@babel/types#StringLiteral TypeScript Examples
The following examples show how to use
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Example #1
Source File: pathCompiler.ts From engine with MIT License | 6 votes |
pathCompiler = (path: InvokablePath): ArrayExpression => {
const parts = path.map((x) => {
let type = objectProperty(identifier("type"), stringLiteral(x.type));
let value = objectProperty(identifier("ignored"), nullLiteral());
if (x.type === ValueTypes.CONST) {
let paramValue;
if (x.value.__node__) {
paramValue = x.value.__node__;
} else {
paramValue = stringLiteral(x.value.toString());
value = objectProperty(identifier("value"), paramValue);
} else if (
x.type === ValueTypes.INTERNAL ||
x.type === ValueTypes.EXTERNAL
) {
const path = x.path.map((y: string) => stringLiteral(y));
value = objectProperty(identifier("path"), arrayExpression(path));
} else if (x.type === ValueTypes.INVOKE) {
const path = x.path.map((y: string) => stringLiteral(y));
value = objectProperty(identifier("path"), arrayExpression(path));
return objectExpression([type, value]);
const result = arrayExpression(parts);
return result;
Example #2
Source File: translate.ts From nota with MIT License | 6 votes |
processText = (text: string): StringLiteral => {
return t.stringLiteral(
.replace(/\\%/g, "%")
.replace(/\\\[/g, "[")
.replace(/\\\]/g, "]")
.replace(/\\@/g, "@")
.replace(/\\#/g, "#")
.replace(/---/g, "—")
Example #3
Source File: babel-polyfill.ts From nota with MIT License | 6 votes |
exportNamedDeclaration = (
declaration?: Declaration,
source: StringLiteral | null = null,
specifiers: ExportSpecifier[] = []
): ExportNamedDeclaration => ({
type: "ExportNamedDeclaration",
Example #4
Source File: babel-polyfill.ts From nota with MIT License | 6 votes |
importSpecifier = (
local: Identifier,
imported: Identifier | StringLiteral
): ImportSpecifier => ({
type: "ImportSpecifier",
Example #5
Source File: babel-polyfill.ts From nota with MIT License | 6 votes |
importDeclaration = (
specifiers: Array<ImportSpecifier | ImportDefaultSpecifier | ImportNamespaceSpecifier>,
source: StringLiteral
): ImportDeclaration => ({
type: "ImportDeclaration",
Example #6
Source File: babel-polyfill.ts From nota with MIT License | 6 votes |
objectProperty = (
key: Expression | Identifier | StringLiteral | NumericLiteral,
value: Expression | PatternLike,
shorthand: boolean = false
): ObjectProperty => ({
type: "ObjectProperty",
computed: false,
Example #7
Source File: addWildcardImport.ts From engine with MIT License | 6 votes |
addWildcardImport: AddWildcardImport = (babel, state, ref) => {
const producerName = "@c11/engine.producer";
const pathImport = importDeclaration(
[importSpecifier(identifier("wildcard"), identifier("wildcard"))],
const program = ref.findParent((p) => p.isProgram());
if (!program) {
throw new Error("");
const macroImport = program.get("body").find((p) => {
const result =
p.isImportDeclaration() &&
p.node.source.value.indexOf("@c11/engine.macro") !== -1;
return result;
if (macroImport) {
// @ts-ignore
Example #8
Source File: addPathImport.ts From engine with MIT License | 6 votes |
addPathImport: AddPathImport = (babel, state, ref) => {
const producerName = "@c11/engine.producer";
const pathImport = importDeclaration(
[importSpecifier(identifier("path"), identifier("path"))],
const program = ref.findParent((p) => p.isProgram());
if (!program) {
throw new Error("Internal error. Cannot find program node");
const macroImport = program.get("body").find((p) => {
const result =
p.isImportDeclaration() &&
p.node.source.value.indexOf("@c11/engine.macro") !== -1;
return result;
if (macroImport) {
// @ts-ignore
Example #9
Source File: structOperationCompiler.ts From engine with MIT License | 6 votes |
structOperationCompiler = (
opOrig: StructOperation
): ObjectExpression => {
const type = objectProperty(identifier("type"), stringLiteral(opOrig.type));
const keys: ObjectProperty[] = Object.keys(opOrig.value)
.map((x) => {
const op = opOrig.value[x];
let result;
if (op.type === OperationTypes.GET) {
result = pathOperationCompiler(op);
} else if (op.type === OperationTypes.OBSERVE) {
result = pathOperationCompiler(op);
} else if (op.type === OperationTypes.UPDATE) {
