Scala Examples
The following examples show how to use
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Example 1
Source File: DotRenderer.scala From reftree with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
package reftree.render import import import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets import java.nio.file.Path import scala.sys.process.{Process, BasicIO} object DotRenderer { case class RenderingException(message: String) extends Exception(message) def render( graph: Graph, output: Path, options: RenderingOptions, format: String ): Unit = { val args = Seq( "-K", "dot", "-T", format, s"-Gdpi=${options.density}", "-o", output.toString ) val process = Process("dot", args) val error = new StringWriter val io = BasicIO.standard { stream ⇒ stream.write(graph.encode.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8)) stream.close() }.withError(BasicIO.processFully(error)) (process run io).exitValue() if (error.toString.nonEmpty) throw RenderingException(error.toString) () } }
Example 2
Source File: SchemaSpec.scala From comet-data-pipeline with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.ebiznext.comet.schema.model import{InputStream, StringWriter} import com.ebiznext.comet.TestHelper import com.ebiznext.comet.schema.handlers.SchemaHandler class SchemaSpec extends TestHelper { new WithSettings() { val schemaHandler = new SchemaHandler(storageHandler) "Attribute type" should "be valid" in { val stream: InputStream = getClass.getResourceAsStream("/sample/default.yml") val lines ="\n") val types = mapper.readValue(lines, classOf[Types]) val attr = Attribute( "attr", "invalid-type", // should raise error non existent type Some(true), true, Some( PrivacyLevel("MD5") ) // Should raise an error. Privacy cannot be applied on types other than string ) attr.checkValidity(schemaHandler) shouldBe Left(List("Invalid Type invalid-type")) } "Attribute privacy" should "appliable to any type" in { val attr = Attribute( "attr", "long", Some(true), true, Some( PrivacyLevel("ApproxLong(20)") ) // Should raise an error. Privacy cannot be applied on types other than stringsettings = settings ) attr.checkValidity(schemaHandler) shouldBe Right(true) } "Sub Attribute" should "be present for struct types only" in { val attr = Attribute( "attr", "long", Some(true), true, Some( PrivacyLevel("ApproxLong(20)") ), // Should raise an error. Privacy cannot be applied on types other than string attributes = Some(List[Attribute]()) ) val expectedErrors = List( "Attribute Attribute(attr,long,Some(true),true,Some(ApproxLong(20)),None,None,None,Some(List()),None,None,None) : Simple attributes cannot have sub-attributes", "Attribute Attribute(attr,long,Some(true),true,Some(ApproxLong(20)),None,None,None,Some(List()),None,None,None) : when present, attributes list cannot be empty." ) attr.checkValidity(schemaHandler) shouldBe Left(expectedErrors) } "Position serialization" should "output all fields" in { val yml = loadTextFile(s"/expected/yml/position_serialization_${versionSuffix}.yml") val attr = Attribute("hello", position = Some(Position(1, 2))) val writer = new StringWriter() mapper.writer().writeValue(writer, attr)"--" + writer.toString + "--")"++" + yml + "++") writer.toString.trim should equal(yml) } "Default value for an attribute" should "only be used for non obligatory fields" in { val requiredAttribute = Attribute("requiredAttribute", "long", required = true, default = Some("10")) requiredAttribute.checkValidity(schemaHandler) shouldBe Left( List( s"attribute with name ${}: default value valid for optional fields only" ) ) val optionalAttribute = Attribute("optionalAttribute", "long", required = false, default = Some("10")) optionalAttribute.checkValidity(schemaHandler) shouldBe Right(true) } } }
Example 3
Source File: StringReaderSuite.scala From functadelic with MIT License | 5 votes |
package stagedparsec import lms._ import lms.testutil.FileDiffSpec import scala.lms.common._ import scala.lms.internal.Effects import import import trait StringReaderProg extends StringReaderOps with MiscOps { //print reader.first def testFirst(in: Rep[Array[Char]]): Rep[Char] = { val rdr: Rep[StringReader] = StringReader(in) rdr.first } def testAtEnd(in: Rep[Array[Char]], offset: Rep[Int]): Rep[Boolean] = { val rdr: Rep[StringReader] = StringReader(in, offset) rdr.atEnd } //compute and print first def testRest(in: Rep[Array[Char]]): Rep[Char] = { val rdr: Rep[StringReader] = StringReader(in) val rst = rst.first } def testIteration(in: Rep[Array[Char]]): Rep[Unit] = { val rdr = StringReader(in) rdr.foreach { c => println(c) } } } class StringReaderSuite extends FileDiffSpec { val prefix = "test-out/" def `StringReader generate code with no diff` = { withOutFile(prefix + "stringreader") { new StringReaderProg with StringReaderOpsExpOpt with MiscOpsExp with SeqOpsExp with MyScalaCompile { self => val codegen = new ScalaGenStringReaderOps with ScalaGenMiscOps { val IR: self.type = self } codegen.emitSource(testFirst _, "testFirst", new codegen.reset val testcFirst = compile(testFirst) scala.Console.println(testcFirst("hello".toArray)) codegen.reset codegen.emitSource2(testAtEnd _, "testAtEnd", new codegen.reset val testcAtEnd = compile2(testAtEnd) scala.Console.println(testcAtEnd("hello".toArray, 0)) scala.Console.println(testcAtEnd("hello".toArray, 6)) codegen.reset codegen.emitSource(testRest _, "testRest", new codegen.reset val testcRest = compile(testRest) scala.Console.println(testcRest("hello".toArray)) codegen.reset codegen.emitSource(testIteration _, "testIteration", new codegen.reset val testcIteration = compile(testIteration) testcIteration("hello".toArray) codegen.reset } } assertFileEqualsCheck(prefix + "stringreader") } }
Example 4
Source File: RecParsersSuite.scala From functadelic with MIT License | 5 votes |
package stagedparsec import lms._ import lms.testutil.FileDiffSpec import scala.lms.common._ import scala.lms.internal.Effects import import import trait RecParsersProg extends CharParsers with Functions { import Parser._ with SeqOpsExp with MyScalaCompile { self => val codegen = new ScalaGenCharParsers with ScalaGenStruct with ScalaGenIfThenElse { val IR: self.type = self } codegen.emitSource(recNumber _, "recNumber", new codegen.reset val testcRecNumber = compile(recNumber) scala.Console.println(testcRecNumber("12345".toArray)) codegen.reset } assertFileEqualsCheck(prefix + "rec-parser") } } }
Example 5
Source File: GoldenGateStage.scala From midas with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
// See LICENSE for license details. package midas.stage import firrtl.AnnotationSeq import firrtl.options.{Phase, PhaseManager, PreservesAll, Shell, Stage, StageMain} import firrtl.options.phases.DeletedWrapper import firrtl.options.Viewer.view import{StringWriter, PrintWriter} class GoldenGateStage extends Stage with PreservesAll[Phase] { val shell: Shell = new Shell("goldengate") with GoldenGateCli private val phases: Seq[Phase] = Seq( new GoldenGateGetIncludes, new firrtl.stage.phases.AddDefaults, new firrtl.stage.phases.AddImplicitEmitter, new firrtl.stage.phases.Checks, new firrtl.stage.phases.AddCircuit, new firrtl.stage.phases.AddImplicitOutputFile, new midas.stage.GoldenGateCompilerPhase, new firrtl.stage.phases.WriteEmitted ) .map(DeletedWrapper(_)) def run(annotations: AnnotationSeq): AnnotationSeq = phases.foldLeft(annotations)((a, f) => f.transform(a)) } object GoldenGateMain extends StageMain(new GoldenGateStage)
Example 6
Source File: PlatformMapping.scala From midas with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
// See LICENSE for license details. package midas package passes import firrtl._ import firrtl.annotations.{CircuitName} import import firrtl.Mappers._ import Utils._ import{File, FileWriter, StringWriter} private[passes] class PlatformMapping( target: String, dir: File) (implicit param: freechips.rocketchip.config.Parameters) extends firrtl.Transform { def inputForm = LowForm def outputForm = HighForm override def name = "[MIDAS] Platform Mapping" private def dumpHeader(c: platform.PlatformShim) { def vMacro(arg: (String, Long)): String = s"`define ${arg._1} ${arg._2}\n" val csb = new StringBuilder csb append "#ifndef __%s_H\n".format(target.toUpperCase) csb append "#define __%s_H\n".format(target.toUpperCase) c.genHeader(csb, target) csb append "#endif // __%s_H\n".format(target.toUpperCase) val vsb = new StringBuilder vsb append "`ifndef __%s_H\n".format(target.toUpperCase) vsb append "`define __%s_H\n".format(target.toUpperCase) c.headerConsts map vMacro addString vsb vsb append "`endif // __%s_H\n".format(target.toUpperCase) val ch = new FileWriter(new File(dir, s"${target}-const.h")) val vh = new FileWriter(new File(dir, s"${target}-const.vh")) try { ch write csb.result vh write vsb.result } finally { ch.close vh.close csb.clear vsb.clear } } def initStmt(sim: String)(s: Statement): Statement = s match { case s: WDefInstance if == "sim" && s.module == "SimBox" => s.copy(module = sim) // replace TargetBox with the actual sim module case s => s map initStmt(sim) } def init(info: Info, sim: String)(m: DefModule) = m match { case m: Module if == "FPGATop" => val body = initStmt(sim)(m.body) Some(m.copy(info = info, body = body)) case m: Module => Some(m) case m: ExtModule => None } def linkCircuits(parent: Circuit, child: Circuit): Circuit = { parent.copy(modules = child.modules ++ (parent.modules flatMap init(, child.main))) } def execute(c: CircuitState) = { val sim = c.circuit match { case w: WCircuit => w.sim } lazy val shim = param(Platform) match { case Zynq => new platform.ZynqShim(sim) case F1 => new platform.F1Shim(sim) } val shimCircuit = chisel3.Driver.elaborate(() => shim) val chirrtl = Parser.parse(chisel3.Driver.emit(shimCircuit)) val shimAnnos = val transforms = Seq(new Fame1Instances, new PreLinkRenaming(Namespace(c.circuit))) val shimCircuitState = new LowFirrtlCompiler().compile(CircuitState(chirrtl, ChirrtlForm, shimAnnos), transforms) // Rename the annotations from the inner module, which are using an obselete CircuitName val renameMap = RenameMap( Map(CircuitName(c.circuit.main) -> Seq(CircuitName(shimCircuitState.circuit.main)))) dumpHeader(shim) c.copy(circuit = linkCircuits(shimCircuitState.circuit, c.circuit), annotations = shimCircuitState.annotations ++ c.annotations, renames = Some(renameMap)) } }
Example 7
Source File: EnsureNoTargetIO.scala From midas with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
// See LICENSE for license details. package midas.passes import midas.widgets.BridgeAnnotation import midas.passes.fame.{PromoteSubmodule, PromoteSubmoduleAnnotation, FAMEChannelConnectionAnnotation} import firrtl._ import firrtl.annotations._ import import firrtl.Mappers._ import firrtl.transforms.TopWiring.{TopWiringAnnotation, TopWiringTransform, TopWiringOutputFilesAnnotation} import firrtl.passes.wiring.{Wiring, WiringInfo} import Utils._ import scala.collection.mutable import{File, FileWriter, StringWriter} // Ensures that there are no dangling IO on the target. All I/O coming off the DUT must be bound // to an Bridge BlackBox private[passes] class EnsureNoTargetIO extends firrtl.Transform { def inputForm = HighForm def outputForm = HighForm override def name = "[MIDAS] Ensure No Target IO" def execute(state: CircuitState): CircuitState = { val topName = state.circuit.main val topModule = state.circuit.modules.find( == topName).get val nonClockPorts = topModule.ports.filter(_.tpe != ClockType) if (!nonClockPorts.isEmpty) { val exceptionMessage = """ Your target design has dangling IO. You must bind the following top-level ports to an Bridge BlackBox: """ +"\n") throw new Exception(exceptionMessage) } state } }
Example 8
Source File: LogTestListener.scala From hail with MIT License | 5 votes |
package is.hail import{PrintWriter, StringWriter} import is.hail.utils._ import org.testng.{ITestContext, ITestListener, ITestResult} class LogTestListener extends ITestListener { def testString(result: ITestResult): String = { s"${ result.getTestClass.getName }.${ result.getMethod.getMethodName }" } def onTestStart(result: ITestResult) { info(s"starting test ${ testString(result) }...") } def onTestSuccess(result: ITestResult) { info(s"test ${ testString(result) } SUCCESS") } def onTestFailure(result: ITestResult) { val cause = result.getThrowable if (cause != null) { val sw = new StringWriter() val pw = new PrintWriter(sw) cause.printStackTrace(pw) info(s"Exception:\n$sw") } info(s"test ${ testString(result) } FAILURE\n") } def onTestSkipped(result: ITestResult) { info(s"test ${ testString(result) } SKIPPED") } def onTestFailedButWithinSuccessPercentage(result: ITestResult) { } def onStart(context: ITestContext) { } def onFinish(context: ITestContext) { } }
Example 9
Source File: ExceptionStacktraceToString.scala From graphcool-framework with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package cool.graph.util.exceptions import{PrintWriter, StringWriter} object ExceptionStacktraceToString { implicit class ThrowableStacktraceExtension(t: Throwable) { def stackTraceAsString: String = ExceptionStacktraceToString(t) } def apply(t: Throwable): String = { val sw = new StringWriter() val pw = new PrintWriter(sw) t.printStackTrace(pw) sw.toString() } }
Example 10
