org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory Scala Examples
The following examples show how to use org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory.
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and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example.
Example 1
Source File: Init.scala From cave with MIT License | 5 votes |
package init import import java.util.UUID import{InitialPositionInStream, KinesisClientLibConfiguration, Worker} import import import{InfluxConfiguration, InfluxDataSink} import import com.typesafe.config.ConfigFactory import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory import play.api.Play import scala.util.Try object Init { // Docker should place the stream name in this environment variable final val EnvStreamName = "STREAM_NAME" // The name of this application for Kinesis Client Library final val ApplicationName = "cave-db-worker" // CloudWatch Reporter parameters final val MetricsNamespace = s"metrics-$ApplicationName" final val MetricsBufferTime = 1000L final val MetricsBufferSize = 200 final val ThreadWaitTimeout = 10000L private val Log = LogFactory.getLog("db-writer-app") val worker = createWorker() val workerThread = new Thread(worker) def start(): Unit = { workerThread.start() } def shutdown(): Unit = { worker.shutdown() Try (workerThread.join(ThreadWaitTimeout)) recover { case e: Exception =>"Caught exception while joining worker thread: $e") } } private[this] def createWorker(): Worker = { val configuration = Play.current.configuration val serviceConfFile = configuration.getString("serviceConf").getOrElse("db-writer-service.conf") val kinesisAppName = configuration.getString("appName").getOrElse(ApplicationName) val appConfig = ConfigFactory.load(serviceConfFile).getConfig("db-writer") val awsConfig = new AwsConfig(appConfig) val streamName = System.getenv(EnvStreamName) match { case "processed" => awsConfig.processedStreamName case _ => awsConfig.rawStreamName } val workerId = s"${InetAddress.getLocalHost.getCanonicalHostName}:${UUID.randomUUID()}""Running $ApplicationName for stream $streamName as worker $workerId") // a connection to the InfluxDB backend val influxConfig = appConfig.getConfig("influx") new Worker( // a factory for record processors new RecordProcessorFactory( awsConfig, new InfluxDataSink(InfluxConfiguration(influxConfig))), // a client library instance new KinesisClientLibConfiguration(kinesisAppName, streamName, awsConfig.awsCredentialsProvider, workerId) .withInitialPositionInStream(InitialPositionInStream.TRIM_HORIZON), new NullMetricsFactory) // TODO: check out the possibility to use CloudWatch Metrics // new CWMetricsFactory(awsConfig.awsCredentialsProvider, MetricsNamespace, MetricsBufferTime, MetricsBufferSize)) } }
Example 2
Source File: ExponentialBackOff.scala From cave with MIT License | 5 votes |
package import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory trait ExponentialBackOff { protected[this] final def loopWithBackOffOnErrorWhile(condition: => Boolean)(body: => Unit) { while (condition) { try { body backOffReset() } catch { case e: Throwable => if (ShouldLogErrors) { log.error(e.getMessage) } backOffOnError() } } } protected[this] final def retry[T](operation: => T): T = { retryUpTo(Long.MaxValue)(operation) } protected[this] final def retryUpTo[T](maxRetry: Long)(operation: => T): T = { var numRetries = 0L var result = Option.empty[T] loopWithBackOffOnErrorWhile(!result.isDefined && numRetries < maxRetry) { numRetries += 1 result = Some(operation) } result getOrElse { sys.error(s"Max number of retries reached [$maxRetry], operation aborted.") } } protected[this] final def backOffReset() { currentSleepTimeInMillis = 1L } protected[this] final def backOffOnError() { try { Thread.sleep(currentSleepTimeInMillis) } catch { case _: InterruptedException => // ignore interrupted exception } currentSleepTimeInMillis *= 2 if (currentSleepTimeInMillis > MaxBackOffTimeInMillis) { currentSleepTimeInMillis = MaxBackOffTimeInMillis } } }
Example 3
Source File: DatabaseConnection.scala From cave with MIT License | 5 votes |
package import import com.zaxxer.hikari.{HikariConfig, HikariDataSource} import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory import scala.slick.driver.PostgresDriver.simple._ abstract class DatabaseConnection(awsConfig: AwsConfig) { val log = LogFactory.getLog(classOf[DatabaseConnection]) val ds = new HikariDataSource(getDatabaseConfig) val db = { val database = Database.forDataSource(ds) log.debug( s""" Db connection initialized. driver: ${awsConfig.rdsJdbcDatabaseClass} user: ${awsConfig.rdsJdbcDatabaseUser} pass: [REDACTED] """.stripMargin) ds.getConnection.close() database } def closeDbConnection(): Unit = ds.close() private[this] def getDatabaseConfig: HikariConfig = { val config = new HikariConfig config.setMaximumPoolSize(awsConfig.rdsJdbcDatabasePoolSize) val className = awsConfig.rdsJdbcDatabaseClass config.setDataSourceClassName(awsConfig.rdsJdbcDatabaseClass) if (className.contains("postgres")) { config.addDataSourceProperty("serverName", awsConfig.rdsJdbcDatabaseServer) config.addDataSourceProperty("databaseName", awsConfig.rdsJdbcDatabaseName) config.addDataSourceProperty("portNumber", awsConfig.rdsJdbcDatabasePort) } else { config.addDataSourceProperty("url", awsConfig.rdsJdbcDatabaseUrl) } config.addDataSourceProperty("user", awsConfig.rdsJdbcDatabaseUser) config.addDataSourceProperty("password", awsConfig.rdsJdbcDatabasePassword) config } }
Example 4
Source File: RecordProcessor.scala From cave with MIT License | 5 votes |
