntaxEq(run(r, io1)) eqv run(r, io2))) } }
Example 19
Source File: ZioExampleHttp4sServer.scala From tapir with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package sttp.tapir.examples import org.http4s._ import org.http4s.server.Router import org.http4s.server.blaze.BlazeServerBuilder import org.http4s.syntax.kleisli._ import zio.interop.catz._ import zio.interop.catz.implicits._ import zio.{Has, IO, Runtime, Task, UIO, ZIO, ZLayer, ZEnv} import sttp.tapir.ztapir._ import sttp.tapir.server.http4s.ztapir._ import sttp.tapir.swagger.http4s.SwaggerHttp4s import cats.implicits._ import UserLayer.UserService import sttp.tapir.examples.ZioExampleHttp4sServer.Pet import zio.console.Console object ZioExampleHttp4sServer extends App { case class Pet(species: String, url: String) import io.circe.generic.auto._ import sttp.tapir.json.circe._ // Sample endpoint, with the logic implemented directly using .toRoutes val petEndpoint: ZEndpoint[Int, String, Pet] = endpoint.get.in("pet" / path[Int]("petId")).errorOut(stringBody).out(jsonBody[Pet]) val petRoutes: HttpRoutes[Task] = petEndpoint.toRoutes { petId => if (petId == 35) { UIO(Pet("Tapirus terrestris", "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tapir")) } else { IO.fail("Unknown pet id") } } // Same endpoint as above, but using a custom application layer val pet2Endpoint: ZEndpoint[Int, String, Pet] = endpoint.get.in("pet2" / path[Int]("petId")).errorOut(stringBody).out(jsonBody[Pet]) val pet2Routes: HttpRoutes[Task] = pet2Endpoint.toRoutes(petId => UserService.hello(petId).provideLayer(UserLayer.liveEnv)) // Final service is just a conjunction of different Routes implicit val runtime: Runtime[ZEnv] = Runtime.default val service: HttpRoutes[Task] = petRoutes <+> pet2Routes // // Same as above, but combining endpoint description with server logic: // val petServerEndpoint = petEndpoint.zServerLogic { petId => if (petId == 35) { UIO(Pet("Tapirus terrestris", "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tapir")) } else { IO.fail("Unknown pet id") } } val petServerRoutes: HttpRoutes[Task] = petServerEndpoint.toRoutes val pet2ServerEndpoint = pet2Endpoint.zServerLogic { petId => UserService.hello(petId).provideLayer(UserLayer.liveEnv) } val pet2ServerRoutes: HttpRoutes[Task] = petServerEndpoint.toRoutes import sttp.tapir.docs.openapi._ import sttp.tapir.openapi.circe.yaml._ val yaml = List(petEndpoint).toOpenAPI("Our pets", "1.0").toYaml val serve = BlazeServerBuilder[Task](runtime.platform.executor.asEC) .bindHttp(8080, "localhost") .withHttpApp(Router("/" -> (service <+> new SwaggerHttp4s(yaml).routes[Task])).orNotFound) .serve .compile .drain runtime.unsafeRun(serve) } object UserLayer { type UserService = Has[UserService.Service] object UserService { trait Service { def hello(id: Int): ZIO[Any, String, Pet] } val live: ZLayer[Console, Nothing, Has[Service]] = ZLayer.fromFunction { console: Console => (id: Int) => { console.get.putStrLn(s"Got Pet request for $id") >> ZIO.succeed(Pet(id.toString, "https://zio.dev")) } } def hello(id: Int): ZIO[UserService, String, Pet] = ZIO.accessM(_.get.hello(id)) } val liveEnv: ZLayer[Any, Nothing, Has[UserService.Service]] = Console.live >>> UserService.live }
Example 20
Source File: MockConsole.scala From zio with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package zio.test.mock import java.io.IOException import zio.console.Console import zio.{ Has, IO, UIO, URLayer, ZLayer } object MockConsole extends Mock[Console] { object PutStr extends Effect[String, Nothing, Unit] object PutStrLn extends Effect[String, Nothing, Unit] object GetStrLn extends Effect[Unit, IOException, String] val compose: URLayer[Has[Proxy], Console] = ZLayer.fromService(proxy => new Console.Service { def putStr(line: String): UIO[Unit] = proxy(PutStr, line) def putStrLn(line: String): UIO[Unit] = proxy(PutStrLn, line) val getStrLn: IO[IOException, String] = proxy(GetStrLn) } ) }
Example 21
Source File: ResultNotifier.scala From zorechka-bot with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.wix.zorechka.service import java.nio.file.{Files, Path} import com.wix.zorechka.Dep import com.wix.zorechka.clients.{BuildozerClient, GithubClient} import zio.console.Console import zio.