scala.math.BigInt Scala Examples
The following examples show how to use scala.math.BigInt.
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Example 1
Source File: instagram_api_yaml.extractor.scala From api-first-hand with MIT License | 5 votes |
package instagram.api.yaml import scala.concurrent.Future import play.api.mvc._ import import scala.math.BigInt import scala.math.BigDecimal object SecurityExtractorsExecutionContext { // this ExecutionContext might be overridden if default configuration is not suitable for some reason implicit val ec = } trait SecurityExtractors { def oauth_Extractor[User >: Any](scopes: String*): RequestHeader => Future[Option[User]] = header => oAuth(scopes)("")(header) { (token: play.api.libs.json.JsValue) => ??? } def key_Extractor[User >: Any](): RequestHeader => Future[Option[User]] = header => queryApiKey("access_token")(header) { (apiKey: String) => ??? } implicit val unauthorizedContentWriter = ??? def unauthorizedContent(req: RequestHeader) = Results.Unauthorized(???) }
Example 2
Source File: CodecSpec.scala From libisabelle with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package info.hupel.isabelle.tests import scala.math.BigInt import org.specs2.{ScalaCheck, Specification} import org.specs2.specification.core.Env import org.scalacheck._ import org.scalacheck.Prop.forAll import info.hupel.isabelle._ import info.hupel.isabelle.api.XML class CodecSpec(val specs2Env: Env) extends Specification with BasicSetup with ScalaCheck { def is = s2""" Round-trip property of Codecs Values can be converted of type Unit ${propCodec[Unit]} of type Boolean ${propCodec[Boolean]} of type BigInt ${propCodec[BigInt]} of type String ${propCodec[String]} of type (BigInt, BigInt) ${propCodec[(BigInt, BigInt)]} of type (String, Unit) ${propCodec[(String, Unit)]} of type List[Unit] ${propCodec[List[Unit]]} of type List[BigInt] ${propCodec[List[BigInt]]} of type List[String] ${propCodec[List[String]]} of type List[List[String]] ${propCodec[List[List[String]]]} of type List[(BigInt, BigInt)] ${propCodec[List[(BigInt, BigInt)]]} of type (BigInt, List[BigInt]) ${propCodec[(BigInt, List[BigInt])]} of type Option[BigInt] ${propCodec[Option[BigInt]]} of type Option[List[BigInt]] ${propCodec[Option[List[BigInt]]]} of type List[Option[BigInt]] ${propCodec[List[Option[BigInt]]]} of type Either[String, BigInt] ${propCodec[Either[String, BigInt]]} """ def propCodec[A : Codec : Arbitrary] = properties(new Properties("props") { property("encode/decode") = forAll { (a: A) => Codec[A].decode(Codec[A].encode(a)) must beRight(a) } property("YXML") = forAll { (a: A) => val encoded = Codec[A].encode(a) XML.fromYXML(encoded.toYXML) must be_===(encoded) } }) }
Example 3
Source File: LibisabelleSpec.scala From libisabelle with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package info.hupel.isabelle.tests import java.nio.file.Paths import scala.concurrent._ import scala.math.BigInt import org.specs2.Specification import org.specs2.specification.core.Env import info.hupel.isabelle._ import info.hupel.isabelle.pure._ class PreloadedLibisabelleSpec(specs2Env: Env) extends LibisabelleSpec(specs2Env, "preloaded") class UnloadedLibisabelleSpec(specs2Env: Env) extends LibisabelleSpec(specs2Env, "unloaded") { override def session = "Pure" } abstract class LibisabelleSpec(val specs2Env: Env, flavour: String) extends Specification with FullSetup with IsabelleMatchers { def is = s2""" Basic protocol interaction ($flavour) An Isabelle session can be started ${system must exist.awaitFor(duration)} supports term parsing ${parseCheck must beSuccess(Option.empty[String]).awaitFor(duration)} can parse terms ${parsed must beSome.awaitFor(duration)} can't parse wrong terms ${parseFailed must beNone.awaitFor(duration)} handles missing operations ${missingOperation must beFailure(contain("unknown command")).awaitFor(duration)} can load theories ${loaded must beSuccess(()).awaitFor(duration)} handles operation errors ${operationError must beFailure(contain("Invalid time")).awaitFor(duration)} handles load errors ${loadedFailing must beFailure(be =~ """.*((Failed to finish proof)|(EXCURSION_FAIL)).*""".r).awaitFor(duration)} can cancel requests ${cancelled.failed must beAnInstanceOf[CancellationException].awaitFor(duration)}""" // Pure operations val thy = Theory.get("Pure") val ctxt = Context.initGlobal(thy) val parseCheck = system.flatMap(sys => Term.parse(ctxt)("TERM x").check(sys, "Protocol_Pure")) val parsed = system.flatMap([Prop](ctxt, "TERM x"), "Protocol_Pure")) val parseFailed = system.flatMap([Prop](ctxt, "TERM"), "Protocol_Pure")) val AbsentOperation = Operation.implicitly[Unit, Unit]("absent_operation") val missingOperation = system.flatMap(_.invoke(AbsentOperation)(())) // Loading auxiliary files def load(name: String) = { val thy = resources.findTheory(Paths.get(s"tests/$name.thy")).get for { s <- system e <- isabelleEnv res <- s.invoke(Operation.UseThys)(List(e.isabellePath(thy))) } yield res } val loaded = load("Sleepy") val loadedFailing = load("Failing") val Sleepy = Operation.implicitly[BigInt, Unit]("sleepy") val operationError = for { s <- system _ <- loaded res <- s.invoke(Sleepy)(-1) } yield res val cancelled = for { s <- system _ <- loaded res <- { val future = s.invoke(Sleepy)(1); future.cancel(); future } } yield () }
Example 4
Source File: package.scala From libisabelle with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package info.hupel.isabelle import scala.math.BigInt import cats.instances.option._ import cats.instances.list._ import cats.syntax.traverse._ import info.hupel.isabelle.pure._ package hol { private class ListTypeable[T : Typeable] extends Typeable[List[T]] { def typ: Typ = Type("List.list", List(Typeable.typ[T])) } private[isabelle] trait LowPriorityImplicits { implicit def listTypeable[T : Typeable]: Typeable[List[T]] = new ListTypeable[T] } } package object hol extends LowPriorityImplicits { private val MkInt = Operation.implicitly[BigInt, Term]("mk_int") private val MkList = Operation.implicitly[(Typ, List[Term]), Term]("mk_list") private val DestInt = Operation.implicitly[Term, Option[BigInt]]("dest_int") private val DestList = Operation.implicitly[Term, Option[List[Term]]]("dest_list") implicit def bigIntTypeable: Embeddable[BigInt] = new Embeddable[BigInt] { def typ = HOLogic.intT def embed(t: BigInt) = Program.operation(MkInt, t) def unembed(t: Term) = Program.operation(DestInt, t) } implicit def boolTypeable: Embeddable[Boolean] = new Embeddable[Boolean] { def typ = HOLogic.boolT def embed(t: Boolean) = Program.pure { t match { case true => HOLogic.True case false => HOLogic.False } } def unembed(t: Term) = Program.pure { t match { case HOLogic.True => Some(true) case HOLogic.False => Some(false) case _ => None } } } implicit def listEmbeddable[T : Embeddable]: Embeddable[List[T]] = new ListTypeable[T] with Embeddable[List[T]] { def embed(ts: List[T]) = ts.traverse(Embeddable[T].embed) flatMap { ts => Program.operation(MkList, ((Typeable.typ[T], ts))) } def unembed(t: Term) = Program.operation(DestList, t) flatMap { case None => Program.pure(None) case Some(ts) => ts.traverse(Embeddable[T].unembed).map(_.sequence) } } implicit class BoolExprOps(t: Expr[Boolean]) { def ∧(u: Expr[Boolean]): Expr[Boolean] = Expr(HOLogic.conj $ t.term $ u.term) def &(u: Expr[Boolean]): Expr[Boolean] = t ∧ u def ∨(u: Expr[Boolean]): Expr[Boolean] = Expr(HOLogic.disj $ t.term $ u.term) def |(u: Expr[Boolean]): Expr[Boolean] = t ∨ u def →(u: Expr[Boolean]): Expr[Boolean] = Expr(HOLogic.imp $ t.term $ u.term) def -->(u: Expr[Boolean]): Expr[Boolean] = t → u } implicit class HOLExprOps[A](t: Expr[A]) { def ≡(u: Expr[A])(implicit A: Typeable[A]): Expr[Boolean] = Expr(HOLogic.equ(A.typ) $ t.term $ u.term) } }
