scala.collection.immutable.TreeMap Scala Examples
The following examples show how to use scala.collection.immutable.TreeMap.
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Example 1
Source File: OAuth.scala From iot-demo with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package core import import java.nio.charset.Charset import javax.crypto import org.parboiled.common.Base64 import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory import spray.http.HttpHeaders.RawHeader import spray.http.{ContentType, HttpEntity, HttpRequest, MediaTypes} import scala.collection.immutable.TreeMap object OAuth { private[this] val log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass) def oAuthAuthorizer(consumer: Consumer, token: Token): HttpRequest => HttpRequest = { // construct the key and cryptographic entity val SHA1 = "HmacSHA1" val keyString = percentEncode(consumer.secret :: token.secret :: Nil) val key = new crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec(bytes(keyString), SHA1) val mac = crypto.Mac.getInstance(SHA1) { httpRequest: HttpRequest => val timestamp = (System.currentTimeMillis / 1000).toString // nonce is unique enough for our purposes here val nonce = System.nanoTime.toString // pick out x-www-form-urlencoded body val (requestParams, newEntity) = httpRequest.entity match { case [email protected](ContentType(MediaTypes.`application/x-www-form-urlencoded`, _), data) =>"request {}", request) val params = data.asString.split("&") val pairs = { param => val p = param.split("=") p(0) -> percentEncode(p(1)) } (pairs.toMap, HttpEntity(ContentType(MediaTypes.`application/x-www-form-urlencoded`), "%s=%s" format(pairs(0)._1, pairs(0)._2))) case e => (Map(), e) } // prepare the OAuth parameters val oauthParams = Map( "oauth_consumer_key" -> consumer.key, "oauth_signature_method" -> "HMAC-SHA1", "oauth_timestamp" -> timestamp, "oauth_nonce" -> nonce, "oauth_token" -> token.value, "oauth_version" -> "1.0" ) // construct parts of the signature base string val encodedOrderedParams = (TreeMap[String, String]() ++ oauthParams ++ requestParams) map { case (k, v) => k + "=" + v } mkString "&" val url = httpRequest.uri.toString() // construct the signature base string val signatureBaseString = percentEncode(httpRequest.method.toString() :: url :: encodedOrderedParams :: Nil) mac.init(key) val sig = Base64.rfc2045().encodeToString(mac.doFinal(bytes(signatureBaseString)), false) mac.reset() val oauth = TreeMap[String, String]() ++ (oauthParams + ("oauth_signature" -> percentEncode(sig))) map { case (k, v) => "%s=\"%s\"" format(k, v) } mkString ", " // return the signed request httpRequest.withHeaders(List(RawHeader("Authorization", "OAuth " + oauth))).withEntity(newEntity) } } private def percentEncode(str: String): String = URLEncoder.encode(str, "UTF-8") replace("+", "%20") replace("%7E", "~") private def percentEncode(s: Seq[String]): String = s map percentEncode mkString "&" private def bytes(str: String) = str.getBytes(Charset.forName("UTF-8")) case class Consumer(key: String, secret: String) case class Token(value: String, secret: String) }
Example 2
Source File: DistributedRandomGenerator.scala From Waves with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.wavesplatform.generator import scala.collection.immutable.TreeMap import scala.util.Random // trait DistributedRandomGenerator[T] { def getRandom: T } object DistributedRandomGenerator { private class SingleOutcome[T](outcome: T) extends DistributedRandomGenerator[T] { override def getRandom: T = outcome } private class MultipleOutcomes[T](outcomes: TreeMap[Double, T], total: Double) extends DistributedRandomGenerator[T] { override def getRandom: T = outcomes.rangeFrom(Random.nextDouble() * total).head._2 } def apply[T](probabilities: Map[T, Double]): DistributedRandomGenerator[T] = { val filteredProbabilities = probabilities.filter { case (_, p) => p > 0 } filteredProbabilities.size match { case 0 => throw new IllegalArgumentException("empty probability list") case 1 => new SingleOutcome[T](filteredProbabilities.head._1) case _ => import Ordering.Double.TotalOrdering val (treeMap, total) = filteredProbabilities.foldLeft((TreeMap.empty[Double, T], 0d)) { case ((tm, acc), (v, p)) => (tm + ((acc + p) -> v), acc + p) } new MultipleOutcomes[T](treeMap, total) } } }
Example 3
Source File: ClassIndexer.scala From polynote with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package polynote.kernel.interpreter.scal import import import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference import java.util.function.UnaryOperator import io.github.classgraph.ClassGraph import polynote.kernel.ScalaCompiler import polynote.kernel.util.pathOf import zio.blocking.{Blocking, effectBlocking} import zio.