scodec.bits.BitVector Scala Examples
The following examples show how to use scodec.bits.BitVector.
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Example 1
Source File: BitVectorSocket.scala From skunk with MIT License | 5 votes |
// Copyright (c) 2018-2020 by Rob Norris // This software is licensed under the MIT License (MIT). // For more information see LICENSE or package import cats._ import cats.effect._ import cats.implicits._ import fs2.Chunk import import scala.concurrent.duration.FiniteDuration import scodec.bits.BitVector import import java.nio.channels._ import java.util.concurrent.Executors import java.util.concurrent.ThreadFactory import def apply[F[_]: Concurrent: ContextShift]( host: String, port: Int, readTimeout: FiniteDuration, writeTimeout: FiniteDuration, sg: SocketGroup, sslOptions: Option[SSLNegotiation.Options[F]], ): Resource[F, BitVectorSocket[F]] = for { sock <- sg.client[F](new InetSocketAddress(host, port)) sockʹ <- sslOptions.fold(sock.pure[Resource[F, ?]])(SSLNegotiation.negotiateSSL(sock, readTimeout, writeTimeout, _)) } yield fromSocket(sockʹ, readTimeout, writeTimeout) }
Example 2
Source File: MyBijections.scala From fotm-info with MIT License | 5 votes |
package models import com.twitter.bijection.{Base64String, Bijection, GZippedBytes} import info.fotm.domain.{CharacterId, Team} import scodec.Codec import scodec.bits.BitVector import scodec.codecs.implicits._ import info.fotm.MyCodecImplicits._ object MyBijections { def scodecBase64Bijection[T](implicit codec: Codec[T]): Bijection[T, String] =[T, String] { t => val bytes = Codec.encode(t).require.toByteArray Bijection.bytes2Base64(bytes).str } { base64 => val bytes = Bijection.bytes2Base64.inverse(Base64String(base64)) Codec.decode[T](BitVector(bytes)).require.value } def scodecGzipBijection[T](implicit codec: Codec[T]): Bijection[T, Array[Byte]] =[T, Array[Byte]] { t => val bytes = Codec.encode(t).require.toByteArray Bijection.bytes2GzippedBytes(bytes).bytes } { gzippedBytes => val bytes = Bijection.bytes2GzippedBytes.inverse(GZippedBytes(gzippedBytes)) Codec.decode[T](BitVector(bytes)).require.value } lazy val teamIdBijection: Bijection[Team, String] = scodecBase64Bijection[Team] lazy val charIdBijection: Bijection[CharacterId, String] = scodecBase64Bijection[CharacterId] }
Example 3
Source File: BoopickleCodec.scala From aecor with MIT License | 5 votes |
package aecor.macros.boopickle import boopickle.Pickler import scodec.bits.BitVector import scodec.{ Attempt, Codec, DecodeResult, Decoder, Encoder, Err, SizeBound } import _root_.boopickle.Default._ import scala.util.Try object BoopickleCodec { def encoder[A](implicit pickler: Pickler[A]): Encoder[A] = new Encoder[A] { override def encode(value: A): Attempt[BitVector] = Attempt.successful(BitVector(Pickle.intoBytes(value))) override def sizeBound: SizeBound = SizeBound.unknown } def decoder[A](implicit pickler: Pickler[A]): Decoder[A] = new Decoder[A] { override def decode(bits: BitVector): Attempt[DecodeResult[A]] = Unpickle .apply[A] .tryFromBytes(bits.toByteBuffer) .fold( s => Attempt.failure(Err(s.getMessage)), a => Attempt.successful(DecodeResult(a, BitVector.empty)) ) } def codec[A](implicit pickler: Pickler[A]): Codec[A] = Codec(encoder[A], decoder[A]) def attemptFromTry[A](ta: Try[A]): Attempt[DecodeResult[A]] = ta.fold( s => Attempt.failure(Err(s.getMessage)), a => Attempt.successful(DecodeResult(a, BitVector.empty)) ) }
Example 4
Source File: BoopickleWireProtocolTest.scala From aecor with MIT License | 5 votes |
package aecor.tests import java.util.UUID import aecor.encoding.WireProtocol import aecor.macros.boopickle.BoopickleWireProtocol import aecor.tests.BoopickleWireProtocolTest._ import cats.implicits._ import cats.tagless.syntax.functorK._ import cats.tagless.{ Derive, FunctorK } import cats.{ Applicative, Functor, Id, ~> } import org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers import org.scalatest.funsuite.AnyFunSuite import scodec.bits.BitVector import scodec.{ Attempt, Decoder } object BoopickleWireProtocolTest { final case class FooId(value: UUID) extends AnyVal } class BoopickleWireProtocolTest extends AnyFunSuite with Matchers { import boopickle.Default._ trait Foo[K, F[_]] { def include(i: K): F[Unit] def scdsc(s: String): F[K] def id: F[FooId] } object Foo { implicit def functorK[K]: FunctorK[Foo[K, *[_]]] = Derive.functorK implicit def wireProtocol[K: Pickler]: WireProtocol[Foo[K, *[_]]] = BoopickleWireProtocol.derive } def server[M[_[_]], F[_]: Applicative]( actions: M[F] )(implicit M: WireProtocol[M]): BitVector => F[Attempt[BitVector]] = { in => M.decoder .decodeValue(in) match { case Attempt.Successful(p) => val r: F[p.A] = => p.second.encode(a)) case Attempt.Failure(cause) => Attempt.failure[BitVector](cause).pure[F] } } type DecodingResultT[F[_], A] = F[Attempt[A]] def client[M[_[_]], F[_]: Functor]( server: BitVector => F[Attempt[BitVector]] )(implicit M: WireProtocol[M], MI: FunctorK[M]): M[DecodingResultT[F, *]] = M.encoder .mapK[DecodingResultT[F, *]](new (WireProtocol.Encoded ~> DecodingResultT[F, *]) { override def apply[A](fa: (BitVector, Decoder[A])): F[Attempt[A]] = server(fa._1).map(_.flatMap(fa._2.decodeValue)) }) test("encdec") { val uuid = UUID.randomUUID val actions = new Foo[Int, Id] { override def include(i: Int): Id[Unit] = () override def scdsc(s: String): Id[Int] = s.length override def id: Id[FooId] = FooId(uuid) } val fooServer = server(actions) val fooClient = client[Foo[Int, *[_]], Id](fooServer) fooClient.include(1).toEither shouldBe Right(()) fooClient.scdsc("1234").toEither shouldBe Right(4) shouldBe Right(FooId(uuid)) } }
Example 5
Source File: GenericAkkaRuntime.scala From aecor with MIT License | 5 votes |
package aecor.runtime.akkageneric import aecor.encoding.WireProtocol.Encoded import aecor.encoding.syntax._ import aecor.encoding.{ KeyDecoder, KeyEncoder, WireProtocol } import aecor.runtime.akkageneric.GenericAkkaRuntime.KeyedCommand import aecor.runtime.akkageneric.GenericAkkaRuntimeActor.CommandResult import aecor.runtime.akkageneric.serialization.Message import aecor.util.effect._ import import akka.cluster.sharding.{ ClusterSharding, ShardRegion } import akka.pattern._ import akka.util.Timeout import cats.effect.Effect import cats.implicits._ import cats.tagless.FunctorK import cats.tagless.syntax.functorK._ import cats.~> import scodec.bits.BitVector object GenericAkkaRuntime { def apply(system: ActorSystem): GenericAkkaRuntime = new GenericAkkaRuntime(system) private[akkageneric] final case class KeyedCommand(key: String, bytes: BitVector) extends Message } final class GenericAkkaRuntime private (system: ActorSystem) { def runBehavior[K: KeyEncoder: KeyDecoder, M[_[_]]: FunctorK, F[_]]( typeName: String, createBehavior: K => F[M[F]], settings: GenericAkkaRuntimeSettings = GenericAkkaRuntimeSettings.default(system) )(implicit M: WireProtocol[M], F: Effect[F]): F[K => M[F]] = F.delay { val props = GenericAkkaRuntimeActor.props[K, M, F](createBehavior, settings.idleTimeout) val extractEntityId: ShardRegion.ExtractEntityId = { case KeyedCommand(entityId, c) => (entityId, GenericAkkaRuntimeActor.Command(c)) } val numberOfShards = settings.numberOfShards val extractShardId: ShardRegion.ExtractShardId = { case KeyedCommand(key, _) => String.valueOf(scala.math.abs(key.hashCode) % numberOfShards) case other => throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Unexpected message [$other]") } val shardRegion = ClusterSharding(system).start( typeName = typeName, entityProps = props, settings = settings.clusterShardingSettings, extractEntityId = extractEntityId, extractShardId = extractShardId ) val keyEncoder = KeyEncoder[K] key => M.encoder.mapK(new (Encoded ~> F) { implicit val askTimeout: Timeout = Timeout(settings.askTimeout) override def apply[A](fa: Encoded[A]): F[A] = F.suspend { val (bytes, decoder) = fa F.fromFuture { shardRegion ? KeyedCommand(keyEncoder(key), bytes) } .flatMap { case result: CommandResult => decoder.decodeValue(result.bytes).lift[F] case other => F.raiseError( new IllegalArgumentException(s"Unexpected response [$other] from shard region") ) } } }) } }
Example 6
Source File: MessageSerializer.scala From aecor with MIT License | 5 votes |
