@grafana/data#FieldPropertyEditorItem TypeScript Examples

The following examples show how to use @grafana/data#FieldPropertyEditorItem. You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example #1
Source File: FieldConfigEditor.tsx    From grafana-chinese with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
renderEditor(item: FieldPropertyEditorItem, custom: boolean) {
    const { data } = this.props;
    const config = this.props.config.defaults;
    const value = custom ? (config.custom ? config.custom[item.id] : undefined) : (config as any)[item.id];

    return (
      <Forms.Field label={item.name} description={item.description} key={`${item.id}/${custom}`}>
          onChange={v => this.setDefaultValue(item.id, v, custom)}
            getSuggestions: (scope?: VariableSuggestionsScope) => getDataLinksVariableSuggestions(data, scope),
Example #2
Source File: custom.tsx    From grafana-chinese with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
tableFieldRegistry: FieldConfigEditorRegistry = new Registry<FieldPropertyEditorItem>(() => {
  const columWidth: FieldPropertyEditorItem<number, NumberFieldConfigSettings> = {
    id: 'width', // Match field properties
    name: 'Column width',
    description: 'column width (for table)',

    editor: NumberValueEditor,
    override: NumberOverrideEditor,
    process: numberOverrideProcessor,

    settings: {
      placeholder: 'auto',
      min: 20,
      max: 300,

    shouldApply: () => true,

  const cellDisplayMode: FieldPropertyEditorItem<string, SelectFieldConfigSettings<string>> = {
    id: 'displayMode', // Match field properties
    name: 'Cell display mode',
    description: 'Color value, background, show as gauge, etc',

    editor: SelectValueEditor,
    override: SelectOverrideEditor,
    process: selectOverrideProcessor,

    settings: {
      options: [
        { value: 'auto', label: 'Auto' },
        { value: 'color-background', label: 'Color background' },
        { value: 'gradient-gauge', label: 'Gradient gauge' },
        { value: 'lcd-gauge', label: 'LCD gauge' },

    shouldApply: () => true,

  return [columWidth, cellDisplayMode];
Example #3
Source File: standardFieldConfigEditors.tsx    From grafana-chinese with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
getStandardFieldConfigs = () => {
  const title: FieldPropertyEditorItem<string, StringFieldConfigSettings> = {
    id: 'title', // Match field properties
    name: 'Title',
    description: 'The field title',

    editor: StringValueEditor,
    override: StringOverrideEditor,
    process: stringOverrideProcessor,
    settings: {
      placeholder: 'auto',
      expandTemplateVars: true,
    shouldApply: field => field.type !== FieldType.time,

  const unit: FieldPropertyEditorItem<string, StringFieldConfigSettings> = {
    id: 'unit', // Match field properties
    name: 'Unit',
    description: 'value units',

    editor: UnitValueEditor,
    override: UnitOverrideEditor,
    process: stringOverrideProcessor,

    settings: {
      placeholder: 'none',

    shouldApply: field => field.type === FieldType.number,

  const min: FieldPropertyEditorItem<number, NumberFieldConfigSettings> = {
    id: 'min', // Match field properties
    name: 'Min',
    description: 'Minimum expected value',

    editor: NumberValueEditor,
    override: NumberOverrideEditor,
    process: numberOverrideProcessor,

    settings: {
      placeholder: 'auto',
    shouldApply: field => field.type === FieldType.number,

  const max: FieldPropertyEditorItem<number, NumberFieldConfigSettings> = {
    id: 'max', // Match field properties
    name: 'Max',
    description: 'Maximum expected value',

    editor: NumberValueEditor,
    override: NumberOverrideEditor,
    process: numberOverrideProcessor,

    settings: {
      placeholder: 'auto',

    shouldApply: field => field.type === FieldType.number,

  const decimals: FieldPropertyEditorItem<number, NumberFieldConfigSettings> = {
    id: 'decimals', // Match field properties
    name: 'Decimals',
    description: 'How many decimal places should be shown on a number',

    editor: NumberValueEditor,
    override: NumberOverrideEditor,
    process: numberOverrideProcessor,

    settings: {
      placeholder: 'auto',
      min: 0,
      max: 15,
      integer: true,

    shouldApply: field => field.type === FieldType.number,

  const thresholds: FieldPropertyEditorItem<ThresholdsConfig, ThresholdsFieldConfigSettings> = {
    id: 'thresholds', // Match field properties
    name: 'Thresholds',
    description: 'Manage Thresholds',

    editor: ThresholdsValueEditor,
    override: ThresholdsOverrideEditor,
    process: thresholdsOverrideProcessor,

    settings: {
      // ??

    shouldApply: field => field.type === FieldType.number,

  const mappings: FieldPropertyEditorItem<ValueMapping[], ValueMappingFieldConfigSettings> = {
    id: 'mappings', // Match field properties
    name: 'Value mappings',
    description: 'Manage value mappings',

    editor: ValueMappingsValueEditor,
    override: ValueMappingsOverrideEditor,
    process: valueMappingsOverrideProcessor,
    settings: {
      // ??

    shouldApply: field => field.type === FieldType.number,

  const noValue: FieldPropertyEditorItem<string, StringFieldConfigSettings> = {
    id: 'noValue', // Match field properties
    name: 'No Value',
    description: 'What to show when there is no value',

    editor: StringValueEditor,
    override: StringOverrideEditor,
    process: stringOverrideProcessor,

    settings: {
      placeholder: '-',
    // ??? any field with no value
    shouldApply: () => true,

  const links: FieldPropertyEditorItem<DataLink[], StringFieldConfigSettings> = {
    id: 'links', // Match field properties
    name: 'DataLinks',
    description: 'Manage date links',
    editor: DataLinksValueEditor,
    override: DataLinksOverrideEditor,
    process: dataLinksOverrideProcessor,
    settings: {
      placeholder: '-',
    shouldApply: () => true,

  return [unit, min, max, decimals, thresholds, mappings, title, noValue, links];