org.apache.spark.sql.SQLContext Scala Examples
The following examples show how to use org.apache.spark.sql.SQLContext.
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Example 1
Source File: DefaultSource.scala From spark-snowflake with Apache License 2.0 | 7 votes |
package net.snowflake.spark.snowflake import net.snowflake.spark.snowflake.streaming.SnowflakeSink import net.snowflake.spark.snowflake.Utils.SNOWFLAKE_SOURCE_SHORT_NAME import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.streaming.Sink import org.apache.spark.sql.sources._ import org.apache.spark.sql.streaming.OutputMode import org.apache.spark.sql.types.StructType import org.apache.spark.sql.{DataFrame, SQLContext, SaveMode} import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory override def createRelation(sqlContext: SQLContext, saveMode: SaveMode, parameters: Map[String, String], data: DataFrame): BaseRelation = { val params = Parameters.mergeParameters(parameters) // check spark version for push down if (params.autoPushdown) { SnowflakeConnectorUtils.checkVersionAndEnablePushdown( sqlContext.sparkSession ) } // pass parameters to pushdown functions pushdowns.setGlobalParameter(params) val table = params.table.getOrElse { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "For save operations you must specify a Snowfake table name with the 'dbtable' parameter" ) } def tableExists: Boolean = { val conn = jdbcWrapper.getConnector(params) try { jdbcWrapper.tableExists(conn, table.toString) } finally { conn.close() } } val (doSave, dropExisting) = saveMode match { case SaveMode.Append => (true, false) case SaveMode.Overwrite => (true, true) case SaveMode.ErrorIfExists => if (tableExists) { sys.error( s"Table $table already exists! (SaveMode is set to ErrorIfExists)" ) } else { (true, false) } case SaveMode.Ignore => if (tableExists) {"Table $table already exists -- ignoring save request.") (false, false) } else { (true, false) } } if (doSave) { val updatedParams = parameters.updated("overwrite", dropExisting.toString) new SnowflakeWriter(jdbcWrapper) .save( sqlContext, data, saveMode, Parameters.mergeParameters(updatedParams) ) } createRelation(sqlContext, parameters) } override def createSink(sqlContext: SQLContext, parameters: Map[String, String], partitionColumns: Seq[String], outputMode: OutputMode): Sink = new SnowflakeSink(sqlContext, parameters, partitionColumns, outputMode) }
Example 2
Source File: JdbcRelationProvider.scala From drizzle-spark with Apache License 2.0 | 7 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.jdbc import org.apache.spark.sql.{AnalysisException, DataFrame, SaveMode, SQLContext} import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.jdbc.JdbcUtils._ import org.apache.spark.sql.sources.{BaseRelation, CreatableRelationProvider, DataSourceRegister, RelationProvider} class JdbcRelationProvider extends CreatableRelationProvider with RelationProvider with DataSourceRegister { override def shortName(): String = "jdbc" override def createRelation( sqlContext: SQLContext, parameters: Map[String, String]): BaseRelation = { val jdbcOptions = new JDBCOptions(parameters) val partitionColumn = jdbcOptions.partitionColumn val lowerBound = jdbcOptions.lowerBound val upperBound = jdbcOptions.upperBound val numPartitions = jdbcOptions.numPartitions val partitionInfo = if (partitionColumn == null) { null } else { JDBCPartitioningInfo( partitionColumn, lowerBound.toLong, upperBound.toLong, numPartitions.toInt) } val parts = JDBCRelation.columnPartition(partitionInfo) JDBCRelation(parts, jdbcOptions)(sqlContext.sparkSession) } override def createRelation( sqlContext: SQLContext, mode: SaveMode, parameters: Map[String, String], df: DataFrame): BaseRelation = { val jdbcOptions = new JDBCOptions(parameters) val url = jdbcOptions.url val table = jdbcOptions.table val createTableOptions = jdbcOptions.createTableOptions val isTruncate = jdbcOptions.isTruncate val conn = JdbcUtils.createConnectionFactory(jdbcOptions)() try { val tableExists = JdbcUtils.tableExists(conn, url, table) if (tableExists) { mode match { case SaveMode.Overwrite => if (isTruncate && isCascadingTruncateTable(url) == Some(false)) { // In this case, we should truncate table and then load. truncateTable(conn, table) saveTable(df, url, table, jdbcOptions) } else { // Otherwise, do not truncate the table, instead drop and recreate it dropTable(conn, table) createTable(df.schema, url, table, createTableOptions, conn) saveTable(df, url, table, jdbcOptions) } case SaveMode.Append => saveTable(df, url, table, jdbcOptions) case SaveMode.ErrorIfExists => throw new AnalysisException( s"Table or view '$table' already exists. SaveMode: ErrorIfExists.") case SaveMode.Ignore => // With `SaveMode.Ignore` mode, if table already exists, the save operation is expected // to not save the contents of the DataFrame and to not change the existing data. // Therefore, it is okay to do nothing here and then just return the relation below. } } else { createTable(df.schema, url, table, createTableOptions, conn) saveTable(df, url, table, jdbcOptions) } } finally { conn.close() } createRelation(sqlContext, parameters) } }
Example 3
Source File: MLlibTestSparkContext.scala From drizzle-spark with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.mllib.util import import org.scalatest.Suite import org.apache.spark.SparkContext import import org.apache.spark.sql.{SparkSession, SQLContext, SQLImplicits} import org.apache.spark.util.Utils trait MLlibTestSparkContext extends TempDirectory { self: Suite => @transient var spark: SparkSession = _ @transient var sc: SparkContext = _ @transient var checkpointDir: String = _ override def beforeAll() { super.beforeAll() spark = SparkSession.builder .master("local[2]") .appName("MLlibUnitTest") .getOrCreate() sc = spark.sparkContext checkpointDir = Utils.createDirectory(tempDir.getCanonicalPath, "checkpoints").toString sc.setCheckpointDir(checkpointDir) } override def afterAll() { try { Utils.deleteRecursively(new File(checkpointDir)) SparkSession.clearActiveSession() if (spark != null) { spark.stop() } spark = null } finally { super.afterAll() } } protected object testImplicits extends SQLImplicits { protected override def _sqlContext: SQLContext = self.spark.sqlContext } }
Example 4
Source File: SparkSQLCLIService.scala From drizzle-spark with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.hive.thriftserver import import java.util.{List => JList} import import scala.collection.JavaConverters._ import org.apache.commons.logging.Log import org.apache.hadoop.hive.conf.HiveConf import org.apache.hadoop.hive.shims.Utils import import org.apache.hive.service.{AbstractService, Service, ServiceException} import org.apache.hive.service.Service.STATE import org.apache.hive.service.auth.HiveAuthFactory import org.apache.hive.service.cli._ import org.apache.hive.service.server.HiveServer2 import org.apache.spark.sql.SQLContext import org.apache.spark.sql.hive.thriftserver.ReflectionUtils._ private[hive] class SparkSQLCLIService(hiveServer: HiveServer2, sqlContext: SQLContext) extends CLIService(hiveServer) with ReflectedCompositeService { override def init(hiveConf: HiveConf) { setSuperField(this, "hiveConf", hiveConf) val sparkSqlSessionManager = new SparkSQLSessionManager(hiveServer, sqlContext) setSuperField(this, "sessionManager", sparkSqlSessionManager) addService(sparkSqlSessionManager) var sparkServiceUGI: UserGroupInformation = null if (UserGroupInformation.isSecurityEnabled) { try { HiveAuthFactory.loginFromKeytab(hiveConf) sparkServiceUGI = Utils.getUGI() setSuperField(this, "serviceUGI", sparkServiceUGI) } catch { case e @ (_: IOException | _: LoginException) => throw new ServiceException("Unable to login to kerberos with given principal/keytab", e) } } initCompositeService(hiveConf) } override def getInfo(sessionHandle: SessionHandle, getInfoType: GetInfoType): GetInfoValue = { getInfoType match { case GetInfoType.CLI_SERVER_NAME => new GetInfoValue("Spark SQL") case GetInfoType.CLI_DBMS_NAME => new GetInfoValue("Spark SQL") case GetInfoType.CLI_DBMS_VER => new GetInfoValue(sqlContext.sparkContext.version) case _ => super.getInfo(sessionHandle, getInfoType) } } } private[thriftserver] trait ReflectedCompositeService { this: AbstractService => def initCompositeService(hiveConf: HiveConf) { // Emulating `CompositeService.init(hiveConf)` val serviceList = getAncestorField[JList[Service]](this, 2, "serviceList") serviceList.asScala.foreach(_.init(hiveConf)) // Emulating `AbstractService.init(hiveConf)` invoke(classOf[AbstractService], this, "ensureCurrentState", classOf[STATE] -> STATE.NOTINITED) setAncestorField(this, 3, "hiveConf", hiveConf) invoke(classOf[AbstractService], this, "changeState", classOf[STATE] -> STATE.INITED) getAncestorField[Log](this, 3, "LOG").info(s"Service: $getName is inited.") } }
Example 5
Source File: SparkSQLDriver.scala From drizzle-spark with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.hive.thriftserver import java.util.{ArrayList => JArrayList, Arrays, List => JList} import scala.collection.JavaConverters._ import org.apache.commons.lang3.exception.ExceptionUtils import org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.{FieldSchema, Schema} import org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.Driver import org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.processors.CommandProcessorResponse import org.apache.spark.internal.Logging import org.apache.spark.sql.{AnalysisException, SQLContext} import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.QueryExecution private[hive] class SparkSQLDriver(val context: SQLContext = SparkSQLEnv.sqlContext) extends Driver with Logging { private[hive] var tableSchema: Schema = _ private[hive] var hiveResponse: Seq[String] = _ override def init(): Unit = { } private def getResultSetSchema(query: QueryExecution): Schema = { val analyzed = query.analyzed logDebug(s"Result Schema: ${analyzed.output}") if (analyzed.output.isEmpty) { new Schema(Arrays.asList(new FieldSchema("Response code", "string", "")), null) } else { val fieldSchemas = { attr => new FieldSchema(, attr.dataType.catalogString, "") } new Schema(fieldSchemas.asJava, null) } } override def run(command: String): CommandProcessorResponse = { // TODO unify the error code try { context.sparkContext.setJobDescription(command) val execution = context.sessionState.executePlan(context.sql(command).logicalPlan) hiveResponse = execution.hiveResultString() tableSchema = getResultSetSchema(execution) new CommandProcessorResponse(0) } catch { case ae: AnalysisException => logDebug(s"Failed in [$command]", ae) new CommandProcessorResponse(1, ExceptionUtils.getStackTrace(ae), null, ae) case cause: Throwable => logError(s"Failed in [$command]", cause) new CommandProcessorResponse(1, ExceptionUtils.getStackTrace(cause), null, cause) } } override def close(): Int = { hiveResponse = null tableSchema = null 0 } override def getResults(res: JList[_]): Boolean = { if (hiveResponse == null) { false } else { res.asInstanceOf[JArrayList[String]].addAll(hiveResponse.asJava) hiveResponse = null true } } override def getSchema: Schema = tableSchema override def destroy() { super.destroy() hiveResponse = null tableSchema = null } }
Example 6
Source File: SparkSQLSessionManager.scala From drizzle-spark with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.hive.thriftserver import java.util.concurrent.Executors import org.apache.commons.logging.Log import org.apache.hadoop.hive.conf.HiveConf import org.apache.hadoop.hive.conf.HiveConf.ConfVars import org.apache.hive.service.cli.SessionHandle import org.apache.hive.service.cli.session.SessionManager import org.apache.hive.service.cli.thrift.TProtocolVersion import org.apache.hive.service.server.HiveServer2 import org.apache.spark.sql.SQLContext import org.apache.spark.sql.hive.{HiveSessionState, HiveUtils} import org.apache.spark.sql.hive.thriftserver.ReflectionUtils._ import org.apache.spark.sql.hive.thriftserver.server.SparkSQLOperationManager private[hive] class SparkSQLSessionManager(hiveServer: HiveServer2, sqlContext: SQLContext) extends SessionManager(hiveServer) with ReflectedCompositeService { private lazy val sparkSqlOperationManager = new SparkSQLOperationManager() override def init(hiveConf: HiveConf) { setSuperField(this, "hiveConf", hiveConf) // Create operation log root directory, if operation logging is enabled if (hiveConf.getBoolVar(ConfVars.HIVE_SERVER2_LOGGING_OPERATION_ENABLED)) { invoke(classOf[SessionManager], this, "initOperationLogRootDir") } val backgroundPoolSize = hiveConf.getIntVar(ConfVars.HIVE_SERVER2_ASYNC_EXEC_THREADS) setSuperField(this, "backgroundOperationPool", Executors.newFixedThreadPool(backgroundPoolSize)) getAncestorField[Log](this, 3, "LOG").info( s"HiveServer2: Async execution pool size $backgroundPoolSize") setSuperField(this, "operationManager", sparkSqlOperationManager) addService(sparkSqlOperationManager) initCompositeService(hiveConf) } override def openSession( protocol: TProtocolVersion, username: String, passwd: String, ipAddress: String, sessionConf: java.util.Map[String, String], withImpersonation: Boolean, delegationToken: String): SessionHandle = { val sessionHandle = super.openSession(protocol, username, passwd, ipAddress, sessionConf, withImpersonation, delegationToken) val session = super.getSession(sessionHandle) HiveThriftServer2.listener.onSessionCreated( session.getIpAddress, sessionHandle.getSessionId.toString, session.getUsername) val sessionState = sqlContext.sessionState.asInstanceOf[HiveSessionState] val ctx = if (sessionState.hiveThriftServerSingleSession) { sqlContext } else { sqlContext.newSession() } ctx.setConf("spark.sql.hive.version", HiveUtils.hiveExecutionVersion) if (sessionConf != null && sessionConf.containsKey("use:database")) { ctx.sql(s"use ${sessionConf.get("use:database")}") } sparkSqlOperationManager.sessionToContexts.put(sessionHandle, ctx) sessionHandle } override def closeSession(sessionHandle: SessionHandle) { HiveThriftServer2.listener.onSessionClosed(sessionHandle.getSessionId.toString) super.closeSession(sessionHandle) sparkSqlOperationManager.sessionToActivePool.remove(sessionHandle) sparkSqlOperationManager.sessionToContexts.remove(sessionHandle) } }
Example 7
Source File: SparkSQLOperationManager.scala From drizzle-spark with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.hive.thriftserver.server import java.util.{Map => JMap} import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap import org.apache.hive.service.cli._ import org.apache.hive.service.cli.operation.{ExecuteStatementOperation, Operation, OperationManager} import org.apache.hive.service.cli.session.HiveSession import org.apache.spark.internal.Logging import org.apache.spark.sql.SQLContext import org.apache.spark.sql.hive.HiveSessionState import org.apache.spark.sql.hive.thriftserver.{ReflectionUtils, SparkExecuteStatementOperation} private[thriftserver] class SparkSQLOperationManager() extends OperationManager with Logging { val handleToOperation = ReflectionUtils .getSuperField[JMap[OperationHandle, Operation]](this, "handleToOperation") val sessionToActivePool = new ConcurrentHashMap[SessionHandle, String]() val sessionToContexts = new ConcurrentHashMap[SessionHandle, SQLContext]() override def newExecuteStatementOperation( parentSession: HiveSession, statement: String, confOverlay: JMap[String, String], async: Boolean): ExecuteStatementOperation = synchronized { val sqlContext = sessionToContexts.get(parentSession.getSessionHandle) require(sqlContext != null, s"Session handle: ${parentSession.getSessionHandle} has not been" + s" initialized or had already closed.") val sessionState = sqlContext.sessionState.asInstanceOf[HiveSessionState] val runInBackground = async && sessionState.hiveThriftServerAsync val operation = new SparkExecuteStatementOperation(parentSession, statement, confOverlay, runInBackground)(sqlContext, sessionToActivePool) handleToOperation.put(operation.getHandle, operation) logDebug(s"Created Operation for $statement with session=$parentSession, " + s"runInBackground=$runInBackground") operation } }
Example 8
Source File: SparkSQLEnv.scala From drizzle-spark with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.hive.thriftserver import import scala.collection.JavaConverters._ import org.apache.spark.{SparkConf, SparkContext} import org.apache.spark.internal.Logging import org.apache.spark.sql.{SparkSession, SQLContext} import org.apache.spark.sql.hive.{HiveSessionState, HiveUtils} import org.apache.spark.util.Utils def stop() { logDebug("Shutting down Spark SQL Environment") // Stop the SparkContext if (SparkSQLEnv.sparkContext != null) { sparkContext.stop() sparkContext = null sqlContext = null } } }
Example 9
Source File: HadoopFsRelation.scala From drizzle-spark with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources import org.apache.spark.sql.{SparkSession, SQLContext} import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.catalog.BucketSpec import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.FileRelation import org.apache.spark.sql.sources.{BaseRelation, DataSourceRegister} import org.apache.spark.sql.types.StructType case class HadoopFsRelation( location: FileCatalog, partitionSchema: StructType, dataSchema: StructType, bucketSpec: Option[BucketSpec], fileFormat: FileFormat, options: Map[String, String])(val sparkSession: SparkSession) extends BaseRelation with FileRelation { override def sqlContext: SQLContext = sparkSession.sqlContext val schema: StructType = { val dataSchemaColumnNames = StructType(dataSchema ++ partitionSchema.filterNot { column => dataSchemaColumnNames.contains( }) } def partitionSchemaOption: Option[StructType] = if (partitionSchema.isEmpty) None else Some(partitionSchema) override def toString: String = { fileFormat match { case source: DataSourceRegister => source.shortName() case _ => "HadoopFiles" } } override def sizeInBytes: Long = location.sizeInBytes override def inputFiles: Array[String] = location.inputFiles }
Example 10
Source File: console.scala From drizzle-spark with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.execution.streaming import org.apache.spark.internal.Logging import org.apache.spark.sql.{DataFrame, SQLContext} import org.apache.spark.sql.sources.{DataSourceRegister, StreamSinkProvider} import org.apache.spark.sql.streaming.OutputMode class ConsoleSink(options: Map[String, String]) extends Sink with Logging { // Number of rows to display, by default 20 rows private val numRowsToShow = options.get("numRows").map(_.toInt).getOrElse(20) // Truncate the displayed data if it is too long, by default it is true private val isTruncated = options.get("truncate").map(_.toBoolean).getOrElse(true) // Track the batch id private var lastBatchId = -1L override def addBatch(batchId: Long, data: DataFrame): Unit = synchronized { val batchIdStr = if (batchId <= lastBatchId) { s"Rerun batch: $batchId" } else { lastBatchId = batchId s"Batch: $batchId" } // scalastyle:off println println("-------------------------------------------") println(batchIdStr) println("-------------------------------------------") // scalastyle:off println data.sparkSession.createDataFrame( data.sparkSession.sparkContext.parallelize(data.collect()), data.schema) .show(numRowsToShow, isTruncated) } } class ConsoleSinkProvider extends StreamSinkProvider with DataSourceRegister { def createSink( sqlContext: SQLContext, parameters: Map[String, String], partitionColumns: Seq[String], outputMode: OutputMode): Sink = { new ConsoleSink(parameters) } def shortName(): String = "console" }
Example 11
Source File: package.scala From drizzle-spark with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.execution.streaming import scala.reflect.ClassTag import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD import org.apache.spark.sql.SQLContext import org.apache.spark.sql.internal.SessionState import org.apache.spark.sql.types.StructType package object state { implicit class StateStoreOps[T: ClassTag](dataRDD: RDD[T]) { private[streaming] def mapPartitionsWithStateStore[U: ClassTag]( checkpointLocation: String, operatorId: Long, storeVersion: Long, keySchema: StructType, valueSchema: StructType, sessionState: SessionState, storeCoordinator: Option[StateStoreCoordinatorRef])( storeUpdateFunction: (StateStore, Iterator[T]) => Iterator[U]): StateStoreRDD[T, U] = { val cleanedF = dataRDD.sparkContext.clean(storeUpdateFunction) new StateStoreRDD( dataRDD, cleanedF, checkpointLocation, operatorId, storeVersion, keySchema, valueSchema, sessionState, storeCoordinator) } } }
Example 12
Source File: DDLSourceLoadSuite.scala From drizzle-spark with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.sources import org.apache.spark.sql.{AnalysisException, SQLContext} import org.apache.spark.sql.test.SharedSQLContext import org.apache.spark.sql.types.{StringType, StructField, StructType} // please note that the META-INF/services had to be modified for the test directory for this to work class DDLSourceLoadSuite extends DataSourceTest with SharedSQLContext { test("data sources with the same name") { intercept[RuntimeException] {"Fluet da Bomb").load() } } test("load data source from format alias") {"gathering quorum").load().schema == StructType(Seq(StructField("stringType", StringType, nullable = false))) } test("specify full classname with duplicate formats") {"org.apache.spark.sql.sources.FakeSourceOne") .load().schema == StructType(Seq(StructField("stringType", StringType, nullable = false))) } test("should fail to load ORC without Hive Support") { val e = intercept[AnalysisException] {"orc").load() } assert(e.message.contains("The ORC data source must be used with Hive support enabled")) } } class FakeSourceOne extends RelationProvider with DataSourceRegister { def shortName(): String = "Fluet da Bomb" override def createRelation(cont: SQLContext, param: Map[String, String]): BaseRelation = new BaseRelation { override def sqlContext: SQLContext = cont override def schema: StructType = StructType(Seq(StructField("stringType", StringType, nullable = false))) } } class FakeSourceTwo extends RelationProvider with DataSourceRegister { def shortName(): String = "Fluet da Bomb" override def createRelation(cont: SQLContext, param: Map[String, String]): BaseRelation = new BaseRelation { override def sqlContext: SQLContext = cont override def schema: StructType = StructType(Seq(StructField("stringType", StringType, nullable = false))) } } class FakeSourceThree extends RelationProvider with DataSourceRegister { def shortName(): String = "gathering quorum" override def createRelation(cont: SQLContext, param: Map[String, String]): BaseRelation = new BaseRelation { override def sqlContext: SQLContext = cont override def schema: StructType = StructType(Seq(StructField("stringType", StringType, nullable = false))) } }
Example 13
Source File: SharedSQLContext.scala From drizzle-spark with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.test import org.scalatest.BeforeAndAfterEach import org.apache.spark.{DebugFilesystem, SparkConf} import org.apache.spark.sql.{SparkSession, SQLContext} protected override def afterAll(): Unit = { try { if (_spark != null) { _spark.stop() _spark = null } } finally { super.afterAll() } } protected override def beforeEach(): Unit = { super.beforeEach() DebugFilesystem.clearOpenStreams() } protected override def afterEach(): Unit = { super.afterEach() DebugFilesystem.assertNoOpenStreams() } }
Example 14
Source File: DLClassifierLeNet.scala From BigDL with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import import{BytesToGreyImg, GreyImgNormalizer, GreyImgToBatch} import{DataSet, DistributedDataSet, MiniBatch, _} import import import import import import import{Engine, LoggerFilter} import org.apache.log4j.{Level, Logger} import org.apache.spark.SparkContext import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD import org.apache.spark.sql.SQLContext object DLClassifierLeNet { LoggerFilter.redirectSparkInfoLogs() def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { val inputs = Array[String]("Feature data", "Label data") trainParser.parse(args, new TrainParams()).foreach(param => { val conf = Engine.createSparkConf() .setAppName("MLPipeline Example") .set("spark.task.maxFailures", "1") val sc = new SparkContext(conf) val sqLContext = SQLContext.getOrCreate(sc) Engine.init val trainData = param.folder + "/train-images-idx3-ubyte" val trainLabel = param.folder + "/train-labels-idx1-ubyte" val validationData = param.folder + "/t10k-images-idx3-ubyte" val validationLabel = param.folder + "/t10k-labels-idx1-ubyte" val trainSet = DataSet.array(load(trainData, trainLabel), sc) -> BytesToGreyImg(28, 28) -> GreyImgNormalizer(trainMean, trainStd) -> GreyImgToBatch(1) val trainingRDD : RDD[Data[Float]] = trainSet. asInstanceOf[DistributedDataSet[MiniBatch[Float]]].data(false).map(batch => { val feature = batch.getInput().asInstanceOf[Tensor[Float]] val label = batch.getTarget().asInstanceOf[Tensor[Float]] Data[Float](, }) val trainingDF = sqLContext.createDataFrame(trainingRDD).toDF(inputs: _*) val model = LeNet5(classNum = 10) val criterion = ClassNLLCriterion[Float]() val featureSize = Array(28, 28) val estimator = new DLClassifier[Float](model, criterion, featureSize) .setFeaturesCol(inputs(0)) .setLabelCol(inputs(1)) .setBatchSize(param.batchSize) .setMaxEpoch(param.maxEpoch) val transformer = val validationSet = DataSet.array(load(validationData, validationLabel), sc) -> BytesToGreyImg(28, 28) -> GreyImgNormalizer(testMean, testStd) -> GreyImgToBatch(1) val validationRDD: RDD[Data[Float]] = validationSet. asInstanceOf[DistributedDataSet[MiniBatch[Float]]].data(false).map{batch => val feature = batch.getInput().asInstanceOf[Tensor[Float]] val label = batch.getTarget().asInstanceOf[Tensor[Float]] Data[Float](, } val validationDF = sqLContext.createDataFrame(validationRDD).toDF(inputs: _*) val transformed = transformer.transform(validationDF) sc.stop() }) } } private case class Data[T](featureData : Array[T], labelData : Array[T])
Example 15
Source File: DLEstimatorMultiLabelLR.scala From BigDL with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import import import import import import org.apache.spark.SparkContext import org.apache.spark.sql.SQLContext object DLEstimatorMultiLabelLR { def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { val conf = Engine.createSparkConf() .setAppName("DLEstimatorMultiLabelLR") .setMaster("local[1]") val sc = new SparkContext(conf) val sqlContext = SQLContext.getOrCreate(sc) Engine.init val model = Sequential().add(Linear(2, 2)) val criterion = MSECriterion() val estimator = new DLEstimator(model, criterion, Array(2), Array(2)) .setOptimMethod(new LBFGS[Double]()) .setLearningRate(1.0) .setBatchSize(4) .setMaxEpoch(10) val data = sc.parallelize(Seq( (Array(2.0, 1.0), Array(1.0, 2.0)), (Array(1.0, 2.0), Array(2.0, 1.0)), (Array(2.0, 1.0), Array(1.0, 2.0)), (Array(1.0, 2.0), Array(2.0, 1.0)))) val df = sqlContext.createDataFrame(data).toDF("features", "label") val dlModel = dlModel.transform(df).show(false) } }
Example 16
Source File: DLClassifierLogisticRegression.scala From BigDL with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import import{ClassNLLCriterion, Linear, LogSoftMax, Sequential} import import import org.apache.spark.SparkContext import org.apache.spark.sql.SQLContext object DLClassifierLogisticRegression { def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { val conf = Engine.createSparkConf() .setAppName("DLClassifierLogisticRegression") .setMaster("local[1]") val sc = new SparkContext(conf) val sqlContext = SQLContext.getOrCreate(sc) Engine.init val model = Sequential().add(Linear(2, 2)).add(LogSoftMax()) val criterion = ClassNLLCriterion() val estimator = new DLClassifier(model, criterion, Array(2)) .setBatchSize(4) .setMaxEpoch(10) val data = sc.parallelize(Seq( (Array(0.0, 1.0), 1.0), (Array(1.0, 0.0), 2.0), (Array(0.0, 1.0), 1.0), (Array(1.0, 0.0), 2.0))) val df = sqlContext.createDataFrame(data).toDF("features", "label") val dlModel = dlModel.transform(df).show(false) } }
Example 17
Source File: ImagePredictor.scala From BigDL with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import java.nio.file.Paths import import import import import{Engine, LoggerFilter} import org.apache.log4j.{Level, Logger} import org.apache.spark.SparkContext import org.apache.spark.sql.SQLContext object ImagePredictor { LoggerFilter.redirectSparkInfoLogs() Logger.getLogger("").setLevel(Level.INFO) def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { predictParser.parse(args, new PredictParams()).map(param => { val conf = Engine.createSparkConf() conf.setAppName("Predict with trained model") val sc = new SparkContext(conf) Engine.init val sqlContext = new SQLContext(sc) val partitionNum = Engine.nodeNumber() * Engine.coreNumber() val model = loadModel(param) val valTrans = new DLClassifierModel(model, Array(3, imageSize, imageSize)) .setBatchSize(param.batchSize) .setFeaturesCol("features") .setPredictionCol("predict") val valRDD = if (param.isHdfs) { // load image set from hdfs imagesLoadSeq(param.folder, sc, param.classNum).coalesce(partitionNum, true) } else { // load image set from local val paths = LocalImageFiles.readPaths(Paths.get(param.folder), hasLabel = false) sc.parallelize(imagesLoad(paths, 256), partitionNum) } val transf = RowToByteRecords() -> BytesToBGRImg() -> BGRImgCropper(imageSize, imageSize) -> BGRImgNormalizer(testMean, testStd) -> BGRImgToImageVector() val valDF = transformDF(sqlContext.createDataFrame(valRDD), transf) valTrans.transform(valDF) .select("imageName", "predict") .collect() .take(param.showNum) .foreach(println) sc.stop() }) } }
Example 18
Source File: ImageInference.scala From BigDL with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import{DLClassifierModel, DLModel} import org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame import scopt.OptionParser import import import import import import import org.apache.spark.SparkContext import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD import org.apache.spark.sql.SQLContext object ImageInference { def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { val defaultParams = Utils.LocalParams() Utils.parser.parse(args, defaultParams).map { params => val conf = Engine.createSparkConf().setAppName("ModelInference") val sc = SparkContext.getOrCreate(conf) val sqlContext = new SQLContext(sc) Engine.init val imagesDF = Utils.loadImages(params.folder, params.batchSize, sqlContext).cache() imagesDF.printSchema() val model = Module.loadCaffeModel[Float](params.caffeDefPath, params.modelPath) val dlmodel: DLModel[Float] = new DLClassifierModel[Float]( model, Array(3, 224, 224)) .setBatchSize(params.batchSize) .setFeaturesCol("features") .setPredictionCol("prediction") val count = imagesDF.count().toInt val tranDF = dlmodel.transform(imagesDF.limit(count))"imageName", "prediction").show(100, false) } } } object Utils { case class LocalParams(caffeDefPath: String = " ", modelPath: String = " ", folder: String = " ", batchSize: Int = 16, nEpochs: Int = 10 ) val defaultParams = LocalParams() val parser = new OptionParser[LocalParams]("BigDL Example") { opt[String]("caffeDefPath") .text(s"caffeDefPath") .action((x, c) => c.copy(caffeDefPath = x)) opt[String]("modelPath") .text(s"modelPath") .action((x, c) => c.copy(modelPath = x)) opt[String]("folder") .text(s"folder") .action((x, c) => c.copy(folder = x)) opt[Int]('b', "batchSize") .text(s"batchSize") .action((x, c) => c.copy(batchSize = x.toInt)) opt[Int]('e', "nEpochs") .text("epoch numbers") .action((x, c) => c.copy(nEpochs = x)) } def loadImages(path: String, partitionNum: Int, sqlContext: SQLContext): DataFrame = { val imageFrame: ImageFrame =, sqlContext.sparkContext) val transformer = Resize(256, 256) -> CenterCrop(224, 224) -> ChannelNormalize(123, 117, 104, 1, 1, 1) -> MatToTensor() -> ImageFrameToSample() val transformed: ImageFrame = transformer(imageFrame) val imageRDD = transformed.toDistributed() { im => (im.uri, im[Sample[Float]](ImageFeature.sample).getData()) } val imageDF = sqlContext.createDataFrame(imageRDD) .withColumnRenamed("_1", "imageName") .withColumnRenamed("_2", "features") imageDF } }
Example 19
Source File: MLlibTestSparkContext.scala From spark-lp with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.mllib.util import org.scalatest.{BeforeAndAfterAll, Suite} import org.apache.spark.{SparkConf, SparkContext} import org.apache.spark.sql.SQLContext trait MLlibTestSparkContext extends BeforeAndAfterAll { self: Suite => @transient var sc: SparkContext = _ @transient var sqlContext: SQLContext = _ override def beforeAll() { super.beforeAll() val conf = new SparkConf() .setMaster("local[2]") .setAppName("MLlibUnitTest") sc = new SparkContext(conf) sc.setLogLevel("WARN") sqlContext = new SQLContext(sc) } override def afterAll() { sqlContext = null if (sc != null) { sc.stop() } sc = null super.afterAll() } }
Example 20
Source File: TestSFObjectWriter.scala From spark-salesforce with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.springml.spark.salesforce import org.mockito.Mockito._ import org.mockito.Matchers._ import org.scalatest.mock.MockitoSugar import org.scalatest.{ FunSuite, BeforeAndAfterEach} import com.springml.salesforce.wave.api.BulkAPI import org.apache.spark.{ SparkConf, SparkContext} import com.springml.salesforce.wave.model.{ JobInfo, BatchInfo} import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD import org.apache.spark.sql.{ Row, DataFrame, SQLContext} import org.apache.spark.sql.types.{ StructType, StringType, StructField} class TestSFObjectWriter extends FunSuite with MockitoSugar with BeforeAndAfterEach { val contact = "Contact"; val jobId = "750B0000000WlhtIAC"; val batchId = "751B0000000scSHIAY"; val data = "Id,Description\n003B00000067Rnx,123456\n003B00000067Rnw,7890"; val bulkAPI = mock[BulkAPI](withSettings().serializable()) val writer = mock[SFObjectWriter] var sparkConf: SparkConf = _ var sc: SparkContext = _ override def beforeEach() { val jobInfo = new JobInfo jobInfo.setId(jobId) when(bulkAPI.createJob(contact)).thenReturn(jobInfo) val batchInfo = new BatchInfo batchInfo.setId(batchId) batchInfo.setJobId(jobId) when(bulkAPI.addBatch(jobId, data)).thenReturn(batchInfo) when(bulkAPI.closeJob(jobId)).thenReturn(jobInfo) when(bulkAPI.isCompleted(jobId)).thenReturn(true) sparkConf = new SparkConf().setMaster("local").setAppName("Test SF Object Update") sc = new SparkContext(sparkConf) } private def sampleDF() : DataFrame = { val rowArray = new Array[Row](2) val fieldArray = new Array[String](2) fieldArray(0) = "003B00000067Rnx" fieldArray(1) = "Desc1" rowArray(0) = Row.fromSeq(fieldArray) val fieldArray1 = new Array[String](2) fieldArray1(0) = "001B00000067Rnx" fieldArray1(1) = "Desc2" rowArray(1) = Row.fromSeq(fieldArray1) val rdd = sc.parallelize(rowArray) val schema = StructType( StructField("id", StringType, true) :: StructField("desc", StringType, true) :: Nil) val sqlContext = new SQLContext(sc) sqlContext.createDataFrame(rdd, schema) } test ("Write Object to Salesforce") { val df = sampleDF(); val csvHeader = Utils.csvHeadder(df.schema) writer.writeData(df.rdd) sc.stop() } }
Example 21
Source File: SharedSparkSessionBase.scala From spark-alchemy with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.test import org.apache.spark.sql.internal.StaticSQLConf import org.apache.spark.sql.{SQLContext, SparkSession} import org.apache.spark.{DebugFilesystem, SparkConf} import org.scalatest.Suite import org.scalatest.concurrent.Eventually import scala.concurrent.duration._ protected override def afterAll(): Unit = { try { super.afterAll() } finally { try { if (_spark != null) { try { _spark.sessionState.catalog.reset() } finally { try { waitForTasksToFinish() } finally { _spark.stop() _spark = null } } } } finally { SparkSession.clearActiveSession() SparkSession.clearDefaultSession() } } } protected override def beforeEach(): Unit = { super.beforeEach() DebugFilesystem.clearOpenStreams() } protected override def afterEach(): Unit = { super.afterEach() // Clear all persistent datasets after each test spark.sharedState.cacheManager.clearCache() // files can be closed from other threads, so wait a bit // normally this doesn't take more than 1s eventually(timeout(30.seconds), interval(2.seconds)) { DebugFilesystem.assertNoOpenStreams() } } }
Example 22
Source File: SparkSessionSpec.scala From spark-alchemy with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.swoop.test_utils import org.apache.logging.log4j.Level import org.apache.spark.sql.SQLContext import org.apache.spark.sql.test.{SharedSparkSessionBase, TestSparkSession} import org.apache.spark.{SparkConf, SparkContext} import org.scalatest.TestSuite import scala.util.Try trait SparkSessionSpec extends SharedSparkSessionBase { this: TestSuite => override protected def createSparkSession: TestSparkSession = { val spark = super.createSparkSession configureLoggers(sparkLogLevel) spark } def sparkSession = spark def sqlc: SQLContext = sparkSession.sqlContext def sc: SparkContext = sparkSession.sparkContext protected def sparkLogLevel = Try(sys.env("SPARK_LOG_LEVEL")).getOrElse("WARN").toUpperCase match { case "DEBUG" => Level.DEBUG case "INFO" => Level.INFO case "WARN" => Level.WARN case _ => Level.ERROR } protected def configureLoggers(): Unit = configureLoggers(sparkLogLevel) protected def configureLoggers(logLevel: Level): Unit = { // Set logging through log4j v1 APIs also as v2 APIs are too tricky to manage org.apache.log4j.Logger.getRootLogger.setLevel(logLevel match { case Level.DEBUG => org.apache.log4j.Level.DEBUG case Level.INFO => org.apache.log4j.Level.INFO case Level.WARN => org.apache.log4j.Level.WARN case Level.ERROR => org.apache.log4j.Level.ERROR }) } override protected def sparkConf: SparkConf = super.sparkConf .set("spark.driver.bindAddress", "") }
Example 23
Source File: S2SinkProvider.scala From incubator-s2graph with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.s2graph.spark.sql.streaming import com.typesafe.config.{Config, ConfigFactory, ConfigRenderOptions} import org.apache.spark.sql.SQLContext import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.streaming.Sink import org.apache.spark.sql.sources.{DataSourceRegister, StreamSinkProvider} import org.apache.spark.sql.streaming.OutputMode import scala.collection.JavaConversions._ class S2SinkProvider extends StreamSinkProvider with DataSourceRegister with Logger { override def createSink( sqlContext: SQLContext, parameters: Map[String, String], partitionColumns: Seq[String], outputMode: OutputMode): Sink = {"S2SinkProvider options : ${parameters}") val jobConf:Config = ConfigFactory.parseMap(parameters).withFallback(ConfigFactory.load())"S2SinkProvider Configuration : ${jobConf.root().render(ConfigRenderOptions.concise())}") new S2SparkSqlStreamingSink(sqlContext.sparkSession, jobConf) } override def shortName(): String = "s2graph" }
Example 24
Source File: JsonUtil.scala From piflow with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License | 5 votes |
