Scala Examples
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Example 1
Source File: package.scala From mantis with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
package io.iohk.ethereum import{File, PrintWriter} import{Inet6Address, InetAddress} import import io.iohk.ethereum.crypto._ import org.spongycastle.crypto.AsymmetricCipherKeyPair import org.spongycastle.crypto.params.ECPublicKeyParameters import import org.spongycastle.util.encoders.Hex import package object network { val ProtocolVersion = 4 implicit class ECPublicKeyParametersNodeId(val pubKey: ECPublicKeyParameters) extends AnyVal { def toNodeId: Array[Byte] = pubKey.asInstanceOf[ECPublicKeyParameters].getQ .getEncoded(false) .drop(1) // drop type info } def publicKeyFromNodeId(nodeId: String): ECPoint = { val bytes = ECDSASignature.uncompressedIndicator +: Hex.decode(nodeId) curve.getCurve.decodePoint(bytes) } def loadAsymmetricCipherKeyPair(filePath: String, secureRandom: SecureRandom): AsymmetricCipherKeyPair = { val file = new File(filePath) if(!file.exists()){ val keysValuePair = generateKeyPair(secureRandom) //Write keys to file val (priv, _) = keyPairToByteArrays(keysValuePair) require(file.getParentFile.exists() || file.getParentFile.mkdirs(), "Key's file parent directory creation failed") val writer = new PrintWriter(filePath) try { writer.write(Hex.toHexString(priv)) } finally { writer.close() } keysValuePair } else { val reader = Source.fromFile(filePath) try { val privHex = reader.mkString keyPairFromPrvKey(Hex.decode(privHex)) } finally { reader.close() } } } def getHostName(address: InetAddress): String = { val hostName = address.getHostAddress address match { case _: Inet6Address => s"[$hostName]" case _ => hostName } } }
Example 2
import{File, PrintWriter} import org.apache.spark.mllib.linalg.Vectors import org.apache.spark.mllib.clustering.GaussianMixture import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._ def computeGaussianMixtureModel( pathToTextFile: String, quantity: Int) { case class Point(x: Double, y: Double) def save(f: File)(func: PrintWriter => Unit) { val p = new PrintWriter(f) try { func(p) } finally { p.close() } } val filename = pathToTextFile.split("\\.")(0) val outputFilename = s"$filename-GMM-k${quantity}.tsv" val points = sc .textFile(pathToTextFile) .map { line => line.trim.split("\\s+") } .map { row => Point(row(0).toDouble, row(1).toDouble) } val features = points .map { p => Vectors.dense(p.x, p.y) } features.cache() val gmm = new GaussianMixture() .setK(quantity) .run(features) val predictions = features .map { f => (f(0), f(1), gmm.predict(f) + 1) } .collect save(new File(outputFilename)) { println(s"OUTPUT TO: ${outputFilename}") f => predictions.foreach{ case (x, y, ccid) => f.println(s"${x}\t${y}\t${ccid}") } } }
Example 3
Source File: LoggerSimulation.scala From BigData-News with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.vita.spark.utils import import class LoggerSimulation { } object LoggerSimulation { var numIndex = 0 /** * 生成一个字母 * * @param 字母的下标 * @return 生成的字母 */ def gennerateContent(index: Int): String = { import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer val charList = ListBuffer[Char](); for (i <- 65 to 90) { charList += i.toChar } val charArray = charList.toArray charArray(index).toString(); } def gennerateNumber(): String = { // numIndex += 1 // return numIndex.toString return "a,b,c,d,e,f" } /** * 生成随机下标 * * @return 返回一个下标 */ def index = { import java.util.Random val rdm = new Random() rdm.nextInt(7) } /** * 启动一个main方法来创建一个serversockt发送消息 * * @param args 端口,发送的时间间隔 */ def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { if (args.length != 2) { System.err.println("Usage:<port><millisecond>") System.exit(1); } val listener = new ServerSocket(args(0).toInt) println("已经做好连接的准备-------") while (true) { val socket = listener.accept() new Thread() { override def run(): Unit = { println("Got client connected from:" + socket.getInetAddress) val out = new PrintWriter(socket.getOutputStream, true) while (true) { Thread.sleep(args(1).toLong) // val content = gennerateContent(index) val content = gennerateNumber() println(content) out.write(content + "\n") out.flush() } socket.close() } }.start() } } }
Example 4
Source File: ResourceFileGoldenCodecLaws.scala From circe-golden with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package io.circe.testing.golden import cats.instances.list._, cats.instances.try_._ import cats.syntax.apply._, cats.syntax.traverse._ import io.circe.{ Decoder, Encoder, Printer } import{ File, PrintWriter } import org.scalacheck.{ Arbitrary, Gen } import scala.reflect.runtime.universe.TypeTag import scala.util.{ Failure, Try } import scala.util.matching.Regex abstract class ResourceFileGoldenCodecLaws[A]( name: String, resourceRootDir: File, resourcePackage: List[String], val size: Int, count: Int, override protected val printer: Printer ) extends GoldenCodecLaws[A] with ExampleGeneration[A] { private[this] val resourceRootPath: String = "/" + resourcePackage.mkString("/") + "/" private[this] val resourceDir: File = resourcePackage.foldLeft(resourceRootDir) { case (acc, p) => new File(acc, p) } private[this] val GoldenFilePattern: Regex = "^-(.{44})\\.json$".r private[this] lazy val loadGoldenFiles: Try[List[(A, String)]] = { dirSource => val files = dirSource.getLines.flatMap { case fileName if fileName.startsWith(name) => fileName.drop(name.length) match { case GoldenFilePattern(seed) => Some((seed, fileName)) case _ => None } case _ => None }.toList.traverse[Try, (A, String)] { case (seed, name) => val contents = + name).map { source => val lines = source.getLines.mkString("\n") source.close() lines } (getValueFromBase64Seed(seed), contents).tupled } dirSource.close() // Fail if we don't have either zero golden files or the required number. files.flatMap { values => if (values.size == 0 || values.size == count) files else Failure(new IllegalStateException(s"Expected 0 or $count golden files, got ${values.size}")) } } private[this] def generateGoldenFiles: Try[List[(A, String)]] = generateRandomGoldenExamples(count).traverse { case (seed, value, encoded) => Try { resourceDir.mkdirs() val file = new File(resourceDir, s"$name-${seed.toBase64}.json") val writer = new PrintWriter(file) writer.print(encoded) writer.close() (value, encoded) } } protected lazy val goldenExamples: Try[List[(A, String)]] = loadGoldenFiles.flatMap(fs => if (fs.isEmpty) generateGoldenFiles else loadGoldenFiles) } object ResourceFileGoldenCodecLaws { def apply[A]( name: String, resourceRootDir: File, resourcePackage: List[String], size: Int, count: Int, printer: Printer )(implicit decodeA: Decoder[A], encodeA: Encoder[A], arbitraryA: Arbitrary[A]): GoldenCodecLaws[A] = new ResourceFileGoldenCodecLaws[A](name, resourceRootDir, resourcePackage, size, count, printer) { val decode: Decoder[A] = decodeA val encode: Encoder[A] = encodeA val gen: Gen[A] = arbitraryA.arbitrary } def apply[A]( size: Int = 100, count: Int = 1, printer: Printer = Printer.spaces2 )( implicit decodeA: Decoder[A], encodeA: Encoder[A], arbitraryA: Arbitrary[A], typeTagA: TypeTag[A] ): GoldenCodecLaws[A] = apply[A](Resources.inferName[A], Resources.inferRootDir, Resources.inferPackage[A], size, count, printer) }
Example 5
Source File: ProxyServer.scala From devbox with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package cmdproxy import import import import import import import import scala.util.Using import devbox.logger.FileLogger import os.RelPath import ujson.ParseException import upickle.default.{macroRW, ReadWriter} case class Request(workingDir: String, cmd: Seq[String]) object Request { implicit val rw: ReadWriter[Request] = macroRW } val localDir: Map[os.RelPath, os.Path] = def start(): Unit = {"Starting command proxy server, listening at ${socket.getInetAddress}:${socket.getLocalPort}") (new Thread("Git Proxy Thread") { override def run(): Unit = { while (!socket.isClosed) { Using(socket.accept()) { handleConnection } recover { case e: Exception => logger.error(s"Error handling request ${e.getMessage}") case e: if e.getMessage == "Socket closed" => logger.error(s"Git proxy socket closed") } } } }).start() } def handleConnection(conn: Socket): Unit = try {"Accepting connection from ${conn.getInetAddress}") val in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(conn.getInputStream, ProxyServer.CHARSET_NAME)) val out = new PrintWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(conn.getOutputStream, ProxyServer.CHARSET_NAME))[Request](in.readLine()) match { case Request(dir, args) => val workingDir = localDir .collect{case (remote, local) if RelPath(dir).startsWith(remote) => local / RelPath(dir).relativeTo(remote) } .head // being cautious here and only execute "git" commands if (args.headOption.exists((_ == "git"))) {"Executing `${args.mkString(" ")}` in $workingDir") val proc = os.proc(args).call( workingDir, mergeErrIntoOut = true, stdout = os.ProcessOutput.Readlines(str => out.println(upickle.default.write(Left[String, Int](str))) ), check = false, timeout = 10000 ) out.println(upickle.default.write(Right[String, Int](proc.exitCode))) } else { val msg = s"Not executing non-git commend: `${args.mkString(" ")}`." out.println(upickle.default.write(Right[String, Int](1))) } out.flush() } } catch { case e: ParseException => logger.error(s"Error parsing incoming json request: ${e.getMessage}") } } object ProxyServer { val DEFAULT_PORT = 20280 val CHARSET_NAME = "UTF-8" }
Example 6
Source File: Interpreter.scala From sjsonnet with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package sjsonnet import{PrintWriter, StringWriter} import fastparse.Parsed import sjsonnet.Expr.Params class Interpreter(parseCache: collection.mutable.Map[String, fastparse.Parsed[(Expr, Map[String, Int])]], extVars: Map[String, ujson.Value], tlaVars: Map[String, ujson.Value], wd: Path, importer: (Path, String) => Option[(Path, String)], preserveOrder: Boolean = false) { val evaluator = new Evaluator( parseCache, extVars, wd, importer, preserveOrder ) def interpret(txt: String, path: Path): Either[String, ujson.Value] = { interpret0(txt, path, ujson.Value) } def interpret0[T](txt: String, path: Path, visitor: upickle.core.Visitor[T, T]): Either[String, T] = { for{ res <- parseCache.getOrElseUpdate(txt, fastparse.parse(txt, Parser.document(_))) match{ case f @ Parsed.Failure(l, i, e) => Left("Parse error: " + f.trace().msg) case Parsed.Success(r, index) => Right(r) } (parsed, nameIndices) = res _ = evaluator.loadedFileContents(path) = txt res0 <- try Right( evaluator.visitExpr(parsed)( Std.scope(nameIndices.size + 1), new FileScope(path, nameIndices) ) ) catch{case e: Throwable => val s = new StringWriter() val p = new PrintWriter(s) e.printStackTrace(p) p.close() Left(s.toString.replace("\t", " ")) } res = res0 match{ case f: Val.Func => f.copy(params = Params({ case (k, default, i) => (k, tlaVars.get(k) match{ case None => default case Some(v) => Some(Materializer.toExpr(v)) }, i) })) case x => x } json <- try Right(Materializer.apply0(res, visitor)(evaluator)) catch{ case Error.Delegate(msg) => Left(msg) case e: Throwable => val s = new StringWriter() val p = new PrintWriter(s) e.printStackTrace(p) p.close() Left(s.toString.replace("\t", " ")) } } yield json } }
Example 7
Source File: SynthBenchmark.scala From drizzle-spark with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
// scalastyle:off println package org.apache.spark.examples.graphx import{FileOutputStream, PrintWriter} import org.apache.spark.{SparkConf, SparkContext} import org.apache.spark.graphx.{GraphXUtils, PartitionStrategy} import org.apache.spark.graphx.util.GraphGenerators def main(args: Array[String]) { val options = { arg => arg.dropWhile(_ == '-').split('=') match { case Array(opt, v) => (opt -> v) case _ => throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid argument: " + arg) } } var app = "pagerank" var niter = 10 var numVertices = 100000 var numEPart: Option[Int] = None var partitionStrategy: Option[PartitionStrategy] = None var mu: Double = 4.0 var sigma: Double = 1.3 var degFile: String = "" var seed: Int = -1 options.foreach { case ("app", v) => app = v case ("niters", v) => niter = v.toInt case ("nverts", v) => numVertices = v.toInt case ("numEPart", v) => numEPart = Some(v.toInt) case ("partStrategy", v) => partitionStrategy = Some(PartitionStrategy.fromString(v)) case ("mu", v) => mu = v.toDouble case ("sigma", v) => sigma = v.toDouble case ("degFile", v) => degFile = v case ("seed", v) => seed = v.toInt case (opt, _) => throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid option: " + opt) } val conf = new SparkConf() .setAppName(s"GraphX Synth Benchmark (nverts = $numVertices, app = $app)") GraphXUtils.registerKryoClasses(conf) val sc = new SparkContext(conf) // Create the graph println(s"Creating graph...") val unpartitionedGraph = GraphGenerators.logNormalGraph(sc, numVertices, numEPart.getOrElse(sc.defaultParallelism), mu, sigma, seed) // Repartition the graph val graph = partitionStrategy.foldLeft(unpartitionedGraph)(_.partitionBy(_)).cache() var startTime = System.currentTimeMillis() val numEdges = graph.edges.count() println(s"Done creating graph. Num Vertices = $numVertices, Num Edges = $numEdges") val loadTime = System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime // Collect the degree distribution (if desired) if (!degFile.isEmpty) { val fos = new FileOutputStream(degFile) val pos = new PrintWriter(fos) val hist = graph.vertices.leftJoin(graph.degrees)((id, _, optDeg) => optDeg.getOrElse(0)) .map(p => p._2).countByValue() hist.foreach { case (deg, count) => pos.println(s"$deg \t $count") } } // Run PageRank startTime = System.currentTimeMillis() if (app == "pagerank") { println("Running PageRank") val totalPR = graph.staticPageRank(niter) println(s"Total PageRank = $totalPR") } else if (app == "cc") { println("Running Connected Components") val numComponents = println(s"Number of components = $numComponents") } val runTime = System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime println(s"Num Vertices = $numVertices") println(s"Num Edges = $numEdges") println(s"Creation time = ${loadTime/1000.0} seconds") println(s"Run time = ${runTime/1000.0} seconds") sc.stop() } } // scalastyle:on println
Example 8
Source File: PageViewGenerator.scala From drizzle-spark with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
// scalastyle:off println package org.apache.spark.examples.streaming.clickstream import import import java.util.Random // scalastyle:on object PageViewGenerator { val pages = Map("" -> .7, "" -> 0.2, "" -> .1) val httpStatus = Map(200 -> .95, 404 -> .05) val userZipCode = Map(94709 -> .5, 94117 -> .5) val userID = Map((1 to 100).map(_ -> .01): _*) def pickFromDistribution[T](inputMap: Map[T, Double]): T = { val rand = new Random().nextDouble() var total = 0.0 for ((item, prob) <- inputMap) { total = total + prob if (total > rand) { return item } } inputMap.take(1).head._1 // Shouldn't get here if probabilities add up to 1.0 } def getNextClickEvent(): String = { val id = pickFromDistribution(userID) val page = pickFromDistribution(pages) val status = pickFromDistribution(httpStatus) val zipCode = pickFromDistribution(userZipCode) new PageView(page, status, zipCode, id).toString() } def main(args: Array[String]) { if (args.length != 2) { System.err.println("Usage: PageViewGenerator <port> <viewsPerSecond>") System.exit(1) } val port = args(0).toInt val viewsPerSecond = args(1).toFloat val sleepDelayMs = (1000.0 / viewsPerSecond).toInt val listener = new ServerSocket(port) println("Listening on port: " + port) while (true) { val socket = listener.accept() new Thread() { override def run(): Unit = { println("Got client connected from: " + socket.getInetAddress) val out = new PrintWriter(socket.getOutputStream(), true) while (true) { Thread.sleep(sleepDelayMs) out.write(getNextClickEvent()) out.flush() } socket.close() } }.start() } } } // scalastyle:on println
Example 9
Source File: PythonBroadcastSuite.scala From drizzle-spark with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.api.python import{File, PrintWriter} import import org.scalatest.Matchers import org.apache.spark.{SharedSparkContext, SparkConf, SparkFunSuite} import org.apache.spark.serializer.KryoSerializer import org.apache.spark.util.Utils // This test suite uses SharedSparkContext because we need a SparkEnv in order to deserialize // a PythonBroadcast: class PythonBroadcastSuite extends SparkFunSuite with Matchers with SharedSparkContext { test("PythonBroadcast can be serialized with Kryo (SPARK-4882)") { val tempDir = Utils.createTempDir() val broadcastedString = "Hello, world!" def assertBroadcastIsValid(broadcast: PythonBroadcast): Unit = { val source = Source.fromFile(broadcast.path) val contents = source.mkString source.close() contents should be (broadcastedString) } try { val broadcastDataFile: File = { val file = new File(tempDir, "broadcastData") val printWriter = new PrintWriter(file) printWriter.write(broadcastedString) printWriter.close() file } val broadcast = new PythonBroadcast(broadcastDataFile.getAbsolutePath) assertBroadcastIsValid(broadcast) val conf = new SparkConf().set("spark.kryo.registrationRequired", "true") val deserializedBroadcast = Utils.clone[PythonBroadcast](broadcast, new KryoSerializer(conf).newInstance()) assertBroadcastIsValid(deserializedBroadcast) } finally { Utils.deleteRecursively(tempDir) } } }
Example 10
Source File: SentenceTokenizerSpec.scala From BigDL with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import import import{Engine, SparkContextLifeCycle} import org.apache.spark.{SparkConf, SparkContext} import org.scalatest.{FlatSpec, Matchers} import class SentenceTokenizerSpec extends SparkContextLifeCycle with Matchers { override def appName: String = "DocumentTokenizer" "SentenceTokenizerSpec" should "tokenizes articles correctly on Spark" in { val tmpFile = .createTempFile("UnitTest", "DocumentTokenizerSpec").getPath val sentence1 = "Enter Barnardo and Francisco, two sentinels." val sentence2 = "Who’s there?" val sentence3 = "I think I hear them. Stand ho! Who is there?" val sentence4 = "The Dr. lives in a blue-painted box." val sentences = Array(sentence1, sentence2, sentence3, sentence4) new PrintWriter(tmpFile) { write(sentences.mkString("\n")); close } val sents = DataSet.rdd(sc.textFile(tmpFile) .filter(!_.isEmpty)).transform(SentenceSplitter()) .toDistributed().data(train = false).flatMap(item => item.iterator).collect() .asInstanceOf[Array[String]] val tokens = DataSet.rdd(sc.parallelize(sents)) .transform(SentenceTokenizer()) val output = tokens.toDistributed().data(train = false).collect() var count = 0 println("tokenized sentences:") output.foreach(x => { count += x.length println(x.mkString(" ")) }) val numOfSents = 6 val numOfWords = 33 output.length should be (numOfSents) count should be (numOfWords) } "SentenceTokenizerSpec" should "tokenizes articles correctly on local" in { val tmpFile = .createTempFile("UnitTest", "DocumentTokenizerSpec").getPath val sentence1 = "Enter Barnardo and Francisco, two sentinels." val sentence2 = "Who’s there?" val sentence3 = "I think I hear them. Stand ho! Who is there?" val sentence4 = "The Dr. lives in a blue-painted box." val sentences = Array(sentence1, sentence2, sentence3, sentence4) new PrintWriter(tmpFile) { write(sentences.mkString("\n")); close } val sentenceSplitter = SentenceSplitter() val sentenceTokenizer = SentenceTokenizer() val logData = Source.fromFile(tmpFile).getLines().toArray val sents = DataSet.array(logData .filter(!_.isEmpty)).transform(sentenceSplitter) .toLocal().data(train = false).flatMap(item => item.iterator) val tokens = DataSet.array(sents.toArray) .transform(sentenceTokenizer) val output = tokens.toLocal().data(train = false).toArray sentenceSplitter.close() sentenceTokenizer.close() var count_word = 0 println("tokenized sentences:") output.foreach(x => { count_word += x.length println(x.mkString(" ")) }) val numOfSents = 6 val numOfWords = 33 output.length should be (numOfSents) count_word should be (numOfWords) } }
Example 11
Source File: TextToLabeledSentenceSpec.scala From BigDL with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import import import{Engine, SparkContextLifeCycle} import org.apache.spark.SparkContext import org.scalatest.{BeforeAndAfter, FlatSpec, Matchers} import class TextToLabeledSentenceSpec extends SparkContextLifeCycle with Matchers { override def nodeNumber: Int = 1 override def coreNumber: Int = 1 override def appName: String = "TextToLabeledSentence" "TextToLabeledSentenceSpec" should "indexes sentences correctly on Spark" in { val tmpFile = .createTempFile("UnitTest", "DocumentTokenizerSpec").getPath val sentence1 = "Enter Barnardo and Francisco, two sentinels." val sentence2 = "Who’s there?" val sentence3 = "I think I hear them. Stand ho! Who is there?" val sentence4 = "The Dr. lives in a blue-painted box." val sentences = Array(sentence1, sentence2, sentence3, sentence4) new PrintWriter(tmpFile) { write(sentences.mkString("\n")); close } val tokens = DataSet.rdd(sc.textFile(tmpFile) .filter(!_.isEmpty)) .transform(SentenceTokenizer()) val output = tokens.toDistributed().data(train = false) val dictionary = Dictionary(output, 100) val textToLabeledSentence = TextToLabeledSentence[Float](dictionary) val labeledSentences = tokens.transform(textToLabeledSentence) .toDistributed().data(false).collect() labeledSentences.foreach(x => { println("input = " +",")) println("target = " + x.label().mkString(",")) var i = 1 while (i < x.dataLength()) { x.getData(i) should be (x.getLabel(i - 1)) i += 1 } }) } "TextToLabeledSentenceSpec" should "indexes sentences correctly on Local" in { val tmpFile = .createTempFile("UnitTest", "DocumentTokenizerSpec").getPath val sentence1 = "Enter Barnardo and Francisco, two sentinels." val sentence2 = "Who’s there?" val sentence3 = "I think I hear them. Stand ho! Who is there?" val sentence4 = "The Dr. lives in a blue-painted box." val sentences = Array(sentence1, sentence2, sentence3, sentence4) new PrintWriter(tmpFile) { write(sentences.mkString("\n")); close } val logData = Source.fromFile(tmpFile).getLines().toArray val tokens = DataSet.array(logData .filter(!_.isEmpty)) .transform(SentenceTokenizer()) val output = tokens.toLocal().data(train = false) val dictionary = Dictionary(output, 100) val textToLabeledSentence = TextToLabeledSentence[Float](dictionary) val labeledSentences = tokens.transform(textToLabeledSentence) .toLocal().data(false) labeledSentences.foreach(x => { println("input = " +",")) println("target = " + x.label().mkString(",")) var i = 1 while (i < x.dataLength()) { x.getData(i) should be (x.getLabel(i - 1)) i += 1 } }) } }
Example 12
Source File: DictionarySpec.scala From BigDL with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import import import import import org.apache.spark.{SparkConf, SparkContext} import org.scalatest.{BeforeAndAfter, FlatSpec, Matchers} import class DictionarySpec extends SparkContextLifeCycle with Matchers { override def nodeNumber: Int = 1 override def coreNumber: Int = 1 override def appName: String = "DictionarySpec" "DictionarySpec" should "creates dictionary correctly on Spark" in { val tmpFile = .createTempFile("UnitTest", "DictionarySpec").getPath val sentence1 = "Enter Barnardo and Francisco, two sentinels." val sentence2 = "Who’s there?" val sentence3 = "I think I hear them. Stand ho! Who is there?" val sentences = Array(sentence1, sentence2, sentence3) new PrintWriter(tmpFile, "UTF-8") { write(sentences.mkString("\n")); close } val tokens = DataSet.rdd(sc.textFile(tmpFile) .filter(!_.isEmpty)).transform(SentenceTokenizer()) val output = tokens.toDistributed().data(train = false) val numOfWords = 21 val dictionary = Dictionary(output, 100) dictionary.getVocabSize() should be (numOfWords) dictionary.getDiscardSize() should be (0) dictionary.print() dictionary.printDiscard() dictionary.getVocabSize() should be (numOfWords) sc.stop() } "DictionarySpec" should "creates dictionary correctly on local" in { val tmpFile = .createTempFile("UnitTest", "DictionarySpec").getPath val sentence1 = "Enter Barnardo and Francisco, two sentinels." val sentence2 = "Who’s there?" val sentence3 = "I think I hear them. Stand ho! Who is there?" val sentences = Array(sentence1, sentence2, sentence3) new PrintWriter(tmpFile, "UTF-8") { write(sentences.mkString("\n")); close } val logData = Source.fromFile(tmpFile, "UTF-8").getLines().toArray val tokens = DataSet.array(logData .filter(!_.isEmpty)).transform(SentenceTokenizer()) val output = tokens.toLocal().data(train = false) val numOfWords = 21 val dictionary = Dictionary(output, 100) dictionary.getVocabSize() should be (numOfWords) dictionary.getDiscardSize() should be (0) dictionary.print() dictionary.printDiscard() dictionary.getVocabSize() should be (numOfWords) } }
Example 13
Source File: SentenceBiPaddingSpec.scala From BigDL with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import import import import{Engine, SparkContextLifeCycle} import org.apache.spark.SparkContext import org.scalatest.{BeforeAndAfter, FlatSpec, Matchers} import class SentenceBiPaddingSpec extends SparkContextLifeCycle with Matchers { override def nodeNumber: Int = 1 override def coreNumber: Int = 1 override def appName: String = "DocumentTokenizer" "SentenceBiPaddingSpec" should "pads articles correctly on Spark" in { val tmpFile = .createTempFile("UnitTest", "DocumentTokenizerSpec").getPath val sentence1 = "Enter Barnardo and Francisco, two sentinels." val sentence2 = "Who’s there?" val sentence3 = "I think I hear them. Stand ho! Who is there?" val sentence4 = "The Dr. lives in a blue-painted box." val sentences = Array(sentence1, sentence2, sentence3, sentence4) new PrintWriter(tmpFile) { write(sentences.mkString("\n")); close } val sents = DataSet.rdd(sc.textFile(tmpFile) .filter(!_.isEmpty)).transform(SentenceSplitter()) .toDistributed().data(train = false).flatMap(item => item.iterator).collect() .asInstanceOf[Array[String]] val tokens = DataSet.rdd(sc.parallelize(sents)) .transform(SentenceBiPadding()) val output = tokens.toDistributed().data(train = false).collect() var count = 0 println("padding sentences:") output.foreach(x => { count += x.length println(x) val words = x.split(" ") val startToken = words(0) val endToken = words(words.length - 1) startToken should be (SentenceToken.start) endToken should be (SentenceToken.end) }) sc.stop() } "SentenceBiPaddingSpec" should "pads articles correctly on local" in { val tmpFile = .createTempFile("UnitTest", "DocumentTokenizerSpec").getPath val sentence1 = "Enter Barnardo and Francisco, two sentinels." val sentence2 = "Who’s there?" val sentence3 = "I think I hear them. Stand ho! Who is there?" val sentence4 = "The Dr. lives in a blue-painted box." val sentences = Array(sentence1, sentence2, sentence3, sentence4) new PrintWriter(tmpFile) { write(sentences.mkString("\n")); close } val logData = Source.fromFile(tmpFile).getLines().toArray val sents = DataSet.array(logData .filter(!_.isEmpty)).transform(SentenceSplitter()) .toLocal().data(train = false).flatMap(item => item.iterator) val tokens = DataSet.array(sents.toArray) .transform(SentenceBiPadding()) val output = tokens.toLocal().data(train = false).toArray var count_word = 0 println("padding sentences:") output.foreach(x => { count_word += x.length println(x) val words = x.split(" ") val startToken = words(0) val endToken = words(words.length - 1) startToken should be (SentenceToken.start) endToken should be (SentenceToken.end) }) } }
Example 14
Source File: GenerateFile.scala From streams-tests with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.softwaremill.streams.util import import scala.util.Random object GenerateFile extends App { val sizeMB = 500 // val file = TestFiles.testFile(sizeMB) val r = new Random() def oneKB = List.fill(1023)(r.nextPrintableChar()).mkString + "\n" file.createNewFile() val pw = new PrintWriter(file) for (i <- 1 to sizeMB) { for (j <- 1 to 1024) { pw.print(oneKB) } } pw.close() }
Example 15
Source File: SolidityPlugin.scala From mantis with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
import import sbt.TaskKey import sbt._ import Keys._ object SolidityPlugin extends AutoPlugin { object autoImport { lazy val solidityCompile = TaskKey[Unit]("solidityCompile", "Compiles solidity contracts") } import autoImport._ override def projectSettings: Seq[Def.Setting[_]] = Seq( solidityCompile := { import sys.process._ val contractsDir = baseDirectory.value / "src" / "evmTest" / "resources" / "solidity" val outDir = baseDirectory.value / "target" / "contracts" (contractsDir ** "*.sol").get.foreach { f => Seq("solc", f.getPath, "--bin", "--overwrite", "-o", outDir.getPath).!! // this is a temporary workaround, see: val abiOut = Seq("solc", f.getPath, "--abi").!! val abisLines = abiOut.split("\n").sliding(4, 4) abisLines.foreach { abiLines => val contractName = abiLines(1) .replace(f.getPath, "") .dropWhile(_ != ':').drop(1) .takeWhile(_ != ' ') new PrintWriter(outDir / s"$contractName.abi") { write(abiLines.drop(3).mkString); close() } } } } ) }
Example 16
Source File: WikiETL.scala From CarbonDataLearning with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
package org.github.xubo245.carbonDataLearning.etl import{File, PrintWriter} import java.text.SimpleDateFormat import java.util.Date import import scala.util.Random object WikiETL { def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { val directory = "/root/xubo/data" val files = new File(directory) val out = new PrintWriter("/root/xubo/data/pageviews-20150505time") var flag:Int = 10000000; var typeMap= Map (("b","wikibooks") ,("d","wiktionary") ,("m","wikimedia") ,("mw","wikipedia mobile") ,("n","wikinews") ,("q","wikiquote") ,("s","wikisource") ,("v","wikiversity") ,("w","mediawiki")) for (file <- files.listFiles().sorted.filter(_.getCanonicalFile.getName.contains("pageviews-20150505-"))) { val filePath = file.getCanonicalPath println(filePath) // val out = new PrintWriter(filePath + "WithTime") val reader = Source.fromFile(filePath) val fileName = file.getCanonicalFile.getName val delimiter = "\t" for (line <- reader.getLines()) { val stringBuffer = new StringBuffer() val random = new Random() val id = flag+random.nextInt(1000000) stringBuffer .append(id).append(delimiter) .append(fileName.substring(10, 14)).append(delimiter) .append(fileName.substring(14, 16)).append(delimiter) .append(fileName.substring(16, 18)).append(delimiter) .append(fileName.substring(19, 21)).append(delimiter) val array=line.mkString.split("\\s+") if (array.length == 4 && array(2).matches("[0-9]*") && !array(1).contains("\"")) { val domain = array(0).split('.') stringBuffer.append(domain(0)).append(delimiter) if (domain.length > 1) { var value: String = typeMap.getOrElse(domain(1), "wiki") stringBuffer.append(value).append(delimiter) } else { stringBuffer.append("wiki").append(delimiter) } val time = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMddHHmmssSSS").format(new Date()); val tid= id*10+random.nextInt(5) stringBuffer.append(array(1).replace('_',' ')).append(delimiter) .append(tid).append(delimiter) .append(array(2)).append(delimiter) .append(random.nextInt(100000)).append(delimiter) .append(time) // for (i <- 0 until array.length-1){ // stringBuffer.append(array(i)).append(delimiter) // } // stringBuffer.append(array(array.length-1)) // if (array.length == 4 && array(2).matches("[0-9]*")) { // id = id + 1 out.println(stringBuffer.toString) } } } out.close() } }
Example 17
Source File: BooleanFile.scala From CarbonDataLearning with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
package org.github.xubo245.carbonDataLearning.booleanDataType import{File, PrintWriter} import scala.util.Random object BooleanFile { val randomNumber = 10000 def createBooleanFileRandom(path: String, totalLines: Int, rate: Double): Boolean = { try { val write = new PrintWriter(path) var d: Double = 0.0 val random = new Random() for (i <- 0 until totalLines) { val eachNum = random.nextInt(randomNumber) var flag: Boolean = true if (eachNum >= randomNumber * rate) { flag = false } write.println(flag) d = d + 1 } write.close() } catch { case _: Exception => assert(false) } return true } def createBooleanFileWithOtherDataType(path: String, trueLines: Int): Boolean = { try { val write = new PrintWriter(path) var d: Double = 0.0 for (i <- 0 until trueLines) { write.println(i + "," + true + ",num" + i + "," + d + "," + false) d = d + 1 } for (i <- 0 until trueLines / 10) { write.println((trueLines + i) + "," + false + ",num" + (trueLines + i) + "," + d + "," + true) d = d + 1 } write.close() } catch { case _: Exception => assert(false) } return true } def deleteFile(path: String): Boolean = { try { val file = new File(path) file.delete() } catch { case _: Exception => assert(false) } return true } def createOnlyBooleanFile(path: String, num: Int): Boolean = { try { val write = new PrintWriter(path) for (i <- 0 until num) { write.println(true) } for (i <- 0 until num / 10) { write.println(false) } write.close() } catch { case _: Exception => assert(false) } return true } }
Example 18
Source File: SerializedException.scala From ArchiveSpark with MIT License | 5 votes |
package org.archive.archivespark.util import{PrintWriter, StringWriter} case class SerializedException (exception: String, message: String, stackTrace: String) { def print(): Unit = { println(exception + ": " + message) println(stackTrace) } } object SerializedException { def apply(ex: Exception): SerializedException = { val stackTrace = new StringWriter() ex.printStackTrace(new PrintWriter(stackTrace)) new SerializedException(ex.getClass.getCanonicalName, ex.getMessage, stackTrace.toString) } }
Example 19
Source File: Request.scala From matcher with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.wavesplatform.dex.load.request import import import com.wavesplatform.dex.load.request.RequestTag.RequestTag import com.wavesplatform.dex.load.request.RequestType.RequestType import com.wavesplatform.dex.load.utils.{mkJson, settings} import com.wavesplatform.wavesj.ApiJson case class Request(httpType: RequestType, path: String, tag: RequestTag, jsonBody: ApiJson = null, headers: Map[String, String] = Map.empty, stringBody: String = "") { val defaultHeaders = Map( HttpHeaders.ACCEPT -> "application/json", HttpHeaders.CONNECTION -> "close", HttpHeaders.CONTENT_TYPE -> "application/json", HttpHeaders.HOST -> settings.hosts.shooted ) def mkGet(path: String, tag: RequestTag, additionalHeaders: Map[String, String] = Map.empty) = { val request = s"${RequestType.GET} $path HTTP/1.1\r\n${(defaultHeaders ++ additionalHeaders).map { case (k, v) => s"$k: $v" }.mkString("\r\n")}\r\n\r\n" s"${request.length} $tag\r\n$request\r\n" } def mkPost(obj: ApiJson, path: String, tag: RequestTag, stringBody: String = ""): String = { val body = if (stringBody.isEmpty) mkJson(obj).replace("\"matcherFeeAssetId\":\"WAVES\",", "") else stringBody val headers = defaultHeaders ++ Map( HttpHeaders.CONTENT_LENGTH -> body.length.toString, "X-API-Key" -> settings.dexRestApiKey ) val request = s"${RequestType.POST} $path HTTP/1.1\r\n${ { case (k, v) => s"$k: $v" }.mkString("\r\n")}\r\n\r\n$body" s"${request.length} $tag\r\n$request\r\n" } def save(pw: PrintWriter): Unit = { pw.println(httpType match { case RequestType.POST => mkPost(jsonBody, path, tag, stringBody) case RequestType.GET => mkGet(path, tag, headers) }) } }
Example 20
Source File: RequestDeleter.scala From matcher with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.wavesplatform.dex.load import{File, PrintWriter} import java.nio.file.Files import object RequestDeleter { def delRequests(file: File, deletedCount: Int): Unit = { if (Files.exists(file.toPath)) { val source = Source.fromFile(file) val outputFile = s"requests-after-drop-${System.currentTimeMillis}.txt" val output = new PrintWriter(outputFile, "utf-8") var i = 0 var j = 0 var r = 0 try { source .getLines() .map(line => { if (r < deletedCount) i = i + 1 if (line.isEmpty || line.indexOf("{") == 0) { j = j + 1 if (j % 3 == 0) { j = 0 r = r + 1 } } line }) .drop(i) .foreach(line => output.print(s"$line\r\n")) println(s"$deletedCount of $r requests have been dropped from ${file.getAbsolutePath}, and saved to $outputFile") } finally output.close() } } }
Example 21
Source File: GatlingFeeder.scala From matcher with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.wavesplatform.dex.load import{File, PrintWriter} import import import import java.util.Base64 import import com.wavesplatform.dex.auth.JwtUtils import com.wavesplatform.dex.domain.account.{AddressScheme, PrivateKey, PublicKey} import com.wavesplatform.dex.domain.bytes.ByteStr import com.wavesplatform.wavesj.PrivateKeyAccount import play.api.libs.json.Json import scala.concurrent.duration._ import import scala.util.Random object GatlingFeeder { def authServiceKeyPair(rawPrivateKey: String): security.PrivateKey = { val privateKeyContent = rawPrivateKey .replace("-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----", "") .replace("-----END PRIVATE KEY-----", "") .replaceAll("\\n", "") val kf = KeyFactory.getInstance("RSA") val ksPkcs8 = new PKCS8EncodedKeySpec(Base64.getDecoder.decode(privateKeyContent)) val privateKey = kf.generatePrivate(ksPkcs8) privateKey } private def mkJwtSignedPayload(a: PrivateKeyAccount): JwtPayload = { val exp = System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000 + 24.hour.toSeconds JwtPayload( signature = ByteStr(Array.emptyByteArray), publicKey = PublicKey(a.getPublicKey), networkByte = AddressScheme.current.chainId.toChar.toString, clientId = "test", firstTokenExpirationInSeconds = exp, activeTokenExpirationInSeconds = exp, scope = List("general") ).signed(PrivateKey(a.getPrivateKey)) } private def mkAusString(accountPrivateKey: PrivateKeyAccount, authKp: security.PrivateKey): String = { s"""{"T":"aus","S":"${accountPrivateKey.getAddress}","t":"jwt","j":"${JwtUtils.mkJwt(authKp, Json.toJsObject(mkJwtSignedPayload(accountPrivateKey)))}"}""" } private def mkObsStrings(pairsFile: File, numberPerClient: Int): String = { val source = Source.fromFile(pairsFile) try { val pairs = Random.shuffle(source.getLines.toVector) require(numberPerClient <= pairs.size, "numberPerClient > available asset pairs in file") pairs.take(numberPerClient).map(x => s"""{"T":"obs","S":"$x","d":100}""").mkString(";") } finally source.close() } def mkFile(accountsNumber: Int, seedPrefix: String, authKp: security.PrivateKey, pairsFile: File, orderBookNumberPerAccount: Int, feederFile: File): Unit = { val output = new PrintWriter(feederFile, "utf-8") try { (0 until accountsNumber).foreach { i => val pk = PrivateKeyAccount.fromSeed(s"$seedPrefix$i", 0, AddressScheme.current.chainId) output.println(s"""${pk.getAddress};${mkAusString(pk, authKp)};${mkObsStrings(pairsFile, orderBookNumberPerAccount)}""") } } finally output.close() println(s"Results have been saved to $feederFile") } }
Example 22
Source File: Main.scala From jardiff with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import{ByteArrayOutputStream, File, PrintWriter} import java.nio.file._ import org.apache.commons.cli import org.apache.commons.cli.{CommandLine, DefaultParser, HelpFormatter, Options} import import scala.collection.JavaConverters.collectionAsScalaIterableConverter import scala.util.Try import scala.util.control.NonFatal object Main { def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { run(args) match { case ShowUsage(msg) => System.err.println(msg); sys.exit(-1) case Error(err) => err.printStackTrace(System.err); sys.exit(-1) case Success(diffFound) => sys.exit(if (diffFound) 1 else 0) } } private object Opts { val Help = new cli.Option("h", "help", false, "Display this message") val Git = new cli.Option("g", "git", true, "Directory to output a git repository containing the diff") Git.setArgName("dir") val NoCode = new cli.Option("c", "suppress-code", false, "Suppress method bodies") val Raw = new cli.Option("r", "raw", false, "Disable sorting and filtering of classfile contents") val NoPrivates = new cli.Option("p", "suppress-privates", false, "Display only non-private members") val ContextLines = new cli.Option("U", "unified", true, "Number of context lines in diff") val Quiet = new cli.Option("q", "quiet", false, "Don't output diffs to standard out") val Ignore = new cli.Option("i", "ignore", true, "File pattern to ignore rendered files in gitignore format") Ignore.setArgs(cli.Option.UNLIMITED_VALUES) ContextLines.setArgName("n") def apply(): Options = { new cli.Options().addOption(Help).addOption(Git).addOption(ContextLines).addOption(NoCode).addOption(Raw).addOption(NoPrivates).addOption(Quiet).addOption(Ignore) } } private implicit class RichCommandLine(val self: CommandLine) { def has(o: cli.Option): Boolean = self.hasOption(o.getOpt) def get(o: cli.Option): String = self.getOptionValue(o.getOpt) def getOptInt(o: cli.Option): Option[Int] = Option(self.getOptionValue(o.getOpt)).map(x => Try(x.toInt).getOrElse(throw new cli.ParseException("--" + o.getLongOpt + " requires an integer"))) } private def helpText: String = { val formatter = new HelpFormatter val baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream() val writer = new PrintWriter(baos) try { val footer = s" VERSION1 [VERSION2 ...]\n\nEach VERSION may designate a single file, a directory, JAR file or a `${File.pathSeparator}`-delimited classpath\n\n" formatter.printHelp(writer, 80, "jardiff", footer, Opts(), HelpFormatter.DEFAULT_LEFT_PAD, HelpFormatter.DEFAULT_DESC_PAD, "", true) writer.flush() baos.toString().replaceFirst("\\n", "") } finally { writer.close() } } def run(args: Array[String]): RunResult = { val parser = new DefaultParser try { val line = parser.parse(Opts(), args) val trailingArgs = line.getArgList if (line.has(Opts.Help)) { ShowUsage(helpText) } else { val gitRepo = if (line.has(Opts.Git)) Some(Paths.get(line.get(Opts.Git))) else None val diffOutputStream = if (line.has(Opts.Quiet)) NullOutputStream.INSTANCE else System.out val config = JarDiff.Config(gitRepo, !line.has(Opts.NoCode), line.has(Opts.Raw), !line.has(Opts.NoPrivates), line.getOptInt(Opts.ContextLines), diffOutputStream, Option(line.getOptionValues(Opts.Ignore.getOpt)).toList.flatten ) val paths = paths match { case Nil => ShowUsage(helpText) case _ => val jarDiff = JarDiff(paths, config) val diffFound = jarDiff.diff() Success(diffFound) } } } catch { case exp: cli.ParseException => ShowUsage(helpText) case NonFatal(t) => Error(t) } } } sealed abstract class RunResult case class ShowUsage(msg: String) extends RunResult case class Error(err: Throwable) extends RunResult case class Success(diffFound: Boolean) extends RunResult
