java.util.concurrent.ArrayBlockingQueue Scala Examples
The following examples show how to use java.util.concurrent.ArrayBlockingQueue.
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Example 1
Source File: PublishToBlockingResource.scala From akka_streams_tutorial with MIT License | 5 votes |
package import java.util.concurrent.{ArrayBlockingQueue, BlockingQueue} import akka.NotUsed import import import{Flow, Sink, Source} import scala.concurrent.duration._ import scala.util.Failure object PublishToBlockingResource extends App { implicit val system = ActorSystem("PublishToBlockingResource") implicit val ec = system.dispatcher val slowSink: Sink[Seq[Int], NotUsed] = Flow[Seq[Int]] .delay(1.seconds, DelayOverflowStrategy.backpressure) .to(Sink.foreach(e => println(s"Reached sink: $e"))) val blockingResource: BlockingQueue[Int] = new ArrayBlockingQueue[Int](100) //Start a new `Source` from some (third party) blocking resource which can be opened, read and closed val source: Source[Int, NotUsed] = Source.unfoldResource[Int, BlockingQueue[Int]]( () => blockingResource, //open (q: BlockingQueue[Int]) => Some(q.take()),//read (_: BlockingQueue[Int]) => {}) //close val done = source .groupedWithin(10, 2.seconds) .watchTermination()((_, done) => done.onComplete { case Failure(err) => println(s"Flow failed: $err") case each => println(s"Server flow terminated: $each") }) .runWith(slowSink) //simulate n process that publish in blocking fashion to the queue (1 to 1000).par.foreach(value => blockingResource.put(value)) }
Example 2
Source File: WIPRegulator.scala From CM-Well with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package cmwell.util.concurrent import java.util.concurrent.{ArrayBlockingQueue, TimeUnit} import scala.concurrent.Future import scala.util.{Failure, Success, Try} import com.typesafe.scalalogging.Logger import import cmwell.util.jmx._ case class WIPRegulator(private var numOfWorkers: Int, noWorkerAlertInterval: Long = 30000) extends WIPRegulatorMBean { jmxRegister(this, "cmwell.indexer:type=WIPRegulator") private val wipQueue = new ArrayBlockingQueue[String](50) // Set intitial number of concurrent requests for (i <- 1 to numOfWorkers)(wipQueue.add("WIP Worker " + i)) def doWithWorkerAsync[T](f: => Future[T])(implicit logger: Logger): Future[T] = { var notFinished = true var reply: Future[T] = Future.failed(FailedToExecuteException()) while (notFinished) { Try { wipQueue.poll(noWorkerAlertInterval, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS) } match { case Success(null) => logger.error(s"waited for $noWorkerAlertInterval miliseconds and did not get worker, something is wrong") case Success(worker) => reply = f; reply.onComplete(_ => wipQueue.add(worker)); notFinished = false case Failure(execption) => logger.error("InteruptedException while trying to poll a worker from queue"); reply = Future.failed(execption); notFinished = false } } reply } def getNumOfWorkers(): Int = wipQueue.size() def addWorker(): Unit = this.synchronized { numOfWorkers += 1; wipQueue.add(s"WIP Worker $numOfWorkers") } def removeWorker(): Unit = this.synchronized { wipQueue.remove(s"WIP Worker $numOfWorkers"); numOfWorkers -= 1 } } trait WIPRegulatorMBean { def getNumOfWorkers(): Int def addWorker() def removeWorker() } case class FailedToExecuteException(msg: String = "Undifiened reason") extends Exception(msg)
Example 3
Source File: ToolTestUtilities.scala From scala-debugger with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package test import java.util.concurrent.ArrayBlockingQueue import org.scaladebugger.api.utils.Logging import org.scaladebugger.tool.frontend.VirtualTerminal import org.scalatest.{Assertion, Matchers} def validateNextLine( vt: VirtualTerminal, text: String, success: (String, String) => Assertion = (text, line) => text should be (line), fail: String => Assertion = fail(_: String), lineLogger: String => Unit = logger.debug(_: String) ): Assertion = { import scala.reflect.runtime.universe._ val t = Literal(Constant(text)).toString nextLine(vt) match { case Some(line) => val l = Literal(Constant(line)).toString lineLogger(l) success(text, line) case None => fail(s"Unable to find desired line in time: '$t'") } } }
Example 4
Source File: HttpClientSyncBackend.scala From sttp with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package sttp.client.httpclient import{HttpClient, HttpRequest} import import java.util.concurrent.ArrayBlockingQueue import sttp.client.httpclient.HttpClientBackend.EncodingHandler import sttp.client.monad.{IdMonad, MonadError} import sttp.client.testing.SttpBackendStub import import sttp.client.{ FollowRedirectsBackend, Identity, Request, Response, SttpBackend, SttpBackendOptions, SttpClientException } import sttp.model.Headers class HttpClientSyncBackend private ( client: HttpClient, closeClient: Boolean, customizeRequest: HttpRequest => HttpRequest, customEncodingHandler: EncodingHandler ) extends HttpClientBackend[Identity, Nothing](client, closeClient, customEncodingHandler) { override def send[T](request: Request[T, Nothing]): Identity[Response[T]] = adjustExceptions { val jRequest = customizeRequest(convertRequest(request)) val response = client.send(jRequest, BodyHandlers.ofInputStream()) readResponse(response, request.response) } override def responseMonad: MonadError[Identity] = IdMonad override def openWebsocket[T, WS_RESULT]( request: Request[T, Nothing], handler: WebSocketHandler[WS_RESULT] ): Identity[WebSocketResponse[WS_RESULT]] = adjustExceptions { val