package aecor.runtime.akkageneric.serialization import aecor.runtime.akkageneric.GenericAkkaRuntime.KeyedCommand import aecor.runtime.akkageneric.GenericAkkaRuntimeActor.{ Command, CommandResult } import import akka.serialization.{ BaseSerializer, SerializerWithStringManifest } import import scodec.bits.BitVector import scala.collection.immutable.HashMap class MessageSerializer(val system: ExtendedActorSystem) extends SerializerWithStringManifest with BaseSerializer { val KeyedCommandManifest = "A" val CommandManifest = "B" val CommandResultManifest = "C" private val fromBinaryMap = HashMap[String, Array[Byte] => AnyRef]( KeyedCommandManifest -> keyedCommandFromBinary, CommandManifest -> commandFromBinary, CommandResultManifest -> commandResultFromBinary ) override def manifest(o: AnyRef): String = o match { case KeyedCommand(_, _) => KeyedCommandManifest case Command(_) => CommandManifest case CommandResult(_) => CommandResultManifest case x => throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Serialization of [$x] is not supported") } override def toBinary(o: AnyRef): Array[Byte] = o match { case Command(bytes) => bytes.toByteArray case CommandResult(bytes) => bytes.toByteArray case x @ KeyedCommand(_, _) => entityCommandToBinary(x) case x => throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Serialization of [$x] is not supported") } override def fromBinary(bytes: Array[Byte], manifest: String): AnyRef = fromBinaryMap.get(manifest) match { case Some(f) => f(bytes) case other => throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Unknown manifest [$other]") } private def entityCommandToBinary(a: KeyedCommand): Array[Byte] = msg.KeyedCommand(a.key, ByteString.copyFrom(a.bytes.toByteBuffer)).toByteArray private def keyedCommandFromBinary(bytes: Array[Byte]): KeyedCommand = msg.KeyedCommand.parseFrom(bytes) match { case msg.KeyedCommand(key, commandBytes) => KeyedCommand(key, BitVector(commandBytes.asReadOnlyByteBuffer())) } private def commandFromBinary(bytes: Array[Byte]): Command = Command(BitVector(bytes)) private def commandResultFromBinary(bytes: Array[Byte]): CommandResult = CommandResult(BitVector(bytes)) }
Example 7
Source File: MessageSerializerTest.scala From aecor with MIT License | 5 votes |
package aecor.runtime.akkageneric import aecor.runtime.akkageneric.GenericAkkaRuntime.KeyedCommand import aecor.runtime.akkageneric.GenericAkkaRuntimeActor.{ Command, CommandResult } import aecor.runtime.akkageneric.serialization.MessageSerializer import import akka.serialization.SerializationExtension import org.scalacheck.Arbitrary import org.scalacheck.Arbitrary._ import org.scalacheck.Prop.forAll import org.scalatest.BeforeAndAfterAll import org.scalatest.funsuite.AnyFunSuite import scodec.bits.BitVector import scala.concurrent.Await import scala.concurrent.duration._ class MessageSerializerTest extends AnyFunSuite with BeforeAndAfterAll { implicit val system: ActorSystem = ActorSystem("test") val serialization = SerializationExtension(system) implicit val bitVector: Arbitrary[BitVector] = Arbitrary(arbitrary[Array[Byte]].map(BitVector(_))) def canSerialize[A <: AnyRef](a: A): Boolean = { val ser = serialization.serializerFor(a.getClass) assert(ser.isInstanceOf[MessageSerializer]) val mser = ser.asInstanceOf[MessageSerializer] val (man, bytes) = (mser.manifest(a), mser.toBinary(a)) val out = mser.fromBinary(bytes, man) out === a } test("serialization") { forAll { bb: BitVector => canSerialize(Command(bb)) } forAll { bb: BitVector => canSerialize(CommandResult(bb)) } forAll { (key: String, bb: BitVector) => canSerialize(KeyedCommand(key, bb)) } } override protected def afterAll(): Unit = { Await.result(system.terminate(), 5.seconds) () } }
Example 8
Source File: MessageSerializer.scala From aecor with MIT License | 5 votes |
package aecor.runtime.akkapersistence.serialization import aecor.runtime.akkapersistence.AkkaPersistenceRuntime.EntityCommand import aecor.runtime.akkapersistence.AkkaPersistenceRuntimeActor.{ CommandResult, HandleCommand } import import akka.serialization.{ BaseSerializer, SerializerWithStringManifest } import import scodec.bits.BitVector import scala.collection.immutable._ class MessageSerializer(val system: ExtendedActorSystem) extends SerializerWithStringManifest with BaseSerializer { val HandleCommandManifest = "A" val EntityCommandManifest = "B" val CommandResultManifest = "C" private val fromBinaryMap = HashMap[String, Array[Byte] => AnyRef]( HandleCommandManifest -> handleCommandFromBinary, EntityCommandManifest -> entityCommandFromBinary, CommandResultManifest -> commandResultFromBinary ) override def manifest(o: AnyRef): String = o match { case HandleCommand(_) => HandleCommandManifest case EntityCommand(_, _) => EntityCommandManifest case CommandResult(_) => CommandResultManifest case x => throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Serialization of [$x] is not supported") } override def toBinary(o: AnyRef): Array[Byte] = o match { case x @ HandleCommand(_) => x.commandBytes.toByteArray case _ @CommandResult(resultBytes) => resultBytes.toByteArray case x @ EntityCommand(_, _) => entityCommandToBinary(x) case x => throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Serialization of [$x] is not supported") } override def fromBinary(bytes: Array[Byte], manifest: String): AnyRef = fromBinaryMap.get(manifest) match { case Some(f) => f(bytes) case other => throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Unknown manifest [$other]") } private def entityCommandToBinary(a: EntityCommand): Array[Byte] = msg.EntityCommand(a.entityKey, ByteString.copyFrom(a.commandBytes.toByteBuffer)).toByteArray private def entityCommandFromBinary(bytes: Array[Byte]): EntityCommand = msg.EntityCommand.parseFrom(bytes) match { case msg.EntityCommand(entityId, commandBytes) => EntityCommand(entityId, BitVector(commandBytes.asReadOnlyByteBuffer)) } private def handleCommandFromBinary(bytes: Array[Byte]): HandleCommand = HandleCommand(BitVector(bytes)) private def commandResultFromBinary(bytes: Array[Byte]): CommandResult = CommandResult(BitVector(bytes)) }
Example 9
Source File: AkkaPersistenceRuntime.scala From aecor with MIT License | 5 votes |
package aecor.runtime.akkapersistence import{ EventsourcedBehavior, Tagging } import aecor.encoding.WireProtocol.Encoded import aecor.encoding.syntax._ import aecor.encoding.{ KeyDecoder, KeyEncoder, WireProtocol } import aecor.runtime.akkapersistence.AkkaPersistenceRuntime._ import aecor.runtime.akkapersistence.AkkaPersistenceRuntimeActor.CommandResult import aecor.runtime.akkapersistence.readside.{ AkkaPersistenceEventJournalQuery, JournalQuery } import aecor.runtime.akkapersistence.serialization.{ Message, PersistentDecoder, PersistentEncoder } import aecor.util.effect._ import import akka.cluster.sharding.{ ClusterSharding, ShardRegion } import akka.pattern.ask import akka.util.Timeout import cats.effect.Effect import cats.implicits._ import cats.tagless.FunctorK import cats.tagless.syntax.functorK._ import cats.~> import scodec.bits.BitVector object AkkaPersistenceRuntime { def apply[O](system: ActorSystem, journalAdapter: JournalAdapter[O]): AkkaPersistenceRuntime[O] = new AkkaPersistenceRuntime(system, journalAdapter) private[akkapersistence] final case class EntityCommand(entityKey: String, commandBytes: BitVector) extends Message } class AkkaPersistenceRuntime[O] private[akkapersistence] (system: ActorSystem, journalAdapter: JournalAdapter[O]) { def deploy[M[_[_]]: FunctorK, F[_], State, Event: PersistentEncoder: PersistentDecoder, K: KeyEncoder: KeyDecoder]( typeName: String, behavior: EventsourcedBehavior[M, F, State, Event], tagging: Tagging[K], snapshotPolicy: SnapshotPolicy[State] = SnapshotPolicy.never, settings: AkkaPersistenceRuntimeSettings = AkkaPersistenceRuntimeSettings.default(system) )(implicit M: WireProtocol[M], F: Effect[F]): F[K => M[F]] = F.delay { val props = AkkaPersistenceRuntimeActor.props( typeName, behavior, snapshotPolicy, tagging, settings.idleTimeout, journalAdapter.writeJournalId, snapshotPolicy.pluginId ) val extractEntityId: ShardRegion.ExtractEntityId = { case EntityCommand(entityId, bytes) => (entityId, AkkaPersistenceRuntimeActor.HandleCommand(bytes)) } val numberOfShards = settings.numberOfShards val extractShardId: ShardRegion.ExtractShardId = { case EntityCommand(entityId, _) => (scala.math.abs(entityId.hashCode) % numberOfShards).toString case other => throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Unexpected message [$other]") } val shardRegion = ClusterSharding(system).start( typeName = typeName, entityProps = props, settings = settings.clusterShardingSettings, extractEntityId = extractEntityId, extractShardId = extractShardId ) val keyEncoder = KeyEncoder[K] key => M.encoder.mapK(new (Encoded ~> F) { implicit val askTimeout: Timeout = Timeout(settings.askTimeout) override def apply[A](fa: Encoded[A]): F[A] = F.suspend { val (bytes, decoder) = fa F.fromFuture { shardRegion ? EntityCommand(keyEncoder(key), bytes) } .flatMap { case CommandResult(resultBytes) => decoder.decodeValue(resultBytes).lift[F] case other => F.raiseError( new IllegalArgumentException(s"Unexpected response [$other] from shard region") ) } } }) } def journal[K: KeyDecoder, E: PersistentDecoder]: JournalQuery[O, K, E] = AkkaPersistenceEventJournalQuery[O, K, E](journalAdapter) }