Example 23
Source File: AsmTextifyRenderer.scala From jardiff with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import import java.nio.file.{Files, Path} import scala.collection.JavaConverters._ import org.objectweb.asm.{ClassReader, Opcodes} import org.objectweb.asm.tree.{ClassNode, FieldNode, InnerClassNode, MethodNode} import org.objectweb.asm.util.TraceClassVisitor class AsmTextifyRenderer(code: Boolean, raw: Boolean, privates: Boolean) extends FileRenderer { def outFileExtension: String = ".asm" override def render(in: Path, out: Path): Unit = { val classBytes = Files.readAllBytes(in) val rawNode = classFromBytes(classBytes) val node = if (raw) rawNode else zapScalaClassAttrs(sortClassMembers(rawNode)) if (!code) node.methods.forEach(_.instructions.clear()) if (!privates) { node.methods.removeIf((m: MethodNode) => isPrivate(m.access)) node.fields.removeIf((m: FieldNode) => isPrivate(m.access)) node.innerClasses.removeIf((m: InnerClassNode) => isPrivate(m.access)) } Files.createDirectories(out.getParent) val pw = new PrintWriter(Files.newBufferedWriter(out)) try { val trace = new TraceClassVisitor(pw) node.accept(trace) } finally { pw.close() } } private def isPrivate(access: Int): Boolean = { (access & Opcodes.ACC_PRIVATE) != 0 } def sortClassMembers(node: ClassNode): node.type = { node.fields.sort( compareTo node.methods.sort( compareTo node } private def isScalaSigAnnot(desc: String) = List("Lscala/reflect/ScalaSignature", "Lscala/reflect/ScalaLongSignature").exists(desc.contains) // drop ScalaSig annotation and class attributes private def zapScalaClassAttrs(node: ClassNode): node.type = { if (node.visibleAnnotations != null) node.visibleAnnotations = node.visibleAnnotations.asScala.filterNot(a => a == null || isScalaSigAnnot(a.desc)).asJava node.attrs = null node } private def classFromBytes(bytes: Array[Byte]): ClassNode = { val node = new ClassNode() new ClassReader(bytes).accept(node, if (raw) 0 else ClassReader.SKIP_DEBUG | ClassReader.SKIP_FRAMES) node } }
Example 24
Source File: GetUrlTest.scala From piflow with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License | 5 votes |
package cn.piflow.bundle.http import{BufferedReader, InputStreamReader, PrintWriter} import{HttpURLConnection, InetAddress, URL, URLConnection} import cn.piflow.Runner import cn.piflow.conf.bean.FlowBean import cn.piflow.conf.util.{FileUtil, OptionUtil} import cn.piflow.util.{PropertyUtil, ServerIpUtil} import org.apache.http.client.methods.{CloseableHttpResponse, HttpGet} import org.apache.http.impl.client.HttpClients import org.apache.http.util.EntityUtils import org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession import import org.junit.Test import scala.util.parsing.json.JSON class GetUrlTest { @Test def testFlow(): Unit ={ //parse flow json val file = "src/main/resources/flow/http/getUrl.json" val flowJsonStr = FileUtil.fileReader(file) val map = OptionUtil.getAny(JSON.parseFull(flowJsonStr)).asInstanceOf[Map[String, Any]] println(map) //create flow val flowBean = FlowBean(map) val flow = flowBean.constructFlow() val ip = InetAddress.getLocalHost.getHostAddress cn.piflow.util.FileUtil.writeFile("server.ip=" + ip, ServerIpUtil.getServerIpFile()) val h2Server = Server.createTcpServer("-tcp", "-tcpAllowOthers", "-tcpPort","50001").start() //execute flow val spark = SparkSession.builder() .master("local[12]") .appName("hive") .config("spark.driver.memory", "4g") .config("spark.executor.memory", "8g") .config("spark.cores.max", "8") .config("hive.metastore.uris",PropertyUtil.getPropertyValue("hive.metastore.uris")) .enableHiveSupport() .getOrCreate() val process = Runner.create() .bind(classOf[SparkSession].getName, spark) .bind("checkpoint.path", "") .bind("debug.path","") .start(flow); process.awaitTermination(); val pid =; println(pid + "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!") spark.close(); } }
Example 25
Source File: FileUtil.scala From piflow with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License | 5 votes |
package cn.piflow.util import{File, PrintWriter} object FileUtil { def getJarFile(file:File): Array[File] ={ val files = file.listFiles().filter(! _.isDirectory) .filter(t => t.toString.endsWith(".jar") ) //此处读取.txt and .md文件 files ++ file.listFiles().filter(_.isDirectory).flatMap(getJarFile) } def writeFile(text: String, path: String) = { val file = new File(path) if(!file.exists()){ file.createNewFile() } val writer = new PrintWriter(new File(path)) writer.write(text) writer.close() } def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { val classPath = PropertyUtil.getClassPath() val path = new File(classPath) getJarFile(path).foreach(println) } }
Example 26
Source File: ScalaExecutorUtil.scala From piflow with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License | 5 votes |
package cn.piflow.conf.util import import cn.piflow.conf.bean.FlowBean import cn.piflow.util.{ConfigureUtil, PropertyUtil} import sys.process._ object ScalaExecutorUtil { val userDir = System.getProperty("user.dir") //val scalaDir = s"$userDir/scala" val scalaDir = PropertyUtil.getScalaPath() var packageName : String = "cn.piflow.bundle.script" val className : String = "ScalaFile1" def construct(className : String, script : String) : String = { val path = s"$scalaDir/$className.scala" val code = s""" |package $packageName |import org.apache.spark.sql.{DataFrame, SparkSession} |import org.apache.spark.sql._ |import cn.piflow.{JobContext, JobInputStream, JobOutputStream} | | |object $className { | def perform(in: JobInputStream, out: JobOutputStream, pec: JobContext) : Unit ={ | val spark = pec.get[SparkSession]() | import spark.implicits._ | $script | } |} """.stripMargin val out = new PrintWriter(path) out.write(code) out.close() path } def buildJar(className : String, classPath : String) : String = { //val piflowbundle = s"$userDir/lib/piflow-server-0.9.jar" //val piflowbundle = "/opt/project/piflow/piflow-server/target/piflow-server-0.9.jar" //"-encoding UTF8" val piflowbundle = ConfigureUtil.getPiFlowBundlePath() val jarFile = s"$scalaDir/$className.jar" val command = s"scalac -cp $piflowbundle -d $jarFile $classPath" println(s"Build ScalaExecutor jar: $command") command.!! jarFile } def buildScalaExcutorJar( flowBean : FlowBean) : List[String] = { var scalaPluginList = List[String]() flowBean.stops.foreach{s => { if(s.bundle.equals("cn.piflow.bundle.script.ExecuteScala")){ //val plugin = s.flowName + "_" + + "_" + s.uuid val plugin ="plugin", "") val script ="script", "") if(!script.equals("")){ val classFile = construct(plugin, script) val jarFile = buildJar(plugin, classFile) scalaPluginList = jarFile +: scalaPluginList } } }} scalaPluginList } def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { val script = """ |val df = | |val df1 ="title") |out.write(df1) """.stripMargin val code = construct( "ScalaFile",script) println(code) } }
Example 27
Source File: StreamingModelProducer.scala From AI with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.bigchange.streaming import import import breeze.linalg.DenseVector import scala.util.Random object StreamingModelProducer { def main(args: Array[String]) { val maxEvent = 100 val numFeatures = 100 val random = new Random() // 生成服从正太分布的稠密向量函数 def generateRandomArray(n: Int) = Array.tabulate(n)(_ => random.nextGaussian()) // 一个确定的随机模型权重向量 val w = new DenseVector(generateRandomArray(numFeatures)) val intercept = random.nextGaussian() * 10 // 生成一些随机数据事件 def generateNoisyData(n:Int) = { (1 to n).map { i => val x = new DenseVector(generateRandomArray(numFeatures)) // 随机特征向量 val y = val noisy = y + intercept // 目标值 (noisy, x) } } // 创建网络生成器 val listener = new ServerSocket(9999) println("listener port:" + listener.getLocalPort) while(true) { val socket = listener.accept() new Thread() { override def run() = { println("get client from:" + socket.getInetAddress) val out = new PrintWriter(socket.getOutputStream, true) while (true) { Thread.sleep(1000) val num = random.nextInt(maxEvent) val productEvents = generateNoisyData(num) productEvents.foreach { case(y, x) => out.write(y + "\t" +",")) out.write("\n") } out.flush() println(s"created $num events") } socket.close() } }.start() } } }
Example 28
Source File: ProcessInterpreter.scala From Linkis with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.webank.wedatasphere.linkis.engine.Interpreter import{BufferedReader, InputStreamReader, PrintWriter} import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit import com.webank.wedatasphere.linkis.common.utils.{Logging, Utils} import com.webank.wedatasphere.linkis.engine.spark.common.{LineBufferedStream, Starting, State, _} import com.webank.wedatasphere.linkis.scheduler.executer.{ErrorExecuteResponse, ExecuteResponse, SuccessExecuteResponse} import import org.json4s._ import scala.concurrent.duration.Duration import scala.concurrent.{Await, ExecutionContext, Future} abstract class ProcessInterpreter(process: Process) extends Interpreter with Logging { implicit val executor: ExecutionContext = protected[this] var _state: State = Starting() protected[this] val stdin = new PrintWriter(process.getOutputStream) protected[this] val stdout = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(process.getInputStream()), 1) protected[this] val errOut = new LineBufferedStream(process.getErrorStream()) override def state: State = _state override def execute(code: String): ExecuteResponse = { if(code == "sc.cancelAllJobs" || code == "sc.cancelAllJobs()") { sendExecuteRequest(code) } _state match { case (Dead() | ShuttingDown() | Error() | Success()) => throw new IllegalStateException("interpreter is not running") case Idle() => require(state == Idle()) code match { case "SHUTDOWN" => sendShutdownRequest() close() ErrorExecuteResponse("shutdown",new Exception("shutdown")) case _ => _state = Busy() sendExecuteRequest(code) match { case Some(rep) => _state = Idle() // ExecuteComplete(rep) SuccessExecuteResponse() case None => _state = Error() val errorMsg = errOut.lines.mkString(", ") throw new Exception(errorMsg) } } case _ => throw new IllegalStateException(s"interpreter is in ${_state} state, cannot do query.") } } Future { val exitCode = process.waitFor() if (exitCode != 0) { errOut.lines.foreach(println) println(getClass.getSimpleName+" has stopped with exit code " + process.exitValue) _state = Error() } else { println(getClass.getSimpleName+" has finished.") _state = Success() } } protected def waitUntilReady(): Unit protected def sendExecuteRequest(request: String): Option[JValue] protected def sendShutdownRequest(): Unit = {} override def close(): Unit = { val future = Future { _state match { case (Dead() | ShuttingDown() | Success()) => Future.successful() case _ => sendShutdownRequest() } } _state = Dead() IOUtils.closeQuietly(stdin) IOUtils.closeQuietly(stdout) errOut.close // Give ourselves 10 seconds to tear down the process. Utils.tryFinally(Await.result(future, Duration(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS))){ process.destroy()} } }
Example 29
Source File: _02_WithPrintWriter.scala From LearningScala with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package _011_writing_new_control_structures import{File, PrintWriter} def withPrintWriter(file: File)(op: PrintWriter => Unit): Unit = { val writer = new PrintWriter(file) try { op(writer) } finally { writer.close() } } def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { // old syntax withPrintWriter_oldSyntax( new File("date.txt"), writer => writer.println(new java.util.Date) ) // new syntax val file = new File("date.txt") withPrintWriter(file) { writer => writer.println(new java.util.Date) } } }
Example 30
Source File: Pattern.scala From Converter with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
package com.olvind.logging import{File, PrintWriter, StringWriter} import fansi.{Color, EscapeAttr, Str} import sourcecode.Text trait Pattern { def apply[T: Formatter](t: => Text[T], throwable: Option[Throwable], metadata: Metadata, ctx: Ctx): Str } object Pattern { def prefixFor(l: LogLevel): String = f"[${}%-5s]" @inline def colorFor(l: LogLevel): EscapeAttr = l.level match { case LogLevel.trace.level => Color.Reset case LogLevel.debug.level => Color.Green case => Color.Blue case LogLevel.warn.level => Color.Yellow case LogLevel.error.level => Color.Red } @inline def subtleColorFor(l: LogLevel): EscapeAttr = l.level match { case LogLevel.trace.level => Color.Reset case LogLevel.debug.level => Color.LightGreen case => Color.LightBlue case LogLevel.warn.level => Color.LightYellow case LogLevel.error.level => Color.LightRed } def formatThrowable(th: Throwable): String = { val sw = new StringWriter() val pw = new PrintWriter(sw) th.printStackTrace(pw) sw.toString } object default extends Pattern { override def apply[T: Formatter](t: => Text[T], throwable: Option[Throwable], m: Metadata, ctx: Ctx): Str = { val Color = colorFor(m.logLevel) val Subtle = subtleColorFor(m.logLevel) val source = if (t.source.startsWith("\"") || t.source.startsWith("s\"")) "" else t.source Str.join( Color(prefixFor(m.logLevel)), " ", Subtle(m.instant.toString), " ", Subtle(Formatter(new File(m.file.value))), ":", Subtle(Formatter(m.line.value)), " ", Color(source), " ", Color(Formatter(t.value)), " ", Subtle(Formatter(ctx)), throwable match { case None => "" case Some(th) => Subtle(formatThrowable(th)) }, ) } } }
Example 31
Source File: PersistentActorWithNotifications.scala From reliable-http-client with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package rhttpc.akkapersistence.impl import{PrintWriter, StringWriter} import{ActorLogging, ActorRef} import akka.persistence._ private[akkapersistence] trait PersistentActorWithNotifications { this: AbstractSnapshotter with ActorLogging => override def persistenceId: String = SnapshotsRegistry.persistenceId(persistenceCategory, id) protected def persistenceCategory: String protected def id: String private var listenersForSnapshotSave: Map[Long, RecipientWithMsg] = Map.empty protected def deleteSnapshotsLogging(): Unit = { deleteSnapshotsLogging(None) } private def deleteSnapshotsLogging(maxSequenceNr: Option[Long]): Unit = { log.debug(s"Deleting all snapshots for $persistenceId until (inclusive): $maxSequenceNr...") deleteSnapshots(SnapshotSelectionCriteria(maxSequenceNr = maxSequenceNr.getOrElse(Int.MaxValue))) } protected def saveSnapshotNotifying(snapshot: Any, sequenceNr: Long, listener: Option[RecipientWithMsg]): Unit = { log.debug(s"Saving snapshot for $persistenceId with sequenceNr: $sequenceNr: $snapshot ...") listener.foreach { listener => listenersForSnapshotSave += sequenceNr -> listener } saveSnapshotWithSeqNr(snapshot, sequenceNr) } protected val handleSnapshotEvents: Receive = { case SaveSnapshotSuccess(metadata) => log.debug(s"State saved for: $metadata") deleteSnapshotsLogging(Some(metadata.sequenceNr-1)) replyToListenerForSaveIfWaiting(metadata) case DeleteSnapshotsSuccess(criteria) => log.debug(s"Snapshots with criteria: $criteria deleted") case SaveSnapshotFailure(metadata, cause) => log.error(cause, s"State save failure for: $metadata") case DeleteSnapshotsFailure(criteria, cause) => log.warning(s"Delete snapshots with criteria failure: $criteria.\nError: ${printStackTrace(cause)}") } private def printStackTrace(cause: Throwable): String = { val stringWriter = new StringWriter() val printWriter = new PrintWriter(stringWriter) cause.printStackTrace(printWriter) stringWriter.toString } private def replyToListenerForSaveIfWaiting(metadata: SnapshotMetadata): Unit = { listenersForSnapshotSave.get(metadata.sequenceNr).foreach { listener => listener.reply() listenersForSnapshotSave -= metadata.sequenceNr } } } class RecipientWithMsg(recipient: ActorRef, msg: Any) { def reply() = recipient ! msg }
Example 32
Source File: SlickJdbcMigration.scala From reliable-http-client with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package rhttpc.transport.amqpjdbc.slick import import java.lang.reflect.{InvocationHandler, Method, Proxy} import java.sql.Connection import java.util.logging.Logger import javax.sql.DataSource import org.flywaydb.core.api.migration.{BaseJavaMigration, Context} import slick.jdbc.JdbcProfile import scala.concurrent.Await import scala.concurrent.duration._ trait SlickJdbcMigration extends BaseJavaMigration { protected val profile: JdbcProfile import profile.api._ def migrateActions: DBIOAction[Any, NoStream, _ <: Effect] override final def migrate(context: Context): Unit = { val database = Database.forDataSource(new AlwaysUsingSameConnectionDataSource(context.getConnection), None) Await.result(, 10 minute) } } class AlwaysUsingSameConnectionDataSource(conn: Connection) extends DataSource { private val notClosingConnection = Proxy.newProxyInstance( ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader, Array[Class[_]](classOf[Connection]), SuppressCloseHandler ).asInstanceOf[Connection] object SuppressCloseHandler extends InvocationHandler { override def invoke(proxy: AnyRef, method: Method, args: Array[AnyRef]): AnyRef = { if (method.getName != "close") { method.invoke(conn, args : _*) } else { null } } } override def getConnection: Connection = notClosingConnection override def getConnection(username: String, password: String): Connection = notClosingConnection override def unwrap[T](iface: Class[T]): T = conn.unwrap(iface) override def isWrapperFor(iface: Class[_]): Boolean = conn.isWrapperFor(iface) override def setLogWriter(out: PrintWriter): Unit = ??? override def getLoginTimeout: Int = ??? override def setLoginTimeout(seconds: Int): Unit = ??? override def getParentLogger: Logger = ??? override def getLogWriter: PrintWriter = ??? }
Example 33
Source File: DatabaseInitializer.scala From reliable-http-client with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package rhttpc.transport.amqpjdbc.slick.helpers import import java.sql.Connection import java.util.logging.Logger import javax.sql.DataSource import com.typesafe.config.Config import org.flywaydb.core.Flyway import slick.jdbc.JdbcBackend import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext class DatabaseInitializer(db: JdbcBackend.Database) { def initDatabase()(implicit executionContext: ExecutionContext) = { migrateIfNeeded(db) db } private def migrateIfNeeded(db: JdbcBackend.Database) = { Flyway.configure .dataSource(new DatabaseDataSource(db)) .baselineOnMigrate(true) .load .migrate } } object DatabaseInitializer { def apply(config: Config) = { val db = JdbcBackend.Database.forConfig("db", config) new DatabaseInitializer(db) } } class DatabaseDataSource(db: JdbcBackend.Database) extends DataSource { private val conn = db.createSession().conn override def getConnection: Connection = conn override def getConnection(username: String, password: String): Connection = conn override def unwrap[T](iface: Class[T]): T = conn.unwrap(iface) override def isWrapperFor(iface: Class[_]): Boolean = conn.isWrapperFor(iface) override def setLogWriter(out: PrintWriter): Unit = ??? override def getLoginTimeout: Int = ??? override def setLoginTimeout(seconds: Int): Unit = ??? override def getParentLogger: Logger = ??? override def getLogWriter: PrintWriter = ??? }
Example 34
Source File: CongestionModel.scala From spatial with MIT License | 5 votes |
package models import import import import utils.math.{CombinationTree, ReduceTree} import object CongestionModel { abstract class FeatureVec[T] { def loads: T def stores: T def gateds: T def outerIters: T def innerIters: T def bitsPerCycle: T def toSeq: Seq[T] = Seq(stores, outerIters, loads, innerIters, gateds, bitsPerCycle) } case class RawFeatureVec(loads: Double, stores: Double, gateds: Double, outerIters: Double, innerIters: Double, bitsPerCycle: Double) extends FeatureVec[Double] case class CalibFeatureVec(loads: Double, stores: Double, gateds: Double, outerIters: Double, innerIters: Double, bitsPerCycle: Double) extends FeatureVec[Double] // Set up lattice properties val feature_dims = 6 val lattice_rank = 6 val lattice_size = Seq(3,3,3,3,3,3) val num_keypoints = 8 val num_lattices = 1 var model: String = "" // Derive lattice properties val sizes = scala.Array.tabulate(lattice_rank){i => lattice_size(i)} val dimensions = sizes.length val params_per_lattice = sizes.product val strides: scala.Array[Int] = scala.Array.fill(dimensions){1} val nparams = num_lattices * params_per_lattice // Grab lattice params lazy val loads_keypoints_inputs = ModelData.loads_keypoints_inputs(model).map(_.toDouble) //loadCSVNow[Int](s"../data/${model}/CALIBRATOR_INPUT_PARAMS/loads_keypoints_inputs.csv", ","){x => x.toDouble} lazy val loads_keypoints_outputs = ModelData.loads_keypoints_outputs(model).map(_.toDouble) //loadCSVNow[Double](s"../data/${model}/CALIBRATOR_OUTPUT_PARAMS/loads_keypoints_outputs.csv", ","){x => x.toDouble} lazy val stores_keypoints_inputs = ModelData.stores_keypoints_inputs(model).map(_.toDouble) //loadCSVNow[Int](s"../data/${model}/CALIBRATOR_INPUT_PARAMS/stores_keypoints_inputs.csv", ","){x => x.toDouble} lazy val stores_keypoints_outputs = ModelData.stores_keypoints_outputs(model).map(_.toDouble) //loadCSVNow[Double](s"../data/${model}/CALIBRATOR_OUTPUT_PARAMS/stores_keypoints_outputs.csv", ","){x => x.toDouble} lazy val gateds_keypoints_inputs = ModelData.gateds_keypoints_inputs(model).map(_.toDouble) //loadCSVNow[Int](s"../data/${model}/CALIBRATOR_INPUT_PARAMS/gateds_keypoints_inputs.csv", ","){x => x.toDouble} lazy val gateds_keypoints_outputs = ModelData.gateds_keypoints_outputs(model).map(_.toDouble) //loadCSVNow[Double](s"../data/${model}/CALIBRATOR_OUTPUT_PARAMS/gateds_keypoints_outputs.csv", ","){x => x.toDouble} lazy val outerIters_keypoints_inputs = ModelData.outerIters_keypoints_inputs(model).map(_.toDouble) //loadCSVNow[Int](s"../data/${model}/CALIBRATOR_INPUT_PARAMS/outerIters_keypoints_inputs.csv", ","){x => x.toDouble} lazy val outerIters_keypoints_outputs = ModelData.outerIters_keypoints_outputs(model).map(_.toDouble) //loadCSVNow[Double](s"../data/${model}/CALIBRATOR_OUTPUT_PARAMS/outerIters_keypoints_outputs.csv", ","){x => x.toDouble} lazy val innerIters_keypoints_inputs = ModelData.innerIters_keypoints_inputs(model).map(_.toDouble) //loadCSVNow[Int](s"../data/${model}/CALIBRATOR_INPUT_PARAMS/innerIters_keypoints_inputs.csv", ","){x => x.toDouble} lazy val innerIters_keypoints_outputs = ModelData.innerIters_keypoints_outputs(model).map(_.toDouble) //loadCSVNow[Double](s"../data/${model}/CALIBRATOR_OUTPUT_PARAMS/innerIters_keypoints_outputs.csv", ","){x => x.toDouble} lazy val bitsPerCycle_keypoints_inputs = ModelData.bitsPerCycle_keypoints_inputs(model).map(_.toDouble) //loadCSVNow[Int](s"../data/${model}/CALIBRATOR_INPUT_PARAMS/bitsPerCycle_keypoints_inputs.csv", ","){x => x.toDouble} lazy val bitsPerCycle_keypoints_outputs = ModelData.bitsPerCycle_keypoints_outputs(model).map(_.toDouble) //loadCSVNow[Double](s"../data/${model}/CALIBRATOR_OUTPUT_PARAMS/bitsPerCycle_keypoints_outputs.csv", ","){x => x.toDouble} lazy val params = ModelData.params(model).map(_.toDouble) //loadCSVNow[Double](s"../data/${model}/LATTICE_PARAMS.csv", ","){x => x.toDouble} def evaluate(features: RawFeatureVec, typ: Runtime.CtrlSchedule): Int = { model = typ.toString val calibrated_features = calibrate_features(features) val result = hypercube_features(calibrated_features) // TODO: Model is naughty if it returns <170 // println(s"evaluating $features = ${170 max result.toInt}") 170 max result.toInt } }
Example 35
Source File: globals.scala From spatial with MIT License | 5 votes |
package fringe import{File, PrintWriter} import fringe.targets.DeviceTarget import fringe.templates.axi4.{AXI4BundleParameters, AXI4StreamParameters} private var _tclScript: PrintWriter = { val pw = new PrintWriter(new File("bigIP.tcl")) pw.flush() pw } def tclScript: PrintWriter = _tclScript def tclScript_=(value: PrintWriter): Unit = _tclScript = value var regression_testing: String = scala.util.Properties.envOrElse("RUNNING_REGRESSION", "0") // Top parameters // These are set by the generated Instantiator class var numArgIns: Int = 1 // Number of ArgIn registers var numArgOuts: Int = 1 // Number of ArgOut registers var numArgIOs: Int = 0 // Number of HostIO registers var numArgInstrs: Int = 0 // TODO: What is this? var argOutLoopbacksMap: Map[Int,Int] = Map.empty // TODO: What is this? var loadStreamInfo: List[StreamParInfo] = Nil var storeStreamInfo: List[StreamParInfo] = Nil var gatherStreamInfo: List[StreamParInfo] = Nil var scatterStreamInfo: List[StreamParInfo] = Nil var axiStreamInsInfo: List[AXI4StreamParameters] = List(AXI4StreamParameters(64,8,64)) var axiStreamOutsInfo: List[AXI4StreamParameters] = List(AXI4StreamParameters(64,8,64)) var numAllocators: Int = 0 def LOAD_STREAMS: List[StreamParInfo] = if (loadStreamInfo.isEmpty) List(StreamParInfo(DATA_WIDTH, WORDS_PER_STREAM, 0)) else loadStreamInfo def STORE_STREAMS: List[StreamParInfo] = if (storeStreamInfo.isEmpty) List(StreamParInfo(DATA_WIDTH, WORDS_PER_STREAM, 0)) else storeStreamInfo def GATHER_STREAMS: List[StreamParInfo] = if (gatherStreamInfo.isEmpty) List(StreamParInfo(DATA_WIDTH, WORDS_PER_STREAM, 0)) else gatherStreamInfo def SCATTER_STREAMS: List[StreamParInfo] = if (scatterStreamInfo.isEmpty) List(StreamParInfo(DATA_WIDTH, WORDS_PER_STREAM, 0)) else scatterStreamInfo def AXI_STREAMS_IN: List[AXI4StreamParameters] = if (axiStreamInsInfo.isEmpty) List(AXI4StreamParameters(256,8,32)) else axiStreamInsInfo def AXI_STREAMS_OUT: List[AXI4StreamParameters] = if (axiStreamOutsInfo.isEmpty) List(AXI4StreamParameters(256,8,32)) else axiStreamOutsInfo def NUM_LOAD_STREAMS: Int = LOAD_STREAMS.size def NUM_STORE_STREAMS: Int = STORE_STREAMS.size def NUM_ARG_INS: Int = numArgIns def NUM_ARG_OUTS: Int = numArgOuts def NUM_ARG_IOS: Int = numArgIOs def NUM_ARG_LOOPS: Int = argOutLoopbacksMap.size max 1 def NUM_ARGS: Int = numArgIns + numArgOuts def NUM_STREAMS: Int = LOAD_STREAMS.size + STORE_STREAMS.size }
Example 36
Source File: GephiApp.scala From Mastering-Machine-Learning-with-Spark-2.x with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.github.maxpumperla.ml_spark.graphs import import com.github.maxpumperla.ml_spark.utils.Gephi.toGexf import org.apache.spark._ import org.apache.spark.graphx._ import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD object GephiApp extends App { val conf = new SparkConf() .setAppName("Gephi Test Writer") .setMaster("local[4]") val sc = new SparkContext(conf) val vertices: RDD[(VertexId, String)] = sc.parallelize( Array((1L, "Anne"), (2L, "Bernie"), (3L, "Chris"), (4L, "Don"), (5L, "Edgar"))) val edges: RDD[Edge[String]] = sc.parallelize( Array(Edge(1L, 2L, "likes"), Edge(2L, 3L, "trusts"), Edge(3L, 4L, "believes"), Edge(4L, 5L, "worships"), Edge(1L, 3L, "loves"), Edge(4L, 1L, "dislikes"))) val graph: Graph[String, String] = Graph(vertices, edges) val pw = new PrintWriter("./graph.gexf") pw.write(toGexf(graph)) pw.close() }
Example 37
Source File: Utils.scala From tispark with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.test import{File, PrintWriter} import java.nio.file.{Files, Paths} import java.util.Properties import org.slf4j.Logger import scala.collection.JavaConversions._ object Utils { def writeFile(content: String, path: String): Unit = TryResource(new PrintWriter(path))(_.close()) { _.print(content) } def TryResource[T](res: T)(closeOp: T => Unit)(taskOp: T => Unit): Unit = try { taskOp(res) } finally { closeOp(res) } def readFile(path: String): List[String] = Files.readAllLines(Paths.get(path)).toList def getOrThrow(prop: Properties, key: String): String = { val jvmProp = System.getProperty(key) if (jvmProp != null) { jvmProp } else { val v = prop.getProperty(key) if (v == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(key + " is null") } else { v } } } def getFlagOrFalse(prop: Properties, key: String): Boolean = getFlag(prop, key, "false") private def getFlag(prop: Properties, key: String, defValue: String): Boolean = getOrElse(prop, key, defValue).equalsIgnoreCase("true") def getOrElse(prop: Properties, key: String, defValue: String): String = { val jvmProp = System.getProperty(key) if (jvmProp != null) { jvmProp } else { Option(prop.getProperty(key)).getOrElse(defValue) } } def getFlagOrTrue(prop: Properties, key: String): Boolean = getFlag(prop, key, "true") def time[R](block: => R)(logger: Logger): R = { val t0 = System.nanoTime() val result = block val t1 = System.nanoTime()"Elapsed time: " + (t1 - t0) / 1000.0 / 1000.0 / 1000.0 + "s") result } def ensurePath(basePath: String, paths: String*): Boolean = new File(joinPath(basePath, paths: _*)).mkdirs() def joinPath(basePath: String, paths: String*): String = Paths.get(basePath, paths: _*).toAbsolutePath.toString }
Example 38
Source File: RedisBenchmarks.scala From spark-redis with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
package com.redislabs.provider.redis import{File, FileWriter, PrintWriter} import java.time.{Duration => JDuration} import com.redislabs.provider.redis.util.Logging trait RedisBenchmarks extends Logging { val benchmarkReportDir = new File("target/reports/benchmarks/") benchmarkReportDir.mkdirs() def time[R](tag: String)(block: => R): R = { val t0 = System.nanoTime() val result = block // call-by-name val t1 = System.nanoTime() new PrintWriter(new FileWriter(s"$benchmarkReportDir/results.txt", true)) { // scalastyle:off this.println(s"$tag, ${JDuration.ofNanos(t1 - t0)}") close() } result } }
Example 39
Source File: HydraJsonSupport.scala From hydra with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package hydra.core.marshallers import{PrintWriter, StringWriter} import java.util.UUID import import akka.http.scaladsl.marshallers.sprayjson.SprayJsonSupport import akka.http.scaladsl.model.StatusCode import hydra.common.util.Resource._ import org.joda.time.DateTime import org.joda.time.format.ISODateTimeFormat import spray.json.{JsString, _} import scala.util.{Failure, Success, Try} implicit def tryWriter[R: JsonWriter]: RootJsonWriter[Try[R]] = new RootJsonWriter[Try[R]] { override def write(responseTry: Try[R]): JsValue = { responseTry match { case Success(r) => JsObject("success" -> r.toJson) case Failure(t) => JsObject("failure" -> t.toJson) } } } implicit object StreamTypeFormat extends RootJsonFormat[StreamType] { def read(json: JsValue): StreamType = json match { case JsString("Notification") => Notification case JsString("History") => History case JsString("CurrentState") => CurrentState case JsString("Telemetry") => Telemetry case _ => { import scala.reflect.runtime.{universe => ru} val tpe = ru.typeOf[StreamType] val clazz = tpe.typeSymbol.asClass throw new DeserializationException( s"expected a streamType of ${clazz.knownDirectSubclasses}, but got $json" ) } } def write(obj: StreamType): JsValue = { JsString(obj.toString) } } implicit val genericErrorFormat = jsonFormat2(GenericError) implicit val topicCreationMetadataFormat = jsonFormat8(TopicMetadataRequest) implicit val genericSchemaFormat = jsonFormat2(GenericSchema) } case class GenericError(status: Int, errorMessage: String) case class TopicMetadataRequest( schema: JsObject, streamType: StreamType, derived: Boolean, deprecated: Option[Boolean], dataClassification: String, contact: String, additionalDocumentation: Option[String], notes: Option[String] ) case class GenericSchema(name: String, namespace: String) { def subject = s"$namespace.$name" } sealed trait StreamType case object Notification extends StreamType case object CurrentState extends StreamType case object History extends StreamType case object Telemetry extends StreamType
Example 40
Source File: Download.scala From URI-Potigol with MIT License | 5 votes |
import scala.sys.process._ case class Problem(number: Int, name: String, category: String) { override def toString = s"${number}\t${name}\t${category}" } object Download extends App { def get(page: Int = 1) = { val ur = Seq("curl", "-sb", "-H", s"${page}&limit=100").!!.split("\n") val a = != "<tbody>").drop(1).takeWhile(_ != "</tbody>").filter(_ != "").grouped(13) val c = for (b <- a if b(1).startsWith("<td class")) yield { Problem( b(2).drop(33).take(4).toInt, b(6).drop(39).takeWhile(_ != '<').trim, b(8).drop(37).takeWhile(_ != '<').trim) } c } val all = for (i <- 1 to 22) yield { println(23-i) get(i) } import new PrintWriter("problems.txt") { write(all.reduce(_ ++ _).mkString("\n")); close } }
Example 41
Source File: KMeans.scala From spark-tda with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
import{File, PrintWriter} import org.apache.spark.mllib.linalg.Vectors import org.apache.spark.mllib.clustering.KMeans import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._ def computeKMeans( pathToTextFile: String, quantity: Int, iteration: Int) { case class Point(x: Double, y: Double) def save(f: File)(func: PrintWriter => Unit) { val p = new PrintWriter(f) try { func(p) } finally { p.close() } } val filename = pathToTextFile.split("\\.")(0) val outputFilename = s"$filename-KMEANS-k${quantity}-i${iteration}.tsv" val points = sc .textFile(pathToTextFile) .map { line => line.trim.split("\\s+") } .map { row => Point(row(0).toDouble, row(1).toDouble) } val features = points .map { p => Vectors.dense(p.x, p.y) } features.cache() val kmeans = KMeans.train(features, quantity, iteration) val predictions = features .map { f => (f(0), f(1), model.predict(f) + 1) } .collect save(new File(outputFilename)) { println(s"OUTPUT TO: ${outputFilename}") f => predictions.foreach{ case (x, y, ccid) => f.println(s"${x}\t${y}\t${ccid}") } } }
Example 42
Source File: ReebDiagram.scala From spark-tda with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
import{File, PrintWriter} import import{ReebDiagram, VectorAssembler} import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._ def computeReebDiagram( pathToTextFile: String, quantity: Int, linkThresholdRatio: Double, coreThresholdRatio: Double, topTreeRatio: Double) { def save(f: File)(func: PrintWriter => Unit) { val p = new PrintWriter(f) try { func(p) } finally { p.close() } } val filename = pathToTextFile.split("\\.")(0) val outputFilename = s"$filename-REEB-k${quantity}-l${linkThresholdRatio}-c${coreThresholdRatio}-i${topTreeRatio}.tsv" val points = sc.textFile(pathToTextFile) .map { line => line.trim.split("\\s+") } .zipWithIndex .map { case (row, i) => (i, row(0).toDouble, row(1).toDouble, 0) } .toDF("id", "x", "y", "cover_id") val cardinality = points.count val assembler = new VectorAssembler() .setInputCols(Array("x", "y")) .setOutputCol("feature") val features = assembler .transform(points) val reeb = new ReebDiagram() .setK(quantity) .setLinkThresholdRatio(linkThresholdRatio) .setCoreThresholdRatio(coreThresholdRatio) .setTopTreeSize((topTreeRatio * cardinality).toInt) .setTopTreeLeafSize(quantity) .setIdCol("id") .setCoverCol("cover_id") .setFeaturesCol("feature") .setOutputCol("cluster_id") val transformed = reeb .fit(features) .transform(features) val clusters = Map( transformed .select("cluster_id") .rdd .map(row => row.getLong(0)) .distinct .zipWithIndex .collect(): _*) val result = transformed .select("x", "y", "cluster_id") .rdd .map(row => (row.getDouble(0), row.getDouble(1), row.getLong(2))) .map { case (x, y, clusterId) => (x, y, clusters(clusterId) + 1)} .collect() save(new File(outputFilename)) { println(s"OUTPUT TO: ${outputFilename}") f => result.foreach{ case (x, y, ccid) => f.println(s"${x}\t${y}\t${ccid}") } } }
Example 43
Source File: CssFileRenderer.scala From udash-core with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package io.udash.css import{File, PrintWriter} import scalacss.internal.Renderer class CssFileRenderer(dirPath: String, styles: Seq[CssBase], createMain: Boolean) { def render()(implicit renderer: Renderer[String]): Unit = { val dir = new File(dirPath) dir.mkdirs() val mainFile: Option[File] = if (createMain) Some(new File(s"${dir.getAbsolutePath}/main.css")) else None mainFile.foreach(_.createNewFile()) val mainWriter = PrintWriter(_, "UTF-8")) styles.foreach { style => val name = style.getClass.getName val f = new File(s"${dir.getAbsolutePath}/$name.css") { createNewFile() } new PrintWriter(f, "UTF-8") { write(style.render) flush() close() } mainWriter.foreach(_.append(s"""@import "$name.css";\n""")) } mainWriter.foreach { w => w.flush() w.close() } } }
Example 44
Source File: PrintUtils.scala From random-projections-at-berlinbuzzwords with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.stefansavev import import{Codec, Source} object PrintUtils { def columnVectorToFile(fileName: String, v: Array[Double]): Unit = { val writer = new PrintWriter(fileName) for (a <- v) { writer.println(a.toString) } writer.close() } def stringsToFile(fileName: String, v: Array[String]): Unit = { val writer = new PrintWriter(fileName) for (a <- v) { writer.println(a) } writer.close() } def withPrintWriter(fileName: String, body: PrintWriter => Unit): Unit = { val writer = new PrintWriter(fileName, "UTF-8") body(writer) writer.close() } } object FileReadUtils { def withLinesIterator[T](fileName: String)(body: Iterator[String] => T): T = { val source = Source.fromFile(fileName)(Codec.UTF8) val result = body(source.getLines()) source.close() result } }
Example 45
Source File: gen4tests.scala From tscfg with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package tscfg import{File, FileWriter, PrintWriter} import import tscfg.generators.{GenOpts, Generator} import tscfg.generators.scala.ScalaGen object gen4tests { def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { val sourceDir = new File("src/main/tscfg/example") sourceDir.listFiles().filter { _.getName.endsWith(".spec.conf") } foreach generate } private def generate(confFile: File): Unit = { //println(s"gen4tests: confFile=$confFile") val bufSource = io.Source.fromFile(confFile) val source = bufSource.mkString bufSource.close val opts = { val linePat = """\s*//\s*GenOpts:(.*)""".r source.split("\n") .collect { case linePat(xs) => xs.trim } .flatMap(_.split("\\s+")) } if (opts.contains("--skip-gen4tests")) { println(s"gen4tests: skipping $confFile") return } val baseGenOpts: GenOpts = { var genOpts = GenOpts("tscfg.example", "?") opts foreach { case "--scala:2.12" => genOpts = genOpts.copy(s12 = true) case "--scala:bt" => genOpts = genOpts.copy(useBackticks = true) case "--java:getters" => genOpts = genOpts.copy(genGetters = true) case "--java:optionals" => genOpts = genOpts.copy(useOptionals = true) case "--durations" => genOpts = genOpts.copy(useDurations = true) case "--all-required" => genOpts = genOpts.copy(assumeAllRequired = true) // $COVERAGE-OFF$ case opt => println(s"WARN: $confFile: unrecognized GenOpts argument: `$opt'") // $COVERAGE-ON$ } genOpts } val buildResult = ModelBuilder(source, assumeAllRequired = baseGenOpts.assumeAllRequired) val objectType = buildResult.objectType val name = confFile.getName val (base, _) = name.span(_ != '.') val classNameSuffix = util.upperFirst(base.replace('-', '_')) + "Cfg" List("Scala", "Java") foreach { lang => val targetScalaDir = new File("src/test/" + lang.toLowerCase + "/tscfg/example") targetScalaDir.mkdirs() val className = lang + classNameSuffix val fileName = className + "." + lang.toLowerCase val targetFile = new File(targetScalaDir, fileName) // $COVERAGE-OFF$ if (true||confFile.lastModified >= targetFile.lastModified) { val genOpts = baseGenOpts.copy(className = className) //println(s"generating for $name -> $fileName") val generator: Generator = lang match { case "Scala" => new ScalaGen(genOpts) case "Java" => new JavaGen(genOpts) } val results = generator.generate(objectType) val out = new PrintWriter(new FileWriter(targetFile), true) out.println(results.code) } // $COVERAGE-ON$ } } }
Example 46
Source File: StanProgram.scala From ScalaStan with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
package com.cibo.scalastan.ast import import com.cibo.scalastan.StanType import com.cibo.scalastan.transform.StanTransform case class StanProgram( data: Seq[StanDataDeclaration[_ <: StanType]] = Seq.empty, parameters: Seq[StanParameterDeclaration[_ <: StanType]] = Seq.empty, functions: Seq[StanFunctionDeclaration] = Seq.empty, transformedData: Seq[StanTransformedData] = Seq.empty, transformedParameters: Seq[StanTransformedParameter] = Seq.empty, generatedQuantities: Seq[StanGeneratedQuantity] = Seq.empty, model: StanStatement = StanBlock(Seq.empty) ) { def emit(writer: PrintWriter): Unit = { if (functions.nonEmpty) { writer.println("functions {") functions.foreach(f => f.emit(writer)) writer.println("}") } if (data.nonEmpty) { writer.println("data {") data.foreach(d => writer.println(s" ${d.emitDeclaration};")) writer.println("}") } if (transformedData.nonEmpty) { writer.println("transformed data {") transformedData.foreach(d => writer.println(s" ${d.result.emitDeclaration};")) transformedData.foreach(_.emit(writer)) writer.println("}") } if (parameters.nonEmpty) { writer.println("parameters {") parameters.foreach(d => writer.println(s" ${d.emitDeclaration};")) writer.println("}") } if (transformedParameters.nonEmpty) { writer.println("transformed parameters {") transformedParameters.foreach(d => writer.println(s" ${d.result.emitDeclaration};")) transformedParameters.foreach(_.emit(writer)) writer.println("}") } writer.println("model {") model.emitDeclarations(writer, 1) model.emit(writer, 1) writer.println("}") if (generatedQuantities.nonEmpty) { writer.println("generated quantities {") generatedQuantities.foreach(d => writer.println(s" ${d.result.emitDeclaration};")) generatedQuantities.foreach(_.emit(writer)) writer.println("}") } } } object StanProgram { def getStatements(code: StanStatement): Seq[StanStatement] = { val inner = code match { case block: StanBlock => block.children.flatMap(child => getStatements(child)) case loop: StanLoop => getStatements(loop.body) case cond: StanIfStatement => cond.conds.flatMap(c => getStatements(c._2)) ++ case _ => Vector.empty } code +: inner } def getStatements(program: StanProgram): Seq[StanStatement] = { getStatements(program.model) ++ program.generatedQuantities.flatMap(q => getStatements(q.code)) ++ program.transformedData.flatMap(d => getStatements(d.code)) ++ program.transformedParameters.flatMap(p => getStatements(p.code)) } }
