scala.scalajs.js.annotation.JSImport Scala Examples
The following examples show how to use scala.scalajs.js.annotation.JSImport.
You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like,
and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example.
Example 1
Source File: CryptoJs.scala From iotchain with MIT License | 6 votes |
package jbok.crypto.facade import scala.scalajs.js import scala.scalajs.js.annotation.JSImport object CryptoJs { @js.native @JSImport("crypto-js/ripemd160", JSImport.Default) object ripemd160 extends js.Object { def apply(arr: Any): Any = js.native } @js.native @JSImport("crypto-js/sha3", JSImport.Default) object sha3 extends js.Object { def apply(arr: Any, option: js.Dynamic): Any = js.native } @js.native @JSImport("crypto-js/sha256", JSImport.Default) object sha256 extends js.Object { def apply(arr: Any): Any = js.native } @js.native @JSImport("crypto-js/enc-base64", JSImport.Default) object Base64 extends js.Object { def stringify(x: Any): String = js.native } @js.native @JSImport("crypto-js/enc-hex", JSImport.Default) object Hex extends js.Object { def stringify(x: Any): String = js.native def parse(s: String): Any = js.native } }
Example 2
Source File: Alert.scala From slinky with MIT License | 5 votes |
package slinky.native import slinky.readwrite.ObjectOrWritten import scala.scalajs.js import scala.scalajs.js.annotation.JSImport case class AlertButton(text: String, onPress: () => Unit) case class AlertOptions(cancelable: js.UndefOr[Boolean] = js.undefined) @js.native @JSImport("react-native", "Alert") object Alert extends js.Object { def alert( title: String, message: js.UndefOr[String] = js.undefined, buttons: js.UndefOr[ObjectOrWritten[Seq[AlertButton]]] = js.undefined, options: js.UndefOr[ObjectOrWritten[AlertOptions]] = js.undefined, `type`: js.UndefOr[String] = js.undefined ): Unit = js.native }
Example 3
Source File: ApolloLink.scala From apollo-scalajs with MIT License | 5 votes |
package import com.apollographql.scalajs.DocumentNode import slinky.readwrite.ObjectOrWritten import scala.scalajs.js import scala.scalajs.js.annotation.JSImport import scala.scalajs.js.| case class GraphQLRequest(query: DocumentNode) @js.native trait FetchResult extends js.Object @js.native trait Operation extends js.Object { def setContext(context: js.Dictionary[js.Any]): js.Dictionary[js.Any] = js.native def getContext(): js.Dictionary[js.Any] = js.native def toKey(): String = js.native } @JSImport("apollo-link", "ApolloLink") @js.native class ApolloLink(handler: js.UndefOr[js.Function2[Operation, js.UndefOr[NextLink], Observable[FetchResult]]] = js.undefined) extends js.Object { def concat(next: ApolloLink | RequestHandler): ApolloLink = js.native def request(operation: Operation, forward: js.UndefOr[NextLink]): Observable[FetchResult] = js.native } @JSImport("apollo-link", "ApolloLink") @js.native object ApolloLink extends js.Object { def empty(): ApolloLink = js.native def from(links: js.Array[ApolloLink]): ApolloLink = js.native def concat(first: ApolloLink, second: ApolloLink): ApolloLink = js.native def execute(link: ApolloLink, operation: ObjectOrWritten[GraphQLRequest]): Observable[FetchResult] = js.native }
Example 4
Source File: TestRenderer.scala From slinky with MIT License | 5 votes |
package slinky.testrenderer import slinky.core.ReactComponentClass import slinky.core.facade.ReactElement import scala.scalajs.js import scala.scalajs.js.annotation.{JSImport, JSName} @js.native trait TestRenderer extends js.Object { def toJSON(): js.Object = js.native def toTree(): js.Object = js.native def update(element: ReactElement): Unit = js.native def unmount(): Unit = js.native def getInstance(): js.Object = js.native val root: TestInstance = js.native } @js.native @JSImport("react-test-renderer", JSImport.Default) object TestRenderer extends js.Object { def create(element: ReactElement): TestRenderer = js.native def act(callback: js.Function0[js.Any]): Unit = js.native } @js.native trait TestInstance extends js.Object { def find(test: js.Function1[TestInstance, Boolean]): TestInstance = js.native def findByType(`type`: ReactComponentClass[_]): TestInstance = js.native def findByProps(props: js.Object): TestInstance = js.native def findAll(test: js.Function1[TestInstance, Boolean]): js.Array[TestInstance] = js.native def findAllByType(`type`: ReactComponentClass[_]): js.Array[TestInstance] = js.native def findAllByProps(props: js.Object): js.Array[TestInstance] = js.native val instance: js.Object = js.native @JSName("type") val `type`: js.Object = js.native val props: js.Object = js.native val parent: TestInstance = js.native val children: js.Array[TestInstance] = js.native }
Example 5
Source File: ReactRouterDOM.scala From slinky with MIT License | 5 votes |
package slinky.reactrouter import slinky.core._ import slinky.core.annotations.react import slinky.web.html.a import org.scalajs.dom.History import scala.scalajs.js import scala.scalajs.js.annotation.JSImport @JSImport("react-router", JSImport.Default) @js.native object ReactRouter extends js.Object { val StaticRouter: js.Object = js.native val MemoryRouter: js.Object = js.native } @JSImport("react-router-dom", JSImport.Default) @js.native object ReactRouterDOM extends js.Object { val Router: js.Object = js.native val BrowserRouter: js.Object = js.native val HashRouter: js.Object = js.native val Route: js.Object = js.native val Switch: js.Object = js.native val Link: js.Object = js.native val NavLink: js.Object = js.native val Redirect: js.Object = js.native val Prompt: js.Object = js.native } @react object StaticRouter extends ExternalComponent { case class Props(location: String, context: js.Object) override val component = ReactRouter.StaticRouter } @react object Router extends ExternalComponent { case class Props(history: History) override val component = ReactRouterDOM.Router } object BrowserRouter extends ExternalComponentNoProps { override val component = ReactRouterDOM.BrowserRouter } object Switch extends ExternalComponentNoProps { override val component = ReactRouterDOM.Switch } @react object Route extends ExternalComponent { case class Props(path: String, component: ReactComponentClass[_], exact: Boolean = false) override val component = ReactRouterDOM.Route } @react object Link extends ExternalComponentWithAttributes[a.tag.type] { case class Props(to: String) override val component = ReactRouterDOM.Link } @react object Redirect extends ExternalComponent { case class Props(to: String, push: Boolean = false) override val component = ReactRouterDOM.Redirect } @react object NavLink extends ExternalComponentWithAttributes[a.tag.type] { case class Props(to: String, activeStyle: Option[js.Dynamic] = None, activeClassName: Option[String] = None) override val component = ReactRouterDOM.NavLink }
Example 6
Source File: ReactDOM.scala From slinky with MIT License | 5 votes |
package slinky.web import slinky.core.facade.{React, ReactElement, ReactInstance} import org.scalajs.dom.Element import scala.scalajs.js import scala.scalajs.js.annotation.JSImport @js.native @JSImport("react-dom", JSImport.Namespace, "ReactDOM") object ReactDOM extends js.Object { def render(component: ReactElement, target: Element): ReactInstance = js.native def hydrate(component: ReactElement, target: Element): ReactInstance = js.native def findDOMNode(instance: React.Component): Element = js.native def unmountComponentAtNode(container: Element): Unit = js.native def createPortal(child: ReactElement, container: Element): ReactElement = js.native } @js.native @JSImport("react-dom/server", JSImport.Namespace, "ReactDOMServer") object ReactDOMServer extends js.Object { def renderToString(element: ReactElement): String = js.native def renderToStaticMarkup(element: ReactElement): String = js.native def renderToNodeStream(element: ReactElement): js.Object = js.native def renderToStaticNodeStream(element: ReactElement): js.Object = js.native }
Example 7
Source File: Helmet.scala From slinky with MIT License | 5 votes |
package slinky.reacthelmet import slinky.core.ExternalComponentNoProps import scala.scalajs.js import scala.scalajs.js.annotation.JSImport @JSImport("react-helmet", JSImport.Namespace) @js.native object ReactHelmet extends js.Object { val Helmet: HelmetStatic = js.native } @js.native trait HelmetStatic extends js.Object { def renderStatic(): HelmetRendered = js.native } @js.native trait HelmetRendered extends js.Object { val title: js.Object = js.native val meta: js.Object = js.native val link: js.Object = js.native val style: js.Object = js.native } object Helmet extends ExternalComponentNoProps { override val component = ReactHelmet.Helmet }
Example 8
Source File: Remark.scala From slinky with MIT License | 5 votes |
package slinky.remarkreact import slinky.core.facade.ReactElement import scala.scalajs.js import scala.scalajs.js.annotation.JSImport @js.native @JSImport("remark", JSImport.Default) object Remark extends js.Function0[js.Object] { override def apply(): RemarkInstance = js.native } @js.native trait RemarkRenderer[T] extends js.Object @js.native trait RemarkInstance extends js.Object { def use[T](renderer: RemarkRenderer[T]): RemarkInstanceWithRenderer[T] = js.native def use[T](renderer: RemarkRenderer[T], options: js.Object): RemarkInstanceWithRenderer[T] = js.native } @js.native trait RemarkInstanceWithRenderer[T] extends js.Object { def processSync(text: String): RemarkResult[T] = js.native } @js.native trait RemarkResult[T] extends js.Object { val contents: T = js.native } @js.native @JSImport("remark-react", JSImport.Default) object ReactRenderer extends RemarkRenderer[ReactElement]
Example 9
Source File: SyntaxHighlighter.scala From slinky with MIT License | 5 votes |
package import slinky.core.ExternalComponent import slinky.core.annotations.react import scala.scalajs.js import scala.scalajs.js.annotation.JSImport @js.native @JSImport("react-syntax-highlighter/light", JSImport.Default) object SyntaxHighlighterComp extends js.Object @js.native @JSImport("react-syntax-highlighter/light", "registerLanguage") object RegisterLanguageFunc extends js.Function2[String, js.Object, Unit] { override def apply(arg1: String, arg2: js.Object): Unit = js.native } @js.native @JSImport("react-syntax-highlighter/languages/hljs/scala", JSImport.Default) object ScalaHighlightLanguage extends js.Object @react object SyntaxHighlighter extends ExternalComponent { RegisterLanguageFunc("scala", ScalaHighlightLanguage) val component = SyntaxHighlighterComp case class Props(language: String, style: js.Dictionary[js.Object]) }
Example 10
Source File: Homepage.scala From slinky with MIT License | 5 votes |
