java.nio.file.StandardOpenOption Scala Examples
The following examples show how to use java.nio.file.StandardOpenOption.
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Example 1
Source File: FileIO.scala From swave with Mozilla Public License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import import java.nio.channels.FileChannel import java.nio.file.{FileSystems, Files, Path, StandardOpenOption} import scala.util.control.NonFatal import com.typesafe.config.Config import swave.core.impl.util.SettingsCompanion import import swave.core.macros._ object FileIO extends SpoutFromFiles with DrainToFiles { lazy val userHomePath: Path = FileSystems.getDefault.getPath(System getProperty "user.home") def resolveFileSystemPath(pathName: String): Path = if (pathName.length >= 2 && pathName.charAt(0) == '~' && pathName.charAt(1) == File.separatorChar) { userHomePath.resolve(pathName substring 2) } else FileSystems.getDefault.getPath(pathName) val WriteCreateOptions: Set[StandardOpenOption] = { import StandardOpenOption._ Set(CREATE, TRUNCATE_EXISTING, WRITE) } final case class Settings(defaultFileReadingChunkSize: Int, defaultFileWritingChunkSize: Int) { requireArg(defaultFileReadingChunkSize > 0, "`defaultFileChunkSize` must be > 0") requireArg(defaultFileWritingChunkSize >= 0, "`defaultFileWritingChunkSize` must be >= 0") def withDefaultFileReadingChunkSize(defaultFileReadingChunkSize: Int) = copy(defaultFileReadingChunkSize = defaultFileReadingChunkSize) def withDefaultFileWritingChunkSize(defaultFileWritingChunkSize: Int) = copy(defaultFileWritingChunkSize = defaultFileWritingChunkSize) } object Settings extends SettingsCompanion[Settings]("swave.core.file-io") { def fromSubConfig(c: Config): Settings = Settings( defaultFileReadingChunkSize = c getInt "default-file-reading-chunk-size", defaultFileWritingChunkSize = c getInt "default-file-writing-chunk-size") } def writeFile[T: Bytes](fileName: String, data: T): Unit = writeFile(resolveFileSystemPath(fileName), data) def writeFile[T: Bytes](file: File, data: T): Unit = writeFile(file.toPath, data) def writeFile[T: Bytes](path: Path, data: T, options: StandardOpenOption*): Unit = { implicit def decorator(value: T): Bytes.Decorator[T] = Bytes.decorator(value) Files.write(path, data.toArray, options: _*) () } def readFile[T: Bytes](fileName: String): T = readFile(resolveFileSystemPath(fileName)) def readFile[T: Bytes](file: File): T = readFile(file.toPath) def readFile[T: Bytes](path: Path): T = implicitly[Bytes[T]].apply(Files.readAllBytes(path)) private[io] def quietClose(channel: FileChannel): Unit = try channel.close() catch { case NonFatal(_) ⇒ } }
Example 2
Source File: StringWriter.scala From ScalaClean with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.scalaclean.analysis import java.nio.file.{Files, Path, StandardOpenOption} import scala.collection.mutable class StringWriter(targetPath: Path) { private val target = Files.newBufferedWriter(targetPath, StandardOpenOption.TRUNCATE_EXISTING, StandardOpenOption.WRITE, StandardOpenOption.CREATE) def writeLine(line: String): Boolean = { target.write(line) target.newLine() true } def flush(): Unit = { target.flush() } def close(): Unit = { flush() target.close() } }
Example 3
Source File: SortedStringWriter.scala From ScalaClean with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.scalaclean.analysis import import java.nio.file.{Files, Path, StandardOpenOption} import scala.collection.mutable // TODO This class should not be needed - use StringWriter instead // however ElementWriter appears to be very sensitive to write order right now class SortedStringWriter(targetPath: Path) { val target: BufferedWriter = Files.newBufferedWriter(targetPath, StandardOpenOption.TRUNCATE_EXISTING, StandardOpenOption.WRITE, StandardOpenOption.CREATE) private val strings: mutable.Set[String] = mutable.SortedSet[String]() def writeLine(s: String): Boolean = { strings.add(s) } def flush(): Unit = { strings.toVector.foreach { line => target.write(line) target.newLine() } strings.clear target.flush() } def close(): Unit = { flush() target.close() } }
Example 4
Source File: BlobLengthParsers.scala From incubator-daffodil with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.daffodil.processors.parsers import java.nio.file.Files import java.nio.file.StandardOpenOption import org.apache.daffodil.processors.ElementRuntimeData import org.apache.daffodil.processors.LengthInBitsEv import org.apache.daffodil.util.MaybeULong sealed abstract class BlobLengthParser(override val context: ElementRuntimeData) extends PrimParser { protected def getLengthInBits(pstate: PState): Long override final def parse(start: PState): Unit = { val dis = start.dataInputStream val currentElement = start.simpleElement val nBits = getLengthInBits(start) val blobPath = try { val blobDir = start.output.getBlobDirectory Files.createDirectories(blobDir) Files.createTempFile(blobDir, start.output.getBlobPrefix, start.output.getBlobSuffix) } catch { case e: Exception => start.SDE("Unable to create blob file: ", e.getMessage) } val blobStream = Files.newOutputStream(blobPath, StandardOpenOption.WRITE) var remainingBitsToGet = nBits val array = new Array[Byte](start.tunable.blobChunkSizeInBytes) val blobChunkSizeInBits = start.tunable.blobChunkSizeInBytes * 8 while (remainingBitsToGet > 0) { val bitsToGet = Math.min(remainingBitsToGet, blobChunkSizeInBits).toInt if (dis.isDefinedForLength(bitsToGet)) { start.dataInputStream.getByteArray(bitsToGet, start, array) val bytesToPut = (bitsToGet + 7) / 8 blobStream.write(array, 0, bytesToPut) remainingBitsToGet -= bitsToGet } else { val remainingBits = if (dis.remainingBits.isDefined) { val totalBitsRead = nBits - remainingBitsToGet MaybeULong(dis.remainingBits.get + totalBitsRead) } else { MaybeULong.Nope } PENotEnoughBits(start, nBits, remainingBits) remainingBitsToGet = 0 // break out of the loop } } blobStream.close() if (start.isSuccess) { currentElement.setDataValue(blobPath.toUri) start.addBlobPath(blobPath) } else { Files.delete(blobPath) } } } final class BlobSpecifiedLengthParser(erd: ElementRuntimeData, lengthEv: LengthInBitsEv) extends BlobLengthParser(erd) { override val runtimeDependencies = Vector(lengthEv) override def getLengthInBits(pstate: PState): Long = { lengthEv.evaluate(pstate).get } }
Example 5
Source File: WriteTree.scala From guardrail with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.twilio.guardrail import{ Writer, WriterT } import cats.implicits._ import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets.UTF_8 import java.nio.file.{ Files, Path, StandardOpenOption } import import scala.concurrent.Future import scala.concurrent.Await import scala.concurrent.duration.Duration sealed trait WriteTreeState case object FileAbsent extends WriteTreeState case object FileDifferent extends WriteTreeState case object FileIdentical extends WriteTreeState case class WriteTree(path: Path, contents: Future[Array[Byte]]) object WriteTree { val unsafeWriteTreeLogged: WriteTree => Writer[List[String], Path] = { case WriteTree(path, dataF) => val _ = Files.createDirectories(path.getParent) val data = Await.result(dataF, Duration.Inf) for { writeState <- if (Files.exists(path)) { val exists: Array[Byte] = Files.readAllBytes(path) val diffIdx: Option[Int] = exists .zip(data) .zipWithIndex .find({ case ((a, b), _) => a != b }) .map(_._2) .orElse(Some(Math.max(exists.length, data.length))) .filterNot(Function.const(data.length == exists.length)) diffIdx.fold[Writer[List[String], WriteTreeState]](Writer.value(FileIdentical))({ diffIdx => val existSample = new String(exists, UTF_8) .slice(Math.max(diffIdx - 10, diffIdx), Math.max(diffIdx - 10, diffIdx) + 50) .replace("\n", "\\n") val newSample = new String(data, UTF_8) .slice(Math.max(diffIdx - 10, diffIdx), Math.max(diffIdx - 10, diffIdx) + 50) .replace("\n", "\\n") Writer.tell(List(s"""| |${AnsiColor.RED}Warning:${AnsiColor.RESET} | The file $path contained different content than was expected. | | Existing file: $existSample | New file : $newSample |""".stripMargin)) >> Writer.value(FileDifferent) }) } else Writer.value[List[String], WriteTreeState](FileAbsent) } yield writeState match { case FileAbsent => Files.write(path, data, StandardOpenOption.CREATE, StandardOpenOption.TRUNCATE_EXISTING) case FileDifferent => Files.write(path, data, StandardOpenOption.CREATE, StandardOpenOption.TRUNCATE_EXISTING) case FileIdentical => path } } val unsafeWriteTree: WriteTree => Path = { case WriterT((lines, path)) => lines.foreach(System.err.println(_)) path } }
Example 6
Source File: TimelineHook.scala From tensorflow_scala with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.platanios.tensorflow.api.learn.hooks import org.platanios.tensorflow.api.core.client.{Session, Timeline} import org.platanios.tensorflow.api.ops.{Output, UntypedOp} import org.platanios.tensorflow.api.tensors.Tensor import org.platanios.tensorflow.proto.RunOptions import com.typesafe.scalalogging.Logger import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory import java.nio.file.{Files, Path, StandardOpenOption} class TimelineHook protected ( val workingDir: Path, val showDataFlow: Boolean = false, val showMemory: Boolean = false, val prettyJson: Boolean = false, val trigger: HookTrigger = StepHookTrigger(1000), val triggerAtEnd: Boolean = true ) extends TriggeredHook(trigger, triggerAtEnd) { override protected def fetches: Seq[Output[Any]] = Seq.empty override protected def targets: Set[UntypedOp] = Set.empty override protected def runOptions: Option[RunOptions] = { Some(RunOptions.newBuilder().setTraceLevel(RunOptions.TraceLevel.FULL_TRACE).build()) } override protected def wantMetadata: Boolean = true override protected def onTrigger( step: Long, elapsed: Option[(Double, Int)], runResult: Hook.SessionRunResult[Seq[Tensor[Any]]], session: Session ): Unit = {"Saving timeline.") val file = workingDir.resolve(s"trace$step.json") val stepStatistics = runResult.runMetadata.get.getStepStats val chromeTraceJSON = Timeline.generateChromeTrace(stepStatistics, showDataFlow, showMemory, prettyJson) val fileWriter = Files.newBufferedWriter(file, StandardOpenOption.TRUNCATE_EXISTING, StandardOpenOption.CREATE) fileWriter.write(chromeTraceJSON) fileWriter.flush() fileWriter.close()"Saved timeline to '$file'.") } } object TimelineHook { private[TimelineHook] val logger = Logger(LoggerFactory.getLogger("Learn / Hooks / Timeline")) def apply( workingDir: Path, showDataFlow: Boolean = false, showMemory: Boolean = false, prettyJson: Boolean = false, trigger: HookTrigger = StepHookTrigger(1000), triggerAtEnd: Boolean = true ): TimelineHook = { new TimelineHook(workingDir, showDataFlow, showMemory, prettyJson, trigger, triggerAtEnd) } }
Example 7
Source File: TFRecordReader.scala From tensorflow_scala with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import org.platanios.tensorflow.api.core.exception.{DataLossException, OutOfRangeException} import org.platanios.tensorflow.api.utilities.{CRC32C, Coding} import org.platanios.tensorflow.proto.Example import com.typesafe.scalalogging.Logger import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory import import java.nio.file.{Files, Path, StandardOpenOption} private[this] def readNext(): Example = { try { // Read the header data. val encLength = new Array[Byte](12) val recordLength = Coding.decodeFixedInt64(encLength).toInt val encLengthMaskedCrc = CRC32C.mask(CRC32C.value(encLength.take(8))) if (Coding.decodeFixedInt32(encLength, offset = 8) != encLengthMaskedCrc) { throw DataLossException("Encountered corrupted TensorFlow record.") } // Read the data. val encData = new Array[Byte](recordLength + 4) val recordData = encData.take(recordLength) val encDataMaskedCrc = CRC32C.mask(CRC32C.value(encData.take(recordLength))) if (Coding.decodeFixedInt32(encData, offset = recordLength) != encDataMaskedCrc) { throw DataLossException("Encountered corrupted TensorFlow record.") } Example.parseFrom(recordData) } catch { case _: OutOfRangeException | _: DataLossException => // We ignore partial read exceptions, because a record may be truncated. The record reader holds the offset // prior to the failed read, and so retrying will succeed."No more TF records stored at '${filePath.toAbsolutePath}'.") null } } override def hasNext: Boolean = { if (nextExample == null) nextExample = readNext() nextExample != null } override def next(): Example = { val example = { if (nextExample == null) readNext() else nextExample } if (example != null) nextExample = readNext() example } } } } private[io] object TFRecordReader { private[TFRecordReader] val logger: Logger = Logger(LoggerFactory.getLogger("TF Record Reader")) }
Example 8
Source File: EventFileReader.scala From tensorflow_scala with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import org.platanios.tensorflow.api.core.exception.{DataLossException, OutOfRangeException} import{CompressionType, Loader, NoCompression} import org.platanios.tensorflow.api.utilities.{CRC32C, Coding} import org.platanios.tensorflow.proto.Event import com.typesafe.scalalogging.Logger import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory import import java.nio.file.{Files, Path, StandardOpenOption} private[this] def readNext(): Event = { try { // Read the header data. val encLength = new Array[Byte](12) val recordLength = Coding.decodeFixedInt64(encLength).toInt val encLengthMaskedCrc = CRC32C.mask(CRC32C.value(encLength.take(8))) if (Coding.decodeFixedInt32(encLength, offset = 8) != encLengthMaskedCrc) { throw DataLossException("Encountered corrupted TensorFlow record.") } // Read the data. val encData = new Array[Byte](recordLength + 4) val recordData = encData.take(recordLength) val encDataMaskedCrc = CRC32C.mask(CRC32C.value(encData.take(recordLength))) if (Coding.decodeFixedInt32(encData, offset = recordLength) != encDataMaskedCrc) { throw DataLossException("Encountered corrupted TensorFlow record.") } Event.parseFrom(recordData) } catch { case _: OutOfRangeException | _: DataLossException => // We ignore partial read exceptions, because a record may be truncated. The record reader holds the offset // prior to the failed read, and so retrying will succeed."No more TF records stored at '${filePath.toAbsolutePath}'.") null } } override def hasNext: Boolean = { if (nextEvent == null) nextEvent = readNext() nextEvent != null } override def next(): Event = { val event = { if (nextEvent == null) readNext() else nextEvent } if (event != null) nextEvent = readNext() event } } } } private[io] object EventFileReader { private[EventFileReader] val logger: Logger = Logger(LoggerFactory.getLogger("Event File Reader")) }
Example 9
Source File: EventFileReaderSuite.scala From tensorflow_scala with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import org.platanios.tensorflow.proto.Event import org.junit.{Rule, Test} import org.junit.rules.TemporaryFolder import org.scalatestplus.junit.JUnitSuite import java.nio.file.{Files, Path, StandardOpenOption} class EventFileReaderSuite extends JUnitSuite { private[this] val record: Array[Byte] = Array( 0x18, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xa3, 0x7f, 0x4b, 0x22, 0x09, 0x00, 0x00, 0xc0, 0x25, 0xdd, 0x75, 0xd5, 0x41, 0x1a, 0x0d, 0x62, 0x72, 0x61, 0x69, 0x6e, 0x2e, 0x45, 0x76, 0x65, 0x6e, 0x74, 0x3a, 0x31, 0xec, 0xf3, 0x32, 0x8d).map(_.toByte) private[this] val _tempFolder: TemporaryFolder = new TemporaryFolder @Rule def tempFolder: TemporaryFolder = _tempFolder private[this] def writeToFile(filePath: Path, data: Array[Byte]): Unit = { Files.write(filePath, data, StandardOpenOption.APPEND) } @Test def testEmptyEventFile(): Unit = { val filePath = tempFolder.newFile().toPath writeToFile(filePath, Array.empty[Byte]) val reader = EventFileReader(filePath) assert(reader.load().toSeq === Seq.empty[Event]) } @Test def testSingleWrite(): Unit = { val filePath = tempFolder.newFile().toPath writeToFile(filePath, record) val reader = EventFileReader(filePath) val events = reader.load().toSeq assert(events.size === 1) assert(events.head.getWallTime === 1440183447.0) } @Test def testMultipleWrites(): Unit = { val filePath = tempFolder.newFile().toPath writeToFile(filePath, record) val reader = EventFileReader(filePath) assert(reader.load().toSeq.size === 1) writeToFile(filePath, record) assert(reader.load().toSeq.size === 1) } @Test def testMultipleLoads(): Unit = { val filePath = tempFolder.newFile().toPath writeToFile(filePath, record) val reader = EventFileReader(filePath) reader.load() reader.load() assert(reader.load().toSeq.size === 1) } @Test def testMultipleWritesAtOnce(): Unit = { val filePath = tempFolder.newFile().toPath writeToFile(filePath, record) writeToFile(filePath, record) val reader = EventFileReader(filePath) assert(reader.load().toSeq.size === 2) } @Test def testMultipleWritesWithBadWrite(): Unit = { val filePath = tempFolder.newFile().toPath writeToFile(filePath, record) writeToFile(filePath, record) // Test that we ignore partial record writes at the end of the file. writeToFile(filePath, Array(1, 2, 3).map(_.toByte)) val reader = EventFileReader(filePath) assert(reader.load().toSeq.size === 2) } }
