zio.duration.Duration Scala Examples
The following examples show how to use zio.duration.Duration.
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Example 1
Source File: K8DnsDiscovery.scala From zio-keeper with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package zio.keeper.discovery import java.net.UnknownHostException import java.util import javax.naming.directory.InitialDirContext import javax.naming.{ Context, NamingException } import zio.duration.Duration import zio.keeper.{ Error, ServiceDiscoveryError } import zio.logging.Logger import zio.nio.core.{ InetAddress, InetSocketAddress, SocketAddress } import zio.{ IO, UIO, ZIO } private class K8DnsDiscovery( log: Logger[String], serviceDns: InetAddress, serviceDnsTimeout: Duration, servicePort: Int ) extends Discovery.Service { final override val discoverNodes: IO[Error, Set[InetSocketAddress]] = { for { _ <- log.info(s"k8s dns dicovery: $serviceDns, port: $servicePort, timeout: $serviceDnsTimeout") addresses <- lookup(serviceDns, serviceDnsTimeout) nodes <- IO.foreach(addresses)(addr => SocketAddress.inetSocketAddress(addr, servicePort)) } yield nodes.toSet[InetSocketAddress] }.catchAllCause { ex => log.error(s"discovery strategy ${this.getClass.getSimpleName} failed.", ex) *> IO.halt(ex.map(e => ServiceDiscoveryError(e.getMessage))) } private def lookup( serviceDns: InetAddress, serviceDnsTimeout: Duration ): IO[Exception, Set[InetAddress]] = { import scala.jdk.CollectionConverters._ val env = new util.Hashtable[String, String] env.put(Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY, "com.sun.jndi.dns.DnsContextFactory") env.put(Context.PROVIDER_URL, "dns:") env.put("com.sun.jndi.dns.timeout.initial", serviceDnsTimeout.toMillis.toString) for { dirContext <- IO.effect(new InitialDirContext(env)).refineToOrDie[NamingException] attributes <- UIO.effectTotal(dirContext.getAttributes(serviceDns.hostname, Array("SRV"))) srvAttribute = Option(attributes.get("srv")).toList.flatMap(_.getAll.asScala) addresses <- ZIO.foldLeft(srvAttribute)(Set.empty[InetAddress]) { case (acc, address: String) => extractHost(address) .flatMap(InetAddress.byName) .map(acc + _) .refineToOrDie[UnknownHostException] case (acc, _) => UIO.succeed(acc) } } yield addresses } private def extractHost(server: String): UIO[String] = log.debug(s"k8 dns on response: $server") *> UIO.effectTotal { val host = server.split(" ")(3) host.replaceAll("\\\\.$", "") } }
Example 2
Source File: Window.scala From zio-analytics with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package zio.analytics import zio.duration.Duration sealed abstract class WindowAssigner { def assign(timestamp: Long): List[Window] } object WindowAssigner { case class Fixed(size: Duration, step: Duration) extends WindowAssigner { def assign(timestamp: Long): List[Window] = { val sizeMillis = size.toMillis val firstStart = (timestamp / sizeMillis) * sizeMillis (firstStart until (firstStart + sizeMillis) by step.toMillis) .filter(bound => bound <= timestamp && bound + sizeMillis > timestamp) .map { lowerBound => Window(lowerBound, lowerBound + sizeMillis - 1) } .toList } } case class Dynamic(gap: Duration) extends WindowAssigner { // TODO def assign(timestamp: Long): List[Window] = ??? } def tumbling(size: Duration): WindowAssigner = Fixed(size, size) def sliding(size: Duration, step: Duration): WindowAssigner = Fixed(size, step) def session(gap: Duration): WindowAssigner = Dynamic(gap) } case class Window(lower: Long, upper: Long) case class Windowed[A](window: Window, value: A)
Example 3
Source File: Selector.scala From zio-nio with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package zio.nio.channels import java.io.IOException import java.nio.channels.{ ClosedSelectorException, Selector => JSelector, SelectionKey => JSelectionKey } import com.github.ghik.silencer.silent import zio.duration.Duration import zio.nio.channels.spi.SelectorProvider import zio.nio.core.channels.SelectionKey import zio.{ IO, Managed, UIO } import scala.jdk.CollectionConverters._ class Selector(private[nio] val selector: JSelector) { final val provider: UIO[SelectorProvider] = IO.effectTotal(selector.provider()).map(new SelectorProvider(_)) @silent final val keys: IO[ClosedSelectorException, Set[SelectionKey]] = IO.effect(selector.keys()) .map(_.asScala.toSet[JSelectionKey].map(new SelectionKey(_))) .refineToOrDie[ClosedSelectorException] @silent final val selectedKeys: IO[ClosedSelectorException, Set[SelectionKey]] = IO.effect(selector.selectedKeys()) .map(_.asScala.toSet[JSelectionKey].map(new SelectionKey(_))) .refineToOrDie[ClosedSelectorException] final def removeKey(key: SelectionKey): IO[ClosedSelectorException, Unit] = IO.effect(selector.selectedKeys().remove(key.selectionKey)) .unit .refineToOrDie[ClosedSelectorException] final val select: IO[Exception, Int] = IO.effect(selector.select()).refineToOrDie[IOException] final val wakeup: IO[Nothing, Selector] = IO.effectTotal(selector.wakeup()).map(new Selector(_)) final private[channels] val close: IO[IOException, Unit] = IO.effect(selector.close()).refineToOrDie[IOException].unit } object Selector { final val make: Managed[IOException, Selector] = { val open = IO.effect(new Selector(JSelector.open())).refineToOrDie[IOException] Managed.make(open)(_.close.orDie) } }
