org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException Scala Examples
The following examples show how to use org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException.
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Example 1
Source File: TextFileFormat.scala From drizzle-spark with Apache License 2.0 | 12 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.text import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration import org.apache.hadoop.fs.{FileStatus, Path} import{NullWritable, Text} import import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.{Job, RecordWriter, TaskAttemptContext} import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.lib.output.{FileOutputFormat, TextOutputFormat} import org.apache.hadoop.util.ReflectionUtils import org.apache.spark.TaskContext import org.apache.spark.sql.{AnalysisException, Row, SparkSession} import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.InternalRow import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.UnsafeRow import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.codegen.{BufferHolder, UnsafeRowWriter} import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.util.CompressionCodecs import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources._ import org.apache.spark.sql.sources._ import org.apache.spark.sql.types.{StringType, StructType} import org.apache.spark.util.SerializableConfiguration def getCompressionExtension(context: TaskAttemptContext): String = { // Set the compression extension, similar to code in TextOutputFormat.getDefaultWorkFile if (FileOutputFormat.getCompressOutput(context)) { val codecClass = FileOutputFormat.getOutputCompressorClass(context, classOf[GzipCodec]) ReflectionUtils.newInstance(codecClass, context.getConfiguration).getDefaultExtension } else { "" } } }
Example 2
Source File: JdbcRelationProvider.scala From drizzle-spark with Apache License 2.0 | 7 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.jdbc import org.apache.spark.sql.{AnalysisException, DataFrame, SaveMode, SQLContext} import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.jdbc.JdbcUtils._ import org.apache.spark.sql.sources.{BaseRelation, CreatableRelationProvider, DataSourceRegister, RelationProvider} class JdbcRelationProvider extends CreatableRelationProvider with RelationProvider with DataSourceRegister { override def shortName(): String = "jdbc" override def createRelation( sqlContext: SQLContext, parameters: Map[String, String]): BaseRelation = { val jdbcOptions = new JDBCOptions(parameters) val partitionColumn = jdbcOptions.partitionColumn val lowerBound = jdbcOptions.lowerBound val upperBound = jdbcOptions.upperBound val numPartitions = jdbcOptions.numPartitions val partitionInfo = if (partitionColumn == null) { null } else { JDBCPartitioningInfo( partitionColumn, lowerBound.toLong, upperBound.toLong, numPartitions.toInt) } val parts = JDBCRelation.columnPartition(partitionInfo) JDBCRelation(parts, jdbcOptions)(sqlContext.sparkSession) } override def createRelation( sqlContext: SQLContext, mode: SaveMode, parameters: Map[String, String], df: DataFrame): BaseRelation = { val jdbcOptions = new JDBCOptions(parameters) val url = jdbcOptions.url val table = jdbcOptions.table val createTableOptions = jdbcOptions.createTableOptions val isTruncate = jdbcOptions.isTruncate val conn = JdbcUtils.createConnectionFactory(jdbcOptions)() try { val tableExists = JdbcUtils.tableExists(conn, url, table) if (tableExists) { mode match { case SaveMode.Overwrite => if (isTruncate && isCascadingTruncateTable(url) == Some(false)) { // In this case, we should truncate table and then load. truncateTable(conn, table) saveTable(df, url, table, jdbcOptions) } else { // Otherwise, do not truncate the table, instead drop and recreate it dropTable(conn, table) createTable(df.schema, url, table, createTableOptions, conn) saveTable(df, url, table, jdbcOptions) } case SaveMode.Append => saveTable(df, url, table, jdbcOptions) case SaveMode.ErrorIfExists => throw new AnalysisException( s"Table or view '$table' already exists. SaveMode: ErrorIfExists.") case SaveMode.Ignore => // With `SaveMode.Ignore` mode, if table already exists, the save operation is expected // to not save the contents of the DataFrame and to not change the existing data. // Therefore, it is okay to do nothing here and then just return the relation below. } } else { createTable(df.schema, url, table, createTableOptions, conn) saveTable(df, url, table, jdbcOptions) } } finally { conn.close() } createRelation(sqlContext, parameters) } }
Example 3
Source File: CreateHiveTableAsSelectCommand.scala From drizzle-spark with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.hive.execution import scala.util.control.NonFatal import org.apache.spark.sql.{AnalysisException, Row, SparkSession} import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.catalog.CatalogTable import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans.logical.{InsertIntoTable, LogicalPlan} import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.command.RunnableCommand import org.apache.spark.sql.hive.MetastoreRelation case class CreateHiveTableAsSelectCommand( tableDesc: CatalogTable, query: LogicalPlan, ignoreIfExists: Boolean) extends RunnableCommand { private val tableIdentifier = tableDesc.identifier override def innerChildren: Seq[LogicalPlan] = Seq(query) override def run(sparkSession: SparkSession): Seq[Row] = { lazy val metastoreRelation: MetastoreRelation = { import import org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.`lazy`.LazySimpleSerDe import import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.TextInputFormat val withFormat = tableDesc.withNewStorage( inputFormat =[TextInputFormat].getName)), outputFormat = .orElse(Some(classOf[HiveIgnoreKeyTextOutputFormat[Text, Text]].getName)), serde =[LazySimpleSerDe].getName)), compressed = val withSchema = if (withFormat.schema.isEmpty) { // Hive doesn't support specifying the column list for target table in CTAS // However we don't think SparkSQL should follow that. tableDesc.copy(schema = query.output.toStructType) } else { withFormat } sparkSession.sessionState.catalog.createTable(withSchema, ignoreIfExists = false) // Get the Metastore Relation sparkSession.sessionState.catalog.lookupRelation(tableIdentifier) match { case r: MetastoreRelation => r } } // TODO ideally, we should get the output data ready first and then // add the relation into catalog, just in case of failure occurs while data // processing. if (sparkSession.sessionState.catalog.tableExists(tableIdentifier)) { if (ignoreIfExists) { // table already exists, will do nothing, to keep consistent with Hive } else { throw new AnalysisException(s"$tableIdentifier already exists.") } } else { try { sparkSession.sessionState.executePlan(InsertIntoTable( metastoreRelation, Map(), query, overwrite = true, ifNotExists = false)).toRdd } catch { case NonFatal(e) => // drop the created table. sparkSession.sessionState.catalog.dropTable(tableIdentifier, ignoreIfNotExists = true, purge = false) throw e } } Seq.empty[Row] } override def argString: String = { s"[Database:${tableDesc.database}}, " + s"TableName: ${tableDesc.identifier.table}, " + s"InsertIntoHiveTable]" } }
Example 4
Source File: SparkSQLDriver.scala From drizzle-spark with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.hive.thriftserver import java.util.{ArrayList => JArrayList, Arrays, List => JList} import scala.collection.JavaConverters._ import org.apache.commons.lang3.exception.ExceptionUtils import org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.{FieldSchema, Schema} import org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.Driver import org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.processors.CommandProcessorResponse import org.apache.spark.internal.Logging import org.apache.spark.sql.{AnalysisException, SQLContext} import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.QueryExecution private[hive] class SparkSQLDriver(val context: SQLContext = SparkSQLEnv.sqlContext) extends Driver with Logging { private[hive] var tableSchema: Schema = _ private[hive] var hiveResponse: Seq[String] = _ override def init(): Unit = { } private def getResultSetSchema(query: QueryExecution): Schema = { val analyzed = query.analyzed logDebug(s"Result Schema: ${analyzed.output}") if (analyzed.output.isEmpty) { new Schema(Arrays.asList(new FieldSchema("Response code", "string", "")), null) } else { val fieldSchemas = { attr => new FieldSchema(, attr.dataType.catalogString, "") } new Schema(fieldSchemas.asJava, null) } } override def run(command: String): CommandProcessorResponse = { // TODO unify the error code try { context.sparkContext.setJobDescription(command) val execution = context.sessionState.executePlan(context.sql(command).logicalPlan) hiveResponse = execution.hiveResultString() tableSchema = getResultSetSchema(execution) new CommandProcessorResponse(0) } catch { case ae: AnalysisException => logDebug(s"Failed in [$command]", ae) new CommandProcessorResponse(1, ExceptionUtils.getStackTrace(ae), null, ae) case cause: Throwable => logError(s"Failed in [$command]", cause) new CommandProcessorResponse(1, ExceptionUtils.getStackTrace(cause), null, cause) } } override def close(): Int = { hiveResponse = null tableSchema = null 0 } override def getResults(res: JList[_]): Boolean = { if (hiveResponse == null) { false } else { res.asInstanceOf[JArrayList[String]].addAll(hiveResponse.asJava) hiveResponse = null true } } override def getSchema: Schema = tableSchema override def destroy() { super.destroy() hiveResponse = null tableSchema = null } }
Example 5
Source File: randomExpressions.scala From drizzle-spark with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions import org.apache.spark.TaskContext import org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.InternalRow import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.codegen.{CodegenContext, ExprCode} import org.apache.spark.sql.types.{DataType, DoubleType} import org.apache.spark.util.Utils import org.apache.spark.util.random.XORShiftRandom @ExpressionDescription( usage = "_FUNC_(a) - Returns a random column with i.i.d. gaussian random distribution.") case class Randn(seed: Long) extends RDG { override protected def evalInternal(input: InternalRow): Double = rng.nextGaussian() def this() = this(Utils.random.nextLong()) def this(seed: Expression) = this(seed match { case IntegerLiteral(s) => s case _ => throw new AnalysisException("Input argument to randn must be an integer literal.") }) override def doGenCode(ctx: CodegenContext, ev: ExprCode): ExprCode = { val rngTerm = ctx.freshName("rng") val className = classOf[XORShiftRandom].getName ctx.addMutableState(className, rngTerm, s"$rngTerm = new $className(${seed}L + org.apache.spark.TaskContext.getPartitionId());") ev.copy(code = s""" final ${ctx.javaType(dataType)} ${ev.value} = $rngTerm.nextGaussian();""", isNull = "false") } }
Example 6
Source File: TimeWindow.scala From drizzle-spark with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils import org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.analysis.TypeCheckResult import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.analysis.TypeCheckResult.TypeCheckFailure import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.codegen.{CodegenContext, ExprCode} import org.apache.spark.sql.types._ import org.apache.spark.unsafe.types.CalendarInterval case class TimeWindow( timeColumn: Expression, windowDuration: Long, slideDuration: Long, startTime: Long) extends UnaryExpression with ImplicitCastInputTypes with Unevaluable with NonSQLExpression { ////////////////////////// // SQL Constructors ////////////////////////// def this( timeColumn: Expression, windowDuration: Expression, slideDuration: Expression, startTime: Expression) = { this(timeColumn, TimeWindow.parseExpression(windowDuration), TimeWindow.parseExpression(slideDuration), TimeWindow.parseExpression(startTime)) } def this(timeColumn: Expression, windowDuration: Expression, slideDuration: Expression) = { this(timeColumn, TimeWindow.parseExpression(windowDuration), TimeWindow.parseExpression(slideDuration), 0) } def this(timeColumn: Expression, windowDuration: Expression) = { this(timeColumn, windowDuration, windowDuration) } override def child: Expression = timeColumn override def inputTypes: Seq[AbstractDataType] = Seq(TimestampType) override def dataType: DataType = new StructType() .add(StructField("start", TimestampType)) .add(StructField("end", TimestampType)) // This expression is replaced in the analyzer. override lazy val resolved = false case class PreciseTimestamp(child: Expression) extends UnaryExpression with ExpectsInputTypes { override def inputTypes: Seq[AbstractDataType] = Seq(TimestampType) override def dataType: DataType = LongType override def doGenCode(ctx: CodegenContext, ev: ExprCode): ExprCode = { val eval = child.genCode(ctx) ev.copy(code = eval.code + s"""boolean ${ev.isNull} = ${eval.isNull}; |${ctx.javaType(dataType)} ${ev.value} = ${eval.value}; """.stripMargin) } }
Example 7
Source File: AnalysisTest.scala From drizzle-spark with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.analysis import org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.SimpleCatalystConf import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.catalog.{InMemoryCatalog, SessionCatalog} import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans.PlanTest import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans.logical._ trait AnalysisTest extends PlanTest { protected val caseSensitiveAnalyzer = makeAnalyzer(caseSensitive = true) protected val caseInsensitiveAnalyzer = makeAnalyzer(caseSensitive = false) private def makeAnalyzer(caseSensitive: Boolean): Analyzer = { val conf = new SimpleCatalystConf(caseSensitive) val catalog = new SessionCatalog(new InMemoryCatalog, EmptyFunctionRegistry, conf) catalog.createTempView("TaBlE", TestRelations.testRelation, overrideIfExists = true) new Analyzer(catalog, conf) { override val extendedResolutionRules = EliminateSubqueryAliases :: Nil } } protected def getAnalyzer(caseSensitive: Boolean) = { if (caseSensitive) caseSensitiveAnalyzer else caseInsensitiveAnalyzer } protected def checkAnalysis( inputPlan: LogicalPlan, expectedPlan: LogicalPlan, caseSensitive: Boolean = true): Unit = { val analyzer = getAnalyzer(caseSensitive) val actualPlan = analyzer.execute(inputPlan) analyzer.checkAnalysis(actualPlan) comparePlans(actualPlan, expectedPlan) } protected def assertAnalysisSuccess( inputPlan: LogicalPlan, caseSensitive: Boolean = true): Unit = { val analyzer = getAnalyzer(caseSensitive) val analysisAttempt = analyzer.execute(inputPlan) try analyzer.checkAnalysis(analysisAttempt) catch { case a: AnalysisException => fail( s""" |Failed to Analyze Plan |$inputPlan | |Partial Analysis |$analysisAttempt """.stripMargin, a) } } protected def assertAnalysisError( inputPlan: LogicalPlan, expectedErrors: Seq[String], caseSensitive: Boolean = true): Unit = { val analyzer = getAnalyzer(caseSensitive) val e = intercept[AnalysisException] { analyzer.checkAnalysis(analyzer.execute(inputPlan)) } if (! { fail( s"""Exception message should contain the following substrings: | | ${expectedErrors.mkString("\n ")} | |Actual exception message: | | ${e.getMessage} """.stripMargin) } } }
Example 8
Source File: ResolveInlineTablesSuite.scala From drizzle-spark with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.analysis import org.scalatest.BeforeAndAfter import org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.{Literal, Rand} import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.aggregate.Count import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans.PlanTest import org.apache.spark.sql.types.{LongType, NullType} class ResolveInlineTablesSuite extends PlanTest with BeforeAndAfter { private def lit(v: Any): Literal = Literal(v) test("validate inputs are foldable") { ResolveInlineTables.validateInputEvaluable( UnresolvedInlineTable(Seq("c1", "c2"), Seq(Seq(lit(1))))) // nondeterministic (rand) should not work intercept[AnalysisException] { ResolveInlineTables.validateInputEvaluable( UnresolvedInlineTable(Seq("c1"), Seq(Seq(Rand(1))))) } // aggregate should not work intercept[AnalysisException] { ResolveInlineTables.validateInputEvaluable( UnresolvedInlineTable(Seq("c1"), Seq(Seq(Count(lit(1)))))) } // unresolved attribute should not work intercept[AnalysisException] { ResolveInlineTables.validateInputEvaluable( UnresolvedInlineTable(Seq("c1"), Seq(Seq(UnresolvedAttribute("A"))))) } } test("validate input dimensions") { ResolveInlineTables.validateInputDimension( UnresolvedInlineTable(Seq("c1"), Seq(Seq(lit(1)), Seq(lit(2))))) // num alias != data dimension intercept[AnalysisException] { ResolveInlineTables.validateInputDimension( UnresolvedInlineTable(Seq("c1", "c2"), Seq(Seq(lit(1)), Seq(lit(2))))) } // num alias == data dimension, but data themselves are inconsistent intercept[AnalysisException] { ResolveInlineTables.validateInputDimension( UnresolvedInlineTable(Seq("c1"), Seq(Seq(lit(1)), Seq(lit(21), lit(22))))) } } test("do not fire the rule if not all expressions are resolved") { val table = UnresolvedInlineTable(Seq("c1", "c2"), Seq(Seq(UnresolvedAttribute("A")))) assert(ResolveInlineTables(table) == table) } test("convert") { val table = UnresolvedInlineTable(Seq("c1"), Seq(Seq(lit(1)), Seq(lit(2L)))) val converted = ResolveInlineTables.convert(table) assert( == Seq(LongType)) assert( == 2) assert( == 1L) assert( == 2L) } test("nullability inference in convert") { val table1 = UnresolvedInlineTable(Seq("c1"), Seq(Seq(lit(1)), Seq(lit(2L)))) val converted1 = ResolveInlineTables.convert(table1) assert(!converted1.schema.fields(0).nullable) val table2 = UnresolvedInlineTable(Seq("c1"), Seq(Seq(lit(1)), Seq(Literal(null, NullType)))) val converted2 = ResolveInlineTables.convert(table2) assert(converted2.schema.fields(0).nullable) } }
Example 9
Source File: CartesianProductExec.scala From drizzle-spark with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.execution.joins import org.apache.spark._ import org.apache.spark.rdd.{CartesianPartition, CartesianRDD, RDD} import org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.InternalRow import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.{Attribute, Expression, JoinedRow, UnsafeRow} import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.codegen.GenerateUnsafeRowJoiner import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.{BinaryExecNode, SparkPlan} import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.metric.SQLMetrics import org.apache.spark.sql.internal.SQLConf import org.apache.spark.util.CompletionIterator import org.apache.spark.util.collection.unsafe.sort.UnsafeExternalSorter class UnsafeCartesianRDD(left : RDD[UnsafeRow], right : RDD[UnsafeRow], numFieldsOfRight: Int) extends CartesianRDD[UnsafeRow, UnsafeRow](left.sparkContext, left, right) { override def compute(split: Partition, context: TaskContext): Iterator[(UnsafeRow, UnsafeRow)] = { // We will not sort the rows, so prefixComparator and recordComparator are null. val sorter = UnsafeExternalSorter.create( context.taskMemoryManager(), SparkEnv.get.blockManager, SparkEnv.get.serializerManager, context, null, null, 1024, SparkEnv.get.memoryManager.pageSizeBytes, SparkEnv.get.conf.getLong("spark.shuffle.spill.numElementsForceSpillThreshold", UnsafeExternalSorter.DEFAULT_NUM_ELEMENTS_FOR_SPILL_THRESHOLD), false) val partition = split.asInstanceOf[CartesianPartition] for (y <- rdd2.iterator(partition.s2, context)) { sorter.insertRecord(y.getBaseObject, y.getBaseOffset, y.getSizeInBytes, 0, false) } // Create an iterator from sorter and wrapper it as Iterator[UnsafeRow] def createIter(): Iterator[UnsafeRow] = { val iter = sorter.getIterator val unsafeRow = new UnsafeRow(numFieldsOfRight) new Iterator[UnsafeRow] { override def hasNext: Boolean = { iter.hasNext } override def next(): UnsafeRow = { iter.loadNext() unsafeRow.pointTo(iter.getBaseObject, iter.getBaseOffset, iter.getRecordLength) unsafeRow } } } val resultIter = for (x <- rdd1.iterator(partition.s1, context); y <- createIter()) yield (x, y) CompletionIterator[(UnsafeRow, UnsafeRow), Iterator[(UnsafeRow, UnsafeRow)]]( resultIter, sorter.cleanupResources()) } } case class CartesianProductExec( left: SparkPlan, right: SparkPlan, condition: Option[Expression]) extends BinaryExecNode { override def output: Seq[Attribute] = left.output ++ right.output override lazy val metrics = Map( "numOutputRows" -> SQLMetrics.createMetric(sparkContext, "number of output rows")) protected override def doExecute(): RDD[InternalRow] = { val numOutputRows = longMetric("numOutputRows") val leftResults = left.execute().asInstanceOf[RDD[UnsafeRow]] val rightResults = right.execute().asInstanceOf[RDD[UnsafeRow]] val pair = new UnsafeCartesianRDD(leftResults, rightResults, right.output.size) pair.mapPartitionsInternal { iter => val joiner = GenerateUnsafeRowJoiner.create(left.schema, right.schema) val filtered = if (condition.isDefined) { val boundCondition: (InternalRow) => Boolean = newPredicate(condition.get, left.output ++ right.output) val joined = new JoinedRow iter.filter { r => boundCondition(joined(r._1, r._2)) } } else { iter } { r => numOutputRows += 1 joiner.join(r._1, r._2) } } } }
Example 10
Source File: VariableSubstitutionSuite.scala From drizzle-spark with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.internal import org.apache.spark.SparkFunSuite import org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException class VariableSubstitutionSuite extends SparkFunSuite { private lazy val conf = new SQLConf private lazy val sub = new VariableSubstitution(conf) test("system property") { System.setProperty("varSubSuite.var", "abcd") assert(sub.substitute("${system:varSubSuite.var}") == "abcd") } test("environmental variables") { assert(sub.substitute("${env:SPARK_TESTING}") == "1") } test("Spark configuration variable") { conf.setConfString("some-random-string-abcd", "1234abcd") assert(sub.substitute("${hiveconf:some-random-string-abcd}") == "1234abcd") assert(sub.substitute("${sparkconf:some-random-string-abcd}") == "1234abcd") assert(sub.substitute("${spark:some-random-string-abcd}") == "1234abcd") assert(sub.substitute("${some-random-string-abcd}") == "1234abcd") } test("multiple substitutes") { val q = "select ${bar} ${foo} ${doo} this is great" conf.setConfString("bar", "1") conf.setConfString("foo", "2") conf.setConfString("doo", "3") assert(sub.substitute(q) == "select 1 2 3 this is great") } test("test nested substitutes") { val q = "select ${bar} ${foo} this is great" conf.setConfString("bar", "1") conf.setConfString("foo", "${bar}") assert(sub.substitute(q) == "select 1 1 this is great") } }
Example 11
Source File: ResolvedDataSourceSuite.scala From drizzle-spark with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.sources import org.apache.spark.SparkFunSuite import org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.DataSource class ResolvedDataSourceSuite extends SparkFunSuite { private def getProvidingClass(name: String): Class[_] = DataSource(sparkSession = null, className = name).providingClass test("jdbc") { assert( getProvidingClass("jdbc") === classOf[org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.jdbc.JdbcRelationProvider]) assert( getProvidingClass("org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.jdbc") === classOf[org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.jdbc.JdbcRelationProvider]) assert( getProvidingClass("org.apache.spark.sql.jdbc") === classOf[org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.jdbc.JdbcRelationProvider]) } test("json") { assert( getProvidingClass("json") === classOf[org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.json.JsonFileFormat]) assert( getProvidingClass("org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.json") === classOf[org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.json.JsonFileFormat]) assert( getProvidingClass("org.apache.spark.sql.json") === classOf[org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.json.JsonFileFormat]) } test("parquet") { assert( getProvidingClass("parquet") === classOf[org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.parquet.ParquetFileFormat]) assert( getProvidingClass("org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.parquet") === classOf[org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.parquet.ParquetFileFormat]) assert( getProvidingClass("org.apache.spark.sql.parquet") === classOf[org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.parquet.ParquetFileFormat]) } test("csv") { assert( getProvidingClass("csv") === classOf[org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.csv.CSVFileFormat]) assert( getProvidingClass("com.databricks.spark.csv") === classOf[org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.csv.CSVFileFormat]) } test("error message for unknown data sources") { val error1 = intercept[AnalysisException] { getProvidingClass("avro") } assert(error1.getMessage.contains("Failed to find data source: avro.")) val error2 = intercept[AnalysisException] { getProvidingClass("com.databricks.spark.avro") } assert(error2.getMessage.contains("Failed to find data source: com.databricks.spark.avro.")) val error3 = intercept[ClassNotFoundException] { getProvidingClass("asfdwefasdfasdf") } assert(error3.getMessage.contains("Failed to find data source: asfdwefasdfasdf.")) } }
Example 12
Source File: DDLSourceLoadSuite.scala From drizzle-spark with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.sources import org.apache.spark.sql.{AnalysisException, SQLContext} import org.apache.spark.sql.test.SharedSQLContext import org.apache.spark.sql.types.{StringType, StructField, StructType} // please note that the META-INF/services had to be modified for the test directory for this to work class DDLSourceLoadSuite extends DataSourceTest with SharedSQLContext { test("data sources with the same name") { intercept[RuntimeException] {"Fluet da Bomb").load() } } test("load data source from format alias") {"gathering quorum").load().schema == StructType(Seq(StructField("stringType", StringType, nullable = false))) } test("specify full classname with duplicate formats") {"org.apache.spark.sql.sources.FakeSourceOne") .load().schema == StructType(Seq(StructField("stringType", StringType, nullable = false))) } test("should fail to load ORC without Hive Support") { val e = intercept[AnalysisException] {"orc").load() } assert(e.message.contains("The ORC data source must be used with Hive support enabled")) } } class FakeSourceOne extends RelationProvider with DataSourceRegister { def shortName(): String = "Fluet da Bomb" override def createRelation(cont: SQLContext, param: Map[String, String]): BaseRelation = new BaseRelation { override def sqlContext: SQLContext = cont override def schema: StructType = StructType(Seq(StructField("stringType", StringType, nullable = false))) } } class FakeSourceTwo extends RelationProvider with DataSourceRegister { def shortName(): String = "Fluet da Bomb" override def createRelation(cont: SQLContext, param: Map[String, String]): BaseRelation = new BaseRelation { override def sqlContext: SQLContext = cont override def schema: StructType = StructType(Seq(StructField("stringType", StringType, nullable = false))) } } class FakeSourceThree extends RelationProvider with DataSourceRegister { def shortName(): String = "gathering quorum" override def createRelation(cont: SQLContext, param: Map[String, String]): BaseRelation = new BaseRelation { override def sqlContext: SQLContext = cont override def schema: StructType = StructType(Seq(StructField("stringType", StringType, nullable = false))) } }
Example 13
Source File: ErrorHandlers.scala From daf with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
package daf.web import import java.lang.reflect.UndeclaredThrowableException import daf.error.InvalidRequestException import import org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException import org.ietf.jgss.GSSException import play.api.mvc.Results object ErrorHandlers { val security: ErrorHandler = { case _: GSSException => Results.Unauthorized } val spark: ErrorHandler = { case _: FileNotFoundException => Results.NotFound case _: AnalysisException => Results.NotFound case error: UndeclaredThrowableException if error.getUndeclaredThrowable.isInstanceOf[AnalysisException] => Results.NotFound } val api: ErrorHandler = { case error: InvalidRequestException => Results.BadRequest { error.getMessage } } }
Example 14
Source File: rules.scala From tispark with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.extensions import com.pingcap.tispark.statistics.StatisticsManager import com.pingcap.tispark.utils.ReflectionUtil._ import com.pingcap.tispark.{MetaManager, TiDBRelation, TiTableReference} import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.TableIdentifier import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.analysis.{EliminateSubqueryAliases, UnresolvedRelation} import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.catalog.TiSessionCatalog import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans.logical.{InsertIntoTable, LogicalPlan} import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.rules.Rule import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.command._ import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.LogicalRelation import org.apache.spark.sql.{AnalysisException, _} case class TiResolutionRule(getOrCreateTiContext: SparkSession => TiContext)( sparkSession: SparkSession) extends Rule[LogicalPlan] { protected lazy val meta: MetaManager = tiContext.meta private lazy val autoLoad = tiContext.autoLoad private lazy val tiCatalog = tiContext.tiCatalog private lazy val tiSession = tiContext.tiSession private lazy val sqlContext = tiContext.sqlContext protected val tiContext: TiContext = getOrCreateTiContext(sparkSession) protected val resolveTiDBRelation: TableIdentifier => LogicalPlan = tableIdentifier => { val dbName = getDatabaseFromIdentifier(tableIdentifier) val tableName = tableIdentifier.table val table = meta.getTable(dbName, tableName) if (table.isEmpty) { throw new AnalysisException(s"Table or view '$tableName' not found in database '$dbName'") } if (autoLoad) { StatisticsManager.loadStatisticsInfo(table.get) } val sizeInBytes = StatisticsManager.estimateTableSize(table.get) val tiDBRelation = TiDBRelation(tiSession, TiTableReference(dbName, tableName, sizeInBytes), meta)( sqlContext) // Use SubqueryAlias so that projects and joins can correctly resolve // UnresolvedAttributes in JoinConditions, Projects, Filters, etc. newSubqueryAlias(tableName, LogicalRelation(tiDBRelation)) } override def apply(plan: LogicalPlan): LogicalPlan = plan transformUp resolveTiDBRelations protected def resolveTiDBRelations: PartialFunction[LogicalPlan, LogicalPlan] = { case i @ InsertIntoTable(UnresolvedRelation(tableIdentifier), _, _, _, _) if tiCatalog .catalogOf(tableIdentifier.database) .exists(_.isInstanceOf[TiSessionCatalog]) => i.copy(table = EliminateSubqueryAliases(resolveTiDBRelation(tableIdentifier))) case UnresolvedRelation(tableIdentifier) if tiCatalog .catalogOf(tableIdentifier.database) .exists(_.isInstanceOf[TiSessionCatalog]) => resolveTiDBRelation(tableIdentifier) } private def getDatabaseFromIdentifier(tableIdentifier: TableIdentifier): String = tableIdentifier.database.getOrElse(tiCatalog.getCurrentDatabase) } case class TiDDLRule(getOrCreateTiContext: SparkSession => TiContext)(sparkSession: SparkSession) extends Rule[LogicalPlan] { protected lazy val tiContext: TiContext = getOrCreateTiContext(sparkSession) override def apply(plan: LogicalPlan): LogicalPlan = plan transformUp { // TODO: support other commands that may concern TiSpark catalog. case sd: ShowDatabasesCommand => TiShowDatabasesCommand(tiContext, sd) case sd: SetDatabaseCommand => TiSetDatabaseCommand(tiContext, sd) case st: ShowTablesCommand => TiShowTablesCommand(tiContext, st) case st: ShowColumnsCommand => TiShowColumnsCommand(tiContext, st) case dt: DescribeTableCommand => TiDescribeTablesCommand(tiContext, dt) case dc: DescribeColumnCommand => TiDescribeColumnCommand(tiContext, dc) case ct: CreateTableLikeCommand => TiCreateTableLikeCommand(tiContext, ct) } }
Example 15