result = pathOperationCompiler(op);
} else if (op.type === OperationTypes.FUNC) {
result = funcOperationCompiler(op);
} else if (op.type === OperationTypes.STRUCT) {
result = structOperationCompiler(op);
} else if (op.type === OperationTypes.VALUE) {
result = valueOperationCompiler(op);
} else {
throw new Error(`Operation ${op} not supported`);
return objectProperty(identifier(x), result, false, true);
.filter((x) => !!x);
const value = objectProperty(identifier("value"), objectPattern(keys));
if (opOrig.meta) {
const meta = objectProperty(
return objectExpression([type, value, meta]);
} else {
return objectExpression([type, value]);
Example #10
Source File: rawObjectCompiler.ts From engine with MIT License | 6 votes |
rawObjectCompiler = (obj: any): ObjectExpression => {
const props = Object.keys(obj).reduce((acc, x) => {
let val: any = obj[x];
let result;
if (isString(val)) {
result = stringLiteral(val);
} else if (typeof val === "number") {
result = numericLiteral(toNumber(val));
} else if (isArray(val)) {
let list = val.map((x) => stringLiteral(x));
result = arrayExpression(list);
} else if (isPlainObject(val)) {
result = rawObjectCompiler(val);
} else {
throw new Error("Meta type for " + val + " not supported");
if (result) {
acc.push(objectProperty(identifier(x), result));
return acc;
}, [] as ObjectProperty[]);
return objectExpression(props);
Example #11
Source File: funcOperationCompiler.ts From engine with MIT License | 6 votes |
funcOperationCompiler = (op: FuncOperation): ObjectExpression => {
const type = objectProperty(identifier("type"), stringLiteral(op.type));
const paramsList = op.value.params.map((x) => {
const type = objectProperty(identifier("type"), stringLiteral(x.type));
const value = objectProperty(identifier("value"), stringLiteral("value"));
return objectExpression([type, value]);
const fn = objectProperty(identifier("fn"), stringLiteral("fn"));
const paramsArray = arrayExpression(paramsList);
const params = objectProperty(identifier("params"), paramsArray);
const internal = objectExpression([params, fn]);
const value = objectProperty(identifier("value"), internal);
return objectExpression([type, value]);
Example #12
Source File: prepareForEngine.ts From engine with MIT License | 5 votes |
prepareForEngine: PrepareForEngine = (babel, state, ref, type) => {
const validation = validateRef(ref);
if (validation.error) {
throw new Error(validation.errorMessage);
const config = getConfig(state);
const op = parseRef(babel, state, ref);
const props = structOperationCompiler(op);
const parent = ref.findParent((p) => p.isVariableDeclarator());
if (!parent) {
throw new Error(
"Misuse of the view/producer keyword. It needs to be a variable declaration e.g. let foo: view = ..."
const node = parent.node as VariableDeclarator;
const fn = node.init as ArrowFunctionExpression;
fn.params = paramsCompiler(op);
const result = objectExpression([
objectProperty(identifier("props"), props),
objectProperty(identifier("fn"), fn),
if (type === TransformType.PRODUCER) {
node.init = result;
} else if (type === TransformType.VIEW) {
const viewCall = callExpression(identifier("view"), [result]);
node.init = viewCall;
const viewImport = config.view.importFrom;
const program = ref.findParent((p) => p.isProgram());
if (!program) {
throw new Error("Internal error. Cannot find program node");
const macroImport = program.get("body").find((p) => {
const result =
p.isImportDeclaration() &&
p.node.source.value.indexOf("@c11/engine.macro") !== -1;
return result;
const engineImport = program.get("body").find((p) => {
const result =
p.isImportDeclaration() &&
p.node.source.value.indexOf(viewImport) !== -1;
return result;
if (macroImport) {
if (!engineImport) {
const importView = importDeclaration(
[importSpecifier(identifier("view"), identifier("view"))],
// @ts-ignore
} else {
const node = engineImport.node as ImportDeclaration;
const viewNode = node.specifiers.find((node) => {
return (
isImportSpecifier(node) &&
isIdentifier(node.imported) &&
node.imported.name === "view"
if (!viewNode) {
importSpecifier(identifier("view"), identifier("view"))
} else {
throw new Error("Could not find macro import");
Example #13
Source File: index.ts From tailchat with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
export default function sourceRef(): Plugin {
return {
name: 'source-ref',
transform(code, id) {
const filepath = id;
const ast = parse(code, {
sourceType: 'module',
plugins: ['jsx', 'typescript'],
traverse(ast, {
JSXOpeningElement(path) {
const location = path.node.loc;
if (!location) {
if (Array.isArray(location)) {
const name = path.node.name;
if (isJSXIdentifier(name) && name.name === 'Fragment') {
if (
isJSXMemberExpression(name) &&
name.property.name === 'Fragment'
) {
const line = location.start.line;
const col = location.start.column;
const attrs = path.node.attributes;
for (let i = 0; i < attrs.length; i++) {
const attr = attrs[i];
if (attr.type === 'JSXAttribute' && attr.name.name === TRACE_ID) {
// existed
const traceId = `${filepath}:${line}:${col}`;
jsxAttribute(jsxIdentifier(TRACE_ID), stringLiteral(traceId))
const res = generate(ast);
return { code: res.code, map: res.map };
Example #14
Source File: index.ts From tailchat with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
async function loader(this: LoaderContext<any>, source: string): Promise<void> {
const done = this.async();
const { available } = this.getOptions();
if (!available) {
// skip if not
done(null, source);
const ast = parse(source, {
sourceType: 'module',
plugins: ['jsx', 'typescript'],
const filepath = this.resourcePath;
if (filepath.includes('node_modules')) {
done(null, source);
traverse(ast, {
JSXOpeningElement(path) {
const location = path.node.loc;
if (!location) {
if (Array.isArray(location)) {
const name = path.node.name;
if (isJSXIdentifier(name) && name.name === 'Fragment') {
if (isJSXMemberExpression(name) && name.property.name === 'Fragment') {
const line = location.start.line;
const col = location.start.column;
const attrs = path.node.attributes;
for (let i = 0; i < attrs.length; i++) {
const attr = attrs[i];
if (attr.type === 'JSXAttribute' && attr.name.name === TRACE_ID) {
// existed
const traceId = `${filepath}:${line}:${col}`;
attrs.push(jsxAttribute(jsxIdentifier(TRACE_ID), stringLiteral(traceId)));
const code = generate(ast).code;
done(null, code);
Example #15
Source File: constants.ts From prettier-plugin-sort-imports with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
newLineNode = expressionStatement( stringLiteral(PRETTIER_PLUGIN_SORT_IMPORTS_NEW_LINE), )
Example #16
Source File: babel-polyfill.ts From nota with MIT License | 5 votes |
stringLiteral = (value: string): StringLiteral => ({
type: "StringLiteral",
Example #17
Source File: valueOperationCompiler.ts From engine with MIT License | 5 votes |
valueOperationCompiler = (
op: ValueOperation
): ObjectExpression => {
let value = objectProperty(identifier("path"), stringLiteral("___"));
const type = objectProperty(identifier("type"), stringLiteral(op.type));
if (op.value.type === ValueTypes.CONST) {
const val = op.value.value;
let valType;
if (val && val.__node__) {
valType = val.__node__;
} else if (typeof val === "string") {
valType = stringLiteral(val);
} else if (typeof val === "number") {
valType = numericLiteral(val);
} else if (typeof val === "boolean") {
valType = booleanLiteral(val);
} else {
throw new Error("Value type not supported yet: " + typeof val);
value = objectProperty(
objectProperty(identifier("type"), stringLiteral(ValueTypes.CONST)),
objectProperty(identifier("value"), valType),
} else if (
op.value.type === ValueTypes.EXTERNAL ||
op.value.type === ValueTypes.INTERNAL
) {
const path = arrayExpression(op.value.path.map((x) => stringLiteral(x)));
value = objectProperty(
objectProperty(identifier("type"), stringLiteral(op.value.type)),
objectProperty(identifier("path"), path),
return objectExpression([type, value]);
Example #18
Source File: pathOperationCompiler.ts From engine with MIT License | 5 votes |
pathOperationCompiler = (
op: GetOperation | UpdateOperation | ObserveOperation
): ObjectExpression => {
const type = objectProperty(identifier("type"), stringLiteral(op.type));
let value = objectProperty(identifier("path"), stringLiteral("___"));
value = objectProperty(identifier("path"), pathCompiler(op.path));
return objectExpression([type, value]);