{Fiber, RIO, UIO, ZIO} import scala.collection.immutable.TreeMap trait ClassIndexer { def findMatches(name: String): UIO[Map[String, List[(Int, String)]]] def await: UIO[Unit] } object ClassIndexer { def default: ZIO[Blocking with ScalaCompiler.Provider, Nothing, ClassIndexer] = SimpleClassIndexer() } class SimpleClassIndexer(ref: AtomicReference[TreeMap[String, List[(Int, String)]]], process: Fiber[Throwable, Any]) extends ClassIndexer { override def findMatches(name: String): UIO[Map[String, List[(Int, String)]]] = ZIO.effectTotal(ref.get).map(_.range(name, name + Char.MaxValue)) override def await: UIO[Unit] = process.await.unit } object SimpleClassIndexer { def apply(): ZIO[Blocking with ScalaCompiler.Provider, Nothing, SimpleClassIndexer] = { def buildIndex( priorityDependencies: Array[File], classPath: Array[File], classes: AtomicReference[TreeMap[String, List[(Int, String)]]] ) = effectBlocking { import scala.collection.JavaConverters._ val lastPriority = priorityDependencies.length + classPath.length val priorities = (priorityDependencies ++ classPath.diff(priorityDependencies)).distinct.zipWithIndex.toMap val classGraph = new ClassGraph().overrideClasspath(priorityDependencies ++ classPath: _*).enableClassInfo() val scanResult = classGraph.scan() scanResult.getAllClasses.iterator().asScala .filter(_.isPublic) .filterNot(_.isSynthetic) .filterNot(_.getSimpleName.contains("$")) .foreach { classInfo => val priority = priorities.getOrElse(classInfo.getClasspathElementFile, lastPriority) classes.updateAndGet(new UnaryOperator[TreeMap[String, List[(Int, String)]]] { def apply(t: TreeMap[String, List[(Int, String)]]): TreeMap[String, List[(Int, String)]] = t + (classInfo.getSimpleName -> ((priority -> classInfo.getName) :: t.getOrElse(classInfo.getSimpleName, Nil))) }) } classes.get() } def javaLibraryPath = Option(classOf[Object].getResource("Object.class")).flatMap { case url if url.getProtocol == "jar" => try Some(new File(new URI(url.getPath.stripSuffix("!/java/lang/Object.class")))) catch { case err: Throwable => None } case url if url.getProtocol == "file" => try Some(new File(url.toURI)) catch { case err: Throwable => None } case _ => None } for { classPath <- File(_))) deps <- ScalaCompiler.dependencies priorities = new File(pathOf(classOf[List[_]]).toURI) :: javaLibraryPath.toList ::: deps indexRef = new AtomicReference[TreeMap[String, List[(Int, String)]]](new TreeMap) process <- buildIndex(priorities.toArray, classPath, indexRef).forkDaemon } yield new SimpleClassIndexer(indexRef, process) } }
Example 4
Source File: IdGenUtilImpl.scala From c4proto with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package ee.cone.c4actor import java.nio.ByteBuffer import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets.UTF_8 import import java.util.Base64 import ee.cone.c4actor.Types.SrcId import ee.cone.c4di.c4 import okio.ByteString import scala.collection.immutable.TreeMap @c4("RichDataCompApp") final case class IdGenUtilImpl()( proto: MessageDigest = MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5") ) extends IdGenUtil { private def md5(data: Array[Byte]*): String = { val d = proto.clone().asInstanceOf[MessageDigest] // much faster than getInstance("MD5") data.foreach{ bytes => val l = bytes.length d.update((l>>24).toByte) d.update((l>>16).toByte) d.update((l>> 8).toByte) d.update((l>> 0).toByte) d.update(bytes) } Base64.getUrlEncoder.encodeToString(d.digest) } private def toBytes(value: String): Array[Byte] = value.getBytes(UTF_8) private def toBytes(value: Long): Array[Byte] = ByteBuffer.allocate(java.lang.Long.BYTES).putLong(value).array() def srcIdFromSrcIds(srcIdList: SrcId*): SrcId = md5(*) def srcIdFromStrings(stringList: String*): SrcId = md5(*) def srcIdFromSerialized(adapterId: Long, bytes: ByteString): SrcId = md5(toBytes(adapterId),bytes.toByteArray) }
Example 5
Source File: NotEffectiveAssembleTest.scala From c4proto with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package ee.cone.c4actor import Function.chain import LEvent._ import com.typesafe.scalalogging.LazyLogging import ee.cone.c4actor.PCProtocol.{D_RawChildNode, D_RawParentNode} import ee.cone.c4di.c4 object Measure { def apply(f: ()=>Unit): Option[Long] = { val start = System.currentTimeMillis f() Option(System.currentTimeMillis-start) } } @c4("NotEffectiveAssemblerTestApp") final class NotEffectiveAssemblerTest( contextFactory: ContextFactory, execution: Execution, txAdd: LTxAdd, ) extends Executable with LazyLogging { def run(): Unit = { val nodes = List(D_RawParentNode("0", "P-1")) ++ (1 to 10000).map(_.toString) .map(srcId => D_RawChildNode(srcId, "0", s"C-$srcId")) val local = contextFactory.updated(Nil) Measure { () => IgnoreTestContext(chain( }.foreach(t =>"bad join with many add-s takes $t ms")) Measure { () => IgnoreTestContext(chain(List(txAdd.add(nodes.flatMap(update))))(local)) }.foreach(t =>"bad join with single add takes $t ms")) execution.complete() } }
Example 6
Source File: ClosestPlusPlusClustererSpec.scala From fotm-info with MIT License | 5 votes |
import info.fotm.clustering._ import info.fotm.clustering.implementations.ClosestPlusPlusClusterer import info.fotm.util.MathVector import org.scalactic.Equality import org.scalatest._ import scala.collection.immutable.{TreeMap, IndexedSeq} class ClosestPlusPlusClustererSpec extends FlatSpec with Matchers with ClustererSpecBase { val clusterer = new ClosestPlusPlusClusterer val input = Seq( MathVector(10, 0, 0), // 0 MathVector(11, 0, 0), // 1 MathVector(12, 0, 0), // 2 MathVector(0, 10, 0), // 3 MathVector(0, 11, 0), // 4 MathVector(0, 12, 0), // 5 MathVector(0, 0, 10), // 6 MathVector(0, 0, 11), // 7 MathVector(0, 0, 12) // 8 ) "init" should "correctly init clusters" in { val expected = Seq( Seq(input(0)), Seq(input(5)), Seq(input(8)) ) val (clusters, _) = clusterer.init(input, 3) clusters should contain theSameElementsAs expected } "init" should "correctly remove cluster points" in { val expected = input diff List(0, 5, 8).map(input) val (_, points) = clusterer.init(input, 3) points should contain theSameElementsAs expected } "clusterize" should "correctly group simple vectors" in { val expected = Set( Seq(0, 1, 2).map(input), Seq(3, 4, 5).map(input), Seq(6, 7, 8).map(input) ) val clusters: Set[Seq[MathVector]] = clusterer.clusterize(input, 3) expected.foreach(clusters should contain (_)) } }
Example 7
