sbt.plugins.JvmPlugin Scala Examples
The following examples show how to use sbt.plugins.JvmPlugin.
You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like,
and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example.
Example 1
Source File: Common.scala From spark-benchmarks with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
import de.heikoseeberger.sbtheader.HeaderPlugin.autoImport._ import de.heikoseeberger.sbtheader._ import de.heikoseeberger.sbtheader.license.Apache2_0 import sbt._ import sbt.Keys._ import sbt.plugins.JvmPlugin object Common extends AutoPlugin { override def trigger = allRequirements override def requires = JvmPlugin && AutomateHeaderPlugin override lazy val projectSettings = Dependencies.Common ++ Seq( organization := "", organizationName := "BBVA", version := "0.1.0", organizationHomepage := Some(url("")), scmInfo := Some(ScmInfo(url(""), "[email protected]:BBVA/spark-benchmarks.git")), developers += Developer("contributors", "Contributors", "", url("")), licenses := Seq(("Apache-2.0", url(""))), scalaVersion := Dependencies.ScalaVersion, scalacOptions ++= Seq( "-encoding", "UTF-8", "-feature", "-unchecked", "-deprecation", //"-Xfatal-warnings", "-Xlint", "-Yno-adapted-args", "-Ywarn-dead-code", "-Xfuture" ), javacOptions ++= Seq( "-Xlint:unchecked" ), //autoAPIMappings := true, //apiURL := Some(url(s"${version.value}")), headers := headers.value ++ Map( "scala" -> Apache2_0("2017", "Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria S.A."), "java" -> Apache2_0("2017", "Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria S.A."), "conf" -> Apache2_0("2017", "Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria S.A.", "#") ) ) }
Example 2
Source File: Common.scala From play-soap with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
import sbt.Keys._ import sbt._ import sbt.plugins.JvmPlugin import Dependencies.ScalaVersions._ import de.heikoseeberger.sbtheader.HeaderPlugin object Common extends AutoPlugin { import HeaderPlugin.autoImport._ override def trigger = allRequirements override def requires = JvmPlugin && HeaderPlugin val repoName = "play-soap" override def globalSettings = Seq( // organization organization := "", organizationName := "Lightbend Inc.", organizationHomepage := Some(url("")), // scala settings scalaVersion := scala212, scalacOptions ++= Seq("-deprecation", "-feature", "-unchecked", "-encoding", "utf8"), javacOptions ++= Seq("-encoding", "UTF-8", "-Xlint:-options"), // legal licenses := Seq("Apache-2.0" -> url("")), // on the web homepage := Some(url(s"${repoName}")), scmInfo := Some( ScmInfo( url(s"${repoName}"), s"scm:git:[email protected]:playframework/${repoName}.git" ) ), developers += Developer( "contributors", "Contributors", "", url("") ) ) override def projectSettings = Seq( headerEmptyLine := false, headerLicense := Some(HeaderLicense.Custom("Copyright (C) Lightbend Inc. <>")) ) }
Example 3
Source File: Common.scala From akka-persistence-cassandra with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
import bintray.BintrayPlugin.autoImport._ import com.lightbend.paradox.projectinfo.ParadoxProjectInfoPluginKeys._ import de.heikoseeberger.sbtheader.HeaderPlugin.autoImport._ import de.heikoseeberger.sbtheader._ import org.scalafmt.sbt.ScalafmtPlugin.autoImport._ import sbt.Keys._ import sbt._ import sbt.plugins.JvmPlugin object Common extends AutoPlugin { override def trigger = allRequirements override def requires = JvmPlugin && HeaderPlugin override def globalSettings = Seq( organization := "com.typesafe.akka", organizationName := "Lightbend Inc.", organizationHomepage := Some(url("")), startYear := Some(2016), homepage := Some(url("")), // apiURL defined in projectSettings because version.value is not correct here scmInfo := Some( ScmInfo( url(""), "[email protected]:akka/akka-persistence-cassandra.git")), developers += Developer( "contributors", "Contributors", "", url("")), licenses := Seq(("Apache-2.0", url(""))), description := "A Cassandra plugin for Akka Persistence.") override lazy val projectSettings = Seq( projectInfoVersion := (if (isSnapshot.value) "snapshot" else version.value), crossVersion := CrossVersion.binary, crossScalaVersions := Dependencies.ScalaVersions, scalaVersion := Dependencies.Scala212, scalacOptions ++= Seq("-encoding", "UTF-8", "-feature", "-unchecked", "-Xlint", "-Ywarn-dead-code", "-deprecation"), Compile / console / scalacOptions --= Seq("-deprecation", "-Xfatal-warnings", "-Xlint", "-Ywarn-unused:imports"), Compile / doc / scalacOptions := scalacOptions.value ++ Seq( "-doc-title", "Akka Persistence Cassandra", "-doc-version", version.value, "-sourcepath", (baseDirectory in ThisBuild).value.toString, "-doc-source-url", { val branch = if (isSnapshot.value) "master" else s"v${version.value}" s"${branch}€{FILE_PATH_EXT}#L€{FILE_LINE}" }, "-skip-packages", "akka.pattern" // for some reason Scaladoc creates this ), Compile / doc / scalacOptions --= Seq("-Xfatal-warnings"), scalafmtOnCompile := true, autoAPIMappings := true, apiURL := Some(url(s"${projectInfoVersion.value}")), headerLicense := Some( HeaderLicense.Custom("""Copyright (C) 2016-2020 Lightbend Inc. <>""")), Test / logBuffered := System.getProperty("akka.logBufferedTests", "false").toBoolean, // show full stack traces and test case durations Test / testOptions += Tests.Argument(TestFrameworks.ScalaTest, "-oDF"), // -a Show stack traces and exception class name for AssertionErrors. // -v Log "test run started" / "test started" / "test run finished" events on log level "info" instead of "debug". // -q Suppress stdout for successful tests. Test / testOptions += Tests.Argument(TestFrameworks.JUnit, "-a", "-v", "-q"), Test / parallelExecution := false, bintrayOrganization := Some("akka"), bintrayPackage := "akka-persistence-cassandra", bintrayRepository := (if (isSnapshot.value) "snapshots" else "maven")) }
Example 4
Source File: Build.scala From scalalaz-gen with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