package cn.piflow.bundle.util import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.explode import org.apache.spark.sql.{Column, DataFrame, SQLContext, SparkSession} import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer object JsonUtil extends Serializable{ // The tag you want to parse,If you want to open an array field,you have to write it like this:links_name(MasterField_ChildField) def ParserJsonDF(df:DataFrame,tag:String): DataFrame = { var openArrField:String="" var ArrSchame:String="" var tagARR: Array[String] = tag.split(",") var tagNew:String="" for(tt<-tagARR){ if(tt.indexOf("_")> -1){ //包含“.” val openField: Array[String] = tt.split("_") openArrField=openField(0) ArrSchame+=(openField(1)+",") }else{ tagNew+=(tt+",") } } tagNew+=openArrField ArrSchame=ArrSchame.substring(0,ArrSchame.length-1) tagARR = tagNew.split(",") var FinalDF:DataFrame=df //如果用户选择返回字段 var strings: Seq[Column] =tagNew.split(",") => new Column(p)) if(tag.length>0){ val df00 = : _*) FinalDF=df00 } //如果用户选择打开的数组字段,并给出schame if(openArrField.length>0&&ArrSchame.length>0){ val schames: Array[String] = ArrSchame.split(",") var selARR:ArrayBuffer[String]=ArrayBuffer()//分别取出已经打开的字段 //遍历数组,封装到column对象中 var coARR:ArrayBuffer[Column]=ArrayBuffer()//打开字段的select方法用 val sss = tagNew.split(",")//打开字段后todf方法用 var co: Column =null for(each<-tagARR){ if(each==openArrField){ co = explode(FinalDF(openArrField)) for(x<-schames){ selARR+=(openArrField+"."+x) } }else{ selARR+=each co=FinalDF(each) } coARR+=co } println("###################") selARR.foreach(println(_)) var selSEQ: Seq[Column] = => new Column(q)) var df01: DataFrame = : _*).toDF(sss:_*) FinalDF = : _*) } FinalDF } }
Example 25
Source File: ScalaRiakParquetExample.scala From spark-riak-connector with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.basho.riak.spark.examples.parquet import org.apache.spark.sql.{SaveMode, SQLContext} import org.apache.spark.{SparkContext, SparkConf} object ScalaRiakParquetExample { case class TSData(site: String, species: String, measurementDate: Long, latitude: Double, longitude: Double, value: Double ) val startDate = System.currentTimeMillis() val endDate = startDate + 100 val tableName = "parquet_demo" val parquetFileName = "riak-ts-data.parquet" val testData = Seq( TSData("MY7", "PM10", startDate, 51.52254, -0.15459, 41.4), TSData("MY7", "PM10", startDate + 10, 51.52254, -0.15459, 41.2), TSData("MY7", "PM10", startDate + 20, 51.52254, -0.15459, 39.1), TSData("MY7", "PM10", startDate + 30, 51.52254, -0.15459, 39.5), TSData("MY7", "PM10", startDate + 40, 51.52254, -0.15459, 29.9), TSData("MY7", "PM10", startDate + 50, 51.52254, -0.15459, 34.2), TSData("MY7", "PM10", startDate + 60, 51.52254, -0.15459, 28.5), TSData("MY7", "PM10", startDate + 70, 51.52254, -0.15459, 39.6), TSData("MY7", "PM10", startDate + 80, 51.52254, -0.15459, 29.2), TSData("MY7", "PM10", startDate + 90, 51.52254, -0.15459, 31.3) ) def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { val sparkConf = new SparkConf() .setAppName("Simple Scala Riak TS Demo") setSparkOpt(sparkConf, "spark.master", "local") setSparkOpt(sparkConf, "", "") println(s"Test data start time: $startDate") val sc = new SparkContext(sparkConf) val sqlCtx = SQLContext.getOrCreate(sc) import sqlCtx.implicits._ val rdd = sc.parallelize(testData) rdd.toDF().write.format("org.apache.spark.sql.riak") .mode(SaveMode.Append).save(tableName) val df ="org.apache.spark.sql.riak") .load(tableName).registerTempTable(tableName) val from = (startDate / 1000).toInt val query = s"select * from $tableName where measurementDate >= CAST($from AS TIMESTAMP) " + s"AND measurementDate <= CAST(${from + 1} AS TIMESTAMP) AND site = 'MY7' AND species = 'PM10'" println(s"Query: $query") val rows = sqlCtx.sql(query) val schema = rows.schema rows.write.mode("overwrite").parquet(parquetFileName) println(s"Data was successfully saved to Parquet file: $parquetFileName") val parquetFile = parquetFile.registerTempTable("parquetFile") val data = sqlCtx.sql("SELECT MAX(value) max_value FROM parquetFile ") println("Maximum value retrieved from Parquet file:") } private def setSparkOpt(sparkConf: SparkConf, option: String, defaultOptVal: String): SparkConf = { val optval = sparkConf.getOption(option).getOrElse(defaultOptVal) sparkConf.set(option, optval) } }
Example 26
Source File: SparkDataframesTest.scala From spark-riak-connector with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.basho.riak.spark.rdd import scala.reflect.runtime.universe import org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame import org.apache.spark.sql.SQLContext import org.junit.Assert._ import org.junit.{ Before, Test } import com.basho.riak.spark.toSparkContextFunctions import org.junit.experimental.categories.Category case class TestData(id: String, name: String, age: Int, category: String) @Category(Array(classOf[RiakTSTests])) class SparkDataframesTest extends AbstractRiakSparkTest { private val indexName = "creationNo" protected override val jsonData = Some( """[ | {key: 'key1', value: {id: 'u1', name: 'Ben', age: 20, category: 'CategoryA'}}, | {key: 'key2', value: {id: 'u2', name: 'Clair', age: 30, category: 'CategoryB'}}, | {key: 'key3', value: {id: 'u3', name: 'John', age: 70}}, | {key: 'key4', value: {id: 'u4', name: 'Chris', age: 10, category: 'CategoryC'}}, | {key: 'key5', value: {id: 'u5', name: 'Mary', age: 40, category: 'CategoryB'}}, | {key: 'key6', value: {id: 'u6', name: 'George', age: 50, category: 'CategoryC'}} |]""".stripMargin) protected override def initSparkConf() = super.initSparkConf().setAppName("Dataframes Test") var sqlContextHolder: SQLContext = _ var df: DataFrame = _ @Before def initializeDF(): Unit = { val sqlContext = new org.apache.spark.sql.SQLContext(sc) import sqlContext.implicits._ sqlContextHolder = sqlContext df = sc.riakBucket[TestData](DEFAULT_NAMESPACE.getBucketNameAsString) .queryAll().toDF df.registerTempTable("test") } @Test def schemaTest(): Unit = { df.printSchema() val schema = val fields = universe.typeOf[TestData].members.withFilter(!_.isMethod).map( assertEquals(schema.sorted, fields.sorted) } @Test def sqlQueryTest(): Unit = { val sqlResult = sqlContextHolder.sql("select * from test where category >= 'CategoryC'").toJSON.collect val expected = """ [ | {id:'u4',name:'Chris',age:10,category:'CategoryC'}, | {id:'u6',name:'George',age:50,category:'CategoryC'} | ]""".stripMargin assertEqualsUsingJSONIgnoreOrder(expected, stringify(sqlResult)) } @Test def udfTest(): Unit = { sqlContextHolder.udf.register("stringLength", (s: String) => s.length) val udf = sqlContextHolder.sql("select name, stringLength(name) strLgth from test order by strLgth, name").toJSON.collect val expected = """ [ | {name:'Ben',strLgth:3}, | {name:'John',strLgth:4}, | {name:'Mary',strLgth:4}, | {name:'Chris',strLgth:5}, | {name:'Clair',strLgth:5}, | {name:'George',strLgth:6} | ]""".stripMargin assertEqualsUsingJSON(expected, stringify(udf)) } @Test def grouppingTest(): Unit = { val groupped = df.groupBy("category").count.toJSON.collect val expected = """ [ | {category:'CategoryA',count:1}, | {category:'CategoryB',count:2}, | {category:'CategoryC',count:2}, | {count:1} | ]""".stripMargin assertEqualsUsingJSONIgnoreOrder(expected, stringify(groupped)) } @Test def sqlVsFilterTest(): Unit = { val sql = sqlContextHolder.sql("select id, name from test where age >= 50").toJSON.collect val filtered = df.where(df("age") >= 50).select("id", "name").toJSON.collect assertEqualsUsingJSONIgnoreOrder(stringify(sql), stringify(filtered)) } }
Example 27
Source File: DefaultSource.scala From spark-solr with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package solr import com.lucidworks.spark.{SolrRelation, SolrStreamWriter} import com.lucidworks.spark.util.Constants import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.streaming.Sink import org.apache.spark.sql.{DataFrame, SQLContext, SaveMode} import org.apache.spark.sql.sources._ import org.apache.spark.sql.streaming.OutputMode class DefaultSource extends RelationProvider with CreatableRelationProvider with StreamSinkProvider with DataSourceRegister { override def createRelation(sqlContext: SQLContext, parameters: Map[String, String]): BaseRelation = { try { new SolrRelation(parameters, sqlContext.sparkSession) } catch { case re: RuntimeException => throw re case e: Exception => throw new RuntimeException(e) } } override def createRelation( sqlContext: SQLContext, mode: SaveMode, parameters: Map[String, String], df: DataFrame): BaseRelation = { try { // TODO: What to do with the saveMode? val solrRelation: SolrRelation = new SolrRelation(parameters, Some(df), sqlContext.sparkSession) solrRelation.insert(df, overwrite = true) solrRelation } catch { case re: RuntimeException => throw re case e: Exception => throw new RuntimeException(e) } } override def shortName(): String = Constants.SOLR_FORMAT override def createSink( sqlContext: SQLContext, parameters: Map[String, String], partitionColumns: Seq[String], outputMode: OutputMode): Sink = { new SolrStreamWriter(sqlContext.sparkSession, parameters, partitionColumns, outputMode) } }
Example 28
Source File: MLlibTestSparkContext.scala From bisecting-kmeans with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.mllib.util import org.apache.spark.sql.SQLContext import org.apache.spark.{SparkConf, SparkContext} import org.scalatest.{BeforeAndAfterAll, Suite} trait MLlibTestSparkContext extends BeforeAndAfterAll { self: Suite => @transient var sc: SparkContext = _ @transient var sqlContext: SQLContext = _ override def beforeAll() { super.beforeAll() val conf = new SparkConf() .setMaster("local[2]") .setAppName("MLlibUnitTest") sc = new SparkContext(conf) sqlContext = new SQLContext(sc) } override def afterAll() { sqlContext = null if (sc != null) { sc.stop() } sc = null super.afterAll() } }
Example 29
Source File: MLlibTestSparkContext.scala From spark-tfocs with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.mllib.util import org.scalatest.{ BeforeAndAfterAll, Suite } import org.apache.spark.{ SparkConf, SparkContext } import org.apache.spark.sql.SQLContext trait MLlibTestSparkContext extends BeforeAndAfterAll { self: Suite => @transient var sc: SparkContext = _ @transient var sqlContext: SQLContext = _ override def beforeAll() { super.beforeAll() val conf = new SparkConf() .setMaster("local[2]") .setAppName("MLlibUnitTest") sc = new SparkContext(conf) sc.setLogLevel("WARN") sqlContext = new SQLContext(sc) } override def afterAll() { sqlContext = null if (sc != null) { sc.stop() } sc = null super.afterAll() } }
Example 30
Source File: SparkSqlExtension.scala From Linkis with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.webank.wedatasphere.linkis.engine.extension import java.util.concurrent._ import com.webank.wedatasphere.linkis.common.conf.CommonVars import com.webank.wedatasphere.linkis.common.utils.{Logging, Utils} import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.QueryExecution import org.apache.spark.sql.{DataFrame, SQLContext} import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer import scala.concurrent.duration._ abstract class SparkSqlExtension extends Logging{ private val maxPoolSize = CommonVars("wds.linkis.dws.ujes.spark.extension.max.pool",5).getValue private val executor = new ThreadPoolExecutor(2, maxPoolSize, 2, TimeUnit.SECONDS, new LinkedBlockingQueue[Runnable](), new ThreadFactory { override def newThread(r: Runnable): Thread = { val thread = new Thread(r) thread.setDaemon(true) thread } }) final def afterExecutingSQL(sqlContext: SQLContext,command: String,dataFrame: DataFrame,timeout:Long,sqlStartTime:Long):Unit = { try { val thread = new Runnable { override def run(): Unit = extensionRule(sqlContext,command,dataFrame.queryExecution,sqlStartTime) } val future = executor.submit(thread) Utils.waitUntil(future.isDone,timeout milliseconds) } catch { case e: Throwable => info("Failed to execute SparkSqlExtension: ", e) } } protected def extensionRule(sqlContext: SQLContext,command: String,queryExecution: QueryExecution,sqlStartTime:Long):Unit } object SparkSqlExtension extends Logging { private val extensions = ArrayBuffer[SparkSqlExtension]() def register(sqlExtension: SparkSqlExtension):Unit = { info("Get a sqlExtension register") extensions.append(sqlExtension) } def getSparkSqlExtensions():Array[SparkSqlExtension] = { extensions.toArray } }
Example 31
Source File: SparkSqlExecutor.scala From Linkis with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.webank.wedatasphere.linkis.engine.executors import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong import com.webank.wedatasphere.linkis.common.conf.CommonVars import com.webank.wedatasphere.linkis.common.utils.{Logging, Utils} import com.webank.wedatasphere.linkis.engine.configuration.SparkConfiguration import com.webank.wedatasphere.linkis.engine.execute.EngineExecutorContext import com.webank.wedatasphere.linkis.engine.extension.SparkSqlExtension import com.webank.wedatasphere.linkis.engine.spark.common.{Kind, SparkSQL} import com.webank.wedatasphere.linkis.engine.spark.utils.EngineUtils import com.webank.wedatasphere.linkis.scheduler.executer.{ErrorExecuteResponse, ExecuteResponse, SuccessExecuteResponse} import org.apache.commons.lang.exception.ExceptionUtils import org.apache.spark.SparkContext import org.apache.spark.sql.{DataFrame, SQLContext} SQLSession.showDF(sc, jobGroup, rdd, null, SparkConfiguration.SHOW_DF_MAX_RES.getValue,engineExecutorContext) SuccessExecuteResponse() } catch { case e: InvocationTargetException => var cause = ExceptionUtils.getCause(e) if(cause == null) cause = e error("execute sparkSQL failed!", cause) ErrorExecuteResponse(ExceptionUtils.getRootCauseMessage(e), cause) case ite: Exception => error("execute sparkSQL failed!", ite) ErrorExecuteResponse(ExceptionUtils.getRootCauseMessage(ite), ite) } finally sc.clearJobGroup() } override def kind: Kind = SparkSQL() override def open: Unit = {} override def close: Unit = {} }
Example 32
Source File: DefaultSource.scala From Linkis with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.webank.wedatasphere.spark.excel import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path import org.apache.spark.sql.sources._ import org.apache.spark.sql.types.StructType import org.apache.spark.sql.{DataFrame, SQLContext, SaveMode} class DefaultSource extends RelationProvider with SchemaRelationProvider with CreatableRelationProvider { override def createRelation( sqlContext: SQLContext, parameters: Map[String, String], schema: StructType ): ExcelRelation = { ExcelRelation( location = checkParameter(parameters, "path"), sheetName = parameters.get("sheetName"), useHeader = checkParameter(parameters, "useHeader").toBoolean, treatEmptyValuesAsNulls = parameters.get("treatEmptyValuesAsNulls").fold(true)(_.toBoolean), userSchema = Option(schema), inferSheetSchema = parameters.get("inferSchema").fold(false)(_.toBoolean), addColorColumns = parameters.get("addColorColumns").fold(false)(_.toBoolean), startColumn = parameters.get("startColumn").fold(0)(_.toInt), endColumn = parameters.get("endColumn").fold(Int.MaxValue)(_.toInt), timestampFormat = parameters.get("timestampFormat"), maxRowsInMemory = parameters.get("maxRowsInMemory").map(_.toInt), excerptSize = parameters.get("excerptSize").fold(10)(_.toInt), parameters = parameters, dateFormat = parameters.get("dateFormats").getOrElse("yyyy-MM-dd").split(";").toList )(sqlContext) } override def createRelation( sqlContext: SQLContext, mode: SaveMode, parameters: Map[String, String], data: DataFrame ): BaseRelation = { val path = checkParameter(parameters, "path") val sheetName = parameters.getOrElse("sheetName", "Sheet1") val useHeader = checkParameter(parameters, "useHeader").toBoolean val dateFormat = parameters.getOrElse("dateFormat", ExcelFileSaver.DEFAULT_DATE_FORMAT) val timestampFormat = parameters.getOrElse("timestampFormat", ExcelFileSaver.DEFAULT_TIMESTAMP_FORMAT) val filesystemPath = new Path(path) val fs = filesystemPath.getFileSystem(sqlContext.sparkContext.hadoopConfiguration) fs.setWriteChecksum(false) val doSave = if (fs.exists(filesystemPath)) { mode match { case SaveMode.Append => sys.error(s"Append mode is not supported by ${this.getClass.getCanonicalName}") case SaveMode.Overwrite => fs.delete(filesystemPath, true) true case SaveMode.ErrorIfExists => sys.error(s"path $path already exists.") case SaveMode.Ignore => false } } else { true } if (doSave) { // Only save data when the save mode is not ignore. (new ExcelFileSaver(fs)).save( filesystemPath, data, sheetName = sheetName, useHeader = useHeader, dateFormat = dateFormat, timestampFormat = timestampFormat ) } createRelation(sqlContext, parameters, data.schema) } // Forces a Parameter to exist, otherwise an exception is thrown. private def checkParameter(map: Map[String, String], param: String): String = { if (!map.contains(param)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Parameter ${'"'}$param${'"'} is missing in options.") } else { map.apply(param) } } // Gets the Parameter if it exists, otherwise returns the default argument private def parameterOrDefault(map: Map[String, String], param: String, default: String) = map.getOrElse(param, default) }
Example 33
Source File: SelectJSONSource.scala From spark-select with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package // Java standard libraries import // Spark internal libraries import org.apache.spark.sql.SQLContext import org.apache.spark.sql.sources.{BaseRelation, RelationProvider, SchemaRelationProvider} import org.apache.spark.sql.types.StructType import org.apache.spark.sql.sources.DataSourceRegister class SelectJSONSource extends SchemaRelationProvider with DataSourceRegister { private def checkPath(parameters: Map[String, String]): String = { parameters.getOrElse("path", sys.error("'path' must be specified for JSON data.")) } override def shortName(): String = "minioSelectJSON" override def createRelation(sqlContext: SQLContext, params: Map[String, String], schema: StructType): SelectJSONRelation = { val path = checkPath(params) SelectJSONRelation(Some(path), params, schema)(sqlContext) } }
Example 34
Source File: SelectCSVSource.scala From spark-select with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package // Java standard libraries import // Spark internal libraries import org.apache.spark.sql.SQLContext import org.apache.spark.sql.sources.{BaseRelation, RelationProvider, SchemaRelationProvider} import org.apache.spark.sql.types.StructType import org.apache.spark.sql.sources.DataSourceRegister class SelectCSVSource extends SchemaRelationProvider with DataSourceRegister { private def checkPath(parameters: Map[String, String]): String = { parameters.getOrElse("path", sys.error("'path' must be specified for CSV data.")) } override def shortName(): String = "minioSelectCSV" override def createRelation(sqlContext: SQLContext, params: Map[String, String], schema: StructType): SelectCSVRelation = { val path = checkPath(params) SelectCSVRelation(Some(path), params, schema)(sqlContext) } }
Example 35
Source File: SelectParquetSource.scala From spark-select with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package // Java standard libraries import // Spark internal libraries import org.apache.spark.sql.SQLContext import org.apache.spark.sql.sources.{BaseRelation, RelationProvider, SchemaRelationProvider} import org.apache.spark.sql.types.StructType import org.apache.spark.sql.sources.DataSourceRegister class SelectParquetSource extends SchemaRelationProvider with DataSourceRegister { private def checkPath(parameters: Map[String, String]): String = { parameters.getOrElse("path", sys.error("'path' must be specified for Parquet data.")) } override def shortName(): String = "minioSelectParquet" override def createRelation(sqlContext: SQLContext, params: Map[String, String], schema: StructType): SelectParquetRelation = { val path = checkPath(params) SelectParquetRelation(Some(path), params, schema)(sqlContext) } }
Example 36
Source File: SparkCassBulkWriterSpec.scala From Spark2Cassandra with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.github.jparkie.spark.cassandra import com.datastax.driver.core.querybuilder.QueryBuilder import com.datastax.spark.connector.AllColumns import com.datastax.spark.connector.writer.{ RowWriterFactory, SqlRowWriter } import com.github.jparkie.spark.cassandra.client.SparkCassSSTableLoaderClientManager import com.github.jparkie.spark.cassandra.conf.{ SparkCassServerConf, SparkCassWriteConf } import com.holdenkarau.spark.testing.SharedSparkContext import org.apache.spark.sql.{ Row, SQLContext } import org.scalatest.{ MustMatchers, WordSpec } import scala.collection.JavaConverters._ class SparkCassBulkWriterSpec extends WordSpec with MustMatchers with CassandraServerSpecLike with SharedSparkContext { val testKeyspace = "test_keyspace" val testTable = "test_table" override def beforeAll(): Unit = { super.beforeAll() getCassandraConnector.withSessionDo { currentSession => createKeyspace(currentSession, testKeyspace) currentSession.execute( s"""CREATE TABLE $testKeyspace.$testTable ( | test_key BIGINT PRIMARY KEY, | test_value VARCHAR |); """.stripMargin ) } } "SparkCassBulkWriter" must { "write() successfully" in { val sqlContext = new SQLContext(sc) import sqlContext.implicits._ implicit val testRowWriterFactory: RowWriterFactory[Row] = SqlRowWriter.Factory val testCassandraConnector = getCassandraConnector val testSparkCassWriteConf = SparkCassWriteConf() val testSparkCassServerConf = SparkCassServerConf( // See storagePort = 7010 ) val testSparkCassBulkWriter = SparkCassBulkWriter( testCassandraConnector, testKeyspace, testTable, AllColumns, testSparkCassWriteConf, testSparkCassServerConf ) val testRDD = sc.parallelize(1 to 25) .map(currentNumber => (currentNumber.toLong, s"Hello World: $currentNumber!")) val testDataFrame = testRDD.toDF("test_key", "test_value") sc.runJob(testDataFrame.rdd, testSparkCassBulkWriter.write _) getCassandraConnector.withSessionDo { currentSession => val queryStatement ="test_key", "test_value") .from(testKeyspace, testTable) .limit(25) val resultSet = currentSession.execute(queryStatement) val outputSet = resultSet.all.asScala .map(currentRow => (currentRow.getLong("test_key"), currentRow.getString("test_value"))) .toMap for (currentNumber <- 1 to 25) { val currentKey = currentNumber.toLong outputSet(currentKey) mustEqual s"Hello World: $currentNumber!" } } SparkCassSSTableLoaderClientManager.evictAll() } } }
Example 37
Source File: SparkCassDataFrameFunctionsSpec.scala From Spark2Cassandra with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.github.jparkie.spark.cassandra.sql import com.holdenkarau.spark.testing.SharedSparkContext import org.apache.spark.sql.SQLContext import org.scalatest.{ MustMatchers, WordSpec } class SparkCassDataFrameFunctionsSpec extends WordSpec with MustMatchers with SharedSparkContext { "Package com.github.jparkie.spark.cassandra.sql" must { "lift DataFrame into SparkCassDataFrameFunctions" in { val sqlContext = new SQLContext(sc) import sqlContext.implicits._ val testRDD = sc.parallelize(1 to 25) .map(currentNumber => (currentNumber.toLong, s"Hello World: $currentNumber!")) val testDataFrame = testRDD.toDF("test_key", "test_value") // If internalSparkContext is available, RDD was lifted. testDataFrame.internalSparkContext } } }
Example 38
Source File: PointCloudRelation.scala From geotrellis-pointcloud with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package geotrellis.pointcloud.spark.datasource import import{Options => HadoopOptions} import geotrellis.pointcloud.util.Filesystem import geotrellis.proj4.CRS import import geotrellis.vector.Extent import cats.implicits._ import io.pdal._ import io.circe.syntax._ import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path import org.apache.spark.SparkContext import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD import org.apache.spark.sql.sources.{BaseRelation, TableScan} import org.apache.spark.sql.types._ import org.apache.spark.sql.{Row, SQLContext} import import scala.collection.JavaConverters._ // This class has to be serializable since it is shipped over the network. class PointCloudRelation( val sqlContext: SQLContext, path: String, options: HadoopOptions ) extends BaseRelation with TableScan with Serializable { @transient implicit lazy val sc: SparkContext = sqlContext.sparkContext // TODO: switch between HadoopPointCloudRDD and S3PointcCloudRDD lazy val isS3: Boolean = path.startsWith("s3") override def schema: StructType = { lazy val (local, fixedPath) = if(path.startsWith("s3") || path.startsWith("hdfs")) { val tmpDir = Filesystem.createDirectory() val remotePath = new Path(path) // copy remote file into local tmp dir val localPath = new File(tmpDir, remotePath.getName) HdfsUtils.copyPath(remotePath, new Path(s"file:///${localPath.getAbsolutePath}"), sc.hadoopConfiguration) (true, localPath.toString) } else (false, path) val localPipeline = options.pipeline .hcursor .downField("pipeline").downArray .downField("filename").withFocus(_ => fixedPath.asJson) .top.fold(options.pipeline)(identity) val pl = Pipeline(localPipeline.noSpaces) if (pl.validate()) pl.execute() val pointCloud = try { pl.getPointViews().next().getPointCloud(0) } finally { pl.close() if(local) println(new File(fixedPath).delete) } val rdd = HadoopPointCloudRDD(new Path(path), options) val md: (Option[Extent], Option[CRS]) = rdd .map { case (header, _) => (, } .reduce { case ((e1, c), (e2, _)) => ((e1, e2).mapN(_ combine _), c) } val metadata = new MetadataBuilder().putString("metadata", md.asJson.noSpaces).build pointCloud.deriveSchema(metadata) } override def buildScan(): RDD[Row] = { val rdd = HadoopPointCloudRDD(new Path(path), options) rdd.flatMap { _._2.flatMap { pc => { k => Row(k: _*) } } } } }
Example 39
Source File: MlLibOnKudu.scala From Taxi360 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.hadooparchitecturebook.taxi360.etl.machinelearning.kudu import com.hadooparchitecturebook.taxi360.model.{NyTaxiYellowTrip, NyTaxiYellowTripBuilder} import org.apache.spark.mllib.clustering.KMeans import org.apache.spark.mllib.linalg.{Matrix, Vector, Vectors} import org.apache.spark.mllib.stat.Statistics import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD import org.apache.spark.sql.SQLContext import org.apache.spark.{SparkConf, SparkContext} object MlLibOnKudu { def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { if (args.length == 0) { println("Args: <runLocal> " + "<kuduMaster> " + "<taxiTable> " + "<numOfCenters> " + "<numOfIterations> ") return } val runLocal = args(0).equalsIgnoreCase("l") val kuduMaster = args(1) val taxiTable = args(2) val numOfCenters = args(3).toInt val numOfIterations = args(4).toInt val sc: SparkContext = if (runLocal) { val sparkConfig = new SparkConf() sparkConfig.set("spark.broadcast.compress", "false") sparkConfig.set("spark.shuffle.compress", "false") sparkConfig.set("spark.shuffle.spill.compress", "false") new SparkContext("local", "TableStatsSinglePathMain", sparkConfig) } else { val sparkConfig = new SparkConf().setAppName("TableStatsSinglePathMain") new SparkContext(sparkConfig) } val sqlContext = new SQLContext(sc) val kuduOptions = Map( "kudu.table" -> taxiTable, "kudu.master" -> kuduMaster)"org.apache.kudu.spark.kudu").load. registerTempTable("ny_taxi_trip_tmp") //Vector val vectorRDD:RDD[Vector] = sqlContext.sql("select * from ny_taxi_trip_tmp").map(r => { val taxiTrip = generateVectorOnly(taxiTrip) }) println("--Running KMeans") val clusters = KMeans.train(vectorRDD, numOfCenters, numOfIterations) println(" > vector centers:") clusters.clusterCenters.foreach(v => println(" >> " + v)) println("--Running corr") val correlMatrix: Matrix = Statistics.corr(vectorRDD, "pearson") println(" > corr: " + correlMatrix.toString) println("--Running colStats") val colStats = Statistics.colStats(vectorRDD) println(" > max: " + colStats.max) println(" > count: " + colStats.count) println(" > mean: " + colStats.mean) println(" > min: " + colStats.min) println(" > normL1: " + colStats.normL1) println(" > normL2: " + colStats.normL2) println(" > numNonZeros: " + colStats.numNonzeros) println(" > variance: " + colStats.variance) //Labeled Points }
Example 40
Source File: TimeType.scala From flint with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.twosigma.flint.timeseries.time.types import com.twosigma.flint.FlintConf import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.InternalRow import org.apache.spark.sql.{ SQLContext, SparkSession, types } trait TimeType { def roundDownPrecision(nanosSinceEpoch: Long): Long } object TimeType { case object LongType extends TimeType { override def internalToNanos(value: Long): Long = value override def nanosToInternal(nanos: Long): Long = nanos override def roundDownPrecision(nanos: Long): Long = nanos } // Spark sql represents timestamp as microseconds internally case object TimestampType extends TimeType { override def internalToNanos(value: Long): Long = value * 1000 override def nanosToInternal(nanos: Long): Long = nanos / 1000 override def roundDownPrecision(nanos: Long): Long = nanos - nanos % 1000 } def apply(timeType: String): TimeType = { timeType match { case "long" => LongType case "timestamp" => TimestampType case _ => throw new IllegalAccessException(s"Unsupported time type: ${timeType}. " + s"Only `long` and `timestamp` are supported.") } } def apply(sqlType: types.DataType): TimeType = { sqlType match { case types.LongType => LongType case types.TimestampType => TimestampType case _ => throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Unsupported time type: ${sqlType}") } } def get(sparkSession: SparkSession): TimeType = { TimeType(sparkSession.conf.get( FlintConf.TIME_TYPE_CONF, FlintConf.TIME_TYPE_DEFAULT )) } }
Example 41
Source File: TimeSeriesRDDConversionSpec.scala From flint with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.twosigma.flint.timeseries import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit import com.twosigma.flint.timeseries.row.Schema import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD import org.apache.spark.sql.{ SQLContext, DataFrame, Row } import org.apache.spark.sql.types._ import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.{ GenericRowWithSchema => ExternalRow } import org.scalatest.tagobjects.Slow class TimeSeriesRDDConversionSpec extends TimeSeriesSuite { // The largest prime < 100 override val defaultPartitionParallelism = 97 // The 10000-th prime. private val defaultNumRows = 104729 private def createDataFrame(isSorted: Boolean = true)(implicit sqlContext: SQLContext): DataFrame = { val n = defaultNumRows val schema = Schema("value" -> DoubleType) val rdd: RDD[Row] = sqlContext.sparkContext.parallelize(1 to n, defaultPartitionParallelism).map { i => val data: Array[Any] = if (isSorted) { Array((i / 100).toLong, i.toDouble) } else { Array(((i + 1 - n) / 100).toLong, i.toDouble) } new ExternalRow(data, schema) } sqlContext.createDataFrame(rdd, schema) } "TimeSeriesRDD" should "convert from a sorted DataFrame correctly" taggedAs (Slow) in { implicit val _sqlContext = sqlContext (1 to 10).foreach { i => val tsRdd = TimeSeriesRDD.fromDF(createDataFrame(isSorted = true))(isSorted = true, TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS) assert(tsRdd.count() == defaultNumRows) } (1 to 10).foreach { i => val tsRdd = TimeSeriesRDD.fromDF(createDataFrame(isSorted = true))(isSorted = false, TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS) assert(tsRdd.count() == defaultNumRows) } (1 to 10).foreach { i => val tsRdd = TimeSeriesRDD.fromDF(createDataFrame(isSorted = false))(isSorted = false, TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS) assert(tsRdd.count() == defaultNumRows) } (1 to 10).foreach { i => val tsRdd = TimeSeriesRDD.fromDF( createDataFrame(isSorted = false).sort("time") )( isSorted = true, TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS ) assert(tsRdd.count() == defaultNumRows) } } }
Example 42
Source File: Utils.scala From Mastering-Machine-Learning-with-Spark-2.x with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.packtpub.mmlwspark.utils import org.apache.spark.h2o.H2OContext import org.apache.spark.sql.SQLContext import org.apache.spark.sql.expressions.UserDefinedFunction import water.fvec.H2OFrame object Utils { def colTransform(hf: H2OFrame, udf: UserDefinedFunction, colName: String)(implicit h2oContext: H2OContext, sqlContext: SQLContext): H2OFrame = { import sqlContext.implicits._ val name = hf.key.toString val colHf = hf(Array(colName)) val df = h2oContext.asDataFrame(colHf) val result = h2oContext.asH2OFrame(df.withColumn(colName, udf($"${colName}")), s"${name}_${colName}") colHf.delete() result } def let[A](in: A)(body: A => Unit) = { body(in) in } }
Example 43
Source File: RedisStreamProvider.scala From spark-redis with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
package import com.redislabs.provider.redis.util.Logging import org.apache.spark.sql.SQLContext import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.streaming.Source import org.apache.spark.sql.sources.{DataSourceRegister, StreamSourceProvider} import org.apache.spark.sql.types.{StringType, StructField, StructType} class RedisStreamProvider extends DataSourceRegister with StreamSourceProvider with Logging { override def shortName(): String = "redis" override def sourceSchema(sqlContext: SQLContext, schema: Option[StructType], providerName: String, parameters: Map[String, String]): (String, StructType) = { providerName -> schema.getOrElse { StructType(Seq(StructField("_id", StringType))) } } override def createSource(sqlContext: SQLContext, metadataPath: String, schema: Option[StructType], providerName: String, parameters: Map[String, String]): Source = { val (_, ss) = sourceSchema(sqlContext, schema, providerName, parameters) val source = new RedisSource(sqlContext, metadataPath, Some(ss), parameters) source.start() source } }
Example 44
Source File: DefaultSource.scala From spark-redis with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.redis import org.apache.spark.sql.SaveMode.{Append, ErrorIfExists, Ignore, Overwrite} import org.apache.spark.sql.sources.{BaseRelation, CreatableRelationProvider, RelationProvider, SchemaRelationProvider} import org.apache.spark.sql.types.StructType import org.apache.spark.sql.{DataFrame, SQLContext, SaveMode} class DefaultSource extends RelationProvider with SchemaRelationProvider with CreatableRelationProvider { override def createRelation(sqlContext: SQLContext, parameters: Map[String, String]): BaseRelation = { new RedisSourceRelation(sqlContext, parameters, userSpecifiedSchema = None) } override def createRelation(sqlContext: SQLContext, mode: SaveMode, parameters: Map[String, String], data: DataFrame): BaseRelation = { val relation = new RedisSourceRelation(sqlContext, parameters, userSpecifiedSchema = None) mode match { case Append => relation.insert(data, overwrite = false) case Overwrite => relation.insert(data, overwrite = true) case ErrorIfExists => if (relation.nonEmpty) { throw new IllegalStateException("SaveMode is set to ErrorIfExists and dataframe " + "already exists in Redis and contains data.") } relation.insert(data, overwrite = false) case Ignore => if (relation.isEmpty) { relation.insert(data, overwrite = false) } } relation } override def createRelation(sqlContext: SQLContext, parameters: Map[String, String], schema: StructType): BaseRelation = new RedisSourceRelation(sqlContext, parameters, userSpecifiedSchema = Some(schema)) }
Example 45
Source File: JdbcExample.scala From gihyo-spark-book-example with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package jp.gihyo.spark.ch05 // scalastyle:off println import java.util.Properties import org.apache.spark.sql.{DataFrame, SQLContext} import org.apache.spark.{SparkConf, SparkContext} object JdbcExample { def main(args: Seq[String]): Unit = { if (args.length != 3) { new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid arguments") System.exit(1) } val url = args(0) val user = args(1) val pass = args(2) val conf = new SparkConf().setAppName("JdbcExample") val sc = new SparkContext(conf) val sqlContext = new SQLContext(sc) run(sc, sqlContext, url, user, pass) sc.stop() } def run(sc: SparkContext, sqlContext: SQLContext, url: String, user: String, pass: String): Unit = { val prop = new Properties() prop.setProperty("user", user) prop.setProperty("password", pass) val df: DataFrame =, "gihyo_spark.person", prop) df.printSchema() println("# Rows: " + df.count()) } } // scalastyle:on println
Example 46
Source File: DataFrameNaFunctionExample.scala From gihyo-spark-book-example with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package jp.gihyo.spark.ch05 // scalastyle:off println import org.apache.spark.sql.SQLContext import org.apache.spark.{SparkConf, SparkContext} object DataFrameNaFunctionExample { def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { val conf = new SparkConf().setAppName("BasicDataFrameExample") val sc = new SparkContext(conf) val sqlContext = new SQLContext(sc) run(sc, sqlContext) sc.stop() } def run( sc: SparkContext, sqlContext: SQLContext): Unit = { import sqlContext.implicits._ val nullDF = Seq[(String, java.lang.Integer, java.lang.Double)]( ("Bob", 16, 176.5), ("Alice", null, 164.3), ("", 60, null), ("UNKNOWN", 25, Double.NaN), ("Amy", null, null), (null, null, Double.NaN) ).toDF("name", "age", "height") // drop"any").show()"all").show()"age")).show()"age", "height")).show()"any", Array("name", "age")).show()"all", Array("age", "height")).show() // fill, Array("name", "height")).show() "name" -> "UNKNOWN", "height" -> 0.0 )).show() // replace"name", Map("" -> "UNKNOWN")).show() } } // scalastyle:on println
Example 47
Source File: DatasetExample.scala From gihyo-spark-book-example with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package jp.gihyo.spark.ch05 import org.apache.spark.{SparkContext, SparkConf} import org.apache.spark.sql.{Dataset, SQLContext} import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._ private case class Person(id: Int, name: String, age: Int) object DatasetExample { def main(args: Seq[String]): Unit = { val conf = new SparkConf().setAppName("DatasetExample") val sc = new SparkContext(conf) val sqlContext = new SQLContext(sc) run(sc, sqlContext) sc.stop() } def run(sc: SparkContext, sqlContext: SQLContext): Unit = { import sqlContext.implicits._ // Creates a Dataset from a `Seq` val seq = Seq((1, "Bob", 23), (2, "Tom", 23), (3, "John", 22)) val ds1: Dataset[(Int, String, Int)] = sqlContext.createDataset(seq) val ds2: Dataset[(Int, String, Int)] = seq.toDS() // Creates a Dataset from a `RDD` val rdd = sc.parallelize(seq) val ds3: Dataset[(Int, String, Int)] = sqlContext.createDataset(rdd) val ds4: Dataset[(Int, String, Int)] = rdd.toDS() // Creates a Dataset from a `DataFrame` val df = rdd.toDF("id", "name", "age") val ds5: Dataset[Person] =[Person] // Selects a column"name").as[String]).show() // Filtering ds5.filter( == "Bob").show() ds5.filter(person => person.age == 23).show() // Groups and counts the number of rows ds5.groupBy(_.age).count().show() } }
Example 48
Source File: TestSparkContext.scala From gihyo-spark-book-example with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package jp.gihyo.spark import org.scalatest.{BeforeAndAfterAll, Suite} import org.apache.spark.{SparkConf, SparkContext} import org.apache.spark.sql.SQLContext private[spark] trait TestSparkContext extends BeforeAndAfterAll { self: Suite => @transient var sc: SparkContext = _ @transient var sqlContext: SQLContext = _ override def beforeAll() { super.beforeAll() val conf = new SparkConf() .setMaster("local[2]") .setAppName("SparkUnitTest") .set("spark.sql.shuffle.partitions", "2") sc = new SparkContext(conf) SQLContext.clearActive() sqlContext = new SQLContext(sc) SQLContext.setActive(sqlContext) } override def afterAll() { try { sqlContext = null SQLContext.clearActive() if (sc != null) { sc.stop() } sc = null } finally { super.afterAll() } } }
