play.twirl.api.Html Scala Examples
The following examples show how to use play.twirl.api.Html.
You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like,
and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example.
Example 1
Source File: LagomMarkdownTheme.scala From lagom with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package lagom import com.lightbend.markdown.theme.MarkdownTheme import play.doc.Toc import play.doc.TocTree import play.twirl.api.Html object LagomMarkdownTheme extends MarkdownTheme { override def renderPage( projectName: Option[String], title: Option[String], home: String, content: Html, sidebar: Option[Html], breadcrumbs: Option[Html], apiDocs: Seq[(String, String)], sourceUrl: Option[String] ): Html = html.documentation(projectName, title, home, content, sidebar, breadcrumbs, apiDocs, sourceUrl) override def renderNextLinks(nextLinks: List[TocTree]): Html = html.nextLinks(nextLinks) override def renderSidebar(hierarchy: List[Toc]): Html = html.sidebar(hierarchy) override def renderBreadcrumbs(hierarchy: List[Toc]): Html = html.breadcrumbs(hierarchy) }
Example 2
Source File: PlayUtils.scala From scalingua with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import play.api.mvc.RequestHeader import play.twirl.api.Html import ru.makkarpov.scalingua._ import scala.language.experimental.macros object PlayUtils { class StringInterpolator(val sc: StringContext) extends AnyVal { def h(args: Any*)(implicit lang: Language, outputFormat: OutputFormat[Html]): Html = macro Macros.interpolate[Html] def lh(args: Any*)(implicit outputFormat: OutputFormat[Html]): LValue[Html] = macro Macros.lazyInterpolate[Html] def ph(args: Any*)(implicit lang: Language, outputFormat: OutputFormat[Html]): Html = macro Macros.pluralInterpolate[Html] def lph(args: Any*)(outputFormat: OutputFormat[Html]): LValue[Html] = macro Macros.lazyPluralInterpolate[Html] } // Modified to match only correct doubles private val qPattern = ";\\s*q=((?:[0-9]+\\.)?[0-9]+)".r def languageFromAccept(accept: String)(implicit msg: Messages): Language = { val langs = (for { value0 <- accept.split(',') value = value0.trim } yield { qPattern.findFirstMatchIn(value) match { case Some(m) => (BigDecimal(, m.before.toString) case None => (BigDecimal(1.0), value) // “The default value is q=1.” } }).sortBy(-_._1).iterator while (langs.hasNext) { val (_, id) = val lng = LanguageId.get(id) if (lng.isDefined && msg.contains(lng.get)) return msg(lng.get) } Language.English } }
Example 3
Source File: I18n.scala From scalingua with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import play.api.http.HeaderNames import play.api.mvc.RequestHeader import play.twirl.api.Html import ru.makkarpov.scalingua import ru.makkarpov.scalingua._ import scala.language.experimental.macros import scala.language.implicitConversions trait I18n extends scalingua.I18n { type LHtml = LValue[Html] implicit val htmlOutputFormat = new OutputFormat[Html] { override def convert(s: String): Html = Html(s) override def escape(s: String): String = { val ret = new StringBuilder var i = 0 ret.sizeHint(s.length) while (i < s.length) { s.charAt(i) match { case '<' => ret.append("<") case '>' => ret.append(">") case '"' => ret.append(""") case '\'' => ret.append("'") case '&' => ret.append("&") case c => ret += c } i += 1 } ret.result() } } // The conversion from `RequestHeader` to `LanguageId` will imply information loss: // Suppose browser sent the following language precedence list `xx_YY`, `zz_WW`, `en_US`. // This conversion will have no information about available languages, so it will result in // `LanguageId("xx", "YY")` even if this language is absent. By supplying implicit `Messages` // too, we will have enough information to skip unsupported languages and return supported // one with respect to priority. implicit def requestHeader2Language(implicit rq: RequestHeader, msg: Messages): Language = rq.headers.get(HeaderNames.ACCEPT_LANGUAGE).map(PlayUtils.languageFromAccept).getOrElse(Language.English) implicit def stringContext2Interpolator1(sc: StringContext): PlayUtils.StringInterpolator = new PlayUtils.StringInterpolator(sc) def th(msg: String, args: (String, Any)*)(implicit lang: Language, outputFormat: OutputFormat[Html]): Html = macro Macros.singular[Html] def lth(msg: String, args: (String, Any)*)(implicit outputFormat: OutputFormat[Html]): LHtml = macro Macros.lazySingular[Html] def tch(ctx: String, msg: String, args: (String, Any)*)(implicit lang: Language, outputFormat: OutputFormat[Html]): Html = macro Macros.singularCtx[Html] def ltch(ctx: String, msg: String, args: (String, Any)*)(implicit outputFormat: OutputFormat[Html]): LHtml = macro Macros.lazySingularCtx[Html] def p(msg: String, msgPlural: String, n: Long, args: (String, Any)*) (implicit lang: Language, outputFormat: OutputFormat[Html]): Html = macro Macros.plural[Html] def lp(msg: String, msgPlural: String, n: Long, args: (String, Any)*) (implicit outputFormat: OutputFormat[Html]): LHtml = macro Macros.lazyPlural[Html] def pc(ctx: String, msg: String, msgPlural: String, n: Long, args: (String, Any)*) (implicit lang: Language, outputFormat: OutputFormat[Html]): Html = macro Macros.pluralCtx[Html] def lpc(ctx: String, msg: String, msgPlural: String, n: Long, args: (String, Any)*) (implicit outputFormat: OutputFormat[Html]): LHtml = macro Macros.lazyPluralCtx[Html] } object I18n extends I18n
Example 4
Source File: Mailer.scala From HAT2.0 with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
package org.hatdex.hat.utils import javax.inject.Inject import akka.Done import import org.hatdex.hat.api.service.RemoteExecutionContext import org.hatdex.hat.authentication.models.HatUser import org.hatdex.hat.phata.views import org.hatdex.hat.resourceManagement.HatServer import play.api.i18n.{ Lang, Messages, MessagesApi } import play.api.libs.mailer.{ Email, MailerClient } import play.api.mvc.RequestHeader import play.api.{ Configuration, UsefulException } import play.twirl.api.Html import scala.concurrent.