responseCell = new ArrayBlockingQueue[Either[Throwable, WebSocketResponse[WS_RESULT]]](1) def fillCellError(t: Throwable): Unit = responseCell.add(Left(t)) def fillCell(wr: WebSocketResponse[WS_RESULT]): Unit = responseCell.add(Right(wr)) val listener = new DelegatingWebSocketListener( handler.listener, webSocket => { val wsResponse =, handler.createResult(webSocket)) fillCell(wsResponse) }, fillCellError ) client .newWebSocketBuilder() .buildAsync(request.uri.toJavaUri, listener) responseCell.take().fold(throw _, identity) } private def adjustExceptions[T](t: => T): T = SttpClientException.adjustSynchronousExceptions(t)(SttpClientException.defaultExceptionToSttpClientException) } object HttpClientSyncBackend { private def apply( client: HttpClient, closeClient: Boolean, customizeRequest: HttpRequest => HttpRequest, customEncodingHandler: EncodingHandler ): SttpBackend[Identity, Nothing, WebSocketHandler] = new FollowRedirectsBackend[Identity, Nothing, WebSocketHandler]( new HttpClientSyncBackend(client, closeClient, customizeRequest, customEncodingHandler) ) def apply( options: SttpBackendOptions = SttpBackendOptions.Default, customizeRequest: HttpRequest => HttpRequest = identity, customEncodingHandler: EncodingHandler = PartialFunction.empty ): SttpBackend[Identity, Nothing, WebSocketHandler] = HttpClientSyncBackend( HttpClientBackend.defaultClient(options), closeClient = true, customizeRequest, customEncodingHandler ) def usingClient( client: HttpClient, customizeRequest: HttpRequest => HttpRequest = identity, customEncodingHandler: EncodingHandler = PartialFunction.empty ): SttpBackend[Identity, Nothing, WebSocketHandler] = HttpClientSyncBackend(client, closeClient = false, customizeRequest, customEncodingHandler) def stub: SttpBackendStub[Identity, Nothing, WebSocketHandler] = SttpBackendStub.synchronous }
Example 5
Source File: MapLifter.scala From diffy with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
package ai.diffy.lifter import com.twitter.concurrent.NamedPoolThreadFactory import com.twitter.util.{ExecutorServiceFuturePool, Future, FuturePool} import java.util.concurrent.{ArrayBlockingQueue, ThreadPoolExecutor, TimeUnit} case class Message(endpoint: Option[String], result: FieldMap[Any]) trait MapLifter { def apply(input: Array[Byte]): Future[Message] } object MapLifterPool { val QueueSizeDefault = 5 def apply(mapLifterFactory: => MapLifter) = { val executorService = new ThreadPoolExecutor( 3, // core pool size 10, // max pool size 500, // keep alive time TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS, new ArrayBlockingQueue[Runnable](10), // work queue new NamedPoolThreadFactory("maplifter", makeDaemons = true), new ThreadPoolExecutor.AbortPolicy() ) executorService.prestartCoreThread() new MapLifterPool(mapLifterFactory, new ExecutorServiceFuturePool(executorService)) } } class MapLifterPool(underlying: MapLifter, futurePool: FuturePool) extends MapLifter { override def apply(input: Array[Byte]): Future[Message] = (futurePool { underlying(input) }).flatten }
Example 6
Source File: TestDeleteTopicsConcurrently.scala From ohara with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
package oharastream.ohara.configurator import java.util.concurrent.atomic.{AtomicBoolean, AtomicInteger} import java.util.concurrent.{ArrayBlockingQueue, Executors, LinkedBlockingDeque, TimeUnit} import oharastream.ohara.client.configurator.{BrokerApi, TopicApi} import oharastream.ohara.common.setting.TopicKey import oharastream.ohara.common.util.Releasable import oharastream.ohara.testing.WithBrokerWorker import org.junit.{After, Test} import org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers._ import import scala.concurrent.duration.Duration import scala.concurrent.{Await, Future} import scala.jdk.CollectionConverters._ class TestDeleteTopicsConcurrently extends WithBrokerWorker { private[this] val configurator = Configurator.builder.fake(testUtil.brokersConnProps, testUtil().workersConnProps()).build() private[this] val topicApi = TopicApi.access.hostname(configurator.hostname).port(configurator.port) private[this] def result[T](f: Future[T]): T = Await.result(f, Duration(20, TimeUnit.SECONDS)) private[this] val brokerClusterInfo = result( BrokerApi.access.hostname(configurator.hostname).port(configurator.port).list() ).head @Test def test(): Unit = { val loopMax = 10 val count = 3 val topicKeyQueue = new ArrayBlockingQueue[TopicKey](count) (0 until count).foreach(i => topicKeyQueue.put(TopicKey.of("test", i.toString))) val executors = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(count) val exceptionQueue = new LinkedBlockingDeque[Throwable]() val closed = new AtomicBoolean(false) val loopCount = new AtomicInteger(0) (0 until count).foreach( _ => executors.execute { () => while (!closed.get() && loopCount.getAndIncrement() <= loopMax) try { val topicKey = topicKeyQueue.take() try result( topicApi.request .group( .name( .brokerClusterKey(brokerClusterInfo.key) .numberOfPartitions(1) .numberOfReplications(1) .create() .flatMap(_ => topicApi.start(topicKey)) .flatMap { _ => TimeUnit.SECONDS.sleep(1) topicApi.stop(topicKey) } .flatMap { _ => TimeUnit.SECONDS.sleep(1) topicApi.delete(topicKey) } ) finally topicKeyQueue.put(topicKey) } catch { case t: Throwable => exceptionQueue.put(t) closed.set(true) } } ) executors.shutdown() withClue(s"${",")}") { executors.awaitTermination(60, TimeUnit.SECONDS) shouldBe true } exceptionQueue.size() shouldBe 0 } @After def tearDown(): Unit = Releasable.close(configurator) }