import com.typesafe.sbt.GitPlugin import de.heikoseeberger.sbtheader.HeaderPlugin import org.scalafmt.sbt._ import play.twirl.sbt.SbtTwirl import sbt._ import sbt.plugins.JvmPlugin import sbt.Keys._ object Build extends AutoPlugin { override def requires = JvmPlugin && GitPlugin&& HeaderPlugin && SbtTwirl override def trigger = allRequirements override def projectSettings = Vector( // Core settings organization := "ru", licenses += ("Apache-2.0", url("")),, packageBin) += / "LICENSE" -> "LICENSE", scalaVersion := Version.Scala, crossScalaVersions := Vector(scalaVersion.value), scalacOptions ++= Vector( "-unchecked", "-deprecation", "-feature", "-language:_", "-target:jvm-1.8", "-encoding", "UTF-8" ), := Vector(, := Vector(, // Git settings GitPlugin.autoImport.git.useGitDescribe := true, // Header settings HeaderPlugin.autoImport.headerLicense := Some(HeaderPlugin.autoImport.HeaderLicense.ALv2("2016", "Scalalaz Podcast Team")) ) }
Example 5
Source File: CommonSettingsPlugin.scala From seahorse with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
import com.typesafe.sbt.packager.universal.UniversalPlugin.autoImport.Universal import sbt.Keys._ import sbt._ import sbt.plugins.JvmPlugin object CommonSettingsPlugin extends AutoPlugin { override def requires = JvmPlugin override def trigger = allRequirements lazy val OurIT = config("it") extend Test lazy val globalResources = file("globalresources").getAbsoluteFile override def globalSettings = Seq( scalaVersion := "2.11.8" ) override def projectSettings = Seq( organization := "ai.deepsense", scalacOptions := Seq( "-unchecked", "-deprecation", "-encoding", "utf8", "-feature", "-language:existentials", "-language:implicitConversions" ), javacOptions ++= Seq( "-source", "1.7", "-target", "1.7" ), resolvers ++= Dependencies.resolvers, crossPaths := false, unmanagedResourceDirectories in Compile += globalResources, unmanagedResourceDirectories in Runtime += globalResources, unmanagedResourceDirectories in Test += globalResources ) ++ ouritSettings ++ testSettings ++ Seq( test := (test in Test).value ) lazy val ouritSettings = inConfig(OurIT)(Defaults.testSettings) ++ inConfig(OurIT) { Seq( testOptions ++= Seq( // Show full stacktraces (F), Put results in target/test-reports Tests.Argument(TestFrameworks.ScalaTest, "-oF", "-u", "target/test-reports") ), javaOptions := Seq(s"-DlogFile=${name.value}"), fork := true, unmanagedClasspath += baseDirectory.value / "conf" ) } lazy val testSettings = inConfig(Test) { Seq( testOptions := Seq( // Put results in target/test-reports Tests.Argument( TestFrameworks.ScalaTest, "-o", "-u", "target/test-reports" ) ), fork := true, javaOptions := Seq(s"-DlogFile=${name.value}"), unmanagedClasspath += baseDirectory.value / "conf" ) } override def projectConfigurations = OurIT +: super.projectConfigurations }
Example 6
Source File: BuildIntegrationPlugin.scala From DataQuality with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
package src.main.scala import sbt.Keys.onLoadMessage import sbt.plugins.JvmPlugin import sbt.{AllRequirements, AutoPlugin, Setting, settingKey} object BuildIntegrationPlugin extends AutoPlugin { // make sure it triggers automatically override def trigger = AllRequirements override def requires = JvmPlugin object autoImport { object IntegrationEnv extends Enumeration { val dev = Value } val integrationEnv = settingKey[IntegrationEnv.Value]("the current build integration environment") } import autoImport._ override def projectSettings: Seq[Setting[_]] = Seq( integrationEnv := { sys.props.get("integration") .orElse(sys.env.get("BUILD_ENV")) .flatMap { case "dev" => Some( case _ => None } .getOrElse( }, // give feed back onLoadMessage := { // depend on the old message as well val defaultMessage = onLoadMessage.value val env = integrationEnv.value s"""|$defaultMessage |Running in integration environment: $env""".stripMargin } ) }
Example 7
Source File: BuildEnvPlugin.scala From DataQuality with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
package src.main.scala import sbt._ import sbt.Keys._ import sbt.plugins.JvmPlugin object BuildEnvPlugin extends AutoPlugin { // make sure it triggers automatically override def trigger = AllRequirements override def requires = JvmPlugin object autoImport { object BuildEnv extends Enumeration { val Production, Stage, Test, Dev = Value } val buildEnv = settingKey[BuildEnv.Value]("the current build environment") } import autoImport._ override def projectSettings: Seq[Setting[_]] = Seq( buildEnv := { sys.props.get("env") .orElse(sys.env.get("BUILD_ENV")) .flatMap { case "dev" => Some(BuildEnv.Dev) case _ => None } .getOrElse(BuildEnv.Dev) }, // give feed back onLoadMessage := { // depend on the old message as well val defaultMessage = onLoadMessage.value val env = buildEnv.value s"""|$defaultMessage |Running in build environment: $env""".stripMargin } ) }
Example 8
Source File: Common.scala From akka-grpc with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
import sbt.Keys._ import sbt._ import sbt.plugins.JvmPlugin import akka.grpc.Dependencies.Versions.{ scala212, scala213 } import com.lightbend.paradox.projectinfo.ParadoxProjectInfoPluginKeys.projectInfoVersion import org.scalafmt.sbt.ScalafmtPlugin.autoImport.scalafmtOnCompile import object Common extends AutoPlugin { override def trigger = allRequirements override def requires = JvmPlugin override def globalSettings = Seq( organization := "com.lightbend.akka.grpc", organizationName := "Lightbend Inc.", organizationHomepage := Some(url("")), resolvers += Resolver.sonatypeRepo("staging"), homepage := Some(url("")), scmInfo := Some(ScmInfo(url(""), "[email protected]:akka/akka-grpc")), developers += Developer( "contributors", "Contributors", "", url("")), licenses := Seq("Apache-2.0" -> url("")), description := "Akka gRPC - Support for building streaming gRPC servers and clients on top of Akka Streams.") val silencerVersion = "1.6.0" override lazy val projectSettings = Seq( projectInfoVersion := (if (isSnapshot.value) "snapshot" else version.value), scalacOptions ++= List( "-unchecked", "-deprecation", "-language:_", "-Xfatal-warnings", "-Ywarn-unused", "-encoding", "UTF-8"), Compile / scalacOptions ++= Seq( // generated code for methods/fields marked 'deprecated' "-P:silencer:globalFilters=Marked as deprecated in proto file", // generated scaladoc sometimes has this problem "-P:silencer:globalFilters=unbalanced or unclosed heading", // deprecated in 2.13, but used as long as we support 2.12 "-P:silencer:globalFilters=Use `scala.jdk.CollectionConverters` instead", "-P:silencer:globalFilters=Use LazyList instead of Stream", // ignore imports in templates "-P:silencer:pathFilters=.*.txt", // imports in generated code // "-P:silencer:lineContentFilters=import akka.grpc.internal.ScalaBidirectionalStreamingRequestBuilder", "-P:silencer:lineContentFilters=import akka.grpc.scaladsl.SingleResponseRequestBuilder", "-P:silencer:lineContentFilters=import akka.grpc.internal.ScalaUnaryRequestBuilder", "-P:silencer:lineContentFilters=import akka.grpc.internal.ScalaServerStreamingRequestBuilder", "-P:silencer:lineContentFilters=import akka.grpc.scaladsl.StreamResponseRequestBuilder"), javacOptions ++= List("-Xlint:unchecked", "-Xlint:deprecation"), Compile / doc / scalacOptions := scalacOptions.value ++ Seq( "-doc-title", "Akka gRPC", "-doc-version", version.value, "-sourcepath", (ThisBuild / baseDirectory).value.toString, "-skip-packages", "akka.pattern:" + // for some reason Scaladoc creates this "templates", "-doc-source-url", { val branch = if (isSnapshot.value) "master" else s"v${version.value}" s"${branch}€{FILE_PATH_EXT}#L€{FILE_LINE}" }, "-doc-canonical-base-url", ""), Compile / doc / scalacOptions -= "-Xfatal-warnings", apiURL := Some(url(s"${projectInfoVersion.value}/akka/grpc/index.html")), libraryDependencies ++= Seq( compilerPlugin(("com.github.ghik" % "silencer-plugin" % silencerVersion).cross(CrossVersion.full)), ("com.github.ghik" % "silencer-lib" % silencerVersion % Provided).cross(CrossVersion.full)), crossScalaVersions := Seq(scala212, scala213), mimaReportSignatureProblems := true, scalafmtOnCompile := true) }
Example 9
Source File: SbtMavenPlugin.scala From akka-grpc with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package akka.grpc import import sbt.{ CrossVersion, IO, Logger, ModuleID, ModuleInfo, _ } import sbt.Keys._ import sbt.plugins.JvmPlugin import scala.util.Try import scala.xml.{ Elem, PrettyPrinter, XML } object SbtMavenPlugin extends AutoPlugin { override def trigger = noTrigger override def requires = JvmPlugin object autoImport { val mavenGeneratePluginXml = taskKey[Seq[File]]("Generate the maven plugin xml") } import autoImport._ override def projectSettings: Seq[Setting[_]] = inConfig(Compile)(unscopedSettings) def unscopedSettings = Seq( sourceDirectory in mavenGeneratePluginXml := sourceDirectory.value / "maven", sources in mavenGeneratePluginXml := Seq((sourceDirectory in mavenGeneratePluginXml).value / "plugin.xml").filter(_.exists()), target in mavenGeneratePluginXml := target.value / "maven-plugin-xml", managedResourceDirectories += (target in mavenGeneratePluginXml).value, mavenGeneratePluginXml := { val files = (sources in mavenGeneratePluginXml).value val outDir = (target in mavenGeneratePluginXml).value / "META-INF" / "maven" IO.createDirectory(outDir) val pid = projectID.value val pi = projectInfo.value val deps = allDependencies.value val sv = scalaVersion.value val sbv = scalaBinaryVersion.value val log = streams.value.log val configHash = Seq(pid.toString, pi.toString, deps.toString, sv, sbv).hashCode() val cacheFile = streams.value.cacheDirectory / "maven.plugin.xml.cache" val cachedHash = Some(cacheFile).filter(_.exists()).flatMap { file => Try( } val configChanged = cachedHash.forall(_ != configHash) val outFiles = { file => val outFile = outDir / file.getName if (file.lastModified() > outFile.lastModified() || configChanged) {"Generating $outFile from template") val template = XML.loadFile(file) val processed = processTemplate(template, pid, pi, deps, CrossVersion(sv, sbv), log) IO.write(outFile, new PrettyPrinter(120, 2).format(processed)) } outFile } IO.write(cacheFile, configHash.toString) outFiles }, resourceGenerators += mavenGeneratePluginXml.taskValue) def processTemplate( xml: Elem, moduleID: ModuleID, moduleInfo: ModuleInfo, dependencies: Seq[ModuleID], crossVersion: ModuleID => ModuleID, log: Logger) = { // Add project meta data val withProjectInfo = Seq( "name" -> moduleInfo.nameFormal, "description" -> moduleInfo.description, "groupId" -> moduleID.organization, "artifactId" ->, "version" -> moduleID.revision).foldRight(xml) { case ((label, value), elem) => prependIfAbsent(elem, createElement(label, value)) } withProjectInfo } private def createElement(label: String, value: String): Elem = <elem>{value}</elem>.copy(label = label) private def prependIfAbsent(parent: Elem, elem: Elem) = if (parent.child.exists(_.label == elem.label)) { parent } else { parent.copy(child = elem +: parent.child) } }
Example 10
Source File: PomInclusionPlugin.scala From chatoverflow with Eclipse Public License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import sbt._ import sbt.Keys._ import sbt.plugins.JvmPlugin object PomInclusionPlugin extends AutoPlugin { // Everything in autoImport will be visible to sbt project files // They can set this value to false if they don't want to include their dependencies as a pom file object autoImport { val includePom = settingKey[Boolean]("Whether to include a pom file inside the jar with all dependencies.") } import autoImport._ // We require to have the Compile configuration and the packageBin task to override override def requires = JvmPlugin override def trigger = allRequirements // Adds our custom task before the packageBin task override val projectSettings: Seq[Def.Setting[_]] = inConfig(Compile)(Seq( Compile / packageBin := (Compile / packageBin).dependsOn(addPomToOutput).value )) // Sets default values override def buildSettings: Seq[Def.Setting[_]] = inConfig(Compile)( includePom in packageBin := true ) // Just copies the pom resulted by makePom into the directory for compiled classes // That way the file will be included in the jar private lazy val addPomToOutput = Def.taskDyn { if ((includePom in packageBin).value) Def.task { val pomFile = (Compile / makePom).value IO.copyFile(pomFile, new File((Compile / classDirectory).value, "dependencies.pom")) } else Def.task {} // if disabled, do nothing } }
Example 11
Source File: ParserGenerator.scala From scalingua with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
