org.scalactic.source Scala Examples
The following examples show how to use org.scalactic.source.
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and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example.
Example 1
Source File: EitherValues.scala From nexus with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import org.scalactic.source import org.scalatest.exceptions.{StackDepthException, TestFailedException} trait EitherValues { class EitherValuable[L, R](either: Either[L, R], pos: source.Position) { def rightValue: R = either match { case Right(value) => value case Left(_) => throw new TestFailedException( (_: StackDepthException) => Some("The Either value is not a Right(_)"), None, pos ) } def leftValue: L = either match { case Left(value) => value case Right(_) => throw new TestFailedException( (_: StackDepthException) => Some("The Either value is not a Left(_)"), None, pos ) } } implicit def convertEitherToValuable[L, R](either: Either[L, R])(implicit p: source.Position): EitherValuable[L, R] = new EitherValuable(either, p) } object EitherValues extends EitherValues
Example 2
Source File: EitherValues.scala From lithium with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package akka.cluster.swissborg import org.scalactic.source import org.scalatest.exceptions.{StackDepthException, TestFailedException} trait EitherValues { implicit def convertEitherToValuable[L, R](either: Either[L, R])(implicit p: source.Position): EitherValuable[L, R] = new EitherValuable(either, p) class EitherValuable[L, R](either: Either[L, R], pos: source.Position) { def rightValue: R = either match { case Right(value) => value case Left(_) => throw new TestFailedException((_: StackDepthException) => Some("The Either value is not a Right(_)"), None, pos) } def leftValue: L = either match { case Left(value) => value case Right(_) => throw new TestFailedException((_: StackDepthException) => Some("The Either value is not a Left(_)"), None, pos) } } } object EitherValues extends EitherValues
Example 3
Source File: BaseTestsSuite.scala From cats-effect with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package cats.effect import cats.effect.internals.TestUtils import cats.effect.laws.util.{TestContext, TestInstances} import org.scalactic.source import org.scalatest.Tag import org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers import org.scalatest.funsuite.AnyFunSuite import org.scalatestplus.scalacheck.Checkers import org.typelevel.discipline.Laws import org.typelevel.discipline.scalatest.FunSuiteDiscipline class BaseTestsSuite extends AnyFunSuite with Matchers with Checkers with FunSuiteDiscipline with TestInstances with TestUtils { def testAsync[A](name: String, tags: Tag*)(f: TestContext => Unit)(implicit pos: source.Position): Unit = // Overriding System.err test(name, tags: _*)(silenceSystemErr(f(TestContext())))(pos) def checkAllAsync(name: String, f: TestContext => Laws#RuleSet): Unit = { val context = TestContext() val ruleSet = f(context) for ((id, prop) <- test(name + "." + id) { silenceSystemErr(check(prop)) } } }
Example 4
Source File: ValueJsonConversionTest.scala From ingraph with Eclipse Public License 1.0 | 5 votes |
package ingraph.compiler.sql.driver import ingraph.compiler.sql.driver.ValueJsonConversion._ import ingraph.compiler.sql.driver.ValueJsonConversionTest._ import org.neo4j.driver.internal.value._ import org.neo4j.driver.internal.{InternalNode, InternalPath, InternalRelationship} import org.neo4j.driver.v1.Value import org.scalactic.source import org.scalactic.source.Position import org.scalatest.FunSuite import scala.collection.JavaConverters._ import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer class ValueJsonConversionTest extends FunSuite { testParameters.foreach { case (value, testName, pos) => test(testName) { println(value) val jsonString = gson.toJson(value, classOf[Value]) println(jsonString) val deserialized = gson.fromJson(jsonString, classOf[Value]) assert(value == deserialized) }(pos) } } object ValueJsonConversionTest { val testValues: ArrayBuffer[Value] = ArrayBuffer.empty val testParameters: ArrayBuffer[(Value, String, Position)] = ArrayBuffer.empty def addTest(value: Value, testName: String = null)(implicit pos: source.Position): Unit = { testValues += value testParameters += ((value, Option(testName).getOrElse(value.getClass.getSimpleName), pos)) } private val stringValue = new StringValue("John") private val integerValue = new IntegerValue(101) private val propertiesMap = Map[String, Value]("name" -> stringValue).asJava addTest(new MapValue(propertiesMap)) addTest(new BytesValue(Array[Byte](0, 42, 127, -128))) addTest(new ListValue(stringValue, integerValue)) addTest(new NodeValue(new InternalNode(5, List("Label1", "Label2").asJavaCollection, propertiesMap))) addTest(new RelationshipValue(new InternalRelationship(42, 10, 20, "Edge_Type_1", propertiesMap))) addTest(new PathValue(new InternalPath( new InternalNode(0), new InternalRelationship(101, 0, 1, "TYPE_A"), new InternalNode(1) ))) addTest(BooleanValue.FALSE) addTest(BooleanValue.TRUE) addTest(NullValue.NULL) addTest(stringValue) addTest(integerValue) addTest(new FloatValue(3.14)) }
Example 5
Source File: EffectCheckerAsserting.scala From cats-effect-testing with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package cats.effect.testing.scalatest.scalacheck import cats.effect.Effect import org.scalactic.source import org.scalatest.exceptions._ import org.scalatestplus.scalacheck.CheckerAsserting class EffectCheckerAsserting[F[_], A](implicit F: Effect[F]) extends CheckerAsserting.CheckerAssertingImpl[F[A]] { override type Result = F[Unit] override def succeed(result: F[A]): (Boolean, Option[Throwable]) = F.toIO(result) .attempt .unsafeRunSync() .fold(e => (false, Some(e)), _ => (true, None)) override def indicateSuccess(message: => String): Result = F.unit override def indicateFailure( messageFun: StackDepthException => String, undecoratedMessage: => String, scalaCheckArgs: List[Any], scalaCheckLabels: List[String], optionalCause: Option[Throwable], pos: source.Position ): Result = { val error = new GeneratorDrivenPropertyCheckFailedException( messageFun, optionalCause, pos, None, undecoratedMessage, scalaCheckArgs, None, scalaCheckLabels ) F.raiseError(error) } }
Example 6
Source File: EitherTValues.scala From guardrail with MIT License | 5 votes |
package tests.scalatest import cats.Functor import import org.scalactic.source import org.scalatest._ import org.scalatest.exceptions.{ StackDepthException, TestFailedException } import scala.language.higherKinds import scala.language.implicitConversions trait EitherTValues { implicit def convertEitherTToValuable[F[_]: Functor, L, R](eitherT: EitherT[F, L, R]) = new EitherTValuable(eitherT) class EitherTValuable[F[_]: Functor, L, R](eitherT: EitherT[F, L, R]) { def leftValue(implicit pos: source.Position): F[L] = eitherT.fold(identity, { _ => throw new TestFailedException((_: StackDepthException) => Option.empty[String], Option.empty[Throwable], pos) }) def rightValue(implicit pos: source.Position): F[R] = eitherT.fold({ _ => throw new TestFailedException((_: StackDepthException) => Option.empty[String], Option.empty[Throwable], pos) }, identity) } }
Example 7
Source File: EitherTValues.scala From guardrail with MIT License | 5 votes |
package tests.scalatest import cats.Functor import import org.scalactic.source import org.scalatest._ import org.scalatest.exceptions.{ StackDepthException, TestFailedException } import scala.language.higherKinds import scala.language.implicitConversions trait EitherTValues { implicit def convertEitherTToValuable[F[_]: Functor, L, R](eitherT: EitherT[F, L, R]) = new EitherTValuable(eitherT) class EitherTValuable[F[_]: Functor, L, R](eitherT: EitherT[F, L, R]) { def leftValue(implicit pos: source.Position): F[L] = eitherT.fold(identity, { _ => throw new TestFailedException((_: StackDepthException) => Option.empty[String], Option.empty[Throwable], pos) }) def rightValue(implicit pos: source.Position): F[R] = eitherT.fold({ _ => throw new TestFailedException((_: StackDepthException) => Option.empty[String], Option.empty[Throwable], pos) }, identity) } }
Example 8
Source File: EitherTValues.scala From guardrail with MIT License | 5 votes |