{ ExecutionContext, Future } trait Mailer { protected val configuration: Configuration protected val system: ActorSystem protected val mailerClient: MailerClient import scala.language.implicitConversions implicit def html2String(html: Html): String = html.toString def serverErrorNotify(request: RequestHeader, exception: UsefulException)(implicit m: Messages): Done def serverExceptionNotify(request: RequestHeader, exception: Throwable)(implicit m: Messages): Done def sendEmail(recipients: String*)(from: String, subject: String, bodyHtml: String, bodyText: String)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[Done] = { Future(mailerClient.send(Email(subject, from, recipients, Some(bodyText), Some(bodyHtml)))) .map(_ => Done) } } trait HatMailer extends Mailer { def serverErrorNotify(request: RequestHeader, exception: UsefulException)(implicit m: Messages): Done def serverExceptionNotify(request: RequestHeader, exception: Throwable)(implicit m: Messages): Done def passwordReset(email: String, user: HatUser, resetLink: String)(implicit m: Messages, server: HatServer): Done def passwordChanged(email: String, user: HatUser)(implicit m: Messages, server: HatServer): Done def claimHat(email: String, claimLink: String, maybePartnerDetails: Option[(String, String)])(implicit m: MessagesApi, l: Lang, server: HatServer): Done } class HatMailerImpl @Inject() ( val configuration: Configuration, val system: ActorSystem, val mailerClient: MailerClient)(implicit ec: RemoteExecutionContext) extends HatMailer { private val emailFrom = configuration.get[String]("play.mailer.from") private val adminEmails = configuration.get[Seq[String]]("exchange.admin") def serverErrorNotify(request: RequestHeader, exception: UsefulException)(implicit m: Messages): Done = { sendEmail(adminEmails: _*)( from = emailFrom, subject = s"HAT server ${} error #${}", bodyHtml = views.html.mails.emailServerError(request, exception), bodyText = views.html.mails.emailServerError(request, exception).toString()) Done } def serverExceptionNotify(request: RequestHeader, exception: Throwable)(implicit m: Messages): Done = { sendEmail(adminEmails: _*)( from = emailFrom, subject = s"HAT server ${} error: ${exception.getMessage} for ${request.path + request.rawQueryString}", bodyHtml = views.html.mails.emailServerThrowable(request, exception), bodyText = views.html.mails.emailServerThrowable(request, exception).toString()) Done } def passwordReset(email: String, user: HatUser, resetLink: String)(implicit m: Messages, server: HatServer): Done = { sendEmail(email)( from = emailFrom, subject = s"HAT ${server.domain} - reset your password", bodyHtml = views.html.mails.emailPasswordReset(user, server.domain, resetLink), bodyText = views.txt.mails.emailPasswordReset(user, server.domain, resetLink).toString()) Done } def passwordChanged(email: String, user: HatUser)(implicit m: Messages, server: HatServer): Done = { sendEmail(email)( from = emailFrom, subject = s"HAT ${server.domain} - password changed", bodyHtml = views.html.mails.emailPasswordChanged(user, server.domain), bodyText = views.txt.mails.emailPasswordChanged(user, server.domain).toString()) Done } def claimHat(email: String, claimLink: String, maybePartnerDetails: Option[(String, String)])(implicit m: MessagesApi, l: Lang, server: HatServer): Done = { sendEmail(email)( from = "[email protected]", subject = m("email.hatclaim.subject","")), bodyHtml = views.html.mails.emailHatClaim(server.domain, claimLink, maybePartnerDetails), bodyText = views.txt.mails.emailHatClaim(server.domain, claimLink, Done } }
Example 5
Source File: RestResource.scala From pizza-auth-3 with MIT License | 5 votes |
package import import import{PilotGrader, UserDatabase, BroadcastService} import BroadcastService._ import import import org.http4s.{HttpService, _} import org.http4s.dsl.{Root, _} import org.http4s.server._ import org.http4s.server.staticcontent.ResourceService import org.http4s.server.syntax.ServiceOps import org.joda.time.DateTime import play.twirl.api.Html import import import org.http4s.twirl._ import scala.concurrent.Future import scala.util.Try import scalaz._ import Scalaz._ import scala.util.{Success => TSuccess} import scala.util.{Failure => TFailure} import scala.concurrent.duration._ import scala.concurrent.Await import import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory import import io.circe.syntax._ import org.http4s.circe._ import io.circe.Json import io.circe.generic.JsonCodec class RestResource(fullconfig: ConfigFile, graders: PilotGrader, portnumber: Int = 9021, ud: UserDatabase, crestapi: Option[CrestApi] = None, eve: Option[EVEAPI] = None, mapper: Option[EveMapDb] = None, updater: Option[Update] = None, broadcasters: List[BroadcastService] = List.empty[BroadcastService]) { case class ApiError(`type`: String, message: String) case class PingRequest(message: String, from: String, to: String) case class PingResponse(total: Int) def resource = HttpService { case req @ GET -> Root / "api" / "v1" / "ping" / "group" / group => { req.decode[Json] { p =>[PingRequest] match { case Left(failure) => BadRequest(ApiError( "bad_post_body", "Unable to process your post body, please format it correctly").asJson) case Right(pingreq) => val users = ud.getUsers(s"authgroup=${group}") val templatedMessage = templates.txt.broadcast(pingreq.message,, pingreq.from, val sendreqs = ud.sendGroupAnnouncement(broadcasters, templatedMessage.toString(), pingreq.from, users) val r = Await.result(Future.sequence(sendreqs), 2 seconds).sum Ok(PingResponse(r).asJson) } } } } }
Example 6
Source File: PlantUMLRenderer.scala From gitbucket-plantuml-plugin with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.yotaichino.gitbucket.plugins.plantuml import gitbucket.core.plugin.Renderer import gitbucket.core.plugin.RenderRequest import gitbucket.core.util.StringUtil import java.nio.charset.Charset import java.util.Base64 import play.twirl.api.Html class PlantUMLRenderer extends Renderer { override def render(request: RenderRequest): Html = { Html(imgEmbedded(request.fileContent)) } def imgEmbedded(content: String): String = { val raw = PlantUMLUtils.generateSVGImage(content) raw match { case null => { val c = StringUtil.escapeHtml(content) s"""<pre class="prettyprint linenums blob">$c</pre>""" } case _ => { val src = Base64.getEncoder.encodeToString(raw) s"""<img src="data:image/svg+xml;charset=utf-8;base64,$src">""" } } } }
Example 7
Source File: Generator.scala From play-soap with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import import java.util.Collections import import org.pegdown.ast.WikiLinkNode import org.pegdown.VerbatimSerializer import org.pegdown.LinkRenderer import org.pegdown.Extensions import org.pegdown.PegDownProcessor import play.doc.PrettifyVerbatimSerializer import play.twirl.api.Html object Generator extends App { val outDir = new File(args(0)) val inDir = new File(args(1)) val inPages = args.drop(2) val parser = new PegDownProcessor(Extensions.ALL) val linkRenderer = new LinkRenderer { import LinkRenderer.Rendering override def render(node: WikiLinkNode) = { node.getText.split("\\|", 2) match { case Array(name) => new Rendering(name + ".html", name) case Array(title, name) => new Rendering(name + ".html", title) case _ => new Rendering(node.getText + ".html", node.getText) } } } val verbatimSerializer = Collections.singletonMap[String, VerbatimSerializer](VerbatimSerializer.DEFAULT, PrettifyVerbatimSerializer) val nav = Seq( "Home" -> "Home", "Using sbt WSDL" -> "SbtWsdl", "Using the Play SOAP client" -> "PlaySoapClient", "Using JAX WS Handlers" -> "Handlers", "Security" -> "Security" ) val titleMap = => t._2 -> t._1).toMap // Ensure target directory exists outDir.mkdirs() inPages.foreach { name => val inFile = new File(inDir, name + ".md") val markdown = FileUtils.readFileToString(inFile) val htmlSnippet = parser.markdownToHtml(markdown, linkRenderer, verbatimSerializer) val title = titleMap.get(name) val htmlPage = html.template(title, nav)(Html(htmlSnippet)) FileUtils.writeStringToFile(new File(outDir, name + ".html"), htmlPage.body) } }
Example 8
Source File: FooterLinksSpec.scala From play-ui with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import org.jsoup.Jsoup import org.scalatest.{Matchers, WordSpec} import play.api.i18n.Lang import play.api.test.Helpers._ import play.twirl.api.Html import import play.api.i18n.Messages.Implicits._ import play.api.inject.guice.GuiceApplicationBuilder import java.util.{List => JavaList} import scala.collection.JavaConverters._ import scala.collection.immutable.List class FooterLinksSpec extends WordSpec with Matchers { implicit val application = new GuiceApplicationBuilder() .configure(Map("play.i18n.langs" -> List("en", "cy"))) .build() val englishLinkTextEntries: JavaList[String] = List( "Cookies", "Privacy policy", "Terms and conditions", "Help using GOV.UK" ).asJava val welshLinkTextEntries: JavaList[String] = List( "Cwcis", "Polisi preifatrwydd", "Telerau ac Amodau", "Help wrth ddefnyddio GOV.UK" ).asJava "The footerLinks in English" should { val footerLinks = new FooterLinks() implicit val lang = Lang("en") val content = contentAsString(footerLinks()) val document = Jsoup.parse(content) val links = document.getElementsByTag("a") "include visually hidden h2 text in English" in { implicit val lang = Lang("en") val content = contentAsString(footerLinks()) content should include("<h2 class=\"visually-hidden\">Support links</h2>") } "Have the correct link text in English" in { links.eachText() should be(englishLinkTextEntries) } } "The footerLinks in Welsh" should { val footerLinks = new FooterLinks() implicit val lang = Lang("cy") val content = contentAsString(footerLinks()) val document = Jsoup.parse(content) val links = document.getElementsByTag("a") "include visually hidden h2 text in Welsh" in { content should include("<h2 class=\"visually-hidden\">Cysylltiadau cymorth</h2>") } "Have the correct link text in Welsh" in { links.eachText() should be(welshLinkTextEntries) } } }
Example 9
Source File: HeadSpec.scala From play-ui with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import org.scalatest.{Matchers, WordSpec} import play.api.test.Helpers.{contentAsString, defaultAwaitTimeout} import play.twirl.api.Html import import{GTMSnippet, Head, OptimizelySnippet} import class HeadSpec extends WordSpec with Matchers with NoStartedPlayApp { "head" should { "be renderable without a started Play application" in { thereShouldBeNoStartedPlayApp() val head = new Head( new OptimizelySnippet(testOptimizelyConfig), testAssetsConfig, new GTMSnippet(testGTMConfig) ) val rendered = contentAsString(head(linkElem = None, headScripts = Some(Html("head was rendered")))) rendered should include("head was rendered") } } }
Example 10
Source File: FooterSpec.scala From play-ui with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import org.scalatest.{Matchers, WordSpec} import play.api.test.Helpers.{contentAsString, defaultAwaitTimeout} import play.twirl.api.Html import import import class FooterSpec extends WordSpec with Matchers with NoStartedPlayApp { "footer" should { val footer = new Footer(testAssetsConfig) "be renderable without a started Play application" in { thereShouldBeNoStartedPlayApp() val rendered = contentAsString( footer( analyticsToken = None, analyticsHost = "", ssoUrl = None, scriptElem = Some(Html("footer was rendered")), gaCalls = None)) rendered should include("footer was rendered") } "remove the query string by default from the page data item" in { val rendered = contentAsString( footer( analyticsToken = Some("TESTTOKEN"), analyticsHost = "localhost", ssoUrl = Some("localhost"), scriptElem = None, gaCalls = None)) rendered should include("ga('set', 'page', location.pathname);") } "allow the query string by exception in the page data item" in { val rendered = contentAsString( footer( analyticsToken = Some("TESTTOKEN"), analyticsHost = "localhost", ssoUrl = Some("localhost"), scriptElem = None, allowQueryStringInAnalytics = true, gaCalls = None)) rendered should not include "ga('set', 'page', location.pathname);" } } }
Example 11
Source File: GTMSnippetSpec.scala From play-ui with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import org.jsoup.Jsoup import org.scalatest.prop.PropertyChecks import org.scalatest.{Matchers, WordSpec} import play.api.Configuration import play.api.test.Helpers._ import play.twirl.api.Html import import import scala.collection.JavaConverters._ class GTMSnippetSpec extends WordSpec with Matchers with PropertyChecks { "gtmSnippet" should { "include script tag with appropriate URL for container if gtm.container is defined" in { val transitionalUrl = "http://s3bucket/transitional/gtm.js" val mainUrl = "http://s3bucket/main/gtm.js" val dataLayerUrl = "http://s3bucket/include/gtm_dl.js" val containersAndUrls = Table( ("container", "url"), ("transitional", transitionalUrl), ("main", mainUrl) ) forAll(containersAndUrls) { (container: String, url: String) => val snippet = createSnippet( container = Some(container), mainUrl = Some(mainUrl), transitionalUrl = Some(transitionalUrl), dataLayerUrl = Some(dataLayerUrl)) script(snippet()) should contain(s"$url") script(snippet()) should contain(s"$dataLayerUrl") } } "not include script tag if gtm.container is not defined" in { val snippet = createSnippet(None, None, None, None) script(snippet()) shouldBe empty } } private def createSnippet( container: Option[String], mainUrl: Option[String], transitionalUrl: Option[String], dataLayerUrl: Option[String]): GTMSnippet = { val config = new GTMConfig( Configuration( Seq("gtm.container" -> _),"gtm.main.url" -> _),"gtm.transitional.url" -> _),"" -> _) ).flatten: _*)) new GTMSnippet(config) } private def script(html: Html): List[String] = { val content = contentAsString(html) val document = Jsoup.parse(content) document .head() .select("script") .iterator() .asScala .toList .map(_.attr("src")) } }
Example 12
Source File: ServiceInfoSpec.scala From play-ui with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import org.scalatest.{Matchers, WordSpec} import play.twirl.api.Html import import play.api.test.Helpers._ class ServiceInfoSpec extends WordSpec with Matchers { "The serviceInfo" should { val serviceInfo = new ServiceInfo() "include hmrc branding when not specified" in { val content = contentAsString(serviceInfo(Html("label"), true, None)) content should include("<div class=\"logo\">") } "include hmrc branding when specified" in { val content = contentAsString(serviceInfo(Html("label"), true, None, true)) content should include("<div class=\"logo\">") } "not include hmrc branding when specified" in { val content = contentAsString(serviceInfo(Html("label"), true, None, false)) content should not include ("<div class=\"logo\">") } "appear in english when no parameter is specified" in { val content = contentAsString(serviceInfo(Html("label"), true, None, true)) content should include("HM Revenue & Customs") content should not include ("Cyllid a Thollau EM") } "appear in welsh when a parameter of 'cy' is specified" in { val content = contentAsString(serviceInfo(Html("label"), true, None, true, "cy")) content should include("Cyllid a Thollau EM") content should not include ("HM Revenue & Customs") } } }