import sbt.{Def, _} import Keys._ import sbt.plugins.JvmPlugin import scala.sys.process._ object ParserGenerator extends AutoPlugin { object autoImport { val generateLexer = taskKey[Seq[File]]("Generate JFlex lexer") val generateParser = taskKey[Seq[File]]("Generate CUP parser") } import autoImport._ override def requires = JvmPlugin override def projectSettings: Seq[Def.Setting[_]] = inConfig(Compile)(configurationSettings) ++ inConfig(Test)(configurationSettings) private def generationSettings(extension: String, dir: String, task: TaskKey[Seq[File]]): Seq[Def.Setting[_]] = Seq( sourceDirectories in task := Seq(sourceDirectory.value), includeFilter in task := extension, excludeFilter in task := HiddenFileFilter, sources in task := Defaults.collectFiles(sourceDirectories in task, includeFilter in task, excludeFilter in task).value, target in task := crossTarget.value / dir, sourceGenerators += task.taskValue, managedSourceDirectories += (target in task).value ) private def configurationSettings: Seq[Def.Setting[_]] = generationSettings("*.flex", "generated-lexer", generateLexer) ++ generationSettings("*.cup", "generated-parser", generateParser) ++ Seq( generateLexer := generateLexerTask.value, generateParser := generateParserTask.value ) private def runJava(mainClass: Class[_], args: String*): Unit = { val loc = new File(mainClass.getProtectionDomain.getCodeSource.getLocation.toURI).getCanonicalPath val cmdline = Seq("java", "-cp", loc, mainClass.getName) ++ args val exitCode = cmdline.! if (exitCode != 0) throw new RuntimeException(s"Process '${cmdline.mkString(" ")}' exited with code $exitCode") } private def process(src: TaskKey[Seq[File]], tgt: SettingKey[File])(f: (File, File) => Unit) = Def.task[Seq[File]] { val srcFiles = src.value val targetDir = tgt.value if (srcFiles.isEmpty) Nil else synchronized { // some weird threading issues, i'm too lazy to debug them. if (targetDir.exists()) IO.delete(targetDir) IO.createDirectory(targetDir) srcFiles.foreach(f(_, targetDir)) IO.listFiles(targetDir) } } def generateLexerTask = process(sources in generateLexer, target in generateLexer) { (f, t) => val skel = new File("project/skeleton.jflex") runJava(classOf[jflex.Main], f.getCanonicalPath, "-d", t.getCanonicalPath, "--skel", skel.getCanonicalPath) } def generateParserTask = process(sources in generateParser, target in generateParser) { (f, t) => runJava(classOf[java_cup.Main], "-destdir", t.getCanonicalPath, "-locations", f.getCanonicalPath) } }
Example 12
Source File: LagomOpenApiPlugin.scala From sbt-lagom-descriptor-generator with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.lightbend.lagom.spec.sbt import sbt.Keys._ import sbt.plugins.JvmPlugin import sbt.{ AutoPlugin, File, _ } object LagomOpenApiPlugin extends AutoPlugin { object autoImport { val lagomOpenAPIGenerateDescriptor = taskKey[Seq[File]]("Generate Lagom Descriptors from OpenAPI specs.") } import autoImport._ override def trigger = noTrigger override def requires = JvmPlugin override def projectSettings = inConfig(Compile)(openApiSettings) ++ inConfig(Test)(openApiSettings) val openApiSettings = Seq( sourceDirectory in lagomOpenAPIGenerateDescriptor := sourceDirectory.value / "openapi", resourceDirectory in lagomOpenAPIGenerateDescriptor := sourceDirectory.value / "openapi", target in lagomOpenAPIGenerateDescriptor := crossTarget.value / "openapi" / Defaults.nameForSrc(, lagomOpenAPIGenerateDescriptor := LagomOpenApiGenerator.lagomOpenAPIGenerateDescriptorTask().value, sourceGenerators += Def.task { lagomOpenAPIGenerateDescriptor.value }, // TODO: review managedSources managedSourceDirectories += (target in lagomOpenAPIGenerateDescriptor).value / "java", unmanagedResourceDirectories += (resourceDirectory in lagomOpenAPIGenerateDescriptor).value, watchSources in Defaults.ConfigGlobal ++= (sources in lagomOpenAPIGenerateDescriptor).value ) ++ inTask(lagomOpenAPIGenerateDescriptor)( Seq( includeFilter := GlobFilter("*.json") || GlobFilter("*.yaml"), managedSourceDirectories := Nil, unmanagedSourceDirectories := Seq(sourceDirectory.value), sourceDirectories := unmanagedSourceDirectories.value ++ managedSourceDirectories.value, unmanagedSources := Defaults.collectFiles(sourceDirectories, includeFilter, excludeFilter).value, managedSources := Nil, sources := managedSources.value ++ unmanagedSources.value, managedResourceDirectories := Nil, unmanagedResourceDirectories := Seq(resourceDirectory.value), resourceDirectories := unmanagedResourceDirectories.value ++ managedResourceDirectories.value, unmanagedResources := Defaults.collectFiles(resourceDirectories, includeFilter, excludeFilter).value, managedResources := Nil, resources := managedResources.value ++ unmanagedResources.value ) ) }
Example 13
Source File: Build.scala From troy with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
import com.typesafe.sbt.{ GitPlugin, SbtScalariform } import de.heikoseeberger.sbtheader.HeaderPlugin import de.heikoseeberger.sbtheader.license.Apache2_0 import sbt._ import sbt.plugins.JvmPlugin import sbt.Keys._ import scalariform.formatter.preferences.{ AlignSingleLineCaseStatements, DoubleIndentClassDeclaration } import bintray.BintrayKeys._ object Build extends AutoPlugin { override def requires = JvmPlugin && HeaderPlugin && GitPlugin && SbtScalariform override def trigger = allRequirements def compileSettings = Vector( // Core settings organization := "io.github.cassandra-scala", licenses += ("Apache-2.0", url("")), scalaVersion := Version.Scala, scalaOrganization := "org.typelevel", // FIXME: Remove once literal-types is merged into lightbend Scala crossScalaVersions := Vector("2.11.8", "2.12.1"), scalacOptions ++= Vector( "-encoding", "UTF-8", "-target:jvm-1.8", "-language:_", "-unchecked", "-feature", "-deprecation", "-Xlint", "-Xfuture", "-Ywarn-dead-code", "-Ywarn-unused-import", "-Ywarn-unused", "-Ywarn-nullary-unit", "-Yliteral-types" ), scalacOptions in (Compile, console) := Seq("-Yliteral-types"), := Vector(, := Vector( ) def testSettings = Vector( parallelExecution in Test := false, publishArtifact in Test := false ) def stablePublishSettings = Vector( publishArtifact in Test := false, pomExtra := ( <modules> <module>cql-ast</module> <module>cql-parser</module> <module>troy-schema</module> <module>troy-driver</module> <module>troy</module> </modules> <scm> <url>[email