java.time.LocalDateTime Scala Examples
The following examples show how to use java.time.LocalDateTime.
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Example 1
Source File: TagInputAssociation.scala From smui with Apache License 2.0 | 7 votes |
package models import java.sql.Connection import java.time.LocalDateTime import anorm.SqlParser.get import anorm._ case class TagInputAssociation(tagId: InputTagId, searchInputId: SearchInputId, lastUpdate: LocalDateTime = { import TagInputAssociation._ def toNamedParameters: Seq[NamedParameter] = Seq( TAG_ID -> tagId, INPUT_ID -> searchInputId, LAST_UPDATE -> lastUpdate ) } object TagInputAssociation { val TABLE_NAME = "tag_2_input" val TAG_ID = "tag_id" val INPUT_ID = "input_id" val LAST_UPDATE = "last_update" def insert(associations: TagInputAssociation*)(implicit connection: Connection): Unit = { if (associations.nonEmpty) { BatchSql(s"insert into $TABLE_NAME ($TAG_ID, $INPUT_ID, $LAST_UPDATE) " + s"values ({$TAG_ID}, {$INPUT_ID}, {$LAST_UPDATE})", associations.head.toNamedParameters, _* ).execute() } } def updateTagsForSearchInput(searchInputId: SearchInputId, tagIds: Seq[InputTagId])(implicit connection: Connection): Unit = { deleteBySearchInputId(searchInputId) insert( => TagInputAssociation(tagId, searchInputId)): _*) } def loadTagsBySearchInputId(id: SearchInputId)(implicit connection: Connection): Seq[InputTag] = { SQL(s"select * from $TABLE_NAME a, ${InputTag.TABLE_NAME} t where a.$INPUT_ID = {inputId} " + s"and a.$TAG_ID = t.${InputTag.ID} order by t.${InputTag.PROPERTY} asc, t.${InputTag.VALUE} asc"). on("inputId" -> id).as(InputTag.sqlParser.*) } def loadTagsBySearchInputIds(ids: Seq[SearchInputId])(implicit connection: Connection): Map[SearchInputId, Seq[InputTag]] = { ids.grouped(100).toSeq.flatMap { idGroup => SQL(s"select * from $TABLE_NAME a, ${InputTag.TABLE_NAME} t where a.$INPUT_ID in ({inputIds}) " + s"and a.$TAG_ID = t.${InputTag.ID} order by t.${InputTag.PROPERTY} asc, t.${InputTag.VALUE} asc"). on("inputIds" -> idGroup).as((InputTag.sqlParser ~ get[SearchInputId](s"$TABLE_NAME.$INPUT_ID")).*). map { case tag ~ inputId => inputId -> tag } }.groupBy(_._1).mapValues( } def deleteBySearchInputId(id: SearchInputId)(implicit connection: Connection): Int = { SQL"delete from #$TABLE_NAME where #$INPUT_ID = $id".executeUpdate() } }
Example 2
Source File: ABTest.scala From algoliasearch-client-scala with MIT License | 6 votes |
package algolia.inputs import java.time.LocalDateTime import algolia.objects.Query case class ABTest( name: String, variants: Seq[ABTestVariant], endAt: LocalDateTime ) case class ABTestVariant( index: String, trafficPercentage: Int, description: Option[String] = None, customSearchParameters: Option[Query] = None )
Example 3
Source File: Response.scala From daml with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
// Copyright (c) 2020 Digital Asset (Switzerland) GmbH and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 package com.daml.lf.engine.trigger import akka.http.scaladsl.model._ import spray.json.DefaultJsonProtocol._ import spray.json._ import java.time.LocalDateTime import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter // The HTTP service can `complete` using one of these functions to construct a // a response with a JSON object and status code matching the one in the body. object Response { def successResponse[A: JsonWriter](a: A): (StatusCode, JsObject) = { (StatusCodes.OK, resultJsObject(a)) } def errorResponse(status: StatusCode, es: String*): (StatusCode, JsObject) = { (status, errorsJsObject(status, es)) } // These functions are borrowed from the HTTP JSON ledger API but I haven't // factored them out for now as they are fairly small. def errorsJsObject(status: StatusCode, es: Seq[String]): JsObject = { val errors = es.toJson JsObject(statusField(status), ("errors", errors)) } def resultJsObject[A: JsonWriter](a: A): JsObject = { resultJsObject(a.toJson) } def resultJsObject(a: JsValue): JsObject = { JsObject(statusField(StatusCodes.OK), ("result", a)) } def statusField(status: StatusCode): (String, JsNumber) = ("status", JsNumber(status.intValue())) // Trigger status messages have timestamps for which this is the // formatter. object LocalDateTimeJsonFormat extends RootJsonFormat[LocalDateTime] { override def write(dt: LocalDateTime) = JsString(dt.format(DateTimeFormatter.ISO_LOCAL_DATE_TIME)) override def read(json: JsValue): LocalDateTime = json match { case JsString(s) => LocalDateTime.parse(s, DateTimeFormatter.ISO_LOCAL_DATE_TIME) case _ => throw new DeserializationException("Decode local datetime failed") } } }
Example 4
Source File: Common.scala From chymyst-core with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package io.chymyst.benchmark import java.time.LocalDateTime import java.time.temporal.ChronoUnit object Common { val warmupTimeMs = 50L def elapsed(initTime: LocalDateTime): Long = initTime.until(, ChronoUnit.MILLIS) def elapsed(initTime: Long): Long = System.currentTimeMillis() - initTime def timeThis(task: => Unit): Long = { val initTime = task elapsed(initTime) } def timeWithPriming(task: => Unit): Long = { task // this is just priming, no measurement val result1 = timeThis { task } val result2 = timeThis { task } (result1 + result2 + 1) / 2 } def waitSome(): Unit = Thread.sleep(warmupTimeMs) }
Example 5
Source File: Benchmarks7.scala From chymyst-core with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package io.chymyst.benchmark import java.time.LocalDateTime import io.chymyst.benchmark.Common._ import io.chymyst.jc._ import code.jiansen.scalajoin._ // Use precompiled classes from Jiansen's Join.scala, which are in that package. object Benchmarks7 { /// Concurrent decrement of `n` counters, each going from `count` to 0 concurrently. /// create `n` asynchronous counters, initialize each to `count`, then decrement `count*n` times, until all counters are zero. /// collect the zero-counter events, make sure there are `n` of them, then fire an `all_done` event that yields the benchmark time. val numberOfCounters = 5 def benchmark7(count: Int, tp: Pool): Long = { val done = m[Unit] val all_done = m[Int] val f = b[LocalDateTime,Long] site(tp)( go { case all_done(0) + f(tInit, r) => r(elapsed(tInit)) }, go { case all_done(x) + done(_) if x > 0 => all_done(x-1) } ) val initialTime = all_done(numberOfCounters) val d = make_counters(done, numberOfCounters, count, tp) (1 to (count*numberOfCounters)).foreach{ _ => d() } f(initialTime) } // this deadlocks whenever `count` * `counters` becomes large. def benchmark8(count: Int, tp: Pool): Long = { println(s"Creating $numberOfCounters concurrent counters, each going from $count to 0") object j8 extends Join { object done extends AsyName[Unit] object all_done extends AsyName[Int] object f extends SynName[LocalDateTime, Long] join { case all_done(0) and f(tInit) => f.reply(elapsed(tInit)) case all_done(x) and done(_) if x > 0 => all_done(x-1) } } val initialTime = j8.all_done(count) val d = make_counters8a(j8.done, numberOfCounters, count) (1 to (count*numberOfCounters)).foreach{ _ => d(()) } j8.f(initialTime) } private def make_counters(done: M[Unit], counters: Int, init: Int, tp: Pool) = { val c = m[Int] val d = m[Unit] site(tp)( go { case c(0) => done() }, go { case c(n) + d(_) if n > 0 => c(n - 1) } ) (1 to counters).foreach(_ => c(init)) // We return just one molecule. d } private def make_counters8a(done: AsyName[Unit], counters: Int, init: Int): AsyName[Unit] = { object j8a extends Join { object c extends AsyName[Int] object d extends AsyName[Unit] join { case c(0) => done(()) case c(n) and d(_) if n > 0 => c(n-1) } } (1 to counters).foreach(_ => j8a.c(init)) // We return just one molecule. j8a.d } }
Example 6
Source File: package.scala From ArchiveSpark with MIT License | 5 votes |
package org.archive import java.time.LocalDateTime import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD import org.archive.archivespark.implicits.{EnrichableRDD, GenericHelpersRDD, JsonConvertibleRDD, SimplifiedGetterEnrichRoot, StringRDD} import org.archive.archivespark.model.EnrichRoot import org.archive.archivespark.util.JsonConvertible import scala.reflect.ClassTag package object archivespark { implicit class ImplicitStringRDD(rdd: RDD[String]) extends StringRDD(rdd) implicit class ImplicitGenericHelpersRDD[A : ClassTag](rdd: RDD[A]) extends GenericHelpersRDD[A](rdd) implicit class ImplicitEnrichableRDD[Root <: EnrichRoot : ClassTag](rdd: RDD[Root]) extends EnrichableRDD[Root](rdd) implicit class ImplicitJsonConvertibleRDD[Record <: JsonConvertible : ClassTag](rdd: RDD[Record]) extends JsonConvertibleRDD[Record](rdd) implicit class ImplicitSimplifiedGetterEnrichRoot[Root <: EnrichRoot](root: Root) extends SimplifiedGetterEnrichRoot[Root](root) implicit class OrderedLocalDateTime(time: LocalDateTime) extends Ordered[LocalDateTime] { override def compare(that: LocalDateTime): Int = time.compareTo(that) } }
Example 7
Source File: ItTestPlugin.scala From matcher with MIT License | 5 votes |
import java.time.LocalDateTime import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter import sbt.Keys._ import sbt.Tests.Group import sbt._ // Separate projects for integration tests because of IDEA: object ItTestPlugin extends AutoPlugin { object autoImport extends ItKeys import autoImport._ override def projectSettings: Seq[Def.Setting[_]] = inConfig(Test)( Seq( logDirectory := { val runId = Option(System.getenv("RUN_ID")).getOrElse { val formatter = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("MM-dd--HH_mm_ss") formatter.format( // git branch? } val r = target.value / "logs" / runId IO.createDirectory(r) r }, // Example: SCALATEST_EXCLUDE_TAGS="package1.Tag1 package2.Tag2 package3.Tag3" testOptions += { val excludeTags = sys.env.get("SCALATEST_EXCLUDE_TAGS").fold(Seq.empty[String])(Seq("-l", _)) val includeTags = sys.env.get("SCALATEST_INCLUDE_TAGS").fold(Seq.empty[String])(Seq("-n", _)) val args = Seq("-fFWD", (logDirectory.value / "summary.log").toString) ++ excludeTags ++ includeTags Tests.Argument(TestFrameworks.ScalaTest, args: _*) }, parallelExecution in Test := true, tags in test += Tags.ForkedTestGroup -> 1, tags in testOnly += Tags.ForkedTestGroup -> 1, tags in testQuick += Tags.ForkedTestGroup -> 1, testGrouping := { // ffs, sbt! // val javaHomeValue = javaHome.value val logDirectoryValue = logDirectory.value val envVarsValue = envVars.value val javaOptionsValue = javaOptions.value val resourceDirectoryValue = resourceDirectory.value for { group <- testGrouping.value suite <- group.tests } yield Group(, Seq(suite), Tests.SubProcess( ForkOptions( javaHome = javaHomeValue, outputStrategy = outputStrategy.value, bootJars = Vector.empty[], workingDirectory = Option(baseDirectory.value), runJVMOptions = Vector( s"-Djava.util.logging.config.file=${resourceDirectoryValue / ""}", s"-Dlogback.configurationFile=${resourceDirectoryValue / "logback-test.xml"}", "", s"${logDirectoryValue /"""(\w)\w*\.""", "$1.")}" // -> f.b.Baz ) ++ javaOptionsValue, connectInput = false, envVars = envVarsValue )) ) } )) } trait ItKeys { val logDirectory = taskKey[File]("The directory where logs of integration tests are written") }
Example 8
Source File: DBRecords.scala From matcher with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.wavesplatform.dex.history import java.time.LocalDateTime object DBRecords { sealed trait Record case class OrderRecord(id: String, tpe: Byte, senderAddress: String, senderPublicKey: String, amountAssetId: String, priceAssetId: String, feeAssetId: String, side: Byte, price: BigDecimal, amount: BigDecimal, timestamp: LocalDateTime, expiration: LocalDateTime, fee: BigDecimal, created: LocalDateTime) extends Record case class EventRecord(orderId: String, eventType: Byte, timestamp: LocalDateTime, price: BigDecimal, filled: BigDecimal, totalFilled: BigDecimal, feeFilled: BigDecimal, feeTotalFilled: BigDecimal, status: Byte) extends Record }
Example 9
Source File: InformativeTestStart.scala From matcher with MIT License | 5 votes |
package import java.time.{LocalDateTime, ZoneId} import import mouse.any._ import org.scalatest.{Args, Status, Suite} import scala.util.{Failure, Success} trait InformativeTestStart extends Suite { self: BaseContainersKit => override protected def runTest(testName: String, args: Args): Status = { def print(text: String): Unit = writeGlobalLog(s"---------- [${"UTC"))}] $text ----------") print(s"Test '$testName' started") super.runTest(testName, args) unsafeTap { _.whenCompleted { case Success(r) => print(s"Test '$testName' ${if (r) "succeeded" else "failed"}") case Failure(e) => print(s"Test '$testName' failed with exception '${e.getClass.getSimpleName}'") } } } protected def writeGlobalLog(x: String): Unit = { log.debug(x) knownContainers.get().foreach { _.printDebugMessage(x) } } }
Example 10
Source File: Status.scala From daf-semantics with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package it.almawave.kb.http.endpoints import java.time.LocalTime import io.swagger.annotations.Api import import import import io.swagger.annotations.ApiOperation import import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory import import import import it.almawave.linkeddata.kb.utils.JSONHelper import java.time.LocalDateTime import java.time.ZonedDateTime import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter import java.util.Locale import java.time.ZoneId @Api(tags = Array("catalog")) @Path("/status") class Status { private val logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(this.getClass) @Context var uriInfo: UriInfo = null @GET @Produces(Array(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON)) @ApiOperation(nickname = "status", value = "endpoint status") def status() = { val base_uri = uriInfo.getBaseUri val msg = s"the service is running at ${base_uri}" val _now = now() StatusMsg(_now._1, _now._2, msg) } def now() = { val zdt ="+1")) val dtf = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSSSSZ") (zdt.format(dtf), zdt) } } case class StatusMsg( now: String, dateTime: ZonedDateTime, msg: String )
Example 11
Source File: JdbcResultSpec.scala From daf with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
package daf.dataset.query.jdbc import java.sql.Timestamp import java.time.{ LocalDateTime, OffsetDateTime } import org.scalatest.{ MustMatchers, WordSpec } import play.api.libs.json._ class JdbcResultSpec extends WordSpec with MustMatchers { "A JDBC Result container" must { "convert to CSV" in { JdbcResults.flat.toCsv.toList must be { List( """"int", "string", "bool", "timestamp"""", """1, "str1", true, "2018-06-25T09:00:00Z"""", """2, "str2", false, "2018-06-25T09:30:00Z"""", """<null>, <null>, false, <null>""" ) } } "convert to json" in { JdbcResults.flat.toJson.toList must be { Seq( JsObject { Seq( "int" -> JsNumber(1), "string" -> JsString("str1"), "bool" -> JsBoolean(true), "timestamp" -> JsString("2018-06-25T09:00:00Z") ) }, JsObject { Seq( "int" -> JsNumber(2), "string" -> JsString("str2"), "bool" -> JsBoolean(false), "timestamp" -> JsString("2018-06-25T09:30:00Z") ) }, JsObject { Seq( "int" -> JsNull, "string" -> JsNull, "bool" -> JsBoolean(false), "timestamp" -> JsNull ) } ) } } } } object JdbcResults { private val offset = private def timestamp(dateTime: LocalDateTime) = Timestamp.from { dateTime.toInstant(offset) } val flat = JdbcResult( header = Seq("int", "string", "bool", "timestamp"), rows = Vector( List(, "str1",, timestamp { LocalDateTime.of(2018, 6, 25, 9, 0) } ), List(, "str2",, timestamp { LocalDateTime.of(2018, 6, 25, 9, 30) } ), List( null, null,, null ) ) ) }
Example 12
Source File: ABTest.scala From algoliasearch-client-scala with MIT License | 5 votes |
package algolia.responses import java.time.LocalDateTime import algolia.objects.Query case class ABTestsResponse(abtests: Seq[ABTestResponse], count: Int, total: Int) case class ABTestResponse( abTestID: Int, clickSignificance: Option[Int], conversionSignificance: Option[Float], createdAt: LocalDateTime, endAt: LocalDateTime, name: String, status: String, variants: Seq[VariantResponse] ) case class VariantResponse( averageClickPosition: Option[Int], clickCount: Option[Int], clickThroughRate: Option[Float], conversionCount: Option[Int], conversionRate: Option[Float], description: String, index: String, noResultCount: Option[Int], searchCount: Option[Int], trafficPercentage: Int, userCount: Option[Int], customSearchParameters: Option[Query] )
Example 13
Source File: Main.scala From dtc with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package dtc.examples import java.time.{LocalDate, LocalDateTime, LocalTime, Month} import dtc.instances.localDateTime._ // scalastyle:off object Main extends App { val calendar = Calendar(List( CalendarEvent( LocalDateTime.of(, LocalTime.of(10, 0)), LocalDateTime.of(, LocalTime.of(11, 0)), "Breakfast" ), CalendarEvent( LocalDateTime.of(, LocalTime.of(12, 0)), LocalDateTime.of(, LocalTime.of(14, 0)), "Meeting" ), CalendarEvent( LocalDateTime.of(2016, Month.OCTOBER, 9, 11, 0), LocalDateTime.of(2016, Month.OCTOBER, 9, 11, 0), "Birthday party" ) )) println(calendar.eventsAfter(", ")) println(calendar.onlyWorkDays.mkString(", ")) val period = Period(, println(period.durationInMinutes) println(period.durationInSeconds) println(period.hours.mkString("\n")) }
Example 14
Source File: LocalDateTimeTests.scala From dtc with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package dtc.tests import java.time.{Duration, LocalDateTime, ZoneOffset} import cats.instances.option._ import cats.kernel.laws.discipline.OrderTests import com.fortysevendeg.scalacheck.datetime.jdk8.ArbitraryJdk8.genZonedDateTime import dtc.instances.localDateTime._ import dtc.laws.{DateTimeTests, LocalDateTimeTests, ProviderTests} import org.scalacheck.Arbitrary.arbitrary import org.scalacheck.{Arbitrary, Cogen} import dtc.instances.providers.realLocalDateTimeProvider class JVMLocalDateTimeTests extends DTCSuiteJVM { implicit val arbT: Arbitrary[LocalDateTime] = Arbitrary( implicit val cogenT: Cogen[LocalDateTime] = Cogen(_.toEpochSecond(ZoneOffset.UTC)) val overflowSafePairGen = for { dt <- arbitrary[LocalDateTime] dur <- arbitrary[Duration] } yield (dt, dur) val ldtTests = LocalDateTimeTests[LocalDateTime](overflowSafePairGen, genYear) checkAll("java.time.LocalDateTime", DateTimeTests[LocalDateTime](overflowSafePairGen).dateTime) checkAll("java.time.LocalDateTime", ldtTests.localDateTime) checkAll("java.time.LocalDateTime", ldtTests.monthUntilFractionHandling) checkAll("java.time.LocalDateTime", OrderTests[LocalDateTime].order) checkAll("java.time.LocalDateTime", OrderTests[LocalDateTime].partialOrder) checkAll("java.time.LocalDateTime", OrderTests[LocalDateTime].eqv) checkAll("java.time.LocalDateTime", ProviderTests[LocalDateTime](genTimeZone).provider) }
Example 15
Source File: Request.scala From reliable-http-client with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package rhttpc.client.protocol import java.time.{Instant, LocalDateTime} import scala.concurrent.duration.FiniteDuration case class Request[+T](correlated: Correlated[T], attempt: Int, lastPlannedDelay: Option[FiniteDuration], firstAttemptTimestamp: Instant) { def msg = correlated.msg def correlationId = correlated.correlationId def isFirstAttempt: Boolean = attempt == 1 def nextAttempt: Request[T] = copy(attempt = attempt + 1) } object Request { def apply[T](correlated: Correlated[T], attempt: Int, lastPlannedDelay: FiniteDuration, firstAttemptTimestamp: Instant): Request[T] = { Request( correlated = correlated, attempt = attempt, lastPlannedDelay = Some(lastPlannedDelay), firstAttemptTimestamp = firstAttemptTimestamp ) } def firstAttempt[T](correlated: Correlated[T], firstAttemptTimestamp: Instant): Request[T] = { Request( correlated = correlated, attempt = 1, lastPlannedDelay = None, firstAttemptTimestamp = firstAttemptTimestamp ) } }
Example 16
Source File: SplitAfter.scala From akka_streams_tutorial with MIT License | 5 votes |
package sample.stream_shared_state import java.time.{Instant, LocalDateTime, ZoneOffset} import akka.Done import import{Sink, Source} import org.slf4j.{Logger, LoggerFactory} import scala.collection.immutable._ import scala.concurrent.Future import scala.concurrent.duration._ import scala.util.{Failure, Success} object SplitAfter extends App { val logger: Logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(this.getClass) implicit val system = ActorSystem("SplitAfter") implicit val executionContext = system.dispatcher private def hasSecondChanged: () => Seq[(Int, Instant)] => Iterable[(Instant, Boolean)] = { () => { slidingElements => { if (slidingElements.size == 2) { val current = slidingElements.head val next = slidingElements.tail.head val currentBucket = LocalDateTime.ofInstant(current._2, ZoneOffset.UTC).withNano(0) val nextBucket = LocalDateTime.ofInstant(next._2, ZoneOffset.UTC).withNano(0) List((current._2, currentBucket != nextBucket)) } else { val current = slidingElements.head List((current._2, false)) } } } } val done: Future[Done] = Source(1 to 100) .throttle(1, 100.millis) .map(elem => (elem, .sliding(2) // allows to compare this element with the next element .statefulMapConcat(hasSecondChanged) // stateful decision .splitAfter(_._2) // split when second has changed .map(_._1) // proceed with payload .fold(0)((acc, _) => acc + 1) // sum .mergeSubstreams .runWith(Sink.foreach(each => println(s"Elements in group: $each"))) terminateWhen(done) def terminateWhen(done: Future[_]) = { done.onComplete { case Success(_) => println("Flow Success. About to terminate...") system.terminate() case Failure(e) => println(s"Flow Failure: $e. About to terminate...") system.terminate() } } }
Example 17
Source File: SuggestedSolrField.scala From smui with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package models import java.sql.Connection import java.time.LocalDateTime import anorm.SqlParser.get import anorm._ import play.api.libs.json.{Json, OFormat} class SuggestedSolrFieldId(id: String) extends Id(id) object SuggestedSolrFieldId extends IdObject[SuggestedSolrFieldId](new SuggestedSolrFieldId(_)) case class SuggestedSolrField(id: SuggestedSolrFieldId = SuggestedSolrFieldId(), name: String) { } object SuggestedSolrField { implicit val jsonFormat: OFormat[SuggestedSolrField] = Json.format[SuggestedSolrField] val TABLE_NAME = "suggested_solr_field" val ID = "id" val NAME = "name" val SOLR_INDEX_ID = "solr_index_id" val LAST_UPDATE = "last_update" val sqlParser: RowParser[SuggestedSolrField] = { get[SuggestedSolrFieldId](s"$TABLE_NAME.$ID") ~ get[String](s"$TABLE_NAME.$NAME") map { case id ~ name => SuggestedSolrField(id, name) } } def listAll(solrIndexId: SolrIndexId)(implicit connection: Connection): List[SuggestedSolrField] = { SQL"select * from #$TABLE_NAME where #$SOLR_INDEX_ID = $solrIndexId order by #$NAME asc".as(sqlParser.*) } def insert(solrIndexId: SolrIndexId, fieldName: String)(implicit connection: Connection): SuggestedSolrField = { val field = SuggestedSolrField(SuggestedSolrFieldId(), fieldName) SQL(s"insert into $TABLE_NAME($ID, $NAME, $SOLR_INDEX_ID, $LAST_UPDATE) values ({$ID}, {$NAME}, {$SOLR_INDEX_ID}, {$LAST_UPDATE})") .on( ID ->, NAME -> fieldName, SOLR_INDEX_ID -> solrIndexId, LAST_UPDATE -> ) .execute() field } }
Example 18
Source File: SearchManagementRepository.scala From smui with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package models import import java.time.LocalDateTime import java.util.UUID import java.util.Date import anorm.SqlParser.get import javax.inject.Inject import anorm._ import models.FeatureToggleModel.FeatureToggleService import models.SearchInput.ID import play.api.db.DBApi @javax.inject.Singleton class SearchManagementRepository @Inject()(dbapi: DBApi, toggleService: FeatureToggleService)(implicit ec: DatabaseExecutionContext) { private val db = dbapi.database("default") // On startup, always sync predefined tags with the DB syncPredefinedTagsWithDB() private def syncPredefinedTagsWithDB(): Unit = { db.withTransaction { implicit connection => if (toggleService.isRuleTaggingActive) { for (fileName <- toggleService.predefinedTagsFileName) { val tags = PredefinedTag.fromStream(new FileInputStream(fileName)) PredefinedTag.updateInDB(tags) } } } } def addNewSearchInput(solrIndexId: SolrIndexId, searchInputTerm: String, tags: Seq[InputTagId]): SearchInputId = db.withConnection { implicit connection => val id = SearchInput.insert(solrIndexId, searchInputTerm).id if (tags.nonEmpty) { TagInputAssociation.updateTagsForSearchInput(id, tags) } id } def getDetailedSearchInput(searchInputId: SearchInputId): Option[SearchInputWithRules] = db.withConnection { implicit connection => SearchInputWithRules.loadById(searchInputId) } def updateSearchInput(searchInput: SearchInputWithRules): Unit = db.withTransaction { implicit connection => SearchInputWithRules.update(searchInput) } def deleteSearchInput(searchInputId: String): Int = db.withTransaction { implicit connection => SearchInputWithRules.delete(SearchInputId(searchInputId)) } def listAllSuggestedSolrFields(solrIndexId: String): List[SuggestedSolrField] = db.withConnection { implicit connection => SuggestedSolrField.listAll(SolrIndexId(solrIndexId)) } def addNewSuggestedSolrField(solrIndexId: SolrIndexId, suggestedSolrFieldName: String): SuggestedSolrField = db.withConnection { implicit connection => SuggestedSolrField.insert(solrIndexId, suggestedSolrFieldName) } def addNewDeploymentLogOk(solrIndexId: String, targetPlatform: String): Boolean = db.withConnection { implicit connection => SQL("insert into deployment_log(id, solr_index_id, target_platform, last_update, result) values ({id}, {solr_index_id}, {target_platform}, {last_update}, {result})") .on( 'id -> UUID.randomUUID().toString, 'solr_index_id -> solrIndexId, 'target_platform -> targetPlatform, 'last_update -> new Date(), 'result -> 0 ) .execute() } case class DeploymentLogDetail(id: String, lastUpdate: LocalDateTime, result: Int) val sqlParserDeploymentLogDetail: RowParser[DeploymentLogDetail] = { get[String](s"") ~ get[LocalDateTime](s"deployment_log.last_update") ~ get[Int](s"deployment_log.result") map { case id ~ lastUpdate ~ result => DeploymentLogDetail(id, lastUpdate, result) } } def lastDeploymentLogDetail(solrIndexId: String, targetPlatform: String): Option[DeploymentLogDetail] = db.withConnection { implicit connection => { SQL"select * from deployment_log where solr_index_id = $solrIndexId and target_platform = $targetPlatform order by last_update desc".as(sqlParserDeploymentLogDetail.*).headOption } } }
Example 19
Source File: SearchInput.scala From smui with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package models import java.sql.Connection import java.time.LocalDateTime import anorm.SqlParser.get import anorm._ class SearchInputId(id: String) extends Id(id) object SearchInputId extends IdObject[SearchInputId](new SearchInputId(_)) case class SearchInput(id: SearchInputId = SearchInputId(), solrIndexId: SolrIndexId, term: String, lastUpdate: LocalDateTime, isActive: Boolean, comment: String) { import SearchInput._ def status: Int = statusFromIsActive(isActive) def toNamedParameters: Seq[NamedParameter] = Seq( ID -> id, SOLR_INDEX_ID -> solrIndexId, TERM -> term, LAST_UPDATE -> lastUpdate, STATUS -> status, COMMENT -> comment ) } object SearchInput { val TABLE_NAME = "search_input" val ID = "id" val TERM = "term" val SOLR_INDEX_ID = "solr_index_id" val LAST_UPDATE = "last_update" val STATUS = "status" val COMMENT = "comment" def isActiveFromStatus(status: Int): Boolean = { (status & 0x01) == 0x01 } def statusFromIsActive(isActive: Boolean) = { if (isActive) 0x01 else 0x00 } val sqlParser: RowParser[SearchInput] = { get[SearchInputId](s"$TABLE_NAME.$ID") ~ get[String](s"$TABLE_NAME.$TERM") ~ get[SolrIndexId](s"$TABLE_NAME.$SOLR_INDEX_ID") ~ get[LocalDateTime](s"$TABLE_NAME.$LAST_UPDATE") ~ get[Int](s"$TABLE_NAME.$STATUS") ~ get[String](s"$TABLE_NAME.$COMMENT") map { case id ~ term ~ indexId ~ lastUpdate ~ status ~ comment => SearchInput(id, indexId, term, lastUpdate, isActiveFromStatus(status), comment) } } def insert(solrIndexId: SolrIndexId, term: String)(implicit connection: Connection): SearchInput = { val input = SearchInput(SearchInputId(), solrIndexId, term,, true, "") SQL(s"insert into $TABLE_NAME ($ID, $TERM, $SOLR_INDEX_ID, $LAST_UPDATE, $STATUS, $COMMENT) values ({$ID}, {$TERM}, {$SOLR_INDEX_ID}, {$LAST_UPDATE}, {$STATUS}, {$COMMENT})") .on(input.toNamedParameters: _*).execute() input } def loadAllForIndex(solrIndexId: SolrIndexId)(implicit connection: Connection): List[SearchInput] = { SQL"select * from #$TABLE_NAME where #$SOLR_INDEX_ID = $solrIndexId order by #$TERM asc".as(sqlParser.*) } def loadAllIdsForIndex(solrIndexId: SolrIndexId)(implicit connection: Connection): List[SearchInputId] = { SQL"select #$ID from #$TABLE_NAME where #$SOLR_INDEX_ID = $solrIndexId order by #$TERM asc".as(get[SearchInputId](ID).*) } def loadById(id: SearchInputId)(implicit connection: Connection): Option[SearchInput] = { SQL"select * from #$TABLE_NAME where #$ID = $id".as(sqlParser.*).headOption } def update(id: SearchInputId, term: String, isActive: Boolean, comment: String)(implicit connection: Connection): Unit = { SQL"update #$TABLE_NAME set #$TERM = $term, #$LAST_UPDATE = ${}, #$STATUS = ${statusFromIsActive(isActive)}, #$COMMENT = $comment where #$ID = $id".executeUpdate() } def delete(id: SearchInputId)(implicit connection: Connection): Int = { SQL"delete from #$TABLE_NAME where #$ID = $id".executeUpdate() } }
Example 20
Source File: InputTag.scala From smui with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package models import java.sql.Connection import java.time.LocalDateTime import anorm._ import anorm.SqlParser.get import play.api.libs.json._ class InputTagId(id: String) extends Id(id) object InputTagId extends IdObject[InputTagId](new InputTagId(_)) case class InputTag(id: InputTagId, solrIndexId: Option[SolrIndexId], property: Option[String], value: String, exported: Boolean, predefined: Boolean, lastUpdate: LocalDateTime) { import InputTag._ def toNamedParameters: Seq[NamedParameter] = Seq( ID -> id, SOLR_INDEX_ID -> solrIndexId, PROPERTY -> property, VALUE -> value, EXPORTED -> (if (exported) 1 else 0), PREDEFINED -> (if (predefined) 1 else 0), LAST_UPDATE -> lastUpdate ) def tagContent = TagContent(solrIndexId, property, value) def displayValue: String = => s"$p:").getOrElse("") + value } object InputTag { val TABLE_NAME = "input_tag" val ID = "id" val SOLR_INDEX_ID = "solr_index_id" val PROPERTY = "property" val VALUE = "tag_value" val EXPORTED = "exported" val PREDEFINED = "predefined" val LAST_UPDATE = "last_update" implicit val jsonReads: Reads[InputTag] = Json.reads[InputTag] private val defaultWrites: OWrites[InputTag] = Json.writes[InputTag] implicit val jsonWrites: OWrites[InputTag] = OWrites[InputTag] { tag => Json.obj("displayValue" -> tag.displayValue) ++ defaultWrites.writes(tag) } def create(solrIndexId: Option[SolrIndexId], property: Option[String], value: String, exported: Boolean, predefined: Boolean = false): InputTag = { InputTag(InputTagId(), solrIndexId, property, value, exported, predefined, } val sqlParser: RowParser[InputTag] = get[InputTagId](s"$TABLE_NAME.$ID") ~ get[Option[SolrIndexId]](s"$TABLE_NAME.$SOLR_INDEX_ID") ~ get[Option[String]](s"$TABLE_NAME.$PROPERTY") ~ get[String](s"$TABLE_NAME.$VALUE") ~ get[Int](s"$TABLE_NAME.$EXPORTED") ~ get[Int](s"$TABLE_NAME.$PREDEFINED") ~ get[LocalDateTime](s"$TABLE_NAME.$LAST_UPDATE") map { case id ~ solrIndexId ~ property ~ value ~ exported ~ predefined ~ lastUpdate => InputTag(id, solrIndexId, property, value, exported > 0, predefined > 0, lastUpdate) } def insert(tags: InputTag*)(implicit connection: Connection): Unit = { if (tags.nonEmpty) { BatchSql(s"insert into $TABLE_NAME ($ID, $SOLR_INDEX_ID, $PROPERTY, $VALUE, $EXPORTED, $PREDEFINED, $LAST_UPDATE) " + s"values ({$ID}, {$SOLR_INDEX_ID}, {$PROPERTY}, {$VALUE}, {$EXPORTED}, {$PREDEFINED}, {$LAST_UPDATE})", tags.head.toNamedParameters, _* ).execute() } } def loadAll()(implicit connection: Connection): Seq[InputTag] = { SQL(s"select * from $TABLE_NAME order by $PROPERTY asc, $VALUE asc") .as(sqlParser.*) } def deleteByIds(ids: Seq[InputTagId])(implicit connection: Connection): Unit = { for (idGroup <- ids.grouped(100)) { SQL"delete from #$TABLE_NAME where #$ID in ($idGroup)".executeUpdate() } } }
