scala.math.BigDecimal Scala Examples
The following examples show how to use scala.math.BigDecimal.
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Example 1
Source File: CommandsTest.scala From endpoints4s with MIT License | 5 votes |
package cqrs.commands import java.time.{LocalDateTime, OffsetDateTime, ZoneOffset} import java.util.UUID import org.scalatest.BeforeAndAfterAll import{Endpoints, JsonEntitiesFromCodecs} import import play.api.Mode import{AhcWSClient, AhcWSClientConfig} import play.core.server.{NettyServer, ServerConfig} import scala.concurrent.Future import scala.math.BigDecimal import org.scalatest.freespec.AsyncFreeSpec class CommandsTest extends AsyncFreeSpec with BeforeAndAfterAll { private val server = NettyServer.fromRouterWithComponents(ServerConfig(mode = Mode.Test)) { components => new Commands(PlayComponents.fromBuiltInComponents(components)).routes } val app = server.applicationProvider.get.get import app.materializer private val wsClient = AhcWSClient(AhcWSClientConfig()) object client extends Endpoints("http://localhost:9000", wsClient) with JsonEntitiesFromCodecs with CommandsEndpoints override def afterAll(): Unit = { server.stop() wsClient.close() } "Commands" - { val arbitraryDate = OffsetDateTime .of(LocalDateTime.of(2017, 1, 8, 12, 34, 56), ZoneOffset.UTC) .toInstant val arbitraryValue = BigDecimal(10) "create a new meter" in { client.command(CreateMeter("electricity")).map { maybeEvent => assert(maybeEvent.collect { case StoredEvent(_, MeterCreated(_, "electricity")) => () }.nonEmpty) } } "create a meter and add readings to it" in { for { maybeCreatedEvent <- client.command(CreateMeter("water")) id <- maybeCreatedEvent .collect { case StoredEvent(_, MeterCreated(id, _)) => id } .fold[Future[UUID]](Future.failed(new NoSuchElementException))( Future.successful ) maybeAddedEvent <- client.command( AddRecord(id, arbitraryDate, arbitraryValue) ) _ <- maybeAddedEvent .collect { case StoredEvent( _, RecordAdded(`id`, `arbitraryDate`, `arbitraryValue`) ) => () } .fold[Future[Unit]](Future.failed(new NoSuchElementException))( Future.successful ) } yield assert(true) } } }
Example 2
Source File: instagram_api_yaml.extractor.scala From play-swagger with MIT License | 5 votes |
package instagram.api.yaml import scala.concurrent.Future import play.api.mvc._ import import scala.math.BigInt import scala.math.BigDecimal object SecurityExtractorsExecutionContext { // this ExecutionContext might be overridden if default configuration is not suitable for some reason implicit val ec = } trait SecurityExtractors { def oauth_Extractor[User >: Any](scopes: String*): RequestHeader => Future[Option[User]] = header => oAuth(scopes)("")(header) { (token: play.api.libs.json.JsValue) => ??? } def key_Extractor[User >: Any](): RequestHeader => Future[Option[User]] = header => queryApiKey("access_token")(header) { (apiKey: String) => ??? } implicit val unauthorizedContentWriter = ??? def unauthorizedContent(req: RequestHeader) = Results.Unauthorized(???) }
Example 3
Source File: uber_api_yaml.scala From play-swagger with MIT License | 5 votes |
package uber.api.yaml import org.scalacheck.Gen import org.scalacheck.Arbitrary import play.api.libs.json.scalacheck.JsValueGenerators import Arbitrary._ import java.util.UUID import scala.math.BigDecimal import object Generators extends JsValueGenerators { def createDoubleGenerator = _generate(DoubleGenerator) def createActivitiesHistoryGenerator = _generate(ActivitiesHistoryGenerator) def createProfilePictureGenerator = _generate(ProfilePictureGenerator) def createErrorCodeGenerator = _generate(ErrorCodeGenerator) def createEstimatesTimeGetCustomer_uuidGenerator = _generate(EstimatesTimeGetCustomer_uuidGenerator) def createProductsGetResponses200Generator = _generate(ProductsGetResponses200Generator) def