org.scalatest.FreeSpec Scala Examples

The following examples show how to use org.scalatest.FreeSpec. You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example.
Example 1
Source File: VariablesTest.scala    From flamy   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package com.flaminem.flamy.model

import org.rogach.scallop.{ScallopConf, Subcommand}
import org.scalatest.{FreeSpec, Matchers}

class VariablesTest extends FreeSpec with Matchers{

  "replaceInText should work" in {
    val variables = new Variables
    variables += ("TO_REPLACE" -> "REPLACED")
    val text = "TO_REPLACE has been ${TO_REPLACE}"
    val expected = "TO_REPLACE has been REPLACED"


  "subsetInText should work" in {
    val variables = new Variables
    variables += ("IN_KEY" -> "IN_VALUE")
    variables += ("OUT_KEY" -> "OUT_VALUE")
    val text = "this text contains ${IN_KEY} but does not contains OUT_KEY"

    val expectedVariables = new Variables
    expectedVariables += ("IN_KEY" -> "IN_VALUE")

    assert(variables.subsetInText(text, Nil) === expectedVariables)

  "replaceInText should preserve partition variables" in {
    val text: String = """INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE db1.dest PARTITION(part=${partition:toto}) SELECT ${partition:toto} as num FROM db2.source"""
    val vars = new Variables()
    vars += "partition:toto" -> "${partition:toto}0"
    val expected: String = """INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE db1.dest PARTITION(part="${partition:toto}") SELECT "${partition:toto}" as num FROM db2.source"""
    assert(vars.replaceInText(text) == expected)

  "the scallopConverter should work" in {
    object Conf extends ScallopConf(Seq("--variables", "HELLO=yes", "LIST=(1,2,3)", "sub")) {
      val variables = opt[Variables](name = "variables")(Variables.scallopConverter)
      val sub =
        new Subcommand("sub") {
          banner("Print version information of this program")
          override def toString = "sub"
    assert(Conf.variables() === Variables("HELLO" -> "yes", "LIST" -> "(1,2,3)"))
    assert(Conf.subcommand.get.toString === "sub")

Example 2
Source File: DiffTest.scala    From flamy   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package com.flaminem.flamy.commands

import com.flaminem.flamy.conf.FlamyContext
import org.scalatest.{FreeSpec, Matchers}

class DiffTest extends FreeSpec with Matchers {

  "diffColumns should work" in {
    val leftContext = new FlamyContext("flamy.model.dir.paths" -> "src/test/resources/LeftDiff")
    val rightContext = new FlamyContext("flamy.model.dir.paths" -> "src/test/resources/RightDiff")

    val diff = new Diff

    val expected =
        || model                 | model                 |
        || db_source.left_table  |                       |
        ||                       | db_source.right_table |
        || db_source.source      | db_source.source      |
        ||     col2 INT          |                       |
        ||     * partcol2 STRING |     * partcol3 STRING |
    assert(diff.diffColumns(leftContext, rightContext) === expected)

  "diffTables should work" in {
    val leftContext = new FlamyContext("flamy.model.dir.paths" -> "src/test/resources/LeftDiff")
    val rightContext = new FlamyContext("flamy.model.dir.paths" -> "src/test/resources/RightDiff")

    val diff = new Diff
    val expected =
        || model                | model                 |
        || db_source.left_table |                       |
        ||                      | db_source.right_table |
    assert(diff.diffTables(leftContext, rightContext) === expected)


Example 3
Source File: RemoteHiveRunnerTest.scala    From flamy   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package com.flaminem.flamy.exec.hive

import com.flaminem.flamy.conf.{Environment, FlamyContext, FlamyGlobalOptions}
import com.flaminem.flamy.model.{Column, Variables}
import com.flaminem.flamy.utils.sql.{MetaData, ResultRow}
import org.scalatest.{FreeSpec, Matchers}

class RemoteHiveRunnerTest extends FreeSpec with Matchers {

  val context =
    new FlamyContext(
      new FlamyGlobalOptions(
        conf = Map(
          "flamy.environments" -> "remote",
          "flamy.model.dir.paths" -> "src/test/resources/test",
          "flamy.variables.path" -> "${flamy.model.dir.paths}/",
          "flamy.env.model.hive.presets.path" -> "${flamy.model.dir.paths}/PRESETS.hql",
          "flamy.env.remote.hive.server.uri" -> "\"\""
      , Some(Environment("remote"))
  context.dryRun = true
  val runner = new RemoteHiveRunner(context)

  "testRemote1" ignore {
    val createDB: String = "CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS test"
    val createSource: String = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS test.source (a INT, b INT, c INT, d INT)"
    val populate: String = "SELECT to_date(truncate_date(from_unixtime(unix_timestamp()),'WEEK')) FROM test.source"

    val runner: HiveRunner = new RemoteHiveRunner(context)
    runner.runCreate(createDB, new Variables)
    runner.runCreate(createSource, new Variables)
    runner.runText(populate, None, new Variables, explainIfDryRun = true)

  "testRemote2" ignore {
    try {
      val context: FlamyContext = new FlamyContext("test", Environment("prod"))
      val runner: RemoteHiveRunner = new RemoteHiveRunner(context)
//      val con: Connection = runner.con
//      val st: Statement = con.createStatement
//      st.execute("USE dev_client_value")
//      st.execute("MSCK REPAIR TABLE url_semantic_data_s3")
    catch {
      case e: Exception => e.printStackTrace()

  "getConfiguration" - {
    "should work with hive config result" in {
      val key = ""
      val value = "true"
      val metaData = new MetaData(new Column("set")::Nil)
      val res = new ResultRow(metaData, Seq(s"$key=$value"))
      assert(runner.readConfigurationResult(key, res) === Some(value))

    "should work with undefined hive config result " in {
      val key = ""
      val col = new Column("set")
      val res = new ResultRow(new MetaData(new Column("set")::Nil), Seq(s"$key is undefined"))
      assert(runner.readConfigurationResult(key, res) === None)

    "should work with spark config result" in {
      val key = ""
      val value = "true"
      val metaData = new MetaData(new Column("key")::new Column("value")::Nil)
      val res = new ResultRow(metaData, Seq(key, value))
      assert(runner.readConfigurationResult(key, res) === Some(value))

    "should work with undefined spark config result " in {
      val key = ""
      val metaData = new MetaData(new Column("key")::new Column("value")::Nil)
      val res = new ResultRow(metaData, Seq(key, "<undefined>"))
      assert(runner.readConfigurationResult(key, res) === None)

Example 4
Source File: MultilineActionFeedbackTest.scala    From flamy   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package com.flaminem.flamy.exec.utils

import org.scalatest.FreeSpec

class MultilineActionFeedbackTest extends FreeSpec {

  "IncrementalIndexer should work" in {
    val index = new MultilineActionFeedback.IncrementalIndexer[Int]
    assert(index(0) == 0)
    assert(index(1) == 1)
    assert(index(2) == 2)
    assert(index(0) == 0)
    assert(index(1) == 1)
    assert(index(2) == 2)

Example 5
Source File: TableGraphRunnerTest.scala    From flamy   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up

import com.flaminem.flamy.conf.FlamyContext
import com.flaminem.flamy.conf.hive.ModelHiveContext
import com.flaminem.flamy.exec.FlamyRunner
import com.flaminem.flamy.exec.actions.RunAction
import com.flaminem.flamy.exec.utils.Workflow.Status
import com.flaminem.flamy.exec.utils.{HasWorkflowHistory, Workflow}
import com.flaminem.flamy.graph.TableGraph
import com.flaminem.flamy.model.ItemRange
import com.flaminem.flamy.model.names.TableName
import org.scalatest.FreeSpec

class TableGraphRunnerTest extends FreeSpec {

  val context =
    new FlamyContext(
      "flamy.model.dir.paths" -> "src/test/resources/GraphRunner",
      "flamy.env.model.hive.presets.path" -> "src/test/resources/GraphRunner/PRESETS.hql"
  context.dryRun = true

  "a GraphRunner should run tables in the correct order" in {
    val itemArgs = ItemRange(Seq("db_dest.dest"), Seq("db_dest.dest1", "db_dest.dest2"))
    val runGraph: TableGraph = TableGraph.getCompleteModelGraph(context, itemArgs, checkNoMissingTable = true).subGraph(itemArgs).withRemovedViews()
    val flamyRunner: FlamyRunner = FlamyRunner(context)
    val graphRunner = new GraphRunner(flamyRunner, context, runGraph) with HasWorkflowHistory[RunAction]

    val actual : Seq[(TableName, Status)] =
          case (action, Workflow.Status.RUNNING) => action.tableName -> Workflow.Status.RUNNING
          case (action, Workflow.Status.SUCCESSFUL) => action.tableName -> Workflow.Status.SUCCESSFUL

    val expected =
        TableName("db_dest.dest") -> Workflow.Status.RUNNING,
        TableName("db_dest.dest") -> Workflow.Status.SUCCESSFUL,
        TableName("db_dest.dest2") -> Workflow.Status.RUNNING,
        TableName("db_dest.dest2") -> Workflow.Status.SUCCESSFUL,
        TableName("db_dest.dest1") -> Workflow.Status.RUNNING,
        TableName("db_dest.dest1") -> Workflow.Status.SUCCESSFUL

    assert(actual === expected)

  "a GraphRunner should run tables in the correct order bis" in {
    val itemArgs = ItemRange(Seq("db_dest2.dest"), Seq("db_dest2.dest1", "db_dest2.dest2", "db_dest2.dest3"))
    val runGraph: TableGraph = TableGraph.getCompleteModelGraph(context, itemArgs, checkNoMissingTable = true).subGraph(itemArgs).withRemovedViews()
    val flamyRunner: FlamyRunner = FlamyRunner(context)
    val graphRunner = new GraphRunner(flamyRunner, context, runGraph) with HasWorkflowHistory[RunAction]

    val actual : Seq[(TableName, Status)] =
          case (action, Workflow.Status.RUNNING) => action.tableName -> Workflow.Status.RUNNING
          case (action, Workflow.Status.SUCCESSFUL) => action.tableName -> Workflow.Status.SUCCESSFUL

    val expected =
        TableName("db_dest2.dest") -> Workflow.Status.RUNNING,
        TableName("db_dest2.dest") -> Workflow.Status.SUCCESSFUL,
        TableName("db_dest2.dest2") -> Workflow.Status.RUNNING,
        TableName("db_dest2.dest2") -> Workflow.Status.SUCCESSFUL,
        TableName("db_dest2.dest3") -> Workflow.Status.RUNNING,
        TableName("db_dest2.dest3") -> Workflow.Status.SUCCESSFUL,
        TableName("db_dest2.dest1") -> Workflow.Status.RUNNING,
        TableName("db_dest2.dest1") -> Workflow.Status.SUCCESSFUL

    assert(actual === expected)

Example 6
Source File: UniqueListTest.scala    From flamy   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package com.flaminem.flamy.utils.collection.immutable

import org.scalatest.FreeSpec

class UniqueListTest extends FreeSpec {

  "a UniqueList should throw an exception if the same element is inserted twice" in {
    intercept[UnicityViolationException[_]] {
      UniqueList(1, 2, 3, 1)
    intercept[UnicityViolationException[_]] {
      UniqueList(1, 2, 3) :+ 1
    intercept[UnicityViolationException[_]] {
      UniqueList(1, 2, 3) ++ Seq(4, 5, 6, 1)
    intercept[UnicityViolationException[_]] {
      UniqueList(1, 2, 3) ++ Seq(4, 5, 6, 6)
    intercept[UnicityViolationException[_]] {
      var l = UniqueList(1, 2, 3)
      l :+= 1

  "a UniqueList should work as long as distinct elements are inserted " in {
    assert (UniqueList(1, 2, 3).toSeq === (1 to 3))
    assert ((UniqueList(1, 2, 3) :+ 4).toSeq === (1 to 4))
    assert ((UniqueList(1, 2, 3) ++ Seq(4,5,6)).toSeq === (1 to 6))

    var l = UniqueList(1, 2, 3)
    l :+= 4
    l ++= Seq(5, 6)
    assert(l.toSeq === (1 to 6))

Example 7
Source File: UniqueSeqMapTest.scala    From flamy   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package com.flaminem.flamy.utils.collection.immutable

import org.scalatest.FreeSpec

class UniqueSeqMapTest extends FreeSpec {

  "a UniqueSeqMap should throw an exception if the same element is inserted twice" in {
    intercept[UnicityViolationException[_]] {
      UniqueSeqMap(1 -> "a", 2 -> "b", 3 -> "c", 1 -> "d")
    intercept[UnicityViolationException[_]] {
      UniqueSeqMap(1 -> "a", 2 -> "b", 3 -> "c") + (1 -> "d")
    intercept[UnicityViolationException[_]] {
      UniqueSeqMap(1 -> "a", 2 -> "b", 3 -> "c") ++ Seq(4 -> "d", 5 -> "e", 6 -> "f", 1 -> "g")
    intercept[UnicityViolationException[_]] {
      UniqueSeqMap(1 -> "a", 2 -> "b", 3 -> "c") ++ Seq(4 -> "d", 5 -> "e", 6 -> "f", 6 -> "g")
    intercept[UnicityViolationException[_]] {
      var l = UniqueSeqMap(1 -> "a", 2 -> "b", 3 -> "c")
      l += 1  -> "d"

  "a UniqueSeqMap should work as long as distinct keys are inserted with distinct values" in {
    assert(UniqueSeqMap(1 -> "a", 2 -> "b", 3 -> "c").toSeq === Seq(1 -> "a", 2 -> "b", 3 -> "c"))
    assert((UniqueSeqMap(1 -> "a", 2 -> "b") + (3 -> "c")).toSeq === Seq(1 -> "a", 2 -> "b", 3 -> "c"))
    assert((UniqueSeqMap(1 -> "a", 2 -> "b") ++ Seq(3 -> "c", 4 -> "d")).toSeq === Seq(1 -> "a", 2 -> "b", 3 -> "c", 4 -> "d"))

    var l = UniqueSeqMap(1 -> "a", 2 -> "b")
    l += (3 -> "c")
    l ++= Seq(4 -> "d", 5 -> "e")
    assert(l.toSeq === Seq(1 -> "a", 2 -> "b", 3 -> "c", 4 -> "d", 5 -> "e"))

  "a UniqueSeqMap should work as long as distinct keys are inserted with identical values" in {
    assert(UniqueSeqMap(1 -> "a", 2 -> "a", 3 -> "a").toSeq === Seq(1 -> "a", 2 -> "a", 3 -> "a"))
    assert((UniqueSeqMap(1 -> "a", 2 -> "a") + (3 -> "a")).toSeq === Seq(1 -> "a", 2 -> "a", 3 -> "a"))
    assert((UniqueSeqMap(1 -> "a", 2 -> "a") ++ Seq(3 -> "a", 4 -> "a")).toSeq === Seq(1 -> "a", 2 -> "a", 3 -> "a", 4 -> "a"))

    var l = UniqueSeqMap(1 -> "a", 2 -> "a")
    l += (3 -> "a")
    l ++= Seq(4 -> "a", 5 -> "a")
    assert(l.toSeq === Seq(1 -> "a", 2 -> "a", 3 -> "a", 4 -> "a", 5 -> "a"))

  "a UniqueSeqMap should preserve ordering" in {
    assert(UniqueSeqMap(1 -> "a", 2 -> "b", 3 -> "c").toSeq === Seq(1 -> "a", 2 -> "b", 3 -> "c"))
    assert(UniqueSeqMap(3 -> "a", 2 -> "b", 1 -> "c").toSeq === Seq(3 -> "a", 2 -> "b", 1 -> "c"))
    assert(UniqueSeqMap(3 -> "c", 2 -> "b", 1 -> "a").toSeq === Seq(3 -> "c", 2 -> "b", 1 -> "a"))
    assert(UniqueSeqMap(1 -> "c", 2 -> "b", 3 -> "a").toSeq === Seq(1 -> "c", 2 -> "b", 3 -> "a"))

  "get should work" in {
    val m = UniqueSeqMap(1 -> "a", 2 -> "b", 3 -> "c")
    assert(m.get(1) === Some("a"))
    assert(m.get(2) === Some("b"))
    assert(m.get(3) === Some("c"))
    assert(m.get(4) === None)

  "getOrElse should work" in {
    val m = UniqueSeqMap(1 -> "a", 2 -> "b", 3 -> "c")
    assert(m.getOrElse(1, "") === "a")
    assert(m.getOrElse(2, "") === "b")
    assert(m.getOrElse(3, "") === "c")
    assert(m.getOrElse(4, "") === "")

  "filter should work" in {
    val m: Traversable[(Int, String)] =
      UniqueSeqMap(1 -> "a", 2 -> "b", 3 -> "c").filter{
        case (i, c) => i % 2 == 1
    assert(m === UniqueSeqMap(1 -> "a", 3 -> "c").toSeq)

  "collect should work" in {
    val m: Traversable[Int] =
      UniqueSeqMap(1 -> "a", 2 -> "b", 3 -> "c").collect{
        case (i, c) if i % 2 == 1 => i
    assert(m === Seq(1, 3 ))

Example 8
Source File: NamedCollectionTest.scala    From flamy   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package com.flaminem.flamy.utils.collection.immutable

import com.flaminem.flamy.utils.Named
import org.scalatest.FreeSpec

class NamedCollectionTest extends FreeSpec {

  case class Person(name: String) extends Named {
    override def getName: String = name

  "NamedCollection" - {

    "should be sorted" in {
      val c: NamedCollection[Person] = NamedCollection[Person](Person("Joe"), Person("Jack"), Person("William"), Person("Averell"))
      assert(c.toSeq === Seq(Person("Averell"), Person("Jack"), Person("Joe"), Person("William")))

    "+ should work" in {
      val c: NamedCollection[Person] = NamedCollection[Person]()
      val c2: NamedCollection[Person] = c + Person("john")
      assert(c2.size === 1)

    "++ should work" in {
      val c: NamedCollection[Person] = NamedCollection[Person]()
      val c2: NamedCollection[Person] = c ++ Seq(Person("Joe"), Person("Jack"), Person("William"), Person("Averell"))
      assert(c2.size === 4)

    "- should work" in {
      val c: NamedCollection[Person] = NamedCollection[Person](Person("Joe"), Person("Jack"), Person("William"), Person("Averell"))
      val c2: NamedCollection[Person] = c - Person("Joe")
      assert(c2.toSeq === Seq(Person("Averell"), Person("Jack"), Person("William")))

    "map should work" in {
      val c: NamedCollection[Person] = NamedCollection[Person](Person("Joe"), Person("Jack"))
      def daltonify(p:Person): Person =  p match {case Person(name) => Person(s"$name Dalton")}
      val c2: NamedCollection[Person] ={daltonify}
      assert(c2.toSeq === Seq(Person("Jack Dalton"), Person("Joe Dalton")))


Example 9
Source File: TraversableLikeExtensionTest.scala    From flamy   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package com.flaminem.flamy.utils.collection

import org.scalatest.FreeSpec

import scala.collection.immutable.Seq

class TraversableLikeExtensionTest extends FreeSpec {

  "splitBy should correctly work with sorted groups" in {
    val l: Seq[Int] = 1 to 10
    val res = l.splitBy{x => x / 6}

    assert(res===Seq((0,Vector(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)), (1, Vector(6, 7, 8, 9, 10))))

  "splitBy should correctly work with unsorted groups" in {
    val l: Seq[Int] = 1 to 10
    val res = l.splitBy{x => x % 2}

    assert(res ===
        (1, Vector(1)),
        (0, Vector(2)),
        (1, Vector(3)),
        (0, Vector(4)),
        (1, Vector(5)),
        (0, Vector(6)),
        (1, Vector(7)),
        (0, Vector(8)),
        (1, Vector(9)),
        (0, Vector(10))

Example 10
Source File: ConfigurablePatchJsonSpec.scala    From patchless   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package patchless.circe.extras

import cats.syntax.either._
import io.circe.generic.extras.Configuration
import io.circe.parser.parse
import org.scalatest.{FreeSpec, Matchers}
import patchless.Patch
import shapeless.record.Record

class ConfigurablePatchJsonSpec extends FreeSpec with Matchers {

  "Configurable decoder" - {
    "Normal" in {
      import io.circe.generic.extras.defaults._
      case class Foo(aString: String, bInt: Int, cBoolean: Boolean)

      def parsePatch(str: String) =
        parse(str).valueOr(throw _).as[Patch[Foo]].valueOr(throw _)

      val aPatched = parsePatch("""{"aString": "patched"}""")
      val bPatched = parsePatch("""{"bInt": 22}""")
      val cPatched = parsePatch("""{"cBoolean": false}""")

      aPatched.updates shouldEqual Record(aString = Some("patched"), bInt = None, cBoolean = None)
      bPatched.updates shouldEqual Record(aString = None, bInt = Some(22), cBoolean = None)
      cPatched.updates shouldEqual Record(aString = None, bInt = None, cBoolean = Some(false))

    "Snake case" in {
      implicit val configuration = Configuration.default.withSnakeCaseMemberNames
      case class Foo(aString: String, bInt: Int, cBoolean: Boolean)

      def parsePatch(str: String) =
        parse(str).valueOr(throw _).as[Patch[Foo]].valueOr(throw _)

      val aPatched = parsePatch("""{"a_string": "patched"}""")
      val bPatched = parsePatch("""{"b_int": 22}""")
      val cPatched = parsePatch("""{"c_boolean": false}""")

      aPatched.updates shouldEqual Record(aString = Some("patched"), bInt = None, cBoolean = None)
      bPatched.updates shouldEqual Record(aString = None, bInt = Some(22), cBoolean = None)
      cPatched.updates shouldEqual Record(aString = None, bInt = None, cBoolean = Some(false))

    "Options" in {
      import io.circe.generic.extras.defaults._
      case class Foo(aString: Option[String])
      def parsePatch(str: String) =
        parse(str).valueOr(throw _).as[Patch[Foo]].valueOr(throw _)

      val aPatchedSome = parsePatch("""{"aString": "patched"}""")
      val aPatchedNone = parsePatch("""{"aString": null}""")

      aPatchedSome.updates shouldEqual Record(aString = Some(Some("patched")))
      aPatchedNone.updates shouldEqual Record(aString = Some(None))


Example 11
Source File: CreateTableParser$Test.scala    From flamy   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package com.flaminem.flamy.parsing.hive

import com.flaminem.flamy.conf.FlamyContext
import org.scalatest.FreeSpec

class CreateTableParser$Test extends FreeSpec {

  implicit val context = new FlamyContext("flamy.model.dir.paths" -> "src/test/resources/test")

  "a correct CREATE TABLE query should be correctly parsed" in {
    val query = "CREATE TABLE toto.test_table (id INT) PARTITIONED BY (week STRING)"
    val expectedResult = """Table(type=TABLE, name=test_table, schema=toto, columns[Column(name=id, type=int)], partitions[Column(name=week, type=string)])"""
    val actualResult = CreateTableParser.parseQuery(query)
    assert(actualResult.toString === expectedResult )

  "a correct CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS query should be correctly parsed" in {
    val query = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS toto.test_table (id INT) PARTITIONED BY (week STRING)"
    val expectedResult = """Table(type=TABLE, name=test_table, schema=toto, columns[Column(name=id, type=int)], partitions[Column(name=week, type=string)])"""
    val actualResult = CreateTableParser.parseQuery(query)
    assert(actualResult.toString === expectedResult )

  "a correct text of multiple queries should be correctly parsed" in {
    val text =
      """ -- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ;
        | (device_type INT,
        | mobile_make_id INT,
        | mobile_model_id INT
        | )
        | """.stripMargin
    val expectedResult = """Table(type=TABLE, name=report, schema=dbm_reports, columns[Column(name=device_type, type=int), Column(name=mobile_make_id, type=int), Column(name=mobile_model_id, type=int)], partitions[Column(name=day, type=string)])"""
    val actualResult = CreateTableParser.parseText(text)
    assert(actualResult.toString === expectedResult )

Example 12
Source File: AnnotationParser$Test.scala    From flamy   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package com.flaminem.flamy.parsing.hive

import com.flaminem.flamy.conf.FlamyContext
import com.flaminem.flamy.model.Variables
import com.flaminem.flamy.model.names.TableName
import com.flaminem.flamy.model.partitions.transformation._
import org.scalatest.FreeSpec

class AnnotationParser$Test extends FreeSpec {

  implicit val context = new FlamyContext("flamy.model.dir.paths" -> "src/test/resources/empty_test")

  "a text with IGNORE partition transformation should be OK" in {
    val text =
        |  IGNORE db1.source
        |  ;
        |SELECT id, part1
        |FROM db1.source
    val Seq(actual: Annotation) = AnnotationParser.parseText(text, new Variables(), isView = false)
    assert( actual.isInstanceOf[Ignore] )
    assert( actual.table === TableName("db1.source") )

  "a text with IGNORE TIMESTAMP partition transformation should be OK" in {
    val text =
        |  IGNORE TIMESTAMP db1.source
        |  ;
        |SELECT id, part1
        |FROM db1.source
    val Seq(actual: Annotation) = AnnotationParser.parseText(text, new Variables(), isView = false)
    assert( actual.isInstanceOf[IgnoreTimestamp] )
    assert( actual.table === TableName("db1.source") )

Example 13
Source File: WhereASTTest.scala    From flamy   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package com.flaminem.flamy.parsing.hive.ast

import com.flaminem.flamy.conf.FlamyContext
import com.flaminem.flamy.parsing.hive.FlamyParsingException
import com.flaminem.flamy.parsing.model.ColumnDependency
import org.scalatest.FreeSpec

class WhereASTTest extends FreeSpec {

  implicit val flamyContext = new FlamyContext("flamy.model.dir.paths" -> "src/test/resources/test")

  "Methods tests" - {
    "toAST" in {
      val clause = """c1 = "A" AND source.c2 = 2 AND db.source.c3 = 3"""
      val whereAST = WhereAST(clause)
      assert (SQLFormatter.treeToSQL(whereAST.tree) === clause)


    "getUsedColumns should work" in {
      val whereAST = WhereAST("""c1 = "A" AND source.c2 = 2 AND db.source.c3 = 3""")
      val expected =
          new ColumnDependency("c1"),
          new ColumnDependency("c2", "source"),
          new ColumnDependency("c3", "source", "db")
      assert(whereAST.usedColumns === expected)

    "getUsedColumns should work with quoted names" in {
      val whereAST = WhereAST("""1 = `db.source`.c3""")
      val expected =
          new ColumnDependency("c3", "db.source")
      assert(whereAST.usedColumns === expected)

    "getUsedColumns should throw an exception when table name is incorrect" in {
        WhereAST("""1 = db.source.c3.truc""")


Example 14
Source File: ColumnDependencyTest.scala    From flamy   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package com.flaminem.flamy.parsing.model

import org.scalatest.FreeSpec

class ColumnDependencyTest extends FreeSpec {

  "matches should work" in {
    assert (new ColumnDependency("c").matches(new ColumnDependency("c","t","s")))
    assert (new ColumnDependency("c").matches(new ColumnDependency("c","t")))
    assert (new ColumnDependency("c").matches(new ColumnDependency("c","t","s")))
    assert (new ColumnDependency("c","t").matches(new ColumnDependency("c","t")))
    assert (new ColumnDependency("c","t").matches(new ColumnDependency("c","t","s")))
    assert (new ColumnDependency("c","t","s").matches(new ColumnDependency("c","t","s")))

    assert (! new ColumnDependency("c").matches(new ColumnDependency("!","t","s")))
    assert (! new ColumnDependency("c").matches(new ColumnDependency("!","t")))
    assert (! new ColumnDependency("c").matches(new ColumnDependency("!","t","s")))
    assert (! new ColumnDependency("c","t").matches(new ColumnDependency("c")))
    assert (! new ColumnDependency("c","t").matches(new ColumnDependency("!","t")))
    assert (! new ColumnDependency("c","t").matches(new ColumnDependency("c","!")))
    assert (! new ColumnDependency("c","t").matches(new ColumnDependency("!","t","s")))
    assert (! new ColumnDependency("c","t").matches(new ColumnDependency("c","!","s")))
    assert (! new ColumnDependency("c","t","s").matches(new ColumnDependency("c")))
    assert (! new ColumnDependency("c","t","s").matches(new ColumnDependency("c","t")))
    assert (! new ColumnDependency("c","t","s").matches(new ColumnDependency("!","t","s")))
    assert (! new ColumnDependency("c","t","s").matches(new ColumnDependency("c","!","s")))
    assert (! new ColumnDependency("c","t","s").matches(new ColumnDependency("c","t","!")))

Example 15
Source File: ParsingUtils$Test.scala    From flamy   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package com.flaminem.flamy.parsing

import org.scalatest.{FreeSpec, Matchers}

class ParsingUtils$Test extends FreeSpec with Matchers {

  "skipStrings" - {

    "should work with string 1" in {
      val s = """''abc"""
      assert( ParsingUtils.skipString(s.toCharArray, 0) === s.length - 3 )

    "should work with string 2" in {
      val s = """'""'abc"""
      assert( ParsingUtils.skipString(s.toCharArray, 0) === s.length - 3 )

    "should work with string 3" in {
      val s = """'"\'"'abc"""
      assert( ParsingUtils.skipString(s.toCharArray, 0) === s.length - 3 )


  "skipParentheses" - {

    "should work with parentheses" in {
      val s = "((()())(()))"
      assert( ParsingUtils.skipParentheses(s.toCharArray, 0) === s.length )

    "should work with parentheses and string" in {
      val s = """((()("'\"'"))(('"\'"')))()"""
      assert( ParsingUtils.skipParentheses(s.toCharArray, 0) === s.length - 2 )


  "noSpaceTableNamePattern should correctly recognise table names" in {
    val regex = ParsingUtils.noSpaceTableNamePattern.r

    assert(regex.findFirstMatchIn("FROM T").nonEmpty)
    assert(regex.findFirstMatchIn("FROM db.t").nonEmpty)
    assert(regex.findFirstMatchIn("FROM db.`t`").nonEmpty)
    assert(regex.findFirstMatchIn("FROM `db`.`t`").nonEmpty)

    val r = ParsingUtils.noSpaceTableNamePattern.r

    assert(r.findFirstMatchIn(",db4.toto`t2`,db5.toto)") === "db4.toto")

  "tableNamePattern should correctly recognise table names" in {
    val regex = ParsingUtils.tableNamePattern.r

    assert(regex.findFirstMatchIn("FROM T").nonEmpty)
    assert(regex.findFirstMatchIn("FROM db.t").nonEmpty)
    assert(regex.findFirstMatchIn("FROM db.`t`").nonEmpty)
    assert(regex.findFirstMatchIn("FROM `db`.`t`").nonEmpty)

    assert(regex.findFirstMatchIn(" db1.test") === " db1.test")


Example 16
Source File: DataWeaveCLITest.scala    From data-weave-native   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.mule.weave.dwnative.cli


import org.scalatest.FreeSpec
import org.scalatest.Matchers


class DataWeaveCLITest extends FreeSpec with Matchers {

  "should work with output application/json" in {
    val out = System.out
    try {
      val stream = new ByteArrayOutputStream()
      System.setOut(new PrintStream(stream, true))
      new DataWeaveCLIRunner().run(Array("output application/json --- (1 to 3)[0]"))
      val source = Source.fromBytes(stream.toByteArray, "UTF-8")
      val result = source.mkString
      result.trim shouldBe "1"
    } finally {
      println("Finish OK 3")

  "should work with simple script and not output" in {
    val defaultOut = System.out
    try {
      val stream = new ByteArrayOutputStream()
      System.setOut(new PrintStream(stream, true))
      new DataWeaveCLIRunner().run(Array("(1 to 3)[0]"))
      val source = Source.fromBytes(stream.toByteArray, "UTF-8")
      val result = source.mkString
      result.trim shouldBe "1"
    } finally {

  "should work ok when sending payload from stdin" in {
    val out = System.out
    val in =
    try {
      val input =
          |  1,
          |  2,
          |  3
      val stream = new ByteArrayOutputStream()
      System.setOut(new PrintStream(stream, true))
      System.setIn(new ByteArrayInputStream(input.getBytes("UTF-8")))
      new DataWeaveCLIRunner().run(Array("payload[0]"))
      val source = Source.fromBytes(stream.toByteArray, "UTF-8")
      val result = source.mkString.trim
      result.trim shouldBe "1"
    } finally {
      println("Finish OK 2")

  "should work with light formats" in {
    val out = System.out
    val in =
    try {
      val input =
          |  "a" : 1,
          |  "b" : 2,
          |  "c" : 3
      val stream = new ByteArrayOutputStream()
      System.setOut(new PrintStream(stream, true))
      System.setIn(new ByteArrayInputStream(input.getBytes("UTF-8")))
      new DataWeaveCLIRunner().run(Array("input payload json output csv header=false ---payload"))
      val source = Source.fromBytes(stream.toByteArray, "UTF-8")
      val result = source.mkString.trim
      result.trim shouldBe "1,2,3"
    } finally {
      println("Finish OK 2")

Example 17
Source File: ReadDatasourceIntegSpec.scala    From seahorse-workflow-executor   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package io.deepsense.deeplang.doperations

import org.scalatest.{BeforeAndAfter, BeforeAndAfterAll, FreeSpec}

import io.deepsense.deeplang.{LocalExecutionContext, TestDataSources, TestFiles}

class ReadDatasourceIntegSpec
  extends FreeSpec
  with BeforeAndAfter
  with BeforeAndAfterAll
  with LocalExecutionContext
  with TestDataSources
  with TestFiles {

  for (ds <- someDatasourcesForReading) {
    s"ReadDatasource should work with datasource ${ds.getParams.getName}" in {
      val rds = ReadDatasource().setDatasourceId(ds.getId)

Example 18
Source File: DeserializationTests.scala    From Waves   with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
package com.wavesplatform

import com.wavesplatform.serialization.Deser
import org.scalatest.{FreeSpec, Matchers}

class DeserializationTests extends FreeSpec with Matchers {

  "serializeArray" - {
    "works with arrays < 32k" in {
      val byteArray = Array.fill(Short.MaxValue)(0.toByte)
      Deser.serializeArrayWithLength(byteArray) should not be empty
    "IllegalArgumentException thrown with arrays > 32k" in {
      val byteArray = Array.fill(Short.MaxValue + 1)(0.toByte)
      an[IllegalArgumentException] should be thrownBy Deser.serializeArrayWithLength(byteArray)
Example 19
Source File: ClientSpec.scala    From Waves   with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up

import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap

import com.wavesplatform.{TransactionGen, Version}
import io.netty.buffer.{ByteBuf, Unpooled}
import org.scalamock.scalatest.MockFactory
import org.scalatest.{FreeSpec, Matchers}

import scala.concurrent.duration.DurationInt
import scala.util.Random

class ClientSpec extends FreeSpec with Matchers with MockFactory with TransactionGen {

  private val clientHandshake = new Handshake(
    applicationName = "wavesI",
    applicationVersion = Version.VersionTuple,
    nodeName = "test",
    nodeNonce = Random.nextInt(),
    declaredAddress = None

  private val serverHandshake = clientHandshake.copy(nodeNonce = Random.nextInt())

