scala.util.hashing.MurmurHash3 Scala Examples
The following examples show how to use scala.util.hashing.MurmurHash3.
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Example 1
Source File: EthereumTransactionRouter.scala From Raphtory with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.raphtory.examples.blockchain.routers import com.raphtory.core.components.Router.RouterWorker import com.raphtory.core.model.communication.EdgeAddWithProperties import com.raphtory.core.model.communication.Properties import com.raphtory.core.model.communication.StringProperty import com.raphtory.core.model.communication.VertexAddWithProperties import scala.util.hashing.MurmurHash3 class EthereumTransactionRouter(override val routerId: Int,override val workerID:Int, val initialManagerCount: Int) extends RouterWorker { override protected def parseTuple(value: Any): Unit = { val components = value.toString.drop(1).dropRight(1).split(",") val creationDate = components(3).toLong * 1000 //seconds to miliseconds val sourceNode = MurmurHash3.stringHash(components(0)) //hash the id to get a vertex ID sendGraphUpdate( VertexAddWithProperties(creationDate, sourceNode, Properties(StringProperty("id", components(0)))) ) //create the source node and add the wallet ID as a property if (components(1).nonEmpty) { //money being sent to an actual user val targetNode = MurmurHash3.stringHash(components(1)) //hash the id of the to wallet to get a vertex ID sendGraphUpdate( VertexAddWithProperties(creationDate, targetNode, Properties(StringProperty("id", components(1)))) ) //create the destination vertex sendGraphUpdate( EdgeAddWithProperties( creationDate, sourceNode, targetNode, Properties(StringProperty("id", components(2))) ) ) //create the edge between them adding the value as a property } else { //burnt cash val targetNode = MurmurHash3.stringHash("null") sendGraphUpdate(VertexAddWithProperties(creationDate, targetNode, Properties(StringProperty("id", "null")))) sendGraphUpdate( EdgeAddWithProperties( creationDate, sourceNode, targetNode, Properties(StringProperty("value", components(2))) ) ) } } }
Example 2
Source File: SignRandomProjectionLSH.scala From lexrank-summarizer with MIT License | 5 votes |
package io.github.karlhigley.lexrank import scala.collection.immutable.BitSet import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer import scala.util.Random import scala.util.hashing.MurmurHash3 import org.apache.spark.mllib.linalg.SparseVector import org.apache.spark.Logging class SignRandomProjectionLSH(poolSize: Int = 10000) extends Serializable with Logging { val pool = SignRandomProjectionLSH.generatePool(poolSize) def computeSignature(vector: SparseVector, length: Int): BitSet = { val buf = ArrayBuffer.empty[Int] val elements = for (bit <- 1 to length) { val components = => { val hash = MurmurHash3.productHash((bit, e._1)) val poolIndex = ((hash % poolSize) + poolSize) % poolSize val result = e._2 * pool(poolIndex) result }) val dotProduct = components.reduce(_ + _) if (dotProduct > 0) { buf += bit } } BitSet(buf.toArray:_*) } } object SignRandomProjectionLSH { def signatureSet(length: Int): Set[BitSet] = { BitSet(1 to length:_*).subsets.toSet } def estimateCosine(a: BitSet, b: BitSet, length: Int): Double = { val hammingDistance = (a^b).size math.cos(hammingDistance.toDouble/length.toDouble*math.Pi) } private def generatePool(size: Int): Array[Double] = { val rand = new Random() val buf = ArrayBuffer.fill[Double](size)(rand.nextGaussian) buf.toArray } }
Example 3
Source File: ShardedSparkeyReader.scala From scio with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.spotify.scio.extra.sparkey.instances import java.util import com.spotify.sparkey.{IndexHeader, LogHeader, SparkeyReader} import scala.util.hashing.MurmurHash3 import scala.jdk.CollectionConverters._ class ShardedSparkeyReader(val sparkeys: Map[Short, SparkeyReader], val numShards: Short) extends SparkeyReader { def hashKey(arr: Array[Byte]): Short = (MurmurHash3.bytesHash(arr, 1) % numShards).toShort def hashKey(str: String): Short = (MurmurHash3.stringHash(str, 1) % numShards).toShort override def getAsString(key: String): String = { val hashed = hashKey(key) if (sparkeys.contains(hashed)) { sparkeys(hashed).getAsString(key) } else { null } } override def getAsByteArray(key: Array[Byte]): Array[Byte] = { val hashed = hashKey(key) if (sparkeys.contains(hashed)) { sparkeys(hashed).getAsByteArray(key) } else { null } } override def getAsEntry(key: Array[Byte]): SparkeyReader.Entry = { val hashed = hashKey(key) if (sparkeys.contains(hashed)) { sparkeys(hashed).getAsEntry(key) } else { null } } override def getIndexHeader: IndexHeader = throw new NotImplementedError("ShardedSparkeyReader does not support getIndexHeader.") override def getLogHeader: LogHeader = throw new NotImplementedError("ShardedSparkeyReader does not support getLogHeader.") override def duplicate(): SparkeyReader = new ShardedSparkeyReader( { case (k, v) => (k, v.duplicate) }, numShards) override def close(): Unit = sparkeys.values.foreach(_.close()) override def iterator(): util.Iterator[SparkeyReader.Entry] = ++ _).asJava }
Example 4
Source File: HashedCategoricalDistribution.scala From aloha with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.eharmony.aloha.util.rand import scala.util.hashing.MurmurHash3 object HashedCategoricalDistribution { private val MaxVal = Int.MaxValue.toFloat def apply(probabilities: Double*): HashedCategoricalDistribution = new HashedCategoricalDistribution(new IntAliasMethodSampler(probabilities)) } case class HashedCategoricalDistribution(sampler: IntAliasMethodSampler) extends (TraversableOnce[Any] => Int) { import HashedCategoricalDistribution.MaxVal def apply(data: TraversableOnce[Any]): Int = { val h = MurmurHash3 orderedHash data // Take the absolute value because we want (hAbs % sampler.getNumClasses) to give a non-negative index. This // also makes the computation of f easier. It will lower the entropy of the output of the hash function but // this is acceptable. val hAbs = math.abs(h) val p = hAbs / MaxVal val k = hAbs % numClasses sampler.sample(k, p) } }
Example 5
Source File: SubString.scala From typed-schema with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package ru.tinkoff.tschema.utils import ru.tinkoff.tschema.utils.SubString.outOfBound import scala.annotation.tailrec import scala.util.hashing.MurmurHash3 final class SubString private[SubString] (private val arr: Array[Char], private val from: Int, private val to: Int) extends CharSequence { @inline private[this] def size = to - from def length(): Int = size def charAt(index: Int): Char = { if (index >= size || index < 0) outOfBound(index) arr(from + index) } def subSequence(start: Int, end: Int): CharSequence = { if (start < 0) outOfBound(start) if (end > size) outOfBound(end) val len = end - start if (len < 0) outOfBound(len) if ((start == 0) && (end == size)) this else new SubString(arr, from + start, from + end) } override def equals(obj: Any): Boolean = obj match { case s: CharSequence => @tailrec def go(i: Int): Boolean = (i == size) || ((s.charAt(i) == charAt(i)) && go(i + 1)) size == s.length() && go(0) case _ => false } override def hashCode(): Int = { var h = MurmurHash3.stringSeed var i = from while (i + 1 < to) { val data = (arr(i) << 16) + arr(i + 1) h = MurmurHash3.mix(h, data) i += 2 } if (i < to) h = MurmurHash3.mixLast(h, arr(i).toInt) MurmurHash3.finalizeHash(h, size) } override def toString: String = new String(arr.slice(from, to)) } object SubString { @inline private def outOfBound(index: Int) = throw new StringIndexOutOfBoundsException(index) def apply(s: String): SubString = new SubString(s.toCharArray, 0, s.length) }
Example 6
Source File: RawJson.scala From almond with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
package almond.protocol import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets import java.{util => ju} import scala.util.hashing.MurmurHash3 import scala.util.Try // adapted from final case class RawJson(value: Array[Byte]) { override lazy val hashCode: Int = MurmurHash3.arrayHash(value) override def equals(obj: Any): Boolean = obj match { case that: RawJson => ju.Arrays.equals(value, that.value) case _ => false } override def toString: String = Try(new String(value, StandardCharsets.UTF_8)) .toOption .getOrElse(value.toString) } object RawJson { import com.github.plokhotnyuk.jsoniter_scala.core._ implicit val codec: JsonValueCodec[RawJson] = new JsonValueCodec[RawJson] { def decodeValue(in: JsonReader, default: RawJson): RawJson = new RawJson(in.readRawValAsBytes()) def encodeValue(x: RawJson, out: JsonWriter): Unit = out.writeRawVal(x.value) val nullValue: RawJson = new RawJson(new Array[Byte](0)) } val emptyObj: RawJson = RawJson("{}".getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8)) }
Example 7