Example 4
Source File: Selector.scala From zio-nio with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package zio.nio.core.channels import java.io.IOException import java.nio.channels.{ ClosedSelectorException, Selector => JSelector, SelectionKey => JSelectionKey } import com.github.ghik.silencer.silent import zio.duration.Duration import zio.nio.core.channels.spi.SelectorProvider import zio.{ IO, UIO } import scala.jdk.CollectionConverters._ class Selector(private[nio] val selector: JSelector) { final val isOpen: UIO[Boolean] = IO.effectTotal(selector.isOpen) final val provider: UIO[SelectorProvider] = IO.effectTotal(selector.provider()).map(new SelectorProvider(_)) @silent final val keys: IO[ClosedSelectorException, Set[SelectionKey]] = IO.effect(selector.keys()) .map(_.asScala.toSet[JSelectionKey].map(new SelectionKey(_))) .refineToOrDie[ClosedSelectorException] @silent final val selectedKeys: IO[ClosedSelectorException, Set[SelectionKey]] = IO.effect(selector.selectedKeys()) .map(_.asScala.toSet[JSelectionKey].map(new SelectionKey(_))) .refineToOrDie[ClosedSelectorException] final def removeKey(key: SelectionKey): IO[ClosedSelectorException, Unit] = IO.effect(selector.selectedKeys().remove(key.selectionKey)) .unit .refineToOrDie[ClosedSelectorException] final val select: IO[Exception, Int] = IO.effect(selector.select()).refineToOrDie[IOException] final val wakeup: IO[Nothing, Selector] = IO.effectTotal(selector.wakeup()).map(new Selector(_)) final val close: IO[IOException, Unit] = IO.effect(selector.close()).refineToOrDie[IOException].unit } object Selector { final val make: IO[IOException, Selector] = IO.effect(new Selector(JSelector.open())).refineToOrDie[IOException] }
Example 5
Source File: AsynchronousChannelGroup.scala From zio-nio with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package zio.nio.core.channels import java.io.IOException import java.nio.channels.{ AsynchronousChannelGroup => JAsynchronousChannelGroup } import java.nio.channels.spi.{ AsynchronousChannelProvider => JAsynchronousChannelProvider } import java.util.concurrent.{ ThreadFactory => JThreadFactory } import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit import zio.{ IO, UIO } import zio.duration.Duration import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContextExecutorService object AsynchronousChannelGroup { def apply(executor: ExecutionContextExecutorService, initialSize: Int): IO[Exception, AsynchronousChannelGroup] = IO.effect( new AsynchronousChannelGroup( JAsynchronousChannelGroup.withCachedThreadPool(executor, initialSize) ) ) .refineToOrDie[Exception] def apply( threadsNo: Int, threadsFactory: JThreadFactory ): IO[Exception, AsynchronousChannelGroup] = IO.effect( new AsynchronousChannelGroup( JAsynchronousChannelGroup.withFixedThreadPool(threadsNo, threadsFactory) ) ) .refineToOrDie[Exception] def apply(executor: ExecutionContextExecutorService): IO[Exception, AsynchronousChannelGroup] = IO.effect( new AsynchronousChannelGroup(JAsynchronousChannelGroup.withThreadPool(executor)) ) .refineToOrDie[Exception] } class AsynchronousChannelGroup(val channelGroup: JAsynchronousChannelGroup) { def awaitTermination(timeout: Duration): IO[Exception, Boolean] = IO.effect(channelGroup.awaitTermination(timeout.asJava.toMillis, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)) .refineToOrDie[Exception] val isShutdown: UIO[Boolean] = IO.effectTotal(channelGroup.isShutdown) val isTerminated: UIO[Boolean] = IO.effectTotal(channelGroup.isTerminated) val provider: UIO[JAsynchronousChannelProvider] = IO.effectTotal(channelGroup.provider()) val shutdown: UIO[Unit] = IO.effectTotal(channelGroup.shutdown()) val shutdownNow: IO[IOException, Unit] = IO.effect(channelGroup.shutdownNow()).refineToOrDie[IOException] }
Example 6
Source File: WatchService.scala From zio-nio with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package zio.nio.core.file import java.io.IOException import java.nio.file.{ ClosedWatchServiceException, WatchEvent, WatchKey => JWatchKey, WatchService => JWatchService, Watchable => JWatchable, Path => JPath } import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit import zio.blocking.Blocking import zio.duration.Duration import scala.jdk.CollectionConverters._ import zio.