Source File: CreateHiveTableAsSelectCommand.scala From XSQL with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.hive.execution import scala.util.control.NonFatal import org.apache.spark.sql.{AnalysisException, Row, SaveMode, SparkSession} import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.catalog.CatalogTable import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.Attribute import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans.logical.LogicalPlan import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.SparkPlan import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.command.DataWritingCommand case class CreateHiveTableAsSelectCommand( tableDesc: CatalogTable, query: LogicalPlan, outputColumnNames: Seq[String], mode: SaveMode) extends DataWritingCommand { private val tableIdentifier = tableDesc.identifier override def run(sparkSession: SparkSession, child: SparkPlan): Seq[Row] = { val catalog = sparkSession.sessionState.catalog if (catalog.tableExists(tableIdentifier)) { assert(mode != SaveMode.Overwrite, s"Expect the table $tableIdentifier has been dropped when the save mode is Overwrite") if (mode == SaveMode.ErrorIfExists) { throw new AnalysisException(s"$tableIdentifier already exists.") } if (mode == SaveMode.Ignore) { // Since the table already exists and the save mode is Ignore, we will just return. return Seq.empty } // For CTAS, there is no static partition values to insert. val partition = -> None).toMap InsertIntoHiveTable( tableDesc, partition, query, overwrite = false, ifPartitionNotExists = false, outputColumnNames = outputColumnNames).run(sparkSession, child) } else { // TODO ideally, we should get the output data ready first and then // add the relation into catalog, just in case of failure occurs while data // processing. assert(tableDesc.schema.isEmpty) catalog.createTable( tableDesc.copy(schema = outputColumns.toStructType), ignoreIfExists = false) try { // Read back the metadata of the table which was created just now. val createdTableMeta = catalog.getTableMetadata(tableDesc.identifier) // For CTAS, there is no static partition values to insert. val partition = -> None).toMap InsertIntoHiveTable( createdTableMeta, partition, query, overwrite = true, ifPartitionNotExists = false, outputColumnNames = outputColumnNames).run(sparkSession, child) } catch { case NonFatal(e) => // drop the created table. catalog.dropTable(tableIdentifier, ignoreIfNotExists = true, purge = false) throw e } } Seq.empty[Row] } override def argString: String = { s"[Database:${tableDesc.database}, " + s"TableName: ${tableDesc.identifier.table}, " + s"InsertIntoHiveTable]" } }
Example 16
Source File: TestHiveSuite.scala From XSQL with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.hive import org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException import org.apache.spark.sql.hive.test.{TestHiveSingleton, TestHiveSparkSession} import org.apache.spark.sql.internal.SQLConf import org.apache.spark.sql.test.SQLTestUtils class TestHiveSuite extends TestHiveSingleton with SQLTestUtils { test("load test table based on case sensitivity") { val testHiveSparkSession = spark.asInstanceOf[TestHiveSparkSession] withSQLConf(SQLConf.CASE_SENSITIVE.key -> "false") { sql("SELECT * FROM SRC").queryExecution.analyzed assert(testHiveSparkSession.getLoadedTables.contains("src")) assert(testHiveSparkSession.getLoadedTables.size == 1) } testHiveSparkSession.reset() withSQLConf(SQLConf.CASE_SENSITIVE.key -> "true") { val err = intercept[AnalysisException] { sql("SELECT * FROM SRC").queryExecution.analyzed } assert(err.message.contains("Table or view not found")) } testHiveSparkSession.reset() } test("SPARK-15887: hive-site.xml should be loaded") { assert(hiveClient.getConf("", "") == "true") } }
Example 17
Source File: SparkSQLDriver.scala From XSQL with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.hive.thriftserver import java.util.{ArrayList => JArrayList, Arrays, List => JList} import scala.collection.JavaConverters._ import org.apache.commons.lang3.exception.ExceptionUtils import org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.{FieldSchema, Schema} import org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.Driver import org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.processors.CommandProcessorResponse import org.apache.spark.internal.Logging import org.apache.spark.sql.{AnalysisException, SQLContext} import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.{QueryExecution, SQLExecution} private[hive] class SparkSQLDriver(val context: SQLContext = SparkSQLEnv.sqlContext) extends Driver with Logging { private[hive] var tableSchema: Schema = _ private[hive] var hiveResponse: Seq[String] = _ override def init(): Unit = { } private def getResultSetSchema(query: QueryExecution): Schema = { val analyzed = query.analyzed logDebug(s"Result Schema: ${analyzed.output}") if (analyzed.output.isEmpty) { new Schema(Arrays.asList(new FieldSchema("Response code", "string", "")), null) } else { val fieldSchemas = { attr => new FieldSchema(, attr.dataType.catalogString, "") } new Schema(fieldSchemas.asJava, null) } } override def run(command: String): CommandProcessorResponse = { // TODO unify the error code try { context.sparkContext.setJobDescription(command) val execution = context.sessionState.executePlan(context.sql(command).logicalPlan) hiveResponse = SQLExecution.withNewExecutionId(context.sparkSession, execution) { execution.hiveResultString() } tableSchema = getResultSetSchema(execution) new CommandProcessorResponse(0) } catch { case ae: AnalysisException => logDebug(s"Failed in [$command]", ae) new CommandProcessorResponse(1, ExceptionUtils.getStackTrace(ae), null, ae) case cause: Throwable => logError(s"Failed in [$command]", cause) new CommandProcessorResponse(1, ExceptionUtils.getStackTrace(cause), null, cause) } } override def close(): Int = { hiveResponse = null tableSchema = null 0 } override def getResults(res: JList[_]): Boolean = { if (hiveResponse == null) { false } else { res.asInstanceOf[JArrayList[String]].addAll(hiveResponse.asJava) hiveResponse = null true } } override def getSchema: Schema = tableSchema override def destroy() { super.destroy() hiveResponse = null tableSchema = null } }
Example 18
Source File: HiveMetastoreLazyInitializationSuite.scala From XSQL with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.hive import org.apache.spark.SparkFunSuite import org.apache.spark.sql.{AnalysisException, SparkSession} import org.apache.spark.util.Utils class HiveMetastoreLazyInitializationSuite extends SparkFunSuite { test("lazily initialize Hive client") { val spark = SparkSession.builder() .appName("HiveMetastoreLazyInitializationSuite") .master("local[2]") .enableHiveSupport() .config("spark.hadoop.hive.metastore.uris", "thrift://") .getOrCreate() val originalLevel = org.apache.log4j.Logger.getRootLogger().getLevel try { // Avoid outputting a lot of expected warning logs spark.sparkContext.setLogLevel("error") // We should be able to run Spark jobs without Hive client. assert(spark.sparkContext.range(0, 1).count() === 1) // We should be able to use Spark SQL if no table references. assert(spark.sql("select 1 + 1").count() === 1) assert(spark.range(0, 1).count() === 1) // We should be able to use fs val path = Utils.createTempDir() path.delete() try { spark.range(0, 1).write.parquet(path.getAbsolutePath) assert( === 1) } finally { Utils.deleteRecursively(path) } // Make sure that we are not using the local derby metastore. val exceptionString = Utils.exceptionString(intercept[AnalysisException] { spark.sql("show tables") }) for (msg <- Seq( "show tables", "Could not connect to meta store", "org.apache.thrift.transport.TTransportException", "Connection refused")) { exceptionString.contains(msg) } } finally { spark.sparkContext.setLogLevel(originalLevel.toString) spark.stop() } } }
Example 19
Source File: XSQLAnalyzeTableCommand.scala From XSQL with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.xsql.execution.command import org.apache.spark.sql.{AnalysisException, Row, SparkSession} import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.TableIdentifier import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.catalog.CatalogTableType import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.command.{CommandUtils, RunnableCommand} import org.apache.spark.sql.xsql.XSQLSessionCatalog case class XSQLAnalyzeTableCommand(tableIdent: TableIdentifier, noscan: Boolean = true) extends RunnableCommand { override def run(sparkSession: SparkSession): Seq[Row] = { val sessionState = sparkSession.sessionState val catalog = sparkSession.sessionState.catalog.asInstanceOf[XSQLSessionCatalog] val catalogDB = catalog.getUsedCatalogDatabase(tableIdent.dataSource, tableIdent.database) if (catalogDB == None) { return Seq.empty[Row] } val ds = catalogDB.get.dataSourceName val db = val tableIdentWithDB = TableIdentifier(tableIdent.table, Some(db), Some(ds)) val tableMeta = catalog.getRawTable(tableIdentWithDB) if (tableMeta.tableType == CatalogTableType.VIEW) { throw new AnalysisException("ANALYZE TABLE is not supported on views.") } // Compute stats for the whole table val newTotalSize = CommandUtils.calculateTotalSize(sparkSession, tableMeta) val newRowCount = if (noscan) None else Some(BigInt(sparkSession.table(tableIdentWithDB).count())) // Update the metastore if the above statistics of the table are different from those // recorded in the metastore. val newStats = CommandUtils.compareAndGetNewStats(tableMeta.stats, newTotalSize, newRowCount) if (newStats.isDefined) { catalog.alterTableStats(tableIdentWithDB, newStats) } Seq.empty[Row] } }
Example 20
Source File: XSQLCreateHiveTableAsSelectCommand.scala From XSQL with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.xsql.execution.command import scala.util.control.NonFatal import org.apache.spark.sql.{AnalysisException, Row, SaveMode, SparkSession} import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.catalog.CatalogTable import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.Attribute import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans.logical.LogicalPlan import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.SparkPlan import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.command.DataWritingCommand import org.apache.spark.sql.xsql.XSQLSessionCatalog case class XSQLCreateHiveTableAsSelectCommand( tableDesc: CatalogTable, query: LogicalPlan, outputColumnNames: Seq[String], mode: SaveMode) extends DataWritingCommand { override def run(sparkSession: SparkSession, child: SparkPlan): Seq[Row] = { val catalog = sparkSession.sessionState.catalog.asInstanceOf[XSQLSessionCatalog] val tableIdentifier = catalog.getUsedTableIdentifier(tableDesc.identifier) val newTableDesc = tableDesc.copy(identifier = tableIdentifier) if (catalog.tableExists(tableIdentifier)) { assert( mode != SaveMode.Overwrite, s"Expect the table $tableIdentifier has been dropped when the save mode is Overwrite") if (mode == SaveMode.ErrorIfExists) { throw new AnalysisException(s"$tableIdentifier already exists.") } if (mode == SaveMode.Ignore) { // Since the table already exists and the save mode is Ignore, we will just return. return Seq.empty } XSQLInsertIntoHiveTable( newTableDesc, Map.empty, query, overwrite = false, ifPartitionNotExists = false, outputColumnNames = outputColumnNames).run(sparkSession, child) } else { // TODO ideally, we should get the output data ready first and then // add the relation into catalog, just in case of failure occurs while data // processing. assert(newTableDesc.schema.isEmpty) catalog.createTable(newTableDesc.copy(schema = query.schema), ignoreIfExists = false) try { // Read back the metadata of the table which was created just now. val createdTableMeta = catalog.getTableMetadata(newTableDesc.identifier) // For CTAS, there is no static partition values to insert. val partition = -> None).toMap XSQLInsertIntoHiveTable( createdTableMeta, partition, query, overwrite = true, ifPartitionNotExists = false, outputColumnNames = outputColumnNames).run(sparkSession, child) } catch { case NonFatal(e) => // drop the created table. catalog.dropTable(tableIdentifier, ignoreIfNotExists = true, purge = false) throw e } } Seq.empty[Row] } override def argString: String = { s"[TableName: ${tableDesc.identifier.table}, " + s"InsertIntoHiveTable]" } }
Example 21
Source File: SchemaUtils.scala From XSQL with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.util import org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.analysis._ import org.apache.spark.sql.types.StructType def checkColumnNameDuplication( columnNames: Seq[String], colType: String, caseSensitiveAnalysis: Boolean): Unit = { val names = if (caseSensitiveAnalysis) columnNames else if (names.distinct.length != names.length) { val duplicateColumns = names.groupBy(identity).collect { case (x, ys) if ys.length > 1 => s"`$x`" } throw new AnalysisException( s"Found duplicate column(s) $colType: ${duplicateColumns.mkString(", ")}") } } }
Example 22
Source File: HyperLogLogPlusPlus.scala From XSQL with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.aggregate import org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.InternalRow import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions._ import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.util.HyperLogLogPlusPlusHelper import org.apache.spark.sql.types._ // scalastyle:off override def eval(buffer: InternalRow): Any = { hllppHelper.query(buffer, mutableAggBufferOffset) } } object HyperLogLogPlusPlus { def validateDoubleLiteral(exp: Expression): Double = exp match { case Literal(d: Double, DoubleType) => d case Literal(dec: Decimal, _) => dec.toDouble case _ => throw new AnalysisException("The second argument should be a double literal.") } }
Example 23
Source File: randomExpressions.scala From XSQL with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions import org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.InternalRow import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.codegen.{CodegenContext, CodeGenerator, ExprCode, FalseLiteral} import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.codegen.Block._ import org.apache.spark.sql.types._ import org.apache.spark.util.Utils import org.apache.spark.util.random.XORShiftRandom // scalastyle:off line.size.limit @ExpressionDescription( usage = """_FUNC_([seed]) - Returns a random value with independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.) values drawn from the standard normal distribution.""", examples = """ Examples: > SELECT _FUNC_(); -0.3254147983080288 > SELECT _FUNC_(0); 1.1164209726833079 > SELECT _FUNC_(null); 1.1164209726833079 """, note = "The function is non-deterministic in general case.") // scalastyle:on line.size.limit case class Randn(child: Expression) extends RDG with ExpressionWithRandomSeed { def this() = this(Literal(Utils.random.nextLong(), LongType)) override def withNewSeed(seed: Long): Randn = Randn(Literal(seed, LongType)) override protected def evalInternal(input: InternalRow): Double = rng.nextGaussian() override def doGenCode(ctx: CodegenContext, ev: ExprCode): ExprCode = { val className = classOf[XORShiftRandom].getName val rngTerm = ctx.addMutableState(className, "rng") ctx.addPartitionInitializationStatement( s"$rngTerm = new $className(${seed}L + partitionIndex);") ev.copy(code = code""" final ${CodeGenerator.javaType(dataType)} ${ev.value} = $rngTerm.nextGaussian();""", isNull = FalseLiteral) } override def freshCopy(): Randn = Randn(child) } object Randn { def apply(seed: Long): Randn = Randn(Literal(seed, LongType)) }
Example 24
Source File: TimeWindow.scala From XSQL with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils import org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.analysis.TypeCheckResult import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.analysis.TypeCheckResult.TypeCheckFailure import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.codegen.{CodegenContext, CodeGenerator, ExprCode} import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.codegen.Block._ import org.apache.spark.sql.types._ import org.apache.spark.unsafe.types.CalendarInterval case class TimeWindow( timeColumn: Expression, windowDuration: Long, slideDuration: Long, startTime: Long) extends UnaryExpression with ImplicitCastInputTypes with Unevaluable with NonSQLExpression { ////////////////////////// // SQL Constructors ////////////////////////// def this( timeColumn: Expression, windowDuration: Expression, slideDuration: Expression, startTime: Expression) = { this(timeColumn, TimeWindow.parseExpression(windowDuration), TimeWindow.parseExpression(slideDuration), TimeWindow.parseExpression(startTime)) } def this(timeColumn: Expression, windowDuration: Expression, slideDuration: Expression) = { this(timeColumn, TimeWindow.parseExpression(windowDuration), TimeWindow.parseExpression(slideDuration), 0) } def this(timeColumn: Expression, windowDuration: Expression) = { this(timeColumn, windowDuration, windowDuration) } override def child: Expression = timeColumn override def inputTypes: Seq[AbstractDataType] = Seq(TimestampType) override def dataType: DataType = new StructType() .add(StructField("start", TimestampType)) .add(StructField("end", TimestampType)) // This expression is replaced in the analyzer. override lazy val resolved = false case class PreciseTimestampConversion( child: Expression, fromType: DataType, toType: DataType) extends UnaryExpression with ExpectsInputTypes { override def inputTypes: Seq[AbstractDataType] = Seq(fromType) override def dataType: DataType = toType override def doGenCode(ctx: CodegenContext, ev: ExprCode): ExprCode = { val eval = child.genCode(ctx) ev.copy(code = eval.code + code"""boolean ${ev.isNull} = ${eval.isNull}; |${CodeGenerator.javaType(dataType)} ${ev.value} = ${eval.value}; """.stripMargin) } override def nullSafeEval(input: Any): Any = input }
Example 25
Source File: view.scala From XSQL with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.analysis import org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.{Alias, Attribute, Cast} import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans.logical.{LogicalPlan, Project, View} import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.rules.Rule import org.apache.spark.sql.internal.SQLConf object EliminateView extends Rule[LogicalPlan] { def apply(plan: LogicalPlan): LogicalPlan = plan transform { // The child should have the same output attributes with the View operator, so we simply // remove the View operator. case View(_, output, child) => assert(output == child.output, s"The output of the child ${child.output.mkString("[", ",", "]")} is different from the " + s"view output ${output.mkString("[", ",", "]")}") child } }
Example 26
Source File: ResolveTableValuedFunctions.scala From XSQL with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.analysis import java.util.Locale import org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.{Alias, Expression} import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans.logical.{LogicalPlan, Project, Range} import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.rules._ import org.apache.spark.sql.types.{DataType, IntegerType, LongType} tvf("start" -> LongType, "end" -> LongType, "step" -> LongType, "numPartitions" -> IntegerType) { case Seq(start: Long, end: Long, step: Long, numPartitions: Int) => Range(start, end, step, Some(numPartitions)) }) ) override def apply(plan: LogicalPlan): LogicalPlan = plan resolveOperators { case u: UnresolvedTableValuedFunction if u.functionArgs.forall(_.resolved) => // The whole resolution is somewhat difficult to understand here due to too much abstractions. // We should probably rewrite the following at some point. Reynold was just here to improve // error messages and didn't have time to do a proper rewrite. val resolvedFunc = builtinFunctions.get(u.functionName.toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT)) match { case Some(tvf) => def failAnalysis(): Nothing = { val argTypes =", ") u.failAnalysis( s"""error: table-valued function ${u.functionName} with alternatives: |${ => s" ($x)").mkString("\n")} |cannot be applied to: ($argTypes)""".stripMargin) } val resolved = tvf.flatMap { case (argList, resolver) => argList.implicitCast(u.functionArgs) match { case Some(casted) => try { Some(resolver( } catch { case e: AnalysisException => failAnalysis() } case _ => None } } resolved.headOption.getOrElse { failAnalysis() } case _ => u.failAnalysis(s"could not resolve `${u.functionName}` to a table-valued function") } // If alias names assigned, add `Project` with the aliases if (u.outputNames.nonEmpty) { val outputAttrs = resolvedFunc.output // Checks if the number of the aliases is equal to expected one if (u.outputNames.size != outputAttrs.size) { u.failAnalysis(s"Number of given aliases does not match number of output columns. " + s"Function name: ${u.functionName}; number of aliases: " + s"${u.outputNames.size}; number of output columns: ${outputAttrs.size}.") } val aliases = { case (attr, name) => Alias(attr, name)() } Project(aliases, resolvedFunc) } else { resolvedFunc } } }
Example 27
Source File: StringUtils.scala From XSQL with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.util import java.util.regex.{Pattern, PatternSyntaxException} import org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException import org.apache.spark.unsafe.types.UTF8String object StringUtils { def filterPattern(names: Seq[String], pattern: String): Seq[String] = { val funcNames = scala.collection.mutable.SortedSet.empty[String] pattern.trim().split("\\|").foreach { subPattern => try { val regex = ("(?i)" + subPattern.replaceAll("\\*", ".*")).r funcNames ++= names.filter{ name => regex.pattern.matcher(name).matches() } } catch { case _: PatternSyntaxException => } } funcNames.toSeq } }
Example 28
Source File: SchemaUtilsSuite.scala From XSQL with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.util import org.apache.spark.SparkFunSuite import org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.analysis._ import org.apache.spark.sql.types.StructType class SchemaUtilsSuite extends SparkFunSuite { private def resolver(caseSensitiveAnalysis: Boolean): Resolver = { if (caseSensitiveAnalysis) { caseSensitiveResolution } else { caseInsensitiveResolution } } Seq((true, ("a", "a"), ("b", "b")), (false, ("a", "A"), ("b", "B"))).foreach { case (caseSensitive, (a0, a1), (b0, b1)) => val testType = if (caseSensitive) "case-sensitive" else "case-insensitive" test(s"Check column name duplication in $testType cases") { def checkExceptionCases(schemaStr: String, duplicatedColumns: Seq[String]): Unit = { val expectedErrorMsg = "Found duplicate column(s) in SchemaUtilsSuite: " + => s"`${c.toLowerCase}`").mkString(", ") val schema = StructType.fromDDL(schemaStr) var msg = intercept[AnalysisException] { SchemaUtils.checkSchemaColumnNameDuplication( schema, "in SchemaUtilsSuite", caseSensitiveAnalysis = caseSensitive) }.getMessage assert(msg.contains(expectedErrorMsg)) msg = intercept[AnalysisException] { SchemaUtils.checkColumnNameDuplication(, "in SchemaUtilsSuite", resolver(caseSensitive)) }.getMessage assert(msg.contains(expectedErrorMsg)) msg = intercept[AnalysisException] { SchemaUtils.checkColumnNameDuplication(, "in SchemaUtilsSuite", caseSensitiveAnalysis = caseSensitive) }.getMessage assert(msg.contains(expectedErrorMsg)) } checkExceptionCases(s"$a0 INT, b INT, $a1 INT", a0 :: Nil) checkExceptionCases(s"$a0 INT, b INT, $a1 INT, $a0 INT", a0 :: Nil) checkExceptionCases(s"$a0 INT, $b0 INT, $a1 INT, $a0 INT, $b1 INT", b0 :: a0 :: Nil) } } test("Check no exception thrown for valid schemas") { def checkNoExceptionCases(schemaStr: String, caseSensitive: Boolean): Unit = { val schema = StructType.fromDDL(schemaStr) SchemaUtils.checkSchemaColumnNameDuplication( schema, "in SchemaUtilsSuite", caseSensitiveAnalysis = caseSensitive) SchemaUtils.checkColumnNameDuplication(, "in SchemaUtilsSuite", resolver(caseSensitive)) SchemaUtils.checkColumnNameDuplication(, "in SchemaUtilsSuite", caseSensitiveAnalysis = caseSensitive) } checkNoExceptionCases("a INT, b INT, c INT", caseSensitive = true) checkNoExceptionCases("Aa INT, b INT, aA INT", caseSensitive = true) checkNoExceptionCases("a INT, b INT, c INT", caseSensitive = false) } }
Example 29
Source File: ResolveLambdaVariablesSuite.scala From XSQL with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.analysis import org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions._ import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans.PlanTest import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans.logical.{LocalRelation, LogicalPlan} import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.rules.RuleExecutor import org.apache.spark.sql.types.{ArrayType, IntegerType} class ResolveLambdaVariablesSuite extends PlanTest { import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.dsl.expressions._ import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.dsl.plans._ object Analyzer extends RuleExecutor[LogicalPlan] { val batches = Batch("Resolution", FixedPoint(4), ResolveLambdaVariables(conf)) :: Nil } private val key = ' private val values1 = 'values1.array(IntegerType) private val values2 = 'values2.array(ArrayType(ArrayType(IntegerType))) private val data = LocalRelation(Seq(key, values1, values2)) private val lvInt = NamedLambdaVariable("x", IntegerType, nullable = true) private val lvHiddenInt = NamedLambdaVariable("col0", IntegerType, nullable = true) private val lvArray = NamedLambdaVariable("x", ArrayType(IntegerType), nullable = true) private def plan(e: Expression): LogicalPlan ="res")) private def checkExpression(e1: Expression, e2: Expression): Unit = { comparePlans(Analyzer.execute(plan(e1)), plan(e2)) } private def lv(s: Symbol) = UnresolvedNamedLambdaVariable(Seq( test("resolution - no op") { checkExpression(key, key) } test("resolution - simple") { val in = ArrayTransform(values1, LambdaFunction(lv('x) + 1, lv('x) :: Nil)) val out = ArrayTransform(values1, LambdaFunction(lvInt + 1, lvInt :: Nil)) checkExpression(in, out) } test("resolution - nested") { val in = ArrayTransform(values2, LambdaFunction( ArrayTransform(lv('x), LambdaFunction(lv('x) + 1, lv('x) :: Nil)), lv('x) :: Nil)) val out = ArrayTransform(values2, LambdaFunction( ArrayTransform(lvArray, LambdaFunction(lvInt + 1, lvInt :: Nil)), lvArray :: Nil)) checkExpression(in, out) } test("resolution - hidden") { val in = ArrayTransform(values1, key) val out = ArrayTransform(values1, LambdaFunction(key, lvHiddenInt :: Nil, hidden = true)) checkExpression(in, out) } test("fail - name collisions") { val p = plan(ArrayTransform(values1, LambdaFunction(lv('x) + lv('X), lv('x) :: lv('X) :: Nil))) val msg = intercept[AnalysisException](Analyzer.execute(p)).getMessage assert(msg.contains("arguments should not have names that are semantically the same")) } test("fail - lambda arguments") { val p = plan(ArrayTransform(values1, LambdaFunction(lv('x) + lv('y) + lv('z), lv('x) :: lv('y) :: lv('z) :: Nil))) val msg = intercept[AnalysisException](Analyzer.execute(p)).getMessage assert(msg.contains("does not match the number of arguments expected")) } }
Example 30
Source File: AnalysisTest.scala From XSQL with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.analysis import import java.util.Locale import org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.catalog.{CatalogDatabase, InMemoryCatalog, SessionCatalog} import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans.PlanTest import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans.logical._ import org.apache.spark.sql.internal.SQLConf trait AnalysisTest extends PlanTest { protected val caseSensitiveAnalyzer = makeAnalyzer(caseSensitive = true) protected val caseInsensitiveAnalyzer = makeAnalyzer(caseSensitive = false) private def makeAnalyzer(caseSensitive: Boolean): Analyzer = { val conf = new SQLConf().copy(SQLConf.CASE_SENSITIVE -> caseSensitive) val catalog = new SessionCatalog(new InMemoryCatalog, FunctionRegistry.builtin, conf) catalog.createDatabase( CatalogDatabase("default", "", new URI("loc"), Map.empty), ignoreIfExists = false) catalog.createTempView("TaBlE", TestRelations.testRelation, overrideIfExists = true) catalog.createTempView("TaBlE2", TestRelations.testRelation2, overrideIfExists = true) catalog.createTempView("TaBlE3", TestRelations.testRelation3, overrideIfExists = true) new Analyzer(catalog, conf) { override val extendedResolutionRules = EliminateSubqueryAliases :: Nil } } protected def getAnalyzer(caseSensitive: Boolean) = { if (caseSensitive) caseSensitiveAnalyzer else caseInsensitiveAnalyzer } protected def checkAnalysis( inputPlan: LogicalPlan, expectedPlan: LogicalPlan, caseSensitive: Boolean = true): Unit = { val analyzer = getAnalyzer(caseSensitive) val actualPlan = analyzer.executeAndCheck(inputPlan) comparePlans(actualPlan, expectedPlan) } protected override def comparePlans( plan1: LogicalPlan, plan2: LogicalPlan, checkAnalysis: Boolean = false): Unit = { // Analysis tests may have not been fully resolved, so skip checkAnalysis. super.comparePlans(plan1, plan2, checkAnalysis) } protected def assertAnalysisSuccess( inputPlan: LogicalPlan, caseSensitive: Boolean = true): Unit = { val analyzer = getAnalyzer(caseSensitive) val analysisAttempt = analyzer.execute(inputPlan) try analyzer.checkAnalysis(analysisAttempt) catch { case a: AnalysisException => fail( s""" |Failed to Analyze Plan |$inputPlan | |Partial Analysis |$analysisAttempt """.stripMargin, a) } } protected def assertAnalysisError( inputPlan: LogicalPlan, expectedErrors: Seq[String], caseSensitive: Boolean = true): Unit = { val analyzer = getAnalyzer(caseSensitive) val e = intercept[AnalysisException] { analyzer.checkAnalysis(analyzer.execute(inputPlan)) } if (! e.getMessage.toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT).contains)) { fail( s"""Exception message should contain the following substrings: | | ${expectedErrors.mkString("\n ")} | |Actual exception message: | | ${e.getMessage} """.stripMargin) } } }
Example 31
Source File: ResolveInlineTablesSuite.scala From XSQL with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.analysis import org.scalatest.BeforeAndAfter import org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.{Cast, Literal, Rand} import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.aggregate.Count import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans.logical.LocalRelation import org.apache.spark.sql.types.{LongType, NullType, TimestampType} class ResolveInlineTablesSuite extends AnalysisTest with BeforeAndAfter { private def lit(v: Any): Literal = Literal(v) test("validate inputs are foldable") { ResolveInlineTables(conf).validateInputEvaluable( UnresolvedInlineTable(Seq("c1", "c2"), Seq(Seq(lit(1))))) // nondeterministic (rand) should not work intercept[AnalysisException] { ResolveInlineTables(conf).validateInputEvaluable( UnresolvedInlineTable(Seq("c1"), Seq(Seq(Rand(1))))) } // aggregate should not work intercept[AnalysisException] { ResolveInlineTables(conf).validateInputEvaluable( UnresolvedInlineTable(Seq("c1"), Seq(Seq(Count(lit(1)))))) } // unresolved attribute should not work intercept[AnalysisException] { ResolveInlineTables(conf).validateInputEvaluable( UnresolvedInlineTable(Seq("c1"), Seq(Seq(UnresolvedAttribute("A"))))) } } test("validate input dimensions") { ResolveInlineTables(conf).validateInputDimension( UnresolvedInlineTable(Seq("c1"), Seq(Seq(lit(1)), Seq(lit(2))))) // num alias != data dimension intercept[AnalysisException] { ResolveInlineTables(conf).validateInputDimension( UnresolvedInlineTable(Seq("c1", "c2"), Seq(Seq(lit(1)), Seq(lit(2))))) } // num alias == data dimension, but data themselves are inconsistent intercept[AnalysisException] { ResolveInlineTables(conf).validateInputDimension( UnresolvedInlineTable(Seq("c1"), Seq(Seq(lit(1)), Seq(lit(21), lit(22))))) } } test("do not fire the rule if not all expressions are resolved") { val table = UnresolvedInlineTable(Seq("c1", "c2"), Seq(Seq(UnresolvedAttribute("A")))) assert(ResolveInlineTables(conf)(table) == table) } test("convert") { val table = UnresolvedInlineTable(Seq("c1"), Seq(Seq(lit(1)), Seq(lit(2L)))) val converted = ResolveInlineTables(conf).convert(table) assert( == Seq(LongType)) assert( == 2) assert( == 1L) assert( == 2L) } test("convert TimeZoneAwareExpression") { val table = UnresolvedInlineTable(Seq("c1"), Seq(Seq(Cast(lit("1991-12-06 00:00:00.0"), TimestampType)))) val withTimeZone = ResolveTimeZone(conf).apply(table) val LocalRelation(output, data, _) = ResolveInlineTables(conf).apply(withTimeZone) val correct = Cast(lit("1991-12-06 00:00:00.0"), TimestampType) .withTimeZone(conf.sessionLocalTimeZone).eval().asInstanceOf[Long] assert( == Seq(TimestampType)) assert(data.size == 1) assert(data.head.getLong(0) == correct) } test("nullability inference in convert") { val table1 = UnresolvedInlineTable(Seq("c1"), Seq(Seq(lit(1)), Seq(lit(2L)))) val converted1 = ResolveInlineTables(conf).convert(table1) assert(!converted1.schema.fields(0).nullable) val table2 = UnresolvedInlineTable(Seq("c1"), Seq(Seq(lit(1)), Seq(Literal(null, NullType)))) val converted2 = ResolveInlineTables(conf).convert(table2) assert(converted2.schema.fields(0).nullable) } }