{RIO, ZIO} import collection.JavaConverters._ trait ResultNotifier { val notifier: ResultNotifier.Service } object ResultNotifier { trait Service { def notify(forkDir: Path, updatedDeps: List[Dep], unusedDeps: List[PackageDeps]): RIO[GithubClient with BuildozerClient with Console, Unit] } trait CreatePullRequest extends ResultNotifier { override val notifier: Service = new Service { def notify(forkDir: Path, updatedDeps: List[Dep], unusedDeps: List[PackageDeps]): ZIO[GithubClient with BuildozerClient with Console, Throwable, Unit] = { val (depsDesc, branch) = branchName(updatedDeps) for { _ <- GithubClient.createBranch(forkDir, branch) _ <- ZIO.effect(applyDepUpdates(forkDir, updatedDeps)) _ <- applyUnusedDeps(forkDir, unusedDeps) _ <- GithubClient.stageAllChanges(forkDir) _ <- GithubClient.commit(forkDir, s"zorechka found new versions for deps: $depsDesc #pr") _ <- GithubClient.push(forkDir, branch) } yield () } } private def applyUnusedDeps(repoDir: Path, unusedDeps: List[PackageDeps]): RIO[BuildozerClient, List[Unit]] = { ZIO.collectAll { unusedDeps.flatMap { unusedDep => unusedDep.deps.map { dep => BuildozerClient.deleteDep(repoDir, dep.target, dep.dep) } } } } private def applyDepUpdates(repoDir: Path, deps: List[Dep]): Unit = { val regex = """artifact = "(.+)",""".r deps.foreach { dep => val file = repoDir .resolve("third_party") .resolve(dep.groupId.replaceAll("\\.", "_") + ".bzl") if (file.toFile.exists()) { println(s"Rewriting deps for ${file.toAbsolutePath} to $dep") val lines = Files.readAllLines(file) val result = lines.asScala.map { line => regex.findFirstMatchIn(line) match { case Some(m) if line.contains(s"${dep.groupId}:${dep.artifactId}:") => line.replace(m.group(1), s"${dep.groupId}:${dep.artifactId}:${dep.version}") case _ => line } } Files.write(file, result.asJava) } } } private def branchName(deps: List[Dep]) = { val depsSample = deps.map(_.branchKey()).take(3).mkString("_") val depsDesc = (if (depsSample.length > 90) depsSample.substring(0, 90) else depsSample) + (if (deps.size > 3) s"_and_${deps.size - 3}_more" else "") (depsDesc, s"feature/update-deps-$depsDesc") } } trait PrintPullRequestInfo extends ResultNotifier { override val notifier: Service = new Service { override def notify(forkDir: Path, updatedDeps: List[Dep], unusedDeps: List[PackageDeps]): RIO[GithubClient with BuildozerClient with Console, Unit] = { ZIO.accessM[Console](_.console.putStrLn( s""" |Going to update: |${updatedDeps.mkString("\n")} | |Going to remove: |${unusedDeps.mkString("\n")} |""".stripMargin)) } } } def notify(forkDir: Path, updatedDeps: List[Dep], unusedDeps: List[PackageDeps]): ZIO[ResultNotifier with GithubClient with BuildozerClient with Console, Throwable, Unit] = ZIO.accessM[ResultNotifier with GithubClient with BuildozerClient with Console](_.notifier.notify(forkDir, updatedDeps, unusedDeps)) }
Example 22
Source File: ThirdPartyDepsAnalyzer.scala From zorechka-bot with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.wix.zorechka.service import com.wix.zorechka.{Dep, ForkData} import com.wix.zorechka.clients.{BazelClient, MavenCentralClient} import zio.{RIO, ZIO} import zio.console.{Console, putStrLn} trait ThirdPartyDepsAnalyzer { val analyzer: ThirdPartyDepsAnalyzer.Service } object ThirdPartyDepsAnalyzer { trait Service { def findLatest(forkData: ForkData): ZIO[MavenCentralClient with BazelClient with Console, Throwable, List[Dep]] } trait Live extends ThirdPartyDepsAnalyzer { override val analyzer: Service = new Service { override def findLatest(forkData: ForkData): ZIO[MavenCentralClient with BazelClient with Console, Throwable, List[Dep]] = { for { deps <- BazelClient.foundDeps(forkData.forkDir) _ <- putStrLn(s"Found ${deps.size} in ${forkData.repo}") latestVersions <- latestVersions(deps) updatedDeps = latestVersions.filter { latestDep => deps .find(_.mapKey() == latestDep.mapKey()) .exists(current => isNewer(latestDep, current)) } } yield updatedDeps } private def latestVersions(deps: Seq[Dep]): ZIO[MavenCentralClient, Throwable, List[Dep]] = { ZIO.foreach(deps)(dep => ZIO.accessM[MavenCentralClient] { _.client.allVersions(dep).map(listOfDeps => if (listOfDeps.isEmpty) dep else listOfDeps.max) }) } private def isNewer(latest: Dep, current: Dep): Boolean = Ordering[Dep].gt(latest, current) } } def findLatest(forkData: ForkData): RIO[ThirdPartyDepsAnalyzer with MavenCentralClient with BazelClient with Console, List[Dep]] = { ZIO.accessM[ThirdPartyDepsAnalyzer with MavenCentralClient with BazelClient with Console](_.analyzer.findLatest(forkData)) } }
Example 23