package import java.util.{List => JList} import{IRecordProcessor, IRecordProcessorCheckpointer} import import import import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory import play.api.libs.json.Json import scala.collection.JavaConverters._ import scala.util.{Success, Try} class RecordProcessor(config: AwsConfig, sink: DataSink) extends IRecordProcessor with ExponentialBackOff { private[this] var shardId: String = _ private var nextCheckpointTimeMillis: Long = _ private[this] val log = LogFactory.getLog(classOf[RecordProcessor]) // Back off and retry settings for checkpoint override val MaxBackOffTimeInMillis = 10000L override val ShouldLogErrors: Boolean = true private val NumRetries = 10 private val CheckpointIntervalInMillis = 1000L override def initialize(shardId: String): Unit = { this.shardId = shardId } override def shutdown(check: IRecordProcessorCheckpointer, reason: ShutdownReason): Unit = { if (reason == ShutdownReason.TERMINATE) { checkpoint(check) } } override def processRecords(records: JList[Record], check: IRecordProcessorCheckpointer): Unit = { val metrics = (records.asScala map convert).filter(_.isSuccess) if (metrics.size == records.size()) { // all metrics successfully converted"Received $metrics") sink.sendMetrics(for (Success(metric) <- metrics) yield metric) } else { log.error("Failed to parse records into Metric objects.") } if (System.currentTimeMillis() > nextCheckpointTimeMillis) { checkpoint(check) nextCheckpointTimeMillis = System.currentTimeMillis() + CheckpointIntervalInMillis } } private[this] def convert(record: Record): Try[Metric] = Try (Json.parse(new String(record.getData.array())).as[Metric]) private[this] def checkpoint(check: IRecordProcessorCheckpointer): Unit = { Try { retryUpTo(NumRetries) { check.checkpoint() } } recover { case e: Exception => log.warn(s"Failed to checkpoint shard $shardId: ${e.getMessage}") } } }
Example 5
Source File: KinesisDataSink.scala From cave with MIT License | 5 votes |
package import java.nio.ByteBuffer import import import{AwsConfig, Metric, SeqDataSink} import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory import play.api.libs.json.Json import scala.util.Try import scala.util.control.Exception._ import scala.util.control.NonFatal class KinesisDataSink(config: AwsConfig, streamName: String) extends SeqDataSink { val log = LogFactory.getLog(classOf[KinesisDataSink]) var client: Option[AmazonKinesisAsyncClient] = None override def sendMetric(metric: Metric): Unit = { def createRequest: PutRecordRequest = { val data = Json.toJson(metric).toString()"Sending $data ...") val request = new PutRecordRequest request.setStreamName(streamName) request.setData(ByteBuffer.wrap(data.getBytes)) request.setPartitionKey(metric.partitionKey) request } client foreach { c => Try(c.putRecord(createRequest)) recover { case NonFatal(e) => log.warn(s"Caught exception while talking to Kinesis: $e") throw e } } } }
Example 6
Source File: Global.scala From cave with MIT License | 5 votes |
import scala.concurrent.Future import init.Init import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory import play.api._ import play.api.mvc._ import play.api.mvc.Results._ object Global extends GlobalSettings { override def onHandlerNotFound(request: RequestHeader) = { Future.successful(NotFound) } override def onBadRequest(request: RequestHeader, error: String) = { Future.successful(BadRequest("Bad Request: " + error)) } override def onError(request: RequestHeader, ex: Throwable) = { Logger.error(ex.toString, ex) Future.successful(InternalServerError(ex.toString)) } override def onStart(app: Application) { Init.init() } override def onStop(app: Application) { Init.shutdown() } }
Example 7
Source File: AwsWrapper.scala From cave with MIT License | 5 votes |
package init import import{DeleteMessageRequest, ReceiveMessageRequest} import import{Check, AwsConfig} import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory import play.api.libs.json.Json import scala.concurrent._ import scala.collection.JavaConverters._ object AwsWrapper { case class WorkItem(itemId: String, receiptHandle: String, check: Check) } class AwsWrapper(awsConfig: AwsConfig) { private final val Log = LogFactory.getLog(this.getClass) private final val MaxNumberOfMessages = 10 val dataSink = new KinesisDataSink(awsConfig, awsConfig.rawStreamName) // the SQS client val sqsClient = { val c = new AmazonSQSAsyncClient(awsConfig.awsCredentialsProvider) c.setEndpoint(awsConfig.awsSQSConfig.endpoint) c } val queueName = awsConfig.alarmScheduleQueueName val queueUrl = sqsClient.createQueue(queueName).getQueueUrl"Queue $queueName has URL $queueUrl") import AwsWrapper._ def init(): Unit = { dataSink.connect() } def shutdown(): Unit = { dataSink.disconnect() } def deleteMessage(receiptHandle: String)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[Boolean] = { val request = new DeleteMessageRequest() .withQueueUrl(queueUrl) .withReceiptHandle(receiptHandle) future { blocking { val response = sqsClient.deleteMessageAsync(request) response.get() response.isDone } } } }
Example 8
Source File: Init.scala From cave with MIT License | 5 votes |
package init import import import{InfluxClientFactory, InfluxConfiguration} import com.typesafe.config.ConfigFactory import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory import play.api.Play import worker.Coordinator import worker.converter.ConverterFactory import worker.web.AsyncNotificationSender object Init { private[this] val configuration = Play.current.configuration private val log = LogFactory.getLog("Init") val serviceConfFile = configuration.getString("serviceConf").getOrElse("worker.conf") val appConfig = ConfigFactory.load(serviceConfFile).getConfig("worker") // prepare AWS config val awsConfig = new AwsConfig(appConfig) // a wrapper for required AWS val awsWrapper = new AwsWrapper(awsConfig) // a connection to the InfluxDB backend val influxConfig = appConfig.getConfig("influx") val influxClientFactory = new InfluxClientFactory(InfluxConfiguration(influxConfig)) val converterFactory = new ConverterFactory(appConfig.getConfig("converters")) val sender = new AsyncNotificationSender(converterFactory) val system = ActorSystem("CaveWorker") val coordinator = system.actorOf(Props(new Coordinator(awsWrapper)), "coordinator") def init() {"Init started...") awsWrapper.init()"Init completed.") } def shutdown() {"Shutdown started...") awsWrapper.shutdown() influxClientFactory.close() system.shutdown()"Shutdown completed.") } }