Source File: PrometheusRouting.scala From vinyldns with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package vinyldns.api.route import import akka.http.scaladsl.model._ import akka.http.scaladsl.server.Directives import io.prometheus.client.CollectorRegistry import io.prometheus.client.exporter.common.TextFormat import scala.collection.JavaConverters._ trait PrometheusRoute extends Directives { def collectorRegistry: CollectorRegistry private val `text/plain; version=0.0.4; charset=utf-8` = ContentType { MediaType.customWithFixedCharset( "text", "plain", HttpCharsets.`UTF-8`, params = Map("version" -> "0.0.4") ) } def renderMetrics(registry: CollectorRegistry, names: Set[String]): String = { val writer = new StringWriter() TextFormat.write004(writer, registry.filteredMetricFamilySamples(names.toSet.asJava)) writer.toString } val prometheusRoute = (get & path("metrics" / "prometheus") & parameter('name.*)) { names => val content = renderMetrics(collectorRegistry, names.toSet) complete { HttpResponse(entity = HttpEntity(`text/plain; version=0.0.4; charset=utf-8`, content)) } } }
Example 11
Source File: HatServerProvider.scala From HAT2.0 with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
package org.hatdex.hat.resourceManagement import import import javax.inject.{ Inject, Named, Singleton } import import akka.pattern.ask import akka.util.Timeout import import{ PemObject, PemWriter } import org.hatdex.hat.api.service.RemoteExecutionContext import org.hatdex.hat.resourceManagement.actors.HatServerProviderActor import org.hatdex.hat.utils.LoggingProvider import play.api.cache.{ AsyncCacheApi, NamedCache } import play.api.Configuration import play.api.mvc.Request import scala.concurrent.Future import scala.concurrent.duration._ trait HatServerProvider extends DynamicEnvironmentProviderService[HatServer] { def retrieve[B](request: Request[B]): Future[Option[HatServer]] def retrieve(hatAddress: String): Future[Option[HatServer]] def toString(publicKey: RSAPublicKey): String = { val pemObject = new PemObject("PUBLIC KEY", publicKey.getEncoded) val stringPemWriter = new StringWriter() val pemWriter: PemWriter = new PemWriter(stringPemWriter) pemWriter.writeObject(pemObject) pemWriter.flush() val pemPublicKey = stringPemWriter.toString pemPublicKey } } @Singleton class HatServerProviderImpl @Inject() ( configuration: Configuration, @NamedCache("hatserver-cache") cache: AsyncCacheApi, loggingProvider: LoggingProvider, @Named("hatServerProviderActor") serverProviderActor: ActorRef)( implicit val ec: RemoteExecutionContext) extends HatServerProvider { private val logger = loggingProvider.logger(this.getClass) def retrieve[B](request: Request[B]): Future[Option[HatServer]] = { val hatAddress = //.split(':').headOption.getOrElse( retrieve(hatAddress) } implicit val timeout: Timeout = configuration.get[FiniteDuration]("resourceManagement.serverProvisioningTimeout") implicit val serverInfoTimeout: Duration = configuration.get[FiniteDuration]("resourceManagement.serverIdleTimeout") def retrieve(hatAddress: String): Future[Option[HatServer]] = { cache.get[HatServer](s"server:$hatAddress") .flatMap { case Some(server) => Future.successful(Some(server)) case _ => (serverProviderActor ? HatServerProviderActor.HatServerRetrieve(hatAddress)) map { case server: HatServer => logger.debug(s"Got back server $server") cache.set(s"server:$hatAddress", server, serverInfoTimeout) Some(server) case error: HatServerDiscoveryException => logger.warn(s"Got back error $error") throw error case message => logger.warn(s"Unknown message $message from HAT Server provider actor") val error = new HatServerDiscoveryException("Unknown message") throw error } recoverWith { case e => logger.warn(s"Error while retrieving HAT $hatAddress info: ${e.getMessage}") val error = new HatServerDiscoveryException("HAT Server info retrieval failed", e) throw error } } } }
Example 12
Source File: ThrowableImplicits.scala From ForestFlow with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package ai.forestflow.utils import{PrintWriter, StringWriter} import scala.language.implicitConversions object ThrowableImplicits { implicit def Throwable2StackTraceString(ex: Throwable): String = { val sw = new StringWriter() val pw = new PrintWriter(sw) ex.printStackTrace(pw) sw.toString } implicit class PrintableThrowable(ex: Throwable) { def printableStackTrace: String = Throwable2StackTraceString(ex) } }
Example 13
Source File: RewriterBase.scala From apalache with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package at.forsyte.apalache.tla.bmcmt import{PrintWriter, StringWriter} import at.forsyte.apalache.tla.bmcmt.types.eager.TrivialTypeFinder import at.forsyte.apalache.tla.lir.convenience.tla import org.scalatest.{BeforeAndAfterEach, FunSuite} class RewriterBase extends FunSuite with BeforeAndAfterEach { protected var solverContext: SolverContext = new PreproSolverContext(new Z3SolverContext()) protected var arena: Arena = Arena.create(solverContext) override def beforeEach() { solverContext = new PreproSolverContext(new Z3SolverContext(debug = true)) arena = Arena.create(solverContext) } override def afterEach() { solverContext.dispose() } protected def create(): SymbStateRewriterAuto = { new SymbStateRewriterAuto(solverContext) } protected def createWithoutCache(): SymbStateRewriter = { new SymbStateRewriterImpl(solverContext, new TrivialTypeFinder()) } protected def assertUnsatOrExplain(rewriter: SymbStateRewriter, state: SymbState): Unit = { assertOrExplain("UNSAT", rewriter, state, !solverContext.sat()) } protected def assumeTlaEx(rewriter: SymbStateRewriter, state: SymbState): SymbState = { val nextState = rewriter.rewriteUntilDone(state.setTheory(BoolTheory())) solverContext.assertGroundExpr(nextState.ex) assert(solverContext.sat()) nextState } protected def assertTlaExAndRestore(rewriter: SymbStateRewriter, state: SymbState): Unit = { rewriter.push() val nextState = rewriter.rewriteUntilDone(state.setTheory(BoolTheory())) assert(solverContext.sat()) rewriter.push() solverContext.assertGroundExpr(nextState.ex) assert(solverContext.sat()) rewriter.pop() rewriter.push() solverContext.assertGroundExpr(tla.not(nextState.ex)) assertUnsatOrExplain(rewriter, nextState) rewriter.pop() rewriter.pop() } private def assertOrExplain(msg: String, rewriter: SymbStateRewriter, state: SymbState, outcome: Boolean): Unit = { if (!outcome) { val writer = new StringWriter() new SymbStateDecoder(solverContext, rewriter).dumpArena(state, new PrintWriter(writer)) solverContext.log(writer.getBuffer.toString) solverContext.push() // push and pop flush the log output solverContext.pop() fail("Expected %s, check log.smt for explanation".format(msg)) } } }
Example 14
Source File: HugeRoundTripBench.scala From xml-lens with MIT License | 5 votes |
package pl.msitko.xml.bench import{File, StringWriter} import java.nio.file.Paths import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations._ import pl.msitko.xml.parsing.XmlParser import pl.msitko.xml.printing.XmlPrinter import scala.xml.XML @BenchmarkMode(Array(Mode.AverageTime)) @OutputTimeUnit(TimeUnit.MICROSECONDS) @State(Scope.Benchmark) class HugeRoundTripBench { import HugeRoundTripBench._ @Benchmark def roundTripWithLens = { val parsed = XmlParser.parsePath(path).right.get XmlPrinter.print(parsed) } @Benchmark def roundtripWithStd = { val xml = XML.loadFile(file) val writer = new StringWriter XML.write(writer, xml, "UTF-8", true, null) writer.toString } } object HugeRoundTripBench { // BEWARE: that file is not included in the repo because of its huge size // you can download some big XMLs at val path = Paths.get("src", "main", "resources", "enwiki-20180420-pages-articles26.xml") val file = { // BEWARE: that file is not included in the repo because of its huge size // you can download some big XMLs at val p = List("src", "main", "resources", "enwiki-20180420-pages-articles26.xml").mkString(File.separator) new File(p) } }
Example 15
Source File: PrintBench.scala From xml-lens with MIT License | 5 votes |
package pl.msitko.xml.bench import import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations._ import pl.msitko.xml.entities.XmlDocument import pl.msitko.xml.parsing.XmlParser import pl.msitko.xml.printing.XmlPrinter import scala.xml.{Elem, XML} object PrintBenchParams { val lensElement: XmlDocument = XmlParser.parse(SmallRoundtrip.example.input).right.get val stdElement: Elem = XML.loadString(SmallRoundtrip.example.input) } @BenchmarkMode(Array(Mode.AverageTime)) @OutputTimeUnit(TimeUnit.MICROSECONDS) @State(Scope.Benchmark) class PrintBench { import PrintBenchParams._ @Benchmark def printWithLens: String = { XmlPrinter.print(lensElement) } @Benchmark def prettyPrintWithLens: String = { XmlPrinter.print(lensElement) } @Benchmark def prettyPrintWithStd: String = { val writer = new StringWriter XML.write(writer, stdElement, "UTF-8", true, null) writer.toString } }
Example 16
Source File: SimpleTransformationStd.scala From xml-lens with MIT License | 5 votes |
package pl.msitko.xml.bench import import scala.xml.{Elem, Text, XML} object SimpleTransformationStd extends SimpleTransformation { def transform(el: Elem): Elem = { if(el.child.size == 1) { val replaceWith = el.child.head match { case t: Text => Text(t.text.toUpperCase) case a => a } el.copy(child = List(replaceWith)) } else { el } } override def transform(input: String): String = { val xml = XML.loadString(input) val transformed = { case el: Elem if el.label == "a" => el.copy(child = el.child.flatMap { case el: Elem if el.label == "interesting" => el.copy(child = el.child.flatMap { case el: Elem if el.label == "special" => transform(el) case a => a }) case a => a }) case a => a } val writer = new StringWriter XML.write(writer, transformed.head, "UTF-8", true, null) writer.toString } }
Example 17
Source File: InstrumentedInputs.scala From scastie with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.olegych.scastie.instrumentation import{PrintWriter, StringWriter} import java.time.Instant import com.olegych.scastie.api._ import scala.meta.parsers.Parsed case class InstrumentationFailureReport(message: String, line: Option[Int]) { def toProgress(snippetId: SnippetId): SnippetProgress = { SnippetProgress.default.copy( ts = Some(, snippetId = Some(snippetId), compilationInfos = List(Problem(Error, line, message)) ) } } object InstrumentedInputs { def apply(inputs0: Inputs): Either[InstrumentationFailureReport, InstrumentedInputs] = { if (inputs0.isWorksheetMode) { val instrumented = Instrument(inputs0.code, { instrumentedCode => inputs0.copy(code = instrumentedCode) } instrumented match { case Right(inputs) => success(inputs) case Left(error) => import InstrumentationFailure._ error match { case HasMainMethod => Right(InstrumentedInputs(inputs0.copy(_isWorksheetMode = false), isForcedProgramMode = true)) case UnsupportedDialect => Left(InstrumentationFailureReport("This Scala target does not have a worksheet mode", None)) case ParsingError(Parsed.Error(pos, message, _)) => val lineOffset = Instrument.getParsingLineOffset(inputs0) Left(InstrumentationFailureReport(message, Some(pos.startLine + lineOffset))) case InternalError(exception) => val errors = new StringWriter() exception.printStackTrace(new PrintWriter(errors)) val fullStack = errors.toString Left(InstrumentationFailureReport(fullStack, None)) } } } else { success(inputs0) } } private def success(inputs: Inputs): Either[InstrumentationFailureReport, InstrumentedInputs] = { Right(InstrumentedInputs(inputs, isForcedProgramMode = false)) } } case class InstrumentedInputs( inputs: Inputs, isForcedProgramMode: Boolean )
Example 18
Source File: HasGeometry.scala From recogito2 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package services import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.{Coordinate, Envelope, Geometry} import import org.geotools.geojson.geom.GeometryJSON import play.api.libs.json._ trait HasGeometry { protected val DECIMAL_PRECISION = 12 implicit val geometryFormat: Format[Geometry] = Format([JsValue].map { json => try { val geom = new GeometryJSON(DECIMAL_PRECISION).read(Json.stringify(json)) if (geom != null && geom.isEmpty) null else geom // Some Java legacy... } catch { case t: Throwable => null } }, Writes[Geometry] { geom => val writer = new StringWriter() new GeometryJSON(DECIMAL_PRECISION).write(geom, writer) Json.parse(writer.toString) } ) implicit val envelopeFormat: Format[Envelope] = Format( (JsPath \ "coordinates").read[JsArray].map { js => val points =[JsArray][Double])) val topLeft = points(0) val bottomRight = points(1) new Envelope(topLeft(0), bottomRight(0), bottomRight(1), topLeft(1)) }, Writes[Envelope] { e => Json.obj( "type" -> "envelope", // A special geo_shape type supported by ElasticSearch "coordinates" -> Seq(Seq(e.getMinX, e.getMaxY), Seq(e.getMaxX, e.getMinY))) } ) implicit val coordinateFormat: Format[Coordinate] = Format([JsArray].map { json => val lon = json.value(0).as[Double] val lat = json.value(1).as[Double] new Coordinate(lon, lat) }, Writes[Coordinate] { c => Json.toJson(Seq(c.x, c.y)) } ) } trait HasGeometrySafe extends HasGeometry { private def safeGeometry(json: JsValue): JsObject = JsObject( Json.obj( "type" -> (json \ "type").get, "coordinates" -> (json \ "coordinates").asOpt[JsArray], "geometries" -> (json \ "geometries").asOpt[JsArray].map( ).fields.filter(_._2 match { // Filter out undefined props case JsNull => false case _ => true }) ) implicit override val geometryFormat: Format[Geometry] = Format([JsValue].map { json => new GeometryJSON(DECIMAL_PRECISION).read(Json.stringify(safeGeometry(json))) }, Writes[Geometry] { geom => val writer = new StringWriter() new GeometryJSON(DECIMAL_PRECISION).write(geom, writer) Json.parse(writer.toString) } ) }
Example 19