Example 21
Source File: DBCompatibilitySpec.scala From smui with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package models import java.time.LocalDateTime import models.rules._ import org.scalatest.{FlatSpec, Matchers} import play.api.db.Database abstract class DBCompatibilitySpec extends FlatSpec with Matchers with TestData { protected def db: Database // Set millis/nanos of second to 0 since MySQL does not save them // and so comparisons would fail if they were set private val now = "Most important DB queries" should "work using this database" in { db.withConnection { implicit conn => SolrIndex.insert(indexDe) SolrIndex.loadNameById( shouldBe SolrIndex.listAll shouldBe Seq(indexDe) val tag = InputTag(InputTagId(), Some(, Some("testProperty"), "testValue", exported = true, predefined = false, now) InputTag.insert(tag) InputTag.loadAll() shouldBe Seq(tag) val input = SearchInput.insert(, "test") val inputWithRules = SearchInputWithRules(, input.term, List(SynonymRule(SynonymRuleId(), SynonymRule.TYPE_UNDIRECTED, "testSynonym", isActive = true)), List(UpDownRule(UpDownRuleId(), UpDownRule.TYPE_UP, 5, "upDownTerm", isActive = true)), List(FilterRule(FilterRuleId(), "filterTerm", isActive = true)), List(DeleteRule(DeleteRuleId(), "deleteTerm", isActive = true)), List(RedirectRule(RedirectRuleId(), "/testTarget", isActive = true)), List(tag), true, "Some search input comment." ) SearchInputWithRules.update(inputWithRules) SearchInputWithRules.loadById( shouldBe Some(inputWithRules) SearchInputWithRules.loadWithUndirectedSynonymsAndTagsForSolrIndexId( shouldBe Seq( inputWithRules.copy(upDownRules = Nil, filterRules = Nil, deleteRules = Nil, redirectRules = Nil) ) SearchInputWithRules.delete( SearchInputWithRules.loadById( shouldBe None val field1 = SuggestedSolrField.insert(, "title") val field2 = SuggestedSolrField.insert(, "description") SuggestedSolrField.listAll( shouldBe Set(field1, field2) InputTag.deleteByIds(Seq( InputTag.loadAll() shouldBe Nil } } }
Example 22
Source File: DBSpec.scala From dr-cla with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
package utils import java.time.LocalDateTime import models.{ClaSignature, Contact} import modules.Database import import import import play.api.inject.guice.GuiceApplicationBuilder import play.api.test.Helpers._ import import scala.util.Try class DBSpec extends PlaySpec with GuiceOneAppPerSuite { val dbUrl = sys.env.getOrElse("DATABASE_URL", "postgres://salesforcecla:password@localhost:5432/salesforcecla-test") val testConfig = Map("db.default.url" -> dbUrl) implicit override def fakeApplication() = new GuiceApplicationBuilder().configure(testConfig).build() lazy val database = app.injector.instanceOf[Database] lazy val db = app.injector.instanceOf[DB] lazy val playIntializer = app.injector.instanceOf[PlayInitializer] Try(await(database.ctx.executeQuery("drop schema salesforce cascade"))) Try(await(database.ctx.executeQuery("drop table schema_version"))) playIntializer.onStart() "Contact" must { "be creatable" in { val contact = await(db.createContact(Contact(-1, Some("foo"), "bar", "[email protected]", "foobar"))) must not equal -1 } "be creatable with null firstname" in { val contact = await(db.createContact(Contact(-1, None, "blah", "[email protected]", "blah"))) must not equal -1 } "be able to get one that exists by the gitHubId" in { val contact = await(db.findContactByGitHubId("foobar")) contact mustBe 'defined } "fail to get one that doesn't exist by a gitHubId" in { val contact = await(db.findContactByGitHubId("asdf")) contact mustBe None } "work with null firstname" in { val contact = await(db.findContactByGitHubId("blah")) contact mustBe 'defined contact.get.firstName mustBe empty } } "ClaSignature" must { "be creatable" in { val contact = Contact(-1, Some("foo"), "bar", "[email protected]", "foobar") val claSignature = await(db.createClaSignature(ClaSignature(-1, contact.gitHubId,, "0.0.0"))) must not equal -1 } "be queryable with one github id" in { val claSignatures = await(db.findClaSignaturesByGitHubIds(Set(GitHub.User("foobar")))) claSignatures.size mustEqual 1 claSignatures.head.contactGitHubId mustEqual "foobar" } "be queryable with a set of github ids" in { val claSignatures = await(db.findClaSignaturesByGitHubIds(Set(GitHub.User("foobar"), GitHub.User("jondoe")))) claSignatures.size mustEqual 1 claSignatures.head.contactGitHubId mustEqual "foobar" } } "Contact.fullNameToFirstAndLast" must { "work with no names" in { Contact.fullNameToFirstAndLast("") must equal (None, None) } "work with one name" in { Contact.fullNameToFirstAndLast("Foo") must equal (None, Some("Foo")) } "work with two names" in { Contact.fullNameToFirstAndLast("Foo Bar") must equal (Some("Foo"), Some("Bar")) } "work with three names" in { Contact.fullNameToFirstAndLast("Foo Baz Bar") must equal (Some("Foo Baz"), Some("Bar")) } } }
Example 23
Source File: CassandraStorage.scala From graphsense-transformation with MIT License | 5 votes |
package import com.datastax.spark.connector.rdd.ValidRDDType import com.datastax.spark.connector.rdd.reader.RowReaderFactory import com.datastax.spark.connector.writer.{RowWriterFactory} import java.time.LocalDateTime import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter import org.apache.spark.sql.{Dataset, Encoder, SparkSession} import scala.reflect.ClassTag import class CassandraStorage(spark: SparkSession) { import spark.implicits._ import com.datastax.spark.connector._ def load[T <: Product: ClassTag: RowReaderFactory: ValidRDDType: Encoder]( keyspace: String, tableName: String, columns: ColumnRef* ) = { spark.sparkContext.setJobDescription(s"Loading table ${tableName}") val table = spark.sparkContext.cassandraTable[T](keyspace, tableName) if (columns.isEmpty) table.toDS().as[T] else _*).toDS().as[T] } def store[T <: Product: RowWriterFactory]( keyspace: String, tableName: String, df: Dataset[T] ) = { spark.sparkContext.setJobDescription(s"Writing table ${tableName}") val dtf = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") val timestamp = println(s"[$timestamp] Writing table ${tableName}") time { df.rdd.saveToCassandra(keyspace, tableName) } } }
Example 24
Source File: Sessionize.scala From Mastering-Scala-Machine-Learning with MIT License | 5 votes |
package org.akozlov.chapter06 import import java.time.ZoneOffset import java.time.LocalDateTime import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter import org.apache.spark.{SparkConf,SparkContext} import object Sessionize extends App { val sc = new SparkContext("local[8]", "Sessionize", new SparkConf()) val checkoutPattern = ".*>checkout.*".r.pattern // a basic page view structure case class PageView(ts: String, path: String) extends Serializable with Ordered[PageView] { override def toString: String = { s"($ts #$path)" } def compare(other: PageView) = ts compare other.ts } // represent a session case class Session[A <: PageView](id: String, visits: Seq[A]) extends Serializable { override def toString: String = { val vsts = visits.mkString("[", ",", "]") s"($id -> $vsts)" } } def toEpochSeconds(str: String) = { LocalDateTime.parse(str, DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")).toEpochSecond(ZoneOffset.UTC) } val sessions = sc.textFile("data/clickstream") .map(line => {val parts = line.split("\t"); (parts(4), new PageView(parts(0), parts(20)))}) => { new Session(x._1, x._2.toSeq.sorted) } ) .cache // sessions.take(100).foreach(println) def findAllCheckoutSessions(s: Session[PageView]) = { s.visits.tails.filter { _ match { case PageView(ts1, "mycompanycom>homepage") :: PageView(ts2, page) :: tail if (page != "mycompanycom>homepage" ) => true; case _ => false } } .foldLeft(Seq[Session[PageView]]()) { case (r, x) => { x.find(y => checkoutPattern.matcher(y.path).matches) match { case Some(checkout) if (toEpochSeconds(checkout.ts) > toEpochSeconds(x.head.ts) + 60) => r.:+(new Session(, x.slice(0, x.indexOf(checkout)))) case _ => r } } } } val prodLandingSessions = sessions.flatMap(findAllCheckoutSessions) prodLandingSessions.collect.foreach(println) sc.stop() }
Example 25
Source File: RootController.scala From spring-boot-scala-example with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package spring.boot.scala.example.controller import java.time.LocalDateTime import io.micrometer.core.annotation.Timed import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Value import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMethod.GET import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.{RequestMapping, RestController} @RestController class RootController { @Value("${}") val appName: String = null @RequestMapping(path = Array("/"), method = Array(GET)) @Timed def root(): Map[String, Any] = { Map("name" -> appName, "java.version" -> System.getProperty("java.version"), "now" -> } }
Example 26
Source File: InstantModule.scala From milan with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import java.time.format.{DateTimeFormatter, DateTimeParseException} import java.time.temporal.{TemporalAccessor, TemporalQuery} import java.time.{Instant, LocalDateTime, ZoneOffset} import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonParser import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.module.SimpleModule import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.{DeserializationContext, JsonDeserializer} class InstantModule extends SimpleModule { this.addDeserializer[Instant](classOf[Instant], new MilanInstantDeserializer) } class MilanInstantDeserializer extends JsonDeserializer[Instant] { private val formatsToTry = List( DateTimeFormatter.ISO_INSTANT, DateTimeFormatter.ISO_DATE_TIME, DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"), DateTimeFormatter.ISO_DATE) override def deserialize(parser: JsonParser, context: DeserializationContext): Instant = { val textValue = parser.getText this.parseInstant(textValue) } private val createInstant = new TemporalQuery[Instant] { override def queryFrom(temporal: TemporalAccessor): Instant = LocalDateTime.from(temporal).toInstant(ZoneOffset.UTC) } private def parseInstant(dateTimeString: String): Instant = { // Try a bunch of formats. // TODO: This is awful but will do for now. => this.tryParseFormat(dateTimeString, formatter)) .filter(_.isDefined) .map(_.get) .headOption match { case Some(instant) => instant case None => throw new DateTimeParseException(s"Unable to parse datetime string '$dateTimeString'.", dateTimeString, 0) } } private def tryParseFormat(dateTimeString: String, formatter: DateTimeFormatter): Option[Instant] = { try { Some(formatter.parse(dateTimeString, this.createInstant)) } catch { case _: DateTimeParseException => None } } }
Example 27
Source File: CommandsTest.scala From endpoints4s with MIT License | 5 votes |
package cqrs.commands import java.time.{LocalDateTime, OffsetDateTime, ZoneOffset} import java.util.UUID import org.scalatest.BeforeAndAfterAll import{Endpoints, JsonEntitiesFromCodecs} import import play.api.Mode import{AhcWSClient, AhcWSClientConfig} import play.core.server.{NettyServer, ServerConfig} import scala.concurrent.Future import scala.math.BigDecimal import org.scalatest.freespec.AsyncFreeSpec class CommandsTest extends AsyncFreeSpec with BeforeAndAfterAll { private val server = NettyServer.fromRouterWithComponents(ServerConfig(mode = Mode.Test)) { components => new Commands(PlayComponents.fromBuiltInComponents(components)).routes } val app = server.applicationProvider.get.get import app.materializer private val wsClient = AhcWSClient(AhcWSClientConfig()) object client extends Endpoints("http://localhost:9000", wsClient) with JsonEntitiesFromCodecs with CommandsEndpoints override def afterAll(): Unit = { server.stop() wsClient.close() } "Commands" - { val arbitraryDate = OffsetDateTime .of(LocalDateTime.of(2017, 1, 8, 12, 34, 56), ZoneOffset.UTC) .toInstant val arbitraryValue = BigDecimal(10) "create a new meter" in { client.command(CreateMeter("electricity")).map { maybeEvent => assert(maybeEvent.collect { case StoredEvent(_, MeterCreated(_, "electricity")) => () }.nonEmpty) } } "create a meter and add readings to it" in { for { maybeCreatedEvent <- client.command(CreateMeter("water")) id <- maybeCreatedEvent .collect { case StoredEvent(_, MeterCreated(id, _)) => id } .fold[Future[UUID]](Future.failed(new NoSuchElementException))( Future.successful ) maybeAddedEvent <- client.command( AddRecord(id, arbitraryDate, arbitraryValue) ) _ <- maybeAddedEvent .collect { case StoredEvent( _, RecordAdded(`id`, `arbitraryDate`, `arbitraryValue`) ) => () } .fold[Future[Unit]](Future.failed(new NoSuchElementException))( Future.successful ) } yield assert(true) } } }
Example 28
Source File: JsonJacksonMarshallerTest.scala From wix-http-testkit with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.wix.e2e.http.json import java.time.LocalDateTime import java.util.Optional import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper import com.wix.e2e.http.api.Marshaller import com.wix.e2e.http.json.MarshallingTestObjects.SomeCaseClass import com.wix.test.random._ import org.joda.time.DateTimeZone.UTC import org.joda.time.{DateTime, DateTimeZone} import org.specs2.mutable.Spec import org.specs2.specification.Scope class JsonJacksonMarshallerTest extends Spec { trait ctx extends Scope { val someStr = randomStr val javaDateTime = val someCaseClass = SomeCaseClass(randomStr, randomInt) val dateTime = new DateTime val dateTimeUTC = new DateTime(UTC) val marshaller: Marshaller = new JsonJacksonMarshaller } "JsonJacksonMarshaller" should { "marshall scala option properly" in new ctx { marshaller.unmarshall[Option[String]]( marshaller.marshall( Some(someStr) ) ) must beSome(someStr) } "marshall scala case classes properly" in new ctx { marshaller.unmarshall[SomeCaseClass]( marshaller.marshall( someCaseClass ) ) must_=== someCaseClass } "marshall datetime without zone" in new ctx { marshaller.unmarshall[DateTime]( marshaller.marshall( dateTime.withZone(DateTimeZone.getDefault) ) ) must_=== dateTime.withZone(UTC) } "marshall date time to textual format in UTC" in new ctx { marshaller.marshall( dateTime ) must contain(dateTime.withZone(UTC).toString) } "marshall java.time objects" in new ctx { marshaller.unmarshall[LocalDateTime]( marshaller.marshall( javaDateTime ) ) must_=== javaDateTime } "marshall java 8 Optional" in new ctx { marshaller.unmarshall[Optional[DateTime]]( marshaller.marshall( dateTimeUTC ) ) must_=== Optional.of(dateTimeUTC) marshaller.unmarshall[Optional[SomeCaseClass]]( marshaller.marshall( someCaseClass ) ) must_=== Optional.of(someCaseClass) } "expose jackson object mapper to allow external configuration" in new ctx { marshaller.asInstanceOf[JsonJacksonMarshaller].configure must beAnInstanceOf[ObjectMapper] } } } object MarshallingTestObjects { case class SomeCaseClass(s: String, i: Int) }
Example 29
Source File: VersionGeneratorTest.scala From slick-repo with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.byteslounge.slickrepo.version import java.time.{Instant, LocalDateTime} import com.byteslounge.slickrepo.datetime.{DateTimeHelper, MockDateTimeHelper} import org.scalatest.{BeforeAndAfter, FlatSpec, Matchers} class VersionGeneratorTest extends FlatSpec with Matchers with BeforeAndAfter { before { MockDateTimeHelper.start() MockDateTimeHelper.mock( Instant.parse("2016-01-03T01:01:02Z") ) } "The Integer Version Generator" should "generate the integer initial value" in { VersionGenerator.intVersionGenerator.initialVersion() should equal(1) } it should "generate the next integer value" in { VersionGenerator.intVersionGenerator.nextVersion(1) should equal(2) } "The Long Version Generator" should "generate the long initial value" in { VersionGenerator.longVersionGenerator.initialVersion() should equal(1L) } it should "generate the next long value" in { VersionGenerator.longVersionGenerator.nextVersion(1L) should equal(2L) } "The Instant Version Generator" should "generate the instant initial value" in { VersionGenerator.instantVersionGenerator.initialVersion() should equal(InstantVersion(Instant.parse("2016-01-03T01:01:02Z"))) } it should "generate the next instant value" in { VersionGenerator.instantVersionGenerator.nextVersion(InstantVersion(Instant.parse("2016-01-01T01:00:02.112Z"))) should equal(InstantVersion(Instant.parse("2016-01-03T01:01:02Z"))) } "The LongInstant Version Generator" should "generate the LongInstant initial value" in { VersionGenerator.longInstantVersionGenerator.initialVersion() should equal(LongInstantVersion(Instant.parse("2016-01-03T01:01:02Z"))) } it should "generate the next LongInstant value" in { VersionGenerator.longInstantVersionGenerator.nextVersion(LongInstantVersion(Instant.parse("2016-01-01T01:00:02.112Z"))) should equal(LongInstantVersion(Instant.parse("2016-01-03T01:01:02Z"))) } "The LocalDateTime Version Generator" should "generate the LocalDateTime initial value" in { VersionGenerator.localDateTimeVersionGenerator.initialVersion() should equal(LocalDateTimeVersion(instantToLocalDateTime(Instant.parse("2016-01-03T01:01:02Z")))) } it should "generate the next LocalDateTime value" in { VersionGenerator.localDateTimeVersionGenerator.nextVersion(LocalDateTimeVersion(instantToLocalDateTime(Instant.parse("2016-01-01T01:00:02.112Z")))) should equal(LocalDateTimeVersion(instantToLocalDateTime(Instant.parse("2016-01-03T01:01:02Z")))) } "The LongLocalDateTime Version Generator" should "generate the LongLocalDateTime initial value" in { VersionGenerator.longLocalDateTimeVersionGenerator.initialVersion() should equal(LongLocalDateTimeVersion(instantToLocalDateTime(Instant.parse("2016-01-03T01:01:02Z")))) } it should "generate the next LocalDateTime value" in { VersionGenerator.longLocalDateTimeVersionGenerator.nextVersion(LongLocalDateTimeVersion(instantToLocalDateTime(Instant.parse("2016-01-01T01:00:02.112Z")))) should equal(LongLocalDateTimeVersion(instantToLocalDateTime(Instant.parse("2016-01-03T01:01:02Z")))) } private def instantToLocalDateTime(instant: Instant): LocalDateTime = { LocalDateTime.ofInstant(instant, DateTimeHelper.localDateTimeZone) } }
Example 30
Source File: LongLocalDateTimeVersionedRepositoryTest.scala From slick-repo with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.byteslounge.slickrepo.test import java.time.{Instant, LocalDateTime} import com.byteslounge.slickrepo.datetime.{DateTimeHelper, MockDateTimeHelper} import com.byteslounge.slickrepo.exception.OptimisticLockException import com.byteslounge.slickrepo.repository.TestLongLocalDateTimeVersionedEntity abstract class LongLocalDateTimeVersionedRepositoryTest(override val config: Config) extends AbstractRepositoryTest(config) { override def prepareTest() { MockDateTimeHelper.start() MockDateTimeHelper.mock( Instant.parse("2016-01-03T01:01:02Z"), Instant.parse("2016-01-04T01:01:05Z"), Instant.parse("2016-01-05T01:01:07Z") ) } "The LongLocalDateTime Versioned Repository" should "save an entity (manual pk) with an initial LongLocalDateTime version field value" in { import val entity: TestLongLocalDateTimeVersionedEntity = executeAction(, 2, None))) entity.version.get.localDateTime should equal(instantToLocalDateTime(Instant.parse("2016-01-03T01:01:02Z"))) val readEntity = executeAction(testLongLocalDateTimeVersionedEntityRepository.findOne( readEntity.version.get.localDateTime should equal(instantToLocalDateTime(Instant.parse("2016-01-03T01:01:02Z"))) } it should "update an entity (manual pk) incrementing the LongLocalDateTime version field value" in { import val entity: TestLongLocalDateTimeVersionedEntity = executeAction(, 2, None))) val readEntity = executeAction(testLongLocalDateTimeVersionedEntityRepository.findOne( readEntity.version.get.localDateTime should equal(instantToLocalDateTime(Instant.parse("2016-01-03T01:01:02Z"))) val updatedEntity = executeAction(testLongLocalDateTimeVersionedEntityRepository.update(readEntity.copy(price = 3))) updatedEntity.version.get.localDateTime should equal(instantToLocalDateTime(Instant.parse("2016-01-04T01:01:05Z"))) val readUpdatedEntity = executeAction(testLongLocalDateTimeVersionedEntityRepository.findOne( readUpdatedEntity.version.get.localDateTime should equal(instantToLocalDateTime(Instant.parse("2016-01-04T01:01:05Z"))) } it should "updating an LongLocalDateTime versioned entity (manual pk) that was meanwhile updated by other process throws exception" in { val exception = intercept[OptimisticLockException] { import val entity: TestLongLocalDateTimeVersionedEntity = executeAction(, 2, None))) val readEntity = executeAction(testLongLocalDateTimeVersionedEntityRepository.findOne( readEntity.version.get.localDateTime should equal(instantToLocalDateTime(Instant.parse("2016-01-03T01:01:02Z"))) val updatedEntity = executeAction(testLongLocalDateTimeVersionedEntityRepository.update(readEntity.copy(price = 3))) updatedEntity.version.get.localDateTime should equal(instantToLocalDateTime(Instant.parse("2016-01-04T01:01:05Z"))) executeAction(testLongLocalDateTimeVersionedEntityRepository.update(readEntity.copy(price = 4))) } exception.getMessage should equal("Failed to update entity of type com.byteslounge.slickrepo.repository.TestLongLocalDateTimeVersionedEntity. Expected version was not found: 2016-01-03T01:01:02") } it should "perform a batch insert of LongLocalDateTime versioned entities" in { import val batchInsertAction = testLongLocalDateTimeVersionedEntityRepository.batchInsert( Seq(TestLongLocalDateTimeVersionedEntity(Option(1), 2.2, None), TestLongLocalDateTimeVersionedEntity(Option(2), 3.3, None), TestLongLocalDateTimeVersionedEntity(Option(3), 4.4, None)) ) batchInsertAction.getClass.getName.contains("MultiInsertAction") should equal(true) val rowCount = executeAction(batchInsertAction) assertBatchInsertResult(rowCount) val entity1: TestLongLocalDateTimeVersionedEntity = executeAction(testLongLocalDateTimeVersionedEntityRepository.findOne(1)).get val entity2: TestLongLocalDateTimeVersionedEntity = executeAction(testLongLocalDateTimeVersionedEntityRepository.findOne(2)).get val entity3: TestLongLocalDateTimeVersionedEntity = executeAction(testLongLocalDateTimeVersionedEntityRepository.findOne(3)).get entity1.price should equal(2.2) entity1.version.get.localDateTime should equal(instantToLocalDateTime(Instant.parse("2016-01-03T01:01:02Z"))) entity2.price should equal(3.3) entity2.version.get.localDateTime should equal(instantToLocalDateTime(Instant.parse("2016-01-04T01:01:05Z"))) entity3.price should equal(4.4) entity3.version.get.localDateTime should equal(instantToLocalDateTime(Instant.parse("2016-01-05T01:01:07Z"))) } private def instantToLocalDateTime(instant: Instant): LocalDateTime = { LocalDateTime.ofInstant(instant, DateTimeHelper.localDateTimeZone) } }
Example 31
Source File: LocalDateTimeVersionedRepositoryTest.scala From slick-repo with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.byteslounge.slickrepo.test import java.time.{Instant, LocalDateTime} import com.byteslounge.slickrepo.datetime.{DateTimeHelper, MockDateTimeHelper} import com.byteslounge.slickrepo.exception.OptimisticLockException import com.byteslounge.slickrepo.repository.TestLocalDateTimeVersionedEntity abstract class LocalDateTimeVersionedRepositoryTest(override val config: Config) extends AbstractRepositoryTest(config) { override def prepareTest() { MockDateTimeHelper.start() MockDateTimeHelper.mock( Instant.parse("2016-01-03T01:01:02Z"), Instant.parse("2016-01-04T01:01:05Z"), Instant.parse("2016-01-05T01:01:07Z") ) } "The LocalDateTime Versioned Repository" should "save an entity (manual pk) with an initial LocalDateTime version field value" in { import val entity: TestLocalDateTimeVersionedEntity = executeAction(, 2, None))) entity.version.get.localDateTime should equal(instantToLocalDateTime(Instant.parse("2016-01-03T01:01:02Z"))) val readEntity = executeAction(testLocalDateTimeVersionedEntityRepository.findOne( readEntity.version.get.localDateTime should equal(instantToLocalDateTime(Instant.parse("2016-01-03T01:01:02Z"))) } it should "update an entity (manual pk) incrementing the LocalDateTime version field value" in { import val entity: TestLocalDateTimeVersionedEntity = executeAction(, 2, None))) val readEntity = executeAction(testLocalDateTimeVersionedEntityRepository.findOne( readEntity.version.get.localDateTime should equal(instantToLocalDateTime(Instant.parse("2016-01-03T01:01:02Z"))) val updatedEntity = executeAction(testLocalDateTimeVersionedEntityRepository.update(readEntity.copy(price = 3))) updatedEntity.version.get.localDateTime should equal(instantToLocalDateTime(Instant.parse("2016-01-04T01:01:05Z"))) val readUpdatedEntity = executeAction(testLocalDateTimeVersionedEntityRepository.findOne( readUpdatedEntity.version.get.localDateTime should equal(instantToLocalDateTime(Instant.parse("2016-01-04T01:01:05Z"))) } it should "updating an LocalDateTime versioned entity (manual pk) that was meanwhile updated by other process throws exception" in { val exception = intercept[OptimisticLockException] { import val entity: TestLocalDateTimeVersionedEntity = executeAction(, 2, None))) val readEntity = executeAction(testLocalDateTimeVersionedEntityRepository.findOne( readEntity.version.get.localDateTime should equal(instantToLocalDateTime(Instant.parse("2016-01-03T01:01:02Z"))) val updatedEntity = executeAction(testLocalDateTimeVersionedEntityRepository.update(readEntity.copy(price = 3))) updatedEntity.version.get.localDateTime should equal(instantToLocalDateTime(Instant.parse("2016-01-04T01:01:05Z"))) executeAction(testLocalDateTimeVersionedEntityRepository.update(readEntity.copy(price = 4))) } exception.getMessage should equal("Failed to update entity of type com.byteslounge.slickrepo.repository.TestLocalDateTimeVersionedEntity. Expected version was not found: 2016-01-03T01:01:02") } it should "perform a batch insert of LocalDateTime versioned entities" in { import val batchInsertAction = testLocalDateTimeVersionedEntityRepository.batchInsert( Seq(TestLocalDateTimeVersionedEntity(Option(1), 2.2, None), TestLocalDateTimeVersionedEntity(Option(2), 3.3, None), TestLocalDateTimeVersionedEntity(Option(3), 4.4, None)) ) batchInsertAction.getClass.getName.contains("MultiInsertAction") should equal(true) val rowCount = executeAction(batchInsertAction) assertBatchInsertResult(rowCount) val entity1: TestLocalDateTimeVersionedEntity = executeAction(testLocalDateTimeVersionedEntityRepository.findOne(1)).get val entity2: TestLocalDateTimeVersionedEntity = executeAction(testLocalDateTimeVersionedEntityRepository.findOne(2)).get val entity3: TestLocalDateTimeVersionedEntity = executeAction(testLocalDateTimeVersionedEntityRepository.findOne(3)).get entity1.price should equal(2.2) entity1.version.get.localDateTime should equal(instantToLocalDateTime(Instant.parse("2016-01-03T01:01:02Z"))) entity2.price should equal(3.3) entity2.version.get.localDateTime should equal(instantToLocalDateTime(Instant.parse("2016-01-04T01:01:05Z"))) entity3.price should equal(4.4) entity3.version.get.localDateTime should equal(instantToLocalDateTime(Instant.parse("2016-01-05T01:01:07Z"))) } private def instantToLocalDateTime(instant: Instant): LocalDateTime = { LocalDateTime.ofInstant(instant, DateTimeHelper.localDateTimeZone) } }
Example 32
Source File: DateTimeHelperTest.scala From slick-repo with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.byteslounge.slickrepo.datetime import java.time.{Instant, LocalDateTime} import org.scalatest.{BeforeAndAfter, FlatSpec, Matchers} class DateTimeHelperTest extends FlatSpec with Matchers with BeforeAndAfter { before { MockDateTimeHelper.restore() } "The DateTimeHelper" should "return the current instant" in { val now: Instant = val currentInstant: Instant = DateTimeHelper.currentInstant currentInstant.toEpochMilli should be >= now.toEpochMilli } it should "return the current LocalDateTime" in { val now: Instant = val currentLocalDateTime: LocalDateTime = DateTimeHelper.currentLocalDateTime currentLocalDateTime.atZone(DateTimeHelper.localDateTimeZone).toInstant.toEpochMilli should be >= now.toEpochMilli } }
Example 33
Source File: MockDateTimeHelper.scala From slick-repo with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.byteslounge.slickrepo.datetime import java.time.{Instant, LocalDateTime} object MockDateTimeHelper { def start(): Unit = { MockDateTimeProvider.reset() DateTimeHelper.setDateTimeProvider(MockDateTimeProvider) } def mock(instants: Instant*): Unit = { MockDateTimeProvider.mock(instants) } def restore(): Unit = { DateTimeHelper.restore() } } private object MockDateTimeProvider extends DateTimeProvider { var instants: Seq[Instant] = _ def reset(): Unit = { instants = Seq() } override def currentInstant: Instant = { val result: Instant = instants.head instants = instants.tail result } override def currentLocalDateTime: LocalDateTime = { LocalDateTime.ofInstant(currentInstant, DateTimeHelper.localDateTimeZone) } def mock(instants: Seq[Instant]): Unit = { instants.foreach(instant => this.instants = this.instants :+ instant) } }
Example 34
Source File: JsonFormatterTests.scala From play-json-extra with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package play.json.extra import java.time.LocalDateTime import org.scalatest.FunSuite import play.api.libs.json.{JsObject, Json} class JsonFormatterTests extends FunSuite { @JsonFormat final case class TestDataTime(dt: LocalDateTime, children: List[TestDataTime] = Nil) @JsonFormat final case class DefaultTest(@key("ok1") a1: Int = 1, @key("ok2") a2: Int = 2, @key("ok3") a3: Int = 3, @key("ok4") a4: Int = 4, @key("ok5") a5: Int = 5, @key("ok6") a6: Int = 6, @key("ok7") a7: Int = 7, @key("ok8") a8: Int = 8, @key("ok9") a9: Int = 9, @key("ok10") a10: Int = 10, @key("ok11") a11: Int = 11, @key("ok12") a12: Int = 12, @key("ok13") a13: Int = 13, @key("ok14") a14: Int = 14, @key("ok15") a15: Int = 15, @key("ok16") a16: Int = 16, @key("ok17") a17: Int = 17, @key("ok18") a18: Int = 18, @key("ok19") a19: Int = 19, @key("ok20") a20: Int = 20, @key("ok21") a21: Int = 21, @key("ok22") a22: Int = 22, @key("ok23") a23: Int = 23, @key("ok24") a24: Int = 24, @key("ok25") a25: Int = 25, @key("ok26") a26: Int = 26, @key("ok27") a27: Int = 27, @key("ok28") a28: Int = 28, @key("ok29") a29: Int = 29 ) test("basic datetime test") { val dt = LocalDateTime.of(2015, 8, 11, 12, 1, 2, 3) val ts = TestDataTime(dt) val json = Json.toJson(ts) // println(Json.stringify(json)) assert(Json.stringify(json) === """{"dt":"2015-08-11T12:01:02.000000003","children":[]}""") assert([TestDataTime].dt === dt) } test("default test key + >21 fields + des/ser") { val ts = DefaultTest() val json = Json.toJson(ts).as[JsObject] // println(Json.stringify(json)) assert(json.fields.length === 29) val fieldNames=List( "ok1", "ok2", "ok3", "ok4", "ok5", "ok6", "ok7", "ok8", "ok9", "ok10", "ok10", "ok11", "ok12", "ok13", "ok14", "ok15", "ok16", "ok17", "ok18", "ok19", "ok20", "ok21", "ok22", "ok23", "ok24", "ok25", "ok26", "ok27", "ok28", "ok29" ) fieldNames.foreach(value => assert( === true)) val json2=Json.parse("""{"ok27":27,"ok16":16,"ok4":4,"ok25":25,"ok14":14,"ok10":10,"ok17":17,"ok21":21,"ok24":24,"ok28":28,"ok3":3,"ok20":20,"ok15":15,"ok7":7,"ok11":11,"ok1":1,"ok23":23,"ok12":12,"ok8":8,"ok29":29,"ok19":19,"ok2":2,"ok5":5,"ok26":26,"ok13":13,"ok18":18,"ok9":9,"ok6":6,"ok22":22}""") val ts2 =[DefaultTest] assert(ts2.a29 === 29) } }
Example 35