Example 47
Source File: StanCodeBlock.scala From ScalaStan with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
package com.cibo.scalastan import import com.cibo.scalastan.ast._ trait StanCodeBlock extends Implicits { implicit val _context: StanContext implicit val _code: StanProgramBuilder = new StanProgramBuilder object stan extends StanFunctions with StanDistributions private def insertLocal[T <: StanType]( typeConstructor: T, valueOpt: Option[StanValue[T]], name: sourcecode.Name ): StanLocalDeclaration[T] = { if (typeConstructor.lower.isDefined || typeConstructor.upper.isDefined) { throw new IllegalStateException("local variables may not have constraints") } val decl = StanLocalDeclaration[T](typeConstructor, _context.fixName(name.value)) _code.insert(StanInlineDeclaration(decl, valueOpt)) decl } def local[T <: StanType](typeConstructor: T)(implicit name: sourcecode.Name): StanLocalDeclaration[T] = { insertLocal(typeConstructor, None, name) } def local[T <: StanType]( typeConstructor: T, value: StanValue[T] )(implicit name: sourcecode.Name): StanLocalDeclaration[T] = { insertLocal(typeConstructor, Some(value), name) } case class when(cond: StanValue[StanInt])(block: => Unit) { _code.enter() block _code.leave(code => ast.StanIfStatement(Seq((cond, StanBlock(code))), None)) def when(cond: StanValue[StanInt])(otherBlock: => Unit): when = { _code.enter() otherBlock _code.handleElseIf(cond) this } def otherwise(otherBlock: => Unit): Unit = { _code.enter() otherBlock _code.handleElse() } } def when[T <: StanType](cond: StanValue[StanInt], ifTrue: StanValue[T], ifFalse: StanValue[T]): StanValue[T] = { StanTernaryOperator(cond, ifTrue, ifFalse) } def range(start: StanValue[StanInt], end: StanValue[StanInt]): StanValueRange = StanValueRange(start, end) def loop(cond: StanValue[StanInt])(body: => Unit): Unit = { _code.enter() body _code.leave(children => ast.StanWhileLoop(cond, StanBlock(children))) } def break: Unit = { _code.append(StanBreakStatement()) } def continue: Unit = { _code.append(StanContinueStatement()) } private[scalastan] def emitTopLevelLocals(writer: PrintWriter): Unit = { // Values have to be declared before code. Since we treat transformations // differently, we need to make a special pass to combine the top-level locals. _code.results.children.foreach { child => if (child.isInstanceOf[StanInlineDeclaration]) { child.emit(writer, 1) } } } private[scalastan] def emitCode(writer: PrintWriter): Unit = { _code.results.children.foreach { child => if (!child.isInstanceOf[StanInlineDeclaration]) { child.emit(writer, 1) } } } }
Example 48
Source File: ScalaStanBaseSpec.scala From ScalaStan with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
package com.cibo.scalastan import{PrintWriter, StringWriter} import com.cibo.scalastan.ast.StanParameterDeclaration import{StanCompiler, StanRunner} import org.scalatest.{FunSpec, Matchers} trait ScalaStanBaseSpec extends FunSpec with Matchers { case class MockRunner(data: Vector[Map[String, Double]] = Vector.empty) extends StanRunner { private val results = scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer[(String, Vector[Vector[String]])]() private def set(prefix: String, values: Any, mapping: Map[String, Double]): Map[String, Double] = { values match { case s: Seq[_] => s.zipWithIndex.foldLeft(mapping) { case (m, (v, i)) => set(s"$prefix.${i + 1}", v, m) } case _ => mapping + (prefix -> values.asInstanceOf[Double]) } } def set[T <: StanType](decl: StanParameterDeclaration[T], values: Seq[T#SCALA_TYPE]): MockRunner = { require(data.isEmpty || data.length == values.length) val dataBefore = if (data.isEmpty) => Map[String, Double]("lp__" -> 1)) else data val prefix = decl.emit val newData = { case (v, d) => set(prefix, v, d) } copy(data = newData.toVector) } def run(model: CompiledModel, chains: Int, seed: Int, cache: Boolean, method: RunMethod.Method): StanResults = { val mappedData: Map[String, Vector[Vector[Double]]] = data.flatten.groupBy(_._1).mapValues { grouped => val iterations = { case (k, v) => v } Vector.fill(chains)(iterations) } StanResults(mappedData, Vector.empty, model, method) } } implicit object MockCompiler extends StanCompiler { def compile(model: StanModel): CompiledModel = CompiledModel( model = model, runner = MockRunner() ) } private def removeSpaces(str: String): String = str.replaceAllLiterally(" ", "").replaceAllLiterally("\n", "") private def removeNumbers(str: String): String = str.replaceAll("[0-9]+", "#") private def compare(actual: String, template: String, originalTemplate: String = ""): Boolean = { val fixedActual = removeNumbers(removeSpaces(actual)) val fixedExpected = removeNumbers(removeSpaces(template)) fixedActual.contains(fixedExpected) } def check(actual: String, template: String): Unit = { withClue(s"actual:\n$actual\nexpected:\n$template\n") { compare(actual, template) shouldBe true } } // Compare the code output of the model with a template. // Spaces are ignored and "#" in the template matches any integer. def checkCode(model: StanModel, template: String): Unit = { val sw = new StringWriter() model.emit(new PrintWriter(sw)) sw.close() check(sw.toString, template) } }
Example 49
Source File: FileDataStore.scala From regressr with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.ebayopensource.regression.internal.datastore import{File, PrintWriter} import import scala.util.Try class FileDataStore(path: String) extends BaseDataStore { new File(path).mkdir() override def put(key: String, value: String): Unit = { val pw = new PrintWriter(new File(buildFilePath(key))) pw.write(value) pw.flush() pw.close() } private def buildFilePath(key: String) = { if (key.endsWith(".strategy")) s"${path}${key}" else s"${path}${key}.json" } override def get(key: String): Option[String] = { val file = new File(buildFilePath(key)) if (!file.exists()) { None } else { Some(Source.fromFile(file).mkString) } } override def close(): Unit = ??? // This is a no op. override def listStrategies(): Seq[String] = { new File(path).listFiles().filter { file => file.getName.endsWith(".strategy") }.map(file => file.getName.replaceFirst(s"${BaseDataStore.strategyPrefix}", "").replaceFirst(".strategy", "")) } override def remove(key: String): Unit = { new File(s"${path}${key}").delete() } override def deleteRecordingFiles(testIdentifier: String): Try[Unit] = Try { new File(path).listFiles().filter { file => file.getName.startsWith(s"${BaseDataStore.strategyPrefix}${testIdentifier}.") }.map(file => file.delete()) } } object FileDataStore { val PATH="./tmp/" }
Example 50
Source File: ScannerSpec.scala From GettingWorkDoneWithExtensibleEffects with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package scan import import java.nio.file._ import org.specs2._ import scala.collection.immutable.SortedSet class ScannerSpec extends mutable.Specification { "Report Format" ! { val base = deletedOnExit(Files.createTempDirectory("exerciseClassic")) val base1 = deletedOnExit(fillFile(base, 1)) val base2 = deletedOnExit(fillFile(base, 2)) val subdir = deletedOnExit(Files.createTempDirectory(base, "subdir")) val sub1 = deletedOnExit(fillFile(subdir, 1)) val sub3 = deletedOnExit(fillFile(subdir, 3)) val actual = Scanner.pathScan(FilePath(base), 2) val expected = new PathScan(SortedSet(FileSize(sub3, 3), FileSize(base2, 2)), 7, 4) actual.mustEqual(expected) } def fillFile(dir: Path, size: Int) = { val path = dir.resolve(s"$size.txt") val w = new PrintWriter(path.toFile) try w.write("a" * size) finally w.close path } def deletedOnExit(p: Path) = { p.toFile.deleteOnExit() p } }
Example 51
Source File: ScannerSpec.scala From GettingWorkDoneWithExtensibleEffects with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package scan import import java.nio.file._ import org.specs2._ import scala.collection.immutable.SortedSet class ScannerSpec extends mutable.Specification { "Report Format" ! { val base = deletedOnExit(Files.createTempDirectory("exerciseClassic")) val base1 = deletedOnExit(fillFile(base, 1)) val base2 = deletedOnExit(fillFile(base, 2)) val subdir = deletedOnExit(Files.createTempDirectory(base, "subdir")) val sub1 = deletedOnExit(fillFile(subdir, 1)) val sub3 = deletedOnExit(fillFile(subdir, 3)) val actual = Scanner.pathScan(FilePath(base), 2) val expected = new PathScan(SortedSet(FileSize(sub3, 3), FileSize(base2, 2)), 7, 4) actual.mustEqual(expected) } def fillFile(dir: Path, size: Int) = { val path = dir.resolve(s"$size.txt") val w = new PrintWriter(path.toFile) try w.write("a" * size) finally w.close path } def deletedOnExit(p: Path) = { p.toFile.deleteOnExit() p } }
Example 52
Source File: ScannerSpec.scala From GettingWorkDoneWithExtensibleEffects with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package scan import import java.nio.file._ import org.specs2._ import scala.collection.immutable.SortedSet import scala.concurrent.duration._ import class ScannerSpec extends mutable.Specification { "Report Format" ! { val base = deletedOnExit(Files.createTempDirectory("exerciseTask")) val base1 = deletedOnExit(fillFile(base, 1)) val base2 = deletedOnExit(fillFile(base, 2)) val subdir = deletedOnExit(Files.createTempDirectory(base, "subdir")) val sub1 = deletedOnExit(fillFile(subdir, 1)) val sub3 = deletedOnExit(fillFile(subdir, 3)) val actual = Scanner.pathScan(FilePath(base), 2).runSyncUnsafe(3.seconds) val expected = new PathScan(SortedSet(FileSize(sub3, 3), FileSize(base2, 2)), 7, 4) actual.mustEqual(expected) } def fillFile(dir: Path, size: Int) = { val path = dir.resolve(s"$size.txt") val w = new PrintWriter(path.toFile) try w.write("a" * size) finally w.close path } def deletedOnExit(p: Path) = { p.toFile.deleteOnExit() p } }
Example 53
Source File: ScannerSpec.scala From GettingWorkDoneWithExtensibleEffects with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package scan import import java.nio.file._ import org.specs2._ import scala.collection.immutable.SortedSet import cats.effect._ import org.atnos.eff.addon.cats.effect.IOEffect._ import org.atnos.eff.syntax.addon.cats.effect._ class ScannerSpec extends mutable.Specification { "Report Format" ! { val base = deletedOnExit(Files.createTempDirectory("exercise1")) val base1 = deletedOnExit(fillFile(base, 1)) val base2 = deletedOnExit(fillFile(base, 2)) val subdir = deletedOnExit(Files.createTempDirectory(base, "subdir")) val sub1 = deletedOnExit(fillFile(subdir, 1)) val sub3 = deletedOnExit(fillFile(subdir, 3)) val scanProgram = Scanner.pathScan(base, 2) val actual = scanProgram.unsafeRunSync val expected = new PathScan(SortedSet(FileSize(sub3, 3), FileSize(base2, 2)), 7, 4) actual.mustEqual(expected) } def fillFile(dir: Path, size: Int) = { val path = dir.resolve(s"$size.txt") val w = new PrintWriter(path.toFile) try w.write("a" * size) finally w.close path } def deletedOnExit(p: Path) = { p.toFile.deleteOnExit() p } }
Example 54
Source File: ScannerSpec.scala From GettingWorkDoneWithExtensibleEffects with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package scan import import java.nio.file._ import org.specs2._ import scala.collection.immutable.SortedSet import scala.concurrent.duration._ import class ScannerSpec extends mutable.Specification { "Report Format" ! { val base = deletedOnExit(Files.createTempDirectory("exerciseTask")) val base1 = deletedOnExit(fillFile(base, 1)) val base2 = deletedOnExit(fillFile(base, 2)) val subdir = deletedOnExit(Files.createTempDirectory(base, "subdir")) val sub1 = deletedOnExit(fillFile(subdir, 1)) val sub3 = deletedOnExit(fillFile(subdir, 3)) val actual = Scanner.pathScan(FilePath(base), 2).runSyncUnsafe(3.seconds) val expected = new PathScan(SortedSet(FileSize(sub3, 3), FileSize(base2, 2)), 7, 4) actual.mustEqual(expected) } def fillFile(dir: Path, size: Int) = { val path = dir.resolve(s"$size.txt") val w = new PrintWriter(path.toFile) try w.write("a" * size) finally w.close path } def deletedOnExit(p: Path) = { p.toFile.deleteOnExit() p } }
Example 55
Source File: LogicalPlanPrinter.scala From airframe with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package wvlet.airframe.sql.model import{PrintWriter, StringWriter} import wvlet.log.LogSupport import wvlet.airframe.sql.model.LogicalPlan.EmptyRelation object LogicalPlanPrinter extends LogSupport { def print(m: LogicalPlan): String = { val s = new StringWriter() val p = new PrintWriter(s) print(m, p, 0) p.close() s.toString } def print(m: LogicalPlan, out: PrintWriter, level: Int): Unit = { m match { case EmptyRelation => // print nothing case _ => val ws = " " * level val inputAttr = m.inputAttributes.mkString(", ") val outputAttr = m.outputAttributes.mkString(", ") val attr = val prefix = s"${ws}[${m.modelName}](${inputAttr}) => (${outputAttr})" attr.length match { case 0 => out.println(prefix) case _ => out.println(s"${prefix}") val attrWs = " " * (level + 1) val attrStr = => s"${attrWs}- ${x}").mkString("\n") out.println(attrStr) } for (c <- m.children) { print(c, out, level + 1) } } } }
Example 56
Source File: Handler.scala From airframe with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package wvlet.log import{PrintStream, PrintWriter} import java.util.{logging => jl} class BufferedLogHandler(formatter: LogFormatter) extends jl.Handler { private val buf = Seq.newBuilder[String] override def flush(): Unit = {} override def publish(record: jl.LogRecord): Unit = synchronized { buf += formatter.format(record) } override def close(): Unit = { // do nothing } def logs: Seq[String] = buf.result() def clear: Unit = { buf.clear() } }
Example 57
Source File: OrderedDocFreq.scala From gemini with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
package tech.sourced.gemini import{File, PrintWriter} import import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper import com.fasterxml.jackson.module.scala.DefaultScalaModule import com.fasterxml.jackson.module.scala.experimental.ScalaObjectMapper case class OrderedDocFreq(docs: Int, tokens: IndexedSeq[String], df: collection.Map[String, Int]) { def saveToJson(filename: String): Unit = { val mapper = new ObjectMapper() with ScalaObjectMapper mapper.registerModule(DefaultScalaModule) val out = new PrintWriter(filename) mapper.writeValue(out, Map( "docs" -> docs, "tokens" -> tokens, "df" -> df )) out.close() } } object OrderedDocFreq { def fromJson(file: File): OrderedDocFreq = { val docFreqMap = parseFile[Map[String, Any]](file) val docs = docFreqMap.get("docs") match { case Some(v) => v.asInstanceOf[Int] case None => throw new RuntimeException(s"Can not parse key 'docs' in docFreq:${file.getAbsolutePath}") } val df = docFreqMap.get("df") match { case Some(v) => v.asInstanceOf[Map[String, Int]] case None => throw new RuntimeException(s"Can not parse key 'df' in docFreq:${file.getAbsolutePath}") } val tokens = docFreqMap.get("tokens") match { case Some(v) => v.asInstanceOf[List[String]].toArray case None => throw new RuntimeException(s"Can not parse key 'tokens' in docFreq:${file.getAbsolutePath}") } OrderedDocFreq(docs, tokens, df) } def parseFile[T: Manifest](file: File): T = { val json = Source.fromFile(file) val mapper = new ObjectMapper with ScalaObjectMapper mapper.registerModule(DefaultScalaModule) mapper.readValue[T](json.reader) } }
Example 58
Source File: package.scala From temperature-machine with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package bad.robot import{File, PrintWriter, StringWriter} import cats.effect.IO import cats.syntax.either._ import io.circe._ import org.http4s.circe.{jsonEncoderWithPrinterOf, jsonOf} import io.circe.parser._ import org.http4s.{EntityDecoder, EntityEncoder} import scalaz.\/ import scalaz.syntax.std.either._ package object temperature { type Degrees = Int // NB not implicit as this seems to clash with http4s implicits that are kicking around def jsonDecoder[A: Decoder]: EntityDecoder[IO, A] = jsonOf[IO, A] def jsonEncoder[A: Encoder]: EntityEncoder[IO, A] = jsonEncoderWithPrinterOf(spaces2PlatformSpecific) def encode[A: Encoder](a: A): Json = Encoder[A].apply(a) // deprecated def decodeAsDisjunction[A: Decoder](value: String): temperature.Error \/ A = { decode(value) .leftMap(error => ParseError(error.getMessage)) .disjunction } def stackTraceOf(error: Throwable): String = { val writer = new StringWriter() error.printStackTrace(new PrintWriter(writer)) writer.toString } private val eol = sys.props("line.separator") val spaces2PlatformSpecific = Printer( preserveOrder = true , dropNullValues = false , indent = " " , lbraceLeft = "" , lbraceRight = eol , rbraceLeft = eol , rbraceRight = "" , lbracketLeft = "" , lbracketRight = eol , rbracketLeft = eol , rbracketRight = "" , lrbracketsEmpty = "" , arrayCommaLeft = "" , arrayCommaRight = eol , objectCommaLeft = "" , objectCommaRight = eol , colonLeft = " " , colonRight = " " ) implicit class JsonOps(json: Json) { def spaces2ps: String = spaces2PlatformSpecific.pretty(json) } implicit class FileOps(file: File) { def /(child: String): File = new File(file, child) } }
Example 59
Source File: FileUtils.scala From Scala-for-Machine-Learning-Second-Edition with MIT License | 5 votes |
package org.scalaml.util import org.apache.log4j.Logger import import scala.util.{Failure, Success, Try} def write(content: String, pathName: String, className: String): Boolean = { import import DisplayUtils._ var printWriter: Option[PrintWriter] = None var status = false Try { printWriter = Some(new PrintWriter(pathName)) printWriter.foreach(_.write(content)) printWriter.foreach(_.flush) printWriter.foreach(_.close) status = true } match { // Catch and display exception description and return false case Failure(e) => error(s"$className.write failed for $pathName", logger, e) if (printWriter.isDefined) printWriter.foreach(_.close) status case Success(s) => status } } } // --------------------------------- EOF -------------------------------------
Example 60
Source File: Reprocessor.scala From nn_coref with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
package edu.berkeley.nlp.coref.preprocess import edu.berkeley.nlp.PCFGLA.CoarseToFineMaxRuleParser import edu.berkeley.nlp.coref.ConllDoc import scala.collection.JavaConverters._ import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer import import edu.berkeley.nlp.coref.ConllDocReader import edu.berkeley.nlp.syntax.Tree import edu.berkeley.nlp.futile.util.Logger import java.util.Arrays import edu.berkeley.nlp.futile.fig.basic.IOUtils import edu.berkeley.nlp.coref.Chunk import edu.berkeley.nlp.coref.ConllDocWriter object Reprocessor { def redoConllDocument(parser: CoarseToFineMaxRuleParser, backoffParser: CoarseToFineMaxRuleParser, nerSystem: NerSystem, docReader: ConllDocReader, inputPath: String, outputPath: String) { val writer = IOUtils.openOutHard(outputPath); val docs = docReader.readConllDocs(inputPath); for (doc <- docs) { Logger.logss("Reprocessing: " + doc.docID + " part " + doc.docPartNo); val newPos = new ArrayBuffer[Seq[String]](); val newParses = new ArrayBuffer[edu.berkeley.nlp.futile.syntax.Tree[String]](); val newNerChunks = new ArrayBuffer[Seq[Chunk[String]]](); for (sentIdx <- 0 until doc.words.size) { if (sentIdx % 10 == 0) { Logger.logss("Sentence " + sentIdx); } val sent = doc.words(sentIdx); var parse = PreprocessingDriver.parse(parser, backoffParser, sent.asJava); parse = if (parse.getYield().size() != sent.length) { Logger.logss("Couldn't parse sentence: " + sent.toSeq); Logger.logss("Using default parse"); convertFromFutileTree(doc.trees(sentIdx).constTree); } else { parse; } val posTags = parse.getPreTerminalYield().asScala.toArray; newPos += posTags; newParses += convertToFutileTree(parse); val nerBioLabels = nerSystem.runNerSystem(sent.toArray, posTags); newNerChunks += convertBioToChunks(nerBioLabels); } ConllDocWriter.writeIncompleteConllDoc(writer, doc.docID, doc.docPartNo, doc.words, newPos, newParses, doc.speakers, newNerChunks, doc.corefChunks); } writer.close(); } def convertBioToChunks(nerBioLabels: Seq[String]): Seq[Chunk[String]] = { var lastNerStart = -1; val chunks = new ArrayBuffer[Chunk[String]](); for (i <- 0 until nerBioLabels.size) { if (nerBioLabels(i).startsWith("B")) { if (lastNerStart != -1) { chunks += new Chunk[String](lastNerStart, i, "MISC"); } lastNerStart = i; } else if (nerBioLabels(i).startsWith("O")) { if (lastNerStart != -1) { chunks += new Chunk[String](lastNerStart, i, "MISC"); lastNerStart = -1; } } } chunks; } def convertToFutileTree(slavTree: edu.berkeley.nlp.syntax.Tree[String]): edu.berkeley.nlp.futile.syntax.Tree[String] = { new edu.berkeley.nlp.futile.syntax.Tree[String](slavTree.getLabel(), slavTree.getChildren(); } def convertFromFutileTree(myTree: edu.berkeley.nlp.futile.syntax.Tree[String]): edu.berkeley.nlp.syntax.Tree[String] = { new edu.berkeley.nlp.syntax.Tree[String](myTree.getLabel(), myTree.getChildren(); } }
Example 61
Source File: MessageWriter.scala From lsp4s with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package scala.meta.jsonrpc import import import import import java.nio.ByteBuffer import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets import scala.concurrent.Future import io.circe.syntax._ import monix.execution.Ack import monix.reactive.Observer import scribe.LoggerSupport def write(msg: Message): Future[Ack] = lock.synchronized { baos.reset() val json = msg.asJson val protocol = BaseProtocolMessage.fromJson(json) logger.trace(s" --> $json") val byteBuffer = MessageWriter.write(protocol, baos, headerOut) out.onNext(byteBuffer) } } object MessageWriter { def headerWriter(out: OutputStream): PrintWriter = { new PrintWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(out, StandardCharsets.US_ASCII)) } def write(message: BaseProtocolMessage): ByteBuffer = { val out = new ByteArrayOutputStream() val header = headerWriter(out) write(message, out, header) } def write( message: BaseProtocolMessage, out: ByteArrayOutputStream, headerOut: PrintWriter ): ByteBuffer = { message.header.foreach { case (key, value) => headerOut.write(key) headerOut.write(": ") headerOut.write(value) headerOut.write("\r\n") } headerOut.write("\r\n") out.write(message.content) out.flush() val buffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(out.toByteArray, 0, out.size()) buffer } }
Example 62
Source File: LoadDataHarvesterSuite.scala From spark-atlas-connector with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.hortonworks.spark.atlas.sql import{FileOutputStream, PrintWriter} import java.nio.file.Files import scala.util.Random import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.LeafExecNode import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.command.{ExecutedCommandExec, LoadDataCommand} import com.hortonworks.spark.atlas.types.external import com.hortonworks.spark.atlas._ import com.hortonworks.spark.atlas.sql.testhelper.BaseHarvesterSuite import org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession abstract class BaseLoadDataHarvesterSuite extends BaseHarvesterSuite { protected val sourceTblName = "source_" + Random.nextInt(100000) protected override def initializeTestEnvironment(): Unit = { prepareDatabase() _spark.sql(s"CREATE TABLE $sourceTblName (name string)") } override protected def cleanupTestEnvironment(): Unit = { cleanupDatabase() } test("LOAD DATA [LOCAL] INPATH path source") { val file = Files.createTempFile("input", ".txt").toFile val out = new PrintWriter(new FileOutputStream(file)) out.write("a\nb\nc\nd\n") out.close() val qe = _spark.sql(s"LOAD DATA LOCAL INPATH '${file.getAbsolutePath}' " + s"OVERWRITE INTO TABLE $sourceTblName").queryExecution val qd = QueryDetail(qe, 0L) val node = qe.sparkPlan.collect { case p: LeafExecNode => p } assert(node.size == 1) val execNode = node.head.asInstanceOf[ExecutedCommandExec] val entities = CommandsHarvester.LoadDataHarvester.harvest( execNode.cmd.asInstanceOf[LoadDataCommand], qd) validateProcessEntity(entities.head, _ => {}, inputs => { inputs.size should be (1) val inputEntity = inputs.head.asInstanceOf[SACAtlasEntityWithDependencies].entity inputEntity.getTypeName should be (external.FS_PATH_TYPE_STRING) inputEntity.getAttribute("name") should be (file.getAbsolutePath.toLowerCase) }, outputs => { outputs.size should be (1) assertTable(outputs.head, _dbName, sourceTblName, _clusterName, _useSparkTable) }) } } class LoadDataHarvesterSuite extends BaseLoadDataHarvesterSuite with WithHiveSupport { override def beforeAll(): Unit = { super.beforeAll() initializeTestEnvironment() } override def afterAll(): Unit = { cleanupTestEnvironment() super.afterAll() } override def getSparkSession: SparkSession = sparkSession override def getDbName: String = "sac" override def expectSparkTableModels: Boolean = true } class LoadDataHarvesterWithRemoteHMSSuite extends BaseLoadDataHarvesterSuite with WithRemoteHiveMetastoreServiceSupport { override def beforeAll(): Unit = { super.beforeAll() initializeTestEnvironment() } override def afterAll(): Unit = { cleanupTestEnvironment() super.afterAll() } override def getSparkSession: SparkSession = sparkSession override def expectSparkTableModels: Boolean = false override def getDbName: String = dbName }
Example 63
Source File: GatherActor.scala From typebus with MIT License | 5 votes |
package io.surfkit.typebus.actors import{PrintWriter, StringWriter} import java.time.Instant import java.util.UUID import import akka.cluster.Cluster import akka.util.Timeout import io.surfkit.typebus.bus.Publisher import io.surfkit.typebus.{AvroByteStreams, ByteStreamReader, ByteStreamWriter} import io.surfkit.typebus.event._ import scala.reflect.ClassTag import scala.util.Try object GatherActor{ //def props[T, U](producer: Publisher[T], timeout: Timeout, writer: ByteStreamWriter[T], reader: ByteStreamReader[U]): Props = Props(classOf[GatherActor[T, U]], producer, timeout, writer) class GatherActor[T : ClassTag, U : ClassTag](serviceIdentifier: ServiceIdentifier, producer: Publisher, timeout: Timeout, writer: ByteStreamWriter[T], reader: ByteStreamReader[U]) extends Actor with ActorLogging with AvroByteStreams{ implicit val system = context.system import system.dispatcher val cluster = Cluster(context.system) val correlationId = UUID.randomUUID().toString log.debug(s"adding http actor ${self.path.toStringWithoutAddress}") def clusterPath = s"${cluster.selfAddress}${self.path.toStringWithoutAddress}" var replyTo:ActorRef = null val cancel = context.system.scheduler.scheduleOnce(timeout.duration){ log.warning("GatherActor timeout ... shutting down!") context.stop(self) } def receive = { case msg: GatherActor.Request[T] => replyTo = context.sender() val meta = EventMeta( eventId = UUID.randomUUID().toString, eventType = EventType.parse(, directReply = Some(RpcClient(clusterPath, serviceIdentifier)), correlationId = Some(correlationId) ) try {"[GatherActor] publish ${}") val outEvent = PublishedEvent( meta = meta, payload = writer.write( ) producer.publish(outEvent) producer.traceEvent(OutEventTrace(producer.serviceIdentifier, outEvent), outEvent.meta) }catch{ case t:Exception => producer.produceErrorReport(t,meta) cancel.cancel() context.stop(self) } case x:PublishedEvent =>"GatherActor got reply.... ${x.meta.eventType}") try{"GatherActor try to deserialize reader: ${reader} for type: ${x.meta.eventType}") val responsePayload = Try( ) replyTo ! responsePayload producer.traceEvent(InEventTrace(producer.serviceIdentifier, x), x.meta) }catch{ case t: Throwable => t.printStackTrace() val tType = scala.reflect.classTag[T].runtimeClass.getCanonicalName log.error(s"Gather actor failed to reply for response: ${tType}", t) replyTo ! producer.produceErrorReport(t, x.meta) }finally { cancel.cancel() context.stop(self) } case x => log.warning(s"GatherActor got Wrong message type ${x.getClass.getSimpleName}") cancel.cancel() context.stop(self) } override def postStop() { log.debug(s"GatherActor ACTOR STOP !!! ${self.path.toStringWithoutAddress}") } }
Example 64
Source File: Bench.scala From scalapy with MIT License | 5 votes |
package import object Bench { def test(name: String, batches: Int, batchSize: Int)(v: () => Unit): Unit = { val times = new Array[Long](batches) var i = 0 while (i < batches) { val start = System.nanoTime() var j = 0 while (j < batchSize) { v.apply() j += 1 } times(i) = System.nanoTime() - start i += 1 } val individualAverageTimes = / batchSize) val averageTime = individualAverageTimes.sum / batches.toDouble val standardDeviation = math.sqrt( => math.pow(t - averageTime, 2)).sum / batches.toDouble ) println(s"$name: mean $averageTime ns, std dev $standardDeviation ns") val writer = new PrintWriter(s"$name-${if (Platform.isNative) "native" else "jvm"}.bench.txt") individualAverageTimes.foreach(writer.println) writer.close() } }
Example 65
Source File: GeneralFunctions.scala From spark-bench with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import import scala.util.{Failure, Random, Success, Try} object GeneralFunctions { val any2Long: (Any) => Long = { case x: Number => x.longValue case x => x.toString.toLong } private def defaultFn[A](any: Any): A = any.asInstanceOf[A] private[utils] def tryWithDefault[A](a: Any, default: A, func: Any => A): A = Try(func(a)) match { case Success(b) => b case Failure(_) => default } def getOrDefaultOpt[A](opt: Option[Any], default: A, func: Any => A = defaultFn[A](_: Any)): A = {, default, func)).getOrElse(default) } def getOrDefault[A](map: Map[String, Any], name: String, default: A, func: Any => A = defaultFn[A](_: Any)): A = { getOrDefaultOpt(map.get(name), default, func) } def time[R](block: => R): (Long, R) = { val t0 = System.nanoTime() val result = block // call-by-name val t1 = System.nanoTime() (t1 - t0, result) } // def ccToMap(cc: AnyRef): Map[String, Any] = (Map[String, Any]() /: cc.getClass.getDeclaredFields) { (a, f) => f.setAccessible(true) a + (f.getName -> f.get(cc)) } def verifyOrThrow[A]( m: Map[String, Any], key: String, whatItShouldBe: A, errorMessage: String): A = m.get(key) match { case None => throw SparkBenchException(s"Required key not found: $key") case Some(`whatItShouldBe`) => whatItShouldBe.asInstanceOf[A] case _ => throw SparkBenchException(errorMessage) } def getOrThrow[A](opt: Option[A], msg: String = "Empty option"): A = opt match { case Some(x) => x case _ => throw SparkBenchException(s"Error: $msg") } def getOrThrow(m: Map[String, Any], key: String): Any = getOrThrow(m.get(key)) def getOrThrowT[T](m: Map[String, Any], key: String): T = getOrThrow(m.get(key)).asInstanceOf[T] def optionallyGet[A](m: Map[String, Any], key: String): Option[A] = m.get(key).map { any => any.asInstanceOf[A] } def stringifyStackTrace(e: Throwable): String = { import val sw = new StringWriter() val pw = new PrintWriter(sw) e.printStackTrace(pw) sw.toString } def randomLong(max: Long): Long = { val start = 0L (start + (Random.nextDouble() * (max - start) + start)).toLong } }
Example 66
Source File: PageViewGenerator.scala From sparkoscope with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
// scalastyle:off println package org.apache.spark.examples.streaming.clickstream import import import java.util.Random // scalastyle:on object PageViewGenerator { val pages = Map("" -> .7, "" -> 0.2, "" -> .1) val httpStatus = Map(200 -> .95, 404 -> .05) val userZipCode = Map(94709 -> .5, 94117 -> .5) val userID = Map((1 to 100).map(_ -> .01): _*) def pickFromDistribution[T](inputMap: Map[T, Double]): T = { val rand = new Random().nextDouble() var total = 0.0 for ((item, prob) <- inputMap) { total = total + prob if (total > rand) { return item } } inputMap.take(1).head._1 // Shouldn't get here if probabilities add up to 1.0 } def getNextClickEvent(): String = { val id = pickFromDistribution(userID) val page = pickFromDistribution(pages) val status = pickFromDistribution(httpStatus) val zipCode = pickFromDistribution(userZipCode) new PageView(page, status, zipCode, id).toString() } def main(args: Array[String]) { if (args.length != 2) { System.err.println("Usage: PageViewGenerator <port> <viewsPerSecond>") System.exit(1) } val port = args(0).toInt val viewsPerSecond = args(1).toFloat val sleepDelayMs = (1000.0 / viewsPerSecond).toInt val listener = new ServerSocket(port) println("Listening on port: " + port) while (true) { val socket = listener.accept() new Thread() { override def run(): Unit = { println("Got client connected from: " + socket.getInetAddress) val out = new PrintWriter(socket.getOutputStream(), true) while (true) { Thread.sleep(sleepDelayMs) out.write(getNextClickEvent()) out.flush() } socket.close() } }.start() } } } // scalastyle:on println
Example 67
Source File: PythonBroadcastSuite.scala From sparkoscope with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.api.python import{File, PrintWriter} import import org.scalatest.Matchers import org.apache.spark.{SharedSparkContext, SparkConf, SparkFunSuite} import org.apache.spark.serializer.KryoSerializer import org.apache.spark.util.Utils // This test suite uses SharedSparkContext because we need a SparkEnv in order to deserialize // a PythonBroadcast: class PythonBroadcastSuite extends SparkFunSuite with Matchers with SharedSparkContext { test("PythonBroadcast can be serialized with Kryo (SPARK-4882)") { val tempDir = Utils.createTempDir() val broadcastedString = "Hello, world!" def assertBroadcastIsValid(broadcast: PythonBroadcast): Unit = { val source = Source.fromFile(broadcast.path) val contents = source.mkString source.close() contents should be (broadcastedString) } try { val broadcastDataFile: File = { val file = new File(tempDir, "broadcastData") val printWriter = new PrintWriter(file) printWriter.write(broadcastedString) printWriter.close() file } val broadcast = new PythonBroadcast(broadcastDataFile.getAbsolutePath) assertBroadcastIsValid(broadcast) val conf = new SparkConf().set("spark.kryo.registrationRequired", "true") val deserializedBroadcast = Utils.clone[PythonBroadcast](broadcast, new KryoSerializer(conf).newInstance()) assertBroadcastIsValid(deserializedBroadcast) } finally { Utils.deleteRecursively(tempDir) } } }
Example 68
Source File: TnCmd.scala From TopNotch with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.bfm.topnotch.tnengine import{PrintWriter, StringWriter} import org.json4s._ import org.json4s.native.Serialization import org.json4s.native.Serialization.writePretty /** * A command for TnEngine to run */ abstract class TnCmd { val outputKey: String /** Whether to cache the resulting dataframe in memory. This should be a boolean defaulting to false, * but json4s has a problem with default values other than None for option. Change it to a default value if json4s * solves the bug. */ val cache: Option[Boolean] val outputPath: Option[String] /** If writing the output in hdfs, the name of the table to mount, otherwise none. Note: this will be ignored if * outputPath is not specified. */ val tableName: Option[String] implicit val formats = Serialization.formats(NoTypeHints) /** * Overriding toString to making output of unit tests that have cmds in error logs easier to understand */ override def toString = writePretty(this) } /** * The input to a command * @param ref The reference to the data set, either the path on hdfs or the name in the lookup table * @param onDisk Whether the input data set is stored on disk * @param delimiter The delimiter for plain text, delimited files. Leave to empty string for parquet. */ case class Input(ref: String, onDisk: Boolean, delimiter: Option[String] = None) /** * The strings used for converting a config file into a TnCmd */ object TnCmdStrings { val ioNamespace = "io" val commandListStr = "commands" val writerStr = "writer" val commandStr = "command" val paramsStr = "params" val externalParamsStr = "externalParamsFile" val outputKeyStr = "outputKey" val writeToDiskStr = "writeToDisk" val outputPathStr = "outputPath" } /** * The class indicating that there was at least one error in the configuration for this command * @param cmdString The JSON string for the command. * @param errorStr The errors encountered in creating this command. * @param cmdIdx The index of the command in the plan that failed * @param outputKey This is meaningless in this class. This exists only so that TnErrorCmd can extend TnCmd. * @param writeToDisk This is meaningless in this class. This exists only so that TnErrorCmd can extend TnCmd. * @param outputPath This is meaningless in this class. This exists only so that TnErrorCmd can extend TnCmd. */ case class TnErrorCmd ( cmdString: String, errorStr: String, cmdIdx: Int, outputKey: String = "", cache: Option[Boolean] = None, writeToDisk: Boolean = false, outputPath: Option[String] = None, tableName: Option[String] = None ) extends TnCmd { override def toString: String = { s"There was an error with the command in position ${cmdIdx} in its plan. The command was: \n ${cmdString} \n " + s"The message was: \n ${errorStr} \n\n END OF ERROR MESSAGE FOR COMMAND IN POSITION ${cmdIdx} \n\n" } } object TnErrorCmd { /** * Helper method for easily getting the stack trace of an exception as a string * @param e The exception * @return The exception's stack trace */ def getExceptionStackTrace(e: Exception): String = { val sw = new StringWriter e.printStackTrace(new PrintWriter(sw)) sw.toString } }
Example 69
Source File: TemplateEngine.scala From donut with MIT License | 5 votes |
package report.donut.template import{File, PrintWriter} import com.gilt.handlebars.scala.Handlebars import com.gilt.handlebars.scala.binding.dynamic._ import report.donut.gherkin.model.Report import report.donut.log.Log import report.donut._ import scala.util.Try object TemplateEngine { def apply(report: Report, templatePath: String): Renderer = { val inputStream = getClass.getResourceAsStream(templatePath) val template = val hbs: Handlebars[Any] = Handlebars(template) val rep = hbs(report) Renderer(rep) } } case class Renderer(boundTemplate: String) extends Log { def renderToHTML(outputPath: String, filePrefix: String): Either[String, Unit] = Try { val path = if (outputPath != "") { val outputDir = new File(outputPath) if (!outputDir.exists) outputDir.mkdirs outputDir.getAbsolutePath } val prefix = if (filePrefix != "") filePrefix + "-" else "" val out = new PrintWriter(outputPath + File.separator + prefix + "donut-report.html") out.write(boundTemplate.toString) out.close()"Donuts created at: $path/${prefix}donut-report.html") }.toEither(_.getMessage) } object SpecialCharHandler { def escape(htmlReport: String) = { htmlReport .replace(">", ">") .replace("<", "<") } }
Example 70
Source File: FileUtils.scala From eidos with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.clulab.wm.wmexchanger.utils import import import import import import import import import import org.clulab.wm.wmexchanger.utils.Closer.AutoCloser import object FileUtils { def appendingPrintWriterFromFile(file: File): PrintWriter = Sinker.printWriterFromFile(file, append = true) def appendingPrintWriterFromFile(path: String): PrintWriter = Sinker.printWriterFromFile(path, append = true) def printWriterFromFile(file: File): PrintWriter = Sinker.printWriterFromFile(file, append = false) def printWriterFromFile(path: String): PrintWriter = Sinker.printWriterFromFile(path, append = false) // Output def newBufferedOutputStream(file: File): BufferedOutputStream = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(file)) def newBufferedOutputStream(filename: String): BufferedOutputStream = newBufferedOutputStream(new File(filename)) def newAppendingBufferedOutputStream(file: File): BufferedOutputStream = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(file, true)) def newAppendingBufferedOutputStream(filename: String): BufferedOutputStream = newAppendingBufferedOutputStream(new File(filename)) def newObjectOutputStream(filename: String): ObjectOutputStream = new ObjectOutputStream(newBufferedOutputStream(filename)) // Input def newBufferedInputStream(file: File): BufferedInputStream = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(file)) def newBufferedInputStream(filename: String): BufferedInputStream = newBufferedInputStream(new File(filename)) def newObjectInputStream(filename: String): ObjectInputStream = new ObjectInputStream(newBufferedInputStream(filename)) def findFiles(collectionDir: String, extension: String): Seq[File] = { val dir = new File(collectionDir) val filter = new FilenameFilter { def accept(dir: File, name: String): Boolean = name.endsWith(extension) } val result = Option(dir.listFiles(filter)) .getOrElse(throw Sourcer.newFileNotFoundException(collectionDir)) result } protected def getTextFromSource(source: Source): String = source.mkString def getTextFromFile(file: File): String = Sourcer.sourceFromFile(file).autoClose { source => getTextFromSource(source) } }
Example 71
