play.api.libs.json._ Scala Examples
The following examples show how to use play.api.libs.json._.
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Example 1
Source File: WsError.scala From matcher with MIT License | 5 votes |
package import cats.syntax.option._ import com.wavesplatform.dex.error.MatcherError import play.api.libs.functional.syntax._ import play.api.libs.json.{Format, _} case class WsError(timestamp: Long, code: Int, message: String) extends WsServerMessage { override def tpe: String = WsError.tpe } object WsError { val tpe = "e" def from(error: MatcherError, timestamp: Long): WsError = WsError( timestamp = timestamp, code = error.code, message = error.message.text ) def wsUnapply(arg: WsError): Option[(String, Long, Int, String)] = (arg.tpe, arg.timestamp, arg.code, arg.message).some implicit val wsErrorFormat: Format[WsError] = ( (__ \ "T").format[String] and (__ \ "_").format[Long] and (__ \ "c").format[Int] and (__ \ "m").format[String] )( (_, timestamp, code, message) => WsError(timestamp, code, message), unlift(WsError.wsUnapply) ) }
Example 2
Source File: WsInitial.scala From matcher with MIT License | 5 votes |
package import cats.syntax.option._ import play.api.libs.functional.syntax._ import play.api.libs.json.{Format, _} case class WsInitial(connectionId: String, timestamp: Long) extends WsServerMessage { override def tpe: String = WsInitial.tpe } object WsInitial { val tpe = "i" def wsUnapply(arg: WsInitial): Option[(String, Long, String)] = (arg.tpe, arg.timestamp, arg.connectionId).some implicit val wsInitialFormat: Format[WsInitial] = ( (__ \ "T").format[String] and (__ \ "_").format[Long] and (__ \ "i").format[String] )( (_, timestamp, connectionId) => WsInitial(connectionId, timestamp), unlift(WsInitial.wsUnapply) ) }
Example 3
Source File: HttpV1LevelAgg.scala From matcher with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.wavesplatform.dex.api.http.entities import com.wavesplatform.dex.domain.asset.AssetPair import com.wavesplatform.dex.domain.model.Denormalization import com.wavesplatform.dex.error.ErrorFormatterContext import com.wavesplatform.dex.json import com.wavesplatform.dex.model.LevelAgg import io.swagger.annotations.ApiModelProperty import play.api.libs.json.{Format, JsArray, _} case class HttpV1LevelAgg(@ApiModelProperty( dataType = "string", example = "831.87648950" ) amount: Double, @ApiModelProperty( dataType = "string", example = "0.00012079" ) price: Double) object HttpV1LevelAgg { implicit val doubleFormat: Format[Double] = json.stringAsDoubleFormat implicit val httpV1LevelAggReads: Reads[HttpV1LevelAgg] = Reads { case JsArray(value) if value.lengthCompare(2) == 0 => JsSuccess(HttpV1LevelAgg(value(1).as[Double], value(0).as[Double])) case x => JsError(s"Cannot parse $x as ApiV1LevelAgg") } def fromLevelAgg(la: LevelAgg, assetPair: AssetPair)(implicit efc: ErrorFormatterContext): HttpV1LevelAgg = HttpV1LevelAgg( Denormalization.denormalizeAmountAndFee(la.amount, efc.assetDecimals(assetPair.amountAsset)).toDouble, Denormalization.denormalizePrice(la.price, efc.assetDecimals(assetPair.amountAsset), efc.assetDecimals(assetPair.priceAsset)).toDouble ) }
Example 4
Source File: NrsSubmissionHttpParser.scala From vat-api with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import play.api.Logger import play.api.http.Status._ import play.api.libs.json.