Example 10
Source File: SqlitePeersDb.scala From eclair with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package fr.acinq.eclair.db.sqlite import java.sql.Connection import fr.acinq.bitcoin.Crypto import fr.acinq.bitcoin.Crypto.PublicKey import fr.acinq.eclair.db.PeersDb import fr.acinq.eclair.db.sqlite.SqliteUtils.{codecSequence, getVersion, using} import fr.acinq.eclair.wire._ import scodec.bits.BitVector class SqlitePeersDb(sqlite: Connection) extends PeersDb { import SqliteUtils.ExtendedResultSet._ val DB_NAME = "peers" val CURRENT_VERSION = 1 using(sqlite.createStatement(), inTransaction = true) { statement => require(getVersion(statement, DB_NAME, CURRENT_VERSION) == CURRENT_VERSION, s"incompatible version of $DB_NAME DB found") // there is only one version currently deployed statement.executeUpdate("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS peers (node_id BLOB NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, data BLOB NOT NULL)") } override def addOrUpdatePeer(nodeId: Crypto.PublicKey, nodeaddress: NodeAddress): Unit = { val data = CommonCodecs.nodeaddress.encode(nodeaddress).require.toByteArray using(sqlite.prepareStatement("UPDATE peers SET data=? WHERE node_id=?")) { update => update.setBytes(1, data) update.setBytes(2, nodeId.value.toArray) if (update.executeUpdate() == 0) { using(sqlite.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO peers VALUES (?, ?)")) { statement => statement.setBytes(1, nodeId.value.toArray) statement.setBytes(2, data) statement.executeUpdate() } } } } override def removePeer(nodeId: Crypto.PublicKey): Unit = { using(sqlite.prepareStatement("DELETE FROM peers WHERE node_id=?")) { statement => statement.setBytes(1, nodeId.value.toArray) statement.executeUpdate() } } override def getPeer(nodeId: PublicKey): Option[NodeAddress] = { using(sqlite.prepareStatement("SELECT data FROM peers WHERE node_id=?")) { statement => statement.setBytes(1, nodeId.value.toArray) val rs = statement.executeQuery() codecSequence(rs, CommonCodecs.nodeaddress).headOption } } override def listPeers(): Map[PublicKey, NodeAddress] = { using(sqlite.createStatement()) { statement => val rs = statement.executeQuery("SELECT node_id, data FROM peers") var m: Map[PublicKey, NodeAddress] = Map() while ( { val nodeid = PublicKey(rs.getByteVector("node_id")) val nodeaddress = CommonCodecs.nodeaddress.decode(BitVector(rs.getBytes("data"))).require.value m += (nodeid -> nodeaddress) } m } } // used by mobile apps override def close(): Unit = sqlite.close() }
Example 11
Source File: ReprFormat.scala From polynote with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package import scodec.bits.{BitVector, ByteVector} import shapeless.{Generic, HList, HNil, Lazy, ::} import scala.collection.GenTraversable trait ReprFormat[T] extends (T => ByteVector) object ReprFormat extends ReprFormat0 { final case class instance[T](fn: T => ByteVector) extends ReprFormat[T] { def apply(t: T): ByteVector = fn(t) } private val one = ByteVector.fromByte(1) private val zero = ByteVector.fromByte(0) implicit val byteFormat: ReprFormat[Byte] = instance(ByteVector.fromByte) implicit val boolFormat: ReprFormat[Boolean] = instance(b => if (b) one else zero) implicit val shortFormat: ReprFormat[Short] = instance(ByteVector.fromShort(_)) implicit val intFormat: ReprFormat[Int] = instance(ByteVector.fromInt(_)) implicit val longFormat: ReprFormat[Long] = instance(ByteVector.fromLong(_)) implicit val floatFormat: ReprFormat[Float] = instance(f => ByteVector.fromInt(java.lang.Float.floatToIntBits(f))) implicit val doubleFormat: ReprFormat[Double] = instance(d => ByteVector.fromLong(java.lang.Double.doubleToLongBits(d))) implicit val stringFormat: ReprFormat[String] = instance(str => ByteVector.encodeUtf8(str).fold(throw _, identity)) implicit val byteArrayFormat: ReprFormat[Array[Byte]] = instance(ByteVector(_)) implicit val byteVectorFormat: ReprFormat[ByteVector] = instance(identity) implicit val bitVectorFormat: ReprFormat[BitVector] = instance(_.toByteVector) implicit def arrayFormat[A](implicit elFormat: ReprFormat[A]): ReprFormat[Array[A]] = instance { arr => arr.foldLeft(ByteVector.fromInt(arr.length)) { (accum: ByteVector, next: A) => accum ++ elFormat(next) } } implicit def traversableFormat[F[X] <: GenTraversable[X], A](implicit elFormat: ReprFormat[A]): ReprFormat[F[A]] = instance { arr => arr.foldLeft(ByteVector.fromInt(arr.size)) { (accum, next) => accum ++ elFormat(next) } } implicit def optionalFormat[A](implicit elFormat: ReprFormat[A]): ReprFormat[Option[A]] = instance { case Some(el) => one ++ elFormat(el) case None => zero } implicit val hnilFormat: ReprFormat[HNil] = instance(_ => ByteVector.empty) implicit def hlistFormat[H, T <: HList](implicit formatH: ReprFormat[H], formatT: ReprFormat[T]): ReprFormat[H :: T] = instance { case h :: t => formatH(h) ++ formatT(t) } } private[data] trait ReprFormat0 { self: ReprFormat.type => implicit def struct[A, L <: HList](implicit gen: Generic.Aux[A, L], formatL: Lazy[ReprFormat[L]]): ReprFormat[A] = instance(a => formatL.value( }
Example 12
package polynote.server package repository.fs import java.nio.ByteBuffer import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets import java.time.Instant import polynote.messages.{Message, Notebook} import scodec.bits.{BitVector, ByteVector} import scodec.{Attempt, Codec, codecs} import import import zio.{RIO, Task, ZIO} import zio.blocking.Blocking import zio.clock.{Clock, currentDateTime} import scala.util.Try object WAL { val WALMagicNumber: Array[Byte] = "PNWAL".getBytes(StandardCharsets.US_ASCII) val WALVersion: Short = 1 // Timestamp for each update is stored in 32 bits unsigned, epoch UTC seconds. // So we'll have to change the format by February of 2106. Apologies to my great-great-great grandchildren. private val instantCodec = codecs.uint32.exmap[Instant]( epochSeconds => Attempt.fromTry(Try(Instant.ofEpochSecond(epochSeconds))), instant => Attempt.successful(instant.getEpochSecond) ) def encodeTimestamp(instant: Instant): Task[BitVector] = ZIO.fromEither(instantCodec.encode(instant).toEither) .mapError(err => new RuntimeException(err.message)) val messageCodec: Codec[(Instant, Message)] = codecs.variableSizeBytes(codecs.int32, instantCodec ~ Message.codec) val decoder: StreamDecoder[(Instant, Message)] = { val readMagic = decode.once(codecs.constant(ByteVector(WALMagicNumber))) val readVersion = decode.once(codecs.int16) def readMessages(version: Int): StreamDecoder[(Instant, Message)] = version match { case 1 => decode.many(messageCodec) case v => decode.raiseError(new Exception(s"Unknown WAL version $v")) } for { _ <- readMagic ver <- readVersion message <- readMessages(ver) } yield message } trait WALWriter { protected def append(bytes: Array[Byte]): RIO[Blocking, Unit] = append(ByteBuffer.wrap(bytes)) protected def append(bytes: BitVector): RIO[Blocking, Unit] = append(bytes.toByteBuffer) protected def append(bytes: ByteBuffer): RIO[Blocking, Unit] def writeHeader(notebook: Notebook): RIO[Blocking with Clock, Unit] = append(WALMagicNumber) *> append(BitVector.fromShort(WALVersion)) *> appendMessage(notebook.withoutResults) def appendMessage(message: Message): RIO[Blocking with Clock, Unit] = for { ts <- bytes <- ZIO.fromEither(messageCodec.encode((ts, message)).toEither).mapError(err => new RuntimeException(err.message)) _ <- append(bytes) } yield () def sync(): RIO[Blocking, Unit] def close(): RIO[Blocking, Unit] } object WALWriter { object NoWAL extends WALWriter { override protected def append(bytes: ByteBuffer): RIO[Blocking, Unit] = ZIO.unit override def sync(): RIO[Blocking, Unit] = ZIO.unit override def close(): RIO[Blocking, Unit] = ZIO.unit } } }
Example 13
Source File: RESPBench.scala From laserdisc with MIT License | 5 votes |