Example 32
Source File: ResolveSubquerySuite.scala From XSQL with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.analysis import org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.dsl.expressions._ import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.{InSubquery, ListQuery} import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans.logical.{Filter, LocalRelation, Project} class ResolveSubquerySuite extends AnalysisTest { val a = ' val b = ' val t1 = LocalRelation(a) val t2 = LocalRelation(b) test("SPARK-17251 Improve `OuterReference` to be `NamedExpression`") { val expr = Filter( InSubquery(Seq(a), ListQuery(Project(Seq(UnresolvedAttribute("a")), t2))), t1) val m = intercept[AnalysisException] { SimpleAnalyzer.checkAnalysis(SimpleAnalyzer.ResolveSubquery(expr)) }.getMessage assert(m.contains( "Expressions referencing the outer query are not supported outside of WHERE/HAVING clauses")) } }
Example 33
Source File: CheckCartesianProductsSuite.scala From XSQL with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.optimizer import org.scalatest.Matchers._ import org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.dsl.expressions._ import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.dsl.plans._ import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.Expression import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans._ import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans.logical.{LocalRelation, LogicalPlan} import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.rules.RuleExecutor import org.apache.spark.sql.internal.SQLConf.CROSS_JOINS_ENABLED class CheckCartesianProductsSuite extends PlanTest { object Optimize extends RuleExecutor[LogicalPlan] { val batches = Batch("Check Cartesian Products", Once, CheckCartesianProducts) :: Nil } val testRelation1 = LocalRelation(', ' val testRelation2 = LocalRelation(', ' val joinTypesWithRequiredCondition = Seq(Inner, LeftOuter, RightOuter, FullOuter) val joinTypesWithoutRequiredCondition = Seq(LeftSemi, LeftAnti, ExistenceJoin('exists)) test("CheckCartesianProducts doesn't throw an exception if cross joins are enabled)") { withSQLConf(CROSS_JOINS_ENABLED.key -> "true") { noException should be thrownBy { for (joinType <- joinTypesWithRequiredCondition ++ joinTypesWithoutRequiredCondition) { performCartesianProductCheck(joinType) } } } } test("CheckCartesianProducts throws an exception for join types that require a join condition") { withSQLConf(CROSS_JOINS_ENABLED.key -> "false") { for (joinType <- joinTypesWithRequiredCondition) { val thrownException = the [AnalysisException] thrownBy { performCartesianProductCheck(joinType) } assert(thrownException.message.contains("Detected implicit cartesian product")) } } } test("CheckCartesianProducts doesn't throw an exception if a join condition is present") { withSQLConf(CROSS_JOINS_ENABLED.key -> "false") { for (joinType <- joinTypesWithRequiredCondition) { noException should be thrownBy { performCartesianProductCheck(joinType, Some('a === 'd)) } } } } test("CheckCartesianProducts doesn't throw an exception if join types don't require conditions") { withSQLConf(CROSS_JOINS_ENABLED.key -> "false") { for (joinType <- joinTypesWithoutRequiredCondition) { noException should be thrownBy { performCartesianProductCheck(joinType) } } } } private def performCartesianProductCheck( joinType: JoinType, condition: Option[Expression] = None): Unit = { val analyzedPlan = testRelation1.join(testRelation2, joinType, condition).analyze val optimizedPlan = Optimize.execute(analyzedPlan) comparePlans(analyzedPlan, optimizedPlan) } }
Example 34
Source File: JdbcRelationProvider.scala From XSQL with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.jdbc import org.apache.spark.sql.{AnalysisException, DataFrame, SaveMode, SQLContext} import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.jdbc.JdbcUtils._ import org.apache.spark.sql.sources.{BaseRelation, CreatableRelationProvider, DataSourceRegister, RelationProvider} class JdbcRelationProvider extends CreatableRelationProvider with RelationProvider with DataSourceRegister { override def shortName(): String = "jdbc" override def createRelation( sqlContext: SQLContext, parameters: Map[String, String]): BaseRelation = { val jdbcOptions = new JDBCOptions(parameters) val resolver = sqlContext.conf.resolver val timeZoneId = sqlContext.conf.sessionLocalTimeZone val schema = JDBCRelation.getSchema(resolver, jdbcOptions) val parts = JDBCRelation.columnPartition(schema, resolver, timeZoneId, jdbcOptions) JDBCRelation(schema, parts, jdbcOptions)(sqlContext.sparkSession) } override def createRelation( sqlContext: SQLContext, mode: SaveMode, parameters: Map[String, String], df: DataFrame): BaseRelation = { val options = new JdbcOptionsInWrite(parameters) val isCaseSensitive = sqlContext.conf.caseSensitiveAnalysis val conn = JdbcUtils.createConnectionFactory(options)() try { val tableExists = JdbcUtils.tableExists(conn, options) if (tableExists) { mode match { case SaveMode.Overwrite => if (options.isTruncate && isCascadingTruncateTable(options.url) == Some(false)) { // In this case, we should truncate table and then load. truncateTable(conn, options) val tableSchema = JdbcUtils.getSchemaOption(conn, options) saveTable(df, tableSchema, isCaseSensitive, options) } else { // Otherwise, do not truncate the table, instead drop and recreate it dropTable(conn, options.table, options) createTable(conn, df, options) saveTable(df, Some(df.schema), isCaseSensitive, options) } case SaveMode.Append => val tableSchema = JdbcUtils.getSchemaOption(conn, options) saveTable(df, tableSchema, isCaseSensitive, options) case SaveMode.ErrorIfExists => throw new AnalysisException( s"Table or view '${options.table}' already exists. " + s"SaveMode: ErrorIfExists.") case SaveMode.Ignore => // With `SaveMode.Ignore` mode, if table already exists, the save operation is expected // to not save the contents of the DataFrame and to not change the existing data. // Therefore, it is okay to do nothing here and then just return the relation below. } } else { createTable(conn, df, options) saveTable(df, Some(df.schema), isCaseSensitive, options) } } finally { conn.close() } createRelation(sqlContext, parameters) } }
Example 35
Source File: DataSourceUtils.scala From XSQL with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path import org.json4s.NoTypeHints import org.json4s.jackson.Serialization import org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException import org.apache.spark.sql.types._ object DataSourceUtils { private def verifySchema(format: FileFormat, schema: StructType, isReadPath: Boolean): Unit = { schema.foreach { field => if (!format.supportDataType(field.dataType, isReadPath)) { throw new AnalysisException( s"$format data source does not support ${field.dataType.catalogString} data type.") } } } // SPARK-24626: Metadata files and temporary files should not be // counted as data files, so that they shouldn't participate in tasks like // location size calculation. private[sql] def isDataPath(path: Path): Boolean = { val name = path.getName !(name.startsWith("_") || name.startsWith(".")) } }
Example 36
Source File: AnalyzeTableCommand.scala From XSQL with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.execution.command import org.apache.spark.sql.{AnalysisException, Row, SparkSession} import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.TableIdentifier import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.catalog.CatalogTableType case class AnalyzeTableCommand( tableIdent: TableIdentifier, noscan: Boolean = true) extends RunnableCommand { override def run(sparkSession: SparkSession): Seq[Row] = { val sessionState = sparkSession.sessionState val db = tableIdent.database.getOrElse(sessionState.catalog.getCurrentDatabase) val tableIdentWithDB = TableIdentifier(tableIdent.table, Some(db)) val tableMeta = sessionState.catalog.getTableMetadata(tableIdentWithDB) if (tableMeta.tableType == CatalogTableType.VIEW) { throw new AnalysisException("ANALYZE TABLE is not supported on views.") } // Compute stats for the whole table val newTotalSize = CommandUtils.calculateTotalSize(sparkSession, tableMeta) val newRowCount = if (noscan) None else Some(BigInt(sparkSession.table(tableIdentWithDB).count())) // Update the metastore if the above statistics of the table are different from those // recorded in the metastore. val newStats = CommandUtils.compareAndGetNewStats(tableMeta.stats, newTotalSize, newRowCount) if (newStats.isDefined) { sessionState.catalog.alterTableStats(tableIdentWithDB, newStats) } Seq.empty[Row] } }
Example 37
Source File: RateStreamProvider.scala From XSQL with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.execution.streaming.sources import java.util.Optional import import org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.streaming.continuous.RateStreamContinuousReader import org.apache.spark.sql.sources.DataSourceRegister import org.apache.spark.sql.sources.v2._ import org.apache.spark.sql.sources.v2.reader.streaming.{ContinuousReader, MicroBatchReader} import org.apache.spark.sql.types._ def valueAtSecond(seconds: Long, rowsPerSecond: Long, rampUpTimeSeconds: Long): Long = { // E.g., rampUpTimeSeconds = 4, rowsPerSecond = 10 // Then speedDeltaPerSecond = 2 // // seconds = 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 // speed = 0 2 4 6 8 10 10 (speedDeltaPerSecond * seconds) // end value = 0 2 6 12 20 30 40 (0 + speedDeltaPerSecond * seconds) * (seconds + 1) / 2 val speedDeltaPerSecond = rowsPerSecond / (rampUpTimeSeconds + 1) if (seconds <= rampUpTimeSeconds) { // Calculate "(0 + speedDeltaPerSecond * seconds) * (seconds + 1) / 2" in a special way to // avoid overflow if (seconds % 2 == 1) { (seconds + 1) / 2 * speedDeltaPerSecond * seconds } else { seconds / 2 * speedDeltaPerSecond * (seconds + 1) } } else { // rampUpPart is just a special case of the above formula: rampUpTimeSeconds == seconds val rampUpPart = valueAtSecond(rampUpTimeSeconds, rowsPerSecond, rampUpTimeSeconds) rampUpPart + (seconds - rampUpTimeSeconds) * rowsPerSecond } } }
Example 38
Source File: JdbcUtilsSuite.scala From XSQL with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.jdbc import org.apache.spark.SparkFunSuite import org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.parser.ParseException import org.apache.spark.sql.types._ class JdbcUtilsSuite extends SparkFunSuite { val tableSchema = StructType(Seq( StructField("C1", StringType, false), StructField("C2", IntegerType, false))) val caseSensitive = org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.analysis.caseSensitiveResolution val caseInsensitive = org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.analysis.caseInsensitiveResolution test("Parse user specified column types") { assert(JdbcUtils.getCustomSchema(tableSchema, null, caseInsensitive) === tableSchema) assert(JdbcUtils.getCustomSchema(tableSchema, "", caseInsensitive) === tableSchema) assert(JdbcUtils.getCustomSchema(tableSchema, "c1 DATE", caseInsensitive) === StructType(Seq(StructField("C1", DateType, false), StructField("C2", IntegerType, false)))) assert(JdbcUtils.getCustomSchema(tableSchema, "c1 DATE", caseSensitive) === StructType(Seq(StructField("C1", StringType, false), StructField("C2", IntegerType, false)))) assert( JdbcUtils.getCustomSchema(tableSchema, "c1 DATE, C2 STRING", caseInsensitive) === StructType(Seq(StructField("C1", DateType, false), StructField("C2", StringType, false)))) assert(JdbcUtils.getCustomSchema(tableSchema, "c1 DATE, C2 STRING", caseSensitive) === StructType(Seq(StructField("C1", StringType, false), StructField("C2", StringType, false)))) // Throw AnalysisException val duplicate = intercept[AnalysisException]{ JdbcUtils.getCustomSchema(tableSchema, "c1 DATE, c1 STRING", caseInsensitive) === StructType(Seq(StructField("c1", DateType, false), StructField("c1", StringType, false))) } assert(duplicate.getMessage.contains( "Found duplicate column(s) in the customSchema option value")) // Throw ParseException val dataTypeNotSupported = intercept[ParseException]{ JdbcUtils.getCustomSchema(tableSchema, "c3 DATEE, C2 STRING", caseInsensitive) === StructType(Seq(StructField("c3", DateType, false), StructField("C2", StringType, false))) } assert(dataTypeNotSupported.getMessage.contains("DataType datee is not supported")) val mismatchedInput = intercept[ParseException]{ JdbcUtils.getCustomSchema(tableSchema, "c3 DATE. C2 STRING", caseInsensitive) === StructType(Seq(StructField("c3", DateType, false), StructField("C2", StringType, false))) } assert(mismatchedInput.getMessage.contains("mismatched input '.' expecting")) } }
Example 39
Source File: QueryExecutionSuite.scala From XSQL with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.execution import org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans.logical.{LogicalPlan, OneRowRelation} import org.apache.spark.sql.test.SharedSQLContext class QueryExecutionSuite extends SharedSQLContext { test("toString() exception/error handling") { spark.experimental.extraStrategies = Seq( new SparkStrategy { override def apply(plan: LogicalPlan): Seq[SparkPlan] = Nil }) def qe: QueryExecution = new QueryExecution(spark, OneRowRelation()) // Nothing! assert(qe.toString.contains("OneRowRelation")) // Throw an AnalysisException - this should be captured. spark.experimental.extraStrategies = Seq( new SparkStrategy { override def apply(plan: LogicalPlan): Seq[SparkPlan] = throw new AnalysisException("exception") }) assert(qe.toString.contains("org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException")) // Throw an Error - this should not be captured. spark.experimental.extraStrategies = Seq( new SparkStrategy { override def apply(plan: LogicalPlan): Seq[SparkPlan] = throw new Error("error") }) val error = intercept[Error](qe.toString) assert(error.getMessage.contains("error")) } }
Example 40
Source File: ExecutorSideSQLConfSuite.scala From XSQL with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.internal import org.apache.spark.SparkFunSuite import org.apache.spark.sql.{AnalysisException, SparkSession} import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.debug.codegenStringSeq import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.col import org.apache.spark.sql.test.SQLTestUtils class ExecutorSideSQLConfSuite extends SparkFunSuite with SQLTestUtils { import testImplicits._ protected var spark: SparkSession = null // Create a new [[SparkSession]] running in local-cluster mode. override def beforeAll(): Unit = { super.beforeAll() spark = SparkSession.builder() .master("local-cluster[2,1,1024]") .appName("testing") .getOrCreate() } override def afterAll(): Unit = { spark.stop() spark = null } override def withSQLConf(pairs: (String, String)*)(f: => Unit): Unit = { pairs.foreach { case (k, v) => SQLConf.get.setConfString(k, v) } try f finally { pairs.foreach { case (k, _) => SQLConf.get.unsetConf(k) } } } test("ReadOnlySQLConf is correctly created at the executor side") { withSQLConf("spark.sql.x" -> "a") { val checks = spark.range(10).mapPartitions { _ => val conf = SQLConf.get Iterator(conf.isInstanceOf[ReadOnlySQLConf] && conf.getConfString("spark.sql.x") == "a") }.collect() assert(checks.forall(_ == true)) } } test("case-sensitive config should work for json schema inference") { withSQLConf(SQLConf.CASE_SENSITIVE.key -> "true") { withTempPath { path => val pathString = path.getCanonicalPath spark.range(10).select('"ID")).write.json(pathString) spark.range(10).write.mode("append").json(pathString) assert( == Set("id", "ID")) } } } test("SPARK-24727 CODEGEN_CACHE_MAX_ENTRIES is correctly referenced at the executor side") { withSQLConf(StaticSQLConf.CODEGEN_CACHE_MAX_ENTRIES.key -> "300") { val checks = spark.range(10).mapPartitions { _ => val conf = SQLConf.get Iterator(conf.isInstanceOf[ReadOnlySQLConf] && conf.getConfString(StaticSQLConf.CODEGEN_CACHE_MAX_ENTRIES.key) == "300") }.collect() assert(checks.forall(_ == true)) } } test("SPARK-22219: refactor to control to generate comment") { Seq(true, false).foreach { flag => withSQLConf(StaticSQLConf.CODEGEN_COMMENTS.key -> flag.toString) { val res = codegenStringSeq(spark.range(10).groupBy(col("id") * 2).count() .queryExecution.executedPlan) assert(res.length == 2) assert(res.forall { case (_, code) => (code.contains("* Codegend pipeline") == flag) && (code.contains("// input[") == flag) }) } } } }
Example 41
Source File: VariableSubstitutionSuite.scala From XSQL with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.internal import org.apache.spark.SparkFunSuite import org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException class VariableSubstitutionSuite extends SparkFunSuite { private lazy val conf = new SQLConf private lazy val sub = new VariableSubstitution(conf) test("system property") { System.setProperty("varSubSuite.var", "abcd") assert(sub.substitute("${system:varSubSuite.var}") == "abcd") } test("environmental variables") { assert(sub.substitute("${env:SPARK_TESTING}") == "1") } test("Spark configuration variable") { conf.setConfString("some-random-string-abcd", "1234abcd") assert(sub.substitute("${hiveconf:some-random-string-abcd}") == "1234abcd") assert(sub.substitute("${sparkconf:some-random-string-abcd}") == "1234abcd") assert(sub.substitute("${spark:some-random-string-abcd}") == "1234abcd") assert(sub.substitute("${some-random-string-abcd}") == "1234abcd") } test("multiple substitutes") { val q = "select ${bar} ${foo} ${doo} this is great" conf.setConfString("bar", "1") conf.setConfString("foo", "2") conf.setConfString("doo", "3") assert(sub.substitute(q) == "select 1 2 3 this is great") } test("test nested substitutes") { val q = "select ${bar} ${foo} this is great" conf.setConfString("bar", "1") conf.setConfString("foo", "${bar}") assert(sub.substitute(q) == "select 1 1 this is great") } }
Example 42
Source File: ResolvedDataSourceSuite.scala From XSQL with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.sources import org.apache.spark.SparkFunSuite import org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.util.DateTimeUtils import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.DataSource import org.apache.spark.sql.test.SharedSQLContext class ResolvedDataSourceSuite extends SparkFunSuite with SharedSQLContext { private def getProvidingClass(name: String): Class[_] = DataSource( sparkSession = spark, className = name, options = Map(DateTimeUtils.TIMEZONE_OPTION -> DateTimeUtils.defaultTimeZone().getID) ).providingClass test("jdbc") { assert( getProvidingClass("jdbc") === classOf[org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.jdbc.JdbcRelationProvider]) assert( getProvidingClass("org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.jdbc") === classOf[org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.jdbc.JdbcRelationProvider]) assert( getProvidingClass("org.apache.spark.sql.jdbc") === classOf[org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.jdbc.JdbcRelationProvider]) } test("json") { assert( getProvidingClass("json") === classOf[org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.json.JsonFileFormat]) assert( getProvidingClass("org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.json") === classOf[org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.json.JsonFileFormat]) assert( getProvidingClass("org.apache.spark.sql.json") === classOf[org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.json.JsonFileFormat]) } test("parquet") { assert( getProvidingClass("parquet") === classOf[org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.parquet.ParquetFileFormat]) assert( getProvidingClass("org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.parquet") === classOf[org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.parquet.ParquetFileFormat]) assert( getProvidingClass("org.apache.spark.sql.parquet") === classOf[org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.parquet.ParquetFileFormat]) } test("csv") { assert( getProvidingClass("csv") === classOf[org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.csv.CSVFileFormat]) assert( getProvidingClass("com.databricks.spark.csv") === classOf[org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.csv.CSVFileFormat]) } test("avro: show deploy guide for loading the external avro module") { Seq("avro", "org.apache.spark.sql.avro").foreach { provider => val message = intercept[AnalysisException] { getProvidingClass(provider) }.getMessage assert(message.contains(s"Failed to find data source: $provider")) assert(message.contains("Please deploy the application as per the deployment section of")) } } test("kafka: show deploy guide for loading the external kafka module") { val message = intercept[AnalysisException] { getProvidingClass("kafka") }.getMessage assert(message.contains("Failed to find data source: kafka")) assert(message.contains("Please deploy the application as per the deployment section of")) } test("error message for unknown data sources") { val error = intercept[ClassNotFoundException] { getProvidingClass("asfdwefasdfasdf") } assert(error.getMessage.contains("Failed to find data source: asfdwefasdfasdf.")) } }
Example 43
Source File: DDLSourceLoadSuite.scala From XSQL with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.sources import org.apache.spark.sql.{AnalysisException, SQLContext} import org.apache.spark.sql.test.SharedSQLContext import org.apache.spark.sql.types._ // please note that the META-INF/services had to be modified for the test directory for this to work class DDLSourceLoadSuite extends DataSourceTest with SharedSQLContext { test("data sources with the same name - internal data sources") { val e = intercept[AnalysisException] {"Fluet da Bomb").load() } assert(e.getMessage.contains("Multiple sources found for Fluet da Bomb")) } test("data sources with the same name - internal data source/external data source") { assert("datasource").load().schema == StructType(Seq(StructField("longType", LongType, nullable = false)))) } test("data sources with the same name - external data sources") { val e = intercept[AnalysisException] {"Fake external source").load() } assert(e.getMessage.contains("Multiple sources found for Fake external source")) } test("load data source from format alias") { assert("gathering quorum").load().schema == StructType(Seq(StructField("stringType", StringType, nullable = false)))) } test("specify full classname with duplicate formats") { assert("org.apache.spark.sql.sources.FakeSourceOne") .load().schema == StructType(Seq(StructField("stringType", StringType, nullable = false)))) } } class FakeSourceOne extends RelationProvider with DataSourceRegister { def shortName(): String = "Fluet da Bomb" override def createRelation(cont: SQLContext, param: Map[String, String]): BaseRelation = new BaseRelation { override def sqlContext: SQLContext = cont override def schema: StructType = StructType(Seq(StructField("stringType", StringType, nullable = false))) } } class FakeSourceTwo extends RelationProvider with DataSourceRegister { def shortName(): String = "Fluet da Bomb" override def createRelation(cont: SQLContext, param: Map[String, String]): BaseRelation = new BaseRelation { override def sqlContext: SQLContext = cont override def schema: StructType = StructType(Seq(StructField("integerType", IntegerType, nullable = false))) } } class FakeSourceThree extends RelationProvider with DataSourceRegister { def shortName(): String = "gathering quorum" override def createRelation(cont: SQLContext, param: Map[String, String]): BaseRelation = new BaseRelation { override def sqlContext: SQLContext = cont override def schema: StructType = StructType(Seq(StructField("stringType", StringType, nullable = false))) } } class FakeSourceFour extends RelationProvider with DataSourceRegister { def shortName(): String = "datasource" override def createRelation(cont: SQLContext, param: Map[String, String]): BaseRelation = new BaseRelation { override def sqlContext: SQLContext = cont override def schema: StructType = StructType(Seq(StructField("longType", LongType, nullable = false))) } }
Example 44
Source File: AnnotationParser.scala From HANAVora-Extensions with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.parser import org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.AbstractSparkSQLParser import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.analysis.UnresolvedAttribute import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.{AnnotationReference, Expression, Literal} import org.apache.spark.sql.types._ import org.apache.spark.unsafe.types.UTF8String protected def toTableMetadata(metadata: Map[String, Expression]): Metadata = { val res = new MetadataBuilder() metadata.foreach { case (k, v:Literal) => v.dataType match { case StringType => if (k.equals("?")) { sys.error("column metadata key can not be ?") } if (k.equals("*")) { sys.error("column metadata key can not be *") } res.putString(k, v.value.asInstanceOf[UTF8String].toString) case LongType => res.putLong(k, v.value.asInstanceOf[Long]) case DoubleType => res.putDouble(k, v.value.asInstanceOf[Double]) case NullType => res.putString(k, null) case a:ArrayType => res.putString(k, v.value.toString) } case (k, v:AnnotationReference) => sys.error("column metadata can not have a reference to another column metadata") } } }
Example 45
Source File: ResolveDropCommand.scala From HANAVora-Extensions with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.analysis import org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.CaseSensitivityUtils._ import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.TableIdentifier import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans.logical.LogicalPlan import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.rules.Rule import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources._ import org.apache.spark.sql.sources.commands.UnresolvedDropCommand import org.apache.spark.sql.sources.{DropRelation, RelationKind, Table} import scala.util.Try case class ResolveDropCommand(analyzer: Analyzer, catalog: Catalog) extends Rule[LogicalPlan] with TableDependencyCalculator { private def failAnalysis(reason: String) = throw new AnalysisException(reason) override def apply(plan: LogicalPlan): LogicalPlan = plan transformDown { case UnresolvedDropCommand(kind, allowNotExisting, tableIdent, cascade) => val plan = resolvePlan(kind, tableIdent, allowNotExisting) val affected = { lp => val targetKind = RelationKind.kindOf(lp).getOrElse(Table) checkValidKind(kind, tableIdent, targetKind) buildDependentsMap(catalog, tableIdent) } affected.foreach(checkAllowedToDrop(cascade)) DropRunnableCommand(affected.getOrElse(Map.empty)) } private def getDropRelation(plan: LogicalPlan): Option[DropRelation] = plan.collectFirst { case d: LogicalPlan with DropRelation => d case LogicalRelation(d: DropRelation, _) => d } private def resolvePlan(kind: DropTarget, tableIdent: TableIdentifier, allowNotExisting: Boolean): Option[LogicalPlan] = { Try(catalog.lookupRelation(tableIdent)).toOption match { case Some(plan) => Some(plan) case None if allowNotExisting => None case None => failAnalysis( s"""${kind.targetName.toLowerCase} ${tableIdent.unquotedString} does not exist. To " |DROP a ${kind.targetName.toLowerCase} regardless if it exists of not, use |DROP ${kind.targetName.toUpperCase} IF EXISTS.""".stripMargin) } } private def checkAllowedToDrop(cascade: Boolean) (dependents: Map[String, Option[DropRelation]]) = { if (dependents.size > 1 && !cascade) { failAnalysis("Can not drop because more than one relation has " + s"references to the target relation: ${dependents.keys.mkString(",")}. " + s"to force drop use 'CASCADE'.") } } private def checkValidKind(kind: DropTarget, tableIdent: TableIdentifier, targetKind: RelationKind): Unit = { if (!kind.accepts(targetKind)) { failAnalysis( s"Relation '${tableIdent.unquotedString} of kind" + s"$targetKind is not a ${kind.targetName}. " + s"Please use DROP ${} to drop it.") } } private def buildDependentsMap(catalog: Catalog, identifier: TableIdentifier): Map[String, Option[DropRelation]] = { val tables = getTables(catalog, identifier.database) val tablesAndDependents = buildDependentsMap(tables) def aggregate(acc: Set[TableIdentifier], next: List[TableIdentifier]): Set[TableIdentifier] = next match { case Nil => acc case ident :: rest => val dependents = tablesAndDependents(ident) aggregate(acc ++ dependents, rest ++ dependents.diff(acc)) } val dependentsSet = aggregate(Set(identifier), identifier :: Nil) dependentsSet.flatMap { dependent => tables.get(dependent).map(dependent.table -> getDropRelation(_)) }.toMap } }
Example 46
Source File: ResolveAppendCommand.scala From HANAVora-Extensions with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.analysis import org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans.logical.LogicalPlan import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.rules.Rule import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.{AppendRunnableCommand, LogicalRelation} import org.apache.spark.sql.sources.AppendRelation import org.apache.spark.sql.sources.commands.UnresolvedAppendCommand case class ResolveAppendCommand(analyzer: Analyzer) extends Rule[LogicalPlan] { override def apply(plan: LogicalPlan): LogicalPlan = plan transform { case UnresolvedAppendCommand(table, options) => val resolvedTable = analyzer.execute(table) resolvedTable.collectFirst { case LogicalRelation(appendRelation: AppendRelation, _) => AppendRunnableCommand(appendRelation, options) }.getOrElse { throw new AnalysisException(s"Cannot append ${resolvedTable.treeString}") } } }
Example 47
Source File: ResolveInferSchemaCommand.scala From HANAVora-Extensions with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.analysis import org.apache.spark.sql.{AnalysisException, SQLContext} import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans.logical.LogicalPlan import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.rules.Rule import org.apache.spark.sql.sources.commands.{InferSchemaCommand, Orc, Parquet, UnresolvedInferSchemaCommand} import scala.util.Try case class ResolveInferSchemaCommand(sqlContext: SQLContext) extends Rule[LogicalPlan] { override def apply(plan: LogicalPlan): LogicalPlan = plan.transform { case UnresolvedInferSchemaCommand(path, explicitFileType) => val fileType = explicitFileType.getOrElse(path.toLowerCase match { case p if p.endsWith(".orc") => Orc case p if p.endsWith(".parquet") => Parquet case invalid => throw new AnalysisException(s"Could not determine file format of '$path'") }) InferSchemaCommand(path, fileType) } }
Example 48
Source File: ResolveTableFunctions.scala From HANAVora-Extensions with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.analysis import org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.tablefunctions.UnresolvedTableFunction import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans.logical.LogicalPlan import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.rules.Rule case class ResolveTableFunctions( analyzer: Analyzer, registry: TableFunctionRegistry = TableFunctionRegistry) extends Rule[LogicalPlan] { def apply(plan: LogicalPlan): LogicalPlan = plan transformDown { case UnresolvedTableFunction(name, arguments) => val lookup = registry.lookupFunction(name) lookup match { case Some(f) => val analyzed = f.analyze(analyzer, arguments) ResolvedTableFunction(f, analyzed) case None => throw new AnalysisException(s"Undefined function $name") } } }
Example 49