Source File: FotmStorage.scala From fotm-info with MIT License | 5 votes |
package info.fotm.aether import com.github.nscala_time.time.Imports._ import info.fotm.domain.TeamSnapshot._ import info.fotm.domain._ import scala.collection.immutable.TreeMap import scala.concurrent.Future trait FotmStorage { import FotmStorage._ def update(updates: Updates): Unit def queryTeamHistory(axis: Axis, team: Team): Future[QueryTeamHistoryResponse] def queryCharHistory(axis: Axis, id: CharacterId): Future[QueryCharHistoryResponse] def queryAll(axis: Axis, interval: Interval, filter: SetupFilter, showChars: Boolean): Future[QueryAllResponse] } object FotmStorage { final case class Updates(axis: Axis, teamUpdates: Seq[TeamUpdate], charUpdates: Set[CharacterDiff]) { override val toString = s"Updates($axis, teams: ${teamUpdates.size}, chars: ${charUpdates.size})" } final case class QueryAll(axis: Axis, interval: Interval, filter: SetupFilter) final case class QueryAllResponse(axis: Axis, setups: Seq[FotmSetup], teams: Seq[TeamSnapshot], chars: Seq[CharacterSnapshot]) final case class QueryTeamHistory(axis: Axis, team: Team) final case class QueryTeamHistoryResponse(axis: Axis, team: Team, history: TreeMap[DateTime, TeamSnapshot]) final case class QueryCharHistory(axis: Axis, id: CharacterId) final case class QueryCharHistoryResponse(axis: Axis, charId: CharacterId, lastSnapshot: Option[CharacterSnapshot], history: TreeMap[DateTime, TeamSnapshot]) final case class QueryFotm(axis: Axis, interval: Interval) final case class QueryFotmResponse(axis: Axis, setups: Seq[FotmSetup]) }
Example 8
Source File: MyCodecImplicits.scala From fotm-info with MIT License | 5 votes |
package info.fotm import info.fotm.domain._ import scodec._ import scodec.bits._ import codecs._ import scodec.codecs.implicits._ import com.github.nscala_time.time.Imports._ import scala.collection.immutable.TreeMap object MyCodecImplicits { implicit def seqCodec[A](implicit listCodec: Codec[List[A]]): Codec[Seq[A]] = listCodec.xmap(_.toSeq, _.toList) implicit def setCodec[A](implicit listCodec: Codec[List[A]]): Codec[Set[A]] = listCodec.xmap(_.toSet[A], _.toList) implicit def mapCodec[K, V](implicit listCodec: Codec[List[(K, V)]]): Codec[Map[K, V]] = listCodec.xmap(_.toMap[K, V], _.toList) implicit def treemapCodec[K, V](implicit listCodec: Codec[List[(K, V)]], ordering: Ordering[K]): Codec[TreeMap[K, V]] = listCodec.xmap(lst => TreeMap(lst: _*), _.toList) implicit def datetimeCodec(implicit longCodec: Codec[Long]): Codec[DateTime] = longCodec.xmap(new DateTime(_), _.toInstant.getMillis) implicit def axisCodec(implicit strCodec: Codec[String]): Codec[Axis] = strCodec.xmap( str => { val Array(region, bracket) = str.split(',') Axis.parse(region, bracket).get }, axis => s"${axis.region.slug},${axis.bracket.slug}") }
Example 9
Source File: Multiplexer.scala From fotm-info with MIT License | 5 votes |
package info.fotm.clustering.enhancers import info.fotm.clustering.{RealClusterer, Clusterer} import info.fotm.clustering.Clusterer.Cluster import info.fotm.util.MathVector import scala.collection.immutable.{TreeMap, IndexedSeq} import scala.util.Random trait Multiplexer extends RealClusterer { protected lazy val multiplexRng = new Random protected lazy val multiplexTurns = 20 protected lazy val multiplexThreshold = 3 abstract override def clusterize[T](input: Map[T, MathVector], groupSize: Int): Set[Seq[T]] = { class RandomOrder extends Ordering[T] { lazy val shuffled: List[(T, MathVector)] = multiplexRng.shuffle(input.toList) lazy val lookup: Map[T, Int] = { kvi => val ((k, v), i) = kvi (k, i) }.toMap def compare(t1: T, t2: T): Int = lookup(t1).compareTo(lookup(t2)) } val allClusters: IndexedSeq[Seq[T]] = for { i <- 0 to multiplexTurns randomInput = TreeMap.empty[T, MathVector](new RandomOrder) ++ input cluster <- super.clusterize(randomInput, groupSize) } yield cluster val groups = allClusters.groupBy(identity) groups.filter(_._2.size >= multiplexThreshold).keySet // take those found at least threshold times } } class SimpleMultiplexer(underlying: Clusterer, turns: Int, threshold: Int) extends Clusterer { protected lazy val multiplexRng = new Random protected lazy val multiplexTurns = turns protected lazy val multiplexThreshold = threshold override def clusterize(input: Cluster, groupSize: Int): Set[Cluster] = { val vectors: Map[MathVector, Int] = input.zipWithIndex.toMap val allClusters: IndexedSeq[Cluster] = for { i <- 1 to multiplexTurns randomInput = multiplexRng.shuffle(input) cluster <- underlying.clusterize(randomInput, groupSize) } yield cluster val groups = allClusters.groupBy( groups .filter(kv => kv._2.size >= multiplexThreshold) // take those found at least threshold times .map(_._2.head) .filter(_.size == groupSize) .toSet } }
Example 10
Source File: XSet.scala From topshell with MIT License | 5 votes |