Source File: ExtractFromFile.scala From eidos with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.clulab.wm.eidos.apps import import scala.collection.mutable import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer import org.clulab.odin.Mention import org.clulab.wm.eidos.EidosSystem import org.clulab.wm.eidos.utils.DisplayUtils.printMention import org.clulab.wm.eidos.utils.Closer.AutoCloser import org.clulab.wm.eidos.utils.FileUtils object ExtractFromFile extends App { val inputDir = args(0) val outputFile = args(1) val files = FileUtils.findFiles(inputDir, "txt") println(s"There are ${files.length} files...") (FileUtils.printWriterFromFile(s"$outputFile")).autoClose { pw => val ieSystem = new EidosSystem() for (filename <- files) { val text = FileUtils.getTextFromFile(filename) println(s"There are ${text.split('\n').length} lines in the file...") val annotatedDoc = ieSystem.extractFromText(text) val doc = annotatedDoc.document pw.println(s"Filename: ${filename.getName}") // keep the EidosMentions that are relevant to the CAG val cagEdgeMentions = annotatedDoc.odinMentions.filter(m => EidosSystem.CAG_EDGES.contains(m.label)) val cagEdgeArguments = cagEdgeMentions.flatMap(mention => mention.arguments.values.flatten.toSeq) val eidosMentions = annotatedDoc.eidosMentions.filter(em => ieSystem.components.stopwordManager.isCAGRelevant(em.odinMention, cagEdgeMentions, cagEdgeArguments)) val mentionsBySentence = eidosMentions.groupBy(_.odinMention.sentence).toSeq.sortBy(_._1) for ((sentence, sentenceMentions) <- mentionsBySentence) { pw.println(s"\nSENTENCE ${sentence}: ${doc.sentences(sentence).getSentenceText}") println(s"Number of Eidos mentions found: ${sentenceMentions.length}") sentenceMentions.foreach( m => { pw.println(s"CanonicalName: ${m.canonicalName}") pw.println(s"OntologyGrounding: \n\t${m.grounding.values.mkString("\n\t")}") printMention(m.odinMention, pw) } ) pw.println(s"${"=" * 100}") } } } def prettyPrint(mentions:Seq[Mention], pw: PrintWriter): Unit = { val events = mentions.filter(_ matches "Event") val params = new mutable.HashMap[String, ListBuffer[(String, String, String)]]() for(e <- events) { val f = formal(e) if(f.isDefined) { val just = e.text val sent = e.sentenceObj.getSentenceText val quantifier = e.arguments.get("quantifier") match { case Some(quantifierMentions) => case None => "None" } params.getOrElseUpdate(f.get, new ListBuffer[(String, String, String)]) += new Tuple3(just, sent, quantifier) } } if(params.nonEmpty) { println("Eidos Parameters:") for (k <- params.keySet) { val evidence = params.get(k).get pw.println(s"$k: ${evidence.size} instances:") for (e <- evidence) { pw.println(s"\tJustification: [${e._1}]") pw.println(s"""\tSentence: "${e._2}"""") pw.println(s"\tQuantifier: ${e._3}") } pw.println() } } } def formal(e: Mention): Option[String] = { val t = if (e matches "Decrease") Some("DECREASE") else if (e matches "Increase") Some("INCREASE") else None => s"$t of ${e.arguments.get("theme").get.head.label}") } }
Example 72
Source File: FilterJsonCanonicalNames.scala From eidos with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.clulab.wm.eidos.apps import import import org.clulab.wm.eidos.utils.FileUtils import org.clulab.wm.eidos.utils.Sinker import org.clulab.wm.eidos.utils.Closer.AutoCloser import org.clulab.wm.eidos.utils.TsvWriter import org.json4s.DefaultFormats import org.json4s.JArray import org.json4s.JObject import org.json4s.JValue import org.json4s.jackson.JsonMethods object FilterJsonCanonicalNames extends App { class Filter(tsvWriter: TsvWriter) { implicit val formats: DefaultFormats.type = org.json4s.DefaultFormats tsvWriter.println("file", "id", "text", "canonicalName") def filter(jValue: JValue, inputFile: File): Unit = { val extractions: JValue = jValue \\ "extractions" extractions match { case JArray(extractions: List[_]) => // Type erasure removes the [JObject] extractions.foreach { extraction => val id = (extraction \ "@id").extract[String] val text = (extraction \ "text").extract[String] val canonicalName = (extraction \ "canonicalName").extract[String] tsvWriter.println(inputFile.getName, id, text, canonicalName) } case JObject(_) => case _ => throw new RuntimeException(s"Unexpected extractions value: $extractions") } } } val inputDir = args(0) val extension = args(1) val outputFile = args(2) new TsvWriter(Sinker.printWriterFromFile(outputFile)).autoClose { tsvWriter => val filter = new Filter(tsvWriter) val inputFiles = FileUtils.findFiles(inputDir, extension) inputFiles.sortBy(_.getName).foreach { inputFile => val text = FileUtils.getTextFromFile(inputFile) val json = JsonMethods.parse(text) filter.filter(json, inputFile) } } }
Example 73
Source File: FilterJsonLigatures.scala From eidos with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.clulab.wm.eidos.apps import import import java.util.regex.Pattern import org.clulab.wm.eidos.utils.Closer.AutoCloser import org.clulab.wm.eidos.utils.FileUtils import org.clulab.wm.eidos.utils.Sinker import org.clulab.wm.eidos.utils.TsvWriter import org.json4s.DefaultFormats import org.json4s.JString import org.json4s.JValue import org.json4s.jackson.JsonMethods object FilterJsonLigatures extends App { val pattern: Pattern = Pattern.compile("([A-Za-z]+(f([bhkl]|[ft]|[ij])|ij)) ([A-Za-z]+)") class Filter(tsvWriter: TsvWriter) { implicit val formats: DefaultFormats.type = org.json4s.DefaultFormats tsvWriter.println("file", "left", "right") def filter(jValue: JValue, inputFile: File): Unit = { val extractions: JValue = jValue \ "_source" \ "extracted_text" extractions match { case text: JString => val matcher = pattern.matcher(text.extract[String]) while (matcher.find) tsvWriter.println(inputFile.getName,, case _ => throw new RuntimeException(s"Unexpected extractions value: $extractions") } } } val inputDir = args(0) val extension = args(1) val outputFile = args(2) new TsvWriter(Sinker.printWriterFromFile(outputFile)).autoClose { tsvWriter => val filter = new Filter(tsvWriter) val inputFiles = FileUtils.findFiles(inputDir, extension) inputFiles.sortBy(_.getName).foreach { inputFile => val text = FileUtils.getTextFromFile(inputFile) val json = JsonMethods.parse(text) filter.filter(json, inputFile) } } }
Example 74
Source File: TestDiskFull.scala From eidos with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.clulab.wm.eidos.utils import import import import import import import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets import org.clulab.wm.eidos.test.TestUtils._ import org.clulab.wm.eidos.utils.Closer.AutoCloser class TestDiskFull extends Test { def test1 = { val file = "/E:/full.dat" var i = 0 try { val text1 = "The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog." val text = text1 + text1 for (limit <- 1 until 400) { val fos = new FileOutputStream(file) val osw = new OutputStreamWriter(new BufferedOutputStream(fos), StandardCharsets.UTF_8.toString) i = 0 new PrintWriter(osw).autoClose { pw => while (i < limit) { pw.print(text) i += 1 // pw.flush() // osw.flush() // fos.flush() fos.getFD.sync() } } } } catch { case exception: SyncFailedException => println(s"Synchronization failed for file $file at $i") println("Exiting with code -2 on assumption that the disk is full") System.exit(-2) case exception: IOException => println(s"IO failed for file $file at $i") println("Exiting with code -2 on assumption that the disk is full") System.exit(-2) case exception: Exception => println(s"Exception for file $file at $i") exception.printStackTrace() case throwable: Throwable => println(s"Throwable for file $file at $i") throwable.printStackTrace() } } // test1 }
Example 75
Source File: PythonBroadcastSuite.scala From SparkCore with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.api.python import import{PrintWriter, File} import org.scalatest.{Matchers, FunSuite} import org.apache.spark.{SharedSparkContext, SparkConf} import org.apache.spark.serializer.KryoSerializer import org.apache.spark.util.Utils // This test suite uses SharedSparkContext because we need a SparkEnv in order to deserialize // a PythonBroadcast: class PythonBroadcastSuite extends FunSuite with Matchers with SharedSparkContext { test("PythonBroadcast can be serialized with Kryo (SPARK-4882)") { val tempDir = Utils.createTempDir() val broadcastedString = "Hello, world!" def assertBroadcastIsValid(broadcast: PythonBroadcast): Unit = { val source = Source.fromFile(broadcast.path) val contents = source.mkString source.close() contents should be (broadcastedString) } try { val broadcastDataFile: File = { val file = new File(tempDir, "broadcastData") val printWriter = new PrintWriter(file) printWriter.write(broadcastedString) printWriter.close() file } val broadcast = new PythonBroadcast(broadcastDataFile.getAbsolutePath) assertBroadcastIsValid(broadcast) val conf = new SparkConf().set("spark.kryo.registrationRequired", "true") val deserializedBroadcast = Utils.clone[PythonBroadcast](broadcast, new KryoSerializer(conf).newInstance()) assertBroadcastIsValid(deserializedBroadcast) } finally { Utils.deleteRecursively(tempDir) } } }
Example 76
Source File: CodeToCpgFixture.scala From codepropertygraph with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package io.shiftleft.semanticcpg.testfixtures import{File, PrintWriter} import java.nio.file.Files import io.shiftleft.codepropertygraph.Cpg import io.shiftleft.codepropertygraph.cpgloading.{CpgLoader, CpgLoaderConfig} import io.shiftleft.semanticcpg.layers.{LayerCreatorContext, Scpg} import io.shiftleft.semanticcpg.testfixtures.CodeToCpgFixture.createEnhancements object CodeToCpgFixture { def apply[T](): CodeToCpgFixture = new CodeToCpgFixture(LanguageFrontend.Fuzzyc) def apply[T](sourceCode: String, passes: (Cpg => Unit) = createEnhancements, frontend: LanguageFrontend = LanguageFrontend.Fuzzyc)(fun: Cpg => T): T = new CodeToCpgFixture(frontend).buildCpg(sourceCode, passes)(fun) def createEnhancements(cpg: Cpg): Unit = { val context = new LayerCreatorContext(cpg) new Scpg().run(context) } } object CodeDirToCpgFixture { def apply[T](dir: File, passes: (Cpg => Unit) = createEnhancements, frontend: LanguageFrontend = LanguageFrontend.Fuzzyc)(fun: Cpg => T): T = new CodeToCpgFixture(frontend).buildCpgForDir(dir, passes)(fun) } class CodeToCpgFixture(frontend: LanguageFrontend) { def buildCpg[T](sourceCode: String, passes: (Cpg => Unit) = CodeToCpgFixture.createEnhancements)(fun: Cpg => T): T = { val tmpDir = writeCodeToFile(sourceCode) buildCpgForDir(tmpDir, passes)(fun) } def buildCpgForDir[T](dir: File, passes: (Cpg => Unit) = CodeToCpgFixture.createEnhancements)(fun: Cpg => T): T = { val cpgFile = frontend.execute(dir) val config = CpgLoaderConfig.withoutOverflow val cpg = CpgLoader.load(cpgFile.getAbsolutePath, config) passes(cpg) try fun(cpg) finally { cpg.close() } } private def writeCodeToFile(sourceCode: String): File = { val tmpDir = Files.createTempDirectory("semanticcpgtest").toFile tmpDir.deleteOnExit() val codeFile = File.createTempFile("Test", frontend.fileSuffix, tmpDir) codeFile.deleteOnExit() new PrintWriter(codeFile) { write(sourceCode); close() } tmpDir } }
Example 77
Source File: Tpcds_1_4_Suite.scala From carbondata with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.carbondata.view.rewrite import org.apache.carbondata.view.MVCatalogInSpark import org.apache.carbondata.view.testutil.ModularPlanTest import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.util._ import org.apache.spark.sql.optimizer.MVRewrite import org.scalatest.BeforeAndAfter //import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.SQLBuilder import{File, PrintWriter} class Tpcds_1_4_Suite extends ModularPlanTest with BeforeAndAfter { import org.apache.carbondata.view.rewrite.matching.TestTPCDS_1_4_Batch._ import org.apache.carbondata.view.testutil.Tpcds_1_4_Tables._ val spark = sqlContext val testHive = sqlContext.sparkSession test("test using tpc-ds queries") { tpcds1_4Tables.foreach { create_table => hiveClient.runSqlHive(create_table) } val writer = new PrintWriter(new File("batch.txt")) // val dest = "case_30" // val dest = "case_32" // val dest = "case_33" // case_15 and case_16 need revisit val dest = "case_39" } writer.close() } }
Example 78
Source File: TestBooleanCompressSuite.scala From carbondata with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.carbondata.spark.testsuite.booleantype.compress import{File, PrintWriter} import scala.util.Random import org.scalatest.{BeforeAndAfterAll, BeforeAndAfterEach} import org.apache.spark.sql.Row import org.apache.spark.sql.test.util.QueryTest class TestBooleanCompressSuite extends QueryTest with BeforeAndAfterEach with BeforeAndAfterAll { override def beforeEach(): Unit = { sql("drop table if exists boolean_table") } override def afterAll(): Unit = { sql("drop table if exists boolean_table") assert(deleteFile(randomBoolean)) } val randomBoolean = s"$resourcesPath/bool/supportRandomBooleanBigFile.csv" val trueNum = 10000000 override def beforeAll(): Unit = { assert(createBooleanFileRandom(randomBoolean, trueNum, 0.5)) } test("test boolean compress rate: random file") { sql( s""" | CREATE TABLE boolean_table( | booleanField BOOLEAN | ) | STORED AS carbondata """.stripMargin) sql( s""" | LOAD DATA LOCAL INPATH '${randomBoolean}' | INTO TABLE boolean_table | options('FILEHEADER'='booleanField') """.stripMargin) // Test for compress rate // sql("select * from boolean_table").show(100) // sql("select count(*) from boolean_table").show() // sql("select count(*) from boolean_table where booleanField= true").show() // sql("select count(*) from boolean_table where booleanField= false").show() checkAnswer( sql("select count(*) from boolean_table"), Row(trueNum)) } val randomNumber = 10000 def createBooleanFileRandom(path: String, totalLines: Int, rate: Double): Boolean = { try { val write = new PrintWriter(path) var d: Double = 0.0 val random = new Random() for (i <- 0 until totalLines) { val eachNum = random.nextInt(randomNumber) var flag: Boolean = true if (eachNum >= randomNumber * rate) { flag = false } write.println(flag) d = d + 1 } write.close() } catch { case _: Exception => assert(false) } return true } def deleteFile(path: String): Boolean = { try { val file = new File(path) file.delete() } catch { case _: Exception => assert(false) } return true } }
Example 79
Source File: BloomCoarseGrainIndexTestUtil.scala From carbondata with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.carbondata.index.bloom import{File, PrintWriter} import java.util.UUID import scala.util.Random import org.apache.spark.sql.test.util.QueryTest import org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame object BloomCoarseGrainIndexTestUtil extends QueryTest { def createFile(fileName: String, line: Int = 10000, start: Int = 0): Unit = { if (!new File(fileName).exists()) { val write = new PrintWriter(new File(fileName)) for (i <- start until (start + line)) { write.println( s"$i,n$i,city_$i,${ Random.nextInt(80) }," + s"${ UUID.randomUUID().toString },${ UUID.randomUUID().toString }," + s"${ UUID.randomUUID().toString },${ UUID.randomUUID().toString }," + s"${ UUID.randomUUID().toString },${ UUID.randomUUID().toString }," + s"${ UUID.randomUUID().toString },${ UUID.randomUUID().toString }") } write.close() } } def deleteFile(fileName: String): Unit = { val file = new File(fileName) if (file.exists()) { file.delete() } } private def checkSqlHitIndex(sqlText: String, indexName: String, shouldHit: Boolean): DataFrame = { // we will not check whether the query will hit the index because index may be skipped // if the former index pruned all the blocklets sql(sqlText) } def checkBasicQuery(indexName: String, bloomDMSampleTable: String, normalTable: String, shouldHit: Boolean = true): Unit = { checkAnswer( checkSqlHitIndex(s"select * from $bloomDMSampleTable where id = 1", indexName, shouldHit), sql(s"select * from $normalTable where id = 1")) checkAnswer( checkSqlHitIndex(s"select * from $bloomDMSampleTable where id = 999", indexName, shouldHit), sql(s"select * from $normalTable where id = 999")) checkAnswer( checkSqlHitIndex(s"select * from $bloomDMSampleTable where city = 'city_1'", indexName, shouldHit), sql(s"select * from $normalTable where city = 'city_1'")) checkAnswer( checkSqlHitIndex(s"select * from $bloomDMSampleTable where city = 'city_999'", indexName, shouldHit), sql(s"select * from $normalTable where city = 'city_999'")) checkAnswer( sql(s"select min(id), max(id), min(name), max(name), min(city), max(city)" + s" from $bloomDMSampleTable"), sql(s"select min(id), max(id), min(name), max(name), min(city), max(city)" + s" from $normalTable")) } }
Example 80
Source File: BlockingIoExample.scala From netty-in-action-scala with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package nia.chapter1.scaladsl import{ BufferedReader, IOException, InputStreamReader, PrintWriter } import // #snip @throws[IOException] def serve(portNumber: Int): Unit = { //创建一个新的 ServerSocket,用以监听指定端口上的连接请求 val serverSocket = new ServerSocket(portNumber) //对accept()方法的调用将被阻塞,直到一个连接建立 val clientSocket = serverSocket.accept //这些流对象都派生于该套接字的流对象 val in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(clientSocket.getInputStream)) val out = new PrintWriter(clientSocket.getOutputStream, true) var request: String = in.readLine var response: String = null //处理循环开始 while (request ne null) { if ("Done" != request) { //请求被传递给服务器的处理方法 response = processRequest(request) //服务器的响应被发送给了客户端 out.println(response) //继续执行处理循环 } request = in.readLine } // #snip } private def processRequest(request: String): String = "Processed" }
Example 81
Source File: QueryExecutorWithLogging.scala From variantsdwh with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import{File, FileOutputStream, PrintWriter} import java.util.Calendar import{ConnectDriver, EngineConnection, QueryResult} import net.jcazevedo.moultingyaml._ import net.jcazevedo.moultingyaml.DefaultYamlProtocol import net.jcazevedo.moultingyaml.DefaultYamlProtocol._ import org.apache.log4j.Logger import import case class Query(queryId:String, queryType:String, queryEngine:String, storageFormat:String,queryDesc:String, statement:String) object QueryType extends Enumeration { type QueryType = Value val SELECT, CREATE, UPDATE = Value } object QueryExecutorWithLogging { val log = Logger.getLogger("") object QueryYamlProtocol extends DefaultYamlProtocol { implicit val queryFormat = yamlFormat6(Query) } def runStatement(query: Query, conn:EngineConnection, logFile:String, dryRun: Boolean) = {"Running ${query.queryId} ... using ${query.queryEngine} engine") log.debug(s"Executing query: ${query.statement}") query.queryType.toLowerCase() match { case "select" => logQuery(conn, query, logFile, dryRun) case _ => conn.executeUpdate(query.statement.toLowerCase) } } def parseQueryYAML(file:String,storageType:String,connString:String, kuduMaster:String, dbName:String, ifExplain:Boolean = false) : Query ={"Parsing ${file}") val lines = val yml = lines.stripMargin.parseYaml import QueryYamlProtocol._ queryPreprocess(yml.convertTo[Query], storageType, connString, kuduMaster, dbName, ifExplain) } private def logQuery(conn:EngineConnection, query: Query, logFile:String, dryRun:Boolean) ={ val rs = conn.executeQuery(query.statement.toLowerCase,true) // val result = s"${Calendar.getInstance().getTime().toString},${query.queryId}," + s"${query.queryEngine},${query.storageFormat},${rs.timing.get.getTiming()},${dryRun.toString}\n""Result: ${result}") val writer = new PrintWriter(new FileOutputStream(new File(logFile),true)) writer.write(result) writer.flush() writer.close() } private def queryPreprocess(query: Query, storageType: String, connString: String, kuduMaster: String, dbName: String, ifExplain: Boolean) = { def replaceVars(property:String) ={ property .replaceAll("\\{\\{DATA_FORMAT\\}\\}",storageType.toLowerCase) .replaceAll("\\{\\{DB_NAME\\}\\}",dbName.toLowerCase) .replaceAll("\\{\\{KUDU_MASTER\\}\\}",kuduMaster ) .replaceAll("\\{\\{IF_EXPLAIN\\}\\}", if(ifExplain) "EXPLAIN " else "") .replaceAll("\\{\\{PERCENTILE_APPROX\\}\\}", if(query.queryEngine.toLowerCase=="presto") "approx_percentile" else "percentile_approx") } query.copy( queryId = replaceVars(query.queryId), queryDesc = replaceVars(query.queryDesc), storageFormat = replaceVars(query.storageFormat), statement = replaceVars(query.statement.replaceAll(",",",\n").replaceAll("\\(","\\( ")) ) } }
Example 82
Source File: generalDLM.scala From DynaML with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package io.github.mandar2812.dynaml.models.lm import{File, PrintWriter} import java.lang.Math.sqrt import breeze.stats.distributions.Gaussian import scalaz.Scalaz._ object generalDLM { type Loglikelihood = Double type Observation = Double type State = Double type Time = Double case class Data(time: Time, observation: Observation, state: Option[State]) { override def toString = state match { case Some(x) => s"$time, $observation, $x" case None => s"$time, $observation" } } case class Parameters(a: Double, b: Double, l1: Double, l2: Double) { override def toString = s"$a, $b, $l1, $l2" } def simulate(p: Parameters): Stream[Data] = { val stateSpace = unfold(Gaussian(p.l1, sqrt(p.l2)).draw)(x => Some(x, x + Gaussian(0, sqrt(p.b)).draw) ) stateSpace.zipWithIndex map { case (x, t) => Data(t, x + Gaussian(0, sqrt(p.a)).draw, Some(x)) } } val runSimulateFirstOrder = { val p = Parameters(3.0, 0.5, 0.0, 10.0) // simulate 16 different realisations of 100 observations, representing 16 stations val observations = (1 to 16) map (id => (id, simulate(p).take(100).toVector)) val pw = new PrintWriter(new File("data/firstOrderdlmRes.csv")) pw.write( observations. flatMap{ case (id, data) => data map (x => id + ", " + x.toString)}. mkString("\n")) pw.close() } }
Example 83
Source File: mcmc.scala From DynaML with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package io.github.mandar2812.dynaml.optimization import{File, PrintWriter} import breeze.numerics.log import breeze.stats.distributions.{Gaussian, Uniform} import io.github.mandar2812.dynaml.models.lm.KFilter import io.github.mandar2812.dynaml.models.lm.generalDLM._ import KFilter._ import scalaz.Scalaz._ object mcmc { case class MetropolisState(params: Parameters, accepted: Int, ll: Loglikelihood) def metropolisIters( initParams: Parameters, likelihood: Parameters => Loglikelihood, perturb: Parameters => Parameters): Stream[MetropolisState] = { val initState = MetropolisState(initParams, 0, likelihood(initParams)) unfold(initState)(metropolisStep(likelihood, perturb)) } def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { val n = 10000 val p = Parameters(3.0, 0.5, 0.0, 10.0) val observations = simulate(p).take(100).toVector val iters = metropolisIters(p, filterll(observations), perturb(0.1)).take(n) println(s"Accepted: ${iters.last.accepted.toDouble/n}") // write the parameters to file val pw = new PrintWriter(new File("data/mcmcOutRes.csv")) pw.write("\n")) pw.close() } }
Example 84
Source File: PropertiesConfigTest.scala From DynaML with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package io.github.mandar2812.dynaml.utils.sumac import org.scalatest.FunSuite import{PrintWriter, File} import java.util.Properties import org.scalatest.Matchers class PropertiesConfigTest extends FunSuite with Matchers { val testOutDir = new File("test_output/" + getClass.getSimpleName) testOutDir.mkdirs() test("load properties") { val propFile = new File(testOutDir, "") val p = new Properties() p.put("x", "98") p.put("blah", "ooga booga") val out = new PrintWriter(propFile),null) out.close() val args = new PropertyArgs() args.parse(Array("--propertyFile", propFile.getAbsolutePath)) args.x should be (98) args.blah should be ("ooga booga") } test("roundtrip properties") { val propFile = new File(testOutDir, "") val args = new PropertyArgs() args.x = 5 args.wakka = 93.4f args.propertyFile = propFile args.saveConfig() val args2 = new PropertyArgs() args2.propertyFile = propFile args2.parse(Map[String,String]()) args2.x should be (5) args2.wakka should be (93.4f) args2.blah should be (null) } class PropertyArgs extends FieldArgs with PropertiesConfig { var x: Int = _ var blah: String = _ var wakka: Float = _ } }
Example 85
Source File: package.scala From sbt-kubeyml with MIT License | 5 votes |
package kubeyml import{File, PrintWriter} import io.circe.Encoder import io.circe.syntax._ import io.circe.yaml.syntax._ package object plugin { private[kubeyml] def writePlan[A](a: A, buildTarget: File, kind: String)(implicit encoder: Encoder[A]) = { val genTarget = new File(buildTarget, "kubeyml") genTarget.mkdirs() val file = new File(genTarget, s"${kind}.yml") val printWriter = new PrintWriter(file) try { printWriter.println(a.asJson.asYaml.spaces4) } finally { printWriter.close() } } private[kubeyml] def writePlansInSingle[A, B](a: A, b: B, buildTarget: File, kind: String)(implicit encoderA: Encoder[A], encoder: Encoder[B] ) = { val genTarget = new File(buildTarget, "kubeyml") genTarget.mkdirs() val file = new File(genTarget, s"${kind}.yml") val printWriter = new PrintWriter(file) try { printWriter.println(a.asJson.asYaml.spaces4) printWriter.println("---") printWriter.println(b.asJson.asYaml.spaces4) } finally { printWriter.close() } } }
Example 86
Source File: SynonymRecordsUnifier.scala From attic-nlp4l with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.nlp4l.syn import import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer object SynonymRecordsUnifier { def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { if(args.length < 1) usage val synRecsList = ListBuffer[SynonymRecords]() for(arg <- args){ synRecsList += new SynonymRecords(arg, SynonymCommon.readAllRecords(arg)) } outputUniqueSynonymRecords(synRecsList.head, synRecsList.tail) } def usage(): Unit = { println("Usage: org.nlp4l.syn.SynonymRecordsUnifier synonyms.txt [synonyms-2.txt synonyms-3.txt...]"); println("\tsynonyms.txt\tsynonyms file to be checked") sys.exit } def outputUniqueSynonymRecords(src: SynonymRecords, destList: Seq[SynonymRecords]): Unit = { if(destList.isEmpty){ outputCheckedFile(src.headerComments, src.uniqueRecords, src.outFile) } else{ val result = checkAcross(src, destList, List()) outputCheckedFile(src.headerComments, result._1.uniqueRecords, src.outFile) outputUniqueSynonymRecords(result._2.head, result._2.tail) } } def checkAcross(src: SynonymRecords, destList: Seq[SynonymRecords], checkedDest: Seq[SynonymRecords]): (SynonymRecords, Seq[SynonymRecords]) = { if(destList.isEmpty){ (src, checkedDest) } else{ val checkedLists = checkTwoRecordsList(src, destList.head) checkAcross(checkedLists._1, destList.tail, checkedDest :+ checkedLists._2) } } def checkTwoRecordsList(src: SynonymRecords, dest: SynonymRecords): (SynonymRecords, SynonymRecords) = { val result = checkTwoRecordsList(src.uniqueRecords, dest.uniqueRecords, List()) (new SynonymRecords(src.synFile, src.outFile, src.headerComments, result._1), new SynonymRecords(dest.synFile, dest.outFile, dest.headerComments, result._2)) } def checkTwoRecordsList(src: Seq[Seq[String]], dest: Seq[Seq[String]], outSrc: Seq[Seq[String]]): (Seq[Seq[String]], Seq[Seq[String]]) = { if(src.isEmpty){ (outSrc, dest) } else{ val result = checkRecord2List(src.head, dest, List()) checkTwoRecordsList(src.tail, result._2, outSrc :+ result._1) } } def checkRecord2List(srcRecord: Seq[String], destList: Seq[Seq[String]], outDest: Seq[Seq[String]]): (Seq[String], Seq[Seq[String]]) = { if(destList.isEmpty){ (srcRecord, outDest) } else{ SynonymCommon.unifyRecordsIfNeeded(srcRecord, destList.head) match { case Some(unifiedSrcRecord) => checkRecord2List(unifiedSrcRecord, destList.tail, outDest) case None => checkRecord2List(srcRecord, destList.tail, outDest :+ destList.head) } } } def outputCheckedFile(headerComments: Seq[String], records: Seq[Seq[String]], outFile: String): Unit ={ if(records.nonEmpty){ val pw = new PrintWriter(outFile) try{ // write header comment lines for(headerComment <- headerComments){ pw.println(headerComment) } // write synonym lines for(record <- records){ pw.println(record.mkString(",")) } } finally{ pw.close } } } }
Example 87
Source File: SynonymTest.scala From attic-nlp4l with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.nlp4l.syn import import scala.sys.SystemProperties import trait SynonymTest { val TEMP_DIR = new SystemProperties().apply("") def l(a: String): Seq[String] = { a.split(",") } def ll(a: String): Seq[Seq[String]] = { val result = scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer[Seq[String]]() a.split("/").foreach{ s => result.append(l(s)) } return result } def assertL(expected: Seq[String], actual: Seq[String]): Unit = { if(expected.isEmpty){ assert(actual.isEmpty) } else{ assert(actual.nonEmpty) assert(expected.head == actual.head, "expected \"%s\", but was \"%s\"".format(expected.head, actual.head)) assertL(expected.tail, actual.tail) } } def assertLL(expected: Seq[Seq[String]], actual: Seq[Seq[String]]): Unit = { if(expected.isEmpty){ assert(actual.isEmpty) } else{ assert(actual.nonEmpty) assertL(expected.head, actual.head) assertLL(expected.tail, actual.tail) } } def tempFile(file: String): String ={ "%s/%s".format(TEMP_DIR, file) } def createSynonymFile(file: String, content: String): Unit = { val lines = ll(content) val out = new PrintWriter(file) try{ for(line <- lines){ out.println(line.mkString(",")) } } finally{ out.close } } def assertSynonymFile(llExpected: String, fileActual: String): Unit = { val cont = SynonymCommon.readAllRecords(fileActual) assertLL(ll(llExpected), cont._2) } def rmFile(file: String): Unit ={ val f = new File(file) f.delete() } }
Example 88
Source File: CodeGenWrite.scala From bosatsu with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.bykn.bosatsu import import cats.effect.IO import java.nio.file.Path import import org.typelevel.paiges.Doc object CodeGenWrite { @annotation.tailrec final def toPath(root: Path, pn: PackageName): Path = match { case NonEmptyList(h, Nil) => root.resolve(h).resolve("") case NonEmptyList(h0, h1 :: tail) => toPath(root.resolve(h0), PackageName(NonEmptyList(h1, tail))) } def writeDoc(p: Path, d: Doc): IO[Unit] = IO { Option(p.getParent).foreach(_.toFile.mkdirs) val pw = new PrintWriter(p.toFile, "UTF-8") try d.renderStream(80).foreach(pw.print(_)) finally { pw.close } } }
Example 89
Source File: package.scala From Scala-Design-Patterns-Second-Edition with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.ivan.nikolov import{PrintWriter, File} import package object monads { def readFile(path: String) = { System.out.println(s"Reading file ${path}") Source.fromFile(path).getLines() } def writeFile(path: String, lines: Iterator[String]) = { System.out.println(s"Writing file ${path}") val file = new File(path) printToFile(file) { p => lines.foreach(p.println) } } private def printToFile(file: File)(writeOp: PrintWriter => Unit): Unit = { val writer = new PrintWriter(file) try { writeOp(writer) } finally { writer.close() } } }
Example 90
Source File: package.scala From Scala-Design-Patterns-Second-Edition with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.ivan.nikolov import{PrintWriter, File} import package object monads { def readFile(path: String) = { System.out.println(s"Reading file ${path}") Source.fromFile(path).getLines() } def writeFile(path: String, lines: Iterator[String]) = { System.out.println(s"Writing file ${path}") val file = new File(path) printToFile(file) { p => lines.foreach(p.println) } } private def printToFile(file: File)(writeOp: PrintWriter => Unit): Unit = { val writer = new PrintWriter(file) try { writeOp(writer) } finally { writer.close() } } }
Example 91
Source File: package.scala From Scala-Design-Patterns-Second-Edition with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.ivan.nikolov.monads import{PrintWriter, File} import package object io { def readFile(path: String) = IOAction(Source.fromFile(path).getLines()) def writeFile(path: String, lines: Iterator[String]) = IOAction({ val file = new File(path) printToFile(file) { p => lines.foreach(p.println) } }) private def printToFile(file: File)(writeOp: PrintWriter => Unit): Unit = { val writer = new PrintWriter(file) try { writeOp(writer) } finally { writer.close() } } }
Example 92
Source File: package.scala From Scala-Design-Patterns-Second-Edition with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.ivan.nikolov.monads import{PrintWriter, File} import package object io { def readFile(path: String) = IOAction(Source.fromFile(path).getLines()) def writeFile(path: String, lines: Iterator[String]) = IOAction({ val file = new File(path) printToFile(file) { p => lines.foreach(p.println) } }) private def printToFile(file: File)(writeOp: PrintWriter => Unit): Unit = { val writer = new PrintWriter(file) try { writeOp(writer) } finally { writer.close() } } }
Example 93
Source File: BasicApp.scala From sbt-docker-compose with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
import import object BasicApp extends App { val text = """HTTP/1.0 200 OK Content-Type: text/html Content-Length: 200 <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>Hello, World!</TITLE> </HEAD> <BODY LANG="en-US" BGCOLOR="#e6e6ff" DIR="LTR"> <P ALIGN="CENTER"> <FONT FACE="Arial, sans-serif" SIZE="6">Hello, World!</FONT> </P> </BODY> </HTML>""" val port = 8080 val listener = new ServerSocket(port) while (true) { val sock = listener.accept() new PrintWriter(sock.getOutputStream, true).println(text) sock.shutdownOutput() } }
Example 94
Source File: BasicAppSpec.scala From sbt-docker-compose with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
import org.scalatest._ import scala.Console._ import scala.sys.process._ import scalaj.http.Http import org.scalatest.Tag import org.scalatest.concurrent._ import org.scalatest.exceptions._ import{ByteArrayOutputStream, PrintWriter} //You can define a specific tag to indicate which test should be run against the Docker Compose instance object DockerComposeTag extends Tag("DockerComposeTag") class BasicAppSpec extends fixture.FunSuite with fixture.ConfigMapFixture with Eventually with IntegrationPatience with Matchers { // The configMap passed to each test case will contain the connection information for the running Docker Compose // services. The key into the map is "serviceName:containerPort" and it will return "host:hostPort" which is the // Docker Compose generated endpoint that can be connected to at runtime. You can use this to endpoint connect to // for testing. Each service will also inject a "serviceName:containerId" key with the value equal to the container id. // You can use this to emulate service failures by killing and restarting the container. val basicServiceName = "basic" val basicServiceHostKey = s"$basicServiceName:8080" val basicServiceContainerIdKey = s"$basicServiceName:containerId" test("Validate that the Docker Compose endpoint returns a success code and the string 'Hello, World!'", DockerComposeTag) { configMap =>{ println(configMap) val hostInfo = getHostInfo(configMap) val containerId = getContainerId(configMap) println(s"Attempting to connect to: $hostInfo, container id is $containerId") eventually { val output = Http(s"http://$hostInfo").asString output.isSuccess shouldBe true output.body should include ("Hello, World!") } } } test("Example Untagged Test. Will not be run.") { configMap => } test("Validate presence of docker config information in system properties", DockerComposeTag) { configMap => Option(System.getProperty(basicServiceHostKey)) shouldBe defined } def getHostInfo(configMap: ConfigMap): String = getContainerSetting(configMap, basicServiceHostKey) def getContainerId(configMap: ConfigMap): String = getContainerSetting(configMap, basicServiceContainerIdKey) def getContainerSetting(configMap: ConfigMap, key: String): String = { if (configMap.keySet.contains(key)) { configMap(key).toString } else { throw new TestFailedException(s"Cannot find the expected Docker Compose service key '$key' in the configMap", 10) } } }
Example 95
Source File: BasicApp.scala From sbt-docker-compose with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
import import object BasicApp extends App { val text = """HTTP/1.0 200 OK Content-Type: text/html Content-Length: 200 <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>Hello, World!</TITLE> </HEAD> <BODY LANG="en-US" BGCOLOR="#e6e6ff" DIR="LTR"> <P ALIGN="CENTER"> <FONT FACE="Arial, sans-serif" SIZE="6">Hello, World!</FONT> </P> </BODY> </HTML>""" val port = 8080 val listener = new ServerSocket(port) while (true) { val sock = listener.accept() new PrintWriter(sock.getOutputStream, true).println(text) sock.shutdownOutput() } }
Example 96
Source File: BasicAppSpec.scala From sbt-docker-compose with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
import org.scalatest._ import scala.Console._ import scala.sys.process._ import scalaj.http.Http import org.scalatest.Tag import org.scalatest.concurrent._ import org.scalatest.exceptions._ import{ByteArrayOutputStream, PrintWriter} class BasicAppSpec extends fixture.FunSuite with fixture.ConfigMapFixture with Eventually with IntegrationPatience with Matchers { // The configMap passed to each test case will contain the connection information for the running Docker Compose // services. The key into the map is "serviceName:containerPort" and it will return "host:hostPort" which is the // Docker Compose generated endpoint that can be connected to at runtime. You can use this to endpoint connect to // for testing. Each service will also inject a "serviceName:containerId" key with the value equal to the container id. // You can use this to emulate service failures by killing and restarting the container. val basicServiceName = "basic" val basicServiceHostKey = s"$basicServiceName:8080" val basicServiceContainerIdKey = s"$basicServiceName:containerId" test("Validate that the Docker Compose endpoint returns a success code and the string 'Hello, World!'") { configMap =>{ println(configMap) val hostInfo = getHostInfo(configMap) val containerId = getContainerId(configMap) println(s"Attempting to connect to: $hostInfo, container id is $containerId") eventually { val output = Http(s"http://$hostInfo").asString output.isSuccess shouldBe true output.body should include ("Hello, World!") } } } test("Validate presence of docker config information in system properties") { configMap => Option(System.getProperty(basicServiceHostKey)) shouldBe defined } def getHostInfo(configMap: ConfigMap): String = getContainerSetting(configMap, basicServiceHostKey) def getContainerId(configMap: ConfigMap): String = getContainerSetting(configMap, basicServiceContainerIdKey) def getContainerSetting(configMap: ConfigMap, key: String): String = { if (configMap.keySet.contains(key)) { configMap(key).toString } else { throw new TestFailedException(s"Cannot find the expected Docker Compose service key '$key' in the configMap", 10) } } }
Example 97
Source File: BasicApp.scala From sbt-docker-compose with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
import import object BasicApp extends App { val text = """HTTP/1.0 200 OK Content-Type: text/html Content-Length: 200 <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>Hello, World!</TITLE> </HEAD> <BODY LANG="en-US" BGCOLOR="#e6e6ff" DIR="LTR"> <P ALIGN="CENTER"> <FONT FACE="Arial, sans-serif" SIZE="6">Hello, World!</FONT> </P> </BODY> </HTML>""" val port = 8080 val listener = new ServerSocket(port) while (true) { val sock = listener.accept() new PrintWriter(sock.getOutputStream, true).println(text) sock.shutdownOutput() } }
Example 98
Source File: BasicAppSpec.scala From sbt-docker-compose with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
import scala.Console._ import scala.sys.process._ import org.specs2._ import org.specs2.execute._ import scalaj.http.Http import{ByteArrayOutputStream, PrintWriter} class BasicAppSpec extends mutable.Specification { // The System Properties will contain the connection information for the running Docker Compose // services. The key into the map is "serviceName:containerPort" and it will return "host:hostPort" which is the // Docker Compose generated endpoint that can be connected to at runtime. You can use this to endpoint connect to // for testing. Each service will also inject a "serviceName:containerId" key with the value equal to the container id. // You can use this to emulate service failures by killing and restarting the container. val basicServiceName = "basic" val basicServiceHostKey = s"$basicServiceName:8080" val basicServiceContainerIdKey = s"$basicServiceName:containerId" val hostInfo = getHostInfo() val containerId = getContainerId() "Validate that the Docker Compose endpoint returns a success code and the string 'Hello, World!'" >> { println(s"Attempting to connect to: $hostInfo, container id is $containerId") eventually { val output = Http(s"http://$hostInfo").asString output.isSuccess mustEqual true output.body must contain ("Hello, World!") } } def getHostInfo(): String = getContainerSetting(basicServiceHostKey) def getContainerId(): String = getContainerSetting(basicServiceContainerIdKey) def getContainerSetting(key: String): String = { if (System.getProperty(key) != null) { System.getProperty(key) } else { throw new FailureException(Failure(s"Cannot find the expected Docker Compose service key '$key' in the System Properties")) } } }
Example 99
Source File: EventsController.scala From chatoverflow with Eclipse Public License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap import javax.servlet.AsyncContext import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest import org.codeoverflow.chatoverflow.ui.web.JsonServlet import org.scalatra.servlet.ScalatraAsyncSupport import org.scalatra.{BadRequest, Unauthorized} import org.scalatra.swagger.Swagger class EventsController(implicit val swagger: Swagger) extends JsonServlet with ScalatraAsyncSupport with EventsControllerDefinition { private val connectionWriters = new ConcurrentHashMap[AsyncContext, PrintWriter]() def broadcast(messageType: String, message: String = null): Unit = { connectionWriters.forEach((_, writer) => { try { sendMessage(writer, messageType, message) } catch { //probably lost or closed connection, remove from the list of connected clients case _: Throwable => connectionWriters.remove(writer) } }) } def closeConnections(): Unit = { connectionWriters.forEach((_, writer) => { try { sendMessage(writer, "close", null) writer.close() } finally { connectionWriters.remove(writer) } }) } private def sendMessage(writer: PrintWriter, messageType: String, message: String): Unit = { var msg = "event: " + messageType.replace("\n", "") + "\n" if (message != null) msg += "data: " + message.replace("\n", "\ndata: ") + "\n\n" writer.write(msg) writer.flush() } get("/", operation(getEvents)) { val accept = request.getHeader("Accept") if (accept == null || !accept.replace(" ", "").split(",").contains("text/event-stream")) { status = 406 } else { authParamRequired { contentType = "text/event-stream" val asyncContext = request.startAsync() asyncContext.setTimeout(0) val writer = asyncContext.getResponse.getWriter connectionWriters.put(asyncContext, writer) } } } private def authParamRequired(func: => Any)(implicit request: HttpServletRequest): Any = { val authKeyKey = "authKey" if (!request.parameters.contains(authKeyKey) || request.getParameter(authKeyKey).isEmpty) { BadRequest() } else if (request.getParameter(authKeyKey) != chatOverflow.credentialsService.generateAuthKey()) { Unauthorized() } else { func } } }