Example 49
Source File: MovieRecommendation.scala From Scala-Machine-Learning-Projects with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.packt.ScalaML.MovieRecommendation import org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._ import org.apache.spark.sql.types._ import org.apache.spark.sql.SQLContext import org.apache.spark.sql.SQLImplicits import org.apache.spark.sql._ import org.apache.spark.sql.Dataset import org.apache.spark.mllib.recommendation.ALS import org.apache.spark.mllib.recommendation.MatrixFactorizationModel import org.apache.spark.mllib.recommendation.Rating import scala.Tuple2 import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD object MovieRecommendation { //Compute the RMSE to evaluate the model. Less the RMSE better the model and it's prediction capability. def computeRmse(model: MatrixFactorizationModel, data: RDD[Rating], implicitPrefs: Boolean): Double = { val predictions: RDD[Rating] = model.predict( => (x.user, x.product))) val predictionsAndRatings = { x => ((x.user, x.product), x.rating) }.join( => ((x.user, x.product), x.rating))).values if (implicitPrefs) { println("(Prediction, Rating)") println(predictionsAndRatings.take(5).mkString("\n")) } math.sqrt( => (x._1 - x._2) * (x._1 - x._2)).mean()) } def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { val spark: SparkSession = SparkSession .builder() .appName("JavaLDAExample") .master("local[*]") .config("spark.sql.warehouse.dir", "E:/Exp/"). getOrCreate() val ratigsFile = "data/ratings.csv" val df1 ="com.databricks.spark.csv").option("header", true).load(ratigsFile) val ratingsDF ="userId"), df1.col("movieId"), df1.col("rating"), df1.col("timestamp")) val moviesFile = "data/movies.csv" val df2 ="com.databricks.spark.csv").option("header", "true").load(moviesFile) val moviesDF ="movieId"), df2.col("title"), df2.col("genres")) ratingsDF.createOrReplaceTempView("ratings") moviesDF.createOrReplaceTempView("movies") var rmseTest = computeRmse(model, testRDD, true) println("Test RMSE: = " + rmseTest) //Less is better //Movie recommendation for a specific user. Get the top 6 movie predictions for user 668 println("Recommendations: (MovieId => Rating)") println("----------------------------------") val recommendationsUser = model.recommendProducts(668, 6) => (rating.product, rating.rating)).foreach(println) println("----------------------------------") spark.stop() } }
Example 50
Source File: XmlReader.scala From spark-xml with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.databricks.spark.xml import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD import org.apache.spark.sql.{DataFrame, Dataset, SQLContext, SparkSession} import org.apache.spark.sql.types.StructType import com.databricks.spark.xml.util.XmlFile import com.databricks.spark.xml.util.FailFastMode @deprecated("Use xmlFile(SparkSession, ...)", "0.5.0") def xmlFile(sqlContext: SQLContext, path: String): DataFrame = { // We need the `charset` and `rowTag` before creating the relation. val (charset, rowTag) = { val options = XmlOptions(parameters.toMap) (options.charset, options.rowTag) } val relation = XmlRelation( () => XmlFile.withCharset(sqlContext.sparkContext, path, charset, rowTag), Some(path), parameters.toMap, schema)(sqlContext) sqlContext.baseRelationToDataFrame(relation) } @deprecated("Use xmlRdd(SparkSession, ...)", "0.5.0") def xmlRdd(sqlContext: SQLContext, xmlRDD: RDD[String]): DataFrame = { val relation = XmlRelation( () => xmlRDD, None, parameters.toMap, schema)(sqlContext) sqlContext.baseRelationToDataFrame(relation) } }
Example 51
Source File: DefaultSource.scala From spark-xml with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.databricks.spark.xml import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path import org.apache.spark.sql.sources._ import org.apache.spark.sql.types.StructType import org.apache.spark.sql.{DataFrame, SQLContext, SaveMode} import com.databricks.spark.xml.util.XmlFile override def createRelation( sqlContext: SQLContext, parameters: Map[String, String], schema: StructType): XmlRelation = { val path = checkPath(parameters) // We need the `charset` and `rowTag` before creating the relation. val (charset, rowTag) = { val options = XmlOptions(parameters) (options.charset, options.rowTag) } XmlRelation( () => XmlFile.withCharset(sqlContext.sparkContext, path, charset, rowTag), Some(path), parameters, schema)(sqlContext) } override def createRelation( sqlContext: SQLContext, mode: SaveMode, parameters: Map[String, String], data: DataFrame): BaseRelation = { val path = checkPath(parameters) val filesystemPath = new Path(path) val fs = filesystemPath.getFileSystem(sqlContext.sparkContext.hadoopConfiguration) val doSave = if (fs.exists(filesystemPath)) { mode match { case SaveMode.Append => throw new IllegalArgumentException( s"Append mode is not supported by ${this.getClass.getCanonicalName}") case SaveMode.Overwrite => fs.delete(filesystemPath, true) true case SaveMode.ErrorIfExists => throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"path $path already exists.") case SaveMode.Ignore => false } } else { true } if (doSave) { // Only save data when the save mode is not ignore. XmlFile.saveAsXmlFile(data, filesystemPath.toString, parameters) } createRelation(sqlContext, parameters, data.schema) } }
Example 52
Source File: HyperLogLog.scala From spark-hyperloglog with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.mozilla.spark.sql.hyperloglog.test import com.mozilla.spark.sql.hyperloglog.aggregates._ import com.mozilla.spark.sql.hyperloglog.functions._ import org.apache.spark.sql.SQLContext import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._ import org.apache.spark.{SparkConf, SparkContext} import org.scalatest.{FlatSpec, Matchers} class HyperLogLogTest extends FlatSpec with Matchers{ "Algebird's HyperLogLog" can "be used from Spark" in { val sparkConf = new SparkConf().setAppName("HyperLogLog") sparkConf.setMaster(sparkConf.get("spark.master", "local[1]")) val sc = new SparkContext(sparkConf) val sqlContext = new SQLContext(sc) import sqlContext.implicits._ val hllMerge = new HyperLogLogMerge sqlContext.udf.register("hll_merge", hllMerge) sqlContext.udf.register("hll_create", hllCreate _) sqlContext.udf.register("hll_cardinality", hllCardinality _) val frame = sc.parallelize(List("a", "b", "c", "c"), 4).toDF("id") val count = frame .select(expr("hll_create(id, 12) as hll")) .groupBy() .agg(expr("hll_cardinality(hll_merge(hll)) as count")) .collect() count(0)(0) should be (3) } }
Example 53
Source File: HiSpeedRead.scala From spark-db2 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
import import org.apache.spark.sql.SQLContext import org.apache.spark.{SparkContext, SparkConf} object HiSpeedRead { def main(args: Array[String]) { val DB2_CONNECTION_URL = "jdbc:db2://localhost:50700/sample:traceFile=C:\\1.txt;" val conf = new SparkConf().setMaster("local[2]").setAppName("read test") val sparkContext = new SparkContext(conf) val sqlContext = new SQLContext(sparkContext) Class.forName("") val jdbcRdr ="") .option("url", DB2_CONNECTION_URL) // .option(Constants.TABLE, tableName) .option("user", "pallavipr") .option("password", "9manjari") .option("dbtable", "employee") .load() } }
Example 54
Source File: DefaultSource.scala From XSQL with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.hbase import org.apache.spark.sql.SQLContext import org.apache.spark.sql.sources.{BaseRelation, DataSourceRegister, SchemaRelationProvider} import org.apache.spark.sql.types.StructType class CustomedDefaultSource extends DefaultSource with DataSourceRegister with SchemaRelationProvider { override def shortName(): String = "hbase" override def createRelation( sqlContext: SQLContext, parameters: Map[String, String], schema: StructType): BaseRelation = { new CustomedHBaseRelation(parameters, Option(schema))(sqlContext) } }
Example 55
Source File: SparkSQLCLIService.scala From XSQL with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.hive.thriftserver import import java.util.{List => JList} import import scala.collection.JavaConverters._ import org.apache.commons.logging.Log import org.apache.hadoop.hive.conf.HiveConf import org.apache.hadoop.hive.conf.HiveConf.ConfVars import org.apache.hadoop.hive.shims.Utils import{SecurityUtil, UserGroupInformation} import org.apache.hive.service.{AbstractService, Service, ServiceException} import org.apache.hive.service.Service.STATE import org.apache.hive.service.auth.HiveAuthFactory import org.apache.hive.service.cli._ import org.apache.hive.service.server.HiveServer2 import org.apache.spark.sql.SQLContext import org.apache.spark.sql.hive.thriftserver.ReflectionUtils._ private[hive] class SparkSQLCLIService(hiveServer: HiveServer2, sqlContext: SQLContext) extends CLIService(hiveServer) with ReflectedCompositeService { override def init(hiveConf: HiveConf) { setSuperField(this, "hiveConf", hiveConf) val sparkSqlSessionManager = new SparkSQLSessionManager(hiveServer, sqlContext) setSuperField(this, "sessionManager", sparkSqlSessionManager) addService(sparkSqlSessionManager) var sparkServiceUGI: UserGroupInformation = null var httpUGI: UserGroupInformation = null if (UserGroupInformation.isSecurityEnabled) { try { val principal = hiveConf.getVar(ConfVars.HIVE_SERVER2_KERBEROS_PRINCIPAL) val keyTabFile = hiveConf.getVar(ConfVars.HIVE_SERVER2_KERBEROS_KEYTAB) if (principal.isEmpty || keyTabFile.isEmpty) { throw new IOException( "HiveServer2 Kerberos principal or keytab is not correctly configured") } val originalUgi = UserGroupInformation.getCurrentUser sparkServiceUGI = if (HiveAuthFactory.needUgiLogin(originalUgi, SecurityUtil.getServerPrincipal(principal, ""), keyTabFile)) { HiveAuthFactory.loginFromKeytab(hiveConf) Utils.getUGI() } else { originalUgi } setSuperField(this, "serviceUGI", sparkServiceUGI) } catch { case e @ (_: IOException | _: LoginException) => throw new ServiceException("Unable to login to kerberos with given principal/keytab", e) } // Try creating spnego UGI if it is configured. val principal = hiveConf.getVar(ConfVars.HIVE_SERVER2_SPNEGO_PRINCIPAL).trim val keyTabFile = hiveConf.getVar(ConfVars.HIVE_SERVER2_SPNEGO_KEYTAB).trim if (principal.nonEmpty && keyTabFile.nonEmpty) { try { httpUGI = HiveAuthFactory.loginFromSpnegoKeytabAndReturnUGI(hiveConf) setSuperField(this, "httpUGI", httpUGI) } catch { case e: IOException => throw new ServiceException("Unable to login to spnego with given principal " + s"$principal and keytab $keyTabFile: $e", e) } } } initCompositeService(hiveConf) } override def getInfo(sessionHandle: SessionHandle, getInfoType: GetInfoType): GetInfoValue = { getInfoType match { case GetInfoType.CLI_SERVER_NAME => new GetInfoValue("Spark SQL") case GetInfoType.CLI_DBMS_NAME => new GetInfoValue("Spark SQL") case GetInfoType.CLI_DBMS_VER => new GetInfoValue(sqlContext.sparkContext.version) case _ => super.getInfo(sessionHandle, getInfoType) } } } private[thriftserver] trait ReflectedCompositeService { this: AbstractService => def initCompositeService(hiveConf: HiveConf) { // Emulating `CompositeService.init(hiveConf)` val serviceList = getAncestorField[JList[Service]](this, 2, "serviceList") serviceList.asScala.foreach(_.init(hiveConf)) // Emulating `AbstractService.init(hiveConf)` invoke(classOf[AbstractService], this, "ensureCurrentState", classOf[STATE] -> STATE.NOTINITED) setAncestorField(this, 3, "hiveConf", hiveConf) invoke(classOf[AbstractService], this, "changeState", classOf[STATE] -> STATE.INITED) getAncestorField[Log](this, 3, "LOG").info(s"Service: $getName is inited.") } }
Example 56
Source File: SparkSQLDriver.scala From XSQL with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.hive.thriftserver import java.util.{ArrayList => JArrayList, Arrays, List => JList} import scala.collection.JavaConverters._ import org.apache.commons.lang3.exception.ExceptionUtils import org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.{FieldSchema, Schema} import org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.Driver import org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.processors.CommandProcessorResponse import org.apache.spark.internal.Logging import org.apache.spark.sql.{AnalysisException, SQLContext} import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.{QueryExecution, SQLExecution} private[hive] class SparkSQLDriver(val context: SQLContext = SparkSQLEnv.sqlContext) extends Driver with Logging { private[hive] var tableSchema: Schema = _ private[hive] var hiveResponse: Seq[String] = _ override def init(): Unit = { } private def getResultSetSchema(query: QueryExecution): Schema = { val analyzed = query.analyzed logDebug(s"Result Schema: ${analyzed.output}") if (analyzed.output.isEmpty) { new Schema(Arrays.asList(new FieldSchema("Response code", "string", "")), null) } else { val fieldSchemas = { attr => new FieldSchema(, attr.dataType.catalogString, "") } new Schema(fieldSchemas.asJava, null) } } override def run(command: String): CommandProcessorResponse = { // TODO unify the error code try { context.sparkContext.setJobDescription(command) val execution = context.sessionState.executePlan(context.sql(command).logicalPlan) hiveResponse = SQLExecution.withNewExecutionId(context.sparkSession, execution) { execution.hiveResultString() } tableSchema = getResultSetSchema(execution) new CommandProcessorResponse(0) } catch { case ae: AnalysisException => logDebug(s"Failed in [$command]", ae) new CommandProcessorResponse(1, ExceptionUtils.getStackTrace(ae), null, ae) case cause: Throwable => logError(s"Failed in [$command]", cause) new CommandProcessorResponse(1, ExceptionUtils.getStackTrace(cause), null, cause) } } override def close(): Int = { hiveResponse = null tableSchema = null 0 } override def getResults(res: JList[_]): Boolean = { if (hiveResponse == null) { false } else { res.asInstanceOf[JArrayList[String]].addAll(hiveResponse.asJava) hiveResponse = null true } } override def getSchema: Schema = tableSchema override def destroy() { super.destroy() hiveResponse = null tableSchema = null } }
Example 57
Source File: SparkSQLSessionManager.scala From XSQL with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.hive.thriftserver import java.util.concurrent.Executors import org.apache.commons.logging.Log import org.apache.hadoop.hive.conf.HiveConf import org.apache.hadoop.hive.conf.HiveConf.ConfVars import org.apache.hive.service.cli.SessionHandle import org.apache.hive.service.cli.session.SessionManager import org.apache.hive.service.cli.thrift.TProtocolVersion import org.apache.hive.service.server.HiveServer2 import org.apache.spark.sql.SQLContext import org.apache.spark.sql.hive.HiveUtils import org.apache.spark.sql.hive.thriftserver.ReflectionUtils._ import org.apache.spark.sql.hive.thriftserver.server.SparkSQLOperationManager private[hive] class SparkSQLSessionManager(hiveServer: HiveServer2, sqlContext: SQLContext) extends SessionManager(hiveServer) with ReflectedCompositeService { private lazy val sparkSqlOperationManager = new SparkSQLOperationManager() override def init(hiveConf: HiveConf) { setSuperField(this, "operationManager", sparkSqlOperationManager) super.init(hiveConf) } override def openSession( protocol: TProtocolVersion, username: String, passwd: String, ipAddress: String, sessionConf: java.util.Map[String, String], withImpersonation: Boolean, delegationToken: String): SessionHandle = { val sessionHandle = super.openSession(protocol, username, passwd, ipAddress, sessionConf, withImpersonation, delegationToken) val session = super.getSession(sessionHandle) HiveThriftServer2.listener.onSessionCreated( session.getIpAddress, sessionHandle.getSessionId.toString, session.getUsername) val ctx = if (sqlContext.conf.hiveThriftServerSingleSession) { sqlContext } else { sqlContext.newSession() } ctx.setConf(HiveUtils.FAKE_HIVE_VERSION.key, HiveUtils.builtinHiveVersion) if (sessionConf != null && sessionConf.containsKey("use:database")) { ctx.sql(s"use ${sessionConf.get("use:database")}") } sparkSqlOperationManager.sessionToContexts.put(sessionHandle, ctx) sessionHandle } override def closeSession(sessionHandle: SessionHandle) { HiveThriftServer2.listener.onSessionClosed(sessionHandle.getSessionId.toString) super.closeSession(sessionHandle) sparkSqlOperationManager.sessionToActivePool.remove(sessionHandle) sparkSqlOperationManager.sessionToContexts.remove(sessionHandle) } }
Example 58
Source File: SparkSQLOperationManager.scala From XSQL with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.hive.thriftserver.server import java.util.{Map => JMap} import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap import org.apache.hive.service.cli._ import org.apache.hive.service.cli.operation.{ExecuteStatementOperation, Operation, OperationManager} import org.apache.hive.service.cli.session.HiveSession import org.apache.spark.internal.Logging import org.apache.spark.sql.SQLContext import org.apache.spark.sql.hive.HiveUtils import org.apache.spark.sql.hive.thriftserver.{ReflectionUtils, SparkExecuteStatementOperation} import org.apache.spark.sql.internal.SQLConf private[thriftserver] class SparkSQLOperationManager() extends OperationManager with Logging { val handleToOperation = ReflectionUtils .getSuperField[JMap[OperationHandle, Operation]](this, "handleToOperation") val sessionToActivePool = new ConcurrentHashMap[SessionHandle, String]() val sessionToContexts = new ConcurrentHashMap[SessionHandle, SQLContext]() override def newExecuteStatementOperation( parentSession: HiveSession, statement: String, confOverlay: JMap[String, String], async: Boolean): ExecuteStatementOperation = synchronized { val sqlContext = sessionToContexts.get(parentSession.getSessionHandle) require(sqlContext != null, s"Session handle: ${parentSession.getSessionHandle} has not been" + s" initialized or had already closed.") val conf = sqlContext.sessionState.conf val hiveSessionState = parentSession.getSessionState setConfMap(conf, hiveSessionState.getOverriddenConfigurations) setConfMap(conf, hiveSessionState.getHiveVariables) val runInBackground = async && conf.getConf(HiveUtils.HIVE_THRIFT_SERVER_ASYNC) val operation = new SparkExecuteStatementOperation(parentSession, statement, confOverlay, runInBackground)(sqlContext, sessionToActivePool) handleToOperation.put(operation.getHandle, operation) logDebug(s"Created Operation for $statement with session=$parentSession, " + s"runInBackground=$runInBackground") operation } def setConfMap(conf: SQLConf, confMap: java.util.Map[String, String]): Unit = { val iterator = confMap.entrySet().iterator() while (iterator.hasNext) { val kv = conf.setConfString(kv.getKey, kv.getValue) } } }
Example 59
Source File: SparkSQLEnv.scala From XSQL with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.hive.thriftserver import import org.apache.spark.{SparkConf, SparkContext} import org.apache.spark.internal.Logging import org.apache.spark.sql.{SparkSession, SQLContext} import org.apache.spark.sql.hive.{HiveExternalCatalog, HiveUtils} import org.apache.spark.sql.internal.StaticSQLConf.CATALOG_IMPLEMENTATION import org.apache.spark.util.Utils def stop() { logDebug("Shutting down Spark SQL Environment") // Stop the SparkContext if (SparkSQLEnv.sparkContext != null) { sparkContext.stop() sparkContext = null sqlContext = null } } }
Example 60
Source File: RedisRelation.scala From XSQL with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.redis import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD import org.apache.spark.sql.{Row, SQLContext} import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.Expression import org.apache.spark.sql.sources._ import org.apache.spark.sql.types._ import org.apache.spark.sql.xsql.DataSourceManager._ import org.apache.spark.sql.xsql.execution.datasources.redis.RedisSpecialStrategy trait RedisRelationTrait { val parameters: Map[String, String] val schema: StructType lazy val redisConfig: RedisConfig = new RedisConfig(new RedisEndpoint(parameters.get(URL).get)) } case class RedisRelationImpl(val parameters: Map[String, String], val schema: StructType) extends RedisRelationTrait case class RedisRelation( parameters: Map[String, String], schema: StructType, filter: Seq[Expression] = Nil)(@transient val sqlContext: SQLContext) extends BaseRelation with PrunedScan with RedisRelationTrait { override def toString: String = s"RedisRelation(${filter.mkString(",")})" val partitionNum: Int = parameters.getOrElse("partitionNum", "1").toInt override def buildScan(requiredColumns: Array[String]): RDD[Row] = { val filters = filter .map(RedisSpecialStrategy.getAttr) .groupBy(_._1) .map(tup => (tup._1, new RedisRDD(sqlContext.sparkContext, this, filters, requiredColumns, partitionNum) } }
Example 61
Source File: PythonSQLUtils.scala From XSQL with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.api.python import import java.nio.channels.Channels import import org.apache.spark.api.python.PythonRDDServer import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD import org.apache.spark.sql.{DataFrame, SQLContext} import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.analysis.FunctionRegistry import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.ExpressionInfo import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.parser.CatalystSqlParser import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.arrow.ArrowConverters import org.apache.spark.sql.types.DataType private[sql] object PythonSQLUtils { def parseDataType(typeText: String): DataType = CatalystSqlParser.parseDataType(typeText) // This is needed when generating SQL documentation for built-in functions. def listBuiltinFunctionInfos(): Array[ExpressionInfo] = { FunctionRegistry.functionSet.flatMap(f => FunctionRegistry.builtin.lookupFunction(f)).toArray } private[sql] class ArrowRDDServer(sqlContext: SQLContext) extends PythonRDDServer { override protected def streamToRDD(input: InputStream): RDD[Array[Byte]] = { // Create array to consume iterator so that we can safely close the inputStream val batches = ArrowConverters.getBatchesFromStream(Channels.newChannel(input)).toArray // Parallelize the record batches to create an RDD JavaRDD.fromRDD(sqlContext.sparkContext.parallelize(batches, batches.length)) } }
Example 62
Source File: JdbcRelationProvider.scala From XSQL with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.jdbc import org.apache.spark.sql.{AnalysisException, DataFrame, SaveMode, SQLContext} import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.jdbc.JdbcUtils._ import org.apache.spark.sql.sources.{BaseRelation, CreatableRelationProvider, DataSourceRegister, RelationProvider} class JdbcRelationProvider extends CreatableRelationProvider with RelationProvider with DataSourceRegister { override def shortName(): String = "jdbc" override def createRelation( sqlContext: SQLContext, parameters: Map[String, String]): BaseRelation = { val jdbcOptions = new JDBCOptions(parameters) val resolver = sqlContext.conf.resolver val timeZoneId = sqlContext.conf.sessionLocalTimeZone val schema = JDBCRelation.getSchema(resolver, jdbcOptions) val parts = JDBCRelation.columnPartition(schema, resolver, timeZoneId, jdbcOptions) JDBCRelation(schema, parts, jdbcOptions)(sqlContext.sparkSession) } override def createRelation( sqlContext: SQLContext, mode: SaveMode, parameters: Map[String, String], df: DataFrame): BaseRelation = { val options = new JdbcOptionsInWrite(parameters) val isCaseSensitive = sqlContext.conf.caseSensitiveAnalysis val conn = JdbcUtils.createConnectionFactory(options)() try { val tableExists = JdbcUtils.tableExists(conn, options) if (tableExists) { mode match { case SaveMode.Overwrite => if (options.isTruncate && isCascadingTruncateTable(options.url) == Some(false)) { // In this case, we should truncate table and then load. truncateTable(conn, options) val tableSchema = JdbcUtils.getSchemaOption(conn, options) saveTable(df, tableSchema, isCaseSensitive, options) } else { // Otherwise, do not truncate the table, instead drop and recreate it dropTable(conn, options.table, options) createTable(conn, df, options) saveTable(df, Some(df.schema), isCaseSensitive, options) } case SaveMode.Append => val tableSchema = JdbcUtils.getSchemaOption(conn, options) saveTable(df, tableSchema, isCaseSensitive, options) case SaveMode.ErrorIfExists => throw new AnalysisException( s"Table or view '${options.table}' already exists. " + s"SaveMode: ErrorIfExists.") case SaveMode.Ignore => // With `SaveMode.Ignore` mode, if table already exists, the save operation is expected // to not save the contents of the DataFrame and to not change the existing data. // Therefore, it is okay to do nothing here and then just return the relation below. } } else { createTable(conn, df, options) saveTable(df, Some(df.schema), isCaseSensitive, options) } } finally { conn.close() } createRelation(sqlContext, parameters) } }
Example 63
Source File: HadoopFsRelation.scala From XSQL with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources import java.util.Locale import scala.collection.mutable import org.apache.spark.sql.{SparkSession, SQLContext} import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.catalog.BucketSpec import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.FileRelation import org.apache.spark.sql.sources.{BaseRelation, DataSourceRegister} import org.apache.spark.sql.types.{StructField, StructType} case class HadoopFsRelation( location: FileIndex, partitionSchema: StructType, dataSchema: StructType, bucketSpec: Option[BucketSpec], fileFormat: FileFormat, options: Map[String, String])(val sparkSession: SparkSession) extends BaseRelation with FileRelation { override def sqlContext: SQLContext = sparkSession.sqlContext private def getColName(f: StructField): String = { if (sparkSession.sessionState.conf.caseSensitiveAnalysis) { } else { } } val overlappedPartCols = mutable.Map.empty[String, StructField] partitionSchema.foreach { partitionField => if (dataSchema.exists(getColName(_) == getColName(partitionField))) { overlappedPartCols += getColName(partitionField) -> partitionField } } // When data and partition schemas have overlapping columns, the output // schema respects the order of the data schema for the overlapping columns, and it // respects the data types of the partition schema. val schema: StructType = { StructType( => overlappedPartCols.getOrElse(getColName(f), f)) ++ partitionSchema.filterNot(f => overlappedPartCols.contains(getColName(f)))) } def partitionSchemaOption: Option[StructType] = if (partitionSchema.isEmpty) None else Some(partitionSchema) override def toString: String = { fileFormat match { case source: DataSourceRegister => source.shortName() case _ => "HadoopFiles" } } override def sizeInBytes: Long = { val compressionFactor = sqlContext.conf.fileCompressionFactor (location.sizeInBytes * compressionFactor).toLong } override def inputFiles: Array[String] = location.inputFiles }
Example 64
Source File: package.scala From XSQL with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.execution.streaming import scala.reflect.ClassTag import org.apache.spark.TaskContext import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD import org.apache.spark.sql.SQLContext import org.apache.spark.sql.internal.SessionState import org.apache.spark.sql.types.StructType package object state { implicit class StateStoreOps[T: ClassTag](dataRDD: RDD[T]) { private[streaming] def mapPartitionsWithStateStore[U: ClassTag]( stateInfo: StatefulOperatorStateInfo, keySchema: StructType, valueSchema: StructType, indexOrdinal: Option[Int], sessionState: SessionState, storeCoordinator: Option[StateStoreCoordinatorRef])( storeUpdateFunction: (StateStore, Iterator[T]) => Iterator[U]): StateStoreRDD[T, U] = { val cleanedF = dataRDD.sparkContext.clean(storeUpdateFunction) val wrappedF = (store: StateStore, iter: Iterator[T]) => { // Abort the state store in case of error TaskContext.get().addTaskCompletionListener[Unit](_ => { if (!store.hasCommitted) store.abort() }) cleanedF(store, iter) } new StateStoreRDD( dataRDD, wrappedF, stateInfo.checkpointLocation, stateInfo.queryRunId, stateInfo.operatorId, stateInfo.storeVersion, keySchema, valueSchema, indexOrdinal, sessionState, storeCoordinator) } } }
Example 65
Source File: DDLSourceLoadSuite.scala From XSQL with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.sources import org.apache.spark.sql.{AnalysisException, SQLContext} import org.apache.spark.sql.test.SharedSQLContext import org.apache.spark.sql.types._ // please note that the META-INF/services had to be modified for the test directory for this to work class DDLSourceLoadSuite extends DataSourceTest with SharedSQLContext { test("data sources with the same name - internal data sources") { val e = intercept[AnalysisException] {"Fluet da Bomb").load() } assert(e.getMessage.contains("Multiple sources found for Fluet da Bomb")) } test("data sources with the same name - internal data source/external data source") { assert("datasource").load().schema == StructType(Seq(StructField("longType", LongType, nullable = false)))) } test("data sources with the same name - external data sources") { val e = intercept[AnalysisException] {"Fake external source").load() } assert(e.getMessage.contains("Multiple sources found for Fake external source")) } test("load data source from format alias") { assert("gathering quorum").load().schema == StructType(Seq(StructField("stringType", StringType, nullable = false)))) } test("specify full classname with duplicate formats") { assert("org.apache.spark.sql.sources.FakeSourceOne") .load().schema == StructType(Seq(StructField("stringType", StringType, nullable = false)))) } } class FakeSourceOne extends RelationProvider with DataSourceRegister { def shortName(): String = "Fluet da Bomb" override def createRelation(cont: SQLContext, param: Map[String, String]): BaseRelation = new BaseRelation { override def sqlContext: SQLContext = cont override def schema: StructType = StructType(Seq(StructField("stringType", StringType, nullable = false))) } } class FakeSourceTwo extends RelationProvider with DataSourceRegister { def shortName(): String = "Fluet da Bomb" override def createRelation(cont: SQLContext, param: Map[String, String]): BaseRelation = new BaseRelation { override def sqlContext: SQLContext = cont override def schema: StructType = StructType(Seq(StructField("integerType", IntegerType, nullable = false))) } } class FakeSourceThree extends RelationProvider with DataSourceRegister { def shortName(): String = "gathering quorum" override def createRelation(cont: SQLContext, param: Map[String, String]): BaseRelation = new BaseRelation { override def sqlContext: SQLContext = cont override def schema: StructType = StructType(Seq(StructField("stringType", StringType, nullable = false))) } } class FakeSourceFour extends RelationProvider with DataSourceRegister { def shortName(): String = "datasource" override def createRelation(cont: SQLContext, param: Map[String, String]): BaseRelation = new BaseRelation { override def sqlContext: SQLContext = cont override def schema: StructType = StructType(Seq(StructField("longType", LongType, nullable = false))) } }
Example 66
Source File: SharedSparkSession.scala From XSQL with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.test import scala.concurrent.duration._ import org.scalatest.{BeforeAndAfterEach, Suite} import org.scalatest.concurrent.Eventually import org.apache.spark.{DebugFilesystem, SparkConf} import org.apache.spark.sql.{SparkSession, SQLContext} import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.optimizer.ConvertToLocalRelation import org.apache.spark.sql.internal.SQLConf protected override def afterAll(): Unit = { try { super.afterAll() } finally { try { if (_spark != null) { try { _spark.sessionState.catalog.reset() } finally { _spark.stop() _spark = null } } } finally { SparkSession.clearActiveSession() SparkSession.clearDefaultSession() } } } protected override def beforeEach(): Unit = { super.beforeEach() DebugFilesystem.clearOpenStreams() } protected override def afterEach(): Unit = { super.afterEach() // Clear all persistent datasets after each test spark.sharedState.cacheManager.clearCache() // files can be closed from other threads, so wait a bit // normally this doesn't take more than 1s eventually(timeout(10.seconds), interval(2.seconds)) { DebugFilesystem.assertNoOpenStreams() } } }
Example 67
Source File: BlockingSource.scala From XSQL with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.streaming.util import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch import org.apache.spark.sql.{SQLContext, _} import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.streaming.{LongOffset, Offset, Sink, Source} import org.apache.spark.sql.sources.{StreamSinkProvider, StreamSourceProvider} import org.apache.spark.sql.streaming.OutputMode import org.apache.spark.sql.types.{IntegerType, StructField, StructType} class BlockingSource extends StreamSourceProvider with StreamSinkProvider { private val fakeSchema = StructType(StructField("a", IntegerType) :: Nil) override def sourceSchema( spark: SQLContext, schema: Option[StructType], providerName: String, parameters: Map[String, String]): (String, StructType) = { ("dummySource", fakeSchema) } override def createSource( spark: SQLContext, metadataPath: String, schema: Option[StructType], providerName: String, parameters: Map[String, String]): Source = { BlockingSource.latch.await() new Source { override def schema: StructType = fakeSchema override def getOffset: Option[Offset] = Some(new LongOffset(0)) override def getBatch(start: Option[Offset], end: Offset): DataFrame = { import spark.implicits._ Seq[Int]().toDS().toDF() } override def stop() {} } } override def createSink( spark: SQLContext, parameters: Map[String, String], partitionColumns: Seq[String], outputMode: OutputMode): Sink = { new Sink { override def addBatch(batchId: Long, data: DataFrame): Unit = {} } } } object BlockingSource { var latch: CountDownLatch = null }
Example 68
Source File: MockSourceProvider.scala From XSQL with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.streaming.util import org.apache.spark.sql.SQLContext import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.streaming.Source import org.apache.spark.sql.sources.StreamSourceProvider import org.apache.spark.sql.types.{IntegerType, StructField, StructType} class MockSourceProvider extends StreamSourceProvider { override def sourceSchema( spark: SQLContext, schema: Option[StructType], providerName: String, parameters: Map[String, String]): (String, StructType) = { ("dummySource", MockSourceProvider.fakeSchema) } override def createSource( spark: SQLContext, metadataPath: String, schema: Option[StructType], providerName: String, parameters: Map[String, String]): Source = { MockSourceProvider.sourceProviderFunction() } } object MockSourceProvider { // Function to generate sources. May provide multiple sources if the user implements such a // function. private var sourceProviderFunction: () => Source = _ final val fakeSchema = StructType(StructField("a", IntegerType) :: Nil) def withMockSources(source: Source, otherSources: Source*)(f: => Unit): Unit = { var i = 0 val sources = source +: otherSources sourceProviderFunction = () => { val source = sources(i % sources.length) i += 1 source } try { f } finally { sourceProviderFunction = null } } }
Example 69
Source File: SapHiveContext.scala From HANAVora-Extensions with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.hive import org.apache.spark.SparkContext import org.apache.spark.sql.{CommonSapSQLContext, SQLContext} import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.CacheManager import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.ui.SQLListener import org.apache.spark.sql.hive.client.{ClientInterface, ClientWrapper} class SapHiveContext( @transient sparkContext: SparkContext, cacheManager: CacheManager, listener: SQLListener, @transient execHive: ClientWrapper, @transient metaHive: ClientInterface, isRootContext: Boolean) extends ExtendableHiveContext( sparkContext, cacheManager, listener, execHive, metaHive, isRootContext) with CommonSapSQLContext { def this(sc: SparkContext) = this(sc, new CacheManager, SQLContext.createListenerAndUI(sc), null, null, true) override def newSession(): HiveContext = new SapHiveContext( sparkContext = this.sparkContext, cacheManager = this.cacheManager, listener = this.listener, executionHive.newSession(), metadataHive.newSession(), isRootContext = false) }
Example 70
Source File: BasicCurrencyConversionFunction.scala From HANAVora-Extensions with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.currency.basic import org.apache.spark.SparkContext import org.apache.spark.sql.SQLContext import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.Expression import org.apache.spark.sql.currency._ import org.apache.spark.sql.util.ValidatingPropertyMap._ import scala.util.Try protected object BasicCurrencyConversionConfig { private def updateRatesMapByTable(ratesTable: String, sqlContext: SQLContext): Unit = { val ratesTableData = sqlContext.sql(s"SELECT * FROM $ratesTable").collect() ratesTableData.foreach { row => val from = row.getString(0) val to = row.getString(1) val date = row.getString(2).replaceAll("-", "").toInt val rate = Try(row.getDecimal(3)).recover { case ex: ClassCastException => new java.math.BigDecimal(row.getDouble(3)) }.get ratesMap.put((from, to), date, rate) } } }
Example 71
Source File: CreateTableUsingTemporaryAwareCommand.scala From HANAVora-Extensions with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.TableIdentifier import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.RunnableCommand import org.apache.spark.sql.sources._ import org.apache.spark.sql.types._ import org.apache.spark.sql.{DataFrame, DatasourceResolver, Row, SQLContext} import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.TableIdentifierUtils._ import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.CaseSensitivityUtils._ // scalastyle:off method.length private def resolveDataSource(sqlContext: SQLContext, dataSource: Any, tableId: TableIdentifier): ResolvedDataSource = { dataSource match { case drp: PartitionedRelationProvider => if (userSpecifiedSchema.isEmpty) { new ResolvedDataSource(drp.getClass, drp.createRelation( sqlContext, tableId.toSeq, new CaseInsensitiveMap(options), partitioningFunction, partitioningColumns, isTemporary, allowExisting)) } else { new ResolvedDataSource(drp.getClass, drp.createRelation( sqlContext, tableId.toSeq, new CaseInsensitiveMap(options), userSpecifiedSchema.get, partitioningFunction, partitioningColumns, isTemporary, allowExisting)) } case drp: TemporaryAndPersistentSchemaRelationProvider if userSpecifiedSchema.nonEmpty => new ResolvedDataSource(drp.getClass, drp.createRelation( sqlContext, tableId.toSeq, new CaseInsensitiveMap(options), userSpecifiedSchema.get, isTemporary, allowExisting)) case drp: TemporaryAndPersistentRelationProvider => new ResolvedDataSource(drp.getClass, drp.createRelation( sqlContext, tableId.toSeq, new CaseInsensitiveMap(options), isTemporary, allowExisting)) case _ => ResolvedDataSource(sqlContext, userSpecifiedSchema, partitionColumns, provider, options) } } // scalastyle:on method.length }