package tests.scalatest import cats.Functor import import org.scalactic.source import org.scalatest._ import org.scalatest.exceptions.{ StackDepthException, TestFailedException } import scala.language.higherKinds import scala.language.implicitConversions trait EitherTValues { implicit def convertEitherTToValuable[F[_]: Functor, L, R](eitherT: EitherT[F, L, R]) = new EitherTValuable(eitherT) class EitherTValuable[F[_]: Functor, L, R](eitherT: EitherT[F, L, R]) { def leftValue(implicit pos: source.Position): F[L] = eitherT.fold(identity, { _ => throw new TestFailedException((_: StackDepthException) => Option.empty[String], Option.empty[Throwable], pos) }) def rightValue(implicit pos: source.Position): F[R] = eitherT.fold({ _ => throw new TestFailedException((_: StackDepthException) => Option.empty[String], Option.empty[Throwable], pos) }, identity) } }
Example 9
Source File: IOEitherValues.scala From nexus with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import cats.effect.IO import org.scalactic.source import import scala.reflect.ClassTag trait IOEitherValues extends IOValues with EitherValues { implicit final def ioEitherValues[E, A](io: IO[Either[E, A]]): IOEitherValuesSyntax[E, A] = new IOEitherValuesSyntax(io) protected class IOEitherValuesSyntax[E, A](io: IO[Either[E, A]]) { def accepted(implicit config: PatienceConfig, pos: source.Position): A = io.ioValue(config, pos).rightValue def rejected[EE <: E: ClassTag](implicit config: PatienceConfig, pos: source.Position): EE = { val EE = implicitly[ClassTag[EE]] io.ioValue(config, pos).leftValue match { case EE(value) => value case other => fail( s"Wrong throwable type caught, expected: '${EE.runtimeClass.getName}', actual: '${other.getClass.getName}'" ) } } } } object IOEitherValues extends IOEitherValues
Example 10
Source File: Consume.scala From daml with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
// Copyright (c) 2020 Digital Asset (Switzerland) GmbH and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 package com.daml.http import import org.scalactic.source import scalaz.{~>, Functor} import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future} def interpret[T, V](steps: FCC[T, V])(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Sink[T, Future[V]] = Sink .foldAsync(steps) { (steps, t: T) => // step through steps until performing exactly one listen, // then step through any further steps until encountering // either the end or the next listen def go(steps: FCC[T, V], listened: Boolean): Future[FCC[T, V]] = steps.resume fold ({ case listen @ Listen(f, _) => if (listened) Future successful (Free roll listen) else go(f(t), true) case drain: Drain[s, T, FCC[T, V]] => Future successful Free.roll { if (listened) drain else drain.copy(init =, t)) } case Emit(run) => run flatMap (go(_, listened)) }, v => if (listened) Future successful (Free point v) else Future.failed(new IllegalStateException( s"unexpected element $t, script already terminated with $v"))) go(steps, false) } .mapMaterializedValue(_.flatMap(_.foldMap(Lambda[Consume[T, ?] ~> Future] { case Listen(_, desc) => Future.failed(new IllegalStateException( s"${describe(desc)}: script terminated early, expected another value")) case Drain(init, _, out) => Future(out(init)) case Emit(run) => run }))) implicit def `consume functor`[T](implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Functor[Consume[T, ?]] = new Functor[Consume[T, ?]] { override def map[A, B](fa: Consume[T, A])(f: A => B): Consume[T, B] = fa match { case Listen(g, desc) => Listen(g andThen f, desc) case Drain(init, next, out) => Drain(init, next, out andThen f) case Emit(run) => Emit(run map f) } } private def describe(d: Description) = s"${d.fileName}:${d.lineNumber}" implicit final class `Consume Ops`[T, V](private val steps: FCC[T, V]) extends AnyVal { def withFilter(p: V => Boolean)(implicit pos: source.Position): Free[Consume[T, ?], V] = steps flatMap { v => if (p(v)) Free point v else Free liftF Emit( Future failed new IllegalStateException( s"${describe(pos)}: script cancelled by match error on $v")) } } def syntax[T]: Syntax[T] = new Syntax final class Syntax[T] { def readOne(implicit pos: source.Position): FCC[T, T] = Free liftF Listen(identity, pos) def drain: FCC[T, Seq[T]] = Free liftF Drain(Nil, (acc: List[T], t) => t :: acc, (_: List[T]).reverse) def liftF[V](run: Future[V]): FCC[T, V] = Free liftF Emit(run) def point[V](v: V): FCC[T, V] = Free point v } }
Example 11