Source File: XORShiftRandom.scala From Mastering-Spark-for-Data-Science with MIT License | 5 votes |
package io.gzet.story.linalg import java.nio.ByteBuffer import java.util.{Random => JavaRandom} import scala.util.Random import scala.util.hashing.MurmurHash3 private[this] def hashSeed(seed: Long): Long = { val bytes = ByteBuffer.allocate(java.lang.Long.SIZE).putLong(seed).array() MurmurHash3.bytesHash(bytes) } // we need to just override next - this will be called by nextInt, nextDouble, // nextGaussian, nextLong, etc. override protected def next(bits: Int): Int = { var nextSeed = seed ^ (seed << 21) nextSeed ^= (nextSeed >>> 35) nextSeed ^= (nextSeed << 4) seed = nextSeed (nextSeed & ((1L << bits) - 1)).asInstanceOf[Int] } } object XORShiftRandom { val random = new Random() }
Example 8
Source File: DatasetClient.scala From elastiknn with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.klibisz.elastiknn.benchmarks import import import com.klibisz.elastiknn.api.{ElasticsearchCodec, Vec} import com.klibisz.elastiknn.benchmarks.Dataset._ import io.circe import zio._ import import import scala.util.Random import scala.util.hashing.MurmurHash3 object DatasetClient { trait Service { def streamTrain(dataset: Dataset, limit: Option[Int] = None): Stream[Throwable, Vec] def streamTest(dataset: Dataset, limit: Option[Int] = None): Stream[Throwable, Vec] } def s3(bucket: String, keyPrefix: String): ZLayer[Has[AmazonS3], Throwable, DatasetClient] = ZLayer.fromService[AmazonS3, Service] { client => new Service { private def stream(dataset: Dataset, name: String, limit: Option[Int]): Stream[Throwable, Vec] = dataset match { case r: RandomSparseBool => implicit val rng: Random = new Random(MurmurHash3.orderedHash(Seq(r.dims, name))) Stream .range(0, if (name == "train") r.train else r.test) .map(_ => Vec.SparseBool.random(r.dims, r.bias)) case r: RandomDenseFloat => implicit val rng: Random = new Random(MurmurHash3.orderedHash(Seq(r.dims, name))) Stream .range(0, if (name == "train") r.train else r.test) .map(_ => Vec.DenseFloat.random(r.dims)) case _ => def parseDecode(s: String): Either[circe.Error, Vec] = ElasticsearchCodec.parse(s).flatMap(j => ElasticsearchCodec.decode[Vec](j.hcursor)) val obj = client.getObject(bucket, s"$keyPrefix/${}/${name}.json.gz") val iterManaged = Managed.makeEffect(Source.fromInputStream(new GZIPInputStream(obj.getObjectContent)))(_.close()) val lines = Stream.fromIteratorManaged( => => src.getLines.take(n)).getOrElse(src.getLines()))) val rawJson = != '{')) rawJson.mapM(s => ZIO.fromEither(parseDecode(s))) } override def streamTrain(dataset: Dataset, limit: Option[Int]): Stream[Throwable, Vec] = stream(dataset, "train", limit) override def streamTest(dataset: Dataset, limit: Option[Int]): Stream[Throwable, Vec] = stream(dataset, "test", limit) } } }
Example 9
Source File: versionspecific.scala From kittens with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package cats.derived.util import scala.util.hashing.MurmurHash3 object VersionSpecific { type Lazy[+A] = shapeless.Lazy[A] private[derived] def productSeed(x: Product): Int = MurmurHash3.productSeed sealed trait OrElse[+A, +B] extends Serializable { def fold[C](prim: A => C, sec: B => C): C def unify[C >: A](implicit ev: B <:< C): C = fold(identity, ev) } final class Primary[+A](value: A) extends OrElse[A, Nothing] { def fold[C](prim: A => C, sec: Nothing => C): C = prim(value) } final class Secondary[+B](value: => B) extends OrElse[Nothing, B] { def fold[C](prim: Nothing => C, sec: B => C): C = sec(value) } object OrElse extends OrElse0 { implicit def primary[A, B](implicit a: A): A OrElse B = new Primary(a) } private[util] abstract class OrElse0 { implicit def secondary[A, B](implicit b: Lazy[B]): A OrElse B = new Secondary(b.value) } }
Example 10
Source File: versionspecific.scala From kittens with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package cats.derived.util import scala.annotation.implicitNotFound import scala.util.hashing.MurmurHash3 object VersionSpecific { private[derived] def productSeed(x: Product): Int = MurmurHash3.mix(MurmurHash3.productSeed, x.productPrefix.hashCode) @implicitNotFound("could not find Lazy implicit value of type ${A}") abstract class Lazy[+A] extends Serializable { def value(): A } object Lazy { implicit def instance[A](implicit ev: => A): Lazy[A] = () => ev } sealed trait OrElse[+A, +B] extends Serializable { def fold[C](prim: A => C, sec: B => C): C def unify[C >: A](implicit ev: B <:< C): C = fold(identity, ev) } final class Primary[+A](value: A) extends OrElse[A, Nothing] { def fold[C](prim: A => C, sec: Nothing => C): C = prim(value) } final class Secondary[+B](value: => B) extends OrElse[Nothing, B] { def fold[C](prim: Nothing => C, sec: B => C): C = sec(value) } object OrElse extends OrElse0 { implicit def primary[A, B](implicit a: A): A OrElse B = new Primary(a) } private[util] abstract class OrElse0 { implicit def secondary[A, B](implicit b: => B): A OrElse B = new Secondary(b) } }