Example 72
Source File: SqlContextAccessor.scala From HANAVora-Extensions with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources import org.apache.spark.sql.SQLContext import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.TableIdentifier import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans.logical.LogicalPlan import scala.language.implicitConversions object SqlContextAccessor { implicit def sqlContextToCatalogAccessable(sqlContext: SQLContext): SqlContextCatalogAccessor = new SqlContextCatalogAccessor(sqlContext) class SqlContextCatalogAccessor(sqlContext: SQLContext) extends SQLContext(sqlContext.sparkContext) { def registerRawPlan(lp: LogicalPlan, tableName: String): Unit = { sqlContext.catalog.registerTable(TableIdentifier(tableName), lp) } } }
Example 73
Source File: DropRunnableCommand.scala From HANAVora-Extensions with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources import org.apache.spark.Logging import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.RunnableCommand import org.apache.spark.sql.sources.DropRelation import org.apache.spark.sql.{Row, SQLContext} import scala.util.Try private[sql] case class DropRunnableCommand(toDrop: Map[String, Option[DropRelation]]) extends RunnableCommand with Logging { override def run(sqlContext: SQLContext): Seq[Row] = { toDrop.foreach { case (name, dropOption) => sqlContext.dropTempTable(name) dropOption.foreach { dropRelation => Try { dropRelation.dropTable() }.recover { // When the provider indicates an exception while dropping, we still have to continue // dropping all the referencing tables, otherwise there could be integrity issues case ex => logWarning( s"""Error occurred when dropping table '$name':${ex.getMessage}, however |table '$name' will still be dropped from Spark catalog. """.stripMargin) }.get } } Seq.empty } }
Example 74
Source File: ShowTablesUsingCommand.scala From HANAVora-Extensions with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources import org.apache.spark.sql.sources.DatasourceCatalog import org.apache.spark.sql.{DatasourceResolver, Row, SQLContext} import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.Attribute import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans.logical.LogicalPlan import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.RunnableCommand import org.apache.spark.sql.types.{StringType, StructField, StructType} private[sql] case class ShowTablesUsingCommand(provider: String, options: Map[String, String]) extends LogicalPlan with RunnableCommand { override def output: Seq[Attribute] = StructType( StructField("TABLE_NAME", StringType, nullable = false) :: StructField("IS_TEMPORARY", StringType, nullable = false) :: StructField("KIND", StringType, nullable = false) :: Nil ).toAttributes override def run(sqlContext: SQLContext): Seq[Row] = { val dataSource: Any = DatasourceResolver.resolverFor(sqlContext).newInstanceOf(provider) dataSource match { case describableRelation: DatasourceCatalog => describableRelation .getRelations(sqlContext, new CaseInsensitiveMap(options)) .map(relationInfo => Row(, relationInfo.isTemporary.toString.toUpperCase, relationInfo.kind.toUpperCase)) case _ => throw new RuntimeException(s"The provided data source $provider does not support " + "showing its relations.") } } }
Example 75
Source File: DeepDescribeCommand.scala From HANAVora-Extensions with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.{Attribute, AttributeReference} import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.RunnableCommand import org.apache.spark.sql.sources.describable.Describable import org.apache.spark.sql.sources.describable.FieldLike.StructFieldLike import org.apache.spark.sql.types.StructType import org.apache.spark.sql.{Row, SQLContext} private[sql] case class DeepDescribeCommand( relation: Describable) extends RunnableCommand { override def run(sqlContext: SQLContext): Seq[Row] = { val description = relation.describe() Seq(description match { case r: Row => r case default => Row(default) }) } override def output: Seq[Attribute] = { relation.describeOutput match { case StructType(fields) => case other => AttributeReference("value", other)() :: Nil } } }
Example 76
Source File: DescribeTableUsingCommand.scala From HANAVora-Extensions with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.TableIdentifier import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.TableIdentifierUtils._ import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.Attribute import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans.logical.LogicalPlan import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.RunnableCommand import org.apache.spark.sql.sources.{DatasourceCatalog, RelationInfo} import org.apache.spark.sql.types.{StringType, StructField, StructType} import org.apache.spark.sql.{DatasourceResolver, Row, SQLContext} private[sql] case class DescribeTableUsingCommand( name: TableIdentifier, provider: String, options: Map[String, String]) extends LogicalPlan with RunnableCommand { override def output: Seq[Attribute] = StructType( StructField("TABLE_NAME", StringType, nullable = false) :: StructField("DDL_STMT", StringType, nullable = false) :: Nil ).toAttributes override def run(sqlContext: SQLContext): Seq[Row] = { // Convert the table name according to the case-sensitivity settings val tableId = name.toSeq val resolver = DatasourceResolver.resolverFor(sqlContext) val catalog = resolver.newInstanceOfTyped[DatasourceCatalog](provider) Seq(catalog .getRelation(sqlContext, tableId, new CaseInsensitiveMap(options)) match { case None => Row("", "") case Some(RelationInfo(relName, _, _, ddl, _)) => Row( relName, ddl.getOrElse("")) }) } }
Example 77
Source File: RawDDLCommand.scala From HANAVora-Extensions with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources import org.apache.spark.sql.sources.RawDDLObjectType.RawDDLObjectType import org.apache.spark.sql.sources.RawDDLStatementType.RawDDLStatementType import org.apache.spark.sql.sources.{RawSqlSourceProvider} import org.apache.spark.sql.types.StructType import org.apache.spark.sql.{Row, SQLContext} import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.RunnableCommand private[sql] case class RawDDLCommand( identifier: String, objectType: RawDDLObjectType, statementType: RawDDLStatementType, sparkSchema: Option[StructType], ddlStatement: String, provider: String, options: Map[String, String]) extends RunnableCommand { override def run(sqlContext: SQLContext): Seq[Row] = { val dataSource: Any = ResolvedDataSource.lookupDataSource(provider).newInstance() dataSource match { case rsp: RawSqlSourceProvider => rsp.executeDDL(identifier, objectType, statementType, sparkSchema, ddlStatement, options) case _ => throw new RuntimeException("The provided datasource does not support " + "executing raw DDL statements.") } Seq.empty[Row] } }
Example 78
Source File: RegisterAllTablesCommand.scala From HANAVora-Extensions with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.CaseSensitivityUtils._ import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.TableIdentifier import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.RunnableCommand import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.SqlContextAccessor._ import org.apache.spark.sql.sources.{LogicalPlanSource, RegisterAllTableRelations} import org.apache.spark.sql.util.CollectionUtils._ import org.apache.spark.sql.{DatasourceResolver, Row, SQLContext} { case (name, source) => val lp = source.logicalPlan(sqlContext) if (lp.resolved) { sqlContext.validatedSchema(lp.schema).recover { case d: DuplicateFieldsException => throw new RuntimeException( s"Provider '$provider' returned a relation that has duplicate fields.", d) }.get } else { // TODO(AC): With the new view interface, this can be checked logWarning(s"Adding relation $name with potentially unreachable fields.") } name -> lp }.foreach { case (name, plan) => sqlContext.registerRawPlan(plan, name) } } }
Example 79
Source File: AbstractViewCommand.scala From HANAVora-Extensions with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.TableIdentifier import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.RunnableCommand import org.apache.spark.sql.sources.{AbstractViewProvider, ViewKind} import org.apache.spark.sql.{DatasourceResolver, SQLContext} def withValidProvider[B](sqlContext: SQLContext)(b: AbstractViewProvider[_] => B): B = { val resolver = DatasourceResolver.resolverFor(sqlContext) AbstractViewProvider.matcherFor(kind)(resolver.newInstanceOf(provider)) match { case Some(viewProvider) => b(viewProvider) case _ => throw new ProviderException(provider, "Does not support the " + s"execution of ${this.getClass.getSimpleName}") } } } class ProviderException(val provider: String, val reason: String) extends Exception(s"Exception using provider $provider: $reason")
Example 80
Source File: RegisterTableCommand.scala From HANAVora-Extensions with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.CaseSensitivityUtils._ import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.TableIdentifier import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.RunnableCommand import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.SqlContextAccessor._ import org.apache.spark.sql.sources.RegisterAllTableRelations import org.apache.spark.sql.{DatasourceResolver, Row, SQLContext} val relation = resolvedProvider.getTableRelation(tableName, sqlContext, options) relation match { case None => sys.error(s"Relation $tableName was not found in the catalog.") case Some(r) => val lp = r.logicalPlan(sqlContext) if (lp.resolved) { sqlContext.validatedSchema(lp.schema).recover { case d: DuplicateFieldsException => throw new RuntimeException( s"Provider '$provider' returned a relation that has duplicate fields.", d) }.get } else { // TODO(AC): With the new view interface, this can be checked logWarning(s"Adding relation $tableName with potentially unreachable fields.") } sqlContext.registerRawPlan(lp, tableName) } } Seq.empty } }
Example 81
Source File: CreateTableStrategy.scala From HANAVora-Extensions with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources import org.apache.spark.sql.{DatasourceResolver, SQLContext, Strategy} import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans.logical.LogicalPlan import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.{ExecutedCommand, SparkPlan} import org.apache.spark.sql.sources.TemporaryAndPersistentNature private[sql] case class CreateTableStrategy(sqlContext: SQLContext) extends Strategy { override def apply(plan: LogicalPlan): Seq[SparkPlan] = plan match { // Currently we only handle cases where the user wants to instantiate a // persistent relation any other cases has to be handled by the datasource itself case CreateTableUsing(tableName, userSpecifiedSchema, provider, temporary, options, allowExisting, _) => DatasourceResolver.resolverFor(sqlContext).newInstanceOf(provider) match { case _: TemporaryAndPersistentNature => ExecutedCommand(CreateTableUsingTemporaryAwareCommand(tableName, userSpecifiedSchema, Array.empty[String], None, None, provider, options, temporary, allowExisting)) :: Nil case _ => Nil } case CreateTablePartitionedByUsing(tableId, userSpecifiedSchema, provider, partitioningFunction, partitioningColumns, temporary, options, allowExisting, _) => ResolvedDataSource.lookupDataSource(provider).newInstance() match { case _: TemporaryAndPersistentNature => ExecutedCommand(CreateTableUsingTemporaryAwareCommand( tableId, userSpecifiedSchema, Array.empty[String], Some(partitioningFunction), Some(partitioningColumns), provider, options, isTemporary = false, allowExisting)) :: Nil case _ => Nil } case _ => Nil } }
Example 82
Source File: DescCommand.scala From HANAVora-Extensions with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.sources.commands.hive import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.TableIdentifier import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.{Attribute, AttributeReference} import org.apache.spark.sql.types.StringType import org.apache.spark.sql.{Row, SQLContext} case class DescCommand(ident: TableIdentifier) extends HiveRunnableCommand { override protected val commandName: String = s"DESC $ident" override def execute(sqlContext: SQLContext): Seq[Row] = { val plan = sqlContext.catalog.lookupRelation(ident) if (plan.resolved) { { field => Row(, field.dataType.simpleString, None) } } else { Seq.empty } } override lazy val output: Seq[Attribute] = AttributeReference("col_name", StringType)() :: AttributeReference("data_type", StringType)() :: AttributeReference("comment", StringType)() :: Nil }
Example 83
Source File: inferSchemaCommand.scala From HANAVora-Extensions with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.sources.commands import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.analysis.systables.SchemaEnumeration import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.Attribute import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans.logical.LeafNode import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.RunnableCommand import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.parquet.ParquetRelation import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.tablefunctions.DataTypeExtractor import org.apache.spark.sql.hive.orc.OrcRelation import org.apache.spark.sql.types._ import org.apache.spark.sql.{Row, SQLContext} case class InferSchemaCommand(path: String, fileType: FileType) extends RunnableCommand { override lazy val output: Seq[Attribute] = InferSchemaCommand.schema.toAttributes override def run(sqlContext: SQLContext): Seq[Row] = { val fileSchema = fileType.readSchema(sqlContext, path) { case (StructField(name, dataType, nullable, _), idx) => val dataTypeExtractor = DataTypeExtractor(dataType) Row( name, idx + 1, // idx + 1 since the ordinal position has to start at 1 nullable, dataTypeExtractor.inferredSqlType, dataTypeExtractor.numericPrecision.orNull, dataTypeExtractor.numericPrecisionRadix.orNull, dataTypeExtractor.numericScale.orNull) } } } object InferSchemaCommand extends SchemaEnumeration { val name = Field("COLUMN_NAME", StringType, nullable = false) val ordinalPosition = Field("ORDINAL_POSITION", IntegerType, nullable = false) val isNullable = Field("IS_NULLABLE", BooleanType, nullable = false) val dataType = Field("DATA_TYPE", StringType, nullable = false) val numericPrecision = Field("NUMERIC_PRECISION", IntegerType, nullable = true) val numericPrecisionRadix = Field("NUMERIC_PRECISION_RADIX", IntegerType, nullable = true) val numericScale = Field("NUMERIC_SCALE", IntegerType, nullable = true) }
Example 84
Source File: ShowPartitionFunctionsUsingCommand.scala From HANAVora-Extensions with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.sources.commands import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.Attribute import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.RunnableCommand import org.apache.spark.sql.sources._ import org.apache.spark.sql.types._ import org.apache.spark.sql.{DatasourceResolver, DefaultDatasourceResolver, Row, SQLContext} case class ShowPartitionFunctionsUsingCommand( provider: String, options: Map[String, String]) extends RunnableCommand { def run(sqlContext: SQLContext): Seq[Row] = { val resolver = DatasourceResolver.resolverFor(sqlContext) val pFunProvider = resolver.newInstanceOfTyped[PartitioningFunctionProvider](provider) val pFuns = pFunProvider.getAllPartitioningFunctions(sqlContext, options) { fun => val (splittersOpt, rightClosedOpt) = fun match { case RangeSplitPartitioningFunction(_, _, splitters, rightClosed) => (Some(splitters), Some(rightClosed)) case _ => (None, None) } val (startOpt, endOpt, intervalTypeOpt, intervalValueOpt) = fun match { case RangeIntervalPartitioningFunction(_, _, start, end, strideParts) => (Some(start), Some(end), Some(strideParts.productPrefix), Some(strideParts.n)) case _ => (None, None, None, None) } val partitionsNoOpt = fun match { case HashPartitioningFunction(_, _, partitionsNo) => partitionsNo case s: SimpleDataType => None } Row(, fun.productPrefix,","),",")).orNull, rightClosedOpt.orNull, startOpt.orNull, endOpt.orNull, intervalTypeOpt.orNull, intervalValueOpt.orNull, partitionsNoOpt.orNull) } } override lazy val output: Seq[Attribute] = StructType( StructField("name", StringType, nullable = false) :: StructField("kind", StringType, nullable = false) :: StructField("dataTypes", StringType, nullable = false) :: StructField("splitters", StringType, nullable = true) :: StructField("rightClosed", BooleanType, nullable = true) :: StructField("start", IntegerType, nullable = true) :: StructField("end", IntegerType, nullable = true) :: StructField("intervalType", StringType, nullable = true) :: StructField("intervalValue", IntegerType, nullable = true) :: StructField("partitionsNo", IntegerType, nullable = true) :: Nil ).toAttributes }
Example 85
Source File: PartitionedRelationProvider.scala From HANAVora-Extensions with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.sources import org.apache.spark.sql.SQLContext import org.apache.spark.sql.types.StructType trait PartitionedRelationProvider extends SchemaRelationProvider with TemporaryAndPersistentNature { def createRelation(sqlContext: SQLContext, tableName: Seq[String], parameters: Map[String, String], partitioningFunction: Option[String], partitioningColumns: Option[Seq[String]], isTemporary: Boolean, allowExisting: Boolean): BaseRelation def createRelation(sqlContext: SQLContext, tableName: Seq[String], parameters: Map[String, String], schema: StructType, partitioningFunction: Option[String], partitioningColumns: Option[Seq[String]], isTemporary: Boolean, allowExisting: Boolean): BaseRelation }
Example 86
Source File: AbstractViewProvider.scala From HANAVora-Extensions with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.sources import org.apache.spark.sql.SQLContext import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.TableIdentifier import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans.logical.view.{AbstractView, Persisted} import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans.logical.LogicalPlan import scala.reflect._ def name: String } abstract class BaseAbstractViewProvider[A <: AbstractView with Persisted: ClassTag] extends AbstractViewProvider[A] { val tag = implicitly[ClassTag[A]] } object AbstractViewProvider { def matcherFor(kind: ViewKind)(any: Any): Option[AbstractViewProvider[_]] = { val multiProvider = MultiAbstractViewProvider.matcherFor(kind) any match { case provider: AbstractViewProvider[_] if tagMatches(provider.tag) => Some(provider) case multiProvider(provider) => Some(provider) case _ => None } } private def tagMatches[A: ClassTag](tag: ClassTag[_]): Boolean = { classTag[A].runtimeClass.isAssignableFrom(tag.runtimeClass) } } case class CreateViewInput( sqlContext: SQLContext, plan: LogicalPlan, viewSql: String, options: Map[String, String], identifier: TableIdentifier, allowExisting: Boolean) case class DropViewInput( sqlContext: SQLContext, options: Map[String, String], identifier: TableIdentifier, allowNotExisting: Boolean)
Example 87
Source File: RawSqlSourceProvider.scala From HANAVora-Extensions with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.sources import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.Attribute import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans.logical.Statistics import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.{PhysicalRDD, RDDConversions, SparkPlan} import org.apache.spark.sql.sources.RawDDLObjectType.RawDDLObjectType import org.apache.spark.sql.sources.RawDDLStatementType.RawDDLStatementType import org.apache.spark.sql.types.StructType import org.apache.spark.sql.{Row, SQLContext} case object RawDDLObjectType { sealed trait RawDDLObjectType { val name: String override def toString: String = name } sealed abstract class BaseRawDDLObjectType(val name: String) extends RawDDLObjectType sealed trait RawData case object PartitionFunction extends BaseRawDDLObjectType("partition function") case object PartitionScheme extends BaseRawDDLObjectType("partition scheme") case object Collection extends BaseRawDDLObjectType("collection") with RawData case object Series extends BaseRawDDLObjectType("table") with RawData case object Graph extends BaseRawDDLObjectType("graph") with RawData } case object RawDDLStatementType { sealed trait RawDDLStatementType case object Create extends RawDDLStatementType case object Drop extends RawDDLStatementType case object Append extends RawDDLStatementType case object Load extends RawDDLStatementType } protected def calculateSchema(): StructType }
Example 88
Source File: LogicalPlanSource.scala From HANAVora-Extensions with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.sources import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans.logical.LogicalPlan import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources._ import org.apache.spark.sql.{DataFrame, SQLContext} case class CreatePersistentViewSource(createViewStatement: String, handle: ViewHandle) extends LogicalPlanSource { def logicalPlan(sqlContext: SQLContext): LogicalPlan = { sqlContext.parseSql(createViewStatement) match { // This might seem repetitive but in the future the commands might drastically differ case CreatePersistentViewCommand(kind, _, plan, _, provider, _, _) => kind.createPersisted(plan, handle, provider) case unknown => throw new RuntimeException(s"Could not extract view query from $unknown") } } }
Example 89
Source File: TemporaryAndPersistentSchemaRelationProvider.scala From HANAVora-Extensions with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.sources import org.apache.spark.sql.SQLContext import org.apache.spark.sql.types._ trait TemporaryAndPersistentSchemaRelationProvider extends SchemaRelationProvider with TemporaryAndPersistentNature { def createRelation(sqlContext: SQLContext, tableName: Seq[String], parameters: Map[String, String], schema: StructType, isTemporary: Boolean, allowExisting: Boolean): BaseRelation }
Example 90
Source File: ResolveSelectUsing.scala From HANAVora-Extensions with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.analysis import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans.logical.{LogicalPlan, SelectUsing, UnresolvedSelectUsing} import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.rules.Rule import org.apache.spark.sql.sources.RawSqlSourceProvider import org.apache.spark.sql.{DatasourceResolver, SQLContext} private[sql] case class ResolveSelectUsing(sqlContext: SQLContext) extends Rule[LogicalPlan] { override def apply(plan: LogicalPlan): LogicalPlan = plan resolveOperators { case UnresolvedSelectUsing(sqlCommand, provider, expectedSchema, options) => { val resolver = DatasourceResolver.resolverFor(sqlContext) val rawSqlProvider = resolver.newInstanceOfTyped[RawSqlSourceProvider](provider) val execution = rawSqlProvider.executionOf(sqlContext, options, sqlCommand, expectedSchema) SelectUsing(execution) } } }
Example 91
Source File: ResolveInferSchemaCommand.scala From HANAVora-Extensions with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.analysis import org.apache.spark.sql.{AnalysisException, SQLContext} import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans.logical.LogicalPlan import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.rules.Rule import org.apache.spark.sql.sources.commands.{InferSchemaCommand, Orc, Parquet, UnresolvedInferSchemaCommand} import scala.util.Try case class ResolveInferSchemaCommand(sqlContext: SQLContext) extends Rule[LogicalPlan] { override def apply(plan: LogicalPlan): LogicalPlan = plan.transform { case UnresolvedInferSchemaCommand(path, explicitFileType) => val fileType = explicitFileType.getOrElse(path.toLowerCase match { case p if p.endsWith(".orc") => Orc case p if p.endsWith(".parquet") => Parquet case invalid => throw new AnalysisException(s"Could not determine file format of '$path'") }) InferSchemaCommand(path, fileType) } }
Example 92
Source File: dependenciesSystemTable.scala From HANAVora-Extensions with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.analysis.systables import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.TableIdentifier import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.analysis.TableDependencyCalculator import org.apache.spark.sql.sources.{RelationKind, Table} import org.apache.spark.sql.types.{IntegerType, StringType, StructField, StructType} import org.apache.spark.sql.{Row, SQLContext} object DependenciesSystemTableProvider extends SystemTableProvider with LocalSpark { override def execute(): Seq[Row] = { val tables = getTables(sqlContext.catalog) val dependentsMap = buildDependentsMap(tables) def kindOf(tableIdentifier: TableIdentifier): String = tables .get(tableIdentifier) .map(plan => RelationKind.kindOf(plan).getOrElse(Table).name) .getOrElse(DependenciesSystemTable.UnknownType) .toUpperCase dependentsMap.flatMap { case (tableIdent, dependents) => val curKind = kindOf(tableIdent) { dependent => val dependentKind = kindOf(dependent) Row( tableIdent.database.orNull, tableIdent.table, curKind, dependent.database.orNull, dependent.table, dependentKind, } }.toSeq } override val schema: StructType = DependenciesSystemTable.schema } object DependenciesSystemTable extends SchemaEnumeration { val baseSchemaName = Field("BASE_SCHEMA_NAME", StringType, nullable = true) val baseObjectName = Field("BASE_OBJECT_NAME", StringType, nullable = false) val baseObjectType = Field("BASE_OBJECT_TYPE", StringType, nullable = false) val dependentSchemaName = Field("DEPENDENT_SCHEMA_NAME", StringType, nullable = true) val dependentObjectName = Field("DEPENDENT_OBJECT_NAME", StringType, nullable = false) val dependentObjectType = Field("DEPENDENT_OBJECT_TYPE", StringType, nullable = false) val dependencyType = Field("DEPENDENCY_TYPE", IntegerType, nullable = false) private[DependenciesSystemTable] val UnknownType = "UNKNOWN" }
Example 93
Source File: partitionFunctionSystemTable.scala From HANAVora-Extensions with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.analysis.systables import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.tablefunctions.OutputFormatter import org.apache.spark.sql.sources._ import org.apache.spark.sql.{DatasourceResolver, Row, SQLContext} import org.apache.spark.sql.types.{IntegerType, StringType, StructType} import org.apache.spark.sql.util.GenericUtil._ private def typeNameOf(f: PartitionFunction): String = f match { case _: RangePartitionFunction => "RANGE" case _: BlockPartitionFunction => "BLOCK" case _: HashPartitionFunction => "HASH" } } object PartitionFunctionSystemTable extends SchemaEnumeration { val id = Field("ID", StringType, nullable = false) val functionType = Field("TYPE", StringType, nullable = false) val columnName = Field("COLUMN_NAME", StringType, nullable = false) val columnType = Field("COLUMN_TYPE", StringType, nullable = false) val boundaries = Field("BOUNDARIES", StringType, nullable = true) val block = Field("BLOCK_SIZE", IntegerType, nullable = true) val partitions = Field("PARTITIONS", IntegerType, nullable = true) val minP = Field("MIN_PARTITIONS", IntegerType, nullable = true) val maxP = Field("MAX_PARTITIONS", IntegerType, nullable = true) }
Example 94
Source File: sessionSystemTable.scala From HANAVora-Extensions with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.analysis.systables import org.apache.spark.sql.types.{StringType, StructType} import org.apache.spark.sql.{Row, SQLConf, SQLContext} private def allSettingsOf(conf: SQLConf): Map[String, String] = { val setConfs = conf.getAllConfs val defaultConfs = conf.getAllDefinedConfs.collect { case (key, default, _) if !setConfs.contains(key) => key -> default } setConfs ++ defaultConfs } override def schema: StructType = SessionSystemTable.schema } object SessionSystemTable extends SchemaEnumeration { val section = Field("SECTION", StringType, nullable = false) val key = Field("KEY", StringType, nullable = false) val value = Field("VALUE", StringType, nullable = true) }
Example 95
Source File: systemTableRegistry.scala From HANAVora-Extensions with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.analysis.systables import org.apache.spark.sql.SQLContext import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.analysis.ResolveSystemTables import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans.logical.{UnresolvedProviderBoundSystemTable, UnresolvedSparkLocalSystemTable, UnresolvedSystemTable} object SystemTableRegistry extends SimpleSystemTableRegistry { register("tables", TablesSystemTableProvider) register("object_dependencies", DependenciesSystemTableProvider) register("table_metadata", MetadataSystemTableProvider) register("schemas", SchemaSystemTableProvider) register("session_context", SessionSystemTableProvider) register("partition_functions", PartitionFunctionSystemTableProvider) register("partition_schemes", PartitionSchemeSystemTableProvider) register("relation_sql_name", RelationMappingSystemTableProvider) }
Example 96
Source File: tablesSystemTable.scala From HANAVora-Extensions with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.analysis.systables import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.TableIdentifier import org.apache.spark.sql.sources._ import org.apache.spark.sql.sources.commands.WithOrigin import org.apache.spark.sql.types.{StringType, StructType} import org.apache.spark.sql.util.CollectionUtils.CaseInsensitiveMap import org.apache.spark.sql.{DatasourceResolver, Row, SQLContext} import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.CaseSensitivityUtils._ object TablesSystemTableProvider extends SystemTableProvider with LocalSpark with ProviderBound { override def buildScan(requiredColumns: Array[String], filters: Array[Filter]): RDD[Row] = DatasourceResolver .resolverFor(sqlContext) .newInstanceOfTyped[DatasourceCatalog](provider) match { case catalog: DatasourceCatalog with DatasourceCatalogPushDown => catalog.getRelations(sqlContext, options, requiredColumns, filters.toSeq.merge) case catalog: DatasourceCatalog => val values = catalog .getRelations(sqlContext, new CaseInsensitiveMap(options)) .map(relationInfo => Row(, relationInfo.isTemporary.toString.toUpperCase, relationInfo.kind.toUpperCase, relationInfo.provider)) val rows = schema.buildPrunedFilteredScan(requiredColumns, filters)(values) sparkContext.parallelize(rows) } } sealed trait TablesSystemTable extends SystemTable { override def schema: StructType = TablesSystemTable.schema } object TablesSystemTable extends SchemaEnumeration { val tableName = Field("TABLE_NAME", StringType, nullable = false) val isTemporary = Field("IS_TEMPORARY", StringType, nullable = false) val kind = Field("KIND", StringType, nullable = false) val provider = Field("PROVIDER", StringType, nullable = true) }
Example 97
Source File: metadataSystemTable.scala From HANAVora-Extensions with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.analysis.systables import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.TableIdentifier import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.tablefunctions.OutputFormatter import org.apache.spark.sql.sources._ import org.apache.spark.sql.types.{StringType, StructType} import org.apache.spark.sql.{DatasourceResolver, Row, SQLContext} import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.CaseSensitivityUtils._ override def buildScan(requiredColumns: Array[String], filters: Array[Filter]): RDD[Row] = DatasourceResolver .resolverFor(sqlContext) .newInstanceOfTyped[MetadataCatalog](provider) match { case catalog: MetadataCatalog with MetadataCatalogPushDown => catalog.getTableMetadata(sqlContext, options, requiredColumns, filters.toSeq.merge) case catalog => val rows = catalog.getTableMetadata(sqlContext, options).flatMap { tableMetadata => val formatter = new OutputFormatter(tableMetadata.tableName, tableMetadata.metadata) formatter.format().map(Row.fromSeq) } sparkContext.parallelize(schema.buildPrunedFilteredScan(requiredColumns, filters)(rows)) } override def schema: StructType = MetadataSystemTable.schema } object MetadataSystemTable extends SchemaEnumeration { val tableName = Field("TABLE_NAME", StringType, nullable = false) val metadataKey = Field("METADATA_KEY", StringType, nullable = true) val metadataValue = Field("METADATA_VALUE", StringType, nullable = true) }
Example 98
Source File: relationMappingSystemTable.scala From HANAVora-Extensions with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.analysis.systables import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.TableIdentifier import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.LogicalRelation import org.apache.spark.sql.sources.sql.SqlLikeRelation import org.apache.spark.sql.types.{StringType, StructType} import org.apache.spark.sql.{Row, SQLContext} object RelationMappingSystemTableProvider extends SystemTableProvider with LocalSpark { override def execute(): Seq[Row] = { sqlContext.tableNames().map { tableName => val plan = sqlContext.catalog.lookupRelation(TableIdentifier(tableName)) val sqlName = plan.collectFirst { case s: SqlLikeRelation => s.relationName case LogicalRelation(s: SqlLikeRelation, _) => s.relationName } Row(tableName, sqlName) } } } object RelationMappingSystemTable extends SchemaEnumeration { val sparkName = Field("RELATION_NAME", StringType, nullable = false) val providerName = Field("SQL_NAME", StringType, nullable = true) }
Example 99
Source File: CaseSensitivityUtils.scala From HANAVora-Extensions with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst import org.apache.spark.sql.SQLContext import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.analysis.{Analyzer, Catalog} import org.apache.spark.sql.types.{StructField, StructType} import org.apache.spark.sql.util.CollectionUtils._ import scala.util.{Failure, Success, Try} case class DuplicateFieldsException( originalSchema: StructType, schema: StructType, duplicateFields: Set[String]) extends RuntimeException( s"""Given schema contains duplicate fields after applying case sensitivity rules: |${duplicateFields.mkString(", ")} |Given schema: |$originalSchema |After applying case sensitivity rules: |$schema """.stripMargin) }
Example 100
Source File: SQLRunner.scala From HANAVora-Extensions with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import import org.apache.spark.sql.{DataFrame, Row, SQLContext} import org.apache.spark.{Logging, SparkContext} import scala.annotation.tailrec protected[cli] case class CLIOptions( sqlFiles: List[String] = Nil, output: Option[String] = None) def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { def fail(msg: String = USAGE): Unit = { logError(msg) System.exit(1) } val opts = parseOpts(args.toList) val outputStream: OutputStream = opts.output match { case Some(filename) => new FileOutputStream(new File(filename)) case None => System.out } opts.sqlFiles .map((string: String) => new FileInputStream(new File(string))) .foreach(sql(_, outputStream)) } }
Example 101
Source File: MockedDefaultSourceSuite.scala From HANAVora-Extensions with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark import java.util.concurrent.{Callable, Executors} import import org.apache.spark.sql.sources.HashPartitioningFunction import org.apache.spark.sql.{GlobalSapSQLContext, Row, SQLContext} import org.mockito.Matchers._ import org.mockito.Mockito._ import org.scalatest.FunSuite import scala.concurrent.duration._ class MockedDefaultSourceSuite extends FunSuite with GlobalSapSQLContext { val testTimeout = 10 // seconds private def numberOfThreads: Int = { val noOfCores = Runtime.getRuntime.availableProcessors() assert(noOfCores > 0) if (noOfCores == 1) 2 // It should always be multithreaded although only // one processor is available (pseudo-multithreading) else noOfCores } def runMultiThreaded[A](op: Int => A): Seq[A] = { info(s"Running with $numberOfThreads threads") val pool = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(numberOfThreads) val futures = 1 to numberOfThreads map { i => val task = new Callable[A] { override def call(): A = op(i) } pool.submit(task) }, SECONDS)) } test("Underlying mocks of multiple threads are distinct") { val dataSources = runMultiThreaded { _ => DefaultSource.withMock(identity) } dataSources foreach { current => val sourcesWithoutCurrent = dataSources.filter( assert(sourcesWithoutCurrent.forall(_.underlying ne current)) } } test("Mocking works as expected") { runMultiThreaded { i => DefaultSource.withMock { defaultSource => when(defaultSource.getAllPartitioningFunctions( anyObject[SQLContext], anyObject[Map[String, String]])) .thenReturn(Seq(HashPartitioningFunction(s"foo$i", Seq.empty, None))) val Array(Row(name)) = sqlc .sql("SHOW PARTITION FUNCTIONS USING") .select("name") .collect() assertResult(s"foo$i")(name) } } } }
Example 102
Source File: ERPCurrencyConversionTestUtils.scala From HANAVora-Extensions with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.currency.erp import org.apache.spark.sql.SQLContext object ERPCurrencyConversionTestUtils { private val DecimalOne = java.math.BigDecimal.ONE private val DecimalRateA = new java.math.BigDecimal("0.7") private val DecimalRateB = new java.math.BigDecimal("1.2") val tcurx = List(("USD", 2), ("EUR", 2)) val tcurv = List(("000", "M", "1", "", "0", "", "", "0", "0")) val tcurf = List(("000", "M", "USD", "EUR", "79839898", DecimalOne, DecimalOne, "", ""), ("000", "M", "EUR", "USD", "79839898", DecimalOne, DecimalOne, "", "")) val tcurr = List(("000", "M", "USD", "EUR", "79839898", DecimalRateA, DecimalOne, DecimalOne), ("000", "M", "EUR", "USD", "79839898", DecimalRateB, DecimalOne, DecimalOne)) val tcurn = List(("000", "M", "USD", "EUR", "79839898", ""), ("000", "M", "EUR", "USD", "79839898", "")) val tcurxRDD = sqlContext.sparkContext.parallelize(tcurx, parallelism) val tcurvRDD = sqlContext.sparkContext.parallelize(tcurv, parallelism) val tcurfRDD = sqlContext.sparkContext.parallelize(tcurf, parallelism) val tcurrRDD = sqlContext.sparkContext.parallelize(tcurr, parallelism) val tcurnRDD = sqlContext.sparkContext.parallelize(tcurn, parallelism) sqlContext.createDataFrame(tcurxRDD).registerTempTable(tables("tcurx")) sqlContext.createDataFrame(tcurvRDD).registerTempTable(tables("tcurv")) sqlContext.createDataFrame(tcurfRDD).registerTempTable(tables("tcurf")) sqlContext.createDataFrame(tcurrRDD).registerTempTable(tables("tcurr")) sqlContext.createDataFrame(tcurnRDD).registerTempTable(tables("tcurn")) } def dropERPTables(sqlContext: SQLContext, tables: Map[String, String]): Unit = { tables.foreach { case (tableID, tableName) => sqlContext.sql(s"DROP TABLE IF EXISTS $tableName") } } }
Example 103
Source File: testCatalystRelations.scala From HANAVora-Extensions with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.sources import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD import org.apache.spark.sql.{Row, SQLContext} import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions._ import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans.logical.LogicalPlan import org.apache.spark.sql.types._ class DummyCatalystRelation( override val schema: StructType, @transient override val sqlContext: SQLContext) extends BaseRelation with CatalystSource with Serializable { @transient var isMultiplePartitionExecutionFunc: Seq[CatalystSource] => Boolean = (r) => false override def isMultiplePartitionExecution(relations: Seq[CatalystSource]): Boolean = isMultiplePartitionExecutionFunc(relations) @transient var supportsLogicalPlanFunc: LogicalPlan => Boolean = (plan) => true override def supportsLogicalPlan(plan: LogicalPlan): Boolean = supportsLogicalPlanFunc(plan) @transient var supportsExpressionFunc: Expression => Boolean = (expr) => true override def supportsExpression(expr: Expression): Boolean = supportsExpressionFunc(expr) @transient var logicalPlanToRDDFunc: LogicalPlan => RDD[Row] = (plan) => new LogicalPlanRDD(plan, sqlContext.sparkContext) override def logicalPlanToRDD(plan: LogicalPlan): RDD[Row] = logicalPlanToRDDFunc(plan) }