protected]:cassandra-scala/troy.git</url> <connection>scm:git:[email protected]:cassandra-scala/troy.git</connection> </scm> <developers> <developer> <id>tabdulradi</id> <name>Tamer Abdulradi</name> <url></url> </developer> </developers>), licenses := ("Apache-2.0", url("")) :: Nil ) def snapshotPublishSettings = Seq() //TODO def publishSettings = stablePublishSettings def pluginsSettings = Vector( // Scalariform settings SbtScalariform.autoImport.scalariformPreferences := SbtScalariform.autoImport.scalariformPreferences.value .setPreference(AlignSingleLineCaseStatements, true) .setPreference(AlignSingleLineCaseStatements.MaxArrowIndent, 100) .setPreference(DoubleIndentClassDeclaration, true), // Git settings GitPlugin.autoImport.git.useGitDescribe := true, // Header settings HeaderPlugin.autoImport.headers := Map("scala" -> Apache2_0("2016", "Tamer AbdulRadi")) ) override def projectSettings = Defaults.coreDefaultSettings ++ compileSettings ++ testSettings ++ publishSettings ++ pluginsSettings }
Example 14
Source File: WavesExtensionDockerPlugin.scala From Waves with MIT License | 5 votes |
import WavesDockerKeys._ import sbt.plugins.JvmPlugin import sbt.{AutoPlugin, Def, Plugins, inTask} import sbtdocker.DockerPlugin import sbtdocker.DockerPlugin.autoImport._ object WavesExtensionDockerPlugin extends AutoPlugin { override def requires: Plugins = JvmPlugin && DockerPlugin override def projectSettings: Seq[Def.Setting[_]] = inTask(docker)( Seq( additionalFiles := Seq.empty, exposedPorts := Set.empty, baseImage := "com.wavesplatform/node-it:latest", dockerfile := { new Dockerfile { from(baseImage.value) add(additionalFiles.value, "/opt/waves/") expose(exposedPorts.value.toSeq: _*) } }, buildOptions := BuildOptions(removeIntermediateContainers = BuildOptions.Remove.OnSuccess) )) }
Example 15
Source File: WavesDockerPlugin.scala From Waves with MIT License | 5 votes |
import import WavesDockerKeys._ import sbt.plugins.JvmPlugin import sbt.{AutoPlugin, Def, Plugins, inTask, taskKey} import sbtdocker.DockerPlugin import sbtdocker.DockerPlugin.autoImport._ object WavesDockerPlugin extends AutoPlugin { override def requires: Plugins = JvmPlugin && DockerPlugin override def projectSettings: Seq[Def.Setting[_]] = inTask(docker)( Seq( additionalFiles := Seq.empty, exposedPorts := Set.empty, baseImage := "anapsix/alpine-java:8_server-jre", dockerfile := { val yourKitArchive = "" val bin = "/opt/waves/" new Dockerfile { from(baseImage.value) runRaw(s"""mkdir -p /opt/waves && \\ |apk update && \\ |apk add --no-cache openssl ca-certificates && \\ |wget --quiet "" -O /opt/waves/aspectjweaver.jar && \\ |wget --quiet "$yourKitArchive" -P /tmp/ && \\ |unzip /tmp/$yourKitArchive -d /usr/local && \\ |rm -f /tmp/$yourKitArchive""".stripMargin) add(additionalFiles.value, "/opt/waves/") runShell("chmod", "+x", bin) entryPoint(bin) expose(exposedPorts.value.toSeq: _*) } }, buildOptions := BuildOptions(removeIntermediateContainers = BuildOptions.Remove.OnSuccess) )) } object WavesDockerKeys { val additionalFiles = taskKey[Seq[File]]("Additional files to copy to /opt/waves") val exposedPorts = taskKey[Set[Int]]("Exposed ports") val baseImage = taskKey[String]("A base image for this container") }
Example 16
Source File: ProtobufScalaPlugin.scala From jvm-toxcore-c with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
package im.tox.sbt import com.github.os72.protocjar.Protoc import com.trueaccord.scalapb.ScalaPbPlugin._ import sbt.Keys._ import sbt._ import sbt.plugins.{ IvyPlugin, JvmPlugin } object ProtobufScalaPlugin extends AutoPlugin { override def trigger: PluginTrigger = allRequirements override def requires: Plugins = IvyPlugin && JvmPlugin override def projectSettings: Seq[Setting[_]] = protobufSettings ++ inConfig(protobufConfig)(Seq( runProtoc in protobufConfig := { (args: Seq[String]) => Protoc.runProtoc(args.toArray) }, javaSource := (sourceManaged in Compile).value, scalaSource := (sourceManaged in Compile).value, version := "3.4.0", javaConversions := true, flatPackage := true, grpc := true )) }
Example 17
Source File: CheckBeamDependencies.scala From scio with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap import java.util.function.{Function => JFunction} import sbt._ import Keys._ import sbt.plugins.JvmPlugin import scala.sys.process._ object CheckBeamDependencies extends AutoPlugin { override def requires: JvmPlugin.type = sbt.plugins.JvmPlugin override def trigger: PluginTrigger = allRequirements object autoImport { val checkBeamDependencies = taskKey[Unit]("check beam dependencies") } import autoImport._ private[this] val beamDeps = new ConcurrentHashMap[String, Map[String, Set[String]]]() private def resolveBeamDependencies(deps: Seq[(String, String)]): Map[String, Set[String]] = deps .filter(d => d._1.startsWith("org.apache.beam")) .map { case (orgName, rev) => beamDeps.computeIfAbsent( orgName, new JFunction[String, Map[String, Set[String]]] { override def apply(key: String): Map[String, Set[String]] = { val output = s"coursier resolve $key:$rev" lineStream_! output .flatMap { dep => dep.split(":").toList match { case org :: name :: rev :: _ => Some((s"$org:$name", rev)) case _ => None } } .toList .groupBy(_._1) .mapValues( } } ) } .foldLeft(Map.empty[String, Set[String]])(_ ++ _) override lazy val projectSettings = Seq( checkBeamDependencies := { val deps = => (s"${m.organization}:${}", m.revision)) val beamDependencies = resolveBeamDependencies(deps) val projectBeamDeps = deps .map(dep => (dep, beamDependencies.getOrElse(dep._1, Nil))) .collect { case ((dep, version), beamVersions) => => (dep, (version, v))) } .flatten streams.value.log.warn { (thisProjectRef.value.project :: projectBeamDeps.collect { case (org, (v1, v2)) if v1 != v2 => s"* $org:$v1 -> beam: $v2" }.toList).mkString("\n") } } ) }
Example 18
Source File: DexItDockerPlugin.scala From matcher with MIT License | 5 votes |