Example 11
Source File: Port.scala From ip4s with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import scala.util.Try import scala.util.hashing.MurmurHash3 import cats.{Order, Show} final class Port private (val value: Int) extends Product with Serializable with Ordered[Port] { def copy(value: Int): Option[Port] = Port(value) def compare(that: Port): Int = override def toString: String = value.toString override def hashCode: Int = MurmurHash3.productHash(this, productPrefix.hashCode) override def equals(other: Any): Boolean = other match { case that: Port => value == that.value case _ => false } override def canEqual(other: Any): Boolean = other.isInstanceOf[Port] override def productArity: Int = 1 override def productElement(n: Int): Any = if (n == 0) value else throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException } object Port { val MinValue: Int = 0 val MaxValue: Int = 65535 def apply(value: Int): Option[Port] = if (value >= MinValue && value <= MaxValue) Some(new Port(value)) else None def fromString(value: String): Option[Port] = Try(value.toInt).toOption.flatMap(apply) def unapply(p: Port): Option[Int] = Some(p.value) implicit val order: Order[Port] = Order.fromComparable[Port] implicit val show: Show[Port] = Show.fromToString[Port] }
Example 12
Source File: Hostname.scala From ip4s with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import scala.util.hashing.MurmurHash3 import cats.{Order, Show} def apply(value: String): Option[Hostname] = value.size match { case 0 => None case i if i > 253 => None case _ => value match { case Pattern(_*) => val labels = value .split('.') .iterator .map(new Label(_)) .toList if (labels.isEmpty) None else Option(new Hostname(labels, value)) case _ => None } } implicit val order: Order[Hostname] = Order.fromComparable[Hostname] implicit val show: Show[Hostname] = Show.fromToString[Hostname] }
Example 13
Source File: Orientation.scala From morpheus with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import cats.Eq import scala.util.hashing.MurmurHash3 sealed trait Orientation[E <: Endpoints] extends Eq[E] { def hash(ends: E, seed: Int): Int } object Orientation { case object Directed extends Orientation[DifferentEndpoints] { override def hash(ends: DifferentEndpoints, seed: Int): Int = MurmurHash3.orderedHash(ends, seed) override def eqv(x: DifferentEndpoints, y: DifferentEndpoints): Boolean = x.source == y.source && == } case object Undirected extends Orientation[DifferentEndpoints] { override def hash(ends: DifferentEndpoints, seed: Int): Int = MurmurHash3.unorderedHash(ends, seed) override def eqv(x: DifferentEndpoints, y: DifferentEndpoints): Boolean = (x.source == y.source && == || (x.source == && == y.source) } case object Cyclic extends Orientation[IdenticalEndpoints] { override def hash(ends: IdenticalEndpoints, seed: Int): Int = MurmurHash3.mix(seed, ends.field.hashCode()) override def eqv(x: IdenticalEndpoints, y: IdenticalEndpoints): Boolean = x.field == y.field } }
Example 14
Source File: Rule.scala From CM-Well with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package cmwell.rts import scala.util.hashing.MurmurHash3 import cmwell.domain.{FieldValue, Infoton} import cmwell.formats.FormatType // message sealed abstract class TransmitType case class Push(handler: (Seq[String]) => Unit) extends TransmitType case class Pull(format: FormatType) extends TransmitType class Path(path: String, val recursive: Boolean) extends Serializable { val hashValue: Int = MurmurHash3.stringHash(path) def length = path.length def hash: Int = hashValue override def toString() = s"path [$path] recursive [$recursive]" def check(p: String): Boolean = { if (length > p.length) { // the path is too short false } else path == p || { val prefixPath = p.take(length) if (hashValue == MurmurHash3.stringHash(prefixPath)) { // the prefix path is match now need to check also if it is recursive recursive || !p.drop(length + 1).contains('/') } else { false } } } } class MatchMap(fields: Map[String, Set[FieldValue]]) extends Serializable { // here we get the keys list from the tested infoton def check(f: Map[String, Set[FieldValue]]): Boolean = { if (fields.isEmpty) true else { val it = fields.iterator // if found than stop = true var stop: Boolean = false while (!stop && it.hasNext) { val (item, s) = f.get(item) match { case Some(fs) => if (s.isEmpty) stop = true else { val i = s.intersect(fs) if (!i.isEmpty) { stop = true } } case None => } } stop } } } sealed abstract class Rule case object NoFilter extends Rule case class PathFilter(path: Path) extends Rule case class MatchFilter(matchMap: MatchMap) extends Rule case class PMFilter(path: Path, matchMap: MatchMap) extends Rule object Rule { def apply() = NoFilter def apply(path: String, recursive: Boolean) = PathFilter(new Path(path, recursive)) def apply(fields: Map[String, Set[FieldValue]]) = MatchFilter(new MatchMap(fields)) def apply(path: String, recursive: Boolean, fields: Map[String, Set[FieldValue]]) = PMFilter(new Path(path, recursive), new MatchMap(fields)) }
Example 15
Source File: CategoricalColHashBucket.scala From BigDL with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import import import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer import scala.reflect.ClassTag import scala.util.hashing.MurmurHash3 class CategoricalColHashBucket[T: ClassTag]( val hashBucketSize: Int, val strDelimiter: String = ",", val isSparse: Boolean = true )(implicit ev: TensorNumeric[T]) extends Operation[Tensor[String], Tensor[Int], T] { output = Tensor[Int]() override def updateOutput(input: Tensor[String]): Tensor[Int] = { val rows = input.size(dim = 1) val indices0 = new ArrayBuffer[Int]() val indices1 = new ArrayBuffer[Int]() val values = new ArrayBuffer[Int]() var i = 1 var max_fea_len = 0 while(i <= rows) { val feaStrArr = input.valueAt(i, 1).split(strDelimiter) max_fea_len = math.max(max_fea_len, feaStrArr.length) var j = 0 while(j < feaStrArr.length) { val hashVal = MurmurHash3.stringHash(feaStrArr(j)) % hashBucketSize match { case v if v < 0 => v + hashBucketSize case v => v } indices0 += i-1 indices1 += j values += hashVal j += 1 } i += 1 } val indices = Array(indices0.toArray, indices1.toArray) val shape = Array(rows, max_fea_len) output = isSparse match { case true => Tensor.sparse(indices, values.toArray, shape) case false => Tensor.dense(Tensor.sparse(indices, values.toArray, shape)) } output } } object CategoricalColHashBucket{ def apply[T: ClassTag]( hashBucketSize: Int, strDelimiter: String = ",", isSparse: Boolean = true) (implicit ev: TensorNumeric[T]) : CategoricalColHashBucket[T] = new CategoricalColHashBucket[T]( hashBucketSize = hashBucketSize, strDelimiter = strDelimiter, isSparse = isSparse ) }
Example 16
Source File: Instances.scala From radixtree with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.rklaehn.radixtree import algebra.Eq import cats.kernel.Hash import scala.util.hashing.MurmurHash3 object Instances { implicit def ArrayHash[@specialized A](implicit aHash: Hash[A]): Hash[Array[A]] = new Hash[Array[A]] { def eqv(x: Array[A], y: Array[A]): Boolean = { x.length == y.length && { var i = 0 while(i < x.length) { if(!aHash.eqv(x(i), y(i))) return false i += 1 } true } } override def hash(a: Array[A]): Int = { var result = MurmurHash3.arraySeed var i = 0 while(i < a.length) { result = MurmurHash3.mix(result, aHash.hash(a(i))) i += 1 } result } } }
Example 17
Source File: package.scala From radixtree with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.rklaehn import algebra.Eq import cats.kernel.Hash import scala.reflect.ClassTag import scala.util.hashing.MurmurHash3 // scalastyle:off return package object radixtree { private[radixtree] def arrayEqv[A: Eq](x: Array[A], y: Array[A]): Boolean = x.length == y.length && { var i = 0 while (i < x.length) { if (!Eq.eqv(x(i), y(i))) return false i += 1 } true } private[radixtree] def arrayHash[A: Hash](a: Array[A]): Int = { var result = MurmurHash3.arraySeed var i = 0 while(i < a.length) { result = MurmurHash3.mix(result, Hash.hash(a(i))) i += 1 } result } private[radixtree] implicit class ArrayOps[T](private val underlying: Array[T]) extends AnyVal { def updated(index: Int, value: T): Array[T] = { val result = underlying.clone result(index) = value result } def patched(index: Int, value: T)(implicit c: ClassTag[T]): Array[T] = { val result = new Array[T](underlying.length + 1) System.arraycopy(underlying, 0, result, 0, index) result(index) = value if (index < underlying.length) System.arraycopy(underlying, index, result, index + 1, underlying.length - index) result } def resizeInPlace(n: Int)(implicit c: ClassTag[T]): Array[T] = if (underlying.length == n) underlying else { val r = c.newArray(n) System.arraycopy(underlying, 0, r, 0, n min underlying.length) r } } }