Example 9
Source File: Global.scala From cave with MIT License | 5 votes |
import scala.concurrent.Future import init.Init import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory import play.api._ import play.api.mvc._ import play.api.mvc.Results._ object Global extends GlobalSettings { private[this] final val Log = LogFactory.getLog(this.getClass) override def onHandlerNotFound(request: RequestHeader) = { Future.successful(NotFound) } override def onBadRequest(request: RequestHeader, error: String) = { Future.successful(BadRequest("Bad Request: " + error)) } override def onError(request: RequestHeader, ex: Throwable) = { Logger.error(ex.toString, ex) Future.successful(InternalServerError(ex.toString)) } override def onStart(app: Application) { Init.init() } override def onStop(app: Application) { Init.shutdown() } }
Example 10
Source File: AkkaConfig.scala From cave with MIT License | 5 votes |
package init import com.typesafe.config.{ConfigValueFactory, ConfigFactory} import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory import scala.collection.JavaConversions._ class AkkaConfig(hostname: Option[String], awsWrapper: AwsWrapper) { private final val Log = LogFactory.getLog(this.getClass) private final val AkkaPort = 2551 private final val Localhost = "localhost" private val (host: String, siblings: List[String]) = hostname match { case Some(name) if name.length > 0 => (name, awsWrapper.getNodes("scheduler")) case _ => (Localhost, List(Localhost)) } private val seeds = siblings map (ip => s"akka.tcp://scheduler@$ip:$AkkaPort") Log.warn(s"Seeds: ${seeds.mkString}") private val overrideConfig = ConfigFactory.empty() .withValue("akka.remote.netty.tcp.hostname", ConfigValueFactory.fromAnyRef(host)) .withValue("akka.remote.netty.tcp.port", ConfigValueFactory.fromAnyRef(AkkaPort)) .withValue("akka.cluster.seed-nodes", ConfigValueFactory.fromIterable(seeds)) private val defaults = ConfigFactory.load() val config = overrideConfig withFallback defaults }
Example 11
Source File: Global.scala From cave with MIT License | 5 votes |
import filters.HttpsFilter import init.Init import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory import play.api._ import play.api.mvc.Results._ import play.api.mvc._ import scala.concurrent.Future object Global extends WithFilters(HttpsFilter) with GlobalSettings { private[this] final val Log = LogFactory.getLog(this.getClass) override def onHandlerNotFound(request: RequestHeader) = { Future.successful(NotFound) } override def onBadRequest(request: RequestHeader, error: String) = { Future.successful(BadRequest("Bad Request: " + error)) } override def onError(request: RequestHeader, ex: Throwable) = { Logger.error(ex.toString, ex) Future.successful(InternalServerError(ex.toString)) } override def onStart(app: Application) { Init.init() } override def onStop(app: Application) { Init.shutdown() } }
Example 12
Source File: AwsWrapper.scala From cave with MIT License | 5 votes |
package init import import{PublishRequest, PublishResult} import import import import import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory import play.api.libs.concurrent.Execution.Implicits._ import play.api.libs.json.Json import scala.concurrent._ class AwsWrapper(awsConfig: AwsConfig) { private final val log = LogFactory.getLog(this.getClass) val dataSink = new KinesisDataSink(awsConfig, awsConfig.rawStreamName) // a connection to the Postgres backend val dataManager: DataManager = new PostgresDataManagerImpl(awsConfig) // the SNS client val snsClient = { val c = new AmazonSNSAsyncClient(awsConfig.awsCredentialsProvider) c.setEndpoint(awsConfig.awsSNSConfig.endpoint) c } val topicArn = getTopicArn def getTopicArn = { val topicName = awsConfig.configurationChangesTopicName val arn = snsClient.createTopic(topicName).getTopicArn"Topic $topicName has ARN $arn") arn } def init() = { dataSink.connect() } def shutdown() = { dataSink.disconnect() } def createOrganizationNotification(org: Organization) = sendOrganization(Operation.Create,, "") def updateOrganizationNotification(org: Organization) = sendOrganization(Operation.Update,, org.notificationUrl) def deleteOrganizationNotification(orgName: String) = sendOrganization(Operation.Delete, orgName, "") def createAlertNotification(schedule: Schedule) = sendAlert(Operation.Create, schedule) def updateAlertNotification(schedule: Schedule) = sendAlert(Operation.Update, schedule) def deleteAlertNotification(scheduleId: String, orgName: String) = sendNotification(Update(Entity.Alert, Operation.Delete, scheduleId, orgName)) private[init] def sendOrganization(op: Operation, orgName: String, extra: String) = sendNotification(Update(Entity.Organization, op, orgName, extra)) private[init] def sendAlert(op: Operation, schedule: Schedule) = { sendNotification(Update(Entity.Alert, op,, Json.stringify(Json.toJson(schedule)))) } private[init] def sendNotification(update: Update): Future[Unit] = { val message = Json.stringify(Json.toJson(update)) val request = new PublishRequest(topicArn, message) val response = snsClient publishAsync request future { blocking { val result: PublishResult = response.get()"Successfully posted the notification '$message', messageId: ${result.getMessageId}") } } } }
Example 13
Source File: Init.scala From cave with MIT License | 5 votes |