{ IO, UIO, ZIO } trait Watchable { protected def javaWatchable: JWatchable final def register(watcher: WatchService, events: WatchEvent.Kind[_]*): IO[Exception, WatchKey] = IO.effect(new WatchKey(javaWatchable.register(watcher.javaWatchService, events: _*))).refineToOrDie[Exception] final def register( watcher: WatchService, events: Iterable[WatchEvent.Kind[_]], modifiers: WatchEvent.Modifier* ): IO[Exception, WatchKey] = IO.effect(new WatchKey(javaWatchable.register(watcher.javaWatchService, events.toArray, modifiers: _*))) .refineToOrDie[Exception] } object Watchable { def apply(jWatchable: JWatchable): Watchable = new Watchable { override protected val javaWatchable = jWatchable } } final class WatchKey private[file] (private val javaKey: JWatchKey) { def isValid: UIO[Boolean] = UIO.effectTotal(javaKey.isValid) def pollEvents: UIO[List[WatchEvent[_]]] = UIO.effectTotal(javaKey.pollEvents().asScala.toList) def reset: UIO[Boolean] = UIO.effectTotal(javaKey.reset()) def cancel: UIO[Unit] = UIO.effectTotal(javaKey.cancel()) def watchable: UIO[Watchable] = UIO.effectTotal(javaKey.watchable()).map { case javaPath: JPath => Path.fromJava(javaPath) case javaWatchable => Watchable(javaWatchable) } } final class WatchService private (private[file] val javaWatchService: JWatchService) { def close: IO[IOException, Unit] = IO.effect(javaWatchService.close()).refineToOrDie[IOException] def poll: IO[ClosedWatchServiceException, Option[WatchKey]] = IO.effect(Option(javaWatchService.poll()).map(new WatchKey(_))).refineToOrDie[ClosedWatchServiceException] def poll(timeout: Duration): IO[Exception, Option[WatchKey]] = IO.effect(Option(javaWatchService.poll(timeout.toNanos, TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS)).map(new WatchKey(_))) .refineToOrDie[Exception] def take: ZIO[Blocking, Exception, WatchKey] = ZIO .accessM[Blocking](_.get.effectBlocking(new WatchKey(javaWatchService.take()))) .refineToOrDie[Exception] } object WatchService { def forDefaultFileSystem: ZIO[Blocking, Exception, WatchService] = FileSystem.default.newWatchService def fromJava(javaWatchService: JWatchService): WatchService = new WatchService(javaWatchService) }
Example 7
Source File: Wrappers.scala From caliban with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package caliban.wrappers import caliban.CalibanError.{ ExecutionError, ValidationError } import caliban.{ GraphQLRequest, GraphQLResponse } import caliban.Value.NullValue import caliban.execution.Field import caliban.parsing.adt.Document import caliban.wrappers.Wrapper.{ OverallWrapper, ValidationWrapper } import zio.clock.Clock import zio.console.{ putStrLn, Console } import zio.duration.Duration import zio.{ IO, UIO, URIO, ZIO } object Wrappers { def maxFields(maxFields: Int): ValidationWrapper[Any] = ValidationWrapper { process => (doc: Document) => for { req <- process(doc) fields <- countFields(req.field) _ <- IO.when(fields > maxFields)( IO.fail(ValidationError(s"Query has too many fields: $fields. Max fields: $maxFields.", "")) ) } yield req } private def countFields(field: Field): UIO[Int] = for { inner <- innerFields(field.fields) conditional <- IO.foreach(field.conditionalFields.values)(innerFields).map { case Nil => 0 case list => list.max } } yield inner + conditional private def innerFields(fields: List[Field]): UIO[Int] = IO.foreach(fields)(countFields).map(_.sum + fields.length) }
Example 8
Source File: PlayRouter.scala From caliban with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package caliban import akka.stream.Materializer import play.api.mvc.{ ActionBuilder, AnyContent, ControllerComponents, PlayBodyParsers, Request, Results } import play.api.routing.Router.Routes import play.api.routing.SimpleRouter import play.api.routing.sird._ import zio.Runtime import zio.duration.Duration import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext case class PlayRouter[R, E]( interpreter: GraphQLInterpreter[R, E], controllerComponents: ControllerComponents, playground: Boolean = true, allowGETRequests: Boolean = true, subscriptions: Boolean = true, skipValidation: Boolean = false, enableIntrospection: Boolean = true, keepAliveTime: Option[Duration] = None )(implicit runtime: Runtime[R], materializer: Materializer) extends SimpleRouter with PlayAdapter { override val actionBuilder: ActionBuilder[Request, AnyContent] = controllerComponents.actionBuilder override val parse: PlayBodyParsers = controllerComponents.parsers implicit val ec: ExecutionContext = controllerComponents.executionContext override def routes: Routes = { case POST(p"/api/graphql") => makePostAction(interpreter, skipValidation, enableIntrospection) case GET( p"/api/graphql" ? q_o"query=$query" & q_o"variables=$variables" & q_o"operationName=$operation" & q_o"extensions=$extensions" ) if allowGETRequests => makeGetAction(interpreter, skipValidation, enableIntrospection)(query, variables, operation, extensions) case GET(p"/ws/graphql") if subscriptions => makeWebSocket(interpreter, skipValidation, enableIntrospection, keepAliveTime) case GET(p"/graphiql") if playground => actionBuilder( Results.Ok .sendResource("graphiql.html")(controllerComponents.executionContext, controllerComponents.fileMimeTypes) ) } }
Example 9
