@ant-design/icons APIs
- DeleteOutlined
- PlusOutlined
- SettingOutlined
- UserOutlined
- ExclamationCircleOutlined
- CloseOutlined
- DownOutlined
- SearchOutlined
- EditOutlined
- QuestionCircleOutlined
- LoadingOutlined
- CopyOutlined
- DownloadOutlined
- LogoutOutlined
- LeftOutlined
- PlusCircleOutlined
- MinusCircleOutlined
- CloseCircleOutlined
- CheckOutlined
- UploadOutlined
- ReloadOutlined
- InfoCircleOutlined
- SaveOutlined
- GithubOutlined
- LockOutlined
- RightOutlined
- CodeOutlined
- EyeOutlined
- EllipsisOutlined
- CaretRightOutlined
- CheckCircleOutlined
- SyncOutlined
- LinkOutlined
- HomeOutlined
- MenuUnfoldOutlined
- FullscreenExitOutlined
- FullscreenOutlined
- MenuOutlined
- BellOutlined
- MenuFoldOutlined
- AppstoreOutlined
- FormOutlined
- CaretDownOutlined
- UndoOutlined
- TeamOutlined
- ArrowDownOutlined
- ArrowLeftOutlined
- ClearOutlined
- RedoOutlined
- GlobalOutlined
- ExportOutlined
- ClockCircleOutlined
- PlayCircleOutlined
- MoreOutlined
- UpOutlined
- UnorderedListOutlined
- MessageOutlined
- ArrowUpOutlined
- FilterOutlined
- StarOutlined
- StopOutlined
- EyeInvisibleOutlined
- BgColorsOutlined
- WarningOutlined
- createFromIconfontCN
- MailOutlined
- ArrowRightOutlined
- AreaChartOutlined
- SendOutlined
- DatabaseOutlined
- CalendarOutlined
- VerticalAlignBottomOutlined
- PictureOutlined
- ProfileOutlined
- FileTextOutlined
- DeploymentUnitOutlined
- QuestionOutlined
- UserAddOutlined
- ApiOutlined
- AppstoreAddOutlined
- RollbackOutlined
- BoldOutlined
- ItalicOutlined
- UnderlineOutlined
- VerticalAlignTopOutlined
- SnippetsOutlined
- HighlightOutlined
- WeiboCircleOutlined
- ApartmentOutlined
- BugOutlined
- DashboardOutlined
- HistoryOutlined
- CloseCircleFilled
- SmileOutlined
- BarsOutlined
- InfoOutlined
- PhoneOutlined
- BarChartOutlined
- LineChartOutlined
- PieChartOutlined
- CommentOutlined
- UsergroupAddOutlined
- ExclamationCircleFilled
- ControlOutlined
- GoogleOutlined
- InboxOutlined
- ShareAltOutlined
- ReadOutlined
- CheckCircleFilled
- BlockOutlined
- NotificationOutlined
- DesktopOutlined
- FileOutlined
- MinusOutlined
- FieldTimeOutlined
- PlusSquareOutlined
- DiffOutlined
- AlignCenterOutlined
- ZoomInOutlined
- ZoomOutOutlined
- AlipayCircleOutlined
- FileAddOutlined
- FolderAddOutlined
- FolderOpenOutlined
- NumberOutlined
- PauseOutlined
- ContactsOutlined
- CloudSyncOutlined
- TableOutlined
- ContainerOutlined
- TagOutlined
- VideoCameraOutlined
- BookOutlined
- ToolOutlined
- SlackOutlined
- MobileOutlined
- SwapOutlined
- LockFilled
- CloudDownloadOutlined
- StarFilled
- FontSizeOutlined
- BranchesOutlined
- UpCircleOutlined
- DownCircleOutlined
- DoubleRightOutlined
- MinusSquareOutlined
- AlignLeftOutlined
- AlignRightOutlined
- SmallDashOutlined
- TaobaoCircleOutlined
- BuildOutlined
- CloudUploadOutlined
- FolderOutlined
- GroupOutlined
- Loading3QuartersOutlined
- QrcodeOutlined
- FolderFilled
- InfoCircleFilled
- PlusCircleFilled
- SmileTwoTone
- HeartTwoTone
- CheckCircleTwoTone
- EditFilled
- UserDeleteOutlined
- MacCommandOutlined
- PushpinOutlined
- CoffeeOutlined