Example 104
Source File: UseAliasesForAggregationsInGroupingsSuite.scala From HANAVora-Extensions with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.analysis import org.apache.spark.sql.SQLContext import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.dsl.plans._ import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.dsl.expressions._ import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans.logical.Aggregate import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.LogicalRelation import org.apache.spark.sql.sources.BaseRelation import org.apache.spark.sql.types._ import org.scalatest.FunSuite import org.scalatest.mock.MockitoSugar class UseAliasesForAggregationsInGroupingsSuite extends FunSuite with MockitoSugar { val br1 = new BaseRelation { override def sqlContext: SQLContext = mock[SQLContext] override def schema: StructType = StructType(Seq( StructField("name", StringType), StructField("age", IntegerType) )) } val lr1 = LogicalRelation(br1) val nameAtt = lr1.output.find( == "name").get val ageAtt = lr1.output.find( == "age").get test("replace functions in group by") { val avgExpr = avg(ageAtt) val avgAlias = avgExpr as 'avgAlias assertResult( lr1.groupBy(avgAlias.toAttribute)(avgAlias) )(UseAliasesForFunctionsInGroupings( lr1.groupBy(avgExpr)(avgAlias)) ) assertResult( )(UseAliasesForFunctionsInGroupings( ) intercept[RuntimeException]( UseAliasesForFunctionsInGroupings(Aggregate(Seq(avgExpr), Seq(ageAtt), lr1)) ) } }
Example 105
Source File: RemoveNestedAliasesSuite.scala From HANAVora-Extensions with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.analysis import import org.apache.spark.sql.SQLContext import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.dsl.expressions._ import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.dsl.plans._ import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.Alias import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.LogicalRelation import org.apache.spark.sql.sources.BaseRelation import org.apache.spark.sql.types._ import org.scalatest.FunSuite import org.scalatest.mock.MockitoSugar class RemoveNestedAliasesSuite extends FunSuite with MockitoSugar with PlanTest { val br1 = new BaseRelation { override def sqlContext: SQLContext = mock[SQLContext] override def schema: StructType = StructType(Seq( StructField("name", StringType), StructField("age", IntegerType) )) } val lr1 = LogicalRelation(br1) val nameAtt = lr1.output.find( == "name").get val ageAtt = lr1.output.find( == "age").get test("Replace alias into aliases") { val avgExpr = avg(ageAtt) val avgAlias = avgExpr as 'avgAlias val aliasAlias = avgAlias as 'aliasAlias val aliasAliasAlias = aliasAlias as 'aliasAliasAlias val copiedAlias = Alias(avgExpr, exprId = aliasAlias.exprId ) val copiedAlias2 = Alias(avgExpr, exprId = aliasAliasAlias.exprId ) assertResult( lr1.groupBy(avgAlias.toAttribute)(avgAlias) )(RemoveNestedAliases(lr1.groupBy(avgAlias.toAttribute)(avgAlias))) assertResult( lr1.groupBy(copiedAlias.toAttribute)(copiedAlias) )(RemoveNestedAliases(lr1.groupBy(aliasAlias.toAttribute)(aliasAlias))) assertResult( lr1.groupBy(copiedAlias2.toAttribute)(copiedAlias2) )(RemoveNestedAliases(lr1.groupBy(aliasAliasAlias.toAttribute)(aliasAliasAlias))) } test("Replace alias into expressions") { val ageAlias = ageAtt as 'ageAlias val avgExpr = avg(ageAlias) as 'avgAlias val correctedAvgExpr = avg(ageAtt) as 'avgAlias comparePlans( lr1.groupBy(correctedAvgExpr.toAttribute)(correctedAvgExpr), RemoveNestedAliases(lr1.groupBy(avgExpr.toAttribute)(avgExpr)) ) } }
Example 106
Source File: ResolveHierarchySuite.scala From HANAVora-Extensions with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.analysis import org.apache.spark.sql.SQLContext import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.dsl.expressions._ import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.dsl.plans._ import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.{Attribute, EqualTo} import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans.logical.{AdjacencyListHierarchySpec, Hierarchy} import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.LogicalRelation import org.apache.spark.sql.sources.BaseRelation import org.apache.spark.sql.types._ import org.scalatest.FunSuite import org.scalatest.mock.MockitoSugar class ResolveHierarchySuite extends FunSuite with MockitoSugar { val br1 = new BaseRelation { override def sqlContext: SQLContext = mock[SQLContext] override def schema: StructType = StructType(Seq( StructField("id", IntegerType), StructField("parent", IntegerType) )) } val lr1 = LogicalRelation(br1) val idAtt = lr1.output.find( == "id").get val parentAtt = lr1.output.find( == "parent").get test("Check parenthood expression has no conflicting expression IDs and qualifiers") { val source = SimpleAnalyzer.execute('id, 'parent).subquery('u)) assert(source.resolved) val hierarchy = Hierarchy( AdjacencyListHierarchySpec(source, "v", UnresolvedAttribute("u" :: "id" :: Nil) === UnresolvedAttribute("v" :: "id" :: Nil), Some('id.isNull), Nil), 'node ) val resolveHierarchy = ResolveHierarchy(SimpleAnalyzer) val resolveReferences = ResolveReferencesWithHierarchies(SimpleAnalyzer) val resolvedHierarchy = (0 to 10).foldLeft(hierarchy: Hierarchy) { (h, _) => SimpleAnalyzer.ResolveReferences( resolveReferences(resolveHierarchy(h)) ).asInstanceOf[Hierarchy] } assert(resolvedHierarchy.node.resolved) val resolvedSpec = resolvedHierarchy.spec.asInstanceOf[AdjacencyListHierarchySpec] assert(resolvedSpec.parenthoodExp.resolved) assert(resolvedSpec.startWhere.forall(_.resolved)) assert(resolvedHierarchy.childrenResolved) assert(resolvedHierarchy.resolved) val parenthoodExpression = resolvedSpec.parenthoodExp.asInstanceOf[EqualTo] assertResult("u" :: Nil)(parenthoodExpression.left.asInstanceOf[Attribute].qualifiers) assertResult("v" :: Nil)(parenthoodExpression.right.asInstanceOf[Attribute].qualifiers) assert(parenthoodExpression.right.asInstanceOf[Attribute].exprId != source.output.find( == "id").get.exprId) } }
Example 107
Source File: ResolveAnnotationsSuite.scala From HANAVora-Extensions with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.analysis import org.apache.spark.sql.SQLContext import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions._ import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans.logical.Project import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.LogicalRelation import org.apache.spark.sql.sources.BaseRelation import org.apache.spark.sql.types._ import org.scalatest.FunSuite import org.scalatest.mock.MockitoSugar import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.dsl.plans._ class ResolveAnnotationsSuite extends FunSuite with MockitoSugar { // scalastyle:off magic.number val annotatedRel1 = new BaseRelation { override def sqlContext: SQLContext = mock[SQLContext] override def schema: StructType = StructType(Seq( StructField("id1.1", IntegerType, metadata = new MetadataBuilder().putLong("key1.1", 11L).build()), StructField("id1.2", IntegerType, metadata = new MetadataBuilder() .putLong("key1.2", 12L) .putLong("key1.3", 13).build())) ) } val lr1 = LogicalRelation(annotatedRel1) val id11Att = lr1.output.find( == "id1.1").get val id12Att = lr1.output.find( == "id1.2").get val id11AnnotatedAtt = AnnotatedAttribute(id11Att)( Map("key1.1" -> Literal.create(100L, LongType), // override the old key "newkey" -> Literal.create(200L, LongType))) // define a new key val simpleAnnotatedSelect = }
Example 108
Source File: ResolveCountDistinctStarSuite.scala From HANAVora-Extensions with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.analysis import org.apache.spark.sql.SQLContext import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.{Alias, AttributeReference} import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans.logical.Aggregate import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.LogicalRelation import org.apache.spark.sql.sources.BaseRelation import org.apache.spark.sql.types.{IntegerType, StringType, StructField, StructType} import org.scalatest.FunSuite import org.scalatest.Inside._ import org.scalatest.mock.MockitoSugar import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.dsl.plans.DslLogicalPlan import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.aggregate.{AggregateExpression, Complete, Count} import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer class ResolveCountDistinctStarSuite extends FunSuite with MockitoSugar { val persons = new LogicalRelation(new BaseRelation { override def sqlContext: SQLContext = mock[SQLContext] override def schema: StructType = StructType(Seq( StructField("age", IntegerType), StructField("name", StringType) )) }) test("Count distinct star is resolved correctly") { val projection = AggregateExpression(Count(UnresolvedStar(None) :: Nil), Complete, true))) val stillNotCompletelyResolvedAggregate = SimpleAnalyzer.execute(projection) val resolvedAggregate = ResolveCountDistinctStar(SimpleAnalyzer) .apply(stillNotCompletelyResolvedAggregate) inside(resolvedAggregate) { case Aggregate(Nil, ArrayBuffer(Alias(AggregateExpression(Count(expressions), Complete, true), _)), _) => assert(expressions.collect { case a:AttributeReference => }.toSet == Set("name", "age")) } assert(resolvedAggregate.resolved) } }
Example 109
Source File: SqlContextConfigurationUtils.scala From HANAVora-Extensions with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.util import org.apache.spark.sql.SQLContext def withConf[A](settings: Map[String, String])(a: => A): A = { val temps: Map[String, String] = => key -> sqlContext.getConf(key))(scala.collection.breakOut) try { settings.foreach { case (key, value) => sqlContext.setConf(key, value) } a } finally { temps.foreach { case (key, value) => sqlContext.setConf(key, value) } } } }
Example 110
Source File: DummyRelationUtils.scala From HANAVora-Extensions with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.util import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.Expression import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans.logical.LogicalPlan import org.apache.spark.sql.{ColumnName, Row, SQLContext} import org.apache.spark.sql.sources._ import org.apache.spark.sql.sources.sql.SqlLikeRelation import org.apache.spark.sql.types.{StructField, StructType} case class DummyCatalystSourceRelation( schema: StructType, isMultiplePartitionExecutionFunc: Option[Seq[CatalystSource] => Boolean] = None, supportsLogicalPlanFunc: Option[LogicalPlan => Boolean] = None, supportsExpressionFunc: Option[Expression => Boolean] = None, logicalPlanToRDDFunc: Option[LogicalPlan => RDD[Row]] = None) (@transient implicit val sqlContext: SQLContext) extends BaseRelation with CatalystSource { override def isMultiplePartitionExecution(relations: Seq[CatalystSource]): Boolean = isMultiplePartitionExecutionFunc.forall(_.apply(relations)) override def supportsLogicalPlan(plan: LogicalPlan): Boolean = supportsLogicalPlanFunc.forall(_.apply(plan)) override def supportsExpression(expr: Expression): Boolean = supportsExpressionFunc.forall(_.apply(expr)) override def logicalPlanToRDD(plan: LogicalPlan): RDD[Row] = logicalPlanToRDDFunc.getOrElse( (plan: LogicalPlan) => new LogicalPlanRDD(plan, sqlContext.sparkContext)).apply(plan) } }
Example 111
Source File: PartitioningFunctionUtils.scala From HANAVora-Extensions with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.util import org.apache.spark.sql.SQLContext import org.apache.spark.sql.sources.Dissector def dropPartitioningFunction(name: String, allowExisting: Boolean = false, dataSource: String): Unit = { sqlc.sql( s""" |DROP PARTITION FUNCTION |${if (allowExisting) "IF EXISTS" else ""} |$name |USING $dataSource """.stripMargin ) } private def intervalToSql(interval: Dissector) = s"${interval.productPrefix.toUpperCase()} ${interval.n}" }
Example 112
Source File: testRelations.scala From HANAVora-Extensions with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import org.apache.spark.sql.SQLContext import org.apache.spark.sql.sources.commands.WithOrigin import org.apache.spark.sql.sources.{BaseRelation, DropRelation, Table} import org.apache.spark.sql.types._ case class DummyRelationWithTempFlag( sqlContext: SQLContext, tableName: Seq[String], schema: StructType, temporary: Boolean) extends BaseRelation with Table with DropRelation with WithOrigin { override val provider: String = "" override def isTemporary: Boolean = temporary override def dropTable(): Unit = {} } case class DummyRelationWithoutTempFlag( sqlContext: SQLContext, schema: StructType) extends BaseRelation with DropRelation with Table with WithOrigin { override def isTemporary: Boolean = false override val provider: String = "" override def dropTable(): Unit = {} }
Example 113
Source File: WithSQLContext.scala From HANAVora-Extensions with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import java.util.Locale import org.apache.spark.sql.SQLContext import org.apache.spark.sql.hive.HiveContext import org.scalatest.{BeforeAndAfterEach, Suite} trait WithSQLContext extends BeforeAndAfterEach { self: Suite with WithSparkContext => override def beforeEach(): Unit = { try { super.beforeEach() setUpSQLContext() } catch { case ex: Throwable => tearDownSQLContext() throw ex } } override def afterEach(): Unit = { try { super.afterEach() } finally { tearDownSQLContext() } } implicit def sqlContext: SQLContext = _sqlContext def sqlc: SQLContext = sqlContext var _sqlContext: SQLContext = _ protected def setUpSQLContext(): Unit = _sqlContext = SQLContext.getOrCreate(sc).newSession() protected def tearDownSQLContext(): Unit = _sqlContext = null protected def tableName(name: String): String = sqlc match { case _: HiveContext => name.toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH) case _ => name } }
Example 114
Source File: TestUtils.scala From HANAVora-Extensions with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import java.util.Locale import import org.apache.spark.SparkContext import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans.logical.LogicalPlan import org.apache.spark.sql.{Row, SQLContext, SapSQLContext} import org.apache.spark.sql.hive.SapHiveContext import org.apache.spark.sql.sources.sql.SqlLikeRelation import org.apache.spark.sql.sources.{BaseRelation, CatalystSource, Table} import org.apache.spark.sql.types.StructType import org.mockito.Matchers._ import org.mockito.Mockito._ import import scala.util.{Failure, Success} def parsePTestFile(fileName: String): List[(String, String, String)] = { val filePath = getFileFromClassPath(fileName) val fileContents = Source.fromFile(filePath).getLines .map(p => p.stripMargin.trim) .filter(p => !p.isEmpty && !p.startsWith("//")) // filter empty rows and comments .mkString("\n") val p = new PTestFileParser // strip semicolons from query and parsed p(fileContents) match { case Success(lines) => { case (query, parsed, expect) => (stripSemicolon(query).trim, stripSemicolon(parsed).trim, expect.trim) } case Failure(ex) => throw ex } } private def stripSemicolon(sql: String): String = if (sql.endsWith(";")) { sql.substring(0, sql.length-1) } else { sql } def withTempDirectory[A](f: Directory => A): A = { val dir = Directory.makeTemp() try { f(dir) } finally { dir.deleteIfExists() } } }
Example 115
Source File: SQLRunnerSuite.scala From HANAVora-Extensions with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import{ByteArrayInputStream, ByteArrayOutputStream, InputStream} import org.apache.spark.SparkContext import org.apache.spark.sql.{GlobalSapSQLContext, SQLContext} import org.scalatest.{BeforeAndAfterEach, FunSuite, ShouldMatchers} // good call val goodOpts = SQLRunner.parseOpts(List("a.sql", "b.sql", "-o", "output.csv")) goodOpts.sqlFiles should be(List("a.sql", "b.sql")) goodOpts.output should be(Some("output.csv")) // bad call val badOpts = SQLRunner.parseOpts(List()) badOpts.sqlFiles should be(List()) badOpts.output should be(None) // ugly call val uglyOpts = SQLRunner.parseOpts(List("a.sql", "-o", "output.csv", "b.sql")) uglyOpts.sqlFiles should be(List("a.sql", "b.sql")) uglyOpts.output should be(Some("output.csv")) } def runSQLTest(input: String, expectedOutput: String): Unit = { val inputStream: InputStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(input.getBytes()) val outputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream() SQLRunner.sql(inputStream, outputStream) val output = outputStream.toString output should be(expectedOutput) } test("can run dummy query") { val input = "SELECT 1;" val output = "1\n" runSQLTest(input, output) } test("can run multiple dummy queries") { val input = """ |SELECT 1;SELECT 2; |SELECT 3; """.stripMargin val output = "1\n2\n3\n" runSQLTest(input, output) } test("can run a basic example with tables") { val input = """ |SELECT * FROM DEMO_TABLE; |SELECT * FROM DEMO_TABLE LIMIT 1; |DROP TABLE DEMO_TABLE; """.stripMargin val output = "1,a\n2,b\n3,c\n1,a\n" runSQLTest(input, output) } test("can run an example with comments") { val input = """ |SELECT * FROM DEMO_TABLE; -- this is the first query |SELECT * FROM DEMO_TABLE LIMIT 1; |-- now let's drop a table |DROP TABLE DEMO_TABLE; """.stripMargin val output = "1,a\n2,b\n3,c\n1,a\n" runSQLTest(input, output) } }
Example 116
Source File: Preparator.scala From pio-template-sr with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import org.apache.predictionio.controller.PPreparator import org.apache.spark.SparkContext import org.apache.spark.SparkContext._ import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD import import org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame import import org.apache.spark.sql.SQLContext import org.apache.spark.mllib.linalg.Vectors class PreparedData( val rows: DataFrame, val dsp: DataSourceParams, val ssModel: org.apache.spark.mllib.feature.StandardScalerModel ) extends Serializable class Preparator extends PPreparator[TrainingData, PreparedData] { def prepare(sc: SparkContext, trainingData: TrainingData): PreparedData = { val sqlContext = new SQLContext(sc) import sqlContext.implicits._ if (trainingData.dsp.useStandardScaler) { val training =>(x._1,x._2,Vectors.dense(x._3))).toDF("label", "censor", "features") val scaler = new StandardScaler().setInputCol("features").setOutputCol("scaledFeatures").setWithStd(trainingData.dsp.standardScalerWithStd).setWithMean(trainingData.dsp.standardScalerWithMean) val scalerModel = val scaledData = scalerModel.transform(training) val s1 ="label","censor","scaledFeatures").withColumnRenamed("scaledFeatures","features") //Prepare old StandardScaler val oldScaler = new org.apache.spark.mllib.feature.StandardScaler(withMean = trainingData.dsp.standardScalerWithMean, withStd = trainingData.dsp.standardScalerWithStd) val oldSSModel =>(Vectors.dense(x._3)))) new PreparedData(rows = s1, dsp = trainingData.dsp, ssModel = oldSSModel) } else { new PreparedData(rows =>(x._1,x._2,Vectors.dense(x._3))).toDF("label", "censor", "features"), dsp = trainingData.dsp, ssModel = null) } } }
Example 117
Source File: AvroTransformer.scala From streamliner-examples with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.memsql.spark.examples.avro import com.memsql.spark.etl.api.{UserTransformConfig, Transformer, PhaseConfig} import com.memsql.spark.etl.utils.PhaseLogger import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD import org.apache.spark.sql.{SQLContext, DataFrame, Row} import org.apache.spark.sql.types.StructType import org.apache.avro.Schema import org.apache.avro.generic.GenericData import import org.apache.avro.specific.SpecificDatumReader // Takes DataFrames of byte arrays, where each row is a serialized Avro record. // Returns DataFrames of deserialized data, where each field has its own column. class AvroTransformer extends Transformer { var avroSchemaStr: String = null var sparkSqlSchema: StructType = null def AvroRDDToDataFrame(sqlContext: SQLContext, rdd: RDD[Row]): DataFrame = { val rowRDD: RDD[Row] = rdd.mapPartitions({ partition => { // Create per-partition copies of non-serializable objects val parser: Schema.Parser = new Schema.Parser() val avroSchema = parser.parse(avroSchemaStr) val reader = new SpecificDatumReader[GenericData.Record](avroSchema){ rowOfBytes => val bytes = rowOfBytes(0).asInstanceOf[Array[Byte]] val decoder = DecoderFactory.get().binaryDecoder(bytes, null) val record =, decoder) val avroToRow = new AvroToRow() avroToRow.getRow(record) }) }}) sqlContext.createDataFrame(rowRDD, sparkSqlSchema) } override def initialize(sqlContext: SQLContext, config: PhaseConfig, logger: PhaseLogger): Unit = { val userConfig = config.asInstanceOf[UserTransformConfig] val avroSchemaJson = userConfig.getConfigJsValue("avroSchema") match { case Some(s) => s case None => throw new IllegalArgumentException("avroSchema must be set in the config") } avroSchemaStr = avroSchemaJson.toString val parser = new Schema.Parser() val avroSchema = parser.parse(avroSchemaJson.toString) sparkSqlSchema = AvroToSchema.getSchema(avroSchema) } override def transform(sqlContext: SQLContext, df: DataFrame, config: PhaseConfig, logger: PhaseLogger): DataFrame = { AvroRDDToDataFrame(sqlContext, df.rdd) } }
Example 118
Source File: AvroRandomExtractor.scala From streamliner-examples with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.memsql.spark.examples.avro import com.memsql.spark.etl.api._ import com.memsql.spark.etl.utils.PhaseLogger import org.apache.spark.streaming.StreamingContext import org.apache.spark.sql.{SQLContext, DataFrame, Row} import org.apache.spark.sql.types._ import org.apache.avro.Schema import org.apache.avro.generic.GenericData import{DatumWriter, EncoderFactory} import org.apache.avro.specific.SpecificDatumWriter import // Generates an RDD of byte arrays, where each is a serialized Avro record. class AvroRandomExtractor extends Extractor { var count: Int = 1 var generator: AvroRandomGenerator = null var writer: DatumWriter[GenericData.Record] = null var avroSchema: Schema = null def schema: StructType = StructType(StructField("bytes", BinaryType, false) :: Nil) val parser: Schema.Parser = new Schema.Parser() override def initialize(ssc: StreamingContext, sqlContext: SQLContext, config: PhaseConfig, batchInterval: Long, logger: PhaseLogger): Unit = { val userConfig = config.asInstanceOf[UserExtractConfig] val avroSchemaJson = userConfig.getConfigJsValue("avroSchema") match { case Some(s) => s case None => throw new IllegalArgumentException("avroSchema must be set in the config") } count = userConfig.getConfigInt("count").getOrElse(1) avroSchema = parser.parse(avroSchemaJson.toString) writer = new SpecificDatumWriter(avroSchema) generator = new AvroRandomGenerator(avroSchema) } override def next(ssc: StreamingContext, time: Long, sqlContext: SQLContext, config: PhaseConfig, batchInterval: Long, logger: PhaseLogger): Option[DataFrame] = { val rdd = sqlContext.sparkContext.parallelize((1 to count).map(_ => Row({ val out = new ByteArrayOutputStream val encoder = EncoderFactory.get().binaryEncoder(out, null) val avroRecord: GenericData.Record =[GenericData.Record] writer.write(avroRecord, encoder) encoder.flush out.close out.toByteArray }))) Some(sqlContext.createDataFrame(rdd, schema)) } }
Example 119
Source File: AvroExtractorSpec.scala From streamliner-examples with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.memsql.spark.examples.avro import com.memsql.spark.etl.api.UserExtractConfig import org.apache.spark.streaming._ import org.apache.spark.sql.SQLContext import test.util.{Fixtures, UnitSpec, TestLogger, LocalSparkContext} import spray.json._ class ExtractorsSpec extends UnitSpec with LocalSparkContext { var ssc: StreamingContext = _ var sqlContext: SQLContext = _ override def beforeEach(): Unit = { super.beforeEach() ssc = new StreamingContext(sc, Seconds(1)) sqlContext = new SQLContext(sc) } val avroConfig = Fixtures.avroConfig.parseJson val extractConfig = UserExtractConfig(class_name = "Test", value = avroConfig) val logger = new TestLogger("test") "AvroRandomExtractor" should "emit a random DF" in { val extract = new AvroRandomExtractor extract.initialize(ssc, sqlContext, extractConfig, 1, logger) val maybeDf =, 1, sqlContext, extractConfig, 1, logger) assert(maybeDf.isDefined) assert(maybeDf.get.count == 5) } }
Example 120
Source File: ThriftTransformer.scala From streamliner-examples with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.memsql.spark.examples.thrift import com.memsql.spark.etl.api._ import com.memsql.spark.etl.utils.PhaseLogger import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD import org.apache.spark.sql.{DataFrame, Row, SQLContext} import org.apache.spark.sql.types._ import org.apache.thrift.{TBase, TDeserializer, TFieldIdEnum} class ThriftTransformer extends Transformer { private var classObj: Class[_] = null private var thriftToRow: ThriftToRow = null private var deserializer: TDeserializer = null private var schema: StructType = null def thriftRDDToDataFrame(sqlContext: SQLContext, rdd: RDD[Row]): DataFrame = { val rowRDD: RDD[Row] ={ record => val recordAsBytes = record(0).asInstanceOf[Array[Byte]] val i = classObj.newInstance().asInstanceOf[TBase[_ <: TBase[_, _], _ <: TFieldIdEnum]] deserializer.deserialize(i, recordAsBytes) thriftToRow.getRow(i) }) sqlContext.createDataFrame(rowRDD, schema) } override def initialize(sqlContext: SQLContext, config: PhaseConfig, logger: PhaseLogger): Unit = { val userConfig = config.asInstanceOf[UserTransformConfig] val className = userConfig.getConfigString("className") match { case Some(s) => s case None => throw new IllegalArgumentException("className must be set in the config") } classObj = Class.forName(className) thriftToRow = new ThriftToRow(classObj) deserializer = new TDeserializer() schema = ThriftToSchema.getSchema(classObj) } override def transform(sqlContext: SQLContext, df: DataFrame, config: PhaseConfig, logger: PhaseLogger): DataFrame = { thriftRDDToDataFrame(sqlContext, df.rdd) } }
Example 121
Source File: ThriftRandomExtractor.scala From streamliner-examples with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.memsql.spark.examples.thrift import com.memsql.spark.etl.api._ import com.memsql.spark.etl.utils.PhaseLogger import org.apache.spark.SparkContext import org.apache.spark.sql.{SQLContext, DataFrame, Row} import org.apache.spark.sql.types._ import org.apache.spark.streaming.StreamingContext import org.apache.thrift.protocol.TBinaryProtocol import org.apache.thrift.{TBase, TFieldIdEnum, TSerializer} class ThriftRandomExtractor extends Extractor { var count: Int = 1 var thriftType: Class[_] = null var serializer: TSerializer = null def schema: StructType = StructType(StructField("bytes", BinaryType, false) :: Nil) override def initialize(ssc: StreamingContext, sqlContext: SQLContext, config: PhaseConfig, batchInterval: Long, logger: PhaseLogger): Unit = { val userConfig = config.asInstanceOf[UserExtractConfig] val className = userConfig.getConfigString("className") match { case Some(s) => s case None => throw new IllegalArgumentException("className must be set in the config") } thriftType = Class.forName(className) serializer = new TSerializer(new TBinaryProtocol.Factory()) count = userConfig.getConfigInt("count").getOrElse(1) } override def next(ssc: StreamingContext, time: Long, sqlContext: SQLContext, config: PhaseConfig, batchInterval: Long, logger: PhaseLogger): Option[DataFrame] = { val rdd = sqlContext.sparkContext.parallelize((1 to count).map(_ => Row({ val thriftObject =[TBase[_ <: TBase[_, _], _ <: TFieldIdEnum]] serializer.serialize(thriftObject) }))) Some(sqlContext.createDataFrame(rdd, schema)) } }
Example 122
Source File: CheckpointingKafkaExtractor.scala From streamliner-examples with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.memsql.spark.examples.kafka import com.memsql.spark.etl.api.{UserExtractConfig, PhaseConfig, ByteArrayExtractor} import com.memsql.spark.etl.utils.PhaseLogger import org.apache.spark.sql.SQLContext import org.apache.spark.streaming.StreamingContext import kafka.serializer.{DefaultDecoder, StringDecoder} import org.apache.spark.streaming.kafka.{CheckpointedDirectKafkaInputDStream, CheckpointedKafkaUtils} import org.apache.spark.streaming.dstream.InputDStream class CheckpointingKafkaExtractor extends ByteArrayExtractor { var CHECKPOINT_DATA_VERSION = 1 var dstream: CheckpointedDirectKafkaInputDStream[String, Array[Byte], StringDecoder, DefaultDecoder, Array[Byte]] = null var zkQuorum: String = null var topic: String = null override def initialize(ssc: StreamingContext, sqlContext: SQLContext, config: PhaseConfig, batchInterval: Long, logger: PhaseLogger): Unit = { val kafkaConfig = config.asInstanceOf[UserExtractConfig] zkQuorum = kafkaConfig.getConfigString("zk_quorum").getOrElse { throw new IllegalArgumentException("\"zk_quorum\" must be set in the config") } topic = kafkaConfig.getConfigString("topic").getOrElse { throw new IllegalArgumentException("\"topic\" must be set in the config") } } def extract(ssc: StreamingContext, extractConfig: PhaseConfig, batchDuration: Long, logger: PhaseLogger): InputDStream[Array[Byte]] = { val kafkaParams = Map[String, String]( "memsql.zookeeper.connect" -> zkQuorum ) val topics = Set(topic) dstream = CheckpointedKafkaUtils.createDirectStreamFromZookeeper[String, Array[Byte], StringDecoder, DefaultDecoder]( ssc, kafkaParams, topics, batchDuration, lastCheckpoint) dstream } override def batchCheckpoint: Option[Map[String, Any]] = { dstream match { case null => None case default => { val currentOffsets = { case (tp, offset) => Map("topic" -> tp.topic, "partition" -> tp.partition, "offset" -> offset) } Some(Map("offsets" -> currentOffsets, "zookeeper" -> zkQuorum, "version" -> CHECKPOINT_DATA_VERSION)) } } } override def batchRetry: Unit = { if (dstream.prevOffsets != null) { dstream.setCurrentOffsets(dstream.prevOffsets) } } }
Example 123
Source File: DefaultSource.scala From spark-power-bi with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.granturing.spark.powerbi import org.apache.spark.sql.{DataFrame, SaveMode, SQLContext} import org.apache.spark.sql.sources.{BaseRelation, CreatableRelationProvider} import scala.concurrent._ import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext.Implicits._ import scala.concurrent.duration.Duration class DefaultSource extends CreatableRelationProvider with PowerBISink { override def createRelation( sqlContext: SQLContext, mode: SaveMode, parameters: Map[String, String], data: DataFrame): BaseRelation = { val conf = ClientConf.fromSparkConf(sqlContext.sparkContext.getConf) implicit val client = new Client(conf) val dataset = parameters.getOrElse("dataset", sys.error("'dataset' must be specified")) val table = parameters.getOrElse("table", sys.error("'table' must be specified")) val batchSize = parameters.getOrElse("batchSize", conf.batchSize.toString).toInt val group = parameters.get("group") val step = for { groupId <- getGroupId(group) ds <- getOrCreateDataset(mode, groupId, dataset, table, data.schema) } yield (groupId, ds) val result = step map { case (groupId, ds) => val fields = data.schema.fieldNames.zipWithIndex val _conf = conf val _token = Some(client.currentToken) val _table = table val _batchSize = batchSize val coalesced = data.rdd.partitions.size > _conf.maxPartitions match { case true => data.coalesce(_conf.maxPartitions) case false => data } coalesced foreachPartition { p => val rows = p map { r => fields map { case(name, index) => (name -> r(index)) } toMap } toSeq val _client = new Client(_conf, _token) val submit = rows. sliding(_batchSize, _batchSize). foldLeft(future()) { (fAccum, batch) => fAccum flatMap { _ => _client.addRows(, _table, batch, groupId) } } submit.onComplete { _ => _client.shutdown() } Await.result(submit, _conf.timeout) } } result.onComplete { _ => client.shutdown() } Await.result(result, Duration.Inf) new BaseRelation { val sqlContext = data.sqlContext val schema = data.schema } } }
Example 124
Source File: ExcelRelation.scala From spark-hadoopoffice-ds with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import scala.collection.JavaConversions._ import org.apache.spark.sql.sources.{ BaseRelation, TableScan } import org.apache.spark.sql.types.DataType import org.apache.spark.sql.types.ArrayType import org.apache.spark.sql.types.StringType import org.apache.spark.sql.types.StructField import org.apache.spark.sql.types.StructType import org.apache.spark.sql.SQLContext import org.apache.spark.sql._ import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD import org.apache.hadoop.conf._ import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce._ import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory import org.apache.commons.logging.Log import import import override def buildScan: RDD[Row] = { // read ExcelRows val excelRowsRDD = ExcelFile.load(sqlContext, location, hadoopParams) // map to schema val schemaFields = schema.fields excelRowsRDD.flatMap(excelKeyValueTuple => { // map the Excel row data structure to a Spark SQL schema val rowArray = new Array[Any](excelKeyValueTuple._2.get.length) var i = 0; for (x <- excelKeyValueTuple._2.get) { // parse through the SpreadSheetCellDAO val spreadSheetCellDAOStructArray = new Array[String](schemaFields.length) val currentSpreadSheetCellDAO: Array[SpreadSheetCellDAO] = excelKeyValueTuple._2.get.asInstanceOf[Array[SpreadSheetCellDAO]] spreadSheetCellDAOStructArray(0) = currentSpreadSheetCellDAO(i).getFormattedValue spreadSheetCellDAOStructArray(1) = currentSpreadSheetCellDAO(i).getComment spreadSheetCellDAOStructArray(2) = currentSpreadSheetCellDAO(i).getFormula spreadSheetCellDAOStructArray(3) = currentSpreadSheetCellDAO(i).getAddress spreadSheetCellDAOStructArray(4) = currentSpreadSheetCellDAO(i).getSheetName // add row representing one Excel row rowArray(i) = spreadSheetCellDAOStructArray i += 1 } Some(Row.fromSeq(rowArray)) }) } }
Example 125
Source File: HttpStreamSink.scala From spark-http-stream with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.execution.streaming.http import org.apache.spark.internal.Logging import org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame import org.apache.spark.sql.SQLContext import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.streaming.Sink import org.apache.spark.sql.sources.DataSourceRegister import org.apache.spark.sql.sources.StreamSinkProvider import org.apache.spark.sql.streaming.OutputMode import Params.map2Params class HttpStreamSinkProvider extends StreamSinkProvider with DataSourceRegister { def createSink( sqlContext: SQLContext, parameters: Map[String, String], partitionColumns: Seq[String], outputMode: OutputMode): Sink = { new HttpStreamSink(parameters.getRequiredString("httpServletUrl"), parameters.getRequiredString("topic"), parameters.getInt("maxPacketSize", 10 * 1024 * 1024)); } def shortName(): String = "httpStream" } class HttpStreamSink(httpPostURL: String, topic: String, maxPacketSize: Int) extends Sink with Logging { val producer = HttpStreamClient.connect(httpPostURL); val RETRY_TIMES = 5; val SLEEP_TIME = 100; override def addBatch(batchId: Long, data: DataFrame) { //send data to the HTTP server var success = false; var retried = 0; while (!success && retried < RETRY_TIMES) { try { retried += 1; producer.sendDataFrame(topic, batchId, data, maxPacketSize); success = true; } catch { case e: Throwable ⇒ { success = false; super.logWarning(s"failed to send", e); if (retried < RETRY_TIMES) { val sleepTime = SLEEP_TIME * retried; super.logWarning(s"will retry to send after ${sleepTime}ms"); Thread.sleep(sleepTime); } else { throw e; } } } } } }
Example 126
Source File: SparkLeapFrame.scala From mleap with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package ml.combust.mleap.spark import ml.combust.mleap.core.types.{StructField, StructType} import ml.combust.mleap.runtime.frame.{FrameBuilder, Row, RowUtil} import ml.combust.mleap.runtime.function.{Selector, UserDefinedFunction} import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD import org.apache.spark.sql import org.apache.spark.sql.mleap.TypeConverters import org.apache.spark.sql.{DataFrame, SQLContext, types} import scala.util.Try case class SparkLeapFrame(schema: StructType, dataset: RDD[Row], sqlContext: SQLContext) extends FrameBuilder[SparkLeapFrame] { override def withColumn(output: String, inputs: Selector *) (udf: UserDefinedFunction): Try[SparkLeapFrame] = { RowUtil.createRowSelectors(schema, inputs: _*)(udf).flatMap { rowSelectors => val field = StructField(output, udf.outputTypes.head) schema.withField(field).map { schema2 => val dataset2 = { row => row.withValue(rowSelectors: _*)(udf) } copy(schema = schema2, dataset = dataset2) } } } override def withColumns(outputs: Seq[String], inputs: Selector*) (udf: UserDefinedFunction): Try[SparkLeapFrame] = { RowUtil.createRowSelectors(schema, inputs: _*)(udf).flatMap { rowSelectors => val fields = { case (name, dt) => StructField(name, dt) } schema.withFields(fields).map { schema2 => val dataset2 = { row => row.withValues(rowSelectors: _*)(udf) } copy(schema = schema2, dataset = dataset2) } } } override def select(fieldNames: String *): Try[SparkLeapFrame] = { for(indices <- schema.indicesOf(fieldNames: _*); schema2 <- schema.selectIndices(indices: _*)) yield { val dataset2 = => row.selectIndices(indices: _*)) copy(schema = schema2, dataset = dataset2) } } override def drop(names: String*): Try[SparkLeapFrame] = { for(indices <- schema.indicesOf(names: _*); schema2 <- schema.dropIndices(indices: _*)) yield { val dataset2 = => row.dropIndices(indices: _*)) copy(schema = schema2, dataset = dataset2) } } override def filter(selectors: Selector*) (udf: UserDefinedFunction): Try[SparkLeapFrame] = { RowUtil.createRowSelectors(schema, selectors: _*)(udf).map { rowSelectors => val dataset2 = dataset.filter(row => row.shouldFilter(rowSelectors: _*)(udf)) copy(schema = schema, dataset = dataset2) } } def toSpark: DataFrame = { val spec = val fields = val converters = val sparkSchema = new types.StructType(fields.toArray) val data = { r => val values = { case (v, c) => c(v) } sql.Row(values.toSeq: _*) } sqlContext.createDataFrame(data, sparkSchema) } }
Example 127
Source File: package.scala From sparksql-scalapb with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package scalapb import org.apache.spark.sql.{DataFrame, Encoder, SQLContext, SparkSession} import scala.reflect.ClassTag package object spark { implicit class ProtoSQLContext(val sqlContext: SQLContext) extends AnyVal { def protoToDataFrame[T <: GeneratedMessage: Encoder]( protoRdd: org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD[T] ) = { ProtoSQL.protoToDataFrame(sqlContext, protoRdd) } } implicit class ProtoRDD[T <: GeneratedMessage]( val protoRdd: org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD[T] ) extends AnyVal { def toDataFrame( sqlContext: SQLContext )(implicit encoder: Encoder[T]): DataFrame = { ProtoSQL.protoToDataFrame(sqlContext, protoRdd) } def toDataFrame( sparkSession: SparkSession )(implicit encoder: Encoder[T]): DataFrame = { ProtoSQL.protoToDataFrame(sparkSession, protoRdd) } } }