  "should send only a local handshake on connection" in {
    val channel = createEmbeddedChannel(mock[ChannelGroup])

    val sentClientHandshakeBuff = channel.readOutbound[ByteBuf]()
    Handshake.decode(sentClientHandshakeBuff) shouldBe clientHandshake
    channel.outboundMessages() shouldBe empty

  "should add a server's channel to all channels after the handshake only" in {
    var channelWasAdded = false
    val allChannels     = mock[ChannelGroup]
    (allChannels.add _).expects(*).onCall { _: Channel =>
      channelWasAdded = true

    val channel = createEmbeddedChannel(allChannels)

    // skip the client's handshake
    channelWasAdded shouldBe false

    val replyServerHandshakeBuff = Unpooled.buffer()
    channelWasAdded shouldBe true

  private def createEmbeddedChannel(allChannels: ChannelGroup) = new EmbeddedChannel(
    new HandshakeDecoder(PeerDatabase.NoOp),
    new HandshakeTimeoutHandler(1.minute),
    new HandshakeHandler.Client(
      handshake = clientHandshake,
      establishedConnections = new ConcurrentHashMap(),
      peerConnections = new ConcurrentHashMap(),
      peerDatabase = PeerDatabase.NoOp,
      allChannels = allChannels

Example 20
Source File: MicroBlockInvSpecSpec.scala    From Waves   with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up

import com.wavesplatform.common.state.ByteStr
import com.wavesplatform.crypto._
import com.wavesplatform.{EitherMatchers, TransactionGen}
import org.scalacheck.Gen
import org.scalatest.concurrent.Eventually
import org.scalatest.{FreeSpec, Matchers}
import org.scalatestplus.scalacheck.{ScalaCheckPropertyChecks => PropertyChecks}

class MicroBlockInvSpecSpec extends FreeSpec with Matchers with EitherMatchers with PropertyChecks with Eventually with TransactionGen {

  private val microBlockInvGen: Gen[MicroBlockInv] = for {
    acc          <- accountGen
    totalSig     <- byteArrayGen(SignatureLength)
    prevBlockSig <- byteArrayGen(SignatureLength)
  } yield MicroBlockInv(acc, ByteStr(totalSig), ByteStr(prevBlockSig))

  "MicroBlockInvMessageSpec" - {
    import MicroBlockInvSpec._

    "deserializeData(serializedData(data)) == data" in forAll(microBlockInvGen) { inv =>
      inv.signaturesValid() should beRight
      val restoredInv = deserializeData(serializeData(inv)).get
      restoredInv.signaturesValid() should beRight

      restoredInv shouldBe inv

Example 21
Source File: HandshakeDecoderSpec.scala    From Waves   with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up

import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets

import{Ints, Longs}
import com.wavesplatform.{NoShrink, TransactionGen}
import io.netty.buffer.Unpooled
import{ChannelHandlerContext, ChannelInboundHandlerAdapter}
import org.scalacheck.{Arbitrary, Gen}
import org.scalamock.scalatest.MockFactory
import org.scalatest.{FreeSpec, Matchers}
import org.scalatestplus.scalacheck.{ScalaCheckPropertyChecks => PropertyChecks}

class HandshakeDecoderSpec extends FreeSpec with Matchers with MockFactory with PropertyChecks with TransactionGen with NoShrink {

  "should read a handshake and remove itself from the pipeline" in {
    var mayBeDecodedHandshake: Option[Handshake] = None

    val channel = new EmbeddedChannel(
      new HandshakeDecoder(PeerDatabase.NoOp),
      new ChannelInboundHandlerAdapter {
        override def channelRead(ctx: ChannelHandlerContext, msg: Any): Unit = msg match {
          case x: Handshake => mayBeDecodedHandshake = Some(x)
          case _            =>

    val origHandshake = new Handshake(
      applicationName = "wavesI",
      applicationVersion = (1, 2, 3),
      nodeName = "test",
      nodeNonce = 4,
      declaredAddress = None

    val buff = Unpooled.buffer
    buff.writeCharSequence("foo", StandardCharsets.UTF_8)


    mayBeDecodedHandshake should contain(origHandshake)

  private val invalidHandshakeBytes: Gen[Array[Byte]] = {
    // To bypass situations where the appNameLength > whole buffer and HandshakeDecoder waits for next bytes
    val appName  = "x" * Byte.MaxValue
    val nodeName = "y" * Byte.MaxValue

    val appNameBytes   = appName.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8)
    val versionBytes   = Array(1, 2, 3).flatMap(Ints.toByteArray)
    val nodeNameBytes  = nodeName.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8)
    val nonceBytes     = Longs.toByteArray(1)
    val timestampBytes = Longs.toByteArray(System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000)

    val validDeclaredAddressLen = Set(0, 8, 20)
    val invalidBytesGen = Gen.listOfN(3, Arbitrary.arbByte.arbitrary).filter {
      case List(appNameLen, nodeNameLen, declaredAddressLen) =>
        !(appNameLen == appNameBytes.size || nodeNameLen == nodeNameBytes.size ||
      case _ =>
    } {
      case List(appNameLen, nodeNameLen, declaredAddressLen) =>
        Array(appNameLen) ++
          appNameBytes ++
          versionBytes ++
          Array(nodeNameLen) ++
          nodeNameBytes ++
          nonceBytes ++
          Array(declaredAddressLen) ++

  "should blacklist a node sends an invalid handshake" in forAll(invalidHandshakeBytes) { bytes: Array[Byte] =>
    val decoder = new SpiedHandshakeDecoder
    val channel = new EmbeddedChannel(decoder)

    val buff = Unpooled.buffer

    decoder.blockCalls shouldBe >(0)

  private class SpiedHandshakeDecoder extends HandshakeDecoder(PeerDatabase.NoOp) {
    var blockCalls = 0

    override protected def block(ctx: ChannelHandlerContext, e: Throwable): Unit = {
      blockCalls += 1

Example 22
Source File: MessageCodecSpec.scala    From Waves   with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up

import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets

import com.wavesplatform.TransactionGen
import com.wavesplatform.transaction.assets.IssueTransaction
import com.wavesplatform.transaction.{ProvenTransaction, Transaction}
import org.scalamock.scalatest.MockFactory
import org.scalatest.{FreeSpec, Matchers}
import org.scalatestplus.scalacheck.{ScalaCheckPropertyChecks => PropertyChecks}

class MessageCodecSpec extends FreeSpec with Matchers with MockFactory with PropertyChecks with TransactionGen {

  "should block a sender of invalid messages" in {
    val codec = new SpiedMessageCodec
    val ch    = new EmbeddedChannel(codec)

    ch.writeInbound(RawBytes(TransactionSpec.messageCode, "foo".getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8)))

    codec.blockCalls shouldBe 1

  "should not block a sender of valid messages" in forAll(randomTransactionGen) { origTx: ProvenTransaction =>
    val codec = new SpiedMessageCodec
    val ch    = new EmbeddedChannel(codec)

    val decodedTx = ch.readInbound[Transaction]()

    decodedTx shouldBe origTx
    codec.blockCalls shouldBe 0

  private class SpiedMessageCodec extends MessageCodec(PeerDatabase.NoOp) {
    var blockCalls = 0

    override def block(ctx: ChannelHandlerContext, e: Throwable): Unit = {
      blockCalls += 1

Example 23
Source File: BrokenConnectionDetectorSpec.scala    From Waves   with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up

import com.wavesplatform.TransactionGen
import org.scalamock.scalatest.MockFactory
import org.scalatest.{FreeSpec, Matchers}
import org.scalatestplus.scalacheck.{ScalaCheckPropertyChecks => PropertyChecks}

import scala.concurrent.duration.DurationInt

class BrokenConnectionDetectorSpec extends FreeSpec with Matchers with MockFactory with PropertyChecks with TransactionGen {

  "should not close an active connection until the timeout" in {
    val handler = new BrokenConnectionDetector(400.millis)
    val ch      = new EmbeddedChannel(handler)

    ch.isActive shouldBe true

  "should not close a connection when messages are keep going" in {
    val handler = new BrokenConnectionDetector(100.millis)
    val ch      = new EmbeddedChannel(handler)

    (1 to 3).foreach { _ =>

    ch.isActive shouldBe true

  "should close a broken connection" in {
    val handler = new BrokenConnectionDetector(200.millis)
    val ch      = new EmbeddedChannel(handler)

    ch.isActive shouldBe false

Example 24
Source File: ChannelGroupExtSpec.scala    From Waves   with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up

import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap

import io.netty.util.concurrent.GlobalEventExecutor
import org.scalamock.scalatest.MockFactory
import org.scalatest.{FreeSpec, Matchers}

import scala.jdk.CollectionConverters._
import scala.util.Random

class ChannelGroupExtSpec extends FreeSpec with Matchers with MockFactory {
  "broadcast" - {
    "should not send a message to the excluded channels" in {
      val message = "test"

      val channelGroup = new DefaultChannelGroup(GlobalEventExecutor.INSTANCE)
      val received     = ConcurrentHashMap.newKeySet[Int]()

      def receiver(id: Int): Channel = new EmbeddedChannel(
        new ChannelId {
          override def asShortText(): String        = asLongText()
          override def asLongText(): String         = id.toString
          override def compareTo(o: ChannelId): Int = o.asLongText().toInt - id
        new ChannelOutboundHandlerAdapter {
          override def write(ctx: ChannelHandlerContext, msg: scala.Any, promise: ChannelPromise): Unit = {
            super.write(ctx, msg, promise)

      val allIds      = (0 to 5).toSet
      val allChannels =

      val excludedChannels = allChannels.filter(_ => Random.nextBoolean)
      val excludedIds      =

      channelGroup.broadcast(message, excludedChannels).syncUninterruptibly()

      received.asScala shouldBe (allIds -- excludedIds)
Example 25
Source File: RequestsSpec.scala    From Waves   with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
package com.wavesplatform.api.http.requests

import com.wavesplatform.account.KeyPair
import com.wavesplatform.common.utils.EitherExt2
import com.wavesplatform.transaction.transfer.TransferTransaction
import com.wavesplatform.{NoShrink, TransactionGen}
import org.scalacheck.Gen
import org.scalatest.{FreeSpec, Matchers, OptionValues}
import org.scalatestplus.scalacheck.ScalaCheckPropertyChecks
import play.api.libs.json._

class RequestsSpec extends FreeSpec with Matchers with OptionValues with ScalaCheckPropertyChecks with TransactionGen with NoShrink {
  private def transferRequestGen(version: Int): Gen[(KeyPair, JsObject)] =
    (for {
      sender    <- accountGen
      recipient <- accountGen
      proofs    <- proofsGen
    } yield (
        "type"            -> 4,
        "version"         -> version,
        "senderPublicKey" -> sender.publicKey.toString,
        "assetId"         -> JsNull,
        "attachment"      -> "",
        "feeAssetId"      -> JsNull,
        "timestamp"       -> System.currentTimeMillis(),
        "fee"             -> 100000,
        "amount"          -> 10000,
        "recipient"       -> recipient.publicKey.toAddress.stringRepr,
        "proofs"          -> JsArray( => JsString(p.toString)))
    )).label(s"Transfer Request v$version")

  "TransferRequest" - {
    "accepts proofs for version >= 2" in {
      TransferTransaction.supportedVersions.filter(_ >= 2).foreach { version =>
        forAll(transferRequestGen(version)) {
          case (sender, json) =>
            val request =[TransferRequest]
            val tx      = request.toTxFrom(sender.publicKey).explicitGet()

            request.proofs.value should be(tx.proofs)

Example 26
Source File: CommonAccountApiSpec.scala    From Waves   with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
package com.wavesplatform.api.common

import org.scalatest.{FreeSpec, Matchers}

class CommonAccountApiSpec extends FreeSpec with Matchers {
  "Waves distribution" - {
    "height is taken into account" in pending
    "balances only present in diff are not ignored" in pending
    "ignores zero balances" in pending
    "diff is ignored when height is less than blockchain height" in pending
    "diff is applied when height matches blockchain height" in pending

  "Asset distribution" - {
    "works for NFT" in pending
    "balances only present in diff are not ignored" in pending
    "ignores zero balances" in pending
    "returns balances only for requested asset" in pending
    "height is taken into account" in pending
    "diff is ignored when height is less than blockchain height" in pending
    "diff is applied when height matches blockchain height" in pending

  "Active leases for address" - {
    "does not return leases which were cancelled in diff" in pending
    "includes new leases from diff" in pending

  "Portfolio" - {
    "includes NFT balances when ReducedNFTFee feature is inactive" in pending
    "excludes NFT balances when ReducedNFTFee feature is active" - {
      "from diff" in pending
      "from leveldb" in pending

  "NFT list" - {
    "does not include NFTs which were spent in diff" in pending
    "includes NFTs which were received in diff" in pending
Example 27
Source File: UtxPoolSynchronizerSpec.scala    From Waves   with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch

import com.wavesplatform.account.PublicKey
import com.wavesplatform.common.utils.EitherExt2
import com.wavesplatform.lang.ValidationError
import com.wavesplatform.settings.SynchronizationSettings.UtxSynchronizerSettings
import com.wavesplatform.transaction.{GenesisTransaction, Transaction}
import com.wavesplatform.utils.Schedulers
import io.netty.util.HashedWheelTimer
import monix.execution.atomic.AtomicInt
import monix.reactive.Observable
import org.scalatest.{BeforeAndAfterAll, FreeSpec, Matchers}

import scala.concurrent.duration._

class UtxPoolSynchronizerSpec extends FreeSpec with Matchers with BeforeAndAfterAll {
  private[this] val timer     = new HashedWheelTimer
  private[this] val scheduler = Schedulers.timeBoundedFixedPool(timer, 1.second, 2, "test-utx-sync")

  "UtxPoolSynchronizer" - {
    val latch   = new CountDownLatch(5)
    val counter = AtomicInt(10)

    def countTransactions(tx: Transaction): TracedResult[ValidationError, Boolean] = {
      if (counter.getAndDecrement() > 5)
        while (!Thread.currentThread().isInterrupted) {} else


    "accepts only those transactions from network which can be validated quickly" in withUPS(countTransactions) { ups =>
      1 to 10 foreach { i =>
        ups.publish(GenesisTransaction.create(PublicKey(new Array[Byte](32)).toAddress, i * 10L, 0L).explicitGet())
      counter.get() shouldEqual 0

  private def withUPS(putIfNew: Transaction => TracedResult[ValidationError, Boolean])(f: UtxPoolSynchronizer => Unit): Unit = {
    val ups = new UtxPoolSynchronizerImpl(UtxSynchronizerSettings(1000, 2, 1000, true), putIfNew, (_, _) => (), Observable.empty, scheduler)

  override protected def afterAll(): Unit = {
Example 28
Source File: UtilsSpecification.scala    From Waves   with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
package com.wavesplatform.utils

import cats.Id
import com.wavesplatform.lang.directives.DirectiveSet
import com.wavesplatform.lang.directives.values.V3
import com.wavesplatform.lang.utils._
import com.wavesplatform.lang.v1.compiler.Terms.{FUNCTION_CALL, TRUE}
import com.wavesplatform.lang.v1.compiler.Types.BOOLEAN
import com.wavesplatform.lang.v1.evaluator.ctx.{EvaluationContext, UserFunction}
import com.wavesplatform.lang.v1.traits.Environment
import com.wavesplatform.common.state.ByteStr
import monix.eval.Coeval
import org.scalatest.{FreeSpec, Matchers}

class UtilsSpecification extends FreeSpec with Matchers {
  private val environment = new WavesEnvironment(chainId, Coeval(???), null, EmptyBlockchain, null, DirectiveSet.contractDirectiveSet, ByteStr.empty)

  "estimate()" - {
    "handles functions that depend on each other" in {
      val callee = UserFunction[Environment]("callee", 0, BOOLEAN)(TRUE)
      val caller = UserFunction[Environment]("caller", 0, BOOLEAN)(FUNCTION_CALL(callee.header, List.empty))
      val ctx =[Id, Environment](
        typeDefs = Map.empty,
        letDefs = Map.empty,
        functions = Seq(caller, callee)
      estimate(V3, ctx).size shouldBe 2
Example 29
Source File: ObservedLoadingCacheSpecification.scala    From Waves   with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
package com.wavesplatform.utils

import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong

import{CacheBuilder, CacheLoader, LoadingCache}
import com.wavesplatform.utils.ObservedLoadingCacheSpecification.FakeTicker
import monix.execution.Ack
import monix.reactive.Observer
import org.scalamock.scalatest.MockFactory
import org.scalatest.{FreeSpec, Matchers}

import scala.jdk.CollectionConverters._
import scala.concurrent.Future
import scala.concurrent.duration.DurationInt

class ObservedLoadingCacheSpecification extends FreeSpec with Matchers with MockFactory {
  private val ExpiringTime = 10.minutes

  "notifies" - {
    "on refresh" in test { (loadingCache, changes, _) =>
      (changes.onNext _).expects("foo").returning(Future.successful(Ack.Continue)).once()


    "on put" in test { (loadingCache, changes, _) =>
      (changes.onNext _).expects("foo").returning(Future.successful(Ack.Continue)).once()

      loadingCache.put("foo", 10)

    "on putAll" in test { (loadingCache, changes, _) =>
      (changes.onNext _).expects("foo").returning(Future.successful(Ack.Continue)).once()
      (changes.onNext _).expects("bar").returning(Future.successful(Ack.Continue)).once()

      loadingCache.putAll(Map[String, Integer]("foo" -> 10, "bar" -> 11).asJava)

    "on invalidate" in test { (loadingCache, changes, _) =>
      (changes.onNext _).expects("foo").returning(Future.successful(Ack.Continue)).once()


    "on invalidateAll" in test { (loadingCache, changes, _) =>
      (changes.onNext _).expects("foo").returning(Future.successful(Ack.Continue)).once()
      (changes.onNext _).expects("bar").returning(Future.successful(Ack.Continue)).once()

      loadingCache.invalidateAll(Seq("foo", "bar").asJava)

  "don't notify" - {
    "on cache expiration" in test { (loadingCache, changes, ticker) =>
      (changes.onNext _).expects("foo").returning(Future.successful(Ack.Continue)).once()
      loadingCache.put("foo", 1)
      ticker.advance(ExpiringTime.toMillis + 100, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)

  private def test(f: (LoadingCache[String, Integer], Observer[String], FakeTicker) => Unit): Unit = {
    val changes = mock[Observer[String]]
    val ticker  = new FakeTicker()

    val delegate = CacheBuilder
      .expireAfterWrite(ExpiringTime.toMillis, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
      .build(new CacheLoader[String, Integer] {
        override def load(key: String): Integer = key.length

    val loadingCache = new ObservedLoadingCache(delegate, changes)
    f(loadingCache, changes, ticker)

private object ObservedLoadingCacheSpecification {

  // see
  class FakeTicker extends Ticker {
    private val nanos                  = new AtomicLong()
    private var autoIncrementStepNanos = 0L

    def advance(time: Long, timeUnit: TimeUnit): FakeTicker = advance(timeUnit.toNanos(time))
    def advance(nanoseconds: Long): FakeTicker = {

    def setAutoIncrementStep(autoIncrementStep: Long, timeUnit: TimeUnit): FakeTicker = {
      require(autoIncrementStep >= 0, "May not auto-increment by a negative amount")
      this.autoIncrementStepNanos = timeUnit.toNanos(autoIncrementStep)

    override def read: Long = nanos.getAndAdd(autoIncrementStepNanos)
Example 30
Source File: CommonSpec.scala    From Waves   with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
package com.wavesplatform.state

import com.wavesplatform.account.Address
import com.wavesplatform.common.state.ByteStr
import com.wavesplatform.common.utils.EitherExt2
import com.wavesplatform.crypto.SignatureLength
import com.wavesplatform.db.WithDomain
import com.wavesplatform.lagonaki.mocks.TestBlock
import com.wavesplatform.transaction.Asset.IssuedAsset
import com.wavesplatform.transaction.GenesisTransaction
import com.wavesplatform.{NoShrink, TestTime, TransactionGen}
import org.scalatest.{FreeSpec, Matchers}
import org.scalatestplus.scalacheck.{ScalaCheckPropertyChecks => PropertyChecks}

class CommonSpec extends FreeSpec with Matchers with WithDomain with TransactionGen with PropertyChecks with NoShrink {
  private val time          = new TestTime
  private def nextTs        = time.getTimestamp()
  private val AssetIdLength = 32

  private def genesisBlock(genesisTs: Long, address: Address, initialBalance: Long) = TestBlock.create(
    Seq(GenesisTransaction.create(address, initialBalance, genesisTs).explicitGet())

  "Common Conditions" - {
    "Zero balance of absent asset" in forAll(accountGen, positiveLongGen, byteArrayGen(AssetIdLength)) {
      case (sender, initialBalance, assetId) =>
        withDomain() { d =>
          d.appendBlock(genesisBlock(nextTs, sender.toAddress, initialBalance))
          d.balance(sender.toAddress, IssuedAsset(ByteStr(assetId))) shouldEqual 0L
Example 31
Source File: CommonAccountsApiSpec.scala    From Waves   with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
package com.wavesplatform.http

import com.wavesplatform.api.common.CommonAccountsApi
import com.wavesplatform.common.utils._
import com.wavesplatform.db.WithDomain
import com.wavesplatform.features.BlockchainFeatures
import com.wavesplatform.settings.TestFunctionalitySettings
import com.wavesplatform.state.{DataEntry, Diff, StringDataEntry, diffs}
import com.wavesplatform.transaction.{DataTransaction, GenesisTransaction}
import com.wavesplatform.{BlocksTransactionsHelpers, TransactionGen, history}
import org.scalatest.{FreeSpec, Matchers}
import org.scalatestplus.scalacheck.ScalaCheckDrivenPropertyChecks

class CommonAccountsApiSpec
    extends FreeSpec
    with Matchers
    with WithDomain
    with TransactionGen
    with BlocksTransactionsHelpers
    with ScalaCheckDrivenPropertyChecks {
  "Data stream" - {
    "handles non-existent address" in {
      val entry1 = StringDataEntry("test", "test")
      val entry2 = StringDataEntry("test1", "test")
      val entry3 = StringDataEntry("test2", "test")

      val preconditions = for {
        acc <- accountGen
        ts = System.currentTimeMillis()
        fee <- smallFeeGen
        genesis        = GenesisTransaction.create(acc.toAddress, diffs.ENOUGH_AMT, ts).explicitGet()
        data1          = DataTransaction.selfSigned(1.toByte, acc, Seq(entry1), fee, ts).explicitGet()
        data2          = DataTransaction.selfSigned(1.toByte, acc, Seq(entry2), fee, ts).explicitGet()
        data3          = DataTransaction.selfSigned(1.toByte, acc, Seq(entry3), fee, ts).explicitGet()
        (block1, mbs1) = UnsafeBlocks.unsafeChainBaseAndMicro(history.randomSig, Seq(genesis), Seq(Seq(data1)), acc, 3, ts)
        (block2, mbs2) = UnsafeBlocks.unsafeChainBaseAndMicro(mbs1.last.totalResBlockSig, Seq(data2), Seq(Seq(data3)), acc, 3, ts)
      } yield (acc, block1, mbs1.head, block2, mbs2.head)

      forAll(preconditions) {
        case (acc, block1, mb1, block2, mb2) =>
          withDomain(domainSettingsWithFS(TestFunctionalitySettings.withFeatures(BlockchainFeatures.NG, BlockchainFeatures.DataTransaction))) { d =>
            val commonAccountsApi             = CommonAccountsApi(d.blockchainUpdater.bestLiquidDiff.getOrElse(Diff.empty), d.db, d.blockchainUpdater)
            def dataList(): Set[DataEntry[_]] = commonAccountsApi.dataStream(acc.toAddress, None).toListL.runSyncUnsafe().toSet

            dataList() shouldBe empty
            dataList() shouldBe Set(entry1)
            dataList() shouldBe Set(entry1, entry2)
            dataList() shouldBe Set(entry1, entry2, entry3)
Example 32
Source File: OneDimensionalMiningConstraintSuite.scala    From Waves   with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
package com.wavesplatform.mining

import com.wavesplatform.state.{Blockchain, Diff}
import com.wavesplatform.transaction.Transaction
import com.wavesplatform.{NoShrink, TransactionGen}
import org.scalacheck.Gen
import org.scalamock.scalatest.PathMockFactory
import org.scalatest.{FreeSpec, Matchers}
import org.scalatestplus.scalacheck.{ScalaCheckPropertyChecks => PropertyChecks}

class OneDimensionalMiningConstraintSuite extends FreeSpec with Matchers with PropertyChecks with PathMockFactory with TransactionGen with NoShrink {
  "OneDimensionalMiningConstraint" - {
    "should be full if the limit is 0, but not overfilled" in {
      val tank = createConstConstraint(0, 1, "const")
      tank.isFull shouldBe true
      tank.isOverfilled shouldBe false

    "put(transaction)" - tests { (maxTxs, txs) =>
      val constraint = createConstConstraint(maxTxs, transactionSize = 1, "txSize")
      txs.foldLeft(constraint)(_.put(stub[Blockchain], _, Diff.empty))

  private def tests(toConstraint: (Int, List[Transaction]) => MiningConstraint): Unit = {
    val dontReachLimitGen: Gen[MiningConstraint] = for {
      maxTxs   <- Gen.chooseNum(1, Int.MaxValue)
      txNumber <- Gen.chooseNum(0, maxTxs - 1)
      txs      <- Gen.listOfN(math.min(txNumber, 15), randomTransactionGen)
    } yield toConstraint(maxTxs, txs)

    "multiple items don't reach the limit" in forAll(dontReachLimitGen) { updatedConstraint =>
      updatedConstraint.isFull shouldBe false
      updatedConstraint.isOverfilled shouldBe false

    val reachSoftLimitGen: Gen[MiningConstraint] = for {
      maxTxs <- Gen.chooseNum(1, 10)
      txs    <- Gen.listOfN(maxTxs, randomTransactionGen)
    } yield toConstraint(maxTxs, txs)

    "multiple items reach the limit softly" in forAll(reachSoftLimitGen) { updatedConstraint =>
      updatedConstraint.isFull shouldBe true
      updatedConstraint.isOverfilled shouldBe false

    val reachHardLimitGen: Gen[MiningConstraint] = for {
      maxTxs   <- Gen.chooseNum(1, 10)
      txNumber <- Gen.chooseNum(maxTxs + 1, maxTxs + 10)
      txs      <- Gen.listOfN(txNumber, randomTransactionGen)
    } yield toConstraint(maxTxs, txs)

    "multiple items reach the limit with gap" in forAll(reachHardLimitGen) { updatedConstraint =>
      updatedConstraint.isFull shouldBe true
      updatedConstraint.isOverfilled shouldBe true
Example 33
Source File: GenesisBlockUpdateSpec.scala    From Waves   with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up

import com.wavesplatform.settings.WavesSettings
import com.wavesplatform.state.diffs.ENOUGH_AMT
import com.wavesplatform.transaction.GenesisTransaction
import com.wavesplatform.{BlockGen, TestHelpers}
import org.scalacheck.Gen
import org.scalatest.{FreeSpec, Matchers}
import org.scalatestplus.scalacheck.ScalaCheckPropertyChecks
import com.wavesplatform.common.utils.EitherExt2

class GenesisBlockUpdateSpec extends FreeSpec with Matchers with BlockGen with ScalaCheckPropertyChecks with EventsHelpers {
  override protected def settings: WavesSettings = TestHelpers.enableNG(super.settings)

  val genesisAppendWithWavesAmountGen: Gen[(BlockAppended, Long)] = for {
    master      <- accountGen
    wavesAmount <- Gen.choose(1L, ENOUGH_AMT)
    gt = GenesisTransaction.create(master.toAddress, wavesAmount, 0).explicitGet()
    b <- blockGen(Seq(gt), master)
    ba = appendBlock(b)
  } yield (ba, wavesAmount)

  "on genesis block append" - {
    "master address balance gets correctly updated" in forAll(genesisAppendWithWavesAmountGen) {
      case (BlockAppended(_, _, _, _, _, upds), wavesAmount) =>
        upds.head.balances.head._3 shouldBe wavesAmount

    "updated Waves amount is calculated correctly" in forAll(genesisAppendWithWavesAmountGen) {
      case (BlockAppended(_, _, _, updatedWavesAmount, _, _), wavesAmount) =>
        updatedWavesAmount shouldBe wavesAmount

Example 34
Source File: PatchJsonSpec.scala    From patchless   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package patchless.circe

import cats.syntax.either._
import org.scalatest.{FreeSpec, Matchers}
import io.circe.parser.parse
import patchless.Patch
import shapeless.record.Record

class PatchJsonSpec extends FreeSpec with Matchers {

  "Decoder" - {

    "Auto" in {
      case class Foo(aString: String, bInt: Int, cBoolean: Boolean)

      def parsePatch(str: String) =
        parse(str).valueOr(throw _).as[Patch[Foo]].valueOr(throw _)

      val aPatched = parsePatch("""{"aString": "patched"}""")
      val bPatched = parsePatch("""{"bInt": 22}""")
      val cPatched = parsePatch("""{"cBoolean": false}""")

      aPatched.updates shouldEqual Record(aString = Some("patched"), bInt = None, cBoolean = None)
      bPatched.updates shouldEqual Record(aString = None, bInt = Some(22), cBoolean = None)
      cPatched.updates shouldEqual Record(aString = None, bInt = None, cBoolean = Some(false))

    "Options" in {
      case class Foo(aString: Option[String])
      def parsePatch(str: String) =
        parse(str).valueOr(throw _).as[Patch[Foo]].valueOr(throw _)

      val aPatchedSome = parsePatch("""{"aString": "patched"}""")
      val aPatchedNone = parsePatch("""{"aString": null}""")

      aPatchedSome.updates shouldEqual Record(aString = Some(Some("patched")))
      aPatchedNone.updates shouldEqual Record(aString = Some(None))


Example 35
Source File: PortFilesSpec.scala    From daml   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
// Copyright (c) 2020 Digital Asset (Switzerland) GmbH and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

package com.daml.ports

import java.nio.file.{Path, Paths}
import java.util.UUID

import com.daml.ports.PortFiles.FileAlreadyExists
import org.scalatest.{FreeSpec, Inside, Matchers}
import scalaz.{-\/, \/-}

class PortFilesSpec extends FreeSpec with Matchers with Inside {

  "Can create a port file with a unique file name" in {
    val path = uniquePath()
    inside(PortFiles.write(path, Port(1024))) {
      case \/-(()) =>
    path.toFile.exists() shouldBe true

  "Cannot create a port file with a nonunique file name" in {
    val path = uniquePath()
    inside(PortFiles.write(path, Port(1024))) {
      case \/-(()) =>
    inside(PortFiles.write(path, Port(1024))) {
      case -\/(FileAlreadyExists(p)) =>
        p shouldBe path

  private def uniquePath(): Path = {
    val fileName = s"${this.getClass.getSimpleName}-${UUID.randomUUID().toString}.dummy"
Example 36
Source File: SnappyTest.scala    From mantis   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package io.iohk.ethereum.snappy

import io.iohk.ethereum.domain.{Block, Blockchain, Receipt}
import io.iohk.ethereum.utils.Logger
import org.scalatest.{FreeSpec, Matchers}

import scala.concurrent.duration._

class SnappyTest extends FreeSpec with Matchers with Logger {

  val config = Config()
  val pre = new Prerequisites(config)
  import pre._

  "Blockchain regression test" in {

    val startN = targetBlockchain match {
      case Some(tb) => config.startBlock.getOrElse(findHighestBlockNumber(tb) - 1).max(1)
      case None => BigInt(1)
    val targetN = config.targetBlock.getOrElse(findHighestBlockNumber(sourceBlockchain)).max(1)

    val progLog = new ProgressLogger(startN, targetN, 5.seconds)


    for (n <- startN to targetN) {
      val block: Block = sourceBlockchain.getBlockByNumber(n)
        .getOrElse(fail(s"Failed to retrieve block by number: $n"))

      val expectedReceipts = sourceBlockchain.getReceiptsByHash(block.header.hash)
        .getOrElse(fail(s"Failed to retrieve receipts for block number: $n"))

      val result = executeBlock(block)

      result match {
        case Left(error) =>
          fail(s"Failed to execute block $n: $error")

        case Right(receipts) =>
          if (receipts == expectedReceipts) {
            targetBlockchain.foreach(, receipts))
          } else {
            fail(s"Block $n did not execute correctly.\n$receipts did not equal $expectedReceipts")


  private def executeBlock(block: Block): Either[Any, Seq[Receipt]] =
    targetBlockchain match {
      case Some(_) =>

      case None =>
        // this seems to discard failures, for better errors messages we might want to implement a different method (simulateBlock?)
        val result = ledger.prepareBlock(block)

  // TODO: replace with blockchain.getBestBlockNumber() - not implemented yet
  private def findHighestBlockNumber(blockchain: Blockchain, n: BigInt = 1000000, bottom: BigInt = 0, top: BigInt = -1): BigInt = {
    if (top - bottom == 1)

    else if (top < 0) {
      def candidates(n: BigInt): Stream[BigInt] = n #:: candidates(n + 1000000)
      val newTop = candidates(1).find(n => blockchain.getBlockByNumber(n).isEmpty).get
      findHighestBlockNumber(blockchain, newTop / 2, 0, newTop)

    else {
      val (newBottom, newTop) = blockchain.getBlockByNumber(n) match {
        case Some(_) => (n, top)
        case None => (bottom, n)
      findHighestBlockNumber(blockchain, (bottom + top) / 2, newBottom, newTop)

Example 37
Source File: CirceJSONSerializerTest.scala    From scala-json-rpc   with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
package io.github.shogowada.scala.jsonrpc.serializers

import org.scalatest.{FreeSpec, Matchers, OneInstancePerTest}

class CirceJSONSerializerTest extends FreeSpec
    with OneInstancePerTest
    with Matchers {
  override def newInstance = new CirceJSONSerializerTest

  val jsonSerializer = CirceJSONSerializer()