- ProjectOutlined
- OrderedListOutlined
- FundOutlined
- RiseOutlined
- AimOutlined
- CalculatorOutlined
- GatewayOutlined
- KeyOutlined
- GitlabOutlined
- BulbOutlined
- CloseSquareOutlined
- PlaySquareOutlined
- RocketOutlined
- ClusterOutlined
- ArrowsAltOutlined
- DragOutlined
- CaretUpOutlined
- DoubleLeftOutlined
- EnterOutlined
- RetweetOutlined
- ScissorOutlined
- StrikethroughOutlined
- ColumnWidthOutlined
- DingdingOutlined
- TwitterOutlined
- QqOutlined
- ZhihuOutlined
- BorderOutlined
- CameraOutlined
- EnvironmentOutlined
- FieldNumberOutlined
- FileExcelOutlined
- FileImageOutlined
- FilePptOutlined
- FileSearchOutlined
- FormatPainterOutlined
- FunctionOutlined
- HourglassOutlined
- LayoutOutlined
- OneToOneOutlined
- PartitionOutlined
- PoweroffOutlined
- PrinterOutlined
- SafetyCertificateOutlined
- SolutionOutlined
- TagsOutlined
- UngroupOutlined
- CopyFilled
- DeleteTwoTone
- QuestionCircleFilled
- StepBackwardOutlined
- StepForwardOutlined
- CopyrightOutlined
- CrownOutlined
- ExclamationOutlined
- PaperClipOutlined
- DashOutlined
- CloseCircleTwoTone
- ExclamationCircleTwoTone
- FlagOutlined
- FunnelPlotOutlined
- InteractionOutlined
- CheckSquareOutlined
- LaptopOutlined
- CustomerServiceOutlined
- WarningFilled
- ApiTwoTone
- ApiFilled
- MergeCellsOutlined
- SlackSquareOutlined
- FallOutlined
- PercentageOutlined
- DollarOutlined
- CloudServerOutlined
- UnlockOutlined
- PicCenterOutlined
- FontColorsOutlined
- GithubFilled
- CaretLeftOutlined
- LeftCircleOutlined
- RightCircleOutlined
- VerticalAlignMiddleOutlined
- BackwardOutlined
- SwapRightOutlined
- LoginOutlined
- BorderBottomOutlined
- BorderLeftOutlined
- BorderRightOutlined
- BorderTopOutlined
- RadiusBottomleftOutlined
- RadiusBottomrightOutlined
- RadiusUpleftOutlined
- RadiusUprightOutlined
- PauseCircleOutlined
- IssuesCloseOutlined
- SortAscendingOutlined
- SortDescendingOutlined
- RadiusSettingOutlined
- ColumnHeightOutlined
- RadarChartOutlined
- BoxPlotOutlined
- WindowsOutlined
- WeiboOutlined
- WechatOutlined
- FacebookOutlined
- CodepenCircleOutlined
- AntDesignOutlined
- AliyunOutlined
- InstagramOutlined
- YuqueOutlined
- RedditOutlined
- AlertOutlined
- AudioOutlined
- AuditOutlined
- BankOutlined
- CompressOutlined
- ConsoleSqlOutlined
- CopyrightCircleOutlined
- CreditCardOutlined
- DeleteRowOutlined
- DisconnectOutlined
- ExceptionOutlined
- ExpandOutlined
- ExperimentOutlined
- FieldStringOutlined
- FileDoneOutlined
- FileProtectOutlined
- FileUnknownOutlined
- FireOutlined
- FolderViewOutlined
- FrownOutlined
- FundProjectionScreenOutlined
- FundViewOutlined
- GoldOutlined
- HddOutlined
- HeartOutlined
- InsertRowBelowOutlined
- InsertRowLeftOutlined
- LikeOutlined
- LineOutlined
- MonitorOutlined
- NodeIndexOutlined
- RotateRightOutlined
- SafetyOutlined
- SelectOutlined
- SisternodeOutlined
- SkinOutlined
- SubnodeOutlined
- SwitcherOutlined
- ThunderboltOutlined
- UserSwitchOutlined
- WalletOutlined
- FolderOpenFilled
- ProfileFilled
- HomeFilled
- DatabaseFilled
- PictureFilled
- LockTwoTone
- MailTwoTone
- MobileTwoTone
- ThunderboltFilled