Source File: ParadoxLogger.scala From paradox with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.lightbend.paradox import{ PrintWriter, StringWriter } import scala.collection.immutable.StringOps trait ParadoxLogger { def debug(t: Throwable): Unit = { // we provide our own implementation because sbt doesn't offer any exception logging at debug val writer = new StringWriter() t.printStackTrace(new PrintWriter(writer)) new StringOps(writer.toString).lines.foreach(debug(_)) } def debug(msg: => String): Unit def info(msg: => String): Unit def warn(msg: => String): Unit def error(msg: => String): Unit } object NullLogger extends ParadoxLogger { override def debug(msg: => String): Unit = () override def info(msg: => String): Unit = () override def warn(msg: => String): Unit = () override def error(msg: => String): Unit = () } object PrintlnLogger extends ParadoxLogger { override def debug(msg: => String): Unit = println(s"[debug] $msg") override def info(msg: => String): Unit = println(s"[info] $msg") override def warn(msg: => String): Unit = println(s"[warn] $msg") override def error(msg: => String): Unit = println(s"[error] $msg") }
Example 20
Source File: DirectoryViewer.scala From peregrine with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package io.peregrine import com.github.mustachejava.DefaultMustacheFactory import{StringWriter, File} import com.twitter.util.Try object DirectoryViewer { // these are passed to the mustache view case class ListingView(root: FileView, files: Array[FileView], directories: Array[FileView]) case class FileView(relativeName: String, shortName: String) def getListing(directory: File): Try[String] = { // there's a lot of io and untyped computation in this function. It's best to // err on the side of safety and wrap everything in a Try comprehension val mustacheFactory = new DefaultMustacheFactory val output = new StringWriter for { reader <- Try(mustacheFactory.getReader("directory_browser.mustache")) mustache <- Try(mustacheFactory.compile(reader, "directory_browser")) scope <- Try(renderView(directory)) () <- Try(mustache.execute(output, scope).flush()) } yield output.toString } val absoluteAssetPath = new File(config.docRoot() + config.assetPath()).getAbsolutePath private def fileToView(f: File): FileView = { val relativeName = f.getAbsolutePath.replace(absoluteAssetPath, "") val name = f.getName FileView(relativeName, name) } def renderView(directory: File): ListingView = { val directories = directory.listFiles.filter(x => x != null && x.isDirectory).map(fileToView) val files = directory.listFiles.filter(x => x != null && x.isFile).map(fileToView) ListingView(fileToView(directory), files, directories) } }
Example 21
Source File: PropertiesApi.scala From iep-apps with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import import java.util.Properties import import akka.http.scaladsl.model.HttpCharsets import akka.http.scaladsl.server.Directives._ import akka.http.scaladsl.model.HttpEntity import akka.http.scaladsl.model.HttpRequest import akka.http.scaladsl.model.HttpResponse import akka.http.scaladsl.model.MediaTypes import akka.http.scaladsl.model.StatusCodes import akka.http.scaladsl.server.Route import import import import class PropertiesApi( val propContext: PropertiesContext, implicit val actorRefFactory: ActorRefFactory ) extends WebApi { def routes: Route = { endpointPath("api" / "v1" / "property") { get { parameter("asg") { asg => extractRequest { request => val cluster = Names.parseName(asg).getCluster if (propContext.initialized) { val props = propContext.getClusterProps(cluster) complete(encode(request, props)) } else { complete(HttpResponse(StatusCodes.ServiceUnavailable)) } } } } } } private def encode(request: HttpRequest, props: List[PropertiesApi.Property]): HttpResponse = { val useJson = request.headers.exists(h =>"accept") && h.value == "application/json") if (useJson) { HttpResponse( StatusCodes.OK, entity = HttpEntity(MediaTypes.`application/json`, Json.encode(props)) ) } else { val ps = new Properties props.foreach { p => ps.setProperty(p.key, p.value) } val writer = new StringWriter(), s"count: ${ps.size}") writer.close() val entity = HttpEntity(MediaTypes.`text/plain`.toContentType(HttpCharsets.`UTF-8`), writer.toString) HttpResponse(StatusCodes.OK, entity = entity) } } } object PropertiesApi { case class Property(id: String, cluster: String, key: String, value: String, timestamp: Long) }
Example 22
Source File: VCFHeaderWriter.scala From glow with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package htsjdk.variant.variantcontext.writer import{StringWriter, Writer} import htsjdk.variant.vcf.VCFHeader object VCFHeaderWriter { // Shim into default visibility VCFWriter class def writeHeader( header: VCFHeader, writer: Writer, versionLine: String, streamNameForError: String): VCFHeader = { VCFWriter.writeHeader(header, writer, versionLine, streamNameForError) } def writeHeaderAsString(header: VCFHeader): String = { val writer = new StringWriter() writeHeader(header, writer, VCFWriter.getVersionLine, "headerBuffer") writer.toString } }
Example 23
Source File: ThreadPoolSchedulerProvider.scala From scala-game-library with MIT License | 5 votes |
package sgl.util import java.util.concurrent.Executors import{StringWriter, PrintWriter} import scala.collection.mutable.Queue trait ThreadPoolSchedulerProvider extends SchedulerProvider { this: LoggingProvider => private implicit val Tag = Logger.Tag("threadpool-scheduler") class ThreadPoolScheduler extends Scheduler { private val pool = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(4) private val tasks: Queue[ChunkedTask] = new Queue private val taskQueueLock = new Object private var r1: ChunksRunner = null private var r2: ChunksRunner = null private var r3: ChunksRunner = null private var r4: ChunksRunner = null override def schedule(task: ChunkedTask): Unit = { taskQueueLock.synchronized { tasks.enqueue(task) } } def shutdown(): Unit = { pool.shutdown() // Need to check for null because we could have skipped resume. if(r1 != null) r1.shouldStop = true if(r2 != null) r2.shouldStop = true if(r3 != null) r3.shouldStop = true if(r4 != null) r4.shouldStop = true } // Simple Runnable class that picks up the first available ChunkedTask and // run one chunk of it. // Note that if there is only one ChunkedTask in the queue, there will only // be one busy Thread at a time as ChunkedTask are assumed to be sequentials. // In order to optimize the use of the thread pool, one should try to split // parallel work into several independent ChunkedTask. class ChunksRunner extends Runnable { var shouldStop = false override def run(): Unit = { while(!shouldStop) { val task = taskQueueLock.synchronized { if(tasks.isEmpty) { None } else { Some(tasks.dequeue()) } } task match { case None => Thread.sleep(50) case Some(task) => { logger.debug("Executing some ChunkedTask from the task queue.") try { task.doRun(5l) if(task.status != ChunkedTask.Completed) taskQueueLock.synchronized { tasks.enqueue(task) } } catch { case (e: Throwable) => { logger.error(s"Unexpected error while executing task ${}: ${e.getMessage}") val sw = new StringWriter() val pw = new PrintWriter(sw, true) e.printStackTrace(pw) logger.error(sw.toString) } } } } } } } } override val Scheduler = new ThreadPoolScheduler }
Example 24
Source File: StaxEncoder.scala From scalaz-deriving with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
// Copyright: 2017 - 2020 Sam Halliday // License: package xmlformat package stax import import java.util.regex.Pattern import{ XMLOutputFactory, XMLStreamWriter } import scalaz._, Scalaz._ import com.ctc.wstx.stax.WstxOutputFactory object StaxEncoder { // must not escape the code in this module private[this] val factory = new ThreadLocal[XMLOutputFactory] { override def initialValue: WstxOutputFactory = { val f = new com.ctc.wstx.stax.WstxOutputFactory f.configureForSpeed() f.getConfig.doSupportNamespaces(false) f } } def encode(t: XTag): String = { val output = new StringWriter val x = factory.get.createXMLStreamWriter(output) x.writeStartDocument() writeTag(x, t, 0) x.writeEndDocument() output.toString() } private[this] def writeTag(x: XMLStreamWriter, t: XTag, level: Int): Unit = { x.writeCharacters("\n") x.writeCharacters(" " * 2 * level) x.writeStartElement( t.attrs.toList.foreach { a => x.writeAttribute(, a.value.text) } t.children.toList.foreach { c => writeTag(x, c, level + 1) } t.body.toList.foreach { s => if (t.children.nonEmpty) { x.writeCharacters("\n") x.writeCharacters(" " * 2 * (level + 1)) } if (!containsXmlEntities(s.text)) x.writeCharacters(s.text) else { val clean = if (!s.text.contains("]]>")) s.text else s.text.replace("]]>", "]]]]><![CDATA[>") x.writeCData(clean) } } if (t.children.nonEmpty) { x.writeCharacters("\n") x.writeCharacters(" " * 2 * level) } x.writeEndElement() } private[this] val entities = Pattern.compile("""("|&|'|<|>)""") def containsXmlEntities(input: String): Boolean = entities.matcher(input).find() }
Example 25
Source File: SparkSvc.scala From Mastering-Spark-for-Data-Science with MIT License | 5 votes |
package svc import import{HttpURLConnection, URL} import com.typesafe.config.ConfigFactory import io.gzet.recommender.Node import import play.api.Logger import play.api.libs.json._ class SparkSvc() { val config = ConfigFactory.load() val host = config.getString("") val port = config.getInt("spark.job.server.port") val timeout = config.getInt("spark.job.server.timeout") val appName = config.getString("") val context = config.getString("spark.job.server.context") val indexJob = config.getString("spark.job.index") val playlistJob = config.getString("spark.job.playlist") val playlistRecommendJob = config.getString("spark.job.personalized.playlist") private def getConnection(endpoint: String, params: Option[String]) = { try { val url = new URL(endpoint) val connection = url.openConnection().asInstanceOf[HttpURLConnection] connection.setDoOutput(true) connection.setRequestMethod("POST") connection.setRequestProperty("Accept", "application/json") if(params.isDefined){ val os = connection.getOutputStream os.write(params.get.getBytes()) os.flush() os.close() } val inputStream = connection.getInputStream val writer = new StringWriter() IOUtils.copy(inputStream, writer, "UTF-8") val ret = writer.toString Json.parse(ret) } catch { case e: Exception => throw new Exception("Job Failed: " + e.getMessage) } } private def parseResponse(json: JsValue) : String = { val jobId = (json \ "result" \ "jobId").asOpt[String] if(jobId.isDefined){ s"Job submitted [${jobId.get}]" } else { val message = (json \ "result" \ "message").asOpt[String] if(message.isDefined){ throw new Exception(s"Job failed: ${message.get}") } throw new Exception("Could not find Spark job id") } } def index(path: String): String = {"Submitting INDEX job") val url = s"http://$host:$port/jobs?appName=$appName&classPath=$indexJob&context=$context" val params = "input.dir=\"" + path + "\"" val json = getConnection(url, Some(params)) parseResponse(json) } def playlist() = {"Submitting PLAYLIST job") val url = s"http://$host:$port/jobs?appName=$appName&classPath=$playlistJob&context=$context" val json = getConnection(url, None) parseResponse(json) } def playlist(id: Long) = {"Submitting RECOMMEND job") val url = s"http://$host:$port/jobs?appName=$appName&classPath=$playlistRecommendJob&context=$context&sync=true&timeout=$timeout" val params = s"$id" val json: JsValue = getConnection(url, Some(params)) val array = (json \ "result").as[Array[String]]{line => val Array(id, pr, song) = line.split(",").take(3) Node(id.toLong, song, pr.toDouble) }).toList } }
Example 26
Source File: NERServiceSpec.scala From recogito2 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package transform.ner import import org.specs2.mutable._ import org.specs2.runner._ import org.junit.runner._ import org.joox.JOOX._ import org.pelagios.recogito.sdk.ner.EntityType import play.api.test._ import play.api.test.Helpers._ import scala.concurrent.duration._ import import org.codehaus.plexus.util.StringInputStream import import @RunWith(classOf[JUnitRunner]) class NERServiceSpec extends Specification { def parsePlaintext() = { val TEST_TEXT = Source.fromFile("test/resources/transform/ner/text-for-ner-01.txt").getLines().mkString("\n") NERService.parseText(TEST_TEXT, None) } def enrichTEI() = { val TEST_TEI = new File("test/resources/transform/ner/tei-for-ner.tei.xml") val writer = new StringWriter() NERService.enrichTEI(TEST_TEI, None, Some(new BufferedWriter(writer))) $(writer.toString) } "The NER text parse function" should { "detect 8 Named Entites in the test text" in { val entities = parsePlaintext() entities.size must equalTo (8) } "detect 3 Locations - Pylos, Sparta and Ithaca" in { val entities = parsePlaintext() val locations = entities.filter(_.entityType == EntityType.LOCATION).map(_.chars) locations.size must equalTo(3) locations must contain("Pylos") locations must contain("Sparta") locations must contain("Ithaca") } "detect 1 date" in { val entities = parsePlaintext() entities.filter(_.entityType.equals(EntityType.DATE)).size must equalTo(1) } "detect 4 persons - Ulysses (2x), Penelope and Telemachus" in { val entities = parsePlaintext() val persons = entities.filter(_.entityType == EntityType.PERSON).map(_.chars) persons.size must equalTo(4) persons must contain("Penelope") persons must contain("Telemachus") persons.filter(_.equals("Ulysses")).size must equalTo(2) } "retain correct char offsets for each entity" in { val TEST_TEXT = Source.fromFile("test/resources/transform/ner/text-for-ner-01.txt").getLines().mkString("\n") val entities = parsePlaintext() => { val snippetFromSourceFile = TEST_TEXT.substring(e.charOffset, e.charOffset + e.chars.size) snippetFromSourceFile must equalTo(e.chars) }) } } "The NER TEI enrichment function" should { "insert 11 placeName tags" in { val enriched = enrichTEI() enriched.find("placeName").size must equalTo(11) } "insert 24 persName tags" in { val enriched = enrichTEI() enriched.find("persName").size must equalTo(24) } } }