{Json, Reads, Writes, _} import{HttpReads, HttpResponse} object NrsSubmissionHttpParser { val logger: Logger = Logger(this.getClass) type NrsSubmissionOutcome = Either[NrsSubmissionFailure, NRSData] implicit object NrsSubmissionOutcomeReads extends HttpReads[NrsSubmissionOutcome] { override def read(method: String, url: String, response: HttpResponse): NrsSubmissionOutcome = { logger.debug(s"[NrsSubmissionHttpParser][#reads] - Reading NRS Response") response.status match { case BAD_REQUEST => logger.warn(s"[NrsSubmissionHttpParser][#reads] - BAD_REQUEST status from NRS Response") Left(NrsError) case ACCEPTED => response.json.validate[NRSData].fold( invalid => { logger.warn(s"[NrsSubmissionHttpParser][#reads] - Error reading NRS Response: $invalid") Left(NrsError) }, valid => { logger.debug(s"[NrsSubmissionHttpParser][#reads] - Retrieved NRS Data: $valid") Right(valid) } ) case e => logger.debug(s"[NrsSubmissionHttpParser][#reads] - Retrieved NRS status : $e") Right(EmptyNrsData) } } } } sealed trait NrsSubmissionFailure case class NRSData(nrSubmissionId: String, cadesTSignature: String, timestamp: String ) object EmptyNrsData extends NRSData("", "This has been deprecated - DO NOT USE", "") object NRSData { implicit val writes: Writes[NRSData] = Json.writes[NRSData] implicit val reads: Reads[NRSData] = { (__ \ "nrSubmissionId").read[String].map { id => NRSData.apply(id, "This has been deprecated - DO NOT USE", "") } } } case object NrsError extends NrsSubmissionFailure
Example 5
Source File: RestFormatsSpec.scala From http-verbs with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import org.joda.time.{DateTime, DateTimeZone, LocalDate, LocalDateTime} import org.scalatest.wordspec.AnyWordSpecLike import org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers import play.api.libs.json.{JsSuccess, _} class RestFormatsSpec extends AnyWordSpecLike with Matchers { "localDateTimeRead" should { "return a LocalDateTime for correctly formatted JsString" in { val testDate = new LocalDateTime(0) val jsValue = RestFormats.localDateTimeWrite.writes(testDate) val JsSuccess(result, _) = RestFormats.localDateTimeRead.reads(jsValue) result shouldBe testDate } "return a JsError for a json value that is not a JsString" in { RestFormats.localDateTimeRead.reads(Json.obj()) shouldBe a[JsError] } "return a JsError for a JsString that is not a well-formatted date" in { RestFormats.localDateTimeRead.reads(JsString("not a valid date")) shouldBe a[JsError] } } "dateTimeRead" should { "return a DateTime in zone UTC for correctly formatted JsString" in { val testDate = new DateTime(0) val jsValue = RestFormats.dateTimeWrite.writes(testDate) val JsSuccess(result, _) = RestFormats.dateTimeRead.reads(jsValue) result shouldBe testDate.withZone(DateTimeZone.UTC) } "return a JsError for a json value that is not a JsString" in { RestFormats.dateTimeRead.reads(Json.obj()) shouldBe a[JsError] } "return a JsError for a JsString that is not a well-formatted date" in { RestFormats.dateTimeRead.reads(JsString("not a valid date")) shouldBe a[JsError] } } "localDateRead" should { "return a LocalDate in zone UTC for correctly formatted JsString" in { val json = JsString("1994-05-01") val expectedDate = new LocalDate(1994, 5, 1) val JsSuccess(result, _) = RestFormats.localDateRead.reads(json) result shouldBe expectedDate } "return a JsError for a json value that is not a JsString" in { RestFormats.localDateRead.reads(Json.obj()) shouldBe a[JsError] } "return a JsError for a JsString that is not a well-formatted date" in { RestFormats.localDateRead.reads(JsString("not a valid date")) shouldBe a[JsError] } "return a JsError for a JsString that is well formatted but has bad values" in { RestFormats.localDateRead.reads(JsString("1994-13-32")) shouldBe a[JsError] } } }
Example 6
Source File: EndpointSubscriberService.scala From HAT2.0 with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