Source File: HiveEmulationSuite.scala From HANAVora-Extensions with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.execution import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.analysis.NoSuchTableException import org.apache.spark.sql.hive.SapHiveContext import org.apache.spark.sql.types.StructType import org.apache.spark.sql.{AnalysisException, GlobalSapSQLContext, Row, SapSQLConf} import org.apache.spark.util.DummyRelationUtils._ import org.apache.spark.util.SqlContextConfigurationUtils import org.scalatest.FunSuite class HiveEmulationSuite extends FunSuite with GlobalSapSQLContext with SqlContextConfigurationUtils { private def createTable(name: String, schema: StructType): Unit = sqlc.createDataFrame(sc.parallelize(Seq.empty[Row]), schema).registerTempTable(name) private def withHiveEmulation[A](op: => A): A = withConf(SapSQLConf.HIVE_EMULATION.key, "true")(op) test("Show schemas shows a default schema when hive emulation is on") { withHiveEmulation { val values = sqlc.sql("SHOW SCHEMAS").collect().toSet assertResult(Set(Row("default")))(values) } } test("Show schemas throws if hive emulation is off") { intercept[RuntimeException](sqlc.sql("SHOW SCHEMAS")) } test("Desc an existing table") { withHiveEmulation { createTable("foo", StructType(' :: ' :: Nil)) val values = sqlc.sql("DESC foo").collect().toSet assertResult( Set( Row("a", "int", null), Row("b", "int", null)))(values) } } test("Desc a non-existent table throws") { withHiveEmulation { intercept[NoSuchTableException] { sqlc.sql("DESC bar").collect() } } } test("Describe an existing table") { withHiveEmulation { createTable("foo", StructType(' :: ' :: Nil)) val values = sqlc.sql("DESCRIBE FORMATTED foo").collect().toList assertResult( List( Row(s"# col_name${" " * 12}\tdata_type${" " * 11}\tcomment${" " * 13}\t"), Row(""), Row(s"a${" " * 19}\tint${" " * 17}\tnull${" " * 16}\t"), Row(s"b${" " * 19}\tint${" " * 17}\tnull${" " * 16}\t")))(values) } } test("Retrieval of a database prefixed table") { val hc = new SapHiveContext(sc) hc.setConf(SapSQLConf.HIVE_EMULATION, true) val expected = Set(Row(0, 0), Row(0, 1), Row(1, 0), Row(1, 1)) val rdd = hc.sparkContext.parallelize(expected.toSeq) hc.createDataFrame(rdd, StructType(' :: ' :: Nil)).registerTempTable("foo") val results = hc.sql("SELECT * FROM").collect().toSet assertResult(expected)(results) hc.setConf(SapSQLConf.HIVE_EMULATION, false) intercept[AnalysisException] { hc.sql("SELECT * FROM") } } test("USE statements should not do anything when in hive emulation mode") { withConf(SapSQLConf.HIVE_EMULATION.key, "true") { sqlc.sql("USE foo bar") } } test("Any other use command should throw an exception") { intercept[RuntimeException] { sqlc.sql("USE foo bar") } } }
Example 50
Source File: InferSchemaCommandSuite.scala From HANAVora-Extensions with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.execution import import org.apache.spark.sql.{AnalysisException, GlobalSapSQLContext, Row} import org.scalatest.FunSuite import{getFileFromClassPath, withTempDirectory} class InferSchemaCommandSuite extends FunSuite with GlobalSapSQLContext { test("Inferring of schema fails on non-existent file") { withTempDirectory { dir => val nonExistentPath = dir.path + "/non-existent" intercept[FileNotFoundException] { sqlc.sql(s"""INFER SCHEMA OF "$nonExistentPath" AS ORC""").collect() } } } // scalastyle:off magic.number test("Inferring of schema works on parquet file") { val personFile = getFileFromClassPath("/pers.parquet") val result = sqlc.sql(s"""INFER SCHEMA OF "$personFile"""").collect().toSet assertResult( Set( Row("name", 1, true, "VARCHAR(*)", null, null, null), Row("age", 2, true, "INTEGER", 32, 2, 0)))(result) } test("Inferring of schema works on orc file") { val personFile = getFileFromClassPath("/pers.orc") val result = sqlc.sql(s"""INFER SCHEMA OF "$personFile"""").collect().toSet assertResult( Set( Row("name", 1, true, "VARCHAR(*)", null, null, null), Row("age", 2, true, "INTEGER", 32, 2, 0)))(result) } // scalastyle:on magic.number test("Inferring of schema fails on invalid file") { val invalidFile = getFileFromClassPath("/simple.csv") intercept[AnalysisException] { sqlc.sql(s"""INFER SCHEMA OF "$invalidFile"""") } } }
Example 51
Source File: ResolveTableFunctionsSuite.scala From HANAVora-Extensions with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.analysis import org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.tablefunctions.UnresolvedTableFunction import org.mockito.Mockito._ import org.scalatest.FunSuite class ResolveTableFunctionsSuite extends FunSuite { test("resolution of previously registered function") { val tf = mock(classOf[TableFunction]) val analyzer = mock(classOf[Analyzer]) val registry = new SimpleTableFunctionRegistry() val strategy = ResolveTableFunctions(analyzer, registry) registry.registerFunction("foo", tf) val unresolved = UnresolvedTableFunction("foo", Seq.empty) when(tf.analyze(analyzer, Seq.empty)) thenReturn Seq.empty val resolved = strategy.apply(unresolved) assert(resolved == ResolvedTableFunction(tf, Seq.empty)) verify(tf).analyze(analyzer, Seq.empty) } test("fail on unregistered functions") { val analyzer = mock(classOf[Analyzer]) val strategy = ResolveTableFunctions(analyzer) val unresolved = UnresolvedTableFunction("foo", Seq.empty) intercept[AnalysisException] { strategy(unresolved) } } }
Example 52
Source File: EventHubsWriter.scala From azure-event-hubs-spark with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.eventhubs import org.apache.spark.internal.Logging import org.apache.spark.sql.{ AnalysisException, SparkSession } import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.Attribute import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.QueryExecution import org.apache.spark.sql.types.{ BinaryType, StringType } import org.apache.spark.util.Utils private[eventhubs] object EventHubsWriter extends Logging { val BodyAttributeName = "body" val PartitionKeyAttributeName = "partitionKey" val PartitionIdAttributeName = "partition" val PropertiesAttributeName = "properties" override def toString: String = "EventHubsWriter" private def validateQuery(schema: Seq[Attribute], parameters: Map[String, String]): Unit = { schema .find( == BodyAttributeName) .getOrElse( throw new AnalysisException(s"Required attribute '$BodyAttributeName' not found.") ) .dataType match { case StringType | BinaryType => // good case _ => throw new AnalysisException( s"$BodyAttributeName attribute type " + s"must be a String or BinaryType.") } } def write( sparkSession: SparkSession, queryExecution: QueryExecution, parameters: Map[String, String] ): Unit = { val schema = queryExecution.analyzed.output validateQuery(schema, parameters) queryExecution.toRdd.foreachPartition { iter => val writeTask = new EventHubsWriteTask(parameters, schema) Utils.tryWithSafeFinally(block = writeTask.execute(iter))( finallyBlock = writeTask.close() ) } } }
Example 53
Source File: OapQuerySuite.scala From OAP with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.hive.execution import java.util.{Locale, TimeZone} import org.scalatest.{BeforeAndAfter, Ignore} import org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException import org.apache.spark.sql.hive.HiveUtils import org.apache.spark.sql.hive.test.TestHive import org.apache.spark.sql.internal.SQLConf // Ignore because in separate package will encounter problem with shaded spark source. @Ignore class OapQuerySuite extends HiveComparisonTest with BeforeAndAfter { private lazy val originalTimeZone = TimeZone.getDefault private lazy val originalLocale = Locale.getDefault import org.apache.spark.sql.hive.test.TestHive._ // Note: invoke TestHive will create a SparkContext which can't be configured by us. // So be careful this may affect current using SparkContext and cause strange problem. private lazy val originalCrossJoinEnabled = TestHive.conf.crossJoinEnabled override def beforeAll() { super.beforeAll() TestHive.setCacheTables(true) // Timezone is fixed to America/Los_Angeles for those timezone sensitive tests (timestamp_*) TimeZone.setDefault(TimeZone.getTimeZone("America/Los_Angeles")) // Add Locale setting Locale.setDefault(Locale.US) // Ensures that cross joins are enabled so that we can test them TestHive.setConf(SQLConf.CROSS_JOINS_ENABLED, true) TestHive.setConf(HiveUtils.CONVERT_METASTORE_PARQUET, true) } override def afterAll() { try { TestHive.setCacheTables(false) TimeZone.setDefault(originalTimeZone) Locale.setDefault(originalLocale) sql("DROP TEMPORARY FUNCTION IF EXISTS udtf_count2") TestHive.setConf(SQLConf.CROSS_JOINS_ENABLED, originalCrossJoinEnabled) } finally { super.afterAll() } } private def assertDupIndex(body: => Unit): Unit = { val e = intercept[AnalysisException] { body } assert(e.getMessage.toLowerCase.contains("exists")) } test("create hive table in parquet format") { try { sql("create table p_table (key int, val string) stored as parquet") sql("insert overwrite table p_table select * from src") sql("create oindex if not exists p_index on p_table(key)") assert(sql("select val from p_table where key = 238") .collect().head.getString(0) == "val_238") } finally { sql("drop oindex p_index on p_table") sql("drop table p_table") } } test("create duplicate hive table in parquet format") { try { sql("create table p_table1 (key int, val string) stored as parquet") sql("insert overwrite table p_table1 select * from src") sql("create oindex p_index on p_table1(key)") assertDupIndex { sql("create oindex p_index on p_table1(key)") } } finally { sql("drop oindex p_index on p_table1") } } }
Example 54
Source File: CreateHiveTableAsSelectCommand.scala From sparkoscope with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.hive.execution import scala.util.control.NonFatal import org.apache.spark.sql.{AnalysisException, Row, SparkSession} import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.catalog.CatalogTable import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans.logical.{InsertIntoTable, LogicalPlan, OverwriteOptions} import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.command.RunnableCommand import org.apache.spark.sql.hive.MetastoreRelation case class CreateHiveTableAsSelectCommand( tableDesc: CatalogTable, query: LogicalPlan, ignoreIfExists: Boolean) extends RunnableCommand { private val tableIdentifier = tableDesc.identifier override def innerChildren: Seq[LogicalPlan] = Seq(query) override def run(sparkSession: SparkSession): Seq[Row] = { lazy val metastoreRelation: MetastoreRelation = { import import org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.`lazy`.LazySimpleSerDe import import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.TextInputFormat val withFormat = tableDesc.withNewStorage( inputFormat =[TextInputFormat].getName)), outputFormat = .orElse(Some(classOf[HiveIgnoreKeyTextOutputFormat[Text, Text]].getName)), serde =[LazySimpleSerDe].getName)), compressed = val withSchema = if (withFormat.schema.isEmpty) { // Hive doesn't support specifying the column list for target table in CTAS // However we don't think SparkSQL should follow that. tableDesc.copy(schema = query.output.toStructType) } else { withFormat } sparkSession.sessionState.catalog.createTable(withSchema, ignoreIfExists = false) // Get the Metastore Relation sparkSession.sessionState.catalog.lookupRelation(tableIdentifier) match { case r: MetastoreRelation => r } } // TODO ideally, we should get the output data ready first and then // add the relation into catalog, just in case of failure occurs while data // processing. if (sparkSession.sessionState.catalog.tableExists(tableIdentifier)) { if (ignoreIfExists) { // table already exists, will do nothing, to keep consistent with Hive } else { throw new AnalysisException(s"$tableIdentifier already exists.") } } else { try { sparkSession.sessionState.executePlan(InsertIntoTable( metastoreRelation, Map(), query, overwrite = OverwriteOptions(true), ifNotExists = false)).toRdd } catch { case NonFatal(e) => // drop the created table. sparkSession.sessionState.catalog.dropTable(tableIdentifier, ignoreIfNotExists = true, purge = false) throw e } } Seq.empty[Row] } override def argString: String = { s"[Database:${tableDesc.database}}, " + s"TableName: ${tableDesc.identifier.table}, " + s"InsertIntoHiveTable]" } }
Example 55
Source File: SparkSQLDriver.scala From sparkoscope with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.hive.thriftserver import java.util.{ArrayList => JArrayList, Arrays, List => JList} import scala.collection.JavaConverters._ import org.apache.commons.lang3.exception.ExceptionUtils import org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.{FieldSchema, Schema} import org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.Driver import org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.processors.CommandProcessorResponse import org.apache.spark.internal.Logging import org.apache.spark.sql.{AnalysisException, SQLContext} import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.QueryExecution private[hive] class SparkSQLDriver(val context: SQLContext = SparkSQLEnv.sqlContext) extends Driver with Logging { private[hive] var tableSchema: Schema = _ private[hive] var hiveResponse: Seq[String] = _ override def init(): Unit = { } private def getResultSetSchema(query: QueryExecution): Schema = { val analyzed = query.analyzed logDebug(s"Result Schema: ${analyzed.output}") if (analyzed.output.isEmpty) { new Schema(Arrays.asList(new FieldSchema("Response code", "string", "")), null) } else { val fieldSchemas = { attr => new FieldSchema(, attr.dataType.catalogString, "") } new Schema(fieldSchemas.asJava, null) } } override def run(command: String): CommandProcessorResponse = { // TODO unify the error code try { context.sparkContext.setJobDescription(command) val execution = context.sessionState.executePlan(context.sql(command).logicalPlan) hiveResponse = execution.hiveResultString() tableSchema = getResultSetSchema(execution) new CommandProcessorResponse(0) } catch { case ae: AnalysisException => logDebug(s"Failed in [$command]", ae) new CommandProcessorResponse(1, ExceptionUtils.getStackTrace(ae), null, ae) case cause: Throwable => logError(s"Failed in [$command]", cause) new CommandProcessorResponse(1, ExceptionUtils.getStackTrace(cause), null, cause) } } override def close(): Int = { hiveResponse = null tableSchema = null 0 } override def getResults(res: JList[_]): Boolean = { if (hiveResponse == null) { false } else { res.asInstanceOf[JArrayList[String]].addAll(hiveResponse.asJava) hiveResponse = null true } } override def getSchema: Schema = tableSchema override def destroy() { super.destroy() hiveResponse = null tableSchema = null } }
Example 56
Source File: AnalysisTest.scala From sparkoscope with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.analysis import org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.SimpleCatalystConf import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.catalog.{InMemoryCatalog, SessionCatalog} import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans.PlanTest import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans.logical._ trait AnalysisTest extends PlanTest { protected val caseSensitiveAnalyzer = makeAnalyzer(caseSensitive = true) protected val caseInsensitiveAnalyzer = makeAnalyzer(caseSensitive = false) private def makeAnalyzer(caseSensitive: Boolean): Analyzer = { val conf = new SimpleCatalystConf(caseSensitive) val catalog = new SessionCatalog(new InMemoryCatalog, EmptyFunctionRegistry, conf) catalog.createTempView("TaBlE", TestRelations.testRelation, overrideIfExists = true) new Analyzer(catalog, conf) { override val extendedResolutionRules = EliminateSubqueryAliases :: Nil } } protected def getAnalyzer(caseSensitive: Boolean) = { if (caseSensitive) caseSensitiveAnalyzer else caseInsensitiveAnalyzer } protected def checkAnalysis( inputPlan: LogicalPlan, expectedPlan: LogicalPlan, caseSensitive: Boolean = true): Unit = { val analyzer = getAnalyzer(caseSensitive) val actualPlan = analyzer.execute(inputPlan) analyzer.checkAnalysis(actualPlan) comparePlans(actualPlan, expectedPlan) } protected def assertAnalysisSuccess( inputPlan: LogicalPlan, caseSensitive: Boolean = true): Unit = { val analyzer = getAnalyzer(caseSensitive) val analysisAttempt = analyzer.execute(inputPlan) try analyzer.checkAnalysis(analysisAttempt) catch { case a: AnalysisException => fail( s""" |Failed to Analyze Plan |$inputPlan | |Partial Analysis |$analysisAttempt """.stripMargin, a) } } protected def assertAnalysisError( inputPlan: LogicalPlan, expectedErrors: Seq[String], caseSensitive: Boolean = true): Unit = { val analyzer = getAnalyzer(caseSensitive) val e = intercept[AnalysisException] { analyzer.checkAnalysis(analyzer.execute(inputPlan)) } if (! { fail( s"""Exception message should contain the following substrings: | | ${expectedErrors.mkString("\n ")} | |Actual exception message: | | ${e.getMessage} """.stripMargin) } } }
Example 57
Source File: ResolveInlineTablesSuite.scala From sparkoscope with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.analysis import org.scalatest.BeforeAndAfter import org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.{Literal, Rand} import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.aggregate.Count import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans.PlanTest import org.apache.spark.sql.types.{LongType, NullType} class ResolveInlineTablesSuite extends PlanTest with BeforeAndAfter { private def lit(v: Any): Literal = Literal(v) test("validate inputs are foldable") { ResolveInlineTables.validateInputEvaluable( UnresolvedInlineTable(Seq("c1", "c2"), Seq(Seq(lit(1))))) // nondeterministic (rand) should not work intercept[AnalysisException] { ResolveInlineTables.validateInputEvaluable( UnresolvedInlineTable(Seq("c1"), Seq(Seq(Rand(1))))) } // aggregate should not work intercept[AnalysisException] { ResolveInlineTables.validateInputEvaluable( UnresolvedInlineTable(Seq("c1"), Seq(Seq(Count(lit(1)))))) } // unresolved attribute should not work intercept[AnalysisException] { ResolveInlineTables.validateInputEvaluable( UnresolvedInlineTable(Seq("c1"), Seq(Seq(UnresolvedAttribute("A"))))) } } test("validate input dimensions") { ResolveInlineTables.validateInputDimension( UnresolvedInlineTable(Seq("c1"), Seq(Seq(lit(1)), Seq(lit(2))))) // num alias != data dimension intercept[AnalysisException] { ResolveInlineTables.validateInputDimension( UnresolvedInlineTable(Seq("c1", "c2"), Seq(Seq(lit(1)), Seq(lit(2))))) } // num alias == data dimension, but data themselves are inconsistent intercept[AnalysisException] { ResolveInlineTables.validateInputDimension( UnresolvedInlineTable(Seq("c1"), Seq(Seq(lit(1)), Seq(lit(21), lit(22))))) } } test("do not fire the rule if not all expressions are resolved") { val table = UnresolvedInlineTable(Seq("c1", "c2"), Seq(Seq(UnresolvedAttribute("A")))) assert(ResolveInlineTables(table) == table) } test("convert") { val table = UnresolvedInlineTable(Seq("c1"), Seq(Seq(lit(1)), Seq(lit(2L)))) val converted = ResolveInlineTables.convert(table) assert( == Seq(LongType)) assert( == 2) assert( == 1L) assert( == 2L) } test("nullability inference in convert") { val table1 = UnresolvedInlineTable(Seq("c1"), Seq(Seq(lit(1)), Seq(lit(2L)))) val converted1 = ResolveInlineTables.convert(table1) assert(!converted1.schema.fields(0).nullable) val table2 = UnresolvedInlineTable(Seq("c1"), Seq(Seq(lit(1)), Seq(Literal(null, NullType)))) val converted2 = ResolveInlineTables.convert(table2) assert(converted2.schema.fields(0).nullable) } }
Example 58
Source File: ResolveSubquerySuite.scala From sparkoscope with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.analysis import org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.dsl.expressions._ import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.{In, ListQuery, OuterReference} import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans.logical.{Filter, LocalRelation, Project} class ResolveSubquerySuite extends AnalysisTest { val a = ' val b = ' val t1 = LocalRelation(a) val t2 = LocalRelation(b) test("SPARK-17251 Improve `OuterReference` to be `NamedExpression`") { val expr = Filter(In(a, Seq(ListQuery(Project(Seq(OuterReference(a)), t2)))), t1) val m = intercept[AnalysisException] { SimpleAnalyzer.ResolveSubquery(expr) }.getMessage assert(m.contains( "Expressions referencing the outer query are not supported outside of WHERE/HAVING clauses")) } }
Example 59
Source File: CartesianProductExec.scala From sparkoscope with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.execution.joins import org.apache.spark._ import org.apache.spark.rdd.{CartesianPartition, CartesianRDD, RDD} import org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.InternalRow import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.{Attribute, Expression, JoinedRow, UnsafeRow} import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.codegen.GenerateUnsafeRowJoiner import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.{BinaryExecNode, SparkPlan} import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.metric.SQLMetrics import org.apache.spark.sql.internal.SQLConf import org.apache.spark.util.CompletionIterator import org.apache.spark.util.collection.unsafe.sort.UnsafeExternalSorter class UnsafeCartesianRDD(left : RDD[UnsafeRow], right : RDD[UnsafeRow], numFieldsOfRight: Int) extends CartesianRDD[UnsafeRow, UnsafeRow](left.sparkContext, left, right) { override def compute(split: Partition, context: TaskContext): Iterator[(UnsafeRow, UnsafeRow)] = { // We will not sort the rows, so prefixComparator and recordComparator are null. val sorter = UnsafeExternalSorter.create( context.taskMemoryManager(), SparkEnv.get.blockManager, SparkEnv.get.serializerManager, context, null, null, 1024, SparkEnv.get.memoryManager.pageSizeBytes, SparkEnv.get.conf.getLong("spark.shuffle.spill.numElementsForceSpillThreshold", UnsafeExternalSorter.DEFAULT_NUM_ELEMENTS_FOR_SPILL_THRESHOLD), false) val partition = split.asInstanceOf[CartesianPartition] for (y <- rdd2.iterator(partition.s2, context)) { sorter.insertRecord(y.getBaseObject, y.getBaseOffset, y.getSizeInBytes, 0, false) } // Create an iterator from sorter and wrapper it as Iterator[UnsafeRow] def createIter(): Iterator[UnsafeRow] = { val iter = sorter.getIterator val unsafeRow = new UnsafeRow(numFieldsOfRight) new Iterator[UnsafeRow] { override def hasNext: Boolean = { iter.hasNext } override def next(): UnsafeRow = { iter.loadNext() unsafeRow.pointTo(iter.getBaseObject, iter.getBaseOffset, iter.getRecordLength) unsafeRow } } } val resultIter = for (x <- rdd1.iterator(partition.s1, context); y <- createIter()) yield (x, y) CompletionIterator[(UnsafeRow, UnsafeRow), Iterator[(UnsafeRow, UnsafeRow)]]( resultIter, sorter.cleanupResources()) } } case class CartesianProductExec( left: SparkPlan, right: SparkPlan, condition: Option[Expression]) extends BinaryExecNode { override def output: Seq[Attribute] = left.output ++ right.output override lazy val metrics = Map( "numOutputRows" -> SQLMetrics.createMetric(sparkContext, "number of output rows")) protected override def doExecute(): RDD[InternalRow] = { val numOutputRows = longMetric("numOutputRows") val leftResults = left.execute().asInstanceOf[RDD[UnsafeRow]] val rightResults = right.execute().asInstanceOf[RDD[UnsafeRow]] val pair = new UnsafeCartesianRDD(leftResults, rightResults, right.output.size) pair.mapPartitionsWithIndexInternal { (index, iter) => val joiner = GenerateUnsafeRowJoiner.create(left.schema, right.schema) val filtered = if (condition.isDefined) { val boundCondition = newPredicate(condition.get, left.output ++ right.output) boundCondition.initialize(index) val joined = new JoinedRow iter.filter { r => boundCondition.eval(joined(r._1, r._2)) } } else { iter } { r => numOutputRows += 1 joiner.join(r._1, r._2) } } } }
Example 60
Source File: JdbcRelationProvider.scala From sparkoscope with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.jdbc import org.apache.spark.sql.{AnalysisException, DataFrame, SaveMode, SQLContext} import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.jdbc.JdbcUtils._ import org.apache.spark.sql.sources.{BaseRelation, CreatableRelationProvider, DataSourceRegister, RelationProvider} class JdbcRelationProvider extends CreatableRelationProvider with RelationProvider with DataSourceRegister { override def shortName(): String = "jdbc" override def createRelation( sqlContext: SQLContext, parameters: Map[String, String]): BaseRelation = { val jdbcOptions = new JDBCOptions(parameters) val partitionColumn = jdbcOptions.partitionColumn val lowerBound = jdbcOptions.lowerBound val upperBound = jdbcOptions.upperBound val numPartitions = jdbcOptions.numPartitions val partitionInfo = if (partitionColumn == null) { null } else { JDBCPartitioningInfo( partitionColumn, lowerBound.toLong, upperBound.toLong, numPartitions.toInt) } val parts = JDBCRelation.columnPartition(partitionInfo) JDBCRelation(parts, jdbcOptions)(sqlContext.sparkSession) } override def createRelation( sqlContext: SQLContext, mode: SaveMode, parameters: Map[String, String], df: DataFrame): BaseRelation = { val jdbcOptions = new JDBCOptions(parameters) val url = jdbcOptions.url val table = jdbcOptions.table val createTableOptions = jdbcOptions.createTableOptions val isTruncate = jdbcOptions.isTruncate val conn = JdbcUtils.createConnectionFactory(jdbcOptions)() try { val tableExists = JdbcUtils.tableExists(conn, url, table) if (tableExists) { mode match { case SaveMode.Overwrite => if (isTruncate && isCascadingTruncateTable(url) == Some(false)) { // In this case, we should truncate table and then load. truncateTable(conn, table) saveTable(df, url, table, jdbcOptions) } else { // Otherwise, do not truncate the table, instead drop and recreate it dropTable(conn, table) createTable(df.schema, url, table, createTableOptions, conn) saveTable(df, url, table, jdbcOptions) } case SaveMode.Append => saveTable(df, url, table, jdbcOptions) case SaveMode.ErrorIfExists => throw new AnalysisException( s"Table or view '$table' already exists. SaveMode: ErrorIfExists.") case SaveMode.Ignore => // With `SaveMode.Ignore` mode, if table already exists, the save operation is expected // to not save the contents of the DataFrame and to not change the existing data. // Therefore, it is okay to do nothing here and then just return the relation below. } } else { createTable(df.schema, url, table, createTableOptions, conn) saveTable(df, url, table, jdbcOptions) } } finally { conn.close() } createRelation(sqlContext, parameters) } }
Example 61
Source File: QueryExecutionSuite.scala From sparkoscope with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.execution import org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans.logical.{LogicalPlan, OneRowRelation} import org.apache.spark.sql.test.SharedSQLContext class QueryExecutionSuite extends SharedSQLContext { test("toString() exception/error handling") { val badRule = new SparkStrategy { var mode: String = "" override def apply(plan: LogicalPlan): Seq[SparkPlan] = mode.toLowerCase match { case "exception" => throw new AnalysisException(mode) case "error" => throw new Error(mode) case _ => Nil } } spark.experimental.extraStrategies = badRule :: Nil def qe: QueryExecution = new QueryExecution(spark, OneRowRelation) // Nothing! badRule.mode = "" assert(qe.toString.contains("OneRowRelation")) // Throw an AnalysisException - this should be captured. badRule.mode = "exception" assert(qe.toString.contains("org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException")) // Throw an Error - this should not be captured. badRule.mode = "error" val error = intercept[Error](qe.toString) assert(error.getMessage.contains("error")) } }
Example 62
Source File: VariableSubstitutionSuite.scala From sparkoscope with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.internal import org.apache.spark.SparkFunSuite import org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException class VariableSubstitutionSuite extends SparkFunSuite { private lazy val conf = new SQLConf private lazy val sub = new VariableSubstitution(conf) test("system property") { System.setProperty("varSubSuite.var", "abcd") assert(sub.substitute("${system:varSubSuite.var}") == "abcd") } test("environmental variables") { assert(sub.substitute("${env:SPARK_TESTING}") == "1") } test("Spark configuration variable") { conf.setConfString("some-random-string-abcd", "1234abcd") assert(sub.substitute("${hiveconf:some-random-string-abcd}") == "1234abcd") assert(sub.substitute("${sparkconf:some-random-string-abcd}") == "1234abcd") assert(sub.substitute("${spark:some-random-string-abcd}") == "1234abcd") assert(sub.substitute("${some-random-string-abcd}") == "1234abcd") } test("multiple substitutes") { val q = "select ${bar} ${foo} ${doo} this is great" conf.setConfString("bar", "1") conf.setConfString("foo", "2") conf.setConfString("doo", "3") assert(sub.substitute(q) == "select 1 2 3 this is great") } test("test nested substitutes") { val q = "select ${bar} ${foo} this is great" conf.setConfString("bar", "1") conf.setConfString("foo", "${bar}") assert(sub.substitute(q) == "select 1 1 this is great") } }
Example 63
Source File: ResolvedDataSourceSuite.scala From sparkoscope with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.sources import org.apache.spark.SparkFunSuite import org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.DataSource class ResolvedDataSourceSuite extends SparkFunSuite { private def getProvidingClass(name: String): Class[_] = DataSource(sparkSession = null, className = name).providingClass test("jdbc") { assert( getProvidingClass("jdbc") === classOf[org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.jdbc.JdbcRelationProvider]) assert( getProvidingClass("org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.jdbc") === classOf[org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.jdbc.JdbcRelationProvider]) assert( getProvidingClass("org.apache.spark.sql.jdbc") === classOf[org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.jdbc.JdbcRelationProvider]) } test("json") { assert( getProvidingClass("json") === classOf[org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.json.JsonFileFormat]) assert( getProvidingClass("org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.json") === classOf[org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.json.JsonFileFormat]) assert( getProvidingClass("org.apache.spark.sql.json") === classOf[org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.json.JsonFileFormat]) } test("parquet") { assert( getProvidingClass("parquet") === classOf[org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.parquet.ParquetFileFormat]) assert( getProvidingClass("org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.parquet") === classOf[org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.parquet.ParquetFileFormat]) assert( getProvidingClass("org.apache.spark.sql.parquet") === classOf[org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.parquet.ParquetFileFormat]) } test("csv") { assert( getProvidingClass("csv") === classOf[org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.csv.CSVFileFormat]) assert( getProvidingClass("com.databricks.spark.csv") === classOf[org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.csv.CSVFileFormat]) } test("error message for unknown data sources") { val error1 = intercept[AnalysisException] { getProvidingClass("avro") } assert(error1.getMessage.contains("Failed to find data source: avro.")) val error2 = intercept[AnalysisException] { getProvidingClass("com.databricks.spark.avro") } assert(error2.getMessage.contains("Failed to find data source: com.databricks.spark.avro.")) val error3 = intercept[ClassNotFoundException] { getProvidingClass("asfdwefasdfasdf") } assert(error3.getMessage.contains("Failed to find data source: asfdwefasdfasdf.")) } }
Example 64
Source File: DDLSourceLoadSuite.scala From sparkoscope with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.sources import org.apache.spark.sql.{AnalysisException, SQLContext} import org.apache.spark.sql.test.SharedSQLContext import org.apache.spark.sql.types.{StringType, StructField, StructType} // please note that the META-INF/services had to be modified for the test directory for this to work class DDLSourceLoadSuite extends DataSourceTest with SharedSQLContext { test("data sources with the same name") { intercept[RuntimeException] {"Fluet da Bomb").load() } } test("load data source from format alias") {"gathering quorum").load().schema == StructType(Seq(StructField("stringType", StringType, nullable = false))) } test("specify full classname with duplicate formats") {"org.apache.spark.sql.sources.FakeSourceOne") .load().schema == StructType(Seq(StructField("stringType", StringType, nullable = false))) } test("should fail to load ORC without Hive Support") { val e = intercept[AnalysisException] {"orc").load() } assert(e.message.contains("The ORC data source must be used with Hive support enabled")) } } class FakeSourceOne extends RelationProvider with DataSourceRegister { def shortName(): String = "Fluet da Bomb" override def createRelation(cont: SQLContext, param: Map[String, String]): BaseRelation = new BaseRelation { override def sqlContext: SQLContext = cont override def schema: StructType = StructType(Seq(StructField("stringType", StringType, nullable = false))) } } class FakeSourceTwo extends RelationProvider with DataSourceRegister { def shortName(): String = "Fluet da Bomb" override def createRelation(cont: SQLContext, param: Map[String, String]): BaseRelation = new BaseRelation { override def sqlContext: SQLContext = cont override def schema: StructType = StructType(Seq(StructField("stringType", StringType, nullable = false))) } } class FakeSourceThree extends RelationProvider with DataSourceRegister { def shortName(): String = "gathering quorum" override def createRelation(cont: SQLContext, param: Map[String, String]): BaseRelation = new BaseRelation { override def sqlContext: SQLContext = cont override def schema: StructType = StructType(Seq(StructField("stringType", StringType, nullable = false))) } }
