scala.language.experimental.macros Scala Examples
The following examples show how to use scala.language.experimental.macros.
You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like,
and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example.
Example 1
Source File: RpcClient.scala From iotchain with MIT License | 5 votes |
package import import scala.language.experimental.macros final class RpcClient[F[_], P]( val transport: RpcTransport[F, P], val logger: RpcLogHandler[F] ) { def use[API]: API = macro RpcClientMacro.impl[API, F, P] } object RpcClient { def noopLogHandler[F[_]]: RpcLogHandler[F] = new RpcLogHandler[F] { override def logRequest[A](path: List[String], arguments: Product, result: F[A]): F[A] = result } def apply[F[_], P](transport: RpcTransport[F, P]) = new RpcClient[F, P](transport, noopLogHandler) }
Example 2
Source File: RpcService.scala From iotchain with MIT License | 5 votes |
package import cats.effect.Sync import import scala.language.experimental.macros final class RpcService[F[_], P](val apiMap: RpcService.Map[F, P])(implicit F: Sync[F]) { def handle(request: RpcRequest[P]): F[RpcResponse[P]] = { def notFoundFailure(path: List[String]): F[RpcResponse[P]] = F.pure(RpcResponse.Failure[P](404, s"Path ${path.mkString("/")} not found")) request.path match { case apiName :: methodName :: Nil => val function: Option[P => F[RpcResponse[P]]] = apiMap.get(apiName).flatMap(_.get(methodName)) function.fold(notFoundFailure(apiName :: methodName :: Nil))(f => f(request.payload)) case _ => notFoundFailure(request.path) } } def mount[API](impl: API)(implicit F: Sync[F]): RpcService[F, P] = macro RpcServiceMacro.impl[API, F, P] def orElse(name: String, value: RpcService.MapValue[F, P]): RpcService[F, P] = new RpcService(apiMap + (name -> value)) } object RpcService { type MapValue[F[_], P] = collection.Map[String, P => F[RpcResponse[P]]] type Map[F[_], P] = collection.Map[String, MapValue[F, P]] def apply[F[_], P](implicit F: Sync[F]): RpcService[F, P] = new RpcService[F, P](collection.mutable.HashMap.empty) }
Example 3
Source File: Table.scala From iotchain with MIT License | 5 votes |
package import doobie._ import scala.language.experimental.macros import magnolia._ trait Table[A] { def fieldNames: Vector[String] def tableName: String def insert(data: A)(implicit writer: Write[A]): Update0 = { val holes = Vector.fill(fieldNames.size)("?").mkString(",") val quotedFieldNames ='"'.toString + _ + '"'.toString).mkString(",") Update(s"""INSERT INTO "$tableName" ($quotedFieldNames) VALUES ($holes)""") .toUpdate0(data) } def selectFields(table: String): Fragment = Fragment.const0( => s""""$table"."$f" AS "$table.$f"""").mkString(", ")) } object Table { type Typeclass[A] = Table[A] def combine[A](ctx: CaseClass[Table, A]): Table[A] = { val table = new Table[A] { override val fieldNames: Vector[String] = override val tableName: String = ctx.typeName.short } table } implicit def gen[A]: Table[A] = macro Magnolia.gen[A] }
Example 4
Source File: Serialization.scala From scarango with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.outr.arango import io.circe.Decoder.Result import io.circe.{Decoder, Encoder, HCursor, Json} import scala.language.experimental.macros case class Serialization[D](private val doc2Json: D => Json, private val json2Doc: Json => D) { final def toJson(document: D): Json = Id.update(doc2Json(document)) final def fromJson(json: Json): D = json2Doc(Id.update(json)) lazy val decoder: Decoder[D] = new Decoder[D] { override def apply(c: HCursor): Result[D] = Right(fromJson(c.value)) } } object Serialization { def auto[D]: Serialization[D] = macro Macros.serializationAuto[D] def create[D](encoder: Encoder[D], decoder: Decoder[D]): Serialization[D] = { val doc2Json = (d: D) => encoder(d) val json2Doc = (json: Json) => decoder.decodeJson(json) match { case Left(df) => throw df case Right(d) => d } Serialization[D](doc2Json, json2Doc) } }
Example 5
Source File: BlockingPool.scala From chymyst-core with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package io.chymyst.jc import scala.language.experimental.macros final class BlockingPool( name: String, override val parallelism: Int = cpuCores, priority: Int = Thread.NORM_PRIORITY, reporter: EventReporting = ConsoleErrorReporter ) extends Pool(name, priority, reporter) { // Looks like we will die hard at about 2021 threads... val poolSizeLimit: Int = math.min(2000, 1000 + 2 * parallelism) def currentPoolSize: Int = workerExecutor.getCorePoolSize private[jc] def startedBlockingCall(selfBlocking: Boolean) = synchronized { // Need a lock to modify the pool sizes. val newPoolSize = math.min(currentPoolSize + 1, poolSizeLimit) if (newPoolSize > currentPoolSize) { workerExecutor.setMaximumPoolSize(newPoolSize) workerExecutor.setCorePoolSize(newPoolSize) } else { reporter.warnTooManyThreads(toString, currentPoolSize) } } private[jc] def finishedBlockingCall(selfBlocking: Boolean) = synchronized { // Need a lock to modify the pool sizes. val newPoolSize = math.max(parallelism, currentPoolSize - 1) workerExecutor.setCorePoolSize(newPoolSize) // Must set them in this order, so that the core pool size is never larger than the maximum pool size. workerExecutor.setMaximumPoolSize(newPoolSize) } def withReporter(r: EventReporting): BlockingPool = new BlockingPool(name, parallelism, priority, r) } object BlockingPool { def apply(): BlockingPool = macro PoolMacros.newBlockingPoolImpl0 // IntelliJ cannot resolve the symbol PoolMacros, but compilation works. def apply(parallelism: Int): BlockingPool = macro PoolMacros.newBlockingPoolImpl1 // IntelliJ cannot resolve the symbol PoolMacros, but compilation works. }
Example 6
Source File: FixedPool.scala From chymyst-core with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package io.chymyst.jc import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger import scala.language.experimental.macros final class FixedPool( name: String, override val parallelism: Int = cpuCores, priority: Int = Thread.NORM_PRIORITY, reporter: EventReporting = ConsoleErrorReporter ) extends Pool(name, priority, reporter) { private[jc] val blockingCalls = new AtomicInteger(0) private def deadlockCheck(): Unit = if (blockingCalls.get >= workerExecutor.getMaximumPoolSize) reporter.reportDeadlock(toString, workerExecutor.getMaximumPoolSize, blockingCalls.get, Core.getReactionInfo) override private[chymyst] def runReaction(name: String, closure: ⇒ Unit): Unit = { deadlockCheck() super.runReaction(name, closure) } private[jc] def startedBlockingCall(selfBlocking: Boolean) = if (selfBlocking) { blockingCalls.getAndIncrement() deadlockCheck() } private[jc] def finishedBlockingCall(selfBlocking: Boolean) = if (selfBlocking) { blockingCalls.getAndDecrement() deadlockCheck() } def withReporter(r: EventReporting): FixedPool = new FixedPool(name, parallelism, priority, r) } object FixedPool { def apply(): FixedPool = macro PoolMacros.newFixedPoolImpl0 // IntelliJ cannot resolve the symbol PoolMacros, but compilation works. def apply(parallelism: Int): FixedPool = macro PoolMacros.newFixedPoolImpl1 }
Example 7
Source File: Interpolation.scala From slick-jdbc-extension-scala with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.github.tarao package slickjdbc package interpolation import scala.language.implicitConversions import slick.jdbc.SQLActionBuilder import slick.sql.SqlAction import slick.dbio.{NoStream, Effect} trait SQLInterpolation { implicit def interpolation(s: StringContext) = SQLInterpolationImpl(s) } object SQLInterpolation extends SQLInterpolation case class SQLInterpolationImpl(s: StringContext) extends AnyVal { import scala.language.experimental.macros def sql(param: Any*): SQLActionBuilder = macro MacroTreeBuilder.sqlImpl def sqlu(param: Any*): SqlAction[Int, NoStream, Effect] = macro MacroTreeBuilder.sqluImpl } trait Literal class SimpleString(value: String) extends Literal { override def toString = value } case class TableName(name: String) extends SimpleString(name)
Example 8
Source File: Models.scala From scala-json-rpc with MIT License | 5 votes |
package io.github.shogowada.scala.jsonrpc import io.github.shogowada.scala.jsonrpc.Types.Id import scala.language.experimental.macros object Models { case class JSONRPCMethod(jsonrpc: String, method: String) case class JSONRPCId(jsonrpc: String, id: Id) case class JSONRPCRequest[PARAMS] ( jsonrpc: String, id: Id, method: String, params: PARAMS ) case class JSONRPCNotification[PARAMS] ( jsonrpc: String, method: String, params: PARAMS ) case class JSONRPCResultResponse[RESULT] ( jsonrpc: String, id: Id, result: RESULT ) case class JSONRPCErrorResponse[+ERROR] ( jsonrpc: String, id: Id, error: JSONRPCError[ERROR] ) case class JSONRPCError[+ERROR] ( code: Int, message: String, data: Option[ERROR] ) object JSONRPCErrors { lazy val parseError = JSONRPCError(-32700, "Parse error", Option("Invalid JSON was received by the server. An error occurred on the server while parsing the JSON text.")) lazy val invalidRequest = JSONRPCError(-32600, "Invalid Request", Option("The JSON sent is not a valid Request object.")) lazy val methodNotFound = JSONRPCError(-32601, "Method not found", Option("The method does not exist / is not available.")) lazy val invalidParams = JSONRPCError(-32602, "Invalid params", Option("Invalid method parameter(s).")) lazy val internalError = JSONRPCError(-32603, "Internal error", Option("Internal JSON-RPC error.")) } class JSONRPCException[+ERROR](val maybeResponse: Option[JSONRPCErrorResponse[ERROR]]) extends RuntimeException }
Example 9
Source File: UpickleJSONSerializer.scala From scala-json-rpc with MIT License | 5 votes |
package io.github.shogowada.scala.jsonrpc.serializers import upickle.Js import scala.language.experimental.macros import scala.reflect.macros.blackbox object JSONRPCPickler extends upickle.AttributeTagged { override implicit def OptionW[T: Writer]: Writer[Option[T]] = { Writer { case None => Js.Null case Some(value) => implicitly[Writer[T]].write(value) } } override implicit def OptionR[T: Reader]: Reader[Option[T]] = { Reader { case Js.Null => None case value: Js.Value => Some(implicitly[Reader[T]].read(value)) } } implicit def IdW: Writer[Either[String, BigDecimal]] = { Writer[Either[String, BigDecimal]] { case Left(value) => writeJs(value) case Right(value) => writeJs(value) } } implicit def IdR: Reader[Either[String, BigDecimal]] = { Reader[Either[String, BigDecimal]] { case value: Js.Str => Left(readJs[String](value)) case value: Js.Num => Right(readJs[BigDecimal](value)) } } } class UpickleJSONSerializer extends JSONSerializer { override def serialize[T](value: T): Option[String] = macro UpickleJSONSerializerMacro.serialize[T] override def deserialize[T](json: String): Option[T] = macro UpickleJSONSerializerMacro.deserialize[T] } object UpickleJSONSerializer { def apply() = new UpickleJSONSerializer } object UpickleJSONSerializerMacro { def serialize[T](c: blackbox.Context)(value: c.Expr[T]): c.Expr[Option[String]] = { import c.universe._ c.Expr[Option[String]]( q""" scala.util.Try(io.github.shogowada.scala.jsonrpc.serializers.JSONRPCPickler.write($value)).toOption """ ) } def deserialize[T: c.WeakTypeTag](c: blackbox.Context)(json: c.Expr[String]): c.Expr[Option[T]] = { import c.universe._ val deserializeType = weakTypeOf[T] c.Expr[Option[T]]( q""" scala.util.Try([$deserializeType]($json)).toOption """ ) } }
Example 10
Source File: CirceJSONSerializer.scala From scala-json-rpc with MIT License | 5 votes |
package io.github.shogowada.scala.jsonrpc.serializers import io.circe.{Decoder, Encoder, Error, Json} import scala.language.experimental.macros import scala.reflect.macros.blackbox object CirceJSONCoder { def encode[T](value: T)(implicit encoder: Encoder[T]): Json = { encoder(value) } def decode[T](json: String)(implicit decoder: Decoder[T]): Either[Error, T] = { io.circe.parser.decode[T](json) } } class CirceJSONSerializer extends JSONSerializer { override def serialize[T](value: T): Option[String] = macro CirceJSONSerializerMacro.serialize[T] override def deserialize[T](json: String): Option[T] = macro CirceJSONSerializerMacro.deserialize[T] } object CirceJSONSerializer { def apply(): CirceJSONSerializer = { new CirceJSONSerializer } } object CirceJSONSerializerMacro { def serialize[T](c: blackbox.Context)(value: c.Expr[T]): c.Expr[Option[String]] = { import c.universe._ c.Expr[Option[String]]( q""" { import scala.util.Try(io.circe.Printer.noSpaces.pretty(io.github.shogowada.scala.jsonrpc.serializers.CirceJSONCoder.encode($value))).toOption } """ ) } def deserialize[T: c.WeakTypeTag](c: blackbox.Context)(json: c.Expr[String]): c.Expr[Option[T]] = { import c.universe._ val deserializeType = weakTypeOf[T] c.Expr[Option[T]]( q""" { import io.github.shogowada.scala.jsonrpc.serializers.CirceJSONCoder.decode[$deserializeType]($json).toOption } """ ) } }
Example 11
Source File: ExecuteScala.scala From piflow with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License | 5 votes |
package cn.piflow.bundle.script import{MalformedURLException, URL} import cn.piflow.conf.bean.PropertyDescriptor import cn.piflow.conf.util.{ImageUtil, MapUtil, PluginClassLoader} import cn.piflow.conf.{ConfigurableStop, Port, StopGroup} import cn.piflow.{JobContext, JobInputStream, JobOutputStream, ProcessContext} import scala.language.experimental.macros import scala.reflect.runtime.{universe => ru} class ExecuteScala extends ConfigurableStop{ override val authorEmail: String = "[email protected]" override val description: String = "Execute scala script" override val inportList: List[String] = List(Port.DefaultPort) override val outportList: List[String] = List(Port.DefaultPort) var packageName : String = "cn.piflow.bundle.script" var script : String = _ var plugin : String = _ override def setProperties(map: Map[String, Any]): Unit = { script = MapUtil.get(map,"script").asInstanceOf[String] plugin = MapUtil.get(map,"plugin").asInstanceOf[String] } override def getPropertyDescriptor(): List[PropertyDescriptor] = { var descriptor : List[PropertyDescriptor] = List() val pluginName = new PropertyDescriptor() .name("plugin") .displayName("Plugin") .description("The class name of scala code. This field is generated automaticly.") .defaultValue("") .required(true) descriptor = pluginName :: descriptor val script = new PropertyDescriptor() .name("script") .displayName("script") .description("The code of scala. \nUse to get dataframe from upstream component. \nUse out.write() to write datafram to downstream component.") .defaultValue("") .required(true) .example("val df = \nval df1 =\"author\").filter($\"author\".like(\"%xjzhu%\")) \ \ndf.createOrReplaceTempView(\"person\") \nval df2 = spark.sql(\"select * from person where author like '%xjzhu%'\") \ \nout.write(df2)") descriptor = script :: descriptor descriptor } override def getIcon(): Array[Byte] = { ImageUtil.getImage("icon/script/scala.jpg") } override def getGroup(): List[String] = { List(StopGroup.ScriptGroup) } override def initialize(ctx: ProcessContext): Unit = { val flowName = ctx.getFlow().getFlowName() } override def perform(in: JobInputStream, out: JobOutputStream, pec: JobContext): Unit = { val execMethod = "perform" val loader = new PluginClassLoader //when local run, use these codes //val scalaDir = PropertyUtil.getScalaPath() //val pluginurl = s"jar:file:$scalaDir/$plugin.jar!/" val userDir = System.getProperty("user.dir") //FileUtil.getJarFile(new File(userDir)).foreach(println(_)) val pluginurl = s"jar:file:$userDir/$plugin.jar!/" println(s"Scala Plugin url : $pluginurl") var url : URL = null try url = new URL(pluginurl) catch { case e: MalformedURLException => e.printStackTrace() } loader.addURLFile(url) val className = plugin.split("/").last.split(".jar")(0) val classMirror = ru.runtimeMirror(loader) println("staticModule: " + s"$packageName.$className") val classTest = classMirror.staticModule(s"$packageName.$className") val methods = classMirror.reflectModule(classTest) val objectMirror = classMirror.reflect(methods.instance) val method = methods.symbol.typeSignature.member(ru.TermName(s"$execMethod")).asMethod val result = objectMirror.reflectMethod(method)(in,out,pec) } }
Example 12
Source File: TestSupport.scala From monadless with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package io.monadless.impl import scala.language.experimental.macros import scala.reflect.macros.blackbox.Context import org.scalamacros.resetallattrs._ import language.higherKinds import scala.reflect.macros.TypecheckException private[monadless] trait TestSupport[M[_]] { def get[T](m: M[T]): T def showTree[T](t: T): Unit = macro TestSupportMacro.showTree def showRawTree[T](t: T): Unit = macro TestSupportMacro.showRawTree def forceLift[T](t: T): T = macro TestSupportMacro.forceLift def runLiftTest[T](expected: T)(body: T): Unit = macro TestSupportMacro.runLiftTest[M, T] } private[monadless] class TestSupportMacro(val c: Context) { import c.universe._ def showTree(t: Tree): Tree = { c.warning(c.enclosingPosition, t.toString) q"()" } def showRawTree(t: Tree): Tree = { c.warning(c.enclosingPosition, showRaw(t)) q"()" } def forceLift(t: Tree): Tree = c.resetAllAttrs { Trees.Transform(c)(t) { case q"$pack.unlift[$t]($v)" => q"${c.prefix}.get($v)" } } def runLiftTest[M[_], T](expected: Tree)(body: Tree): Tree = c.resetAllAttrs { val lifted = q"${c.prefix}.get(${c.prefix}.lift($body))" val forceLifted = forceLift(body) q""" val expected = scala.util.Try($expected) assert(expected == ${typecheckToTry(lifted, "lifted")}) assert(expected == ${typecheckToTry(forceLifted, "force lifted")}) () """ } def typecheckToTry(tree: Tree, name: String): Tree = { try { val typeCheckedTree = c.typecheck(c.resetAllAttrs(tree)), s"$name: $typeCheckedTree", force = false) q"scala.util.Try($typeCheckedTree)" } catch { case e: TypecheckException => val msg = s""" |$name fails typechecking: $e |tree: $tree |""".stripMargin[Position], msg, force = true) q"""scala.util.Failure(new Exception($msg))""" } } }
Example 13
Source File: FunnelDerivation.scala From magnolify with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package magnolify.guava.semiauto import import{Funnel, Funnels, PrimitiveSink} import magnolia._ import scala.language.experimental.macros object FunnelDerivation { type Typeclass[T] = Funnel[T] def combine[T](caseClass: ReadOnlyCaseClass[Typeclass, T]): Typeclass[T] = new Funnel[T] { override def funnel(from: T, into: PrimitiveSink): Unit = if (caseClass.parameters.isEmpty) { into.putString(caseClass.typeName.short, Charsets.UTF_8) } else { caseClass.parameters.foreach { p => // inject index to distinguish cases like `(Some(1), None)` and `(None, Some(1))` into.putInt(p.index) p.typeclass.funnel(p.dereference(from), into) } } } def dispatch[T](sealedTrait: SealedTrait[Typeclass, T]): Typeclass[T] = new Funnel[T] { override def funnel(from: T, into: PrimitiveSink): Unit = sealedTrait.dispatch(from)(sub => sub.typeclass.funnel(sub.cast(from), into)) } implicit def apply[T]: Typeclass[T] = macro Magnolia.gen[T] def by[T, S](f: T => S)(implicit fnl: Funnel[S]): Funnel[T] = new Funnel[T] { override def funnel(from: T, into: PrimitiveSink): Unit = fnl.funnel(f(from), into) } } trait FunnelImplicits { private def funnel[T](f: (PrimitiveSink, T) => Unit): Funnel[T] = new Funnel[T] { override def funnel(from: T, into: PrimitiveSink): Unit = f(into, from) } implicit val intFunnel: Funnel[Int] = Funnels.integerFunnel().asInstanceOf[Funnel[Int]] implicit val longFunnel: Funnel[Long] = Funnels.longFunnel().asInstanceOf[Funnel[Long]] implicit val bytesFunnel: Funnel[Array[Byte]] = Funnels.byteArrayFunnel() implicit val charSequenceFunnel: Funnel[CharSequence] = Funnels.unencodedCharsFunnel() implicit val booleanFunnel: Funnel[Boolean] = funnel[Boolean](_.putBoolean(_)) implicit val stringFunnel: Funnel[String] = funnel[String](_.putString(_, Charsets.UTF_8)) implicit val byteFunnel: Funnel[Byte] = funnel[Byte](_.putByte(_)) implicit val charFunnel: Funnel[Char] = funnel[Char](_.putChar(_)) implicit val shortFunnel: Funnel[Short] = funnel[Short](_.putShort(_)) // There is an implicit Option[T] => Iterable[T] implicit def iterableFunnel[T, C[_]](implicit fnl: Funnel[T], ti: C[T] => Iterable[T] ): Funnel[C[T]] = funnel { (sink, from) => var i = 0 from.foreach { x => fnl.funnel(x, sink) i += 1 } // inject size to distinguish `None`, `Some("")`, and `List("", "", ...)` sink.putInt(i) } }
Example 14
Source File: ArbitraryDerivation.scala From magnolify with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package magnolify.scalacheck.semiauto import magnolia._ import magnolify.shims.Monadic import org.scalacheck.{Arbitrary, Gen} import scala.language.experimental.macros object ArbitraryDerivation { type Typeclass[T] = Arbitrary[T] def combine[T: Fallback](caseClass: CaseClass[Typeclass, T]): Typeclass[T] = Arbitrary { Gen.lzy(Gen.sized { size => if (size >= 0) { Gen.resize(size - 1, caseClass.constructMonadic(_.typeclass.arbitrary)(monadicGen)) } else { implicitly[Fallback[T]].get } }) } def dispatch[T: Fallback](sealedTrait: SealedTrait[Typeclass, T]): Typeclass[T] = Arbitrary { Gen.sized { size => if (size > 0) { Gen.resize( size - 1, Gen.oneOf( ) } else { implicitly[Fallback[T]].get } } } implicit def apply[T]: Typeclass[T] = macro Magnolia.gen[T] private val monadicGen: Monadic[Gen] = new Monadic[Gen] { override def point[A](value: A): Gen[A] = Gen.const(value) override def flatMapS[A, B](from: Gen[A])(fn: A => Gen[B]): Gen[B] = from.flatMap(fn) override def mapS[A, B](from: Gen[A])(fn: A => B): Gen[B] = } sealed trait Fallback[+T] extends Serializable { def get: Gen[T] } object Fallback { def apply[T](g: Gen[T]): Fallback[T] = new Fallback[T] { override def get: Gen[T] = g } def apply[T](v: T): Fallback[T] = Fallback[T](Gen.const(v)) def apply[T](implicit arb: Arbitrary[T]): Fallback[T] = Fallback[T](arb.arbitrary) implicit def defaultFallback[T]: Fallback[T] = Fallback[T]( } }
Example 15
Source File: CogenDerivation.scala From magnolify with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package magnolify.scalacheck.semiauto import magnolia._ import org.scalacheck.Cogen import scala.language.experimental.macros object CogenDerivation { type Typeclass[T] = Cogen[T] def combine[T](caseClass: ReadOnlyCaseClass[Typeclass, T]): Typeclass[T] = Cogen { (seed, t) => caseClass.parameters.foldLeft(seed) { (seed, p) => // inject index to distinguish cases like `(Some(false), None)` and `(None, Some(0))` val s = Cogen.cogenInt.perturb(seed, p.index) p.typeclass.perturb(s, p.dereference(t)) } } def dispatch[T](sealedTrait: SealedTrait[Typeclass, T]): Typeclass[T] = Cogen { (seed, t: T) => sealedTrait.dispatch(t) { sub => // inject index to distinguish case objects instances val s = Cogen.cogenInt.perturb(seed, sub.index) sub.typeclass.perturb(s, sub.cast(t)) } } implicit def apply[T]: Typeclass[T] = macro Magnolia.gen[T] }
Example 16
Source File: package.scala From magnolify with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package magnolify.scalacheck import org.scalacheck._ import scala.language.experimental.macros import scala.reflect.macros._ package object auto { def genArbitraryMacro[T: c.WeakTypeTag](c: whitebox.Context): c.Tree = { import c.universe._ val wtt = weakTypeTag[T] q"""_root_.magnolify.scalacheck.semiauto.ArbitraryDerivation.apply[$wtt]""" } def genCogenMacro[T: c.WeakTypeTag](c: whitebox.Context): c.Tree = { import c.universe._ val wtt = weakTypeTag[T] q"""_root_.magnolify.scalacheck.semiauto.CogenDerivation.apply[$wtt]""" } implicit def genArbitrary[T]: Arbitrary[T] = macro genArbitraryMacro[T] implicit def genCogen[T]: Cogen[T] = macro genCogenMacro[T] }
Example 17
Source File: CommutativeSemigroupDerivation.scala From magnolify with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package magnolify.cats.semiauto import cats.kernel.CommutativeSemigroup import magnolia._ import scala.annotation.implicitNotFound import scala.language.experimental.macros object CommutativeSemigroupDerivation { type Typeclass[T] = CommutativeSemigroup[T] def combine[T](caseClass: CaseClass[Typeclass, T]): Typeclass[T] = { val combineImpl = SemigroupMethods.combine(caseClass) val combineNImpl = SemigroupMethods.combineN(caseClass) val combineAllOptionImpl = SemigroupMethods.combineAllOption(caseClass) new CommutativeSemigroup[T] { override def combine(x: T, y: T): T = combineImpl(x, y) override def combineN(a: T, n: Int): T = combineNImpl(a, n) override def combineAllOption(as: IterableOnce[T]): Option[T] = combineAllOptionImpl(as) } } @implicitNotFound("Cannot derive CommutativeSemigroup for sealed trait") private sealed trait Dispatchable[T] def dispatch[T: Dispatchable](sealedTrait: SealedTrait[Typeclass, T]): Typeclass[T] = ??? implicit def apply[T]: Typeclass[T] = macro Magnolia.gen[T] }
Example 18
Source File: CommutativeGroupDerivation.scala From magnolify with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package magnolify.cats.semiauto import cats.kernel.CommutativeGroup import magnolia._ import scala.annotation.implicitNotFound import scala.language.experimental.macros object CommutativeGroupDerivation { type Typeclass[T] = CommutativeGroup[T] def combine[T](caseClass: CaseClass[Typeclass, T]): Typeclass[T] = { val emptyImpl = MonoidMethods.empty(caseClass) val combineImpl = SemigroupMethods.combine(caseClass) val combineNImpl = GroupMethods.combineN(caseClass) val combineAllImpl = MonoidMethods.combineAll(caseClass) val combineAllOptionImpl = SemigroupMethods.combineAllOption(caseClass) val inverseImpl = GroupMethods.inverse(caseClass) val removeImpl = GroupMethods.remove(caseClass) new CommutativeGroup[T] { override def empty: T = emptyImpl() override def combine(x: T, y: T): T = combineImpl(x, y) override def combineN(a: T, n: Int): T = combineNImpl(a, n) override def combineAll(as: IterableOnce[T]): T = combineAllImpl(as) override def combineAllOption(as: IterableOnce[T]): Option[T] = combineAllOptionImpl(as) override def inverse(a: T): T = inverseImpl(a) override def remove(a: T, b: T): T = removeImpl(a, b) } } @implicitNotFound("Cannot derive CommutativeGroup for sealed trait") private sealed trait Dispatchable[T] def dispatch[T: Dispatchable](sealedTrait: SealedTrait[Typeclass, T]): Typeclass[T] = ??? implicit def apply[T]: Typeclass[T] = macro Magnolia.gen[T] }
Example 19