Example 27
Source File: RuntimeError.scala From scastie with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.olegych.scastie.api import{PrintWriter, StringWriter} import play.api.libs.json._ case class RuntimeError( message: String, line: Option[Int], fullStack: String ) object RuntimeError { implicit val formatRuntimeError: OFormat[RuntimeError] = Json.format[RuntimeError] def wrap[T](in: => T): Either[Option[RuntimeError], T] = { try { Right(in) } catch { case ex: Exception => Left(RuntimeError.fromThrowable(ex, fromScala = false)) } } def fromThrowable(t: Throwable, fromScala: Boolean = true): Option[RuntimeError] = { def search(e: Throwable) = { e.getStackTrace .find( trace => if (fromScala) trace.getFileName == "main.scala" && trace.getLineNumber != -1 else true ) .map(v => (e, Some(v.getLineNumber))) } def loop(e: Throwable): Option[(Throwable, Option[Int])] = { val s = search(e) if (s.isEmpty) if (e.getCause != null) loop(e.getCause) else Some((e, None)) else s } loop(t).map { case (err, line) => val errors = new StringWriter() t.printStackTrace(new PrintWriter(errors)) val fullStack = errors.toString RuntimeError(err.toString, line, fullStack) } } } object RuntimeErrorWrap { implicit val formatRuntimeErrorWrap: OFormat[RuntimeErrorWrap] = Json.format[RuntimeErrorWrap] } case class RuntimeErrorWrap(error: Option[RuntimeError])
Example 28
Source File: PackagePlatformExtensions.scala From qamr with MIT License | 5 votes |
package qamr.util import import import scala.util.{Try, Success, Failure} import com.typesafe.scalalogging.Logger trait PackagePlatformExtensions { implicit class RichTry[A](val t: Try[A]) { def toOptionLogging(logger: Logger): Option[A] = t match { case Success(a) => Some(a) case Failure(e) => val sw = new StringWriter() val pw = new PrintWriter(sw, true) e.printStackTrace(pw) logger.error(e.getLocalizedMessage + "\n" + sw.getBuffer.toString) None } } }
Example 29
Source File: MetricsEndpointSpec.scala From prometheus-akka-http with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.lonelyplanet.prometheus.api import import akka.http.scaladsl.model.HttpCharsets import akka.http.scaladsl.testkit.ScalatestRouteTest import com.lonelyplanet.prometheus.Utils._ import io.prometheus.client.exporter.common.TextFormat import io.prometheus.client.{CollectorRegistry, Histogram} import org.scalatest.flatspec.AnyFlatSpec import org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers import scala.util.Random class MetricsEndpointSpec extends AnyFlatSpec with Matchers with ScalatestRouteTest { "Metrics endpoint" should "return the correct media type and charset" in { val api = createEndpoint(CollectorRegistry.defaultRegistry) Get("/metrics") ~> api.routes ~> check { mediaType.subType shouldBe "plain" mediaType.isText shouldBe true mediaType.params shouldBe Map("version" -> "0.0.4") charset shouldBe HttpCharsets.`UTF-8` } } it should "return serialized metrics in the prometheus text format" in { val registry = new CollectorRegistry() val api = createEndpoint(registry) val hist =, 1, 10).register(registry) hist.observe(Math.abs(Random.nextDouble())) Get("/metrics") ~> api.routes ~> check { val resp = responseAs[String] val writer = new StringWriter() TextFormat.write004(writer, registry.metricFamilySamples()) resp shouldBe writer.toString } } private val RandomTestName = generateRandomStringOfLength(16) private val RandomTestHelp = generateRandomStringOfLength(16) private def createEndpoint(collectorRegistry: CollectorRegistry) = { new MetricsEndpoint(collectorRegistry) } }
Example 30
Source File: MetricFamilySamplesEntity.scala From prometheus-akka-http with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.lonelyplanet.prometheus.api import{StringWriter, Writer} import java.util import akka.http.scaladsl.marshalling.{ToEntityMarshaller, Marshaller} import akka.http.scaladsl.model._ import io.prometheus.client.Collector.MetricFamilySamples import io.prometheus.client.CollectorRegistry import io.prometheus.client.exporter.common.TextFormat case class MetricFamilySamplesEntity(samples: util.Enumeration[MetricFamilySamples]) object MetricFamilySamplesEntity { private val mediaTypeParams = Map("version" -> "0.0.4") private val mediaType = MediaType.customWithFixedCharset("text", "plain", HttpCharsets.`UTF-8`, params = mediaTypeParams) def fromRegistry(collectorRegistry: CollectorRegistry): MetricFamilySamplesEntity = { MetricFamilySamplesEntity(collectorRegistry.metricFamilySamples()) } def toPrometheusTextFormat(e: MetricFamilySamplesEntity): String = { val writer: Writer = new StringWriter() TextFormat.write004(writer, e.samples) writer.toString } implicit val metricsFamilySamplesMarshaller: ToEntityMarshaller[MetricFamilySamplesEntity] = { Marshaller.withFixedContentType(mediaType) { s => HttpEntity(mediaType, toPrometheusTextFormat(s)) } } }
Example 31
Source File: DriverInitContainerBootstrapStep.scala From Spark-2.3.1 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.deploy.k8s.submit.steps import import java.util.Properties import io.fabric8.kubernetes.api.model.{ConfigMap, ConfigMapBuilder, ContainerBuilder, HasMetadata} import org.apache.spark.deploy.k8s.Config._ import org.apache.spark.deploy.k8s.KubernetesUtils import org.apache.spark.deploy.k8s.submit.KubernetesDriverSpec import org.apache.spark.deploy.k8s.submit.steps.initcontainer.{InitContainerConfigurationStep, InitContainerSpec} private[spark] class DriverInitContainerBootstrapStep( steps: Seq[InitContainerConfigurationStep], configMapName: String, configMapKey: String) extends DriverConfigurationStep { override def configureDriver(driverSpec: KubernetesDriverSpec): KubernetesDriverSpec = { var initContainerSpec = InitContainerSpec( properties = Map.empty[String, String], driverSparkConf = Map.empty[String, String], initContainer = new ContainerBuilder().build(), driverContainer = driverSpec.driverContainer, driverPod = driverSpec.driverPod, dependentResources = Seq.empty[HasMetadata]) for (nextStep <- steps) { initContainerSpec = nextStep.configureInitContainer(initContainerSpec) } val configMap = buildConfigMap( configMapName, configMapKey, val resolvedDriverSparkConf = driverSpec.driverSparkConf .clone() .set(INIT_CONTAINER_CONFIG_MAP_NAME, configMapName) .set(INIT_CONTAINER_CONFIG_MAP_KEY_CONF, configMapKey) .setAll(initContainerSpec.driverSparkConf) val resolvedDriverPod = KubernetesUtils.appendInitContainer( initContainerSpec.driverPod, initContainerSpec.initContainer) driverSpec.copy( driverPod = resolvedDriverPod, driverContainer = initContainerSpec.driverContainer, driverSparkConf = resolvedDriverSparkConf, otherKubernetesResources = driverSpec.otherKubernetesResources ++ initContainerSpec.dependentResources ++ Seq(configMap)) } private def buildConfigMap( configMapName: String, configMapKey: String, config: Map[String, String]): ConfigMap = { val properties = new Properties() config.foreach { entry => properties.setProperty(entry._1, entry._2) } val propertiesWriter = new StringWriter(), s"Java properties built from Kubernetes config map with name: $configMapName " + s"and config map key: $configMapKey") new ConfigMapBuilder() .withNewMetadata() .withName(configMapName) .endMetadata() .addToData(configMapKey, propertiesWriter.toString) .build() } }
Example 32
Source File: CornichonError.scala From cornichon with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.github.agourlay.cornichon.core import{ PrintWriter, StringWriter } import import cats.syntax.either._ import cats.instances.future._ import scala.concurrent.{ ExecutionContext, Future } import scala.util.control.NoStackTrace trait CornichonError { def baseErrorMessage: String val causedBy: List[CornichonError] = Nil lazy val renderedMessage: String = { if (causedBy.isEmpty) baseErrorMessage else s"""$baseErrorMessage |caused by: |${ => c.renderedMessage).mkString("\nand\n")}""".stripMargin } def toException = CornichonException(renderedMessage) } object CornichonError { def genStacktrace(exception: Throwable): String = { val sw = new StringWriter() val pw = new PrintWriter(sw) exception.printStackTrace(pw) sw.toString } def fromString(error: String): CornichonError = BasicError(error) def fromThrowable(exception: Throwable): CornichonError = StepExecutionError(exception) def catchThrowable[A](f: => A): Either[CornichonError, A] = Either.catchNonFatal(f).leftMap(fromThrowable) implicit class fromEither[A](e: Either[CornichonError, A]) { def valueUnsafe: A = e.fold(e => throw e.toException, identity) def futureEitherT(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): EitherT[Future, CornichonError, A] = EitherT.fromEither[Future](e) } } case class StepExecutionError(e: Throwable) extends CornichonError { lazy val baseErrorMessage = s"exception thrown ${CornichonError.genStacktrace(e)}" } case class BasicError(error: String) extends CornichonError { lazy val baseErrorMessage = error } case class CornichonException(m: String) extends Exception with NoStackTrace { override def getMessage = m }
Example 33
Source File: LogEvent.scala From mist with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package io.hydrosphere.mist.core.logging import{PrintWriter, StringWriter} import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter import java.time._ case class LogEvent( from: String, message: String, timeStamp: Long, level: Int, errTrace: Option[String]) { def mkString: String = { val date = formatDate val error = => "\n" + s).getOrElse("") s"${} $date [$from] $message$error" } private def formatDate: String = { val inst = Instant.ofEpochMilli(timeStamp) val date = LocalDateTime.ofInstant(inst, ZoneOffset.UTC) DateTimeFormatter.ISO_LOCAL_DATE_TIME.format(date) } def typedLevel: Level = Level.fromInt(level) } object LogEvent { def mkDebug(from: String, message: String, ts: Long = mkTimestamp): LogEvent = nonFatal(Level.Debug, from, message, ts) def mkInfo(from: String, message: String, ts: Long = mkTimestamp): LogEvent = nonFatal(Level.Info, from, message, ts) def mkWarn(from: String, message: String, ts: Long = mkTimestamp): LogEvent = nonFatal(Level.Warn, from, message, ts) def mkError(from: String, message: String, t: Throwable): LogEvent = mkError(from, message, Some(t)) def mkError(from: String, message: String, optT: Option[Throwable] = None, ts: Long = mkTimestamp): LogEvent = { val errTrace = => { val writer = new StringWriter() ex.printStackTrace(new PrintWriter(writer)) writer.toString }) LogEvent(from, message, ts, Level.Error.value, errTrace) } def nonFatal(level: Level, from: String, message: String, ts: Long): LogEvent = LogEvent(from, message, ts, level.value, None) private def mkTimestamp: Long = }
Example 34
Source File: JsonEncoderSpec.scala From logback-json-logger with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import{PrintWriter, StringWriter} import import ch.qos.logback.classic.Level import ch.qos.logback.classic.spi.{ILoggingEvent, ThrowableProxy} import ch.qos.logback.core.ContextBase import org.apache.commons.lang3.time.FastDateFormat import org.mockito.Mockito.when import org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers import org.scalatest.wordspec.AnyWordSpec import org.scalatestplus.mockito.MockitoSugar import play.api.libs.json.{JsLookupResult, Json} import scala.collection.JavaConverters._ class JsonEncoderSpec extends AnyWordSpec with Matchers with MockitoSugar { "Json-encoded message" should { "contain all required fields" in { val jsonEncoder = new JsonEncoder() val event = mock[ILoggingEvent] when(event.getTimeStamp).thenReturn(1) when(event.getLevel).thenReturn(Level.INFO) when(event.getThreadName).thenReturn("my-thread") when(event.getFormattedMessage).thenReturn("my-message") when(event.getLoggerName).thenReturn("logger-name") when(event.getMDCPropertyMap).thenReturn(Map("myMdcProperty" -> "myMdcValue").asJava) val testException = new Exception("test-exception") val stringWriter = new StringWriter() testException.printStackTrace(new PrintWriter(stringWriter)) when(event.getThrowableProxy).thenReturn(new ThrowableProxy(testException)) jsonEncoder.setContext { val ctx = new ContextBase() ctx.putProperty("myKey", "myValue") ctx } val result = new String(jsonEncoder.encode(event), "UTF-8") val resultAsJson = Json.parse(result) (resultAsJson \ "app").asString shouldBe "my-app-name" (resultAsJson \ "hostname").asString shouldBe InetAddress.getLocalHost.getHostName (resultAsJson \ "timestamp").asString shouldBe FastDateFormat.getInstance("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSSZZ").format(1) (resultAsJson \ "message").asString shouldBe "my-message" (resultAsJson \ "exception").asString should include("test-exception") (resultAsJson \ "exception").asString should include("java.lang.Exception") (resultAsJson \ "exception").asString should include(stringWriter.toString) (resultAsJson \ "logger").asString shouldBe "logger-name" (resultAsJson \ "thread").asString shouldBe "my-thread" (resultAsJson \ "level").asString shouldBe "INFO" (resultAsJson \ "mykey").asString shouldBe "myValue" (resultAsJson \ "mymdcproperty").asString shouldBe "myMdcValue" } } implicit class JsLookupResultOps(jsLookupResult: JsLookupResult) { def asString: String =[String] } }
Example 35