Source File: Timestamp.scala From scala-steward with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.scalasteward.core.util import cats.Order import cats.implicits._ import io.circe.Codec import io.circe.generic.extras.semiauto.deriveUnwrappedCodec import java.time.{Instant, LocalDateTime, ZoneOffset} import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit import scala.concurrent.duration.FiniteDuration final case class Timestamp(millis: Long) { def +(finiteDuration: FiniteDuration): Timestamp = Timestamp(millis + finiteDuration.toMillis) def toLocalDateTime: LocalDateTime = LocalDateTime.ofInstant(Instant.ofEpochMilli(millis), ZoneOffset.UTC) def until(that: Timestamp): FiniteDuration = FiniteDuration(that.millis - millis, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS) } object Timestamp { def fromLocalDateTime(ldt: LocalDateTime): Timestamp = Timestamp(ldt.toInstant(ZoneOffset.UTC).toEpochMilli) implicit val timestampCodec: Codec[Timestamp] = deriveUnwrappedCodec implicit val timestampOrder: Order[Timestamp] = }
Example 36
Source File: HelloWorldEntity.scala From lagom with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.example.helloworld.impl import java.time.LocalDateTime import akka.Done import com.lightbend.lagom.scaladsl.persistence.AggregateEventShards import com.lightbend.lagom.scaladsl.persistence.{ PersistentEntity, AggregateEventTag, AggregateEvent } import com.lightbend.lagom.scaladsl.persistence.PersistentEntity.ReplyType import com.lightbend.lagom.scaladsl.playjson.{ JsonSerializer, JsonSerializerRegistry } import play.api.libs.json.{ Format, Json } import scala.collection.immutable.Seq class HelloWorldEntity extends PersistentEntity { override type Command = HelloWorldCommand[_] override type Event = HelloWorldEvent override type State = HelloWorldState override def initialState: HelloWorldState = HelloWorldState("Hello", override def behavior: Behavior = { case HelloWorldState(message, _) => Actions().onCommand[UseGreetingMessage, Done] { case (UseGreetingMessage(newMessage), ctx, state) => ctx.thenPersist( GreetingMessageChanged(entityId, newMessage) ) { _ => ctx.reply(Done) } }.onReadOnlyCommand[Hello, String] { case (Hello(name), ctx, state) => ctx.reply(s"$message, $name!") }.onEvent { case (GreetingMessageChanged(_, newMessage), state) => HelloWorldState(newMessage, } } } case class HelloWorldState(message: String, timestamp: String) object HelloWorldState { implicit val format: Format[HelloWorldState] = Json.format } sealed trait HelloWorldEvent extends AggregateEvent[HelloWorldEvent] { override def aggregateTag: AggregateEventShards[HelloWorldEvent] = HelloWorldEvent.Tag } object HelloWorldEvent { val NumShards = 4 val Tag = AggregateEventTag.sharded[HelloWorldEvent](NumShards) } case class GreetingMessageChanged(id:String, message: String) extends HelloWorldEvent object GreetingMessageChanged { implicit val format: Format[GreetingMessageChanged] = Json.format } sealed trait HelloWorldCommand[R] extends ReplyType[R] case class UseGreetingMessage(message: String) extends HelloWorldCommand[Done] object UseGreetingMessage { implicit val format: Format[UseGreetingMessage] = Json.format } case class Hello(name: String) extends HelloWorldCommand[String] object Hello { implicit val format: Format[Hello] = Json.format } object HelloWorldSerializerRegistry extends JsonSerializerRegistry { override def serializers: Seq[JsonSerializer[_]] = Seq( JsonSerializer[UseGreetingMessage], JsonSerializer[Hello], JsonSerializer[GreetingMessageChanged], JsonSerializer[HelloWorldState] ) }
Example 37
Source File: HelloEntity.scala From lagom with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package docs.scaladsl.mb import java.time.LocalDateTime import akka.Done import com.lightbend.lagom.scaladsl.persistence.AggregateEvent import com.lightbend.lagom.scaladsl.persistence.AggregateEventTag import com.lightbend.lagom.scaladsl.persistence.AggregateEventTagger import com.lightbend.lagom.scaladsl.persistence.PersistentEntity import com.lightbend.lagom.scaladsl.persistence.PersistentEntity.ReplyType import com.lightbend.lagom.scaladsl.playjson.JsonSerializerRegistry import com.lightbend.lagom.scaladsl.playjson.JsonSerializer import play.api.libs.json.Format import play.api.libs.json.Json import scala.collection.immutable.Seq class HelloEntity extends PersistentEntity { override type Command = HelloCommand[_] override type Event = HelloEvent override type State = HelloState override def initialState: HelloState = HelloState("Hello", override def behavior: Behavior = { case HelloState(message, _) => Actions() .onCommand[UseGreetingMessage, Done] { // Command handler for the UseGreetingMessage command case (UseGreetingMessage(newMessage), ctx, state) => // In response to this command, we want to first persist it as a // GreetingMessageChanged event ctx.thenPersist(GreetingMessageChanged(newMessage)) { // Then once the event is successfully persisted, we respond with done. _ => ctx.reply(Done) } } .onReadOnlyCommand[Hello, String] { // Command handler for the Hello command case (Hello(name, organization), ctx, state) => // Reply with a message built from the current message, and the name of // the person we're meant to say hello to. ctx.reply(s"$message, $name!") } .onEvent { // Event handler for the GreetingMessageChanged event case (GreetingMessageChanged(newMessage), state) => // We simply update the current state to use the greeting message from // the event. HelloState(newMessage, } } } case class HelloState(message: String, timestamp: String) object HelloState { implicit val format: Format[HelloState] = Json.format } object HelloEventTag { val INSTANCE: AggregateEventTag[HelloEvent] = AggregateEventTag[HelloEvent]() } sealed trait HelloEvent extends AggregateEvent[HelloEvent] { override def aggregateTag: AggregateEventTagger[HelloEvent] = HelloEventTag.INSTANCE } case class GreetingMessageChanged(message: String) extends HelloEvent object GreetingMessageChanged { implicit val format: Format[GreetingMessageChanged] = Json.format } sealed trait HelloCommand[R] extends ReplyType[R] case class UseGreetingMessage(message: String) extends HelloCommand[Done] object UseGreetingMessage { implicit val format: Format[UseGreetingMessage] = Json.format } case class Hello(name: String, organization: Option[String]) extends HelloCommand[String] object Hello { implicit val format: Format[Hello] = Json.format } object HelloSerializerRegistry extends JsonSerializerRegistry { override def serializers: Seq[JsonSerializer[_]] = Seq( JsonSerializer[UseGreetingMessage], JsonSerializer[Hello], JsonSerializer[GreetingMessageChanged], JsonSerializer[HelloState] ) }
Example 38
Source File: CassandraReadSideSpec.scala From lagom with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.lightbend.lagom.scaladsl.persistence.cassandra import java.time.LocalDateTime import java.time.ZoneOffset import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter import akka.persistence.query.TimeBasedUUID import scala.concurrent.Future import scala.concurrent.duration._ import com.typesafe.config.ConfigFactory import com.lightbend.lagom.internal.persistence.ReadSideConfig import com.lightbend.lagom.internal.persistence.cassandra.CassandraReadSideSettings import com.lightbend.lagom.internal.scaladsl.persistence.cassandra.CassandraPersistentEntityRegistry import com.lightbend.lagom.internal.scaladsl.persistence.cassandra.CassandraReadSideImpl import com.lightbend.lagom.internal.scaladsl.persistence.cassandra.ScaladslCassandraOffsetStore import com.lightbend.lagom.scaladsl.persistence.TestEntity.Evt import com.lightbend.lagom.scaladsl.persistence._ object CassandraReadSideSpec { def firstTimeBucket: String = { val today = val firstBucketFormat: DateTimeFormatter = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyyMMdd'T'HH:mm") today.minusHours(3).format(firstBucketFormat) } val readSideConfig = ConfigFactory.parseString(s""" # speed up read-side queries cassandra-query-journal { first-time-bucket = "$firstTimeBucket" refresh-interval = 1s events-by-tag.eventual-consistency-delay = 1s } """) val defaultConfig = ConfigFactory .parseString("akka.loglevel = INFO") .withFallback(readSideConfig) val noAutoCreateConfig = ConfigFactory .parseString(" = false") .withFallback(defaultConfig) } class CassandraReadSideSpec extends CassandraPersistenceSpec(CassandraReadSideSpec.defaultConfig, TestEntitySerializerRegistry) with AbstractReadSideSpec { import system.dispatcher protected override lazy val persistentEntityRegistry = new CassandraPersistentEntityRegistry(system) private lazy val testCasReadSideSettings: CassandraReadSideSettings = new CassandraReadSideSettings(system) private lazy val testSession: CassandraSession = new CassandraSession(system) private lazy val offsetStore = new ScaladslCassandraOffsetStore(system, testSession, testCasReadSideSettings, ReadSideConfig()) private lazy val cassandraReadSide = new CassandraReadSideImpl(system, testSession, offsetStore) override def processorFactory(): ReadSideProcessor[Evt] = new TestEntityReadSide.TestEntityReadSideProcessor(system, cassandraReadSide, testSession) private lazy val readSide = new TestEntityReadSide(system, testSession) override def getAppendCount(id: String): Future[Long] = readSide.getAppendCount(id) override def afterAll(): Unit = { super.afterAll() } } class CassandraReadSideAutoCreateSpec extends CassandraPersistenceSpec(CassandraReadSideSpec.noAutoCreateConfig, TestEntitySerializerRegistry) { import system.dispatcher private lazy val testSession: CassandraSession = new CassandraSession(system) private lazy val testCasReadSideSettings: CassandraReadSideSettings = new CassandraReadSideSettings(system) private lazy val offsetStore = new ScaladslCassandraOffsetStore(system, testSession, testCasReadSideSettings, ReadSideConfig()) "A Cassandra Read-Side" must { "not send ClusterStartupTask message, so startupTask must return None" + "when '' flag is 'false'" in { offsetStore.startupTask shouldBe None } } }
Example 39
Source File: Global.scala From wowchat with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
package wowchat.common import java.time.LocalDateTime import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter import import net.dv8tion.jda.core.entities.TextChannel import wowchat.discord.Discord import import scala.collection.mutable object Global { var group: EventLoopGroup = _ var config: WowChatConfig = _ var discord: Discord = _ var game: Option[GameCommandHandler] = None val discordToWow = new mutable.HashMap[String, mutable.Set[WowChannelConfig]] with mutable.MultiMap[String, WowChannelConfig] val wowToDiscord = new mutable.HashMap[(Byte, Option[String]), mutable.Set[(TextChannel, DiscordChannelConfig)]] with mutable.MultiMap[(Byte, Option[String]), (TextChannel, DiscordChannelConfig)] val guildEventsToDiscord = new mutable.HashMap[String, mutable.Set[TextChannel]] with mutable.MultiMap[String, TextChannel] def getTime: String = {"HH:mm:ss")) } }
Example 40
Source File: Master.scala From Scala-Design-Patterns-Second-Edition with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.ivan.nikolov.scheduler.actors import java.time.LocalDateTime import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit import{Props, Cancellable, Actor} import akka.routing.RoundRobinPool import com.ivan.nikolov.scheduler.actors.messages.{Work, Schedule, Done} import com.ivan.nikolov.scheduler.config.job.{Daily, Hourly} import com.typesafe.scalalogging.LazyLogging import scala.concurrent.duration.Duration import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer import class Master(numWorkers: Int, actorFactory: ActorFactory) extends Actor with LazyLogging { val cancelables = ListBuffer[Cancellable]() val router = context.actorOf( Props(actorFactory.createWorkerActor()).withRouter(RoundRobinPool(numWorkers)), "scheduler-master-worker-router" ) override def receive: Receive = { case Done(name, command, jobType, success) => if (success) {"Successfully completed {} ({}).", name, command) } else { logger.error("Failure! Command {} ({}) returned a non-zero result code.", name, command) } case Schedule(configs) => configs.foreach { case config => val cancellable = this.context.system.scheduler.schedule( config.timeOptions.getInitialDelay(, config.frequency), config.frequency match { case Hourly => Duration.create(1, TimeUnit.HOURS) case Daily => Duration.create(1, TimeUnit.DAYS) }, router, Work(, config.command, config.jobType) ) cancellable +: cancelables"Scheduled: {}", config) } } override def postStop(): Unit = { cancelables.foreach(_.cancel()) } }
Example 41
Source File: TimeOptions.scala From Scala-Design-Patterns-Second-Edition with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.ivan.nikolov.scheduler.config.job import java.time.LocalDateTime import java.time.temporal.ChronoUnit import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit import scala.concurrent.duration.{FiniteDuration, Duration} case class TimeOptions(hours: Int, minutes: Int) { if (hours < 0 || hours > 23) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Hours must be between 0 and 23: " + hours) } else if (minutes < 0 || minutes > 59) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Minutes must be between 0 and 59: " + minutes) } def getInitialDelay(now: LocalDateTime, frequency: JobFrequency): FiniteDuration = { val firstRun = now.withHour(hours).withMinute(minutes) val isBefore = firstRun.isBefore(now) val actualFirstRun = frequency match { case Hourly => var tmp = firstRun Iterator.continually({tmp = tmp.plusHours(1); tmp}).takeWhile(d => d.isBefore(now)).toList.lastOption.getOrElse(if (isBefore) firstRun else firstRun.minusHours(1)).plusHours(1) case Daily => var tmp = firstRun Iterator.continually({tmp = tmp.plusDays(1); tmp}).takeWhile(d => d.isBefore(now)).toList.lastOption.getOrElse(if (isBefore) firstRun else firstRun.minusDays(1)).plusDays(1) } val secondsUntilRun = now.until(actualFirstRun, ChronoUnit.SECONDS) Duration.create(secondsUntilRun, TimeUnit.SECONDS) } }
Example 42
Source File: TimeOptionsTest.scala From Scala-Design-Patterns-Second-Edition with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.ivan.nikolov.scheduler.config.job import java.time.LocalDateTime import org.scalatest.{FlatSpec, Matchers} class TimeOptionsTest extends FlatSpec with Matchers { "getInitialDelay" should "get the right initial delay for hourly less than an hour after now." in { val now = LocalDateTime.of(2018, 3, 20, 12, 43, 10) val later = now.plusMinutes(20) val timeOptions = TimeOptions(later.getHour, later.getMinute) val result = timeOptions.getInitialDelay(now, Hourly) result.toMinutes should equal(20) } it should "get the right initial delay for hourly more than an hour after now." in { val now = LocalDateTime.of(2018, 3, 20, 18, 51, 17) val later = now.plusHours(3) val timeOptions = TimeOptions(later.getHour, later.getMinute) val result = timeOptions.getInitialDelay(now, Hourly) result.toHours should equal(3) } it should "get the right initial delay for hourly less than an hour before now." in { val now = LocalDateTime.of(2018, 3, 20, 11, 18, 55) val earlier = now.minusMinutes(25) // because of the logic and it will fail otherwise. if (earlier.getDayOfWeek == now.getDayOfWeek) { val timeOptions = TimeOptions(earlier.getHour, earlier.getMinute) val result = timeOptions.getInitialDelay(now, Hourly) result.toMinutes should equal(35) } } it should "get the right initial delay for hourly more than an hour before now." in { val now = LocalDateTime.of(2018, 3, 20, 12, 43, 59) val earlier = now.minusHours(1).minusMinutes(25) // because of the logic and it will fail otherwise. if (earlier.getDayOfWeek == now.getDayOfWeek) { val timeOptions = TimeOptions(earlier.getHour, earlier.getMinute) val result = timeOptions.getInitialDelay(now, Hourly) result.toMinutes should equal(35) } } it should "get the right initial delay for daily before now." in { val now = LocalDateTime.of(2018, 3, 20, 14, 43, 10) val earlier = now.minusMinutes(25) // because of the logic and it will fail otherwise. if (earlier.getDayOfWeek == now.getDayOfWeek) { val timeOptions = TimeOptions(earlier.getHour, earlier.getMinute) val result = timeOptions.getInitialDelay(now, Daily) result.toMinutes should equal(24 * 60 - 25) } } it should "get the right initial delay for daily after now." in { val now = LocalDateTime.of(2018, 3, 20, 16, 21, 6) val later = now.plusMinutes(20) val timeOptions = TimeOptions(later.getHour, later.getMinute) val result = timeOptions.getInitialDelay(now, Daily) result.toMinutes should equal(20) } }
Example 43
Source File: Master.scala From Scala-Design-Patterns-Second-Edition with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.ivan.nikolov.scheduler.actors import java.time.LocalDateTime import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit import{Props, Cancellable, Actor} import akka.routing.RoundRobinPool import com.ivan.nikolov.scheduler.actors.messages.{Work, Schedule, Done} import com.ivan.nikolov.scheduler.config.job.{Daily, Hourly} import com.typesafe.scalalogging.LazyLogging import scala.concurrent.duration.Duration import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer import class Master(numWorkers: Int, actorFactory: ActorFactory) extends Actor with LazyLogging { val cancelables = ListBuffer[Cancellable]() val router = context.actorOf( Props(actorFactory.createWorkerActor()).withRouter(RoundRobinPool(numWorkers)), "scheduler-master-worker-router" ) override def receive: Receive = { case Done(name, command, jobType, success) => if (success) {"Successfully completed {} ({}).", name, command) } else { logger.error("Failure! Command {} ({}) returned a non-zero result code.", name, command) } case Schedule(configs) => configs.foreach { case config => val cancellable = this.context.system.scheduler.schedule( config.timeOptions.getInitialDelay(, config.frequency), config.frequency match { case Hourly => Duration.create(1, TimeUnit.HOURS) case Daily => Duration.create(1, TimeUnit.DAYS) }, router, Work(, config.command, config.jobType) ) cancellable +: cancelables"Scheduled: {}", config) } } override def postStop(): Unit = { cancelables.foreach(_.cancel()) } }
Example 44
Source File: TimeOptions.scala From Scala-Design-Patterns-Second-Edition with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.ivan.nikolov.scheduler.config.job import java.time.LocalDateTime import java.time.temporal.ChronoUnit import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit import scala.concurrent.duration.{FiniteDuration, Duration} case class TimeOptions(hours: Int, minutes: Int) { if (hours < 0 || hours > 23) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Hours must be between 0 and 23: " + hours) } else if (minutes < 0 || minutes > 59) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Minutes must be between 0 and 59: " + minutes) } def getInitialDelay(now: LocalDateTime, frequency: JobFrequency): FiniteDuration = { val firstRun = now.withHour(hours).withMinute(minutes) val isBefore = firstRun.isBefore(now) val actualFirstRun = frequency match { case Hourly => var tmp = firstRun Iterator.continually({tmp = tmp.plusHours(1); tmp}).takeWhile(d => d.isBefore(now)).toList.lastOption.getOrElse(if (isBefore) firstRun else firstRun.minusHours(1)).plusHours(1) case Daily => var tmp = firstRun Iterator.continually({tmp = tmp.plusDays(1); tmp}).takeWhile(d => d.isBefore(now)).toList.lastOption.getOrElse(if (isBefore) firstRun else firstRun.minusDays(1)).plusDays(1) } val secondsUntilRun = now.until(actualFirstRun, ChronoUnit.SECONDS) Duration.create(secondsUntilRun, TimeUnit.SECONDS) } }
Example 45
Source File: TimeOptionsTest.scala From Scala-Design-Patterns-Second-Edition with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.ivan.nikolov.scheduler.config.job import java.time.LocalDateTime import org.junit.runner.RunWith import org.scalatest.junit.JUnitRunner import org.scalatest.{FlatSpec, Matchers} @RunWith(classOf[JUnitRunner]) class TimeOptionsTest extends FlatSpec with Matchers { "getInitialDelay" should "get the right initial delay for hourly less than an hour after now." in { val now = LocalDateTime.of(2018, 3, 20, 12, 43, 10) val later = now.plusMinutes(20) val timeOptions = TimeOptions(later.getHour, later.getMinute) val result = timeOptions.getInitialDelay(now, Hourly) result.toMinutes should equal(20) } it should "get the right initial delay for hourly more than an hour after now." in { val now = LocalDateTime.of(2018, 3, 20, 18, 51, 17) val later = now.plusHours(3) val timeOptions = TimeOptions(later.getHour, later.getMinute) val result = timeOptions.getInitialDelay(now, Hourly) result.toHours should equal(3) } it should "get the right initial delay for hourly less than an hour before now." in { val now = LocalDateTime.of(2018, 3, 20, 11, 18, 55) val earlier = now.minusMinutes(25) // because of the logic and it will fail otherwise. if (earlier.getDayOfWeek == now.getDayOfWeek) { val timeOptions = TimeOptions(earlier.getHour, earlier.getMinute) val result = timeOptions.getInitialDelay(now, Hourly) result.toMinutes should equal(35) } } it should "get the right initial delay for hourly more than an hour before now." in { val now = LocalDateTime.of(2018, 3, 20, 12, 43, 59) val earlier = now.minusHours(1).minusMinutes(25) // because of the logic and it will fail otherwise. if (earlier.getDayOfWeek == now.getDayOfWeek) { val timeOptions = TimeOptions(earlier.getHour, earlier.getMinute) val result = timeOptions.getInitialDelay(now, Hourly) result.toMinutes should equal(35) } } it should "get the right initial delay for daily before now." in { val now = LocalDateTime.of(2018, 3, 20, 14, 43, 10) val earlier = now.minusMinutes(25) // because of the logic and it will fail otherwise. if (earlier.getDayOfWeek == now.getDayOfWeek) { val timeOptions = TimeOptions(earlier.getHour, earlier.getMinute) val result = timeOptions.getInitialDelay(now, Daily) result.toMinutes should equal(24 * 60 - 25) } } it should "get the right initial delay for daily after now." in { val now = LocalDateTime.of(2018, 3, 20, 16, 21, 6) val later = now.plusMinutes(20) val timeOptions = TimeOptions(later.getHour, later.getMinute) val result = timeOptions.getInitialDelay(now, Daily) result.toMinutes should equal(20) } }
Example 46
Source File: AuthorizeStore.scala From OAuth2-mock-play with MIT License | 5 votes |
package models import java.time.LocalDateTime import play.api.cache.CacheApi case class AuthorizeStoreCache(value: CacheApi) extends AnyVal sealed abstract class AuthorizeStore object AuthorizeStore { case class Token(accessToken: String, expirationDate: LocalDateTime, tokenType: TokenType, grantType: GrantType, uid: String, realm: String, scope: List[String]) extends AuthorizeStore case class Code(state: String, clientId: String, redirectUri: String, username: String, scope: List[String]) extends AuthorizeStore }
Example 47
Source File: ArrayOfLocalDateTimesBenchmark.scala From jsoniter-scala with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.github.plokhotnyuk.jsoniter_scala.benchmark import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets.UTF_8 import java.time.{LocalDate, LocalDateTime, LocalTime} import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.{Param, Setup} abstract class ArrayOfLocalDateTimesBenchmark extends CommonParams { @Param(Array("1", "10", "100", "1000", "10000", "100000", "1000000")) var size: Int = 1000 var obj: Array[LocalDateTime] = _ var jsonString: String = _ var jsonBytes: Array[Byte] = _ var preallocatedBuf: Array[Byte] = _ @Setup def setup(): Unit = { obj = (1 to size).map { i => val n = Math.abs(i * 1498724053) LocalDateTime.of(LocalDate.ofEpochDay(i), LocalTime.ofNanoOfDay(((n % 86000) | 0x1) * 1000000000L + (i % 4 match { case 0 => 0 case 1 => ((n % 1000) | 0x1) * 1000000 case 2 => ((n % 1000000) | 0x1) * 1000 case 3 => (n | 0x1) % 1000000000 }))) }.toArray jsonString = obj.mkString("[\"", "\",\"", "\"]") jsonBytes = jsonString.getBytes(UTF_8) preallocatedBuf = new Array[Byte](jsonBytes.length + 100) } }
Example 48
Source File: ArrayOfLocalDateTimesReading.scala From jsoniter-scala with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.github.plokhotnyuk.jsoniter_scala.benchmark import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets.UTF_8 import java.time.LocalDateTime import com.avsystem.commons.serialization.json._ import com.github.plokhotnyuk.jsoniter_scala.benchmark.AVSystemCodecs._ import com.github.plokhotnyuk.jsoniter_scala.benchmark.BorerJsonEncodersDecoders._ import com.github.plokhotnyuk.jsoniter_scala.benchmark.DslPlatformJson._ import com.github.plokhotnyuk.jsoniter_scala.benchmark.JacksonSerDesers._ import com.github.plokhotnyuk.jsoniter_scala.benchmark.JsoniterScalaCodecs._ import com.github.plokhotnyuk.jsoniter_scala.benchmark.SprayFormats._ import com.github.plokhotnyuk.jsoniter_scala.benchmark.UPickleReaderWriters._ import com.github.plokhotnyuk.jsoniter_scala.core._ import com.rallyhealth.weejson.v1.jackson.FromJson import com.rallyhealth.weepickle.v1.WeePickle.ToScala import io.circe.parser._ import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.Benchmark import play.api.libs.json.Json import spray.json._ class ArrayOfLocalDateTimesReading extends ArrayOfLocalDateTimesBenchmark { @Benchmark def avSystemGenCodec(): Array[LocalDateTime] =[Array[LocalDateTime]](new String(jsonBytes, UTF_8)) @Benchmark def borer(): Array[LocalDateTime] = io.bullet.borer.Json.decode(jsonBytes).to[Array[LocalDateTime]].value @Benchmark def circe(): Array[LocalDateTime] = decode[Array[LocalDateTime]](new String(jsonBytes, UTF_8)).fold(throw _, identity) @Benchmark def dslJsonScala(): Array[LocalDateTime] = dslJsonDecode[Array[LocalDateTime]](jsonBytes) @Benchmark def jacksonScala(): Array[LocalDateTime] = jacksonMapper.readValue[Array[LocalDateTime]](jsonBytes) @Benchmark def jsoniterScala(): Array[LocalDateTime] = readFromArray[Array[LocalDateTime]](jsonBytes) @Benchmark def playJson(): Array[LocalDateTime] = Json.parse(jsonBytes).as[Array[LocalDateTime]] @Benchmark def sprayJson(): Array[LocalDateTime] = JsonParser(jsonBytes).convertTo[Array[LocalDateTime]] @Benchmark def uPickle(): Array[LocalDateTime] = read[Array[LocalDateTime]](jsonBytes) @Benchmark def weePickle(): Array[LocalDateTime] = FromJson(jsonBytes).transform(ToScala[Array[LocalDateTime]]) }
Example 49
Source File: projects.scala From renku with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package ch.renku.acceptancetests.model import import java.time.LocalDateTime import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter import ch.renku.acceptancetests.generators.Generators.Implicits._ import ch.renku.acceptancetests.generators.Generators._ import ch.renku.acceptancetests.model.users.UserCredentials import eu.timepit.refined.api.Refined import eu.timepit.refined.collection.NonEmpty object projects { final case class ProjectIdentifier( namespace: String Refined NonEmpty, slug: String Refined NonEmpty ) final case class ProjectDetails( title: String Refined NonEmpty, description: String Refined NonEmpty, readmeTitle: String ) final case class ProjectUrl(value: String) { override lazy val toString: String = value } object ProjectUrl { implicit class ProjectUrlOps(projectUrl: ProjectUrl)(implicit userCredentials: UserCredentials) { import ch.renku.acceptancetests.tooling.UrlEncoder.urlEncode lazy val addGitCredentials: String = { val protocol = new URL(projectUrl.value).getProtocol projectUrl.value .replace( s"$protocol://", s"$protocol://${urlEncode(userCredentials.username.value)}:${urlEncode(userCredentials.password.value)}@" ) } } } object ProjectDetails { def generate: ProjectDetails = { val now = val desc = prefixParagraph("An automatically generated project for testing: ").generateOne val readmeTitle = s"test${now.format(DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyyMMddHHmm_ss"))}" ProjectDetails(Refined.unsafeApply(s"test_${now.format(DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyy_MM_dd_HHmm_ss"))}"), desc, readmeTitle) } def generateHandsOnProject(captureScreenshots: Boolean): ProjectDetails = if (captureScreenshots) { val readmeTitle = "flights tutorial" ProjectDetails(Refined.unsafeApply(readmeTitle), Refined.unsafeApply("A renku tutorial project."), readmeTitle) } else generate implicit class TitleOps(title: String Refined NonEmpty) { lazy val toPathSegment: String = title.value.replace(" ", "-") } } }
Example 50
Source File: JavaTimeCronDateTimeRegressionSpec.scala From cron4s with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package cron4s.lib.javatime import java.time.LocalDateTime import java.time.temporal.{ChronoField, ChronoUnit} import cron4s._ import org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers import org.scalatest.flatspec.AnyFlatSpec 10 * * * ?") val next = from.until(next, ChronoUnit.SECONDS) shouldBe 17L } // "Cron with day of week" should "yield a date in the future" in { val cron = Cron.unsafeParse("0 0 0 ? * 1-3") for (dayOfMonth <- 1 to 30) { val from = LocalDateTime.of(2017, 3, dayOfMonth, 2, 0, 0) shouldBe true } } }
Example 51
Source File: DefaultDatabaseOperationsTest.scala From Conseil with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package tech.cryptonomic.conseil.api.sql import java.sql.Timestamp import java.time.LocalDateTime import org.scalatest.concurrent.ScalaFutures import org.scalatest.{Matchers, WordSpec} import slick.jdbc.PostgresProfile.api._ import tech.cryptonomic.conseil.api.TezosInMemoryDatabaseSetup import tech.cryptonomic.conseil.api.sql.DefaultDatabaseOperations._ import tech.cryptonomic.conseil.common.testkit.InMemoryDatabase import tech.cryptonomic.conseil.common.tezos.Tables import tech.cryptonomic.conseil.common.tezos.Tables.FeesRow import import scala.concurrent.duration._ import scala.language.postfixOps class DefaultDatabaseOperationsTest extends WordSpec with Matchers with InMemoryDatabase with TezosInMemoryDatabaseSetup with ScalaFutures { "The default database operations" should { val fees: List[FeesRow] = List.tabulate(5) { i => FeesRow( 1 + i, 3 + i, 5 + i, Timestamp.valueOf(LocalDateTime.of(2018, 11, 22, 12, 30)), s"$i-example", None, None ) } "count distinct elements in column properly" in { ++= fees).isReadyWithin(5 seconds) shouldBe true"tezos", "fees", "timestamp")).futureValue shouldBe 1"tezos", "fees", "low")).futureValue shouldBe 5 } "select distinct elements from column properly" in { ++= fees).isReadyWithin(5 seconds) shouldBe true"tezos", "fees", "timestamp")).futureValue shouldBe List( "2018-11-22 12:30:00" )"tezos", "fees", "low")).futureValue should contain theSameElementsAs List( "1", "2", "3", "4", "5" ) } "select distinct elements from column with 'like' properly" in { ++= fees).isReadyWithin(5 seconds) shouldBe true"tezos", "fees", "kind", "1-")).futureValue shouldBe List( "1-example" ) } } }
Example 52
Source File: DefaultDatabaseOperationsTest.scala From Conseil with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package tech.cryptonomic.conseil.indexer.sql import java.sql.Timestamp import java.time.LocalDateTime import org.scalatest.concurrent.ScalaFutures import org.scalatest.{Matchers, WordSpec} import slick.jdbc.PostgresProfile.api._ import tech.cryptonomic.conseil.common.testkit.InMemoryDatabase import tech.cryptonomic.conseil.common.tezos.Tables import tech.cryptonomic.conseil.common.tezos.Tables.{Fees, FeesRow} import tech.cryptonomic.conseil.indexer.sql.DefaultDatabaseOperations._ import tech.cryptonomic.conseil.indexer.tezos.TezosInMemoryDatabaseSetup import import scala.concurrent.duration._ import scala.language.postfixOps class DefaultDatabaseOperationsTest extends WordSpec with Matchers with InMemoryDatabase with TezosInMemoryDatabaseSetup with ScalaFutures { "The default database operations" should { val fees: List[FeesRow] = List.tabulate(5) { i => FeesRow( 1 + i, 3 + i, 5 + i, Timestamp.valueOf(LocalDateTime.of(2018, 11, 22, 12, 30)), s"$i-example", None, None ) } "insert data when table is empty" in {[Fees](Tables.Fees, fees)).futureValue shouldBe Some(5) } "do not insert data when table is not empty" in { ++= fees).isReadyWithin(5 seconds) shouldBe true[Fees](Tables.Fees, fees)).futureValue.value shouldBe Some(0) } } }
Example 53