Source File: SemigroupDerivation.scala From magnolify with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package magnolify.cats.semiauto import cats.Semigroup import magnolia._ import scala.annotation.implicitNotFound import scala.language.experimental.macros object SemigroupDerivation { type Typeclass[T] = Semigroup[T] def combine[T](caseClass: CaseClass[Typeclass, T]): Typeclass[T] = { val combineImpl = SemigroupMethods.combine(caseClass) val combineNImpl = SemigroupMethods.combineN(caseClass) val combineAllOptionImpl = SemigroupMethods.combineAllOption(caseClass) new Semigroup[T] { override def combine(x: T, y: T): T = combineImpl(x, y) override def combineN(a: T, n: Int): T = combineNImpl(a, n) override def combineAllOption(as: IterableOnce[T]): Option[T] = combineAllOptionImpl(as) } } @implicitNotFound("Cannot derive Semigroup for sealed trait") private sealed trait Dispatchable[T] def dispatch[T: Dispatchable](sealedTrait: SealedTrait[Typeclass, T]): Typeclass[T] = ??? implicit def apply[T]: Typeclass[T] = macro Magnolia.gen[T] } private object SemigroupMethods { def combine[T, Typeclass[T] <: Semigroup[T]](caseClass: CaseClass[Typeclass, T]): (T, T) => T = (x, y) => caseClass.construct(p => p.typeclass.combine(p.dereference(x), p.dereference(y))) def combineNBase[T, Typeclass[T] <: Semigroup[T]]( caseClass: CaseClass[Typeclass, T] ): (T, Int) => T = (a: T, n: Int) => caseClass.construct(p => p.typeclass.combineN(p.dereference(a), n)) def combineN[T, Typeclass[T] <: Semigroup[T]]( caseClass: CaseClass[Typeclass, T] ): (T, Int) => T = { val f = combineNBase(caseClass) (a: T, n: Int) => if (n <= 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Repeated combining for semigroups must have n > 0") } else { f(a, n) } } def combineAllOption[T, Typeclass[T] <: Semigroup[T]]( caseClass: CaseClass[Typeclass, T] ): IterableOnce[T] => Option[T] = { val combineImpl = combine(caseClass) as: IterableOnce[T] => as match { case it: Iterable[T] if it.nonEmpty => // input is re-iterable and non-empty, combineAllOption on each field val result = Array.fill[Any](caseClass.parameters.length)(null) var i = 0 while (i < caseClass.parameters.length) { val p = caseClass.parameters(i) result(i) = p.typeclass.combineAllOption( i += 1 } Some(caseClass.rawConstruct(result)) case xs => xs.reduceOption(combineImpl) } } }
Example 20
Source File: EqDerivation.scala From magnolify with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package magnolify.cats.semiauto import cats.Eq import magnolia._ import scala.language.experimental.macros object EqDerivation { type Typeclass[T] = Eq[T] def combine[T](caseClass: ReadOnlyCaseClass[Typeclass, T]): Typeclass[T] = Eq.instance(EqMethods.combine(caseClass)) def dispatch[T](sealedTrait: SealedTrait[Typeclass, T]): Typeclass[T] = Eq.instance(EqMethods.dispatch(sealedTrait)) implicit def apply[T]: Typeclass[T] = macro Magnolia.gen[T] } private object EqMethods { def combine[T, Typeclass[T] <: Eq[T]]( caseClass: ReadOnlyCaseClass[Typeclass, T] ): (T, T) => Boolean = (x, y) => caseClass.parameters.forall(p => p.typeclass.eqv(p.dereference(x), p.dereference(y))) def dispatch[T, Typeclass[T] <: Eq[T]]( sealedTrait: SealedTrait[Typeclass, T] ): (T, T) => Boolean = (x, y) => sealedTrait.dispatch(x) { sub => sub.cast.isDefinedAt(y) && sub.typeclass.eqv(sub.cast(x), sub.cast(y)) } }
Example 21
Source File: HashDerivation.scala From magnolify with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package magnolify.cats.semiauto import cats.Hash import magnolia._ import magnolify.shims.MurmurHash3Compat import scala.language.experimental.macros import scala.util.hashing.MurmurHash3 object HashDerivation { type Typeclass[T] = Hash[T] def combine[T](caseClass: ReadOnlyCaseClass[Typeclass, T]): Typeclass[T] = { val eqvImpl = EqMethods.combine(caseClass) new Hash[T] { override def hash(x: T): Int = if (caseClass.parameters.isEmpty) { caseClass.typeName.short.hashCode } else { val seed = MurmurHash3Compat.seed(caseClass.typeName.short.hashCode) val h = caseClass.parameters.foldLeft(seed) { (h, p) => MurmurHash3.mix(h, p.typeclass.hash(p.dereference(x))) } MurmurHash3.finalizeHash(h, caseClass.parameters.size) } override def eqv(x: T, y: T): Boolean = eqvImpl(x, y) } } def dispatch[T](sealedTrait: SealedTrait[Typeclass, T]): Typeclass[T] = { val eqvImpl = EqMethods.dispatch(sealedTrait) new Hash[T] { override def hash(x: T): Int = sealedTrait.dispatch(x) { sub => sub.typeclass.hash(sub.cast(x)) } override def eqv(x: T, y: T): Boolean = eqvImpl(x, y) } } implicit def apply[T]: Typeclass[T] = macro Magnolia.gen[T] }
Example 22
Source File: ShowDerivation.scala From magnolify with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package magnolify.cats.semiauto import cats.Show import magnolia._ import scala.language.experimental.macros object ShowDerivation { type Typeclass[T] = Show[T] def combine[T](caseClass: ReadOnlyCaseClass[Typeclass, T]): Typeclass[T] = { x => caseClass.parameters .map(p => s"${p.label} = ${}") .mkString(s"${caseClass.typeName.full} {", ", ", "}") } def dispatch[T](sealedTrait: SealedTrait[Typeclass, T]): Typeclass[T] = { x => sealedTrait.dispatch(x)(sub => } implicit def apply[T]: Typeclass[T] = macro Magnolia.gen[T] }
Example 23
Source File: BandDerivation.scala From magnolify with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package magnolify.cats.semiauto import cats.kernel.Band import magnolia._ import scala.annotation.implicitNotFound import scala.language.experimental.macros object BandDerivation { type Typeclass[T] = Band[T] def combine[T](caseClass: CaseClass[Typeclass, T]): Typeclass[T] = { val combineImpl = SemigroupMethods.combine(caseClass) val combineNImpl = SemigroupMethods.combineN(caseClass) val combineAllOptionImpl = SemigroupMethods.combineAllOption(caseClass) new Band[T] { override def combine(x: T, y: T): T = combineImpl(x, y) override def combineN(a: T, n: Int): T = combineNImpl(a, n) override def combineAllOption(as: IterableOnce[T]): Option[T] = combineAllOptionImpl(as) } } @implicitNotFound("Cannot derive Band for sealed trait") private sealed trait Dispatchable[T] def dispatch[T: Dispatchable](sealedTrait: SealedTrait[Typeclass, T]): Typeclass[T] = ??? implicit def apply[T]: Typeclass[T] = macro Magnolia.gen[T] }
Example 24
Source File: GroupDerivation.scala From magnolify with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package magnolify.cats.semiauto import cats.Group import magnolia._ import scala.annotation.implicitNotFound import scala.language.experimental.macros object GroupDerivation { type Typeclass[T] = Group[T] def combine[T](caseClass: CaseClass[Typeclass, T]): Typeclass[T] = { val emptyImpl = MonoidMethods.empty(caseClass) val combineImpl = SemigroupMethods.combine(caseClass) val combineNImpl = GroupMethods.combineN(caseClass) val combineAllImpl = MonoidMethods.combineAll(caseClass) val combineAllOptionImpl = SemigroupMethods.combineAllOption(caseClass) val inverseImpl = GroupMethods.inverse(caseClass) val removeImpl = GroupMethods.remove(caseClass) new Group[T] { override def empty: T = emptyImpl() override def combine(x: T, y: T): T = combineImpl(x, y) override def combineN(a: T, n: Int): T = combineNImpl(a, n) override def combineAll(as: IterableOnce[T]): T = combineAllImpl(as) override def combineAllOption(as: IterableOnce[T]): Option[T] = combineAllOptionImpl(as) override def inverse(a: T): T = inverseImpl(a) override def remove(a: T, b: T): T = removeImpl(a, b) } } @implicitNotFound("Cannot derive Group for sealed trait") private sealed trait Dispatchable[T] def dispatch[T: Dispatchable](sealedTrait: SealedTrait[Typeclass, T]): Typeclass[T] = ??? implicit def apply[T]: Typeclass[T] = macro Magnolia.gen[T] } private object GroupMethods { def combineN[T, Typeclass[T] <: Group[T]](caseClass: CaseClass[Typeclass, T]): (T, Int) => T = { val emptyImpl = MonoidMethods.empty(caseClass) val combineImpl = SemigroupMethods.combine(caseClass) val f = SemigroupMethods.combineNBase(caseClass) val inverseImpl = inverse(caseClass) val removeImpl = remove(caseClass) (a: T, n: Int) => if (n > 0) { f(a, n) } else if (n == 0) { emptyImpl() } else if (n == Int.MinValue) { f(inverseImpl(combineImpl(a, a)), 1073741824) } else { f(inverseImpl(a), -n) } } def inverse[T, Typeclass[T] <: Group[T]](caseClass: CaseClass[Typeclass, T]): T => T = a => caseClass.construct(p => p.typeclass.inverse(p.dereference(a))) def remove[T, Typeclass[T] <: Group[T]](caseClass: CaseClass[Typeclass, T]): (T, T) => T = (a, b) => caseClass.construct(p => p.typeclass.remove(p.dereference(a), p.dereference(b))) }
Example 25
Source File: MonoidDerivation.scala From magnolify with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package magnolify.cats.semiauto import cats.Monoid import magnolia._ import scala.annotation.implicitNotFound import scala.language.experimental.macros object MonoidDerivation { type Typeclass[T] = Monoid[T] def combine[T](caseClass: CaseClass[Typeclass, T]): Typeclass[T] = { val emptyImpl = MonoidMethods.empty(caseClass) val combineImpl = SemigroupMethods.combine(caseClass) val combineNImpl = MonoidMethods.combineN(caseClass) val combineAllImpl = MonoidMethods.combineAll(caseClass) val combineAllOptionImpl = SemigroupMethods.combineAllOption(caseClass) new Monoid[T] { override def empty: T = emptyImpl() override def combine(x: T, y: T): T = combineImpl(x, y) override def combineN(a: T, n: Int): T = combineNImpl(a, n) override def combineAll(as: IterableOnce[T]): T = combineAllImpl(as) override def combineAllOption(as: IterableOnce[T]): Option[T] = combineAllOptionImpl(as) } } @implicitNotFound("Cannot derive Monoid for sealed trait") private sealed trait Dispatchable[T] def dispatch[T: Dispatchable](sealedTrait: SealedTrait[Typeclass, T]): Typeclass[T] = ??? implicit def apply[T]: Typeclass[T] = macro Magnolia.gen[T] } private object MonoidMethods { def empty[T, Typeclass[T] <: Monoid[T]](caseClass: CaseClass[Typeclass, T]): () => T = new Function0[T] with Serializable { @transient private lazy val value = caseClass.construct(_.typeclass.empty) override def apply(): T = value } def combineN[T, Typeclass[T] <: Monoid[T]](caseClass: CaseClass[Typeclass, T]): (T, Int) => T = { val emptyImpl = empty(caseClass) val f = SemigroupMethods.combineNBase(caseClass) (a: T, n: Int) => if (n < 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Repeated combining for monoids must have n >= 0") } else if (n == 0) { emptyImpl() } else { f(a, n) } } def combineAll[T, Typeclass[T] <: Monoid[T]]( caseClass: CaseClass[Typeclass, T] ): IterableOnce[T] => T = { val combineImpl = SemigroupMethods.combine(caseClass) val emptyImpl = MonoidMethods.empty(caseClass) as: IterableOnce[T] => as match { case it: Iterable[T] if it.nonEmpty => // input is re-iterable and non-empty, combineAll on each field val result = Array.fill[Any](caseClass.parameters.length)(null) var i = 0 while (i < caseClass.parameters.length) { val p = caseClass.parameters(i) result(i) = p.typeclass.combineAll( i += 1 } caseClass.rawConstruct(result) case xs => xs.foldLeft(emptyImpl())(combineImpl) } } }
Example 26
Source File: CommutativeMonoidDerivation.scala From magnolify with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package magnolify.cats.semiauto import cats.kernel.CommutativeMonoid import magnolia._ import scala.annotation.implicitNotFound import scala.language.experimental.macros object CommutativeMonoidDerivation { type Typeclass[T] = CommutativeMonoid[T] def combine[T](caseClass: CaseClass[Typeclass, T]): Typeclass[T] = { val emptyImpl = MonoidMethods.empty(caseClass) val combineImpl = SemigroupMethods.combine(caseClass) val combineNImpl = MonoidMethods.combineN(caseClass) val combineAllImpl = MonoidMethods.combineAll(caseClass) val combineAllOptionImpl = SemigroupMethods.combineAllOption(caseClass) new CommutativeMonoid[T] { override def empty: T = emptyImpl() override def combine(x: T, y: T): T = combineImpl(x, y) override def combineN(a: T, n: Int): T = combineNImpl(a, n) override def combineAll(as: IterableOnce[T]): T = combineAllImpl(as) override def combineAllOption(as: IterableOnce[T]): Option[T] = combineAllOptionImpl(as) } } @implicitNotFound("Cannot derive CommutativeMonoid for sealed trait") private sealed trait Dispatchable[T] def dispatch[T: Dispatchable](sealedTrait: SealedTrait[Typeclass, T]): Typeclass[T] = ??? implicit def apply[T]: Typeclass[T] = macro Magnolia.gen[T] }
Example 27
Source File: OpsInlining.scala From nexus with MIT License | 5 votes |
package nexus.util import scala.language.experimental.macros import scala.reflect.macros.blackbox._ object OpsInlining { def opName(c: Context)(op: c.TermName): c.TermName = { import c.universe._ op match { case TermName("unary_$minus") => TermName("neg") case TermName("$plus") => TermName("add") case TermName("$minus") => TermName("sub") case TermName("$times") => TermName("mul") case TermName("$div") => TermName("div") case TermName("$colon$times") => TermName("scale") case TermName("$times$colon") => TermName("scale") case TermName("$bar$times$bar") => TermName("mul") case TermName("$bar$div$bar") => TermName("div") case _ => op } } def op1(c: Context): c.Tree = { import c.universe._ c.macroApplication match { case q"$impConv($lhs)($ev).$method" => q"$ev.${opName(c)(method)}($lhs)" } } def op2(c: Context)(y: c.Tree): c.Tree = { import c.universe._ c.macroApplication match { case q"$impConv($lhs)($ev).$method($rhs)" => q"$ev.${opName(c)(method)}($lhs, $rhs)" case q"$impConv($lhs)($ev).$method[..$t]($rhs)" => q"$ev.${opName(c)(method)}($lhs, $rhs)" } } def op2Float(c: Context)(y: c.Tree): c.Tree = { import c.universe._ c.macroApplication match { case q"$impConv($lhs)($ev).$method($rhs)" => q"$ev.${opName(c)(method)}($lhs, $ev.fromFloat($rhs))" case q"$impConv($lhs)($ev).$method[..$t]($rhs)" => q"$ev.${opName(c)(method)}($lhs, $ev.fromFloat($rhs))" } } def op2Double(c: Context)(y: c.Tree): c.Tree = { import c.universe._ c.macroApplication match { case q"$impConv($lhs)($ev).$method($rhs)" => q"$ev.${opName(c)(method)}($lhs, $ev.fromDouble($rhs))" case q"$impConv($lhs)($ev).$method[..$t]($rhs)" => q"$ev.${opName(c)(method)}($lhs, $ev.fromDouble($rhs))" } } def op2TRFloat(c: Context)(y: c.Tree): c.Tree = { import c.universe._ c.macroApplication match { case q"$impConv($lhs)($ev).$method($rhs)" => q"$ev.${opName(c)(method)}($lhs, $ev.R.fromFloat($rhs))" case q"$impConv($lhs)($ev).$method[..$t]($rhs)" => q"$ev.${opName(c)(method)}($lhs, $ev.R.fromFloat($rhs))" } } def op2TRDouble(c: Context)(y: c.Tree): c.Tree = { import c.universe._ c.macroApplication match { case q"$impConv($lhs)($ev).$method($rhs)" => q"$ev.${opName(c)(method)}($lhs, $ev.R.fromDouble($rhs))" case q"$impConv($lhs)($ev).$method[..$t]($rhs)" => q"$ev.${opName(c)(method)}($lhs, $ev.R.fromDouble($rhs))" } } }
Example 28
package forge.tags import scala.annotation.StaticAnnotation import scala.reflect.macros.blackbox import scala.language.experimental.macros final class rig extends StaticAnnotation { def macroTransform(annottees: Any*): Any = macro rig.impl } object rig { def impl(c: blackbox.Context)(annottees: c.Tree*): c.Tree = { val withCtx = ctx.impl(c)(annottees:_*) val withState = stateful.impl(c)(withCtx) withState } }
Example 29
Source File: rewrite.scala From spatial with MIT License | 5 votes |
package forge.tags import utils.tags.MacroUtils import scala.annotation.StaticAnnotation import scala.reflect.macros.blackbox import scala.language.experimental.macros final class rewrite extends StaticAnnotation { def macroTransform(annottees: Any*): Any = macro rewrite.impl } object rewrite { def impl(c: blackbox.Context)(annottees: c.Tree*): c.Tree = { val util = new MacroUtils[c.type](c) import c.universe._ import util._ annottees.head match { case _:DefDef => case _ => c.error(c.enclosingPosition, "Rewrite can only be used on defs") } def incorrectSignature(): Unit = { c.error(c.enclosingPosition, "Rewrite def must have signature 'def name(rhs: T): Unit") } def noImplicitsAllowed(): Unit = { c.error(c.enclosingPosition, "Rewrite def cannot have implicit parameters") } def noTypeParametersAllowed(): Unit = { c.error(c.enclosingPosition, "Rewrite def cannot have type parameters") } val tree = api.impl(c)(annottees:_*) match { case d: DefDef => val paramss = d.paramss if (paramss.length != 2) incorrectSignature() else if (paramss.head.length != 1) incorrectSignature() else if (paramss(1).length != 2) noImplicitsAllowed() else if (d.tparams.nonEmpty) noTypeParametersAllowed() val arg0 = paramss.head.head val name = Literal(Constant( d.rhs match { case Match(_,_) => case _ => c.error(c.enclosingPosition, "Rewrite rule must be a partial function") } val pf = q"""val ${}: PartialFunction[(Op[_],SrcCtx,State),Option[Sym[_]]] = {case (__op,__ctx,__state) => val ${} = __op.asInstanceOf[${}]; implicit val ctx = __ctx; implicit val state = __state; val func: PartialFunction[Op[_],Sym[_]] = ${d.rhs} if (func.isDefinedAt(${})) Some(func.apply(${})) else None } """ val add = if (!showCode("Op[")) { q"""IR.rewrites.add[${}]($name,${})""" } else { q"""IR.rewrites.addGlobal($name,${})""" } q"$pf; $add" case t => invalidAnnotationUse("rewrite", "defs") t } //, showCode(tree), force = true) tree } }
Example 30
Source File: stateful.scala From spatial with MIT License | 5 votes |
package forge.tags import utils.tags.MacroUtils import scala.annotation.StaticAnnotation import scala.language.experimental.macros import scala.reflect.macros.blackbox final class stateful extends StaticAnnotation { def macroTransform(annottees: Any*): Any = macro stateful.impl } private[forge] object stateful { def impl(c: blackbox.Context)(annottees: c.Tree*): c.Tree = { val util = new MacroUtils[c.type](c) import util._ import c.universe._ def injectState(df: DefDef) = df.injectImplicit("state", tq"argon.State", tq"State") val tree = annottees.head match { case df: DefDef => injectState(df) case mf: ModuleDef => mf.mapMethods(injectState) case _ => invalidAnnotationUse("stateful", "objects", "defs") } tree } }
Example 31
package forge.tags import utils.tags.MacroUtils import scala.annotation.StaticAnnotation import scala.reflect.macros.blackbox import scala.language.experimental.macros final class ctx extends StaticAnnotation { def macroTransform(annottees: Any*): Any = macro ctx.impl } private[forge] object ctx { def impl(c: blackbox.Context)(annottees: c.Tree*): c.Tree = { val util = new MacroUtils[c.type](c) import util._ import c.universe._ val tree = annottees.head match { case df: DefDef => df.injectImplicit("ctx", tq"forge.SrcCtx", tq"SrcCtx") case _ => invalidAnnotationUse("ctx", "defs") } tree } }
Example 32
package forge.tags import utils.tags.MacroUtils import scala.annotation.StaticAnnotation import scala.reflect.macros.blackbox import scala.language.experimental.macros final class mod extends StaticAnnotation { def macroTransform(annottees: Any*): Any = macro mod.impl } object mod { def impl(c: blackbox.Context)(annottees: c.Tree*): c.Tree = { val util = new MacroUtils[c.type](c) import c.universe._ import util._ val tree = annottees.head match { case cls: ClassDef => val names = //cls.asCaseClass.injectMethod(q"final override def names = Seq(..$names)") cls case t => c.error(c.enclosingPosition, "@mod annotation can only be used on classes.") t }, showCode(tree), force = true) tree } }
Example 33
Source File: flow.scala From spatial with MIT License | 5 votes |
package forge.tags import utils.tags.MacroUtils import scala.annotation.StaticAnnotation import scala.reflect.macros.blackbox import scala.language.experimental.macros final class flow extends StaticAnnotation { def macroTransform(annottees: Any*): Any = macro flow.impl } object flow { def impl(c: blackbox.Context)(annottees: c.Tree*): c.Tree = { val util = new MacroUtils[c.type](c) import c.universe._ import util._ annottees.head match { case _:DefDef => case _ => c.error(c.enclosingPosition, "@flow can only be used on defs") } def incorrectSignature(): Unit = { c.error(c.enclosingPosition, "@flow def must have signature 'def name(lhs: Sym[_], rhs: Op[_]): Unit") } val tree = api.impl(c)(annottees:_*) match { case d: DefDef => val paramss = d.paramss if (paramss.length != 2) incorrectSignature() else if (paramss.head.length != 2) incorrectSignature() val arg0 = paramss.head.apply(0) val arg1 = paramss.head.apply(1) if (!{t => isWildcardType(t, "Sym") } || !{t => isWildcardType(t, "Op")}) { incorrectSignature() } val name = Literal(Constant( val pf = q"""val ${}: PartialFunction[(Sym[_],Op[_],forge.SrcCtx,argon.State),Unit] = {case (__sym,__op,__ctx,__state) => val ${} = __sym; val ${} = __op; implicit val ctx = __ctx; implicit val state = __state; ${d.rhs} } """ val add = q""" IR.flows.add($name,${}) """ q"$pf; $add" case t => __c.error(__c.enclosingPosition, "@flow can only be used on defs") t } //, showCode(tree), force = true) tree } }
Example 34
Source File: globalRewrite.scala From spatial with MIT License | 5 votes |
package forge.tags import utils.tags.MacroUtils import scala.annotation.StaticAnnotation import scala.reflect.macros.blackbox import scala.language.experimental.macros final class globalRewrite extends StaticAnnotation { def macroTransform(annottees: Any*): Any = macro globalRewrite.impl } object globalRewrite { def impl(c: blackbox.Context)(annottees: c.Tree*): c.Tree = { val util = new MacroUtils[c.type](c) import c.universe._ import util._ annottees.head match { case _:DefDef => case _ => c.error(c.enclosingPosition, "@globalRewrite can only be used on defs") } def incorrectSignature(): Unit = { c.error(c.enclosingPosition, "@globalRewrite def must have signature 'def name(rhs: T): Unit") } def noImplicitsAllowed(): Unit = { c.error(c.enclosingPosition, "@globalRewrite def cannot have implicit parameters") } def noTypeParametersAllowed(): Unit = { c.error(c.enclosingPosition, "@globalRewrite def cannot have type parameters") } val tree = api.impl(c)(annottees:_*) match { case d: DefDef => val paramss = d.paramss if (paramss.length != 2) incorrectSignature() else if (paramss.head.length != 1) incorrectSignature() else if (paramss(1).length != 2) noImplicitsAllowed() else if (d.tparams.nonEmpty) noTypeParametersAllowed() val arg0 = paramss.head.head val name = Literal(Constant( d.rhs match { case Match(_,_) => case _ => c.error(c.enclosingPosition, "@globalRewrite rule must be a partial function") } val pf = q"""val ${}: PartialFunction[(Op[_],SrcCtx,State),Option[Sym[_]]] = {case (__op,__ctx,__state) => if (__op.isInstanceOf[${}]) { val ${} = __op.asInstanceOf[${}]; implicit val ctx = __ctx; implicit val state = __state; val func: PartialFunction[Op[_],Sym[_]] = ${d.rhs} if (func.isDefinedAt(${})) Some(func.apply(${})) else None } else None } """ val add = q""" core.rewrites.addGlobal($name,${}) """ q"$pf; $add" case t => c.error(c.enclosingPosition, "@globalRewrite can only be used on defs") t }, showCode(tree), force = true) tree } }
Example 35
Source File: SrcCtxMacro.scala From spatial with MIT License | 5 votes |
package forge.tags import forge.SrcCtx import scala.reflect.macros.blackbox import scala.language.experimental.macros object SrcCtxMacro { def impl(c: blackbox.Context): c.Expr[SrcCtx] = { import c.universe._ val pos = c.enclosingPosition val path = pos.source.path val filename = val line = pos.line val column = pos.column val lineContent = if (line > 0) Some(pos.source.lineToString(line-1)) else None c.Expr(q"forge.SrcCtx($path, $filename, $line, $column, $lineContent)") } }
Example 36
Source File: data.scala From spatial with MIT License | 5 votes |
package forge.tags import utils.tags.MacroUtils import scala.annotation.StaticAnnotation import scala.reflect.macros.blackbox import scala.language.experimental.macros final class data extends StaticAnnotation { def macroTransform(annottees: Any*): Any = macro data.impl } object data { def impl(c: blackbox.Context)(annottees: c.Tree*): c.Tree = { val utils = new MacroUtils(c) import utils._ import c.universe._ annottees.head match { case _:ModuleDef => stateful.impl(c)(annottees:_*) case _ => invalidAnnotationUse("data", "objects") } } }
Example 37
package forge.tags import utils.tags.MacroUtils import scala.annotation.StaticAnnotation import scala.reflect.macros.blackbox import scala.language.experimental.macros final class api extends StaticAnnotation { def macroTransform(annottees: Any*): Any = macro api.impl } private[forge] object api { def impl(c: blackbox.Context)(annottees: c.Tree*): c.Tree = { val utils = new MacroUtils[c.type](c) import utils._ import c.universe._ annottees.head match { case df: DefDef => val withCtx = ctx.impl(c)(annottees:_*) val withState = stateful.impl(c)(withCtx) withState case _ => invalidAnnotationUse("api", "defs") } } }
Example 38
package forge.tags import utils.tags.MacroUtils import scala.annotation.StaticAnnotation import scala.language.experimental.macros import scala.reflect.macros.blackbox final class op extends StaticAnnotation { def macroTransform(annottees: Any*): Any = macro op.impl } object op { def impl(c: blackbox.Context)(annottees: c.Tree*): c.Tree = { val util = new MacroUtils[c.type](c) import c.universe._ import util._ val (cls,obj) = annottees.toList match { case List(cd: ClassDef, md: ModuleDef) => (cd,md) case List(cd: ClassDef) => (cd, q"object ${cd.nameTerm}".asObject) case _ => invalidAnnotationUse("op", "classes") } val name = val names = val types = val targs = cls.typeArgs val fnames ={name => q"$$f($name)" } val updates ={case (name,fname) => q"$name = $fname" } val cls2 = cls.asCaseClass.withVarParams .injectMethod(q"override def mirror($$f:Tx) = new $name[..$targs](..$fnames)".asDef) .injectMethod(q"override def update($$f:Tx) = { ..$updates }".asDef) val obj2 = obj // TODO[5]: Not clear how this would be typed, or if its even an intuitive extractor //, showCode(cls2), force = true) q"..${List(cls2,obj2)}" } }
Example 39
Source File: instrument.scala From spatial with MIT License | 5 votes |
package utils.tags import scala.annotation.StaticAnnotation import scala.reflect.macros.blackbox import scala.language.experimental.macros final class instrument extends StaticAnnotation { def macroTransform(annottees: Any*): Any = macro instrument.impl } private[utils] object instrument { def impl(c: blackbox.Context)(annottees: c.Tree*): c.Tree = { val util = new MacroUtils[c.type](c) import util._ import c.universe._ def instrument(df: DefDef): DefDef = { if (df.body != EmptyTree) df.modifyBody{body => q"instrument(${df.nameLiteral}){ $body }"} else df } val tree = annottees.head match { case cls: ClassDef => cls.mapMethods(m => instrument(m)).mixIn(tq"utils.Instrumented") case obj: ModuleDef => obj.mapMethods(m => instrument(m)).mixIn(tq"utils.Instrumented") case _ => invalidAnnotationUse("@instrument", "objects", "defs") } //, showCode(tree), force = true) tree } }
Example 40
Source File: StreamStructs.scala From spatial with MIT License | 5 votes |
