@grafana/data APIs
- SelectableValue
- DataQuery
- DataSourceJsonData
- PanelProps
- PanelPlugin
- DataFrame
- DataSourcePluginOptionsEditorProps
- DataSourceInstanceSettings
- FieldType
- DataSourcePlugin
- DataSourceApi
- MetricFindValue
- PanelEditorProps
- GrafanaTheme
- getDisplayProcessor
- DataQueryError
- DataQueryRequest
- DataQueryResponse
- MutableDataFrame
- ArrayVector
- LoadingState
- KeyValue
- AppPluginMeta
- PluginMeta
- AppPlugin
- NavModelItem
- ThresholdsMode
- DisplayValue
- formattedValueToString
- FieldConfig
- FieldColorMode
- GraphSeriesValue
- FieldDisplayOptions
- GraphSeriesXY
- TimeZone
- ReducerID
- AppEvents
- DataSourceSelectItem
- NullValueMode
- getFlotPairs
- getValueFormat
- AbsoluteTimeRange
- AnnotationEvent
- PanelData
- getTimeField
- reduceField
- getSeriesTimeStep
- hasMsResolution
- FieldColor
- MutableField
- AppRootProps
- GrafanaThemeType
- PanelPluginMeta
- ScopedVars
- PluginBuildInfo
- PluginState
- VizOrientation
- Field
- TimeSeriesValue
- FormattedValue
- DisplayValueAlignmentFactors
- getColorFromHexRgbOrName
- getColorDefinitionByName
- getNamedColorPalette
- getColorName
- getColorForTheme
- deprecationWarning
- DataLink
- VariableSuggestion
- VariableOrigin
- LinkModelSupplier
- DataSourceSettings
- applyFieldOverrides
- FieldConfigSource
- InterpolateFunction
- FieldMatcherID
- toDataFrame
- standardFieldConfigEditorRegistry
- FieldOverrideContext
- FieldConfigEditorProps
- FieldOverrideEditorProps
- ValueMapping
- toIntegerOrUndefined
- toFloatOrUndefined
- FieldPropertyEditorItem
- ThresholdsConfig
- getActiveThreshold
- Threshold
- dateTime
- TimeRange
- DefaultTimeZone
- createDimension
- DateTimeInput
- FlotDataPoint
- getValueFromDimension
- getColumnFromDimension
- FieldCache
- LogRowModel
- LogLevel
- calculateFieldStats
- calculateLogsLabelStats
- calculateStats
- getParser
- LinkModel
- Labels
- findHighlightChunksInText
- LogsDedupStrategy
- fieldMatchers
- Registry
- stringToMs
- toNumberString
- fieldReducers
- sortThresholds
- MappingType
- PanelModel
- ConfigOverrideRule
- validateFieldConfig
- readCSV
- DateTime
- dateTimeAsMoment
- TimeFragment
- isDateTime
- rangeUtil
- TimeOption
- dateMath
- dateTimeForTimeZone
- getTimeZoneGroups
- RawTimeRange
- FilterFieldsByNameTransformerOptions
- DataTransformerID
- transformersRegistry
- FilterFramesByRefIdTransformerOptions
- ReduceTransformerOptions
- DataTransformerConfig
- transformDataFrame
- getValueFormats
- GrafanaThemeCommons
- setLocale
- setMarkdownOptions
- escapeStringForRegex
- unEscapeStringFromRegex
- UserOrgDTO
- NavModel
- NavModelBreadcrumb
- renderMarkdown
- LogsMetaKind
- findCommonLabels
- findUniqueLabels
- getLogLevel
- getLogLevelFromKey
- LogsModel
- LogsMetaItem
- toUtc
- FieldWithIndex
- NavIndex
- PanelEvents
- OrgRole
- eventFactory
- TableData
- Column
- ValueFormatter
- stringToJsRegex
- DecimalCount
- AppEvent
- ExploreMode
- CoreApp
- HistoryItem
- IntervalValues
- toCSV
- DynamicConfigValue
- FieldConfigEditorRegistry
- VariableSuggestionsScope
- DefaultTimeRange
- toDataFrameDTO
- PanelMenuItem
- PluginType
- toLegacyResponseData
- DataQueryResponseData
- guessFieldTypes
- DataSourcePluginMeta
- DataSourceConstructor
- PluginInclude
- PluginMetaInfo
- toDuration
- LogsDedupDescription
- QueryFixAction
- TimeSeries
- LegacyResponseData
- AngularPanelMenuItem
- FieldDisplay
- DataFrameView
- GrafanaPlugin
- PluginDependencies
- PluginIncludeType
- onUpdateDatasourceJsonDataOptionSelect
- onUpdateDatasourceOption
- onUpdateDatasourceResetOption
- onUpdateDatasourceJsonDataOption
- onUpdateDatasourceSecureJsonDataOption
- updateDatasourcePluginOption
- updateDatasourcePluginResetOption
- updateDatasourcePluginJsonDataOption
- updateDatasourcePluginSecureJsonDataOption
- ExploreStartPageProps
- DataFrameDTO
- AnnotationQueryRequest
- LanguageProvider
- formatLabels
- parseLabels
- CircularDataFrame
- QueryHint
- isDataFrame
- QueryFix
- CSVReader
- DurationUnit
- getFieldDisplayValues
- getDisplayValueAlignmentFactors
- getFlotPairsConstant
- CreatePlotOverlay
- isTableData
- stringStartsAsRegEx
- base64StringToArrowTable
- arrowTableToDataFrame
- FieldConfigProperty
Other Related APIs
@grafana/data#ExploreStartPageProps TypeScript Examples
The following examples show how to use
You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like,
and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example #1
Source File: InfluxStartPage.tsx From grafana-chinese with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
![]() ![]() |
export default class InfluxStartPage extends PureComponent<ExploreStartPageProps> {
render() {
return <InfluxCheatSheet onClickExample={this.props.onClickExample} />;
Example #2
Source File: LokiCheatSheet.tsx From grafana-chinese with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
![]() ![]() |
export default class LokiCheatSheet extends PureComponent<ExploreStartPageProps, { userExamples: string[] }> {
userLabelTimer: NodeJS.Timeout;
state = {
componentDidMount() {
componentWillUnmount() {
scheduleUserLabelChecking() {
this.userLabelTimer = setTimeout(this.checkUserLabels, 1000);
checkUserLabels = async () => {
// Set example from user labels
const provider: LokiLanguageProvider = this.props.datasource.languageProvider;
if (provider.started) {
const labels = provider.getLabelKeys() || [];
const preferredLabel = PREFERRED_LABELS.find(l => labels.includes(l));
if (preferredLabel) {
const values = await provider.getLabelValues(preferredLabel);
const userExamples = shuffle(values)
.map(value => `{${preferredLabel}="${value}"}`);
this.setState({ userExamples });
} else {
renderExpression(expr: string) {
const { onClickExample } = this.props;
return (
onClick={e => onClickExample({ refId: 'A', expr } as DataQuery)}
renderLogsCheatSheet() {
const { userExamples } = this.state;
return (
<h2>Loki Cheat Sheet</h2>
<div className="cheat-sheet-item">
<div className="cheat-sheet-item__title">See your logs</div>
<div className="cheat-sheet-item__label">Start by selecting a log stream from the Log labels selector.</div>
<div className="cheat-sheet-item__label">
Alternatively, you can write a stream selector into the query field:
{userExamples !== DEFAULT_EXAMPLES && userExamples.length > 0 ? (
<div className="cheat-sheet-item__label">Here are some example streams from your logs:</div>
{userExamples.map(example => this.renderExpression(example))}
) : null}
<div className="cheat-sheet-item">
<div className="cheat-sheet-item__title">Combine stream selectors</div>
<div className="cheat-sheet-item__label">Returns all log lines from streams that have both labels.</div>
<div className="cheat-sheet-item">
<div className="cheat-sheet-item__title">Filtering for search terms.</div>
{this.renderExpression('{app="cassandra"} |~ "(duration|latency)s*(=|is|of)s*[d.]+"')}
{this.renderExpression('{app="cassandra"} |= "exact match"')}
{this.renderExpression('{app="cassandra"} != "do not match"')}
<div className="cheat-sheet-item__label">
<a href="https://github.com/grafana/loki/blob/master/docs/logql.md#filter-expression" target="logql">
</a>{' '}
supports exact and regular expression filters.
renderMetricsCheatSheet() {
return (
<h2>LogQL Cheat Sheet</h2>
{LOGQL_EXAMPLES.map(item => (
<div className="cheat-sheet-item" key={item.expression}>
<div className="cheat-sheet-item__title">{item.title}</div>
<div className="cheat-sheet-item__label">{item.label}</div>
render() {
const { exploreMode } = this.props;
return exploreMode === ExploreMode.Logs ? this.renderLogsCheatSheet() : this.renderMetricsCheatSheet();