@chakra-ui/react#SkeletonText TypeScript Examples

The following examples show how to use @chakra-ui/react#SkeletonText. You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example #1
Source File: index.tsx    From bluebubbles-server with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
StatBox = (
    { title, text, color }:
    { title: string, text: string | number | null, color: string }
): JSX.Element => {
    return (  
        <Box maxW='sm' borderWidth='1px' borderRadius='lg' overflow='hidden' p={5} m={1}>
            <Badge borderRadius='full' px='2' colorScheme={color} mb={2}>
            <Spacer />
                {(text === null) ? (
                    <SkeletonText height={20} mt={2} noOfLines={3} />
                ) : (
                    (typeof(text) === 'number') ? (
                        <Text fontSize='2vw'>{formatNumber(text)}</Text>
                    ) : (
                        <Text fontSize='2vw'>{text}</Text>
Example #2
Source File: HomeLayout.tsx    From bluebubbles-server with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
HomeLayout = (): JSX.Element => {
    const address = useAppSelector(state => state.config.server_address);
    const fcmClient = useAppSelector(state => state.config.fcm_client);
    const password = useAppSelector(state => state.config.password);
    const port = useAppSelector(state => state.config.socket_port);
    const qrCode = fcmClient ? buildQrData(password, address, fcmClient) : null;

    return (
        <Box p={3} borderRadius={10}>
            <Flex flexDirection="column">
                <Stack direction='column' p={5}>
                    <Flex flexDirection='row' justifyContent='flex-start' alignItems='center'>
                        <Text fontSize='2xl'>Connection Details</Text>
                        <Popover trigger='hover'>
                                <Box ml={2} _hover={{ color: 'brand.primary', cursor: 'pointer' }}>
                                    <AiOutlineInfoCircle />
                                <PopoverArrow />
                                <PopoverCloseButton />
                                        This page will detail your current connection details. This includes your&nbsp;
                                        server address and your local port.
                                    <br />
                                        <ListItem><strong>Server Address:</strong> This is the address that your clients will connect to</ListItem>
                                        <ListItem><strong>Local Port:</strong> This is the port that the HTTP server is running on, 
                                            and the port you will use when port forwarding&nbsp;
                                            for a dynamic DNS
                    <Divider orientation='horizontal' />
                    <Spacer />
                    <Flex flexDirection="row" justifyContent="space-between">
                            <Flex flexDirection="row" alignItems='center'>
                                <Text fontSize='md' fontWeight='bold' mr={2}>Server Address: </Text>
                                {(!address) ? (
                                    <SkeletonText noOfLines={1} />
                                ) : (
                                    <Text fontSize='md'>{address}</Text>
                                <Tooltip label='Copy Address'>
                                        aria-label='Copy Address'
                                        icon={<BiCopy size='22px' />}
                                        onClick={() => copyToClipboard(address)}
                                <Popover placement='bottom' isLazy={true}>
                                        <Box ml={2} _hover={{ color: 'brand.primary', cursor: 'pointer' }} >
                                            <Tooltip label='Show QR Code'>
                                                    aria-label='Show QR Code'
                                                    icon={<AiOutlineQrcode size='24px' />}
                                        <PopoverArrow />
                                        <PopoverCloseButton />
                                        <PopoverHeader>QR Code</PopoverHeader>
                                            <Flex justifyContent='center' flexDirection='column' alignItems='center'>
                                                    Your QR Code contains your server configuration so that clients can connect.
                                                    Your QR Code should remain <strong>private</strong> as it contains sensitive information!
                                                <Box border="5px solid" borderColor='white' mt={4} height='266px' width='266px' borderRadius='lg' mb={3}>
                                                    {/* eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-ts-comment */}
                                                    {/* @ts-ignore: ts2876 */}
                                                    {(qrCode) ? <QRCode value={qrCode as string} /> : null}
                            <Flex flexDirection="row">
                                <Text fontSize='md' fontWeight='bold' mr={2}>Local Port: </Text>
                                {(!port) ? (
                                    <SkeletonText noOfLines={1} />
                                ) : (
                                    <Text fontSize='md'>{port}</Text>
                        <Divider orientation="vertical" />
                <Stack direction='column' p={5}>
                    <Flex flexDirection='row' justifyContent='flex-start' alignItems='center'>
                        <Text fontSize='2xl'>iMessage Highlights</Text>
                        <Popover trigger='hover'>
                                <Box ml={2} _hover={{ color: 'brand.primary', cursor: 'pointer' }}>
                                    <AiOutlineInfoCircle />
                                <PopoverArrow />
                                <PopoverCloseButton />
                                        These are just some fun stats that I included to give you a quick "snapshot"
                                        of your iMessage history on the Mac Device. This does not include messages that
                                        are on Apple's servers, only what is local to this device.
                    <Divider orientation='horizontal' />
                    <Spacer />
                    { /* Delays are so older systems do not freeze when requesting data from the databases */ }
                    <SimpleGrid columns={3} spacing={5}>
                        <TotalMessagesStatBox />
                        <TopGroupStatBox delay={200} />
                        <BestFriendStatBox delay={400} />
                        <DailyMessagesStatBox delay={600} />
                        <TotalPicturesStatBox delay={800} />
                        <TotalVideosStatBox delay={1000} />