Source File: UnusedDepsAnalyser.scala From zorechka-bot with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.wix.zorechka.service import com.wix.zorechka.ForkData import com.wix.zorechka.clients.{BazelClient, BuildPackage, BuildTarget, BuildozerClient} import com.wix.zorechka.repos.UnusedDepCache import zio.{RIO, ZIO} import zio.console.Console import zio.console._ case class TargetDep(target: BuildTarget, dep: String) case class PackageDeps(buildPackage: BuildPackage, deps: List[TargetDep]) trait UnusedDepsAnalyser { val unusedDepsAnalyser: UnusedDepsAnalyser.Service } object UnusedDepsAnalyser { trait Service { def findUnused(forkData: ForkData): RIO[BuildozerClient with BazelClient with BuildozerClient with Console with UnusedDepCache, List[PackageDeps]] } trait Live extends UnusedDepsAnalyser { override val unusedDepsAnalyser: Service = new Service { def findUnused(forkData: ForkData): RIO[BuildozerClient with BazelClient with Console with UnusedDepCache, List[PackageDeps]] = for { targets <- BazelClient.allBuildTargets(forkData.forkDir) _ <- putStrLn(s"Found ${targets.length} build targets") unusedDeps <- ZIO.collectAll(targets.take(5).map(target => checkPackage(forkData, target))) } yield unusedDeps } private def checkPackage(forkData: ForkData, buildPackage: BuildPackage): RIO[BuildozerClient with BazelClient with Console with UnusedDepCache, PackageDeps] = for { targets <- BuildozerClient.packageDeps(forkData.forkDir, buildPackage) _ <- putStrLn(s"Found ${targets.length} targets in build package: $buildPackage") targetWithCacheStatus <- ZIO.foreach(targets) { target => UnusedDepCache.isCached(forkData.repo.url, buildPackage.value, buildPackage.buildFileHash).map(_ -> target) } uncachedTargets = targetWithCacheStatus.filter(!_._1).map(_._2) depsWithUsage <- ZIO.collectAll { for { target <- uncachedTargets dep <- target.deps } yield { for { _ <- BuildozerClient.deleteDep(forkData.forkDir, target, dep) isUnused <- BazelClient.buildTarget(forkData.forkDir, target).foldM( _ => BuildozerClient.addDep(forkData.forkDir, target, dep) *> ZIO.succeed(false), _ => BuildozerClient.addDep(forkData.forkDir, target, dep) *> ZIO.succeed(true) ) _ <- UnusedDepCache.cache(forkData.repo.url, buildPackage.value, buildPackage.buildFileHash) } yield isUnused -> TargetDep(target, dep) } } } yield PackageDeps(buildPackage, depsWithUsage.filter(_._1).map(_._2)) } def findUnused(forkData: ForkData): RIO[UnusedDepsAnalyser with BuildozerClient with BazelClient with Console with UnusedDepCache, List[PackageDeps]] = ZIO.accessM[UnusedDepsAnalyser with BuildozerClient with BazelClient with Console with UnusedDepCache](_.unusedDepsAnalyser.findUnused(forkData)) }
Example 24
Source File: Server.scala From zio-metrics with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package zio.metrics.dropwizard import scala.util.Properties.envOrNone import cats.data.Kleisli import org.http4s.server.blaze._ import org.http4s.{ Request, Response } import zio.{ RIO, ZIO } import zio.system.System import zio.clock.Clock import zio.console.Console import zio.random.Random import zio.blocking.Blocking import zio.interop.catz._ import io.circe.Json import org.http4s.circe._ import org.http4s.dsl.impl.Root import org.http4s.dsl.io._ import org.http4s.{ HttpRoutes, Response } import zio.RIO import zio.interop.catz._ import zio.metrics.dropwizard.typeclasses._ import zio.metrics.dropwizard.DropwizardExtractor._ import cats.instances.list._ import com.codahale.metrics.MetricRegistry object Server { val port: Int = envOrNone("HTTP_PORT").fold(9090)(_.toInt) type HttpEnvironment = Clock with Console with System with Random with Blocking type HttpTask[A] = RIO[HttpEnvironment, A] type KleisliApp = Kleisli[HttpTask, Request[HttpTask], Response[HttpTask]] //type HttpApp[R <: Registry] = R => KleisliApp def builder[Ctx]: KleisliApp => HttpTask[Unit] = (app: KleisliApp) => ZIO .runtime[HttpEnvironment] .flatMap { implicit rts => BlazeServerBuilder[HttpTask] .bindHttp(port) .withHttpApp(app) .serve .compile .drain } def serveMetrics: MetricRegistry => HttpRoutes[Server.HttpTask] = registry => HttpRoutes.of[Server.HttpTask] { case GET -> Root / filter => { println(s"filter: $filter") val optFilter = if (filter == "ALL") None else Some(filter) RegistryPrinter .report[List, Json](registry, optFilter)( (k: String, v: Json) => Json.obj((k, v)) ) .map(m => Response[Server.HttpTask](Ok).withEntity(m)) } } }
Example 25
Source File: ExportersTest.scala From zio-metrics with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package zio.metrics import zio.{ RIO, Runtime } import zio.console.putStrLn import zio.metrics.prometheus._ import zio.metrics.prometheus.helpers._ import zio.metrics.prometheus.exporters.Exporters import io.prometheus.client.exporter.HTTPServer import zio.console.Console object ExportersTest { val rt = Runtime.unsafeFromLayer(Registry.live ++ Exporters.live ++ Console.live) val exporterTest: RIO[ Registry with Exporters with Console, HTTPServer ] = for { r <- getCurrentRegistry() _ <- initializeDefaultExports(r) hs <- http(r, 9090) c <- Counter("ExportersTest", Array("exporter")) _ <- c.inc(Array("counter")) _ <- c.inc(2.0, Array("counter")) h <- histogram.register("export_histogram", Array("exporter", "method")) _ <- h.time(() => Thread.sleep(2000), Array("histogram", "get")) s <- write004(r) _ <- putStrLn(s) } yield hs val program = exporterTest >>= (server => putStrLn(s"Server port: ${server.getPort()}")) def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = rt.unsafeRun(program) }
