org.apache.spark.Logging Scala Examples
The following examples show how to use org.apache.spark.Logging.
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Example 1
Source File: CatalogSuite.scala From shc with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql import org.apache.spark.Logging import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.hbase.HBaseTableCatalog import org.scalatest.{BeforeAndAfterAll, BeforeAndAfterEach, FunSuite} class CatalogSuite extends FunSuite with BeforeAndAfterEach with BeforeAndAfterAll with Logging{ def catalog = s"""{ |"table":{"namespace":"default", "name":"table1"}, |"rowkey":"key1:key2", |"columns":{ |"col00":{"cf":"rowkey", "col":"key1", "type":"string", "length":"6"}, |"col01":{"cf":"rowkey", "col":"key2", "type":"int"}, |"col1":{"cf":"cf1", "col":"col1", "type":"boolean"}, |"col2":{"cf":"cf2", "col":"col2", "type":"double"}, |"col3":{"cf":"cf3", "col":"col3", "type":"float"}, |"col4":{"cf":"cf4", "col":"col4", "type":"int"}, |"col5":{"cf":"cf5", "col":"col5", "type":"bigint"}, |"col6":{"cf":"cf6", "col":"col6", "type":"smallint"}, |"col7":{"cf":"cf7", "col":"col7", "type":"string"}, |"col8":{"cf":"cf8", "col":"col8", "type":"tinyint"} |} |}""".stripMargin test("Catalog meta data check") { val m = HBaseTableCatalog(Map(HBaseTableCatalog.tableCatalog->catalog)) assert(m.row.varLength == false) assert(m.row.length == 10) } }
Example 2
Source File: DataTypeConverter.scala From shc with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.hbase.HBaseTableCatalog import org.apache.spark.{SparkContext, Logging} class DataTypeConverter extends SHC with Logging{ ignore("Basic setup") { val sc = new SparkContext("local", "HBaseTest", conf) val sqlContext = new SQLContext(sc) val complex = s"""MAP<int, struct<varchar:string>>""" val schema = s"""{"namespace": "example.avro", | "type": "record", "name": "User", | "fields": [ {"name": "name", "type": "string"}, | {"name": "favorite_number", "type": ["int", "null"]}, | {"name": "favorite_color", "type": ["string", "null"]} ] }""".stripMargin val catalog = s"""{ |"table":{"namespace":"default", "name":"htable"}, |"rowkey":"key1:key2", |"columns":{ |"col1":{"cf":"rowkey", "col":"key1", "type":"binary"}, |"col2":{"cf":"rowkey", "col":"key2", "type":"double"}, |"col3":{"cf":"cf1", "col":"col1", "avro":"schema1"}, |"col4":{"cf":"cf1", "col":"col2", "type":"string"}, |"col5":{"cf":"cf1", "col":"col3", "type":"double", |"sedes":"org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.hbase.DoubleSedes"}, |"col6":{"cf":"cf1", "col":"col4", "type":"$complex"} |} |}""".stripMargin val df = Map("schema1"->schema, HBaseTableCatalog.tableCatalog->catalog)) .format("org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.hbase") .load() df.write.options( Map("schema1"->schema, HBaseTableCatalog.tableCatalog->catalog)) .format("org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.hbase") .save() //val s = df.filter((($"col1" < Array(10.toByte)) and ($"col1" > Array(1.toByte))) or ($"col1" === Array(11.toByte))).select("col1") //val s = df.filter(Column("col1").<(Array(10.toByte)).and(Column("col1").>(Array(1.toByte))).or(Column("col1") === Array(11.toByte))).select("col1") // val s = df.filter((($"col1" < Array(10.toByte)) && ($"col1" > Array(1.toByte))) || ($"col1" === Array(11.toByte))).select("col1") //val s = df.filter(($"col1" < Array(10.toByte) && $"col1" > Array(1.toByte)) || $"col1" === Array(11.toByte) || $"col2" === 2.3).select("col1") // range should be (None, None) val s = df.filter(($"col1" < Array(10.toByte) && $"col1" > Array(1.toByte)) || $"col1" === Array(11.toByte) && $"col2" === 2.3) .select("col1") s.count() df.registerTempTable("table") val c = sqlContext.sql("select count(col1) from table") // c.queryExecution val se = df.filter($"col2" > 12).filter($"col4" < Array(10.toByte)).select("col1") val se1 = df.filter($"col2" > 12).filter($"col4" < Array(10.toByte)).select("col1") se.count() se1.collect.foreach(println(_)) println(df) } }
Example 3
Source File: SignRandomProjectionLSH.scala From lexrank-summarizer with MIT License | 5 votes |
package io.github.karlhigley.lexrank import scala.collection.immutable.BitSet import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer import scala.util.Random import scala.util.hashing.MurmurHash3 import org.apache.spark.mllib.linalg.SparseVector import org.apache.spark.Logging class SignRandomProjectionLSH(poolSize: Int = 10000) extends Serializable with Logging { val pool = SignRandomProjectionLSH.generatePool(poolSize) def computeSignature(vector: SparseVector, length: Int): BitSet = { val buf = ArrayBuffer.empty[Int] val elements = for (bit <- 1 to length) { val components = => { val hash = MurmurHash3.productHash((bit, e._1)) val poolIndex = ((hash % poolSize) + poolSize) % poolSize val result = e._2 * pool(poolIndex) result }) val dotProduct = components.reduce(_ + _) if (dotProduct > 0) { buf += bit } } BitSet(buf.toArray:_*) } } object SignRandomProjectionLSH { def signatureSet(length: Int): Set[BitSet] = { BitSet(1 to length:_*).subsets.toSet } def estimateCosine(a: BitSet, b: BitSet, length: Int): Double = { val hammingDistance = (a^b).size math.cos(hammingDistance.toDouble/length.toDouble*math.Pi) } private def generatePool(size: Int): Array[Double] = { val rand = new Random() val buf = ArrayBuffer.fill[Double](size)(rand.nextGaussian) buf.toArray } }
Example 4
Source File: Driver.scala From lexrank-summarizer with MIT License | 5 votes |
package io.github.karlhigley.lexrank import import org.apache.spark.{SparkContext, SparkConf, Logging} import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD import org.apache.spark.graphx._ object Driver extends Logging { val serializerClasses: Array[Class[_]] = Array( classOf[Document], classOf[Sentence], classOf[SentenceTokens], classOf[SentenceFeatures], classOf[Featurizer], classOf[SignRandomProjectionLSH], classOf[LexRank] ) private def selectExcerpts(sentences: RDD[Sentence], scores: VertexRDD[Double], length: Int) = { scores .join( => (, s))) .map { case (_, (score, sentence)) => (sentence.docId, (score,, sentence.text)) } .groupByKey() .flatMap { case (docId, sentences) => sentences.toSeq.sortWith(_._1 > _._1).take(length).map(e => (docId, e._3)) } } def main(args: Array[String]) { val sparkConf = new SparkConf().setAppName("Summarizer") sparkConf.registerKryoClasses(serializerClasses) val sc = new SparkContext(sparkConf) val config = new Configuration(args) val documents = sc.textFile(config.inputPath, minPartitions = config.partitions).flatMap( _.split('\t').toList match { case List(docId, text @ _*) => Some((docId.trim, text.mkString(" "))) case _ => None } ).map(Document.tupled).filter(d => > 0) val segmenter = new DocumentSegmenter val (sentences, tokenized) = segmenter(documents) val tokenizedFilteredByLength = tokenized.filter(t => t.tokens.size > 2) val featurizer = new Featurizer(config.numStopwords) val features = featurizer(tokenizedFilteredByLength) val model = val ranks = model.score(config.cutoff, config.convergence) val excerpts = selectExcerpts(sentences, ranks, config.length) excerpts .map(_.productIterator.toList.mkString("\t")) .saveAsTextFile(config.outputPath) sc.stop() } }
Example 5
Source File: CustomLogger.scala From hyperspark with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package util import org.apache.spark.Logging class CustomLogger extends Logging { protected var params: List[String] = List() protected def reformat(ps: List[String]) = { def produceBlanks(N: Int) = { if(N==0) "" else (for(i<-1 to N) yield " ").reduceLeft(_ concat _).concat("\t") } def fixsize(str: String) = { str.concat(produceBlanks(15-str.size)) } { x => fixsize(x) } } def setFormat(parameters: List[String]) { params = parameters params = reformat(params) } def getFormatString(): String = { val toprint = params.reduceLeft(_ concat _).concat("\n") toprint } def printInfo(msg: String) = { print(msg) logInfo(msg) } def printFormat() = { printInfo(getFormatString()) } def getValuesString(values: List[Any]): String = { reformat( { x => x.toString() }).reduceLeft(_ concat _).concat("\n") } def printValues(values: List[Any]) = { printInfo(getValuesString(values)) } } object CustomLogger { def apply() = new CustomLogger() def apply(parameters: List[String]) = new CustomLogger().setFormat(parameters) }
Example 6
Source File: EventTransformer.scala From spark1.52 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.streaming.flume import{ObjectOutput, ObjectInput} import scala.collection.JavaConversions._ import org.apache.spark.util.Utils import org.apache.spark.Logging private[streaming] object EventTransformer extends Logging { def readExternal(in: ObjectInput): (java.util.HashMap[CharSequence, CharSequence], Array[Byte]) = { val bodyLength = in.readInt() val bodyBuff = new Array[Byte](bodyLength) in.readFully(bodyBuff) val numHeaders = in.readInt() val headers = new java.util.HashMap[CharSequence, CharSequence] for (i <- 0 until numHeaders) { val keyLength = in.readInt() val keyBuff = new Array[Byte](keyLength) in.readFully(keyBuff) val key: String = Utils.deserialize(keyBuff) val valLength = in.readInt() val valBuff = new Array[Byte](valLength) in.readFully(valBuff) val value: String = Utils.deserialize(valBuff) headers.put(key, value) } (headers, bodyBuff) } def writeExternal(out: ObjectOutput, headers: java.util.Map[CharSequence, CharSequence], body: Array[Byte]) { out.writeInt(body.length) out.write(body) val numHeaders = headers.size() out.writeInt(numHeaders) for ((k, v) <- headers) { val keyBuff = Utils.serialize(k.toString) out.writeInt(keyBuff.length) out.write(keyBuff) val valBuff = Utils.serialize(v.toString) out.writeInt(valBuff.length) out.write(valBuff) } } }
Example 7
Source File: FlumePollingStreamSuite.scala From spark1.52 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.streaming.flume import import scala.collection.JavaConversions._ import scala.collection.mutable.{SynchronizedBuffer, ArrayBuffer} import scala.concurrent.duration._ import scala.language.postfixOps import import org.scalatest.BeforeAndAfter import org.scalatest.concurrent.Eventually._ import org.apache.spark.{Logging, SparkConf, SparkFunSuite} import import org.apache.spark.streaming.dstream.ReceiverInputDStream import org.apache.spark.streaming.{Seconds, TestOutputStream, StreamingContext} import org.apache.spark.util.{ManualClock, Utils} private def testMultipleTimes(test: () => Unit): Unit = { var testPassed = false var attempt = 0 while (!testPassed && attempt < maxAttempts) { try { test() testPassed = true } catch { case e: Exception if Utils.isBindCollision(e) => logWarning("Exception when running flume polling test: " + e) attempt += 1 } } assert(testPassed, s"Test failed after $attempt attempts!") } private def testFlumePolling(): Unit = { try { val port = utils.startSingleSink() writeAndVerify(Seq(port)) utils.assertChannelsAreEmpty() } finally { utils.close() } } private def testFlumePollingMultipleHost(): Unit = { try { val ports = utils.startMultipleSinks() writeAndVerify(ports) utils.assertChannelsAreEmpty() } finally { utils.close() } } def writeAndVerify(sinkPorts: Seq[Int]): Unit = { // Set up the streaming context and input streams //设置流上下文和输入流 val ssc = new StreamingContext(conf, batchDuration) val addresses = => new InetSocketAddress("localhost", port)) val flumeStream: ReceiverInputDStream[SparkFlumeEvent] = FlumeUtils.createPollingStream(ssc, addresses, StorageLevel.MEMORY_AND_DISK, utils.eventsPerBatch, 5) val outputBuffer = new ArrayBuffer[Seq[SparkFlumeEvent]] with SynchronizedBuffer[Seq[SparkFlumeEvent]] val outputStream = new TestOutputStream(flumeStream, outputBuffer) outputStream.register() ssc.start() try { utils.sendDatAndEnsureAllDataHasBeenReceived() val clock = ssc.scheduler.clock.asInstanceOf[ManualClock] clock.advance(batchDuration.milliseconds) // The eventually is required to ensure that all data in the batch has been processed. //最终需要确保批处理中的所有数据已被处理 eventually(timeout(10 seconds), interval(100 milliseconds)) { val flattenOutputBuffer = outputBuffer.flatten val headers = { case kv => (kv._1.toString, kv._2.toString) }).map(mapAsJavaMap) val bodies = => new String(e.event.getBody.array(), UTF_8)) utils.assertOutput(headers, bodies) } } finally { ssc.stop() } } }
Example 8
Source File: FlumeStreamSuite.scala From spark1.52 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.streaming.flume import scala.collection.JavaConversions._ import scala.collection.mutable.{ArrayBuffer, SynchronizedBuffer} import scala.concurrent.duration._ import scala.language.postfixOps import import import import import org.jboss.netty.handler.codec.compression._ import org.scalatest.{BeforeAndAfter, Matchers} import org.scalatest.concurrent.Eventually._ import org.apache.spark.{Logging, SparkConf, SparkFunSuite} import import org.apache.spark.streaming.{Milliseconds, StreamingContext, TestOutputStream} private class CompressionChannelFactory(compressionLevel: Int) extends NioClientSocketChannelFactory { override def newChannel(pipeline: ChannelPipeline): SocketChannel = { val encoder = new ZlibEncoder(compressionLevel) pipeline.addFirst("deflater", encoder) pipeline.addFirst("inflater", new ZlibDecoder()) super.newChannel(pipeline) } } }
Example 9
Source File: MQTTTestUtils.scala From spark1.52 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.streaming.mqtt import{ServerSocket, URI} import scala.language.postfixOps import import{BrokerService, TransportConnector} import org.apache.commons.lang3.RandomUtils import org.eclipse.paho.client.mqttv3._ import org.eclipse.paho.client.mqttv3.persist.MqttDefaultFilePersistence import org.apache.spark.util.Utils import org.apache.spark.{Logging, SparkConf} private[mqtt] class MQTTTestUtils extends Logging { private val persistenceDir = Utils.createTempDir() private val brokerHost = "localhost" private val brokerPort = findFreePort() private var broker: BrokerService = _ private var connector: TransportConnector = _ def brokerUri: String = { s"$brokerHost:$brokerPort" } def setup(): Unit = { broker = new BrokerService() broker.setDataDirectoryFile(Utils.createTempDir()) connector = new TransportConnector() connector.setName("mqtt") connector.setUri(new URI("mqtt://" + brokerUri)) broker.addConnector(connector) broker.start() } def teardown(): Unit = { if (broker != null) { broker.stop() broker = null } if (connector != null) { connector.stop() connector = null } Utils.deleteRecursively(persistenceDir) } private def findFreePort(): Int = { val candidatePort = RandomUtils.nextInt(1024, 65536) Utils.startServiceOnPort(candidatePort, (trialPort: Int) => { val socket = new ServerSocket(trialPort) socket.close() (null, trialPort) }, new SparkConf())._2 } def publishData(topic: String, data: String): Unit = { var client: MqttClient = null try { val persistence = new MqttDefaultFilePersistence(persistenceDir.getAbsolutePath) client = new MqttClient("tcp://" + brokerUri, MqttClient.generateClientId(), persistence) client.connect() if (client.isConnected) { val msgTopic = client.getTopic(topic) val message = new MqttMessage(data.getBytes(UTF_8)) message.setQos(1) message.setRetained(true) for (i <- 0 to 10) { try { msgTopic.publish(message) } catch { case e: MqttException if e.getReasonCode == MqttException.REASON_CODE_MAX_INFLIGHT => // wait for Spark streaming to consume something from the message queue Thread.sleep(50) } } } } finally { if (client != null) { client.disconnect() client.close() client = null } } } }
Example 10
Source File: FiltersSuite.scala From spark1.52 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.hive.client import scala.collection.JavaConversions._ import org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.FieldSchema import org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde.serdeConstants import org.apache.spark.{Logging, SparkFunSuite} import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.dsl.expressions._ import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions._ import org.apache.spark.sql.types._ class FiltersSuite extends SparkFunSuite with Logging { private val shim = new Shim_v0_13 private val testTable = new org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.metadata.Table("default", "test") private val varCharCol = new FieldSchema() varCharCol.setName("varchar") varCharCol.setType(serdeConstants.VARCHAR_TYPE_NAME) testTable.setPartCols(varCharCol :: Nil) //字符串过滤器 filterTest("string filter", (a("stringcol", StringType) > Literal("test")) :: Nil, "stringcol > \"test\"") //字符串过滤器向后 filterTest("string filter backwards", (Literal("test") > a("stringcol", StringType)) :: Nil, "\"test\" > stringcol") //int过滤器 filterTest("int filter", (a("intcol", IntegerType) === Literal(1)) :: Nil, "intcol = 1") //int向后过滤 filterTest("int filter backwards", (Literal(1) === a("intcol", IntegerType)) :: Nil, "1 = intcol") filterTest("int and string filter", (Literal(1) === a("intcol", IntegerType)) :: (Literal("a") === a("strcol", IntegerType)) :: Nil, "1 = intcol and \"a\" = strcol") filterTest("skip varchar", (Literal("") === a("varchar", StringType)) :: Nil, "") private def filterTest(name: String, filters: Seq[Expression], result: String) = { test(name){ val converted = shim.convertFilters(testTable, filters) if (converted != result) { fail( s"Expected filters ${filters.mkString(",")} to convert to '$result' but got '$converted'") } } } private def a(name: String, dataType: DataType) = AttributeReference(name, dataType)() }
Example 11
Source File: SparkSQLDriver.scala From spark1.52 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.hive.thriftserver import java.util.{ArrayList => JArrayList, List => JList} import scala.collection.JavaConversions._ import org.apache.commons.lang3.exception.ExceptionUtils import org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.{FieldSchema, Schema} import org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.Driver import org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.processors.CommandProcessorResponse import org.apache.spark.Logging import org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException import org.apache.spark.sql.hive.{HiveContext, HiveMetastoreTypes} private[hive] class SparkSQLDriver( val context: HiveContext = SparkSQLEnv.hiveContext) extends Driver with Logging { private[hive] var tableSchema: Schema = _ private[hive] var hiveResponse: Seq[String] = _ override def init(): Unit = { } private def getResultSetSchema(query: context.QueryExecution): Schema = { val analyzed = query.analyzed logDebug(s"Result Schema: ${analyzed.output}") if (analyzed.output.size == 0) { new Schema(new FieldSchema("Response code", "string", "") :: Nil, null) } else { val fieldSchemas = { attr => new FieldSchema(, HiveMetastoreTypes.toMetastoreType(attr.dataType), "") } new Schema(fieldSchemas, null) } } override def run(command: String): CommandProcessorResponse = { // TODO unify the error code try { context.sparkContext.setJobDescription(command) val execution = context.executePlan(context.sql(command).logicalPlan) hiveResponse = execution.stringResult() tableSchema = getResultSetSchema(execution) new CommandProcessorResponse(0) } catch { case ae: AnalysisException => logDebug(s"Failed in [$command]", ae) new CommandProcessorResponse(1, ExceptionUtils.getStackTrace(ae), null, ae) case cause: Throwable => logError(s"Failed in [$command]", cause) new CommandProcessorResponse(1, ExceptionUtils.getStackTrace(cause), null, cause) } } override def close(): Int = { hiveResponse = null tableSchema = null 0 } override def getResults(res: JList[_]): Boolean = { if (hiveResponse == null) { false } else { res.asInstanceOf[JArrayList[String]].addAll(hiveResponse) hiveResponse = null true } } override def getSchema: Schema = tableSchema override def destroy() { super.destroy() hiveResponse = null tableSchema = null } }
Example 12
Source File: SparkSQLOperationManager.scala From spark1.52 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.hive.thriftserver.server import java.util.{Map => JMap} import scala.collection.mutable.Map import org.apache.hive.service.cli._ import org.apache.hive.service.cli.operation.{ExecuteStatementOperation, Operation, OperationManager} import org.apache.hive.service.cli.session.HiveSession import org.apache.spark.Logging import org.apache.spark.sql.hive.HiveContext import org.apache.spark.sql.hive.thriftserver.{SparkExecuteStatementOperation, ReflectionUtils} private[thriftserver] class SparkSQLOperationManager(hiveContext: HiveContext) extends OperationManager with Logging { val handleToOperation = ReflectionUtils .getSuperField[JMap[OperationHandle, Operation]](this, "handleToOperation") val sessionToActivePool = Map[SessionHandle, String]() override def newExecuteStatementOperation( parentSession: HiveSession, statement: String, confOverlay: JMap[String, String], async: Boolean): ExecuteStatementOperation = synchronized { val runInBackground = async && hiveContext.hiveThriftServerAsync val operation = new SparkExecuteStatementOperation(parentSession, statement, confOverlay, runInBackground)(hiveContext, sessionToActivePool) handleToOperation.put(operation.getHandle, operation) logDebug(s"Created Operation for $statement with session=$parentSession, " + s"runInBackground=$runInBackground") operation } }
Example 13
Source File: ThriftServerTab.scala From spark1.52 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.hive.thriftserver.ui import org.apache.spark.sql.hive.thriftserver.{HiveThriftServer2, SparkSQLEnv} import org.apache.spark.sql.hive.thriftserver.ui.ThriftServerTab._ import org.apache.spark.ui.{SparkUI, SparkUITab} import org.apache.spark.{SparkContext, Logging, SparkException} private[thriftserver] class ThriftServerTab(sparkContext: SparkContext) extends SparkUITab(getSparkUI(sparkContext), "sqlserver") with Logging { override val name = "JDBC/ODBC Server" val parent = getSparkUI(sparkContext) val listener = HiveThriftServer2.listener attachPage(new ThriftServerPage(this)) attachPage(new ThriftServerSessionPage(this)) parent.attachTab(this) def detach() { getSparkUI(sparkContext).detachTab(this) } } private[thriftserver] object ThriftServerTab { def getSparkUI(sparkContext: SparkContext): SparkUI = { sparkContext.ui.getOrElse { throw new SparkException("Parent SparkUI to attach this tab to not found!") } } }
Example 14
Source File: SparkSQLEnv.scala From spark1.52 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.hive.thriftserver import import scala.collection.JavaConversions._ import org.apache.spark.scheduler.StatsReportListener import org.apache.spark.sql.hive.HiveContext import org.apache.spark.{Logging, SparkConf, SparkContext} import org.apache.spark.util.Utils def stop() { logDebug("Shutting down Spark SQL Environment") // Stop the SparkContext if (SparkSQLEnv.sparkContext != null) { sparkContext.stop() sparkContext = null hiveContext = null } } }
Example 15
Source File: BoundAttribute.scala From spark1.52 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions import org.apache.spark.Logging import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.InternalRow import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.errors.attachTree import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.codegen.{CodeGenContext, GeneratedExpressionCode} import org.apache.spark.sql.types._ case class BoundReference(ordinal: Int, dataType: DataType, nullable: Boolean) extends LeafExpression with NamedExpression { override def toString: String = s"input[$ordinal, $dataType]" // Use special getter for primitive types (for UnsafeRow) //对原始类型使用特殊的getter(对于UnsafeRow) override def eval(input: InternalRow): Any = { if (input.isNullAt(ordinal)) { null } else { dataType match { case BooleanType => input.getBoolean(ordinal) case ByteType => input.getByte(ordinal) case ShortType => input.getShort(ordinal) case IntegerType | DateType => input.getInt(ordinal) case LongType | TimestampType => input.getLong(ordinal) case FloatType => input.getFloat(ordinal) case DoubleType => input.getDouble(ordinal) case StringType => input.getUTF8String(ordinal) case BinaryType => input.getBinary(ordinal) case CalendarIntervalType => input.getInterval(ordinal) case t: DecimalType => input.getDecimal(ordinal, t.precision, t.scale) case t: StructType => input.getStruct(ordinal, t.size) case _: ArrayType => input.getArray(ordinal) case _: MapType => input.getMap(ordinal) case _ => input.get(ordinal, dataType) } } } override def name: String = s"i[$ordinal]" override def toAttribute: Attribute = throw new UnsupportedOperationException override def qualifiers: Seq[String] = throw new UnsupportedOperationException override def exprId: ExprId = throw new UnsupportedOperationException override def genCode(ctx: CodeGenContext, ev: GeneratedExpressionCode): String = { val javaType = ctx.javaType(dataType) val value = ctx.getValue("i", dataType, ordinal.toString) s""" boolean ${ev.isNull} = i.isNullAt($ordinal); $javaType ${ev.primitive} = ${ev.isNull} ? ${ctx.defaultValue(dataType)} : ($value); """ } } object BindReferences extends Logging { def bindReference[A <: Expression]( expression: A, input: Seq[Attribute], allowFailures: Boolean = false): A = { expression.transform { case a: AttributeReference => attachTree(a, "Binding attribute") { val ordinal = input.indexWhere(_.exprId == a.exprId) if (ordinal == -1) { if (allowFailures) { a } else { sys.error(s"Couldn't find $a in ${input.mkString("[", ",", "]")}") } } else { BoundReference(ordinal, a.dataType, a.nullable) } } }.asInstanceOf[A] // Kind of a hack, but safe. TODO: Tighten return type when possible. } }
Example 16
Source File: package.scala From spark1.52 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.execution import scala.collection.mutable.HashSet import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD import org.apache.spark.sql._ import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.InternalRow import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.Attribute import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.trees.TreeNodeRef import org.apache.spark.{Accumulator, AccumulatorParam, Logging} case class ColumnMetrics( elementTypes: Accumulator[HashSet[String]] = sparkContext.accumulator(HashSet.empty)) val tupleCount: Accumulator[Int] = sparkContext.accumulator[Int](0) val numColumns: Int = child.output.size val columnStats: Array[ColumnMetrics] = Array.fill(child.output.size)(new ColumnMetrics()) def dumpStats(): Unit = { logDebug(s"== ${child.simpleString} ==") logDebug(s"Tuples output: ${tupleCount.value}") { case(attr, metric) => val actualDataTypes = metric.elementTypes.value.mkString("{", ",", "}") logDebug(s" ${} ${attr.dataType}: $actualDataTypes") } } protected override def doExecute(): RDD[InternalRow] = { child.execute().mapPartitions { iter => new Iterator[InternalRow] { def hasNext: Boolean = iter.hasNext def next(): InternalRow = { val currentRow = tupleCount += 1 var i = 0 while (i < numColumns) { val value = currentRow.get(i, output(i).dataType) if (value != null) { columnStats(i).elementTypes += HashSet(value.getClass.getName) } i += 1 } currentRow } } } } } }
Example 17
Source File: DriverRegistry.scala From spark1.52 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.jdbc import java.sql.{Driver, DriverManager} import scala.collection.mutable import org.apache.spark.Logging import org.apache.spark.util.Utils object DriverRegistry extends Logging { private val wrapperMap: mutable.Map[String, DriverWrapper] = mutable.Map.empty def register(className: String): Unit = { val cls = Utils.getContextOrSparkClassLoader.loadClass(className) if (cls.getClassLoader == null) { logTrace(s"$className has been loaded with bootstrap ClassLoader, wrapper is not required") } else if (wrapperMap.get(className).isDefined) { logTrace(s"Wrapper for $className already exists") } else { synchronized { if (wrapperMap.get(className).isEmpty) { val wrapper = new DriverWrapper(cls.newInstance().asInstanceOf[Driver]) DriverManager.registerDriver(wrapper) wrapperMap(className) = wrapper logTrace(s"Wrapper for $className registered") } } } } def getDriverClassName(url: String): String = DriverManager.getDriver(url) match { case wrapper: DriverWrapper => wrapper.wrapped.getClass.getCanonicalName case driver => driver.getClass.getCanonicalName } }
Example 18
Source File: CompressibleColumnBuilder.scala From spark1.52 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.columnar.compression import java.nio.{ByteBuffer, ByteOrder} import org.apache.spark.Logging import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.InternalRow import org.apache.spark.sql.columnar.{ColumnBuilder, NativeColumnBuilder} import org.apache.spark.sql.types.AtomicType private[sql] trait CompressibleColumnBuilder[T <: AtomicType] extends ColumnBuilder with Logging { this: NativeColumnBuilder[T] with WithCompressionSchemes => var compressionEncoders: Seq[Encoder[T]] = _ abstract override def initialize( initialSize: Int, columnName: String, useCompression: Boolean): Unit = { compressionEncoders = if (useCompression) { schemes.filter(_.supports(columnType)).map(_.encoder[T](columnType)) } else { Seq(PassThrough.encoder(columnType)) } super.initialize(initialSize, columnName, useCompression) } protected def isWorthCompressing(encoder: Encoder[T]) = { encoder.compressionRatio < 0.8 } private def gatherCompressibilityStats(row: InternalRow, ordinal: Int): Unit = { var i = 0 while (i < compressionEncoders.length) { compressionEncoders(i).gatherCompressibilityStats(row, ordinal) i += 1 } } abstract override def appendFrom(row: InternalRow, ordinal: Int): Unit = { super.appendFrom(row, ordinal) if (!row.isNullAt(ordinal)) { gatherCompressibilityStats(row, ordinal) } } override def build(): ByteBuffer = { val nonNullBuffer = buildNonNulls() val typeId = nonNullBuffer.getInt() val encoder: Encoder[T] = { val candidate = compressionEncoders.minBy(_.compressionRatio) if (isWorthCompressing(candidate)) candidate else PassThrough.encoder(columnType) } // Header = column type ID + null count + null positions val headerSize = 4 + 4 + nulls.limit() val compressedSize = if (encoder.compressedSize == 0) { nonNullBuffer.remaining() } else { encoder.compressedSize } val compressedBuffer = ByteBuffer // Reserves 4 bytes for compression scheme ID .allocate(headerSize + 4 + compressedSize) .order(ByteOrder.nativeOrder) // Write the header .putInt(typeId) .putInt(nullCount) .put(nulls) logDebug(s"Compressor for [$columnName]: $encoder, ratio: ${encoder.compressionRatio}") encoder.compress(nonNullBuffer, compressedBuffer) } }
Example 19
Source File: ExecutorDelegationTokenUpdater.scala From spark1.52 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.deploy.yarn import java.util.concurrent.{Executors, TimeUnit} import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration import org.apache.hadoop.fs.{FileSystem, Path} import{Credentials, UserGroupInformation} import org.apache.spark.deploy.SparkHadoopUtil import org.apache.spark.{Logging, SparkConf} import org.apache.spark.util.{ThreadUtils, Utils} import scala.util.control.NonFatal private[spark] class ExecutorDelegationTokenUpdater( sparkConf: SparkConf, hadoopConf: Configuration) extends Logging { @volatile private var lastCredentialsFileSuffix = 0 private val credentialsFile = sparkConf.get("spark.yarn.credentials.file") private val freshHadoopConf = SparkHadoopUtil.get.getConfBypassingFSCache( hadoopConf, new Path(credentialsFile).toUri.getScheme) private val delegationTokenRenewer = Executors.newSingleThreadScheduledExecutor( ThreadUtils.namedThreadFactory("Delegation Token Refresh Thread")) // On the executor, this thread wakes up and picks up new tokens from HDFS, if any. //在执行程序中,该线程唤醒并从HDFS中获取新令牌(如果有的话) private val executorUpdaterRunnable = new Runnable { override def run(): Unit = Utils.logUncaughtExceptions(updateCredentialsIfRequired()) } def updateCredentialsIfRequired(): Unit = { try { val credentialsFilePath = new Path(credentialsFile) val remoteFs = FileSystem.get(freshHadoopConf) SparkHadoopUtil.get.listFilesSorted( remoteFs, credentialsFilePath.getParent, credentialsFilePath.getName, SparkHadoopUtil.SPARK_YARN_CREDS_TEMP_EXTENSION) .lastOption.foreach { credentialsStatus => val suffix = SparkHadoopUtil.get.getSuffixForCredentialsPath(credentialsStatus.getPath) if (suffix > lastCredentialsFileSuffix) { logInfo("Reading new delegation tokens from " + credentialsStatus.getPath) val newCredentials = getCredentialsFromHDFSFile(remoteFs, credentialsStatus.getPath) lastCredentialsFileSuffix = suffix UserGroupInformation.getCurrentUser.addCredentials(newCredentials) logInfo("Tokens updated from credentials file.") } else { // Check every hour to see if new credentials arrived. logInfo("Updated delegation tokens were expected, but the driver has not updated the " + "tokens yet, will check again in an hour.") delegationTokenRenewer.schedule(executorUpdaterRunnable, 1, TimeUnit.HOURS) return } } val timeFromNowToRenewal = SparkHadoopUtil.get.getTimeFromNowToRenewal( sparkConf, 0.8, UserGroupInformation.getCurrentUser.getCredentials) if (timeFromNowToRenewal <= 0) { } else { logInfo(s"Scheduling token refresh from HDFS in $timeFromNowToRenewal millis.") delegationTokenRenewer.schedule( executorUpdaterRunnable, timeFromNowToRenewal, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS) } } catch { // Since the file may get deleted while we are reading it, catch the Exception and come // back in an hour to try again case NonFatal(e) => logWarning("Error while trying to update credentials, will try again in 1 hour", e) delegationTokenRenewer.schedule(executorUpdaterRunnable, 1, TimeUnit.HOURS) } } private def getCredentialsFromHDFSFile(remoteFs: FileSystem, tokenPath: Path): Credentials = { val stream = try { val newCredentials = new Credentials() newCredentials.readTokenStorageStream(stream) newCredentials } finally { stream.close() } } def stop(): Unit = { delegationTokenRenewer.shutdown() } }
Example 20
Source File: SocketInputDStream.scala From spark1.52 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.streaming.dstream import scala.util.control.NonFatal import org.apache.spark.streaming.StreamingContext import import org.apache.spark.util.NextIterator import scala.reflect.ClassTag import import{UnknownHostException, Socket} import org.apache.spark.Logging import org.apache.spark.streaming.receiver.Receiver private[streaming] class SocketInputDStream[T: ClassTag]( @transient ssc_ : StreamingContext, host: String, port: Int, bytesToObjects: InputStream => Iterator[T], storageLevel: StorageLevel ) extends ReceiverInputDStream[T](ssc_) { def getReceiver(): Receiver[T] = { new SocketReceiver(host, port, bytesToObjects, storageLevel) } } private[streaming] class SocketReceiver[T: ClassTag]( host: String, port: Int, bytesToObjects: InputStream => Iterator[T], storageLevel: StorageLevel ) extends Receiver[T](storageLevel) with Logging { def onStart() { // Start the thread that receives data over a connection //启动接收到连接上的数据的线程 new Thread("Socket Receiver") { setDaemon(true) override def run() { receive() } }.start() } def onStop() { // There is nothing much to do as the thread calling receive() //没有什么可做的线程调用receive() // is designed to stop by itself isStopped() returns false //是为了阻止自己isstopped()返回false } def bytesToLines(inputStream: InputStream): Iterator[String] = { val dataInputStream = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(inputStream, "UTF-8")) new NextIterator[String] { protected override def getNext() = { val nextValue = dataInputStream.readLine() if (nextValue == null) { finished = true } nextValue } protected override def close() { dataInputStream.close() } } } }
Example 21
Source File: StreamingTab.scala From spark1.52 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.streaming.ui import org.apache.spark.{Logging, SparkException} import org.apache.spark.streaming.StreamingContext import org.apache.spark.ui.{SparkUI, SparkUITab} import StreamingTab._ private[spark] class StreamingTab(val ssc: StreamingContext) extends SparkUITab(getSparkUI(ssc), "streaming") with Logging { private val STATIC_RESOURCE_DIR = "org/apache/spark/streaming/ui/static" val parent = getSparkUI(ssc) val listener = ssc.progressListener ssc.addStreamingListener(listener) attachPage(new StreamingPage(this)) attachPage(new BatchPage(this)) def attach() { getSparkUI(ssc).attachTab(this) getSparkUI(ssc).addStaticHandler(STATIC_RESOURCE_DIR, "/static/streaming") } def detach() { getSparkUI(ssc).detachTab(this) getSparkUI(ssc).removeStaticHandler("/static/streaming") } } private object StreamingTab { def getSparkUI(ssc: StreamingContext): SparkUI = { { throw new SparkException("Parent SparkUI to attach this tab to not found!") } } }
Example 22
Source File: StreamingListenerBus.scala From spark1.52 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.streaming.scheduler import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean import org.apache.spark.Logging import org.apache.spark.util.AsynchronousListenerBus private[spark] class StreamingListenerBus extends AsynchronousListenerBus[StreamingListener, StreamingListenerEvent]("StreamingListenerBus") with Logging { private val logDroppedEvent = new AtomicBoolean(false) override def onPostEvent(listener: StreamingListener, event: StreamingListenerEvent): Unit = { event match { case receiverStarted: StreamingListenerReceiverStarted => listener.onReceiverStarted(receiverStarted) case receiverError: StreamingListenerReceiverError => listener.onReceiverError(receiverError) case receiverStopped: StreamingListenerReceiverStopped => listener.onReceiverStopped(receiverStopped) case batchSubmitted: StreamingListenerBatchSubmitted => listener.onBatchSubmitted(batchSubmitted) case batchStarted: StreamingListenerBatchStarted => listener.onBatchStarted(batchStarted) case batchCompleted: StreamingListenerBatchCompleted => listener.onBatchCompleted(batchCompleted) case _ => } } override def onDropEvent(event: StreamingListenerEvent): Unit = { if (logDroppedEvent.compareAndSet(false, true)) { // Only log the following message once to avoid duplicated annoying logs. logError("Dropping StreamingListenerEvent because no remaining room in event queue. " + "This likely means one of the StreamingListeners is too slow and cannot keep up with the " + "rate at which events are being started by the scheduler.") } } }
Example 23
Source File: RecurringTimer.scala From spark1.52 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.streaming.util import org.apache.spark.Logging import org.apache.spark.util.{Clock, SystemClock} private[streaming] class RecurringTimer(clock: Clock, period: Long, callback: (Long) => Unit, name: String) extends Logging { private val thread = new Thread("RecurringTimer - " + name) { setDaemon(true) override def run() { loop } } @volatile private var prevTime = -1L @volatile private var nextTime = -1L @volatile private var stopped = false private def loop() { try { while (!stopped) { triggerActionForNextInterval() } triggerActionForNextInterval() } catch { case e: InterruptedException => } } } private[streaming] object RecurringTimer extends Logging { def main(args: Array[String]) { var lastRecurTime = 0L val period = 1000 def onRecur(time: Long) { val currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis() logInfo("" + currentTime + ": " + (currentTime - lastRecurTime)) lastRecurTime = currentTime } val timer = new RecurringTimer(new SystemClock(), period, onRecur, "Test") timer.start() Thread.sleep(30 * 1000) timer.stop(true) } }
Example 24
Source File: RawTextSender.scala From spark1.52 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.streaming.util import{ByteArrayOutputStream, IOException} import import java.nio.ByteBuffer import import org.apache.spark.{SparkConf, Logging} import org.apache.spark.serializer.KryoSerializer import org.apache.spark.util.IntParam private[streaming] object RawTextSender extends Logging { def main(args: Array[String]) { if (args.length != 4) { // scalastyle:off println System.err.println("Usage: RawTextSender <port> <file> <blockSize> <bytesPerSec>") // scalastyle:on println System.exit(1) } // Parse the arguments using a pattern match //解析使用模式匹配的参数 val Array(IntParam(port), file, IntParam(blockSize), IntParam(bytesPerSec)) = args // Repeat the input data multiple times to fill in a buffer //多次重复输入数据以填充缓冲区 val lines = Source.fromFile(file).getLines().toArray val bufferStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream(blockSize + 1000) val ser = new KryoSerializer(new SparkConf()).newInstance() val serStream = ser.serializeStream(bufferStream) var i = 0 while (bufferStream.size < blockSize) { serStream.writeObject(lines(i)) i = (i + 1) % lines.length } val array = bufferStream.toByteArray val countBuf = ByteBuffer.wrap(new Array[Byte](4)) countBuf.putInt(array.length) countBuf.flip() val serverSocket = new ServerSocket(port) logInfo("Listening on port " + port) while (true) { val socket = serverSocket.accept() logInfo("Got a new connection") val out = new RateLimitedOutputStream(socket.getOutputStream, bytesPerSec) try { while (true) { out.write(countBuf.array) out.write(array) } } catch { case e: IOException => logError("Client disconnected") } finally { socket.close() } } } }