createPriceEstimateHigh_estimateGenerator = _generate(PriceEstimateHigh_estimateGenerator) def createEstimatesPriceGetResponses200Generator = _generate(EstimatesPriceGetResponses200Generator) def createActivitiesHistoryOptGenerator = _generate(ActivitiesHistoryOptGenerator) def DoubleGenerator = arbitrary[Double] def ActivitiesHistoryGenerator = Gen.option(ActivitiesHistoryOptGenerator) def ProfilePictureGenerator = Gen.option(arbitrary[String]) def ErrorCodeGenerator = Gen.option(arbitrary[Int]) def EstimatesTimeGetCustomer_uuidGenerator = Gen.option(arbitrary[UUID]) def ProductsGetResponses200Generator = Gen.containerOf[List,Product](ProductGenerator) def PriceEstimateHigh_estimateGenerator = Gen.option(arbitrary[BigDecimal]) def EstimatesPriceGetResponses200Generator = Gen.containerOf[List,PriceEstimate](PriceEstimateGenerator) def ActivitiesHistoryOptGenerator = _genList(ActivityGenerator, "csv") def createActivityGenerator = _generate(ActivityGenerator) def createPriceEstimateGenerator = _generate(PriceEstimateGenerator) def createProductGenerator = _generate(ProductGenerator) def createProfileGenerator = _generate(ProfileGenerator) def createActivitiesGenerator = _generate(ActivitiesGenerator) def createErrorGenerator = _generate(ErrorGenerator) def ActivityGenerator = for { uuid <- ProfilePictureGenerator } yield Activity(uuid) def PriceEstimateGenerator = for { low_estimate <- PriceEstimateHigh_estimateGenerator display_name <- ProfilePictureGenerator estimate <- ProfilePictureGenerator high_estimate <- PriceEstimateHigh_estimateGenerator product_id <- ProfilePictureGenerator currency_code <- ProfilePictureGenerator surge_multiplier <- PriceEstimateHigh_estimateGenerator } yield PriceEstimate(low_estimate, display_name, estimate, high_estimate, product_id, currency_code, surge_multiplier) def ProductGenerator = for { image <- ProfilePictureGenerator description <- ProfilePictureGenerator display_name <- ProfilePictureGenerator product_id <- ProfilePictureGenerator capacity <- ProfilePictureGenerator } yield Product(image, description, display_name, product_id, capacity) def ProfileGenerator = for { first_name <- ProfilePictureGenerator email <- ProfilePictureGenerator promo_code <- ProfilePictureGenerator last_name <- ProfilePictureGenerator picture <- ProfilePictureGenerator } yield Profile(first_name, email, promo_code, last_name, picture) def ActivitiesGenerator = for { offset <- ErrorCodeGenerator limit <- ErrorCodeGenerator count <- ErrorCodeGenerator history <- ActivitiesHistoryGenerator } yield Activities(offset, limit, count, history) def ErrorGenerator = for { code <- ErrorCodeGenerator message <- ProfilePictureGenerator fields <- ProfilePictureGenerator } yield Error(code, message, fields) def _generate[T](gen: Gen[T]) = (count: Int) => for (i <- 1 to count) yield gen.sample def _genList[T](gen: Gen[T], format: String): Gen[ArrayWrapper[T]] = for { items <- Gen.containerOf[List,T](gen) } yield ArrayWrapper(format)(items) implicit lazy val arbUUID: Arbitrary[UUID] = Arbitrary(Gen.uuid) }
Example 4
Source File: instagram_api_yaml.scala From play-swagger with MIT License | 5 votes |
package instagram.api.yaml import import org.scalacheck._ import org.scalacheck.Arbitrary._ import org.scalacheck.Prop._ import org.scalacheck.Test._ import org.specs2.mutable._ import play.api.test.Helpers._ import play.api.test._ import play.api.mvc.MultipartFormData.FilePart import play.api.mvc._ import org.junit.runner.RunWith import org.specs2.runner.JUnitRunner import import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper import play.api.http.Writeable import play.api.libs.Files.TemporaryFile import play.api.test.Helpers.{status => requestStatusCode_} import play.api.test.Helpers.{contentAsString => requestContentAsString_} import play.api.test.Helpers.{contentType => requestContentType_} import scala.math.BigInt import scala.math.BigDecimal import Generators._ @RunWith(classOf[JUnitRunner]) class Instagram_api_yamlSpec extends Specification { def toPath[T](value: T)(implicit binder: PathBindable[T]): String = Option(binder.unbind("", value)).getOrElse("") def toQuery[T](key: String, value: T)(implicit binder: QueryStringBindable[T]): String = Option(binder.unbind(key, value)).getOrElse("") def toHeader[T](value: T)(implicit binder: PathBindable[T]): String = Option(binder.unbind("", value)).getOrElse("") def checkResult(props: Prop) = Test.check(Test.Parameters.default, props).status match { case Failed(args, labels) => val failureMsg = labels.mkString("\n") + " given args: " +"'", "', '","'") failure(failureMsg) case Proved(_) | Exhausted | Passed => success case PropException(_, e, labels) => val error = if (labels.isEmpty) e.getLocalizedMessage() else labels.mkString("\n") failure(error) } private def parserConstructor(mimeType: String) = PlayBodyParsing.jacksonMapper(mimeType) def parseResponseContent[T](mapper: ObjectMapper, content: String, mimeType: Option[String], expectedType: Class[T]) = mapper.readValue(content, expectedType) }
Example 5
Source File: MllibHelper.scala From twitter-stream-ml with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
package com.giorgioinf.twtml.spark import java.text.Normalizer import org.apache.spark.Logging import org.apache.spark.mllib.feature.HashingTF import org.apache.spark.mllib.linalg.{SparseVector, Vector, Vectors} import org.apache.spark.mllib.regression.LabeledPoint import scala.math.BigDecimal import twitter4j.Status object MllibHelper extends Logging { val numNumberFeatures = 4 var numRetweetBegin = 100 var numRetweetEnd = 1000 var numTextFeatures = 1000 var hashText = new HashingTF(numTextFeatures) var numFeatures = numTextFeatures + numNumberFeatures var numberFeatureIndices = (numTextFeatures to numFeatures-1).toArray def reset(conf:ConfArguments) { numRetweetBegin = conf.numRetweetBegin numRetweetEnd = conf.numRetweetEnd numTextFeatures = conf.numTextFeatures var hashText = new HashingTF(numTextFeatures) var numFeatures = numTextFeatures + numNumberFeatures var numberFeatureIndices = (numTextFeatures to numFeatures-1).toArray log.debug(s"retweet range: ($numRetweetBegin - $numRetweetEnd), numTextFeatures: $numTextFeatures") } def featurizeText(statuses: Status): SparseVector = { val text = statuses.getRetweetedStatus .getText .toLowerCase // Separate accents from characters and then remove non-unicode // characters val noAccentText = Normalizer .normalize(text, Normalizer.Form.NFD) .replaceAll("\\p{M}", "") // bigrams hashText.transform(text.sliding(2).toSeq) .asInstanceOf[SparseVector] } def featurizeNumbers(statuses: Status): Vector = { val user = statuses.getRetweetedStatus.getUser val created = statuses.getRetweetedStatus.getCreatedAt val timeLeft = (System.currentTimeMillis - created.getTime) Vectors.dense( user.getFollowersCount * Math.pow(10, -12), user.getFavouritesCount * Math.pow(10, -12), user.getFriendsCount * Math.pow(10, -12), timeLeft * Math.pow(10, -14) //retweeted.getURLEntities.length, //retweeted.getUserMentionEntities.length ) } def featurize(statuses: Status): LabeledPoint = { val textFeatures = featurizeText(statuses) val numberFeatures = featurizeNumbers(statuses) val features = Vectors.sparse( numFeatures, textFeatures.indices ++ numberFeatureIndices, textFeatures.values ++ numberFeatures.toArray ) LabeledPoint( statuses.getRetweetedStatus.getRetweetCount.toDouble, features ) } def retweetInterval(statuses: Status, start:Long, end:Long):Boolean = { val n = statuses.getRetweetedStatus.getRetweetCount (n >= start && n <= end) } def filtrate(statuses: Status): Boolean = { ( statuses.isRetweet && //statuses.getLang == "en" && retweetInterval(statuses, numRetweetBegin, numRetweetEnd) ) } }
Example 6
Source File: instagram_api_yaml.extractor.scala From api-first-hand with MIT License | 5 votes |
package instagram.api.yaml import scala.concurrent.Future import play.api.mvc._ import import scala.math.BigInt import scala.math.BigDecimal object SecurityExtractorsExecutionContext { // this ExecutionContext might be overridden if default configuration is not suitable for some reason implicit val ec = } trait SecurityExtractors { def oauth_Extractor[User >: Any](scopes: String*): RequestHeader => Future[Option[User]] = header => oAuth(scopes)("")(header) { (token: play.api.libs.json.JsValue) => ??? } def key_Extractor[User >: Any](): RequestHeader => Future[Option[User]] = header => queryApiKey("access_token")(header) { (apiKey: String) => ??? } implicit val unauthorizedContentWriter = ??? def unauthorizedContent(req: RequestHeader) = Results.Unauthorized(???) }
Example 7
Source File: uber_api_yaml.scala From api-first-hand with MIT License | 5 votes |
package uber.api.yaml import org.scalacheck.Gen import org.scalacheck.Arbitrary import play.api.libs.json.scalacheck.JsValueGenerators import Arbitrary._ import java.util.UUID import scala.math.BigDecimal object Generators extends JsValueGenerators { def createDoubleGenerator = _generate(DoubleGenerator) def createActivitiesHistoryGenerator = _generate(ActivitiesHistoryGenerator) def createProfilePictureGenerator = _generate(ProfilePictureGenerator) def createErrorCodeGenerator = _generate(ErrorCodeGenerator) def createEstimatesTimeGetCustomer_uuidGenerator = _generate(EstimatesTimeGetCustomer_uuidGenerator) def createProductsGetResponses200Generator = _generate(ProductsGetResponses200Generator) def createPriceEstimateHigh_estimateGenerator = _generate(PriceEstimateHigh_estimateGenerator) def createEstimatesPriceGetResponses200Generator = _generate(EstimatesPriceGetResponses200Generator) def createActivitiesHistoryOptGenerator = _generate(ActivitiesHistoryOptGenerator) def DoubleGenerator = arbitrary[Double] def ActivitiesHistoryGenerator = Gen.option(ActivitiesHistoryOptGenerator) def ProfilePictureGenerator = Gen.option(arbitrary[String]) def ErrorCodeGenerator = Gen.option(arbitrary[Int]) def EstimatesTimeGetCustomer_uuidGenerator = Gen.option(arbitrary[UUID]) def ProductsGetResponses200Generator: Gen[List[Product]] = Gen.containerOf[List,Product](ProductGenerator) def PriceEstimateHigh_estimateGenerator = Gen.option(arbitrary[BigDecimal]) def EstimatesPriceGetResponses200Generator: Gen[List[PriceEstimate]] = Gen.containerOf[List,PriceEstimate](PriceEstimateGenerator) def ActivitiesHistoryOptGenerator: Gen[List[Activity]] = Gen.containerOf[List,Activity](ActivityGenerator) def createActivityGenerator = _generate(ActivityGenerator) def createPriceEstimateGenerator = _generate(PriceEstimateGenerator) def createProductGenerator = _generate(ProductGenerator) def createProfileGenerator = _generate(ProfileGenerator) def createActivitiesGenerator = _generate(ActivitiesGenerator) def createErrorGenerator = _generate(ErrorGenerator) def ActivityGenerator = for { uuid <- ProfilePictureGenerator } yield Activity(uuid) def PriceEstimateGenerator = for { low_estimate <- PriceEstimateHigh_estimateGenerator display_name <- ProfilePictureGenerator estimate <- ProfilePictureGenerator high_estimate <- PriceEstimateHigh_estimateGenerator product_id <- ProfilePictureGenerator currency_code <- ProfilePictureGenerator surge_multiplier <- PriceEstimateHigh_estimateGenerator } yield PriceEstimate(low_estimate, display_name, estimate, high_estimate, product_id, currency_code, surge_multiplier) def ProductGenerator = for { image <- ProfilePictureGenerator description <- ProfilePictureGenerator display_name <- ProfilePictureGenerator product_id <- ProfilePictureGenerator capacity <- ProfilePictureGenerator } yield Product(image, description, display_name, product_id, capacity) def ProfileGenerator = for { first_name <- ProfilePictureGenerator email <- ProfilePictureGenerator promo_code <- ProfilePictureGenerator last_name <- ProfilePictureGenerator picture <- ProfilePictureGenerator } yield Profile(first_name, email, promo_code, last_name, picture) def ActivitiesGenerator = for { offset <- ErrorCodeGenerator limit <- ErrorCodeGenerator count <- ErrorCodeGenerator history <- ActivitiesHistoryGenerator } yield Activities(offset, limit, count, history) def ErrorGenerator = for { code <- ErrorCodeGenerator message <- ProfilePictureGenerator fields <- ProfilePictureGenerator } yield Error(code, message, fields) def _generate[T](gen: Gen[T]) = (count: Int) => for (i <- 1 to count) yield gen.sample implicit lazy val arbUUID: Arbitrary[UUID] = Arbitrary(Gen.uuid) }
Example 8
Source File: i041_no_json_deserialiser_yaml.scala From api-first-hand with MIT License | 5 votes |
package i041_no_json_deserialiser.yaml import org.scalacheck.Gen import org.scalacheck.Arbitrary import play.api.libs.json.scalacheck.JsValueGenerators import Arbitrary._ import java.time.ZonedDateTime import scala.math.BigDecimal import scala.math.BigInt object Generators extends JsValueGenerators { def createMoneyCreateDateGenerator = _generate(MoneyCreateDateGenerator) def createUserIdGenerator = _generate(UserIdGenerator) def createMoneyAmountGenerator = _generate(MoneyAmountGenerator) def createBigIntGenerator = _generate(BigIntGenerator) def createUserNameGenerator = _generate(UserNameGenerator) def createStringGenerator = _generate(StringGenerator) def createUserGetResponses200Generator = _generate(UserGetResponses200Generator) def MoneyCreateDateGenerator = Gen.option(arbitrary[ZonedDateTime]) def UserIdGenerator = Gen.option(arbitrary[Long]) def MoneyAmountGenerator = Gen.option(arbitrary[BigDecimal]) def BigIntGenerator = arbitrary[BigInt] def UserNameGenerator = Gen.option(arbitrary[String]) def StringGenerator = arbitrary[String] def UserGetResponses200Generator: Gen[List[User]] = Gen.containerOf[List,User](UserGenerator) def createMoneyGenerator = _generate(MoneyGenerator) def createUserGenerator = _generate(UserGenerator) def createUserMoneyGenerator = _generate(UserMoneyGenerator) def createErrorGenerator = _generate(ErrorGenerator) def MoneyGenerator = for { id <- UserIdGenerator userId <- UserIdGenerator amount <- MoneyAmountGenerator createDate <- MoneyCreateDateGenerator } yield Money(id, userId, amount, createDate) def UserGenerator = for { id <- UserIdGenerator name <- UserNameGenerator money <- UserMoneyGenerator } yield User(id, name, money) def UserMoneyGenerator = for { id <- UserIdGenerator userId <- UserIdGenerator amount <- MoneyAmountGenerator createDate <- MoneyCreateDateGenerator } yield UserMoney(id, userId, amount, createDate) def ErrorGenerator = for { code <- arbitrary[Int] message <- arbitrary[String] } yield Error(code, message) def _generate[T](gen: Gen[T]) = (count: Int) => for (i <- 1 to count) yield gen.sample implicit lazy val arbDateTime: Arbitrary[ZonedDateTime] = Arbitrary(for { d <- arbitrary[java.util.Date] } yield ZonedDateTime.ofInstant(d.toInstant, java.time.ZoneId.systemDefault())) }
Example 9
Source File: uber_api_yaml.scala From api-first-hand with MIT License | 5 votes |