package spatial.tags import argon.tags import argon.tags.{Arith, Bits} import utils.tags.MacroUtils import scala.annotation.StaticAnnotation import scala.language.experimental.macros import scala.reflect.macros.blackbox abstract class TypeclassMacro[Ctx <: blackbox.Context](val c: Ctx) { import c.universe._ def implement(cls: ClassDef, obj: ModuleDef, fields: Seq[ValDef]): (ClassDef,ModuleDef) } object StagedStreamStructsMacro { def impl(c: blackbox.Context)(annottees: c.Tree*): c.Tree = { val typeclasses: Seq[tags.TypeclassMacro[c.type]] = Seq( new Bits[c.type](c), new Arith[c.type](c) ) val utils = new MacroUtils[c.type](c) import c.universe._ import utils._ val (cls,obj) = annottees.toList match { case List(cd: ClassDef, md: ModuleDef) => (cd,md) case List(cd: ClassDef) => (cd, q"object ${cd.nameTerm}".asObject) case _ => invalidAnnotationUse("streamstruct", "classes") } val fields = cls.constructorArgs.head val methods = cls.nonConstructorMethods.filterNot{_.mods.hasFlag(Flag.CASEACCESSOR) } val parents: Seq[String] = cls.parents.collect{case Ident(TypeName(name)) => name } // TODO[5]: What to do if class has parents? Error? if (fields.isEmpty) abort("Classes need at least one field in order to be transformed into a @streamstruct.") if (methods.nonEmpty) { error(s"@streamstruct class had ${methods.length} disallowed methods:\n" +{method => " " + showCode(method.modifyBody(_ => EmptyTree)) }.mkString("\n")) abort("@streamstruct classes with methods are not yet supported") } if (cls.tparams.nonEmpty) abort("@streamstruct classes with type parameters are not yet supported") if (cls.fields.exists(_.isVar)) abort("@streamstruct classes with var fields are not yet supported") val fieldTypes ={field => q"${field.nameLiteral} -> argon.lang.Bits[${field.tpTree}]" } val fieldNames ={field => q"${field.nameLiteral} -> ${}"} val fieldOpts ={field => field.withRHS(q"null") } val fieldOrElse ={field => q"Option(${}).getOrElse{this.${}(ctx,state)}" } var cls2 = q"class ${}[..${cls.tparams}]() extends spatial.lang.StreamStruct[${cls.fullName}]".asClass var obj2 = obj fields.foreach{field => cls2 = cls2.injectMethod( q"""def ${}(implicit ctx: forge.SrcCtx, state: argon.State): ${field.tpTree} = { field[${field.tpTree}](${field.nameLiteral})(argon.lang.Bits[${field.tpTree}],ctx,state) }""".asDef) } cls2 = { cls2.injectField(q"lazy val fields = Seq(..$fieldTypes)".asVal) .mixIn(tq"argon.Ref[Any,${cls.fullName}]") .injectMethod( q"""def copy(..$fieldOpts)(implicit ctx: forge.SrcCtx, state: argon.State): ${cls.fullName} = { ${}.apply(..$fieldOrElse)(ctx, state) }""".asDef) .injectField(q"""override val box = implicitly[${cls.fullName} <:< ( spatial.lang.StreamStruct[${cls.fullName}] with argon.lang.types.Bits[${cls.fullName}] with argon.lang.types.Arith[${cls.fullName}]) ]""".asVal) } obj2 = { obj2.injectMethod( q"""def apply[..${cls.tparams}](..$fields)(implicit ctx: forge.SrcCtx, state: argon.State): ${cls.fullName} = { spatial.lang.StreamStruct[${cls.fullName}]( ..$fieldNames )([${cls.fullName}], ctx, state) } """.asDef) } val (cls3,obj3) = typeclasses.foldRight((cls2,obj2)){case (tc, (c,o)) => tc.implement(c, o, fields) } val (cls4, obj4) = forge.tags.ref.implement(c)(cls3, obj3) val out = q"$cls4; $obj4" //info(showRaw(out)) //info(showCode(out)) out } }
Example 41
Source File: Bits.scala From spatial with MIT License | 5 votes |
package argon.tags import utils.tags.MacroUtils import scala.language.experimental.macros import scala.reflect.macros.blackbox class Bits[Ctx <: blackbox.Context](override val c: Ctx) extends TypeclassMacro[Ctx](c) { import c.universe._ def implement(cls: ClassDef, obj: ModuleDef, fields: Seq[ValDef]): (ClassDef, ModuleDef) = { val utils = new MacroUtils[c.type](c) import c.universe._ import utils._ val fieldTypes = val fieldNames = val bitssOpt ={tp => q"new argon.static.ExpTypeLowPriority(argon.Type[$tp]).getView[argon.lang.types.Bits]" } val bitss ={bits => q"$bits.get" } val nbitss ={bits => q"$bits.nbits(ctx,state)" } val zeros ={bits => q"$,state)" } val ones ={bits => q"$,state)" } val maxes ={case (name,bits) => q"$bits.random($name(ctx,state)))(ctx,state)"} val clsName = cls.fullName val cls2 = { cls.mixIn(tq"Bits[$clsName]") .injectMethod( q"""private def bitsCheck(op: java.lang.String)(func: => ${cls.fullName})(implicit ctx: forge.SrcCtx, state: argon.State): ${cls.fullName} = { val bitsOpt = List(..$bitssOpt) if (!bitsOpt.forall(_.isDefined)) { argon.error(ctx, s"$$op not defined for $${}")(state) argon.error(ctx)(state) argon.err[${cls.fullName}](s"$$op not defined for $${}")(argon.Type[${cls.fullName}],state) } else func }""".asDef) .injectMethod( q"""def nbits(implicit ctx: forge.SrcCtx, state: argon.State): scala.Int = { val bitsOpt = List(..$bitssOpt) if (!bitsOpt.forall(_.isDefined)) { argon.error(ctx, s"nbits is not defined for $${}")(state) argon.error(ctx)(state) 0 } else List(..$nbitss).sum }""".asDef) .injectMethod(q"""def zero(implicit ctx: forge.SrcCtx, state: argon.State): $clsName = bitsCheck("zero"){ ${}.apply(..$zeros)(ctx,state) }(ctx,state)""".asDef) .injectMethod(q"""def one(implicit ctx: forge.SrcCtx, state: argon.State): $clsName = bitsCheck("one"){ ${}.apply(..$ones)(ctx,state) }(ctx,state)""".asDef) .injectMethod(q"""def random(max: Option[$clsName])(implicit ctx: forge.SrcCtx, state: argon.State): $clsName = bitsCheck("random"){ ${}.apply(..$maxes)(ctx,state) }(ctx,state)""".asDef) } val obj2 = obj (cls2, obj2) } }
Example 42
Source File: Arith.scala From spatial with MIT License | 5 votes |
package argon.tags import utils.tags.MacroUtils import scala.language.experimental.macros import scala.reflect.macros.blackbox class Arith[Ctx <: blackbox.Context](override val c: Ctx) extends TypeclassMacro[Ctx](c) { import c.universe._ def implement(cls: ClassDef, obj: ModuleDef, fields: Seq[ValDef]): (ClassDef, ModuleDef) = { val utils = new MacroUtils[c.type](c) import c.universe._ import utils._ val fieldTypes = val fieldNames = val arithOpt ={tp => q"new argon.static.ExpTypeLowPriority(argon.Type[$tp]).getView[argon.lang.types.Arith]" } val arith ={a => q"$a.get" } val fieldPairs = val neg ={case (name,a) => q"$a.neg(this.$name(ctx,state))(ctx,state)"} val add ={case (name,a) => q"$a.add(this.$name(ctx,state),that.$name(ctx,state))(ctx,state)" } val sub ={case (name,a) => q"$a.sub(this.$name(ctx,state),that.$name(ctx,state))(ctx,state)" } val mul ={case (name,a) => q"$a.mul(this.$name(ctx,state),that.$name(ctx,state))(ctx,state)" } val div ={case (name,a) => q"$a.div(this.$name(ctx,state),that.$name(ctx,state))(ctx,state)" } val mod ={case (name,a) => q"$a.mod(this.$name(ctx,state),that.$name(ctx,state))(ctx,state)" } val abs ={case (name,a) => q"$a.abs(a.$name(ctx,state))(ctx,state)" } val ceil ={case (name,a) => q"$a.ceil(a.$name(ctx,state))(ctx,state)" } val floor ={case (name,a) => q"$a.floor(a.$name(ctx,state))(ctx,state)" } val clsName = cls.fullName val cls2 = { cls.mixIn(tq"Arith[$clsName]") .injectMethod( q"""private def __arith(op: java.lang.String)(func: => ${cls.fullName})(implicit ctx: forge.SrcCtx, state: argon.State): ${cls.fullName} = { val arithOpt = List(..$arithOpt) if (!arithOpt.forall(_.isDefined) || arithOpt.exists(_ eq null)) { argon.error(ctx, op + " not defined for " + argon.error(ctx)(state) argon.err[${cls.fullName}](op + " not defined for " +[${cls.fullName}],state) } else func }""".asDef) .injectMethod(q"""def unary_-()(implicit ctx: forge.SrcCtx, state: argon.State): $clsName = __arith("negate"){ ${}.apply(..$neg)(ctx,state) }(ctx,state)""".asDef) .injectMethod(q"""def +(that: $clsName)(implicit ctx: forge.SrcCtx, state: argon.State): $clsName = __arith("+"){ ${}.apply(..$add)(ctx,state) }(ctx,state)""".asDef) .injectMethod(q"""def -(that: $clsName)(implicit ctx: forge.SrcCtx, state: argon.State): $clsName = __arith("-"){ ${}.apply(..$sub)(ctx,state) }(ctx,state)""".asDef) .injectMethod(q"""def *(that: $clsName)(implicit ctx: forge.SrcCtx, state: argon.State): $clsName = __arith("*"){ ${}.apply(..$mul)(ctx,state) }(ctx,state)""".asDef) .injectMethod(q"""def /(that: $clsName)(implicit ctx: forge.SrcCtx, state: argon.State): $clsName = __arith("/"){ ${}.apply(..$div)(ctx,state) }(ctx,state)""".asDef) .injectMethod(q"""def %(that: $clsName)(implicit ctx: forge.SrcCtx, state: argon.State): $clsName = __arith("%"){ ${}.apply(..$mod)(ctx,state) }(ctx,state)""".asDef) .injectMethod(q"""def abs(a: $clsName)(implicit ctx: forge.SrcCtx, state: argon.State): $clsName = __arith("abs"){ ${}.apply(..$abs)(ctx,state) }(ctx,state)""".asDef) .injectMethod(q"""def ceil(a: $clsName)(implicit ctx: forge.SrcCtx, state: argon.State): $clsName = __arith("ceil"){ ${}.apply(..$ceil)(ctx,state) }(ctx,state)""".asDef) .injectMethod(q"""def floor(a: $clsName)(implicit ctx: forge.SrcCtx, state: argon.State): $clsName = __arith("floor"){ ${}.apply(..$floor)(ctx,state) }(ctx,state)""".asDef) } val obj2 = obj (cls2, obj2) } }
Example 43
Source File: package.scala From logging with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.persist import scala.language.experimental.macros import scala.reflect.macros.whitebox.Context import com.persist.JsonOps._ def richToString(m: RichMsg): String = { m match { case s: String => s case x => Compact(x, safe = true) } } implicit def sourceLocation: () => SourceLocation = macro sourceLocationMacro def sourceLocationMacro(c: Context): c.Expr[() => SourceLocation] = { import c.universe._ val p = c.macroApplication.pos val file = val line = p.line def allOwners(s: c.Symbol): Seq[c.Symbol] = { if (s == `NoSymbol`) { Seq() } else { s +: allOwners(s.owner) } } val owners = allOwners(c.internal.enclosingOwner) val className = owners .filter(s => s.toString.startsWith("class") || s.toString.startsWith("object")) .map(s => .reverse .mkString("$") val packageName = owners .filter(_.isPackage) .map( .filter(_ != "<root>") .reverse .mkString(".") c.Expr[() => SourceLocation](q"() => SourceLocation($file,$packageName,$className,$line)") } }
Example 44
Source File: Common.scala From spark-tsne with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
import sbt._ import Keys._ import com.typesafe.sbt.GitPlugin.autoImport._ import scala.language.experimental.macros import scala.reflect.macros.Context object Common { val commonSettings = Seq( organization in ThisBuild := "com.github.saurfang", javacOptions ++= Seq("-source", "1.7", "-target", "1.7"), scalacOptions ++= Seq("-target:jvm-1.7", "-deprecation", "-feature"), //git.useGitDescribe := true, git.baseVersion := "0.0.1", parallelExecution in test := false, updateOptions := updateOptions.value.withCachedResolution(true) ) def tsneProject(path: String): Project = macro tsneProjectMacroImpl def tsneProjectMacroImpl(c: Context)(path: c.Expr[String]) = { import c.universe._ reify { (Project.projectMacroImpl(c).splice in file(path.splice)). settings(name := path.splice). settings(Dependencies.Versions). settings(commonSettings: _*) } } }
Example 45
Source File: VisualTrace.scala From watr-works with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package edu.umass.cs.iesl.watr package tracing import tracemacros._ import scala.language.experimental.macros import geometry._ import scala.collection.mutable import VisualTraceLevel._ object VisualTracer { { // Set trace levels here to force recompile and macro re-eval // VisualTraceGlobals.addTraceLevel(VisualTraceLevel.JsonLogs) } def tracingEnabled(): Boolean = { VisualTraceGlobals.tracingEnabled() } } protected [tracing] object VisualTraceGlobals { val activeTraces = mutable.HashSet[VisualTraceLevel]() def tracingEnabled(): Boolean = { activeTraces.nonEmpty } def clearTraceLevels(): Unit = { activeTraces.clear() } def addTraceLevel(v: VisualTraceLevel): Unit = v match { case EnterExit => activeTraces += EnterExit case Checkpoint => activeTraces ++= Seq(EnterExit, Checkpoint) case JsonLogs => activeTraces ++= Seq(EnterExit, JsonLogs) case PrintLogs => activeTraces ++= Seq(EnterExit, PrintLogs) } } trait VisualTracer extends EnableTrace { self => import VisualTraceGlobals._ lazy val tracer = self def isEnabled(v: VisualTraceLevel): Boolean = { activeTraces.contains(v) } def traceLevels(): Seq[VisualTraceLevel] = activeTraces.toSeq def tracingEnabled(): Boolean = { activeTraces.nonEmpty } def ifTrace(vtl: VisualTraceLevel)(body: => Unit): Unit = macro VisualTraceMacros.runOnTraceLevel[TraceLog] }
Example 46
Source File: Logger.scala From mango with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import org.slf4j.helpers.BasicMarkerFactory import org.slf4j.{Marker, Logger => Underlying} import scala.language.experimental.macros object Logger { val markerFactory = new BasicMarkerFactory def apply(underlying: Underlying) = new Logger(underlying) } final class Logger private (val underlying: Underlying) { val markerFactory = Logger.markerFactory def marker(name: String): Marker = markerFactory.getMarker(name) def error(message: String): Unit = macro Macro.errorMessage def error(message: String, cause: Throwable): Unit = macro Macro.errorMessageCause def error(message: String, args: AnyRef*): Unit = macro Macro.errorMessageArgs def error(message: String, args: Any*): Unit = error(message, args.asInstanceOf[Seq[AnyRef]]: _*) def warn(message: String): Unit = macro Macro.warnMessage def warn(message: String, cause: Throwable): Unit = macro Macro.warnMessageCause def warn(message: String, args: AnyRef*): Unit = macro Macro.warnMessageArgs def warn(message: String, args: Any*): Unit = warn(message, args.asInstanceOf[Seq[AnyRef]]:_*) def info(message: String): Unit = macro Macro.infoMessage def info(message: String, cause: Throwable): Unit = macro Macro.infoMessageCause def info(message: String, args: AnyRef*): Unit = macro Macro.infoMessageArgs def info(message: String, args: Any*): Unit = info(message, args.asInstanceOf[Seq[AnyRef]]:_*) def debug(message: String): Unit = macro Macro.debugMessage def debug(message: String, cause: Throwable): Unit = macro Macro.debugMessageCause def debug(message: String, args: AnyRef*): Unit = macro Macro.debugMessageArgs def debug(message: String, args: Any*): Unit = debug(message, args.asInstanceOf[Seq[AnyRef]]:_*) def trace(message: String): Unit = macro Macro.traceMessage def trace(message: String, cause: Throwable): Unit = macro Macro.traceMessageCause def trace(message: String, args: AnyRef*): Unit = macro Macro.traceMessageArgs def trace(message: String, args: Any*): Unit = trace(message, args.asInstanceOf[Seq[AnyRef]]:_*) }
Example 47
Source File: Surface.scala From airframe with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package wvlet.airframe.surface import scala.language.existentials import scala.language.experimental.macros object Surface { def of[A]: Surface = macro SurfaceMacros.surfaceOf[A] def methodsOf[A]: Seq[MethodSurface] = macro SurfaceMacros.methodSurfaceOf[A] } trait Surface extends Serializable { def rawType: Class[_] def typeArgs: Seq[Surface] def params: Seq[Parameter] def name: String def fullName: String def dealias: Surface = this def isOption: Boolean def isAlias: Boolean def isPrimitive: Boolean def isSeq: Boolean = classOf[Seq[_]].isAssignableFrom(rawType) def objectFactory: Option[ObjectFactory] = None } sealed trait ParameterBase extends Serializable { def name: String def surface: Surface def call(obj: Any, x: Any*): Any } trait Parameter extends ParameterBase { def index: Int def name: String def getMethodArgDefaultValue(methodOwner: Any): Option[Any] = getDefaultValue } trait MethodSurface extends ParameterBase { def mod: Int def owner: Surface def name: String def args: Seq[MethodParameter] def surface: Surface = returnType def returnType: Surface def isPublic: Boolean = (mod & MethodModifier.PUBLIC) != 0 def isPrivate: Boolean = (mod & MethodModifier.PRIVATE) != 0 def isProtected: Boolean = (mod & MethodModifier.PROTECTED) != 0 def isStatic: Boolean = (mod & MethodModifier.STATIC) != 0 def isFinal: Boolean = (mod & MethodModifier.FINAL) != 0 def isAbstract: Boolean = (mod & MethodModifier.ABSTRACT) != 0 }
Example 48
Source File: Asserts.scala From airframe with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package wvlet.airspec.spi import wvlet.airframe.SourceCode import wvlet.airspec.{AirSpecMacros, AirSpecSpi} import scala.language.experimental.macros import scala.reflect.ClassTag object Asserts { private[airspec] sealed trait TestResult private[airspec] case object Ok extends TestResult private[airspec] case object Failed extends TestResult private[airspec] def check(cond: Boolean): TestResult = { if (cond) { Ok } else { Failed } } } trait Asserts { this: AirSpecSpi => protected def assert(cond: => Boolean)(implicit code: SourceCode) = { if (!cond) { throw AssertionFailure("assertion failed", code) } } protected def assert(cond: => Boolean, message: String)(implicit code: SourceCode) = { if (!cond) { throw AssertionFailure(message, code) } } protected def assertEquals(a: Float, b: Float, delta: Double)(implicit code: SourceCode): Unit = { assert((a - b).abs < delta, s"${a} should be ${b} +- ${delta}")(code) } protected def assertEquals(a: Double, b: Double, delta: Double)(implicit code: SourceCode): Unit = { assert((a - b).abs < delta, s"${a} should be ${b} +- ${delta}")(code) } protected def fail(reason: String = "failed")(implicit code: SourceCode): Unit = { throw AssertionFailure(reason, code) } protected def ignore(reason: String = "ignored")(implicit code: SourceCode): Unit = { throw Ignored(reason, code) } protected def pending: Unit = macro AirSpecMacros.pendingImpl protected def pendingUntil(reason: String = "pending")(implicit code: SourceCode): Unit = { throw Pending(reason, code) } protected def pending(reason: String = "pending")(implicit code: SourceCode): Unit = { throw Pending(reason, code) } protected def cancel(reason: String = "cancelled")(implicit code: SourceCode): Unit = { throw Cancelled(reason, code) } protected def skip(reason: String = "skipped")(implicit code: SourceCode): Unit = { throw Skipped(reason, code) } protected def intercept[E <: Throwable: ClassTag](block: => Unit)(implicit code: SourceCode): E = { val tpe = implicitly[ClassTag[E]] try { block val name = tpe.runtimeClass.getName throw InterceptException(s"Expected a ${name} to be thrown", code) } catch { case ex: InterceptException => throw new AssertionFailure(ex.message, code) case ex: Throwable if tpe.runtimeClass.isInstance(ex) => ex.asInstanceOf[E] } } }
Example 49
Source File: AirSpecContext.scala From airframe with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package wvlet.airspec.spi import wvlet.airframe.Session import wvlet.airframe.surface.{MethodSurface, Surface} import wvlet.airspec.{AirSpecBase, AirSpecDef, AirSpecMacros, AirSpecSpi} import scala.language.experimental.macros def run[A <: AirSpecBase](spec: A): A = macro AirSpecMacros.runSpecImpl[A] protected[airspec] def runInternal(spec: AirSpecSpi, testDefs: Seq[AirSpecDef]): AirSpecSpi protected[airspec] def runSingle(testDef: AirSpecDef): Unit protected def newSpec(specSurface: Surface): AirSpecSpi } object AirSpecContext { implicit class AirSpecContextAccess(val context: AirSpecContext) extends AnyVal { def callRunInternal(spec: AirSpecSpi, specMethods: Seq[MethodSurface]): AirSpecSpi = { context.runInternal(spec, AirSpecSpi.collectTestMethods(specMethods)) } def callNewSpec(specSurface: Surface): AirSpecSpi = context.newSpec(specSurface) } }
Example 50
Source File: AirSpecContextImpl.scala From airframe with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package wvlet.airspec.runner import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger import wvlet.airframe.Session import wvlet.airframe.surface.Surface import wvlet.airspec.spi.AirSpecContext import wvlet.airspec.{AirSpecDef, AirSpecSpi} import wvlet.log.LogSupport import scala.language.experimental.macros private[airspec] class AirSpecContextImpl( taskExecutor: AirSpecTaskRunner, val parentContext: Option[AirSpecContext], val currentSpec: AirSpecSpi, val testName: String = "<init>", val currentSession: Session ) extends AirSpecContext with LogSupport { private val childTaskCount = new AtomicInteger(0) override def hasChildTask: Boolean = { childTaskCount.get > 0 } override protected[airspec] def runInternal(spec: AirSpecSpi, testDefs: Seq[AirSpecDef]): AirSpecSpi = { childTaskCount.incrementAndGet(), spec, testDefs) spec } override protected[airspec] def runSingle(testDef: AirSpecDef): Unit = { childTaskCount.incrementAndGet() taskExecutor.runSingle(Some(this), currentSession, currentSpec, testDef, isLocal = true, design = } override protected def newSpec(specSurface: Surface): AirSpecSpi = { val spec: AirSpecSpi = currentSession.get(specSurface) // When the spec instance is an anonymous class, we need to find the real class name from the specSurface spec.setSpecName(specSurface.fullName) spec } }
Example 51
Source File: typeclass.scala From typeclassic with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package typeclassic import scala.annotation.{ compileTimeOnly, StaticAnnotation } import scala.language.experimental.macros import scala.reflect.macros.whitebox.Context import macrocompat._ @compileTimeOnly("typeclass annotation should have been automatically removed but was not") class typeclass(excludeParents: List[String] = Nil, generateAllOps: Boolean = true) extends StaticAnnotation { def macroTransform(annottees: Any*): Any = macro TypeClassMacros.generateTypeClass } @bundle class TypeClassMacros(val c: Context) { import c.universe._ def generateTypeClass(annottees: c.Expr[Any]*): c.Expr[Any] = { match { case (typeClass: ClassDef) :: Nil => modify(typeClass, None) case (typeClass: ClassDef) :: (companion: ModuleDef) :: Nil => modify(typeClass, Some(companion)) case other :: Nil => c.abort(c.enclosingPosition, "@typeclass can only be applied to traits or abstract classes that take 1 type parameter which is either a proper type or a type constructor") } } private def modify(typeClass: ClassDef, companion: Option[ModuleDef]) = { val (tparam, proper) = typeClass.tparams match { case hd :: Nil => hd.tparams.size match { case 0 => (hd, true) case 1 => (hd, false) case n => c.abort(c.enclosingPosition, "@typeclass may only be applied to types that take a single proper type or type constructor") } case other => c.abort(c.enclosingPosition, "@typeclass may only be applied to types that take a single type parameter") } val modifiedTypeClass = typeClass // TODO val modifiedCompanion = generateCompanion(typeClass, tparam, proper, companion match { case Some(c) => c case None => q"object ${} {}" }) val result = c.Expr(q""" $modifiedTypeClass $modifiedCompanion """) trace(s"Generated type class ${}:\n" + showCode(result.tree)) result } private def generateCompanion(typeClass: ClassDef, tparam0: TypeDef, proper: Boolean, comp: Tree): Tree = { val tparam = eliminateVariance(tparam0) val q"$mods object $name extends ..$bases { ..$body }" = comp q""" $mods object $name extends ..$bases { import scala.language.experimental.macros ..$body ${generateInstanceSummoner(typeClass, tparam)} } """ } private def generateInstanceSummoner(typeClass: ClassDef, tparam: TypeDef): Tree = { q""" @_root_.typeclassic.op("$$y {$$x}") def apply[$tparam](implicit x1: ${}[${}]): ${}[${}] = macro _root_.typeclassic.OpsMacros.op10 """ } // This method is from simulacrum, contributed by paulp, and is licensed under 3-Clause BSD private def eliminateVariance(tparam: TypeDef): TypeDef = { // If there's another way to do this I'm afraid I don't know it. val u = c.universe.asInstanceOf[c.universe.type with scala.reflect.internal.SymbolTable] val tparam0 = tparam.asInstanceOf[u.TypeDef] val badFlags = (Flag.COVARIANT | Flag.CONTRAVARIANT).asInstanceOf[Long] val fixedMods = tparam0.mods & ~badFlags TypeDef(fixedMods.asInstanceOf[c.universe.Modifiers],, tparam.tparams, tparam.rhs) } private def trace(s: => String) = { // Macro paradise seems to always output info statements, even without -verbose if (sys.props.get("typeclassic.trace").isDefined), s, false) } }
Example 52
Source File: ConfigLoader.scala From shocon with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.akkajs.shocon import scala.language.experimental.macros import scala.reflect.macros.blackbox.Context object ConfigLoader { import org.akkajs.shocon.verboseLog /// Loads the content of all config files passed with -Xmacro-settings: private def loadExplicitConfigFiles(c: Context): Option[String] = // check if config files to be loaded are defined via macro setting -Xmacro-settings:shocon.files=file1.conf;file2.conf c.settings.find(_.startsWith("shocon.files=")) // load these files .map( _.split("=") match { case Array(_,paths) => val (found,notfound) = paths.split(";").toList .map( new ) .partition( _.canRead ) if(notfound.nonEmpty) c.warning(c.enclosingPosition, s"shocon - could not read configuration files: $notfound"), s"shocon - statically reading configuration from $found", force=false) found case _ => Nil }) // concat these files into a single string .map("\n")).mkString("\n\n") ) def loadDefault(c: Context) = { import c.universe._ val configStr: String = // load explicitly defined config files vi -Xmacro-settings:file1.conf;file2.conf;... loadExplicitConfigFiles(c) // or else load application.conf .getOrElse{ try { val confPath = new Object {}.getClass .getResource("/") .toString + "application.conf", s"shocon - statically reading configuration from $confPath", force=false) val stream = new Object {}.getClass.getResourceAsStream("/application.conf")"\n") } catch { case e: Throwable => // we use print instead of c.warning, since multiple warnings at the same c.enclosingPosition seem not to work (?) println(c.enclosingPosition, s"WARNING: could not load config file: $e") "{}" } } c.Expr[com.typesafe.config.Config](q"""{ com.typesafe.config.Config( org.akkajs.shocon.Config.gen($configStr) ) }""") } def loadDefaultImpl(c: Context)() = loadDefault(c) def loadDefaultImplCL(c: Context)(cl: c.Expr[ClassLoader]) = loadDefault(c) def loadFromString(c: Context)(s: c.Expr[String]) = { import c.universe._ s.tree match { case q"""$strLit""" => strLit match { case Literal(Constant(str)) => if (verboseLog), "[shocon-facade] optimized at compile time", false) c.Expr[com.typesafe.config.Config](q"""{ com.typesafe.config.Config( org.akkajs.shocon.Config.gen(${str.toString}) ) }""") case _ => if (verboseLog) c.warning(c.enclosingPosition, "[shocon-facade] fallback to runtime parser") c.Expr[com.typesafe.config.Config](q"""{ com.typesafe.config.Config( org.akkajs.shocon.Config($strLit) ) }""") } } } }
Example 53