Source File: HydraJsonSupport.scala From hydra with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package hydra.core.marshallers import{PrintWriter, StringWriter} import java.util.UUID import import akka.http.scaladsl.marshallers.sprayjson.SprayJsonSupport import akka.http.scaladsl.model.StatusCode import hydra.common.util.Resource._ import org.joda.time.DateTime import org.joda.time.format.ISODateTimeFormat import spray.json.{JsString, _} import scala.util.{Failure, Success, Try} implicit def tryWriter[R: JsonWriter]: RootJsonWriter[Try[R]] = new RootJsonWriter[Try[R]] { override def write(responseTry: Try[R]): JsValue = { responseTry match { case Success(r) => JsObject("success" -> r.toJson) case Failure(t) => JsObject("failure" -> t.toJson) } } } implicit object StreamTypeFormat extends RootJsonFormat[StreamType] { def read(json: JsValue): StreamType = json match { case JsString("Notification") => Notification case JsString("History") => History case JsString("CurrentState") => CurrentState case JsString("Telemetry") => Telemetry case _ => { import scala.reflect.runtime.{universe => ru} val tpe = ru.typeOf[StreamType] val clazz = tpe.typeSymbol.asClass throw new DeserializationException( s"expected a streamType of ${clazz.knownDirectSubclasses}, but got $json" ) } } def write(obj: StreamType): JsValue = { JsString(obj.toString) } } implicit val genericErrorFormat = jsonFormat2(GenericError) implicit val topicCreationMetadataFormat = jsonFormat8(TopicMetadataRequest) implicit val genericSchemaFormat = jsonFormat2(GenericSchema) } case class GenericError(status: Int, errorMessage: String) case class TopicMetadataRequest( schema: JsObject, streamType: StreamType, derived: Boolean, deprecated: Option[Boolean], dataClassification: String, contact: String, additionalDocumentation: Option[String], notes: Option[String] ) case class GenericSchema(name: String, namespace: String) { def subject = s"$namespace.$name" } sealed trait StreamType case object Notification extends StreamType case object CurrentState extends StreamType case object History extends StreamType case object Telemetry extends StreamType
Example 36
Source File: LogicalPlanPrinter.scala From airframe with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package wvlet.airframe.sql.model import{PrintWriter, StringWriter} import wvlet.log.LogSupport import wvlet.airframe.sql.model.LogicalPlan.EmptyRelation object LogicalPlanPrinter extends LogSupport { def print(m: LogicalPlan): String = { val s = new StringWriter() val p = new PrintWriter(s) print(m, p, 0) p.close() s.toString } def print(m: LogicalPlan, out: PrintWriter, level: Int): Unit = { m match { case EmptyRelation => // print nothing case _ => val ws = " " * level val inputAttr = m.inputAttributes.mkString(", ") val outputAttr = m.outputAttributes.mkString(", ") val attr = val prefix = s"${ws}[${m.modelName}](${inputAttr}) => (${outputAttr})" attr.length match { case 0 => out.println(prefix) case _ => out.println(s"${prefix}") val attrWs = " " * (level + 1) val attrStr = => s"${attrWs}- ${x}").mkString("\n") out.println(attrStr) } for (c <- m.children) { print(c, out, level + 1) } } } }
Example 37
Source File: ScalaStanBaseSpec.scala From ScalaStan with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
package com.cibo.scalastan import{PrintWriter, StringWriter} import com.cibo.scalastan.ast.StanParameterDeclaration import{StanCompiler, StanRunner} import org.scalatest.{FunSpec, Matchers} trait ScalaStanBaseSpec extends FunSpec with Matchers { case class MockRunner(data: Vector[Map[String, Double]] = Vector.empty) extends StanRunner { private val results = scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer[(String, Vector[Vector[String]])]() private def set(prefix: String, values: Any, mapping: Map[String, Double]): Map[String, Double] = { values match { case s: Seq[_] => s.zipWithIndex.foldLeft(mapping) { case (m, (v, i)) => set(s"$prefix.${i + 1}", v, m) } case _ => mapping + (prefix -> values.asInstanceOf[Double]) } } def set[T <: StanType](decl: StanParameterDeclaration[T], values: Seq[T#SCALA_TYPE]): MockRunner = { require(data.isEmpty || data.length == values.length) val dataBefore = if (data.isEmpty) => Map[String, Double]("lp__" -> 1)) else data val prefix = decl.emit val newData = { case (v, d) => set(prefix, v, d) } copy(data = newData.toVector) } def run(model: CompiledModel, chains: Int, seed: Int, cache: Boolean, method: RunMethod.Method): StanResults = { val mappedData: Map[String, Vector[Vector[Double]]] = data.flatten.groupBy(_._1).mapValues { grouped => val iterations = { case (k, v) => v } Vector.fill(chains)(iterations) } StanResults(mappedData, Vector.empty, model, method) } } implicit object MockCompiler extends StanCompiler { def compile(model: StanModel): CompiledModel = CompiledModel( model = model, runner = MockRunner() ) } private def removeSpaces(str: String): String = str.replaceAllLiterally(" ", "").replaceAllLiterally("\n", "") private def removeNumbers(str: String): String = str.replaceAll("[0-9]+", "#") private def compare(actual: String, template: String, originalTemplate: String = ""): Boolean = { val fixedActual = removeNumbers(removeSpaces(actual)) val fixedExpected = removeNumbers(removeSpaces(template)) fixedActual.contains(fixedExpected) } def check(actual: String, template: String): Unit = { withClue(s"actual:\n$actual\nexpected:\n$template\n") { compare(actual, template) shouldBe true } } // Compare the code output of the model with a template. // Spaces are ignored and "#" in the template matches any integer. def checkCode(model: StanModel, template: String): Unit = { val sw = new StringWriter() model.emit(new PrintWriter(sw)) sw.close() check(sw.toString, template) } }
Example 38
Source File: SHASpec.scala From ScalaStan with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
package com.cibo.scalastan import class SHASpec extends ScalaStanBaseSpec { describe("SHA") { it("returns the expected result") { // Validated using "echo -n test | shasum" SHA.hash("test") shouldBe "a94a8fe5ccb19ba61c4c0873d391e987982fbbd3" } } describe("ShaWriter") { it("returns the expected result after close") { val sw = new StringWriter() val shaWriter = ShaWriter(sw) shaWriter.write("test\n") shaWriter.close() sw.toString shouldBe "test\n" shaWriter.sha.digest shouldBe "4e1243bd22c66e76c2ba9eddc1f91394e57f9f83" } it("returns the expected result after flush") { val sw = new StringWriter() val shaWriter = ShaWriter(sw) shaWriter.write("test\n") shaWriter.flush() sw.toString shouldBe "test\n" shaWriter.sha.digest shouldBe "4e1243bd22c66e76c2ba9eddc1f91394e57f9f83" } } }
Example 39
Source File: ResponseHelper.scala From ledger-manager-chrome with MIT License | 5 votes |
package import{ByteArrayOutputStream, StringWriter} import java.nio.charset.Charset import org.json.{JSONArray, JSONObject} import import scala.concurrent.Future import scala.scalajs.js import scala.util.{Failure, Success} object ResponseHelper { implicit class ResponseFuture(f: Future[HttpClient#Response]) { def json: Future[(JSONObject, HttpClient#Response)] = { { case (body, response) => (new JSONObject(body), response) } } def jsonArray: Future[(JSONArray, HttpClient#Response)] = { { case (body, response) => (new JSONArray(body), response) } } def string: Future[(String, HttpClient#Response)] = { { case (body, response) => val writer = new StringWriter(body.length) body foreach {(char) => writer.append(char.toChar) } (writer.toString, response) } } def bytes: Future[(Array[Byte], HttpClient#Response)] = { { response => val input = response.body val output = new ByteArrayOutputStream() val buffer = new Array[Byte](4096) var read = 0 while ({read =; read} > 0) { output.write(buffer, 0, read) } val result = output.toByteArray input.close() output.close() (result, response) } } def noResponseBody: Future[HttpClient#Response] = { f.andThen { case Success(response) => response.body.close() response case Failure(cause) => throw cause } } } }
Example 40
Source File: UpdateChecker.scala From kotlin-plugin with MIT License | 5 votes |
package kotlin import{InputStreamReader, BufferedReader, StringWriter} import argonaut._, Argonaut._ import scala.concurrent.Future import scala.util.{Failure, Success} object UpdateChecker { import type Result = (Set[String],String) type Callback[A] = Either[Throwable,Result] => A def apply[A](user: String, repo: String, name: String)(result: Callback[A]): Unit = { val bintray = new s"$user/$repo/$name") Future { val uc = bintray.openConnection() val in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(uc.getInputStream, "utf-8")) try { val sw = new StringWriter val buf = Array.ofDim[Char](8192) Stream.continually(, 0, 8192)) takeWhile ( _ != -1) foreach (sw.write(buf, 0, _)) sw.toString } finally { in.close() } } onComplete { case Success(json) => val decoded = json.decode[PackageInfo] val res: Either[Throwable, Result] = decoded match { case Left(Left(str)) => Left(new IllegalArgumentException(str)) case Left(Right(cursorHistory)) => Left(new IllegalArgumentException(cursorHistory._1)) case Right(packageInfo) => Right(packageInfo.versions.toSet -> packageInfo.version) } result(res) case Failure(t) => result(Left(t)) } } implicit def PackageInfoCodecJson: CodecJson[PackageInfo] = casecodec3( PackageInfo.apply, PackageInfo.unapply)("name", "latest_version", "versions") case class PackageInfo(name: String, version: String, versions: List[String]) }
Example 41
Source File: PrometheusMarshallers.scala From akka-http-metrics with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package fr.davit.akka.http.metrics.prometheus.marshalling import import akka.http.scaladsl.marshalling.{Marshaller, ToEntityMarshaller} import akka.http.scaladsl.model.{ContentType, HttpCharsets, HttpEntity, MediaTypes} import fr.davit.akka.http.metrics.prometheus.PrometheusRegistry import io.prometheus.client.exporter.common.TextFormat trait PrometheusMarshallers { val PrometheusContentType: ContentType = { MediaTypes.`text/plain` withParams Map("version" -> "0.0.4") withCharset HttpCharsets.`UTF-8` } implicit val marshaller: ToEntityMarshaller[PrometheusRegistry] = { Marshaller.opaque { registry => val output = new StringWriter() try { TextFormat.write004(output, registry.underlying.metricFamilySamples) HttpEntity(output.toString).withContentType(PrometheusContentType) } finally { output.close() } } } } object PrometheusMarshallers extends PrometheusMarshallers
Example 42
Source File: DropwizardMarshallers.scala From akka-http-metrics with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package fr.davit.akka.http.metrics.dropwizard.marshalling import import akka.http.scaladsl.marshalling.{Marshaller, ToEntityMarshaller} import akka.http.scaladsl.model.{ContentTypes, HttpEntity} import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper import fr.davit.akka.http.metrics.dropwizard.DropwizardRegistry trait DropwizardMarshallers { implicit val registryToEntityMarshaller: ToEntityMarshaller[DropwizardRegistry] = { val writer = new ObjectMapper().writer() Marshaller.opaque { registry => val output = new StringWriter() try { writer.writeValue(output, registry.underlying) HttpEntity(output.toString).withContentType(ContentTypes.`application/json`) } finally { output.close() } } } } object DropwizardMarshallers extends DropwizardMarshallers
Example 43
Source File: MustacheMergeTool.scala From rug with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
package com.atomist.project.common.template import import com.atomist.source.{ArtifactSource, FileArtifact, StringFileArtifact} import com.github.mustachejava.DefaultMustacheFactory import scala.collection.JavaConverters._ object MustacheMergeTool { val SupportedExtensions = Set( ".scaml", ".mustache" ) } class MustacheMergeTool(templateContent: ArtifactSource) extends MergeTool { import MustacheMergeTool._ private val mf = new DefaultMustacheFactory(new ArtifactSourceBackedMustacheResolver(templateContent.underPath(".atomist/templates"))) override def isTemplate(path: String): Boolean = SupportedExtensions.exists(extension => path.endsWith(extension)) override def mergeToFile(context: MergeContext, path: String): FileArtifact = templateContent.findFile(path) match { case None => throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Template '$path' not found") case Some(template) => val templateOutput = new StringWriter val filePath = mergeString(context, toInPlaceFilePath(path)).replace(":", "/") val mustache = mf.compile(template.content) mustache.execute(templateOutput, StringFileArtifact(filePath, templateOutput.toString, template.mode, template.uniqueId) } override def mergeString(context: MergeContext, templateString: String): String = { val templateOutput = new StringWriter val mustache = mf.compile(templateString) mustache.execute(templateOutput, templateOutput.toString } private[template] def toInPlaceFilePath(path: String): String = { val extension = SupportedExtensions.find(extension => path.endsWith(s"_$extension")) if (extension.isDefined) path.dropRight(s"_${extension.get}".length) else path } }
Example 44
