Scala Examples
The following examples show how to use
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Example 1
Source File: Banner.scala From daml with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
// Copyright (c) 2020 Digital Asset (Switzerland) GmbH and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 package com.daml.platform.sandbox.banner import import object Banner { def show(out: PrintStream): Unit = { val resourceName = "banner.txt" if (getClass.getClassLoader.getResource(resourceName) != null) out.println( Source .fromResource(resourceName) .getLines .mkString("\n")) else out.println("Banner resource missing from classpath.") } }
Example 2
Source File: SinkFunctionExample.scala From examples-scala with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package io.github.streamingwithflink.chapter8 import import{InetAddress, Socket} import io.github.streamingwithflink.util.{SensorReading, SensorSource, SensorTimeAssigner} import org.apache.flink.configuration.Configuration import org.apache.flink.streaming.api.TimeCharacteristic import org.apache.flink.streaming.api.functions.sink.{RichSinkFunction, SinkFunction} import org.apache.flink.streaming.api.scala._ /** * Example program that writes sensor readings to a socket. * * NOTE: Before starting the program, you need to start a process that listens on a socket at localhost:9191. * On Linux, you can do that with nc (netcat) with the following command: * * nc -l localhost 9191 */ object SinkFunctionExample { def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { val env: StreamExecutionEnvironment = StreamExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment // use event time for the application env.setStreamTimeCharacteristic(TimeCharacteristic.EventTime) // configure watermark interval env.getConfig.setAutoWatermarkInterval(1000L) // ingest sensor stream val readings: DataStream[SensorReading] = env // SensorSource generates random temperature readings .addSource(new SensorSource) // assign timestamps and watermarks which are required for event time .assignTimestampsAndWatermarks(new SensorTimeAssigner) // write the sensor readings to a socket readings.addSink(new SimpleSocketSink("localhost", 9191)) // set parallelism to 1 because only one thread can write to a socket .setParallelism(1) env.execute() } } /** * Writes a stream of [[SensorReading]] to a socket. */ class SimpleSocketSink(val host: String, val port: Int) extends RichSinkFunction[SensorReading] { var socket: Socket = _ var writer: PrintStream = _ override def open(config: Configuration): Unit = { // open socket and writer socket = new Socket(InetAddress.getByName(host), port) writer = new PrintStream(socket.getOutputStream) } override def invoke( value: SensorReading, ctx: SinkFunction.Context[_]): Unit = { // write sensor reading to socket writer.println(value.toString) writer.flush() } override def close(): Unit = { // close writer and socket writer.close() socket.close() } }
Example 3
Source File: SparkSQLEnv.scala From drizzle-spark with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.hive.thriftserver import import scala.collection.JavaConverters._ import org.apache.spark.{SparkConf, SparkContext} import org.apache.spark.internal.Logging import org.apache.spark.sql.{SparkSession, SQLContext} import org.apache.spark.sql.hive.{HiveSessionState, HiveUtils} import org.apache.spark.util.Utils def stop() { logDebug("Shutting down Spark SQL Environment") // Stop the SparkContext if (SparkSQLEnv.sparkContext != null) { sparkContext.stop() sparkContext = null sqlContext = null } } }
Example 4
Source File: Distribution.scala From drizzle-spark with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.util import import scala.collection.immutable.IndexedSeq def summary(out: PrintStream = System.out) { // scalastyle:off println out.println(statCounter) showQuantiles(out) // scalastyle:on println } } private[spark] object Distribution { def apply(data: Traversable[Double]): Option[Distribution] = { if (data.size > 0) { Some(new Distribution(data)) } else { None } } def showQuantiles(out: PrintStream = System.out, quantiles: Traversable[Double]) { // scalastyle:off println out.println("min\t25%\t50%\t75%\tmax") quantiles.foreach{q => out.print(q + "\t")} out.println // scalastyle:on println } }
Example 5
Source File: PrintLogger.scala From scalismo-faces with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package scalismo.faces.sampling.face.loggers import import scalismo.sampling.loggers.AcceptRejectLogger import scalismo.sampling.{DistributionEvaluator, ProposalGenerator} class VerbosePrintLogger[A](output: PrintStream, prefix: String) extends AcceptRejectLogger[A] { private var counter = 0 override def accept(current: A, sample: A, generator: ProposalGenerator[A], evaluator: DistributionEvaluator[A]): Unit = { output.println(s"$counter A ${evaluator.logValue(sample)} $generator $evaluator") counter += 1 } override def reject(current: A, sample: A, generator: ProposalGenerator[A], evaluator: DistributionEvaluator[A]): Unit = { output.println(s"$counter R ${evaluator.logValue(sample)} $generator $evaluator") counter += 1 } }
Example 6
Source File: HiveEngineExecutorFactory.scala From Linkis with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.webank.wedatasphere.linkis.engine.hive.executor import import com.webank.wedatasphere.linkis.engine.execute.{EngineExecutor, EngineExecutorFactory} import com.webank.wedatasphere.linkis.engine.hive.common.HiveUtils import com.webank.wedatasphere.linkis.engine.hive.exception.HiveSessionStartFailedException import com.webank.wedatasphere.linkis.server.JMap import org.apache.hadoop.hive.conf.HiveConf import org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.Driver import org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.session.SessionState import import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory import org.springframework.stereotype.Component @Component class HiveEngineExecutorFactory extends EngineExecutorFactory { private val logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass) private val HIVE_QUEUE_NAME:String = "mapreduce.job.queuename" private val BDP_QUEUE_NAME:String = "wds.linkis.yarnqueue" override def createExecutor(options: JMap[String, String]): EngineExecutor = { val hiveConf:HiveConf = HiveUtils.getHiveConf hiveConf.setVar(HiveConf.ConfVars.HIVEJAR, HiveUtils.jarOfClass(classOf[Driver]) .getOrElse(throw HiveSessionStartFailedException(40012 ,"cannot find hive-exec.jar, start session failed!"))) import scala.collection.JavaConversions._ options.foreach{ case(k,v) =>"key is $k, value is $v")} options.filter{case (k,v) => k.startsWith("hive.") || k.startsWith("mapreduce.") || k.startsWith("wds.linkis.")}.foreach{case(k, v) =>"key is $k, value is $v") if (BDP_QUEUE_NAME.equals(k)) hiveConf.set(HIVE_QUEUE_NAME, v) else hiveConf.set(k, v)} val sessionState:SessionState = new SessionState(hiveConf) sessionState.out = new PrintStream(System.out, true, "utf-8") = new PrintStream(System.out, true, "utf-8") sessionState.err = new PrintStream(System.out, true, "utf-8") SessionState.start(sessionState) val ugi = UserGroupInformation.getCurrentUser new HiveEngineExecutor(5000, sessionState, ugi, hiveConf) } }
Example 7
Source File: OutlierFinder.scala From spatial with MIT License | 5 votes |
package utils import import scala.collection.mutable class OutlierFinder(val finderName: String) { OutlierFinder.set += this private val times = new mutable.HashMap[String, mutable.Map[Any,(Long,Long)]]() def record[R](name: String, key: Any)(scope: => R): R = { if (!times.contains(name)) times += name -> new mutable.HashMap[Any,(Long,Long)]() val startTime = System.currentTimeMillis() try { scope } finally { val endTime = System.currentTimeMillis() val (n,prev) = times(name).getOrElse(key, (0L, 0L)) times(name) = times(name) + (key -> (n+1, prev + endTime - startTime)) } } def report(stream: PrintStream = Console.out): Unit = { times.foreach{case (cat,map) => val avgs ={case (name,(n,len)) => (name, len.toDouble/n) } val values = val mean = stats.mean(values) val stdDev = stats.stdDev(values) val outliers = avgs.filter{case (_,avg) => Math.abs(avg - mean) > 2*stdDev } if (outliers.nonEmpty) { stream.println(s"$cat") stream.println("------") stream.println(s"Mean: $mean") stream.println(s"StdDev: $stdDev") stream.println(s"Outliers: ") outliers.foreach{case (name,time) => stream.println(s" $name: $time") } stream.println("") stream.println("") } } times.foreach{case (cat,map) => val avgs ={case (name,(n,len)) => (name, len.toDouble/n) } val values = val mean = stats.mean(values) val stdDev = stats.stdDev(values) stream.println(s"$cat") stream.println("------") stream.println(s"Mean: $mean") stream.println(s"StdDev: $stdDev") avgs.sortBy(_._2).foreach{case (name,time) => stream.println(s" $name: $time") } stream.println("") stream.println("") } } } object OutlierFinder { var set: Set[OutlierFinder] = Set.empty def report(stream: PrintStream = Console.out): Unit = set.foreach( }
Example 8
Source File: Instrument.scala From spatial with MIT License | 5 votes |
package utils import import utils.implicits.terminal._ import utils.implicits.collections._ import scala.collection.mutable class Instrument(val top: String = "") { var scope: String = top val times = new mutable.HashMap[String,Long]() def add(i2: Instrument): Unit = { i2.times.foreach{case (k,v) => times += k -> (v + times.getOrElse(k, 0L)) } } @inline def apply[A](name: String)(blk: => A): A = { val prev = scope.split('.') if (prev.contains(name)) { // Don't double count recursive calls (we're already timing this) blk } else { val outerScope = scope val fullName = if (scope == "") name else scope + "." + name val startTime = System.currentTimeMillis() scope = fullName try { blk } finally { scope = outerScope val endTime = System.currentTimeMillis() times(fullName) = times.getOrElse(fullName, 0L) + (endTime - startTime) } } } def fix(keys: Iterable[String]): Unit = { val cats =".")) val max = for (i <- max until 1 by -1) { val cs = cats.flatMap{parts => if (parts.length >= i) Some(parts.take(i)) else None } cs.foreach{top => val cat = top.mkString(".") val entries = cats.filter(_.startsWith(top)).map(_.mkString(".")) val total ={e => times(e) }.sum if (!times.contains(cat) || times(cat) < total) times += cat -> total } } } private def subcats(cat: String, keys: Iterable[String], depth: Int): Iterable[String] = { keys.filter(key => key.startsWith(cat) && key.count(_ == '.') == depth+1) .toSeq.sortBy(key => -times(key) ) } private def dumpCategory(cat: String, keys: Iterable[String])(implicit out: PrintStream): Unit = { val depth = cat.count(_ == '.') val parent = cat.split('.').dropRight(1).mkString(".") val time = times.getOrElse(cat,0L) val subs = subcats(cat, keys, depth) val parentTime = if (depth == 0) time else times.getOrElse(parent, time) s"$cat: ${time/1000.0}s (" + "%.2f".format(time.toDouble/parentTime*100) + "%)") subs.foreach(dumpCategory(_,keys)) } private def topKeys: Iterable[String] = top match { case "" => val keys = times.keys val minDepth ={key => key.count(_ == '.') }.minOrElse(0) keys.filter{key => key.count(_ == '.') == minDepth } case t => Seq(t) } def totalTime: Long ={times.apply}.maxOrElse(0) def dump(title: => String, out: PrintStream = Console.out): Unit = { fix(times.keySet) val top = topKeys val keys = times.keys ++ top top.foreach{cat => dumpCategory(cat, keys)(out) } } def dumpAll(out: PrintStream = Console.out): Unit = { times.foreach{case (name,time) => out.println(s"$name: ${time/1000.0}s") } } @inline def reset(): Unit = { scope = top times.clear() } }
Example 9
Source File: terminal.scala From spatial with MIT License | 5 votes |
package utils package implicits import object terminal { implicit class PrintReport(out: PrintStream) { def log(x: => Any): Unit = out.println(x) def log(ctx: Ctx, x: => Any): Unit = log(ctx.toString + ": " + x) def log(ctx: Ctx): Unit = log(ctx, showCaret = false) def log(ctx: Ctx, showCaret: Boolean): Unit = if (ctx.content.isDefined) { log(ctx.content.get) if (showCaret) log(" "*(ctx.column-1) + "^") else log("") } def warn(x: => Any): Unit = out.println(s"[${Console.YELLOW}warn${Console.RESET}] $x") def warn(ctx: Ctx, x: => Any): Unit = warn(ctx.toString + ": " + x) def warn(ctx: Ctx): Unit = warn(ctx, showCaret = false) def warn(ctx: Ctx, showCaret: Boolean): Unit = if (ctx.content.isDefined) { warn(ctx.content.get) if (showCaret) warn(" "*(ctx.column-1) + "^") else warn("") } def error(x: => Any): Unit = out.println(s"[${Console.RED}error${Console.RESET}] $x") def error(ctx: Ctx, x: => Any): Unit = error(ctx.file + ":" + ctx.line + ": " + x) def error(ctx: Ctx): Unit = error(ctx, showCaret = false) def error(ctx: Ctx, showCaret: Boolean): Unit = if (ctx.content.isDefined) { error(ctx.content.get) if (showCaret) error(" "*(ctx.column-1) + "^") else error("") } def bug(x: => Any): Unit = out.println(s"[${Console.MAGENTA}bug${Console.RESET}] $x") def bug(ctx: Ctx, x: => Any): Unit = bug(ctx.file + ":" + ctx.line + ": " + x) def bug(ctx: Ctx): Unit = bug(ctx, showCaret = false) def bug(ctx: Ctx, showCaret: Boolean): Unit = if (ctx.content.isDefined) { bug(ctx.content.get) if (showCaret) bug(" "*(ctx.column-1) + "^") else bug("") } def info(x: => Any): Unit = out.println(s"[${Console.BLUE}info${Console.RESET}] $x") def info(ctx: Ctx, x: => Any): Unit = info(ctx.file + ":" + ctx.line + ": " + x) def info(ctx: Ctx): Unit = info(ctx, showCaret = false) def info(ctx: Ctx, showCaret: Boolean): Unit = if (ctx.content.isDefined) { info(ctx.content.get) if (showCaret) bug(" "*(ctx.column-1) + "^") else bug("") } } }
Example 10
Source File: CaptureOutputStream.scala From spatial with MIT License | 5 votes |
package import{ByteArrayOutputStream, OutputStream, PrintStream} class CaptureOutputStream extends OutputStream { val data = new ByteArrayOutputStream() override def write(b: Int): Unit = data.write(b) override def write(b: Array[Byte]): Unit = data.write(b) override def write(b: Array[Byte], off: Int, len: Int): Unit = data.write(b,off,len) def dump: String = new java.lang.String(data.toByteArray, java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets.UTF_8) } class CaptureStream(__out: CaptureOutputStream, paired: PrintStream) extends PrintStream(__out) { def this(paired: PrintStream) = this(new CaptureOutputStream(), paired) def dump: String = __out.dump //TODO[5]: For some reason this duplicates the printing //override def print(s: String): Unit = { paired.print(s); super.print(s) } //override def println(s: String): Unit = { paired.println(s); super.println(s) } }
Example 11
Source File: DSEWriterThread.scala From spatial with MIT License | 5 votes |
package spatial.dse import import java.util.concurrent.BlockingQueue case class DSEWriterThread( threadId: Int, spaceSize: BigInt, filename: String, header: String, workQueue: BlockingQueue[Array[String]] ) extends Runnable { private var isAlive: Boolean = true private var hasTerminated: Boolean = false def requestStop(): Unit = { isAlive = false } def run(): Unit = { val data = new PrintStream(filename) data.println(header + ",Timestamp") val P = BigDecimal(spaceSize) var N = BigDecimal(0) var nextNotify = BigDecimal(0); val notifyStep = 5000 val startTime = System.currentTimeMillis() while(isAlive) { try { val array = workQueue.take() if (array.nonEmpty) { array.foreach { line => data.println(line) } data.flush() N += array.length if (N > nextNotify) { val time = System.currentTimeMillis - startTime println(" %.4f".format(100 * (N / P).toFloat) + s"% ($N / $P) Complete after ${time / 1000} seconds") nextNotify += notifyStep } } else if (array.isEmpty) requestStop() // Somebody poisoned the work queue! } catch {case e: Throwable => println(e.getMessage) e.getStackTrace.foreach{line => println(" " + line) } requestStop() } } data.close() hasTerminated = true } }
Example 12
Source File: State.scala From spatial with MIT License | 5 votes |
package argon import import import scala.collection.mutable class State(val app: DSLRunnable) extends forge.AppState with Serializable { var issues: Set[Issue] = Set.empty def hasIssues: Boolean = issues.nonEmpty def runtimeArgs: Seq[String] = app match { case test: DSLTest => test.runtimeArgs.cmds case _ => Nil } def dseModelArgs: Seq[String] = app match { case test: DSLTest => test.dseModelArgs.cmds case _ => Nil } def finalModelArgs: Seq[String] = app match { case test: DSLTest => test.finalModelArgs.cmds case _ => Nil } def resetErrors(): Unit = errors = 0 def reset(): Unit = { config.reset() id = -1 scope = null impure = null cache = Map.empty globals.reset() pass = 1 logTab = 0 genTabs.clear() log = new PrintStream(new NullOutputStream) gen = new PrintStream(new NullOutputStream) streams.clear() infos = 0 warnings = 0 errors = 0 bugs = 0 issues = Set.empty } def copyTo(target: State): Unit = { this.config.copyTo(target.config) = target.scope = this.scope target.impure = this.impure target.cache = this.cache globals.copyTo(target.globals) target.pass = this.pass target.logTab = this.logTab target.genTabs = this.genTabs target.log = this.log target.gen = this.gen target.streams ++= this.streams target.infos = this.infos target.warnings = this.warnings target.errors = this.errors target.bugs = this.bugs } }
Example 13
Source File: Warn.scala From spatial with MIT License | 5 votes |
package emul import java.text.SimpleDateFormat import java.util.Calendar import object Warn { val now = Calendar.getInstance().getTime val fmt = new SimpleDateFormat("dd_MM_yyyy_hh_mm_aa") val timestamp = fmt.format(now) var warns: Int = 0 lazy val log = new PrintStream(timestamp + ".log") def apply(x: => String): Unit = { log.println(x) warns += 1 } def close(): Unit = { if (warns > 0) { println(Warn.warns + " warnings occurred during program execution. See " + Warn.timestamp + ".log for details") log.close() } } }
Example 14
package emul import import object OOB { lazy val writeStream = new PrintStream("./logs/writes.log") lazy val readStream = new PrintStream("./logs/reads.log") def open(): Unit = { new File("./logs/").mkdirs() writeStream readStream } def close(): Unit = { writeStream.close() readStream.close() } def readOrElse[T](mem: String, addr: String, invalid: T, en: Boolean)(rd: => T): T = { try { val data = rd if (en) readStream.println(s"Mem: $mem; Addr: $addr") data } catch {case err: java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException => if (en) readStream.println(s"Mem: $mem; Addr: $addr [OOB]") invalid } } def writeOrElse(mem: String, addr: String, data: Any, en: Boolean)(wr: => Unit): Unit = { try { wr if (en) writeStream.println(s"Mem: $mem; Addr: $addr; Data: $data") } catch {case err: java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException => if (en) writeStream.println(s"Mem: $mem; Addr: $addr; Data: $data [OOB]") } } }
Example 15
Source File: FetchSpecMain.scala From eel-sdk with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package io.eels.cli import import io.eels.{Constants, SourceParser} import io.eels.component.hive.{HiveSource, HiveSpec} import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem import org.apache.hadoop.hive.conf.HiveConf object FetchSpecMain { implicit val fs = FileSystem.get(new Configuration) implicit val hiveConf = new HiveConf def apply(args: Seq[String], out: PrintStream = System.out): Unit = { val parser = new scopt.OptionParser[Options]("eel") { head("eel fetch-spec", Constants.EelVersion) opt[String]("dataset") required() action { (source, o) => o.copy(source = source) } text "specify dataset, eg hive:database:table" } parser.parse(args, Options()) match { case Some(options) => val builder = SourceParser(options.source).getOrElse(sys.error(s"Unsupported source ${options.source}")) val source = builder() source match { case hive: HiveSource => val spec = hive.spec val json = HiveSpec.writeAsJson(spec.copy(tables = spec.tables.filter(_.tableName == hive.tableName))) println(json) case _ => sys.error(s"Unsupported source $source") } case _ => } } case class Options(source: String = null) }
