@mui/material#ButtonGroup TypeScript Examples
The following examples show how to use
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and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example #1
Source File: SortByButton.tsx From genshin-optimizer with MIT License | 6 votes |
// Assumes that all the sortKeys has corresponding translations in ui.json sortMap
export default function SortByButton({ sortKeys, value, onChange, ascending, onChangeAsc, ...props }: SortByButtonProps) {
const { t } = useTranslation("ui")
return <Box display="flex" alignItems="center" gap={1}>
<Trans t={t} i18nKey={t("sortBy") as any}>Sort by: </Trans>
<ButtonGroup {...props} >
<DropdownButton title={<Trans t={t} i18nKey={t(`sortMap.${value}`) as any}>{{ value: t(`sortMap.${value}`) }}</Trans>}>
{sortKeys.map(key =>
<MenuItem key={key} selected={value === key} disabled={value === key} onClick={() => onChange(key)}>{t(`sortMap.${key}`) as any}</MenuItem>)}
<Button onClick={() => onChangeAsc(!ascending)} startIcon={<FontAwesomeIcon icon={ascending ? faSortAmountDownAlt : faSortAmountUp} className="fa-fw" />}>
{ascending ? <Trans t={t} i18nKey="ascending" >Ascending</Trans> : <Trans t={t} i18nKey="descending" >Descending</Trans>}
Example #2
Source File: StatFilterCard.tsx From genshin-optimizer with MIT License | 6 votes |
export function StatFilterItem({ statKey, statKeys = [], value = 0, close, setFilter, disabled = false }: {
statKey?: string, statKeys: string[], value?: number, close?: () => void, setFilter: (statKey: string, value?: number) => void, disabled?: boolean
}) {
const isFloat = KeyMap.unit(statKey) === "%"
const onChange = useCallback(s => statKey && setFilter(statKey, s), [setFilter, statKey])
return <ButtonGroup sx={{ width: "100%" }}>
title={statKey ? KeyMap.get(statKey) : "New Stat"}
color={statKey ? "success" : "secondary"}
{statKeys.map(sKey => <MenuItem key={sKey} onClick={() => { close?.(); setFilter(sKey, value) }}>{KeyMap.get(sKey)}</MenuItem>)}
<CustomNumberInputButtonGroupWrapper sx={{ flexBasis: 30, flexGrow: 1 }}>
placeholder="Min Value"
sx={{ px: 2 }}
{!!close && <Button color="error" onClick={close} disabled={disabled}><FontAwesomeIcon icon={faTrashAlt} /></Button>}
Example #3
Source File: LocaleSwitcher.tsx From frontend with MIT License | 6 votes |
export default function LocaleSwitcher() {
const { t } = useTranslation()
const router = useRouter()
const changeLang = useCallback(
// Same route different language
(locale: string) => () => router.push(router.route, router.asPath, { locale }),
return (
<Box textAlign="center">
<ButtonGroup disableRipple variant="outlined" aria-label="text primary button group">
<Button onClick={changeLang('bg')}>{t('BG')}</Button>
<Button onClick={changeLang('en')}>{t('EN')}</Button>
Example #4
Source File: EXPCalc.tsx From genshin-optimizer with MIT License | 6 votes |
function BookDisplay(props) {
let { bookKey, value = 0, setValue, required = 0 } = props
return <CardLight>
<CardContent sx={{ py: 1 }}>
<Divider />
<Grid container>
<Grid item xs={3}><ImgFullwidth src={booksData[bookKey].img} /></Grid>
<Grid item xs={9}>
<ButtonGroup sx={{ display: "flex" }}>
<CustomNumberInputButtonGroupWrapper sx={{ flexBasis: 30, flexGrow: 1 }}>
onChange={(val) => setValue(Math.max(val ?? 0, 0))}
sx={{ px: 2 }}
<Box display="flex" justifyContent="space-between" mt={1}>
<Typography><b ><ColorText color={required ? "success" : ""}>{required}</ColorText></b></Typography>
</CardLight >
Example #5
Source File: ConditionalSelector.tsx From genshin-optimizer with MIT License | 6 votes |
function MultipleConditionalSelector({ conditional, disabled }: MultipleConditionalSelectorProps) {
const { character, characterDispatch, data } = useContext(DataContext)
const setConditional = useCallback((path: readonly string[], v?: string) => {
const conditionalValues = deepClone(character.conditional)