Example 18
Source File: SimpleCollisionStrategy.scala From spark-neighbors with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.github.karlhigley.spark.neighbors.collision import scala.util.hashing.MurmurHash3 import org.apache.spark.mllib.linalg.SparseVector import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD import import com.github.karlhigley.spark.neighbors.lsh.{ BitSignature, HashTableEntry, IntSignature } def apply(hashTables: RDD[_ <: HashTableEntry[_]]): RDD[(Product, Point)] = { val entries = => { // Arrays are mutable and can't be used in RDD keys // Use a hash value (i.e. an int) as a substitute val key = (entry.table, MurmurHash3.arrayHash(entry.sigElements)).asInstanceOf[Product] (key, (, entry.point)) }) entries } }
Example 19
Source File: BandingCollisionStrategy.scala From spark-neighbors with MIT License | 5 votes |
package com.github.karlhigley.spark.neighbors.collision import scala.util.hashing.MurmurHash3 import org.apache.spark.mllib.linalg.SparseVector import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD import import com.github.karlhigley.spark.neighbors.lsh.{ BitSignature, HashTableEntry, IntSignature } def apply(hashTables: RDD[_ <: HashTableEntry[_]]): RDD[(Product, Point)] = { val bandEntries = hashTables.flatMap(entry => { val elements = entry.sigElements val banded = elements.grouped(elements.size / bands).zipWithIndex { case (bandSig, bandNum) => { // Arrays are mutable and can't be used in RDD keys // Use a hash value (i.e. an int) as a substitute val bandSigHash = MurmurHash3.arrayHash(bandSig) val key = (entry.table, bandNum, bandSigHash).asInstanceOf[Product] (key, (, entry.point)) } } }) bandEntries } }
Example 20
Source File: Hasher.scala From sjson-new with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package sjsonnew package support.murmurhash import scala.util.Try import HashUtil.hashLong import java.lang.{ Double => JDouble } import scala.util.hashing.MurmurHash3 object Hasher extends SupportHasher[Int] { private val nullHash = 0xc0 private val falseHash = 0xc2 private val trueHash = 0xc3 implicit val facade: BuilderFacade[Int] = FacadeImpl private object FacadeImpl extends SimpleBuilderFacade[Int] { val jnull = nullHash val jfalse = falseHash val jtrue = trueHash def jnumstring(s: String) = jstring(s) def jintstring(s: String) = jstring(s) def jint(i: Int) = hashLong(i.toLong) def jlong(l: Long) = hashLong(l) def jdouble(d: Double) = hashLong(JDouble.doubleToRawLongBits(d)) def jbigdecimal(d: BigDecimal) = jstring(d.toString) def jstring(s: String) = MurmurHash3.stringHash(s) def jarray(vs: List[Int]): Int = MurmurHash3.seqHash(vs) def jobject(vs: Map[String, Int]): Int = MurmurHash3.mapHash(vs) } }
Example 21
Source File: Hashing.scala From endpoints4s with MIT License | 5 votes |
package endpoints4s import scala.util.hashing.MurmurHash3 private[endpoints4s] object Hashing { def hash(values: Any*): Int = { // The implementation has been copied and adapted from `MurmurHash3.productHash` require(values.nonEmpty) var h = MurmurHash3.productSeed for (value <- values) { h = MurmurHash3.mix(h, value.##) } MurmurHash3.finalizeHash(h, values.size) } }
Example 22
Source File: Literal.scala From dagon with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.stripe.dagon import import scala.util.hashing.MurmurHash3 import scala.util.control.TailCalls private def eqFn[N[_]]: Function[RefPair[Literal[N, _], Literal[N, _]], Boolean] = Memoize.function[RefPair[Literal[N, _], Literal[N, _]], Boolean] { case (pair, _) if pair.itemsEq => true case (RefPair(Const(a), Const(b)), _) => a == b case (RefPair(Unary(left, fa), Unary(right, fb)), rec) => (fa == fb) && rec(RefPair(left, right)) case (RefPair(Binary(lefta, righta, fa), Binary(leftb, rightb, fb)), rec) => (fa == fb) && rec(RefPair(lefta, leftb)) && rec(RefPair(righta, rightb)) case (RefPair(Variadic(argsa, fa), Variadic(argsb, fb)), rec) => @annotation.tailrec def loop(left: List[Literal[N, _]], right: List[Literal[N, _]]): Boolean = (left, right) match { case (lh :: ltail, rh :: rtail) => rec(RefPair(lh, rh)) && loop(ltail, rtail) case (Nil, Nil) => true case _ => false } (fa == fb) && loop(argsa, argsb) case other => false } }