Example 16
Source File: ApplySpecMain.scala From eel-sdk with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package io.eels.cli import import java.nio.file.{Path, Paths} import io.eels.{Constants, SourceParser} import io.eels.component.hive.{HiveOps, HiveSource, HiveSpec} import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem import org.apache.hadoop.hive.conf.HiveConf import org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.HiveMetaStoreClient object ApplySpecMain { implicit val fs = FileSystem.get(new Configuration) implicit val hiveConf = new HiveConf implicit val client = new HiveMetaStoreClient(hiveConf) def apply(args: Seq[String], out: PrintStream = System.out): Unit = { val parser = new scopt.OptionParser[Options]("eel") { head("eel apply-spec", Constants.EelVersion) opt[String]("dataset") required() action { (source, o) => o.copy(source = source) } text "specify dataset, eg hive:database:table" opt[String]("spec") required() action { (schema, o) => o.copy(specPath = Paths.get(schema)) } text "specify path to eel spec" } parser.parse(args, Options()) match { case Some(options) => val builder = SourceParser(options.source).getOrElse(sys.error(s"Unsupported source ${options.source}")) val source = builder() source match { case hive: HiveSource => HiveOps.applySpec(HiveSpec(options.specPath), false) case _ => sys.error(s"Unsupported source $source") } case _ => } } case class Options(source: String = null, specPath: Path = null) }
Example 17
Source File: ShowSchemaMain.scala From eel-sdk with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package io.eels.cli import import io.eels.{Constants, SourceParser} import io.eels.component.avro.AvroSchemaFn import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem import org.apache.hadoop.hive.conf.HiveConf object ShowSchemaMain { implicit val fs = FileSystem.get(new Configuration) implicit val hiveConf = new HiveConf def apply(args: Seq[String], out: PrintStream = System.out): Unit = { val parser = new scopt.OptionParser[Options]("eel") { head("eel schema", Constants.EelVersion) opt[String]("source") required() action { (source, o) => o.copy(source = source) } text "specify source, eg hive:database:table or parquet:/path/to/file" } parser.parse(args, Options()) match { case Some(options) => val builder = SourceParser(options.source).getOrElse(sys.error(s"Unsupported source ${options.source}")) val source = builder() val schema = source.schema val avroSchema = AvroSchemaFn.toAvro(schema) out.println(avroSchema) case _ => } } case class Options(source: String = "") }
Example 18
Source File: AnalyzeMain.scala From eel-sdk with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package io.eels.cli import import io.eels.{Constants, SourceParser} import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem import org.apache.hadoop.hive.conf.HiveConf object AnalyzeMain { import implicit val fs = FileSystem.get(new Configuration) implicit val hiveConf = new HiveConf def apply(args: Seq[String], out: PrintStream = System.out): Unit = { val parser = new scopt.OptionParser[Options]("eel") { head("eel analyze", Constants.EelVersion) opt[String]("dataset") required() action { (source, o) => o.copy(source = source) } text "specify dataset, eg hive:database:table" opt[Boolean]("reverse") optional() action { (reverse, o) => o.copy(reverse = reverse) } text "specify reverse ordering of columns, eg most distinct first" } parser.parse(args, Options()) match { case Some(options) => val builder = SourceParser(options.source).getOrElse(sys.error(s"Unsupported source ${options.source}")) val result = builder().counts.toSeq.sortBy(_._2.size) val orderedResults = if (options.reverse) result.reverse else result for ((columnName, columnCounts) <- orderedResults) { println(columnName) for ((value, counts) <- columnCounts) { println(s"\t$value ($counts)") } } case _ => } } case class Options(source: String = null, reverse: Boolean = false) }
Example 19
Source File: ShowSchemaMainTest.scala From eel-sdk with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package io.eels.cli import{ByteArrayOutputStream, PrintStream} import org.scalatest.{Matchers, WordSpec} class ShowSchemaMainTest extends WordSpec with Matchers { "SchemaMain" should { "display schema for specified avro source" in { val baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream val out = new PrintStream(baos) ShowSchemaMain(Seq("--source", "avro:" + getClass.getResource("/test.avro").getFile), out) new String(baos.toByteArray).trim shouldBe """{"type":"record","name":"row","namespace":"namespace","fields":[{"name":"name","type":"string"},{"name":"job","type":"string"},{"name":"location","type":"string"}]}""" } } }
Example 20
Source File: SparkSQLEnv.scala From XSQL with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.hive.thriftserver import import org.apache.spark.{SparkConf, SparkContext} import org.apache.spark.internal.Logging import org.apache.spark.sql.{SparkSession, SQLContext} import org.apache.spark.sql.hive.{HiveExternalCatalog, HiveUtils} import org.apache.spark.sql.internal.StaticSQLConf.CATALOG_IMPLEMENTATION import org.apache.spark.util.Utils def stop() { logDebug("Shutting down Spark SQL Environment") // Stop the SparkContext if (SparkSQLEnv.sparkContext != null) { sparkContext.stop() sparkContext = null sqlContext = null } } }
Example 21
Source File: MiscExpressionsSuite.scala From XSQL with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions import import scala.util.Random import org.apache.spark.SparkFunSuite import org.apache.spark.sql.types._ class MiscExpressionsSuite extends SparkFunSuite with ExpressionEvalHelper { test("assert_true") { intercept[RuntimeException] { checkEvaluation(AssertTrue(Literal.create(false, BooleanType)), null) } intercept[RuntimeException] { checkEvaluation(AssertTrue(Cast(Literal(0), BooleanType)), null) } intercept[RuntimeException] { checkEvaluation(AssertTrue(Literal.create(null, NullType)), null) } intercept[RuntimeException] { checkEvaluation(AssertTrue(Literal.create(null, BooleanType)), null) } checkEvaluation(AssertTrue(Literal.create(true, BooleanType)), null) checkEvaluation(AssertTrue(Cast(Literal(1), BooleanType)), null) } test("uuid") { checkEvaluation(Length(Uuid(Some(0))), 36) val r = new Random() val seed1 = Some(r.nextLong()) assert(evaluateWithoutCodegen(Uuid(seed1)) === evaluateWithoutCodegen(Uuid(seed1))) assert(evaluateWithGeneratedMutableProjection(Uuid(seed1)) === evaluateWithGeneratedMutableProjection(Uuid(seed1))) assert(evaluateWithUnsafeProjection(Uuid(seed1)) === evaluateWithUnsafeProjection(Uuid(seed1))) val seed2 = Some(r.nextLong()) assert(evaluateWithoutCodegen(Uuid(seed1)) !== evaluateWithoutCodegen(Uuid(seed2))) assert(evaluateWithGeneratedMutableProjection(Uuid(seed1)) !== evaluateWithGeneratedMutableProjection(Uuid(seed2))) assert(evaluateWithUnsafeProjection(Uuid(seed1)) !== evaluateWithUnsafeProjection(Uuid(seed2))) val uuid = Uuid(seed1) assert(uuid.fastEquals(uuid)) assert(!uuid.fastEquals(Uuid(seed1))) assert(!uuid.fastEquals(uuid.freshCopy())) assert(!uuid.fastEquals(Uuid(seed2))) } test("PrintToStderr") { val inputExpr = Literal(1) val systemErr = System.err val (outputEval, outputCodegen) = try { val errorStream = new System.setErr(new PrintStream(errorStream)) // check without codegen checkEvaluationWithoutCodegen(PrintToStderr(inputExpr), 1) val outputEval = errorStream.toString errorStream.reset() // check with codegen checkEvaluationWithGeneratedMutableProjection(PrintToStderr(inputExpr), 1) val outputCodegen = errorStream.toString (outputEval, outputCodegen) } finally { System.setErr(systemErr) } assert(outputCodegen.contains(s"Result of $inputExpr is 1")) assert(outputEval.contains(s"Result of $inputExpr is 1")) } }
Example 22
Source File: SapSQLEnv.scala From HANAVora-Extensions with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import import org.apache.spark.scheduler.StatsReportListener import org.apache.spark.sql.hive.{HiveContext, SapHiveContext} import org.apache.spark.sql.hive.thriftserver.SparkSQLCLIDriver import org.apache.spark.sql.hive.thriftserver.SparkSQLEnv._ import org.apache.spark.util.Utils import org.apache.spark.{Logging, SparkConf, SparkContext} import scala.collection.JavaConversions._ object SapSQLEnv extends Logging { def init() { logDebug("Initializing SapSQLEnv") if (hiveContext == null) { logInfo("Creating SapSQLContext") val sparkConf = new SparkConf(loadDefaults = true) val maybeSerializer = sparkConf.getOption("spark.serializer") val maybeKryoReferenceTracking = sparkConf.getOption("spark.kryo.referenceTracking") // If user doesn't specify the appName, we want to get [SparkSQL::localHostName] instead of // the default appName [SparkSQLCLIDriver] in cli or beeline. val maybeAppName = sparkConf .getOption("") .filterNot(_ == classOf[SparkSQLCLIDriver].getName) sparkConf .setAppName(maybeAppName.getOrElse(s"SparkSQL::${Utils.localHostName()}")) .set("spark.serializer", maybeSerializer.getOrElse("org.apache.spark.serializer.KryoSerializer")) .set("spark.kryo.referenceTracking", maybeKryoReferenceTracking.getOrElse("false")) sparkContext = new SparkContext(sparkConf) sparkContext.addSparkListener(new StatsReportListener()) hiveContext = new SapHiveContext(sparkContext) hiveContext.metadataHive.setOut(new PrintStream(System.out, true, "UTF-8")) hiveContext.metadataHive.setInfo(new PrintStream(System.err, true, "UTF-8")) hiveContext.metadataHive.setError(new PrintStream(System.err, true, "UTF-8")) hiveContext.setConf("spark.sql.hive.version", HiveContext.hiveExecutionVersion) if (log.isDebugEnabled) { hiveContext.hiveconf.getAllProperties.toSeq.sorted.foreach { case (k, v) => logDebug(s"HiveConf var: $k=$v") } } } } }
Example 23
Source File: StyleChecker.scala From sbt-coursera with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
package ch.epfl.lamp import sbt.File import import import org.scalastyle._ import Settings._ object StyleChecker { val maxResult = 100 class CustomTextOutput[T <: FileSpec]() extends Output[T] { private val messageHelper = new MessageHelper(this.getClass().getClassLoader()) var fileCount: Int = _ override def message(m: Message[T]): Unit = m match { case StartWork() => case EndWork() => case StartFile(file) => print("Checking file " + file + "...") fileCount = 0 case EndFile(file) => if (fileCount == 0) println(" OK!") case StyleError(file, clazz, key, level, args, line, column, customMessage) => report(line, column, messageHelper.text(, Output.findMessage(messageHelper, clazz, key, args, customMessage)) case StyleException(file, clazz, message, stacktrace, line, column) => report(line, column, "error", message) } private def report(line: Option[Int], column: Option[Int], level: String, message: String) { if (fileCount == 0) println("") fileCount += 1 println(" " + fileCount + ". " + level + pos(line, column) + ":") println(" " + message) } private def pos(line: Option[Int], column: Option[Int]): String = line match { case Some(line) => " at line " + line + (column match { case Some(column) => " character " + column case None => "" }) case None => "" } } def score(outputResult: OutputResult) = { val penalties = outputResult.errors + outputResult.warnings scala.math.max(maxResult - penalties, 0) } def assess(sources: Seq[File], styleSheetPath: String, courseId: String): (String, Int) = { val configFile = new File(styleSheetPath).getAbsolutePath val messages = new ScalastyleChecker().checkFiles( ScalastyleConfiguration.readFromXml(configFile), Directory.getFiles(None, sources)) val output = new ByteArrayOutputStream() val outputResult = Console.withOut(new PrintStream(output)) { new CustomTextOutput().output(messages) } val msg = output.toString + "Processed " + outputResult.files + " file(s)\n" + "Found " + outputResult.errors + " errors\n" + "Found " + outputResult.warnings + " warnings\n" + (if (outputResult.errors + outputResult.warnings > 0) "Consult the style guide at %s/wiki/ScalaStyleGuide".format(baseURL(courseId)) else "") (msg, score(outputResult)) } }
Example 24
Source File: LoggerPrintStream.scala From ledger-manager-chrome with MIT License | 5 votes |
package co.ledger.wallet.core.utils.logs import{OutputStream, PrintStream} import scala.scalajs.js import override def flush(): Unit = if (!flushed) { doWriteLine(buffer + LineContEnd) buffer = LineContStart flushed = true } override def close(): Unit = () private def doWriteLine(line: String): Unit = { Logger.log(logLevel, "Global", line) } } object LoggerPrintStream { private final val LineContEnd: String = "\u21A9" private final val LineContStart: String = "\u21AA" class DummyOutputStream extends OutputStream { def write(c: Int): Unit = throw new AssertionError( "Should not get in JSConsoleBasedPrintStream.DummyOutputStream") } def init(): Unit = { System.setErr(new LoggerPrintStream("E")) System.setOut(new LoggerPrintStream("D")) } }
Example 25
Source File: MTLSpecs.scala From shims with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package shims.effect import cats.effect.{ContextShift, IO} import cats.effect.laws.discipline.{arbitrary, AsyncTests, ConcurrentEffectTests, ConcurrentTests}, arbitrary._ import cats.effect.laws.util.{TestContext, TestInstances}, TestInstances._ import cats.{Eq, Functor, Monad} import cats.instances.either._ import import cats.instances.option._ import cats.instances.tuple._ import cats.instances.unit._ import cats.syntax.functor._ import scalaz.{EitherT, Kleisli, OptionT, StateT, WriterT} import org.scalacheck.{Arbitrary, Prop} import org.specs2.Specification import org.specs2.scalacheck.Parameters import org.specs2.specification.core.Fragments import org.typelevel.discipline.Laws import org.typelevel.discipline.specs2.Discipline import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext import scala.util.control.NonFatal import{ByteArrayOutputStream, PrintStream} object MTLSpecs extends Specification with Discipline { def is = br ^ checkAllAsync("OptionT[IO, ?]", implicit ctx => ConcurrentTests[OptionT[IO, ?]].concurrent[Int, Int, Int]) ^ br ^ checkAllAsync("Kleisli[IO, Int, ?]", implicit ctx => ConcurrentTests[Kleisli[IO, Int, ?]].concurrent[Int, Int, Int]) ^ br ^ checkAllAsync("EitherT[IO, Throwable, ?]", implicit ctx => ConcurrentEffectTests[EitherT[IO, Throwable, ?]].concurrentEffect[Int, Int, Int]) ^ br ^ checkAllAsync("StateT[IO, Int, ?]", implicit ctx => AsyncTests[StateT[IO, Int, ?]].async[Int, Int, Int]) ^ br ^ checkAllAsync("WriterT[IO, Int, ?]", implicit ctx => ConcurrentEffectTests[WriterT[IO, Int, ?]].concurrentEffect[Int, Int, Int]) def checkAllAsync(name: String, f: TestContext => Laws#RuleSet)(implicit p: Parameters) = { val context = TestContext() val ruleSet = f(context) Fragments.foreach( { case (id, prop) => s"$name.$id" ! check(Prop(p => silenceSystemErr(prop(p))), p, defaultFreqMapPretty) ^ br } } implicit def iocsForEC(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): ContextShift[IO] = IO.contextShift(ec) implicit def optionTArbitrary[F[_], A](implicit arbFA: Arbitrary[F[Option[A]]]): Arbitrary[OptionT[F, A]] = Arbitrary( implicit def kleisliArbitrary[F[_], R, A](implicit arbRFA: Arbitrary[R => F[A]]): Arbitrary[Kleisli[F, R, A]] = Arbitrary( implicit def eitherTArbitrary[F[_]: Functor, L, A](implicit arbEA: Arbitrary[F[Either[L, A]]]): Arbitrary[EitherT[F, L, A]] = Arbitrary( => EitherT.eitherT( implicit def stateTArbitrary[F[_]: Monad, S, A](implicit arbSFA: Arbitrary[S => F[(S, A)]]): Arbitrary[StateT[F, S, A]] = Arbitrary( implicit def writerTArbitrary[F[_], L, A](implicit arbFLA: Arbitrary[F[(L, A)]]): Arbitrary[WriterT[F, L, A]] = Arbitrary( implicit def kleisliEq[F[_], A](implicit eqv: Eq[F[A]]): Eq[Kleisli[F, Int, A]] = // totally random and comprehensive seed implicit def stateTEq[F[_]: Monad, S, A](implicit eqv: Eq[F[(Int, A)]]): Eq[StateT[F, Int, A]] = // totally random and comprehensive seed // copied from cats-effect private def silenceSystemErr[A](thunk: => A): A = synchronized { // Silencing System.err val oldErr = System.err val outStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream() val fakeErr = new PrintStream(outStream) System.setErr(fakeErr) try { val result = thunk System.setErr(oldErr) result } catch { case NonFatal(e) => System.setErr(oldErr) // In case of errors, print whatever was caught fakeErr.close() val out = outStream.toString("utf-8") if (out.nonEmpty) oldErr.println(out) throw e } } }
Example 26
Source File: Text.scala From codacy-analysis-cli with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
package com.codacy.analysis.cli.formatter import import java.nio.file.Path import com.codacy.analysis.core.model._ import com.codacy.plugins.api.results import com.codacy.plugins.api.duplication.DuplicationCloneFile object Text extends FormatterCompanion { val name: String = "text" def apply(stream: PrintStream): Formatter = new Text(stream) } private[formatter] class Text(val stream: PrintStream) extends Formatter { override def begin(): Unit = { stream.println("Starting analysis ...") stream.flush() } override def end(): Unit = { stream.println("Analysis complete") stream.flush() } override def add(element: Result): Unit = { element match { case Issue(patternId, filename, message, level, category, location) => stream.println(prettyMessage(patternId, filename, message, level, category, location)) stream.flush() case FileError(filename, message) => stream.println(s"Found $message in $filename") stream.flush() case DuplicationClone(_, nrTokens, nrLines, files) => stream.println(prettyMessage(nrTokens, nrLines, files)) stream.flush() case fileMetrics: FileMetrics => stream.println(prettyMessage(fileMetrics)) stream.flush() } } private def prettyMessage(fileMetrics: FileMetrics): String = { val fileMetricsValues = List( => s" CC - $complexityNum"), => s" LOC - $loc"), => s" CLOC - $cloc"), => s" #methods - $nrMethods"), => s" #classes - $nrClasses")).collect { case Some(namedValue) => namedValue } val coloredMetricsFound = Console.MAGENTA + "Metrics" + Console.RESET val boldFileName = s"${Console.BOLD}${fileMetrics.filename}${Console.RESET}" if (fileMetricsValues.isEmpty) { s"No [$coloredMetricsFound] found in $boldFileName." } else { s"Found [$coloredMetricsFound] in $boldFileName:\n${fileMetricsValues.mkString("\n")}" } } private def prettyMessage(patternId: results.Pattern.Id, filename: Path, message: Issue.Message, level: results.Result.Level, category: Option[results.Pattern.Category], location: Location): String = { val categoryColored = Console.YELLOW + category.fold("")(c => s"/${c.toString}") + Console.RESET val levelColored = levelColor(level) + level + Console.RESET val patternColored = Console.BOLD + patternId + Console.RESET s"Found [$levelColored$categoryColored] `$message` in $filename:$location ($patternColored)" } private def prettyMessage(nrTokens: Int, nrLines: Int, files: Set[DuplicationCloneFile]): String = { val coloredCloneFound = Console.CYAN + "Clone" + Console.RESET val duplicatedFilesMsg = files .groupBy(_.filePath) .map { case (filePath, cloneFiles) => val lineNumbers = => s" l. ${cloneFile.startLine} - ${cloneFile.endLine}").mkString("\n") s" ${Console.BOLD}$filePath${Console.RESET}\n$lineNumbers" } .mkString("\n") s"Found [$coloredCloneFound] $nrLines duplicated lines with $nrTokens tokens:\n$duplicatedFilesMsg" } private def levelColor(level: results.Result.Level): String = { level match { case results.Result.Level.Info => Console.BLUE case results.Result.Level.Warn => Console.YELLOW case results.Result.Level.Err => Console.RED } } }