Example 65
Source File: CarbonMetastoreTypes.scala From carbondata with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.util import scala.util.parsing.combinator.RegexParsers import org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException import org.apache.spark.sql.types._ object CarbonMetastoreTypes extends RegexParsers { protected lazy val primitiveType: Parser[DataType] = "string" ^^^ StringType | "varchar" ^^^ StringType | "float" ^^^ FloatType | "int" ^^^ IntegerType | "tinyint" ^^^ ShortType | "short" ^^^ ShortType | "double" ^^^ DoubleType | "long" ^^^ LongType | "binary" ^^^ BinaryType | "boolean" ^^^ BooleanType | fixedDecimalType | "decimal" ^^^ "decimal" ^^^ DecimalType(10, 0) | "varchar\\((\\d+)\\)".r ^^^ StringType | "date" ^^^ DateType | "timestamp" ^^^ TimestampType protected lazy val fixedDecimalType: Parser[DataType] = "decimal" ~> "(" ~> "^[1-9]\\d*".r ~ ("," ~> "^[0-9]\\d*".r <~ ")") ^^ { case precision ~ scale => DecimalType(precision.toInt, scale.toInt) } protected lazy val arrayType: Parser[DataType] = "array" ~> "<" ~> dataType <~ ">" ^^ { case tpe => ArrayType(tpe) } protected lazy val mapType: Parser[DataType] = "map" ~> "<" ~> dataType ~ "," ~ dataType <~ ">" ^^ { case t1 ~ _ ~ t2 => MapType(t1, t2) } protected lazy val structField: Parser[StructField] = "[a-zA-Z0-9_]*".r ~ ":" ~ dataType ^^ { case name ~ _ ~ tpe => StructField(name, tpe, nullable = true) } protected lazy val structType: Parser[DataType] = "struct" ~> "<" ~> repsep(structField, ",") <~ ">" ^^ { case fields => StructType(fields) } protected lazy val dataType: Parser[DataType] = arrayType | mapType | structType | primitiveType def toDataType(metastoreType: String): DataType = { parseAll(dataType, metastoreType) match { case Success(result, _) => result case _: NoSuccess => throw new AnalysisException(s"Unsupported dataType: $metastoreType") } } def toMetastoreType(dt: DataType): String = { dt match { case ArrayType(elementType, _) => s"array<${ toMetastoreType(elementType) }>" case StructType(fields) => s"struct<${ => s"${ }:${ toMetastoreType(f.dataType) }") .mkString(",") }>" case MapType(keyType, valueType, _) => s"map<${ toMetastoreType(keyType) }, ${ toMetastoreType(valueType) }>" case StringType => "string" case FloatType => "float" case IntegerType => "int" case ShortType => "tinyint" case DoubleType => "double" case LongType => "bigint" case BinaryType => "binary" case BooleanType => "boolean" case DecimalType() => "decimal" case TimestampType => "timestamp" case DateType => "date" } } }
Example 66
Source File: AlterTableRevertTestCase.scala From carbondata with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.carbondata.restructure import import org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException import org.apache.spark.sql.test.TestQueryExecutor import org.apache.spark.sql.test.util.QueryTest import org.scalatest.BeforeAndAfterAll import org.apache.carbondata.core.metadata.CarbonMetadata import org.apache.carbondata.spark.exception.ProcessMetaDataException class AlterTableRevertTestCase extends QueryTest with BeforeAndAfterAll { override def beforeAll() { sql("drop table if exists reverttest") sql( "CREATE TABLE reverttest(intField int,stringField string,timestampField timestamp," + "decimalField decimal(6,2)) STORED AS carbondata") sql(s"LOAD DATA LOCAL INPATH '$resourcesPath/restructure/data4.csv' INTO TABLE reverttest " + s"options('FILEHEADER'='intField,stringField,timestampField,decimalField')") } test("test to revert new added columns on failure") { intercept[ProcessMetaDataException] { hiveClient.runSqlHive("set") sql( "Alter table reverttest add columns(newField string) TBLPROPERTIES" + "('DEFAULT.VALUE.newField'='def')") hiveClient.runSqlHive("set") intercept[AnalysisException] { sql("select newField from reverttest") } } } test("test to revert table name on failure") { val exception = intercept[ProcessMetaDataException] { new File(TestQueryExecutor.warehouse + "/reverttest_fail").mkdir() sql("alter table reverttest rename to reverttest_fail") new File(TestQueryExecutor.warehouse + "/reverttest_fail").delete() } val result = sql("select * from reverttest").count() assert(result.equals(1L)) sql("drop table if exists reverttest_fail") } test("test to revert drop columns on failure") { intercept[ProcessMetaDataException] { hiveClient.runSqlHive("set") sql("Alter table reverttest drop columns(decimalField)") hiveClient.runSqlHive("set") } assert(sql("select decimalField from reverttest").count().equals(1L)) } test("test to revert changed datatype on failure") { intercept[ProcessMetaDataException] { hiveClient.runSqlHive("set") sql("Alter table reverttest change intField intfield bigint") hiveClient.runSqlHive("set") } assert( sql("select intfield from reverttest").schema.fields.apply(0).dataType.simpleString == "int") } test("test to check if dictionary files are deleted for new column if query fails") { intercept[ProcessMetaDataException] { hiveClient.runSqlHive("set") sql( "Alter table reverttest add columns(newField string) TBLPROPERTIES" + "('DEFAULT.VALUE.newField'='def')") hiveClient.runSqlHive("set") intercept[AnalysisException] { sql("select newField from reverttest") } val carbonTable = CarbonMetadata.getInstance.getCarbonTable("default", "reverttest") assert(new File(carbonTable.getMetadataPath).listFiles().length < 6) } } override def afterAll() { hiveClient.runSqlHive("set") sql("drop table if exists reverttest") sql("drop table if exists reverttest_fail") } }
Example 67
Source File: CarbonTableSchemaCommonSuite.scala From carbondata with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.execution.command import org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException import org.apache.spark.sql.test.util.QueryTest import org.junit.Assert import org.scalatest.BeforeAndAfterAll import org.apache.carbondata.spark.exception.ProcessMetaDataException class CarbonTableSchemaCommonSuite extends QueryTest with BeforeAndAfterAll { test("Creating table: Duplicate dimensions found with name, it should throw AnalysisException") { sql("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS carbon_table") try { sql( s""" | CREATE TABLE carbon_table( | BB INT, bb char(10) | ) | STORED AS carbondata """.stripMargin) Assert.assertTrue(false) } catch { case _: AnalysisException => Assert.assertTrue(true) case _: Exception => Assert.assertTrue(false) } finally { sql("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS carbon_table") } } test("Altering table: Duplicate column found with name, it should throw RuntimeException") { sql("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS carbon_table") sql( s""" | CREATE TABLE if not exists carbon_table( | BB INT, cc char(10) | ) | STORED AS carbondata """.stripMargin) val ex = intercept[ProcessMetaDataException] { sql( s""" | alter TABLE carbon_table add columns( | bb char(10) ) """.stripMargin) } sql("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS carbon_table") } }
Example 68
Source File: MVExceptionTestCase.scala From carbondata with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.carbondata.view.rewrite import org.apache.carbondata.common.exceptions.sql.{MalformedCarbonCommandException, MalformedMVCommandException} import org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException import org.apache.spark.sql.test.util.QueryTest import org.scalatest.BeforeAndAfterAll class MVExceptionTestCase extends QueryTest with BeforeAndAfterAll { override def beforeAll: Unit = { drop() sql("create table main_table (name string,age int,height int) STORED AS carbondata") } test("test mv no base table") { val ex = intercept[AnalysisException] { sql("create materialized view main_table_mv as select sum(age),name from main_table_error group by name") } assert(ex.getMessage().contains("Table or view not found: main_table_error")) } test("test mv reduplicate mv table") { val ex = intercept[MalformedMVCommandException] { sql("create materialized view main_table_mv1 as select sum(age),name from main_table group by name") sql("create materialized view main_table_mv1 as select sum(age),name from main_table group by name") } assertResult("Materialized view with name default.main_table_mv1 already exists")(ex.getMessage) } test("test mv creation with limit in query") { val ex = intercept[MalformedCarbonCommandException] { sql("create materialized view maintable_mv2 as select sum(age),name from main_table group by name limit 10") } assertResult("Materialized view does not support the query with limit")(ex.getMessage) } def drop(): Unit = { sql("drop table IF EXISTS main_table") sql("drop table if exists main_table_error") sql("drop materialized view if exists main_table_mv") sql("drop materialized view if exists main_table_mv1") } override def afterAll(): Unit = { drop() } }
Example 69
Source File: TestDataWithDicExcludeAndInclude.scala From carbondata with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.carbondata.spark.testsuite.dataload import org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException import org.scalatest.BeforeAndAfterAll import org.apache.carbondata.core.constants.CarbonCommonConstants import org.apache.carbondata.core.util.CarbonProperties import org.apache.spark.sql.test.util.QueryTest class TestLoadDataWithDictionaryExcludeAndInclude extends QueryTest with BeforeAndAfterAll { var filePath: String = _ var pwd: String = _ def buildTestData() = { filePath = s"$resourcesPath/emptyDimensionData.csv" } def dropTable() = { sql("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS exclude_include_t3") sql("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS exclude_include_hive_t3") } def buildTable() = { try { sql( """ CREATE TABLE exclude_include_hive_t3 (ID Int, date Timestamp, country String, name String, phonetype String, serialname String, salary Int) row format delimited fields terminated by ',' """) sql( """ CREATE TABLE exclude_include_t3 (ID Int, date Timestamp, country String, name String, phonetype String, serialname String, salary Int) STORED AS carbondata """) } catch { case ex: Throwable => LOGGER.error(ex.getMessage + "\r\n" + ex.getStackTraceString) } } def loadTable() = { try { CarbonProperties.getInstance() .addProperty(CarbonCommonConstants.CARBON_TIMESTAMP_FORMAT, "yyyy/MM/dd") sql( s""" LOAD DATA LOCAL INPATH '$filePath' into table exclude_include_t3 """) sql( s""" LOAD DATA LOCAL INPATH '$resourcesPath/emptyDimensionDataHive.csv' into table exclude_include_hive_t3 """) } catch { case ex: Throwable => LOGGER.error(ex.getMessage + "\r\n" + ex.getStackTraceString) } } override def beforeAll { dropTable buildTestData buildTable loadTable } test("test load data with dictionary exclude & include and with empty dimension") { checkAnswer( sql("select ID from exclude_include_t3"), sql("select ID from exclude_include_hive_t3") ) } override def afterAll { CarbonProperties.getInstance() .addProperty(CarbonCommonConstants.CARBON_TIMESTAMP_FORMAT, CarbonCommonConstants.CARBON_TIMESTAMP_DEFAULT_FORMAT) dropTable } }
Example 70
Source File: TestCreateTableIfNotExists.scala From carbondata with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.carbondata.spark.testsuite.createTable import java.util.concurrent.{Callable, Executors, ExecutorService, Future, TimeUnit} import org.apache.spark.sql.test.util.QueryTest import org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException import org.scalatest.BeforeAndAfterAll class TestCreateTableIfNotExists extends QueryTest with BeforeAndAfterAll { override def beforeAll { sql("use default") sql("drop table if exists test") sql("drop table if exists sourceTable") sql("drop table if exists targetTable") } test("test create table if not exists") { sql("create table test(a int, b string) STORED AS carbondata") try { // table creation should be successful sql("create table if not exists test(a int, b string) STORED AS carbondata") assert(true) } catch { case ex: Exception => assert(false) } } test("test create table if not exist concurrently") { val executorService: ExecutorService = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(10) var futures: List[Future[_]] = List() for (i <- 0 until (3)) { futures = futures :+ runAsync() } executorService.shutdown() executorService.awaitTermination(30L, TimeUnit.SECONDS) futures.foreach { future => assertResult("PASS")(future.get.toString) } def runAsync(): Future[String] = { executorService.submit(new Callable[String] { override def call() = { // Create table var result = "PASS" try { sql("create table IF NOT EXISTS TestIfExists(name string) STORED AS carbondata") } catch { case exception: Exception => result = exception.getMessage exception.printStackTrace() } result } }) } } test("test create table without column specified") { val exception = intercept[AnalysisException] { sql("create table TableWithoutColumn STORED AS carbondata tblproperties('sort_columns'='')") } assert(exception.getMessage.contains("Unable to infer the schema")) } override def afterAll { sql("use default") sql("drop table if exists test") sql("drop table if exists sourceTable") sql("drop table if exists targetTable") sql("drop table if exists TestIfExists") } }
Example 71
Source File: TestCarbonCli.scala From carbondata with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.carbondata.spark.testsuite import org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException import org.apache.spark.sql.test.util.QueryTest import org.scalatest.BeforeAndAfterAll class TestCarbonCli extends QueryTest with BeforeAndAfterAll{ override protected def beforeAll(): Unit = { sql("drop table if exists OneRowTable") sql("create table OneRowTable(col1 string, col2 string, col3 int, col4 double) STORED AS carbondata") sql("insert into OneRowTable select '0.1', 'a.b', 1, 1.2") } test("CarbonCli table summary") { checkExistence( sql("carboncli for table OneRowTable options('-cmd summary -a')"), true, "## Summary") checkExistence( sql("carboncli for table OneRowTable options('-cmd summary -v')"), true, "## version Details") checkExistence( sql("carboncli for table OneRowTable options('-cmd summary -s')"), true, "## Schema") checkExistence( sql("carboncli for table OneRowTable options('-cmd summary -t')"), true, "## Table Properties") checkExistence( sql("carboncli for table OneRowTable options('-cmd summary -m')"), true, "## Segment") } test("CarbonCli column details") { checkExistence( sql("carboncli for table OneRowTable options('-cmd summary -c col1')"), true, "## Column Statistics for 'col1'") } test("CarbonCli benchmark") { checkExistence( sql("carboncli for table OneRowTable options('-cmd benchmark -c col1')"), true, "## Benchmark") } test("CarbonCli invalid cmd"){ assert(intercept[AnalysisException] { sql("carboncli for table OneRowTable").show() }.getMessage().contains("mismatched input 'carboncli'")) assert(intercept[Exception] { sql("carboncli for table OneRowTable options('')") }.getMessage().contains("Missing required option: cmd")) checkExistence(sql("carboncli for table OneRowTable options('-cmd test')"), true, "command test is not supported") } override protected def afterAll(): Unit = { sql("drop table if exists OneRowTable") } }
Example 72
Source File: HiveDeltaDDLSuite.scala From delta with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import import org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException import org.apache.spark.sql.hive.test.TestHiveSingleton abstract class HiveDeltaDDLSuiteBase extends DeltaDDLTestBase { override protected def verifyDescribeTable(tblName: String): Unit = { val res = sql(s"DESCRIBE TABLE $tblName").collect() assert(res.takeRight(2).map(_.getString(1)) === Seq("name", "dept")) } override protected def verifyNullabilityFailure(exception: AnalysisException): Unit = { exception.getMessage.contains("not supported for changing column") } } class HiveDeltaDDLSuite extends HiveDeltaDDLSuiteBase with DeltaHiveTest
Example 73
Source File: PlanUtil.scala From spark-druid-olap with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.util import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans.logical._ import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.LogicalRelation import org.apache.spark.sql.hive.sparklinedata.SPLSessionState import org.apache.spark.sql.{AnalysisException, DataFrame, Dataset, SQLContext} import org.json4s._ import org.json4s.jackson.JsonMethods._ import org.sparklinedata.druid.metadata.DruidRelationInfo import org.sparklinedata.druid.{DruidQuery, DruidRelation, QuerySpec, Utils} object PlanUtil { import Utils._ def druidRelationInfo(tableName: String)(implicit sqlContext: SQLContext): Option[DruidRelationInfo] = { sqlContext.table(tableName).logicalPlan.collectFirst { case LogicalRelation(DruidRelation(drInfo, _), _, _) => drInfo } } def dataFrame(drInfo: DruidRelationInfo, dq: DruidQuery)( implicit sqlContext: SQLContext): DataFrame = { val dR = DruidRelation(drInfo, Some(dq))(sqlContext) val lP = LogicalRelation(dR, None) Dataset.ofRows(sqlContext.sparkSession, lP) } @throws(classOf[AnalysisException]) def logicalPlan(dsName: String, dqStr: String, usingHist: Boolean)( implicit sqlContext: SQLContext): LogicalPlan = { val drInfo = druidRelationInfo(dsName) if (!drInfo.isDefined) { throw new AnalysisException(s"Cannot execute a DruidQuery on $dsName") } val dq = new DruidQuery(parse(dqStr).extract[QuerySpec], drInfo.get.options.useSmile(sqlContext), usingHist, drInfo.get.options.numSegmentsPerHistoricalQuery(sqlContext)) val dR = DruidRelation(drInfo.get, Some(dq))(sqlContext) LogicalRelation(dR, None) } def maxCardinalityIsOne(lp: LogicalPlan): Boolean = { var isone = false val aggs = lp.collect {case ag: Aggregate if ag.groupingExpressions.isEmpty => ag} if (aggs.nonEmpty) { isone = !isCardinalityAugmented(lp, aggs.asInstanceOf[Seq[LogicalPlan]]) } isone } }
Example 74
Source File: CreateHiveTableAsSelectCommand.scala From multi-tenancy-spark with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.hive.execution import scala.util.control.NonFatal import org.apache.spark.sql.{AnalysisException, Dataset, Row, SparkSession} import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.catalog.CatalogTable import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans.logical.{InsertIntoTable, LogicalPlan, OverwriteOptions} import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.command.RunnableCommand import org.apache.spark.sql.hive.MetastoreRelation case class CreateHiveTableAsSelectCommand( tableDesc: CatalogTable, query: LogicalPlan, ignoreIfExists: Boolean) extends RunnableCommand { private val tableIdentifier = tableDesc.identifier override def innerChildren: Seq[LogicalPlan] = Seq(query) override def run(sparkSession: SparkSession): Seq[Row] = { lazy val metastoreRelation: MetastoreRelation = { import import org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.`lazy`.LazySimpleSerDe import import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.TextInputFormat val withFormat = tableDesc.withNewStorage( inputFormat =[TextInputFormat].getName)), outputFormat = .orElse(Some(classOf[HiveIgnoreKeyTextOutputFormat[Text, Text]].getName)), serde =[LazySimpleSerDe].getName)), compressed = val withSchema = if (withFormat.schema.isEmpty) { // Hive doesn't support specifying the column list for target table in CTAS // However we don't think SparkSQL should follow that. tableDesc.copy(schema = query.output.toStructType) } else { withFormat } sparkSession.sessionState.catalog.createTable(withSchema, ignoreIfExists = false) // Get the Metastore Relation sparkSession.sessionState.catalog.lookupRelation(tableIdentifier) match { case r: MetastoreRelation => r } } // TODO ideally, we should get the output data ready first and then // add the relation into catalog, just in case of failure occurs while data // processing. if (sparkSession.sessionState.catalog.tableExists(tableIdentifier)) { if (ignoreIfExists) { // table already exists, will do nothing, to keep consistent with Hive } else { throw new AnalysisException(s"$tableIdentifier already exists.") } } else { try { sparkSession.sessionState.executePlan(InsertIntoTable( metastoreRelation, Map(), query, overwrite = OverwriteOptions(true), ifNotExists = false)).toRdd } catch { case NonFatal(e) => // drop the created table. sparkSession.sessionState.catalog.dropTable(tableIdentifier, ignoreIfNotExists = true, purge = false) throw e } } Seq.empty[Row] } override def argString: String = { s"[Database:${tableDesc.database}}, " + s"TableName: ${tableDesc.identifier.table}, " + s"InsertIntoHiveTable]" } }
Example 75
Source File: SparkSQLDriver.scala From multi-tenancy-spark with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.hive.thriftserver import java.util.{Arrays, ArrayList => JArrayList, List => JList} import scala.collection.JavaConverters._ import org.apache.commons.lang3.exception.ExceptionUtils import org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.{FieldSchema, Schema} import org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.Driver import org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.processors.CommandProcessorResponse import org.apache.spark.internal.Logging import org.apache.spark.sql.{AnalysisException, SQLContext, SparkSession} import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.QueryExecution private[hive] class SparkSQLDriver(val sparkSession: SparkSession = SparkSQLEnv.sparkSession) extends Driver with Logging { private[hive] var tableSchema: Schema = _ private[hive] var hiveResponse: Seq[String] = _ override def init(): Unit = { } private def getResultSetSchema(query: QueryExecution): Schema = { val analyzed = query.analyzed logDebug(s"Result Schema: ${analyzed.output}") if (analyzed.output.isEmpty) { new Schema(Arrays.asList(new FieldSchema("Response code", "string", "")), null) } else { val fieldSchemas = { attr => new FieldSchema(, attr.dataType.catalogString, "") } new Schema(fieldSchemas.asJava, null) } } override def run(command: String): CommandProcessorResponse = { // TODO unify the error code try { sparkSession.sparkContext.setJobDescription(command) val execution = sparkSession.sessionState.executePlan(sparkSession.sql(command).logicalPlan) hiveResponse = execution.hiveResultString() tableSchema = getResultSetSchema(execution) new CommandProcessorResponse(0) } catch { case ae: AnalysisException => logDebug(s"Failed in [$command]", ae) new CommandProcessorResponse(1, ExceptionUtils.getStackTrace(ae), null, ae) case cause: Throwable => logError(s"Failed in [$command]", cause) new CommandProcessorResponse(1, ExceptionUtils.getStackTrace(cause), null, cause) } } override def close(): Int = { hiveResponse = null tableSchema = null 0 } override def getResults(res: JList[_]): Boolean = { if (hiveResponse == null) { false } else { res.asInstanceOf[JArrayList[String]].addAll(hiveResponse.asJava) hiveResponse = null true } } override def getSchema: Schema = tableSchema override def destroy() { super.destroy() hiveResponse = null tableSchema = null } }
Example 76
Source File: AnalysisTest.scala From multi-tenancy-spark with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.analysis import org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.SimpleCatalystConf import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.catalog.{InMemoryCatalog, SessionCatalog} import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans.PlanTest import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans.logical._ trait AnalysisTest extends PlanTest { protected val caseSensitiveAnalyzer = makeAnalyzer(caseSensitive = true) protected val caseInsensitiveAnalyzer = makeAnalyzer(caseSensitive = false) private def makeAnalyzer(caseSensitive: Boolean): Analyzer = { val conf = new SimpleCatalystConf(caseSensitive) val catalog = new SessionCatalog(new InMemoryCatalog, EmptyFunctionRegistry, conf) catalog.createTempView("TaBlE", TestRelations.testRelation, overrideIfExists = true) new Analyzer(catalog, conf) { override val extendedResolutionRules = EliminateSubqueryAliases :: Nil } } protected def getAnalyzer(caseSensitive: Boolean) = { if (caseSensitive) caseSensitiveAnalyzer else caseInsensitiveAnalyzer } protected def checkAnalysis( inputPlan: LogicalPlan, expectedPlan: LogicalPlan, caseSensitive: Boolean = true): Unit = { val analyzer = getAnalyzer(caseSensitive) val actualPlan = analyzer.execute(inputPlan) analyzer.checkAnalysis(actualPlan) comparePlans(actualPlan, expectedPlan) } protected def assertAnalysisSuccess( inputPlan: LogicalPlan, caseSensitive: Boolean = true): Unit = { val analyzer = getAnalyzer(caseSensitive) val analysisAttempt = analyzer.execute(inputPlan) try analyzer.checkAnalysis(analysisAttempt) catch { case a: AnalysisException => fail( s""" |Failed to Analyze Plan |$inputPlan | |Partial Analysis |$analysisAttempt """.stripMargin, a) } } protected def assertAnalysisError( inputPlan: LogicalPlan, expectedErrors: Seq[String], caseSensitive: Boolean = true): Unit = { val analyzer = getAnalyzer(caseSensitive) val e = intercept[AnalysisException] { analyzer.checkAnalysis(analyzer.execute(inputPlan)) } if (! { fail( s"""Exception message should contain the following substrings: | | ${expectedErrors.mkString("\n ")} | |Actual exception message: | | ${e.getMessage} """.stripMargin) } } }
Example 77
Source File: ResolveInlineTablesSuite.scala From multi-tenancy-spark with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.analysis import org.scalatest.BeforeAndAfter import org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.{Literal, Rand} import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.aggregate.Count import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans.PlanTest import org.apache.spark.sql.types.{LongType, NullType} class ResolveInlineTablesSuite extends PlanTest with BeforeAndAfter { private def lit(v: Any): Literal = Literal(v) test("validate inputs are foldable") { ResolveInlineTables.validateInputEvaluable( UnresolvedInlineTable(Seq("c1", "c2"), Seq(Seq(lit(1))))) // nondeterministic (rand) should not work intercept[AnalysisException] { ResolveInlineTables.validateInputEvaluable( UnresolvedInlineTable(Seq("c1"), Seq(Seq(Rand(1))))) } // aggregate should not work intercept[AnalysisException] { ResolveInlineTables.validateInputEvaluable( UnresolvedInlineTable(Seq("c1"), Seq(Seq(Count(lit(1)))))) } // unresolved attribute should not work intercept[AnalysisException] { ResolveInlineTables.validateInputEvaluable( UnresolvedInlineTable(Seq("c1"), Seq(Seq(UnresolvedAttribute("A"))))) } } test("validate input dimensions") { ResolveInlineTables.validateInputDimension( UnresolvedInlineTable(Seq("c1"), Seq(Seq(lit(1)), Seq(lit(2))))) // num alias != data dimension intercept[AnalysisException] { ResolveInlineTables.validateInputDimension( UnresolvedInlineTable(Seq("c1", "c2"), Seq(Seq(lit(1)), Seq(lit(2))))) } // num alias == data dimension, but data themselves are inconsistent intercept[AnalysisException] { ResolveInlineTables.validateInputDimension( UnresolvedInlineTable(Seq("c1"), Seq(Seq(lit(1)), Seq(lit(21), lit(22))))) } } test("do not fire the rule if not all expressions are resolved") { val table = UnresolvedInlineTable(Seq("c1", "c2"), Seq(Seq(UnresolvedAttribute("A")))) assert(ResolveInlineTables(table) == table) } test("convert") { val table = UnresolvedInlineTable(Seq("c1"), Seq(Seq(lit(1)), Seq(lit(2L)))) val converted = ResolveInlineTables.convert(table) assert( == Seq(LongType)) assert( == 2) assert( == 1L) assert( == 2L) } test("nullability inference in convert") { val table1 = UnresolvedInlineTable(Seq("c1"), Seq(Seq(lit(1)), Seq(lit(2L)))) val converted1 = ResolveInlineTables.convert(table1) assert(!converted1.schema.fields(0).nullable) val table2 = UnresolvedInlineTable(Seq("c1"), Seq(Seq(lit(1)), Seq(Literal(null, NullType)))) val converted2 = ResolveInlineTables.convert(table2) assert(converted2.schema.fields(0).nullable) } }
Example 78
Source File: ResolveSubquerySuite.scala From multi-tenancy-spark with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.analysis import org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.dsl.expressions._ import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.{In, ListQuery, OuterReference} import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans.logical.{Filter, LocalRelation, Project} class ResolveSubquerySuite extends AnalysisTest { val a = ' val b = ' val t1 = LocalRelation(a) val t2 = LocalRelation(b) test("SPARK-17251 Improve `OuterReference` to be `NamedExpression`") { val expr = Filter(In(a, Seq(ListQuery(Project(Seq(OuterReference(a)), t2)))), t1) val m = intercept[AnalysisException] { SimpleAnalyzer.ResolveSubquery(expr) }.getMessage assert(m.contains( "Expressions referencing the outer query are not supported outside of WHERE/HAVING clauses")) } }
Example 79
Source File: JdbcRelationProvider.scala From multi-tenancy-spark with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.jdbc import org.apache.spark.sql.{AnalysisException, DataFrame, SaveMode, SQLContext} import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.jdbc.JdbcUtils._ import org.apache.spark.sql.sources.{BaseRelation, CreatableRelationProvider, DataSourceRegister, RelationProvider} class JdbcRelationProvider extends CreatableRelationProvider with RelationProvider with DataSourceRegister { override def shortName(): String = "jdbc" override def createRelation( sqlContext: SQLContext, parameters: Map[String, String]): BaseRelation = { val jdbcOptions = new JDBCOptions(parameters) val partitionColumn = jdbcOptions.partitionColumn val lowerBound = jdbcOptions.lowerBound val upperBound = jdbcOptions.upperBound val numPartitions = jdbcOptions.numPartitions val partitionInfo = if (partitionColumn == null) { null } else { JDBCPartitioningInfo( partitionColumn, lowerBound.toLong, upperBound.toLong, numPartitions.toInt) } val parts = JDBCRelation.columnPartition(partitionInfo) JDBCRelation(parts, jdbcOptions)(sqlContext.sparkSession) } override def createRelation( sqlContext: SQLContext, mode: SaveMode, parameters: Map[String, String], df: DataFrame): BaseRelation = { val jdbcOptions = new JDBCOptions(parameters) val url = jdbcOptions.url val table = jdbcOptions.table val createTableOptions = jdbcOptions.createTableOptions val isTruncate = jdbcOptions.isTruncate val conn = JdbcUtils.createConnectionFactory(jdbcOptions)() try { val tableExists = JdbcUtils.tableExists(conn, url, table) if (tableExists) { mode match { case SaveMode.Overwrite => if (isTruncate && isCascadingTruncateTable(url) == Some(false)) { // In this case, we should truncate table and then load. truncateTable(conn, table) saveTable(df, url, table, jdbcOptions) } else { // Otherwise, do not truncate the table, instead drop and recreate it dropTable(conn, table) createTable(df.schema, url, table, createTableOptions, conn) saveTable(df, url, table, jdbcOptions) } case SaveMode.Append => saveTable(df, url, table, jdbcOptions) case SaveMode.ErrorIfExists => throw new AnalysisException( s"Table or view '$table' already exists. SaveMode: ErrorIfExists.") case SaveMode.Ignore => // With `SaveMode.Ignore` mode, if table already exists, the save operation is expected // to not save the contents of the DataFrame and to not change the existing data. // Therefore, it is okay to do nothing here and then just return the relation below. } } else { createTable(df.schema, url, table, createTableOptions, conn) saveTable(df, url, table, jdbcOptions) } } finally { conn.close() } createRelation(sqlContext, parameters) } }
Example 80
Source File: QueryExecutionSuite.scala From multi-tenancy-spark with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.execution import org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans.logical.{LogicalPlan, OneRowRelation} import org.apache.spark.sql.test.SharedSQLContext class QueryExecutionSuite extends SharedSQLContext { test("toString() exception/error handling") { val badRule = new SparkStrategy { var mode: String = "" override def apply(plan: LogicalPlan): Seq[SparkPlan] = mode.toLowerCase match { case "exception" => throw new AnalysisException(mode) case "error" => throw new Error(mode) case _ => Nil } } spark.experimental.extraStrategies = badRule :: Nil def qe: QueryExecution = new QueryExecution(spark, OneRowRelation) // Nothing! badRule.mode = "" assert(qe.toString.contains("OneRowRelation")) // Throw an AnalysisException - this should be captured. badRule.mode = "exception" assert(qe.toString.contains("org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException")) // Throw an Error - this should not be captured. badRule.mode = "error" val error = intercept[Error](qe.toString) assert(error.getMessage.contains("error")) } }