import import sbt.plugins.JvmPlugin import sbt.{AutoPlugin, Def, LocalProject, PluginTrigger, Plugins, inTask, taskKey} import sbtdocker.DockerPlugin import sbtdocker.DockerPlugin.autoImport._ object DexItDockerPlugin extends AutoPlugin { import DexItDockerKeys._ override def requires: Plugins = JvmPlugin && DockerPlugin override def trigger: PluginTrigger = PluginTrigger.NoTrigger override def projectSettings: Seq[Def.Setting[_]] = inTask(docker)( Seq( additionalFiles := Seq.empty, exposedPorts := Set(6886), baseImage := "com.wavesplatform/waves-dex:latest", dockerfile := { new Dockerfile { from(baseImage.value) add(additionalFiles.value, "/opt/waves-dex/") expose(exposedPorts.value.toSeq: _*) } }, buildOptions := BuildOptions(removeIntermediateContainers = BuildOptions.Remove.OnSuccess) )) ++ Seq( docker := docker.dependsOn(LocalProject("dex") / docker).value ) } object DexItDockerKeys { val additionalFiles = taskKey[Seq[File]]("Additional files to copy to /opt/waves-dex") val exposedPorts = taskKey[Set[Int]]("Exposed ports") val baseImage = taskKey[String]("A base image for this container") }
Example 19
Source File: TypelevelScalaOrganization.scala From sbt-best-practice with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.thoughtworks.sbtBestPractice.detectscalaorganization import sbt.plugins.JvmPlugin import sbt._, Keys._ object TypelevelScalaOrganization extends AutoPlugin { override def trigger = allRequirements override def requires = JvmPlugin override def projectSettings: Seq[Def.Setting[_]] = Seq( scalaOrganization in updateSbtClassifiers := { (scalaOrganization in Global).value }, scalaOrganization := { val unchanged = scalaOrganization.value scalaVersion.value match { case VersionNumber(_, tags, _) if tags.contains("typelevel") => "org.typelevel" case _ => unchanged } } ) }
Example 20
Source File: PackageUnidoc.scala From sbt-best-practice with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.thoughtworks.sbtBestPractice.publishUnidoc import sbt.{Def, _} import Keys._ import sbt.Defaults.{packageDocMappings, packageTaskSettings} import sbt.plugins.JvmPlugin import sbtunidoc.UnidocKeys object PackageUnidoc extends AutoPlugin with UnidocKeys { override def requires: Plugins = JvmPlugin override def trigger: PluginTrigger = allRequirements object autoImport { val unidocProject = settingKey[Option[ProjectRef]]( "The project that defines a unidoc task. If this `unidocProject` setting is not None, packageDoc will use files generated from unidoc instead of per project doc") } import autoImport._ override def globalSettings: Seq[Def.Setting[_]] = { unidocProject := None } override def projectSettings: Seq[Def.Setting[_]] = { inConfig(Compile)( packageTaskSettings( packageDoc, Def.taskDyn { unidocProject.value match { case None => packageDocMappings case Some(p) => (unidoc in Compile in p).map(_.flatMap(Path.allSubpaths)) } } )) } }
Example 21
Source File: ScalacWarnings.scala From sbt-best-practice with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.thoughtworks.sbtBestPractice.scalacOptions import sbt.Keys._ import sbt._ import sbt.plugins.JvmPlugin object ScalacWarnings extends AutoPlugin { override def requires = JvmPlugin override def trigger = allRequirements override def projectSettings = Seq( scalacOptions += "-feature", scalacOptions in Compile += "-deprecation", scalacOptions += "-unchecked", scalacOptions ++= { import Ordering.Implicits._ VersionNumber(scalaVersion.value).numbers match { case numbers if numbers >= Seq(2L, 13L) => Some("-Xlint:infer-any") case numbers if numbers >= Seq(2L, 11L) => Some("-Ywarn-infer-any") case _ => None } } ) }
Example 22
Source File: Optimization.scala From sbt-best-practice with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.thoughtworks.sbtBestPractice.scalacOptions import com.thoughtworks.sbtBestPractice.scalacOptions.ScalacWarnings.allRequirements import sbt.{Def, _} import sbt.Keys._ import sbt.plugins.JvmPlugin object Optimization extends AutoPlugin { override def requires: Plugins = JvmPlugin override def trigger: PluginTrigger = allRequirements object autoImport { val optimization = settingKey[Boolean]("Whether to enable scalac flags for optimization") } import autoImport._ override def globalSettings: Seq[Def.Setting[_]] = Seq( optimization := false ) override def projectSettings = Seq( scalacOptions ++= { if (optimization.value) { import scala.math.Ordering.Implicits._ val versionNumbers = VersionNumber(scalaVersion.value).numbers if (versionNumbers < Seq(2L, 12L)) { Seq("-optimize", "-Yinline-warnings") } else if (versionNumbers < Seq(2L, 12L, 3L)) { Seq("-opt:l:project") } else { Seq("-opt:l:inline", "-opt-inline-from:<sources>") } } else { Nil } } ) }
Example 23
Source File: ScaladocFeatures.scala From sbt-best-practice with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.thoughtworks.sbtBestPractice.scalacOptions import sbt._ import sbt.Keys._ import sbt.plugins.JvmPlugin object ScaladocFeatures extends AutoPlugin { override def requires = JvmPlugin override def trigger = allRequirements override val projectSettings = Seq( scalacOptions in Compile in doc += "-groups", scalacOptions in Compile in doc += "-diagrams", scalacOptions in Compile in doc += "-implicits", scalacOptions in Compile in doc ++= { if (scalaBinaryVersion.value == "2.10") { Seq() } else { Seq("-author") } } ) }
Example 24
Source File: ClasspathCache.scala From sbt-best-practice with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.thoughtworks.sbtBestPractice.scalacOptions import sbt._ import Keys._ import sbt.plugins.JvmPlugin object ClasspathCache extends AutoPlugin { override def trigger = allRequirements override def requires = JvmPlugin override def projectSettings: Seq[Def.Setting[_]] = Seq( scalacOptions ++= { import scala.Ordering.Implicits._ if (VersionNumber(scalaVersion.value).numbers >= Seq(2L, 12L, 5L)) { Seq("-Ycache-plugin-class-loader:last-modified", "-Ycache-macro-class-loader:last-modified") } else { Nil } } ) }
Example 25
Source File: TravisUnidoc.scala From sbt-best-practice with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.thoughtworks.sbtBestPractice.travis import sbt.plugins.JvmPlugin import sbt._ import Keys._ import sbtunidoc.{ScalaUnidocPlugin, UnidocKeys} object TravisUnidoc extends AutoPlugin with UnidocKeys { override def requires: Plugins = Travis && JvmPlugin && ScalaUnidocPlugin override def trigger: PluginTrigger = allRequirements override def projectSettings = Seq( scalacOptions in Compile in doc := { val originalScalacOptions = (scalacOptions in Compile in doc).value Travis.travisRepoSlug.?.value match { case Some(slug) => originalScalacOptions.indexOf("-doc-title") match { case -1 => originalScalacOptions ++ Seq("-doc-title", slug) case i => originalScalacOptions.updated(i + 1, slug) } case None => originalScalacOptions } } ) }