package init import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit import{InfluxClientFactory, InfluxConfiguration} import import{AlertManager, AwsConfig, Metric, PasswordHelper} import com.codahale.metrics.MetricRegistry import com.codahale.metrics.jvm.{GarbageCollectorMetricSet, MemoryUsageGaugeSet, ThreadStatesGaugeSet} import com.typesafe.config.ConfigFactory import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory import play.api.Play object Init { val metricRegistry = new MetricRegistry private val log = LogFactory.getLog("Init") private val InternalTags = Map(Metric.Organization -> Metric.Internal) private[this] val configuration = Play.current.configuration val baseUrl = configuration.getString("baseUrl").getOrElse("") val maxTokens = configuration.getInt("maxTokens").getOrElse(3) val serviceConfFile = configuration.getString("serviceConf").getOrElse("api-service.conf") val appConfig = ConfigFactory.load(serviceConfFile).getConfig("api-service") // prepare AWS config and Kinesis data sink val awsConfig = new AwsConfig(appConfig) // a wrapper for required AWS val awsWrapper = new AwsWrapper(awsConfig) // a connection to the InfluxDB backend val influxConfig = appConfig.getConfig("influx") val influxClientFactory = new InfluxClientFactory(InfluxConfiguration(influxConfig)) val alertManager = new AlertManager(awsWrapper.dataManager, influxClientFactory) val mailService = new MailService val passwordHelper = new PasswordHelper def init() { awsWrapper.init() log.warn("Init.init()") val reporter = InternalReporter(registry = metricRegistry) { metrics => metrics foreach(metric => awsWrapper.dataSink.sendMetric(Metric(, metric.timestamp, metric.value, InternalTags ++ metric.tags))) } reporter.start(1, TimeUnit.MINUTES) metricRegistry.register("jvm", "gc"), new GarbageCollectorMetricSet()) metricRegistry.register("jvm", "memory"), new MemoryUsageGaugeSet()) metricRegistry.register("jvm", "thread-states"), new ThreadStatesGaugeSet()) } def shutdown() { awsWrapper.shutdown() influxClientFactory.close() log.warn("Init.shutdown()") } }
Example 14
Source File: Global.scala From cave with MIT License | 5 votes |
import filters.HttpsAndWwwRedirectForElbFilter import init.Init import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory import play.api._ import play.api.mvc.Results._ import play.api.mvc._ import scala.concurrent.Future object Global extends WithFilters(HttpsAndWwwRedirectForElbFilter) with GlobalSettings { private[this] final val Log = LogFactory.getLog(this.getClass) override def onHandlerNotFound(request: RequestHeader) = { Future.successful(NotFound(views.html.errorpages.pageNotFound(request.path))) } override def onBadRequest(request: RequestHeader, error: String) = { Future.successful(BadRequest("Bad Request: " + error)) } override def onError(request: RequestHeader, ex: Throwable) = { Logger.error(ex.toString, ex) Future.successful(InternalServerError(views.html.errorpages.errorPage(ex.getMessage))) } override def onStart(app: Application) { Init.init } override def onStop(app: Application) { Init.shutdown() } }
Example 15
Source File: Global.scala From cave with MIT License | 5 votes |
import scala.concurrent.Future import scala.util.{Failure, Success} import init.Init import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory import play.api._ import play.api.mvc._ import play.api.mvc.Results._ object Global extends GlobalSettings { private[this] final val Log = LogFactory.getLog(this.getClass) override def onHandlerNotFound(request: RequestHeader) = { Future.successful(NotFound) } override def onBadRequest(request: RequestHeader, error: String) = { Future.successful(BadRequest("Bad Request: " + error)) } override def onError(request: RequestHeader, ex: Throwable) = { Logger.error(ex.toString, ex) Future.successful(InternalServerError(ex.toString)) } override def onStart(app: Application) { Init.start() } override def onStop(app: Application) { Init.shutdown() } }
Example 16
Source File: SpotlightLog.scala From dbpedia-spotlight-model with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.dbpedia.spotlight.log import org.apache.commons.logging.{Log, LogFactory} import scala.collection.mutable trait SpotlightLog[T] { def _debug(c:Class[_], msg: T, args: Any*) def _info(c:Class[_], msg: T, args: Any*) def _error(c:Class[_], msg: T, args: Any*) def _fatal(c:Class[_], msg: T, args: Any*) def _trace(c:Class[_], msg: T, args: Any*) def _warn(c:Class[_], msg: T, args: Any*) } object SpotlightLog { def debug[T](c:Class[_], msg: T, args: Any*)(implicit instance: SpotlightLog[T]) = instance._debug(c, msg, args: _*) def info[T](c:Class[_], msg: T, args: Any*)(implicit instance: SpotlightLog[T]) = instance._info(c, msg, args: _*) def error[T](c:Class[_], msg: T, args: Any*)(implicit instance: SpotlightLog[T]) = instance._error(c, msg, args: _*) def fatal[T](c:Class[_], msg: T, args: Any*)(implicit instance: SpotlightLog[T]) = instance._fatal(c, msg, args: _*) def trace[T](c:Class[_], msg: T, args: Any*)(implicit instance: SpotlightLog[T]) = instance._trace(c, msg, args: _*) def warn[T](c:Class[_], msg: T, args: Any*)(implicit instance: SpotlightLog[T]) = instance._warn(c, msg, args: _*) implicit object StringSpotlightLog extends SpotlightLog[String] { val loggers = new mutable.HashMap[Class[_], Log]() def _debug(c:Class[_], msg: String, args: Any*) = { val log = loggers.getOrElseUpdate(c, LogFactory.getLog(c)) if (log.isDebugEnabled) { if(args.size == 0) log.debug(msg) else log.debug(msg.format(args: _*)) } } def _info(c:Class[_], msg: String, args: Any*) = { val log = loggers.getOrElseUpdate(c, LogFactory.getLog(c)) if(log.isInfoEnabled) { if(args.size == 0) else _*)) } } def _error(c:Class[_], msg: String, args: Any*) = { val log = loggers.getOrElseUpdate(c, LogFactory.getLog(c)) if(log.isErrorEnabled) { if(args.size == 0) log.error(msg) else log.error(msg.format(args: _*)) } } def _fatal(c:Class[_], msg: String, args: Any*) = { val log = loggers.getOrElseUpdate(c, LogFactory.getLog(c)) if(log.isFatalEnabled) { if(args.size == 0) log.fatal(msg) else log.fatal(msg.format(args: _*)) } } def _trace(c:Class[_], msg: String, args: Any*) = { val log = loggers.getOrElseUpdate(c, LogFactory.getLog(c)) if(log.isTraceEnabled) { if(args.size == 0) log.trace(msg) else log.trace(msg.format(args: _*)) } } def _warn(c:Class[_], msg: String, args: Any*) = { val log = loggers.getOrElseUpdate(c, LogFactory.getLog(c)) if(log.isWarnEnabled) { if(args.size == 0) log.warn(msg) else log.warn(msg.format(args: _*)) } } } }