Source File: package.scala From temperature-machine with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package bad.robot import{File, PrintWriter, StringWriter} import cats.effect.IO import cats.syntax.either._ import io.circe._ import org.http4s.circe.{jsonEncoderWithPrinterOf, jsonOf} import io.circe.parser._ import org.http4s.{EntityDecoder, EntityEncoder} import scalaz.\/ import scalaz.syntax.std.either._ package object temperature { type Degrees = Int // NB not implicit as this seems to clash with http4s implicits that are kicking around def jsonDecoder[A: Decoder]: EntityDecoder[IO, A] = jsonOf[IO, A] def jsonEncoder[A: Encoder]: EntityEncoder[IO, A] = jsonEncoderWithPrinterOf(spaces2PlatformSpecific) def encode[A: Encoder](a: A): Json = Encoder[A].apply(a) // deprecated def decodeAsDisjunction[A: Decoder](value: String): temperature.Error \/ A = { decode(value) .leftMap(error => ParseError(error.getMessage)) .disjunction } def stackTraceOf(error: Throwable): String = { val writer = new StringWriter() error.printStackTrace(new PrintWriter(writer)) writer.toString } private val eol = sys.props("line.separator") val spaces2PlatformSpecific = Printer( preserveOrder = true , dropNullValues = false , indent = " " , lbraceLeft = "" , lbraceRight = eol , rbraceLeft = eol , rbraceRight = "" , lbracketLeft = "" , lbracketRight = eol , rbracketLeft = eol , rbracketRight = "" , lrbracketsEmpty = "" , arrayCommaLeft = "" , arrayCommaRight = eol , objectCommaLeft = "" , objectCommaRight = eol , colonLeft = " " , colonRight = " " ) implicit class JsonOps(json: Json) { def spaces2ps: String = spaces2PlatformSpecific.pretty(json) } implicit class FileOps(file: File) { def /(child: String): File = new File(file, child) } }
Example 45
Source File: SequenceSink.scala From eel-sdk with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package io.eels.component.sequence import import com.univocity.parsers.csv.{CsvWriter, CsvWriterSettings} import io.eels.{Row, Sink, SinkWriter} import io.eels.schema.StructType import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path import{BytesWritable, IntWritable, SequenceFile} case class SequenceSink(path: Path)(implicit conf: Configuration) extends Sink { override def open(schema: StructType): SinkWriter = new SequenceSinkWriter(schema, path) class SequenceSinkWriter(schema: StructType, path: Path) extends SinkWriter { val writer = SequenceFile.createWriter(conf, SequenceFile.Writer.file(path), SequenceFile.Writer.keyClass(classOf[IntWritable]), SequenceFile.Writer.valueClass(classOf[BytesWritable]) ) val key = new IntWritable(0) val headers = valuesToCsv(schema.fieldNames()) writer.append(key, new BytesWritable(headers.getBytes)) override def close(): Unit = writer.close() override def write(row: Row): Unit = { this.synchronized { val csv = valuesToCsv(row.values) writer.append(key, new BytesWritable(csv.getBytes())) key.set(key.get() + 1) } } private def valuesToCsv(values: Seq[Any]): String = { val swriter = new StringWriter() val csv = new CsvWriter(swriter, new CsvWriterSettings()) csv.writeRow( { case null => null case other => other.toString }: _*) csv.close() swriter.toString().trim() } } }
Example 46
Source File: PersistentActorWithNotifications.scala From reliable-http-client with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package rhttpc.akkapersistence.impl import{PrintWriter, StringWriter} import{ActorLogging, ActorRef} import akka.persistence._ private[akkapersistence] trait PersistentActorWithNotifications { this: AbstractSnapshotter with ActorLogging => override def persistenceId: String = SnapshotsRegistry.persistenceId(persistenceCategory, id) protected def persistenceCategory: String protected def id: String private var listenersForSnapshotSave: Map[Long, RecipientWithMsg] = Map.empty protected def deleteSnapshotsLogging(): Unit = { deleteSnapshotsLogging(None) } private def deleteSnapshotsLogging(maxSequenceNr: Option[Long]): Unit = { log.debug(s"Deleting all snapshots for $persistenceId until (inclusive): $maxSequenceNr...") deleteSnapshots(SnapshotSelectionCriteria(maxSequenceNr = maxSequenceNr.getOrElse(Int.MaxValue))) } protected def saveSnapshotNotifying(snapshot: Any, sequenceNr: Long, listener: Option[RecipientWithMsg]): Unit = { log.debug(s"Saving snapshot for $persistenceId with sequenceNr: $sequenceNr: $snapshot ...") listener.foreach { listener => listenersForSnapshotSave += sequenceNr -> listener } saveSnapshotWithSeqNr(snapshot, sequenceNr) } protected val handleSnapshotEvents: Receive = { case SaveSnapshotSuccess(metadata) => log.debug(s"State saved for: $metadata") deleteSnapshotsLogging(Some(metadata.sequenceNr-1)) replyToListenerForSaveIfWaiting(metadata) case DeleteSnapshotsSuccess(criteria) => log.debug(s"Snapshots with criteria: $criteria deleted") case SaveSnapshotFailure(metadata, cause) => log.error(cause, s"State save failure for: $metadata") case DeleteSnapshotsFailure(criteria, cause) => log.warning(s"Delete snapshots with criteria failure: $criteria.\nError: ${printStackTrace(cause)}") } private def printStackTrace(cause: Throwable): String = { val stringWriter = new StringWriter() val printWriter = new PrintWriter(stringWriter) cause.printStackTrace(printWriter) stringWriter.toString } private def replyToListenerForSaveIfWaiting(metadata: SnapshotMetadata): Unit = { listenersForSnapshotSave.get(metadata.sequenceNr).foreach { listener => listener.reply() listenersForSnapshotSave -= metadata.sequenceNr } } } class RecipientWithMsg(recipient: ActorRef, msg: Any) { def reply() = recipient ! msg }
Example 47
Source File: TypeExpansionHarness.scala From Converter with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
package org.scalablytyped.converter.internal package ts import import com.olvind.logging import com.olvind.logging.Logger import org.scalablytyped.converter.Selection import org.scalablytyped.converter.internal.importer.Phase1ReadTypescript import org.scalablytyped.converter.internal.ts.parser.TsParser import org.scalablytyped.converter.internal.ts.transforms.SetCodePath import scala.reflect.ClassTag import scala.util.control.NonFatal trait TypeExpansionHarness { val parser = new TsParser(None) val libName = TsIdentLibrarySimple("testing") def Transformations(logger: Logger[Unit]): List[TsParsedFile => TsParsedFile] = Phase1ReadTypescript.Pipeline( scope = TsTreeScope(libName, pedantic = true, Map(), logger), libName = libName, expandTypeMappings = Selection.All, involvesReact = true, ) def run(input: String): TsParsedFile = { val parsed = parser(input).get val logger = logging.stringWriter() val withCodePath = SetCodePath.visitTsParsedFile(CodePath.HasPath(libName, TsQIdent.empty))(parsed) try Transformations(logger.void).foldLeft(withCodePath) { case (acc, f) => f(acc) } catch { case NonFatal(th) => println(logger.underlying.toString) throw th } } implicit class Extractor(x: TsParsedFile) { def extract[T: ClassTag](name: String): T = x.membersByName.get(TsIdentSimple(name)) match { case Some(ofName) => val ofType = ofName.collectFirst { case x: T => x } ofType match { case Some(found) => found case None => sys.error(s"Could not find ${implicitly[ClassTag[T]].runtimeClass} among $ofType") } case None => sys.error(s"No member with name $name among ${x.membersByName.keys}") } } }
Example 48
Source File: package.scala From Converter with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
package com.olvind import{StringWriter, Writer} import com.olvind.logging.Logger.{AppendableLogger, Stored, StoringLogger, WriterLogger} import fansi.Str package object logging { type Ctx = Map[Str, Str] private[logging] val emptyContext: Ctx = Map.empty def stdout: Logger[Unit] = appendable(System.out).void def appendable[A <: Appendable]( appendable: A, pattern: Pattern = Pattern.default, ctx: Ctx = emptyContext, ): Logger[A] = new AppendableLogger(appendable, pattern, ctx) def writer[W <: Writer]( writer: W = System.out, pattern: Pattern = Pattern.default, ctx: Ctx = emptyContext, ): Logger[W] = new WriterLogger(new AppendableLogger(writer, pattern, ctx)) def stringWriter(pattern: Pattern = Pattern.default, ctx: Ctx = emptyContext): Logger[StringWriter] = writer(new StringWriter) def storing(ctx: Ctx = emptyContext): Logger[Array[Stored]] = new StoringLogger(new Logger.Store, ctx) }
Example 49
Source File: Pattern.scala From Converter with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
package com.olvind.logging import{File, PrintWriter, StringWriter} import fansi.{Color, EscapeAttr, Str} import sourcecode.Text trait Pattern { def apply[T: Formatter](t: => Text[T], throwable: Option[Throwable], metadata: Metadata, ctx: Ctx): Str } object Pattern { def prefixFor(l: LogLevel): String = f"[${}%-5s]" @inline def colorFor(l: LogLevel): EscapeAttr = l.level match { case LogLevel.trace.level => Color.Reset case LogLevel.debug.level => Color.Green case => Color.Blue case LogLevel.warn.level => Color.Yellow case LogLevel.error.level => Color.Red } @inline def subtleColorFor(l: LogLevel): EscapeAttr = l.level match { case LogLevel.trace.level => Color.Reset case LogLevel.debug.level => Color.LightGreen case => Color.LightBlue case LogLevel.warn.level => Color.LightYellow case LogLevel.error.level => Color.LightRed } def formatThrowable(th: Throwable): String = { val sw = new StringWriter() val pw = new PrintWriter(sw) th.printStackTrace(pw) sw.toString } object default extends Pattern { override def apply[T: Formatter](t: => Text[T], throwable: Option[Throwable], m: Metadata, ctx: Ctx): Str = { val Color = colorFor(m.logLevel) val Subtle = subtleColorFor(m.logLevel) val source = if (t.source.startsWith("\"") || t.source.startsWith("s\"")) "" else t.source Str.join( Color(prefixFor(m.logLevel)), " ", Subtle(m.instant.toString), " ", Subtle(Formatter(new File(m.file.value))), ":", Subtle(Formatter(m.line.value)), " ", Color(source), " ", Color(Formatter(t.value)), " ", Subtle(Formatter(ctx)), throwable match { case None => "" case Some(th) => Subtle(formatThrowable(th)) }, ) } } }
Example 50
Source File: package.scala From zio-metrics with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package zio.metrics.prometheus import zio.{ Has, Layer, Task, ZLayer } import io.prometheus.client.CollectorRegistry import io.prometheus.client.exporter.{ HTTPServer, PushGateway } import io.prometheus.client.bridge.Graphite import io.prometheus.client.exporter.common.TextFormat import io.prometheus.client.exporter.HttpConnectionFactory import io.prometheus.client.exporter.BasicAuthHttpConnectionFactory import io.prometheus.client.hotspot.DefaultExports import import package object exporters { type Exporters = Has[Exporters.Service] object Exporters { trait Service { def http(r: CollectorRegistry, port: Int): Task[HTTPServer] def graphite(r: CollectorRegistry, host: String, port: Int, intervalSeconds: Int): Task[Thread] def pushGateway( r: CollectorRegistry, hots: String, port: Int, jobName: String, user: Option[String], password: Option[String], httpConnectionFactory: Option[HttpConnectionFactory] ): Task[Unit] def write004(r: CollectorRegistry): Task[String] def initializeDefaultExports(r: CollectorRegistry): Task[Unit] } val live: Layer[Nothing, Exporters] = ZLayer.succeed(new Service { def http(r: CollectorRegistry, port: Int): zio.Task[HTTPServer] = Task { new HTTPServer(new InetSocketAddress(port), r) } def graphite(r: CollectorRegistry, host: String, port: Int, intervalSeconds: Int): Task[Thread] = Task { val g = new Graphite(host, port) g.start(r, intervalSeconds) } def pushGateway( r: CollectorRegistry, host: String, port: Int, jobName: String, user: Option[String], password: Option[String], httpConnectionFactory: Option[HttpConnectionFactory] ): Task[Unit] = Task { val pg = new PushGateway(s"$host:$port") if (user.isDefined) for { u <- user p <- password } yield pg.setConnectionFactory(new BasicAuthHttpConnectionFactory(u, p)) else if (httpConnectionFactory.isDefined) for { conn <- httpConnectionFactory } yield pg.setConnectionFactory(conn) pg.pushAdd(r, jobName) } def write004(r: CollectorRegistry): Task[String] = Task { val writer = new StringWriter TextFormat.write004(writer, r.metricFamilySamples) writer.toString } def initializeDefaultExports(r: CollectorRegistry): Task[Unit] = Task(DefaultExports.initialize()) }) def stopHttp(server: HTTPServer): Task[Unit] = Task(server.stop()) } }
Example 51
Source File: SerializedException.scala From ArchiveSpark with MIT License | 5 votes |
package org.archive.archivespark.util import{PrintWriter, StringWriter} case class SerializedException (exception: String, message: String, stackTrace: String) { def print(): Unit = { println(exception + ": " + message) println(stackTrace) } } object SerializedException { def apply(ex: Exception): SerializedException = { val stackTrace = new StringWriter() ex.printStackTrace(new PrintWriter(stackTrace)) new SerializedException(ex.getClass.getCanonicalName, ex.getMessage, stackTrace.toString) } }
Example 52
Source File: Interpreter.scala From sjsonnet with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package sjsonnet import{PrintWriter, StringWriter} import fastparse.Parsed import sjsonnet.Expr.Params class Interpreter(parseCache: collection.mutable.Map[String, fastparse.Parsed[(Expr, Map[String, Int])]], extVars: Map[String, ujson.Value], tlaVars: Map[String, ujson.Value], wd: Path, importer: (Path, String) => Option[(Path, String)], preserveOrder: Boolean = false) { val evaluator = new Evaluator( parseCache, extVars, wd, importer, preserveOrder ) def interpret(txt: String, path: Path): Either[String, ujson.Value] = { interpret0(txt, path, ujson.Value) } def interpret0[T](txt: String, path: Path, visitor: upickle.core.Visitor[T, T]): Either[String, T] = { for{ res <- parseCache.getOrElseUpdate(txt, fastparse.parse(txt, Parser.document(_))) match{ case f @ Parsed.Failure(l, i, e) => Left("Parse error: " + f.trace().msg) case Parsed.Success(r, index) => Right(r) } (parsed, nameIndices) = res _ = evaluator.loadedFileContents(path) = txt res0 <- try Right( evaluator.visitExpr(parsed)( Std.scope(nameIndices.size + 1), new FileScope(path, nameIndices) ) ) catch{case e: Throwable => val s = new StringWriter() val p = new PrintWriter(s) e.printStackTrace(p) p.close() Left(s.toString.replace("\t", " ")) } res = res0 match{ case f: Val.Func => f.copy(params = Params({ case (k, default, i) => (k, tlaVars.get(k) match{ case None => default case Some(v) => Some(Materializer.toExpr(v)) }, i) })) case x => x } json <- try Right(Materializer.apply0(res, visitor)(evaluator)) catch{ case Error.Delegate(msg) => Left(msg) case e: Throwable => val s = new StringWriter() val p = new PrintWriter(s) e.printStackTrace(p) p.close() Left(s.toString.replace("\t", " ")) } } yield json } }
Example 53
Source File: Utilities.scala From project-matt with MIT License | 5 votes |
package import org.apache.tika.Tika import org.apache.tika.metadata.Metadata import{BufferedInputStream, IOException, InputStream, StringWriter} import import org.xml.sax.SAXException import org.apache.tika.exception.TikaException import org.apache.tika.metadata.serialization.JsonMetadata import org.apache.tika.parser.{AutoDetectParser, ParseContext} import org.apache.tika.parser.pkg.CompressorParser import org.apache.tika.sax.BodyContentHandler object Utilities { private val MAX_STRING_LENGTH = 2147483647 private val tika = new Tika() tika.setMaxStringLength(MAX_STRING_LENGTH) @throws(classOf[IOException]) @throws(classOf[SAXException]) @throws(classOf[TikaException]) def getParsePlainStream(inputStream: InputStream): String = { val autoDetectParser = new AutoDetectParser() val bodyContentHandler = new BodyContentHandler(MAX_STRING_LENGTH) val fileMetadata = new Metadata() if ( == -1) { return "Could not scan inputStream less than 0 bytes" } autoDetectParser.parse(inputStream, bodyContentHandler, fileMetadata) bodyContentHandler.toString } @throws(classOf[IOException]) @throws(classOf[SAXException]) @throws(classOf[TikaException]) def getParseCompressedStream(inputStream: InputStream) = { var inputStream = myStream if(!inputStream.markSupported()) { inputStream = new BufferedInputStream(inputStream) } inputStream.mark(2) var magicBytes = 0 try { magicBytes = & 0xff | (( << 8) & 0xff00) inputStream.reset() } catch { case ioe: IOException => ioe.printStackTrace() } magicBytes == GZIPInputStream.GZIP_MAGIC } } case class And[A]( p1: A=>Boolean, p2: A=>Boolean ) extends (A=>Boolean) { def apply( a: A ) = p1(a) && p2(a) } case class Or[A]( p1: A=>Boolean, p2: A=>Boolean ) extends (A=>Boolean) { def apply( a: A ) = p1(a) || p2(a) }
Example 54
Source File: MetricsService.scala From finagle-prometheus with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.samstarling.prometheusfinagle.metrics import import com.twitter.finagle.Service import com.twitter.finagle.http.{Request, Response, Status} import com.twitter.util.Future import io.prometheus.client.CollectorRegistry import io.prometheus.client.exporter.common.TextFormat class MetricsService(registry: CollectorRegistry) extends Service[Request, Response] { override def apply(request: Request): Future[Response] = { val writer = new StringWriter TextFormat.write004(writer, registry.metricFamilySamples()) val response = Response(request.version, Status.Ok) response.setContentString(writer.toString) Future(response) } }
Example 55
Source File: GatherActor.scala From typebus with MIT License | 5 votes |
package io.surfkit.typebus.actors import{PrintWriter, StringWriter} import java.time.Instant import java.util.UUID import import akka.cluster.Cluster import akka.util.Timeout import io.surfkit.typebus.bus.Publisher import io.surfkit.typebus.{AvroByteStreams, ByteStreamReader, ByteStreamWriter} import io.surfkit.typebus.event._ import scala.reflect.ClassTag import scala.util.Try object GatherActor{ //def props[T, U](producer: Publisher[T], timeout: Timeout, writer: ByteStreamWriter[T], reader: ByteStreamReader[U]): Props = Props(classOf[GatherActor[T, U]], producer, timeout, writer) class GatherActor[T : ClassTag, U : ClassTag](serviceIdentifier: ServiceIdentifier, producer: Publisher, timeout: Timeout, writer: ByteStreamWriter[T], reader: ByteStreamReader[U]) extends Actor with ActorLogging with AvroByteStreams{ implicit val system = context.system import system.dispatcher val cluster = Cluster(context.system) val correlationId = UUID.randomUUID().toString log.debug(s"adding http actor ${self.path.toStringWithoutAddress}") def clusterPath = s"${cluster.selfAddress}${self.path.toStringWithoutAddress}" var replyTo:ActorRef = null val cancel = context.system.scheduler.scheduleOnce(timeout.duration){ log.warning("GatherActor timeout ... shutting down!") context.stop(self) } def receive = { case msg: GatherActor.Request[T] => replyTo = context.sender() val meta = EventMeta( eventId = UUID.randomUUID().toString, eventType = EventType.parse(, directReply = Some(RpcClient(clusterPath, serviceIdentifier)), correlationId = Some(correlationId) ) try {"[GatherActor] publish ${}") val outEvent = PublishedEvent( meta = meta, payload = writer.write( ) producer.publish(outEvent) producer.traceEvent(OutEventTrace(producer.serviceIdentifier, outEvent), outEvent.meta) }catch{ case t:Exception => producer.produceErrorReport(t,meta) cancel.cancel() context.stop(self) } case x:PublishedEvent =>"GatherActor got reply.... ${x.meta.eventType}") try{"GatherActor try to deserialize reader: ${reader} for type: ${x.meta.eventType}") val responsePayload = Try( ) replyTo ! responsePayload producer.traceEvent(InEventTrace(producer.serviceIdentifier, x), x.meta) }catch{ case t: Throwable => t.printStackTrace() val tType = scala.reflect.classTag[T].runtimeClass.getCanonicalName log.error(s"Gather actor failed to reply for response: ${tType}", t) replyTo ! producer.produceErrorReport(t, x.meta) }finally { cancel.cancel() context.stop(self) } case x => log.warning(s"GatherActor got Wrong message type ${x.getClass.getSimpleName}") cancel.cancel() context.stop(self) } override def postStop() { log.debug(s"GatherActor ACTOR STOP !!! ${self.path.toStringWithoutAddress}") } }
Example 56
Source File: GeneralFunctions.scala From spark-bench with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import import scala.util.{Failure, Random, Success, Try} object GeneralFunctions { val any2Long: (Any) => Long = { case x: Number => x.longValue case x => x.toString.toLong } private def defaultFn[A](any: Any): A = any.asInstanceOf[A] private[utils] def tryWithDefault[A](a: Any, default: A, func: Any => A): A = Try(func(a)) match { case Success(b) => b case Failure(_) => default } def getOrDefaultOpt[A](opt: Option[Any], default: A, func: Any => A = defaultFn[A](_: Any)): A = {, default, func)).getOrElse(default) } def getOrDefault[A](map: Map[String, Any], name: String, default: A, func: Any => A = defaultFn[A](_: Any)): A = { getOrDefaultOpt(map.get(name), default, func) } def time[R](block: => R): (Long, R) = { val t0 = System.nanoTime() val result = block // call-by-name val t1 = System.nanoTime() (t1 - t0, result) } // def ccToMap(cc: AnyRef): Map[String, Any] = (Map[String, Any]() /: cc.getClass.getDeclaredFields) { (a, f) => f.setAccessible(true) a + (f.getName -> f.get(cc)) } def verifyOrThrow[A]( m: Map[String, Any], key: String, whatItShouldBe: A, errorMessage: String): A = m.get(key) match { case None => throw SparkBenchException(s"Required key not found: $key") case Some(`whatItShouldBe`) => whatItShouldBe.asInstanceOf[A] case _ => throw SparkBenchException(errorMessage) } def getOrThrow[A](opt: Option[A], msg: String = "Empty option"): A = opt match { case Some(x) => x case _ => throw SparkBenchException(s"Error: $msg") } def getOrThrow(m: Map[String, Any], key: String): Any = getOrThrow(m.get(key)) def getOrThrowT[T](m: Map[String, Any], key: String): T = getOrThrow(m.get(key)).asInstanceOf[T] def optionallyGet[A](m: Map[String, Any], key: String): Option[A] = m.get(key).map { any => any.asInstanceOf[A] } def stringifyStackTrace(e: Throwable): String = { import val sw = new StringWriter() val pw = new PrintWriter(sw) e.printStackTrace(pw) sw.toString } def randomLong(max: Long): Long = { val start = 0L (start + (Random.nextDouble() * (max - start) + start)).toLong } }
Example 57
Source File: TnCmd.scala From TopNotch with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.bfm.topnotch.tnengine import{PrintWriter, StringWriter} import org.json4s._ import org.json4s.native.Serialization import org.json4s.native.Serialization.writePretty /** * A command for TnEngine to run */ abstract class TnCmd { val outputKey: String /** Whether to cache the resulting dataframe in memory. This should be a boolean defaulting to false, * but json4s has a problem with default values other than None for option. Change it to a default value if json4s * solves the bug. */ val cache: Option[Boolean] val outputPath: Option[String] /** If writing the output in hdfs, the name of the table to mount, otherwise none. Note: this will be ignored if * outputPath is not specified. */ val tableName: Option[String] implicit val formats = Serialization.formats(NoTypeHints) /** * Overriding toString to making output of unit tests that have cmds in error logs easier to understand */ override def toString = writePretty(this) } /** * The input to a command * @param ref The reference to the data set, either the path on hdfs or the name in the lookup table * @param onDisk Whether the input data set is stored on disk * @param delimiter The delimiter for plain text, delimited files. Leave to empty string for parquet. */ case class Input(ref: String, onDisk: Boolean, delimiter: Option[String] = None) /** * The strings used for converting a config file into a TnCmd */ object TnCmdStrings { val ioNamespace = "io" val commandListStr = "commands" val writerStr = "writer" val commandStr = "command" val paramsStr = "params" val externalParamsStr = "externalParamsFile" val outputKeyStr = "outputKey" val writeToDiskStr = "writeToDisk" val outputPathStr = "outputPath" } /** * The class indicating that there was at least one error in the configuration for this command * @param cmdString The JSON string for the command. * @param errorStr The errors encountered in creating this command. * @param cmdIdx The index of the command in the plan that failed * @param outputKey This is meaningless in this class. This exists only so that TnErrorCmd can extend TnCmd. * @param writeToDisk This is meaningless in this class. This exists only so that TnErrorCmd can extend TnCmd. * @param outputPath This is meaningless in this class. This exists only so that TnErrorCmd can extend TnCmd. */ case class TnErrorCmd ( cmdString: String, errorStr: String, cmdIdx: Int, outputKey: String = "", cache: Option[Boolean] = None, writeToDisk: Boolean = false, outputPath: Option[String] = None, tableName: Option[String] = None ) extends TnCmd { override def toString: String = { s"There was an error with the command in position ${cmdIdx} in its plan. The command was: \n ${cmdString} \n " + s"The message was: \n ${errorStr} \n\n END OF ERROR MESSAGE FOR COMMAND IN POSITION ${cmdIdx} \n\n" } } object TnErrorCmd { /** * Helper method for easily getting the stack trace of an exception as a string * @param e The exception * @return The exception's stack trace */ def getExceptionStackTrace(e: Exception): String = { val sw = new StringWriter e.printStackTrace(new PrintWriter(sw)) sw.toString } }
Example 58
Source File: VelocityUtils.scala From InteractiveGraph-neo4j with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License | 5 votes |
package org.grapheco.server.util import{File, FileOutputStream, StringWriter} import java.util.Properties import cn.pidb.blob.Blob import cn.pidb.engine.blob.{BlobIO, InlineBlob, RemoteBlob} import import import import org.neo4j.values.storable.{BlobValue, ValueWriter} import org.springframework.util.ClassUtils import scala.collection.JavaConversions import import object VelocityUtils { val pro = new Properties(); val toolManager = new ToolManager(); toolManager.configure("tools.xml"); pro.setProperty("input.encoding", "UTF-8"); pro.setProperty("output.encoding", "UTF-8"); val ve = new VelocityEngine(pro); val props = new Properties() props.put("runtime.log.logsystem.class", "org.apache.velocity.runtime.log.SimpleLog4JLogSystem") props.put("runtime.log.logsystem.log4j.category", "velocity") props.put("runtime.log.logsystem.log4j.logger", "velocity") ve.init(props) def parse(expr: String, context: Map[String, Any]): Any = { val vc = toolManager.createContext(); val writer = new StringWriter(); context.foreach(kv => vc.put(kv._1, //is a scala Map? if (kv._2.isInstanceOf[Map[_, _]]) { JavaConversions.mapAsJavaMap(kv._2.asInstanceOf[Map[_, _]]) } else { kv._2 })); try { if (expr.startsWith("=")) { val expr1 = expr.substring(1); ve.evaluate(vc, writer, "", s"#set($$__VAR=$expr1)"); var value = vc.get("__VAR"); //if is a blob if(value.isInstanceOf[Blob]){ //get blob var result:String = "" try { val data = value.asInstanceOf[Blob].toBytes() val path = ClassUtils.getDefaultClassLoader.getResource("").getPath.replace("/WEB-INF/classes","") + "static/" val tool = new FileSystemTool() result = tool.filesave(data,path, System.currentTimeMillis.toString+".jpg") } catch{ case e:Throwable => print(e.toString) } //TODO url return "http://localhost:9999/graphserver/static/"+result } return value } else { ve.evaluate(vc, writer, "", expr); writer.getBuffer.toString.trim } } catch { case e: Throwable => throw new WrongExpressionException(expr, e); } } } class WrongExpressionException(msg: String, e: Throwable) extends RuntimeException(msg, e) { } @DefaultKey("fileTool") class FileSystemTool { def exists(path: String) = new File(path).exists(); @throws[IOException] def filesave(file: Array[Byte], filePath: String, fileName: String): String = { //目标目录 val targetfile = new File(filePath) if (!targetfile.exists) targetfile.mkdirs //二进制流写入 val out = new FileOutputStream(filePath + fileName) out.write(file) out.flush() out.close() return fileName } }
