org.apache.spark.sql.sources.TableScan Scala Examples
The following examples show how to use org.apache.spark.sql.sources.TableScan.
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Example 1
Source File: PointCloudRelation.scala From geotrellis-pointcloud with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package geotrellis.pointcloud.spark.datasource import import{Options => HadoopOptions} import geotrellis.pointcloud.util.Filesystem import geotrellis.proj4.CRS import import geotrellis.vector.Extent import cats.implicits._ import io.pdal._ import io.circe.syntax._ import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path import org.apache.spark.SparkContext import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD import org.apache.spark.sql.sources.{BaseRelation, TableScan} import org.apache.spark.sql.types._ import org.apache.spark.sql.{Row, SQLContext} import import scala.collection.JavaConverters._ // This class has to be serializable since it is shipped over the network. class PointCloudRelation( val sqlContext: SQLContext, path: String, options: HadoopOptions ) extends BaseRelation with TableScan with Serializable { @transient implicit lazy val sc: SparkContext = sqlContext.sparkContext // TODO: switch between HadoopPointCloudRDD and S3PointcCloudRDD lazy val isS3: Boolean = path.startsWith("s3") override def schema: StructType = { lazy val (local, fixedPath) = if(path.startsWith("s3") || path.startsWith("hdfs")) { val tmpDir = Filesystem.createDirectory() val remotePath = new Path(path) // copy remote file into local tmp dir val localPath = new File(tmpDir, remotePath.getName) HdfsUtils.copyPath(remotePath, new Path(s"file:///${localPath.getAbsolutePath}"), sc.hadoopConfiguration) (true, localPath.toString) } else (false, path) val localPipeline = options.pipeline .hcursor .downField("pipeline").downArray .downField("filename").withFocus(_ => fixedPath.asJson) .top.fold(options.pipeline)(identity) val pl = Pipeline(localPipeline.noSpaces) if (pl.validate()) pl.execute() val pointCloud = try { pl.getPointViews().next().getPointCloud(0) } finally { pl.close() if(local) println(new File(fixedPath).delete) } val rdd = HadoopPointCloudRDD(new Path(path), options) val md: (Option[Extent], Option[CRS]) = rdd .map { case (header, _) => (, } .reduce { case ((e1, c), (e2, _)) => ((e1, e2).mapN(_ combine _), c) } val metadata = new MetadataBuilder().putString("metadata", md.asJson.noSpaces).build pointCloud.deriveSchema(metadata) } override def buildScan(): RDD[Row] = { val rdd = HadoopPointCloudRDD(new Path(path), options) rdd.flatMap { _._2.flatMap { pc => { k => Row(k: _*) } } } } }
Example 2
Source File: XmlRelation.scala From spark-xml with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.databricks.spark.xml import import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD import org.apache.spark.sql._ import org.apache.spark.sql.sources.{PrunedScan, InsertableRelation, BaseRelation, TableScan} import org.apache.spark.sql.types._ import com.databricks.spark.xml.util.{InferSchema, XmlFile} import com.databricks.spark.xml.parsers.StaxXmlParser case class XmlRelation protected[spark] ( baseRDD: () => RDD[String], location: Option[String], parameters: Map[String, String], userSchema: StructType = null)(@transient val sqlContext: SQLContext) extends BaseRelation with InsertableRelation with PrunedScan { private val options = XmlOptions(parameters) override val schema: StructType = { Option(userSchema).getOrElse { InferSchema.infer( baseRDD(), options) } } override def buildScan(requiredColumns: Array[String]): RDD[Row] = { val requiredFields = val requestedSchema = StructType(requiredFields) StaxXmlParser.parse( baseRDD(), requestedSchema, options) } // The function below was borrowed from JSONRelation override def insert(data: DataFrame, overwrite: Boolean): Unit = { val filesystemPath = location match { case