if (v) {
layeredAssignment(conditionalValues, path, v)
} else {
deletePropPath(conditionalValues, path)
characterDispatch({ conditional: conditionalValues })
}, [character, characterDispatch])
return <ButtonGroup fullWidth orientation="vertical" disableElevation color="secondary" >
{Object.entries(conditional.states).map(([stateKey, st]) => {
const conditionalValue = data.get(st.value).value
const isSelected = conditionalValue === stateKey
return <Button
color={isSelected ? "success" : "primary"}
onClick={() => setConditional(st.path, conditionalValue ? undefined : stateKey)}
startIcon={isSelected ? <CheckBox /> : <CheckBoxOutlineBlank />}
sx={{ borderRadius: 0 }}
Example #6
Source File: UseEquipped.tsx From genshin-optimizer with MIT License | 5 votes |
function SelectItem({ characterKey, rank, maxRank, setRank, onRemove, numAbove }: {
characterKey: CharacterKey,
rank: number,
maxRank: number,
setRank: (r: number | undefined) => void,
onRemove: () => void,
numAbove: number,
}) {
const { t } = useTranslation("page_character")
const { database } = useContext(DatabaseContext)
const character = useCharacter(characterKey)
if (!character) return null
const { equippedWeapon, equippedArtifacts } = character
return <CardLight sx={{ p: 1 }} >
<Box sx={{ pb: 1, display: "flex", justifyContent: "space-between", gap: 1 }}>
<SqBadge color="info">
<SqBadge sx={{ flexGrow: 1 }} color={numAbove === (rank - 1) ? "warning" : (rank - 1) < numAbove ? "error" : "success"}>
<Typography>{numAbove === (rank - 1) ? <Trans t={t} i18nKey="tabOptimize.useEquipped.modal.status.curr">Current character</Trans>
: (rank - 1) < numAbove ? <Trans t={t} i18nKey="tabOptimize.useEquipped.modal.status.dont">Don't Use artifacts</Trans> :
<Trans t={t} i18nKey="tabOptimize.useEquipped.modal.status.use">Use artifacts</Trans>}</Typography>
<ButtonGroup sx={{ flexGrow: 1 }} size="small">
<CustomNumberInputButtonGroupWrapper >
<CustomNumberInput onChange={setRank} value={rank}
// startAdornment="Rank:"
inputProps={{ min: 1, max: maxRank, sx: { textAlign: "center" } }}
sx={{ width: "100%", height: "100%", pl: 2 }} />
<Button disabled={rank === 1} onClick={() => setRank(1)} >
<KeyboardDoubleArrowUp />
<Button disabled={rank === 1} onClick={() => setRank(rank - 1)} >
<KeyboardArrowUp />
<Button disabled={rank === maxRank} onClick={() => setRank(rank + 1)} >
<KeyboardArrowDown />
<Button disabled={rank === maxRank} onClick={() => setRank(maxRank)} >
<KeyboardDoubleArrowDown />
<Button color="error" onClick={onRemove}>
<Close />
<Grid container columns={7} spacing={1}>
<Grid item xs={1} >
<CharacterCardPico characterKey={characterKey} />
<Grid item xs={1}><WeaponCardPico weaponId={equippedWeapon} /></Grid>
{Object.entries(equippedArtifacts).map(([slotKey, aId]) => <Grid item xs={1} key={slotKey} ><ArtifactCardPico slotKey={slotKey} artifactObj={database._getArt(aId)} /></Grid>)}
Example #7
Source File: index.tsx From genshin-optimizer with MIT License | 5 votes |
function ResinCounter() {
const [{ resin, date }, setResinState] = useDBState("ToolsDisplayResin", initToolsDisplayResin)
const resinIncrement = useRef(undefined as undefined | NodeJS.Timeout)
const setResin = (newResin: number) => {
if (newResin >= RESIN_MAX) {
resinIncrement.current && clearTimeout(resinIncrement.current)
resinIncrement.current = undefined
} else
resinIncrement.current = setTimeout(() => console.log("set resin", newResin + 1), RESIN_RECH_MS);
setResinState({ resin: newResin, date: new Date().getTime() })
useEffect(() => {
if (resin < RESIN_MAX) {
const now = Date.now()
const resinToMax = RESIN_MAX - resin
const resinSinceLastDate = Math.min(Math.floor((now - date) / (RESIN_RECH_MS)), resinToMax)
const catchUpResin = resin + resinSinceLastDate
const newDate = date + resinSinceLastDate * RESIN_RECH_MS
setResinState({ resin: catchUpResin, date: newDate })