Example 26
Source File: Logging.scala From zio-logging with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package zio.logging import zio._ import zio.clock.Clock import zio.console.Console object Logging { def console( format: (LogContext, => String) => String = (_, s) => s, rootLoggerName: Option[String] = None ): ZLayer[Console with Clock, Nothing, Logging] = make( LogWriter.ColoredLogWriter(format), rootLoggerName ) val context: URIO[Logging, LogContext] = ZIO.accessM[Logging](_.get.logContext) def debug(line: => String): ZIO[Logging, Nothing, Unit] = ZIO.accessM[Logging](_.get.debug(line)) def error(line: => String): ZIO[Logging, Nothing, Unit] = ZIO.accessM[Logging](_.get.error(line)) def error(line: => String, cause: Cause[Any]): ZIO[Logging, Nothing, Unit] = ZIO.accessM[Logging](_.get.error(line, cause)) val ignore: Layer[Nothing, Logging] = make((_, _) => ZIO.unit) def info(line: => String): ZIO[Logging, Nothing, Unit] = ZIO.accessM[Logging](_.get.info(line)) def log(level: LogLevel)(line: => String): ZIO[Logging, Nothing, Unit] = ZIO.accessM[Logging](_.get.log(level)(line)) def locally[A, R <: Logging, E, A1](fn: LogContext => LogContext)(zio: ZIO[R, E, A1]): ZIO[Logging with R, E, A1] = ZIO.accessM(_.get.locally(fn)(zio)) def locallyM[A, R <: Logging, E, A1]( fn: LogContext => URIO[R, LogContext] )(zio: ZIO[R, E, A1]): ZIO[Logging with R, E, A1] = ZIO.accessM(_.get.locallyM(fn)(zio)) def make[R]( logger: LogWriter[R], rootLoggerName: Option[String] = None ): ZLayer[R, Nothing, Logging] = ZLayer.fromEffect( ZIO .environment[R] .flatMap(env => FiberRef .make(LogContext.empty) .tap(_.getAndUpdateSome { case ctx if rootLoggerName.isDefined => ctx.annotate(LogAnnotation.Name, rootLoggerName.toList) }) .map { ref => new Logger[String] { def locally[R1, E, A](f: LogContext => LogContext)(zio: ZIO[R1, E, A]): ZIO[R1, E, A] = ref.get.flatMap(context => ref.locally(f(context))(zio)) def log(line: => String): UIO[Unit] = ref.get.flatMap(context => logger.writeLog(context, line).provide(env)) def logContext: UIO[LogContext] = ref.get } } ) ) def throwable(line: => String, t: Throwable): ZIO[Logging, Nothing, Unit] = ZIO.accessM[Logging](_.get.throwable(line, t)) def trace(line: => String): ZIO[Logging, Nothing, Unit] = ZIO.accessM[Logging](_.get.trace(line)) def warn(line: => String): ZIO[Logging, Nothing, Unit] = ZIO.accessM[Logging](_.get.warn(line)) }
Example 27
Source File: LogWriter.scala From zio-logging with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package zio.logging import java.time.OffsetDateTime import zio.{ Cause, URIO } import zio.clock.{ currentDateTime, Clock } import zio.console.{ putStrLn, Console } import zio.logging.LogDatetimeFormatter.humanReadableDateTimeFormatter import zio.logging.LogLevel._ import scala.io.AnsiColor._ trait LogWriter[R] { def writeLog(context: LogContext, line: => String): URIO[R, Unit] } object LogWriter { private val NL = System.lineSeparator() type LineFormatter = (LogContext, => String) => String case class SimpleConsoleLogWriter(format: LineFormatter = (_, s) => s) extends LogWriter[Console with Clock] { override def writeLog(context: LogContext, line: => String): URIO[Console with Clock, Unit] = for { date <- currentDateTime.orDie level = context(LogAnnotation.Level) loggerName = context(LogAnnotation.Name) maybeError = context .get(LogAnnotation.Throwable) .map(Cause.fail) .orElse(context.get(LogAnnotation.Cause)) .map(cause => NL + cause.prettyPrint) .getOrElse("") _ <- putStrLn( humanReadableDateTimeFormatter .format(date) + " " + level + " " + loggerName + " " + format(context, line) + " " + maybeError ) } yield () } case class ColoredLogWriter(lineFormat: LineFormatter = (_, s) => s) extends LogWriter[Console with Clock] { private def withColor(color: String, s: String): String = s"$color$s$RESET" private def highlightLog(level: LogLevel, message: String): String = { val color = level match { case Error => RED case Warn => YELLOW case Info => CYAN case Debug => GREEN case Trace => MAGENTA case _ => RESET } withColor(color, message) } private def format( line: => String, time: OffsetDateTime, level: LogLevel, loggerName: String, maybeError: Option[String] ): String = { val logTag = highlightLog(level, level.render) val logTime = withColor(BLUE, humanReadableDateTimeFormatter.format(time)) val logMsg = f"$logTime $logTag%14s [${withColor(WHITE, loggerName)}] ${highlightLog(level, line)}" maybeError.fold(logMsg)(err => s"$logMsg$NL${highlightLog(level, err)}") } override def writeLog(context: LogContext, line: => String): URIO[Console with Clock, Unit] = for { date <- currentDateTime.orDie level = context.get(LogAnnotation.Level) loggerName = context(LogAnnotation.Name) maybeError = context .get(LogAnnotation.Throwable) .map(Cause.fail) .orElse(context.get(LogAnnotation.Cause)) .map(_.prettyPrint) _ <- putStrLn(format(lineFormat(context, line), date, level, loggerName, maybeError)) } yield () } }