Example 5
Source File: Instruction.scala From libisabelle with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package info.hupel.isabelle import scala.concurrent._ import scala.math.BigInt import monix.execution.CancelableFuture import{Expr, Opaque} sealed trait Instruction[A] { def run(sys: System, thyName: String)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): CancelableFuture[ProverResult[A]] } object Instruction { private[isabelle] case class Ex[A](expr: Expr[A])(implicit A: Codec[A]) extends Instruction[A] { def run(sys: System, thyName: String)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext) = expr.eval(sys, thyName) } private[isabelle] case class OpaqueEx[A, Repr](expr: Expr[A], conv: Expr[A => Repr])(implicit A: Opaque[A], Repr: Codec[Repr]) extends Instruction[(BigInt, Repr)] { def run(sys: System, thyName: String)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): CancelableFuture[ProverResult[(BigInt, Repr)]] = expr.opaqueEval(sys, thyName, conv) } private[isabelle] case class Op[I, O](operation: Operation[I, O], input: I) extends Instruction[O] { def run(sys: System, thyName: String)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext) = sys.invoke(operation)(input) } }
Example 6
Source File: Expr.scala From libisabelle with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext import scala.math.BigInt import monix.execution.CancelableFuture import import info.hupel.isabelle._ import info.hupel.isabelle.api.XML sealed abstract class Expr[A] { private[isabelle] def eval(sys: System, thyName: String)(implicit A: Codec[A], ec: ExecutionContext): CancelableFuture[ProverResult[A]] = sys.invoke(Expr.Eval)((A.mlType, this, thyName)).map( private[isabelle] def opaqueEval[Repr](sys: System, thyName: String, conv: ml.Expr[A => Repr])(implicit A: Opaque[A], Repr: Codec[Repr], ec: ExecutionContext): CancelableFuture[ProverResult[(BigInt, Repr)]] = sys.invoke(Expr.EvalOpaque)(((A.table, Repr.mlType, conv), this, thyName)).map( { case (id, tree) => (id, Repr.decodeOrThrow(tree)) }) def toProg(implicit A: Codec[A]): Program[A] = Program.expr(this) def rawPeek[Repr : Codec](conv: Expr[A => Repr])(implicit A: Opaque[A]): Program[(Ref[A], Repr)] = for { tuple <- Free.liftF[Instruction, (BigInt, Repr)](Instruction.OpaqueEx(this, conv)) (id, repr) = tuple } yield (Ref(id), repr) def peek[Repr : Codec, C](conv: Expr[A => Repr])(f: (Repr, Expr[A]) => Program[C])(implicit A: Opaque[A]): Program[C] = { for { tuple <- rawPeek(conv) (ref, repr) = tuple res <- f(repr, _ <- ref.delete.toProg } yield res } def check(sys: System, thyName: String)(implicit A: Codec[A], ec: ExecutionContext): CancelableFuture[ProverResult[Option[String]]] = { val _ = ec sys.invoke(Expr.Check)((Codec[A].mlType, this, thyName)) } def coerce[B]: Expr[B] = Expr.Coerce(this) } object Expr { implicit class ExprFunOps[B, C](fun: Expr[B => C]) { def apply(arg: Expr[B]): Expr[C] = App(fun, arg) def apply(b: B)(implicit B: Codec[B]): Expr[C] = apply(value(b)) def liftTry: Expr[B => Option[C]] = uncheckedLiteral[(B => C) => B => Option[C]]("try")(fun) def andThen[D](fun2: Expr[C => D]): Expr[B => D] = uncheckedLiteral[(B => C) => (C => D) => B => D]("(fn f => fn g => g o f)")(fun)(fun2) } private case class Lit[A](text: String) extends Expr[A] private case class App[T, U](f: Expr[T => U], x: Expr[T]) extends Expr[U] private case class Val[T](t: T)(implicit val T: Codec[T]) extends Expr[T] private case class Coerce[T, U](t: Expr[T]) extends Expr[U] def value[T](t: T)(implicit T: Codec[T]): Expr[T] = Val[T](t) def uncheckedLiteral[A](text: String): Expr[A] = Lit[A](text) private implicit lazy val exprCodec: Codec[Expr[_]] = new Codec.Variant[Expr[_]]("ML_Expr.ml_expr") { val mlType = "ML_Expr.ml_expr" protected def dec(idx: Int) = None protected def enc(expr: Expr[_]) = expr match { case Lit(text) => (0, Codec[String].encode(text)) case App(f, x) => (1, (exprCodec tuple exprCodec).encode((f, x))) case v: Val[_] => (2, Codec[(String, XML.Tree)].encode((v.T.mlType, v.T.encode(v.t)))) case Coerce(t) => enc(t) } } private val Eval = Operation.implicitly[(String, Expr[_], String), XML.Tree]("eval_expr") private val EvalOpaque = Operation.implicitly[((String, String, Expr[_]), Expr[_], String), (BigInt, XML.Tree)]("eval_opaque_expr") private val Check = Operation.implicitly[(String, Expr[_], String), Option[String]]("check_expr") }
Example 7
Source File: instagram_api_yaml.scala From api-first-hand with MIT License | 5 votes |
package instagram.api.yaml import import org.scalacheck._ import org.scalacheck.Arbitrary._ import org.scalacheck.Prop._ import org.scalacheck.Test._ import org.specs2.mutable._ import org.specs2.execute._ import play.api.test.Helpers._ import play.api.test._ import play.api.mvc.MultipartFormData.FilePart import play.api.mvc._ import org.junit.runner.RunWith import import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper import play.api.http.Writeable import play.api.libs.Files.TemporaryFile import play.api.test.Helpers.{status => requestStatusCode_} import play.api.test.Helpers.{contentAsString => requestContentAsString_} import play.api.test.Helpers.{contentType => requestContentType_} import org.scalatest.{OptionValues, WordSpec} import{OneAppPerTest, WsScalaTestClient} import Generators._ import scala.math.BigInt import scala.math.BigDecimal //noinspection ScalaStyle class Instagram_api_yamlSpec extends WordSpec with OptionValues with WsScalaTestClient with OneAppPerTest { def toPath[T](value: T)(implicit binder: PathBindable[T]): String = Option(binder.unbind("", value)).getOrElse("") def toQuery[T](key: String, value: T)(implicit binder: QueryStringBindable[T]): String = Option(binder.unbind(key, value)).getOrElse("") def toHeader[T](value: T)(implicit binder: QueryStringBindable[T]): String = Option(binder.unbind("", value)).getOrElse("") def checkResult(props: Prop): org.specs2.execute.Result = Test.check(Test.Parameters.default, props).status match { case Failed(args, labels) => val failureMsg = labels.mkString("\n") + " given args: " +"'", "', '","'") org.specs2.execute.Failure(failureMsg) case Proved(_) | Exhausted | Passed => org.specs2.execute.Success() case PropException(_, e: IllegalStateException, _) => org.specs2.execute.Error(e.getMessage) case PropException(_, e, labels) => val error = if (labels.isEmpty) e.getLocalizedMessage else labels.mkString("\n") org.specs2.execute.Failure(error) } private def parserConstructor(mimeType: String) = PlayBodyParsing.jacksonMapper(mimeType) def parseResponseContent[T](mapper: ObjectMapper, content: String, mimeType: Option[String], expectedType: Class[T]) = if (expectedType.getCanonicalName == "scala.runtime.Null$") null else mapper.readValue(content, expectedType) }
Example 8
Source File: form_data_yaml.scala From api-first-hand with MIT License | 5 votes |
package form_data import import scala.math.BigInt import //noinspection ScalaStyle package yaml { case class MultipartPostResponses200(name: BothPostResponses200Name, year: BothPostYear, fileSize: BothPostYear, fileName: BothPostResponses200Name) case class BothPostResponses200(name: BothPostResponses200Name, year: BothPostYear, avatarSize: BothPostYear, ringtoneSize: BothPostYear) import play.api.libs.json._ import play.api.libs.functional.syntax._ import object ResponseWrites extends MissingDefaultWrites { implicit val BothPostResponses200Writes: Writes[BothPostResponses200] = new Writes[BothPostResponses200] { def writes(ss: BothPostResponses200) = Json.obj( "name" ->, "year" -> ss.year, "avatarSize" -> ss.avatarSize, "ringtoneSize" -> ss.ringtoneSize ) } implicit val MultipartPostResponses200Writes: Writes[MultipartPostResponses200] = new Writes[MultipartPostResponses200] { def writes(ss: MultipartPostResponses200) = Json.obj( "name" ->, "year" -> ss.year, "fileSize" -> ss.fileSize, "fileName" -> ss.fileName ) } } } // should be defined after the package because of the //noinspection ScalaStyle package object yaml { type MultipartPostAvatar = Option[File] type BothPostResponses200Name = Option[String] type BothPostYear = Option[BigInt] import play.api.mvc.{QueryStringBindable, PathBindable} implicit val bindable_FileQuery = PlayPathBindables.queryBindableFile implicit val bindable_BigIntQuery = PlayPathBindables.queryBindableBigInt implicit val bindable_OptionFileQuery: QueryStringBindable[Option[File]] = PlayPathBindables.createOptionQueryBindable[File] implicit val bindable_OptionBigIntQuery: QueryStringBindable[Option[BigInt]] = PlayPathBindables.createOptionQueryBindable[BigInt] }
Example 9
Source File: i041_no_json_deserialiser_yaml.scala From api-first-hand with MIT License | 5 votes |
package i041_no_json_deserialiser import java.time.ZonedDateTime import scala.math.BigDecimal import scala.math.BigInt import //noinspection ScalaStyle package yaml { case class Money(id: UserId, userId: UserId, amount: MoneyAmount, createDate: MoneyCreateDate) case class User(id: UserId, name: UserName, money: UserMoney) case class UserMoney(id: UserId, userId: UserId, amount: MoneyAmount, createDate: MoneyCreateDate) case class Error(code: Int, message: String) import play.api.libs.json._ import play.api.libs.functional.syntax._ import object BodyReads extends MissingDefaultReads { implicit val MoneyReads: Reads[Money] = ( (JsPath \ "id").readNullable[Long] and (JsPath \ "userId").readNullable[Long] and (JsPath \ "amount").readNullable[BigDecimal] and (JsPath \ "createDate").readNullable[ZonedDateTime] )(Money.apply _) implicit val UserMoneyReads: Reads[UserMoney] = ( (JsPath \ "id").readNullable[Long] and (JsPath \ "userId").readNullable[Long] and (JsPath \ "amount").readNullable[BigDecimal] and (JsPath \ "createDate").readNullable[ZonedDateTime] )(UserMoney.apply _) implicit val UserReads: Reads[User] = ( (JsPath \ "id").readNullable[Long] and (JsPath \ "name").readNullable[String] and (JsPath \ "money").read[UserMoney] )(User.apply _) } import play.api.libs.json._ import play.api.libs.functional.syntax._ import object ResponseWrites extends MissingDefaultWrites { implicit val MoneyWrites: Writes[Money] = new Writes[Money] { def writes(ss: Money) = Json.obj( "id" ->, "userId" -> ss.userId, "amount" -> ss.amount, "createDate" -> ss.createDate ) } implicit val UserMoneyWrites: Writes[UserMoney] = new Writes[UserMoney] { def writes(ss: UserMoney) = Json.obj( "id" ->, "userId" -> ss.userId, "amount" -> ss.amount, "createDate" -> ss.createDate ) } implicit val UserWrites: Writes[User] = new Writes[User] { def writes(ss: User) = Json.obj( "id" ->, "name" ->, "money" -> ) } } } // should be defined after the package because of the //noinspection ScalaStyle package object yaml { type MoneyCreateDate = Option[ZonedDateTime] type UserId = Option[Long] type MoneyAmount = Option[BigDecimal] type UserName = Option[String] type UserGetResponses200 = Seq[User] import play.api.mvc.{QueryStringBindable, PathBindable} implicit val bindable_BigIntPath = PlayPathBindables.pathBindableBigInt }
Example 10
Source File: form_data_yaml.scala From api-first-hand with MIT License | 5 votes |
package form_data.yaml import play.api.libs.Files.TemporaryFile import play.api.mvc.MultipartFormData.FilePart import play.api.mvc.{AnyContent, Request} import import import scala.math.BigInt import object FormDataParser { def postmultipartParseForm(request: Request[AnyContent]):Either[Seq[String],(String, BothPostYear, MultipartPostAvatar)] = { val contentType = request.contentType.getOrElse("application/x-www-form-urlencoded") def fromDataParts(data: Map[String, Seq[String]], files: Map[String, Option[FilePart[TemporaryFile]]], useFiles: Boolean):Either[Seq[String],(String, BothPostYear, MultipartPostAvatar)] = { val name: Either[String,String] = PlayBodyParsing.fromParameters[String]("form")("name", data) val year: Either[String,BothPostYear] = PlayBodyParsing.fromParameters[BothPostYear]("form")("year", data) val avatar: Either[String,MultipartPostAvatar] = if (useFiles) PlayBodyParsing.fromFileOptional("avatar", files("avatar")) else PlayBodyParsing.fromParameters[MultipartPostAvatar]("form")("avatar", data) val all = Seq(name, year, avatar) val errors = all.filter(_.isLeft).flatMap(_.left.toSeq) if (errors.nonEmpty) Left(errors) else Right((name.right.toOption.get, year.right.toOption.get, avatar.right.toOption.get)) } contentType.toLowerCase match { case "multipart/form-data" => { form => val files: Map[String, Option[FilePart[TemporaryFile]]] = (("avatar", form.file("avatar")) :: Nil).toMap fromDataParts(form.dataParts, files, useFiles = true) }.getOrElse(Left(Seq("Could not find 'multipart/form-data' body"))) case other => Left(Seq("Content type " + other + " is not supported")) } } def postbothParseForm(request: Request[AnyContent]):Either[Seq[String],(String, BothPostYear, MultipartPostAvatar, File)] = { val contentType = request.contentType.getOrElse("application/x-www-form-urlencoded") def fromDataParts(data: Map[String, Seq[String]], files: Map[String, Option[FilePart[TemporaryFile]]], useFiles: Boolean):Either[Seq[String],(String, BothPostYear, MultipartPostAvatar, File)] = { val name: Either[String,String] = PlayBodyParsing.fromParameters[String]("form")("name", data) val year: Either[String,BothPostYear] = PlayBodyParsing.fromParameters[BothPostYear]("form")("year", data) val avatar: Either[String,MultipartPostAvatar] = if (useFiles) PlayBodyParsing.fromFileOptional("avatar", files("avatar")) else PlayBodyParsing.fromParameters[MultipartPostAvatar]("form")("avatar", data) val ringtone: Either[String,File] = if (useFiles) PlayBodyParsing.fromFileRequired("ringtone", files("ringtone")) else PlayBodyParsing.fromParameters[File]("form")("ringtone", data) val all = Seq(name, year, avatar, ringtone) val errors = all.filter(_.isLeft).flatMap(_.left.toSeq) if (errors.nonEmpty) Left(errors) else Right((name.right.toOption.get, year.right.toOption.get, avatar.right.toOption.get, ringtone.right.toOption.get)) } contentType.toLowerCase match { case "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" => { form => val noFiles = Map.empty[String, Option[FilePart[TemporaryFile]]] fromDataParts(form, noFiles, useFiles = false) }.getOrElse(Left(Seq("Could not find 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' body"))) case "multipart/form-data" => { form => val files: Map[String, Option[FilePart[TemporaryFile]]] = (("avatar", form.file("avatar")) :: ("ringtone", form.file("ringtone")) :: Nil).toMap