if (catchUpResin < RESIN_MAX)
resinIncrement.current = setTimeout(() => setResin(catchUpResin + 1), now - newDate);
return () => resinIncrement.current && clearTimeout(resinIncrement.current)
// eslint-disable-next-line
}, [])
const nextResinDateNum = resin >= RESIN_MAX ? date : date + RESIN_RECH_MS;
const resinFullDateNum = resin >= RESIN_MAX ? date : (date + (RESIN_MAX - resin) * RESIN_RECH_MS)
const resinFullDate = new Date(resinFullDateNum)
const nextDeltaString = timeString(Math.abs(nextResinDateNum - Date.now()))
return <CardDark>
<Grid container sx={{ px: 2, py: 1 }} spacing={2} >
<Grid item>
<ImgIcon src={Assets.resin.fragile} sx={{ fontSize: "2em" }} />
<Grid item >
<Typography variant="h6">Resin Counter</Typography>
<Divider />
<Grid container spacing={2}>
<Grid item>
<Typography variant="h2">
<ImgIcon src={Assets.resin.fragile} />
<InputBase type="number" sx={{ width: "2em", fontSize: "4rem" }} value={resin} inputProps={{ min: 0, max: 999, sx: { textAlign: "right" } }} onChange={(e => setResin(parseInt(e.target.value)))} />
<Grid item flexGrow={1}>
<ButtonGroup fullWidth >
<Button onClick={() => setResin(0)} disabled={resin === 0}>0</Button>
<Button onClick={() => setResin(resin - 1)} disabled={resin === 0}>-1</Button>
<Button onClick={() => setResin(resin - 20)} disabled={resin < 20}>-20</Button>
<Button onClick={() => setResin(resin - 40)} disabled={resin < 40}>-40</Button>
<Button onClick={() => setResin(resin - 60)} disabled={resin < 60}>-60</Button>
<Button onClick={() => setResin(resin + 1)}>+1</Button>
<Button onClick={() => setResin(resin + 60)}>+60</Button>
<Button onClick={() => setResin(RESIN_MAX)} disabled={resin === RESIN_MAX}>MAX {RESIN_MAX}</Button>
<Typography variant="subtitle1" sx={{ mt: 2 }}>
{resin < RESIN_MAX ? <span>Next resin in {nextDeltaString}, full Resin at {resinFullDate.toLocaleTimeString()} {resinFullDate.toLocaleDateString()}</span> :
<span>Resin has been full for at least {nextDeltaString}, since {resinFullDate.toLocaleTimeString()} {resinFullDate.toLocaleDateString()}</span>}
<Grid item xs={12}>
<Typography variant="caption">Because we do not provide a mechanism to synchronize resin time, actual resin recharge time might be as much as 8 minutes earlier than predicted.</Typography>
Example #8
Source File: index.tsx From genshin-optimizer with MIT License | 5 votes |
function CharSelectDropdown() {
const { t } = useTranslation("page_character")
const { character, characterSheet, characterDispatch } = useContext(DataContext)
const [showModal, setshowModal] = useState(false)
const setCharacter = useCharSelectionCallback()
const setLevel = useCallback((level) => {
level = clamp(level, 1, 90)
const ascension = ascensionMaxLevel.findIndex(ascenML => level <= ascenML)
characterDispatch({ level, ascension })
}, [characterDispatch])
const setAscension = useCallback(() => {
if (!character) return
const { level = 1, ascension = 0 } = character
const lowerAscension = ascensionMaxLevel.findIndex(ascenML => level !== 90 && level === ascenML)
if (ascension === lowerAscension) characterDispatch({ ascension: ascension + 1 })
else characterDispatch({ ascension: lowerAscension })
}, [characterDispatch, character])
const { elementKey = "anemo", level = 1, ascension = 0 } = character
return <>
<CharacterSelectionModal show={showModal} onHide={() => setshowModal(false)} onSelect={setCharacter} />
<Grid container spacing={1}>
<Grid item>
<Button color="info" onClick={() => setshowModal(true)} startIcon={<ThumbSide src={characterSheet?.thumbImgSide} />} >{characterSheet?.name ?? t("selectCharacter")}</Button>
<Grid item>
<ButtonGroup sx={{ bgcolor: t => t.palette.contentDark.main }} >
{characterSheet?.sheet && "talents" in characterSheet?.sheet && <DropdownButton title={<strong><ColorText color={elementKey}>{sgt(`element.${elementKey}`)}</ColorText></strong>}>