Source File: JsonDataInputFormat.scala From milan with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import import import{DataFormatConfiguration, JavaTypeFactory, MilanObjectMapper} import import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.annotation.{JsonDeserialize, JsonSerialize} import scala.collection.JavaConverters._ import scala.language.experimental.macros @JsonSerialize @JsonDeserialize class JsonDataInputFormat[T: TypeDescriptor](val config: DataFormatConfiguration) extends DataInputFormat[T] { @transient private lazy val objectMapper = new MilanObjectMapper(this.config) @transient private lazy val javaType = new JavaTypeFactory(this.objectMapper.getTypeFactory).makeJavaType(this.recordTypeDescriptor) @transient private lazy val hashCodeValue = HashUtil.combineHashCodes(this.recordTypeDescriptor.hashCode(), this.config.hashCode()) private var recordTypeDescriptor = implicitly[TypeDescriptor[T]] def this() { this(DataFormatConfiguration.default) } override def getGenericArguments: List[TypeDescriptor[_]] = List(implicitly[TypeDescriptor[T]]) override def setGenericArguments(genericArgs: List[TypeDescriptor[_]]): Unit = { this.recordTypeDescriptor = genericArgs.head.asInstanceOf[TypeDescriptor[T]] } override def readValue(bytes: Array[Byte], offset: Int, length: Int): Option[T] = { Some(this.objectMapper.readValue[T](bytes, offset, length, this.javaType)) } override def readValues(stream: InputStream): TraversableOnce[T] = { this.objectMapper.readerFor(this.javaType).readValues[T](stream).asScala } override def hashCode(): Int = this.hashCodeValue override def equals(obj: Any): Boolean = { obj match { case o: JsonDataInputFormat[T] => this.recordTypeDescriptor.equals(o.recordTypeDescriptor) && this.config.equals(o.config) case _ => false } } }
Example 54
Source File: unions.scala From perf_tester with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package shapeless import scala.language.dynamics import scala.language.experimental.macros import scala.reflect.macros.whitebox object union { import syntax.UnionOps implicit def unionOps[C <: Coproduct](u : C) : UnionOps[C] = new UnionOps(u) object Union extends Dynamic { def applyDynamicNamed[U <: Coproduct](method: String)(elems: Any*): U = macro UnionMacros.mkUnionNamedImpl[U] def selectDynamic(tpeSelector: String): Any = macro LabelledMacros.unionTypeImpl } } @macrocompat.bundle class UnionMacros(val c: whitebox.Context) { import c.universe._ import internal.constantType import labelled.FieldType val fieldTypeTpe = typeOf[FieldType[_, _]].typeConstructor val SymTpe = typeOf[scala.Symbol] val atatTpe = typeOf[tag.@@[_,_]].typeConstructor def mkUnionNamedImpl[U <: Coproduct : WeakTypeTag](method: Tree)(elems: Tree*): Tree = { def mkSingletonSymbolType(c: Constant): Type = appliedType(atatTpe, List(SymTpe, constantType(c))) def mkFieldTpe(keyTpe: Type, valueTpe: Type): Type = appliedType(fieldTypeTpe, List(keyTpe, valueTpe.widen)) def mkElem(keyTpe: Type, value: Tree): Tree = q"$value.asInstanceOf[${mkFieldTpe(keyTpe, value.tpe)}]" def promoteElem(elem: Tree): Tree = elem match { case q""" $prefix(${Literal(k: Constant)}, $v) """ => mkElem(mkSingletonSymbolType(k), v) case _ => c.abort(c.enclosingPosition, s"$elem has the wrong shape for a record field") } val q"${methodString: String}" = method if(methodString != "apply") c.abort(c.enclosingPosition, s"this method must be called as 'apply' not '$methodString'") val elem = elems match { case Seq(e) => e case _ => c.abort(c.enclosingPosition, s"only one branch of a union may be inhabited") } q""" _root_.shapeless.Coproduct[${weakTypeOf[U]}](${promoteElem(elem)}) """ } }
Example 55
Source File: typechecking.scala From perf_tester with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package shapeless.test import scala.language.experimental.macros import java.util.regex.Pattern import scala.reflect.macros.{ whitebox, ParseException, TypecheckException } object illTyped { def apply(code: String): Unit = macro IllTypedMacros.applyImplNoExp def apply(code: String, expected: String): Unit = macro IllTypedMacros.applyImpl } @macrocompat.bundle class IllTypedMacros(val c: whitebox.Context) { import c.universe._ def applyImplNoExp(code: Tree): Tree = applyImpl(code, null) def applyImpl(code: Tree, expected: Tree): Tree = { val Literal(Constant(codeStr: String)) = code val (expPat, expMsg) = expected match { case null => (null, "Expected some error.") case Literal(Constant(s: String)) => (Pattern.compile(s, Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE | Pattern.DOTALL), "Expected error matching: "+s) } try { val dummy0 = TermName(c.freshName) val dummy1 = TermName(c.freshName) c.typecheck(c.parse(s"object $dummy0 { val $dummy1 = { $codeStr } }")) c.error(c.enclosingPosition, "Type-checking succeeded unexpectedly.\n"+expMsg) } catch { case e: TypecheckException => val msg = e.getMessage if((expected ne null) && !(expPat.matcher(msg)).matches) c.error(c.enclosingPosition, "Type-checking failed in an unexpected way.\n"+expMsg+"\nActual error: "+msg) case e: ParseException => c.error(c.enclosingPosition, s"Parsing failed.\n${e.getMessage}") } q"()" } }
Example 56
Source File: compiletime.scala From perf_tester with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package shapeless.test import scala.language.experimental.macros import scala.concurrent.duration.FiniteDuration import scala.reflect.macros.blackbox object compileTime { def apply(code: String): FiniteDuration = macro CompileTimeMacros.applyImpl } @macrocompat.bundle class CompileTimeMacros(val c: blackbox.Context) { import c.universe._ def applyImpl(code: Tree): Tree = { def wallClock(codeStr: String): Long = { try { val t1 = System.nanoTime() c.typecheck(c.parse(codeStr)) val t2 = System.nanoTime() t2 - t1 } catch { case ex: Exception => c.abort(c.enclosingPosition, ex.getMessage) } } val Literal(Constant(codeStr: String)) = code val elapsedTime = wallClock(codeStr) q"_root_.scala.concurrent.duration.Duration.fromNanos($elapsedTime)" } }
Example 57
Source File: nat.scala From perf_tester with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package shapeless import scala.language.experimental.macros import scala.annotation.tailrec import scala.reflect.macros.whitebox type _0 = shapeless._0 val _0: _0 = new _0 def toInt[N <: Nat](implicit toIntN : ToInt[N]) = toIntN() def toInt(n : Nat)(implicit toIntN : ToInt[n.N]) = toIntN() implicit def natOps[N <: Nat](n : N) : NatOps[N] = new NatOps(n) } @macrocompat.bundle class NatMacros(val c: whitebox.Context) extends NatMacroDefns { import c.universe._ def materializeWidened(i: Tree): Tree = i match { case NatLiteral(n) => mkNatValue(n) case _ => c.abort(c.enclosingPosition, s"Expression $i does not evaluate to a non-negative Int literal") } } @macrocompat.bundle trait NatMacroDefns { val c: whitebox.Context import c.universe._ object NatLiteral { def unapply(i: Tree): Option[Int] = i match { case Literal(Constant(n: Int)) if n >= 0 => Some(n) case _ => None } } def mkNatTpt(i: Int): Tree = { val succSym = typeOf[Succ[_]].typeConstructor.typeSymbol val _0Sym = typeOf[_0].typeSymbol @tailrec def loop(i: Int, acc: Tree): Tree = { if(i == 0) acc else loop(i-1, AppliedTypeTree(Ident(succSym), List(acc))) } loop(i, Ident(_0Sym)) } def mkNatTpe(i: Int): Type = { val succTpe = typeOf[Succ[_]].typeConstructor val _0Tpe = typeOf[_0] @tailrec def loop(i: Int, acc: Type): Type = { if(i == 0) acc else loop(i-1, appliedType(succTpe, acc)) } loop(i, _0Tpe) } def mkNatValue(i: Int): Tree = q""" new ${mkNatTpt(i)} """ }
Example 58
Source File: Injectable.scala From angulate2 with MIT License | 5 votes |
// Project: angulate2 ( // Description: Angular2 @Injectable annotation. // Copyright (c) 2016 Johannes.Kastner <[email protected]> // Distributed under the MIT License (see included LICENSE file) package angulate2.core import angulate2.internal.ClassDecorator import scala.annotation.{StaticAnnotation, compileTimeOnly} import scala.language.experimental.macros import scala.reflect.macros.whitebox import scala.scalajs.js import scala.scalajs.js.annotation.JSImport @js.native @JSImport("@angular/core","Injectable") object InjectableFacade extends js.Object { def apply() : js.Object = js.native def apply(options: js.Object) : js.Object = js.native } // NOTE: keep the constructor parameter list and Injectable.Macro.annotationParamNames in sync! @compileTimeOnly("enable macro paradise to expand macro annotations") class Injectable extends StaticAnnotation { def macroTransform(annottees: Any*): Any = macro Injectable.Macro.impl } object Injectable { private[angulate2] class Macro(val c: whitebox.Context) extends ClassDecorator { import c.universe._ override val annotationName: String = "Injectable" override val annotationParamNames: Seq[String] = Seq() override def mainAnnotationObject = q"angulate2.core.InjectableFacade" } }
Example 59
Source File: NgModule.scala From angulate2 with MIT License | 5 votes |
// Project: angulate2 // Description: Angular2 @NgModule macro annotation // Copyright (c) 2016 Johannes.Kastner <[email protected]> // Distributed under the MIT License (see included LICENSE file) package angulate2.core import angulate2.internal.ClassDecorator import scala.annotation.{StaticAnnotation, compileTimeOnly} import scala.language.experimental.macros import scala.reflect.macros.whitebox import scala.scalajs.js import scala.scalajs.js.annotation.JSImport @js.native @JSImport("@angular/core","NgModule") object NgModuleFacade extends js.Object { def apply() : js.Object = js.native def apply(options: js.Object) : js.Object = js.native } // NOTE: keep the constructor parameter list and Component.Macro.annotationParamNames in sync! @compileTimeOnly("enable macro paradise to expand macro annotations") class NgModule(providers: js.Array[js.Any] = null, declarations: js.Array[js.Any] = null, imports: js.Array[js.Any] = null, exports: js.Array[js.Any] = null, entryComponents: js.Array[js.Any] = null, bootstrap: js.Array[js.Any] = null, schemas: js.Array[js.Any] = null, id: String = null) extends StaticAnnotation { def macroTransform(annottees: Any*): Any = macro NgModule.Macro.impl } object NgModule { private[angulate2] class Macro(val c: whitebox.Context) extends ClassDecorator { import c.universe._ val annotationParamNames = Seq( "providers", "declarations", "imports", "exports", "entryComponents", "bootstrap", "schemas", "id" ) override val annotationName: String = "NgModule" override def mainAnnotationObject = q"angulate2.core.NgModuleFacade" } }
Example 60
Source File: Pipe.scala From angulate2 with MIT License | 5 votes |
// Project: angulate2 ( // Description: // Copyright (c) 2017 Johannes.Kastner <[email protected]> // Distributed under the MIT License (see included LICENSE file) package angulate2.core import angulate2.internal.ClassDecorator import de.surfice.smacrotools.createJS import scala.annotation.{StaticAnnotation, compileTimeOnly} import scala.language.experimental.macros import scala.reflect.macros.whitebox import scala.scalajs.js import scala.scalajs.js.annotation.JSImport @js.native @JSImport("@angular/core","Pipe") object PipeFacade extends js.Object { def apply(options: js.Object) : js.Object = js.native } // NOTE: keep the constructor parameter list and Directive.Macro.annotationParamNames in sync! @compileTimeOnly("enable macro paradise to expand macro annotations") class Pipe(name: String, pure: Boolean = true) extends StaticAnnotation { def macroTransform(annottees: Any*): Any = macro Pipe.Macro.impl } object Pipe { private[angulate2] class Macro(val c: whitebox.Context) extends ClassDecorator { import c.universe._ val annotationParamNames = Seq( "name", "pure" ) override val annotationName: String = "Pipe" override def mainAnnotationObject = q"angulate2.core.PipeFacade" } } @createJS trait PipeTransform0[T,R] { def transform(value: T): R } @createJS trait PipeTransform1[T,A1,R] { def transform(value: T, arg1: A1): R } @createJS trait PipeTransform2[T,A1,A2,R] { def transform(value: T, arg1: A1, arg2: A2): R } @createJS trait PipeTransform3[T,A1,A2,A3,R] { def transform(value: T, arg1: A1, arg2: A2, arg3: A3): R }
Example 61
Source File: Directive.scala From angulate2 with MIT License | 5 votes |
// Project: angulate2 ( // Description: Angular2 @Directive macro annotation // Copyright (c) 2016 Johannes.Kastner <[email protected]> // Distributed under the MIT License (see included LICENSE file) package angulate2.core import angulate2.internal.{ClassDecorator, FieldDecorator} import scala.annotation.{StaticAnnotation, compileTimeOnly} import scala.language.experimental.macros import scala.reflect.macros.whitebox import scala.scalajs.js import scala.scalajs.js.annotation.JSImport @js.native @JSImport("@angular/core","Directive") object DirectiveFacade extends js.Object { def apply(options: js.Object) : js.Object = js.native } // NOTE: keep the constructor parameter list and Directive.Macro.annotationParamNames in sync! @compileTimeOnly("enable macro paradise to expand macro annotations") class Directive(selector: String = null, inputs: js.Array[String] = null, outputs: js.Array[String] = null, host: js.Dictionary[String] = null, template: String = null, providers: js.Array[js.Any] = null, exportAs: String = null, queries: js.Any = null) extends StaticAnnotation { def macroTransform(annottees: Any*): Any = macro Directive.Macro.impl } object Directive { private[angulate2] abstract class BaseMacro extends ClassDecorator with FieldDecorator private[angulate2] class Macro(val c: whitebox.Context) extends BaseMacro { import c.universe._ override def annotationName = "Directive" override def mainAnnotationObject: c.universe.Tree = q"angulate2.core.DirectiveFacade" override def annotationParamNames: Seq[String] = Seq( "selector", "inputs", "outputs", "host", "template", "providers", "exportAs", "queries" ) } }
Example 62
Source File: Routes.scala From angulate2 with MIT License | 5 votes |
// Project: angulate2 ( // Description: Angulate2 extension for simplified creation of routing modules // Copyright (c) 2016 Johannes.Kastner <[email protected]> // Distributed under the MIT License (see included LICENSE file) package angulate2.ext import angulate2.internal.ClassDecorator import angulate2.router.Route import scala.annotation.{StaticAnnotation, compileTimeOnly} import scala.language.experimental.macros import scala.reflect.macros.whitebox import scala.scalajs.js @compileTimeOnly("enable macro paradise to expand macro annotations") class Routes(root: Boolean, routes: Route*) extends StaticAnnotation { def this(providers: js.Array[js.Any])(root: Boolean, routes: Route*) = this(root,routes:_*) def macroTransform(annottees: Any*): Any = macro Routes.Macro.impl } object Routes { private[angulate2] class Macro(val c: whitebox.Context) extends ClassDecorator { import c.universe._ val annotationParamNames = Seq( "root", "routes*" ) override val firstArglistParamNames = Seq( "providers" ) override val annotationName: String = "Routes" override def mainAnnotationObject = q"angulate2.core.NgModuleFacade" private val routerModule = q"angulate2.ops.@@[angulate2.router.RouterModule]" override def analyze: Analysis = super.analyze andThen { case (cls: ClassParts, data) => val cdd = ClassDecoratorData(data) val routes = q"scalajs.js.Array(..${cdd.annotParams("routes")})" val remainingParams = cdd.annotParams - "root" - "routes" val imports = cdd.annotParams("root") match { case Literal(Constant(true)) => q"scalajs.js.Array(angulate2.router.RouterModule.forRoot($routes))" case Literal(Constant(false)) => q"scalajs.js.Array(angulate2.router.RouterModule.forChild($routes))" } (cls, ClassDecoratorData.update(data,cdd.copy(annotParams = remainingParams ++ Map("imports" -> imports, "exports" -> routerModule)))) case default => default } } }
Example 63
Source File: DefaultReaderMacro.scala From grafter with MIT License | 5 votes |
package org.zalando.grafter.macros import scala.annotation.StaticAnnotation import scala.language.experimental.macros import scala.reflect.macros.whitebox import ReaderMacros._ object DefaultReaderMacro { val annotationName = "defaultReader" def impl(c: whitebox.Context)(annottees: c.Expr[Any]*): c.Expr[Any] = { import c.universe._ val (classTree, companionTree): (Tree, Option[Tree]) = annotationInputs(c)(annotationName)(annottees) classTree match { case ClassDef(_, className, typeParams, _) => val genericTypeName = internal.reificationSupport.freshTypeName("A") val typeParam = typeParameter(annotationName)(c) typeParams match { case _ :: Nil => outputs(c)(classTree, className, companionTree) { q""" implicit def reader[$genericTypeName, F[_]](implicit defaultReader:[$genericTypeName, $typeParam[F]]):[$genericTypeName, $className[F]] = org.zalando.grafter.GenericReader.widenReader(defaultReader) """ } case Nil => outputs(c)(classTree, className, companionTree) { q""" implicit def reader[$genericTypeName](implicit defaultReader:[$genericTypeName, $typeParam]):[$genericTypeName, $className] = org.zalando.grafter.GenericReader.widenReader(defaultReader) """ } case other => c.abort(c.macroApplication.pos, s"the @$annotationName annotation must specify a type containing at most one type parameter, found $other") } case other => c.abort(c.macroApplication.pos, s"the @$annotationName annotation must annotate a trait, found $other") } } } class defaultReader[A] extends StaticAnnotation { def macroTransform(annottees: Any*): Any = macro DefaultReaderMacro.impl }
Example 64
Source File: ReaderOfMacro.scala From grafter with MIT License | 5 votes |
package org.zalando.grafter.macros import scala.annotation.StaticAnnotation import scala.language.experimental.macros import scala.reflect.macros.whitebox import ReaderMacros._ object ReaderOfMacro { val annotationName = "readerOf" def impl(c: whitebox.Context)(annottees: c.Expr[Any]*): c.Expr[Any] = { import c.universe._ def name(t: Name) = t.decodedName.toString.trim val (classTree, companionTree): (Tree, Option[Tree]) = annotationInputs(c)(annotationName)(annottees) classTree match { case ClassDef(_, className, _, Template(_, _, fields)) => val typeParam = typeParameter(annotationName)(c) def params = fieldsNamesAndTypes(c)(fields) val paramNames = val implicits = { case (p, _type) => q"""private val ${TermName("_"+name(p))}:[$typeParam, ${_type}] = implicitly[[$typeParam, ${_type}]];""" } val readValues = { p => q"""val ${TermName("_"+name(p)+"Value")} = ${TermName("_"+name(p))}.apply(r);""" } val values = { p => q"""${TermName("_"+name(p)+"Value")}""" } val klassName = name(className) val reader = c.Expr[Any]( q""" implicit val reader:[$typeParam, ${TypeName(klassName)}] = { { r => ..$readValues new ${TypeName(klassName)}(...${List(values)}) } } """) outputs(c)(classTree, className, companionTree) { q""" ..$implicits ..$reader """ } case other => c.abort(c.macroApplication.pos, s"the @$annotationName annotation must annotate a class, found $other") } } } class readerOf[A] extends StaticAnnotation { def macroTransform(annottees: Any*): Any = macro ReaderOfMacro.impl }
Example 65
Source File: Common.scala From spark-knn with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
import com.typesafe.sbt.GitVersioning import sbt._ import Keys._ import com.typesafe.sbt.GitPlugin.autoImport._ import sbtsparkpackage.SparkPackagePlugin.autoImport._ import scala.language.experimental.macros import scala.reflect.macros.Context object Common { val commonSettings = Seq( organization in ThisBuild := "com.github.saurfang", javacOptions ++= Seq("-source", "1.8", "-target", "1.8"), scalacOptions ++= Seq("-target:jvm-1.8", "-deprecation", "-feature"), //git.useGitDescribe := true, git.baseVersion := "0.0.1", parallelExecution in test := false, updateOptions := updateOptions.value.withCachedResolution(true), sparkVersion := "2.4.4", sparkComponents += "mllib", spIgnoreProvided := true ) def knnProject(path: String): Project = macro knnProjectMacroImpl def knnProjectMacroImpl(c: Context)(path: c.Expr[String]) = { import c.universe._ reify { (Project.projectMacroImpl(c).splice in file(path.splice)). enablePlugins(GitVersioning). settings(name := path.splice). settings(Dependencies.Versions). settings(commonSettings) } } }
Example 66
Source File: ServiceMethod.scala From typebus with MIT License | 5 votes |
package io.surfkit.typebus.annotations import java.nio.file.Files import io.surfkit.typebus.ResourceDb import play.api.libs.json.{Json, OFormat, Format} import scala.annotation.{StaticAnnotation, compileTimeOnly} import scala.language.experimental.macros import scala.reflect.macros.blackbox.Context @compileTimeOnly("enable macro to expand macro annotations") class ServiceMethod extends StaticAnnotation { def macroTransform(annottees: Any*) = macro ServiceMethod.impl } object ServiceMethod extends ResourceDb{ val databaseTableName = "_Service" sealed trait Store object Store{ implicit val format: OFormat[Store] = Json.format[Store] } final case class ServiceMethod(in: String, out: String) extends Store object ServiceMethod{ implicit val format: Format[ServiceMethod] = Json.format[ServiceMethod] } final case class ServiceStore(methods: Set[ServiceMethod]) extends Store object ServiceStore{ implicit val format: Format[ServiceStore] = Json.format[ServiceStore] } var methods = Set.empty[ServiceMethod] def impl(c: Context)(annottees: c.Expr[Any]*): c.Expr[Any] = { import c.universe._ val result = match { case q"$mods def $methodName[..$tpes]($arg, meta: EventMeta): Future[$returnType] = { ..$body }" :: Nil => //case q"$mods def $methodName[..$tpes]($arg, meta: EventMeta): Future[$returnType]{..$body}" :: Nil => // val retTpe = c.typecheck(q"(??? : $returnType)").tpe val argChild = arg.children.head val argTpe = c.typecheck(q"(??? : $argChild)").tpe //println(s"retTpe:${retTpe} ${retTpe.typeSymbol.fullName}") //println(s"argTpe:${argTpe} ${argTpe.typeSymbol.fullName}") // FIXME: packaging a jar will fail when trying to access the resource files. For now we can skip this. try { methods += ServiceMethod(argTpe.typeSymbol.fullName, retTpe.typeSymbol.fullName) val servicePath = databaseTablePath(databaseTableName) Files.write(servicePath, serialiseServiceStore(ServiceStore(methods)).getBytes) }catch{ case _: Throwable => } q"""$mods def $methodName[..$tpes]($arg, meta: EventMeta): Future[$returnType] = { ..$body }""" case _ => c.abort(c.enclosingPosition, s"Annotation @ServiceMethod can be used only with methods of the form (T, EventMeta) => Future[U] instead of: ${}") } c.Expr[Any](result) } def serialiseServiceStore(value: ServiceStore): String = Json.toJson(value).toString() //Pickle.intoBytes(value).array def deSerialiseServiceStore(json: String): ServiceStore = Json.parse(json).as[ServiceStore] //Unpickle[ServiceStore].fromBytes(java.nio.ByteBuffer.wrap(bytes)) }
Example 67
Source File: ScribeMacros.scala From scribe with MIT License | 5 votes |
package scribe import scala.annotation.compileTimeOnly import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer import scala.language.experimental.macros import scala.reflect.macros.blackbox @compileTimeOnly("Enable macros to expand") object ScribeMacros { def formatter(c: blackbox.Context)(args: c.Tree*): c.Tree = { import c.universe._ c.prefix.tree match { case Apply(_, List(Apply(_, rawParts))) => { val parts = rawParts map { case t @ Literal(Constant(const: String)) => (const, t.pos) } val list = ListBuffer.empty[c.Tree] val argsVector = args.toVector parts.zipWithIndex.foreach { case ((raw, _), index) => { if (raw.nonEmpty) { list += q"_root_.scribe.format.FormatBlock.RawString($raw)" } if (index < argsVector.size) { list += argsVector(index) } } } q"_root_.scribe.format.Formatter.fromBlocks(..$list)" } case _ => c.abort(c.enclosingPosition, "Bad usage of formatter interpolation.") } } }
Example 68
Source File: LoggerSupport.scala From scribe with MIT License | 5 votes |
package scribe import scala.language.experimental.macros trait LoggerSupport { def log[M](record: LogRecord[M]): Unit def log[M](level: Level, message: => M, throwable: Option[Throwable]) (implicit loggable: Loggable[M]): Unit = macro Macros.log[M] def trace(): Unit = macro Macros.autoLevel0 def debug(): Unit = macro Macros.autoLevel0 def info(): Unit = macro Macros.autoLevel0 def warn(): Unit = macro Macros.autoLevel0 def error(): Unit = macro Macros.autoLevel0 def trace[M: Loggable](message: => M): Unit = macro Macros.autoLevel1[M] def debug[M: Loggable](message: => M): Unit = macro Macros.autoLevel1[M] def info[M: Loggable](message: => M): Unit = macro Macros.autoLevel1[M] def warn[M: Loggable](message: => M): Unit = macro Macros.autoLevel1[M] def error[M: Loggable](message: => M): Unit = macro Macros.autoLevel1[M] def trace[M : Loggable](message: => M, t: Throwable): Unit = macro Macros.autoLevel2[M] def debug[M : Loggable](message: => M, t: Throwable): Unit = macro Macros.autoLevel2[M] def info[M : Loggable](message: => M, t: Throwable): Unit = macro Macros.autoLevel2[M] def warn[M : Loggable](message: => M, t: Throwable): Unit = macro Macros.autoLevel2[M] def error[M : Loggable](message: => M, t: Throwable): Unit = macro Macros.autoLevel2[M] }
Example 69
Source File: Position.scala From scribe with MIT License | 5 votes |
package scribe import scala.language.experimental.macros import perfolation._ case class Position(className: String, methodName: Option[String], line: Option[Int], column: Option[Int], fileName: String) { def toTraceElement: StackTraceElement = { val fn = if (fileName.indexOf('/') != -1) { fileName.substring(fileName.lastIndexOf('/') + 1) } else { fileName } new StackTraceElement(className, methodName.getOrElse("unknown"), fn, line.getOrElse(-1)) } override def toString: String = { val mn = => p":$m").getOrElse("") val ln = => p":$l").getOrElse("") val cn = => p":$c").getOrElse("") val fn = if (fileName.indexOf('/') != -1) { fileName.substring(fileName.lastIndexOf('/') + 1) } else { fileName } p"$className$mn$ln$cn ($fn)" } } object Position { private lazy val threadLocal = new ThreadLocal[List[Position]] { override def initialValue(): List[Position] = Nil } def push(position: Position): Unit = threadLocal.set(position :: threadLocal.get()) def push(): Unit = macro scribe.Macros.pushPosition def pop(): Option[Position] = { val stack = threadLocal.get() if (stack.nonEmpty) { threadLocal.set(stack.tail) } stack.headOption } def stack: List[Position] = threadLocal.get().distinct def stack_=(stack: List[Position]): Unit = threadLocal.set(stack) def fix[T <: Throwable](throwable: T): T = { val positionTrace = val original = throwable.getStackTrace.toList.filterNot(positionTrace.contains) val trace = (original.head :: positionTrace ::: original.tail).distinct throwable.setStackTrace(trace.toArray) throwable } }
Example 70
Source File: package.scala From scalapy with MIT License | 5 votes |