Example 28
Source File: AccessibleMacroExample.scala From zio with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package zio.examples.macros import zio.console.Console import zio.macros.accessible import zio.random.Random import zio.stream.{ZSink, ZStream} import zio.{Chunk, Has, IO, RIO, UIO, URIO, ZIO, ZLayer, random} @accessible object AccessibleMacroExample { type AccessibleMacroExample = Has[AccessibleMacroExample.Service] trait Foo { val value: String } case class Bar(value: String) extends Foo case class Wrapped[T](value: T) trait Service { val foo: UIO[Unit] def bar(n: Int): UIO[Unit] def baz(x: Int, y: Int): IO[String, Int] def poly[A](a: A): IO[Long, A] def poly2[A <: Foo](a: Wrapped[A]): IO[String, List[A]] def dependent(n: Int): ZIO[Random, Long, Int] val value: String def function(n: Int): String def stream(n: Int): ZStream[Any, String, Int] def sink(n: Int): ZSink[Any, Nothing, Int, Nothing, Chunk[Int]] } val live: ZLayer[Console, Nothing, Has[Service]] = ZLayer.fromService(console => new Service { val foo: UIO[Unit] = UIO.unit def bar(n: Int): UIO[Unit] = console.putStrLn(s"bar $n") def baz(x: Int, y: Int): IO[String, Int] = UIO.succeed(x + y) def poly[A](a: A): IO[Long, A] = UIO.succeed(a) def poly2[A <: Foo](a: Wrapped[A]): IO[String, List[A]] = UIO.succeed(List(a.value)) def dependent(n: Int): ZIO[Random, Long, Int] = random.nextIntBounded(n) val value: String = "foo" def function(n: Int): String = s"foo $n" def stream(n: Int): ZStream[Any, String, Int] = ZStream.fromIterable(List(1, 2, 3)) def sink(n: Int): ZSink[Any, Nothing, Int, Nothing, Chunk[Int]] = ZSink.collectAll } ) // can use accessors even in the same compilation unit val program: URIO[AccessibleMacroExample with Random, (Int, String, Long, List[Foo], Int, String, String, ZStream[Any, String, Int], ZSink[Any, Nothing, Int, Nothing, Chunk[Int]])] = for { _ <- AccessibleMacroExample.foo _ <- AccessibleMacroExample.bar(1) v1 <- AccessibleMacroExample.baz(2, 3).orDieWith(_ => new Exception) v2 <- AccessibleMacroExample.poly("foo").orDieWith(_ => new Exception) v3 <- AccessibleMacroExample.poly(4L).orDieWith(_ => new Exception) v4 <- AccessibleMacroExample.poly2(Wrapped(Bar("bar"))).orDieWith(_ => new Exception) v5 <- AccessibleMacroExample.dependent(5).orDieWith(_ => new Exception) v6 <- AccessibleMacroExample.value.orDie v7 <- AccessibleMacroExample.function(6).orDie v8 <- AccessibleMacroExample.stream(7) v9 <- AccessibleMacroExample.sink(8) } yield (v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7, v8, v9) // sanity check val _foo : URIO[AccessibleMacroExample, Unit] = AccessibleMacroExample.foo def _bar(n: Int) : URIO[AccessibleMacroExample, Unit] = AccessibleMacroExample.bar(n) def _baz(x: Int, y: Int) : ZIO[AccessibleMacroExample, String, Int] = AccessibleMacroExample.baz(x, y) def _poly[A](a: A) : ZIO[AccessibleMacroExample, Long, A] = AccessibleMacroExample.poly(a) def _poly2[A <: Foo](a: Wrapped[A]) : ZIO[AccessibleMacroExample, String, List[A]] = AccessibleMacroExample.poly2(a) def _dependent(n: Int) : ZIO[AccessibleMacroExample with Random, Long, Int] = AccessibleMacroExample.dependent(n) def _value : RIO[AccessibleMacroExample, String] = AccessibleMacroExample.value def _function(n: Int) : RIO[AccessibleMacroExample, String] = AccessibleMacroExample.function(n) def _stream(n: Int) : ZIO[AccessibleMacroExample, Nothing, ZStream[Any, String, Int]] = AccessibleMacroExample.stream(n) def _sink(n: Int) : ZIO[AccessibleMacroExample, Nothing, ZSink[Any, Nothing, Int, Nothing, Chunk[Int]]] = AccessibleMacroExample.sink(n) // macro autogenerates accessors for `foo`, `bar`, `baz`, `poly`, `poly2`, `value` and `function` below }
Example 29