Example 25
Source File: FileBasedWriteAheadLogReader.scala From spark1.52 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.streaming.util import{Closeable, EOFException} import java.nio.ByteBuffer import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration import org.apache.spark.Logging private[streaming] class FileBasedWriteAheadLogReader(path: String, conf: Configuration) extends Iterator[ByteBuffer] with Closeable with Logging { private val instream = HdfsUtils.getInputStream(path, conf) private var closed = false //None被声明为一个对象,而不是一个类,在没有值的时候,使用None,如果有值可以引用,就使用Some来包含这个值,都是Option的子类 private var nextItem: Option[ByteBuffer] = None override def hasNext: Boolean = synchronized { if (closed) { //如果已关闭,就肯定不hasNext了 return false } if (nextItem.isDefined) { // handle the case where hasNext is called without calling next true } else { try { //读出来下一条,如果有,就说明还确实 hasNext val length = instream.readInt() val buffer = new Array[Byte](length) instream.readFully(buffer) nextItem = Some(ByteBuffer.wrap(buffer)) logTrace("Read next item " + nextItem.get) true } catch { case e: EOFException => logDebug("Error reading next item, EOF reached", e) close() false case e: Exception => logWarning("Error while trying to read data from HDFS.", e) close() throw e } } } override def next(): ByteBuffer = synchronized { val data = nextItem.getOrElse { close() throw new IllegalStateException( "next called without calling hasNext or after hasNext returned false") } //确保下一个调用hasNext加载新的数据 //None被声明为一个对象,而不是一个类,在没有值的时候,使用None,如果有值可以引用,就使用Some来包含这个值,都是Option的子类 nextItem = None // Ensure the next hasNext call loads new data. data } override def close(): Unit = synchronized { if (!closed) { instream.close() } closed = true } }
Example 26
Source File: RateLimitedOutputStream.scala From spark1.52 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.streaming.util import scala.annotation.tailrec import import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit._ import org.apache.spark.Logging private[streaming] class RateLimitedOutputStream(out: OutputStream, desiredBytesPerSec: Int) extends OutputStream with Logging { require(desiredBytesPerSec > 0) private val SYNC_INTERVAL = NANOSECONDS.convert(10, SECONDS) private val CHUNK_SIZE = 8192 private var lastSyncTime = System.nanoTime private var bytesWrittenSinceSync = 0L override def write(b: Int) { waitToWrite(1) out.write(b) } override def write(bytes: Array[Byte]) { write(bytes, 0, bytes.length) } @tailrec override final def write(bytes: Array[Byte], offset: Int, length: Int) { val writeSize = math.min(length - offset, CHUNK_SIZE) if (writeSize > 0) { waitToWrite(writeSize) out.write(bytes, offset, writeSize) write(bytes, offset + writeSize, length) } } override def flush() { out.flush() } override def close() { out.close() } @tailrec private def waitToWrite(numBytes: Int) { val now = System.nanoTime val elapsedNanosecs = math.max(now - lastSyncTime, 1) val rate = bytesWrittenSinceSync.toDouble * 1000000000 / elapsedNanosecs if (rate < desiredBytesPerSec) { // It's okay to write; just update some variables and return bytesWrittenSinceSync += numBytes if (now > lastSyncTime + SYNC_INTERVAL) { // Sync interval has passed; let's resync lastSyncTime = now bytesWrittenSinceSync = numBytes } } else { // Calculate how much time we should sleep to bring ourselves to the desired rate. val targetTimeInMillis = bytesWrittenSinceSync * 1000 / desiredBytesPerSec val elapsedTimeInMillis = elapsedNanosecs / 1000000 val sleepTimeInMillis = targetTimeInMillis - elapsedTimeInMillis if (sleepTimeInMillis > 0) { logTrace("Natural rate is " + rate + " per second but desired rate is " + desiredBytesPerSec + ", sleeping for " + sleepTimeInMillis + " ms to compensate.") Thread.sleep(sleepTimeInMillis) } waitToWrite(numBytes) } } }
Example 27
Source File: FailureSuite.scala From spark1.52 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.streaming import import org.scalatest.BeforeAndAfter import org.apache.spark.{SparkFunSuite, Logging} import org.apache.spark.util.Utils class FailureSuite extends SparkFunSuite with BeforeAndAfter with Logging { private val batchDuration: Duration = Milliseconds(1000) private val numBatches = 30 private var directory: File = null before { directory = Utils.createTempDir() } after { if (directory != null) { //删除临时目录 Utils.deleteRecursively(directory) } //停止所有活动实时流 StreamingContext.getActive().foreach { _.stop() } } //多次失败map test("multiple failures with map") { MasterFailureTest.testMap(directory.getAbsolutePath, numBatches, batchDuration) } //多次失败updateStateByKey test("multiple failures with updateStateByKey") { MasterFailureTest.testUpdateStateByKey(directory.getAbsolutePath, numBatches, batchDuration) } }
Example 28
Source File: EventLogDownloadResource.scala From spark1.52 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.status.api.v1 import import import{GET, Produces} import{MediaType, Response, StreamingOutput} import scala.util.control.NonFatal import org.apache.spark.{Logging, SparkConf} import org.apache.spark.deploy.SparkHadoopUtil @Produces(Array(MediaType.APPLICATION_OCTET_STREAM)) private[v1] class EventLogDownloadResource( val uIRoot: UIRoot, val appId: String, val attemptId: Option[String]) extends Logging { val conf = SparkHadoopUtil.get.newConfiguration(new SparkConf) @GET def getEventLogs(): Response = { try { val fileName = { attemptId match { case Some(id) => s"eventLogs-$appId-$" case None => s"eventLogs-$" } } //实现StreamingOutput接口 val stream = new StreamingOutput { override def write(output: OutputStream): Unit = { //ZipOutputStream实现打包 val zipStream = new ZipOutputStream(output) try { uIRoot.writeEventLogs(appId, attemptId, zipStream) } finally { zipStream.close() } } } Response.ok(stream) .header("Content-Disposition", s"attachment; filename=$fileName") .header("Content-Type", MediaType.APPLICATION_OCTET_STREAM) .build() } catch { case NonFatal(e) => Response.serverError() .entity(s"Event logs are not available for app: $appId.") .status(Response.Status.SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE) .build() } } }
Example 29
Source File: NettyBlockRpcServer.scala From spark1.52 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import java.nio.ByteBuffer import scala.collection.JavaConversions._ import org.apache.spark.Logging import import{ManagedBuffer, NioManagedBuffer} import{RpcResponseCallback, TransportClient} import{OneForOneStreamManager, RpcHandler, StreamManager} import{BlockTransferMessage, OpenBlocks, StreamHandle, UploadBlock} import org.apache.spark.serializer.Serializer import{BlockId, StorageLevel} class NettyBlockRpcServer( serializer: Serializer, blockManager: BlockDataManager) extends RpcHandler with Logging { private val streamManager = new OneForOneStreamManager() override def receive( client: TransportClient, messageBytes: Array[Byte], responseContext: RpcResponseCallback): Unit = { //消息解码 val message = BlockTransferMessage.Decoder.fromByteArray(messageBytes) logTrace(s"Received request: $message") message match { //提供下载Block文件的功能, case openBlocks: OpenBlocks => val blocks: Seq[ManagedBuffer] = //数据blockIds,存放BlockId,获得块数据 val streamId = streamManager.registerStream(blocks.iterator) logTrace(s"Registered streamId $streamId with ${blocks.size} buffers") responseContext.onSuccess(new StreamHandle(streamId, blocks.size).toByteArray) //提供上传Block文件的RPC服务 case uploadBlock: UploadBlock => // StorageLevel is serialized as bytes using our JavaSerializer. //使用我们的JavaSerializer将StorageLevel序列化为字节 //存储级别 val level: StorageLevel = serializer.newInstance().deserialize(ByteBuffer.wrap(uploadBlock.metadata)) val data = new NioManagedBuffer(ByteBuffer.wrap(uploadBlock.blockData)) //存储局部块,使用给定的存储级别 blockManager.putBlockData(BlockId(uploadBlock.blockId), data, level) responseContext.onSuccess(new Array[Byte](0)) } } override def getStreamManager(): StreamManager = streamManager }
Example 30
Source File: MetricsConfig.scala From spark1.52 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.metrics import{FileInputStream, InputStream} import java.util.Properties import scala.collection.mutable import scala.util.matching.Regex import org.apache.spark.util.Utils import org.apache.spark.{Logging, SparkConf} private[spark] class MetricsConfig(conf: SparkConf) extends Logging { private val DEFAULT_PREFIX = "*" private val INSTANCE_REGEX = "^(\\*|[a-zA-Z]+)\\.(.+)".r private val DEFAULT_METRICS_CONF_FILENAME = "" private[metrics] val properties = new Properties() private[metrics] var propertyCategories: mutable.HashMap[String, Properties] = null private def setDefaultProperties(prop: Properties) { prop.setProperty("*.sink.servlet.class", "org.apache.spark.metrics.sink.MetricsServlet") prop.setProperty("*.sink.servlet.path", "/metrics/json") prop.setProperty("master.sink.servlet.path", "/metrics/master/json") prop.setProperty("applications.sink.servlet.path", "/metrics/applications/json") } def initialize() { // Add default properties in case there's no properties file // 添加默认属性的情况下,没有任何属性文件 setDefaultProperties(properties) loadPropertiesFromFile(conf.getOption("spark.metrics.conf")) // Also look for the properties in provided Spark configuration //还要查找提供的Spark配置中的属性 val prefix = "spark.metrics.conf." conf.getAll.foreach { case (k, v) if k.startsWith(prefix) => properties.setProperty(k.substring(prefix.length()), v) case _ => } propertyCategories = subProperties(properties, INSTANCE_REGEX) if (propertyCategories.contains(DEFAULT_PREFIX)) { import scala.collection.JavaConversions._ val defaultProperty = propertyCategories(DEFAULT_PREFIX) for { (inst, prop) <- propertyCategories if (inst != DEFAULT_PREFIX) (k, v) <- defaultProperty if (prop.getProperty(k) == null) } { prop.setProperty(k, v) } } } //使用正则匹配properties中以source.开头的属性,然后将属性中的source反映得到的实例加入HashMap def subProperties(prop: Properties, regex: Regex): mutable.HashMap[String, Properties] = { val subProperties = new mutable.HashMap[String, Properties] import scala.collection.JavaConversions._ prop.foreach { kv => if (regex.findPrefixOf(kv._1).isDefined) { val regex(prefix, suffix) = kv._1 subProperties.getOrElseUpdate(prefix, new Properties).setProperty(suffix, kv._2) } } subProperties } def getInstance(inst: String): Properties = { propertyCategories.get(inst) match { case Some(s) => s case None => propertyCategories.getOrElse(DEFAULT_PREFIX, new Properties) } } private[this] def loadPropertiesFromFile(path: Option[String]): Unit = { var is: InputStream = null try { is = path match { case Some(f) => new FileInputStream(f) case None => Utils.getSparkClassLoader.getResourceAsStream(DEFAULT_METRICS_CONF_FILENAME) } if (is != null) { properties.load(is) } } catch { case e: Exception => val file = path.getOrElse(DEFAULT_METRICS_CONF_FILENAME) logError(s"Error loading configuration file $file", e) } finally { if (is != null) { is.close() } } } }
Example 31
Source File: PythonGatewayServer.scala From spark1.52 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.api.python import import import py4j.GatewayServer import org.apache.spark.Logging import org.apache.spark.util.Utils private[spark] object PythonGatewayServer extends Logging { def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = Utils.tryOrExit { // Start a GatewayServer on an ephemeral port val gatewayServer: GatewayServer = new GatewayServer(null, 0) gatewayServer.start() val boundPort: Int = gatewayServer.getListeningPort if (boundPort == -1) { logError("GatewayServer failed to bind; exiting") System.exit(1) } else { logDebug(s"Started PythonGatewayServer on port $boundPort") } // Communicate the bound port back to the caller via the caller-specified callback port //System.getenv()和System.getProperties()的区别 //System.getenv() 返回系统环境变量值 设置系统环境变量:当前登录用户主目录下的".bashrc"文件中可以设置系统环境变量 //System.getProperties() 返回Java进程变量值 通过命令行参数的"-D"选项 val callbackHost = sys.env("_PYSPARK_DRIVER_CALLBACK_HOST") val callbackPort = sys.env("_PYSPARK_DRIVER_CALLBACK_PORT").toInt logDebug(s"Communicating GatewayServer port to Python driver at $callbackHost:$callbackPort") val callbackSocket = new Socket(callbackHost, callbackPort) val dos = new DataOutputStream(callbackSocket.getOutputStream) dos.writeInt(boundPort) dos.close() callbackSocket.close() // Exit on EOF or broken pipe to ensure that this process dies when the Python driver dies: while ( != -1) { // Do nothing } logDebug("Exiting due to broken pipe from Python driver") System.exit(0) } }
Example 32
Source File: MesosExternalShuffleService.scala From spark1.52 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.deploy.mesos import import scala.collection.mutable import org.apache.spark.{Logging, SecurityManager, SparkConf} import org.apache.spark.deploy.ExternalShuffleService import{RpcResponseCallback, TransportClient} import import import import private[mesos] class MesosExternalShuffleService(conf: SparkConf, securityManager: SecurityManager) extends ExternalShuffleService(conf, securityManager) { protected override def newShuffleBlockHandler( conf: TransportConf): ExternalShuffleBlockHandler = { new MesosExternalShuffleBlockHandler(conf) } } private[spark] object MesosExternalShuffleService extends Logging { def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { ExternalShuffleService.main(args, (conf: SparkConf, sm: SecurityManager) => new MesosExternalShuffleService(conf, sm)) } }
Example 33
Source File: MesosClusterDispatcher.scala From spark1.52 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.deploy.mesos import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch import org.apache.spark.deploy.mesos.ui.MesosClusterUI import import org.apache.spark.scheduler.cluster.mesos._ import org.apache.spark.util.SignalLogger import org.apache.spark.{Logging, SecurityManager, SparkConf} private[mesos] class MesosClusterDispatcher( args: MesosClusterDispatcherArguments, conf: SparkConf) extends Logging { //Spark master和workers使用的公共DNS(默认空) private val publicAddress = Option(conf.getenv("SPARK_PUBLIC_DNS")).getOrElse( private val recoveryMode = conf.get("spark.mesos.deploy.recoveryMode", "NONE").toUpperCase() logInfo("Recovery mode in Mesos dispatcher set to: " + recoveryMode) private val engineFactory = recoveryMode match { case "NONE" => new BlackHoleMesosClusterPersistenceEngineFactory case "ZOOKEEPER" => new ZookeeperMesosClusterPersistenceEngineFactory(conf) case _ => throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported recovery mode: " + recoveryMode) } private val scheduler = new MesosClusterScheduler(engineFactory, conf) private val server = new MesosRestServer(, args.port, conf, scheduler) private val webUi = new MesosClusterUI( new SecurityManager(conf), args.webUiPort, conf, publicAddress, scheduler) private val shutdownLatch = new CountDownLatch(1) def start(): Unit = { webUi.bind() scheduler.frameworkUrl = webUi.activeWebUiUrl scheduler.start() server.start() } def awaitShutdown(): Unit = { shutdownLatch.await() } def stop(): Unit = { webUi.stop() server.stop() scheduler.stop() shutdownLatch.countDown() } } private[mesos] object MesosClusterDispatcher extends Logging { def main(args: Array[String]) { SignalLogger.register(log) val conf = new SparkConf val dispatcherArgs = new MesosClusterDispatcherArguments(args, conf) conf.setMaster(dispatcherArgs.masterUrl) conf.setAppName( dispatcherArgs.zookeeperUrl.foreach { z => conf.set("spark.mesos.deploy.recoveryMode", "ZOOKEEPER") conf.set("spark.mesos.deploy.zookeeper.url", z) } val dispatcher = new MesosClusterDispatcher(dispatcherArgs, conf) dispatcher.start() val shutdownHook = new Thread() { override def run() { logInfo("Shutdown hook is shutting down dispatcher") dispatcher.stop() dispatcher.awaitShutdown() } } Runtime.getRuntime.addShutdownHook(shutdownHook) dispatcher.awaitShutdown() } }
Example 34
Source File: SparkCuratorUtil.scala From spark1.52 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.deploy import org.apache.curator.framework.{CuratorFramework, CuratorFrameworkFactory} import org.apache.curator.retry.ExponentialBackoffRetry import org.apache.spark.{Logging, SparkConf} import org.apache.zookeeper.KeeperException import scala.collection.JavaConversions._ private[spark] object SparkCuratorUtil extends Logging { private val ZK_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT_MILLIS = 15000 private val ZK_SESSION_TIMEOUT_MILLIS = 60000 private val RETRY_WAIT_MILLIS = 5000 private val MAX_RECONNECT_ATTEMPTS = 3 def newClient( conf: SparkConf, //zookeeper集群URL zkUrlConf: String = "spark.deploy.zookeeper.url"): CuratorFramework = { val ZK_URL = conf.get(zkUrlConf) val zk = CuratorFrameworkFactory.newClient(ZK_URL, ZK_SESSION_TIMEOUT_MILLIS, ZK_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT_MILLIS, new ExponentialBackoffRetry(RETRY_WAIT_MILLIS, MAX_RECONNECT_ATTEMPTS)) zk.start() zk } def mkdir(zk: CuratorFramework, path: String) { if (zk.checkExists().forPath(path) == null) { try { zk.create().creatingParentsIfNeeded().forPath(path) } catch { case nodeExist: KeeperException.NodeExistsException => // do nothing, ignore node existing exception. case e: Exception => throw e } } } def deleteRecursive(zk: CuratorFramework, path: String) { if (zk.checkExists().forPath(path) != null) { for (child <- zk.getChildren.forPath(path)) { zk.delete().forPath(path + "/" + child) } zk.delete().forPath(path) } } }
Example 35
Source File: TestClient.scala From spark1.52 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.deploy.client import org.apache.spark.rpc.RpcEnv import org.apache.spark.{SecurityManager, SparkConf, Logging} import org.apache.spark.deploy.{ApplicationDescription, Command} import org.apache.spark.util.Utils private[spark] object TestClient { private class TestListener extends AppClientListener with Logging { def connected(id: String) { logInfo("Connected to master, got app ID " + id) } def disconnected() { logInfo("Disconnected from master") System.exit(0) } def dead(reason: String) { logInfo("Application died with error: " + reason) System.exit(0) } def executorAdded(id: String, workerId: String, hostPort: String, cores: Int, memory: Int) {} def executorRemoved(id: String, message: String, exitStatus: Option[Int]) {} } def main(args: Array[String]) { val url = if(args.isEmpty) "" else args(0) val conf = new SparkConf val rpcEnv = RpcEnv.create("spark", Utils.localHostName(), 0, conf, new SecurityManager(conf)) val executorClassnamea = TestExecutor.getClass.getCanonicalName println("====executorClassname======"+executorClassnamea) //stripSuffix返回这个字符串,给定的`suffix`剥离。 如果这个字符串不以`suffix'结尾,那么它不会被返回 val executorClassname = TestExecutor.getClass.getCanonicalName.stripSuffix("$") println("====executorClassname======"+executorClassname) val desc = new ApplicationDescription("TestClient", Some(1), 512, Command(executorClassname, Seq(), Map(), Seq(), Seq(), Seq()), "ignored") val listener = new TestListener val client = new AppClient(rpcEnv, Array(url), desc, listener, new SparkConf) client.start() rpcEnv.awaitTermination() } }
Example 36
Source File: FileSystemPersistenceEngine.scala From spark1.52 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.deploy.master import import scala.reflect.ClassTag import org.apache.spark.Logging import org.apache.spark.serializer.{DeserializationStream, SerializationStream, Serializer} import org.apache.spark.util.Utils private[master] class FileSystemPersistenceEngine( val dir: String, val serializer: Serializer) extends PersistenceEngine with Logging { new File(dir).mkdir() override def persist(name: String, obj: Object): Unit = { serializeIntoFile(new File(dir + File.separator + name), obj) } override def unpersist(name: String): Unit = { new File(dir + File.separator + name).delete() } override def read[T: ClassTag](prefix: String): Seq[T] = { val files = new File(dir).listFiles().filter(_.getName.startsWith(prefix))[T]) } private def serializeIntoFile(file: File, value: AnyRef) { val created = file.createNewFile() if (!created) { throw new IllegalStateException("Could not create file: " + file) } val fileOut = new FileOutputStream(file) var out: SerializationStream = null Utils.tryWithSafeFinally { out = serializer.newInstance().serializeStream(fileOut) out.writeObject(value) } { fileOut.close() if (out != null) { out.close() } } } private def deserializeFromFile[T](file: File)(implicit m: ClassTag[T]): T = { val fileIn = new FileInputStream(file) var in: DeserializationStream = null try { in = serializer.newInstance().deserializeStream(fileIn) in.readObject[T]() } finally { fileIn.close() if (in != null) { in.close() } } } }
Example 37
Source File: RecoveryModeFactory.scala From spark1.52 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.deploy.master import org.apache.spark.{Logging, SparkConf} import org.apache.spark.annotation.DeveloperApi import org.apache.spark.serializer.Serializer private[master] class FileSystemRecoveryModeFactory(conf: SparkConf, serializer: Serializer) extends StandaloneRecoveryModeFactory(conf, serializer) with Logging { //Spark保存恢复状态的目录 val RECOVERY_DIR = conf.get("spark.deploy.recoveryDirectory", "") def createPersistenceEngine(): PersistenceEngine = { logInfo("Persisting recovery state to directory: " + RECOVERY_DIR) new FileSystemPersistenceEngine(RECOVERY_DIR, serializer) } def createLeaderElectionAgent(master: LeaderElectable): LeaderElectionAgent = { new MonarchyLeaderAgent(master) } } private[master] class ZooKeeperRecoveryModeFactory(conf: SparkConf, serializer: Serializer) extends StandaloneRecoveryModeFactory(conf, serializer) { def createPersistenceEngine(): PersistenceEngine = { new ZooKeeperPersistenceEngine(conf, serializer) } def createLeaderElectionAgent(master: LeaderElectable): LeaderElectionAgent = { new ZooKeeperLeaderElectionAgent(master, conf) } }
Example 38
Source File: MasterWebUI.scala From spark1.52 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.deploy.master.ui import org.apache.spark.Logging import org.apache.spark.deploy.master.Master import org.apache.spark.status.api.v1.{ApiRootResource, ApplicationsListResource, ApplicationInfo, UIRoot} import org.apache.spark.ui.{SparkUI, WebUI} import org.apache.spark.ui.JettyUtils._ def detachSparkUI(ui: SparkUI) { assert(serverInfo.isDefined, "Master UI must be bound to a server before detaching SparkUIs") ui.getHandlers.foreach(detachHandler) } def getApplicationInfoList: Iterator[ApplicationInfo] = { val state = masterPage.getMasterState val activeApps = state.activeApps.sortBy(_.startTime).reverse val completedApps = state.completedApps.sortBy(_.endTime).reverse { ApplicationsListResource.convertApplicationInfo(_, false) } ++ { ApplicationsListResource.convertApplicationInfo(_, true) } } def getSparkUI(appId: String): Option[SparkUI] = { val state = masterPage.getMasterState val activeApps = state.activeApps.sortBy(_.startTime).reverse val completedApps = state.completedApps.sortBy(_.endTime).reverse (activeApps ++ completedApps).find { == appId }.flatMap { master.rebuildSparkUI } } } private[master] object MasterWebUI { private val STATIC_RESOURCE_DIR = SparkUI.STATIC_RESOURCE_DIR }
Example 39
Source File: ZooKeeperLeaderElectionAgent.scala From spark1.52 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.deploy.master import org.apache.spark.{ Logging, SparkConf } import org.apache.curator.framework.CuratorFramework import{ LeaderLatchListener, LeaderLatch } import org.apache.spark.deploy.SparkCuratorUtil private[master] class ZooKeeperLeaderElectionAgent(val masterInstance: LeaderElectable, conf: SparkConf) extends LeaderLatchListener with LeaderElectionAgent with Logging { //zooKeeper保存恢复状态的目录,缺省为/spark val WORKING_DIR = conf.get("spark.deploy.zookeeper.dir", "/spark") + "/leader_election" private var zk: CuratorFramework = _ private var leaderLatch: LeaderLatch = _ private var status = LeadershipStatus.NOT_LEADER start() private def start() { logInfo("Starting ZooKeeper LeaderElection agent") zk = SparkCuratorUtil.newClient(conf) leaderLatch = new LeaderLatch(zk, WORKING_DIR) leaderLatch.addListener(this) //它实现LeanderLatchListener leaderLatch.start() //启动Lead的竞争与选举 } override def stop() { leaderLatch.close() zk.close() } override def isLeader() { synchronized { // could have lost leadership by now. //有可能状态已经再次改变,即Leader再次变化,因此需要再次确认 if (!leaderLatch.hasLeadership) { return } logInfo("We have gained leadership") //已经被选举Leader updateLeadershipStatus(true) } } override def notLeader() { synchronized { // could have gained leadership by now. //有可能状态已经再次改变,即Leader再次变化,因此需要再次确认 if (leaderLatch.hasLeadership) { return } //被剥夺Leader logInfo("We have lost leadership") updateLeadershipStatus(false) } } private def updateLeadershipStatus(isLeader: Boolean) { if (isLeader && status == LeadershipStatus.NOT_LEADER) { status = LeadershipStatus.LEADER masterInstance.electedLeader() //Master已经被选举为Leader, } else if (!isLeader && status == LeadershipStatus.LEADER) { status = LeadershipStatus.NOT_LEADER masterInstance.revokedLeadership() //Master已经被剥夺Leader } } private object LeadershipStatus extends Enumeration { type LeadershipStatus = Value val LEADER, NOT_LEADER = Value } }
Example 40
Source File: ZooKeeperPersistenceEngine.scala From spark1.52 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.deploy.master import java.nio.ByteBuffer import scala.collection.JavaConversions._ import scala.reflect.ClassTag import org.apache.curator.framework.CuratorFramework import org.apache.zookeeper.CreateMode import org.apache.spark.{Logging, SparkConf} import org.apache.spark.deploy.SparkCuratorUtil import org.apache.spark.serializer.Serializer private[master] class ZooKeeperPersistenceEngine(conf: SparkConf, val serializer: Serializer) extends PersistenceEngine with Logging { //zooKeeper保存恢复状态的目录,缺省为/spark private val WORKING_DIR = conf.get("spark.deploy.zookeeper.dir", "/spark") + "/master_status" private val zk: CuratorFramework = SparkCuratorUtil.newClient(conf) SparkCuratorUtil.mkdir(zk, WORKING_DIR) override def persist(name: String, obj: Object): Unit = { serializeIntoFile(WORKING_DIR + "/" + name, obj) } override def unpersist(name: String): Unit = { zk.delete().forPath(WORKING_DIR + "/" + name) } override def read[T: ClassTag](prefix: String): Seq[T] = { val file = zk.getChildren.forPath(WORKING_DIR).filter(_.startsWith(prefix))[T]).flatten } override def close() { zk.close() } private def serializeIntoFile(path: String, value: AnyRef) { val serialized = serializer.newInstance().serialize(value) val bytes = new Array[Byte](serialized.remaining()) serialized.get(bytes) zk.create().withMode(CreateMode.PERSISTENT).forPath(path, bytes) } private def deserializeFromFile[T](filename: String)(implicit m: ClassTag[T]): Option[T] = { val fileData = zk.getData().forPath(WORKING_DIR + "/" + filename) try { Some(serializer.newInstance().deserialize[T](ByteBuffer.wrap(fileData))) } catch { case e: Exception => { logWarning("Exception while reading persisted file, deleting", e) zk.delete().forPath(WORKING_DIR + "/" + filename) None } } } }
Example 41
Source File: WorkerWebUI.scala From spark1.52 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.deploy.worker.ui import import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest import org.apache.spark.{Logging, SparkConf} import org.apache.spark.deploy.worker.Worker import org.apache.spark.deploy.worker.ui.WorkerWebUI._ import org.apache.spark.ui.{SparkUI, WebUI} import org.apache.spark.ui.JettyUtils._ import org.apache.spark.util.RpcUtils def initialize() { val logPage = new LogPage(this) attachPage(logPage) attachPage(new WorkerPage(this)) attachHandler(createStaticHandler(WorkerWebUI.STATIC_RESOURCE_BASE, "/static")) attachHandler(createServletHandler("/log", (request: HttpServletRequest) => logPage.renderLog(request), worker.securityMgr)) } } private[worker] object WorkerWebUI { val STATIC_RESOURCE_BASE = SparkUI.STATIC_RESOURCE_DIR val DEFAULT_RETAINED_DRIVERS = 1000 val DEFAULT_RETAINED_EXECUTORS = 1000 }
Example 42
Source File: HistoryServerArguments.scala From spark1.52 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.deploy.history import org.apache.spark.{Logging, SparkConf} import org.apache.spark.util.Utils private[history] class HistoryServerArguments(conf: SparkConf, args: Array[String]) extends Logging { private var propertiesFile: String = null parse(args.toList) private def parse(args: List[String]): Unit = { args match { case ("--dir" | "-d") :: value :: tail => logWarning("Setting log directory through the command line is deprecated as of " + "Spark 1.1.0. Please set this through spark.history.fs.logDirectory instead.") conf.set("spark.history.fs.logDirectory", value) System.setProperty("spark.history.fs.logDirectory", value) parse(tail) case ("--help" | "-h") :: tail => printUsageAndExit(0) case ("--properties-file") :: value :: tail => propertiesFile = value parse(tail) //Nil是一个空的List,::向队列的头部追加数据,创造新的列表 case Nil => case _ => printUsageAndExit(1) } } // This mutates the SparkConf, so all accesses to it must be made after this line //可变SparkConf,因此,所有访问它必须在这行之后 Utils.loadDefaultSparkProperties(conf, propertiesFile) private def printUsageAndExit(exitCode: Int) { // scalastyle:off println System.err.println( """ |Usage: HistoryServer [options] | |Options: | --properties-file FILE Path to a custom Spark properties file. | Default is conf/spark-defaults.conf. | |Configuration options can be set by setting the corresponding JVM system property. |History Server options are always available; additional options depend on the provider. | |History Server options: | | spark.history.ui.port Port where server will listen for connections | (default 18080) | spark.history.acls.enable Whether to enable view acls for all applications | (default false) | spark.history.provider Name of history provider class (defaults to | file system-based provider) | spark.history.retainedApplications Max number of application UIs to keep loaded in memory | (default 50) |FsHistoryProvider options: | | spark.history.fs.logDirectory Directory where app logs are stored | (default: file:/tmp/spark-events) | spark.history.fs.updateInterval How often to reload log data from storage | (in seconds, default: 10) |""".stripMargin) // scalastyle:on println System.exit(exitCode) } }
Example 43
Source File: SimrSchedulerBackend.scala From spark1.52 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.scheduler.cluster import org.apache.hadoop.fs.{Path, FileSystem} import org.apache.spark.rpc.RpcAddress import org.apache.spark.{Logging, SparkContext, SparkEnv} import org.apache.spark.deploy.SparkHadoopUtil import org.apache.spark.scheduler.TaskSchedulerImpl private[spark] class SimrSchedulerBackend( scheduler: TaskSchedulerImpl, sc: SparkContext, driverFilePath: String) extends CoarseGrainedSchedulerBackend(scheduler, sc.env.rpcEnv) with Logging { val tmpPath = new Path(driverFilePath + "_tmp") val filePath = new Path(driverFilePath) val maxCores = conf.getInt("spark.simr.executor.cores", 1) override def start() { super.start() val driverUrl = rpcEnv.uriOf(SparkEnv.driverActorSystemName, //运行driver的主机名或 IP 地址 RpcAddress(sc.conf.get(""), sc.conf.get("spark.driver.port").toInt), CoarseGrainedSchedulerBackend.ENDPOINT_NAME) val conf = SparkHadoopUtil.get.newConfiguration(sc.conf) val fs = FileSystem.get(conf) val appUIAddress ="") logInfo("Writing to HDFS file: " + driverFilePath) logInfo("Writing Akka address: " + driverUrl) logInfo("Writing Spark UI Address: " + appUIAddress) // Create temporary file to prevent race condition where executors get empty driverUrl file //创建临时文件以防止执行程序获得空的驱动程序文件的竞争条件 val temp = fs.create(tmpPath, true) temp.writeUTF(driverUrl) temp.writeInt(maxCores) temp.writeUTF(appUIAddress) temp.close() // "Atomic" rename fs.rename(tmpPath, filePath) } override def stop() { val conf = SparkHadoopUtil.get.newConfiguration(sc.conf) val fs = FileSystem.get(conf) fs.delete(new Path(driverFilePath), false) super.stop() } }
Example 44
Source File: MesosTaskLaunchData.scala From spark1.52 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.scheduler.cluster.mesos import java.nio.ByteBuffer import org.apache.mesos.protobuf.ByteString import org.apache.spark.Logging private[spark] case class MesosTaskLaunchData( serializedTask: ByteBuffer, attemptNumber: Int) extends Logging { def toByteString: ByteString = { //ByteBuffer.allocate在能够读和写之前,必须有一个缓冲区,用静态方法 allocate() 来分配缓冲区 val dataBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(4 + serializedTask.limit) dataBuffer.putInt(attemptNumber) dataBuffer.put(serializedTask) dataBuffer.rewind logDebug(s"ByteBuffer size: [${dataBuffer.remaining}]") ByteString.copyFrom(dataBuffer) } } private[spark] object MesosTaskLaunchData extends Logging { def fromByteString(byteString: ByteString): MesosTaskLaunchData = { val byteBuffer = byteString.asReadOnlyByteBuffer() logDebug(s"ByteBuffer size: [${byteBuffer.remaining}]") val attemptNumber = byteBuffer.getInt // updates the position by 4 bytes val serializedTask = byteBuffer.slice() // subsequence starting at the current position MesosTaskLaunchData(serializedTask, attemptNumber) } }
Example 45
Source File: ReplayListenerBus.scala From spark1.52 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.scheduler import{InputStream, IOException} import import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonParseException import org.json4s.jackson.JsonMethods._ import org.apache.spark.Logging import org.apache.spark.util.JsonProtocol def replay( logData: InputStream, sourceName: String, maybeTruncated: Boolean = false): Unit = { var currentLine: String = null var lineNumber: Int = 1 try { val lines = Source.fromInputStream(logData).getLines() while (lines.hasNext) { currentLine = try { postToAll(JsonProtocol.sparkEventFromJson(parse(currentLine))) } catch { case jpe: JsonParseException => // We can only ignore exception from last line of the file that might be truncated //我们只能忽略可能被截断的文件的最后一行的异常 if (!maybeTruncated || lines.hasNext) { throw jpe } else { logWarning(s"Got JsonParseException from log file $sourceName" + s" at line $lineNumber, the file might not have finished writing cleanly.") } } lineNumber += 1 } } catch { case ioe: IOException => throw ioe case e: Exception => logError(s"Exception parsing Spark event log: $sourceName", e) logError(s"Malformed line #$lineNumber: $currentLine\n") } } }
Example 46
Source File: SparkUncaughtExceptionHandler.scala From spark1.52 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.util import org.apache.spark.Logging private[spark] object SparkUncaughtExceptionHandler extends Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler with Logging { override def uncaughtException(thread: Thread, exception: Throwable) { try { logError("Uncaught exception in thread " + thread, exception) // We may have been called from a shutdown hook. If so, we must not call System.exit(). // (If we do, we will deadlock.) //我们可能已经被关闭了一个挂机,如果是这样,我们不能调用System.exit()。 //(如果我们这样做,我们会死锁。) if (!ShutdownHookManager.inShutdown()) { if (exception.isInstanceOf[OutOfMemoryError]) { System.exit(SparkExitCode.OOM) } else { System.exit(SparkExitCode.UNCAUGHT_EXCEPTION) } } } catch { case oom: OutOfMemoryError => Runtime.getRuntime.halt(SparkExitCode.OOM) case t: Throwable => Runtime.getRuntime.halt(SparkExitCode.UNCAUGHT_EXCEPTION_TWICE) } } def uncaughtException(exception: Throwable) { uncaughtException(Thread.currentThread(), exception) } }
Example 47
Source File: BlockManagerSlaveEndpoint.scala From spark1.52 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import scala.concurrent.{ ExecutionContext, Future } import org.apache.spark.rpc.{ RpcEnv, RpcCallContext, RpcEndpoint } import org.apache.spark.util.ThreadUtils import org.apache.spark.{ Logging, MapOutputTracker, SparkEnv } import private[storage] class BlockManagerSlaveEndpoint( override val rpcEnv: RpcEnv, blockManager: BlockManager,//引用BlockManagerMaster与Mast消息通信 mapOutputTracker: MapOutputTracker) extends RpcEndpoint with Logging { private val asyncThreadPool = ThreadUtils.newDaemonCachedThreadPool("block-manager-slave-async-thread-pool") private implicit val asyncExecutionContext = ExecutionContext.fromExecutorService(asyncThreadPool) // Operations that involve removing blocks may be slow and should be done asynchronously //涉及删除块的操作可能很慢,应该是异步完成 override def receiveAndReply(context: RpcCallContext): PartialFunction[Any, Unit] = { //根据BlockId删除该Executor上所有和该Shuffle相关的Block case RemoveBlock(blockId) => doAsync[Boolean]("removing block " + blockId, context) { blockManager.removeBlock(blockId) true } //收到BlockManagerMasterEndpoint发送RemoveRdd信息,根据RddId删除该Excutor上RDD所关联的所有Block case RemoveRdd(rddId) => doAsync[Int]("removing RDD " + rddId, context) { blockManager.removeRdd(rddId) } //根据shuffleId删除该Executor上所有和该Shuffle相关的Block case RemoveShuffle(shuffleId) => doAsync[Boolean]("removing shuffle " + shuffleId, context) { if (mapOutputTracker != null) { mapOutputTracker.unregisterShuffle(shuffleId) } SparkEnv.get.shuffleManager.unregisterShuffle(shuffleId) } //根据broadcastId删除该Executor上和该广播变量相关的所有Block case RemoveBroadcast(broadcastId, _) => doAsync[Int]("removing broadcast " + broadcastId, context) { //tellMaster 是否将状态汇报到Master blockManager.removeBroadcast(broadcastId, tellMaster = true) } //根据blockId和askSlaves向Master返回该Block的blockStatus case GetBlockStatus(blockId, _) => context.reply(blockManager.getStatus(blockId)) //根据blockId和askSlaves向Master返回该Block的blockStatus case GetMatchingBlockIds(filter, _) => context.reply(blockManager.getMatchingBlockIds(filter)) } //科里化函数,异步调用,方法回调 private def doAsync[T](actionMessage: String, context: RpcCallContext)(body: => T) { val future = Future { logDebug(actionMessage) body } future.onSuccess { case response => logDebug("Done " + actionMessage + ", response is " + response) context.reply(response) logDebug("Sent response: " + response + " to " + context.sender) } future.onFailure { case t: Throwable => logError("Error in " + actionMessage, t) context.sendFailure(t) } } override def onStop(): Unit = { asyncThreadPool.shutdownNow() } }
Example 48
Source File: LocalRDDCheckpointData.scala From spark1.52 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.rdd import scala.reflect.ClassTag import org.apache.spark.{Logging, SparkEnv, SparkException, TaskContext} import{RDDBlockId, StorageLevel} import org.apache.spark.util.Utils def transformStorageLevel(level: StorageLevel): StorageLevel = { // If this RDD is to be cached off-heap, fail fast since we cannot provide any // correctness guarantees about subsequent computations after the first one //如果这个RDD要被堆栈缓存,那么快速失败,因为我们不能在第一个之后提供关于后续计算的任何正确性保证 if (level.useOffHeap) { throw new SparkException("Local checkpointing is not compatible with off-heap caching.") } StorageLevel(useDisk = true, level.useMemory, level.deserialized, level.replication) } }
Example 49
Source File: TestClient.scala From spark1.52 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.deploy.client import org.apache.spark.deploy.{ApplicationDescription, Command} import org.apache.spark.rpc.RpcEnv import org.apache.spark.util.Utils import org.apache.spark.{Logging, SecurityManager, SparkConf} private[spark] object TestClient { private class TestListener extends AppClientListener with Logging { def connected(id: String) { logInfo("Connected to master, got app ID " + id) } def disconnected() { logInfo("Disconnected from master") System.exit(0) } def dead(reason: String) { logInfo("Application died with error: " + reason) System.exit(0) } def executorAdded(id: String, workerId: String, hostPort: String, cores: Int, memory: Int) {} def executorRemoved(id: String, message: String, exitStatus: Option[Int]) {} } def main(args: Array[String]) { val url = if(args.isEmpty) "" else args(0) val conf = new SparkConf val rpcEnv = RpcEnv.create("spark", Utils.localHostName(), 0, conf, new SecurityManager(conf)) //stripSuffix去掉<string>字串中结尾的字符 val executorClassname = TestExecutor.getClass.getCanonicalName.stripSuffix("$") println("====executorClassname======"+executorClassname) val desc = new ApplicationDescription("TestClient", Some(1), 512, Command(executorClassname, Seq(), Map(), Seq(), Seq(), Seq()), "ignored") val listener = new TestListener val client = new AppClient(rpcEnv, Array(url), desc, listener, new SparkConf) client.start() rpcEnv.awaitTermination() } }
Example 50