Example 27
Source File: Json.scala From codacy-analysis-cli with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
package com.codacy.analysis.cli.formatter import import java.nio.file.Path import com.codacy.analysis.core.model.Result import com.codacy.plugins.api.results import io.circe.Encoder import import io.circe.syntax._ import scala.util.Properties object Json extends FormatterCompanion { val name: String = "json" def apply(stream: PrintStream): Formatter = new Json(stream) } private[formatter] class Json(val stream: PrintStream) extends Formatter { private var alreadyPrinted: Boolean = false private implicit val categoryEncoder: Encoder[results.Pattern.Category.Value] = Encoder.encodeEnumeration(results.Pattern.Category) private implicit val levelEncoder: Encoder[results.Result.Level.Value] = Encoder.encodeEnumeration(results.Result.Level) private implicit val fileEncoder: Encoder[Path] = Encoder[String].contramap(_.toString) override def begin(): Unit = { stream.print("[") } override def end(): Unit = { stream.print("]") stream.print(Properties.lineSeparator) stream.flush() } def add(element: Result): Unit = { if (alreadyPrinted) stream.print(",") else alreadyPrinted = true stream.print(element.asJson.noSpaces) } }
Example 28
Source File: LogEnv.scala From airframe with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package wvlet.log import import import{InstanceAlreadyExistsException, ObjectName} import wvlet.log.LogFormatter.SourceCodeLogFormatter override def getLoggerName(cl: Class[_]): String = { var name = cl.getName if (name.endsWith("$")) { // Remove trailing $ of Scala Object name name = name.substring(0, name.length - 1) } // When class is an anonymous trait if (name.contains("$anon$")) { import collection.JavaConverters._ val interfaces = cl.getInterfaces if (interfaces != null && interfaces.length > 0) { // Use the first interface name instead of the anonymous name name = interfaces(0).getName } } name } override def scheduleLogLevelScan: Unit = { LogLevelScanner.scheduleLogLevelScan } override def stopScheduledLogLevelScan: Unit = { LogLevelScanner.stopScheduledLogLevelScan } override def scanLogLevels: Unit = { LogLevelScanner.scanLogLevels } override def scanLogLevels(loglevelFileCandidates: Seq[String]): Unit = { LogLevelScanner.scanLogLevels(loglevelFileCandidates) } private def onGraalVM: Boolean = { // val graalVMFlag = Option(System.getProperty("org.graalvm.nativeimage.kind")) => p == "executable" || p == "shared").getOrElse(false) } private val mBeanName = new ObjectName("wvlet.log:type=Logger") // Register JMX entry upon start-up registerJMX override def registerJMX: Unit = { if (!onGraalVM) { // Register the log level configuration interface to JMX val mbeanServer = ManagementFactory.getPlatformMBeanServer if (!mbeanServer.isRegistered(mBeanName)) { try { mbeanServer.registerMBean(LoggerJMX, mBeanName) } catch { case e: InstanceAlreadyExistsException => // this exception can happen as JMX entries can be initialized by different class loaders while running sbt } } } } override def unregisterJMX: Unit = { if (!onGraalVM) { val mbeanServer = ManagementFactory.getPlatformMBeanServer if (mbeanServer.isRegistered(mBeanName)) { mbeanServer.unregisterMBean(mBeanName) } } } }
Example 29
Source File: Handler.scala From airframe with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package wvlet.log import{PrintStream, PrintWriter} import java.util.{logging => jl} class BufferedLogHandler(formatter: LogFormatter) extends jl.Handler { private val buf = Seq.newBuilder[String] override def flush(): Unit = {} override def publish(record: jl.LogRecord): Unit = synchronized { buf += formatter.format(record) } override def close(): Unit = { // do nothing } def logs: Seq[String] = buf.result() def clear: Unit = { buf.clear() } }
Example 30
Source File: LogEnv.scala From airframe with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package wvlet.log import private[log] object LogEnv extends LogEnvBase { override def isScalaJS: Boolean = true override def defaultLogLevel: LogLevel = LogLevel.INFO override def defaultConsoleOutput: PrintStream = Console.out override def defaultHandler = JSConsoleLogHandler() override def getLoggerName(cl: Class[_]): String = { var name = cl.getName // In Scala.js we cannot use cl.getInterfaces to find the actual type val pos = name.indexOf("$") if (pos > 0) { // Remove trailing $xxx name = name.substring(0, pos) } name } override def scheduleLogLevelScan: Unit = { // no-op } override def stopScheduledLogLevelScan: Unit = { // no-op } override def scanLogLevels: Unit = { // no-op } override def scanLogLevels(loglevelFileCandidates: Seq[String]): Unit = { // no-op } override def registerJMX: Unit = { // no-op } override def unregisterJMX: Unit = { // no-op } }
Example 31
Source File: FileLoggerSuite.scala From lsp4s with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package tests import import import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets import java.nio.file.Files import minitest.SimpleTestSuite object FileLoggerSuite extends SimpleTestSuite { test("logs don't go to stdout") { val path = Files.createTempFile("lsp4s", ".log") val baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream() val writer = scribe.writer.FileWriter().path(_ => path).autoFlush Console.withOut(new PrintStream(baos)) { val logger = scribe.Logger("lsp4s").orphan().withHandler(writer = writer)"This is info") logger.warn("This is warning") logger.error("This is error") } val obtainedOut = baos.toString() assert(obtainedOut.isEmpty) val obtainedLogs = new String(Files.readAllBytes(path), StandardCharsets.UTF_8) List("info", "warning", "error").foreach { message => assert(obtainedLogs.contains(s"This is $message"), obtainedLogs) } } }
Example 32
Source File: OapEnv.scala From OAP with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.hive.thriftserver import import org.apache.spark.{SparkConf, SparkContext} import org.apache.spark.internal.Logging import org.apache.spark.sql.{SparkSession, SQLContext} import org.apache.spark.sql.hive.{HiveExternalCatalog, HiveUtils} import org.apache.spark.sql.oap.listener.OapListener import org.apache.spark.sql.oap.ui.OapTab import org.apache.spark.util.Utils private[spark] object OapEnv extends Logging { logDebug("Initializing Oap Env") var initialized: Boolean = false var sparkSession: SparkSession = _ // This is to enable certain OAP features, like UI, even // in non-Spark SQL CLI/ThriftServer conditions def initWithoutCreatingSparkSession(): Unit = synchronized { if (!initialized && !Utils.isTesting) { val sc = SparkContext.getOrCreate() sc.addSparkListener(new OapListener) this.sparkSession = SparkSession.getActiveSession.get sc.ui.foreach(new OapTab(_)) initialized = true } } }
Example 33
Source File: AddDeps.scala From incubator-toree with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.toree.magic.builtin import{File, PrintStream} import import org.apache.toree.dependencies.Credentials import org.apache.toree.magic._ import org.apache.toree.magic.dependencies._ import org.apache.toree.utils.ArgumentParsingSupport import scala.util.Try import org.apache.toree.plugins.annotations.Event class AddDeps extends LineMagic with IncludeInterpreter with IncludeOutputStream with ArgumentParsingSupport with IncludeDependencyDownloader with IncludeKernel { private def printStream = new PrintStream(outputStream) private val _transitive = parser.accepts( "transitive", "Retrieve dependencies recursively" ) private val _verbose = parser.accepts( "verbose", "Prints out additional information" ) private val _trace = parser.accepts( "trace", "Prints out trace of download progress" ) private val _abortOnResolutionErrors = parser.accepts( "abort-on-resolution-errors", "Abort (no downloads) when resolution fails" ) private val _exclude = parser.accepts("exclude", "exclude dependency").withRequiredArg().ofType(classOf[String]) private val _repository = parser.accepts( "repository", "Adds an additional repository to available list" ).withRequiredArg().ofType(classOf[String]) private val _credentials = parser.accepts( "credential", "Adds a credential file to be used to the list" ).withRequiredArg().ofType(classOf[String]) private val _configuration = parser.accepts( "ivy-configuration", "Sets the Ivy configuration for the dependency; defaults to \"default\"" ).withRequiredArg().ofType(classOf[String]) private val _classifier = parser.accepts( "classifier", "Sets the dependency's classifier" ).withRequiredArg().ofType(classOf[String]) @Event(name = "adddeps") override def execute(code: String): Unit = { val nonOptionArgs = parseArgs(code) dependencyDownloader.setPrintStream(printStream) val repository = getAll(_repository).getOrElse(Nil) val credentials = getAll(_credentials).getOrElse(Nil) val excludes = getAll(_exclude).getOrElse(Nil) val excludesSet = String) => { if (x.contains(":")) { (x.split(":")(0), x.split(":")(1)) } else { (x, "*") } }: (String, String)).toSet val repositoriesWithCreds = dependencyDownloader.resolveRepositoriesAndCredentials(repository, credentials) if (nonOptionArgs.size == 3) { // get the jars and hold onto the paths at which they reside val uris = dependencyDownloader.retrieve( groupId = nonOptionArgs.head, artifactId = nonOptionArgs(1), version = nonOptionArgs(2), transitive = _transitive, ignoreResolutionErrors = !_abortOnResolutionErrors, extraRepositories = repositoriesWithCreds, verbose = _verbose, trace = _trace, excludes = excludesSet, configuration = get(_configuration), artifactClassifier = get(_classifier) ) // pass the new Jars to the kernel kernel.addJars(uris.filter(_.getPath.endsWith(".jar")): _*) } else { printHelp(printStream, """%AddDeps artifact-id version""") } } }
Example 34
Source File: AddJar.scala From incubator-toree with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.toree.magic.builtin import{File, PrintStream} import{URL, URI} import java.nio.file.{Files, Paths} import import org.apache.toree.magic._ import org.apache.toree.magic.builtin.AddJar._ import org.apache.toree.magic.dependencies._ import org.apache.toree.utils.{ArgumentParsingSupport, DownloadSupport, LogLike, FileUtils} import com.typesafe.config.Config import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path import org.apache.toree.plugins.annotations.Event object AddJar { val HADOOP_FS_SCHEMES = Set("hdfs", "s3", "s3n", "file") private var jarDir:Option[String] = None def getJarDir(config: Config): String = { jarDir.getOrElse({ jarDir = Some( if(config.hasPath("jar_dir") && Files.exists(Paths.get(config.getString("jar_dir")))) { config.getString("jar_dir") } else { FileUtils.createManagedTempDirectory("toree_add_jars").getAbsolutePath } ) jarDir.get }) } } class AddJar extends LineMagic with IncludeInterpreter with IncludeOutputStream with DownloadSupport with ArgumentParsingSupport with IncludeKernel with IncludePluginManager with IncludeConfig with LogLike { // Option to mark re-downloading of jars private val _force = parser.accepts("f", "forces re-download of specified jar") // Option to mark re-downloading of jars private val _magic = parser.accepts("magic", "loads jar as a magic extension") // Lazy because the outputStream is not provided at construction private def printStream = new PrintStream(outputStream) ) } else { downloadFile( new URL(jarRemoteLocation), new File(downloadLocation).toURI.toURL ) } // Report download finished printStream.println(s"Finished download of $jarName") } else { printStream.println(s"Using cached version of $jarName") } // validate jar file if(! isValidJar(fileDownloadLocation)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Jar '$jarName' is not valid.") } if (_magic) { val plugins = pluginManager.loadPlugins(fileDownloadLocation) pluginManager.initializePlugins(plugins) } else { kernel.addJars(fileDownloadLocation.toURI) } } }
Example 35
Source File: Truncation.scala From incubator-toree with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.toree.magic.builtin import org.apache.toree.magic.LineMagic import org.apache.toree.magic.dependencies.IncludeOutputStream import import org.apache.toree.kernel.api.KernelOptions import org.apache.toree.plugins.annotations.Event class Truncation extends LineMagic with IncludeOutputStream { private def printStream = new PrintStream(outputStream) @Event(name = "truncation") override def execute(code: String): Unit = { code match { case "on" => printStream.println(s"Output WILL be truncated.") KernelOptions.noTruncation = false case "off" => printStream.println(s"Output will NOT be truncated") KernelOptions.noTruncation = true case "" => printStream.println(s"Truncation is currently ${if (KernelOptions.noTruncation) "off" else "on"} ") case other => printStream.println(s"${other} is not a valid option for the NoTruncation magic.") } } }
Example 36
Source File: ShowOutput.scala From incubator-toree with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.toree.magic.builtin import import org.apache.toree.kernel.api.KernelOptions import org.apache.toree.magic.LineMagic import org.apache.toree.magic.dependencies.IncludeOutputStream import org.apache.toree.plugins.annotations.Event class ShowOutput extends LineMagic with IncludeOutputStream { private def printStream = new PrintStream(outputStream) @Event(name = "showoutput") override def execute(code: String): Unit = { code match { case "on" => printStream.println(s"Console output WILL be shown.") KernelOptions.showOutput = true case "off" => printStream.println(s"Console output will NOT be shown.") KernelOptions.showOutput = false case "" => printStream.println(s"Console output display is currently ${if (KernelOptions.showOutput) "on" else "off"}.") case other => printStream.println(s"${other} is not a valid option for the ShowOutput magic.") } } }
Example 37
Source File: ShowTypes.scala From incubator-toree with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.toree.magic.builtin import org.apache.toree.magic.LineMagic import org.apache.toree.magic.dependencies.IncludeOutputStream import import org.apache.toree.kernel.api.KernelOptions import org.apache.toree.plugins.annotations.Event class ShowTypes extends LineMagic with IncludeOutputStream { private def printStream = new PrintStream(outputStream) @Event(name = "showtypes") override def execute(code: String): Unit = { code match { case "on" => printStream.println(s"Types will be printed.") KernelOptions.showTypes = true case "off" => printStream.println(s"Types will not be printed") KernelOptions.showTypes = false case "" => printStream.println(s"ShowTypes is currently ${if (KernelOptions.showTypes) "on" else "off"} ") case other => printStream.println(s"${other} is not a valid option for the ShowTypes magic.") } } }
Example 38
Source File: JavaScript.scala From incubator-toree with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.toree.magic.builtin import import import org.apache.toree.kernel.protocol.v5.MIMEType import org.apache.toree.magic._ import org.apache.toree.magic.dependencies.IncludeOutputStream import org.apache.toree.utils.ArgumentParsingSupport import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory import org.apache.toree.plugins.annotations.Event class JavaScript extends CellMagic with ArgumentParsingSupport with IncludeOutputStream { // Lazy because the outputStream is not provided at construction private def printStream = new PrintStream(outputStream) @Event(name = "javascript") override def execute(code: String): CellMagicOutput = { def printHelpAndReturn: CellMagicOutput = { printHelp(printStream, """%JavaScript <string_code>""") CellMagicOutput() } Strings.isNullOrEmpty(code) match { case true => printHelpAndReturn case false => CellMagicOutput(MIMEType.ApplicationJavaScript -> code) } } }
Example 39
Source File: Html.scala From incubator-toree with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.toree.magic.builtin import import org.apache.toree.kernel.protocol.v5.MIMEType import org.apache.toree.magic._ import org.apache.toree.magic.dependencies.IncludeOutputStream import org.apache.toree.utils.ArgumentParsingSupport import import org.apache.toree.plugins.annotations.Event class Html extends CellMagic with ArgumentParsingSupport with IncludeOutputStream { // Lazy because the outputStream is not provided at construction private def printStream = new PrintStream(outputStream) @Event(name = "html") override def execute(code: String): CellMagicOutput = { def printHelpAndReturn: CellMagicOutput = { printHelp(printStream, """%%Html <string_code>""") CellMagicOutput() } Strings.isNullOrEmpty(code) match { case true => printHelpAndReturn case false => CellMagicOutput(MIMEType.TextHtml -> code) } } }
Example 40
Source File: StreamState.scala From incubator-toree with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import{InputStream, OutputStream, PrintStream} def withStreams[T](thunk: => T): T = { init(_inputStream, _outputStream, _errorStream) val returnValue = Console.withIn(_inputStream) { Console.withOut(_outputStream) { Console.withErr(_errorStream) { thunk } } } reset() returnValue } }
Example 41
Source File: ArgumentParsingSupport.scala From incubator-toree with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.toree.utils import joptsimple.{OptionSpec, OptionParser} import scala.collection.JavaConverters._ import scala.language.implicitConversions import{PrintStream, OutputStream} trait ArgumentParsingSupport { protected lazy val parser = new OptionParser() private var options: joptsimple.OptionSet = _ parser.allowsUnrecognizedOptions() def parseArgs(args: String, delimiter: String = " ") = { options = parser.parse(args.split(delimiter): _*) options.nonOptionArguments() } def printHelp(outputStream: OutputStream, usage: String) = { val printStream = new PrintStream(outputStream) printStream.println(s"Usage: $usage\n") parser.printHelpOn(outputStream) } implicit def has[T](spec: OptionSpec[T]): Boolean = { require(options != null, "Arguments not parsed yet!") options.has(spec) } implicit def get[T](spec: OptionSpec[T]): Option[T] = { require(options != null, "Arguments not parsed yet!") Some(options.valueOf(spec)).filter(_ != null) } // NOTE: Cannot be implicit as conflicts with get def getAll[T](spec: OptionSpec[T]): Option[List[T]] = { require(options != null, "Arguments not parsed yet!") Some(options.valuesOf(spec).asScala.toList).filter(_ != null) } }
Example 42
Source File: AvroCodegen.scala From scavro with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.oedura.scavro.plugin import import org.apache.avro.tool.{IdlTool, SpecificCompilerTool, Tool} import sbt._ import scala.collection.JavaConversions._ class AvroCodegen(outputDir: File, tmpDir: File, verbose: Boolean) { val compilerTool = new SpecificCompilerTool() val idlTool = new IdlTool() val outputPath = outputDir.getAbsolutePath def run(idlFiles: Seq[File], protocolFiles: Seq[File], schemaFiles: Seq[File]) = { idlFiles.foreach(compileIDL) protocolFiles.foreach(compileProtocol) compileSchema(schemaFiles) } def outputStream(default: PrintStream) = { if (verbose) default else NullOutputStream.getPrintStream } def runTool(tool: Tool, args: List[String]) = { val params = args.toBuffer[String], outputStream(System.out), outputStream(System.err), args) } def getTmpFile(target: File): File = { if (tmpDir.isDirectory) { val idlFileNameRegex = """(.*)\.avdl""".r val tmpFileName = target.getName match { case idlFileNameRegex(fname) => s"$fname.avpr" } tmpDir / tmpFileName } else { tmpDir } } def compileSchema(input: Seq[File]) = if (input.nonEmpty) { println("compile schema: " + input) val compilerParams: List[String] = "schema" +: :+ outputPath runTool(compilerTool, compilerParams) } def compileProtocol(input: File) = { val compilerParams: List[String] = "protocol" :: input.getAbsolutePath :: outputPath :: Nil runTool(compilerTool, compilerParams) } def compileIDL(input: File) = { val tmpFile = getTmpFile(input) val idlParams = input.getAbsolutePath :: tmpFile.getAbsolutePath :: Nil runTool(idlTool, idlParams) compileProtocol(tmpFile) tmpFile.delete() } } object AvroCodegen { def apply(outputDir: File, tmpDir: File, verbose: Boolean = false) = new AvroCodegen(outputDir, tmpDir, verbose) }