- RobotFilled
- RestFilled
- DeleteFilled
- BankFilled
- SoundFilled
- CaretRightFilled
- QuestionCircleTwoTone
- SettingFilled
- EyeTwoTone
- ToolFilled
- CheckSquareFilled
- CloseSquareFilled
- RocketFilled
- PushpinFilled
- CrownFilled
- AppstoreFilled
- PlusCircleTwoTone
- AppleOutlined
- AndroidOutlined
- DropboxOutlined
- BehanceOutlined
- FastBackwardOutlined
- FastForwardOutlined
- ShrinkOutlined
- VerticalLeftOutlined
- VerticalRightOutlined
- ForwardOutlined
- SwapLeftOutlined
- UpSquareOutlined
- DownSquareOutlined
- LeftSquareOutlined
- RightSquareOutlined
- BorderHorizontalOutlined
- BorderInnerOutlined
- BorderOuterOutlined
- BorderVerticleOutlined
- PicLeftOutlined
- PicRightOutlined
- LineHeightOutlined
- DotChartOutlined
- HeatMapOutlined
- StockOutlined
- SlidersOutlined
- IeOutlined
- ChromeOutlined
- AliwangwangOutlined
- WeiboSquareOutlined
- Html5Outlined
- YoutubeOutlined
- TaobaoOutlined
- SkypeOutlined
- MediumWorkmarkOutlined
- MediumOutlined
- LinkedinOutlined
- GooglePlusOutlined
- CodepenOutlined
- CodeSandboxOutlined
- AmazonOutlined
- AlipayOutlined
- AntCloudOutlined
- BehanceSquareOutlined
- DribbbleOutlined
- DribbbleSquareOutlined
- AlibabaOutlined
- YahooOutlined
- SketchOutlined
- AccountBookOutlined
- AudioMutedOutlined
- BarcodeOutlined
- BorderlessTableOutlined
- CarOutlined
- CarryOutOutlined
- CiCircleOutlined
- CiOutlined
- CloudOutlined
- CompassOutlined
- DeleteColumnOutlined
- DeliveredProcedureOutlined
- DingtalkOutlined
- DislikeOutlined
- DollarCircleOutlined
- EuroCircleOutlined
- EuroOutlined
- ExpandAltOutlined
- FieldBinaryOutlined
- FileExclamationOutlined
- FileGifOutlined
- FileJpgOutlined
- FileMarkdownOutlined
- FilePdfOutlined
- FileSyncOutlined
- FileWordOutlined
- FileZipOutlined
- ForkOutlined
- GifOutlined
- GiftOutlined
- IdcardOutlined
- ImportOutlined
- InsertRowAboveOutlined
- InsertRowRightOutlined
- InsuranceOutlined
- ManOutlined
- MedicineBoxOutlined
- MehOutlined
- MoneyCollectOutlined
- NodeCollapseOutlined
- NodeExpandOutlined
- PayCircleOutlined
- PoundCircleOutlined
- PoundOutlined
- PropertySafetyOutlined
- PullRequestOutlined
- ReconciliationOutlined
- RedEnvelopeOutlined
- RestOutlined
- RobotOutlined
- RotateLeftOutlined
- ScanOutlined
- ScheduleOutlined
- SecurityScanOutlined
- ShakeOutlined
- ShopOutlined
- ShoppingCartOutlined
- ShoppingOutlined
- SoundOutlined
- SplitCellsOutlined
- TabletOutlined
- ToTopOutlined
- TrademarkCircleOutlined
- TrademarkOutlined
- TransactionOutlined
- TranslationOutlined
- TrophyOutlined
- UsbOutlined
- UsergroupDeleteOutlined
- VerifiedOutlined
- VideoCameraAddOutlined
- WhatsAppOutlined
- WifiOutlined
- WomanOutlined
- AlertFilled
- GoldenFilled
- MessageFilled
- BuildFilled
- PieChartFilled
- PlayCircleFilled
- StarTwoTone
- FacebookFilled
- CloudFilled
- NotificationFilled
- EyeFilled
- EyeInvisibleFilled
- SnippetsFilled
- HolderOutlined
- FilterFilled
- CreditCardFilled
- WechatFilled
- FilePdfFilled
- CaretDownFilled
- PlusSquareFilled
- TagsFilled
- BookFilled
- ContactsFilled
- TrophyTwoTone
- FundFilled
- WarningTwoTone