  "given I have a plain case class" - {
    case class Test(helloWorld: String)
    val expectedDeserialized = Test("hello world")
    val expectedSerialized = """{"helloWorld":"hello world"}"""

    s"when I serialize $expectedDeserialized" - {
      val serialized = jsonSerializer.serialize(expectedDeserialized)

      "then it should serialize into JSON" in {
        serialized should equal(Some(expectedSerialized))

    s"when I deserialize $expectedSerialized" - {
      val deserialized = jsonSerializer.deserialize[Test](expectedSerialized)

      "then it should deserialize into the case class" in {
        deserialized should equal(Some(expectedDeserialized))
Example 38
Source File: Stackoverflow58206168.scala    From Binding.scala   with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
package com.thoughtworks.binding
package regression
import org.scalatest.{FreeSpec, Matchers}
import Binding._
import scala.collection.mutable
import Binding.BindingInstances.functorSyntax._
import org.scalatest.freespec.AnyFreeSpec
import org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers

final class Stackoverflow58206168 extends AnyFreeSpec with Matchers {
  // See
  "Binding.scala: Vars.bind seems to not work correctly" in {
    val events = mutable.Buffer.empty[List[Int]]
    val test: Vars[Int] = Vars(1, 2, 3, 4) {
      events += _.toList

    assert(events == mutable.Buffer(List(1, 2, 3, 4), List(1, 2, 3, 4, 1111)))

Example 39
Source File: ParquetWriterItSpec.scala    From parquet4s   with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
package com.github.mjakubowski84.parquet4s

import java.nio.file.Files

import org.apache.parquet.hadoop.ParquetFileWriter
import org.scalatest.{BeforeAndAfter, FreeSpec, Matchers}

import scala.util.Random

class ParquetWriterItSpec
  extends FreeSpec
    with Matchers
    with BeforeAndAfter {

  case class Record(i: Int, d: Double, s: String)
  object Record {
    def random(n: Int): Seq[Record] =
      (1 to n).map(_ =>
        Record(Random.nextInt(), Random.nextDouble(), Random.nextString(10)))

  private val tempDir =
  private val writePath = tempDir.resolve("file.parquet")

  // Generate records and do a single batch write.
  private val records = Record.random(5000)

  private def readRecords: Seq[Record] = {
    val iter =[Record](writePath.toString)
    try iter.toSeq
    finally iter.close()

  after { // Delete written files

  "Batch write should result in proper number of records in the file" in {
    ParquetWriter.writeAndClose(writePath.toString, records)
    readRecords should be(records)

  "Multiple incremental writes produce same result as a single batch write" in {
    val w = ParquetWriter.writer[Record](writePath.toString)
    try records.grouped(5).foreach(w.write)
    finally w.close()
    readRecords shouldBe records

  "Writing record by record works as well" in {
    val w = ParquetWriter.writer[Record](writePath.toString)
    try records.foreach(record => w.write(record))
    finally w.close()
    readRecords shouldBe records

  "Incremental writes work with write mode OVERWRITE" in {
    val w = ParquetWriter.writer[Record](
    try records.grouped(5).foreach(w.write)
    finally w.close()
    readRecords shouldBe records

  "Writing to closed writer throws an exception" in {
    val w = ParquetWriter.writer[Record](writePath.toString)
    an[IllegalStateException] should be thrownBy records

  "Closing writer without writing anything to it throws no exception" in {
    val w = ParquetWriter.writer[Record](writePath.toString)
    noException should be thrownBy w.close()

  "Closing writer twice throws no exception" in {
    val w = ParquetWriter.writer[Record](writePath.toString)
    noException should be thrownBy w.close()
    noException should be thrownBy w.close()

Example 40
package com.github.mjakubowski84.parquet4s

import com.github.mjakubowski84.parquet4s.Case.CaseDef
import com.github.mjakubowski84.parquet4s.CompatibilityParty._
import org.scalatest.{BeforeAndAfter, FreeSpec, Matchers}

class ParquetWriterAndParquetReaderCompatibilityItSpec extends
    with Matchers
    with BeforeAndAfter
    with TestUtils {

  before {

  private def runTestCase(testCase: CaseDef): Unit = {
    testCase.description in {
      val parquetIterable =
      try {
        parquetIterable should contain theSameElementsAs
      } finally {

  "Spark should be able to read file saved by ParquetWriter if the file contains" - {
    CompatibilityTestCases.cases(Writer, Reader).foreach(runTestCase)

Example 41
Source File: ParquetWriterAndSparkCompatibilityItSpec.scala    From parquet4s   with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
package com.github.mjakubowski84.parquet4s

import com.github.mjakubowski84.parquet4s.Case.CaseDef
import com.github.mjakubowski84.parquet4s.CompatibilityParty._
import org.scalatest.{BeforeAndAfter, FreeSpec, Matchers}

class ParquetWriterAndSparkCompatibilityItSpec extends
    with Matchers
    with BeforeAndAfter
    with SparkHelper {

  before {

  private def runTestCase(testCase: CaseDef): Unit =
    testCase.description in {
      readFromTemp(testCase.typeTag) should contain theSameElementsAs

  "Spark should be able to read file saved by ParquetWriter if the file contains" - {
    CompatibilityTestCases.cases(Writer, Spark).foreach(runTestCase)

Example 42
Source File: SparkAndParquetReaderCompatibilityItSpec.scala    From parquet4s   with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
package com.github.mjakubowski84.parquet4s

import com.github.mjakubowski84.parquet4s.CompatibilityParty._
import org.scalatest.{BeforeAndAfter, FreeSpec, Matchers}

class SparkAndParquetReaderCompatibilityItSpec extends
    with Matchers
    with BeforeAndAfter
    with SparkHelper {

  before {

  private def runTestCase(testCase: Case.CaseDef): Unit =
    testCase.description in {
      val parquetIterable =
      try {
        parquetIterable should contain theSameElementsAs
      } finally {

  "ParquetReader should be able to read file saved by Spark if the file contains" - {
    CompatibilityTestCases.cases(Spark, Reader).foreach(runTestCase)

Example 43
Source File: ParquetWriterAndSparkCompatibilityItSpec.scala    From parquet4s   with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
package com.github.mjakubowski84.parquet4s

import com.github.mjakubowski84.parquet4s.Case.CaseDef
import com.github.mjakubowski84.parquet4s.CompatibilityParty._
import org.scalatest.{BeforeAndAfter, FreeSpec, Matchers}

class ParquetWriterAndSparkCompatibilityItSpec extends
    with Matchers
    with BeforeAndAfter
    with SparkHelper {

  before {

  private def runTestCase(testCase: CaseDef): Unit =
    testCase.description in {
      readFromTemp(testCase.typeTag) should contain theSameElementsAs

  "Spark should be able to read file saved by ParquetWriter if the file contains" - {
    CompatibilityTestCases.cases(Writer, Spark).foreach(runTestCase)

Example 44
Source File: SparkAndParquetReaderCompatibilityItSpec.scala    From parquet4s   with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
package com.github.mjakubowski84.parquet4s

import com.github.mjakubowski84.parquet4s.CompatibilityParty._
import org.scalatest.{BeforeAndAfter, FreeSpec, Matchers}

class SparkAndParquetReaderCompatibilityItSpec extends
    with Matchers
    with BeforeAndAfter
    with SparkHelper {

  before {

  private def runTestCase(testCase: Case.CaseDef): Unit =
    testCase.description in {
      val parquetIterable =
      try {
        parquetIterable should contain theSameElementsAs
      } finally {

  "ParquetReader should be able to read file saved by Spark if the file contains" - {
    CompatibilityTestCases.cases(Spark, Reader).foreach(runTestCase)

Example 45
Source File: PathGroupTest.scala    From docless   with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
package com.timeout.docless.swagger

import org.scalatest.{FreeSpec, Inside, Matchers}
import SchemaError._
import com.timeout.docless.schema.JsonSchema
import com.timeout.docless.schema.JsonSchema._
import com.timeout.docless.swagger.Method._

class PathGroupTest extends FreeSpec with Matchers {
  "PathGroup" - {
    val petstore = PetstoreSchema()
    val pet      =

    val paths     = Path("/example") :: petstore.paths.get.toList
    val defs      = petstore.definitions.get.toList
    val defsNoPet = defs.filterNot( ===
    val params    = petstore.parameters.get.toList

    val group1          = PathGroup(paths, defs, params)
    val group2          = PathGroup(List(Path("/extra")), Nil, Nil)
    val groupMissingErr = PathGroup(paths, defsNoPet, params)

    def err(path: String, m: Method, f: Definition => Ref): SchemaError =
      missingDefinition(RefWithContext.response(f(pet.definition), m, path))

    "aggregate" - {
      "when some top level definitions are missing" - {
        "returns the missing refs" in {
          PathGroup.aggregate(, List(groupMissingErr)) should ===(
            Validated.invalid[NonEmptyList[SchemaError], APISchema](
                err("/pets", Get, ArrayRef.apply),
                err("/pets", Post, TypeRef.apply),
                err("/pets/{id}", Get, TypeRef.apply),
                err("/pets/{id}", Delete, TypeRef.apply)
      "when some nested definitions are missing" - {
        val info = Info("example")
        case class Nested(name: String)
        case class TopLevel(nested: Nested)

        val schema = JsonSchema.deriveFor[TopLevel]
        val nested = schema.relatedDefinitions.head

        val paths = List(
            Operation('_, "...")
              .withParams(BodyParameter(schema = Some(schema.asRef)))

        val withNested    = PathGroup(paths, schema.definitions.toList, Nil)
        val withoutNested = PathGroup(paths, List(schema.definition), Nil)

        "returns the missing refs" in {
          PathGroup.aggregate(info, List(withNested)).isValid shouldBe true
          PathGroup.aggregate(info, List(withoutNested)) should ===(
            Validated.invalid[NonEmptyList[SchemaError], APISchema](
                  RefWithContext.definition(nested.asRef, schema.definition)
      "when no definition is missing" - {
        "returns a valid api schema" in new Inside {
          inside(PathGroup.aggregate(, List(group1, group2))) {
            case Validated.Valid(schema) =>
     should ===(
              schema.paths.get should ===(group1.paths ++ group2.paths)
              schema.definitions.get should ===(
                group1.definitions ++ group2.definitions
              schema.parameters.get should ===(group1.params ++ group2.params)
Example 46
Source File: SwaggerTest.scala    From docless   with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
package com.timeout.docless.swagger

import com.github.fge.jackson.JsonLoader
import com.github.fge.jsonschema.main.JsonSchemaFactory
import io.circe._
import io.circe.syntax._
import org.scalatest.FreeSpec

import scala.collection.JavaConverters._

class SwaggerTest extends FreeSpec {
  "Can build and serialise a swagger object" in {
    val petstoreSchema = PetstoreSchema()
    val json           = JsonLoader.fromResource("/swagger-schema.json")
    val schema         = JsonSchemaFactory.byDefault().getJsonSchema(json)
    val printer        = Printer.spaces2.copy(dropNullKeys = true)
    val jsonS          = printer.pretty(petstoreSchema.asJson)
    val report         = schema.validate(JsonLoader.fromString(jsonS))
    val err            = System.err

    if (!report.isSuccess) {
        "============== Validation errors ================================"
      val errors = report.asScala.toList
Example 47
Source File: PlainEnumTest.scala    From docless   with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
package com.timeout.docless.schema.derive

import com.timeout.docless.schema.PlainEnum
import org.scalatest.{FreeSpec, Matchers}
import PlainEnum.IdFormat

class PlainEnumTest extends FreeSpec with Matchers {
  sealed trait TheEnum
  case object EnumA extends TheEnum
  case object EnumB extends TheEnum

  sealed trait TheADT
  case class X(a: Int) extends TheADT
  case object Y extends TheADT

  "Enum" - {
    "handles sealed traits of case objects only" in {
      val enum = PlainEnum[TheEnum]
      enum.ids should ===(List("EnumA", "EnumB"))

    "allows to override format to lowercase" in {
      implicit val format: IdFormat = IdFormat.LowerCase
      val enum = PlainEnum[TheEnum]
      enum.ids should ===(List("enuma", "enumb"))

    "allows to override format to uppercase" in {
      implicit val format: IdFormat = IdFormat.UpperCase
      val enum = PlainEnum[TheEnum]
      enum.ids should ===(List("ENUMA", "ENUMB"))

    "allows to override format to snake case" in {
      implicit val format: IdFormat = IdFormat.SnakeCase
      val enum = PlainEnum[TheEnum]
      enum.ids should ===(List("enum_a", "enum_b"))

    "allows to override format to upper snake case" in {
      implicit val format: IdFormat = IdFormat.UpperSnakeCase
      val enum = PlainEnum[TheEnum]
      enum.ids should ===(List("ENUM_A", "ENUM_B"))

    "doesn't typecheck on ADTs" in {
      """.stripMargin shouldNot typeCheck
Example 48
Source File: ResetInverterSpec.scala    From barstools   with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 5 votes vote down vote up
// See LICENSE for license details.

package barstools.tapeout.transforms

import chisel3._
import firrtl._
import org.scalatest.{FreeSpec, Matchers}

class ExampleModuleNeedsResetInverted extends Module with ResetInverter {
  val io = IO(new Bundle {
    val out = Output(UInt(32.W))

  val r = RegInit(0.U)

  io.out := r


class ResetNSpec extends FreeSpec with Matchers {

  "Inverting reset needs to be done throughout module" in {
    val optionsManager = new ExecutionOptionsManager("dsptools") with HasChiselExecutionOptions with HasFirrtlOptions {
      firrtlOptions = firrtlOptions.copy(compilerName = "low", customTransforms = List(new ResetInverterTransform)),
    chisel3.Driver.execute(optionsManager, () => new ExampleModuleNeedsResetInverted) match {
      case ChiselExecutionSuccess(_, chirrtl, Some(FirrtlExecutionSuccess(_, firrtl))) =>
        chirrtl should include ("input reset :")
        chirrtl should not include "input reset_n :"
        chirrtl should not include "node reset = not(reset_n)"

        firrtl should include ("input reset_n :")
        firrtl should include ("node reset = not(reset_n)")
        firrtl should not include "input reset :"
      case _ =>
        // bad
Example 49
Source File: KinesisSinkGraphStageIntegrationSpec.scala    From reactive-kinesis   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up

import com.weightwatchers.reactive.kinesis.common.{
import com.weightwatchers.reactive.kinesis.models.ProducerEvent
import org.scalatest.{FreeSpec, Matchers}

import scala.concurrent.duration._

class KinesisSinkGraphStageIntegrationSpec
    extends FreeSpec
    with KinesisSuite
    with KinesisConfiguration
    with AkkaUnitTestLike
    with Matchers {

  "KinesisSinkGraph" - {

    "produced messages are written to the stream" in new withKinesisConfForApp("sink_produce") {
      val messageCount = 100
      val elements     =
        .map(num => ProducerEvent(num, num))
      val list = testConsumer.retrieveRecords(TestStreamName, messageCount)
      list should contain allElementsOf elements

    "upstream fail should fail the materialized value of the sink" in new withKinesisConfForApp(
    ) {
        .failed(new IllegalStateException("Boom"))
        .futureValue shouldBe a[IllegalStateException]

  // do not create messages in setup, we will create messages inside the test
  override def TestStreamNrOfMessagesPerShard: Long    = 0
  override implicit def patienceConfig: PatienceConfig = PatienceConfig(60.seconds, 1.second)
Example 50
Source File: KinesisProducerIntegrationSpec.scala    From reactive-kinesis   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package com.weightwatchers.reactive.kinesis


import{KinesisProducer => AWSKinesisProducer}
import com.typesafe.config.ConfigFactory
import com.weightwatchers.reactive.kinesis.common.{
import com.weightwatchers.reactive.kinesis.consumer.KinesisConsumer.ConsumerConf
import com.weightwatchers.reactive.kinesis.models.ProducerEvent
import com.weightwatchers.reactive.kinesis.producer.{KinesisProducer, ProducerConf}
import org.scalatest.concurrent.Eventually
import org.scalatest.mockito.MockitoSugar
import org.scalatest.time.{Millis, Seconds, Span}
import org.scalatest.{BeforeAndAfterAll, FreeSpec, Matchers}

import scala.concurrent.duration._
import scala.language.postfixOps
import scala.util.Random

//scalastyle:off magic.number
class KinesisProducerIntegrationSpec
    extends FreeSpec
    with Matchers
    with MockitoSugar
    with BeforeAndAfterAll
    with Eventually
    with KinesisSuite {

  implicit val ece =

  val TestStreamNrOfMessagesPerShard: Long = 0

  implicit override val patienceConfig: PatienceConfig =
    PatienceConfig(timeout = Span(5, Seconds), interval = Span(100, Millis))

  "The KinesisProducer" - {

    "Should publish a message to a stream" in new withKinesisConfForApp(
    ) {

      val conf     = producerConf()
      val producer = KinesisProducer(conf)

      val existingRecordCount = testConsumer.retrieveRecords(conf.streamName, 10).size

      val event = ProducerEvent("1234", Random.alphanumeric.take(10).mkString)

      eventually {
        val records: Seq[String] = testConsumer.retrieveRecords(conf.streamName, 10)
        records.size shouldBe (existingRecordCount + 1)
        records should contain(
          new String(event.payload.array(), java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets.UTF_8)

Example 51
Source File: TypesafeConfigExtensionsSpec.scala    From reactive-kinesis   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package com.weightwatchers.reactive.kinesis.utils

import com.typesafe.config.ConfigFactory
import org.scalatest.mockito.MockitoSugar
import org.scalatest.{BeforeAndAfterAll, FreeSpec, Matchers}

class TypesafeConfigExtensionsSpec
    extends FreeSpec
    with Matchers
    with MockitoSugar
    with BeforeAndAfterAll {

  val kplConfig = ConfigFactory.parseString("""
      |kpl {
      |   AggregationEnabled = true
      |   AggregationMaxCount = 4294967295
      |   AggregationMaxSize = 51200
      |   CollectionMaxCount = 500

  //scalastyle:off magic.number
  "The RichConfig" - {

    "Should convert typesafe config key values into Java Properties" in {

      import TypesafeConfigExtensions._

      val javaProperties = kplConfig.toProperties

      javaProperties.size() should equal(4)
      javaProperties.getProperty("AggregationEnabled") should equal("true")
      javaProperties.getProperty("AggregationMaxCount") should equal("4294967295")
      javaProperties.getProperty("AggregationMaxSize") should equal("51200")
      javaProperties.getProperty("CollectionMaxCount") should equal("500")

Example 52
Source File: ReadsRecoverOpsSpec.scala    From play-json-ops   with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
package play.api.libs.json.ops.v4

import org.scalatest.FreeSpec
import org.scalatest.Matchers._
import play.api.libs.json._

class ReadsRecoverOpsSpec extends FreeSpec {

  private val it = classOf[ReadsRecoverOps[_]].getSimpleName

  s"$it.recoverJsError should recover from exceptions with a JsError" in {
    val readStringAsInt = Reads.of[String].map(_.toInt).recoverJsError
    readStringAsInt.reads(JsString("not a number")) match {
      case JsError(Seq((JsPath, Seq(ValidationError(Seq(message), ex))))) =>
        ex shouldBe a[NumberFormatException]
      case o => fail(s"Expected a single error message with a single exception, not $o")

  s"$it.recoverWith should throw any exception not caught by the partial function" in {
    val readStringAsIntInverted = Reads.of[String].map(1 / _.toInt).recoverWith {
      case ex: NumberFormatException => RecoverOps.expectedTypeError(classOf[Int], ex)
    // it should catch format exceptions
    assert(readStringAsIntInverted.reads(JsString("not a number")).isError)
    // but math exceptions are uncaught
    an[ArithmeticException] shouldBe thrownBy {

  s"$it.recoverTotal should call the recover function" in {
    val readStringAsIntInverted = Reads.of[String].map(_.toInt.abs).recoverTotal(_ => -1)
    assertResult(JsSuccess(-1))(readStringAsIntInverted.reads(JsString("not a number")))
Example 53
Source File: JsonImplicitsSpec.scala    From play-json-ops   with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
package play.api.libs.json.ops.v4

import org.scalacheck.{Arbitrary, Gen, Shrink}
import org.scalacheck.ops._
import org.scalatest.FreeSpec
import play.api.libs.json.{Format, Json}
import org.scalatest.prop.GeneratorDrivenPropertyChecks._

case class KeyWrapper(key: String)
object KeyWrapper {
  implicit val arbKeyWrapper: Arbitrary[KeyWrapper] = Arbitrary(
  implicit val shrinkKeyWrapper: Shrink[KeyWrapper] = Shrink { k =>

  implicit lazy val format: Format[KeyWrapper] = Format.asString(convertFromString, _.key)
  implicit val writeKey: WritesKey[KeyWrapper] = WritesKey(_.key)
  implicit val readKey: ReadsKey[KeyWrapper] = ReadsKey.of[String].map(KeyWrapper(_))
  implicit lazy val convertFromString: String => KeyWrapper = KeyWrapper(_)

class JsonImplicitsSpec extends FreeSpec {

  private val exampleJson = Json.obj(
    "A" -> "value",
    "B" -> "other"

  private val exampleMap = Map(
    KeyWrapper("A") -> "value",
    KeyWrapper("B") -> "other"

  private val exampleMapFormat = Format.of[Map[KeyWrapper, String]]

  "explicit call to write should format the Json correctly" in {
    assertResult(exampleJson) {

  "explicit call to read should read correctly formatted Json" in {
    assertResult(exampleMap) {
      exampleMapFormat.reads(exampleJson).recoverTotal { err =>
        throw InvalidJsonException[Map[KeyWrapper, String]](exampleJson, err)

  "formatter should read every value it writes and write it out the same way" in {
    forAll { value: Map[String, String] =>
      val keyWrappedMap = {
        case (k, v) => (KeyWrapper(k), v)
      val json = exampleMapFormat.writes(keyWrappedMap)
      val parsedMap = exampleMapFormat.reads(json).recoverTotal { err =>
        throw InvalidJsonException[Map[KeyWrapper, String]](json, err)
Example 54
Source File: ReadsRecoverOpsSpec.scala    From play-json-ops   with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
package play.api.libs.json.ops.v4

import org.scalatest.FreeSpec
import org.scalatest.Matchers._
import play.api.libs.json._

class ReadsRecoverOpsSpec extends FreeSpec {

  private val it = classOf[ReadsRecoverOps[_]].getSimpleName

  s"$it.recoverJsError should recover from exceptions with a JsError" in {
    val readStringAsInt = Reads.of[String].map(_.toInt).recoverJsError
    readStringAsInt.reads(JsString("not a number")) match {
      case JsError(Seq((JsPath, Seq(JsonValidationError(Seq(message), ex))))) =>
        ex shouldBe a[NumberFormatException]
      case o => fail(s"Expected a single error message with a single exception, not $o")

  s"$it.recoverWith should throw any exception not caught by the partial function" in {
    val readStringAsIntInverted = Reads.of[String].map(1 / _.toInt).recoverWith {
      case ex: NumberFormatException => RecoverOps.expectedTypeError(classOf[Int], ex)
    // it should catch format exceptions
    assert(readStringAsIntInverted.reads(JsString("not a number")).isError)
    // but math exceptions are uncaught
    an[ArithmeticException] shouldBe thrownBy {

  s"$it.recoverTotal should call the recover function" in {
    val readStringAsIntInverted = Reads.of[String].map(_.toInt.abs).recoverTotal(_ => -1)
    assertResult(JsSuccess(-1))(readStringAsIntInverted.reads(JsString("not a number")))
Example 55
Source File: BenchmarksCheck.scala    From arrows   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package benchmarks

import org.scalatest.FreeSpec

class BenchmarksCheck extends FreeSpec {

  "all benchmarks should return the same result" - {
    "SyncSuccessOnlyBenchmarks" in {
      (new SyncSuccessOnlyBenchmarks).checkImpls()
    "SyncWithFailuresBenchmarks" in {
      (new SyncWithFailuresBenchmarks).checkImpls()
    "AsyncSuccessOnlyBenchmarks" in {
      (new SyncWithFailuresBenchmarks).checkImpls()
    "AsyncWithFailuresBenchmarks" in {
      (new SyncWithFailuresBenchmarks).checkImpls()
Example 56
Source File: FixedPrecisionChangerSpec.scala    From dsptools   with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 5 votes vote down vote up
// See LICENSE for license details.

package dsptools.numbers

import chisel3._
import chisel3.experimental.FixedPoint
import dsptools.DspTester
import org.scalatest.{FreeSpec, Matchers}

//scalastyle:off magic.number

class FixedPrecisionChanger(inWidth: Int, inBinaryPoint: Int, outWidth: Int, outBinaryPoint: Int) extends Module {
  val io = IO(new Bundle {
    val in  = Input(FixedPoint(inWidth.W, inBinaryPoint.BP))
    val out = Output(FixedPoint(outWidth.W, outBinaryPoint.BP))

  val reg = Reg(FixedPoint())
  reg :=
  io.out := reg

class FixedPointTruncatorTester(c: FixedPrecisionChanger, inValue: Double, outValue: Double) extends DspTester(c) {
  poke(, inValue)
  expect(, outValue, s"got ${peek(} should have $outValue")

class RemoveMantissa(inWidth: Int, inBinaryPoint: Int, outWidth: Int, outBinaryPoint: Int) extends Module {
  val io = IO(new Bundle {
    val in  = Input(FixedPoint(inWidth.W, inBinaryPoint.BP))
    val out = Output(FixedPoint(outWidth.W, 0.BP))

  val reg = Reg(FixedPoint())
  reg :=
  io.out := reg//.setBinaryPoint(0)

class RemoveMantissaTester(c: RemoveMantissa, inValue: Double, outValue: Double) extends DspTester(c) {
  poke(, inValue)
  expect(, outValue, s"got ${peek(} should have $outValue")

class FixedPrecisionChangerSpec extends FreeSpec with Matchers {
  "assignment of numbers with differing binary points seems to work as I would expect" - {
    "here we assign to a F8.1 from a F8.3" in {
      dsptools.Driver.execute(() => new FixedPrecisionChanger(8, 3, 8, 1)) { c =>
        new FixedPointTruncatorTester(c, 6.875, 6.5)
      } should be (true)
    "here we assign to a F8.1 from a F8.1" - {
      "conversion to fixed point with less precision than poked value rounds up to 7,  IS THIS RIGHT?" in {
        dsptools.Driver.execute(() => new FixedPrecisionChanger(8, 1, 8, 1)) { c =>
          new FixedPointTruncatorTester(c, 6.875, 7.0)
        } should be(true)
    "here we assign to a F10.6 from a F10.3" in {
      dsptools.Driver.execute(() => new FixedPrecisionChanger(10, 3, 10, 6)) { c =>
        new FixedPointTruncatorTester(c, 6.875, 6.875)
      } should be (true)
    "let's try 1/3 just for fun with a big mantissa" - {
      "oops, this works because I built in a fudge factor for double comparison, how should this be done" in {
        dsptools.Driver.execute(() => new FixedPrecisionChanger(64, 58, 64, 16)) { c =>
          new FixedPointTruncatorTester(c, 1.0 / 3.0, 0.3333282470703125)
        } should be(true)

  "removing mantissa can be done" - {
    "by using the setBinaryPoint Method" in {
      dsptools.Driver.execute(() => new RemoveMantissa(12, 4, 8, 0)) { c =>
        new RemoveMantissaTester(c, 3.75, 3.0)
      } should be(true)
Example 57
Source File: LnSpec.scala    From dsptools   with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 5 votes vote down vote up
// See LICENSE for license details.

package dsptools.numbers

import chisel3._
import chisel3.util._
import chisel3.testers.BasicTester
import chisel3.iotesters.{ChiselFlatSpec, PeekPokeTester, TesterOptionsManager}
import dsptools.{DspTester, ReplOptionsManager}
import org.scalatest.FreeSpec

class LnModule extends Module {
  val io = IO(new Bundle {
    val num = Input(DspReal())
    val ln = Output(DspReal())

  io.ln := io.num.ln()

class LnTester(c: LnModule) extends DspTester(c) {
  private val x = peek(
  println(s"poked 1.0 got $x expected ${math.log(11.0)}")

class LnSpec extends FreeSpec {
  "ln should work" in {
    dsptools.Driver.execute(() => new LnModule) { c =>
      new LnTester(c)

object LnTester extends App {
  val manager = new ReplOptionsManager
  if(manager.parse(args)) {
      dsptools.Driver.executeFirrtlRepl(() => new LnModule, manager)
Example 58
Source File: AbsSpec.scala    From dsptools   with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 5 votes vote down vote up
// See LICENSE for license details.

package dsptools.numbers

import chisel3._
import chisel3.experimental._
import dsptools.{DspContext, DspTester, Grow, Wrap}
import org.scalatest.{FreeSpec, Matchers}

class AbsSpec extends FreeSpec with Matchers {
  "absolute value should work for all types" - {
    "abs should be obvious when not at extreme negative" - {
      "but returns a negative number for extreme value at max negative for SInt and FixedPoint" - {
        "with interpreter" in {
          dsptools.Driver.execute(() => new DoesAbs(UInt(4.W), SInt(4.W), FixedPoint(5.W, 2.BP))) { c =>
            new DoesAbsTester(c)
          } should be(true)
        "and with verilator" in {
          dsptools.Driver.execute(() => new DoesAbs(UInt(4.W), SInt(4.W), FixedPoint(5.W, 2.BP)),
            Array("--backend-name", "verilator")) { c =>
            new DoesAbsTester(c)
          } should be(true)


class DoesAbsTester(c: DoesAbs[UInt, SInt, FixedPoint]) extends DspTester(c) {
  for(i <- 0.0 to 15.0 by 1.0) {
    poke(, i)
    expect(, i)
    expect(, i)
  for(i <- -7.0 to 7.0 by 1.0) {
    poke(, i)
    expect(, i.abs)
    expect(, i.abs)
  poke(, -8.0)
  expect(, 8.0)
  expect(, -8.0)

  val increment = 0.25

  for(i <- -3.75 to 3.75 by increment) {
    poke(, i)
    expect(, i.abs)
    expect(, i.abs)
  poke(, -4.0)
  expect(, 4.0)
  expect(, -4.0)

class DoesAbs[TU <: Data: Signed : Ring, TS <: Data : Signed : Ring, TF <: Data : Signed : Ring]
    (uGen: TU, sGen: TS, fGen: TF)
  extends Module {
  val io = IO(new Bundle {
    val uIn = Input(uGen)
    val sIn = Input(sGen)
    val fIn = Input(fGen)

    val uAbsGrow = Output(uGen)
    val uAbsWrap = Output(uGen)

    val sAbsGrow = Output(SInt(5.W))
    val sAbsWrap = Output(SInt(4.W))

    val fAbsGrow = Output(FixedPoint(6.W, 2.BP))
    val fAbsWrap = Output(FixedPoint(5.W, 2.BP))

  io.uAbsGrow := DspContext.withOverflowType(Grow) { io.uIn.context_abs() }
  io.uAbsWrap := DspContext.withOverflowType(Wrap) { io.uIn.context_abs() }

  io.sAbsGrow := DspContext.withOverflowType(Grow) { io.sIn.context_abs() }
  io.sAbsWrap := DspContext.withOverflowType(Wrap) { io.sIn.context_abs() }

  io.fAbsGrow := DspContext.withOverflowType(Grow) { io.fIn.context_abs() }
  io.fAbsWrap := DspContext.withOverflowType(Wrap) { io.fIn.context_abs() }
Example 59
Source File: LoggingSpec.scala    From dsptools   with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 5 votes vote down vote up
// See LICENSE for license details.

package dsptools

import chisel3._
import logger.{LazyLogging, LogLevel, Logger}
import org.scalatest.{FreeSpec, Matchers}

class DutWithLogging extends Module with LazyLogging {
  val io = IO(new Bundle {})

  logger.error("error level message")
  logger.warn("warn level message")"info level message")
  logger.debug("debug level message")
  logger.trace("trace level message")

class DutWithLoggingTester(c: DutWithLogging) extends DspTester(c)

class LoggingSpec extends FreeSpec with Matchers {
  "logging can be emitted during hardware generation" - {
    "level defaults to warn" in {
      Logger.makeScope() {
        val captor = new Logger.OutputCaptor

        dsptools.Driver.execute(() => new DutWithLogging, Array.empty[String]) { c =>
          new DutWithLoggingTester(c)
        captor.getOutputAsString should include("error level message")
        captor.getOutputAsString should include("warn level message")
        captor.getOutputAsString should not include ("info level message")
        captor.getOutputAsString should not include ("debug level message")
        captor.getOutputAsString should not include ("trace level message")
    "logging level can be set via command line args" in {
      Logger.makeScope() {
        val captor = new Logger.OutputCaptor

        dsptools.Driver.execute(() => new DutWithLogging, Array("--log-level", "info")) { c =>
          new DutWithLoggingTester(c)
        captor.getOutputAsString should include("error level message")
        captor.getOutputAsString should include ("warn level message")
        captor.getOutputAsString should include ("info level message")
        captor.getOutputAsString should not include ("debug level message")
        captor.getOutputAsString should not include ("trace level message")
    "logging level can be set for a specific package" in {
      Logger.makeScope() {
        val captor = new Logger.OutputCaptor

        dsptools.Driver.execute(() => new DutWithLogging, Array("--class-log-level", "dsptools:warn")) { c =>
          new DutWithLoggingTester(c)
        captor.getOutputAsString should include("error level message")
        captor.getOutputAsString should include ("warn level message")
        captor.getOutputAsString should not include ("info level message")
        captor.getOutputAsString should not include ("debug level message")
        captor.getOutputAsString should not include ("trace level message")
Example 60
Source File: RunTest.scala    From ZparkIO   with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
package com.leobenkel.zparkioProjectExample

import com.leobenkel.zparkiotest.SparkExecution
import org.scalatest.FreeSpec

class RunTest extends FreeSpec {
  "Run" - {
    "Should run" ignore {
      val REBUILD_JAR = true
      import sys.process._

      val version = "cat VERSION".!!.replaceAll("v", "").replaceAll("\n", "")
      println(s"Version: '$version'")
      val rootPath = System.getProperty("user.dir")
      val jarPath = s"$rootPath/ProjectExample/target/docker/0/zparkio_testProject-$version-all.jar"

      if (REBUILD_JAR || s"ls $jarPath".! != 0) {
        val out: Int =
          ("pwd" #&&
            ("sbt" ::
              "; project projectExample" ::
              "; set test in assembly := {}" ::
              s"""; set version := "$version" """ ::
              "; docker" ::
            .!(new ProcessLogger {
              override def out(s: => String): Unit = System.out.println(s)

              override def err(s: => String): Unit = System.err.println(s)

              override def buffer[T](f: => T): T = f

        assert(out == 0)
      assert(s"ls $jarPath".! == 0)

      val s = SparkExecution(
        sparkConf = Map.empty,
        sparkFile = Map.empty,
        pathToJar = jarPath,
        mainClassPath = "com.leobenkel.zparkioProjectExample.Main",
        jarArgument = Map.empty

      val exitCode = s.execute
      assert(exitCode == 0)
Example 61
Source File: ApplicationTest.scala    From ZparkIO   with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
package com.leobenkel.zparkioProjectExample

import com.leobenkel.zparkiotest.TestWithSpark
import org.scalatest.FreeSpec
import zio.Exit.{Failure, Success}
import zio.{BootstrapRuntime, ZIO}

class ApplicationTest extends FreeSpec with TestWithSpark {
  "Full application" - {
    "Run" in {
      TestApp.makeRuntime.unsafeRunSync(TestApp.runTest("--spark-foo" :: "abc" :: Nil)) match {
        case Success(value) =>
          println(s"Read: $value")
        case Failure(cause) => fail(cause.prettyPrint)