Example 43
Source File: SparkSQLEnv.scala From sparkoscope with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.hive.thriftserver import import org.apache.spark.{SparkConf, SparkContext} import org.apache.spark.internal.Logging import org.apache.spark.sql.{SparkSession, SQLContext} import org.apache.spark.sql.hive.{HiveSessionState, HiveUtils} import org.apache.spark.util.Utils def stop() { logDebug("Shutting down Spark SQL Environment") // Stop the SparkContext if (SparkSQLEnv.sparkContext != null) { sparkContext.stop() sparkContext = null sqlContext = null } } }
Example 44
Source File: Distribution.scala From sparkoscope with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.util import import scala.collection.immutable.IndexedSeq def summary(out: PrintStream = System.out) { // scalastyle:off println out.println(statCounter) showQuantiles(out) // scalastyle:on println } } private[spark] object Distribution { def apply(data: Traversable[Double]): Option[Distribution] = { if (data.size > 0) { Some(new Distribution(data)) } else { None } } def showQuantiles(out: PrintStream = System.out, quantiles: Traversable[Double]) { // scalastyle:off println out.println("min\t25%\t50%\t75%\tmax") quantiles.foreach{q => out.print(q + "\t")} out.println // scalastyle:on println } }
Example 45
Source File: Distribution.scala From SparkCore with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.util import import scala.collection.immutable.IndexedSeq def summary(out: PrintStream = System.out) { out.println(statCounter) showQuantiles(out) } } private[spark] object Distribution { def apply(data: Traversable[Double]): Option[Distribution] = { if (data.size > 0) { Some(new Distribution(data)) } else { None } } def showQuantiles(out: PrintStream = System.out, quantiles: Traversable[Double]) { out.println("min\t25%\t50%\t75%\tmax") quantiles.foreach{q => out.print(q + "\t")} out.println } }
Example 46
Source File: OutputMatchers.scala From sangria with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package sangria.util import{PrintStream, ByteArrayOutputStream} import org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers trait OutputMatchers extends Matchers { def captureStdErr(fn: => Unit) = { val output = new ByteArrayOutputStream() val printStream = new PrintStream(output) val oldErr = System.err try { System.setErr(printStream) fn } finally { System.setErr(oldErr) printStream.flush() printStream.close() } output.toString("UTF-8") } def captureConsoleOut(fn: => Unit) = { val output = new ByteArrayOutputStream() Console.withOut(output) { fn } output.toString("UTF-8") } }
Example 47
Source File: Runner.scala From avrohugger with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package avrohugger package tool import format.abstractions.SourceFormat import format.{Scavro, SpecificRecord, Standard} import java.util.Arrays import java.util.Map import java.util.TreeMap import{InputStream, PrintStream} import org.apache.avro.tool.Tool import scala.util.{Failure, Success, Try} import scala.collection.JavaConverters._ def run(args: Array[String]): Int = { if (args.length != 0) { val tool: Tool = toolsMap.get(args(0)) if (tool != null) { val result = Try { in, out, err, Arrays.asList(args: _*).subList(1, args.length)) } result match { case Success(0) => 0 case Success(exitCode) => err.println("Tool " + args(0) + " failed with exit code " + exitCode) exitCode case Failure(e) => err.println("Tool " + args(0) + " failed: " + e.toString) 1 } } else { err.println("Unknown tool: " + args(0)) 1 } } else { err.println("----------------") err.println("Available tools:") for (k <- toolsMap.asScala.values) { err.printf("%" + maxLen + "s %s\n", k.getName(), k.getShortDescription()) } 1 } } }
Example 48
Source File: MainSpec.scala From avrohugger with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
import{ByteArrayOutputStream, PrintStream} import avrohugger.tool.{Directory, Runner} import org.specs2._ import scala.collection.JavaConverters._ class MainSpec extends mutable.Specification { "tool descriptions fit in 80 characters" in { val r: Runner = new Runner(null, null, null) val descResults = r.toolsMap.values() => { if (r.maxLen + 2 + t.getShortDescription().length() > 80) true else false }) //make sure there is no tool that didn't pass the desc. length test descResults.exists(x => x == true) === false } "successful runs yield zero exit code" in { val errBytes: ByteArrayOutputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream() val r: Runner = new Runner(null, null, new PrintStream(errBytes)) val exitCode ="generate", "schema", Directory.TEST_INPUT_DIR + "/handle.avsc", Directory.TEST_OUTPUT_BASE_DIR )) exitCode === 0 } "not print anything to stderr" in { val errBytes: ByteArrayOutputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream() val r: Runner = new Runner(null, null, new PrintStream(errBytes))"generate", "schema", Directory.TEST_INPUT_DIR + "/handle.avsc", Directory.TEST_OUTPUT_BASE_DIR )) errBytes.toString() === "" } "invalid tool names yield non-zero exit code" in { val errBytes: ByteArrayOutputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream() val r: Runner = new Runner(null, null, new PrintStream(errBytes)) val exitCode ="no-such-tool", "schema", Directory.TEST_INPUT_DIR + "/handle.avsc", Directory.TEST_OUTPUT_BASE_DIR )) exitCode !== 0 } "print something to stderr" in { val errBytes: ByteArrayOutputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream() val r: Runner = new Runner(null, null, new PrintStream(errBytes))"no-such-tool", "schema", Directory.TEST_INPUT_DIR + "/handle.avsc", Directory.TEST_OUTPUT_BASE_DIR )) errBytes.toString() must contain("Unknown tool: no-such-tool") } "invalid input yield non-zero exit code" in { val errBytes: ByteArrayOutputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream() val r: Runner = new Runner(null, null, new PrintStream(errBytes)) val exitCode ="generate", "schema", Directory.TEST_INPUT_DIR + "/invalid.avsc", Directory.TEST_OUTPUT_BASE_DIR )) exitCode !== 0 } "print something to stderr" in { val errBytes: ByteArrayOutputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream() val r: Runner = new Runner(null, null, new PrintStream(errBytes))"generate", "schema", Directory.TEST_INPUT_DIR + "/invalid.avsc", Directory.TEST_OUTPUT_BASE_DIR )) errBytes.toString() must contain("invalid_type") } }
Example 49
Source File: DynaMLSSH.scala From DynaML with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package io.github.mandar2812.dynaml import{InputStream, OutputStream, PrintStream} import ammonite.ops.Path import ammonite.runtime.Storage import ammonite.sshd.{SshServer, SshServerConfig} import ammonite.sshd.util.Environment import ammonite.util.{Bind, Colors} class DynaMLSSH( sshConfig: SshServerConfig, predef: String = "", defaultPredef: Boolean = true, wd: os.Path = os.pwd, replArgs: Seq[Bind[_]] = Nil, classLoader: ClassLoader = DynaMLSSH.getClass.getClassLoader) { private lazy val sshd = SshServer( sshConfig, shellServer = DynaMLSSH.runRepl( sshConfig.ammoniteHome, predef, defaultPredef, wd, replArgs, classLoader ) ) def port = sshd.getPort def start(): Unit = sshd.start() def stop(): Unit = sshd.stop() def stopImmediately(): Unit = sshd.stop(true) } object DynaMLSSH { // Actually runs a repl inside of session serving a remote user shell. private def runRepl( homePath: os.Path, predefCode: String, defaultPredef: Boolean, wd: os.Path, replArgs: Seq[Bind[_]], replServerClassLoader: ClassLoader )(in: InputStream, out: OutputStream ): Unit = { // since sshd server has it's own customised environment, // where things like System.out will output to the // server's console, we need to prepare individual environment // to serve this particular user's session Environment.withEnvironment(Environment(replServerClassLoader, in, out)) { try { DynaML( predefCode = predefCode, predefFile = None, defaultPredef = defaultPredef, storageBackend = new Storage.Folder(homePath), wd = wd, inputStream = in, outputStream = out, errorStream = out, verboseOutput = false, remoteLogging = false, colors = Colors.Default ).run(replArgs: _*) } catch { case any: Throwable => val sshClientOutput = new PrintStream(out) sshClientOutput.println( "What a terrible failure, DynaML just blew up!" ) any.printStackTrace(sshClientOutput) } } } }
Example 50
Source File: UpdateEclipseClasspaths.scala From incubator-daffodil with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
import scala.xml._ import import scala.language.reflectiveCalls val fixedCpNode = XML.loadString(pp.format(cpNode)) val cpes = (fixedCpNode \\ "classpathentry") val newEntries = cpes :+ <classpathentry combineaccessrules="false" kind="src" path="/daffodil-macro-lib"/> val newCP = <classpath> <!-- This file is updated by the UpdateEclipseClasspath app. --> { newEntries } </classpath> writeXMLFile(newCP, cpf.toString) } def writeXML(xml: Node, out: { def print(s: String): Unit } = System.out): Unit = { val formattedSpec = pp.format(xml) out.print("<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>\n") out.print("\n") out.print(formattedSpec) out.print("\n") } def writeXMLFile(xml: Node, outputFilename: String): Unit = { val f = new f.getParentFile().mkdirs() val ps = new PrintStream(f) writeXML(xml, ps) ps.close() } }
Example 51
Source File: ProgressLoggerTest.scala From fgbio with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.fulcrumgenomics.util import{ByteArrayOutputStream, PrintStream} import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets import com.fulcrumgenomics.bam.api.SamRecord import com.fulcrumgenomics.commons.util.Logger import com.fulcrumgenomics.testing.UnitSpec import com.fulcrumgenomics.vcf.api.Variant import org.scalatest.concurrent.PatienceConfiguration.Interval class ProgressLoggerTest extends UnitSpec { private class LoggerHelper extends Logger(this.getClass) { private val baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream() out = Some(new PrintStream(baos, true, "UTF-8")) def lines: IndexedSeq[String] = new String(baos.toByteArray, StandardCharsets.UTF_8).split('\n').toIndexedSeq } // For Scala 2.12 compatibility private def emptyIterator[T]: Iterator[T] = Iterator.empty private val progressLogger = ProgressLogger(new LoggerHelper()) "ProgressLoggingIterator" should "wrap a SamRecord, (String, Int), Variant, and Interval" in { import com.fulcrumgenomics.util.ProgressLogger.ProgressLoggingIterator // Check typing emptyIterator[SamRecord].progress(progressLogger) emptyIterator[(String, Int)].progress(progressLogger) emptyIterator[Variant].progress(progressLogger) emptyIterator[Interval].progress(progressLogger) // Do an actual test val logger = new LoggerHelper() val progress = ProgressLogger(logger, unit=2) Iterator(("chr1", 1), ("chr2", 2), ("chr3", 3)).progress(progress).foreach(_ => ()) val lines = logger.lines lines.length shouldBe 2 lines(0) should include("chr2:2") lines(1) should include("chr3:3") } it should "wrap unsupported types" in { import com.fulcrumgenomics.util.ProgressLogger.ProgressLoggingIterator // Check typing emptyIterator[Double].progress(progressLogger) emptyIterator[String].progress(progressLogger) // Do an actual test val logger = new LoggerHelper() val progress = ProgressLogger(logger, unit=2) Iterator("foo", "bar", "car").progress(progress).foreach(_ => ()) val lines = logger.lines lines.length shouldBe 2 lines(0) should include("**") } "TransformedProgressLoggingIterator" should "convert items to a supported type" in { import com.fulcrumgenomics.util.ProgressLogger.TransformedProgressLoggingIterator emptyIterator[(String, String)].progress(progressLogger, (item: (String, String)) => (item._1, item._2.toInt)) // Do an actual test val logger = new LoggerHelper() val progress = ProgressLogger(logger, unit=2) Iterator(("chr1", "1"), ("chr2", "2"), ("chr3", "3")).progress(progress, (item: (String, String)) => (item._1, item._2.toInt)).foreach(_ => ()) val lines = logger.lines lines.length shouldBe 2 lines(0) should include("chr2:2") lines(1) should include("chr3:3") } }
Example 52
Source File: UnitSpec.scala From fgbio with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.fulcrumgenomics.testing import import java.nio.file.{Files, Path} import com.fulcrumgenomics.FgBioDef._ import com.fulcrumgenomics.bam.api.{SamRecord, SamSource} import com.fulcrumgenomics.cmdline.FgBioTool import com.fulcrumgenomics.commons.reflect.ReflectionUtil import com.fulcrumgenomics.commons.util.{LazyLogging, LogLevel, Logger} import com.fulcrumgenomics.sopt.cmdline.CommandLineProgramParser import com.fulcrumgenomics.sopt.util.ParsingUtil import com.fulcrumgenomics.util.Io import com.fulcrumgenomics.vcf.api.{Variant, VcfSource} import htsjdk.variant.variantcontext.VariantContext import htsjdk.variant.vcf.VCFFileReader import org.scalatest.{BeforeAndAfterAll, FlatSpec, Matchers} import scala.reflect.ClassTag import scala.reflect.runtime.universe._ trait ErrorLogLevel extends UnitSpec with BeforeAndAfterAll { private var logLevel = Logger.level override protected def beforeAll(): Unit = { this.logLevel = Logger.level Logger.level = LogLevel.Error } override protected def afterAll(): Unit = { Logger.level = LogLevel.Info Logger.level = this.logLevel } }
Example 53
Source File: ProgressBar.scala From scaladex with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
package ch.epfl.scala.index package data import me.tongfei.progressbar.{ProgressBar => PB, ProgressBarStyle} import{PrintStream, ByteArrayOutputStream, OutputStream} import org.slf4j.Logger object ProgressBar { def apply(title: String, count: Int, logger: Logger): ProgressBar = { new ProgressBar( new PB(title, count, 1000, System.out, ProgressBarStyle.UNICODE_BLOCK), logger, count ) } } class ProgressBar(inner: PB, logger: Logger, count: Int) { var c = 0 var printed = 0 def start(): Unit = { inner.start() } def step(): Unit = { inner.step() c += 1 print() } def stepBy(n: Int): Unit = { inner.stepBy(n) c += n print() } def stop(): Unit = { inner.stop() } private def print(): Unit = { val pp = ((c.toDouble / count) * 100).toInt if (printed < pp) { logger.debug(pp + "%") printed = pp } } }
Example 54
Source File: BatchSonatypeLogger.scala From coursier with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package coursier.publish.sonatype.logger import final class BatchSonatypeLogger(out: PrintStream, verbosity: Int) extends SonatypeLogger { override def listingProfiles(attempt: Int, total: Int): Unit = if (verbosity >= 0) { val extra = if (attempt == 0) "" else s" (attempt $attempt / $total)" out.println("Listing Sonatype profiles..." + extra) } override def listedProfiles(errorOpt: Option[Throwable]): Unit = { val msgOpt = if (errorOpt.isEmpty) { if (verbosity >= 1) Some("Listed Sonatype profiles") else None } else Some("Fail to list Sonatype profiles") for (msg <- msgOpt) out.println(s"$msg") } }
Example 55
Source File: BatchUploadLogger.scala From coursier with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package coursier.publish.upload.logger import import coursier.publish.fileset.FileSet import coursier.publish.upload.Upload final class BatchUploadLogger(out: PrintStream, dummy: Boolean, isLocal: Boolean) extends UploadLogger { private val processing = if (isLocal) { if (dummy) "Would have tried to write" else "Writing" } else { if (dummy) "Would have tried to upload" else "Uploading" } override def uploadingSet(id: Object, fileSet: FileSet): Unit = out.println(s"$processing ${fileSet.elements.length} files") override def uploading(url: String, idOpt: Option[Object], totalOpt: Option[Long]): Unit = out.println(s"Uploading $url") override def uploaded(url: String, idOpt: Option[Object], errorOpt: Option[Upload.Error]): Unit = errorOpt match { case None => out.println(s"Uploaded $url") case Some(err) => out.println(s"Failed to upload $url: $err") } }
Example 56
Source File: SimpleDownloadLogger.scala From coursier with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import final class SimpleDownloadLogger(out: PrintStream, verbosity: Int) extends DownloadLogger { override def downloadingIfExists(url: String): Unit = { if (verbosity >= 2) out.println(s"Trying to download $url") } override def downloadedIfExists(url: String, size: Option[Long], errorOpt: Option[Throwable]): Unit = if (verbosity >= 2) { val msg = if (size.isEmpty) s"Not found : $url (ignored)" else if (errorOpt.isEmpty) s"Downloaded $url" else s"Failed to download $url" out.println(msg) } else if (verbosity >= 1) { if (size.nonEmpty) out.println(s"Downloaded $url") } }
Example 57
Source File: BatchDirLogger.scala From coursier with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package coursier.publish.dir.logger import import java.nio.file.Path final class BatchDirLogger(out: PrintStream, dirName: String, verbosity: Int) extends DirLogger { override def reading(dir: Path): Unit = if (verbosity >= 0) out.println(s"Reading $dirName") override def element(dir: Path, file: Path): Unit = if (verbosity >= 0) out.println(s"Found $file") override def read(dir: Path, elements: Int): Unit = if (verbosity >= 0) out.println(s"Found $elements elements in $dirName") }
Example 58
Source File: Confirm.scala From coursier with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package coursier.cli.setup import{InputStream, PrintStream} import java.util.{Locale, Scanner} import coursier.util.Task import import scala.annotation.tailrec trait Confirm { def confirm(message: String, default: Boolean): Task[Boolean] } object Confirm { @data class ConsoleInput( in: InputStream =, out: PrintStream = System.err, locale: Locale = Locale.getDefault, @since indent: Int = 0 ) extends Confirm { private val marginOpt = if (indent > 0) Some(" " * indent) else None def confirm(message: String, default: Boolean): Task[Boolean] = Task.delay { val choice = if (default) "[Y/n]" else "[y/N]" val message0 = marginOpt match { case None => message case Some(margin) => + _).mkString(System.lineSeparator()) } out.print(s"$message0 $choice ") @tailrec def loop(): Boolean = { val scanner = new Scanner(in) val resp = scanner.nextLine() val resp0 = resp .filter(!_.isSpaceChar) .toLowerCase(locale) .distinct resp0 match { case "y" => true case "n" => false case "" => default case _ => out.print(s"Please answer Y or N. $choice ") loop() } } loop() } } @data class YesToAll( out: PrintStream = System.err ) extends Confirm { def confirm(message: String, default: Boolean): Task[Boolean] = Task.delay { out.println(message + " [Y/n] Y") true } } def default: Confirm = ConsoleInput() }
Example 59
Source File: SetupStep.scala From coursier with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package coursier.cli.setup import import coursier.util.Task trait SetupStep { def banner: String def task: Task[Unit] def tryRevert: Task[Unit] final def fullTask(out: PrintStream): Task[Unit] = for { _ <- Task.delay(out.println(banner)) _ <- task _ <- Task.delay(out.println()) } yield () }
Example 60
Source File: Util.scala From coursier with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package coursier.cli import import object Util { def prematureExit(msg: String): Nothing = { Console.err.println(msg) sys.exit(255) } def prematureExitIf(cond: Boolean)(msg: => String): Unit = if (cond) prematureExit(msg) def exit(msg: String): Nothing = { Console.err.println(msg) sys.exit(1) } def exitIf(cond: Boolean)(msg: => String): Unit = if (cond) exit(msg) implicit class ValidatedExitOnError[T](private val validated: ValidatedNel[String, T]) extends AnyVal { def exitOnError(errStream: PrintStream = System.err, exitCode: Int = 1): T = validated.toEither match { case Left(errors) => for (err <- errors.toList) errStream.println(err) sys.exit(exitCode) case Right(t) => t } } }