Source File: IOValues.scala From nexus with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import cats.effect.IO import org.scalactic.source import org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers._ import org.scalatest.concurrent.ScalaFutures import scala.reflect.ClassTag trait IOValues extends ScalaFutures { implicit final def ioValues[A](io: IO[A]): IOValuesSyntax[A] = new IOValuesSyntax(io) protected class IOValuesSyntax[A](io: IO[A]) { def failed[Ex <: Throwable: ClassTag](implicit config: PatienceConfig, pos: source.Position): Ex = { val Ex = implicitly[ClassTag[Ex]] io.redeemWith( { case Ex(ex) => IO.pure(ex) case other => IO( fail( s"Wrong throwable type caught, expected: '${Ex.runtimeClass.getName}', actual: '${other.getClass.getName}'" ) ) }, a => IO(fail(s"The IO did not fail as expected, but computed the value '$a'")) ) .ioValue(config, pos) } def ioValue(implicit config: PatienceConfig, pos: source.Position): A = io.unsafeToFuture().futureValue(config, pos) } } object IOValues extends IOValues
Example 12
Source File: IOEitherValues.scala From nexus with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import cats.effect.IO import org.scalactic.source import import scala.reflect.ClassTag trait IOEitherValues extends IOValues with EitherValues { implicit final def ioEitherValues[E, A](io: IO[Either[E, A]]): IOEitherValuesSyntax[E, A] = new IOEitherValuesSyntax(io) protected class IOEitherValuesSyntax[E, A](io: IO[Either[E, A]]) { def accepted(implicit config: PatienceConfig, pos: source.Position): A = io.ioValue(config, pos).rightValue def rejected[EE <: E: ClassTag](implicit config: PatienceConfig, pos: source.Position): EE = { val EE = implicitly[ClassTag[EE]] io.ioValue(config, pos).leftValue match { case EE(value) => value case other => fail( s"Wrong throwable type caught, expected: '${EE.runtimeClass.getName}', actual: '${other.getClass.getName}'" ) } } } } object IOEitherValues extends IOEitherValues
Example 13
Source File: EitherValues.scala From nexus with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import org.scalactic.source import org.scalatest.exceptions.{StackDepthException, TestFailedException} trait EitherValues { class EitherValuable[L, R](either: Either[L, R], pos: source.Position) { def rightValue: R = either match { case Right(value) => value case Left(_) => throw new TestFailedException( (_: StackDepthException) => Some("The Either value is not a Right(_)"), None, pos ) } def leftValue: L = either match { case Left(value) => value case Right(_) => throw new TestFailedException( (_: StackDepthException) => Some("The Either value is not a Left(_)"), None, pos ) } } implicit def convertEitherToValuable[L, R](either: Either[L, R])(implicit p: source.Position): EitherValuable[L, R] = new EitherValuable(either, p) } object EitherValues extends EitherValues
Example 14
Source File: IOValues.scala From nexus with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import cats.effect.IO import org.scalactic.source import org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers._ import org.scalatest.concurrent.ScalaFutures import scala.reflect.ClassTag trait IOValues extends ScalaFutures { implicit final def ioValues[A](io: IO[A]): IOValuesSyntax[A] = new IOValuesSyntax(io) protected class IOValuesSyntax[A](io: IO[A]) { def failed[Ex <: Throwable: ClassTag](implicit config: PatienceConfig, pos: source.Position): Ex = { val Ex = implicitly[ClassTag[Ex]] io.redeemWith( { case Ex(ex) => IO.pure(ex) case other => IO( fail( s"Wrong throwable type caught, expected: '${Ex.runtimeClass.getName}', actual: '${other.getClass.getName}'" ) ) }, a => IO(fail(s"The IO did not fail as expected, but computed the value '$a'")) ) .ioValue(config, pos) } def ioValue(implicit config: PatienceConfig, pos: source.Position): A = io.unsafeToFuture().futureValue(config, pos) } } object IOValues extends IOValues
Example 15
Source File: SourcingSpec.scala From nexus with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import org.scalactic.source import org.scalatest.{Inspectors, OptionValues, TryValues} import org.scalatest.exceptions.{StackDepthException, TestFailedException} import org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers trait SourcingSpec extends org.scalatest.wordspec.AnyWordSpecLike with Matchers with Inspectors with OptionValues with TryValues { class EitherValuable[L, R](either: Either[L, R], pos: source.Position) { def rightValue: R = either match { case Right(value) => value case Left(_) => throw new TestFailedException( (_: StackDepthException) => Some("The Either value is not a Right(_)"), None, pos ) } def leftValue: L = either match { case Left(value) => value case Right(_) => throw new TestFailedException( (_: StackDepthException) => Some("The Either value is not a Left(_)"), None, pos ) } } implicit def convertEitherToValuable[L, R](either: Either[L, R])(implicit p: source.Position): EitherValuable[L, R] = new EitherValuable(either, p) }