Source File: HBasePartition.scala From Spark-SQL-on-HBase with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.hbase import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.RegionScanner import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions._ import org.apache.spark.sql.hbase.catalyst.expressions.PartialPredicateOperations._ import org.apache.spark.sql.hbase.types.{HBaseBytesType, Range} import org.apache.spark.{Logging, Partition} private[hbase] class HBasePartition( val idx: Int, val mappedIndex: Int, start: Option[HBaseRawType] = None, end: Option[HBaseRawType] = None, val server: Option[String] = None, val filterPredicates: Option[Expression] = None, @transient relation: HBaseRelation = null, @transient val newScanner:RegionScanner = null) extends Range[HBaseRawType](start, true, end, false, HBaseBytesType) with Partition with IndexMappable with Logging { override def index: Int = idx override def hashCode(): Int = idx @transient lazy val startNative: Seq[Any] = relation.nativeKeyConvert(start) @transient lazy val endNative: Seq[Any] = relation.nativeKeyConvert(end) def computePredicate(relation: HBaseRelation): Option[Expression] = { val predicate = if (filterPredicates.isDefined && filterPredicates.get.references.exists(_.exprId == relation.partitionKeys.head.exprId)) { val oriPredicate = filterPredicates.get val predicateReferences = oriPredicate.references.toSeq val boundReference = BindReferences.bindReference(oriPredicate, predicateReferences) val row = new GenericMutableRow(predicateReferences.size) var rowIndex = 0 var i = 0 var range: Range[_] = null while (i < relation.keyColumns.size) { range = relation.generateRange(this, oriPredicate, i) if (range != null) { rowIndex = relation.rowIndex(predicateReferences, i) if (rowIndex >= 0) row.update(rowIndex, range) // if the non-last dimension range is not point, do not proceed to the next dims if (i < relation.keyColumns.size - 1 && !range.isPoint) i = relation.keyColumns.size else i = i + 1 } else i = relation.keyColumns.size } val pr = boundReference.partialReduce(row, predicateReferences) pr match { case (null, e: Expression) => Some(e) case (true, _) => None case (false, _) => Some(Literal(false)) } } else filterPredicates logInfo(predicate.toString) predicate } override def toString = { s"HBasePartition: $idx, $mappedIndex, [$start, $end), $filterPredicates" } }
Example 51
Source File: BytesUtilsSuite.scala From Spark-SQL-on-HBase with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.hbase import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.Bytes import org.apache.spark.Logging import org.apache.spark.sql.hbase.types.HBaseBytesType import org.apache.spark.sql.hbase.util.BinaryBytesUtils import org.apache.spark.sql.types._ import org.scalatest.{BeforeAndAfterAll, FunSuite} class BytesUtilsSuite extends FunSuite with BeforeAndAfterAll with Logging { test("Bytes Ordering Test") { val s = Seq(-257, -256, -255, -129, -128, -127, -64, -16, -4, -1, 0, 1, 4, 16, 64, 127, 128, 129, 255, 256, 257) val result = => (i, BinaryBytesUtils.create(IntegerType).toBytes(i))) .sortWith((f, s) => f._2.asInstanceOf[HBaseBytesType.InternalType], s._2.asInstanceOf[HBaseBytesType.InternalType])) assert( => a._1) == s.sorted.reverse) } def compare(a: Array[Byte], b: Array[Byte]): Int = { val length = Math.min(a.length, b.length) var result: Int = 0 for (i <- 0 to length - 1) { val diff: Int = (a(i) & 0xff).asInstanceOf[Byte] - (b(i) & 0xff).asInstanceOf[Byte] if (diff != 0) { result = diff } } result } test("Bytes Utility Test") { assert(BinaryBytesUtils.toBoolean(BinaryBytesUtils.create(BooleanType) .toBytes(input = true), 0) === true) assert(BinaryBytesUtils.toBoolean(BinaryBytesUtils.create(BooleanType) .toBytes(input = false), 0) === false) assert(BinaryBytesUtils.toDouble(BinaryBytesUtils.create(DoubleType).toBytes(12.34d), 0) === 12.34d) assert(BinaryBytesUtils.toDouble(BinaryBytesUtils.create(DoubleType).toBytes(-12.34d), 0) === -12.34d) assert(BinaryBytesUtils.toFloat(BinaryBytesUtils.create(FloatType).toBytes(12.34f), 0) === 12.34f) assert(BinaryBytesUtils.toFloat(BinaryBytesUtils.create(FloatType).toBytes(-12.34f), 0) === -12.34f) assert(BinaryBytesUtils.toInt(BinaryBytesUtils.create(IntegerType).toBytes(12), 0) === 12) assert(BinaryBytesUtils.toInt(BinaryBytesUtils.create(IntegerType).toBytes(-12), 0) === -12) assert(BinaryBytesUtils.toLong(BinaryBytesUtils.create(LongType).toBytes(1234l), 0) === 1234l) assert(BinaryBytesUtils.toLong(BinaryBytesUtils.create(LongType).toBytes(-1234l), 0) === -1234l) assert(BinaryBytesUtils.toShort(BinaryBytesUtils.create(ShortType) .toBytes(12.asInstanceOf[Short]), 0) === 12) assert(BinaryBytesUtils.toShort(BinaryBytesUtils.create(ShortType) .toBytes(-12.asInstanceOf[Short]), 0) === -12) assert(BinaryBytesUtils.toUTF8String(BinaryBytesUtils.create(StringType).toBytes("abc"), 0, 3) === UTF8String("abc")) assert(BinaryBytesUtils.toUTF8String(BinaryBytesUtils.create(StringType).toBytes(""), 0, 0) === UTF8String("")) assert(BinaryBytesUtils.toByte(BinaryBytesUtils.create(ByteType) .toBytes(5.asInstanceOf[Byte]), 0) === 5) assert(BinaryBytesUtils.toByte(BinaryBytesUtils.create(ByteType) .toBytes(-5.asInstanceOf[Byte]), 0) === -5) assert(compare(BinaryBytesUtils.create(IntegerType).toBytes(128), BinaryBytesUtils.create(IntegerType).toBytes(-128)) > 0) } test("byte array plus one") { var byteArray = Array[Byte](0x01.toByte, 127.toByte) assert(Bytes.compareTo(BinaryBytesUtils.addOne(byteArray), Array[Byte](0x01.toByte, 0x80.toByte)) == 0) byteArray = Array[Byte](0xff.toByte, 0xff.toByte) assert(BinaryBytesUtils.addOne(byteArray) == null) byteArray = Array[Byte](0x02.toByte, 0xff.toByte) assert(Bytes.compareTo(BinaryBytesUtils.addOne(byteArray), Array[Byte](0x03.toByte, 0x00.toByte)) == 0) } test("float comparison") { val f1 = BinaryBytesUtils.create(FloatType).toBytes(-1.23f) val f2 = BinaryBytesUtils.create(FloatType).toBytes(100f) assert(Bytes.compareTo(f1, f2) < 0) } }
Example 52
Source File: MeetupReceiver.scala From meetup-stream with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package receiver import org.apache.spark.streaming.receiver.Receiver import import org.apache.spark.Logging import com.ning.http.client.AsyncHttpClientConfig import com.ning.http.client._ import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer import import import import import import import class MeetupReceiver(url: String) extends Receiver[String](StorageLevel.MEMORY_AND_DISK_2) with Logging { @transient var client: AsyncHttpClient = _ @transient var inputPipe: PipedInputStream = _ @transient var outputPipe: PipedOutputStream = _ def onStart() { val cf = new AsyncHttpClientConfig.Builder() cf.setRequestTimeout(Integer.MAX_VALUE) cf.setReadTimeout(Integer.MAX_VALUE) cf.setPooledConnectionIdleTimeout(Integer.MAX_VALUE) client= new AsyncHttpClient( inputPipe = new PipedInputStream(1024 * 1024) outputPipe = new PipedOutputStream(inputPipe) val producerThread = new Thread(new DataConsumer(inputPipe)) producerThread.start() client.prepareGet(url).execute(new AsyncHandler[Unit]{ def onBodyPartReceived(bodyPart: HttpResponseBodyPart) = { bodyPart.writeTo(outputPipe) AsyncHandler.STATE.CONTINUE } def onStatusReceived(status: HttpResponseStatus) = { AsyncHandler.STATE.CONTINUE } def onHeadersReceived(headers: HttpResponseHeaders) = { AsyncHandler.STATE.CONTINUE } def onCompleted = { println("completed") } def onThrowable(t: Throwable)={ t.printStackTrace() } }) } def onStop() { if (Option(client).isDefined) client.close() if (Option(outputPipe).isDefined) { outputPipe.flush() outputPipe.close() } if (Option(inputPipe).isDefined) { inputPipe.close() } } class DataConsumer(inputStream: InputStream) extends Runnable { override def run() { val bufferedReader = new BufferedReader( new InputStreamReader( inputStream )) var input=bufferedReader.readLine() while(input!=null){ store(input) input=bufferedReader.readLine() } } } }
Example 53
Source File: Loggable.scala From meetup-stream with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package core import org.apache.spark.Logging import org.apache.log4j.{Level, Logger} def setStreamingLogLevels() { val log4jInitialized = Logger.getRootLogger.getAllAppenders.hasMoreElements if (!log4jInitialized) { // We first log something to initialize Spark's default logging, then we override the // logging level. logInfo("Setting log level to [ERROR] for streaming example." + " To override add a custom to the classpath.") Logger.getRootLogger.setLevel(Level.WARN) Logger.getLogger("org").setLevel(Level.ERROR) Logger.getLogger("akka").setLevel(Level.ERROR) Logger.getLogger("streaming").setLevel(Level.WARN) Logger.getLogger("spark").setLevel(Level.WARN) } } }
Example 54
Source File: DemoUtils.scala From spark-orientdb-connector with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.metreta.spark.orientdb.connector.demo import org.apache.spark.{ Logging, SparkContext, SparkConf } import com.metreta.spark.orientdb.connector.SparkContextFunctions trait DemoUtils extends Logging { val OrientDBNodesProperty = "spark.orientdb.connection.nodes" val DefaultOrientDBNodesProperty = "" val OriendtDBProtocolProperty = "spark.orientdb.protocol" val DefaultOriendtDBProtocolProperty = "plocal" val OriendtDBDBNameProperty = "spark.orientdb.dbname" // val DefaultOriendtDBDBNameProperty = "testdb" val DefaultOriendtDBDBNameProperty = """/path/to/orient""" val OriendtDBPortProperty = "spark.orientdb.port" val DefaultOriendtDBPortProperty = "2424" val OriendtDBUserProperty = "spark.orientdb.user" val DefaultOriendtDBUser = "admin" val OriendtDBPasswordProperty = "spark.orientdb.password" val DefaultOriendtDBPassword = "admin" val OriendtDBClusterModeProperty = "spark.orientdb.clustermode" //remote-colocated val DefaultOriendtDBClusterMode = "colocated" implicit def toSparkContextFunctions(sc: SparkContext): SparkContextFunctions = new SparkContextFunctions(sc) val conf = new SparkConf() .setMaster("local[*]") .setAppName("demo") .set(OrientDBNodesProperty, DefaultOrientDBNodesProperty) .set(OriendtDBProtocolProperty, DefaultOriendtDBProtocolProperty) .set(OriendtDBDBNameProperty, DefaultOriendtDBDBNameProperty) .set(OriendtDBPortProperty, DefaultOriendtDBPortProperty) .set(OriendtDBUserProperty, DefaultOriendtDBUser) .set(OriendtDBPasswordProperty, DefaultOriendtDBPassword) .set(OriendtDBClusterModeProperty, DefaultOriendtDBClusterMode) lazy val sc = new SparkContext(conf) } object DemoUtils { def apply(): DemoUtils = new DemoUtils {} }
Example 55
Source File: ClassJsonRDDFunctions.scala From spark-orientdb-connector with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.metreta.spark.orientdb.connector import com.metreta.spark.orientdb.connector.api.OrientDBConnector import com.orientechnologies.orient.core.record.impl.ODocument import org.apache.spark.Logging import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD class ClassJsonRDDFunctions(rdd: RDD[String]) extends Serializable with Logging { def saveJsonToOrient(myClass: String)(implicit connector: OrientDBConnector = OrientDBConnector(rdd.sparkContext.getConf)): Unit = { rdd.foreachPartition { partition ⇒ val db = connector.databaseDocumentTx() while (partition.hasNext) { val obj = val doc = new ODocument(myClass); doc.fromJSON(obj) } db.commit() db.close() } } }
Example 56
Source File: ClassRDDPartitioner.scala From spark-orientdb-connector with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.metreta.spark.orientdb.connector.rdd.partitioner import scala.collection.JavaConversions.iterableAsScalaIterable import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer import org.apache.spark.Logging import org.apache.spark.Partition import com.metreta.spark.orientdb.connector.api.OrientDBConnector import com.orientechnologies.orient.core.metadata.schema.OClass import com.orientechnologies.orient.core.metadata.schema.OSchema import import com.metreta.spark.orientdb.connector.SystemTables import scala.collection.JavaConversions.iterableAsScalaIterable def getPartitions(): Array[Partition] = { val db = connector.databaseDocumentTx() var partitions = new ArrayBuffer[OrientPartition] val schema: OSchema = connector.getSchema(db) var klass: OClass = schema.getClass(mClass) val storage: OStorage = connector.getStorage(db) klass.getClusterIds.zipWithIndex foreach { case (clusterId, index) => partitions = partitions.+=(OrientPartition( index, null, // <- Host Address ????? PartitionName(klass.getName, storage.getClusterById(clusterId).getName))) } partitions.toArray } }
Example 57
Source File: CustomReceiver.scala From BigDatalog with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
// scalastyle:off println package org.apache.spark.examples.streaming import{InputStreamReader, BufferedReader, InputStream} import import org.apache.spark.{SparkConf, Logging} import import org.apache.spark.streaming.{Seconds, StreamingContext} import org.apache.spark.streaming.receiver.Receiver private def receive() { var socket: Socket = null var userInput: String = null try { logInfo("Connecting to " + host + ":" + port) socket = new Socket(host, port) logInfo("Connected to " + host + ":" + port) val reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(socket.getInputStream(), "UTF-8")) userInput = reader.readLine() while(!isStopped && userInput != null) { store(userInput) userInput = reader.readLine() } reader.close() socket.close() logInfo("Stopped receiving") restart("Trying to connect again") } catch { case e: => restart("Error connecting to " + host + ":" + port, e) case t: Throwable => restart("Error receiving data", t) } } } // scalastyle:on println
Example 58
Source File: StreamingExamples.scala From BigDatalog with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.examples.streaming import org.apache.spark.Logging import org.apache.log4j.{Level, Logger} def setStreamingLogLevels() { val log4jInitialized = Logger.getRootLogger.getAllAppenders.hasMoreElements if (!log4jInitialized) { // We first log something to initialize Spark's default logging, then we override the // logging level. logInfo("Setting log level to [WARN] for streaming example." + " To override add a custom to the classpath.") Logger.getRootLogger.setLevel(Level.WARN) } } }
Example 59
Source File: GraphLoader.scala From BigDatalog with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.graphx import import org.apache.spark.{Logging, SparkContext} import org.apache.spark.graphx.impl.{EdgePartitionBuilder, GraphImpl} def edgeListFile( sc: SparkContext, path: String, canonicalOrientation: Boolean = false, numEdgePartitions: Int = -1, edgeStorageLevel: StorageLevel = StorageLevel.MEMORY_ONLY, vertexStorageLevel: StorageLevel = StorageLevel.MEMORY_ONLY) : Graph[Int, Int] = { val startTime = System.currentTimeMillis // Parse the edge data table directly into edge partitions val lines = if (numEdgePartitions > 0) { sc.textFile(path, numEdgePartitions).coalesce(numEdgePartitions) } else { sc.textFile(path) } val edges = lines.mapPartitionsWithIndex { (pid, iter) => val builder = new EdgePartitionBuilder[Int, Int] iter.foreach { line => if (!line.isEmpty && line(0) != '#') { val lineArray = line.split("\\s+") if (lineArray.length < 2) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid line: " + line) } val srcId = lineArray(0).toLong val dstId = lineArray(1).toLong if (canonicalOrientation && srcId > dstId) { builder.add(dstId, srcId, 1) } else { builder.add(srcId, dstId, 1) } } } Iterator((pid, builder.toEdgePartition)) }.persist(edgeStorageLevel).setName("GraphLoader.edgeListFile - edges (%s)".format(path)) edges.count() logInfo("It took %d ms to load the edges".format(System.currentTimeMillis - startTime)) GraphImpl.fromEdgePartitions(edges, defaultVertexAttr = 1, edgeStorageLevel = edgeStorageLevel, vertexStorageLevel = vertexStorageLevel) } // end of edgeListFile }
Example 60
Source File: CachedRDDManager.scala From BigDatalog with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package edu.ucla.cs.wis.bigdatalog.spark.execution.recursion import org.apache.spark.Logging import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD import import scala.collection.mutable.{HashMap, HashSet, Set} class CachedRDDManager(defaultStorageLevel: StorageLevel) extends Logging with Serializable { val iterationToRDDMap = new HashMap[Int, HashSet[RDD[_]]] var currentIteration : Int = 0 def persist(rdd: RDD[_]): Unit = { persist(rdd, false) } def persist(rdd: RDD[_], doMemoryCheckpoint: Boolean): Unit = { iterationToRDDMap.getOrElseUpdate(currentIteration, new HashSet[RDD[_]]).add(rdd) rdd.persist(defaultStorageLevel) if (doMemoryCheckpoint) rdd.memoryCheckpoint() } def cleanUpIteration(iterationsBackToRemove: Int = 2) = { val start = System.currentTimeMillis() if (currentIteration >= iterationsBackToRemove) { val iterationId = currentIteration - iterationsBackToRemove if (iterationToRDDMap.contains(iterationId)) { val rdds: HashSet[RDD[_]] = iterationToRDDMap.remove(iterationId).get if (rdds.nonEmpty) logInfo("Unpersisting "+rdds.size+" rdds for iteration " + iterationId) rdds.foreach(rdd => rdd.unpersist(false)) } } logInfo("CleanUpIteration took " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - start) + " ms") currentIteration += 1 } def cleanUpIterationById(iterationId: Int) = { if (iterationToRDDMap.contains(iterationId)) { val rdds: HashSet[RDD[_]] = iterationToRDDMap.remove(iterationId).get rdds.foreach(rdd => rdd.unpersist(false)) } } def incrementIteration() { currentIteration += 1} def clear() = { iterationToRDDMap.clear() } def clear(remainCached: Seq[RDD[_]]) = { iterationToRDDMap.keySet.foreach(key => logInfo("key: " + key + " value: " + iterationToRDDMap.get(key))) iterationToRDDMap.keySet .foreach(key => iterationToRDDMap.get(key) .foreach(value => value.foreach(item => {if (!remainCached.contains(item)) item.unpersist(false)}))) iterationToRDDMap.clear() } def unpersist(rdds: Set[RDD[_]]) = { for (rdd <- rdds) { iterationToRDDMap.synchronized { // rdd should only be in 1 iteration val iterations = iterationToRDDMap.filter(x => x._2.contains(rdd)) if (iterations.nonEmpty) { val iteration = iterations.head iteration._2.remove(rdd) rdd.unpersist(false) if (iteration._2.isEmpty) iterationToRDDMap.remove(iteration._1) } } } } override def toString = { val output = new StringBuilder iterationToRDDMap.keySet.toSeq.sorted .foreach(iteration => { val rdds = iterationToRDDMap.get(iteration) rdds.foreach(rdd => output.append(iteration + ":" + rdd + "\n")) }) output.toString() } }
Example 61
Source File: QuerySuite.scala From BigDatalog with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package edu.ucla.cs.wis.bigdatalog.spark import org.apache.spark.{Logging, SparkConf, SparkContext, SparkException} import org.scalatest.FunSuite import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer abstract class QuerySuite extends FunSuite with Logging { case class TestCase(program: String, query: String, data: Map[String, Seq[String]], answers: Seq[String], answersSize: Int) { def this(program: String, query: String, data: Map[String, Seq[String]], answersSize: Int) = this(program, query, data, null, answersSize) def this(program: String, query: String, data: Map[String, Seq[String]], answers: Seq[String]) = this(program, query, data, answers, answers.size) } def runTest(testCase: TestCase): Unit = runTests(Seq(testCase)) def runTests(testCases: Seq[TestCase]): Unit = { val sparkCtx = new SparkContext("local[*]", "QuerySuite", new SparkConf() .set("spark.eventLog.enabled", "true") //.set("spark.eventLog.dir", "../logs") .set("spark.ui.enabled", "false") .set("spark.sql.shuffle.partitions", "5") .setAll(Map.empty[String, String]) ) val bigDatalogCtx = new BigDatalogContext(sparkCtx) var count: Int = 1 for (testCase <- testCases) { bigDatalogCtx.loadProgram(testCase.program) for ((relationName, data) <- { val relationInfo = bigDatalogCtx.relationCatalog.getRelationInfo(relationName) if (relationInfo == null) throw new SparkException("You are attempting to load an unknown relation.") bigDatalogCtx.registerAndLoadTable(relationName, data, bigDatalogCtx.conf.numShufflePartitions) } val query = testCase.query val answers = testCase.answers logInfo("========== START BigDatalog Query " + count + " START ==========") val program = bigDatalogCtx.query(query) val results = program.execute().collect() // for some test cases we will only know the size of the answer set, not the actual answers if (answers == null) { assert(results.size == testCase.answersSize) } else { if (results.size != answers.size) { displayDifferences(, answers) // yes this will fail assert(results.size == answers.size) } else { for (result <- results) assert(answers.contains(result.toString())) } val resultStrings = for (answer <- answers) assert(resultStrings.contains(answer.toString())) } logInfo("========== END BigDatalog Query " + count + " END ==========\n") count += 1 bigDatalogCtx.reset() } sparkCtx.stop() } private def displayDifferences(results: Seq[String], answers: Seq[String]): Unit = { val missingAnswers = new ArrayBuffer[String] val missingResults = new ArrayBuffer[String] for (result <- results) if (!answers.contains(result)) missingAnswers += result for (answer <- answers) if (!results.contains(answer)) missingResults += answer if (missingAnswers.nonEmpty) logInfo("Results not in Answers: " + missingAnswers.mkString(", ")) if (missingResults.nonEmpty) logInfo("Answers not in Results: " + missingResults.mkString(", ")) } }
Example 62
Source File: LibSVMRelation.scala From BigDatalog with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import import org.apache.spark.Logging import org.apache.spark.annotation.Since import org.apache.spark.mllib.linalg.{Vector, VectorUDT} import org.apache.spark.mllib.util.MLUtils import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD import org.apache.spark.sql.{DataFrameReader, DataFrame, Row, SQLContext} import org.apache.spark.sql.sources._ import org.apache.spark.sql.types.{DoubleType, StructField, StructType} @Since("1.6.0") class DefaultSource extends RelationProvider with DataSourceRegister { @Since("1.6.0") override def shortName(): String = "libsvm" @Since("1.6.0") override def createRelation(sqlContext: SQLContext, parameters: Map[String, String]) : BaseRelation = { val path = parameters.getOrElse("path", throw new IllegalArgumentException("'path' must be specified")) val numFeatures = parameters.getOrElse("numFeatures", "-1").toInt val vectorType = parameters.getOrElse("vectorType", "sparse") new LibSVMRelation(path, numFeatures, vectorType)(sqlContext) } }
Example 63
Source File: Transformer.scala From BigDatalog with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import scala.annotation.varargs import org.apache.spark.Logging import org.apache.spark.annotation.DeveloperApi import import import org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._ import org.apache.spark.sql.types._ protected def validateInputType(inputType: DataType): Unit = {} override def transformSchema(schema: StructType): StructType = { val inputType = schema($(inputCol)).dataType validateInputType(inputType) if (schema.fieldNames.contains($(outputCol))) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Output column ${$(outputCol)} already exists.") } val outputFields = schema.fields :+ StructField($(outputCol), outputDataType, nullable = false) StructType(outputFields) } override def transform(dataset: DataFrame): DataFrame = { transformSchema(dataset.schema, logging = true) dataset.withColumn($(outputCol), callUDF(this.createTransformFunc, outputDataType, dataset($(inputCol)))) } override def copy(extra: ParamMap): T = defaultCopy(extra) }
Example 64
Source File: LocalKMeans.scala From BigDatalog with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.mllib.clustering import scala.util.Random import org.apache.spark.Logging import org.apache.spark.mllib.linalg.Vectors import org.apache.spark.mllib.linalg.BLAS.{axpy, scal} def kMeansPlusPlus( seed: Int, points: Array[VectorWithNorm], weights: Array[Double], k: Int, maxIterations: Int ): Array[VectorWithNorm] = { val rand = new Random(seed) val dimensions = points(0).vector.size val centers = new Array[VectorWithNorm](k) // Initialize centers by sampling using the k-means++ procedure. centers(0) = pickWeighted(rand, points, weights).toDense for (i <- 1 until k) { // Pick the next center with a probability proportional to cost under current centers val curCenters = centers.view.take(i) val sum = { case (p, w) => w * KMeans.pointCost(curCenters, p) }.sum val r = rand.nextDouble() * sum var cumulativeScore = 0.0 var j = 0 while (j < points.length && cumulativeScore < r) { cumulativeScore += weights(j) * KMeans.pointCost(curCenters, points(j)) j += 1 } if (j == 0) { logWarning("kMeansPlusPlus initialization ran out of distinct points for centers." + s" Using duplicate point for center k = $i.") centers(i) = points(0).toDense } else { centers(i) = points(j - 1).toDense } } // Run up to maxIterations iterations of Lloyd's algorithm val oldClosest = Array.fill(points.length)(-1) var iteration = 0 var moved = true while (moved && iteration < maxIterations) { moved = false val counts = Array.fill(k)(0.0) val sums = Array.fill(k)(Vectors.zeros(dimensions)) var i = 0 while (i < points.length) { val p = points(i) val index = KMeans.findClosest(centers, p)._1 axpy(weights(i), p.vector, sums(index)) counts(index) += weights(i) if (index != oldClosest(i)) { moved = true oldClosest(i) = index } i += 1 } // Update centers var j = 0 while (j < k) { if (counts(j) == 0.0) { // Assign center to a random point centers(j) = points(rand.nextInt(points.length)).toDense } else { scal(1.0 / counts(j), sums(j)) centers(j) = new VectorWithNorm(sums(j)) } j += 1 } iteration += 1 } if (iteration == maxIterations) { logInfo(s"Local KMeans++ reached the max number of iterations: $maxIterations.") } else { logInfo(s"Local KMeans++ converged in $iteration iterations.") } centers } private def pickWeighted[T](rand: Random, data: Array[T], weights: Array[Double]): T = { val r = rand.nextDouble() * weights.sum var i = 0 var curWeight = 0.0 while (i < data.length && curWeight < r) { curWeight += weights(i) i += 1 } data(i - 1) } }
Example 65
Source File: PearsonCorrelation.scala From BigDatalog with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.mllib.stat.correlation import breeze.linalg.{DenseMatrix => BDM} import org.apache.spark.Logging import org.apache.spark.mllib.linalg.{Matrices, Matrix, Vector} import org.apache.spark.mllib.linalg.distributed.RowMatrix import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD def computeCorrelationMatrixFromCovariance(covarianceMatrix: Matrix): Matrix = { val cov = covarianceMatrix.toBreeze.asInstanceOf[BDM[Double]] val n = cov.cols // Compute the standard deviation on the diagonals first var i = 0 while (i < n) { // TODO remove once covariance numerical issue resolved. cov(i, i) = if (closeToZero(cov(i, i))) 0.0 else math.sqrt(cov(i, i)) i +=1 } // Loop through columns since cov is column major var j = 0 var sigma = 0.0 var containNaN = false while (j < n) { sigma = cov(j, j) i = 0 while (i < j) { val corr = if (sigma == 0.0 || cov(i, i) == 0.0) { containNaN = true Double.NaN } else { cov(i, j) / (sigma * cov(i, i)) } cov(i, j) = corr cov(j, i) = corr i += 1 } j += 1 } // put 1.0 on the diagonals i = 0 while (i < n) { cov(i, i) = 1.0 i +=1 } if (containNaN) { logWarning("Pearson correlation matrix contains NaN values.") } Matrices.fromBreeze(cov) } private def closeToZero(value: Double, threshold: Double = 1e-12): Boolean = { math.abs(value) <= threshold } }
Example 66
Source File: SpearmanCorrelation.scala From BigDatalog with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.mllib.stat.correlation import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer import org.apache.spark.Logging import org.apache.spark.SparkContext._ import org.apache.spark.mllib.linalg.{Matrix, Vector, Vectors} import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD override def computeCorrelationMatrix(X: RDD[Vector]): Matrix = { // ((columnIndex, value), rowUid) val colBased = X.zipWithUniqueId().flatMap { case (vec, uid) => { case (v, j) => ((j, v), uid) } } // global sort by (columnIndex, value) val sorted = colBased.sortByKey() // assign global ranks (using average ranks for tied values) val globalRanks = sorted.zipWithIndex().mapPartitions { iter => var preCol = -1 var preVal = Double.NaN var startRank = -1.0 var cachedUids = ArrayBuffer.empty[Long] val flush: () => Iterable[(Long, (Int, Double))] = () => { val averageRank = startRank + (cachedUids.size - 1) / 2.0 val output = { uid => (uid, (preCol, averageRank)) } cachedUids.clear() output } iter.flatMap { case (((j, v), uid), rank) => // If we see a new value or cachedUids is too big, we flush ids with their average rank. if (j != preCol || v != preVal || cachedUids.size >= 10000000) { val output = flush() preCol = j preVal = v startRank = rank cachedUids += uid output } else { cachedUids += uid Iterator.empty } } ++ flush() } // Replace values in the input matrix by their ranks compared with values in the same column. // Note that shifting all ranks in a column by a constant value doesn't affect result. val groupedRanks = globalRanks.groupByKey().map { case (uid, iter) => // sort by column index and then convert values to a vector Vectors.dense(iter.toSeq.sortBy(_._1).map(_._2).toArray) } PearsonCorrelation.computeCorrelationMatrix(groupedRanks) } }
Example 67
Source File: DataValidators.scala From BigDatalog with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.mllib.util import org.apache.spark.Logging import org.apache.spark.annotation.{DeveloperApi, Since} import org.apache.spark.mllib.regression.LabeledPoint import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD @Since("1.3.0") def multiLabelValidator(k: Int): RDD[LabeledPoint] => Boolean = { data => val numInvalid = data.filter(x => x.label - x.label.toInt != 0.0 || x.label < 0 || x.label > k - 1).count() if (numInvalid != 0) { logError("Classification labels should be in {0 to " + (k - 1) + "}. " + "Found " + numInvalid + " invalid labels") } numInvalid == 0 } }
Example 68
Source File: TwitterInputDStream.scala From BigDatalog with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.streaming.twitter import twitter4j._ import twitter4j.auth.Authorization import twitter4j.conf.ConfigurationBuilder import twitter4j.auth.OAuthAuthorization import org.apache.spark.streaming._ import org.apache.spark.streaming.dstream._ import import org.apache.spark.Logging import org.apache.spark.streaming.receiver.Receiver private[streaming] class TwitterInputDStream( ssc_ : StreamingContext, twitterAuth: Option[Authorization], filters: Seq[String], storageLevel: StorageLevel ) extends ReceiverInputDStream[Status](ssc_) { private def createOAuthAuthorization(): Authorization = { new OAuthAuthorization(new ConfigurationBuilder().build()) } private val authorization = twitterAuth.getOrElse(createOAuthAuthorization()) override def getReceiver(): Receiver[Status] = { new TwitterReceiver(authorization, filters, storageLevel) } } private[streaming] class TwitterReceiver( twitterAuth: Authorization, filters: Seq[String], storageLevel: StorageLevel ) extends Receiver[Status](storageLevel) with Logging { @volatile private var twitterStream: TwitterStream = _ @volatile private var stopped = false def onStart() { try { val newTwitterStream = new TwitterStreamFactory().getInstance(twitterAuth) newTwitterStream.addListener(new StatusListener { def onStatus(status: Status): Unit = { store(status) } // Unimplemented def onDeletionNotice(statusDeletionNotice: StatusDeletionNotice) {} def onTrackLimitationNotice(i: Int) {} def onScrubGeo(l: Long, l1: Long) {} def onStallWarning(stallWarning: StallWarning) {} def onException(e: Exception) { if (!stopped) { restart("Error receiving tweets", e) } } }) val query = new FilterQuery if (filters.size > 0) { query.track(filters.mkString(",")) newTwitterStream.filter(query) } else { newTwitterStream.sample() } setTwitterStream(newTwitterStream) logInfo("Twitter receiver started") stopped = false } catch { case e: Exception => restart("Error starting Twitter stream", e) } } def onStop() { stopped = true setTwitterStream(null) logInfo("Twitter receiver stopped") } private def setTwitterStream(newTwitterStream: TwitterStream) = synchronized { if (twitterStream != null) { twitterStream.shutdown() } twitterStream = newTwitterStream } }
Example 69
Source File: TwitterStreamSuite.scala From BigDatalog with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.streaming.twitter import org.scalatest.BeforeAndAfter import twitter4j.Status import twitter4j.auth.{NullAuthorization, Authorization} import org.apache.spark.{Logging, SparkFunSuite} import org.apache.spark.streaming.{Seconds, StreamingContext} import import org.apache.spark.streaming.dstream.ReceiverInputDStream class TwitterStreamSuite extends SparkFunSuite with BeforeAndAfter with Logging { val batchDuration = Seconds(1) private val master: String = "local[2]" private val framework: String = this.getClass.getSimpleName test("twitter input stream") { val ssc = new StreamingContext(master, framework, batchDuration) val filters = Seq("filter1", "filter2") val authorization: Authorization = NullAuthorization.getInstance() // tests the API, does not actually test data receiving val test1: ReceiverInputDStream[Status] = TwitterUtils.createStream(ssc, None) val test2: ReceiverInputDStream[Status] = TwitterUtils.createStream(ssc, None, filters) val test3: ReceiverInputDStream[Status] = TwitterUtils.createStream(ssc, None, filters, StorageLevel.MEMORY_AND_DISK_SER_2) val test4: ReceiverInputDStream[Status] = TwitterUtils.createStream(ssc, Some(authorization)) val test5: ReceiverInputDStream[Status] = TwitterUtils.createStream(ssc, Some(authorization), filters) val test6: ReceiverInputDStream[Status] = TwitterUtils.createStream( ssc, Some(authorization), filters, StorageLevel.MEMORY_AND_DISK_SER_2) // Note that actually testing the data receiving is hard as authentication keys are // necessary for accessing Twitter live stream ssc.stop() } }
Example 70
Source File: EventTransformer.scala From BigDatalog with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.streaming.flume import{ObjectOutput, ObjectInput} import scala.collection.JavaConverters._ import org.apache.spark.util.Utils import org.apache.spark.Logging private[streaming] object EventTransformer extends Logging { def readExternal(in: ObjectInput): (java.util.HashMap[CharSequence, CharSequence], Array[Byte]) = { val bodyLength = in.readInt() val bodyBuff = new Array[Byte](bodyLength) in.readFully(bodyBuff) val numHeaders = in.readInt() val headers = new java.util.HashMap[CharSequence, CharSequence] for (i <- 0 until numHeaders) { val keyLength = in.readInt() val keyBuff = new Array[Byte](keyLength) in.readFully(keyBuff) val key: String = Utils.deserialize(keyBuff) val valLength = in.readInt() val valBuff = new Array[Byte](valLength) in.readFully(valBuff) val value: String = Utils.deserialize(valBuff) headers.put(key, value) } (headers, bodyBuff) } def writeExternal(out: ObjectOutput, headers: java.util.Map[CharSequence, CharSequence], body: Array[Byte]) { out.writeInt(body.length) out.write(body) val numHeaders = headers.size() out.writeInt(numHeaders) for ((k, v) <- headers.asScala) { val keyBuff = Utils.serialize(k.toString) out.writeInt(keyBuff.length) out.write(keyBuff) val valBuff = Utils.serialize(v.toString) out.writeInt(valBuff.length) out.write(valBuff) } } }
Example 71
Source File: FlumeStreamSuite.scala From BigDatalog with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.streaming.flume import scala.collection.JavaConverters._ import scala.collection.mutable.{ArrayBuffer, SynchronizedBuffer} import scala.concurrent.duration._ import scala.language.postfixOps import import import import import org.jboss.netty.handler.codec.compression._ import org.scalatest.{BeforeAndAfter, Matchers} import org.scalatest.concurrent.Eventually._ import org.apache.spark.{Logging, SparkConf, SparkFunSuite} import import org.apache.spark.streaming.{Milliseconds, StreamingContext, TestOutputStream} class FlumeStreamSuite extends SparkFunSuite with BeforeAndAfter with Matchers with Logging { val conf = new SparkConf().setMaster("local[4]").setAppName("FlumeStreamSuite") var ssc: StreamingContext = null test("flume input stream") { testFlumeStream(testCompression = false) } test("flume input compressed stream") { testFlumeStream(testCompression = true) } private class CompressionChannelFactory(compressionLevel: Int) extends NioClientSocketChannelFactory { override def newChannel(pipeline: ChannelPipeline): SocketChannel = { val encoder = new ZlibEncoder(compressionLevel) pipeline.addFirst("deflater", encoder) pipeline.addFirst("inflater", new ZlibDecoder()) super.newChannel(pipeline) } } }
Example 72
Source File: MQTTTestUtils.scala From BigDatalog with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.streaming.mqtt import{ServerSocket, URI} import scala.language.postfixOps import import{BrokerService, TransportConnector} import org.apache.commons.lang3.RandomUtils import org.eclipse.paho.client.mqttv3._ import org.eclipse.paho.client.mqttv3.persist.MqttDefaultFilePersistence import org.apache.spark.util.Utils import org.apache.spark.{Logging, SparkConf} private[mqtt] class MQTTTestUtils extends Logging { private val persistenceDir = Utils.createTempDir() private val brokerHost = "localhost" private val brokerPort = findFreePort() private var broker: BrokerService = _ private var connector: TransportConnector = _ def brokerUri: String = { s"$brokerHost:$brokerPort" } def setup(): Unit = { broker = new BrokerService() broker.setDataDirectoryFile(Utils.createTempDir()) connector = new TransportConnector() connector.setName("mqtt") connector.setUri(new URI("mqtt://" + brokerUri)) broker.addConnector(connector) broker.start() } def teardown(): Unit = { if (broker != null) { broker.stop() broker = null } if (connector != null) { connector.stop() connector = null } Utils.deleteRecursively(persistenceDir) } private def findFreePort(): Int = { val candidatePort = RandomUtils.nextInt(1024, 65536) Utils.startServiceOnPort(candidatePort, (trialPort: Int) => { val socket = new ServerSocket(trialPort) socket.close() (null, trialPort) }, new SparkConf())._2 } def publishData(topic: String, data: String): Unit = { var client: MqttClient = null try { val persistence = new MqttDefaultFilePersistence(persistenceDir.getAbsolutePath) client = new MqttClient("tcp://" + brokerUri, MqttClient.generateClientId(), persistence) client.connect() if (client.isConnected) { val msgTopic = client.getTopic(topic) val message = new MqttMessage(data.getBytes(UTF_8)) message.setQos(1) message.setRetained(true) for (i <- 0 to 10) { try { msgTopic.publish(message) } catch { case e: MqttException if e.getReasonCode == MqttException.REASON_CODE_MAX_INFLIGHT => // wait for Spark streaming to consume something from the message queue Thread.sleep(50) } } } } finally { if (client != null) { client.disconnect() client.close() client = null } } } }
Example 73
Source File: OrcFileOperator.scala From BigDatalog with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.hive.orc import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path import{OrcFile, Reader} import org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.objectinspector.StructObjectInspector import org.apache.spark.Logging import org.apache.spark.deploy.SparkHadoopUtil import org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException import org.apache.spark.sql.hive.HiveMetastoreTypes import org.apache.spark.sql.types.StructType private[orc] object OrcFileOperator extends Logging { def getFileReader(basePath: String, config: Option[Configuration] = None): Option[Reader] = { def isWithNonEmptySchema(path: Path, reader: Reader): Boolean = { reader.getObjectInspector match { case oi: StructObjectInspector if oi.getAllStructFieldRefs.size() == 0 => logInfo( s"ORC file $path has empty schema, it probably contains no rows. " + "Trying to read another ORC file to figure out the schema.") false case _ => true } } val conf = config.getOrElse(new Configuration) val fs = { val hdfsPath = new Path(basePath) hdfsPath.getFileSystem(conf) } listOrcFiles(basePath, conf) { path => path -> OrcFile.createReader(fs, path) }.collectFirst { case (path, reader) if isWithNonEmptySchema(path, reader) => reader } } def readSchema(path: String, conf: Option[Configuration]): StructType = { val reader = getFileReader(path, conf).getOrElse { throw new AnalysisException( s"Failed to discover schema from ORC files stored in $path. " + "Probably there are either no ORC files or only empty ORC files.") } val readerInspector = reader.getObjectInspector.asInstanceOf[StructObjectInspector] val schema = readerInspector.getTypeName logDebug(s"Reading schema from file $path, got Hive schema string: $schema") HiveMetastoreTypes.toDataType(schema).asInstanceOf[StructType] } def getObjectInspector( path: String, conf: Option[Configuration]): Option[StructObjectInspector] = { getFileReader(path, conf).map(_.getObjectInspector.asInstanceOf[StructObjectInspector]) } def listOrcFiles(pathStr: String, conf: Configuration): Seq[Path] = { val origPath = new Path(pathStr) val fs = origPath.getFileSystem(conf) val path = origPath.makeQualified(fs.getUri, fs.getWorkingDirectory) val paths = SparkHadoopUtil.get.listLeafStatuses(fs, origPath) .filterNot(_.isDir) .map(_.getPath) .filterNot(_.getName.startsWith("_")) .filterNot(_.getName.startsWith(".")) if (paths == null || paths.isEmpty) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( s"orcFileOperator: path $path does not have valid orc files matching the pattern") } paths } }
Example 74