package me.shadaj.scalapy import scala.collection.mutable import scala.concurrent.Future package object py { def module(name: String) = Module(name) def module(name: String, subname: String) = Module(name, subname) @py.native trait None extends Any val None = Any.populateWith(CPythonInterpreter.noneValue).as[None] type NoneOr[T] = None | T def `with`[T <: py.Any, O](ref: T)(withValue: T => O): O = {[Dynamic](Reader.facadeReader[Dynamic](FacadeCreator.getCreator[Dynamic])).__enter__() val ret = withValue(ref)[Dynamic].__exit__(None, None, None) ret } def local[T](f: => T): T = { py.PyValue.allocatedValues = List.empty[PyValue] :: py.PyValue.allocatedValues py.VariableReference.allocatedReferences = List.empty[VariableReference] :: py.VariableReference.allocatedReferences try { f } finally { py.PyValue.allocatedValues.head.foreach { c => c.cleanup() } py.VariableReference.allocatedReferences.head.foreach { c => c.cleanup() } py.PyValue.allocatedValues = py.PyValue.allocatedValues.tail py.VariableReference.allocatedReferences = py.VariableReference.allocatedReferences.tail } } import py.{Dynamic => PyDynamic, Any => PyAny} trait PyQuotable { def stringToInsert: String def cleanup(): Unit } object PyQuotable { implicit def fromAny(any: py.Any): PyQuotable = new PyQuotable { private val expr = any.expr def stringToInsert: String = expr.toString def cleanup() = expr.cleanup() } implicit def fromValue[V](value: V)(implicit writer: Writer[V]): PyQuotable = new PyQuotable { private val expr = Any.populateWith(writer.write(value)).expr def stringToInsert: String = expr.toString def cleanup() = expr.cleanup() } } implicit class PyQuote(private val sc: StringContext) extends AnyVal { def py(values: PyQuotable*): PyDynamic = { val strings = val expressions = values.iterator var buf = new StringBuffer( val toCleanup = mutable.Queue[PyQuotable]() while (strings.hasNext) { val expr = buf append expr.stringToInsert toCleanup += expr buf append } val ret = PyAny.populateWith(CPythonInterpreter.load(buf.toString)).as[Dynamic] toCleanup.foreach(_.cleanup()) ret } } def eval(str: String): PyDynamic = { PyAny.populateWith(CPythonInterpreter.load(str)).as[Dynamic] } import scala.language.experimental.macros def native[T]: T = macro FacadeImpl.native_impl[T] def nativeNamed[T]: T = macro FacadeImpl.native_named_impl[T] }
Example 71
Source File: Facades.scala From scalapy with MIT License | 5 votes |
package import scala.reflect.macros.whitebox import scala.language.experimental.macros import scala.annotation.StaticAnnotation class native extends StaticAnnotation object FacadeImpl { def creator[T <: Any](c: whitebox.Context)(implicit tag: c.WeakTypeTag[T]): c.Tree = { import c.universe._ if (!tag.tpe.typeSymbol.annotations.exists(_.tpe =:= typeOf[native])) { c.error(c.enclosingPosition, "Cannot derive a creator for a trait that is not annotated as @py.native") } q"""new[${tag.tpe}] { def create(value: = new with ${tag.tpe} {} }""" } def native_impl[T: c.WeakTypeTag](c: whitebox.Context): c.Expr[T] = { import c.universe._ if (!c.enclosingClass.symbol.annotations.exists(_.tpe =:= typeOf[native])) { c.error(c.enclosingPosition, "py.native implemented functions can only be declared inside traits annotated as @py.native") } val method = c.internal.enclosingOwner.asMethod val methodName = val returnType = method.returnType val paramss = method.paramLists paramss.headOption match { case Some(params) => val paramExprs = c.Expr[T](q"as[].applyDynamic($methodName)(..$paramExprs).as[$returnType]") case scala.None => c.Expr[T](q"as[].selectDynamic($methodName).as[$returnType]") } } def native_named_impl[T: c.WeakTypeTag](c: whitebox.Context): c.Expr[T] = { import c.universe._ if (!c.enclosingClass.symbol.annotations.exists(_.tpe =:= typeOf[native])) { c.error(c.enclosingPosition, "py.native implemented functions can only be declared inside traits annotated as @py.native") } val method = c.internal.enclosingOwner.asMethod val methodName = val returnType = method.returnType val paramss = method.paramLists paramss.headOption match { case Some(params) => val paramExprs = { p => val paramName = q"${p.asTerm}".toString s"""("${}", $paramName)""" } c.Expr[T](c.parse(s"""as[].applyDynamicNamed("$methodName")(${paramExprs.mkString(",")}).as[$returnType]""")) case scala.None => c.Expr[T](q"as[].selectDynamic($methodName).as[$returnType]") } } }
Example 72
Source File: ShouldNotTypecheck.scala From lagom with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.lightbend.lagom.macrotestkit import scala.language.experimental.macros import java.util.regex.Pattern import scala.reflect.macros.TypecheckException import scala.reflect.macros.blackbox object ShouldNotTypecheck { def apply(name: String, code: String): Unit = macro ShouldNotTypecheck.applyImplNoExp def apply(name: String, code: String, expected: String): Unit = macro ShouldNotTypecheck.applyImpl } final class ShouldNotTypecheck(val c: blackbox.Context) { import c.universe._ def applyImplNoExp(name: Expr[String], code: Expr[String]): Expr[Unit] = applyImpl(name, code, c.Expr(EmptyTree)) def applyImpl(name: Expr[String], code: Expr[String], expected: Expr[String]): Expr[Unit] = { val Expr(Literal(Constant(codeStr: String))) = code val Expr(Literal(Constant(nameStr: String))) = name val (expPat, expMsg) = expected.tree match { case EmptyTree => (Pattern.compile(".*"), "Expected some error.") case Literal(Constant(s: String)) => (Pattern.compile(s, Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE), "Expected error matching: " + s) } try c.typecheck(c.parse("{ " + codeStr + " }")) catch { case e: TypecheckException => val msg = e.getMessage if (!expPat.matcher(msg).matches) { c.abort(c.enclosingPosition, s"$nameStr failed in an unexpected way.\n$expMsg\nActual error: $msg") } else { println(s"$nameStr passed.") return reify(()) } } c.abort(c.enclosingPosition, s"$nameStr succeeded unexpectedly.\n$expMsg") } }
Example 73
Source File: Glossary.scala From rule-engine with MIT License | 5 votes |
package nl.rabobank.oss.rules.dsl.core.glossaries import nl.rabobank.oss.rules.facts.{Fact, ListFact, SingularFact} import nl.rabobank.oss.rules.utils.FactMacros import scala.language.experimental.macros lazy val facts: Map[String, Fact[Any]] = { this.getClass.getDeclaredFields .filter( field => classOf[Fact[Any]].isAssignableFrom( field.getType ) ) .map( field => { field.setAccessible(true) val fact: Fact[Any] = field.get(this).asInstanceOf[Fact[Any]] (, fact) }) .toMap } }
Example 74
Source File: SemiautoDerivation.scala From tethys with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package tethys.derivation import tethys.derivation.builder._ import tethys.derivation.impl.builder.{ReaderDescriptionMacro, WriterDescriptorMacro} import tethys.derivation.impl.derivation.SemiautoDerivationMacro import tethys.{JsonObjectWriter, JsonReader} import scala.annotation.compileTimeOnly import scala.language.experimental.macros trait SemiautoDerivation { def jsonWriter[A]: JsonObjectWriter[A] = macro SemiautoDerivationMacro.simpleJsonWriter[A] def jsonWriter[A](description: WriterDescription[A]): JsonObjectWriter[A] = macro SemiautoDerivationMacro.describedJsonWriter[A] def jsonWriter[A](builder: WriterBuilder[A]): JsonObjectWriter[A] = macro SemiautoDerivationMacro.jsonWriterWithBuilder[A] def jsonWriter[A](config: WriterDerivationConfig): JsonObjectWriter[A] = macro SemiautoDerivationMacro.jsonWriterWithConfig[A] def describe[A](builder: WriterBuilder[A]): WriterDescription[A] = macro WriterDescriptorMacro.simpleDescription[A] def jsonReader[A]: JsonReader[A] = macro SemiautoDerivationMacro.simpleJsonReader[A] def jsonReader[A](description: ReaderDescription[A]): JsonReader[A] = macro SemiautoDerivationMacro.describedJsonReader[A] def jsonReader[A](builder: ReaderBuilder[A]): JsonReader[A] = macro SemiautoDerivationMacro.jsonReaderWithBuilder[A] def jsonReader[A](config: ReaderDerivationConfig): JsonReader[A] = macro SemiautoDerivationMacro.jsonReaderWithConfig[A] def describe[A](builder: ReaderBuilder[A]): ReaderDescription[A] = macro ReaderDescriptionMacro.readerDescription[A] implicit class ReaderFieldStringOps(val s: String) { @compileTimeOnly(" should be defined in describe block") def as[A]: ReaderField[A] = throw new NotDescribedException } implicit class ReaderFieldSymbolOps(val s: Symbol) { @compileTimeOnly(" should be defined in describe block") def as[A]: ReaderField[A] = throw new NotDescribedException } }
Example 75
Source File: MacroLogging.scala From tethys with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package tethys.derivation.impl import scala.language.experimental.macros import scala.reflect.macros.blackbox object MacroLogging { def logCode[A](tree: A): A = macro MacroLoggingImpl.logCode def logTree[A](tree: A): A = macro MacroLoggingImpl.logTree private class MacroLoggingImpl(val c: blackbox.Context) { import c.universe._ def logCode(tree: Tree): Tree = {, show(tree), force = false) tree } def logTree(tree: Tree): Tree = {, showRaw(tree), force = false) tree } } }
Example 76
Source File: CollectionBuilder.scala From tethys with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package tethys.compat import scala.collection.{IterableFactory, IterableFactoryDefaults, MapFactory, mutable} import scala.language.experimental.macros import scala.language.higherKinds import scala.reflect.macros.blackbox trait CollectionBuilder[A, C] { def newBuilder: mutable.Builder[A, C] } object CollectionBuilder { final class IterableFactoryCollectionBuilder[A, C[_]](factory: IterableFactory[C]) extends CollectionBuilder[A, C[A]] { override def newBuilder: mutable.Builder[A, C[A]] = factory.newBuilder[A] } final class MapFactoryCollectionBuilder[K, V, M[_, _]](factory: MapFactory[M]) extends CollectionBuilder[(K, V), M[K, V]] { override def newBuilder: mutable.Builder[(K, V), M[K, V]] = factory.newBuilder[K, V] } implicit def iterableFactoryCollectionBuilder[A, C[X] <: IterableFactoryDefaults[X, C]]: IterableFactoryCollectionBuilder[A, C] = macro CollectionBuilderMacroImpl.fromIterableFactory[A, C] implicit def mapFactoryCollectionBuilder[K, V, M[X, Y] <: Map[X, Y]]: MapFactoryCollectionBuilder[K, V, M] = macro CollectionBuilderMacroImpl.fromMapFactory[K, V, M] private class CollectionBuilderMacroImpl(val c: blackbox.Context) { import c.universe._ def fromIterableFactory[A, C[X] <: IterableFactoryDefaults[X, C]](implicit A: WeakTypeTag[A], C: WeakTypeTag[C[A]]): Tree = { val ref = C.tpe.typeSymbol.companion q"new tethys.compat.CollectionBuilder.IterableFactoryCollectionBuilder[${A.tpe}, ${C.tpe}]($ref)" } def fromMapFactory[K, V, M[X, Y] <: Map[X, Y]](implicit K: WeakTypeTag[K], V: WeakTypeTag[V], M: WeakTypeTag[M[K, V]]): Tree = { val ref = M.tpe.typeSymbol.companion q"new tethys.compat.CollectionBuilder.MapFactoryCollectionBuilder[${K.tpe}, ${V.tpe}, ${M.tpe}]($ref)" } } }
Example 77
Source File: ShouldNotTypecheck.scala From scala-parallel-collections with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package testutil import scala.language.experimental.macros import scala.reflect.macros.blackbox.Context import scala.reflect.macros.TypecheckException import java.util.regex.Pattern object ShouldNotTypecheck { def apply(code: String): Unit = macro applyImplNoExp def apply(code: String, expected: String): Unit = macro applyImpl def applyImplNoExp(ctx: Context)(code: ctx.Expr[String]) = applyImpl(ctx)(code, null) def applyImpl(ctx: Context)(code: ctx.Expr[String], expected: ctx.Expr[String]): ctx.Expr[Unit] = { import ctx.universe._ val Expr(Literal(Constant(codeStr: String))) = code val (expPat, expMsg) = expected match { case null => (null, "Expected some error.") case Expr(Literal(Constant(s: String))) => (Pattern.compile(s, Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE | Pattern.DOTALL), "Expected error matching: "+s) } try ctx.typecheck(ctx.parse("{ "+codeStr+" }")) catch { case e: TypecheckException => val msg = e.getMessage if((expected ne null) && !(expPat.matcher(msg)).matches) ctx.abort(ctx.enclosingPosition, "Type-checking failed in an unexpected way.\n"+ expMsg+"\nActual error: "+msg) else return reify(()) } ctx.abort(ctx.enclosingPosition, "Type-checking succeeded unexpectedly.\n"+expMsg) } }
Example 78
Source File: ProtoBinWrapper.scala From aerospike-scala with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package ru.tinkoff.aerospikeproto.wrapper import com.aerospike.client.Value import com.aerospike.client.Value.BytesValue import com.trueaccord.lenses.Updatable import com.trueaccord.scalapb.{GeneratedMessage, Message} import ru.tinkoff.aerospikemacro.converters.BinWrapper import scala.language.experimental.macros import scala.reflect.macros.blackbox trait ProtoBinWrapper[T <: GeneratedMessage with Message[T] with Updatable[T]] extends BinWrapper[T] { override def toValue(v: T): Value = new BytesValue(v.toByteArray) override def fetch(any: Any): Option[T] = scala.util.Try { Value.getFromRecordObject(any) match { case b: BytesValue => b.getObject match { case arr: Array[Byte] => parse(arr) } } }.toOption def parse: Array[Byte] => T } object ProtoBinWrapper { implicit def materialize[T <: GeneratedMessage with Message[T] with Updatable[T]]: ProtoBinWrapper[T] = macro impl[T] def impl[T <: GeneratedMessage with Message[T] with Updatable[T] : c.WeakTypeTag] (c: blackbox.Context): c.Expr[ProtoBinWrapper[T]] = { import c.universe._ val tpe = weakTypeOf[T] val simpleName = tpe.typeSymbol.fullName.split('.').last val termName = q"${TermName(simpleName)}" c.Expr[ProtoBinWrapper[T]] { q""" import com.aerospike.client.Value import com.aerospike.client.Value.BytesValue import com.trueaccord.lenses.Updatable import com.trueaccord.scalapb.{GeneratedMessage, Message} import ru.tinkoff.aerospikemacro.converters.BinWrapper new ProtoBinWrapper[$tpe] { override def parse: Array[Byte] => $tpe = $termName.parseFrom } """ } } }
Example 79
Source File: KeyWrapper.scala From aerospike-scala with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package ru.tinkoff.aerospikemacro.converters import com.aerospike.client.Value._ import com.aerospike.client.{Key, Value} import ru.tinkoff.aerospikemacro.domain.{DBCredentials, WrapperException} import scala.language.experimental.macros import scala.reflect.macros.blackbox.Context trait KeyWrapper[KT] { val dbName: String = "" val tableName: String = "" def apply(k: KT): Key = new Key(dbName, tableName, toValue(k)) def toValue(v: KT): Value = Value.get(v) match { case _: NullValue => throw new WrapperException { val msg = "You need to write your own toValue function in KeyWrapper" } case other => other } } object KeyWrapper { import Utils._ implicit def materializeK[T](implicit dbc: DBCredentials): KeyWrapper[T] = macro implK[T] def implK[T: c.WeakTypeTag](c: Context)(dbc: c.Expr[DBCredentials]): c.Expr[KeyWrapper[T]] = { import c.universe._ val tpe = weakTypeOf[T] val db = reify(dbc.splice.namespace) val tableName = reify(dbc.splice.setname) val toDBValue = pickValue(c) c.Expr[KeyWrapper[T]] { q""" import com.aerospike.client.{Key, Value} import com.aerospike.client.Value._ import scala.collection.immutable.Seq import ru.tinkoff.aerospikescala.domain.ByteSegment import scala.util.{Failure, Success, Try} new KeyWrapper[$tpe] { override val dbName = $db override val tableName = $tableName override def toValue(v: $tpe): Value = $toDBValue } """ } } def create[T](dbc: DBCredentials): KeyWrapper[T] = macro implK[T] }
Example 80
Source File: Printer.scala From aerospike-scala with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package ru.tinkoff.aerospikemacro.printer import scala.language.experimental.macros import scala.reflect.macros.blackbox object Printer { def printNameValue[T](x: T): Unit = macro impl[T] def impl[R](c: blackbox.Context)(x: c.Tree): c.Tree = { import c.universe._ val tpe = weakTypeOf[R] val name = x match { case Select(_, TermName(s)) => s case _ => "" } val isArray ="Array")) q""" println("-"*20) println($name + " => " + $x) """ } }
Example 81
Source File: Sanitiser.scala From sansible with MIT License | 5 votes |
package ansible import scala.language.experimental.macros import scala.reflect.macros.whitebox class Sanitiser(c: whitebox.Context) { private def reSugar(sym: c.universe.Symbol): String = Seq( "\\$eq" -> "=", "\\$hash" -> "#", "\\$bang" -> "!", "\\$asInstanceOf" -> "asInstanceOf", "\\$isInstanceOf" -> "isInstanceOf" ).foldLeft( { case (s, (a, b)) => s.replaceAll(a, b) } private val objType = c.weakTypeOf[Object] private val prodType = c.weakTypeOf[Product] private val keywords = c.universe.asInstanceOf[scala.reflect.internal.SymbolTable] private val reservedWords = keywords ++ ++ def safeName(name: String) = if (reservedWords(name)) s"_$name" else name }
Example 82
Source File: Expand.scala From sansible with MIT License | 5 votes |
package ansible import ansible.AnsibleModule._ import argonaut.Argonaut._ import better.files._ import scala.annotation.{StaticAnnotation, compileTimeOnly} import scala.language.experimental.macros import scala.reflect.macros.whitebox @compileTimeOnly("enable macro paradise to expand macro annotations") class expand extends StaticAnnotation { def macroTransform(annottees: Any*): Any = macro Expander.expand_impl } object Expander { val tmpDir = System.getProperty("") def expand_impl(c: whitebox.Context)(annottees: c.Expr[Any]*): c.Expr[Any] = { import c.universe._ val gen = new CodeGen(c) val files = (tmpDir / "parsed_modules").listRecursively.filter(_.extension.contains(".json")).toList val ansibleModules = { f => f.contentAsString.decodeValidation[AnsibleModule].fold(err => throw new Exception(s"Failed reading the json representation of the Ansible module: ${f.path}, error: $err"), identity ) } def generateModule(m: AnsibleModule): (ModuleDef, ClassDef) = { val moduleTypeName = TypeName(camelize( val moduleTermName = TermName(camelize( val sortedOptions = m.options.sortBy(_.required)(Ordering[Boolean].reverse) val (enumTypes, enumValues, fields) = sortedOptions.foldLeft((List.empty[ClassDef], List.empty[ModuleDef], Vector.empty[ValDef])) { case ((enumTypes, enumValues, fields), option) => option match { case o: BooleanOption => (enumTypes, enumValues, fields :+ gen.boolVal(o).asInstanceOf[ValDef]) case o: StringOption => (enumTypes, enumValues, fields :+ gen.stringVal(o).asInstanceOf[ValDef]) case o: EnumOption => (gen.enumClassDef(o).asInstanceOf[ClassDef] :: enumTypes, gen.enumObjectDef(o).asInstanceOf[ModuleDef] :: enumValues, fields :+ gen.enumVal(o,[ValDef]) } } val jsonEncoderVal = gen.moduleObjectJsonEncoder(m).asInstanceOf[ValDef] val enumSetters =[List[DefDef]] val objectDef = q""" object $moduleTermName { $jsonEncoderVal ..$enumTypes ..$enumValues } """.asInstanceOf[ModuleDef] val classDef = q""" case class $moduleTypeName(..$fields) extends ansible.Module { override def call = ModuleCall(this.asJson) ..$enumSetters } """.asInstanceOf[ClassDef] (objectDef, classDef) } match { case List(q"trait $_") => val (objectDefs, classDefs) = => generateModule(m)).unzip c.Expr[Any]( q""" import argonaut._ import Argonaut._ ..$objectDefs ..$classDefs """) case _ => c.abort(c.enclosingPosition, "@expand should annotate a trait") } } private def camelize(str: String): String = str.split('_').map { s => if (s.isEmpty) "" else s.head.toUpper.toString + s.tail.toLowerCase }.mkString }
Example 83
Source File: LuceneCreate.scala From lucene4s with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.outr.lucene4s import com.outr.lucene4s.facet.FacetField import{StringifyValueSupport, ValueSupport} import com.outr.lucene4s.field.{Field, FieldType} import com.outr.lucene4s.mapper.{BaseSearchable, SearchableMacro} import scala.language.experimental.macros class LuceneCreate(val lucene: Lucene) { def field[T](name: String, fieldType: FieldType = FieldType.Stored, fullTextSearchable: Boolean = lucene.defaultFullTextSearchable, sortable: Boolean = true )(implicit support: ValueSupport[T]): Field[T] = { val field = new Field[T](name, fieldType, support, fullTextSearchable, sortable) lucene.synchronized { lucene._fields += field } field } def stringifiedField[T](name: String, fieldType: FieldType = FieldType.Stored, fullTextSearchable: Boolean = lucene.defaultFullTextSearchable, sortable: Boolean = true)(implicit stringify: Stringify[T]): Field[T] = { field[T](name, fieldType, fullTextSearchable, sortable)(StringifyValueSupport(stringify)) } def facet(name: String, hierarchical: Boolean = false, multiValued: Boolean = false, requireDimCount: Boolean = false): FacetField = { lucene.facetsConfig.setHierarchical(name, hierarchical) lucene.facetsConfig.setMultiValued(name, multiValued) lucene.facetsConfig.setRequireDimCount(name, requireDimCount) val field = FacetField(name, hierarchical, multiValued, requireDimCount) lucene.synchronized { lucene._facets += field } field } def searchable[S <: BaseSearchable]: S = macro SearchableMacro.generate[S] }
Example 84
Source File: package.scala From ip4s with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import scala.language.experimental.macros package object ip4s { final implicit class IpLiteralSyntax(val sc: StringContext) extends AnyVal { def ip(args: Any*): IpAddress = macro LiteralSyntaxMacros.ipInterpolator def ipv4(args: Any*): Ipv4Address = macro LiteralSyntaxMacros.ipv4Interpolator def ipv6(args: Any*): Ipv6Address = macro LiteralSyntaxMacros.ipv6Interpolator def mip(args: Any*): Multicast[IpAddress] = macro LiteralSyntaxMacros.mipInterpolator def mipv4(args: Any*): Multicast[Ipv4Address] = macro LiteralSyntaxMacros.mipv4Interpolator def mipv6(args: Any*): Multicast[Ipv6Address] = macro LiteralSyntaxMacros.mipv6Interpolator def ssmip(args: Any*): SourceSpecificMulticast[IpAddress] = macro LiteralSyntaxMacros.ssmipInterpolator def ssmipv4(args: Any*): SourceSpecificMulticast[Ipv4Address] = macro LiteralSyntaxMacros.ssmipv4Interpolator def ssmipv6(args: Any*): SourceSpecificMulticast[Ipv6Address] = macro LiteralSyntaxMacros.ssmipv6Interpolator def port(args: Any*): Port = macro LiteralSyntaxMacros.portInterpolator def host(args: Any*): Hostname = macro LiteralSyntaxMacros.hostnameInterpolator def idn(args: Any*): IDN = macro LiteralSyntaxMacros.idnInterpolator } }
Example 85
Source File: QueryDsl.scala From quill with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package io.getquill.dsl import scala.language.experimental.macros import io.getquill.quotation.NonQuotedException import io.getquill.EntityQuery import scala.annotation.compileTimeOnly private[getquill] trait QueryDsl { dsl: CoreDsl => def query[T]: EntityQuery[T] = macro QueryDslMacro.expandEntity[T] @compileTimeOnly(NonQuotedException.message) def querySchema[T](entity: String, columns: (T => (Any, String))*): EntityQuery[T] = NonQuotedException() @compileTimeOnly(NonQuotedException.message) def impliedQuerySchema[T](entity: String, columns: (T => (Any, String))*): EntityQuery[T] = NonQuotedException() implicit class NullableColumnExtensions[A](o: Option[A]) { @compileTimeOnly(NonQuotedException.message) def getOrNull: A = throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Cannot use getOrNull outside of database queries since only database value-types (e.g. Int, Double, etc...) can be null." ) } object extras extends LowPriorityExtras { implicit class NumericOptionOps[A: Numeric](a: Option[A]) { def ===[B: Numeric](b: Option[B]): Boolean = a.exists(av => b.exists(bv => av == bv)) def ===[B: Numeric](b: B): Boolean = a.exists(av => av == b) def =!=[B: Numeric](b: Option[B]): Boolean = a.exists(av => b.exists(bv => av != bv)) def =!=[B: Numeric](b: B): Boolean = a.exists(av => av != b) } implicit class NumericRegOps[A: Numeric](a: A) { def ===[B: Numeric](b: Option[B]): Boolean = b.exists(bv => bv == a) def ===[B: Numeric](b: B): Boolean = a == b def =!=[B: Numeric](b: Option[B]): Boolean = b.exists(bv => bv != a) def =!=[B: Numeric](b: B): Boolean = a != b } } trait LowPriorityExtras { implicit class OptionOps[T](a: Option[T]) { def ===(b: Option[T]): Boolean = a.exists(av => b.exists(bv => av == bv)) def ===(b: T): Boolean = a.exists(av => av == b) def =!=(b: Option[T]): Boolean = a.exists(av => b.exists(bv => av != bv)) def =!=(b: T): Boolean = a.exists(av => av != b) } implicit class RegOps[T](a: T) { def ===(b: Option[T]): Boolean = b.exists(bv => bv == a) def ===(b: T): Boolean = a == b def =!=(b: Option[T]): Boolean = b.exists(bv => bv != a) def =!=(b: T): Boolean = a != b } } }
Example 86
Source File: QuotationDsl.scala From quill with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package io.getquill.dsl import scala.language.experimental.macros import scala.language.implicitConversions import scala.reflect.macros.whitebox.Context import io.getquill.ast.Ast import io.getquill.quotation.NonQuotedException import io.getquill.quotation.Quotation import scala.annotation.compileTimeOnly private[dsl] trait QuotationDsl { this: CoreDsl => trait Quoted[+T] { def ast: Ast override def toString = ast.toString } def quote[T](body: Quoted[T]): Quoted[T] = macro QuotationMacro.doubleQuote[T] def quote[T1, R](func: T1 => Quoted[R]): Quoted[T1 => R] = macro QuotationMacro.quotedFunctionBody def quote[T1, T2, R](func: (T1, T2) => Quoted[R]): Quoted[(T1, T2) => R] = macro QuotationMacro.quotedFunctionBody def quote[T1, T2, T3, R](func: (T1, T2, T3) => Quoted[R]): Quoted[(T1, T2, T3) => R] = macro QuotationMacro.quotedFunctionBody def quote[T1, T2, T3, T4, R](func: (T1, T2, T3, T4) => Quoted[R]): Quoted[(T1, T2, T3, T4) => R] = macro QuotationMacro.quotedFunctionBody def quote[T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, R](func: (T1, T2, T3, T4, T5) => Quoted[R]): Quoted[(T1, T2, T3, T4, T5) => R] = macro QuotationMacro.quotedFunctionBody def quote[T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, R](func: (T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6) => Quoted[R]): Quoted[(T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6) => R] = macro QuotationMacro.quotedFunctionBody def quote[T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, R](func: (T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7) => Quoted[R]): Quoted[(T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7) => R] = macro QuotationMacro.quotedFunctionBody def quote[T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, R](func: (T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8) => Quoted[R]): Quoted[(T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8) => R] = macro QuotationMacro.quotedFunctionBody def quote[T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, R](func: (T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9) => Quoted[R]): Quoted[(T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9) => R] = macro QuotationMacro.quotedFunctionBody def quote[T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10, R](func: (T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10) => Quoted[R]): Quoted[(T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10) => R] = macro QuotationMacro.quotedFunctionBody implicit def quote[T](body: T): Quoted[T] = macro QuotationMacro.quote[T] @compileTimeOnly(NonQuotedException.message) implicit def unquote[T](quoted: Quoted[T]): T = NonQuotedException() } private[dsl] class QuotationMacro(val c: Context) extends Quotation