fromDataParts(form.dataParts, files, useFiles = true) }.getOrElse(Left(Seq("Could not find 'multipart/form-data' body"))) case other => Left(Seq("Content type " + other + " is not supported")) } } def posturl_encodedParseForm(request: Request[AnyContent]):Either[Seq[String],(String, BothPostYear, File)] = { val contentType = request.contentType.getOrElse("application/x-www-form-urlencoded") def fromDataParts(data: Map[String, Seq[String]], files: Map[String, Option[FilePart[TemporaryFile]]], useFiles: Boolean):Either[Seq[String],(String, BothPostYear, File)] = { val name: Either[String,String] = PlayBodyParsing.fromParameters[String]("form")("name", data) val year: Either[String,BothPostYear] = PlayBodyParsing.fromParameters[BothPostYear]("form")("year", data) val avatar: Either[String,File] = if (useFiles) PlayBodyParsing.fromFileRequired("avatar", files("avatar")) else PlayBodyParsing.fromParameters[File]("form")("avatar", data) val all = Seq(name, year, avatar) val errors = all.filter(_.isLeft).flatMap(_.left.toSeq) if (errors.nonEmpty) Left(errors) else Right((name.right.toOption.get, year.right.toOption.get, avatar.right.toOption.get)) } contentType.toLowerCase match { case "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" => { form => val noFiles = Map.empty[String, Option[FilePart[TemporaryFile]]] fromDataParts(form, noFiles, useFiles = false) }.getOrElse(Left(Seq("Could not find 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' body"))) case other => Left(Seq("Content type " + other + " is not supported")) } } }
Example 11
Source File: i041_no_json_deserialiser_yaml.scala From api-first-hand with MIT License | 5 votes |
package i041_no_json_deserialiser.yaml import org.scalacheck.Gen import org.scalacheck.Arbitrary import play.api.libs.json.scalacheck.JsValueGenerators import Arbitrary._ import java.time.ZonedDateTime import scala.math.BigDecimal import scala.math.BigInt object Generators extends JsValueGenerators { def createMoneyCreateDateGenerator = _generate(MoneyCreateDateGenerator) def createUserIdGenerator = _generate(UserIdGenerator) def createMoneyAmountGenerator = _generate(MoneyAmountGenerator) def createBigIntGenerator = _generate(BigIntGenerator) def createUserNameGenerator = _generate(UserNameGenerator) def createStringGenerator = _generate(StringGenerator) def createUserGetResponses200Generator = _generate(UserGetResponses200Generator) def MoneyCreateDateGenerator = Gen.option(arbitrary[ZonedDateTime]) def UserIdGenerator = Gen.option(arbitrary[Long]) def MoneyAmountGenerator = Gen.option(arbitrary[BigDecimal]) def BigIntGenerator = arbitrary[BigInt] def UserNameGenerator = Gen.option(arbitrary[String]) def StringGenerator = arbitrary[String] def UserGetResponses200Generator: Gen[List[User]] = Gen.containerOf[List,User](UserGenerator) def createMoneyGenerator = _generate(MoneyGenerator) def createUserGenerator = _generate(UserGenerator) def createUserMoneyGenerator = _generate(UserMoneyGenerator) def createErrorGenerator = _generate(ErrorGenerator) def MoneyGenerator = for { id <- UserIdGenerator userId <- UserIdGenerator amount <- MoneyAmountGenerator createDate <- MoneyCreateDateGenerator } yield Money(id, userId, amount, createDate) def UserGenerator = for { id <- UserIdGenerator name <- UserNameGenerator money <- UserMoneyGenerator } yield User(id, name, money) def UserMoneyGenerator = for { id <- UserIdGenerator userId <- UserIdGenerator amount <- MoneyAmountGenerator createDate <- MoneyCreateDateGenerator } yield UserMoney(id, userId, amount, createDate) def ErrorGenerator = for { code <- arbitrary[Int] message <- arbitrary[String] } yield Error(code, message) def _generate[T](gen: Gen[T]) = (count: Int) => for (i <- 1 to count) yield gen.sample implicit lazy val arbDateTime: Arbitrary[ZonedDateTime] = Arbitrary(for { d <- arbitrary[java.util.Date] } yield ZonedDateTime.ofInstant(d.toInstant, java.time.ZoneId.systemDefault())) }
Example 12
Source File: cross_spec_references_yaml.scala From api-first-hand with MIT License | 5 votes |
package cross_spec_references.yaml import org.scalacheck.Gen import org.scalacheck.Arbitrary import play.api.libs.json.scalacheck.JsValueGenerators import Arbitrary._ import scala.math.BigInt object Generators extends JsValueGenerators { def createMetaCopyrightGenerator = _generate(MetaCopyrightGenerator) def createModelSchemaKeywordsGenerator = _generate(ModelSchemaKeywordsGenerator) def createModelSchemaSpecialDescriptionsGenerator = _generate(ModelSchemaSpecialDescriptionsGenerator) def createModelSchemaRootDataGenerator = _generate(ModelSchemaRootDataGenerator) def createPetIdGenerator = _generate(PetIdGenerator) def createModelSchemaRootLinksGenerator = _generate(ModelSchemaRootLinksGenerator) def createPetTagsGenerator = _generate(PetTagsGenerator) def createModelSchemaSilhouetteIdGenerator = _generate(ModelSchemaSilhouetteIdGenerator) def createPetPhotoUrlsGenerator = _generate(PetPhotoUrlsGenerator) def createModelSchemaLengthRegisterGenerator = _generate(ModelSchemaLengthRegisterGenerator) def createModelSchemaAgeGroupsGenerator = _generate(ModelSchemaAgeGroupsGenerator) def createPetCategoryGenerator = _generate(PetCategoryGenerator) def createModelSchemaAgeGroupsArrResultGenerator = _generate(ModelSchemaAgeGroupsArrResultGenerator) def createPetTagsOptGenerator = _generate(PetTagsOptGenerator) def createModelSchemaRootMetaGenerator = _generate(ModelSchemaRootMetaGenerator) def MetaCopyrightGenerator = Gen.option(arbitrary[String]) def ModelSchemaKeywordsGenerator = Gen.option(arbitrary[String]) def ModelSchemaSpecialDescriptionsGenerator = Gen.option(PetPhotoUrlsGenerator) def ModelSchemaRootDataGenerator = Gen.option(ModelSchemaRootDataOptGenerator) def PetIdGenerator = Gen.option(arbitrary[Long]) def ModelSchemaRootLinksGenerator = Gen.option(ModelSchemaRootLinksOptGenerator) def PetTagsGenerator = Gen.option(PetTagsOptGenerator) def ModelSchemaSilhouetteIdGenerator = { import ModelSchemaSilhouetteId._ ; Gen.oneOf(Seq(Kitchen, Bikini_top, Toys, Nightwear_combination, Bra, One_piece_underwear, Ball, Cleansing, Skincare, Jewellery, Headgear, Bustier, Beach_trouser, Bedroom, Lounge, Nail, Undershirt, Combination_clothing, Gloves, Fragrance, Other_equipment, Fitness, Bathroom, One_piece_nightwear, Sleeping_bag, Coat, Case, Sandals, Ankle_boots, Stocking, Shirt, Backpack, Face_cosmetic, Travel_equipment, Hair, Sneaker, Beauty_equipment, Bikini_combination, Backless_slipper, Beach_accessoires, Scarf, First_shoe, Voucher, Wallet, Peeling, Glasses, Boards, Sun, Shave, Low_shoe, Underwear_combination, Nightdress, Suit_accessoires, Watch, Headphones, Skates, Boots, Jacket, Etui, Night_shirt, Other_accessoires, Vest, Bag, System, Racket, Trouser, Lip_cosmetic, Keychain, Belt, Ballerina_shoe, One_piece_suit, Night_trouser, Skirt, Tights, Beach_shirt, Dress, Bicycle, Protector, Eye_cosmetic, Bathrobe, Bicycle_equipment, Pullover, One_piece_beachwear, Underpant, Living, Cardigan, Corsage, Shoe_accessoires, Umbrella, Pumps, Tent, T_shirt_top, Ski)) } def PetPhotoUrlsGenerator: Gen[List[String]] = Gen.containerOf[List,String](arbitrary[String]) def ModelSchemaLengthRegisterGenerator = Gen.option(arbitrary[String]) def ModelSchemaAgeGroupsGenerator: Gen[List[ModelSchemaAgeGroupsArrResult]] = Gen.containerOf[List,ModelSchemaAgeGroupsArrResult](ModelSchemaAgeGroupsArrResultGenerator) def