Source File: BfsStrategyStopWatchDecorator.scala From apalache with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import{FileWriter, PrintWriter, Writer} import java.time.{Duration, LocalDateTime} import{Finish, FinishOnDeadlock, NextStep} class BfsStrategyStopWatchDecorator(strategy: SearchStrategy, filename: String) extends SearchStrategy { private var currentStep: Int = 0 private var printWriter: Option[PrintWriter] = None private var startTime: LocalDateTime = override def getCommand: SearchStrategy.Command = { val command = strategy.getCommand command match { case NextStep(stepNo, _, _) => if (stepNo == 0) { currentStep = 0 // create a log file and add a header printWriter = Some(new PrintWriter(new FileWriter(filename, false))) printWriter.get.println("step,total_sec,nanosec_adjustment") // start the timer startTime = } else { appendCsvEntry() currentStep = stepNo } case Finish() | FinishOnDeadlock() => appendCsvEntry() printWriter.get.close() } command } private def appendCsvEntry(): Unit = { val currentTime = val duration = Duration.between(startTime, currentTime) printWriter.get.println("%d,%d,%d".format(currentStep, duration.getSeconds, duration.getNano)) printWriter.get.flush() // get the results as soon as possible } override def registerResponse(response: SearchStrategy.Response): Unit = { strategy.registerResponse(response) } }
Example 54
Source File: Cookie.scala From zio-web with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package zio.web.http.model import java.time.LocalDateTime // final case class Cookie( value: String, domain: Option[String], path: Option[String], expires: Option[LocalDateTime], maxAge: Option[Long], secure: Boolean, httpOnly: Boolean )
Example 55
Source File: Model.scala From scaldy with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package sample.posts import java.time.LocalDateTime // from sealed trait Id { def strVal: String } case class UserId(strVal: String) extends Id case class PostId(strVal: String) extends Id trait Model { def id: Id def creationDate: java.time.LocalDateTime } case class User( id: UserId, creationDate: LocalDateTime, name: String, email: String ) extends Model trait Post extends Model { def id: PostId def user: User def title: String def body: String } trait Moderated { def isApproved: Boolean } case class UnModeratedPost( id: PostId, creationDate: LocalDateTime, user: User, title: String, body: String ) extends Post case class ModeratedPost( id: PostId, creationDate: LocalDateTime, user: User, title: String, body: String, isApproved: Boolean ) extends Post with Moderated
Example 56
Source File: Model.scala From scaldy with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package sample.beanedposts import java.time.LocalDateTime import scala.beans.BeanProperty // from sealed trait Id { @BeanProperty var strVal: String } case class UserId(strVal: String) extends Id case class PostId(strVal: String) extends Id trait Model { @BeanProperty var id: Id @BeanProperty var creationDate: java.time.LocalDateTime } case class User( id: UserId, creationDate: LocalDateTime, name: String, email: String ) extends Model trait Post extends Model { @BeanProperty var id: PostId @BeanProperty var user: User @BeanProperty var title: String @BeanProperty var body: String } trait Moderated { @BeanProperty var isApproved: Boolean } case class UnModeratedPost( id: PostId, creationDate: LocalDateTime, user: User, title: String, body: String ) extends Post case class ModeratedPost( id: PostId, creationDate: LocalDateTime, user: User, title: String, body: String, isApproved: Boolean ) extends Post with Moderated
Example 57
Source File: SXSpout.scala From Raphtory with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.raphtory.examples.stackex import java.time.LocalDateTime import com.raphtory.core.components.Spout.SpoutTrait import scala.concurrent.duration._ import import scala.language.postfixOps class SXSpout extends SpoutTrait { val directory = System.getenv().getOrDefault("SX_DIRECTORY", "/app").trim val file_name = System.getenv().getOrDefault("SX_FILE_NAME", "sx_reordered.txt").trim val fileLines = io.Source.fromFile(directory + "/" + file_name).getLines.drop(1).toArray // upstream/master var position = 0 var linesNumber = fileLines.length println("Start: " + protected def ProcessSpoutTask(message: Any): Unit = message match { case StartSpout => AllocateSpoutTask(Duration(1, NANOSECONDS), "newLine") case "newLine" => try { if (position < linesNumber) { for (i <- 1 to 100) { var line = fileLines(position) sendTuple(line) position += 1 } AllocateSpoutTask(Duration(1, NANOSECONDS), "newLine") } else { println("Finished ingestion") } }catch {case e:Exception => println("Finished ingestion")} case _ => println("message not recognized!") } }
Example 58
Source File: LDBCSpout.scala From Raphtory with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.raphtory.examples.ldbc.spouts import java.time.LocalDateTime import com.raphtory.core.components.Spout.SpoutTrait import import scala.concurrent.duration._ import import scala.language.postfixOps import scala.concurrent.duration.Duration import scala.concurrent.duration.NANOSECONDS class LDBCSpout extends SpoutTrait { val directory = System .getenv() .getOrDefault("LDBC_DIRECTORY", "/Users/mirate/Documents/phd/ldbc_snb_datagen/social_network/dynamic") .trim val peopleFile = io.Source.fromFile(directory + "/" + "person_0_0.csv").getLines.drop(1).toArray val friendFile = io.Source.fromFile(directory + "/" + "person_knows_person_0_0.csv").getLines.drop(1).toArray // upstream/master var position = 1 var people = peopleFile.length var friends = friendFile.length println("Start: " + protected def ProcessSpoutTask(message: Any): Unit = message match { case StartSpout => AllocateSpoutTask(Duration(1, NANOSECONDS), "newLine") case "newLine" => for (i <- 1 to 100) { if (position < people) sendTuple("person|" + peopleFile(position)) if (position < friends) sendTuple("person_knows_person|" + friendFile(position)) position += 1 } if (position > friends) println("ingestion Finished") else AllocateSpoutTask(Duration(1, NANOSECONDS), "newLine") case _ => println("message not recognized!") } }
Example 59
Source File: TrackAndTraceSpout.scala From Raphtory with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.raphtory.examples.trackAndTrace.spouts import java.time.LocalDateTime import com.raphtory.core.components.Spout.SpoutTrait import import scala.concurrent.duration._ import import scala.language.postfixOps class TrackAndTraceSpout extends SpoutTrait { val file_name = System.getenv().getOrDefault("TRACK_AND_TRACE_FILENAME", "/Users/mirate/Documents/phd/locationdataexample.csv").trim val fileLines = io.Source.fromFile(file_name).getLines.drop(3).toArray // upstream/master var position = 0 var linesNumber = fileLines.length println("Starting File ingestion: " + println("Lines :" + linesNumber) protected def ProcessSpoutTask(message: Any): Unit = message match { case StartSpout => AllocateSpoutTask(Duration(1, NANOSECONDS), "newLine") case "newLine" => if (position < linesNumber) { sendTuple(fileLines(position)) position += 1 AllocateSpoutTask(Duration(1, NANOSECONDS), "newLine") } case _ => println("message not recognized!") } }
Example 60
Source File: ChainalysisABSpout.scala From Raphtory with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.raphtory.examples.blockchain.spouts import java.time.LocalDateTime import com.raphtory.core.components.Spout.SpoutTrait import scala.concurrent.duration._ import import scala.language.postfixOps class ChainalysisABSpout extends SpoutTrait { val file_name = System.getenv().getOrDefault("CHAINALYSIS_FILENAME", "/home/tsunade/qmul/datasets/chainalysis/abmshort.csv").trim val fl = Source.fromFile(file_name) val fileLines = fl.getLines.drop(1)//.toArray // upstream/master // var position = 0 // var linesNumber = fl.length println("Starting File ingestion: " + // println("Lines :" + linesNumber) override def ProcessSpoutTask(message: Any): Unit = message match { case StartSpout => AllocateSpoutTask(Duration(1, NANOSECONDS), "newLine") case "newLine" => // if (position < linesNumber) { //val line = if(fileLines.hasNext) else "" try { sendTuple( AllocateSpoutTask(Duration(1, NANOSECONDS), "newLine") }catch{ case e: NoSuchElementException => println("End of file!") } // position += 1 // } case _ => println("message not recognized!") } }
Example 61
Source File: package.scala From akka-persistence-cassandra with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package akka.persistence.cassandra import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter import java.time.{ LocalDateTime, ZoneId, ZoneOffset } import java.util.UUID import akka.annotation.InternalApi import com.datastax.oss.driver.api.core.cql.AsyncResultSet import com.datastax.oss.driver.api.core.uuid.Uuids package object query { @InternalApi private[akka] def uuid(timestamp: Long): UUID = { def makeMsb(time: Long): Long = { // copied from Uuids.makeMsb // UUID v1 timestamp must be in 100-nanoseconds interval since 00:00:00.000 15 Oct 1582. val uuidEpoch = LocalDateTime.of(1582, 10, 15, 0, 0).atZone(ZoneId.of("GMT-0")).toInstant.toEpochMilli val timestamp = (time - uuidEpoch) * 10000 var msb = 0L msb |= (0X00000000FFFFFFFFL & timestamp) << 32 msb |= (0X0000FFFF00000000L & timestamp) >>> 16 msb |= (0X0FFF000000000000L & timestamp) >>> 48 msb |= 0X0000000000001000L // sets the version to 1. msb } val now = Uuids.timeBased() new UUID(makeMsb(timestamp), now.getLeastSignificantBits) } }
Example 62
Source File: TestTagWriter.scala From akka-persistence-cassandra with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package akka.persistence.cassandra.query import java.nio.ByteBuffer import java.time.{ LocalDateTime, ZoneOffset } import java.util.UUID import import akka.persistence.PersistentRepr import akka.persistence.cassandra.BucketSize import akka.persistence.cassandra.EventsByTagSettings import akka.persistence.cassandra.PluginSettings import akka.persistence.cassandra.formatOffset import akka.persistence.cassandra.journal._ import akka.serialization.Serialization import akka.serialization.Serializers import com.datastax.oss.driver.api.core.CqlSession import com.datastax.oss.driver.api.core.uuid.Uuids private[akka] trait TestTagWriter { def system: ActorSystem def cluster: CqlSession val serialization: Serialization val settings: PluginSettings final def journalSettings: JournalSettings = settings.journalSettings final def eventsByTagSettings: EventsByTagSettings = settings.eventsByTagSettings lazy val (preparedWriteTagMessage, preparedWriteTagMessageWithMeta) = { val writeStatements: CassandraJournalStatements = new CassandraJournalStatements(settings) (cluster.prepare(writeStatements.writeTags(false)), cluster.prepare(writeStatements.writeTags(true))) } def clearAllEvents(): Unit = { cluster.execute(s"truncate ${journalSettings.keyspace}.${}") } def writeTaggedEvent( time: LocalDateTime, pr: PersistentRepr, tags: Set[String], tagPidSequenceNr: Long, bucketSize: BucketSize): Unit = { val timestamp = time.toInstant(ZoneOffset.UTC).toEpochMilli write(pr, tags, tagPidSequenceNr, uuid(timestamp), bucketSize) } def writeTaggedEvent( persistent: PersistentRepr, tags: Set[String], tagPidSequenceNr: Long, bucketSize: BucketSize): Unit = { val nowUuid = Uuids.timeBased() write(persistent, tags, tagPidSequenceNr, nowUuid, bucketSize) } def writeTaggedEvent( persistent: PersistentRepr, tags: Set[String], tagPidSequenceNr: Long, uuid: UUID, bucketSize: BucketSize): Unit = write(persistent, tags, tagPidSequenceNr, uuid, bucketSize) private def write( pr: PersistentRepr, tags: Set[String], tagPidSequenceNr: Long, uuid: UUID, bucketSize: BucketSize): Unit = { val event = pr.payload.asInstanceOf[AnyRef] val serializer = serialization.findSerializerFor(event) val serialized = ByteBuffer.wrap(serialization.serialize(event).get) val serManifest = Serializers.manifestFor(serializer, pr) val timeBucket = TimeBucket(Uuids.unixTimestamp(uuid), bucketSize) tags.foreach(tag => { val bs = preparedWriteTagMessage .bind() .setString("tag_name", tag) .setLong("timebucket", timeBucket.key) .setUuid("timestamp", uuid) .setLong("tag_pid_sequence_nr", tagPidSequenceNr) .setByteBuffer("event", serialized) .setString("event_manifest", pr.manifest) .setString("persistence_id", pr.persistenceId) .setInt("ser_id", serializer.identifier) .setString("ser_manifest", serManifest) .setString("writer_uuid", "ManualWrite") .setLong("sequence_nr", pr.sequenceNr) cluster.execute(bs) }) system.log.debug( "Written event: {} Uuid: {} Timebucket: {} TagPidSeqNr: {}", pr.payload, formatOffset(uuid), timeBucket, tagPidSequenceNr) } }
Example 63
Source File: Sessionize.scala From ml-in-scala with The Unlicense | 5 votes |
package org.akozlov.chapter06 import import java.time.ZoneOffset import java.time.LocalDateTime import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter import org.apache.spark.{SparkConf,SparkContext} import object Sessionize extends App { val sc = new SparkContext("local[8]", "Sessionize", new SparkConf()) val checkoutPattern = ".*>checkout.*".r.pattern // a basic page view structure case class PageView(ts: String, path: String) extends Serializable with Ordered[PageView] { override def toString: String = { s"($ts #$path)" } def compare(other: PageView) = ts compare other.ts } // represent a session case class Session[A <: PageView](id: String, visits: Seq[A]) extends Serializable { override def toString: String = { val vsts = visits.mkString("[", ",", "]") s"($id -> $vsts)" } } def toEpochSeconds(str: String) = { LocalDateTime.parse(str, DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")).toEpochSecond(ZoneOffset.UTC) } val sessions = sc.textFile("data/clickstream") .map(line => {val parts = line.split("\t"); (parts(4), new PageView(parts(0), parts(20)))}) => { new Session(x._1, x._2.toSeq.sorted) } ) .cache // sessions.take(100).foreach(println) def findAllCheckoutSessions(s: Session[PageView]) = { s.visits.tails.filter { _ match { case PageView(ts1, "mycompanycom>homepage") :: PageView(ts2, page) :: tail if (page != "mycompanycom>homepage" ) => true; case _ => false } } .foldLeft(Seq[Session[PageView]]()) { case (r, x) => { x.find(y => checkoutPattern.matcher(y.path).matches) match { case Some(checkout) if (toEpochSeconds(checkout.ts) > toEpochSeconds(x.head.ts) + 60) => r.:+(new Session(, x.slice(0, x.indexOf(checkout)))) case _ => r } } } } val prodLandingSessions = sessions.flatMap(findAllCheckoutSessions) prodLandingSessions.collect.foreach(println) sc.stop() }
Example 64
Source File: FileNamePatternSyntax.scala From odin with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package io.odin.config import java.time.LocalDateTime trait FileNamePattern { def extract(dateTime: LocalDateTime): String } trait FileNamePatternSyntax { case class Value(value: String) extends FileNamePattern { def extract(dateTime: LocalDateTime): String = value } case object year extends FileNamePattern { def extract(dateTime: LocalDateTime): String = padWithZero(dateTime.getYear) } case object month extends FileNamePattern { def extract(dateTime: LocalDateTime): String = padWithZero(dateTime.getMonthValue) } case object day extends FileNamePattern { def extract(dateTime: LocalDateTime): String = padWithZero(dateTime.getDayOfMonth) } case object hour extends FileNamePattern { def extract(dateTime: LocalDateTime): String = padWithZero(dateTime.getHour) } case object minute extends FileNamePattern { def extract(dateTime: LocalDateTime): String = padWithZero(dateTime.getMinute) } case object second extends FileNamePattern { def extract(dateTime: LocalDateTime): String = padWithZero(dateTime.getSecond) } private[odin] def padWithZero(value: Int): String = f"$value%02d" }
Example 65
Source File: package.scala From odin with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package io.odin import java.time.LocalDateTime import cats.Monad import cats.effect.Timer import cats.instances.list._ import cats.syntax.all._ import io.odin.internal.StringContextLength import io.odin.loggers.DefaultLogger import scala.annotation.tailrec package object config extends FileNamePatternSyntax { def levelRouting[F[_]: Timer: Monad](router: Map[Level, Logger[F]]): DefaultBuilder[F] = new DefaultBuilder[F]({ default: Logger[F] => new DefaultLogger[F]() { def log(msg: LoggerMessage): F[Unit] = router.getOrElse(msg.level, default).log(msg) override def log(msgs: List[LoggerMessage]): F[Unit] = { msgs.groupBy(_.level).toList.traverse_ { case (level, msgs) => router.getOrElse(level, default).log(msgs) } } } }) implicit class FileNamePatternInterpolator(private val sc: StringContext) extends AnyVal { def file(ps: FileNamePattern*): LocalDateTime => String = { StringContextLength.checkLength(sc, ps) dt => { @tailrec def rec(args: List[FileNamePattern], parts: List[String], acc: StringBuilder): String = { args match { case Nil => acc.append(parts.head).toString() case head :: tail => rec(tail, parts.tail, acc.append(parts.head).append(head.extract(dt))) } } rec(ps.toList,, new StringBuilder()) } } } implicit def str2fileNamePattern(str: String): FileNamePattern = { Value(str) } }
Example 66
Source File: OdinSpec.scala From odin with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package io.odin import java.time.LocalDateTime import cats.effect.{Clock, Timer} import cats.{Applicative, Eval} import io.odin.formatter.Formatter import io.odin.meta.Position import org.scalacheck.{Arbitrary, Cogen, Gen} import org.scalatest.flatspec.AnyFlatSpec import org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers import org.scalatestplus.scalacheck.{Checkers, ScalaCheckDrivenPropertyChecks} import org.typelevel.discipline.Laws import scala.concurrent.duration.{FiniteDuration, TimeUnit} trait OdinSpec extends AnyFlatSpec with Matchers with Checkers with ScalaCheckDrivenPropertyChecks with EqInstances { def checkAll(name: String, ruleSet: Laws#RuleSet): Unit = { for ((id, prop) <- it should (name + "." + id) in { check(prop) } } def zeroTimer[F[_]](implicit F: Applicative[F]): Timer[F] = new Timer[F] { def clock: Clock[F] = new Clock[F] { def realTime(unit: TimeUnit): F[Long] = F.pure(0L) def monotonic(unit: TimeUnit): F[Long] = F.pure(0L) } def sleep(duration: FiniteDuration): F[Unit] = ??? } val lineSeparator: String = System.lineSeparator() val nonEmptyStringGen: Gen[String] = Gen.nonEmptyListOf(Gen.alphaNumChar).map(_.mkString) val levelGen: Gen[Level] = Gen.oneOf(Level.Trace, Level.Debug, Level.Info, Level.Warn, Level.Error) implicit val levelArbitrary: Arbitrary[Level] = Arbitrary(levelGen) val positionGen: Gen[Position] = for { fileName <- nonEmptyStringGen enclosureName <- packageName <- nonEmptyStringGen line <- Gen.posNum[Int] } yield { Position(fileName, enclosureName, packageName, line) } implicit val positionArbitrary: Arbitrary[Position] = Arbitrary(positionGen) val loggerMessageGen: Gen[LoggerMessage] = { val startTime = System.currentTimeMillis() for { level <- levelGen msg <- Gen.alphaNumStr context <- Gen.mapOfN(20, nonEmptyStringGen.flatMap(key => -> _))) exception <- Gen.option(Arbitrary.arbitrary[Throwable]) position <- positionGen threadName <- nonEmptyStringGen timestamp <- Gen.choose(0, startTime) } yield { LoggerMessage( level = level, message =, context = context, exception = exception, position = position, threadName = threadName, timestamp = timestamp ) } } implicit val loggerMessageArbitrary: Arbitrary[LoggerMessage] = Arbitrary(loggerMessageGen) implicit val cogenLoggerMessage: Cogen[LoggerMessage] = Cogen[LoggerMessage]((msg: LoggerMessage) => msg.level.hashCode().toLong + msg.message.value.hashCode().toLong) val formatterGen: Gen[Formatter] = Gen.oneOf(Formatter.default, Formatter.colorful) implicit val formatterArbitrary: Arbitrary[Formatter] = Arbitrary(formatterGen) val localDateTimeGen: Gen[LocalDateTime] = for { year <- Gen.choose(0, month <- Gen.choose(1, 12) day <- Gen.choose(1, 28) hour <- Gen.choose(0, 23) minute <- Gen.choose(0, 59) second <- Gen.choose(0, 59) } yield { LocalDateTime.of(year, month, day, hour, minute, second) } implicit val localDateTimeArbitrary: Arbitrary[LocalDateTime] = Arbitrary(localDateTimeGen) }
Example 67
Source File: FileNamePatternSyntaxSpec.scala From odin with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package io.odin.config import java.time.LocalDateTime import io.odin.OdinSpec class FileNamePatternSyntaxSpec extends OdinSpec { def checkPadding(value: Int): String = { if (value < 10) s"0$value" else value.toString } "year" should "extract current year" in { forAll { dt: LocalDateTime => year.extract(dt) shouldBe checkPadding(dt.getYear) } } "month" should "extract current month" in { forAll { dt: LocalDateTime => month.extract(dt) shouldBe checkPadding(dt.getMonthValue) } } "day" should "extract current day" in { forAll { dt: LocalDateTime => day.extract(dt) shouldBe checkPadding(dt.getDayOfMonth) } } "hour" should "extract current hour" in { forAll { dt: LocalDateTime => hour.extract(dt) shouldBe checkPadding(dt.getHour) } } "minute" should "extract current minute" in { forAll { dt: LocalDateTime => minute.extract(dt) shouldBe checkPadding(dt.getMinute) } } "second" should "extract current second" in { forAll { dt: LocalDateTime => second.extract(dt) shouldBe checkPadding(dt.getSecond) } } "file" should "process a single argument" in { forAll { dt: LocalDateTime => file"$year".apply(dt) shouldBe checkPadding(dt.getYear) } } "file" should "process an argument in the beginning" in { forAll { dt: LocalDateTime => file"$year year".apply(dt) shouldBe s"${checkPadding(dt.getYear)} year" } } "file" should "process an argument in the end" in { forAll { dt: LocalDateTime => file"Year $year".apply(dt) shouldBe s"Year ${checkPadding(dt.getYear)}" } } "file" should "process argument in the middle" in { forAll { dt: LocalDateTime => file"It's $year year".apply(dt) shouldBe s"It's ${checkPadding(dt.getYear)} year" } } "file" should "process multiple arguments" in { forAll { dt: LocalDateTime => file"$year-$month-$day".apply(dt) shouldBe s"${checkPadding(dt.getYear)}-${checkPadding(dt.getMonthValue)}-${checkPadding(dt.getDayOfMonth)}" } } "file" should "process a string variable" in { forAll { (dt: LocalDateTime, str: String) => file"$str".apply(dt) shouldBe str } } }
Example 68
Source File: WFEntity.scala From Scala-Reactive-Programming with MIT License | 5 votes |
package import java.time.LocalDateTime import akka.Done import com.lightbend.lagom.scaladsl.persistence.PersistentEntity import class WFEntity extends PersistentEntity { override type Command = WFCommand[_] override type Event = WFEvent override type State = WFState override def initialState = WFState("None","0", override def behavior: Behavior = { case WFState(city, temperature, _) => Actions().onCommand[SaveNewWF, Done] { case (SaveNewWF(city, temperature), ctx, state) => println(s"New WF message came to Lagom Kafka server: ${city} ${temperature}") val wf = WeatherForcasting(city,temperature) ctx.thenPersist(WFSaved(wf)) { msgSaved: WFSaved => ctx.reply(Done) } }.onEvent { case (WFSaved(wf), state) => println(s"FYI, New WF change event fired, which is converted into a Message.") WFState(city, temperature, } } }
Example 69
Source File: WFEntity.scala From Scala-Reactive-Programming with MIT License | 5 votes |
package import java.time.LocalDateTime import akka.Done import com.lightbend.lagom.scaladsl.persistence.PersistentEntity import class WFEntity extends PersistentEntity { override type Command = WFCommand[_] override type Event = WFEvent override type State = WFState override def initialState = WFState("None","0", override def behavior: Behavior = { case WFState(city, temperature, _) => Actions().onCommand[SaveNewWF, Done] { case (SaveNewWF(city, temperature), ctx, state) => println(s"New WF message came to Lagom Kafka server: ${city} ${temperature}") val wf = WeatherForcasting(city,temperature) ctx.thenPersist(WFSaved(wf)) { msgSaved: WFSaved => ctx.reply(Done) } }.onEvent { case (WFSaved(wf), state) => println(s"FYI, New WF change event fired, which is converted into a Message.") WFState(city, temperature, } } }
Example 70
Source File: SparkEnv.scala From comet-data-pipeline with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.ebiznext.comet.config import java.time.LocalDateTime import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter import com.typesafe.scalalogging.StrictLogging import org.apache.spark.SparkConf import org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession lazy val session: SparkSession = { val session = if (settings.comet.hive) SparkSession.builder.config(config).enableHiveSupport().getOrCreate() else SparkSession.builder.config(config).getOrCreate()"Spark Version -> " + session.version)"\n")) session } }
Example 71
Source File: AccountRepository.scala From frdomain-extras with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package frdomain.ch6 package domain package repository import java.time.LocalDateTime import cats._ import import cats.instances.all._ import cats.effect.IO import common._ import model.{ Account, Balance } trait AccountRepository { def query(no: String): IO[ErrorOr[Option[Account]]] def store(a: Account): IO[ErrorOr[Account]] def query(openedOn: LocalDateTime): IO[ErrorOr[Seq[Account]]] def all: IO[ErrorOr[Seq[Account]]] def balance(no: String): IO[ErrorOr[Balance]] = query(no).map { case Right(Some(a)) => Right(a.balance) case Right(None) => Left(NonEmptyChain(s"No account exists with no $no")) case Left(x) => Left(x) } }
Example 72
Source File: AccountRepository.scala From frdomain-extras with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package frdomain.ch6 package domain package repository package interpreter import java.time.LocalDateTime import scala.collection.mutable.{ Map => MMap } import cats._ import import cats.instances.all._ import cats.effect.IO import common._ import model.{ Account, Balance } class AccountRepositoryInMemory extends AccountRepository { lazy val repo = MMap.empty[String, Account] def query(no: String): IO[ErrorOr[Option[Account]]] = IO(Right(repo.get(no))) def store(a: Account): IO[ErrorOr[Account]] = IO { val _ = repo += ((, a)) Right(a) } def query(openedOn: LocalDateTime): IO[ErrorOr[Seq[Account]]] = IO { Right(repo.values.filter(_.dateOfOpen.getOrElse(today) == openedOn).toSeq) } def all: IO[ErrorOr[Seq[Account]]] = IO(Right(repo.values.toSeq)) } object AccountRepositoryInMemory extends AccountRepositoryInMemory
Example 73
Source File: AccountRepositoryInMemory.scala From frdomain-extras with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package frdomain.ch6 package domain package repository package interpreter import java.time.LocalDateTime import scala.collection.immutable.Map import cats._ import import cats.implicits._ import cats.instances.all._ import cats.effect.concurrent.Ref import cats.effect.Sync import common._ import model.account._ // Constructor private for the interpreter to prevent the Ref from leaking // access through smart constructor below final class AccountRepositoryInMemory[M[_]: Monad] private (repo: Ref[M, Map[AccountNo, Account]]) extends AccountRepository[M] { def query(no: AccountNo): M[Option[Account]] = def store(a: Account): M[Account] = repo.update(_ + ((, a))).map(_ => a) def query(openedOn: LocalDateTime): M[List[Account]] = == openedOn).toList) def all: M[List[Account]] = def balance(no: AccountNo): M[Option[Balance]] = query(no).map( } // Smart constructor object AccountRepositoryInMemory { def make[M[_]: Sync]: M[AccountRepositoryInMemory[M]] = Ref.of[M, Map[AccountNo, Account]](Map.empty).map(new AccountRepositoryInMemory(_)) }
Example 74
Source File: AccountServiceInterpreter.scala From frdomain-extras with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package frdomain.ch6 package domain package service package interpreter import java.time.LocalDateTime import cats._ import cats.implicits._ import cats.mtl._ import import common._ import model.account._ import AccountType._ import repository.AccountRepository class AccountServiceInterpreter[M[_]: MonadAppException] (implicit A: ApplicativeAsk[M, AccountRepository[M]]) extends AccountService[M, Account, Amount, Balance] { val E = implicitly[MonadAppException[M]] def open(no: AccountNo, name: AccountName, rate: Option[BigDecimal], openingDate: Option[LocalDateTime], accountType: AccountType): M[Account] = { for { repo <- A.ask _ <- repo.query(no).ensureOr(_ => AlreadyExistingAccount(no))(!_.isDefined) account <- createOrUpdate(repo, no, name, rate, openingDate, accountType) } yield account } private def createOrUpdate(repo: AccountRepository[M], no: AccountNo, name: AccountName, rate: Option[BigDecimal], openingDate: Option[LocalDateTime], accountType: AccountType): M[Account] = accountType match { case Checking => createOrUpdate(repo, Account.checkingAccount(no, name, openingDate, None, Balance())) case Savings => => createOrUpdate(repo, Account.savingsAccount(no, name, r, openingDate, None, Balance()))) .getOrElse(E.raiseError(RateMissingForSavingsAccount)) } private def createOrUpdate(repo: AccountRepository[M], errorOrAccount: ErrorOr[Account]): M[Account] = errorOrAccount match { case Left(errs) => E.raiseError(MiscellaneousDomainExceptions(errs)) case Right(a) => } def close(no: AccountNo, closeDate: Option[LocalDateTime]): M[Account] = { for { repo <- A.ask maybeAccount <- repo.query(no).ensureOr(_ => NonExistingAccount(no))(_.isDefined) account <- createOrUpdate(repo, Account.close(maybeAccount.get, closeDate.getOrElse(today))) } yield account } def balance(no: AccountNo): M[Option[Balance]] = for { repo <- A.ask b <- repo.balance(no) } yield b private trait DC private object D extends DC private object C extends DC def debit(no: AccountNo, amount: Money): M[Account] = update(no, amount, D) def credit(no: AccountNo, amount: Money): M[Account] = update(no, amount, C) private def update(no: AccountNo, amount: Money, debitCredit: DC): M[Account] = for { repo <- A.ask maybeAccount <- repo.query(no).ensureOr(_ => NonExistingAccount(no))(_.isDefined) multiplier = if (debitCredit == D) (-1) else 1 account <- createOrUpdate(repo, Account.updateBalance(maybeAccount.get, multiplier * amount)) } yield account def transfer(from: AccountNo, to: AccountNo, amount: Money): M[(Account, Account)] = for { a <- debit(from, amount) b <- credit(to, amount) } yield ((a, b)) }
Example 75
Source File: AccountRepository.scala From frdomain-extras with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package frdomain.ch6 package domain package repository package interpreter import java.time.LocalDateTime import scala.collection.mutable.{ Map => MMap } import cats._ import import cats.implicits._ import cats.instances.all._ import common._ import model.{ Account, Balance } class AccountRepositoryInMemory[M[+_]](implicit me: MonadError[M, Throwable]) extends AccountRepository[M] { lazy val repo = MMap.empty[String, Account] def query(no: String): M[Option[Account]] = repo.get(no).pure[M] def store(a: Account): M[Account] = { val _ = repo += ((, a)) a.pure[M] } def query(openedOn: LocalDateTime): M[Seq[Account]] = { repo.values.filter(_.dateOfOpen.getOrElse(today) == openedOn).toSeq.pure[M] } def all: M[Seq[Account]] = repo.values.toSeq.pure[M] def balance(no: String): M[Balance] = repo.get(no).map(_.balance) match { case Some(b) => b.pure[M] case _ => me.raiseError[Balance](new IllegalArgumentException(s"Non existing account $no")) } }
Example 76