Example 87
Source File: MetaDsl.scala From quill with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package io.getquill.dsl import scala.language.experimental.macros import io.getquill.{ Query, EntityQuery, Update, Insert } trait MetaDslLowPriorityImplicits { this: MetaDsl => implicit def materializeQueryMeta[T]: QueryMeta[T] = macro MetaDslMacro.materializeQueryMeta[T] implicit def materializeUpdateMeta[T]: UpdateMeta[T] = macro MetaDslMacro.materializeUpdateMeta[T] implicit def materializeInsertMeta[T]: InsertMeta[T] = macro MetaDslMacro.materializeInsertMeta[T] implicit def materializeSchemaMeta[T]: SchemaMeta[T] = macro MetaDslMacro.materializeSchemaMeta[T] } trait MetaDsl extends MetaDslLowPriorityImplicits { this: CoreDsl => type Embedded = io.getquill.Embedded def schemaMeta[T](entity: String, columns: (T => (Any, String))*): SchemaMeta[T] = macro MetaDslMacro.schemaMeta[T] def queryMeta[T, R](expand: Quoted[Query[T] => Query[R]])(extract: R => T): QueryMeta[T] = macro MetaDslMacro.queryMeta[T, R] def updateMeta[T](exclude: (T => Any)*): UpdateMeta[T] = macro MetaDslMacro.updateMeta[T] def insertMeta[T](exclude: (T => Any)*): InsertMeta[T] = macro MetaDslMacro.insertMeta[T] trait SchemaMeta[T] { def entity: Quoted[EntityQuery[T]] } trait QueryMeta[T] { def expand: Quoted[Query[T] => Query[_]] def extract: ResultRow => T } trait UpdateMeta[T] { def expand: Quoted[(EntityQuery[T], T) => Update[T]] } trait InsertMeta[T] { def expand: Quoted[(EntityQuery[T], T) => Insert[T]] } }
Example 88
Source File: ImplicitQuery.scala From quill with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package io.getquill import scala.language.experimental.macros import scala.language.implicitConversions import scala.reflect.macros.whitebox.{ Context => MacroContext } import scala.runtime.AbstractFunction1 import scala.runtime.AbstractFunction10 import scala.runtime.AbstractFunction11 import scala.runtime.AbstractFunction12 import scala.runtime.AbstractFunction13 import scala.runtime.AbstractFunction14 import scala.runtime.AbstractFunction15 import scala.runtime.AbstractFunction16 import scala.runtime.AbstractFunction17 import scala.runtime.AbstractFunction18 import scala.runtime.AbstractFunction19 import scala.runtime.AbstractFunction2 import scala.runtime.AbstractFunction20 import scala.runtime.AbstractFunction21 import scala.runtime.AbstractFunction22 import scala.runtime.AbstractFunction3 import scala.runtime.AbstractFunction4 import scala.runtime.AbstractFunction5 import scala.runtime.AbstractFunction6 import scala.runtime.AbstractFunction7 import scala.runtime.AbstractFunction8 import scala.runtime.AbstractFunction9 import io.getquill.util.MacroContextExt._ import io.getquill.context.Context trait ImplicitQuery { this: Context[_, _] => implicit def toQuery[P <: Product](f: AbstractFunction1[_, P]): Query[P] = macro ImplicitQueryMacro.toQuery[P] implicit def toQuery[P <: Product](f: AbstractFunction2[_, _, P]): Query[P] = macro ImplicitQueryMacro.toQuery[P] implicit def toQuery[P <: Product](f: AbstractFunction3[_, _, _, P]): Query[P] = macro ImplicitQueryMacro.toQuery[P] implicit def toQuery[P <: Product](f: AbstractFunction4[_, _, _, _, P]): Query[P] = macro ImplicitQueryMacro.toQuery[P] implicit def toQuery[P <: Product](f: AbstractFunction5[_, _, _, _, _, P]): Query[P] = macro ImplicitQueryMacro.toQuery[P] implicit def toQuery[P <: Product](f: AbstractFunction6[_, _, _, _, _, _, P]): Query[P] = macro ImplicitQueryMacro.toQuery[P] implicit def toQuery[P <: Product](f: AbstractFunction7[_, _, _, _, _, _, _, P]): Query[P] = macro ImplicitQueryMacro.toQuery[P] implicit def toQuery[P <: Product](f: AbstractFunction8[_, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, P]): Query[P] = macro ImplicitQueryMacro.toQuery[P] implicit def toQuery[P <: Product](f: AbstractFunction9[_, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, P]): Query[P] = macro ImplicitQueryMacro.toQuery[P] implicit def toQuery[P <: Product](f: AbstractFunction10[_, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, P]): Query[P] = macro ImplicitQueryMacro.toQuery[P] implicit def toQuery[P <: Product](f: AbstractFunction11[_, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, P]): Query[P] = macro ImplicitQueryMacro.toQuery[P] implicit def toQuery[P <: Product](f: AbstractFunction12[_, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, P]): Query[P] = macro ImplicitQueryMacro.toQuery[P] implicit def toQuery[P <: Product](f: AbstractFunction13[_, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, P]): Query[P] = macro ImplicitQueryMacro.toQuery[P] implicit def toQuery[P <: Product](f: AbstractFunction14[_, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, P]): Query[P] = macro ImplicitQueryMacro.toQuery[P] implicit def toQuery[P <: Product](f: AbstractFunction15[_, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, P]): Query[P] = macro ImplicitQueryMacro.toQuery[P] implicit def toQuery[P <: Product](f: AbstractFunction16[_, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, P]): Query[P] = macro ImplicitQueryMacro.toQuery[P] implicit def toQuery[P <: Product](f: AbstractFunction17[_, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, P]): Query[P] = macro ImplicitQueryMacro.toQuery[P] implicit def toQuery[P <: Product](f: AbstractFunction18[_, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, P]): Query[P] = macro ImplicitQueryMacro.toQuery[P] implicit def toQuery[P <: Product](f: AbstractFunction19[_, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, P]): Query[P] = macro ImplicitQueryMacro.toQuery[P] implicit def toQuery[P <: Product](f: AbstractFunction20[_, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, P]): Query[P] = macro ImplicitQueryMacro.toQuery[P] implicit def toQuery[P <: Product](f: AbstractFunction21[_, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, P]): Query[P] = macro ImplicitQueryMacro.toQuery[P] implicit def toQuery[P <: Product](f: AbstractFunction22[_, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, P]): Query[P] = macro ImplicitQueryMacro.toQuery[P] } private[getquill] class ImplicitQueryMacro(val c: MacroContext) { import c.universe._ def toQuery[P <: Product](f: Expr[Any])(implicit p: WeakTypeTag[P]): Tree = { if (!p.tpe.typeSymbol.asClass.isCaseClass || !f.actualType.typeSymbol.isModuleClass)"Can't query a non-case class") q"${c.prefix}.query[$p]" } }
Example 89
Source File: TranslateContext.scala From quill with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package io.getquill.context import io.getquill.NamingStrategy import io.getquill.idiom.Idiom import scala.annotation.tailrec import scala.language.experimental.macros import scala.language.higherKinds import io.getquill.{ Query, Action, BatchAction } trait TranslateContext extends TranslateContextBase { this: Context[_ <: Idiom, _ <: NamingStrategy] => override type TranslateResult[T] = T override private[getquill] val translateEffect: ContextEffect[TranslateResult] = new ContextEffect[TranslateResult] { override def wrap[T](t: => T): T = t override def push[A, B](result: A)(f: A => B): B = f(result) override def seq[A, B](list: List[A]): List[A] = list } } trait TranslateContextBase { this: Context[_ <: Idiom, _ <: NamingStrategy] => type TranslateResult[T] private[getquill] val translateEffect: ContextEffect[TranslateResult] import translateEffect._ def translate[T](quoted: Quoted[T]): TranslateResult[String] = macro QueryMacro.translateQuery[T] def translate[T](quoted: Quoted[Query[T]]): TranslateResult[String] = macro QueryMacro.translateQuery[T] def translate(quoted: Quoted[Action[_]]): TranslateResult[String] = macro ActionMacro.translateQuery def translate(quoted: Quoted[BatchAction[Action[_]]]): TranslateResult[List[String]] = macro ActionMacro.translateBatchQuery def translate[T](quoted: Quoted[T], prettyPrint: Boolean): TranslateResult[String] = macro QueryMacro.translateQueryPrettyPrint[T] def translate[T](quoted: Quoted[Query[T]], prettyPrint: Boolean): TranslateResult[String] = macro QueryMacro.translateQueryPrettyPrint[T] def translate(quoted: Quoted[Action[_]], prettyPrint: Boolean): TranslateResult[String] = macro ActionMacro.translateQueryPrettyPrint def translate(quoted: Quoted[BatchAction[Action[_]]], prettyPrint: Boolean): TranslateResult[List[String]] = macro ActionMacro.translateBatchQueryPrettyPrint def translateQuery[T](statement: String, prepare: Prepare = identityPrepare, extractor: Extractor[T] = identityExtractor, prettyPrint: Boolean = false): TranslateResult[String] = push(prepareParams(statement, prepare)) { params => val query = if (params.nonEmpty) { params.foldLeft(statement) { case (expanded, param) => expanded.replaceFirst("\\?", param) } } else { statement } if (prettyPrint) idiom.format(query) else query } def translateBatchQuery(groups: List[BatchGroup], prettyPrint: Boolean = false): TranslateResult[List[String]] = seq { groups.flatMap { group => { prepare => translateQuery(group.string, prepare, prettyPrint = prettyPrint) } } } private[getquill] def prepareParams(statement: String, prepare: Prepare): TranslateResult[Seq[String]] @tailrec final protected def prepareParam(param: Any): String = param match { case None | null => "null" case Some(x) => prepareParam(x) case str: String => s"'$str'" case _ => param.toString } }
Example 90
Source File: Context.scala From quill with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package io.getquill.context import scala.language.higherKinds import scala.language.experimental.macros import io.getquill.dsl.CoreDsl import import import scala.util.Try import io.getquill.{ Query, Action, NamingStrategy, BatchAction, ReturnAction, ActionReturning } trait Context[Idiom <: io.getquill.idiom.Idiom, Naming <: NamingStrategy] extends Closeable with CoreDsl { type Result[T] type RunQuerySingleResult[T] type RunQueryResult[T] type RunActionResult type RunActionReturningResult[T] type RunBatchActionResult type RunBatchActionReturningResult[T] type Session type Prepare = PrepareRow => (List[Any], PrepareRow) type Extractor[T] = ResultRow => T case class BatchGroup(string: String, prepare: List[Prepare]) case class BatchGroupReturning(string: String, returningBehavior: ReturnAction, prepare: List[Prepare]) def probe(statement: String): Try[_] def idiom: Idiom def naming: Naming def run[T](quoted: Quoted[T]): Result[RunQuerySingleResult[T]] = macro QueryMacro.runQuerySingle[T] def run[T](quoted: Quoted[Query[T]]): Result[RunQueryResult[T]] = macro QueryMacro.runQuery[T] def prepare[T](quoted: Quoted[Query[T]]): Session => Result[PrepareRow] = macro QueryMacro.prepareQuery[T] def run(quoted: Quoted[Action[_]]): Result[RunActionResult] = macro ActionMacro.runAction def run[T](quoted: Quoted[ActionReturning[_, T]]): Result[RunActionReturningResult[T]] = macro ActionMacro.runActionReturning[T] def run(quoted: Quoted[BatchAction[Action[_]]]): Result[RunBatchActionResult] = macro ActionMacro.runBatchAction def run[T](quoted: Quoted[BatchAction[ActionReturning[_, T]]]): Result[RunBatchActionReturningResult[T]] = macro ActionMacro.runBatchActionReturning[T] def prepare(quoted: Quoted[Action[_]]): Session => Result[PrepareRow] = macro ActionMacro.prepareAction def prepare(quoted: Quoted[BatchAction[Action[_]]]): Session => Result[List[PrepareRow]] = macro ActionMacro.prepareBatchAction protected val identityPrepare: Prepare = (Nil, _) protected val identityExtractor = identity[ResultRow] _ protected def handleSingleResult[T](list: List[T]) = list match { case value :: Nil => value case other => fail(s"Expected a single result but got $other") } }
Example 91
Source File: DiffMagnoliaDerivation.scala From diffx with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.softwaremill.diffx import acyclic.skipped import magnolia._ import scala.collection.immutable.ListMap import scala.language.experimental.macros trait DiffMagnoliaDerivation extends LowPriority { type Typeclass[T] = Derived[Diff[T]] def combine[T](ctx: ReadOnlyCaseClass[Typeclass, T]): Derived[Diff[T]] = Derived(new Diff[T] { override def apply(left: T, right: T, toIgnore: List[FieldPath]): DiffResult = { val map = ListMap( { p => val lType = p.dereference(left) val pType = p.dereference(right) if (toIgnore.contains(List(p.label))) { p.label -> Identical(lType) } else { val nestedIgnore = if (toIgnore.exists(_.headOption.exists(h => h == p.label))) else Nil p.label -> p.typeclass.value(lType, pType, nestedIgnore) } }: _*) if (map.values.forall(p => p.isIdentical)) { Identical(left) } else { DiffResultObject(ctx.typeName.short, map) } } }) def dispatch[T](ctx: SealedTrait[Typeclass, T]): Derived[Diff[T]] = Derived({ (left: T, right: T, toIgnore: List[FieldPath]) => { val lType = ctx.dispatch(left)(a => a) val rType = ctx.dispatch(right)(a => a) if (lType == rType) { lType.typeclass.value(lType.cast(left), lType.cast(right), toIgnore) } else { DiffResultValue(lType.typeName.full, rType.typeName.full) } } }) implicit def gen[T]: Derived[Diff[T]] = macro Magnolia.gen[T] } trait LowPriority { def fallback[T]: Derived[Diff[T]] = Derived((left: T, right: T, toIgnore: List[FieldPath]) => { if (left != right) { DiffResultValue(left, right) } else { Identical(left) } }) }
Example 92
Source File: package.scala From diffx with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.softwaremill import acyclic.skipped import scala.annotation.compileTimeOnly import scala.collection.TraversableLike import scala.collection.generic.CanBuildFrom import scala.language.experimental.macros import scala.language.higherKinds import com.softwaremill.diffx.DiffxSupport._ package object diffx extends DiffxSupport { implicit def traversableDiffxFunctor[F[_], A](implicit cbf: CanBuildFrom[F[A], A, F[A]], ev: F[A] => TraversableLike[A, F[A]] ): DiffxFunctor[F, A] = new DiffxFunctor[F, A] {} trait DiffxMapAtFunctor[F[_, _], K, T] { @compileTimeOnly(canOnlyBeUsedInsideIgnore("each")) def each(fa: F[K, T])(f: T => T): F[K, T] = sys.error("") } implicit def mapDiffxFunctor[M[KT, TT] <: Map[KT, TT], K, T](implicit cbf: CanBuildFrom[M[K, T], (K, T), M[K, T]] ): DiffxMapAtFunctor[M, K, T] = new DiffxMapAtFunctor[M, K, T] {} implicit class DiffxEachMap[F[_, _], K, T](t: F[K, T])(implicit f: DiffxMapAtFunctor[F, K, T]) { @compileTimeOnly(canOnlyBeUsedInsideIgnore("each")) def each: T = sys.error("") } }
Example 93
Source File: FeatureBuilderMacros.scala From TransmogrifAI with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
package com.salesforce.op.features import com.salesforce.op.features.types._ import scala.language.experimental.macros import scala.reflect.macros.blackbox private object ParamRename { def apply(c: blackbox.Context) = { import c.universe._ new Transformer { var i = 0 var renames = Map[String, String]() override def transform(tree: Tree): Tree = { val nt = tree match { case ValDef(m, TermName(v), tpe, tr) if m.hasFlag(Flag.PARAM) => val newName = "x$" + i.toString i = i + 1 renames = renames + (v -> newName) ValDef(m, TermName(newName), tpe, tr) case Ident(TermName(v)) if renames.contains(v) => Ident(TermName(renames(v))) case x => x } super.transform(nt) } } } } // scalastyle:on }
Example 94
Source File: macroExpandeeSuppression.scala From silencer with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package testdata import com.github.ghik.silencer.silent import scala.language.experimental.macros object macroExpandeeSuppression { def discard(expr: Any): Unit = macro com.github.ghik.silencer.MacroImpls.discard discard { 123: Unit 456: @silent } discard { 123 }: @silent }
Example 95
Source File: ConfiguredJsonCodec.scala From circe-generic-extras with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package io.circe.generic.extras import io.circe.generic.util.macros.JsonCodecMacros import scala.language.experimental.macros import scala.reflect.macros.blackbox class ConfiguredJsonCodec( encodeOnly: Boolean = false, decodeOnly: Boolean = false ) extends scala.annotation.StaticAnnotation { def macroTransform(annottees: Any*): Any = macro ConfiguredJsonCodecMacros.jsonCodecAnnotationMacro } private[generic] class ConfiguredJsonCodecMacros(val c: blackbox.Context) extends JsonCodecMacros { import c.universe._ protected[this] def semiautoObj: Symbol = symbolOf[semiauto.type].asClass.module protected[this] def deriveMethodPrefix: String = "deriveConfigured" def jsonCodecAnnotationMacro(annottees: Tree*): Tree = constructJsonCodec(annottees: _*) }
Example 96
Source File: ReprAsObjectEncoder.scala From circe-generic-extras with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package io.circe.generic.extras.encoding import io.circe.{ Encoder, Json, JsonObject } import io.circe.generic.extras.ConfigurableDeriver import scala.annotation.implicitNotFound import scala.language.experimental.macros @implicitNotFound( """Could not find ReprAsObjectEncoder for type ${A}. Some possible causes for this: - ${A} isn't a case class or sealed trat - some of ${A}'s members don't have codecs of their own - missing implicit Configuration""" ) trait ReprAsObjectEncoder[A] extends Encoder.AsObject[A] { def configuredEncodeObject(a: A)( transformMemberNames: String => String, transformDiscriminator: String => String, discriminator: Option[String] ): JsonObject final protected[this] def addDiscriminator[B]( encode: Encoder[B], value: B, name: String, discriminator: Option[String] ): JsonObject = discriminator match { case None => JsonObject.singleton(name, encode(value)) case Some(disc) => encode match { case oe: Encoder.AsObject[B] @unchecked => oe.encodeObject(value).add(disc, Json.fromString(name)) case _ => JsonObject.singleton(name, encode(value)) } } final def encodeObject(a: A): JsonObject = configuredEncodeObject(a)(Predef.identity, Predef.identity, None) } object ReprAsObjectEncoder { implicit def deriveReprAsObjectEncoder[R]: ReprAsObjectEncoder[R] = macro ConfigurableDeriver.deriveConfiguredEncoder[R] }
Example 97
Source File: ReprAsObjectCodec.scala From circe-generic-extras with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package io.circe.generic.extras.codec import import io.circe.{ Decoder, DecodingFailure, HCursor, JsonObject } import io.circe.generic.extras.ConfigurableDeriver import io.circe.generic.extras.decoding.ReprDecoder import io.circe.generic.extras.encoding.ReprAsObjectEncoder import scala.annotation.implicitNotFound import scala.collection.immutable.Map import scala.language.experimental.macros import shapeless.HNil @implicitNotFound( """Could not find ReprAsObjectCodec for type ${A}. Some possible causes for this: - ${A} isn't a case class or sealed trat - some of ${A}'s members don't have codecs of their own - missing implicit Configuration""" ) abstract class ReprAsObjectCodec[A] extends ReprDecoder[A] with ReprAsObjectEncoder[A] object ReprAsObjectCodec { implicit def deriveReprAsObjectCodec[R]: ReprAsObjectCodec[R] = macro ConfigurableDeriver.deriveConfiguredCodec[R] val hnilReprCodec: ReprAsObjectCodec[HNil] = new ReprAsObjectCodec[HNil] { def configuredDecode(c: HCursor)( transformMemberNames: String => String, transformConstructorNames: String => String, defaults: Map[String, Any], discriminator: Option[String] ): Decoder.Result[HNil] = if (c.value.isObject) Right(HNil) else Left(DecodingFailure("HNil", c.history)) def configuredDecodeAccumulating(c: HCursor)( transformMemberNames: String => String, transformConstructorNames: String => String, defaults: Map[String, Any], discriminator: Option[String] ): Decoder.AccumulatingResult[HNil] = if (c.value.isObject) Validated.valid(HNil) else Validated.invalidNel(DecodingFailure("HNil", c.history)) def configuredEncodeObject(a: HNil)( transformMemberNames: String => String, transformDiscriminator: String => String, discriminator: Option[String] ): JsonObject = JsonObject.empty } }
Example 98
Source File: Macros.scala From seed with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
import scala.reflect.macros.blackbox import scala.language.experimental.macros import scala.annotation.StaticAnnotation object helloMacro { def impl(c: blackbox.Context)(annottees: c.Expr[Any]*): c.Expr[Any] = { import c.universe._ import Flag._ val result = { match { case q"object $name extends ..$parents { ..$body }" :: Nil => q""" object $name extends ..$parents { def hello: ${typeOf[String]} = "hello" ..$body } """ } } c.Expr[Any](result) } } class hello extends StaticAnnotation { def macroTransform(annottees: Any*): Any = macro helloMacro.impl }
Example 99
Source File: Macros.scala From seed with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
import scala.reflect.macros.blackbox import scala.language.experimental.macros import scala.annotation.StaticAnnotation object helloMacro { def impl(c: blackbox.Context)(annottees: c.Expr[Any]*): c.Expr[Any] = { import c.universe._ import Flag._ val result = { match { case q"object $name extends ..$parents { ..$body }" :: Nil => q""" object $name extends ..$parents { def hello: ${typeOf[String]} = "hello" ..$body } """ } } c.Expr[Any](result) } } class hello extends StaticAnnotation { def macroTransform(annottees: Any*): Any = macro helloMacro.impl }
Example 100
Source File: Macros.scala From seed with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
import scala.reflect.macros.blackbox import scala.language.experimental.macros import scala.annotation.StaticAnnotation object helloMacro { def impl(c: blackbox.Context)(annottees: c.Expr[Any]*): c.Expr[Any] = { import c.universe._ import Flag._ val result = { match { case q"object $name extends ..$parents { ..$body }" :: Nil => q""" object $name extends ..$parents { def hello: ${typeOf[String]} = "hello" ..$body } """ } } c.Expr[Any](result) } } class hello extends StaticAnnotation { def macroTransform(annottees: Any*): Any = macro helloMacro.impl }
Example 101
Source File: MagnoliaDerived.scala From avro4s with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.sksamuel.avro4s import magnolia._ import scala.language.experimental.macros import scala.reflect.runtime.universe._ trait MagnoliaDerivedSchemaFors { type Typeclass[T] = SchemaFor[T] implicit def gen[T]: SchemaFor[T] = macro Magnolia.gen[T] def dispatch[T: WeakTypeTag](ctx: SealedTrait[SchemaFor, T]): SchemaFor[T] = new ResolvableSchemaFor[T] { def schemaFor(env: DefinitionEnvironment[SchemaFor], update: SchemaUpdate): SchemaFor[T] = { env.get[T].getOrElse { DatatypeShape.of[T] match { case SealedTraitShape.TypeUnion => TypeUnions.schema(ctx, env, update) case SealedTraitShape.ScalaEnum => SchemaFor[T](ScalaEnums.schema(ctx), DefaultFieldMapper) } } } } def combine[T: WeakTypeTag](ctx: CaseClass[SchemaFor, T])(implicit fieldMapper: FieldMapper = DefaultFieldMapper): SchemaFor[T] = { val fm = fieldMapper new ResolvableSchemaFor[T] { def schemaFor(env: DefinitionEnvironment[SchemaFor], update: SchemaUpdate): SchemaFor[T] = { env.get[T].getOrElse { DatatypeShape.of(ctx) match { case CaseClassShape.Record => Records.schema(ctx, env, update, fm) case CaseClassShape.ValueType => ValueTypes.schema(ctx, env, update) } } } } } } trait MagnoliaDerivedEncoders { type Typeclass[T] = Encoder[T] implicit def gen[T]: Encoder[T] = macro Magnolia.gen[T] def dispatch[T: WeakTypeTag](ctx: SealedTrait[Encoder, T]): Encoder[T] = new ResolvableEncoder[T] { def encoder(env: DefinitionEnvironment[Typeclass], update: SchemaUpdate): Typeclass[T] = env.get[T].getOrElse { DatatypeShape.of[T] match { case SealedTraitShape.TypeUnion => TypeUnions.encoder(ctx, env, update) case SealedTraitShape.ScalaEnum => ScalaEnums.encoder(ctx) } } } def combine[T: WeakTypeTag](ctx: CaseClass[Encoder, T])(implicit fieldMapper: FieldMapper = DefaultFieldMapper): Encoder[T] = new ResolvableEncoder[T] { def encoder(env: DefinitionEnvironment[Typeclass], update: SchemaUpdate): Typeclass[T] = env.get[T].getOrElse { DatatypeShape.of(ctx) match { case CaseClassShape.Record => Records.encoder(ctx, env, update, fieldMapper) case CaseClassShape.ValueType => ValueTypes.encoder(ctx, env, update) } } } } trait MagnoliaDerivedDecoders { type Typeclass[T] = Decoder[T] implicit def gen[T]: Decoder[T] = macro Magnolia.gen[T] def dispatch[T: WeakTypeTag](ctx: SealedTrait[Decoder, T]): Decoder[T] = new ResolvableDecoder[T] { def decoder(env: DefinitionEnvironment[Typeclass], update: SchemaUpdate): Typeclass[T] = env.get[T].getOrElse { DatatypeShape.of[T] match { case SealedTraitShape.TypeUnion => TypeUnions.decoder(ctx, env, update) case SealedTraitShape.ScalaEnum => ScalaEnums.decoder(ctx) } } } def combine[T: WeakTypeTag](ctx: CaseClass[Decoder, T])(implicit fieldMapper: FieldMapper = DefaultFieldMapper): Decoder[T] = new ResolvableDecoder[T] { def decoder(env: DefinitionEnvironment[Typeclass], update: SchemaUpdate): Typeclass[T] = env.get[T].getOrElse { DatatypeShape.of(ctx) match { case CaseClassShape.Record => Records.decoder(ctx, env, update, fieldMapper) case CaseClassShape.ValueType => ValueTypes.decoder(ctx, env, update) } } } }
Example 102
Source File: LambdaHTTPApiAnnotation.scala From quaich with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package codes.bytes.quaich.api.http.macros import scala.annotation.{StaticAnnotation, compileTimeOnly} import scala.language.postfixOps import scala.reflect.macros.blackbox import scala.language.experimental.macros object LambdaHTTPApi { // todo - check for companion object and reject def annotation_impl(c: blackbox.Context)(annottees: c.Expr[Any]*): c.Expr[Any] = { import c.universe._ import Flag._ val p = c.enclosingPosition val inputs = val result: Tree = inputs match { case (cls @ q"$mods class $name[..$tparams] extends ..$parents { ..$body }") :: Nil if mods.hasFlag(ABSTRACT) ⇒ c.abort(p, "! The @LambdaHTTPApi annotation is not valid on abstract classes.") cls // todo - detect and handle companion object! case (cls @ q"$mods class $name[..$tparams] extends ..$parents { ..$body }") :: Nil ⇒ //val baseName = name.decodedName.toString //val handlerName = TermName(s"$baseName$$RequestHandler") //val handlerName = name.toTermName val handlerName = name.asInstanceOf[TypeName].toTermName val cls = q""" $mods class $name[..$tparams]( val request: codes.bytes.quaich.api.http.LambdaHTTPRequest, val context: codes.bytes.quaich.api.http.LambdaContext ) extends ..$parents with codes.bytes.quaich.api.http.HTTPHandler { import org.json4s.jackson.JsonMethods._ import org.json4s.jackson.Serialization import org.json4s.jackson.Serialization._ import org.json4s.{NoTypeHints, _} protected implicit val formats = Serialization.formats(NoTypeHints) ..$body } """ val obj = q""" object $handlerName extends codes.bytes.quaich.api.http.HTTPApp { def newHandler( request: codes.bytes.quaich.api.http.LambdaHTTPRequest, context: codes.bytes.quaich.api.http.LambdaContext ): codes.bytes.quaich.api.http.HTTPHandler = new $name(request, context) } """ q"$cls; $obj" case Nil ⇒ c.abort(p, s"Cannot annotate an empty Tree.") case _ ⇒ c.abort(p, s"! The @LambdaHTTPApi Annotation is only valid on non-abstract Classes") } //, "result: " + result, force = true) c.Expr[Any](result) } } @compileTimeOnly("Setup the macro paradise compiler plugin to enable expansion of macro annotations.") class LambdaHTTPApi extends StaticAnnotation { def macroTransform(annottees: Any*): Any = macro LambdaHTTPApi.annotation_impl } // vim: set ts=2 sw=2 sts=2 et:
Example 103
Source File: delegate.scala From macro-compat with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package delegate import scala.language.experimental.macros import scala.reflect.macros.whitebox import macrocompat.bundle class Delegate { def delegate: Unit = macro DelegateMacro.delegate } @bundle class DelegateMacro(val c: whitebox.Context) { outer => import c.universe._ class D(override val c: outer.c.type) extends Delegatee(c) def delegate: Tree = (new D(c)).delegate } @bundle class Delegatee(val c: whitebox.Context) { import c.universe._ def delegate: Tree = { q"()" } }
Example 104
Source File: Macros.scala From perfolation with MIT License | 5 votes |
package perfolation import scala.StringContext.InvalidEscapeException import scala.annotation.compileTimeOnly import scala.language.experimental.macros import scala.reflect.macros.blackbox @compileTimeOnly("Enable macros to expand") object Macros { def p(c: blackbox.Context)(args: c.Expr[Any]*): c.Expr[String] = px(c)(args: _*)(scala.StringContext.processEscapes) def raw(c: blackbox.Context)(args: c.Expr[Any]*): c.Expr[String] = px(c)(args: _*)(identity) private[this] def px(c: blackbox.Context)(args: c.Expr[Any]*)(process: String => String): c.Expr[String] = { import c.universe._ val constants = (c.prefix.tree match { case Apply(_, List(Apply(_, literals))) => literals }).map { case Literal(Constant(s: String)) => try process(s) catch { case ex: InvalidEscapeException => c.abort(c.enclosingPosition, ex.getMessage) } } if (args.isEmpty) c.Expr(Literal(Constant(constants.mkString))) else { val (valDeclarations, values) = { arg => arg.tree match { case tree @ Literal(Constant(_)) => (EmptyTree, if (tree.tpe <:< definitions.NullTpe) q"(null: String)" else tree) case tree => val name = TermName(c.freshName()) val tpe = if (tree.tpe <:< definitions.NullTpe) typeOf[String] else tree.tpe (q"val $name: $tpe = $arg", Ident(name)) } }.unzip val stringBuilderWithAppends = constants.zipAll(values, "", null) .foldLeft(q"perfolation.stringBuilder()") { case (sb, (s, v)) => val len = s.length if (len == 0) { if (v == null) sb else q"$sb.append($v)" } else if (len == 1) { if (v == null) q"$sb.append(${s.charAt(0)})" else q"$sb.append(${s.charAt(0)}).append($v)" } else { if (v == null) q"$sb.append($s)" else q"$sb.append($s).append($v)" } } c.Expr(c.typecheck(q"..$valDeclarations; $stringBuilderWithAppends.toString")) } } }
Example 105
Source File: package.scala From perfolation with MIT License | 5 votes |
import scala.language.experimental.macros import scala.language.implicitConversions import scala.util.Try package object perfolation { implicit def long2Implicits(l: Long): LongImplicits = new LongImplicits(l) implicit def double2Implicits(d: Double): DoubleImplicits = new DoubleImplicits(d) implicit def bigDecimal2Implicits(d: BigDecimal): BigDecimalImplicits = new BigDecimalImplicits(d) implicit class Perfolation(val sc: StringContext) extends AnyVal { def p(args: Any*): String = macro Macros.p def raw(args: Any*): String = macro Macros.raw } def stringBuilder(): java.lang.StringBuilder = pool.get() private[this] final val size = Try(sys.props.getOrElse("perfolation.buffer.size", "").toInt).getOrElse(16384) private[this] final val pool = new ThreadLocal[java.lang.StringBuilder] { override def initialValue(): java.lang.StringBuilder = new java.lang.StringBuilder(size) override def get(): java.lang.StringBuilder = { var sb = super.get() if (sb.capacity > size) { sb = initialValue() set(sb) } else sb.setLength(0) sb } } }
Example 106
Source File: I18n.scala From scalingua with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import play.api.http.HeaderNames import play.api.mvc.RequestHeader import play.twirl.api.Html import ru.makkarpov.scalingua import ru.makkarpov.scalingua._ import scala.language.experimental.macros import scala.language.implicitConversions trait I18n extends scalingua.I18n { type LHtml = LValue[Html] implicit val htmlOutputFormat = new OutputFormat[Html] { override def convert(s: String): Html = Html(s) override def escape(s: String): String = { val ret = new StringBuilder var i = 0 ret.sizeHint(s.length) while (i < s.length) { s.charAt(i) match { case '<' => ret.append("<") case '>' => ret.append(">") case '"' => ret.append(""") case '\'' => ret.append("'") case '&' => ret.append("&") case c => ret += c } i += 1 } ret.result() } } // The conversion from `RequestHeader` to `LanguageId` will imply information loss: // Suppose browser sent the following language precedence list `xx_YY`, `zz_WW`, `en_US`. // This conversion will have no information about available languages, so it will result in // `LanguageId("xx", "YY")` even if this language is absent. By supplying implicit `Messages` // too, we will have enough information to skip unsupported languages and return supported // one with respect to priority. implicit def requestHeader2Language(implicit rq: RequestHeader, msg: Messages): Language = rq.headers.get(HeaderNames.ACCEPT_LANGUAGE).map(PlayUtils.languageFromAccept).getOrElse(Language.English) implicit def stringContext2Interpolator1(sc: StringContext): PlayUtils.StringInterpolator = new PlayUtils.StringInterpolator(sc) def th(msg: String, args: (String, Any)*)(implicit lang: Language, outputFormat: OutputFormat[Html]): Html = macro Macros.singular[Html] def lth(msg: String, args: (String, Any)*)(implicit outputFormat: OutputFormat[Html]): LHtml = macro Macros.lazySingular[Html] def tch(ctx: String, msg: String, args: (String, Any)*)(implicit lang: Language, outputFormat: OutputFormat[Html]): Html = macro Macros.singularCtx[Html] def ltch(ctx: String, msg: String, args: (String, Any)*)(implicit outputFormat: OutputFormat[Html]): LHtml = macro Macros.lazySingularCtx[Html] def p(msg: String, msgPlural: String, n: Long, args: (String, Any)*) (implicit lang: Language, outputFormat: OutputFormat[Html]): Html = macro Macros.plural[Html] def lp(msg: String, msgPlural: String, n: Long, args: (String, Any)*) (implicit outputFormat: OutputFormat[Html]): LHtml = macro Macros.lazyPlural[Html] def pc(ctx: String, msg: String, msgPlural: String, n: Long, args: (String, Any)*) (implicit lang: Language, outputFormat: OutputFormat[Html]): Html = macro Macros.pluralCtx[Html] def lpc(ctx: String, msg: String, msgPlural: String, n: Long, args: (String, Any)*) (implicit outputFormat: OutputFormat[Html]): LHtml = macro Macros.lazyPluralCtx[Html] } object I18n extends I18n
Example 107
Source File: PlayUtils.scala From scalingua with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import play.api.mvc.RequestHeader import play.twirl.api.Html import ru.makkarpov.scalingua._ import scala.language.experimental.macros object PlayUtils { class StringInterpolator(val sc: StringContext) extends AnyVal { def h(args: Any*)(implicit lang: Language, outputFormat: OutputFormat[Html]): Html = macro Macros.interpolate[Html] def lh(args: Any*)(implicit outputFormat: OutputFormat[Html]): LValue[Html] = macro Macros.lazyInterpolate[Html] def ph(args: Any*)(implicit lang: Language, outputFormat: OutputFormat[Html]): Html = macro Macros.pluralInterpolate[Html] def lph(args: Any*)(outputFormat: OutputFormat[Html]): LValue[Html] = macro Macros.lazyPluralInterpolate[Html] } // Modified to match only correct doubles private val qPattern = ";\\s*q=((?:[0-9]+\\.)?[0-9]+)".r def languageFromAccept(accept: String)(implicit msg: Messages): Language = { val langs = (for { value0 <- accept.split(',') value = value0.trim } yield { qPattern.findFirstMatchIn(value) match { case Some(m) => (BigDecimal(, m.before.toString) case None => (BigDecimal(1.0), value) // “The default value is q=1.” } }).sortBy(-_._1).iterator while (langs.hasNext) { val (_, id) = val lng = LanguageId.get(id) if (lng.isDefined && msg.contains(lng.get)) return msg(lng.get) } Language.English } }
Example 108
Source File: I18n.scala From scalingua with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package ru.makkarpov.scalingua import ru.makkarpov.scalingua.plural.Suffix import scala.language.experimental.macros import scala.language.implicitConversions import scala.reflect.internal.annotations.compileTimeOnly trait I18n { type LString = LValue[String] val S = Suffix // Since I want to keep StringInterpolator AnyVal, I will extract it to a place where there is no path-dependency // and provide here only implicit conversion function. implicit def stringContext2Interpolator(sc: StringContext): I18n.StringInterpolator = new I18n.StringInterpolator(sc) implicit def long2MacroExtension(v: Long): I18n.PluralMacroExtensions = new I18n.PluralMacroExtensions(v) implicit def int2MacroExtension(i: Int): I18n.PluralMacroExtensions = new I18n.PluralMacroExtensions(i) implicit def string2SuffixExtension(s: String): Suffix.GenericSuffixExtension = new Suffix.GenericSuffixExtension(s) def t(msg: String, args: (String, Any)*)(implicit lang: Language, outputFormat: OutputFormat[String]): String = macro Macros.singular[String] def lt(msg: String, args: (String, Any)*)(implicit outputFormat: OutputFormat[String]): LString = macro Macros.lazySingular[String] def tc(ctx: String, msg: String, args: (String, Any)*)(implicit lang: Language, outputFormat: OutputFormat[String]): String = macro Macros.singularCtx[String] def ltc(ctx: String, msg: String, args: (String, Any)*)(implicit outputFormat: OutputFormat[String]): LString = macro Macros.lazySingularCtx[String] def p(msg: String, msgPlural: String, n: Long, args: (String, Any)*) (implicit lang: Language, outputFormat: OutputFormat[String]): String = macro Macros.plural[String] def lp(msg: String, msgPlural: String, n: Long, args: (String, Any)*) (implicit outputFormat: OutputFormat[String]): LString = macro Macros.lazyPlural[String] def pc(ctx: String, msg: String, msgPlural: String, n: Long, args: (String, Any)*) (implicit lang: Language, outputFormat: OutputFormat[String]): String = macro Macros.pluralCtx[String] def lpc(ctx: String, msg: String, msgPlural: String, n: Long, args: (String, Any)*) (implicit outputFormat: OutputFormat[String]): LString = macro Macros.lazyPluralCtx[String] // Tagged: def tag(tag: String, args: (String, Any)*)(implicit lang: Language, outputFormat: OutputFormat[String]): String = macro Macros.singularTag[String] def ltag(tag: String, args: (String, Any)*)(implicit outputFormat: OutputFormat[String]): LValue[String] = macro Macros.lazySingularTag[String] def ptag(tag: String, n: Long, args: (String, Any)*)(implicit lang: Language, outputFormat: OutputFormat[String]): String = macro Macros.pluralTag[String] def lptag(tag: String, n: Long, args: (String, Any)*)(implicit outputFormat: OutputFormat[String]): LValue[String] = macro Macros.lazyPluralTag[String] } object I18n extends I18n { class StringInterpolator(val sc: StringContext) extends AnyVal { def t(args: Any*)(implicit lang: Language, outputFormat: OutputFormat[String]): String = macro Macros.interpolate[String] def lt(args: Any*)(implicit outputFormat: OutputFormat[String]): LString = macro Macros.lazyInterpolate[String] def p(args: Any*)(implicit lang: Language, outputFormat: OutputFormat[String]): String = macro Macros.pluralInterpolate[String] def lp(args: Any*)(implicit outputFormat: OutputFormat[String]): LString = macro Macros.lazyPluralInterpolate[String] } class PluralMacroExtensions(val l: Long) extends AnyVal { def nVar: Long = throw new IllegalStateException(".nVars should not remain after macro expansion") } }
Example 109
Source File: CustomI18nTest.scala From scalingua with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package ru.makkarpov.scalingua.test import org.scalatest.flatspec.AnyFlatSpec import org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers import ru.makkarpov.scalingua.{I18n, Language, Macros, OutputFormat} import scala.language.experimental.macros class CustomI18nTest extends AnyFlatSpec with Matchers { case class CStr(s: String) implicit val CStrFormat = new OutputFormat[CStr] { override def convert(s: String): CStr = CStr(s"C{$s}") override def escape(s: String): String = s"[$s]" } object CustomI18n extends I18n { def ct(msg: String, args: (String, Any)*)(implicit lang: Language, outputFormat: OutputFormat[CStr]): CStr = macro Macros.singular[CStr] } implicit val mockLang = new MockLang("") import CustomI18n._ it should "handle custom I18n classes via traits" in { t"Hello, world!" shouldBe "{s:Hello, world!}" } it should "handle custom methods in I18n classes" in { ct("Hello, world!").s shouldBe "C{{s:Hello, world!}}" ct("Hello, %(what)!", "what" -> "world").s shouldBe "C{{s:Hello, %(what)[[world]]!}}" """ ct("Hello, %(x)!", "y" -> 1) """ shouldNot compile } }
Example 110
Source File: DummyImplicit.scala From scala-loci with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package loci package transmitter import scala.language.experimental.macros import scala.reflect.macros.whitebox object DummyImplicit { class Resolvable private[DummyImplicit] object Resolvable { implicit def dummy: Resolvable = new Resolvable implicit def noDummy: Resolvable = macro NoDummyImplicit.skip } class Unresolvable private[DummyImplicit] object Unresolvable { implicit def noDummy: Unresolvable = macro NoDummyImplicit.skip } } object NoDummyImplicit { def skip(c: whitebox.Context): c.Tree = c.abort(c.enclosingPosition, "Skipping dummy macro") }
Example 111
Source File: Serializable.scala From scala-loci with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package loci package transmitter import scala.annotation.{compileTimeOnly, implicitNotFound} import scala.language.experimental.macros import scala.reflect.macros.whitebox import scala.util.Try @implicitNotFound("${T} is not serializable") trait Serializable[T] { def serialize(value: T): MessageBuffer def deserialize(value: MessageBuffer): Try[T] } object Serializable { @inline def apply[T](implicit serializable: Serializable[T]): Serializable[T] = serializable @compileTimeOnly("Value is not serializable") final implicit def resolutionFailure[T](implicit ev: DummyImplicit.Resolvable): Serializable[T] = macro SerializableResolutionFailure[T] @compileTimeOnly("Value is not serializable") final def dummy[T]: Serializable[T] = throw new NotImplementedError } object SerializableResolutionFailure { def apply[T: c.WeakTypeTag](c: whitebox.Context)(ev: c.Tree): c.Tree = { import c.universe._ // the current macro expansion always appears twice // see: val recursionCount = c.openMacros.count { other => c.enclosingPosition == other.enclosingPosition && c.macroApplication.toString == other.macroApplication.toString } if (recursionCount > 2) c.abort(c.enclosingPosition, "Skipping serializable resolution failure macro for recursive invocation") val serializableType = weakTypeOf[Serializable[T]] if ((c inferImplicitValue serializableType).nonEmpty) c.abort(c.enclosingPosition, "Skipping serializable resolution failure macro to prioritize other implicit") val tpe = weakTypeOf[T] val message = s"$tpe is not serializable" q"""{ @${termNames.ROOTPKG}.scala.annotation.compileTimeOnly($message) def resolutionFailure() = () resolutionFailure() ${termNames.ROOTPKG}.loci.transmitter.Serializable.dummy[$tpe] }""" } }
Example 112
Source File: TransmittableDummy.scala From scala-loci with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package loci package transmitter import scala.annotation.compileTimeOnly import scala.concurrent.Future import scala.language.experimental.macros import scala.reflect.macros.whitebox trait TransmittableDummy { this: Transmittable.type => @compileTimeOnly("Value is not transmittable") final implicit def resolutionFailure[T](implicit ev: DummyImplicit.Resolvable): Transmittable[T, T, T] { type Proxy = Future[T] type Transmittables = Transmittables.None } = macro TransmittableResolutionFailure[T] @compileTimeOnly("Value is not transmittable") final def dummy[T]: Transmittable[T, T, T] { type Proxy = Future[T] type Transmittables = Transmittables.None } = IdenticallyTransmittable() } object TransmittableResolutionFailure { def apply[T: c.WeakTypeTag](c: whitebox.Context)(ev: c.Tree): c.Tree = { import c.universe._ // the current macro expansion always appears twice // see: val recursionCount = c.openMacros.count { other => c.enclosingPosition == other.enclosingPosition && c.macroApplication.toString == other.macroApplication.toString } if (recursionCount > 2) c.abort(c.enclosingPosition, "Skipping transmittable resolution failure macro for recursive invocation") val resolutionType = weakTypeOf[Transmittable.Aux.Resolution[T, _, _, _, _]] if ((c inferImplicitValue resolutionType).nonEmpty) c.abort(c.enclosingPosition, "Skipping transmittable resolution failure macro to prioritize other implicit") val tpe = weakTypeOf[T] val message = s"$tpe is not transmittable" q"""{ @${termNames.ROOTPKG}.scala.annotation.compileTimeOnly($message) def resolutionFailure() = () resolutionFailure() ${termNames.ROOTPKG}.loci.transmitter.Transmittable.dummy[$tpe] }""" } }
Example 113
Source File: package.scala From scala-loci with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package loci import import scribe.{Level, LogRecord, Logger, LoggerSupport, Position} import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future} import scala.language.experimental.macros import scala.util.Try import scala.util.control.NonFatal package object logging extends LoggerSupport { root.orphan().withHandler(minimumLevel = Some(Level.Info)).replace() def root = Logger("scala-loci") val reportException: Throwable => Unit = exception => error("unhandled exception", tracing(exception)) def log[M](record: LogRecord[M]): Unit = { val logRecord = if (record.className startsWith "loci.logging") record.copy(className = "scala-loci", methodName = None, line = None, column = None) else record.copy(className = record.className.replaceAll("\\.\\$anon[^.]*", "").replaceAll("\\.<.*>", "")) val logger = Logger.get(logRecord.className) getOrElse { Logger().withParent(root).replace(Some(logRecord.className)) } logger.log(logRecord) } implicit def tracingExecutionContext: TracingExecutionContext = macro ImplicitTracingExecutionContext.resolve object tracing { def apply(context: ExecutionContext): ExecutionContext = macro ExplicitTracingExecutionContext.instrument def apply[T <: Throwable](throwable: T): T = { val stack = throwable.getStackTrace val trace = ((Position.stack.reverse map { pos => pos.copy(className = s"[trace] ${pos.className}").toTraceElement }).distinct filterNot stack.contains).toArray if (trace.nonEmpty) { val index = stack lastIndexWhere { element => !(element.getClassName startsWith "java.") && !(element.getClassName startsWith "scala.") && !(element.getClassName startsWith "scribe.") && !(element.getClassName startsWith "loci.logging.") && !(element.getClassName startsWith "loci.contexts.") } if (index != -1) { val (prefix, suffix) = stack splitAt (index + 1) throwable.setStackTrace(prefix ++ trace ++ suffix) } else throwable.setStackTrace(stack ++ trace) } throwable } def apply[T[U] <: Try[U], U](value: T[U]): T[U] = { value.failed foreach { tracing(_) } value } def apply[T](value: Future[T]): Future[T] = value recover { case exception => throw tracing(exception) } def run[T](body: => T): T = try body match { case value: Throwable => tracing(value).asInstanceOf[T] case value: Try[_] => tracing(value).asInstanceOf[T] case value: Future[_] => tracing(value).asInstanceOf[T] case value => value } catch { case NonFatal(exception) => throw tracing(exception) } } }
Example 114
Source File: package.scala From scala-loci with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
import loci.communicator._ import loci.language._ import loci.messaging._ import scala.annotation.{StaticAnnotation, compileTimeOnly, showAsInfix} import scala.language.experimental.macros package loci { @compileTimeOnly("enable macro paradise to use multitier code") final class multitier extends StaticAnnotation { def macroTransform(annottees: Any*): Any = macro impl.Multitier.annotation } object multitier { def start[P, Inst[P] <: Instance[P]](instance: Inst[P]): Runtime[P] = macro impl.Instance.start @compileTimeOnly("method can only be invoked in multitier code") def running: Boolean = erased @compileTimeOnly("method can only be invoked in multitier code") def terminate(): Unit = erased } final class peer extends StaticAnnotation sealed trait Single[P] extends Multiple[P] sealed trait Optional[P] extends Multiple[P] sealed trait Multiple[+P] trait Remote[+P] extends Equals object Remote extends transmitter.RemoteReference } package object loci { type Local[T] = T @showAsInfix type on[T, P] = Placed[T, P] with T @showAsInfix type per[T, P] = Placed.Subjective[T, P] def connect[P](setup: Connector[ConnectionsBase.Protocol]): Connections = macro impl.Connections.setup def connect[P](factory: ConnectionSetupFactory[ConnectionsBase.Protocol])( args: Any*): Connections = macro impl.Connections.factory def placed: Placement.Placed = erased def on: Placement.Select[Placement.Run] = erased def on[P]: Placement.On[P] with Placement.Run[P, from] = erased def remote: Placement.Narrow with Placement.Select[Placement.Call] with Placement.Call[Nothing, from] with Gateway[Nothing] = erased def remote[P]: Placement.Call[P, from] with Gateway[P] = erased }
Example 115
Source File: RemoteReference.scala From scala-loci with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package loci package transmitter import scala.language.experimental.macros import scala.language.implicitConversions trait RemoteReference { this: Remote.type => trait Reference[+P] extends loci.Remote[P] with RemoteRef { def asRemote[R]: Option[loci.Remote[R]] = macro language.impl.Remote.asRemote[R] def asReference: Reference[P] def authenticated: Boolean def authenticate(): Unit } implicit def reference[P](remote: loci.Remote[P]): Remote.Reference[P] = remote match { case remote: Remote.Reference[P] => remote case _ => throw new runtime.PeerImplementationError } }
Example 116
Source File: Instance.scala From scala-loci with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package loci import language._ import scala.annotation.compileTimeOnly import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext import scala.language.experimental.macros import scala.language.implicitConversions class Instance[P] private[loci] (dummy: Int) { @compileTimeOnly("Multitier peer instantiation must be of the form: multitier start new Instance[P]") def this() = this(0) @compileTimeOnly("Multitier peer instantiation must be of the form: multitier start new Instance[P]") def this(connect: Connections) = this(0) @compileTimeOnly("Multitier peer instantiation must be of the form: multitier start new Instance[P]") def this(context: ExecutionContext) = this(0) @compileTimeOnly("Multitier peer instantiation must be of the form: multitier start new Instance[P]") def this(separateMainThread: Boolean) = this(0) @compileTimeOnly("Multitier peer instantiation must be of the form: multitier start new Instance[P]") def this(context: ExecutionContext, connect: Connections) = this(0) @compileTimeOnly("Multitier peer instantiation must be of the form: multitier start new Instance[P]") def this(separateMainThread: Boolean, connect: Connections) = this(0) @compileTimeOnly("Multitier peer instantiation must be of the form: multitier start new Instance[P]") def this(context: ExecutionContext, separateMainThread: Boolean) = this(0) @compileTimeOnly("Multitier peer instantiation must be of the form: multitier start new Instance[P]") def this(context: ExecutionContext, separateMainThread: Boolean, connect: Connections) = this(0) } object Instance { final implicit class Ops[P](instance: Instance[P]) { def retrieve[T](retrievable: Retrievable[T]): T = macro language.impl.Instance.retrieve def terminate(): Unit = instance match { case instance: runtime.Instance[P] => instance.terminate() case _ => throw new runtime.PeerImplementationError } def terminated: Notice.Steady[Unit] = instance match { case instance: runtime.Instance[P] => instance.terminated case _ => throw new runtime.PeerImplementationError } } trait SubjectiveValue[T, R] { def to(remote: Remote[R]): T } sealed trait Retrievable[T] sealed trait RetrievableDefault { implicit def default[T](v: T): Retrievable[T] = erased } sealed trait RetrievablePlaced extends RetrievableDefault { implicit def placed[T, P](v: T on P): Retrievable[T] = erased } sealed trait RetrievableLocal extends RetrievablePlaced { implicit def local[T, P, _Local_[T] <: Local[T]](v: _Local_[T] on P): Retrievable[T] = erased } object Retrievable extends RetrievableLocal { implicit def subjective[T, R, P](v: T per R on P): Retrievable[SubjectiveValue[T, P]] = erased } }
Example 117
Source File: package.scala From scala-loci with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
import loci.communicator._ import loci.language._ import loci.messaging._ import scala.annotation.{StaticAnnotation, compileTimeOnly, showAsInfix} import scala.language.experimental.macros package loci { @compileTimeOnly("enable macro paradise to use multitier code") final class multitier extends StaticAnnotation { def macroTransform(annottees: Any*): Any = macro impl.Multitier.annotation } object multitier { def start[P, Inst[P] <: Instance[P]](instance: Inst[P]): Runtime[P] = macro impl.Instance.start @compileTimeOnly("method can only be invoked in multitier code") def running: Boolean = erased @compileTimeOnly("method can only be invoked in multitier code") def terminate(): Unit = erased } final class peer extends StaticAnnotation sealed trait Single[P] extends Multiple[P] sealed trait Optional[P] extends Multiple[P] sealed trait Multiple[+P] trait Remote[+P] extends Equals object Remote extends transmitter.RemoteReference } package object loci { type Local[T] = T @showAsInfix type on[T, P] = Placed[T, P] with T @showAsInfix type per[T, P] = Placed.Subjective[T, P] def connect[P](setup: Connector[ConnectionsBase.Protocol]): Connections = macro impl.Connections.setup def connect[P](factory: ConnectionSetupFactory[ConnectionsBase.Protocol])( args: Any*): Connections = macro impl.Connections.factory def placed: Placement.Placed = erased def on: Placement.Select[Placement.Run] = erased def on[P]: Placement.On[P] with Placement.Run[P, from] = erased def remote: Placement.Narrow with Placement.Select[Placement.Call] with Placement.Call[Nothing, from] with Gateway[Nothing] = erased def remote[P]: Placement.Call[P, from] with Gateway[P] = erased }