Source File: FiltersSuite.scala From BigDatalog with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.hive.client import java.util.Collections import org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.FieldSchema import org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde.serdeConstants import org.apache.spark.{Logging, SparkFunSuite} import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.dsl.expressions._ import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions._ import org.apache.spark.sql.types._ class FiltersSuite extends SparkFunSuite with Logging { private val shim = new Shim_v0_13 private val testTable = new org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.metadata.Table("default", "test") private val varCharCol = new FieldSchema() varCharCol.setName("varchar") varCharCol.setType(serdeConstants.VARCHAR_TYPE_NAME) testTable.setPartCols(Collections.singletonList(varCharCol)) filterTest("string filter", (a("stringcol", StringType) > Literal("test")) :: Nil, "stringcol > \"test\"") filterTest("string filter backwards", (Literal("test") > a("stringcol", StringType)) :: Nil, "\"test\" > stringcol") filterTest("int filter", (a("intcol", IntegerType) === Literal(1)) :: Nil, "intcol = 1") filterTest("int filter backwards", (Literal(1) === a("intcol", IntegerType)) :: Nil, "1 = intcol") filterTest("int and string filter", (Literal(1) === a("intcol", IntegerType)) :: (Literal("a") === a("strcol", IntegerType)) :: Nil, "1 = intcol and \"a\" = strcol") filterTest("skip varchar", (Literal("") === a("varchar", StringType)) :: Nil, "") private def filterTest(name: String, filters: Seq[Expression], result: String) = { test(name){ val converted = shim.convertFilters(testTable, filters) if (converted != result) { fail( s"Expected filters ${filters.mkString(",")} to convert to '$result' but got '$converted'") } } } private def a(name: String, dataType: DataType) = AttributeReference(name, dataType)() }
Example 75
Source File: SparkSQLDriver.scala From BigDatalog with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.hive.thriftserver import java.util.{Arrays, ArrayList => JArrayList, List => JList} import org.apache.log4j.LogManager import org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException import scala.collection.JavaConverters._ import org.apache.commons.lang3.exception.ExceptionUtils import org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.{FieldSchema, Schema} import org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.Driver import org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.processors.CommandProcessorResponse import org.apache.spark.Logging import org.apache.spark.sql.hive.{HiveContext, HiveMetastoreTypes} private[hive] class SparkSQLDriver( val context: HiveContext = SparkSQLEnv.hiveContext) extends Driver with Logging { private[hive] var tableSchema: Schema = _ private[hive] var hiveResponse: Seq[String] = _ override def init(): Unit = { } private def getResultSetSchema(query: context.QueryExecution): Schema = { val analyzed = query.analyzed logDebug(s"Result Schema: ${analyzed.output}") if (analyzed.output.isEmpty) { new Schema(Arrays.asList(new FieldSchema("Response code", "string", "")), null) } else { val fieldSchemas = { attr => new FieldSchema(, HiveMetastoreTypes.toMetastoreType(attr.dataType), "") } new Schema(fieldSchemas.asJava, null) } } override def run(command: String): CommandProcessorResponse = { // TODO unify the error code try { context.sparkContext.setJobDescription(command) val execution = context.executePlan(context.sql(command).logicalPlan) hiveResponse = execution.stringResult() tableSchema = getResultSetSchema(execution) new CommandProcessorResponse(0) } catch { case ae: AnalysisException => logDebug(s"Failed in [$command]", ae) new CommandProcessorResponse(1, ExceptionUtils.getStackTrace(ae), null, ae) case cause: Throwable => logError(s"Failed in [$command]", cause) new CommandProcessorResponse(1, ExceptionUtils.getStackTrace(cause), null, cause) } } override def close(): Int = { hiveResponse = null tableSchema = null 0 } override def getResults(res: JList[_]): Boolean = { if (hiveResponse == null) { false } else { res.asInstanceOf[JArrayList[String]].addAll(hiveResponse.asJava) hiveResponse = null true } } override def getSchema: Schema = tableSchema override def destroy() { super.destroy() hiveResponse = null tableSchema = null } }
Example 76
Source File: SparkSQLOperationManager.scala From BigDatalog with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.hive.thriftserver.server import java.util.{Map => JMap} import scala.collection.mutable.Map import org.apache.hive.service.cli._ import org.apache.hive.service.cli.operation.{ExecuteStatementOperation, Operation, OperationManager} import org.apache.hive.service.cli.session.HiveSession import org.apache.spark.Logging import org.apache.spark.sql.hive.HiveContext import org.apache.spark.sql.hive.thriftserver.{SparkExecuteStatementOperation, ReflectionUtils} private[thriftserver] class SparkSQLOperationManager() extends OperationManager with Logging { val handleToOperation = ReflectionUtils .getSuperField[JMap[OperationHandle, Operation]](this, "handleToOperation") val sessionToActivePool = Map[SessionHandle, String]() val sessionToContexts = Map[SessionHandle, HiveContext]() override def newExecuteStatementOperation( parentSession: HiveSession, statement: String, confOverlay: JMap[String, String], async: Boolean): ExecuteStatementOperation = synchronized { val hiveContext = sessionToContexts(parentSession.getSessionHandle) val runInBackground = async && hiveContext.hiveThriftServerAsync val operation = new SparkExecuteStatementOperation(parentSession, statement, confOverlay, runInBackground)(hiveContext, sessionToActivePool) handleToOperation.put(operation.getHandle, operation) logDebug(s"Created Operation for $statement with session=$parentSession, " + s"runInBackground=$runInBackground") operation } }
Example 77
Source File: ThriftServerTab.scala From BigDatalog with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.hive.thriftserver.ui import org.apache.spark.sql.hive.thriftserver.{HiveThriftServer2, SparkSQLEnv} import org.apache.spark.sql.hive.thriftserver.ui.ThriftServerTab._ import org.apache.spark.ui.{SparkUI, SparkUITab} import org.apache.spark.{SparkContext, Logging, SparkException} private[thriftserver] class ThriftServerTab(sparkContext: SparkContext) extends SparkUITab(getSparkUI(sparkContext), "sqlserver") with Logging { override val name = "JDBC/ODBC Server" val parent = getSparkUI(sparkContext) val listener = HiveThriftServer2.listener attachPage(new ThriftServerPage(this)) attachPage(new ThriftServerSessionPage(this)) parent.attachTab(this) def detach() { getSparkUI(sparkContext).detachTab(this) } } private[thriftserver] object ThriftServerTab { def getSparkUI(sparkContext: SparkContext): SparkUI = { sparkContext.ui.getOrElse { throw new SparkException("Parent SparkUI to attach this tab to not found!") } } }
Example 78
Source File: SparkSQLEnv.scala From BigDatalog with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.hive.thriftserver import import scala.collection.JavaConverters._ import org.apache.spark.scheduler.StatsReportListener import org.apache.spark.sql.hive.HiveContext import org.apache.spark.{Logging, SparkConf, SparkContext} import org.apache.spark.util.Utils def stop() { logDebug("Shutting down Spark SQL Environment") // Stop the SparkContext if (SparkSQLEnv.sparkContext != null) { sparkContext.stop() sparkContext = null hiveContext = null } } }
Example 79
Source File: BoundAttribute.scala From BigDatalog with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions import org.apache.spark.Logging import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.InternalRow import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.errors.attachTree import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.codegen.{CodeGenContext, GeneratedExpressionCode} import org.apache.spark.sql.types._ case class BoundReference(ordinal: Int, dataType: DataType, nullable: Boolean) extends LeafExpression with NamedExpression { override def toString: String = s"input[$ordinal, $dataType]" // Use special getter for primitive types (for UnsafeRow) override def eval(input: InternalRow): Any = { if (input.isNullAt(ordinal)) { null } else { dataType match { case BooleanType => input.getBoolean(ordinal) case ByteType => input.getByte(ordinal) case ShortType => input.getShort(ordinal) case IntegerType | DateType => input.getInt(ordinal) case LongType | TimestampType => input.getLong(ordinal) case FloatType => input.getFloat(ordinal) case DoubleType => input.getDouble(ordinal) case StringType => input.getUTF8String(ordinal) case BinaryType => input.getBinary(ordinal) case CalendarIntervalType => input.getInterval(ordinal) case t: DecimalType => input.getDecimal(ordinal, t.precision, t.scale) case t: StructType => input.getStruct(ordinal, t.size) case _: ArrayType => input.getArray(ordinal) case _: MapType => input.getMap(ordinal) case _ => input.get(ordinal, dataType) } } } override def name: String = s"i[$ordinal]" override def toAttribute: Attribute = throw new UnsupportedOperationException override def qualifiers: Seq[String] = throw new UnsupportedOperationException override def exprId: ExprId = throw new UnsupportedOperationException override def genCode(ctx: CodeGenContext, ev: GeneratedExpressionCode): String = { val javaType = ctx.javaType(dataType) val value = ctx.getValue(ctx.INPUT_ROW, dataType, ordinal.toString) s""" boolean ${ev.isNull} = ${ctx.INPUT_ROW}.isNullAt($ordinal); $javaType ${ev.value} = ${ev.isNull} ? ${ctx.defaultValue(dataType)} : ($value); """ } } object BindReferences extends Logging { def bindReference[A <: Expression]( expression: A, input: Seq[Attribute], allowFailures: Boolean = false): A = { expression.transform { case a: AttributeReference => attachTree(a, "Binding attribute") { val ordinal = input.indexWhere(_.exprId == a.exprId) if (ordinal == -1) { if (allowFailures) { a } else { sys.error(s"Couldn't find $a in ${input.mkString("[", ",", "]")}") } } else { BoundReference(ordinal, a.dataType, a.nullable) } } }.asInstanceOf[A] // Kind of a hack, but safe. TODO: Tighten return type when possible. } }
Example 80
Source File: RuleExecutor.scala From BigDatalog with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.rules import scala.collection.JavaConverters._ import import org.apache.spark.Logging import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.trees.TreeNode import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.util.sideBySide object RuleExecutor { protected val timeMap = AtomicLongMap.create[String]() def execute(plan: TreeType): TreeType = { var curPlan = plan batches.foreach { batch => val batchStartPlan = curPlan var iteration = 1 var lastPlan = curPlan var continue = true // Run until fix point (or the max number of iterations as specified in the strategy. while (continue) { curPlan = batch.rules.foldLeft(curPlan) { case (plan, rule) => val startTime = System.nanoTime() val result = rule(plan) val runTime = System.nanoTime() - startTime RuleExecutor.timeMap.addAndGet(rule.ruleName, runTime) if (!result.fastEquals(plan)) { logTrace( s""" |=== Applying Rule ${rule.ruleName} === |${sideBySide(plan.treeString, result.treeString).mkString("\n")} """.stripMargin) } result } iteration += 1 if (iteration > batch.strategy.maxIterations) { // Only log if this is a rule that is supposed to run more than once. if (iteration != 2) { logInfo(s"Max iterations (${iteration - 1}) reached for batch ${}") } continue = false } if (curPlan.fastEquals(lastPlan)) { logTrace( s"Fixed point reached for batch ${} after ${iteration - 1} iterations.") continue = false } lastPlan = curPlan } if (!batchStartPlan.fastEquals(curPlan)) { logDebug( s""" |=== Result of Batch ${} === |${sideBySide(plan.treeString, curPlan.treeString).mkString("\n")} """.stripMargin) } else { logTrace(s"Batch ${} has no effect.") } } curPlan } }
Example 81
Source File: package.scala From BigDatalog with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.execution import scala.collection.mutable.HashSet import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD import org.apache.spark.sql._ import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.InternalRow import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.Attribute import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.trees.TreeNodeRef import org.apache.spark.{Accumulator, AccumulatorParam, Logging} case class ColumnMetrics( elementTypes: Accumulator[HashSet[String]] = sparkContext.accumulator(HashSet.empty)) val tupleCount: Accumulator[Int] = sparkContext.accumulator[Int](0) val numColumns: Int = child.output.size val columnStats: Array[ColumnMetrics] = Array.fill(child.output.size)(new ColumnMetrics()) def dumpStats(): Unit = { logDebug(s"== ${child.simpleString} ==") logDebug(s"Tuples output: ${tupleCount.value}") { case(attr, metric) => val actualDataTypes = metric.elementTypes.value.mkString("{", ",", "}") logDebug(s" ${} ${attr.dataType}: $actualDataTypes") } } protected override def doExecute(): RDD[InternalRow] = { child.execute().mapPartitions { iter => new Iterator[InternalRow] { def hasNext: Boolean = iter.hasNext def next(): InternalRow = { val currentRow = tupleCount += 1 var i = 0 while (i < numColumns) { val value = currentRow.get(i, output(i).dataType) if (value != null) { columnStats(i).elementTypes += HashSet(value.getClass.getName) } i += 1 } currentRow } } } } } }
Example 82
Source File: DriverRegistry.scala From BigDatalog with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.jdbc import java.sql.{Driver, DriverManager} import scala.collection.mutable import org.apache.spark.Logging import org.apache.spark.util.Utils object DriverRegistry extends Logging { private val wrapperMap: mutable.Map[String, DriverWrapper] = mutable.Map.empty def register(className: String): Unit = { val cls = Utils.getContextOrSparkClassLoader.loadClass(className) if (cls.getClassLoader == null) { logTrace(s"$className has been loaded with bootstrap ClassLoader, wrapper is not required") } else if (wrapperMap.get(className).isDefined) { logTrace(s"Wrapper for $className already exists") } else { synchronized { if (wrapperMap.get(className).isEmpty) { val wrapper = new DriverWrapper(cls.newInstance().asInstanceOf[Driver]) DriverManager.registerDriver(wrapper) wrapperMap(className) = wrapper logTrace(s"Wrapper for $className registered") } } } } }
Example 83
Source File: FrequentItems.scala From BigDatalog with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.execution.stat import scala.collection.mutable.{Map => MutableMap} import org.apache.spark.Logging import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans.logical.LocalRelation import org.apache.spark.sql.types._ import org.apache.spark.sql.{Row, Column, DataFrame} private[sql] object FrequentItems extends Logging { private[sql] def singlePassFreqItems( df: DataFrame, cols: Seq[String], support: Double): DataFrame = { require(support >= 1e-4, s"support ($support) must be greater than 1e-4.") val numCols = cols.length // number of max items to keep counts for val sizeOfMap = (1 / support).toInt val countMaps = Seq.tabulate(numCols)(i => new FreqItemCounter(sizeOfMap)) val originalSchema = df.schema val colInfo: Array[(String, DataType)] = { name => val index = originalSchema.fieldIndex(name) (name, originalSchema.fields(index).dataType) }.toArray val freqItems = : _*).rdd.aggregate(countMaps)( seqOp = (counts, row) => { var i = 0 while (i < numCols) { val thisMap = counts(i) val key = row.get(i) thisMap.add(key, 1L) i += 1 } counts }, combOp = (baseCounts, counts) => { var i = 0 while (i < numCols) { baseCounts(i).merge(counts(i)) i += 1 } baseCounts } ) val justItems = => m.baseMap.keys.toArray) val resultRow = Row(justItems : _*) // append frequent Items to the column name for easy debugging val outputCols = { v => StructField(v._1 + "_freqItems", ArrayType(v._2, false)) } val schema = StructType(outputCols).toAttributes new DataFrame(df.sqlContext, LocalRelation.fromExternalRows(schema, Seq(resultRow))) } }
Example 84
Source File: CompressibleColumnBuilder.scala From BigDatalog with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.execution.columnar.compression import java.nio.{ByteBuffer, ByteOrder} import org.apache.spark.Logging import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.InternalRow import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.columnar.{ColumnBuilder, NativeColumnBuilder} import org.apache.spark.sql.types.AtomicType private[columnar] trait CompressibleColumnBuilder[T <: AtomicType] extends ColumnBuilder with Logging { this: NativeColumnBuilder[T] with WithCompressionSchemes => var compressionEncoders: Seq[Encoder[T]] = _ abstract override def initialize( initialSize: Int, columnName: String, useCompression: Boolean): Unit = { compressionEncoders = if (useCompression) { schemes.filter(_.supports(columnType)).map(_.encoder[T](columnType)) } else { Seq(PassThrough.encoder(columnType)) } super.initialize(initialSize, columnName, useCompression) } protected def isWorthCompressing(encoder: Encoder[T]) = { encoder.compressionRatio < 0.8 } private def gatherCompressibilityStats(row: InternalRow, ordinal: Int): Unit = { var i = 0 while (i < compressionEncoders.length) { compressionEncoders(i).gatherCompressibilityStats(row, ordinal) i += 1 } } abstract override def appendFrom(row: InternalRow, ordinal: Int): Unit = { super.appendFrom(row, ordinal) if (!row.isNullAt(ordinal)) { gatherCompressibilityStats(row, ordinal) } } override def build(): ByteBuffer = { val nonNullBuffer = buildNonNulls() val encoder: Encoder[T] = { val candidate = compressionEncoders.minBy(_.compressionRatio) if (isWorthCompressing(candidate)) candidate else PassThrough.encoder(columnType) } // Header = null count + null positions val headerSize = 4 + nulls.limit() val compressedSize = if (encoder.compressedSize == 0) { nonNullBuffer.remaining() } else { encoder.compressedSize } val compressedBuffer = ByteBuffer // Reserves 4 bytes for compression scheme ID .allocate(headerSize + 4 + compressedSize) .order(ByteOrder.nativeOrder) // Write the header .putInt(nullCount) .put(nulls) logDebug(s"Compressor for [$columnName]: $encoder, ratio: ${encoder.compressionRatio}") encoder.compress(nonNullBuffer, compressedBuffer) } }
Example 85
Source File: ExecutorDelegationTokenUpdater.scala From BigDatalog with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.deploy.yarn import java.util.concurrent.{Executors, TimeUnit} import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration import org.apache.hadoop.fs.{FileSystem, Path} import{Credentials, UserGroupInformation} import org.apache.spark.deploy.SparkHadoopUtil import org.apache.spark.{Logging, SparkConf} import org.apache.spark.util.{ThreadUtils, Utils} import scala.util.control.NonFatal private[spark] class ExecutorDelegationTokenUpdater( sparkConf: SparkConf, hadoopConf: Configuration) extends Logging { @volatile private var lastCredentialsFileSuffix = 0 private val credentialsFile = sparkConf.get("spark.yarn.credentials.file") private val freshHadoopConf = SparkHadoopUtil.get.getConfBypassingFSCache( hadoopConf, new Path(credentialsFile).toUri.getScheme) private val delegationTokenRenewer = Executors.newSingleThreadScheduledExecutor( ThreadUtils.namedThreadFactory("Delegation Token Refresh Thread")) // On the executor, this thread wakes up and picks up new tokens from HDFS, if any. private val executorUpdaterRunnable = new Runnable { override def run(): Unit = Utils.logUncaughtExceptions(updateCredentialsIfRequired()) } def updateCredentialsIfRequired(): Unit = { try { val credentialsFilePath = new Path(credentialsFile) val remoteFs = FileSystem.get(freshHadoopConf) SparkHadoopUtil.get.listFilesSorted( remoteFs, credentialsFilePath.getParent, credentialsFilePath.getName, SparkHadoopUtil.SPARK_YARN_CREDS_TEMP_EXTENSION) .lastOption.foreach { credentialsStatus => val suffix = SparkHadoopUtil.get.getSuffixForCredentialsPath(credentialsStatus.getPath) if (suffix > lastCredentialsFileSuffix) { logInfo("Reading new delegation tokens from " + credentialsStatus.getPath) val newCredentials = getCredentialsFromHDFSFile(remoteFs, credentialsStatus.getPath) lastCredentialsFileSuffix = suffix UserGroupInformation.getCurrentUser.addCredentials(newCredentials) logInfo("Tokens updated from credentials file.") } else { // Check every hour to see if new credentials arrived. logInfo("Updated delegation tokens were expected, but the driver has not updated the " + "tokens yet, will check again in an hour.") delegationTokenRenewer.schedule(executorUpdaterRunnable, 1, TimeUnit.HOURS) return } } val timeFromNowToRenewal = SparkHadoopUtil.get.getTimeFromNowToRenewal( sparkConf, 0.8, UserGroupInformation.getCurrentUser.getCredentials) if (timeFromNowToRenewal <= 0) { // We just checked for new credentials but none were there, wait a minute and retry. // This handles the shutdown case where the staging directory may have been removed(see // SPARK-12316 for more details). delegationTokenRenewer.schedule(executorUpdaterRunnable, 1, TimeUnit.MINUTES) } else { logInfo(s"Scheduling token refresh from HDFS in $timeFromNowToRenewal millis.") delegationTokenRenewer.schedule( executorUpdaterRunnable, timeFromNowToRenewal, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS) } } catch { // Since the file may get deleted while we are reading it, catch the Exception and come // back in an hour to try again case NonFatal(e) => logWarning("Error while trying to update credentials, will try again in 1 hour", e) delegationTokenRenewer.schedule(executorUpdaterRunnable, 1, TimeUnit.HOURS) } } private def getCredentialsFromHDFSFile(remoteFs: FileSystem, tokenPath: Path): Credentials = { val stream = try { val newCredentials = new Credentials() newCredentials.readTokenStorageStream(stream) newCredentials } finally { stream.close() } } def stop(): Unit = { delegationTokenRenewer.shutdown() } }
Example 86
Source File: SocketInputDStream.scala From BigDatalog with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.streaming.dstream import scala.util.control.NonFatal import org.apache.spark.streaming.StreamingContext import import org.apache.spark.util.NextIterator import scala.reflect.ClassTag import import{UnknownHostException, Socket} import org.apache.spark.Logging import org.apache.spark.streaming.receiver.Receiver private[streaming] class SocketInputDStream[T: ClassTag]( ssc_ : StreamingContext, host: String, port: Int, bytesToObjects: InputStream => Iterator[T], storageLevel: StorageLevel ) extends ReceiverInputDStream[T](ssc_) { def getReceiver(): Receiver[T] = { new SocketReceiver(host, port, bytesToObjects, storageLevel) } } private[streaming] class SocketReceiver[T: ClassTag]( host: String, port: Int, bytesToObjects: InputStream => Iterator[T], storageLevel: StorageLevel ) extends Receiver[T](storageLevel) with Logging { def onStart() { // Start the thread that receives data over a connection new Thread("Socket Receiver") { setDaemon(true) override def run() { receive() } }.start() } def onStop() { // There is nothing much to do as the thread calling receive() // is designed to stop by itself isStopped() returns false } def bytesToLines(inputStream: InputStream): Iterator[String] = { val dataInputStream = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(inputStream, "UTF-8")) new NextIterator[String] { protected override def getNext() = { val nextValue = dataInputStream.readLine() if (nextValue == null) { finished = true } nextValue } protected override def close() { dataInputStream.close() } } } }
Example 87
Source File: StreamingTab.scala From BigDatalog with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.streaming.ui import org.apache.spark.{Logging, SparkException} import org.apache.spark.streaming.StreamingContext import org.apache.spark.ui.{SparkUI, SparkUITab} import StreamingTab._ private[spark] class StreamingTab(val ssc: StreamingContext) extends SparkUITab(getSparkUI(ssc), "streaming") with Logging { private val STATIC_RESOURCE_DIR = "org/apache/spark/streaming/ui/static" val parent = getSparkUI(ssc) val listener = ssc.progressListener ssc.addStreamingListener(listener) attachPage(new StreamingPage(this)) attachPage(new BatchPage(this)) def attach() { getSparkUI(ssc).attachTab(this) getSparkUI(ssc).addStaticHandler(STATIC_RESOURCE_DIR, "/static/streaming") } def detach() { getSparkUI(ssc).detachTab(this) getSparkUI(ssc).removeStaticHandler("/static/streaming") } } private object StreamingTab { def getSparkUI(ssc: StreamingContext): SparkUI = { { throw new SparkException("Parent SparkUI to attach this tab to not found!") } } }
Example 88
Source File: StreamingListenerBus.scala From BigDatalog with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.streaming.scheduler import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean import org.apache.spark.Logging import org.apache.spark.util.AsynchronousListenerBus private[spark] class StreamingListenerBus extends AsynchronousListenerBus[StreamingListener, StreamingListenerEvent]("StreamingListenerBus") with Logging { private val logDroppedEvent = new AtomicBoolean(false) override def onPostEvent(listener: StreamingListener, event: StreamingListenerEvent): Unit = { event match { case receiverStarted: StreamingListenerReceiverStarted => listener.onReceiverStarted(receiverStarted) case receiverError: StreamingListenerReceiverError => listener.onReceiverError(receiverError) case receiverStopped: StreamingListenerReceiverStopped => listener.onReceiverStopped(receiverStopped) case batchSubmitted: StreamingListenerBatchSubmitted => listener.onBatchSubmitted(batchSubmitted) case batchStarted: StreamingListenerBatchStarted => listener.onBatchStarted(batchStarted) case batchCompleted: StreamingListenerBatchCompleted => listener.onBatchCompleted(batchCompleted) case outputOperationStarted: StreamingListenerOutputOperationStarted => listener.onOutputOperationStarted(outputOperationStarted) case outputOperationCompleted: StreamingListenerOutputOperationCompleted => listener.onOutputOperationCompleted(outputOperationCompleted) case _ => } } override def onDropEvent(event: StreamingListenerEvent): Unit = { if (logDroppedEvent.compareAndSet(false, true)) { // Only log the following message once to avoid duplicated annoying logs. logError("Dropping StreamingListenerEvent because no remaining room in event queue. " + "This likely means one of the StreamingListeners is too slow and cannot keep up with the " + "rate at which events are being started by the scheduler.") } } }
Example 89
Source File: RecurringTimer.scala From BigDatalog with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.streaming.util import org.apache.spark.Logging import org.apache.spark.util.{Clock, SystemClock} private[streaming] class RecurringTimer(clock: Clock, period: Long, callback: (Long) => Unit, name: String) extends Logging { private val thread = new Thread("RecurringTimer - " + name) { setDaemon(true) override def run() { loop } } @volatile private var prevTime = -1L @volatile private var nextTime = -1L @volatile private var stopped = false private def loop() { try { while (!stopped) { triggerActionForNextInterval() } triggerActionForNextInterval() } catch { case e: InterruptedException => } } } private[streaming] object RecurringTimer extends Logging { def main(args: Array[String]) { var lastRecurTime = 0L val period = 1000 def onRecur(time: Long) { val currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis() logInfo("" + currentTime + ": " + (currentTime - lastRecurTime)) lastRecurTime = currentTime } val timer = new RecurringTimer(new SystemClock(), period, onRecur, "Test") timer.start() Thread.sleep(30 * 1000) timer.stop(true) } }
Example 90
Source File: RawTextSender.scala From BigDatalog with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.streaming.util import{ByteArrayOutputStream, IOException} import import java.nio.ByteBuffer import import org.apache.spark.{SparkConf, Logging} import org.apache.spark.serializer.KryoSerializer import org.apache.spark.util.IntParam private[streaming] object RawTextSender extends Logging { def main(args: Array[String]) { if (args.length != 4) { // scalastyle:off println System.err.println("Usage: RawTextSender <port> <file> <blockSize> <bytesPerSec>") // scalastyle:on println System.exit(1) } // Parse the arguments using a pattern match val Array(IntParam(port), file, IntParam(blockSize), IntParam(bytesPerSec)) = args // Repeat the input data multiple times to fill in a buffer val lines = Source.fromFile(file).getLines().toArray val bufferStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream(blockSize + 1000) val ser = new KryoSerializer(new SparkConf()).newInstance() val serStream = ser.serializeStream(bufferStream) var i = 0 while (bufferStream.size < blockSize) { serStream.writeObject(lines(i)) i = (i + 1) % lines.length } val array = bufferStream.toByteArray val countBuf = ByteBuffer.wrap(new Array[Byte](4)) countBuf.putInt(array.length) countBuf.flip() val serverSocket = new ServerSocket(port) logInfo("Listening on port " + port) while (true) { val socket = serverSocket.accept() logInfo("Got a new connection") val out = new RateLimitedOutputStream(socket.getOutputStream, bytesPerSec) try { while (true) { out.write(countBuf.array) out.write(array) } } catch { case e: IOException => logError("Client disconnected") } finally { socket.close() } } } }
Example 91
Source File: FileBasedWriteAheadLogReader.scala From BigDatalog with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.streaming.util import{IOException, Closeable, EOFException} import java.nio.ByteBuffer import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration import org.apache.spark.Logging private[streaming] class FileBasedWriteAheadLogReader(path: String, conf: Configuration) extends Iterator[ByteBuffer] with Closeable with Logging { private val instream = HdfsUtils.getInputStream(path, conf) private var closed = (instream == null) // the file may be deleted as we're opening the stream private var nextItem: Option[ByteBuffer] = None override def hasNext: Boolean = synchronized { if (closed) { return false } if (nextItem.isDefined) { // handle the case where hasNext is called without calling next true } else { try { val length = instream.readInt() val buffer = new Array[Byte](length) instream.readFully(buffer) nextItem = Some(ByteBuffer.wrap(buffer)) logTrace("Read next item " + nextItem.get) true } catch { case e: EOFException => logDebug("Error reading next item, EOF reached", e) close() false case e: IOException => logWarning("Error while trying to read data. If the file was deleted, " + "this should be okay.", e) close() if (HdfsUtils.checkFileExists(path, conf)) { // If file exists, this could be a legitimate error throw e } else { // File was deleted. This can occur when the daemon cleanup thread takes time to // delete the file during recovery. false } case e: Exception => logWarning("Error while trying to read data from HDFS.", e) close() throw e } } } override def next(): ByteBuffer = synchronized { val data = nextItem.getOrElse { close() throw new IllegalStateException( "next called without calling hasNext or after hasNext returned false") } nextItem = None // Ensure the next hasNext call loads new data. data } override def close(): Unit = synchronized { if (!closed) { instream.close() } closed = true } }
Example 92
Source File: RateLimitedOutputStream.scala From BigDatalog with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.streaming.util import scala.annotation.tailrec import import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit._ import org.apache.spark.Logging private[streaming] class RateLimitedOutputStream(out: OutputStream, desiredBytesPerSec: Int) extends OutputStream with Logging { require(desiredBytesPerSec > 0) private val SYNC_INTERVAL = NANOSECONDS.convert(10, SECONDS) private val CHUNK_SIZE = 8192 private var lastSyncTime = System.nanoTime private var bytesWrittenSinceSync = 0L override def write(b: Int) { waitToWrite(1) out.write(b) } override def write(bytes: Array[Byte]) { write(bytes, 0, bytes.length) } @tailrec override final def write(bytes: Array[Byte], offset: Int, length: Int) { val writeSize = math.min(length - offset, CHUNK_SIZE) if (writeSize > 0) { waitToWrite(writeSize) out.write(bytes, offset, writeSize) write(bytes, offset + writeSize, length) } } override def flush() { out.flush() } override def close() { out.close() } @tailrec private def waitToWrite(numBytes: Int) { val now = System.nanoTime val elapsedNanosecs = math.max(now - lastSyncTime, 1) val rate = bytesWrittenSinceSync.toDouble * 1000000000 / elapsedNanosecs if (rate < desiredBytesPerSec) { // It's okay to write; just update some variables and return bytesWrittenSinceSync += numBytes if (now > lastSyncTime + SYNC_INTERVAL) { // Sync interval has passed; let's resync lastSyncTime = now bytesWrittenSinceSync = numBytes } } else { // Calculate how much time we should sleep to bring ourselves to the desired rate. val targetTimeInMillis = bytesWrittenSinceSync * 1000 / desiredBytesPerSec val elapsedTimeInMillis = elapsedNanosecs / 1000000 val sleepTimeInMillis = targetTimeInMillis - elapsedTimeInMillis if (sleepTimeInMillis > 0) { logTrace("Natural rate is " + rate + " per second but desired rate is " + desiredBytesPerSec + ", sleeping for " + sleepTimeInMillis + " ms to compensate.") Thread.sleep(sleepTimeInMillis) } waitToWrite(numBytes) } } }
Example 93
Source File: FailureSuite.scala From BigDatalog with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.streaming import import org.scalatest.BeforeAndAfter import org.apache.spark.{SparkFunSuite, Logging} import org.apache.spark.util.Utils class FailureSuite extends SparkFunSuite with BeforeAndAfter with Logging { private val batchDuration: Duration = Milliseconds(1000) private val numBatches = 30 private var directory: File = null before { directory = Utils.createTempDir() } after { if (directory != null) { Utils.deleteRecursively(directory) } StreamingContext.getActive().foreach { _.stop() } } test("multiple failures with map") { MasterFailureTest.testMap(directory.getAbsolutePath, numBatches, batchDuration) } test("multiple failures with updateStateByKey") { MasterFailureTest.testUpdateStateByKey(directory.getAbsolutePath, numBatches, batchDuration) } }
Example 94
Source File: EventLogDownloadResource.scala From BigDatalog with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.status.api.v1 import import import{GET, Produces} import{MediaType, Response, StreamingOutput} import scala.util.control.NonFatal import org.apache.spark.{Logging, SparkConf} import org.apache.spark.deploy.SparkHadoopUtil @Produces(Array(MediaType.APPLICATION_OCTET_STREAM)) private[v1] class EventLogDownloadResource( val uIRoot: UIRoot, val appId: String, val attemptId: Option[String]) extends Logging { val conf = SparkHadoopUtil.get.newConfiguration(new SparkConf) @GET def getEventLogs(): Response = { try { val fileName = { attemptId match { case Some(id) => s"eventLogs-$appId-$" case None => s"eventLogs-$" } } val stream = new StreamingOutput { override def write(output: OutputStream): Unit = { val zipStream = new ZipOutputStream(output) try { uIRoot.writeEventLogs(appId, attemptId, zipStream) } finally { zipStream.close() } } } Response.ok(stream) .header("Content-Disposition", s"attachment; filename=$fileName") .header("Content-Type", MediaType.APPLICATION_OCTET_STREAM) .build() } catch { case NonFatal(e) => Response.serverError() .entity(s"Event logs are not available for app: $appId.") .status(Response.Status.SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE) .build() } } }
Example 95
Source File: NettyRpcCallContext.scala From BigDatalog with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.rpc.netty import scala.concurrent.Promise import org.apache.spark.Logging import import org.apache.spark.rpc.{RpcAddress, RpcCallContext} private[netty] abstract class NettyRpcCallContext(override val senderAddress: RpcAddress) extends RpcCallContext with Logging { protected def send(message: Any): Unit override def reply(response: Any): Unit = { send(response) } override def sendFailure(e: Throwable): Unit = { send(RpcFailure(e)) } } private[netty] class RemoteNettyRpcCallContext( nettyEnv: NettyRpcEnv, callback: RpcResponseCallback, senderAddress: RpcAddress) extends NettyRpcCallContext(senderAddress) { override protected def send(message: Any): Unit = { val reply = nettyEnv.serialize(message) callback.onSuccess(reply) } }
Example 96
Source File: BlockTransferService.scala From BigDatalog with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import import java.nio.ByteBuffer import scala.concurrent.{Promise, Await, Future} import scala.concurrent.duration.Duration import org.apache.spark.Logging import{NioManagedBuffer, ManagedBuffer} import{ShuffleClient, BlockFetchingListener} import{BlockManagerId, BlockId, StorageLevel} private[spark] abstract class BlockTransferService extends ShuffleClient with Closeable with Logging { def uploadBlockSync( hostname: String, port: Int, execId: String, blockId: BlockId, blockData: ManagedBuffer, level: StorageLevel): Unit = { Await.result(uploadBlock(hostname, port, execId, blockId, blockData, level), Duration.Inf) } }
Example 97
Source File: NettyBlockRpcServer.scala From BigDatalog with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import java.nio.ByteBuffer import scala.collection.JavaConverters._ import org.apache.spark.Logging import import{ManagedBuffer, NioManagedBuffer} import{RpcResponseCallback, TransportClient} import{OneForOneStreamManager, RpcHandler, StreamManager} import{BlockTransferMessage, OpenBlocks, StreamHandle, UploadBlock} import org.apache.spark.serializer.Serializer import{BlockId, StorageLevel} class NettyBlockRpcServer( appId: String, serializer: Serializer, blockManager: BlockDataManager) extends RpcHandler with Logging { private val streamManager = new OneForOneStreamManager() override def receive( client: TransportClient, rpcMessage: ByteBuffer, responseContext: RpcResponseCallback): Unit = { val message = BlockTransferMessage.Decoder.fromByteBuffer(rpcMessage) logTrace(s"Received request: $message") message match { case openBlocks: OpenBlocks => val blocks: Seq[ManagedBuffer] = val streamId = streamManager.registerStream(appId, blocks.iterator.asJava) logTrace(s"Registered streamId $streamId with ${blocks.size} buffers") responseContext.onSuccess(new StreamHandle(streamId, blocks.size).toByteBuffer) case uploadBlock: UploadBlock => // StorageLevel is serialized as bytes using our JavaSerializer. val level: StorageLevel = serializer.newInstance().deserialize(ByteBuffer.wrap(uploadBlock.metadata)) val data = new NioManagedBuffer(ByteBuffer.wrap(uploadBlock.blockData)) blockManager.putBlockData(BlockId(uploadBlock.blockId), data, level) responseContext.onSuccess(ByteBuffer.allocate(0)) } } override def getStreamManager(): StreamManager = streamManager }
Example 98
Source File: MetricsConfig.scala From BigDatalog with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.metrics import{FileInputStream, InputStream} import java.util.Properties import scala.collection.JavaConverters._ import scala.collection.mutable import scala.util.matching.Regex import org.apache.spark.util.Utils import org.apache.spark.{Logging, SparkConf} private[spark] class MetricsConfig(conf: SparkConf) extends Logging { private val DEFAULT_PREFIX = "*" private val INSTANCE_REGEX = "^(\\*|[a-zA-Z]+)\\.(.+)".r private val DEFAULT_METRICS_CONF_FILENAME = "" private[metrics] val properties = new Properties() private[metrics] var propertyCategories: mutable.HashMap[String, Properties] = null private def setDefaultProperties(prop: Properties) { prop.setProperty("*.sink.servlet.class", "org.apache.spark.metrics.sink.MetricsServlet") prop.setProperty("*.sink.servlet.path", "/metrics/json") prop.setProperty("master.sink.servlet.path", "/metrics/master/json") prop.setProperty("applications.sink.servlet.path", "/metrics/applications/json") } def initialize() { // Add default properties in case there's no properties file setDefaultProperties(properties) loadPropertiesFromFile(conf.getOption("spark.metrics.conf")) // Also look for the properties in provided Spark configuration val prefix = "spark.metrics.conf." conf.getAll.foreach { case (k, v) if k.startsWith(prefix) => properties.setProperty(k.substring(prefix.length()), v) case _ => } propertyCategories = subProperties(properties, INSTANCE_REGEX) if (propertyCategories.contains(DEFAULT_PREFIX)) { val defaultProperty = propertyCategories(DEFAULT_PREFIX).asScala for((inst, prop) <- propertyCategories if (inst != DEFAULT_PREFIX); (k, v) <- defaultProperty if (prop.get(k) == null)) { prop.put(k, v) } } } def subProperties(prop: Properties, regex: Regex): mutable.HashMap[String, Properties] = { val subProperties = new mutable.HashMap[String, Properties] prop.asScala.foreach { kv => if (regex.findPrefixOf(kv._1.toString).isDefined) { val regex(prefix, suffix) = kv._1.toString subProperties.getOrElseUpdate(prefix, new Properties).setProperty(suffix, kv._2.toString) } } subProperties } def getInstance(inst: String): Properties = { propertyCategories.get(inst) match { case Some(s) => s case None => propertyCategories.getOrElse(DEFAULT_PREFIX, new Properties) } } private[this] def loadPropertiesFromFile(path: Option[String]): Unit = { var is: InputStream = null try { is = path match { case Some(f) => new FileInputStream(f) case None => Utils.getSparkClassLoader.getResourceAsStream(DEFAULT_METRICS_CONF_FILENAME) } if (is != null) { properties.load(is) } } catch { case e: Exception => val file = path.getOrElse(DEFAULT_METRICS_CONF_FILENAME) logError(s"Error loading configuration file $file", e) } finally { if (is != null) { is.close() } } } }
