org.specs2.matcher.MatchResult Scala Examples
The following examples show how to use org.specs2.matcher.MatchResult.
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Example 1
Source File: SimplestExampleSpec.scala From parserz with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.spartanz.parserz import org.specs2.matcher.MatchResult import org.specs2.mutable.Specification class SimplestExampleSpec extends Specification { object Syntax { sealed trait Expression case class Constant(value: Int) extends Expression case class Sum(e1: Expression, e2: Expression) extends Expression } object Example { object Parser extends ParsersModule { override type Input = String } type S = Unit type E = String import Parser.Grammar._ import Parser.Expr._ import Parser._ import Syntax._ val char: Grammar[Any, Nothing, E, Char] = consumeOption("expected: char")( s => -> _), { case (s, c) => Some(s + c.toString) } ) val digit: Grammar[Any, Nothing, E, Char] = char.filter("expected: digit")(cond(_.isDigit)) val plus: Grammar[Any, Nothing, E, Char] = char.filter("expected: '+'")(cond(_ == '+')) val integer: Grammar[Any, Nothing, E, Int] = digit ∘ (_.toString.toInt, _.toString.head) val constant: Grammar[Any, Nothing, E, Constant] = integer ∘ (Constant, _.value) val expr1: Grammar[Any, Nothing, E, Expression] = constant.mapPartial("expected: Constant")( { case c => c }, { case c @ Constant(_) => c } ) val expr2: Grammar[Any, Nothing, E, Expression] = (expr1 ~ (plus ~ expr1).rep).foldLeft( { case (e1, (_, e2)) => Sum(e1, e2) }, { case Sum(e1, e2) => (e1, ('+', e2)) } ) val parser: (S, Input) => (S, E \/ (Input, Expression)) = Parser.parser[S, E, Expression](expr2) val printer: (S, (Input, Expression)) => (S, E \/ Input) = Parser.printer[S, E, Expression](expr2) } import Syntax._ private def parse(s: String) = Example.parser((), s)._2 private def parse0(s: String) = parse(s).toOption.get._2 private def print(e: Expression) = Example.printer((), ("", e))._2 private def print0(e: Expression) = print(e).toOption.get private def loop0(s: String, e: Expression): MatchResult[Any] = { val parsed = parse0(s) val printed = print0(parsed) (parsed must_=== e).and(printed must_=== s) } "empty" in { parse("") must_=== Left("expected: char") } "single letter" in { parse("A") must_=== Left("expected: digit") } "single digit" in { loop0("1", Constant(1)) } "several digits" in { parse("12") must_=== Right(("2", Constant(1))) } "just the plus" in { parse("+") must_=== Left("expected: digit") } "sum of two" in { loop0("1+2", Sum(Constant(1), Constant(2))) } "sum of three" in { loop0("1+2+3", Sum(Sum(Constant(1), Constant(2)), Constant(3))) } "sum of four" in { loop0("1+2+3+4", Sum(Sum(Sum(Constant(1), Constant(2)), Constant(3)), Constant(4))) } "incorrect composed sum of three" in { print(Sum(Constant(1), Sum(Constant(2), Constant(3)))) must_=== Left("expected: Constant") } }
Example 2
Source File: ChatStateSpec.scala From http4s-chatserver with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.martinsnyder.chatserver import org.specs2.matcher.MatchResult class ChatStateSpec extends org.specs2.mutable.Specification { "ChatState" >> { "initializes empty" >> { noUsers && noRooms } "welcomes new users (only)" >> { welcomeNewUser && noWelcomeOldUser } } private[this] def noUsers(): MatchResult[Map[_,_]] = ChatState().userRooms must beEqualTo(Map.empty) private[this] def noRooms(): MatchResult[Map[_,_]] = ChatState().roomMembers must beEqualTo(Map.empty) private[this] def welcomeNewUser(): MatchResult[OutputMessage] = ChatState().process(EnterRoom("testUser", "room"))._2.head must beEqualTo(WelcomeUser("testUser")) private[this] def noWelcomeOldUser(): MatchResult[Seq[OutputMessage]] = { val initState = ChatState().process(EnterRoom("testUser", "room"))._1 initState.process(EnterRoom("testUser", "room"))._2 must beEqualTo(Seq(SendToUser("testUser", "You are already in that room!"))) } }