Example 13
Source File: FormWithCSRFSpec.scala From play-ui with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package package helpers import import play.twirl.api.Html import play.api.test.Helpers._ import org.scalatest.{Matchers, WordSpec} import play.api.mvc.Call import play.api.test.FakeRequest import play.twirl.api.HtmlFormat import class FormWithCSRFSpec extends WordSpec with Matchers with MessagesSupport with CSRFSpec { "@helpers.formWithCSRF" should { val simpleCall = Call(method = "POST", url = "/the-post-url") "render with the correct action attribute" in { val formElement = jsoupDocument(form(action = simpleCall)(HtmlFormat.empty)) .select("form") formElement.attr("action") shouldBe "/the-post-url" } "render with the correct action including a fragment" in { val formElement = jsoupDocument(form(action = simpleCall.withFragment("tab"))(HtmlFormat.empty)) .select("form") formElement.attr("action") shouldBe "/the-post-url#tab" } "render with the correct method" in { val getCall = Call(method = "GET", url = "/the-post-url") val formElement = jsoupDocument(form(action = getCall)(HtmlFormat.empty)) .select("form") formElement.attr("method") shouldBe "GET" } "render the passed attributes" in { val formElement = jsoupDocument(form(action = simpleCall, 'attribute1 -> "value1")(HtmlFormat.empty)) .select("form") formElement.attr("attribute1") shouldBe "value1" } "render multiple attributes" in { val formElement = jsoupDocument(form(action = simpleCall, 'attribute1 -> "value1", 'attribute2 -> "value2")(HtmlFormat.empty)) .select("form") formElement.attr("attribute1") shouldBe "value1" formElement.attr("attribute2") shouldBe "value2" } "render the contents of the form" in { val content = Html("<p>Content</p>") val formElement = jsoupDocument(form(action = simpleCall)(content)) .select("p") formElement.outerHtml shouldBe "<p>Content</p>" } "not render the CSRF token if the request does not contain the token" in { implicit val request = FakeRequest() val formElement = jsoupDocument(form(action = simpleCall)(HtmlFormat.empty)) val input ="input") input.size shouldBe 0 } "render the CSRF token" in { val formElement = jsoupDocument(form(action = simpleCall)(HtmlFormat.empty)) val input ="input") input.size shouldBe 1 input.attr("type") shouldBe "hidden" input.attr("name") shouldBe "csrfToken" input.attr("value").length should be > 0 } } }
Example 14
Source File: DateFieldsSpec.scala From play-ui with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package package helpers import org.scalatest.{Matchers, WordSpec} import import{mapping, of => fieldOf} import import play.api.test.Helpers._ import play.twirl.api.Html import import class DateFieldsSpec extends WordSpec with Matchers with MessagesSupport { val months = Seq( "January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December") case class DummyFormData(day: Int, month: Int, year: Int) def dummyForm = Form( mapping( "" -> fieldOf[Int], "dummyField.month" -> fieldOf[Int], "dummyField.year" -> fieldOf[Int] )(DummyFormData.apply)(DummyFormData.unapply)) "The Date Fields with a freeform year input box" should { "Display months using long nouns" in { val dateFieldsFreeYearInline = new DateFieldsFreeYearInline(new Input(), new Dropdown()) val doc = jsoupDocument(dateFieldsFreeYearInline(dummyForm, "dummyField", Html("label"))) months.zipWithIndex.foreach { case (month: String, i: Int) => doc.getElementById(s"dummyField.month-${i + 1}").text shouldBe month } } } "The Date Fields with a limited year input box" should { "Display months using long nouns" in { val dateFieldsInline = new DateFieldsInline(new Dropdown()) val doc = jsoupDocument(dateFieldsInline(dummyForm, "dummyField", Html("label"), 1 to 2, None)) months.zipWithIndex.foreach { case (month: String, i: Int) => doc.getElementById(s"dummyField.month-${i + 1}").text shouldBe month } } } }
Example 15
Source File: model.scala From play-ui with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import play.twirl.api.Html trait FieldType case class InputType( inputType: String, key: String, value: String, divClass: Option[String] = None, labelClass: Option[String] = None, inputClass: Option[String] = None, dataAttribute: Option[String] = None, label: Option[String] = None) extends FieldType object RadioButton { def apply( key: String, value: String, divClass: Option[String] = None, labelClass: Option[String] = None, inputClass: Option[String] = None, dataAttribute: Option[String] = None) = InputType("radio", key, value, divClass, labelClass, inputClass, dataAttribute) } object InputText { def apply( fieldLabel: String, divClass: Option[String] = None, labelClass: Option[String] = None, inputClass: Option[String] = None, label: Option[String] = None) = InputType("text", "", fieldLabel, divClass, labelClass, inputClass, label) } case class Select( values: Seq[(String, String)], emptyValueText: Option[String], label: String, labelClass: Option[String] = None, groupClass: Option[String] = None, selectClass: Option[String] = None, additionalTitleText: Option[String] = None) extends FieldType case class DateControl(yearRange: Range, extraClass: Option[String] = None) extends FieldType case class FormField(field:, inputs: Seq[FieldType], explanationText: Option[Html] = None)
Example 16
Source File: LocalErrorHandler.scala From pertax-frontend with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package error import import config.ConfigDecorator import controllers.auth.AuthJourney import{Inject, Singleton} import play.api.i18n.{I18nSupport, MessagesApi} import play.api.mvc._ import play.twirl.api.Html import import import javax.inject.Provider import util.LocalPartialRetriever @Singleton class LocalErrorHandler @Inject()( val messagesApi: MessagesApi, val materializer: Materializer, authJourney: Provider[AuthJourney] )( implicit val partialRetriever: LocalPartialRetriever, val configDecorator: ConfigDecorator, val templateRenderer: TemplateRenderer) extends FrontendErrorHandler with I18nSupport with RendersErrors { override def standardErrorTemplate( pageTitle: String, heading: String, message: String )(implicit request: Request[_]): Html = views.html.unauthenticatedError(pageTitle, Some(heading), Some(message)) }
Example 17