Example 10
Source File: GenerateSources.scala From seed with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
import import java.nio.file.{Files, Paths, StandardOpenOption} object GenerateSources { def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { val modulePath = sys.env("MODULE_PATH") val moduleSourcePaths = sys.env("MODULE_SOURCE_PATHS").split(File.pathSeparatorChar) val generatedPath = Paths.get(modulePath).resolve("demo").resolve("Generated.scala") val pathsScala = moduleSourcePaths.mkString("\"", "\", \"", "\"") val output = s"object Generated { val modulePaths = List($pathsScala) }" Files.write(generatedPath, output.getBytes) } }
Example 11
Source File: FileChannelSuite.scala From scalaz-nio with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package zio.nio import java.nio.file.{ Files, Paths, StandardOpenOption } import zio.{ Chunk, DefaultRuntime } import testz.{ Harness, assert } import zio.nio.channels.AsynchronousFileChannel import object FileChannelSuite extends DefaultRuntime { def tests[T](harness: Harness[T]): T = { import harness._ section( test("asynchronous file read") { () => val path = Paths.get("src/test/resources/async_file_read_test.txt") val testProgram = for { channel <-, Set(StandardOpenOption.READ)) buffer <- Buffer.byte(16) _ <- channel.readBuffer(buffer, 0) _ <- buffer.flip array <- buffer.array text = array.takeWhile(_ != 10).map(_.toChar).mkString.trim _ <- channel.close } yield text val result = unsafeRun(testProgram) assert(result == "Hello World") }, test("asynchronous file write") { () => val path = Paths.get("src/test/resources/async_file_write_test.txt") val options = Set(StandardOpenOption.CREATE, StandardOpenOption.WRITE) val testProgram = for { channel <-, options) buffer <- Buffer.byte(Chunk.fromArray("Hello World".getBytes)) _ <- channel.writeBuffer(buffer, 0) _ <- channel.close } yield () unsafeRun(testProgram) val result = Source.fromFile(path.toFile()).getLines.toSeq Files.delete(path) assert(result.size == 1) assert(result.head == "Hello World") } ) } }
Example 12
Source File: RecoverLog.scala From polynote with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package polynote import java.nio.channels.FileChannel import java.nio.file.{Files, Paths, StandardOpenOption} import java.time.Instant import cats.effect.Effect import{Args, MainArgs} import polynote.kernel.logging.Logging import polynote.messages.{Message, Notebook, NotebookUpdate, ShortList} import polynote.server.AppEnv import zio.{Ref, Runtime, Task, UIO, ZIO} import zio.ZIO.effectTotal import zio.blocking.effectBlocking import fs2.Stream import polynote.server.repository.{FileBasedRepository, NotebookContent} import polynote.server.repository.format.ipynb.IPythonFormat import polynote.server.repository.fs.WAL import polynote.server.taskConcurrent import scodec.bits.ByteVector import import scodec.codecs import object RecoverLog { def replay(messages: Stream[Task, (Instant, Message)], ref: Ref[Notebook], log: Logging.Service): UIO[Unit] = { case nb: Notebook => ref.set(nb) case upd: NotebookUpdate => ref.update { nb => try { upd.applyTo(nb) } catch { case err: Throwable => log.errorSync(Some("Dropped update because an error occurred when applying it"), err) nb } } case _ => ZIO.unit }.compile.drain.catchAll { err => log.error(Some("Error occurred while replaying the log; printing the final state anyway."), err) } def main(implicit ev: Effect[Task]): ZIO[AppEnv, String, Int] = for { args <- ZIO.access[MainArgs](_.get[Args].rest) path <- ZIO(args.head).flatMap(pathStr => effectBlocking(Paths.get(pathStr).toRealPath())).orDie is <- effectBlocking(, StandardOpenOption.READ)).orDie log <- Logging.access _ <-"Reading log entries from ${path}...") messages = WAL.decoder.decodeMmap(is) ref <- Ref.make(Notebook("", ShortList.Nil, None)) _ <- replay(messages, ref, log) format = new IPythonFormat result <- ref.get encoded <- format.encodeNotebook(NotebookContent(result.cells, result.config)).orDie _ <- effectTotal(println(encoded)) } yield 0 }
Example 13
Source File: PlanWriter.scala From piglet with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import java.nio.file.{Files, Path, StandardOpenOption} import dbis.piglet.op.{PigOperator, TimingOp} import dbis.piglet.plan.DataflowPlan import //import guru.nidi.graphviz.engine.{Format, Graphviz} //import guru.nidi.graphviz.parse.Parser import scala.collection.JavaConverters._ import scala.collection.mutable import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer import scala.concurrent.duration.Duration case class Node(id: String, var time: Option[Duration] = None, var label: String = "") { private def mkLabel = { val t = if(time.isDefined) s"\n${time.get.toMillis}ms (${BigDecimal(time.get.toMillis / 1000.0).setScale(2,BigDecimal.RoundingMode.HALF_UP).toDouble}s)" else "" val l = s"$label\n$id\n$t" PlanWriter.quote(l) } override def toString = s"op$id ${if(label.trim().nonEmpty) s"[label=$mkLabel]" else ""}" } case class Edge(from: String, to: String, var label: String = "") { override def toString = s"op$from -> op$to ${if(label.trim().nonEmpty) s"[label=$label]" else "" }" } private def writeDotFile(file: Path, graph: String): Unit = { logger.debug(s"writing dot file to $file") if(Files.notExists(file.getParent)) { Files.createDirectories(file.getParent) } Files.write(file, List(graph).asJava, StandardOpenOption.CREATE, StandardOpenOption.WRITE, StandardOpenOption.TRUNCATE_EXISTING) } }
Example 14
Source File: ResourceUtils.scala From sbt-lagom-descriptor-generator with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.lightbend.lagom.spec import{ File, InputStream } import java.nio.file.{ Files, Paths, StandardOpenOption } import{ BufferedSource, Source } def writeFile(folder: File, relativeFile: File, fileContents: String): File = { val path = Paths.get(folder.getAbsolutePath, relativeFile.getPath) // `path` is tha absolute route to the file so only path.parent must be created as directories Files.createDirectories(path.getParent) Files.write( path, fileContents.getBytes, StandardOpenOption.CREATE, StandardOpenOption.SYNC, StandardOpenOption.TRUNCATE_EXISTING ).toFile } }
Example 15
Source File: SwaggerSpecRunner.scala From play-swagger with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.iheart.playSwagger import java.nio.file.{ Files, Paths, StandardOpenOption } import play.api.libs.json.{ JsValue, Json } import scala.util.{ Failure, Success, Try } object SwaggerSpecRunner extends App { implicit def cl: ClassLoader = getClass.getClassLoader val targetFile :: routesFile :: domainNameSpaceArgs :: outputTransformersArgs :: swaggerV3String :: apiVersion :: swaggerPrettyJson :: namingStrategy :: Nil = args.toList private def fileArg = Paths.get(targetFile) private def swaggerJson = { val swaggerV3 = java.lang.Boolean.parseBoolean(swaggerV3String) val domainModelQualifier = PrefixDomainModelQualifier(domainNameSpaceArgs.split(","): _*) val transformersStrs: Seq[String] = if (outputTransformersArgs.isEmpty) Seq() else outputTransformersArgs.split(",") val transformers = { clazz ⇒ Try(cl.loadClass(clazz).asSubclass(classOf[OutputTransformer]).newInstance()) match { case Failure(ex: ClassCastException) ⇒ throw new IllegalArgumentException("Transformer should be a subclass of com.iheart.playSwagger.OutputTransformer:" + clazz, ex) case Failure(ex) ⇒ throw new IllegalArgumentException("Could not create transformer", ex) case Success(el) ⇒ el } } val swaggerSpec: JsValue = SwaggerSpecGenerator( NamingStrategy.from(namingStrategy), domainModelQualifier, outputTransformers = transformers, swaggerV3 = swaggerV3, apiVersion = Some(apiVersion)).generate(routesFile).get if (swaggerPrettyJson.toBoolean) Json.prettyPrint(swaggerSpec) else swaggerSpec.toString } Files.write(fileArg, swaggerJson.getBytes, StandardOpenOption.CREATE_NEW, StandardOpenOption.WRITE) }
