@mui/icons-material APIs
- Close
- Add
- Delete
- ExpandMore
- Settings
- Check
- Update
- GitHub
- MoreVert
- HelpOutline
- ChevronRight
- ExpandLess
- Menu
- FileCopy
- CheckBox
- CheckBoxOutlineBlank
- ArrowBack
- DeleteForever
- Visibility
- VisibilityOff
- Save
- Person
- Edit
- People
- ChevronLeft
- PlayArrow
- Home
- ExitToApp
- MoreHoriz
- WbSunny
- Download
- Upload
- Search
- HighlightOffOutlined
- ContentCopy
- Calculate
- ShoppingCart
- AccountBalance
- BarChart
- Paid
- Clear
- Cancel
- ArrowDownward
- ArrowUpward
- PhotoCamera
- Folder
- InfoOutlined
- Code
- KeyboardArrowDown
- Lock
- LockOpen
- Replay
- Favorite
- Build
- Refresh
- AssignmentInd
- Pets
- Public
- Group
- Brush
- KeyboardTab
- Phone
- HelpOutlineOutlined
- NetworkWifi
- CompareArrows
- AdminPanelSettings
- BugReport
- Logout
- Message
- AddCircle
- LockOutlined
- HomeOutlined
- BarChartOutlined
- MusicNote
- MusicNoteOutlined
- Album
- AlbumOutlined
- PersonOutlined
- SettingsOutlined
- Share
- ShareOutlined
- FastRewind
- Help
- Loop
- VolumeDown
- VolumeUp
- PauseCircle
- PlayCircle
- VolumeOff
- ChatBubbleOutline
- LockRounded
- WifiOffRounded
- VideocamOutlined
- AddRounded
- MoreVertRounded
- SyncProblem
- VideoCallOutlined
- GetAppRounded
- SaveAlt
- ErrorRounded
- InsertDriveFileRounded
- CheckCircleOutline
- CloudOff
- ClearAll
- CloseOutlined
- Link
- AttachmentOutlined
- CodeOutlined
- MailOutlineRounded
- Brightness7Rounded
- MenuRounded
- NightsStayRounded
- ArrowForward
- BrushRounded
- VisibilityRounded
- FileCopyRounded
- FavoriteRounded
- DesktopMacRounded
- PhoneAndroidRounded
- TabletMac
- ThumbUpOutlined
- ThumbDownOutlined
- AssistantPhotoOutlined
- Publish
- Create
- WbCloudy
- Computer
- KeyboardArrowUp
- BusinessCenter
- FavoriteBorder
- Groups
- Shuffle
- Difference
- SwapHoriz
- Info
- KeyboardDoubleArrowDown
- KeyboardDoubleArrowUp
- PersonAdd
- Checkroom
- FactCheck
- ArrowRightAlt
- Scanner
- Brightness4
- Brightness7
- Translate
- Backpack
- SettingsBrightness
- Equalizer
- Handyman
- SentimentVerySatisfied
- SentimentDissatisfied
- SentimentSatisfied
- AccessTime
- Remove
- ArrowDropDown
- ArrowRight
- Undo
- Redo
- CreateNewFolder
- Description
- Outbox
- Inbox
- DriveFileRenameOutline
- ContentPaste
- Block
- Star
- StarBorder
- Security
- Today
- Event
- Login
- Sick
- FaceRetouchingOff
- Fireplace
- ErrorOutline
- Stop
- ViewList
- Send
- PlayCircleFilledWhite
- PlaylistAddCheck
- Telegram
- VerifiedUser
- Notifications
- MenuOpen
- GppGood
- ContactPhone
- Payment
- FolderShared
- Class
- Shield
- MoveUp
- VolunteerActivism
- DisplaySettings
- Apartment
- BusAlert
- Category
- FilterNone
- Forest
- MedicalServices
- School
- SportsTennis
- TheaterComedy
- ReportGmailerrorred
- ArrowCircleUp
- UploadFile
- YouTube
- Web
- AccountCircle
- AccessibilityNew
- Chat
- FolderOpen
- FileCopyOutlined
- KeyboardBackspace
- CheckCircleOutlined
- ReportProblemOutlined
- ManageAccounts
- PhotoLibrary
- SettingsBackupRestore
- SupervisorAccount
- Api
- FeaturedPlayList
- BugReportOutlined
- NewReleases
- ColorLens
- FolderOutlined
- Apps
- SpeakerNotes
- LocalCafe
- BurstModeSharp
- DevicesOther
- VideoLibrary
- AddOutlined
- DeleteOutlineOutlined
- EditOutlined
- MoreHorizOutlined
- Bookmarks
- CopyAll
- InsertComment
- KeyboardArrowRight
- FileDownload
- Done
- PendingOutlined
- HelpOutlineRounded
- ReportProblem
- HelpOutlined
Other Related APIs
@mui/icons-material#Send TypeScript Examples
The following examples show how to use
You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like,
and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example #1
Source File: Terminal.tsx From NekoMaid with MIT License | 4 votes |
![]() ![]() |
Terminal: React.FC = () => {
const logs = useMemo<JSX.Element[]>(() => [], [])
const ref = useRef<HTMLDivElement | null>(null)
const plugin = usePlugin()
const [, update] = useState(0)
const [open, setOpen] = useState(false)
