@material-ui/icons#Gavel TypeScript Examples

The following examples show how to use @material-ui/icons#Gavel. You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example #1
Source File: with-different-variants.tsx    From react-component-library with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 6 votes vote down vote up
withDifferentVariants = (): StoryFnReactReturnType => {
    const [selected, setSelected] = useState('');

    const navGroupItems: NavItem[] = [
            title: 'Settings',
            itemID: '1',
            icon: <Settings />,
            onClick: (): void => setSelected('1'),
            title: 'Legal',
            itemID: '2',
            icon: <Gavel />,
            onClick: (): void => setSelected('2'),

    return (
            open={boolean('open', true)}
            variant={select('variant', ['permanent', 'persistent', 'temporary', 'rail'], 'persistent')}
            condensed={boolean('condensed (rail only)', false)}
                disableEnforceFocus: true,
            <DrawerHeader icon={<Menu />} title={'Drawer with variants'} />
                <DrawerNavGroup items={navGroupItems} />
Example #2
Source File: with-footer.tsx    From react-component-library with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 5 votes vote down vote up
withFooter = (): StoryFnReactReturnType => {
    const [selected, setSelected] = useState('');

    const navGroupItems: NavItem[] = [
            title: 'Settings',
            itemID: '1',
            icon: <Settings />,
            onClick: (): void => setSelected('1'),
            title: 'Legal',
            itemID: '2',
            icon: <Gavel />,
            onClick: (): void => setSelected('2'),

    return (
        <Drawer open={boolean('open', true)} activeItem={selected}>
            <DrawerHeader icon={<Menu />} title={'Footer Example'} />
                <DrawerNavGroup items={navGroupItems} />

                backgroundColor={color('backgroundColor', Colors.white[50])}
                hideContentOnCollapse={boolean('hideContentOnCollapse', true)}
                divider={boolean('divider', true)}
                        display: 'flex',
                        justifyContent: 'space-between',
                        alignItems: 'center',
                        flexDirection: 'row',
                        padding: 16,
                        src={useDarkMode() ? EatonFooterLogoDark : EatonFooterLogoLight}
                        alt="Eaton Logo"
                    <div style={{ display: 'flex', flexDirection: 'column', justifyContent: 'center' }}>
                        >{`Copyright \u00A9 Eaton ${new Date().getFullYear()}`}</Typography>
                        <Typography variant={'caption'}>All Rights Reserved</Typography>
Example #3
Source File: with-multiple-DrawerNavGroups.tsx    From react-component-library with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 5 votes vote down vote up
withMultipleNavGroups = (): StoryFnReactReturnType => {
    const [selected, setSelected] = useState('');

    const navGroupItems1: NavItem[] = [
            title: 'Identity Management',
            itemID: '1',
            icon: <Person />,
            onClick: (): void => setSelected('1'),
            title: 'Calendar',
            itemID: '2',
            icon: <Today />,
            onClick: (): void => setSelected('2'),
            title: 'Accessibility',
            itemID: '3',
            icon: <Accessibility />,
            onClick: (): void => setSelected('3'),
            title: 'Notifications',
            itemID: '4',
            icon: <NotificationsActive />,
            onClick: (): void => setSelected('4'),

    const navGroupItems2: NavItem[] = [
            title: 'Settings',
            itemID: '2-1',
            icon: <Settings />,
            onClick: (): void => setSelected('2-1'),
            title: 'Legal',
            itemID: '2-2',
            icon: <Gavel />,
            onClick: (): void => setSelected('2-2'),

    return (
        <Drawer open={boolean('open', true)} activeItem={selected}>
                icon={<Menu />}
                title={'Brightlayer UI Drawer'}
                subtitle={'with multiple navigation groups'}
                    title={text('navGroup[0].title', 'First DrawerNavGroup')}
                    titleDivider={boolean('titleDivider', true)}
                {boolean('Add Spacer', true) && <Spacer />}
                    title={text('navGroup[1].title', 'Second DrawerNavGroup')}
                    titleDivider={boolean('titleDivider', true)}