{Object.keys(characterSheet.sheet.talents).map(eleKey =>
<MenuItem key={eleKey} selected={elementKey === eleKey} disabled={elementKey === eleKey} onClick={() => characterDispatch({ elementKey: eleKey })}>
<strong><ColorText color={eleKey}>{sgt(`element.${eleKey}`)}</ColorText></strong></MenuItem>)}
<CustomNumberInputButtonGroupWrapper >
<CustomNumberInput onChange={setLevel} value={level}
startAdornment="Lv. "
inputProps={{ min: 1, max: 90, sx: { textAlign: "center" } }}
sx={{ width: "100%", height: "100%", pl: 2 }}
disabled={!characterSheet} />
<Button sx={{ pl: 1 }} disabled={!ambiguousLevel(level) || !characterSheet} onClick={setAscension}><strong>/ {ascensionMaxLevel[ascension]}</strong></Button>
<DropdownButton title={t("selectLevel")} disabled={!characterSheet}>
{milestoneLevels.map(([lv, as]) => {
const sameLevel = lv === ascensionMaxLevel[as]
const lvlstr = sameLevel ? `Lv. ${lv}` : `Lv. ${lv}/${ascensionMaxLevel[as]}`
const selected = lv === level && as === ascension
return <MenuItem key={`${lv}/${as}`} selected={selected} disabled={selected} onClick={() => characterDispatch({ level: lv, ascension: as })}>{lvlstr}</MenuItem>
Example #9
Source File: UseEquipped.tsx From genshin-optimizer with MIT License | 5 votes |
export default function UseEquipped({ useEquippedArts, buildSettingsDispatch, disabled }) {
const { t } = useTranslation("page_character")
const { character: { key: characterKey } } = useContext(DataContext)
const { database } = useContext(DatabaseContext)
const [show, onOpen, onClose] = useBoolState(false)
const [{ equipmentPriority: tempEquipmentPriority }, setOptimizeDBState] = useOptimizeDBState()
//Basic validate for the equipmentPrio list to remove dups and characters that doesnt exist.
const equipmentPriority = useMemo(() => [...new Set(tempEquipmentPriority)].filter(ck => database._getChar(ck)), [database, tempEquipmentPriority])
const setPrio = useCallback((equipmentPriority: CharacterKey[]) => setOptimizeDBState({ equipmentPriority }), [setOptimizeDBState])
const setPrioRank = useCallback((fromIndex, toIndex) => {
const arr = [...equipmentPriority]
var element = arr[fromIndex];
arr.splice(fromIndex, 1);
arr.splice(toIndex, 0, element);
}, [equipmentPriority, setPrio])
const removePrio = useCallback((fromIndex) => {
const arr = [...equipmentPriority]
arr.splice(fromIndex, 1)
}, [equipmentPriority, setPrio])
const addPrio = useCallback((ck: CharacterKey) => setPrio([...equipmentPriority, ck]), [equipmentPriority, setPrio])
const resetPrio = useCallback(() => setPrio([]), [setPrio])
const numAbove = useMemo(() => {
let numAbove = equipmentPriority.length
const index = equipmentPriority.indexOf(characterKey)
if (index >= 0) numAbove = index
return numAbove
}, [characterKey, equipmentPriority])
const numUseEquippedChar = useMemo(() => {
return database._getCharKeys().length - 1 - numAbove
}, [numAbove, database])
const numUnlisted = useMemo(() => {
return database._getCharKeys().length - equipmentPriority.length
}, [equipmentPriority, database])
return <Box display="flex" gap={1}>
<ModalWrapper open={show} onClose={onClose} containerProps={{ maxWidth: "sm" }}><CardDark>
<Grid container spacing={1}>
<Grid item flexGrow={1}>
<Typography variant="h6"><Trans t={t} i18nKey="tabOptimize.useEquipped.modal.title">Character Priority for Equipped Artifacts</Trans></Typography>
<Grid item sx={{ mb: -1 }}>
<CloseButton onClick={onClose} />
<Divider />
<CardLight sx={{ mb: 1 }}>
<Typography gutterBottom><Trans t={t} i18nKey="tabOptimize.useEquipped.modal.desc1">When generating a build, the Optimizer will only consider equipped artifacts from characters below the current character or those not on the list.</Trans></Typography>
<Typography gutterBottom><Trans t={t} i18nKey="tabOptimize.useEquipped.modal.desc2">If the current character is not on the list, the Optimizer will only consider equipped artifacts from others characters that are not on the list.</Trans></Typography>
<Box display="flex" flexDirection="column" gap={2}>
{equipmentPriority.map((ck, i) =>
<SelectItem key={ck} characterKey={ck} rank={i + 1} maxRank={equipmentPriority.length} setRank={(num) => num && setPrioRank(i, num - 1)} onRemove={() => removePrio(i)} numAbove={numAbove} />)}
<Box sx={{ display: "flex", gap: 1 }}>
<NewItem onAdd={addPrio} list={equipmentPriority} />
<Button color="error" onClick={resetPrio} startIcon={<Replay />}><Trans t={t} i18nKey="tabOptimize.useEquipped.modal.clearList">Clear List</Trans></Button>
{!!numUseEquippedChar && <SqBadge color="success"><Typography><Trans t={t} i18nKey="tabOptimize.useEquipped.modal.usingNum" count={numUnlisted}>Using artifacts from <strong>{{ count: numUnlisted }}</strong> unlisted characters</Trans></Typography></SqBadge>}
</CardDark ></ModalWrapper>
<ButtonGroup sx={{ display: "flex", width: "100%" }}>
<Button sx={{ flexGrow: 1 }} onClick={() => buildSettingsDispatch({ useEquippedArts: !useEquippedArts })} disabled={disabled} startIcon={useEquippedArts ? <CheckBox /> : <CheckBoxOutlineBlank />} color={useEquippedArts ? "success" : "secondary"}>
<span><Trans t={t} i18nKey="tabOptimize.useEquipped.title">Use Equipped Artifacts</Trans></span>
{useEquippedArts && <SqBadge><Trans t={t} i18nKey="tabOptimize.useEquipped.usingNum" count={numUseEquippedChar}>Using from <strong>{{ count: numUseEquippedChar }}</strong> characters</Trans></SqBadge>}
{useEquippedArts && <Button sx={{ flexShrink: 1 }} color="info" onClick={onOpen}><Settings /></Button>}
Example #10
Source File: ArtifactSetPicker.tsx From genshin-optimizer with MIT License | 5 votes |
export default function ArtifactSetPicker({ index, setFilters, onChange, disabled = false }: PickerProps) {
const { key: setKey, num: setNum } = setFilters[index]
const { t } = useTranslation("page_character")
const artifactSheets = usePromise(ArtifactSheet.getAll, [])
const artifactSets = useMemo(() => {
if (!artifactSheets) return undefined
return allArtifactSets.filter(set => {
const setsNumArr = set ? Object.keys(artifactSheets[set].setEffects) : []
const artsAccountedOther = setFilters.reduce((accu, cur, ind) => (cur.key && ind !== index) ? accu + cur.num : accu, 0)
if (setsNumArr.every((num: any) => parseInt(num) + artsAccountedOther > 5)) return false
return true
}, [artifactSheets, setFilters, index])
if (!artifactSets) return null
const artsAccounted = setFilters.reduce((accu, cur) => cur.key ? accu + cur.num : accu, 0)
return <CardLight>
<ButtonGroup sx={{ width: "100%" }}>
{/* Artifact set */}
{artifactSheets && <ArtifactSetSingleAutocomplete
setArtSetKey={setKey => onChange(index, setKey as ArtifactSetKey, parseInt(Object.keys(artifactSheets[setKey]?.setEffects ?? {})[0] as string) ?? 0)}
sx={{ flexGrow: 1 }}
disable={(setKey) => setFilters.some(setFilter => setFilter.key === setKey)}
{/* set number */}
<DropdownButton title={`${setNum}-set`}
disabled={disabled || !setKey || artsAccounted >= 5}
sx={{ borderRadius: 0 }}
{Object.keys(artifactSheets?.[setKey]?.setEffects ?? {}).map((num: any) => {
let artsAccountedOther = setFilters.reduce((accu, cur) => (cur.key && cur.key !== setKey) ? accu + cur.num : accu, 0)
return (parseInt(num) + artsAccountedOther <= 5) &&
(<MenuItem key={num} onClick={() => onChange(index, setFilters[index].key, parseInt(num) ?? 0)} >
{!!setKey && <Divider />}
{!!setKey && <CardContent sx={{ display: "flex", flexDirection: "column", gap: 2 }}>
{Object.keys(artifactSheets?.[setKey].setEffects ?? {}).map(setNKey => parseInt(setNKey as string) as SetNum).filter(setNkey => setNkey <= setNum).map(setNumKey =>
<SetEffectDisplay key={setKey + setNumKey} setKey={setKey} setNumKey={setNumKey} />)}
Example #11
Source File: StatInput.tsx From genshin-optimizer with MIT License | 5 votes |