    "Wrong argument" in {
      TestApp.makeRuntime.unsafeRunSync(TestApp.runTest("--bar" :: "foo" :: Nil)) match {
        case Success(value) =>
          println(s"Read: $value")
        case Failure(cause) => fail(cause.prettyPrint)

    "Help" in {
      TestApp.makeRuntime.unsafeRunSync(TestApp.runTest("--help" :: Nil)) match {
        case Success(value) =>
          println(s"Read: $value")
        case Failure(cause) => fail(cause.prettyPrint)

object TestApp extends Application {
  def runTest(args: List[String]): ZIO[zio.ZEnv, Throwable, Int] = {

  lazy final override val makeRuntime: BootstrapRuntime = super.makeRuntime
Example 62
Source File: DatasetZTest.scala    From ZparkIO   with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
package com.leobenkel.zparkio

import com.leobenkel.zparkio.Services.SparkModule
import com.leobenkel.zparkio.Services.SparkModule.SparkModule
import com.leobenkel.zparkio.implicits.{ZDS, ZDS_R}
import com.leobenkel.zparkiotest.TestWithSpark
import org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession
import org.scalatest.FreeSpec
import zio.{BootstrapRuntime, Task, ZLayer}

case class TestClass(
  a: Int,
  b: String
case class TestClassAfter(a: Int)

class DatasetZTest extends FreeSpec with TestWithSpark {
  "DatasetZ" - {
    import implicits.DatasetZ
    "Test with dataset A " in {
      val s = spark

      val d: ZDS_R[SparkModule, TestClassAfter] = ZDS(
        TestClass(a = 1, b = "one"),
        TestClass(a = 2, b = "two"),
        TestClass(a = 3, b = "three")
      ).zMap {
        case TestClass(a, b) => Task(TestClassAfter(a + b.length))

      val r = new BootstrapRuntime {}

        List(TestClassAfter(4), TestClassAfter(5), TestClassAfter(8)) == r
          .unsafeRun(d.provideLayer(ZLayer.succeed(new SparkModule.Service {
            override def spark: SparkSession = s
Example 63
Source File: ModuleFailZIOTest.scala    From ZparkIO   with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
package com.leobenkel.zparkio.Services

import org.scalatest.FreeSpec
import zio.{BootstrapRuntime, Exit, Task, ZIO}

import scala.util.Try

class ModuleFailZIOTest extends FreeSpec {
  "Module" ignore {
    trait Module {
      def service: Module.Service
    object Module {
      trait Service {
        def foo(bar: String): String

      def apply(b: String): ZIO[Module, Throwable, String] = {

    case class ModuleServiceIpml(dead: Boolean) extends Module.Service {
      println(s"SERVICE IS CREATED !!!")
      if (dead) {
        throw new RuntimeException("It failed !")
      override def foo(bar: String): String = {

    object ModuleServiceBuilder {
      def create(dead: Boolean): Task[Module.Service] = {

    case class ModuleIpml(s: Module.Service) extends Module {
      lazy final override val service: Module.Service = s

    "Might fail" in {
      val runtime = new BootstrapRuntime {}

      def jobRun: ZIO[Module, Throwable, String] = {
        (for {
          a <- Module("bar")
          b <- Module("foo")
        } yield { s"$a - $b" })

      Try {
        runtime.unsafeRunSync {
          for {
            s <- ModuleServiceBuilder.create(true)
            a <- jobRun.provide(ModuleIpml(s))
          } yield { a }
        } match {
          case a @ Exit.Success(value) =>
            println(s"Intern: $value")
          case Exit.Failure(cause) =>
            println(s"Failed inside with: $cause")
      } match {
        case scala.util.Success(value) => println(s"Outside: $value")
        case scala.util.Failure(exception) =>
          println(s"Failed outside with : $exception")
Example 64
Source File: ModuleFailTest.scala    From ZparkIO   with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
package com.leobenkel.zparkio.Services

import org.scalatest.FreeSpec
import zio.{BootstrapRuntime, Exit, ZIO}

import scala.util.Try

class ModuleFailTest extends FreeSpec {
  "Module" ignore {
    trait Module {
      def service: Module.Service
    object Module {
      trait Service {
        def foo(bar: String): String

      def apply(b: String): ZIO[Module, Nothing, String] = {

    case class ModuleServiceIpml(dead: Boolean) extends Module.Service {
      if (dead) {
        throw new RuntimeException("It failed !")
      override def foo(bar: String): String = {

    case class ModuleIpml(dead: Boolean) extends Module {
      lazy final override val service: Module.Service = ModuleServiceIpml(dead)

    "Might fail" in {
      val runtime = new BootstrapRuntime {}

      Try {
        runtime.unsafeRunSync {
          (for {
            a <- Module("bar")
            b <- Module("foo")
          } yield { s"$a - $b" }).provide(ModuleIpml(false))
        } match {
          case a @ Exit.Success(value) =>
            println(s"Intern: $value")
          case Exit.Failure(cause) => fail(cause.prettyPrint)
      } match {
        case scala.util.Success(value)     => println(s"Outside: $value")
        case scala.util.Failure(exception) => fail(exception)
Example 65
Source File: ScalazSyntaxTest.scala    From better-monadic-for   with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
package com.olegpy.bm4

import org.scalatest.FreeSpec
import scalaz._, Scalaz._

class ScalazSyntaxTest extends FreeSpec {
  implicit val scalazInstance: Bind[MapCheck] = new Bind[MapCheck] {
    def bind[A, B](fa: MapCheck[A])(f: A => MapCheck[B]): MapCheck[B] = fa.flatMap(f)

    def map[A, B](fa: MapCheck[A])(f: A => B): MapCheck[B] =

  "works in generic context with extension methods of scalaz 7" in {
    def sillyTest[F[_]: Bind](fa: F[Int], fb: F[Int]) =
      for {
        _ <- fa
        b <- fb
      } yield b

    sillyTest(new MapCheck(11), new MapCheck(42))
Example 66
Source File: CatsSyntaxTest.scala    From better-monadic-for   with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
package com.olegpy.bm4

import cats.Monad
import org.scalatest.FreeSpec
import cats.implicits._

class CatsSyntaxTest extends FreeSpec {
  implicit val mcCatsInstance: cats.FlatMap[MapCheck] = new cats.FlatMap[MapCheck] {
    def flatMap[A, B](fa: MapCheck[A])(f: A => MapCheck[B]): MapCheck[B] = {

    def tailRecM[A, B](a: A)(f: A => MapCheck[Either[A, B]]): MapCheck[B] = {
    def map[A, B](fa: MapCheck[A])(f: A => B): MapCheck[B] =
  case class ImplicitTest(id: String)
  def typed[A](a: A) = ()

  "works in generic context with extension methods of cats" in {
    import cats.syntax.all._
    def sillyTest[F[_]: cats.FlatMap](fa: F[Int], fb: F[Int]) =
      for {
        _ <- fa
        b <- fb
      } yield b

    sillyTest(new MapCheck(11), new MapCheck(42))

  "supports implicit0 in F-parametric methods" - {
    "in = bindings" in {
      def f[F[_]: Monad] =
        for {
          x <- 42.pure[F]
          _ <- "dummy".pure[F]
          implicit0(it: ImplicitTest) = ImplicitTest("eggs")
          str = "dummy"
          _ = typed[String](str)
        } yield assert(it eq implicitly[ImplicitTest])

Example 67
Source File: TestNoMap.scala    From better-monadic-for   with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
package com.olegpy.bm4

import org.scalatest.FreeSpec

case class MapCalled() extends Exception

class MapCheck[+A](a: A) {
  def map[B](f: A => B): MapCheck[B] = throw MapCalled()
  def flatMap[B](f: A => MapCheck[B]): MapCheck[B] = f(a)

class TestNoMap extends FreeSpec {
  "emits no map(b => b) in for-comprehension" in {
    for {
      _ <- new MapCheck(42)
      b <- new MapCheck("foo")
    } yield b

  "emits no map(_ => ()) if prev. operation resulted in Unit" in {
      for {
        _ <- new MapCheck(42)
        _ <- new MapCheck(())
      } yield ()

  "preserves map(_ => ()) if prev.operation did not result in Unit" in {
    intercept[MapCalled] {
      for {
        _ <- new MapCheck(42)
        _ <- new MapCheck("Foo")
      } yield ()

  "removes map(b: Ascribed => b) if it's provable identity" in {
    for {
      _ <- new MapCheck(42)
      b: Long <- new MapCheck(0L)
    } yield b

  "preserves map(b: Ascribed => b) if widening" in {
    intercept[MapCalled] {
      for {
        _ <- new MapCheck(42)
        b: Any <- new MapCheck("foo")
      } yield b

  "preserves map if called manually" in {
    intercept[MapCalled] {
      new MapCheck(()).flatMap(y => new MapCheck(()).map(x => x))
Example 68
Source File: PresentationCompiler.scala    From better-monadic-for   with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
package com.olegpy.bm4

import org.ensime.pcplod._
import org.scalatest.FreeSpec

class PresentationCompiler extends FreeSpec {
  "PC should have no errors" in {
    withMrPlod("Arrows.scala") { pc =>

  "PC should be able to read values & types properly" in {
    withMrPlod("Arrows.scala") { pc =>

  "PC should yield errors" - {
    "when implicit0(_: Tpe) is used" in {
      withMrPlod("Wildcards.scala") { pc =>
        val firstError = pc.messages.head

        assert(firstError.severity == PcMessageSeverity.Error)
        assert(firstError.message == "implicit pattern requires an identifier, but a wildcard was used: `implicit0((_: Int))`. " +
          "This doesn't introduce anything into the implicit scope. You might want to remove the implicit0 pattern and type.")

    "when implicit0(_) is used" in {
      withMrPlod("Wildcards.scala") { pc =>
        val secondError = pc.messages(1)

        assert(secondError.severity == PcMessageSeverity.Error)
        assert(secondError.message == "implicit pattern requires an identifier, but a wildcard was used: `implicit0(_)`. " +
          "This doesn't introduce anything into the implicit scope. You might want to remove the implicit0 pattern.")
Example 69
Source File: UserAccountRepositoryOnMemorySpec.scala    From scala-ddd-base   with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
package com.github.j5ik2o.dddbase.example.repository.memory

import java.time.ZonedDateTime

import com.github.j5ik2o.dddbase.AggregateNotFoundException
import com.github.j5ik2o.dddbase.example.model._
import com.github.j5ik2o.dddbase.example.repository.{ IdGenerator, SpecSupport, UserAccountRepository }
import com.github.j5ik2o.dddbase.example.repository.util.ScalaFuturesSupportSpec
import monix.eval.Task
import org.scalatest.concurrent.ScalaFutures
import org.scalatest.{ FreeSpec, Matchers }

import scala.concurrent.duration._
import scala.concurrent.{ Await, Future }

class UserAccountRepositoryOnMemorySpec
    extends FreeSpec
    with ScalaFutures
    with ScalaFuturesSupportSpec
    with Matchers
    with SpecSupport {

  val userAccount = UserAccount(
    id = UserAccountId(IdGenerator.generateIdValue),
    status = Status.Active,
    emailAddress = EmailAddress("[email protected]"),
    password = HashedPassword("aaa"),
    firstName = "Junichi",
    lastName = "Kato",
    createdAt =,
    updatedAt = None

  val userAccounts = for (idx <- 1L to 10L)
        id = UserAccountId(IdGenerator.generateIdValue),
        status = Status.Active,
        emailAddress = EmailAddress(s"user${idx}"),
        password = HashedPassword("aaa"),
        firstName = "Junichi",
        lastName = "Kato",
        createdAt =,
        updatedAt = None

  "UserAccountRepositoryOnMemory" - {
    "store" in {
      val repository = UserAccountRepository.onMemory()
      val result: UserAccount = (for {
        _ <-
        r <- repository.resolveById(
      } yield r).runToFuture.futureValue

      result shouldBe userAccount
    "storeMulti" in {
      val repository = UserAccountRepository.onMemory()
      val result: Seq[UserAccount] = (for {
        _ <- repository.storeMulti(userAccounts)

        r <- repository.resolveMulti(
      } yield r).runToFuture.futureValue

      sameAs(result, userAccounts) shouldBe true
    "store then expired" in {
      val repository = UserAccountRepository.onMemory(expireAfterWrite = Some(1 seconds))
      val resultFuture: Future[UserAccount] = (for {
        _ <-
        _ <- Task.pure(Thread.sleep(1000))
        r <- repository.resolveById(
      } yield r).runToFuture

      an[AggregateNotFoundException] should be thrownBy {
        Await.result(resultFuture, Duration.Inf)

Example 70
Source File: AnsibleModuleTest.scala    From sansible   with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
package ansible

import org.scalatest.{Matchers, FreeSpec}
import argonaut._
import Argonaut._

import scalaz.Success

class AnsibleModuleTest extends FreeSpec with Matchers {
  import AnsibleModule._
  "ModuleOption can be decoded" in {
    val input =
        |  "option1": {
        |    "description": [
        |      "desc"
        |    ],
        |    "required": true,
        |    "default": null
        |  },
        |  "option2": {
        |    "required": false,
        |    "default": "yes",
        |    "choices": [ "yes", "no" ],
        |    "description": [ "desc" ]
        |  },
        |  "option3": {
        |    "description": ["desc"],
        |    "choices": ["a", "b", "c"]
        |  }

    // S => T

    val option1 = StringOption(
      required = true

    val option2 = BooleanOption(
      required = false
    val option3 = EnumOption(
      choices = List("a", "b", "c"),
      required = false)

    input.decodeValidation[List[ModuleOption]] should ===(Success(List(
      option1, option2, option3
Example 71
Source File: CommonOptionsSpec.scala    From sansible   with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
package ansible.dsl

import ansible.CommonOptions._
import org.scalatest.FreeSpec

import ansible.{Task, Playbook}
import ansible.Modules.Ping
import ansible.std._

class CommonOptionsSpec extends FreeSpec {
  trait TestData {
    val task = Task("test task", Ping())
    val playbook = Playbook(Nil, task :: Nil, Nil)

  "CommonOptions syntax" - {
    "withTags" in new TestData {
      val expected = Some(Set(Tag("a"), Tag("b")))
      assertResult(expected)(task.withTags("a", "b").tags)
      assertResult(expected)(playbook.withTags("a", "b").tags)
    "addTags" in new TestData {
      assertResult(Some(Set(Tag("a"), Tag("b"), Tag("c"))))(
        task.addingTags("a", "b").addingTags("c").tags
    "withEnv" in new TestData {
      assertResult(Some(Map("A" -> "B")))(
        task.withEnv(Map("A" -> "B")).env
    "mergeEnv" in new TestData {
      assertResult(Some(Map("A" -> "B", "C" -> "D")))(
        task.withEnv(Map("A" -> "B")).mergeEnv(Map("C" -> "D")).env
    "becoming" in new TestData {
      assertResult(Some(Become(None, Some(Sudo))))(task.usingSudo.become)
      assertResult(Some(Become(Some("userX"), Some(Su))))(task.becoming("userX", Su).become)
    "withOptions" in new TestData {
        playbook.modifyOptions(_.copy(connection = Some("local")))
Example 72
Source File: IniEncodersSpec.scala    From sansible   with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
package ansible

import ansible.Inventory._
import ansible.IniEncode._
import ansible.IniEncoders._

import org.scalatest.FreeSpec

class IniEncodersSpec extends FreeSpec {
  "an inventory" - {
    val host1 = Hostname(id = "host1", port = Some(4444))
    val host2 = Hostname(id = "host2",
      hostVars = Map(
        "ansible_user" -> "user",
        "ansible_ssh_pass" -> "secret"))
    val host3 = HostPattern(id = "host*")
    val group1 = Group("group1",
      List(host3), Map(
        "group_var1" -> "var1"
    val group2 = Group(
      name = "group2",
      hosts = Nil,
      children = List(group1))

    "when it contains hostIds only" - {
      "will not contain headings" in {
            |host2 ansible_user=user ansible_ssh_pass=secret""".stripMargin)(
          Inventory(host1 :: host2 :: Nil).iniEncode)

    "when it contains hostids and groups" - {
      "will include the group name and vars" in {
            Group("group1", List(host3), Map(
              "group_var1" -> "var1"

      "will include the group children" in {
            |group1""".stripMargin)(Inventory(List(host1, group1, group2)).iniEncode)
Example 73
Source File: JsonEncodersSpec.scala    From sansible   with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
package ansible

import org.scalatest.FreeSpec
import argonaut._
import Argonaut._

import Modules.{File, Command, Ping}
import Inventory._
import ansible.CommonOptions._
import ansible.std._
import ansible.dsl._

class JsonEncodersSpec extends FreeSpec {
  "json encoders" - {
    "can serialise a playbook" in {
      val f = File(path="/foo/bar", state=Some(File.State.file))
      val t1 = Task("create foo/bar", f).withTags("tag1", "tag2")
      val t3 = Task("reboot system", Command("reboot"))
      val t2 = Task("ping host", Ping(), Task.Options(notifyTask = Some(t3)))
      val pb = Playbook(
        hosts = List(HostPattern("example-host")),
        tasks = t1 :: t2 :: Nil,
        handlers = t3 :: Nil,
        options = Playbook.Options(
          connection = Some("local")

      val json = Parse.parse("""{
          |  "hosts": ["example-host"],
          |  "connection": "local",
          |  "become": true,
          |  "become_method": "sudo",
          |  "tasks": [
          |    {"name": "create foo/bar", "file": {"state": "file", "path": "/foo/bar"}, "tags": ["tag1", "tag2"]},
          |    {"name": "ping host", "ping": {}, "notify": "reboot system"}
          |  ],
          |  "handlers": [
          |    {"name": "reboot system", "command": "reboot", "args": {}}
          |  ]

Example 74
Source File: InventorySpec.scala    From sansible   with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
package ansible

import org.scalatest.FreeSpec
import Inventory._

class InventorySpec extends FreeSpec {
  trait TestInventory {
    def hosts: List[HostId] = Nil
    def inv = Inventory(List(
      Group("g", hosts, Map("k1" -> "v1"))
  "Inventory" - {
    "groupHosts" - {
      "gets the list of hosts in a group" in new TestInventory {
        override val hosts = List(

    "withGroupVar" - {
      "sets a group vars" in new TestInventory {
        assertResult(Some(Map("k1" -> "v1", "k2" -> "v2")))(
          inv.withGroupVar("g", "k2" -> "v2").groupVars("g")
    "withHostVar" - {
      "sets a var within a group's host" in new TestInventory {
        override val hosts = List(
          Hostname("h1", Map("hk" -> "hv1")),
          Hostname("h2", Map("hk" -> "hv2"))
        assertResult(List("hv1", "hv2-updated"))(
          inv.withHostVar("g", "h2", ("hk", "hv2-updated"))
            .hostVarValues("g", "hk")
Example 75
Source File: AndableTest.scala    From testcontainers-scala   with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
package com.dimafeng.testcontainers.lifecycle

import org.scalatest.FreeSpec

import scala.collection.mutable

class AndableTest extends FreeSpec {

  case class Cont1(i: Int, buffer: mutable.Buffer[Int] = mutable.Buffer.empty[Int]) extends Stoppable {
    override def stop(): Unit = buffer.append(i)

  case class Cont2(i: Int, buffer: mutable.Buffer[Int] = mutable.Buffer.empty[Int]) extends Stoppable {
    override def stop(): Unit = buffer.append(i)

  "Andable" - {
    "foreach" - {
      "should iterate Andable in a correct order" in {
        val andable = Cont1(1) and Cont1(2) and Cont2(3) and Cont2(4)

        val ixs = mutable.Buffer.empty[Int]
        andable.foreach {
          case Cont1(i, _) => ixs.append(i)
          case Cont2(i, _) => ixs.append(i)

        assert(ixs.toSeq === Seq(1,2,3,4))

    "stop" - {
      "should stop all Andable in a reverse order" in {
        val ixs = mutable.Buffer.empty[Int]

        val andable = Cont1(1, ixs) and Cont1(2, ixs) and Cont2(3, ixs) and Cont2(4, ixs)

        assert(ixs.toSeq === Seq(4,3,2,1))

Example 76
Source File: WeatherForecastSpec2.scala    From Scala-Reactive-Programming   with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
package com.packt.publishing.caseclass

import org.scalatest.{FreeSpec, MustMatchers}

class WeatherForecastSpec2 extends FreeSpec with MustMatchers {

  private def createWeatherForecast(city: String = "London",
                                    date: String = "01/01/2018",
                                    hour: String = "10 AM",
                                    temperature: String = "6") =
    WeatherForecast(city, date, hour, temperature)

    "default values" in {
      val wf = createWeatherForecast() mustBe ("London") mustBe "01/01/2018"
      wf.hour mustBe "10 AM"
      wf.temperature mustBe "6"

    "check city value" in {
      val wf = createWeatherForecast(city = "Hyderabad") must not be "London" mustBe "Hyderabad"

    "check date value" in {
      val wf = createWeatherForecast(date = "06/04/2018") mustBe "06/04/2018"

    "check hour value" in {
      val wf = createWeatherForecast(hour = "14")
      wf.hour mustBe "14"

    "check city and temperature values" in {
      val wf = createWeatherForecast(city = "Hyderabad", temperature = "30") mustBe "Hyderabad"
      wf.temperature mustBe "30"

Example 77
Source File: WeatherForecastSpec2.scala    From Scala-Reactive-Programming   with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
package com.packt.publishing.caseclass

import org.scalatest.{FreeSpec, MustMatchers}

class WeatherForecastSpec2 extends FreeSpec with MustMatchers {

  private def createWeatherForecast(city: String = "London",
                                    date: String = "01/01/2018",
                                    hour: String = "10 AM",
                                    temperature: String = "6") =
    WeatherForecast(city, date, hour, temperature)

    "default values" in {
      val wf = createWeatherForecast() mustBe ("London") mustBe "01/01/2018"
      wf.hour mustBe "10 AM"
      wf.temperature mustBe "6"

    "check city value" in {
      val wf = createWeatherForecast(city = "Hyderabad") must not be "London" mustBe "Hyderabad"

    "check date value" in {
      val wf = createWeatherForecast(date = "06/04/2018") mustBe "06/04/2018"

    "check hour value" in {
      val wf = createWeatherForecast(hour = "14")
      wf.hour mustBe "14"

    "check city and temperature values" in {
      val wf = createWeatherForecast(city = "Hyderabad", temperature = "30") mustBe "Hyderabad"
      wf.temperature mustBe "30"

Example 78
Source File: S3AsyncClientImplSpec.scala    From reactive-aws-clients   with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up

import org.scalatest.concurrent.ScalaFutures
import org.scalatest.{ FreeSpec, Matchers }

import scala.concurrent.duration._

class S3AsyncClientImplSpec extends FreeSpec with Matchers with ScalaFutures with S3ContainerSpecSupport {
  implicit val pc: PatienceConfig = PatienceConfig(20 seconds, 1 seconds)

  lazy val s3Client = S3AsyncClient(javaS3Client)

  "S3AsyncClientImpl" - {
    "create bucket, put object, get object" ignore {
      val value = "abc"
        .putObject(PutObjectRequest.builder().bucket("test").key("test").build(), AsyncRequestBody.fromString(value)).futureValue
      val response =
      response.asUtf8String() shouldBe value

Example 79
Source File: RowComparerTest.scala    From spark-fast-tests   with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up

import org.scalatest.FreeSpec

import org.apache.spark.sql.Row

class RowComparerTest extends FreeSpec {

  "areRowsEqual" - {

    "returns true for rows that contain the same elements" in {
      val r1 = Row("a", "b")
      val r2 = Row("a", "b")
        RowComparer.areRowsEqual(r1, r2, 0.0) == true

    "returns false for rows that don't contain the same elements" - {
      val r1 = Row("a", 3)
      val r2 = Row("a", 4)
        RowComparer.areRowsEqual(r1, r2, 0.0) == false


Example 80
Source File: ArrayPrettyPrintTest.scala    From spark-fast-tests   with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up

import org.scalatest.FreeSpec

class ArrayPrettyPrintTest extends FreeSpec {

  "blah" in {
    val arr: Array[(Any, Any)] = Array(("hi", "there"), ("fun", "train"))
    val res                    = ArrayPrettyPrint.weirdTypesToStrings(arr, 10)
    assert(res sameElements Array(List("hi", "there"), List("fun", "train")))

  "showTwoColumnString" in {
    val arr: Array[(Any, Any)] = Array(("word1", "word2"), ("hi", "there"), ("fun", "train"))
    println(ArrayPrettyPrint.showTwoColumnString(arr, 10))

  "dumbshowTwoColumnString" in {
    val arr: Array[(Any, Any)] = Array(("word1", "word2"), ("hi", "there"), ("fun", "train"))
    val rowEqual               = Array(true, false)
    println(ArrayPrettyPrint.showTwoColumnStringColorCustomizable(arr, rowEqual))

Example 81
Source File: RDDComparerTest.scala    From spark-fast-tests   with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up

import org.scalatest.FreeSpec

class RDDComparerTest extends FreeSpec with RDDComparer with SparkSessionTestWrapper {

  "contentMismatchMessage" - {

    "returns a string string to compare the expected and actual RDDs" in {
      val sourceData = List(

      val actualRDD = spark.sparkContext.parallelize(sourceData)

      val expectedData = List(

      val expectedRDD = spark.sparkContext.parallelize(expectedData)

      val expected = """
Actual RDD Content:
Expected RDD Content:

        contentMismatchMessage(actualRDD, expectedRDD) == expected


  "assertSmallRDDEquality" - {

    "does nothing if the RDDs have the same content" in {
      val sourceData = List(

      val sourceRDD = spark.sparkContext.parallelize(sourceData)

      val expectedData = List(

      val expectedRDD = spark.sparkContext.parallelize(expectedData)

      assertSmallRDDEquality(sourceRDD, expectedRDD)

    "throws an error if the RDDs have different content" in {
      val sourceData = List(
      val sourceRDD = spark.sparkContext.parallelize(sourceData)

      val expectedData = List(

      val expectedRDD = spark.sparkContext.parallelize(expectedData)

      val e = intercept[RDDContentMismatch] {
        assertSmallRDDEquality(sourceRDD, expectedRDD)


Example 82
Source File: AppConfigSpec.scala    From kafka-lag-exporter   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package com.lightbend.kafkalagexporter
import com.typesafe.config.{Config, ConfigFactory}
import org.scalatest.{FreeSpec, Matchers}

class AppConfigSpec extends FreeSpec with Matchers {

  val configString =
       |kafka-lag-exporter {
       |  clusters = [
       |    {
       |       name = "clusterA"
       |       bootstrap-brokers = ","
       |       group-whitelist = ["group-a", "group-b"]
       |       topic-whitelist = ["topic-a", "topic-b"]
       |       consumer-properties = {
       | = "consumer-client-id"
       |       }
       |       admin-client-properties = {
       | = "admin-client-id"
       |       }
       |       labels = {
       |         environment= "integration"
       |         location = "ny"
       |       }
       |    }
       |    {
       |       name = "clusterB"
       |       bootstrap-brokers = ","
       |       labels = {
       |         environment= "production"
       |       }
       |    }
       |    {
       |       name = "clusterC"
       |       bootstrap-brokers = ","
       |    }
       |  ]

  "AppConfig" - {
    "should parse static clusters" in {
      val config: Config = loadConfig(configString)
      val appConfig = AppConfig(config)

      appConfig.clusters.length shouldBe 3
      appConfig.clusters(0).name shouldBe "clusterA"
      appConfig.clusters(0).bootstrapBrokers shouldBe ","
      appConfig.clusters(0).groupWhitelist shouldBe List("group-a", "group-b")
      appConfig.clusters(0).topicWhitelist shouldBe List("topic-a", "topic-b")
      appConfig.clusters(0).consumerProperties("") shouldBe "consumer-client-id"
      appConfig.clusters(0).adminClientProperties("") shouldBe "admin-client-id"
      appConfig.clusters(0).labels("environment") shouldBe "integration"
      appConfig.clusters(0).labels("location") shouldBe "ny"
      appConfig.clusters(1).name shouldBe "clusterB"
      appConfig.clusters(1).bootstrapBrokers shouldBe ","
      appConfig.clusters(1).consumerProperties shouldBe Map.empty
      appConfig.clusters(1).adminClientProperties shouldBe Map.empty
      appConfig.clusters(1).labels("environment") shouldBe "production"
      appConfig.clusters(2).name shouldBe "clusterC"
      appConfig.clusters(2).bootstrapBrokers shouldBe ","
      appConfig.clusters(2).consumerProperties shouldBe Map.empty
      appConfig.clusters(2).adminClientProperties shouldBe Map.empty
      appConfig.clusters(2).labels shouldBe Map.empty

    "should set blank string for the clusters if label value is absent" in {
      val appConfig = AppConfig(loadConfig(configString))
      appConfig.clustersGlobalLabels() should contain theSameElementsAs
          "clusterA" -> Map("environment" -> "integration", "location" -> "ny"),
          "clusterB" -> Map("environment" -> "production"),
          "clusterC" -> Map.empty

    "should handle the empty config case" in {
      val appConfig = AppConfig(loadConfig(""))
      appConfig.clustersGlobalLabels() should equal(Map.empty)

  private def loadConfig(configStr: String): Config = {
Example 83
Source File: AliasSpecs.scala    From guardrail   with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up

import java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture

import org.junit.runner.RunWith
import org.mockito.{ArgumentMatchersSugar, MockitoSugar}
import org.scalatest.{BeforeAndAfterAll, FreeSpec, Matchers}
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired
import org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.EnableAutoConfiguration
import org.springframework.boot.test.autoconfigure.web.servlet.AutoConfigureMockMvc
import org.springframework.boot.test.context.SpringBootTest
import org.springframework.context.annotation.ComponentScan
import org.springframework.http.MediaType
import org.springframework.test.context.TestContextManager
import org.springframework.test.context.junit4.SpringRunner
import org.springframework.test.web.servlet.MockMvc
import org.springframework.test.web.servlet.request.MockMvcRequestBuilders.{asyncDispatch, get, post}
import org.springframework.test.web.servlet.result.MockMvcResultHandlers.print
import org.springframework.test.web.servlet.result.MockMvcResultMatchers.{request, status}
import spring.test.TestApplication

@SpringBootTest(classes = Array(classOf[TestApplication]))
class AliasSpecs extends FreeSpec with Matchers with BeforeAndAfterAll with MockitoSugar with ArgumentMatchersSugar {
  @Autowired var mvc: MockMvc               = _
  @Autowired var handlerMock: FooHandler = _

  new TestContextManager(this.getClass).prepareTestInstance(this)

  "test" - {
    "optional body handled with alias param" in {

      when(handlerMock.doFoo(java.util.Optional.of(1L), java.util.Optional.of(42L)))

      val mvcResult = mvc

Example 84
Source File: DateTimeSpecs.scala    From guardrail   with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
package dateTime.server.springMvc.dateTime

import java.time.{ LocalDate, OffsetDateTime }
import java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture

import org.junit.runner.RunWith
import org.mockito.{ ArgumentMatchersSugar, MockitoSugar }
import org.scalatest.{ BeforeAndAfterAll, FreeSpec, Matchers }
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired
import org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.EnableAutoConfiguration
import org.springframework.boot.test.autoconfigure.web.servlet.AutoConfigureMockMvc
import org.springframework.boot.test.context.SpringBootTest
import org.springframework.context.annotation.ComponentScan
import org.springframework.http.MediaType
import org.springframework.test.context.TestContextManager
import org.springframework.test.context.junit4.SpringRunner
import org.springframework.test.web.servlet.MockMvc
import org.springframework.test.web.servlet.request.MockMvcRequestBuilders.{ asyncDispatch, post, get}
import org.springframework.test.web.servlet.result.MockMvcResultHandlers.print
import org.springframework.test.web.servlet.result.MockMvcResultMatchers.{ request, status }
import spring.test.TestApplication

@SpringBootTest(classes = Array(classOf[TestApplication]))
class DateTimeSpecs extends FreeSpec with Matchers with BeforeAndAfterAll with MockitoSugar with ArgumentMatchersSugar {
  @Autowired var mvc: MockMvc                    = _
  @Autowired var handlerMock: DateTimeHandler = _

  new TestContextManager(this.getClass).prepareTestInstance(this)

  "test jsre310 stuff" - {
    "dates everywhere" in {

      val offsetDtNow =
      val localDtNow =


      val mvcResult = mvc
            .param("dateTime", offsetDtNow.toString)
            .param("optionalDateTime", offsetDtNow.toString)
            .param("date", localDtNow.toString)
            .param("optionalDate", localDtNow.toString)

Example 85
Source File: JacksonBuilderParamTest.scala    From guardrail   with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
package core.Jackson

import examples.client.dropwizard.definitions.{ Category, Pet }
import java.util.Optional
import org.scalatest.{ FreeSpec, Matchers }

class JacksonBuilderParamTest extends FreeSpec with Matchers {
  "POJO builders should not accept nulls for required params" in {
    assertThrows[NullPointerException] {
      new Pet.Builder(null: String)

  "POJO builders should accept nulls for the value variant for optional params" in {
    val pet = new Pet.Builder("fluffy")
      .withCategory(null: Category)
    pet.getCategory shouldBe Optional.empty