Example 16
Source File: IOValues.scala From nexus with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import cats.effect.IO import org.scalactic.source import org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers._ import org.scalatest.concurrent.ScalaFutures import scala.reflect.ClassTag trait IOValues extends ScalaFutures { implicit final def ioValues[A](io: IO[A]): IOValuesSyntax[A] = new IOValuesSyntax(io) protected class IOValuesSyntax[A](io: IO[A]) { def failed[Ex <: Throwable: ClassTag](implicit config: PatienceConfig, pos: source.Position): Ex = { val Ex = implicitly[ClassTag[Ex]] io.redeemWith( { case Ex(ex) => IO.pure(ex) case other => IO( fail( s"Wrong throwable type caught, expected: '${Ex.runtimeClass.getName}', actual: '${other.getClass.getName}'" ) ) }, a => IO(fail(s"The IO did not fail as expected, but computed the value '$a'")) ) .ioValue(config, pos) } def ioValue(implicit config: PatienceConfig, pos: source.Position): A = io.unsafeToFuture().futureValue(config, pos) } } object IOValues extends IOValues
Example 17
Source File: LiteralTypeTests.scala From scala-tsi with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.scalatsi import TypescriptType.{TSLiteralBoolean, TSLiteralNumber, TSLiteralString} import org.scalactic.source import org.scalatest.words.StringVerbBlockRegistration import org.scalatest.{Matchers, WordSpec} class LiteralTypeTests extends WordSpec with Matchers with DefaultTSTypes { "Default TS Types should be defined" forWord { "literal booleans" in { TSType.get[true] shouldBe TSType(TSLiteralBoolean(true)) TSType.get[false] shouldBe TSType(TSLiteralBoolean(false)) } "literal strings" in { TSType.get["Hello world!"] shouldBe TSType(TSLiteralString("Hello world!")) } "literal numbers" in { TSType.get[42] shouldBe TSType(TSLiteralNumber(BigDecimal(42))) TSType.get[42L] shouldBe TSType(TSLiteralNumber(BigDecimal(42L))) TSType.get[42.0] shouldBe TSType(TSLiteralNumber(BigDecimal(42.0))) TSType.get[42.0f] shouldBe TSType(TSLiteralNumber(BigDecimal(42.0f))) } } "Literal numbers" should { "work in other types" in { case class Literal( a: "Hello!", b: 42, c: true ) implicit val tsType = TSType.fromCaseClass[Literal] TypescriptTypeSerializer.emit[Literal]() shouldBe """export interface ILiteral { | a: "Hello!" | b: 42 | c: true |} |""".stripMargin } } import scala.language.implicitConversions implicit def convertToStringHasWrapperForVerb(o: String)(implicit position: source.Position): HasWrapper = new HasWrapper { override val leftSideString = o.trim override val pos = position } trait HasWrapper { val leftSideString: String val pos: source.Position def forWord(right: => Unit)(implicit fun: StringVerbBlockRegistration): Unit = { fun(leftSideString, "for", pos, () => right) } } }
Example 18
Source File: EqualsAuthenticatedRequest.scala From nisp-frontend with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import org.mockito.ArgumentMatcher import org.scalactic.{Prettifier, source} import org.scalatest.Matchers import case class EqualsAuthenticatedRequest(n: AuthenticatedRequest[_]) extends ArgumentMatcher[AuthenticatedRequest[_]] with Matchers { class LocalPrettifier extends Prettifier { override def apply(o: Any): String = { o match { case request: AuthenticatedRequest[_] => s"AuthenticatedRequest { request: ${request.request}, nispAuthedUser: ${request.nispAuthedUser}, authDetails: ${request.authDetails}" case _ => o.toString } } } override implicit def convertToAnyShouldWrapper[AuthenticatedRequest] (o: AuthenticatedRequest) (implicit pos: source.Position, prettifier: Prettifier): AnyShouldWrapper[AuthenticatedRequest] = new AnyShouldWrapper(o, pos, new LocalPrettifier) override def matches(argument: AuthenticatedRequest[_]): Boolean = { withClue(s"Argument doesn't match: ") { argument shouldBe n } true } }