package import slinky.core.StatelessComponent import slinky.core.annotations.react import import slinky.web.html._ import scala.scalajs.js import scala.scalajs.js.Dynamic.literal import scala.scalajs.js.annotation.JSImport import org.scalajs.dom @JSImport("resources/slinky-logo-horizontal.svg", JSImport.Default) @js.native object SlinkyHorizontalLogo extends js.Object @JSImport("resources/slinky-logo.svg", JSImport.Default) @js.native object SlinkyLogo extends js.Object @react class Homepage extends StatelessComponent { type Props = Unit override def componentDidMount(): Unit = { dom.window.scrollTo(0, 0) } def render() = { div( Jumbotron(()), MainPageContent(Seq( div(style := literal( width = "100%", overflow = "auto", marginTop = "40px" ))( div(style := literal( width = "100%", minWidth = "800px", display = "flex", flexDirection = "row", justifyContent = "space-around", ))( div(style := literal(width = "33%"))( h3(style := literal(fontWeight = 100))("Just like ES6"), p("Slinky has a strong focus on mirroring the ES6 API. This means that any documentation or examples for ES6 React can be easily applied to your Scala code."), p("There are no new patterns involved with using Slinky. Just write React apps like you would in any other language!") ), div(style := literal(width = "33%"))( h3(style := literal(fontWeight = 100))("Complete Interop"), p("Slinky provides straightforward APIs for using external components. Simply define the component's properties using standard Scala types and you're good to go!"), p("In addition, Slinky components can be used from JavaScript code, thanks to a built in Scala to JS mappings. This means that your favorite libraries like React Router work out of the box with Slinky!") ), div(style := literal(width = "33%"))( h3(style := literal(fontWeight = 100))("First-Class Dev Experience"), p("Writing web applications with Scala doesn't have to feel like a degraded development experience. Slinky comes ready with full integration with familiar tools like Webpack and React DevTools."), p("Slinky also comes with built-in support for hot-loading via Webpack, allowing you to make your code-test-repeat flow even faster!") ) ) ), hr(style := literal( height = "1px", marginBottom = "-1px", border = "none", borderBottom = "1px solid #ececec", marginTop = "40px" )), Examples(()) )), div(style := literal( width = "100%", backgroundColor = "#282c34", padding = "30px", boxSizing = "border-box", display = "flex", flexDirection = "column", alignItems = "center" ))( a(href := "")( img(src := "") ) ) ) } }
Example 11
Source File: BootstrapJQueryContext.scala From scalajs-bootstrap with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.karasiq.bootstrap.jquery import scala.scalajs.js import scala.scalajs.js.annotation.JSImport trait BootstrapJQueryContext extends JQueryContext with BootstrapJQueryImplicits object BootstrapJQueryContext { object imports { @js.native @JSImport("bootstrap", JSImport.Namespace) object bootstrap extends js.Object } def useNpmImports(): Unit = { JQueryContext.useNpmImport() imports.bootstrap } }
Example 12
Source File: JQueryContext.scala From scalajs-bootstrap with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.karasiq.bootstrap.jquery import scala.scalajs.js import scala.scalajs.js.annotation.JSImport import org.scalajs.jquery.JQueryStatic trait JQueryContext { def jQuery = JQueryContext.jQuery } object JQueryContext { var jQuery: JQueryStatic = org.scalajs.jquery.jQuery object imports { @js.native @JSImport("jquery", JSImport.Namespace) object jQuery extends JQueryStatic } def useStatic(): Unit = { jQuery = org.scalajs.jquery.jQuery } def useNpmImport(): Unit = { jQuery = imports.jQuery } }
Example 13
Source File: PakoSuite.scala From metabrowse with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package metabrowse import metabrowse.schema.Workspace import org.scalatest.FunSuite import import scala.scalajs.js import scala.scalajs.js.annotation.JSGlobal import scala.scalajs.js.annotation.JSImport import scala.scalajs.js.typedarray.ArrayBuffer import scala.scalajs.js.typedarray.TypedArrayBuffer import scala.scalajs.js.typedarray.Uint8Array class PakoSuite extends FunSuite { test("deflate") { val path = PathIO.workingDirectory .resolve("target") .resolve("metabrowse") .resolve("index.workspace.gz") val in = path.readAllBytes val input = new ArrayBuffer(in.length) val bbuf = TypedArrayBuffer.wrap(input) bbuf.put(in) val output = Pako.inflate(input) val out = Array.ofDim[Byte](output.byteLength) TypedArrayBuffer.wrap(output).get(out) val workspace = Workspace.parseFrom(out) val obtained = workspace.toProtoString.linesIterator.toList.sorted.mkString("\n").trim val expected = """ |filenames: "paiges/core/src/main/scala/org/typelevel/paiges/Chunk.scala" |filenames: "paiges/core/src/main/scala/org/typelevel/paiges/Doc.scala" |filenames: "paiges/core/src/main/scala/org/typelevel/paiges/Document.scala" |filenames: "paiges/core/src/main/scala/org/typelevel/paiges/package.scala" |filenames: "paiges/core/src/test/scala/org/typelevel/paiges/DocumentTests.scala" |filenames: "paiges/core/src/test/scala/org/typelevel/paiges/Generators.scala" |filenames: "paiges/core/src/test/scala/org/typelevel/paiges/JsonTest.scala" |filenames: "paiges/core/src/test/scala/org/typelevel/paiges/PaigesTest.scala" """.stripMargin.trim assert(obtained == expected) } }
Example 14
Source File: ReactApollo.scala From apollo-scalajs with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.apollographql.scalajs.react import slinky.core.facade.ReactElement import scala.scalajs.js import scala.scalajs.js.annotation.JSImport @js.native @JSImport("react-apollo", JSImport.Namespace) object ReactApollo extends js.Object { val ApolloProvider: js.Object = js.native val Query: js.Object = js.native val Mutation: js.Object = js.native } @js.native @JSImport("react-apollo/renderToStringWithData.js", JSImport.Namespace) object ReactApolloServer extends js.Object { def renderToStringWithData(component: ReactElement): js.Promise[String] = js.native }
Example 15
Source File: ApolloBoost.scala From apollo-scalajs with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.apollographql.scalajs import import slinky.readwrite.ObjectOrWritten import scala.scalajs.js import scala.scalajs.js.annotation.JSImport case class ApolloBoostClientOptions(uri: String, fetchOptions: js.UndefOr[js.Object] = js.undefined, request: js.UndefOr[js.Function1[Operation, js.Promise[js.Any]]] = js.undefined, onError: js.UndefOr[js.Function1[ApolloError, js.Any]] = js.undefined) @js.native trait ApolloError extends js.Object { val operation: js.Object = js.native val response: js.Object = js.native val graphQLErrors: js.Object = js.native val networkError: ApolloNetworkError = js.native } @js.native trait ApolloNetworkError extends js.Object { val name: String = js.native val response: js.Object = js.native val statusCode: Int = js.native val bodyText: String = js.native } @JSImport("apollo-boost", JSImport.Default) @js.native class ApolloBoostClient(options: ObjectOrWritten[ApolloBoostClientOptions]) extends ApolloClientInstance object ApolloBoostClient { def apply(uri: String) = new ApolloBoostClient(ApolloBoostClientOptions(uri = uri)) }
Example 16
Source File: ApolloClient.scala From apollo-scalajs with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.apollographql.scalajs import slinky.readwrite.{ObjectOrWritten, Reader} import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future} import scala.scalajs.js import scala.scalajs.js.annotation.JSImport case class ApolloClientOptions(link: js.Object, cache: js.Object, ssrMode: Boolean = false) @JSImport("apollo-client", "ApolloClient") @js.native class ApolloClient(options: ObjectOrWritten[ApolloClientOptions]) extends ApolloClientInstance case class QueryOptions(query: DocumentNode, variables: js.UndefOr[js.Object] = js.undefined) case class QueryResult[T](data: T) object QueryResult { implicit def reader[T](implicit tReader: Reader[T]): Reader[QueryResult[T]] = { o => val dyn = o.asInstanceOf[js.Dynamic] QueryResult[T]([js.Object]) ) } } @js.native trait ApolloClientInstance extends js.Object object ApolloClientInstance { @js.native private trait ApolloClientInstanceRawInterface extends js.Object { def query(options: ObjectOrWritten[QueryOptions]): js.Promise[js.Object] = js.native } implicit class RichInstance(val i: ApolloClientInstance) extends AnyVal { private def raw = i.asInstanceOf[ApolloClientInstanceRawInterface] def query[R](options: QueryOptions)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext, rReader: Reader[R]): Future[QueryResult[R]] = { raw.query(options) } def query[R](query: DocumentNode)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext, rReader: Reader[R]): Future[QueryResult[R]] = { raw.query(QueryOptions(query)) } def query[R, V](query: DocumentNode, variables: ObjectOrWritten[V]) (implicit ec: ExecutionContext, rReader: Reader[R]): Future[QueryResult[R]] = { raw.query(QueryOptions(query, variables)) } } }
Example 17
Source File: Observable.scala From apollo-scalajs with MIT License | 5 votes |
package import slinky.readwrite.ObjectOrWritten import scala.scalajs.js import scala.scalajs.js.annotation.JSImport @js.native trait SubscriptionObserver[T] extends js.Object { var closed: Boolean = js.native def next(value: T): Unit = js.native def error(errorValue: js.Any): Unit = js.native def complete(): Unit = js.native } @js.native trait Subscription extends js.Object { var closed: Boolean = js.native def unsubscribe(): Unit = js.native } @JSImport("apollo-link", "Observable") @js.native class Observable[T](subscriber: Subscriber[T]) extends js.Object { def subscribe(observerOrNext: ObjectOrWritten[T => Unit], error: ObjectOrWritten[js.UndefOr[js.Any => Unit]] = js.undefined, complete: ObjectOrWritten[js.UndefOr[() => Unit]] = js.undefined): Subscription = js.native def subscribe(observer: SubscriptionObserver[T]): Subscription = js.native def forEach(fn: js.Function1[T, Unit]): js.Promise[Unit] = js.native }
Example 18
Source File: History.scala From slinky with MIT License | 5 votes |
package slinky.history import org.scalajs.dom.History import scala.scalajs.js import scala.scalajs.js.annotation.JSImport @js.native trait RichHistory extends History { def action: String = js.native def block(prompt: Boolean = false): Unit = js.native def createHref(location: String): Unit = js.native def goBack(): Unit = js.native def goForward(): Unit = js.native def listen(listener: js.Function0[Unit]): Unit = js.native def location: String = js.native def push(route: String): Unit = js.native def replace(path: String, state: js.Object): Unit = js.native } @JSImport("history", JSImport.Default) @js.native object History extends js.Object { def createBrowserHistory(): RichHistory = js.native }
Example 19
Source File: Image.scala From slinky with MIT License | 5 votes |
package slinky.native import slinky.core.ExternalComponent import slinky.core.annotations.react import slinky.core.facade.ReactElement import scala.concurrent.Future import scala.scalajs.js import scala.scalajs.js.annotation.JSImport import scala.scalajs.js.| import scala.scalajs.js.JSConverters._ case class ImageURISource( uri: js.UndefOr[String] = js.undefined, bundle: js.UndefOr[String] = js.undefined, method: js.UndefOr[String] = js.undefined, headers: js.UndefOr[js.Object] = js.undefined, body: js.UndefOr[String] = js.undefined, cache: js.UndefOr[String] = js.undefined, width: js.UndefOr[Int] = js.undefined, height: js.UndefOr[Int] = js.undefined, scale: js.UndefOr[Double] = js.undefined ) @js.native trait ImageInterface extends js.Object case class ImageErrorEvent(error: js.Error) case class ImageProgressEvent(loaded: Int, total: Int) @react object Image extends ExternalComponent { case class Props( style: js.UndefOr[js.Object] = js.undefined, blurRadius: js.UndefOr[Int] = js.undefined, onLayout: js.UndefOr[NativeSyntheticEvent[LayoutChangeEvent] => Unit] = js.undefined, onLoad: js.UndefOr[() => Unit] = js.undefined, onLoadEnd: js.UndefOr[() => Unit] = js.undefined, onLoadStart: js.UndefOr[() => Unit] = js.undefined, resizeMode: js.UndefOr[String] = js.undefined, source: js.UndefOr[ImageURISource | Int | Seq[ImageURISource]] = js.undefined, loadingIndicatorSource: js.UndefOr[Seq[ImageURISource | Int]] = js.undefined, onError: js.UndefOr[NativeSyntheticEvent[ImageErrorEvent] => Unit] = js.undefined, testID: js.UndefOr[String] = js.undefined, resizeMethod: js.UndefOr[String] = js.undefined, accessibilityLabel: js.UndefOr[ReactElement] = js.undefined, accessible: js.UndefOr[Boolean] = js.undefined, capInsets: js.UndefOr[BoundingBox] = js.undefined, defaultSource: js.UndefOr[js.Object | Int] = js.undefined, onPartialLoad: js.UndefOr[() => Unit] = js.undefined, onProgress: js.UndefOr[NativeSyntheticEvent[ImageProgressEvent] => Unit] = js.undefined ) @js.native @JSImport("react-native", "Image") object Component extends js.Object { def getSize( uri: String, success: js.Function2[Int, Int, Unit], failure: js.UndefOr[js.Function1[js.Error, Unit]] ): Unit = js.native def prefetch(uri: String): Int | Unit = js.native def abortPrefetch(requestId: Int): Unit = js.native def queryCache(urls: js.Array[String]): js.Promise[js.Dictionary[String]] = js.native } override val component = Component def getSize(uri: String, success: (Int, Int) => Unit, failure: js.UndefOr[(js.Error) => Unit] = js.undefined): Unit = Component.getSize(uri, success, => v)) def prefetch(uri: String): Int | Unit = Component.prefetch(uri) def abortPrefetch(requestId: Int): Unit = Component.abortPrefetch(requestId) def queryCache(urls: Seq[String]): Future[Map[String, String]] = { import scala.scalajs.concurrent.JSExecutionContext.Implicits.queue Component.queryCache(urls.toJSArray) } }