Example 3
Source File: TestUtils.scala From codacy-analysis-cli with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
package com.codacy.analysis.core.utils import java.nio.file.attribute.PosixFilePermission import java.nio.file.{Path, Paths} import better.files.File import com.codacy.plugins.api.results import io.circe.Decoder import org.specs2.concurrent.ExecutionEnv import org.specs2.matcher.MatchResult import scala.sys.process.Process object TestUtils { implicit val categoryDecoder: Decoder[results.Pattern.Category.Value] = Decoder.decodeEnumeration(results.Pattern.Category) implicit val levelDecoder: Decoder[results.Result.Level.Value] = Decoder.decodeEnumeration(results.Result.Level) implicit val fileDecoder: Decoder[Path] = Decoder[String].map(Paths.get(_)) implicit val executionEnv: ExecutionEnv = ExecutionEnv.fromGlobalExecutionContext def withClonedRepo[T](gitUrl: String, commitUUid: String)(block: (File, File) => MatchResult[T]): MatchResult[T] = (for { directory <- File.temporaryDirectory() file <- File.temporaryFile() } yield { directory .addPermission(PosixFilePermission.OWNER_READ) .addPermission(PosixFilePermission.GROUP_READ) .addPermission(PosixFilePermission.OTHERS_READ) .addPermission(PosixFilePermission.OWNER_EXECUTE) .addPermission(PosixFilePermission.GROUP_EXECUTE) .addPermission(PosixFilePermission.OTHERS_EXECUTE) Process(Seq("git", "clone", gitUrl, directory.pathAsString)).! Process(Seq("git", "reset", "--hard", commitUUid), directory.toJava).! block(file, directory) }).get() def withTemporaryGitRepo[T](fn: File => MatchResult[T]): MatchResult[T] = { (for { temporaryDirectory <- File.temporaryDirectory() } yield { Process(Seq("git", "init"), temporaryDirectory.toJava).! Process(Seq("git", "commit", "--allow-empty", "-m", "initial commit"), temporaryDirectory.toJava).! fn(temporaryDirectory) }).get } }
Example 4
Source File: package.scala From temperature-machine with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package bad.robot.temperature import cats.effect.IO import org.http4s.{Header, Response, Status} import org.specs2.matcher.{Expectable, MatchResult, Matcher} package object test { def haveStatus(status: Status) = new Matcher[Response[IO]] { def apply[S <: Response[IO]](e: Expectable[S]): MatchResult[S] = result( e.value.status == status, s"""Status of [${e.value.status}] | |is | |$status""".stripMargin, s"""Status of |[${e.value.status}] | |is not | |[$status] | |(${[String]})""".stripMargin, e) } def containsHeader(name: String, value: String) = new Matcher[Response[IO]] { def apply[S <: Response[IO]](e: Expectable[S]): MatchResult[S] = result( contains Header(name, value), s"""${e.value.headers} | |contains | |$name""".stripMargin, s"""The response headers '${e.value.headers.toList.mkString("\n")}' | |do not contain | |[$name: $value] |""".stripMargin, e) } }
Example 5
Source File: CouchDbSpec.scala From couchdb-scala with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import{Design, Documents} import{CouchDbSpecification, SpecConfig} import org.http4s.Status import org.specs2.matcher.MatchResult class CouchDbSpec extends CouchDbSpecification { val couch = CouchDb(SpecConfig.couchDbHost, SpecConfig.couchDbPort) val db1 = "couchdb-scala-couchdb-spec1" val db2 = "couchdb-scala-couchdb-spec2" "User interface" >> { "Get info about the DB instance" >> { awaitRight( mustEqual "Welcome" } "Create and query 2 DBs" >> { def testDb(dbName: String): MatchResult[Seq[CouchKeyVal[String, String]]] = { await(couch.dbs.delete(dbName)) val error = awaitLeft(couch.dbs.delete(dbName)) error.error mustEqual "not_found" error.reason mustEqual "missing" error.status mustEqual Status.NotFound error.request must contain("DELETE") error.request must contain(dbName) error.requestBody must beEmpty awaitOk(couch.dbs.create(dbName)) couch.db(dbName, typeMapping).name mustEqual dbName couch.db(dbName, typeMapping).docs must beAnInstanceOf[Documents] couch.db(dbName, typeMapping).design must beAnInstanceOf[Design] val db = couch.db(dbName, typeMapping) db must beTheSameAs(couch.db(dbName, typeMapping)) awaitDocOk( awaitDocOk( val docs = awaitRight( db.query.view[String, String](, FixViews.names) docs.rows must haveLength(1) } testDb(db1) testDb(db2) } } }