Example 23
Source File: DistributeAndMerge.scala From akka_streams_tutorial with MIT License | 5 votes |
package sample.graphdsl import akka.NotUsed import import import import scala.concurrent.Future import scala.util.hashing.MurmurHash3 def hashingDistribution[A, B](numBuckets: Int, parallelism: Int, hash: A => Int, fn: A => Future[B]): Flow[A, B, NotUsed] = { Flow.fromGraph(GraphDSL.create() { implicit builder => import GraphDSL.Implicits._ val numPorts = numBuckets val partitioner = builder.add(Partition[A](outputPorts = numPorts, partitioner = a => math.abs(hash(a)) % numPorts)) val merger = builder.add(Merge[B](inputPorts = numPorts, eagerComplete = false)) Range(0, numPorts).foreach { eachPort => partitioner.out(eachPort) ~> Flow[A].mapAsync(parallelism)(fn) ~> } FlowShape(, merger.out) }) } Source(1 to 10) .via( hashingDistribution[Int, Int]( numBuckets = 3, parallelism = 2, hash = element => MurmurHash3.stringHash(element.toString), //Hashing function: String => Int fn = sampleAsyncCall ) ) .runWith(Sink.foreach(each => println(s"Reached sink: $each"))) .onComplete(_ => system.terminate()) }
Example 24
Source File: Envelope.scala From seals with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package dev.tauri.seals package core import scala.util.hashing.MurmurHash3 import cats.{ Eq, Show } import cats.implicits._ sealed trait Envelope[A] extends Serializable { def value: A def reified: Reified[A] final def model: Model = reified.model final override def equals(that: Any): Boolean = that match { case that: Envelope[_] => this.value == that.value case _ => false } final override def hashCode: Int = { val s = MurmurHash3.mixLast(Envelope.hashSeed, value.##) MurmurHash3.finalizeHash(s, 1) } final override def toString: String = show(Show.fromToString[A]) final def show(implicit A: Show[A]): String = sh"Envelope[${model}](${value})" } object Envelope { private final case class EnvelopeRepr[A](model: Model, value: A) private[seals] final val hashSeed = 0x37dd86e4 def apply[A](a: A)(implicit r: Reified[A]): Envelope[A] = new Envelope[A] { override val value = a override val reified = r } implicit def envelopeEquality[A](implicit EqA: Eq[A]): Eq[Envelope[A]] = new Eq[Envelope[A]] { override def eqv(x: Envelope[A], y: Envelope[A]): Boolean = EqA.eqv(x.value, y.value) } implicit def envelopeShow[A](implicit A: Show[A]): Show[Envelope[A]] = => private def refinement[A](implicit r: Reified[A]): Refinement.Aux[Envelope[A], EnvelopeRepr[A]] = { new Refinement[Envelope[A]] { override type Repr = EnvelopeRepr[A] override val uuid = uuid"8e6e8b29-91e1-403c-9992-fd9cf8c82b06" override def repr = Refinement.ReprFormat.single("✉") override def from(repr: Repr) = { if (repr.model compatible r.model) Either.right(Envelope[A](repr.value)(r)) else Either.left(sh"incompatible models: expected '${r.model}', got '${repr.model}'") } override def to(env: Envelope[A]) = { EnvelopeRepr[A](env.model, env.value) } } } implicit def reifiedForEnvelope[A](implicit r: Reified[A]): Reified[Envelope[A]] = Reified[EnvelopeRepr[A]].refined[Envelope[A]](refinement[A]) }
Example 25
Source File: HashDerivation.scala From magnolify with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package magnolify.cats.semiauto import cats.Hash import magnolia._ import magnolify.shims.MurmurHash3Compat import scala.language.experimental.macros import scala.util.hashing.MurmurHash3 object HashDerivation { type Typeclass[T] = Hash[T] def combine[T](caseClass: ReadOnlyCaseClass[Typeclass, T]): Typeclass[T] = { val eqvImpl = EqMethods.combine(caseClass) new Hash[T] { override def hash(x: T): Int = if (caseClass.parameters.isEmpty) { caseClass.typeName.short.hashCode } else { val seed = MurmurHash3Compat.seed(caseClass.typeName.short.hashCode) val h = caseClass.parameters.foldLeft(seed) { (h, p) => MurmurHash3.mix(h, p.typeclass.hash(p.dereference(x))) } MurmurHash3.finalizeHash(h, caseClass.parameters.size) } override def eqv(x: T, y: T): Boolean = eqvImpl(x, y) } } def dispatch[T](sealedTrait: SealedTrait[Typeclass, T]): Typeclass[T] = { val eqvImpl = EqMethods.dispatch(sealedTrait) new Hash[T] { override def hash(x: T): Int = sealedTrait.dispatch(x) { sub => sub.typeclass.hash(sub.cast(x)) } override def eqv(x: T, y: T): Boolean = eqvImpl(x, y) } } implicit def apply[T]: Typeclass[T] = macro Magnolia.gen[T] }