Example 20
Source File: Picker.scala From slinky with MIT License | 5 votes |
package slinky.native import slinky.core.ExternalComponent import slinky.core.annotations.react import scala.scalajs.js import scala.scalajs.js.annotation.JSImport import scala.scalajs.js.| @react object Picker extends ExternalComponent { case class Props( onValueChange: js.UndefOr[(String | Int, Int) => Unit] = js.undefined, selectedValue: js.UndefOr[String | Int] = js.undefined, style: js.UndefOr[js.Object] = js.undefined, testID: js.UndefOr[String] = js.undefined, enabled: js.UndefOr[Boolean] = js.undefined, mode: js.UndefOr[String] = js.undefined, prompt: js.UndefOr[String] = js.undefined, itemStyle: js.UndefOr[js.Object] = js.undefined ) @js.native @JSImport("react-native", "Picker") object Component extends js.Object { val Item: js.Object = js.native } override val component = Component @react object Item extends ExternalComponent { case class Props(label: String, value: String | Int) override val component = Component.Item } }
Example 21
Source File: Clipboard.scala From slinky with MIT License | 5 votes |
package slinky.native import scala.concurrent.Future import scala.scalajs.js import scala.scalajs.js.annotation.JSImport @js.native @JSImport("react-native", "Clipboard") object RawClipboard extends js.Object { def getString(): js.Promise[String] = js.native def setString(content: String): Unit = js.native } object Clipboard { def getString: Future[String] = RawClipboard.getString().toFuture def setString(content: String): Unit = RawClipboard.setString(content) }
Example 22
Source File: Button.scala From slinky with MIT License | 5 votes |
package slinky.native import slinky.core.ExternalComponent import slinky.core.annotations.react import scala.scalajs.js import scala.scalajs.js.annotation.JSImport @react object Button extends ExternalComponent { case class Props( onPress: () => Unit, title: String, accessibilityLabel: js.UndefOr[String] = js.undefined, color: js.UndefOr[String] = js.undefined, disabled: js.UndefOr[Boolean] = js.undefined, testID: js.UndefOr[String] = js.undefined, hasTVPreferredFocus: js.UndefOr[Boolean] = js.undefined ) @js.native @JSImport("react-native", "Button") object Component extends js.Object override val component = Component }
Example 23
Source File: ActivityIndicator.scala From slinky with MIT License | 5 votes |
package slinky.native import slinky.core.ExternalComponent import slinky.core.annotations.react import scala.scalajs.js import scala.scalajs.js.annotation.JSImport import scala.scalajs.js.| @react object ActivityIndicator extends ExternalComponent { case class Props( animating: js.UndefOr[Boolean] = js.undefined, color: js.UndefOr[String] = js.undefined, size: js.UndefOr[String | Int] = js.undefined, hidesWhenStopped: js.UndefOr[Boolean] = js.undefined ) @js.native @JSImport("react-native", "ActivityIndicator") object Component extends js.Object override val component = Component }
Example 24
Source File: Slider.scala From slinky with MIT License | 5 votes |
package slinky.native import slinky.core.ExternalComponent import slinky.core.annotations.react import scala.scalajs.js import scala.scalajs.js.annotation.JSImport import scala.scalajs.js.| @react object Slider extends ExternalComponent { case class Props( style: js.UndefOr[js.Object] = js.undefined, disabled: js.UndefOr[Boolean] = js.undefined, maximumValue: js.UndefOr[Double] = js.undefined, minimumTrackTintColor: js.UndefOr[String] = js.undefined, minimumValue: js.UndefOr[Double] = js.undefined, onSlidingComplete: js.UndefOr[Double => Unit] = js.undefined, onValueChange: js.UndefOr[Double => Unit] = js.undefined, step: js.UndefOr[Double] = js.undefined, maximumTrackTintColor: js.UndefOr[String] = js.undefined, testID: js.UndefOr[String] = js.undefined, value: js.UndefOr[Double] = js.undefined, thumbTintColor: js.UndefOr[String] = js.undefined, maximumTrackImage: js.UndefOr[ImageURISource | Int | Seq[ImageURISource]] = js.undefined, minimumTrackImage: js.UndefOr[ImageURISource | Int | Seq[ImageURISource]] = js.undefined, thumbImage: js.UndefOr[ImageURISource | Int | Seq[ImageURISource]] = js.undefined, trackImage: js.UndefOr[ImageURISource | Int | Seq[ImageURISource]] = js.undefined ) @js.native @JSImport("react-native", "Slider") object Component extends js.Object override val component = Component }
Example 25
Source File: Switch.scala From slinky with MIT License | 5 votes |
package slinky.native import slinky.core.ExternalComponent import slinky.core.annotations.react import scala.scalajs.js import scala.scalajs.js.annotation.JSImport @react object Switch extends ExternalComponent { case class Props( disabled: js.UndefOr[Boolean] = js.undefined, onTintColor: js.UndefOr[String] = js.undefined, onValueChange: js.UndefOr[Boolean => Unit] = js.undefined, testID: js.UndefOr[String] = js.undefined, thumbTintColor: js.UndefOr[String] = js.undefined, tintColor: js.UndefOr[String] = js.undefined, value: js.UndefOr[Boolean] = js.undefined ) @js.native @JSImport("react-native", "Switch") object Component extends js.Object override val component = Component }
Example 26
Source File: Text.scala From slinky with MIT License | 5 votes |
package slinky.native import slinky.core.ExternalComponent import slinky.core.annotations.react import scala.scalajs.js import scala.scalajs.js.annotation.JSImport case class BoundingBox(top: Double, left: Double, bottom: Double, right: Double) @react object Text extends ExternalComponent { case class Props( selectable: js.UndefOr[Boolean] = js.undefined, accessible: js.UndefOr[Boolean] = js.undefined, ellipsizeMode: js.UndefOr[String] = js.undefined, nativeID: js.UndefOr[String] = js.undefined, numberOfLines: js.UndefOr[Int] = js.undefined, onLayout: js.UndefOr[NativeSyntheticEvent[LayoutChangeEvent] => Unit] = js.undefined, onLongPress: js.UndefOr[() => Unit] = js.undefined, onPress: js.UndefOr[() => Unit] = js.undefined, pressRetentionOffset: js.UndefOr[BoundingBox] = js.undefined, allowFontScaling: js.UndefOr[Boolean] = js.undefined, style: js.UndefOr[js.Object] = js.undefined, testID: js.UndefOr[String] = js.undefined, disabled: js.UndefOr[Boolean] = js.undefined, selectionColor: js.UndefOr[String] = js.undefined, textBreakStrategy: js.UndefOr[String] = js.undefined, adjustsFontSizeToFit: js.UndefOr[Boolean] = js.undefined, minimumFontScale: js.UndefOr[Double] = js.undefined, suppressHighlighting: js.UndefOr[Boolean] = js.undefined ) @js.native @JSImport("react-native", "Text") object Component extends js.Object override val component = Component }
Example 27
Source File: View.scala From slinky with MIT License | 5 votes |
package slinky.native import slinky.core.ExternalComponent import slinky.core.annotations.react import slinky.core.facade.ReactElement import scala.scalajs.js import scala.scalajs.js.annotation.JSImport import scala.scalajs.js.| case class NativeTouchEvent( changedTouches: Seq[Any], identifier: String, locationX: Int, locationY: Int, pageX: Int, pageY: Int, target: String, timestamp: Int, touches: Seq[Any] ) case class LayoutRectangle(x: Int, y: Int, width: Int, height: Int) case class LayoutChangeEvent(layout: LayoutRectangle) @react object View extends ExternalComponent { case class Props( onStartShouldSetResponder: js.UndefOr[NativeSyntheticEvent[NativeTouchEvent] => Unit] = js.undefined, accessibilityLabel: js.UndefOr[ReactElement] = js.undefined, hitSlop: js.UndefOr[BoundingBox] = js.undefined, nativeID: js.UndefOr[String] = js.undefined, onLayout: js.UndefOr[NativeSyntheticEvent[LayoutChangeEvent] => Unit] = js.undefined, onMagicTap: js.UndefOr[() => Unit] = js.undefined, onMoveShouldSetResponder: js.UndefOr[NativeSyntheticEvent[NativeTouchEvent] => Boolean] = js.undefined, onMoveShouldSetResponderCapture: js.UndefOr[NativeSyntheticEvent[NativeTouchEvent] => Boolean] = js.undefined, onResponderGrant: js.UndefOr[NativeSyntheticEvent[NativeTouchEvent] => Unit] = js.undefined, onResponderMove: js.UndefOr[NativeSyntheticEvent[NativeTouchEvent] => Unit] = js.undefined, onResponderReject: js.UndefOr[NativeSyntheticEvent[NativeTouchEvent] => Unit] = js.undefined, onResponderRelease: js.UndefOr[NativeSyntheticEvent[NativeTouchEvent] => Unit] = js.undefined, onResponderTerminate: js.UndefOr[NativeSyntheticEvent[NativeTouchEvent] => Unit] = js.undefined, onResponderTerminationRequest: js.UndefOr[NativeSyntheticEvent[NativeTouchEvent] => Boolean] = js.undefined, accessible: js.UndefOr[Boolean] = js.undefined, onStartShouldSetResponderCapture: js.UndefOr[NativeSyntheticEvent[NativeTouchEvent] => Boolean] = js.undefined, pointerEvents: js.UndefOr[String] = js.undefined, removeClippedSubviews: js.UndefOr[Boolean] = js.undefined, style: js.UndefOr[js.Object] = js.undefined, testID: js.UndefOr[String] = js.undefined, accessibilityComponentType: js.UndefOr[String] = js.undefined, accessibilityLiveRegion: js.UndefOr[String] = js.undefined, collapsable: js.UndefOr[Boolean] = js.undefined, importantForAccessibility: js.UndefOr[String] = js.undefined, needsOffscreenAlphaCompositing: js.UndefOr[Boolean] = js.undefined, renderToHardwareTextureAndroid: js.UndefOr[Boolean] = js.undefined, accessibilityTraits: js.UndefOr[String | Seq[String]] = js.undefined, accessibilityViewIsModal: js.UndefOr[Boolean] = js.undefined, shouldRasterizeIOS: js.UndefOr[Boolean] = js.undefined ) @js.native @JSImport("react-native", "View") object Component extends js.Object override val component = Component }
Example 28
Source File: TextInput.scala From slinky with MIT License | 5 votes |