Example 61
Source File: ConsoleProgressBarTest.scala From Argus-SAF with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package hu.ssh.progressbar.console import{ByteArrayOutputStream, PrintStream} import{Splitter, Strings} import import hu.ssh.progressbar.ConsoleProgressBar import org.scalatest.{FlatSpec, Matchers} class ConsoleProgressBarTest extends FlatSpec with Matchers { "ProgressBar" should "output as expected" in { val outputstream = new ByteArrayOutputStream try { val progressBar = ConsoleProgressBar.on(new PrintStream(outputstream)).withFormat(":percent") progressBar.tick(0) assert(getLastOutput(outputstream.toString) == " 0.00") progressBar.tick(25) assert(getLastOutput(outputstream.toString) == " 25.00") progressBar.tick(30) assert(getLastOutput(outputstream.toString) == " 55.00") progressBar.tick(44) assert(getLastOutput(outputstream.toString) == " 99.00") progressBar.tickOne() assert(getLastOutput(outputstream.toString) == "100.00") } finally outputstream.close() } private def getLastOutput(string: String): String = { if (Strings.isNullOrEmpty(string)) return string val outputs = Splitter.on(ConsoleProgressBar.CARRIAGE_RETURN).omitEmptyStrings.split(string) Iterables.getLast(outputs) } }
Example 62
Source File: ConsoleLogger.scala From odin with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package io.odin.loggers import import cats.effect.{Sync, Timer} import cats.syntax.all._ import io.odin.formatter.Formatter import io.odin.{Level, Logger, LoggerMessage} case class ConsoleLogger[F[_]: Timer]( formatter: Formatter, out: PrintStream, err: PrintStream, override val minLevel: Level )(implicit F: Sync[F]) extends DefaultLogger[F](minLevel) { private def println(out: PrintStream, msg: LoggerMessage, formatter: Formatter): F[Unit] = F.delay(out.println(formatter.format(msg))) def log(msg: LoggerMessage): F[Unit] = if (msg.level < Level.Warn) { println(out, msg, formatter) } else { println(err, msg, formatter) } } object ConsoleLogger { def apply[F[_]: Timer: Sync](formatter: Formatter, minLevel: Level): Logger[F] = ConsoleLogger(formatter, scala.Console.out, scala.Console.err, minLevel) }
Example 63
Source File: ConsoleLoggerSpec.scala From odin with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package io.odin.loggers import{ByteArrayOutputStream, PrintStream} import cats.effect.{IO, Timer} import cats.syntax.all._ import io.odin.Level._ import io.odin.formatter.Formatter import io.odin.{Level, LoggerMessage, OdinSpec} class ConsoleLoggerSpec extends OdinSpec { implicit val timer: Timer[IO] = IO.timer( it should "route all messages with level <= INFO to stdout" in { forAll { (loggerMessage: LoggerMessage, formatter: Formatter) => whenever(loggerMessage.level <= Info) { val outBaos = new ByteArrayOutputStream() val stdOut = new PrintStream(outBaos) val errBaos = new ByteArrayOutputStream() val stdErr = new PrintStream(errBaos) val consoleLogger = ConsoleLogger[IO](formatter, stdOut, stdErr, Level.Trace) consoleLogger.log(loggerMessage).unsafeRunSync() outBaos.toString() shouldBe (formatter.format(loggerMessage) + System.lineSeparator()) } } } it should "route all messages with level >= WARN to stderr" in { forAll { (loggerMessage: LoggerMessage, formatter: Formatter) => whenever(loggerMessage.level > Info) { val outBaos = new ByteArrayOutputStream() val stdOut = new PrintStream(outBaos) val errBaos = new ByteArrayOutputStream() val stdErr = new PrintStream(errBaos) val consoleLogger = ConsoleLogger[IO](formatter, stdOut, stdErr, Level.Trace) consoleLogger.log(loggerMessage).unsafeRunSync() errBaos.toString() shouldBe (formatter.format(loggerMessage) + System.lineSeparator()) } } } }
Example 64
Source File: ExampleTest.scala From morpheus with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.opencypher.morpheus.examples import{ByteArrayOutputStream, PrintStream} import import org.junit.runner.RunWith import org.opencypher.okapi.testing.Bag._ import org.scalatest.{BeforeAndAfterAll, FunSpec, Matchers} import org.scalatestplus.junit.JUnitRunner import @RunWith(classOf[JUnitRunner]) abstract class ExampleTest extends FunSpec with Matchers with BeforeAndAfterAll { private val oldStdOut = System.out protected val emptyOutput: String = "" protected def validate(app: => Unit, expectedOut: URI): Unit = { validate(app, Source.fromFile(expectedOut).mkString) } protected def validateBag(app: => Unit, expectedOut: URI): Unit = { val source = Source.fromFile(expectedOut) val expectedLines = source.getLines().toList val appLines = capture(app).split(System.lineSeparator()) withClue(s"${appLines.mkString("\n")} not equal to ${expectedLines.mkString("\n")}") { appLines.toBag shouldEqual expectedLines.toBag } } protected def validate(app: => Unit, expectedOut: String): Unit = { capture(app) shouldEqual expectedOut } private def capture(app: => Unit): String = { val charset = "UTF-8" val outCapture = new ByteArrayOutputStream() val printer = new PrintStream(outCapture, true, charset) Console.withOut(printer)(app) outCapture.toString(charset) } override protected def afterAll(): Unit = { System.setOut(oldStdOut) super.afterAll() } }
Example 65
Source File: PrintOptions.scala From morpheus with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.opencypher.okapi.impl.util import object PrintOptions { private val DEFAULT_MAX_COLUMN_WIDTH: Int = Int.MaxValue implicit lazy val out: PrintOptions = PrintOptions(stream = Console.out, maxColumnWidth = DEFAULT_MAX_COLUMN_WIDTH) lazy val err: PrintOptions = PrintOptions(stream = Console.err, maxColumnWidth = DEFAULT_MAX_COLUMN_WIDTH) def current(implicit options: PrintOptions): PrintOptions = options } final case class PrintOptions(stream: PrintStream, maxColumnWidth: Int = PrintOptions.DEFAULT_MAX_COLUMN_WIDTH) { def stream(newStream: PrintStream): PrintOptions = copy(stream = newStream) def maxColumnWidth(maxColumnWidth: Int): PrintOptions = copy(maxColumnWidth = maxColumnWidth) }
Example 66
Source File: Distribution.scala From multi-tenancy-spark with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.util import import scala.collection.immutable.IndexedSeq def summary(out: PrintStream = System.out) { // scalastyle:off println out.println(statCounter) showQuantiles(out) // scalastyle:on println } } private[spark] object Distribution { def apply(data: Traversable[Double]): Option[Distribution] = { if (data.size > 0) { Some(new Distribution(data)) } else { None } } def showQuantiles(out: PrintStream = System.out, quantiles: Traversable[Double]) { // scalastyle:off println out.println("min\t25%\t50%\t75%\tmax") quantiles.foreach{q => out.print(q + "\t")} out.println // scalastyle:on println } }
Example 67
Source File: EventHistoryFileReportingSuite.scala From sparklens with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import{ByteArrayOutputStream, PrintStream} import com.qubole.sparklens.TestUtils import org.scalatest.FunSuite class EventHistoryFileReportingSuite extends FunSuite { test("Reporting from sparklens and event-history should be same") { val eventHistoryFile = s"${System.getProperty("user.dir")}" + s"/src/test/event-history-test-files/local-1532512550423" // corresponding sparklens dump is in same location and name, but additional suffix val sparklensDump = TestUtils.getFileContents(eventHistoryFile + ".sparklens.json") validateOutput(outputFromSparklensDump(sparklensDump), outputFromEventHistoryReport(eventHistoryFile)) } private def outputFromSparklensDump(dump: String): String = { val out = new ByteArrayOutputStream() Console.withOut(new PrintStream(out)) { ReporterApp.startAnalysersFromString(dump) } out.toString } private def outputFromEventHistoryReport(file: String): String = { val out = new ByteArrayOutputStream() Console.withOut(new PrintStream(out)) { new EventHistoryReporter(file) } out.toString } private def validateOutput(file1:String, file2:String) = { assert(file1.size == file2.size, "output size is different between eventlogs report and sparklens.json report") assert( => x._1 == x._2).size == 0, "Report lines are not matching between eventlogs report and sparklens.json report") } }
Example 68
Source File: CompatibilitySuite.scala From sparklens with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
import{ByteArrayOutputStream, FileNotFoundException, PrintStream} import com.qubole.sparklens.TestUtils import import org.scalatest.FunSuite import scala.util.control.Breaks._ class CompatibilitySuite extends FunSuite { test("should be able to report on previously generated sparklens dumps") { breakable { (1 to 100).foreach(x => { //run for the versions of sparklens output saved try { val testInput = TestUtils.getFileContents( s"${System.getProperty("user.dir")}/src/test/compatibility-files/version-${x}.json") val testOut = new ByteArrayOutputStream() Console.withOut(new PrintStream(testOut)) { ReporterApp.startAnalysersFromString(testInput) } val testOutput = testOut.toString val olderOutput = TestUtils.getFileContents( s"${System.getProperty("user.dir")}/src/test/compatibility-files/version-${x}.output") olderOutput.split("\n").foreach(line => { assert(testOutput.contains(line)) }) } catch { case e: FileNotFoundException => break } }) } } }
Example 69
Source File: ClientInterface.scala From iolap with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.hive.client import import java.util.{Map => JMap} import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.analysis.{NoSuchDatabaseException, NoSuchTableException} private[hive] case class HiveDatabase( name: String, location: String) private[hive] abstract class TableType { val name: String } private[hive] case object ExternalTable extends TableType { override val name = "EXTERNAL_TABLE" } private[hive] case object IndexTable extends TableType { override val name = "INDEX_TABLE" } private[hive] case object ManagedTable extends TableType { override val name = "MANAGED_TABLE" } private[hive] case object VirtualView extends TableType { override val name = "VIRTUAL_VIEW" } // TODO: Use this for Tables and Partitions private[hive] case class HiveStorageDescriptor( location: String, inputFormat: String, outputFormat: String, serde: String, serdeProperties: Map[String, String]) private[hive] case class HivePartition( values: Seq[String], storage: HiveStorageDescriptor) private[hive] case class HiveColumn(name: String, hiveType: String, comment: String) private[hive] case class HiveTable( specifiedDatabase: Option[String], name: String, schema: Seq[HiveColumn], partitionColumns: Seq[HiveColumn], properties: Map[String, String], serdeProperties: Map[String, String], tableType: TableType, location: Option[String] = None, inputFormat: Option[String] = None, outputFormat: Option[String] = None, serde: Option[String] = None, viewText: Option[String] = None) { @transient private[client] var client: ClientInterface = _ private[client] def withClient(ci: ClientInterface): this.type = { client = ci this } def database: String = specifiedDatabase.getOrElse(sys.error("database not resolved")) def isPartitioned: Boolean = partitionColumns.nonEmpty def getAllPartitions: Seq[HivePartition] = client.getAllPartitions(this) // Hive does not support backticks when passing names to the client. def qualifiedName: String = s"$database.$name" } def reset(): Unit }
Example 70
Source File: SparkSQLEnv.scala From iolap with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.hive.thriftserver import import scala.collection.JavaConversions._ import org.apache.spark.scheduler.StatsReportListener import org.apache.spark.sql.hive.{HiveShim, HiveContext} import org.apache.spark.{Logging, SparkConf, SparkContext} import org.apache.spark.util.Utils def stop() { logDebug("Shutting down Spark SQL Environment") // Stop the SparkContext if (SparkSQLEnv.sparkContext != null) { sparkContext.stop() sparkContext = null hiveContext = null } } }
Example 71
Source File: Distribution.scala From iolap with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.util import import scala.collection.immutable.IndexedSeq def summary(out: PrintStream = System.out) { out.println(statCounter) showQuantiles(out) } } private[spark] object Distribution { def apply(data: Traversable[Double]): Option[Distribution] = { if (data.size > 0) { Some(new Distribution(data)) } else { None } } def showQuantiles(out: PrintStream = System.out, quantiles: Traversable[Double]) { out.println("min\t25%\t50%\t75%\tmax") quantiles.foreach{q => out.print(q + "\t")} out.println } }
Example 72
Source File: DefaultFunctions.scala From scala-debugger with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.scaladebugger.language.interpreters import org.scaladebugger.language.models import object DefaultFunctions { type IntpFuncArgs = Map[String, Any] type IntpFuncRet = Any type IntpFunc = (IntpFuncArgs) => IntpFuncRet private def GetArg( m: IntpFuncArgs, name: String, default: Option[Any] = None ): Any = { val value = m.get(name) if (value.isEmpty && default.isEmpty) throw new RuntimeException(s"Missing argument $name!") value.orElse(default).get } private val Condition = (op: String, m: IntpFuncArgs) => { val l = GetArg(m, "l", default = Some(models.Undefined)) val r = GetArg(m, "r", default = Some(models.Undefined)) op match { case "<" => l.toString.toDouble < r.toString.toDouble case "<=" => l.toString.toDouble <= r.toString.toDouble case ">" => l.toString.toDouble > r.toString.toDouble case ">=" => l.toString.toDouble >= r.toString.toDouble case "==" => l == r case "!=" => l != r } } val LessThan = Condition("<", _: IntpFuncArgs) val LessThanEqual = Condition("<=", _: IntpFuncArgs) val GreaterThan = Condition(">", _: IntpFuncArgs) val GreaterThanEqual = Condition(">=", _: IntpFuncArgs) val Equal = Condition("==", _: IntpFuncArgs) val NotEqual = Condition("!=", _: IntpFuncArgs) private val NumberOperation = (op: String, m: IntpFuncArgs) => { val l = GetArg(m, "l").toString.toDouble val r = GetArg(m, "r").toString.toDouble op match { case "+" => l + r case "-" => l - r case "*" => l * r case "/" => l / r case "%" => l % r } } private val StringOperation = (op: String, m: IntpFuncArgs) => { val l = GetArg(m, "l").toString val r = GetArg(m, "r").toString op match { case "++" => l ++ r } } val PlusPlus = StringOperation("++", _: IntpFuncArgs) val Plus = NumberOperation("+", _: IntpFuncArgs) val Minus = NumberOperation("-", _: IntpFuncArgs) val Multiply = NumberOperation("*", _: IntpFuncArgs) val Divide = NumberOperation("/", _: IntpFuncArgs) val Modulus = NumberOperation("%", _: IntpFuncArgs) private val PrintOperation = (out: PrintStream, m: IntpFuncArgs) => { val text = GetArg(m, "text").toString out.println(text) } val Print = (p: PrintStream) => PrintOperation(p, _: IntpFuncArgs) }
Example 73
Source File: CTags.scala From sctags with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package sctags import object CTags { private val header = List( "!_TAG_FILE_FORMAT\t2\t//", "!_TAG_FILE_SORTED\t1\t/0=unsorted, 1=sorted, 2=sorted,casefold/" ) private def formatTags(t: (String, Seq[Tag])) = { val file = t._1 val tags = t._2 => { val pos = "/^" + tag.pos.content.replace("\\","\\\\") + "$/" + "\t" + file + "\t" + pos + tag.fieldsString }) } def generate(tags: Seq[(String, Seq[Tag])], output: PrintStream) { val tagStrings = (header ++ tags.flatMap(formatTags _).sorted).toArray tagStrings foreach {l => output.println(l)} } }
Example 74
Source File: ETags.scala From sctags with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package sctags import object ETags { def formatTags(tags: Seq[Tag]) = { val sb = new scala.collection.mutable.StringBuilder for (tag <- tags) { val pos = tag.pos val s = pos.content + "\u007f" + + "\u0001" + pos.line + "," + pos.column + "\n" sb append s } sb.toString } def generate(files: Seq[(String, Seq[Tag])], output: PrintStream) { for ((file, tags) <- files) { val content = formatTags(tags) output.println("\f") output.println(file + "," + content.length) output.print(content) } } }
Example 75
Source File: SCTags.scala From sctags with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package sctags import{Settings, Global} import import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer import import object SCTags extends Parsing with TagGeneration { import FileUtils._; var outputFile: String = "tags"; var recurse = false; var etags = false def parseOpt(args:List[String]): List[String] = args match { case ("-f" |"-o") :: file :: rest => outputFile = file; parseOpt(rest) case ("-R" |"--recurse" ) :: rest => recurse = true; parseOpt(rest) case ("-e" |"--etags" ) :: rest => etags = true; parseOpt(rest) case files => files } def error(str: String) = System.err.println("Error: " + str); val settings = new Settings(error); val reporter = new StoreReporter; val compiler = new Global(settings, reporter); def run(fnames: Seq[String]) { val files = new ListBuffer[File] fnames foreach { fname => val file = new File(fname) if (file.isDirectory) { if (recurse) files ++= listFilesRecursive(file, {(f: File) => f.getName.endsWith(".scala")}) else System.err.println("Skipping directory " + fname); } else { if (file.getName.endsWith(".scala")) files += file else System.err.println("Skipping file " + fname); } } if (files.nonEmpty) { val tags = => (f.getPath, generateTags(parse(f)))) val output = outputFile match { case "-" => Console.out case "tags" if etags => new PrintStream("TAGS") case x => new PrintStream(x) } if (etags) { ETags.generate(tags, output) } else { CTags.generate(tags, output) } } } def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { val fnames = parseOpt(args.toList) run(fnames) } }
Example 76
Source File: LogFile.scala From kyuubi with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package yaooqinn.kyuubi.operation import{BufferedReader, File, FileInputStream, FileNotFoundException, FileOutputStream, InputStreamReader, IOException, PrintStream} import java.util.ArrayList import scala.collection.JavaConverters._ import import import org.apache.kyuubi.Logging import org.apache.spark.sql.Row import yaooqinn.kyuubi.KyuubiSQLException class LogFile private ( file: File, private var reader: Option[BufferedReader], writer: PrintStream, @volatile private var isRemoved: Boolean = false) extends Logging { def this(file: File) = { this(file, LogFile.createReader(file, isRemoved = false), new PrintStream(new FileOutputStream(file))) } private def resetReader(): Unit = { reader.foreach(IOUtils.closeStream) reader = None } private def readResults(nLines: Long): Seq[Row] = { reader = reader.orElse(LogFile.createReader(file, isRemoved)) val logs = new ArrayList[Row]() reader.foreach { r => var i = 1 try { var line: String = r.readLine() while ((i < nLines || nLines <= 0) && line != null) { logs.add(Row(line)) line = r.readLine() i += 1 } } catch { case e: FileNotFoundException => val operationHandle = file.getName val path = file.getAbsolutePath val msg = if (isRemoved) { s"Operation[$operationHandle] has been closed and the log file $path has been removed" } else { s"Operation[$operationHandle] Log file $path is not found" } throw new KyuubiSQLException(msg, e) } } logs.asScala } def write(msg: String): Unit = { writer.print(msg) } def close(): Unit = synchronized { try { reader.foreach(_.close()) writer.close() if (!isRemoved) { FileUtils.forceDelete(file) isRemoved = true } } catch { case e: IOException => error(s"Failed to remove corresponding log file of operation: ${file.getName}", e) } } } object LogFile { def createReader(file: File, isRemoved: Boolean): Option[BufferedReader] = try { Option(new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(file)))) } catch { case e: FileNotFoundException => val operationHandle = file.getName val path = file.getAbsolutePath val msg = if (isRemoved) { s"Operation[$operationHandle] has been closed and the log file $path has been removed" } else { s"Operation[$operationHandle] Log file $path is not found" } throw new KyuubiSQLException(msg, e) } }