package laserdisc package protocol import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets.UTF_8 import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.{Benchmark, Scope, State} import scodec.bits.BitVector import scodec.codecs.utf8 import scodec.{Attempt, Codec} @State(Scope.Benchmark) class RESPBench { private final val codec = Codec[RESP] private final val chars = 2000 private final val ok = "OK" private final val okRedis = s"+$ok$CRLF" private final val rtProblem = "runtime problem" private final val rtProblemRedis = s"-$rtProblem$CRLF" private final val fortyTwo = 42L private final val fortyTwoRedis = s":$fortyTwo$CRLF" private final val longString = new String(Array.fill(chars)('a')) private final val longStringRedis = s"$$$chars$CRLF$longString$CRLF" private final val longStringI = "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" private final val str = Str(ok) private final val strBits = BitVector(okRedis.getBytes(UTF_8)) private final val err = Err(rtProblem) private final val errBits = BitVector(rtProblemRedis.getBytes(UTF_8)) private final val num = Num(fortyTwo) private final val numBits = BitVector(fortyTwoRedis.getBytes(UTF_8)) private final val bulk = Bulk(longString) private final val bulkBits = BitVector(longStringRedis.getBytes(UTF_8)) private final val longStringBits = BitVector(longString.getBytes(UTF_8)) private final val longStringIBits = BitVector(longStringI.getBytes(UTF_8)) @Benchmark def baseline_utf8_encode: Attempt[BitVector] = utf8.encode(longString) @Benchmark def baseline_utf8_decode: Attempt[String] = utf8.decodeValue(longStringBits) @Benchmark def baseline_utf8_encodeI: Attempt[BitVector] = utf8.encode(longStringI) @Benchmark def baseline_utf8_decodeI: Attempt[String] = utf8.decodeValue(longStringIBits) @Benchmark def str_encode: Attempt[BitVector] = codec.encode(str) @Benchmark def str_decode: Attempt[RESP] = codec.decodeValue(strBits) @Benchmark def err_encode: Attempt[BitVector] = codec.encode(err) @Benchmark def err_decode: Attempt[RESP] = codec.decodeValue(errBits) @Benchmark def num_encode: Attempt[BitVector] = codec.encode(num) @Benchmark def num_decode: Attempt[RESP] = codec.decodeValue(numBits) @Benchmark def bulk_encode: Attempt[BitVector] = codec.encode(bulk) @Benchmark def bulk_decode: Attempt[RESP] = codec.decodeValue(bulkBits) }
Example 14
Source File: UTF8EncodingBench.scala From laserdisc with MIT License | 5 votes |
package laserdisc package protocol import java.nio.ByteBuffer import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets.UTF_8 import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations._ import scodec.Attempt import scodec.bits.BitVector @State(Scope.Benchmark) @Warmup(time = 1) @Measurement(time = 1) class UTF8EncodingBench { private final val defaultUtf8 = scodec.codecs.utf8 private final val lenientUtf8 = new LenientStringCodec(UTF_8) private final val ok = "OK" private final val okBytes = ok.getBytes(UTF_8) private final val okBitVector = BitVector.view(okBytes) private final val longString = new String(Array.fill(2000)('a')) private final val longStringBytes = longString.getBytes(UTF_8) private final val longStringBitVector = BitVector.view(longStringBytes) @Benchmark def decode_ok_baseline_charset: String = UTF_8.decode(ByteBuffer.wrap(okBytes)).toString @Benchmark def decode_ok_baseline_string: String = new String(okBytes, UTF_8) @Benchmark def decode_ok_default_utf8: Attempt[String] = defaultUtf8.decodeValue(okBitVector) @Benchmark def decode_ok_lenient_utf8: Attempt[String] = lenientUtf8.decodeValue(okBitVector) @Benchmark def decode_long_string_baseline_charset: String = UTF_8.decode(ByteBuffer.wrap(longStringBytes)).toString @Benchmark def decode_long_string_baseline_string: String = new String(longStringBytes, UTF_8) @Benchmark def decode_long_string_default_utf8: Attempt[String] = defaultUtf8.decodeValue(longStringBitVector) @Benchmark def decode_long_string_lenient_utf8: Attempt[String] = lenientUtf8.decodeValue(longStringBitVector) @Benchmark def encode_ok_baseline_charset: ByteBuffer = UTF_8.encode(ok) @Benchmark def encode_ok_baseline_string: scala.Array[Byte] = ok.getBytes(UTF_8) @Benchmark def encode_ok_default_utf8: Attempt[BitVector] = defaultUtf8.encode(ok) @Benchmark def encode_ok_lenient_utf8: Attempt[BitVector] = lenientUtf8.encode(ok) @Benchmark def encode_long_string_baseline_charset: ByteBuffer = UTF_8.encode(longString) @Benchmark def encode_long_string_baseline_string: scala.Array[Byte] = longString.getBytes(UTF_8) @Benchmark def encode_long_string_default_utf8: Attempt[BitVector] = defaultUtf8.encode(longString) @Benchmark def encode_long_string_lenient_utf8: Attempt[BitVector] = lenientUtf8.encode(longString) }
Example 15
Source File: RESPFrameBench.scala From laserdisc with MIT License | 5 votes |
package laserdisc package protocol import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.{Benchmark, Scope, State} import scodec.bits.BitVector import eu.timepit.refined.types.string.NonEmptyString import java.nio.ByteBuffer import laserdisc.RESPFrameFixture import org.openjdk.jmh.infra.Blackhole @State(Scope.Benchmark) class RESPFrameBench extends RESPFrameFixture { val mixedNoArr = bytesOf(mixedNoArrList) val arrOneLevel = bytesOf(arrOneLevelList) val arrFiveLevels = bytesOf(arrFiveLevelsList) val empty = BitVector.empty.toByteBuffer val mixedNoArrFull = BitVector(mixedNoArr).toByteBuffer val arrOneLevelFull = BitVector(arrOneLevel).toByteBuffer val arrFiveLevelsFull = BitVector(arrFiveLevels).toByteBuffer @Benchmark def frameOfFullBaseline(bh: Blackhole)= { val frame = EmptyFrame.append(empty) bh.consume(frame) } @Benchmark def frameOfMixedNoArrFull(bh: Blackhole) = { val frame = EmptyFrame.append(mixedNoArrFull) bh.consume(frame) } @Benchmark def frameOfMixedArrOneLevelFull(bh: Blackhole) = { val frame = EmptyFrame.append(arrOneLevelFull) bh.consume(frame) } @Benchmark def frameOfMixedArrFiveLevelsFull(bh: Blackhole) = { val frame = EmptyFrame.append(arrFiveLevelsFull) bh.consume(frame) } val mixedNoArrSmallChunkBuffers = groupInChunks(mixedNoArr, 128) val arrOneLevelSmallChunkBuffers = groupInChunks(arrOneLevel, 128) val arrFiveLevelsSmallChunkBuffers = groupInChunks(arrFiveLevels, 128) @Benchmark def frameOfChunkedBaseline(bh: Blackhole)= { val frames = appendChunks(Iterator.empty[BitVector]) bh.consume(frames) } @Benchmark def frameOfChunkedShortMixedNoArr(bh: Blackhole)= { val frames = appendChunks(mixedNoArrSmallChunkBuffers) bh.consume(frames) } @Benchmark def frameOfChunkedShortArrOneLevel(bh: Blackhole) = { val frames = appendChunks(arrOneLevelSmallChunkBuffers) bh.consume(frames) } @Benchmark def frameOfChunkedShortArrFiveLevels(bh: Blackhole) = { val frames = appendChunks(arrFiveLevelsSmallChunkBuffers) bh.consume(frames) } val mixedNoArrBigChunkBuffers = groupInChunks(mixedNoArr, 1024) val arrOneLevelBigChunkBuffers = groupInChunks(arrOneLevel, 1024) val arrFiveLevelsBigChunkBuffers = groupInChunks(arrFiveLevels, 1024) @Benchmark def frameOfChunkedLongMixedNoArr(bh: Blackhole) = { val frames = appendChunks(mixedNoArrBigChunkBuffers) bh.consume(frames) } @Benchmark def frameOfChunkedLongArrOneLevel(bh: Blackhole) = { val frames = appendChunks(arrOneLevelBigChunkBuffers) bh.consume(frames) } @Benchmark def frameOfChunkedLongArrFiveLevels(bh: Blackhole) = { val frames = appendChunks(arrFiveLevelsBigChunkBuffers) bh.consume(frames) } }
Example 16
Source File: RESPFrame.scala From laserdisc with MIT License | 5 votes |
package laserdisc package protocol import java.nio.ByteBuffer import laserdisc.protocol.BitVectorDecoding._ import laserdisc.protocol.RESP.stateOf import scodec.bits.BitVector import scala.annotation.tailrec private[laserdisc] sealed trait RESPFrame extends Product with Serializable with EitherSyntax with BitVectorSyntax { def append(bytes: ByteBuffer): Exception | NonEmptyRESPFrame = nextFrame(BitVector.view(bytes)) protected final def nextFrame(bits: BitVector): Exception | NonEmptyRESPFrame = stateOf(bits) .flatMap { case MissingBits(n) => Right(IncompleteFrame(bits, n)) case Incomplete => Right(IncompleteFrame(bits, 0L)) case Complete => Right(CompleteFrame(bits)) case CompleteWithRemainder(c, r) => consumeRemainder(Right(MoreThanOneFrame(Vector(CompleteFrame(c)), r))) } .leftMap(e => UnknownBufferState(s"Err building the frame from buffer: $e. Content: ${bits.tailToUtf8}")) @tailrec private[this] final def consumeRemainder(current: String | MoreThanOneFrame): String | MoreThanOneFrame = current match { case Right(s) => stateOf(s.remainder) match { case Left(ee) => Left(ee) case Right(CompleteWithRemainder(c, r)) => consumeRemainder(Right(MoreThanOneFrame(s.complete :+ CompleteFrame(c), r))) case Right(Complete) => Right(MoreThanOneFrame(s.complete :+ CompleteFrame(s.remainder), BitVector.empty)) case _ => Right(s) } case left => left } } private[laserdisc] case object EmptyFrame extends RESPFrame private[protocol] sealed trait NonEmptyRESPFrame extends RESPFrame private[laserdisc] final case class CompleteFrame(bits: BitVector) extends NonEmptyRESPFrame private[laserdisc] final case class MoreThanOneFrame(private[laserdisc] val complete: Vector[CompleteFrame], remainder: BitVector) extends NonEmptyRESPFrame private[laserdisc] final case class IncompleteFrame(partial: BitVector, bitsToComplete: Long) extends NonEmptyRESPFrame { override def append(bytes: ByteBuffer): Exception | NonEmptyRESPFrame = { val newBits = BitVector.view(bytes) // Saves some size checks if (bitsToComplete > 0 && bitsToComplete == newBits.size) Right(CompleteFrame(partial ++ newBits)) else nextFrame(partial ++ newBits) } } private[laserdisc] final case class UnknownBufferState(message: String) extends laserdisc.Platform.LaserDiscRespFrameError(message)
Example 17
Source File: RESPFunctionsSpec.scala From laserdisc with MIT License | 5 votes |
package laserdisc package protocol import laserdisc.protocol.BitVectorDecoding.{Complete, CompleteWithRemainder, Incomplete, MissingBits} import scodec.bits.BitVector final class RESPFunctionsSpec extends BaseSpec { test("A RESP codec checking the state of a bit vector with the size prefix not complete gives IncompleteVector") { assertEquals(RESP.stateOf(BitVector("$2362".getBytes)), Incomplete) } test("A RESP codec checking the state of a bit vector with only the data type selector gives IncompleteVector") { assertEquals(RESP.stateOf(BitVector("$".getBytes)), Incomplete) } test("A RESP codec checking the state of a bit vector that's complete gives CompleteVector") { assertEquals(RESP.stateOf(BitVector("$16\r\nTest bulk string\r\n".getBytes)), Complete) } test( "A RESP codec checking the state of a bit vector with the size prefix complete and an incomplete payload gives MissingBits with the correct number of bits missing" ) { assertEquals(RESP.stateOf(BitVector("$40\r\nIncomplete test bulk string".getBytes)), MissingBits(120)) } test("A RESP codec checking the state of a bit vector that represents an empty bulk gives CompleteVector") { assertEquals(RESP.stateOf(BitVector("$-1\r\n".getBytes)), Complete) } test("A RESP codec checking the state of an incomplete bit vector that represents an empty bulk gives MissingBits") { assertEquals(RESP.stateOf(BitVector("$-".getBytes)), Incomplete) } test( "A RESP codec checking the state of a bulk bit vector that contains one message complete and one not complete gives CompleteWithRemainder" ) { assertEquals( RESP.stateOf(BitVector("$16\r\nTest bulk string\r\n$16\r\nTest bulk".getBytes)), CompleteWithRemainder( BitVector("$16\r\nTest bulk string\r\n", BitVector("$16\r\nTest bulk" ) ) } test("A RESP codec checking the state of a bulk bit vector that contains more than one complete messages gives CompleteWithRemainder") { assertEquals( RESP.stateOf(BitVector("$16\r\nTest bulk string\r\n$16\r\nTest bulk string\r\n$16\r\nTest bulk string\r\n".getBytes)), CompleteWithRemainder( BitVector("$16\r\nTest bulk string\r\n", BitVector("$16\r\nTest bulk string\r\n$16\r\nTest bulk string\r\n" ) ) } test("A RESP codec checking the state of a bulk bit vector that contains more than one null message gives CompleteWithRemainder") { assertEquals( RESP.stateOf(BitVector("$-1\r\n$-1\r\n$-1\r\n".getBytes)), CompleteWithRemainder( BitVector("$-1\r\n", BitVector("$-1\r\n$-1\r\n" ) ) } }
Example 18
Source File: RESPFrameMixedSpec.scala From laserdisc with MIT License | 5 votes |
package laserdisc package protocol import org.scalacheck.Prop.forAll import scodec.bits.BitVector final class RESPFrameMixedSpec extends RESPFrameFixture { test( "Appending to a non empty mixed frame a bit vector composed of a complete sequence of integers, simple strings, bulk strings and errors gives MoreThanOne with a list of all the complete items" ) { val nonEmptyFrame = IncompleteFrame(BitVector("$16\r\nTest bulk str".getBytes), 0) val inputVector = BitVector( "ing\r\n+OK\r\n$0\r\n\r\n+Another simple string\r\n*3\r\n$16\r\nTest bulk string\r\n:100\r\n+A simple string\r\n-Possible error message\r\n*0\r\n:1\r\n:2\r\n*2\r\n$8\r\nAnother1\r\n-An error\r\n:177\r\n+Another simple string\r\n$21\r\nTest bulk string 1 11\r\n*5\r\n$16\r\nTest bulk string\r\n:13\r\n-1234 An error with numbers\r\n:100\r\n+A simple string\r\n-And an error message\r\n".getBytes ) nonEmptyFrame.append(inputVector.toByteBuffer) onRightAll { case r @ MoreThanOneFrame(_, _) => assertEquals( r.complete, Vector( CompleteFrame(BitVector("$16\r\nTest bulk string\r\n".getBytes())), CompleteFrame(BitVector("+OK\r\n".getBytes())), CompleteFrame(BitVector("$0\r\n\r\n".getBytes())), CompleteFrame(BitVector("+Another simple string\r\n".getBytes())), CompleteFrame(BitVector("*3\r\n$16\r\nTest bulk string\r\n:100\r\n+A simple string\r\n".getBytes)), CompleteFrame(BitVector("-Possible error message\r\n".getBytes())), CompleteFrame(BitVector("*0\r\n".getBytes())), CompleteFrame(BitVector(":1\r\n".getBytes())), CompleteFrame(BitVector(":2\r\n".getBytes())), CompleteFrame(BitVector("*2\r\n$8\r\nAnother1\r\n-An error\r\n".getBytes)), CompleteFrame(BitVector(":177\r\n".getBytes())), CompleteFrame(BitVector("+Another simple string\r\n".getBytes())), CompleteFrame(BitVector("$21\r\nTest bulk string 1 11\r\n".getBytes())), CompleteFrame( BitVector( "*5\r\n$16\r\nTest bulk string\r\n:13\r\n-1234 An error with numbers\r\n:100\r\n+A simple string\r\n".getBytes ) ), CompleteFrame(BitVector("-And an error message\r\n".getBytes())) ) ) case _ => fail(s"expected a MoreThanOne type") } } test( "Appending to a non empty mixed frame a bit vector composed of sequence of integers, simple strings, bulk strings and errors that are not complete gives MoreThanOne with a list of all the complete items plus the remainder" ) { val nonEmptyFrame = IncompleteFrame(BitVector("$16\r\nTest bulk str".getBytes), 0) val inputVector = BitVector( "ing\r\n+OK\r\n+Another simple string\r\n-Possible error message\r\n:1\r\n:2\r\n:177\r\n+Another simple string\r\n$21\r\nTest bulk string 1 11\r\n-And an error message\r\n".getBytes ) nonEmptyFrame.append(inputVector.toByteBuffer) onRightAll { case r @ MoreThanOneFrame(_, _) => assertEquals( r.complete, Vector( CompleteFrame(BitVector("$16\r\nTest bulk string\r\n".getBytes())), CompleteFrame(BitVector("+OK\r\n".getBytes())), CompleteFrame(BitVector("+Another simple string\r\n".getBytes())), CompleteFrame(BitVector("-Possible error message\r\n".getBytes())), CompleteFrame(BitVector(":1\r\n".getBytes())), CompleteFrame(BitVector(":2\r\n".getBytes())), CompleteFrame(BitVector(":177\r\n".getBytes())), CompleteFrame(BitVector("+Another simple string\r\n".getBytes())), CompleteFrame(BitVector("$21\r\nTest bulk string 1 11\r\n".getBytes())), CompleteFrame(BitVector("-And an error message\r\n".getBytes())) ) ) case _ => fail(s"expected a MoreThanOne type") } } property("Appending to an empty frame a random sequence of complete messages gives MoreThanOne with all the complete items") { forAll { testSet: OneOrMore[ProtocolEncoded] => val vector = BitVector( EmptyFrame.append(vector.toByteBuffer) onRightAll { case MoreThanOneFrame(complete, remainder) => assertEquals(complete.size, testSet.value.size) assert(remainder.isEmpty) case CompleteFrame(_) => succeed case other => fail(s"expected a MoreThanOne type. Was $other") } } } }
Example 19
Source File: StreamingSpec.scala From seals with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.example.streaming import{ ByteArrayInputStream, ByteArrayOutputStream } import shapeless.record._ import cats.effect.IO import org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers import org.scalatest.flatspec.AnyFlatSpec import fs2.Stream import scodec.Codec import scodec.bits.BitVector import import dev.tauri.seals._ import dev.tauri.seals.scodec.Codecs._ import dev.tauri.seals.scodec.StreamCodecs._ class StreamingSpec extends AnyFlatSpec with Matchers { import Main.{ Animal, Elephant, Quokka, Quagga, Grey } val animals = Vector[Animal]( Elephant("Dumbo", tuskLength = 35.0f), Quokka("Nellie"), Quagga("Ford", speed = 120.0) ) val transformedAnimals = Vector[Animal]( Elephant("Dumbo", tuskLength = 35.0f + 17.0f), Quokka("Nellie", Grey) ) val animalStream = Stream.emits[IO, Animal](animals) val encoder = streamEncoderFromReified[Animal] val decoder = streamDecoderFromReified[Animal] "Encoding/decoding" should "work correctly" in { val tsk: IO[Unit] = for { bv <- encoder.encode[IO](animalStream).compile.fold(BitVector.empty)(_ ++ _) as <- decoder.decode[IO](Stream(bv)).compile.toVector } yield { as should === (animals) } tsk.unsafeRunSync() } it should "fail with incompatible models" in { val mod = Reified[Record.`'Elephant -> Elephant, 'Quokka -> Quokka`.T].model val bv: BitVector = Codec[Model].encode(mod).getOrElse(fail) val tsk: IO[Unit] = for { as <- decoder.decode[IO](Stream(bv)).compile.toVector } yield { as should === (Vector.empty) } val ex = intercept[CodecError] { tsk.unsafeRunSync() } ex.err.message should include ("incompatible models") } "Transformation" should "work correctly" in { val tsk: IO[Unit] = for { ibv <- encoder.encode[IO](animalStream).compile.fold(BitVector.empty)(_ ++ _) is = new ByteArrayInputStream(ibv.toByteArray) os = new ByteArrayOutputStream _ <- Main.transform(is, os)(Main.transformer) obv = BitVector(os.toByteArray()) transformed <- decoder.decode[IO](Stream(obv)).compile.fold(Vector.empty[Animal])(_ :+ _) } yield { transformed should === (transformedAnimals) } tsk.unsafeRunSync() } }