Example 16
Source File: ClientSpec.scala From scala-ipfs-api with MIT License | 5 votes |
package io.ipfs.api import{ByteArrayOutputStream, InputStream} import java.nio.file.{Files, Paths, StandardOpenOption} import java.util import io.ipfs.api.ClientSpec._ import org.specs2.mutable._ import scala.util.Random class ClientSpec extends Specification { isolated val client = new Client("localhost") "IPFS client" should { "show the version" in { client.version mustEqual "0.4.2" } "have an ID" in { mustNotEqual 0 } "store data" in { val name = randomName val add = store(name = name) add.length mustEqual 1 val added = add(0) added.Name mustEqual name added.Hash.length mustNotEqual 0 } "cat data" in { val data = randomBytes val added = store(data = data)(0) val in: InputStream = util.Arrays.equals(toArray(in), data) mustEqual true } "dht put and get" in { val (key, value) = (random.nextString(10), random.nextString(10)) val puts: Array[DHTResponse] = client.dhtPut(key, value) puts.length mustNotEqual 0 client.dhtGet(key).Extra mustEqual value } } private def randomBytes = { val buffer = new Array[Byte](0x1500) random.nextBytes(buffer) buffer } private def store(name: String = randomName, data: Array[Byte] = randomBytes): Array[Add] = { val storePath = Paths.get(name) Files.write(storePath, data, StandardOpenOption.CREATE) client.add(Array(storePath)) } } object ClientSpec { val random = new Random(666) def randomName: String = random.nextInt()+".test.dat" def toArray(in: InputStream): Array[Byte] = { val out = new ByteArrayOutputStream() try { val buff = new Array[Byte](0x1000) var nRead = 0 while ( {nRead =;nRead} != -1) out.write(buff, 0, nRead) } finally { in.close() } out.toByteArray } }
Example 17
Source File: FileChannelSpec.scala From zio-nio with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package zio.nio.core.channels import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets import java.nio.file.{ Files, StandardOpenOption } import zio.nio.core.file.Path import zio.test._ import zio.test.Assertion._ import zio.test.environment.TestEnvironment import zio.nio.core.{ BaseSpec, Buffer } import zio.{ Chunk, ZIO } import object FileChannelSpec extends BaseSpec { override def spec = suite("FileChannelSpec")( testM("asynchronous file buffer read") { val path = Path("nio-core/src/test/resources/async_file_read_test.txt") for { channel <-, StandardOpenOption.READ) buffer <- Buffer.byte(16) _ <- channel.readBuffer(buffer, 0) _ <- buffer.flip array <- buffer.array text = array.takeWhile(_ != 10).map(_.toChar).mkString.trim } yield assert(text)(equalTo("Hello World")) }, testM("asynchronous file chunk read") { val path = Path("nio-core/src/test/resources/async_file_read_test.txt") for { channel <-, StandardOpenOption.READ) bytes <-, 0L) } yield assert(bytes)(equalTo(Chunk.fromArray("Hello World".getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8)))) }, testM("asynchronous file write") { val path = Path("nio-core/src/test/resources/async_file_write_test.txt") val zChannel = AsynchronousFileChannel .open( path, StandardOpenOption.CREATE, StandardOpenOption.WRITE ) for { channel <- zChannel buffer <- Buffer.byte(Chunk.fromArray("Hello World".getBytes)) _ <- channel.writeBuffer(buffer, 0) path <- ZIO.effectTotal(Path("nio-core/src/test/resources/async_file_write_test.txt")) result <- ZIO.effect(Source.fromFile(path.toFile).getLines().toSeq) _ <- ZIO.effect(Files.delete(path.javaPath)) } yield assert(result.size)(equalTo(1)) && assert(result.head)(equalTo("Hello World")) }, testM("memory mapped buffer") { val path = Path("nio-core/src/test/resources/async_file_read_test.txt") for { env <- ZIO.environment[TestEnvironment] result <- FileChannel .open(path, StandardOpenOption.READ) .provide(env) .bracket(_.close.ignore) { channel => for { buffer <-, 0L, 6L) bytes <- buffer.getChunk() } yield assert(bytes)(equalTo(Chunk.fromArray("Hello ".getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8)))) } } yield result } ) }
Example 18
Source File: FileChannelSpec.scala From zio-nio with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package zio.nio.channels import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets import java.nio.file.StandardOpenOption import zio.{ Chunk, ZIO } import zio.nio.BaseSpec import zio.nio.core.Buffer import zio.nio.core.file.Path import zio.nio.file.Files import zio.test._ import zio.test.Assertion._ import object FileChannelSpec extends BaseSpec { override def spec = suite("FileChannelSpec")( testM("asynchronous file buffer read") { val path = Path("nio/src/test/resources/async_file_read_test.txt") AsynchronousFileChannel .open(path, StandardOpenOption.READ) .use { channel => for { buffer <- Buffer.byte(16) _ <- channel.readBuffer(buffer, 0) _ <- buffer.flip array <- buffer.array text = array.takeWhile(_ != 10).map(_.toChar).mkString.trim } yield assert(text)(equalTo("Hello World")) } }, testM("asynchronous file chunk read") { val path = Path("nio/src/test/resources/async_file_read_test.txt") AsynchronousFileChannel .open(path, StandardOpenOption.READ) .use { channel => for { bytes <-, 0L) } yield assert(bytes)(equalTo(Chunk.fromArray("Hello World".getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8)))) } }, testM("asynchronous file write") { val path = Path("nio/src/test/resources/async_file_write_test.txt") AsynchronousFileChannel .open( path, StandardOpenOption.CREATE, StandardOpenOption.WRITE ) .use { channel => for { buffer <- Buffer.byte(Chunk.fromArray("Hello World".getBytes)) _ <- channel.writeBuffer(buffer, 0) path <- ZIO.effectTotal(Path("nio/src/test/resources/async_file_write_test.txt")) result <- ZIO.effect(Source.fromFile(path.toFile).getLines().toSeq) _ <- Files.delete(path) } yield assert(result.size)(equalTo(1)) && assert(result.head)(equalTo("Hello World")) } }, testM("memory mapped buffer") { val path = Path("nio/src/test/resources/async_file_read_test.txt") FileChannel .open(path, StandardOpenOption.READ) .use { channel => for { buffer <-, 0L, 6L) bytes <- buffer.getChunk() } yield assert(bytes)(equalTo(Chunk.fromArray("Hello ".getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8)))) } } ) }
Example 19
Source File: RecentlyFilesHandler.scala From MoVE with Mozilla Public License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package de.thm.move.controllers import java.nio.file.{Files, Path, StandardOpenOption} import javafx.event.ActionEvent import javafx.scene.control.MenuItem import de.thm.move.Global import de.thm.move.implicits.FxHandlerImplicits._ import de.thm.move.util.JFxUtils import de.thm.recent._ import spray.json.JsonFormat class RecentlyFilesHandler(recent:Recent[Path], pathClicked: Path => Unit) { private def menuItem(path:Path): MenuItem = { val item = new MenuItem(path.toString) JFxUtils.addFontIcon(item, "\uf1c9") item.setOnAction { _:ActionEvent => incrementPriorityOf(path) println(recent.recentValuesByPriority) pathClicked(path) } item } def incrementPriorityOf(path:Path): Unit = recent.incrementPriority(path) def getMenuItems:Seq[MenuItem] = def writeTo(outputFile:Path)(implicit pathFormat:JsonFormat[Path]): Unit = { val jsonString = recent.toJson Files.write(outputFile, jsonString.getBytes(Global.encoding)) } }
Example 20