FlexButtonGroup = styled(ButtonGroup)({
display: "flex"
Example #12
Source File: index.tsx From genshin-optimizer with MIT License | 4 votes |
export default function TabBuild() {
const { character, character: { key: characterKey } } = useContext(DataContext)
const [{ tcMode }] = useDBState("GlobalSettings", initGlobalSettings)
const { database } = useContext(DatabaseContext)
const [generatingBuilds, setgeneratingBuilds] = useState(false)
const [generationProgress, setgenerationProgress] = useState(0)
const [generationDuration, setgenerationDuration] = useState(0)//in ms
const [generationSkipped, setgenerationSkipped] = useState(0)
const [chartData, setchartData] = useState(undefined as ChartData | undefined)
const [artsDirty, setArtsDirty] = useForceUpdate()
const [{ equipmentPriority, threads = defThreads }, setOptimizeDBState] = useOptimizeDBState()
const maxWorkers = threads > defThreads ? defThreads : threads
const setMaxWorkers = useCallback(threads => setOptimizeDBState({ threads }), [setOptimizeDBState],)
const characterDispatch = useCharacterReducer(characterKey)
const buildSettings = character?.buildSettings ?? initialBuildSettings()
const { plotBase, setFilters, statFilters, mainStatKeys, optimizationTarget, mainStatAssumptionLevel, useExcludedArts, useEquippedArts, builds, buildDate, maxBuildsToShow, levelLow, levelHigh } = buildSettings
const buildsArts = useMemo(() => builds.map(build => build.map(i => database._getArt(i)!)), [builds, database])
const teamData = useTeamData(characterKey, mainStatAssumptionLevel)
const { characterSheet, target: data } = teamData?.[characterKey as CharacterKey] ?? {}
const compareData = character?.compareData ?? false
const noArtifact = useMemo(() => !database._getArts().length, [database])
const buildSettingsDispatch = useCallback((action) =>
characterDispatch && characterDispatch({ buildSettings: buildSettingsReducer(buildSettings, action) })
, [characterDispatch, buildSettings])
const onChangeMainStatKey = useCallback((slotKey: SlotKey, mainStatKey?: MainStatKey) => {
if (mainStatKey === undefined) buildSettingsDispatch({ type: "mainStatKeyReset", slotKey })
else buildSettingsDispatch({ type: "mainStatKey", slotKey, mainStatKey })
}, [buildSettingsDispatch])
//register changes in artifact database
useEffect(() =>
[setArtsDirty, database])
const { split, setPerms, totBuildNumber } = useMemo(() => {
if (!characterKey) // Make sure we have all slotKeys
return { totBuildNumber: 0 }
let cantTakeList: CharacterKey[] = []
if (useEquippedArts) {
const index = equipmentPriority.indexOf(characterKey)
if (index < 0) cantTakeList = [...equipmentPriority]
else cantTakeList = equipmentPriority.slice(0, index)
const arts = database._getArts().filter(art => {
if (art.level < levelLow) return false
if (art.level > levelHigh) return false
const mainStats = mainStatKeys[art.slotKey]
if (mainStats?.length && !mainStats.includes(art.mainStatKey)) return false
// If its equipped on the selected character, bypass the check
if (art.location === characterKey) return true
if (art.exclude && !useExcludedArts) return false
if (art.location && !useEquippedArts) return false
if (art.location && useEquippedArts && cantTakeList.includes(art.location)) return false
return true
const split = compactArtifacts(arts, mainStatAssumptionLevel)
const setPerms = [...artSetPerm([setFilters.map(({ key, num }) => ({ key, min: num }))])]
const totBuildNumber = [...setPerms].map(perm => countBuilds(filterArts(split, perm))).reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0)
return artsDirty && { split, setPerms, totBuildNumber }
}, [characterKey, useExcludedArts, useEquippedArts, equipmentPriority, mainStatKeys, setFilters, levelLow, levelHigh, artsDirty, database, mainStatAssumptionLevel])
// Reset the Alert by setting progress to zero.