package slinky.native import slinky.core.ExternalComponentWithRefType import slinky.core.annotations.react import scala.scalajs.js import scala.scalajs.js.annotation.JSImport case class ContentSize(width: Int, height: Int) case class ContentSizeEvent(contentSize: ContentSize) case class ContentOffset(x: Int, y: Int) case class ContentOffsetEvent(contentOffset: ContentOffset) case class Selection(start: Int, end: Int) case class SelectionEvent(selection: Selection) case class KeyPressEvent(key: String) @js.native trait TextInputInstance extends js.Object { def isFocused(): Boolean = js.native def clear(): Unit = js.native } @react object TextInput extends ExternalComponentWithRefType[TextInputInstance] { case class Props( placeholderTextColor: js.UndefOr[String] = js.undefined, allowFontScaling: js.UndefOr[Boolean] = js.undefined, autoCorrect: js.UndefOr[Boolean] = js.undefined, autoFocus: js.UndefOr[Boolean] = js.undefined, blurOnSubmit: js.UndefOr[Boolean] = js.undefined, caretHidden: js.UndefOr[Boolean] = js.undefined, contextMenuHidden: js.UndefOr[Boolean] = js.undefined, defaultValue: js.UndefOr[String] = js.undefined, editable: js.UndefOr[Boolean] = js.undefined, keyboardType: js.UndefOr[String] = js.undefined, maxHeight: js.UndefOr[Int] = js.undefined, maxLength: js.UndefOr[Int] = js.undefined, multiline: js.UndefOr[Boolean] = js.undefined, onBlur: js.UndefOr[() => Unit] = js.undefined, onChange: js.UndefOr[() => Unit] = js.undefined, onChangeText: js.UndefOr[String => Unit] = js.undefined, onContextSizeChange: js.UndefOr[NativeSyntheticEvent[ContentSizeEvent] => Unit] = js.undefined, onEndEditing: js.UndefOr[() => Unit] = js.undefined, onFocus: js.UndefOr[() => Unit] = js.undefined, onLayout: js.UndefOr[NativeSyntheticEvent[LayoutChangeEvent] => Unit] = js.undefined, onScroll: js.UndefOr[NativeSyntheticEvent[ContentOffsetEvent] => Unit] = js.undefined, onSelectionChange: js.UndefOr[NativeSyntheticEvent[SelectionEvent] => Unit] = js.undefined, onSubmitEditing: js.UndefOr[() => Unit] = js.undefined, placeholder: js.UndefOr[String] = js.undefined, autoCapitalize: js.UndefOr[String] = js.undefined, returnKeyType: js.UndefOr[String] = js.undefined, secureTextEntry: js.UndefOr[Boolean] = js.undefined, selectTextOnFocus: js.UndefOr[Boolean] = js.undefined, selection: js.UndefOr[Selection] = js.undefined, selectionColor: js.UndefOr[String] = js.undefined, style: js.UndefOr[js.Object] = js.undefined, value: js.UndefOr[String] = js.undefined, disableFullscreenUI: js.UndefOr[Boolean] = js.undefined, inlineImageLeft: js.UndefOr[String] = js.undefined, inlineImagePadding: js.UndefOr[Int] = js.undefined, numberOfLines: js.UndefOr[Int] = js.undefined, returnKeyLabel: js.UndefOr[String] = js.undefined, textBreakStrategy: js.UndefOr[String] = js.undefined, underlineColorAndroid: js.UndefOr[String] = js.undefined, clearButtonMode: js.UndefOr[String] = js.undefined, clearTextOnFocus: js.UndefOr[Boolean] = js.undefined, dataDetectorTypes: js.UndefOr[String] = js.undefined, enablesReturnKeyAutomatically: js.UndefOr[Boolean] = js.undefined, keyboardAppearance: js.UndefOr[String] = js.undefined, onKeyPress: js.UndefOr[NativeSyntheticEvent[KeyPressEvent] => Unit] = js.undefined, selectionState: js.UndefOr[js.Object] = js.undefined, spellCheck: js.UndefOr[Boolean] = js.undefined ) @js.native @JSImport("react-native", "TextInput") object Component extends js.Object override val component = Component }
Example 29
Source File: VrButton.scala From slinky with MIT License | 5 votes |
package slinky.vr import slinky.core.ExternalComponent import slinky.core.annotations.react import scala.scalajs.js import scala.scalajs.js.annotation.JSImport @react object VrButton extends ExternalComponent { case class Props( disabled: js.UndefOr[Boolean] = js.undefined, ignoreLongClick: js.UndefOr[Boolean] = js.undefined, longClickDelayMS: js.UndefOr[Int] = js.undefined, onButtonPress: js.UndefOr[() => Unit] = js.undefined, onButtonRelease: js.UndefOr[() => Unit] = js.undefined, onClick: js.UndefOr[() => Unit] = js.undefined, onClickSound: js.UndefOr[js.Object] = js.undefined, onEnter: js.UndefOr[() => Unit] = js.undefined, onEnterSound: js.UndefOr[js.Object] = js.undefined, onExit: js.UndefOr[() => Unit] = js.undefined, onExitSound: js.UndefOr[js.Object] = js.undefined, onLongClick: js.UndefOr[() => Unit] = js.undefined, onLongClickSound: js.UndefOr[js.Object] = js.undefined, style: js.UndefOr[js.Object] = js.undefined ) @js.native @JSImport("react-360", "VrButton") object Component extends js.Object override val component = Component }
Example 30
Source File: NativeModules.scala From slinky with MIT License | 5 votes |
package slinky.vr import scala.scalajs.js import scala.scalajs.js.annotation.JSImport @js.native @JSImport("react-360", "NativeModules") object NativeModules extends js.Object { @js.native object VideoModule extends js.Object { def createPlayer(name: String): Unit = js.native def destroyPlayer(name: String): Unit = js.native def play(name: String, options: js.Object): Unit = js.native def pause(name: String): Unit = js.native def resume(name: String): Unit = js.native def stop(name: String): Unit = js.native def seek(name: String, timeMs: Int): Unit = js.native def setParams(name: String, options: js.Object): Unit = js.native } }
Example 31
Source File: ReactVR.scala From slinky with MIT License | 5 votes |
package slinky.vr import slinky.readwrite.{Reader, Writer} import scala.scalajs.js import scala.scalajs.js.annotation.JSImport case class NativeSyntheticEvent[T](nativeEvent: T) object NativeSyntheticEvent { implicit def reader[T](implicit tReader: Reader[T]): Reader[NativeSyntheticEvent[T]] = { o => NativeSyntheticEvent([js.Dynamic].nativeEvent.asInstanceOf[js.Object])) } implicit def writer[T](implicit tWriter: Writer[T]): Writer[NativeSyntheticEvent[T]] = { s => js.Dynamic.literal( nativeEvent = tWriter.write(s.nativeEvent) ) } } @js.native trait Asset extends js.Object @js.native @JSImport("react-360", JSImport.Namespace) object React360 extends js.Object { def asset(path: String): Asset = js.native }
Example 32
Source File: Text.scala From slinky with MIT License | 5 votes |
package slinky.vr import slinky.core.ExternalComponent import slinky.core.annotations.react import scala.scalajs.js import scala.scalajs.js.annotation.JSImport @react object Text extends ExternalComponent { case class Props( numberOfLines: js.UndefOr[Int] = js.undefined, onLayout: js.UndefOr[NativeSyntheticEvent[LayoutEvent] => Unit] = js.undefined, onLongPress: js.UndefOr[() => Unit] = js.undefined, onPress: js.UndefOr[() => Unit] = js.undefined, style: js.UndefOr[js.Object] = js.undefined, testID: js.UndefOr[String] = js.undefined ) @js.native @JSImport("react-360", "Text") object Component extends js.Object override val component = Component }
Example 33
Source File: View.scala From slinky with MIT License | 5 votes |
package slinky.vr import slinky.core.ExternalComponent import slinky.core.annotations.react import scala.scalajs.js import scala.scalajs.js.annotation.JSImport import scala.scalajs.js.| case class EdgeInsets(top: Double, bottom: Double, left: Double, right: Double) case class Layout(x: Double, y: Double, width: Double, height: Double) case class LayoutEvent(layout: Layout) @react object View extends ExternalComponent { case class Props( billboarding: js.UndefOr[String] = js.undefined, cursorVisibilitySlop: js.UndefOr[Double | EdgeInsets] = js.undefined, hitSlop: js.UndefOr[Double | EdgeInsets] = js.undefined, onEnter: js.UndefOr[() => Unit] = js.undefined, onExit: js.UndefOr[() => Unit] = js.undefined, onHeadPose: js.UndefOr[NativeSyntheticEvent[js.Object] => Unit] = js.undefined, onHeadPoseCaptured: js.UndefOr[() => Unit] = js.undefined, onInput: js.UndefOr[() => Unit] = js.undefined, onInputCaptured: js.UndefOr[() => Unit] = js.undefined, onLayout: js.UndefOr[NativeSyntheticEvent[LayoutEvent] => Unit] = js.undefined, onMove: js.UndefOr[() => Unit] = js.undefined, pointerEvents: js.UndefOr[String] = js.undefined, style: js.UndefOr[js.Object] = js.undefined, testID: js.UndefOr[String] = js.undefined ) @js.native @JSImport("react-360", "View") object Component extends js.Object override val component = Component }
Example 34
Source File: JbokApp.scala From iotchain with MIT License | 5 votes |
package import com.thoughtworks.binding.Binding.{Var, _} import com.thoughtworks.binding._ import{TabList, TabPane, Tabs} import import org.scalajs.dom._ import scala.scalajs.js import scala.scalajs.js.annotation.JSImport @JSImport("css/normalize.css", JSImport.Namespace) @js.native object NormalizeCss extends js.Object @JSImport("css/app.css", JSImport.Namespace) @js.native object AppCss extends js.Object object JbokApp { val normalizeCss = NormalizeCss val appCss = AppCss val config = AppConfig.default val state = AppState(Var(config)) state.init() val statusView = StatusView(state).render val accountsView = AccountsView(state).render val blocksView = BlocksView(state).render val transactionsView = TxsView(state).render val contractView = ContractView(state).render val configView = ConfigView(state).render val searchView = SearchView(state).render val accountsTab = TabPane("Accounts", accountsView, Some("fa-user-circle")) val blocksTab = TabPane("Blocks", blocksView, Some("fa-th-large")) val txsTab = TabPane("Transactions", transactionsView, Some("fa-arrow-circle-right")) val contractTab = TabPane("Contract", contractView, Some("fa-file-contract")) val configTab = TabPane("", configView, Some("fa-cogs")) val searchTab = TabPane("Search", searchView, Some("fa-search")) val tabs: Vars[TabPane] = Vars( accountsTab, blocksTab, txsTab, contractTab, searchTab, configTab ) val tabList = TabList(tabs, Var(tabs.value.head)) val searchBar = SearchBar(state, onPressEnter = (e: Event) => tabList.selected.value = searchTab).render state.activeSearchView(() => tabList.selected.value = searchTab) @dom val right: Binding[Node] = <div class="nav-right"> <div class="tab searchbar">{searchBar.bind}</div> </div> val navBar = Tabs.renderTabBar(tabList, Some(right), onchange = (e: Event) => state.clearSearch()) @dom def render: Binding[BindingSeq[Node]] = <header> {navBar.bind} {statusView.bind} </header> <main> {Tabs.renderTabContent(tabList).bind} </main> <footer> {Copyright.render.bind} </footer> def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = dom.render(document.body, render) }
Example 35
Source File: router_state.scala From angulate2 with MIT License | 5 votes |
// Project: angulate2 ( // Description: Façade traits for @angular/router/router_state.ts (v2.2.1) // Copyright (c) 2016 Johannes.Kastner <[email protected]> // Distributed under the MIT License (see included LICENSE file) package angulate2.router import rxjs.Observable import rxjs.core.Subscription import scala.scalajs.js import scala.scalajs.js.annotation.JSImport @js.native @JSImport("@angular/router","RouterState") class RouterState(root: ActivatedRoute, val snapshot: RouterStateSnapshot) extends Tree[ActivatedRoute](root) @js.native @JSImport("@angular/router","routerState") class RouterStateSnapshot(val url: String, root: ActivatedRouteSnapshot) extends Tree[ActivatedRouteSnapshot](root) @js.native @JSImport("@angular/router","ActivatedRoute") class ActivatedRoute(val url: Observable[js.Array[UrlSegment]], val params: Observable[Params], val queryParams: Observable[Params], val fragment: Observable[js.UndefOr[String]], val data: Observable[Data], val outlet: String, val component: js.Any, futureSnapshot: ActivatedRouteSnapshot) extends js.Object { // def params: Observable[js.Dictionary[String]] = js.native } object ActivatedRoute { implicit final class RichActivatedRoute(val r: ActivatedRoute) extends AnyVal { @inline def paramsAs[T]: Observable[T] = r.params.asInstanceOf[Observable[T]] @inline def dataAs[T]: Observable[T] =[Observable[T]] @inline def subscribeData[T](key: String)(f: T=>_): Subscription = => f(d(key).asInstanceOf[T]) ) } } @js.native @JSImport("@angular/router","ActivatedRouteSnapshot") class ActivatedRouteSnapshot(val url: js.Array[UrlSegment], val params: Params, val queryParams: Params, val fragment: String, val data: Data, val outlet: String, val component: js.Any, routeConfig: Route, urlSegment: UrlSegmentGroup, lastPathIndex: Int, resolve: ResolveData) extends js.Object { }
Example 36
Source File: Elliptic.scala From iotchain with MIT License | 5 votes |
package jbok.crypto.facade import scala.scalajs.js import scala.scalajs.js.annotation.{JSGlobal, JSImport} import scala.scalajs.js.typedarray.Uint8Array @js.native @JSImport("elliptic", "ec") class EC(curve: String) extends js.Object { def genKeyPair(options: Option[js.Dynamic] = None): KeyPairEC = js.native def keyPair(options: js.Dynamic): KeyPairEC = js.native def keyFromPublic(pub: String, enc: String): KeyPairEC = js.native def keyFromPrivate(priv: String, enc: String): KeyPairEC = js.native def sign(msg: Uint8Array, key: KeyPairEC): SignatureEC = js.native def verify(msg: Uint8Array, sig: js.Dynamic, key: KeyPairEC): Boolean = js.native def getKeyRecoveryParam(msg: Uint8Array, signature: js.Dynamic): Int = js.native def recoverPubKey(msg: Uint8Array, signature: js.Dynamic, recId: Int): ECPoint = js.native } @js.native @JSImport("elliptic/ec/key", JSImport.Default) class KeyPairEC(ec: EC, options: js.Dynamic) extends js.Object { def getPublic(compact: Boolean, enc: String): String = js.native def getPrivate(enc: String): String = js.native // val priv: js.Any = js.native // val pub: js.Any = js.native } @js.native @JSImport("elliptic/ec/signature", JSImport.Default) class SignatureEC() extends js.Object { def r: Any = js.native def s: Any = js.native def recoveryParam: Int = js.native } object SignatureEC { def apply(r: BN, s: BN, recoveryParam: Int): js.Dynamic = js.Dynamic.literal(r = r, s = s, recoveryParam = recoveryParam) } @js.native @JSGlobal class ECPoint() extends js.Object { def encode(enc: String, compact: Boolean): String = js.native }
Example 37
Source File: Demo.scala From Demos with MIT License | 5 votes |
package demo import org.scalajs.dom import typings.highlightJs.mod.initHighlightingOnLoad import typings.reveal.{RevealOptions, RevealStatic} import scala.scalajs.js import scala.scalajs.js.annotation.JSImport object Demo { def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { // Touch to load Includes.HighlightingCss Includes.WhiteThemeCss Includes.RevealCss Includes.Reveal Includes.ZoomJs @JSImport("reveal.js/js/reveal.js", JSImport.Namespace) @js.native object Reveal extends RevealStatic @JSImport("reveal.js/plugin/zoom-js/zoom.js", JSImport.Namespace) @js.native object ZoomJs extends RevealStatic @JSImport("reveal.js/lib/css/zenburn.css", JSImport.Namespace) @js.native object HighlightingCss extends js.Object @JSImport("reveal.js/css/theme/white.css", JSImport.Namespace) @js.native object WhiteThemeCss extends js.Object @JSImport("reveal.js/css/reveal.css", JSImport.Namespace) @js.native object RevealCss extends js.Object }
Example 38
Source File: Demo.scala From Demos with MIT License | 5 votes |
package demo import org.scalablytyped.runtime.{StringDictionary, TopLevel} import typings.phaser.Phaser.Types.Animations.{Animation, GenerateFrameNames} import typings.phaser.Phaser.Types.Core.GameConfig import typings.phaser.Phaser.Types.GameObjects.GameObjectConfig import typings.phaser.Phaser.Types.GameObjects.Sprite.SpriteConfig import typings.phaser.Phaser.Types.Scenes.CreateSceneFromObjectConfig import typings.phaser.phaserMod.{Game, Scene} import typings.phaser.{phaserMod => Phaser} import scala.scalajs.js import scala.scalajs.js.annotation.JSImport import scala.util.Random object Demo { @JSImport("./gems.png", JSImport.Namespace) @js.native object GemsPng extends TopLevel[String] js.ThisFunction1[Scene, js.Object, Unit] = null, preload: js.ThisFunction0[Scene, Unit] = null, update: js.ThisFunction0[Scene, Unit] = null ): CreateSceneFromObjectConfig = { val __obj = js.Dynamic.literal() if (create != null) __obj.updateDynamic("create")(create) if (extend != null) __obj.updateDynamic("extend")(extend.asInstanceOf[js.Any]) if (extendDotdata != null) __obj.updateDynamic("")(extendDotdata.asInstanceOf[js.Any]) if (init != null) __obj.updateDynamic("init")(init) if (preload != null) __obj.updateDynamic("preload")(preload) if (update != null) __obj.updateDynamic("update")(update.asInstanceOf[js.Any]) __obj.asInstanceOf[CreateSceneFromObjectConfig] } }
Example 39
Source File: assets.scala From Demos with MIT License | 5 votes |
package demo import org.scalablytyped.runtime.TopLevel import scala.scalajs.js import scala.scalajs.js.annotation.JSImport object assets { object pixiFilters { @js.native @JSImport("./assets/pixi-filters/displacement_map_repeat.jpg", JSImport.Namespace) object DisplacementMapRepeat extends TopLevel[String] @js.native @JSImport("./assets/pixi-filters/flag.png", JSImport.Namespace) object FlagImage extends TopLevel[String] } @js.native @JSImport("./assets/bg_grass.jpg", JSImport.Namespace) object BackgroundGrass extends TopLevel[String] @js.native @JSImport("./assets/bg_scene_rotate.jpg", JSImport.Namespace) object BackgroundSceneRotate extends TopLevel[String] @js.native @JSImport("./assets/bunny.png", JSImport.Namespace) object BunnyImage extends TopLevel[String] @js.native @JSImport("./assets/eggHead.png", JSImport.Namespace) object EggHeadImage extends TopLevel[String] @js.native @JSImport("./assets/p2.jpeg", JSImport.Namespace) object P2Image extends TopLevel[String] @js.native @JSImport("./assets/star.png", JSImport.Namespace) object StarImage extends TopLevel[String] @js.native @JSImport("./assets/video.mp4", JSImport.Namespace) object TheVideo extends TopLevel[String] @js.native @JSImport("./assets/trail.png", JSImport.Namespace) object TrailImage extends TopLevel[String] }
Example 40
Source File: JQueryDemo.scala From Demos with MIT License | 5 votes |
package demo import org.scalajs.dom.html.{Button, Label} import org.scalajs.dom.document import org.scalajs.dom.raw.Element import typings.jquery.{JQueryEventObject, JQuery_, mod => $} import typings.jqueryui.jqueryuiRequire import scala.scalajs.js import scala.scalajs.js.annotation.JSImport import scala.scalajs.js.| object JQueryDemo { @JSImport("jqueryui/jquery-ui.css", JSImport.Namespace) @js.native object JqueryUiCss extends js.Object JQueryEventObject, scala.Unit] = eo => { counter += 1 $[Label]("#label").text(s"Value is $counter") } $[Button]("#button") .text("bumpit") .on("click", renderLabel) isJQueryUi($("#accordion")).accordion() } }
Example 41
Source File: ReactRedux.scala From scalajs-reactjs with MIT License | 5 votes |
package io.github.shogowada.scalajs.reactjs.redux import io.github.shogowada.scalajs.reactjs.React import io.github.shogowada.scalajs.reactjs.React.Props import io.github.shogowada.scalajs.reactjs.VirtualDOM.VirtualDOMAttributes.Type.AS_IS import io.github.shogowada.scalajs.reactjs.VirtualDOM.{VirtualDOMAttributes, VirtualDOMElements} import io.github.shogowada.scalajs.reactjs.classes.ReactClass import io.github.shogowada.scalajs.reactjs.redux.ReactRedux.ReactReduxVirtualDOMAttributes.StoreAttributeSpec import io.github.shogowada.scalajs.reactjs.redux.Redux.NativeDispatch import io.github.shogowada.statictags.{Attribute, AttributeSpec} import scala.scalajs.js import scala.scalajs.js.annotation.JSImport object ReactRedux { import Redux.Dispatch implicit class ReactReduxVirtualDOMElements(elements: VirtualDOMElements) { lazy val Provider = elements(NativeReactReduxProvider) } object ReactReduxVirtualDOMAttributes { case class StoreAttributeSpec(name: String) extends AttributeSpec { def :=[State](store: Store[State]) = Attribute(name, store.native, AS_IS) } } implicit class ReactReduxVirtualDOMAttributes(attributes: VirtualDOMAttributes) { lazy val store = StoreAttributeSpec("store") } def connectAdvanced[ReduxState, OwnProps, WrappedProps]( selectorFactory: Dispatch => (ReduxState, Props[OwnProps]) => WrappedProps ): ContainerComponentFactory[WrappedProps] = { val nativeSelectorFactory = selectorFactoryToNative(selectorFactory) val nativeFactory = NativeReactRedux.connectAdvanced(nativeSelectorFactory) new ContainerComponentFactory[WrappedProps](nativeFactory) } private def selectorFactoryToNative[ReduxState, OwnProps, WrappedProps]( selectorFactory: Dispatch => (ReduxState, Props[OwnProps]) => WrappedProps ): js.Function1[NativeDispatch, js.Function2[ReduxState, js.Dynamic, js.Any]] = (nativeDispatch: NativeDispatch) => { val dispatch: Dispatch = ReduxInternal.dispatchFromNative(nativeDispatch) val selector = selectorFactory(dispatch) selectorToNative(selector) } private def selectorToNative[ReduxState, OwnProps, WrappedProps]( selector: (ReduxState, Props[OwnProps]) => WrappedProps ): js.Function2[ReduxState, js.Dynamic, js.Any] = (state: ReduxState, nativeOwnProps: js.Dynamic) => { val ownProps: Props[OwnProps] = Props(nativeOwnProps) val wrappedProps: WrappedProps = selector(state, ownProps) val nativeProps = clone(nativeOwnProps) nativeProps.updateDynamic(React.WrappedProperty)(wrappedProps.asInstanceOf[js.Any]) nativeProps } private def clone(plainObject: js.Dynamic): js.Dynamic = { val clonedPlainObject = js.Dynamic.literal() val keys = js.Object.keys(plainObject.asInstanceOf[js.Object]) keys.foreach(key => clonedPlainObject.updateDynamic(key)(plainObject.selectDynamic(key))) clonedPlainObject } } @js.native @JSImport("react-redux", "Provider") object NativeReactReduxProvider extends ReactClass @js.native @JSImport("react-redux", JSImport.Namespace) object NativeReactRedux extends js.Object { def connectAdvanced[State](selectorFactory: js.Function1[Redux.NativeDispatch, js.Function2[State, js.Dynamic, js.Any]]): js.Function1[js.Any, ReactClass] = js.native }
Example 42
Source File: RouterDOM.scala From scalajs-reactjs with MIT License | 5 votes |
package io.github.shogowada.scalajs.reactjs.router.dom import io.github.shogowada.scalajs.reactjs.VirtualDOM.VirtualDOMAttributes.Type.AS_IS import io.github.shogowada.scalajs.reactjs.VirtualDOM.{VirtualDOMAttributes, VirtualDOMElements} import io.github.shogowada.scalajs.reactjs.classes.ReactClass import io.github.shogowada.scalajs.reactjs.router import io.github.shogowada.scalajs.reactjs.router.{Location, Match} import io.github.shogowada.statictags.{AttributeSpec, _} import scala.scalajs.js import scala.scalajs.js.annotation.JSImport @js.native @JSImport("react-router-dom", "BrowserRouter") object NativeBrowserRouter extends ReactClass @js.native @JSImport("react-router-dom", "HashRouter") object NativeHashRouter extends ReactClass @js.native @JSImport("react-router-dom", "Link") object NativeLink extends ReactClass @js.native @JSImport("react-router-dom", "NavLink") object NativeNavLink extends ReactClass trait RouterDOM extends router.Router { implicit class RouterDOMVirtualDOMElements(elements: VirtualDOMElements) { lazy val BrowserRouter = elements(NativeBrowserRouter) lazy val HashRouter = elements(NativeHashRouter) lazy val Link = elements(NativeLink) lazy val NavLink = elements(NativeNavLink) } object RouterDOMVirtualDOMAttributes { case class GetUserConfirmationAttributeSpec(name: String) extends AttributeSpec { type Get = js.Function2[String, js.Function1[Boolean, _], _] def :=(get: Get): Attribute[Get] = Attribute(name, get, AS_IS) } case class HashTypeAttributeSpec(name: String) extends AttributeSpec { def :=(hashType: String) = Attribute(name, hashType) lazy val hashbang = this := ("hashbang") lazy val noslash = this := ("noslash") lazy val slash = this := ("slash") } case class IsActiveAttributeSpec(name: String) extends AttributeSpec { type IsActive = js.Function2[Match, Location, Boolean] def :=(isActive: IsActive): Attribute[IsActive] = Attribute(name, isActive, AS_IS) } } implicit class RouterDOMVirtualDOMAttributes(attributes: VirtualDOMAttributes) { import RouterDOMVirtualDOMAttributes._ lazy val activeClassName = SpaceSeparatedStringAttributeSpec("activeClassName") lazy val activeStyle = CssAttributeSpec("activeStyle") lazy val basename = StringAttributeSpec("basename") lazy val forceRefresh = BooleanAttributeSpec("forceRefresh") lazy val getUserConfirmation = GetUserConfirmationAttributeSpec("getUserConfirmation") lazy val hashType = HashTypeAttributeSpec("hashType") lazy val isActive = IsActiveAttributeSpec("isActive") lazy val keyLength = IntegerAttributeSpec("keyLength") lazy val replace = BooleanAttributeSpec("replace") } } object RouterDOM extends RouterDOM
Example 43
Source File: Router.scala From scalajs-reactjs with MIT License | 5 votes |