Source File: MarkdownTheme.scala From lightbend-markdown with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.lightbend.markdown.theme import play.doc.{TocTree, PlayDocTemplates, Toc} import play.twirl.api.Html final val playDocTemplates: PlayDocTemplates = new PlayDocTemplates { override def nextLink(toc: TocTree): String = renderNextLink(toc).body override def nextLinks(toc: List[TocTree]): String = renderNextLinks(toc).body override def sidebar(hierarchy: List[Toc]): String = renderSidebar(hierarchy).body override def toc(toc: Toc): String = renderToc(toc).body override def breadcrumbs(hierarchy: List[Toc]): String = renderBreadcrumbs(hierarchy).body } } object MarkdownTheme { def load(classLoader: ClassLoader, objectName: Option[String]): MarkdownTheme = { objectName match { case Some("bare") => BareTheme case Some(name) => classLoader.loadClass(name + "$").getField("MODULE$").get(null).asInstanceOf[MarkdownTheme] case None => DefaultMarkdownTheme } } } object DefaultMarkdownTheme extends MarkdownTheme trait BareTheme extends MarkdownTheme { override def renderPage(projectName: Option[String], title: Option[String], home: String, content: Html, sidebar: Option[Html], breadcrumbs: Option[Html], apiDocs: Seq[(String, String)], sourceUrl: Option[String]): Html = content override def renderSidebar(hierarchy: List[Toc]): Html = Html("") override def renderNextLink(toc: TocTree): Html = Html("") override def renderNextLinks(toc: List[TocTree]): Html = Html("") override def renderBreadcrumbs(hierarchy: List[Toc]): Html = Html("") } object BareTheme extends BareTheme
Example 18
Source File: GenerateSite.scala From lightbend-markdown with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.lightbend.markdown.generator import import java.nio.file.Files import com.lightbend.markdown.server.{AggregateFileRepository, PrefixedRepository, SourceFinder} import com.lightbend.markdown.theme.MarkdownTheme import import com.lightbend.markdown.{DocPath, Documentation, GenerateDocumentationConfig} import play.api.libs.json.Json import play.core.PlayVersion import play.doc._ import play.twirl.api.{Content, Html} object GenerateSite extends App { val jsonPath = new File(args.head) val configJson = Json.parse(Files.readAllBytes(jsonPath.toPath)) val generateConfig =[GenerateDocumentationConfig] import generateConfig._ import config._ val markdownTheme = MarkdownTheme.load(this.getClass.getClassLoader, theme) case class Docs( documentation: Documentation, repo: FileRepository ) documentation.foreach { docs => val repo = new AggregateFileRepository( { case DocPath(path, "." | "") => new FilesystemRepository(path) case DocPath(path, prefix) => new PrefixedRepository(prefix + "/", new FilesystemRepository(path)) }) val playDoc = new PlayDoc(repo, repo, "resources", PlayVersion.current, PageIndex.parseFrom(repo, docs.homePageTitle, None), markdownTheme.playDocTemplates, Some("html")) val index = playDoc.pageIndex.getOrElse(throw new IllegalStateException("Generating documentation only works for indexed documentation")) val outputPath = new File(outputDir, def render(toc: Toc): Seq[String] = { toc.nodes.flatMap { case (_, childToc: Toc) => render(childToc) case (_, page: TocPage) => println("Generating " + + "...") playDoc.renderPage( { rendered => val sourcePath = for { url <- sourceUrl path <- SourceFinder.findPathFor(documentationRoot, docs.docsPaths, rendered.path) } yield s"$url$path" val renderedHtml: Content = markdownTheme.renderPage(projectName, None, docs.homePage, Html(rendered.html),,, docs.apiDocs.toSeq, sourcePath) val pageName = + ".html" Files.write(new File(outputPath, pageName).toPath, renderedHtml.body.getBytes("utf-8")) pageName }.toSeq } } // Ensure parent directory exists Files.createDirectories(outputPath.toPath) // Render all pages val allPages = render(index.toc).toSet // Delete all pages that don't exist outputPath.list().filterNot(allPages).foreach(new File(outputPath, _).delete()) if (generateIndex) { def convertToc(toc: TocTree): TOC = { toc match { case childToc: Toc => TOC(childToc.title, None, None, nostyle = false, None,, None) case page: TocPage => val sourcePath = for { url <- sourceUrl indexPage <- index.get( path <- SourceFinder.findPathFor(documentationRoot, docs.docsPaths, indexPage.fullPath + ".md") } yield { s"$url$path" } TOC(page.title, Some( + ".html"), sourcePath, nostyle = false, None, Nil, + ".html"))) } } val tocJson = Json.toJson(convertToc(index.toc)) val indexFile = new File(outputPath, "index.json") Files.write(indexFile.toPath, Json.prettyPrint(tocJson).getBytes("utf-8")) } } println("Done!") }
Example 19
Source File: BootstrapEndpoints.scala From endpoints4s with MIT License | 5 votes |
package cqrs.publicserver import endpoints4s.openapi.model.OpenApi import{ Assets, Endpoints, JsonEntitiesFromEncodersAndDecoders, PlayComponents } import play.api.routing.{Router => PlayRouter} import play.twirl.api.{Html, StringInterpolation} )) ) lazy val digests = BootstrapDigests.digests lazy val indexHtml = html"""<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <script src="${assets .call(asset("example-cqrs-web-client-fastopt.js")) .url}" defer></script> <title>Meters</title> </head> <body></body> </html> """ }
Example 20
Source File: MockTemplateRenderer.scala From nisp-frontend with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import org.scalatest.mock.MockitoSugar import play.api.Mode.Mode import play.api.i18n.Messages import play.api.{Configuration, Play} import play.twirl.api.Html import{LocalTemplateRenderer, WsAllMethods} import scala.concurrent.duration._ object MockTemplateRenderer extends LocalTemplateRenderer { override lazy val templateServiceBaseUrl = "" override val refreshAfter = 10 minutes override val wsHttp = MockitoSugar.mock[WsAllMethods] override def renderDefaultTemplate(path:String, content: Html, extraArgs: Map[String, Any])(implicit messages: Messages) = { Html( "<title>" + extraArgs("pageTitle") + "</title>" + "<sidebar>"+extraArgs("sidebar")+"</sidebar>" + "<navLinks>"+extraArgs("navLinks")+"</navLinks>" + displayUrBanner(extraArgs) + "<mainContentHeader>" +extraArgs("mainContentHeader")+ "</mainContentHeader>" + content) } def displayUrBanner(extraArgs: Map[String, Any]): String ={ if(extraArgs.contains("fullWidthBannerTitle")){ "<div id=full-width-banner>" + "<div class = \"full-width-banner__title\">" + extraArgs("fullWidthBannerTitle") + "</div>" + "<div id = fullWidthBannerLink>" + extraArgs("fullWidthBannerLink") + "</div>"+ "<div>" + extraArgs("fullWidthBannerText")+ "</div>"+ "<div id = fullWidthBannerDismissText>"+extraArgs("fullWidthBannerDismissText")+"</div>" } else "" } override protected def mode: Mode = Play.current.mode override protected def runModeConfiguration: Configuration = Play.current.configuration }
Example 21