PetCategoryGenerator = Gen.option(PetCategoryOptGenerator) def ModelSchemaAgeGroupsArrResultGenerator = { import ModelSchemaAgeGroupsArrResult._ ; Gen.oneOf(Seq(Baby, Kid, Teen, Adult)) } def PetTagsOptGenerator: Gen[List[PetCategoryOpt]] = Gen.containerOf[List,PetCategoryOpt](PetCategoryOptGenerator) def ModelSchemaRootMetaGenerator = Gen.option(ModelSchemaRootMetaOptGenerator) def createPetCategoryOptGenerator = _generate(PetCategoryOptGenerator) def createModelSchemaRootDataOptGenerator = _generate(ModelSchemaRootDataOptGenerator) def createModelSchemaRootMetaOptGenerator = _generate(ModelSchemaRootMetaOptGenerator) def createModelSchemaRootGenerator = _generate(ModelSchemaRootGenerator) def createPetGenerator = _generate(PetGenerator) def createModelSchemaRootLinksOptGenerator = _generate(ModelSchemaRootLinksOptGenerator) def PetCategoryOptGenerator = for { id <- PetIdGenerator name <- MetaCopyrightGenerator } yield PetCategoryOpt(id, name) def ModelSchemaRootDataOptGenerator = for { name <- arbitrary[String] sizeRegister <- arbitrary[String] brand <- arbitrary[String] partnerArticleModelId <- arbitrary[BigInt] description <- MetaCopyrightGenerator ageGroups <- ModelSchemaAgeGroupsGenerator keywords <- ModelSchemaKeywordsGenerator lengthRegister <- ModelSchemaLengthRegisterGenerator silhouetteId <- ModelSchemaSilhouetteIdGenerator specialDescriptions <- ModelSchemaSpecialDescriptionsGenerator articleModelAttributes <- ModelSchemaSpecialDescriptionsGenerator } yield ModelSchemaRootDataOpt(name, sizeRegister, brand, partnerArticleModelId, description, ageGroups, keywords, lengthRegister, silhouetteId, specialDescriptions, articleModelAttributes) def ModelSchemaRootMetaOptGenerator = for { copyright <- MetaCopyrightGenerator } yield ModelSchemaRootMetaOpt(copyright) def ModelSchemaRootGenerator = for { data <- ModelSchemaRootDataGenerator meta <- ModelSchemaRootMetaGenerator links <- ModelSchemaRootLinksGenerator } yield ModelSchemaRoot(data, meta, links) def PetGenerator = for { name <- arbitrary[String] tags <- PetTagsGenerator photoUrls <- PetPhotoUrlsGenerator id <- PetIdGenerator status <- MetaCopyrightGenerator category <- PetCategoryGenerator } yield Pet(name, tags, photoUrls, id, status, category) def ModelSchemaRootLinksOptGenerator = for { self <- MetaCopyrightGenerator related <- MetaCopyrightGenerator } yield ModelSchemaRootLinksOpt(self, related) def _generate[T](gen: Gen[T]) = (count: Int) => for (i <- 1 to count) yield gen.sample }
Example 13
Source File: catalog_manager.yaml.scala From daf with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
package catalog_manager.yaml import import scala.concurrent.Future import play.api.mvc._ import import catalog_manager.yaml import play.api.libs.json.JsValue import scala.math.BigInt object SecurityExtractorsExecutionContext { // this ExecutionContext might be overridden if default configuration is not suitable for some reason implicit val ec = } trait SecurityExtractors { def basicAuth_Extractor[User >: Any](): RequestHeader => Future[Option[User]] = header => basicAuth(header) { (username: String, password: String) => userFromToken("abracadabra") } implicit val unauthorizedContentWriter = ResponseWriters.choose[String]("application/json") def unauthorizedContent(req: RequestHeader) = Results.Unauthorized("Unauthorized") def userFromToken[User >: Any](token: String): User = { Token(Some(token)) // Gettest200(token) //controllers_base. Gettest200(Token(Some(token))) } }
Example 14
Source File: heroku_petstore_api_yaml.scala From api-first-hand with MIT License | 5 votes |
package heroku.petstore.api.yaml import play.api.mvc.{Action, Controller} import import import PlayBodyParsing._ import PlayValidations._ import scala.math.BigInt // ----- constraints and wrapper validations ----- class PetIdGetPetIdConstraints(override val instance: String) extends ValidationBase[String] { override val reference = "⌿paths⌿/{petId}⌿get⌿petId" override def constraints: Seq[Constraint[String]] = Seq() } class PetIdGetPetIdValidator(instance: String) extends RecursiveValidator { override val reference = "⌿paths⌿/{petId}⌿get⌿petId" override val validators = Seq(new PetIdGetPetIdConstraints(instance)) } class PetNameOptConstraints(override val instance: String) extends ValidationBase[String] { override val reference = "⌿definitions⌿Pet⌿name⌿Opt" override def constraints: Seq[Constraint[String]] = Seq(maxLength(100), minLength(3)) } class PetNameOptValidator(instance: String) extends RecursiveValidator { override val reference = "⌿definitions⌿Pet⌿name⌿Opt" override val validators = Seq(new PetNameOptConstraints(instance)) } class PetBirthdayOptConstraints(override val instance: Int) extends ValidationBase[Int] { override val reference = "⌿definitions⌿Pet⌿birthday⌿Opt" override def constraints: Seq[Constraint[Int]] = Seq(max(100.toInt, false), min(1.toInt, false)) } class PetBirthdayOptValidator(instance: Int) extends RecursiveValidator { override val reference = "⌿definitions⌿Pet⌿birthday⌿Opt" override val validators = Seq(new PetBirthdayOptConstraints(instance)) } class GetLimitConstraints(override val instance: BigInt) extends ValidationBase[BigInt] { override val reference = "⌿paths⌿/⌿get⌿limit" override def constraints: Seq[Constraint[BigInt]] = Seq(max(BigInt("10000"), false), min(BigInt("11"), false)) } class GetLimitValidator(instance: BigInt) extends RecursiveValidator { override val reference = "⌿paths⌿/⌿get⌿limit" override val validators = Seq(new GetLimitConstraints(instance)) } // ----- complex type validators ----- class PetValidator(instance: Pet) extends RecursiveValidator { override val reference = "⌿definitions⌿Pet" override val validators = Seq( new PetNameValidator(, new PetBirthdayValidator(instance.birthday) ) } // ----- option delegating validators ----- class PetNameValidator(instance: PetName) extends RecursiveValidator { override val reference = "⌿definitions⌿Pet⌿name" override val validators = { new PetNameOptValidator(_) } } class PetBirthdayValidator(instance: PetBirthday) extends RecursiveValidator { override val reference = "⌿definitions⌿Pet⌿birthday" override val validators = { new PetBirthdayOptValidator(_) } } class PutPetValidator(instance: PutPet) extends RecursiveValidator { override val reference = "⌿paths⌿/⌿put⌿pet" override val validators = { new PetValidator(_) } } // ----- array delegating validators ----- // ----- catch all simple validators ----- // ----- composite validators ----- // ----- call validations ----- class PutValidator(pet: PutPet) extends RecursiveValidator { override val reference = "⌿paths⌿⌿put" override val validators = Seq( new PutPetValidator(pet) ) } class GetValidator(limit: BigInt) extends RecursiveValidator { override val reference = "⌿paths⌿⌿get" override val validators = Seq( new GetLimitValidator(limit) ) } class PetIdGetValidator(petId: String) extends RecursiveValidator { override val reference = "⌿paths⌿{petId}⌿get" override val validators = Seq( new PetIdGetPetIdValidator(petId) ) } class PostValidator(pet: Pet) extends RecursiveValidator { override val reference = "⌿paths⌿⌿post" override val validators = Seq( new PetValidator(pet) ) }
Example 15