Example 17
Source File: LocalMemoryDataBlock.scala From sona with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import import java.util import java.util.Collections import{DataBlock, LabeledData} import org.apache.commons.logging.{Log, LogFactory} import org.ehcache.sizeof.SizeOf class LocalMemoryDataBlock(initSize: Int, maxUseMemroy: Long) extends DataBlock[LabeledData] { private val LOG: Log = LogFactory.getLog(classOf[LocalMemoryDataBlock]) private var estimateSampleNumber: Int = 100 val initCapacity = if (initSize > 0) { estimateSampleNumber = initSize initSize } else { estimateSampleNumber } private val vList = new util.ArrayList[LabeledData]() private var isFull: Boolean = false @throws[IOException] override def read(): LabeledData = { if (readIndex < writeIndex) { val value = vList.get(readIndex) readIndex += 1 value } else { null.asInstanceOf[LabeledData] } } @throws[IOException] override protected def hasNext: Boolean = readIndex < writeIndex @throws[IOException] override def get(index: Int): LabeledData = { if (index < 0 || index >= writeIndex) { throw new IOException("index not in range[0," + writeIndex + ")") } vList.get(index) } @throws[IOException] override def put(value: LabeledData): Unit = { if (writeIndex < estimateSampleNumber) { vList.add(value) writeIndex += 1 if (writeIndex == estimateSampleNumber && !isFull) { estimateAndResizeVList() } } else {"Over maxUseMemroy, No value added!") } } override def resetReadIndex(): Unit = { readIndex = 0 } override def clean(): Unit = { readIndex = 0 writeIndex = 0 vList.clear() } override def shuffle(): Unit = Collections.shuffle(vList) override def flush(): Unit = {} override def slice(startIndex: Int, length: Int): DataBlock[LabeledData] = ??? private def estimateAndResizeVList(): Unit = { val avgDataItemSize = (SizeOf.newInstance().deepSizeOf(vList) + vList.size - 1) / vList.size val maxStoreNum = (maxUseMemroy / avgDataItemSize).toInt val capacity = if (maxStoreNum < 2 * vList.size) { isFull = true maxStoreNum } else { 2 * vList.size } estimateSampleNumber = (0.8 * capacity).toInt vList.ensureCapacity(capacity) LOG.debug("estimate sample number=" + vList.size + ", avgDataItemSize=" + avgDataItemSize + ", maxStoreNum=" + maxStoreNum + ", maxUseMemroy=" + maxUseMemroy) } }
Example 18
Source File: IndexedBinaryBlockReader.scala From hail with MIT License | 5 votes |
package import is.hail.annotations.RegionValueBuilder import{HadoopFS, WrappedSeekableDataInputStream} import org.apache.commons.logging.{Log, LogFactory} import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration import org.apache.hadoop.fs.{FileSystem, Path} import import org.apache.hadoop.mapred._ abstract class KeySerializedValueRecord[K] extends Serializable { var input: Array[Byte] = _ var key: K = _ def setSerializedValue(arr: Array[Byte]) { this.input = arr } def getValue(rvb: RegionValueBuilder, includeGT: Boolean): Unit def setKey(k: K) { this.key = k } def getKey: K = key } abstract class IndexedBinaryBlockReader[T](job: Configuration, split: FileSplit) extends RecordReader[LongWritable, T] { val LOG: Log = LogFactory.getLog(classOf[IndexedBinaryBlockReader[T]].getName) val partitionStart: Long = split.getStart var pos: Long = partitionStart val end: Long = partitionStart + split.getLength val bfis = openFile() def openFile(): HadoopFSDataBinaryReader = { val file: Path = split.getPath val fs: FileSystem = file.getFileSystem(job) val is = new HadoopFSDataBinaryReader( new WrappedSeekableDataInputStream( HadoopFS.toSeekableInputStream(is))) } def createKey(): LongWritable = new LongWritable() def createValue(): T def getPos: Long = pos def getProgress: Float = { if (partitionStart == end) 0.0f else Math.min(1.0f, (pos - partitionStart) / (end - partitionStart).toFloat) } def close() = bfis.close() }
Example 19
Source File: RangerAdminClientImpl.scala From spark-ranger with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import java.nio.file.{Files, FileSystems} import java.util import import org.apache.commons.logging.{Log, LogFactory} import org.apache.ranger.admin.client.RangerAdminRESTClient import org.apache.ranger.plugin.util.{GrantRevokeRequest, ServicePolicies, ServiceTags} class RangerAdminClientImpl extends RangerAdminRESTClient { private val LOG: Log = LogFactory.getLog(classOf[RangerAdminClientImpl]) private val cacheFilename = "sparkSql_hive_jenkins.json" private val gson = new GsonBuilder().setDateFormat("yyyyMMdd-HH:mm:ss.SSS-Z").setPrettyPrinting().create override def init(serviceName: String, appId: String, configPropertyPrefix: String): Unit = {} override def getServicePoliciesIfUpdated( lastKnownVersion: Long, lastActivationTimeInMillis: Long): ServicePolicies = { val basedir = this.getClass.getProtectionDomain.getCodeSource.getLocation.getPath val cachePath = FileSystems.getDefault.getPath(basedir, cacheFilename)"Reading policies from " + cachePath) val bytes = Files.readAllBytes(cachePath) gson.fromJson(new String(bytes), classOf[ServicePolicies]) } override def grantAccess(request: GrantRevokeRequest): Unit = {} override def revokeAccess(request: GrantRevokeRequest): Unit = {} override def getServiceTagsIfUpdated( lastKnownVersion: Long, lastActivationTimeInMillis: Long): ServiceTags = null override def getTagTypes(tagTypePattern: String): util.List[String] = null }
Example 20