Example 100
Source File: framian.scala From scala-course with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
import{File,PrintWriter} import framian.{Index,Cols} import framian.csv.{Csv,CsvFormat} object FramianTest { def main(args: Array[String]) = { println("Hello") val df=Csv.parseFile(new File("../r/cars93.csv")).labeled.toFrame println(""+df.rows+" "+df.cols) val df2=df.filter(Cols("EngineSize").as[Double])( _ <= 4.0 ) println(""+df2.rows+" "+df2.cols) val"Weight").as[Int],"WeightKG")(r=>r.toDouble*0.453592) println(""+df3.rows+" "+df3.cols) println(df3.colIndex) val csv = Csv.fromFrame(new CsvFormat(",", header = true))(df3) new PrintWriter("out.csv") { write(csv.toString); close } println("Done") } }
Example 101
Source File: WriterEffectPage.scala From eff with MIT License | 5 votes |
package package lib object WriterEffectPage extends UserGuidePage { def is = "Writer".title ^ s2""" You can then define your own custom `Fold` to log the values to a file:${snippet{ import org.atnos.eff._, all._, syntax.all._ import import import type S = Fx.fx1[Writer[String, *]] val action: Eff[S, Int] = for { a <- pure[S, Int](1) _ <- tell("first value "+a) b <- pure[S, Int](2) _ <- tell("second value "+b) } yield a + b // define a fold to output values def fileFold(path: String) = new RightFold[String, Unit] { type S = PrintWriter val init: S = new PrintWriter(path) def fold(a: String, s: S): S = { s.println(a); s } def finalize(s: S): Unit = s.close } action.runWriterFold(fileFold("target/log")).run io.Source.fromFile("target/log").getLines.toList }.eval} """ }
Example 102
Source File: AnalyzerRule.scala From scala-commons with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.avsystem.commons package analyzer import{PrintWriter, StringWriter} import import scala.util.control.NonFatal abstract class AnalyzerRule(val global: Global, val name: String, defaultLevel: Level = Level.Warn) { import global._ var level: Level = defaultLevel var argument: String = _ protected def classType(fullName: String): Type = try rootMirror.staticClass(fullName).asType.toType.erasure catch { case _: ScalaReflectionException => NoType } protected def analyzeTree(fun: PartialFunction[Tree, Unit])(tree: Tree): Unit = try fun.applyOrElse(tree, (_: Tree) => ()) catch { case NonFatal(t) => val sw = new StringWriter t.printStackTrace(new PrintWriter(sw)) reporter.error(tree.pos, s"Analyzer rule $this failed: " + sw.toString) } private def adjustMsg(msg: String): String = s"[AVS] $msg" protected def report(pos: Position, message: String): Unit = level match { case Level.Off => case Level.Info => reporter.echo(pos, adjustMsg(message)) case Level.Warn => reporter.warning(pos, adjustMsg(message)) case Level.Error => reporter.error(pos, adjustMsg(message)) } def analyze(unit: CompilationUnit): Unit override def toString: String = getClass.getSimpleName } sealed trait Level object Level { case object Off extends Level case object Info extends Level case object Warn extends Level case object Error extends Level }
Example 103
Source File: MergeDeps.scala From bazel-deps with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.github.johnynek.bazel_deps import{ NonEmptyList, Validated, ValidatedNel } import cats.Foldable import cats.implicits._ import io.circe.jawn.JawnParser import{ File, PrintWriter } import scala.util.{ Failure, Success } import java.nio.file.Path object MergeDeps { private def load(f: Path): ValidatedNel[String, Model] = FormatDeps.readModel(f.toFile) match { case Right(m) => Validated.valid(m) case Left(err) => Validated.invalidNel(err) } def fail(errs: NonEmptyList[String]): Nothing = { errs.toList.foreach(System.err.println) System.exit(1) sys.error("unreachable") } def apply(models: NonEmptyList[Path], out: Option[Path]): Unit = { type A[T] = ValidatedNel[String, T] val mod = models.traverse[A, Model](load).toEither.right.flatMap { Model.combine(_) } mod match { case Left(errs) => fail(errs) case Right(m) => val stream = m.toDoc.renderStream(100) out match { case None => stream.foreach(System.out.print) case Some(path) => val pw = new PrintWriter(path.toFile) stream.foreach(pw.print(_)) pw.flush pw.close } } } def addDep(model: Path, lang: Language, coords: NonEmptyList[MavenCoordinate]): Unit = load(model) match { case Validated.Invalid(errs) => fail(errs) case Validated.Valid(m) => val realLang = m.getOptions.replaceLang(lang) val deps = def combine(d1: Dependencies, d2: Dependencies): Either[NonEmptyList[String], Dependencies] = Dependencies.combine(m.getOptions.getVersionConflictPolicy, d1, d2).toEither type E[T] = Either[NonEmptyList[String], T] Foldable[NonEmptyList].foldM[E, Dependencies, Dependencies](deps, m.dependencies)(combine) match { case Left(errs) => fail(errs) case Right(resDep) => val stream = m.copy(dependencies = resDep).toDoc.renderStream(100) val pw = new PrintWriter(model.toFile) stream.foreach(pw.print(_)) pw.flush pw.close } } }
Example 104
Source File: FormatDeps.scala From bazel-deps with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.github.johnynek.bazel_deps import{ File, PrintWriter } import io.circe.jawn.JawnParser import scala.util.{ Failure, Success } object FormatDeps { def readModel(path: File): Either[String, Model] = { val content: Either[String, String] = Model.readFile(path) match { case Success(str) => Right(str) case Failure(err) => Left(s"[ERROR]: Failed to read ${path}.\n$err") } val parser = if (path.toString.endsWith(".json")) new JawnParser else Yaml content.right.flatMap { c => Decoders.decodeModel(parser, c) match { case Right(m) => Right(m) case Left(err) => Left(s"[ERROR]: Failed to parse ${path}.\n$err") } } } def apply(path: File, overwrite: Boolean): Unit = { val model = readModel(path) match { case Left(msg) => System.err.println(msg) System.exit(1) sys.error("unreachable") case Right(m) => m } val stream = model.toDoc.renderStreamTrim(100) if (overwrite) { val pw = new PrintWriter(path) stream.foreach(pw.print(_)) pw.flush pw.close } else { stream.foreach(System.out.print(_)) } } }
Example 105
Source File: FormatActor.scala From scastie with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.olegych.scastie package sbt import api.{FormatRequest, FormatResponse, ScalaTarget} import import org.scalafmt.{Scalafmt, Formatted} import org.scalafmt.config.{ScalafmtConfig, ScalafmtRunner} import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory import{PrintWriter, StringWriter} class FormatActor() extends Actor { private val log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass) private def format(code: String, isWorksheetMode: Boolean, scalaTarget: ScalaTarget): Either[String, String] = {"format (isWorksheetMode: $isWorksheetMode)") val config = if (isWorksheetMode && scalaTarget.hasWorksheetMode) ScalafmtConfig.default.copy(runner = ScalafmtRunner.sbt) else ScalafmtConfig.default Scalafmt.format(code, style = config) match { case Formatted.Success(formattedCode) => Right(formattedCode) case Formatted.Failure(failure) => Left(failure.toString) } } override def receive: Receive = { case FormatRequest(code, isWorksheetMode, scalaTarget) => sender ! FormatResponse(format(code, isWorksheetMode, scalaTarget)) } }
Example 106
Source File: RuntimeError.scala From scastie with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.olegych.scastie.api import{PrintWriter, StringWriter} import play.api.libs.json._ case class RuntimeError( message: String, line: Option[Int], fullStack: String ) object RuntimeError { implicit val formatRuntimeError: OFormat[RuntimeError] = Json.format[RuntimeError] def wrap[T](in: => T): Either[Option[RuntimeError], T] = { try { Right(in) } catch { case ex: Exception => Left(RuntimeError.fromThrowable(ex, fromScala = false)) } } def fromThrowable(t: Throwable, fromScala: Boolean = true): Option[RuntimeError] = { def search(e: Throwable) = { e.getStackTrace .find( trace => if (fromScala) trace.getFileName == "main.scala" && trace.getLineNumber != -1 else true ) .map(v => (e, Some(v.getLineNumber))) } def loop(e: Throwable): Option[(Throwable, Option[Int])] = { val s = search(e) if (s.isEmpty) if (e.getCause != null) loop(e.getCause) else Some((e, None)) else s } loop(t).map { case (err, line) => val errors = new StringWriter() t.printStackTrace(new PrintWriter(errors)) val fullStack = errors.toString RuntimeError(err.toString, line, fullStack) } } } object RuntimeErrorWrap { implicit val formatRuntimeErrorWrap: OFormat[RuntimeErrorWrap] = Json.format[RuntimeErrorWrap] } case class RuntimeErrorWrap(error: Option[RuntimeError])
Example 107
Source File: RuntimeErrorLogger.scala From scastie with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.olegych.scastie.sbtscastie import{OutputStream, PrintWriter} import com.olegych.scastie.api._ import org.apache.logging.log4j.core.LogEvent import org.apache.logging.log4j.core.appender.AbstractAppender import org.apache.logging.log4j.core.layout.PatternLayout import org.apache.logging.log4j.message.ObjectMessage import play.api.libs.json.Json import sbt.Keys._ import sbt._ import sbt.internal.LogManager.suppressedMessage import sbt.internal.util.MainAppender.defaultScreen import sbt.internal.util.{ObjectEvent, TraceEvent} object RuntimeErrorLogger { private object NoOp { def apply(): NoOp = { def out(in: String): Unit = { println( Json.stringify( Json.toJson[ConsoleOutput]( ConsoleOutput.SbtOutput(ProcessOutput(in.trim, ProcessOutputType.StdOut, None)) ) ) ) } new NoOp(new OutputStream { override def close(): Unit = () override def flush(): Unit = () override def write(b: Array[Byte]): Unit = out(new String(b)) override def write(b: Array[Byte], off: Int, len: Int): Unit = out(new String(b, off, len)) override def write(b: Int): Unit = () }) } } private class NoOp(os: OutputStream) extends PrintWriter(os) private val clientLogger = new AbstractAppender("sbt-scastie-appender", null, PatternLayout.createDefaultLayout(), true, Array()) { def append(event: LogEvent): Unit = { //daaamn val throwable = Option(event.getThrown).orElse { for { e <- Option(event.getMessage).collect { case e: ObjectMessage => e } e <- Option(e.getParameter).collect { case e: ObjectEvent[_] => e } e <- Option(e.message).collect { case e: TraceEvent => e } //since worksheet wraps the code in object we unwrap it to display clearer message e <- Option(e.message).collect { case e: ExceptionInInitializerError if e.getCause != null && e.getCause.getStackTrace.headOption.exists { e => e.getClassName == Instrumentation.instrumentedObject + "$" && e.getMethodName == "<clinit>" } => e.getCause case e => e } } yield e } throwable.foreach { throwable => val error = RuntimeErrorWrap(RuntimeError.fromThrowable(throwable)) println(Json.stringify(Json.toJson(error))) } } start() } val settings: Seq[sbt.Def.Setting[_]] = Seq( extraLoggers := { (key: ScopedKey[_]) => Seq(clientLogger) }, showSuccess := false, logManager := sbt.internal.LogManager.withLoggers( (task, state) => defaultScreen(ConsoleOut.printWriterOut(NoOp()), suppressedMessage(task, state)), relay = _ => clientLogger ) ) }
Example 108
Source File: InstrumentedInputs.scala From scastie with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.olegych.scastie.instrumentation import{PrintWriter, StringWriter} import java.time.Instant import com.olegych.scastie.api._ import scala.meta.parsers.Parsed case class InstrumentationFailureReport(message: String, line: Option[Int]) { def toProgress(snippetId: SnippetId): SnippetProgress = { SnippetProgress.default.copy( ts = Some(, snippetId = Some(snippetId), compilationInfos = List(Problem(Error, line, message)) ) } } object InstrumentedInputs { def apply(inputs0: Inputs): Either[InstrumentationFailureReport, InstrumentedInputs] = { if (inputs0.isWorksheetMode) { val instrumented = Instrument(inputs0.code, { instrumentedCode => inputs0.copy(code = instrumentedCode) } instrumented match { case Right(inputs) => success(inputs) case Left(error) => import InstrumentationFailure._ error match { case HasMainMethod => Right(InstrumentedInputs(inputs0.copy(_isWorksheetMode = false), isForcedProgramMode = true)) case UnsupportedDialect => Left(InstrumentationFailureReport("This Scala target does not have a worksheet mode", None)) case ParsingError(Parsed.Error(pos, message, _)) => val lineOffset = Instrument.getParsingLineOffset(inputs0) Left(InstrumentationFailureReport(message, Some(pos.startLine + lineOffset))) case InternalError(exception) => val errors = new StringWriter() exception.printStackTrace(new PrintWriter(errors)) val fullStack = errors.toString Left(InstrumentationFailureReport(fullStack, None)) } } } else { success(inputs0) } } private def success(inputs: Inputs): Either[InstrumentationFailureReport, InstrumentedInputs] = { Right(InstrumentedInputs(inputs, isForcedProgramMode = false)) } } case class InstrumentedInputs( inputs: Inputs, isForcedProgramMode: Boolean )
Example 109
Source File: BfsStrategyStopWatchDecorator.scala From apalache with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import{FileWriter, PrintWriter, Writer} import java.time.{Duration, LocalDateTime} import{Finish, FinishOnDeadlock, NextStep} class BfsStrategyStopWatchDecorator(strategy: SearchStrategy, filename: String) extends SearchStrategy { private var currentStep: Int = 0 private var printWriter: Option[PrintWriter] = None private var startTime: LocalDateTime = override def getCommand: SearchStrategy.Command = { val command = strategy.getCommand command match { case NextStep(stepNo, _, _) => if (stepNo == 0) { currentStep = 0 // create a log file and add a header printWriter = Some(new PrintWriter(new FileWriter(filename, false))) printWriter.get.println("step,total_sec,nanosec_adjustment") // start the timer startTime = } else { appendCsvEntry() currentStep = stepNo } case Finish() | FinishOnDeadlock() => appendCsvEntry() printWriter.get.close() } command } private def appendCsvEntry(): Unit = { val currentTime = val duration = Duration.between(startTime, currentTime) printWriter.get.println("%d,%d,%d".format(currentStep, duration.getSeconds, duration.getNano)) printWriter.get.flush() // get the results as soon as possible } override def registerResponse(response: SearchStrategy.Response): Unit = { strategy.registerResponse(response) } }
Example 110
Source File: RuleStatLocator.scala From apalache with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package at.forsyte.apalache.tla.bmcmt.profiler import{BufferedWriter, FileWriter, PrintWriter} import scala.collection.immutable.SortedMap class RuleStatLocator { private var ruleStats: Map[String, RuleStat] = Map() def getRuleStat(ruleName: String): RuleStat = { ruleStats.get(ruleName) match { case Some(r) => r case None => val newRule = new RuleStat(ruleName) ruleStats += ruleName -> newRule newRule } } def getStats = SortedMap(ruleStats.toSeq :_*) def writeStats(filename: String): Unit = { val writer = new PrintWriter(new FileWriter(filename, false)) writer.println("Rule profiling statistics") val hrule = List.fill(80)('-').mkString writer.println(hrule) writer.println("%20s %9s %9s %9s %9s %9s" .format("name", "calls", "cells", "smt-consts", "smt-asserts", "smt-avg-size")) writer.println(hrule) val stats = ruleStats.values.toSeq.sortWith(_.nCalls > _.nCalls) for (rs <- stats) { writer.println("%-20s %9d %9d %9d %9d %9d" .format(rs.ruleName, rs.nCalls, rs.nCellsSelf, rs.nSmtConstsSelf, rs.nSmtAssertsSelf, rs.smtAssertsSizeAvg)) } writer.close() } }
Example 111
Source File: RewriterBase.scala From apalache with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package at.forsyte.apalache.tla.bmcmt import{PrintWriter, StringWriter} import at.forsyte.apalache.tla.bmcmt.types.eager.TrivialTypeFinder import at.forsyte.apalache.tla.lir.convenience.tla import org.scalatest.{BeforeAndAfterEach, FunSuite} class RewriterBase extends FunSuite with BeforeAndAfterEach { protected var solverContext: SolverContext = new PreproSolverContext(new Z3SolverContext()) protected var arena: Arena = Arena.create(solverContext) override def beforeEach() { solverContext = new PreproSolverContext(new Z3SolverContext(debug = true)) arena = Arena.create(solverContext) } override def afterEach() { solverContext.dispose() } protected def create(): SymbStateRewriterAuto = { new SymbStateRewriterAuto(solverContext) } protected def createWithoutCache(): SymbStateRewriter = { new SymbStateRewriterImpl(solverContext, new TrivialTypeFinder()) } protected def assertUnsatOrExplain(rewriter: SymbStateRewriter, state: SymbState): Unit = { assertOrExplain("UNSAT", rewriter, state, !solverContext.sat()) } protected def assumeTlaEx(rewriter: SymbStateRewriter, state: SymbState): SymbState = { val nextState = rewriter.rewriteUntilDone(state.setTheory(BoolTheory())) solverContext.assertGroundExpr(nextState.ex) assert(solverContext.sat()) nextState } protected def assertTlaExAndRestore(rewriter: SymbStateRewriter, state: SymbState): Unit = { rewriter.push() val nextState = rewriter.rewriteUntilDone(state.setTheory(BoolTheory())) assert(solverContext.sat()) rewriter.push() solverContext.assertGroundExpr(nextState.ex) assert(solverContext.sat()) rewriter.pop() rewriter.push() solverContext.assertGroundExpr(tla.not(nextState.ex)) assertUnsatOrExplain(rewriter, nextState) rewriter.pop() rewriter.pop() } private def assertOrExplain(msg: String, rewriter: SymbStateRewriter, state: SymbState, outcome: Boolean): Unit = { if (!outcome) { val writer = new StringWriter() new SymbStateDecoder(solverContext, rewriter).dumpArena(state, new PrintWriter(writer)) solverContext.log(writer.getBuffer.toString) solverContext.push() // push and pop flush the log output solverContext.pop() fail("Expected %s, check log.smt for explanation".format(msg)) } } }
Example 112
Source File: ThrowableImplicits.scala From ForestFlow with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package ai.forestflow.utils import{PrintWriter, StringWriter} import scala.language.implicitConversions object ThrowableImplicits { implicit def Throwable2StackTraceString(ex: Throwable): String = { val sw = new StringWriter() val pw = new PrintWriter(sw) ex.printStackTrace(pw) sw.toString } implicit class PrintableThrowable(ex: Throwable) { def printableStackTrace: String = Throwable2StackTraceString(ex) } }
Example 113
Source File: DagrScriptManagerTest.scala From dagr with MIT License | 5 votes |
package dagr.core.cmdline import import java.nio.file.{Files, Path} import com.fulcrumgenomics.commons.CommonsDef._ import com.fulcrumgenomics.commons.util.ClassFinder import dagr.core.UnitSpec import dagr.core.tasksystem.Pipeline import org.reflections.util.ClasspathHelper object DagrScriptManagerTest { def packageName: String = "dagr.example" def helloWorldScript(packageName: String = packageName) = s""" |package ${packageName} | |import com.fulcrumgenomics.sopt._ |import dagr.core.tasksystem.Pipeline | |// NB: output directories must exist |@clp(description = "Hello World Pipeline") |class HelloWorldPipeline |( | @arg(doc = "First set of text") | var blockOne: List[String] = Nil, | @arg(doc = "Second set of text") | var blockTwo: List[String] = Nil |) extends Pipeline { | | override def build(): Unit = { | println("blockOne: " + blockOne.mkString("\\n")) | println("blockTwo: " + blockTwo.mkString("\\n")) | } |} """.stripMargin val buggyScript = """ |package dagr.example | | Bug Bug Bug | Bug Bug Bug | BUg Bug Bug | | class flarfle extends noodle () """.stripMargin def writeScript(content: String): (Path, Path) = { val tmpDir: Path = Files.createTempDirectory("dagrScriptDirectory") val tmpFile: Path = Files.createTempFile(tmpDir, "dagrScript", ".dagr") tmpDir.toFile.deleteOnExit() tmpFile.toFile.deleteOnExit() // write the script val writer = new PrintWriter(tmpFile.toFile) writer.println(content) writer.close() (tmpDir, tmpFile) } } class DagrScriptManagerTest extends UnitSpec { import DagrScriptManagerTest._ "DagrScriptManager" should "compile and load a Dagr script" in { val (tmpDir: Path, tmpFile: Path) = writeScript(helloWorldScript()) val manager = new DagrScriptManager manager.loadScripts(Seq(tmpFile), tmpDir) // make sure tmpDir is not on the classpath ClasspathHelper.forManifest.iterator.toSet.exists(url => url.toString.contains(tmpDir.toString)) shouldBe true // make sure we find the class in the classpath val classFinder: ClassFinder = new ClassFinder classFinder.find("dagr.example", classOf[Pipeline]) classFinder .getClasses .iterator .map(_.getCanonicalName) .exists(name => 0 == name.compareTo("dagr.example.HelloWorldPipeline")) shouldBe true } it should "fail to compile a buggy Dagr script" in { val (tmpDir: Path, tmpFile: Path) = writeScript(buggyScript) val manager = new DagrScriptManager an[RuntimeException] should be thrownBy manager.loadScripts(Seq(tmpFile), tmpDir) // make sure tmpDir is not on the classpath ClasspathHelper.forManifest.iterator.exists(url => url.toString.contains(tmpDir.toString)) shouldBe false } }
Example 114
Source File: ControlledFacesSettings.scala From parametric-face-image-generator with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package faces.settings import{File, PrintWriter} import case class ControlledFacesSettings( override val general: General, override val outputLocation: OutputLocation, override val backgrounds: Backgrounds, override val renderingMethods: RenderingMethods, override val morphableModelParameters: MorphableModelParameters, override val imageDimensions: ImageDimensions, override val defaultParameters: DefaultParameters, override val landmarkTags: IndexedSeq[String], override val regionMaps: IndexedSeq[TextureMappedPropertyDescription], illuminationVariation: ControlledIlluminationVariation, poseVariation: ControlledPoseVariation, backgroundVariation: ControlledBackgroundVariation ) extends FacesSettings { } object ControlledFacesSettings { import ControlledFacesSettingsJsonFormatV1._ import spray.json._ def write(setting:ControlledFacesSettings, file: File): Unit = { val writer = new PrintWriter(file) writer.println(setting.toJson prettyPrint) writer.flush() writer.close() } def read(file: File): ControlledFacesSettings = { val source = Source.fromFile(file) read(source) } def read(source: Source): ControlledFacesSettings = { val content = try source.getLines mkString "\n" finally source.close() content.parseJson.convertTo[ControlledFacesSettings] } }
Example 115
Source File: RandomFacesSettings.scala From parametric-face-image-generator with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package faces.settings import{File, PrintWriter} import case class RandomFacesSettings( override val general: General, override val outputLocation: OutputLocation, override val backgrounds: Backgrounds, override val renderingMethods: RenderingMethods, override val morphableModelParameters: MorphableModelParameters, override val imageDimensions: ImageDimensions, override val defaultParameters: DefaultParameters, override val landmarkTags: IndexedSeq[String], override val regionMaps: IndexedSeq[TextureMappedPropertyDescription], illuminationParameters: IlluminationParameters, poseVariation: RandomPoseVariation ) extends FacesSettings { } object RandomFacesSettings { import RandomFacesSettingsJsonFormatV1._ import spray.json._ def write(setting: RandomFacesSettings, file: File): Unit = { val writer = new PrintWriter(file) writer.println(setting.toJson prettyPrint) writer.flush() writer.close() } def read(file: File): RandomFacesSettings = { val source = Source.fromFile(file) read(source) } def read(source: Source): RandomFacesSettings = { val content = try source.getLines mkString "\n" finally source.close() content.parseJson.convertTo[RandomFacesSettings] } }
Example 116
Source File: VPCWriter.scala From cloudformation-template-generator with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
package com.monsanto.arch.cloudformation.model import{File, PrintWriter} import spray.json._ trait VPCWriter { def jsonToFile[T : JsonWriter](fileName: String, subDir: String, jsObj: T) { val json = jsObj.toJson val filePath = new File("target/" + subDir + "/" + fileName) filePath.getParentFile.mkdirs() val printWriter = new PrintWriter(filePath) printWriter.print(json.prettyPrint) printWriter.close() } def writeStaxModule(fileName: String, template: Template) { jsonToFile(fileName, "template", template) jsonToFile(fileName, "config", InputParameter.templateParameterToInputParameter(template.Parameters)) } }
Example 117
Source File: ExceptionStacktraceToString.scala From graphcool-framework with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package cool.graph.util.exceptions import{PrintWriter, StringWriter} object ExceptionStacktraceToString { implicit class ThrowableStacktraceExtension(t: Throwable) { def stackTraceAsString: String = ExceptionStacktraceToString(t) } def apply(t: Throwable): String = { val sw = new StringWriter() val pw = new PrintWriter(sw) t.printStackTrace(pw) sw.toString() } }
Example 118
Source File: BitcoinSpout.scala From Raphtory with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.raphtory.examples.blockchain.spouts import import import com.raphtory.core.components.Spout.SpoutTrait import com.raphtory.examples.blockchain.BitcoinTransaction import scalaj.http.Http import scalaj.http.HttpRequest import spray.json._ import import scala.concurrent.duration._ import scala.language.postfixOps import scala.sys.process._ class BitcoinSpout extends SpoutTrait { var blockcount = 1 val rpcuser = System.getenv().getOrDefault("BITCOIN_USERNAME", "").trim val rpcpassword = System.getenv().getOrDefault("BITCOIN_PASSWORD", "").trim val serverAddress = System.getenv().getOrDefault("BITCOIN_NODE", "").trim val id = "scala-jsonrpc" val baseRequest = Http(serverAddress).auth(rpcuser, rpcpassword).header("content-type", "text/plain") //************* MESSAGE HANDLING BLOCK override def ProcessSpoutTask(message: Any): Unit = message match { case StartSpout => AllocateSpoutTask(Duration(1, MILLISECONDS), "parseBlock") case "parseBlock" => try { getTransactions() blockcount += 1 AllocateSpoutTask(Duration(1, MILLISECONDS), "parseBlock") } catch { case e: => AllocateSpoutTask(Duration(1, MILLISECONDS), "parseBlock") } case _ => println("message not recognized!") } def outputScript() = { val pw = new PrintWriter(new File("")) pw.write("""curl --user $1:$2 --data-binary $3 -H 'content-type: text/plain;' $4""") pw.close "chmod 777" ! } def curlRequest(command: String, params: String): String = { //val data = """{"jsonrpc":"1.0","id":"scala-jsonrpc","method":"getblockhash","params":[2]}""" val data = s"""{"jsonrpc":"1.0","id":"$id","method":"$command","params":[$params]}""" s"bash $rpcuser $rpcpassword $data $serverAddress" !! } def request(command: String, params: String = ""): HttpRequest = baseRequest.postData(s"""{"jsonrpc": "1.0", "id":"$id", "method": "$command", "params": [$params] }""") def getTransactions(): Unit = { val re = request("getblockhash", blockcount.toString).execute().body.toString.parseJson.asJsObject val blockID = re.fields("result") val blockData = request("getblock", s"$blockID,2").execute().body.toString.parseJson.asJsObject val result = blockData.fields("result") val time = result.asJsObject.fields("time") for (transaction <- result.asJsObject().fields("tx").asInstanceOf[JsArray].elements) sendTuple(BitcoinTransaction(time, blockcount, blockID, transaction)) //val time = transaction.asJsObject.fields("time") } } //def request(command: String, params: String = ""): HttpRequest = baseRequest.postData(s"""{"jsonrpc": "1.0", "id":"$id", "method": "$command", "params": [$params] }""")
Example 119
Source File: InvokeMigrationHandler.scala From flyway-awslambda with MIT License | 5 votes |
package import{BufferedOutputStream, InputStream, OutputStream, PrintWriter} import com.amazonaws.regions.{Region, Regions} import{Context, RequestStreamHandler} import{AmazonS3, AmazonS3Client} import{BufferedSource, Codec} import scala.util.{Failure, Success, Try} class InvokeMigrationHandler extends RequestStreamHandler with S3MigrationHandlerBase { type BucketName = String type Prefix = String type ConfFileName = String override def handleRequest(input: InputStream, output: OutputStream, context: Context): Unit = { def parseInput: Try[(BucketName, Prefix, ConfFileName)] = Try { import spray.json._ import DefaultJsonProtocol._ val json = new BufferedSource(input)(Codec("UTF-8")).mkString val jsObj = JsonParser(json).toJson.asJsObject jsObj.getFields( "bucket_name", "prefix" ) match { case Seq(JsString(b), JsString(p)) => { jsObj.getFields( "flyway_conf" ) match { case Seq(JsString(c)) => (b, p, c) case _ => (b, p, "flyway.conf") } } case _ => throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Missing require key [bucketName, prefix]. - $json") } } val logger = context.getLogger implicit val s3Client: AmazonS3 = new AmazonS3Client().withRegion(Region.getRegion(Regions.fromName(sys.env("AWS_REGION")))) (for { i <- parseInput _ = { logger.log(s"Flyway migration start. by invoke lambda function(${i._1}, ${i._2}, ${i._3}).") } r <- migrate(i._1, i._2, i._3)(context, s3Client) } yield r) match { case Success(r) => logger.log(r) val b = r.getBytes("UTF-8") val bout = new BufferedOutputStream(output) Stream.continually(bout.write(b)) bout.flush() case Failure(e) => e.printStackTrace() val w = new PrintWriter(output) w.write(e.toString) w.flush() } } }
Example 120
Source File: PrintCreateStatements.scala From akka-persistence-cassandra with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package akka.persistence.cassandra import import import object PrintCreateStatements { def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { val system = ActorSystem("PrintCreateStatements") val statements = new KeyspaceAndTableStatements(system, "akka.persistence.cassandra", PluginSettings(system)) def withWriter(name: String)(f: PrintWriter => Unit): Unit = { val writer: PrintWriter = new PrintWriter(new File(name)) try { f(writer) } finally { writer.flush() writer.close() } } withWriter("./target/journal-keyspace.txt") { pw => pw.println("//#journal-keyspace") pw.println(statements.createJournalKeyspaceStatement + ";") pw.println("//#journal-keyspace") } withWriter("./target/journal-tables.txt") { pw => pw.println("//#journal-tables") pw.println(statements.createJournalTablesStatements.mkString(";\n\n") + ";") pw.println("//#journal-tables") } withWriter("./target/snapshot-keyspace.txt") { pw => pw.println("//#snapshot-keyspace") pw.println(statements.createSnapshotKeyspaceStatement + ";") pw.println("//#snapshot-keyspace") } withWriter("./target/snapshot-tables.txt") { pw => pw.println("//#snapshot-tables") pw.println(statements.createSnapshotTablesStatements.mkString(";\n\n") + ";") pw.println("//#snapshot-tables") } system.terminate() } }
Example 121
Source File: CliLogger.scala From Argus-SAF with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.argus.jnsaf.native_statistics import{File, FileWriter, PrintWriter} import java.text.SimpleDateFormat import java.util.Date object CliLogger { def timeStamp = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMdd-HHmmss").format(new Date) def outPrint(s : String) { scala.Console.out.print(s) scala.Console.out.flush() } def outPrintln(s : String) { scala.Console.out.println(s) scala.Console.out.flush() } def outPrintln() { scala.Console.out.println() scala.Console.out.flush() } def errPrintln(s : String) { scala.Console.err.println(s) scala.Console.err.flush() } def errPrintln() { scala.Console.err.println() scala.Console.err.flush() } def logError(dir: File, text: String, e: Throwable) { outPrintln() errPrintln(text + e.getMessage) val f = new File(dir, ".errorlog") f.getParentFile.mkdirs val fw = new FileWriter(f) try { val pw = new PrintWriter(fw) pw.println("An error occurred on " + timeStamp) e.printStackTrace(pw) fw.close() outPrintln("Written: " + f.getAbsolutePath) } catch { case e : Throwable => errPrintln("Error: " + e.getMessage) } } }
Example 122
Source File: TaintAnalysisTask.scala From Argus-SAF with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.argus.amandroid.plugin import import org.argus.amandroid.alir.componentSummary.{ApkYard, ComponentBasedAnalysis} import org.argus.amandroid.alir.dataRecorder.DataCollector import org.argus.amandroid.alir.pta.model.AndroidModelCallHandler import org.argus.amandroid.alir.pta.summaryBasedAnalysis.AndroidSummaryProvider import org.argus.amandroid.alir.taintAnalysis.DataLeakageAndroidSourceAndSinkManager import org.argus.amandroid.core.{AndroidGlobalConfig, ApkGlobal} import org.argus.amandroid.core.decompile.{DecompileLayout, DecompileStrategy, DecompilerSettings} import org.argus.amandroid.plugin.communication.CommunicationSourceAndSinkManager import org.argus.amandroid.plugin.dataInjection.IntentInjectionSourceAndSinkManager import org.argus.amandroid.plugin.oauth.OAuthSourceAndSinkManager import org.argus.amandroid.plugin.password.PasswordSourceAndSinkManager import org.argus.jawa.flow.taintAnalysis.TaintAnalysisResult import import org.argus.jawa.core.util.FileUtil import org.argus.jawa.core.util._ import import org.argus.jawa.flow.summary.taint.BottomUpTaintAnalysis import scala.concurrent.duration._ import scala.language.postfixOps object TaintAnalysisApproach extends Enumeration { val COMPONENT_BASED, BOTTOM_UP = Value } case class TaintAnalysisTask(module: TaintAnalysisModules.Value, fileUris: ISet[(FileResourceUri, FileResourceUri)], forceDelete: Boolean, reporter: Reporter, guessPackage: Boolean, approach: TaintAnalysisApproach.Value) { import TaintAnalysisModules._ // private final val TITLE = "TaintAnalysisTask" def run: Option[TaintAnalysisResult] = { val yard = new ApkYard(reporter) val apks ={ case (apkUri, outputUri) => val layout = DecompileLayout(outputUri) val strategy = DecompileStrategy(layout) val settings = DecompilerSettings(debugMode = false, forceDelete = forceDelete, strategy, reporter) yard.loadApk(apkUri, settings, collectInfo = true, resolveCallBack = true, guessPackage) } val ssm = module match { case INTENT_INJECTION => new IntentInjectionSourceAndSinkManager(AndroidGlobalConfig.settings.injection_sas_file) case PASSWORD_TRACKING => new PasswordSourceAndSinkManager(AndroidGlobalConfig.settings.sas_file) case OAUTH_TOKEN_TRACKING => new OAuthSourceAndSinkManager(AndroidGlobalConfig.settings.sas_file) case DATA_LEAKAGE => new DataLeakageAndroidSourceAndSinkManager(AndroidGlobalConfig.settings.sas_file) case COMMUNICATION_LEAKAGE => new CommunicationSourceAndSinkManager(AndroidGlobalConfig.settings.sas_file) } approach match { case TaintAnalysisApproach.BOTTOM_UP => var tar: Option[TaintStore] = None apks.foreach { apk => val ta = new BottomUpTaintAnalysis[ApkGlobal](apk, new AndroidSummaryProvider(apk), new AndroidModelCallHandler, ssm, reporter) val eps = val taintMap = ta.process(eps) taintMap.foreach { case (_, t) => tar match { case Some(ts) => ts.merge(t) case None => tar = Some(t) apk.addTaintAnalysisResult(t) } } } writeResult(apks) tar case TaintAnalysisApproach.COMPONENT_BASED => ComponentBasedAnalysis.prepare(apks)(AndroidGlobalConfig.settings.timeout minutes) val cba = new ComponentBasedAnalysis(yard) cba.phase1(apks) val iddResult = cba.phase2(apks) val tar = cba.phase3(iddResult, ssm) writeResult(apks) tar } } private def writeResult(apks: ISet[ApkGlobal]): Unit = { apks.foreach { apk => val appData = DataCollector.collect(apk) val outputDirUri = FileUtil.appendFileName(apk.model.layout.outputSrcUri, "result") val outputDir = FileUtil.toFile(outputDirUri) if (!outputDir.exists()) outputDir.mkdirs() val out = new PrintWriter(FileUtil.toFile(FileUtil.appendFileName(outputDirUri, "AppData.txt"))) out.print(appData.toString) out.close() } } }
Example 123
Source File: FixResources.scala From Argus-SAF with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.argus.amandroid.core.util import org.argus.jawa.core.util._ import import org.argus.amandroid.core.dedex.JawaDeDex import org.argus.amandroid.core.parser.ManifestParser import org.argus.jawa.core.util.FileUtil object FixResources { def fix(decFolder: FileResourceUri, dedex: JawaDeDex): Unit = { val xml = FileUtil.appendFileName(decFolder, "AndroidManifest.xml") if(dedex.haveRenamedElements) { var filestr = FileUtil.readFileContent(xml) val (pkg, recs) = ManifestParser.loadPackageAndComponentNames(xml) val newpkg = dedex.mapPackage(pkg) filestr = filestr.replaceAll("\"" + pkg + "\"", "\"" + newpkg + "\"") recs.foreach { case (origstr, comclass) => val newclass = dedex.mapRecord(comclass) filestr = filestr.replaceAll("\"" + origstr + "\"", "\"" + newclass + "\"") } val pw = new PrintWriter(FileUtil.toFile(xml)) pw.write(filestr) pw.flush() pw.close() } } }
Example 124
Source File: CliLogger.scala From Argus-SAF with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.argus.saf.cli.util import{File, FileWriter, PrintWriter} import java.text.SimpleDateFormat import java.util.Date object CliLogger { def timeStamp: String = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMdd-HHmmss").format(new Date) def outPrint(s : String) { scala.Console.out.print(s) scala.Console.out.flush() } def outPrintln(s : String) { scala.Console.out.println(s) scala.Console.out.flush() } def outPrintln() { scala.Console.out.println() scala.Console.out.flush() } def errPrintln(s : String) { scala.Console.err.println(s) scala.Console.err.flush() } def errPrintln() { scala.Console.err.println() scala.Console.err.flush() } def logError(dir: File, text: String, e: Throwable) { outPrintln() errPrintln(text + e.getMessage) val f = new File(dir, ".errorlog") f.getParentFile.mkdirs val fw = new FileWriter(f) try { val pw = new PrintWriter(fw) pw.println("An error occurred on " + timeStamp) e.printStackTrace(pw) fw.close() outPrintln("Written: " + f.getAbsolutePath) } catch { case e : Throwable => errPrintln("Error: " + e.getMessage) } } }
Example 125
Source File: Runner.scala From doobie-codegen with MIT License | 5 votes |
package mdmoss.doobiegen import{File, PrintWriter} import java.nio.file.Paths import mdmoss.doobiegen.GenOptions.{GenOption, Ignore} import mdmoss.doobiegen.StatementTypes.Statement import mdmoss.doobiegen.output.SourceWriter import org.parboiled2.ParseError import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer import scala.util.{Failure, Success, Try} object Runner { sealed trait TestDBSource case class TestDatabase(driver: String, url: String, username: String, password: String) extends TestDBSource case class InsertString(source: String) extends TestDBSource sealed trait TargetVersion object TargetVersion { case object DoobieV023 extends TargetVersion case object DoobieV024 extends TargetVersion case object DoobieV030 extends TargetVersion case object DoobieV04 extends TargetVersion } case class Target( schemaDir: String, testDb: TestDBSource, src: String, `package`: String, statements: Option[Map[String, List[Statement]]], columnOptions: Map[String, Map[String, List[GenOption]]], quiet: Boolean = false, targetVersion: TargetVersion = TargetVersion.DoobieV023, // This is mainly an override for testing tableSpecificStatements: Map[String, List[Statement]] ) { def enclosingPackage = `package`.split('.').reverse.headOption } object Target { def apply( schemaDir: String, testDb: TestDatabase, src: String, `package`: String ): Target = Target( schemaDir = schemaDir, testDb = testDb, src = src, `package` = `package`, statements = None, columnOptions = Map(), quiet = false, targetVersion = TargetVersion.DoobieV023, tableSpecificStatements = Map.empty[String, List[Statement]] ) } val Default = Target( schemaDir = "sql/", TestDatabase( "org.postgresql.Driver", "jdbc:postgresql:gen", "test", "test" ), src = "out/src", `package` = "mdmoss.doobiegen.db" ) def run(target: Target) = { destDir.toFile.getParentFile.listFiles() .filter(_.isDirectory) .filter(_.toPath.endsWith("gen")) .foreach(delete) } } } def delete(file: File): Unit = { if (file.isDirectory) { file.listFiles().foreach(delete) file.delete() } else { file.delete() } } val Seperator = "*" * 80 }
Example 126
Source File: Compile.scala From hail with MIT License | 5 votes |
package import import is.hail.annotations._ import is.hail.asm4s._ import import import is.hail.types.physical.PType import is.hail.types.virtual.Type import is.hail.utils._ case class CodeCacheKey(aggSigs: IndexedSeq[AggStateSig], args: Seq[(String, PType)], body: IR) case class CodeCacheValue(typ: PType, f: (Int, Region) => Any) object Compile { private[this] val codeCache: Cache[CodeCacheKey, CodeCacheValue] = new Cache(50) def apply[F: TypeInfo]( ctx: ExecuteContext, params: IndexedSeq[(String, PType)], expectedCodeParamTypes: IndexedSeq[TypeInfo[_]], expectedCodeReturnType: TypeInfo[_], body: IR, optimize: Boolean = true, print: Option[PrintWriter] = None ): (PType, (Int, Region) => F) = { val normalizeNames = new NormalizeNames(_.toString) val normalizedBody = normalizeNames(body, Env( { case (n, _) => n -> n }: _*)) val k = CodeCacheKey(FastIndexedSeq[AggStateSig](), { case (n, pt) => (n, pt) }, normalizedBody) codeCache.get(k) match { case Some(v) => return (v.typ, v.f.asInstanceOf[(Int, Region) => F]) case None => } var ir = body ir = Subst(ir, BindingEnv(params .zipWithIndex .foldLeft(Env.empty[IR]) { case (e, ((n, t), i)) => e.bind(n, In(i, t)) })) ir = LoweringPipeline.compileLowerer(optimize).apply(ctx, ir).asInstanceOf[IR].noSharing TypeCheck(ir, BindingEnv.empty) InferPType(ir) val returnType = ir.pType val fb = EmitFunctionBuilder[F](ctx, "Compiled", CodeParamType(typeInfo[Region]) +: { case (_, pt) => EmitParamType(pt) }, returnType) Emit(ctx, ir, fb, Some(aggSigs)) val f = fb.resultWithIndex() codeCache += k -> CodeCacheValue(ir.pType, f) (ir.pType, f.asInstanceOf[(Int, Region) => (F with FunctionWithAggRegion)]) } }