Example 6
Source File: AuthUtils.scala From cluster-broccoli with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package de.frosner.broccoli.controllers import de.frosner.broccoli.auth.{Account, Role} import import jp.t2v.lab.play2.auth.test.Helpers._ import org.mockito.Mockito._ import org.specs2.matcher.MatchResult import org.specs2.matcher.MatchersImplicits._ import play.api.cache.CacheApi import play.api.mvc.{Action, AnyContentAsEmpty, Result} import play.api.test.Helpers._ import play.api.test._ import play.api.{Application, Environment} import scala.concurrent.Future trait AuthUtils extends ServiceMocks { def playEnv(implicit app: Application): Environment = app.injector.instanceOf[Environment] def cacheApi(implicit app: Application): CacheApi = app.injector.instanceOf[CacheApi] def testWithAllAuths[T <: AuthConfigImpl, B](account: Account)(controller: SecurityService => T)( action: T => Action[B])(requestModifier: FakeRequest[AnyContentAsEmpty.type] => FakeRequest[B])( matcher: (T, Future[Result]) => MatchResult[_]): MatchResult[_] = { val confAuthController = controller(withAuthConf(mock[SecurityService], List(account))) val confAuthRequest = requestModifier(FakeRequest().withLoggedIn(confAuthController)( val confAuthResult = action(confAuthController).apply(confAuthRequest) val confAuthMatcher = matcher(confAuthController, confAuthResult) val noAuthController = controller(withAuthNone(mock[SecurityService])) val noAuthRequest = requestModifier(FakeRequest()) val confAuthNoLoginResult = action(confAuthController).apply(noAuthRequest) val confAuthNoLoginMatcher = status(confAuthNoLoginResult) === 403 confAuthMatcher and confAuthNoLoginMatcher } def testWithAllAuths[T <: AuthConfigImpl, B](controller: SecurityService => T)(action: T => Action[B])( requestModifier: FakeRequest[AnyContentAsEmpty.type] => FakeRequest[B])( matcher: (T, Future[Result]) => MatchResult[_]): MatchResult[_] = { val account = Account("user", ".*", Role.Administrator) val noAuthController = controller(withAuthNone(mock[SecurityService])) val noAuthRequest = requestModifier(FakeRequest()) val noAuthResult = action(noAuthController).apply(noAuthRequest) val noAuthMatcher = matcher(noAuthController, noAuthResult) val authMatchers = testWithAllAuths(account)(controller)(action)(requestModifier)(matcher) noAuthMatcher and authMatchers } }
Example 7
Source File: ApplicativeLaws.scala From scalaz-reactive with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package scalaz.reactive.laws import org.scalacheck.{ Gen, Prop } import org.scalacheck.Prop.forAll import org.specs2.matcher.{ MatchResult, MustMatchers } import scalaz.Applicative class ApplicativeLaws[F[_], A]( applicative: Applicative[F], aGen: Gen[A], faGen: Gen[F[A]], abGen: Gen[A => A], fabGen: Gen[F[A => A]], valueForEqGen: Gen[F[A] => A] )(implicit pa: MatchResult[A] => Prop, pfa: MatchResult[F[A]] => Prop) extends MustMatchers { implicit class Equalable(v: F[A]) { def valueForEq(f: F[A] => A) = f(v) } // ap(fa)(point(_)) == fa def apIdentityLaw = forAll(faGen, valueForEqGen) { (fa, v) => applicative .ap(fa)(applicative.point(identity[A](_))) .valueForEq(v) must beEqualTo(fa.valueForEq(v)) } // ap(point(a))(point(ab)) == point(ab(a)) def apHomomorphismLaw = forAll(aGen, abGen) { (a, ab) => applicative .ap(applicative.point(a))(applicative.point(ab)) must beEqualTo(applicative.point(ab(a))) } // ap(point(a))(fab) == ap(fab)(point(_.apply(a))) def apInterchangeLaw = forAll(aGen, fabGen) { (a, fab) => applicative.ap(applicative.point(a))(fab) must beEqualTo( applicative.ap(fab)(applicative.point((x: A => A) => x.apply(a))) ) } //map(fa)(ab) == ap(fa)(point(ab)) def apDerivedMapLaw = forAll(faGen, abGen, valueForEqGen) { (fa, ab, v) => must beEqualTo(applicative.ap(fa)(applicative.point(ab)).valueForEq(v)) } }