Example 81
Source File: VariableSubstitutionSuite.scala From multi-tenancy-spark with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.internal import org.apache.spark.SparkFunSuite import org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException class VariableSubstitutionSuite extends SparkFunSuite { private lazy val conf = new SQLConf private lazy val sub = new VariableSubstitution(conf) test("system property") { System.setProperty("varSubSuite.var", "abcd") assert(sub.substitute("${system:varSubSuite.var}") == "abcd") } test("environmental variables") { assert(sub.substitute("${env:SPARK_TESTING}") == "1") } test("Spark configuration variable") { conf.setConfString("some-random-string-abcd", "1234abcd") assert(sub.substitute("${hiveconf:some-random-string-abcd}") == "1234abcd") assert(sub.substitute("${sparkconf:some-random-string-abcd}") == "1234abcd") assert(sub.substitute("${spark:some-random-string-abcd}") == "1234abcd") assert(sub.substitute("${some-random-string-abcd}") == "1234abcd") } test("multiple substitutes") { val q = "select ${bar} ${foo} ${doo} this is great" conf.setConfString("bar", "1") conf.setConfString("foo", "2") conf.setConfString("doo", "3") assert(sub.substitute(q) == "select 1 2 3 this is great") } test("test nested substitutes") { val q = "select ${bar} ${foo} this is great" conf.setConfString("bar", "1") conf.setConfString("foo", "${bar}") assert(sub.substitute(q) == "select 1 1 this is great") } }
Example 82
Source File: ResolvedDataSourceSuite.scala From multi-tenancy-spark with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.sources import org.apache.spark.SparkFunSuite import org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.DataSource class ResolvedDataSourceSuite extends SparkFunSuite { private def getProvidingClass(name: String): Class[_] = DataSource(sparkSession = null, className = name).providingClass test("jdbc") { assert( getProvidingClass("jdbc") === classOf[org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.jdbc.JdbcRelationProvider]) assert( getProvidingClass("org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.jdbc") === classOf[org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.jdbc.JdbcRelationProvider]) assert( getProvidingClass("org.apache.spark.sql.jdbc") === classOf[org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.jdbc.JdbcRelationProvider]) } test("json") { assert( getProvidingClass("json") === classOf[org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.json.JsonFileFormat]) assert( getProvidingClass("org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.json") === classOf[org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.json.JsonFileFormat]) assert( getProvidingClass("org.apache.spark.sql.json") === classOf[org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.json.JsonFileFormat]) } test("parquet") { assert( getProvidingClass("parquet") === classOf[org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.parquet.ParquetFileFormat]) assert( getProvidingClass("org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.parquet") === classOf[org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.parquet.ParquetFileFormat]) assert( getProvidingClass("org.apache.spark.sql.parquet") === classOf[org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.parquet.ParquetFileFormat]) } test("csv") { assert( getProvidingClass("csv") === classOf[org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.csv.CSVFileFormat]) assert( getProvidingClass("com.databricks.spark.csv") === classOf[org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.csv.CSVFileFormat]) } test("error message for unknown data sources") { val error1 = intercept[AnalysisException] { getProvidingClass("avro") } assert(error1.getMessage.contains("Failed to find data source: avro.")) val error2 = intercept[AnalysisException] { getProvidingClass("com.databricks.spark.avro") } assert(error2.getMessage.contains("Failed to find data source: com.databricks.spark.avro.")) val error3 = intercept[ClassNotFoundException] { getProvidingClass("asfdwefasdfasdf") } assert(error3.getMessage.contains("Failed to find data source: asfdwefasdfasdf.")) } }
Example 83
Source File: DDLSourceLoadSuite.scala From multi-tenancy-spark with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.sources import org.apache.spark.sql.{AnalysisException, SQLContext} import org.apache.spark.sql.test.SharedSQLContext import org.apache.spark.sql.types.{StringType, StructField, StructType} // please note that the META-INF/services had to be modified for the test directory for this to work class DDLSourceLoadSuite extends DataSourceTest with SharedSQLContext { test("data sources with the same name") { intercept[RuntimeException] {"Fluet da Bomb").load() } } test("load data source from format alias") {"gathering quorum").load().schema == StructType(Seq(StructField("stringType", StringType, nullable = false))) } test("specify full classname with duplicate formats") {"org.apache.spark.sql.sources.FakeSourceOne") .load().schema == StructType(Seq(StructField("stringType", StringType, nullable = false))) } test("should fail to load ORC without Hive Support") { val e = intercept[AnalysisException] {"orc").load() } assert(e.message.contains("The ORC data source must be used with Hive support enabled")) } } class FakeSourceOne extends RelationProvider with DataSourceRegister { def shortName(): String = "Fluet da Bomb" override def createRelation(cont: SQLContext, param: Map[String, String]): BaseRelation = new BaseRelation { override def sqlContext: SQLContext = cont override def schema: StructType = StructType(Seq(StructField("stringType", StringType, nullable = false))) } } class FakeSourceTwo extends RelationProvider with DataSourceRegister { def shortName(): String = "Fluet da Bomb" override def createRelation(cont: SQLContext, param: Map[String, String]): BaseRelation = new BaseRelation { override def sqlContext: SQLContext = cont override def schema: StructType = StructType(Seq(StructField("stringType", StringType, nullable = false))) } } class FakeSourceThree extends RelationProvider with DataSourceRegister { def shortName(): String = "gathering quorum" override def createRelation(cont: SQLContext, param: Map[String, String]): BaseRelation = new BaseRelation { override def sqlContext: SQLContext = cont override def schema: StructType = StructType(Seq(StructField("stringType", StringType, nullable = false))) } }
Example 84
Source File: OrcFileOperator.scala From iolap with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.hive.orc import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path import{OrcFile, Reader} import org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.objectinspector.StructObjectInspector import org.apache.spark.Logging import org.apache.spark.deploy.SparkHadoopUtil import org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException import org.apache.spark.sql.hive.HiveMetastoreTypes import org.apache.spark.sql.types.StructType private[orc] object OrcFileOperator extends Logging { def getFileReader(basePath: String, config: Option[Configuration] = None): Option[Reader] = { def isWithNonEmptySchema(path: Path, reader: Reader): Boolean = { reader.getObjectInspector match { case oi: StructObjectInspector if oi.getAllStructFieldRefs.size() == 0 => logInfo( s"ORC file $path has empty schema, it probably contains no rows. " + "Trying to read another ORC file to figure out the schema.") false case _ => true } } val conf = config.getOrElse(new Configuration) val fs = { val hdfsPath = new Path(basePath) hdfsPath.getFileSystem(conf) } listOrcFiles(basePath, conf) { path => path -> OrcFile.createReader(fs, path) }.collectFirst { case (path, reader) if isWithNonEmptySchema(path, reader) => reader } } def readSchema(path: String, conf: Option[Configuration]): StructType = { val reader = getFileReader(path, conf).getOrElse { throw new AnalysisException( s"Failed to discover schema from ORC files stored in $path. " + "Probably there are either no ORC files or only empty ORC files.") } val readerInspector = reader.getObjectInspector.asInstanceOf[StructObjectInspector] val schema = readerInspector.getTypeName logDebug(s"Reading schema from file $path, got Hive schema string: $schema") HiveMetastoreTypes.toDataType(schema).asInstanceOf[StructType] } def getObjectInspector( path: String, conf: Option[Configuration]): Option[StructObjectInspector] = { getFileReader(path, conf).map(_.getObjectInspector.asInstanceOf[StructObjectInspector]) } def listOrcFiles(pathStr: String, conf: Configuration): Seq[Path] = { val origPath = new Path(pathStr) val fs = origPath.getFileSystem(conf) val path = origPath.makeQualified(fs.getUri, fs.getWorkingDirectory) val paths = SparkHadoopUtil.get.listLeafStatuses(fs, origPath) .filterNot(_.isDir) .map(_.getPath) .filterNot(_.getName.startsWith("_")) .filterNot(_.getName.startsWith(".")) if (paths == null || paths.isEmpty) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( s"orcFileOperator: path $path does not have valid orc files matching the pattern") } paths } }
Example 85
Source File: CreateTableAsSelect.scala From iolap with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.hive.execution import org.apache.spark.annotation.Experimental import org.apache.spark.sql.{AnalysisException, SQLContext} import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.Row import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans.logical.{InsertIntoTable, LogicalPlan} import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.RunnableCommand import org.apache.spark.sql.hive.client.{HiveTable, HiveColumn} import org.apache.spark.sql.hive.{HiveContext, MetastoreRelation, HiveMetastoreTypes} private[hive] case class CreateTableAsSelect( tableDesc: HiveTable, query: LogicalPlan, allowExisting: Boolean) extends RunnableCommand { def database: String = tableDesc.database def tableName: String = override def run(sqlContext: SQLContext): Seq[Row] = { val hiveContext = sqlContext.asInstanceOf[HiveContext] lazy val metastoreRelation: MetastoreRelation = { import org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.`lazy`.LazySimpleSerDe import import import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.TextInputFormat val withSchema = tableDesc.copy( schema = => HiveColumn(, HiveMetastoreTypes.toMetastoreType(c.dataType), null)), inputFormat = tableDesc.inputFormat.orElse(Some(classOf[TextInputFormat].getName)), outputFormat = tableDesc.outputFormat .orElse(Some(classOf[HiveIgnoreKeyTextOutputFormat[Text, Text]].getName)), serde = tableDesc.serde.orElse(Some(classOf[LazySimpleSerDe].getName()))) hiveContext.catalog.client.createTable(withSchema) // Get the Metastore Relation hiveContext.catalog.lookupRelation(Seq(database, tableName), None) match { case r: MetastoreRelation => r } } // TODO ideally, we should get the output data ready first and then // add the relation into catalog, just in case of failure occurs while data // processing. if (hiveContext.catalog.tableExists(Seq(database, tableName))) { if (allowExisting) { // table already exists, will do nothing, to keep consistent with Hive } else { throw new AnalysisException(s"$database.$tableName already exists.") } } else { hiveContext.executePlan(InsertIntoTable(metastoreRelation, Map(), query, true, false)).toRdd } Seq.empty[Row] } override def argString: String = { s"[Database:$database, TableName: $tableName, InsertIntoHiveTable]\n" + query.toString } }
Example 86
Source File: AbstractSparkSQLDriver.scala From iolap with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.hive.thriftserver import scala.collection.JavaConversions._ import org.apache.commons.lang3.exception.ExceptionUtils import org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.{FieldSchema, Schema} import org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.Driver import org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.processors.CommandProcessorResponse import org.apache.spark.Logging import org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException import org.apache.spark.sql.hive.{HiveContext, HiveMetastoreTypes} private[hive] abstract class AbstractSparkSQLDriver( val context: HiveContext = SparkSQLEnv.hiveContext) extends Driver with Logging { private[hive] var tableSchema: Schema = _ private[hive] var hiveResponse: Seq[String] = _ override def init(): Unit = { } private def getResultSetSchema(query: context.QueryExecution): Schema = { val analyzed = query.analyzed logDebug(s"Result Schema: ${analyzed.output}") if (analyzed.output.size == 0) { new Schema(new FieldSchema("Response code", "string", "") :: Nil, null) } else { val fieldSchemas = { attr => new FieldSchema(, HiveMetastoreTypes.toMetastoreType(attr.dataType), "") } new Schema(fieldSchemas, null) } } override def run(command: String): CommandProcessorResponse = { // TODO unify the error code try { context.sparkContext.setJobDescription(command) val execution = context.executePlan(context.sql(command).logicalPlan) hiveResponse = execution.stringResult() tableSchema = getResultSetSchema(execution) new CommandProcessorResponse(0) } } def runWrapper(command: String): CommandProcessorResponseWrapper = try { val result = run(command) new CommandProcessorResponseWrapper(result, null) } catch { case ae: AnalysisException => logDebug(s"Failed in [$command]", ae) new CommandProcessorResponseWrapper(new CommandProcessorResponse(1, ExceptionUtils.getStackTrace(ae), null), ae) case cause: Throwable => logError(s"Failed in [$command]", cause) new CommandProcessorResponseWrapper(new CommandProcessorResponse(1, ExceptionUtils.getStackTrace(cause), null), cause) } override def close(): Int = { hiveResponse = null tableSchema = null 0 } override def getSchema: Schema = tableSchema override def destroy() { super.destroy() hiveResponse = null tableSchema = null } } private[hive] case class CommandProcessorResponseWrapper( rc : CommandProcessorResponse, cause : Throwable)
Example 87
Source File: SqlSchemaInferrer.scala From seahorse with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package ai.deepsense.deeplang.inference import ai.deepsense.commons.spark.sql.UserDefinedFunctions import org.apache.spark.sql.types.StructType import org.apache.spark.sql.{AnalysisException, Row} import ai.deepsense.sparkutils.SQL case class SqlInferenceWarning(sqlExpression: String, warningText: String) extends InferenceWarning(s"Schema for SQL formula '$sqlExpression' cannot be inferred ($warningText).") class SqlSchemaInferrer { def inferSchema(sqlExpression: String, inputSchemas: (String, StructType)*) : (StructType, InferenceWarnings) = { try { val localSpark = SQL.createEmptySparkSQLSession() inputSchemas.foreach { case (dataFrameId, schema) => val emptyData = localSpark.sparkContext.parallelize(Seq(Row.empty)) val emptyDf = localSpark.createDataFrame(emptyData, schema) SQL.registerTempTable(emptyDf, dataFrameId) } val resultSchema = localSpark.sql(sqlExpression).schema val warnings = if (!namesUnique(inputSchemas)) { InferenceWarnings(SqlInferenceWarning(sqlExpression, "DataFrame ids must be unique.")) } else if (resultSchema.isEmpty) { InferenceWarnings(SqlInferenceWarning(sqlExpression, "Expression must be non-empty.")) } else { InferenceWarnings.empty } (resultSchema, warnings) } catch { case e @ (_: AnalysisException | _: IllegalArgumentException) => (StructType(Seq.empty), InferenceWarnings(SqlInferenceWarning(sqlExpression, s"Invalid Spark SQL expression: ${e.getMessage}"))) } } private def namesUnique(inputSchemas: Seq[(String, StructType)]): Boolean = { val names = { case (name, _) => name} names.size == names.toSet.size } }
Example 88
Source File: CSVInOutTest.scala From TransmogrifAI with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
package import com.salesforce.op.test.TestSparkContext import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD import org.apache.spark.sql.{AnalysisException, DataFrame} import org.junit.runner.RunWith import org.scalatest.FlatSpec import org.scalatest.junit.JUnitRunner @RunWith(classOf[JUnitRunner]) class CSVInOutTest extends FlatSpec with TestSparkContext { private val csvReader = new CSVInOut(CSVOptions(header = true)) private val csvFile = s"$testDataDir/PassengerDataAllWithHeader.csv" Spec[CSVInOut] should "throw error for bad file paths with DataFrame" in { val error = intercept[AnalysisException](csvReader.readDataFrame("/bad/file/path/read/dataframe")) error.getMessage should endWith ("Path does not exist: file:/bad/file/path/read/dataframe;") } it should "throw error for bad file paths with RDD" in { val error = intercept[AnalysisException](csvReader.readRDD("/bad/file/path/read/rdd")) error.getMessage should endWith ("Path does not exist: file:/bad/file/path/read/rdd;") } it should "read a CSV file to DataFrame" in { val res = csvReader.readDataFrame(csvFile) res shouldBe a[DataFrame] res.count shouldBe 891 } it should "read a CSV file to RDD" in { val res = csvReader.readRDD(csvFile) res shouldBe a[RDD[_]] res.count shouldBe 891 } }
Example 89
Source File: SparkSQLDriver.scala From spark1.52 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.hive.thriftserver import java.util.{ArrayList => JArrayList, List => JList} import scala.collection.JavaConversions._ import org.apache.commons.lang3.exception.ExceptionUtils import org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.{FieldSchema, Schema} import org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.Driver import org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.processors.CommandProcessorResponse import org.apache.spark.Logging import org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException import org.apache.spark.sql.hive.{HiveContext, HiveMetastoreTypes} private[hive] class SparkSQLDriver( val context: HiveContext = SparkSQLEnv.hiveContext) extends Driver with Logging { private[hive] var tableSchema: Schema = _ private[hive] var hiveResponse: Seq[String] = _ override def init(): Unit = { } private def getResultSetSchema(query: context.QueryExecution): Schema = { val analyzed = query.analyzed logDebug(s"Result Schema: ${analyzed.output}") if (analyzed.output.size == 0) { new Schema(new FieldSchema("Response code", "string", "") :: Nil, null) } else { val fieldSchemas = { attr => new FieldSchema(, HiveMetastoreTypes.toMetastoreType(attr.dataType), "") } new Schema(fieldSchemas, null) } } override def run(command: String): CommandProcessorResponse = { // TODO unify the error code try { context.sparkContext.setJobDescription(command) val execution = context.executePlan(context.sql(command).logicalPlan) hiveResponse = execution.stringResult() tableSchema = getResultSetSchema(execution) new CommandProcessorResponse(0) } catch { case ae: AnalysisException => logDebug(s"Failed in [$command]", ae) new CommandProcessorResponse(1, ExceptionUtils.getStackTrace(ae), null, ae) case cause: Throwable => logError(s"Failed in [$command]", cause) new CommandProcessorResponse(1, ExceptionUtils.getStackTrace(cause), null, cause) } } override def close(): Int = { hiveResponse = null tableSchema = null 0 } override def getResults(res: JList[_]): Boolean = { if (hiveResponse == null) { false } else { res.asInstanceOf[JArrayList[String]].addAll(hiveResponse) hiveResponse = null true } } override def getSchema: Schema = tableSchema override def destroy() { super.destroy() hiveResponse = null tableSchema = null } }
Example 90
Source File: randomExpressions.scala From spark1.52 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions import org.apache.spark.TaskContext import org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.InternalRow import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.codegen.{CodeGenContext, GeneratedExpressionCode} import org.apache.spark.sql.types.{DataType, DoubleType} import org.apache.spark.util.Utils import org.apache.spark.util.random.XORShiftRandom case class Randn(seed: Long) extends RDG { override protected def evalInternal(input: InternalRow): Double = rng.nextGaussian() def this() = this(Utils.random.nextLong()) def this(seed: Expression) = this(seed match { case IntegerLiteral(s) => s case _ => throw new AnalysisException("Input argument to rand must be an integer literal.") }) override def genCode(ctx: CodeGenContext, ev: GeneratedExpressionCode): String = { val rngTerm = ctx.freshName("rng") val className = classOf[XORShiftRandom].getName ctx.addMutableState(className, rngTerm, s"$rngTerm = new $className(${seed}L + org.apache.spark.TaskContext.getPartitionId());") ev.isNull = "false" s""" final ${ctx.javaType(dataType)} ${ev.primitive} = $rngTerm.nextGaussian(); """ } }
Example 91
Source File: KafkaWriter.scala From Spark-2.3.1 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.kafka010 import java.{util => ju} import org.apache.spark.internal.Logging import org.apache.spark.sql.{AnalysisException, SparkSession} import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions._ import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.{QueryExecution, SQLExecution} import org.apache.spark.sql.types.{BinaryType, StringType} import org.apache.spark.util.Utils private[kafka010] object KafkaWriter extends Logging { val TOPIC_ATTRIBUTE_NAME: String = "topic" val KEY_ATTRIBUTE_NAME: String = "key" val VALUE_ATTRIBUTE_NAME: String = "value" override def toString: String = "KafkaWriter" def validateQuery( schema: Seq[Attribute], kafkaParameters: ju.Map[String, Object], topic: Option[String] = None): Unit = { schema.find( == TOPIC_ATTRIBUTE_NAME).getOrElse( if (topic.isEmpty) { throw new AnalysisException(s"topic option required when no " + s"'$TOPIC_ATTRIBUTE_NAME' attribute is present. Use the " + s"${KafkaSourceProvider.TOPIC_OPTION_KEY} option for setting a topic.") } else { Literal(topic.get, StringType) } ).dataType match { case StringType => // good case _ => throw new AnalysisException(s"Topic type must be a String") } schema.find( == KEY_ATTRIBUTE_NAME).getOrElse( Literal(null, StringType) ).dataType match { case StringType | BinaryType => // good case _ => throw new AnalysisException(s"$KEY_ATTRIBUTE_NAME attribute type " + s"must be a String or BinaryType") } schema.find( == VALUE_ATTRIBUTE_NAME).getOrElse( throw new AnalysisException(s"Required attribute '$VALUE_ATTRIBUTE_NAME' not found") ).dataType match { case StringType | BinaryType => // good case _ => throw new AnalysisException(s"$VALUE_ATTRIBUTE_NAME attribute type " + s"must be a String or BinaryType") } } def write( sparkSession: SparkSession, queryExecution: QueryExecution, kafkaParameters: ju.Map[String, Object], topic: Option[String] = None): Unit = { val schema = queryExecution.analyzed.output validateQuery(schema, kafkaParameters, topic) queryExecution.toRdd.foreachPartition { iter => val writeTask = new KafkaWriteTask(kafkaParameters, schema, topic) Utils.tryWithSafeFinally(block = writeTask.execute(iter))( finallyBlock = writeTask.close()) } } }
Example 92
Source File: CreateHiveTableAsSelectCommand.scala From Spark-2.3.1 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.hive.execution import scala.util.control.NonFatal import org.apache.spark.sql.{AnalysisException, Row, SaveMode, SparkSession} import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.catalog.CatalogTable import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.Attribute import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans.logical.LogicalPlan import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.SparkPlan import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.command.DataWritingCommand case class CreateHiveTableAsSelectCommand( tableDesc: CatalogTable, query: LogicalPlan, outputColumns: Seq[Attribute], mode: SaveMode) extends DataWritingCommand { private val tableIdentifier = tableDesc.identifier override def run(sparkSession: SparkSession, child: SparkPlan): Seq[Row] = { val catalog = sparkSession.sessionState.catalog if (catalog.tableExists(tableIdentifier)) { assert(mode != SaveMode.Overwrite, s"Expect the table $tableIdentifier has been dropped when the save mode is Overwrite") if (mode == SaveMode.ErrorIfExists) { throw new AnalysisException(s"$tableIdentifier already exists.") } if (mode == SaveMode.Ignore) { // Since the table already exists and the save mode is Ignore, we will just return. return Seq.empty } InsertIntoHiveTable( tableDesc, Map.empty, query, overwrite = false, ifPartitionNotExists = false, outputColumns = outputColumns).run(sparkSession, child) } else { // TODO ideally, we should get the output data ready first and then // add the relation into catalog, just in case of failure occurs while data // processing. assert(tableDesc.schema.isEmpty) catalog.createTable(tableDesc.copy(schema = query.schema), ignoreIfExists = false) try { // Read back the metadata of the table which was created just now. val createdTableMeta = catalog.getTableMetadata(tableDesc.identifier) // For CTAS, there is no static partition values to insert. val partition = -> None).toMap InsertIntoHiveTable( createdTableMeta, partition, query, overwrite = true, ifPartitionNotExists = false, outputColumns = outputColumns).run(sparkSession, child) } catch { case NonFatal(e) => // drop the created table. catalog.dropTable(tableIdentifier, ignoreIfNotExists = true, purge = false) throw e } } Seq.empty[Row] } override def argString: String = { s"[Database:${tableDesc.database}}, " + s"TableName: ${tableDesc.identifier.table}, " + s"InsertIntoHiveTable]" } }
Example 93
Source File: TestHiveSuite.scala From Spark-2.3.1 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.hive import org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException import org.apache.spark.sql.hive.test.{TestHiveSingleton, TestHiveSparkSession} import org.apache.spark.sql.internal.SQLConf import org.apache.spark.sql.test.SQLTestUtils class TestHiveSuite extends TestHiveSingleton with SQLTestUtils { test("load test table based on case sensitivity") { val testHiveSparkSession = spark.asInstanceOf[TestHiveSparkSession] withSQLConf(SQLConf.CASE_SENSITIVE.key -> "false") { sql("SELECT * FROM SRC").queryExecution.analyzed assert(testHiveSparkSession.getLoadedTables.contains("src")) assert(testHiveSparkSession.getLoadedTables.size == 1) } testHiveSparkSession.reset() withSQLConf(SQLConf.CASE_SENSITIVE.key -> "true") { val err = intercept[AnalysisException] { sql("SELECT * FROM SRC").queryExecution.analyzed } assert(err.message.contains("Table or view not found")) } testHiveSparkSession.reset() } test("SPARK-15887: hive-site.xml should be loaded") { assert(hiveClient.getConf("", "") == "true") } }
Example 94
Source File: SparkSQLDriver.scala From Spark-2.3.1 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.hive.thriftserver import java.util.{ArrayList => JArrayList, Arrays, List => JList} import scala.collection.JavaConverters._ import org.apache.commons.lang3.exception.ExceptionUtils import org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.{FieldSchema, Schema} import org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.Driver import org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.processors.CommandProcessorResponse import org.apache.spark.internal.Logging import org.apache.spark.sql.{AnalysisException, SQLContext} import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.{QueryExecution, SQLExecution} private[hive] class SparkSQLDriver(val context: SQLContext = SparkSQLEnv.sqlContext) extends Driver with Logging { private[hive] var tableSchema: Schema = _ private[hive] var hiveResponse: Seq[String] = _ override def init(): Unit = { } private def getResultSetSchema(query: QueryExecution): Schema = { val analyzed = query.analyzed logDebug(s"Result Schema: ${analyzed.output}") if (analyzed.output.isEmpty) { new Schema(Arrays.asList(new FieldSchema("Response code", "string", "")), null) } else { val fieldSchemas = { attr => new FieldSchema(, attr.dataType.catalogString, "") } new Schema(fieldSchemas.asJava, null) } } override def run(command: String): CommandProcessorResponse = { // TODO unify the error code try { context.sparkContext.setJobDescription(command) val execution = context.sessionState.executePlan(context.sql(command).logicalPlan) hiveResponse = SQLExecution.withNewExecutionId(context.sparkSession, execution) { execution.hiveResultString() } tableSchema = getResultSetSchema(execution) new CommandProcessorResponse(0) } catch { case ae: AnalysisException => logDebug(s"Failed in [$command]", ae) new CommandProcessorResponse(1, ExceptionUtils.getStackTrace(ae), null, ae) case cause: Throwable => logError(s"Failed in [$command]", cause) new CommandProcessorResponse(1, ExceptionUtils.getStackTrace(cause), null, cause) } } override def close(): Int = { hiveResponse = null tableSchema = null 0 } override def getResults(res: JList[_]): Boolean = { if (hiveResponse == null) { false } else { res.asInstanceOf[JArrayList[String]].addAll(hiveResponse.asJava) hiveResponse = null true } } override def getSchema: Schema = tableSchema override def destroy() { super.destroy() hiveResponse = null tableSchema = null } }
Example 95
Source File: HiveMetastoreLazyInitializationSuite.scala From Spark-2.3.1 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.hive import org.apache.spark.SparkFunSuite import org.apache.spark.sql.{AnalysisException, SparkSession} import org.apache.spark.util.Utils class HiveMetastoreLazyInitializationSuite extends SparkFunSuite { test("lazily initialize Hive client") { val spark = SparkSession.builder() .appName("HiveMetastoreLazyInitializationSuite") .master("local[2]") .enableHiveSupport() .config("spark.hadoop.hive.metastore.uris", "thrift://") .getOrCreate() val originalLevel = org.apache.log4j.Logger.getRootLogger().getLevel try { // Avoid outputting a lot of expected warning logs spark.sparkContext.setLogLevel("error") // We should be able to run Spark jobs without Hive client. assert(spark.sparkContext.range(0, 1).count() === 1) // Make sure that we are not using the local derby metastore. val exceptionString = Utils.exceptionString(intercept[AnalysisException] { spark.sql("show tables") }) for (msg <- Seq( "show tables", "Could not connect to meta store", "org.apache.thrift.transport.TTransportException", "Connection refused")) { exceptionString.contains(msg) } } finally { spark.sparkContext.setLogLevel(originalLevel.toString) spark.stop() } } }
Example 96
Source File: SchemaUtils.scala From Spark-2.3.1 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.util import org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.analysis._ import org.apache.spark.sql.types.StructType def checkColumnNameDuplication( columnNames: Seq[String], colType: String, caseSensitiveAnalysis: Boolean): Unit = { val names = if (caseSensitiveAnalysis) columnNames else if (names.distinct.length != names.length) { val duplicateColumns = names.groupBy(identity).collect { case (x, ys) if ys.length > 1 => s"`$x`" } throw new AnalysisException( s"Found duplicate column(s) $colType: ${duplicateColumns.mkString(", ")}") } } }
Example 97
Source File: StringUtils.scala From Spark-2.3.1 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.util import java.util.regex.{Pattern, PatternSyntaxException} import org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException import org.apache.spark.unsafe.types.UTF8String object StringUtils { def filterPattern(names: Seq[String], pattern: String): Seq[String] = { val funcNames = scala.collection.mutable.SortedSet.empty[String] pattern.trim().split("\\|").foreach { subPattern => try { val regex = ("(?i)" + subPattern.replaceAll("\\*", ".*")).r funcNames ++= names.filter{ name => regex.pattern.matcher(name).matches() } } catch { case _: PatternSyntaxException => } } funcNames.toSeq } }
Example 98