Source File: AccountService.scala From frdomain-extras with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package frdomain.ch6 package domain package service package interpreter import java.time.LocalDateTime import cats._ import import cats.implicits._ import cats.instances.all._ import model.{ Account, Balance } import common._ import repository.AccountRepository class AccountServiceInterpreter[M[+_]](implicit me: MonadError[M, Throwable]) extends AccountService[M, Account, Amount, Balance] { def open(no: String, name: String, rate: Option[BigDecimal], openingDate: Option[LocalDateTime], accountType: AccountType) = Kleisli[M, AccountRepository[M], Account] { (repo: AccountRepository[M]) => repo.query(no).flatMap(maybeAccount => doOpenAccount(repo, maybeAccount, no, name, rate, openingDate, accountType )) } private def doOpenAccount(repo: AccountRepository[M], maybeAccount: Option[Account], no: String, name: String, rate: Option[BigDecimal], openingDate: Option[LocalDateTime], accountType: AccountType): M[Account] = { => me.raiseError(new IllegalArgumentException(s"Account no $no already exists"))) .getOrElse(createOrUpdate(repo, no, name, rate, openingDate, accountType)) } private def createOrUpdate(repo: AccountRepository[M], no: String, name: String, rate: Option[BigDecimal], openingDate: Option[LocalDateTime], accountType: AccountType): M[Account] = accountType match { case Checking => createOrUpdate(repo, Account.checkingAccount(no, name, openingDate, None, Balance())) case Savings => => createOrUpdate(repo, Account.savingsAccount(no, name, r, openingDate, None, Balance()))) .getOrElse(me.raiseError(new IllegalArgumentException("Rate missing for savings account"))) } private def createOrUpdate(repo: AccountRepository[M], errorOrAccount: ErrorOr[Account]): M[Account] = errorOrAccount match { case Left(errs) => me.raiseError(new IllegalArgumentException(s"${errs.toList}")) case Right(a) => } def close(no: String, closeDate: Option[LocalDateTime]) = Kleisli[M, AccountRepository[M], Account] { (repo: AccountRepository[M]) => for { maybeAccount <- repo.query(no) account <- => createOrUpdate(repo, Account.close(a, closeDate.getOrElse(today)))) .getOrElse(me.raiseError(new IllegalArgumentException(s"Account no $no does not exist"))) } yield account } def debit(no: String, amount: Amount) = update(no, amount, D) def credit(no: String, amount: Amount) = update(no, amount, C) private trait DC private case object D extends DC private case object C extends DC private def update(no: String, amount: Amount, debitCredit: DC) = Kleisli[M, AccountRepository[M], Account] { (repo: AccountRepository[M]) => for { maybeAccount <- repo.query(no) multiplier = if (debitCredit == D) (-1) else 1 account <- => createOrUpdate(repo, Account.updateBalance(a, multiplier * amount))) .getOrElse(me.raiseError(new IllegalArgumentException(s"Account no $no does not exist"))) } yield account } def balance(no: String) = Kleisli[M, AccountRepository[M], Balance] { (repo: AccountRepository[M]) => repo.balance(no) } def transfer(from: String, to: String, amount: Amount): Kleisli[M, AccountRepository[M], (Account, Account)] = for { a <- debit(from, amount) b <- credit(to, amount) } yield ((a, b)) }
Example 77
Source File: FinaglePostgresDecoders.scala From quill with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package io.getquill.context.finagle.postgres import java.nio.charset.Charset import java.time.{ LocalDate, LocalDateTime, ZoneId } import java.util.{ Date, UUID } import com.twitter.finagle.postgres.values.ValueDecoder import com.twitter.util.Return import com.twitter.util.Throw import com.twitter.util.Try import io.getquill.FinaglePostgresContext import import io.netty.buffer.ByteBuf trait FinaglePostgresDecoders { this: FinaglePostgresContext[_] => import ValueDecoder._ type Decoder[T] = FinaglePostgresDecoder[T] case class FinaglePostgresDecoder[T]( vd: ValueDecoder[T], default: Throwable => T = (e: Throwable) => fail(e.getMessage) ) extends BaseDecoder[T] { override def apply(index: Index, row: ResultRow): T = row.getTry[T](index)(vd) match { case Return(r) => r case Throw(e) => default(e) } def orElse[U](f: U => T)(implicit vdu: ValueDecoder[U]): FinaglePostgresDecoder[T] = { val mappedVd =[T](f) FinaglePostgresDecoder[T]( new ValueDecoder[T] { def decodeText(recv: String, text: String): Try[T] = { val t = vd.decodeText(recv, text) if (t.isReturn) t else mappedVd.decodeText(recv, text) } def decodeBinary(recv: String, bytes: ByteBuf, charset: Charset): Try[T] = { val t = vd.decodeBinary(recv, bytes, charset) if (t.isReturn) t else mappedVd.decodeBinary(recv, bytes, charset) } } ) } } implicit def decoderDirectly[T](implicit vd: ValueDecoder[T]): Decoder[T] = FinaglePostgresDecoder(vd) def decoderMapped[U, T](f: U => T)(implicit vd: ValueDecoder[U]): Decoder[T] = FinaglePostgresDecoder([T](f)) implicit def optionDecoder[T](implicit d: Decoder[T]): Decoder[Option[T]] = FinaglePostgresDecoder[Option[T]]( new ValueDecoder[Option[T]] { def decodeText(recv: String, text: String): Try[Option[T]] = Return(d.vd.decodeText(recv, text).toOption) def decodeBinary(recv: String, bytes: ByteBuf, charset: Charset): Try[Option[T]] = Return(d.vd.decodeBinary(recv, bytes, charset).toOption) }, _ => None ) implicit def mappedDecoder[I, O](implicit mapped: MappedEncoding[I, O], d: Decoder[I]): Decoder[O] = decoderMapped[I, O](mapped.f)(d.vd) implicit val stringDecoder: Decoder[String] = decoderDirectly[String] implicit val bigDecimalDecoder: Decoder[BigDecimal] = decoderDirectly[BigDecimal] implicit val booleanDecoder: Decoder[Boolean] = decoderDirectly[Boolean] implicit val shortDecoder: Decoder[Short] = decoderDirectly[Short] implicit val byteDecoder: Decoder[Byte] = decoderMapped[Short, Byte](_.toByte) implicit val intDecoder: Decoder[Int] = decoderDirectly[Int].orElse[Long](_.toInt) implicit val longDecoder: Decoder[Long] = decoderDirectly[Long].orElse[Int](_.toLong) implicit val floatDecoder: Decoder[Float] = decoderDirectly[Float].orElse[Double](_.toFloat) implicit val doubleDecoder: Decoder[Double] = decoderDirectly[Double] implicit val byteArrayDecoder: Decoder[Array[Byte]] = decoderDirectly[Array[Byte]] implicit val dateDecoder: Decoder[Date] = decoderMapped[LocalDateTime, Date](d => Date.from(d.atZone(ZoneId.systemDefault()).toInstant)) implicit val localDateDecoder: Decoder[LocalDate] = decoderDirectly[LocalDate].orElse[LocalDateTime](_.toLocalDate) implicit val localDateTimeDecoder: Decoder[LocalDateTime] = decoderDirectly[LocalDateTime].orElse[LocalDate](_.atStartOfDay) implicit val uuidDecoder: Decoder[UUID] = decoderDirectly[UUID] }
Example 78
Source File: PostgresEncoders.scala From quill with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package io.getquill.context.ndbc import java.time.{ LocalDate, LocalDateTime, ZoneOffset } import java.util.{ Date, UUID } import io.getquill.dsl.CoreDsl import io.trane.ndbc.PostgresPreparedStatement import scala.language.implicitConversions import scala.reflect.ClassTag trait LowPriorityPostgresImplicits { this: CoreDsl => implicit def mappedEncoder[I, O](implicit mapped: MappedEncoding[I, O], e: BaseEncoder[O]): BaseEncoder[I] = mappedBaseEncoder(mapped, e) } trait PostgresEncoders extends LowPriorityPostgresImplicits with io.getquill.dsl.LowPriorityImplicits { this: NdbcContext[_, _, PostgresPreparedStatement, _] => type Encoder[T] = BaseEncoder[T] protected val zoneOffset: ZoneOffset def encoder[T, U](f: PostgresPreparedStatement => (Int, U) => PostgresPreparedStatement)(implicit ev: T => U): Encoder[T] = (idx, v, ps) => if (v == null) ps.setNull(idx) else f(ps)(idx, v) def arrayEncoder[T, U: ClassTag, Col <: Seq[T]](f: PostgresPreparedStatement => (Int, Array[U]) => PostgresPreparedStatement)(ev: T => U): Encoder[Col] = (idx, v, ps) => if (v == null) ps.setNull(idx) else f(ps)(idx,[U]) implicit override def anyValMappedEncoder[I <: AnyVal, O](implicit mapped: MappedEncoding[I, O], encoder: Encoder[O]): Encoder[I] = mappedEncoder implicit def optionEncoder[T](implicit e: Encoder[T]): Encoder[Option[T]] = (idx, v, ps) => if (v == null) ps.setNull(idx) else v match { case None => ps.setNull(idx) case Some(v) => e(idx, v, ps) } implicit def toLocalDateTime(d: Date) = LocalDateTime.ofInstant(d.toInstant(), zoneOffset) implicit val uuidEncoder: Encoder[UUID] = encoder(_.setUUID) implicit val stringEncoder: Encoder[String] = encoder(_.setString) implicit val bigDecimalEncoder: Encoder[BigDecimal] = encoder(_.setBigDecimal)(_.bigDecimal) implicit val booleanEncoder: Encoder[Boolean] = encoder(_.setBoolean) implicit val byteEncoder: Encoder[Byte] = encoder(_.setByte) implicit val shortEncoder: Encoder[Short] = encoder(_.setShort) implicit val intEncoder: Encoder[Int] = encoder(_.setInteger) implicit val longEncoder: Encoder[Long] = encoder(_.setLong) implicit val floatEncoder: Encoder[Float] = encoder(_.setFloat) implicit val doubleEncoder: Encoder[Double] = encoder(_.setDouble) implicit val byteArrayEncoder: Encoder[Array[Byte]] = encoder(_.setByteArray) implicit val dateEncoder: Encoder[Date] = encoder(_.setLocalDateTime) implicit val localDateEncoder: Encoder[LocalDate] = encoder(_.setLocalDate) implicit val localDateTimeEncoder: Encoder[LocalDateTime] = encoder(_.setLocalDateTime) implicit def arrayStringEncoder[Col <: Seq[String]]: Encoder[Col] = arrayEncoder[String, String, Col](_.setStringArray)(identity) implicit def arrayBigDecimalEncoder[Col <: Seq[BigDecimal]]: Encoder[Col] = arrayEncoder[BigDecimal, java.math.BigDecimal, Col](_.setBigDecimalArray)(_.bigDecimal) implicit def arrayBooleanEncoder[Col <: Seq[Boolean]]: Encoder[Col] = arrayEncoder[Boolean, java.lang.Boolean, Col](_.setBooleanArray)(_.booleanValue) implicit def arrayByteEncoder[Col <: Seq[Byte]]: Encoder[Col] = arrayEncoder[Byte, java.lang.Short, Col](_.setShortArray)(identity) implicit def arrayShortEncoder[Col <: Seq[Short]]: Encoder[Col] = arrayEncoder[Short, java.lang.Short, Col](_.setShortArray)(_.shortValue) implicit def arrayIntEncoder[Col <: Seq[Int]]: Encoder[Col] = arrayEncoder[Int, java.lang.Integer, Col](_.setIntegerArray)(_.intValue) implicit def arrayLongEncoder[Col <: Seq[Long]]: Encoder[Col] = arrayEncoder[Long, java.lang.Long, Col](_.setLongArray)(_.longValue) implicit def arrayFloatEncoder[Col <: Seq[Float]]: Encoder[Col] = arrayEncoder[Float, java.lang.Float, Col](_.setFloatArray)(_.floatValue) implicit def arrayDoubleEncoder[Col <: Seq[Double]]: Encoder[Col] = arrayEncoder[Double, java.lang.Double, Col](_.setDoubleArray)(_.doubleValue) implicit def arrayDateEncoder[Col <: Seq[Date]]: Encoder[Col] = arrayEncoder[Date, LocalDateTime, Col](_.setLocalDateTimeArray)(identity) implicit def arrayLocalDateEncoder[Col <: Seq[LocalDate]]: Encoder[Col] = arrayEncoder[LocalDate, LocalDate, Col](_.setLocalDateArray)(identity) }
Example 79
Source File: Encoders.scala From quill with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package io.getquill.context.jasync import java.time.{ LocalDate, LocalDateTime, LocalTime, OffsetDateTime, ZoneId, ZonedDateTime } import java.util.Date import org.joda.time.{ DateTime => JodaDateTime, DateTimeZone => JodaDateTimeZone, LocalTime => JodaLocalTime, LocalDate => JodaLocalDate, LocalDateTime => JodaLocalDateTime } trait Encoders { this: JAsyncContext[_, _, _] => type Encoder[T] = AsyncEncoder[T] type EncoderSqlType = SqlTypes.SqlTypes case class AsyncEncoder[T](sqlType: DecoderSqlType)(implicit encoder: BaseEncoder[T]) extends BaseEncoder[T] { override def apply(index: Index, value: T, row: PrepareRow) = encoder.apply(index, value, row) } def encoder[T](sqlType: DecoderSqlType): Encoder[T] = encoder(identity[T], sqlType) def encoder[T](f: T => Any, sqlType: DecoderSqlType): Encoder[T] = AsyncEncoder[T](sqlType)(new BaseEncoder[T] { def apply(index: Index, value: T, row: PrepareRow) = row :+ f(value) }) implicit def mappedEncoder[I, O](implicit mapped: MappedEncoding[I, O], e: Encoder[O]): Encoder[I] = AsyncEncoder(e.sqlType)(new BaseEncoder[I] { def apply(index: Index, value: I, row: PrepareRow) = e(index, mapped.f(value), row) }) implicit def optionEncoder[T](implicit d: Encoder[T]): Encoder[Option[T]] = AsyncEncoder(d.sqlType)(new BaseEncoder[Option[T]] { def apply(index: Index, value: Option[T], row: PrepareRow) = { value match { case None => nullEncoder(index, null, row) case Some(v) => d(index, v, row) } } }) private[this] val nullEncoder: Encoder[Null] = encoder[Null](SqlTypes.NULL) implicit val stringEncoder: Encoder[String] = encoder[String](SqlTypes.VARCHAR) implicit val bigDecimalEncoder: Encoder[BigDecimal] = encoder[BigDecimal]((bd: BigDecimal) => bd.bigDecimal, SqlTypes.REAL) implicit val booleanEncoder: Encoder[Boolean] = encoder[Boolean](SqlTypes.BOOLEAN) implicit val byteEncoder: Encoder[Byte] = encoder[Byte](SqlTypes.TINYINT) implicit val shortEncoder: Encoder[Short] = encoder[Short](SqlTypes.SMALLINT) implicit val intEncoder: Encoder[Int] = encoder[Int](SqlTypes.INTEGER) implicit val longEncoder: Encoder[Long] = encoder[Long](SqlTypes.BIGINT) implicit val floatEncoder: Encoder[Float] = encoder[Float](SqlTypes.FLOAT) implicit val doubleEncoder: Encoder[Double] = encoder[Double](SqlTypes.DOUBLE) implicit val byteArrayEncoder: Encoder[Array[Byte]] = encoder[Array[Byte]](SqlTypes.VARBINARY) implicit val jodaDateTimeEncoder: Encoder[JodaDateTime] = encoder[JodaDateTime](SqlTypes.TIMESTAMP) implicit val jodaLocalDateEncoder: Encoder[JodaLocalDate] = encoder[JodaLocalDate](SqlTypes.DATE) implicit val jodaLocalDateTimeEncoder: Encoder[JodaLocalDateTime] = encoder[JodaLocalDateTime](SqlTypes.TIMESTAMP) implicit val dateEncoder: Encoder[Date] = encoder[Date]((d: Date) => new JodaLocalDateTime(d), SqlTypes.TIMESTAMP) implicit val encodeZonedDateTime: MappedEncoding[ZonedDateTime, JodaDateTime] = MappedEncoding(zdt => new JodaDateTime(zdt.toInstant.toEpochMilli, JodaDateTimeZone.forID(zdt.getZone.getId))) implicit val encodeOffsetDateTime: MappedEncoding[OffsetDateTime, JodaDateTime] = MappedEncoding(odt => new JodaDateTime(odt.toInstant.toEpochMilli, JodaDateTimeZone.forID(odt.getOffset.getId))) implicit val encodeLocalDate: MappedEncoding[LocalDate, JodaLocalDate] = MappedEncoding(ld => new JodaLocalDate(ld.getYear, ld.getMonthValue, ld.getDayOfMonth)) implicit val encodeLocalTime: MappedEncoding[LocalTime, JodaLocalTime] = MappedEncoding(lt => new JodaLocalTime(lt.getHour, lt.getMinute, lt.getSecond)) implicit val encodeLocalDateTime: MappedEncoding[LocalDateTime, JodaLocalDateTime] = MappedEncoding(ldt => new JodaLocalDateTime(ldt.atZone(ZoneId.systemDefault()).toInstant.toEpochMilli)) implicit val localDateEncoder: Encoder[LocalDate] = mappedEncoder(encodeLocalDate, jodaLocalDateEncoder) }
Example 80
Source File: DagTest.scala From quill with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package io.getquill.codegen import java.time.LocalDateTime import io.getquill.codegen.dag.CatalogBasedAncestry import org.scalatest.BeforeAndAfter import org.scalatest.funsuite.AnyFunSuite import org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers._ import scala.reflect.{ ClassTag, classTag } // I.e. something the type-ancestry does not know about class UnknownClass class CodeGeneratorRunnerDagTest extends AnyFunSuite with BeforeAndAfter { case class TestCase[O](one: ClassTag[_], twos: Seq[ClassTag[_]], result: ClassTag[_]) val cases = Seq( TestCase(classTag[Int], Seq(classTag[Long]), classTag[Long]), TestCase(classTag[Long], Seq(classTag[Boolean], classTag[Int], classTag[Byte], classTag[Long]), classTag[Long]), TestCase(classTag[Int], Seq(classTag[Boolean], classTag[Int], classTag[Byte]), classTag[Int]), TestCase( classTag[BigDecimal], Seq( classTag[Boolean], classTag[Int], classTag[Byte], classTag[Long], classTag[BigDecimal] ), classTag[BigDecimal] ), TestCase( classTag[String], Seq( classTag[Boolean], classTag[Int], classTag[Long], classTag[Byte], classTag[BigDecimal], classTag[java.time.LocalDate], classTag[java.time.LocalDateTime] ), classTag[String] ), TestCase(classTag[java.time.LocalDate], Seq(classTag[LocalDateTime]), classTag[LocalDateTime]), TestCase(classTag[Short], Seq(classTag[Boolean], classTag[Byte]), classTag[Short]), TestCase(classTag[Short], Seq(classTag[Int]), classTag[Int]), TestCase(classTag[Int], Seq(classTag[Short]), classTag[Int]), TestCase(classTag[UnknownClass], Seq(classTag[String]), classTag[String]), TestCase(classTag[UnknownClass], Seq(classTag[UnknownClass]), classTag[UnknownClass]), // Don't know ancestry of unknown class to an Int (or any kind) so go directly to root of the ancestry i.e. String. TestCase(classTag[UnknownClass], Seq(classTag[Int]), classTag[String]) ) val casesIter = for { cas <- cases two <- cas.twos } yield (, two, cas.result) casesIter.foreach({ case (one, two, expected) => test(s"Common Ancestry between ${one} and ${two} should be ${expected}") { new CatalogBasedAncestry().apply(one, two) should equal(expected) } }) }
Example 81
Source File: FinagleMysqlEncoders.scala From quill with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package io.getquill.context.finagle.mysql import java.sql.Timestamp import java.time.{ LocalDate, LocalDateTime } import java.util.{ Date, UUID } import com.twitter.finagle.mysql.CanBeParameter._ import com.twitter.finagle.mysql.Parameter.wrap import com.twitter.finagle.mysql._ import io.getquill.FinagleMysqlContext trait FinagleMysqlEncoders { this: FinagleMysqlContext[_] => type Encoder[T] = FinagleMySqlEncoder[T] case class FinagleMySqlEncoder[T](encoder: BaseEncoder[T]) extends BaseEncoder[T] { override def apply(index: Index, value: T, row: PrepareRow) = encoder(index, value, row) } def encoder[T](f: T => Parameter): Encoder[T] = FinagleMySqlEncoder((index, value, row) => row :+ f(value)) def encoder[T](implicit cbp: CanBeParameter[T]): Encoder[T] = encoder[T]((v: T) => v: Parameter) private[this] val nullEncoder = encoder((_: Null) => Parameter.NullParameter) implicit def optionEncoder[T](implicit e: Encoder[T]): Encoder[Option[T]] = FinagleMySqlEncoder { (index, value, row) => value match { case None => nullEncoder.encoder(index, null, row) case Some(v) => e.encoder(index, v, row) } } implicit def mappedEncoder[I, O](implicit mapped: MappedEncoding[I, O], e: Encoder[O]): Encoder[I] = FinagleMySqlEncoder(mappedBaseEncoder(mapped, e.encoder)) implicit val stringEncoder: Encoder[String] = encoder[String] implicit val bigDecimalEncoder: Encoder[BigDecimal] = encoder[BigDecimal] { (value: BigDecimal) => BigDecimalValue(value): Parameter } implicit val booleanEncoder: Encoder[Boolean] = encoder[Boolean] implicit val byteEncoder: Encoder[Byte] = encoder[Byte] implicit val shortEncoder: Encoder[Short] = encoder[Short] implicit val intEncoder: Encoder[Int] = encoder[Int] implicit val longEncoder: Encoder[Long] = encoder[Long] implicit val floatEncoder: Encoder[Float] = encoder[Float] implicit val doubleEncoder: Encoder[Double] = encoder[Double] implicit val byteArrayEncoder: Encoder[Array[Byte]] = encoder[Array[Byte]] implicit val dateEncoder: Encoder[Date] = encoder[Date] { (value: Date) => timestampValue(new Timestamp(value.getTime)): Parameter } implicit val localDateEncoder: Encoder[LocalDate] = encoder[LocalDate] { (d: LocalDate) => DateValue(java.sql.Date.valueOf(d)): Parameter } implicit val localDateTimeEncoder: Encoder[LocalDateTime] = encoder[LocalDateTime] { (d: LocalDateTime) => timestampValue(new Timestamp(d.atZone(injectionTimeZone.toZoneId).toInstant.toEpochMilli)): Parameter } implicit val uuidEncoder: Encoder[UUID] = mappedEncoder(MappedEncoding(_.toString), stringEncoder) }
Example 82
Source File: Encoders.scala From quill with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package io.getquill.context.async import java.time.{ LocalDate, LocalDateTime, LocalTime, OffsetDateTime, ZoneId, ZonedDateTime } import java.util.Date import org.joda.time.{ DateTime => JodaDateTime, DateTimeZone => JodaDateTimeZone, LocalTime => JodaLocalTime, LocalDate => JodaLocalDate, LocalDateTime => JodaLocalDateTime } trait Encoders { this: AsyncContext[_, _, _] => type Encoder[T] = AsyncEncoder[T] type EncoderSqlType = SqlTypes.SqlTypes case class AsyncEncoder[T](sqlType: DecoderSqlType)(implicit encoder: BaseEncoder[T]) extends BaseEncoder[T] { override def apply(index: Index, value: T, row: PrepareRow) = encoder.apply(index, value, row) } def encoder[T](sqlType: DecoderSqlType): Encoder[T] = encoder(identity[T], sqlType) def encoder[T](f: T => Any, sqlType: DecoderSqlType): Encoder[T] = AsyncEncoder[T](sqlType)(new BaseEncoder[T] { def apply(index: Index, value: T, row: PrepareRow) = row :+ f(value) }) implicit def mappedEncoder[I, O](implicit mapped: MappedEncoding[I, O], e: Encoder[O]): Encoder[I] = AsyncEncoder(e.sqlType)(new BaseEncoder[I] { def apply(index: Index, value: I, row: PrepareRow) = e(index, mapped.f(value), row) }) implicit def optionEncoder[T](implicit d: Encoder[T]): Encoder[Option[T]] = AsyncEncoder(d.sqlType)(new BaseEncoder[Option[T]] { def apply(index: Index, value: Option[T], row: PrepareRow) = { value match { case None => nullEncoder(index, null, row) case Some(v) => d(index, v, row) } } }) private[this] val nullEncoder: Encoder[Null] = encoder[Null](SqlTypes.NULL) implicit val stringEncoder: Encoder[String] = encoder[String](SqlTypes.VARCHAR) implicit val bigDecimalEncoder: Encoder[BigDecimal] = encoder[BigDecimal](SqlTypes.REAL) implicit val booleanEncoder: Encoder[Boolean] = encoder[Boolean](SqlTypes.BOOLEAN) implicit val byteEncoder: Encoder[Byte] = encoder[Byte](SqlTypes.TINYINT) implicit val shortEncoder: Encoder[Short] = encoder[Short](SqlTypes.SMALLINT) implicit val intEncoder: Encoder[Int] = encoder[Int](SqlTypes.INTEGER) implicit val longEncoder: Encoder[Long] = encoder[Long](SqlTypes.BIGINT) implicit val floatEncoder: Encoder[Float] = encoder[Float](SqlTypes.FLOAT) implicit val doubleEncoder: Encoder[Double] = encoder[Double](SqlTypes.DOUBLE) implicit val byteArrayEncoder: Encoder[Array[Byte]] = encoder[Array[Byte]](SqlTypes.VARBINARY) implicit val jodaDateTimeEncoder: Encoder[JodaDateTime] = encoder[JodaDateTime](SqlTypes.TIMESTAMP) implicit val jodaLocalDateEncoder: Encoder[JodaLocalDate] = encoder[JodaLocalDate](SqlTypes.DATE) implicit val jodaLocalDateTimeEncoder: Encoder[JodaLocalDateTime] = encoder[JodaLocalDateTime](SqlTypes.TIMESTAMP) implicit val dateEncoder: Encoder[Date] = encoder[Date]((d: Date) => new JodaLocalDateTime(d), SqlTypes.TIMESTAMP) implicit val encodeZonedDateTime: MappedEncoding[ZonedDateTime, JodaDateTime] = MappedEncoding(zdt => new JodaDateTime(zdt.toInstant.toEpochMilli, JodaDateTimeZone.forID(zdt.getZone.getId))) implicit val encodeOffsetDateTime: MappedEncoding[OffsetDateTime, JodaDateTime] = MappedEncoding(odt => new JodaDateTime(odt.toInstant.toEpochMilli, JodaDateTimeZone.forID(odt.getOffset.getId))) implicit val encodeLocalDate: MappedEncoding[LocalDate, JodaLocalDate] = MappedEncoding(ld => new JodaLocalDate(ld.getYear, ld.getMonthValue, ld.getDayOfMonth)) implicit val encodeLocalTime: MappedEncoding[LocalTime, JodaLocalTime] = MappedEncoding(lt => new JodaLocalTime(lt.getHour, lt.getMinute, lt.getSecond)) implicit val encodeLocalDateTime: MappedEncoding[LocalDateTime, JodaLocalDateTime] = MappedEncoding(ldt => new JodaLocalDateTime(ldt.atZone(ZoneId.systemDefault()).toInstant.toEpochMilli)) implicit val localDateEncoder: Encoder[LocalDate] = mappedEncoder(encodeLocalDate, jodaLocalDateEncoder) }
Example 83
Source File: Decoders.scala From quill with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package io.getquill.context.jdbc import java.time.{ LocalDate, LocalDateTime } import java.util import java.util.Calendar import scala.math.BigDecimal.javaBigDecimal2bigDecimal trait Decoders { this: JdbcContextBase[_, _] => type Decoder[T] = JdbcDecoder[T] case class JdbcDecoder[T](decoder: BaseDecoder[T]) extends BaseDecoder[T] { def apply(index: Index, row: ResultRow) = decoder(index + 1, row) } def decoder[T](d: BaseDecoder[T]): Decoder[T] = JdbcDecoder(d) def decoder[T](f: ResultRow => Index => T): Decoder[T] = decoder((index, row) => f(row)(index)) implicit def mappedDecoder[I, O](implicit mapped: MappedEncoding[I, O], d: Decoder[I]): Decoder[O] = JdbcDecoder(mappedBaseDecoder(mapped, d.decoder)) implicit def optionDecoder[T](implicit d: Decoder[T]): Decoder[Option[T]] = JdbcDecoder( (index, row) => { try { // According to the JDBC spec, we first need to read the object before `row.wasNull` works row.getObject(index) if (row.wasNull()) { None } else { Some(d.decoder(index, row)) } } catch { case _: NullPointerException if row.wasNull() => None } } ) implicit val stringDecoder: Decoder[String] = decoder(_.getString) implicit val bigDecimalDecoder: Decoder[BigDecimal] = decoder((index, row) => row.getBigDecimal(index)) implicit val byteDecoder: Decoder[Byte] = decoder(_.getByte) implicit val shortDecoder: Decoder[Short] = decoder(_.getShort) implicit val intDecoder: Decoder[Int] = decoder(_.getInt) implicit val longDecoder: Decoder[Long] = decoder(_.getLong) implicit val floatDecoder: Decoder[Float] = decoder(_.getFloat) implicit val doubleDecoder: Decoder[Double] = decoder(_.getDouble) implicit val byteArrayDecoder: Decoder[Array[Byte]] = decoder(_.getBytes) implicit val dateDecoder: Decoder[util.Date] = decoder((index, row) => new util.Date(row.getTimestamp(index, Calendar.getInstance(dateTimeZone)).getTime)) implicit val localDateDecoder: Decoder[LocalDate] = decoder((index, row) => row.getDate(index, Calendar.getInstance(dateTimeZone)).toLocalDate) implicit val localDateTimeDecoder: Decoder[LocalDateTime] = decoder((index, row) => row.getTimestamp(index, Calendar.getInstance(dateTimeZone)).toLocalDateTime) }
Example 84
Source File: Encoders.scala From quill with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package io.getquill.context.jdbc import java.sql.{ Date, Timestamp, Types } import java.time.{ LocalDate, LocalDateTime } import java.util.{ Calendar, TimeZone } import java.{ sql, util } trait Encoders { this: JdbcContextBase[_, _] => type Encoder[T] = JdbcEncoder[T] protected val dateTimeZone = TimeZone.getDefault case class JdbcEncoder[T](sqlType: Int, encoder: BaseEncoder[T]) extends BaseEncoder[T] { override def apply(index: Index, value: T, row: PrepareRow) = encoder(index + 1, value, row) } def encoder[T](sqlType: Int, f: (Index, T, PrepareRow) => Unit): Encoder[T] = JdbcEncoder(sqlType, (index: Index, value: T, row: PrepareRow) => { f(index, value, row) row }) def encoder[T](sqlType: Int, f: PrepareRow => (Index, T) => Unit): Encoder[T] = encoder(sqlType, (index: Index, value: T, row: PrepareRow) => f(row)(index, value)) implicit def mappedEncoder[I, O](implicit mapped: MappedEncoding[I, O], e: Encoder[O]): Encoder[I] = JdbcEncoder(e.sqlType, mappedBaseEncoder(mapped, e.encoder)) private[this] val nullEncoder: Encoder[Int] = encoder(Types.INTEGER, _.setNull) implicit def optionEncoder[T](implicit d: Encoder[T]): Encoder[Option[T]] = JdbcEncoder( d.sqlType, (index, value, row) => value match { case Some(v) => d.encoder(index, v, row) case None => nullEncoder.encoder(index, d.sqlType, row) } ) implicit val stringEncoder: Encoder[String] = encoder(Types.VARCHAR, _.setString) implicit val bigDecimalEncoder: Encoder[BigDecimal] = encoder(Types.NUMERIC, (index, value, row) => row.setBigDecimal(index, value.bigDecimal)) implicit val byteEncoder: Encoder[Byte] = encoder(Types.TINYINT, _.setByte) implicit val shortEncoder: Encoder[Short] = encoder(Types.SMALLINT, _.setShort) implicit val intEncoder: Encoder[Int] = encoder(Types.INTEGER, _.setInt) implicit val longEncoder: Encoder[Long] = encoder(Types.BIGINT, _.setLong) implicit val floatEncoder: Encoder[Float] = encoder(Types.FLOAT, _.setFloat) implicit val doubleEncoder: Encoder[Double] = encoder(Types.DOUBLE, _.setDouble) implicit val byteArrayEncoder: Encoder[Array[Byte]] = encoder(Types.VARBINARY, _.setBytes) implicit val dateEncoder: Encoder[util.Date] = encoder(Types.TIMESTAMP, (index, value, row) => row.setTimestamp(index, new sql.Timestamp(value.getTime), Calendar.getInstance(dateTimeZone))) implicit val localDateEncoder: Encoder[LocalDate] = encoder(Types.DATE, (index, value, row) => row.setDate(index, Date.valueOf(value), Calendar.getInstance(dateTimeZone))) implicit val localDateTimeEncoder: Encoder[LocalDateTime] = encoder(Types.TIMESTAMP, (index, value, row) => row.setTimestamp(index, Timestamp.valueOf(value), Calendar.getInstance(dateTimeZone))) }
Example 85
Source File: JdbcEncodingSpec.scala From quill with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package io.getquill.context.jdbc.postgres import java.time.LocalDateTime import io.getquill.context.sql.EncodingSpec import io.getquill.Query class JdbcEncodingSpec extends EncodingSpec { val context = testContext import testContext._ "encodes and decodes types" in { => insert(e))) verify([EncodingTestEntity])) } "encodes sets" in {[EncodingTestEntity].delete) => query[EncodingTestEntity].insert(e))) val q = quote { (set: Query[Int]) => query[EncodingTestEntity].filter(t => set.contains(t.v6)) } verify( } "returning custom type" in { val uuid = val (barCode :: Nil) = verifyBarcode(barCode) } "LocalDateTime" in { case class EncodingTestEntity(v11: Option[LocalDateTime]) val now = val e1 = EncodingTestEntity(Some(now)) val e2 = EncodingTestEntity(None) val res: (List[EncodingTestEntity], List[EncodingTestEntity]) = performIO { val steps = for { _ <- testContext.runIO(query[EncodingTestEntity].delete) _ <- testContext.runIO(query[EncodingTestEntity].insert(lift(e1))) withoutNull <- testContext.runIO(query[EncodingTestEntity]) _ <- testContext.runIO(query[EncodingTestEntity].delete) _ <- testContext.runIO(query[EncodingTestEntity].insert(lift(e2))) withNull <- testContext.runIO(query[EncodingTestEntity]) } yield (withoutNull, withNull) steps } res._1 must contain theSameElementsAs List(EncodingTestEntity(Some(now))) res._2 must contain theSameElementsAs List(EncodingTestEntity(None)) } }
Example 86
Source File: TimePeriod.scala From TransmogrifAI with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
package com.salesforce.op.stages.impl.feature import java.time.temporal.WeekFields import java.time.{Instant, LocalDateTime, ZoneId} import import enumeratum.{Enum, EnumEntry} case class TimePeriodVal(value: Int, min: Int, max: Int) sealed abstract class TimePeriod(extractFn: LocalDateTime => TimePeriodVal) extends EnumEntry with Serializable { def extractTimePeriodVal(millis: Long): TimePeriodVal = extractFn( Instant .ofEpochMilli(millis) .atZone(ZoneId.of(DateTimeUtils.DefaultTimeZone.toString)).toLocalDateTime) def extractIntFromMillis(millis: Long): Int = extractTimePeriodVal(millis).value } object TimePeriod extends Enum[TimePeriod] { @transient val weekFields = WeekFields.of(java.time.DayOfWeek.MONDAY, 1) val values: Seq[TimePeriod] = findValues case object DayOfMonth extends TimePeriod(dt => TimePeriodVal(dt.getDayOfMonth, 1, 31)) case object DayOfWeek extends TimePeriod(dt => TimePeriodVal(dt.getDayOfWeek.getValue, 1, 7)) case object DayOfYear extends TimePeriod(dt => TimePeriodVal(dt.getDayOfYear, 1, 366)) case object HourOfDay extends TimePeriod(dt => TimePeriodVal(dt.getHour, 0, 24)) case object MonthOfYear extends TimePeriod(dt => TimePeriodVal(dt.getMonthValue, 1, 12)) case object WeekOfMonth extends TimePeriod(dt => TimePeriodVal(dt.get(weekFields.weekOfMonth()), 1, 6)) case object WeekOfYear extends TimePeriod(dt => TimePeriodVal(dt.get(weekFields.weekOfYear()), 1, 53)) }
Example 87
Source File: actors.scala From akka-viz with MIT License | 5 votes |
package postoffice import java.time.LocalDateTime import import scala.util.Random class PostOfficeActor(val postOffice: PostOffice) extends Actor with ActorLogging { import PostOffice._ val myClient = context.actorOf(Props(classOf[PostOfficeClientActor]), "client") myClient ! override def receive: Receive = { case p @ Parcel(src, dest, weight) if src == => Thread.sleep(randomDelay) if (weight > WeightLimit) sender() ! Rejected(, p) else { sender() ! Pickup(, p) nextOffice(route(src -> dest)) ! p } case p @ Parcel(src, dest, _) if dest == => myClient ! Delivery(, p) case p @ Parcel(_, dest, _) => Thread.sleep(randomDelay) if (!lostPackage) nextOffice(route( -> dest)) ! p } def nextOffice(route: List[City]): ActorSelection = { val nextCity = route.dropWhile(_ != val selection: ActorSelection = context.system.actorSelection(s"/user/$nextCity") selection } def lostPackage = Random.nextGaussian() < 0.002 } class PostOfficeClientActor extends Actor with ActorLogging { import PostOffice._ import scala.concurrent.duration._ var city: Option[City] = None override def receive: Actor.Receive = { case c: City => city = Some(c) sendPackage context.become(packageReply) } def packageReply: Actor.Receive = { case Pickup(_, p) => log.debug(s"Sent parcel $p") case Rejected(_, p) => log.debug(s"$p rejected, trying again") sender() ! p.copy(weight = p.weight - 0.02) case d: Delivery => log.debug(s"received $d") sendPackage } def sendPackage = { import context.dispatcher context.system.scheduler.scheduleOnce( randomDelay.milliseconds, context.parent, Parcel(city.get, Random.shuffle(Cities.filterNot(_ == city)).head, Random.nextDouble() * (WeightLimit + 0.10)) ) } }