Example 128
Source File: RegressionDatagen.scala From hivemall-spark with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import org.apache.spark.sql.{DataFrame, Row, SQLContext} import org.apache.spark.sql.hive.HivemallOps._ import org.apache.spark.sql.hive.HivemallUtils._ import org.apache.spark.sql.types._ object RegressionDatagen { def exec(sc: SQLContext, n_partitions: Int = 2, min_examples: Int = 1000, n_features: Int = 10, n_dims: Int = 200, seed: Int = 43, dense: Boolean = false, prob_one: Float = 0.6f, sort: Boolean = false, cl: Boolean = false): DataFrame = { require(n_partitions > 0, "Non-negative #n_partitions required.") require(min_examples > 0, "Non-negative #min_examples required.") require(n_features > 0, "Non-negative #n_features required.") require(n_dims > 0, "Non-negative #n_dims required.") // Calculate #examples to generate in each partition val n_examples = (min_examples + n_partitions - 1) / n_partitions val df = sc.createDataFrame( sc.sparkContext.parallelize((0 until n_partitions).map(Row(_)), n_partitions), StructType( StructField("data", IntegerType, true) :: Nil) ) import sc.implicits._ df.lr_datagen( s"-n_examples $n_examples -n_features $n_features -n_dims $n_dims -prob_one $prob_one" + (if (dense) " -dense" else "") + (if (sort) " -sort" else "") + (if (cl) " -cl" else "")) .select($"label".cast(DoubleType).as("label"), $"features") } }
Example 129
Source File: HivemallStreamingOps.scala From hivemall-spark with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.streaming import scala.reflect.ClassTag import import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD import org.apache.spark.sql.{Row, DataFrame, SQLContext} import org.apache.spark.streaming.dstream.DStream final class HivemallStreamingOps(ds: DStream[HmLabeledPoint]) { def predict[U: ClassTag](f: DataFrame => DataFrame)(implicit sqlContext: SQLContext) : DStream[Row] = { ds.transform[Row] { rdd: RDD[HmLabeledPoint] => f(sqlContext.createDataFrame(rdd)).rdd } } } object HivemallStreamingOps { implicit def dataFrameToHivemallStreamingOps(ds: DStream[HmLabeledPoint]) : HivemallStreamingOps = { new HivemallStreamingOps(ds) } }
Example 130
Source File: L8-1DataFrameAPI.scala From prosparkstreaming with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apress.prospark import scala.reflect.runtime.universe import org.apache.spark.SparkConf import org.apache.spark.SparkContext import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD import org.apache.spark.sql.SQLContext import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.desc import org.apache.spark.streaming.Seconds import org.apache.spark.streaming.StreamingContext object CdrDataframeApp { case class Cdr(squareId: Int, timeInterval: Long, countryCode: Int, smsInActivity: Float, smsOutActivity: Float, callInActivity: Float, callOutActivity: Float, internetTrafficActivity: Float) def main(args: Array[String]) { if (args.length != 4) { System.err.println( "Usage: CdrDataframeApp <appname> <batchInterval> <hostname> <port>") System.exit(1) } val Seq(appName, batchInterval, hostname, port) = args.toSeq val conf = new SparkConf() .setAppName(appName) .setJars(SparkContext.jarOfClass(this.getClass).toSeq) val ssc = new StreamingContext(conf, Seconds(batchInterval.toInt)) val sqlC = new SQLContext(ssc.sparkContext) import sqlC.implicits._ val cdrStream = ssc.socketTextStream(hostname, port.toInt) .map(_.split("\\t", -1)) .foreachRDD(rdd => { val cdrs = seqToCdr(rdd).toDF() cdrs.groupBy("countryCode").count().orderBy(desc("count")).show(5) }) ssc.start() ssc.awaitTermination() } def seqToCdr(rdd: RDD[Array[String]]): RDD[Cdr] = { => => f match { case x if x.isEmpty() => "0" case x => x })).map(c => Cdr(c(0).toInt, c(1).toLong, c(2).toInt, c(3).toFloat, c(4).toFloat, c(5).toFloat, c(6).toFloat, c(7).toFloat)) } }
Example 131
Source File: L8-3-6-7DataFrameCreation.scala From prosparkstreaming with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apress.prospark import scala.reflect.runtime.universe import org.apache.spark.SparkConf import org.apache.spark.SparkContext import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD import org.apache.spark.sql.SQLContext import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.desc import org.apache.spark.streaming.Seconds import org.apache.spark.streaming.StreamingContext import org.json4s.native.Serialization.write import org.json4s.DefaultFormats object DataframeCreationApp { case class Cdr(squareId: Int, timeInterval: Long, countryCode: Int, smsInActivity: Float, smsOutActivity: Float, callInActivity: Float, callOutActivity: Float, internetTrafficActivity: Float) def main(args: Array[String]) { if (args.length != 4) { System.err.println( "Usage: CdrDataframeApp <appname> <batchInterval> <hostname> <port>") System.exit(1) } val Seq(appName, batchInterval, hostname, port) = args.toSeq val conf = new SparkConf() .setAppName(appName) .setJars(SparkContext.jarOfClass(this.getClass).toSeq) val ssc = new StreamingContext(conf, Seconds(batchInterval.toInt)) val sqlC = new SQLContext(ssc.sparkContext) import sqlC.implicits._ val cdrStream = ssc.socketTextStream(hostname, port.toInt) .map(_.split("\\t", -1)) .foreachRDD(rdd => { //val cdrs = sqlC.createDataFrame(seqToCdr(rdd)) //val cdrs = sqlC.createDataFrame(seqToCdr(rdd).collect()) //val cdrs = seqToCdr(rdd).toDF() val cdrsJson = seqToCdr(rdd).map(r => { implicit val formats = DefaultFormats write(r) }) val cdrs = cdrs.groupBy("countryCode").count().orderBy(desc("count")).show(5) }) ssc.start() ssc.awaitTermination() } def seqToCdr(rdd: RDD[Array[String]]): RDD[Cdr] = { => => f match { case x if x.isEmpty() => "0" case x => x })).map(c => Cdr(c(0).toInt, c(1).toLong, c(2).toInt, c(3).toFloat, c(4).toFloat, c(5).toFloat, c(6).toFloat, c(7).toFloat)) } }
Example 132
Source File: L8-29DataFrameExamplesJoin.scala From prosparkstreaming with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apress.prospark import scala.reflect.runtime.universe import org.apache.spark.SparkConf import org.apache.spark.SparkContext import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD import org.apache.spark.sql.SQLContext import org.apache.spark.streaming.Seconds import org.apache.spark.streaming.StreamingContext import org.json4s.DefaultFormats import org.json4s.JDouble import org.json4s.JObject import org.json4s.jvalue2extractable import org.json4s.jvalue2monadic import org.json4s.native.JsonMethods.compact import org.json4s.native.JsonMethods.parse import org.json4s.native.JsonMethods.render import org.json4s.string2JsonInput object CdrDataframeExamples3App { case class Cdr(squareId: Int, timeInterval: Long, countryCode: Int, smsInActivity: Float, smsOutActivity: Float, callInActivity: Float, callOutActivity: Float, internetTrafficActivity: Float) def main(args: Array[String]) { if (args.length != 5) { System.err.println( "Usage: CdrDataframeExamples3App <appname> <batchInterval> <hostname> <port> <gridJsonPath>") System.exit(1) } val Seq(appName, batchInterval, hostname, port, gridJsonPath) = args.toSeq val conf = new SparkConf() .setAppName(appName) .setJars(SparkContext.jarOfClass(this.getClass).toSeq) val ssc = new StreamingContext(conf, Seconds(batchInterval.toInt)) val sqlC = new SQLContext(ssc.sparkContext) import sqlC.implicits._ implicit val formats = DefaultFormats val gridFile = val gridGeo = (parse(gridFile) \ "features") val gridStr = => { val c = (r \ "geometry" \ "coordinates").extract[List[List[List[Float]]]] => JDouble(r)) val l = List(("id", r \ "id"), ("x1", c(0)), ("y1", c(1)), ("x2", c(2)), ("y2", c(3)), ("x3", c(4)), ("y3", c(5)), ("x4", c(6)), ("y4", c(7))) compact(render(JObject(l))) }) val gridDF = val cdrStream = ssc.socketTextStream(hostname, port.toInt) .map(_.split("\\t", -1)) .foreachRDD(rdd => { val cdrs = seqToCdr(rdd).toDF() cdrs.join(gridDF, $"squareId" === $"id").show() }) ssc.start() ssc.awaitTermination() } def seqToCdr(rdd: RDD[Array[String]]): RDD[Cdr] = { => => f match { case x if x.isEmpty() => "0" case x => x })).map(c => Cdr(c(0).toInt, c(1).toLong, c(2).toInt, c(3).toFloat, c(4).toFloat, c(5).toFloat, c(6).toFloat, c(7).toFloat)) } }
Example 133
Source File: L8-10-11UDF.scala From prosparkstreaming with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apress.prospark import import scala.reflect.runtime.universe import org.apache.spark.SparkConf import org.apache.spark.SparkContext import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD import org.apache.spark.sql.SQLContext import org.apache.spark.streaming.Seconds import org.apache.spark.streaming.StreamingContext import org.json4s.jackson.JsonMethods.parse import org.json4s.jvalue2extractable import org.json4s.string2JsonInput object CdrUDFApp { case class Cdr(squareId: Int, timeInterval: Long, countryCode: Int, smsInActivity: Float, smsOutActivity: Float, callInActivity: Float, callOutActivity: Float, internetTrafficActivity: Float) def main(args: Array[String]) { if (args.length != 4) { System.err.println( "Usage: CdrUDFApp <appname> <batchInterval> <hostname> <port>") System.exit(1) } val Seq(appName, batchInterval, hostname, port) = args.toSeq val conf = new SparkConf() .setAppName(appName) .setJars(SparkContext.jarOfClass(this.getClass).toSeq) val ssc = new StreamingContext(conf, Seconds(batchInterval.toInt)) val sqlC = new SQLContext(ssc.sparkContext) import sqlC.implicits._ def getCountryCodeMapping() = { implicit val formats = org.json4s.DefaultFormats parse(Source.fromURL("").mkString).extract[Map[String, String]].map(_.swap) } def getCountryNameMapping() = { implicit val formats = org.json4s.DefaultFormats parse(Source.fromURL("").mkString).extract[Map[String, String]] } def getCountryName(mappingPhone: Map[String, String], mappingName: Map[String, String], code: Int) = { mappingName.getOrElse(mappingPhone.getOrElse(code.toString, "NotFound"), "NotFound") } val getCountryNamePartial = getCountryName(getCountryCodeMapping(), getCountryNameMapping(), _: Int) sqlC.udf.register("getCountryNamePartial", getCountryNamePartial) val cdrStream = ssc.socketTextStream(hostname, port.toInt) .map(_.split("\\t", -1)) .foreachRDD(rdd => { val cdrs = seqToCdr(rdd).toDF() cdrs.registerTempTable("cdrs") sqlC.sql("SELECT getCountryNamePartial(countryCode) AS countryName, COUNT(countryCode) AS cCount FROM cdrs GROUP BY countryCode ORDER BY cCount DESC LIMIT 5").show() }) ssc.start() ssc.awaitTermination() } def seqToCdr(rdd: RDD[Array[String]]): RDD[Cdr] = { => => f match { case x if x.isEmpty() => "0" case x => x })).map(c => Cdr(c(0).toInt, c(1).toLong, c(2).toInt, c(3).toFloat, c(4).toFloat, c(5).toFloat, c(6).toFloat, c(7).toFloat)) } }
Example 134
Source File: L8-4DataFrameCreationSchema.scala From prosparkstreaming with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apress.prospark import org.apache.spark.SparkConf import org.apache.spark.SparkContext import org.apache.spark.sql.Row import org.apache.spark.sql.SQLContext import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.desc import org.apache.spark.sql.types.DataType import org.apache.spark.sql.types.StructType import org.apache.spark.streaming.Seconds import org.apache.spark.streaming.StreamingContext object DataframeCreationApp2 { def main(args: Array[String]) { if (args.length != 5) { System.err.println( "Usage: CdrDataframeApp2 <appname> <batchInterval> <hostname> <port> <schemaPath>") System.exit(1) } val Seq(appName, batchInterval, hostname, port, schemaFile) = args.toSeq val conf = new SparkConf() .setAppName(appName) .setJars(SparkContext.jarOfClass(this.getClass).toSeq) val ssc = new StreamingContext(conf, Seconds(batchInterval.toInt)) val sqlC = new SQLContext(ssc.sparkContext) val schemaJson = val schema = DataType.fromJson(schemaJson).asInstanceOf[StructType] val cdrStream = ssc.socketTextStream(hostname, port.toInt) .map(_.split("\\t", -1)) .foreachRDD(rdd => { val cdrs = sqlC.createDataFrame( => Row(c: _*)), schema) cdrs.groupBy("countryCode").count().orderBy(desc("count")).show(5) }) ssc.start() ssc.awaitTermination() } }
Example 135
Source File: L8-14-27DataFrameExamples.scala From prosparkstreaming with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apress.prospark import scala.reflect.runtime.universe import org.apache.spark.SparkConf import org.apache.spark.SparkContext import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD import org.apache.spark.sql.SQLContext import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._ import org.apache.spark.streaming.Seconds import org.apache.spark.streaming.StreamingContext object CdrDataframeExamplesApp { case class Cdr(squareId: Int, timeInterval: Long, countryCode: Int, smsInActivity: Float, smsOutActivity: Float, callInActivity: Float, callOutActivity: Float, internetTrafficActivity: Float) def main(args: Array[String]) { if (args.length != 4) { System.err.println( "Usage: CdrDataframeExamplesApp <appname> <batchInterval> <hostname> <port>") System.exit(1) } val Seq(appName, batchInterval, hostname, port) = args.toSeq val conf = new SparkConf() .setAppName(appName) .setJars(SparkContext.jarOfClass(this.getClass).toSeq) val ssc = new StreamingContext(conf, Seconds(batchInterval.toInt)) val sqlC = new SQLContext(ssc.sparkContext) import sqlC.implicits._ val cdrStream = ssc.socketTextStream(hostname, port.toInt) .map(_.split("\\t", -1)) .foreachRDD(rdd => { val cdrs = seqToCdr(rdd).toDF()"squareId", "timeInterval", "countryCode").show()$"squareId", $"timeInterval", $"countryCode").show() cdrs.filter("squareId = 5").show() cdrs.drop("countryCode").show()$"squareId", $"timeInterval", $"countryCode").where($"squareId" === 5).show() cdrs.limit(5).show() cdrs.groupBy("squareId").count().show() cdrs.groupBy("countryCode").avg("internetTrafficActivity").show() cdrs.groupBy("countryCode").max("callOutActivity").show() cdrs.groupBy("countryCode").min("callOutActivity").show() cdrs.groupBy("squareId").sum("internetTrafficActivity").show() cdrs.groupBy("squareId").agg(sum("callOutActivity"), sum("callInActivity"), sum("smsOutActivity"), sum("smsInActivity"), sum("internetTrafficActivity")).show() cdrs.groupBy("countryCode").sum("internetTrafficActivity").orderBy(desc("SUM(internetTrafficActivity)")).show() cdrs.agg(sum("callOutActivity"), sum("callInActivity"), sum("smsOutActivity"), sum("smsInActivity"), sum("internetTrafficActivity")).show() cdrs.rollup("squareId", "countryCode").count().orderBy(desc("squareId"), desc("countryCode")).rdd.saveAsTextFile("/tmp/rollup" + rdd.hashCode()) cdrs.cube("squareId", "countryCode").count().orderBy(desc("squareId"), desc("countryCode")).rdd.saveAsTextFile("/tmp/cube" + rdd.hashCode()) cdrs.dropDuplicates(Array("callOutActivity", "callInActivity")).show()"squareId", "countryCode", "internetTrafficActivity") cdrs.withColumn("endTime", cdrs("timeInterval") + 600000).show() cdrs.sample(true, 0.01).show() }) ssc.start() ssc.awaitTermination() } def seqToCdr(rdd: RDD[Array[String]]): RDD[Cdr] = { => => f match { case x if x.isEmpty() => "0" case x => x })).map(c => Cdr(c(0).toInt, c(1).toLong, c(2).toInt, c(3).toFloat, c(4).toFloat, c(5).toFloat, c(6).toFloat, c(7).toFloat)) } }
Example 136
Source File: L8-28DataFrameExamplesOps.scala From prosparkstreaming with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apress.prospark import scala.reflect.runtime.universe import org.apache.spark.SparkConf import org.apache.spark.SparkContext import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD import org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame import org.apache.spark.sql.SQLContext import org.apache.spark.streaming.Seconds import org.apache.spark.streaming.StreamingContext object CdrDataframeExamples2App { case class Cdr(squareId: Int, timeInterval: Long, countryCode: Int, smsInActivity: Float, smsOutActivity: Float, callInActivity: Float, callOutActivity: Float, internetTrafficActivity: Float) def main(args: Array[String]) { if (args.length != 4) { System.err.println( "Usage: CdrDataframeExamples2App <appname> <batchInterval> <hostname> <port>") System.exit(1) } val Seq(appName, batchInterval, hostname, port) = args.toSeq val conf = new SparkConf() .setAppName(appName) .setJars(SparkContext.jarOfClass(this.getClass).toSeq) val ssc = new StreamingContext(conf, Seconds(batchInterval.toInt)) val sqlC = new SQLContext(ssc.sparkContext) import sqlC.implicits._ var previousCdrs: Option[DataFrame] = None val cdrStream = ssc.socketTextStream(hostname, port.toInt) .map(_.split("\\t", -1)) .foreachRDD(rdd => { val cdrs = seqToCdr(rdd).toDF().select("squareId", "countryCode").dropDuplicates() previousCdrs match { case Some(prevCdrs) => cdrs.unionAll(prevCdrs).show() //case Some(prevCdrs) => cdrs.intersect(prevCdrs).show() //case Some(prevCdrs) => cdrs.except(prevCdrs).show() case None => Unit } previousCdrs = Some(cdrs) }) ssc.start() ssc.awaitTermination() } def seqToCdr(rdd: RDD[Array[String]]): RDD[Cdr] = { => => f match { case x if x.isEmpty() => "0" case x => x })).map(c => Cdr(c(0).toInt, c(1).toLong, c(2).toInt, c(3).toFloat, c(4).toFloat, c(5).toFloat, c(6).toFloat, c(7).toFloat)) } }
Example 137
Source File: HelloWorldDataSource.scala From apache-spark-test with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.github.dnvriend.spark.datasources.helloworld import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD import org.apache.spark.sql.sources.{ BaseRelation, DataSourceRegister, RelationProvider, TableScan } import org.apache.spark.sql.types.{ StringType, StructField, StructType } import org.apache.spark.sql.{ Row, SQLContext } class HelloWorldDataSource extends RelationProvider with DataSourceRegister with Serializable { override def shortName(): String = "helloworld" override def hashCode(): Int = getClass.hashCode() override def equals(other: scala.Any): Boolean = other.isInstanceOf[HelloWorldDataSource] override def toString: String = "HelloWorldDataSource" override def createRelation(sqlContext: SQLContext, parameters: Map[String, String]): BaseRelation = { val path = parameters.get("path") path match { case Some(p) => new HelloWorldRelationProvider(sqlContext, p, parameters) case _ => throw new IllegalArgumentException("Path is required for Tickets datasets") } } } class HelloWorldRelationProvider(val sqlContext: SQLContext, path: String, parameters: Map[String, String]) extends BaseRelation with TableScan { import sqlContext.implicits._ override def schema: StructType = StructType(Array( StructField("key", StringType, nullable = false), StructField("value", StringType, nullable = true) )) override def buildScan(): RDD[Row] = Seq( "path" -> path, "message" -> parameters.getOrElse("message", ""), "name" -> s"Hello ${parameters.getOrElse("name", "")}", "hello_world" -> "Hello World!" ).toDF.rdd }
Example 138
Source File: BigQueryReader.scala From sope with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import{BigQueryConfiguration, GsonBigQueryInputFormat} import import com.sope.utils.Logging import import org.apache.spark.sql.{DataFrame, SQLContext} def load(): DataFrame = { import sqlContext.implicits._ // Load data from BigQuery. val tableData = sc.newAPIHadoopRDD( conf, classOf[GsonBigQueryInputFormat], classOf[LongWritable], classOf[JsonObject]) .map(_._2.toString) } }
Example 139
Source File: TestContext.scala From sope with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.sope.etl import org.apache.spark.sql.{SQLContext, SparkSession} object TestContext { def getSQlContext: SQLContext = { System.setProperty(UDFRegistrationClassProperty, "com.sope.etl.custom.CustomUDF") System.setProperty(TransformationRegistrationClassProperty, "com.sope.etl.custom.CustomTransformation") SparkSession.builder() .master("local[*]") .appName("SopeUnitTest") .getOrCreate().sqlContext } }
Example 140
Source File: UDFRegistration.scala From sope with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.sope.etl.register import com.sope.etl.{SopeETLConfig, getClassInstance} import com.sope.utils.Logging import org.apache.spark.sql.SQLContext import org.apache.spark.sql.expressions.UserDefinedFunction def registerCustomUDFs(sqlContext: SQLContext): Unit = { SopeETLConfig.UDFRegistrationConfig match { case Some(classStr) => logInfo(s"Registering custom UDFs from $classStr") getClassInstance[UDFRegistration](classStr) match { case Some(udfClass) => udfClass.performRegistration(sqlContext) logInfo("Successfully registered custom UDFs") case _ => logError(s"UDF Registration failed") } case None => logInfo("No class defined for registering Custom udfs") } } }
Example 141
Source File: TensorflowRelation.scala From ecosystem with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.tensorflow.spark.datasources.tfrecords import{BytesWritable, NullWritable} import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD import org.apache.spark.sql.sources.{BaseRelation, TableScan} import org.apache.spark.sql.types.StructType import org.apache.spark.sql.{Row, SQLContext, SparkSession} import org.tensorflow.example.{SequenceExample, Example} import import org.tensorflow.spark.datasources.tfrecords.serde.DefaultTfRecordRowDecoder case class TensorflowRelation(options: Map[String, String], customSchema: Option[StructType]=None) (@transient val session: SparkSession) extends BaseRelation with TableScan { //Import TFRecords as DataFrame happens here lazy val (tfRdd, tfSchema) = { val rdd = session.sparkContext.newAPIHadoopFile(options("path"), classOf[TFRecordFileInputFormat], classOf[BytesWritable], classOf[NullWritable]) val recordType = options.getOrElse("recordType", "Example") recordType match { case "Example" => val exampleRdd ={case (bytesWritable, nullWritable) => Example.parseFrom(bytesWritable.getBytes) } val finalSchema = customSchema.getOrElse(TensorFlowInferSchema(exampleRdd)) val rowRdd = => DefaultTfRecordRowDecoder.decodeExample(example, finalSchema)) (rowRdd, finalSchema) case "SequenceExample" => val sequenceExampleRdd ={case (bytesWritable, nullWritable) => SequenceExample.parseFrom(bytesWritable.getBytes) } val finalSchema = customSchema.getOrElse(TensorFlowInferSchema(sequenceExampleRdd)) val rowRdd = => DefaultTfRecordRowDecoder.decodeSequenceExample(example, finalSchema)) (rowRdd, finalSchema) case _ => throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Unsupported recordType ${recordType}: recordType can be Example or SequenceExample") } } override def sqlContext: SQLContext = session.sqlContext override def schema: StructType = tfSchema override def buildScan(): RDD[Row] = tfRdd }
Example 142
Source File: TestUtils.scala From shc with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql import java.nio.ByteBuffer import{IOException, File} import java.nio.ByteBuffer import java.util import org.apache.avro.generic.GenericData import scala.collection.immutable.HashSet import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer import scala.util.Random import import org.apache.spark.sql.SQLContext import scala.util.Random object TestUtils { def generateRandomByteBuffer(rand: Random, size: Int): ByteBuffer = { val bb = ByteBuffer.allocate(size) val arrayOfBytes = new Array[Byte](size) rand.nextBytes(arrayOfBytes) bb.put(arrayOfBytes) } def generateRandomMap(rand: Random, size: Int): java.util.Map[String, Int] = { val jMap = new util.HashMap[String, Int]() for (i <- 0 until size) { jMap.put(rand.nextString(5), i) } jMap } def generateRandomArray(rand: Random, size: Int): util.ArrayList[Boolean] = { val vec = new util.ArrayList[Boolean]() for (i <- 0 until size) { vec.add(rand.nextBoolean()) } vec } }
Example 143
Source File: CurrentPersistenceIdsQuerySourceProvider.scala From apache-spark-test with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package akka.persistence.jdbc.spark.sql.execution.streaming import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.streaming.{ LongOffset, Offset, Source } import org.apache.spark.sql.sources.{ DataSourceRegister, StreamSourceProvider } import org.apache.spark.sql.types.{ StringType, StructField, StructType } import org.apache.spark.sql.{ SQLContext, _ } object CurrentPersistenceIdsQuerySourceProvider { val name = "current-persistence-id" val schema: StructType = StructType(Array( StructField("persistence_id", StringType, nullable = false) )) } class CurrentPersistenceIdsQuerySourceProvider extends StreamSourceProvider with DataSourceRegister with Serializable { override def sourceSchema( sqlContext: SQLContext, schema: Option[StructType], providerName: String, parameters: Map[String, String] ): (String, StructType) = { -> CurrentPersistenceIdsQuerySourceProvider.schema } override def createSource( sqlContext: SQLContext, metadataPath: String, schema: Option[StructType], providerName: String, parameters: Map[String, String] ): Source = { new CurrentPersistenceIdsQuerySourceImpl(sqlContext, parameters("path")) } override def shortName(): String = } class CurrentPersistenceIdsQuerySourceImpl(val sqlContext: SQLContext, val readJournalPluginId: String) extends Source with ReadJournalSource { override def schema: StructType = CurrentPersistenceIdsQuerySourceProvider.schema override def getOffset: Option[Offset] = { val offset = maxPersistenceIds println("[CurrentPersistenceIdsQuery]: Returning maximum offset: " + offset) Some(LongOffset(offset)) } override def getBatch(_start: Option[Offset], _end: Offset): DataFrame = { val (start, end) = getStartEnd(_start, _end) println(s"[CurrentPersistenceIdsQuery]: Getting currentPersistenceIds from start: $start, end: $end") import sqlContext.implicits._ persistenceIds(start, end).toDF() } }
Example 144
Source File: CurrentEventsByPersistenceIdQuerySourceProvider.scala From apache-spark-test with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package akka.persistence.jdbc.spark.sql.execution.streaming import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.streaming.{ LongOffset, Offset, Source } import org.apache.spark.sql.sources.{ DataSourceRegister, StreamSourceProvider } import org.apache.spark.sql.types.StructType import org.apache.spark.sql.{ SQLContext, _ } object CurrentEventsByPersistenceIdQuerySourceProvider { val name = "current-events-by-persistence-id" } class CurrentEventsByPersistenceIdQuerySourceProvider extends StreamSourceProvider with DataSourceRegister with Serializable { override def sourceSchema( sqlContext: SQLContext, schema: Option[StructType], providerName: String, parameters: Map[String, String] ): (String, StructType) = { println(s"[CurrentEventsByPersistenceIdQuerySourceProvider.sourceSchema]: schema: $schema, providerName: $providerName, parameters: $parameters") -> schema.get } override def createSource( sqlContext: SQLContext, metadataPath: String, schema: Option[StructType], providerName: String, parameters: Map[String, String] ): Source = { val eventMapperFQCN: String = parameters.get("event-mapper") match { case Some(_eventMapper) => _eventMapper case _ => throw new RuntimeException("No event mapper FQCN") } val pid = (parameters.get("pid"), parameters.get("persistence-id")) match { case (Some(pid), _) => pid case (_, Some(pid)) => pid case _ => throw new RuntimeException("No persistence_id") } new CurrentEventsByPersistenceIdQuerySourceImpl(sqlContext, parameters("path"), eventMapperFQCN, pid, schema.get) } override def shortName(): String = } class CurrentEventsByPersistenceIdQuerySourceImpl(val sqlContext: SQLContext, val readJournalPluginId: String, eventMapperFQCN: String, persistenceId: String, override val schema: StructType) extends Source with ReadJournalSource { override def getOffset: Option[Offset] = { val offset = maxEventsByPersistenceId(persistenceId) println("[CurrentEventsByPersistenceIdQuery]: Returning maximum offset: " + offset) Some(LongOffset(offset)) } override def getBatch(_start: Option[Offset], _end: Offset): DataFrame = { val (start, end) = getStartEnd(_start, _end) val df: DataFrame = eventsByPersistenceId(persistenceId, start, end, eventMapperFQCN) println(s"[CurrentEventsByPersistenceIdQuery]: Getting currentPersistenceIds from start: $start, end: $end, DataFrame.count: ${df.count}") df } }
Example 145
Source File: PersonEventMapper.scala From apache-spark-test with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.github.dnvriend.spark.mapper import akka.persistence.jdbc.spark.sql.execution.streaming.EventMapper import akka.persistence.query.EventEnvelope import com.github.dnvriend.spark.datasources.person.Person import org.apache.spark.sql.{ Row, SQLContext } import org.apache.spark.sql.types._ class PersonEventMapper extends EventMapper { override def row(envelope: EventEnvelope, sqlContext: SQLContext): Row = envelope match { case EventEnvelope(offset, persistenceId, sequenceNr, Person(id, name, age)) => Row(offset, persistenceId, sequenceNr, id, name, age) } override def schema: StructType = PersonEventMapper.schema } object PersonEventMapper { val schema = StructType(Array( StructField("offset", LongType, nullable = false), StructField("persistence_id", StringType, nullable = false), StructField("sequence_number", LongType, nullable = false), StructField("id", LongType, nullable = false), StructField("name", StringType, nullable = true), StructField("age", IntegerType, nullable = true) )) }
Example 146
Source File: PersonDataSource.scala From apache-spark-test with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.github.dnvriend.spark.datasources.person import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD import org.apache.spark.sql.sources._ import org.apache.spark.sql.types._ import org.apache.spark.sql.{ Row, SQLContext } final case class Person(id: Long, name: String, age: Int) class PersonDataSource extends RelationProvider with DataSourceRegister with Serializable { override def shortName(): String = "person" override def hashCode(): Int = getClass.hashCode() override def equals(other: scala.Any): Boolean = other.isInstanceOf[PersonDataSource] override def toString: String = "PersonDataSource" override def createRelation(sqlContext: SQLContext, parameters: Map[String, String]): BaseRelation = { val path = parameters.get("path") path match { case Some(p) => new PersonRelationProvider(sqlContext, p) case _ => throw new IllegalArgumentException("Path is required for Tickets datasets") } } } object PersonRelationProvider { val regex = """(id="[\d]+)|(name="[\s\w]+)|(age="[\d]+)""".r val schema = StructType(Array( StructField("id", LongType, nullable = false), StructField("name", StringType, nullable = true), StructField("age", IntegerType, nullable = true) )) } class PersonRelationProvider(val sqlContext: SQLContext, path: String) extends BaseRelation with TableScan with Serializable { override def schema: StructType = PersonRelationProvider.schema override def buildScan(): RDD[Row] = sqlContext.sparkContext.textFile(path) .filter(_.contains("person")) .map(line => PersonRelationProvider.regex.findAllIn(line).toList) .map { xs => val id = xs.head.replace("id=\"", "").toLong val name = xs.drop(1).map(str => str.replace("name=\"", "")).headOption val age = xs.drop(2).map(str => str.replace("age=\"", "")) Row(id, name, age) } }
Example 147
Source File: VectorTempTable.scala From spark-vector with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.actian.spark_vector.loader.command import org.apache.spark.sql.SQLContext import com.actian.spark_vector.loader.options.UserOptions import com.actian.spark_vector.sql.{ SparkSqlTable, TableRef, TempTable, VectorRelation } object VectorTempTable { private def generateSQLOption(key: String, queries: Seq[String]): Seq[(String, String)] = for { i <- 0 until queries.size } yield { (s"${key}${i}", s"${queries(i)}") } private def parseOptions(config: UserOptions): Map[String, String] = { val base = Seq("host" ->, "instance" -> config.vector.instance, "database" -> config.vector.database, "port" -> config.vector.port, "table" -> config.vector.targetTable) val optional = Seq("user" -> _),"password" -> _)).flatten ++"loadpresql", _)).getOrElse(Nil) ++"loadpostsql", _)).getOrElse(Nil) (base ++ optional).toMap } def register(config: UserOptions, sqlContext: SQLContext): SparkSqlTable = { val params = parseOptions(config) val tableName = params("table") val df = sqlContext.baseRelationToDataFrame(VectorRelation(TableRef(params), sqlContext, params)) TempTable(tableName, df) } }
Example 148
Source File: SparkOperationTestPimpers.scala From sparkplug with MIT License | 5 votes |
package springnz.sparkplug.testkit import com.typesafe.scalalogging.{ LazyLogging, Logger } import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD import org.apache.spark.sql.{ DataFrame, SQLContext } import springnz.sparkplug.core.SparkOperation import springnz.sparkplug.util.Logging import scala.reflect.ClassTag object SparkOperationTestPimpers extends LazyLogging { private def persistTestResource[A: ClassTag](rdd: RDD[A], rddName: String, overwrite: Boolean = false)( implicit projectName: ProjectName): RDD[A] = { val path = RDDPersister.getPath(, rddName) if (overwrite || (!overwrite && !path.exists)) { if (path.exists) {"deleting existing RDD at ${path.pathAsString}") path.delete() } RDDPersister.persistRDD(path.pathAsString, rdd) } else { // (!overwrite && path.exists)"Not persisting RDD that already exists at path [${path.pathAsString}]") rdd } } class RDDExtensions[A: ClassTag](operation: SparkOperation[RDD[A]]) { import RDDSamplers._ def saveTo(rddName: String, sampler: RDD[A] ⇒ RDD[A] = identitySampler)( implicit projectName: ProjectName): SparkOperation[RDD[A]] = { rdd ⇒ val sampled = sampler(rdd) persistTestResource(sampled, rddName, overwrite = false) sampled } def sourceFrom(rddName: String, sampler: RDD[A] ⇒ RDD[A] = identitySampler)( implicit projectName: ProjectName): SparkOperation[RDD[A]] = SparkOperation { ctx ⇒ val path = RDDPersister.getPath(, rddName) if (path.exists) ctx.objectFile[A](path.pathAsString) else { val rdd = val sampled = sampler(rdd) persistTestResource(sampled, rddName, overwrite = false) sampled } } } class DataFrameExtensions(operation: SparkOperation[DataFrame]) { import RDDSamplers._ def saveTo(rddName: String, overwrite: Boolean = false, sampler: RDD[String] ⇒ RDD[String] = identitySampler)( implicit projectName: ProjectName): SparkOperation[DataFrame] = { df ⇒ val rdd: RDD[String] = df.toJSON val sampled = sampler(rdd) persistTestResource(sampled, rddName, overwrite) val sqlContext = new SQLContext(sampled.sparkContext) } def sourceFrom(dataFrameName: String, overwrite: Boolean = false, sampler: RDD[String] ⇒ RDD[String] = rdd ⇒ rdd)( implicit projectName: ProjectName, log: Logger): SparkOperation[DataFrame] = SparkOperation { ctx ⇒ val path = RDDPersister.getPath(, dataFrameName) val sampledRDD = if (path.exists) ctx.objectFile[String](path.pathAsString) else { val df = val rdd: RDD[String] = df.toJSON val sampled = sampler(rdd) persistTestResource(sampled, dataFrameName, overwrite) sampled } val sqlContext = new SQLContext(ctx) } } }
Example 149
Source File: BigFileDatasource.scala From glow with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package io.projectglow.sql import import java.util.ServiceLoader import scala.collection.JavaConverters._ import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD import org.apache.spark.sql.sources._ import org.apache.spark.sql.types.StructType import org.apache.spark.sql.{DataFrame, SQLContext, SaveMode} import io.projectglow.common.{GlowLogging, WithUtils} def write(rdd: RDD[Array[Byte]], path: String) { val uri = new URI(path) uploaders.find(_.canUpload(rdd.sparkContext.hadoopConfiguration, path)) match { case Some(uploader) => uploader.upload(rdd, path) case None =>"Could not find a parallel uploader for $path, uploading from the driver") writeFileFromDriver(new Path(uri), rdd) } } private def writeFileFromDriver(path: Path, byteRdd: RDD[Array[Byte]]): Unit = { val sc = byteRdd.sparkContext val fs = path.getFileSystem(sc.hadoopConfiguration) WithUtils.withCloseable(fs.create(path)) { stream => WithUtils.withCachedRDD(byteRdd) { cachedRdd => cachedRdd.count() cachedRdd.toLocalIterator.foreach { chunk => stream.write(chunk) } } } } }
Example 150
Source File: MLlibTestSparkContext.scala From sona with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import import org.apache.spark.SparkContext import org.apache.spark.sql.types.UDTRegistration import org.apache.spark.sql.{SQLContext, SQLImplicits, SparkSession} import org.apache.spark.util.{SparkUtil, Utils} import org.scalatest.Suite trait MLlibTestSparkContext extends TempDirectory { self: Suite => @transient var spark: SparkSession = _ @transient var sc: SparkContext = _ @transient var checkpointDir: String = _ override def beforeAll() { super.beforeAll() SparkUtil.UDTRegister("org.apache.spark.linalg.Vector", "org.apache.spark.linalg.VectorUDT") SparkUtil.UDTRegister("org.apache.spark.linalg.DenseVector", "org.apache.spark.linalg.VectorUDT") SparkUtil.UDTRegister("org.apache.spark.linalg.SparseVector", "org.apache.spark.linalg.VectorUDT") SparkUtil.UDTRegister("org.apache.spark.linalg.Matrix", "org.apache.spark.linalg.MatrixUDT") SparkUtil.UDTRegister("org.apache.spark.linalg.DenseMatrix", "org.apache.spark.linalg.MatrixUDT") SparkUtil.UDTRegister("org.apache.spark.linalg.SparseMatrix", "org.apache.spark.linalg.MatrixUDT") spark = SparkSession.builder .master("local[2]") .appName("MLlibUnitTest") .getOrCreate() sc = spark.sparkContext checkpointDir = SparkUtil.createDirectory(tempDir.getCanonicalPath, "checkpoints").toString sc.setCheckpointDir(checkpointDir) } override def afterAll() { try { SparkUtil.deleteRecursively(new File(checkpointDir)) SparkSession.clearActiveSession() if (spark != null) { spark.stop() } spark = null } finally { super.afterAll() } } /** * A helper object for importing SQL implicits. * * Note that the alternative of importing `spark.implicits._` is not possible here. * This is because we create the `SQLContext` immediately before the first test is run, * but the implicits import is needed in the constructor. */ protected object testImplicits extends SQLImplicits { protected override def _sqlContext: SQLContext = self.spark.sqlContext } }
Example 151
Source File: SharedSQLContext.scala From sona with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.test import scala.concurrent.duration._ import org.scalatest.BeforeAndAfterEach import org.scalatest.concurrent.Eventually import org.apache.spark.{DebugFilesystem, SparkConf} import org.apache.spark.sql.{SparkSession, SQLContext} protected override def afterAll(): Unit = { super.afterAll() if (_spark != null) { _spark.sessionState.catalog.reset() _spark.stop() _spark = null } } protected override def beforeEach(): Unit = { super.beforeEach() DebugFilesystem.clearOpenStreams() } protected override def afterEach(): Unit = { super.afterEach() // files can be closed from other threads, so wait a bit // normally this doesn't take more than 1s eventually(timeout(10.seconds)) { DebugFilesystem.assertNoOpenStreams() } } }
Example 152