Source File: InProcessDeploy.scala From polynote with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package polynote.testing.kernel.remote import java.net.InetSocketAddress import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean import polynote.kernel.{BaseEnv, GlobalEnv, Kernel} import polynote.kernel.environment.CurrentNotebook import polynote.kernel.logging.Logging import polynote.kernel.remote.{RemoteKernelClient, SocketTransport} import zio.{Fiber, RIO, Ref, ZIO} import zio.duration.Duration class InProcessDeploy(kernelFactory: Kernel.Factory.LocalService, clientRef: Ref[RemoteKernelClient]) extends SocketTransport.Deploy { def deployKernel(transport: SocketTransport, serverAddress: InetSocketAddress): RIO[BaseEnv with GlobalEnv with CurrentNotebook, SocketTransport.DeployedProcess] = { val connectClient = RemoteKernelClient.tapRunThrowable( RemoteKernelClient.Args( Some(serverAddress.getHostString), Some(serverAddress.getPort), Some(kernelFactory)), Some(clientRef)) connectClient.forkDaemon.map(new InProcessDeploy.Process(_)) } } object InProcessDeploy { class Process(fiber: Fiber[Throwable, Int]) extends SocketTransport.DeployedProcess { def exitStatus: RIO[BaseEnv, Option[Int]] = fiber.poll.flatMap { case Some(exit) => ZIO.fromEither(exit.toEither).map(Some(_)) case None => ZIO.succeed(None) } def awaitExit(timeout: Long, timeUnit: TimeUnit): RIO[BaseEnv, Option[Int]] = { fiber.join.disconnect.timeout(Duration(timeout, timeUnit)) } def kill(): RIO[BaseEnv, Unit] = fiber.interrupt.unit } }
Example 10
Source File: HttpClientHighLevelZioWebsocketTest.scala From sttp with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package sttp.client.httpclient.zio import sttp.client._ import sttp.client.httpclient.WebSocketHandler import sttp.client.impl.zio.RIOMonadAsyncError import sttp.client.monad.MonadError import sttp.client.testing.ConvertToFuture import sttp.client.testing.HttpTest.wsEndpoint import sttp.client.testing.websocket.HighLevelWebsocketTest import sttp.client.ws.WebSocket import zio.blocking.Blocking import zio.stream.ZStream import sttp.client.impl.zio._ import zio.clock.Clock import zio.{Schedule, ZIO} import scala.concurrent.duration._ import zio.duration.Duration class HttpClientHighLevelZioWebsocketTest extends HighLevelWebsocketTest[BlockingTask, WebSocketHandler] { implicit val backend: SttpBackend[BlockingTask, ZStream[Blocking, Throwable, Byte], WebSocketHandler] = runtime.unsafeRun(HttpClientZioBackend()) implicit val convertToFuture: ConvertToFuture[BlockingTask] = convertZioBlockingTaskToFuture implicit val monad: MonadError[BlockingTask] = new RIOMonadAsyncError def createHandler: Option[Int] => BlockingTask[WebSocketHandler[WebSocket[BlockingTask]]] = _ => ZioWebSocketHandler() it should "handle backpressure correctly" in { new ConvertToFutureDecorator( basicRequest .get(uri"$wsEndpoint/ws/echo") .openWebsocketF(createHandler(None)) .flatMap { response => val ws = response.result send(ws, 1000).flatMap(_ => eventually(10.millis, 500) { ws.isOpen.map(_ shouldBe true) } ) } ).toFuture() } override def eventually[T](interval: FiniteDuration, attempts: Int)(f: => BlockingTask[T]): BlockingTask[T] = { (ZIO.sleep(Duration.fromScala(interval)) *> f.retry(Schedule.recurs(attempts))) .provideSomeLayer[Blocking](Clock.live) } }
Example 11
Source File: Message.scala From zio-keeper with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package zio.keeper.swim import zio.duration.Duration import zio.keeper.NodeAddress import zio.keeper.swim.Message.{ NoResponse, WithTimeout } import zio.{ IO, UIO, ZIO, keeper } sealed trait Message[+A] { self => final def transformM[B](fn: A => IO[keeper.Error, B]): IO[keeper.Error, Message[B]] = self match { case msg: Message.Direct[A] => fn(msg.message).map(b => msg.copy(message = b)) case msg: Message.Broadcast[A] => fn(msg.message).map(b => msg.copy(message = b)) case msg: Message.Batch[A] => for { m1 <- msg.first.transformM(fn) m2 <- msg.second.transformM(fn) rest <- ZIO.foreach(msg.rest)(_.transformM(fn)) } yield Message.Batch(m1, m2, rest: _*) case msg: WithTimeout[A] => msg.message .transformM(fn) .map(b => msg.copy(message = b, action = msg.action.flatMap(_.transformM(fn)))) case NoResponse => Message.noResponse } } object Message { final case class Direct[A](node: NodeAddress, conversationId: Long, message: A) extends Message[A] final case class Batch[A](first: Message[A], second: Message[A], rest: Message[A]*) extends Message[A] final case class Broadcast[A](message: A) extends Message[A] final case class WithTimeout[A](message: Message[A], action: IO[keeper.Error, Message[A]], timeout: Duration) extends Message[A] case object NoResponse extends Message[Nothing] def direct[A](node: NodeAddress, message: A): ZIO[ConversationId, Nothing, Direct[A]] = ConversationId.next.map(Direct(node, _, message)) def withTimeout[R, A]( message: Message[A], action: ZIO[R, keeper.Error, Message[A]], timeout: Duration ): ZIO[R, Nothing, WithTimeout[A]] = for { env <- ZIO.environment[R] } yield WithTimeout(message, action.provide(env), timeout) def withTimeoutM[R, R1, A]( message: ZIO[R1, keeper.Error, Message[A]], action: ZIO[R, keeper.Error, Message[A]], timeout: Duration ): ZIO[R1 with R, keeper.Error, WithTimeout[A]] = for { env <- ZIO.environment[R] msg <- message } yield WithTimeout(msg, action.provide(env), timeout) val noResponse: UIO[NoResponse.type] = ZIO.succeedNow(NoResponse) }