Example 99
Source File: PythonGatewayServer.scala From BigDatalog with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.api.python import import import py4j.GatewayServer import org.apache.spark.Logging import org.apache.spark.util.Utils private[spark] object PythonGatewayServer extends Logging { def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = Utils.tryOrExit { // Start a GatewayServer on an ephemeral port val gatewayServer: GatewayServer = new GatewayServer(null, 0) gatewayServer.start() val boundPort: Int = gatewayServer.getListeningPort if (boundPort == -1) { logError("GatewayServer failed to bind; exiting") System.exit(1) } else { logDebug(s"Started PythonGatewayServer on port $boundPort") } // Communicate the bound port back to the caller via the caller-specified callback port val callbackHost = sys.env("_PYSPARK_DRIVER_CALLBACK_HOST") val callbackPort = sys.env("_PYSPARK_DRIVER_CALLBACK_PORT").toInt logDebug(s"Communicating GatewayServer port to Python driver at $callbackHost:$callbackPort") val callbackSocket = new Socket(callbackHost, callbackPort) val dos = new DataOutputStream(callbackSocket.getOutputStream) dos.writeInt(boundPort) dos.close() callbackSocket.close() // Exit on EOF or broken pipe to ensure that this process dies when the Python driver dies: while ( != -1) { // Do nothing } logDebug("Exiting due to broken pipe from Python driver") System.exit(0) } }
Example 100
Source File: MesosExternalShuffleService.scala From BigDatalog with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.deploy.mesos import import java.nio.ByteBuffer import scala.collection.mutable import org.apache.spark.{Logging, SecurityManager, SparkConf} import org.apache.spark.deploy.ExternalShuffleService import{RpcResponseCallback, TransportClient} import import import import private[mesos] class MesosExternalShuffleService(conf: SparkConf, securityManager: SecurityManager) extends ExternalShuffleService(conf, securityManager) { protected override def newShuffleBlockHandler( conf: TransportConf): ExternalShuffleBlockHandler = { new MesosExternalShuffleBlockHandler(conf) } } private[spark] object MesosExternalShuffleService extends Logging { def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { ExternalShuffleService.main(args, (conf: SparkConf, sm: SecurityManager) => new MesosExternalShuffleService(conf, sm)) } }
Example 101
Source File: MesosClusterDispatcher.scala From BigDatalog with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.deploy.mesos import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch import org.apache.spark.deploy.mesos.ui.MesosClusterUI import import org.apache.spark.scheduler.cluster.mesos._ import org.apache.spark.util.SignalLogger import org.apache.spark.{Logging, SecurityManager, SparkConf} private[mesos] class MesosClusterDispatcher( args: MesosClusterDispatcherArguments, conf: SparkConf) extends Logging { private val publicAddress = Option(conf.getenv("SPARK_PUBLIC_DNS")).getOrElse( private val recoveryMode = conf.get("spark.mesos.deploy.recoveryMode", "NONE").toUpperCase() logInfo("Recovery mode in Mesos dispatcher set to: " + recoveryMode) private val engineFactory = recoveryMode match { case "NONE" => new BlackHoleMesosClusterPersistenceEngineFactory case "ZOOKEEPER" => new ZookeeperMesosClusterPersistenceEngineFactory(conf) case _ => throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported recovery mode: " + recoveryMode) } private val scheduler = new MesosClusterScheduler(engineFactory, conf) private val server = new MesosRestServer(, args.port, conf, scheduler) private val webUi = new MesosClusterUI( new SecurityManager(conf), args.webUiPort, conf, publicAddress, scheduler) private val shutdownLatch = new CountDownLatch(1) def start(): Unit = { webUi.bind() scheduler.frameworkUrl = webUi.activeWebUiUrl scheduler.start() server.start() } def awaitShutdown(): Unit = { shutdownLatch.await() } def stop(): Unit = { webUi.stop() server.stop() scheduler.stop() shutdownLatch.countDown() } } private[mesos] object MesosClusterDispatcher extends Logging { def main(args: Array[String]) { SignalLogger.register(log) val conf = new SparkConf val dispatcherArgs = new MesosClusterDispatcherArguments(args, conf) conf.setMaster(dispatcherArgs.masterUrl) conf.setAppName( dispatcherArgs.zookeeperUrl.foreach { z => conf.set("spark.mesos.deploy.recoveryMode", "ZOOKEEPER") conf.set("spark.mesos.deploy.zookeeper.url", z) } val dispatcher = new MesosClusterDispatcher(dispatcherArgs, conf) dispatcher.start() val shutdownHook = new Thread() { override def run() { logInfo("Shutdown hook is shutting down dispatcher") dispatcher.stop() dispatcher.awaitShutdown() } } Runtime.getRuntime.addShutdownHook(shutdownHook) dispatcher.awaitShutdown() } }
Example 102
Source File: SparkCuratorUtil.scala From BigDatalog with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.deploy import scala.collection.JavaConverters._ import org.apache.curator.framework.{CuratorFramework, CuratorFrameworkFactory} import org.apache.curator.retry.ExponentialBackoffRetry import org.apache.zookeeper.KeeperException import org.apache.spark.{Logging, SparkConf} private[spark] object SparkCuratorUtil extends Logging { private val ZK_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT_MILLIS = 15000 private val ZK_SESSION_TIMEOUT_MILLIS = 60000 private val RETRY_WAIT_MILLIS = 5000 private val MAX_RECONNECT_ATTEMPTS = 3 def newClient( conf: SparkConf, zkUrlConf: String = "spark.deploy.zookeeper.url"): CuratorFramework = { val ZK_URL = conf.get(zkUrlConf) val zk = CuratorFrameworkFactory.newClient(ZK_URL, ZK_SESSION_TIMEOUT_MILLIS, ZK_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT_MILLIS, new ExponentialBackoffRetry(RETRY_WAIT_MILLIS, MAX_RECONNECT_ATTEMPTS)) zk.start() zk } def mkdir(zk: CuratorFramework, path: String) { if (zk.checkExists().forPath(path) == null) { try { zk.create().creatingParentsIfNeeded().forPath(path) } catch { case nodeExist: KeeperException.NodeExistsException => // do nothing, ignore node existing exception. case e: Exception => throw e } } } def deleteRecursive(zk: CuratorFramework, path: String) { if (zk.checkExists().forPath(path) != null) { for (child <- zk.getChildren.forPath(path).asScala) { zk.delete().forPath(path + "/" + child) } zk.delete().forPath(path) } } }
Example 103
Source File: TestClient.scala From BigDatalog with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.deploy.client import org.apache.spark.rpc.RpcEnv import org.apache.spark.{SecurityManager, SparkConf, Logging} import org.apache.spark.deploy.{ApplicationDescription, Command} import org.apache.spark.util.Utils private[spark] object TestClient { private class TestListener extends AppClientListener with Logging { def connected(id: String) { logInfo("Connected to master, got app ID " + id) } def disconnected() { logInfo("Disconnected from master") System.exit(0) } def dead(reason: String) { logInfo("Application died with error: " + reason) System.exit(0) } def executorAdded(id: String, workerId: String, hostPort: String, cores: Int, memory: Int) {} def executorRemoved(id: String, message: String, exitStatus: Option[Int]) {} } def main(args: Array[String]) { val url = args(0) val conf = new SparkConf val rpcEnv = RpcEnv.create("spark", Utils.localHostName(), 0, conf, new SecurityManager(conf)) val executorClassname = TestExecutor.getClass.getCanonicalName.stripSuffix("$") val desc = new ApplicationDescription("TestClient", Some(1), 512, Command(executorClassname, Seq(), Map(), Seq(), Seq(), Seq()), "ignored") val listener = new TestListener val client = new AppClient(rpcEnv, Array(url), desc, listener, new SparkConf) client.start() rpcEnv.awaitTermination() } }
Example 104
Source File: FileSystemPersistenceEngine.scala From BigDatalog with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.deploy.master import import scala.reflect.ClassTag import org.apache.spark.Logging import org.apache.spark.serializer.{DeserializationStream, SerializationStream, Serializer} import org.apache.spark.util.Utils private[master] class FileSystemPersistenceEngine( val dir: String, val serializer: Serializer) extends PersistenceEngine with Logging { new File(dir).mkdir() override def persist(name: String, obj: Object): Unit = { serializeIntoFile(new File(dir + File.separator + name), obj) } override def unpersist(name: String): Unit = { val f = new File(dir + File.separator + name) if (!f.delete()) { logWarning(s"Error deleting ${f.getPath()}") } } override def read[T: ClassTag](prefix: String): Seq[T] = { val files = new File(dir).listFiles().filter(_.getName.startsWith(prefix))[T]) } private def serializeIntoFile(file: File, value: AnyRef) { val created = file.createNewFile() if (!created) { throw new IllegalStateException("Could not create file: " + file) } val fileOut = new FileOutputStream(file) var out: SerializationStream = null Utils.tryWithSafeFinally { out = serializer.newInstance().serializeStream(fileOut) out.writeObject(value) } { fileOut.close() if (out != null) { out.close() } } } private def deserializeFromFile[T](file: File)(implicit m: ClassTag[T]): T = { val fileIn = new FileInputStream(file) var in: DeserializationStream = null try { in = serializer.newInstance().deserializeStream(fileIn) in.readObject[T]() } finally { fileIn.close() if (in != null) { in.close() } } } }
Example 105
Source File: RecoveryModeFactory.scala From BigDatalog with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.deploy.master import org.apache.spark.{Logging, SparkConf} import org.apache.spark.annotation.DeveloperApi import org.apache.spark.serializer.Serializer private[master] class FileSystemRecoveryModeFactory(conf: SparkConf, serializer: Serializer) extends StandaloneRecoveryModeFactory(conf, serializer) with Logging { val RECOVERY_DIR = conf.get("spark.deploy.recoveryDirectory", "") def createPersistenceEngine(): PersistenceEngine = { logInfo("Persisting recovery state to directory: " + RECOVERY_DIR) new FileSystemPersistenceEngine(RECOVERY_DIR, serializer) } def createLeaderElectionAgent(master: LeaderElectable): LeaderElectionAgent = { new MonarchyLeaderAgent(master) } } private[master] class ZooKeeperRecoveryModeFactory(conf: SparkConf, serializer: Serializer) extends StandaloneRecoveryModeFactory(conf, serializer) { def createPersistenceEngine(): PersistenceEngine = { new ZooKeeperPersistenceEngine(conf, serializer) } def createLeaderElectionAgent(master: LeaderElectable): LeaderElectionAgent = { new ZooKeeperLeaderElectionAgent(master, conf) } }
Example 106
Source File: MasterWebUI.scala From BigDatalog with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.deploy.master.ui import org.apache.spark.Logging import org.apache.spark.deploy.master.Master import org.apache.spark.status.api.v1.{ApiRootResource, ApplicationsListResource, ApplicationInfo, UIRoot} import org.apache.spark.ui.{SparkUI, WebUI} import org.apache.spark.ui.JettyUtils._ def detachSparkUI(ui: SparkUI) { assert(serverInfo.isDefined, "Master UI must be bound to a server before detaching SparkUIs") ui.getHandlers.foreach(detachHandler) } def getApplicationInfoList: Iterator[ApplicationInfo] = { val state = masterPage.getMasterState val activeApps = state.activeApps.sortBy(_.startTime).reverse val completedApps = state.completedApps.sortBy(_.endTime).reverse { ApplicationsListResource.convertApplicationInfo(_, false) } ++ { ApplicationsListResource.convertApplicationInfo(_, true) } } def getSparkUI(appId: String): Option[SparkUI] = { val state = masterPage.getMasterState val activeApps = state.activeApps.sortBy(_.startTime).reverse val completedApps = state.completedApps.sortBy(_.endTime).reverse (activeApps ++ completedApps).find { == appId }.flatMap { master.rebuildSparkUI } } } private[master] object MasterWebUI { private val STATIC_RESOURCE_DIR = SparkUI.STATIC_RESOURCE_DIR }
Example 107
Source File: ZooKeeperLeaderElectionAgent.scala From BigDatalog with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.deploy.master import org.apache.spark.{Logging, SparkConf} import org.apache.curator.framework.CuratorFramework import{LeaderLatchListener, LeaderLatch} import org.apache.spark.deploy.SparkCuratorUtil private[master] class ZooKeeperLeaderElectionAgent(val masterInstance: LeaderElectable, conf: SparkConf) extends LeaderLatchListener with LeaderElectionAgent with Logging { val WORKING_DIR = conf.get("spark.deploy.zookeeper.dir", "/spark") + "/leader_election" private var zk: CuratorFramework = _ private var leaderLatch: LeaderLatch = _ private var status = LeadershipStatus.NOT_LEADER start() private def start() { logInfo("Starting ZooKeeper LeaderElection agent") zk = SparkCuratorUtil.newClient(conf) leaderLatch = new LeaderLatch(zk, WORKING_DIR) leaderLatch.addListener(this) leaderLatch.start() } override def stop() { leaderLatch.close() zk.close() } override def isLeader() { synchronized { // could have lost leadership by now. if (!leaderLatch.hasLeadership) { return } logInfo("We have gained leadership") updateLeadershipStatus(true) } } override def notLeader() { synchronized { // could have gained leadership by now. if (leaderLatch.hasLeadership) { return } logInfo("We have lost leadership") updateLeadershipStatus(false) } } private def updateLeadershipStatus(isLeader: Boolean) { if (isLeader && status == LeadershipStatus.NOT_LEADER) { status = LeadershipStatus.LEADER masterInstance.electedLeader() } else if (!isLeader && status == LeadershipStatus.LEADER) { status = LeadershipStatus.NOT_LEADER masterInstance.revokedLeadership() } } private object LeadershipStatus extends Enumeration { type LeadershipStatus = Value val LEADER, NOT_LEADER = Value } }
Example 108
Source File: ZooKeeperPersistenceEngine.scala From BigDatalog with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.deploy.master import java.nio.ByteBuffer import scala.collection.JavaConverters._ import scala.reflect.ClassTag import org.apache.curator.framework.CuratorFramework import org.apache.zookeeper.CreateMode import org.apache.spark.{Logging, SparkConf} import org.apache.spark.deploy.SparkCuratorUtil import org.apache.spark.serializer.Serializer private[master] class ZooKeeperPersistenceEngine(conf: SparkConf, val serializer: Serializer) extends PersistenceEngine with Logging { private val WORKING_DIR = conf.get("spark.deploy.zookeeper.dir", "/spark") + "/master_status" private val zk: CuratorFramework = SparkCuratorUtil.newClient(conf) SparkCuratorUtil.mkdir(zk, WORKING_DIR) override def persist(name: String, obj: Object): Unit = { serializeIntoFile(WORKING_DIR + "/" + name, obj) } override def unpersist(name: String): Unit = { zk.delete().forPath(WORKING_DIR + "/" + name) } override def read[T: ClassTag](prefix: String): Seq[T] = { zk.getChildren.forPath(WORKING_DIR).asScala .filter(_.startsWith(prefix)).map(deserializeFromFile[T]).flatten } override def close() { zk.close() } private def serializeIntoFile(path: String, value: AnyRef) { val serialized = serializer.newInstance().serialize(value) val bytes = new Array[Byte](serialized.remaining()) serialized.get(bytes) zk.create().withMode(CreateMode.PERSISTENT).forPath(path, bytes) } private def deserializeFromFile[T](filename: String)(implicit m: ClassTag[T]): Option[T] = { val fileData = zk.getData().forPath(WORKING_DIR + "/" + filename) try { Some(serializer.newInstance().deserialize[T](ByteBuffer.wrap(fileData))) } catch { case e: Exception => { logWarning("Exception while reading persisted file, deleting", e) zk.delete().forPath(WORKING_DIR + "/" + filename) None } } } }
Example 109
Source File: CommandUtils.scala From BigDatalog with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.deploy.worker import{File, FileOutputStream, InputStream, IOException} import scala.collection.JavaConverters._ import scala.collection.Map import org.apache.spark.Logging import org.apache.spark.SecurityManager import org.apache.spark.deploy.Command import org.apache.spark.launcher.WorkerCommandBuilder import org.apache.spark.util.Utils def redirectStream(in: InputStream, file: File) { val out = new FileOutputStream(file, true) // TODO: It would be nice to add a shutdown hook here that explains why the output is // terminating. Otherwise if the worker dies the executor logs will silently stop. new Thread("redirect output to " + file) { override def run() { try { Utils.copyStream(in, out, true) } catch { case e: IOException => logInfo("Redirection to " + file + " closed: " + e.getMessage) } } }.start() } }
Example 110
Source File: WorkerWebUI.scala From BigDatalog with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.deploy.worker.ui import import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest import org.apache.spark.Logging import org.apache.spark.deploy.worker.Worker import org.apache.spark.ui.{SparkUI, WebUI} import org.apache.spark.ui.JettyUtils._ import org.apache.spark.util.RpcUtils def initialize() { val logPage = new LogPage(this) attachPage(logPage) attachPage(new WorkerPage(this)) attachHandler(createStaticHandler(WorkerWebUI.STATIC_RESOURCE_BASE, "/static")) attachHandler(createServletHandler("/log", (request: HttpServletRequest) => logPage.renderLog(request), worker.securityMgr, worker.conf)) } } private[worker] object WorkerWebUI { val STATIC_RESOURCE_BASE = SparkUI.STATIC_RESOURCE_DIR val DEFAULT_RETAINED_DRIVERS = 1000 val DEFAULT_RETAINED_EXECUTORS = 1000 }
Example 111
Source File: WorkerWatcher.scala From BigDatalog with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.deploy.worker import org.apache.spark.Logging import org.apache.spark.rpc._ private[spark] class WorkerWatcher( override val rpcEnv: RpcEnv, workerUrl: String, isTesting: Boolean = false) extends RpcEndpoint with Logging { logInfo(s"Connecting to worker $workerUrl") if (!isTesting) { rpcEnv.asyncSetupEndpointRefByURI(workerUrl) } // Used to avoid shutting down JVM during tests // In the normal case, exitNonZero will call `System.exit(-1)` to shutdown the JVM. In the unit // test, the user should call `setTesting(true)` so that `exitNonZero` will set `isShutDown` to // true rather than calling `System.exit`. The user can check `isShutDown` to know if // `exitNonZero` is called. private[deploy] var isShutDown = false // Lets filter events only from the worker's rpc system private val expectedAddress = RpcAddress.fromURIString(workerUrl) private def isWorker(address: RpcAddress) = expectedAddress == address private def exitNonZero() = if (isTesting) isShutDown = true else System.exit(-1) override def receive: PartialFunction[Any, Unit] = { case e => logWarning(s"Received unexpected message: $e") } override def onConnected(remoteAddress: RpcAddress): Unit = { if (isWorker(remoteAddress)) { logInfo(s"Successfully connected to $workerUrl") } } override def onDisconnected(remoteAddress: RpcAddress): Unit = { if (isWorker(remoteAddress)) { // This log message will never be seen logError(s"Lost connection to worker rpc endpoint $workerUrl. Exiting.") exitNonZero() } } override def onNetworkError(cause: Throwable, remoteAddress: RpcAddress): Unit = { if (isWorker(remoteAddress)) { // These logs may not be seen if the worker (and associated pipe) has died logError(s"Could not initialize connection to worker $workerUrl. Exiting.") logError(s"Error was: $cause") exitNonZero() } } }
Example 112
Source File: HistoryServerArguments.scala From BigDatalog with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.deploy.history import org.apache.spark.{Logging, SparkConf} import org.apache.spark.util.Utils private[history] class HistoryServerArguments(conf: SparkConf, args: Array[String]) extends Logging { private var propertiesFile: String = null parse(args.toList) private def parse(args: List[String]): Unit = { if (args.length == 1) { setLogDirectory(args.head) } else { args match { case ("--dir" | "-d") :: value :: tail => setLogDirectory(value) parse(tail) case ("--help" | "-h") :: tail => printUsageAndExit(0) case ("--properties-file") :: value :: tail => propertiesFile = value parse(tail) case Nil => case _ => printUsageAndExit(1) } } } private def setLogDirectory(value: String): Unit = { logWarning("Setting log directory through the command line is deprecated as of " + "Spark 1.1.0. Please set this through spark.history.fs.logDirectory instead.") conf.set("spark.history.fs.logDirectory", value) } // This mutates the SparkConf, so all accesses to it must be made after this line Utils.loadDefaultSparkProperties(conf, propertiesFile) private def printUsageAndExit(exitCode: Int) { // scalastyle:off println System.err.println( """ |Usage: HistoryServer [options] | |Options: | DIR Deprecated; set spark.history.fs.logDirectory directly | --dir DIR (-d DIR) Deprecated; set spark.history.fs.logDirectory directly | --properties-file FILE Path to a custom Spark properties file. | Default is conf/spark-defaults.conf. | |Configuration options can be set by setting the corresponding JVM system property. |History Server options are always available; additional options depend on the provider. | |History Server options: | | spark.history.ui.port Port where server will listen for connections | (default 18080) | spark.history.acls.enable Whether to enable view acls for all applications | (default false) | spark.history.provider Name of history provider class (defaults to | file system-based provider) | spark.history.retainedApplications Max number of application UIs to keep loaded in memory | (default 50) |FsHistoryProvider options: | | spark.history.fs.logDirectory Directory where app logs are stored | (default: file:/tmp/spark-events) | spark.history.fs.updateInterval How often to reload log data from storage | (in seconds, default: 10) |""".stripMargin) // scalastyle:on println System.exit(exitCode) } }
Example 113
Source File: LocalSparkCluster.scala From BigDatalog with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.deploy import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer import org.apache.spark.rpc.RpcEnv import org.apache.spark.{Logging, SparkConf} import org.apache.spark.deploy.worker.Worker import org.apache.spark.deploy.master.Master import org.apache.spark.util.Utils for (workerNum <- 1 to numWorkers) { val workerEnv = Worker.startRpcEnvAndEndpoint(localHostname, 0, 0, coresPerWorker, memoryPerWorker, masters, null, Some(workerNum), _conf) workerRpcEnvs += workerEnv } masters } def stop() { logInfo("Shutting down local Spark cluster.") // Stop the workers before the master so they don't get upset that it disconnected workerRpcEnvs.foreach(_.shutdown()) masterRpcEnvs.foreach(_.shutdown()) workerRpcEnvs.foreach(_.awaitTermination()) masterRpcEnvs.foreach(_.awaitTermination()) masterRpcEnvs.clear() workerRpcEnvs.clear() } }
Example 114
Source File: SimrSchedulerBackend.scala From BigDatalog with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.scheduler.cluster import org.apache.hadoop.fs.{Path, FileSystem} import org.apache.spark.rpc.RpcAddress import org.apache.spark.{Logging, SparkContext, SparkEnv} import org.apache.spark.deploy.SparkHadoopUtil import org.apache.spark.scheduler.TaskSchedulerImpl private[spark] class SimrSchedulerBackend( scheduler: TaskSchedulerImpl, sc: SparkContext, driverFilePath: String) extends CoarseGrainedSchedulerBackend(scheduler, sc.env.rpcEnv) with Logging { val tmpPath = new Path(driverFilePath + "_tmp") val filePath = new Path(driverFilePath) val maxCores = conf.getInt("spark.simr.executor.cores", 1) override def start() { super.start() val driverUrl = rpcEnv.uriOf(SparkEnv.driverActorSystemName, RpcAddress(sc.conf.get(""), sc.conf.get("spark.driver.port").toInt), CoarseGrainedSchedulerBackend.ENDPOINT_NAME) val conf = SparkHadoopUtil.get.newConfiguration(sc.conf) val fs = FileSystem.get(conf) val appUIAddress ="") logInfo("Writing to HDFS file: " + driverFilePath) logInfo("Writing Akka address: " + driverUrl) logInfo("Writing Spark UI Address: " + appUIAddress) // Create temporary file to prevent race condition where executors get empty driverUrl file val temp = fs.create(tmpPath, true) temp.writeUTF(driverUrl) temp.writeInt(maxCores) temp.writeUTF(appUIAddress) temp.close() // "Atomic" rename fs.rename(tmpPath, filePath) } override def stop() { val conf = SparkHadoopUtil.get.newConfiguration(sc.conf) val fs = FileSystem.get(conf) if (!fs.delete(new Path(driverFilePath), false)) { logWarning(s"error deleting ${driverFilePath}") } super.stop() } }
Example 115
Source File: MesosClusterPersistenceEngine.scala From BigDatalog with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.scheduler.cluster.mesos import scala.collection.JavaConverters._ import org.apache.curator.framework.CuratorFramework import org.apache.zookeeper.CreateMode import org.apache.zookeeper.KeeperException.NoNodeException import org.apache.spark.{Logging, SparkConf} import org.apache.spark.deploy.SparkCuratorUtil import org.apache.spark.util.Utils private[spark] class ZookeeperMesosClusterPersistenceEngine( baseDir: String, zk: CuratorFramework, conf: SparkConf) extends MesosClusterPersistenceEngine with Logging { private val WORKING_DIR = conf.get("spark.deploy.zookeeper.dir", "/spark_mesos_dispatcher") + "/" + baseDir SparkCuratorUtil.mkdir(zk, WORKING_DIR) def path(name: String): String = { WORKING_DIR + "/" + name } override def expunge(name: String): Unit = { zk.delete().forPath(path(name)) } override def persist(name: String, obj: Object): Unit = { val serialized = Utils.serialize(obj) val zkPath = path(name) zk.create().withMode(CreateMode.PERSISTENT).forPath(zkPath, serialized) } override def fetch[T](name: String): Option[T] = { val zkPath = path(name) try { val fileData = zk.getData().forPath(zkPath) Some(Utils.deserialize[T](fileData)) } catch { case e: NoNodeException => None case e: Exception => { logWarning("Exception while reading persisted file, deleting", e) zk.delete().forPath(zkPath) None } } } override def fetchAll[T](): Iterable[T] = { zk.getChildren.forPath(WORKING_DIR).asScala.flatMap(fetch[T]) } }
Example 116
Source File: MesosTaskLaunchData.scala From BigDatalog with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.scheduler.cluster.mesos import java.nio.ByteBuffer import org.apache.mesos.protobuf.ByteString import org.apache.spark.Logging private[spark] case class MesosTaskLaunchData( serializedTask: ByteBuffer, attemptNumber: Int) extends Logging { def toByteString: ByteString = { val dataBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(4 + serializedTask.limit) dataBuffer.putInt(attemptNumber) dataBuffer.put(serializedTask) dataBuffer.rewind logDebug(s"ByteBuffer size: [${dataBuffer.remaining}]") ByteString.copyFrom(dataBuffer) } } private[spark] object MesosTaskLaunchData extends Logging { def fromByteString(byteString: ByteString): MesosTaskLaunchData = { val byteBuffer = byteString.asReadOnlyByteBuffer() logDebug(s"ByteBuffer size: [${byteBuffer.remaining}]") val attemptNumber = byteBuffer.getInt // updates the position by 4 bytes val serializedTask = byteBuffer.slice() // subsequence starting at the current position MesosTaskLaunchData(serializedTask, attemptNumber) } }
Example 117
Source File: ReplayListenerBus.scala From BigDatalog with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.scheduler import{InputStream, IOException} import import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonParseException import org.json4s.jackson.JsonMethods._ import org.apache.spark.Logging import org.apache.spark.util.JsonProtocol def replay( logData: InputStream, sourceName: String, maybeTruncated: Boolean = false): Unit = { var currentLine: String = null var lineNumber: Int = 1 try { val lines = Source.fromInputStream(logData).getLines() while (lines.hasNext) { currentLine = try { postToAll(JsonProtocol.sparkEventFromJson(parse(currentLine))) } catch { case jpe: JsonParseException => // We can only ignore exception from last line of the file that might be truncated if (!maybeTruncated || lines.hasNext) { throw jpe } else { logWarning(s"Got JsonParseException from log file $sourceName" + s" at line $lineNumber, the file might not have finished writing cleanly.") } } lineNumber += 1 } } catch { case ioe: IOException => throw ioe case e: Exception => logError(s"Exception parsing Spark event log: $sourceName", e) logError(s"Malformed line #$lineNumber: $currentLine\n") } } }
Example 118
Source File: SparkUncaughtExceptionHandler.scala From BigDatalog with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.util import org.apache.spark.Logging private[spark] object SparkUncaughtExceptionHandler extends Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler with Logging { override def uncaughtException(thread: Thread, exception: Throwable) { try { // Make it explicit that uncaught exceptions are thrown when container is shutting down. // It will help users when they analyze the executor logs val inShutdownMsg = if (ShutdownHookManager.inShutdown()) "[Container in shutdown] " else "" val errMsg = "Uncaught exception in thread " logError(inShutdownMsg + errMsg + thread, exception) // We may have been called from a shutdown hook. If so, we must not call System.exit(). // (If we do, we will deadlock.) if (!ShutdownHookManager.inShutdown()) { if (exception.isInstanceOf[OutOfMemoryError]) { System.exit(SparkExitCode.OOM) } else { System.exit(SparkExitCode.UNCAUGHT_EXCEPTION) } } } catch { case oom: OutOfMemoryError => Runtime.getRuntime.halt(SparkExitCode.OOM) case t: Throwable => Runtime.getRuntime.halt(SparkExitCode.UNCAUGHT_EXCEPTION_TWICE) } } def uncaughtException(exception: Throwable) { uncaughtException(Thread.currentThread(), exception) } }
Example 119
Source File: BlockManagerSlaveEndpoint.scala From BigDatalog with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future} import org.apache.spark.{Logging, MapOutputTracker, SparkEnv} import org.apache.spark.rpc.{RpcCallContext, RpcEnv, ThreadSafeRpcEndpoint} import import org.apache.spark.util.{ThreadUtils, Utils} private[storage] class BlockManagerSlaveEndpoint( override val rpcEnv: RpcEnv, blockManager: BlockManager, mapOutputTracker: MapOutputTracker) extends ThreadSafeRpcEndpoint with Logging { private val asyncThreadPool = ThreadUtils.newDaemonCachedThreadPool("block-manager-slave-async-thread-pool") private implicit val asyncExecutionContext = ExecutionContext.fromExecutorService(asyncThreadPool) // Operations that involve removing blocks may be slow and should be done asynchronously override def receiveAndReply(context: RpcCallContext): PartialFunction[Any, Unit] = { case RemoveBlock(blockId) => doAsync[Boolean]("removing block " + blockId, context) { blockManager.removeBlock(blockId) true } case RemoveRdd(rddId) => doAsync[Int]("removing RDD " + rddId, context) { blockManager.removeRdd(rddId) } case RemoveShuffle(shuffleId) => doAsync[Boolean]("removing shuffle " + shuffleId, context) { if (mapOutputTracker != null) { mapOutputTracker.unregisterShuffle(shuffleId) } SparkEnv.get.shuffleManager.unregisterShuffle(shuffleId) } case RemoveBroadcast(broadcastId, _) => doAsync[Int]("removing broadcast " + broadcastId, context) { blockManager.removeBroadcast(broadcastId, tellMaster = true) } case GetBlockStatus(blockId, _) => context.reply(blockManager.getStatus(blockId)) case GetMatchingBlockIds(filter, _) => context.reply(blockManager.getMatchingBlockIds(filter)) case TriggerThreadDump => context.reply(Utils.getThreadDump()) } private def doAsync[T](actionMessage: String, context: RpcCallContext)(body: => T) { val future = Future { logDebug(actionMessage) body } future.onSuccess { case response => logDebug("Done " + actionMessage + ", response is " + response) context.reply(response) logDebug("Sent response: " + response + " to " + context.senderAddress) } future.onFailure { case t: Throwable => logError("Error in " + actionMessage, t) context.sendFailure(t) } } override def onStop(): Unit = { asyncThreadPool.shutdownNow() } }
Example 120
Source File: OrderedRDDFunctions.scala From BigDatalog with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.rdd import scala.reflect.ClassTag import org.apache.spark.{Logging, Partitioner, RangePartitioner} import org.apache.spark.annotation.DeveloperApi def filterByRange(lower: K, upper: K): RDD[P] = self.withScope { def inRange(k: K): Boolean = ordering.gteq(k, lower) && ordering.lteq(k, upper) val rddToFilter: RDD[P] = self.partitioner match { case Some(rp: RangePartitioner[K, V]) => { val partitionIndicies = (rp.getPartition(lower), rp.getPartition(upper)) match { case (l, u) => Math.min(l, u) to Math.max(l, u) } PartitionPruningRDD.create(self, partitionIndicies.contains) } case _ => self } rddToFilter.filter { case (k, v) => inRange(k) } } }
Example 121
Source File: MemoryRDDCheckpointData.scala From BigDatalog with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.rdd import org.apache.spark.Logging import scala.reflect.ClassTag class MemoryRDDCheckpointData[T: ClassTag](@transient private val rdd: RDD[T]) extends RDDCheckpointData[T](rdd) with Logging { protected override def doCheckpoint(): CheckpointRDD[T] = { val level = rdd.getStorageLevel // If you're using this, persist with storage level using memory before reaching this code. // By the time this method is reached, the rdd should already be cached. This is part of truncating the lineage. // We do not set the storage level here so the user intentionally receives the error. // LocalCheckpointing is not sufficient for this purpose since it requires executing a new job. // If instead local checkpointing, or checkpointing in general, was integrated into the block manager, // this approach would become unnecessary. // Assume storage level uses memory; otherwise eviction may cause data loss assume(level.useMemory, s"Storage level $level is not appropriate for memory checkpointing") new MemoryCheckpointRDD[T](rdd) } }
Example 122
Source File: SparkFunSuite.scala From yggdrasil with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.mllib.util import org.apache.spark.Logging import org.scalatest.{FunSuite, Outcome} final protected override def withFixture(test: NoArgTest): Outcome = { val testName = test.text val suiteName = this.getClass.getName val shortSuiteName = suiteName.replaceAll("org.apache.spark", "o.a.s") try { logInfo(s"\n\n===== TEST OUTPUT FOR $shortSuiteName: '$testName' =====\n") test() } finally { logInfo(s"\n\n===== FINISHED $shortSuiteName: '$testName' =====\n") } } }
Example 123
Source File: StoryJSONExtractor.scala From Mastering-Spark-for-Data-Science with MIT License | 5 votes |
package io.gzet.story import import java.util.Date import io.gzet.story.util.Tokenizer import org.apache.spark.{Logging, SparkConf, SparkContext} import org.elasticsearch.spark._ import org.json4s.DefaultFormats import org.json4s.native.JsonMethods._ import scala.util.Try object StoryJSONExtractor extends SimpleConfig with Logging { def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { val sparkConf = new SparkConf().setAppName("Story Extractor") val sc = new SparkContext(sparkConf) val outputDir = args.head val minWeight = Try(args.last.toInt).getOrElse(0) val nodes = sc.esJsonRDD(esNodesResource).map({ case (_, strJson) => implicit val format = DefaultFormats val json = parse(strJson) val title = (json \ "title").extractOrElse[String]("") val gid = (json \ "gid").extractOrElse[Int](-1) val articles = (json \ "articles").extractOrElse[Int](-1) val cid = (json \ "cid").extractOrElse[Int](-1) val date = (json \ "date").extractOrElse[Long](0L) Array(cid, gid, new Date(date).toString, articles, Tokenizer.lucene(title.replaceAll("\\n", "").replaceAll("\\r", "")).mkString(" ")).mkString(",") }).collect() val nodesMap = sc.broadcast(sc.esJsonRDD(esNodesResource).map({ case (_, strJson) => implicit val format = DefaultFormats val json = parse(strJson) val gid = (json \ "gid").extractOrElse[Int](-1) val cid = (json \ "cid").extractOrElse[Int](-1) (cid, gid) }).collectAsMap()) val edges = sc.esJsonRDD(esEdgesResource).map({ case (_, strJson) => implicit val format = DefaultFormats val json = parse(strJson) val source = (json \ "source").extractOrElse[Int](-1) val target = (json \ "target").extractOrElse[Int](-1) val weight = (json \ "weight").extractOrElse[Int](-1) (source, target, weight) }).filter(_._3 > minWeight).map({ case (source, target, weight) => val mutation = nodesMap.value.getOrElse(source, -1) != nodesMap.value.getOrElse(target, -1) Array(source, target, weight, mutation).mkString(",") }).collect() printToFile(new File(s"$outputDir/nodes")) { p => p.println("id,story,date,articles,label") nodes.foreach(p.println) } printToFile(new File(s"$outputDir/edges")) { p => p.println("source,target,weight,mutation") edges.foreach(p.println) } } def printToFile(f: => Unit) { val p = new try { op(p) } finally { p.close() } } }
Example 124
Source File: SimhashIndexing.scala From Mastering-Spark-for-Data-Science with MIT License | 5 votes |
package io.gzet.story import import com.datastax.spark.connector._ import io.gzet.story.model.Article import io.gzet.story.util.SimhashUtils._ import io.gzet.story.util.{HtmlFetcher, Tokenizer} import io.gzet.utils.spark.gdelt.GKGParser import org.apache.lucene.analysis.en.EnglishAnalyzer import org.apache.spark.{Logging, SparkConf, SparkContext, SparkException} import scala.util.Try object SimhashIndexing extends SimpleConfig with Logging { def main(args: Array[String]) = { val sc = new SparkContext(new SparkConf().setAppName("GDELT Indexing")) if (args.isEmpty) throw new SparkException("usage: <gdeltInputDir>") val gdeltInputDir = args.head val gkgRDD = sc.textFile(gdeltInputDir) .map(GKGParser.toJsonGKGV2) .map(GKGParser.toCaseClass2) val urlRDD = => g.documentId.getOrElse("NA")) .filter(url => Try(new URL(url)).isSuccess) .distinct() .repartition(partitions) val contentRDD = urlRDD.mapPartitions({ it => val html = new HtmlFetcher(gooseConnectionTimeout, gooseSocketTimeout) it map html.fetch }) val corpusRDD = contentRDD.mapPartitions({ it => val analyzer = new EnglishAnalyzer() => (content, Tokenizer.lucene(content.body, analyzer))) }).filter({ case (content, corpus) => corpus.length > minWords }) //CREATE TABLE gzet.articles ( hash int PRIMARY KEY, url text, title text, body text ); corpusRDD.mapValues(_.mkString(" ").simhash).map({ case (content, simhash) => Article(simhash, content.body, content.title, content.url) }).saveToCassandra(cassandraKeyspace, cassandraTable) } }
Example 125
Source File: StoryBatchDedup.scala From Mastering-Spark-for-Data-Science with MIT License | 5 votes |
package io.gzet.story import io.gzet.story.model.{Content, Article} import org.apache.spark.graphx.{Graph, Edge} import org.apache.spark.{Logging, SparkConf, SparkContext} import io.gzet.story.util.SimhashUtils._ import com.datastax.spark.connector._ object StoryBatchDedup extends SimpleConfig with Logging { def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { val sparkConf = new SparkConf().setAppName("Story Extractor") val sc = new SparkContext(sparkConf) val simhashRDD = sc.cassandraTable[Article]("gzet", "articles").zipWithIndex().map({ case (a, id) => ((id, Content(a.url, a.title, a.body)), a.hash) }) Set(0) val duplicateTupleRDD = simhashRDD.flatMap({ case ((id, content), simhash) =>{ mask => (simhash ^ mask, id) }) }).groupByKey() val edgeRDD = duplicateTupleRDD.values.flatMap({ it => val list = it.toList for (x <- list; y <- list) yield (x, y) }).filter({ case (x, y) => x != y }).distinct().map({case (x, y) => Edge(x, y, 0) }) val duplicateRDD = Graph.fromEdges(edgeRDD, 0L) .connectedComponents() .vertices .join(simhashRDD.keys) .values duplicateRDD.sortBy(_._1).collect().foreach({ case (story, content) => println(story + "\t" + content.title) }) } }
Example 126
Source File: TwitterStream.scala From Mastering-Spark-for-Data-Science with MIT License | 5 votes |
package io.gzet.timeseries import import import org.apache.spark.streaming.twitter.TwitterUtils import org.apache.spark.streaming.{Minutes, StreamingContext} import org.apache.spark.{Logging, SparkConf, SparkContext} import twitter4j.auth.OAuthAuthorization import twitter4j.conf.ConfigurationBuilder import scala.util.Try object TwitterStream extends SimpleConfig with Logging { def getTwitterStream(ssc: StreamingContext, filters: Seq[String] = Nil) = { val builder = new ConfigurationBuilder() builder.setOAuthConsumerKey(twitterApiKey) builder.setOAuthConsumerSecret(twitterApiSecret) builder.setOAuthAccessToken(twitterTokenKey) builder.setOAuthAccessTokenSecret(twitterTokenSecret) val configuration = TwitterUtils.createStream( ssc, Some(new OAuthAuthorization(configuration)), filters, StorageLevel.MEMORY_ONLY ) } def main(args: Array[String]) = { val sparkConf = new SparkConf().setAppName("Twitter Extractor") val sc = new SparkContext(sparkConf) val ssc = new StreamingContext(sc, Minutes(5)) val twitterStream = getTwitterStream(ssc, args).mapPartitions({ it => val gson = new GsonBuilder().create() it map { s => Try(gson.toJson(s)) } }) twitterStream .filter(_.isSuccess) .map(_.get) .saveAsTextFiles("twitter") // Start streaming context ssc.start() ssc.awaitTermination() } }
Example 127
Source File: MetricImplicits.scala From Mastering-Spark-for-Data-Science with MIT License | 5 votes |