Source File: FlywayMigrator.scala From zorechka-bot with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.wix.zorechka.repos import com.zaxxer.hikari.HikariDataSource import doobie.hikari.HikariTransactor import org.flywaydb.core.Flyway import zio.console.{Console, putStrLn} import zio.{Task, ZIO} trait FlywayMigrator { val flywayMigrator: FlywayMigrator.Service } object FlywayMigrator { trait Service { def migrate(dbTransactor: HikariTransactor[Task]): ZIO[Console, Throwable, Unit] } trait Live extends FlywayMigrator { val flywayMigrator: Service = new Service { override def migrate(dbTransactor: HikariTransactor[Task]): ZIO[Console, Throwable, Unit] = for { _ <- putStrLn("Starting Flyway migration") _ <- dbTransactor.configure(dataSource => loadFlyWayAndMigrate(dataSource)) _ <- putStrLn("Finished Flyway migration") } yield () } private def loadFlyWayAndMigrate(dataSource: HikariDataSource) = ZIO.effect { Flyway.configure() .dataSource(dataSource) .load() .migrate() } } def migrate(dbTransactor: HikariTransactor[Task]): ZIO[FlywayMigrator with Console, Throwable, Unit] = ZIO.accessM[FlywayMigrator with Console](_.flywayMigrator.migrate(dbTransactor)) }
Example 30
Source File: ComposedMockSpec.scala From zio with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package zio.test.mock import zio.clock.Clock import zio.console.Console import zio.duration._ import zio.random.Random import zio.system.System import zio.test.{ assertM, suite, testM, Assertion, ZIOBaseSpec } import zio.{ clock, console, random, system, Has, Tag, ULayer, ZIO } object ComposedMockSpec extends ZIOBaseSpec { import Assertion._ import Expectation._ private def testValueComposed[R1 <: Has[_]: Tag, E, A](name: String)( mock: ULayer[R1], app: ZIO[R1, E, A], check: Assertion[A] ) = testM(name) { val result = mock.build.use[R1, E, A](app.provide _) assertM(result)(check) } def spec = suite("ComposedMockSpec")( suite("mocking composed environments")( { val cmd1 = MockClock.NanoTime(value(42L)) val cmd2 = MockConsole.PutStrLn(equalTo("42")) val composed = (cmd1 ++ cmd2) val program = for { time <- clock.nanoTime _ <- console.putStrLn(time.toString) } yield () testValueComposed[Clock with Console, Nothing, Unit]("Console with Clock")(composed, program, isUnit) }, { val cmd1 = MockRandom.NextInt(value(42)) val cmd2 = MockClock.Sleep(equalTo(42.seconds)) val cmd3 = MockSystem.Property(equalTo("foo"), value(None)) val cmd4 = MockConsole.PutStrLn(equalTo("None")) val composed = (cmd1 ++ cmd2 ++ cmd3 ++ cmd4) val program = for { n <- random.nextInt _ <- clock.sleep(n.seconds) v <- system.property("foo") _ <- console.putStrLn(v.toString) } yield () testValueComposed[Random with Clock with System with Console, Throwable, Unit]( "Random with Clock with System with Console" )(composed, program, isUnit) } ) ) }
Example 31
Source File: PlatformSpecific.scala From zio with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package zio import zio.blocking.Blocking import zio.clock.Clock import zio.console.Console import zio.random.Random import zio.system.System private[zio] trait PlatformSpecific { type ZEnv = Clock with Console with System with Random with Blocking object ZEnv { private[zio] object Services { val live: ZEnv = Has.allOf[Clock.Service, Console.Service, System.Service, Random.Service, Blocking.Service]( Clock.Service.live, Console.Service.live, System.Service.live, Random.Service.live, Blocking.Service.live ) } val any: ZLayer[ZEnv, Nothing, ZEnv] = ZLayer.requires[ZEnv] val live: Layer[Nothing, ZEnv] = Clock.live ++ Console.live ++ System.live ++ Random.live ++ Blocking.live } }
Example 32
Source File: PlatformSpecific.scala From zio with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package zio import zio.clock.Clock import zio.console.Console import zio.random.Random import zio.system.System private[zio] trait PlatformSpecific { type ZEnv = Clock with Console with System with Random object ZEnv { private[zio] object Services { val live: ZEnv = Has.allOf[Clock.Service, Console.Service, System.Service, Random.Service]( Clock.Service.live, Console.Service.live, System.Service.live, Random.Service.live ) } val any: ZLayer[ZEnv, Nothing, ZEnv] = ZLayer.requires[ZEnv] val live: Layer[Nothing, ZEnv] = Clock.live ++ Console.live ++ System.live ++ Random.live } }
Example 33
Source File: PlatformSpecific.scala From zio with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package zio import zio.clock.Clock import zio.console.Console import zio.random.Random import zio.system.System private[zio] trait PlatformSpecific { type ZEnv = Clock with Console with System with Random object ZEnv { object Services { val live: ZEnv = Has.allOf[Clock.Service, Console.Service, System.Service, Random.Service](Clock.Service.live, Console.Service.live, System.Service.live, Random.Service.live) } val any: ZLayer[ZEnv, Nothing, ZEnv] = ZLayer.requires[ZEnv] val live: Layer[Nothing, ZEnv] = Clock.live ++ Console.live ++ System.live ++ Random.live } }
Example 34