Source File: ClassShader.scala From sbt-idea-plugin with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.jetbrains.sbtidea.packaging.artifact import java.nio.file.{Files, Path, StandardOpenOption} import org.jetbrains.sbtidea.packaging.PackagingKeys.ShadePattern import org.pantsbuild.jarjar.{NiceJJProcessor, _} import org.pantsbuild.jarjar.util.EntryStruct import sbt.Keys.TaskStreams class ClassShader(patterns: Seq[ShadePattern])(implicit val streams: TaskStreams) { private val processor = new NiceJJProcessor( { case ShadePattern(pat, res) => val jRule = new Rule() jRule.setPattern(pat) jRule.setResult(res) jRule }) private val entry = new EntryStruct if (streams!=null)"Initialized shader with ${patterns.size} patterns") def applyShading(from: Path, to: Path)(cont: => Unit): Unit = { = Files.readAllBytes(from) = from.toString.substring(1).replace('\\', '/') // leading '/' cannot be used in ZFS also fix class names produced under windows entry.time = -1 if (processor.process(entry)) { val newPath = to.getFileSystem.getPath( val parent = newPath.getParent if (parent != null && !Files.exists(parent)) Files.createDirectories(parent) Files.write(newPath,, StandardOpenOption.CREATE) } } } class NoOpClassShader() extends ClassShader(Seq())(null) { override def applyShading(from: Path, to: Path)(cont: => Unit): Unit = cont }
Example 21
Source File: ResumingEventFilter.scala From 006877 with MIT License | 5 votes |
package import java.nio.file.{ Path, Paths } import java.nio.file.StandardOpenOption import java.nio.file.StandardOpenOption._ import scala.concurrent.Future import akka.NotUsed import import{ ActorMaterializer, IOResult } import akka.util.ByteString import spray.json._ import com.typesafe.config.{ Config, ConfigFactory } object ResumingEventFilter extends App with EventMarshalling { val config = ConfigFactory.load() val maxLine = config.getInt("log-stream-processor.max-line") if(args.length != 3) { System.err.println("Provide args: input-file output-file state") System.exit(1) } val inputFile = FileArg.shellExpanded(args(0)) val outputFile = FileArg.shellExpanded(args(1)) val filterState = args(2) match { case State(state) => state case unknown => System.err.println(s"Unknown state $unknown, exiting.") System.exit(1) } import val source: Source[ByteString, Future[IOResult]] = FileIO.fromPath(inputFile) val sink: Sink[ByteString, Future[IOResult]] = FileIO.toPath(outputFile, Set(CREATE, WRITE, APPEND)) val frame: Flow[ByteString, String, NotUsed] = Framing.delimiter(ByteString("\n"), maxLine) .map(_.decodeString("UTF8")) import import import LogStreamProcessor.LogParseException val decider : Supervision.Decider = { case _: LogParseException => Supervision.Resume case _ => Supervision.Stop } val parse: Flow[String, Event, NotUsed] = Flow[String].map(LogStreamProcessor.parseLineEx) .collect { case Some(e) => e } .withAttributes(ActorAttributes.supervisionStrategy(decider)) val filter: Flow[Event, Event, NotUsed] = Flow[Event].filter(_.state == filterState) val serialize: Flow[Event, ByteString, NotUsed] = Flow[Event].map(event => ByteString(event.toJson.compactPrint)) implicit val system = ActorSystem() implicit val ec = system.dispatcher val graphDecider : Supervision.Decider = { case _: LogParseException => Supervision.Resume case _ => Supervision.Stop } import implicit val materializer = ActorMaterializer( ActorMaterializerSettings(system) .withSupervisionStrategy(graphDecider) ) val composedFlow: Flow[ByteString, ByteString, NotUsed] = frame.via(parse) .via(filter) .via(serialize) val runnableGraph: RunnableGraph[Future[IOResult]] = source.via(composedFlow).toMat(sink)(Keep.right) { result => println(s"Wrote ${result.count} bytes to '$outputFile'.") system.terminate() } }
Example 22
Source File: ReportGenerator.scala From scala-serialization with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.komanov.serialization.converters import{ByteArrayOutputStream, File} import java.nio.file.{Files, StandardOpenOption} import import com.komanov.serialization.converters.IoUtils._ object ReportGenerator extends App { val flush = true val dir = new File(System.getProperty("user.home"), "123") require(!flush || dir.exists() || dir.mkdirs()) val (raws, gzips) = (Seq.newBuilder[(String, Seq[Int])], Seq.newBuilder[(String, Seq[Int])]) for ((converterName, converter) <- Converters.all if converter ne ScalaPbConverter if converter ne ScroogeConverter) { val results = Seq.newBuilder[(Int, Int)] for ((name, site) <- TestData.sites) { val bytes = converter.toByteArray(site) val gzipLen = getGzipByteLength(bytes) results += bytes.length -> gzipLen if (flush) { val normalizedConverterName = converterName.toLowerCase().replace(" ", "-") Files.write(dir.toPath.resolve(s"site_${name}_$normalizedConverterName.bin"), bytes, StandardOpenOption.CREATE) } } raws += converterName -> results.result().map(_._1) gzips += converterName -> results.result().map(_._2) } println("Data Sizes (raw)") printHeaders printSizes(raws.result()) println("Data Sizes (gzip)") printHeaders printSizes(gzips.result()) private def printHeaders: Any = { println("Converter," +",")) } private def printSizes(all: Seq[(String, Seq[Int])]): Unit = { for ((name, list) <- all) { println(name + "," + list.mkString(",")) } } private def getGzipByteLength(bytes: Array[Byte]): Int = { using(new ByteArrayOutputStream()) { baos => using(new GZIPOutputStream(baos)) { os => os.write(bytes) } baos.toByteArray.length } } }
Example 23
Source File: Metadata.scala From sonar-scala with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
package com.mwz.sonar.scala import java.nio.file.Paths import java.nio.file.StandardOpenOption import import cats.effect.Blocker import cats.effect.ExitCode import cats.effect.IO import cats.effect.IOApp import cats.instances.string._ import com.mwz.sonar.scala.metadata._ import com.mwz.sonar.scala.metadata.scalastyle.ScalastyleRules import com.mwz.sonar.scala.metadata.scalastyle.ScalastyleRulesRepository import com.mwz.sonar.scala.metadata.scapegoat.ScapegoatRules import com.mwz.sonar.scala.metadata.scapegoat.ScapegoatRulesRepository import fs2.Stream import import fs2.text import io.circe.Printer import io.circe.generic.JsonCodec import io.circe.syntax._ @JsonCodec final case class SonarScalaMetadata( rules: Rules, repositories: Map[String, RulesRepository] ) @JsonCodec final case class Rules( scalastyle: NonEmptyChain[Rule], scapegoat: NonEmptyChain[Rule] ) object Metadata extends IOApp { private val metadata: SonarScalaMetadata = SonarScalaMetadata( rules = Rules(sort(ScalastyleRules.rules), sort(ScapegoatRules.rules)), repositories = Map( ScalastyleRulesRepository.RepositoryKey -> ScalastyleRulesRepository.rulesRepository .copy(rules = sort(ScalastyleRulesRepository.rulesRepository.rules)), ScapegoatRulesRepository.RepositoryKey -> ScapegoatRulesRepository.rulesRepository .copy(rules = sort(ScapegoatRulesRepository.rulesRepository.rules)) ) ) private val printer: Printer = Printer.spaces2SortKeys.copy( colonLeft = "", lbraceLeft = "", rbraceRight = "", lbracketLeft = "", lrbracketsEmpty = "", rbracketRight = "", arrayCommaLeft = "", objectCommaLeft = "" ) // Chain is missing sortBy, which should be added in 2.2.0. private def sort(rules: NonEmptyChain[Rule]): NonEmptyChain[Rule] = NonEmptyChain.fromNonEmptyList(rules.toNonEmptyList.sortBy( def run(args: List[String]): IO[ExitCode] = { val write: Stream[IO, Unit] = Stream.resource(Blocker[IO]).flatMap { blocker => Stream[IO, String](metadata.asJson.printWith(printer)) .through(text.utf8Encode) .through( writeAll( Paths.get("sonar-scala-metadata.json"), blocker, List(StandardOpenOption.TRUNCATE_EXISTING) ) ) } } }
Example 24
Source File: SourcesPackageWriter.scala From exodus with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.wix.bazel.migrator import java.nio.file.{Files, Path, StandardOpenOption} import com.wix.bazel.migrator.model.{Package, Target} class SourcesPackageWriter(repoRoot: Path, bazelPackages: Set[Package]) { def write(): Unit = { bazelPackages .flatMap(jvmTargetsAndRelativePathFromMonoRepoRoot) .flatMap(sourceDirAndRelativePackagePaths) .foreach(writeSourcesTarget) } private def jvmTargetsAndRelativePathFromMonoRepoRoot(bazelPackage: Package): Set[JvmTargetAndRelativePath] = { val r = bazelPackage.targets.collect { case jvm: Target.Jvm => (jvm, bazelPackage.relativePathFromMonoRepoRoot) } } def sourceDirAndRelativePackagePaths(jvmTargetAndRelativePath: JvmTargetAndRelativePath): Set[SourceDirPathAndRelativePackagePath] = { val basePackagePath = repoRoot.resolve(jvmTargetAndRelativePath.relativePath) { source => val sourceDirPath = basePackagePath.resolve(adjustSource(source)) SourceDirPathAndRelativePackagePath(sourceDirPath, jvmTargetAndRelativePath.relativePath) } } private def writeSourcesTarget(s: SourceDirPathAndRelativePackagePath) = Files.write( s.sourceDirBuildPath, s.sourcesTarget.getBytes, StandardOpenOption.CREATE, StandardOpenOption.APPEND ) private def adjustSource(source: String) = { if (source.startsWith("/")) source.drop(1) else source } private[migrator] case class SourcesTargetAndSourceDirPath(sourceDirBuildPath: Path, sourcesTarget: Array[Byte]) private[migrator] case class JvmTargetAndRelativePath(jvm: Target.Jvm, relativePath: String) private[migrator] object JvmTargetAndRelativePathFromMonoRepoRoot { def apply(targetAndRelativePath: (Target.Jvm, String)) = JvmTargetAndRelativePath(targetAndRelativePath._1, targetAndRelativePath._2) } } private[migrator] case class SourceDirPathAndRelativePackagePath(sourceDirPath: Path, relativePackagePath: String){ def sourcesTarget: String = { if (sourceDirPath.endsWith(relativePackagePath)) """ |sources() |""".stripMargin else s""" |sources( | visibility = ["//$relativePackagePath:__pkg__"] |) |""".stripMargin } def sourceDirBuildPath: Path = sourceDirPath.resolve("BUILD.bazel") }