Example 20
Source File: RlpEncoded.scala From iotchain with MIT License | 5 votes |
package jbok.codec.rlp import scodec.bits.{BitVector, ByteVector} // normally we construct `RlpEncoded` via rlp encoding // to avoid dumb problems final class RlpEncoded private (val bits: BitVector) extends AnyVal { def bytes: ByteVector = bits.bytes def byteArray: Array[Byte] = bits.toByteArray def decoded[A](implicit codec: RlpCodec[A]): Either[Throwable, A] = codec.decode(bits).toEither match { case Left(err) => Left(new Exception(err.messageWithContext)) case Right(result) => Right(result.value) } def isItem: Boolean = bits.bytes.headOption match { case Some(byte) => (0xff & byte) < RlpCodecHelper.listOffset case None => false } def isList: Boolean = !isItem def isEmptyItem: Boolean = this == RlpEncoded.emptyItem def isEmptyList: Boolean = this == RlpEncoded.emptyList override def toString: String = s"RlpEncoded(${bits.bytes})" } object RlpEncoded { def coerce(bits: BitVector): RlpEncoded = new RlpEncoded(bits) val emptyItem: RlpEncoded = RlpEncoded.coerce(BitVector(RlpCodecHelper.itemOffset.toByte)) val emptyList: RlpEncoded = RlpEncoded.coerce(BitVector(RlpCodecHelper.listOffset.toByte)) }
Example 21
Source File: LowerPriorityRlpCodec.scala From iotchain with MIT License | 5 votes |
package jbok.codec.rlp import magnolia._ import scodec._ import scodec.bits.BitVector trait LowerPriorityRlpCodec { type Typeclass[A] = RlpCodec[A] def combine[A](ctx: CaseClass[RlpCodec, A]): RlpCodec[A] = { val codec = new Codec[A] { override def encode(value: A): Attempt[BitVector] = Attempt.successful { ctx.parameters.foldLeft(BitVector.empty)((acc, cur) => acc ++ cur.typeclass.encode(cur.dereference(value)).require) } override def decode(bits: BitVector): Attempt[DecodeResult[A]] = { val (fields, remainder) = ctx.parameters.foldLeft((List.empty[Any], bits)) { case ((acc, bits), cur) => val v = cur.typeclass.decode(bits).require (v.value :: acc, v.remainder) } Attempt.successful(DecodeResult(ctx.rawConstruct(fields.reverse), remainder)) } override def sizeBound: SizeBound = ctx.parameters match { case head :: _ => ctx.parameters.foldLeft(head.typeclass.sizeBound)((acc, cur) => acc + cur.typeclass.sizeBound) case Nil => SizeBound.unknown } override def toString: String = s"${ctx.typeName.short}(${ => s"${p.label}").mkString(",")})" } if (ctx.isValueClass) { RlpCodecHelper.fromCodec(PrefixType.NoPrefix, codec) } else { RlpCodecHelper.fromCodec(PrefixType.ListLenPrefix, codec) } } def dispatch[A](ctx: SealedTrait[RlpCodec, A]): RlpCodec[A] = { val m1 = val m2 = ctx.subtypes.zipWithIndex.toMap val codec = new Codec[A] { override def encode(value: A): Attempt[BitVector] = ctx.dispatch(value)(sub => { val bits = codecs.uint8.encode(m2(sub)).require sub.typeclass.encode(sub.cast(value)).map(v => bits ++ v) }) override def decode(bits: BitVector): Attempt[DecodeResult[A]] = codecs.uint8.decode(bits).flatMap { result => m1.get(result.value) match { case Some(sub) => sub.typeclass.decode(result.remainder) case None => Attempt.failure(Err(s"decode ADT failure, can not find its subtype instance of ${result.value}")) } } override def sizeBound: SizeBound = SizeBound.unknown } RlpCodecHelper.fromCodec(PrefixType.ItemLenPrefix, codec) } implicit def gen[A]: RlpCodec[A] = macro Magnolia.gen[A] }
Example 22
Source File: RlpCodec.scala From iotchain with MIT License | 5 votes |
package jbok.codec.rlp import scodec._ import scodec.bits.BitVector // we are cheating here... // do not use methods other than encode & decode trait RlpCodec[A] extends Codec[A] { override def sizeBound: SizeBound = SizeBound.unknown } object RlpCodec extends RlpCodecInstances { def apply[A](implicit ev: RlpCodec[A]): RlpCodec[A] = ev def isItemPrefix(bits: BitVector): Boolean = bits.bytes.headOption match { case Some(byte) => (0xff & byte) < RlpCodecHelper.listOffset case None => false } def isEmptyPrefix(bits: BitVector): Boolean = bits.bytes.headOption match { case Some(byte) => byte == RlpCodecHelper.itemOffset.toByte case None => false } }
Example 23
Source File: BinaryCodec.scala From iotchain with MIT License | 5 votes |
package jbok.sdk import jbok.codec.rlp.RlpEncoded import jbok.codec.rlp.implicits._ import jbok.core.models.{BlockHeader, SignedTransaction} import scodec.bits.BitVector import scala.scalajs.js import scala.scalajs.js.JSConverters._ import scala.scalajs.js.annotation.{JSExportAll, JSExportTopLevel} import scala.scalajs.js.typedarray.Int8Array @JSExportTopLevel("BinaryCodec") @JSExportAll object BinaryCodec { def encodeBlockHeader(header: BlockHeader): Int8Array = new Int8Array(header.encoded.byteArray.toJSArray) def decodeBlockHeader(bytes: Int8Array): js.UndefOr[BlockHeader] = RlpEncoded.coerce(BitVector(bytes.toArray)).decoded[BlockHeader].toOption.orUndefined def encodeTx(tx: SignedTransaction): Int8Array = new Int8Array(tx.encoded.byteArray.toJSArray) def decodeTx(bytes: Int8Array): js.UndefOr[SignedTransaction] = RlpEncoded.coerce(BitVector(bytes.toArray)).decoded[SignedTransaction].toOption.orUndefined }
Example 24
Source File: Implicits.scala From xenomorph with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
package xenomorph.scodec import scodec.bits.BitVector import scodec.codecs.implicits._ import scodec.{Attempt, Codec, Decoder, Encoder, _} import xenomorph.Schema.Schema import xenomorph.json.JType.JSchema import xenomorph.json._ import scalaz.~> object Implicits { implicit val toEncoder: ToEncoder[JSchema] = new ToEncoder[JSchema] { self => override val toEncoder = new (JSchema ~> Encoder) { def apply[A](s: JSchema[A]): Encoder[A] = s.unmutu match { case JNullT() => Encoder(_ => Attempt.successful(BitVector.empty)) case JBoolT() => implicitly[Encoder[Boolean]] case JByteT() => implicitly[Encoder[Byte]] case JShortT() => implicitly[Encoder[Short]] case JIntT() => implicitly[Encoder[Int]] case JLongT() => implicitly[Encoder[Long]] case JFloatT() => implicitly[Encoder[Float]] case JDoubleT() => implicitly[Encoder[Double]] case JCharT() => implicitly[Encoder[Byte]].xmap((_: Byte).toChar, (_: Char).toByte) case JStrT() => implicitly[Encoder[String]] case arr: JArrayT[Schema[JSchema, ?], i] => val baseEncoder: Encoder[i] = ToEncoder.schemaToEncoder[JSchema](self).toEncoder(arr.elem) implicit val codec = Codec[i](baseEncoder, null) implicitly[Encoder[Vector[i]]] } } } implicit val toDecoder: ToDecoder[JSchema] = new ToDecoder[JSchema] { self => override val toDecoder = new (JSchema ~> Decoder) { def apply[A](s: JSchema[A]): Decoder[A] = s.unmutu match { case JNullT() => Decoder.point(()) case JBoolT() => implicitly[Decoder[Boolean]] case JByteT() => implicitly[Decoder[Byte]] case JShortT() => implicitly[Decoder[Short]] case JIntT() => implicitly[Decoder[Int]] case JLongT() => implicitly[Decoder[Long]] case JFloatT() => implicitly[Decoder[Float]] case JDoubleT() => implicitly[Decoder[Double]] case JCharT() => implicitly[Decoder[Byte]].xmap((_: Byte).toChar, (_: Char).toByte) case JStrT() => implicitly[Decoder[String]] case arr: JArrayT[Schema[JSchema, ?], i] => val baseDecoder: Decoder[i] = ToDecoder.schemaToDecoder[JSchema](self).toDecoder(arr.elem) implicit val codec = Codec[i](null, baseDecoder) implicitly[Codec[Vector[i]]].asDecoder } } } }
Example 25