Source File: RangerSparkPlugin.scala From spark-ranger with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.ranger.authorization.spark.authorizer import{File, IOException} import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory import import import org.apache.ranger.authorization.hadoop.config.RangerConfiguration import org.apache.ranger.plugin.service.RangerBasePlugin class RangerSparkPlugin private extends RangerBasePlugin("spark", "sparkSql") { import RangerSparkPlugin._ private val LOG = LogFactory.getLog(classOf[RangerSparkPlugin]) lazy val fsScheme: Array[String] = RangerConfiguration.getInstance() .get("ranger.plugin.spark.urlauth.filesystem.schemes", "hdfs:,file:") .split(",") .map(_.trim) override def init(): Unit = { super.init() val cacheDir = new File(rangerConf.get("ranger.plugin.spark.policy.cache.dir")) if (cacheDir.exists() && (!cacheDir.isDirectory || !cacheDir.canRead || !cacheDir.canWrite)) { throw new IOException("Policy cache directory already exists at" + cacheDir.getAbsolutePath + ", but it is unavailable") } if (!cacheDir.exists() && !cacheDir.mkdirs()) { throw new IOException("Unable to create ranger policy cache directory at" + cacheDir.getAbsolutePath) }"Policy cache directory successfully set to " + cacheDir.getAbsolutePath) } } object RangerSparkPlugin { private val rangerConf: RangerConfiguration = RangerConfiguration.getInstance val showColumnsOption: String = rangerConf.get( "xasecure.spark.describetable.showcolumns.authorization.option", "NONE") def build(): Builder = new Builder class Builder { @volatile private var sparkPlugin: RangerSparkPlugin = _ def getOrCreate(): RangerSparkPlugin = RangerSparkPlugin.synchronized { if (sparkPlugin == null) { sparkPlugin = new RangerSparkPlugin sparkPlugin.init() sparkPlugin } else { sparkPlugin } } } }
Example 21
Source File: ParentTest.scala From Soteria with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.leobenkel.soteria import org.apache.commons.logging.{Log, LogFactory} import org.scalactic.source.Position import org.scalatest.{FunSuite, Tag} trait ParentTest extends FunSuite { lazy val log: Log = LogFactory.getLog(this.getClass) protected def assertEquals[T]( expected: T, result: T )( implicit pos: Position ): Unit = { assertResult(expected)(result) () } override protected def test( testName: String, testTags: Tag* )( testFun: => Any )( implicit pos: Position ): Unit = { super.test(testName, testTags: _*) { log.debug(s">>> Starting - $testName") testFun } } def time[R](block: => R): (R, Long) = { val t0 = System.nanoTime() val result = block val t1 = System.nanoTime() val time_ns: Long = t1 - t0 (result, time_ns) } }
Example 22
Source File: ShapeInputFormat.scala From magellan with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package magellan.mapreduce import import{ShapeKey, ShapeWritable} import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory import org.apache.hadoop.fs.{LocatedFileStatus, Path} import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.lib.input._ import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.{InputSplit, JobContext, TaskAttemptContext} import scala.collection.JavaConversions._ import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer private[magellan] class ShapeInputFormat extends FileInputFormat[ShapeKey, ShapeWritable] { private val log = LogFactory.getLog(classOf[ShapeInputFormat]) override def createRecordReader(inputSplit: InputSplit, taskAttemptContext: TaskAttemptContext) = { new ShapefileReader } override def isSplitable(context: JobContext, filename: Path): Boolean = true override def getSplits(job: JobContext): java.util.List[InputSplit] = { val splitInfos = SplitInfos.SPLIT_INFO_MAP.get() computeSplits(job, splitInfos) } private def computeSplits( job: JobContext, splitInfos: scala.collection.Map[String, Array[Long]]) = { val sw = new Stopwatch().start val splits = ListBuffer[InputSplit]() val files = listStatus(job) for (file <- files) { val path = file.getPath val length = file.getLen val blkLocations = if (file.isInstanceOf[LocatedFileStatus]) { file.asInstanceOf[LocatedFileStatus].getBlockLocations } else { val fs = path.getFileSystem(job.getConfiguration) fs.getFileBlockLocations(file, 0, length) } val key = path.getName.split("\\.shp$")(0) if (splitInfos == null || !splitInfos.containsKey(key)) { val blkIndex = getBlockIndex(blkLocations, 0) splits.+= (makeSplit(path, 0, length, blkLocations(blkIndex).getHosts, blkLocations(blkIndex).getCachedHosts)) } else { val s = splitInfos(key).toSeq val start = s val end = s.drop(1) ++ Seq(length) { case (startOffset: Long, endOffset: Long) => val blkIndex = getBlockIndex(blkLocations, startOffset) splits.+=(makeSplit(path, startOffset, endOffset - startOffset, blkLocations(blkIndex).getHosts, blkLocations(blkIndex).getCachedHosts)) } } } sw.stop if (log.isDebugEnabled) { log.debug("Total # of splits generated by getSplits: " + splits.size + ", TimeTaken: " + sw.elapsedMillis) } splits } } object SplitInfos { // TODO: Can we get rid of this hack to pass split calculation to the Shapefile Reader? val SPLIT_INFO_MAP = new ThreadLocal[scala.collection.Map[String, Array[Long]]] }
Example 23