  "POJO builders should not accept nulls for the Optional<> variant for optional params" in {
    assertThrows[NullPointerException] {
      new Pet.Builder("fluffy")
        .withCategory(null: Optional[Category])
Example 86
Source File: JacksonPolyMappingTest.scala    From guardrail   with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
package core.Jackson

import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper
import org.scalatest.{ FreeSpec, Matchers }
import polymorphismMapped.client.dropwizard.definitions.{ A, B, Base, C, DiscrimEnum, EnumA, EnumB, EnumBase, EnumC }
import scala.reflect.ClassTag

class JacksonPolyMappingTest extends FreeSpec with Matchers {
  private val mapper = new ObjectMapper

  "Polymorphic definitions with discriminator mappings" - {
    "should have their discriminator initialized properly" in {
      val a = new A.Builder(42).build()
      a.getPolytype shouldBe "this_is_a"

      val b = new B.Builder("foo").build()
      b.getPolytype shouldBe "this_is_b"

      val c = new C.Builder(42.42).build()
      c.getPolytype shouldBe "C"

    "should deserialize properly" in {
      def verify[T](json: String, discriminatorValue: String)(implicit cls: ClassTag[T]): Unit = {
        val pojo = mapper.readValue(json, classOf[Base])
        pojo shouldNot be(null)
        pojo.getClass shouldBe cls.runtimeClass
        pojo.getPolytype shouldBe discriminatorValue

      verify[A]("""{"polytype": "this_is_a", "some_a": 42}""", "this_is_a")
      verify[B]("""{"polytype": "this_is_b", "some_b": "foo"}""", "this_is_b")
      verify[C]("""{"polytype": "C", "some_c": 42.42}""", "C")

  "Polymorphic definitions with enum discriminator mappings" - {
    "should have their discriminator initialized properly" in {
      val a = new EnumA.Builder(42).build()
      a.getPolytype shouldBe DiscrimEnum.SOME_VALUE_ONE

      val b = new EnumB.Builder("foo").build()
      b.getPolytype shouldBe DiscrimEnum.ANOTHER_VALUE

      val c = new EnumC.Builder(42.42).build()
      c.getPolytype shouldBe DiscrimEnum.YET_ANOTHER_VALUE

    "should deserialize properly" in {
      def verify[T](json: String, discriminatorValue: DiscrimEnum)(implicit cls: ClassTag[T]): Unit = {
        val pojo = mapper.readValue(json, classOf[EnumBase])
        pojo shouldNot be(null)
        pojo.getClass shouldBe cls.runtimeClass
        pojo.getPolytype shouldBe discriminatorValue

      verify[EnumA]("""{"polytype": "some-value-one", "some_a": 42}""", DiscrimEnum.SOME_VALUE_ONE)
      verify[EnumB]("""{"polytype": "another-value", "some_b": "foo"}""", DiscrimEnum.ANOTHER_VALUE)
      verify[EnumC]("""{"polytype": "yet-another-value", "some_c": 42.42}""", DiscrimEnum.YET_ANOTHER_VALUE)
Example 87
Source File: Issue389.scala    From guardrail   with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
package core.Jackson

import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper
import issues.issue389.client.dropwizard.definitions.{ Bar, Foo }
import java.util
import org.scalatest.{ FreeSpec, Matchers }
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
import com.fasterxml.jackson.datatype.jdk8.Jdk8Module

class Issue389 extends FreeSpec with Matchers {
  "x-jvm-type in Array should use the correct type in the array" in {
    val mapper = new ObjectMapper().registerModule(new Jdk8Module())
    val foo = new Foo.Builder()
        (1 until 5)
          .map(new Bar.Builder().withA(_).build())
    val expected = """{"customArray":[{"a":1},{"a":2},{"a":3},{"a":4}],"customMap":null}"""

  "x-jvm-type in Map should use the correct type in the map" in {
    val mapper = new ObjectMapper().registerModule(new Jdk8Module())
    val foo = new Foo.Builder()
        (1 until 5)
          .map(x => x.toString() -> new Bar.Builder().withA(x).build())
    val expected = """{"customArray":null,"customMap":{"1":{"a":1},"2":{"a":2},"3":{"a":3},"4":{"a":4}}}"""
Example 88
Source File: AsyncHttpClientContentHeaderTest.scala    From guardrail   with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
package core.Dropwizard

import com.github.tomakehurst.wiremock.client.WireMock._
import helpers.WireMockSupport
import org.scalatest.{ FreeSpec, Matchers }

class AsyncHttpClientContentHeaderTest extends FreeSpec with Matchers with WireMockSupport {
  private val MOCK_REQUEST_BODY  = "abcd"
  private val MOCK_RESPONSE_BODY = "efgh"

  "AsyncHttpClient with text/plain" - {
    "in both req/resp bodies has Content-Type and Accept headers set" in {
          .withHeader("Content-Type", equalTo("text/plain; charset=utf-8"))
          .withHeader("Accept", equalTo("text/plain; q=1.0, */*; q=0.1"))
              .withHeader("Content-Type", "text/plain; charset=utf-8")

      val client = new FooClient.Builder().withBaseUrl(wireMockBaseUrl).build()
          { body =>
            body shouldBe MOCK_RESPONSE_BODY; ()
          }, { () =>
            fail("Should have gotten 2xx response"); ()

    "in req body has Content-Type header set" in {
          .withHeader("Content-Type", equalTo("text/plain; charset=utf-8"))
      val client = new FooClient.Builder().withBaseUrl(wireMockBaseUrl).build()
          () => (), { () =>
            fail("Should have gotten 201 response"); ()
Example 89
Source File: DropwizardRoundTripTest.scala    From guardrail   with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
package core.Dropwizard

import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper
import examples.client.dropwizard.user.{ UserClient, GetUserByNameResponse => GetUserByNameClientResponse }
import examples.server.dropwizard.definitions.User
import examples.server.dropwizard.user.UserHandler._
import examples.server.dropwizard.user._
import helpers.MockHelpers._
import java.util
import java.util.Optional
import java.util.concurrent.{ CompletableFuture, CompletionStage }
import org.asynchttpclient.{ Request, Response }
import org.mockito.{ ArgumentMatchersSugar, MockitoSugar }
import org.scalatest.concurrent.Waiters
import org.scalatest.{ FreeSpec, Matchers }
import scala.compat.java8.FunctionConverters._

class DropwizardRoundTripTest extends FreeSpec with Matchers with Waiters with MockitoSugar with ArgumentMatchersSugar {
  private implicit val mapper = new ObjectMapper

  "Test server" in {
    val USERNAME = "foobar"

    val serverFuture  = new CompletableFuture[GetUserByNameResponse]
    val asyncResponse = mockAsyncResponse(serverFuture)

    val resource = new UserResource(new UserHandler {
      override def createUser(body: User): CompletionStage[CreateUserResponse]                                          = ???
      override def createUsersWithArrayInput(body: util.List[User]): CompletionStage[CreateUsersWithArrayInputResponse] = ???
      override def createUsersWithListInput(body: util.List[User]): CompletionStage[CreateUsersWithListInputResponse]   = ???
      override def loginUser(username: String, password: String): CompletionStage[LoginUserResponse]                    = ???
      override def logoutUser(): CompletionStage[LogoutUserResponse]                                                    = ???
      override def updateUser(username: String, body: User): CompletionStage[UpdateUserResponse]                        = ???
      override def deleteUser(username: String): CompletionStage[DeleteUserResponse]                                    = ???

      override def getUserByName(username: String): CompletionStage[GetUserByNameResponse] = {
        username match {
          case USERNAME =>
                new User.Builder()
                  .withEmail("[email protected]")
          case "" =>
          case _ =>

    val httpClient: Request => CompletionStage[Response] = { request =>
      val userPath = "^/v2/user/([^/]*)$".r
      request.getUri.getPath match {
        case userPath(username) =>
          resource.getUserByName(username, asyncResponse)
          serverFuture.thenApply({ response =>
            val entityBody = response match {
              case r: GetUserByNameResponse.Ok => Some(r.getEntityBody)
              case _                           => None
            mockAHCResponse(request.getUrl, response.getStatusCode, entityBody)
        case _ =>
          CompletableFuture.completedFuture(mockAHCResponse(request.getUrl, 404))

    val client = new UserClient.Builder()

    val w = new Waiter
      .whenComplete({ (response, t) =>
        w { t shouldBe null }
        response match {
          case r: GetUserByNameClientResponse.Ok =>
            w {
              r.getValue.getUsername.get shouldBe USERNAME
              r.getValue.getPassword shouldBe Optional.empty
          case _: GetUserByNameClientResponse.BadRequest => w { fail("Got BadRequest") }
          case _: GetUserByNameClientResponse.NotFound   => w { fail("Got NotFound") }
Example 90
Source File: ReadDatasourceIntegSpec.scala    From seahorse   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package ai.deepsense.deeplang.doperations

import org.scalatest.{BeforeAndAfter, BeforeAndAfterAll, FreeSpec}

import ai.deepsense.deeplang.{LocalExecutionContext, TestDataSources, TestFiles}

class ReadDatasourceIntegSpec
  extends FreeSpec
  with BeforeAndAfter
  with BeforeAndAfterAll
  with LocalExecutionContext
  with TestDataSources
  with TestFiles {

  for (ds <- someDatasourcesForReading) {
    s"ReadDatasource should work with datasource ${ds.getParams.getName}" in {
      val rds = ReadDatasource().setDatasourceId(ds.getId)

Example 91
Source File: DatasourcesApiSpec.scala    From seahorse   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package ai.deepsense.seahorse.datasource.server

import java.util.UUID

import org.scalatest.{FreeSpec, Matchers}
import spray.http.StatusCodes

import ai.deepsense.seahorse.datasource.api.{ApiException, ApiExceptionWithJsonBody}
import ai.deepsense.seahorse.datasource.db.dbio.Get
import ai.deepsense.seahorse.datasource.model.{Error, Visibility}

class DatasourcesApiSpec extends FreeSpec with Matchers {

  private implicit lazy val api = ApiForTests.api

  "Api consumer" - {
    val userId = UUID.randomUUID()
    val userName = "Alice"

    "cannot see private datasources that don't belong to him" in {
      val otherUserId = UUID.randomUUID()
      for {
        dsParams <- TestData.someDatasources(Some(Visibility.privateVisibility))
      } {
        val id = UUID.randomUUID()
        api.putDatasourceImpl(otherUserId, userName, id, dsParams)

        (the[ApiException] thrownBy api.getDatasourceImpl(userId, id)).errorCode shouldBe StatusCodes.Forbidden.intValue


    "can manage his datasources" in {
      for (dsParams <- TestData.someDatasources()) {
        val id = UUID.randomUUID()
        info("User can add datasource")
        api.putDatasourceImpl(userId, userName, id, dsParams)
        api.getDatasourcesImpl(userId).find( == id).get.params shouldEqual dsParams
        api.getDatasourceImpl(userId, id).params shouldEqual dsParams

        info("Add operation is idempotent")
        api.putDatasourceImpl(userId, userName, id, dsParams)
        api.getDatasourcesImpl(userId).find( == id).get.params shouldEqual dsParams
        api.getDatasourceImpl(userId, id).params shouldEqual dsParams

        info("User can also delete datasource")
        api.deleteDatasourceImpl(userId, id)
        api.getDatasourcesImpl(userId).find( == id) shouldBe empty

        info("Once datasource not exists all operations yield 404")
          api.getDatasourceImpl(userId, id)
        ).errorCode shouldBe 404
          api.deleteDatasourceImpl(userId, id)
        ).errorCode shouldBe 404
    "cannot add datasource with multichar separator" in {
      val id = UUID.randomUUID()
      val putDatasourceExpectedError =
        Error(code = 400, message = "CSV custom separator should be single character")
      val putDatasourceException = intercept[ApiExceptionWithJsonBody] {
        api.putDatasourceImpl(userId, userName, id, TestData.multicharSeparatorLibraryCsvDatasource)
      putDatasourceException.error shouldBe putDatasourceExpectedError
      info("Operation yields 404 for wrong datasource")
        api.getDatasourceImpl(userId, id)
      ).errorCode shouldBe 404

  "Privileged api consumer" - {
    val userId = UUID.randomUUID()
    val userName = "Alice"
    val privilegedUserId = Get.privilegedUsers.head

    "can Get private data sources not owned by him" in {
      for (dsParams <- TestData.someDatasources(Some(Visibility.privateVisibility))) {
        val id = UUID.randomUUID()
        api.putDatasourceImpl(userId, userName, id, dsParams)
        api.getDatasourceImpl(privilegedUserId, id)

Example 92
Source File: DatasourcesAccessControlSpec.scala    From seahorse   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package ai.deepsense.seahorse.datasource.server

import java.util.UUID

import org.scalatest.{FreeSpec, Matchers}

import ai.deepsense.seahorse.datasource.api.{ApiException, DatasourceManagerApi}
import ai.deepsense.seahorse.datasource.db.FlywayMigration
import ai.deepsense.seahorse.datasource.model.{AccessLevel, Visibility}

class DatasourcesAccessControlSpec extends FreeSpec with Matchers {

  lazy val api = ApiForTests.api

  "Api consumer is a subject to access control" in {
    val testEnvironment = createTestEnviroment()
    import testEnvironment._
      info("Alice can access all her datasources")
      val datasources = api.getDatasourcesImpl(alice)
      val datasourcesIds =
      datasourcesIds should contain(alicesPublicDs)
      datasourcesIds should contain(alicesPrivateDs)

      info("Alice has READ_WRITE access to her datasources")
      datasources.find( == alicesPublicDs).get.accessLevel shouldEqual AccessLevel.writeRead
      datasources.find( == alicesPrivateDs).get.accessLevel shouldEqual AccessLevel.writeRead
      info("Bob can see only public datasources of other users")
      val datasources = api.getDatasourcesImpl(bob)
      val datasourcesIds =
      datasourcesIds should contain(alicesPublicDs)
      datasourcesIds shouldNot contain(alicesPrivateDs)

      info("Bob has only READ access to other users datasources")
      datasources.find( == alicesPublicDs).get.accessLevel shouldEqual
      api.getDatasourceImpl(bob, alicesPublicDs).accessLevel shouldEqual
      api.getDatasourceImpl(bob, alicesPublicDs).ownerName shouldEqual aliceName
      info("Bob cannot hack Alices datasources")

      info("Bob cannot get private datasource")

        api.getDatasourceImpl(bob, alicesPrivateDs)
      ).errorCode shouldBe forbiddenErrorCode

      info("Bob cannot edit Alices datasource")

        api.putDatasourceImpl(bob, bobName, alicesPublicDs, TestData.someDatasource())
      ).errorCode shouldBe forbiddenErrorCode

        api.putDatasourceImpl(bob, bobName, alicesPrivateDs, TestData.someDatasource())
      ).errorCode shouldBe forbiddenErrorCode

      info("Bob cannot delete Alices datasources")

        api.deleteDatasourceImpl(bob, alicesPublicDs)
      ).errorCode shouldBe forbiddenErrorCode

        api.deleteDatasourceImpl(bob, alicesPrivateDs)
      ).errorCode shouldBe forbiddenErrorCode

  private def createTestEnviroment() = new {
    val alice = UUID.randomUUID()
    val aliceName = "Alice"

    val alicesPublicDs = UUID.randomUUID()
    val alicesPrivateDs = UUID.randomUUID()
    api.putDatasourceImpl(alice, aliceName, alicesPublicDs, TestData.someDatasource().copy(
      visibility = Visibility.publicVisibility

    api.putDatasourceImpl(alice, aliceName, alicesPrivateDs, TestData.someDatasource().copy(
      visibility = Visibility.privateVisibility

    val bobName = "Bob"
    val bob = UUID.randomUUID()

  private val forbiddenErrorCode = 403

Example 93
Source File: ApiSpec.scala    From seahorse   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package ai.deepsense.seahorse.scheduling.server

import java.util.UUID

import org.scalatest.{FreeSpec, Matchers}

import ai.deepsense.seahorse.scheduling.api.{ApiException, SchedulingManagerApi}
import ai.deepsense.seahorse.scheduling.db.FlywayMigration

class ApiSpec extends FreeSpec with Matchers {

  // TODO Copy pasta test

  private lazy val api = {
    new SchedulingManagerApi()

  "Api consumer" - {
    "can add new workflow schedules" in {
      val workflowId = UUID.randomUUID()
      val scheduling = TestData.someScheduleFor(workflowId)
      api.putWorkflowScheduleImpl(, scheduling)
      api.getWorkflowSchedulesImpl() should contain(scheduling)
      api.getWorkflowScheduleImpl( shouldEqual scheduling

      info("Add operation is idempotent")
      api.putWorkflowScheduleImpl(, scheduling)
      api.getWorkflowSchedulesImpl() should contain(scheduling)
      api.getWorkflowScheduleImpl( shouldEqual scheduling

      info("Schedulings might be fetched by workflow id")
      val scheduleForOtherWorkflow = TestData.someScheduleFor(UUID.randomUUID())
      api.putWorkflowScheduleImpl(, scheduleForOtherWorkflow)

      val anotherSchedulingForSameWorkflow = TestData.someScheduleFor(workflowId)
      api.putWorkflowScheduleImpl(, anotherSchedulingForSameWorkflow)

      api.getSchedulesForWorkflowImpl(workflowId) should contain allOf(
        scheduling, anotherSchedulingForSameWorkflow
      api.getSchedulesForWorkflowImpl(workflowId) should not contain scheduleForOtherWorkflow

      info("Workflow schedule can also be deleted")
      api.getWorkflowSchedulesImpl() shouldNot contain(scheduling)
      ).errorCode shouldBe 404

Example 94
Source File: SampleUsageSpec.scala    From bloom-filter-scala   with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
package endToEnd.bloomfilter.mutable

import bloomfilter.mutable.BloomFilter
import org.scalatest.{FreeSpec, Matchers}

class SampleUsageSpec extends FreeSpec with Matchers {
  "Create, put and check " in {
    val bloomFilter = BloomFilter[String](1000, 0.01)


    bloomFilter.mightContain("") shouldBe true
    bloomFilter.mightContain("Hello!") shouldBe true
    bloomFilter.mightContain("8f16c986824e40e7885a032ddd29a7d3") shouldBe true

Example 95
Source File: SampleUsageSpec.scala    From bloom-filter-scala   with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
package endToEnd.bloomfilter.mutable._128bit

import bloomfilter.mutable._128bit.BloomFilter
import org.scalatest.{FreeSpec, Matchers}

class SampleUsageSpec extends FreeSpec with Matchers {
  "Create, put and check " in {
    val bloomFilter = BloomFilter[String](1000, 0.01)


    bloomFilter.mightContain("") shouldBe true
    bloomFilter.mightContain("Hello!") shouldBe true
    bloomFilter.mightContain("8f16c986824e40e7885a032ddd29a7d3") shouldBe true

Example 96
Source File: CanGetDataFromSpec.scala    From bloom-filter-scala   with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
package tests.bloomfilter

import bloomfilter.CanGetDataFrom.CanGetDataFromArrayChar
import org.scalatest.{FreeSpec, Matchers}

class CanGetDataFromSpec extends FreeSpec with Matchers {
  "CanGetDataFromArrayChar" in {
    CanGetDataFromArrayChar.getByte(Array[Char]('a'), 0) shouldEqual 97.toByte
    CanGetDataFromArrayChar.getByte(Array[Char]('a'), 1) shouldEqual 0.toByte

    CanGetDataFromArrayChar.getByte(Array[Char]('a', 'b'), 0) shouldEqual 97.toByte
    CanGetDataFromArrayChar.getByte(Array[Char]('a', 'b'), 1) shouldEqual 0.toByte
    CanGetDataFromArrayChar.getByte(Array[Char]('a', 'b'), 2) shouldEqual 98.toByte
    CanGetDataFromArrayChar.getByte(Array[Char]('a', 'b'), 3) shouldEqual 0.toByte

    CanGetDataFromArrayChar.getLong(Array[Char]('a', 'b', 'c', 'd'), 0) shouldEqual
        (0.toLong << 56) |
            (('d'.toByte & 0xffL) << 48) |
            ((0 & 0xffL) << 40) |
            (('c'.toByte & 0xffL) << 32) |
            ((0 & 0xffL) << 24) |
            (('b' & 0xffL) << 16) |
            ((0 & 0xffL) << 8) |
            'a' & 0xffL

Example 97
Source File: QualityValueSpec.scala    From cosmos   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package com.mesosphere.http

import org.scalatest.FreeSpec
import scala.util.Failure
import scala.util.Success

class QualityValueSpec extends FreeSpec {

  "QualityValue.parse should" - {

    "error when input that is not a double in base10" in {
      val Failure(err) = QualityValue.parse("asd")
      assertResult("Unexpected q value 'asd'. Expected 0.0 <= q <= 1.0 with no more than 3 decimal places")(err.getMessage)

    "error when the provide value is a double and is outside the valid range" in {
      val Failure(err) = QualityValue.parse("1.1")
      assertResult("Unexpected q value '1.1'. Expected 0.0 <= q <= 1.0 with no more than 3 decimal places")(err.getMessage)

    "error when more than 3 decimal places" in {
      val Failure(err) = QualityValue.parse("0.1234")
      assertResult("Unexpected q value '0.1234'. Expected 0.0 <= q <= 1.0 with no more than 3 decimal places")(err.getMessage)

    "error when does not start with 0 or 1" in {
      val Failure(err) = QualityValue.parse("7.1234")
      assertResult("Unexpected q value '7.1234'. Expected 0.0 <= q <= 1.0 with no more than 3 decimal places")(err.getMessage)

    "succeed when input is" - {
      "0.0" in {
      "0.25" in {
      "1.0" in {


Example 98
Source File: MediaTypeSpec.scala    From cosmos   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package com.mesosphere.http

import com.mesosphere.Generators.Implicits._
import org.scalatest.FreeSpec
import org.scalatest.prop.PropertyChecks
import scala.util.Success

final class MediaTypeSpec extends FreeSpec with PropertyChecks {

  private val testMediaType = MediaType(
    MediaTypeSubType("vnd.dcos.test", Some("json")),
    Map("charset" -> "utf-8", "version" -> "v1")

  "MediaType.parse(string) should" -  {
    "parse basic type" in  {
      val Success(t) = MediaType.parse("text/html")

    "parse with suffix" in  {
      val Success(t) = MediaType.parse("""image/svg+xml""")

    "parse parameters" in  {
      val Success(t) = MediaType.parse("""text/html; charset=utf-8; foo=bar""")
        "charset" -> "utf-8",
        "foo" -> "bar"

    "lower-case type" in  {
      val Success(t) = MediaType.parse("""IMAGE/SVG+XML""")

    "lower-case parameter names" in  {
      val Success(t) = MediaType.parse("""text/html; Charset=utf-8""")
        "charset" -> "utf-8"

    "parse a vendor type" in {
      val Success(t) = MediaType.parse("application/vnd.dcos.test+json; charset=utf-8; version=v1")

    "unquote parameter values" in  {
      val Success(t) = MediaType.parse("""text/html; charset="utf-8"""")
        "charset" -> "utf-8"

  "A MediaType should show correctly" - {
    "text/html" in {
      assertResult("text/html")(MediaType("text", MediaTypeSubType("html")).show)
    "application/xhtml+xml" in {
      assertResult("application/xhtml+xml")(MediaType("application", MediaTypeSubType("xhtml", Some("xml"))).show)
    "application/vnd.dcos.custom-request+json" in {
        MediaType("application", MediaTypeSubType("vnd.dcos.custom-request", Some("json"))).show

  " followed by MediaType.parse should be the identity function" in {
    forAll { (mediaType: MediaType) =>

  // TODO package-add: Test for case-insensitive comparison

Example 99
Source File: ResponseSpec.scala    From cosmos   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package com.mesosphere.cosmos.converter

import com.mesosphere.cosmos.converter.Response._
import com.mesosphere.cosmos.error.ServiceMarathonTemplateNotFound
import com.mesosphere.cosmos.rpc
import com.mesosphere.cosmos.thirdparty.marathon.model.AppId
import com.mesosphere.universe
import com.mesosphere.universe.bijection.UniverseConversions._
import com.mesosphere.universe.v3.model.Cli
import com.twitter.bijection.Conversion.asMethod
import com.twitter.util.Return
import com.twitter.util.Throw
import com.twitter.util.Try
import org.scalacheck.Gen
import org.scalatest.FreeSpec
import org.scalatest.Matchers
import org.scalatest.prop.GeneratorDrivenPropertyChecks.forAll

final class ResponseSpec extends FreeSpec with Matchers {
  "Conversion[rpc.v2.model.InstallResponse,Try[rpc.v1.model.InstallResponse]]" - {
    val vstring = "9.87.654.3210"
    val ver = universe.v3.model.Version(vstring)
    val name = "ResponseSpec"
    val appid = AppId("foobar")
    val clis = List(None, Some("post install notes"))
    val notes = List(None, Some(Cli(None)))
    val validV2s = for {
      n <- Gen.oneOf(clis)
      c <- Gen.oneOf(notes)
    } yield (rpc.v2.model.InstallResponse(name, ver, Some(appid), n, c))
    val invalidV2s = for {
      n <- Gen.oneOf(clis)
      c <- Gen.oneOf(notes)
    } yield (rpc.v2.model.InstallResponse(name, ver, None, n, c))

    "success" in {
      val v1 = rpc.v1.model.InstallResponse(name,[universe.v2.model.PackageDetailsVersion], appid)

      forAll(validV2s) { x =>[Try[rpc.v1.model.InstallResponse]] shouldBe Return(v1)
    "failure" in {
      //expecting failure due to missing marathon mustache
      forAll(invalidV2s) { x =>[Try[rpc.v1.model.InstallResponse]] shouldBe Throw(
          ServiceMarathonTemplateNotFound(name, ver).exception

Example 100
Source File: AppIdSpec.scala    From cosmos   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package com.mesosphere.cosmos.thirdparty.marathon.model

import io.lemonlabs.uri.dsl._
import org.scalatest.FreeSpec

final class AppIdSpec extends FreeSpec {

  private[this] val relative: String = "cassandra/dcos"
  private[this] val absolute: String = s"/$relative"

  "AppId should" - {

    "consistently render" - {
      "absolute" in {
      "relative" in {

    "consistently construct" - {
      "absolute" in {
      "relative" in {

    "generate uri" - {
      "absolute" in {
        assertResult("/cassandra" / "dcos")(AppId(absolute).toUri)
      "relative" in {
        assertResult("/cassandra" / "dcos")(AppId(relative).toUri)

Example 101
Source File: EncodersDecodersSpec.scala    From cosmos   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package com.mesosphere.cosmos.thirdparty.marathon.circe

import com.mesosphere.cosmos.thirdparty.marathon.model.AppId
import io.circe.Json
import io.circe.jawn.decode
import io.circe.syntax._
import org.scalatest.FreeSpec
import scala.util.Right

class EncodersDecodersSpec extends FreeSpec {

  "AppId" - {
    val relative: String = "cassandra/dcos"
    val absolute: String = s"/$relative"
    "encode" in {
    "decode" in {
      val id = AppId(absolute)
      val Right(decoded) = decode[AppId](relative.asJson.noSpaces)

Example 102
Source File: EncodersDecodersSpec.scala    From cosmos   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package com.mesosphere.cosmos.thirdparty.adminrouter.circe

import com.mesosphere.cosmos.thirdparty.adminrouter.model.DcosVersion
import com.mesosphere.universe.v3.model.DcosReleaseVersion
import com.mesosphere.universe.v3.model.DcosReleaseVersion._
import io.circe.Json
import io.circe.syntax._
import org.scalatest.FreeSpec
import scala.util.Right

class EncodersDecodersSpec extends FreeSpec {

  "DcosVersion" - {
    "decode" in {
      val json = Json.obj(
        "version" -> "1.7.1".asJson,
        "dcos-image-commit" -> "0defde84e7a71ebeb5dfeca0936c75671963df48".asJson,
        "bootstrap-id" -> "f12bff891be7108962c7c98e530e1f2cd8d4e56b".asJson

      val (major, minor, patch) = (1, 7, 1)
      val expected = DcosVersion(
        DcosReleaseVersion(Version(major), List(Version(minor), Version(patch))),

      val Right(actual) =[DcosVersion]

Example 103
Source File: HttpClientSpec.scala    From cosmos   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package com.mesosphere.cosmos

import com.mesosphere.cosmos.error.CosmosException
import com.mesosphere.cosmos.error.EndpointUriSyntax
import com.mesosphere.universe
import io.lemonlabs.uri.Uri
import io.lemonlabs.uri.dsl._
import com.twitter.finagle.stats.NullStatsReceiver
import com.twitter.finagle.stats.StatsReceiver
import com.twitter.util.Await
import io.circe.jawn.parse
import org.scalatest.FreeSpec

final class HttpClientSpec extends FreeSpec {

  import HttpClientSpec._

  "HttpClient.fetch() retrieves the given URL" in {
    val future = HttpClient.fetch(JsonContentUrl) { responseData =>

      val contentString = Source.fromInputStream(responseData.contentStream).mkString


  "HttpClient.fetch() reports URL syntax problems" - {

    "relative URI" in {
      val cosmosException = intercept[CosmosException](
        Await.result(HttpClient.fetch("foo/bar")(_ => ()))

    "unknown protocol" in {
      val cosmosException = intercept[CosmosException](
        Await.result(HttpClient.fetch("foo://")(_ => ()))

    "URISyntaxException" in {
      val cosmosException = intercept[CosmosException](
        Await.result(HttpClient.fetch("/\\")(_ => ()))



object HttpClientSpec {
  implicit val stats: StatsReceiver = NullStatsReceiver
  val JsonContentUrl: Uri = "" +
Example 104
Source File: ServicesSpec.scala    From cosmos   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package com.mesosphere.cosmos

import com.mesosphere.cosmos.error.CosmosException
import com.mesosphere.cosmos.error.ServiceUnavailable
import io.lemonlabs.uri.dsl._
import com.twitter.finagle.http.RequestBuilder
import com.twitter.util.Await
import com.twitter.util.Return
import io.netty.handler.codec.http.HttpResponseStatus
import org.scalatest.FreeSpec

final class ServicesSpec extends FreeSpec {

  "Services" - {

    "adminRouterClient should" - {
      "be able to be created with a well formed URI with a domain that doesn't resolve" in {
        val url = "http://some.domain.that-im-pretty-sure-doesnt-exist-anywhere"
        val Return(client) = Services.adminRouterClient(url, 5.megabytes)

        try {
          val request = RequestBuilder().url(url).buildGet()
        } catch {
          case e: CosmosException if e.error.isInstanceOf[ServiceUnavailable] =>
        } finally {
          val _ = Await.ready(client.close())

Example 105
Source File: ServiceClientSpec.scala    From cosmos   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package com.mesosphere.cosmos

import com.mesosphere.cosmos.http.Authorization
import com.mesosphere.cosmos.http.RequestSession
import com.mesosphere.cosmos.test.TestUtil
import com.mesosphere.http.OriginHostScheme
import io.lemonlabs.uri.Uri
import com.twitter.finagle.http.Request
import org.scalatest.FreeSpec
import org.scalatest.Inside

final class ServiceClientSpec extends FreeSpec with Inside {

  import ServiceClientSpec._

  "A ServiceClient" - {
    "supports an optional AuthorizationHeaderName request header" - {
      "so that Cosmos can interact with security-enabled AdminRouters" - {
        val testClient = new AuthorizationTestClient()
        "header not provided" - {

          implicit val session = TestUtil.Anonymous

          "with baseRequestBuilder()" in {
            val requestBuilder = testClient.baseRequestBuilder(Uri.parse("/foo/bar/baz"))
          "with get()" in {
          "with post()" in {
          "with postForm()" in {
          "with delete()" in {

        "header provided" - {

          implicit val session = RequestSession(
            OriginHostScheme("localhost", OriginHostScheme.Scheme.http)

          "with baseRequestBuilder()" in {
            val requestBuilder = testClient.baseRequestBuilder(Uri.parse("/foo/bar/baz"))
            val headerOpt = requestBuilder.buildDelete.headerMap.get(AuthorizationHeaderName)
            inside(headerOpt) { case Some(header) => assertResult("credentials")(header) }
          "with get()" in {
            val headerOpt = testClient.testGet.headerMap.get(AuthorizationHeaderName)
            inside (headerOpt) { case Some(header) => assertResult("credentials")(header) }
          "with post()" in {
            val headerOpt = testClient.testPost.headerMap.get(AuthorizationHeaderName)
            inside (headerOpt) { case Some(header) => assertResult("credentials")(header) }
          "with postForm()" in {
            val headerOpt = testClient.testPostForm.headerMap.get(AuthorizationHeaderName)
            inside (headerOpt) { case Some(header) => assertResult("credentials")(header) }
          "with delete()" in {
            val headerOpt = testClient.testDelete.headerMap.get(AuthorizationHeaderName)
            inside (headerOpt) { case Some(header) => assertResult("credentials")(header) }


object ServiceClientSpec {
  private[cosmos] val PathUri: Uri = Uri.parse("/foo/bar/baz")
  private val AuthorizationHeaderName: String = "Authorization"

private final class AuthorizationTestClient
  extends ServiceClient(Uri.parse("")) {

  def testGet(implicit session: RequestSession): Request = get(ServiceClientSpec.PathUri)
  def testPost(implicit session: RequestSession): Request = post(ServiceClientSpec.PathUri, Json.Null)
  def testPostForm(implicit session: RequestSession): Request = postForm(ServiceClientSpec.PathUri, "")
  def testDelete(implicit session: RequestSession): Request = delete(ServiceClientSpec.PathUri)

Example 106
Source File: UrisSpec.scala    From cosmos   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package com.mesosphere.cosmos

import io.lemonlabs.uri.dsl._
import com.twitter.util.{Return, Throw}
import org.scalatest.FreeSpec

class UrisSpec extends FreeSpec {

  "extractHostAndPort should" - {
    "succeed for" - {
      val http = 80
      val https = 443
      val httpAlt = 8080