Source File: Server.scala From seals with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.example.server import{ InetSocketAddress, InetAddress } import java.nio.channels.AsynchronousChannelGroup import java.util.concurrent.Executors import scala.concurrent.duration._ import cats.implicits._ import cats.effect.{ IO, IOApp, ExitCode, Resource, Blocker } import fs2.{ Stream, Chunk } import import scodec.bits.BitVector import scodec.Codec import dev.tauri.seals.scodec.Codecs._ import com.example.proto._ object Server extends IOApp { final val bufferSize = 32 * 1024 final val timeout = Some(2.seconds) final val maxClients = 200 final val port = 8080 val rnd = new scala.util.Random def addr(port: Int): InetSocketAddress = new InetSocketAddress(InetAddress.getLoopbackAddress, port) override def run(args: List[String]): IO[ExitCode] = { Blocker[IO].use { bl => tcp.SocketGroup[IO](bl).use { sg => serve(port, sg) } } } def serve(port: Int, sg: tcp.SocketGroup): Stream[IO, Unit] = { Stream.resource(sg.serverResource[IO](addr(port))).flatMap { case (localAddr, sockets) => val s = { socket => Stream.resource(socket).flatMap { socket => val bvs: Stream[IO, BitVector] = socket.reads(bufferSize, timeout) => BitVector.view(ch.toArray)) val tsk: IO[BitVector] = ++ _)) val request: IO[Request] = tsk.flatMap { bv => Codec[Request].decode(bv).fold( err => IO.raiseError(new Exception(err.toString)), result => IO.pure(result.value) ) } val response: IO[Response] = request.flatMap(logic) val encoded: Stream[IO, Byte] = Stream.eval(response) .map(r => Codec[Response].encode(r).require) .flatMap { bv => Stream.chunk(Chunk.bytes(bv.bytes.toArray)) } encoded.through(socket.writes(timeout)).onFinalize(socket.endOfOutput) } } s.parJoin[IO, Unit](maxClients) } } def logic(req: Request): IO[Response] = req match { case RandomNumber(min, max) => if (min < max) { IO { val v = rnd.nextInt(max - min + 1) + min Number(v) } } else if (min === max) { IO.pure(Number(min)) } else { IO.raiseError(new IllegalArgumentException("min must not be greater than max")) } case ReSeed(s) => IO { rnd.setSeed(s) Ok } } }
Example 26
Source File: Client.scala From seals with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.example.lib import{ InetAddress, InetSocketAddress } import scala.concurrent.Future import scala.concurrent.Await import scala.concurrent.duration._ import cats.effect.{ IO, ContextShift } import akka.NotUsed import import import import akka.util.{ ByteString } import scodec.bits.BitVector import{ StreamEncoder, StreamDecoder } import fs2.interop.reactivestreams._ import dev.tauri.seals.scodec.StreamCodecs._ import dev.tauri.seals.scodec.StreamCodecs.{ pipe => decPipe } import Protocol.v1.{ Request, Response, Seed, Random } object Client { val reqCodec: StreamEncoder[Request] = streamEncoderFromReified[Request] val resCodec: StreamDecoder[Response] = streamDecoderFromReified[Response] def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { implicit val sys: ActorSystem = ActorSystem("ClientSystem") implicit val mat: Materializer = ActorMaterializer() try { val resp = Await.result(client(1234), 10.seconds) println(resp) } finally { sys.terminate() } } def client(port: Int)(implicit sys: ActorSystem, mat: Materializer): Future[Vector[Response]] = { val addr = new InetSocketAddress(InetAddress.getLoopbackAddress, port) Tcp().outgoingConnection(addr).joinMat(logic)(Keep.right).run() } def logic(implicit sys: ActorSystem): Flow[ByteString, ByteString, Future[Vector[Response]]] = { implicit val cs: ContextShift[IO] = IO.contextShift(sys.dispatcher) val requests = fs2.Stream(Seed(0xabcdL), Random(1, 100)).covary[IO] val source = Source .fromPublisher(reqCodec.encode(requests).toUnicastPublisher()) .map(bv => ByteString.fromArrayUnsafe(bv.toByteArray)) // TODO: this would be much less ugly, if we had a decoder `Flow` val buffer = fs2.concurrent.Queue.unbounded[IO, Option[BitVector]].unsafeRunSync() val decode: Flow[ByteString, Response, NotUsed] = Flow.fromSinkAndSource( Sink.onComplete { _ => buffer.enqueue1(None).unsafeRunSync() }.contramap[ByteString] { x => buffer.enqueue1(Some(BitVector.view(x.toArray))).unsafeRunSync() }, Source.fromPublisher(buffer .dequeue .unNoneTerminate .through(decPipe[IO, Response]) .toUnicastPublisher() ) ) val sink: Sink[ByteString, Future[Vector[Response]]] = decode.toMat( Sink.fold(Vector.empty[Response])(_ :+ _) )(Keep.right) Flow.fromSinkAndSourceMat(sink, source)(Keep.left) } }
Example 27
Source File: Server.scala From seals with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package com.example.lib import{ InetSocketAddress, InetAddress } import scala.concurrent.duration._ import cats.implicits._ import cats.effect.{ IO, IOApp, ExitCode, Blocker } import fs2.{ Stream, Chunk } import import scodec.bits.BitVector import{ StreamEncoder, StreamDecoder } import dev.tauri.seals.scodec.StreamCodecs._ import dev.tauri.seals.scodec.StreamCodecs.{ pipe => decPipe } import Protocol.v1.{ Request, Response, Random, Seed, RandInt, Seeded } object Server extends IOApp { final val bufferSize = 32 * 1024 final val timeout = Some(2.seconds) final val maxClients = 200 val rnd = new scala.util.Random def addr(port: Int): InetSocketAddress = new InetSocketAddress(InetAddress.getLoopbackAddress, port) val reqCodec: StreamDecoder[Request] = streamDecoderFromReified[Request] val resCodec: StreamEncoder[Response] = streamEncoderFromReified[Response] override def run(args: List[String]): IO[ExitCode] = { Blocker[IO].use { bl => tcp.SocketGroup[IO](bl).use { sg => serve(1234, sg) } } } def serve(port: Int, sg: tcp.SocketGroup): Stream[IO, Unit] = serveAddr(port, sg).as(()) def serveAddr(port: Int, sg: tcp.SocketGroup): Stream[IO, InetSocketAddress] = { Stream.resource(sg.serverResource[IO](addr(port))).flatMap { case (localAddr, sockets) => val x = sockets.flatMap { socket => Stream.resource(socket).map { socket => val bvs: Stream[IO, BitVector] = socket.reads(bufferSize, timeout) => BitVector.view(ch.toArray)) val requests: Stream[IO, Request] = bvs.through(decPipe[IO, Request]) val responses: Stream[IO, Response] = requests.flatMap(req => Stream.eval(logic(req))) val encoded: Stream[IO, Byte] = resCodec.encode(responses).flatMap { bv => Stream.chunk(Chunk.bytes(bv.bytes.toArray)) } encoded.through(socket.writes(timeout)).onFinalize(socket.endOfOutput) } } Stream.emit(localAddr) ++ x.parJoin(maxClients).drain } } def logic(req: Request): IO[Response] = req match { case Random(min, max) => if (min < max) { IO { val v = rnd.nextInt(max - min + 1) + min RandInt(v) } } else if (min === max) { IO.pure(RandInt(min)) } else { IO.raiseError(new IllegalArgumentException("min must not be greater than max")) } case Seed(s) => IO { rnd.setSeed(s) Seeded } } }
Example 28
Source File: testkit.scala From iotchain with MIT License | 5 votes |
package jbok.codec import jbok.codec.rlp.RlpCodec import jbok.codec.rlp.implicits._ import org.scalatest.{Assertion, Matchers} import scodec.bits.{BitVector, ByteVector} import scodec.{Attempt, DecodeResult, Err} object testkit extends testkit trait testkit extends Matchers { def roundtripAndMatch[A](a: A, expected: ByteVector)(implicit c: RlpCodec[A]): Assertion = { roundtrip[A](a) a.encoded.bits.bytes shouldBe expected } def roundtripLen[A](a: A, expectedNumBytes: Int)(implicit c: RlpCodec[A]): Assertion = { roundtrip[A](a) a.encoded.bits.bytes.length shouldBe expectedNumBytes } def roundtrip[A](a: A)(implicit c: RlpCodec[A]): Assertion = roundtrip(c, a) def roundtrip[A](codec: RlpCodec[A], value: A): Assertion = { val encoded = codec.encode(value) encoded.isSuccessful shouldBe true val Attempt.Successful(DecodeResult(decoded, remainder)) = codec.decode(encoded.require) remainder shouldBe BitVector.empty decoded shouldBe value } def roundtripAll[A](codec: RlpCodec[A], as: collection.Iterable[A]): Unit = as foreach { a => roundtrip(codec, a) } def encodeError[A](codec: RlpCodec[A], a: A, err: Err): Assertion = { val encoded = codec.encode(a) encoded shouldBe Attempt.Failure(err) } def shouldDecodeFullyTo[A](codec: RlpCodec[A], buf: BitVector, expected: A): Assertion = { val Attempt.Successful(DecodeResult(actual, rest)) = codec decode buf rest shouldBe BitVector.empty actual shouldBe expected } }
Example 29
Source File: Mnemonic.scala From EncryCore with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
package encry.utils import org.encryfoundation.common.utils.Algos import scodec.bits.BitVector import object Mnemonic { def getWords: Array[String] = Source.fromInputStream(getClass.getResourceAsStream("/languages/english/words.txt")).getLines.toArray def seedFromMnemonic(mnemonicCode: String, passPhrase: String = ""): Array[Byte] = Algos.hash(mnemonicCode + "mnemonic=" + passPhrase) def entropyToMnemonicCode(entropy: Array[Byte]): String = { val words: Array[String] = getWords val checkSum: BitVector = BitVector(Algos.hash(entropy)) val entropyWithCheckSum: BitVector = BitVector(entropy) ++ checkSum.take(4) entropyWithCheckSum.grouped(11).map { i => words(i.toInt(signed = false)) }.mkString(" ") } }
Example 30
Source File: BitcoinSUtilTest.scala From bitcoin-s with MIT License | 5 votes |