Source File: Logger.scala From ZparkIO with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.leobenkel.zparkio.Services import zio.console.Console import zio.{Has, Task, ZIO, ZLayer} object Logger { type Logger = Has[Logger.Service] trait Service { def info(txt: => String): Task[Unit] def error(txt: => String): Task[Unit] def debug(txt: => String): Task[Unit] } trait Factory { protected def makeLogger( console: zio.console.Console.Service ): ZIO[Any, Throwable, Logger.Service] private[zparkio] def assembleLogger: ZLayer[Console, Throwable, Logger] = ZLayer.fromServiceM(makeLogger) } object Factory { def apply(make: Console.Service => Service): Factory = new Factory { override protected def makeLogger(console: Console.Service): ZIO[Any, Throwable, Service] = { Task(make(console)) } } } def displayAllErrors(ex: Throwable): ZIO[Logger, Throwable, Unit] = { for { _ <- Logger.error(s"!!! Error: ${ex.toString}:") _ <- ZIO.foreach(ex.getStackTrace)(st => Logger.error(s" - $st")) _ <- Option(ex.getCause) .fold[ZIO[Logger, Throwable, Unit]](Task(()))(displayAllErrors) } yield { () } } val Live: ZLayer[Console, Nothing, Logger] = ZLayer.fromService { console => new Logger.Service { override def info(txt: => String): Task[Unit] = console.putStrLn(s"[INFO] $txt") override def error(txt: => String): Task[Unit] = console.putStrLn(s"[ERROR] $txt") override def debug(txt: => String): Task[Unit] = console.putStrLn(s"[DEBUG] $txt") } } def info(txt: => String): ZIO[Logger, Throwable, Unit] = ZIO.accessM[Logger](_.get.info(txt)) def error(txt: => String): ZIO[Logger, Throwable, Unit] = ZIO.accessM[Logger](_.get.error(txt)) def debug(txt: => String): ZIO[Logger, Throwable, Unit] = ZIO.accessM[Logger](_.get.debug(txt)) }
Example 35
Source File: ZLogsSuite.scala From tofu with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package tofu.logging.zlogs import ch.qos.logback.classic.Logger import ch.qos.logback.classic.spi.ILoggingEvent import ch.qos.logback.core.read.ListAppender import derevo.derive import io.circe.JsonObject import io.circe.syntax._ import org.scalatest.flatspec.AnyFlatSpec import org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory import tofu.logging.LogTree import tofu.logging.derivation.loggable import tofu.logging.impl.ContextMarker import tofu.syntax.logging._ import zio.blocking.Blocking import zio.clock.Clock import zio.console.Console import zio.{Has, Runtime, URIO, URLayer, ZLayer} import scala.jdk.CollectionConverters._ class ZLogsSuite extends AnyFlatSpec with Matchers { import ZLogsSuite.MyLogging val expr = debug"hello" *> info"world" "ZLogs" should "log the context" in { val appender = ZLogsSuite.attachList() Runtime.default.unsafeRun(expr.provideLayer(ZLogsSuite.fullLayer)) val items = appender.list.asScala val expected = JsonObject("foo" -> "kojima".asJson, "bar" -> 2.asJson).asJson items.map(_.getMarker).collect { case ContextMarker(ctx, _) => LogTree(ctx) } should ===(List.fill(2)(expected)) } } object ZLogsSuite { val Name = "zio logs suite" @derive(loggable) case class FooService(foo: String) val fooLayer = ZLayer.succeed(FooService("kojima")) @derive(loggable) case class BarService(bar: Int) val barLayer = ZLayer.succeed(BarService(2)) type Foo = Has[FooService] type Bar = Has[BarService] type LogEnv = Foo with Bar type SystemEnv = Blocking with Clock with Console type MyEnv = SystemEnv with LogEnv with ZLog[LogEnv] type TIO[+A] = URIO[MyEnv, A] val logs: ZLogs[Foo with Bar] = ZLogs.build.of[Foo].of[Bar].make implicit val MyLogging: ZLogging[MyEnv] = ZLogs.access[MyEnv, LogEnv] implicitly[ZioHasBuilder.UnHas[Foo]](ZioHasBuilder.UnHas.unHas[FooService]) val fullLayer: URLayer[Blocking with Console with Clock, MyEnv] = ZLayer.identity[SystemEnv] ++ fooLayer ++ barLayer ++ ZLogs.named(logs, Name) def attachList() = { val logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Name).asInstanceOf[Logger] val appender = new ListAppender[ILoggingEvent] appender.start() logger.addAppender(appender) appender } }
Example 36
Source File: implicits.scala From tofu with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package tofu.zioInstances import java.io.IOException import tofu.optics.{Contains, Extract} import zio.clock.Clock import zio.console.Console import zio.random.Random import zio.