package import scala.collection.immutable.{SortedSet, TreeMap, TreeSet} import scala.scalajs.js import scala.scalajs.js.annotation.{JSExport, JSExportTopLevel} @JSExportTopLevel("XSet") object XSet { private implicit val ordering : Ordering[Any] = XOrder.ordering type XSet = SortedSet[Any] type Fun[A, B] = js.Function1[A, B] @JSExport def isInstance(any : Any) : Boolean = any.isInstanceOf[scala.collection.immutable.SortedSet[_]] @JSExport def of(array : js.Array[Any]) : XSet = { TreeSet(array : _*) } @JSExport def toList(set : XSet) : js.Array[Any] = { js.Array(set.toList : _*) } @JSExport def toMap(f : Fun[Any, Any], set : XSet) : XMap.XMap = { set.foldLeft(XMap.empty) ( (m, v) => m + (v -> f(v)) ) } @JSExport def add(value : Any, set : XSet) : XSet = { set + value } @JSExport def remove(value : Any, set : XSet) : XSet = { set - value } @JSExport def union(a : XSet, b : XSet) : XSet = { a ++ b } @JSExport def intersect(a : XSet, b : XSet) : XSet = { a.intersect(b) } @JSExport def exclude(a : XSet, b : XSet) : XSet = { b -- a } @JSExport def has(value : Any, set : XSet) : Boolean = { set.contains(value) } @JSExport def from(value : Any, set : XSet) : XSet = { set.from(value) } @JSExport def until(value : Any, set : XSet) : XSet = { set.until(value) } @JSExport def foldLeft(f : Fun[Any, Fun[Any, Any]], z : Any, set : XSet) : Any = { set.foldLeft(z) { (v, p) => f(p)(v) } } @JSExport def foldRight(f : Fun[Any, Fun[Any, Any]], z : Any, set : XSet) : Any = { set.foldRight(z) { (p, v) => f(p)(v) } } @JSExport def size(set : XSet) : Int = { set.size } @JSExport def isEmpty(set : XSet) : Boolean = { set.isEmpty } @JSExport val empty : XSet = TreeSet.empty }
Example 11
Source File: XOrder.scala From topshell with MIT License | 5 votes |
package import scala.collection.immutable.TreeMap import scala.scalajs.js import scala.scalajs.js.annotation.{JSExport, JSExportTopLevel} @JSExportTopLevel("XOrder") object XOrder { val ordering : Ordering[Any] = (l : Any, r : Any) => (l, r) match { case (a : js.Array[_], b : js.Array[_]) => { case (x, y) =>, y) != 0 }.map { case (x, y) =>, y) }.getOrElse {, b.length) } case (a : String, b : String) => a.compareTo(b) case (a : Double, b : Double) => a.compareTo(b) case (a : Int, b : Int) => a.compareTo(b) case _ => val a = l.asInstanceOf[js.Dictionary[Any]] val b = r.asInstanceOf[js.Dictionary[Any]] var (key, result) = if(a.contains("_") && b.contains("_")) { ("_","_"), b("_"))) } else ("", 0) for((k, v) <- a; w <- b.get(k) if k != "_" && (result == 0 || k < key)) { val newResult =, w) if(newResult != 0) { key = k result = newResult } } result } @JSExport def min(a : Any, b : Any) : Any = ordering.min(a, b) @JSExport def max(a : Any, b : Any) : Any = ordering.max(a, b) @JSExport def equal(a : Any, b : Any) : Boolean = ordering.equiv(a, b) @JSExport def notEqual(a : Any, b : Any) : Boolean = !ordering.equiv(a, b) @JSExport def less(a : Any, b : Any) : Boolean =, b) @JSExport def lessEqual(a : Any, b : Any) : Boolean = ordering.lteq(a, b) @JSExport def greater(a : Any, b : Any) : Boolean =, b) @JSExport def greaterEqual(a : Any, b : Any) : Boolean = ordering.gteq(a, b) }
Example 12
Source File: LedgerEntries.scala From daml with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
// Copyright (c) 2020 Digital Asset (Switzerland) GmbH and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 package com.daml.platform.sandbox.stores.ledger.inmemory import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference import akka.NotUsed import import com.daml.ledger.participant.state.v1.Offset import import com.daml.platform.akkastreams.dispatcher.Dispatcher import com.daml.platform.akkastreams.dispatcher.SubSource.RangeSource import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory import com.daml.platform.ApiOffset.ApiOffsetConverter import com.daml.platform.sandbox.stores.ledger.SandboxOffset import scala.collection.immutable.TreeMap private[ledger] class LedgerEntries[T](identify: T => String) { private val logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(this.getClass) private case class Entries(ledgerEnd: Offset, items: TreeMap[Offset, T]) // Tuple of (ledger end cursor, ledger map). There is never an entry for the initial cursor. End is inclusive. private val state = new AtomicReference(Entries(ledgerBeginning, TreeMap.empty)) private def store(item: T): Offset = { val Entries(newOffset, _) = state.updateAndGet({ case Entries(ledgerEnd, ledger) => val newEnd = SandboxOffset.toOffset(SandboxOffset.fromOffset(ledgerEnd) + 1) Entries(newEnd, ledger + (newEnd -> item)) }) if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) logger.trace("Recording `{}` at offset `{}`", identify(item): Any, newOffset.toApiString: Any) newOffset } def incrementOffset(increment: Int): Offset = { val Entries(newOffset, _) = state.updateAndGet({ case Entries(ledgerEnd, ledger) => val newEnd = SandboxOffset.toOffset(SandboxOffset.fromOffset(ledgerEnd) + increment) Entries(newEnd, ledger) }) if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) logger.trace("Bumping offset to `{}`", newOffset.toApiString) newOffset } private val dispatcher = Dispatcher[Offset]("inmemory-ledger", Offset.beforeBegin, ledgerEnd) def getSource( startExclusive: Option[Offset], endInclusive: Option[Offset]): Source[(Offset, T), NotUsed] = dispatcher.startingAt( startExclusive.getOrElse(ledgerBeginning), RangeSource( (exclusiveStart, inclusiveEnd) => Source[(Offset, T)]( state.get().items.from(exclusiveStart).filter(_._1 > exclusiveStart).to(inclusiveEnd)), ), endInclusive ) def publish(item: T): Offset = { val newHead = store(item) dispatcher.signalNewHead(newHead) newHead } def ledgerBeginning: Offset = SandboxOffset.toOffset(0) def items = state.get().items.iterator def ledgerEnd: Offset = state.get().ledgerEnd def nextTransactionId: Ref.LedgerString = Ref.LedgerString.assertFromString((SandboxOffset.fromOffset(ledgerEnd) + 1).toString) }
Example 13