useEffect(() => {
}, [totBuildNumber])
// Provides a function to cancel the work
const cancelToken = useRef(() => { })
//terminate worker when component unmounts
useEffect(() => () => cancelToken.current(), [])
const generateBuilds = useCallback(async () => {
if (!characterKey || !optimizationTarget || !split || !setPerms) return
const teamData = await getTeamData(database, characterKey, mainStatAssumptionLevel, [])
if (!teamData) return
const workerData = uiDataForTeam(teamData.teamData, characterKey)[characterKey as CharacterKey]?.target.data![0]
if (!workerData) return
Object.assign(workerData, mergeData([workerData, dynamicData])) // Mark art fields as dynamic
let optimizationTargetNode = objPathValue(workerData.display ?? {}, optimizationTarget) as NumNode | undefined
if (!optimizationTargetNode) return
const targetNode = optimizationTargetNode
const valueFilter: { value: NumNode, minimum: number }[] = Object.entries(statFilters).map(([key, value]) => {
if (key.endsWith("_")) value = value / 100 // TODO: Conversion
return { value: input.total[key], minimum: value }
}).filter(x => x.value && x.minimum > -Infinity)
const t1 = performance.now()
const cancelled = new Promise<void>(r => cancelToken.current = r)
let nodes = [...valueFilter.map(x => x.value), optimizationTargetNode], arts = split!
const origCount = totBuildNumber, minimum = [...valueFilter.map(x => x.minimum), -Infinity]
if (plotBase) {
nodes = optimize(nodes, workerData, ({ path: [p] }) => p !== "dyn");
({ nodes, arts } = pruneAll(nodes, minimum, arts, maxBuildsToShow,
new Set(setFilters.map(x => x.key as ArtifactSetKey)), {
reaffine: true, pruneArtRange: true, pruneNodeRange: true, pruneOrder: true
const plotBaseNode = plotBase ? nodes.pop() : undefined
optimizationTargetNode = nodes.pop()!
let wrap = {
buildCount: 0, failedCount: 0, skippedCount: origCount,
buildValues: Array(maxBuildsToShow).fill(0).map(_ => -Infinity)
setPerms.forEach(filter => wrap.skippedCount -= countBuilds(filterArts(arts, filter)))
const setPerm = splitFiltersBySet(arts, setPerms,
maxWorkers === 1
// Don't split for single worker
? Infinity
// 8 perms / worker, up to 1M builds / perm
: Math.min(origCount / maxWorkers / 4, 1_000_000))[Symbol.iterator]()
function fetchWork(): Request | undefined {
const { done, value } = setPerm.next()
return done ? undefined : {
command: "request",
threshold: wrap.buildValues[maxBuildsToShow - 1], filter: value,
const filters = nodes
.map((value, i) => ({ value, min: minimum[i] }))
.filter(x => x.min > -Infinity)
const finalizedList: Promise<FinalizeResult>[] = []
for (let i = 0; i < maxWorkers; i++) {
const worker = new Worker()
const setup: Setup = {
command: "setup",
id: `${i}`,
optimizationTarget: optimizationTargetNode,
plotBase: plotBaseNode,
maxBuilds: maxBuildsToShow,
worker.postMessage(setup, undefined)
let finalize: (_: FinalizeResult) => void
const finalized = new Promise<FinalizeResult>(r => finalize = r)
worker.onmessage = async ({ data }: { data: WorkerResult }) => {
switch (data.command) {
case "interim":
wrap.buildCount += data.buildCount
wrap.failedCount += data.failedCount
wrap.skippedCount += data.skippedCount
if (data.buildValues) {
wrap.buildValues.sort((a, b) => b - a).splice(maxBuildsToShow)
case "request":
const work = fetchWork()
if (work) {
} else {
const finalizeCommand: Finalize = { command: "finalize" }
case "finalize":
default: console.log("DEBUG", data)
cancelled.then(() => worker.terminate())
const buildTimer = setInterval(() => {
setgenerationDuration(performance.now() - t1)
}, 100)
const results = await Promise.any([Promise.all(finalizedList), cancelled])
cancelToken.current = () => { }
if (!results) {
} else {
if (plotBase) {
const plotData = mergePlot(results.map(x => x.plotData!))
