scala.util.parsing.input.Positional Scala Examples
The following examples show how to use scala.util.parsing.input.Positional.
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Example 1
Source File: ConcordanceParser.scala From CSYE7200_Old with MIT License | 5 votes |
package edu.neu.coe.csye7200.concordance import scala.util.parsing.combinator._ import scala.util.parsing.input.Positional import import scala.collection.immutable.Map class ConcordanceParser extends RegexParsers { private val rWord = """[\w’]+[,;\.\-\?\!\—]?""".r def word: Parser[PositionalString] = positioned(regex(rWord) ^^ {w => PositionalString(w)}) def sentence: Parser[Seq[PositionalString]] = rep(word) } case class PositionalString(s: String) extends Positional object ConcordanceParser { def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { val docs = for (f <- args) yield Source.fromFile(f).mkString val concordance = for (i <- docs.indices) yield (args(i),parseDoc(docs(i))) println(concordance) // an alternative way of looking at the data (gives doc, page, line and char numbers with each string) val q = for {(d,xxxx) <- concordance; (p,xxx) <- xxxx; (l,xx) <- xxx; (_,c,x) <- xx} yield (d, p,l,c,x) println(q) // yet another way to look at the data val concordanceMap = concordance.toMap println(concordanceMap) } private def parseDoc(content: String) = { val pages = for (p <- content.split("/p")) yield p for (i <- pages.indices) yield (i+1,parsePage(pages(i))) } private def parsePage(content: String) = { val lines = for (l <- content.split("\n")) yield l for (i <- lines.indices) yield (i+1,parseLine(lines(i))) } def parseLine(line: String): Seq[(Int,Int,String)] = { def tidy(s: String) = s.replaceAll("""[,;\.\-\?\!\—]""", "") val p = new ConcordanceParser val r = p.parseAll(p.sentence,line) match { case p.Success(ws,_) => ws case p.Failure(e,_) => println(e); List() case _ => println("PositionalParser: logic error"); List() } r map {case p @ PositionalString(s) => (p.pos.line,p.pos.column,tidy(s).toLowerCase)} } }
Example 2
Source File: ConcordanceParser.scala From CSYE7200 with MIT License | 5 votes |
package edu.neu.coe.csye7200.concordance import scala.util.parsing.combinator._ import scala.util.parsing.input.Positional import import scala.collection.immutable.Map class ConcordanceParser extends RegexParsers { private val rWord = """[\w’]+[,;\.\-\?\!\—]?""".r def word: Parser[PositionalString] = positioned(regex(rWord) ^^ {w => PositionalString(w)}) def sentence: Parser[Seq[PositionalString]] = rep(word) } case class PositionalString(s: String) extends Positional object ConcordanceParser { def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { val docs = for (f <- args) yield Source.fromFile(f).mkString val concordance = for (i <- docs.indices) yield (args(i),parseDoc(docs(i))) println(concordance) // an alternative way of looking at the data (gives doc, page, line and char numbers with each string) val q = for {(d,xxxx) <- concordance; (p,xxx) <- xxxx; (l,xx) <- xxx; (_,c,x) <- xx} yield (d, p,l,c,x) println(q) // yet another way to look at the data val concordanceMap = concordance.toMap println(concordanceMap) } private def parseDoc(content: String) = { val pages = for (p <- content.split("/p")) yield p for (i <- pages.indices) yield (i+1,parsePage(pages(i))) } private def parsePage(content: String) = { val lines = for (l <- content.split("\n")) yield l for (i <- lines.indices) yield (i+1,parseLine(lines(i))) } def parseLine(line: String): Seq[(Int,Int,String)] = { def tidy(s: String) = s.replaceAll("""[,;\.\-\?\!\—]""", "") val p = new ConcordanceParser val r = p.parseAll(p.sentence,line) match { case p.Success(ws,_) => ws case p.Failure(e,_) => println(e); List() case _ => println("PositionalParser: logic error"); List() } r map {case p @ PositionalString(s) => (p.pos.line,p.pos.column,tidy(s).toLowerCase)} } }
Example 3
package inox package parsing import scala.util.parsing.input.Positional trait IRs extends BuiltIns with ExprIRs with TypeIRs with DefinitionIRs { protected val trees: ast.Trees } trait IR { type Identifier // Identifier of the language. type Type // Types. type Operator // Primitive operators. type Value // Literal values. type Field // Fields. type Quantifier // Quantifiers. abstract class Expression(pre: String) extends Positional with Product { override def productPrefix = pos + "@" + pre } case class Variable(identifier: Identifier) extends Expression("Variable") case class Application(callee: Expression, args: Seq[Expression]) extends Expression("Application") case class Abstraction(quantifier: Quantifier, bindings: Seq[(Identifier, Option[Type])], body: Expression) extends Expression("Abstraction") case class Operation(operator: Operator, args: Seq[Expression]) extends Expression("Operation") case class Selection(structure: Expression, field: Field) extends Expression("Selection") case class Literal(value: Value) extends Expression("Literal") case class TypeApplication(callee: Expression, args: Seq[Type]) extends Expression("TypeApplication") case class Let(bindings: Seq[(Identifier, Option[Type], Expression)], body: Expression) extends Expression("Let") }