package io.github.shogowada.scalajs.reactjs.router import io.github.shogowada.scalajs.history.History import io.github.shogowada.scalajs.reactjs.VirtualDOM.VirtualDOMAttributes.Type.AS_IS import io.github.shogowada.scalajs.reactjs.VirtualDOM.VirtualDOMAttributes.{ReactClassAttributeSpec, RenderAttributeSpec} import io.github.shogowada.scalajs.reactjs.VirtualDOM.{VirtualDOMAttributes, VirtualDOMElements} import io.github.shogowada.scalajs.reactjs.classes.ReactClass import io.github.shogowada.statictags.{Attribute, AttributeSpec, BooleanAttributeSpec, StringAttributeSpec} import scala.scalajs.js import scala.scalajs.js.annotation.JSImport @js.native @JSImport("react-router", "Prompt") object NativePrompt extends ReactClass @js.native @JSImport("react-router", "Redirect") object NativeRedirect extends ReactClass @js.native @JSImport("react-router", "Route") object NativeRoute extends ReactClass @js.native @JSImport("react-router", "Router") object NativeRouter extends ReactClass @js.native @JSImport("react-router", "Switch") object NativeSwitch extends ReactClass trait Router { implicit class RouterVirtualDOMElements(elements: VirtualDOMElements) { lazy val Prompt = elements(NativePrompt) lazy val Redirect = elements(NativeRedirect) lazy val Route = elements(NativeRoute) lazy val Router = elements(NativeRouter) lazy val Switch = elements(NativeSwitch) } object RouterVirtualDOMAttributes { case class MessageAttributeSpec(name: String) extends AttributeSpec { def :=(message: String) = Attribute[String](name, message) def :=(message: js.Function0[String]) = Attribute[js.Function0[String]](name, message, AS_IS) } case class HistoryAttributeSpec(name: String) extends AttributeSpec { def :=(value: History): Attribute[History] = Attribute(name, value, AS_IS) } case class LocationAttributeSpec(name: String) extends AttributeSpec { def :=(path: String) = Attribute[String](name, path) def :=(location: Location) = Attribute[Location](name, location, AS_IS) } } implicit class RouterVirtualDOMAttributes(attribute: VirtualDOMAttributes) { import RouterVirtualDOMAttributes._ lazy val children = RenderAttributeSpec("children") lazy val component = ReactClassAttributeSpec("component") lazy val exact = BooleanAttributeSpec("exact") lazy val from = StringAttributeSpec("from") lazy val history = HistoryAttributeSpec("history") lazy val message = MessageAttributeSpec("message") lazy val path = StringAttributeSpec("path") lazy val push = BooleanAttributeSpec("push") lazy val render = RenderAttributeSpec("render") lazy val strict = BooleanAttributeSpec("strict") lazy val to = LocationAttributeSpec("to") lazy val when = BooleanAttributeSpec("when") } } object Router extends Router
Example 44
Source File: ReactRouterRedux.scala From scalajs-reactjs with MIT License | 5 votes |
package io.github.shogowada.scalajs.reactjs.router.redux import io.github.shogowada.scalajs.history.History import io.github.shogowada.scalajs.reactjs.VirtualDOM.VirtualDOMElements import io.github.shogowada.scalajs.reactjs.classes.ReactClass import io.github.shogowada.scalajs.reactjs.redux.Redux.{Middleware, NativeMiddleware, Reducer} import io.github.shogowada.scalajs.reactjs.redux.{NativeAction, ReduxInternal} import scala.scalajs.js import scala.scalajs.js.annotation.{JSImport, JSName} @js.native @JSImport("react-router-redux", JSImport.Namespace) object ReactRouterReduxAction extends js.Object { @JSName("push") def Push(path: String): NativeAction = js.native @JSName("replace") def Replace(path: String): NativeAction = js.native @JSName("go") def Go(delta: Int): NativeAction = js.native @JSName("goBack") def GoBack(): NativeAction = js.native @JSName("goForward") def GoForward(): NativeAction = js.native } object ReactRouterRedux { implicit class RouterReduxVirtualDOMElements(elements: VirtualDOMElements) { lazy val ConnectedRouter = elements(NativeReactRouterRedux.ConnectedRouter) } val routerReducer: Reducer[js.Object] = (state: Option[_], action: Any) => { val nativeState: js.Object =[js.Object]).getOrElse(js.Object()) val nativeAction = ReduxInternal.actionToNative(action) NativeReactRouterRedux.routerReducer(nativeState, nativeAction) } def routerMiddleware[State](history: History): Middleware[State] = ReduxInternal.middlewareFromNative( NativeReactRouterRedux.routerMiddleware(history) ) } @js.native @JSImport("react-router-redux", JSImport.Namespace) object NativeReactRouterRedux extends js.Object { val ConnectedRouter: ReactClass = js.native def routerReducer(routerState: js.Object, action: NativeAction): js.Object = js.native def routerMiddleware(history: History): NativeMiddleware = js.native }
Example 45
Source File: History.scala From scalajs-reactjs with MIT License | 5 votes |
package io.github.shogowada.scalajs.history import scala.scalajs.js import scala.scalajs.js.annotation.JSImport @js.native trait History extends js.Object { def push(url: String): Unit = js.native def replace(url: String): Unit = js.native def go(delta: Int): Unit = js.native def goBack(): Unit = js.native def goForward(): Unit = js.native } @js.native @JSImport("history", JSImport.Namespace) object History extends js.Object { def createBrowserHistory(): History = js.native def createHashHistory(): History = js.native def createMemoryHistory(): History = js.native }
Example 46
Source File: Http.scala From angulate2 with MIT License | 5 votes |
// Project: angulate2 ( // Description: // Copyright (c) 2016 Johannes.Kastner <[email protected]> // Distributed under the MIT License (see included LICENSE file) package angulate2.http import de.surfice.smacrotools.JSOptionsObject import rxjs.Observable import scala.scalajs.js import scala.scalajs.js.JSON import scala.scalajs.js.annotation.JSImport @js.native @JSImport("@angular/http","Http") class Http extends js.Object { def get(url: String, options: js.UndefOr[RequestOptionsArgs] = js.undefined): Observable[Response] = js.native def post(url: String, body: js.Any, options: js.UndefOr[RequestOptionsArgs] = js.undefined): Observable[Response] = js.native def put(url: String, body: js.Any, options: js.UndefOr[RequestOptionsArgs] = js.undefined): Observable[Response] = js.native def delete(url: String, options: js.UndefOr[RequestOptionsArgs] = js.undefined): Observable[Response] = js.native } object Http { // type RequestOptionsArgs = js.Dynamic implicit final class RichHttp(val http: Http) extends AnyVal { @inline def putJson(url: String, data: js.Any, options: js.UndefOr[RequestOptionsArgs] = js.undefined): Observable[Response] = http.put(url,JSON.stringify(data),options) @inline def postJson(url: String, data: js.Any, options: js.UndefOr[RequestOptionsArgs] = js.undefined): Observable[Response] =,JSON.stringify(data),options) } } @JSOptionsObject case class RequestOptionsArgs(url: js.UndefOr[String] = js.undefined, method: js.UndefOr[String] = js.undefined, search: js.UndefOr[String] = js.undefined, headers: js.UndefOr[Headers] = js.undefined, body: js.UndefOr[js.Any] = js.undefined, withCredentials: js.UndefOr[Boolean] = js.undefined, responseType: js.UndefOr[ResponseContentType] = js.undefined ) @JSImport("@angular/http","Headers") @js.native class Headers(headers: js.UndefOr[js.Dynamic] = js.undefined) extends js.Object { def append(name: String, value: String): Unit = js.native def delete(name: String): Unit = js.native def forEach(fn: js.Function): Unit = js.native def get(name: String): String = js.native def has(name: String): Boolean = js.native def keys(): js.Array[String] = js.native def set(name: String, value: String): Unit = js.native } object Headers { def apply(): Headers = new Headers() implicit final class RichHeaders(val h: Headers) extends AnyVal { def accept(mimeTypes: String): Headers = { h.set("Accept",mimeTypes) h } def contentType(mimeType: String): Headers = { h.set("Content-Type",mimeType) h } } } @js.native trait ResponseContentType extends js.Object @js.native @JSImport("@angular/http","ResponseContentType") object ResponseContentType extends js.Object { val Text: ResponseContentType = js.native val Json: ResponseContentType = js.native val ArrayBuffer: ResponseContentType = js.native val Blob: ResponseContentType = js.native }
Example 47
Source File: LocationStrategy.scala From angulate2 with MIT License | 5 votes |
// Project: angulate2 ( // Description: // Copyright (c) 2017 Johannes.Kastner <[email protected]> // Distributed under the MIT License (see included LICENSE file) package angulate2.common import angulate2.core.ClassProvider import angulate2.internal.JSType import scala.scalajs.js import scala.scalajs.js.annotation.JSImport @js.native @JSImport("@angular/common","LocationStrategy") class LocationStrategy extends js.Object { def path(includeHash: js.UndefOr[Boolean] = js.undefined): String = js.native def prepareExternalUrl(internal: String): String = js.native def pushState(state: js.Any, title: String, url: String, queryParams: String): Unit = js.native def replaceState(state: js.Any, title: String, url: String, queryParams: String): Unit = js.native def forward(): Unit = js.native def back(): Unit = js.native def onPopState(fn: js.Function): Unit = js.native def getBaseHref(): String = js.native } @js.native @JSImport("@angular/common","HashLocationStrategy") class HashLocationStrategy extends LocationStrategy @js.native @JSImport("@angular/common","PathLocationStrategy") class PathLocationStrategy extends LocationStrategy
Example 48
Source File: Location.scala From angulate2 with MIT License | 5 votes |
// Project: angulate2 ( // Description: // Copyright (c) 2016 Johannes.Kastner <[email protected]> // Distributed under the MIT License (see included LICENSE file) package angulate2.common import scala.scalajs.js import scala.scalajs.js.annotation.JSImport @js.native @JSImport("@angular/common","Location") class Location extends js.Object { def path(includeHash: js.UndefOr[Boolean] = js.undefined): String = js.native def isCurrentPathEqualTo(path: String, query: js.UndefOr[String] = js.undefined): Boolean = js.native def normalize(url: String): String = js.native def prepareExternalUrl(url: String): String = js.native def back(): Unit = js.native def forward(): Unit = js.native def go(path: String, query: String = ""): Unit = js.native def replaceState(path: String, query: String = ""): Unit = js.native def subscribe(onNext: js.Function1[js.Any,_], onThrow: js.UndefOr[js.Function1[js.Any,_]] = js.undefined, onReturn: js.UndefOr[js.Function0[_]] = js.undefined): js.Dynamic = js.native }
Example 49
Source File: utils.scala From angulate2 with MIT License | 5 votes |
// Project: angulate2 ( // Description: // Copyright (c) 2017 Johannes.Kastner <[email protected]> // Distributed under the MIT License (see included LICENSE file) package angulate2.router import scala.scalajs.js import scala.scalajs.js.annotation.JSImport @js.native @JSImport("@angular/router","Tree") class Tree[T](val root: T) extends js.Object { } @js.native @JSImport("@angular/router","TreeNode") class TreeNode[T](val value: T, val children: js.Array[TreeNode[T]]) extends js.Object
Example 50
Source File: Router.scala From angulate2 with MIT License | 5 votes |
// Project: angulate2 ( // Description: // Copyright (c) 2016 Johannes.Kastner <[email protected]> // Distributed under the MIT License (see included LICENSE file) package angulate2.router import rxjs.{Observable, RxPromise} import scala.scalajs.js import scala.scalajs.js.annotation.JSImport @js.native @JSImport("@angular/router","Router") class Router extends js.Object { def errorHandler: js.Dynamic = js.native def navigated: Boolean = js.native def urlHandlingStrategy: js.Dynamic = js.native def config: Routes = js.native def initialNavigation(): Unit = js.native def setUpLocationChangeListener(): Unit = js.native def routerState: js.Dynamic = js.native def url: String = js.native def events: Observable[js.Dynamic] = js.native def resetConfig(config: Routes): Unit = js.native def dispose(): Unit = js.native def createUrlTree(commands: js.Array[js.Any], extras: js.UndefOr[js.Object] = js.undefined): UrlTree = js.native def navigateByUrl(url: js.|[String,UrlTree], extras: js.UndefOr[js.Object] = js.undefined): RxPromise[Boolean] = js.native def navigate(commands: js.Array[js.Any], extras: js.UndefOr[js.Object] = js.undefined): RxPromise[Boolean] = js.native def serializeUrl(urlTree: UrlTree): String = js.native def parseUrl(url: String): UrlTree = js.native def isActive(url: js.|[String,UrlTree], exact: Boolean): Boolean = js.native } object Router { implicit final class RichRouter(val r: Router) extends AnyVal { import scalajs.js.JSConverters._ import js.Dynamic.literal @inline def navigateRelativeTo(route: ActivatedRoute, commands: js.Any*): RxPromise[Boolean] = r.navigate(commands.toJSArray,literal(relativeTo = route)) } }