Source File: HPASSpec.scala From skuber with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package skuber.autoscaling import org.specs2.mutable.Specification import scala.math.BigInt import skuber.{Container, ObjectMeta, Pod, ReplicationController} import play.api.libs.json._ import skuber.autoscaling.HorizontalPodAutoscaler.CrossVersionObjectReference class HPASSpec extends Specification { "This is a unit specification for the skuber HorizontalPodAutoscaler class. ".txt "A HPAS object can be constructed from the object it scales\n" >> { "A HPAS can be constructed from a replication controller" >> { val container=Container(name="example",image="example") val rc=ReplicationController("example", container, Map("app" -> "example")) val hpas=HorizontalPodAutoscaler.scale(rc). withMinReplicas(1). withMaxReplicas(10). withCPUTargetUtilization(80) mustEqual "example" hpas.spec.scaleTargetRef.kind mustEqual "ReplicationController" hpas.spec.maxReplicas must_== 10 hpas.spec.minReplicas must beSome(1) hpas.spec.cpuUtilization mustEqual Some(CPUTargetUtilization(80)) } } "A HPAS object properly writes with zero minReplicas" >> { val hpas=HorizontalPodAutoscaler( metadata = ObjectMeta("example"), spec = HorizontalPodAutoscaler.Spec( scaleTargetRef = CrossVersionObjectReference(name="example") ) ).withMaxReplicas(0).withMinReplicas(0) val writeHPAS = Json.toJson(hpas) (writeHPAS \ "spec" \ "minReplicas").asOpt[Int] must beSome(0) (writeHPAS \ "spec" \ "maxReplicas").asOpt[Int] must beSome(0) } }
Example 16
Source File: ResourceSpec.scala From skuber with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package skuber import org.specs2.mutable.Specification // for unit-style testing import scala.math.BigInt class ResourceSpec extends Specification { "This is a unit specification for the skuber Resource model. ".txt // Resource type "A resource quantity can be constructed from decimal SI values\n" >> { "where a value of 100m equates to 0.1" >> { Resource.Quantity("100m").amount mustEqual 0.1 } "where a value of 100k equates to 100000" >> { Resource.Quantity("100k").amount mustEqual 100000 } "where a value of 100M equates to 100000000" >> { Resource.Quantity("100M").amount mustEqual 100000000 } "where a value of 100G equates to 100E+9" >> { Resource.Quantity("100G").amount mustEqual 100E+9 } "where a value of 100T equates to 100E+12" >> { Resource.Quantity("100T").amount mustEqual 100E+12 } "where a value of 100P equates to 100E+15" >> { Resource.Quantity("100P").amount mustEqual 100E+15 } "where a value of 100E equates to 100E+18" >> { Resource.Quantity("100E").amount mustEqual 100E+18 } } "A resource quantity can be constructed from values with scientific E notation\n" >> { "where a value of 0.01E+5 equates to 1000" >> { Resource.Quantity("0.01E+5").amount mustEqual 1000 } "where a value of 10010.56E-3 equates to 10.01056" >> { Resource.Quantity("10010.56E-3").amount mustEqual 10.01056 } "where a value of 55.67e+6 equates to 55670000" >> { Resource.Quantity("55.67e+6").amount mustEqual 55670000 } "where a value of 5e+3 equates to 5000" >> { Resource.Quantity("5e+3").amount mustEqual 5000 } "where a value of 67700e-33 equates to 67.700" >> { Resource.Quantity("67700e-3").amount mustEqual 67.700 } } "A resource quantity can be constructed from binary SI values\n" >> { "where a value of 100Ki equates to 102400" >> { Resource.Quantity("100Ki").amount mustEqual 102400 } "where a value of 10Mi equates to 10485760" >> { Resource.Quantity("10Mi").amount mustEqual 10485760 } "where a value of 10Ti equates to 10 *(2 ^ 40) " >> { Resource.Quantity("10Ti").amount mustEqual 10 * Math.pow(2,40) } "where a value of 10Pi equates to 10 *(2 ^ 50) " >> { Resource.Quantity("10Pi").amount mustEqual 10 * Math.pow(2,50) } "where a value of 10Ei equates to 10 *(2 ^ 60) " >> { val mult = new java.math.BigInteger("10") val base = new java.math.BigInteger("2") val value = base.pow(60).multiply(mult) val decValue = scala.math.BigDecimal(new java.math.BigDecimal(value)) System.err.println("....10Ei = " + decValue) Resource.Quantity("10Ei").amount mustEqual decValue } } "A resource quantity can be constructed for plain integer and decimal values with no suffixes\n" >> { "where a value of 10 is valid" >> { Resource.Quantity("10").amount mustEqual 10 } "where a value of -10 is valid" >> { Resource.Quantity("-10").amount mustEqual -10 } "where a value of 10.55 is valid" >> { Resource.Quantity("10.55").amount mustEqual 10.55 } "where a value of -10.55 is valid" >> { Resource.Quantity("-10.55").amount mustEqual -10.55 } } "A resource quantity will reject bad values\n" >> { "where constructing from a value of 10Zi results in an exception" >> { def badVal = Resource.Quantity("10Zi").amount badVal must throwAn[Exception] } } }
Example 17
Source File: ModelSpec.scala From skuber with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package skuber import org.specs2.mutable.Specification // for unit-style testing import scala.math.BigInt class ModelSpec extends Specification { "This is a unit specification for the skuber data model. ".txt // Pod(s) "A Pods type can be constructed from lists of Pods\n" >> { "where an empty list of pods can be used" >> { val podList = List[Pod]() val pods=PodList(items = podList) pods.items.size mustEqual 0 } "where a list with a single pod can be used" >> { val container1=Container(name="Container1","image1") val container2=Container(name="Container2","image2") val podspec=Pod.Spec(volumes=Nil, containers=List(container1, container2), serviceAccountName="") val pod=Pod("MyPod", podspec) val podList = List[Pod](pod) val pods=PodList(items = podList) pods.items.size mustEqual 1 pods.items(0) mustEqual "MyPod" } } // ReplicationController(s) "A ReplicationControllers type can be constructed from a list of ReplicationController (a.k.a. RC)\n" >> { "where an empty list of RCs can be used" >> { val rcList = List[ReplicationController]() val rcs=ReplicationControllerList(items = rcList) rcs.items.size mustEqual 0 } "where a list with a single RC can be used" >> { val container1=Container("Container1","image1") val container2=Container(name="Container2", "image2") val podspec=Pod.Spec(containers=List(container1, container2)) val rc = ReplicationController("MyRepCon").withReplicas(2).withPodSpec(podspec) val rcList = List[ReplicationController](rc) val rcs=ReplicationControllerList(items = rcList) rcs.items.size mustEqual 1 rcs.items(0) mustEqual "MyRepCon" rcs(0).name mustEqual "MyRepCon" rcs(0).spec.get.replicas mustEqual 2 val pspec = for ( rcspec <- rcs(0).spec; tmpl <- rcspec.template; podspec <- tmpl.spec ) yield(podspec) pspec.get.containers.size mustEqual 2 } } }
Example 18
Source File: EnvVarSpec.scala From skuber with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package skuber.json import org.specs2.mutable.Specification // for unit-style testing import org.specs2.execute.Result import org.specs2.execute.Failure import org.specs2.execute.Success import scala.math.BigInt import java.util.Calendar import skuber.EnvVar import format._ import play.api.libs.json._ class EnvVarSpec extends Specification { "This is a unit specification for the skuber formatter for env vars.\n ".txt // EnvVar reader and writer "An EnvVar can be read from json\n" >> { "this can be done for an env var with a field ref with a field path" >> { val env1 = Json.fromJson[EnvVar](Json.parse( """ |{ | "name": "PODNAME", | "valueFrom" : { | "fieldRef": { | "fieldPath": "" | } | } |} """.stripMargin)).get val env2 = EnvVar("PODNAME", EnvVar.FieldRef("")) env1 mustEqual env2 } } }