Source File: WindowAverageProcessor.scala From incubator-retired-gearpump with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.gearpump.streaming.examples.state.processor import scala.collection.immutable.TreeMap import com.twitter.algebird.{AveragedGroup, AveragedValue} import org.slf4j.Logger import org.apache.gearpump.Message import org.apache.gearpump.cluster.UserConfig import org.apache.gearpump.streaming.monoid.AlgebirdGroup import org.apache.gearpump.streaming.serializer.ChillSerializer import org.apache.gearpump.streaming.state.api.{PersistentState, PersistentTask} import org.apache.gearpump.streaming.state.impl.{Interval, Window, WindowConfig, WindowState} import org.apache.gearpump.streaming.task.TaskContext import org.apache.gearpump.util.LogUtil object WindowAverageProcessor { val LOG: Logger = LogUtil.getLogger(classOf[WindowAverageProcessor]) } class WindowAverageProcessor(taskContext: TaskContext, conf: UserConfig) extends PersistentTask[AveragedValue](taskContext, conf) { override def persistentState: PersistentState[AveragedValue] = { val group = new AlgebirdGroup(AveragedGroup) val serializer = new ChillSerializer[TreeMap[Interval, AveragedValue]] val window = new Window(conf.getValue[WindowConfig](WindowConfig.NAME).get) new WindowState[AveragedValue](group, serializer, taskContext, window) } override def processMessage(state: PersistentState[AveragedValue], message: Message): Unit = { val value = AveragedValue(message.value.asInstanceOf[String].toLong) state.update(message.timestamp.toEpochMilli, value) } }
Example 14
Source File: SortedMapDeserializerModule.scala From mango with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.kakao.shaded.jackson.module.scala.deser import java.util.AbstractMap import java.util.Map.Entry import scala.collection.{mutable, SortedMap} import scala.collection.immutable.TreeMap import com.kakao.shaded.jackson.core.JsonParser import com.kakao.shaded.jackson.databind._ import com.kakao.shaded.jackson.databind.deser.std.{MapDeserializer, ContainerDeserializerBase} import com.kakao.shaded.jackson.databind.jsontype.TypeDeserializer import com.kakao.shaded.jackson.databind.`type`.MapLikeType import com.kakao.shaded.jackson.module.scala.modifiers.MapTypeModifierModule import deser.{ContextualDeserializer, Deserializers, ValueInstantiator} import com.kakao.shaded.jackson.module.scala.introspect.OrderingLocator import scala.language.existentials private class SortedMapBuilderWrapper[K,V](val builder: mutable.Builder[(K,V), SortedMap[K,V]]) extends AbstractMap[K,V] { override def put(k: K, v: V) = { builder += ((k,v)); v } // Isn't used by the deserializer def entrySet(): java.util.Set[Entry[K, V]] = throw new UnsupportedOperationException } private object SortedMapDeserializer { def orderingFor = OrderingLocator.locate _ def builderFor(cls: Class[_], keyCls: JavaType): mutable.Builder[(AnyRef,AnyRef), SortedMap[AnyRef,AnyRef]] = if (classOf[TreeMap[_,_]].isAssignableFrom(cls)) TreeMap.newBuilder[AnyRef,AnyRef](orderingFor(keyCls)) else SortedMap.newBuilder[AnyRef,AnyRef](orderingFor(keyCls)) } private class SortedMapDeserializer( collectionType: MapLikeType, config: DeserializationConfig, keyDeser: KeyDeserializer, valueDeser: JsonDeserializer[_], valueTypeDeser: TypeDeserializer) extends ContainerDeserializerBase[SortedMap[_,_]](collectionType) with ContextualDeserializer { private val javaContainerType = config.getTypeFactory.constructMapLikeType(classOf[MapBuilderWrapper[_,_]], collectionType.getKeyType, collectionType.getContentType) private val instantiator = new ValueInstantiator { def getValueTypeDesc = collectionType.getRawClass.getCanonicalName override def canCreateUsingDefault = true override def createUsingDefault(ctx: DeserializationContext) = new SortedMapBuilderWrapper[AnyRef,AnyRef](SortedMapDeserializer.builderFor(collectionType.getRawClass, collectionType.getKeyType)) } private val containerDeserializer = new MapDeserializer(javaContainerType,instantiator,keyDeser,valueDeser.asInstanceOf[JsonDeserializer[AnyRef]],valueTypeDeser) override def getContentType = containerDeserializer.getContentType override def getContentDeserializer = containerDeserializer.getContentDeserializer override def createContextual(ctxt: DeserializationContext, property: BeanProperty) = if (keyDeser != null && valueDeser != null) this else { val newKeyDeser = Option(keyDeser).getOrElse(ctxt.findKeyDeserializer(collectionType.getKeyType, property)) val newValDeser = Option(valueDeser).getOrElse(ctxt.findContextualValueDeserializer(collectionType.getContentType, property)) new SortedMapDeserializer(collectionType, config, newKeyDeser, newValDeser, valueTypeDeser) } override def deserialize(jp: JsonParser, ctxt: DeserializationContext): SortedMap[_,_] = { containerDeserializer.deserialize(jp,ctxt) match { case wrapper: SortedMapBuilderWrapper[_,_] => wrapper.builder.result() } } } private object SortedMapDeserializerResolver extends Deserializers.Base { private val SORTED_MAP = classOf[collection.SortedMap[_,_]] override def findMapLikeDeserializer(theType: MapLikeType, config: DeserializationConfig, beanDesc: BeanDescription, keyDeserializer: KeyDeserializer, elementTypeDeserializer: TypeDeserializer, elementDeserializer: JsonDeserializer[_]): JsonDeserializer[_] = if (!SORTED_MAP.isAssignableFrom(theType.getRawClass)) null else new SortedMapDeserializer(theType,config,keyDeserializer,elementDeserializer,elementTypeDeserializer) } trait SortedMapDeserializerModule extends MapTypeModifierModule { this += (_ addDeserializers SortedMapDeserializerResolver) }
Example 15