Example 12
Source File: SwimConfig.scala From zio-keeper with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package zio.keeper.swim import zio.Layer import zio.config.{ Config, ConfigDescriptor, ReadError } import zio.config.ConfigDescriptor._ import zio.duration.{ Duration, _ } case class SwimConfig( port: Int, protocolInterval: Duration, protocolTimeout: Duration, suspicionTimeout: Duration, messageSizeLimit: Int, broadcastResent: Int ) object SwimConfig { val description: ConfigDescriptor[SwimConfig] = (int("PORT").default(5557) |@| zioDuration("PROTOCOL_INTERVAL").default(3.seconds) |@| zioDuration("PROTOCOL_TIMEOUT").default(1.seconds) |@| zioDuration("SUSPICION_TIMEOUT").default(3.seconds) |@| int("MESSAGE_SIZE_LIMIT").default(64000) |@| int("BROADCAST_RESENT").default(10))(SwimConfig.apply, SwimConfig.unapply) val fromEnv: Layer[ReadError[String], Config[SwimConfig]] = Config.fromSystemEnv(description) }
Example 13
Source File: Suspicion.scala From zio-keeper with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package zio.keeper.swim.protocols import upickle.default.macroRW import zio.{ ZIO, keeper } import zio.duration.Duration import zio.keeper.swim.Nodes._ import zio.keeper.swim.{ ConversationId, Message, Nodes, Protocol } import zio.keeper.{ ByteCodec, NodeAddress } sealed trait Suspicion object Suspicion { final case class Suspect(from: NodeAddress, nodeId: NodeAddress) extends Suspicion final case class Alive(nodeId: NodeAddress) extends Suspicion final case class Dead(nodeId: NodeAddress) extends Suspicion implicit val suspectCodec: ByteCodec[Suspect] = ByteCodec.fromReadWriter(macroRW[Suspect]) implicit val aliveCodec: ByteCodec[Alive] = ByteCodec.fromReadWriter(macroRW[Alive]) implicit val deadCodec: ByteCodec[Dead] = ByteCodec.fromReadWriter(macroRW[Dead]) implicit val byteCodec: ByteCodec[Suspicion] = ByteCodec.tagged[Suspicion][ Suspect, Alive, Dead ] type Env = ConversationId with Nodes def protocol(local: NodeAddress, timeout: Duration): ZIO[Env, keeper.Error, Protocol[Suspicion]] = Protocol[Suspicion].make( { case Message.Direct(sender, _, Suspect(_, `local`)) => Message .direct(sender, Alive(local)) .map( Message.Batch( _, Message.Broadcast(Alive(local)) ) ) case Message.Direct(_, _, Suspect(_, node)) => nodeState(node) .orElseSucceed(NodeState.Dead) .flatMap { case NodeState.Dead | NodeState.Suspicion => Message.noResponse case _ => changeNodeState(node, NodeState.Suspicion).ignore *> Message.noResponse //it will trigger broadcast by events } case Message.Direct(sender, _, msg @ Dead(nodeAddress)) if sender == nodeAddress => changeNodeState(nodeAddress, NodeState.Left).ignore .as(Message.Broadcast(msg)) case Message.Direct(_, _, msg @ Dead(nodeAddress)) => nodeState(nodeAddress).orElseSucceed(NodeState.Dead).flatMap { case NodeState.Dead => Message.noResponse case _ => changeNodeState(nodeAddress, NodeState.Dead).ignore .as(Message.Broadcast(msg)) } case Message.Direct(_, _, msg @ Alive(nodeAddress)) => changeNodeState(nodeAddress, NodeState.Healthy).ignore .as(Message.Broadcast(msg)) }, internalEvents.collectM { case NodeStateChanged(node, _, NodeState.Suspicion) => Message.withTimeout( Message.Broadcast(Suspect(local, node)), ZIO.ifM(nodeState(node).map(_ == NodeState.Suspicion).orElseSucceed(false))( changeNodeState(node, NodeState.Dead) .as(Message.Broadcast(Dead(node))), Message.noResponse ), timeout ) } ) }
Example 14
Source File: ReportersTest.scala From zio-metrics with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package zio.metrics import zio.metrics.dropwizard._ import zio.metrics.dropwizard.helpers._ import zio.metrics.dropwizard.reporters._ import zio.{ App, RIO, Runtime } import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit import scala.concurrent.duration._ import zio.console._ import zio.duration.Duration import com.codahale.metrics.MetricRegistry import zio.ExitCode object ReportersTest extends App { val rt = Runtime.unsafeFromLayer(Registry.live ++ Reporters.live) val tests: RIO[ Registry with Reporters, MetricRegistry ] = for { r <- getCurrentRegistry() _ <- jmx(r) _ <- console(r, 2, TimeUnit.SECONDS) c <- counter.register(Show.fixClassName(DropwizardTest.getClass()), Array("test", "counter")) _ <- c.inc() _ <- c.inc(2.0) t <- timer.register("DropwizardTimer", Array("test", "timer")) ctx <- t.start() _ <- RIO.foreach( List( Thread.sleep(1000L), Thread.sleep(1400L), Thread.sleep(1200L) ) )(_ => t.stop(ctx)) } yield r override def run(args: List[String]) = { println("Starting tests") val json = rt.unsafeRun(tests >>= (r => DropwizardExtractor.writeJson(r)(None))) RIO.sleep(Duration.fromScala(30.seconds)) putStrLn(json.spaces2).map(_ => ExitCode.success) } }
