play.api.libs.json.JsNull Scala Examples
The following examples show how to use play.api.libs.json.JsNull.
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Example 1
Source File: NpsDateSpec.scala From nisp-frontend with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import org.joda.time.LocalDate import play.api.libs.json.{JsNull, JsString, Json} import import class NpsDateSpec extends UnitSpec { "NpsDate" when { "JSON parsing" should { "return a JSError for null date" in { JsNull.validate[NpsDate].isError shouldBe true } } "JSON serialisation" should { "return JSString in correct format" in { Json.toJson(NpsDate(new LocalDate(2015,1,1))) shouldBe JsString("01/01/2015") } "deserialise works" in { Json.fromJson[NpsDate](JsString("01/01/2015")).get shouldBe NpsDate(new LocalDate(2015,1,1)) } } "taxYearEndDate" should { "return tax year end date" in { NpsDate.taxYearEndDate(2015) shouldBe NpsDate(2016, Constants.taxYearsStartEndMonth, Constants.taxYearEndDay) } } "taxYearStartDate" should { "return tax year start date" in { NpsDate.taxYearStartDate(2015) shouldBe NpsDate(2015, Constants.taxYearsStartEndMonth, Constants.taxYearStartDay) } } } }
Example 2
Source File: Migration.scala From Cortex with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
package org.thp.cortex.models import javax.inject.{Inject, Singleton} import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future} import scala.util.Success import play.api.Logger import play.api.libs.json.{JsNull, JsNumber, JsString, JsValue, Json} import{OrganizationSrv, UserSrv, WorkerSrv} import org.elastic4play.controllers.Fields import import{DatabaseState, IndexType, MigrationOperations, Operation} import org.elastic4play.utils.Hasher @Singleton class Migration @Inject()(userSrv: UserSrv, organizationSrv: OrganizationSrv, workerSrv: WorkerSrv, implicit val ec: ExecutionContext) extends MigrationOperations { lazy val logger = Logger(getClass) def beginMigration(version: Int): Future[Unit] = Future.successful(()) def endMigration(version: Int): Future[Unit] = userSrv.inInitAuthContext { implicit authContext ⇒ organizationSrv .create(Fields(Json.obj("name" → "cortex", "description" → "Default organization", "status" → "Active"))) .transform(_ ⇒ Success(())) // ignore errors (already exist) } override def indexType(version: Int): IndexType.Value = if (version > 3) IndexType.indexWithoutMappingTypes else IndexType.indexWithMappingTypes val operations: PartialFunction[DatabaseState, Seq[Operation]] = { case DatabaseState(1) ⇒ val hasher = Hasher("MD5") Seq( // add type to analyzer addAttribute("analyzer", "type" → JsString("analyzer")), renameAttribute("job", "workerDefinitionId", "analyzerDefinitionId"), renameAttribute("job", "workerId", "analyzerId"), renameAttribute("job", "workerName", "analyzerName"), addAttribute("job", "type" → JsString(WorkerType.analyzer.toString)), addAttribute("report", "operations" → JsString("[]")), renameEntity("analyzer", "worker"), renameAttribute("worker", "workerDefinitionId", "analyzerDefinitionId"), addAttribute("worker", "type" → JsString(WorkerType.analyzer.toString)), mapEntity("worker") { worker ⇒ val id = for { organizationId ← (worker \ "_parent").asOpt[String] name ← (worker \ "name").asOpt[String] tpe ← (worker \ "type").asOpt[String] } yield hasher.fromString(s"${organizationId}_${name}_$tpe").head.toString worker + ("_id" → JsString(id.getOrElse("<null>"))) }, renameEntity("analyzerConfig", "workerConfig"), addAttribute("workerConfig", "type" → JsString(WorkerType.analyzer.toString)) ) case DatabaseState(2) ⇒ Seq(mapEntity("worker") { worker ⇒ val definitionId = (worker \ "workerDefinitionId").asOpt[String] definitionId .flatMap(workerSrv.getDefinition(_).toOption) .fold { logger.warn(s"no definition found for worker ${definitionId.getOrElse(worker)}. You should probably have to disable and re-enable it") worker } { definition ⇒ worker + ("version" → JsString(definition.version)) + ("author" → JsString( + ("url" → JsString(definition.url)) + ("license" → JsString(definition.license)) + ("command" → definition.command.fold[JsValue](JsNull)(c ⇒ JsString(c.toString))) + ("dockerImage" → definition.dockerImage.fold[JsValue](JsNull)(JsString.apply)) + ("baseConfig" → definition.baseConfiguration.fold[JsValue](JsNull)(JsString.apply)) } }) case DatabaseState(3) ⇒ Seq( mapEntity("sequence") { seq ⇒ val oldId = (seq \ "_id").as[String] val counter = (seq \ "counter").as[JsNumber] seq - "counter" - "_routing" + ("_id" → JsString("sequence_" + oldId)) + ("sequenceCounter" → counter) } ) } }
Example 3
Source File: CrystallisationResource.scala From self-assessment-api with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package router.resources import javax.inject.Inject import play.api.libs.json.{JsNull, JsValue} import play.api.mvc.{Action, AnyContent, BodyParser, ControllerComponents} import router.constants.Versions import router.constants.Versions._ import{CrystallisationService, Service} import import class CrystallisationResource @Inject()(service: CrystallisationService, val cc: ControllerComponents, val authConnector: AuthConnector) extends BaseResource(cc, authConnector) with Service { def post(param: Any*): Action[JsValue] = AuthAction.async(parse.json) { implicit request => withJsonBody[JsValue] { { case Left(error) => buildErrorResponse(error) case Right(apiResponse) => buildResponse(apiResponse) } } } // Note that intent V1 requires empty JSON (i.e. {}) whereas V2 requires completely empty body. So we need to parse // accordingly these with the empty body parsed to JsNull private val jsonOrEmptyParser: BodyParser[JsValue] = parse.using { request => if (Versions.getFromRequest(request).contains(VERSION_1)) parse.json else => JsNull) } def intent(param: Any*): Action[JsValue] = AuthAction.async(jsonOrEmptyParser) { implicit request => withJsonBody[JsValue] { body => val serviceOutcome = body match { case JsNull => service.postEmpty case json => } { case Left(error) => buildErrorResponse(error) case Right(apiResponse) => buildResponse(apiResponse) } } } def get(param: Any*): Action[AnyContent] = { AuthAction.async { implicit request => service.get().map{ case Left(error) => buildErrorResponse(error) case Right(apiResponse) => buildResponse(apiResponse) } } } }
Example 4
Source File: HttpReadsLegacyInstances.scala From http-verbs with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import com.github.ghik.silencer.silent import play.api.libs.json import play.api.libs.json.{JsNull, JsValue} trait HttpReadsLegacyInstances extends HttpReadsLegacyOption with HttpReadsLegacyJson trait HttpReadsLegacyRawReads extends HttpErrorFunctions { @deprecated("Use instead. See README for differences.", "11.0.0") implicit val readRaw: HttpReads[HttpResponse] = new HttpReads[HttpResponse] { @silent("deprecated") def read(method: String, url: String, response: HttpResponse) = handleResponse(method, url)(response) } } object HttpReadsLegacyRawReads extends HttpReadsLegacyRawReads trait HttpReadsLegacyOption extends HttpErrorFunctions { @deprecated("Use instead. See README for differences.", "11.0.0") implicit def readOptionOf[P](implicit rds: HttpReads[P]): HttpReads[Option[P]] = new HttpReads[Option[P]] { def read(method: String, url: String, response: HttpResponse) = response.status match { case 204 | 404 => None case _ => Some(, url, response)) } } } trait HttpReadsLegacyJson extends HttpErrorFunctions { @deprecated("Use instead. See README for differences.", "11.0.0") implicit def readFromJson[O](implicit rds: json.Reads[O], mf: Manifest[O]): HttpReads[O] = new HttpReads[O] { def read(method: String, url: String, response: HttpResponse) = readJson(method, url, handleResponse(method, url)(response).json) } @deprecated("Use instead. See README for differences.", "11.0.0") def readSeqFromJsonProperty[O](name: String)(implicit rds: json.Reads[O], mf: Manifest[O]) = new HttpReads[Seq[O]] { def read(method: String, url: String, response: HttpResponse) = response.status match { case 204 | 404 => Seq.empty case _ => readJson[Seq[O]](method, url, (handleResponse(method, url)(response).json \ name).getOrElse(JsNull)) //Added JsNull here to force validate to fail - replicates existing behaviour } } private def readJson[A](method: String, url: String, jsValue: JsValue)(implicit rds: json.Reads[A], mf: Manifest[A]) = jsValue .validate[A] .fold( errs => throw new JsValidationException(method, url, mf.runtimeClass, errs.toString()), valid => valid ) }
Example 5
Source File: JSONBuilder.scala From mimir with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package mimir.util; import mimir.algebra.{PrimitiveValue,StringPrimitive,TypePrimitive}; import play.api.libs.json.JsString import play.api.libs.json.JsArray import play.api.libs.json.JsObject import play.api.libs.json.JsValue import play.api.libs.json.JsNumber import play.api.libs.json.JsNull import play.api.libs.json.JsBoolean import mimir.algebra.NullPrimitive import mimir.algebra.RowIdPrimitive import mimir.algebra.IntPrimitive import mimir.algebra.FloatPrimitive import mimir.algebra.BoolPrimitive import mimir.algebra.TimestampPrimitive import mimir.algebra.DatePrimitive object JSONBuilder { def list(content: Seq[Any]): String = listJs(content).toString() private def listJs(content: Seq[Any]): JsArray = JsArray( { el => value(el) }) def dict(content: Map[String,Any]): String = dictJs(content).toString() def dict(content: Seq[(String,Any)]): String = JsObject( (x) => x._1.toLowerCase() -> value(x._2))).toString() private def dictJs(content: Map[String,Any]): JsObject = JsObject( { el => el._1 -> value(el._2) } ) def string(content: String): String = { value(content).toString() } def int(content: Int): String = { value(content).toString() } def double(content: Double): String = { value(content).toString() } def boolean(content: Boolean): String = { value(content).toString() } def prim(content: PrimitiveValue) = { primJs(content).toString() } private def primJs(content: PrimitiveValue) = { content match { case StringPrimitive(s) => JsString(s) case TypePrimitive(t) => JsString(t.toString()) case NullPrimitive() => JsNull case RowIdPrimitive(s) => JsString(s) case IntPrimitive(i) => JsNumber(i) case FloatPrimitive(f) => JsNumber(f) case BoolPrimitive(b) => JsBoolean(b) case TimestampPrimitive(_,_,_,_,_,_,_) => JsString(content.asString) case DatePrimitive(_,_,_) => JsString(content.asString) case _ => JsString(content.toString()) } } private def value(content: Any): JsValue = { content match { case s:String => { try { play.api.libs.json.Json.parse(s) } catch { case t: Throwable => JsString(s) } } case null => JsNull case i:Int => JsNumber(i) case f:Float => JsNumber(f) case l:Long => JsNumber(l) case d:Double => JsNumber(d) case b:Boolean => JsBoolean(b) case seq:Seq[Any] => listJs(seq) case map:Map[_,_] => dictJs(map.asInstanceOf[Map[String,Any]]) case jsval:JsValue => jsval case prim:PrimitiveValue => primJs(prim) case _ => JsString(content.toString()) } } }
Example 6
Source File: Duration.scala From quick-plan with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.github.mgifos.workouts.model import com.github.mgifos.workouts.model.DistanceUnits.DistanceUnit import play.api.libs.json.{JsNull, JsObject, Json} sealed trait Duration { def json: JsObject } case class DistanceDuration(distance: Float, unit: DistanceUnit) extends Duration { override def json: JsObject = Json.obj( "endCondition" -> Json.obj("conditionTypeKey" -> "distance", "conditionTypeId" -> 3), "preferredEndConditionUnit" -> Json.obj("unitKey" -> unit.fullName), "endConditionValue" -> unit.toMeters(distance), "endConditionCompare" -> JsNull, "endConditionZone" -> JsNull ) } case class TimeDuration(minutes: Int = 0, seconds: Int = 0) extends Duration { override def json: JsObject = Json.obj( "endCondition" -> Json.obj("conditionTypeKey" -> "time", "conditionTypeId" -> 2), "preferredEndConditionUnit" -> JsNull, "endConditionValue" -> (minutes * 60 + seconds), "endConditionCompare" -> JsNull, "endConditionZone" -> JsNull ) } object LapButtonPressed extends Duration { override def json: JsObject = Json.obj( "endCondition" -> Json.obj("conditionTypeKey" -> "lap.button", "conditionTypeId" -> 1), "preferredEndConditionUnit" -> JsNull, "endConditionValue" -> JsNull, "endConditionCompare" -> JsNull, "endConditionZone" -> JsNull ) } object Duration { private val DistanceRx = """^(\d+([\.]\d+)?)\s*(km|mi|m)$""".r private val MinutesRx = """^(\d{1,3}):(\d{2})$""".r def parse(x: String): Duration = x match { case DistanceRx(quantity, _, uom) => DistanceDuration(quantity.toFloat, DistanceUnits.named(uom)) case MinutesRx(minutes, seconds) => TimeDuration(minutes = minutes.toInt, seconds = seconds.toInt) case "lap-button" => LapButtonPressed case _ => throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Duration cannot be parsed $x") } }
Example 7
Source File: TargetSpec.scala From quick-plan with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.github.mgifos.workouts.model import org.scalatest.{FlatSpec, Matchers} import com.github.mgifos.workouts.model.DistanceUnits._ import play.api.libs.json.{JsNull, Json} class TargetSpec extends FlatSpec with Matchers { implicit val msys = MeasurementSystems.metric "Target" should "parse correctly" in { a[IllegalArgumentException] should be thrownBy Target.parse("") Target.parse("z1") should be(HrZoneTarget(1)) Target.parse("z2") should be(HrZoneTarget(2)) val paceTarget = Target.parse("5:20-04:30").asInstanceOf[PaceTarget] paceTarget.from.minutes should be(5) should be(30) paceTarget should be(PaceTarget(Pace(msys.distance, "5:20"), Pace(msys.distance, "04:30"))) } "Target" should "parse pace UOMs correctly" in { val mpk = Target.parse("5:20-04:30 mpk").asInstanceOf[PaceTarget] mpk should be(PaceTarget(Pace(km, "5:20"), Pace(km, "04:30"))) val mpm = Target.parse("4:20-05:30 mpm").asInstanceOf[PaceTarget] mpm should be(PaceTarget(Pace(mi, "4:20"), Pace(mi, "05:30"))) mpm.from.speed should be(6.189784592848557D) a[IllegalArgumentException] should be thrownBy Target.parse("5:20-04:30 unknownUOM") } "Target" should "handle custom HR specification correctly" in { val hrcTarget = Target.parse("130-150 bpm").asInstanceOf[HrCustomTarget] hrcTarget should be(HrCustomTarget(130, 150)) hrcTarget.json should be( Json.obj( "targetType" -> Json.obj("workoutTargetTypeId" -> 4, "workoutTargetTypeKey" -> ""), "targetValueOne" -> 130, "targetValueTwo" -> 150, "zoneNumber" -> JsNull )) } "Target" should "handle custom POWER specification correctly" in { val powTarget = Target.parse("230-250 W").asInstanceOf[PowerCustomTarget] powTarget should be(PowerCustomTarget(230, 250)) powTarget.json should be( Json.obj( "targetType" -> Json.obj("workoutTargetTypeId" -> 2, "workoutTargetTypeKey" -> ""), "targetValueOne" -> 230, "targetValueTwo" -> 250, "zoneNumber" -> JsNull )) } "Target" should "handle custom CADENCE specification correctly" in { val cadenceTarget = Target.parse("80-90 rpm").asInstanceOf[CadenceCustomTarget] cadenceTarget should be(CadenceCustomTarget(80, 90)) cadenceTarget.json should be( Json.obj( "targetType" -> Json.obj("workoutTargetTypeId" -> 3, "workoutTargetTypeKey" -> ""), "targetValueOne" -> 80, "targetValueTwo" -> 90, "zoneNumber" -> JsNull )) } }