Example 127
Source File: LogTestListener.scala From hail with MIT License | 5 votes |
package is.hail import{PrintWriter, StringWriter} import is.hail.utils._ import org.testng.{ITestContext, ITestListener, ITestResult} class LogTestListener extends ITestListener { def testString(result: ITestResult): String = { s"${ result.getTestClass.getName }.${ result.getMethod.getMethodName }" } def onTestStart(result: ITestResult) { info(s"starting test ${ testString(result) }...") } def onTestSuccess(result: ITestResult) { info(s"test ${ testString(result) } SUCCESS") } def onTestFailure(result: ITestResult) { val cause = result.getThrowable if (cause != null) { val sw = new StringWriter() val pw = new PrintWriter(sw) cause.printStackTrace(pw) info(s"Exception:\n$sw") } info(s"test ${ testString(result) } FAILURE\n") } def onTestSkipped(result: ITestResult) { info(s"test ${ testString(result) } SKIPPED") } def onTestFailedButWithinSuccessPercentage(result: ITestResult) { } def onStart(context: ITestContext) { } def onFinish(context: ITestContext) { } }
Example 128
Source File: DockerRunAction.scala From berilia with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import{File, PrintWriter} import{DevClusterProcess, GeneralConstants, GeneralUtilities} import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer import scala.sys.process.{Process, ProcessLogger} object DockerRunAction { private val logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(classOf[DockerBuildAction]) private val processLogger = ProcessLogger( (e: String) =>"err " + e)) private val ports = new ListBuffer[String] def apply(hosts: Map[String, String], image: String, mountDir: Option[String] = None, command: Option[String] = None, ports: Array[PortMeta], conf: Map[String, String], background: Boolean = false) : Option[String] = { val sb = new StringBuilder("docker run -P") if (background) { sb.append(" -d") } else { sb.append(" -it") } hosts.foreach { case (ip, name) => sb.append(s" --add-host=$name:$ip") } ports.foreach(p => { if (p.exposedPort.isDefined) { sb.append(s" -p ${p.exposedPort.get}:${p.port}") } else { sb.append(s" -p ${p.port}") } }) if (mountDir.isDefined) { sb.append(s" -v ${mountDir.get}") sb.append(":/mount") } sb.append(s" $image") if (command.isDefined) { sb.append(s" ${command.get}") } val commandString = sb.toString println(commandString) if (background) { val output = DevClusterProcess.process(sb.toString).!!.stripLineEnd Some(output) } else { //write command to execute later (in dev-cluster script) DockerUtilities.writeDockerCommand(commandString) None } } }
Example 129
Source File: ThreadPoolSchedulerProvider.scala From scala-game-library with MIT License | 5 votes |
package sgl.util import java.util.concurrent.Executors import{StringWriter, PrintWriter} import scala.collection.mutable.Queue trait ThreadPoolSchedulerProvider extends SchedulerProvider { this: LoggingProvider => private implicit val Tag = Logger.Tag("threadpool-scheduler") class ThreadPoolScheduler extends Scheduler { private val pool = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(4) private val tasks: Queue[ChunkedTask] = new Queue private val taskQueueLock = new Object private var r1: ChunksRunner = null private var r2: ChunksRunner = null private var r3: ChunksRunner = null private var r4: ChunksRunner = null override def schedule(task: ChunkedTask): Unit = { taskQueueLock.synchronized { tasks.enqueue(task) } } def shutdown(): Unit = { pool.shutdown() // Need to check for null because we could have skipped resume. if(r1 != null) r1.shouldStop = true if(r2 != null) r2.shouldStop = true if(r3 != null) r3.shouldStop = true if(r4 != null) r4.shouldStop = true } // Simple Runnable class that picks up the first available ChunkedTask and // run one chunk of it. // Note that if there is only one ChunkedTask in the queue, there will only // be one busy Thread at a time as ChunkedTask are assumed to be sequentials. // In order to optimize the use of the thread pool, one should try to split // parallel work into several independent ChunkedTask. class ChunksRunner extends Runnable { var shouldStop = false override def run(): Unit = { while(!shouldStop) { val task = taskQueueLock.synchronized { if(tasks.isEmpty) { None } else { Some(tasks.dequeue()) } } task match { case None => Thread.sleep(50) case Some(task) => { logger.debug("Executing some ChunkedTask from the task queue.") try { task.doRun(5l) if(task.status != ChunkedTask.Completed) taskQueueLock.synchronized { tasks.enqueue(task) } } catch { case (e: Throwable) => { logger.error(s"Unexpected error while executing task ${}: ${e.getMessage}") val sw = new StringWriter() val pw = new PrintWriter(sw, true) e.printStackTrace(pw) logger.error(sw.toString) } } } } } } } } override val Scheduler = new ThreadPoolScheduler }
Example 130
Source File: UIITest.scala From cuttle with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.criteo.cuttle.cron import import java.time.Instant import scala.concurrent.Future import org.scalatest.{FlatSpec, Matchers} import com.criteo.cuttle.Auth.User import com.criteo.cuttle.{Job, _} import com.criteo.cuttle.ThreadPools.Implicits.sideEffectThreadPool import com.criteo.cuttle.cron.Utils.logger import com.criteo.cuttle.cron.CronPipeline._ // TODO: Implement a snapshot testing of the UI ala class UIITest extends FlatSpec with Matchers { val tickerJob = Job( id = "ticker_job", scheduling = CronScheduling(1), name = "Ticker Job", description = "Get ticker for Bitcoin price from CoinMarketCap" ) { implicit e => Future.successful(Completed) } val tickerJobDag = tickerJob.toCronDag("0-59/10 * * ? * *", "ticker_job_dag") val avgJob = Job(id = "avg_job", name = "Average Job", scheduling = CronScheduling(10), description = "Average Bitcoin price for last 3 value") { implicit e => Future.successful(Completed) } val avgJobDag = avgJob.toCronDag("0-59/10 * * ? * *", "avg_job_dag") val workload = CronWorkload(Set(tickerJobDag, avgJobDag)) implicit val scheduler = CronScheduler(logger) val project = CronProject( name = "Hello Cron Scheduling Example", version = "0.0.1", description = "My first Cron with Cuttle project" )(workload) implicit val xa = com.criteo.cuttle.Database.newHikariTransactor(DatabaseConfig.fromEnv).allocated.unsafeRunSync()._1 val executor = new Executor[CronScheduling](Seq.empty, xa, logger,, project.version) val ui = UI(project, executor) def saveToFile(s: String, fileName: String) = { // running project inside of a Cron module default directory is set as module root val writer = new PrintWriter(fileName) writer.print(s) writer.close() } val avgExecution = Execution[CronScheduling]( "786d1b69-a603-4eb8-9178-fed2a195a1ed", avgJob, CronContext(, 0, "avg_job_dag"), new ExecutionStreams { override private[cuttle] def writeln(str: CharSequence): Unit = ??? }, Seq.empty, "", "", previousFailures = List.empty ) "home page" should "render active jobs" in { val activeJobs = Map( tickerJobDag -> Left(, avgJobDag -> Right(Set(avgExecution)) ) val pausedJobs = Map( tickerJobDag -> PausedJob(, User("Bobby"), ) val activeAndPausedJobs = (activeJobs, pausedJobs) saveToFile(ui.home(activeAndPausedJobs).content, "index.html") } "executions page" should "render execution list" in { val executionLogs = Map( -> Seq(avgExecution.toExecutionLog(ExecutionStatus.ExecutionSuccessful)) ) saveToFile(ui.runs(avgJobDag, executionLogs).content, "executions.html") } }
Example 131
Source File: JsonFileStorage.scala From Waves with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.wavesplatform.utils import{File, PrintWriter} import javax.crypto.Cipher import javax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec import play.api.libs.json.{Json, Reads, Writes} import java.util.Base64 import import scala.util.control.NonFatal object JsonFileStorage { private[this] val KeySalt = "0495c728-1614-41f6-8ac3-966c22b4a62d" private[this] val AES = "AES" private[this] val Algorithm = AES + "/ECB/PKCS5Padding" private[this] val HashingAlgorithm = "PBKDF2WithHmacSHA512" private[this] val HashingIterations = 999999 private[this] val KeySizeBits = 128 def prepareKey(key: String): SecretKeySpec = { import import import javax.crypto.SecretKeyFactory import javax.crypto.spec.PBEKeySpec def hashPassword(password: Array[Char], salt: Array[Byte], iterations: Int, keyLength: Int): Array[Byte] = try { val keyFactory = SecretKeyFactory.getInstance(HashingAlgorithm) val keySpec = new PBEKeySpec(password, salt, iterations, keyLength) val key = keyFactory.generateSecret(keySpec) key.getEncoded } catch { case e @ (_: NoSuchAlgorithmException | _: InvalidKeySpecException) => throw new RuntimeException("Password hashing error", e) } new SecretKeySpec(hashPassword(key.toCharArray, KeySalt.utf8Bytes, HashingIterations, KeySizeBits), AES) } def save[T](value: T, path: String, key: Option[SecretKeySpec])(implicit w: Writes[T]): Unit = { val folder = new File(path).getParentFile if (!folder.exists()) folder.mkdirs() val file = new PrintWriter(path) try { val json = Json.toJson(value).toString() val data = key.fold(json)(k => encrypt(k, json)) file.write(data) } finally file.close() } def save[T](value: T, path: String)(implicit w: Writes[T]): Unit = save(value, path, None) def load[T](path: String, key: Option[SecretKeySpec] = None)(implicit r: Reads[T]): T = { val file = Source.fromFile(path) try { val dataStr = file.mkString Json.parse(key.fold(dataStr)(k => decrypt(k, dataStr))).as[T] } finally file.close() } def load[T](path: String)(implicit r: Reads[T]): T = load(path, Option.empty[SecretKeySpec])(r) private[this] def encrypt(key: SecretKeySpec, value: String): String = { try { val cipher: Cipher = Cipher.getInstance(Algorithm) cipher.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, key) new String(Base64.getEncoder.encode(cipher.doFinal(value.utf8Bytes))) } catch { case NonFatal(e) => throw new RuntimeException("File storage encrypt error", e) } } private[this] def decrypt(key: SecretKeySpec, encryptedValue: String): String = { try { val cipher: Cipher = Cipher.getInstance(Algorithm) cipher.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, key) new String(cipher.doFinal(Base64.getDecoder.decode(encryptedValue))) } catch { case NonFatal(e) => throw new RuntimeException("File storage decrypt error", e) } } }
Example 132
Source File: SshHiveAction.scala From berilia with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import{File, PrintWriter} import import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer import scala.sys.process._ @Public class SshHiveAction(node: Node, ignoreError: Boolean = false) extends HiveAction { private final val localFilepath = s"${GeneralUtilities.getHomeDir}/${GeneralUtilities.getTempPrefix}-hivequery" private final val remoteFilepath = s"/tmp/${GeneralUtilities.getTempPrefix}-hivequery" //concurrent hive actions on same node not supported for now private val commands = new ListBuffer[String] private val logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(classOf[SshHiveAction]) def add(action: String): Unit = { commands.+=(action) } def run(): String = { val localQueryFile = new File(localFilepath) val writer = new PrintWriter(localQueryFile) commands.foreach(s => { writer.write(s"$s;\n") }) writer.close localQueryFile.setExecutable(true) localQueryFile.setReadable(true) localQueryFile.deleteOnExit() ScpAction(None, localFilepath, Some(node), remoteFilepath) val ignoreErrorFlag = if (ignoreError) "-hiveconf hive.cli.errors.ignore=true" else "" val res = SshAction(node, s"hive $ignoreErrorFlag -f $remoteFilepath", returnResult = true, ignoreError) SshAction(node, s"rm $remoteFilepath") localQueryFile.delete() res } override def toString = { commands.mkString("\n") } } object SshHiveAction { def apply(node: Node, statements: List[String], ignoreError: Boolean = false) = { val action = new SshHiveAction(node, ignoreError) statements.foreach(action.add) } }
Example 133
Source File: SshMultiAction.scala From berilia with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import{File, PrintWriter} import import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer import scala.sys.process.ProcessLogger @Public case class SshMultiAction(node: Node) extends MultiAction { private val logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(this.getClass) private val commands = new ListBuffer[String] //to allow concurrency val localFilepath = s"${GeneralUtilities.getHomeDir}/${GeneralUtilities.getTempPrefix}.sh" val remoteFilePath = s"/tmp/${GeneralUtilities.getTempPrefix}.sh" def add(command : String): Unit = { commands.+=(command) } def run(returnResult: Boolean = false, ignoreError: Boolean = false) : String = { val localTmpShellFile = new File(localFilepath) SshAction(node, " rm " + remoteFilePath, returnResult = false, true) //Write a temp shell script val writer = new PrintWriter(localTmpShellFile) commands.foreach(s => writer.write(s"$s\n")) writer.close localTmpShellFile.setExecutable(true) localTmpShellFile.setReadable(true) localTmpShellFile.deleteOnExit() commands.foreach(s => ScpAction(None, localFilepath, Some(node), remoteFilePath) val res = SshAction(node, s"source $remoteFilePath", returnResult, ignoreError) SshAction(node, s"rm $remoteFilePath", returnResult = false, true) localTmpShellFile.delete() res } } object SshMultiAction { def apply(node: Node, commands: List[String], returnResult: Boolean = false, ignoreError: Boolean = false) : String = { val action = new SshMultiAction(node) commands.foreach(action.add) = returnResult, ignoreError = ignoreError) } }
Example 134
Source File: ShellHiveAction.scala From berilia with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import{File, PrintWriter} import{GeneralUtilities, Public} import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer @Public class ShellHiveAction(ignoreError: Boolean = false) extends HiveAction { private val commands = new ListBuffer[String] private val logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(this.getClass) private final val filepath = s"${GeneralUtilities.getHomeDir}/${GeneralUtilities.getTempPrefix}-hivequery" def add(action: String): Unit = { commands += action } def run(): String = { val localQueryFile = new File(filepath) val writer = new PrintWriter(localQueryFile) commands.foreach(s => { writer.write(s"$s;\n") }) writer.close localQueryFile.setExecutable(true) localQueryFile.setReadable(true) localQueryFile.deleteOnExit() val ignoreErrorFlag = if (ignoreError) "-hiveconf hive.cli.errors.ignore=true" else "" val res = ShellAction(s"hive $ignoreErrorFlag -f $filepath", returnResult = true, ignoreError) localQueryFile.delete() res } }
Example 135
Source File: ShellMultiAction.scala From berilia with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import{File, PrintWriter} import{GeneralUtilities, Public} import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer import scala.sys.process.ProcessLogger @Public case class ShellMultiAction() extends MultiAction { private val logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(this.getClass) private val commands = new ListBuffer[String] //to allow concurrency val filepath = s"${GeneralUtilities.getHomeDir}/${GeneralUtilities.getTempPrefix}.sh" def add(command: String): Unit = { commands.+=(command) } def run(returnResult: Boolean = false, ignoreError: Boolean = false): String = { val localTmpShellFile = new File(filepath) ShellAction(s"rm $filepath", returnResult = false, true) //Write a temp shell script val writer = new PrintWriter(localTmpShellFile) commands.foreach(s => writer.write(s"$s\n")) writer.close localTmpShellFile.setExecutable(true) localTmpShellFile.setReadable(true) localTmpShellFile.deleteOnExit() commands.foreach(s => val res = ShellAction(filepath, returnResult, ignoreError) localTmpShellFile.delete() res } } object ShellMultiAction { def apply( commands: List[String], returnResult: Boolean = false, ignoreError: Boolean = false ): String = { val action = new ShellMultiAction() commands.foreach(action.add), ignoreError) } }
Example 136
Source File: GetSourceSummaryCliAction.scala From berilia with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import{File, PrintWriter} import import{CliAction, GeneralUtilities, NodeFactory} import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory object GetSourceSummaryCliAction extends CliAction[List[Either[InvalidTable, FullTableInfo]]] { private val logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(this.getClass) override def command: String = "get-source-summary" override def usageArgs: List[Any] = List.empty override def help: String = "Get summary of source tables" override def applyInternal(args: List[String], config: GlobalConfig): List[Either[InvalidTable, FullTableInfo]] = {"Getting the summary of source tables, parallelism ${config.source.parallelism}") val source = NodeFactory.getSourceFromConf(config.source) val getSourceSummary = GetSourceMetadataAction(config, source) val summary = getSourceSummary(config.source.tables) printSummary(summary) exportToCSV(summary, s"${GeneralUtilities.getHomeDir}/source_summary_${GeneralUtilities.getSimpleDate}.csv") summary } def printSummary(summary: List[Either[InvalidTable, FullTableInfo]]): Unit = { println("Source tables summary") val (invalid, valid) = summary.partition(_.isLeft) { case InvalidTable(name, input, message) => println(s"$name is invalid, input: $input, reason: $message") } foreach { case FullTableInfo(_, TableHDFSInfo(db, table, size, files, partitions)) => println(s"$db.$table is available, size: $size Bytes, files: ${files.size}, partitions: $partitions") } val totalSize = println(s"Invalid tables: ${invalid.size}, valid tables: ${valid.size}") println(s"Total size: $totalSize Bytes") } def exportToCSV(summary: List[Either[InvalidTable, FullTableInfo]], filepath: String): Unit = {"writing source summary to $filepath") val file = new File(filepath) val printWriter = new PrintWriter(file) val headers = List("name", "bytes", "files", "partitions", "error") printWriter.println(headers.mkString(",")) summary foreach { case Right(FullTableInfo(table, TableHDFSInfo(_, _, size, files, partitions))) => printWriter.println(List(table.fullName, size, files.size, partitions, "").mkString(",")) case Left(InvalidTable(name, _, message)) => printWriter.println(List(name, "", "", "", message).mkString(",")) } printWriter.flush() printWriter.close()"source summary has been written to $filepath") } }
Example 137
Source File: S3ConfigManager.scala From teamcity-s3-plugin with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import{File, PrintWriter} import com.amazonaws.auth.{BasicAWSCredentials, AWSCredentialsProvider, AWSCredentials} import jetbrains.buildServer.serverSide.ServerPaths import org.json4s._ import org.json4s.native.JsonMethods._ import org.json4s.native.Serialization import org.json4s.native.Serialization._ case class S3Config( artifactBucket: Option[String], buildManifestBucket: Option[String], tagManifestBucket: Option[String], awsAccessKey: Option[String], awsSecretKey: Option[String] ) class S3ConfigManager(paths: ServerPaths) extends AWSCredentialsProvider { implicit val formats = Serialization.formats(NoTypeHints) val configFile = new File(s"${paths.getConfigDir}/s3.json") private[teamcity] var config: Option[S3Config] = { if (configFile.exists()) { parse(configFile).extractOpt[S3Config] } else None } def artifactBucket: Option[String] = config.flatMap(_.artifactBucket) def buildManifestBucket: Option[String] = config.flatMap(_.buildManifestBucket) def tagManifestBucket: Option[String] = config.flatMap(_.tagManifestBucket) private[teamcity] def update(config: S3Config): Unit = { this.config = Some(if (config.awsSecretKey.isEmpty && config.awsAccessKey == this.config.flatMap(_.awsAccessKey)) { config.copy(awsSecretKey = this.config.flatMap(_.awsSecretKey)) } else config) } def updateAndPersist(newConfig: S3Config): Unit = { synchronized { update(newConfig) val out = new PrintWriter(configFile, "UTF-8") try { writePretty(config, out) } finally { out.close } } } def details: Map[String, Option[String]] = Map( "artifactBucket" -> artifactBucket, "buildManifestBucket" -> buildManifestBucket, "tagManifestBucket" -> tagManifestBucket, "accessKey" -> config.flatMap(_.awsAccessKey) ) override def getCredentials: AWSCredentials = (for { c <- config accessKey <- c.awsAccessKey secretKey <- c.awsSecretKey } yield new BasicAWSCredentials(accessKey, secretKey)).getOrElse(null) // Yes, this is sad override def refresh(): Unit = () } object S3ConfigManager { val bucketElement = "bucket" val s3Element = "S3" }
Example 138
Source File: StatsController.scala From recogito2 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package controllers.document.stats import import controllers.{BaseOptAuthController, Security, HasVisitLogging, HasPrettyPrintJSON} import{ByteArrayOutputStream, PrintWriter} import javax.inject.{Inject, Singleton} import kantan.csv._ import kantan.csv.ops._ import kantan.csv.CsvConfiguration.{Header, QuotePolicy} import kantan.csv.engine.commons._ import services.annotation.AnnotationService import services.document.DocumentService import services.user.UserService import services.user.Roles._ import services.visit.VisitService import import play.api.Configuration import play.api.mvc.{AnyContent, Request, Result, ControllerComponents} import play.api.libs.json._ import play.api.libs.functional.syntax._ import play.api.i18n.I18nSupport import plugins.PluginRegistry import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future} @Singleton class StatsController @Inject() ( val components: ControllerComponents, val config: Configuration, val documents: DocumentService, val annotations: AnnotationService, val users: UserService, val silhouette: Silhouette[Security.Env], implicit val visitService: VisitService, implicit val webjars: WebJarsUtil, implicit val ctx: ExecutionContext ) extends BaseOptAuthController(components, config, documents, users) with HasVisitLogging with HasPrettyPrintJSON with I18nSupport { private val CSV_CONFIG = CsvConfiguration(',', '"', QuotePolicy.WhenNeeded, Header.None) implicit val tuple2Writes: Writes[Tuple2[String, Long]] = ( (JsPath \ "value").write[String] and (JsPath \ "count").write[Long] )(t => (t._1, t._2)) private def toCSV(stats: Seq[(String, Long)]): String = { val out = new ByteArrayOutputStream() val writer = out.asCsvWriter[(String, Long)](CSV_CONFIG) stats.foreach(writer.write(_)) writer.close() new String(out.toByteArray, "UTF-8") } def showDocumentStats(documentId: String, tab: Option[String]) = silhouette.UserAwareAction.async { implicit request => documentReadResponse(documentId, request.identity, { case (doc, accesslevel) => logDocumentView(doc.document, None, accesslevel) match { case Some(t) if t == "activity" => val plugins = PluginRegistry.listConfigs("document.stats.activity") Future.successful(Ok(views.html.document.stats.activity(doc, request.identity, accesslevel, plugins))) case Some(t) if t == "entities" => val plugins = PluginRegistry.listConfigs("document.stats.entities") Future.successful(Ok(views.html.document.stats.entities(doc, request.identity, accesslevel, plugins))) case Some(t) if t == "tags" => val plugins = PluginRegistry.listConfigs("document.stats.tags") Future.successful(Ok(views.html.document.stats.tags(doc, request.identity, accesslevel, plugins))) case _ => val plugins = PluginRegistry.listConfigs("document.stats.activity") Future.successful(Ok(views.html.document.stats.activity(doc, request.identity, accesslevel, plugins))) } }) } private def getTags(documentId: String)(action: (Seq[(String, Long)], Request[AnyContent]) => Result) = silhouette.UserAwareAction.async { implicit request => documentReadResponse(documentId, request.identity, { case (doc, accesslevel) => annotations.getTagStats(documentId).map { buckets => action(buckets, request.request) } } ) } def getTagsAsJSON(documentId: String) = getTags(documentId) { case (buckets, request) => jsonOk(Json.toJson(buckets))(request) } def getTagsAsCSV(documentId: String) = getTags(documentId) { case(buckets, request) => Ok(toCSV(buckets)).withHeaders(CONTENT_DISPOSITION -> { s"attachment; filename=${documentId}_tags.csv" }) } }
Example 139
Source File: BackupWriter.scala From recogito2 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package controllers.document import controllers.HasConfig import{File, FileInputStream, FileOutputStream, BufferedInputStream, ByteArrayInputStream, InputStream, PrintWriter} import java.nio.file.Paths import java.math.BigInteger import{MessageDigest, DigestInputStream} import java.util.UUID import{ZipEntry, ZipOutputStream} import services.HasDate import services.annotation.{Annotation, AnnotationService} import services.document.{ExtendedDocumentMetadata, DocumentToJSON} import services.generated.tables.records.{DocumentRecord, DocumentFilepartRecord} import play.api.libs.json.Json import play.api.libs.Files.TemporaryFileCreator import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future} import storage.TempDir import storage.uploads.Uploads trait BackupWriter extends HasBackupValidation { self: HasConfig => // Frontend annotation format import services.annotation.FrontendAnnotation._ private val BUFFER_SIZE = 2048 private def writeToZip(inputStream: InputStream, filename: String, zip: ZipOutputStream) = { zip.putNextEntry(new ZipEntry(filename)) val md = MessageDigest.getInstance(ALGORITHM) val in = new DigestInputStream(new BufferedInputStream(inputStream), md) var data= new Array[Byte](BUFFER_SIZE) var count: Int = 0 while ({ count =, 0, BUFFER_SIZE); count } > -1) { zip.write(data, 0, count) } in.close() zip.closeEntry() new BigInteger(1, md.digest()).toString(16) } def createBackup(doc: ExtendedDocumentMetadata)(implicit ctx: ExecutionContext, uploads: Uploads, annotations: AnnotationService, tmpFile: TemporaryFileCreator): Future[File] = { def getFileAsStream(owner: String, documentId: String, filename: String) = { val dir = uploads.getDocumentDir(owner, documentId).get // Fail hard if the dir doesn't exist new FileInputStream(new File(dir, filename)) } def getManifestAsStream() = { val manifest = "Recogito-Version: 2.0.1-alpha" new ByteArrayInputStream(manifest.getBytes) } def getMetadataAsStream(doc: ExtendedDocumentMetadata) = { // DocumentRecord JSON serialization import services.document.DocumentToJSON._ val json = Json.prettyPrint(Json.toJson((doc.document, doc.fileparts))) new ByteArrayInputStream(json.getBytes) } def getAnnotationsAsStream(docId: String, annotations: Seq[Annotation], parts: Seq[DocumentFilepartRecord]): InputStream = { val path = Paths.get(TempDir.get()(self.config), s"${docId}_annotations.json") val tmp = tmpFile.create(path) val writer = new PrintWriter(path.toFile) annotations.foreach(a => writer.println(Json.stringify(Json.toJson(a)))) writer.close() new FileInputStream(path.toFile) } Future { tmpFile.create(Paths.get(TempDir.get()(self.config), s"${}.zip")) } flatMap { zipFile => val zipStream = new ZipOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(zipFile.path.toFile)) writeToZip(getManifestAsStream(), "manifest", zipStream) val metadataHash = writeToZip(getMetadataAsStream(doc), "metadata.json", zipStream) val fileHashes = { part => writeToZip(getFileAsStream(doc.ownerName,, part.getFile), "parts" + File.separator + part.getFile, zipStream) } annotations.findByDocId( { annotations => val annotationsHash = writeToZip(getAnnotationsAsStream(,, doc.fileparts), "annotations.jsonl", zipStream) val signature = computeSignature(metadataHash, fileHashes, annotationsHash) writeToZip(new ByteArrayInputStream(signature.getBytes), "signature", zipStream) zipStream.close() zipFile.path.toFile } } } }
Example 140
Source File: TEIParserService.scala From recogito2 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package transform.tei import import akka.routing.RoundRobinPool import{File, PrintWriter} import javax.inject.{Inject, Singleton} import org.joox.JOOX._ import org.w3c.dom.ranges.DocumentRange import scala.collection.JavaConversions._ import services.annotation.{Annotation, AnnotationService} import services.generated.tables.records.{DocumentRecord, DocumentFilepartRecord} import services.task.{TaskService, TaskType} import storage.uploads.Uploads import transform.{WorkerActor, WorkerService} @Singleton class TEIParserService @Inject() ( uploads: Uploads, annotationService: AnnotationService, taskService: TaskService, system: ActorSystem ) extends WorkerService( system, uploads, TEIParserActor.props(taskService, annotationService), 10 ) object TEIParserService { val TASK_TYPE = TaskType("TEI_PARSING") private[tei] def extractEntities( part: DocumentFilepartRecord, file: File, replaceOriginalFile: Boolean = true ): Seq[Annotation] = { val teiXML = $(file).document() val ranges = teiXML.asInstanceOf[DocumentRange] val places = $(teiXML).find("placeName").get val people = $(teiXML).find("persName").get val spans = $(teiXML).find("span").get val annotations = (places ++ people ++ spans).map(TEITag.convert(part, _, ranges)) if (replaceOriginalFile) new PrintWriter(file.getAbsolutePath) { write($(teiXML).toString) close } annotations } }
Example 141
Source File: LossFuncGrapher.scala From neuroflow with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package neuroflow.core import{File, FileOutputStream, PrintWriter} import import scala.concurrent.Future import scala.util.Try def maybeGraph(loss: Double): Unit = self.settings.lossFuncOutput.foreach { lfo => Future { Try { val handleOpt = lfo.file .map(f => new PrintWriter(new FileOutputStream(new File(f), true))) handleOpt.foreach(_.println(loss)) handleOpt.foreach(_.close()) lfo.action.foreach(_ (loss)) } } } } case class LossFuncOutput(file: Option[String] = None, action: Option[Double => Unit] = None)
Example 142
Source File: JoinOrderTestSuite.scala From bdg-sequila with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.biodatageeks.sequila.tests.rangejoins import{OutputStreamWriter, PrintWriter} import com.holdenkarau.spark.testing.{DataFrameSuiteBase, SharedSparkContext} import org.apache.spark.sql.Row import org.apache.spark.sql.types.{ IntegerType, StringType, StructField, StructType } import org.bdgenomics.utils.instrumentation.{ Metrics, MetricsListener, RecordedMetrics } import org.biodatageeks.sequila.rangejoins.IntervalTree.IntervalTreeJoinStrategyOptim import org.scalatest.{BeforeAndAfter, FunSuite} class JoinOrderTestSuite extends FunSuite with DataFrameSuiteBase with BeforeAndAfter with SharedSparkContext { val schema = StructType( Seq(StructField("chr", StringType), StructField("start", IntegerType), StructField("end", IntegerType))) val metricsListener = new MetricsListener(new RecordedMetrics()) val writer = new PrintWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(System.out)) before { System.setSecurityManager(null) spark.experimental.extraStrategies = new IntervalTreeJoinStrategyOptim( spark) :: Nil Metrics.initialize(sc) val rdd1 = sc .textFile(getClass.getResource("/refFlat.txt.bz2").getPath) .map(r => r.split('\t')) .map( r => Row( r(2).toString, r(4).toInt, r(5).toInt )) val ref = spark.createDataFrame(rdd1, schema) ref.createOrReplaceTempView("ref") val rdd2 = sc .textFile(getClass.getResource("/snp150Flagged.txt.bz2").getPath) .map(r => r.split('\t')) .map( r => Row( r(1).toString, r(2).toInt, r(3).toInt )) val snp = spark .createDataFrame(rdd2, schema) snp.createOrReplaceTempView("snp") } test("Join order - broadcasting snp table") { spark.sqlContext.setConf("spark.biodatageeks.rangejoin.useJoinOrder", "true") val query = s""" |SELECT snp.*,ref.* FROM ref JOIN snp |ON (ref.chr=snp.chr AND snp.end>=ref.start AND snp.start<=ref.end) """.stripMargin assert(spark.sql(query).count === 616404L) } test("Join order - broadcasting ref table") { spark.sqlContext.setConf("spark.biodatageeks.rangejoin.useJoinOrder", "true") val query = s""" |SELECT snp.*,ref.* FROM snp JOIN ref |ON (ref.chr=snp.chr AND snp.end>=ref.start AND snp.start<=ref.end) """.stripMargin assert(spark.sql(query).count === 616404L) } after { Metrics.print(writer, Some(metricsListener.metrics.sparkMetrics.stageTimes)) writer.flush() Metrics.stopRecording() } }
Example 143
Source File: PileupApp.scala From bdg-sequila with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.biodatageeks.sequila.apps import{OutputStreamWriter, PrintWriter} import org.apache.spark.sql.{SequilaSession, SparkSession} import org.bdgenomics.utils.instrumentation.{Metrics, MetricsListener, RecordedMetrics} import org.biodatageeks.sequila.utils.{InternalParams, SequilaRegister} object PileupApp extends App{ override def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { System.setProperty("spark.kryo.registrator", "org.biodatageeks.sequila.pileup.serializers.CustomKryoRegistrator") val spark = SparkSession .builder() .master("local[1]") .config("spark.driver.memory","4g") .config( "spark.serializer", "org.apache.spark.serializer.KryoSerializer" ) .enableHiveSupport() .getOrCreate() val ss = SequilaSession(spark) SequilaRegister.register(ss) spark.sparkContext.setLogLevel("INFO") val bamPath = "/Users/aga/" val referencePath = "/Users/aga/Homo_sapiens_assembly18_chr20.fasta" // val bamPath = "/Users/marek/data/" // val referencePath = "/Users/marek/data/hs37d5.fa" val tableNameBAM = "reads" ss.sql(s"""DROP TABLE IF EXISTS $tableNameBAM""") ss.sql(s""" |CREATE TABLE $tableNameBAM |USING org.biodatageeks.sequila.datasources.BAM.BAMDataSource |OPTIONS(path "$bamPath") | """.stripMargin) val query = s""" |SELECT count(*) |FROM pileup('$tableNameBAM', 'NA12878', '${referencePath}') """.stripMargin ss .sqlContext .setConf(InternalParams.EnableInstrumentation, "true") Metrics.initialize(ss.sparkContext) val metricsListener = new MetricsListener(new RecordedMetrics()) ss .sparkContext .addSparkListener(metricsListener) val results = ss.sql(query) ss.time{ } val writer = new PrintWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(System.out, "UTF-8")) Metrics.print(writer, Some(metricsListener.metrics.sparkMetrics.stageTimes)) writer.close() ss.stop() } }
Example 144
Source File: PackagePlatformExtensions.scala From qamr with MIT License | 5 votes |
package qamr.util import import import scala.util.{Try, Success, Failure} import com.typesafe.scalalogging.Logger trait PackagePlatformExtensions { implicit class RichTry[A](val t: Try[A]) { def toOptionLogging(logger: Logger): Option[A] = t match { case Success(a) => Some(a) case Failure(e) => val sw = new StringWriter() val pw = new PrintWriter(sw, true) e.printStackTrace(pw) logger.error(e.getLocalizedMessage + "\n" + sw.getBuffer.toString) None } } }
Example 145
Source File: PythonBroadcastSuite.scala From BigDatalog with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.api.python import import{PrintWriter, File} import org.scalatest.Matchers import org.apache.spark.{SharedSparkContext, SparkConf, SparkFunSuite} import org.apache.spark.serializer.KryoSerializer import org.apache.spark.util.Utils // This test suite uses SharedSparkContext because we need a SparkEnv in order to deserialize // a PythonBroadcast: class PythonBroadcastSuite extends SparkFunSuite with Matchers with SharedSparkContext { test("PythonBroadcast can be serialized with Kryo (SPARK-4882)") { val tempDir = Utils.createTempDir() val broadcastedString = "Hello, world!" def assertBroadcastIsValid(broadcast: PythonBroadcast): Unit = { val source = Source.fromFile(broadcast.path) val contents = source.mkString source.close() contents should be (broadcastedString) } try { val broadcastDataFile: File = { val file = new File(tempDir, "broadcastData") val printWriter = new PrintWriter(file) printWriter.write(broadcastedString) printWriter.close() file } val broadcast = new PythonBroadcast(broadcastDataFile.getAbsolutePath) assertBroadcastIsValid(broadcast) val conf = new SparkConf().set("spark.kryo.registrationRequired", "true") val deserializedBroadcast = Utils.clone[PythonBroadcast](broadcast, new KryoSerializer(conf).newInstance()) assertBroadcastIsValid(deserializedBroadcast) } finally { Utils.deleteRecursively(tempDir) } } }
Example 146
Source File: TableGraphBaseExporter.scala From flamy with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.flaminem.flamy.graph.export import{File, PrintWriter} import import com.flaminem.flamy.graph.TableGraph import com.flaminem.flamy.model.core.Model import com.flaminem.flamy.model.names.ItemName import import scalax.collection.Graph import scalax.collection.GraphEdge.DiEdge import{graph2DotExport, _} abstract class TableGraphBaseExporter[V <: ItemName](tableGraph: TableGraph) { val model: Model = tableGraph.model val root = new DotRootGraph( directed = true, id = None, strict = true ) val graph: Graph[V, DiEdge] protected def edgeTransformer(innerEdge: Graph[V,DiEdge]#EdgeT): Option[(DotGraph,DotEdgeStmt)] protected def nodeTransformer(innerNode: Graph[V,DiEdge]#NodeT): Option[(DotGraph,DotNodeStmt)] final def toDot: String = { graph2DotExport(graph).toDot( root, edgeTransformer=edgeTransformer, cNodeTransformer=Some(nodeTransformer), iNodeTransformer=Some(nodeTransformer) ) } final def exportToPng(path: String): Unit = { val file = new File(path + ".dot") val writer = new PrintWriter(file) writer.write(this.toDot) writer.close() scala.sys.process.stringSeqToProcess(Seq("dot", "-T", "png", "-o", path + ".png", path + ".dot")).! } final def exportToSvg(path: String): Unit = { val file = new File(path + ".dot") val writer = new PrintWriter(file) writer.write(this.toDot) writer.close() scala.sys.process.stringSeqToProcess(Seq("dot", "-T", "svg", "-o", path + ".svg", path + ".dot")).! Source.fromFile(path + ".svg").getLines().dropWhile(!_.startsWith("<svg")).foreach{line => FlamyOutput.out.println(line.toString)} } }
Example 147
Source File: Neo4jPersistence.scala From csb with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
package edu.msstate.dasi.csb.persistence import{File, PrintWriter} import edu.msstate.dasi.csb.model.{EdgeData, VertexData} import edu.msstate.dasi.csb.util.Util import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileUtil import org.apache.spark.graphx.Graph object Neo4jPersistence extends GraphPersistence { private val vertices_suffix = "_nodes" private val edges_suffix = "_relationships" def saveAsText(graph: Graph[VertexData, EdgeData], graphName: String, overwrite :Boolean = false): Unit = { val verticesPath = graphName + vertices_suffix val verticesTmpPath = "__" + verticesPath val edgesPath = graphName + edges_suffix val edgesTmpPath = "__" + edgesPath if (overwrite) { FileUtil.fullyDelete(new File(verticesPath + "-header")) FileUtil.fullyDelete(new File(verticesPath)) FileUtil.fullyDelete(new File(edgesPath + "-header")) FileUtil.fullyDelete(new File(edgesPath)) } val nodeHeader = s"name:ID($graphName),:LABEL\n" val nodeHeaderWriter = new PrintWriter(new File(verticesPath + "-header")) nodeHeaderWriter.write(nodeHeader) nodeHeaderWriter.close() { case (id, _) => s"$id,$graphName" }.saveAsTextFile(verticesTmpPath) Util.merge(verticesTmpPath, verticesPath) FileUtil.fullyDelete(new File(verticesTmpPath)) val relationshipHeader = s":START_ID($graphName),:END_ID($graphName),:TYPE,${EdgeData.neo4jCsvHeader}\n" val relHeaderWriter = new PrintWriter(new File(edgesPath + "-header")) relHeaderWriter.write(relationshipHeader) relHeaderWriter.close() => edge.attr match { case edgeData: EdgeData => s"${edge.srcId},${edge.dstId},EDGE,${edgeData.toCsv}" case _ => s"${edge.srcId},${edge.dstId},EDGE" } ).saveAsTextFile(edgesTmpPath) Util.merge(edgesTmpPath, edgesPath) FileUtil.fullyDelete(new File(edgesTmpPath)) } }
Example 148
Source File: AbstractOperationExample.scala From seahorse-workflow-executor with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package io.deepsense.deeplang.doperations.examples import{File, PrintWriter} import io.deepsense.commons.utils.Logging import io.deepsense.deeplang.doperables.dataframe.DataFrame import io.deepsense.deeplang.doperations.ReadDataFrame import io.deepsense.deeplang.doperations.inout.CsvParameters.ColumnSeparatorChoice.Comma import io.deepsense.deeplang.doperations.readwritedataframe.FileScheme import io.deepsense.deeplang.{DOperable, DOperation, DeeplangIntegTestSupport} abstract class AbstractOperationExample[T <: DOperation] extends DeeplangIntegTestSupport with Logging { def dOperation: T final def className: String = dOperation.getClass.getSimpleName def fileNames: Seq[String] = Seq.empty def loadCsv(fileName: String): DataFrame = { ReadDataFrame( FileScheme.File.pathPrefix + this.getClass.getResource(s"/test_files/$fileName.csv").getPath, Comma(), csvNamesIncluded = true, csvConvertToBoolean = false ).executeUntyped(Vector.empty[DOperable])(executionContext) .head .asInstanceOf[DataFrame] } def inputDataFrames: Seq[DataFrame] = className should { "successfully run execute() and generate example" in { val op = dOperation val outputDfs = op .executeUntyped(inputDataFrames.toVector)(executionContext) .collect { case df: DataFrame => df } val html = ExampleHtmlFormatter.exampleHtml(op, inputDataFrames, outputDfs) // TODO Make it not rely on relative path it's run from val examplePageFile = new File( "docs/operations/examples/" + className + ".md") examplePageFile.getParentFile.mkdirs() examplePageFile.createNewFile() val writer = new PrintWriter(examplePageFile) // scalastyle:off println writer.println(html) // scalastyle:on println writer.flush() writer.close() "Created doc page for " + className) } } }
Example 149
