org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans.physical.UnknownPartitioning Scala Examples

The following examples show how to use org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans.physical.UnknownPartitioning. You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example.
Example 1
Source File: ExistingRDD.scala    From XSQL   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.sql.execution

import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD
import org.apache.spark.sql.{Encoder, Row, SparkSession}
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.{CatalystTypeConverters, InternalRow}
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.analysis.MultiInstanceRelation
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions._
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans.logical._
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans.physical.{Partitioning, UnknownPartitioning}
import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.metric.SQLMetrics
import org.apache.spark.sql.types.DataType
import org.apache.spark.util.Utils

object RDDConversions {
  def productToRowRdd[A <: Product](data: RDD[A], outputTypes: Seq[DataType]): RDD[InternalRow] = {
    data.mapPartitions { iterator =>
      val numColumns = outputTypes.length
      val mutableRow = new GenericInternalRow(numColumns)
      val converters = { r =>
        var i = 0
        while (i < numColumns) {
          mutableRow(i) = converters(i)(r.productElement(i))
          i += 1


case class RDDScanExec(
    output: Seq[Attribute],
    rdd: RDD[InternalRow],
    name: String,
    override val outputPartitioning: Partitioning = UnknownPartitioning(0),
    override val outputOrdering: Seq[SortOrder] = Nil) extends LeafExecNode {

  private def rddName: String = Option( => s" $n").getOrElse("")

  override val nodeName: String = s"Scan $name$rddName"

  override lazy val metrics = Map(
    "numOutputRows" -> SQLMetrics.createMetric(sparkContext, "number of output rows"))

  protected override def doExecute(): RDD[InternalRow] = {
    val numOutputRows = longMetric("numOutputRows")
    rdd.mapPartitionsWithIndexInternal { (index, iter) =>
      val proj = UnsafeProjection.create(schema)
      proj.initialize(index) { r =>
        numOutputRows += 1

  override def simpleString: String = {
    s"$nodeName${Utils.truncatedString(output, "[", ",", "]")}"
Example 2
Source File: Expand.scala    From iolap   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.sql.execution

import org.apache.spark.annotation.DeveloperApi
import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD
import org.apache.spark.sql.SQLContext
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.errors._
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions._
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans.physical.{UnknownPartitioning, Partitioning}

case class Expand(
    projections: Seq[GroupExpression],
    output: Seq[Attribute],
    child: SparkPlan)
  extends UnaryNode {

  // The GroupExpressions can output data with arbitrary partitioning, so set it
  // as UNKNOWN partitioning
  override def outputPartitioning: Partitioning = UnknownPartitioning(0)

  protected override def doExecute(): RDD[Row] = attachTree(this, "execute") {
    child.execute().mapPartitions { iter =>
      // TODO Move out projection objects creation and transfer to
      // workers via closure. However we can't assume the Projection
      // is serializable because of the code gen, so we have to
      // create the projections within each of the partition processing.
      val groups = => newProjection(ee.children, child.output)).toArray

      new Iterator[Row] {
        private[this] var result: Row = _
        private[this] var idx = -1  // -1 means the initial state
        private[this] var input: Row = _

        override final def hasNext: Boolean = (-1 < idx && idx < groups.length) || iter.hasNext

        override final def next(): Row = {
          if (idx <= 0) {
            // in the initial (-1) or beginning(0) of a new input row, fetch the next input tuple
            input =
            idx = 0

          result = groups(idx)(input)
          idx += 1

          if (idx == groups.length && iter.hasNext) {
            idx = 0

Example 3
Source File: Expand.scala    From spark1.52   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.sql.execution

import org.apache.spark.annotation.DeveloperApi
import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.InternalRow
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.errors._
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions._
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans.physical.{Partitioning, UnknownPartitioning}

case class Expand(
    projections: Seq[Seq[Expression]],
    output: Seq[Attribute],
    child: SparkPlan)
  extends UnaryNode {

  // The GroupExpressions can output data with arbitrary partitioning, so set it
  // as UNKNOWN partitioning
  override def outputPartitioning: Partitioning = UnknownPartitioning(0)

  protected override def doExecute(): RDD[InternalRow] = attachTree(this, "execute") {
    child.execute().mapPartitions { iter =>
      // TODO Move out projection objects creation and transfer to
      // workers via closure. However we can't assume the Projection
      // is serializable because of the code gen, so we have to
      // create the projections within each of the partition processing.
      val groups = => newProjection(ee, child.output)).toArray

      new Iterator[InternalRow] {
        private[this] var result: InternalRow = _
        private[this] var idx = -1  // -1 means the initial state
        private[this] var input: InternalRow = _

        override final def hasNext: Boolean = (-1 < idx && idx < groups.length) || iter.hasNext

        override final def next(): InternalRow = {
          if (idx <= 0) {
            // in the initial (-1) or beginning(0) of a new input row, fetch the next input tuple
            input =
            idx = 0

          result = groups(idx)(input)
          idx += 1

          if (idx == groups.length && iter.hasNext) {
            idx = 0

Example 4
Source File: Expand.scala    From BigDatalog   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.sql.execution

import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.InternalRow
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.errors._
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions._
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans.physical.{Partitioning, UnknownPartitioning}

case class Expand(
    projections: Seq[Seq[Expression]],
    output: Seq[Attribute],
    child: SparkPlan)
  extends UnaryNode {

  // The GroupExpressions can output data with arbitrary partitioning, so set it
  // as UNKNOWN partitioning
  override def outputPartitioning: Partitioning = UnknownPartitioning(0)

  override def outputsUnsafeRows: Boolean = child.outputsUnsafeRows
  override def canProcessUnsafeRows: Boolean = true
  override def canProcessSafeRows: Boolean = true

  override def references: AttributeSet =

  private[this] val projection = {
    if (outputsUnsafeRows) {
      (exprs: Seq[Expression]) => UnsafeProjection.create(exprs, child.output)
    } else {
      (exprs: Seq[Expression]) => newMutableProjection(exprs, child.output)()

  protected override def doExecute(): RDD[InternalRow] = attachTree(this, "execute") {
    child.execute().mapPartitions { iter =>
      val groups =
      new Iterator[InternalRow] {
        private[this] var result: InternalRow = _
        private[this] var idx = -1  // -1 means the initial state
        private[this] var input: InternalRow = _

        override final def hasNext: Boolean = (-1 < idx && idx < groups.length) || iter.hasNext

        override final def next(): InternalRow = {
          if (idx <= 0) {
            // in the initial (-1) or beginning(0) of a new input row, fetch the next input tuple
            input =
            idx = 0

          result = groups(idx)(input)
          idx += 1

          if (idx == groups.length && iter.hasNext) {
            idx = 0