Source File: ApplicationGlobal.scala From nisp-frontend with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import com.typesafe.config.Config import net.ceedubs.ficus.Ficus._ import play.api.Mode.Mode import play.api.i18n.{I18nSupport, Messages, MessagesApi} import play.api.mvc.Request import play.api.{Application, Configuration, Play} import play.twirl.api.Html import import import import import{AppName, ControllerConfig, RunMode} import import{FrontendAuditFilter, FrontendLoggingFilter, MicroserviceFilterSupport} object ApplicationGlobal extends ApplicationGlobalTrait { override protected def mode: Mode = Play.current.mode override protected def runModeConfiguration: Configuration = Play.current.configuration override def messagesApi = Play.current.injector.instanceOf[MessagesApi] } trait ApplicationGlobalTrait extends DefaultFrontendGlobal with RunMode with PartialRetriever with NispFrontendController with I18nSupport { implicit lazy val app:Application = Play.current override val auditConnector = NispAuditConnector override val loggingFilter = NispLoggingFilter override val frontendAuditFilter = NispFrontendAuditFilter override def onStart(app: Application) { super.onStart(app) new ApplicationCrypto(Play.current.configuration.underlying).verifyConfiguration() } override def internalServerErrorTemplate(implicit request: Request[_]): Html = override def standardErrorTemplate(pageTitle: String, heading: String, message: String)(implicit request: Request[_]): Html =, heading, message) override def notFoundTemplate(implicit request: Request[_]): Html = { } override def microserviceMetricsConfig(implicit app: Application): Option[Configuration] = app.configuration.getConfig(s"microservice.metrics") } object ControllerConfiguration extends ControllerConfig { lazy val controllerConfigs =[Config]("controllers") } object NispLoggingFilter extends FrontendLoggingFilter with MicroserviceFilterSupport { override def controllerNeedsLogging(controllerName: String): Boolean = ControllerConfiguration.paramsForController(controllerName).needsLogging } object NispFrontendAuditFilter extends FrontendAuditFilter with RunMode with AppName with MicroserviceFilterSupport { override lazy val maskedFormFields = Seq.empty override lazy val applicationPort = None override lazy val auditConnector = NispAuditConnector override def controllerNeedsAuditing(controllerName: String): Boolean = ControllerConfiguration.paramsForController(controllerName).needsAuditing override protected def mode: Mode = Play.current.mode override protected def runModeConfiguration: Configuration = Play.current.configuration override protected def appNameConfiguration: Configuration = Play.current.configuration }
Example 22
Source File: MainTemplateParams.scala From nisp-frontend with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import play.twirl.api.Html import case class MainTemplateParams( browserTitle: Option[String] = None, pageInfo: Option[String] = None, pageTitle: Option[String] = None, h1Class: Option[String] = None, printableDocument: Boolean = false, sidebarLinks: Option[Html] = None, sidebarClasses: Option[String] = None, userLoggedIn: Boolean = false, applicationConfig: ApplicationConfig = ApplicationConfig, showTitleHeaderNav: Boolean = true, showBetaBanner: Boolean = false, pageScripts: Option[Html] = None, articleClasses: Option[String] = None, gaDimensions: Option[Map[String, Any]] = None, analyticsAdditionalJs: Option[Html] = None, articleEnabled: Boolean = true, hideBreadcrumb: Boolean = false, showUrBanner: Boolean = false, hideNavBar: Boolean = false )
Example 23
Source File: PaperlessPreferencesControllerSpec.scala From pertax-frontend with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package controllers import config.ConfigDecorator import controllers.auth.requests.UserRequest import controllers.auth.{AuthJourney, WithActiveTabAction, WithBreadcrumbAction} import models.{ActivatedOnlineFilerSelfAssessmentUser, NonFilerSelfAssessmentUser} import org.mockito.Matchers._ import org.mockito.Mockito._ import org.scalatestplus.mockito.MockitoSugar import play.api.i18n.MessagesApi import play.api.mvc.{ActionBuilder, MessagesControllerComponents, Request, Result} import play.api.test.FakeRequest import play.api.test.Helpers._ import play.twirl.api.Html import services.partials.PreferencesFrontendPartialService import import import import import import util.UserRequestFixture.buildUserRequest import util.{ActionBuilderFixture, BaseSpec, BetterOptionValues, LocalPartialRetriever, Tools} import import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future} class PaperlessPreferencesControllerSpec extends BaseSpec with MockitoSugar { import BetterOptionValues._ override implicit lazy val app = localGuiceApplicationBuilder().build() val mockPreferencesFrontendPartialService = mock[PreferencesFrontendPartialService] val mockAuthJourney = mock[AuthJourney] def controller: PaperlessPreferencesController = new PaperlessPreferencesController( mockPreferencesFrontendPartialService, mockAuthJourney, injected[WithActiveTabAction], injected[WithBreadcrumbAction], injected[MessagesControllerComponents], injected[Tools] )(mock[LocalPartialRetriever], injected[ConfigDecorator], injected[TemplateRenderer], injected[ExecutionContext]) {} "Calling PaperlessPreferencesController.managePreferences" should { "Redirect to preferences-frontend manage paperless url when a user is logged in using GG" in { when(mockAuthJourney.authWithPersonalDetails).thenReturn(new ActionBuilderFixture { override def invokeBlock[A](request: Request[A], block: UserRequest[A] => Future[Result]): Future[Result] = block( buildUserRequest(request = request) ) }) val r = controller.managePreferences(FakeRequest()) status(r) shouldBe SEE_OTHER val redirectUrl = redirectLocation(r).getValue val configDecorator = app.injector.instanceOf[ConfigDecorator] redirectUrl should include regex s"${configDecorator.preferencesFrontendService}/paperless/check-settings\\?returnUrl=.*\\&returnLinkText=.*" } "Return 400 for Verify users" in { when(mockAuthJourney.authWithPersonalDetails).thenReturn(new ActionBuilderFixture { override def invokeBlock[A](request: Request[A], block: UserRequest[A] => Future[Result]): Future[Result] = block( buildUserRequest( credentials = Credentials("", "Verify"), confidenceLevel = ConfidenceLevel.L500, request = request )) }) val r = controller.managePreferences(FakeRequest()) status(r) shouldBe BAD_REQUEST } } }
Example 24
Source File: FormPartialServiceSpec.scala From pertax-frontend with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package services import com.codahale.metrics.Timer import import config.ConfigDecorator import org.mockito.Matchers._ import org.mockito.Mockito._ import org.scalatestplus.mockito.MockitoSugar import play.api.{Configuration, Environment} import play.twirl.api.Html import services.partials.FormPartialService import import import import import import util.BaseSpec import util.Fixtures._ import import scala.concurrent.Future class FormPartialServiceSpec extends BaseSpec { trait LocalSetup { val servicesConfig = app.injector.instanceOf[ServicesConfig] val timer = MockitoSugar.mock[Timer.Context] val formPartialService: FormPartialService = new FormPartialService( injected[Environment], injected[Configuration], MockitoSugar.mock[DefaultHttpClient], MockitoSugar.mock[Metrics], MockitoSugar.mock[ConfigDecorator], injected[SessionCookieCrypto], servicesConfig ) { override val metricsOperator: MetricsOperator = MockitoSugar.mock[MetricsOperator] when(metricsOperator.startTimer(any())) thenReturn timer } } "Calling FormPartialServiceSpec" should { "return form list for National insurance" in new LocalSetup { when(formPartialService.http.GET[HtmlPartial](any())(any(), any(), any())) thenReturn Future.successful[HtmlPartial](HtmlPartial.Success(Some("Title"), Html("<title/>"))) formPartialService.getNationalInsurancePartial(buildFakeRequestWithAuth("GET")).map(p => p shouldBe "<title/>") verify(formPartialService.http, times(1)).GET[Html](any())(any(), any(), any()) } "return form list for Self-assessment" in new LocalSetup { when(formPartialService.http.GET[HtmlPartial](any())(any(), any(), any())) thenReturn Future.successful[HtmlPartial](HtmlPartial.Success(Some("Title"), Html("<title/>"))) formPartialService.getSelfAssessmentPartial(buildFakeRequestWithAuth("GET")).map(p => p shouldBe "<title/>") verify(formPartialService.http, times(1)).GET[Html](any())(any(), any(), any()) } } }