Example 26
Source File: Build.scala From healthchecks with MIT License | 5 votes |
import bintray.BintrayPlugin import bintray.BintrayPlugin.autoImport._ import com.lucidchart.sbt.scalafmt.ScalafmtCorePlugin.autoImport._ import de.heikoseeberger.sbtheader.HeaderPlugin import de.heikoseeberger.sbtheader.HeaderPlugin.autoImport._ import sbtrelease.ReleasePlugin.autoImport._ import sbt.Keys._ import sbt.{AutoPlugin, _} import sbt.plugins.JvmPlugin object Build extends AutoPlugin { override def requires = JvmPlugin && HeaderPlugin && BintrayPlugin override def trigger = allRequirements override def projectSettings = Vector( // Core settings organization := "com.github.everpeace", organizationName := "Shingo Omura", startYear := Some(2017), licenses += ("MIT", url("")), headerLicense := Some(HeaderLicense.MIT("2017", "Shingo Omura")), homepage := Some(url("")), pomIncludeRepository := (_ => false), pomExtra := <scm> <url></url> <connection>scm:git:[email protected]:everpeace/healthchecks</connection> </scm> <developers> <developer> <id>everpeace</id> <name>Shingo Omura</name> <url></url> </developer> </developers>, scalaVersion := Version.Scala.head, crossScalaVersions := Version.Scala, scalacOptions ++= Vector( "-unchecked", "-deprecation", "-language:_", "-encoding", "UTF-8", "-Ywarn-unused-import", "-Ypartial-unification" ), // Scalafmt setting scalafmtOnCompile := true, scalafmtTestOnCompile := true, // macro compiler plugin addCompilerPlugin( "org.scalamacros" % "paradise" % Version.paradise cross CrossVersion.full ), // Bintray settings bintrayPackage := "healthchecks", bintrayRepository := "maven", releaseCrossBuild := true, releaseVersionBump := sbtrelease.Version.Bump.Next ) }
Example 27
Source File: KotlinPlugin.scala From kotlin-plugin with MIT License | 5 votes |
package kotlin import Keys._ import sbt._ import sbt.Keys._ import sbt.plugins.JvmPlugin object KotlinPlugin extends AutoPlugin { override def trigger = allRequirements override def requires = JvmPlugin override def projectConfigurations = KotlinInternal :: Nil override def globalSettings = (onLoad := onLoad.value andThen { s => Project.runTask(updateCheck in Keys.Kotlin, s).fold(s)(_._1) }) :: Nil private def kotlinScriptCompilerDeps(kotlinVer: String) = { import scala.math.Ordering.Implicits.infixOrderingOps if (KotlinVersion(kotlinVer) <= KotlinVersion("1.3.21")) { Seq( "org.jetbrains.kotlin" % "kotlin-script-runtime" % kotlinVer ) } else { Seq( "org.jetbrains.kotlin" % "kotlin-scripting-compiler-embeddable" % kotlinVer %, "org.jetbrains.kotlin" % "kotlin-scripting-compiler-embeddable" % kotlinVer ) } } override def projectSettings = Seq( libraryDependencies ++= Seq( "org.jetbrains.kotlin" % "kotlin-compiler-embeddable" % kotlinVersion.value % ) ++ kotlinScriptCompilerDeps(kotlinVersion.value), managedClasspath in KotlinInternal := Classpaths.managedJars(KotlinInternal, classpathTypes.value, update.value), updateCheck in Kotlin := { val log = streams.value.log UpdateChecker("pfn", "sbt-plugins", "kotlin-plugin") { case Left(t) => log.debug("Failed to load version info: " + t) case Right((versions, current)) => log.debug("available versions: " + versions) log.debug("current version: " + BuildInfo.version) log.debug("latest version: " + current) if (versions(BuildInfo.version)) { if (BuildInfo.version != current) { log.warn( s"UPDATE: A newer kotlin-plugin is available:" + s" $current, currently running: ${BuildInfo.version}") } } } }, kotlinVersion := "1.3.50", kotlincOptions := Nil, kotlincPluginOptions := Nil, watchSources ++= { import language.postfixOps val kotlinSources = "*.kt" || "*.kts" (sourceDirectories in Compile).value.flatMap(_ ** kotlinSources get) ++ (sourceDirectories in Test).value.flatMap(_ ** kotlinSources get) } ) ++ inConfig(Compile)(kotlinCompileSettings) ++ inConfig(Test)(kotlinCompileSettings) val autoImport = Keys // public to allow kotlin compile in other configs beyond Compile and Test val kotlinCompileSettings = List( unmanagedSourceDirectories += kotlinSource.value, kotlincOptions := kotlincOptions.value, kotlincPluginOptions := kotlincPluginOptions.value, kotlinCompile := Def.task { KotlinCompile.compile(kotlincOptions.value, sourceDirectories.value, kotlincPluginOptions.value, dependencyClasspath.value, (managedClasspath in KotlinInternal).value, classDirectory.value, streams.value) }.dependsOn (compileInputs in (Compile,compile)).value, compile := (compile dependsOn kotlinCompile).value, kotlinSource := sourceDirectory.value / "kotlin", definedTests in Test ++= KotlinTest.kotlinTests.value ) }
Example 28
Source File: Common.scala From play-file-watch with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
import Dependencies._ import sbt.Keys._ import sbt._ import sbt.plugins.JvmPlugin object Common extends AutoPlugin { override def trigger = noTrigger override def requires = JvmPlugin val repoName = "play-file-watch" val javacParameters = Seq( "-source", "1.8", "-target", "1.8", "-Xlint:deprecation", "-Xlint:unchecked" ) val scalacParameters = Seq( "-target:jvm-1.8", "-encoding", "utf8", "-deprecation", "-feature", "-unchecked", "-Xlint", "-Ywarn-unused:imports", "-Xlint:nullary-unit", "-Ywarn-dead-code" ) override def globalSettings = Seq( organization := "", organizationName := "Lightbend Inc.", organizationHomepage := Some(url("")), homepage := Some(url(s"${repoName}")), licenses := Seq("Apache-2.0" -> url("")), scalaVersion := Scala212, crossScalaVersions := ScalaVersions, scalacOptions ++= scalacParameters, javacOptions ++= javacParameters, scmInfo := Some( ScmInfo( url(s"${repoName}"), s"scm:git:[email protected]:playframework/${repoName}.git" ) ), developers += Developer( "contributors", "Contributors", "", url("") ), description := "Play File Watch Library. Watch files in a platform independent way." ) }
Example 29
Source File: Common.scala From play-json with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