package org.hatdex.hat.api.service.monitoring import org.hatdex.hat.api.models._ import org.hatdex.hat.api.service.richData.JsonDataTransformer import org.joda.time.DateTime import play.api.Logger import play.api.libs.json.Reads._ import play.api.libs.json.{ JsArray, JsValue, Json, _ } case class EndpointQueryException(message: String = "", cause: Throwable = None.orNull) extends Exception(message, cause) object EndpointSubscriberService { private val logger = Logger(this.getClass) def matchesBundle(data: EndpointData, bundle: EndpointDataBundle): Boolean = { val endpointQueries = bundle.flatEndpointQueries .filter(_.endpoint == data.endpoint) endpointQueries collectFirst { case q if q.filters.isEmpty => true case q if q.filters.exists(dataMatchesFilters(data, _)) => true } getOrElse { false } } private implicit val dateReads: Reads[DateTime] = JodaReads.jodaDateReads("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssZ") private def dataMatchesFilters(data: EndpointData, filters: Seq[EndpointQueryFilter]): Boolean = { logger.debug("Checking if data matches provided filters") filters.exists { f => invalid = { _ => false }, valid = { fieldData => val data = f.transformation map { case _: FieldTransformation.Identity => fieldData case trans: FieldTransformation.DateTimeExtract => Json.toJson(dateTimeExtractPart([DateTime](dateReads), trans.part)) case trans: FieldTransformation.TimestampExtract => Json.toJson(dateTimeExtractPart(new DateTime([Long] * 1000L), trans.part)) case trans => throw EndpointQueryException(s"Invalid field transformation `${trans.getClass.getName}` for ongoing tracking") } getOrElse { fieldData } f.operator match { case op: FilterOperator.In => jsContains(op.value, data) case op: FilterOperator.Contains => jsContains(data, op.value) case op: FilterOperator.Between => jsLessThanOrEqual(op.lower, data) && jsLessThanOrEqual(data, op.upper) case op => throw EndpointQueryException(s"Invalid match operator `${op.getClass.getName}` for ongoing tracking") } }) } } private def dateTimeExtractPart(d: DateTime, part: String): Int = { part match { case "milliseconds" => d.getMillisOfSecond case "second" => d.getSecondOfMinute case "minute" => d.getMinuteOfDay case "hour" => d.getHourOfDay case "day" => d.getDayOfMonth case "week" => d.getWeekOfWeekyear case "month" => d.getMonthOfYear case "year" => d.getYear case "decade" => d.getYear / 10 case "century" => d.getCenturyOfEra case "dow" => d.getDayOfWeek case "doy" => d.getDayOfYear case "epoch" => (d.getMillis / 1000).toInt } } private def jsContains(contains: JsValue, contained: JsValue): Boolean = { (contains, contained) match { case (a: JsObject, b: JsObject) => b.fieldSet.subsetOf(a.fieldSet) case (a: JsArray, b: JsArray) => a.value.containsSlice(b.value) case (a: JsArray, b: JsValue) => a.value.contains(b) case (a: JsValue, b: JsValue) => a == b case _ => false } } private def jsLessThanOrEqual(a: JsValue, b: JsValue): Boolean = { (a, b) match { case (aa: JsNumber, bb: JsNumber) => aa.value <= bb.value case (aa: JsString, bb: JsString) => aa.value <= bb.value case _ => false } } }
Example 7
Source File: LoginDetails.scala From HAT2.0 with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
package org.hatdex.hat.phata.models import me.gosimple.nbvcxz._ import play.api.libs.functional.syntax._ import play.api.libs.json.{ JsError, _ } import scala.collection.JavaConverters._ case class ApiPasswordChange( newPassword: String, password: Option[String]) object ApiPasswordChange { private val nbvcxzDictionaryList = resources.ConfigurationBuilder.getDefaultDictionaries private val nbvcxzConfiguration = new resources.ConfigurationBuilder() .setMinimumEntropy(40d) .setDictionaries(nbvcxzDictionaryList) .createConfiguration() private val nbvcxz = new Nbvcxz(nbvcxzConfiguration) private def passwordGuessesToScore(guesses: BigDecimal) = { val DELTA = 5 if (guesses < 1e3 + DELTA) { 0 } else if (guesses < 1e6 + DELTA) { 1 } else if (guesses < 1e8 + DELTA) { 2 } else if (guesses < 1e10 + DELTA) { 3 } else { 4 } } def passwordStrength(implicit reads: Reads[String]): Reads[String] = Reads[String] { js => reads.reads(js) .flatMap { a => val estimate = nbvcxz.estimate(a) if (passwordGuessesToScore(estimate.getGuesses) >= 2) { JsSuccess(a) } else { JsError(JsonValidationError( "Minimum password requirement strength not met", estimate.getFeedback.getSuggestion.asScala.toList: _*)) } } } implicit val passwordChangeApiReads: Reads[ApiPasswordChange] = ( (JsPath \ "newPassword").read[String](passwordStrength) and (JsPath \ "password").readNullable[String])(ApiPasswordChange.apply _) implicit val passwordChangeApiWrites: Writes[ApiPasswordChange] = Json.format[ApiPasswordChange] } case class ApiPasswordResetRequest( email: String) object ApiPasswordResetRequest { implicit val passwordResetApiReads: Reads[ApiPasswordResetRequest] = (__ \ 'email).read[String]( { email => ApiPasswordResetRequest(email) } implicit val passwordResetApiWrites: Writes[ApiPasswordResetRequest] = Json.format[ApiPasswordResetRequest] }
Example 8
Source File: AggregationTests.scala From CM-Well with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import com.typesafe.scalalogging.LazyLogging import org.scalatest.{AsyncFunSpec, Inspectors, Matchers} import play.api.libs.json.{JsValue, _} import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer import scala.concurrent.duration._ class AggregationTests extends AsyncFunSpec with Matchers with Inspectors with Helpers with LazyLogging { describe("Agg API should") { val agg ="/agg/aggnames_293846.nq")) val ingestAgg = {, agg.mkString, Some("text/nquads;charset=UTF-8"), List("format" -> "nquads"), tokenHeader) }.map { res => withClue(res) { res.status should be(200) jsonSuccessPruner(Json.parse(res.payload)) shouldEqual jsonSuccess } } agg.close() val path = cmw / "" / "Test201903_05_1501_11" / "testStatsApiTerms" val aggForIntField = executeAfterCompletion(ingestAgg) { spinCheck(100.millis, true)(Http.get( uri = path, queryParams = List("op" -> "stats", "format" -> "json", "ap" -> "type:term,field::$$,size:3"))) { r => (Json.parse(r.payload) \ "AggregationResponse" \\ "buckets": @unchecked) match { case n: collection.IndexedSeq[JsValue] => (r.status == 200) && n.forall(jsonval=>[JsArray].value.size == 3) } }.map { res => withClue(res) { res.status should be(200) val total = (Json.parse(res.payload) \ "AggregationResponse" \\ "buckets").map(jsonval=>[JsArray].value.size) total should equal (ArrayBuffer(3)) } } } val aggForExactTextField = executeAfterCompletion(ingestAgg) { spinCheck(100.millis, true)(Http.get( uri = path, queryParams = List("op" -> "stats", "format" -> "json", "ap" -> "type:term,field::$$,size:2"))) { r => (Json.parse(r.payload) \ "AggregationResponse" \\ "buckets": @unchecked) match { case n: collection.IndexedSeq[JsValue] => (r.status == 200) && n.forall(jsonval=>[JsArray].value.size == 2) } }.map { res => withClue(res) { res.status should be(200) val total = (Json.parse(res.payload) \ "AggregationResponse" \\ "buckets").map(jsonval=>[JsArray].value.size) total should equal (ArrayBuffer(2)) } } } val badQueryNonExactTextMatch = executeAfterCompletion(ingestAgg) { spinCheck(100.millis, true)(Http.get( uri = path, queryParams = List("op" -> "stats", "format" -> "json", "ap" -> "type:term,field:$$,size:2"))) { r => Json.parse(r.payload).toString() .contains("Stats API does not support non-exact value operator for text fields. Please use :: instead of :") && r.status == 400 }.map { res => withClue(res) { res.status should be(400) val result = (Json.parse(res.payload) \ "error").as[String] result should include ("Stats API does not support non-exact value operator for text fields. Please use :: instead of :") } } } it("ingest aggnames data successfully")(ingestAgg) it("get stats for int field")(aggForIntField) it("get exact stats for string field")(aggForExactTextField) it("get stats for non exact string field should be bad response")(badQueryNonExactTextMatch) } }