Example 88
Source File: AWSSigningJestClientFactory.scala From haystack-traces with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import java.time.{LocalDateTime, ZoneId} import com.expedia.www.haystack.trace.commons.config.entities.AWSRequestSigningConfiguration import import io.searchbox.client.JestClientFactory import org.apache.http.impl.client.HttpClientBuilder import org.apache.http.impl.nio.client.HttpAsyncClientBuilder import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory import{AWSSigner, AWSSigningRequestInterceptor} import com.amazonaws.auth.AWSCredentialsProvider import com.amazonaws.auth.BasicAWSCredentials import com.amazonaws.auth.DefaultAWSCredentialsProviderChain import com.amazonaws.internal.StaticCredentialsProvider class AWSSigningJestClientFactory(awsRequestSigningConfig: AWSRequestSigningConfiguration) extends JestClientFactory { private val LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(classOf[AWSSigningJestClientFactory]) val awsSigner = new AWSSigner(getCredentialProvider, awsRequestSigningConfig.region, awsRequestSigningConfig.awsServiceName, new ClockSupplier) val requestInterceptor = new AWSSigningRequestInterceptor(awsSigner) override def configureHttpClient(builder: HttpClientBuilder): HttpClientBuilder = { builder.addInterceptorLast(requestInterceptor) } override def configureHttpClient(builder: HttpAsyncClientBuilder): HttpAsyncClientBuilder = { builder.addInterceptorLast(requestInterceptor) } def getCredentialProvider: AWSCredentialsProvider = { if (awsRequestSigningConfig.accessKey.isDefined) {"using static aws credential provider with access and secret key for ES") new StaticCredentialsProvider( new BasicAWSCredentials(awsRequestSigningConfig.accessKey.get, awsRequestSigningConfig.secretKey.get)) } else {"using default credential provider chain for ES") new DefaultAWSCredentialsProviderChain } } } class ClockSupplier extends Supplier[LocalDateTime] { override def get(): LocalDateTime = {"UTC")) } }
Example 89
Source File: ScheduleEntryRepository.scala From aecor with MIT License | 5 votes |
package aecor.schedule import java.time.LocalDateTime import aecor.schedule.ScheduleEntryRepository.ScheduleEntry trait ScheduleEntryRepository[F[_]] { def insertScheduleEntry(scheduleBucketId: ScheduleBucketId, entryId: String, dueDate: LocalDateTime): F[Unit] def markScheduleEntryAsFired(scheduleBucketId: ScheduleBucketId, entryId: String): F[Unit] def processEntries(from: LocalDateTime, to: LocalDateTime, parallelism: Int)( f: ScheduleEntry => F[Unit] ): F[Option[ScheduleEntry]] } object ScheduleEntryRepository { final case class ScheduleEntry(bucketId: ScheduleBucketId, entryId: String, dueDate: LocalDateTime, timeBucket: String, fired: Boolean) }
Example 90
Source File: ScheduleBucket.scala From aecor with MIT License | 5 votes |
package aecor.schedule import java.time.{ LocalDateTime, ZoneOffset } import aecor.encoding.WireProtocol import aecor.macros.boopickle.BoopickleWireProtocol import cats.tagless.{ Derive, FunctorK } private[aecor] trait ScheduleBucket[F[_]] { def addScheduleEntry(entryId: String, correlationId: String, dueDate: LocalDateTime): F[Unit] def fireEntry(entryId: String): F[Unit] } private[aecor] object ScheduleBucket { import boopickle.Default._ implicit val localDateTimePickler: Pickler[LocalDateTime] = transformPickler( (ldt: (Long, Int)) => LocalDateTime.ofEpochSecond(ldt._1, ldt._2, ZoneOffset.UTC) )((ldt: LocalDateTime) => (ldt.toEpochSecond(ZoneOffset.UTC), ldt.getNano)) implicit def functorK: FunctorK[ScheduleBucket] = Derive.functorK implicit def wireProtocol: WireProtocol[ScheduleBucket] = BoopickleWireProtocol.derive }
Example 91
Source File: DefaultSchedule.scala From aecor with MIT License | 5 votes |
package aecor.schedule import java.time.LocalDateTime import java.util.UUID import import aecor.runtime.akkapersistence.readside.{ CommittableEventJournalQuery, JournalEntry } import aecor.util.Clock import akka.NotUsed import import cats.effect.Effect import cats.implicits._ import aecor.util.effect._ import scala.concurrent.duration.FiniteDuration private[schedule] class DefaultSchedule[F[_]: Effect]( clock: Clock[F], buckets: ScheduleBucketId => ScheduleBucket[F], bucketLength: FiniteDuration, aggregateJournal: CommittableEventJournalQuery[F, UUID, ScheduleBucketId, ScheduleEvent], eventTag: EventTag ) extends Schedule[F] { override def addScheduleEntry(scheduleName: String, entryId: String, correlationId: String, dueDate: LocalDateTime): F[Unit] = for { zone <- scheduleBucket = dueDate.atZone(zone).toEpochSecond / bucketLength.toSeconds _ <- buckets(ScheduleBucketId(scheduleName, scheduleBucket.toString)) .addScheduleEntry(entryId, correlationId, dueDate) } yield () override def committableScheduleEvents( scheduleName: String, consumerId: ConsumerId ): Source[Committable[F, JournalEntry[UUID, ScheduleBucketId, ScheduleEvent]], NotUsed] = aggregateJournal .eventsByTag(eventTag, ConsumerId(scheduleName + consumerId.value)) .flatMapConcat { case m if m.value.event.entityKey.scheduleName == scheduleName => Source.single(m) case other => Source .fromFuture(other.commit.unsafeToFuture()) .flatMapConcat( _ => Source.empty[Committable[F, JournalEntry[UUID, ScheduleBucketId, ScheduleEvent]]] ) } }
Example 92
Source File: TestScheduleEntryRepository.scala From aecor with MIT License | 5 votes |
package aecor.tests.e2e import java.time.LocalDateTime import aecor.schedule.CassandraScheduleEntryRepository.TimeBucket import aecor.schedule.{ ScheduleBucketId, ScheduleEntryRepository } import aecor.schedule.ScheduleEntryRepository.ScheduleEntry import aecor.testkit._ import monocle.Lens import cats.mtl.MonadState import cats.implicits._ import monocle.Lens object TestScheduleEntryRepository { def apply[F[_]: MonadState[*[_], S], S]( lens: Lens[S, Vector[ScheduleEntry]] ): ScheduleEntryRepository[F] = new TestScheduleEntryRepository(lens) } class TestScheduleEntryRepository[F[_]: MonadState[*[_], S], S]( lens: Lens[S, Vector[ScheduleEntry]] ) extends ScheduleEntryRepository[F] { val F = lens.transformMonadState(MonadState[F, S]) implicit val monad = F.monad override def insertScheduleEntry(scheduleBucketId: ScheduleBucketId, entryId: String, dueDate: LocalDateTime): F[Unit] = F.modify { scheduleEntries => scheduleEntries :+ ScheduleEntry( scheduleBucketId, entryId, dueDate, TimeBucket(dueDate.toLocalDate).key, false ) } override def markScheduleEntryAsFired(bucketId: ScheduleBucketId, entryId: String): F[Unit] = F.modify { scheduleEntries => { e => if (e.bucketId == bucketId && e.entryId == entryId) { e.copy(fired = true) } else { e } } } override def processEntries(from: LocalDateTime, to: LocalDateTime, parallelism: Int)( f: (ScheduleEntryRepository.ScheduleEntry) => F[Unit] ): F[Option[ScheduleEntryRepository.ScheduleEntry]] = F.get.flatMap { entries => entries.foldLeft(none[ScheduleEntry].pure[F]) { (acc, entry) => if (entry.dueDate.isAfter(from) && (entry.dueDate.isBefore(to) || entry.dueDate == to)) { acc.flatMap(_ => f(entry)).map(_ => entry.some) } else { acc } } } }
Example 93
Source File: ScheduleEventCodecSpec.scala From aecor with MIT License | 5 votes |
package aecor.tests import java.time.temporal.{ ChronoField, Temporal } import java.time.{ Instant, LocalDateTime } import aecor.runtime.akkapersistence.serialization.{ PersistentDecoder, PersistentEncoder } import aecor.schedule.ScheduleEvent import org.scalacheck.{ Arbitrary, Gen, Properties, ScalacheckShapeless } import org.scalacheck.Prop.forAll class ScheduleEventCodecSpec extends Properties("ScheduleEventCodec") with ScalacheckShapeless { val encoder = PersistentEncoder[ScheduleEvent] val decoder = PersistentDecoder[ScheduleEvent] // OpenJDK 9+ offers more precise system clock than millisecond. // def dropBelowMillis[A <: Temporal](t: A): A = t.`with`(ChronoField.MICRO_OF_SECOND, t.getLong(ChronoField.MILLI_OF_SECOND) * 1000L) .asInstanceOf[A] implicit val arbitraryLocalDateTime = Arbitrary( Gen.lzy(Gen.const(dropBelowMillis( ) implicit val arbitraryInstant = Arbitrary(Gen.lzy(Gen.const(dropBelowMillis( property("encode/decode") = forAll { e: ScheduleEvent => val repr = encoder.encode(e) val decoded = decoder.decode(repr) decoded == Right(e) } }
Example 94
Source File: DateEncoderTest.scala From avro4s with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.sksamuel.avro4s.record.encoder import java.sql.{Date, Timestamp} import java.time.{Instant, LocalDate, LocalDateTime, LocalTime} import com.sksamuel.avro4s.{AvroSchema, DefaultFieldMapper, Encoder, ImmutableRecord} import org.scalatest.funsuite.AnyFunSuite import org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers //noinspection ScalaDeprecation class DateEncoderTest extends AnyFunSuite with Matchers { test("encode LocalTime as TIME-MILLIS") { case class Foo(s: LocalTime) val schema = AvroSchema[Foo] Encoder[Foo].encode(Foo(LocalTime.of(12, 50, 45))) shouldBe ImmutableRecord(schema, Vector(java.lang.Long.valueOf(46245000000L))) } test("encode LocalDate as DATE") { case class Foo(s: LocalDate) val schema = AvroSchema[Foo] Encoder[Foo].encode(Foo(LocalDate.of(2018, 9, 10))) shouldBe ImmutableRecord(schema, Vector(java.lang.Integer.valueOf(17784))) } test("encode java.sql.Date as DATE") { case class Foo(s: Date) val schema = AvroSchema[Foo] Encoder[Foo].encode(Foo(Date.valueOf(LocalDate.of(2018, 9, 10)))) shouldBe ImmutableRecord(schema, Vector(java.lang.Integer.valueOf(17784))) } test("encode LocalDateTime as timestamp-nanos") { case class Foo(s: LocalDateTime) val schema = AvroSchema[Foo] Encoder[Foo].encode(Foo(LocalDateTime.of(2018, 9, 10, 11, 58, 59, 123))) shouldBe ImmutableRecord(schema, Vector(java.lang.Long.valueOf(1536580739000000123L))) Encoder[Foo].encode(Foo(LocalDateTime.of(2018, 9, 10, 11, 58, 59, 123009))) shouldBe ImmutableRecord(schema, Vector(java.lang.Long.valueOf(1536580739000123009L))) Encoder[Foo].encode(Foo(LocalDateTime.of(2018, 9, 10, 11, 58, 59, 328187943))) shouldBe ImmutableRecord(schema, Vector(java.lang.Long.valueOf(1536580739328187943L))) } test("encode Timestamp as TIMESTAMP-MILLIS") { case class Foo(s: Timestamp) val schema = AvroSchema[Foo] Encoder[Foo].encode(Foo(Timestamp.from(Instant.ofEpochMilli(1538312231000L)))) shouldBe ImmutableRecord(schema, Vector(java.lang.Long.valueOf(1538312231000L))) } test("encode Instant as TIMESTAMP-MILLIS") { case class Foo(s: Instant) val schema = AvroSchema[Foo] Encoder[Foo].encode(Foo(Instant.ofEpochMilli(1538312231000L))) shouldBe ImmutableRecord(schema, Vector(java.lang.Long.valueOf(1538312231000L))) } }
Example 95
Source File: DateDecoderTest.scala From avro4s with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.sksamuel.avro4s.record.decoder import java.sql.{Date, Timestamp} import java.time.{Instant, LocalDate, LocalDateTime, LocalTime} import com.sksamuel.avro4s.SchemaFor.TimestampNanosLogicalType import com.sksamuel.avro4s.{AvroSchema, Decoder, SchemaFor} import org.apache.avro.generic.GenericData import org.apache.avro.{LogicalTypes, SchemaBuilder} import org.scalatest.funsuite.AnyFunSuite import org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers //noinspection ScalaDeprecation class DateDecoderTest extends AnyFunSuite with Matchers { case class WithLocalTime(z: LocalTime) case class WithLocalDate(z: LocalDate) case class WithDate(z: Date) case class WithLocalDateTime(z: LocalDateTime) case class WithTimestamp(z: Timestamp) case class WithInstant(z: Instant) test("decode int to LocalTime") { val schema = AvroSchema[WithLocalTime] val record = new GenericData.Record(schema) record.put("z", 46245000000L) Decoder[WithLocalTime].decode(record) shouldBe WithLocalTime(LocalTime.of(12, 50, 45)) } test("decode int to LocalDate") { val schema = AvroSchema[WithLocalDate] val record = new GenericData.Record(schema) record.put("z", 17784) Decoder[WithLocalDate].decode(record) shouldBe WithLocalDate(LocalDate.of(2018, 9, 10)) } test("decode int to java.sql.Date") { val schema = AvroSchema[WithDate] val record = new GenericData.Record(schema) record.put("z", 17784) Decoder[WithDate].decode(record) shouldBe WithDate(Date.valueOf(LocalDate.of(2018, 9, 10))) } test("decode timestamp-millis to LocalDateTime") { val dateSchema = LogicalTypes.timestampMillis().addToSchema(SchemaBuilder.builder.longType) val schema = SchemaBuilder.record("foo").fields().name("z").`type`(dateSchema).noDefault().endRecord() val record = new GenericData.Record(schema) record.put("z", 1572707106376L) Decoder[WithLocalDateTime].withSchema(SchemaFor(schema)).decode(record) shouldBe WithLocalDateTime( LocalDateTime.of(2019, 11, 2, 15, 5, 6, 376000000)) } test("decode timestamp-micros to LocalDateTime") { val dateSchema = LogicalTypes.timestampMicros().addToSchema(SchemaBuilder.builder.longType) val schema = SchemaBuilder.record("foo").fields().name("z").`type`(dateSchema).noDefault().endRecord() val record = new GenericData.Record(schema) record.put("z", 1572707106376001L) Decoder[WithLocalDateTime].withSchema(SchemaFor(schema)).decode(record) shouldBe WithLocalDateTime( LocalDateTime.of(2019, 11, 2, 15, 5, 6, 376001000)) } test("decode timestamp-nanos to LocalDateTime") { val dateSchema = TimestampNanosLogicalType.addToSchema(SchemaBuilder.builder.longType) val schema = SchemaBuilder.record("foo").fields().name("z").`type`(dateSchema).noDefault().endRecord() val record = new GenericData.Record(schema) record.put("z", 1572707106376000002L) Decoder[WithLocalDateTime].decode(record) shouldBe WithLocalDateTime( LocalDateTime.of(2019, 11, 2, 15, 5, 6, 376000002)) } test("decode long to Timestamp") { val schema = AvroSchema[WithTimestamp] val record = new GenericData.Record(schema) record.put("z", 1538312231000L) Decoder[WithTimestamp].decode(record) shouldBe WithTimestamp(new Timestamp(1538312231000L)) } test("decode long to Instant") { val schema = AvroSchema[WithInstant] val record = new GenericData.Record(schema) record.put("z", 1538312231000L) Decoder[WithInstant].decode(record) shouldBe WithInstant(Instant.ofEpochMilli(1538312231000L)) } }
Example 96
Source File: DateSchemaTest.scala From avro4s with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.sksamuel.avro4s.schema import java.sql.{Date, Timestamp} import java.time.{Instant, LocalDate, LocalDateTime, LocalTime} import com.sksamuel.avro4s.AvroSchema import org.scalatest.funsuite.AnyFunSuite import org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers class DateSchemaTest extends AnyFunSuite with Matchers { test("generate date logical type for LocalDate") { case class LocalDateTest(date: LocalDate) val expected = new org.apache.avro.Schema.Parser().parse(getClass.getResourceAsStream("/localdate.json")) val schema = AvroSchema[LocalDateTest] schema.toString(true) shouldBe expected.toString(true) } test("generate date logical type for Date") { case class DateTest(date: Date) val expected = new org.apache.avro.Schema.Parser().parse(getClass.getResourceAsStream("/date.json")) val schema = AvroSchema[DateTest] schema.toString(true) shouldBe expected.toString(true) } test("generate time logical type for LocalTime") { case class LocalTimeTest(time: LocalTime) val expected = new org.apache.avro.Schema.Parser().parse(getClass.getResourceAsStream("/localtime.json")) val schema = AvroSchema[LocalTimeTest] schema.toString(true) shouldBe expected.toString(true) } test("generate timestamp-nanos for LocalDateTime") { case class LocalDateTimeTest(time: LocalDateTime) val expected = new org.apache.avro.Schema.Parser().parse(getClass.getResourceAsStream("/localdatetime.json")) val schema = AvroSchema[LocalDateTimeTest] schema.toString(true) shouldBe expected.toString(true) } test("generate timestamp-millis logical type for Instant") { case class InstantTest(instant: Instant) val expected = new org.apache.avro.Schema.Parser().parse(getClass.getResourceAsStream("/instant.json")) val schema = AvroSchema[InstantTest] schema.toString(true) shouldBe expected.toString(true) } test("generate timestamp-millis logical type for Timestamp") { case class TimestampTest(ts: Timestamp) val expected = new org.apache.avro.Schema.Parser().parse(getClass.getResourceAsStream("/timestamp.json")) val schema = AvroSchema[TimestampTest] schema.toString(true) shouldBe expected.toString(true) } }
Example 97
Source File: MistLoggingSpec.scala From mist with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package io.hydrosphere.mist.core.logging import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter import java.time.{LocalDateTime, ZoneOffset} import org.scalatest.{FunSpec, Matchers} class MistLoggingSpec extends FunSpec with Matchers { describe("levels") { it("should restore level from int") { Level.fromInt(1) shouldBe Level.Debug Level.fromInt(2) shouldBe Level.Info Level.fromInt(3) shouldBe Level.Warn Level.fromInt(4) shouldBe Level.Error } } describe("log event") { it("should have correct format") { val ts = val e = LogEvent.mkInfo("job-id", "Message", ts.toInstant(ZoneOffset.UTC).toEpochMilli) val expectedDate = DateTimeFormatter.ISO_LOCAL_DATE_TIME.format(ts) val expected = s"INFO $expectedDate [job-id] Message" e.mkString shouldBe expected } it("should have stack traces") { val ts = val error = new RuntimeException("Test error") val e = LogEvent.mkError("job-id", "Error", Some(error), ts.toInstant(ZoneOffset.UTC).toEpochMilli) val expectedDate = DateTimeFormatter.ISO_LOCAL_DATE_TIME.format(ts) val expected = s"""ERROR $expectedDate [job-id] Error |java.lang.RuntimeException: Test error""".stripMargin e.mkString should startWith(expected) } } }
Example 98
Source File: localdatetime.scala From cats-time with MIT License | 5 votes |
package io.chrisdavenport.cats.time.instances import cats._ import cats.implicits._ import java.time.LocalDateTime import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter.ISO_LOCAL_DATE_TIME trait localdatetime { final def showLocalDateTime(formatter: DateTimeFormatter): Show[LocalDateTime] = Show[String].contramap(_.format(formatter)) implicit final val localdatetimeInstances = new Show[LocalDateTime] with Order[LocalDateTime] with Hash[LocalDateTime]{ override def hash(x: LocalDateTime): Int = x.hashCode override def compare(x: LocalDateTime, y: LocalDateTime): Int = x.compareTo(y) override def show(x: LocalDateTime): String = x.format(ISO_LOCAL_DATE_TIME) } } object localdatetime extends localdatetime
Example 99
Source File: Merge.scala From tofu with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package package derived import java.time.{Instant, LocalDate, LocalDateTime, ZonedDateTime} import cats.kernel.Semigroup import magnolia.{CaseClass, Magnolia, SealedTrait} import simulacrum.typeclass import derevo.Derivation @typeclass trait Merge[A] { def merge(a: A, b: A): A } trait MergeInstances1 { type Typeclass[A] = Merge[A] def combine[T](caseClass: CaseClass[Typeclass, T]): Typeclass[T] = (a, b) => caseClass.construct(p => p.typeclass.merge(p.dereference(a), p.dereference(b))) def dispatch[T](sealedTrait: SealedTrait[Typeclass, T]): Typeclass[T] = (a, b) => sealedTrait.dispatch(a) { h => if (h.cast.isDefinedAt(b)) h.typeclass.merge(h.cast(a), h.cast(b)) else a } implicit def instance[A]: Merge[A] = macro Magnolia.gen[A] } object Merge extends Derivation[Merge] with MergeInstances1 { implicit def optionInstance[A](implicit m: Merge[A]): Merge[Option[A]] = (ao, bo) => ao.fold(bo)(a => bo.fold(ao)(b => Some(m.merge(a, b)))) implicit def primitiveInstance[A: Primitive]: Merge[A] = (a: A, _: A) => a sealed class Primitive[A] final implicit object primitiveByte extends Primitive[Byte] final implicit object primitiveShort extends Primitive[Short] final implicit object primitiveInt extends Primitive[Int] final implicit object primitiveLong extends Primitive[Long] final implicit object primitiveChar extends Primitive[Char] final implicit object primitiveFloat extends Primitive[Float] final implicit object primitiveDouble extends Primitive[Double] final implicit object primitiveUnit extends Primitive[Unit] final implicit object primitiveBigDecimal extends Primitive[BigDecimal] final implicit object primitiveBigInt extends Primitive[BigInt] final implicit object primitiveLocalDateTime extends Primitive[LocalDateTime] final implicit object primitiveZonedDateTime extends Primitive[ZonedDateTime] final implicit object primitiveLocalDate extends Primitive[LocalDate] final implicit object primitiveInstant extends Primitive[Instant] final implicit object primitiveString extends Primitive[String] } object Merged { trait OpaqueTag extends Any type Base = Any { type MergedOpaque } type Mer[A] <: Base with OpaqueTag def apply[A](value: A): Mer[A] = value.asInstanceOf[Mer[A]] implicit final class MergedOps[A](private val mer: Mer[A]) extends AnyVal { def value: A = mer.asInstanceOf[A] } implicit def mergedSemigroup[A: Merge]: Semigroup[Merged[A]] = (x, y) => apply(Merge[A].merge(x.value, y.value)) }
Example 100
Source File: ApiCfp.scala From gospeak with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package gospeak.web.api.domain import java.time.LocalDateTime import gospeak.core.domain.utils.{BasicCtx, OrgaCtx} import gospeak.core.domain.{Cfp, CommonCfp, Group, User} import gospeak.web.api.domain.utils.{ApiInfo, ApiPlace} import play.api.libs.json.{Json, Writes} object ApiCfp { // data to display for orgas (everything) final case class Orga(slug: String, name: String, begin: Option[LocalDateTime], close: Option[LocalDateTime], description: String, tags: Seq[String], info: ApiInfo) object Orga { implicit val writes: Writes[Orga] = Json.writes[Orga] } def orga(cfp: Cfp, users: Seq[User])(implicit ctx: OrgaCtx): Orga = new Orga( slug = cfp.slug.value, name =, begin = cfp.begin, close = cfp.close, description = cfp.description.value, tags =, info = ApiInfo.from(, users)) // data to display publicly final case class Published(kind: String, ref: String, name: String, logo: Option[String], url: Option[String], begin: Option[LocalDateTime], close: Option[LocalDateTime], location: Option[ApiPlace], description: String, eventStart: Option[LocalDateTime], eventFinish: Option[LocalDateTime], eventUrl: Option[String], eventTickets: Option[String], eventVideos: Option[String], twitterAccount: Option[String], twitterHashtag: Option[String], tags: Seq[String], group: Option[ApiGroup.Embed]) object Published { implicit val writes: Writes[Published] = Json.writes[Published] } def published(cfp: CommonCfp, groups: Seq[Group])(implicit ctx: BasicCtx): Published = new Published( kind = cfp.fold(_ => "external")(_ => "internal"), ref = cfp.fold(, name =, logo =, url =, begin = cfp.begin, close = cfp.close, location =, description = cfp.description.value, eventStart = cfp.external.flatMap(_.event.start), eventFinish = cfp.external.flatMap(_.event.finish), tags =, eventUrl = cfp.external.flatMap(_.event.url).map(_.value), eventTickets = cfp.external.flatMap(, eventVideos = cfp.external.flatMap(_.event.videos).map(_.value), twitterAccount = cfp.external.flatMap(_.event.twitterAccount).map(_.url.value), twitterHashtag = cfp.external.flatMap(_.event.twitterHashtag).map(_.value), group = cfp.internal.flatMap(i => groups.find( == // embedded data in other models, should be public final case class Embed(slug: String, name: String, begin: Option[LocalDateTime], close: Option[LocalDateTime]) object Embed { implicit val writes: Writes[Embed] = Json.writes[Embed] } def embed(cfp: Cfp)(implicit ctx: BasicCtx): Embed = new Embed( slug = cfp.slug.value, name =, begin = cfp.begin, close = cfp.close) }
Example 101
Source File: ApiExternalCfp.scala From gospeak with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package gospeak.web.api.domain import java.time.LocalDateTime import gospeak.core.domain.ExternalCfp import gospeak.core.domain.utils.BasicCtx import play.api.libs.json.{Json, Writes} object ApiExternalCfp { // data to display publicly final case class Published(id: String, url: String, name: String, description: String, logo: Option[String], begin: Option[LocalDateTime], close: Option[LocalDateTime], eventUrl: Option[String], eventStart: Option[LocalDateTime], eventFinish: Option[LocalDateTime], eventLocation: Option[String], eventTwitterAccount: Option[String], eventTwitterHashtag: Option[String], tags: Seq[String]) object Published { implicit val writes: Writes[Published] = Json.writes[Published] } def published(cfp: ExternalCfp.Full)(implicit ctx: BasicCtx): Published = new Published( id =, url = cfp.url.value, name =, description = cfp.description.value, logo =, begin = cfp.begin, close = cfp.close, eventUrl =, eventStart = cfp.event.start, eventFinish = cfp.event.finish, eventLocation =, eventTwitterAccount =, eventTwitterHashtag =, tags = }
Example 102
Source File: MessageHandler.scala From gospeak with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import java.time.LocalDateTime import import cats.effect.IO import gospeak.core.ApplicationConf import gospeak.core.domain.Group import gospeak.core.domain.Group.Settings.Action import gospeak.core.domain.Group.Settings.Action.Trigger import gospeak.core.domain.messages.Message import gospeak.core.domain.utils.Constants import import import{OrgaGroupRepo, OrgaGroupSettingsRepo} import{Tweets, TwitterSrv} import gospeak.libs.scala.Extensions._ import gospeak.libs.scala.domain.{CustomException, EmailAddress} import import io.circe.Json import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory import scala.util.control.NonFatal class MessageHandler(appConf: ApplicationConf, groupRepo: OrgaGroupRepo, groupSettingsRepo: OrgaGroupSettingsRepo, emailSrv: EmailSrv, slackSrv: SlackSrv, twitterSrv: TwitterSrv) { private val logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(this.getClass) def groupActionHandler(msg: Message): IO[Unit] = (msg match { case m: Message.GroupMessage => handleGroupAction(, m, eMessage(m)) case _ => IO.pure(0) }).map(_ => ()).recover { case NonFatal(_) => () } def gospeakHandler(msg: Message): IO[Unit] = (msg match { case m: Message.ExternalCfpCreated => gospeakTwitt(m) case _ => IO.pure(0) }).map(_ => ()).recover { case NonFatal(_) => () } def logHandler(msg: Message): IO[Unit] = IO.pure("Message sent: $msg")) private def handleGroupAction(group: Group.Slug, msg: Message.GroupMessage, data: Json): IO[Int] = (for { groupElt <- OptionT(groupRepo.find(group)) actions <- OptionT.liftF(groupSettingsRepo.findActions( accounts <- OptionT.liftF(groupSettingsRepo.findAccounts( actionsToExec = Trigger.all.filter(_.message == msg.ref).flatMap(actions.getOrElse(_, Seq())) results <- OptionT.liftF(, _, data)).sequence) } yield results.length) private def execGroupAction(accounts: Group.Settings.Accounts, action: Action, data: Json): IO[Unit] = action match { case email: Action.Email => (for { to <- => CustomException(e.message)).flatMap(EmailAddress.from).map(EmailAddress.Contact(_)) subject <- email.subject.render(data) => CustomException(e.message)) content <- email.content.render(data).map(_.toHtml).leftMap(e => CustomException(e.message)) } yield emailSrv.send(EmailSrv.Email( from = Constants.Gospeak.noreplyEmail, to = Seq(to), subject = subject, content = EmailSrv.HtmlContent(content.value) ))).toIO.flatMap(identity).map(_ => ()) case Action.Slack(slack) =>, data, _, appConf.aesKey)).getOrElse(IO.raiseError(CustomException("No credentials for Slack"))) } private def gospeakTwitt(msg: Message.ExternalCfpCreated): IO[Int] = { if (msg.cfp.isActive( { twitterSrv.tweet(Tweets.externalCfpCreated(msg)).map(_ => 1) } else { IO.pure(0) } } }
Example 103
Source File: QueryStringBindablesSpec.scala From gospeak with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package gospeak.web.utils import import java.time.{LocalDate, LocalDateTime} import gospeak.core.domain.UserRequest import gospeak.libs.scala.domain.{Page, Url} import gospeak.web.testingutils.BaseSpec import gospeak.web.utils.QueryStringBindables._ class QueryStringBindablesSpec extends BaseSpec { describe("QueryStringBindables") { describe("LocalDateTime") { it("should parse and format dates") { val ldt = LocalDateTime.of(2019, 9, 21, 19, 12) val date = "21/09/2019" val dateTime = s"$date 19:12" val dateEncoded = URLEncoder.encode(date, "UTF-8") val dateTimeEncoded = URLEncoder.encode(dateTime, "UTF-8") LocalDateTime.parse(dateTime, dtf1) shouldBe ldt LocalDateTime.parse(dateTimeEncoded, dtf2) shouldBe ldt LocalDate.parse(date, df1).atTime(19, 12) shouldBe ldt LocalDate.parse(dateEncoded, df2).atTime(19, 12) shouldBe ldt ldt.format(df1) shouldBe date } it("should bind & unbind a LocalDateTime when no params") { val ldt = LocalDateTime.of(2019, 9, 21, 0, 0) val date = "21/09/2019" val dateTimeEncoded = URLEncoder.encode(date + " 00:00", "UTF-8") localDateTimeQueryStringBindable.bind("key", Map("key" -> Seq(date))) shouldBe Some(Right(ldt)) localDateTimeQueryStringBindable.unbind("key", ldt) shouldBe s"key=$dateTimeEncoded" } } describe("Page.Params") { it("should bind & unbind a Page.Params when no params") { val params = Page.Params() pageParamsQueryStringBindable.bind("", Map()) shouldBe Some(Right(params)) pageParamsQueryStringBindable.unbind("", params) shouldBe "" } it("should bind & unbind a Page.Params when all params") { val params = buildParams(2, 30, "test", "name") pageParamsQueryStringBindable.bind("", Map( Page.No.key -> Seq("2"), Page.Size.key -> Seq("30"), Page.Search.key -> Seq("test"), Page.OrderBy.key -> Seq("name"))) shouldBe Some(Right(params)) pageParamsQueryStringBindable.unbind("", params) shouldBe s"${Page.No.key}=2&${Page.Size.key}=30&${Page.Search.key}=test&${Page.OrderBy.key}=name" } it("should bind & unbind filters") { val params = Page.Params.defaults.toggleFilter("f1").withFilter("f2", "v2") pageParamsQueryStringBindable.bind("", Map( "f1" -> Seq("true"), "f2" -> Seq("v2"))) shouldBe Some(Right(params)) pageParamsQueryStringBindable.unbind("", params) shouldBe s"f1=true&f2=v2" } } it("should bind & unbind a Url") { val url = Url.from("").right.get urlQueryStringBindable.bind("key", Map("key" -> Seq(""))) shouldBe Some(Right(url)) urlQueryStringBindable.unbind("key", url) shouldBe s"" } it("should bind & unbind a UserRequest.Id") { val id = UserRequest.Id.generate() userRequestIdQueryStringBindable.bind("key", Map("key" -> Seq(id.value))) shouldBe Some(Right(id)) userRequestIdQueryStringBindable.unbind("key", id) shouldBe s"key=${id.value}" } } private def buildParams(no: Int, size: Int, search: String, order: String) = Page.Params(Page.No(no), Page.Size(size), Some(Page.Search(search)), Some(Page.OrderBy(order))) }
Example 104
Source File: MsgEvent.scala From gospeak with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package gospeak.core.domain.messages import java.time.LocalDateTime import gospeak.core.domain.Event import gospeak.libs.scala.domain.{Mustache, Tag} final case class MsgEvent(slug: Event.Slug, name: Event.Name, kind: Event.Kind, start: LocalDateTime, description: Mustache.Markdown[Message.EventInfo], cfp: Option[MsgCfp.Embed], venue: Option[MsgVenue.Embed], proposals: Seq[MsgProposal.Embed], tags: Seq[Tag], published: Boolean, links: Map[String, String], publicLink: String, orgaLink: String, meetupLink: Option[String]) { def embed: MsgEvent.Embed = MsgEvent.Embed(slug, name, kind, start, description, venue, tags, published, links, publicLink, orgaLink, meetupLink) } object MsgEvent { final case class Embed(slug: Event.Slug, name: Event.Name, kind: Event.Kind, start: LocalDateTime, description: Mustache.Markdown[Message.EventInfo], venue: Option[MsgVenue.Embed], tags: Seq[Tag], published: Boolean, links: Map[String, String], publicLink: String, orgaLink: String, meetupLink: Option[String]) }