Example 118
Source File: package.scala From scala-loci with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
import loci.communicator._ import loci.language._ import loci.messaging._ import scala.annotation.{StaticAnnotation, compileTimeOnly} import scala.language.experimental.macros package loci { @compileTimeOnly("enable macro paradise to use multitier code") final class multitier extends StaticAnnotation { def macroTransform(annottees: Any*): Any = macro impl.Multitier.annotation } object multitier { def start[P, Inst[P] <: Instance[P]](instance: Inst[P]): Runtime[P] = macro impl.Instance.start @compileTimeOnly("method can only be invoked in multitier code") def running: Boolean = erased @compileTimeOnly("method can only be invoked in multitier code") def terminate(): Unit = erased } final class peer extends StaticAnnotation sealed trait Single[P] extends Multiple[P] sealed trait Optional[P] extends Multiple[P] sealed trait Multiple[+P] trait Remote[+P] extends Equals object Remote extends transmitter.RemoteReference } package object loci { type Local[T] = T type on[T, P] = Placed[T, P] with T type per[T, P] = Placed.Subjective[T, P] def connect[P](setup: Connector[ConnectionsBase.Protocol]): Connections = macro impl.Connections.setup def connect[P](factory: ConnectionSetupFactory[ConnectionsBase.Protocol])( args: Any*): Connections = macro impl.Connections.factory def placed: Placement.Placed = erased def on: Placement.Select[Placement.Run] = erased def on[P]: Placement.On[P] with Placement.Run[P, from] = erased def remote: Placement.Narrow with Placement.Select[Placement.Call] with Placement.Call[Nothing, from] with Gateway[Nothing] = erased def remote[P]: Placement.Call[P, from] with Gateway[P] = erased }
Example 119
Source File: ByTreeTyper.scala From coroutines with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
package org.coroutines.common import scala.collection._ import scala.language.experimental.macros import scala.reflect.macros.whitebox.Context private[coroutines] class ByTreeTyper[C <: Context](val c: C)(val treeValue: Any) { import c.universe._ private val tree = treeValue.asInstanceOf[Tree] private val treeMapping = mutable.Map[Tree, Tree]() private val traverser = new TraverserUtil[c.type](c) val untypedTree = c.untypecheck(tree) traverser.traverseByShape(untypedTree, tree)((t, pt) => treeMapping(t) = pt) object typeOf { private val augmentedTypes = mutable.Map[Tree, Type]() def apply(t: Tree) = { if (augmentedTypes.contains(t)) augmentedTypes(t) else if (treeMapping.contains(t)) treeMapping(t).tpe else t.tpe } def update(t: Tree, tpe: Type) = augmentedTypes(t) = tpe } }
Example 120
Source File: Profiler.scala From lift with MIT License | 5 votes |
package lift.profiler import scala.annotation.StaticAnnotation import scala.language.experimental.macros import scala.reflect.macros.blackbox.Context class Profile(extraContext: String = "") extends StaticAnnotation { def macroTransform(annottees: Any*) = macro Profile.impl } object Profile { def impl(c: Context)(annottees: c.Expr[Any]*): c.Expr[Any] = { import c.universe._ val ctx: String = c.prefix.tree match { case q"new Profile($extraContext)" => c.eval[String](c.Expr[String](extraContext)) // match for when we have no explicit context (i.e. this allows us to // write `@Profile def ...` rather than `@Profile() def ...` which is // (in some ways) slightly cleaner case _⇒ "nocontext" } val result = { match { case q"$mods def $methodName[..$tpes](...$args): $returnType = { ..$body }" :: Nil => { q"""$mods def $methodName[..$tpes](...$args): $returnType = { val start = System.nanoTime() val profSpliceResultValueNoConflict = {..$body} val end = System.nanoTime() println("PROFILING_DATUM: (\""+${methodName.toString}+"\", \"" + ${ctx.toString} + "\", " + (end-start).toDouble/1000000 + ", \"Scala\")") profSpliceResultValueNoConflict }""" } case _ => c.abort(c.enclosingPosition, "Annotation @Profile can be used only with methods") } } c.Expr[Any](result) } def profile[T](name: String, context: String, f: () => T) : T = { val start = System.nanoTime() val r: T = f() val end = System.nanoTime() println("PROFILING_DATUM: (\"" + name + "\", \"" + context + "\"," + (end-start).toDouble/1000000 + ", \"Scala\")") r } }
Example 121
Source File: Macros.scala From caliban with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package caliban import scala.language.experimental.macros import scala.reflect.macros.blackbox import caliban.parsing.Parser object Macros { def gqldoc(document: String): String = macro MacrosInternal.queryLiteral private class MacrosInternal(val c: blackbox.Context) { import c.universe._ def queryLiteral(document: c.Expr[String]): c.Expr[String] = document.tree match { case Literal(Constant(s: String)) => Parser.check(s).fold(document)(e => c.abort(c.enclosingPosition, s"GraphQL document is invalid: $e")) case _ => c.abort(c.enclosingPosition, s"This macro can only be used with string literals.") } } }
Example 122
Source File: CodeExample.scala From slinky with MIT License | 5 votes |
package import slinky.core.FunctionalComponent import slinky.core.annotations.react import slinky.core.facade.ReactElement import slinky.web.html._ import scala.scalajs.js import scala.scalajs.js.Dynamic.literal import scala.language.experimental.macros @react object CodeExampleInternal { case class Props(codeText: String, demoElement: ReactElement) // from the theme val prismColors = js.Dictionary[js.Object]( "hljs-comment" -> literal(color = "#999999"), "hljs-keyword" -> literal(color = "#c5a5c5"), "hljs-built_in" -> literal(color = "#5a9bcf"), "hljs-string" -> literal(color = "#8dc891"), "hljs-variable" -> literal(color = "#d7deea"), "hljs-title" -> literal(color = "#79b6f2"), "hljs-type" -> literal(color = "#FAC863"), "hljs-meta" -> literal(color = "#FAC863"), "hljs-strong" -> literal(fontWeight = 700), "hljs-emphasis" -> literal(fontStyle = "italic"), "hljs" -> literal( backgroundColor = "#282c34", color = "#ffffff", fontSize = "15px", lineHeight = "20px" ), "code[class*=\"language-\"]" -> literal( backgroundColor = "#282c34", color = "#ffffff" ) ) val component = FunctionalComponent[Props] { props => div(style := literal( width = "100%", display = "flex", borderRadius = "10px", overflow = "hidden", border = "1px solid rgb(236, 236, 236)", height = "100%" ))( div(style := literal( width = "65%", height = "100%" ))( div(style := literal( width = "100%", display = "block", backgroundColor = "rgb(32, 35, 42)", padding = "10px", boxSizing = "border-box" ))( b(style := literal(color = "#999"))("SCALA CODE") ), div(style := literal( width = "100%", display = "block", padding = "10px", backgroundColor = "#282c34", boxSizing = "border-box", height = "calc(100% - 36px)", overflow = "auto" ))( SyntaxHighlighter(language = "scala", style = prismColors)( props.codeText ) ) ), div(style := literal( width = "35%", boxSizing = "border-box", borderLeft = "1px solid rgb(236, 236, 236)" ))( div(style := literal( backgroundColor = "rgb(236, 236, 236)", padding = "10px", boxSizing = "border-box" ))( b(style := literal(color = "rgb(109, 109, 109)"))("RESULT") ), div(style := literal( overflow = "auto", padding = "10px", boxSizing = "border-box" ))(props.demoElement) ) ) } } object CodeExample { def apply(exampleLocation: String): ReactElement = macro CodeExampleImpl.text }
Example 123
Source File: ToStringObfuscate.scala From firebase4s with MIT License | 5 votes |
package firebase4s.macros import scala.annotation.StaticAnnotation import scala.language.experimental.macros import scala.reflect.macros.whitebox import scala.annotation.compileTimeOnly @compileTimeOnly("enable macro paradise to expand macro annotations") class ToStringObfuscate(fieldsToObfuscate: String*) extends StaticAnnotation { def macroTransform(annottees: Any*): Any = macro ToStringObfuscateImpl.impl } object ToStringObfuscateImpl { def obfuscateValue(value: String) = "*" * value.length def impl(c: whitebox.Context)(annottees: c.Expr[Any]*): c.Expr[Any] = { import c.universe._ def extractAnnotationParameters(tree: Tree): List[c.universe.Tree] = tree match { case q"new $name( ..$params )" => params case _ => throw new Exception("ToStringObfuscate annotation must be have at least one parameter.") } def extractCaseClassesParts(classDecl: ClassDef) = classDecl match { case q"case class $className(..$fields) extends ..$parents { ..$body }" => (className, fields, parents, body) } def replaceCaseClassSensitiveValues(tree: Tree) = tree match { case Literal(Constant(field: String)) => q""" ${TermName(field)} = firebase4s.macros.ToStringObfuscateImpl.obfuscateValue(this.${TermName(field)}) """ case _ => c.abort(c.enclosingPosition, s"[replaceCaseClassSensitiveValues] Match error with $tree") } val sensitiveFields = extractAnnotationParameters(c.prefix.tree) val fieldReplacements = def extractNewToString(sensitiveFields: List[Tree]) = q""" override def toString: ${typeOf[String]} = { scala.runtime.ScalaRunTime._toString(this.copy(..$fieldReplacements)) } """ def modifiedDeclaration(classDecl: ClassDef) = { val (className, fields, parents, body) = extractCaseClassesParts(classDecl) val newToString = extractNewToString(sensitiveFields) val params = fields.asInstanceOf[List[ValDef]].map { p => p.duplicate } c.Expr[Any]( q""" case class $className ( ..$params ) extends ..$parents { $newToString ..$body } """ ) } toList match { case (classDecl: ClassDef) :: Nil => modifiedDeclaration(classDecl) case _ => c.abort(c.enclosingPosition, "Invalid annottee") } } }
Example 124
Source File: package.scala From scalajs-react-bridge with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.payalabs.scalajs.react import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future} import scala.language.experimental.macros import scala.reflect.ClassTag import scala.scalajs.js import scala.scalajs.js.JSConverters._ import scala.scalajs.js.{Object, |} import japgolly.scalajs.react.component.Js import japgolly.scalajs.react.vdom.{TagMod, VdomElement, VdomNode} import japgolly.scalajs.react.{CallbackTo, Children, CtorType} import japgolly.scalajs.react.vdom.Implicits._ package object bridge extends GeneratedImplicits { def writerFromConversion[A](implicit conv: A => js.Any): JsWriter[A] = JsWriter(x => x) implicit def stringWriter: JsWriter[String] = writerFromConversion[String] implicit def boolWriter: JsWriter[Boolean] = writerFromConversion[Boolean] // Note: Char and Long not supported here, since in Scala.js they map to opaque types, which // may not map well to the underlying components expectations. implicit def byteWriter: JsWriter[Byte] = writerFromConversion[Byte] implicit def shortWriter: JsWriter[Short] = writerFromConversion[Short] implicit def intWriter: JsWriter[Int] = writerFromConversion[Int] implicit def floatWriter: JsWriter[Float] = writerFromConversion[Float] implicit def doubleWriter: JsWriter[Double] = writerFromConversion[Double] implicit def unitWriter: JsWriter[Unit] = writerFromConversion[Unit] implicit def jsAnyWriter[A <: js.Any]: JsWriter[A] = JsWriter(identity) implicit def callbackToWriter[T](implicit writerT: JsWriter[T]): JsWriter[CallbackTo[T]] = JsWriter(value => implicit def undefOrWriter[A](implicit writerA: JsWriter[A]): JsWriter[js.UndefOr[A]] = JsWriter( implicit def optionWriter[A](implicit writerA: JsWriter[A]): JsWriter[Option[A]] = JsWriter( implicit def unionWriter[A, B](implicit A: ClassTag[A], writerA: JsWriter[A], B: ClassTag[B], writerB: JsWriter[B]): JsWriter[A | B] = JsWriter { value => A.unapply(value).map(writerA.toJs) .orElse(B.unapply(value).map(writerB.toJs)) .getOrElse(throw new RuntimeException(s"Value $value of type ($A | $B) matched neither}")) } implicit def enumerationWriter[T <: Enumeration#Value]: JsWriter[T] = JsWriter(_.toString) implicit def baseSeqWriter[T: JsWriter]: JsWriter[scala.collection.Seq[T]] = { val elementWriter = implicitly[JsWriter[T]] JsWriter( } implicit def immutableSeqWriter[T : JsWriter]: JsWriter[scala.collection.immutable.Seq[T]] = { val elementWriter = implicitly[JsWriter[T]] JsWriter((value: scala.collection.immutable.Seq[T]) => js.Array( => elementWriter.toJs(e)): _*)) } implicit def mapWriter[T : JsWriter]: JsWriter[Map[String, T]] = { val elementWriter = implicitly[JsWriter[T]] JsWriter( (value: Map[String, T]) => { val converted = { case (k, v) => (k, elementWriter.toJs(v)) } js.Dictionary(converted.toSeq: _*) } ) } implicit def futureWriter[A](implicit writeA: JsWriter[A], executionContext: ExecutionContext): JsWriter[Future[A]] = JsWriter( implicit def vdomElementWriter: JsWriter[VdomElement] = JsWriter(_.rawElement) type JsComponentType = Js.ComponentSimple[Object, CtorType.Summoner.Aux[Object, Children.Varargs, CtorType.PropsAndChildren]#CT, Js.UnmountedWithRawType[Object, Null, Js.RawMounted[Object, Null]]] def extractPropsAndChildren(attrAndChildren: Seq[TagMod]): (js.Object, List[VdomNode]) = { val b = new japgolly.scalajs.react.vdom.Builder.ToJs {} attrAndChildren.toTagMod.applyTo(b) b.addClassNameToProps() b.addStyleToProps() (b.props, b.childrenAsVdomNodes) } }
Example 125
Source File: ParamMaker.scala From typed-schema with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package ru.tinkoff.tschema.macros import ru.tinkoff.tschema.macros.ParamMaker.Applyer import ru.tinkoff.tschema.typeDSL import ru.tinkoff.tschema.typeDSL.{Capture, DSLAtom, FormField, Header, QueryParam} import scala.language.{dynamics, higherKinds} import scala.language.experimental.macros import shapeless.Witness import scala.reflect.macros.whitebox class ParamMaker[T[_, _]] extends Dynamic { def params[A]: Applyer = macro ParamMakerMacro.paramsImpl[A, T[_, _]] } object ParamMaker { type Applyer = { def apply[A](x: => A): DSLAtom } def apply[T[_, _]]: ParamMaker[T] = new ParamMaker[T] object query extends ParamMaker[QueryParam] object path extends ParamMaker[Capture] object headers extends ParamMaker[Header] object form extends ParamMaker[FormField] } class ParamMakerMacro(val c: whitebox.Context) extends SymbolMacros { import c.universe._ val consTpe = typeOf[typeDSL.:>[_, _]].typeConstructor def paramsImpl[A: WeakTypeTag, T: WeakTypeTag] = { val const = weakTypeTag[T].tpe.typeConstructor val result = extractNamesTypes(weakTypeOf[A]).map { case (name, tpe) => appliedType(const, KeyName(name), tpe) } .reduce((a, b) => appliedType(consTpe, a, b)) q""" new { import ru.tinkoff.tschema.typeDSL.{:>} def apply[A](x: => A): :>[$result, A] = new :> }""" } def extractNamesTypes(ref: Type): List[(String, Type)] = ref match { case RefinedType(tpes, scope) => info(tpes) scope.collect { case m: MethodSymbol => info(m) -> m.returnType }.toList case _ => List.empty } def info[A](mess: A) =, mess.toString, force = false) }
Example 126
Source File: TypeName.scala From zio-config with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package zio.config.shapeless import scala.language.experimental.macros import scala.reflect.macros.whitebox trait TypeName[T] { def apply(): String } object TypeName { implicit def materializeTypeName[T]: TypeName[T] = macro typeNameImpl[T] def typeNameImpl[T: c.WeakTypeTag](c: whitebox.Context): c.Tree = { import c.universe._ val T = c.weakTypeOf[T] val name = q" new _root_.zio.config.shapeless.TypeName[$T]{ def apply(): String = $name } " } }
Example 127
Source File: print.scala From magnolia with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package magnolia.examples import magnolia.{Magnolia, ReadOnlyCaseClass, SealedTrait} import scala.language.experimental.macros // Prints a type, only requires read access to fields trait Print[T] { def print(t: T): String } trait GenericPrint { type Typeclass[T] = Print[T] def combine[T](ctx: ReadOnlyCaseClass[Typeclass, T]): Print[T] = { value => if (ctx.isValueClass) { val param = ctx.parameters.head param.typeclass.print(param.dereference(value)) } else { { param => param.typeclass.print(param.dereference(value)) }.mkString(s"${ctx.typeName.short}(", ",", ")") } } def dispatch[T](ctx: SealedTrait[Print, T])(): Print[T] = { value => ctx.dispatch(value) { sub => sub.typeclass.print(sub.cast(value)) } } implicit def gen[T]: Print[T] = macro Magnolia.gen[T] } object Print extends GenericPrint { implicit val string: Print[String] = identity implicit val int: Print[Int] = _.toString implicit def seq[T](implicit printT: Print[T]): Print[Seq[T]] = { values =>"[", ",", "]") } }
Example 128
Source File: patch.scala From magnolia with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package magnolia.examples import scala.language.experimental.macros import magnolia._ def patch(value: T, fieldValues: Seq[Any]): T } object Patcher extends LowerPriorityPatcher { type Typeclass[T] = Patcher[T] def combine[T](ctx: CaseClass[Patcher, T]): Patcher[T] = new Patcher[T] { def patch(value: T, fieldValues: Seq[Any]): T = { if (fieldValues.lengthCompare(ctx.parameters.size) != 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( s"Cannot patch value `$value`, expected ${ctx.parameters.size} fields but got ${fieldValues.size}" ) } val effectiveFields = { case (param, x) => if (x.asInstanceOf[AnyRef] ne null) x else param dereference value } ctx.rawConstruct(effectiveFields) } } def dispatch[T](ctx: SealedTrait[Patcher, T]): Patcher[T] = new Patcher[T] { def patch(value: T, fieldValues: Seq[Any]): T = ctx.dispatch(value)(sub => sub.typeclass.patch(sub cast value, fieldValues)) } implicit def gen[T]: Patcher[T] = macro Magnolia.gen[T] } sealed abstract class LowerPriorityPatcher { private[this] val _forSingleValue = new Patcher[Any] { def patch(value: Any, fieldValues: Seq[Any]): Any = { if (fieldValues.lengthCompare(1) != 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException( s"Cannot patch single value `$value` with patch sequence of size ${fieldValues.size}" ) val head = fieldValues.head if (head.getClass != value.getClass) throw new IllegalArgumentException( s"Illegal patch value type. Expected `${value.getClass}` but got `${head.getClass}`" ) head } } // once is fixed this can be marked `implicit` def forSingleValue[T]: Patcher[T] = _forSingleValue.asInstanceOf[Patcher[T]] }
Example 129
Source File: decodeSafe.scala From magnolia with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
import magnolia._ import scala.language.experimental.macros private def parse(value: String): (String, Map[String, String]) = { val end = value.indexOf('(') val name = value.substring(0, end) def parts(value: String, idx: Int = 0, depth: Int = 0, collected: List[String] = List("")): List[String] = { def plus(char: Char): List[String] = collected.head + char :: collected.tail if (idx == value.length) collected else value(idx) match { case '(' => parts(value, idx + 1, depth + 1, plus('(')) case ')' => if (depth == 1) plus(')') else parts(value, idx + 1, depth - 1, plus(')')) case ',' => if (depth == 0) parts(value, idx + 1, depth, "" :: collected) else parts(value, idx + 1, depth, plus(',')) case char => parts(value, idx + 1, depth, plus(char)) } } def keyValue(str: String): (String, String) = { val List(label, value) = str.split("=", 2).toList (label, value) } (name, parts(value.substring(end + 1, value.length - 1)).map(keyValue).toMap) } }
Example 130
Source File: semiauto.scala From magnolia with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package magnolia.examples import scala.language.experimental.macros import magnolia._ trait SemiDefault[A] { def default: A } object SemiDefault { @inline def apply[A](implicit A: SemiDefault[A]): SemiDefault[A] = A type Typeclass[T] = SemiDefault[T] def combine[T](ctx: CaseClass[SemiDefault, T]): SemiDefault[T] = new SemiDefault[T] { def default = ctx.construct(p => p.default.getOrElse(p.typeclass.default)) } def dispatch[T](ctx: SealedTrait[SemiDefault, T])(): SemiDefault[T] = new SemiDefault[T] { def default = ctx.subtypes.head.typeclass.default } implicit val string: SemiDefault[String] = new SemiDefault[String] { def default = "" } implicit val int: SemiDefault[Int] = new SemiDefault[Int] { def default = 0 } // NOT IMPLICIT def gen[T]: SemiDefault[T] = macro Magnolia.gen[T] }
Example 131
package magnolia.examples import magnolia._ import scala.language.experimental.macros trait Csv[A] { def apply(a: A): List[String] } object Csv { type Typeclass[A] = Csv[A] def combine[A](ctx: CaseClass[Csv, A]): Csv[A] = new Csv[A] { def apply(a: A): List[String] = ctx.parameters.foldLeft(List[String]()) { (acc, p) => acc ++ p.typeclass(p.dereference(a)) } } def dispatch[A](ctx: SealedTrait[Csv, A]): Csv[A] = new Csv[A] { def apply(a: A): List[String] = ctx.dispatch(a)(sub => sub.typeclass(sub.cast(a))) } implicit def deriveCsv[A]: Csv[A] = macro Magnolia.gen[A] implicit val csvStr: Csv[String] = new Csv[String] { def apply(a: String): List[String] = List(a) } }
Example 132
Source File: decode.scala From magnolia with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package magnolia.examples import magnolia._ import scala.language.experimental.macros private def parse(value: String): (String, Map[String, String]) = { val end = value.indexOf('(') val name = value.substring(0, end) def parts(value: String, idx: Int = 0, depth: Int = 0, collected: List[String] = List("")): List[String] = { def plus(char: Char): List[String] = collected.head + char :: collected.tail if (idx == value.length) collected else value(idx) match { case '(' => parts(value, idx + 1, depth + 1, plus('(')) case ')' => if (depth == 1) plus(')') else parts(value, idx + 1, depth - 1, plus(')')) case ',' => if (depth == 0) parts(value, idx + 1, depth, "" :: collected) else parts(value, idx + 1, depth, plus(',')) case char => parts(value, idx + 1, depth, plus(char)) } } def keyValue(str: String): (String, String) = { val List(label, value) = str.split("=", 2).toList (label, value) } (name, parts(value.substring(end + 1, value.length - 1)).map(keyValue).toMap) } }
Example 133
Source File: SchemaMagnoliaDerivation.scala From tapir with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package sttp.tapir.generic.internal import com.github.ghik.silencer.silent import magnolia._ import sttp.tapir.SchemaType._ import sttp.tapir.generic.{Configuration, Derived} import sttp.tapir.{Schema, SchemaType} import SchemaMagnoliaDerivation.deriveInProgress import scala.collection.mutable import scala.language.experimental.macros trait SchemaMagnoliaDerivation { type Typeclass[T] = Schema[T] @silent("discarded") def combine[T](ctx: ReadOnlyCaseClass[Schema, T])(implicit genericDerivationConfig: Configuration): Schema[T] = { withProgressCache { cache => val cacheKey = ctx.typeName.full if (cache.contains(cacheKey)) { Schema[T](SRef(typeNameToObjectInfo(ctx.typeName))) } else { try { cache.add(cacheKey) if (ctx.isValueClass) { Schema[T](ctx.parameters.head.typeclass.schemaType) } else { Schema[T]( SProduct( typeNameToObjectInfo(ctx.typeName), => (genericDerivationConfig.toLowLevelName(p.label), p.typeclass)).toList ) ) } } finally { cache.remove(cacheKey) } } } } private def typeNameToObjectInfo(typeName: TypeName): SchemaType.SObjectInfo = { def allTypeArguments(tn: TypeName): Seq[TypeName] = tn.typeArguments.flatMap(tn2 => tn2 +: allTypeArguments(tn2)) SObjectInfo(typeName.full, allTypeArguments(typeName).map(_.short).toList) } private def withProgressCache[T](f: mutable.Set[String] => Schema[T]): Schema[T] = { var cache = deriveInProgress.get() val newCache = cache == null if (newCache) { cache = mutable.Set[String]() deriveInProgress.set(cache) } try f(cache) finally { if (newCache) { deriveInProgress.remove() } } } def dispatch[T](ctx: SealedTrait[Schema, T]): Schema[T] = { Schema(SCoproduct(typeNameToObjectInfo(ctx.typeName),, None)) } implicit def schemaForCaseClass[T]: Derived[Schema[T]] = macro MagnoliaDerivedMacro.derivedGen[T] } object SchemaMagnoliaDerivation { private[internal] val deriveInProgress: ThreadLocal[mutable.Set[String]] = new ThreadLocal() }
Example 134
Source File: SealedValues.scala From flamy with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.flaminem.flamy.utils.macros import scala.collection.immutable.Seq import scala.language.experimental.macros import scala.reflect.macros.blackbox //scalastyle:off object SealedValues { def values[A]: Seq[A] = macro values_impl[A] def values_impl[A: c.WeakTypeTag](c: blackbox.Context) : c.Expr[Seq[A]] = { import c.universe._ val symbol = weakTypeOf[A].typeSymbol if (!symbol.isClass) { c.abort( c.enclosingPosition, "Can only enumerate values of a sealed trait or class." )} else if (!symbol.asClass.isSealed) { c.abort( c.enclosingPosition, "Can only enumerate values of a sealed trait or class." ) } else { val siblingSubclasses: List[Symbol] = scala.util.Try { val enclosingModule = c.macroApplication enclosingModule.filter { x => scala.util.Try(x.symbol.asModule.moduleClass.asClass.baseClasses.contains(symbol)) .getOrElse(false) }.map(_.symbol) } getOrElse { Nil } val children = symbol.asClass.knownDirectSubclasses.toList.sortBy{_.pos.start} ::: siblingSubclasses if (!children.forall(x => x.isModuleClass || x.isModule)) { c.abort( c.enclosingPosition, "All children must be objects." ) } else c.Expr[Seq[A]] { def sourceModuleRef(sym: Symbol) = Ident( if (sym.isModule) { sym } else { sym.asInstanceOf[ scala.reflect.internal.Symbols#Symbol ].sourceModule.asInstanceOf[Symbol] } ) Apply( Select( reify(Seq).tree, TermName("apply") ), ) } } } } //scalastyle:on
Example 135
Source File: package.scala From libisabelle with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package info.hupel.isabelle import scala.language.experimental.macros package object pure { type Indexname = (String, BigInt) type Sort = List[String] implicit class ExprStringContext(ctx: StringContext) { object term { def apply[T](args: T*): Program[String] = macro internal.Macros.term } } object Theory { val get: ml.Expr[String => Theory] = ml.Expr.uncheckedLiteral("get_theory") implicit val thyOpaque: ml.Opaque[Theory] = ml.Opaque.make("Refs.Thy") } type Theory = Theory.type object Context { val initGlobal: ml.Expr[Theory => Context] = ml.Expr.uncheckedLiteral("Proof_Context.init_global") implicit val ctxtOpaque: ml.Opaque[Context] = ml.Opaque.make("Refs.Ctxt") } type Context = Context.type type Conv = Cterm => Thm object Cterm { val eval: ml.Expr[Context => Conv] = ml.Expr.uncheckedLiteral("Code_Simp.dynamic_conv") implicit val ctermOpaque: ml.Opaque[Cterm] = ml.Opaque.make("Refs.Cterm") } type Cterm = Cterm.type object Thm { val mkTerm: ml.Expr[Cterm => Thm] = ml.Expr.uncheckedLiteral("Drule.mk_term") implicit val thmOpaque: ml.Opaque[Thm] = ml.Opaque.make("Refs.Thm") } type Thm = Thm.type }