Some(p) => new Path(p) case None => throw new IOException(s"Cannot INSERT into table with no path defined") } val fs = filesystemPath.getFileSystem(sqlContext.sparkContext.hadoopConfiguration) if (overwrite) { try { fs.delete(filesystemPath, true) } catch { case e: IOException => throw new IOException( s"Unable to clear output directory ${filesystemPath.toString} prior" + s" to INSERT OVERWRITE a XML table:\n${e.toString}") } // Write the data. We assume that schema isn't changed, and we won't update it. XmlFile.saveAsXmlFile(data, filesystemPath.toString, parameters) } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("XML tables only support INSERT OVERWRITE for now.") } } }
Example 3
Source File: ExcelRelation.scala From spark-hadoopoffice-ds with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import scala.collection.JavaConversions._ import org.apache.spark.sql.sources.{ BaseRelation, TableScan } import org.apache.spark.sql.types.DataType import org.apache.spark.sql.types.ArrayType import org.apache.spark.sql.types.StringType import org.apache.spark.sql.types.StructField import org.apache.spark.sql.types.StructType import org.apache.spark.sql.SQLContext import org.apache.spark.sql._ import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD import org.apache.hadoop.conf._ import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce._ import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory import org.apache.commons.logging.Log import import import override def buildScan: RDD[Row] = { // read ExcelRows val excelRowsRDD = ExcelFile.load(sqlContext, location, hadoopParams) // map to schema val schemaFields = schema.fields excelRowsRDD.flatMap(excelKeyValueTuple => { // map the Excel row data structure to a Spark SQL schema val rowArray = new Array[Any](excelKeyValueTuple._2.get.length) var i = 0; for (x <- excelKeyValueTuple._2.get) { // parse through the SpreadSheetCellDAO val spreadSheetCellDAOStructArray = new Array[String](schemaFields.length) val currentSpreadSheetCellDAO: Array[SpreadSheetCellDAO] = excelKeyValueTuple._2.get.asInstanceOf[Array[SpreadSheetCellDAO]] spreadSheetCellDAOStructArray(0) = currentSpreadSheetCellDAO(i).getFormattedValue spreadSheetCellDAOStructArray(1) = currentSpreadSheetCellDAO(i).getComment spreadSheetCellDAOStructArray(2) = currentSpreadSheetCellDAO(i).getFormula spreadSheetCellDAOStructArray(3) = currentSpreadSheetCellDAO(i).getAddress spreadSheetCellDAOStructArray(4) = currentSpreadSheetCellDAO(i).getSheetName // add row representing one Excel row rowArray(i) = spreadSheetCellDAOStructArray i += 1 } Some(Row.fromSeq(rowArray)) }) } }
Example 4
Source File: EventHubsRelation.scala From azure-event-hubs-spark with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.eventhubs import org.apache.spark.eventhubs.rdd.{ EventHubsRDD, OffsetRange } import org.apache.spark.internal.Logging import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD import org.apache.spark.sql.{ Row, SQLContext } import org.apache.spark.sql.sources.{ BaseRelation, TableScan } import org.apache.spark.sql.types.StructType import scala.language.postfixOps private[eventhubs] class EventHubsRelation(override val sqlContext: SQLContext, parameters: Map[String, String]) extends BaseRelation with TableScan with Logging { import org.apache.spark.eventhubs._ private val ehConf = EventHubsConf.toConf(parameters) private val eventHubClient = EventHubsSourceProvider.clientFactory(parameters)(ehConf) override def schema: StructType = EventHubsSourceProvider.eventHubsSchema override def buildScan(): RDD[Row] = { val partitionCount: Int = eventHubClient.partitionCount val fromSeqNos = eventHubClient.translate(ehConf, partitionCount) val untilSeqNos = eventHubClient.translate(ehConf, partitionCount, useStart = false) require(fromSeqNos.forall(f => f._2 >= 0L), "Currently only sequence numbers can be passed in your starting