package io.gzet.timeseries.timely import import import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets import io.gzet.timeseries.SimpleConfig import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD import org.apache.spark.streaming.dstream.DStream import org.apache.spark.{Logging, Partitioner} object MetricImplicits extends Logging with SimpleConfig { def nonNegativeMod(x: Int, mod: Int): Int = { val rawMod = x % mod rawMod + (if (rawMod < 0) mod else 0) } class MetricPartitioner(partitions: Int) extends Partitioner { require(partitions >= 0, s"Number of partitions ($partitions) cannot be negative.") override def numPartitions: Int = partitions override def getPartition(key: Any): Int = { val k = key.asInstanceOf[MetricKey] nonNegativeMod(k.metricName.hashCode, partitions) } } implicit class Metrics(rdd: RDD[Metric]) { val partitions = rdd.partitions.length val partitioner = new MetricPartitioner(partitions) def publish() = { val sSortedMetricRDD = rdd filter { metric => metric.tags.nonEmpty } map { metric => (MetricKey(, metric.time), metric) } repartitionAndSortWithinPartitions partitioner sSortedMetricRDD.values foreachPartition { it: Iterator[Metric] => val sock = new Socket(timelyHost, timelyPort) val writer = new PrintStream(sock.getOutputStream, true, it foreach { metric => writer.println(metric.toPut) } writer.flush() } } } implicit class MetricStream(stream: DStream[Metric]) { def publish() = { stream foreachRDD { rdd => rdd.publish() } } } } case class Metric(name: String, time: Long, value: Double, tags: Map[String, String], viz: Option[String] = None) { def toPut = { val vizMap = if(viz.isDefined) List("viz" -> viz.get) else List[(String, String)]() val strTags = vizMap.union(tags.toList).map({ case (k, v) => s"$k=$v" }).mkString(" ") s"put $name $time $value $strTags" } } case class MetricKey(metricName: String, metricTime: Long) object MetricKey { implicit def orderingByMetricDate[A <: MetricKey] : Ordering[A] = { => (fk.metricName, fk.metricTime)) } }
Example 128
Source File: GDBIndex.scala From spark-gdb with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.esri.gdb import{DataInput, File} import java.nio.{ByteBuffer, ByteOrder} import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration import org.apache.hadoop.fs.{FSDataInputStream, Path} import org.apache.spark.Logging object GDBIndex { def apply(path: String, name: String, conf: Configuration = new Configuration()) = { val filename = StringBuilder.newBuilder.append(path).append(File.separator).append(name).append(".gdbtablx").toString() val hdfsPath = new Path(filename) val dataInput = hdfsPath.getFileSystem(conf).open(hdfsPath) val bytes = new Array[Byte](16) dataInput.readFully(bytes) val byteBuffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(bytes).order(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN) val signature = byteBuffer.getInt val n1024Blocks = byteBuffer.getInt val numRows = byteBuffer.getInt val indexSize = byteBuffer.getInt new GDBIndex(dataInput, numRows, indexSize) } } private[gdb] class GDBIndex(dataInput: FSDataInputStream, val numRows: Int, indexSize: Int ) extends Logging with AutoCloseable with Serializable { def readSeekForRowNum(rowNum: Int) = { val bytes = new Array[Byte](indexSize) + rowNum * indexSize) dataInput.readFully(bytes) ByteBuffer.wrap(bytes).order(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN).getInt } def iterator(startAtRow: Int = 0, numRowsToRead: Int = -1) = { + startAtRow * indexSize) val maxRows = if (numRowsToRead == -1) numRows else numRowsToRead //"iterator::startAtRow=$startAtRow maxRows=$maxRows") new GDBIndexIterator(dataInput, startAtRow, maxRows, indexSize).withFilter(_.isSeekable) } def close() { dataInput.close() } } private[gdb] class GDBIndexIterator(dataInput: DataInput, startID: Int, maxRows: Int, indexSize: Int ) extends Iterator[IndexInfo] with Logging with Serializable { private val indexInfo = IndexInfo(0, 0) private val bytes = new Array[Byte](indexSize) private val byteBuffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(bytes).order(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN) private var objectID = startID private var nextRow = 0 def hasNext() = nextRow < maxRows def next() = { //"next::nextRow=$nextRow maxRows=$maxRows") nextRow += 1 objectID += 1 indexInfo.objectID = objectID byteBuffer.clear dataInput.readFully(bytes) = byteBuffer.getInt indexInfo } }
Example 129
Source File: GDBRDD.scala From spark-gdb with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.esri.gdb import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration import org.apache.spark.annotation.DeveloperApi import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD import org.apache.spark.sql.Row import org.apache.spark.{Logging, Partition, SparkContext, TaskContext} case class GDBRDD(@transient sc: SparkContext, gdbPath: String, gdbName: String, numPartitions: Int) extends RDD[Row](sc, Nil) with Logging { @DeveloperApi override def compute(partition: Partition, context: TaskContext): Iterator[Row] = { val part = partition.asInstanceOf[GDBPartition] val hadoopConf = if (sc == null) new Configuration() else sc.hadoopConfiguration val index = GDBIndex(gdbPath, part.hexName, hadoopConf) val table = GDBTable(gdbPath, part.hexName, hadoopConf) context.addTaskCompletionListener(context => { table.close() index.close() }) table.rowIterator(index, part.startAtRow, part.numRowsToRead) } override protected def getPartitions: Array[Partition] = { val hadoopConf = if (sc == null) new Configuration() else sc.hadoopConfiguration GDBTable.findTable(gdbPath, gdbName, hadoopConf) match { case Some(catTab) => { val index = GDBIndex(gdbPath, catTab.hexName, hadoopConf) try { val numRows = index.numRows val numRowsPerPartition = (numRows.toDouble / numPartitions).ceil.toInt var startAtRow = 0 (0 until numPartitions).map(i => { val endAtRow = startAtRow + numRowsPerPartition val numRowsToRead = if (endAtRow <= numRows) numRowsPerPartition else numRows - startAtRow val gdbPartition = GDBPartition(i, catTab.hexName, startAtRow, numRowsToRead) startAtRow += numRowsToRead gdbPartition }).toArray } finally { index.close() } } case _ => { log.error(s"Cannot find '$gdbName' in $gdbPath, creating an empty array of Partitions !") Array.empty[Partition] } } } } private[this] case class GDBPartition(m_index: Int, val hexName: String, val startAtRow: Int, val numRowsToRead: Int ) extends Partition { override def index = m_index }
Example 130
Source File: GDBRelation.scala From spark-gdb with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.esri.gdb import org.apache.spark.Logging import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD import org.apache.spark.sql.sources.{BaseRelation, TableScan} import org.apache.spark.sql.types._ import org.apache.spark.sql.{Row, SQLContext} case class GDBRelation(gdbPath: String, gdbName: String, numPartition: Int) (@transient val sqlContext: SQLContext) extends BaseRelation with Logging with TableScan { override val schema = inferSchema() private def inferSchema() = { val sc = sqlContext.sparkContext GDBTable.findTable(gdbPath, gdbName, sc.hadoopConfiguration) match { case Some(catTab) => { val table = GDBTable(gdbPath, catTab.hexName, sc.hadoopConfiguration) try { table.schema() } finally { table.close() } } case _ => { log.error(s"Cannot find '$gdbName' in $gdbPath, creating an empty schema !") StructType(Seq.empty[StructField]) } } } override def buildScan(): RDD[Row] = { GDBRDD(sqlContext.sparkContext, gdbPath, gdbName, numPartition) } }
Example 131
Source File: Main.scala From spark-gdb with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import com.esri.core.geometry.Polyline import com.esri.udt.{PointType, PolylineType} import org.apache.spark.sql.{SQLContext, SaveMode} import org.apache.spark.{Logging, SparkConf, SparkContext} val sqlContext = new SQLContext(sc) val df ="com.esri.gdb") .option("path", path) .option("name", name) .option("numPartitions", "1") .load() df.printSchema() df.registerTempTable(name) sqlContext.udf.register("getX", (point: PointType) => point.x) sqlContext.udf.register("getY", (point: PointType) => point.y) sqlContext.udf.register("line", (point: PointType) => PolylineType({ val polyline = new Polyline() polyline.startPath(point.x - 2, point.y - 2) polyline.lineTo(point.x + 2, point.y + 2) polyline } )) sqlContext.sql(s"select line(Shape),getX(Shape)-2 as x from $name") .write .mode(SaveMode.Overwrite) .format("json") .save(s"/tmp/$name.json") } finally { sc.stop() } }
Example 132
Source File: HBaseSource.scala From shc with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.hbase.examples import org.apache.spark.{SparkConf, Logging, SparkContext} import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.hbase._ import org.apache.spark.sql.SQLContext import org.apache.spark.sql._ case class HBaseRecord( col0: String, col1: Boolean, col2: Double, col3: Float, col4: Int, col5: Long, col6: Short, col7: String, col8: Byte) object HBaseRecord { def apply(i: Int): HBaseRecord = { val s = s"""row${"%03d".format(i)}""" HBaseRecord(s, i % 2 == 0, i.toDouble, i.toFloat, i, i.toLong, i.toShort, s"String$i extra", i.toByte) } } object HBaseSource { val cat = s"""{ |"table":{"namespace":"default", "name":"table1"}, |"rowkey":"key", |"columns":{ |"col0":{"cf":"rowkey", "col":"key", "type":"string"}, |"col1":{"cf":"cf1", "col":"col1", "type":"boolean"}, |"col2":{"cf":"cf2", "col":"col2", "type":"double"}, |"col3":{"cf":"cf3", "col":"col3", "type":"float"}, |"col4":{"cf":"cf4", "col":"col4", "type":"int"}, |"col5":{"cf":"cf5", "col":"col5", "type":"bigint"}, |"col6":{"cf":"cf6", "col":"col6", "type":"smallint"}, |"col7":{"cf":"cf7", "col":"col7", "type":"string"}, |"col8":{"cf":"cf8", "col":"col8", "type":"tinyint"} |} |}""".stripMargin def main(args: Array[String]) { val sparkConf = new SparkConf().setAppName("HBaseTest") val sc = new SparkContext(sparkConf) val sqlContext = new SQLContext(sc) import sqlContext._ import sqlContext.implicits._ def withCatalog(cat: String): DataFrame = { sqlContext .read .options(Map(HBaseTableCatalog.tableCatalog->cat)) .format("org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.hbase") .load() } val data = (0 to 255).map { i => HBaseRecord(i) } sc.parallelize(data).toDF.write.options( Map(HBaseTableCatalog.tableCatalog -> cat, HBaseTableCatalog.newTable -> "5")) .format("org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.hbase") .save() val df = withCatalog(cat) df.filter($"col0" <= "row005") .select($"col0", $"col1").show df.filter($"col0" === "row005" || $"col0" <= "row005") .select($"col0", $"col1").show df.filter($"col0" > "row250") .select($"col0", $"col1").show df.registerTempTable("table1") val c = sqlContext.sql("select count(col1) from table1 where col0 < 'row050'") } }
Example 133
package org.apache.spark.sql import import import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.{HColumnDescriptor, HTableDescriptor, TableName, HBaseTestingUtility} import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.{Scan, Put, ConnectionFactory, Table} import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.Bytes import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.hbase.SparkHBaseConf import org.apache.spark.sql.types.UTF8String import org.apache.spark.{SparkContext, SparkConf, Logging} import org.scalatest.{BeforeAndAfterAll, BeforeAndAfterEach, FunSuite} import scala.collection.JavaConverters._ class SHC extends FunSuite with BeforeAndAfterEach with BeforeAndAfterAll with Logging { implicit class StringToColumn(val sc: StringContext) { def $(args: Any*): ColumnName = { new ColumnName(sc.s(args: _*)) } } private[spark] var htu = HBaseTestingUtility.createLocalHTU() private[spark] def tableName = "table1" private[spark] def columnFamilies: Array[String] = Array.tabulate(9){ x=> s"cf$x"} var table: Table = null val conf = new SparkConf conf.set(SparkHBaseConf.testConf, "true") SparkHBaseConf.conf = htu.getConfiguration // private[spark] var columnFamilyStr = Bytes.toString(columnFamily) def catalog = s"""{ |"table":{"namespace":"default", "name":"table1"}, |"rowkey":"key", |"columns":{ |"col0":{"cf":"rowkey", "col":"key", "type":"string"}, |"col1":{"cf":"cf1", "col":"col1", "type":"boolean"}, |"col2":{"cf":"cf2", "col":"col2", "type":"double"}, |"col3":{"cf":"cf3", "col":"col3", "type":"float"}, |"col4":{"cf":"cf4", "col":"col4", "type":"int"}, |"col5":{"cf":"cf5", "col":"col5", "type":"bigint"}, |"col6":{"cf":"cf6", "col":"col6", "type":"smallint"}, |"col7":{"cf":"cf7", "col":"col7", "type":"string"}, |"col8":{"cf":"cf8", "col":"col8", "type":"tinyint"} |} |}""".stripMargin override def beforeAll() { val tempDir: File = Files.createTempDir tempDir.deleteOnExit htu.cleanupTestDir htu.startMiniZKCluster htu.startMiniHBaseCluster(1, 4) logInfo(" - minicluster started") println(" - minicluster started") } override def afterAll() { try { table.close() println("shutdown") htu.deleteTable(TableName.valueOf(tableName)) logInfo("shuting down minicluster") htu.shutdownMiniHBaseCluster htu.shutdownMiniZKCluster logInfo(" - minicluster shut down") htu.cleanupTestDir } catch { case _ => logError("teardown error") } } def createTable(name: String, cfs: Array[String]) { val tName = Bytes.toBytes(name) val bcfs = try { htu.deleteTable(TableName.valueOf(tName)) } catch { case _ => logInfo(" - no table " + name + " found") } htu.createMultiRegionTable(TableName.valueOf(tName), bcfs) } def createTable(name: Array[Byte], cfs: Array[Array[Byte]]) { try { htu.deleteTable(TableName.valueOf(name)) } catch { case _ => logInfo(" - no table " + Bytes.toString(name) + " found") } htu.createMultiRegionTable(TableName.valueOf(name), cfs) } }
Example 134
Source File: CounterEtlFunctions.scala From incubator-s2graph with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.s2graph.counter.loader.core import org.apache.s2graph.core.{S2Edge, S2Graph, GraphUtil} import org.apache.s2graph.counter.loader.config.StreamingConfig import org.apache.s2graph.counter.models.CounterModel import org.apache.s2graph.spark.config.S2ConfigFactory import org.apache.spark.Logging import play.api.libs.json._ import scala.collection.mutable.{HashMap => MutableHashMap} object CounterEtlFunctions extends Logging { lazy val filterOps = Seq("insert", "insertBulk", "update", "increment").map(op => GraphUtil.operations(op)) lazy val preFetchSize = StreamingConfig.PROFILE_PREFETCH_SIZE lazy val config = S2ConfigFactory.config lazy val counterModel = new CounterModel(config) lazy val graph = new S2Graph(config)( def logToEdge(line: String): Option[S2Edge] = { for { elem <- graph.toGraphElement(line) if elem.isInstanceOf[S2Edge] edge <- Some(elem.asInstanceOf[S2Edge]).filter { x => filterOps.contains(x.op) } } yield { edge } } def parseEdgeFormat(line: String): Option[CounterEtlItem] = { for { elem <- graph.toGraphElement(line) if elem.isInstanceOf[S2Edge] edge <- Some(elem.asInstanceOf[S2Edge]).filter { x => filterOps.contains(x.op) } } yield { val label = edge.innerLabel val labelName = label.label val tgtService = label.tgtColumn.service.serviceName val tgtId = edge.tgtVertex.innerId.toString() val srcId = edge.srcVertex.innerId.toString() // make empty property if no exist edge property val dimension = Json.parse(Some(GraphUtil.split(line)).filter(_.length >= 7).map(_(6)).getOrElse("{}")) val bucketKeys = Seq("_from") val bucketKeyValues = { for { variable <- bucketKeys } yield { val jsValue = variable match { case "_from" => JsString(srcId) case s => (dimension \ s).get } s"[[$variable]]" -> jsValue } } val property = Json.toJson(bucketKeyValues :+ ("value" -> JsString("1")) toMap) // val property = Json.toJson(Map("_from" -> srcId, "_to" -> tgtId, "value" -> "1")) CounterEtlItem(edge.ts, tgtService, labelName, tgtId, dimension, property) } } def parseEdgeFormat(lines: List[String]): List[CounterEtlItem] = { for { line <- lines item <- parseEdgeFormat(line) } yield { item } } def checkPolicyAndMergeDimension(service: String, action: String, items: List[CounterEtlItem]): List[CounterEtlItem] = { counterModel.findByServiceAction(service, action).map { policy => if (policy.useProfile) { policy.bucketImpId match { case Some(_) => DimensionProps.mergeDimension(policy, items) case None => Nil } } else { items } }.getOrElse(Nil) } }
Example 135
Source File: SubscriberListener.scala From incubator-s2graph with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.s2graph.spark.spark import org.apache.spark.Logging import org.apache.spark.streaming.StreamingContext import org.apache.spark.streaming.scheduler.{StreamingListener, StreamingListenerReceiverError, StreamingListenerReceiverStarted, StreamingListenerReceiverStopped} class SubscriberListener(ssc: StreamingContext) extends StreamingListener with Logging { override def onReceiverError(receiverError: StreamingListenerReceiverError): Unit = { logInfo("onReceiverError") } override def onReceiverStarted(receiverStarted: StreamingListenerReceiverStarted): Unit = { logInfo("onReceiverStarted") } override def onReceiverStopped(receiverStopped: StreamingListenerReceiverStopped): Unit = { logInfo("onReceiverStopped") ssc.stop() } }
Example 136
Source File: StreamHelper.scala From incubator-s2graph with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.streaming.kafka import kafka.KafkaHelper import kafka.common.TopicAndPartition import kafka.consumer.PartitionTopicInfo import kafka.message.MessageAndMetadata import kafka.serializer.Decoder import org.apache.spark.streaming.StreamingContext import org.apache.spark.streaming.dstream.InputDStream import org.apache.spark.{Logging, SparkException} import scala.reflect.ClassTag case class StreamHelper(kafkaParams: Map[String, String]) extends Logging { // helper for kafka zookeeper lazy val kafkaHelper = KafkaHelper(kafkaParams) lazy val kc = new KafkaCluster(kafkaParams) // 1. get leader's earliest and latest offset // 2. get consumer offset // 3-1. if (2) is bounded in (1) use (2) for stream // 3-2. else use (1) by "auto.offset.reset" private def getStartOffsets(topics: Set[String]): Map[TopicAndPartition, Long] = { lazy val reset = kafkaParams.get("auto.offset.reset").map(_.toLowerCase) lazy val consumerOffsets = kafkaHelper.getConsumerOffsets(topics.toSeq) { for { topicPartitions <- kc.getPartitions(topics).right smallOffsets <- kc.getEarliestLeaderOffsets(topicPartitions).right largeOffsets <- kc.getLatestLeaderOffsets(topicPartitions).right } yield { { for { tp <- topicPartitions } yield { val co = consumerOffsets.getOrElse(tp, PartitionTopicInfo.InvalidOffset) val so = smallOffsets.get(tp).map(_.offset).get val lo = largeOffsets.get(tp).map(_.offset).get logWarning(s"$tp: $co $so $lo") if (co >= so && co <= lo) { (tp, co) } else { (tp, reset match { case Some("smallest") => so case _ => lo }) } } }.toMap } }.fold(errs => throw new SparkException(errs.mkString("\n")), ok => ok) } def createStream[K: ClassTag, V: ClassTag, KD <: Decoder[K]: ClassTag, VD <: Decoder[V]: ClassTag](ssc: StreamingContext, topics: Set[String]): InputDStream[(K, V)] = { type R = (K, V) val messageHandler = (mmd: MessageAndMetadata[K, V]) => (mmd.key(), mmd.message()) kafkaHelper.registerConsumerInZK(topics) new DirectKafkaInputDStream[K, V, KD, VD, R](ssc, kafkaParams, getStartOffsets(topics), messageHandler) } def commitConsumerOffsets(offsets: HasOffsetRanges): Unit = { val offsetsMap = { for { range <- offsets.offsetRanges if range.fromOffset < range.untilOffset } yield { logDebug(range.toString()) TopicAndPartition(range.topic, range.partition) -> range.untilOffset } }.toMap kafkaHelper.commitConsumerOffsets(offsetsMap) } def commitConsumerOffset(range: OffsetRange): Unit = { if (range.fromOffset < range.untilOffset) { try { val tp = TopicAndPartition(range.topic, range.partition) logDebug("Committed offset " + range.untilOffset + " for topic " + tp) kafkaHelper.commitConsumerOffset(tp, range.untilOffset) } catch { case t: Throwable => // log it and let it go logWarning("exception during commitOffsets", t) throw t } } } def commitConsumerOffsets[R](stream: InputDStream[R]): Unit = { stream.foreachRDD { rdd => commitConsumerOffsets(rdd.asInstanceOf[HasOffsetRanges]) } } }
Example 137
Source File: KafkaRDDFunctions.scala From incubator-s2graph with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.streaming.kafka import org.apache.spark.Logging import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD import scala.language.implicitConversions import scala.reflect.ClassTag class KafkaRDDFunctions[T: ClassTag](self: RDD[T]) extends Logging with Serializable { def foreachPartitionWithOffsetRange(f: (OffsetRange, Iterator[T]) => Unit): Unit = { val offsets = self.asInstanceOf[HasOffsetRanges].offsetRanges foreachPartitionWithIndex { (i, part) => val osr: OffsetRange = offsets(i) f(osr, part) } } def foreachPartitionWithIndex(f: (Int, Iterator[T]) => Unit): Unit = { self.mapPartitionsWithIndex[Nothing] { (i, part) => f(i, part) Iterator.empty }.foreach { (_: Nothing) => () } } } object KafkaRDDFunctions { implicit def rddToKafkaRDDFunctions[T: ClassTag](rdd: RDD[T]): KafkaRDDFunctions[T] = { new KafkaRDDFunctions(rdd) } }
Example 138
Source File: RiakRelation.scala From spark-riak-connector with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.riak import com.basho.riak.spark._ import scala.reflect._ import com.basho.riak.spark.rdd.connector.{RiakConnectorConf, RiakConnector} import com.basho.riak.spark.rdd.{ReadConf, RiakTSRDD} import com.basho.riak.spark.util.TSConversionUtil import com.basho.riak.spark.writer.WriteConf import com.basho.riak.spark.writer.mapper.SqlDataMapper import org.apache.spark.Logging import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD import org.apache.spark.sql.sources.{InsertableRelation, BaseRelation, Filter, PrunedFilteredScan} import org.apache.spark.sql.types._ import org.apache.spark.sql._ import scala.collection.convert.decorateAsScala._ import com.basho.riak.spark.query.QueryBucketDef object RiakRelation { def apply(bucket: String, sqlContext: SQLContext, schema: Option[StructType] = None, connector: Option[RiakConnector] = None, readConf: ReadConf, writeConf: WriteConf): RiakRelation = { new RiakRelation(bucket, connector.getOrElse(RiakConnector(sqlContext.sparkContext.getConf)), readConf, writeConf, sqlContext, schema) } def apply(sqlContext: SQLContext, parameters: Map[String, String], schema: Option[StructType]): RiakRelation = { val existingConf = sqlContext.sparkContext.getConf val bucketDef = BucketDef(parameters(DefaultSource.RiakBucketProperty), None) val riakConnector = new RiakConnector(RiakConnectorConf(existingConf, parameters)) val readConf = ReadConf(existingConf, parameters) val writeConf = WriteConf(existingConf, parameters) RiakRelation(bucketDef.bucket, sqlContext, schema, Some(riakConnector), readConf, writeConf) } }
Example 139
Source File: TSDataQueryingIterator.scala From spark-riak-connector with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.basho.riak.spark.query import com.basho.riak.client.core.query.timeseries.Row import org.apache.spark.Logging import com.basho.riak.client.core.query.timeseries.ColumnDescription class TSDataQueryingIterator(query: QueryTS) extends Iterator[Row] with Logging { private var _iterator: Option[Iterator[Row]] = None private val subqueries = query.queryData.iterator private var columns: Option[Seq[ColumnDescription]] = None prefetch() } columns match { case None => Seq() case Some(cds) => cds } } protected[this] def prefetch() = { while( subqueries.hasNext && !isPrefetchedDataAvailable) { val nextSubQuery = logTrace(s"Prefetching chunk of data: ts-query(token=$nextSubQuery)") val r = query.nextChunk(nextSubQuery) r match { case (cds, rows) => if (isTraceEnabled()) { logTrace(s"ts-query($nextSubQuery) returns:\n columns: ${r._1}\n data:\n\t ${r._2}") } else { logDebug(s"ts-query($nextSubQuery) returns:\n data.size: ${r._2.size}") } if (cds != null && cds.nonEmpty) { columns = Some(cds) } else if (columns.isEmpty) { // We have to initialize columns here, to make a difference and use it as indikator columns = Some(Seq()) } _iterator = Some(rows.iterator) case _ => _iterator = None logWarning(s"ts-query(token=$nextSubQuery) returns: NOTHING") } } } private def isPrefetchedDataAvailable: Boolean = !(_iterator.isEmpty || (_iterator.isDefined && !_iterator.get.hasNext)) override def hasNext: Boolean = { if (!isPrefetchedDataAvailable) { prefetch() } _iterator match { case Some(it) => it.hasNext case None => false } } override def next(): Row = { if (!hasNext) { throw new NoSuchElementException("next on empty iterator") } } } object TSDataQueryingIterator { def apply[R](query: QueryTS): TSDataQueryingIterator = new TSDataQueryingIterator(query) }
Example 140
Source File: KVDataQueryingIterator.scala From spark-riak-connector with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.basho.riak.spark.query import com.basho.riak.client.core.query.{Location, RiakObject} import org.apache.spark.Logging class KVDataQueryingIterator[T](query: Query[T]) extends Iterator[(Location, RiakObject)] with Logging { type ResultT = (Location, RiakObject) private var isThereNextValue: Option[Boolean] = None private var nextToken: Option[T] = None private var _iterator: Option[Iterator[ResultT]] = None protected[this] def prefetch(): Boolean = { logTrace(s"Prefetching chunk of data: query(token=$nextToken)") val r = query.nextChunk(nextToken) if( isTraceEnabled() ) { logTrace(s"query(token=$nextToken) returns:\n token: ${r._1}\n data:\n\t ${r._2}") } else { logDebug(s"query(token=$nextToken) returns:\n token: ${r._1}\n data.size: ${r._2.size}") } nextToken = r._1 r match { case (_, Nil) => logDebug("prefetch returned Nothing, all data was already processed (empty chunk was returned)") _iterator = KVDataQueryingIterator.OPTION_EMPTY_ITERATOR case (_, data: Iterable[(Location,RiakObject)]) => if(nextToken.isEmpty){ logDebug("prefetch returned the last chunk, all data was processed") } _iterator = Some(data.iterator) } _iterator.get.hasNext } override def hasNext: Boolean = { isThereNextValue match { case Some(b: Boolean) => // cached value will be returned case None if _iterator.isDefined && _iterator.get.hasNext => logTrace(s"prefetch is not required, at least one pre-fetched value available") isThereNextValue = KVDataQueryingIterator.OPTION_TRUE case None if _iterator.isDefined && _iterator.get.isEmpty && nextToken.isEmpty => logTrace("prefetch is not required, all data was already processed") isThereNextValue = KVDataQueryingIterator.OPTION_FALSE case None => isThereNextValue = Some(prefetch()) } isThereNextValue.get } override def next(): (Location, RiakObject) = { if( !hasNext ){ throw new NoSuchElementException("next on iterator") } isThereNextValue = None } } object KVDataQueryingIterator { private val OPTION_EMPTY_ITERATOR = Some(Iterator.empty) private val OPTION_TRUE = Some(true) private val OPTION_FALSE = Some(false) def apply[T](query: Query[T]): KVDataQueryingIterator[T] = new KVDataQueryingIterator[T](query) }
Example 141
Source File: DataMapper.scala From spark-riak-connector with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.basho.riak.spark.util import com.basho.riak.client.api.convert.JSONConverter import com.fasterxml.jackson.module.scala.DefaultScalaModule import org.apache.spark.Logging trait DataMapper extends Serializable { DataMapper.ensureInitialized() } object DataMapper extends Logging { private var isInitialized = false def ensureInitialized(): Boolean = { if (!isInitialized) { // Register Scala module to serialize/deserialize Scala stuff smoothly JSONConverter.registerJacksonModule(DefaultScalaModule) logDebug("Jackson DefaultScalaModule has been registered") isInitialized = true } else { logTrace("Jackson DefaultScalaModule initialization was skipped since module has been registered.") } isInitialized } }
Example 142
Source File: SparkStreamingFixture.scala From spark-riak-connector with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.basho.riak.spark.streaming import org.apache.spark.{Logging, SparkContext} import org.apache.spark.streaming.{Seconds, StreamingContext} import org.junit.{After, Before} trait SparkStreamingFixture extends Logging { protected var sc: SparkContext protected var ssc: StreamingContext = _ protected val batchDuration = Seconds(1) @Before def startStreamingContext(): Unit = { ssc = new StreamingContext(sc, batchDuration) logInfo("Streaming context created") } @After def stopStreamingContext(): Unit = { Option(ssc).foreach(_.stop()) logInfo("Streaming context stopped") } }
Example 143
Source File: SocketStreamingDataSource.scala From spark-riak-connector with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.basho.riak.spark.streaming import import java.nio.channels.{AsynchronousCloseException, AsynchronousServerSocketChannel, AsynchronousSocketChannel, CompletionHandler} import com.basho.riak.stub.SocketUtils import org.apache.spark.Logging class SocketStreamingDataSource extends Logging { private var serverChannel: AsynchronousServerSocketChannel = _ private var clientChannel: AsynchronousSocketChannel = _ def start(writeToSocket: AsynchronousSocketChannel => Unit): Int = { serverChannel = require(serverChannel.isOpen) serverChannel.bind(new InetSocketAddress(0)) serverChannel.accept(serverChannel, new CompletionHandler[AsynchronousSocketChannel, AsynchronousServerSocketChannel]() { override def completed(client: AsynchronousSocketChannel, server: AsynchronousServerSocketChannel): Unit = { logInfo(s"Incoming connection: ${SocketUtils.serverConnectionAsStr(client)}") clientChannel = client writeToSocket(client) client.isOpen match { case true => val connectionString = SocketUtils.serverConnectionAsStr(client) client.shutdownInput() client.shutdownOutput() client.close() logInfo(s"Client $connectionString was gracefully disconnected") case false => // client is already closed - do nothing } } override def failed(exc: Throwable, serverChannel: AsynchronousServerSocketChannel): Unit = exc match { case _: AsynchronousCloseException => case _ => logError(s"Something went wrong: ${serverChannel.toString}", exc); } }) serverChannel.getLocalAddress.asInstanceOf[InetSocketAddress].getPort } def stop(): Unit = { Option(clientChannel).foreach(_.close()) Option(serverChannel).foreach(_.close()) } }
Example 144
Source File: AbstractFailoverOfflineTest.scala From spark-riak-connector with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.basho.riak.spark.rdd.failover import com.basho.riak.client.core.query.Namespace import com.basho.riak.client.core.util.HostAndPort import com.basho.riak.stub.{RiakMessageHandler, RiakNodeStub} import org.apache.commons.lang3.exception.ExceptionUtils import org.apache.spark.{Logging, SparkConf, SparkContext} import org.hamcrest.{Description, Matchers} import org.junit.internal.matchers.ThrowableCauseMatcher import org.junit.{After, Before} import scala.collection.JavaConversions._ abstract class AbstractFailoverOfflineTest extends Logging { protected final val NAMESPACE = new Namespace("default", "test-bucket") protected final val COVERAGE_ENTRIES_COUNT = 64 protected var sc: SparkContext = _ protected var riakNodes: Seq[(HostAndPort, RiakNodeStub)] = _ // tuple HostAndPort -> stub val riakHosts: Int = 1 val riakMessageHandler: Option[RiakMessageHandler] = None def sparkConf: SparkConf = new SparkConf(false) .setMaster("local") .setAppName(getClass.getSimpleName) .set("",{case (hp, _) => s"${hp.getHost}:${hp.getPort}"}.mkString(",")) .set("spark.riak.output.wquorum", "1") .set("spark.riak.input.fetch-size", "2") def initRiakNodes(): Seq[(HostAndPort, RiakNodeStub)] = { require(riakMessageHandler.isDefined) // start riak stubs on localhost and free random port (1 to riakHosts).map { _ => val riakNode = RiakNodeStub(riakMessageHandler.get) riakNode.start() -> riakNode } } @Before def setUp(): Unit = { riakNodes = initRiakNodes() sc = new SparkContext(sparkConf) } @After def tearDown(): Unit = { Option(riakNodes).foreach(_.foreach(n => n._2.stop())) Option(sc).foreach(_.stop()) } def distributeEvenly(size: Int, splitCount: Int): Seq[Int] = { val (base, rem) = (size / splitCount, size % splitCount) (0 until splitCount).map(i => if (i < rem) base + 1 else base) } } class RootCauseMatcher[T <: Throwable](val excClass: Class[T]) extends ThrowableCauseMatcher[T](Matchers.isA(excClass)) { private def getOneBeforeRootCause(item: T): Throwable = { val throwables = ExceptionUtils.getThrowableList(item) if (throwables.length > 1) { throwables.reverse.tail.head } else { throwables.head } } override def matchesSafely(item: T): Boolean = super.matchesSafely(getOneBeforeRootCause(item).asInstanceOf[T]) override def describeMismatchSafely(item: T, description: Description): Unit = super.describeMismatchSafely(getOneBeforeRootCause(item).asInstanceOf[T], description) }
Example 145
Source File: BisectingKMeansModel.scala From bisecting-kmeans with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.mllib.bisectingkmeans import breeze.linalg.{Vector => BV, norm => breezeNorm} import org.apache.spark.Logging import import org.apache.spark.mllib.linalg.{Vector, Vectors} import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD def toJavaLinkageMatrix: java.util.ArrayList[java.util.ArrayList[java.lang.Double]] = { val javaList = new java.util.ArrayList[java.util.ArrayList[java.lang.Double]]() this.node.toLinkageMatrix.foreach {x => val row = new java.util.ArrayList[java.lang.Double]() row.add(x._1.toDouble) row.add(x._2.toDouble) row.add(x._3.toDouble) row.add(x._4.toDouble) javaList.add(row) } javaList } }
Example 146
Source File: SparkCassSSTableLoaderClientManager.scala From Spark2Cassandra with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.github.jparkie.spark.cassandra.client import import com.datastax.spark.connector.cql.{ AuthConf, CassandraConnector } import com.github.jparkie.spark.cassandra.conf.SparkCassServerConf import org.apache.spark.Logging import scala.collection.mutable private[cassandra] trait SparkCassSSTableLoaderClientManager extends Serializable with Logging { case class SessionKey( hosts: Set[InetAddress], port: Int, authConf: AuthConf, sparkCassServerConf: SparkCassServerConf ) extends Serializable @transient private[client] val internalClients = mutable.HashMap.empty[SessionKey, SparkCassSSTableLoaderClient] private[client] def buildSessionKey( cassandraConnector: CassandraConnector, sparkCassServerConf: SparkCassServerConf ): SessionKey = { SessionKey(cassandraConnector.hosts, cassandraConnector.port, cassandraConnector.authConf, sparkCassServerConf) } private[client] def buildClient( cassandraConnector: CassandraConnector, sparkCassServerConf: SparkCassServerConf ): SparkCassSSTableLoaderClient = { val newSession = cassandraConnector.openSession() logInfo(s"Created SSTableLoaderClient to the following Cassandra nodes: ${cassandraConnector.hosts}") val sparkCassSSTableLoaderClient = new SparkCassSSTableLoaderClient(newSession, sparkCassServerConf) sys.addShutdownHook { logInfo("Closed Cassandra Session for SSTableLoaderClient.") sparkCassSSTableLoaderClient.stop() } sparkCassSSTableLoaderClient } private[cassandra] def evictAll(): Unit = synchronized { internalClients.values.foreach(_.stop()) internalClients.clear() } } object SparkCassSSTableLoaderClientManager extends SparkCassSSTableLoaderClientManager
Example 147
Source File: HBasePartition.scala From Backup-Repo with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.hbase import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.RegionScanner import org.apache.spark.{Logging, Partition} import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions._ import org.apache.spark.sql.hbase.catalyst.expressions.PartialPredicateOperations._ import org.apache.spark.sql.hbase.types.{HBaseBytesType, Range} private[hbase] class HBasePartition( val idx: Int, val mappedIndex: Int, start: Option[HBaseRawType] = None, end: Option[HBaseRawType] = None, val server: Option[String] = None, val filterPredicates: Option[Expression] = None, @transient relation: HBaseRelation = null, @transient val newScanner:RegionScanner = null) extends Range[HBaseRawType](start, true, end, false, HBaseBytesType) with Partition with IndexMappable with Logging { override def index: Int = idx override def hashCode(): Int = idx @transient lazy val startNative: Seq[Any] = relation.nativeKeyConvert(start) @transient lazy val endNative: Seq[Any] = relation.nativeKeyConvert(end) def computePredicate(relation: HBaseRelation): Option[Expression] = { val predicate = if (filterPredicates.isDefined && filterPredicates.get.references.exists(_.exprId == relation.partitionKeys.head.exprId)) { val oriPredicate = filterPredicates.get val predicateReferences = oriPredicate.references.toSeq val boundReference = BindReferences.bindReference(oriPredicate, predicateReferences) val row = new GenericMutableRow(predicateReferences.size) var rowIndex = 0 var i = 0 var range: Range[_] = null while (i < relation.keyColumns.size) { range = relation.generateRange(this, oriPredicate, i) if (range != null) { rowIndex = relation.rowIndex(predicateReferences, i) if (rowIndex >= 0) row.update(rowIndex, range) // if the non-last dimension range is not point, do not proceed to the next dims if (i < relation.keyColumns.size - 1 && !range.isPoint) i = relation.keyColumns.size else i = i + 1 } else i = relation.keyColumns.size } val pr = boundReference.partialReduce(row, predicateReferences) pr match { case (null, e: Expression) => Some(e) case (true, _) => None case (false, _) => Some(Literal(false)) } } else filterPredicates logInfo(predicate.toString) predicate } override def toString = { s"HBasePartition: $idx, $mappedIndex, [$start, $end), $filterPredicates" } }
Example 148
Source File: BytesUtilsSuite.scala From Backup-Repo with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.hbase import org.apache.spark.Logging import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.Bytes import org.apache.spark.sql.types._ import org.apache.spark.sql.hbase.types.HBaseBytesType import org.apache.spark.sql.hbase.util.BytesUtils import org.scalatest.{BeforeAndAfterAll, FunSuite} class BytesUtilsSuite extends FunSuite with BeforeAndAfterAll with Logging { test("Bytes Ordering Test") { val s = Seq(-257, -256, -255, -129, -128, -127, -64, -16, -4, -1, 0, 1, 4, 16, 64, 127, 128, 129, 255, 256, 257) val result = => (i, BytesUtils.create(IntegerType).toBytes(i))) .sortWith((f, s) => f._2.asInstanceOf[HBaseBytesType.InternalType], s._2.asInstanceOf[HBaseBytesType.InternalType])) assert( => a._1) == s.sorted.reverse) } def compare(a: Array[Byte], b: Array[Byte]): Int = { val length = Math.min(a.length, b.length) var result: Int = 0 for (i <- 0 to length - 1) { val diff: Int = (a(i) & 0xff).asInstanceOf[Byte] - (b(i) & 0xff).asInstanceOf[Byte] if (diff != 0) { result = diff } } result } test("Bytes Utility Test") { assert(BytesUtils.toBoolean(BytesUtils.create(BooleanType) .toBytes(input = true), 0) === true) assert(BytesUtils.toBoolean(BytesUtils.create(BooleanType) .toBytes(input = false), 0) === false) assert(BytesUtils.toDouble(BytesUtils.create(DoubleType).toBytes(12.34d), 0) === 12.34d) assert(BytesUtils.toDouble(BytesUtils.create(DoubleType).toBytes(-12.34d), 0) === -12.34d) assert(BytesUtils.toFloat(BytesUtils.create(FloatType).toBytes(12.34f), 0) === 12.34f) assert(BytesUtils.toFloat(BytesUtils.create(FloatType).toBytes(-12.34f), 0) === -12.34f) assert(BytesUtils.toInt(BytesUtils.create(IntegerType).toBytes(12), 0) === 12) assert(BytesUtils.toInt(BytesUtils.create(IntegerType).toBytes(-12), 0) === -12) assert(BytesUtils.toLong(BytesUtils.create(LongType).toBytes(1234l), 0) === 1234l) assert(BytesUtils.toLong(BytesUtils.create(LongType).toBytes(-1234l), 0) === -1234l) assert(BytesUtils.toShort(BytesUtils.create(ShortType) .toBytes(12.asInstanceOf[Short]), 0) === 12) assert(BytesUtils.toShort(BytesUtils.create(ShortType) .toBytes(-12.asInstanceOf[Short]), 0) === -12) assert(BytesUtils.toUTF8String(BytesUtils.create(StringType).toBytes("abc"), 0, 3) === UTF8String("abc")) assert(BytesUtils.toUTF8String(BytesUtils.create(StringType).toBytes(""), 0, 0) === UTF8String("")) assert(BytesUtils.toByte(BytesUtils.create(ByteType) .toBytes(5.asInstanceOf[Byte]), 0) === 5) assert(BytesUtils.toByte(BytesUtils.create(ByteType) .toBytes(-5.asInstanceOf[Byte]), 0) === -5) assert(compare(BytesUtils.create(IntegerType).toBytes(128), BytesUtils.create(IntegerType).toBytes(-128)) > 0) } test("byte array plus one") { var byteArray = Array[Byte](0x01.toByte, 127.toByte) assert(Bytes.compareTo(BytesUtils.addOne(byteArray), Array[Byte](0x01.toByte, 0x80.toByte)) == 0) byteArray = Array[Byte](0xff.toByte, 0xff.toByte) assert(BytesUtils.addOne(byteArray) == null) byteArray = Array[Byte](0x02.toByte, 0xff.toByte) assert(Bytes.compareTo(BytesUtils.addOne(byteArray), Array[Byte](0x03.toByte, 0x00.toByte)) == 0) } test("float comparison") { val f1 = BytesUtils.create(FloatType).toBytes(-1.23f) val f2 = BytesUtils.create(FloatType).toBytes(100f) assert(Bytes.compareTo(f1, f2) < 0) } }
Example 149