Example 51
Source File: ApolloClientTest.scala From apollo-scalajs with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.apollographql.scalajs import com.apollographql.scalajs.cache.InMemoryCache import{HttpLink, HttpLinkOptions} import org.scalatest.AsyncFunSuite import scala.scalajs.js import scala.scalajs.js.annotation.JSImport @js.native @JSImport("unfetch", JSImport.Default) object UnfetchFetch extends js.Object class ApolloClientTest extends AsyncFunSuite { = UnfetchFetch implicit override def executionContext = test("Can create an instance of Apollo Client") { assert(!js.isUndefined(new ApolloClient(ApolloClientOptions( link = new HttpLink(HttpLinkOptions("")), cache = new InMemoryCache() )))) } test("Can create an instance of Apollo Client using Apollo Boost") { assert(!js.isUndefined(ApolloBoostClient( uri = "" ))) } test("Can perform a simple query and get the results") { ApolloBoostClient( uri = "" ).query[js.Object]( query = gql( """{ | rates(currency: "USD") { | currency | } |}""".stripMargin ) ).map { r => assert([js.Dynamic] .rates.asInstanceOf[js.Array[js.Object]].length > 0) } } test("Can perform a query with variables and get the results") { ApolloBoostClient( uri = "" ).query[js.Object, js.Object]( query = gql( """query GetRates($cur: String!) { | rates(currency: $cur) { | currency | } |}""".stripMargin ), variables = js.Dynamic.literal( cur = "USD" ) ).map { r => assert([js.Dynamic] .rates.asInstanceOf[js.Array[js.Object]].length > 0) } } test("Can perform a query with typed variables and response and get the results") { case class Variables(cur: String) case class Rate(currency: String) case class QueryResult(rates: Seq[Rate]) ApolloBoostClient( uri = "" ).query[QueryResult, Variables]( query = gql( """query GetRates($cur: String!) { | rates(currency: $cur) { | currency | } |}""".stripMargin ), variables = Variables( cur = "USD" ) ).map { r => assert( } } }
Example 52
Source File: url_tree.scala From angulate2 with MIT License | 5 votes |
// Project: angulate2 ( // Description: // Copyright (c) 2017 Johannes.Kastner <[email protected]> // Distributed under the MIT License (see included LICENSE file) package angulate2.router import scala.scalajs.js import scala.scalajs.js.annotation.JSImport @js.native @JSImport("@angular/router","UrlTree") class UrlTree(val root: UrlSegmentGroup, val queryParams: js.Dictionary[String], val fragment: String) extends js.Object { } @js.native @JSImport("@angular/router","UrlSegmentGroup") class UrlSegmentGroup(val segments: js.Array[UrlSegment], children: js.Dictionary[UrlSegmentGroup]) extends js.Object { } @js.native @JSImport("@angular/router","UrlSegment") class UrlSegment(val path: String, val parameters: js.Dictionary[String]) extends js.Object
Example 53
Source File: events.scala From angulate2 with MIT License | 5 votes |
// Project: angulate2 ( // Description: // Copyright (c) 2017 Johannes.Kastner <[email protected]> // Distributed under the MIT License (see included LICENSE file) package angulate2.router import scala.scalajs.js import scala.scalajs.js.annotation.JSImport @js.native @JSImport("@angular/router","NavigationStart") class NavigationStart(val id: Int, val url: String) extends js.Object @js.native @JSImport("@angular/router","NavigationEnd") class NavigationEnd(val id: Int, val url: String, val urlAfterRedirects: String) extends js.Object @js.native @JSImport("@angular/router","NavigationCancel") class NavigationCancel(val id: Int, val url: String, val reason: String) extends js.Object @js.native @JSImport("@angular/router","NavigationError") class NavigationError(val id: Int, val url: String, val error: js.Any) extends js.Object
Example 54
Source File: router_module.scala From angulate2 with MIT License | 5 votes |
// Project: angulate2 // Description: Façade traits for @angular/router/router_module.ts (v2.2.1) // Copyright (c) 2016 Johannes.Kastner <[email protected]> // Distributed under the MIT License (see included LICENSE file) package angulate2.router import angulate2.core.ModuleWithProviders import scala.scalajs.js import scala.scalajs.js.annotation.JSImport @js.native @JSImport("@angular/router","RouterModule") class RouterModule extends js.Object @js.native @JSImport("@angular/router","RouterModule") object RouterModule extends js.Object { def forRoot(routes: Routes, config: js.UndefOr[js.Dynamic] = js.undefined): ModuleWithProviders = js.native def forChild(routes: Routes): ModuleWithProviders = js.native }
Example 55
Source File: Injectable.scala From angulate2 with MIT License | 5 votes |
// Project: angulate2 ( // Description: Angular2 @Injectable annotation. // Copyright (c) 2016 Johannes.Kastner <[email protected]> // Distributed under the MIT License (see included LICENSE file) package angulate2.core import angulate2.internal.ClassDecorator import scala.annotation.{StaticAnnotation, compileTimeOnly} import scala.language.experimental.macros import scala.reflect.macros.whitebox import scala.scalajs.js import scala.scalajs.js.annotation.JSImport @js.native @JSImport("@angular/core","Injectable") object InjectableFacade extends js.Object { def apply() : js.Object = js.native def apply(options: js.Object) : js.Object = js.native } // NOTE: keep the constructor parameter list and Injectable.Macro.annotationParamNames in sync! @compileTimeOnly("enable macro paradise to expand macro annotations") class Injectable extends StaticAnnotation { def macroTransform(annottees: Any*): Any = macro Injectable.Macro.impl } object Injectable { private[angulate2] class Macro(val c: whitebox.Context) extends ClassDecorator { import c.universe._ override val annotationName: String = "Injectable" override val annotationParamNames: Seq[String] = Seq() override def mainAnnotationObject = q"angulate2.core.InjectableFacade" } }
Example 56
Source File: NgModule.scala From angulate2 with MIT License | 5 votes |
// Project: angulate2 // Description: Angular2 @NgModule macro annotation // Copyright (c) 2016 Johannes.Kastner <[email protected]> // Distributed under the MIT License (see included LICENSE file) package angulate2.core import angulate2.internal.ClassDecorator import scala.annotation.{StaticAnnotation, compileTimeOnly} import scala.language.experimental.macros import scala.reflect.macros.whitebox import scala.scalajs.js import scala.scalajs.js.annotation.JSImport @js.native @JSImport("@angular/core","NgModule") object NgModuleFacade extends js.Object { def apply() : js.Object = js.native def apply(options: js.Object) : js.Object = js.native } // NOTE: keep the constructor parameter list and Component.Macro.annotationParamNames in sync! @compileTimeOnly("enable macro paradise to expand macro annotations") class NgModule(providers: js.Array[js.Any] = null, declarations: js.Array[js.Any] = null, imports: js.Array[js.Any] = null, exports: js.Array[js.Any] = null, entryComponents: js.Array[js.Any] = null, bootstrap: js.Array[js.Any] = null, schemas: js.Array[js.Any] = null, id: String = null) extends StaticAnnotation { def macroTransform(annottees: Any*): Any = macro NgModule.Macro.impl } object NgModule { private[angulate2] class Macro(val c: whitebox.Context) extends ClassDecorator { import c.universe._ val annotationParamNames = Seq( "providers", "declarations", "imports", "exports", "entryComponents", "bootstrap", "schemas", "id" ) override val annotationName: String = "NgModule" override def mainAnnotationObject = q"angulate2.core.NgModuleFacade" } }
Example 57
Source File: Renderer.scala From angulate2 with MIT License | 5 votes |
// Project: angulate2 ( // Module: @angular/core/Renderer // Copyright (c) 2016 Johannes.Kastner <[email protected]> // Distributed under the MIT License (see included LICENSE file) package angulate2.core import scala.scalajs.js import scala.scalajs.js.annotation.JSImport @js.native @JSImport("@angular/core","Renderer") class Renderer extends js.Any { import Renderer._ def selectRootElement(selectorOrNode: js.Any, debugInfo: OptRenderDebugInfo = js.undefined) : js.Any = js.native def createElement(parentElement: js.Any, name: String, debugInfo: OptRenderDebugInfo = js.undefined) : js.Any = js.native def createViewRoot(hostElement: js.Any) : js.Any = js.native def createTemplateAnchor(parentElement: js.Any, debugInfo: OptRenderDebugInfo = js.undefined) : js.Any = js.native def createText(parentElement: js.Any, value: String, debugInfo: OptRenderDebugInfo = js.undefined) : js.Any = js.native def projectNodes(parentElement: js.Any, nodes: js.Array[js.Any]) : Unit = js.native def attachViewAfter(node: js.Any, viewRootNodes: js.Array[js.Any]) : Unit = js.native def detachView(viewRootNodes: js.Array[js.Any]) : Unit = js.native def destroyView(hostElement: js.Any, viewAllNodes: js.Array[js.Any]) : Unit = js.native def listen(renderElement: js.Any, name: String, callback: js.Function) : js.Function = js.native def listenGlobal(target: String, name: String, callback: js.Function) : js.Function = js.native def setElementProperty(renderElement: js.Any, propertyName: String, propertyValue: js.Any) : Unit = js.native def setElementAttribute(renderElement: js.Any, attributeName: String, attributeValue: String) : Unit = js.native def setBindingDebugInfo(renderElement: js.Any, propertyName: String, propertyValue: String) : Unit = js.native def setElementClass(renderElement: js.Any, className: String, isAdd: Boolean) : Unit = js.native def setElementStyle(renderElement: js.Any, styleName: String, styleValue: String) : Unit = js.native def invokeElementMethod(renderElement: js.Any, methodName: String, args: OptAnyArray = js.undefined) : Unit = js.native def setText(renderNode: js.Any, text: String) : Unit = js.native def animate(element: js.Any, startingStyles: AnimationStyles, keyframes: js.Array[AnimationKeyframe], duration: Int, delay: Int, easing: String, previousPlayers: js.UndefOr[js.Array[AnimationPlayer]] = js.undefined) : AnimationPlayer = js.native } object Renderer { type RenderDebugInfo = js.Dynamic type OptRenderDebugInfo = js.UndefOr[RenderDebugInfo] type AnimationStyles = js.Dynamic type AnimationKeyframe = js.Dynamic type AnimationPlayer = js.Dynamic }
Example 58
Source File: Pipe.scala From angulate2 with MIT License | 5 votes |
// Project: angulate2 ( // Description: // Copyright (c) 2017 Johannes.Kastner <[email protected]> // Distributed under the MIT License (see included LICENSE file) package angulate2.core import angulate2.internal.ClassDecorator import de.surfice.smacrotools.createJS import scala.annotation.{StaticAnnotation, compileTimeOnly} import scala.language.experimental.macros import scala.reflect.macros.whitebox import scala.scalajs.js import scala.scalajs.js.annotation.JSImport @js.native @JSImport("@angular/core","Pipe") object PipeFacade extends js.Object { def apply(options: js.Object) : js.Object = js.native } // NOTE: keep the constructor parameter list and Directive.Macro.annotationParamNames in sync! @compileTimeOnly("enable macro paradise to expand macro annotations") class Pipe(name: String, pure: Boolean = true) extends StaticAnnotation { def macroTransform(annottees: Any*): Any = macro Pipe.Macro.impl } object Pipe { private[angulate2] class Macro(val c: whitebox.Context) extends ClassDecorator { import c.universe._ val annotationParamNames = Seq( "name", "pure" ) override val annotationName: String = "Pipe" override def mainAnnotationObject = q"angulate2.core.PipeFacade" } } @createJS trait PipeTransform0[T,R] { def transform(value: T): R } @createJS trait PipeTransform1[T,A1,R] { def transform(value: T, arg1: A1): R } @createJS trait PipeTransform2[T,A1,A2,R] { def transform(value: T, arg1: A1, arg2: A2): R } @createJS trait PipeTransform3[T,A1,A2,A3,R] { def transform(value: T, arg1: A1, arg2: A2, arg3: A3): R }