positions.") require(untilSeqNos.forall(u => u._2 >= 0L), "Currently only sequence numbers can be passed in your ending positions.") val offsetRanges = { p => val fromSeqNo = fromSeqNos .getOrElse(p, throw new IllegalStateException(s"$p doesn't have a fromSeqNo")) val untilSeqNo = untilSeqNos(p) OffsetRange(, p, fromSeqNo, untilSeqNo, None) }.toArray eventHubClient.close() logInfo( "GetBatch generating RDD of with offsetRanges: " + offsetRanges.sortBy(_.nameAndPartition.toString).mkString(", ")) val rdd = EventHubsSourceProvider.toInternalRow( new EventHubsRDD(sqlContext.sparkContext, ehConf.trimmed, offsetRanges)) sqlContext.internalCreateDataFrame(rdd, schema, isStreaming = false).rdd } }
Example 5
Source File: DruidRelation.scala From spark-druid-olap with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.sparklinedata.druid import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.InternalRow import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.{Attribute, AttributeReference, ExprId} import org.apache.spark.sql.sources.{BaseRelation, TableScan} import org.apache.spark.sql.types.{DataType, StructField, StructType} import org.apache.spark.sql.{Row, SQLContext} import org.joda.time.Interval import org.sparklinedata.druid.metadata.DruidRelationInfo case class DruidOperatorAttribute(exprId : ExprId, name : String, dataType : DataType, tf: String = null) override val needConversion: Boolean = false override def schema: StructType = def buildInternalScan : RDD[InternalRow] = DruidRDD(sqlContext, info, _)).getOrElse( info.sourceDF(sqlContext).queryExecution.toRdd ) override def buildScan(): RDD[Row] = buildInternalScan.asInstanceOf[RDD[Row]] override def toString : String = { if (dQuery.isDefined) { s"DruidQuery(${System.identityHashCode(dQuery)}): ${Utils.queryToString(dQuery.get)}" } else { info.toString } } }
Example 6
Source File: DatasetRelation.scala From spark-sftp with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.springml.spark.sftp import com.databricks.spark.avro._ import org.apache.log4j.Logger import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD import org.apache.spark.sql.{DataFrame, Row, SQLContext} import org.apache.spark.sql.sources.{BaseRelation, TableScan} import org.apache.spark.sql.types.StructType case class DatasetRelation( fileLocation: String, fileType: String, inferSchema: String, header: String, delimiter: String, quote: String, escape: String, multiLine: String, rowTag: String, customSchema: StructType, sqlContext: SQLContext) extends BaseRelation with TableScan { private val logger = Logger.getLogger(classOf[DatasetRelation]) val df = read() private def read(): DataFrame = { var dataframeReader = if (customSchema != null) { dataframeReader = dataframeReader.schema(customSchema) } var df: DataFrame = null df = fileType match { case "avro" => dataframeReader.avro(fileLocation) case "txt" => dataframeReader.format("text").load(fileLocation) case "xml" => dataframeReader.format(constants.xmlClass) .option(constants.xmlRowTag, rowTag) .load(fileLocation) case "csv" => dataframeReader. option("header", header). option("delimiter", delimiter). option("quote", quote). option("escape", escape). option("multiLine", multiLine). option("inferSchema", inferSchema). csv(fileLocation) case _ => dataframeReader.format(fileType).load(fileLocation) } df } override def schema: StructType = { df.schema } override def buildScan(): RDD[Row] = { df.rdd } }
Example 7