Example 25
Source File: BazelRcManagedDevEnvWriter.scala From exodus with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.wix.bazel.migrator import java.nio.file.{Files, Path, StandardOpenOption} class BazelRcManagedDevEnvWriter(repoRoot: Path, defaultOptions: List[String]) { private val bazelRcManagedDevEnvPath = repoRoot.resolve("tools/bazelrc/") def resetFileWithDefaultOptions(): Unit = { deleteIfExists() appendLines(defaultOptions) } def appendLine(line: String): Unit = appendLines(List(line)) def appendLines(lines: List[String]): Unit = writeToDisk(lines.mkString("", System.lineSeparator(), System.lineSeparator())) private def deleteIfExists(): Unit = Files.deleteIfExists(bazelRcManagedDevEnvPath) private def writeToDisk(contents: String): Unit = { Files.createDirectories(bazelRcManagedDevEnvPath.getParent) Files.write(bazelRcManagedDevEnvPath, contents.getBytes, StandardOpenOption.APPEND, StandardOpenOption.CREATE) } } object BazelRcManagedDevEnvWriter { val defaultExodusOptions: List[String] = List( "# fetch", "fetch --experimental_multi_threaded_digest=true", "", "# query", "query --experimental_multi_threaded_digest=true", "", "# test", "test --test_tmpdir=/tmp", "test --test_output=errors", "", "# build", "build:bazel16uplocal --action_env=PLACE_HOLDER=SO_USING_CONFIG_GROUP_WILL_WORK_BW_CMPTBL", "build --strategy=Scalac=worker", "build --strict_java_deps=off", "build --strict_proto_deps=off", "build --experimental_multi_threaded_digest=true", "", "# this flag makes Bazel keep the analysis cache when test flags such as 'test_arg' (and other 'test_xxx' flags) change", "build --trim_test_configuration=true", "", "# the following flags serve tests but associated with the build command in order to avoid mutual analysis cache", "# invalidation between test commands and build commands (see", "build --test_env=BUILD_TOOL=BAZEL", "build --test_env=DISPLAY", "build --test_env=LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8", ) }
Example 26
Source File: RowCSVWriter.scala From maha with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
// Copyright 2017, Yahoo Holdings Inc. // Licensed under the terms of the Apache License 2.0. Please see LICENSE file in project root for terms. package def close() { csvWriter.close() } } trait RowCSVWriterProvider { def newRowCSVWriter: RowCSVWriter } case class FileRowCSVWriterProvider(file: File) extends RowCSVWriterProvider { def newRowCSVWriter: RowCSVWriter = { if(file.exists() && file.length() > 0) { Files.write(file.toPath, Array[Byte](), StandardOpenOption.TRUNCATE_EXISTING) // Clear file } val fos = new FileOutputStream(file.getAbsoluteFile, true) val writerTry = safeCloseable(fos)(new OutputStreamWriter(_, StandardCharsets.UTF_8)) .flatMap(safeCloseable(_)(new BufferedWriter(_))) .flatMap(safeCloseable(_)(new RowCSVWriter(_, RowCSVWriter.DEFAULT_SEPARATOR))) require(writerTry.isSuccess, s"Failed to create RowCSVWriter safely : $writerTry") writerTry.get } }
Example 27
Source File: FileUtils.scala From skeuomorph with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package higherkindness.skeuomorph import{File, FileOutputStream, InputStream} import java.nio.file.{Files, Paths, StandardOpenOption} import cats.effect.{Resource, Sync} object FileUtils { def fileHandle[F[_]: Sync](name: String): Resource[F, File] = Resource.make( Sync[F].delay(new File(name)) )(file => Sync[F].delay(file.deleteOnExit())) def fileOutputStream[F[_]: Sync](file: File): Resource[F, FileOutputStream] = Resource.make( Sync[F].delay(new FileOutputStream(file)) )(fos => Sync[F].delay(fos.close())) def fileInputStream[F[_]: Sync](name: String): Resource[F, InputStream] = Resource.make( Sync[F].delay(Files.newInputStream(Paths.get(name), StandardOpenOption.DELETE_ON_CLOSE)) )(is => Sync[F].delay(is.close())) }
Example 28
Source File: FlinkGenerator.scala From milan with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import{ByteArrayOutputStream, OutputStream} import java.nio.ByteBuffer import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets import java.nio.file.{Files, Path, StandardOpenOption} import{Application, ApplicationConfiguration, ApplicationInstance} import import import{Cycle, StreamExpression} import{Id, SemanticVersion} import com.typesafe.scalalogging.Logger import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory case class GeneratorConfig(preventGenericTypeInformation: Boolean = false) object FlinkGenerator { val default = new FlinkGenerator(GeneratorConfig()) } class FlinkGenerator(classLoader: ClassLoader, generatorConfig: GeneratorConfig) { private val generatorTypeLifter = new FlinkTypeLifter(new FlinkTypeEmitter, this.generatorConfig.preventGenericTypeInformation) private val logger = Logger(LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass)) def this(generatorConfig: GeneratorConfig) { this(getClass.getClassLoader, generatorConfig) } def generateScala(graph: StreamGraph, appConfig: ApplicationConfiguration, packageName: String, className: String): String = { val application = new Application(Id.newId(), graph, SemanticVersion.ZERO) val instance = new ApplicationInstance(Id.newId(), application, appConfig) this.generateScala(instance, packageName, className) } def generateScala(instance: ApplicationInstance, outputPath: Path, packageName: String, className: String): Unit = { val scalaCode = this.generateScala(instance, packageName, className) val contents = scalaCode.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8) Files.write(outputPath, contents, StandardOpenOption.CREATE, StandardOpenOption.TRUNCATE_EXISTING) } def generateScala(instance: ApplicationInstance, packageName: String, className: String): String = { val output = new ByteArrayOutputStream() this.generateScala(instance, output, packageName, className) output.flush() StandardCharsets.UTF_8.decode(ByteBuffer.wrap(output.toByteArray)).toString } def generateScala(instance: ApplicationInstance, output: OutputStream, packageName: String, className: String): Unit = { val finalGraph = instance.application.graph.getDereferencedGraph finalGraph.typeCheckGraph() val outputs = new GeneratorOutputs(this.generatorTypeLifter) val context = GeneratorContext.createEmpty(instance.instanceDefinitionId, finalGraph, instance.config, outputs, this.generatorTypeLifter) // Ensure that every data stream is generated. finalGraph .getStreams .foreach(stream => this.ensureStreamIsGenerated(context, stream)) // Close any cycles. finalGraph .getStreams .filter(_.isInstanceOf[Cycle]) .map(_.asInstanceOf[Cycle]) .foreach(context.closeCycle) // Add all sinks at the end. instance.config.dataSinks.foreach(sink => context.generateSink(sink)) val generated = context.output.generateScala(packageName, className) output.write(generated.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8)) } private def ensureStreamIsGenerated(context: GeneratorContext, stream: StreamExpression): Unit = { context.getOrGenerateDataStream(stream) } }
Example 29