Example 15
Source File: Discovery.scala From zio-keeper with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package zio.keeper.discovery import zio.duration.Duration import zio.keeper.Error import zio.logging.{ Logger, Logging } import zio.nio.core.{ InetAddress, InetSocketAddress } import zio.{ IO, Layer, UIO, ZLayer } object Discovery { trait Service { def discoverNodes: IO[Error, Set[InetSocketAddress]] } def staticList(addresses: Set[InetSocketAddress]): Layer[Nothing, Discovery] = ZLayer.succeed { new Service { final override val discoverNodes: UIO[Set[InetSocketAddress]] = UIO.succeed(addresses) } } def k8Dns(address: InetAddress, timeout: Duration, port: Int): ZLayer[Logging, Nothing, Discovery] = ZLayer.fromFunction { logging => new K8DnsDiscovery(logging.get[Logger[String]], address, timeout, port) } }
Example 16
Source File: ShoppingCartSpec.scala From zio-actors with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package zio.actors.examples.persistence import java.io.File import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit import zio.{ Cause, Has, Managed, Schedule, UIO, ZIO, ZLayer } import zio.actors.{ ActorSystem, Supervisor } import zio.duration.Duration import zio.test.Assertion._ import zio.test.{ assert, suite, testM, DefaultRunnableSpec, TestFailure } import ShoppingCart._ import Deps._ object Deps { val actorSystem: Managed[TestFailure[Throwable], ActorSystem] = Managed.make( ActorSystem("testSys", Some(new File("./src/test/resources/application.conf"))) .mapError(e => TestFailure.Runtime(Cause.die(e))) )(_.shutdown.catchAll(_ => UIO.unit)) val actorSystemLayer = ZLayer.fromManaged(actorSystem) val recoverPolicy = Supervisor.retry(Schedule.exponential(Duration(200, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS))) } object ShoppingCartSpec extends DefaultRunnableSpec { def spec = suite("The Shopping Cart should")( testM("add item") { for { as <- ZIO.environment[Has[ActorSystem]].map(_.get) cart <- as.make("cart1", recoverPolicy, State.empty, ShoppingCart("cart1")) conf <- cart ? AddItem("foo", 42) } yield assert(conf)(equalTo(Accepted(Summary(Map("foo" -> 42), checkedOut = false)))) }, testM("reject already added item") { for { as <- ZIO.environment[Has[ActorSystem]].map(_.get) cart <- as.make("cart2", recoverPolicy, State.empty, ShoppingCart("cart2")) conf1 <- cart ? AddItem("foo", 42) conf2 <- cart ? AddItem("foo", 13) } yield assert(conf1)(isSubtype[Accepted](anything)) && assert(conf2)(isSubtype[Rejected](anything)) }, testM("remove item") { for { as <- ZIO.environment[Has[ActorSystem]].map(_.get) cart <- as.make("cart3", recoverPolicy, State.empty, ShoppingCart("cart3")) conf1 <- cart ? AddItem("foo", 42) conf2 <- cart ? RemoveItem("foo") } yield assert(conf1)(isSubtype[Accepted](anything)) && assert(conf2)( equalTo(Accepted(Summary(Map.empty, checkedOut = false))) ) }, testM("adjust quantity") { for { as <- ZIO.environment[Has[ActorSystem]].map(_.get) cart <- as.make("cart4", recoverPolicy, State.empty, ShoppingCart("cart4")) conf1 <- cart ? AddItem("foo", 42) conf2 <- cart ? AdjustItemQuantity("foo", 43) } yield assert(conf1)(isSubtype[Accepted](anything)) && assert(conf2)( equalTo(Accepted(Summary(Map("foo" -> 43), checkedOut = false))) ) }, testM("checkout") { for { as <- ZIO.environment[Has[ActorSystem]].map(_.get) cart <- as.make("cart5", recoverPolicy, State.empty, ShoppingCart("cart5")) conf1 <- cart ? AddItem("foo", 42) conf2 <- cart ? Checkout } yield assert(conf1)(isSubtype[Accepted](anything)) && assert(conf2)( equalTo(Accepted(Summary(Map("foo" -> 42), checkedOut = true))) ) }, testM("keep its state") { for { as <- ZIO.environment[Has[ActorSystem]].map(_.get) cart <- as.make("cart6", recoverPolicy, State.empty, ShoppingCart("cart6")) conf1 <- cart ? AddItem("foo", 42) _ <- cart.stop cart <- as.make("cart6", recoverPolicy, State.empty, ShoppingCart("cart6")) status <- cart ? Get } yield assert(conf1)(equalTo(Accepted(Summary(Map("foo" -> 42), checkedOut = false)))) && assert(status)(equalTo(Summary(Map("foo" -> 42), checkedOut = false))) } ).provideCustomLayer(actorSystemLayer) }
Example 17
Source File: AsynchronousChannelGroup.scala From scalaz-nio with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package zio.nio.channels import java.io.IOException import java.nio.channels.{ AsynchronousChannelGroup => JAsynchronousChannelGroup } import java.nio.channels.spi.{ AsynchronousChannelProvider => JAsynchronousChannelProvider } import java.util.concurrent.{ ExecutorService => JExecutorService, ThreadFactory => JThreadFactory } import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit import zio.