java.nio.file.NoSuchFileException Scala Examples
The following examples show how to use java.nio.file.NoSuchFileException.
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Example 1
Source File: MavenCoordinatesListReaderIT.scala From exodus with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.wix.bazel.migrator.utils import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets import java.nio.file.{Files, NoSuchFileException, Path} import com.github.marschall.memoryfilesystem.MemoryFileSystemBuilder import import import org.specs2.mutable.SpecificationWithJUnit import org.specs2.specification.Scope //noinspection TypeAnnotation class MavenCoordinatesListReaderIT extends SpecificationWithJUnit{ "MavenCoordinatesListReader" should { "read file with coordinates" in new Ctx{ val coordinatesA = someCoordinates("a") val coordinatesB = someCoordinates("b") val fileContent = s"""${coordinatesA.serialized} |${coordinatesB.serialized}""".stripMargin val filePath:Path = fileWithContent(fileContent) MavenCoordinatesListReader.coordinatesIn(filePath) mustEqual Set(coordinatesA,coordinatesB) } "ignore empty line" in new Ctx{ val coordinatesA = someCoordinates("a") val coordinatesB = someCoordinates("b") val fileContent = s"""${coordinatesA.serialized} | |${coordinatesB.serialized}""".stripMargin val filePath:Path = fileWithContent(fileContent) MavenCoordinatesListReader.coordinatesIn(filePath) mustEqual Set(coordinatesA,coordinatesB) } "ignore preceding and trailing spaces" in new Ctx{ val coordinatesA = someCoordinates("a") val coordinatesB = someCoordinates("b") val fileContent = s" ${coordinatesA.serialized} " val filePath:Path = fileWithContent(fileContent) MavenCoordinatesListReader.coordinatesIn(filePath) mustEqual Set(coordinatesA) } "ignore lines that starts with #" in new Ctx{ val coordinatesA = someCoordinates("a") val coordinatesB = someCoordinates("b") val fileContent = s"""${coordinatesA.serialized} |#${coordinatesB.serialized}""".stripMargin val filePath:Path = fileWithContent(fileContent) MavenCoordinatesListReader.coordinatesIn(filePath) mustEqual Set(coordinatesA) } "throw exception in case file is missing" in new Ctx{ MavenCoordinatesListReader.coordinatesIn(fs.getPath("non-existing-file")) must throwA[NoSuchFileException] } } trait Ctx extends Scope{ val fs = MemoryFileSystemBuilder.newLinux().build() def fileWithContent(content:String):Path = { val path = Files.createTempFile(fs.getPath("/"),"",".txt") Files.write(path, content.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8)) } } }
Example 2
Source File: ScriptManagerTest.scala From codepropertygraph with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package io.shiftleft.console.scripting import better.files.File import cats.effect.IO import org.scalatest.{Inside, Matchers, WordSpec} import io.shiftleft.codepropertygraph.Cpg import io.shiftleft.console.scripting.ScriptManager.{ScriptCollections, ScriptDescription, ScriptDescriptions} import java.nio.file.{FileSystemNotFoundException, NoSuchFileException, Path} import import scala.util.Try class ScriptManagerTest extends WordSpec with Matchers with Inside { private object TestScriptExecutor extends AmmoniteExecutor { override protected def predef: String = "" override def runScript(scriptPath: Path, parameters: Map[String, String], cpg: Cpg): IO[Any] = IO.fromTry( Try { val source = Source.fromFile(scriptPath.toFile) val result = source.getLines.mkString(System.lineSeparator()) source.close() result } ) } private object TestScriptManager extends ScriptManager(TestScriptExecutor) protected val DEFAULT_CPG_NAME: String = { if (File(".").name == "console") { (File("..") / "resources" / "testcode" / "cpgs" / "method" / "").pathAsString } else { (File("resources") / "testcode" / "cpgs" / "method" / "").pathAsString } } def withScriptManager(f: ScriptManager => Unit): Unit = { f(TestScriptManager) } "listing scripts" should { "be correct" in withScriptManager { scriptManager => val scripts = scriptManager.scripts() val expected = List( ScriptCollections("general", ScriptDescriptions( "A collection of general purpose scripts.", List(ScriptDescription("", "Lists all functions.")) )), ScriptCollections("java", ScriptDescriptions( "A collection of java-specific scripts.", List(ScriptDescription("", "Lists all shiftleft namespaces.")) )), ScriptCollections("general/general_plus", ScriptDescriptions( "Even more general purpose scripts.", List.empty )) ) scripts should contain theSameElementsAs expected } } "running