Source File: SpreadsheetRelation.scala From mimir with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD import org.apache.spark.sql.sources.{BaseRelation, InsertableRelation, TableScan} import org.apache.spark.sql.types.{StringType, StructField, StructType} import org.apache.spark.sql.{DataFrame, Row, SQLContext} case class SpreadsheetRelation protected[spark] ( context:SparkSpreadsheetContext, spreadsheetName: String, worksheetName: String, userSchema: Option[StructType] = None)(@transient val sqlContext: SQLContext) extends BaseRelation with TableScan with InsertableRelation { import private val fieldMap = scala.collection.mutable.Map[String, String]() override def schema: StructType = userSchema.getOrElse(inferSchema()) private lazy val aWorksheet: SparkWorksheet = findWorksheet(spreadsheetName, worksheetName)(context) match { case Right(aWorksheet) => aWorksheet case Left(e) => throw e } private lazy val rows: Seq[Map[String, String]] = aWorksheet.rows private[spreadsheet] def findWorksheet(spreadsheetName: String, worksheetName: String)(implicit ctx: SparkSpreadsheetContext): Either[Throwable, SparkWorksheet] = for { sheet <- findSpreadsheet(spreadsheetName).toRight(new RuntimeException(s"no such spreadsheet: $spreadsheetName")).right worksheet <- sheet.findWorksheet(worksheetName).toRight(new RuntimeException(s"no such worksheet: $worksheetName")).right } yield worksheet override def buildScan(): RDD[Row] = { val aSchema = schema val schemaMap = fieldMap.toMap sqlContext.sparkContext.makeRDD(rows).mapPartitions { iter => { m => var index = 0 val rowArray = new Array[Any](aSchema.fields.length) while(index < aSchema.fields.length) { val field = aSchema.fields(index) rowArray(index) = if (m.contains( { TypeCast.castTo(m(, field.dataType, field.nullable) } else if (schemaMap.contains( && m.contains(schemaMap( { TypeCast.castTo(m(schemaMap(, field.dataType, field.nullable) } else { null } index += 1 } Row.fromSeq(rowArray) } } } override def insert(data: DataFrame, overwrite: Boolean): Unit = { if(!overwrite) { sys.error("Spreadsheet tables only support INSERT OVERWRITE for now.") } findWorksheet(spreadsheetName, worksheetName)(context) match { case Right(w) => w.updateCells(data.schema, data.collect().toList, Util.toRowData) case Left(e) => throw e } } def sanitizeColumnName(name: String): String = { name .replaceAll("[^a-zA-Z0-9]+", "_") // Replace sequences of non-alphanumeric characters with underscores .replaceAll("_+$", "") // Strip trailing underscores .replaceAll("^[0-9_]+", "") // Strip leading underscores and digits } private def inferSchema(): StructType = StructType( { fieldName => { val sanitizedName = sanitizeColumnName(fieldName) fieldMap.put(sanitizedName, fieldName) StructField(sanitizedName, StringType, true) }}) }
Example 8
Source File: PulsarRelation.scala From pulsar-spark with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.spark.sql.pulsar import java.{util => ju} import org.apache.spark.internal.Logging import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD import org.apache.spark.sql.{Row, SQLContext} import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.json.JSONOptionsInRead import org.apache.spark.sql.sources.{BaseRelation, TableScan} import org.apache.spark.sql.types.StructType private[pulsar] class PulsarRelation( override val sqlContext: SQLContext, override val schema: StructType, schemaInfo: SchemaInfoSerializable, adminUrl: String, clientConf: ju.Map[String, Object], readerConf: ju.Map[String, Object], startingOffset: SpecificPulsarOffset, endingOffset: SpecificPulsarOffset, pollTimeoutMs: Int, failOnDataLoss: Boolean, subscriptionNamePrefix: String, jsonOptions: JSONOptionsInRead) extends BaseRelation with TableScan with Logging { import PulsarSourceUtils._ val reportDataLoss = reportDataLossFunc(failOnDataLoss) override def buildScan(): RDD[Row] = { val fromTopicOffsets = startingOffset.topicOffsets val endTopicOffsets = endingOffset.topicOffsets if (fromTopicOffsets.keySet != endTopicOffsets.keySet) { val fromTopics = fromTopicOffsets.keySet.toList.sorted.mkString(",") val endTopics = endTopicOffsets.keySet.toList.sorted.mkString(",") throw new IllegalStateException( "different topics " + s"for starting offsets topics[${fromTopics}] and " + s"ending offsets topics[${endTopics}]") } val offsetRanges = endTopicOffsets.keySet .map { tp => val fromOffset = fromTopicOffsets.getOrElse(tp, { // this shouldn't happen since we had checked it throw new IllegalStateException(s"$tp doesn't have a from offset") }) val untilOffset = endTopicOffsets(tp) PulsarOffsetRange(tp, fromOffset, untilOffset, None) } .filter { range => if (range.untilOffset.compareTo(range.fromOffset) < 0) { reportDataLoss( s"${range.topic}'s offset was changed " + s"from ${range.fromOffset} to ${range.untilOffset}, " + "some data might has been missed") false } else { true } } .toSeq val rdd = new PulsarSourceRDD4Batch( sqlContext.sparkContext, schemaInfo, adminUrl, clientConf, readerConf, offsetRanges, pollTimeoutMs, failOnDataLoss, subscriptionNamePrefix, jsonOptions ) sqlContext.internalCreateDataFrame(rdd.setName("pulsar"), schema).rdd } }
Example 9
Source File: GDBRelation.scala From spark-gdb with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.esri.gdb import org.apache.spark.Logging import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD import org.apache.spark.sql.sources.{BaseRelation, TableScan} import org.apache.spark.sql.types._ import org.apache.spark.sql.{Row, SQLContext} case class GDBRelation(gdbPath: String, gdbName: String, numPartition: Int) (@transient val sqlContext: SQLContext) extends BaseRelation with Logging with TableScan { override val schema = inferSchema() private def inferSchema() = { val sc = sqlContext.sparkContext GDBTable.findTable(gdbPath, gdbName, sc.hadoopConfiguration) match { case Some(catTab) => { val table = GDBTable(gdbPath, catTab.hexName, sc.hadoopConfiguration) try { table.schema() } finally { table.close() } } case _ => { log.error(s"Cannot find '$gdbName' in $gdbPath, creating an empty schema !") StructType(Seq.empty[StructField]) } } } override def buildScan(): RDD[Row] = { GDBRDD(sqlContext.sparkContext, gdbPath, gdbName, numPartition) } }
Example 10
Source File: SpreadsheetRelation.scala From spark-google-spreadsheets with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import import import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD import org.apache.spark.sql.sources.{BaseRelation, InsertableRelation, TableScan} import org.apache.spark.sql.types.{StringType, StructField, StructType} import org.apache.spark.sql.{DataFrame, Row, SQLContext} case class SpreadsheetRelation protected[spark] ( context:SparkSpreadsheetContext, spreadsheetName: String, worksheetName: String, userSchema: Option[StructType] = None)(@transient val sqlContext: SQLContext) extends BaseRelation with TableScan with InsertableRelation { import override def schema: StructType = userSchema.getOrElse(inferSchema()) private lazy val aWorksheet: SparkWorksheet = findWorksheet(spreadsheetName, worksheetName)(context) match { case Right(aWorksheet) => aWorksheet case Left(e) => throw e } private lazy val rows: Seq[Map[String, String]] = aWorksheet.rows private[spreadsheets] def findWorksheet(spreadsheetName: String, worksheetName: String)(implicit ctx: SparkSpreadsheetContext): Either[Throwable, SparkWorksheet] = for { sheet <- findSpreadsheet(spreadsheetName).toRight(new RuntimeException(s"no such spreadsheet: $spreadsheetName")).right worksheet <- sheet.findWorksheet(worksheetName).toRight(new RuntimeException(s"no such worksheet: $worksheetName")).right } yield worksheet override def buildScan(): RDD[Row] = { val aSchema = schema sqlContext.sparkContext.makeRDD(rows).mapPartitions { iter => { m => var index = 0 val rowArray = new Array[Any](aSchema.fields.length) while(index < aSchema.fields.length) { val field = aSchema.fields(index) rowArray(index) = if (m.contains( { TypeCast.castTo(m(, field.dataType, field.nullable) } else { null } index += 1 } Row.fromSeq(rowArray) } } } override def insert(data: DataFrame, overwrite: Boolean): Unit = { if(!overwrite) { sys.error("Spreadsheet tables only support INSERT OVERWRITE for now.") } findWorksheet(spreadsheetName, worksheetName)(context) match { case Right(w) => w.updateCells(data.schema, data.collect().toList, Util.toRowData) case Left(e) => throw e } } private def inferSchema(): StructType = StructType( { fieldName => StructField(fieldName, StringType, nullable = true) }) }