Example 105
Source File: CommonEvent.scala From gospeak with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package gospeak.core.domain import java.time.LocalDateTime import gospeak.core.domain.messages.Message import gospeak.core.domain.utils.Info import gospeak.core.domain.utils.SocialAccounts.SocialAccount.TwitterAccount import gospeak.libs.scala.domain._ final case class CommonEvent(name: Event.Name, kind: Event.Kind, start: Option[LocalDateTime], location: Option[GMapPlace], twitterAccount: Option[TwitterAccount], twitterHashtag: Option[TwitterHashtag], tags: Seq[Tag], extra: Either[CommonEvent.External, CommonEvent.Internal], info: Info) { def logo: Option[Logo] = extra.fold(_.logo, i => def users: List[User.Id] = info.users def fold[A](f: CommonEvent.External => A)(g: CommonEvent.Internal => A): A = extra.fold(f, g) def internal: Option[CommonEvent.Internal] = extra.right.toOption def external: Option[CommonEvent.External] = extra.left.toOption } object CommonEvent { final case class InternalGroup(id: Group.Id, slug: Group.Slug, name: Group.Name, logo: Option[Logo]) final case class InternalCfp(id: Cfp.Id, slug: Cfp.Slug, name: Cfp.Name) final case class InternalVenue(id: Venue.Id, name: Partner.Name, logo: Logo) final case class Internal(id: Event.Id, slug: Event.Slug, description: Mustache.Markdown[Message.EventInfo], group: InternalGroup, cfp: Option[InternalCfp], venue: Option[InternalVenue]) final case class External(id: ExternalEvent.Id, logo: Option[Logo], description: Markdown, url: Option[Url], tickets: Option[Url], videos: Option[Url]) }
Example 106
Source File: Partner.scala From gospeak with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package gospeak.core.domain import java.time.{LocalDate, LocalDateTime} import gospeak.core.domain.utils.{Info, SocialAccounts} import gospeak.libs.scala.domain._ final case class Partner(id: Partner.Id, group: Group.Id, slug: Partner.Slug, name: Partner.Name, notes: Markdown, // private infos for the group description: Option[Markdown], // public description logo: Logo, social: SocialAccounts, info: Info) { def data: Partner.Data = Partner.Data(this) def users: List[User.Id] = info.users } object Partner { def apply(group: Group.Id, data: Data, info: Info): Partner = new Partner(Id.generate(), group, data.slug,, data.notes, data.description, data.logo,, info) final class Id private(value: String) extends DataClass(value) with IId object Id extends UuidIdBuilder[Id]("Partner.Id", new Id(_)) { val empty = new Id("00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000") } final class Slug private(value: String) extends DataClass(value) with ISlug object Slug extends SlugBuilder[Slug]("Partner.Slug", new Slug(_)) final case class Name(value: String) extends AnyVal final case class Full(partner: Partner, venueCount: Long, sponsorCount: Long, lastSponsorDate: Option[LocalDate], contactCount: Long, eventCount: Long, lastEventDate: Option[LocalDateTime]) { def slug: Slug = partner.slug def name: Name = def logo: Logo = partner.logo def social: SocialAccounts = } final case class Data(slug: Partner.Slug, name: Partner.Name, notes: Markdown, description: Option[Markdown], logo: Logo, social: SocialAccounts) object Data { def apply(p: Partner): Data = new Data(p.slug,, p.notes, p.description, p.logo, } }
Example 107
Source File: ExternalEvent.scala From gospeak with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package gospeak.core.domain import java.time.LocalDateTime import gospeak.core.domain.utils.Info import gospeak.core.domain.utils.SocialAccounts.SocialAccount.TwitterAccount import gospeak.libs.scala.domain._ final case class ExternalEvent(id: ExternalEvent.Id, name: Event.Name, kind: Event.Kind, logo: Option[Logo], description: Markdown, start: Option[LocalDateTime], finish: Option[LocalDateTime], location: Option[GMapPlace], url: Option[Url], tickets: Option[Url], videos: Option[Url.Videos], twitterAccount: Option[TwitterAccount], twitterHashtag: Option[TwitterHashtag], tags: Seq[Tag], info: Info) { def data: ExternalEvent.Data = ExternalEvent.Data(this) def users: List[User.Id] = info.users } object ExternalEvent { def apply(d: Data, info: Info): ExternalEvent = new ExternalEvent(Id.generate(),, d.kind, d.logo, d.description, d.start, d.finish, d.location, d.url,, d.videos, d.twitterAccount, d.twitterHashtag, d.tags, info) final class Id private(value: String) extends DataClass(value) with IId object Id extends UuidIdBuilder[Id]("ExternalEvent.Id", new Id(_)) final case class Data(name: Event.Name, kind: Event.Kind, logo: Option[Logo], description: Markdown, start: Option[LocalDateTime], finish: Option[LocalDateTime], location: Option[GMapPlace], url: Option[Url], tickets: Option[Url], videos: Option[Url.Videos], twitterAccount: Option[TwitterAccount], twitterHashtag: Option[TwitterHashtag], tags: Seq[Tag]) object Data { def apply(e: ExternalEvent): Data = new Data(, e.kind, e.logo, e.description, e.start, e.finish, e.location, e.url,, e.videos, e.twitterAccount, e.twitterHashtag, e.tags) } }
Example 108
Source File: CommonCfp.scala From gospeak with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package gospeak.core.domain import java.time.temporal.ChronoUnit import java.time.{Instant, LocalDateTime} import gospeak.core.domain.utils.Constants import gospeak.core.domain.utils.SocialAccounts.SocialAccount.TwitterAccount import gospeak.libs.scala.Extensions._ import gospeak.libs.scala.domain._ final case class CommonCfp(name: String, logo: Option[Logo], begin: Option[LocalDateTime], close: Option[LocalDateTime], location: Option[GMapPlace], description: Markdown, tags: Seq[Tag], extra: Either[CommonCfp.External, CommonCfp.Internal]) { def closesInDays(nb: Int, now: Instant): Boolean = close.exists(_.toInstant(Constants.defaultZoneId).isBefore(now.minus(nb, ChronoUnit.DAYS))) def fold[A](f: CommonCfp.External => A)(g: CommonCfp.Internal => A): A = extra.fold(f, g) def internal: Option[CommonCfp.Internal] = extra.right.toOption def external: Option[CommonCfp.External] = extra.left.toOption } object CommonCfp { def apply(group: Group, cfp: Cfp): CommonCfp = new CommonCfp( name =, logo = group.logo, begin = cfp.begin, close = cfp.close, location = group.location, description = cfp.description, tags = cfp.tags, extra = Right(Internal( slug = cfp.slug, group = InternalGroup( id =, slug = group.slug)))) def apply(cfp: ExternalCfp.Full): CommonCfp = new CommonCfp( name =, logo = cfp.event.logo, begin = cfp.begin, close = cfp.close, location = cfp.event.location, description = cfp.description, tags = cfp.event.tags, extra = Left(External( id =, url = cfp.url, event = ExternalExternalEvent( start = cfp.event.start, finish = cfp.event.finish, url = cfp.event.url, tickets =, videos = cfp.event.videos, twitterAccount = cfp.event.twitterAccount, twitterHashtag = cfp.event.twitterHashtag)))) final case class InternalGroup(id: Group.Id, slug: Group.Slug) final case class Internal(slug: Cfp.Slug, group: InternalGroup) final case class ExternalExternalEvent(start: Option[LocalDateTime], finish: Option[LocalDateTime], url: Option[Url], tickets: Option[Url], videos: Option[Url], twitterAccount: Option[TwitterAccount], twitterHashtag: Option[TwitterHashtag]) final case class External(id: ExternalCfp.Id, url: Url, event: ExternalExternalEvent) }
Example 109
Source File: TwittsSpec.scala From gospeak with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import java.time.LocalDateTime import com.danielasfregola.randomdatagenerator.RandomDataGenerator import gospeak.core.domain.messages.{Message, MsgExternalCfp, MsgExternalEvent, MsgUser} import gospeak.core.domain.utils.SocialAccounts.SocialAccount.TwitterAccount import gospeak.core.domain.utils.{Constants, SocialAccounts} import gospeak.core.domain.{Event, User} import gospeak.core.testingutils.BaseSpec import gospeak.core.testingutils.Generators._ import gospeak.libs.scala.Extensions._ import gospeak.libs.scala.domain._ class TwittsSpec extends BaseSpec with RandomDataGenerator { protected val place: GMapPlace = random[GMapPlace] private val event = MsgExternalEvent( name = Event.Name("Devoxx"), start = None, location = None, twitterAccount = None, twitterHashtag = None, tags = Seq(), publicLink = "") private val cfp = MsgExternalCfp( begin = None, close = None, publicLink = "") private val user = MsgUser.Embed( slug = User.Slug.from("loicknuchel").get, name = User.Name("Loïc Knuchel"), avatar = Avatar(Url.from("").get), title = None, company = None, website = None, links = SocialAccounts.fromStrings(twitter = Some("")).get, public = true) private val ldt = LocalDateTime.of(2020, 2, 10, 19, 0) private val now = ldt.toInstant(Constants.defaultZoneId) describe("Twitts") { it("should format externalCfpCreated when cfp is mostly empty") { val msg = Message.ExternalCfpCreated( event = event.copy( start = None, location = None, twitterAccount = None, twitterHashtag = None, tags = Seq()), cfp = cfp.copy( close = None), by = user.copy( links = SocialAccounts.fromUrls()), at = now) Tweets.externalCfpCreated(msg) shouldBe s"""!!Speaker announcement!! |Devoxx is happening |Submit your proposals at |#speaking |Thanks Loïc Knuchel for the post! |""".stripMargin.trim } it("should format externalCfpCreated when cfp is full") { val msg = Message.ExternalCfpCreated( event = event.copy( start = Some(ldt), location = Some(place.copy(country = "France", locality = Some("Paris"))), twitterAccount = Some(TwitterAccount(Url.Twitter.from("").get)), twitterHashtag = Some(TwitterHashtag.from("#Devoxx").get), tags = Seq(Tag("tech"), Tag("big data"))), cfp = cfp.copy( close = Some(ldt)), by = user.copy( links = SocialAccounts.fromUrls(twitter = Some(Url.Twitter.from("").get))), at = now) Tweets.externalCfpCreated(msg) shouldBe s"""!!Speaker announcement!! |@devoxx is happening on February 10 in Paris, France |Submit your proposals before February 10 at |#speaking #Devoxx #tech #bigdata |Thanks @jack for the post! |""".stripMargin.trim } } }
Example 110
Source File: ExternalCfpSpec.scala From gospeak with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package gospeak.core.domain import java.time.LocalDateTime import com.danielasfregola.randomdatagenerator.RandomDataGenerator import gospeak.core.testingutils.BaseSpec import gospeak.core.testingutils.Generators._ class ExternalCfpSpec extends BaseSpec with RandomDataGenerator { private val now = private val yesterday = now.minusDays(1) private val tomorrow = now.plusDays(1) private val lastWeek = now.minusDays(7) private val nextWeek = now.plusDays(7) private val cfp = random[ExternalCfp] describe("ExternalCfp") { it("should be future when begin is in the future") { cfp.copy(begin = None, close = None).isFuture(now) shouldBe false cfp.copy(begin = Some(nextWeek), close = None).isFuture(now) shouldBe true cfp.copy(begin = Some(lastWeek), close = None).isFuture(now) shouldBe false } it("should be past when close is in the past") { cfp.copy(begin = None, close = None).isPast(now) shouldBe false cfp.copy(begin = None, close = Some(nextWeek)).isPast(now) shouldBe false cfp.copy(begin = None, close = Some(lastWeek)).isPast(now) shouldBe true } it("should be active when after begin, if defined and before close, if defined") { cfp.copy(begin = None, close = None).isActive(now) shouldBe true cfp.copy(begin = Some(nextWeek), close = None).isActive(now) shouldBe false cfp.copy(begin = Some(lastWeek), close = None).isActive(now) shouldBe true cfp.copy(begin = None, close = Some(nextWeek)).isActive(now) shouldBe true cfp.copy(begin = None, close = Some(lastWeek)).isActive(now) shouldBe false cfp.copy(begin = Some(lastWeek), close = Some(yesterday)).isActive(now) shouldBe false cfp.copy(begin = Some(lastWeek), close = Some(nextWeek)).isActive(now) shouldBe true cfp.copy(begin = Some(tomorrow), close = Some(nextWeek)).isActive(now) shouldBe false } } }
Example 111
Source File: JobRunMarshallerTest.scala From metronome with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package dcos.metronome package repository.impl.kv.marshaller import java.time.{LocalDateTime, ZoneOffset} import dcos.metronome.model._ import org.scalatest.{FunSuite, Matchers} import scala.concurrent.duration._ class JobRunMarshallerTest extends FunSuite with Matchers { test("round-trip of a JobRun") { val f = new Fixture JobRunMarshaller.fromBytes(JobRunMarshaller.toBytes(f.jobRun)) should be(Some(f.jobRun)) } test("unmarshal with invalid proto data should return None") { val invalidBytes = "foobar".getBytes JobRunMarshaller.fromBytes([IndexedSeq]) should be(None) } class Fixture { val jobSpec = JobSpec(JobId("")) val jobRun = JobRun( JobRunId(, ""), jobSpec, JobRunStatus.Active, LocalDateTime.parse("2004-09-06T08:50:12.000").toInstant(ZoneOffset.UTC), Some(LocalDateTime.parse("2004-09-06T08:50:12.000").toInstant(ZoneOffset.UTC)), Some(1 minute), Map.empty ) } }
Example 112
Source File: JobHistoryMarshallerTest.scala From metronome with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package dcos.metronome package repository.impl.kv.marshaller import java.time.{LocalDateTime, ZoneOffset} import dcos.metronome.model._ import mesosphere.marathon.core.task.Task import org.scalatest.{FunSuite, Matchers} class JobHistoryMarshallerTest extends FunSuite with Matchers { test("round-trip of a JobHistory") { val f = new Fixture JobHistoryMarshaller.fromBytes(JobHistoryMarshaller.toBytes(f.jobHistory)) should be(Some(f.jobHistory)) } test("unmarshal with invalid proto data should return None") { val invalidBytes = "foobar".getBytes JobHistoryMarshaller.fromBytes([IndexedSeq]) should be(None) } class Fixture { val successfulJobRunInfo = JobRunInfo( JobRunId(JobId("/test"), "successful"), LocalDateTime.parse("2004-09-06T08:50:12.000").toInstant(ZoneOffset.UTC), LocalDateTime.parse("2014-09-06T08:50:12.000").toInstant(ZoneOffset.UTC), tasks = Seq(Task.Id("test_finished.77a7bc7d-4429-11e9-969f-3a74960279c0")) ) val finishedJobRunInfo = JobRunInfo( JobRunId(JobId("/test"), "finished"), LocalDateTime.parse("1984-09-06T08:50:12.000").toInstant(ZoneOffset.UTC), LocalDateTime.parse("1994-09-06T08:50:12.000").toInstant(ZoneOffset.UTC), tasks = Seq(Task.Id("test_finished.77a7bc7d-4429-11e9-969f-3a74960279c0")) ) val jobHistory = JobHistory( JobId("/my/wonderful/job"), successCount = 1337, failureCount = 31337, lastSuccessAt = Some(LocalDateTime.parse("2014-09-06T08:50:12.000").toInstant(ZoneOffset.UTC)), lastFailureAt = Some(LocalDateTime.parse("2014-09-06T07:50:12.000").toInstant(ZoneOffset.UTC)), successfulRuns = Seq(successfulJobRunInfo), failedRuns = Seq(finishedJobRunInfo) ) } }
Example 113
Source File: SettableClock.scala From metronome with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package dcos.metronome import java.time.{Clock, Instant, LocalDateTime, ZoneOffset, ZoneId, Duration} import scala.concurrent.duration.FiniteDuration object SettableClock { private val defaultJavaClock = Clock.fixed(LocalDateTime.of(2015, 4, 9, 12, 30, 0).toInstant(ZoneOffset.UTC), ZoneOffset.UTC) def ofNow() = new SettableClock(Clock.fixed(, ZoneOffset.UTC)) } class SettableClock(private[this] var clock: Clock = SettableClock.defaultJavaClock) extends Clock { private[this] var subscribers: List[() => Unit] = Nil def onChange(fn: () => Unit): Unit = synchronized { subscribers = fn :: subscribers } override def getZone: ZoneId = clock.getZone override def instant(): Instant = clock.instant() override def withZone(zoneId: ZoneId): Clock = new SettableClock(clock.withZone(zoneId)) def +=(duration: FiniteDuration): Unit = plus(duration) def plus(duration: FiniteDuration): this.type = plus(Duration.ofMillis(duration.toMillis)) def plus(duration: Duration): this.type = { clock = Clock.offset(clock, duration) subscribers.foreach(_()) this } def at(instant: Instant): this.type = { clock = Clock.fixed(instant, clock.getZone) subscribers.foreach(_()) this } }
Example 114
Source File: BatchExecution.scala From marvin-engine-executor with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.marvin.model import java.time.LocalDateTime import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter sealed abstract class ExecutionStatus(val name: String, val code: Int) { override def toString: String = name } case object Working extends ExecutionStatus(name="working", code=0) case object Finished extends ExecutionStatus(name="finished", code=1) case object Failed extends ExecutionStatus(name="failed", code=(-1)) case class BatchExecution(actionName: String, protocol: String, datetime: LocalDateTime, status: ExecutionStatus){ override def toString: String = s"$actionName | $protocol | $status" override def equals(obj: scala.Any): Boolean = this.toString == obj.toString val formattedDatetime: String = datetime.format(DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss")) }
Example 115
Source File: DynamoOrderRepository.scala From orders-aws with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import import import import java.time.LocalDateTime import java.util.UUID import org.springframework.stereotype.Component import scala.collection.JavaConverters._ import import import import DynamoOrderRepository._ import import import import @Component class DynamoOrderRepository(dynamoConnection : DynamoConfiguration) extends OrderRepository { override def find(key : UUID) : Option[Order] = { val r : Option[GetItemResult] = Option(dynamoConnection.client.getItem(OrdersTableName, Map("id" -> new AttributeValue(key.toString)).asJava)) => fromDB(rr.getItem)) } def customerFromJSON(json : String) : OrderRepository.Customer = { Customer() } def customerToJSON(customer : OrderRepository.Customer) : String = { "{}" } private def fromDB(map : java.util.Map[String, AttributeValue]) : Order = { Order( id = UUID.fromString(map.get("id").getS), customerId = map.get("id").getS, customer = customerFromJSON(map.get("customer").getS), date = LocalDateTime.parse(map.get("date").getS), total = map.get("total").getS.toFloat) } override def save(order : OrderRepository.Order) : Unit = { require(order.customerId != null) val _ = dynamoConnection.client.putItem(OrdersTableName, Map( "id" -> new AttributeValue(, "date" -> new AttributeValue(, "customerId" -> new AttributeValue(order.customerId), "customer" -> new AttributeValue(customerToJSON(order.customer)), "total" -> new AttributeValue( } override def searchByCustomerId(customerId : String) : List[Order] = { // FIXME: performance val r = dynamoConnection.client.scan(new ScanRequest(OrdersTableName).addScanFilterEntry("customerId", new Condition().withComparisonOperator(ComparisonOperator.EQ).withAttributeValueList(List(new AttributeValue(customerId)).asJava))) r.getItems.asScala.toList map fromDB } } object DynamoOrderRepository { val OrdersTableName = "orders" }
Example 116
Source File: SQLQuerySpec.scala From scruid with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package ing.wbaa.druid import java.time.{ LocalDateTime, ZonedDateTime } import import ing.wbaa.druid.SQL._ import ing.wbaa.druid.client.CirceDecoders import import org.scalatest.concurrent.ScalaFutures import org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers import org.scalatest.time.{ Millis, Seconds, Span } import org.scalatest.wordspec.AnyWordSpec class SQLQuerySpec extends AnyWordSpec with Matchers with ScalaFutures with CirceDecoders { implicit override val patienceConfig = PatienceConfig(timeout = Span(20, Seconds), interval = Span(5, Millis)) private val totalNumberOfEntries = 39244 private val usOnlyNumberOfEntries = 528 implicit val config = DruidConfig() implicit val mat = config.client.actorMaterializer case class Result(hourTime: ZonedDateTime, count: Int) "SQL query" should { val sqlQuery: SQLQuery = dsql""" |SELECT FLOOR(__time to HOUR) AS hourTime, count(*) AS "count" |FROM wikipedia |WHERE "__time" BETWEEN TIMESTAMP '2015-09-12 00:00:00' AND TIMESTAMP '2015-09-13 00:00:00' |GROUP BY 1 |""".stripMargin "successfully be interpreted by Druid" in { val resultsF = sqlQuery.execute() whenReady(resultsF) { response => response.list[Result].map(_.count).sum shouldBe totalNumberOfEntries } } "support streaming" in { val resultsF = sqlQuery.streamAs[Result]().runWith(Sink.seq) whenReady(resultsF) { results => shouldBe totalNumberOfEntries } } } "SQL parameterized query" should { val fromDateTime = LocalDateTime.of(2015, 9, 12, 0, 0, 0, 0) val untilDateTime = fromDateTime.plusDays(1) val countryIsoCode = "US" val sqlQuery: SQLQuery = dsql""" |SELECT FLOOR(__time to HOUR) AS hourTime, count(*) AS "count" |FROM wikipedia |WHERE "__time" BETWEEN ${fromDateTime} AND ${untilDateTime} AND countryIsoCode = ${countryIsoCode} |GROUP BY 1 |""".stripMargin "be expressed as a parameterized query with three parameters" in { sqlQuery.query.count(_ == '?') shouldBe 3 sqlQuery.parameters.size shouldBe 3 sqlQuery.parameters(0) shouldBe SQLQueryParameter(SQLQueryParameterType.Timestamp, "2015-09-12 00:00:00") sqlQuery.parameters(1) shouldBe SQLQueryParameter(SQLQueryParameterType.Timestamp, "2015-09-13 00:00:00") sqlQuery.parameters(2) shouldBe SQLQueryParameter(SQLQueryParameterType.Varchar, "US") } "successfully be interpreted by Druid" in { val resultsF = sqlQuery.execute() whenReady(resultsF) { response => response.list[Result].map(_.count).sum shouldBe usOnlyNumberOfEntries } } "support streaming" in { val resultsF = sqlQuery.streamAs[Result]().runWith(Sink.seq) whenReady(resultsF) { results => shouldBe usOnlyNumberOfEntries } } } }
Example 117
Source File: ParameterConversions.scala From scruid with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package ing.wbaa.druid.sql import java.sql.Timestamp import java.time.{ Instant, LocalDate, LocalDateTime } import scala.language.implicitConversions import ing.wbaa.druid.{ DruidConfig, SQLQueryParameter, SQLQueryParameterType } trait ParameterConversions { implicit def char2Param(v: Char): SQLQueryParameter = SQLQueryParameter(SQLQueryParameterType.Char, v.toString) implicit def string2Param(v: String): SQLQueryParameter = SQLQueryParameter(SQLQueryParameterType.Varchar, v) implicit def byte2Param(v: Byte): SQLQueryParameter = SQLQueryParameter(SQLQueryParameterType.Tinyint, v.toString) implicit def short2Param(v: Short): SQLQueryParameter = SQLQueryParameter(SQLQueryParameterType.Smallint, v.toString) implicit def int2Param(v: Int): SQLQueryParameter = SQLQueryParameter(SQLQueryParameterType.Integer, v.toString) implicit def long2Param(v: Long): SQLQueryParameter = SQLQueryParameter(SQLQueryParameterType.Bigint, v.toString) implicit def float2Param(v: Float): SQLQueryParameter = SQLQueryParameter(SQLQueryParameterType.Float, v.toString) implicit def double2Param(v: Double): SQLQueryParameter = SQLQueryParameter(SQLQueryParameterType.Double, v.toString) implicit def boolean2Param(v: Boolean): SQLQueryParameter = SQLQueryParameter(SQLQueryParameterType.Boolean, v.toString) implicit def localDate2Param(v: LocalDate)(implicit config: DruidConfig = DruidConfig.DefaultConfig): SQLQueryParameter = SQLQueryParameter(SQLQueryParameterType.Date, v.format(config.FormatterDate)) implicit def localDateTime2Param( v: LocalDateTime )(implicit config: DruidConfig = DruidConfig.DefaultConfig): SQLQueryParameter = SQLQueryParameter(SQLQueryParameterType.Timestamp, v.format(config.FormatterDateTime)) implicit def timestamp2Param(v: Timestamp)(implicit config: DruidConfig = DruidConfig.DefaultConfig): SQLQueryParameter = SQLQueryParameter(SQLQueryParameterType.Timestamp, config.FormatterDateTime.format(v.toInstant)) implicit def instant2Param( v: Instant )(implicit config: DruidConfig = DruidConfig.DefaultConfig): SQLQueryParameter = SQLQueryParameter(SQLQueryParameterType.Timestamp, config.FormatterDateTime.format(v)) }
Example 118
Source File: FallbackExperimentStrategy.scala From izanami with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package izanami.experiments import java.time.LocalDateTime import akka.http.scaladsl.util.FastFuture import izanami._ import izanami.scaladsl.{ExperimentClient, ExperimentsClient} import play.api.libs.json.{JsObject, Json} import scala.concurrent.Future object FallbackExperimentStrategy { def apply(fallback: Experiments): FallbackExperimentStrategy = new FallbackExperimentStrategy(fallback) } class FallbackExperimentStrategy(fallback: Experiments) extends ExperimentsClient { override def experiment(id: String): Future[Option[ExperimentClient]] = FastFuture.successful(fallback.experiments.find( == id).map { fb => ExperimentClient(this, fb.experiment) }) override def list(pattern: Seq[String]): Future[Seq[ExperimentClient]] = FastFuture.successful( => ExperimentClient(this, fb.experiment)).filter(ec => ec.matchPattern(pattern)) ) override def tree(pattern: Seq[String], clientId: String): Future[JsObject] = FastFuture.successful( fallback.experiments .filter(_.enabled) .filter(ec => ec.matchPatterns(pattern)) .map { _.tree } .foldLeft(Json.obj())(_ deepMerge _) ) override def getVariantFor(experimentId: String, clientId: String): Future[Option[Variant]] = FastFuture.successful(fallback.experiments.find( == experimentId).map(_.variant)) override def markVariantDisplayed(experimentId: String, clientId: String): Future[ExperimentVariantDisplayed] = { val experiment: ExperimentFallback = fallback.experiments .find( == experimentId) .getOrElse(ExperimentFallback(experimentId, "", "", false, Variant("", "", ""))) FastFuture.successful( ExperimentVariantDisplayed( s"${}:${}:${clientId}:${System.currentTimeMillis()}",, clientId, experiment.variant,, 0, ) ) } override def markVariantWon(experimentId: String, clientId: String): Future[ExperimentVariantWon] = { val experiment: ExperimentFallback = fallback.experiments .find( == experimentId) .getOrElse(ExperimentFallback(experimentId, "", "", false, Variant("", "", ""))) FastFuture.successful( ExperimentVariantWon( s"${}:${}:${clientId}:${System.currentTimeMillis()}",, clientId, experiment.variant,, 0, ) ) } }
Example 119
Source File: ExperimentVariantEventTest.scala From izanami with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package domains.abtesting import java.time.LocalDateTime import java.time.temporal.ChronoUnit import akka.NotUsed import import{Flow, Sink, Source} import domains.Key import import org.scalatest.concurrent.{IntegrationPatience, ScalaFutures} import test.IzanamiSpec class ExperimentVariantEventTest extends IzanamiSpec with ScalaFutures with IntegrationPatience { "ExperimentVariantEvent" must { "aggregate event" in { implicit val system: ActorSystem = ActorSystem() val variantId = "vId" val variant = Variant(variantId, "None", None, Traffic(0), None) val flow: Flow[ExperimentVariantEvent, VariantResult, NotUsed] = ExperimentVariantEvent.eventAggregation("", 1, ChronoUnit.HOURS) val firstDate =, ChronoUnit.HOURS) val experimentKey = Key(s"experiment:id") def experimentVariantEventKey(counter: Int): ExperimentVariantEventKey = ExperimentVariantEventKey(experimentKey, variantId, s"client:id:$counter", "namespace", s"$counter") def clientId(i: Int): String = s"client:id:$i" def date(i: Int): LocalDateTime = * i, ChronoUnit.MINUTES) val source = (1 to 20) .flatMap { counter => val d = date(counter) val key = experimentVariantEventKey(counter) counter match { case i if i % 2 > 0 => List(ExperimentVariantDisplayed(key, experimentKey, clientId(i), variant, d, 0, variantId)) case i => List( ExperimentVariantDisplayed(key, experimentKey, clientId(i), variant, d, 0, variantId), ExperimentVariantWon(key, experimentKey, clientId(i), variant, d, 0, variantId) ) } } val expectedEvents = Seq( ExperimentResultEvent(experimentKey, variant, date(1), 0.0, "vId"), ExperimentResultEvent(experimentKey, variant, date(5), 40.0, "vId"), ExperimentResultEvent(experimentKey, variant, date(9), 44.44444444444444, "vId"), ExperimentResultEvent(experimentKey, variant, date(13), 46.15384615384615, "vId"), ExperimentResultEvent(experimentKey, variant, date(17), 47.05882352941177, "vId") ) val evts = Source(source).via(flow).runWith(Sink.seq).futureValue val allEvents = evts.flatMap( allEvents must be(expectedEvents) } } }
Example 120
Source File: WebhookInstances.scala From izanami with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package domains.webhook import java.time.LocalDateTime import domains.webhook.Webhook.WebhookKey import domains.{Domain, IsAllowed, Key} import domains.auth.AuthInfo object WebhookInstances { import play.api.libs.json._ import play.api.libs.functional.syntax._ private val reads: Reads[Webhook] = ( (__ \ "clientId").read[WebhookKey] and (__ \ "callbackUrl").read[String] and (__ \ "domains").read[Seq[Domain.Domain]].orElse(Reads.pure(Seq.empty[Domain.Domain])) and (__ \ "patterns").read[Seq[String]].orElse(Reads.pure(Seq.empty[String])) and (__ \ "types").read[Seq[String]].orElse(Reads.pure(Seq.empty[String])) and (__ \ "headers").read[JsObject].orElse(Reads.pure(Json.obj())) and (__ \ "created").read[LocalDateTime].orElse(Reads.pure( and (__ \ "isBanned").read[Boolean].orElse(Reads.pure(false)) )(Webhook.apply _) private val writes = Json.writes[Webhook] implicit val format = Format(reads, writes) }
Example 121
Source File: ExperimentVariantEventInstances.scala From izanami with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import java.time.LocalDateTime import domains.Key import domains.abtesting.ExperimentInstances._ import play.api.libs.json._ object ExperimentVariantEventKeyInstances { implicit val format: Format[ExperimentVariantEventKey] = Format( { k => ExperimentVariantEventKey(k) }, Writes[ExperimentVariantEventKey](vk => Key.format.writes(vk.key)) ) } object ExperimentVariantDisplayedInstances { implicit val format = { implicit val kf: Format[ExperimentVariantEventKey] = ExperimentVariantEventKeyInstances.format implicit val dateTimeReads: Reads[LocalDateTime] = Reads.localDateTimeReads("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS") implicit val dateTimeWrite: Writes[LocalDateTime] = Writes.temporalWrites("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS") Json.format[ExperimentVariantDisplayed] } } object ExperimentVariantWonInstances { implicit val format = { implicit val kf: Format[ExperimentVariantEventKey] = ExperimentVariantEventKeyInstances.format implicit val dateTimeReads: Reads[LocalDateTime] = Reads.localDateTimeReads("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS") implicit val dateTimeWrite: Writes[LocalDateTime] = Writes.temporalWrites("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS") Json.format[ExperimentVariantWon] } } object ExperimentVariantEventInstances { private val reads: Reads[ExperimentVariantEvent] = { Reads[ExperimentVariantEvent] { case event if (event \ "@type") .asOpt[String] .contains("VariantDisplayedEvent") => ExperimentVariantDisplayedInstances.format.reads(event) case event if (event \ "@type").asOpt[String].contains("VariantWonEvent") => ExperimentVariantWonInstances.format.reads(event) case _ => JsError("error.bad.format") } } private val writes: Writes[ExperimentVariantEvent] = { Writes[ExperimentVariantEvent] { case e: ExperimentVariantDisplayed => ExperimentVariantDisplayedInstances.format.writes(e) ++ Json.obj("@type" -> "VariantDisplayedEvent") case e: ExperimentVariantWon => ExperimentVariantWonInstances.format.writes(e).as[JsObject] ++ Json.obj("@type" -> "VariantWonEvent") } } implicit val format = Format(reads, writes) }
Example 122