Source File: ExcelRelation.scala From spark-hadoopoffice-ds with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import scala.collection.JavaConversions._ import org.apache.spark.sql.sources.{ BaseRelation, TableScan } import org.apache.spark.sql.types.DataType import org.apache.spark.sql.types.ArrayType import org.apache.spark.sql.types.StringType import org.apache.spark.sql.types.StructField import org.apache.spark.sql.types.StructType import org.apache.spark.sql.SQLContext import org.apache.spark.sql._ import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD import org.apache.hadoop.conf._ import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce._ import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory import org.apache.commons.logging.Log import import import override def buildScan: RDD[Row] = { // read ExcelRows val excelRowsRDD = ExcelFile.load(sqlContext, location, hadoopParams) // map to schema val schemaFields = schema.fields excelRowsRDD.flatMap(excelKeyValueTuple => { // map the Excel row data structure to a Spark SQL schema val rowArray = new Array[Any](excelKeyValueTuple._2.get.length) var i = 0; for (x <- excelKeyValueTuple._2.get) { // parse through the SpreadSheetCellDAO val spreadSheetCellDAOStructArray = new Array[String](schemaFields.length) val currentSpreadSheetCellDAO: Array[SpreadSheetCellDAO] = excelKeyValueTuple._2.get.asInstanceOf[Array[SpreadSheetCellDAO]] spreadSheetCellDAOStructArray(0) = currentSpreadSheetCellDAO(i).getFormattedValue spreadSheetCellDAOStructArray(1) = currentSpreadSheetCellDAO(i).getComment spreadSheetCellDAOStructArray(2) = currentSpreadSheetCellDAO(i).getFormula spreadSheetCellDAOStructArray(3) = currentSpreadSheetCellDAO(i).getAddress spreadSheetCellDAOStructArray(4) = currentSpreadSheetCellDAO(i).getSheetName // add row representing one Excel row rowArray(i) = spreadSheetCellDAOStructArray i += 1 } Some(Row.fromSeq(rowArray)) }) } }
Example 24
Source File: HadoopFileExcelReader.scala From spark-hadoopoffice-ds with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import import import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources._ import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path import import import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce._ import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.lib.input.{ FileSplit, LineRecordReader } import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.task.TaskAttemptContextImpl import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.RecordReaderIterator import import import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory import org.apache.commons.logging.Log class HadoopFileExcelReader( file: PartitionedFile, conf: Configuration) extends Iterator[ArrayWritable] with Closeable { val LOG = LogFactory.getLog(classOf[HadoopFileExcelReader]) private var reader: RecordReader[Text, ArrayWritable] = null private val iterator = { val fileSplit = new FileSplit( new Path(new URI(file.filePath)), file.start, file.length, Array.empty) // todo: implement locality (replace Array.empty with the locations) val attemptId = new TaskAttemptID(new TaskID(new JobID(), TaskType.MAP, 0), 0) val hadoopAttemptContext = new TaskAttemptContextImpl(conf, attemptId) val inputFormat = new ExcelFileInputFormat() reader = inputFormat.createRecordReader(fileSplit, hadoopAttemptContext) reader.initialize(fileSplit, hadoopAttemptContext) new RecordReaderIterator(reader) } def getReader: RecordReader[Text, ArrayWritable] = reader override def hasNext: Boolean = iterator.hasNext override def next(): ArrayWritable = override def close(): Unit = { if (reader != null) { reader.close() } } }
Example 25
Source File: ExcelOutputWriter.scala From spark-hadoopoffice-ds with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import java.math.BigDecimal import java.sql.Date import java.sql.Timestamp import java.text.DateFormat import java.text.SimpleDateFormat import java.util.Calendar import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration import import import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.RecordWriter import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.TaskAttemptContext import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.{ CatalystTypeConverters, InternalRow } import org.apache.spark.sql.Row import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.OutputWriter import org.apache.spark.sql.types._ import import import import import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory import org.apache.commons.logging.Log import import java.util.Locale import java.text.DecimalFormat import import java.text.NumberFormat // NOTE: This class is instantiated and used on executor side only, no need to be serializable. private[excel] class ExcelOutputWriter( path: String, dataSchema: StructType, context: TaskAttemptContext, options: Map[String, String]) extends OutputWriter { def write(row: Row): Unit = { // check useHeader if (useHeader) { val headers = row.schema.fieldNames var i = 0 for (x <- headers) { val headerColumnSCD = new SpreadSheetCellDAO(x, "", "", MSExcelUtil.getCellAddressA1Format(currentRowNum, i), defaultSheetName) recordWriter.write(NullWritable.get(), headerColumnSCD) i += 1 } currentRowNum += 1 useHeader = false } // for each value in the row if (row.size>0) { var currentColumnNum = 0; val simpleObject = new Array[AnyRef](row.size) for (i <- 0 to row.size - 1) { // for each element of the row val obj = row.get(i) if ((obj.isInstanceOf[Seq[String]]) && (obj.asInstanceOf[Seq[String]].length==5)) { val formattedValue = obj.asInstanceOf[Seq[String]](0) val comment = obj.asInstanceOf[Seq[String]](1) val formula = obj.asInstanceOf[Seq[String]](2) val address = obj.asInstanceOf[Seq[String]](3) val sheetName = obj.asInstanceOf[Seq[String]](4) simpleObject(i) = new SpreadSheetCellDAO(formattedValue,comment,formula,address,sheetName) } else { simpleObject(i)=obj.asInstanceOf[AnyRef] } } // convert row to spreadsheetcellDAO val spreadSheetCellDAORow = simpleConverter.getSpreadSheetCellDAOfromSimpleDataType(simpleObject, defaultSheetName, currentRowNum) // write it for (x<- spreadSheetCellDAORow) { recordWriter.write(NullWritable.get(), x) } } currentRowNum += 1 } override def close(): Unit = { recordWriter.close(context) currentRowNum = 0; } }
Example 26