      "http://domain" in {
        assertResult(Return(ConnectionDetails("domain", http, tls = false)))(Uris.extractHostAndPort("http://domain"))
      "https://domain" in {
        assertResult(Return(ConnectionDetails("domain", https, tls = true)))(Uris.extractHostAndPort("https://domain"))
      "http://domain:8080" in {
        assertResult(Return(ConnectionDetails("domain", httpAlt, tls = false)))(Uris.extractHostAndPort("http://domain:8080"))
      "http://sub.domain" in {
        assertResult(Return(ConnectionDetails("sub.domain", http, tls = false)))(Uris.extractHostAndPort("http://sub.domain"))
      "https://sub.domain" in {
        assertResult(Return(ConnectionDetails("sub.domain", https, tls = true)))(Uris.extractHostAndPort("https://sub.domain"))
      "" in {
        assertResult(Return(ConnectionDetails("", http, tls = false)))(Uris.extractHostAndPort(""))
      "" in {
        assertResult(Return(ConnectionDetails("", https, tls = true)))(Uris.extractHostAndPort(""))
    "fail for" - {
      "domain" in {
        val Throw(err) = Uris.extractHostAndPort("domain")
        val expectedMessage = "Unsupported or invalid URI. Expected format 'http[s]://[:port][/base-path]' actual 'domain'"
      "domain:8080" in {
        val Throw(err) = Uris.extractHostAndPort("domain:8080")
        val expectedMessage = "Unsupported or invalid URI. Expected format 'http[s]://[:port][/base-path]' actual 'domain:8080'"
      "ftp://domain" in {
        val Throw(err) = Uris.extractHostAndPort("ftp://domain")
        val expectedMessage = "Unsupported or invalid URI. Expected format 'http[s]://[:port][/base-path]' actual 'ftp://domain'"

Example 107
Source File: TrysSpec.scala    From cosmos   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package com.mesosphere.cosmos

import org.scalatest.FreeSpec
import com.twitter.util.Return
import com.twitter.util.Throw

final class TrysSpec extends FreeSpec {

  "join[A,B]" in {
    assertResult(Return((1,2)))(Trys.join(Return(1), Return(2)))
    val e = new IllegalArgumentException
    val n = new NoSuchElementException
    assertResult(Throw(e))(Trys.join(Throw(e), Return(2)))
    assertResult(Throw(e))(Trys.join(Return(1), Throw(e)))
    assertResult(Throw(n))(Trys.join(Throw(n), Throw(e)))

  "join[A,B,C]" in {
    assertResult(Return((1,2,3)))(Trys.join(Return(1), Return(2), Return(3)))
    val e = new IllegalArgumentException
    val n = new NoSuchElementException
    assertResult(Throw(e))(Trys.join(Throw(e), Return(2), Return(3)))
    assertResult(Throw(e))(Trys.join(Return(1), Throw(e), Return(3)))
    assertResult(Throw(n))(Trys.join(Throw(n), Throw(e), Return(3)))
Example 108
Source File: DefaultRepositoriesSpec.scala    From cosmos   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package com.mesosphere.cosmos.repository

import com.mesosphere.cosmos.repository.DefaultRepositories._
import com.mesosphere.cosmos.rpc.v1.model.PackageRepository
import io.lemonlabs.uri.dsl._
import com.twitter.util.Return
import io.circe.ParsingFailure
import org.scalatest.FreeSpec

class DefaultRepositoriesSpec extends FreeSpec {

  val repo1 = PackageRepository("repo1", "http://someplace/repo1")
  val repo2 = PackageRepository("repo2", "http://someplace/repo2")
  val repo3 = PackageRepository("repo3", "http://someplace/repo3")

  "DefaultRepositories for" - {

    "empty-list.json should" - {
      val emptyList = new DefaultRepositories("/com/mesosphere/cosmos/repository/empty-list.json")

      "property load" in {
        val expected = List()


    "repos.json should" - {
      val repos = new DefaultRepositories("/com/mesosphere/cosmos/repository/repos.json")

      "property load" in {
        val expected = List(repo1, repo2, repo3)


    "malformed.json should" - {
      val malformed = new DefaultRepositories("/com/mesosphere/cosmos/repository/malformed.json")

      "collect an error" in {
        val Return(xor) = malformed.get()

      "throw an error for a getOrThrow()" in {
        try { val _ = malformed.getOrThrow }
        catch {
          case ParsingFailure(_, _) => // expected

      "return a default for a getOrElse()" in {
        val actual = malformed.getOrElse(List(repo1))
        val expected = List(repo1)


    "non-existent resource should" - {

      "throw IllegalStateException" in {
        try {
          val _ = new DefaultRepositories("/does/not/exist").getOrThrow
        } catch {
          case _: IllegalStateException => // expected


    "default-repositories.json should load" in {
      val defaults = DefaultRepositories().getOrThrow
      assertResult(List(PackageRepository("default", "http://default")))(defaults)


Example 109
Source File: ZkRepositoryListSpec.scala    From cosmos   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package com.mesosphere.cosmos.repository

import com.mesosphere.cosmos.rpc.v1.model.PackageRepository
import io.lemonlabs.uri.dsl._
import org.scalatest.FreeSpec

class ZkRepositoryListSpec extends FreeSpec {

  val real = PackageRepository("real", "http://real.real")
  val fake = PackageRepository("fake", "http://fake.fake")
  val realFake = PackageRepository("real", "http://fake.fake")

  "ZkRepositoryList" - {
    "getPredicate should" - {
      "work when" - {
        "only name is specified" in {
          val predicate = ZkRepositoryList.getPredicate(Ior.Left("real"))
        "only uri is specified" in {
          val predicate = ZkRepositoryList.getPredicate(Ior.Right("http://real.real"))
        "both name and uri are specified" in {
          val predicate = ZkRepositoryList.getPredicate(Ior.Both("real", "http://real.real"))
Example 110
Source File: ZooKeeperUriSpec.scala    From cosmos   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package com.mesosphere.cosmos.model

import org.scalatest.FreeSpec
import org.scalatest.prop.TableDrivenPropertyChecks

final class ZooKeeperUriSpec extends FreeSpec with TableDrivenPropertyChecks {

  import ZooKeeperUriSpec._

  "parse()" - {

    "invalid uris" in {
      forAll(InvalidUris) { stringToParse =>

    "valid uris" in {
      forAll(ValidUris) { (stringToParse, connectString, path) =>
        val Right(zkUri) = ZooKeeperUri.parse(stringToParse)


  "toString" - {
    "valid uris" in {
      forAll(ValidUris) { (stringToParse, _, _) =>
        val Right(uri) = ZooKeeperUri.parse(stringToParse)


object ZooKeeperUriSpec extends TableDrivenPropertyChecks {

  val InvalidUris = Table(
    "string uri",

  val ValidUris = Table(
    ("string uri", "connection string", "path"),
    ("zk://host1/z", "host1", "/z"),
    ("zk://host1:2181/path", "host1:2181", "/path"),
    ("zk://foo:12,bar:34,baz:56/path/to/znode", "foo:12,bar:34,baz:56", "/path/to/znode")

Example 111
Source File: StorageEnvelopeSpec.scala    From cosmos   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package com.mesosphere.cosmos.model

import com.mesosphere.cosmos.error.CosmosException
import com.mesosphere.cosmos.finch.MediaTypedDecoder
import com.mesosphere.cosmos.finch.MediaTypedEncoder
import com.mesosphere.error.ResultOps
import com.mesosphere.http.MediaType
import com.mesosphere.http.MediaTypeSubType
import io.circe.Decoder
import io.circe.Encoder
import io.circe.generic.semiauto._
import org.scalatest.FreeSpec

class StorageEnvelopeSpec extends FreeSpec {
  import StorageEnvelopeSpec._

  "Decoding the result of an encoding should yield back the original data" in {
    val exp = TestClass("fooooo")
    val act = StorageEnvelope.decodeData[TestClass](

  "Decoding the result of an encoding as a different type should throw an exception" in {
    val input = TestClass2("fooooo")
    intercept[CosmosException] {

object  StorageEnvelopeSpec {
  private case class TestClass(name: String)
  private val TestClassMt = MediaType(
    MediaTypeSubType("vnd.dcos.package.repository.test-class", Some("json")),
      "charset" -> "utf-8",
      "version" -> "v1"
  private implicit val decodeTestClass: Decoder[TestClass] = deriveDecoder
  private implicit val encodeTestClass: Encoder[TestClass] = deriveEncoder
  private implicit val mtdTestClass: MediaTypedDecoder[TestClass] =
  private implicit val mteTestClass: MediaTypedEncoder[TestClass] =

  private case class TestClass2(name: String)
  private val TestClass2Mt = MediaType(
    MediaTypeSubType("vnd.dcos.package.repository.test-class2", Some("json")),
      "charset" -> "utf-8",
      "version" -> "v1"
  private implicit val encodeTestClass2: Encoder[TestClass2] = deriveEncoder
  private implicit val mteTestClass2: MediaTypedEncoder[TestClass2] =

Example 112
Source File: ServiceUpdateHandlerSpec.scala    From cosmos   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package com.mesosphere.cosmos.handler

import com.mesosphere.cosmos.error.CosmosException
import com.mesosphere.cosmos.handler.ServiceUpdateHandler._
import com.mesosphere.cosmos.rpc
import io.circe.syntax._
import org.scalatest.FreeSpec
import org.scalatest.Matchers

class ServiceUpdateHandlerSpec extends FreeSpec with Matchers {

  import ServiceUpdateHandlerSpec._

  "The mergeStoredAndProvided() method" - {
    "should always return provided when replace is true" in {
      val replace = true
      val provided = configA
      mergeStoredAndProvided(None, provided, replace) shouldBe provided
      mergeStoredAndProvided(configB, provided, replace) shouldBe provided
      mergeStoredAndProvided(configC, provided, replace) shouldBe provided

    "should return the merge of stored and provided when" +
      " replace is false, and stored is present" in {
      val replace = false
      val stored = configA
      mergeStoredAndProvided(stored, None, replace) shouldBe stored
      mergeStoredAndProvided(stored, configB, replace) shouldBe configAB
      mergeStoredAndProvided(stored, configC, replace) shouldBe configAC

    "should throw an error when replace is false and there are no stored options" in {
      val replace = false
      val stored = None
      val errorType = "OptionsNotStored"
      val error1 = rpc.v1.model.ErrorResponse(
          mergeStoredAndProvided(stored, None, replace)
      error1.`type` shouldBe errorType
      val error2 = rpc.v1.model.ErrorResponse(
          mergeStoredAndProvided(stored, configA, replace)
      error2.`type` shouldBe errorType


object ServiceUpdateHandlerSpec {

  // scalastyle:off multiple.string.literals
  val configA = Map(
    "a" -> "aa-val",
    "b" -> "ab-val",
    "c" -> "ac-val"

  val configB = Map(
    "d" -> "bd-val",
    "e" -> "be-val"

  val configC = Map(
    "c" -> "cc-val",
    "d" -> "cd-val",
    "e" -> "ce-val"

  val configAB =
      "a" -> "aa-val",
      "b" -> "ab-val",
      "c" -> "ac-val",
      "d" -> "bd-val",
      "e" -> "be-val"

  val configAC =
      "a" -> "aa-val",
      "b" -> "ab-val",
      "c" -> "cc-val",
      "d" -> "cd-val",
      "e" -> "ce-val"

  // scalastyle:on multiple.string.literals
Example 113
Source File: ResourceProxyHandlerSpec.scala    From cosmos   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package com.mesosphere.cosmos.handler

import com.mesosphere.Generators.Implicits._
import com.mesosphere.cosmos.error.CosmosException
import com.mesosphere.cosmos.error.GenericHttpError
import io.lemonlabs.uri.Uri
import org.scalacheck.Arbitrary.arbitrary
import org.scalacheck.Gen
import org.scalatest.FreeSpec
import org.scalatest.Matchers
import org.scalatest.prop.PropertyChecks

final class ResourceProxyHandlerSpec extends FreeSpec with PropertyChecks with Matchers {

  type TestData = (Long, Uri)

  "When Content-Length is provided by the upstream server" - {

    "When Content-Length matches the actual content stream length" - {
      // scalastyle:off magic.number
      val genTestData: Gen[TestData] = for {
        actualLength <- Gen.chooseNum(2, 10)
        uri <- arbitrary[Uri]
      } yield {
        (actualLength.toLong, uri)

      "Succeeds if Content-Length is below the limit" in {
        forAll(genTestData) { case (actualLength, uri) =>
          ResourceProxyHandler.validateContentLength(uri, Some(actualLength))

      "Fails if Content-Length is zero" in {
        forAll (genTestData) { case (_, uri) =>
          val exception = intercept[CosmosException](ResourceProxyHandler.validateContentLength(uri, Some(0)))


  "Fails when Content-Length is not provided by the upstream server" in {
    val exception = intercept[CosmosException](ResourceProxyHandler.validateContentLength(Uri.parse("/random"), None))

  "Parses the filename correctly" in {

    ) shouldEqual Some("c.d")

    ) shouldEqual Some("c.d")

    ) shouldEqual Some("c")

    ) shouldEqual Some("c")

    // These should never happen, but just in case.

    ) shouldEqual None

    ) shouldEqual None

Example 114
Source File: DispatchingMediaTypedEncoderSpec.scala    From cosmos   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package com.mesosphere.cosmos.finch

import com.mesosphere.http.CompoundMediaType
import com.mesosphere.http.MediaType
import io.circe.Encoder
import io.circe.Json
import io.circe.syntax._
import org.scalatest.FreeSpec

final class DispatchingMediaTypedEncoderSpec extends FreeSpec {

  import DispatchingMediaTypedEncoderSpec._

  "encoderFor(MediaType) should" - {

    "return the first encoder with a media type compatible with the argument" in {
      val Some(mediaTypedEncoder) = ThreeElementEncoder(CompoundMediaType(MediaType("foo", "bar")))
      assertResult(NonEmptyList.of(MediaType("foo", "bar")))(mediaTypedEncoder.mediaTypes)

    "indicate failure if no compatible encoder is found" - {

      "because there are no encoders" in {
        val dispatchingEncoder = DispatchingMediaTypedEncoder(Set.empty[MediaTypedEncoder[String]])

      "because there are only incompatible encoders" in {



  "mediaTypes should return the media types of each of the encoders" - {
    "zero elements" in {

    "three elements" in {
      val expected = Set(MediaType("foo", "foo"), MediaType("foo", "bar"), MediaType("foo", "baz"))


object DispatchingMediaTypedEncoderSpec {

  val ThreeElementEncoder: DispatchingMediaTypedEncoder[Unit] = DispatchingMediaTypedEncoder(Set(
    MediaTypedEncoder(Encoder.instance[Unit](_ => 0.asJson), MediaType("foo", "foo")),
    MediaTypedEncoder(Encoder.instance[Unit](_ => 1.asJson), MediaType("foo", "bar")),
    MediaTypedEncoder(Encoder.instance[Unit](_ => 2.asJson), MediaType("foo", "baz"))

Example 115
Source File: JsonSchemaSpec.scala    From cosmos   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package com.mesosphere.cosmos.jsonschema

import com.github.fge.jsonschema.main.JsonSchemaFactory
import io.circe.Json
import io.circe.JsonObject
import io.circe.jawn.parse
import io.circe.syntax._
import org.scalatest.FreeSpec
import org.scalatest.Tag
import scala.util.Right

class JsonSchemaSpec extends FreeSpec {

  private[this] implicit val jsf = JsonSchemaFactory.byDefault()

  "JsonSchema should" - {
    "be able to validate a document against a schema" - {
      // the draft v4 json schema itself should be able to validate itself
      val jsonSchemaDraftV4String = classpathJsonString("/draftv4/schema")

      "as io.circe.JsonObject" in {
        val Right(parsedJson: Json) = parse(jsonSchemaDraftV4String)
        val xor = JsonSchema.jsonMatchesSchema(parsedJson, parsedJson)

      "as io.circe.Json" in {
        val Right(parsedJson: Json) = parse(jsonSchemaDraftV4String)
        val jObject: JsonObject = parsedJson.asObject.get
        val xor = JsonSchema.jsonObjectMatchesSchema(jObject, jObject)

    "be able to extract default property values from a schema" - {
      val expected = JsonObject.fromMap(Map(
        "prop1" -> 57.asJson,
        "prop2" -> Json.obj(
          "sub1" -> "ta-da".asJson

      "when schema does not use definition refs" in {
        val s = classpathJsonString("/com/mesosphere/cosmos/jsonschema/no-definition-ref-used.json")
        val Right(schema) = parse(s)
        val defaults = JsonSchema.extractDefaultsFromSchema(schema.asObject.get)

      "when schema does use definition refs" taggedAs Tag("") ignore {
        val s = classpathJsonString("/com/mesosphere/cosmos/jsonschema/definition-ref-used.json")
        val Right(schema) = parse(s)
        val defaults = JsonSchema.extractDefaultsFromSchema(schema.asObject.get)


  private[this] def classpathJsonString(resourceName: String): String = {
    Option(this.getClass.getResourceAsStream(resourceName)) match {
      case Some(is) => Source.fromInputStream(is).mkString
      case _ => throw new IllegalStateException(s"Unable to load classpath resource: $resourceName")

Example 116
Source File: ImagesEncoderDecoderSpec.scala    From cosmos   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package com.mesosphere.universe.v2.circe

import com.mesosphere.universe.v2.model.Images
import io.circe.Decoder
import io.circe.Json
import io.circe.syntax._
import org.scalatest.FreeSpec

class ImagesEncoderDecoderSpec extends FreeSpec {
  "Images" - {
    val json = Json.obj(
      "icon-small" -> "".asJson,
      "icon-medium" -> "".asJson,
      "icon-large" -> Json.Null,
      "screenshots" -> List(
    val images = Images(
      iconSmall = Some(""),
      iconMedium = Some(""),
      iconLarge = None,
      screenshots = Some(List(
    "encoder" in {
    "decode" in {
    "round-trip" in {

  private[this] def decodeJson[A: Decoder](json: Json)(implicit decoder: Decoder[A]): A = {
    decoder.decodeJson(json).getOrElse(throw new AssertionError("Unable to decode"))

Example 117
Source File: VersionSpecificationSpec.scala    From cosmos   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package com.mesosphere.universe.v3.model

import com.mesosphere.Generators.Implicits.arbVersion
import org.scalatest.FreeSpec
import org.scalatest.prop.PropertyChecks

final class VersionSpecificationSpec extends FreeSpec with PropertyChecks {

  "The matches() method" - {

    "always returns true on AnyVersion" in {
      forAll { (version: Version) => assert(AnyVersion.matches(version)) }

    "returns true on ExactVersion when the versions are equal" in {
      forAll { (version: Version) => assert(ExactVersion(version).matches(version)) }

    "returns false on ExactVersion when the versions are unequal" in {
      forAll { (v1: Version, v2: Version) =>
        whenever (v1 != v2) {


Example 118
Source File: PackageDefinitionSpec.scala    From cosmos   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package com.mesosphere.universe.v3.model

import com.mesosphere.Generators.nonNegNum
import org.scalacheck.Gen
import org.scalatest.FreeSpec
import org.scalatest.prop.PropertyChecks

final class PackageDefinitionSpec extends FreeSpec with PropertyChecks {

  "PackageDefinition$.ReleaseVersion" - {

    "ReleaseVersion$.validate should" - {

      "succeed on non-negative numbers" in {
        forAll (nonNegNum[Long]) { n =>
          whenever (n >= 0) {

      "fail on negative numbers" in {
        forAll (Gen.negNum[Long]) { n =>
          whenever (n < 0) {


    "ReleaseVersion.value" in {
      forAll (nonNegNum[Long]) { n =>

    "ReleaseVersion$.ordering orders by value" in {
      forAll (nonNegNum[Long], nonNegNum[Long]) { (a, b) =>
        whenever (a >= 0 && b >= 0) {
          val aVersion = ReleaseVersion(a)
          val bVersion = ReleaseVersion(b)

          assertResult(Ordering[Long].compare(a, b)) {
            Ordering[ReleaseVersion].compare(aVersion, bVersion)


Example 119
Source File: V3PackageSpec.scala    From cosmos   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package com.mesosphere.universe.v3.model

import com.mesosphere.universe
import java.nio.ByteBuffer
import org.scalatest.FreeSpec
import org.scalatest.Matchers
import scala.util.Random

class V3PackageSpec extends FreeSpec with Matchers {
  val input = List(
    // scalastyle:off magic.number
    ("pkg1", Version("1.0-1"), ReleaseVersion(1)),
    ("pkg1", Version("1.0-2"), ReleaseVersion(2)),
    ("pkg1", Version("1.0-3"), ReleaseVersion(3)),
    ("pkg2", Version("1.0"), ReleaseVersion(1)),
    ("pkg2", Version("2.0"), ReleaseVersion(2)),
    ("pkg3", Version("1.0"), ReleaseVersion(3)),
    ("pkg4", Version("1.0"), ReleaseVersion(4)),
    ("pkg5", Version("1.0-1"), ReleaseVersion(1)),
    ("pkg5", Version("2.0-1"), ReleaseVersion(2)),
    ("pkg5", Version("1.1-1"), ReleaseVersion(3)),
    ("pkg6", Version(""), ReleaseVersion(1)),
    ("pkg6", Version(""), ReleaseVersion(2)),
    ("pkg6", Version(""), ReleaseVersion(3)),
    ("pkg7", Version("0.0.1"), ReleaseVersion(1)),
    ("pkg7", Version(""), ReleaseVersion(10))
    // scalastyle:on magic.number

  "V3Package" - {
    "Ordering should work" in {
      val expected =

      val actual = Random.shuffle(expected).sorted

      actual shouldBe expected

  "V2Package" - {
    "Ordering should work" in {
      val expected =

      val actual = Random.shuffle(expected).sorted

      actual shouldBe expected

  "PackageDefinition" - {
    "Ordering should work" in {
      val expected =

      val actual = Random.shuffle(expected).sorted

      actual shouldBe expected

  def v3Package(tuple: (String, Version, ReleaseVersion)): V3Package = {
    val (name, version, relVer) = tuple

      "[email protected]",
      "doesn't matter"

  def v2Package(tuple: (String, Version, ReleaseVersion)): V2Package = {
    val (name, version, relVer) = tuple

      "[email protected]",
      "doesn't matter",

  def packageDefinition(tuple: (String, Version, ReleaseVersion)): universe.v4.model.PackageDefinition = {
    if (Random.nextBoolean) {
    } else {
Example 120
Source File: PackagingVersionSpec.scala    From cosmos   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package com.mesosphere.universe.v3.model

import com.mesosphere.universe
import com.mesosphere.universe.test.TestingPackages
import org.scalatest.FreeSpec
import org.scalatest.Matchers
import org.scalatest.prop.TableDrivenPropertyChecks

final class PackagingVersionSpec extends FreeSpec with Matchers with TableDrivenPropertyChecks {

  "" - {
    forAll(TestingPackages.validPackagingVersions) { (version, string) =>
        s"PackagingVersion $string" in {
 should be(string)

  "PackagingVersions.allVersions" in {
    val allVersions =
    allVersions should be(universe.v4.model.PackagingVersion.allVersions)

Example 121
Source File: SemVerSpec.scala    From cosmos   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package com.mesosphere.universe.v3.model

import com.mesosphere.Generators.Implicits._
import org.scalatest.FreeSpec
import org.scalatest.Matchers
import org.scalatest.prop.PropertyChecks
import scala.util.Random

final class SemVerSpec extends FreeSpec with PropertyChecks with Matchers {
  "For all SemVer => String => SemVer" in {

    forAll { (expected: SemVer) =>
        val string = expected.toString
        val actual = SemVer(string).get

        actual shouldBe expected

  "Test semver ordering" in {
    val expected = List(

    val actual = Random.shuffle(expected).sorted

    actual shouldBe expected
Example 122
Source File: DcosReleaseVersionEncoderDecoderSpec.scala    From cosmos   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package com.mesosphere.universe.v3.circe

import com.mesosphere.universe.v3.model.DcosReleaseVersion
import com.mesosphere.universe.v3.model.DcosReleaseVersion._
import io.circe.Json
import io.circe.jawn.decode
import io.circe.syntax._
import org.scalatest.FreeSpec
import scala.util.Right

class DcosReleaseVersionEncoderDecoderSpec extends FreeSpec {

  "DcosReleaseVersion" - {
    val str = "2.10.153-beta"
    val (major, minor, patch) = (2, 10, 153)
    val subVersions = List(Version(minor), Version(patch))
    val obj = DcosReleaseVersion(Version(major), subVersions, Some(Suffix("beta")))
    "decode"  in {
      val stringToDecode = s""""$str""""
      val Right(decoded) = decode[DcosReleaseVersion](stringToDecode)
    "encode" in {

Example 123
Source File: ReleaseVersionConverterSpec.scala    From cosmos   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package com.mesosphere.universe.bijection

import com.mesosphere.universe
import com.mesosphere.universe.bijection.UniverseConversions._
import com.twitter.bijection.Conversion.asMethod
import com.twitter.bijection.{Bijection, Injection}
import org.scalatest.FreeSpec

import scala.util.{Failure, Success, Try}

final class ReleaseVersionConverterSpec extends FreeSpec {

  "v2ReleaseVersionToString should" - {

    "always succeed in the forward direction" in {

    "always succeed in the reverse direction" in {


  "v3ReleaseVersionToLong should" - {

    "always succeed in the forward direction" in {
      val version = universe.v3.model.ReleaseVersion(2)

    "succeed in the reverse direction on nonnegative numbers" in {
      val version = universe.v3.model.ReleaseVersion(0)

    "fail in the reverse direction on negative numbers" in {
      val Failure(iae) = (-1L).as[Try[universe.v3.model.ReleaseVersion]]
      val expectedMessage = "Expected integer value >= 0 for release version, but found [-1]"


  "v3ReleaseVersionToString should" - {
    behave like v3ReleaseVersionStringConversions[String]

  "v3ReleaseVersionToV2ReleaseVersion should" - {
    behave like v3ReleaseVersionStringConversions[universe.v2.model.ReleaseVersion]

  private[this] def v3ReleaseVersionStringConversions[A](implicit
    versionToA: Injection[universe.v3.model.ReleaseVersion, A],
    aToString: Bijection[A, String]
  ): Unit = {

    "always succeed in the forward direction" in {
      val version = 42L
      assertResult("42") {

    "succeed in the reverse direction on nonnegative version numbers" in {
      val version = 24L
      assertResult(Success(universe.v3.model.ReleaseVersion(version))) {

    "fail in the reverse direction on negative version numbers" in {
      val Failure(iae) = "-2".as[A].as[Try[universe.v3.model.ReleaseVersion]]
      val message = "Expected integer value >= 0 for release version, but found [-2]"

    "fail in the reverse direction on non-number values" in {
      val Failure(iae) = "foo".as[A].as[Try[universe.v3.model.ReleaseVersion]]
      val message = "Failed to invert: foo"


Example 124
Source File: JsonUtilSpec.scala    From cosmos   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package com.mesosphere.universe.common

import io.circe.Encoder
import io.circe.Json
import io.circe.JsonObject
import io.circe.generic.semiauto._
import io.circe.syntax._
import org.scalatest.FreeSpec
import org.scalatest.prop.TableDrivenPropertyChecks

class JsonUtilSpec extends FreeSpec with TableDrivenPropertyChecks {

  case class Foo(bar: Option[Int],far: Option[Int])

  implicit val encodeFoo: Encoder[Foo] = {

  "dropNullKeys" in {
    val ls = Foo(None,None)
    val string = JsonUtil.dropNullKeysPrinter.pretty(ls.asJson)

  "Merging JSON objects" - {

    "should pass on all examples" in {
      forAll (Examples) { (defaultsJson, optionsJson, mergedJson) =>
        assertResult(mergedJson)(JsonUtil.merge(defaultsJson, optionsJson))

  private[this] val Examples = Table(
    ("defaults JSON", "options JSON", "merged JSON"),
    (JsonObject.empty, JsonObject.empty, JsonObject.empty),

      JsonObject.singleton("a", Json.False),
      JsonObject.singleton("a", Json.False)
      JsonObject.singleton("a", Json.False),
      JsonObject.singleton("a", Json.False)
      JsonObject.singleton("a", Json.False),
      JsonObject.singleton("a", Json.True),
      JsonObject.singleton("a", Json.True)
      JsonObject.singleton("a", Json.obj("a" -> Json.False)),
      JsonObject.singleton("a", Json.obj()),
      JsonObject.singleton("a", Json.obj("a" -> Json.False))
      JsonObject.singleton("a", Json.obj("a" -> Json.False)),
      JsonObject.singleton("a", Json.obj("a" -> Json.True)),
      JsonObject.singleton("a", Json.obj("a" -> Json.True))
      JsonObject.singleton("a", Json.obj("a" -> Json.False)),
      JsonObject.singleton("a", Json.obj("b" -> Json.False)),
      JsonObject.singleton("a", Json.obj("a" -> Json.False, "b" -> Json.False))
      JsonObject.singleton("a", Json.obj("a" -> Json.False)),
      JsonObject.singleton("a", Json.True),
      JsonObject.singleton("a", Json.True)

Example 125
Source File: ByteBuffersSpec.scala    From cosmos   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package com.mesosphere.universe.common

import org.scalatest.FreeSpec

import java.nio.ByteBuffer
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets
import java.util

class ByteBuffersSpec extends FreeSpec {

  "ByteBuffers.toBytes(ByteBuffer) should" - {
    "work for an array backed ByteBuffer" in {
      val bytes = "hello".getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8)
      val bb = ByteBuffer.wrap(bytes)
      val actual = ByteBuffers.getBytes(bb)
      assert(util.Arrays.equals(bytes, actual))

    "work for a non-array backed ByteBuffer" in {
      val bytes = "hello".getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8)
      val bb = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(bytes.size)
      bb.rewind() // rewind the position back to the beginning after having written
      val actual = ByteBuffers.getBytes(bb)
      assert(util.Arrays.equals(bytes, actual))

    "check read index bounds" in {
      val bytes = "hello".getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8)
      val bb = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(bytes.size)
      try {
        val _ = ByteBuffers.getBytes(bb)
      } catch {
        case ioobe: IndexOutOfBoundsException =>
          assertResult("5 > 0")(ioobe.getMessage)

Example 126
Source File: ErrorResponseSpec.scala    From cosmos   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package com.mesosphere.cosmos.rpc.v1.model

import com.mesosphere.cosmos.http.HttpRequest
import com.mesosphere.cosmos.http.PackageRpcPath
import com.mesosphere.cosmos.rpc.MediaTypes
import com.mesosphere.cosmos.test.CosmosIntegrationTestClient._
import com.twitter.finagle.http.Fields
import com.twitter.finagle.http.Status
import io.circe.jawn._
import org.scalatest.FreeSpec

final class ErrorResponseSpec extends FreeSpec {

  "An ErrorResponse should be returned as the body when a request can't be parsed" in {
    val request =
      Map("invalid" -> true),
    val response = CosmosClient.submit(request)

    val Right(err) = decode[ErrorResponse](response.contentString)
    val msg = err.message
    assert(msg.contains("decode value"))

Example 127
Source File: ListVersionsSpec.scala    From cosmos   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package com.mesosphere.cosmos.handler

import com.mesosphere.cosmos.IntegrationBeforeAndAfterAll
import com.mesosphere.cosmos.http.CosmosRequests
import com.mesosphere.cosmos.rpc
import com.mesosphere.cosmos.test.CosmosIntegrationTestClient.CosmosClient
import com.twitter.finagle.http.Status
import org.scalatest.FreeSpec
import org.scalatest.Matchers

final class ListVersionsSpec extends FreeSpec with Matchers with IntegrationBeforeAndAfterAll{

  "ListVersionHandler should" - {
    "list only helloworld versions found in the first repo with helloworld packages" in {
      val request = CosmosRequests.packageListVersions(
        rpc.v1.model.ListVersionsRequest("helloworld", includePackageVersions = true))
      val response = CosmosClient.submit(request)
      val expectedContent = Map(
        "results" -> Map(
          "0.4.2" -> "5",
          "0.4.1" -> "4",
          "0.4.0" -> "3",
          "0.1.0" -> "0"
      response.status shouldBe Status.Ok
      parse(response.contentString) shouldBe
Example 128
Source File: CapabilitiesHandlerSpec.scala    From cosmos   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package com.mesosphere.cosmos.handler

import com.mesosphere.cosmos.http.CosmosRequests
import com.mesosphere.cosmos.rpc.MediaTypes
import com.mesosphere.cosmos.rpc.v1.model.CapabilitiesResponse
import com.mesosphere.cosmos.rpc.v1.model.Capability
import com.mesosphere.cosmos.test.CosmosIntegrationTestClient._
import com.twitter.finagle.http.Fields
import com.twitter.finagle.http.Status
import io.circe.jawn._
import org.scalatest.FreeSpec
import scala.util.Right

final class CapabilitiesHandlerSpec extends FreeSpec {

  "The capabilities handler should return a document" in {
    val response = CosmosClient.submit(CosmosRequests.capabilities)

    val Right(body) = decode[CapabilitiesResponse](response.contentString)
    val expected = CapabilitiesResponse(List(
Example 129
Source File: ServicesIntegrationSpec.scala    From cosmos   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package com.mesosphere.cosmos

import io.lemonlabs.uri.dsl._
import com.twitter.finagle.http.RequestBuilder
import com.twitter.finagle.http.Status
import com.twitter.util.Await
import com.twitter.util.Return
import org.scalatest.FreeSpec

final class ServicesIntegrationSpec extends FreeSpec {

  "Services" - {
    "adminRouterClient should" - {
      "be able to connect to an https site" in {
        val url = ""
        val Return(client) = Services.adminRouterClient(url, 5.megabytes)

        val request = RequestBuilder().url(url).buildGet()
        val response = Await.result(client(request))
Example 130
Source File: WaveSpec.scala    From chisel-gui   with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 5 votes vote down vote up
// See for license details.

package visualizer.models

import org.scalatest.{FreeSpec, Matchers}

class WaveSpec extends FreeSpec with Matchers {
  def makeTransitions(seq: (Long, BigInt)*): Seq[Transition] = { { case (t, v) => Transition(t, v) }

  "Creating a wave gets one automatic entry" in {
    val wave = new Wave
    wave.start(0) should be(0L)
    wave.end(0) should be(Long.MaxValue)
    wave.value(0) should be(BigInt(0))

    wave.findStartIndex(0) should be(0L)
    wave.findStartIndex(1000000L) should be(0L)

    wave.end(0) should be > (0L)

  "Adding segments to wave should work properly" in {
    val wave = new Wave

    var transitions = makeTransitions((0, 50), (10, 40))

    wave.length should be(2)
    wave.start(0) should be(0)
    wave.end(0) should be(10)
    wave.value(0) should be(BigInt(50))

    wave.start(1) should be(10)
    wave.end(1) should be(Long.MaxValue)
    wave.value(1) should be(BigInt(40))

    println(s"starts: ${wave.starts}")
    println(s"values: ${wave.values}")

    transitions = makeTransitions((0, 12), (10, 40), (15, 20))

    wave.length should be(3)
    wave.start(0) should be(0)
    wave.end(0) should be(10)
    wave.value(0) should be(BigInt(12))

    wave.start(1) should be(10)
    wave.end(1) should be(15)
    wave.value(1) should be(BigInt(40))

    wave.start(2) should be(15)
    wave.end(2) should be(Long.MaxValue)
    wave.value(2) should be(BigInt(20))

    println(s"starts: ${wave.starts}")
    println(s"values: ${wave.values}")