Source File: WebSocketReceiver.scala From spark-streaming-demo with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.datastax.examples.meetup.websocket import com.datastax.examples.meetup.model._ import import scalawebsocket.WebSocket import org.apache.spark.streaming.receiver.Receiver import org.apache.spark.Logging import org.json4s._ import org.json4s.jackson.JsonMethods._ class WebSocketReceiver(url: String, storageLevel: StorageLevel) extends Receiver[MeetupRsvp](storageLevel) with Logging { @volatile private var webSocket: WebSocket = _ def onStart() { try{ logInfo("Connecting to WebSocket: " + url) val newWebSocket = WebSocket().open(url).onTextMessage({ msg: String => parseJson(msg) }) setWebSocket(newWebSocket) logInfo("Connected to: WebSocket" + url) } catch { case e: Exception => restart("Error starting WebSocket stream", e) } } def onStop() { setWebSocket(null) logInfo("WebSocket receiver stopped") } private def setWebSocket(newWebSocket: WebSocket) = synchronized { if (webSocket != null) { webSocket.shutdown() } webSocket = newWebSocket } private def parseJson(jsonStr: String): Unit = { implicit lazy val formats = DefaultFormats try { val json = parse(jsonStr) val rsvp = json.extract[MeetupRsvp] store(rsvp) } catch { case e: MappingException => logError("Unable to map JSON message to MeetupRsvp object:" + e.msg) case e: Exception => logError("Unable to map JSON message to MeetupRsvp object") } } }
Example 150
Source File: GraphLoader.scala From graphx-algorithm with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.graphx import import org.apache.spark.{Logging, SparkContext} import org.apache.spark.graphx.impl.{EdgePartitionBuilder, GraphImpl} def edgeListFile( sc: SparkContext, path: String, canonicalOrientation: Boolean = false, numEdgePartitions: Int = -1, edgeStorageLevel: StorageLevel = StorageLevel.MEMORY_ONLY, vertexStorageLevel: StorageLevel = StorageLevel.MEMORY_ONLY) : Graph[Int, Int] = { val startTime = System.currentTimeMillis // Parse the edge data table directly into edge partitions val lines = if (numEdgePartitions > 0) { sc.textFile(path, numEdgePartitions).coalesce(numEdgePartitions) } else { sc.textFile(path) } val edges = lines.mapPartitionsWithIndex { (pid, iter) => val builder = new EdgePartitionBuilder[Int, Int] iter.foreach { line => if (!line.isEmpty && line(0) != '#') { val lineArray = line.split("\\s+") if (lineArray.length < 2) { logWarning("Invalid line: " + line) } val srcId = lineArray(0).toLong val dstId = lineArray(1).toLong if (canonicalOrientation && srcId > dstId) { builder.add(dstId, srcId, 1) } else { builder.add(srcId, dstId, 1) } } } Iterator((pid, builder.toEdgePartition)) }.persist(edgeStorageLevel).setName("GraphLoader.edgeListFile - edges (%s)".format(path)) edges.count() logInfo("It took %d ms to load the edges".format(System.currentTimeMillis - startTime)) GraphImpl.fromEdgePartitions(edges, defaultVertexAttr = 1, edgeStorageLevel = edgeStorageLevel, vertexStorageLevel = vertexStorageLevel) } // end of edgeListFile }
Example 151
Source File: GraphLoaderPlus.scala From graphx-algorithm with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.graphx import import org.apache.spark.{Logging, SparkContext} import org.apache.spark.graphx.impl.{EdgePartitionBuilder, GraphImpl} def edgeListFile( sc: SparkContext, path: String, canonicalOrientation: Boolean = false, numEdgePartitions: Int = -1, edgeStorageLevel: StorageLevel = StorageLevel.MEMORY_ONLY, vertexStorageLevel: StorageLevel = StorageLevel.MEMORY_ONLY) : Graph[Int, Int] = { val startTime = System.currentTimeMillis // Parse the edge data table directly into edge partitions val lines = if (numEdgePartitions > 0) { sc.textFile(path, numEdgePartitions).coalesce(numEdgePartitions) } else { sc.textFile(path) } val edges = lines.mapPartitionsWithIndex { (pid, iter) => val builder = new EdgePartitionBuilder[Int, Int] iter.foreach { line => if (!line.isEmpty && line(0) != '#') { val lineArray = line.split("\\s+") if (lineArray.length < 2) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid line: " + line) } if (lineArray.length == 2) { val srcId = lineArray(0).toLong val dstId = lineArray(1).toLong if (canonicalOrientation && srcId > dstId) { builder.add(dstId, srcId, 1) } else { builder.add(srcId, dstId, 1) } } else { val srcId = lineArray(0).toLong val dstId = lineArray(1).toLong val weight = lineArray(2).toInt if (canonicalOrientation && srcId > dstId) { builder.add(dstId, srcId, weight) } else { builder.add(srcId, dstId, weight) } } } } Iterator((pid, builder.toEdgePartition)) }.persist(edgeStorageLevel).setName("GraphLoaderPlus.edgeListFile - edges (%s)".format(path)) edges.count() logInfo("It took %d ms to load the edges".format(System.currentTimeMillis - startTime)) GraphImpl.fromEdgePartitions(edges, defaultVertexAttr = 1, edgeStorageLevel = edgeStorageLevel, vertexStorageLevel = vertexStorageLevel) } // end of edgeListFile }
Example 152
Source File: SparkFunSuite.scala From gihyo-spark-book-example with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package jp.gihyo.spark // scalastyle:off import org.apache.log4j.{Level, Logger} import org.scalatest.{FunSuite, Outcome} import org.apache.spark.Logging final protected override def withFixture(test: NoArgTest): Outcome = { val testName = test.text val suiteName = this.getClass.getName val shortSuiteName = suiteName.replaceAll("org.apache.spark", "o.a.s") try { Logger.getLogger("org").setLevel(Level.OFF) Logger.getLogger("akka").setLevel(Level.OFF) logInfo(s"\n\n===== TEST OUTPUT FOR $shortSuiteName: '$testName' =====\n") test() } finally { logInfo(s"\n\n===== FINISHED $shortSuiteName: '$testName' =====\n") } } }
Example 153
Source File: ExtendedPlanner.scala From HANAVora-Extensions with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.extension import org.apache.spark.Logging import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.analysis.UnresolvedRelation import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans.logical.LogicalPlan import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.{SparkPlan, SparkPlanner} def planLaterExt(p: LogicalPlan): SparkPlan = planLater(p) def optimizedPlan(p: LogicalPlan): LogicalPlan = sqlContext.executePlan(p).optimizedPlan def optimizedRelationLookup(u: UnresolvedRelation): Option[LogicalPlan] = { if (sqlContext.catalog.tableExists(u.tableIdentifier)) { Some(optimizedPlan(u)) } else { None } } // TODO (AC) Remove this once table-valued function are rebased on top. def analyze(p: LogicalPlan): LogicalPlan = sqlContext.analyzer.execute(p) override def plan(p: LogicalPlan): Iterator[SparkPlan] = { val iter = strategies.view.flatMap({ strategy => val plans = strategy(p) if (plans.isEmpty) { logTrace(s"Strategy $strategy did not produce plans for $p") } else { logDebug(s"Strategy $strategy produced a plan for $p: ${plans.head}") } plans }).toIterator assert(iter.hasNext, s"No plan for $p") iter } }
Example 154
Source File: DropRunnableCommand.scala From HANAVora-Extensions with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources import org.apache.spark.Logging import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.RunnableCommand import org.apache.spark.sql.sources.DropRelation import org.apache.spark.sql.{Row, SQLContext} import scala.util.Try private[sql] case class DropRunnableCommand(toDrop: Map[String, Option[DropRelation]]) extends RunnableCommand with Logging { override def run(sqlContext: SQLContext): Seq[Row] = { toDrop.foreach { case (name, dropOption) => sqlContext.dropTempTable(name) dropOption.foreach { dropRelation => Try { dropRelation.dropTable() }.recover { // When the provider indicates an exception while dropping, we still have to continue // dropping all the referencing tables, otherwise there could be integrity issues case ex => logWarning( s"""Error occurred when dropping table '$name':${ex.getMessage}, however |table '$name' will still be dropped from Spark catalog. """.stripMargin) }.get } } Seq.empty } }
Example 155
Source File: SQLRunner.scala From HANAVora-Extensions with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import import org.apache.spark.sql.{DataFrame, Row, SQLContext} import org.apache.spark.{Logging, SparkContext} import scala.annotation.tailrec protected[cli] case class CLIOptions( sqlFiles: List[String] = Nil, output: Option[String] = None) def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { def fail(msg: String = USAGE): Unit = { logError(msg) System.exit(1) } val opts = parseOpts(args.toList) val outputStream: OutputStream = opts.output match { case Some(filename) => new FileOutputStream(new File(filename)) case None => System.out } opts.sqlFiles .map((string: String) => new FileInputStream(new File(string))) .foreach(sql(_, outputStream)) } }
Example 156
Source File: NodeTests.scala From HANAVora-Extensions with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.hierarchy import org.apache.spark.Logging import org.apache.spark.sql.types.{Node, NodeHelpers, StringType} import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer // scalastyle:off magic.number // scalastyle:off file.size.limit class NodeTests extends NodeUnitTestSpec with Logging { var nodes = ArrayBuffer[Node]() nodes += Node(path = null, pathDataType = StringType, ordPath = List(1L)) nodes += Node(path = null, pathDataType = StringType, ordPath = List(1L, 1L)) nodes += Node(path = null, pathDataType = StringType, ordPath = List(1L, 1L, 2L)) nodes += Node(path = null, pathDataType = StringType, ordPath = List(1L, 1L, 3L)) nodes += Node(path = null, pathDataType = StringType, ordPath = List(1L, 2L)) nodes += Node(path = null, pathDataType = StringType, ordPath = List(1L, 3L)) nodes += Node(path = null, pathDataType = StringType, ordPath = List(1L, 4L)) nodes += Node(path = null, pathDataType = StringType, ordPath = List(1L, 4L, 1L)) nodes += Node(path = null, pathDataType = StringType, ordPath = List(1L, 4L, 2L))"Running unit tests for sorting class Node\n") nodes.toArray should equal { // deterministic generator: val myRand = new scala.util.Random(42) // take copy of array-buffer, shuffle it val shuffled_nodes = myRand.shuffle(nodes.toSeq) // shuffled?: shuffled_nodes should not equal nodes.toArray shuffled_nodes.sorted(NodeHelpers.OrderedNode) }"Testing function compareToRecursive\n") val x = Node(null, null) 0 should equal {x.compareToRecursive(Seq(), Seq())} 0 should be > {x.compareToRecursive(Seq(), Seq(1))} 0 should be < {x.compareToRecursive(Seq(1), Seq())} 0 should equal {x.compareToRecursive(Seq(1,2), Seq(1,2))} 0 should be < {x.compareToRecursive(Seq(1,2), Seq(1))} 0 should be > {x.compareToRecursive(Seq(1), Seq(1,2))} } // scalastyle:on magic.number // scalastyle:on file.size.limit
Example 157
Source File: HierarchyJoinBuilderUnitTests.scala From HANAVora-Extensions with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.hierarchy import org.apache.spark.sql.types.{IntegerType, Node} import org.apache.spark.Logging import org.apache.spark.sql.Row // scalastyle:off magic.number class HierarchyJoinBuilderUnitTests extends NodeUnitTestSpec with Logging { var jb = new HierarchyJoinBuilder[Row, Row, Long](null, null, null, null, null, null)"Testing function 'extractNodeFromRow'\n") val x = Node(List(1,2,3), IntegerType, List(1L,1L,2L)) Some(x) should equal { jb.extractNodeFromRow(Row.fromSeq(Seq(1,2,3, x))) } None should equal { jb.extractNodeFromRow(Row.fromSeq(Seq(1,2,3))) } None should equal { jb.extractNodeFromRow(Row.fromSeq(Seq())) }"Testing function 'getOrd'\n") None should equal { jb.getOrd(Row.fromSeq(Seq(1,2,3))) } val testValues = List((42L, Some(42L)), (13, Some(13L)), ("hello", None), (1234.56, None)) testValues.foreach( testVal => { val jbWithOrd = new HierarchyJoinBuilder[Row, Row, Long](null, null, null, null, x => testVal._1 , null) testVal._2 should equal { jbWithOrd.getOrd(Row.fromSeq(Seq(x))) } } ) } // scalastyle:on magic.number
Example 158
Source File: ExtractSQLParserSuite.scala From HANAVora-Extensions with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql import import org.apache.spark.Logging import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.TableIdentifier import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.analysis.UnresolvedRelation import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.dsl.expressions._ import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.dsl.plans._ import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions._ import org.apache.spark.sql.parser.SapParserDialect import org.scalatest.FunSuite class ExtractSQLParserSuite extends FunSuite with PlanTest with Logging { // scalastyle:off magic.number val t1 = UnresolvedRelation(TableIdentifier("T1")) val parser = new SapParserDialect test("Parse EXTRACT in SELECT") { val result = parser.parse("SELECT a, EXTRACT(YEAR FROM a) FROM T1") val expected ='a, Year('a)): _*) comparePlans(expected, result) } test("Parse EXTRACT in WHERE") { val result = parser.parse("SELECT 1 FROM T1 WHERE EXTRACT(MONTH FROM a) = 2015") val expected = t1.where(Month('a) === 2015).select(AliasUnresolver(1): _*) comparePlans(expected, result) } test("Parse EXTRACT in GROUP BY") { val result = parser.parse("SELECT 1 FROM T1 GROUP BY EXTRACT(DAY FROM a)") val expected = t1.groupBy(DayOfMonth('a))(AliasUnresolver(1): _*) comparePlans(expected, result) } }
Example 159
Source File: MathsSuite.scala From HANAVora-Extensions with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions import org.apache.commons.math3.util.FastMath import org.apache.spark.Logging import org.apache.spark.sql.{Row, GlobalSapSQLContext} import org.scalatest.FunSuite class MathsSuite extends FunSuite with GlobalSapSQLContext with Logging { // scalastyle:off magic.number val rowA = DoubleRow("AAA", 1.0) val rowB = DoubleRow("BBB", 2.0) val rowC = DoubleRow("CCC", 0.6) val rowD = DoubleRow("DDD", -1.1) val rowE = DoubleRow("DDD", -1.1) val data = Seq(rowA, rowB) test("ln, log, pow") { val rdd = sc.parallelize(data) val dSrc = sqlContext.createDataFrame(rdd).cache() dSrc.registerTempTable("src") val result1 = sqlContext.sql("SELECT name,d,LN(d) FROM src").collect() assertResult(Row(, rowA.d, 0.0) :: Row(, rowB.d, scala.math.log(2.0)) :: Nil)(result1) val result2 = sqlContext.sql("SELECT name,d,LOG(10, d) FROM src").collect() assertResult(Row(, rowA.d, 0.0) :: Row(, rowB.d, scala.math.log(rowB.d) / scala.math.log(10)) :: Nil)(result2) val result3 = sqlContext.sql("SELECT name,d,POWER(d,2) FROM src").collect() assertResult(Row(, rowA.d, 1.0) :: Row(, rowB.d, 4.0) :: Nil)(result3) } val data2 = Seq(rowC, rowD) test("ceil, floor, round, sign, mod") { val rdd = sc.parallelize(data2) val dSrc = sqlContext.createDataFrame(rdd).cache() dSrc.registerTempTable("src") val result1 = sqlContext.sql("SELECT name, d, CEIL(d), FLOOR(d)," + "ROUND(d,0), SIGN(d), MOD(d,3) FROM src").collect() assertResult(Row(, rowC.d, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.6) :: Row(, rowD.d, -1.0, -2.0, -1.0, -1.0, -1.1) :: Nil)(result1) } test("cos, SIN, TAN, ACOS, ASIN, ATAN") { val rdd = sc.parallelize(data2) val dSrc = sqlContext.createDataFrame(rdd).cache() dSrc.registerTempTable("src") val result1 = sqlContext.sql("SELECT name, d, COS(d), SIN(d), TAN(d)," + " ACOS(COS(d)), ASIN(SIN(d)), ATAN(TAN(d)) FROM src").collect() assertResult(Row(, rowC.d, FastMath.cos(rowC.d), FastMath.sin(rowC.d), FastMath.tan(rowC.d), 0.6, 0.6, 0.6) :: Row(, rowD.d, FastMath.cos(rowD.d), FastMath.sin(rowD.d), FastMath.tan(rowD.d), 1.1, -1.1, -1.1) :: Nil)(result1) } }
Example 160
Source File: StringsSuite.scala From HANAVora-Extensions with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions import org.apache.spark.Logging import org.apache.spark.sql.{Row, GlobalSapSQLContext} import org.scalatest.FunSuite class StringsSuite extends FunSuite with GlobalSapSQLContext with Logging { // scalastyle:off magic.number val rowA = StringRow(" AAA") val rowB = StringRow("BBB ") val rowC = StringRow(" CCC ") val rowD = StringRow("DDDDDDD") val rowE = StringRow(null) val dataWithDates = Seq(rowA, rowB, rowC, rowD, rowE) test("string manipulations") { val rdd = sc.parallelize(dataWithDates) val dSrc = sqlContext.createDataFrame(rdd).cache() dSrc.registerTempTable("src") val result1 = sqlContext.sql("SELECT name,TRIM(name),RTRIM(name),LTRIM(name) FROM src").collect() assertResult(Row(, "AAA", " AAA", "AAA") :: Row(, "BBB", "BBB", "BBB ") :: Row(, "CCC", " CCC", "CCC ") :: Row(, "DDDDDDD", "DDDDDDD", "DDDDDDD") :: Row(, null, null, null) :: Nil)(result1) val result2 = sqlContext.sql("SELECT name,LPAD(name,6,'x'),RPAD(name,6,'xyz') FROM src").collect() assertResult(Row(, "xx AAA", " AAAxy") :: Row(, "xxBBB ", "BBB xy") :: Row(, "x CCC ", " CCC x") :: Row(, "DDDDDD", "DDDDDD") :: Row(, null, null) :: Nil)(result2) val result3 = sqlContext.sql("SELECT name, LENGTH(name), LOCATE('B', name) FROM src").collect() assertResult(Row(, 4, 0) :: Row(, 4, 1) :: Row(, 5, 0) :: Row(, 7, 0) :: Row(, null, null) :: Nil)(result3) val result4 = sqlContext.sql("SELECT name, CONCAT(name,'aa') FROM src").collect() assertResult(Row(, " AAAaa") :: Row(, "BBB aa") :: Row(, " CCC aa") :: Row(, "DDDDDDDaa") :: Row(, null) ::Nil)(result4) val result5 = sqlContext.sql("SELECT name,REPLACE(name,'DD','de'),REVERSE(name) FROM src").collect() assertResult(Row(, " AAA", "AAA ") :: Row(, "BBB ", " BBB") :: Row(, " CCC ", " CCC ") :: Row(, "dededeD", "DDDDDDD") :: Row(, null, null) :: Nil)(result5) } }
Example 161
Source File: SapSQLEnv.scala From HANAVora-Extensions with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import import org.apache.spark.scheduler.StatsReportListener import org.apache.spark.sql.hive.{HiveContext, SapHiveContext} import org.apache.spark.sql.hive.thriftserver.SparkSQLCLIDriver import org.apache.spark.sql.hive.thriftserver.SparkSQLEnv._ import org.apache.spark.util.Utils import org.apache.spark.{Logging, SparkConf, SparkContext} import scala.collection.JavaConversions._ object SapSQLEnv extends Logging { def init() { logDebug("Initializing SapSQLEnv") if (hiveContext == null) { logInfo("Creating SapSQLContext") val sparkConf = new SparkConf(loadDefaults = true) val maybeSerializer = sparkConf.getOption("spark.serializer") val maybeKryoReferenceTracking = sparkConf.getOption("spark.kryo.referenceTracking") // If user doesn't specify the appName, we want to get [SparkSQL::localHostName] instead of // the default appName [SparkSQLCLIDriver] in cli or beeline. val maybeAppName = sparkConf .getOption("") .filterNot(_ == classOf[SparkSQLCLIDriver].getName) sparkConf .setAppName(maybeAppName.getOrElse(s"SparkSQL::${Utils.localHostName()}")) .set("spark.serializer", maybeSerializer.getOrElse("org.apache.spark.serializer.KryoSerializer")) .set("spark.kryo.referenceTracking", maybeKryoReferenceTracking.getOrElse("false")) sparkContext = new SparkContext(sparkConf) sparkContext.addSparkListener(new StatsReportListener()) hiveContext = new SapHiveContext(sparkContext) hiveContext.metadataHive.setOut(new PrintStream(System.out, true, "UTF-8")) hiveContext.metadataHive.setInfo(new PrintStream(System.err, true, "UTF-8")) hiveContext.metadataHive.setError(new PrintStream(System.err, true, "UTF-8")) hiveContext.setConf("spark.sql.hive.version", HiveContext.hiveExecutionVersion) if (log.isDebugEnabled) { hiveContext.hiveconf.getAllProperties.toSeq.sorted.foreach { case (k, v) => logDebug(s"HiveConf var: $k=$v") } } } } }
Example 162
Source File: SapThriftServer.scala From HANAVora-Extensions with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.hive.thriftserver import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory import org.apache.spark.Logging import org.apache.spark.sql.hive.HiveContext import import org.apache.spark.sql.hive.thriftserver.HiveThriftServer2._ import org.apache.spark.sql.hive.thriftserver.ui.ThriftServerTab import org.apache.hive.service.server.HiveServerServerOptionsProcessor object SapThriftServer extends Logging { var LOG = LogFactory.getLog(classOf[SapThriftServer]) def main(args: Array[String]) { val optionsProcessor = new HiveServerServerOptionsProcessor("SapThriftServer") if (!optionsProcessor.process(args)) { System.exit(-1) } logInfo("Starting SparkContext") SapSQLEnv.init() org.apache.spark.util.ShutdownHookManager.addShutdownHook { () => SparkSQLEnv.stop() uiTab.foreach(_.detach()) } try { val server = new HiveThriftServer2(SparkSQLEnv.hiveContext) server.init(SparkSQLEnv.hiveContext.hiveconf) server.start() logInfo("SapThriftServer started") listener = new HiveThriftServer2Listener(server, SparkSQLEnv.hiveContext.conf) SparkSQLEnv.sparkContext.addSparkListener(listener) uiTab = if (SparkSQLEnv.sparkContext.getConf.getBoolean("spark.ui.enabled", true)) { Some(new ThriftServerTab(SparkSQLEnv.sparkContext)) } else { None } } catch { case e: Exception => logError("Error starting SapThriftServer", e) System.exit(-1) } } } private[hive] class SapThriftServer(val hiveContext: HiveContext) extends Logging{ def start: Unit = { logInfo("ThriftServer with SapSQLContext") logInfo("Starting SparkContext") HiveThriftServer2.startWithContext(hiveContext) } }
Example 163
Source File: OAuthToken.scala From spark-power-bi with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.granturing.spark.powerbi import java.util.concurrent.{ExecutionException, TimeUnit, Executors} import{AuthenticationResult, AuthenticationCallback, AuthenticationContext} import dispatch._ import org.apache.spark.Logging import scala.concurrent.{Await, promise} import scala.util.{Try, Failure, Success} private class OAuthReq(token: OAuthTokenHandler) extends (Req => Req) { override def apply(req: Req): Req = { req <:< Map("Authorization" -> s"Bearer ${token()}") } } private class OAuthTokenHandler(authConf: ClientConf, initialToken: Option[String] = None) extends Logging { private var _token: Option[String] = initialToken def apply(refresh: Boolean = false): String = { _token match { case Some(s) if !refresh => s case _ => { refreshToken match { case Success(s) => { _token = Some(s) s } case Failure(e) => throw e } } } } private def refreshToken: Try[String] = {"refreshing OAuth token") val service = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(1); val context = new AuthenticationContext(authConf.token_uri, true, service) val p = promise[AuthenticationResult] val future = p.future context.acquireToken(authConf.resource, authConf.clientid, authConf.username, authConf.password, new AuthenticationCallback { def onSuccess(result: AuthenticationResult): Unit = { p.success(result) } def onFailure(ex: Throwable): Unit = { p.failure(ex) } }) try { val result = Await.result(future, authConf.timeout)"OAuth token refresh successful") Success(result.getAccessToken) } catch { case e: ExecutionException => Failure(e.getCause) case t: Throwable => Failure(t) } finally { service.shutdown() } } }
Example 164
Source File: TestUtils.scala From hivemall-spark with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.test import scala.reflect.runtime.{universe => ru} import org.apache.spark.Logging import org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame object TestUtils extends Logging { // Do benchmark if INFO-log enabled def benchmark(benchName: String)(testFunc: => Unit): Unit = { if (log.isDebugEnabled) { testFunc } } def expectResult(res: Boolean, errMsg: String) = if (res) { logWarning(errMsg) } def invokeFunc(cls: Any, func: String, args: Any*): DataFrame = try { // Invoke a function with the given name via reflection val im = scala.reflect.runtime.currentMirror.reflect(cls) val mSym = im.symbol.typeSignature.member(ru.newTermName(func)).asMethod im.reflectMethod(mSym).apply(args: _*) .asInstanceOf[DataFrame] } catch { case e: Exception => assert(false, s"Invoking ${func} failed because: ${e.getMessage}") null // Not executed } } // TODO: Any same function in o.a.spark.*? class TestDoubleWrapper(d: Double) { // Check an equality between Double values def ~==(d: Double): Boolean = Math.abs(this.d - d) < 0.001 } object TestDoubleWrapper { @inline implicit def toTestDoubleWrapper(d: Double) = new TestDoubleWrapper(d) }
Example 165
Source File: HttpInputDStreamAsync.scala From prosparkstreaming with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apress.prospark import scala.reflect.ClassTag import org.apache.spark.Logging import import org.apache.spark.streaming.StreamingContext import import import import org.apache.spark.streaming.dstream.DStream import org.apache.spark.streaming.dstream.ReceiverInputDStream import org.apache.spark.streaming.receiver.Receiver import com.ning.http.client.AsyncCompletionHandler import com.ning.http.client.AsyncHttpClient import com.ning.http.client.Response class HttpInputDStreamAsync( @transient ssc_ : StreamingContext, storageLevel: StorageLevel, url: String) extends ReceiverInputDStream[String](ssc_) with Logging { def getReceiver(): Receiver[String] = { new HttpReceiverAsync(storageLevel, url) } } class HttpReceiverAsync( storageLevel: StorageLevel, url: String) extends Receiver[String](storageLevel) with Logging { var asyncHttpClient: AsyncHttpClient = _ def onStop() { asyncHttpClient.close() logInfo("Disconnected from Http Server") } def onStart() { asyncHttpClient = new AsyncHttpClient() asyncHttpClient.prepareGet(url).execute(new AsyncCompletionHandler[Response]() { override def onCompleted(response: Response): Response = { store(response.getResponseBody) return response } override def onThrowable(t: Throwable) { restart("Error! Problems while connecting", t) } }); logInfo("Http Connection initiated") } } object HttpUtilsAsync { def createStream( ssc: StreamingContext, storageLevel: StorageLevel = StorageLevel.MEMORY_AND_DISK_SER_2, url: String): DStream[String] = { new HttpInputDStreamAsync(ssc, storageLevel, url) } def createStream( jssc: JavaStreamingContext, storageLevel: StorageLevel, url: String): JavaDStream[String] = { implicitly[ClassTag[AnyRef]].asInstanceOf[ClassTag[String]] createStream(jssc.ssc, storageLevel, url) } }
Example 166
Source File: HttpInputDStream.scala From prosparkstreaming with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apress.prospark import java.util.Timer import java.util.TimerTask import scala.reflect.ClassTag import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpGet import org.apache.http.impl.client.CloseableHttpClient import org.apache.http.impl.client.HttpClients import org.apache.http.util.EntityUtils import org.apache.spark.Logging import import org.apache.spark.streaming.StreamingContext import import import import org.apache.spark.streaming.dstream.DStream import org.apache.spark.streaming.dstream.ReceiverInputDStream import org.apache.spark.streaming.receiver.Receiver class HttpInputDStream( @transient ssc_ : StreamingContext, storageLevel: StorageLevel, url: String, interval: Long) extends ReceiverInputDStream[String](ssc_) with Logging { def getReceiver(): Receiver[String] = { new HttpReceiver(storageLevel, url, interval) } } class HttpReceiver( storageLevel: StorageLevel, url: String, interval: Long) extends Receiver[String](storageLevel) with Logging { var httpClient: CloseableHttpClient = _ var trigger: Timer = _ def onStop() { httpClient.close() logInfo("Disconnected from Http Server") } def onStart() { httpClient = HttpClients.createDefault() trigger = new Timer() trigger.scheduleAtFixedRate(new TimerTask { def run() = doGet() }, 0, interval * 1000) logInfo("Http Receiver initiated") } def doGet() { logInfo("Fetching data from Http source") val response = httpClient.execute(new HttpGet(url)) try { val content = EntityUtils.toString(response.getEntity()) store(content) } catch { case e: Exception => restart("Error! Problems while connecting", e) } finally { response.close() } } } object HttpUtils { def createStream( ssc: StreamingContext, storageLevel: StorageLevel = StorageLevel.MEMORY_AND_DISK_SER_2, url: String, interval: Long): DStream[String] = { new HttpInputDStream(ssc, storageLevel, url, interval) } def createStream( jssc: JavaStreamingContext, storageLevel: StorageLevel, url: String, interval: Long): JavaDStream[String] = { implicitly[ClassTag[AnyRef]].asInstanceOf[ClassTag[String]] createStream(jssc.ssc, storageLevel, url, interval) } }
Example 167
Source File: HttpInputDStream.scala From prosparkstreaming with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apress.prospark import java.util.Timer import java.util.TimerTask import scala.reflect.ClassTag import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpGet import org.apache.http.impl.client.CloseableHttpClient import org.apache.http.impl.client.HttpClients import org.apache.http.util.EntityUtils import org.apache.spark.Logging import import org.apache.spark.streaming.StreamingContext import import import import org.apache.spark.streaming.dstream.DStream import org.apache.spark.streaming.dstream.ReceiverInputDStream import org.apache.spark.streaming.receiver.Receiver class HttpInputDStream( @transient ssc_ : StreamingContext, storageLevel: StorageLevel, url: String, interval: Long) extends ReceiverInputDStream[String](ssc_) with Logging { def getReceiver(): Receiver[String] = { new HttpReceiver(storageLevel, url, interval) } } class HttpReceiver( storageLevel: StorageLevel, url: String, interval: Long) extends Receiver[String](storageLevel) with Logging { var httpClient: CloseableHttpClient = _ var trigger: Timer = _ def onStop() { httpClient.close() logInfo("Disconnected from Http Server") } def onStart() { httpClient = HttpClients.createDefault() trigger = new Timer() trigger.scheduleAtFixedRate(new TimerTask { def run() = doGet() }, 0, interval * 1000) logInfo("Http Receiver initiated") } def doGet() { logInfo("Fetching data from Http source") val response = httpClient.execute(new HttpGet(url)) try { val content = EntityUtils.toString(response.getEntity()) store(content) } catch { case e: Exception => restart("Error! Problems while connecting", e) } finally { response.close() } } } object HttpUtils { def createStream( ssc: StreamingContext, storageLevel: StorageLevel = StorageLevel.MEMORY_AND_DISK_SER_2, url: String, interval: Long): DStream[String] = { new HttpInputDStream(ssc, storageLevel, url, interval) } def createStream( jssc: JavaStreamingContext, storageLevel: StorageLevel, url: String, interval: Long): JavaDStream[String] = { implicitly[ClassTag[AnyRef]].asInstanceOf[ClassTag[String]] createStream(jssc.ssc, storageLevel, url, interval) } }
Example 168
Source File: LibLinearTraining.scala From spark-cp with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package se.uu.farmbio.cp.examples import scopt.OptionParser import org.apache.spark.SparkConf import org.apache.spark.SparkContext import se.uu.farmbio.cp.liblinear.LIBLINEAR import org.apache.spark.mllib.util.MLUtils import org.apache.spark.Logging object LibLinearTraining extends Logging { case class Params( trainInputPath: String = null, outputPath: String = null, calibrRatio: Double = 0.2, numberOfCPs: Int = 100, nofOutFiles: Int = 0, dfsBlockSize: String = "8M", master: String = null) def main(args: Array[String]) = { val defaultParams = Params() val parser = new OptionParser[Params]("PubChemTraining") { head("LibLinearTraining: LIBINEAR training procedure") opt[Double]("calibrRatio") .text("fraction of calibration examples") .action((x, c) => c.copy(calibrRatio = x)) opt[Int]("numberOfCPs") .text("number of CPs to train") .action((x, c) => c.copy(numberOfCPs = x)) opt[String]("master") .text("spark master") .action((x, c) => c.copy(master = x)) opt[Int]("nofOutFiles") .text("Number of output files. " + "It can be equal to the parallelism level at most " + "(defualt: as much as the parallelism level)") .action((x, c) => c.copy(nofOutFiles = x)) opt[String]("dfsBlockSize") .text("It tunes the Hadoop dfs.block.size property (default:8M)") .action((x, c) => c.copy(dfsBlockSize = x)) arg[String]("<input>") .required() .text("input path to training examples in LIBSVM format") .action((x, c) => c.copy(trainInputPath = x)) arg[String]("<output>") .required() .text("output path to save CPs") .action((x, c) => c.copy(outputPath = x)) } parser.parse(args, defaultParams).map { params => run(params) } getOrElse { sys.exit(1) } } def run(params: Params) { //Init Spark val conf = new SparkConf() .setAppName("LibLinearTraining") if (params.master != null) { conf.setMaster(params.master) } val sc = new SparkContext(conf) //Set and log dfs.block.size sc.hadoopConfiguration.set("dfs.block.size", params.dfsBlockSize) val blockSize = sc.hadoopConfiguration.get("dfs.block.size") logInfo(s"dfs.block.size = $blockSize") //Load data //This example assumes the training set to be relatively small //the model data generated will be big instead. val input = MLUtils.loadLibSVMFile(sc, params.trainInputPath) val trainingData = input.collect //Train the CPs val modelData = LIBLINEAR.trainAggregatedICPClassifier( sc, trainingData, params.calibrRatio, params.numberOfCPs) //Save the model in a distributed fashion, params.nofOutFiles) //Stop Spark sc.stop } }
Example 169
package se.uu.farmbio.cp import org.apache.spark.Logging import org.apache.spark.mllib.regression.LabeledPoint import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD object ICP extends Logging { private def simpleSplit( input: RDD[LabeledPoint], numOfCalibSamples: Int) = { //Computing the calibration fraction using binomial upper bound val n = input.count val fraction = numOfCalibSamples.toDouble / n val delta = 1e-4 val minSamplingRate = 1e-10 val gamma = -math.log(delta) / n val calibFraction = math.min(1, math.max(minSamplingRate, fraction + gamma + math.sqrt(gamma * gamma + 2 * gamma * fraction))) //calibFraction is enough most of the times, but not always val splits = input.randomSplit(Array(calibFraction, 1 - calibFraction)) var sample = splits(0).collect while (sample.length < numOfCalibSamples) { logWarning("Needed to re-sample calibration set due to insufficient sample size.") val split = input.randomSplit(Array(calibFraction, 1 - calibFraction)) sample = splits(0).collect } val calibration = sample.take(numOfCalibSamples) val additional = sample.takeRight(sample.length - numOfCalibSamples) val sc = input.context (calibration, splits(1) ++ sc.parallelize(additional)) } private def stratifiedSplit( input: RDD[LabeledPoint], numOfCalibSamples: Int) = { logWarning("Stratified sampling is supported only for binary classification.") //Calibration split, making sure there is some data for both classes val class0 = input.filter(_.label == 0.0) val class1 = input.filter(_.label == 1.0) val count0 = class0.count val count1 = class1.count val posRatio = count1.doubleValue / (count0 + count1) val posSize = if(numOfCalibSamples * posRatio < 19) { logWarning("Raising the number of positive samples to 19 (allows sig >= 0.5)") 19 } else { (numOfCalibSamples * posRatio).ceil.toInt } val negSize = numOfCalibSamples - posSize val (negSmpl, negTr) = ICP.simpleSplit(class0, negSize) val (posSmpl, posTr) = ICP.simpleSplit(class1, posSize) val properTraining = negTr ++ posTr val clalibration = negSmpl ++ posSmpl (clalibration, properTraining) } def calibrationSplit( input: RDD[LabeledPoint], numOfCalibSamples: Int, stratified: Boolean = false) = { if (stratified) { logWarning("Stratified sampling needs to count the dataset, you should use it wisely.") ICP.stratifiedSplit(input, numOfCalibSamples) } else { ICP.simpleSplit(input, numOfCalibSamples) } } def trainClassifier[A <: UnderlyingAlgorithm]( alg: A, numClasses: Int, calibSet: Array[LabeledPoint]): ICPClassifierModel[A] = { //Compute aphas for each class (mondrian approach) val alphas = (0 to numClasses - 1).map { i => calibSet.filter(_.label == i) //filter current label .map(newSmpl => alg.nonConformityMeasure(newSmpl)) //compute alpha } new ICPClassifierModelImpl(alg, alphas) } }
Example 170
Source File: BlockTransferService.scala From SparkCore with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import import java.nio.ByteBuffer import scala.concurrent.{Promise, Await, Future} import scala.concurrent.duration.Duration import org.apache.spark.Logging import{NioManagedBuffer, ManagedBuffer} import{ShuffleClient, BlockFetchingListener} import{BlockManagerId, BlockId, StorageLevel} private[spark] abstract class BlockTransferService extends ShuffleClient with Closeable with Logging { def uploadBlockSync( hostname: String, port: Int, execId: String, blockId: BlockId, blockData: ManagedBuffer, level: StorageLevel): Unit = { Await.result(uploadBlock(hostname, port, execId, blockId, blockData, level), Duration.Inf) } }
Example 171
Source File: NettyBlockRpcServer.scala From SparkCore with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import java.nio.ByteBuffer import scala.collection.JavaConversions._ import org.apache.spark.Logging import import{ManagedBuffer, NioManagedBuffer} import{RpcResponseCallback, TransportClient} import{OneForOneStreamManager, RpcHandler, StreamManager} import{BlockTransferMessage, OpenBlocks, StreamHandle, UploadBlock} import org.apache.spark.serializer.Serializer import{BlockId, StorageLevel} class NettyBlockRpcServer( serializer: Serializer, blockManager: BlockDataManager) extends RpcHandler with Logging { private val streamManager = new OneForOneStreamManager() override def receive( client: TransportClient, messageBytes: Array[Byte], responseContext: RpcResponseCallback): Unit = { val message = BlockTransferMessage.Decoder.fromByteArray(messageBytes) logTrace(s"Received request: $message") message match { case openBlocks: OpenBlocks => val blocks: Seq[ManagedBuffer] = val streamId = streamManager.registerStream(blocks.iterator) logTrace(s"Registered streamId $streamId with ${blocks.size} buffers") responseContext.onSuccess(new StreamHandle(streamId, blocks.size).toByteArray) case uploadBlock: UploadBlock => // StorageLevel is serialized as bytes using our JavaSerializer. val level: StorageLevel = serializer.newInstance().deserialize(ByteBuffer.wrap(uploadBlock.metadata)) val data = new NioManagedBuffer(ByteBuffer.wrap(uploadBlock.blockData)) blockManager.putBlockData(BlockId(uploadBlock.blockId), data, level) responseContext.onSuccess(new Array[Byte](0)) } } override def getStreamManager(): StreamManager = streamManager }
Example 172
Source File: SortShuffleWriter.scala From SparkCore with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.shuffle.sort import org.apache.spark.{MapOutputTracker, SparkEnv, Logging, TaskContext} import org.apache.spark.executor.ShuffleWriteMetrics import org.apache.spark.scheduler.MapStatus import org.apache.spark.shuffle.{IndexShuffleBlockManager, ShuffleWriter, BaseShuffleHandle} import import org.apache.spark.util.collection.ExternalSorter private[spark] class SortShuffleWriter[K, V, C]( shuffleBlockManager: IndexShuffleBlockManager, handle: BaseShuffleHandle[K, V, C], mapId: Int, context: TaskContext) extends ShuffleWriter[K, V] with Logging { private val dep = handle.dependency private val blockManager = SparkEnv.get.blockManager private var sorter: ExternalSorter[K, V, _] = null // Are we in the process of stopping? Because map tasks can call stop() with success = true // and then call stop() with success = false if they get an exception, we want to make sure // we don't try deleting files, etc twice. private var stopping = false private var mapStatus: MapStatus = null private val writeMetrics = new ShuffleWriteMetrics() context.taskMetrics.shuffleWriteMetrics = Some(writeMetrics) override def stop(success: Boolean): Option[MapStatus] = { try { if (stopping) { return None } stopping = true if (success) { return Option(mapStatus) } else { // The map task failed, so delete our output data. shuffleBlockManager.removeDataByMap(dep.shuffleId, mapId) return None } } finally { // Clean up our sorter, which may have its own intermediate files if (sorter != null) { sorter.stop() sorter = null } } } }
Example 173
Source File: MetricsConfig.scala From SparkCore with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.metrics import{FileInputStream, InputStream} import java.util.Properties import scala.collection.mutable import scala.util.matching.Regex import org.apache.spark.Logging import org.apache.spark.util.Utils private[spark] class MetricsConfig(val configFile: Option[String]) extends Logging { private val DEFAULT_PREFIX = "*" private val INSTANCE_REGEX = "^(\\*|[a-zA-Z]+)\\.(.+)".r private val DEFAULT_METRICS_CONF_FILENAME = "" private[metrics] val properties = new Properties() private[metrics] var propertyCategories: mutable.HashMap[String, Properties] = null private def setDefaultProperties(prop: Properties) { prop.setProperty("*.sink.servlet.class", "org.apache.spark.metrics.sink.MetricsServlet") prop.setProperty("*.sink.servlet.path", "/metrics/json") prop.setProperty("master.sink.servlet.path", "/metrics/master/json") prop.setProperty("applications.sink.servlet.path", "/metrics/applications/json") } def initialize() { // Add default properties in case there's no properties file setDefaultProperties(properties) // If spark.metrics.conf is not set, try to get file in class path val isOpt: Option[InputStream] = FileInputStream(_)).orElse { try { Option(Utils.getSparkClassLoader.getResourceAsStream(DEFAULT_METRICS_CONF_FILENAME)) } catch { case e: Exception => logError("Error loading default configuration file", e) None } } isOpt.foreach { is => try { properties.load(is) } finally { is.close() } } propertyCategories = subProperties(properties, INSTANCE_REGEX) if (propertyCategories.contains(DEFAULT_PREFIX)) { import scala.collection.JavaConversions._ val defaultProperty = propertyCategories(DEFAULT_PREFIX) for { (inst, prop) <- propertyCategories if (inst != DEFAULT_PREFIX) (k, v) <- defaultProperty if (prop.getProperty(k) == null) } { prop.setProperty(k, v) } } } def subProperties(prop: Properties, regex: Regex): mutable.HashMap[String, Properties] = { val subProperties = new mutable.HashMap[String, Properties] import scala.collection.JavaConversions._ prop.foreach { kv => if (regex.findPrefixOf(kv._1).isDefined) { val regex(prefix, suffix) = kv._1 subProperties.getOrElseUpdate(prefix, new Properties).setProperty(suffix, kv._2) } } subProperties } def getInstance(inst: String): Properties = { propertyCategories.get(inst) match { case Some(s) => s case None => propertyCategories.getOrElse(DEFAULT_PREFIX, new Properties) } } }