Source File: DriverFiles.scala From seahorse-workflow-executor with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package io.deepsense.deeplang.doperations.readwritedataframe.filestorage import{File, IOException, PrintWriter} import import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.csv.{DataframeToDriverCsvFileWriter, RawCsvRDDToDataframe} import org.apache.spark.sql.{SaveMode, DataFrame => SparkDataFrame} import io.deepsense.commons.resources.ManagedResource import io.deepsense.deeplang.ExecutionContext import io.deepsense.deeplang.doperables.dataframe.DataFrame import io.deepsense.deeplang.doperations.inout.{InputFileFormatChoice, OutputFileFormatChoice} import io.deepsense.deeplang.doperations.readwritedataframe.filestorage.csv.CsvOptions import io.deepsense.deeplang.doperations.readwritedataframe.{FilePath, FileScheme} import io.deepsense.sparkutils.SQL object DriverFiles { def read(driverPath: String, fileFormat: InputFileFormatChoice) (implicit context: ExecutionContext): SparkDataFrame = fileFormat match { case csv: InputFileFormatChoice.Csv => readCsv(driverPath, csv) case json: InputFileFormatChoice.Json => readJson(driverPath) case parquet: InputFileFormatChoice.Parquet => throw ParquetNotSupported } def write(dataFrame: DataFrame, path: FilePath, fileFormat: OutputFileFormatChoice, saveMode: SaveMode) (implicit context: ExecutionContext): Unit = { path.verifyScheme(FileScheme.File) if (saveMode == SaveMode.ErrorIfExists && new File(path.pathWithoutScheme).exists()){ throw new IOException(s"Output file ${path.fullPath} already exists") } fileFormat match { case csv: OutputFileFormatChoice.Csv => writeCsv(path, csv, dataFrame) case json: OutputFileFormatChoice.Json => writeJson(path, dataFrame) case parquet: OutputFileFormatChoice.Parquet => throw ParquetNotSupported } } private def readCsv (driverPath: String, csvChoice: InputFileFormatChoice.Csv) (implicit context: ExecutionContext): SparkDataFrame = { val params =, csvChoice.getCsvColumnSeparator()) val lines = Source.fromFile(driverPath).getLines().toStream val fileLinesRdd = context.sparkContext.parallelize(lines) RawCsvRDDToDataframe.parse(fileLinesRdd, context.sparkSQLSession, params) } private def readJson(driverPath: String)(implicit context: ExecutionContext) = { val lines = Source.fromFile(driverPath).getLines().toStream val fileLinesRdd = context.sparkContext.parallelize(lines) } private def writeCsv (path: FilePath, csvChoice: OutputFileFormatChoice.Csv, dataFrame: DataFrame) (implicit context: ExecutionContext): Unit = { val params =, csvChoice.getCsvColumnSeparator()) DataframeToDriverCsvFileWriter.write( dataFrame.sparkDataFrame, params, dataFrame.schema.get, path.pathWithoutScheme ) } private def writeJson(path: FilePath, dataFrame: DataFrame) (implicit context: ExecutionContext): Unit = { val rawJsonLines: RDD[String] = SQL.dataFrameToJsonRDD(dataFrame.sparkDataFrame) writeRddToDriverFile(path.pathWithoutScheme, rawJsonLines) } private def writeRddToDriverFile(driverPath: String, lines: RDD[String]): Unit = { val recordSeparator = System.getProperty("line.separator", "\n") ManagedResource(new PrintWriter(driverPath)) { writer => lines.collect().foreach(line => writer.write(line + recordSeparator)) } } }
Example 150
Source File: RedirectCreator.scala From seahorse-workflow-executor with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package io.deepsense.docgen import{File, PrintWriter} import io.deepsense.deeplang.DOperation trait RedirectCreator { // scalastyle:off println def createRedirects( sparkOperations: Seq[OperationWithSparkClassName], forceUpdate: Boolean): Int = { { case OperationWithSparkClassName(operation, sparkClassName) => val redirectFile = new File("docs/uuid/" + + ".md") if (!redirectFile.exists() || forceUpdate) { createRedirect(redirectFile, operation, sparkClassName) 1 } else { 0 } }.sum } private def createRedirect(redirectFile: File, operation: DOperation, sparkClassName: String) = { val writer = new PrintWriter(redirectFile) writer.println("---") writer.println("layout: redirect") writer.println("redirect: ../operations/" + DocUtils.underscorize( + ".html") writer.println("---") writer.flush() writer.close() println("Created redirect for " + } // scalastyle:on println }
Example 151
Source File: DataframeToDriverCsvFileWriter.scala From seahorse-workflow-executor with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.csv import import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD import org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame import org.apache.spark.sql.types._ import io.deepsense.sparkutils.readwritedataframe.{DataframeToRawCsvRDD, ManagedResource} object DataframeToDriverCsvFileWriter { def write( dataFrame: DataFrame, options: Map[String, String], dataSchema: StructType, pathWithoutScheme: String): Unit = { val rawCsvLines = DataframeToRawCsvRDD(dataFrame, options)(dataFrame.sqlContext.sparkContext) writeRddToDriverFile(pathWithoutScheme, rawCsvLines) } // TODO extract to commons from DriverFiles private def writeRddToDriverFile(driverPath: String, lines: RDD[String]): Unit = { val recordSeparator = System.getProperty("line.separator", "\n") ManagedResource(new PrintWriter(driverPath)) { writer => lines.collect().foreach(line => writer.write(line + recordSeparator)) } } }
Example 152
Source File: DataframeToDriverCsvFileWriter.scala From seahorse-workflow-executor with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.csv import import org.apache.spark.sql.{DataFrame, Row} import org.apache.spark.sql.types._ import io.deepsense.sparkutils.readwritedataframe.ManagedResource object DataframeToDriverCsvFileWriter { def write( dataFrame: DataFrame, options: Map[String, String], dataSchema: StructType, pathWithoutScheme: String): Unit = { val data = dataFrame.rdd.collect() val params = new CSVOptions(options) ManagedResource( new LocalCsvOutputWriter(dataSchema, params, pathWithoutScheme) ) { writer => data.foreach(row => { writer.write([String])) }) } } } class LocalCsvOutputWriter( dataSchema: StructType, params: CSVOptions, driverPath: String) { private val driverFileWriter = new PrintWriter(driverPath) private val FLUSH_BATCH_SIZE = 1024L private var records: Long = 0L private val csvWriter = new LineCsvWriter(params, dataSchema.fieldNames.toSeq) def write(row: Seq[String]): Unit = { csvWriter.writeRow(row, records == 0L && params.headerFlag) records += 1 if (records % FLUSH_BATCH_SIZE == 0) { flush() } } private def flush(): Unit = { val lines = csvWriter.flush() if (lines.nonEmpty) { driverFileWriter.write(lines) } } def close(): Unit = { flush() driverFileWriter.close() } }
Example 153
Source File: CountStreamProducer.scala From Apache-Spark-2x-Machine-Learning-Cookbook with MIT License | 5 votes |
package import{BufferedOutputStream, PrintWriter} import import import scala.util.Random class CountSreamThread(socket: Socket) extends Thread { val villians = Array("Bane", "Thanos", "Loki", "Apocalypse", "Red Skull", "The Governor", "Sinestro", "Galactus", "Doctor Doom", "Lex Luthor", "Joker", "Magneto", "Darth Vader") override def run(): Unit = { println("Connection accepted") val out = new PrintWriter(new BufferedOutputStream(socket.getOutputStream())) println("Producing Data") while (true) { out.println(villians(Random.nextInt(villians.size))) Thread.sleep(10) } println("Done Producing") } } object CountStreamProducer { def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { val ss = new ServerSocket(9999) while (true) { println("Accepting Connection...") new CountSreamThread(ss.accept()).start() } } }
Example 154
Source File: ParadoxLogger.scala From paradox with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.lightbend.paradox import{ PrintWriter, StringWriter } import scala.collection.immutable.StringOps trait ParadoxLogger { def debug(t: Throwable): Unit = { // we provide our own implementation because sbt doesn't offer any exception logging at debug val writer = new StringWriter() t.printStackTrace(new PrintWriter(writer)) new StringOps(writer.toString).lines.foreach(debug(_)) } def debug(msg: => String): Unit def info(msg: => String): Unit def warn(msg: => String): Unit def error(msg: => String): Unit } object NullLogger extends ParadoxLogger { override def debug(msg: => String): Unit = () override def info(msg: => String): Unit = () override def warn(msg: => String): Unit = () override def error(msg: => String): Unit = () } object PrintlnLogger extends ParadoxLogger { override def debug(msg: => String): Unit = println(s"[debug] $msg") override def info(msg: => String): Unit = println(s"[info] $msg") override def warn(msg: => String): Unit = println(s"[warn] $msg") override def error(msg: => String): Unit = println(s"[error] $msg") }
Example 155
Source File: PageViewGenerator.scala From BigDatalog with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
// scalastyle:off println package org.apache.spark.examples.streaming.clickstream import import import util.Random // scalastyle:on object PageViewGenerator { val pages = Map("" -> .7, "" -> 0.2, "" -> .1) val httpStatus = Map(200 -> .95, 404 -> .05) val userZipCode = Map(94709 -> .5, 94117 -> .5) val userID = Map((1 to 100).map(_ -> .01) : _*) def pickFromDistribution[T](inputMap : Map[T, Double]) : T = { val rand = new Random().nextDouble() var total = 0.0 for ((item, prob) <- inputMap) { total = total + prob if (total > rand) { return item } } inputMap.take(1).head._1 // Shouldn't get here if probabilities add up to 1.0 } def getNextClickEvent() : String = { val id = pickFromDistribution(userID) val page = pickFromDistribution(pages) val status = pickFromDistribution(httpStatus) val zipCode = pickFromDistribution(userZipCode) new PageView(page, status, zipCode, id).toString() } def main(args : Array[String]) { if (args.length != 2) { System.err.println("Usage: PageViewGenerator <port> <viewsPerSecond>") System.exit(1) } val port = args(0).toInt val viewsPerSecond = args(1).toFloat val sleepDelayMs = (1000.0 / viewsPerSecond).toInt val listener = new ServerSocket(port) println("Listening on port: " + port) while (true) { val socket = listener.accept() new Thread() { override def run(): Unit = { println("Got client connected from: " + socket.getInetAddress) val out = new PrintWriter(socket.getOutputStream(), true) while (true) { Thread.sleep(sleepDelayMs) out.write(getNextClickEvent()) out.flush() } socket.close() } }.start() } } } // scalastyle:on println
Example 156
Source File: SchrodingerExceptionTest.scala From aloha with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.eharmony.aloha.ex import org.junit.{Before, Test} import org.junit.Assert._ import{PrintWriter, OutputStreamWriter, ByteArrayOutputStream, PrintStream} class SchrodingerExceptionTest { private[this] var ex: SchrodingerException = _ @Before def before() { ex = new SchrodingerException } @Test def testFillInStackTrace() { assertTrue(new SchrodingerException().fillInStackTrace().isInstanceOf[SchrodingerException]) } @Test(expected = classOf[SchrodingerException]) def testGetMessage() { ex.getMessage() } @Test(expected = classOf[SchrodingerException]) def testGetStackTrace() { ex.getStackTrace() } @Test(expected = classOf[SchrodingerException]) def testGetCause() { ex.getCause() } @Test(expected = classOf[SchrodingerException]) def testSetStackTrace() { ex.setStackTrace(Array.empty) } @Test(expected = classOf[SchrodingerException]) def testGetLocalizedMessage() { ex.getLocalizedMessage() } @Test(expected = classOf[SchrodingerException]) def testPrintStackTraceEmpty() { ex.printStackTrace() } @Test(expected = classOf[SchrodingerException]) def testPrintStackTraceStream() { val baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream() val ps = new PrintStream(baos) ex.printStackTrace(ps) } @Test(expected = classOf[SchrodingerException]) def testPrintStackTraceWriter() { val baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream() val osw = new OutputStreamWriter(baos) val ps = new PrintWriter(osw) ex.printStackTrace(ps) } @Test(expected = classOf[SchrodingerException]) def testInitCause() { ex.initCause(new Throwable) } @Test(expected = classOf[SchrodingerException]) def testToString() { ex.toString() } @Test def testNoThrowForSchrodingerExceptionWithSchrodingerExceptionCause() { new SchrodingerException(new SchrodingerException) } @Test def testNoThrowForSchrodingerExceptionWithExceptionCause() { new SchrodingerException(new Exception) } @Test(expected = classOf[SchrodingerException]) def testThrowForThrowableWithSchrodingerExceptionCause() { new Throwable(ex) } @Test(expected = classOf[SchrodingerException]) def testThrowForExceptionWithSchrodingerExceptionCause() { new Exception(ex) } @Test(expected = classOf[SchrodingerException]) def testThrowForRuntimeExceptionWithSchrodingerExceptionCause() { new RuntimeException(ex) } }
Example 157
Source File: SchrodingerException.scala From aloha with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.eharmony.aloha.ex import{PrintWriter, PrintStream} import com.eharmony.aloha.AlohaException override def fillInStackTrace() = this override def getCause() = throw this override def getLocalizedMessage() = throw this override def getMessage() = throw this override def getStackTrace() = throw this override def initCause(cause: Throwable) = throw this override def printStackTrace() = throw this override def printStackTrace(s: PrintStream) = throw this override def printStackTrace(s: PrintWriter) = throw this override def setStackTrace(stackTrace: Array[StackTraceElement]) = throw this override def toString() = throw this def safeToString() = { val m = Option(message) getOrElse "" s"SchrodingerException($m)" } } object SchrodingerException { val Instance = new SchrodingerException }
Example 158
Source File: ScalafmtSbtReporter.scala From sbt-scalafmt with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.scalafmt.sbt import import import java.nio.file.Path import org.scalafmt.interfaces.ScalafmtReporter import sbt.internal.util.MessageOnlyException import sbt.util.Logger import scala.util.control.NoStackTrace class ScalafmtSbtReporter(log: Logger, out: OutputStreamWriter) extends ScalafmtReporter { override def error(file: Path, message: String): Unit = { throw new MessageOnlyException(s"$message: $file") } override def error(file: Path, e: Throwable): Unit = { if (e.getMessage != null) { error(file, e.getMessage) } else { throw new FailedToFormat(file.toString, e) } } override def error(file: Path, message: String, e: Throwable): Unit = { if (e.getMessage != null) { error(file, s"$message: ${e.getMessage()}") } else { throw new FailedToFormat(file.toString, e) } } override def excluded(file: Path): Unit = log.debug(s"file excluded: $file") override def parsedConfig(config: Path, scalafmtVersion: String): Unit = log.debug(s"parsed config (v$scalafmtVersion): $config") override def downloadWriter(): PrintWriter = new PrintWriter(out) override def downloadOutputStreamWriter(): OutputStreamWriter = out private class FailedToFormat(filename: String, cause: Throwable) extends Exception(filename, cause) with NoStackTrace }
Example 159
Source File: CodeGeneratorTest.scala From MoVE with Mozilla Public License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package de.thm.move.models import import import java.nio.charset.Charset import java.nio.file.{Paths, Files} import java.util.Base64 import javafx.scene.Node import javafx.scene.paint.{Paint, Color} import javafx.scene.shape.{LineTo, MoveTo} import javafx.scene.text.TextAlignment import de.thm.move.MoveSpec import de.thm.move.models.ModelicaCodeGenerator.FormatSrc import de.thm.move.models.ModelicaCodeGenerator.FormatSrc.FormatSrc import de.thm.move.types._ import de.thm.move.util.ResourceUtils import de.thm.move.util.GeometryUtils import de.thm.move.views.shapes._ class CodeGeneratorTest extends MoveSpec { val dummyURL = Paths.get(System.getProperty("user.home")).toUri private def eqTest(toTest:String,expected:String): Unit = { if(!toTest.contains(expected)) { println(toTest) println("Expected: "+expected) } assert(toTest.contains(expected), s"Expected [$toTest] containing [$expected]") } "ModelicaCodeGenerator" should "generate Rectangles" in { val generator = new ModelicaCodeGenerator(FormatSrc.Pretty, 1, 500,500) val rect = new ResizableRectangle((0,0), 100,100) rect.colorizeShape(Color.BLACK, Color.BLACK) rect.setRotate(90.0) val str = generator.generateShape(rect, "test", dummyURL)(1) eqTest(str, "origin = {50,450}") eqTest(str, "extent = {{-50,50}, {50,-50}}") val generator2 = new ModelicaCodeGenerator(FormatSrc.Pretty, 4, 500,500) val str2 = generator2.generateShape(rect, "test", dummyURL)(1) eqTest(str2, "origin = {12,112}") eqTest(str2, "extent = {{-12,12}, {12,-12}}") } it should "generate Circles" in { val generator = new ModelicaCodeGenerator(FormatSrc.Pretty, 1, 500,500) val circle = new ResizableCircle((100,100), 50,50) circle.colorizeShape(Color.BLACK, Color.BLACK) circle.setRotate(90.0) val str = generator.generateShape(circle, "test", dummyURL)(1) eqTest(str, "origin = {100,400}") eqTest(str, "extent = {{-50,50}, {50,-50}}") } }
Example 160
Source File: UTF8TextInputFormatter.scala From glow with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package io.projectglow.transformers.pipe import{OutputStream, PrintWriter} import org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame import org.apache.spark.sql.SQLUtils.dataTypesEqualExceptNullability import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.InternalRow import org.apache.spark.sql.types.StringType class UTF8TextInputFormatter() extends InputFormatter { private var writer: PrintWriter = _ override def init(stream: OutputStream): Unit = { writer = new PrintWriter(stream) } override def write(record: InternalRow): Unit = { if (!record.isNullAt(0)) { writer.println(record.getUTF8String(0)) // scalastyle:ignore } } override def close(): Unit = { writer.close() } } class UTF8TextInputFormatterFactory extends InputFormatterFactory { override def name: String = "text" override def makeInputFormatter(df: DataFrame, options: Map[String, String]): InputFormatter = { require(df.schema.length == 1, "Input dataframe must have one column,") require( dataTypesEqualExceptNullability(df.schema.head.dataType, StringType), "Input dataframe must have one string column.") new UTF8TextInputFormatter } }
Example 161
Source File: CSVInputFormatter.scala From glow with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package io.projectglow.transformers.pipe import{OutputStream, PrintWriter} import org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.InternalRow import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.csv.SGUnivocityGenerator import org.apache.spark.sql.types.StructType import io.projectglow.SparkShim.CSVOptions class CSVInputFormatter(schema: StructType, parsedOptions: CSVOptions) extends InputFormatter { private var writer: PrintWriter = _ private var univocityGenerator: SGUnivocityGenerator = _ override def init(stream: OutputStream): Unit = { writer = new PrintWriter(stream) univocityGenerator = new SGUnivocityGenerator(schema, writer, parsedOptions) if (parsedOptions.headerFlag) { univocityGenerator.writeHeaders() } } override def write(record: InternalRow): Unit = { univocityGenerator.write(record) } override def close(): Unit = { writer.close() univocityGenerator.close() } } class CSVInputFormatterFactory extends InputFormatterFactory { override def name: String = "csv" override def makeInputFormatter( df: DataFrame, options: Map[String, String] ): InputFormatter = { val sqlConf = df.sparkSession.sessionState.conf val parsedOptions = new CSVOptions( options, sqlConf.csvColumnPruning, sqlConf.sessionLocalTimeZone ) new CSVInputFormatter(df.schema, parsedOptions) } }
Example 162
Source File: CodeGenerator.scala From jvm-toxcore-c with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
package im.tox.tox4j.impl.jni.codegen import{ File, PrintWriter } import import gnieh.pp.PrettyRenderer import im.tox.tox4j.impl.jni.codegen.cxx.Ast._ import im.tox.tox4j.impl.jni.codegen.cxx.{ Ast, Print } object NameConversions { def cxxVarName(name: String): String =, name) def cxxTypeName(name: String): String =, name) def javaVarName(name: String): String =, name) def javaTypeName(name: String): String =, name) } abstract class CodeGenerator extends App { def writeCode(path: String, sep: String = "\n\n")(code: Ast.TranslationUnit): Unit = { val renderer = new PrettyRenderer(130) val writer = new PrintWriter(new File("cpp/src", path)) try { writer.println( } finally { writer.close() } } def ifdef(header: String, guard: String, code: TranslationUnit*): TranslationUnit = { Include(header) +: Ifdef(guard) +: code.flatten :+ Endif } }
Example 163
Source File: Codegen.scala From caliban with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import{ File, PrintWriter } import caliban.parsing.adt.Document import zio.{ Task, UIO } object Codegen { def generate( arguments: Options, writer: (Document, String, Option[String], String) => String ): Task[Unit] = { val s = ".*/scala/(.*)/(.*).scala".r.findFirstMatchIn(arguments.toPath) val packageName = arguments.packageName.orElse("/").mkString("."))) val objectName ="Client") val effect = arguments.effect.getOrElse("zio.UIO") val loader = getSchemaLoader(arguments.schemaPath, arguments.headers) for { schema <- loader.load code = writer(schema, objectName, packageName, effect) formatted <- Formatter.format(code, arguments.fmtPath) _ <- Task(new PrintWriter(new File(arguments.toPath))) .bracket(q => UIO(q.close()), pw => Task(pw.println(formatted))) } yield () } private def getSchemaLoader(path: String, schemaPathHeaders: Option[List[Options.Header]]): SchemaLoader = if (path.startsWith("http")) SchemaLoader.fromIntrospection(path, schemaPathHeaders) else SchemaLoader.fromFile(path) }
Example 164
Source File: GraphiteEndpointSink.scala From kafka-lag-exporter with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.lightbend.kafkalagexporter import com.lightbend.kafkalagexporter.MetricsSink._ import com.lightbend.kafkalagexporter.EndpointSink.ClusterGlobalLabels import import import scala.util.{Try, Success, Failure} import scala.util.Try object GraphiteEndpointSink { def apply(metricWhitelist: List[String], clusterGlobalLabels: ClusterGlobalLabels, graphiteConfig: Option[GraphiteConfig]): MetricsSink = { Try(new GraphiteEndpointSink(metricWhitelist, clusterGlobalLabels, graphiteConfig)) .fold(t => throw new Exception("Could not create Graphite Endpoint", t), sink => sink) } } class GraphiteEndpointSink private(metricWhitelist: List[String], clusterGlobalLabels: ClusterGlobalLabels, graphiteConfig: Option[GraphiteConfig]) extends EndpointSink(clusterGlobalLabels) { def graphitePush(graphiteConfig: GraphiteConfig, metricName: String, metricValue: Double): Unit = { Try(new Socket(, graphiteConfig.port)) match { case Success(socket) => Try(new PrintWriter(socket.getOutputStream)) match { case Success(writer) => writer.print(s"${graphiteConfig.prefix.getOrElse("")}${metricName} ${metricValue} ${System.currentTimeMillis / 1000}\n") writer.close socket.close case Failure(_) => socket.close } case Failure(_) => { } } } def metricNameToGraphiteMetricName(metricValue: MetricValue): String = { (getGlobalLabelValuesOrDefault(metricValue.clusterName) ++ metricValue.labels ).map( x => x.replaceAll("\\.", "_")).mkString(".") + "." +; } override def report(m: MetricValue): Unit = { if (metricWhitelist.exists( { graphiteConfig.foreach { conf => graphitePush(conf, metricNameToGraphiteMetricName(m), m.value); } } } override def remove(m: RemoveMetric): Unit = { } }
Example 165
Source File: LocalCsvOutputWriter.scala From seahorse with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.csv import import com.univocity.parsers.csv.{CsvWriter, CsvWriterSettings} import org.apache.spark.sql.types._ class LocalCsvOutputWriter( schema: StructType, options: CSVOptions, driverPath: String) { private val driverFileWriter = new PrintWriter(driverPath) private val FLUSH_BATCH_SIZE = 1024L private var records: Long = 0L private val writerSettings = createWriterSettings(schema, options) private val gen = new CsvWriter(driverFileWriter, writerSettings) def write(row: Seq[String]): Unit = { gen.writeRow(row.toArray) records += 1 if (records % FLUSH_BATCH_SIZE == 0) { flush() } } def close(): Unit = { flush() driverFileWriter.close() } private def flush(): Unit = { gen.flush() } private def createWriterSettings(schema: StructType, options: CSVOptions): CsvWriterSettings = { val writerSettings = options.asWriterSettings writerSettings.setHeaderWritingEnabled(options.headerFlag) writerSettings.setHeaders(schema.fieldNames: _*) writerSettings } }
Example 166
Source File: LocalCsvOutputWriter.scala From seahorse with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.csv import import org.apache.spark.sql.{DataFrame, Row} import org.apache.spark.sql.types._ class LocalCsvOutputWriter( dataSchema: StructType, params: CSVOptions, driverPath: String) { private val driverFileWriter = new PrintWriter(driverPath) private val FLUSH_BATCH_SIZE = 1024L private var records: Long = 0L private val csvWriter = new LineCsvWriter(params, dataSchema.fieldNames.toSeq) def write(row: Seq[String]): Unit = { csvWriter.writeRow(row, records == 0L && params.headerFlag) records += 1 if (records % FLUSH_BATCH_SIZE == 0) { flush() } } private def flush(): Unit = { val lines = csvWriter.flush() if (lines.nonEmpty) { driverFileWriter.write(lines) } } def close(): Unit = { flush() driverFileWriter.close() } }
Example 167
Source File: AbstractOperationExample.scala From seahorse with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package ai.deepsense.deeplang.doperations.examples import{File, PrintWriter} import ai.deepsense.commons.utils.Logging import ai.deepsense.deeplang.doperables.dataframe.DataFrame import ai.deepsense.deeplang.doperations.ReadDataFrame import ai.deepsense.deeplang.doperations.inout.CsvParameters.ColumnSeparatorChoice.Comma import ai.deepsense.deeplang.doperations.readwritedataframe.FileScheme import ai.deepsense.deeplang.{DOperable, DOperation, DeeplangIntegTestSupport} abstract class AbstractOperationExample[T <: DOperation] extends DeeplangIntegTestSupport with Logging { def dOperation: T final def className: String = dOperation.getClass.getSimpleName def fileNames: Seq[String] = Seq.empty def loadCsv(fileName: String): DataFrame = { ReadDataFrame( FileScheme.File.pathPrefix + this.getClass.getResource(s"/test_files/$fileName.csv").getPath, Comma(), csvNamesIncluded = true, csvConvertToBoolean = false ).executeUntyped(Vector.empty[DOperable])(executionContext) .head .asInstanceOf[DataFrame] } def inputDataFrames: Seq[DataFrame] = className should { "successfully run execute() and generate example" in { val op = dOperation val outputDfs = op .executeUntyped(inputDataFrames.toVector)(executionContext) .collect { case df: DataFrame => df } val html = ExampleHtmlFormatter.exampleHtml(op, inputDataFrames, outputDfs) // TODO Make it not rely on relative path it's run from val examplePageFile = new File( "docs/operations/examples/" + className + ".md") examplePageFile.getParentFile.mkdirs() examplePageFile.createNewFile() val writer = new PrintWriter(examplePageFile) // scalastyle:off println writer.println(html) // scalastyle:on println writer.flush() writer.close() "Created doc page for " + className) } } }
Example 168
Source File: DriverFiles.scala From seahorse with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package ai.deepsense.deeplang.doperations.readwritedataframe.filestorage import{File, IOException, PrintWriter} import import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.csv.{DataframeToDriverCsvFileWriter, RawCsvRDDToDataframe} import org.apache.spark.sql.{Dataset, Encoders, Row, SaveMode, DataFrame => SparkDataFrame} import ai.deepsense.commons.resources.ManagedResource import ai.deepsense.deeplang.ExecutionContext import ai.deepsense.deeplang.doperables.dataframe.DataFrame import ai.deepsense.deeplang.doperations.inout.{InputFileFormatChoice, OutputFileFormatChoice} import ai.deepsense.deeplang.doperations.readwritedataframe.filestorage.csv.CsvOptions import ai.deepsense.deeplang.doperations.readwritedataframe.{FilePath, FileScheme} import ai.deepsense.deeplang.readjsondataset.JsonReader import ai.deepsense.sparkutils.SQL object DriverFiles extends JsonReader { def read(driverPath: String, fileFormat: InputFileFormatChoice) (implicit context: ExecutionContext): SparkDataFrame = fileFormat match { case csv: InputFileFormatChoice.Csv => readCsv(driverPath, csv) case json: InputFileFormatChoice.Json => readJson(driverPath) case parquet: InputFileFormatChoice.Parquet => throw ParquetNotSupported } def write(dataFrame: DataFrame, path: FilePath, fileFormat: OutputFileFormatChoice, saveMode: SaveMode) (implicit context: ExecutionContext): Unit = { path.verifyScheme(FileScheme.File) if (saveMode == SaveMode.ErrorIfExists && new File(path.pathWithoutScheme).exists()){ throw new IOException(s"Output file ${path.fullPath} already exists") } fileFormat match { case csv: OutputFileFormatChoice.Csv => writeCsv(path, csv, dataFrame) case json: OutputFileFormatChoice.Json => writeJson(path, dataFrame) case parquet: OutputFileFormatChoice.Parquet => throw ParquetNotSupported } } private def readCsv (driverPath: String, csvChoice: InputFileFormatChoice.Csv) (implicit context: ExecutionContext): SparkDataFrame = { val params =, csvChoice.getCsvColumnSeparator()) val lines = Source.fromFile(driverPath).getLines().toStream val fileLinesRdd = context.sparkContext.parallelize(lines) RawCsvRDDToDataframe.parse(fileLinesRdd, context.sparkSQLSession.sparkSession, params) } private def readJson(driverPath: String)(implicit context: ExecutionContext) = { val lines = Source.fromFile(driverPath).getLines().toStream val fileLinesRdd = context.sparkContext.parallelize(lines) val sparkSession = context.sparkSQLSession.sparkSession readJsonFromRdd(fileLinesRdd, sparkSession) } private def writeCsv (path: FilePath, csvChoice: OutputFileFormatChoice.Csv, dataFrame: DataFrame) (implicit context: ExecutionContext): Unit = { val params =, csvChoice.getCsvColumnSeparator()) DataframeToDriverCsvFileWriter.write( dataFrame.sparkDataFrame, params, dataFrame.schema.get, path.pathWithoutScheme, context.sparkSQLSession.sparkSession ) } private def writeJson(path: FilePath, dataFrame: DataFrame) (implicit context: ExecutionContext): Unit = { val rawJsonLines: RDD[String] = SQL.dataFrameToJsonRDD(dataFrame.sparkDataFrame) writeRddToDriverFile(path.pathWithoutScheme, rawJsonLines) } private def writeRddToDriverFile(driverPath: String, lines: RDD[String]): Unit = { val recordSeparator = System.getProperty("line.separator", "\n") ManagedResource(new PrintWriter(driverPath)) { writer => lines.collect().foreach(line => writer.write(line + recordSeparator)) } } }
Example 169
Source File: RedirectCreator.scala From seahorse with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package ai.deepsense.docgen import{File, PrintWriter} import ai.deepsense.deeplang.DOperation trait RedirectCreator { // scalastyle:off println def createRedirects( sparkOperations: Seq[OperationWithSparkClassName], forceUpdate: Boolean): Int = { { case OperationWithSparkClassName(operation, sparkClassName) => val redirectFile = new File("docs/uuid/" + + ".md") if (!redirectFile.exists() || forceUpdate) { createRedirect(redirectFile, operation, sparkClassName) 1 } else { 0 } }.sum } private def createRedirect(redirectFile: File, operation: DOperation, sparkClassName: String) = { val writer = new PrintWriter(redirectFile) writer.println("---") writer.println("layout: redirect") writer.println("redirect: ../operations/" + DocUtils.underscorize( + ".html") writer.println("---") writer.flush() writer.close() println("Created redirect for " + } // scalastyle:on println }
Example 170
Source File: Main.scala From scalajs-highcharts with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.karasiq.highcharts.generator import{BufferedWriter, FileOutputStream, OutputStreamWriter, PrintWriter} import java.nio.file._ import java.nio.file.attribute.BasicFileAttributes import scala.util.control.Exception import scalaj.http.{Http, HttpOptions} import com.karasiq.highcharts.generator.writers.{ScalaClassWriter, ScalaJsClassBuilder} case class HighchartsApiDoc(library: String) { private val defaultPackage = System.getProperty(s"highcharts-generator.$library.package", s"com.$library") private def httpGet(url: String): List[ConfigurationObject] = { val page = Http.get(url) .header("User-Agent", "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; OpenBSD amd64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/43.0.2357.81 Safari/537.36") .header("Accept", "application/json") .options(HttpOptions.connTimeout(10000), HttpOptions.readTimeout(10000)) val json = page.asString ConfigurationObject.fromJson(json) } private def writeFiles(pkg: String, configs: List[ConfigurationObject], rootObject: Option[String] = None): Unit = { val header = s""" |package $pkg | |import scalajs.js, js.`|` |import com.highcharts.CleanJsObject |import com.highcharts.HighchartsUtils._ | |""".stripMargin val outputDir = Paths.get(System.getProperty("highcharts-generator.output", "src/main/scala"), pkg.split("\\."):_*) Files.createDirectories(outputDir) // Remove all files Files.walkFileTree(outputDir, new SimpleFileVisitor[Path] { override def visitFile(file: Path, attrs: BasicFileAttributes): FileVisitResult = { Files.delete(file) FileVisitResult.CONTINUE } }) val classes = new ScalaJsClassBuilder().parse(configs, rootObject) val classWriter = new ScalaClassWriter classes.foreach { scalaJsClass ⇒ val file = outputDir.resolve(scalaJsClass.scalaName + ".scala") println(s"Writing $file...") val writer = new PrintWriter(new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(file.toFile, true), "UTF-8"))) Exception.allCatch.andFinally(writer.close()) { if (Files.size(file) == 0) { writer.print(header) } classWriter.writeClass(scalaJsClass) { line ⇒ writer.println(line) } writer.flush() } } } def writeConfigs(): Unit = { val configs = httpGet(s"$library/dump.json") writeFiles(s"$defaultPackage.config", configs, Some(s"${library.capitalize}Config")) } def writeApis(): Unit = { val configs = httpGet(s"$library/object/dump.json") writeFiles(s"$defaultPackage.api", configs) } def writeAll(): Unit = { // TODO: writeConfigs() // writeApis() // TODO: 404 } } object Main extends App { HighchartsApiDoc("highcharts").writeAll() HighchartsApiDoc("highstock").writeAll() HighchartsApiDoc("highmaps").writeAll() }
Example 171
Source File: PythonBroadcastSuite.scala From iolap with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.api.python import import{PrintWriter, File} import org.scalatest.Matchers import org.apache.spark.{SharedSparkContext, SparkConf, SparkFunSuite} import org.apache.spark.serializer.KryoSerializer import org.apache.spark.util.Utils // This test suite uses SharedSparkContext because we need a SparkEnv in order to deserialize // a PythonBroadcast: class PythonBroadcastSuite extends SparkFunSuite with Matchers with SharedSparkContext { test("PythonBroadcast can be serialized with Kryo (SPARK-4882)") { val tempDir = Utils.createTempDir() val broadcastedString = "Hello, world!" def assertBroadcastIsValid(broadcast: PythonBroadcast): Unit = { val source = Source.fromFile(broadcast.path) val contents = source.mkString source.close() contents should be (broadcastedString) } try { val broadcastDataFile: File = { val file = new File(tempDir, "broadcastData") val printWriter = new PrintWriter(file) printWriter.write(broadcastedString) printWriter.close() file } val broadcast = new PythonBroadcast(broadcastDataFile.getAbsolutePath) assertBroadcastIsValid(broadcast) val conf = new SparkConf().set("spark.kryo.registrationRequired", "true") val deserializedBroadcast = Utils.clone[PythonBroadcast](broadcast, new KryoSerializer(conf).newInstance()) assertBroadcastIsValid(deserializedBroadcast) } finally { Utils.deleteRecursively(tempDir) } } }
Example 172
Source File: PageViewGenerator.scala From iolap with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.examples.streaming.clickstream import import import util.Random // scalastyle:on object PageViewGenerator { val pages = Map("" -> .7, "" -> 0.2, "" -> .1) val httpStatus = Map(200 -> .95, 404 -> .05) val userZipCode = Map(94709 -> .5, 94117 -> .5) val userID = Map((1 to 100).map(_ -> .01) : _*) def pickFromDistribution[T](inputMap : Map[T, Double]) : T = { val rand = new Random().nextDouble() var total = 0.0 for ((item, prob) <- inputMap) { total = total + prob if (total > rand) { return item } } inputMap.take(1).head._1 // Shouldn't get here if probabilities add up to 1.0 } def getNextClickEvent() : String = { val id = pickFromDistribution(userID) val page = pickFromDistribution(pages) val status = pickFromDistribution(httpStatus) val zipCode = pickFromDistribution(userZipCode) new PageView(page, status, zipCode, id).toString() } def main(args : Array[String]) { if (args.length != 2) { System.err.println("Usage: PageViewGenerator <port> <viewsPerSecond>") System.exit(1) } val port = args(0).toInt val viewsPerSecond = args(1).toFloat val sleepDelayMs = (1000.0 / viewsPerSecond).toInt val listener = new ServerSocket(port) println("Listening on port: " + port) while (true) { val socket = listener.accept() new Thread() { override def run(): Unit = { println("Got client connected from: " + socket.getInetAddress) val out = new PrintWriter(socket.getOutputStream(), true) while (true) { Thread.sleep(sleepDelayMs) out.write(getNextClickEvent()) out.flush() } socket.close() } }.start() } } }
Example 173
Source File: TestHedge.scala From banditsbook-scala with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.github.everpeace.banditsbook.algorithm.hedge import{File, PrintWriter} import breeze.linalg._ import breeze.stats.MeanAndVariance import com.github.everpeace.banditsbook.arm._ import com.github.everpeace.banditsbook.testing_framework.TestRunner import com.github.everpeace.banditsbook.testing_framework.TestRunner._ import com.typesafe.config.ConfigFactory import scala.collection.immutable.Seq object TestHedge extends _TestHedge with App{ run() } trait _TestHedge { def run() = { // implicit val randBasis = RandBasis.mt0 val conf = ConfigFactory.load() val baseKey = "banditsbook.algorithm.hedge.test-hedge" val (_means, Some(ηs), horizon, nSims, outDir) = readConfig(conf, baseKey, Some("ηs")) val means = shuffle(_means) val arms = Seq(means:_*).map(μ => BernoulliArm(μ)) val outputPath = new File(outDir, "test-hedge-results.csv") val file = new PrintWriter(outputPath.toString) file.write("eta, sim_num, step, chosen_arm, reward, cumulative_reward\n") try { println("-------------------------------") println("Hedge Algorithm") println("-------------------------------") println(s" arms = ${"(μ="+_+")").mkString(", ")} (Best Arm = ${argmax(means)})") println(s"horizon = $horizon") println(s" nSims = $nSims") println(s" η = (${ηs.mkString(",")})") println("") val meanOfFinalRewards = scala.collection.mutable.Map.empty[Double, MeanAndVariance] val res = for { η <- ηs } yield { println(s"starts simulation on η=$η.") val algo = Hedge.Algorithm(η) val res =, arms, nSims, horizon) for { sim <- 0 until nSims } { val st = sim * horizon val end = ((sim + 1) * horizon) - 1 } val finalRewards = res.cumRewards((horizon-1) until (nSims * horizon, horizon)) import breeze.stats._ val meanAndVar = meanAndVariance(finalRewards) meanOfFinalRewards += η -> meanAndVar println(s"reward stats: ${TestRunner.toString(meanAndVar)}") res.rawResults.valuesIterator.foreach{ v => file.write(s"${Seq(η, v._1, v._2, v._3, v._4, v._5).mkString(",")}\n") } println(s"finished simulation on η=$η.") } println("") println(s"reward stats summary") println(s"${meanOfFinalRewards.iterator.toSeq.sortBy(_._1).map(p => (s"η=${p._1}", TestRunner.toString(p._2))).mkString("\n")}") } finally { file.close() println("") println(s"results are written to ${outputPath}") } } }
Example 174
Source File: PythonBroadcastSuite.scala From multi-tenancy-spark with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.api.python import{File, PrintWriter} import import org.scalatest.Matchers import org.apache.spark.{SharedSparkContext, SparkConf, SparkFunSuite} import org.apache.spark.serializer.KryoSerializer import org.apache.spark.util.Utils // This test suite uses SharedSparkContext because we need a SparkEnv in order to deserialize // a PythonBroadcast: class PythonBroadcastSuite extends SparkFunSuite with Matchers with SharedSparkContext { test("PythonBroadcast can be serialized with Kryo (SPARK-4882)") { val tempDir = Utils.createTempDir() val broadcastedString = "Hello, world!" def assertBroadcastIsValid(broadcast: PythonBroadcast): Unit = { val source = Source.fromFile(broadcast.path) val contents = source.mkString source.close() contents should be (broadcastedString) } try { val broadcastDataFile: File = { val file = new File(tempDir, "broadcastData") val printWriter = new PrintWriter(file) printWriter.write(broadcastedString) printWriter.close() file } val broadcast = new PythonBroadcast(broadcastDataFile.getAbsolutePath) assertBroadcastIsValid(broadcast) val conf = new SparkConf().set("spark.kryo.registrationRequired", "true") val deserializedBroadcast = Utils.clone[PythonBroadcast](broadcast, new KryoSerializer(conf).newInstance()) assertBroadcastIsValid(deserializedBroadcast) } finally { Utils.deleteRecursively(tempDir) } } }
Example 175
Source File: PageViewGenerator.scala From multi-tenancy-spark with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