Example 25
Source File: ViewNationalInsuranceInterstitialHomeViewSpec.scala From pertax-frontend with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package views.html.interstitial import config.ConfigDecorator import org.scalatestplus.mockito.MockitoSugar import play.api.test.FakeRequest import play.twirl.api.Html import import util.UserRequestFixture.buildUserRequest import views.html.ViewSpec class ViewNationalInsuranceInterstitialHomeViewSpec extends ViewSpec with MockitoSugar { override implicit lazy val app = localGuiceApplicationBuilder().build() lazy val view = injected[ViewNationalInsuranceInterstitialHomeView] implicit val templateRenderer = app.injector.instanceOf[TemplateRenderer] implicit val configDecorator: ConfigDecorator = injected[ConfigDecorator] implicit val userRequest = buildUserRequest(request = FakeRequest()) "Rendering ViewNationalInsuranceInterstitialHomeView.scala.html" should { "show NINO section when a nino is present" in { val document = asDocument(view(Html(""), "asfa", userRequest.nino).toString) Option(".nino").first).isDefined shouldBe true } "show incomplete when there is no NINO" in { val document = asDocument(view(Html(""), "", None).toString) Option(".nino").first).isDefined shouldBe false document.body().toString should include(messages("label.you_can_see_this_part_of_your_account_if_you_complete")) } } }
Example 26
Source File: HomeViewModel.scala From pertax-frontend with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package viewmodels import models.{SelfAssessmentUser, SelfAssessmentUserType} import play.twirl.api.Html final case class HomeViewModel( incomeCards: Seq[Html], benefitCards: Seq[Html], pensionCards: Seq[Html], showUserResearchBanner: Boolean, saUtr: Option[String]) object HomeViewModel { def apply( incomeCards: Seq[Html], benefitCards: Seq[Html], pensionCards: Seq[Html], showUserResearchBanner: Boolean, selfAssessmentUserType: SelfAssessmentUserType): HomeViewModel = { val utr: Option[String] = selfAssessmentUserType match { case saUser: SelfAssessmentUser => Some(saUser.saUtr.toString()) case _ => None } HomeViewModel(incomeCards, benefitCards, pensionCards, showUserResearchBanner, utr) } }
Example 27
Source File: PersonalDetailsController.scala From pertax-frontend with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package controllers.address import import config.ConfigDecorator import controllers.auth.{AuthJourney, WithActiveTabAction} import controllers.controllershelpers.{AddressJourneyCachingHelper, PersonalDetailsCardGenerator} import models.{AddressJourneyTTLModel, AddressPageVisitedDtoId, PersonDetails} import play.api.mvc.{Action, AnyContent, MessagesControllerComponents} import play.twirl.api.Html import repositories.EditAddressLockRepository import services.NinoDisplayService import import import util.AuditServiceTools.buildPersonDetailsEvent import util.LocalPartialRetriever import views.html.interstitial.DisplayAddressInterstitialView import views.html.personaldetails.PersonalDetailsView import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future} class PersonalDetailsController @Inject()( val personalDetailsCardGenerator: PersonalDetailsCardGenerator, val editAddressLockRepository: EditAddressLockRepository, ninoDisplayService: NinoDisplayService, authJourney: AuthJourney, cachingHelper: AddressJourneyCachingHelper, withActiveTabAction: WithActiveTabAction, auditConnector: AuditConnector, cc: MessagesControllerComponents, displayAddressInterstitialView: DisplayAddressInterstitialView, personalDetailsView: PersonalDetailsView )( implicit partialRetriever: LocalPartialRetriever, configDecorator: ConfigDecorator, templateRenderer: TemplateRenderer, ec: ExecutionContext) extends AddressController(authJourney, withActiveTabAction, cc, displayAddressInterstitialView) { def onPageLoad: Action[AnyContent] = authenticate.async { implicit request => import models.dto.AddressPageVisitedDto for { addressModel <- request.nino .map { nino => editAddressLockRepository.get(nino.withoutSuffix) } .getOrElse(Future.successful(List[AddressJourneyTTLModel]())) ninoToDisplay <- ninoDisplayService.getNino personalDetailsCards: Seq[Html] = personalDetailsCardGenerator .getPersonalDetailsCards(addressModel, ninoToDisplay) personDetails: Option[PersonDetails] = request.personDetails _ <- personDetails .map { details => auditConnector.sendEvent(buildPersonDetailsEvent("personalDetailsPageLinkClicked", details)) } .getOrElse(Future.successful(Unit)) _ <- cachingHelper.addToCache(AddressPageVisitedDtoId, AddressPageVisitedDto(true)) } yield Ok(personalDetailsView(personalDetailsCards)) } }
Example 28
Source File: HomeCardGenerator.scala From pertax-frontend with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package controllers.controllershelpers import config.ConfigDecorator import controllers.auth.requests.UserRequest import{Inject, Singleton} import models._ import play.api.i18n.Messages import play.api.mvc.AnyContent import play.twirl.api.{Html, HtmlFormat} import util.DateTimeTools.previousAndCurrentTaxYear import viewmodels.TaxCalculationViewModel import @Singleton class HomeCardGenerator @Inject()( payAsYouEarnView: PayAsYouEarnView, taxCalculationView: TaxCalculationView, selfAssessmentView: SelfAssessmentView, nationalInsuranceView: NationalInsuranceView, taxCreditsView: TaxCreditsView, childBenefitView: ChildBenefitView, marriageAllowanceView: MarriageAllowanceView, statePensionView: StatePensionView )(implicit configDecorator: ConfigDecorator) { def getIncomeCards( taxComponentsState: TaxComponentsState, taxCalculationStateCyMinusOne: Option[TaxYearReconciliation], taxCalculationStateCyMinusTwo: Option[TaxYearReconciliation], saActionNeeded: SelfAssessmentUserType, currentTaxYear: Int)(implicit request: UserRequest[AnyContent], messages: Messages): Seq[Html] = List( getPayAsYouEarnCard(taxComponentsState), getTaxCalculationCard(taxCalculationStateCyMinusOne), getTaxCalculationCard(taxCalculationStateCyMinusTwo), getSelfAssessmentCard(saActionNeeded, currentTaxYear + 1), getNationalInsuranceCard() ).flatten def getBenefitCards(taxComponents: Option[TaxComponents])(implicit messages: Messages): Seq[Html] = List( getTaxCreditsCard(configDecorator.taxCreditsPaymentLinkEnabled), getChildBenefitCard(), getMarriageAllowanceCard(taxComponents) ).flatten def getPensionCards()(implicit messages: Messages): Seq[Html] = List( getStatePensionCard() ).flatten def getPayAsYouEarnCard(taxComponentsState: TaxComponentsState)( implicit request: UserRequest[_], messages: Messages): Option[HtmlFormat.Appendable] = request.nino.flatMap { _ => taxComponentsState match { case TaxComponentsNotAvailableState => None case _ => Some(payAsYouEarnView(configDecorator)) } } def getTaxCalculationCard(taxYearReconciliations: Option[TaxYearReconciliation])( implicit messages: Messages): Option[HtmlFormat.Appendable] = taxYearReconciliations .flatMap(TaxCalculationViewModel.fromTaxYearReconciliation) .map(taxCalculationView(_)) def getSelfAssessmentCard(saActionNeeded: SelfAssessmentUserType, nextDeadlineTaxYear: Int)( implicit request: UserRequest[AnyContent], messages: Messages): Option[HtmlFormat.Appendable] = if (!request.isVerify) { saActionNeeded match { case NonFilerSelfAssessmentUser => None case saWithActionNeeded => Some(selfAssessmentView(saWithActionNeeded, previousAndCurrentTaxYear, nextDeadlineTaxYear.toString)) } } else { None } def getNationalInsuranceCard()(implicit messages: Messages): Some[HtmlFormat.Appendable] = Some(nationalInsuranceView()) def getTaxCreditsCard(showTaxCreditsPaymentLink: Boolean)(implicit messages: Messages): Some[HtmlFormat.Appendable] = Some(taxCreditsView(showTaxCreditsPaymentLink)) def getChildBenefitCard()(implicit messages: Messages): Some[HtmlFormat.Appendable] = Some(childBenefitView()) def getMarriageAllowanceCard(taxComponents: Option[TaxComponents])( implicit messages: Messages): Some[HtmlFormat.Appendable] = Some(marriageAllowanceView(taxComponents)) def getStatePensionCard()(implicit messages: Messages): Some[HtmlFormat.Appendable] = Some(statePensionView()) }
Example 29
Source File: PersonalDetailsCardGenerator.scala From pertax-frontend with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package controllers.controllershelpers import config.ConfigDecorator import controllers.auth.requests.UserRequest import{Inject, Singleton} import models.{AddressJourneyTTLModel, EditCorrespondenceAddress, EditPrimaryAddress, EditSoleAddress} import play.twirl.api.{Html, HtmlFormat} import import @Singleton class PersonalDetailsCardGenerator @Inject()( val configDecorator: ConfigDecorator, val countryHelper: CountryHelper, mainAddress: MainAddressView, postalAddress: PostalAddressView, nationalInsurance: NationalInsuranceView, changeName: ChangeNameView ) { def getPersonalDetailsCards(changedAddressIndicator: List[AddressJourneyTTLModel], ninoToDisplay: Option[Nino])( implicit request: UserRequest[_], configDecorator: ConfigDecorator, messages: play.api.i18n.Messages): Seq[Html] = { val optionalEditAddress = => y.editedAddress) val mainAddressChangeIndicator = optionalEditAddress.exists(_.isInstanceOf[EditSoleAddress]) || optionalEditAddress .exists(_.isInstanceOf[EditPrimaryAddress]) val correspondenceAddressChangeIndicator = optionalEditAddress.exists(_.isInstanceOf[EditCorrespondenceAddress]) List( getChangeNameCard(), getMainAddressCard(mainAddressChangeIndicator), getPostalAddressCard(correspondenceAddressChangeIndicator), getNationalInsuranceCard(ninoToDisplay) ).flatten } private def getPersonDetails()(implicit request: UserRequest[_]) = request.personDetails def hasCorrespondenceAddress()(implicit request: UserRequest[_]): Boolean = { val cAdd = getPersonDetails.flatMap(_.correspondenceAddress) cAdd.isDefined } def getMainAddressCard(isLocked: Boolean)( implicit request: UserRequest[_], messages: play.api.i18n.Messages): Option[HtmlFormat.Appendable] = getPersonDetails match { case Some(personDetails) => Some( mainAddress( personDetails = personDetails, taxCreditsEnabled = configDecorator.taxCreditsEnabled, hasCorrespondenceAddress = hasCorrespondenceAddress, isLocked = isLocked, countryHelper.excludedCountries )) case _ => None } def getPostalAddressCard(isLocked: Boolean)( implicit request: UserRequest[_], messages: play.api.i18n.Messages): Option[HtmlFormat.Appendable] = getPersonDetails match { case Some(personDetails) => hasCorrespondenceAddress match { case true if !personDetails.correspondenceAddress.exists(_.isWelshLanguageUnit) => Some( postalAddress( personDetails = personDetails, isLocked = isLocked, countryHelper.excludedCountries, configDecorator.closePostalAddressEnabled)) case _ => None } case _ => None } def getNationalInsuranceCard(ninoToDisplay: Option[Nino])( implicit request: UserRequest[_], messages: play.api.i18n.Messages): Option[HtmlFormat.Appendable] = => nationalInsurance(n)) def getChangeNameCard()( implicit request: UserRequest[_], configDecorator: ConfigDecorator, messages: play.api.i18n.Messages): Option[HtmlFormat.Appendable] = => changeName()) }
Example 30
Source File: MessageController.scala From pertax-frontend with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package controllers import import config.ConfigDecorator import controllers.auth._ import error.RendersErrors import models.Breadcrumb import play.api.i18n.Messages import play.api.mvc.{Action, AnyContent, MessagesControllerComponents} import play.twirl.api.Html import services.partials.MessageFrontendService import import{ActiveTabMessages, TemplateRenderer} import util.LocalPartialRetriever import views.html.message.{MessageDetailView, MessageInboxView} import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext class MessageController @Inject()( val messageFrontendService: MessageFrontendService, authJourney: AuthJourney, withActiveTabAction: WithActiveTabAction, withBreadcrumbAction: WithBreadcrumbAction, cc: MessagesControllerComponents, messageInboxView: MessageInboxView, messageDetailView: MessageDetailView)( implicit val partialRetriever: LocalPartialRetriever, val configDecorator: ConfigDecorator, val templateRenderer: TemplateRenderer, ec: ExecutionContext) extends PertaxBaseController(cc) with RendersErrors { def messageBreadcrumb: Breadcrumb = "label.all_messages" -> routes.MessageController.messageList().url :: baseBreadcrumb def messageList: Action[AnyContent] = (authJourney.authWithPersonalDetails andThen withActiveTabAction.addActiveTab(ActiveTabMessages) andThen withBreadcrumbAction .addBreadcrumb(baseBreadcrumb)).async { implicit request => messageFrontendService.getMessageListPartial map { p => Ok( messageInboxView( messageListPartial = p successfulContentOrElse Html( Messages("label.sorry_theres_been_a_technical_problem_retrieving_your_messages"))) ) } } def messageDetail(messageToken: String): Action[AnyContent] = (authJourney.authWithPersonalDetails andThen withActiveTabAction.addActiveTab(ActiveTabMessages) andThen withBreadcrumbAction .addBreadcrumb(messageBreadcrumb)).async { implicit request => messageFrontendService.getMessageDetailPartial(messageToken).map { case HtmlPartial.Success(Some(title), content) => Ok(messageDetailView(message = content, title = title)) case HtmlPartial.Success(None, content) => Ok(messageDetailView(message = content, title = Messages("label.message"))) case HtmlPartial.Failure(_, _) => Ok( messageDetailView( message = Html(Messages("label.sorry_theres_been_a_techinal_problem_retrieving_your_message")), title = Messages("label.message") ) ) } } }