Source File: PossibleForgersSet.scala From Sidechains-SDK with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.horizen.fixtures.sidechainblock.generation import java.math.BigInteger import java.util.{Random, ArrayList => JArrayList} import com.horizen.consensus.{ConsensusSlotNumber, NonceConsensusEpochInfo, StakeConsensusEpochInfo, _} import com.horizen.proof.VrfProof import com.horizen.utils._ import com.horizen.vrf.VrfOutput import scala.collection.immutable.TreeMap class PossibleForgersSet(forgers: Set[PossibleForger]) { private val ordering: Ordering[SidechainForgingData] = Ordering[(Long, BigInteger)].on(x => (x.forgerBox.value(), new BigInteger(x.forgerId))) val forgingDataToPossibleForger: TreeMap[SidechainForgingData, PossibleForger] = TreeMap( => (pf.forgingData.copy(), pf.copy())).toArray:_*)(ordering.reverse) require(forgingDataToPossibleForger.size == forgers.size) def getRandomPossibleForger(rnd: Random): PossibleForger = forgers.toSeq(rnd.nextInt(forgers.size)) def getAvailableSidechainForgingData: Set[SidechainForgingData] = def getNotSpentSidechainForgingData: Set[SidechainForgingData] = forgingDataToPossibleForger.filter{case (forgingData, possibleForger) => possibleForger.isNotSpent} def getEligibleForger(slotNumber: ConsensusSlotNumber, nonceConsensusEpochInfo: NonceConsensusEpochInfo, totalStake: Long, additionalCheck: Boolean => Boolean): Option[(PossibleForger, VrfProof, VrfOutput)] = { val vrfMessage = buildVrfMessage(slotNumber, nonceConsensusEpochInfo) forgingDataToPossibleForger .values .view .flatMap{forger => forger.canBeForger(vrfMessage, totalStake, additionalCheck).map{case (proof, vrfOutput) => (forger, proof, vrfOutput)}} //get eligible forgers .headOption } def finishCurrentEpoch(): (PossibleForgersSet, StakeConsensusEpochInfo) = { val possibleForgersForNextEpoch: Seq[PossibleForger] = getPossibleForgersForNextEpoch val totalStake = possibleForgersForNextEpoch.withFilter(_.isNotSpent).map(_.forgingData.forgerBox.value()).sum val merkleTreeForEndOfEpoch: MerkleTree = buildMerkleTree( val merkleTreeForEndOfEpochRootHash = merkleTreeForEndOfEpoch.rootHash() val forgingDataWithUpdatedMerkleTreePathAndMaturity: Seq[PossibleForger] = possibleForgersForNextEpoch{case (possibleForger, index) => possibleForger.createPossibleForgerForTheNextEpoch(Some(merkleTreeForEndOfEpoch.getMerklePathForLeaf(index)))} val stakeEpochInfo: StakeConsensusEpochInfo = StakeConsensusEpochInfo(merkleTreeForEndOfEpochRootHash, totalStake) val newForgers = new PossibleForgersSet(Set(forgingDataWithUpdatedMerkleTreePathAndMaturity.toArray:_*)) (newForgers, stakeEpochInfo) } private def getPossibleForgersForNextEpoch: Seq[PossibleForger] = { forgingDataToPossibleForger.values.filter(_.couldBePossibleForgerInNextEpoch).to } def createModified(generationRules: GenerationRules): PossibleForgersSet = { val forgingBoxToSpent = generationRules.forgingBoxesToSpent val forgingBoxToAdd = generationRules.forgingBoxesToAdd val withoutSpentKeys = forgingDataToPossibleForger.keys.toSet -- forgingBoxToSpent require((withoutSpentKeys.size + forgingBoxToSpent.size) == forgingDataToPossibleForger.size) val withoutSpentPossibleForgers: Set[PossibleForger] = withoutSpentKeys.collect(forgingDataToPossibleForger) val spentPossibleForgers: Set[PossibleForger] = forgingBoxToSpent.collect(forgingDataToPossibleForger).map(possibleForger => possibleForger.copy(spentInEpochsAgoOpt = Some(0))) val newPossibleForgers: Set[PossibleForger] =, merklePathInPreviousEpochOpt = None, merklePathInPrePreviousEpochOpt = None, spentInEpochsAgoOpt = None)) new PossibleForgersSet(withoutSpentPossibleForgers ++ spentPossibleForgers ++ newPossibleForgers) } private def buildMerkleTree(ids: Iterable[Array[Byte]]): MerkleTree = { val leavesForMerkleTree = ids.foldLeft(new JArrayList[Array[Byte]]()) {(acc, id) => acc.add(id) acc } val filler = leavesForMerkleTree.get(leavesForMerkleTree.size() - 1) val additionalLeaves = SidechainBlocksGenerator.merkleTreeSize - leavesForMerkleTree.size() (1 to additionalLeaves).foreach(_ => leavesForMerkleTree.add(filler)) val resultTree = MerkleTree.createMerkleTree(leavesForMerkleTree) resultTree } }
Example 16
Source File: LeftJoin.scala From flint with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.twosigma.flint.rdd.function.join import com.twosigma.flint.rdd.{ PartitionsIterator, PeekableIterator } import org.apache.spark.{ NarrowDependency, OneToOneDependency } import com.twosigma.flint.rdd.OrderedRDD import scala.collection.immutable.TreeMap import scala.reflect.ClassTag import java.util.{ HashMap => JHashMap } protected[flint] object LeftJoin { val skMapInitialSize = 1024 def apply[K: ClassTag, SK, V, V2]( leftRdd: OrderedRDD[K, V], rightRdd: OrderedRDD[K, V2], toleranceFn: K => K, leftSk: V => SK, rightSk: V2 => SK )(implicit ord: Ordering[K]): OrderedRDD[K, (V, Option[(K, V2)])] = { // A map from left partition index to left range split and right partitions. val leftIndexToJoinSplits = TreeMap(RangeMergeJoin.leftJoinSplits( toleranceFn, leftRdd.rangeSplits, rightRdd.rangeSplits ).map { case (split, parts) => (split.partition.index, (split, parts)) }: _*) val leftDep = new OneToOneDependency(leftRdd) val rightDep = new NarrowDependency(rightRdd) { override def getParents(partitionId: Int) = leftIndexToJoinSplits(partitionId) } // A map from left partition index to right partitions val rightPartitions = { case (idx, joinSplit) => (idx, joinSplit._2) }) val joinedSplits = { case (_, (split, _)) => split }.toArray // We don't need the left dependency as we will just load it on demand here new OrderedRDD[K, (V, Option[(K, V2)])](, joinedSplits, Seq(leftDep, rightDep))( (part, context) => { val parts = rightPartitions.value(part.index) val rightIter = PeekableIterator(PartitionsIterator(rightRdd, parts, context)) val lastSeen = new JHashMap[SK, (K, V2)](skMapInitialSize) leftRdd.iterator(part, context).map { case (k, v) => // Catch-up the iterator for the right table to match the left key. In the // process, we'll have the last-seen row for each SK in the right table. val sk = leftSk(v) catchUp(k, rightSk, rightIter, lastSeen) val lastSeenRight = lastSeen.get(sk) if (lastSeenRight != null && ord.gteq(lastSeenRight._1, toleranceFn(k))) { (k, (v, Some(lastSeenRight))) } else { (k, (v, None)) } } } ) } @annotation.tailrec private[rdd] def catchUp[K, SK, V]( cur: K, skFn: V => SK, iter: PeekableIterator[(K, V)], lastSeen: JHashMap[SK, (K, V)] )(implicit ord: Ordering[K]) { val peek = iter.peek if (peek.nonEmpty && ord.lteq(peek.get._1, cur)) { val (k, v) = val sk = skFn(v) lastSeen.put(sk, (k, v)) catchUp(cur, skFn, iter, lastSeen) } } }