Example 19
Source File: instagram_api_yaml.scala From play-swagger with MIT License | 5 votes |
package instagram.api.yaml import import org.scalacheck._ import org.scalacheck.Arbitrary._ import org.scalacheck.Prop._ import org.scalacheck.Test._ import org.specs2.mutable._ import play.api.test.Helpers._ import play.api.test._ import play.api.mvc.MultipartFormData.FilePart import play.api.mvc._ import org.junit.runner.RunWith import org.specs2.runner.JUnitRunner import import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper import play.api.http.Writeable import play.api.libs.Files.TemporaryFile import play.api.test.Helpers.{status => requestStatusCode_} import play.api.test.Helpers.{contentAsString => requestContentAsString_} import play.api.test.Helpers.{contentType => requestContentType_} import scala.math.BigInt import scala.math.BigDecimal import Generators._ @RunWith(classOf[JUnitRunner]) class Instagram_api_yamlSpec extends Specification { def toPath[T](value: T)(implicit binder: PathBindable[T]): String = Option(binder.unbind("", value)).getOrElse("") def toQuery[T](key: String, value: T)(implicit binder: QueryStringBindable[T]): String = Option(binder.unbind(key, value)).getOrElse("") def toHeader[T](value: T)(implicit binder: PathBindable[T]): String = Option(binder.unbind("", value)).getOrElse("") def checkResult(props: Prop) = Test.check(Test.Parameters.default, props).status match { case Failed(args, labels) => val failureMsg = labels.mkString("\n") + " given args: " +"'", "', '","'") failure(failureMsg) case Proved(_) | Exhausted | Passed => success case PropException(_, e, labels) => val error = if (labels.isEmpty) e.getLocalizedMessage() else labels.mkString("\n") failure(error) } private def parserConstructor(mimeType: String) = PlayBodyParsing.jacksonMapper(mimeType) def parseResponseContent[T](mapper: ObjectMapper, content: String, mimeType: Option[String], expectedType: Class[T]) = mapper.readValue(content, expectedType) }
Example 20
Source File: heroku_petstore_api_yaml.scala From play-swagger with MIT License | 5 votes |
import play.api.mvc.{Action, Controller} import import import PlayBodyParsing._ import PlayValidations._ import scala.util._ import scala.math.BigInt package heroku.petstore.api.yaml { class HerokuPetstoreApiYaml extends HerokuPetstoreApiYamlBase { val get = getAction { (limit: BigInt) => // ----- Start of unmanaged code area for action HerokuPetstoreApiYaml.get NotImplementedYet // ----- End of unmanaged code area for action HerokuPetstoreApiYaml.get } val put = putAction { (pet: PutPet) => // ----- Start of unmanaged code area for action HerokuPetstoreApiYaml.put NotImplementedYet // ----- End of unmanaged code area for action HerokuPetstoreApiYaml.put } val post = postAction { (pet: Pet) => // ----- Start of unmanaged code area for action NotImplementedYet // ----- End of unmanaged code area for action } val getbyPetId = getbyPetIdAction { (petId: String) => // ----- Start of unmanaged code area for action HerokuPetstoreApiYaml.getbyPetId NotImplementedYet // ----- End of unmanaged code area for action HerokuPetstoreApiYaml.getbyPetId } } }
Example 21
Source File: form_data_yaml.scala From play-swagger with MIT License | 5 votes |
package form_data.yaml import play.api.libs.Files.TemporaryFile import play.api.mvc.MultipartFormData.FilePart import play.api.mvc.{AnyContent, Request} import import import scala.math.BigInt import object FormDataParser { def postmultipartParseForm(request: Request[AnyContent]):Either[Seq[String],(String, BothPostYear, MultipartPostAvatar)] = { val contentType = request.contentType.getOrElse("application/x-www-form-urlencoded") def fromDataParts(data: Map[String, Seq[String]], files: Map[String, Option[FilePart[TemporaryFile]]], useFiles: Boolean):Either[Seq[String],(String, BothPostYear, MultipartPostAvatar)] = { val name: Either[String,String] = PlayBodyParsing.fromParameters[String]("form")("name", data) val year: Either[String,BothPostYear] = PlayBodyParsing.fromParameters[BothPostYear]("form")("year", data) val avatar: Either[String,MultipartPostAvatar] = if (useFiles) PlayBodyParsing.fromFileOptional("avatar", files("avatar")) else PlayBodyParsing.fromParameters[MultipartPostAvatar]("form")("avatar", data) val all = Seq(name, year, avatar) val errors = all.filter(_.isLeft).flatMap(_.left.toSeq) if (errors.nonEmpty) Left(errors) else Right((name.right.toOption.get, year.right.toOption.get, avatar.right.toOption.get)) } contentType.toLowerCase match { case "multipart/form-data" => { form => val files: Map[String, Option[FilePart[TemporaryFile]]] = (("avatar", form.file("avatar")) :: Nil).toMap fromDataParts(form.dataParts, files, useFiles = true) }.getOrElse(Left(Seq("Could not find 'multipart/form-data' body"))) case other => Left(Seq("Content type " + other + " is not supported")) } } def postbothParseForm(request: Request[AnyContent]):Either[Seq[String],(String, BothPostYear, MultipartPostAvatar, File)] = { val contentType = request.contentType.getOrElse("application/x-www-form-urlencoded") def fromDataParts(data: Map[String, Seq[String]], files: Map[String, Option[FilePart[TemporaryFile]]], useFiles: Boolean):Either[Seq[String],(String, BothPostYear, MultipartPostAvatar, File)] = { val name: Either[String,String] = PlayBodyParsing.fromParameters[String]("form")("name", data) val year: Either[String,BothPostYear] = PlayBodyParsing.fromParameters[BothPostYear]("form")("year", data) val avatar: Either[String,MultipartPostAvatar] = if (useFiles) PlayBodyParsing.fromFileOptional("avatar", files("avatar")) else PlayBodyParsing.fromParameters[MultipartPostAvatar]("form")("avatar", data) val ringtone: Either[String,File] = if (useFiles) PlayBodyParsing.fromFileRequired("ringtone", files("ringtone")) else PlayBodyParsing.fromParameters[File]("form")("ringtone", data) val all = Seq(name, year, avatar, ringtone) val errors = all.filter(_.isLeft).flatMap(_.left.toSeq) if (errors.nonEmpty) Left(errors) else Right((name.right.toOption.get, year.right.toOption.get, avatar.right.toOption.get, ringtone.right.toOption.get)) } contentType.toLowerCase match { case "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" => { form => val noFiles = Map.empty[String, Option[FilePart[TemporaryFile]]] fromDataParts(form, noFiles, useFiles = false) }.getOrElse(Left(Seq("Could not find 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' body"))) case "multipart/form-data" => { form => val files: Map[String, Option[FilePart[TemporaryFile]]] = (("avatar", form.file("avatar")) :: ("ringtone", form.file("ringtone")) :: Nil).toMap fromDataParts(form.dataParts, files, useFiles = true) }.getOrElse(Left(Seq("Could not find 'multipart/form-data' body"))) case other => Left(Seq("Content type " + other + " is not supported")) } } def posturl_encodedParseForm(request: Request[AnyContent]):Either[Seq[String],(String, BothPostYear, File)] = { val contentType = request.contentType.getOrElse("application/x-www-form-urlencoded") def fromDataParts(data: Map[String, Seq[String]], files: Map[String, Option[FilePart[TemporaryFile]]], useFiles: Boolean):Either[Seq[String],(String, BothPostYear, File)] = { val name: Either[String,String] = PlayBodyParsing.fromParameters[String]("form")("name", data) val year: Either[String,BothPostYear] = PlayBodyParsing.fromParameters[BothPostYear]("form")("year", data) val avatar: Either[String,File] = if (useFiles) PlayBodyParsing.fromFileRequired("avatar", files("avatar")) else PlayBodyParsing.fromParameters[File]("form")("avatar", data) val all = Seq(name, year, avatar) val errors = all.filter(_.isLeft).flatMap(_.left.toSeq) if (errors.nonEmpty) Left(errors) else Right((name.right.toOption.get, year.right.toOption.get, avatar.right.toOption.get)) } contentType.toLowerCase match { case "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" => { form => val noFiles = Map.empty[String, Option[FilePart[TemporaryFile]]] fromDataParts(form, noFiles, useFiles = false) }.getOrElse(Left(Seq("Could not find 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' body"))) case other => Left(Seq("Content type " + other + " is not supported")) } } }
