@grafana/data APIs
- SelectableValue
- DataQuery
- DataSourceJsonData
- PanelProps
- PanelPlugin
- DataFrame
- DataSourcePluginOptionsEditorProps
- DataSourceInstanceSettings
- FieldType
- DataSourcePlugin
- DataSourceApi
- MetricFindValue
- PanelEditorProps
- GrafanaTheme
- getDisplayProcessor
- DataQueryError
- DataQueryRequest
- DataQueryResponse
- MutableDataFrame
- ArrayVector
- LoadingState
- KeyValue
- AppPluginMeta
- PluginMeta
- AppPlugin
- NavModelItem
- ThresholdsMode
- DisplayValue
- formattedValueToString
- FieldConfig
- FieldColorMode
- GraphSeriesValue
- FieldDisplayOptions
- GraphSeriesXY
- TimeZone
- ReducerID
- AppEvents
- DataSourceSelectItem
- NullValueMode
- getFlotPairs
- getValueFormat
- AbsoluteTimeRange
- AnnotationEvent
- PanelData
- getTimeField
- reduceField
- getSeriesTimeStep
- hasMsResolution
- FieldColor
- MutableField
- AppRootProps
- GrafanaThemeType
- PanelPluginMeta
- ScopedVars
- PluginBuildInfo
- PluginState
- VizOrientation
- Field
- TimeSeriesValue
- FormattedValue
- DisplayValueAlignmentFactors
- getColorFromHexRgbOrName
- getColorDefinitionByName
- getNamedColorPalette
- getColorName
- getColorForTheme
- deprecationWarning
- DataLink
- VariableSuggestion
- VariableOrigin
- LinkModelSupplier
- DataSourceSettings
- applyFieldOverrides
- FieldConfigSource
- InterpolateFunction
- FieldMatcherID
- toDataFrame
- standardFieldConfigEditorRegistry
- FieldOverrideContext
- FieldConfigEditorProps
- FieldOverrideEditorProps
- ValueMapping
- toIntegerOrUndefined
- toFloatOrUndefined
- FieldPropertyEditorItem
- ThresholdsConfig
- getActiveThreshold
- Threshold
- dateTime
- TimeRange
- DefaultTimeZone
- createDimension
- DateTimeInput
- FlotDataPoint
- getValueFromDimension
- getColumnFromDimension
- FieldCache
- LogRowModel
- LogLevel
- calculateFieldStats
- calculateLogsLabelStats
- calculateStats
- getParser
- LinkModel
- Labels
- findHighlightChunksInText
- LogsDedupStrategy
- fieldMatchers
- Registry
- stringToMs
- toNumberString
- fieldReducers
- sortThresholds
- MappingType
- PanelModel
- ConfigOverrideRule
- validateFieldConfig
- readCSV
- DateTime
- dateTimeAsMoment
- TimeFragment
- isDateTime
- rangeUtil
- TimeOption
- dateMath
- dateTimeForTimeZone
- getTimeZoneGroups
- RawTimeRange
- FilterFieldsByNameTransformerOptions
- DataTransformerID
- transformersRegistry
- FilterFramesByRefIdTransformerOptions
- ReduceTransformerOptions
- DataTransformerConfig
- transformDataFrame
- getValueFormats
- GrafanaThemeCommons
- setLocale
- setMarkdownOptions
- escapeStringForRegex
- unEscapeStringFromRegex
- UserOrgDTO
- NavModel
- NavModelBreadcrumb
- renderMarkdown
- LogsMetaKind
- findCommonLabels
- findUniqueLabels
- getLogLevel
- getLogLevelFromKey
- LogsModel
- LogsMetaItem
- toUtc
- FieldWithIndex
- NavIndex
- PanelEvents
- OrgRole
- eventFactory
- TableData
- Column
- ValueFormatter
- stringToJsRegex
- DecimalCount
- AppEvent
- ExploreMode
- CoreApp
- HistoryItem
- IntervalValues
- toCSV
- DynamicConfigValue
- FieldConfigEditorRegistry
- VariableSuggestionsScope
- DefaultTimeRange
- toDataFrameDTO
- PanelMenuItem
- PluginType
- toLegacyResponseData
- DataQueryResponseData
- guessFieldTypes
- DataSourcePluginMeta
- DataSourceConstructor
- PluginInclude
- PluginMetaInfo
- toDuration
- LogsDedupDescription
- QueryFixAction
- TimeSeries
- LegacyResponseData
- AngularPanelMenuItem
- FieldDisplay
- DataFrameView
- GrafanaPlugin
- PluginDependencies
- PluginIncludeType
- onUpdateDatasourceJsonDataOptionSelect
- onUpdateDatasourceOption
- onUpdateDatasourceResetOption
- onUpdateDatasourceJsonDataOption
- onUpdateDatasourceSecureJsonDataOption
- updateDatasourcePluginOption
- updateDatasourcePluginResetOption
- updateDatasourcePluginJsonDataOption
- updateDatasourcePluginSecureJsonDataOption
- ExploreStartPageProps
- DataFrameDTO
- AnnotationQueryRequest
- LanguageProvider
- formatLabels
- parseLabels
- CircularDataFrame
- QueryHint
- isDataFrame
- QueryFix
- CSVReader
- DurationUnit
- getFieldDisplayValues
- getDisplayValueAlignmentFactors
- getFlotPairsConstant
- CreatePlotOverlay
- isTableData
- stringStartsAsRegEx
- base64StringToArrowTable
- arrowTableToDataFrame
- FieldConfigProperty
Other Related APIs
@grafana/data#AppRootProps TypeScript Examples
The following examples show how to use
You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like,
and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example #1
Source File: ExampleRootPage.tsx From grafana-starter-app with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
![]() ![]() |
ExampleRootPage = React.memo(function ExampleRootPage(props: AppRootProps) {
const {
query: { tab },
} = props;
// Required to support grafana instances that use a custom `root_url`.
const pathWithoutLeadingSlash = path.replace(/^\//, '');
// Update the navigation when the tab or path changes
const navModel = useNavModel(
useMemo(() => ({ tab, pages, path: pathWithoutLeadingSlash, meta }), [meta, pathWithoutLeadingSlash, tab])
useEffect(() => {
}, [navModel, onNavChanged]);
const Page = pages.find(({ id }) => id === tab)?.component || pages[0].component;
return <Page {...props} path={pathWithoutLeadingSlash} />;
Example #2
Source File: module.ts From grafana-starter-app with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
![]() ![]() |
plugin = new AppPlugin<ExampleAppSettings>()
.setRootPage((ExampleRootPage as unknown) as ComponentClass<AppRootProps>)
title: 'Page 1',
icon: 'info-circle',
body: ExamplePage1,
id: 'page1',
title: 'Page 2',
icon: 'user',
body: ExamplePage2,
id: 'page2',
Example #3
Source File: A.tsx From grafana-starter-app with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
![]() ![]() |
A: FC<AppRootProps> = ({ query, path, meta }) => {
return (
<a href={path + '?x=1'}>Change query to 1</a>
<a href={path + '?x=AAA'}>Change query to AAA</a>
<a href={path + '?x=1&y=2&y=3'}>Put multiple properties into the query</a>
<br />
QUERY: <pre>{JSON.stringify(query)}</pre>
<br />
Stored configuration data: