@apollo/client/core#Operation TypeScript Examples
The following examples show how to use
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Example #1
Source File: operation.ts From apollo-link-sentry with MIT License | 6 votes |
export function extractDefinition(
operation: Operation,
): OperationDefinitionNode {
// We know we always have a single definition, because Apollo validates this before we get here.
// With more then one query defined, an error like this is thrown and the query is never sent:
// "react-apollo only supports a query, subscription, or a mutation per HOC. [object Object] had 2 queries, 0 subscriptions and 0 mutations. You can use 'compose' to join multiple operation types to a component"
return operation.query.definitions.find(
(q) => q.kind === 'OperationDefinition',
) as OperationDefinitionNode;
Example #2
Source File: sentry.ts From apollo-link-sentry with MIT License | 6 votes |
export function setTransaction(operation: Operation): void {
const definition = extractDefinition(operation);
const name = definition.name;
if (name) {
configureScope((scope: Scope) => {
Example #3
Source File: sentry.ts From apollo-link-sentry with MIT License | 6 votes |
export function setFingerprint(operation: Operation): void {
const definition = extractDefinition(operation);
const name = definition.name;
if (name) {
configureScope((scope: Scope) => {
scope.setFingerprint([DEFAULT_FINGERPRINT, name.value]);
Example #4
Source File: sentry.ts From apollo-link-sentry with MIT License | 6 votes |
export function attachBreadcrumbToSentry(
operation: Operation,
breadcrumb: GraphQLBreadcrumb,
options: FullOptions,
): void {
const transformed: Breadcrumb =
options.attachBreadcrumbs &&
typeof options.attachBreadcrumbs.transform === 'function'
? options.attachBreadcrumbs.transform(breadcrumb, operation)
: breadcrumb;
transformed.data = stringifyObjectKeys(
transformed.data as Record<string, unknown>,
Example #5
Source File: operation.test.ts From apollo-link-sentry with MIT License | 6 votes |
export function makeOperation(overwrites: Partial<Operation> = {}): Operation {
return {
query: parse(`query Foo { foo }`),
operationName: 'Foo',
variables: {},
extensions: {},
getContext: () => ({}),
setContext: (context) => context,
Example #6
Source File: breadcrumb.ts From apollo-link-sentry with MIT License | 5 votes |
export function makeBreadcrumb(
operation: Operation,
options: FullOptions,
): GraphQLBreadcrumb {
// We validated this is set before calling this function
const attachBreadcrumbs =
options.attachBreadcrumbs as AttachBreadcrumbsOptions;
const definition = extractDefinition(operation);
const data: BreadcrumbData = {};
const uri = options.uri;
if (uri) {
data.url = uri;
const operationName = definition.name?.value;
if (operationName) {
data.operationName = operationName;
if (attachBreadcrumbs.includeQuery) {
data.query =
// The document might have been parsed with `noLocation: true`
definition.loc?.source?.body ?? print(definition);
if (attachBreadcrumbs.includeVariables) {
data.variables = operation.variables;
if (attachBreadcrumbs.includeCache) {
data.cache =
(operation.getContext().cache?.data?.data as Record<string, unknown>) ??
const contextKeys = attachBreadcrumbs.includeContext;
if (contextKeys) {
data.context = extractKeys(operation.getContext(), contextKeys);
return {
type: 'http',
category: `graphql.${definition.operation}`,
Example #7
Source File: index.ts From graphql-mesh with MIT License | 5 votes |
function createMeshApolloRequestHandler(options: MeshApolloRequestHandlerOptions): RequestHandler {
return function meshApolloRequestHandler(operation: Operation): Observable<FetchResult> {
const operationAst = getOperationAST(operation.query, operation.operationName);
if (!operationAst) {
throw new Error('GraphQL operation not found');
const operationFn = operationAst.operation === 'subscription' ? options.subscribe : options.execute;
return new Observable(observer => {
.then(async () => {
const results = await operationFn(
if (isAsyncIterable(results)) {
for await (const result of results) {
if (observer.closed) {
} else {
if (!observer.closed) {
.catch(error => {
if (!observer.closed) {
Example #8
Source File: SentryLink.ts From apollo-link-sentry with MIT License | 4 votes |
operation: Operation,
forward: NextLink,
): Observable<FetchResult> | null {
const options = this.options;
if (!(options.shouldHandleOperation?.(operation) ?? true)) {
return forward(operation);
if (options.setTransaction) {
if (options.setFingerprint) {
const attachBreadcrumbs = options.attachBreadcrumbs;
const breadcrumb = attachBreadcrumbs
? makeBreadcrumb(operation, options)
: undefined;
// While this could be done more simplistically by simply subscribing,
// wrapping the observer in our own observer ensures we get the results
// before they are passed along to other observers. This guarantees we
// get to run our instrumentation before others observers potentially
// throw and thus flush the results to Sentry.
return new Observable<FetchResult>((originalObserver) => {
const subscription = forward(operation).subscribe({
next: (result) => {
if (attachBreadcrumbs) {
// We must have a breadcrumb if attachBreadcrumbs was set
(breadcrumb as GraphQLBreadcrumb).level = severityForResult(result);
if (attachBreadcrumbs.includeFetchResult) {
// We must have a breadcrumb if attachBreadcrumbs was set
(breadcrumb as GraphQLBreadcrumb).data.fetchResult = result;
if (
attachBreadcrumbs.includeError &&
result.errors &&
result.errors.length > 0
) {
// We must have a breadcrumb if attachBreadcrumbs was set
(breadcrumb as GraphQLBreadcrumb).data.error = new ApolloError({
graphQLErrors: result.errors,
complete: () => {
if (attachBreadcrumbs) {
// We must have a breadcrumb if attachBreadcrumbs was set
breadcrumb as GraphQLBreadcrumb,
error: (error) => {
if (attachBreadcrumbs) {
// We must have a breadcrumb if attachBreadcrumbs was set
(breadcrumb as GraphQLBreadcrumb).level = Severity.Error;
let scrubbedError;
if (isServerError(error)) {
const { result, response, ...rest } = error;
scrubbedError = rest;
if (attachBreadcrumbs.includeFetchResult) {
// We must have a breadcrumb if attachBreadcrumbs was set
(breadcrumb as GraphQLBreadcrumb).data.fetchResult = result;
} else {
scrubbedError = error;
if (attachBreadcrumbs.includeError) {
// We must have a breadcrumb if attachBreadcrumbs was set
(breadcrumb as GraphQLBreadcrumb).data.error = scrubbedError;
// We must have a breadcrumb if attachBreadcrumbs was set
breadcrumb as GraphQLBreadcrumb,
return () => {