Example 22
Source File: instagram_api_yaml.extractor.scala From play-swagger with MIT License | 5 votes |
package instagram.api.yaml import scala.concurrent.Future import play.api.mvc._ import import scala.math.BigInt import scala.math.BigDecimal object SecurityExtractorsExecutionContext { // this ExecutionContext might be overridden if default configuration is not suitable for some reason implicit val ec = } trait SecurityExtractors { def oauth_Extractor[User >: Any](scopes: String*): RequestHeader => Future[Option[User]] = header => oAuth(scopes)("")(header) { (token: play.api.libs.json.JsValue) => ??? } def key_Extractor[User >: Any](): RequestHeader => Future[Option[User]] = header => queryApiKey("access_token")(header) { (apiKey: String) => ??? } implicit val unauthorizedContentWriter = ??? def unauthorizedContent(req: RequestHeader) = Results.Unauthorized(???) }
Example 23
Source File: heroku_petstore_api_yaml.scala From play-swagger with MIT License | 5 votes |
package heroku.petstore.api.yaml import play.api.mvc.{Action, Controller} import import import PlayBodyParsing._ import PlayValidations._ import scala.math.BigInt // ----- constraints and wrapper validations ----- class PetIdGetPetIdConstraints(override val instance: String) extends ValidationBase[String] { override def constraints: Seq[Constraint[String]] = Seq() } class PetIdGetPetIdValidator(instance: String) extends RecursiveValidator { override val validators = Seq(new PetIdGetPetIdConstraints(instance)) } class PetNameOptConstraints(override val instance: String) extends ValidationBase[String] { override def constraints: Seq[Constraint[String]] = Seq(maxLength(100), minLength(3)) } class PetNameOptValidator(instance: String) extends RecursiveValidator { override val validators = Seq(new PetNameOptConstraints(instance)) } class PetBirthdayOptConstraints(override val instance: Int) extends ValidationBase[Int] { override def constraints: Seq[Constraint[Int]] = Seq(max(100.toInt, false), min(1.toInt, false)) } class PetBirthdayOptValidator(instance: Int) extends RecursiveValidator { override val validators = Seq(new PetBirthdayOptConstraints(instance)) } class GetLimitConstraints(override val instance: BigInt) extends ValidationBase[BigInt] { override def constraints: Seq[Constraint[BigInt]] = Seq(max(BigInt("10000"), false), min(BigInt("11"), false)) } class GetLimitValidator(instance: BigInt) extends RecursiveValidator { override val validators = Seq(new GetLimitConstraints(instance)) } // ----- complex type validators ----- class PetValidator(instance: Pet) extends RecursiveValidator { override val validators = Seq( new PetNameValidator(, new PetBirthdayValidator(instance.birthday) ) } // ----- option delegating validators ----- class PetNameValidator(instance: PetName) extends RecursiveValidator { override val validators = { new PetNameOptValidator(_) } } class PetBirthdayValidator(instance: PetBirthday) extends RecursiveValidator { override val validators = { new PetBirthdayOptValidator(_) } } class PutPetValidator(instance: PutPet) extends RecursiveValidator { override val validators = { new PetValidator(_) } } // ----- array delegating validators ----- // ----- catch all simple validators ----- // ----- call validations ----- class PutValidator(pet: PutPet) extends RecursiveValidator { override val validators = Seq( new PutPetValidator(pet) ) } class GetValidator(limit: BigInt) extends RecursiveValidator { override val validators = Seq( new GetLimitValidator(limit) ) } class PetIdGetValidator(petId: String) extends RecursiveValidator { override val validators = Seq( new PetIdGetPetIdValidator(petId) ) } class PostValidator(pet: Pet) extends RecursiveValidator { override val validators = Seq( new PetValidator(pet) ) }
Example 24
Source File: EquihashPowScheme.scala From EncryCore with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
package encry.consensus import import encry.crypto.equihash.{Equihash, EquihashValidationErrors} import org.bouncycastle.crypto.digests.Blake2bDigest import org.encryfoundation.common.crypto.equihash.EquihashSolution import org.encryfoundation.common.modifiers.history.{Block, Header, Payload} import org.encryfoundation.common.utils.Algos import org.encryfoundation.common.utils.TaggedTypes.{Difficulty, Height, ModifierId} import scorex.crypto.hash.Digest32 import scala.math.BigInt import cats.syntax.either._ import encry.crypto.equihash.EquihashValidationErrors._ case class EquihashPowScheme(n: Char, k: Char, version: Byte, preGenesisHeight: Height, maxTarget: BigInt) extends ConsensusScheme { private val seed: Array[Byte] = "equi_seed_12".getBytes(Algos.charset) ++ Chars.toByteArray(n) ++ Chars.toByteArray(k) override def verifyCandidate(candidateBlock: CandidateBlock, startingNonce: Long): Either[EquihashValidationErrors, Block] = { val difficulty = candidateBlock.difficulty val parentId: ModifierId = val txsRoot: Digest32 = Payload.rootHash( val height: Int = + 1 val bytesPerWord: Int = n / 8 val wordsPerHash: Int = 512 / n val digest: Blake2bDigest = new Blake2bDigest(null, bytesPerWord * wordsPerHash, null, seed) val header: Header = Header( version, parentId, txsRoot, candidateBlock.timestamp, height, 0L, candidateBlock.difficulty, EquihashSolution.empty, candidateBlock.stateRoot ) for { possibleHeader <- generateHeader(startingNonce, digest, header, difficulty) validationResult = verify(possibleHeader) _ <- Either.cond(validationResult.isRight, (), VerifyingCandidateValidationError(s"Incorrect possible header cause: $validationResult")) payload: Payload = Payload(, candidateBlock.transactions) } yield Block(possibleHeader, payload) } private def generateHeader(nonce: Long, digest: Blake2bDigest, header: Header, difficulty: Difficulty): Either[EquihashValidationErrors, Header] = { val currentDigest = new Blake2bDigest(digest) Equihash.hashNonce(currentDigest, nonce) val solutions = Equihash.gbpBasic(currentDigest, n, k) solutions .map(solution => header.copy(nonce = nonce, equihashSolution = solution)) .find(newHeader => correctWorkDone(realDifficulty(newHeader), difficulty)) match { case Some(value) => value.asRight[EquihashValidationErrors] case None => GeneratingHeaderError("Generate header failed").asLeft[Header] } } def verify(header: Header): Either[EquihashValidationErrors, Boolean] = Equihash .validateSolution(n, k, seed, Equihash.nonceToLeBytes(header.nonce), header.equihashSolution.indexedSeq) override def realDifficulty(header: Header): Difficulty = Difficulty @@ (maxTarget / BigInt(1, header.powHash)) override def toString: String = s"EquihashPowScheme(n = ${n.toInt}, k = ${k.toInt})" }