{ IO, UIO } import zio.duration.Duration object AsynchronousChannelGroup { def apply(executor: JExecutorService, initialSize: Int): IO[Exception, AsynchronousChannelGroup] = IO.effect( new AsynchronousChannelGroup( JAsynchronousChannelGroup.withCachedThreadPool(executor, initialSize) ) ) .refineToOrDie[Exception] def apply( threadsNo: Int, threadsFactory: JThreadFactory ): IO[Exception, AsynchronousChannelGroup] = IO.effect( new AsynchronousChannelGroup( JAsynchronousChannelGroup.withFixedThreadPool(threadsNo, threadsFactory) ) ) .refineToOrDie[Exception] def apply(executor: JExecutorService): IO[Exception, AsynchronousChannelGroup] = IO.effect( new AsynchronousChannelGroup(JAsynchronousChannelGroup.withThreadPool(executor)) ) .refineToOrDie[Exception] } class AsynchronousChannelGroup(private[channels] val channelGroup: JAsynchronousChannelGroup) { def awaitTermination(timeout: Duration): IO[Exception, Boolean] = IO.effect(channelGroup.awaitTermination(timeout.asJava.toMillis, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)) .refineToOrDie[Exception] val isShutdown: UIO[Boolean] = IO.effectTotal(channelGroup.isShutdown) val isTerminated: UIO[Boolean] = IO.effectTotal(channelGroup.isTerminated) val provider: UIO[JAsynchronousChannelProvider] = IO.effectTotal(channelGroup.provider()) val shutdown: UIO[Unit] = IO.effectTotal(channelGroup.shutdown()) val shutdownNow: IO[IOException, Unit] = IO.effect(channelGroup.shutdownNow()).refineToOrDie[IOException] }
Example 18
Source File: PlatformSpecific.scala From zio with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package zio.clock import zio.duration.Duration import zio.internal.Scheduler import scala.scalajs.js private[clock] trait PlatformSpecific { private[clock] val globalScheduler = new Scheduler { import Scheduler.CancelToken private[this] val ConstFalse = () => false override def schedule(task: Runnable, duration: Duration): CancelToken = duration match { case Duration.Infinity => ConstFalse case Duration.Zero => task.run() ConstFalse case duration: Duration.Finite => var completed = false val handle = js.timers.setTimeout(duration.toMillis.toDouble) { completed = true task.run() } () => { js.timers.clearTimeout(handle) !completed } } } }
Example 19
Source File: PlatformSpecific.scala From zio with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package zio.clock import scala.scalajs.js import zio.duration.Duration import zio.internal.Scheduler private[clock] trait PlatformSpecific { private[clock] val globalScheduler = new Scheduler { import Scheduler.CancelToken private[this] val ConstFalse = () => false override def schedule(task: Runnable, duration: Duration): CancelToken = duration match { case Duration.Infinity => ConstFalse case Duration.Zero => task.run() ConstFalse case duration: Duration.Finite => var completed = false val handle = js.timers.setTimeout(duration.toMillis.toDouble) { completed = true task.run() } () => { js.timers.clearTimeout(handle) !completed } } } }
Example 20
Source File: package.scala From zio with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package zio import java.time.{ DateTimeException, Instant, OffsetDateTime, ZoneId } import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit import zio.duration.Duration package object clock { type Clock = Has[Clock.Service] object Clock extends PlatformSpecific with Serializable { trait Service extends Serializable { def currentTime(unit: TimeUnit): UIO[Long] def currentDateTime: IO[DateTimeException, OffsetDateTime] def nanoTime: UIO[Long] def sleep(duration: Duration): UIO[Unit] } object Service { val live: Service = new Service { def currentTime(unit: TimeUnit): UIO[Long] = IO.effectTotal(System.currentTimeMillis).map(l => unit.convert(l, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)) val nanoTime: UIO[Long] = IO.effectTotal(System.nanoTime) def sleep(duration: Duration): UIO[Unit] = UIO.effectAsyncInterrupt { cb => val canceler = globalScheduler.schedule(() => cb(UIO.unit), duration) Left(UIO.effectTotal(canceler())) } def currentDateTime: IO[DateTimeException, OffsetDateTime] = { val dateTime = for { millis <- currentTime(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS) zone <- ZIO(ZoneId.systemDefault) instant <- ZIO(Instant.ofEpochMilli(millis)) offsetDateTime <- ZIO(OffsetDateTime.ofInstant(instant, zone)) } yield offsetDateTime dateTime.refineToOrDie[DateTimeException] } } } val any: ZLayer[Clock, Nothing, Clock] = ZLayer.requires[Clock] val live: Layer[Nothing, Clock] = ZLayer.succeed(Service.live) } def sleep(duration: => Duration): URIO[Clock, Unit] = ZIO.accessM(_.get.sleep(duration)) }
Example 21
Source File: Scheduler.scala From zio with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package zio.internal import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledExecutorService import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit import zio.duration.Duration import zio.internal.Scheduler.CancelToken private[zio] trait Scheduler { def schedule(task: Runnable, duration: Duration): CancelToken } private[zio] object Scheduler { type CancelToken = () => Boolean def fromScheduledExecutorService(service: ScheduledExecutorService): Scheduler = new Scheduler { val ConstFalse = () => false override def schedule(task: Runnable, duration: Duration): CancelToken = duration match { case Duration.Infinity => ConstFalse case Duration.Zero => task.run() ConstFalse case duration: Duration.Finite => val future = service.schedule(new Runnable { def run: Unit = task.run() }, duration.toNanos, TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS) () => future.cancel(true) } } }