{Has, Tag} object implicits extends ZioTofuImplicits1 private[zioInstances] class ZioTofuImplicits1 extends ZioTofuImplicits2 { @inline final implicit def rioTofuImplicit[R]: RioTofuInstance[R] = rioTofuInstance @inline final implicit def zioTofuErrorsToImplicit[R, E]: ZioTofuErrorsToInstance[R, E, Nothing] = zioTofuErrorsToInstance @inline final implicit def zioTofuErrorsExtractToImplicit[R, E, E1: * Extract E]: ZioTofuErrorsToInstance[R, E, E1] = zioTofuExtractErrorsInstance @inline final implicit def zioTofuTimeoutImplicit[R <: Clock, E]: ZioTofuTimeoutInstance[R, E] = zioTofuTimeoutInstance @inline final implicit def zioTofuConcurrentImplicit[R1, E1, R, E]: ZioTofuConcurrentInstance[R1, E1, R, E] = zioTofuConcurrentInstance @inline final implicit def zioTofuConsoleImplicit[R <: Console, E >: IOException]: ZioTofuConsoleInstance[R, E] = zioTofuConsoleInstance @inline final implicit def zioTofuRandomImplicit[R <: Random, E]: ZioTofuRandomInstance[R, E] = zioTofuRandomInstance @inline final implicit def zioTofuContainsUnliftImplicit[R1, R2: * Contains R1, E] : ZioTofuContainsUnliftInstance[R1, R2, E] = zioTofuContainsUnliftInstance[R1, R2, E] @inline final implicit def rioTofuUnliftIOImplicit[R]: RioTofuUnliftIOInstance[R] = rioTofuUnliftIOInstance } private[zioInstances] trait ZioTofuImplicits2 extends ZioTofuImplicits3 { @inline final implicit def zioTofuImplicit[R, E]: ZioTofuInstance[R, E] = zioTofuInstance @inline final implicit def zioTofuWithRunImplicit[R, E]: ZioTofuWithRunInstance[R, E] = zioTofuWithRunInstance } private[zioInstances] trait ZioTofuImplicits3 { @inline final implicit def zioTofuUnliftHasImplicit[R <: Has[_], E, C: Tag]: ZioTofuUnliftHasInstance[R, E, C] = zioTofuUnliftHasInstance }
Example 37
Source File: ZioInstances.scala From tofu with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package tofu package zioInstances import java.io.IOException import tofu.optics.functions.extractSubtype import tofu.optics.{Contains, Extract} import zio.clock.Clock import zio.console.Console import zio.random.Random import zio.{Has, Tag} private[zioInstances] class ZioInstances { private[this] val rioTofuInstanceAny: RioTofuInstance[Any] = new RioTofuInstance final def rioTofuInstance[R]: RioTofuInstance[R] = rioTofuInstanceAny.asInstanceOf[RioTofuInstance[R]] private[this] val zioErrorsToInstanceAny: ZioTofuErrorsToInstance[Any, Any, Nothing] = new ZioTofuErrorsToInstance[Any, Any, Nothing]()(extractSubtype[Nothing, Any]) final def zioTofuErrorsToInstance[R, E]: ZioTofuErrorsToInstance[R, E, Nothing] = zioErrorsToInstanceAny.asInstanceOf[ZioTofuErrorsToInstance[R, E, Nothing]] final def zioTofuExtractErrorsInstance[R, E, E1: * Extract E]: ZioTofuErrorsToInstance[R, E, E1] = new ZioTofuErrorsToInstance private[this] val zioTofuTimeoutInstanceAny: ZioTofuTimeoutInstance[Clock, Any] = new ZioTofuTimeoutInstance final def zioTofuTimeoutInstance[R <: Clock, E]: ZioTofuTimeoutInstance[R, E] = zioTofuTimeoutInstanceAny.asInstanceOf[ZioTofuTimeoutInstance[R, E]] private[this] val zioTofuConcurrentInstanceAny: ZioTofuConcurrentInstance[Any, Nothing, Any, Nothing] = new ZioTofuConcurrentInstanceUIO final def zioTofuConcurrentInstance[R1, E1, R, E]: ZioTofuConcurrentInstance[R1, E1, R, E] = zioTofuConcurrentInstanceAny.asInstanceOf[ZioTofuConcurrentInstance[R1, E1, R, E]] private[this] val zioTofuConsoleInstanceAny: ZioTofuConsoleInstance[Console, IOException] = new ZioTofuConsoleInstance final def zioTofuConsoleInstance[R <: Console, E >: IOException]: ZioTofuConsoleInstance[R, E] = zioTofuConsoleInstanceAny.asInstanceOf[ZioTofuConsoleInstance[R, E]] private[this] val zioTofuRandomInstanceAny: ZioTofuRandomInstance[Random, Nothing] = new ZioTofuRandomInstance final def zioTofuRandomInstance[R <: Random, E]: ZioTofuRandomInstance[R, E] = zioTofuRandomInstanceAny.asInstanceOf[ZioTofuRandomInstance[R, E]] final def zioTofuContainsUnliftInstance[R1, R2: * Contains R1, E]: ZioTofuContainsUnliftInstance[R1, R2, E] = new ZioTofuContainsUnliftInstance[R1, R2, E] private[this] val rioTofuUnliftIOInstanceAny: RioTofuUnliftIOInstance[Any] = new RioTofuUnliftIOInstance final def rioTofuUnliftIOInstance[R]: RioTofuUnliftIOInstance[R] = rioTofuUnliftIOInstanceAny.asInstanceOf[RioTofuUnliftIOInstance[R]] private[this] val rioTofuUnsafeExecFutureInstanceAny: RioTofuUnsafeExecFutureInstance[Any] = new RioTofuUnsafeExecFutureInstance final def rioTofuUnsafeExecFutureInstance[R]: RioTofuUnsafeExecFutureInstance[R] = rioTofuUnsafeExecFutureInstanceAny.asInstanceOf[RioTofuUnsafeExecFutureInstance[R]] private[this] val zioTofuInstanceAny: ZioTofuInstance[Any, Any] = new ZioTofuInstance final def zioTofuInstance[R, E]: ZioTofuInstance[R, E] = zioTofuInstanceAny.asInstanceOf[ZioTofuInstance[R, E]] private[this] val zioTofuWithRunInstanceAny = new ZioTofuWithRunInstance[Any, Any] final def zioTofuWithRunInstance[R, E]: ZioTofuWithRunInstance[R, E] = zioTofuWithRunInstanceAny.asInstanceOf[ZioTofuWithRunInstance[R, E]] final def zioTofuUnliftHasInstance[R <: Has[_], E, C: Tag]: ZioTofuUnliftHasInstance[R, E, C] = new ZioTofuUnliftHasInstance }