Source File: DefaultSource.scala From spark-google-spreadsheets with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import import org.apache.spark.sql.sources.{BaseRelation, CreatableRelationProvider, RelationProvider, SchemaRelationProvider} import org.apache.spark.sql.types.StructType import org.apache.spark.sql.{DataFrame, SQLContext, SaveMode} class DefaultSource extends RelationProvider with SchemaRelationProvider with CreatableRelationProvider { final val DEFAULT_CREDENTIAL_PATH = "/etc/gdata/credential.p12" override def createRelation(sqlContext: SQLContext, parameters: Map[String, String]) = { createRelation(sqlContext, parameters, null) } private[spreadsheets] def pathToSheetNames(parameters: Map[String, String]): (String, String) = { val path = parameters.getOrElse("path", sys.error("'path' must be specified for spreadsheets.")) val elems = path.split('/') if (elems.length < 2) throw new Exception("'path' must be formed like '<spreadsheet>/<worksheet>'") (elems(0), elems(1)) } override def createRelation(sqlContext: SQLContext, parameters: Map[String, String], schema: StructType) = { val (spreadsheetName, worksheetName) = pathToSheetNames(parameters) val context = createSpreadsheetContext(parameters) createRelation(sqlContext, context, spreadsheetName, worksheetName, schema) } override def createRelation(sqlContext: SQLContext, mode: SaveMode, parameters: Map[String, String], data: DataFrame): BaseRelation = { val (spreadsheetName, worksheetName) = pathToSheetNames(parameters) implicit val context = createSpreadsheetContext(parameters) val spreadsheet = SparkSpreadsheetService.findSpreadsheet(spreadsheetName) if(!spreadsheet.isDefined) throw new RuntimeException(s"no such a spreadsheet: $spreadsheetName") spreadsheet.get.addWorksheet(worksheetName, data.schema, data.collect().toList, Util.toRowData) createRelation(sqlContext, context, spreadsheetName, worksheetName, data.schema) } private[spreadsheets] def createSpreadsheetContext(parameters: Map[String, String]) = { val serviceAccountIdOption = parameters.get("serviceAccountId") val credentialPath = parameters.getOrElse("credentialPath", DEFAULT_CREDENTIAL_PATH) SparkSpreadsheetService(serviceAccountIdOption, new File(credentialPath)) } private[spreadsheets] def createRelation(sqlContext: SQLContext, context: SparkSpreadsheetService.SparkSpreadsheetContext, spreadsheetName: String, worksheetName: String, schema: StructType): SpreadsheetRelation = if (schema == null) { createRelation(sqlContext, context, spreadsheetName, worksheetName, None) } else { createRelation(sqlContext, context, spreadsheetName, worksheetName, Some(schema)) } private[spreadsheets] def createRelation(sqlContext: SQLContext, context: SparkSpreadsheetService.SparkSpreadsheetContext, spreadsheetName: String, worksheetName: String, schema: Option[StructType]): SpreadsheetRelation = SpreadsheetRelation(context, spreadsheetName, worksheetName, schema)(sqlContext) }
Example 153
Source File: SpreadsheetRelation.scala From spark-google-spreadsheets with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import import import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD import org.apache.spark.sql.sources.{BaseRelation, InsertableRelation, TableScan} import org.apache.spark.sql.types.{StringType, StructField, StructType} import org.apache.spark.sql.{DataFrame, Row, SQLContext} case class SpreadsheetRelation protected[spark] ( context:SparkSpreadsheetContext, spreadsheetName: String, worksheetName: String, userSchema: Option[StructType] = None)(@transient val sqlContext: SQLContext) extends BaseRelation with TableScan with InsertableRelation { import override def schema: StructType = userSchema.getOrElse(inferSchema()) private lazy val aWorksheet: SparkWorksheet = findWorksheet(spreadsheetName, worksheetName)(context) match { case Right(aWorksheet) => aWorksheet case Left(e) => throw e } private lazy val rows: Seq[Map[String, String]] = aWorksheet.rows private[spreadsheets] def findWorksheet(spreadsheetName: String, worksheetName: String)(implicit ctx: SparkSpreadsheetContext): Either[Throwable, SparkWorksheet] = for { sheet <- findSpreadsheet(spreadsheetName).toRight(new RuntimeException(s"no such spreadsheet: $spreadsheetName")).right worksheet <- sheet.findWorksheet(worksheetName).toRight(new RuntimeException(s"no such worksheet: $worksheetName")).right } yield worksheet override def buildScan(): RDD[Row] = { val aSchema = schema sqlContext.sparkContext.makeRDD(rows).mapPartitions { iter => { m => var index = 0 val rowArray = new Array[Any](aSchema.fields.length) while(index < aSchema.fields.length) { val field = aSchema.fields(index) rowArray(index) = if (m.contains( { TypeCast.castTo(m(, field.dataType, field.nullable) } else { null } index += 1 } Row.fromSeq(rowArray) } } } override def insert(data: DataFrame, overwrite: Boolean): Unit = { if(!overwrite) { sys.error("Spreadsheet tables only support INSERT OVERWRITE for now.") } findWorksheet(spreadsheetName, worksheetName)(context) match { case Right(w) => w.updateCells(data.schema, data.collect().toList, Util.toRowData) case Left(e) => throw e } } private def inferSchema(): StructType = StructType( { fieldName => StructField(fieldName, StringType, nullable = true) }) }
Example 154
Source File: TestSparkContext.scala From spark-images with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.image import org.apache.spark.sql.{DataFrame, Row} import org.apache.spark.sql.types._ import org.apache.spark.{SparkConf, SparkContext} import org.apache.spark.sql.{Row, DataFrame, SQLContext, SparkSession} import scala.reflect.runtime.universe._ import org.scalatest.{FunSuite, BeforeAndAfterAll} // This context is used for all tests in this project trait TestSparkContext extends BeforeAndAfterAll { self: FunSuite => @transient var sc: SparkContext = _ @transient var sqlContext: SQLContext = _ @transient lazy val spark: SparkSession = { val conf = new SparkConf() .setMaster("local[*]") .setAppName("Spark-Image-Test") .set("spark.ui.port", "4079") .set("spark.sql.shuffle.partitions", "4") // makes small tests much faster val sess = SparkSession.builder().config(conf).getOrCreate() sess.sparkContext.setLogLevel("WARN") sess } override def beforeAll() { super.beforeAll() sc = spark.sparkContext sqlContext = spark.sqlContext import spark.implicits._ } override def afterAll() { sqlContext = null if (sc != null) { sc.stop() } sc = null super.afterAll() } def makeDF[T: TypeTag](xs: Seq[T], col: String): DataFrame = { sqlContext.createDataFrame( } def compareRows(r1: Array[Row], r2: Seq[Row]): Unit = { val a = r1.sortBy(_.toString()) val b = r2.sortBy(_.toString()) assert(a === b) } }
Example 155
Source File: KuduSinkProvider.scala From kafka-examples with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.cloudera.streaming.refapp.kudu import org.apache.spark.sql.SQLContext import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.streaming.Sink import org.apache.spark.sql.sources.{DataSourceRegister, StreamSinkProvider} import org.apache.spark.sql.streaming.OutputMode class KuduSinkProvider extends StreamSinkProvider with DataSourceRegister { override def createSink(sqlContext: SQLContext, parameters: Map[String, String], partitionColumns: Seq[String], outputMode: OutputMode): Sink = { require(outputMode == OutputMode.Update, "only 'update' OutputMode is supported") KuduSink.withDefaultContext(sqlContext, parameters) } override def shortName(): String = "kudu" }
Example 156
Source File: KuduSink.scala From kafka-examples with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.cloudera.streaming.refapp.kudu import org.apache.kudu.spark.kudu.KuduContext import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.streaming.Sink import org.apache.spark.sql.{DataFrame, SQLContext} import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory import scala.util.control.NonFatal object KuduSink { def withDefaultContext(sqlContext: SQLContext, parameters: Map[String, String]) = new KuduSink(new KuduContext(parameters("kudu.master"), sqlContext.sparkContext), parameters) } class KuduSink(initKuduContext: => KuduContext, parameters: Map[String, String]) extends Sink { private val logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass) private var kuduContext = initKuduContext private val tablename = parameters("kudu.table") private val retries = parameters.getOrElse("retries", "1").toInt require(retries >= 0, "retries must be non-negative")"Created Kudu sink writing to table $tablename") override def addBatch(batchId: Long, data: DataFrame): Unit = { for (attempt <- 0 to retries) { try { kuduContext.upsertRows(data, tablename) return } catch { case NonFatal(e) => if (attempt < retries) { logger.warn("Kudu upsert error, retrying...", e) kuduContext = initKuduContext } else { logger.error("Kudu upsert error, exhausted", e) throw e } } } } }
Example 157
Source File: ExtractorsSpec.scala From streamliner-starter with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package test import com.memsql.spark.etl.api.UserExtractConfig import com.memsql.spark.etl.utils.ByteUtils import spray.json.JsString import com.memsql.streamliner.starter.BasicExtractor import org.apache.spark.streaming._ import org.apache.spark.sql.SQLContext class ExtractorsSpec extends UnitSpec with LocalSparkContext { val emptyConfig = UserExtractConfig(class_name = "Test", value = new JsString("empty")) val logger = new TestLogger("test") var ssc: StreamingContext = _ var sqlContext: SQLContext = _ override def beforeEach(): Unit = { super.beforeEach() ssc = new StreamingContext(sc, Seconds(1)) sqlContext = new SQLContext(sc) } "BasicExtractor" should "emit a constant DataFrame" in { val extract = new BasicExtractor val maybeDf =, 1, sqlContext, emptyConfig, 1, logger) assert(maybeDf.isDefined) val total ="number") => r(0).asInstanceOf[Int]).sum() assert(total == 15) } }
Example 158
Source File: QueryLshTest.scala From cosine-lsh-join-spark with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.soundcloud.lsh import org.apache.spark.mllib.linalg.Vectors import org.apache.spark.mllib.linalg.distributed._ import org.apache.spark.sql.{SQLContext, SparkSession} import org.scalatest.{FunSuite, Matchers} class QueryLshTest extends FunSuite with SparkLocalContext with Matchers { lazy val lsh = new QueryLsh( minCosineSimilarity = -1.0, dimensions = 100, numNeighbours = 10, maxMatches = 1000, rounds = 10)(new SQLContext(sc).sparkSession) test("join bitmap") { val bitseq = Seq( new BitSet(2), new BitSet(2) ) bitseq(0).set(0) bitseq(1).set(1) val rdd = sc.parallelize( val joined = rdd.join(rdd).values.collect joined shouldBe Seq((0,0), (1,1)) } test("join") { val rows = Seq( IndexedRow(0, Vectors.dense(1, 1, 0, 0)), IndexedRow(1, Vectors.dense(1, 2, 0, 0)), IndexedRow(2, Vectors.dense(0, 1, 4, 2)) ) val inputMatrix = new IndexedRowMatrix(sc.parallelize(rows)) val got = lsh.join(inputMatrix, inputMatrix) val expected = Seq( (0, 0), (1, 1), (2, 2) ) val gotIndex = { entry: MatrixEntry => (entry.i, entry.j) } gotIndex.sorted should be(expected.sorted) } test("distinct") { val matrix = Seq( new MatrixEntry(1, 2, 3.4), new MatrixEntry(1, 2, 3.5), new MatrixEntry(1, 3, 3.4) ) val got = distinct(sc.parallelize(matrix)).collect val expected = Seq( matrix(0), matrix(2) ) got should be(expected) } }
Example 159
Source File: DefaultSource.scala From spark-google-adwords with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import import org.apache.spark.sql.SQLContext import org.apache.spark.sql.sources._ class DefaultSource extends RelationProvider { // The default User Agent private final val DEFAULT_USER_AGENT = "Spark" // Default During Clause: 30 days private final val DEFAULT_DURING = "LAST_30_DAYS" override def createRelation(sqlContext: SQLContext, parameters: Map[String, String]): AdWordsRelation = { // gather parameters val clientId = checkParameter(parameters, "clientId") val clientSecret = checkParameter(parameters, "clientSecret") val developerToken = checkParameter(parameters, "developerToken") val refreshToken = checkParameter(parameters, "refreshToken") val reportType = checkParameter(parameters, "reportType") val clientCustomerId = checkParameter(parameters, "clientCustomerId") val userAgent = parameterOrDefault(parameters, "userAgent", DEFAULT_USER_AGENT) val duringStmt = parameterOrDefault(parameters, "during", DEFAULT_DURING) // Our OAuth2 Credential val credential = new OfflineCredentials.Builder() .forApi(OfflineCredentials.Api.ADWORDS) .withClientSecrets(clientId, clientSecret) .withRefreshToken(refreshToken) .build .generateCredential // create relation AdWordsRelation(credential, developerToken, clientCustomerId, userAgent, reportType, duringStmt)(sqlContext) } // Forces a Parameter to exist, otherwise an exception is thrown. private def checkParameter(map: Map[String, String], param: String) = { if (!map.contains(param)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Parameter ${'"'}$param${'"'} is missing in options.") } else { map.apply(param) } } // Gets the Parameter if it exists, otherwise returns the default argument private def parameterOrDefault(map: Map[String, String], param: String, default: String) = map.getOrElse(param, default) }
Example 160
Source File: RddToDataFrame.scala From spark-sframe with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.turi import org.graphlab.create.GraphLabUtil import org.apache.spark.sql.{SQLContext, Row, DataFrame} import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD import scala.collection.JavaConversions._ import org.apache.spark.sql.types._ import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer import scala.collection.immutable.Map import java.util.HashMap import java.util.ArrayList import java.util.{Date,GregorianCalendar} import java.sql.Date object EvaluateRDD { def inferSchema(obj: Any): DataType = { if(obj.isInstanceOf[Int]) { IntegerType } else if(obj.isInstanceOf[String]) { StringType } else if(obj.isInstanceOf[Double]) { DoubleType } else if(obj.isInstanceOf[Long]) { LongType } else if(obj.isInstanceOf[Float]) { FloatType } else if(obj.isInstanceOf[Map[_,_]]) { MapType(inferSchema(obj.asInstanceOf[Map[_,_]].head._1),inferSchema(obj.asInstanceOf[Map[_,_]].head._2)) } else if(obj.isInstanceOf[java.util.HashMap[_,_]]) { MapType(inferSchema(obj.asInstanceOf[java.util.HashMap[_,_]].head._1),inferSchema(obj.asInstanceOf[java.util.HashMap[_,_]].head._2)) } else if(obj.isInstanceOf[Array[_]]) { ArrayType(inferSchema(obj.asInstanceOf[Array[_]](0))) } else if(obj.isInstanceOf[java.util.ArrayList[_]]) { ArrayType(inferSchema(obj.asInstanceOf[java.util.ArrayList[_]](0))) } else if(obj.isInstanceOf[java.util.GregorianCalendar]) { TimestampType } else if(obj.isInstanceOf[java.util.Date] || obj.isInstanceOf[java.sql.Date]) { DateType } else { StringType } } def toScala(obj: Any): Any = { if (obj.isInstanceOf[java.util.HashMap[_,_]]) { val jmap = obj.asInstanceOf[java.util.HashMap[_,_]] { case (k,v) => toScala(k) -> toScala(v) }.toMap } else if(obj.isInstanceOf[java.util.ArrayList[_]]) { val buf = ArrayBuffer[Any]() val jArray = obj.asInstanceOf[java.util.ArrayList[_]] for(item <- jArray) { buf += toScala(item) } buf.toArray } else if(obj.isInstanceOf[java.util.GregorianCalendar]) { new java.sql.Timestamp(obj.asInstanceOf[java.util.GregorianCalendar].getTime().getTime()) } else { obj } } def toSparkDataFrame(sqlContext: SQLContext, rdd: RDD[java.util.HashMap[String,_]]): DataFrame = { val scalaRDD = => toScala(l)) val rowRDD = => Row.fromSeq(l.asInstanceOf[Map[_,_]].values.toList)) var sample_data: java.util.HashMap[String,_] = rdd.take(1)(0) var schema_list: ListBuffer[StructField] = new ListBuffer[StructField]() for ((name,v) <- sample_data) { schema_list.append(StructField(name,inferSchema(v))) } sqlContext.createDataFrame(rowRDD,StructType(schema_list)) } }
Example 161
Source File: SparkFunSuite.scala From spark-corenlp with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
package com.databricks.spark.corenlp import org.apache.spark.sql.SQLContext import org.apache.spark.{SparkConf, SparkContext} import org.scalatest.{BeforeAndAfterAll, FunSuite} trait SparkFunSuite extends FunSuite with BeforeAndAfterAll { @transient var sc: SparkContext = _ @transient var sqlContext: SQLContext = _ override def beforeAll(): Unit = { sc = SparkContext.getOrCreate( new SparkConf() .setMaster("local[2]") .setAppName(this.getClass.getSimpleName) ) sqlContext = SQLContext.getOrCreate(sc) } override def afterAll(): Unit = { sc.stop() sc = null sqlContext = null } }
Example 162
Source File: DefaultSource.scala From spark-athena with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package io.github.tmheo.spark.athena import org.apache.spark.sql.SQLContext import org.apache.spark.sql.sources._ class DefaultSource extends RelationProvider { override def createRelation( sqlContext: SQLContext, parameters: Map[String, String]): BaseRelation = { val jdbcOptions = new JDBCOptions(parameters) val partitionColumn = jdbcOptions.partitionColumn val lowerBound = jdbcOptions.lowerBound val upperBound = jdbcOptions.upperBound val numPartitions = jdbcOptions.numPartitions val partitionInfo = if (partitionColumn.isEmpty) { assert(lowerBound.isEmpty && upperBound.isEmpty) null } else { assert(lowerBound.nonEmpty && upperBound.nonEmpty && numPartitions.nonEmpty) JDBCPartitioningInfo( partitionColumn.get, lowerBound.get, upperBound.get, numPartitions.get) } val parts = JDBCRelation.columnPartition(partitionInfo) JDBCRelation(parts, jdbcOptions)(sqlContext.sparkSession) } }
Example 163
Source File: MlLibOnKudu.scala From Taxi360 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import{NyTaxiYellowTrip, NyTaxiYellowTripBuilder} import org.apache.spark.mllib.clustering.KMeans import org.apache.spark.mllib.linalg.{Matrix, Vector, Vectors} import org.apache.spark.mllib.stat.Statistics import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD import org.apache.spark.sql.SQLContext import org.apache.spark.{SparkConf, SparkContext} object MlLibOnKudu { def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { if (args.length == 0) { println("Args: <runLocal> " + "<kuduMaster> " + "<taxiTable> " + "<numOfCenters> " + "<numOfIterations> ") return } val runLocal = args(0).equalsIgnoreCase("l") val kuduMaster = args(1) val taxiTable = args(2) val numOfCenters = args(3).toInt val numOfIterations = args(4).toInt val sc: SparkContext = if (runLocal) { val sparkConfig = new SparkConf() sparkConfig.set("spark.broadcast.compress", "false") sparkConfig.set("spark.shuffle.compress", "false") sparkConfig.set("spark.shuffle.spill.compress", "false") new SparkContext("local", "TableStatsSinglePathMain", sparkConfig) } else { val sparkConfig = new SparkConf().setAppName("TableStatsSinglePathMain") new SparkContext(sparkConfig) } val sqlContext = new SQLContext(sc) val kuduOptions = Map( "kudu.table" -> taxiTable, "kudu.master" -> kuduMaster)"org.apache.kudu.spark.kudu").load. registerTempTable("ny_taxi_trip_tmp") //Vector val vectorRDD:RDD[Vector] = sqlContext.sql("select * from ny_taxi_trip_tmp").map(r => { val taxiTrip = generateVectorOnly(taxiTrip) }) println("--Running KMeans") val clusters = KMeans.train(vectorRDD, numOfCenters, numOfIterations) println(" > vector centers:") clusters.clusterCenters.foreach(v => println(" >> " + v)) println("--Running corr") val correlMatrix: Matrix = Statistics.corr(vectorRDD, "pearson") println(" > corr: " + correlMatrix.toString) println("--Running colStats") val colStats = Statistics.colStats(vectorRDD) println(" > max: " + colStats.max) println(" > count: " + colStats.count) println(" > mean: " + colStats.mean) println(" > min: " + colStats.min) println(" > normL1: " + colStats.normL1) println(" > normL2: " + colStats.normL2) println(" > numNonZeros: " + colStats.numNonzeros) println(" > variance: " + colStats.variance) //Labeled Points }
Example 164
Source File: SparkSqlRunner.scala From amaterasu with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.amaterasu.executor.execution.actions.runners.spark.SparkSql import import org.apache.amaterasu.common.execution.actions.Notifier import org.apache.amaterasu.common.logging.Logging import org.apache.amaterasu.common.runtime.Environment import import org.apache.spark.SparkContext import org.apache.spark.sql.{DataFrame, SQLContext, SaveMode, SparkSession} def findFileType(folderName: File): Array[String] = { // get all the files from a directory val files: Array[File] = folderName.listFiles() val extensions: Array[String] = => FilenameUtils.getExtension(file.toString)) extensions } } object SparkSqlRunner { def apply(env: Environment, jobId: String, actionName: String, notifier: Notifier, sc: SparkContext): SparkSqlRunner = { val sparkSqlRunnerObj = new SparkSqlRunner sparkSqlRunnerObj.env = env sparkSqlRunnerObj.jobId = jobId sparkSqlRunnerObj.actionName = actionName sparkSqlRunnerObj.notifier = notifier = sc sparkSqlRunnerObj.spark = SparkSession.builder().config(sc.getConf).enableHiveSupport().getOrCreate() sparkSqlRunnerObj } }
Example 165
Source File: ModelSparkContext.scala From flamy with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.flaminem.flamy.conf.spark import import com.flaminem.flamy.conf.{Flamy, FlamyContext, FlamyGlobalContext} import com.flaminem.flamy.model.files.PresetsFile import com.flaminem.flamy.parsing.hive.QueryUtils import org.apache.spark.SparkConf import org.apache.spark.sql.{SQLContext, SparkSession} object ModelSparkContext { val LOCAL_METASTORE: String = "local_spark_metastore" val LOCAL_WAREHOUSE: String = "local_spark_warehouse" val LOCAL_DERBY_LOG: String = "derby.log" private var sparkConf: SparkConf = _ def localMetastore(context: FlamyContext): String = { FlamyGlobalContext.getUniqueRunDir + "/" + LOCAL_METASTORE } def localWarehouse(context: FlamyContext): String = { FlamyGlobalContext.getUniqueRunDir + "/" + LOCAL_WAREHOUSE } private def init(context: FlamyContext) = { sparkConf = new SparkConf() .setAppName( .setMaster("local") .set("spark.sql.crossJoin.enabled", "true") .set("", FlamyGlobalContext.getUniqueRunDir + "/" + LOCAL_DERBY_LOG) .set("javax.jdo.option.ConnectionURL", "jdbc:derby:;databaseName=" + localMetastore(context) + ";create=true") .set("hive.metastore.warehouse.dir", localWarehouse(context)) } private lazy val _spark = { SparkSession.builder() .enableHiveSupport() .config(sparkConf) .getOrCreate() } def spark(context: FlamyContext): SparkSession = { init(context) _spark } def getSparkSQLContext(context: FlamyContext): SQLContext = { val sqlContext: SQLContext = ModelSparkContext.spark(context).sqlContext.newSession() runPresets(sqlContext, context) sqlContext } private def addUDFJars(sqlContext: SQLContext, context: FlamyContext): Unit = { context.getUdfJarPaths.foreach{ path => sqlContext.sql(s"ADD JAR $path") } } private def runPresets(sqlContext: SQLContext, context: FlamyContext): Unit = { addUDFJars(sqlContext, context) context.HIVE_PRESETS_PATH.getProperty match { case Some(path) => val file = new PresetsFile(new File(path)) QueryUtils.cleanAndSplitQuery(file.text).foreach{ query => val replacedQuery = context.getVariables.replaceInText(query) sqlContext.sql(replacedQuery) } case _ => System.out.println("No presets to run") } } }
Example 166
Source File: Check.scala From flamy with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.flaminem.flamy.commands import com.flaminem.flamy.commands.utils.FlamySubcommand import com.flaminem.flamy.conf.spark.ModelSparkContext import com.flaminem.flamy.conf.{Environment, FlamyContext, FlamyGlobalOptions} import com.flaminem.flamy.exec.FlamyRunner import com.flaminem.flamy.exec.files.{FileRunner, ItemFileAction} import com.flaminem.flamy.exec.hive.{HivePartitionFetcher, ModelHivePartitionFetcher} import com.flaminem.flamy.exec.utils._ import import com.flaminem.flamy.graph.TableGraph import com.flaminem.flamy.model._ import com.flaminem.flamy.model.core.Model import com.flaminem.flamy.model.files.FilePath import com.flaminem.flamy.model.names.ItemName import org.apache.spark.sql.SQLContext import org.rogach.scallop.{ScallopConf, ScallopOption, Subcommand} import scala.language.reflectiveCalls val runGraph: TableGraph = baseGraph.subGraph(items()) val dryRunner: FlamyRunner = FlamyRunner(context) println("Creating schemas and tables ...") try { dryRunner.checkAll(baseGraph) } finally{ //TODO: For some strange reason, closing the connection here will result in ClassNotFoundErrors for udfs in the RunActions... // dryRunner.close() }"Running Populates ...") dryRunner.populateAll(runGraph.model, context) dryRunner.close() ReturnStatus(success = dryRunner.getStats.getFailCount==0) } } override def doCommand(globalOptions: FlamyGlobalOptions, subCommands: List[ScallopConf]): ReturnStatus = { subCommands match { case (command: FlamySubcommand)::Nil => command.doCommand(globalOptions, Nil) case Nil => throw new IllegalArgumentException("A subcommand is expected") case _ => printHelp() ReturnFailure } } }
Example 167
Source File: KuduSinkProvider.scala From kafka-examples with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.cloudera.streaming.refapp.kudu import org.apache.spark.sql.SQLContext import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.streaming.Sink import org.apache.spark.sql.sources.{DataSourceRegister, StreamSinkProvider} import org.apache.spark.sql.streaming.OutputMode class KuduSinkProvider extends StreamSinkProvider with DataSourceRegister { override def createSink(sqlContext: SQLContext, parameters: Map[String, String], partitionColumns: Seq[String], outputMode: OutputMode): Sink = { require(outputMode == OutputMode.Update, "only 'update' OutputMode is supported") KuduSink.withDefaultContext(sqlContext, parameters) } override def shortName(): String = "kudu" }
Example 168
Source File: TransformersSpec.scala From streamliner-starter with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package test import com.memsql.spark.etl.api.UserTransformConfig import com.memsql.spark.etl.utils.ByteUtils import com.memsql.streamliner.starter.BasicTransformer import org.apache.spark.sql.{Row, SQLContext} import org.apache.spark.sql.types._ import spray.json.JsString class TransformersSpec extends UnitSpec with LocalSparkContext { val emptyConfig = UserTransformConfig(class_name = "Test", value = new JsString("empty")) val logger = new TestLogger("test") var sqlContext: SQLContext = _ override def beforeEach(): Unit = { super.beforeEach() sqlContext = new SQLContext(sc) } "BasicTransformer" should "only emit even numbers" in { val transform = new BasicTransformer val schema = StructType(StructField("number", IntegerType, false) :: Nil) val sampleData = List(1,2,3) val rowRDD = sqlContext.sparkContext.parallelize(sampleData).map(Row(_)) val dfIn = sqlContext.createDataFrame(rowRDD, schema) val df = transform.transform(sqlContext, dfIn, emptyConfig, logger) assert(df.schema == schema) assert(df.first == Row(2)) assert(df.count == 1) } "BasicTransformer" should "only accept IntegerType fields" in { val transform = new BasicTransformer val schema = StructType(StructField("column", StringType, false) :: Nil) val sampleData = List(1,2,3) val rowRDD = sqlContext.sparkContext.parallelize(sampleData).map(Row(_)) val dfIn = sqlContext.createDataFrame(rowRDD, schema) val e = intercept[IllegalArgumentException] { transform.transform(sqlContext, dfIn, emptyConfig, logger) } assert(e.getMessage() == "The first column of the input DataFrame should be IntegerType") } }
Example 169
Source File: Transformers.scala From streamliner-starter with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.memsql.streamliner.starter import org.apache.spark.sql.{Row, DataFrame, SQLContext} import org.apache.spark.sql.types._ import com.memsql.spark.etl.api.{Transformer, PhaseConfig} import com.memsql.spark.etl.utils.PhaseLogger // A helper object to extract the first column of a schema object ExtractFirstStructField { def unapply(schema: StructType): Option[(String, DataType, Boolean, Metadata)] = schema.fields match { case Array(first: StructField, _*) => Some((, first.dataType, first.nullable, first.metadata)) } } // This transformer expects an input DataFrame and returns it class BasicTransformer extends Transformer { def transform(sqlContext: SQLContext, df: DataFrame, config: PhaseConfig, logger: PhaseLogger): DataFrame = {"transforming the DataFrame") // check that the first column is of type IntegerType and return its name val column = df.schema match { case ExtractFirstStructField(name: String, dataType: IntegerType, _, _) => name case _ => throw new IllegalArgumentException("The first column of the input DataFrame should be IntegerType") } // filter the dataframe, returning only even numbers df.filter(s"$column % 2 = 0") } }
Example 170
Source File: Extractors.scala From streamliner-starter with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.memsql.streamliner.starter import org.apache.spark.sql.{DataFrame, Row, SQLContext} import org.apache.spark.sql.types._ import org.apache.spark.streaming.StreamingContext import com.memsql.spark.etl.api.{Extractor, PhaseConfig} import com.memsql.spark.etl.utils.PhaseLogger // This extract just returns a static range of 5 integers each batch interval class BasicExtractor extends Extractor { override def next(ssc: StreamingContext, time: Long, sqlContext: SQLContext, config: PhaseConfig, batchInterval: Long, logger: PhaseLogger): Option[DataFrame] = {"extracting a constant sequence DataFrame") val schema = StructType(StructField("number", IntegerType, false) :: Nil) val sampleData = List(1,2,3,4,5) val rowRDD = sqlContext.sparkContext.parallelize(sampleData).map(Row(_)) val df = sqlContext.createDataFrame(rowRDD, schema) Some(df) } }
Example 171
Source File: ExtensionBuilderSuite.scala From spark-sql-server with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.server import import org.scalatest.BeforeAndAfterAll import org.apache.spark.{SparkConf, SparkFunSuite} import org.apache.spark.sql.{SparkSession, SQLContext} import org.apache.spark.util.Utils class ExtensionBuilderSuite extends SparkFunSuite with BeforeAndAfterAll { var _sqlContext: SQLContext = _ // TODO: This method works only in Java8 private def addJarInClassPath(jarURLString: String): Unit = { // val cl = ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader val cl = Utils.getSparkClassLoader val clazz = cl.getClass val method = clazz.getSuperclass.getDeclaredMethod("addURL", Seq(classOf[URL]): _*) method.setAccessible(true) method.invoke(cl, Seq[Object](new URL(jarURLString)): _*) } protected override def beforeAll(): Unit = { super.beforeAll() // Adds a jar for an extension builder val jarPath = "src/test/resources/extensions_2.12_3.0.0-preview2_0.1.7-spark3.0-SNAPSHOT.jar" val jarURL = s"file://${System.getProperty("user.dir")}/$jarPath" // sqlContext.sparkContext.addJar(jarURL) addJarInClassPath(jarURL) val conf = new SparkConf(loadDefaults = true) .setMaster("local[1]") .setAppName("spark-sql-server-test") .set("spark.sql.server.extensions.builder", "org.apache.spark.ExtensionBuilderExample") _sqlContext = SQLServerEnv.newSQLContext(conf) } protected override def afterAll(): Unit = { try { super.afterAll() } finally { try { if (_sqlContext != null) { _sqlContext.sparkContext.stop() _sqlContext = null } } finally { SparkSession.clearActiveSession() SparkSession.clearDefaultSession() } } } test("user-defined optimizer rules") { val rules = Seq("org.apache.spark.catalyst.EmptyRule1", "org.apache.spark.catalyst.EmptyRule2") val optimizerRuleNames = _sqlContext.sessionState.optimizer rules.foreach { expectedRuleName => assert(optimizerRuleNames.contains(expectedRuleName)) } } }
Example 172
Source File: SQLServerEnv.scala From spark-sql-server with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.server import scala.util.control.NonFatal import org.apache.spark.{SparkConf, SparkContext} import org.apache.spark.annotation.DeveloperApi import org.apache.spark.internal.Logging import org.apache.spark.sql.{SparkSession, SparkSessionExtensions, SQLContext} import org.apache.spark.sql.internal.SQLConf import org.apache.spark.sql.server.ui.SQLServerTab import org.apache.spark.util.Utils object SQLServerEnv extends Logging { // For test use private var _sqlContext: Option[SQLContext] = None @DeveloperApi def withSQLContext(sqlContext: SQLContext): Unit = { require(sqlContext != null) _sqlContext = Option(sqlContext) sqlServListener uiTab } private def mergeSparkConf(sqlConf: SQLConf, sparkConf: SparkConf): Unit = { sparkConf.getAll.foreach { case (k, v) => sqlConf.setConfString(k, v) } } lazy val sparkConf: SparkConf = { val sparkConf = new SparkConf(loadDefaults = true) // If user doesn't specify the appName, we want to get [SparkSQL::localHostName] // instead of the default appName [SQLServer]. val maybeAppName = sparkConf .getOption("") .filterNot(_ == classOf[SQLServer].getName) sparkConf .setAppName(maybeAppName.getOrElse(s"SparkSQL::${Utils.localHostName()}")) .set("spark.sql.crossJoin.enabled", "true") } lazy val sqlConf: SQLConf = { val newSqlConf = new SQLConf() mergeSparkConf(newSqlConf, sparkConf) newSqlConf } lazy val sqlContext: SQLContext = _sqlContext.getOrElse(newSQLContext(sparkConf)) lazy val sparkContext: SparkContext = sqlContext.sparkContext lazy val sqlServListener: Option[SQLServerListener] = Some(newSQLServerListener(sqlContext)) lazy val uiTab: Option[SQLServerTab] = newUiTab(sqlContext, sqlServListener.get) private[sql] def newSQLContext(conf: SparkConf): SQLContext = { def buildSQLContext(f: SparkSessionExtensions => Unit = _ => {}): SQLContext = { SparkSession.builder.config(conf).withExtensions(f).enableHiveSupport() .getOrCreate().sqlContext } val builderClassName = conf.get("spark.sql.server.extensions.builder", "") if (builderClassName.nonEmpty) { // Tries to install user-defined extensions try { val objName = builderClassName + (if (!builderClassName.endsWith("$")) "$" else "") val clazz = Utils.classForName(objName) val builder = clazz.getDeclaredField("MODULE$").get(null) .asInstanceOf[SparkSessionExtensions => Unit] val sqlContext = buildSQLContext(builder) logInfo(s"Successfully installed extensions from $builderClassName") sqlContext } catch { case NonFatal(e) => logWarning(s"Failed to install extensions from $builderClassName: " + e.getMessage) buildSQLContext() } } else { buildSQLContext() } } def newSQLServerListener(sqlContext: SQLContext): SQLServerListener = { val listener = new SQLServerListener(sqlContext.conf) sqlContext.sparkContext.addSparkListener(listener) listener } def newUiTab(sqlContext: SQLContext, listener: SQLServerListener): Option[SQLServerTab] = { sqlContext.sparkContext.conf.getBoolean("spark.ui.enabled", true) match { case true => Some(SQLServerTab(SQLServerEnv.sqlContext.sparkContext, listener)) case _ => None } } }
Example 173
Source File: StreamingJob.scala From confluent-platform-spark-streaming with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package example import com.typesafe.config.ConfigFactory import io.confluent.kafka.serializers.KafkaAvroDecoder import kafka.serializer.StringDecoder import org.apache.log4j.{Level, Logger} import org.apache.spark.sql.SQLContext import org.apache.spark.streaming.dstream.DStream import org.apache.spark.streaming.kafka.KafkaUtils import org.apache.spark.streaming.{Seconds, StreamingContext} import org.apache.spark.{SparkContext, SparkConf} object StreamingJob extends App { // Get job configuration val config = ConfigFactory.load() Logger.getLogger("example").setLevel(Level.toLevel(config.getString("loglevel"))) private val logger = Logger.getLogger(getClass) // Spark config and contexts val sparkMaster = config.getString("spark.master") val sparkConf = new SparkConf() .setMaster(sparkMaster) .setAppName("StreamingExample") .set("spark.serializer", "org.apache.spark.serializer.KryoSerializer") val sc = new SparkContext(sparkConf) val batchInterval = config.getInt("spark.batch.interval") val ssc = new StreamingContext(sc, Seconds(batchInterval)) // Create Kafka stream val groupId = config.getString("") val topic = config.getString("topic") val kafkaParams = Map( "bootstrap.servers" -> config.getString("kafka.bootstrap.servers"), "schema.registry.url" -> config.getString("kafka.schema.registry.url"), "" -> groupId ) @transient val kafkaStream: DStream[(String, Object)] = KafkaUtils.createDirectStream[String, Object, StringDecoder, KafkaAvroDecoder]( ssc, kafkaParams, Set(topic) ) // Load JSON strings into DataFrame kafkaStream.foreachRDD { rdd => // Get the singleton instance of SQLContext val sqlContext = SQLContext.getOrCreate(rdd.sparkContext) import sqlContext.implicits._ val topicValueStrings = val df = df.printSchema() println("DataFrame count: " + df.count()) df.take(1).foreach(println) } ssc.start() ssc.awaitTermination() }
Example 174
Source File: DefaultSource.scala From spark-vector with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.actian.spark_vector.sql import org.apache.spark.sql.{ DataFrame, SQLContext, SaveMode } import org.apache.spark.sql.sources.{ BaseRelation, CreatableRelationProvider, DataSourceRegister, RelationProvider, SchemaRelationProvider } import org.apache.spark.sql.types.StructType import com.actian.spark_vector.util.Logging import com.actian.spark_vector.vector.VectorJDBC class DefaultSource extends DataSourceRegister with RelationProvider with SchemaRelationProvider with CreatableRelationProvider with Logging { override def shortName(): String = "vector" override def createRelation(sqlContext: SQLContext, parameters: Map[String, String]): BaseRelation = VectorRelation(TableRef(parameters), sqlContext, parameters) override def createRelation(sqlContext: SQLContext, parameters: Map[String, String], schema: StructType): BaseRelation = VectorRelation(TableRef(parameters), Some(schema), sqlContext, parameters) override def createRelation(sqlContext: SQLContext, mode: SaveMode, parameters: Map[String, String], data: DataFrame): BaseRelation = { val tableRef = TableRef(parameters) val table = VectorRelation(tableRef, sqlContext, parameters) mode match { case SaveMode.Overwrite => table.insert(data, true) case SaveMode.ErrorIfExists => val isEmpty = VectorJDBC.withJDBC(tableRef.toConnectionProps) { _.isTableEmpty(tableRef.table) } if (isEmpty) { table.insert(data, false) } else { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Writing to a non-empty Vector table is not allowed with mode ErrorIfExists.") } case SaveMode.Append => table.insert(data, false) case SaveMode.Ignore => val isEmpty = VectorJDBC.withJDBC(tableRef.toConnectionProps) { _.isTableEmpty(tableRef.table) } if (isEmpty) { table.insert(data, false) } } table } }
Example 175
Source File: CSVRead.scala From spark-vector with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.actian.spark_vector.loader.command import org.apache.spark.sql.SQLContext import com.actian.spark_vector.loader.options.UserOptions import com.actian.spark_vector.sql.sparkQuote import com.actian.spark_vector.util.Logging object CSVRead extends Logging { private def parseOptions(options: UserOptions): String = { Seq( Some(s"""sep "${options.csv.separatorChar.getOrElse(",")}""""), options.csv.headerRow.filter(identity).map(_ => """header "true""""), options.csv.inferSchema.filter(identity).map(_ => s"""inferSchema "true""""), => s"""encoding "${v}""""), => if (c != '\'') s"quote '$c'" else s"""quote "$c""""), => if (c != '\'') s"""escape '$c'""" else s"""escape "$c""""), => if (c != '\'') s"comment '$c'" else s"""comment "$c""""), options.csv.ignoreLeading.filter(identity).map(_ => """ignoreLeadingWhiteSpace "true""""), options.csv.ignoreTrailing.filter(identity).map(_ => """ignoreTrailingWhiteSpace "true""""), => s"""nullValue "${v}""""), => s"""nanValue "${v}""""), => s"""positiveInf "${v}""""), => s"""negativeInf "${v}""""), => s"""dateFormat "${v}""""), => s"""timestampFormat "${v}""""), { case "PERMISSIVE" => """mode "PERMISSIVE" """ case "DROPMALFORMED" => """mode "DROPMALFORMED"""" case "FAILFAST" => """mode "FAILFAST"""" } ).flatten.mkString(",", ",", "") } def registerTempTable(options: UserOptions, sqlContext: SQLContext): String = { val table = s"csv_${options.vector.targetTable}_${System.currentTimeMillis}" val quotedTable = sparkQuote(table) val baseQuery = s"""CREATE TEMPORARY VIEW $quotedTable${"(", ",", ")")).getOrElse("")} USING csv OPTIONS (path "${options.general.sourceFile}"${parseOptions(options)})""" logDebug(s"CSV query to be executed for registering temporary table:\n$baseQuery") val df = sqlContext.sql(baseQuery) val cols = options.general.colsToLoad.getOrElse(sqlContext.sql(s"select * from $quotedTable where 1=0").columns.toSeq) s"select ${ => s"""`${c.trim}`""").mkString(",")} from $quotedTable" } }