    // Wave can be shortened
    transitions = makeTransitions((0, 7), (2, 4))
    wave.length should be(2)

    wave.start(0) should be(0)
    wave.end(0) should be(2)
    wave.value(0) should be(BigInt(7))

    wave.start(1) should be(2)
    wave.end(1) should be(Long.MaxValue)
    wave.value(1) should be(BigInt(4))

    println(s"starts: ${wave.starts}")
    println(s"values: ${wave.values}")

Example 131
Source File: DecoupledFireRestrictor.scala    From chisel-gui   with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 5 votes vote down vote up
// See for license details.

package visualizer.models

import org.scalatest.{FreeSpec, Matchers}

import scala.collection.mutable

object DecoupledFireRestrictor {

  case class Interval(start: Long, end: Long, value: BigInt)

  def buildTimeVector(buffer: mutable.ArrayBuffer[Transition]): List[Interval] = {
    val b = buffer.toList.sliding(2)
    val newList = b.flatMap {
      case transition1 :: transition2 :: Nil =>
          Interval(transition1.timestamp, transition2.timestamp, transition1.value),
          Interval(transition1.timestamp, transition2.timestamp, transition1.value)
      case transition :: Nil =>

class DecoupledFireRestrictorTest extends FreeSpec with Matchers {
  "select from an array based on values" in {}
Example 132
Source File: FibonacciSpec.scala    From swave   with Mozilla Public License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up

import org.scalatest.{FreeSpec, Matchers}

class FibonacciSpec extends FreeSpec with Matchers {

  "the examples in the `fibonacci` chapter should work as expected" - {

    "unfold" in {
      import scala.concurrent.Future
      import swave.core._

      implicit val env = StreamEnv()

      // the "infinite" stream of all Fibonacci numbers
      def fibonacciNumbers: Spout[Int] =
        Spout.unfold(0 -> 1) { case (a, b) =>
          Spout.Unfolding.Emit(elem = a, next = b -> (a + b))

      val result: Future[List[Int]] =
          .drainToList(limit = 100)

      result.value.get.get shouldEqual List(0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13)

    "cycle" in {
      import scala.concurrent.Future
      import swave.core._

      implicit val env = StreamEnv()

      // the "infinite" stream of all Fibonacci numbers
      def fibonacciNumbers: Spout[Int] = {
        val c = Coupling[Int]
        Spout(0, 1)
          .fanOutBroadcast(eagerCancel = true)
            .sub.buffer(2, Buffer.RequestStrategy.Always).sliding(2).map(_.sum).to(

      val result: Future[List[Int]] =
          .drainToList(limit = 100)

      result.value.get.get shouldEqual List(0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13)
Example 133
Source File: FahrenheitSpec.scala    From swave   with Mozilla Public License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up

import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets._
import java.nio.file.Files
import org.scalatest.{BeforeAndAfterAll, FreeSpec, Matchers}

class FahrenheitSpec extends FreeSpec with Matchers with BeforeAndAfterAll {

  val testFileContent =
    """// Temperature Readings in Fahrenheit
      |// Especially important temperatures

  val inputFile = {
    val path = Files.createTempFile("fahrenheit-spec-input", ".tmp")
    Files.newBufferedWriter(path, UTF_8).append(testFileContent).close()
  val outputFile = Files.createTempFile("fahrenheit-spec-output", ".tmp").toFile

  "the examples in the `Fahrenheit` chapter should work as expected" - {

    "example" in {
      def println(s: String) = () // disable the printing below

      import scala.util.{Failure, Success}
      import scala.concurrent.Future
      import   // enables `Spout.fromFile`
      import swave.compat.scodec._   // enables `ByteVector` support
      import swave.core.text._       // enables text transformations
      import swave.core._

      implicit val env = StreamEnv()
      import env.defaultDispatcher // for the future transformations below

      def fahrenheitToCelsius(f: Double): Double =
        (f - 32.0) * (5.0/9.0)

      def converter(fahrenheitReadingsInput: File,
                    celciusReadingsOutput: File): RunnableStreamGraph[Future[Long]] =
        Spout.fromFile(fahrenheitReadingsInput)    // Spout[ByteVector]
          .utf8Decode                              // Spout[String]
          .lines                                   // Spout[String]
          .filterNot(_.trim.isEmpty)               // Spout[String]
          .filterNot(_ startsWith "//")            // Spout[String]
          .map(_.toDouble)                         // Spout[Double]
          .map(fahrenheitToCelsius)                // Spout[Double]
          .map("%.2f" format _)                    // Spout[String]
          .intersperse("\n")                       // Spout[String]
          .utf8Encode                              // Spout[ByteVector]
          .to(Drain.toFile(celciusReadingsOutput)) // StreamGraph[Future[Long]]
          .seal()                                  // RunnableStreamGraph[Future[Long]]

      // when we are ready to roll, start the stream
      val run: StreamRun[Future[Long]] =
        converter(inputFile, outputFile).run()

      // since the stream runs asynchronously we can't directly access the result
      run.result.onComplete {
        case Success(x) => println(s"OK, $x bytes written")
        case Failure(e) => println(s"Error: $e")

      // shut down when everything has terminated

      import swave.core.util._
      FileIO.readFile(outputFile).decodeUtf8 shouldEqual Right {

  override protected def afterAll(): Unit = Files.delete(inputFile.toPath)
Example 134
Source File: SimpleTransformSpec.scala    From swave   with Mozilla Public License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up

import org.scalatest.{FreeSpec, Matchers}

class SimpleTransformSpec extends FreeSpec with Matchers {

  "the examples in the `simple transformations` chapter should work as expected" - {

    "example" in {
      import scala.concurrent.Future
      import swave.core._

      implicit val env = StreamEnv()

      val result: Future[String] =
      Spout(1, 2, 3, 4, 5) // Spout[Int]
        .map(_ * 2)        // Spout[Int]
        .filter(_ > 5)     // Spout[Int]
        .reduce(_ + _)     // Spout[Int]
        .map(_.toString)   // Spout[String]
        .drainToHead()     // Future[String]

      result.value.get.get shouldEqual "24"
Example 135
Source File: PipeSpec.scala    From swave   with Mozilla Public License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up

import org.scalatest.{FreeSpec, Matchers}
import scala.concurrent.Future
import swave.core._

class PipeSpec extends FreeSpec with Matchers {

  implicit val env = StreamEnv()

  "the examples in the `Pipes` chapter should work as expected" in {

    def simplePipe: Pipe[Int, String] =
      Pipe[Int].filter(_ % 2 == 0).map(_.toString)

    def slice[A](startIndex: Long, length: Long): Pipe[A, A] =
      Pipe[A] drop startIndex take length named "slice"

    def someInts: Spout[Int] =
      Spout.ints(from = 0).via(slice(10, 42))

    someInts.drainToList(limit = 100)
      .value.get.get shouldEqual (10 to 51)

    def intDrain: Drain[Int, Future[String]] =
      Pipe[Int].map(_ * 2).to(Drain.mkString(limit = 100, sep = ", "))

    Spout.ints(from = 0)
      .value.get.get shouldEqual "0, 2, 4, 6, 8"

    def shareOfZeroFigures: Pipe[Int, Double] =
        .map { s =>
          s.foldLeft(0) {
            case (zeroes, '0') => zeroes + 1
            case (zeroes, _) => zeroes
          } / s.length.toDouble

    def stringify: Pipe[Double, String] =
      Pipe[Double].map("%.2f" format _)

    def compound: Pipe[Int, String] =
      shareOfZeroFigures via stringify

    Spout.ints(from = 98)
      .drainToMkString(limit = 100, sep = ", ")
      .value.get.get shouldEqual "0.00, 0.00, 0.67, 0.33, 0.33"
Example 136
Source File: StreamOfStreamsSpec.scala    From swave   with Mozilla Public License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up

import org.scalatest.{FreeSpec, Matchers}

class StreamOfStreamsSpec extends FreeSpec with Matchers {

  "the examples in the `streams-of-streams` chapter should work as expected" - {

    "takeEvery" in {
      import scala.concurrent.Future
      import swave.core._

      implicit val env = StreamEnv()

      // simple extension for `Spout[T]`, could also be a value class
      implicit class RichSpout[T](underlying: Spout[T]) {
        def takeEvery(n: Long): Spout[T] =
          underlying                  // Spout[T]
            .injectSequential()       // Spout[Spout[T]]
            .map(_.drop(n-1).take(1)) // Spout[Spout[T]]
            .flattenConcat()          // Spout[T]

      val result: Future[List[Int]] =
        Spout.ints(from = 1)
          .drainToList(limit = 100)

      result.value.get.get shouldEqual Seq(10, 20, 30, 40, 50)
Example 137
Source File: DrainSpec.scala    From swave   with Mozilla Public License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up

import org.scalatest.{FreeSpec, Matchers}

class DrainSpec extends FreeSpec with Matchers {

  "the examples in the `drains` chapter should work as expected" - {

    "examples" in {
      import scala.concurrent.Future
      import swave.core._

      implicit val env = StreamEnv()

      // a drain, which produces the sum of all `Int` elements it receives
      def sumDrain: Drain[Int, Future[Int]] =
        Drain.fold(0)(_ + _)

      Spout(1 to 100)  // Spout[Int]
        .to(sumDrain)  // StreamGraph[Int]
        .run()         // StreamRun[Future[Int]
        .result        // Future[Int]
        .value         // Option[Try[Int]]
        .get           // Try[Int]
        .get shouldEqual 5050

      // same but shorter
      Spout(1 to 100)
        .drainTo(sumDrain) // shortcut for `.to(sumDrain).run().result`
        .value.get.get shouldEqual 5050
Example 138
Source File: MD5Spec.scala    From swave   with Mozilla Public License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up

import java.nio.file.Files
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets._
import org.scalatest.{BeforeAndAfterAll, FreeSpec, Matchers}
import scala.concurrent.duration._
import swave.core.util._

class MD5Spec extends FreeSpec with Matchers with BeforeAndAfterAll {

  val testFileContent = "swave rocks!"

  val testPath = {
    val path = Files.createTempFile("md5-spec", ".tmp")
    Files.newBufferedWriter(path, UTF_8).append(testFileContent).close()

  "the examples in the `MD5` chapter should work as expected" - {

    "example-0" in {
      import scala.concurrent.Future
      import   // enables `Spout.fromFile`
      import swave.compat.scodec._   // enables `ByteVector` support
      import swave.core._

      implicit val env = StreamEnv()

      def md5sum(file: File): Future[String] = {
        val md5 = MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5")
        Spout.fromFile(file)                                      // Spout[ByteVector]
          .fold(md5) { (m, bytes) => m.update(bytes.toArray); m } // Spout[MessageDigest]
          .flatMap(_.digest().iterator)                           // Spout[Byte]
          .map(_ & 0xFF)                                          // Spout[Int]
          .map("%02x" format _)                                   // Spout[String]
          .drainToMkString(limit = 32)                            // Future[String]

      // don't forget to shutdown the StreamEnv at application exit with
      // env.shutdown()

      try md5sum(testPath.toFile).await(2.seconds) shouldEqual "e1b2b603f9cca4a909c07d42a5788fe3"
      finally {

    "example-1" in {
      import scala.concurrent.Future
      import   // enables `Spout.fromFile`
      import swave.core.hash._       // enables the `md5` transformation
      import swave.compat.scodec._   // enables `ByteVector` support
      import swave.core._

      implicit val env = StreamEnv()

      def md5sum(file: File): Future[String] =
        Spout.fromFile(file)            // Spout[ByteVector]
          .md5                          // Spout[ByteVector]
          .flattenConcat()              // Spout[Byte]
          .map(_ & 0xFF)                // Spout[Int]
          .map("%02x" format _)         // Spout[String]
          .drainToMkString(limit = 32)  // Future[String]

      // don't forget to shutdown the StreamEnv at application exit with
      // env.shutdown()

      try md5sum(testPath.toFile).await(2.seconds) shouldEqual "e1b2b603f9cca4a909c07d42a5788fe3"
      finally {

  override protected def afterAll(): Unit = Files.delete(testPath)
Example 139
Source File: CouplingSpec.scala    From swave   with Mozilla Public License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up

import org.scalatest.{FreeSpec, Matchers}

class CouplingSpec extends FreeSpec with Matchers {

  "the examples in the `couplings` chapter should work as expected" - {

    "fibonacci" in {
      import scala.concurrent.Future
      import swave.core._

      implicit val env = StreamEnv()

      def fibonacciNumbers = {
        val c = Coupling[Int]
        Spout(0, 1)
          .fanOutBroadcast(eagerCancel = true)
            .sub.buffer(2, Buffer.RequestStrategy.Always).sliding(2).map(_.sum).to(

      val result: Future[List[Int]] =
          .drainToList(limit = 100)

      result.value.get.get shouldEqual List(0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13)
Example 140
Source File: FanInSpec.scala    From swave   with Mozilla Public License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up

import org.scalatest.{FreeSpec, Matchers}

class FanInSpec extends FreeSpec with Matchers {

  "the examples in the `fan-in` chapter should work as expected" - {

    "example1" in {
      import scala.concurrent.Future
      import swave.core._

      implicit val env = StreamEnv()

      def foo = Spout(1, 2, 3)
      def bar = Spout(10, 20, 30)
      def baz = Spout(100, 200, 300)

      val result: Future[List[Int]] =
          .drainToList(limit = 10)

      result.value.get.get shouldEqual Seq(1, 2, 3, 10, 20, 30, 100, 200, 300)

    "example2" in {
      import scala.concurrent.Future
      import swave.core._

      implicit val env = StreamEnv()

      def reds = Spout.ints(from = 0, step = 10)
      def greens = Spout.ints(from = 100, step = 20)
      def blues = Spout.ints(from = 200, step = 30)

      val result: Future[List[(Int, Int, Int)]] =
        greens              // open = greens
          .attach(blues)    // open = greens :: blues
          .attachLeft(reds) // open = reds :: greens :: blues
          .fanInToTuple // Spout[(Int, Int, Int)]
          .drainToList(limit = 10)

      result.value.get.get shouldEqual List(
        (0, 100, 200),
        (10, 120, 230),
        (20, 140, 260)

    "example3" in {
      import scala.concurrent.Future
      import swave.core._

      implicit val env = StreamEnv()

      case class Person(id: Long, name: String, age: Int)

      def ids = Spout.longs(1L)
      def names = Spout("Alice", "Bob", "Charlie", "David")
      def ages = Spout(27, 21, 48, 36)

      val result: Future[List[Person]] =
          .drainToList(limit = 10)

      result.value.get.get shouldEqual List(
        Person(1L, "Alice", 27),
        Person(2L, "Bob", 21),
        Person(3L, "Charlie", 48),
        Person(4L, "David", 36)
Example 141
Source File: SpoutSpec.scala    From swave   with Mozilla Public License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up

import org.scalatest.{FreeSpec, Matchers}

class SpoutSpec extends FreeSpec with Matchers {

  "the examples in the `spouts` chapter should work as expected" - {

    "option-flatmap" in {
      import scala.concurrent.Future
      import swave.core._

      implicit val env = StreamEnv()

      def evenIntsViaFlatmap =
        Spout.ints(from = 0)
          .flatMap(i => if (i % 2 == 0) Some(i) else None)

      def evenIntsViaFilter =
        Spout.ints(from = 0)
          .filter(_ % 2 == 0)

      val a: Future[List[Int]] = evenIntsViaFlatmap.take(5).drainToList(limit = 5)
      val b: Future[List[Int]] = evenIntsViaFilter.take(5).drainToList(limit = 5)

      // since both streams in this example run synchronously
      // both futures are already fulfilled and we can access
      // their `value` members to compare results
      a.value.get shouldEqual b.value.get

    "streamable-either" in {
      import scala.util.Success
      import shapeless.Lub
      import swave.core._

      implicit val env = StreamEnv()

      implicit def forEither[A, B, C](implicit ev: Lub[A, B, C]) =
        new Streamable[Either[A, B]] {
          type Out = C
          def apply(value: Either[A, B]): Spout[C] =
            value.fold(a => left a), b => right b))

      def eitherStream: Spout[Either[(Char, Int), String]] =
        Spout(Left('0' -> 0), Right("1"), Right("2"))

      def anyRefStream: Spout[AnyRef] =

        .value.get shouldEqual Success(List('0' -> 0, "1", "2"))
Example 142
Source File: RegionSpec.scala    From swave   with Mozilla Public License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package swave.core

import org.scalatest.{FreeSpec, Matchers}
import swave.core.graph.GlyphSet
import swave.core.macros._

import scala.concurrent.Promise
import scala.util.control.NonFatal

// format: OFF
class RegionSpec extends FreeSpec with Matchers {

  implicit val env = StreamEnv()

  "Example 1" tests {

  "Example 2" tests {

  "Example 3" tests {
    Spout(1, 2, 3)

  "Example 4" tests {
    def upperChars(s: String): Spout[Char] =

    def drain(promise: Promise[String]): Drain[Char, Unit] =
      Drain.mkString(limit = 100)

    val result2 = Promise[String]()


  val examples: Map[String, String] =
      .scanLeft(Left(Nil): Either[List[String], List[String]]) {
        case (Left(lines), "")   ⇒ Right(lines.reverse)
        case (Left(lines), line) ⇒ Left(line :: lines)
        case (Right(_), line)    ⇒ Left(line :: Nil)
      .collect { case Right(renderString) ⇒ renderString }
      .map {
        case (name, listOfRenderLines) ⇒
          requireArg(listOfRenderLines.size == 1, ", which means you have an example name duplication in examples.txt")
          name → listOfRenderLines.head.tail.mkString("\n")

  implicit class Example(name: String) {
    def tests(pipeNet: ⇒ StreamGraph[_]): Unit =
      name in {
        val expectedRendering =
          examples.getOrElse(name + ':', sys.error(s"Section for '$name' not found in examples.txt"))
        val superRegions = Graph.superRegions(pipeNet.seal().regions)
        val rendering =
 { sr =>
            Graph.from(sr.head.entryPoint, Graph.ExpandModules.All)
              .withGlyphSet(GlyphSet.`2x2 ASCII`)
              .withStageFormat((s, _) => s"${}: ${sr.indexOf(s.region)}")
        try rendering shouldEqual expectedRendering
        catch {
          case NonFatal(e) ⇒
            throw e
Example 143
Source File: IllegalConstructsSpec.scala    From swave   with Mozilla Public License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package swave.core

import org.scalatest.FreeSpec
import shapeless.test.illTyped

class IllegalConstructsSpec extends FreeSpec {

  "Illegal DSL constructs shouldn't compile" - {

    "illegal switch fanout continue with too few substreams" in {
        """Spout(1, 2, 3)
           .fanOutSwitch(2)(i => if (i > 0) 1 else 0)
        "Cannot `continue` here! You still have at least one unconsumed fan-out sub-stream.")

    "illegal switch fanout subContinue with too few substreams" in {
        """Spout(1, 2, 3)
           .fanOutSwitch(2)(i => if (i > 0) 1 else 0)
        "`subContinue` is only possible with exactly one remaining fan-out sub-stream unconsumed!")

    "illegal switch fanout sub with too many substreams" in {
        """Spout(1, 2, 3)
           .fanOutSwitch(2)(i => if (i > 0) 1 else 0)
        "Illegal substream definition! All available fan-out sub-streams have already been consumed.")

    "illegal fanout continue with zero unterminated fanin sub-streams" in {
        """Spout(1, 2, 3)
        "Continuation is only possible with exactly one open fan-in sub-stream!")

    "illegal fanout continue with two unterminated fanin sub-streams" in {
        """Spout(1, 2, 3)
        "Continuation is only possible with exactly one open fan-in sub-stream!")

    "illegal zero sub fanin" in {
        """Spout(1, 2, 3)
        "Cannot fan-in here. You need to have at least two open fan-in sub-streams.")
Example 144
Source File: DropWithinSpec.scala    From swave   with Mozilla Public License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package swave.core.impl.stages

import scala.util.Success
import org.scalatest.FreeSpec
import scala.concurrent.duration._
import swave.testkit.Probes
import swave.core.{NotOnTravis, StreamEnv, StreamEnvShutdown}
import swave.core.util._
import Probes._

final class DropWithinSpec extends FreeSpec with StreamEnvShutdown {

  implicit val env = StreamEnv()

  "DropWithin must" - {

    "deliver elements after the duration, but not before" taggedAs NotOnTravis in {
      val input = Iterator.from(1)
      val spout = SpoutProbe[Int]
      val drain = DrainProbe[Int]

      spout.dropWithin(100.millis).drainTo(drain) shouldBe a[Success[_]]

      val demand1 = spout.expectRequestAggregated(20.millis).toInt
      demand1.times { spout.rawSendNext( }
      val demand2 = spout.expectRequestAggregated(20.millis).toInt
      demand2.times { spout.rawSendNext( }
      val demand3 = spout.expectRequestAggregated(100.millis).toInt

      demand3.times { spout.rawSendNext( }
      ((demand1 + demand2 + 1) to (demand1 + demand2 + demand3)).foreach(drain.expectNext(_))


    "deliver completion even before the duration" taggedAs NotOnTravis in {
      val spout = SpoutProbe[Int]
      val drain = DrainProbe[Int]

      spout.dropWithin(1.second).drainTo(drain) shouldBe a[Success[_]]


Example 145
Source File: TakeWithinSpec.scala    From swave   with Mozilla Public License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package swave.core.impl.stages

import scala.concurrent.duration._
import scala.util.Success
import org.scalatest.FreeSpec
import swave.core.util._
import swave.core.{NotOnTravis, StreamEnv, StreamEnvShutdown}
import swave.testkit.Probes._

final class TakeWithinSpec extends FreeSpec with StreamEnvShutdown {

  implicit val env = StreamEnv()

  "TakeWithin must" - {

    "deliver elements before the timeout, but not after" taggedAs NotOnTravis in {
      val input = Iterator.from(1)
      val spout = SpoutProbe[Int]
      val drain = DrainProbe[Int]

      spout.takeWithin(100.millis).drainTo(drain) shouldBe a[Success[_]]

      val demand1 = spout.expectRequestAggregated(20.millis).toInt
      demand1.times { spout.rawSendNext( }
      val demand2 = spout.expectRequestAggregated(20.millis).toInt
      demand2.times { spout.rawSendNext( }
      val demand3 = spout.expectRequestAggregated(100.millis).toInt

      demand3.toInt.times { spout.rawSendNext( }
      (1 to (demand1 + demand2)).foreach(drain.expectNext(_))


    "deliver completion even before the duration" taggedAs NotOnTravis in {
      val spout = SpoutProbe[Int]
      val drain = DrainProbe[Int]

      spout.takeWithin(1.second).drainTo(drain) shouldBe a[Success[_]]


Example 146
Source File: AkkaCompatSpec.scala    From swave   with Mozilla Public License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package swave.compat.akka


import scala.concurrent.duration._
import org.scalatest.{BeforeAndAfterAll, FreeSpec, Inside, Matchers}
import swave.core._
import swave.core.util._

class AkkaCompatSpec extends FreeSpec with Matchers with Inside with BeforeAndAfterAll {

  implicit val env          = StreamEnv()
  implicit val system       = ActorSystem()
  implicit val materializer = ActorMaterializer()

  "Akka compatibility should work as expected" - {

    "Source.toSpout" in {
      Source(1 to 10).toSpout.drainToList(100).await() shouldEqual (1 to 10)

    "Spout.toAkkaSource" in {
      Spout(1 to 10).toAkkaSource.runWith(Sink.seq).await() shouldEqual (1 to 10)

    "Flow.toPipe" in {
      val flow = Flow[Int].map(_ * -1)
      Spout(1 to 10).via(flow.toPipe).drainToList(100).await() shouldEqual (-1 to -10 by -1)

    "Pipe.toAkkaFlow" in {
      val pipe = Pipe[Int].map(_ * -1)
      Source(1 to 10).via(pipe.toAkkaFlow).runWith(Sink.seq).await() shouldEqual (-1 to -10 by -1)

    "Sink.toDrain" in {
      val sink = Sink.seq[Int]
      Spout(1 to 10).drainTo(sink.toDrain).await() shouldEqual (1 to 10)

    "Drain.toAkkaSink" in {
      val drain = Drain.seq[Int](100)
      Source(1 to 10).runWith(drain.toAkkaSink).await() shouldEqual (1 to 10)

  override val invokeBeforeAllAndAfterAllEvenIfNoTestsAreExpected = true

  override protected def afterAll(): Unit = {
    val envTermination = env.shutdown()
Example 147
Source File: RingBufferSpec.scala    From swave   with Mozilla Public License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package swave.core.util

import org.scalacheck.Gen
import org.scalatest.prop.GeneratorDrivenPropertyChecks
import org.scalatest.{FreeSpec, Matchers}
import swave.core.impl.util.RingBuffer

class RingBufferSpec extends FreeSpec with Matchers with GeneratorDrivenPropertyChecks {

  "A RingBuffer should" - {

    val bufferGen = for {
      bit ← Gen.choose(0, 8)
    } yield new RingBuffer[String](cap = 1 << bit)

    "take in exactly `capacity` elements" in {
      forAll(bufferGen) { buf ⇒
        val a = Stream.continually("x").takeWhile(buf.write).toArray
        a.length shouldEqual buf.capacity

    "read back exactly the number of elems previously written" in {
      val gen = for {
        buf   ← bufferGen
        count ← Gen.choose(0, buf.capacity)
      } yield (buf, count)

      forAll(gen) {
        case (buf, count) ⇒
          val values = List.tabulate(count)(_.toString)
          values.foreach(s ⇒ buf.write(s) shouldBe true)
          List.fill(count)( shouldEqual values
          buf.isEmpty shouldBe true
          a[NoSuchElementException] should be thrownBy

    "pass a simple stress-test" in {
      val gen = for {
        buf     ← bufferGen
        opCount ← Gen.choose(5, 20)
        ops     ← Gen.listOfN(opCount, Gen.choose(-10, 20))
      } yield (buf, ops)

      forAll(gen) {
        case (buf, ops) ⇒
          val queue = collection.mutable.Queue[String]()
          val ints  = Iterator.from(0)
          ops foreach {
            case readCount if readCount < 0 ⇒
              -readCount times {
                buf.isEmpty shouldEqual queue.isEmpty
                if (queue.nonEmpty) queue.dequeue() shouldEqual
                else a[NoSuchElementException] should be thrownBy
            case writeCount if writeCount > 0 ⇒
              writeCount times {
                val next =
                if (buf.write(next)) queue.enqueue(next)
            case 0 ⇒ // ignore
Example 148
Source File: RichLongSpec.scala    From swave   with Mozilla Public License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package swave.core.util

import org.scalatest.prop.GeneratorDrivenPropertyChecks
import org.scalatest.{FreeSpec, Matchers}

class RichLongSpec extends FreeSpec with Matchers with GeneratorDrivenPropertyChecks {

  "RichLong" - {
    val longMin = BigDecimal(Long.MinValue)
    val longMax = BigDecimal(Long.MaxValue)
    def bounded(d: BigDecimal) =
      if (d < longMin) Long.MinValue
      else if (d > longMax) Long.MaxValue
      else d.longValue()

    "⊹" in {
      forAll { (x: Long, y: Long) ⇒
        x ⊹ y shouldEqual bounded(BigDecimal(x) + BigDecimal(y))

    "×" in {
      forAll { (x: Long, y: Long) ⇒
        (x × y) shouldEqual bounded(BigDecimal(x) * BigDecimal(y))
Example 149
Source File: ResizableRingBufferSpec.scala    From swave   with Mozilla Public License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package swave.core.util

import org.scalacheck.Gen
import org.scalatest.prop.GeneratorDrivenPropertyChecks
import org.scalatest.{FreeSpec, Matchers}
import swave.core.impl.util.ResizableRingBuffer

class ResizableRingBufferSpec extends FreeSpec with Matchers with GeneratorDrivenPropertyChecks {

  "A ResizableRingBuffer should" - {

    val bufferGen = for {
      bit ← Gen.choose(0, 8)
    } yield new ResizableRingBuffer[String](initialCap = 1, maxCap = 1 << bit)

    "take in exactly `maxAvailable` elements" in {
      forAll(bufferGen) { buf ⇒
        Stream.continually("x").takeWhile(buf.write).toArray.length shouldEqual buf.maxCapacity

    "read back exactly the number of elems previously written" in {
      val gen = for {
        buf   ← bufferGen
        count ← Gen.choose(0, buf.maxCapacity)
      } yield (buf, count)

      forAll(gen) {
        case (buf, count) ⇒
          val values = List.tabulate(count)(_.toString)
          values.foreach(s ⇒ buf.write(s) shouldBe true)
          List.fill(count)( shouldEqual values
          buf.isEmpty shouldBe true
          a[NoSuchElementException] should be thrownBy

    "pass a simple stress-test" in {
      val gen = for {
        buf     ← bufferGen
        opCount ← Gen.choose(5, 50)
        ops     ← Gen.listOfN(opCount, Gen.choose(-20, 50))
      } yield (buf, ops)

      forAll(gen) {
        case (buf, ops) ⇒
          val queue = collection.mutable.Queue[String]()
          val ints  = Iterator.from(0)
          ops foreach {
            case readCount if readCount < 0 ⇒
              -readCount times {
                buf.isEmpty shouldEqual queue.isEmpty
                if (queue.nonEmpty) queue.dequeue() shouldEqual
                else a[NoSuchElementException] should be thrownBy
            case writeCount if writeCount > 0 ⇒
              writeCount times {
                val next =
                if (buf.write(next)) queue.enqueue(next)
            case 0 ⇒ // ignore
Example 150
Source File: RichListSpec.scala    From swave   with Mozilla Public License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package swave.core.util

import org.scalacheck.Gen
import org.scalatest.{FreeSpec, Matchers}
import org.scalatest.prop.GeneratorDrivenPropertyChecks

class RichListSpec extends FreeSpec with Matchers with GeneratorDrivenPropertyChecks {

  "RichList" - {

    "fastReverse" in {
      forAll { (list: List[Int]) ⇒
        list.fastReverse shouldEqual list.reverse

    "remove" in {
      forAll(Gen.choose(0, 5), Gen.choose(0, 4)) { (n: Int, x: Int) ⇒
        val list = List.tabulate(n)(identity)
        list.remove(x) shouldEqual list.filterNot(_ == x)
Example 151
Source File: RichRefArraySpec.scala    From swave   with Mozilla Public License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package swave.core.util

import org.scalacheck.Gen
import org.scalatest.prop.GeneratorDrivenPropertyChecks
import org.scalatest.{FreeSpec, Matchers}

class RichRefArraySpec extends FreeSpec with Matchers with GeneratorDrivenPropertyChecks {

  "RichRefArray" - {
    val stringArrays = Gen.containerOf[Array, String](Gen.alphaStr)

    "fastIndexOf" in {
      val arrayWithIndex =
        for {
          arr ← stringArrays
          ix  ← Gen.chooseNum(0, arr.length + 1)
        } yield → ix

      forAll(arrayWithIndex) {
        case (array, ix) ⇒
          val specimen = if (ix < array.length) array(ix) else 'foo
          array.fastIndexOf(specimen) shouldEqual array.indexOf(specimen)

    "reverse_!" in {
      forAll(stringArrays) { array ⇒
        val array2 = array.drop(0)
        array2 shouldEqual array.reverse
Example 152
Source File: XorShiftRandomSpec.scala    From swave   with Mozilla Public License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package swave.core.util

import org.scalacheck.Gen
import org.scalatest.prop.GeneratorDrivenPropertyChecks
import org.scalatest.{FreeSpec, Matchers}

class XorShiftRandomSpec extends FreeSpec with Matchers with GeneratorDrivenPropertyChecks {

  "XorShiftRandom" - {

    "nextLong" in {
      val random = XorShiftRandom()
      forAll(Gen.posNum[Long]) { bound ⇒
        random.nextLong(bound) should (be >= 0L and be < bound)

    "nextInt" in {
      val random = XorShiftRandom()
      forAll(Gen.posNum[Int]) { bound ⇒
        random.nextInt(bound) should (be >= 0 and be < bound)

    "nextDouble" in {
      val random = XorShiftRandom()
      forAll { (_: Unit) ⇒
        random.nextDouble() should (be >= 0.0 and be < 1.0)

    "shuffle" in {
      val random = XorShiftRandom()
      val array  = Array("0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9")
      val array2 = java.util.Arrays.copyOf(array, array.length)
      array2 should not equal array // will fail once every approx. 10! = 3.628.800 test runs
      array2.sorted shouldEqual array
Example 153
Source File: NumericTaggingSuite.scala    From protoless   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package io.protoless.tag

import org.scalatest.FreeSpec
import shapeless.test.illTyped

class NumericTaggingSuite extends FreeSpec {

  "Numeric tagging must be allowed on" - {

    "Int" in {

    "Long" in {

    "no other numeric type" in {

    "no other exotic type" in {
      illTyped("""signed(Seq(1, 2, 3))""")
Example 154
Source File: IPythonFormatSpec.scala    From polynote   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package polynote.server.repository.format.ipynb

import io.circe.parser.parse
import org.scalatest.{FreeSpec, Matchers}
import polynote.messages.{NotebookCell, CellID}
import polynote.server.repository.NotebookContent
import polynote.testing.ZIOSpec

class IPythonFormatSpec extends FreeSpec with Matchers with ZIOSpec {

  private val subject = new IPythonFormat

  "IPythonFormat" - {

    "applies notebook language when no cell language is present" in {

      val nb = subject.decodeNotebook("dummy",
          | "metadata": {
          |   "language_info": {
          |     "name": "python"
          |   }
          | },
          | "nbformat": 4,
          | "nbformat_minor": 0,
          | "cells": [
          |   {
          |     "cell_type": "code",
          |     "execution_count": 0,
          |     "source": [
          |       "some python code"
          |     ],
          |     "outputs": []
          |   },
          |   {
          |     "cell_type": "code",
          |     "execution_count": 1,
          |     "metadata": {
          |       "language": "scala"
          |     },
          |     "source": [
          |       "some scala code"
          |     ],
          |     "outputs": []
          |   }
          | ]

      nb.cells.head.language shouldEqual "python"
      nb.cells(1).language shouldEqual "scala"