Source File: SchemaUtilsSuite.scala From Spark-2.3.1 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.util import org.apache.spark.SparkFunSuite import org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.analysis._ import org.apache.spark.sql.types.StructType class SchemaUtilsSuite extends SparkFunSuite { private def resolver(caseSensitiveAnalysis: Boolean): Resolver = { if (caseSensitiveAnalysis) { caseSensitiveResolution } else { caseInsensitiveResolution } } Seq((true, ("a", "a"), ("b", "b")), (false, ("a", "A"), ("b", "B"))).foreach { case (caseSensitive, (a0, a1), (b0, b1)) => val testType = if (caseSensitive) "case-sensitive" else "case-insensitive" test(s"Check column name duplication in $testType cases") { def checkExceptionCases(schemaStr: String, duplicatedColumns: Seq[String]): Unit = { val expectedErrorMsg = "Found duplicate column(s) in SchemaUtilsSuite: " + => s"`${c.toLowerCase}`").mkString(", ") val schema = StructType.fromDDL(schemaStr) var msg = intercept[AnalysisException] { SchemaUtils.checkSchemaColumnNameDuplication( schema, "in SchemaUtilsSuite", caseSensitiveAnalysis = caseSensitive) }.getMessage assert(msg.contains(expectedErrorMsg)) msg = intercept[AnalysisException] { SchemaUtils.checkColumnNameDuplication(, "in SchemaUtilsSuite", resolver(caseSensitive)) }.getMessage assert(msg.contains(expectedErrorMsg)) msg = intercept[AnalysisException] { SchemaUtils.checkColumnNameDuplication(, "in SchemaUtilsSuite", caseSensitiveAnalysis = caseSensitive) }.getMessage assert(msg.contains(expectedErrorMsg)) } checkExceptionCases(s"$a0 INT, b INT, $a1 INT", a0 :: Nil) checkExceptionCases(s"$a0 INT, b INT, $a1 INT, $a0 INT", a0 :: Nil) checkExceptionCases(s"$a0 INT, $b0 INT, $a1 INT, $a0 INT, $b1 INT", b0 :: a0 :: Nil) } } test("Check no exception thrown for valid schemas") { def checkNoExceptionCases(schemaStr: String, caseSensitive: Boolean): Unit = { val schema = StructType.fromDDL(schemaStr) SchemaUtils.checkSchemaColumnNameDuplication( schema, "in SchemaUtilsSuite", caseSensitiveAnalysis = caseSensitive) SchemaUtils.checkColumnNameDuplication(, "in SchemaUtilsSuite", resolver(caseSensitive)) SchemaUtils.checkColumnNameDuplication(, "in SchemaUtilsSuite", caseSensitiveAnalysis = caseSensitive) } checkNoExceptionCases("a INT, b INT, c INT", caseSensitive = true) checkNoExceptionCases("Aa INT, b INT, aA INT", caseSensitive = true) checkNoExceptionCases("a INT, b INT, c INT", caseSensitive = false) } }
Example 99
Source File: AnalysisTest.scala From Spark-2.3.1 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.analysis import import java.util.Locale import org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.catalog.{CatalogDatabase, InMemoryCatalog, SessionCatalog} import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans.PlanTest import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans.logical._ import org.apache.spark.sql.internal.SQLConf trait AnalysisTest extends PlanTest { protected val caseSensitiveAnalyzer = makeAnalyzer(caseSensitive = true) protected val caseInsensitiveAnalyzer = makeAnalyzer(caseSensitive = false) private def makeAnalyzer(caseSensitive: Boolean): Analyzer = { val conf = new SQLConf().copy(SQLConf.CASE_SENSITIVE -> caseSensitive) val catalog = new SessionCatalog(new InMemoryCatalog, FunctionRegistry.builtin, conf) catalog.createDatabase( CatalogDatabase("default", "", new URI("loc"), Map.empty), ignoreIfExists = false) catalog.createTempView("TaBlE", TestRelations.testRelation, overrideIfExists = true) catalog.createTempView("TaBlE2", TestRelations.testRelation2, overrideIfExists = true) catalog.createTempView("TaBlE3", TestRelations.testRelation3, overrideIfExists = true) new Analyzer(catalog, conf) { override val extendedResolutionRules = EliminateSubqueryAliases :: Nil } } protected def getAnalyzer(caseSensitive: Boolean) = { if (caseSensitive) caseSensitiveAnalyzer else caseInsensitiveAnalyzer } protected def checkAnalysis( inputPlan: LogicalPlan, expectedPlan: LogicalPlan, caseSensitive: Boolean = true): Unit = { val analyzer = getAnalyzer(caseSensitive) val actualPlan = analyzer.executeAndCheck(inputPlan) comparePlans(actualPlan, expectedPlan) } protected override def comparePlans( plan1: LogicalPlan, plan2: LogicalPlan, checkAnalysis: Boolean = false): Unit = { // Analysis tests may have not been fully resolved, so skip checkAnalysis. super.comparePlans(plan1, plan2, checkAnalysis) } protected def assertAnalysisSuccess( inputPlan: LogicalPlan, caseSensitive: Boolean = true): Unit = { val analyzer = getAnalyzer(caseSensitive) val analysisAttempt = analyzer.execute(inputPlan) try analyzer.checkAnalysis(analysisAttempt) catch { case a: AnalysisException => fail( s""" |Failed to Analyze Plan |$inputPlan | |Partial Analysis |$analysisAttempt """.stripMargin, a) } } protected def assertAnalysisError( inputPlan: LogicalPlan, expectedErrors: Seq[String], caseSensitive: Boolean = true): Unit = { val analyzer = getAnalyzer(caseSensitive) val e = intercept[AnalysisException] { analyzer.checkAnalysis(analyzer.execute(inputPlan)) } if (! e.getMessage.toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT).contains)) { fail( s"""Exception message should contain the following substrings: | | ${expectedErrors.mkString("\n ")} | |Actual exception message: | | ${e.getMessage} """.stripMargin) } } }
Example 100
Source File: ResolveInlineTablesSuite.scala From Spark-2.3.1 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.analysis import org.scalatest.BeforeAndAfter import org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.{Cast, Literal, Rand} import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.aggregate.Count import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans.logical.LocalRelation import org.apache.spark.sql.types.{LongType, NullType, TimestampType} class ResolveInlineTablesSuite extends AnalysisTest with BeforeAndAfter { private def lit(v: Any): Literal = Literal(v) test("validate inputs are foldable") { ResolveInlineTables(conf).validateInputEvaluable( UnresolvedInlineTable(Seq("c1", "c2"), Seq(Seq(lit(1))))) // nondeterministic (rand) should not work intercept[AnalysisException] { ResolveInlineTables(conf).validateInputEvaluable( UnresolvedInlineTable(Seq("c1"), Seq(Seq(Rand(1))))) } // aggregate should not work intercept[AnalysisException] { ResolveInlineTables(conf).validateInputEvaluable( UnresolvedInlineTable(Seq("c1"), Seq(Seq(Count(lit(1)))))) } // unresolved attribute should not work intercept[AnalysisException] { ResolveInlineTables(conf).validateInputEvaluable( UnresolvedInlineTable(Seq("c1"), Seq(Seq(UnresolvedAttribute("A"))))) } } test("validate input dimensions") { ResolveInlineTables(conf).validateInputDimension( UnresolvedInlineTable(Seq("c1"), Seq(Seq(lit(1)), Seq(lit(2))))) // num alias != data dimension intercept[AnalysisException] { ResolveInlineTables(conf).validateInputDimension( UnresolvedInlineTable(Seq("c1", "c2"), Seq(Seq(lit(1)), Seq(lit(2))))) } // num alias == data dimension, but data themselves are inconsistent intercept[AnalysisException] { ResolveInlineTables(conf).validateInputDimension( UnresolvedInlineTable(Seq("c1"), Seq(Seq(lit(1)), Seq(lit(21), lit(22))))) } } test("do not fire the rule if not all expressions are resolved") { val table = UnresolvedInlineTable(Seq("c1", "c2"), Seq(Seq(UnresolvedAttribute("A")))) assert(ResolveInlineTables(conf)(table) == table) } test("convert") { val table = UnresolvedInlineTable(Seq("c1"), Seq(Seq(lit(1)), Seq(lit(2L)))) val converted = ResolveInlineTables(conf).convert(table) assert( == Seq(LongType)) assert( == 2) assert( == 1L) assert( == 2L) } test("convert TimeZoneAwareExpression") { val table = UnresolvedInlineTable(Seq("c1"), Seq(Seq(Cast(lit("1991-12-06 00:00:00.0"), TimestampType)))) val withTimeZone = ResolveTimeZone(conf).apply(table) val LocalRelation(output, data, _) = ResolveInlineTables(conf).apply(withTimeZone) val correct = Cast(lit("1991-12-06 00:00:00.0"), TimestampType) .withTimeZone(conf.sessionLocalTimeZone).eval().asInstanceOf[Long] assert( == Seq(TimestampType)) assert(data.size == 1) assert(data.head.getLong(0) == correct) } test("nullability inference in convert") { val table1 = UnresolvedInlineTable(Seq("c1"), Seq(Seq(lit(1)), Seq(lit(2L)))) val converted1 = ResolveInlineTables(conf).convert(table1) assert(!converted1.schema.fields(0).nullable) val table2 = UnresolvedInlineTable(Seq("c1"), Seq(Seq(lit(1)), Seq(Literal(null, NullType)))) val converted2 = ResolveInlineTables(conf).convert(table2) assert(converted2.schema.fields(0).nullable) } }
Example 101
Source File: ResolveSubquerySuite.scala From Spark-2.3.1 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.analysis import org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.dsl.expressions._ import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.{In, ListQuery, OuterReference} import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans.logical.{Filter, LocalRelation, Project} class ResolveSubquerySuite extends AnalysisTest { val a = ' val b = ' val t1 = LocalRelation(a) val t2 = LocalRelation(b) test("SPARK-17251 Improve `OuterReference` to be `NamedExpression`") { val expr = Filter(In(a, Seq(ListQuery(Project(Seq(UnresolvedAttribute("a")), t2)))), t1) val m = intercept[AnalysisException] { SimpleAnalyzer.checkAnalysis(SimpleAnalyzer.ResolveSubquery(expr)) }.getMessage assert(m.contains( "Expressions referencing the outer query are not supported outside of WHERE/HAVING clauses")) } }
Example 102
Source File: CheckCartesianProductsSuite.scala From Spark-2.3.1 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.optimizer import org.scalatest.Matchers._ import org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.dsl.expressions._ import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.dsl.plans._ import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.Expression import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans._ import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans.logical.{LocalRelation, LogicalPlan} import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.rules.RuleExecutor import org.apache.spark.sql.internal.SQLConf.CROSS_JOINS_ENABLED class CheckCartesianProductsSuite extends PlanTest { object Optimize extends RuleExecutor[LogicalPlan] { val batches = Batch("Check Cartesian Products", Once, CheckCartesianProducts) :: Nil } val testRelation1 = LocalRelation(', ' val testRelation2 = LocalRelation(', ' val joinTypesWithRequiredCondition = Seq(Inner, LeftOuter, RightOuter, FullOuter) val joinTypesWithoutRequiredCondition = Seq(LeftSemi, LeftAnti, ExistenceJoin('exists)) test("CheckCartesianProducts doesn't throw an exception if cross joins are enabled)") { withSQLConf(CROSS_JOINS_ENABLED.key -> "true") { noException should be thrownBy { for (joinType <- joinTypesWithRequiredCondition ++ joinTypesWithoutRequiredCondition) { performCartesianProductCheck(joinType) } } } } test("CheckCartesianProducts throws an exception for join types that require a join condition") { withSQLConf(CROSS_JOINS_ENABLED.key -> "false") { for (joinType <- joinTypesWithRequiredCondition) { val thrownException = the [AnalysisException] thrownBy { performCartesianProductCheck(joinType) } assert(thrownException.message.contains("Detected implicit cartesian product")) } } } test("CheckCartesianProducts doesn't throw an exception if a join condition is present") { withSQLConf(CROSS_JOINS_ENABLED.key -> "false") { for (joinType <- joinTypesWithRequiredCondition) { noException should be thrownBy { performCartesianProductCheck(joinType, Some('a === 'd)) } } } } test("CheckCartesianProducts doesn't throw an exception if join types don't require conditions") { withSQLConf(CROSS_JOINS_ENABLED.key -> "false") { for (joinType <- joinTypesWithoutRequiredCondition) { noException should be thrownBy { performCartesianProductCheck(joinType) } } } } private def performCartesianProductCheck( joinType: JoinType, condition: Option[Expression] = None): Unit = { val analyzedPlan = testRelation1.join(testRelation2, joinType, condition).analyze val optimizedPlan = Optimize.execute(analyzedPlan) comparePlans(analyzedPlan, optimizedPlan) } }
Example 103
Source File: JdbcRelationProvider.scala From Spark-2.3.1 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.jdbc import org.apache.spark.sql.{AnalysisException, DataFrame, SaveMode, SQLContext} import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.jdbc.JdbcUtils._ import org.apache.spark.sql.sources.{BaseRelation, CreatableRelationProvider, DataSourceRegister, RelationProvider} class JdbcRelationProvider extends CreatableRelationProvider with RelationProvider with DataSourceRegister { override def shortName(): String = "jdbc" override def createRelation( sqlContext: SQLContext, parameters: Map[String, String]): BaseRelation = { import JDBCOptions._ val jdbcOptions = new JDBCOptions(parameters) val partitionColumn = jdbcOptions.partitionColumn val lowerBound = jdbcOptions.lowerBound val upperBound = jdbcOptions.upperBound val numPartitions = jdbcOptions.numPartitions val partitionInfo = if (partitionColumn.isEmpty) { assert(lowerBound.isEmpty && upperBound.isEmpty, "When 'partitionColumn' is not specified, " + s"'$JDBC_LOWER_BOUND' and '$JDBC_UPPER_BOUND' are expected to be empty") null } else { assert(lowerBound.nonEmpty && upperBound.nonEmpty && numPartitions.nonEmpty, s"When 'partitionColumn' is specified, '$JDBC_LOWER_BOUND', '$JDBC_UPPER_BOUND', and " + s"'$JDBC_NUM_PARTITIONS' are also required") JDBCPartitioningInfo( partitionColumn.get, lowerBound.get, upperBound.get, numPartitions.get) } val parts = JDBCRelation.columnPartition(partitionInfo) JDBCRelation(parts, jdbcOptions)(sqlContext.sparkSession) } override def createRelation( sqlContext: SQLContext, mode: SaveMode, parameters: Map[String, String], df: DataFrame): BaseRelation = { val options = new JDBCOptions(parameters) val isCaseSensitive = sqlContext.conf.caseSensitiveAnalysis val conn = JdbcUtils.createConnectionFactory(options)() try { val tableExists = JdbcUtils.tableExists(conn, options) if (tableExists) { mode match { case SaveMode.Overwrite => if (options.isTruncate && isCascadingTruncateTable(options.url) == Some(false)) { // In this case, we should truncate table and then load. truncateTable(conn, options) val tableSchema = JdbcUtils.getSchemaOption(conn, options) saveTable(df, tableSchema, isCaseSensitive, options) } else { // Otherwise, do not truncate the table, instead drop and recreate it dropTable(conn, options.table) createTable(conn, df, options) saveTable(df, Some(df.schema), isCaseSensitive, options) } case SaveMode.Append => val tableSchema = JdbcUtils.getSchemaOption(conn, options) saveTable(df, tableSchema, isCaseSensitive, options) case SaveMode.ErrorIfExists => throw new AnalysisException( s"Table or view '${options.table}' already exists. SaveMode: ErrorIfExists.") case SaveMode.Ignore => // With `SaveMode.Ignore` mode, if table already exists, the save operation is expected // to not save the contents of the DataFrame and to not change the existing data. // Therefore, it is okay to do nothing here and then just return the relation below. } } else { createTable(conn, df, options) saveTable(df, Some(df.schema), isCaseSensitive, options) } } finally { conn.close() } createRelation(sqlContext, parameters) } }
Example 104
Source File: AnalyzeTableCommand.scala From Spark-2.3.1 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.execution.command import org.apache.spark.sql.{AnalysisException, Row, SparkSession} import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.TableIdentifier import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.catalog.CatalogTableType case class AnalyzeTableCommand( tableIdent: TableIdentifier, noscan: Boolean = true) extends RunnableCommand { override def run(sparkSession: SparkSession): Seq[Row] = { val sessionState = sparkSession.sessionState val db = tableIdent.database.getOrElse(sessionState.catalog.getCurrentDatabase) val tableIdentWithDB = TableIdentifier(tableIdent.table, Some(db)) val tableMeta = sessionState.catalog.getTableMetadata(tableIdentWithDB) if (tableMeta.tableType == CatalogTableType.VIEW) { throw new AnalysisException("ANALYZE TABLE is not supported on views.") } // Compute stats for the whole table val newTotalSize = CommandUtils.calculateTotalSize(sessionState, tableMeta) val newRowCount = if (noscan) None else Some(BigInt(sparkSession.table(tableIdentWithDB).count())) // Update the metastore if the above statistics of the table are different from those // recorded in the metastore. val newStats = CommandUtils.compareAndGetNewStats(tableMeta.stats, newTotalSize, newRowCount) if (newStats.isDefined) { sessionState.catalog.alterTableStats(tableIdentWithDB, newStats) } Seq.empty[Row] } }
Example 105
Source File: JdbcUtilsSuite.scala From Spark-2.3.1 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.jdbc import org.apache.spark.SparkFunSuite import org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.parser.ParseException import org.apache.spark.sql.types._ class JdbcUtilsSuite extends SparkFunSuite { val tableSchema = StructType(Seq( StructField("C1", StringType, false), StructField("C2", IntegerType, false))) val caseSensitive = org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.analysis.caseSensitiveResolution val caseInsensitive = org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.analysis.caseInsensitiveResolution test("Parse user specified column types") { assert(JdbcUtils.getCustomSchema(tableSchema, null, caseInsensitive) === tableSchema) assert(JdbcUtils.getCustomSchema(tableSchema, "", caseInsensitive) === tableSchema) assert(JdbcUtils.getCustomSchema(tableSchema, "c1 DATE", caseInsensitive) === StructType(Seq(StructField("C1", DateType, false), StructField("C2", IntegerType, false)))) assert(JdbcUtils.getCustomSchema(tableSchema, "c1 DATE", caseSensitive) === StructType(Seq(StructField("C1", StringType, false), StructField("C2", IntegerType, false)))) assert( JdbcUtils.getCustomSchema(tableSchema, "c1 DATE, C2 STRING", caseInsensitive) === StructType(Seq(StructField("C1", DateType, false), StructField("C2", StringType, false)))) assert(JdbcUtils.getCustomSchema(tableSchema, "c1 DATE, C2 STRING", caseSensitive) === StructType(Seq(StructField("C1", StringType, false), StructField("C2", StringType, false)))) // Throw AnalysisException val duplicate = intercept[AnalysisException]{ JdbcUtils.getCustomSchema(tableSchema, "c1 DATE, c1 STRING", caseInsensitive) === StructType(Seq(StructField("c1", DateType, false), StructField("c1", StringType, false))) } assert(duplicate.getMessage.contains( "Found duplicate column(s) in the customSchema option value")) // Throw ParseException val dataTypeNotSupported = intercept[ParseException]{ JdbcUtils.getCustomSchema(tableSchema, "c3 DATEE, C2 STRING", caseInsensitive) === StructType(Seq(StructField("c3", DateType, false), StructField("C2", StringType, false))) } assert(dataTypeNotSupported.getMessage.contains("DataType datee is not supported")) val mismatchedInput = intercept[ParseException]{ JdbcUtils.getCustomSchema(tableSchema, "c3 DATE. C2 STRING", caseInsensitive) === StructType(Seq(StructField("c3", DateType, false), StructField("C2", StringType, false))) } assert(mismatchedInput.getMessage.contains("mismatched input '.' expecting")) } }
Example 106
Source File: QueryExecutionSuite.scala From Spark-2.3.1 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.execution import org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans.logical.{LogicalPlan, OneRowRelation} import org.apache.spark.sql.test.SharedSQLContext class QueryExecutionSuite extends SharedSQLContext { test("toString() exception/error handling") { spark.experimental.extraStrategies = Seq( new SparkStrategy { override def apply(plan: LogicalPlan): Seq[SparkPlan] = Nil }) def qe: QueryExecution = new QueryExecution(spark, OneRowRelation()) // Nothing! assert(qe.toString.contains("OneRowRelation")) // Throw an AnalysisException - this should be captured. spark.experimental.extraStrategies = Seq( new SparkStrategy { override def apply(plan: LogicalPlan): Seq[SparkPlan] = throw new AnalysisException("exception") }) assert(qe.toString.contains("org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException")) // Throw an Error - this should not be captured. spark.experimental.extraStrategies = Seq( new SparkStrategy { override def apply(plan: LogicalPlan): Seq[SparkPlan] = throw new Error("error") }) val error = intercept[Error](qe.toString) assert(error.getMessage.contains("error")) } }
Example 107
Source File: VariableSubstitutionSuite.scala From Spark-2.3.1 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.internal import org.apache.spark.SparkFunSuite import org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException class VariableSubstitutionSuite extends SparkFunSuite { private lazy val conf = new SQLConf private lazy val sub = new VariableSubstitution(conf) test("system property") { System.setProperty("varSubSuite.var", "abcd") assert(sub.substitute("${system:varSubSuite.var}") == "abcd") } test("environmental variables") { assert(sub.substitute("${env:SPARK_TESTING}") == "1") } test("Spark configuration variable") { conf.setConfString("some-random-string-abcd", "1234abcd") assert(sub.substitute("${hiveconf:some-random-string-abcd}") == "1234abcd") assert(sub.substitute("${sparkconf:some-random-string-abcd}") == "1234abcd") assert(sub.substitute("${spark:some-random-string-abcd}") == "1234abcd") assert(sub.substitute("${some-random-string-abcd}") == "1234abcd") } test("multiple substitutes") { val q = "select ${bar} ${foo} ${doo} this is great" conf.setConfString("bar", "1") conf.setConfString("foo", "2") conf.setConfString("doo", "3") assert(sub.substitute(q) == "select 1 2 3 this is great") } test("test nested substitutes") { val q = "select ${bar} ${foo} this is great" conf.setConfString("bar", "1") conf.setConfString("foo", "${bar}") assert(sub.substitute(q) == "select 1 1 this is great") } }
Example 108
Source File: TextSuite.scala From BigDatalog with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.text import org.apache.spark.sql.test.SharedSQLContext import org.apache.spark.sql.types.{StringType, StructType} import org.apache.spark.sql.{AnalysisException, DataFrame, QueryTest, Row} import org.apache.spark.util.Utils class TextSuite extends QueryTest with SharedSQLContext { test("reading text file") { verifyFrame("text").load(testFile)) } test(" API") { verifyFrame( } test("SPARK-12562 verify write.text() can handle column name beyond `value`") { val df ="value", "adwrasdf") val tempFile = Utils.createTempDir() tempFile.delete() df.write.text(tempFile.getCanonicalPath) verifyFrame( Utils.deleteRecursively(tempFile) } test("error handling for invalid schema") { val tempFile = Utils.createTempDir() tempFile.delete() val df = sqlContext.range(2) intercept[AnalysisException] { df.write.text(tempFile.getCanonicalPath) } intercept[AnalysisException] { sqlContext.range(2).select(df("id"), df("id") + 1).write.text(tempFile.getCanonicalPath) } } private def testFile: String = { Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader.getResource("text-suite.txt").toString } private def verifyFrame(df: DataFrame): Unit = { // schema assert(df.schema == new StructType().add("value", StringType)) // verify content val data = df.collect() assert(data(0) == Row("This is a test file for the text data source")) assert(data(1) == Row("1+1")) // non ascii characters are not allowed in the code, so we disable the scalastyle here. // scalastyle:off assert(data(2) == Row("数据砖头")) // scalastyle:on assert(data(3) == Row("\"doh\"")) assert(data.length == 4) } }
Example 109
Source File: SqlSchemaInferrer.scala From seahorse-workflow-executor with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package io.deepsense.deeplang.inference import io.deepsense.commons.spark.sql.UserDefinedFunctions import org.apache.spark.sql.types.StructType import org.apache.spark.sql.{AnalysisException, Row} import io.deepsense.sparkutils.SQL case class SqlInferenceWarning(sqlExpression: String, warningText: String) extends InferenceWarning(s"Schema for SQL formula '$sqlExpression' cannot be inferred ($warningText).") class SqlSchemaInferrer { def inferSchema(sqlExpression: String, inputSchemas: (String, StructType)*) : (StructType, InferenceWarnings) = { try { val localSpark = SQL.createEmptySparkSQLSession() UserDefinedFunctions.registerFunctions(localSpark.udfRegistration) inputSchemas.foreach { case (dataFrameId, schema) => val emptyData = localSpark.sparkContext.parallelize(Seq(Row.empty)) val emptyDf = localSpark.createDataFrame(emptyData, schema) SQL.registerTempTable(emptyDf, dataFrameId) } val resultSchema = localSpark.sql(sqlExpression).schema val warnings = if (!namesUnique(inputSchemas)) { InferenceWarnings(SqlInferenceWarning(sqlExpression, "DataFrame ids must be unique.")) } else if (resultSchema.isEmpty) { InferenceWarnings(SqlInferenceWarning(sqlExpression, "Expression must be non-empty.")) } else { InferenceWarnings.empty } (resultSchema, warnings) } catch { case e @ (_: AnalysisException | _: IllegalArgumentException) => (StructType(Seq.empty), InferenceWarnings(SqlInferenceWarning(sqlExpression, s"Invalid Spark SQL expression: ${e.getMessage}"))) } } private def namesUnique(inputSchemas: Seq[(String, StructType)]): Boolean = { val names = { case (name, _) => name} names.size == names.toSet.size } }
Example 110
Source File: ExpectsGenotypeFieldsSuite.scala From glow with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package io.projectglow.sql.util import org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._ import io.projectglow.Glow import io.projectglow.functions._ import io.projectglow.sql.GlowBaseTest class ExpectsGenotypeFieldsSuite extends GlowBaseTest { lazy val gatkTestVcf = s"$testDataHome/variantsplitternormalizer-test/test_left_align_hg38_altered.vcf" lazy val sess = spark // This is how we originally detected an issue where ExpectsGenotypeFields succeeds during // resolution but fails during physical planning. // PR: test("use genotype_states after splitting multiallelics") { val df ="vcf").load(gatkTestVcf) val split = Glow.transform("split_multiallelics", df)"genotypes"))).collect() } test("use genotype_states after array_zip") { import sess.implicits._ val df = spark .createDataFrame(Seq((Seq("a"), Seq(Seq(1, 1))))) .withColumnRenamed("_1", "sampleId") .withColumnRenamed("_2", "calls") val zipped ="sampleId"), col("calls")).as("genotypes")) val states ="genotypes"))) assert([Seq[Int]].head == Seq(2)) } test("type check") { val df = spark.createDataFrame(Seq(Tuple1("a"))).withColumnRenamed("_1", "sampleId") val withGenotypes ="sampleId")).as("genotypes")) val ex = intercept[AnalysisException]("genotypes")))) assert(ex.message.contains("Genotype struct was missing required fields: (name: calls")) } }
Example 111
Source File: SqlExtensionProviderSuite.scala From glow with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package io.projectglow.sql import org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.InternalRow import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.codegen.CodegenFallback import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.{BinaryExpression, Expression, Literal, UnaryExpression} import org.apache.spark.sql.types.{DataType, IntegerType} import io.projectglow.GlowSuite class SqlExtensionProviderSuite extends GlowSuite { override def beforeAll(): Unit = { super.beforeAll() SqlExtensionProvider.registerFunctions( spark.sessionState.conf, spark.sessionState.functionRegistry, "test-functions.yml") } private lazy val sess = spark test("one arg function") { import sess.implicits._ assert(spark.range(1).selectExpr("one_arg_test(id)").as[Int].head() == 1) intercept[AnalysisException] { spark.range(1).selectExpr("one_arg_test()").collect() } intercept[AnalysisException] { spark.range(1).selectExpr("one_arg_test(id, id)").collect() } } test("two arg function") { import sess.implicits._ assert(spark.range(1).selectExpr("two_arg_test(id, id)").as[Int].head() == 1) intercept[AnalysisException] { spark.range(1).selectExpr("two_arg_test(id)").collect() } intercept[AnalysisException] { spark.range(1).selectExpr("two_arg_test(id, id, id)").collect() } } test("var args function") { import sess.implicits._ assert(spark.range(1).selectExpr("var_args_test(id, id)").as[Int].head() == 1) assert(spark.range(1).selectExpr("var_args_test(id, id, id, id)").as[Int].head() == 1) assert(spark.range(1).selectExpr("var_args_test(id)").as[Int].head() == 1) intercept[AnalysisException] { spark.range(1).selectExpr("var_args_test()").collect() } } test("can call optional arg function") { import sess.implicits._ assert(spark.range(1).selectExpr("optional_arg_test(id)").as[Int].head() == 1) assert(spark.range(1).selectExpr("optional_arg_test(id, id)").as[Int].head() == 1) intercept[AnalysisException] { spark.range(1).selectExpr("optional_arg_test()").collect() } intercept[AnalysisException] { spark.range(1).selectExpr("optional_arg_test(id, id, id)").collect() } } } trait TestExpr extends Expression with CodegenFallback { override def dataType: DataType = IntegerType override def nullable: Boolean = true override def eval(input: InternalRow): Any = 1 } case class OneArgExpr(child: Expression) extends UnaryExpression with TestExpr case class TwoArgExpr(left: Expression, right: Expression) extends BinaryExpression with TestExpr case class VarArgsExpr(arg: Expression, varArgs: Seq[Expression]) extends TestExpr { override def children: Seq[Expression] = arg +: varArgs } case class OptionalArgExpr(required: Expression, optional: Expression) extends TestExpr { def this(required: Expression) = this(required, Literal(1)) override def children: Seq[Expression] = Seq(required, optional) }
Example 112
Source File: StringColumnConstraintTest.scala From drunken-data-quality with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package de.frosner.ddq.constraints import de.frosner.ddq.core.Check import de.frosner.ddq.testutils.{SparkContexts, TestData} import org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException import org.scalatest.{FlatSpec, Matchers} class StringColumnConstraintTest extends FlatSpec with Matchers with SparkContexts { "A StringColumnConstraint" should "succeed if all rows satisfy the given condition" in { val constraintString = "column > 0" val check = Check(TestData.makeIntegerDf(spark, List(1, 2, 3))).satisfies(constraintString) val constraint = check.constraints.head val result = StringColumnConstraintResult( constraint = StringColumnConstraint(constraintString), data = Some(StringColumnConstraintResultData(failedRows = 0L)), status = ConstraintSuccess ) shouldBe Map(constraint -> result) } it should "fail if there are rows that do not satisfy the given condition" in { val constraintString = "column > 1" val check = Check(TestData.makeIntegerDf(spark, List(1, 2, 3))).satisfies(constraintString) val constraint = check.constraints.head val result = StringColumnConstraintResult( constraint = StringColumnConstraint(constraintString), data = Some(StringColumnConstraintResultData(failedRows = 1L)), status = ConstraintFailure ) shouldBe Map(constraint -> result) } it should "error if the column does not exist" in { val constraintString = "notExisting > 0" val check = Check(TestData.makeIntegerDf(spark, List(1, 2, 3))).satisfies(constraintString) val constraint = check.constraints.head val result = result match { case StringColumnConstraintResult( StringColumnConstraint("notExisting > 0"), None, constraintError: ConstraintError ) => { val analysisException = constraintError.throwable.asInstanceOf[AnalysisException] analysisException.message shouldBe "cannot resolve '`notExisting`' given input columns: [column]" } } } "A StringColumnConstraintResult" should "have the correct success message" in { val constraint = StringColumnConstraint("column > 0") val result = StringColumnConstraintResult( constraint = constraint, data = Some(StringColumnConstraintResultData(failedRows = 0L)), status = ConstraintSuccess ) result.message shouldBe "Constraint column > 0 is satisfied." } it should "have the correct failure message (one row)" in { val constraint = StringColumnConstraint("column > 0") val result = StringColumnConstraintResult( constraint = constraint, data = Some(StringColumnConstraintResultData(failedRows = 1L)), status = ConstraintFailure ) result.message shouldBe "1 row did not satisfy constraint column > 0." } it should "have the correct failure message (multiple rows)" in { val constraint = StringColumnConstraint("column > 0") val result = StringColumnConstraintResult( constraint = constraint, data = Some(StringColumnConstraintResultData(failedRows = 2L)), status = ConstraintFailure ) result.message shouldBe "2 rows did not satisfy constraint column > 0." } it should "have the correct error message" in { val constraint = StringColumnConstraint("column > 0") val result = StringColumnConstraintResult( constraint = constraint, data = None, status = ConstraintError(new IllegalArgumentException("error")) ) result.message shouldBe "Checking constraint column > 0 failed: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: error" } it should "throw an exception if it is created with an illegal combination of fields" in { intercept[IllegalConstraintResultException] { StringColumnConstraintResult( constraint = StringColumnConstraint("column > 0"), status = ConstraintFailure, data = None ) } } }
Example 113