Example 77
Source File: SparkSQLEnv.scala From spark1.52 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.hive.thriftserver import import scala.collection.JavaConversions._ import org.apache.spark.scheduler.StatsReportListener import org.apache.spark.sql.hive.HiveContext import org.apache.spark.{Logging, SparkConf, SparkContext} import org.apache.spark.util.Utils def stop() { logDebug("Shutting down Spark SQL Environment") // Stop the SparkContext if (SparkSQLEnv.sparkContext != null) { sparkContext.stop() sparkContext = null hiveContext = null } } }
Example 78
Source File: Distribution.scala From spark1.52 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.util import import scala.collection.immutable.IndexedSeq def summary(out: PrintStream = System.out) { // scalastyle:off println out.println(statCounter) showQuantiles(out) // scalastyle:on println } } private[spark] object Distribution { def apply(data: Traversable[Double]): Option[Distribution] = { if (data.size > 0) { Some(new Distribution(data)) } else { None } } def showQuantiles(out: PrintStream = System.out, quantiles: Traversable[Double]) { // scalastyle:off println out.println("min\t25%\t50%\t75%\tmax") quantiles.foreach{q => out.print(q + "\t")} out.println // scalastyle:on println } }
Example 79
Source File: StyleChecker.scala From big-data-scala-spark with MIT License | 5 votes |
import sbt.File import import import org.scalastyle._ import com.typesafe.config.ConfigFactory object StyleChecker { val maxResult = 100 class CustomTextOutput[T <: FileSpec](stream: PrintStream) extends Output[T] { private val messageHelper = new MessageHelper(ConfigFactory.load()) var fileCount: Int = _ override def message(m: Message[T]): Unit = m match { case StartWork() => case EndWork() => case StartFile(file) => stream.print("Checking file " + file + "...") fileCount = 0 case EndFile(file) => if (fileCount == 0) stream.println(" OK!") case StyleError(file, clazz, key, level, args, line, column, customMessage) => report(line, column, messageHelper.text(, Output.findMessage(messageHelper, key, args, customMessage)) case StyleException(file, clazz, message, stacktrace, line, column) => report(line, column, "error", message) } private def report(line: Option[Int], column: Option[Int], level: String, message: String) { if (fileCount == 0) stream.println("") fileCount += 1 stream.println(" " + fileCount + ". " + level + pos(line, column) + ":") stream.println(" " + message) } private def pos(line: Option[Int], column: Option[Int]): String = line match { case Some(lineNumber) => " at line " + lineNumber + (column match { case Some(columnNumber) => " character " + columnNumber case None => "" }) case None => "" } } def score(outputResult: OutputResult) = { val penalties = outputResult.errors + outputResult.warnings scala.math.max(maxResult - penalties, 0) } def assess(sources: Seq[File], styleSheetPath: String): (String, Int) = { val configFile = new File(styleSheetPath).getAbsolutePath val messages = new ScalastyleChecker().checkFiles( ScalastyleConfiguration.readFromXml(configFile), Directory.getFiles(None, sources)) val output = new ByteArrayOutputStream() val outputResult = new CustomTextOutput(new PrintStream(output)).output(messages) val msg = s"""${output.toString} |Processed ${outputResult.files} file(s) |Found ${outputResult.errors} errors |Found ${outputResult.warnings} warnings |""".stripMargin (msg, score(outputResult)) } }
Example 80
Source File: StyleChecker.scala From big-data-scala-spark with MIT License | 5 votes |
import sbt.File import import import org.scalastyle._ import com.typesafe.config.ConfigFactory object StyleChecker { val maxResult = 100 class CustomTextOutput[T <: FileSpec](stream: PrintStream) extends Output[T] { private val messageHelper = new MessageHelper(ConfigFactory.load()) var fileCount: Int = _ override def message(m: Message[T]): Unit = m match { case StartWork() => case EndWork() => case StartFile(file) => stream.print("Checking file " + file + "...") fileCount = 0 case EndFile(file) => if (fileCount == 0) stream.println(" OK!") case StyleError(file, clazz, key, level, args, line, column, customMessage) => report(line, column, messageHelper.text(, Output.findMessage(messageHelper, key, args, customMessage)) case StyleException(file, clazz, message, stacktrace, line, column) => report(line, column, "error", message) } private def report(line: Option[Int], column: Option[Int], level: String, message: String) { if (fileCount == 0) stream.println("") fileCount += 1 stream.println(" " + fileCount + ". " + level + pos(line, column) + ":") stream.println(" " + message) } private def pos(line: Option[Int], column: Option[Int]): String = line match { case Some(lineNumber) => " at line " + lineNumber + (column match { case Some(columnNumber) => " character " + columnNumber case None => "" }) case None => "" } } def score(outputResult: OutputResult) = { val penalties = outputResult.errors + outputResult.warnings scala.math.max(maxResult - penalties, 0) } def assess(sources: Seq[File], styleSheetPath: String): (String, Int) = { val configFile = new File(styleSheetPath).getAbsolutePath val messages = new ScalastyleChecker().checkFiles( ScalastyleConfiguration.readFromXml(configFile), Directory.getFiles(None, sources)) val output = new ByteArrayOutputStream() val outputResult = new CustomTextOutput(new PrintStream(output)).output(messages) val msg = s"""${output.toString} |Processed ${outputResult.files} file(s) |Found ${outputResult.errors} errors |Found ${outputResult.warnings} warnings |""".stripMargin (msg, score(outputResult)) } }
Example 81
Source File: StyleChecker.scala From big-data-scala-spark with MIT License | 5 votes |
import sbt.File import import import org.scalastyle._ import com.typesafe.config.ConfigFactory object StyleChecker { val maxResult = 100 class CustomTextOutput[T <: FileSpec](stream: PrintStream) extends Output[T] { private val messageHelper = new MessageHelper(ConfigFactory.load()) var fileCount: Int = _ override def message(m: Message[T]): Unit = m match { case StartWork() => case EndWork() => case StartFile(file) => stream.print("Checking file " + file + "...") fileCount = 0 case EndFile(file) => if (fileCount == 0) stream.println(" OK!") case StyleError(file, clazz, key, level, args, line, column, customMessage) => report(line, column, messageHelper.text(, Output.findMessage(messageHelper, key, args, customMessage)) case StyleException(file, clazz, message, stacktrace, line, column) => report(line, column, "error", message) } private def report(line: Option[Int], column: Option[Int], level: String, message: String) { if (fileCount == 0) stream.println("") fileCount += 1 stream.println(" " + fileCount + ". " + level + pos(line, column) + ":") stream.println(" " + message) } private def pos(line: Option[Int], column: Option[Int]): String = line match { case Some(lineNumber) => " at line " + lineNumber + (column match { case Some(columnNumber) => " character " + columnNumber case None => "" }) case None => "" } } def score(outputResult: OutputResult) = { val penalties = outputResult.errors + outputResult.warnings scala.math.max(maxResult - penalties, 0) } def assess(sources: Seq[File], styleSheetPath: String): (String, Int) = { val configFile = new File(styleSheetPath).getAbsolutePath val messages = new ScalastyleChecker().checkFiles( ScalastyleConfiguration.readFromXml(configFile), Directory.getFiles(None, sources)) val output = new ByteArrayOutputStream() val outputResult = new CustomTextOutput(new PrintStream(output)).output(messages) val msg = s"""${output.toString} |Processed ${outputResult.files} file(s) |Found ${outputResult.errors} errors |Found ${outputResult.warnings} warnings |""".stripMargin (msg, score(outputResult)) } }
Example 82
Source File: SparkSQLEnv.scala From Spark-2.3.1 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.hive.thriftserver import import org.apache.spark.{SparkConf, SparkContext} import org.apache.spark.internal.Logging import org.apache.spark.sql.{SparkSession, SQLContext} import org.apache.spark.sql.hive.{HiveExternalCatalog, HiveUtils} import org.apache.spark.util.Utils def stop() { logDebug("Shutting down Spark SQL Environment") // Stop the SparkContext if (SparkSQLEnv.sparkContext != null) { sparkContext.stop() sparkContext = null sqlContext = null } } }
Example 83
Source File: Distribution.scala From Spark-2.3.1 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.util import import scala.collection.immutable.IndexedSeq def summary(out: PrintStream = System.out) { // scalastyle:off println out.println(statCounter) showQuantiles(out) // scalastyle:on println } } private[spark] object Distribution { def apply(data: Traversable[Double]): Option[Distribution] = { if (data.size > 0) { Some(new Distribution(data)) } else { None } } def showQuantiles(out: PrintStream = System.out, quantiles: Traversable[Double]) { // scalastyle:off println out.println("min\t25%\t50%\t75%\tmax") quantiles.foreach{q => out.print(q + "\t")} out.println // scalastyle:on println } }
Example 84
Source File: TeeCommand.scala From shellbase with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.sumologic.shellbase.commands import{FileOutputStream, PrintStream} import com.sumologic.shellbase.ShellCommand import com.sumologic.shellbase.cmdline.RichCommandLine._ import com.sumologic.shellbase.cmdline.{CommandLineArgument, CommandLineFlag, CommandLineOption} import org.apache.commons.cli.{CommandLine, Options} import import scala.util.Try class TeeCommand(runCommand: String => Boolean) extends ShellCommand("tee", "Forks the stdout of a command so it also prints to a file") { private val CommandArgument = new CommandLineArgument("command", 0, true) private val OutputFileOption = new CommandLineOption("o", "outputFile", false, "Filename of output file (defaults to ~/tee.out)") private val AppendFileFlag = new CommandLineFlag("a", "append", "Append the output to the file rather than overwriting it") override def maxNumberOfArguments = 1 override def addOptions(opts: Options) { opts += CommandArgument opts += OutputFileOption opts += AppendFileFlag } import com.sumologic.shellbase.ShellBase.SubCommandExtractor def execute(cmdLine: CommandLine) = { val outputFile = cmdLine.get(OutputFileOption).getOrElse(System.getProperty("user.home") + s"/tee.out") val appendFile = cmdLine.checkFlag(AppendFileFlag) cmdLine.get(CommandArgument) match { case Some(SubCommandExtractor(cmd)) => val fileOut = new FileOutputStream(outputFile, appendFile) val newOut = new PrintStream(new TeeOutputStream(Console.out, fileOut)) val status = Console.withOut(newOut) { println(s"Running `$cmd` and outputting to '$outputFile' [append=$appendFile].") runCommand(cmd) } Try(fileOut.close()) status case badCmd => println(s"Usage: tee `<command>`, but found $badCmd.") false } } }
Example 85
Source File: SparkSQLEnv.scala From BigDatalog with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.hive.thriftserver import import scala.collection.JavaConverters._ import org.apache.spark.scheduler.StatsReportListener import org.apache.spark.sql.hive.HiveContext import org.apache.spark.{Logging, SparkConf, SparkContext} import org.apache.spark.util.Utils def stop() { logDebug("Shutting down Spark SQL Environment") // Stop the SparkContext if (SparkSQLEnv.sparkContext != null) { sparkContext.stop() sparkContext = null hiveContext = null } } }
Example 86
Source File: Distribution.scala From BigDatalog with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.util import import scala.collection.immutable.IndexedSeq def summary(out: PrintStream = System.out) { // scalastyle:off println out.println(statCounter) showQuantiles(out) // scalastyle:on println } } private[spark] object Distribution { def apply(data: Traversable[Double]): Option[Distribution] = { if (data.size > 0) { Some(new Distribution(data)) } else { None } } def showQuantiles(out: PrintStream = System.out, quantiles: Traversable[Double]) { // scalastyle:off println out.println("min\t25%\t50%\t75%\tmax") quantiles.foreach{q => out.print(q + "\t")} out.println // scalastyle:on println } }
Example 87
Source File: DecoratorTest.scala From Elysium with MIT License | 5 votes |
package nz.daved.elysium.core import{ByteArrayOutputStream, PrintStream} import org.scalatest.{FlatSpec, Matchers} class DecoratorTest extends FlatSpec with Matchers { "@before" should "deal with anonymous functions passed in" in { val out: ByteArrayOutputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream() Console.withOut(new PrintStream(out)) { } out.toString.stripLineEnd shouldBe "hello world" } "@after" should "deal with anonymous functions passed in" in { val out: ByteArrayOutputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream() Console.withOut(new PrintStream(out)) { DecoratorTestObject.hello() } out.toString.stripLineEnd shouldBe "hello world" } }
Example 88
Source File: Benchmark.scala From scalismo with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package scalismo.utils import object Benchmark { def benchmark[R](block: => R, desc: String = "duration", out: PrintStream = System.out): R = { val start = System.currentTimeMillis() val result = block out.println(desc + ": " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - start) + " ms") result } } trait Benchmark { def benchmark[R](block: => R, desc: String = "duration", out: PrintStream = System.out): R = Benchmark.benchmark(block, desc, out) }
Example 89
Source File: CellExecutor.scala From polynote with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package polynote.kernel.interpreter import{OutputStream, PrintStream} import java.lang.reflect.InvocationHandler import polynote.kernel.environment.{CurrentRuntime, CurrentTask, PublishResult, PublishStatus} import polynote.kernel.util.ResultOutputStream import polynote.kernel.{BaseEnv, ExecutionStatus, InterpreterEnv, Output, Result, ScalaCompiler, withContextClassLoader} import polynote.messages.CellID import polynote.runtime.KernelRuntime import zio.{RIO, Runtime, Task, UIO, ZIO, ZLayer} import zio.blocking.Blocking import zio.internal.{ExecutionMetrics, Executor} class CellExecutor(publishSync: Result => Unit, classLoader: ClassLoader, blockingExecutor: Executor) extends Executor { // we have to make sure that the Java console does the same thing as the Scala console, which is thread-local CellExecutor.initJavaConsole def yieldOpCount: Int = blockingExecutor.yieldOpCount def metrics: Option[ExecutionMetrics] = blockingExecutor.metrics def submit(runnable: Runnable): Boolean = { blockingExecutor.submit { new Runnable { def run(): Unit = { val console = new PrintStream(new ResultOutputStream(publishSync), true) withContextClassLoader(classLoader) { try { Console.withOut(console) { } } finally { console.close() } } } } } } def here: Boolean = } object CellExecutor { // Make sure Java's console uses the thread-local mechanism of the Scala console // This way it can reset properly but still obey the Console.withOut mechanism lazy val initJavaConsole: Unit = { // make sure to initialize Console val _ = Console.out val dynamicOut = new OutputStream { override def write(b: Int): Unit = Console.out.write(b) } System.setOut(new PrintStream(dynamicOut)) } def layer(classLoader: ClassLoader): ZLayer[BaseEnv with InterpreterEnv, Throwable, Blocking] = ZLayer.fromEffect { ZIO.mapN(PublishResult.access, ZIO.runtime[Any]) { (publish, runtime) => ZIO.access[Blocking] { hasBlocking => new Blocking.Service { override def blockingExecutor: Executor = new CellExecutor( result => runtime.unsafeRun(publish.publish1(result)), classLoader, hasBlocking.get.blockingExecutor) } } }.flatten } }
Example 90
Source File: MetricImplicits.scala From Mastering-Spark-for-Data-Science with MIT License | 5 votes |
package io.gzet.timeseries.timely import import import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets import io.gzet.timeseries.SimpleConfig import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD import org.apache.spark.streaming.dstream.DStream import org.apache.spark.{Logging, Partitioner} object MetricImplicits extends Logging with SimpleConfig { def nonNegativeMod(x: Int, mod: Int): Int = { val rawMod = x % mod rawMod + (if (rawMod < 0) mod else 0) } class MetricPartitioner(partitions: Int) extends Partitioner { require(partitions >= 0, s"Number of partitions ($partitions) cannot be negative.") override def numPartitions: Int = partitions override def getPartition(key: Any): Int = { val k = key.asInstanceOf[MetricKey] nonNegativeMod(k.metricName.hashCode, partitions) } } implicit class Metrics(rdd: RDD[Metric]) { val partitions = rdd.partitions.length val partitioner = new MetricPartitioner(partitions) def publish() = { val sSortedMetricRDD = rdd filter { metric => metric.tags.nonEmpty } map { metric => (MetricKey(, metric.time), metric) } repartitionAndSortWithinPartitions partitioner sSortedMetricRDD.values foreachPartition { it: Iterator[Metric] => val sock = new Socket(timelyHost, timelyPort) val writer = new PrintStream(sock.getOutputStream, true, it foreach { metric => writer.println(metric.toPut) } writer.flush() } } } implicit class MetricStream(stream: DStream[Metric]) { def publish() = { stream foreachRDD { rdd => rdd.publish() } } } } case class Metric(name: String, time: Long, value: Double, tags: Map[String, String], viz: Option[String] = None) { def toPut = { val vizMap = if(viz.isDefined) List("viz" -> viz.get) else List[(String, String)]() val strTags = vizMap.union(tags.toList).map({ case (k, v) => s"$k=$v" }).mkString(" ") s"put $name $time $value $strTags" } } case class MetricKey(metricName: String, metricTime: Long) object MetricKey { implicit def orderingByMetricDate[A <: MetricKey] : Ordering[A] = { => (fk.metricName, fk.metricTime)) } }
Example 91
Source File: TestUtils.scala From cats-effect with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package cats.effect.internals import{ByteArrayOutputStream, OutputStream, PrintStream} import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets import scala.util.control.NonFatal def catchSystemErrInto[T](outStream: OutputStream)(thunk: => T): T = synchronized { val oldErr = System.err val fakeErr = new PrintStream(outStream) System.setErr(fakeErr) try { thunk } finally { System.setErr(oldErr) fakeErr.close() } } }
Example 92