Example 8
Source File: DiffMatcher.scala From diffx with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.softwaremill.diffx.specs2 import com.softwaremill.diffx.{ConsoleColorConfig, Diff, DiffResultDifferent} import org.specs2.matcher.{Expectable, MatchResult, Matcher} trait DiffMatcher { def matchTo[A: Diff](left: A)(implicit c: ConsoleColorConfig): DiffForMatcher[A] = DiffForMatcher(left) case class DiffForMatcher[A: Diff](right: A) extends Matcher[A] { override def apply[S <: A](left: Expectable[S]): MatchResult[S] = { val diff = Diff[A] result( test = { diff.apply(left.value, right).isIdentical }, okMessage = "", koMessage = diff.apply(left.value, right) match { case c: DiffResultDifferent => case _ => "" }, left ) } } } object DiffMatcher extends DiffMatcher
Example 9
Source File: UserPassIT.scala From scala-vault with MIT License | 5 votes |
package janstenpickle.vault.auth import janstenpickle.vault.core.VaultSpec import janstenpickle.vault.manage.Auth import org.scalacheck.{Gen, Prop} import org.specs2.ScalaCheck import org.specs2.matcher.MatchResult class UserPassIT extends VaultSpec with ScalaCheck { import VaultSpec._ override def is = s2""" Can authenticate a user against a specific "client" path $authPass Fails to authenticate a user $end against a bad "client" path $badClient with a non-existent username $badUser with a bad password $badPassword """ lazy val underTest = UserPass(config.wsClient) lazy val authAdmin = Auth(config) lazy val userAdmin = janstenpickle.vault.manage.UserPass(config) def setupClient(client: String) = authAdmin.enable("userpass", Some(client)) .attemptRun(_.getMessage()) must beOk def setupUser(username: String, password: String, client: String) = userAdmin.create(username, password, 30, None, client) .attemptRun(_.getMessage()) def removeClient(client: String) = authAdmin.disable(client).attemptRun(_.getMessage()) must beOk def authPass = test((username, password, client, ttl) => setupClient(client) and (setupUser(username, password, client) must beOk) and (underTest.authenticate(username, password, ttl, client) .attemptRun(_.getMessage()) must beOk) and removeClient(client) ) // TODO: test below may fail rarely (e.g. client is same as badClientName) def badClient = test{ (username, password, client, ttl) => val badClientName = "nic-kim-cage-client" setupClient(badClientName) and (setupUser(username, password, client) must beFail) and (underTest.authenticate(username, password, ttl, client) .attemptRun(_.getMessage()) must beFail) and removeClient(badClientName) } def badUser = test{ (username, password, client, ttl) => val badUserName = "nic-kim-cage-user" setupClient(client) and (setupUser(username, password, client) must beOk) and (underTest.authenticate(badUserName, password, ttl, client) .attemptRun(_.getMessage()) must beFail) and removeClient(client) } def badPassword = test{ (username, password, client, ttl) => val badPasswordValue = "nic-kim-cage-password" setupClient(client) and (setupUser(username, password, client) must beOk) and (underTest.authenticate(username, badPasswordValue, ttl, client) .attemptRun(_.getMessage()) must beFail) and removeClient(client) } def test(op: (String, String, String, Int) => MatchResult[Any]) = Prop.forAllNoShrink( longerStrGen, longerStrGen, Gen.numStr.suchThat(_.nonEmpty), Gen.posNum[Int] )(op) }