Source File: SapThriftServer.scala From HANAVora-Extensions with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.hive.thriftserver import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory import org.apache.spark.Logging import org.apache.spark.sql.hive.HiveContext import import org.apache.spark.sql.hive.thriftserver.HiveThriftServer2._ import org.apache.spark.sql.hive.thriftserver.ui.ThriftServerTab import org.apache.hive.service.server.HiveServerServerOptionsProcessor object SapThriftServer extends Logging { var LOG = LogFactory.getLog(classOf[SapThriftServer]) def main(args: Array[String]) { val optionsProcessor = new HiveServerServerOptionsProcessor("SapThriftServer") if (!optionsProcessor.process(args)) { System.exit(-1) } logInfo("Starting SparkContext") SapSQLEnv.init() org.apache.spark.util.ShutdownHookManager.addShutdownHook { () => SparkSQLEnv.stop() uiTab.foreach(_.detach()) } try { val server = new HiveThriftServer2(SparkSQLEnv.hiveContext) server.init(SparkSQLEnv.hiveContext.hiveconf) server.start() logInfo("SapThriftServer started") listener = new HiveThriftServer2Listener(server, SparkSQLEnv.hiveContext.conf) SparkSQLEnv.sparkContext.addSparkListener(listener) uiTab = if (SparkSQLEnv.sparkContext.getConf.getBoolean("spark.ui.enabled", true)) { Some(new ThriftServerTab(SparkSQLEnv.sparkContext)) } else { None } } catch { case e: Exception => logError("Error starting SapThriftServer", e) System.exit(-1) } } } private[hive] class SapThriftServer(val hiveContext: HiveContext) extends Logging{ def start: Unit = { logInfo("ThriftServer with SapSQLContext") logInfo("Starting SparkContext") HiveThriftServer2.startWithContext(hiveContext) } }
Example 27
Source File: RandomSearch.scala From automl with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.tencent.angel.spark.automl.tuner.acquisition.optimizer import com.tencent.angel.spark.automl.tuner.TunerParam import com.tencent.angel.spark.automl.tuner.acquisition.Acquisition import com.tencent.angel.spark.automl.tuner.config.{Configuration, ConfigurationSpace} import org.apache.commons.logging.{Log, LogFactory} import scala.util.Random class RandomSearch( override val acqFunc: Acquisition, override val configSpace: ConfigurationSpace, seed: Int = 100) extends AcqOptimizer(acqFunc, configSpace) { val LOG: Log = LogFactory.getLog(classOf[RandomSearch]) val rd = new Random(seed) override def maximize(numPoints: Int, sorted: Boolean = true): Array[(Double, Configuration)] = { //println(s"maximize RandomSearch") val configs: Array[Configuration] = configSpace.sample(TunerParam.sampleSize) if (configs.isEmpty) { Array[(Double, Configuration)]() } else { //configs.foreach { config => // println(s"sample a configuration: ${config.getVector.toArray.mkString(",")}") //} val retConfigs = if (sorted) { { config => (acqFunc.compute(config.getVector)._1, config) }.sortWith(_._1 > _._1).take(numPoints) } else { rd.shuffle( { config => (acqFunc.compute(config.getVector)._1, config) }.toTraversable).take(numPoints).toArray } retConfigs } } override def maximize: (Double, Configuration) = { maximize(1, true).head } }
Example 28
package com.tencent.angel.spark.automl.tuner.acquisition import com.tencent.angel.spark.automl.tuner.surrogate.Surrogate import org.apache.commons.logging.{Log, LogFactory} import org.apache.commons.math3.distribution.NormalDistribution import{Vector, Vectors} class EI( override val surrogate: Surrogate, val par: Double) extends Acquisition(surrogate) { val LOG: Log = LogFactory.getLog(classOf[Surrogate]) override def compute(X: Vector, derivative: Boolean = false): (Double, Vector) = { val pred = surrogate.predict(X) // (mean, variance) // Use the best seen observation as incumbent val eta: Double = surrogate.curBest._2 //println(s"best seen result: $eta") val m: Double = pred._1 val s: Double = Math.sqrt(pred._2) //println(s"${X.toArray.mkString("(", ",", ")")}: mean[$m], variance[$s]") if (s == 0) { // if std is zero, we have observed x on all instances // using a RF, std should be never exactly 0.0 (0.0, Vectors.dense(new Array[Double](X.size))) } else { val z = (pred._1 - eta - par) / s val norm: NormalDistribution = new NormalDistribution val cdf: Double = norm.cumulativeProbability(z) val pdf: Double = norm.density(z) val ei = s * (z * cdf + pdf) //println(s"EI of ${X.toArray.mkString("(", ",", ")")}: $ei, cur best: $eta, z: $z, cdf: $cdf, pdf: $pdf") (ei, Vectors.dense(new Array[Double](X.size))) } } }
Example 29
package com.tencent.angel.spark.automl.tuner.acquisition import com.tencent.angel.spark.automl.tuner.surrogate.Surrogate import org.apache.commons.logging.{Log, LogFactory} import{Vector, Vectors} class UCB( override val surrogate: Surrogate, val beta: Double = 100) extends Acquisition(surrogate) { val LOG: Log = LogFactory.getLog(classOf[Surrogate]) override def compute(X: Vector, derivative: Boolean = false): (Double, Vector) = { val pred = surrogate.predict(X) // (mean, variance) val m: Double = pred._1 val s: Double = Math.sqrt(pred._2) if (s == 0) { // if std is zero, we have observed x on all instances // using a RF, std should be never exactly 0.0 (0.0, Vectors.dense(new Array[Double](X.size))) } else { val ucb = m + beta * s (ucb, Vectors.dense(new Array[Double](X.size))) } } }
Example 30
Source File: Surrogate.scala From automl with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.tencent.angel.spark.automl.tuner.surrogate import com.tencent.angel.spark.automl.tuner.config.ConfigurationSpace import org.apache.commons.logging.{Log, LogFactory} import import org.apache.spark.sql.types.{DataTypes, StructField, StructType} import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer def predict(X: Vector): (Double, Double) def stop(): Unit def curBest: (Vector, Double) = { if (minimize) curMin else curMax } def curMin: (Vector, Double) = { if (preY.isEmpty) (null, Double.MaxValue) else { val maxIdx: Int = preY.zipWithIndex.max._2 (preX(maxIdx), -preY(maxIdx)) } } def curMax: (Vector, Double) = { if (preY.isEmpty) (null, Double.MinValue) else { val maxIdx: Int = preY.zipWithIndex.max._2 (preX(maxIdx), preY(maxIdx)) } } }