Example 17
Source File: FractionalKnapsack.scala From functional-way with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
package greedy import scala.collection.immutable.TreeMap type ValuePerWeight = Float type OptimalSolution = Float type Weight = Int def maxValue(itemWeights: Array[Int], itemValues: Array[Int], knapsackCapacity: Int): OptimalSolution = val array: Array[(ValuePerWeight, Weight)] = { case (vi, wi) => ((vi.toFloat/wi),wi) } def recurse(map: TreeMap[ValuePerWeight, Weight], currentCapacity: Weight): OptimalSolution = map match case TreeMapExtractor((valuePerWeight, weight), restEntries) => if(weight <= currentCapacity) weight * valuePerWeight + recurse(map.tail, currentCapacity - weight) else currentCapacity * valuePerWeight case _ => 0 val map: TreeMap[ValuePerWeight, Weight] = TreeMap(array:_*)(implicitly[Ordering[Float]].reverse) recurse(map = map, currentCapacity = knapsackCapacity) object TreeMapExtractor def unapply[K,V](treeMap: TreeMap[K,V]): Option[((K,V), TreeMap[K,V])] =, treeMap.tail))
Example 18
Source File: PhaseRes.scala From Converter with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
package org.scalablytyped.converter.internal.phases import java.nio.channels.{ClosedByInterruptException, FileLockInterruptionException} import com.olvind.logging.Logger import com.olvind.logging.Logger.LoggedException import scala.collection.immutable.{SortedMap, TreeMap} import scala.concurrent.ExecutionException import scala.util.control.NonFatal sealed trait PhaseRes[Id, T] extends Product with Serializable { import PhaseRes._ def foreach(f: T => Unit): PhaseRes[Id, Unit] = map(f) def map[U](f: T => U): PhaseRes[Id, U] = this match { case Ok(value) => Ok(f(value)) case Ignore() => Ignore() case Failure(errors) => Failure(errors) } def flatMap[U](f: T => PhaseRes[Id, U]): PhaseRes[Id, U] = this match { case Ok(value) => f(value) case Ignore() => Ignore() case Failure(errors) => Failure(errors) } } object PhaseRes { final case class Ok[Id, T](value: T) extends PhaseRes[Id, T] final case class Ignore[Id, T]() extends PhaseRes[Id, T] final case class Failure[Id, T](errors: Map[Id, Either[Throwable, String]]) extends PhaseRes[Id, T] def fromEither[Id, L, R](id: Id, e: Either[String, R]): PhaseRes[Id, R] = e match { case Right(value) => Ok(value) case Left(error) => Failure(Map(id -> Right(error))) } def fromOption[Id, T](id: Id, e: Option[T], onEmpty: => Either[Throwable, String]): PhaseRes[Id, T] = e match { case Some(value) => Ok(value) case None => Failure(Map(id -> onEmpty)) } def sequenceSet[Id, T](rs: Set[PhaseRes[Id, T]]): PhaseRes[Id, Set[T]] = rs.foldLeft[PhaseRes[Id, Set[T]]](Ok(Set.empty)) { case (other, Ignore()) => other case (Ok(ts), Ok(t)) => Ok(ts + t) case (Ok(_), Failure(errors)) => Failure(errors) case (Failure(errors), Failure(error)) => Failure(errors ++ error) case (error @ Failure(_), Ok(_)) => error case (Ignore(), Ok(t)) => Ok(Set(t)) case (Ignore(), Failure(error)) => Failure(error) } def sequenceMap[Id: Ordering, T](rs: SortedMap[Id, PhaseRes[Id, T]]): PhaseRes[Id, SortedMap[Id, T]] = rs.foldLeft[PhaseRes[Id, SortedMap[Id, T]]](Ok(TreeMap.empty[Id, T])) { case (other, (_, Ignore())) => other case (Ok(map), (id, Ok(value))) => Ok(map + ((id, value))) case (Ok(_), (_, Failure(errors))) => Failure(errors) case (Failure(errors1), (_, Failure(errors2))) => Failure(errors1 ++ errors2) case (error @ Failure(_), _) => error case (Ignore(), (id, Ok(value))) => Ok(TreeMap((id, value))) case (Ignore(), (_, Failure(errors))) => Failure(errors) } def attempt[Id, T](id: Id, logger: Logger[Unit], t: => PhaseRes[Id, T]): PhaseRes[Id, T] = try t catch { case x: InterruptedException => throw x case x: ClosedByInterruptException => throw x case x: FileLockInterruptionException => throw x case x: ExecutionException if x.getCause != null => val th = x.getCause logger.error(s"Caught exception: ${th.getMessage}", th) Failure[Id, T](Map(id -> Left(th))) case th: LoggedException => Failure[Id, T](Map(id -> Left(th))) case NonFatal(th) => logger.error(s"Caught exception: ${th.getMessage}", th) Failure[Id, T](Map(id -> Left(th))) case th: StackOverflowError => logger.error("StackOverflowError", th) Failure[Id, T](Map(id -> Left(th))) } }
Example 19
Source File: OrderFeeSettingsCache.scala From matcher with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.wavesplatform.dex.caches import com.wavesplatform.dex.settings.OrderFeeSettings import scala.collection.immutable.TreeMap class OrderFeeSettingsCache(orderFeeSettingsMap: Map[Long, OrderFeeSettings]) { private val allOrderFeeSettings = { if (orderFeeSettingsMap.isEmpty) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Order fee settings should contain at least 1 value!") TreeMap.empty[Long, OrderFeeSettings] ++ orderFeeSettingsMap } def getSettingsForOffset(offset: Long): OrderFeeSettings = { allOrderFeeSettings .takeWhile { case (o, _) => o <= offset } .lastOption .map(_._2) .getOrElse(throw new IllegalStateException(s"Order fee settings are not set for offset $offset")) } }