Source File: CustomConstraintTest.scala From drunken-data-quality with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package de.frosner.ddq.constraints import de.frosner.ddq.core.Check import de.frosner.ddq.testutils.{SparkContexts, TestData} import org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException import org.scalatest.{FlatSpec, Matchers} class CustomConstraintTest extends FlatSpec with Matchers with SparkContexts { "A CustomConstraint" should "succeed if the function returns a success message" in { val constraintName = "name" val successMsg = "success" val check = Check(TestData.makeNullableStringDf(spark, List("a"))).custom(constraintName, { df => Right(successMsg) }) val constraint = check.constraints.head val result = CustomConstraintResult( constraint = constraint.asInstanceOf[CustomConstraint], message = s"Custom constraint '$constraintName' succeeded: $successMsg", status = ConstraintSuccess ) shouldBe Map(constraint -> result) } it should "fail if the function returns a failure message" in { val constraintName = "name" val failureMsg = "failure" val check = Check(TestData.makeNullableStringDf(spark, List("a"))).custom(constraintName, { df => Left(failureMsg) }) val constraint = check.constraints.head val result = CustomConstraintResult( constraint = constraint.asInstanceOf[CustomConstraint], message = s"Custom constraint '$constraintName' failed: $failureMsg", status = ConstraintFailure ) shouldBe Map(constraint -> result) } it should "error if the function throws an exception" in { val constraintName = "name" val exception = new Exception() val check = Check(TestData.makeNullableStringDf(spark, List("a"))).custom(constraintName, { df => throw exception }) val constraint = check.constraints.head val result = result match { case CustomConstraintResult( customConstraint: CustomConstraint, "Custom constraint 'name' errored: java.lang.Exception", constraintError: ConstraintError ) => { constraintError.throwable shouldBe exception } } } }
Example 114
Source File: AlwaysNullConstraintTest.scala From drunken-data-quality with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package de.frosner.ddq.constraints import de.frosner.ddq.core.Check import de.frosner.ddq.testutils.{SparkContexts, TestData} import org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException import org.scalatest.{FlatSpec, Matchers} class AlwaysNullConstraintTest extends FlatSpec with Matchers with SparkContexts { "An AlwaysNullConstraint" should "succeed if the column is always null" in { val column = "column" val check = Check(TestData.makeNullableStringDf(spark, List(null, null, null))).isAlwaysNull(column) val constraint = check.constraints.head val result = AlwaysNullConstraintResult( constraint = AlwaysNullConstraint(column), data = Some(AlwaysNullConstraintResultData(nonNullRows = 0L)), status = ConstraintSuccess ) shouldBe Map(constraint -> result) } it should "fail if the column is not always null" in { val column = "column" val check = Check(TestData.makeNullableStringDf(spark, List("a", null, null))).isAlwaysNull(column) val constraint = check.constraints.head val result = AlwaysNullConstraintResult( constraint = AlwaysNullConstraint(column), data = Some(AlwaysNullConstraintResultData(nonNullRows = 1L)), status = ConstraintFailure ) shouldBe Map(constraint -> result) } it should "error if the column is not existing" in { val column = "notExisting" val check = Check(TestData.makeNullableStringDf(spark, List("a", null, null))).isAlwaysNull(column) val constraint = check.constraints.head val result = result match { case AlwaysNullConstraintResult( AlwaysNullConstraint("notExisting"), constraintError: ConstraintError, None ) => val analysisException = constraintError.throwable.asInstanceOf[AnalysisException] analysisException.message shouldBe "cannot resolve '`notExisting`' given input columns: [column]" } } "An AlwaysNullConstraintResult" should "have the correct success message" in { val constraint = AlwaysNullConstraint("c") val result = AlwaysNullConstraintResult( constraint = constraint, status = ConstraintSuccess, data = Some(AlwaysNullConstraintResultData(0L)) ) result.message shouldBe "Column c is always null." } it should "have the correct failure message (one row)" in { val constraint = AlwaysNullConstraint("c") val result = AlwaysNullConstraintResult( constraint = constraint, status = ConstraintFailure, data = Some(AlwaysNullConstraintResultData(1L)) ) result.message shouldBe "Column c contains 1 non-null row (should always be null)." } it should "have the correct failure message (multiple rows)" in { val constraint = AlwaysNullConstraint("c") val result = AlwaysNullConstraintResult( constraint = constraint, status = ConstraintFailure, data = Some(AlwaysNullConstraintResultData(2L)) ) result.message shouldBe "Column c contains 2 non-null rows (should always be null)." } it should "have the correct error message" in { val constraint = AlwaysNullConstraint("c") val result = AlwaysNullConstraintResult( constraint = constraint, status = ConstraintError(new IllegalArgumentException("column c not found")), data = None ) result.message shouldBe "Checking column c for being always null failed: " + "java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: column c not found" } it should "throw an exception if it is created with an illegal combination of fields" in { intercept[IllegalConstraintResultException] { AlwaysNullConstraintResult( constraint = AlwaysNullConstraint("c"), status = ConstraintFailure, data = None ) } } }
Example 115
Source File: MergeClauseSuite.scala From spark-acid with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.qubole.spark.hiveacid.merge import org.apache.spark.SparkFunSuite import org.apache.spark.sql.{AnalysisException, functions} class MergeClauseSuite extends SparkFunSuite { def insertClause(addCondition : Boolean = true): MergeWhenNotInsert = { if (addCondition) { MergeWhenNotInsert(Some(functions.expr("x > 2").expr), Seq(functions.col("x").expr, functions.col("y").expr)) } else { MergeWhenNotInsert(None, Seq(functions.col("x").expr, functions.col("y").expr)) } } def updateClause(addCondition : Boolean = true): MergeWhenUpdateClause = { if (addCondition) { val updateCondition = Some(functions.expr("a > 2").expr) MergeWhenUpdateClause(updateCondition, Map("b" -> functions.lit(3).expr), isStar = false) } else { MergeWhenUpdateClause(None, Map("b" -> functions.lit(3).expr), isStar = false) } } def deleteClause(addCondition : Boolean = true): MergeWhenDelete = { if (addCondition) { MergeWhenDelete(Some(functions.expr("a < 1").expr)) } else { MergeWhenDelete(None) } } test("Validate MergeClauses") { val clauses = Seq(insertClause(), updateClause(), deleteClause()) MergeWhenClause.validate(clauses) } test("Invalid MergeClause cases") { val invalidMerge = "MERGE Validation Error: " //empty clauses checkInvalidMergeClause(invalidMerge + MergeWhenClause.atleastOneClauseError, Seq()) // multi update or insert clauses val multiUpdateClauses = Seq(updateClause(), updateClause(), insertClause()) checkInvalidMergeClause(invalidMerge + MergeWhenClause.justOneClausePerTypeError, multiUpdateClauses) // multi match clauses with first clause without condition val invalidMultiMatch = Seq(updateClause(false), deleteClause()) checkInvalidMergeClause(invalidMerge + MergeWhenClause.matchClauseConditionError, invalidMultiMatch) // invalid Update Clause val invalidUpdateClause = MergeWhenUpdateClause(None, Map(), isStar = false) val thrown = intercept[IllegalArgumentException] { MergeWhenClause.validate(Seq(invalidUpdateClause)) } assert(thrown.getMessage === "UPDATE Clause in MERGE should have one or more SET Values") } private def checkInvalidMergeClause(invalidMessage: String, multiUpdateClauses: Seq[MergeWhenClause]) = { val thrown = intercept[AnalysisException] { MergeWhenClause.validate(multiUpdateClauses) } assert(thrown.message === invalidMessage) } }
Example 116
Source File: HiveAcidUtils.scala From spark-acid with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.hive import scala.collection.JavaConverters._ import com.qubole.spark.hiveacid.hive.HiveAcidMetadata import org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.catalog.{CatalogStorageFormat, CatalogTablePartition, CatalogUtils} import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.{Attribute, AttributeReference, BoundReference, Expression, InterpretedPredicate, PrettyAttribute} object HiveAcidUtils { def prunePartitionsByFilter( hiveAcidMetadata: HiveAcidMetadata, inputPartitions: Seq[CatalogTablePartition], predicates: Option[Expression], defaultTimeZoneId: String): Seq[CatalogTablePartition] = { if (predicates.isEmpty) { inputPartitions } else { val partitionSchema = hiveAcidMetadata.partitionSchema val partitionColumnNames = hiveAcidMetadata.partitionSchema.fieldNames.toSet val nonPartitionPruningPredicates = predicates.filterNot { } if (nonPartitionPruningPredicates.nonEmpty) { throw new AnalysisException("Expected only partition pruning predicates: " + nonPartitionPruningPredicates) } val boundPredicate = InterpretedPredicate.create(predicates.get.transform { case att: Attribute => val index = partitionSchema.indexWhere( == BoundReference(index, partitionSchema(index).dataType, nullable = true) }) inputPartitions.filter { p => boundPredicate.eval(p.toRow(partitionSchema, defaultTimeZoneId)) } } } def convertToCatalogTablePartition(hp: com.qubole.shaded.hadoop.hive.ql.metadata.Partition): CatalogTablePartition = { val apiPartition = hp.getTPartition val properties: Map[String, String] = if (hp.getParameters != null) { hp.getParameters.asScala.toMap } else { Map.empty } CatalogTablePartition( spec = Option(hp.getSpec).map(_.asScala.toMap).getOrElse(Map.empty), storage = CatalogStorageFormat( locationUri = Option(CatalogUtils.stringToURI(apiPartition.getSd.getLocation)), inputFormat = Option(apiPartition.getSd.getInputFormat), outputFormat = Option(apiPartition.getSd.getOutputFormat), serde = Option(apiPartition.getSd.getSerdeInfo.getSerializationLib), compressed = apiPartition.getSd.isCompressed, properties = Option(apiPartition.getSd.getSerdeInfo.getParameters) .map(_.asScala.toMap).orNull), createTime = apiPartition.getCreateTime.toLong * 1000, lastAccessTime = apiPartition.getLastAccessTime.toLong * 1000, parameters = properties, stats = None) // TODO: need to implement readHiveStats } }
Example 117
Source File: ResolvedDataSourceSuite.scala From Spark-2.3.1 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.sources import org.apache.spark.SparkFunSuite import org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.util.DateTimeUtils import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.DataSource import org.apache.spark.sql.test.SharedSQLContext class ResolvedDataSourceSuite extends SparkFunSuite with SharedSQLContext { private def getProvidingClass(name: String): Class[_] = DataSource( sparkSession = spark, className = name, options = Map(DateTimeUtils.TIMEZONE_OPTION -> DateTimeUtils.defaultTimeZone().getID) ).providingClass test("jdbc") { assert( getProvidingClass("jdbc") === classOf[org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.jdbc.JdbcRelationProvider]) assert( getProvidingClass("org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.jdbc") === classOf[org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.jdbc.JdbcRelationProvider]) assert( getProvidingClass("org.apache.spark.sql.jdbc") === classOf[org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.jdbc.JdbcRelationProvider]) } test("json") { assert( getProvidingClass("json") === classOf[org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.json.JsonFileFormat]) assert( getProvidingClass("org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.json") === classOf[org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.json.JsonFileFormat]) assert( getProvidingClass("org.apache.spark.sql.json") === classOf[org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.json.JsonFileFormat]) } test("parquet") { assert( getProvidingClass("parquet") === classOf[org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.parquet.ParquetFileFormat]) assert( getProvidingClass("org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.parquet") === classOf[org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.parquet.ParquetFileFormat]) assert( getProvidingClass("org.apache.spark.sql.parquet") === classOf[org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.parquet.ParquetFileFormat]) } test("csv") { assert( getProvidingClass("csv") === classOf[org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.csv.CSVFileFormat]) assert( getProvidingClass("com.databricks.spark.csv") === classOf[org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.csv.CSVFileFormat]) } test("error message for unknown data sources") { val error1 = intercept[AnalysisException] { getProvidingClass("avro") } assert(error1.getMessage.contains("Failed to find data source: avro.")) val error2 = intercept[AnalysisException] { getProvidingClass("com.databricks.spark.avro") } assert(error2.getMessage.contains("Failed to find data source: com.databricks.spark.avro.")) val error3 = intercept[ClassNotFoundException] { getProvidingClass("asfdwefasdfasdf") } assert(error3.getMessage.contains("Failed to find data source: asfdwefasdfasdf.")) } }
Example 118
Source File: AnalysisTest.scala From BigDatalog with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.analysis import org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans.PlanTest import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans.logical._ import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.{TableIdentifier, SimpleCatalystConf} trait AnalysisTest extends PlanTest { val (caseSensitiveAnalyzer, caseInsensitiveAnalyzer) = { val caseSensitiveConf = new SimpleCatalystConf(true) val caseInsensitiveConf = new SimpleCatalystConf(false) val caseSensitiveCatalog = new SimpleCatalog(caseSensitiveConf) val caseInsensitiveCatalog = new SimpleCatalog(caseInsensitiveConf) caseSensitiveCatalog.registerTable(TableIdentifier("TaBlE"), TestRelations.testRelation) caseInsensitiveCatalog.registerTable(TableIdentifier("TaBlE"), TestRelations.testRelation) new Analyzer(caseSensitiveCatalog, EmptyFunctionRegistry, caseSensitiveConf) { override val extendedResolutionRules = EliminateSubQueries :: Nil } -> new Analyzer(caseInsensitiveCatalog, EmptyFunctionRegistry, caseInsensitiveConf) { override val extendedResolutionRules = EliminateSubQueries :: Nil } } protected def getAnalyzer(caseSensitive: Boolean) = { if (caseSensitive) caseSensitiveAnalyzer else caseInsensitiveAnalyzer } protected def checkAnalysis( inputPlan: LogicalPlan, expectedPlan: LogicalPlan, caseSensitive: Boolean = true): Unit = { val analyzer = getAnalyzer(caseSensitive) val actualPlan = analyzer.execute(inputPlan) analyzer.checkAnalysis(actualPlan) comparePlans(actualPlan, expectedPlan) } protected def assertAnalysisSuccess( inputPlan: LogicalPlan, caseSensitive: Boolean = true): Unit = { val analyzer = getAnalyzer(caseSensitive) analyzer.checkAnalysis(analyzer.execute(inputPlan)) } protected def assertAnalysisError( inputPlan: LogicalPlan, expectedErrors: Seq[String], caseSensitive: Boolean = true): Unit = { val analyzer = getAnalyzer(caseSensitive) val e = intercept[AnalysisException] { analyzer.checkAnalysis(analyzer.execute(inputPlan)) } assert(, s"Expected to throw Exception contains: ${expectedErrors.mkString(", ")}, " + s"actually we get ${e.getMessage}") } }
Example 119
Source File: randomExpressions.scala From BigDatalog with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions import org.apache.spark.TaskContext import org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.InternalRow import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.codegen.{CodeGenContext, GeneratedExpressionCode} import org.apache.spark.sql.types.{DataType, DoubleType} import org.apache.spark.util.Utils import org.apache.spark.util.random.XORShiftRandom case class Randn(seed: Long) extends RDG { override protected def evalInternal(input: InternalRow): Double = rng.nextGaussian() def this() = this(Utils.random.nextLong()) def this(seed: Expression) = this(seed match { case IntegerLiteral(s) => s case _ => throw new AnalysisException("Input argument to rand must be an integer literal.") }) override def genCode(ctx: CodeGenContext, ev: GeneratedExpressionCode): String = { val rngTerm = ctx.freshName("rng") val className = classOf[XORShiftRandom].getName ctx.addMutableState(className, rngTerm, s"$rngTerm = new $className(${seed}L + org.apache.spark.TaskContext.getPartitionId());") ev.isNull = "false" s""" final ${ctx.javaType(dataType)} ${ev.value} = $rngTerm.nextGaussian(); """ } }
Example 120
Source File: SparkSQLDriver.scala From BigDatalog with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.hive.thriftserver import java.util.{Arrays, ArrayList => JArrayList, List => JList} import org.apache.log4j.LogManager import org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException import scala.collection.JavaConverters._ import org.apache.commons.lang3.exception.ExceptionUtils import org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.{FieldSchema, Schema} import org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.Driver import org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.processors.CommandProcessorResponse import org.apache.spark.Logging import org.apache.spark.sql.hive.{HiveContext, HiveMetastoreTypes} private[hive] class SparkSQLDriver( val context: HiveContext = SparkSQLEnv.hiveContext) extends Driver with Logging { private[hive] var tableSchema: Schema = _ private[hive] var hiveResponse: Seq[String] = _ override def init(): Unit = { } private def getResultSetSchema(query: context.QueryExecution): Schema = { val analyzed = query.analyzed logDebug(s"Result Schema: ${analyzed.output}") if (analyzed.output.isEmpty) { new Schema(Arrays.asList(new FieldSchema("Response code", "string", "")), null) } else { val fieldSchemas = { attr => new FieldSchema(, HiveMetastoreTypes.toMetastoreType(attr.dataType), "") } new Schema(fieldSchemas.asJava, null) } } override def run(command: String): CommandProcessorResponse = { // TODO unify the error code try { context.sparkContext.setJobDescription(command) val execution = context.executePlan(context.sql(command).logicalPlan) hiveResponse = execution.stringResult() tableSchema = getResultSetSchema(execution) new CommandProcessorResponse(0) } catch { case ae: AnalysisException => logDebug(s"Failed in [$command]", ae) new CommandProcessorResponse(1, ExceptionUtils.getStackTrace(ae), null, ae) case cause: Throwable => logError(s"Failed in [$command]", cause) new CommandProcessorResponse(1, ExceptionUtils.getStackTrace(cause), null, cause) } } override def close(): Int = { hiveResponse = null tableSchema = null 0 } override def getResults(res: JList[_]): Boolean = { if (hiveResponse == null) { false } else { res.asInstanceOf[JArrayList[String]].addAll(hiveResponse.asJava) hiveResponse = null true } } override def getSchema: Schema = tableSchema override def destroy() { super.destroy() hiveResponse = null tableSchema = null } }
Example 121
Source File: CreateTableAsSelect.scala From BigDatalog with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.hive.execution import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.TableIdentifier import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans.logical.{InsertIntoTable, LogicalPlan} import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.RunnableCommand import org.apache.spark.sql.hive.client.{HiveColumn, HiveTable} import org.apache.spark.sql.hive.{HiveContext, HiveMetastoreTypes, MetastoreRelation} import org.apache.spark.sql.{AnalysisException, Row, SQLContext} private[hive] case class CreateTableAsSelect( tableDesc: HiveTable, query: LogicalPlan, allowExisting: Boolean) extends RunnableCommand { val tableIdentifier = TableIdentifier(, Some(tableDesc.database)) override def children: Seq[LogicalPlan] = Seq(query) override def run(sqlContext: SQLContext): Seq[Row] = { val hiveContext = sqlContext.asInstanceOf[HiveContext] lazy val metastoreRelation: MetastoreRelation = { import import org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.`lazy`.LazySimpleSerDe import import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.TextInputFormat val withFormat = tableDesc.copy( inputFormat = tableDesc.inputFormat.orElse(Some(classOf[TextInputFormat].getName)), outputFormat = tableDesc.outputFormat .orElse(Some(classOf[HiveIgnoreKeyTextOutputFormat[Text, Text]].getName)), serde = tableDesc.serde.orElse(Some(classOf[LazySimpleSerDe].getName()))) val withSchema = if (withFormat.schema.isEmpty) { // Hive doesn't support specifying the column list for target table in CTAS // However we don't think SparkSQL should follow that. tableDesc.copy(schema = => HiveColumn(, HiveMetastoreTypes.toMetastoreType(c.dataType), null))) } else { withFormat } hiveContext.catalog.client.createTable(withSchema) // Get the Metastore Relation hiveContext.catalog.lookupRelation(tableIdentifier, None) match { case r: MetastoreRelation => r } } // TODO ideally, we should get the output data ready first and then // add the relation into catalog, just in case of failure occurs while data // processing. if (hiveContext.catalog.tableExists(tableIdentifier)) { if (allowExisting) { // table already exists, will do nothing, to keep consistent with Hive } else { throw new AnalysisException(s"$tableIdentifier already exists.") } } else { hiveContext.executePlan(InsertIntoTable(metastoreRelation, Map(), query, true, false)).toRdd } Seq.empty[Row] } override def argString: String = { s"[Database:${tableDesc.database}}, TableName: ${}, InsertIntoHiveTable]" } }
Example 122
Source File: CreateViewAsSelect.scala From BigDatalog with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.hive.execution import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.TableIdentifier import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.Attribute import org.apache.spark.sql.hive.{HiveMetastoreTypes, HiveContext} import org.apache.spark.sql.{AnalysisException, Row, SQLContext} import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.RunnableCommand import org.apache.spark.sql.hive.client.{HiveColumn, HiveTable} // TODO: Note that this class can NOT canonicalize the view SQL string entirely, which is different // from Hive and may not work for some cases like create view on self join. private[hive] case class CreateViewAsSelect( tableDesc: HiveTable, childSchema: Seq[Attribute], allowExisting: Boolean, orReplace: Boolean) extends RunnableCommand { assert(tableDesc.schema == Nil || tableDesc.schema.length == childSchema.length) assert(tableDesc.viewText.isDefined) val tableIdentifier = TableIdentifier(, Some(tableDesc.database)) override def run(sqlContext: SQLContext): Seq[Row] = { val hiveContext = sqlContext.asInstanceOf[HiveContext] if (hiveContext.catalog.tableExists(tableIdentifier)) { if (allowExisting) { // view already exists, will do nothing, to keep consistent with Hive } else if (orReplace) { hiveContext.catalog.client.alertView(prepareTable()) } else { throw new AnalysisException(s"View $tableIdentifier already exists. " + "If you want to update the view definition, please use ALTER VIEW AS or " + "CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW AS") } } else { hiveContext.catalog.client.createView(prepareTable()) } Seq.empty[Row] } private def prepareTable(): HiveTable = { // setup column types according to the schema of child. val schema = if (tableDesc.schema == Nil) { { attr => HiveColumn(, HiveMetastoreTypes.toMetastoreType(attr.dataType), null) } } else { { case (attr, col) => HiveColumn(, HiveMetastoreTypes.toMetastoreType(attr.dataType), col.comment) } } val columnNames = => verbose( // When user specified column names for view, we should create a project to do the renaming. // When no column name specified, we still need to create a project to declare the columns // we need, to make us more robust to top level `*`s. val projectList = if (tableDesc.schema == Nil) { columnNames.mkString(", ") } else { => verbose( { case (name, alias) => s"$name AS $alias" }.mkString(", ") } val viewName = verbose( val expandedText = s"SELECT $projectList FROM (${tableDesc.viewText.get}) $viewName" tableDesc.copy(schema = schema, viewText = Some(expandedText)) } // escape backtick with double-backtick in column name and wrap it with backtick. private def verbose(name: String) = s"`${name.replaceAll("`", "``")}`" }
Example 123
Source File: OrcFileOperator.scala From BigDatalog with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.hive.orc import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path import{OrcFile, Reader} import org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.objectinspector.StructObjectInspector import org.apache.spark.Logging import org.apache.spark.deploy.SparkHadoopUtil import org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException import org.apache.spark.sql.hive.HiveMetastoreTypes import org.apache.spark.sql.types.StructType private[orc] object OrcFileOperator extends Logging { def getFileReader(basePath: String, config: Option[Configuration] = None): Option[Reader] = { def isWithNonEmptySchema(path: Path, reader: Reader): Boolean = { reader.getObjectInspector match { case oi: StructObjectInspector if oi.getAllStructFieldRefs.size() == 0 => logInfo( s"ORC file $path has empty schema, it probably contains no rows. " + "Trying to read another ORC file to figure out the schema.") false case _ => true } } val conf = config.getOrElse(new Configuration) val fs = { val hdfsPath = new Path(basePath) hdfsPath.getFileSystem(conf) } listOrcFiles(basePath, conf) { path => path -> OrcFile.createReader(fs, path) }.collectFirst { case (path, reader) if isWithNonEmptySchema(path, reader) => reader } } def readSchema(path: String, conf: Option[Configuration]): StructType = { val reader = getFileReader(path, conf).getOrElse { throw new AnalysisException( s"Failed to discover schema from ORC files stored in $path. " + "Probably there are either no ORC files or only empty ORC files.") } val readerInspector = reader.getObjectInspector.asInstanceOf[StructObjectInspector] val schema = readerInspector.getTypeName logDebug(s"Reading schema from file $path, got Hive schema string: $schema") HiveMetastoreTypes.toDataType(schema).asInstanceOf[StructType] } def getObjectInspector( path: String, conf: Option[Configuration]): Option[StructObjectInspector] = { getFileReader(path, conf).map(_.getObjectInspector.asInstanceOf[StructObjectInspector]) } def listOrcFiles(pathStr: String, conf: Configuration): Seq[Path] = { val origPath = new Path(pathStr) val fs = origPath.getFileSystem(conf) val path = origPath.makeQualified(fs.getUri, fs.getWorkingDirectory) val paths = SparkHadoopUtil.get.listLeafStatuses(fs, origPath) .filterNot(_.isDir) .map(_.getPath) .filterNot(_.getName.startsWith("_")) .filterNot(_.getName.startsWith(".")) if (paths == null || paths.isEmpty) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( s"orcFileOperator: path $path does not have valid orc files matching the pattern") } paths } }
Example 124
Source File: DDLSourceLoadSuite.scala From Spark-2.3.1 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.sources import org.apache.spark.sql.{AnalysisException, SQLContext} import org.apache.spark.sql.test.SharedSQLContext import org.apache.spark.sql.types._ // please note that the META-INF/services had to be modified for the test directory for this to work class DDLSourceLoadSuite extends DataSourceTest with SharedSQLContext { test("data sources with the same name - internal data sources") { val e = intercept[AnalysisException] {"Fluet da Bomb").load() } assert(e.getMessage.contains("Multiple sources found for Fluet da Bomb")) } test("data sources with the same name - internal data source/external data source") { assert("datasource").load().schema == StructType(Seq(StructField("longType", LongType, nullable = false)))) } test("data sources with the same name - external data sources") { val e = intercept[AnalysisException] {"Fake external source").load() } assert(e.getMessage.contains("Multiple sources found for Fake external source")) } test("load data source from format alias") { assert("gathering quorum").load().schema == StructType(Seq(StructField("stringType", StringType, nullable = false)))) } test("specify full classname with duplicate formats") { assert("org.apache.spark.sql.sources.FakeSourceOne") .load().schema == StructType(Seq(StructField("stringType", StringType, nullable = false)))) } } class FakeSourceOne extends RelationProvider with DataSourceRegister { def shortName(): String = "Fluet da Bomb" override def createRelation(cont: SQLContext, param: Map[String, String]): BaseRelation = new BaseRelation { override def sqlContext: SQLContext = cont override def schema: StructType = StructType(Seq(StructField("stringType", StringType, nullable = false))) } } class FakeSourceTwo extends RelationProvider with DataSourceRegister { def shortName(): String = "Fluet da Bomb" override def createRelation(cont: SQLContext, param: Map[String, String]): BaseRelation = new BaseRelation { override def sqlContext: SQLContext = cont override def schema: StructType = StructType(Seq(StructField("integerType", IntegerType, nullable = false))) } } class FakeSourceThree extends RelationProvider with DataSourceRegister { def shortName(): String = "gathering quorum" override def createRelation(cont: SQLContext, param: Map[String, String]): BaseRelation = new BaseRelation { override def sqlContext: SQLContext = cont override def schema: StructType = StructType(Seq(StructField("stringType", StringType, nullable = false))) } } class FakeSourceFour extends RelationProvider with DataSourceRegister { def shortName(): String = "datasource" override def createRelation(cont: SQLContext, param: Map[String, String]): BaseRelation = new BaseRelation { override def sqlContext: SQLContext = cont override def schema: StructType = StructType(Seq(StructField("longType", LongType, nullable = false))) } }
Example 125
Source File: TestShowPartitions.scala From carbondata with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
package org.apache.carbondata.spark.testsuite.partition import org.apache.spark.sql.{AnalysisException, DataFrame, Row} import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.analysis.NoSuchDatabaseException import org.scalatest.BeforeAndAfterAll import org.apache.carbondata.core.constants.CarbonCommonConstants import org.apache.carbondata.core.util.CarbonProperties import org.apache.spark.sql.test.util.QueryTest import org.apache.carbondata.spark.exception.ProcessMetaDataException class TestShowPartition extends QueryTest with BeforeAndAfterAll { override def beforeAll = { CarbonProperties.getInstance() .addProperty(CarbonCommonConstants.CARBON_TIMESTAMP_FORMAT, "dd-MM-yyyy") sql("drop table if exists notPartitionTable") sql(""" | CREATE TABLE notPartitionTable | ( | vin String, | logdate Timestamp, | phonenumber Int, | country String, | area String | ) | STORED AS carbondata """.stripMargin) sql(s"CREATE DATABASE if not exists partitionDB") sql("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS hiveTable") sql(""" | create table hiveTable(id int, name string) partitioned by (city string) | row format delimited fields terminated by ',' """.stripMargin) sql("alter table hiveTable add partition (city = 'Hangzhou')") sql(s"CREATE DATABASE if not exists hiveDB") sql("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS hiveDB.hiveTable") sql(""" | create table hiveDB.hiveTable(id int, name string) partitioned by (city string) | row format delimited fields terminated by ',' """.stripMargin) sql("alter table hiveDB.hiveTable add partition (city = 'Shanghai')") } test("show partition table: exception when show not partition table") { val errorMessage = intercept[AnalysisException] { sql("show partitions notPartitionTable").show() } assert(errorMessage.getMessage.contains( "SHOW PARTITIONS is not allowed on a table that is not partitioned")) } test("show partition table: hive partition table") { // EqualTo checkAnswer(sql("show partitions hiveTable"), Seq(Row("city=Hangzhou"))) sql("use hiveDB").show() checkAnswer(sql("show partitions hiveTable"), Seq(Row("city=Shanghai"))) sql("use default").show() } override def afterAll = { sql("use default") sql("drop table if exists notPartitionTable") sql("drop table if exists hiveTable") try { sql("drop table if exists hiveDB.hiveTable") } catch { case ex: NoSuchDatabaseException => print(ex.getMessage()) } sql("DROP DATABASE if exists partitionDB") sql("DROP DATABASE if exists hiveDB") CarbonProperties.getInstance() .addProperty(CarbonCommonConstants.CARBON_TIMESTAMP_FORMAT, CarbonCommonConstants.CARBON_TIMESTAMP_DEFAULT_FORMAT) } }