Source File: FileSinkFunction.scala From milan with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import import java.nio.file.{Files, Paths, StandardOpenOption} import import org.apache.flink.streaming.api.functions.sink.SinkFunction class FileSinkFunction[T](path: String, dataFormat: DataOutputFormat[T]) extends SinkFunction[T] { @transient private lazy val outputStream = this.openOutputStream() override def invoke(value: T, context: SinkFunction.Context[_]): Unit = { this.dataFormat.writeValue(value, this.outputStream) this.outputStream.flush() } private def openOutputStream(): OutputStream = { Files.newOutputStream(Paths.get(this.path), StandardOpenOption.CREATE, StandardOpenOption.TRUNCATE_EXISTING) } }
Example 30
Source File: DbService.scala From sns with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package me.snov.sns.service import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets import java.nio.file.{Files, Paths, StandardOpenOption} import akka.event.LoggingAdapter import me.snov.sns.model.{Configuration, Subscription, Topic} import spray.json._ trait DbService { def load(): Option[Configuration] def save(configuration: Configuration) } class MemoryDbService extends DbService { override def load(): Option[Configuration] = { Some(Configuration(subscriptions= List[Subscription](), topics= List[Topic]())) } override def save(configuration: Configuration): Unit = {} } class FileDbService(dbFilePath: String)(implicit log: LoggingAdapter) extends DbService { val subscriptionsName = "subscriptions" val topicsName = "topics" val path = Paths.get(dbFilePath) def load(): Option[Configuration] = { if (Files.exists(path)) { log.debug("Loading DB") try { val configuration = read().parseJson.convertTo[Configuration]"Loaded DB") return Some(configuration) } catch { case e: DeserializationException => log.error(e, "Unable to parse configuration") case e: RuntimeException => log.error(e,"Unable to load configuration") } } None } def save(configuration: Configuration) = { log.debug("Saving DB") write(configuration.toJson.prettyPrint) } private def write(contents: String) = { Files.write(path, contents.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8), StandardOpenOption.CREATE, StandardOpenOption.TRUNCATE_EXISTING) } private def read(): String = { new String(Files.readAllBytes(path)) } }
Example 31
Source File: EventsReportGenerator.scala From scala-serialization with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.komanov.serialization.converters import{ByteArrayOutputStream, File} import java.nio.file.{Files, StandardOpenOption} import import com.komanov.serialization.converters.IoUtils._ object EventsReportGenerator extends App { val flush = false val dir = new File(new File(System.getProperty("user.home"), "123"), "events") require(!flush || dir.exists() || dir.mkdirs()) val (raws, gzips, both) = (Seq.newBuilder[(String, Seq[Int])], Seq.newBuilder[(String, Seq[Int])], Seq.newBuilder[(String, Seq[Int])]) for ((converterName, converter) <- Converters.all if converter ne ScroogeConverter if converter ne ScalaPbConverter) { val results = Seq.newBuilder[(Int, Int)] for ((name, site, events) <- TestData.all) { val bytes = converter.toByteArray(site) val gzipLen = getGzipByteLength(bytes) val eventsAndBytes = => e -> converter.toByteArray(e.event)) val eventsLen = val eventsGzipLen = results += bytes.length -> gzipLen results += eventsLen -> eventsGzipLen if (flush) { val normalizedConverterName = converterName.toLowerCase().replace(" ", "-") Files.write(dir.getParentFile.toPath.resolve(s"site_${name}_$normalizedConverterName.bin"), bytes, StandardOpenOption.CREATE) for ((event, eventBytes) <- eventsAndBytes) { Files.write(dir.toPath.resolve(s"${name}_${normalizedConverterName}_${event.event.getClass.getSimpleName}.bin"), eventBytes, StandardOpenOption.CREATE) } } } raws += converterName -> results.result().map(_._1) gzips += converterName -> results.result().map(_._2) both += (converterName + " (rw)") -> results.result().map(_._1) both += (converterName + " (gz)") -> results.result().map(_._2) } println("Data Sizes (raw)") printHeaders printSizes(raws.result()) println("Data Sizes (gzip)") printHeaders printSizes(gzips.result()) println("Data Sizes") printHeaders printSizes(both.result()) private def printHeaders: Any = { println("Converter," + TestData.sites.flatMap(t => Seq(t._1, "ev " + t._1)).mkString(",")) } private def printSizes(all: Seq[(String, Seq[Int])]): Unit = { for ((name, list) <- all) { println(name + "," + list.mkString(",")) } } private def getGzipByteLength(bytes: Array[Byte]): Int = { using(new ByteArrayOutputStream()) { baos => using(new GZIPOutputStream(baos)) { os => os.write(bytes) } baos.toByteArray.length } } }
Example 32
Source File: BidiEventFilter.scala From 006877 with MIT License | 5 votes |
package import java.nio.file.{ Path, Paths } import java.nio.file.StandardOpenOption import java.nio.file.StandardOpenOption._ import scala.concurrent.Future import akka.NotUsed import import{ ActorMaterializer, IOResult } import import import akka.util.ByteString import spray.json._ import com.typesafe.config.{ Config, ConfigFactory } object BidiEventFilter extends App with EventMarshalling { val config = ConfigFactory.load() val maxLine = config.getInt("log-stream-processor.max-line") val maxJsonObject = config.getInt("log-stream-processor.max-json-object") if(args.length != 5) { System.err.println("Provide args: input-format output-format input-file output-file state") System.exit(1) } val inputFile = FileArg.shellExpanded(args(2)) val outputFile = FileArg.shellExpanded(args(3)) val filterState = args(4) match { case State(state) => state case unknown => System.err.println(s"Unknown state $unknown, exiting.") System.exit(1) } val inFlow: Flow[ByteString, Event, NotUsed] = if(args(0).toLowerCase == "json") { JsonFraming.objectScanner(maxJsonObject) .map(_.decodeString("UTF8").parseJson.convertTo[Event]) } else { Framing.delimiter(ByteString("\n"), maxLine) .map(_.decodeString("UTF8")) .map(LogStreamProcessor.parseLineEx) .collect { case Some(event) => event } } val outFlow: Flow[Event, ByteString, NotUsed] = if(args(1).toLowerCase == "json") { Flow[Event].map(event => ByteString(event.toJson.compactPrint)) } else { Flow[Event].map{ event => ByteString(LogStreamProcessor.logLine(event)) } } val bidiFlow = BidiFlow.fromFlows(inFlow, outFlow) val source: Source[ByteString, Future[IOResult]] = FileIO.fromPath(inputFile) val sink: Sink[ByteString, Future[IOResult]] = FileIO.toPath(outputFile, Set(CREATE, WRITE, APPEND)) val filter: Flow[Event, Event, NotUsed] = Flow[Event].filter(_.state == filterState) val flow = bidiFlow.join(filter) val runnableGraph: RunnableGraph[Future[IOResult]] = source.via(flow).toMat(sink)(Keep.right) implicit val system = ActorSystem() implicit val ec = system.dispatcher implicit val materializer = ActorMaterializer() { result => println(s"Wrote ${result.count} bytes to '$outputFile'.") system.terminate() } }
Example 33
Source File: GenerateLogFile.scala From 006877 with MIT License | 5 votes |
package import java.nio.file.{ Path, Paths } import java.nio.file.StandardOpenOption import java.nio.file.StandardOpenOption._ import java.time.ZonedDateTime import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter import scala.concurrent.Future import import{ ActorMaterializer, IOResult } import import akka.util.ByteString object GenerateLogFile extends App { val filePath = args(0) val numberOfLines = args(1).toInt val rnd = new java.util.Random() val sink = FileIO.toPath(FileArg.shellExpanded(filePath), Set(CREATE, WRITE, APPEND)) def line(i: Int) = { val host = "my-host" val service = "my-service" val time = val state = if( i % 10 == 0) "warning" else if(i % 101 == 0) "error" else if(i % 1002 == 0) "critical" else "ok" val description = "Some description of what has happened." val tag = "tag" val metric = rnd.nextDouble() * 100 s"$host | $service | $state | $time | $description | $tag | $metric \n" } val graph = Source.fromIterator{() => Iterator.tabulate(numberOfLines)(line) }.map(l=> ByteString(l)).toMat(sink)(Keep.right) implicit val system = ActorSystem() implicit val ec = system.dispatcher implicit val materializer = ActorMaterializer() { result => println(s"Wrote ${result.count} bytes to '$filePath'.") system.terminate() } }
Example 34
Source File: NIOLogFileWriter.scala From scribe with MIT License | 5 votes |