Example 59
Source File: linker.scala From angulate2 with MIT License | 5 votes |
// Project: angulate2 ( // Description: // Copyright (c) 2017 Johannes.Kastner <[email protected]> // Distributed under the MIT License (see included LICENSE file) package angulate2.core import scala.scalajs.js import scala.scalajs.js.annotation.JSImport @js.native @JSImport("@angular/core","ElementRef") class ElementRef(_nativeElement: js.Any) extends js.Any { def nativeElement: js.Dynamic = js.native } object ElementRef { import org.scalajs.dom.html.Element final implicit class RichElementRef(val e: ElementRef) extends AnyVal { def htmlElement: Element = e.nativeElement.asInstanceOf[Element] } } @js.native trait ComponentFactory[T] extends js.Object { def selector: String = js.native def create(injector: Injector, projectableNodes: js.UndefOr[js.Array[js.Array[js.Any]]] = js.undefined, rootSelectorOrNode: js.UndefOr[js.Any] = js.undefined): ComponentRef[T] = js.native } @js.native trait ComponentRef[T] extends js.Object { def location: ElementRef = js.native def injector: Injector = js.native def instance: T = js.native def hostView: ViewRef = js.native } @js.native trait ViewRef extends js.Object { def destroy(): Unit = js.native def destroyed: Boolean = js.native def onDestroy(callback: js.Function): Unit = js.native } @js.native @JSImport("@angular/core","ViewContainerRef") class ViewContainerRef extends js.Object { def element: ElementRef = js.native def injector: Injector = js.native def parentInjector: Injector = js.native def clear(): Unit = js.native def get(index: Int): ViewRef = js.native def length: Int = js.native def createComponent[T](componentFactory: ComponentFactory[T], index: js.UndefOr[Int] = js.undefined, injector: js.UndefOr[Injector] = js.undefined, projectableNodes: js.UndefOr[js.Array[js.Array[js.Any]]] = js.undefined): ComponentRef[T] = js.native def insert(viewRef: ViewRef, index: js.UndefOr[Int] = js.undefined): ViewRef = js.native def move(viewRef: ViewRef, currentIndex: Int): ViewRef = js.native def indexOf(viewRef: ViewRef): Int = js.native def remove(index: js.UndefOr[Int] = js.undefined): Unit = js.native def detach(index: js.UndefOr[Int]): ViewRef = js.native }
Example 60
Source File: Directive.scala From angulate2 with MIT License | 5 votes |
// Project: angulate2 ( // Description: Angular2 @Directive macro annotation // Copyright (c) 2016 Johannes.Kastner <[email protected]> // Distributed under the MIT License (see included LICENSE file) package angulate2.core import angulate2.internal.{ClassDecorator, FieldDecorator} import scala.annotation.{StaticAnnotation, compileTimeOnly} import scala.language.experimental.macros import scala.reflect.macros.whitebox import scala.scalajs.js import scala.scalajs.js.annotation.JSImport @js.native @JSImport("@angular/core","Directive") object DirectiveFacade extends js.Object { def apply(options: js.Object) : js.Object = js.native } // NOTE: keep the constructor parameter list and Directive.Macro.annotationParamNames in sync! @compileTimeOnly("enable macro paradise to expand macro annotations") class Directive(selector: String = null, inputs: js.Array[String] = null, outputs: js.Array[String] = null, host: js.Dictionary[String] = null, template: String = null, providers: js.Array[js.Any] = null, exportAs: String = null, queries: js.Any = null) extends StaticAnnotation { def macroTransform(annottees: Any*): Any = macro Directive.Macro.impl } object Directive { private[angulate2] abstract class BaseMacro extends ClassDecorator with FieldDecorator private[angulate2] class Macro(val c: whitebox.Context) extends BaseMacro { import c.universe._ override def annotationName = "Directive" override def mainAnnotationObject: c.universe.Tree = q"angulate2.core.DirectiveFacade" override def annotationParamNames: Seq[String] = Seq( "selector", "inputs", "outputs", "host", "template", "providers", "exportAs", "queries" ) } }
Example 61
Source File: EventEmitter.scala From angulate2 with MIT License | 5 votes |
// Project: angulate2 ( // Description: // Copyright (c) 2016 Johannes.Kastner <[email protected]> // Distributed under the MIT License (see included LICENSE file) package angulate2.core import scala.scalajs.js import scala.scalajs.js.annotation.JSImport @js.native @JSImport("@angular/core","EventEmitter") class EventEmitter[T](isAsync: js.UndefOr[Boolean] = js.undefined) extends js.Any { def emit(value: js.UndefOr[T] = js.undefined): Unit = js.native def subscribe(generatorOrNext: js.UndefOr[js.Any] = js.undefined, error: js.UndefOr[js.Any] = js.undefined, complete: js.UndefOr[js.Any] = js.undefined): js.Any = js.native }
Example 62
Source File: JitCompiler.scala From angulate2 with MIT License | 5 votes |
// Project: angulate2 ( // Description: // Copyright (c) 2017 Johannes.Kastner <[email protected]> // Distributed under the MIT License (see included LICENSE file) package angulate2.compiler import angulate2.core.{ModuleWithComponentFactories, NgModuleFactory, Type} import rxjs.RxPromise import import scala.scalajs.js import scala.scalajs.js.annotation.JSImport @js.native @JSImport("@angular/compiler","JitCompiler") class JitCompiler extends js.Object { def compileModuleSync[T](moduleType: Type[T]): NgModuleFactory[T] = js.native def compileModuleAsync[T](moduleType: Type[T]): RxPromise[NgModuleFactory[T]] = js.native def compileModuleAndAllComponentsSync[T](moduleType: Type[T]): ModuleWithComponentFactories[T] = js.native def compileModuleAndAllComponentsAsync[T](moduleType: Type[T]): RxPromise[ModuleWithComponentFactories[T]] = js.native }
Example 63
Source File: IO.scala From scala-commons with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.avsystem.commons package testutil import scala.scalajs.js import scala.scalajs.js.annotation.{JSBracketAccess, JSGlobal, JSImport} @js.native @JSImport("fs", JSImport.Namespace) object NodeFS extends js.Object { def readFileSync(path: String, encoding: String = js.native): String = js.native def writeFileSync(path: String, data: String, encoding: String = js.native): Unit = js.native } @js.native @JSImport("path", JSImport.Namespace) object NodePath extends js.Object { val sep: String = js.native } @js.native @JSGlobal("process.env") object NodeEnv extends js.Object { @JSBracketAccess def get(name: String): String = js.native } object IO { private final val ResourcesPath = NodeEnv.get("RESOURCES_DIR") private def nativePath(path: String): String = ResourcesPath + path.replaceAllLiterally("/", NodePath.sep) def readTestResource(path: String): String = NodeFS.readFileSync(nativePath(path), "UTF-8") def writeTestResource(path: String, data: String): Unit = NodeFS.writeFileSync(nativePath(path), data, "UTF-8") }
Example 64
Source File: SaxWrapper.scala From xml-lens with MIT License | 5 votes |
package pl.msitko.xml.parsing import scala.scalajs.js import scala.scalajs.js.JSConverters._ import scala.scalajs.js.annotation.JSImport @js.native @JSImport("@msitko/sax/lib/sax.js", JSImport.Namespace) private [parsing] object sax extends js.Object { def parser(strict: Boolean, dictionary: js.Dictionary[Boolean]): parser = js.native } @js.native private [parsing] trait Writer extends js.Object { def close(): Unit = js.native } @js.native private [parsing] trait parser extends js.Object { var ontext: js.Function1[String, Unit] = js.native var onprocessinginstruction: js.Function1[JsProcessingInstruction, Unit] = js.native var onsgmldeclaration: js.Function0[Unit] = js.native var ondoctype: js.Function1[String, Unit] = js.native var oncomment: js.Function1[String, Unit] = js.native var onopentagstart: js.Function0[Unit] = js.native var onattribute: js.Function1[JsAttribute, Unit] = js.native var onopentag: js.Function1[JsNode, Unit] = js.native var onclosetag: js.Function0[Unit] = js.native var onopencdata: js.Function0[Unit] = js.native var oncdata: js.Function1[String, Unit] = js.native var onclosecdata: js.Function0[Unit] = js.native var onerror: js.Function1[js.Error, Unit] = js.native var onend: js.Function0[Unit] = js.native var onready: js.Function0[Unit] = js.native var onscript: js.Function0[Unit] = js.native var onopennamespace: js.Function0[Unit] = js.native var onentityreference: js.Function1[String, Unit] = js.native def write(input: String): Writer = js.native } @js.native private [parsing] trait JsProcessingInstruction extends js.Object { val name: String = js.native val body: String = js.native } @js.native private [parsing] trait JsNode extends js.Object { val name: String = js.native val attributes: js.Dictionary[JsAttribute] = js.native val ns: js.Dictionary[String] = js.native // If the xmlns option is set, then it will contain namespace binding information on the ns member, and will have a local, prefix, and uri member. val local: String = js.native val prefix: String = js.native val uri: String = js.native } @js.native private [parsing] trait JsAttribute extends js.Object { val name: String = js.native // e.g. `prefix:attrName` val value: String = js.native val prefix: String = js.native val local: String = js.native val uri: String = js.native } object JsParser { def apply(strict: Boolean, options: JsParserOptions): parser = { sax.parser(strict, options.toDict) } } final case class JsParserOptions( trim: Option[Boolean] = None, normalize: Option[Boolean] = None, lowercase: Option[Boolean] = None, xmlns: Option[Boolean] = None, position: Option[Boolean] = None, strictEntities: Option[Boolean] = None ) { def toDict: js.Dictionary[Boolean] = { val empty = Map.empty[String, Boolean] val fields = List( trim.fold(empty)(b => Map("trim" -> b)), normalize.fold(empty)(b => Map("normalize" -> b)), lowercase.fold(empty)(b => Map("lowercase" -> b)), xmlns.fold(empty)(b => Map("xmlns" -> b)), position.fold(empty)(b => Map("position" -> b)), strictEntities.fold(empty)(b => Map("strictEntities" -> b)) ) fields.reduce(_ ++ _).toJSDictionary } }
Example 65
Source File: Main.scala From coursier with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package coursier.web import scala.scalajs.js import scala.scalajs.js.annotation.{JSExport, JSExportTopLevel, JSImport} import org.scalajs.dom.document // Initializing bootstrap, like // // but from scala-js, see e.g. // @js.native @JSImport("bootstrap", JSImport.Namespace) object Bootstrap extends js.Object @js.native @JSImport("bootstrap-treeview", JSImport.Namespace) object BootstrapTreeView extends js.Object @JSExportTopLevel("CoursierWeb") object Main { @JSExport def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { println("bootstrap") val bootstrap = Bootstrap println("bootstrap-treeview") val bootstrapTreeView = BootstrapTreeView println("Initializing") .renderIntoDOM(document.getElementById("demoContent")) println("Initialized") } }
Example 66
Source File: Dracula.scala From coursier with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package coursier.web import scala.scalajs.js import scala.scalajs.js.annotation.JSImport @js.native @JSImport("graphdracula", JSImport.Namespace) object Dracula extends js.Object { def Graph: js.Dynamic = js.native def Layout: Layout = js.native def Renderer: Renderer = js.native } @js.native trait Layout extends js.Any { def Spring: js.Dynamic } @js.native trait Renderer extends js.Any { def Raphael: js.Dynamic }