scripts" should { "be correct when explicitly specifying a CPG" in withScriptManager { scriptManager => val expected = """|@main def main() = { | |}""".stripMargin scriptManager.runScript("general/", Map.empty, Cpg.emptyCpg) shouldBe expected } "be correct when specifying a CPG filename" in withScriptManager { scriptManager => val expected = """|@main def main() = { | |}""".stripMargin scriptManager.runScript("general/", Map.empty, DEFAULT_CPG_NAME) shouldBe expected } "throw an exception if the specified CPG can not be found" in withScriptManager { scriptManager => intercept[FileSystemNotFoundException] { scriptManager.runScript("general/", Map.empty, "") } } "throw an exception if the specified script can not be found" in withScriptManager { scriptManager => intercept[NoSuchFileException] { scriptManager.runScript("", Map.empty, Cpg.emptyCpg) } } } }
Example 3
Source File: FileMonitorActor.scala From graphql-gateway with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package sangria.gateway.file import java.nio.file.{NoSuchFileException, StandardWatchEventKinds} import{Actor, ActorRef, Cancellable, PoisonPill, Props} import akka.event.Logging import better.files._ import sangria.gateway.file.FileWatcher._ import scala.collection.mutable import scala.concurrent.duration.FiniteDuration class FileMonitorActor(paths: Seq[File], threshold: FiniteDuration, globs: Seq[String], cb: Vector[File] ⇒ Unit) extends Actor { import FileMonitorActor._ import context.dispatcher val log = Logging(context.system, this) var watchers: Seq[ActorRef] = _ val pendingFiles: mutable.HashSet[File] = mutable.HashSet[File]() var scheduled: Option[Cancellable] = None override def preStart(): Unit = { watchers = = true)) watchers.foreach { watcher ⇒ watcher ! when(events = StandardWatchEventKinds.ENTRY_CREATE, StandardWatchEventKinds.ENTRY_MODIFY, StandardWatchEventKinds.ENTRY_DELETE) { case (_, file) ⇒ self ! FileChange(file) } } } def receive = { case FileChange(file) ⇒ try { if (file.exists && !file.isDirectory && globs.exists(file.glob(_, includePath = false).nonEmpty)) { pendingFiles += file if (scheduled.isEmpty) scheduled = Some(context.system.scheduler.scheduleOnce(threshold, self, Threshold)) } } catch { case _: NoSuchFileException ⇒ // ignore, it's ok } case Threshold ⇒ val files = pendingFiles.toVector.sortBy( if (files.nonEmpty) cb(files) pendingFiles.clear() scheduled = None } } object FileMonitorActor { case class FileChange(file: File) case object Threshold def props(paths: Seq[File], threshold: FiniteDuration, globs: Seq[String], cb: Vector[File] ⇒ Unit) = Props(new FileMonitorActor(paths, threshold, globs, cb)) }
Example 4
Source File: FileParamStoreTest.scala From lighthouse with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package be.dataminded.lighthouse.paramstore import java.nio.file.NoSuchFileException import org.scalatest.funsuite.AnyFunSuite import org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers class FileParamStoreTest extends AnyFunSuite with Matchers { test("Can be used to retrieve a property from file") { //TODO: Implement } test("Non existing file trows an exception") { //TODO: Implement } test("Non existing config path trows an exception") { //TODO: Implement } test("Non existing key trows an exception") { //TODO: Implement } test("Validation happens at call, not at retrieval") { val store = new FileParamStore("/some/unexisting/file/path") val function = store.lookup("some.key") an[NoSuchFileException] should be thrownBy function.apply() } }
Example 5
Source File: KubectlActionExecutor.scala From cloudflow with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package cloudflow.installer import java.nio.file.NoSuchFileException import import import scala.concurrent._ import akka.event.LoggingAdapter trait ActionExecutor { def execute( action: Action )(implicit system: ActorSystem, materializer: Materializer, ec: ExecutionContext, log: LoggingAdapter, settings: Settings): Future[ActionResult] } case object KubectlActionExecutor extends ActionExecutor { override def execute( action: Action )(implicit system: ActorSystem, materializer: Materializer, ec: ExecutionContext, log: LoggingAdapter, settings: Settings): Future[ActionResult] = action.execute().recover { case actionFailure: ActionFailure => actionFailure case exception: NoSuchFileException => ActionFailure(action, 1, Some(s"Cannot find file '${exception.getMessage}")) case exception: Exception => ActionFailure(action, 1, Some(exception.getMessage)) } }