Example 176
Source File: JSONRead.scala From spark-vector with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.actian.spark_vector.loader.command import org.apache.spark.sql.SQLContext import com.actian.spark_vector.loader.options.UserOptions import com.actian.spark_vector.sql.sparkQuote import com.actian.spark_vector.util.Logging import com.actian.spark_vector.sql.colsSelectStatement object JSONRead extends Logging { private def parseOptions(options: UserOptions): String = { Seq( options.json.primitivesAsString.filter(identity).map(_ => """primitivesAsString "true""""), options.json.allowComments.filter(identity).map(_ => """allowComments "true""""), options.json.allowUnquoted.filter(identity).map(_ => """allowUnquotedFieldNames "true""""), options.json.allowSingleQuotes.filter(identity).map(_ => """allowSingleQuotes "true""""), options.json.allowLeadingZeros.filter(identity).map(_ => """allowNumericLeadingZeros "true""""), options.json.allowEscapingAny.filter(identity).map(_ => """allowBackslashEscapingAnyCharacter "true""""), options.json.allowUnquotedControlChars.filter(identity).map(_ => """allowUnquotedControlChars "true""""), options.json.multiline.filter(identity).map(_ => """multiline "true""""), { case "PERMISSIVE" => """mode "PERMISSIVE" """ case "DROPMALFORMED" => """mode "DROPMALFORMED"""" case "FAILFAST" => """mode "FAILFAST"""" } ).flatten.mkString(",", ",", "") } def registerTempTable(options: UserOptions, sqlContext: SQLContext): String = { val table = s"json_${options.vector.targetTable}_${System.currentTimeMillis}" val quotedTable = sparkQuote(table) val baseQuery = s"""CREATE TEMPORARY VIEW $quotedTable${"(", ",", ")")).getOrElse("")} USING json OPTIONS (path "${options.general.sourceFile}"${parseOptions(options)})""" logDebug(s"JSON query to be executed for registering temporary table:\n$baseQuery") val df = sqlContext.sql(baseQuery) val cols = options.general.colsToLoad.getOrElse(sqlContext.sql(s"select * from $quotedTable where 1=0").columns.toSeq) s"select ${ => s"""`${c.trim}`""").mkString(",")} from $quotedTable" } }
Example 177
Source File: StringIndexerDemo.scala From Scala-and-Spark-for-Big-Data-Analytics with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.chapter11.SparkMachineLearning import org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession import{ OneHotEncoder, StringIndexer } import org.apache.spark.sql.types._ import org.apache.spark.sql._ import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.year import{ Pipeline, PipelineStage } import{ LogisticRegression, LogisticRegressionModel } import import org.apache.spark.sql.{ DataFrame, SparkSession } import scala.collection.mutable import import org.apache.spark.sql._ import org.apache.spark.sql.SQLContext object StringIndexerDemo { def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { val spark = SparkSession .builder .master("local[*]") .config("spark.sql.warehouse.dir", "E:/Exp/") .appName(s"OneVsRestExample") .getOrCreate() val df = spark.createDataFrame( Seq((0, "Jason", "Germany"), (1, "David", "France"), (2, "Martin", "Spain"), (3, "Jason", "USA"), (4, "Daiel", "UK"), (5, "Moahmed", "Bangladesh"), (6, "David", "Ireland"), (7, "Jason", "Netherlands"))).toDF("id", "name", "address") val indexer = new StringIndexer() .setInputCol("name") .setOutputCol("label") .fit(df) val indexed = indexer.transform(df) spark.stop() } }
Example 178
Source File: PlyOutputWriter.scala From spark-iqmulus with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package fr.ign.spark.iqmulus.ply import org.apache.spark.sql.types._ import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.{ TaskAttemptID, RecordWriter, TaskAttemptContext, JobContext } import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.lib.output.FileOutputCommitter import import org.apache.spark.sql.sources.OutputWriter import{ NullWritable, BytesWritable } import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.lib.output.FileOutputFormat import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path import java.text.NumberFormat import org.apache.spark.sql.{ Row, SQLContext, sources } import fr.ign.spark.iqmulus.RowOutputStream class PlyOutputWriter( name: String, context: TaskAttemptContext, dataSchema: StructType, element: String, littleEndian: Boolean ) extends OutputWriter { private val file = { val path = getDefaultWorkFile(s".ply.$element") val fs = path.getFileSystem(context.getConfiguration) fs.create(path) } private var count = 0L // strip out ids private val schema = StructType(dataSchema.filterNot { Seq("fid", "pid") contains }) private val recordWriter = new RowOutputStream(new DataOutputStream(file), littleEndian, schema, dataSchema) def getDefaultWorkFile(extension: String): Path = { val uniqueWriteJobId = context.getConfiguration.get("spark.sql.sources.writeJobUUID") val taskAttemptId: TaskAttemptID = context.getTaskAttemptID val split = taskAttemptId.getTaskID.getId new Path(name, f"$split%05d-$uniqueWriteJobId$extension") } override def write(row: Row): Unit = { recordWriter.write(row) count += 1 } override def close(): Unit = { recordWriter.close // write header val path = getDefaultWorkFile(".ply.header") val fs = path.getFileSystem(context.getConfiguration) val dos = new val header = new PlyHeader(path.toString, littleEndian, Map(element -> ((count, schema)))) header.write(dos) dos.close } }
Example 179
Source File: PerTestSparkSession.scala From Spark-RSVD with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.criteo.rsvd import import java.nio.file.{Files, Path} import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock import import org.apache.spark.SparkContext import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD import org.apache.spark.sql.{SQLContext, SparkSession} import org.scalatest.{BeforeAndAfterEach, Suite} import scala.reflect.ClassTag import scala.util.control.NonFatal object LocalSparkSession { private[this] val lock = new ReentrantLock() def acquire(): Unit = lock.lock() def release(): Unit = lock.unlock() def builder: SparkSession.Builder = { SparkSession .builder() .master("local[*]") .appName("test") .config("spark.ui.enabled", false) } } def sparkConf: Map[String, Any] = Map() def toRDD[T: ClassTag](input: Seq[T]): RDD[T] = sc.parallelize(input) def toArray[T](input: RDD[T]): Array[T] = input.collect() protected def closeSession() = { currentSession.foreach(_.stop()) currentSession = None try { checkpointDir.foreach(path => FileUtils.deleteDirectory(new File(path.toString))) } catch { case NonFatal(_) => } checkpointDir = None LocalSparkSession.release() } private def getOrCreateSession = synchronized { if (currentSession.isEmpty) { val builder = LocalSparkSession.builder for ((key, value) <- sparkConf) { builder.config(key, value.toString) } currentSession = Some(builder.getOrCreate()) checkpointDir = Some(Files.createTempDirectory("spark-unit-test-checkpoint-")) currentSession.get.sparkContext .setCheckpointDir(checkpointDir.get.toString) currentSession.get.sparkContext.setLogLevel("WARN") } currentSession.get } override def beforeEach(): Unit = { LocalSparkSession.acquire() super.beforeEach() } override def afterEach(): Unit = { try { super.afterEach() } finally { closeSession() } } }
Example 180
Source File: Source.scala From modelmatrix with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.collective.modelmatrix.cli import org.apache.spark.sql.{DataFrame, SQLContext} import scala.util.{Failure, Success, Try} sealed trait Source { def asDataFrame(implicit sqlContext: SQLContext): DataFrame } object Source { private val hive = "hive://(.*)".r private val parquet = "parquet://(.*)".r def validate(source: String): Either[String, Unit] = { Try(apply(source)) match { case Success(s) => Right(()) case Failure(err) => Left(s"Unsupported source type: $source") } } def apply(source: String): Source = source match { case hive(table) => HiveSource(table) case parquet(path) => ParquetSource(path) } } object NoSource extends Source { def asDataFrame(implicit sqlContext: SQLContext): DataFrame = { sys.error(s"Source is not defined") } override def toString: String = "Source is not defined" } case class HiveSource( tableName: String ) extends Source { def asDataFrame(implicit sqlContext: SQLContext): DataFrame = { sqlContext.sql(s"SELECT * FROM $tableName") } override def toString: String = { s"Hive table: $tableName" } } case class ParquetSource( path: String ) extends Source { def asDataFrame(implicit sqlContext: SQLContext): DataFrame = { sqlContext.parquetFile(path) } override def toString: String = { s"Parquet: $path" } }
Example 181
Source File: Sink.scala From modelmatrix with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.collective.modelmatrix.cli import org.apache.spark.sql.{SaveMode, DataFrame, SQLContext} import scala.util.{Failure, Success, Try} sealed trait Sink { def saveDataFrame(df: DataFrame)(implicit sqlContext: SQLContext): Unit } object Sink { private val hive = "hive://(.*)".r private val parquet = "parquet://(.*)".r def validate(sink: String): Either[String, Unit] = { Try(apply(sink)) match { case Success(s) => Right(()) case Failure(err) => Left(s"Unsupported sink type: $sink") } } def apply(sink: String): Sink = sink match { case hive(table) => HiveSink(table) case parquet(path) => ParquetSink(path) } } object NoSink extends Sink { def saveDataFrame(df: DataFrame)(implicit sqlContext: SQLContext): Unit = { sys.error(s"Sink is not defined") } override def toString: String = "Sink is not defined" } case class HiveSink( tableName: String ) extends Sink { def saveDataFrame(df: DataFrame)(implicit sqlContext: SQLContext): Unit = { df.saveAsTable(tableName, SaveMode.Overwrite) } override def toString: String = s"Hive table: $tableName" } case class ParquetSink( path: String ) extends Sink { def saveDataFrame(df: DataFrame)(implicit sqlContext: SQLContext): Unit = { df.saveAsParquetFile(path) } override def toString: String = s"Parquet: $path" }
Example 182
Source File: Transformers.scala From modelmatrix with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.collective.modelmatrix.transform import com.collective.modelmatrix.ModelFeature import org.apache.spark.sql.{SQLContext, DataFrame} import scalaz._ trait Transformers { protected class Transformers(input: DataFrame @@ Transformer.Features)(implicit sqlContext: SQLContext) { val identity = new IdentityTransformer(input) val top = new TopTransformer(input) val index = new IndexTransformer(input) val bins = new BinsTransformer(input) private val unknownFeature: PartialFunction[ModelFeature, FeatureTransformationError \/ TypedModelFeature] = { case feature => sys.error(s"Feature can't be validated by any of transformers: $feature") } def validate(feature: ModelFeature): FeatureTransformationError \/ TypedModelFeature = (identity.validate orElse top.validate orElse index.validate orElse bins.validate orElse unknownFeature )(feature) } }
Example 183
Source File: Main.scala From spark-gdb with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import com.esri.core.geometry.Polyline import com.esri.udt.{PointType, PolylineType} import org.apache.spark.sql.{SQLContext, SaveMode} import org.apache.spark.{Logging, SparkConf, SparkContext} val sqlContext = new SQLContext(sc) val df ="com.esri.gdb") .option("path", path) .option("name", name) .option("numPartitions", "1") .load() df.printSchema() df.registerTempTable(name) sqlContext.udf.register("getX", (point: PointType) => point.x) sqlContext.udf.register("getY", (point: PointType) => point.y) sqlContext.udf.register("line", (point: PointType) => PolylineType({ val polyline = new Polyline() polyline.startPath(point.x - 2, point.y - 2) polyline.lineTo(point.x + 2, point.y + 2) polyline } )) sqlContext.sql(s"select line(Shape),getX(Shape)-2 as x from $name") .write .mode(SaveMode.Overwrite) .format("json") .save(s"/tmp/$name.json") } finally { sc.stop() } }
Example 184
Source File: package.scala From spark-gdb with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.esri import java.nio.ByteBuffer import org.apache.spark.SparkContext import org.apache.spark.sql.SQLContext package object gdb { implicit class ByteBufferImplicits(byteBuffer: ByteBuffer) { implicit def getVarUInt() = { var shift = 7 var b: Long = byteBuffer.get var ret = b & 0x7FL var old = ret while ((b & 0x80L) != 0) { b = byteBuffer.get ret = ((b & 0x7FL) << shift) | old old = ret shift += 7 } ret } implicit def getVarInt() = { var shift = 7 var b: Long = byteBuffer.get val isNeg = (b & 0x40L) != 0 var ret = b & 0x3FL var old = ret while ((b & 0x80L) != 0) { b = byteBuffer.get ret = ((b & 0x7FL) << (shift - 1)) | old old = ret shift += 7 } if (isNeg) -ret else ret } } implicit class SparkContextImplicits(sc: SparkContext) { implicit def gdbFile(path: String, name: String, numPartitions: Int = 8) = { GDBRDD(sc, path, name, numPartitions) } } implicit class SQLContextImplicits(sqlContext: SQLContext) extends Serializable { implicit def gdbFile(path: String, name: String, numPartitions: Int = 8) = { sqlContext.baseRelationToDataFrame(GDBRelation(path, name, numPartitions)(sqlContext)) } } }
Example 185
Source File: GDBRelation.scala From spark-gdb with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.esri.gdb import org.apache.spark.Logging import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD import org.apache.spark.sql.sources.{BaseRelation, TableScan} import org.apache.spark.sql.types._ import org.apache.spark.sql.{Row, SQLContext} case class GDBRelation(gdbPath: String, gdbName: String, numPartition: Int) (@transient val sqlContext: SQLContext) extends BaseRelation with Logging with TableScan { override val schema = inferSchema() private def inferSchema() = { val sc = sqlContext.sparkContext GDBTable.findTable(gdbPath, gdbName, sc.hadoopConfiguration) match { case Some(catTab) => { val table = GDBTable(gdbPath, catTab.hexName, sc.hadoopConfiguration) try { table.schema() } finally { table.close() } } case _ => { log.error(s"Cannot find '$gdbName' in $gdbPath, creating an empty schema !") StructType(Seq.empty[StructField]) } } } override def buildScan(): RDD[Row] = { GDBRDD(sqlContext.sparkContext, gdbPath, gdbName, numPartition) } }
Example 186
Source File: DefaultSource.scala From spark-gdb with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.esri.gdb import org.apache.spark.sql.SQLContext import org.apache.spark.sql.sources.{BaseRelation, RelationProvider, SchemaRelationProvider} import org.apache.spark.sql.types.StructType override def createRelation(sqlContext: SQLContext, parameters: Map[String, String], schema: StructType ): BaseRelation = { val path = parameters.getOrElse("path", sys.error("Parameter 'path' must be defined.")) val name = parameters.getOrElse("name", sys.error("Parameter 'name' must be defined.")) val numPartitions = parameters.getOrElse("numPartitions", "8").toInt GDBRelation(path, name, numPartitions)(sqlContext) } }
Example 187
Source File: DefaultSource.scala From spark-iqmulus with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package fr.ign.spark.iqmulus.ply import org.apache.spark.sql.SQLContext import org.apache.spark.sql.sources.{ HadoopFsRelation, HadoopFsRelationProvider } import org.apache.spark.sql.types.StructType class DefaultSource extends HadoopFsRelationProvider { // override def shortName(): String = "ply" override def createRelation( sqlContext: SQLContext, paths: Array[String], dataSchema: Option[StructType], partitionColumns: Option[StructType], parameters: Map[String, String] ): HadoopFsRelation = { new PlyRelation(paths, dataSchema, partitionColumns, parameters)(sqlContext) } }
Example 188
Source File: BankDatawithZepplein.scala From Scala-and-Spark-for-Big-Data-Analytics with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.example.ZeepleinAndSpark import org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession import org.apache.spark._ import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD import org.apache.spark.sql.SQLContext object BankDatawithZepplein { case class Bank(age: Integer, job: String, marital: String, education: String, balance: Integer) def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { val spark: SparkSession = SparkSession .builder() .appName("TrainSplitOCR") .master("local[*]") .config("spark.sql.warehouse.dir", "C:/Exp/"). getOrCreate(); val bankText = spark.sparkContext.textFile("data/bank-full.csv") // split each line, filter out header (starts with "age"), and map it into Bank case class val bank = => s.split(";")).filter(s => (s.size) > 5).filter(s => s(0) != "\"age\"").map( s => Bank(s(0).toInt, s(1).replaceAll("\"", ""), s(2).replaceAll("\"", ""), s(3).replaceAll("\"", ""), s(5).replaceAll("\"", "").toInt)) val sqlContext = new SQLContext(spark.sparkContext) import sqlContext.implicits._ import sqlContext._ // convert to DataFrame and create temporal table val newDF = bank.toDF() newDF.createOrReplaceTempView("bank") spark.sql("select age, count(1) from bank where age <= 50 group by age order by age").show() spark.sql("select age, count(1) from bank where age <= 30 group by age order by age").show() spark.sql("select max(balance) as MaxBalance from bank where age <= 30 group by age order by MaxBalance DESC").show() } }
Example 189
Source File: TwitterBatchTimely.scala From Mastering-Spark-for-Data-Science with MIT License | 5 votes |
package io.gzet.timeseries import java.sql.Timestamp import com.cloudera.sparkts.{DateTimeIndex, TimeSeriesRDD} import io.gzet.timeseries.timely.MetricImplicits._ import io.gzet.timeseries.timely.TimelyImplicits._ import io.gzet.timeseries.twitter.Twitter._ import io.gzet.utils.spark.accumulo.AccumuloConfig import org.apache.spark.sql.SQLContext import org.apache.spark.{SparkConf, SparkContext} import org.joda.time.{DateTime, Minutes, Period} object TwitterBatchTimely extends SimpleConfig { case class Observation( hashtag: String, time: Timestamp, count: Double ) def main(args: Array[String]) = { val sparkConf = new SparkConf().setAppName("Twitter Extractor") val sc = new SparkContext(sparkConf) val sqlContext = new SQLContext(sc) import sqlContext.implicits._ val twitterJsonRDD = sc.textFile("file:///Users/antoine/CHAPTER/twitter-trump", 500) val tweetRDD = twitterJsonRDD mapPartitions analyzeJson cache() // Publish metrics to Timely tweetRDD.count() tweetRDD.countByState.publish() tweetRDD.sentimentByState.publish() // Read metrics from Timely val conf = AccumuloConfig("GZET", "alice", "alice", "localhost:2181") val metricsRDD = sc.timely(conf, Some("io.gzet.count")) val minDate = val maxDate = class TwitterFrequency(val minutes: Int) extends com.cloudera.sparkts.PeriodFrequency(Period.minutes(minutes)) { def difference(dt1: DateTime, dt2: DateTime): Int = Minutes.minutesBetween(dt1, dt2).getMinutes / minutes override def toString: String = s"minutes $minutes" } val dtIndex = DateTimeIndex.uniform(minDate, maxDate, new TwitterFrequency(1)) val metricsDF = metricsRDD.filter({ metric => metric.tags.keys.toSet.contains("tag") }).flatMap({ metric => metric.tags map { case (k, v) => ((v, roundFloorMinute(metric.time, 1)), metric.value) } }).reduceByKey(_+_).map({ case ((metric, time), sentiment) => Observation(metric, new Timestamp(time), sentiment) }).toDF() val tsRDD = TimeSeriesRDD.timeSeriesRDDFromObservations(dtIndex, metricsDF, "time", "hashtag", "count").filter(_._2.toArray.exists(!_.isNaN)) } def roundFloorMinute(time: Long, windowMinutes: Int) = { val dt = new DateTime(time) dt.withMinuteOfHour((dt.getMinuteOfHour / windowMinutes) * windowMinutes).minuteOfDay().roundFloorCopy().toDate.getTime } }
Example 190
Source File: StackBootstraping.scala From Mastering-Spark-for-Data-Science with MIT License | 5 votes |
package io.gzet.tagging.stackoverflow import io.gzet.tagging.classifier.Classifier import io.gzet.tagging.html.HtmlHandler import org.apache.spark.SparkContext import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD import org.apache.spark.sql.{SparkSession, DataFrame, SQLContext} import scala.collection.mutable import scala.xml.{Elem, XML} object StackBootstraping { def parse(spark: SparkSession, posts: RDD[String]): DataFrame = { import spark.sqlContext.implicits._ posts filter { line => line.contains("row Id") } map { line => val xml = XML.loadString(line) (getBody(xml), getTags(xml)) } filter { case (body, tags) => body.isDefined && tags.isDefined } flatMap { case (body, tags) => => (body.get, tag)) } toDF("body", "tag") } private def getBody(xml: Elem): Option[String] = { val bodyAttr = xml.attribute("Body") if (bodyAttr.isDefined) { val html = bodyAttr.get.head.text val htmlHandler = new HtmlHandler() val content = htmlHandler.parseHtml(html) if (content.isDefined) { return content.get.body } } None: Option[String] } private def getTags(xml: Elem): Option[Array[String]] = { val tagsAttr = xml.attribute("Tags") if (tagsAttr.isDefined) { val tagsText = tagsAttr.get.head.text val tags = tagsText .replaceAll("<", "") .replaceAll(">", ",") .split(",") return Some(tags) } None: Option[Array[String]] } def bootstrapNaiveBayes(df: DataFrame, vectorSize: Option[Int]) = { val labeledText = df.rdd map { row => val body = row.getString(0) val labels = row.getAs[mutable.WrappedArray[String]](1) (body, labels.toArray) } Classifier.train(labeledText) } }
Example 191
Source File: Neo4jJavaIntegration.scala From neo4j-spark-connector with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.neo4j.spark import java.util import org.apache.spark.SparkContext import import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD import org.apache.spark.sql.SQLContext import org.neo4j.spark.dataframe.Neo4jDataFrame import org.neo4j.spark.rdd.{Neo4jRowRDD, Neo4jTupleRDD} import scala.collection.JavaConverters._ object Neo4jJavaIntegration { def rowRDD(sc: SparkContext, query: String, parameters: java.util.Map[String, AnyRef]) = new Neo4jRowRDD(sc, query, if (parameters == null) Seq.empty else parameters.asScala.toSeq).toJavaRDD() def tupleRDD(sc: SparkContext, query: String, parameters: java.util.Map[String, AnyRef]): JavaRDD[util.Map[String, AnyRef]] = { val params = if (parameters == null) Seq.empty else parameters.asScala.toSeq Neo4jTupleRDD(sc, query, params) .map((t) => new util.LinkedHashMap[String, AnyRef](t.toMap.asJava).asInstanceOf[util.Map[String, AnyRef]]) .toJavaRDD() } def dataFrame(sqlContext: SQLContext, query: String, parameters: java.util.Map[String, AnyRef], schemaInfo: util.Map[String, String]) = { Neo4jDataFrame(sqlContext, query, parameters.asScala.toSeq, schemaInfo.asScala.toSeq: _*) } }
Example 192
Source File: Neo4jGraphFrame.scala From neo4j-spark-connector with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.neo4j.spark.dataframe import org.apache.spark.SparkContext import org.apache.spark.graphx.Graph import org.apache.spark.sql.SQLContext import org.neo4j.spark.Neo4jGraph import org.neo4j.spark.cypher.CypherHelpers._ object Neo4jGraphFrame { def apply(sqlContext: SQLContext, src: (String, String), edge: (String, String), dst: (String, String)) = { def nodeStmt(s: (String, String)) = s"MATCH (n:${s._1.quote}) RETURN id(n) as id, n.${s._2.quote} as prop" val edgeProp = if (edge._2 == null) "" else s", r.${edge._2.quote} as prop" val edgeStmt = s"MATCH (n:${src._1.quote})-[r:${edge._1.quote}]->(m:${dst._1.quote}) RETURN id(n) as src, id(m) as dst" + edgeProp val vertices1 = Neo4jDataFrame(sqlContext, nodeStmt(src), Seq.empty, ("id", "integer"), ("prop", "string")) val vertices2 = Neo4jDataFrame(sqlContext, nodeStmt(dst), Seq.empty, ("id", "integer"), ("prop", "string")) val schema = Seq(("src", "integer"), ("dst", "integer")) ++ (if (edge._2 != null) Some("prop", "string") else None) val edges = Neo4jDataFrame(sqlContext, edgeStmt, Seq.empty, schema: _*) org.graphframes.GraphFrame(vertices1.union(vertices2).distinct(), edges) } def fromGraphX(sc: SparkContext, label1: String, rels: Seq[String], label2: String) = { val g: Graph[Any, Int] = Neo4jGraph.loadGraph(sc, label1, rels, label2) org.graphframes.GraphFrame.fromGraphX(g) } def fromEdges(sqlContext: SQLContext, label1: String, rels: Seq[String], label2: String) = { val relTypes ="|") val edgeStmt = s"MATCH (n:${label1.quote})-[r:$relTypes]->(m:${label2.quote}) RETURN id(n) as src, id(m) as dst" val edges = Neo4jDataFrame(sqlContext, edgeStmt, Seq.empty, ("src", "integer"), ("dst", "integer")) org.graphframes.GraphFrame.fromEdges(edges) } }
Example 193
Source File: HiveAcidRelation.scala From spark-acid with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.qubole.spark.hiveacid.datasource import org.apache.spark.internal.Logging import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD import org.apache.spark.sql.{Column, DataFrame, Row, SQLContext, SparkSession} import org.apache.spark.sql.sources.{BaseRelation, Filter, InsertableRelation, PrunedFilteredScan} import org.apache.spark.sql.types._ import com.qubole.spark.hiveacid.{HiveAcidErrors, HiveAcidTable, SparkAcidConf} import com.qubole.spark.hiveacid.hive.HiveAcidMetadata import com.qubole.spark.hiveacid.merge.{MergeWhenClause, MergeWhenNotInsert} import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.AliasIdentifier import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.Expression import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans.logical.LogicalPlan import collection.JavaConversions._ case class HiveAcidRelation(sparkSession: SparkSession, fullyQualifiedTableName: String, parameters: Map[String, String]) extends BaseRelation with InsertableRelation with PrunedFilteredScan with Logging { private val hiveAcidMetadata: HiveAcidMetadata = HiveAcidMetadata.fromSparkSession( sparkSession, fullyQualifiedTableName ) private val hiveAcidTable: HiveAcidTable = new HiveAcidTable(sparkSession, hiveAcidMetadata, parameters) private val readOptions = SparkAcidConf(sparkSession, parameters) override def sqlContext: SQLContext = sparkSession.sqlContext override val schema: StructType = if (readOptions.includeRowIds) { hiveAcidMetadata.tableSchemaWithRowId } else { hiveAcidMetadata.tableSchema } override def insert(data: DataFrame, overwrite: Boolean): Unit = { // sql insert into and overwrite if (overwrite) { hiveAcidTable.insertOverwrite(data) } else { hiveAcidTable.insertInto(data) } } def update(condition: Option[Column], newValues: Map[String, Column]): Unit = { hiveAcidTable.update(condition, newValues) } def delete(condition: Column): Unit = { hiveAcidTable.delete(condition) } override def sizeInBytes: Long = { val compressionFactor = sparkSession.sessionState.conf.fileCompressionFactor (sparkSession.sessionState.conf.defaultSizeInBytes * compressionFactor).toLong } def merge(sourceDf: DataFrame, mergeExpression: Expression, matchedClause: Seq[MergeWhenClause], notMatched: Option[MergeWhenNotInsert], sourceAlias: Option[AliasIdentifier], targetAlias: Option[AliasIdentifier]): Unit = { hiveAcidTable.merge(sourceDf, mergeExpression, matchedClause, notMatched, sourceAlias, targetAlias) } def getHiveAcidTable(): HiveAcidTable = { hiveAcidTable } // FIXME: should it be true / false. Recommendation seems to // be to leave it as true override val needConversion: Boolean = false override def buildScan(requiredColumns: Array[String], filters: Array[Filter]): RDD[Row] = { val readOptions = SparkAcidConf(sparkSession, parameters) // sql "select *" hiveAcidTable.getRdd(requiredColumns, filters, readOptions) } }
Example 194
Source File: MLlibTestSparkContext.scala From spark-ranking-algorithms with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.mllib.util import org.scalatest.{BeforeAndAfterAll, Suite} import org.apache.spark.sql.SQLContext import org.apache.spark.{SparkConf, SparkContext} trait MLlibTestSparkContext extends BeforeAndAfterAll { self: Suite => @transient var sc: SparkContext = _ @transient var sqlContext: SQLContext = _ override def beforeAll() { super.beforeAll() val conf = new SparkConf() .setMaster("local[2]") .setAppName("MLlibUnitTest") sc = new SparkContext(conf) SQLContext.clearActive() sqlContext = new SQLContext(sc) SQLContext.setActive(sqlContext) } override def afterAll() { try { sqlContext = null SQLContext.clearActive() if (sc != null) { sc.stop() } sc = null } finally { super.afterAll() } } }
Example 195
Source File: PulsarRelation.scala From pulsar-spark with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.pulsar import java.{util => ju} import org.apache.spark.internal.Logging import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD import org.apache.spark.sql.{Row, SQLContext} import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.json.JSONOptionsInRead import org.apache.spark.sql.sources.{BaseRelation, TableScan} import org.apache.spark.sql.types.StructType private[pulsar] class PulsarRelation( override val sqlContext: SQLContext, override val schema: StructType, schemaInfo: SchemaInfoSerializable, adminUrl: String, clientConf: ju.Map[String, Object], readerConf: ju.Map[String, Object], startingOffset: SpecificPulsarOffset, endingOffset: SpecificPulsarOffset, pollTimeoutMs: Int, failOnDataLoss: Boolean, subscriptionNamePrefix: String, jsonOptions: JSONOptionsInRead) extends BaseRelation with TableScan with Logging { import PulsarSourceUtils._ val reportDataLoss = reportDataLossFunc(failOnDataLoss) override def buildScan(): RDD[Row] = { val fromTopicOffsets = startingOffset.topicOffsets val endTopicOffsets = endingOffset.topicOffsets if (fromTopicOffsets.keySet != endTopicOffsets.keySet) { val fromTopics = fromTopicOffsets.keySet.toList.sorted.mkString(",") val endTopics = endTopicOffsets.keySet.toList.sorted.mkString(",") throw new IllegalStateException( "different topics " + s"for starting offsets topics[${fromTopics}] and " + s"ending offsets topics[${endTopics}]") } val offsetRanges = endTopicOffsets.keySet .map { tp => val fromOffset = fromTopicOffsets.getOrElse(tp, { // this shouldn't happen since we had checked it throw new IllegalStateException(s"$tp doesn't have a from offset") }) val untilOffset = endTopicOffsets(tp) PulsarOffsetRange(tp, fromOffset, untilOffset, None) } .filter { range => if (range.untilOffset.compareTo(range.fromOffset) < 0) { reportDataLoss( s"${range.topic}'s offset was changed " + s"from ${range.fromOffset} to ${range.untilOffset}, " + "some data might has been missed") false } else { true } } .toSeq val rdd = new PulsarSourceRDD4Batch( sqlContext.sparkContext, schemaInfo, adminUrl, clientConf, readerConf, offsetRanges, pollTimeoutMs, failOnDataLoss, subscriptionNamePrefix, jsonOptions ) sqlContext.internalCreateDataFrame(rdd.setName("pulsar"), schema).rdd } }
Example 196
Source File: InsertMysqlDemo.scala From spark_mysql with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
import java.sql.{Date, Timestamp} import InsertMysqlDemo.CardMember import org.apache.spark.sql.SQLContext import org.apache.spark.{SparkConf, SparkContext} import utils.MySQLUtils /** * Created with IntelliJ IDEA. * Author: [email protected] * Description:DataFrame 中数据存入到MySQL * Date: Created in 2018-11-17 12:39 */ object InsertMysqlDemo { case class CardMember(m_id: String, card_type: String, expire: Timestamp, duration: Int, is_sale: Boolean, date: Date, user: Long, salary: Float) def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { val conf = new SparkConf().setMaster("local[*]").setAppName(getClass.getSimpleName).set("spark.testing.memory", "3147480000") val sparkContext = new SparkContext(conf) val hiveContext = new SQLContext(sparkContext) import hiveContext.implicits._ val memberSeq = Seq( CardMember("member_2", "月卡", new Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis()), 31, false, new Date(System.currentTimeMillis()), 123223, 0.32f), CardMember("member_1", "季卡", new Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis()), 93, false, new Date(System.currentTimeMillis()), 124224, 0.362f) ) val memberDF = memberSeq.toDF() MySQLUtils.saveDFtoDBCreateTableIfNotExist("member_test", memberDF) MySQLUtils.insertOrUpdateDFtoDBUsePool("member_test", memberDF, Array("user", "salary")) MySQLUtils.getDFFromMysql(hiveContext, "", null) sparkContext.stop() } }
Example 197
Source File: HBaseTestSource.scala From hbase-connectors with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.spark import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.spark.datasources.HBaseSparkConf import org.apache.spark.SparkEnv import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD import org.apache.spark.sql.{Row, SQLContext} import org.apache.spark.sql.sources._ import org.apache.spark.sql.types._ class HBaseTestSource extends RelationProvider { override def createRelation( sqlContext: SQLContext, parameters: Map[String, String]): BaseRelation = { DummyScan( parameters("cacheSize").toInt, parameters("batchNum").toInt, parameters("blockCacheingEnable").toBoolean, parameters("rowNum").toInt)(sqlContext) } } case class DummyScan( cacheSize: Int, batchNum: Int, blockCachingEnable: Boolean, rowNum: Int)(@transient val sqlContext: SQLContext) extends BaseRelation with TableScan { private def sparkConf = SparkEnv.get.conf override def schema: StructType = StructType(StructField("i", IntegerType, nullable = false) :: Nil) override def buildScan(): RDD[Row] = sqlContext.sparkContext.parallelize(0 until rowNum) .map(Row(_)) .map{ x => if (sparkConf.getInt(HBaseSparkConf.QUERY_BATCHSIZE, -1) != batchNum || sparkConf.getInt(HBaseSparkConf.QUERY_CACHEDROWS, -1) != cacheSize || sparkConf.getBoolean(HBaseSparkConf.QUERY_CACHEBLOCKS, false) != blockCachingEnable) { throw new Exception("HBase Spark configuration cannot be set properly") } x } }
Example 198
Source File: KuduSink.scala From kafka-examples with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.cloudera.streaming.refapp.kudu import org.apache.kudu.spark.kudu.KuduContext import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.streaming.Sink import org.apache.spark.sql.{DataFrame, SQLContext} import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory import scala.util.control.NonFatal object KuduSink { def withDefaultContext(sqlContext: SQLContext, parameters: Map[String, String]) = new KuduSink(new KuduContext(parameters("kudu.master"), sqlContext.sparkContext), parameters) } class KuduSink(initKuduContext: => KuduContext, parameters: Map[String, String]) extends Sink { private val logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass) private var kuduContext = initKuduContext private val tablename = parameters("kudu.table") private val retries = parameters.getOrElse("retries", "1").toInt require(retries >= 0, "retries must be non-negative")"Created Kudu sink writing to table $tablename") override def addBatch(batchId: Long, data: DataFrame): Unit = { for (attempt <- 0 to retries) { try { kuduContext.upsertRows(data, tablename) return } catch { case NonFatal(e) => if (attempt < retries) { logger.warn("Kudu upsert error, retrying...", e) kuduContext = initKuduContext } else { logger.error("Kudu upsert error, exhausted", e) throw e } } } } }
Example 199
Source File: SparkNRedshiftUtil.scala From SqlShift with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.goibibo.sqlshift import java.sql.{Connection, DriverManager} import java.util.Properties import com.databricks.spark.redshift.RedshiftReaderM import com.typesafe.config.Config import org.apache.spark.sql.{DataFrame, SQLContext} import org.apache.spark.{SparkConf, SparkContext} import org.scalatest.{BeforeAndAfterAll, Suite} import org.slf4j.{Logger, LoggerFactory} trait SparkNRedshiftUtil extends BeforeAndAfterAll { self: Suite => private val logger: Logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(this.getClass) @transient private var _sc: SparkContext = _ @transient private var _sqlContext: SQLContext = _ def sc: SparkContext = _sc def sqlContext: SQLContext = _sqlContext private def getRedshiftConnection(config: Config): Connection = { val mysql = config.getConfig("redshift") val connectionProps = new Properties() connectionProps.put("user", mysql.getString("username")) connectionProps.put("password", mysql.getString("password")) val jdbcUrl = s"jdbc:redshift://${mysql.getString("hostname")}:${mysql.getInt("portno")}/${mysql.getString("database")}?useSSL=false" Class.forName("") DriverManager.getConnection(jdbcUrl, connectionProps) } val getSparkContext: (SparkContext, SQLContext) = { val sparkConf: SparkConf = new SparkConf().setAppName("Full Dump Testing").setMaster("local") val sc: SparkContext = new SparkContext(sparkConf) val sqlContext: SQLContext = new SQLContext(sc) System.setProperty("", "true") sc.hadoopConfiguration.set("fs.s3a.endpoint", "") sc.hadoopConfiguration.set("", "true") (sc, sqlContext) } def readTableFromRedshift(config: Config, tableName: String): DataFrame = { val redshift: Config = config.getConfig("redshift") val options = Map("dbtable" -> tableName, "user" -> redshift.getString("username"), "password" -> redshift.getString("password"), "url" -> s"jdbc:redshift://${redshift.getString("hostname")}:${redshift.getInt("portno")}/${redshift.getString("database")}", "tempdir" -> config.getString("s3.location"), "aws_iam_role" -> config.getString("redshift.iamRole") ) RedshiftReaderM.getDataFrameForConfig(options, sc, sqlContext) } def dropTableRedshift(config: Config, tables: String*): Unit = {"Droping table: {}", tables) val conn = getRedshiftConnection(config) val statement = conn.createStatement() try { val dropTableQuery = s"""DROP TABLE ${tables.mkString(",")}""""Running query: {}", dropTableQuery) statement.executeUpdate(dropTableQuery) } finally { statement.close() conn.close() } } override protected def beforeAll(): Unit = { super.beforeAll() val (sc, sqlContext) = getSparkContext _sc = sc _sqlContext = sqlContext } override protected def afterAll(): Unit = { super.afterAll() _sc.stop() } }
Example 200
Source File: RedshiftReaderM.scala From SqlShift with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.databricks.spark.redshift import com.amazonaws.auth.AWSCredentials import import org.apache.spark.SparkContext import org.apache.spark.sql.sources.BaseRelation import org.apache.spark.sql.{DataFrame, SQLContext} object RedshiftReaderM { val endpoint = "" def getS3Client(provider: AWSCredentials): AmazonS3Client = { val client = new AmazonS3Client(provider) client.setEndpoint(endpoint) client } def getDataFrameForConfig(configs: Map[String, String], sparkContext: SparkContext, sqlContext: SQLContext): DataFrame = { val source: DefaultSource = new DefaultSource(new JDBCWrapper(), getS3Client) val br: BaseRelation = source.createRelation(sqlContext, configs) sqlContext.baseRelationToDataFrame(br) } }