package scribe.writer.file import java.nio.ByteBuffer import java.nio.channels.FileChannel import java.nio.file.{OpenOption, StandardOpenOption} import scala.annotation.tailrec class NIOLogFileWriter(lf: LogFile) extends LogFileWriter { private lazy val options: List[OpenOption] = if (lf.append) { List(StandardOpenOption.WRITE, StandardOpenOption.APPEND, StandardOpenOption.CREATE) } else { List(StandardOpenOption.WRITE, StandardOpenOption.TRUNCATE_EXISTING, StandardOpenOption.CREATE) } private lazy val channel: FileChannel =, options: _*) override def write(output: String): Unit = { val bytes = output.getBytes(lf.charset) val buffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(bytes) writeBuffer(buffer) buffer.clear() } @tailrec private def writeBuffer(buffer: ByteBuffer): Unit = if (buffer.hasRemaining) { channel.write(buffer) writeBuffer(buffer) } override def flush(): Unit = channel.force(false) override def dispose(): Unit = if (channel.isOpen) { channel.close() } }
Example 35
Source File: BarLoader.scala From lagom with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package impl import java.nio.file.Files import java.nio.file.StandardOpenOption import java.util.Date import com.lightbend.lagom.scaladsl.api.ServiceLocator.NoServiceLocator import com.lightbend.lagom.scaladsl.server._ import com.lightbend.lagom.scaladsl.devmode.LagomDevModeComponents import import api.BarService import api.FooService import com.softwaremill.macwire._ class BarLoader extends LagomApplicationLoader { override def load(context: LagomApplicationContext): LagomApplication = new BarApplication(context) { override def serviceLocator = NoServiceLocator } override def loadDevMode(context: LagomApplicationContext): LagomApplication = new BarApplication(context) with LagomDevModeComponents } abstract class BarApplication(context: LagomApplicationContext) extends LagomApplication(context) with AhcWSComponents { override lazy val lagomServer = serverFor[BarService](wire[BarServiceImpl]) lazy val fooService = serviceClient.implement[FooService] Files.write( environment.getFile("target/reload.log").toPath, s"${new Date()} - reloaded\n".getBytes("utf-8"), StandardOpenOption.CREATE, StandardOpenOption.APPEND ) }
Example 36
Source File: BazLoader.scala From lagom with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package impl import java.nio.file.Files import java.nio.file.StandardOpenOption import java.util.Date import com.lightbend.lagom.scaladsl.api.ServiceLocator.NoServiceLocator import com.lightbend.lagom.scaladsl.server._ import com.lightbend.lagom.scaladsl.devmode.LagomDevModeComponents import import api.BazService import com.softwaremill.macwire._ class BazLoader extends LagomApplicationLoader { override def load(context: LagomApplicationContext): LagomApplication = new BazApplication(context) { override def serviceLocator = NoServiceLocator } override def loadDevMode(context: LagomApplicationContext): LagomApplication = new BazApplication(context) with LagomDevModeComponents } abstract class BazApplication(context: LagomApplicationContext) extends LagomApplication(context) with AhcWSComponents { override lazy val lagomServer = serverFor[BazService](wire[BazServiceImpl]) Files.write( environment.getFile("target/reload.log").toPath, s"${new Date()} - reloaded\n".getBytes("utf-8"), StandardOpenOption.CREATE, StandardOpenOption.APPEND ) }
Example 37
Source File: FooLoader.scala From lagom with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package impl import java.nio.file.Files import java.nio.file.StandardOpenOption import java.util.Date import com.lightbend.lagom.scaladsl.api.ServiceLocator.NoServiceLocator import com.lightbend.lagom.scaladsl.server._ import com.lightbend.lagom.scaladsl.devmode.LagomDevModeComponents import import api.FooService import com.softwaremill.macwire._ class FooLoader extends LagomApplicationLoader { override def load(context: LagomApplicationContext): LagomApplication = new FooApplication(context) { override def serviceLocator = NoServiceLocator } override def loadDevMode(context: LagomApplicationContext): LagomApplication = new FooApplication(context) with LagomDevModeComponents } abstract class FooApplication(context: LagomApplicationContext) extends LagomApplication(context) with AhcWSComponents { override lazy val lagomServer = serverFor[FooService](wire[FooServiceImpl]) Files.write( environment.getFile("target/reload.log").toPath, s"${new Date()} - reloaded\n".getBytes("utf-8"), StandardOpenOption.CREATE, StandardOpenOption.APPEND ) }
Example 38
Source File: file.scala From monix-nio with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package monix.nio import java.nio.ByteBuffer import java.nio.file.WatchEvent.Kind import java.nio.file.{ Path, StandardOpenOption } import monix.execution.Scheduler package object file { def readAsync(path: Path, chunkSize: Int)(implicit s: Scheduler): AsyncFileChannelObservable = { require(chunkSize > 1) val channel = TaskFileChannel(path, StandardOpenOption.READ) new AsyncFileChannelObservable(channel, chunkSize) } def writeAsync( path: Path, flags: Seq[StandardOpenOption] = Seq.empty)(implicit s: Scheduler): AsyncFileChannelConsumer = { appendAsync(path, 0, flags) } def appendAsync( path: Path, startPosition: Long, flags: Seq[StandardOpenOption] = Seq.empty)(implicit s: Scheduler): AsyncFileChannelConsumer = { val flagsWithWriteOptions = flags :+ StandardOpenOption.WRITE :+ StandardOpenOption.CREATE val channel = TaskFileChannel(path, flagsWithWriteOptions: _*) new AsyncFileChannelConsumer(channel, startPosition) } def watchAsync( path: Path, events: Seq[Kind[_]] = Seq.empty)(implicit s: Scheduler): WatchServiceObservable = { val watcher = TaskWatchService(path, events: _*) new AsyncWatchServiceObservable(watcher) } private[file] def asyncChannelWrapper(taskFileChannel: TaskFileChannel) = new AsyncChannel { override val closeOnComplete: Boolean = true override def read(dst: ByteBuffer, position: Long) =, position) override def write(b: ByteBuffer, position: Long) = taskFileChannel.write(b, position) override def close() = taskFileChannel.close() } }
Example 39
Source File: IntegrationTest.scala From monix-nio with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package monix.nio.file import java.nio.file.{ Files, Paths, StandardOpenOption } import java.util import minitest.SimpleTestSuite import monix.execution.Callback import monix.nio.file import scala.concurrent.duration._ import scala.concurrent.{ Await, Promise } import scala.util.control.NonFatal object IntegrationTest extends SimpleTestSuite { test("same file generated") { implicit val ctx = val from = Paths.get(this.getClass.getResource("/testFiles/file.txt").toURI) val to = Paths.get("src/test/resources/out.txt") val consumer = file.writeAsync(to) val p = Promise[Boolean]() val callback = new Callback[Throwable, Long] { override def onSuccess(value: Long): Unit = p.success(true) override def onError(ex: Throwable): Unit = p.failure(ex) } readAsync(from, 3) .consumeWith(consumer) .runAsync(callback) val result = Await.result(p.future, 3.second) assert(result) val f1 = Files.readAllBytes(from) val f2 = Files.readAllBytes(to) Files.delete(to) // clean assert(util.Arrays.equals(f1, f2)) } test("add data to existing file") { implicit val ctx = val from = Paths.get(this.getClass.getResource("/testFiles/file.txt").toURI) val to = Paths.get("src/test/resources/existing.txt") val strSeq = Seq("A", "\u0024", "\u00A2", "\u20AC", new String(Array(0xF0, 0x90, 0x8D, 0x88).map(_.toByte)), "B") try { Files.write(to, strSeq.flatMap(_.getBytes).toArray, StandardOpenOption.WRITE, StandardOpenOption.CREATE, StandardOpenOption.APPEND) } catch { case NonFatal(e) => fail(s"got error: $e") } val consumer = file.appendAsync(to, Files.size(to)) val p = Promise[Boolean]() val callback = new Callback[Throwable, Long] { override def onSuccess(value: Long): Unit = p.success(true) override def onError(ex: Throwable): Unit = p.failure(ex) } readAsync(from, 3) .consumeWith(consumer) .runAsync(callback) val result = Await.result(p.future, 3.second) assert(result) val f1 = Files.readAllBytes(from) val f2 = Files.readAllBytes(to) Files.delete(to) // clean val all1: Seq[Byte] = strSeq.flatMap(_.getBytes) ++ f1.toSeq assertEquals(all1, f2.toSeq) } }