package uber.api import java.util.UUID import scala.math.BigDecimal import //noinspection ScalaStyle package yaml { case class Activity(uuid: ProfilePicture) case class PriceEstimate(low_estimate: PriceEstimateHigh_estimate, display_name: ProfilePicture, estimate: ProfilePicture, high_estimate: PriceEstimateHigh_estimate, product_id: ProfilePicture, currency_code: ProfilePicture, surge_multiplier: PriceEstimateHigh_estimate) case class Product(image: ProfilePicture, description: ProfilePicture, display_name: ProfilePicture, product_id: ProfilePicture, capacity: ProfilePicture) case class Profile(first_name: ProfilePicture, email: ProfilePicture, promo_code: ProfilePicture, last_name: ProfilePicture, picture: ProfilePicture) case class Activities(offset: ErrorCode, limit: ErrorCode, count: ErrorCode, history: ActivitiesHistory) case class Error(code: ErrorCode, message: ProfilePicture, fields: ProfilePicture) import play.api.libs.json._ import play.api.libs.functional.syntax._ import object ResponseWrites extends MissingDefaultWrites { implicit val ActivityWrites: Writes[Activity] = new Writes[Activity] { def writes(ss: Activity) = Json.obj( "uuid" -> ss.uuid ) } implicit val ActivitiesWrites: Writes[Activities] = new Writes[Activities] { def writes(ss: Activities) = Json.obj( "offset" -> ss.offset, "limit" -> ss.limit, "count" -> ss.count, "history" -> ss.history ) } implicit val PriceEstimateWrites: Writes[PriceEstimate] = new Writes[PriceEstimate] { def writes(ss: PriceEstimate) = Json.obj( "low_estimate" -> ss.low_estimate, "display_name" -> ss.display_name, "estimate" -> ss.estimate, "high_estimate" -> ss.high_estimate, "product_id" -> ss.product_id, "currency_code" -> ss.currency_code, "surge_multiplier" -> ss.surge_multiplier ) } implicit val ProductWrites: Writes[Product] = new Writes[Product] { def writes(ss: Product) = Json.obj( "image" -> ss.image, "description" -> ss.description, "display_name" -> ss.display_name, "product_id" -> ss.product_id, "capacity" -> ss.capacity ) } implicit val ProfileWrites: Writes[Profile] = new Writes[Profile] { def writes(ss: Profile) = Json.obj( "first_name" -> ss.first_name, "email" ->, "promo_code" -> ss.promo_code, "last_name" -> ss.last_name, "picture" -> ss.picture ) } } } // should be defined after the package because of the //noinspection ScalaStyle package object yaml { type ActivitiesHistory = Option[ActivitiesHistoryOpt] type ProfilePicture = Option[String] type ErrorCode = Option[Int] type EstimatesTimeGetCustomer_uuid = Option[UUID] type ProductsGetResponses200 = Seq[Product] type PriceEstimateHigh_estimate = Option[BigDecimal] type EstimatesPriceGetResponses200 = Seq[PriceEstimate] type ActivitiesHistoryOpt = Seq[Activity] import play.api.mvc.{QueryStringBindable, PathBindable} implicit val bindable_UUIDQuery = PlayPathBindables.queryBindableUUID implicit val bindable_OptionIntQuery: QueryStringBindable[Option[Int]] = PlayPathBindables.createOptionQueryBindable[Int] implicit val bindable_OptionStringQuery: QueryStringBindable[Option[String]] = PlayPathBindables.createOptionQueryBindable[String] implicit val bindable_OptionUUIDQuery: QueryStringBindable[Option[UUID]] = PlayPathBindables.createOptionQueryBindable[UUID] }
Example 10
Source File: i041_no_json_deserialiser_yaml.scala From api-first-hand with MIT License | 5 votes |
package i041_no_json_deserialiser import java.time.ZonedDateTime import scala.math.BigDecimal import scala.math.BigInt import //noinspection ScalaStyle package yaml { case class Money(id: UserId, userId: UserId, amount: MoneyAmount, createDate: MoneyCreateDate) case class User(id: UserId, name: UserName, money: UserMoney) case class UserMoney(id: UserId, userId: UserId, amount: MoneyAmount, createDate: MoneyCreateDate) case class Error(code: Int, message: String) import play.api.libs.json._ import play.api.libs.functional.syntax._ import object BodyReads extends MissingDefaultReads { implicit val MoneyReads: Reads[Money] = ( (JsPath \ "id").readNullable[Long] and (JsPath \ "userId").readNullable[Long] and (JsPath \ "amount").readNullable[BigDecimal] and (JsPath \ "createDate").readNullable[ZonedDateTime] )(Money.apply _) implicit val UserMoneyReads: Reads[UserMoney] = ( (JsPath \ "id").readNullable[Long] and (JsPath \ "userId").readNullable[Long] and (JsPath \ "amount").readNullable[BigDecimal] and (JsPath \ "createDate").readNullable[ZonedDateTime] )(UserMoney.apply _) implicit val UserReads: Reads[User] = ( (JsPath \ "id").readNullable[Long] and (JsPath \ "name").readNullable[String] and (JsPath \ "money").read[UserMoney] )(User.apply _) } import play.api.libs.json._ import play.api.libs.functional.syntax._ import object ResponseWrites extends MissingDefaultWrites { implicit val MoneyWrites: Writes[Money] = new Writes[Money] { def writes(ss: Money) = Json.obj( "id" ->, "userId" -> ss.userId, "amount" -> ss.amount, "createDate" -> ss.createDate ) } implicit val UserMoneyWrites: Writes[UserMoney] = new Writes[UserMoney] { def writes(ss: UserMoney) = Json.obj( "id" ->, "userId" -> ss.userId, "amount" -> ss.amount, "createDate" -> ss.createDate ) } implicit val UserWrites: Writes[User] = new Writes[User] { def writes(ss: User) = Json.obj( "id" ->, "name" ->, "money" -> ) } } } // should be defined after the package because of the //noinspection ScalaStyle package object yaml { type MoneyCreateDate = Option[ZonedDateTime] type UserId = Option[Long] type MoneyAmount = Option[BigDecimal] type UserName = Option[String] type UserGetResponses200 = Seq[User] import play.api.mvc.{QueryStringBindable, PathBindable} implicit val bindable_BigIntPath = PlayPathBindables.pathBindableBigInt }
Example 11
Source File: instagram_api_yaml.scala From api-first-hand with MIT License | 5 votes |
package instagram.api.yaml import import org.scalacheck._ import org.scalacheck.Arbitrary._ import org.scalacheck.Prop._ import org.scalacheck.Test._ import org.specs2.mutable._ import org.specs2.execute._ import play.api.test.Helpers._ import play.api.test._ import play.api.mvc.MultipartFormData.FilePart import play.api.mvc._ import org.junit.runner.RunWith import import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper import play.api.http.Writeable import play.api.libs.Files.TemporaryFile import play.api.test.Helpers.{status => requestStatusCode_} import play.api.test.Helpers.{contentAsString => requestContentAsString_} import play.api.test.Helpers.{contentType => requestContentType_} import org.scalatest.{OptionValues, WordSpec} import{OneAppPerTest, WsScalaTestClient} import Generators._ import scala.math.BigInt import scala.math.BigDecimal //noinspection ScalaStyle class Instagram_api_yamlSpec extends WordSpec with OptionValues with WsScalaTestClient with OneAppPerTest { def toPath[T](value: T)(implicit binder: PathBindable[T]): String = Option(binder.unbind("", value)).getOrElse("") def toQuery[T](key: String, value: T)(implicit binder: QueryStringBindable[T]): String = Option(binder.unbind(key, value)).getOrElse("") def toHeader[T](value: T)(implicit binder: QueryStringBindable[T]): String = Option(binder.unbind("", value)).getOrElse("") def checkResult(props: Prop): org.specs2.execute.Result = Test.check(Test.Parameters.default, props).status match { case Failed(args, labels) => val failureMsg = labels.mkString("\n") + " given args: " +"'", "', '","'") org.specs2.execute.Failure(failureMsg) case Proved(_) | Exhausted | Passed => org.specs2.execute.Success() case PropException(_, e: IllegalStateException, _) => org.specs2.execute.Error(e.getMessage) case PropException(_, e, labels) => val error = if (labels.isEmpty) e.getLocalizedMessage else labels.mkString("\n") org.specs2.execute.Failure(error) } private def parserConstructor(mimeType: String) = PlayBodyParsing.jacksonMapper(mimeType) def parseResponseContent[T](mapper: ObjectMapper, content: String, mimeType: Option[String], expectedType: Class[T]) = if (expectedType.getCanonicalName == "scala.runtime.Null$") null else mapper.readValue(content, expectedType) }