- SafetyCertificateFilled
- SaveFilled
- CodeFilled
- FolderAddFilled
- LinkedinFilled
- BellFilled
- FolderTwoTone
- CodeTwoTone
- DownCircleTwoTone
- UpCircleTwoTone
- ChromeFilled
- ThunderboltTwoTone
- PlaySquareTwoTone
- CompassTwoTone
Other Related APIs
- react#useState
- react#useEffect
- react-router-dom#useLocation
- react-router-dom#useHistory
- lodash#chunk
- antd#Button
- antd#Modal
- antd#message
- antd#Tooltip
- antd#Dropdown
- antd#Popover
- antd#notification
- antd#MessageArgsProps
- @ant-design/icons#LogoutOutlined
- @ant-design/icons#SettingOutlined
- @ant-design/icons#LeftOutlined
- @ant-design/icons#AreaChartOutlined
- @ant-design/icons#RightOutlined
- @ant-design/icons#ApiFilled
- @ant-design/icons#CloudFilled
- @ant-design/icons#NotificationFilled
@ant-design/icons#HomeFilled TypeScript Examples
The following examples show how to use
You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like,
and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example #1
Source File: Layout.tsx From jitsu with MIT License | 6 votes |
menuItems = [
makeItem(<HomeFilled />, "Home", "/connections", "#77c593"),
makeItem(<ThunderboltFilled />, "Live Events", "/events-stream", "#fccd04"),
makeItem(<AreaChartOutlined />, "Statistics", "/dashboard", "#88bdbc"),
makeItem(<Icon component={KeyIcon} />, "API Keys", "/api-keys", "#d79922"),
makeItem(<ApiFilled />, "Sources", "/sources", "#d83f87"),
makeItem(<NotificationFilled />, "Destinations", "/destinations", "#4056a1"),
makeItem(<Icon component={DbtCloudIcon} />, "dbt Cloud Integration", "/dbtcloud", "#e76e52"),
makeItem(<SettingOutlined />, "Project settings", "/project-settings", "#0d6050"),
makeItem(<Icon component={GlobeIcon} />, "Geo data resolver", "/geo-data-resolver", "#41b3a3"),
makeItem(<CloudFilled />, "Custom Domains", "/domains", "#5ab9ea", f => f.enableCustomDomains),
makeItem(<Icon component={DownloadIcon} />, "Download Config", "/cfg-download", "#14a76c"),
Example #2
Source File: DesktopSlider.tsx From next-basics with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
export function DesktopSlider(props: DesktopSliderProps): React.ReactElement {
const enableMyDesktop = true;
const [desktopCursor, setDesktopCursor] = React.useState(
const [appCursor, setAppCursor] = React.useState(-1);
const { columns, rows } = useLaunchpadSettingsContext();
const { setDesktopDir } = useDesktopDirContext();
const slideDuration = 400;
useEffect(() => {
enableMyDesktop && launchpadService.setMaxVisitorLength(8);
}, [columns, enableMyDesktop]);
const mapItemToDesktop = (apps: appItem[]): DesktopData => ({
name: "-",
items: apps.map((app) => {
if (app.type === "custom") {
return {
id: app.id,
name: app.name,
url: app.homepage,
type: "custom",
return {
type: "app",
id: app.id,
const transformCustomItem = (item: DesktopItemCustom): appItem => ({
id: item.id,
localeName: item.name,
name: item.name,
homepage: item.url,
type: "custom",
let desktops: DesktopData[];
let validItems = props.microApps;
if (props.desktops && props.desktops.length > 0) {
validItems = [];
const id2app = props.microApps.reduce((acc, app) => {