Example 4
Source File: DefinitionIR.scala From inox with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package inox package parsing import scala.util.parsing.input.Positional trait DefinitionIRs { self: IRs => object DefinitionIR { import ExprIR.{Identifier, Expression} import TypeIR.{Expression => Type} sealed abstract class Definition(pre: String) extends Positional with Product { override def productPrefix = pos + "@" + pre } case class FunDef( id: Identifier, tparams: Seq[Identifier], params: Seq[(Identifier, Type)], returnType: Type, body: Expression ) extends Definition("Function") case class TypeDef( id: Identifier, tparams: Seq[Identifier], constructors: Seq[(Identifier, Seq[(Identifier, Type)])] ) extends Definition("Type") } }
Example 5
Source File: ConcordanceParser.scala From Scalaprof with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.phasmid.concordance import scala.util.parsing.combinator._ import scala.util.parsing.input.Positional import import scala.collection.immutable.Map class ConcordanceParser extends RegexParsers { val rWord = """[\w’]+[,;\.\-\?\!\—]?""".r def word: Parser[PositionalString] = positioned(regex(rWord) ^^ {w => PositionalString(w)}) def sentence: Parser[Seq[PositionalString]] = rep(word) } case class PositionalString(s: String) extends Positional object ConcordanceParser { def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { val docs = for (f <- args) yield Source.fromFile(f).mkString val concordance = for (i <- 0 to docs.length-1) yield (args(i),parseDoc(docs(i))) println(concordance) // an alternative way of looking at the data (gives doc, page, line and char numbers with each string) val q = for {(d,xxxx) <- concordance; (p,xxx) <- xxxx; (l,xx) <- xxx; (_,c,x) <- xx} yield (d, p,l,c,x) println(q) // yet another way to look at the data val concordanceMap = concordance.toMap println(concordanceMap) } def parseDoc(content: String) = { val pages = for (p <- content.split("/p")) yield p for (i <- 0 to pages.length-1) yield (i+1,parsePage(pages(i))) } def parsePage(content: String) = { val lines = for (l <- content.split("\n")) yield l for (i <- 0 to lines.length-1) yield (i+1,parseLine(lines(i))) } def parseLine(line: String): Seq[(Int,Int,String)] = { def tidy(s: String) = s.replaceAll("""[,;\.\-\?\!\—]""", "") val p = new ConcordanceParser val r = p.parseAll(p.sentence,line) match { case p.Success(ws,_) => ws case p.Failure(e,_) => println(e); List() case _ => println("PositionalParser: logic error"); List() } r map {case p @ PositionalString(s) => (p.pos.line,p.pos.column,tidy(s).toLowerCase)} } }
Example 6
Source File: CommonTypesParser.scala From rug with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
package com.atomist.util.scalaparsing import com.atomist.rug.{BadRugException, BadRugSyntaxException, RugRuntimeException} import com.atomist.source.FileArtifact import com.atomist.tree.content.text._ import com.typesafe.scalalogging.LazyLogging import scala.util.matching.Regex import scala.util.parsing.combinator.JavaTokenParsers import scala.util.parsing.input.{CharSequenceReader, OffsetPosition, Positional} protected def identifierRef(reservedWords: Set[String], underlying: Parser[String] = ident) = new Parser[IdentifierRef] { def apply(in: Input): ParseResult[IdentifierRef] = { val pr = underlying.apply(in) pr match { case succ: Success[String @unchecked] => if (reservedWords.contains(succ.get)) Failure(s"Cannot use reserved word '${succ.get}' as function name", else Success[IdentifierRef](IdentifierRef(succ.get), case f: Failure => f case _ => ??? } } } protected def identifierRefString(reservedWords: Set[String], underlying: Parser[String] = ident): Parser[String] = identifierRef(reservedWords, underlying) ^^ (ir => protected def parseTo[T](f: FileArtifact, parser: Parser[T]): T = { logger.debug(s"Rug input is\n------\n${f.path}\n${f.content}\n------\n") // We need a source that gives us positions val source = new CharSequenceReader(f.content) val parsed = parse(parser, source) match { case Success(matched, _) => matched case Failure(msg, rest) => throw new BadRugSyntaxException(ErrorInfo(s"Failure: $msg", badInput = f.content, line = rest.pos.line, col = rest.pos.column, filePath = f.path)) case Error(msg, rest) => throw new BadRugSyntaxException(ErrorInfo(s"Error: $msg", badInput = f.content, line = rest.pos.line, col = rest.pos.column, filePath = f.path)) } logger.debug(s"Parse result=$parsed") parsed } }