Example 26
Source File: package.scala From magnolify with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package magnolify import scala.collection.generic.CanBuildFrom import scala.collection.mutable import scala.language.higherKinds import scala.reflect.ClassTag import scala.util.hashing.MurmurHash3 package object shims { trait Monadic[F[_]] extends mercator.Monadic[F] { def flatMapS[A, B](from: F[A])(fn: A => F[B]): F[B] def mapS[A, B](from: F[A])(fn: A => B): F[B] override def flatMap[A, B](from: F[A])(fn: A => F[B]): F[B] = flatMapS(from)(fn) override def map[A, B](from: F[A])(fn: A => B): F[B] = mapS(from)(fn) } trait FactoryCompat[-A, +C] extends Serializable { def newBuilder: mutable.Builder[A, C] def build(xs: TraversableOnce[A]): C = (newBuilder ++= xs).result() } object FactoryCompat extends LowPriorityFactoryCompat1 { private type FC[A, C] = FactoryCompat[A, C] def apply[A, C](f: () => mutable.Builder[A, C]): FC[A, C] = new FactoryCompat[A, C] { override def newBuilder: mutable.Builder[A, C] = f() } implicit def arrayFC[A: ClassTag] = FactoryCompat(() => Array.newBuilder[A]) // Deprecated in 2.13 // implicit def traversableFC[A] = FactoryCompat(() => Traversable.newBuilder[A]) // List <: Iterable // implicit def iterableFC[A] = FactoryCompat(() => Iterable.newBuilder[A]) // List <: Seq // implicit def seqFC[A] = FactoryCompat(() => Seq.newBuilder[A]) // Vector <: IndexedSeq // implicit def indexedSeqFC[A] = FactoryCompat(() => IndexedSeq.newBuilder[A]) } trait LowPriorityFactoryCompat1 extends LowPriorityFactoryCompat2 { implicit def listFC[A] = FactoryCompat(() => List.newBuilder[A]) } trait LowPriorityFactoryCompat2 { implicit def vectorFC[A] = FactoryCompat(() => Vector.newBuilder[A]) // Deprecated in 2.13 // implicit def streamFC[A] = FactoryCompat(() => Stream.newBuilder[A]) } object SerializableCanBuildFroms { private def cbf[A, C](f: () => mutable.Builder[A, C]): CanBuildFrom[C, A, C] = new CanBuildFrom[C, A, C] with Serializable { override def apply(from: C): mutable.Builder[A, C] = f() override def apply(): mutable.Builder[A, C] = f() } implicit def arrayCBF[A: ClassTag] = cbf(() => Array.newBuilder[A]) implicit def traversableCBF[A] = cbf(() => Traversable.newBuilder[A]) implicit def iterableCBF[A] = cbf(() => Iterable.newBuilder[A]) implicit def seqCBF[A] = cbf(() => Seq.newBuilder[A]) implicit def indexedSeqCBF[A] = cbf(() => IndexedSeq.newBuilder[A]) implicit def listCBF[A] = cbf(() => List.newBuilder[A]) implicit def vectorCBF[A] = cbf(() => Vector.newBuilder[A]) implicit def streamCBF[A] = cbf(() => Stream.newBuilder[A]) } val JavaConverters = scala.collection.JavaConverters object MurmurHash3Compat { def seed(data: Int): Int = MurmurHash3.productSeed } }
Example 27
Source File: package.scala From magnolify with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package magnolify import scala.collection.{mutable, Factory} import scala.util.hashing.MurmurHash3 package object shims { trait Monadic[F[_]] extends mercator.Monadic[F] { def flatMapS[A, B](from: F[A])(fn: A => F[B]): F[B] def mapS[A, B](from: F[A])(fn: A => B): F[B] override def flatMap[A, B](from: F[A])(fn: A => F[B]): F[B] = flatMapS(from)(fn) override def map[A, B](from: F[A])(fn: A => B): F[B] = mapS(from)(fn) } trait FactoryCompat[-A, +C] extends Serializable { def newBuilder: mutable.Builder[A, C] def build(xs: IterableOnce[A]): C = newBuilder.addAll(xs).result() } object FactoryCompat { implicit def fromFactory[A, C](implicit f: Factory[A, C]): FactoryCompat[A, C] = new FactoryCompat[A, C] { override def newBuilder: mutable.Builder[A, C] = f.newBuilder } } object SerializableCanBuildFroms val JavaConverters = scala.jdk.CollectionConverters object MurmurHash3Compat { def seed(data: Int): Int = MurmurHash3.mix(MurmurHash3.productSeed, data) } }
Example 28
Source File: Hashes.scala From incubator-s2graph with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package org.apache.s2graph.counter.util import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.Bytes import scala.util.hashing.MurmurHash3 object Hashes { def sha1(s: String): String = { val md ="SHA-1") Bytes.toHex(md.digest(s.getBytes("UTF-8"))) } private def positiveHash(h: Int): Int = { if (h < 0) -1 * (h + 1) else h } def murmur3(s: String): Int = { val hash = MurmurHash3.stringHash(s) positiveHash(hash) } }