const [command, setCommand] = useState('')
const [suggestions, setSuggestions] = useState<Array<[string, boolean] | [string]>>([])
const getSuggestions = useMemo(() => throttle(
(it: string) => {
let cmd = it.substr(0, it.lastIndexOf(' '))
if (cmd) cmd += ' '
return plugin.emit('console:complete', (data: string[] = []) => {
setSuggestions(JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(`NekoMaid:${address}:commandHistory`) || '[]').concat(data.map(c => [cmd + c] as [string])))
}, it)
), [])
const scrollToEnd = useMemo(() => throttle(
(elm: HTMLDivElement) => {
const select = (window.getSelection || document.getSelection)()
if (select && !select.isCollapsed) {
let node = select?.anchorNode
while (node && node !== document) {
if (node === elm) return
node = node.parentNode
if (elm) elm.lastElementChild?.scrollIntoView()
), [])
const execCommand = () => {
if (!command) return
plugin.emit('console:run', action, command)
const arr = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(`NekoMaid:${address}:commandHistory`) || '[]').filter((it: [string]) => it[0] !== command)
if (arr.length === 5) arr.pop()
arr.unshift([command, true])
localStorage.setItem(`NekoMaid:${address}:commandHistory`, JSON.stringify(arr))
useEffect(() => {
const runCommand = (it: string) => plugin.emit('console:run', action, it)
let lastLog: Log = {} as any
const onLog = (data: Log) => {
if (lastLog.logger === data.logger && (lastLog.time / 100 | 0) === (data.time / 100 | 0) &&
lastLog.level === data.level && (!lastLog.components === !data.components)) {
if (data.components) {
lastLog.components!.push(null as any)
lastLog.components = lastLog.components!.concat(data.components)
} else lastLog.msg += '\n' + data.msg
data = lastLog
} else lastLog = data
logs.push(parseLog(data, runCommand, setCommand))
const offLogs = plugin.on('console:logs', (it: Log[]) => {
logs.length = 0
const offLog = plugin.on('console:log', onLog)
return () => {
}, [])
useEffect(() => { ref.current && scrollToEnd(ref.current) }, [logs[logs.length - 1]])
return <Box sx={{
width: '100%',
height: '100vh',
overflow: 'hidden',
display: 'flex',
fontSize: '0.91rem',
flexDirection: 'column',
fontFamily: '"Roboto Mono","Helvetica","Arial",sans-serif',
'& p': {
margin: 0,
whiteSpace: 'pre-wrap',
wordBreak: 'break-word',
display: 'flex',
'& .msg': {
flex: '1'
'& .logger': {
color: theme => theme.palette.secondary.main,
fontStyle: 'italic'
'& .level': {
userSelect: 'none',
height: 'fit-content',
fontWeight: 'bolder',
cursor: 'pointer',
color: theme => theme.palette.primary.main
'& .white': {
textShadow: theme => theme.palette.mode === 'light' ? '#000 1px 0 0, #000 0 1px 0, #000 -1px 0 0, #000 0 -1px 0' : undefined
'& .black': {
textShadow: theme => theme.palette.mode === 'dark' ? '#fff 1px 0 0, #fff 0 1px 0, #fff -1px 0 0, #fff 0 -1px 0' : undefined
'& .more': {
color: theme => theme.palette.secondary.main,
marginRight: '4px',
cursor: 'pointer',
textDecoration: 'underline'
'& .warn, & .warn .level': {
color: theme => theme.palette.warning.main
'& .error, & .error .level': {
color: theme => theme.palette.error.main
<Toolbar />
height: '100%',
overflow: 'hidden scroll',
backgroundColor: theme => theme.palette.background.default,
padding: theme => theme.spacing(1)
<Paper sx={{
display: 'flex',
borderRadius: '4px 4px 0 0',
padding: theme => theme.spacing(1),
zIndex: 2
onOpen={() => setOpen(true)}
onClose={() => setOpen(false)}
onFocus={() => getSuggestions(command)}
onKeyUp={(e: any) => e.key === 'Enter' && (!open || !suggestions.length) && execCommand()}
sx={{ flex: '1' }}
classes={{ popper: 'command-popper' }}
renderInput={params => <TextField {...params as any} label={lang.terminal.command} />}
getOptionLabel={it => typeof it === 'string' ? it : it[0]}
groupBy={it => it[1] ? lang.history : lang.terminal.command}
onInputChange={(_, it) => {
sx={{ margin: theme => theme.spacing('auto', 0, 'auto', 1) }}
><Send /></IconButton>