Example 22
Source File: PlatformSpecific.scala From zio with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package zio.clock import java.util.concurrent._ import zio.duration.Duration import zio.internal.{ NamedThreadFactory, Scheduler } private[clock] trait PlatformSpecific { import Scheduler.CancelToken private[clock] val globalScheduler = new Scheduler { private[this] val service = Executors.newScheduledThreadPool(1, new NamedThreadFactory("zio-timer", true)) private[this] val ConstFalse = () => false override def schedule(task: Runnable, duration: Duration): CancelToken = duration match { case Duration.Infinity => ConstFalse case Duration.Zero => task.run() ConstFalse case duration: Duration.Finite => val future = service.schedule(new Runnable { def run: Unit = task.run() }, duration.toNanos, TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS) () => { val canceled = future.cancel(true) canceled } } } }
Example 23
Source File: MockClock.scala From zio with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package zio.test.mock import java.time.{ DateTimeException, OffsetDateTime } import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit import zio.clock.Clock import zio.duration.Duration import zio.{ Has, IO, UIO, URLayer, ZLayer } object MockClock extends Mock[Clock] { object CurrentTime extends Effect[TimeUnit, Nothing, Long] object CurrentDateTime extends Effect[Unit, DateTimeException, OffsetDateTime] object NanoTime extends Effect[Unit, Nothing, Long] object Sleep extends Effect[Duration, Nothing, Unit] val compose: URLayer[Has[Proxy], Clock] = ZLayer.fromService(proxy => new Clock.Service { def currentTime(unit: TimeUnit): UIO[Long] = proxy(CurrentTime, unit) def currentDateTime: IO[DateTimeException, OffsetDateTime] = proxy(CurrentDateTime) val nanoTime: UIO[Long] = proxy(NanoTime) def sleep(duration: Duration): UIO[Unit] = proxy(Sleep, duration) } ) }
Example 24
Source File: DogStatsDClientTest.scala From zio-metrics with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package zio.metrics import zio.{ Queue, RIO, Runtime, Schedule } import zio.clock.Clock import zio.console._ import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit import zio.duration.Duration import zio.metrics.dogstatsd._ import zio.metrics.encoders._ object DogStatsDClientTest { val rt = Runtime.unsafeFromLayer(Encoder.dogstatsd ++ Console.live ++ Clock.live) val schd = Schedule.recurs(10) val client = DogStatsDClient() def program(r: Long)(implicit queue: Queue[Metric]) = for { clock <- RIO.environment[Clock] _ <- client.listen t1 <- clock.get.currentTime(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS) _ <- client.increment("zmetrics.dog.counter", 0.9) _ <- putStrLn(s"waiting for $r ms") *> clock.get.sleep(Duration(r, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)) t2 <- clock.get.currentTime(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS) d = (t2 - t1).toDouble _ <- client.timer("zmetrics.dog.timer", d, 0.9) _ <- client.histogram("zmetrics.dog.hist", d) _ <- client.serviceCheck("zmetrics.dog.check", ServiceCheckOk) _ <- client.event("zmetrics.dog.event", "something amazing happened") } yield () def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { val timeouts = Seq(34L, 76L, 52L) rt.unsafeRun( client.queue >>= ( q => RIO .foreach(timeouts)(l => program(l)(q)) .repeat(schd) ) ) Thread.sleep(10000) } }
Example 25
Source File: StatsDClientTest.scala From zio-metrics with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
package zio.metrics import zio.{ Queue, RIO, Runtime, Schedule } import zio.clock.Clock import zio.console._ import zio.metrics.encoders._ import zio.metrics.statsd._ import zio.duration.Duration import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit object StatsDClientTest { val rt = Runtime.unsafeFromLayer(Encoder.statsd ++ Console.live ++ Clock.live) val schd = Schedule.recurs(10) val client = StatsDClient() def program(r: Long)(implicit queue: Queue[Metric]) = for { clock <- RIO.environment[Clock] _ <- client.listen t1 <- clock.get.currentTime(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS) _ <- client.increment("zmetrics.counter", 0.9) _ <- putStrLn(s"waiting for $r s") *> clock.get.sleep(Duration(r, TimeUnit.SECONDS)) t2 <- clock.get.currentTime(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS) _ <- client.timer("zmetrics.timer", (t2 - t1).toDouble, 0.9) } yield () def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { val timeouts = Seq(4L, 6L, 2L) rt.unsafeRun( client.queue >>= ( q => RIO .foreach(timeouts)(l => program(l)(q)) .repeat(schd) ) ) Thread.sleep(10000) } }