// scalastyle:off println package org.apache.spark.examples.streaming.clickstream import import import java.util.Random // scalastyle:on object PageViewGenerator { val pages = Map("" -> .7, "" -> 0.2, "" -> .1) val httpStatus = Map(200 -> .95, 404 -> .05) val userZipCode = Map(94709 -> .5, 94117 -> .5) val userID = Map((1 to 100).map(_ -> .01): _*) def pickFromDistribution[T](inputMap: Map[T, Double]): T = { val rand = new Random().nextDouble() var total = 0.0 for ((item, prob) <- inputMap) { total = total + prob if (total > rand) { return item } } inputMap.take(1).head._1 // Shouldn't get here if probabilities add up to 1.0 } def getNextClickEvent(): String = { val id = pickFromDistribution(userID) val page = pickFromDistribution(pages) val status = pickFromDistribution(httpStatus) val zipCode = pickFromDistribution(userZipCode) new PageView(page, status, zipCode, id).toString() } def main(args: Array[String]) { if (args.length != 2) { System.err.println("Usage: PageViewGenerator <port> <viewsPerSecond>") System.exit(1) } val port = args(0).toInt val viewsPerSecond = args(1).toFloat val sleepDelayMs = (1000.0 / viewsPerSecond).toInt val listener = new ServerSocket(port) println("Listening on port: " + port) while (true) { val socket = listener.accept() new Thread() { override def run(): Unit = { println("Got client connected from: " + socket.getInetAddress) val out = new PrintWriter(socket.getOutputStream(), true) while (true) { Thread.sleep(sleepDelayMs) out.write(getNextClickEvent()) out.flush() } socket.close() } }.start() } } } // scalastyle:on println
Example 176
Source File: EdgeListDataSourceTest.scala From morpheus with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import{File, PrintWriter} import org.opencypher.morpheus.testing.MorpheusTestSuite import org.opencypher.okapi.api.graph.{GraphName, PropertyGraph} import org.opencypher.okapi.impl.exception import org.scalatest.BeforeAndAfterAll import org.scalatestplus.mockito.MockitoSugar class EdgeListDataSourceTest extends MorpheusTestSuite with BeforeAndAfterAll with MockitoSugar { private val edgeList: String = s""" |0 1 |0 2 |1 2 |1 3 """.stripMargin private val tempFile = File.createTempFile(s"morpheus_edgelist_${System.currentTimeMillis()}", "edgelist") private val dataSource = EdgeListDataSource( tempFile.getAbsolutePath, Map("delimiter" -> " ")) it("should return a static schema") { dataSource.schema(EdgeListDataSource.GRAPH_NAME) should equal(Some(EdgeListDataSource.SCHEMA)) } it("should contain only one graph named 'graph'") { dataSource.hasGraph(EdgeListDataSource.GRAPH_NAME) should equal(true) dataSource.hasGraph(GraphName("foo")) should equal(false) } it("should throw when trying to delete") { a[exception.UnsupportedOperationException] shouldBe thrownBy { dataSource.delete(EdgeListDataSource.GRAPH_NAME) } } it("should have only one graph name") { dataSource.graphNames should equal(Set(EdgeListDataSource.GRAPH_NAME)) } it("should throw when trying to store a graph") { a[exception.UnsupportedOperationException] shouldBe thrownBy {"foo"), mock[PropertyGraph]) } } it("should return the test graph") { val graph = dataSource.graph(EdgeListDataSource.GRAPH_NAME) graph.nodes("n").size should equal(4) graph.relationships("r").size should equal(4) } override protected def beforeAll(): Unit = { super.beforeAll() new PrintWriter(tempFile.getAbsolutePath) { write(edgeList); close() } } override protected def afterAll(): Unit = { tempFile.delete() super.afterAll() } }
Example 177
Source File: StringReaderSuite.scala From functadelic with MIT License | 5 votes |
package stagedparsec import lms._ import lms.testutil.FileDiffSpec import scala.lms.common._ import scala.lms.internal.Effects import import import trait StringReaderProg extends StringReaderOps with MiscOps { //print reader.first def testFirst(in: Rep[Array[Char]]): Rep[Char] = { val rdr: Rep[StringReader] = StringReader(in) rdr.first } def testAtEnd(in: Rep[Array[Char]], offset: Rep[Int]): Rep[Boolean] = { val rdr: Rep[StringReader] = StringReader(in, offset) rdr.atEnd } //compute and print first def testRest(in: Rep[Array[Char]]): Rep[Char] = { val rdr: Rep[StringReader] = StringReader(in) val rst = rst.first } def testIteration(in: Rep[Array[Char]]): Rep[Unit] = { val rdr = StringReader(in) rdr.foreach { c => println(c) } } } class StringReaderSuite extends FileDiffSpec { val prefix = "test-out/" def `StringReader generate code with no diff` = { withOutFile(prefix + "stringreader") { new StringReaderProg with StringReaderOpsExpOpt with MiscOpsExp with SeqOpsExp with MyScalaCompile { self => val codegen = new ScalaGenStringReaderOps with ScalaGenMiscOps { val IR: self.type = self } codegen.emitSource(testFirst _, "testFirst", new codegen.reset val testcFirst = compile(testFirst) scala.Console.println(testcFirst("hello".toArray)) codegen.reset codegen.emitSource2(testAtEnd _, "testAtEnd", new codegen.reset val testcAtEnd = compile2(testAtEnd) scala.Console.println(testcAtEnd("hello".toArray, 0)) scala.Console.println(testcAtEnd("hello".toArray, 6)) codegen.reset codegen.emitSource(testRest _, "testRest", new codegen.reset val testcRest = compile(testRest) scala.Console.println(testcRest("hello".toArray)) codegen.reset codegen.emitSource(testIteration _, "testIteration", new codegen.reset val testcIteration = compile(testIteration) testcIteration("hello".toArray) codegen.reset } } assertFileEqualsCheck(prefix + "stringreader") } }
Example 178
Source File: RecParsersSuite.scala From functadelic with MIT License | 5 votes |
package stagedparsec import lms._ import lms.testutil.FileDiffSpec import scala.lms.common._ import scala.lms.internal.Effects import import import trait RecParsersProg extends CharParsers with Functions { import Parser._ with SeqOpsExp with MyScalaCompile { self => val codegen = new ScalaGenCharParsers with ScalaGenStruct with ScalaGenIfThenElse { val IR: self.type = self } codegen.emitSource(recNumber _, "recNumber", new codegen.reset val testcRecNumber = compile(recNumber) scala.Console.println(testcRecNumber("12345".toArray)) codegen.reset } assertFileEqualsCheck(prefix + "rec-parser") } } }
Example 179
Source File: GoldenGateStage.scala From midas with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
// See LICENSE for license details. package midas.stage import firrtl.AnnotationSeq import firrtl.options.{Phase, PhaseManager, PreservesAll, Shell, Stage, StageMain} import firrtl.options.phases.DeletedWrapper import firrtl.options.Viewer.view import{StringWriter, PrintWriter} class GoldenGateStage extends Stage with PreservesAll[Phase] { val shell: Shell = new Shell("goldengate") with GoldenGateCli private val phases: Seq[Phase] = Seq( new GoldenGateGetIncludes, new firrtl.stage.phases.AddDefaults, new firrtl.stage.phases.AddImplicitEmitter, new firrtl.stage.phases.Checks, new firrtl.stage.phases.AddCircuit, new firrtl.stage.phases.AddImplicitOutputFile, new midas.stage.GoldenGateCompilerPhase, new firrtl.stage.phases.WriteEmitted ) .map(DeletedWrapper(_)) def run(annotations: AnnotationSeq): AnnotationSeq = phases.foldLeft(annotations)((a, f) => f.transform(a)) } object GoldenGateMain extends StageMain(new GoldenGateStage)
Example 180
Source File: ChannelExcision.scala From midas with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
// See LICENSE for license details. package midas.passes.fame import{PrintWriter, File} import firrtl._ import ir._ import Mappers._ import Utils._ import firrtl.passes.MemPortUtils import annotations.{ModuleTarget, ReferenceTarget, Annotation, SingleTargetAnnotation} import scala.collection.mutable class ChannelExcision extends Transform { def inputForm = LowForm def outputForm = LowForm val addedChannelAnnos = new mutable.ArrayBuffer[FAMEModelAnnotation]() val pipeChannels = new mutable.HashMap[(ReferenceTarget, ReferenceTarget), String]() override def execute(state: CircuitState): CircuitState = { val renames = RenameMap() val topModule = state.circuit.modules.find( == state.circuit.main).get.asInstanceOf[Module] val topTarget = ModuleTarget(state.circuit.main, def subfieldTarget(instance: String, field: String) = topTarget.ref(instance).field(field) def portTarget(p: Port) = topTarget.ref( def onStmt(addedPorts: mutable.ArrayBuffer[Port])(s: Statement): Statement = match { case c @ Connect(_, lhs @ WSubField(WRef(lhsiname, _, InstanceKind, _), lhspname, _, _), rhs @ WSubField(WRef(rhsiname, _, InstanceKind, _), rhspname, _, _)) => val lhsTarget = subfieldTarget(lhsiname, lhspname) val rhsTarget = subfieldTarget(rhsiname, rhspname) pipeChannels.get((lhsTarget, rhsTarget)) match { case Some(chName) => val srcP = Port(NoInfo, s"${rhsiname}_${rhspname}_source", Output, lhs.tpe) val sinkP = Port(NoInfo, s"${lhsiname}_${lhspname}_sink", Input, rhs.tpe) addedPorts ++= Seq(srcP, sinkP) renames.record(lhsTarget, portTarget(sinkP)) renames.record(rhsTarget, portTarget(srcP)) Block(Seq(Connect(NoInfo, lhs, WRef(sinkP)), Connect(NoInfo, WRef(srcP), rhs))) case None => c } case s => s } def onModule(m: DefModule): DefModule = m match { case mod @ Module(_,name,_,_) if name == state.circuit.main => val addedPorts = new mutable.ArrayBuffer[Port]() mod.copy(body = .copy(ports = mod.ports ++ addedPorts) case _ => m } // Step 1: Analysis -> build a map from reference targets to channel name state.annotations.collect({ case fta@ FAMEChannelConnectionAnnotation(name, PipeChannel(_), Some(srcs), Some(sinks)) =>{ pipeChannels(_) = name }) }) // Step 2: Generate new ports, find and replace connections val circuit = state.copy(circuit = circuit, renames = Some(renames)) } }
Example 181
Source File: ExtractModel.scala From midas with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
// See LICENSE for license details. package midas.passes.fame import{PrintWriter, File} import firrtl._ import ir._ import Mappers._ import Utils._ import firrtl.passes.MemPortUtils import annotations.{InstanceTarget, Annotation, SingleTargetAnnotation} import scala.collection.mutable import mutable.{LinkedHashSet, LinkedHashMap} class ExtractModel extends Transform { def inputForm = HighForm def outputForm = HighForm def promoteModels(state: CircuitState): CircuitState = { val anns = state.annotations.flatMap { case a @ FAMEModelAnnotation(it) if (it.module != it.circuit) => Seq(a, PromoteSubmoduleAnnotation(it)) case a => Seq(a) } if (anns.toSeq == state.annotations.toSeq) { state } else { promoteModels((new PromoteSubmodule).runTransform(state.copy(annotations = anns))) } } override def execute(state: CircuitState): CircuitState = { promoteModels(state) } }
Example 182
Source File: MyForest.scala From Scallina with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
package scala.of.coq.parsercombinators.compiler.customtreehugger import treehugger.forest._ import definitions._ import treehuggerDSL._ import import treehugger.Forest import treehugger.TreePrinters trait MyTreePrinters extends TreePrinters { self: Forest => class MyTreePrinter(out: PrintWriter) extends TreePrinter(out) { private def symFn[T](tree: Tree, f: Symbol => T, orElse: => T): T = tree.symbol match { case null | NoSymbol => orElse case sym => f(sym) } private def ifSym(tree: Tree, p: Symbol => Boolean) = symFn(tree, p, false) import treehugger.api.Modifier import Flags._ override def printTree(tree: Tree) { tree match { case EmptyTree => print("") case classdef: ClassDef if == tpnme.ANON_CLASS_NAME => print(classdef.impl) case ClassDef(mods, ctormods, name, tparams, vparams, impl) => printlnAnnotations(tree) printModifiers(tree, mods) val word = if (mods.hasTraitFlag) "trait" else if (ifSym(tree, _.isModuleClass)) "object" else "class" print(word, " ", symName(tree, name)) printTypeParams(tparams) if (ctormods != NoMods) { print(" ") printModifiers(tree, ctormods) } if (vparams != Nil || modifiersOfFlags(mods.flags).contains(Modifier.`case`)) printValueParams(vparams, true) print(if (mods.isDeferred) " <: " else if (impl.parents.isEmpty) "" else " extends ", impl) case anythingElse => super.printTree(anythingElse) } } } override def newTreePrinter(writer: PrintWriter): TreePrinter = new MyTreePrinter(writer) } object MyForest extends Forest with MyTreePrinters { self: Forest => }
Example 183
Source File: LdbcParameterizedQueriesTest.scala From ingraph with Eclipse Public License 1.0 | 5 votes |
package ingraph.compiler.sql.driver import{File, PrintWriter} import ingraph.compiler.sql.SqlQueries.getQueriesFromFolder import ingraph.compiler.sql.Util._ import ingraph.compiler.sql.driver.LdbcParameterizedQueriesTest.expectedToSucceed import ingraph.compiler.sql.{CompilerOptions, GTopExtension, SqlCompiler} import org.cytosm.common.gtop.GTop import org.scalatest.FunSuite class LdbcParameterizedQueriesTest extends FunSuite { val gTop: GTop = GTopExtension.loadFromResource("/gtop/ldbc.gtop") val ldbcParameterizedQueries: Seq[(String, String)] = getQueriesFromFolder("ldbc_snb_implementations/cypher/queries", "cypher") val outputPath = "ldbc_snb_implementations/postgres/queries-generated" ldbcParameterizedQueries.foreach { case (name, cypherQueryString) => test(name) { try { val sqlCompiler = SqlCompiler(cypherQueryString, CompilerOptions(gTop = Some(gTop), inlineParameters = false, trimSql = true)) val sqlQuery = sqlCompiler.sql if (LdbcTest.expectedToSucceed.contains(name)) { withResources(new PrintWriter(new File(outputPath, name + ".sql").getPath)) { _.write(sqlQuery) } } } catch { case throwable: Throwable if !expectedToSucceed.contains(name) => cancel(name + " has failed. Only warning!", throwable) } } } } object LdbcParameterizedQueriesTest { val expectedToSucceed: Set[String] = Set( "bi-2", "bi-3", "bi-4", "bi-6", "bi-7", "bi-8", "bi-9", "bi-12", "bi-14", "bi-15", "bi-17", "bi-18", "bi-19", "bi-23", "bi-24", "interactive-complex-1", "interactive-complex-2", "interactive-complex-3", "interactive-complex-4", "interactive-complex-5", "interactive-complex-6", "interactive-complex-8", "interactive-complex-9", "interactive-complex-11", "interactive-complex-12", "interactive-short-1", "interactive-short-2", "interactive-short-3", "interactive-short-4", "interactive-short-5", "interactive-short-6", "interactive-short-7", "interactive-update-2", "interactive-update-3", "interactive-update-5", "interactive-update-8", "" ) }
Example 184
Source File: TestResults.scala From mimir with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package mimir.util import java.nio.file.Files import java.nio.file.Paths import java.nio.charset.Charset import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets import import import org.rogach.scallop.ScallopConf object TestResults { def main(args: Array[String]) { val config = new TestResultConfig(args) println("running tests....") parseTestResults(config.sbtPath(),config.sbtCmd()) } def parseTestResults(sbtPath:String = "/opt/local/bin/sbt", sbtCmd:String = "test") = { val procOutput = runCommand(Seq(sbtPath,sbtCmd))._2.replaceAll("""\x1b\[[0-9;]*[a-zA-Z]""", "") val pattern = """(?m)^.*\[info\] Total.*$|^.*\[info\] Finished.*$|^.*\[info\] [\d]+ examp.*$""".r val header = "test_name,seconds,examples,expectations,failures,errors,skipped\n" val pattern2 = """\[info\] Total for specification (\w+)\s+\[info\] Finished in (.+)\R\[info\] (.+)\R""".r val pattern3 = """([a-zA-Z]+): (?:(\d+) minutes? )?(?:(\d+) seconds?[,:] )?(?:(\d+) ms[,:] )?(\d+) examples?, (?:(\d+) expectations?, )?(\d+) failures?, (\d+) errors?(?:, (\d+) skipped)?""".r val string = pattern2.findAllMatchIn(procOutput).map(mat => s"${}: ${}: ${}") .map(nline => nline match { case pattern3(test_name,minutes,seconds,ms,examples,expectations,failures,errors,skipped) => { val allseconds = (minutes match { case "" => 0 case null => 0 case x => x.toInt*60 }) + (seconds match { case "" => 0 case null => 0 case x => x.toInt }) + (ms match { case "" => 0.0 case null => 0.0 case x => x.toDouble/1000.0 }) s"$test_name,$allseconds,$examples,$expectations,$failures,$errors,$skipped" } }).mkString("\n") val outStr = header + string println(outStr) Files.write(Paths.get("test_output.csv"), outStr.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8)) } import sys.process._ def runCommand(cmd: Seq[String]): (Int, String, String) = { val stdoutStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream val stderrStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream val stdoutWriter = new PrintWriter(stdoutStream) val stderrWriter = new PrintWriter(stderrStream) val exitValue = cmd.!(ProcessLogger(stdoutWriter.println, stderrWriter.println)) stdoutWriter.close() stderrWriter.close() (exitValue, stdoutStream.toString, stderrStream.toString) } } class TestResultConfig(arguments: Seq[String]) extends ScallopConf(arguments) { val experimental = opt[List[String]]("X", default = Some(List[String]())) val sparkHost = opt[String]("sparkHost", descr = "The IP or hostname of the spark master", default = Some("spark-master.local")) val sparkPort = opt[String]("sparkPort", descr = "The port of the spark master", default = Some("7077")) val sbtPath = opt[String]("sbtPath", descr = "The path to sbt binary", default = Some("/opt/local/bin/sbt")) val sbtCmd = opt[String]("sbtCmd", descr = "The sbt command to run", default = Some("test")) }
Example 185
Source File: framian.scala From blog with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
import{File,PrintWriter} import framian.{Index,Cols} import framian.csv.{Csv,CsvFormat} object FramianTest { def main(args: Array[String]) = { println("Hello") val df=Csv.parseFile(new File("../r/cars93.csv")).labeled.toFrame println(""+df.rows+" "+df.cols) val df2=df.filter(Cols("EngineSize").as[Double])( _ <= 4.0 ) println(""+df2.rows+" "+df2.cols) val"Weight").as[Int],"WeightKG")(r=>r.toDouble*0.453592) println(""+df3.rows+" "+df3.cols) println(df3.colIndex) val csv = Csv.fromFrame(new CsvFormat(",", header = true))(df3) new PrintWriter("out.csv") { write(csv.toString); close } println("Done") } }
Example 186
Source File: PythonBroadcastSuite.scala From Spark-2.3.1 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.api.python import{File, PrintWriter} import import org.scalatest.Matchers import org.apache.spark.{SharedSparkContext, SparkConf, SparkFunSuite} import org.apache.spark.serializer.KryoSerializer import org.apache.spark.util.Utils // This test suite uses SharedSparkContext because we need a SparkEnv in order to deserialize // a PythonBroadcast: class PythonBroadcastSuite extends SparkFunSuite with Matchers with SharedSparkContext { test("PythonBroadcast can be serialized with Kryo (SPARK-4882)") { val tempDir = Utils.createTempDir() val broadcastedString = "Hello, world!" def assertBroadcastIsValid(broadcast: PythonBroadcast): Unit = { val source = Source.fromFile(broadcast.path) val contents = source.mkString source.close() contents should be (broadcastedString) } try { val broadcastDataFile: File = { val file = new File(tempDir, "broadcastData") val printWriter = new PrintWriter(file) printWriter.write(broadcastedString) printWriter.close() file } val broadcast = new PythonBroadcast(broadcastDataFile.getAbsolutePath) assertBroadcastIsValid(broadcast) val conf = new SparkConf().set("spark.kryo.registrationRequired", "true") val deserializedBroadcast = Utils.clone[PythonBroadcast](broadcast, new KryoSerializer(conf).newInstance()) assertBroadcastIsValid(deserializedBroadcast) } finally { Utils.deleteRecursively(tempDir) } } }
Example 187
Source File: PageViewGenerator.scala From Spark-2.3.1 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
// scalastyle:off println package org.apache.spark.examples.streaming.clickstream import import import java.util.Random // scalastyle:on object PageViewGenerator { val pages = Map("" -> .7, "" -> 0.2, "" -> .1) val httpStatus = Map(200 -> .95, 404 -> .05) val userZipCode = Map(94709 -> .5, 94117 -> .5) val userID = Map((1 to 100).map(_ -> .01): _*) def pickFromDistribution[T](inputMap: Map[T, Double]): T = { val rand = new Random().nextDouble() var total = 0.0 for ((item, prob) <- inputMap) { total = total + prob if (total > rand) { return item } } inputMap.take(1).head._1 // Shouldn't get here if probabilities add up to 1.0 } def getNextClickEvent(): String = { val id = pickFromDistribution(userID) val page = pickFromDistribution(pages) val status = pickFromDistribution(httpStatus) val zipCode = pickFromDistribution(userZipCode) new PageView(page, status, zipCode, id).toString() } def main(args: Array[String]) { if (args.length != 2) { System.err.println("Usage: PageViewGenerator <port> <viewsPerSecond>") System.exit(1) } val port = args(0).toInt val viewsPerSecond = args(1).toFloat val sleepDelayMs = (1000.0 / viewsPerSecond).toInt val listener = new ServerSocket(port) println(s"Listening on port: $port") while (true) { val socket = listener.accept() new Thread() { override def run(): Unit = { println(s"Got client connected from: ${socket.getInetAddress}") val out = new PrintWriter(socket.getOutputStream(), true) while (true) { Thread.sleep(sleepDelayMs) out.write(getNextClickEvent()) out.flush() } socket.close() } }.start() } } } // scalastyle:on println
Example 188
Source File: CornichonError.scala From cornichon with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.github.agourlay.cornichon.core import{ PrintWriter, StringWriter } import import cats.syntax.either._ import cats.instances.future._ import scala.concurrent.{ ExecutionContext, Future } import scala.util.control.NoStackTrace trait CornichonError { def baseErrorMessage: String val causedBy: List[CornichonError] = Nil lazy val renderedMessage: String = { if (causedBy.isEmpty) baseErrorMessage else s"""$baseErrorMessage |caused by: |${ => c.renderedMessage).mkString("\nand\n")}""".stripMargin } def toException = CornichonException(renderedMessage) } object CornichonError { def genStacktrace(exception: Throwable): String = { val sw = new StringWriter() val pw = new PrintWriter(sw) exception.printStackTrace(pw) sw.toString } def fromString(error: String): CornichonError = BasicError(error) def fromThrowable(exception: Throwable): CornichonError = StepExecutionError(exception) def catchThrowable[A](f: => A): Either[CornichonError, A] = Either.catchNonFatal(f).leftMap(fromThrowable) implicit class fromEither[A](e: Either[CornichonError, A]) { def valueUnsafe: A = e.fold(e => throw e.toException, identity) def futureEitherT(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): EitherT[Future, CornichonError, A] = EitherT.fromEither[Future](e) } } case class StepExecutionError(e: Throwable) extends CornichonError { lazy val baseErrorMessage = s"exception thrown ${CornichonError.genStacktrace(e)}" } case class BasicError(error: String) extends CornichonError { lazy val baseErrorMessage = error } case class CornichonException(m: String) extends Exception with NoStackTrace { override def getMessage = m }
Example 189
Source File: Logging.scala From akka-grpc with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package akka.grpc.gen import // specific to gen so that the build tools can implement their own trait Logger { def debug(text: String): Unit def info(text: String): Unit def warn(text: String): Unit def error(text: String): Unit } class ReflectiveLogger(logger: Object) extends Logger { private val debugMethod = logger.getClass.getMethod("debug", classOf[String]) private val infoMethod = logger.getClass.getMethod("info", classOf[String]) private val warnMethod = logger.getClass.getMethod("warn", classOf[String]) private val errorMethod = logger.getClass.getMethod("error", classOf[String]) def debug(text: String): Unit = debugMethod.invoke(logger, text) def info(text: String): Unit = infoMethod.invoke(logger, text) def warn(text: String): Unit = warnMethod.invoke(logger, text) def error(text: String): Unit = errorMethod.invoke(logger, text) }
Example 190
Source File: LogEvent.scala From mist with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package io.hydrosphere.mist.core.logging import{PrintWriter, StringWriter} import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter import java.time._ case class LogEvent( from: String, message: String, timeStamp: Long, level: Int, errTrace: Option[String]) { def mkString: String = { val date = formatDate val error = => "\n" + s).getOrElse("") s"${} $date [$from] $message$error" } private def formatDate: String = { val inst = Instant.ofEpochMilli(timeStamp) val date = LocalDateTime.ofInstant(inst, ZoneOffset.UTC) DateTimeFormatter.ISO_LOCAL_DATE_TIME.format(date) } def typedLevel: Level = Level.fromInt(level) } object LogEvent { def mkDebug(from: String, message: String, ts: Long = mkTimestamp): LogEvent = nonFatal(Level.Debug, from, message, ts) def mkInfo(from: String, message: String, ts: Long = mkTimestamp): LogEvent = nonFatal(Level.Info, from, message, ts) def mkWarn(from: String, message: String, ts: Long = mkTimestamp): LogEvent = nonFatal(Level.Warn, from, message, ts) def mkError(from: String, message: String, t: Throwable): LogEvent = mkError(from, message, Some(t)) def mkError(from: String, message: String, optT: Option[Throwable] = None, ts: Long = mkTimestamp): LogEvent = { val errTrace = => { val writer = new StringWriter() ex.printStackTrace(new PrintWriter(writer)) writer.toString }) LogEvent(from, message, ts, Level.Error.value, errTrace) } def nonFatal(level: Level, from: String, message: String, ts: Long): LogEvent = LogEvent(from, message, ts, level.value, None) private def mkTimestamp: Long = }
Example 191
Source File: PersistentDMap.scala From CM-Well with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package k.grid.dmap.impl.persistent import{File, FileNotFoundException, PrintWriter} import com.typesafe.scalalogging.LazyLogging import k.grid.{Config, Grid} import k.grid.dmap.api._ import play.api.libs.json.Json import scala.util.{Failure, Success, Try} import scala.concurrent.duration._ import json.MapDataJsonProtocol._ import object PersistentDMap extends DMapFacade { override def masterType: DMapActorInit = DMapActorInit(classOf[PersistentMaster], "PersistentMaster") override def slaveType: DMapActorInit = DMapActorInit(classOf[PersistentSlave], "PersistentSlave") } class PersistentMaster extends DMapMaster { override val facade: DMapFacade = PersistentDMap override def onStart: Unit = {} } class PersistentSlave extends DMapSlave with LazyLogging { Grid.system.scheduler.schedule(5.seconds, 1.second, self, WriteData) case class MapHolder(m: Map[String, SettingsValue], timestamp: Long) case object NewData extends DMapMessage { override def act: Unit = { hasNewData = true } } case object WriteData extends DMapMessage { override def act: Unit = { val m = if (hasNewData) { writeMap(MapData(m, lastTimestamp)) hasNewData = false } } } var hasNewData: Boolean = false private val dataFile = new File(s"${Grid.persistentDmapDir}/${Config.clusterName}") def readMap: Option[MapData] = { val content = Try { val src = val mData = Json.parse(src.getLines().mkString("\n")).as[MapData] src.close() mData } match { case Success(c) => Some(c) case Failure(e) if e.isInstanceOf[FileNotFoundException] => None case Failure(e) => { logger.error(e.getMessage, e) None } } content } def writeMap(md: MapData) = { val content = Json.stringify(Json.toJson(md)) new PrintWriter(dataFile) { write(content); close } } override val facade: DMapFacade = PersistentDMap override def onStart: Unit = { if (Grid.isController) { import" *** Will use data dir: ${Grid.persistentDmapDir}") Try(new File(Grid.persistentDmapDir).mkdir()) val mdOpt = readMap mdOpt.foreach { md => lastTimestamp = md.timestamp = md.m } } } override protected def onUpdate(oldMap: Map[String, SettingsValue], newMap: Map[String, SettingsValue], timestamp: Long): Unit = { if (Grid.isController) self ! NewData } }
Example 192
Source File: JsonEncoderSpec.scala From logback-json-logger with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import{PrintWriter, StringWriter} import import ch.qos.logback.classic.Level import ch.qos.logback.classic.spi.{ILoggingEvent, ThrowableProxy} import ch.qos.logback.core.ContextBase import org.apache.commons.lang3.time.FastDateFormat import org.mockito.Mockito.when import org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers import org.scalatest.wordspec.AnyWordSpec import org.scalatestplus.mockito.MockitoSugar import play.api.libs.json.{JsLookupResult, Json} import scala.collection.JavaConverters._ class JsonEncoderSpec extends AnyWordSpec with Matchers with MockitoSugar { "Json-encoded message" should { "contain all required fields" in { val jsonEncoder = new JsonEncoder() val event = mock[ILoggingEvent] when(event.getTimeStamp).thenReturn(1) when(event.getLevel).thenReturn(Level.INFO) when(event.getThreadName).thenReturn("my-thread") when(event.getFormattedMessage).thenReturn("my-message") when(event.getLoggerName).thenReturn("logger-name") when(event.getMDCPropertyMap).thenReturn(Map("myMdcProperty" -> "myMdcValue").asJava) val testException = new Exception("test-exception") val stringWriter = new StringWriter() testException.printStackTrace(new PrintWriter(stringWriter)) when(event.getThrowableProxy).thenReturn(new ThrowableProxy(testException)) jsonEncoder.setContext { val ctx = new ContextBase() ctx.putProperty("myKey", "myValue") ctx } val result = new String(jsonEncoder.encode(event), "UTF-8") val resultAsJson = Json.parse(result) (resultAsJson \ "app").asString shouldBe "my-app-name" (resultAsJson \ "hostname").asString shouldBe InetAddress.getLocalHost.getHostName (resultAsJson \ "timestamp").asString shouldBe FastDateFormat.getInstance("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSSZZ").format(1) (resultAsJson \ "message").asString shouldBe "my-message" (resultAsJson \ "exception").asString should include("test-exception") (resultAsJson \ "exception").asString should include("java.lang.Exception") (resultAsJson \ "exception").asString should include(stringWriter.toString) (resultAsJson \ "logger").asString shouldBe "logger-name" (resultAsJson \ "thread").asString shouldBe "my-thread" (resultAsJson \ "level").asString shouldBe "INFO" (resultAsJson \ "mykey").asString shouldBe "myValue" (resultAsJson \ "mymdcproperty").asString shouldBe "myMdcValue" } } implicit class JsLookupResultOps(jsLookupResult: JsLookupResult) { def asString: String =[String] } }
Example 193
Source File: PythonBroadcastSuite.scala From spark1.52 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.api.python import import{PrintWriter, File} import org.scalatest.Matchers import org.apache.spark.{SharedSparkContext, SparkConf, SparkFunSuite} import org.apache.spark.serializer.KryoSerializer import org.apache.spark.util.Utils // This test suite uses SharedSparkContext because we need a SparkEnv in order to deserialize // a PythonBroadcast: class PythonBroadcastSuite extends SparkFunSuite with Matchers with SharedSparkContext { test("PythonBroadcast can be serialized with Kryo (SPARK-4882)") { val tempDir = Utils.createTempDir() val broadcastedString = "Hello, world!" def assertBroadcastIsValid(broadcast: PythonBroadcast): Unit = { val source = Source.fromFile(broadcast.path) val contents = source.mkString source.close() contents should be (broadcastedString) } try { val broadcastDataFile: File = { val file = new File(tempDir, "broadcastData") val printWriter = new PrintWriter(file) printWriter.write(broadcastedString) printWriter.close() file } val broadcast = new PythonBroadcast(broadcastDataFile.getAbsolutePath) assertBroadcastIsValid(broadcast) val conf = new SparkConf().set("spark.kryo.registrationRequired", "true") val deserializedBroadcast = Utils.clone[PythonBroadcast](broadcast, new KryoSerializer(conf).newInstance()) assertBroadcastIsValid(deserializedBroadcast) } finally { Utils.deleteRecursively(tempDir) } } }
Example 194
Source File: PageViewGenerator.scala From spark1.52 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
// scalastyle:off println package org.apache.spark.examples.streaming.clickstream import import import util.Random // scalastyle:on object PageViewGenerator { val pages = Map("" -> .7, "" -> 0.2, "" -> .1) val httpStatus = Map(200 -> .95, 404 -> .05) val userZipCode = Map(94709 -> .5, 94117 -> .5) val userID = Map((1 to 100).map(_ -> .01) : _*) def pickFromDistribution[T](inputMap : Map[T, Double]) : T = { val rand = new Random().nextDouble() var total = 0.0 for ((item, prob) <- inputMap) { total = total + prob if (total > rand) { return item } } inputMap.take(1).head._1 // Shouldn't get here if probabilities add up to 1.0 } def getNextClickEvent() : String = { val id = pickFromDistribution(userID) val page = pickFromDistribution(pages) val status = pickFromDistribution(httpStatus) val zipCode = pickFromDistribution(userZipCode) new PageView(page, status, zipCode, id).toString() } def main(args : Array[String]) { if (args.length != 2) { System.err.println("Usage: PageViewGenerator <port> <viewsPerSecond>") System.exit(1) } val port = args(0).toInt val viewsPerSecond = args(1).toFloat val sleepDelayMs = (1000.0 / viewsPerSecond).toInt val listener = new ServerSocket(port) println("Listening on port: " + port) while (true) { val socket = listener.accept() new Thread() { override def run(): Unit = { println("Got client connected from: " + socket.getInetAddress) val out = new PrintWriter(socket.getOutputStream(), true) while (true) { Thread.sleep(sleepDelayMs) out.write(getNextClickEvent()) out.flush() } socket.close() } }.start() } } } // scalastyle:on println
Example 195
Source File: TestStandard.scala From banditsbook-scala with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.github.everpeace.banditsbook.algorithm.softmax import{File, PrintWriter} import breeze.linalg._ import breeze.stats.MeanAndVariance import com.github.everpeace.banditsbook.arm._ import com.github.everpeace.banditsbook.testing_framework.TestRunner import com.github.everpeace.banditsbook.testing_framework.TestRunner._ import com.typesafe.config.ConfigFactory import scala.collection.immutable.Seq object TestStandard extends _TestStandard with App { run() } trait _TestStandard { def run() = { // implicit val randBasis = RandBasis.mt0 val conf = ConfigFactory.load() val baseKey = "banditsbook.algorithm.softmax.test-standard" val (_means, Some(τs), horizon, nSims, outDir) = readConfig(conf, baseKey, Some("τs")) val means = shuffle(_means) val arms = Seq(means:_*).map(μ => BernoulliArm(μ)) val outputPath = new File(outDir, "test-standard-softmax-results.csv") val file = new PrintWriter(outputPath.toString) file.write("tau, sim_num, step, chosen_arm, reward, cumulative_reward\n") try { println("-------------------------------") println("Standard Softmax Algorithm") println("-------------------------------") println(s" arms = ${"(μ="+_+")").mkString(", ")} (Best Arm = ${argmax(means)})") println(s"horizon = $horizon") println(s" nSims = $nSims") println(s" τ = (${τs.mkString(",")})") println("") val meanOfFinalRewards = scala.collection.mutable.Map.empty[Double, MeanAndVariance] val res = for { τ <- τs } yield { println(s"starts simulation on τ=$τ.") val algo = Standard.Algorithm(τ) val res =, arms, nSims, horizon) for { sim <- 0 until nSims } { val st = sim * horizon val end = ((sim + 1) * horizon) - 1 } val finalRewards = res.cumRewards((horizon-1) until (nSims * horizon, horizon)) import breeze.stats._ val meanAndVar = meanAndVariance(finalRewards) meanOfFinalRewards += τ -> meanAndVar println(s"reward stats: ${TestRunner.toString(meanAndVar)}") res.rawResults.valuesIterator.foreach{ v => file.write(s"${Seq(τ, v._1, v._2, v._3, v._4, v._5).mkString(",")}\n") } println(s"finished simulation on τ=$τ.") } println("") println(s"reward stats summary") println(s"${meanOfFinalRewards.iterator.toSeq.sortBy(_._1).map(p => (s"τ=${p._1}", TestRunner.toString(p._2))).mkString("\n")}") } finally { file.close() println("") println(s"results are written to ${outputPath}") } } }
Example 196
Source File: TestExp3.scala From banditsbook-scala with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.github.everpeace.banditsbook.algorithm.exp3 import{File, PrintWriter} import breeze.linalg._ import breeze.stats.MeanAndVariance import com.github.everpeace.banditsbook.arm._ import com.github.everpeace.banditsbook.testing_framework.TestRunner import com.github.everpeace.banditsbook.testing_framework.TestRunner._ import com.typesafe.config.ConfigFactory import scala.collection.immutable.Seq object TestExp3 extends _TestExp3 with App { run() } trait _TestExp3{ def run() = { // implicit val randBasis = RandBasis.mt0 val conf = ConfigFactory.load() val baseKey = "banditsbook.algorithm.exp3.test-exp3" val (_means, Some(γs), horizon, nSims, outDir) = readConfig(conf, baseKey, Some("γs")) val means = shuffle(_means) val arms = Seq(means:_*).map(μ => BernoulliArm(μ)) val outputPath = new File(outDir, "test-exp3-results.csv") val file = new PrintWriter(outputPath.toString) file.write("gamma, sim_num, step, chosen_arm, reward, cumulative_reward\n") try { println("-------------------------------") println("EXP3 Algorithm") println("-------------------------------") println(s" arms = ${"(μ="+_+")").mkString(", ")} (Best Arm = ${argmax(means)})") println(s"horizon = $horizon") println(s" nSims = $nSims") println(s" γ = (${γs.mkString(",")})") println("") val meanOfFinalRewards = scala.collection.mutable.Map.empty[Double, MeanAndVariance] val res = for { γ <- γs } yield { println(s"starts simulation on γ=$γ.") val algo = Exp3.Algorithm(γ) val res =, arms, nSims, horizon) for { sim <- 0 until nSims } { val st = sim * horizon val end = ((sim + 1) * horizon) - 1 } val finalRewards = res.cumRewards((horizon-1) until (nSims * horizon, horizon)) import breeze.stats._ val meanAndVar = meanAndVariance(finalRewards) meanOfFinalRewards += γ -> meanAndVar println(s"reward stats: ${TestRunner.toString(meanAndVar)}") res.rawResults.valuesIterator.foreach{ v => file.write(s"${Seq(γ, v._1, v._2, v._3, v._4, v._5).mkString(",")}\n") } println(s"finished simulation on γ=$γ.") } println("") println(s"reward stats summary") println(s"${meanOfFinalRewards.iterator.toSeq.sortBy(_._1).toSeq.sortBy(_._1).map(p => (s"γ=${p._1}", TestRunner.toString(p._2))).mkString("\n")}") } finally { file.close() println("") println(s"results are written to ${outputPath}") } } }
Example 197
Source File: TestUCB1.scala From banditsbook-scala with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.github.everpeace.banditsbook.algorithm.ucb import{File, PrintWriter} import breeze.linalg._ import com.github.everpeace.banditsbook.arm._ import com.github.everpeace.banditsbook.testing_framework.TestRunner import com.github.everpeace.banditsbook.testing_framework.TestRunner._ import com.typesafe.config.ConfigFactory import scala.collection.immutable.Seq object TestUCB1 extends _TestUCB1 with App{ run() } trait _TestUCB1 { def run() = { // implicit val randBasis = RandBasis.mt0 val conf = ConfigFactory.load() val baseKey = "banditsbook.algorithm.ucb.test-ucb1" val (_means, _, horizon, nSims, outDir) = readConfig(conf, baseKey) val means = shuffle(_means) val arms = Seq(means:_*).map(μ => BernoulliArm(μ)) val outputPath = new File(outDir, "test-ucb1-results.csv") val file = new PrintWriter(outputPath.toString) file.write("sim_num, step, chosen_arm, reward, cumulative_reward\n") try { println("-------------------------------") println("UCB1 Algorithm") println("-------------------------------") println(s" arms = ${"(μ="+_+")").mkString(", ")} (Best Arm = ${argmax(means)})") println(s"horizon = $horizon") println(s" nSims = $nSims") println( "The algorithm has no hyper parameters.") println("") println(s"starts simulation.") val algo = UCB1.Algorithm val res =, arms, nSims, horizon) for {sim <- 0 until nSims} { val st = sim * horizon val end = ((sim + 1) * horizon) - 1 } val finalRewards = res.cumRewards((horizon-1) until (nSims * horizon, horizon)) import breeze.stats._ val meanAndVar = meanAndVariance(finalRewards) println(s"reward stats: ${TestRunner.toString(meanAndVar)}") res.rawResults.valuesIterator.foreach{ v => file.write(s"${Seq(v._1, v._2, v._3, v._4, v._5).mkString(",")}\n") } println(s"finished simulation.") } finally { file.close() println("") println(s"results are written to ${outputPath}") } } }
Example 198
Source File: TestStandard.scala From banditsbook-scala with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.github.everpeace.banditsbook.algorithm.epsilon_greedy import{File, PrintWriter} import breeze.linalg._ import breeze.stats.MeanAndVariance import com.github.everpeace.banditsbook.arm._ import com.github.everpeace.banditsbook.testing_framework.TestRunner import com.github.everpeace.banditsbook.testing_framework.TestRunner._ import com.typesafe.config.ConfigFactory import scala.collection.immutable.Seq object TestStandard extends _TestStandard with App { run() } trait _TestStandard { def run() = { // implicit val randBasis = RandBasis.mt0 val conf = ConfigFactory.load() val baseKey = "banditsbook.algorithm.epsilon_greedy.test-standard" val (_means, Some(εs), horizon, nSims, outDir) = readConfig(conf, baseKey, Some("εs")) val means = shuffle(_means) val arms = Seq(means:_*).map(μ => BernoulliArm(μ)) val outputPath = new File(outDir, "test-standard-epsilon-greedy-results.csv") val file = new PrintWriter(outputPath.toString) file.write("epsilon, sim_num, step, chosen_arm, reward, cumulative_reward\n") try { println("---------------------------------") println("Standard Epsilon Greedy Algorithm") println("---------------------------------") println(s" arms = ${"(μ="+_+")").mkString(", ")} (Best Arm = ${argmax(means)})") println(s"horizon = $horizon") println(s" nSims = $nSims") println(s" ε = (${εs.mkString(",")})") println("") val meanOfFinalRewards = scala.collection.mutable.Map.empty[Double, MeanAndVariance] val res = for { ε <- εs } yield { println(s"starts simulation on ε=$ε.") val algo = Standard.Algorithm(ε) val res =, arms, nSims, horizon) for { sim <- 0 until nSims } { val st = sim * horizon val end = ((sim + 1) * horizon) - 1 } val finalRewards = res.cumRewards((horizon-1) until (nSims * horizon, horizon)) import breeze.stats._ val meanAndVar = meanAndVariance(finalRewards) meanOfFinalRewards += ε -> meanAndVar println(s"reward stats: ${TestRunner.toString(meanAndVar)}") res.rawResults.valuesIterator.foreach{ v => file.write(s"${Seq(ε.toString, v._1.toString, v._2.toString, v._3.toString, v._4.toString, v._5.toString).mkString(",")}\n") } println(s"finished simulation on ε=$ε.") } println("") println(s"reward stats summary") println(s"${meanOfFinalRewards.iterator.toSeq.sortBy(_._1).map(p => (s"ε = ${p._1}", TestRunner.toString(p._2))).mkString("\n")}") } finally { file.close() println("") println(s"results are written to ${outputPath}") } } }