@ethersproject/bytes#hexDataLength TypeScript Examples

The following examples show how to use @ethersproject/bytes#hexDataLength. You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example #1
Source File: multiSend.ts    From snapshot-plugins with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
export function encodeTransactions(transactions: ModuleTransaction[]) {
  const values = transactions.map((tx) => [
    hexDataLength(tx.data || '0x'),
    tx.data || '0x'

  const types = transactions.map(() => [

  return pack(types.flat(1), values.flat(1));
Example #2
Source File: base-provider.ts    From bodhi.js with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
_wrapTransaction = async (
    tx: AcalaEvmTX,
    hash: string,
    startBlock: number,
    startBlockHash: string
  ): Promise<TransactionResponse> => {
    if (hash !== null && hash !== undefined && hexDataLength(hash) !== 32) {
      throw new Error('invalid hash - sendTransaction');

    // Check the hash we expect is the same as the hash the server reported
    // @TODO expectedHash
    // if (hash != null && tx.hash !== hash) {
    //   logger.throwError('Transaction hash mismatch from Provider.sendTransaction.', Logger.errors.UNKNOWN_ERROR, {
    //     expectedHash: tx.hash,
    //     returnedHash: hash
    //   });
    // }

    const result = tx as TransactionResponse;

    // fix tx hash
    result.hash = hash;
    result.blockNumber = startBlock;
    result.blockHash = startBlockHash;

    result.timestamp = Math.floor((await this.queryStorage('timestamp.now', [], result.blockHash)).toNumber() / 1000);

    result.wait = async (confirms?: number, timeout?: number) => {
      if (confirms === null || confirms === undefined) {
        confirms = 1;
      if (timeout === null || timeout === undefined) {
        timeout = 0;

      return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
        const cancelFuncs: Array<() => void> = [];

        let done = false;

        const alreadyDone = function () {
          if (done) {
            return true;
          done = true;
          cancelFuncs.forEach((func) => {
          return false;

          .subscribeNewHeads((head) => {
            const blockNumber = head.number.toNumber();

            if ((confirms as number) <= blockNumber - startBlock + 1) {
              const receipt = this.getTransactionReceiptAtBlock(hash, startBlockHash);
              if (alreadyDone()) {
          .then((unsubscribe) => {
            cancelFuncs.push(() => {
          .catch((error) => {

        if (typeof timeout === 'number' && timeout > 0) {
          const timer = setTimeout(() => {
            if (alreadyDone()) {
            reject(logger.makeError('timeout exceeded', Logger.errors.TIMEOUT, { timeout: timeout }));
          }, timeout);

          if (timer.unref) {

          cancelFuncs.push(() => {

    return result;