Example 11
Source File: HelloWorldDataSource.scala From apache-spark-test with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.github.dnvriend.spark.datasources.helloworld import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD import org.apache.spark.sql.sources.{ BaseRelation, DataSourceRegister, RelationProvider, TableScan } import org.apache.spark.sql.types.{ StringType, StructField, StructType } import org.apache.spark.sql.{ Row, SQLContext } class HelloWorldDataSource extends RelationProvider with DataSourceRegister with Serializable { override def shortName(): String = "helloworld" override def hashCode(): Int = getClass.hashCode() override def equals(other: scala.Any): Boolean = other.isInstanceOf[HelloWorldDataSource] override def toString: String = "HelloWorldDataSource" override def createRelation(sqlContext: SQLContext, parameters: Map[String, String]): BaseRelation = { val path = parameters.get("path") path match { case Some(p) => new HelloWorldRelationProvider(sqlContext, p, parameters) case _ => throw new IllegalArgumentException("Path is required for Tickets datasets") } } } class HelloWorldRelationProvider(val sqlContext: SQLContext, path: String, parameters: Map[String, String]) extends BaseRelation with TableScan { import sqlContext.implicits._ override def schema: StructType = StructType(Array( StructField("key", StringType, nullable = false), StructField("value", StringType, nullable = true) )) override def buildScan(): RDD[Row] = Seq( "path" -> path, "message" -> parameters.getOrElse("message", ""), "name" -> s"Hello ${parameters.getOrElse("name", "")}", "hello_world" -> "Hello World!" ).toDF.rdd }
Example 12
Source File: TensorflowRelation.scala From ecosystem with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.tensorflow.spark.datasources.tfrecords import{BytesWritable, NullWritable} import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD import org.apache.spark.sql.sources.{BaseRelation, TableScan} import org.apache.spark.sql.types.StructType import org.apache.spark.sql.{Row, SQLContext, SparkSession} import org.tensorflow.example.{SequenceExample, Example} import import org.tensorflow.spark.datasources.tfrecords.serde.DefaultTfRecordRowDecoder case class TensorflowRelation(options: Map[String, String], customSchema: Option[StructType]=None) (@transient val session: SparkSession) extends BaseRelation with TableScan { //Import TFRecords as DataFrame happens here lazy val (tfRdd, tfSchema) = { val rdd = session.sparkContext.newAPIHadoopFile(options("path"), classOf[TFRecordFileInputFormat], classOf[BytesWritable], classOf[NullWritable]) val recordType = options.getOrElse("recordType", "Example") recordType match { case "Example" => val exampleRdd ={case (bytesWritable, nullWritable) => Example.parseFrom(bytesWritable.getBytes) } val finalSchema = customSchema.getOrElse(TensorFlowInferSchema(exampleRdd)) val rowRdd = => DefaultTfRecordRowDecoder.decodeExample(example, finalSchema)) (rowRdd, finalSchema) case "SequenceExample" => val sequenceExampleRdd ={case (bytesWritable, nullWritable) => SequenceExample.parseFrom(bytesWritable.getBytes) } val finalSchema = customSchema.getOrElse(TensorFlowInferSchema(sequenceExampleRdd)) val rowRdd = => DefaultTfRecordRowDecoder.decodeSequenceExample(example, finalSchema)) (rowRdd, finalSchema) case _ => throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Unsupported recordType ${recordType}: recordType can be Example or SequenceExample") } } override def sqlContext: SQLContext = session.sqlContext override def schema: StructType = tfSchema override def buildScan(): RDD[Row] = tfRdd }