Example 20
Source File: package.scala From matcher with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.wavesplatform.dex import com.wavesplatform.dex.domain.bytes.ByteStr import com.wavesplatform.dex.domain.model.Price import com.wavesplatform.dex.domain.order.Order import scala.collection.immutable.{Queue, TreeMap} package object model { type Level = Queue[LimitOrder] type OrderBookSideSnapshot = Map[Price, Seq[LimitOrder]] type Side = TreeMap[Price, Level] implicit class SideExt(val side: Side) extends AnyVal { def best: Option[(Price, LimitOrder)] = side.headOption.flatMap { case (levelPrice, level) => -> _) } def enqueue(levelPrice: Price, lo: LimitOrder): Side = side.updated(levelPrice, side.getOrElse(levelPrice, Queue.empty).enqueue(lo)) def unsafeWithoutBest: (Side, Order.Id) = side.headOption match { case Some((price, level)) => val updated = if (level.length == 1) side - price else side.updated(price, level.tail) (updated, case None => throw new IllegalArgumentException("Expected side to have at least one order") } def unsafeUpdateBest(updated: LimitOrder): Side = { require(side.nonEmpty, "Cannot replace the best level of an empty side") val (price, level) = side.head require(level.nonEmpty, "Cannot replace the best element of an empty level") val oldHead = level.head require( ==, "Expected the same order") side.updated(price, updated +: level.tail) } def unsafeRemove(price: Price, orderId: ByteStr): (Side, LimitOrder) = { val (toRemove, toKeep) = side.getOrElse(price, Queue.empty).partition( == orderId) require(toRemove.nonEmpty, s"Order $orderId not found at $price") val updatedSide = if (toKeep.isEmpty) side - price else side.updated(price, toKeep) (updatedSide, toRemove.head) } def put(price: Price, lo: LimitOrder): Side = side.updated(price, side.getOrElse(price, Queue.empty).enqueue(lo)) def aggregated: Iterable[LevelAgg] = for { (p, l) <- side.view if l.nonEmpty } yield LevelAgg(, p) def bestLevel: Option[LevelAgg] = aggregated.headOption } }
Example 21
Source File: WsOrderBookState.scala From matcher with MIT License | 5 votes |
package import import cats.syntax.option._ import{WsLastTrade, WsOrderBookSettings} import import import import com.wavesplatform.dex.domain.asset.AssetPair import com.wavesplatform.dex.domain.model.Denormalization.{denormalizeAmountAndFee, denormalizePrice} import com.wavesplatform.dex.domain.model.{Amount, Price} import com.wavesplatform.dex.model.{LastTrade, LevelAmounts} import monocle.macros.GenLens import scala.collection.immutable.TreeMap case class WsOrderBookState(wsConnections: Map[ActorRef[WsOrderBookChanges], Long], changedAsks: Set[Price], changedBids: Set[Price], lastTrade: Option[LastTrade], changedTickSize: Option[Double]) { val genLens: GenLens[WsOrderBookState] = GenLens[WsOrderBookState] def addSubscription(x: ActorRef[WsOrderBookChanges]): WsOrderBookState = copy(wsConnections = wsConnections.updated(x, 0L)) def withoutSubscription(x: ActorRef[WsOrderBookChanges]): WsOrderBookState = if (wsConnections.size == 1) WsOrderBookState(Map.empty, Set.empty, Set.empty, None, None) else copy(wsConnections = wsConnections - x) def hasSubscriptions: Boolean = wsConnections.nonEmpty def hasChanges: Boolean = changedAsks.nonEmpty || changedBids.nonEmpty || lastTrade.nonEmpty || changedTickSize.nonEmpty def denormalized(amountDecimals: Int, priceDecimals: Int, xs: TreeMap[Price, Amount]): TreeMap[Double, Double] = { case (price, amount) => denormalizePrice(price, amountDecimals, priceDecimals).toDouble -> denormalizeAmountAndFee(amount, amountDecimals).toDouble } def lastTrade(amountDecimals: Int, priceDecimals: Int, x: LastTrade): WsLastTrade = WsLastTrade( price = denormalizePrice(x.price, amountDecimals, priceDecimals).toDouble, amount = denormalizeAmountAndFee(x.amount, amountDecimals).toDouble, side = x.side ) def flushed(assetPair: AssetPair, amountDecimals: Int, priceDecimals: Int, asks: TreeMap[Price, Amount], bids: TreeMap[Price, Amount], timestamp: Long): WsOrderBookState = copy( wsConnections = if (hasChanges) { val changes = protocol.WsOrderBookChanges( assetPair = assetPair, asks = denormalized(amountDecimals, priceDecimals, take(asks, changedAsks)), bids = denormalized(amountDecimals, priceDecimals, take(bids, changedBids)), lastTrade =, priceDecimals, _)), updateId = 0L, // Will be changed below timestamp = timestamp, settings = if (changedTickSize.isDefined) WsOrderBookSettings(None, changedTickSize).some else None ) { case (conn, updateId) => val newUpdateId = getNextUpdateId(updateId) conn ! changes.copy(updateId = newUpdateId) conn -> newUpdateId } } else wsConnections, changedAsks = Set.empty, changedBids = Set.empty, lastTrade = None, changedTickSize = None ) def take(xs: TreeMap[Price, Amount], levels: Set[Price]): TreeMap[Price, Amount] = { // 1. Levels will be always smaller, than xs // 2. A level could gone from xs val r = TreeMap.newBuilder[Price, Amount](xs.ordering) levels.foreach { level => r += level -> xs.getOrElse(level, 0L) } r.result() } def accumulateChanges(lc: LevelAmounts, lt: Option[LastTrade], ts: Option[Double]): WsOrderBookState = if (hasSubscriptions) { ( genLens(_.changedAsks).modify(_ ++ lc.asks.keySet) andThen genLens(_.changedBids).modify(_ ++ lc.bids.keySet) andThen genLens(_.lastTrade).modify { if (lt.isEmpty) _ else lt } andThen genLens(_.changedTickSize).modify { if (ts.isEmpty) _ else ts } )(this) } else this }