acc.set(app.id, app);
return acc;
}, new Map<string, appItem>());
desktops = props.desktops
.map((desktop) => ({
name: desktop.name,
items: desktop.items
.map((item) => {
if (item.type === "app") {
if (id2app.has(item.id)) {
const app = id2app.get(item.id);
return {
type: item.type,
id: item.id,
// ignore not found apps
} else if (item.type === "dir") {
const items = item.items
.map((item) => {
if (item.type === "app") {
if (id2app.has(item.id)) {
const app = id2app.get(item.id);
return {
type: item.type,
id: item.id,
} else if (item.type === "custom") {
return item;
// ignore empty dirs
if (items.length > 0) {
return {
type: item.type,
id: item.id,
name: item.name,
} else if (item.type === "custom") {
return item;
.slice(0, columns * rows),
// ignore empty desktops
.filter((desktop) => desktop.items.length > 0);
} else {
// 如果没有定义桌面列表(例如本地开发模式),则自动按数量切割。
desktops = chunk(props.microApps, columns * rows).map(mapItemToDesktop);
let filteredDesktop: DesktopData;
if (props.q) {
const lowerQ = props.q.toLowerCase();
filteredDesktop = mapItemToDesktop(
(app) =>
app.localeName.toLowerCase().includes(lowerQ) ||
app.name.toLowerCase().includes(lowerQ) ||
.slice(0, columns * rows)
// When sliding desktop, reset app cursor.
React.useEffect(() => {
}, [desktopCursor]);
// When making search, set app cursor to the first app.
React.useEffect(() => {
props.q && filteredDesktop && filteredDesktop.items.length > 0 ? 0 : -1
}, [props.q]);
const lockRef = React.useRef(false);
const throttledSetDesktopCursor = (index: number): void => {
if (lockRef.current) {
// 一次滑动一个屏幕,锁定期间内,不能继续滑动屏幕。
lockRef.current = true;
setTimeout(() => {
lockRef.current = false;
}, slideDuration);
const slideLeft = React.useCallback((): void => {
if (desktopCursor > 0) {
throttledSetDesktopCursor(desktopCursor - 1);
}, [desktopCursor]);
const slideRight = React.useCallback((): void => {
const length = desktops.length;
if (desktopCursor < length) {
throttledSetDesktopCursor(desktopCursor + 1);
}, [desktopCursor, desktops.length]);
const handleSlideLeft = (e: React.MouseEvent): void => {
const handleSlideRight = (e: React.MouseEvent): void => {
const handleSlideTo = (e: React.MouseEvent, index: number): void => {
if (desktopCursor !== index) {
// Press arrow key to select an app.
React.useEffect(() => {
const onKeydown = (event: KeyboardEvent): void => {
// 第一栏为我的面板,须过滤掉(PS: 但是搜索时 desktopCursor 为0是可以的)
if (enableMyDesktop && desktopCursor === 0 && !props.q) return;
const key =
event.key ||
/* istanbul ignore next: compatibility */ event.keyCode ||
/* istanbul ignore next: compatibility */ event.which;
const currentDesktop = props.q
? filteredDesktop
: desktops[desktopCursor - 1];
if (key === "Enter" || key === 13) {
if (appCursor >= 0 && appCursor < currentDesktop.items.length) {
const cell = currentDesktop.items[appCursor];
if (cell.type === "app") {
launchpadService.pushVisitor("app", cell.app);
} else if (cell.type === "custom") {
launchpadService.pushVisitor("custom", cell);
} else if (cell.type === "dir") {
// Calculate the approximate coordinates of a dir.