Example 174
Source File: PythonGatewayServer.scala From SparkCore with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.api.python import import import py4j.GatewayServer import org.apache.spark.Logging import org.apache.spark.util.Utils private[spark] object PythonGatewayServer extends Logging { def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = Utils.tryOrExit { // Start a GatewayServer on an ephemeral port val gatewayServer: GatewayServer = new GatewayServer(null, 0) gatewayServer.start() val boundPort: Int = gatewayServer.getListeningPort if (boundPort == -1) { logError("GatewayServer failed to bind; exiting") System.exit(1) } else { logDebug(s"Started PythonGatewayServer on port $boundPort") } // Communicate the bound port back to the caller via the caller-specified callback port val callbackHost = sys.env("_PYSPARK_DRIVER_CALLBACK_HOST") val callbackPort = sys.env("_PYSPARK_DRIVER_CALLBACK_PORT").toInt logDebug(s"Communicating GatewayServer port to Python driver at $callbackHost:$callbackPort") val callbackSocket = new Socket(callbackHost, callbackPort) val dos = new DataOutputStream(callbackSocket.getOutputStream) dos.writeInt(boundPort) dos.close() callbackSocket.close() // Exit on EOF or broken pipe to ensure that this process dies when the Python driver dies: while ( != -1) { // Do nothing } logDebug("Exiting due to broken pipe from Python driver") System.exit(0) } }
Example 175
Source File: TestClient.scala From SparkCore with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.deploy.client import org.apache.spark.{SecurityManager, SparkConf, Logging} import org.apache.spark.deploy.{ApplicationDescription, Command} import org.apache.spark.util.{AkkaUtils, Utils} private[spark] object TestClient { class TestListener extends AppClientListener with Logging { def connected(id: String) { logInfo("Connected to master, got app ID " + id) } def disconnected() { logInfo("Disconnected from master") System.exit(0) } def dead(reason: String) { logInfo("Application died with error: " + reason) System.exit(0) } def executorAdded(id: String, workerId: String, hostPort: String, cores: Int, memory: Int) {} def executorRemoved(id: String, message: String, exitStatus: Option[Int]) {} } def main(args: Array[String]) { val url = args(0) val conf = new SparkConf val (actorSystem, _) = AkkaUtils.createActorSystem("spark", Utils.localIpAddress, 0, conf = conf, securityManager = new SecurityManager(conf)) val desc = new ApplicationDescription("TestClient", Some(1), 512, Command("spark.deploy.client.TestExecutor", Seq(), Map(), Seq(), Seq(), Seq()), "ignored") val listener = new TestListener val client = new AppClient(actorSystem, Array(url), desc, listener, new SparkConf) client.start() actorSystem.awaitTermination() } }
Example 176
Source File: FileSystemPersistenceEngine.scala From SparkCore with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.deploy.master import import scala.reflect.ClassTag import akka.serialization.Serialization import org.apache.spark.Logging private[spark] class FileSystemPersistenceEngine( val dir: String, val serialization: Serialization) extends PersistenceEngine with Logging { new File(dir).mkdir() override def persist(name: String, obj: Object): Unit = { serializeIntoFile(new File(dir + File.separator + name), obj) } override def unpersist(name: String): Unit = { new File(dir + File.separator + name).delete() } override def read[T: ClassTag](prefix: String) = { val files = new File(dir).listFiles().filter(_.getName.startsWith(prefix))[T]) } private def serializeIntoFile(file: File, value: AnyRef) { val created = file.createNewFile() if (!created) { throw new IllegalStateException("Could not create file: " + file) } val serializer = serialization.findSerializerFor(value) val serialized = serializer.toBinary(value) val out = new FileOutputStream(file) try { out.write(serialized) } finally { out.close() } } private def deserializeFromFile[T](file: File)(implicit m: ClassTag[T]): T = { val fileData = new Array[Byte](file.length().asInstanceOf[Int]) val dis = new DataInputStream(new FileInputStream(file)) try { dis.readFully(fileData) } finally { dis.close() } val clazz = m.runtimeClass.asInstanceOf[Class[T]] val serializer = serialization.serializerFor(clazz) serializer.fromBinary(fileData).asInstanceOf[T] } }
Example 177
Source File: SparkCuratorUtil.scala From SparkCore with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.deploy.master import scala.collection.JavaConversions._ import org.apache.curator.framework.{CuratorFramework, CuratorFrameworkFactory} import org.apache.curator.retry.ExponentialBackoffRetry import org.apache.zookeeper.KeeperException import org.apache.spark.{Logging, SparkConf} object SparkCuratorUtil extends Logging { val ZK_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT_MILLIS = 15000 val ZK_SESSION_TIMEOUT_MILLIS = 60000 val RETRY_WAIT_MILLIS = 5000 val MAX_RECONNECT_ATTEMPTS = 3 def newClient(conf: SparkConf): CuratorFramework = { val ZK_URL = conf.get("spark.deploy.zookeeper.url") val zk = CuratorFrameworkFactory.newClient(ZK_URL, ZK_SESSION_TIMEOUT_MILLIS, ZK_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT_MILLIS, new ExponentialBackoffRetry(RETRY_WAIT_MILLIS, MAX_RECONNECT_ATTEMPTS)) zk.start() zk } def mkdir(zk: CuratorFramework, path: String) { if (zk.checkExists().forPath(path) == null) { try { zk.create().creatingParentsIfNeeded().forPath(path) } catch { case nodeExist: KeeperException.NodeExistsException => // do nothing, ignore node existing exception. case e: Exception => throw e } } } def deleteRecursive(zk: CuratorFramework, path: String) { if (zk.checkExists().forPath(path) != null) { for (child <- zk.getChildren.forPath(path)) { zk.delete().forPath(path + "/" + child) } zk.delete().forPath(path) } } }
Example 178
Source File: ZooKeeperLeaderElectionAgent.scala From SparkCore with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.deploy.master import import org.apache.spark.{Logging, SparkConf} import org.apache.spark.deploy.master.MasterMessages._ import org.apache.curator.framework.CuratorFramework import{LeaderLatchListener, LeaderLatch} private[spark] class ZooKeeperLeaderElectionAgent(val masterActor: LeaderElectable, conf: SparkConf) extends LeaderLatchListener with LeaderElectionAgent with Logging { val WORKING_DIR = conf.get("spark.deploy.zookeeper.dir", "/spark") + "/leader_election" private var zk: CuratorFramework = _ private var leaderLatch: LeaderLatch = _ private var status = LeadershipStatus.NOT_LEADER start() def start() { logInfo("Starting ZooKeeper LeaderElection agent") zk = SparkCuratorUtil.newClient(conf) leaderLatch = new LeaderLatch(zk, WORKING_DIR) leaderLatch.addListener(this) leaderLatch.start() } override def stop() { leaderLatch.close() zk.close() } override def isLeader() { synchronized { // could have lost leadership by now. if (!leaderLatch.hasLeadership) { return } logInfo("We have gained leadership") updateLeadershipStatus(true) } } override def notLeader() { synchronized { // could have gained leadership by now. if (leaderLatch.hasLeadership) { return } logInfo("We have lost leadership") updateLeadershipStatus(false) } } def updateLeadershipStatus(isLeader: Boolean) { if (isLeader && status == LeadershipStatus.NOT_LEADER) { status = LeadershipStatus.LEADER masterActor.electedLeader() } else if (!isLeader && status == LeadershipStatus.LEADER) { status = LeadershipStatus.NOT_LEADER masterActor.revokedLeadership() } } private object LeadershipStatus extends Enumeration { type LeadershipStatus = Value val LEADER, NOT_LEADER = Value } }
Example 179
Source File: ZooKeeperPersistenceEngine.scala From SparkCore with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.deploy.master import akka.serialization.Serialization import scala.collection.JavaConversions._ import scala.reflect.ClassTag import org.apache.curator.framework.CuratorFramework import org.apache.zookeeper.CreateMode import org.apache.spark.{Logging, SparkConf} private[spark] class ZooKeeperPersistenceEngine(conf: SparkConf, val serialization: Serialization) extends PersistenceEngine with Logging { val WORKING_DIR = conf.get("spark.deploy.zookeeper.dir", "/spark") + "/master_status" val zk: CuratorFramework = SparkCuratorUtil.newClient(conf) SparkCuratorUtil.mkdir(zk, WORKING_DIR) override def persist(name: String, obj: Object): Unit = { serializeIntoFile(WORKING_DIR + "/" + name, obj) } override def unpersist(name: String): Unit = { zk.delete().forPath(WORKING_DIR + "/" + name) } override def read[T: ClassTag](prefix: String) = { val file = zk.getChildren.forPath(WORKING_DIR).filter(_.startsWith(prefix))[T]).flatten } override def close() { zk.close() } private def serializeIntoFile(path: String, value: AnyRef) { val serializer = serialization.findSerializerFor(value) val serialized = serializer.toBinary(value) zk.create().withMode(CreateMode.PERSISTENT).forPath(path, serialized) } def deserializeFromFile[T](filename: String)(implicit m: ClassTag[T]): Option[T] = { val fileData = zk.getData().forPath(WORKING_DIR + "/" + filename) val clazz = m.runtimeClass.asInstanceOf[Class[T]] val serializer = serialization.serializerFor(clazz) try { Some(serializer.fromBinary(fileData).asInstanceOf[T]) } catch { case e: Exception => { logWarning("Exception while reading persisted file, deleting", e) zk.delete().forPath(WORKING_DIR + "/" + filename) None } } } }
Example 180
Source File: WorkerWebUI.scala From SparkCore with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.deploy.worker.ui import import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest import org.apache.spark.{Logging, SparkConf} import org.apache.spark.deploy.worker.Worker import org.apache.spark.deploy.worker.ui.WorkerWebUI._ import org.apache.spark.ui.{SparkUI, WebUI} import org.apache.spark.ui.JettyUtils._ import org.apache.spark.util.AkkaUtils def initialize() { val logPage = new LogPage(this) attachPage(logPage) attachPage(new WorkerPage(this)) attachHandler(createStaticHandler(WorkerWebUI.STATIC_RESOURCE_BASE, "/static")) attachHandler(createServletHandler("/log", (request: HttpServletRequest) => logPage.renderLog(request), worker.securityMgr)) } } private[spark] object WorkerWebUI { val STATIC_RESOURCE_BASE = SparkUI.STATIC_RESOURCE_DIR }
Example 181
Source File: WorkerWatcher.scala From SparkCore with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.deploy.worker import{Actor, Address, AddressFromURIString} import akka.remote.{AssociatedEvent, AssociationErrorEvent, AssociationEvent, DisassociatedEvent, RemotingLifecycleEvent} import org.apache.spark.Logging import org.apache.spark.deploy.DeployMessages.SendHeartbeat import org.apache.spark.util.ActorLogReceive private[spark] class WorkerWatcher(workerUrl: String) extends Actor with ActorLogReceive with Logging { override def preStart() { context.system.eventStream.subscribe(self, classOf[RemotingLifecycleEvent]) logInfo(s"Connecting to worker $workerUrl") val worker = context.actorSelection(workerUrl) worker ! SendHeartbeat // need to send a message here to initiate connection } // Used to avoid shutting down JVM during tests private[deploy] var isShutDown = false private[deploy] def setTesting(testing: Boolean) = isTesting = testing private var isTesting = false // Lets us filter events only from the worker's actor system private val expectedHostPort = AddressFromURIString(workerUrl).hostPort private def isWorker(address: Address) = address.hostPort == expectedHostPort def exitNonZero() = if (isTesting) isShutDown = true else System.exit(-1) override def receiveWithLogging = { case AssociatedEvent(localAddress, remoteAddress, inbound) if isWorker(remoteAddress) => logInfo(s"Successfully connected to $workerUrl") case AssociationErrorEvent(cause, localAddress, remoteAddress, inbound, _) if isWorker(remoteAddress) => // These logs may not be seen if the worker (and associated pipe) has died logError(s"Could not initialize connection to worker $workerUrl. Exiting.") logError(s"Error was: $cause") exitNonZero() case DisassociatedEvent(localAddress, remoteAddress, inbound) if isWorker(remoteAddress) => // This log message will never be seen logError(s"Lost connection to worker actor $workerUrl. Exiting.") exitNonZero() case e: AssociationEvent => // pass through association events relating to other remote actor systems case e => logWarning(s"Received unexpected actor system event: $e") } }
Example 182
Source File: StandaloneWorkerShuffleService.scala From SparkCore with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.deploy.worker import org.apache.spark.{Logging, SparkConf, SecurityManager} import import import import import def startIfEnabled() { if (enabled) { require(server == null, "Shuffle server already started") logInfo(s"Starting shuffle service on port $port with useSasl = $useSasl") server = transportContext.createServer(port) } } def stop() { if (enabled && server != null) { server.close() server = null } } }
Example 183
Source File: HistoryServerArguments.scala From SparkCore with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.deploy.history import org.apache.spark.{Logging, SparkConf} import org.apache.spark.util.Utils private[spark] class HistoryServerArguments(conf: SparkConf, args: Array[String]) extends Logging { private var propertiesFile: String = null parse(args.toList) private def parse(args: List[String]): Unit = { args match { case ("--dir" | "-d") :: value :: tail => logWarning("Setting log directory through the command line is deprecated as of " + "Spark 1.1.0. Please set this through spark.history.fs.logDirectory instead.") conf.set("spark.history.fs.logDirectory", value) System.setProperty("spark.history.fs.logDirectory", value) parse(tail) case ("--help" | "-h") :: tail => printUsageAndExit(0) case ("--properties-file") :: value :: tail => propertiesFile = value parse(tail) case Nil => case _ => printUsageAndExit(1) } } // This mutates the SparkConf, so all accesses to it must be made after this line Utils.loadDefaultSparkProperties(conf, propertiesFile) private def printUsageAndExit(exitCode: Int) { System.err.println( """ |Usage: HistoryServer [options] | |Options: | --properties-file FILE Path to a custom Spark properties file. | Default is conf/spark-defaults.conf. | |Configuration options can be set by setting the corresponding JVM system property. |History Server options are always available; additional options depend on the provider. | |History Server options: | | spark.history.ui.port Port where server will listen for connections | (default 18080) | spark.history.acls.enable Whether to enable view acls for all applications | (default false) | spark.history.provider Name of history provider class (defaults to | file system-based provider) | spark.history.retainedApplications Max number of application UIs to keep loaded in memory | (default 50) |FsHistoryProvider options: | | spark.history.fs.logDirectory Directory where app logs are stored | (default: file:/tmp/spark-events) | spark.history.fs.updateInterval How often to reload log data from storage | (in seconds, default: 10) |""".stripMargin) System.exit(exitCode) } }
Example 184
Source File: LocalSparkCluster.scala From SparkCore with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.deploy import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer import import org.apache.spark.{Logging, SparkConf} import org.apache.spark.deploy.worker.Worker import org.apache.spark.deploy.master.Master import org.apache.spark.util.Utils for (workerNum <- 1 to numWorkers) { val (workerSystem, _) = Worker.startSystemAndActor(localHostname, 0, 0, coresPerWorker, memoryPerWorker, masters, null, Some(workerNum), _conf) workerActorSystems += workerSystem } masters } def stop() { logInfo("Shutting down local Spark cluster.") // Stop the workers before the master so they don't get upset that it disconnected // TODO: In Akka 2.1.x, ActorSystem.awaitTermination hangs when you have remote actors! // This is unfortunate, but for now we just comment it out. workerActorSystems.foreach(_.shutdown()) // workerActorSystems.foreach(_.awaitTermination()) masterActorSystems.foreach(_.shutdown()) // masterActorSystems.foreach(_.awaitTermination()) masterActorSystems.clear() workerActorSystems.clear() } }
Example 185
Source File: SimrSchedulerBackend.scala From SparkCore with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.scheduler.cluster import org.apache.hadoop.fs.{Path, FileSystem} import org.apache.spark.{Logging, SparkContext, SparkEnv} import org.apache.spark.deploy.SparkHadoopUtil import org.apache.spark.scheduler.TaskSchedulerImpl import org.apache.spark.util.AkkaUtils private[spark] class SimrSchedulerBackend( scheduler: TaskSchedulerImpl, sc: SparkContext, driverFilePath: String) extends CoarseGrainedSchedulerBackend(scheduler, sc.env.actorSystem) with Logging { val tmpPath = new Path(driverFilePath + "_tmp") val filePath = new Path(driverFilePath) val maxCores = conf.getInt("spark.simr.executor.cores", 1) override def start() { super.start() val driverUrl = AkkaUtils.address( AkkaUtils.protocol(actorSystem), SparkEnv.driverActorSystemName, sc.conf.get(""), sc.conf.get("spark.driver.port"), CoarseGrainedSchedulerBackend.ACTOR_NAME) val conf = SparkHadoopUtil.get.newConfiguration(sc.conf) val fs = FileSystem.get(conf) val appUIAddress ="") logInfo("Writing to HDFS file: " + driverFilePath) logInfo("Writing Akka address: " + driverUrl) logInfo("Writing Spark UI Address: " + appUIAddress) // Create temporary file to prevent race condition where executors get empty driverUrl file val temp = fs.create(tmpPath, true) temp.writeUTF(driverUrl) temp.writeInt(maxCores) temp.writeUTF(appUIAddress) temp.close() // "Atomic" rename fs.rename(tmpPath, filePath) } override def stop() { val conf = SparkHadoopUtil.get.newConfiguration(sc.conf) val fs = FileSystem.get(conf) fs.delete(new Path(driverFilePath), false) super.stop() } }
Example 186
Source File: MesosTaskLaunchData.scala From SparkCore with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.scheduler.cluster.mesos import java.nio.ByteBuffer import org.apache.mesos.protobuf.ByteString import org.apache.spark.Logging private[spark] case class MesosTaskLaunchData( serializedTask: ByteBuffer, attemptNumber: Int) extends Logging { def toByteString: ByteString = { val dataBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(4 + serializedTask.limit) dataBuffer.putInt(attemptNumber) dataBuffer.put(serializedTask) dataBuffer.rewind logDebug(s"ByteBuffer size: [${dataBuffer.remaining}]") ByteString.copyFrom(dataBuffer) } } private[spark] object MesosTaskLaunchData extends Logging { def fromByteString(byteString: ByteString): MesosTaskLaunchData = { val byteBuffer = byteString.asReadOnlyByteBuffer() logDebug(s"ByteBuffer size: [${byteBuffer.remaining}]") val attemptNumber = byteBuffer.getInt // updates the position by 4 bytes val serializedTask = byteBuffer.slice() // subsequence starting at the current position MesosTaskLaunchData(serializedTask, attemptNumber) } }
Example 187
Source File: ReplayListenerBus.scala From SparkCore with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.scheduler import{InputStream, IOException} import import org.json4s.jackson.JsonMethods._ import org.apache.spark.Logging import org.apache.spark.util.JsonProtocol def replay(logData: InputStream, sourceName: String): Unit = { var currentLine: String = null var lineNumber: Int = 1 try { val lines = Source.fromInputStream(logData).getLines() lines.foreach { line => currentLine = line postToAll(JsonProtocol.sparkEventFromJson(parse(line))) lineNumber += 1 } } catch { case ioe: IOException => throw ioe case e: Exception => logError(s"Exception parsing Spark event log: $sourceName", e) logError(s"Malformed line #$lineNumber: $currentLine\n") } } }
Example 188
Source File: SparkUncaughtExceptionHandler.scala From SparkCore with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.util import org.apache.spark.Logging private[spark] object SparkUncaughtExceptionHandler extends Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler with Logging { override def uncaughtException(thread: Thread, exception: Throwable) { try { logError("Uncaught exception in thread " + thread, exception) // We may have been called from a shutdown hook. If so, we must not call System.exit(). // (If we do, we will deadlock.) if (!Utils.inShutdown()) { if (exception.isInstanceOf[OutOfMemoryError]) { System.exit(SparkExitCode.OOM) } else { System.exit(SparkExitCode.UNCAUGHT_EXCEPTION) } } } catch { case oom: OutOfMemoryError => Runtime.getRuntime.halt(SparkExitCode.OOM) case t: Throwable => Runtime.getRuntime.halt(SparkExitCode.UNCAUGHT_EXCEPTION_TWICE) } } def uncaughtException(exception: Throwable) { uncaughtException(Thread.currentThread(), exception) } }
Example 189
Source File: BlockManagerSlaveActor.scala From SparkCore with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import scala.concurrent.Future import{ActorRef, Actor} import org.apache.spark.{Logging, MapOutputTracker, SparkEnv} import import org.apache.spark.util.ActorLogReceive private[storage] class BlockManagerSlaveActor( blockManager: BlockManager, mapOutputTracker: MapOutputTracker) extends Actor with ActorLogReceive with Logging { import context.dispatcher // Operations that involve removing blocks may be slow and should be done asynchronously override def receiveWithLogging = { case RemoveBlock(blockId) => doAsync[Boolean]("removing block " + blockId, sender) { blockManager.removeBlock(blockId) true } case RemoveRdd(rddId) => doAsync[Int]("removing RDD " + rddId, sender) { blockManager.removeRdd(rddId) } case RemoveShuffle(shuffleId) => doAsync[Boolean]("removing shuffle " + shuffleId, sender) { if (mapOutputTracker != null) { mapOutputTracker.unregisterShuffle(shuffleId) } SparkEnv.get.shuffleManager.unregisterShuffle(shuffleId) } case RemoveBroadcast(broadcastId, _) => doAsync[Int]("removing broadcast " + broadcastId, sender) { blockManager.removeBroadcast(broadcastId, tellMaster = true) } case GetBlockStatus(blockId, _) => sender ! blockManager.getStatus(blockId) case GetMatchingBlockIds(filter, _) => sender ! blockManager.getMatchingBlockIds(filter) } private def doAsync[T](actionMessage: String, responseActor: ActorRef)(body: => T) { val future = Future { logDebug(actionMessage) body } future.onSuccess { case response => logDebug("Done " + actionMessage + ", response is " + response) responseActor ! response logDebug("Sent response: " + response + " to " + responseActor) } future.onFailure { case t: Throwable => logError("Error in " + actionMessage, t) responseActor ! null.asInstanceOf[T] } } }
Example 190
Source File: DatasourceRDD.scala From datasource-receiver with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.streaming.datasource.receiver import org.apache.spark.partial.{BoundedDouble, CountEvaluator, PartialResult} import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD import org.apache.spark.sql.{Row, SQLContext} import org.apache.spark.streaming.datasource.config.ParametersUtils import org.apache.spark.streaming.datasource.models.{InputSentences, OffsetOperator} import org.apache.spark.{Logging, Partition, TaskContext} private[datasource] class DatasourceRDD( @transient sqlContext: SQLContext, inputSentences: InputSentences, datasourceParams: Map[String, String] ) extends RDD[Row](sqlContext.sparkContext, Nil) with Logging with ParametersUtils { private var totalCalculated: Option[Long] = None private val InitTableName = "initTable" private val LimitedTableName = "limitedTable" private val TempInitQuery = s"select * from $InitTableName" val dataFrame = inputSentences.offsetConditions.fold(sqlContext.sql(inputSentences.query)) { case offset => val parsedQuery = parseInitialQuery val conditionsSentence = offset.fromOffset.extractConditionSentence(parsedQuery) val orderSentence = offset.fromOffset.extractOrderSentence(parsedQuery, inverse = offset.limitRecords.isEmpty) val limitSentence = inputSentences.extractLimitSentence sqlContext.sql(parsedQuery + conditionsSentence + orderSentence + limitSentence) } private def parseInitialQuery: String = { if (inputSentences.query.toUpperCase.contains("WHERE") || inputSentences.query.toUpperCase.contains("ORDER") || inputSentences.query.toUpperCase.contains("LIMIT") ) { sqlContext.sql(inputSentences.query).registerTempTable(InitTableName) TempInitQuery } else inputSentences.query } def progressInputSentences: InputSentences = { if (!dataFrame.rdd.isEmpty()) { inputSentences.offsetConditions.fold(inputSentences) { case offset => val offsetValue = if (offset.limitRecords.isEmpty) dataFrame.rdd.first().get(dataFrame.schema.fieldIndex( else { dataFrame.registerTempTable(LimitedTableName) val limitedQuery = s"select * from $LimitedTableName order by ${} " + s"${OffsetOperator.toInverseOrderOperator(offset.fromOffset.operator)} limit 1" sqlContext.sql(limitedQuery).rdd.first().get(dataFrame.schema.fieldIndex( } inputSentences.copy(offsetConditions = Option(offset.copy(fromOffset = offset.fromOffset.copy( value = Option(offsetValue), operator = OffsetOperator.toProgressOperator(offset.fromOffset.operator))))) } } else inputSentences } override def isEmpty(): Boolean = { totalCalculated.fold { withScope { partitions.length == 0 || take(1).length == 0 } } { total => total == 0L } } override def getPartitions: Array[Partition] = dataFrame.rdd.partitions override def compute(thePart: Partition, context: TaskContext): Iterator[Row] = dataFrame.rdd.compute(thePart, context) override def getPreferredLocations(thePart: Partition): Seq[String] = dataFrame.rdd.preferredLocations(thePart) }
Example 191
Source File: SparkEsTransportClientManager.scala From Spark2Elasticsearch with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.github.jparkie.spark.elasticsearch.transport import com.github.jparkie.spark.elasticsearch.conf.SparkEsTransportClientConf import org.apache.spark.Logging import org.elasticsearch.client.Client import org.elasticsearch.client.transport.TransportClient import org.elasticsearch.common.settings.Settings import org.elasticsearch.common.transport.InetSocketTransportAddress import scala.collection.mutable private[elasticsearch] trait SparkEsTransportClientManager extends Serializable with Logging { @transient private[transport] val internalTransportClients = mutable.HashMap.empty[SparkEsTransportClientConf, TransportClient] private[transport] def buildTransportSettings(clientConf: SparkEsTransportClientConf): Settings = { val esSettingsBuilder = Settings.builder() clientConf.transportSettings foreach { currentSetting => esSettingsBuilder.put(currentSetting._1, currentSetting._2) } } private[transport] def buildTransportClient(clientConf: SparkEsTransportClientConf, esSettings: Settings): TransportClient = { import SparkEsTransportClientConf._ val esClient = TransportClient.builder() .settings(esSettings) .build() getTransportAddresses(clientConf.transportAddresses, clientConf.transportPort) foreach { inetSocketAddress => esClient.addTransportAddresses(new InetSocketTransportAddress(inetSocketAddress)) } sys.addShutdownHook { logInfo("Closed Elasticsearch Transport Client.") esClient.close() } logInfo(s"Connected to the following Elasticsearch nodes: ${esClient.connectedNodes()}.") esClient } def closeTransportClient(clientConf: SparkEsTransportClientConf): Unit = synchronized { internalTransportClients.remove(clientConf) match { case Some(transportClient) => transportClient.close() case None => logError(s"No TransportClient for $clientConf.") } } } object SparkEsTransportClientManager extends SparkEsTransportClientManager
Example 192
Source File: MessageDelimiter.scala From spark-cep with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.streaming.sources import org.apache.spark.Logging import org.apache.spark.sql.Row import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.InternalRow import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.{Cast, EmptyRow, Literal} import org.apache.spark.sql.types.StructType class MessageDelimiter extends MessageToRowConverter with Logging { val delimiter = " " def toRow(msg: String, schema: StructType): InternalRow = { val splitted = msg.split(delimiter).map(Literal(_)) val casted = => Cast(splitted(i), schema(i).dataType).eval(EmptyRow)) InternalRow.fromSeq(casted) } def toMessage(row: Row): String = row.mkString(delimiter) } trait MessageToRowConverter extends Serializable { def toRow(message: String, schema: StructType): InternalRow def toMessage(row: Row): String }
Example 193
Source File: ApspResult.scala From spark-all-pairs-shortest-path with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
import import org.apache.spark.mllib.linalg.Matrix import org.apache.spark.mllib.linalg.distributed.BlockMatrix import org.apache.spark.Logging import class ApspResult ( var size: Long, var distMatrix: BlockMatrix) extends Serializable with Logging{ validateResult(distMatrix) private def validateResult(result: BlockMatrix): Unit = { require(result.numRows == result.numCols, "The shortest distance matrix is not square.") require(size == result.numRows, s"The size of the shortest distance matrix does not match $size.") if (result.blocks.getStorageLevel == StorageLevel.NONE) { logWarning("The APSP result is not cached. Lookup could be slow") } } def lookupDist(srcId: Long, dstId: Long): Double = { val sizePerBlock = distMatrix.rowsPerBlock val rowBlockId = (srcId/sizePerBlock).toInt val colBlockId = (dstId/sizePerBlock).toInt val block = distMatrix.blocks.filter{case ((i, j), _) => ( i == rowBlockId) & (j == colBlockId)} .first._2 block.toArray((dstId % sizePerBlock).toInt * block.numRows + (srcId % sizePerBlock).toInt) } def toLocal(): Matrix = { distMatrix.toLocalMatrix() } }
Example 194
Source File: SessionStats.scala From twitter-stream-ml with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
package com.giorgioinf.twtml.spark import com.giorgioinf.twtml.web.WebClient import org.apache.spark.Logging import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD import org.viz.lightning.{Lightning,Visualization} import scala.util.Try class SessionStats(conf:ConfArguments) extends Logging { def lgn = Lightning(conf.lightning) def web = WebClient(conf.twtweb) var viz:Visualization = _ // blue val realColorDet = Array(173.0, 216.0, 230.0) val realColor = Array(30.0, 144.0, 255.0) // yellow val predColorDet = Array(238.0, 232.0, 170.0) val predColor = Array(255.0, 215.0, 0.0) def update(count:Long, batch:Long, mse:Double, realStdev:Double, predStdev:Double, real:Array[Double], pred:Array[Double]) { val realStdevArr = Array.fill(batch.toInt)(realStdev) val predStdevArr = Array.fill(batch.toInt)(predStdev) Try(web.stats(count, batch, mse.toLong, realStdev.toLong, predStdev.toLong)) Try(lgn.lineStreaming( series = Array(real, pred, realStdevArr, predStdevArr), viz = viz)) } def open():this.type = {"Initializing plot on lightning server: {}", conf.lightning) // lgn.createSession(conf.appName) // if (lgn.session.nonEmpty) { //"lightning server session: {}/sessions/{}{}", conf.lightning, lgn.session, "") // } else { // log.warn("lightning server session is empty") // } // plot new graph viz = lgn.lineStreaming( series = Array.fill(4)(Array(0.0)), size = Array(1.0, 1.0, 2.0, 2.0), color = Array(realColorDet, predColorDet, realColor, predColor))"lightning server session: \n {}/sessions/{}\n {}/visualizations/{}/pym", conf.lightning, viz.lgn.session, conf.lightning,"Initializing config on web server: {}", conf.twtweb) // send config to web server Try(web.config(viz.lgn.session,, List( this } }
Example 195
Source File: LinearRegression.scala From twitter-stream-ml with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
package com.giorgioinf.twtml.spark import org.apache.spark.{Logging, SparkConf, SparkContext} import org.apache.spark.mllib.linalg.Vectors import org.apache.spark.mllib.regression.StreamingLinearRegressionWithSGD import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD import org.apache.spark.streaming.{Seconds, StreamingContext} import org.apache.spark.streaming.twitter.TwitterUtils object LinearRegression extends Logging { def main(args: Array[String]) {"Parsing applications arguments") val conf = new ConfArguments() .setAppName("twitter-stream-ml-linear-regression") .parse(args.toList)"Initializing session stats...") val session = new SessionStats(conf).open"Initializing Spark Machine Learning Model...") MllibHelper.reset(conf) val model = new StreamingLinearRegressionWithSGD() .setNumIterations(conf.numIterations) .setStepSize(conf.stepSize) .setMiniBatchFraction(conf.miniBatchFraction) .setInitialWeights(Vectors.zeros(MllibHelper.numFeatures))"Initializing Spark Context...") val sc = new SparkContext(conf.sparkConf)"Initializing Streaming Spark Context... {} sec/batch", conf.seconds) val ssc = new StreamingContext(sc, Seconds(conf.seconds))"Initializing Twitter stream...") val stream = TwitterUtils.createStream(ssc, None) .filter(MllibHelper.filtrate) .map(MllibHelper.featurize) .cache()"Initializing prediction model...") val count = sc.accumulator(0L, "count") stream.foreachRDD({ rdd => if (rdd.isEmpty) log.debug("batch: 0") else { val realPred ={ lb => (lb.label, Utils.round(model.latestModel.predict(lb.features))) } val batch = rdd.count count += batch val real = val pred = val realStdev = Utils.round(real.stdev) val predStdev = Utils.round(pred.stdev) val mse = Utils.round({case(v, p) => math.pow((v - p), 2)}.mean()) if (log.isDebugEnabled) { log.debug("count: {}", count) // batch, mse (training mean squared error) log.debug("batch: {}, mse: {}", batch, mse) log.debug("stdev (real, pred): ({}, {})", realStdev.toLong, predStdev.toLong) log.debug("value (real, pred): {} ...", realPred.take(10).toArray) } session.update(count.value, batch, mse, realStdev, predStdev, real.toArray, pred.toArray); } })"Initializing training model...") // training after prediction model.trainOn(stream) // Start the streaming computation ssc.start()"Initialization complete.") ssc.awaitTermination() } }
Example 196
Source File: MllibHelper.scala From twitter-stream-ml with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
package com.giorgioinf.twtml.spark import java.text.Normalizer import org.apache.spark.Logging import org.apache.spark.mllib.feature.HashingTF import org.apache.spark.mllib.linalg.{SparseVector, Vector, Vectors} import org.apache.spark.mllib.regression.LabeledPoint import scala.math.BigDecimal import twitter4j.Status object MllibHelper extends Logging { val numNumberFeatures = 4 var numRetweetBegin = 100 var numRetweetEnd = 1000 var numTextFeatures = 1000 var hashText = new HashingTF(numTextFeatures) var numFeatures = numTextFeatures + numNumberFeatures var numberFeatureIndices = (numTextFeatures to numFeatures-1).toArray def reset(conf:ConfArguments) { numRetweetBegin = conf.numRetweetBegin numRetweetEnd = conf.numRetweetEnd numTextFeatures = conf.numTextFeatures var hashText = new HashingTF(numTextFeatures) var numFeatures = numTextFeatures + numNumberFeatures var numberFeatureIndices = (numTextFeatures to numFeatures-1).toArray log.debug(s"retweet range: ($numRetweetBegin - $numRetweetEnd), numTextFeatures: $numTextFeatures") } def featurizeText(statuses: Status): SparseVector = { val text = statuses.getRetweetedStatus .getText .toLowerCase // Separate accents from characters and then remove non-unicode // characters val noAccentText = Normalizer .normalize(text, Normalizer.Form.NFD) .replaceAll("\\p{M}", "") // bigrams hashText.transform(text.sliding(2).toSeq) .asInstanceOf[SparseVector] } def featurizeNumbers(statuses: Status): Vector = { val user = statuses.getRetweetedStatus.getUser val created = statuses.getRetweetedStatus.getCreatedAt val timeLeft = (System.currentTimeMillis - created.getTime) Vectors.dense( user.getFollowersCount * Math.pow(10, -12), user.getFavouritesCount * Math.pow(10, -12), user.getFriendsCount * Math.pow(10, -12), timeLeft * Math.pow(10, -14) //retweeted.getURLEntities.length, //retweeted.getUserMentionEntities.length ) } def featurize(statuses: Status): LabeledPoint = { val textFeatures = featurizeText(statuses) val numberFeatures = featurizeNumbers(statuses) val features = Vectors.sparse( numFeatures, textFeatures.indices ++ numberFeatureIndices, textFeatures.values ++ numberFeatures.toArray ) LabeledPoint( statuses.getRetweetedStatus.getRetweetCount.toDouble, features ) } def retweetInterval(statuses: Status, start:Long, end:Long):Boolean = { val n = statuses.getRetweetedStatus.getRetweetCount (n >= start && n <= end) } def filtrate(statuses: Status): Boolean = { ( statuses.isRetweet && //statuses.getLang == "en" && retweetInterval(statuses, numRetweetBegin, numRetweetEnd) ) } }
Example 197
Source File: LogUtils.scala From Spark-MLlib-Twitter-Sentiment-Analysis with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.p7h.spark.sentiment.utils import org.apache.log4j.{Level, Logger} import org.apache.spark.{Logging, SparkContext} object LogUtils extends Logging { def setLogLevels(sparkContext: SparkContext) { sparkContext.setLogLevel(Level.WARN.toString) val log4jInitialized = Logger.getRootLogger.getAllAppenders.hasMoreElements if (!log4jInitialized) { logInfo( """Setting log level to [WARN] for streaming executions. |To override add a custom to the classpath.""".stripMargin) Logger.getRootLogger.setLevel(Level.WARN) } } }
Example 198
Source File: CustomReceiver.scala From iolap with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.examples.streaming import{InputStreamReader, BufferedReader, InputStream} import import org.apache.spark.{SparkConf, Logging} import import org.apache.spark.streaming.{Seconds, StreamingContext} import org.apache.spark.streaming.receiver.Receiver private def receive() { var socket: Socket = null var userInput: String = null try { logInfo("Connecting to " + host + ":" + port) socket = new Socket(host, port) logInfo("Connected to " + host + ":" + port) val reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(socket.getInputStream(), "UTF-8")) userInput = reader.readLine() while(!isStopped && userInput != null) { store(userInput) userInput = reader.readLine() } reader.close() socket.close() logInfo("Stopped receiving") restart("Trying to connect again") } catch { case e: => restart("Error connecting to " + host + ":" + port, e) case t: Throwable => restart("Error receiving data", t) } } }
Example 199
Source File: StreamingExamples.scala From iolap with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.examples.streaming import org.apache.spark.Logging import org.apache.log4j.{Level, Logger} def setStreamingLogLevels() { val log4jInitialized = Logger.getRootLogger.getAllAppenders.hasMoreElements if (!log4jInitialized) { // We first log something to initialize Spark's default logging, then we override the // logging level. logInfo("Setting log level to [WARN] for streaming example." + " To override add a custom to the classpath.") Logger.getRootLogger.setLevel(Level.WARN) } } }
Example 200
Source File: GraphLoader.scala From iolap with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.graphx import import org.apache.spark.{Logging, SparkContext} import org.apache.spark.graphx.impl.{EdgePartitionBuilder, GraphImpl} def edgeListFile( sc: SparkContext, path: String, canonicalOrientation: Boolean = false, numEdgePartitions: Int = -1, edgeStorageLevel: StorageLevel = StorageLevel.MEMORY_ONLY, vertexStorageLevel: StorageLevel = StorageLevel.MEMORY_ONLY) : Graph[Int, Int] = { val startTime = System.currentTimeMillis // Parse the edge data table directly into edge partitions val lines = if (numEdgePartitions > 0) { sc.textFile(path, numEdgePartitions).coalesce(numEdgePartitions) } else { sc.textFile(path) } val edges = lines.mapPartitionsWithIndex { (pid, iter) => val builder = new EdgePartitionBuilder[Int, Int] iter.foreach { line => if (!line.isEmpty && line(0) != '#') { val lineArray = line.split("\\s+") if (lineArray.length < 2) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid line: " + line) } val srcId = lineArray(0).toLong val dstId = lineArray(1).toLong if (canonicalOrientation && srcId > dstId) { builder.add(dstId, srcId, 1) } else { builder.add(srcId, dstId, 1) } } } Iterator((pid, builder.toEdgePartition)) }.persist(edgeStorageLevel).setName("GraphLoader.edgeListFile - edges (%s)".format(path)) edges.count() logInfo("It took %d ms to load the edges".format(System.currentTimeMillis - startTime)) GraphImpl.fromEdgePartitions(edges, defaultVertexAttr = 1, edgeStorageLevel = edgeStorageLevel, vertexStorageLevel = vertexStorageLevel) } // end of edgeListFile }