Source File: AddDeps.scala From incubator-toree with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.toree.magic.builtin import{File, PrintStream} import import org.apache.toree.dependencies.Credentials import org.apache.toree.magic._ import org.apache.toree.magic.dependencies._ import org.apache.toree.utils.ArgumentParsingSupport import scala.util.Try import org.apache.toree.plugins.annotations.Event class AddDeps extends LineMagic with IncludeInterpreter with IncludeOutputStream with ArgumentParsingSupport with IncludeDependencyDownloader with IncludeKernel { private def printStream = new PrintStream(outputStream) private val _transitive = parser.accepts( "transitive", "Retrieve dependencies recursively" ) private val _verbose = parser.accepts( "verbose", "Prints out additional information" ) private val _trace = parser.accepts( "trace", "Prints out trace of download progress" ) private val _abortOnResolutionErrors = parser.accepts( "abort-on-resolution-errors", "Abort (no downloads) when resolution fails" ) private val _exclude = parser.accepts("exclude", "exclude dependency").withRequiredArg().ofType(classOf[String]) private val _repository = parser.accepts( "repository", "Adds an additional repository to available list" ).withRequiredArg().ofType(classOf[String]) private val _credentials = parser.accepts( "credential", "Adds a credential file to be used to the list" ).withRequiredArg().ofType(classOf[String]) private val _configuration = parser.accepts( "ivy-configuration", "Sets the Ivy configuration for the dependency; defaults to \"default\"" ).withRequiredArg().ofType(classOf[String]) private val _classifier = parser.accepts( "classifier", "Sets the dependency's classifier" ).withRequiredArg().ofType(classOf[String]) @Event(name = "adddeps") override def execute(code: String): Unit = { val nonOptionArgs = parseArgs(code) dependencyDownloader.setPrintStream(printStream) val repository = getAll(_repository).getOrElse(Nil) val credentials = getAll(_credentials).getOrElse(Nil) val excludes = getAll(_exclude).getOrElse(Nil) val excludesSet = String) => { if (x.contains(":")) { (x.split(":")(0), x.split(":")(1)) } else { (x, "*") } }: (String, String)).toSet val repositoriesWithCreds = dependencyDownloader.resolveRepositoriesAndCredentials(repository, credentials) if (nonOptionArgs.size == 3) { // get the jars and hold onto the paths at which they reside val uris = dependencyDownloader.retrieve( groupId = nonOptionArgs.head, artifactId = nonOptionArgs(1), version = nonOptionArgs(2), transitive = _transitive, ignoreResolutionErrors = !_abortOnResolutionErrors, extraRepositories = repositoriesWithCreds, verbose = _verbose, trace = _trace, excludes = excludesSet, configuration = get(_configuration), artifactClassifier = get(_classifier) ) // pass the new Jars to the kernel kernel.addJars(uris.filter(_.getPath.endsWith(".jar")): _*) } else { printHelp(printStream, """%AddDeps artifact-id version""") } } }
Example 93
Source File: AddJar.scala From incubator-toree with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.toree.magic.builtin import{File, PrintStream} import{URL, URI} import java.nio.file.{Files, Paths} import import org.apache.toree.magic._ import org.apache.toree.magic.builtin.AddJar._ import org.apache.toree.magic.dependencies._ import org.apache.toree.utils.{ArgumentParsingSupport, DownloadSupport, LogLike, FileUtils} import com.typesafe.config.Config import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path import org.apache.toree.plugins.annotations.Event object AddJar { val HADOOP_FS_SCHEMES = Set("hdfs", "s3", "s3n", "file") private var jarDir:Option[String] = None def getJarDir(config: Config): String = { jarDir.getOrElse({ jarDir = Some( if(config.hasPath("jar_dir") && Files.exists(Paths.get(config.getString("jar_dir")))) { config.getString("jar_dir") } else { FileUtils.createManagedTempDirectory("toree_add_jars").getAbsolutePath } ) jarDir.get }) } } class AddJar extends LineMagic with IncludeInterpreter with IncludeOutputStream with DownloadSupport with ArgumentParsingSupport with IncludeKernel with IncludePluginManager with IncludeConfig with LogLike { // Option to mark re-downloading of jars private val _force = parser.accepts("f", "forces re-download of specified jar") // Option to mark re-downloading of jars private val _magic = parser.accepts("magic", "loads jar as a magic extension") // Lazy because the outputStream is not provided at construction private def printStream = new PrintStream(outputStream) ) } else { downloadFile( new URL(jarRemoteLocation), new File(downloadLocation).toURI.toURL ) } // Report download finished printStream.println(s"Finished download of $jarName") } else { printStream.println(s"Using cached version of $jarName") } // validate jar file if(! isValidJar(fileDownloadLocation)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Jar '$jarName' is not valid.") } if (_magic) { val plugins = pluginManager.loadPlugins(fileDownloadLocation) pluginManager.initializePlugins(plugins) } else { kernel.addJars(fileDownloadLocation.toURI) } } }
Example 94
Source File: Truncation.scala From incubator-toree with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.toree.magic.builtin import org.apache.toree.magic.LineMagic import org.apache.toree.magic.dependencies.IncludeOutputStream import import org.apache.toree.kernel.api.KernelOptions import org.apache.toree.plugins.annotations.Event class Truncation extends LineMagic with IncludeOutputStream { private def printStream = new PrintStream(outputStream) @Event(name = "truncation") override def execute(code: String): Unit = { code match { case "on" => printStream.println(s"Output WILL be truncated.") KernelOptions.noTruncation = false case "off" => printStream.println(s"Output will NOT be truncated") KernelOptions.noTruncation = true case "" => printStream.println(s"Truncation is currently ${if (KernelOptions.noTruncation) "off" else "on"} ") case other => printStream.println(s"${other} is not a valid option for the NoTruncation magic.") } } }
Example 95
Source File: ShowOutput.scala From incubator-toree with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.toree.magic.builtin import import org.apache.toree.kernel.api.KernelOptions import org.apache.toree.magic.LineMagic import org.apache.toree.magic.dependencies.IncludeOutputStream import org.apache.toree.plugins.annotations.Event class ShowOutput extends LineMagic with IncludeOutputStream { private def printStream = new PrintStream(outputStream) @Event(name = "showoutput") override def execute(code: String): Unit = { code match { case "on" => printStream.println(s"Console output WILL be shown.") KernelOptions.showOutput = true case "off" => printStream.println(s"Console output will NOT be shown.") KernelOptions.showOutput = false case "" => printStream.println(s"Console output display is currently ${if (KernelOptions.showOutput) "on" else "off"}.") case other => printStream.println(s"${other} is not a valid option for the ShowOutput magic.") } } }
Example 96
Source File: ShowTypes.scala From incubator-toree with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.toree.magic.builtin import org.apache.toree.magic.LineMagic import org.apache.toree.magic.dependencies.IncludeOutputStream import import org.apache.toree.kernel.api.KernelOptions import org.apache.toree.plugins.annotations.Event class ShowTypes extends LineMagic with IncludeOutputStream { private def printStream = new PrintStream(outputStream) @Event(name = "showtypes") override def execute(code: String): Unit = { code match { case "on" => printStream.println(s"Types will be printed.") KernelOptions.showTypes = true case "off" => printStream.println(s"Types will not be printed") KernelOptions.showTypes = false case "" => printStream.println(s"ShowTypes is currently ${if (KernelOptions.showTypes) "on" else "off"} ") case other => printStream.println(s"${other} is not a valid option for the ShowTypes magic.") } } }
Example 97
Source File: JavaScript.scala From incubator-toree with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.toree.magic.builtin import import import org.apache.toree.kernel.protocol.v5.MIMEType import org.apache.toree.magic._ import org.apache.toree.magic.dependencies.IncludeOutputStream import org.apache.toree.utils.ArgumentParsingSupport import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory import org.apache.toree.plugins.annotations.Event class JavaScript extends CellMagic with ArgumentParsingSupport with IncludeOutputStream { // Lazy because the outputStream is not provided at construction private def printStream = new PrintStream(outputStream) @Event(name = "javascript") override def execute(code: String): CellMagicOutput = { def printHelpAndReturn: CellMagicOutput = { printHelp(printStream, """%JavaScript <string_code>""") CellMagicOutput() } Strings.isNullOrEmpty(code) match { case true => printHelpAndReturn case false => CellMagicOutput(MIMEType.ApplicationJavaScript -> code) } } }
Example 98
Source File: Html.scala From incubator-toree with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.toree.magic.builtin import import org.apache.toree.kernel.protocol.v5.MIMEType import org.apache.toree.magic._ import org.apache.toree.magic.dependencies.IncludeOutputStream import org.apache.toree.utils.ArgumentParsingSupport import import org.apache.toree.plugins.annotations.Event class Html extends CellMagic with ArgumentParsingSupport with IncludeOutputStream { // Lazy because the outputStream is not provided at construction private def printStream = new PrintStream(outputStream) @Event(name = "html") override def execute(code: String): CellMagicOutput = { def printHelpAndReturn: CellMagicOutput = { printHelp(printStream, """%%Html <string_code>""") CellMagicOutput() } Strings.isNullOrEmpty(code) match { case true => printHelpAndReturn case false => CellMagicOutput(MIMEType.TextHtml -> code) } } }
Example 99
Source File: StreamState.scala From incubator-toree with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import{InputStream, OutputStream, PrintStream} def withStreams[T](thunk: => T): T = { init(_inputStream, _outputStream, _errorStream) val returnValue = Console.withIn(_inputStream) { Console.withOut(_outputStream) { Console.withErr(_errorStream) { thunk } } } reset() returnValue } }
Example 100
Source File: ArgumentParsingSupport.scala From incubator-toree with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.toree.utils import joptsimple.{OptionSpec, OptionParser} import scala.collection.JavaConverters._ import scala.language.implicitConversions import{PrintStream, OutputStream} trait ArgumentParsingSupport { protected lazy val parser = new OptionParser() private var options: joptsimple.OptionSet = _ parser.allowsUnrecognizedOptions() def parseArgs(args: String, delimiter: String = " ") = { options = parser.parse(args.split(delimiter): _*) options.nonOptionArguments() } def printHelp(outputStream: OutputStream, usage: String) = { val printStream = new PrintStream(outputStream) printStream.println(s"Usage: $usage\n") parser.printHelpOn(outputStream) } implicit def has[T](spec: OptionSpec[T]): Boolean = { require(options != null, "Arguments not parsed yet!") options.has(spec) } implicit def get[T](spec: OptionSpec[T]): Option[T] = { require(options != null, "Arguments not parsed yet!") Some(options.valueOf(spec)).filter(_ != null) } // NOTE: Cannot be implicit as conflicts with get def getAll[T](spec: OptionSpec[T]): Option[List[T]] = { require(options != null, "Arguments not parsed yet!") Some(options.valuesOf(spec).asScala.toList).filter(_ != null) } }
Example 101
Source File: PrintStreamLogger.scala From almond with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
package almond.logger.internal import import almond.logger.Level import scala.annotation.tailrec final class PrintStreamLogger(val level: Level, out: PrintStream) extends ActualLogger { def log(level: Level, message: String, exception: Throwable = null): Unit = { val b = new StringBuilder b ++= b += ' ' b ++= message @tailrec def addException(ex: Throwable): Unit = if (ex != null) { b += '\n' // FIXME Not portable b ++= ex.toString for (elem <- ex.getStackTrace) { b ++= "\n " // FIXME Not portable b ++= elem.toString } addException(ex.getCause) } addException(exception) out.println(b.result()) } }
Example 102
Source File: FunctionOutputStream.scala From almond with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
package almond.internals import{OutputStream, PrintStream} import java.nio.{ByteBuffer, CharBuffer} import java.nio.charset.{Charset, CoderResult} class FunctionOutputStream( inputBufferSize: Int, outputBufferSize: Int, internalCharset: Charset, f: String => Unit ) extends OutputStream { // not thread-safe private val decoder = internalCharset.newDecoder() private val inArray = Array.ofDim[Byte](inputBufferSize) private val outArray = Array.ofDim[Char](outputBufferSize) private val writeBuf = ByteBuffer.wrap(inArray) private val out = CharBuffer.wrap(outArray) private def flushIfNeeded(): Unit = if (!writeBuf.hasRemaining) flush() def write(b: Int): Unit = { writeBuf.put(b.toByte) // hope toByte doesn't box b flushIfNeeded() } override def write(b: Array[Byte], off: Int, len: Int) = { var off0 = off var len0 = len while (len0 > 0) { val take = math.min(len0, writeBuf.remaining()) assert(take > 0) writeBuf.put(b, off0, take) off0 = off0 + take len0 = len0 - take flushIfNeeded() } assert(len0 == 0) assert(off0 == off + len) } override def flush(): Unit = { super.flush() val readBuf = ByteBuffer.wrap(inArray, 0, writeBuf.position()) var r: CoderResult = null while (r == null || r.isOverflow) { if (r != null) { readBuf.position(0) readBuf.limit(writeBuf.position()) } r = decoder.decode(readBuf, out, false) val outLen = out.position() if (r.isError || (r.isOverflow && outLen == 0)) r.throwException() else { if (outLen > 0) { val s = new String(outArray, 0, outLen) out.clear() f(s) } val read = readBuf.position() val avail = writeBuf.position() val remaining = avail - read writeBuf.position(remaining) if (remaining > 0) System.arraycopy(inArray, read, inArray, 0, remaining) } } } def printStream(): PrintStream = new PrintStream(this, true, }
Example 103
Source File: CaptureImpl.scala From almond with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
package almond.internals import import java.nio.charset.{Charset, StandardCharsets} final class CaptureImpl( inputBufferSize: Int = 1024, outputBufferSize: Int = 1024, internalCharset: Charset = StandardCharsets.UTF_8 ) extends Capture { // not thread-safe private var out0: String => Unit = _ private var err0: String => Unit = _ val out: PrintStream = new FunctionOutputStream( inputBufferSize, outputBufferSize, internalCharset, s => if (out0 != null) out0(s) ).printStream() val err: PrintStream = new FunctionOutputStream( inputBufferSize, outputBufferSize, internalCharset, s => if (err0 != null) err0(s) ).printStream() def apply[T]( stdout: String => Unit, stderr: String => Unit )( block: => T ): T = try { out0 = stdout err0 = stderr Console.withOut(out) { Console.withErr(err) { val oldOut = System.out val oldErr = System.err try { System.setOut(out) System.setErr(err) block } finally { System.setOut(oldOut) System.setErr(oldErr) } } } } finally { out0 = null err0 = null } }
Example 104
Source File: NopCapture.scala From almond with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
package almond.internals import final class NopCapture extends Capture { val out: PrintStream = new NopOutputStream().printStream() val err: PrintStream = new NopOutputStream().printStream() def apply[T](stdout: String => Unit, stderr: String => Unit)(block: => T): T = Console.withOut(out) { Console.withErr(err) { val oldOut = System.out val oldErr = System.err try { System.setOut(out) System.setErr(err) block } finally { System.setOut(oldOut) System.setErr(oldErr) } } } }
Example 105
Source File: Capture.scala From almond with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
package almond.internals import trait Capture { def out: PrintStream def err: PrintStream def apply[T](stdout: String => Unit, stderr: String => Unit)(block: => T): T } object Capture { def create(): Capture = new CaptureImpl def nop(): Capture = new NopCapture }
Example 106
Source File: ConsoleReporter.scala From drunken-data-quality with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package de.frosner.ddq.reporters import import de.frosner.ddq.constraints.{ConstraintError, ConstraintFailure, ConstraintSuccess} import de.frosner.ddq.core.CheckResult override def report(checkResult: CheckResult, header: String, prologue: String): Unit = { stream.println(Console.BLUE + header + Console.RESET) stream.println(Console.BLUE + prologue + Console.RESET) if (checkResult.constraintResults.nonEmpty) { checkResult.constraintResults.foreach { case (_, constraintResult) => val color = constraintResult.status match { case ConstraintSuccess => Console.GREEN case ConstraintFailure => Console.RED case ConstraintError(throwable) => Console.YELLOW } stream.println(color + "- " + constraintResult.message + Console.RESET) } } else { stream.println(Console.BLUE + "Nothing to check!" + Console.RESET) } stream.println("") } }
Example 107
Source File: MarkdownReporter.scala From drunken-data-quality with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package de.frosner.ddq.reporters import import de.frosner.ddq.core.CheckResult override def report(checkResult: CheckResult, header: String, prologue: String): Unit = { stream.println(s"**$header**\n") stream.println(s"$prologue\n") if (checkResult.constraintResults.nonEmpty) { checkResult.constraintResults.foreach { case (_, constraintResult) => stream.println(s"- *${constraintResult.status.stringValue.toUpperCase}*: " + constraintResult.message) } } else { stream.println("Nothing to check!") } stream.println("") } }
Example 108
Source File: HumanReadableReporter.scala From drunken-data-quality with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package de.frosner.ddq.reporters import import de.frosner.ddq.core.CheckResult abstract class HumanReadableReporter extends Reporter { override def report(checkResult: CheckResult): Unit = { val check = checkResult.check val df = check.dataFrame report( checkResult = checkResult, header = s"Checking ${}", prologue = s"It has a total number of ${df.columns.length} columns " + s"and ${checkResult.numRows} rows." ) } protected def report(checkResult: CheckResult, header: String, prologue: String) }
Example 109
Source File: ZeppelinReporter.scala From drunken-data-quality with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package de.frosner.ddq.reporters import import de.frosner.ddq.constraints.{ConstraintError, ConstraintFailure, ConstraintSuccess} import de.frosner.ddq.core.CheckResult override def report(checkResult: CheckResult, header: String, prologue: String): Unit = { if (!reportedSomething) { stream.println("%html") reportedSomething = true } stream.println("</p>") stream.println(s"<h4>$header</h4>") stream.println(s"<h5>$prologue</h5>") if (checkResult.constraintResults.nonEmpty) { stream.println(s"<table>") checkResult.constraintResults.foreach { case (_, constraintResult) => { val resultString = constraintResult.status match { case ConstraintSuccess => "✅" case ConstraintFailure => "❌" case ConstraintError(throwable) => "✋" } stream.println(s"<tr>${inTd(resultString)}${inTd(constraintResult.message)}</tr>") } } stream.println(s"</table>") } else { stream.println("Nothing to check!") } stream.println("<p hidden>") } }
Example 110