const x = appCursor % columns;
const y = Math.floor(appCursor / columns);
activeIndex: 0,
dir: {
name: cell.name,
items: cell.items,
coordinates: {
x: (window.innerWidth * (x + 1)) / (columns + 1),
y: (window.innerHeight * (y + 1)) / (rows + 1),
} else {
let offset = 0;
if (key === "ArrowRight" || key === 39) {
offset = 1;
} else if (key === "ArrowLeft" || key === 37) {
offset = appCursor === -1 ? currentDesktop.items.length : -1;
} else if (key === "ArrowDown" || key === 40) {
offset = appCursor === -1 ? 1 : columns;
} else if (key === "ArrowUp" || key === 38) {
offset = appCursor === -1 ? currentDesktop.items.length : -columns;
if (offset !== 0) {
const next = appCursor + offset;
if (next >= 0 && next < currentDesktop.items.length) {
window.addEventListener("keydown", onKeydown);
return () => {
window.removeEventListener("keydown", onKeydown);
}, [desktopCursor, appCursor, props.q, columns, setDesktopDir]);
const deltaXRef = React.useRef(0);
const deltaYRef = React.useRef(0);
const responsibleRef = React.useRef(true);
const tryToSlideByWheel = (): void => {
// Mac 的 trackpad,部分鼠标滚轮会有“拖尾效应”,拖尾期间,不再响应滚轮事件。
if (!responsibleRef.current) {
// 取绝对值较大的方向
const axisRef =
Math.abs(deltaYRef.current) > Math.abs(deltaXRef.current)
? deltaYRef
: deltaXRef;
// 经测试,滚轮纵轴一次位移 4,横轴一次位移 40。
const threshold = axisRef === deltaYRef ? 4 : 40;
if (axisRef.current >= threshold) {
} else if (axisRef.current <= -threshold) {
} else {
// 触发滑动后,重设 delta,拖尾期间,不再响应滚轮事件。
deltaXRef.current = 0;
deltaYRef.current = 0;
responsibleRef.current = false;
const resetDeltaTimeoutRef = React.useRef<any>();
const handleWheel = (e: React.WheelEvent): void => {
deltaXRef.current += e.deltaX;
deltaYRef.current += e.deltaY;
if (resetDeltaTimeoutRef.current) {
// 间隔 50ms 内的连续滚轮事件被认作一次滚动。
resetDeltaTimeoutRef.current = setTimeout(() => {
deltaXRef.current = 0;
deltaYRef.current = 0;
responsibleRef.current = true;
}, 50);
const sliderChildrenLength = desktops.length + 1;
return (
className={classNames(styles.desktopSlider, {
[styles.filtered]: props.q,
<div className={styles.desktopSelector}>
{[...[{ name: <HomeFilled /> }], ...desktops].map((desktop, index) => (
<React.Fragment key={index}>
{index !== 0 && <span className={styles.selectorSeparator} />}
className={classNames(styles.desktopName, {
[styles.active]: desktopCursor === index,
onClick={(e) => handleSlideTo(e, index)}
<div className={styles.scrollContainer}>
width: `${sliderChildrenLength * 100}%`,
marginLeft: `${desktopCursor * -100}%`,
transition: `margin-left ${slideDuration}ms ease-out`,
{enableMyDesktop && (
{desktops.map((desktop, index) => (
activeIndex={desktopCursor - 1 === index ? appCursor : -1}
// Show filtered apps as a single desktop.
props.q && (
<div className={styles.filteredList}>
className={classNames(styles.arrowLeft, {
[styles.available]: desktopCursor > 0,
style={{ width: `${props.arrowWidthPercent}%` }}
<span className={styles.arrowButton}>
<LeftOutlined />
className={classNames(styles.arrowRight, {
[styles.available]: desktopCursor < sliderChildrenLength - 1,
style={{ width: `${props.arrowWidthPercent}%` }}
<span className={styles.arrowButton}>
<RightOutlined />