    "Saves language_info with most-used language from notebook" in {
      val encoded = subject.encodeNotebook(NotebookContent(
          NotebookCell(CellID(0), "aaa", "aaa"),
          NotebookCell(CellID(1), "ccc", "ccc"),
          NotebookCell(CellID(2), "bbb", "bbb"),
          NotebookCell(CellID(3), "aaa", "aaa")),

      val langInfoName = parse(encoded).right.get.hcursor

      langInfoName shouldEqual Right("aaa")


Example 155
Source File: ServerHostTest.scala    From polynote   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package polynote.server

import{HttpURLConnection, InetAddress, InetSocketAddress, URL}

import org.scalamock.scalatest.MockFactory
import org.scalatest.{FreeSpec, Matchers}
import{App, Args, Environment, MainArgs}
import polynote.config._
import polynote.kernel.{BaseEnv, Kernel}
import polynote.kernel.environment.Config
import polynote.kernel.environment.Env.LayerOps
import polynote.kernel.interpreter.Interpreter
import polynote.kernel.logging.Logging
import polynote.server.auth.IdentityProvider
import polynote.server.repository.NotebookRepository
import polynote.server.repository.fs.FileSystems
import polynote.testing.{ConfiguredZIOSpec, ZIOSpec}
import zio.{RIO, Task, ZIO, ZLayer}
import zio.blocking.effectBlocking

class ServerHostTest extends FreeSpec with Matchers with ConfiguredZIOSpec with MockFactory {
  override val config: PolynoteConfig = PolynoteConfig(
    listen = Listen(host = "", port = 0)

  val configLayer: ZLayer[BaseEnv, Nothing, Config] = ZLayer.succeed(config)

  private def request(uri: String) = effectBlocking {
    val conn = new URL(uri).openConnection().asInstanceOf[HttpURLConnection]
    val responseCode = conn.getResponseCode
    responseCode shouldEqual 200

  "Server" - {

    "listens on all interfaces when given listen=" ignore {
      val kernel        = mock[Kernel]
      val kernelFactory = Kernel.Factory.const(kernel)
      val server        = new Server

      val serverEnv: ZLayer[BaseEnv, Throwable, server.MainEnv with MainArgs] =
        (configLayer andThen IdentityProvider.layer) ++
          Interpreter.Factories.load ++ ZLayer.succeed(kernelFactory) ++ ZLayer.succeed(Args(watchUI = true)) ++
          (configLayer ++ >>>

      val run = server.server("TESTKEY").provideSomeLayer[BaseEnv](serverEnv).use {
        server =>
          for {
            localAddress <- effectBlocking(InetAddress.getLocalHost.getCanonicalHostName)
            _            <- server.awaitUp
            port         <-[InetSocketAddress].getPort)
            _            <- request(s"http://$localAddress:$port/")
            _            <- request(s"$port/")
            _            <- server.shutdown()
          } yield ()



Example 156
Source File: LocationTest.scala    From polynote   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package polynote.env.ops

import org.scalatest.{FreeSpec, Matchers}

object TestInATopLevelModule {
  val loc: Location = Location.materialize

class LocationTest extends FreeSpec with Matchers {
  private val fileName = "LocationTest.scala"
  private val className = "polynote.env.ops.LocationTest"
  private def at(line: Int, method: String): Location = Location(fileName, line, method, className)

  def testInAMethod(): Location = {
    val loc = Location.materialize

  def testAsAnImplicit(implicit loc: Location): Location = loc

  class TestInAnInnerClass {
    val topLoc: Location = Location.materialize

    def method(): Location = {
      val loc = Location.materialize

  object TestInAnInnerModule {
    val topLoc: Location = Location.materialize

    def method(): Location = {
      val loc = Location.materialize

  "in a block" in {
    val loc = Location.materialize
    loc shouldEqual at(40, "<unknown>")

  "in a method" - {
    "inside the method" in {
      val loc = testInAMethod()
      loc shouldEqual at(15, "testInAMethod")

    "as an implicit argument" in {
      val loc = testAsAnImplicit
      loc shouldEqual at(51, "<unknown>")

  "in an inner class" - {
    val inst = new TestInAnInnerClass
    "top level" in {
      inst.topLoc shouldEqual Location(fileName, 22, "<unknown>", s"$className.TestInAnInnerClass")

    "method" in {
      inst.method() shouldEqual Location(fileName, 25, "method", s"$className.TestInAnInnerClass")

  "in a top-level module" in {
    TestInATopLevelModule.loc shouldEqual Location(fileName, 6, "<unknown>", "polynote.env.ops.TestInATopLevelModule")

  "in an inner module" - {
    "top level" in {
      TestInAnInnerModule.topLoc shouldEqual Location(fileName, 31, "<unknown>", s"$className.TestInAnInnerModule")

    "method" in {
      TestInAnInnerModule.method() shouldEqual Location(fileName, 34, "method", s"$className.TestInAnInnerModule")

Example 157
Source File: CollectionReprsSpec.scala    From polynote   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package polynote.runtime.test

import java.nio.ByteBuffer
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets

import org.scalatest.{FreeSpec, Matchers}
import polynote.runtime.{DataEncoder, GroupAgg, ReprsOf, StreamingDataRepr}

class  CollectionReprsSpec extends FreeSpec with Matchers {

  "Streaming repr of structs" - {
    case class Example(label: String, i: Int, d: Double)

    "Aggregates correctly" - {
      "mean" in {
        val l = List(Example("a", 10, 10.0), Example("b", 11, 11.0), Example("c", 12, 12.0), Example("a", 12, 12.0))
        val de = implicitly[DataEncoder.StructDataEncoder[Example]]
        val h = ReprsOf.StructSeqStreamHandle[Example, Example](0, l, l => l, de)
        val Right(h1) = h.modify(List(GroupAgg(List("label"), List("i" -> "mean", "d" -> "mean"))))

        def decode(buf: ByteBuffer) = {
          val labelLength = buf.getInt()
          val labelArr = new Array[Byte](labelLength)
          val label = new String(labelArr, StandardCharsets.UTF_8)
          val avgI = buf.getDouble()
          val avgD = buf.getDouble()

          (label, avgI, avgD)
        } should contain theSameElementsAs List(
          ("a", 11.0, 11.0),
          ("b", 11.0, 11.0),
          ("c", 12.0, 12.0)


Example 158
Source File: DataReprsTest.scala    From polynote   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package polynote.runtime
package test

import org.scalacheck.{Arbitrary, Gen}
import Arbitrary.arbitrary
import org.scalatest.{FreeSpec, Matchers}
import org.scalatestplus.scalacheck.ScalaCheckDrivenPropertyChecks

import scala.reflect.runtime.universe.TypeTag

class DataReprsTest extends FreeSpec with Matchers with ScalaCheckDrivenPropertyChecks {

  implicit val arbString: Arbitrary[String] = Arbitrary(Gen.listOf(arbitrary[Char]).map(_.mkString))

  def test[T : Arbitrary](implicit typeTag: TypeTag[T], reprsOf: ReprsOf.DataReprsOf[T]): Unit = {
    s"${typeTag}" in {
      forAll {
        (value: T) => reprsOf.encode(value)

  "DataReprsOf checks" - {
    "Maps" - {
      test[Map[String, String]]
      test[Map[String, Int]]
      test[Map[String, Map[String, Int]]]
      test[List[Map[Int, String]]]

    "Sequences" - {

    "Structs" - {
      test[(String, Int, Map[Int, String])]
      test[List[(Int, Boolean, String, String, Option[Int], Option[String], List[String], Map[String, Int])]]

Example 159
Source File: SchemaLoaderSpec.scala    From troy   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package troy
package schema

import org.scalatest.FreeSpec
import troy.schema.Messages._

class SchemaLoaderSpec extends FreeSpec with VMatchers {
  import VTestUtils._

  "String Schema Loader should" - {
    "load schema from a valid string" in {
      new StringSchemaLoader("""
          CREATE KEYSPACE test WITH replication = {'class': 'SimpleStrategy' , 'replication_factor': '1'};
          CREATE TABLE test.posts (author_id uuid, post_id uuid, PRIMARY KEY ((author_id), post_id) );
      """).load should beSuccess

    "fail on non-valid schema string" in {
      new StringSchemaLoader("""
          CREATE TABLE test.posts (author_id uuid, PRIMARY KEY ((author_id), post_id) );
      """).load should failWith[KeyspaceNotFound]

  "Resource File Schema Loader should" - {
    "load valid path" in {
      new ResourceFileSchemaLoader("/test.cql").load should beSuccess

    "fail with SchemaNotFound on wrong path" in {
      new ResourceFileSchemaLoader("/non_existent.cql").load should failWith[SchemaNotFound]

  "Resource Folder Schema Loader should" - {
    "load valid path" in {
      new ResourceFolderSchemaLoader("/test/").load should beSuccess

    "fail with SchemaNotFound on wrong path" in {
      new ResourceFolderSchemaLoader("/non_existent").load should failWith[SchemaNotFound]

  "Resource File or Folder Schema Loader should" - {
    "load file if existing, ignoring the folder path" in {
      new ResourceFileOrFolderSchemaLoader("/test.cql", "/non_existent").load should beSuccess

    "load folder, if file didn't exist" in {
      new ResourceFileOrFolderSchemaLoader("/non_existent.cql", "/test/").load should beSuccess

    "fail if both didn't exist" in {
      new ResourceFileOrFolderSchemaLoader("/non_existent.cql", "/non_existent").load should failWith[SchemaNotFound]
Example 160
Source File: ContextVersionTest.scala    From Waves   with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
package com.wavesplatform.lang

import com.wavesplatform.lang.directives.values._
import com.wavesplatform.lang.v1.evaluator.ctx.impl.waves.Types
import org.scalatest.{FreeSpec, Matchers}

class ContextVersionTest extends FreeSpec with Matchers {

  "InvokeScriptTransaction" - {
    "exist in lib version 3" in {
      val types = Types.buildWavesTypes(true, V3)
      types.count(c => == "InvokeScriptTransaction") shouldEqual 1

    "doesn't exist in lib version 2" in {
      val types = Types.buildWavesTypes(true, V2)
      types.count(c => == "InvokeScriptTransaction") shouldEqual 0
Example 161
Source File: UTXAllowance.scala    From Waves   with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up

import com.typesafe.config.{Config, ConfigFactory}
import com.wavesplatform.account.KeyPair
import com.wavesplatform.common.utils.EitherExt2
import{ReportingTestName, WaitForHeight2}
import com.wavesplatform.lang.v1.estimator.v2.ScriptEstimatorV2
import org.scalatest.{CancelAfterFailure, FreeSpec, Matchers}

class UTXAllowance extends FreeSpec with Matchers with WaitForHeight2 with CancelAfterFailure with ReportingTestName with NodesFromDocker {
  import UTXAllowance._

  override protected def nodeConfigs: Seq[Config] = Configs

  private def nodeA = nodes.head
  private def nodeB = nodes.last

  "create two nodes with scripted accounts and check UTX" in {
    val accounts = List(nodeA, nodeB).map(i => {

      val nodeAddress = i.createAddress()
      val acc         = KeyPair.fromSeed(i.seed(nodeAddress)).explicitGet()

      i.transfer(i.address, nodeAddress, 10.waves, 0.005.waves, None, waitForTx = true)

      val scriptText = s"""true""".stripMargin
      val script               = ScriptCompiler(scriptText, isAssetScript = false, ScriptEstimatorV2).explicitGet()._1.bytes().base64
      i.setScript(acc.toAddress.toString, Some(script), setScriptFee, waitForTx = true)


          recipient = accounts.head.toAddress.toString,
          assetId = None,
          amount = 1.waves,
          fee = minFee + 0.004.waves,
          version = 2
      "transactions from scripted accounts are denied from UTX pool"

    val txBId =
          recipient = accounts(1).toAddress.toString,
          assetId = None,
          amount = 1.01.waves,
          fee = minFee + 0.004.waves,
          version = 2

    nodeA.findTransactionInfo(txBId) shouldBe None


object UTXAllowance {
  private val FirstNode = ConfigFactory.parseString(s"""
                                                         |waves {
                                                         |  utx.allow-transactions-from-smart-accounts = false
                                                         |  miner {
                                                         |      quorum = 0
                                                         |      enable = yes
                                                         |  }

  private val SecondNode = ConfigFactory.parseString(s"""
                                                          |waves {
                                                          |  utx.allow-transactions-from-smart-accounts = true
                                                          |  miner {
                                                          |      enable = no
                                                          |  }

  val Configs: Seq[Config] = Seq(

Example 162
Source File: NetworkUniqueConnectionsTestSuite.scala    From Waves   with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up

import com.typesafe.config.{Config, ConfigFactory}
import{DockerBased, Node, NodeConfigs, Nodes}
import com.wavesplatform.utils.ScorexLogging
import org.scalatest.{FreeSpec, Matchers}

import scala.concurrent._
import scala.concurrent.duration._
import scala.util.{Failure, Success, Try}

class NetworkUniqueConnectionsTestSuite extends FreeSpec with Matchers with DockerBased with ScorexLogging with Nodes {
  import NetworkUniqueConnectionsTestSuite._

  "nodes should up and connect with each other" in {
    val firstNode = docker.startNode(FirstNodeConfig, autoConnect = false)
    nodes = Seq(firstNode)

    val status = firstNode.status()
    log.trace(s"#### $status")
    assert(status.blockchainHeight >= status.stateHeight)

    val secondNode = {
      // Helps to do an incoming connection: second -> first (1)
      val peersConfig = ConfigFactory.parseString(
        s""" = [
             |  "${firstNode.containerNetworkAddress.getHostName}:${firstNode.containerNetworkAddress.getPort}"

      docker.startNode(peersConfig.withFallback(SecondNodeConfig), autoConnect = false)
    nodes = Seq(firstNode, secondNode) // Thread dump workaround

    // Outgoing connection: first -> second (2)

    withClue("Should fail with TimeoutException, because the connectionAttempt should fail") {
      Try(firstNode.waitForPeers(2, 30.seconds)) match {
        case Failure(ApiCallException(_: TimeoutException)) => // Pass
        case Failure(exception) => fail(exception)
        case Success(v) => fail(s"Expected TimeoutException, got $v")

  protected var nodes: Seq[Node]         = Nil
  protected def nodeConfigs: Seq[Config] = NetworkUniqueConnectionsTestSuite.configs

object NetworkUniqueConnectionsTestSuite {
  private val configs          = NodeConfigs.newBuilder.withDefault(0).withSpecial(2, _.nonMiner).build()
  val FirstNodeConfig: Config  = configs.head
  val SecondNodeConfig: Config = configs.last
Example 163
Source File: DetectBrokenConnectionsTestSuite.scala    From Waves   with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up

import com.typesafe.config.{Config, ConfigFactory}
import org.scalatest.{FreeSpec, Matchers}

import scala.concurrent.duration._

class DetectBrokenConnectionsTestSuite extends FreeSpec with Matchers with ReportingTestName with NodesFromDocker {

  override protected def nodeConfigs: Seq[Config] = {
    val highPriorityConfig = ConfigFactory.parseString(" = 20s")

  "disconnect nodes from the network and wait a timeout for detecting of broken connections" in {

    dockerNodes().foreach { node =>
      node.connectedPeers shouldBe empty

    // To prevent errors in the log

Example 164
Source File: NotActivateFeatureTestSuite.scala    From Waves   with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up

import com.typesafe.config.Config
import com.wavesplatform.features.BlockchainFeatureStatus
import com.wavesplatform.features.api.{FeatureActivationStatus, NodeFeatureStatus}
import{NodeConfigs, ReportingTestName}
import org.scalatest.{CancelAfterFailure, FreeSpec, Matchers}

class NotActivateFeatureTestSuite
    extends FreeSpec
    with Matchers
    with CancelAfterFailure
    with ActivationStatusRequest
    with ReportingTestName
    with NodesFromDocker {

  private val votingInterval             = 14
  private val blocksForActivation        = 14
  private val votingFeatureNum: Short    = 1
  private val nonVotingFeatureNum: Short = 2

  override protected def nodeConfigs: Seq[Config] =
          s"""waves {
         |  blockchain {
         |    custom {
         |      functionality {
         |        pre-activated-features = {}
         |        feature-check-blocks-period = $votingInterval
         |        blocks-for-feature-activation = $blocksForActivation
         |      }
         |    }
         |  }
         |  features.supported=[$nonVotingFeatureNum]
         |  miner.quorum = 1

  private var activationStatusInfoBefore = Seq.empty[FeatureActivationStatus]
  private var activationStatusInfoAfter  = Seq.empty[FeatureActivationStatus]

  "get activation status info" in {
    nodes.waitForHeight(votingInterval - 1)
    activationStatusInfoBefore =
    nodes.waitForHeight(votingInterval + 1)
    activationStatusInfoAfter =

  "supported blocks is not increased when nobody votes for feature" in {
    val generatedBlocks: Seq[BlockHeader] = nodes.head.blockHeadersSeq(1, votingInterval - 1)
    val featuresMapInGeneratedBlocks       = generatedBlocks.flatMap(b => b.features.getOrElse(Seq.empty)).groupBy(x => x)
    val votesForFeature1                   = featuresMapInGeneratedBlocks.getOrElse(votingFeatureNum, Seq.empty).length

    votesForFeature1 shouldBe 0
    activationStatusInfoBefore.foreach(assertVotingStatus(_, votesForFeature1, BlockchainFeatureStatus.Undefined, NodeFeatureStatus.Implemented))

  "feature is still in VOTING status on the next voting interval" in {
    activationStatusInfoAfter.foreach(assertVotingStatus(_, 0, BlockchainFeatureStatus.Undefined, NodeFeatureStatus.Implemented))

Example 165
Source File: FeatureActivationTestSuite.scala    From Waves   with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up

import com.typesafe.config.Config
import com.wavesplatform.features.api.NodeFeatureStatus
import com.wavesplatform.features.{BlockchainFeatureStatus, BlockchainFeatures}
import{NodeConfigs, ReportingTestName}
import org.scalatest.{CancelAfterFailure, FreeSpec, Matchers}

class FeatureActivationTestSuite
    extends FreeSpec
    with Matchers
    with CancelAfterFailure
    with NodesFromDocker
    with ActivationStatusRequest
    with ReportingTestName {

  private val votingInterval      = 12
  private val blocksForActivation = 12 // should be even
  private val featureNum: Short   =
  private val featureDescr        = BlockchainFeatures.SmallerMinimalGeneratingBalance.description

  override protected def nodeConfigs: Seq[Config] = {
      .overrideBase(_.raw(s"""waves {
                               |  blockchain.custom.functionality {
                               |    pre-activated-features = {}
                               |    feature-check-blocks-period = $votingInterval
                               |    blocks-for-feature-activation = $blocksForActivation
                               |  }
                               |  features.supported = [$featureNum]
                               |  miner.quorum = 1

  "supported blocks increased when voting starts" in {
    nodes.waitForHeight(votingInterval * 2 / 3)
    val status =
    status.foreach { s =>
      s.description shouldBe featureDescr
      assertVotingStatus(s, s.supportingBlocks.get, BlockchainFeatureStatus.Undefined, NodeFeatureStatus.Voted)

  "supported blocks counter resets on the next voting interval" in {
    nodes.waitForHeight(votingInterval * 2 - blocksForActivation / 2)
    val info =
    info.foreach(i => i.blockchainStatus shouldBe BlockchainFeatureStatus.Undefined)

  "blockchain status is APPROVED in second voting interval" in {
    val checkHeight = votingInterval * 2
    val statusInfo =
    statusInfo.foreach { si =>
      si.description shouldBe featureDescr
      // Activation will be on a next voting interval
      assertApprovedStatus(si, checkHeight + votingInterval, NodeFeatureStatus.Voted)

  "blockchain status is ACTIVATED in third voting interval" in {
    val checkHeight = votingInterval * 3
    val statusInfo =
    statusInfo.foreach { si =>
      si.description shouldBe featureDescr
      assertActivatedStatus(si, checkHeight, NodeFeatureStatus.Implemented)
Example 166
Source File: AssetsApiGrpcSuite.scala    From Waves   with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up

import com.typesafe.config.Config
import{GrpcIntegrationSuiteWithThreeAddress, NodeConfigs, ReportingTestName}
import org.scalatest.{FreeSpec, Matchers}

class AssetsApiGrpcSuite
    extends FreeSpec
    with Matchers
    with NodesFromDocker
    with ActivationStatusRequest
    with ReportingTestName
    with GrpcIntegrationSuiteWithThreeAddress {

  "nftList returns all NFT" in {

    val txs = Map(
      "non_nft_asset" -> sender.broadcastIssue(firstAcc, "non_nft_asset", 100, 8, reissuable = true, issueFee + smartFee),
      "nft_asset_1"   -> sender.broadcastIssue(firstAcc, "nft_asset_1", 1, 0, reissuable = false, issueFee + smartFee),
      "nft_asset_2"   -> sender.broadcastIssue(firstAcc, "nft_asset_2", 1, 0, reissuable = false, issueFee + smartFee)

    txs.values.foreach(tx => sender.waitForTransaction(

    val allNft = Map(
      "nft_asset_1" -> txs("nft_asset_1").id,
      "nft_asset_2" -> txs("nft_asset_2").id

    val nftList = sender.nftList(firstAddress, 10)
    nftList should have size 2 should contain theSameElementsAs allNft.keySet

  override def nodeConfigs: Seq[Config] =
Example 167
Source File: BlockV5GrpcSuite.scala    From Waves   with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up

import com.typesafe.config.Config
import com.wavesplatform.api.grpc.BlockRangeRequest
import com.wavesplatform.block.Block
import com.wavesplatform.common.state.ByteStr
import com.wavesplatform.crypto
import{GrpcIntegrationSuiteWithThreeAddress, NodeConfigs, ReportingTestName}
import org.scalatest.{CancelAfterFailure, FreeSpec, Matchers, OptionValues}

import scala.concurrent.duration._

class BlockV5GrpcSuite
    extends FreeSpec
    with Matchers
    with CancelAfterFailure
    with NodesFromDocker
    with ActivationStatusRequest
    with ReportingTestName
    with OptionValues
    with GrpcIntegrationSuiteWithThreeAddress {

  override def nodeConfigs: Seq[Config] =
      .withSpecial(1, _.nonMiner)

  "block v5 appears and blockchain grows" - {
    "when feature activation happened" in {
      sender.waitForHeight(sender.height + 1, 2.minutes)
      val currentHeight = sender.height

      val blockV5     = sender.blockAt(currentHeight)
      val blockV5ById = sender.blockById(ByteString.copyFrom(

      blockV5.header.version shouldBe Block.ProtoBlockVersion shouldBe crypto.DigestLength
      blockV5.signature.arr.length shouldBe crypto.SignatureLength
      blockV5.header.generationSignature.arr.length shouldBe Block.GenerationVRFSignatureLength
      assert(blockV5.transactionsRootValid(), "transactionsRoot is not valid")
      blockV5ById.header.version shouldBe Block.ProtoBlockVersion
      blockV5ById.header.generationSignature.arr.length shouldBe Block.GenerationVRFSignatureLength
      assert(blockV5ById.transactionsRootValid(), "transactionsRoot is not valid")

      sender.waitForHeight(currentHeight + 1, 2.minutes)

      val blockAfterVRFUsing     = sender.blockAt(currentHeight + 1)
      val blockAfterVRFUsingById = sender.blockById(ByteString.copyFrom(

      blockAfterVRFUsing.header.version shouldBe Block.ProtoBlockVersion
      blockAfterVRFUsing.header.generationSignature.arr.length shouldBe Block.GenerationVRFSignatureLength
      ByteStr(sender.blockHeaderAt(currentHeight + 1).reference.toByteArray) shouldBe
      blockAfterVRFUsingById.header.version shouldBe Block.ProtoBlockVersion
      blockAfterVRFUsingById.header.generationSignature.arr.length shouldBe Block.GenerationVRFSignatureLength
      assert(blockAfterVRFUsingById.transactionsRootValid(), "transactionsRoot is not valid")

      val blockSeqOfBlocksV5 = sender.blockSeq(currentHeight, currentHeight + 2)

      for (blockV5 <- blockSeqOfBlocksV5) {
        blockV5.header.version shouldBe Block.ProtoBlockVersion
        blockV5.header.generationSignature.arr.length shouldBe Block.GenerationVRFSignatureLength
        assert(blockV5.transactionsRootValid(), "transactionsRoot is not valid")

      val blockSeqOfBlocksV5ByAddress = sender.blockSeqByAddress(miner.address, currentHeight, currentHeight + 2)

      for (blockV5 <- blockSeqOfBlocksV5ByAddress) {
        blockV5.header.generator shouldBe miner.keyPair.publicKey
        blockV5.header.version shouldBe Block.ProtoBlockVersion
        blockV5.header.generationSignature.arr.length shouldBe Block.GenerationVRFSignatureLength
        assert(blockV5.transactionsRootValid(), "transactionsRoot is not valid")

      val blockSeqOfBlocksV5ByPKGrpc = NodeExtGrpc(sender).blockSeq(
        currentHeight + 2,

      for (blockV5 <- blockSeqOfBlocksV5ByPKGrpc) {
        blockV5.header.generator shouldBe miner.keyPair.publicKey
        blockV5.header.version shouldBe Block.ProtoBlockVersion
        blockV5.header.generationSignature.arr.length shouldBe Block.GenerationVRFSignatureLength
        assert(blockV5.transactionsRootValid(), "transactionsRoot is not valid")
Example 168
Source File: MicroblocksSponsoredFeeTestSuite.scala    From Waves   with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up

import com.typesafe.config.Config
import com.wavesplatform.state.Sponsorship
import com.wavesplatform.state.diffs.FeeValidation
import com.wavesplatform.utils.ScorexLogging
import org.scalatest.{CancelAfterFailure, FreeSpec, Matchers}

class MicroblocksSponsoredFeeTestSuite extends FreeSpec with Matchers with CancelAfterFailure with NodesFromDocker with ScorexLogging {

  private def notMiner = nodes.head

  val sponsor           = nodes(1)
  val Token             = 100L
  val sponsorAssetTotal = 100000 * Token
  val minSponsorFee     = Token
  val SmallFee          = Token + Token / 2

  private def secondAddress = nodes(2).address

  private def txRequestsGen(n: Int, sponsorAssetId: String): Unit = {
    1 to n map (_ => {
      sponsor.transfer(sponsor.address, secondAddress, Token, fee = SmallFee, None, Some(sponsorAssetId))

  "fee distribution with sponsorship" - {
    val sponsorAssetId = sponsor
      .issue(sponsor.address, "SponsoredAsset", "Created by Sponsorship Suite", sponsorAssetTotal, decimals = 2, reissuable = false, fee = issueFee)

    val transferTxToSecondAddress = sponsor.transfer(sponsor.address, secondAddress, sponsorAssetTotal / 2, minFee, Some(sponsorAssetId), None).id

    val sponsorId = sponsor.sponsorAsset(sponsor.address, sponsorAssetId, baseFee = Token, fee = sponsorReducedFee).id

    "check fee distribution" in {
      val height = nodes.waitForHeightArise()

      txRequestsGen(50, sponsorAssetId)
      nodes.waitForHeight(height + 2)

      val blockHeadersSeq = notMiner.blockHeadersSeq(height - 1, height + 2)

      val filteredBlocks = blockHeadersSeq
        .withFilter(t => t._1.transactionCount != t._2.transactionCount)
        .map(_._1) :+ blockHeadersSeq.last

      val filteredBlocksFee        = => b.transactionCount * FeeValidation.FeeUnit * SmallFee / minSponsorFee)
      val minerBalances: Seq[Long] = => notMiner.debugStateAt(b.height)(b.generator)) {
        case Seq((minerBalance1, blockFee1), (minerBalance2, blockFee2)) =>
          minerBalance2 should be(minerBalance1 + blockFee1 * 6 / 10 + blockFee2 * 4 / 10)

      val block   = notMiner.blockAt(height)
      val realFee = => Sponsorship.toWaves(tx.fee, Token)).sum
      blockHeadersSeq(1).totalFee shouldBe realFee

  override def nodeConfigs: Seq[Config] =
      .overrideBase(_.preactivatedFeatures((14, 1000000)))
      .withSpecial(2, _.nonMiner)

Example 169
Source File: OrderProofTest.scala    From Waves   with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
import com.wavesplatform.common.state.ByteStr
import com.wavesplatform.lang.directives.values.{V1, V2, V3}
import com.wavesplatform.lang.v1.compiler.Terms.{ARR, CaseObj}
import com.wavesplatform.lang.v1.evaluator.ctx.impl.waves.Bindings
import com.wavesplatform.lang.v1.traits.domain.{APair, Ord, OrdType, Recipient}
import org.scalatest.{FreeSpec, Matchers}

class OrderProofTest extends FreeSpec with Matchers {

  private def getBindingObjProofStr(obj: CaseObj): Option[String] =
    obj.fields.get("proofs").map(arr => arr.asInstanceOf[ARR].xs.toList.head.toString)

  "OrderBindings" - {
    "order obj for account scripts and V1/V2 should contains proofs" in {
      val ord = Ord(
        id = ByteStr.empty,
        sender = Recipient.Address(ByteStr.empty),
        senderPublicKey = ByteStr.empty,
        matcherPublicKey = ByteStr.empty,
        assetPair = APair(None, None),
        orderType = OrdType.Buy,
        price = 0L,
        amount = 0L,
        timestamp = 0L,
        expiration = 0L,
        matcherFee = 0L,
        bodyBytes = ByteStr.empty,
        proofs = List(ByteStr.fromLong(42L)).toIndexedSeq

      getBindingObjProofStr(Bindings.orderObject(ord, true, V1)) shouldBe Some("1111111j")
      getBindingObjProofStr(Bindings.orderObject(ord, true, V2)) shouldBe Some("1111111j")
      getBindingObjProofStr(Bindings.orderObject(ord, true, V3)) shouldBe Some("1111111j")
      getBindingObjProofStr(Bindings.orderObject(ord, false, V1)) shouldBe Some("1111111j")
      getBindingObjProofStr(Bindings.orderObject(ord, false, V2)) shouldBe Some("1111111j")

    "order obj for asset scripts and V3 should not contains proofs" in {
      val ord = Ord(
        id = ByteStr.empty,
        sender = Recipient.Address(ByteStr.empty),
        senderPublicKey = ByteStr.empty,
        matcherPublicKey = ByteStr.empty,
        assetPair = APair(None, None),
        orderType = OrdType.Buy,
        price = 0L,
        amount = 0L,
        timestamp = 0L,
        expiration = 0L,
        matcherFee = 0L,
        bodyBytes = ByteStr.empty,
        proofs = List(ByteStr.fromLong(42L)).toIndexedSeq

      getBindingObjProofStr(Bindings.orderObject(ord, false, V3)) shouldBe None
Example 170
Source File: ResponseFormatsTest.scala    From daml   with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
// Copyright (c) 2020 Digital Asset (Switzerland) GmbH and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

package com.daml.http.json

import com.daml.http.util.Collections._

import akka.util.ByteString
import org.scalacheck.Gen
import org.scalatest.compatible.Assertion
import org.scalatest.prop.GeneratorDrivenPropertyChecks
import org.scalatest.{FreeSpec, Inside, Matchers}
import scalaz.{Show, \/}
import spray.json._

import scala.concurrent.duration._
import scala.concurrent.{Await, ExecutionContext, Future}

class ResponseFormatsTest
    extends FreeSpec
    with Matchers
    with Inside
    with GeneratorDrivenPropertyChecks {

  implicit val asys: ActorSystem = ActorSystem(this.getClass.getSimpleName)
  implicit val mat: Materializer = Materializer(asys)
  implicit val ec: ExecutionContext = asys.dispatcher

  implicit override val generatorDrivenConfig: PropertyCheckConfiguration =
    PropertyCheckConfiguration(minSuccessful = 100)

  "resultJsObject should serialize Source of Errors and JsValues" in forAll(
    Gen.option(Gen.nonEmptyListOf(Gen.identifier))) { (input, warnings) =>
    import spray.json.DefaultJsonProtocol._

    val jsValWarnings: Option[JsValue] =
    val (failures, successes): (Vector[JsString], Vector[JsValue]) =
      input.toVector.partitionMap(_.leftMap(e => JsString(e.shows)))

    val jsValSource = Source[DummyError \/ JsValue](input)

    val responseF: Future[ByteString] =
        .resultJsObject(jsValSource, jsValWarnings)
        .runFold(ByteString.empty)((b, a) => b ++ a)

    val resultF: Future[Assertion] = { str =>
      JsonParser(str.utf8String) shouldBe expectedResult(failures, successes, jsValWarnings)

    Await.result(resultF, 10.seconds)

  private def expectedResult(
      failures: Vector[JsValue],
      successes: Vector[JsValue],
      warnings: Option[JsValue]): JsObject = {

    val map1: Map[String, JsValue] = warnings match {
      case Some(x) => Map("warnings" -> x)
      case None => Map.empty

    val map2 =
      if (failures.isEmpty)
        Map[String, JsValue]("result" -> JsArray(successes), "status" -> JsNumber("200"))
        Map[String, JsValue](
          "result" -> JsArray(successes),
          "errors" -> JsArray(failures),
          "status" -> JsNumber("501"))

    JsObject(map1 ++ map2)

  private lazy val errorOrJsNumber: Gen[DummyError \/ JsNumber] = Gen.frequency(
    1 ->\/.left),
    5 ->\/.right)

  private lazy val dummyErrorGen: Gen[DummyError] =

  private lazy val jsNumberGen: Gen[JsNumber] = Gen.posNum[Long].map(JsNumber.apply)

final case class DummyError(message: String)

object DummyError {
  implicit val ShowInstance: Show[DummyError] = Show shows { e =>
Example 171
Source File: ConsumerEventSpec.scala    From reactive-kinesis   with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
package com.weightwatchers.reactive.kinesis.models

import java.nio.ByteBuffer
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets.UTF_8

import org.joda.time.DateTime
import org.scalacheck.Gen
import org.scalatest.prop.GeneratorDrivenPropertyChecks
import org.scalatest.{FreeSpec, Matchers}

class ConsumerEventSpec extends FreeSpec with Matchers with GeneratorDrivenPropertyChecks {

  "A ConsumerEvent" - {
    "can be read as string" in {
      forAll(Gen.alphaNumStr) { string =>
        val event = ConsumerEvent(CompoundSequenceNumber("123", 0),
        event.payloadAsString(UTF_8) shouldBe string