Source File: ExperimentInstances.scala From izanami with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package domains.abtesting import java.time.LocalDateTime import import play.api.libs.json._ import play.api.libs.json.Reads._ import play.api.libs.functional.syntax._ import play.api.libs.json.Writes.temporalWrites object ExperimentInstances { import libs.json._ // Traffic val trafficReads: Reads[Traffic] = { import Ordering.Double.TotalOrdering[Double](min(0.0) keepAnd max(1.0)).map(Traffic.apply) } val trafficWrites: Writes[Traffic] = Writes[Traffic] { t => JsNumber(t.traffic) } implicit val trafficFormat: Format[Traffic] = Format(trafficReads, trafficWrites) implicit val trafficEq: cats.Eq[Traffic] = cats.Eq.fromUniversalEquals private val datePattern = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss" private val currentCampaignFormat = { implicit val dateFormat: Format[LocalDateTime] = Format(localDateTimeReads(datePattern), temporalWrites[LocalDateTime, String](datePattern)) Json.format[CurrentCampaign] } private val closedCampaignFormat = { implicit val dateFormat: Format[LocalDateTime] = Format(localDateTimeReads(datePattern), temporalWrites[LocalDateTime, String](datePattern)) Json.format[ClosedCampaign] } private val campaignReads: Reads[Campaign] = Reads { case js: JsObject if (js \ "won").asOpt[String].isDefined => closedCampaignFormat.reads(js) case js: JsObject => currentCampaignFormat.reads(js) case _ => JsError("jsobject.expected") } private val campaignWrite: Writes[Campaign] = Writes { case c: CurrentCampaign => currentCampaignFormat.writes(c) case c: ClosedCampaign => closedCampaignFormat.writes(c) } implicit val campaignFormat: Format[Campaign] = Format(campaignReads, campaignWrite) implicit val campaignEq: cats.Eq[Campaign] = cats.Eq.fromUniversalEquals implicit val variantFormat: Format[Variant] = Json.format[Variant] implicit val variantEq: cats.Eq[Variant] = cats.Eq.fromUniversalEquals implicit val experimentResultEventFormat: Format[ExperimentResultEvent] = Json.format[ExperimentResultEvent] implicit val format: Format[Experiment] = Json.format[Experiment] implicit val experimentEq: cats.Eq[Experiment] = cats.Eq.fromUniversalEquals implicit val variantResultFormat: Format[VariantResult] = { import implicit val eveFormat: Format[ExperimentVariantEvent] = ExperimentVariantEventInstances.format Json.format[VariantResult] } implicit val experimentResultFormat: Format[ExperimentResult] = Json.format[ExperimentResult] }
Example 123
Source File: EventsController.scala From izanami with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package controllers import import controllers.actions.SecuredAuthContext import domains.Domain.Domain import{EventStore, EventStoreContext} import play.api.libs.EventSource import play.api.libs.EventSource.{EventDataExtractor, EventIdExtractor, EventNameExtractor} import play.api.libs.json.{JsString, Json} import play.api.mvc.{AbstractController, ActionBuilder, AnyContent, ControllerComponents} import libs.http.HttpContext import import scala.util.Success import scala.util.Failure import libs.logs.IzanamiLogger import java.time.LocalDateTime import play.api.libs.json.JsValue import scala.concurrent.duration.DurationDouble import domains.auth.AuthInfo import domains.Key class EventsController(system: ActorSystem, AuthAction: ActionBuilder[SecuredAuthContext, AnyContent], cc: ControllerComponents)(implicit r: HttpContext[EventStoreContext]) extends AbstractController(cc) { import libs.http._ import import system.dispatcher private implicit val nameExtractor = EventNameExtractor[IzanamiEvent](_ => None) //Some(event.`type`)) private implicit val idExtractor = EventIdExtractor[IzanamiEvent](event => Some(s"${event._id}")) //Some(event.key.key)) private implicit val dataExtractor = EventDataExtractor[IzanamiEvent](event => Json.stringify(event.toJson)) def allEvents(patterns: String, domains: String) = events(domains.split(",").toIndexedSeq, patterns) def eventsForADomain(domain: String, patterns: String) = events(domain.split(",").toIndexedSeq, patterns) val logEvent = Flow[IzanamiEvent].map { event => event } case class KeepAliveEvent() extends IzanamiEvent { val _id: Long = 0 val domain: Domain = domains.Domain.Unknown val authInfo: Option[AuthInfo.Service] = None val key: Key = Key("na") def timestamp: LocalDateTime = val `type`: String = "KEEP_ALIVE" val payload: JsValue = Json.obj() } val keepAlive = Flow[IzanamiEvent].keepAlive(30.seconds, () => KeepAliveEvent()) // TODO abilitations private def events[T <: IzanamiEvent](domains: Seq[String], patterns: String) = AuthAction.asyncTask[EventStoreContext] { ctx => val allPatterns: Seq[String] = ctx.authorizedPatterns ++ patterns .split(",") .toList val lastEventId = ctx.request.headers.get("Last-Event-ID").map(_.toLong) val allDomains =[Domain].asOpt) EventStore .events(allDomains, allPatterns, lastEventId) .map { source => val eventSource = (source via keepAlive via logEvent via EventSource.flow).watchTermination() { (_, fDone) => fDone.onComplete { case Success(_) => IzanamiLogger.debug("SSE disconnected") case Failure(e) => IzanamiLogger.error("Error during SSE ", e) } fDone } Ok.chunked(eventSource).as("text/event-stream") } } }
Example 124
Source File: ClickGenerator.scala From Apache-Spark-2x-Machine-Learning-Cookbook with MIT License | 5 votes |
package import java.time.LocalDateTime import scala.util.Random._ case class ClickEvent(userId: String, ipAddress: String, time: String, url: String, statusCode: String) object ClickGenerator { val statusCodeData = Seq(200, 404, 500) val urlData = Seq("", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ) val ipAddressData = generateIpAddress() val timeStampData = generateTimeStamp() val userIdData = generateUserId() def generateIpAddress(): Seq[String] = { for (n <- 1 to 255) yield s"127.0.0.$n" } def generateTimeStamp(): Seq[String] = { val now = for (n <- 1 to 1000) yield LocalDateTime.of(now.toLocalDate, now.toLocalTime.plusSeconds(n)).toString } def generateUserId(): Seq[Int] = { for (id <- 1 to 1000) yield id } def generateClicks(clicks: Int = 1): Seq[String] = { 0.until(clicks).map(i => { val statusCode = statusCodeData(nextInt(statusCodeData.size)) val ipAddress = ipAddressData(nextInt(ipAddressData.size)) val timeStamp = timeStampData(nextInt(timeStampData.size)) val url = urlData(nextInt(urlData.size)) val userId = userIdData(nextInt(userIdData.size)) s"$userId,$ipAddress,$timeStamp,$url,$statusCode" }) } def parseClicks(data: String): ClickEvent = { val fields = data.split(",") new ClickEvent(fields(0), fields(1), fields(2), fields(3), fields(4)) } }
Example 125
Source File: DatabaseITest.scala From cuttle with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.criteo.cuttle import java.time.{Instant, LocalDateTime, ZoneOffset} import java.time.temporal.ChronoUnit import scala.concurrent.Future import cats.effect.IO import doobie.implicits._ import doobie.scalatest.IOChecker import com.criteo.cuttle.Auth.User class DatabaseITest extends DatabaseSuite with IOChecker with TestScheduling { val dbConfig = DatabaseConfig( Seq(DBLocation("localhost", 3388)), dbName, "root", "" ) // IOChecker needs a transactor for performing its queries override val transactor: doobie.Transactor[IO] = Database.newHikariTransactor(dbConfig).allocated.unsafeRunSync()._1 test("should establish the connection and instanciate a trasactor") { assert(Database.connect(dbConfig).isInstanceOf[doobie.Transactor[IO]]) } test("should validate getPausedJobIdsQuery") { Database.reset() Database.connect(dbConfig) check(queries.getPausedJobIdsQuery) } test("should validate paused jobs queries") { Database.reset() val xa = Database.connect(dbConfig) val id = "id1" val job = Job(id, testScheduling) { _ => Future.successful(Completed) } val pausedJob = PausedJob(, User("user1"), assert(queries.pauseJob(pausedJob).transact(xa).unsafeRunSync() == 1) assert(queries.getPausedJobs.transact(xa).unsafeRunSync() == Seq(pausedJob)) } test("paused_jobs migration(1) should set default values for old pauses") { Database.reset() Database.schemaEvolutions.head.transact(transactor).unsafeRunSync() sql"INSERT INTO paused_jobs VALUES ('1')" val id = sql"SELECT * FROM paused_jobs".query[String].unique.transact(transactor).unsafeRunSync() assert(id == "1") Database.schemaEvolutions(1).transact(transactor).unsafeRunSync() val pausedJob = sql"SELECT * FROM paused_jobs".query[PausedJob].unique.transact(transactor).unsafeRunSync() assert( == "1") assert(pausedJob.user == User("not defined user")) assert( == LocalDateTime.parse("1991-11-01T15:42:00").toInstant(ZoneOffset.UTC)) } test("we should be able to retrieve finished executions") { Database.reset() Database.doSchemaUpdates.transact(transactor).unsafeRunSync() val ctx = TestContext() val date = Some( val el = ExecutionLog("id", "hello", date, date, ctx.asJson, ExecutionStatus.ExecutionSuccessful, None, 10) (0 to 100).foreach { i => queries.logExecution(el.copy(s"${}-$i"), ctx.logIntoDatabase).transact(transactor).unsafeRunSync() val executionLogSize = queries.getExecutionLogSize(Set("hello")).transact(transactor).unsafeRunSync() assert(executionLogSize == i + 1) } } }
Example 126
Source File: PipelineAction.scala From marvin-engine-executor with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.marvin.executor.actions import java.time.LocalDateTime import java.util.NoSuchElementException import akka.Done import{Actor, ActorLogging, ActorRef, Props} import akka.pattern.ask import akka.util.Timeout import org.marvin.artifact.manager.ArtifactSaver import org.marvin.artifact.manager.ArtifactSaver.SaveToRemote import org.marvin.exception.MarvinEExecutorException import org.marvin.executor.actions.PipelineAction.{PipelineExecute, PipelineExecutionStatus} import org.marvin.executor.proxies.BatchActionProxy import org.marvin.executor.proxies.EngineProxy.{ExecuteBatch, Reload} import org.marvin.model._ import org.marvin.util.{JsonUtil, LocalCache} import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer import scala.concurrent.duration._ import scala.concurrent.{Await, Future} import scala.util.Success object PipelineAction { case class PipelineExecute(protocol:String, params:String) case class PipelineExecutionStatus(protocol:String) } class PipelineAction(metadata: EngineMetadata) extends Actor with ActorLogging{ implicit val ec = context.dispatcher var artifactSaver: ActorRef = _ var cache: LocalCache[BatchExecution] = _ override def preStart() = { artifactSaver = context.actorOf(, name = "artifactSaver") cache = new LocalCache[BatchExecution](maximumSize = 10000L, defaultTTL = 30.days) } override def receive = { case PipelineExecute(protocol, params) => implicit val futureTimeout = Timeout(metadata.pipelineTimeout milliseconds)"Starting to process pipeline process with. Protocol: [$protocol] and Params: [$params]."), new BatchExecution("pipeline", protocol,, Working)) try{ for(actionName <- metadata.pipelineActions){ val engineActionMetadata = metadata.actionsMap(actionName) val _actor: ActorRef = context.actorOf(Props(new BatchActionProxy(engineActionMetadata)), name = actionName.concat("Actor")) Await.result((_actor ? Reload(protocol)), futureTimeout.duration) Await.result((_actor ? ExecuteBatch(protocol, params)), futureTimeout.duration) context stop _actor val futures:ListBuffer[Future[Done]] = ListBuffer[Future[Done]]() for(artifactName <- engineActionMetadata.artifactsToPersist) { futures += (artifactSaver ? SaveToRemote(artifactName, protocol)).mapTo[Done] } if (!futures.isEmpty) Future.sequence(futures).onComplete{ case Success(response) =>"All artifacts from [$actionName] were saved with success!! [$response]") } } }catch { case e: Exception =>, new BatchExecution("pipeline", protocol,, Failed)) throw e }, new BatchExecution("pipeline", protocol,, Finished)) case PipelineExecutionStatus(protocol) =>"Getting pipeline execution status to protocol $protocol.") try { sender ! JsonUtil.toJson(cache.load(protocol).get) }catch { case _: NoSuchElementException => sender ! MarvinEExecutorException(s"Protocol $protocol not found!")) } case Done =>"Work Done!") case _ => log.warning(s"Not valid message !!") } }
Example 127
Source File: package.scala From albedo with MIT License | 5 votes |
package ws.vinta.albedo import java.time.LocalDateTime import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter import org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession package object settings { private val spark = SparkSession.builder().getOrCreate() private val sc = spark.sparkContext val dataDir: String = sc.getConf.get("spark.albedo.dataDir", "./spark-data") val checkpointDir: String = sc.getConf.get("spark.albedo.checkpointDir", "./spark-data/checkpoint") def today: String = { val now = val formatter = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyyMMdd") now.format(formatter) } def md5(text: String): String = {"MD5").digest(text.getBytes()).map(0xFF & _).map { "%02x".format(_) }.foldLeft(""){_ + _} } }
Example 128
Source File: Rfc3339UtilTest.scala From api-first-hand with MIT License | 5 votes |
package import java.time.{ LocalDateTime, ZoneId, ZoneOffset, ZonedDateTime } import org.scalatest.{ FunSpec, MustMatchers } class Rfc3339UtilTest extends FunSpec with MustMatchers { val dtz = ZoneId.of("UTC") val offset = ZoneOffset.UTC //noinspection ScalaStyle val date = ZonedDateTime.of(LocalDateTime.ofEpochSecond(1451911387L, 0, offset), dtz) describe("Rfc3339UtilTest") { it("should parse RFC3339 DateTime") { Rfc3339Util.parseDateTime("2007-05-01T15:43:26-00:00").withZoneSameInstant(dtz).toString mustBe "2007-05-01T15:43:26Z[UTC]" Rfc3339Util.parseDateTime("2007-05-01T15:43:26+00:00").withZoneSameInstant(dtz).toString mustBe "2007-05-01T15:43:26Z[UTC]" Rfc3339Util.parseDateTime("2007-05-01T15:43:26.3452-01:00").withZoneSameInstant(dtz).toString mustBe "2007-05-01T16:43:26.345200Z[UTC]" Rfc3339Util.parseDateTime("2007-05-01T15:43:26.3452+01:00").withZoneSameInstant(dtz).toString mustBe "2007-05-01T14:43:26.345200Z[UTC]" Rfc3339Util.parseDateTime("2007-05-01T15:43:26.3452+00:00").withZoneSameInstant(dtz).toString mustBe "2007-05-01T15:43:26.345200Z[UTC]" } it("should parse RFC3339 Date") { Rfc3339Util.parseDate("2007-05-01").toString mustBe "2007-05-01" Rfc3339Util.parseDate("2008-05-01").toString mustBe "2008-05-01" Rfc3339Util.parseDate("2007-08-01").toString mustBe "2007-08-01" Rfc3339Util.parseDate("2007-05-08").toString mustBe "2007-05-08" } it("should write DateTime") { Rfc3339Util.writeDateTime(date) mustBe "2016-01-04T12:43:07.0000+0000" } it("should write Date") { Rfc3339Util.writeDate(date.toLocalDate) mustBe "2016-01-04" } } }
Example 129
Source File: ItTestPlugin.scala From Waves with MIT License | 5 votes |
import java.time.LocalDateTime import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter import sbt.Keys._ import sbt.Tests.Group import sbt._ // Separate projects for integration tests because of IDEA: object ItTestPlugin extends AutoPlugin { object autoImport extends ItKeys import autoImport._ override def projectSettings: Seq[Def.Setting[_]] = inConfig(Test)( Seq( logDirectory := { val runId = Option(System.getenv("RUN_ID")).getOrElse { val formatter = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("MM-dd--HH_mm_ss") formatter.format( // git branch? } val r = target.value / "logs" / runId IO.createDirectory(r) r }, // Example: SCALATEST_EXCLUDE_TAGS="package1.Tag1 package2.Tag2 package3.Tag3" testOptions += { val excludeTags = sys.env.get("SCALATEST_EXCLUDE_TAGS").fold(Seq.empty[String])(Seq("-l", _)) val args = Seq("-fFW", (logDirectory.value / "summary.log").toString) ++ excludeTags Tests.Argument(TestFrameworks.ScalaTest, args: _*) }, parallelExecution in Test := true, tags in test += Tags.ForkedTestGroup -> 1, tags in testOnly += Tags.ForkedTestGroup -> 1, tags in testQuick += Tags.ForkedTestGroup -> 1, testGrouping := { // ffs, sbt! // val javaHomeValue = javaHome.value val logDirectoryValue = logDirectory.value val envVarsValue = envVars.value val javaOptionsValue = javaOptions.value for { group <- testGrouping.value suite <- group.tests } yield Group(, Seq(suite), Tests.SubProcess( ForkOptions( javaHome = javaHomeValue, outputStrategy = outputStrategy.value, bootJars = Vector.empty[], workingDirectory = Option(baseDirectory.value), runJVMOptions = Vector( "", s"${logDirectoryValue /"""(\w)\w*\.""", "$1.")}" // -> f.b.Baz ) ++ javaOptionsValue, connectInput = false, envVars = envVarsValue )) ) } )) } trait ItKeys { val logDirectory = taskKey[File]("The directory where logs of integration tests are written") }
Example 130
Source File: SparkTemperatureProcessor.scala From smart-meter with MIT License | 5 votes |
package import java.util.Properties; import import import org.apache.spark.SparkConf import org.apache.spark.SparkContext import; import org.apache.spark.streaming._ import com.datastax.spark.connector.streaming._ import com.datastax.spark.connector.SomeColumns import io.nats.client.ConnectionFactory._ import java.nio.ByteBuffer import org.apache.log4j.{Level, LogManager, PropertyConfigurator} import com.logimethods.connector.nats.to_spark._ import com.logimethods.scala.connector.spark.to_nats._ import java.util.function._ import java.time.{LocalDateTime, ZoneOffset} object SparkTemperatureProcessor extends App with SparkStreamingProcessor { val log = LogManager.getRootLogger log.setLevel(Level.WARN) val (properties, target, logLevel, sc, ssc, inputNatsStreaming, inputSubject, outputSubject, clusterId, outputNatsStreaming, natsUrl, streamingDuration) = setupStreaming(args) // Temperatures // val temperatures = if (inputNatsStreaming) { NatsToSparkConnector .receiveFromNatsStreaming(classOf[Tuple2[Long,Float]], StorageLevel.MEMORY_ONLY, clusterId) .withNatsURL(natsUrl) .withSubjects(inputSubject) .withDataDecoder(dataDecoder) .asStreamOf(ssc) } else { NatsToSparkConnector .receiveFromNats(classOf[Tuple2[Long,Float]], StorageLevel.MEMORY_ONLY) .withProperties(properties) .withSubjects(inputSubject) .withDataDecoder(dataDecoder) .asStreamOf(ssc) } // Ideally, should be the AVG val singleTemperature = temperatures.reduceByKey(Math.max(_,_)) if (logLevel.contains("TEMPERATURE")) { singleTemperature.print() } singleTemperature.saveToCassandra("smartmeter", "temperature") val temperatureReport ={case (epoch, temperature) => (s"""{"epoch": $epoch, "temperature": $temperature}""") }) SparkToNatsConnectorPool.newPool() .withProperties(properties) .withSubjects(outputSubject) // "smartmeter.extract.temperature" .publishToNats(temperatureReport) // Start // ssc.start(); ssc.awaitTermination() }
Example 131
Source File: SparkProcessor.scala From smart-meter with MIT License | 5 votes |
package import java.util.Properties; import import import org.apache.spark.SparkConf import org.apache.spark.SparkContext import; import org.apache.spark.streaming._ import io.nats.client.Nats._ import io.nats.client.ConnectionFactory._ import java.nio.ByteBuffer import org.apache.log4j.{Level, LogManager, PropertyConfigurator} import com.logimethods.connector.nats.to_spark._ import com.logimethods.scala.connector.spark.to_nats._ import java.util.function._ import java.time.{LocalDateTime, ZoneOffset} trait SparkProcessor { def setup(args: Array[String]) = { val inputSubject = args(0) // val inputNatsStreaming = inputSubject.toUpperCase.contains("STREAMING") val outputSubject = args(1) // val outputNatsStreaming = outputSubject.toUpperCase.contains("STREAMING") println("Will process messages from '" + inputSubject + "' to '" + outputSubject + "'") val logLevel = scala.util.Properties.envOrElse("LOG_LEVEL", "INFO") println("LOG_LEVEL = " + logLevel) val targets = scala.util.Properties.envOrElse("TARGETS", "ALL") println("TARGETS = " + targets) val cassandraUrl = System.getenv("CASSANDRA_URL") println("CASSANDRA_URL = " + cassandraUrl) val sparkMasterUrl = System.getenv("SPARK_MASTER_URL") println("SPARK_MASTER_URL = " + sparkMasterUrl) val sparkCoresMax = System.getenv("SPARK_CORES_MAX") println("SPARK_CORES_MAX = " + sparkCoresMax) val conf = new SparkConf() .setAppName(args(2)) .setMaster(sparkMasterUrl) .set("spark.cores.max", sparkCoresMax) .set("", cassandraUrl); val sc = new SparkContext(conf); // val streamingDuration = scala.util.Properties.envOrElse("STREAMING_DURATION", "2000").toInt // val ssc = new StreamingContext(sc, new Duration(streamingDuration)); /// ssc.checkpoint("/spark/storage") val properties = new Properties(); val natsUrl = System.getenv("NATS_URI") println("NATS_URI = " + natsUrl) properties.put("servers", natsUrl) properties.put(PROP_URL, natsUrl) val clusterId = System.getenv("NATS_CLUSTER_ID") val inputNatsStreaming = inputSubject.toUpperCase.contains("STREAMING") val outputNatsStreaming = outputSubject.toUpperCase.contains("STREAMING") (properties, targets, logLevel, sc, inputNatsStreaming, inputSubject, outputSubject, clusterId, outputNatsStreaming, natsUrl) } def dataDecoder: Array[Byte] => Tuple2[Long,Float] = bytes => { val buffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(bytes); val epoch = buffer.getLong() val value = buffer.getFloat() (epoch, value) } } trait SparkStreamingProcessor extends SparkProcessor { def setupStreaming(args: Array[String]) = { val (properties, target, logLevel, sc, inputNatsStreaming, inputSubject, outputSubject, clusterId, outputNatsStreaming, natsUrl) = setup(args) val streamingDuration = scala.util.Properties.envOrElse("STREAMING_DURATION", "2000").toInt println("STREAMING_DURATION = " + streamingDuration) val ssc = new StreamingContext(sc, new Duration(streamingDuration)); // ssc.checkpoint("/spark/storage") (properties, target, logLevel, sc, ssc, inputNatsStreaming, inputSubject, outputSubject, clusterId, outputNatsStreaming, natsUrl, streamingDuration) } }
Example 132
Source File: SparkPredictionTrainer.scala From smart-meter with MIT License | 5 votes |
package import java.util.Properties; import import import org.apache.spark.SparkConf import org.apache.spark.SparkContext import; import org.apache.spark.streaming._ import io.nats.client.ConnectionFactory._ import java.nio.ByteBuffer import org.apache.log4j.{Level, LogManager, PropertyConfigurator} import com.logimethods.connector.nats.to_spark._ import com.logimethods.scala.connector.spark.to_nats._ import import import java.util.function._ import java.time.{LocalDateTime, ZoneOffset} import java.time.DayOfWeek._ import object SparkPredictionTrainer extends App with SparkPredictionProcessor { log.setLevel(Level.WARN) val (properties, targets, logLevel, sc, inputNatsStreaming, inputSubject, outputSubject, clusterId, outputNatsStreaming, natsUrl) = setup(args) val streamingDuration = scala.util.Properties.envOrElse("STREAMING_DURATION", "2000").toInt println("STREAMING_DURATION = " + streamingDuration) new Thread(new Runnable { def run() { while( true ){ try { val data = SparkPredictionProcessor.getData(sc, THRESHOLD) val model = println("New model of size " + data.count() + " trained: " + model.uid) Thread.sleep(streamingDuration) } catch { case e: Throwable => log.error(e) } } } }).start() }
Example 133
Source File: ParameterMappers.scala From neotypes with MIT License | 5 votes |
package neotypes package implicits.mappers import java.time.{Duration, LocalDate, LocalDateTime, LocalTime, Period, OffsetDateTime, OffsetTime, ZonedDateTime} import java.util.UUID import mappers.ParameterMapper import org.neo4j.driver.v1.Value import org.neo4j.driver.v1.types.{IsoDuration, Point} import scala.collection.Iterable import scala.jdk.CollectionConverters._ trait ParameterMappers { implicit final val BooleanParameterMapper: ParameterMapper[Boolean] = ParameterMapper.fromCast( implicit final val ByteArrayParameterMapper: ParameterMapper[Array[Byte]] = ParameterMapper.identity implicit final val DoubleParameterMapper: ParameterMapper[Double] = ParameterMapper.fromCast( implicit final val DurationParameterMapper: ParameterMapper[Duration] = ParameterMapper.identity implicit final val FloatParameterMapper: ParameterMapper[Float] = ParameterMapper.fromCast( implicit final val IntParameterMapper: ParameterMapper[Int] = ParameterMapper.fromCast( implicit final val IsoDurationParameterMapper: ParameterMapper[IsoDuration] = ParameterMapper.identity implicit final val LocalDateParameterMapper: ParameterMapper[LocalDate] = ParameterMapper.identity implicit final val LocalDateTimeParameterMapper: ParameterMapper[LocalDateTime] = ParameterMapper.identity implicit final val LocalTimeParameterMapper: ParameterMapper[LocalTime] = ParameterMapper.identity implicit final val LongParameterMapper: ParameterMapper[Long] = ParameterMapper.fromCast( implicit final val OffsetDateTimeParameterMapper: ParameterMapper[OffsetDateTime] = ParameterMapper.identity implicit final val OffsetTimeParameterMapper: ParameterMapper[OffsetTime] = ParameterMapper.identity implicit final val PeriodParameterMapper: ParameterMapper[Period] = ParameterMapper.identity implicit final val PointParameterMapper: ParameterMapper[Point] = ParameterMapper.identity implicit final val StringParameterMapper: ParameterMapper[String] = ParameterMapper.identity implicit final val UUIDParameterMapper: ParameterMapper[UUID] = ParameterMapper[String].contramap(_.toString) implicit final val ValueParameterMapper: ParameterMapper[Value] = ParameterMapper.identity implicit final val ZonedDateTimeParameterMapper: ParameterMapper[ZonedDateTime] = ParameterMapper.identity private final def iterableParameterMapper[T](mapper: ParameterMapper[T]): ParameterMapper[Iterable[T]] = ParameterMapper.fromCast { col => => mapper.toQueryParam(v).underlying).asJava } implicit final def collectionParameterMapper[T, C[_]](implicit mapper: ParameterMapper[T], ev: C[T] <:< Iterable[T]): ParameterMapper[C[T]] = iterableParameterMapper(mapper).contramap(ev) private final def iterableMapParameterMapper[V](mapper: ParameterMapper[V]): ParameterMapper[Iterable[(String, V)]] = ParameterMapper.fromCast { col => { case (key, v) => key -> mapper.toQueryParam(v).underlying }.toMap.asJava } implicit final def mapParameterMapper[V, M[_, _]](implicit mapper: ParameterMapper[V], ev: M[String, V] <:< Iterable[(String, V)]): ParameterMapper[M[String, V]] = iterableMapParameterMapper(mapper).contramap(ev) implicit final def optionAnyRefParameterMapper[T](implicit mapper: ParameterMapper[T]): ParameterMapper[Option[T]] = ParameterMapper.fromCast { optional => => mapper.toQueryParam(v).underlying).orNull } }
Example 134
Source File: Executor.scala From neo4j-spark-connector with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.neo4j.spark import java.time.{LocalDate, LocalDateTime, OffsetTime, ZoneOffset, ZonedDateTime} import java.util import java.sql.Timestamp import org.apache.spark.SparkContext import org.apache.spark.sql.Row import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.GenericRowWithSchema import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.util.DateTimeUtils import org.apache.spark.sql.types.StructType import org.neo4j.spark.dataframe.CypherTypes import org.neo4j.spark.utils.{Neo4jSessionAwareIterator, Neo4jUtils} import scala.collection.JavaConverters._ object Executor { def convert(value: AnyRef): Any = value match { case it: util.Collection[_] => it.toArray() case m: java.util.Map[_,_] => m.asScala case _ => Neo4jUtils.convert(value) } def toJava(parameters: Map[String, Any]): java.util.Map[String, Object] = { parameters.mapValues(toJava).asJava } private def toJava(x: Any): AnyRef = x match { case y: Seq[_] => y.asJava case _ => x.asInstanceOf[AnyRef] } val EMPTY = Array.empty[Any] val EMPTY_RESULT = new CypherResult(new StructType(), Iterator.empty) class CypherResult(val schema: StructType, val rows: Iterator[Array[Any]]) { def sparkRows: Iterator[Row] = => new GenericRowWithSchema(row, schema)) def fields = schema.fieldNames } def execute(sc: SparkContext, query: String, parameters: Map[String, AnyRef]): CypherResult = { execute(Neo4jConfig(sc.getConf), query, parameters) } private def rows(result: Iterator[_]) = { var i = 0 while (result.hasNext) i = i + 1 i } def execute(config: Neo4jConfig, query: String, parameters: Map[String, Any], write: Boolean = false): CypherResult = { val result = new Neo4jSessionAwareIterator(config, query, toJava(parameters), write) if (!result.hasNext) { return EMPTY_RESULT } val peek = result.peek() val keyCount = peek.size() if (keyCount == 0) { return new CypherResult(new StructType(), Array.fill[Array[Any]](rows(result))(EMPTY).toIterator) } val keys = peek.keys().asScala val fields = => (k, peek.get(k).`type`())).map(keyType => CypherTypes.field(keyType)) val schema = StructType(fields) val it = => { val row = new Array[Any](keyCount) var i = 0 while (i < keyCount) { val value = convert(record.get(i).asObject()) row.update(i, value) i = i + 1 } row }) new CypherResult(schema, it) } }
Example 135
Source File: package.scala From fs2-cron with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package eu.timepit import java.time.LocalDateTime import java.time.temporal.ChronoUnit import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit import cats.ApplicativeError import cats.effect.{Concurrent, Sync, Timer} import cron4s.expr.CronExpr import cron4s.lib.javatime._ import fs2.Stream import scala.concurrent.duration.FiniteDuration package object fs2cron { def sleepCron[F[_]: Sync](cronExpr: CronExpr)(implicit timer: Timer[F]): Stream[F, Unit] = durationFromNow(cronExpr).flatMap(Stream.sleep[F]) def schedule[F[_]: Concurrent, A](tasks: List[(CronExpr, Stream[F, A])])(implicit timer: Timer[F] ): Stream[F, A] = { val scheduled = { case (cronExpr, task) => awakeEveryCron[F](cronExpr) >> task } Stream.emits(scheduled).covary[F].parJoinUnbounded } }
Example 136
Source File: RollingFileLogger.scala From odin with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
package io.odin.loggers import java.nio.file.{Files, Path, Paths} import java.time.{Instant, LocalDateTime} import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter import java.util.TimeZone import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit import cats.Monad import cats.effect.concurrent.Ref import cats.effect.{Concurrent, ContextShift, Fiber, Resource, Timer} import cats.syntax.all._ import io.odin.formatter.Formatter import io.odin.{Level, Logger, LoggerMessage} import scala.concurrent.duration.{FiniteDuration, _} object RollingFileLogger { def apply[F[_]]( fileNamePattern: LocalDateTime => String, maxFileSizeInBytes: Option[Long], rolloverInterval: Option[FiniteDuration], formatter: Formatter, minLevel: Level )(implicit F: Concurrent[F], timer: Timer[F], cs: ContextShift[F]): Resource[F, Logger[F]] = { new RollingFileLoggerFactory( fileNamePattern, maxFileSizeInBytes, rolloverInterval, formatter, minLevel, FileLogger.apply[F] ).mk } private[odin] class RefLogger[F[_]: Timer: Monad]( current: Ref[F, Logger[F]], override val minLevel: Level ) extends DefaultLogger[F](minLevel) { def log(msg: LoggerMessage): F[Unit] = current.get.flatMap(_.log(msg)) override def log(msgs: List[LoggerMessage]): F[Unit] = current.get.flatMap(_.log(msgs)) } private[odin] class RollingFileLoggerFactory[F[_]]( fileNamePattern: LocalDateTime => String, maxFileSizeInBytes: Option[Long], rolloverInterval: Option[FiniteDuration], formatter: Formatter, minLevel: Level, underlyingLogger: (String, Formatter, Level) => Resource[F, Logger[F]], fileSizeCheck: Path => Long = Files.size )(implicit F: Concurrent[F], timer: Timer[F], cs: ContextShift[F]) { val df: DateTimeFormatter = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyy-MM-dd-HH-mm-ss") def mk: Resource[F, Logger[F]] = { val logger = for { ((logger, watcherFiber), release) <- allocate.allocated refLogger <- Ref.of(logger) refRelease <- Ref.of(release) _ <- F.start(rollingLoop(watcherFiber, refLogger, refRelease)) } yield { (new RefLogger(refLogger, minLevel), refRelease) } Resource.make(logger)(_._2.get.flatten).map { case (logger, _) => logger } } def now: F[Long] = timer.clock.realTime(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS) def rollingLoop(watcher: Fiber[F, Unit], logger: Ref[F, Logger[F]], release: Ref[F, F[Unit]]): F[Unit] = for { _ <- watcher.join oldRelease <- release.get ((newLogger, newWatcher), newRelease) <- allocate.allocated _ <- logger.set(newLogger) _ <- release.set(newRelease) _ <- oldRelease _ <- rollingLoop(newWatcher, logger, release) } yield () } }