import sbt.Keys._ import sbt._ import sbt.plugins.JvmPlugin object Common extends AutoPlugin { override def trigger = allRequirements override def requires = JvmPlugin val repoName = "play-json" override def globalSettings = Seq( organization := "", organizationName := "Lightbend Inc.", organizationHomepage := Some(url("")), homepage := Some(url(s"${repoName}")), licenses := Seq("Apache-2.0" -> url("")), scalacOptions ++= Seq("-deprecation", "-feature", "-unchecked", "-encoding", "utf8"), javacOptions ++= Seq("-encoding", "UTF-8", "-Xlint:-options"), scmInfo := Some( ScmInfo( url(s"${repoName}"), s"scm:git:[email protected]:playframework/${repoName}.git" ) ), developers += Developer( "contributors", "Contributors", "", url("") ), description := "Play JSON" ) }
Example 30
Source File: Common.scala From constructr-consul with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
import com.lucidchart.sbt.scalafmt.ScalafmtCorePlugin.autoImport.{ scalafmtOnCompile, scalafmtVersion } import com.typesafe.sbt.GitPlugin import de.heikoseeberger.sbtheader.HeaderPlugin.autoImport._ import de.heikoseeberger.sbtheader._ import sbt.Keys._ import sbt._ import sbt.plugins.JvmPlugin object Common extends AutoPlugin { override def requires = JvmPlugin && HeaderPlugin && GitPlugin override def trigger = allRequirements override def projectSettings = Seq( // Core settings organization := "com.tecsisa", organizationName := "Tecnología, Sistemas y Aplicaciones S.L.", organizationHomepage := Some(url("")), scmInfo := Some( ScmInfo( url(""), "[email protected]:Tecsisa/constructr-consul.git")), developers += Developer( "contributors", "Contributors", "", url("")), licenses += ("Apache-2.0", url("")), homepage := Some(url("")), pomIncludeRepository := (_ => false), scalaVersion := crossScalaVersions.value.head, crossScalaVersions := Version.ScalaVersions, crossVersion := CrossVersion.binary, scalacOptions ++= Seq( "-encoding", "UTF-8", "-unchecked", "-deprecation", "-Xlint", "-Yno-adapted-args", "-Ywarn-dead-code", "-Ywarn-unused-import", // only 2.11 "-Xfuture" // prevents of future breaking changes ), javacOptions ++= Seq( "-Xlint:unchecked" ), // Git settings GitPlugin.autoImport.git.useGitDescribe := true, // Header settings headerLicense := Some( HeaderLicense .ALv2("2016 - 2018", "TECNOLOGIA, SISTEMAS Y APLICACIONES S.L. <>") ), headerMappings := headerMappings.value ++ Map( FileType.scala -> CommentStyle.cStyleBlockComment ), // Scalafmt settings scalafmtOnCompile in ThisBuild := true, scalafmtVersion in ThisBuild := Version.Scalafmt ) }
Example 31
Source File: Common.scala From play-table-of-contents with MIT License | 5 votes |
import sbt.Keys._ import sbt._ import sbt.plugins.JvmPlugin object Common extends AutoPlugin { override def trigger = allRequirements override def requires: sbt.Plugins = JvmPlugin override def projectSettings = Seq( organization := "com.lightbend.restapi", version := "1.0-SNAPSHOT", resolvers += Resolver.typesafeRepo("releases"), javacOptions ++= Seq("-source", "1.8", "-target", "1.8"), scalacOptions ++= Seq( "-encoding", "UTF-8", // yes, this is 2 args "-target:jvm-1.8", "-deprecation", "-feature", "-unchecked", "-Xlint", "-Yno-adapted-args", "-Ywarn-numeric-widen", "-Xfatal-warnings" ), scalacOptions in Test ++= Seq("-Yrangepos"), autoAPIMappings := true ) }
Example 32
Source File: WavesExtensionDockerPlugin.scala From matcher with MIT License | 5 votes |
import import sbt.plugins.JvmPlugin import sbt.{AutoPlugin, Def, PluginTrigger, Plugins, inTask, taskKey, settingKey} import sbtdocker.DockerPlugin import sbtdocker.DockerPlugin.autoImport._ // TODO move to waves-integration-it object WavesExtensionDockerPlugin extends AutoPlugin { import WavesExtensionDockerKeys._ override def requires: Plugins = JvmPlugin && DockerPlugin override def trigger: PluginTrigger = PluginTrigger.NoTrigger override def projectSettings: Seq[Def.Setting[_]] = inTask(docker)( Seq( additionalFiles := Seq.empty, exposedPorts := Set.empty, baseImage := s"wavesplatform/wavesnode:${wavesNodeVersion.value}", dockerfile := { new Dockerfile { from(baseImage.value) // see user("root:root") add(additionalFiles.value, "/opt/waves/") expose(exposedPorts.value.toSeq: _*) entryPoint("/opt/waves/") } }, buildOptions := BuildOptions(removeIntermediateContainers = BuildOptions.Remove.OnSuccess) )) } object WavesExtensionDockerKeys { val additionalFiles = taskKey[Seq[File]]("Additional files to copy to /opt/waves") val exposedPorts = taskKey[Set[Int]]("Exposed ports") val baseImage = taskKey[String]("A base image for this container") val wavesNodeVersion = settingKey[String]("A version of Waves Node") }
Example 33
Source File: DexDockerPlugin.scala From matcher with MIT License | 5 votes |
import import DexDockerKeys._ import sbt.plugins.JvmPlugin import sbt.{AutoPlugin, Def, Plugins, inTask, taskKey} import sbtdocker.DockerPlugin import sbtdocker.DockerPlugin.autoImport._ object DexDockerPlugin extends AutoPlugin { override def requires: Plugins = JvmPlugin && DockerPlugin override def projectSettings: Seq[Def.Setting[_]] = inTask(docker)( Seq( imageNames := Seq(ImageName("com.wavesplatform/waves-dex:latest")), additionalFiles := Seq.empty, exposedPorts := Set( 6886, // REST API 10001 // Profiler ), baseImage := "anapsix/alpine-java:8_server-jre", dockerfile := new Dockerfile { from(baseImage.value) val yourKitArchive = "" val bin = "/opt/waves-dex/" // See runRaw(s"""mkdir -p /opt/waves-dex && \\ |apk update && \\ |apk add --no-cache openssl ca-certificates && \\ |wget --quiet "" -O /opt/waves-dex/aspectjweaver.jar && \\ |wget --quiet "$yourKitArchive" -P /tmp/ && \\ |unzip /tmp/$yourKitArchive -d /usr/local && \\ |rm -f /tmp/$yourKitArchive""".stripMargin) add(additionalFiles.value, "/opt/waves-dex/") runShell("chmod", "+x", bin) entryPoint(bin) expose(exposedPorts.value.toSeq: _*) }, buildOptions := BuildOptions(removeIntermediateContainers = BuildOptions.Remove.OnSuccess) )) } object DexDockerKeys { val additionalFiles = taskKey[Seq[File]]("Additional files to copy to /opt/waves-dex/") val exposedPorts = taskKey[Set[Int]]("Exposed ports") val baseImage = taskKey[String]("A base image for this container") }