Example 59
Source File: ScalaObjectHandlerTest.scala From fintrospect with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package io.fintrospect.templating import{StringReader, StringWriter} import java.util.concurrent.Callable import com.github.mustachejava.DefaultMustacheFactory import org.scalatest.{FunSpec, Matchers} class ScalaObjectHandlerTest extends FunSpec with Matchers { describe("ScalaObjectHandler") { it("maps") { render("{{#map}}{{test}}{{test2}}{{/map}}", Map("map" -> Map("test" -> "fred"))) shouldBe "fred" } it("handler") { val model = new { val list = Seq(new { lazy val optionalHello = Some("Hello") val futureWorld = new Callable[String] { def call(): String = "world" } val test = true val num = 0 }, new { val optionalHello = Some("Goodbye") val futureWorld = new Callable[String] { def call(): String = "thanks for all the fish" } lazy val test = false val map = Map("value" -> "test") val num = 1 }) } render("{{#list}}{{optionalHello}}, {{futureWorld}}!" + "{{#test}}?{{/test}}{{^test}}!{{/test}}{{#num}}?{{/num}}{{^num}}!{{/num}}" + "{{#map}}{{value}}{{/map}}\n{{/list}}", model) shouldBe "Hello, world!?!\nGoodbye, thanks for all the fish!!?test\n" } it("steams") { val model = new { val stream = Stream( new { val value = "hello" }, new { val value = "world" }) } render("{{#stream}}{{value}}{{/stream}}", model) shouldBe "helloworld" } it("unit") { val model = new { val test = if (false) "test" } render("{{test}}", model) shouldBe "" } it("options") { val model = new { val foo = Some("Hello") val bar = None } render("{{foo}}{{bar}}", model) shouldBe "Hello" } } private def render(template: String, model: Any): String = { val mf = new DefaultMustacheFactory() mf.setObjectHandler(new ScalaObjectHandler) val m = mf.compile(new StringReader(template), "name") val sw = new StringWriter m.execute(sw, model).close() sw.toString } }
Example 60
Source File: CsvRowsOps.scala From kantan.csv with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package kantan.csv package ops import engine.WriterEngine import def asCsv(conf: CsvConfiguration)(implicit e: WriterEngine): String = { val out = new StringWriter() CsvWriter(out, conf).write(as).close() out.toString } } trait ToCsvRowsOps { implicit def toCsvRowsOps[A: HeaderEncoder](as: IterableOnce[A]): CsvRowsOps[A] = new CsvRowsOps(as) } object csvRows extends ToCsvRowsOps
Example 61
Source File: CsvRowsOps.scala From kantan.csv with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package kantan.csv package ops import engine.WriterEngine import def asCsv(conf: CsvConfiguration)(implicit e: WriterEngine): String = { val out = new StringWriter() CsvWriter(out, conf).write(as).close() out.toString } } trait ToCsvRowsOps { implicit def toCsvRowsOps[A: HeaderEncoder](as: TraversableOnce[A]): CsvRowsOps[A] = new CsvRowsOps(as) } object csvRows extends ToCsvRowsOps
Example 62
Source File: RawJson.scala From tethys with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package tethys.commons import import tethys.readers.FieldName import tethys.readers.tokens.TokenIterator import tethys.writers.tokens.{TokenWriter, TokenWriterProducer} import tethys.{JsonReader, JsonStreaming, JsonWriter} final case class RawJson(json: String) object RawJson { implicit val rawJsonWriter: JsonWriter[RawJson] = new JsonWriter[RawJson] { override def write(value: RawJson, tokenWriter: TokenWriter): Unit = tokenWriter.writeRawJson(value.json) } implicit def rawJsonReader(implicit tokenWriterProducer: TokenWriterProducer): JsonReader[RawJson] = new JsonReader[RawJson] { override def read(it: TokenIterator)(implicit fieldName: FieldName): RawJson = { val stringWriter = new StringWriter() val tokenWriter: TokenWriter = tokenWriterProducer.forWriter(stringWriter) JsonStreaming.streamValue(it, tokenWriter) tokenWriter.flush() RawJson(stringWriter.toString) } } }
Example 63
Source File: package.scala From tethys with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
import{Reader, StringReader, StringWriter, Writer} import tethys.readers.{FieldName, ReaderError} import tethys.readers.tokens.{TokenIterator, TokenIteratorProducer} import tethys.writers.tokens.{TokenWriter, TokenWriterProducer} import scala.Specializable.Group package object tethys { final val specializations = new Group((Short, Int, Long, Float, Double, Boolean)) implicit class JsonWriterOps[A](val a: A) extends AnyVal { def asJson(implicit jsonWriter: JsonWriter[A], tokenWriterProducer: TokenWriterProducer): String = { val stringWriter = new StringWriter() writeJson(tokenWriterProducer.forWriter(stringWriter)) stringWriter.toString } def asJsonWith(jsonWriter: JsonWriter[A])(implicit tokenWriterProducer: TokenWriterProducer): String = { asJson(jsonWriter, tokenWriterProducer) } def writeJson(tokenWriter: TokenWriter)(implicit jsonWriter: JsonWriter[A]): Unit = { try jsonWriter.write(a, tokenWriter) finally { tokenWriter.flush() } } } implicit class WriterOps(val w: Writer) extends AnyVal { def toTokenWriter(implicit tokenWriterProducer: TokenWriterProducer): TokenWriter = tokenWriterProducer.forWriter(w) } implicit class StringReaderOps(val json: String) extends AnyVal { def jsonAs[A](implicit jsonReader: JsonReader[A], producer: TokenIteratorProducer): Either[ReaderError, A] = { new StringReader(json).readJson[A] } def toTokenIterator(implicit producer: TokenIteratorProducer): Either[ReaderError, TokenIterator] = { new StringReader(json).toTokenIterator } } implicit class ReaderReaderOps(val reader: Reader) extends AnyVal { def readJson[A](implicit jsonReader: JsonReader[A], producer: TokenIteratorProducer): Either[ReaderError, A] = { implicit val root: FieldName = FieldName() producer.fromReader(reader).right.flatMap(_.readJson[A]) } def readJsonWith[A](jsonReader: JsonReader[A])(implicit producer: TokenIteratorProducer): Either[ReaderError, A] = { readJson[A](jsonReader, producer) } def toTokenIterator(implicit producer: TokenIteratorProducer): Either[ReaderError, TokenIterator] = { producer.fromReader(reader) } } implicit class TokenIteratorOps(val tokenIterator: TokenIterator) extends AnyVal { def readJson[A](implicit jsonReader: JsonReader[A]): Either[ReaderError, A] = { implicit val fieldName: FieldName = FieldName() ReaderError.catchNonFatal( } } }
Example 64
Source File: JacksonTokenWriterTest.scala From tethys with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package tethys.jackson import import org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers import org.scalatest.flatspec.AnyFlatSpec import tethys._ import tethys.writers.tokens.TokenWriter class JacksonTokenWriterTest extends AnyFlatSpec with Matchers { def iterate(fun: (TokenWriter) => Unit): String = { val sw = new StringWriter() val tokenWriter = sw.toTokenWriter fun(tokenWriter) tokenWriter.close() sw.toString } behavior of "JacksonTokenWriter" it should "write String value" in { iterate(_.writeString("string")) shouldBe """"string"""" } it should "write Short value" in { iterate(_.writeNumber(1: Short)) shouldBe """1""" } it should "write Int value" in { iterate(_.writeNumber(1: Int)) shouldBe """1""" } it should "write Long value" in { iterate(_.writeNumber(1: Long)) shouldBe """1""" } it should "write Float value" in { iterate(_.writeNumber(1: Float)) shouldBe """1.0""" } it should "write Double value" in { iterate(_.writeNumber(1: Double)) shouldBe """1.0""" } it should "write BitInt value" in { iterate(_.writeNumber(1: BigInt)) shouldBe """1""" } it should "write BigDecimal value" in { iterate(_.writeNumber(1: BigDecimal)) shouldBe """1""" } it should "write true value" in { iterate(_.writeBoolean(true)) shouldBe """true""" } it should "write false value" in { iterate(_.writeBoolean(false)) shouldBe """false""" } it should "write null value" in { iterate(_.writeNull()) shouldBe """null""" } it should "write object structure" in { iterate(_.writeObjectStart().writeObjectEnd()) shouldBe """{}""" } it should "write array structure" in { iterate(_.writeArrayStart().writeArrayEnd()) shouldBe """[]""" } it should "write raw json" in { iterate(_.writeRawJson("""{"some" : "raw json"}""")) shouldBe """{"some" : "raw json"}""" } it should "write complex object structure" in { iterate { _.writeObjectStart() .writeFieldName("a") .writeNumber(1) .writeFieldName("b") .writeArrayStart() .writeString("s") .writeRawJson("false") .writeBoolean(true) .writeObjectStart() .writeFieldName("a") .writeNull() .writeObjectEnd() .writeArrayEnd() .writeFieldName("c") .writeRawJson("""{"some" : "raw json"}""") .writeObjectEnd() } shouldBe """{"a":1,"b":["s",false,true,{"a":null}],"c":{"some" : "raw json"}}""" } }
Example 65
Source File: BsonInputOutputBenchmark.scala From scala-commons with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.avsystem.commons package mongo import import java.nio.ByteBuffer import com.avsystem.commons.rpc.akka.serialization.{Nested, Something} import import org.bson.json.{JsonReader, JsonWriter} import org.bson.{BsonBinaryReader, BsonBinaryWriter, BsonDocument, BsonDocumentReader, BsonDocumentWriter, BsonReader, BsonValue, BsonWriter} import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.{Benchmark, BenchmarkMode, Fork, Measurement, Mode, Scope, State, Warmup} @Warmup(iterations = 10) @Measurement(iterations = 20) @Fork(1) @BenchmarkMode(Array(Mode.Throughput)) @State(Scope.Thread) class BsonInputOutputBenchmark { private val something = Something(42, Nested(List(4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42, 0), 131), "lol") private val bytes = binaryEncode(something) private val doc = documentEncode(something) private val json = jsonEncode(something) def write(something: Something, bsonWriter: BsonWriter): Unit = { val output = new BsonWriterOutput(bsonWriter) Something.codec.write(output, something) } def binaryEncode(something: Something): Array[Byte] = { val bsonOutput = new BasicOutputBuffer() write(something, new BsonBinaryWriter(bsonOutput)) bsonOutput.toByteArray } def documentEncode(something: Something): BsonDocument = { val doc = new BsonDocument() write(something, new BsonDocumentWriter(doc)) doc } def jsonEncode(something: Something): String = { val stringWriter = new StringWriter() write(something, new JsonWriter(stringWriter)) stringWriter.toString } @Benchmark def binaryEncoding(): Array[Byte] = { binaryEncode(something) } @Benchmark def documentEncoding(): BsonDocument = { documentEncode(something) } @Benchmark def jsonEncoding(): String = { jsonEncode(something) } @Benchmark def valueEncoding(): BsonValue = { BsonValueOutput.write(something) } def read(bsonReader: BsonReader): Something = { val input = new BsonReaderInput(bsonReader) } @Benchmark def binaryDecoding(): Something = { read(new BsonBinaryReader(ByteBuffer.wrap(bytes))) } @Benchmark def documentDecoding(): Something = { read(new BsonDocumentReader(doc)) } @Benchmark def jsonDecoding(): Something = { read(new JsonReader(json)) } }
Example 66
Source File: AnalyzerRule.scala From scala-commons with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.avsystem.commons package analyzer import{PrintWriter, StringWriter} import import scala.util.control.NonFatal abstract class AnalyzerRule(val global: Global, val name: String, defaultLevel: Level = Level.Warn) { import global._ var level: Level = defaultLevel var argument: String = _ protected def classType(fullName: String): Type = try rootMirror.staticClass(fullName).asType.toType.erasure catch { case _: ScalaReflectionException => NoType } protected def analyzeTree(fun: PartialFunction[Tree, Unit])(tree: Tree): Unit = try fun.applyOrElse(tree, (_: Tree) => ()) catch { case NonFatal(t) => val sw = new StringWriter t.printStackTrace(new PrintWriter(sw)) reporter.error(tree.pos, s"Analyzer rule $this failed: " + sw.toString) } private def adjustMsg(msg: String): String = s"[AVS] $msg" protected def report(pos: Position, message: String): Unit = level match { case Level.Off => case Level.Info => reporter.echo(pos, adjustMsg(message)) case Level.Warn => reporter.warning(pos, adjustMsg(message)) case Level.Error => reporter.error(pos, adjustMsg(message)) } def analyze(unit: CompilationUnit): Unit override def toString: String = getClass.getSimpleName } sealed trait Level object Level { case object Off extends Level case object Info extends Level case object Warn extends Level case object Error extends Level }
Example 67
Source File: FormatActor.scala From scastie with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.olegych.scastie package sbt import api.{FormatRequest, FormatResponse, ScalaTarget} import import org.scalafmt.{Scalafmt, Formatted} import org.scalafmt.config.{ScalafmtConfig, ScalafmtRunner} import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory import{PrintWriter, StringWriter} class FormatActor() extends Actor { private val log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass) private def format(code: String, isWorksheetMode: Boolean, scalaTarget: ScalaTarget): Either[String, String] = {"format (isWorksheetMode: $isWorksheetMode)") val config = if (isWorksheetMode && scalaTarget.hasWorksheetMode) ScalafmtConfig.default.copy(runner = ScalafmtRunner.sbt) else ScalafmtConfig.default Scalafmt.format(code, style = config) match { case Formatted.Success(formattedCode) => Right(formattedCode) case Formatted.Failure(failure) => Left(failure.toString) } } override def receive: Receive = { case FormatRequest(code, isWorksheetMode, scalaTarget) => sender ! FormatResponse(format(code, isWorksheetMode, scalaTarget)) } }