Source File: MarkdownReporterTest.scala From drunken-data-quality with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package de.frosner.ddq.reporters import{ByteArrayOutputStream, PrintStream} import de.frosner.ddq.constraints._ import de.frosner.ddq.core._ import de.frosner.ddq.testutils.{DummyConstraint, DummyConstraintResult} import org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame import org.mockito.Mockito._ import org.scalatest.mock.MockitoSugar import org.scalatest.{FlatSpec, Matchers} class MarkdownReporterTest extends FlatSpec with Matchers with MockitoSugar { "A Markdown reporter" should "produce correct output for a check with constraints" in { val baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream() val markdownReporter = new MarkdownReporter(new PrintStream(baos)) val df = mock[DataFrame] val dfName = "myDf" val dfColumns = Array("1", "2") val dfCount = 5 when(df.columns).thenReturn(dfColumns) val header = s"Checking $dfName" val prologue = s"It has a total number of ${dfColumns.size} columns and $dfCount rows." val message1 = "1" val status1 = ConstraintSuccess val constraint1 = DummyConstraint(message1, status1) val result1 = val message2 = "2" val status2 = ConstraintFailure val constraint2 = DummyConstraint(message2, status2) val result2 = val message3 = "3" val status3 = ConstraintError(new IllegalArgumentException()) val constraint3 = DummyConstraint(message3, status3) val result3 = DummyConstraintResult(constraint3, message3, status3) val constraints = Map[Constraint, ConstraintResult[Constraint]]( constraint1 -> result1, constraint2 -> result2, constraint3 -> result3 ) val check = Check(df, Some(dfName), Option.empty, constraints.keys.toSeq), check, dfCount)) val expectedOutput = s"""**$header** $prologue - *SUCCESS*: ${result1.message} - *FAILURE*: ${result2.message} - *ERROR*: ${result3.message} """ baos.toString shouldBe expectedOutput } it should "produce correct output for a check without constraint" in { val baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream() val markdownReporter = new MarkdownReporter(new PrintStream(baos)) val df = mock[DataFrame] val dfName = "myDf" val dfColumns = Array("1", "2") val dfCount = 5 when(df.columns).thenReturn(dfColumns) val header = s"Checking $dfName" val prologue = s"It has a total number of ${dfColumns.size} columns and $dfCount rows." val check = Check(df, Some(dfName), Option.empty, Seq.empty), check, dfCount)) val expectedOutput = s"""**$header** $prologue Nothing to check! """ baos.toString shouldBe expectedOutput } }
Example 111
Source File: ConsoleReporterTest.scala From drunken-data-quality with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package de.frosner.ddq.reporters import{ByteArrayOutputStream, PrintStream} import de.frosner.ddq.constraints._ import de.frosner.ddq.core._ import de.frosner.ddq.testutils.{DummyConstraint, DummyConstraintResult} import org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame import org.mockito.Mockito._ import org.scalatest.mock.MockitoSugar import org.scalatest.{FlatSpec, Matchers} class ConsoleReporterTest extends FlatSpec with Matchers with MockitoSugar { "A Console reporter" should "produce correct output for a check with constraints" in { val baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream() val consoleReporter = new ConsoleReporter(new PrintStream(baos)) val df = mock[DataFrame] val displayName = "myDf" val dfColumns = Array("1", "2") val dfCount = 5 when(df.columns).thenReturn(dfColumns) val header = s"Checking $displayName" val prologue = s"It has a total number of ${dfColumns.size} columns and $dfCount rows." val message1 = "1" val status1 = ConstraintSuccess val constraint1 = DummyConstraint(message1, status1) val result1 = val message2 = "2" val status2 = ConstraintFailure val constraint2 = DummyConstraint(message2, status2) val result2 = val message3 = "3" val status3 = ConstraintError(new IllegalArgumentException()) val constraint3 = DummyConstraint(message3, status3) val result3 = DummyConstraintResult(constraint3, message3, status3) val constraints = Map[Constraint, ConstraintResult[Constraint]]( constraint1 -> result1, constraint2 -> result2, constraint3 -> result3 ) val check = Check(df, Some(displayName), Option.empty, constraints.keys.toSeq), check, dfCount)) val expectedOutput = s"""${Console.BLUE}$header${Console.RESET} ${Console.BLUE}$prologue${Console.RESET} ${Console.GREEN}- ${result1.message}${Console.RESET} ${Console.RED}- ${result2.message}${Console.RESET} ${Console.YELLOW}- ${result3.message}${Console.RESET} """ baos.toString shouldBe expectedOutput } it should "produce correct output for a check without constraint" in { val baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream() val consoleReporter = new ConsoleReporter(new PrintStream(baos)) val df = mock[DataFrame] val displayName = "myDf" val dfColumns = Array("1", "2") val dfCount = 5 when(df.columns).thenReturn(dfColumns) val header = s"Checking $displayName" val prologue = s"It has a total number of ${dfColumns.size} columns and $dfCount rows." val check = Check(df, Some(displayName), Option.empty, Seq.empty), check, dfCount)) val expectedOutput = s"""${Console.BLUE}$header${Console.RESET} ${Console.BLUE}$prologue${Console.RESET} ${Console.BLUE}Nothing to check!${Console.RESET} """ baos.toString shouldBe expectedOutput } }
Example 112
Source File: SbtPlugin.scala From sbt-diff-project with MIT License | 5 votes |
package import import sbt._ import Keys._ import complete.Parsers.spaceDelimited import com.mayreh.sbt.dependency.SbtPlugin.autoImport.reverseDependency object SbtPlugin extends AutoPlugin { object autoImport extends SbtPluginKeys import autoImport._ override def trigger = allRequirements override def projectSettings: Seq[Setting[_]] = Seq( gitDiffSeparator in Global := "\n", printGitDiffByBaseDirectory in Global := false, printGitDiffByAbsolutePath in Global := false, printGitDiffToFile in Global := None, excludeRootProject in Global := true, patternsAffectAllProjects in Global := Seq( """.+\.sbt$""", """.+project/[^/]+\.scala""" ), gitDiff := { import sys.process._ val project = thisProject.value val files = s"git diff --name-only ${spaceDelimited("<arg>").parsed.mkString(" ")}".lines_!.toList.collect { case line if line.trim.nonEmpty => new File(line) } if (affectsAll(patternsAffectAllProjects.value, files) || files.exists(_.absolutePath.contains(project.base.absolutePath))) { project +: (reverseDependency in thisProjectRef).value } else { Nil } }, commands += Command.args("git-diff-all", "<arg>") { (state, args) => val buildRoot = new File(loadedBuild.value.root.getPath) val (modifiedState, diffProjects) = loadedBuild.value.allProjectRefs.foldLeft(state -> Seq.empty[ResolvedProject]) { case ((currentState, projects), (ref, project)) => val (s, resolvedProjects) = Project.extract(state).runInputTask(gitDiff in ref, s" ${args.mkString(" ")}", state) s -> (projects ++ resolvedProjects) } val filteredProjects = diffProjects .groupBy( .flatMap { case (_, xs) => xs.headOption } .filter { project => !excludeRootProject.value || project.base.absolutePath != buildRoot.absolutePath } printProjects(filteredProjects.toSeq, buildRoot, gitDiffSeparator.value, printGitDiffByBaseDirectory.value, printGitDiffByAbsolutePath.value, printGitDiffToFile.value) modifiedState } ) private[this] def affectsAll(patterns: Seq[String], files: Seq[File]): Boolean = files.exists(file => patterns.exists(pattern => file.absolutePath.matches(pattern))) private[this] def printProjects(projects: Seq[ResolvedProject], buildRoot: File, separator: String, byBaseDirectory: Boolean, byAbsolutePath: Boolean, toFile: Option[File]): Unit = { val out = toFile.fold(System.out)(new PrintStream(_)) projects.headOption.foreach { _ => val str = { project => if (!byBaseDirectory) { } else if (byAbsolutePath) { project.base.getAbsolutePath } else { buildRoot.toPath.relativize(project.base.toPath).toString } }.sorted mkString separator out.println(str) } } }
Example 113
Source File: Boot.scala From BacklogMigration-Redmine with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.nulabinc.backlog.r2b.exporter.core import import import com.nulabinc.backlog.migration.common.conf.ExcludeOption import com.nulabinc.backlog.migration.common.domain.{BacklogProjectKey, BacklogTextFormattingRule} import com.nulabinc.backlog.migration.common.utils.{ConsoleOut, Logging} import com.nulabinc.backlog.r2b.exporter.conf.ExportConfig import com.nulabinc.backlog.r2b.exporter.modules.RedmineModule import com.nulabinc.backlog.r2b.exporter.service.ProjectExporter import com.nulabinc.backlog.r2b.mapping.core.MappingContainer import com.nulabinc.backlog.r2b.redmine.conf.RedmineApiConfiguration import com.osinka.i18n.Messages object Boot extends Logging { def execute(apiConfig: RedmineApiConfiguration, mappingContainer: MappingContainer, backlogProjectKey: BacklogProjectKey, backlogTextFormattingRule: BacklogTextFormattingRule, exclude: ExcludeOption): PrintStream = { try { val injector = Guice.createInjector(new RedmineModule(apiConfig, mappingContainer, backlogProjectKey, backlogTextFormattingRule, ExportConfig(exclude))) ConsoleOut.println(s""" |${Messages("export.start")} |--------------------------------------------------""".stripMargin) val projectExporter = injector.getInstance(classOf[ProjectExporter]) projectExporter.boot(mappingContainer) ConsoleOut.println(s"""-------------------------------------------------- |${Messages("export.finish")}""".stripMargin) } catch { case e: Throwable => ConsoleOut.error(s"${Messages("cli.error.unknown")}:${e.getMessage}") throw e } } }
Example 114
Source File: ConsoleVideoDisplay.scala From jvm-toxcore-c with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
package import import{ Height, Width } import scala.util.{ Success, Try } final case class ConsoleVideoDisplay(width: Width, height: Height) extends VideoDisplay[Seq[String], PrintStream] { override protected def canvas: Try[PrintStream] = Success(System.out) override protected def displaySent(canvas: PrintStream, frameNumber: Int, senderImage: Seq[String]): Unit = { // Don't display the sent image in text mode. } override protected def displayReceived(canvas: PrintStream, frameNumber: Int, receiverImage: Seq[String]): Unit = { canvas.print("\u001b[H\u001b[2J") receiverImage.foreach(canvas.println) } override protected def parse( y: Array[Byte], u: Array[Byte], v: Array[Byte], yStride: Int, uStride: Int, vStride: Int ): Seq[String] = { val printable = ".-~:;/<>=()ot%!?@&O8SX$#" for (yPos <- 0 until height.value) yield { new String(y.slice(yPos * yStride, yPos * yStride + width.value).map { case b => printable(((b & 0xff) / 255.0 * (printable.length - 1)).toInt) }) } } override def close(): Unit = () }
Example 115
Source File: License.scala From iep-apps with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
import import import java.time.ZonedDateTime import java.time.ZoneOffset import import sbt._ """.stripMargin.trim def findFiles(dir: File): Seq[File] = { (dir ** "*.scala").get ++ (dir ** "*.java").get } def checkLicenseHeaders(log: Logger, srcDir: File): Unit = { val badFiles = findFiles(srcDir).filterNot(checkLicenseHeader) if (badFiles.nonEmpty) { badFiles.foreach { f => log.error(s"bad license header: $f") } sys.error(s"${badFiles.size} files with incorrect header, run formatLicenseHeaders to fix") } else {"all files have correct license header") } } def checkLicenseHeader(file: File): Boolean = { val lines = Source.fromFile(file, "UTF-8").getLines().toList checkLicenseHeader(lines) } def checkLicenseHeader(lines: List[String]): Boolean = { val header = lines.takeWhile(!_.startsWith("package ")).mkString(lineSeparator) header == apache2 } def formatLicenseHeaders(log: Logger, srcDir: File): Unit = { findFiles(srcDir).foreach { f => formatLicenseHeader(log, f) } } def formatLicenseHeader(log: Logger, file: File): Unit = { val lines = Source.fromFile(file, "UTF-8").getLines().toList if (!checkLicenseHeader(lines)) {"fixing license header: $file") writeLines(file, apache2 :: removeExistingHeader(lines)) } } def removeExistingHeader(lines: List[String]): List[String] = { val res = lines.dropWhile(!_.startsWith("package ")) if (res.isEmpty) lines else res } def writeLines(file: File, lines: List[String]): Unit = { val out = new PrintStream(file) try lines.foreach(out.println) finally out.close() } }
Example 116
Source File: SchrodingerException.scala From aloha with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.eharmony.aloha.ex import{PrintWriter, PrintStream} import com.eharmony.aloha.AlohaException override def fillInStackTrace() = this override def getCause() = throw this override def getLocalizedMessage() = throw this override def getMessage() = throw this override def getStackTrace() = throw this override def initCause(cause: Throwable) = throw this override def printStackTrace() = throw this override def printStackTrace(s: PrintStream) = throw this override def printStackTrace(s: PrintWriter) = throw this override def setStackTrace(stackTrace: Array[StackTraceElement]) = throw this override def toString() = throw this def safeToString() = { val m = Option(message) getOrElse "" s"SchrodingerException($m)" } } object SchrodingerException { val Instance = new SchrodingerException }
Example 117
Source File: SchrodingerExceptionTest.scala From aloha with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.eharmony.aloha.ex import org.junit.{Before, Test} import org.junit.Assert._ import{PrintWriter, OutputStreamWriter, ByteArrayOutputStream, PrintStream} class SchrodingerExceptionTest { private[this] var ex: SchrodingerException = _ @Before def before() { ex = new SchrodingerException } @Test def testFillInStackTrace() { assertTrue(new SchrodingerException().fillInStackTrace().isInstanceOf[SchrodingerException]) } @Test(expected = classOf[SchrodingerException]) def testGetMessage() { ex.getMessage() } @Test(expected = classOf[SchrodingerException]) def testGetStackTrace() { ex.getStackTrace() } @Test(expected = classOf[SchrodingerException]) def testGetCause() { ex.getCause() } @Test(expected = classOf[SchrodingerException]) def testSetStackTrace() { ex.setStackTrace(Array.empty) } @Test(expected = classOf[SchrodingerException]) def testGetLocalizedMessage() { ex.getLocalizedMessage() } @Test(expected = classOf[SchrodingerException]) def testPrintStackTraceEmpty() { ex.printStackTrace() } @Test(expected = classOf[SchrodingerException]) def testPrintStackTraceStream() { val baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream() val ps = new PrintStream(baos) ex.printStackTrace(ps) } @Test(expected = classOf[SchrodingerException]) def testPrintStackTraceWriter() { val baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream() val osw = new OutputStreamWriter(baos) val ps = new PrintWriter(osw) ex.printStackTrace(ps) } @Test(expected = classOf[SchrodingerException]) def testInitCause() { ex.initCause(new Throwable) } @Test(expected = classOf[SchrodingerException]) def testToString() { ex.toString() } @Test def testNoThrowForSchrodingerExceptionWithSchrodingerExceptionCause() { new SchrodingerException(new SchrodingerException) } @Test def testNoThrowForSchrodingerExceptionWithExceptionCause() { new SchrodingerException(new Exception) } @Test(expected = classOf[SchrodingerException]) def testThrowForThrowableWithSchrodingerExceptionCause() { new Throwable(ex) } @Test(expected = classOf[SchrodingerException]) def testThrowForExceptionWithSchrodingerExceptionCause() { new Exception(ex) } @Test(expected = classOf[SchrodingerException]) def testThrowForRuntimeExceptionWithSchrodingerExceptionCause() { new RuntimeException(ex) } }
Example 118
Source File: ActionLogging.scala From flamy with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.flaminem.flamy.exec.utils import{File, PrintStream} import com.flaminem.flamy.conf.FlamyGlobalContext import com.flaminem.flamy.exec.utils.Workflow.Status import import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem trait ActionLogging[A <: Action] extends ParallelActionRunner[A]{ private val LOG_PATH: String = "/../logs.csv" private val log: PrintStream = new ConcurrentFilePrintStream(new File(FlamyGlobalContext.getUniqueRunDir + LOG_PATH), FileSystem.get(new Configuration), true) private def log(v: Action, running: Status) { val row = Seq(System.currentTimeMillis, context.getProject, context.getEnvironment, context.dryRun,, running) log.println(row.mkString("\t")) } override protected val workflow = new Workflow[A] with WorkflowLogging trait WorkflowLogging extends Workflow[A] { override def running(v: A) { log(v, Status.RUNNING) super.running(v) } override def successful(v: A) { log(v, Status.SUCCESSFUL) super.successful(v) } override def failed(v: A) { log(v, Status.FAILED) super.failed(v) } } }
Example 119
Source File: DataWeaveCLITest.scala From data-weave-native with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.mule.weave.dwnative.cli import import import import org.scalatest.FreeSpec import org.scalatest.Matchers import class DataWeaveCLITest extends FreeSpec with Matchers { "should work with output application/json" in { val out = System.out try { val stream = new ByteArrayOutputStream() System.setOut(new PrintStream(stream, true)) new DataWeaveCLIRunner().run(Array("output application/json --- (1 to 3)[0]")) val source = Source.fromBytes(stream.toByteArray, "UTF-8") val result = source.mkString result.trim shouldBe "1" } finally { System.setOut(out) println("Finish OK 3") } } "should work with simple script and not output" in { val defaultOut = System.out try { val stream = new ByteArrayOutputStream() System.setOut(new PrintStream(stream, true)) new DataWeaveCLIRunner().run(Array("(1 to 3)[0]")) val source = Source.fromBytes(stream.toByteArray, "UTF-8") val result = source.mkString result.trim shouldBe "1" } finally { System.setOut(defaultOut) } } "should work ok when sending payload from stdin" in { val out = System.out val in = try { val input = """[ | 1, | 2, | 3 |] """.stripMargin.trim val stream = new ByteArrayOutputStream() System.setOut(new PrintStream(stream, true)) System.setIn(new ByteArrayInputStream(input.getBytes("UTF-8"))) new DataWeaveCLIRunner().run(Array("payload[0]")) val source = Source.fromBytes(stream.toByteArray, "UTF-8") val result = source.mkString.trim source.close() result.trim shouldBe "1" } finally { System.setOut(out) System.setIn(in) println("Finish OK 2") } } "should work with light formats" in { val out = System.out val in = try { val input = """[{ | "a" : 1, | "b" : 2, | "c" : 3 |}] """.stripMargin.trim val stream = new ByteArrayOutputStream() System.setOut(new PrintStream(stream, true)) System.setIn(new ByteArrayInputStream(input.getBytes("UTF-8"))) new DataWeaveCLIRunner().run(Array("input payload json output csv header=false ---payload")) val source = Source.fromBytes(stream.toByteArray, "UTF-8") val result = source.mkString.trim source.close() result.trim shouldBe "1,2,3" } finally { System.setOut(out) System.setIn(in) println("Finish OK 2") } } }
Example 120
Source File: MarathonArgs.scala From reactive-cli with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.lightbend.rp.reactivecli.argparse.marathon import com.lightbend.rp.reactivecli.argparse.{ GenerateDeploymentArgs, InputArgs, TargetRuntimeArgs } import com.lightbend.rp.reactivecli.json.JsonTransformExpression import import scala.collection.immutable.Seq object MarathonArgs { object Output { case class MarathonArgs( instances: Int = 1, marathonLbHaproxyGroup: String = "external", marathonLbHaproxyHosts: Seq[String] = Seq.empty, namespace: Option[String] = None, output: MarathonArgs.Output = MarathonArgs.Output.PipeToStream(System.out), registryForcePull: Boolean = false, transformOutput: Option[JsonTransformExpression] = None) extends TargetRuntimeArgs
Example 121
Source File: KubernetesArgs.scala From reactive-cli with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.lightbend.rp.reactivecli.argparse.kubernetes import com.lightbend.rp.reactivecli.argparse.{ GenerateDeploymentArgs, InputArgs, TargetRuntimeArgs } import com.lightbend.rp.reactivecli.json.JsonTransformExpression import com.lightbend.rp.reactivecli.process.kubectl import com.lightbend.rp.reactivecli.runtime.kubernetes.PodTemplate import import scala.concurrent.Future object KubernetesArgs { object Output { case class KubernetesArgs( generateIngress: Boolean = false, generateNamespaces: Boolean = false, generatePodControllers: Boolean = false, generateServices: Boolean = false, transformIngress: Option[JsonTransformExpression] = None, transformNamespaces: Option[JsonTransformExpression] = None, transformPodControllers: Option[JsonTransformExpression] = None, transformServices: Option[JsonTransformExpression] = None, namespace: Option[String] = None, podControllerArgs: PodControllerArgs = PodControllerArgs(), serviceArgs: ServiceArgs = ServiceArgs(), ingressArgs: IngressArgs = IngressArgs(), output: KubernetesArgs.Output = KubernetesArgs.Output.PipeToStream(System.out)) extends TargetRuntimeArgs