package org.bitcoins.core.util import org.bitcoins.testkit.util.BitcoinSUnitTest import scodec.bits.BitVector class BitcoinSUtilTest extends BitcoinSUnitTest { "BitcoinSUtil" must "determine if a string is a hex string" in { BytesUtil.isHex("abcdef0123456789") must be(true) BytesUtil.isHex("") must be(false) //don't allow upper case hex chars BytesUtil.isHex("ABCDEF0123456789") must be(false) BytesUtil.isHex("g") must be(false) //fail to parse a hex string that is uneven BytesUtil.isHex("123") must be(false) } it must "convert a byte to a bit vector" in { val byte = 0.toByte BytesUtil.byteToBitVector(byte).toIndexedSeq must be( Seq(false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false)) val byte1 = 1.toByte BytesUtil.byteToBitVector(byte1).toIndexedSeq must be( Seq(false, false, false, false, false, false, false, true)) val byte2 = 2.toByte BytesUtil.byteToBitVector(byte2).toIndexedSeq must be( Seq(false, false, false, false, false, false, true, false)) val byte3 = 3.toByte BytesUtil.byteToBitVector(byte3).toIndexedSeq must be( Seq(false, false, false, false, false, false, true, true)) val maxByte = 0xff.toByte BytesUtil.byteToBitVector(maxByte).toIndexedSeq must be( Seq(true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true)) } it must "convert a bit vector to a byte" in { val bitVector0 = BitVector.bits( Seq(false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false)) BytesUtil.bitVectorToBytes(bitVector0).toByte() must be(0.toByte) val bitVector1 = BitVector.bits(Seq(false, false, false, false, false, false, false, true)) BytesUtil.bitVectorToBytes(bitVector1).toByte() must be(1.toByte) val bitVector2 = BitVector.bits(Seq(false, false, false, false, false, false, true, false)) BytesUtil.bitVectorToBytes(bitVector2).toByte() must be(2.toByte) val bitVectorMax = BitVector.bits(Seq(true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true)) BytesUtil.bitVectorToBytes(bitVectorMax).toByte() must be(0xff.toByte) } }
Example 31
Source File: RawMerkleBlockMessageSerializerTest.scala From bitcoin-s with MIT License | 5 votes |
package org.bitcoins.core.serializers.p2p.messages import org.bitcoins.core.number.{UInt32, UInt64} import org.bitcoins.core.protocol.CompactSizeUInt import org.bitcoins.core.util.BytesUtil import org.bitcoins.crypto.DoubleSha256Digest import org.bitcoins.testkit.util.BitcoinSUnitTest import scodec.bits.BitVector class RawMerkleBlockMessageSerializerTest extends BitcoinSUnitTest { //from bitcoin developer reference // val hex = "0100000082bb869cf3a793432a66e826e05a6fc37469f8efb7421dc88067010000000000" + "7f16c5962e8bd963659c793ce370d95f093bc7e367117b3c30c1f8fdd0d97287" + "76381b4d4c86041b554b85290700000004" + "3612262624047ee87660be1a707519a443b1c1ce3d248cbfc6c15870f6c5daa2" + "019f5b01d4195ecbc9398fbf3c3b1fa9bb3183301d7a1fb3bd174fcfa40a2b65" + "41ed70551dd7e841883ab8f0b16bf04176b7d1480e4f0af9f3d4c3595768d068" + "20d2a7bc994987302e5b1ac80fc425fe25f8b63169ea78e68fbaaefa59379bbf" + "011d" "RawMerkleBlockMessage" must "read a raw hex string into a merkle block message" in { val merkleBlockMessage = merkleBlockMessage.merkleBlock.transactionCount must be(UInt32(7)) merkleBlockMessage.merkleBlock.hashCount must be(CompactSizeUInt(UInt64(4))) merkleBlockMessage.merkleBlock.hashes must be( Seq( DoubleSha256Digest(BytesUtil.decodeHex( "3612262624047ee87660be1a707519a443b1c1ce3d248cbfc6c15870f6c5daa2")), DoubleSha256Digest(BytesUtil.decodeHex( "019f5b01d4195ecbc9398fbf3c3b1fa9bb3183301d7a1fb3bd174fcfa40a2b65")), DoubleSha256Digest(BytesUtil.decodeHex( "41ed70551dd7e841883ab8f0b16bf04176b7d1480e4f0af9f3d4c3595768d068")), DoubleSha256Digest(BytesUtil.decodeHex( "20d2a7bc994987302e5b1ac80fc425fe25f8b63169ea78e68fbaaefa59379bbf")) )) merkleBlockMessage.merkleBlock.partialMerkleTree.bits must be( BitVector.fromValidBin("10111000")) } it must "write a merkle block header message" in { val merkleBlockMessage = RawMerkleBlockMessageSerializer.write(merkleBlockMessage).toHex must be(hex) } }
Example 32
Source File: KeyManagerCreateApi.scala From bitcoin-s with MIT License | 5 votes |
package org.bitcoins.keymanager import org.bitcoins.core.crypto.MnemonicCode import org.bitcoins.keymanager.bip39.BIP39KeyManager import scodec.bits.BitVector final def initializeWithMnemonic( mnemonicCode: MnemonicCode, bip39PasswordOpt: Option[String], kmParams: KeyManagerParams): Either[ KeyManagerInitializeError, BIP39KeyManager] = { val entropy = mnemonicCode.toEntropy initializeWithEntropy(entropy = entropy, bip39PasswordOpt = bip39PasswordOpt, kmParams = kmParams) } }
Example 33
Source File: GolombFilter.scala From bitcoin-s with MIT License | 5 votes |
package org.bitcoins.core.gcs import org.bitcoins.core.number.{UInt64, UInt8} import org.bitcoins.core.protocol.CompactSizeUInt import org.bitcoins.crypto.{ CryptoUtil, DoubleSha256Digest, DoubleSha256DigestBE, NetworkElement } import scodec.bits.{BitVector, ByteVector} def getHeader(prevHeaderHash: DoubleSha256Digest): FilterHeader = { FilterHeader(filterHash = this.hash, prevHeaderHash = prevHeaderHash) } override def bytes: ByteVector = { n.bytes ++ encodedData.bytes } def hashToRange(item: ByteVector): UInt64 = GCS.hashToRange(item, f, key) }
Example 34
Source File: RawMerkleBlockSerializer.scala From bitcoin-s with MIT License | 5 votes |
package org.bitcoins.core.serializers.blockchain import org.bitcoins.core.number.{UInt32, UInt64} import org.bitcoins.core.protocol.CompactSizeUInt import org.bitcoins.core.protocol.blockchain.MerkleBlock import org.bitcoins.core.serializers.RawBitcoinSerializer import org.bitcoins.core.util.BytesUtil import org.bitcoins.crypto.DoubleSha256Digest import scodec.bits.{BitVector, ByteVector} import scala.annotation.tailrec private def parseTransactionHashes( bytes: ByteVector, hashCount: CompactSizeUInt): (Seq[DoubleSha256Digest], ByteVector) = { @tailrec def loop( remainingHashes: Long, remainingBytes: ByteVector, accum: List[DoubleSha256Digest]): ( Seq[DoubleSha256Digest], ByteVector) = { if (remainingHashes <= 0) (accum.reverse, remainingBytes) else { val (hashBytes, newRemainingBytes) = remainingBytes.splitAt(32) loop(remainingHashes - 1, newRemainingBytes, DoubleSha256Digest(hashBytes) :: accum) } } loop(hashCount.num.toInt, bytes, Nil) } } object RawMerkleBlockSerializer extends RawMerkleBlockSerializer
Example 35
Source File: KeyManagerUnitTest.scala From bitcoin-s with MIT License | 5 votes |
package org.bitcoins.testkit.keymanager import org.bitcoins.core.crypto.MnemonicCode import org.bitcoins.keymanager.KeyManagerParams import org.bitcoins.keymanager.bip39.BIP39KeyManager import org.bitcoins.testkit.util.BitcoinSUnitTest import scodec.bits.BitVector trait KeyManagerUnitTest extends BitcoinSUnitTest { def withInitializedKeyManager( kmParams: KeyManagerParams = KeyManagerTestUtil.createKeyManagerParams(), entropy: BitVector = MnemonicCode.getEntropy256Bits, bip39PasswordOpt: Option[String] = KeyManagerTestUtil.bip39PasswordOpt): BIP39KeyManager = { val kmResult = BIP39KeyManager.initializeWithEntropy( entropy = entropy, bip39PasswordOpt = bip39PasswordOpt, kmParams = kmParams ) val km = kmResult match { case Right(km) => km case Left(err) => fail(s"Failed to initialize key manager with err=${err}") } km } }
Example 36
Source File: PersistenceTckSerializer.scala From kafka-journal with MIT License | 5 votes |
package akka.persistence.journal import import akka.persistence.journal.JournalPerfSpec.Cmd import akka.serialization.SerializerWithStringManifest import scodec.bits.BitVector import scodec.{Codec, codecs} class PersistenceTckSerializer extends SerializerWithStringManifest { import PersistenceTckSerializer._ def identifier = 585506118 def manifest(a: AnyRef): String = a match { case _: Cmd => cmdManifest case _ => illegalArgument(s"Cannot serialize message of ${ a.getClass } in ${ getClass.getName }") } def toBinary(a: AnyRef): Array[Byte] = { a match { case a: Cmd => cmdCodec.encode(a).require.toByteArray case _ => illegalArgument(s"Cannot serialize message of ${ a.getClass } in ${ getClass.getName }") } } def fromBinary(bytes: Array[Byte], manifest: String): AnyRef = { manifest match { case `cmdManifest` => cmdCodec.decode(BitVector.view(bytes)).require.value case _ => notSerializable(s"Cannot deserialize message for manifest $manifest in ${ getClass.getName }") } } private def notSerializable(msg: String) = throw new NotSerializableException(msg) private def illegalArgument(msg: String) = throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg) } object PersistenceTckSerializer { val cmdManifest = "A" implicit val cmdCodec: Codec[Cmd] = { val codec = codecs.utf8_32 :: codecs.int32[Cmd] } }