const plotBaseNode = input.total[plotBase] as NumNode
let data = Object.values(plotData)
if (KeyMap.unit(targetNode.info?.key) === "%")
data = data.map(({ value, plot }) => ({ value: value * 100, plot })) as Build[]
if (KeyMap.unit(plotBaseNode!.info?.key) === "%")
data = data.map(({ value, plot }) => ({ value, plot: (plot ?? 0) * 100 })) as Build[]
valueNode: targetNode,
plotNode: plotBaseNode,
const builds = mergeBuilds(results.map(x => x.builds), maxBuildsToShow)
if (process.env.NODE_ENV === "development") console.log("Build Result", builds)
buildSettingsDispatch({ builds: builds.map(build => build.artifactIds), buildDate: Date.now() })
const totalDuration = performance.now() - t1
}, [characterKey, database, totBuildNumber, mainStatAssumptionLevel, maxBuildsToShow, optimizationTarget, plotBase, setPerms, split, buildSettingsDispatch, setFilters, statFilters, maxWorkers])
const characterName = characterSheet?.name ?? "Character Name"
const setPlotBase = useCallback(plotBase => {
buildSettingsDispatch({ plotBase })
}, [buildSettingsDispatch])
const dataContext: dataContextObj | undefined = useMemo(() => {
return data && characterSheet && character && teamData && {
}, [data, characterSheet, character, teamData, characterDispatch, mainStatAssumptionLevel])
return <Box display="flex" flexDirection="column" gap={1}>
{noArtifact && <Alert severity="warning" variant="filled"> Opps! It looks like you haven't added any artifacts to GO yet! You should go to the <Link component={RouterLink} to="/artifact">Artifacts</Link> page and add some!</Alert>}
{/* Build Generator Editor */}
{dataContext && <DataContext.Provider value={dataContext}>
<Grid container spacing={1} >
{/* 1*/}
<Grid item xs={12} sm={6} lg={3} display="flex" flexDirection="column" gap={1}>
{/* character card */}
<Box><CharacterCard characterKey={characterKey} /></Box>
{/* 2 */}
<Grid item xs={12} sm={6} lg={3}>
<CardContent >
<Typography gutterBottom>Main Stat</Typography>
<BootstrapTooltip placement="top" title={<Typography><strong>Level Assumption</strong> changes mainstat value to be at least a specific level. Does not change substats.</Typography>}>
<AssumeFullLevelToggle mainStatAssumptionLevel={mainStatAssumptionLevel} setmainStatAssumptionLevel={mainStatAssumptionLevel => buildSettingsDispatch({ mainStatAssumptionLevel })} disabled={generatingBuilds} />
{/* main stat selector */}
{/* 3 */}
<Grid item xs={12} sm={6} lg={3} display="flex" flexDirection="column" gap={1}>
{/*Minimum Final Stat Filter */}
<StatFilterCard statFilters={statFilters} setStatFilters={sFs => buildSettingsDispatch({ statFilters: sFs })} disabled={generatingBuilds} />
<BonusStatsCard />
{/* use excluded */}
<UseExcluded disabled={generatingBuilds} useExcludedArts={useExcludedArts} buildSettingsDispatch={buildSettingsDispatch} artsDirty={artsDirty} />
{/* use equipped */}
<UseEquipped disabled={generatingBuilds} useEquippedArts={useEquippedArts} buildSettingsDispatch={buildSettingsDispatch} />
{ /* Level Filter */}
<CardContent sx={{ py: 1 }}>
Artifact Level Filter
<ArtifactLevelSlider levelLow={levelLow} levelHigh={levelHigh}
setLow={levelLow => buildSettingsDispatch({ levelLow })}
setHigh={levelHigh => buildSettingsDispatch({ levelHigh })}
setBoth={(levelLow, levelHigh) => buildSettingsDispatch({ levelLow, levelHigh })}
{/* 4 */}
<Grid item xs={12} sm={6} lg={3} display="flex" flexDirection="column" gap={1}>
<ArtifactSetConditional disabled={generatingBuilds} />
{/* Artifact set pickers */}
{setFilters.map((setFilter, index) => (index <= setFilters.filter(s => s.key).length) && <ArtifactSetPicker key={index} index={index} setFilters={setFilters}
disabled={generatingBuilds} onChange={(index, key, num) => buildSettingsDispatch({ type: 'setFilter', index, key, num })} />)}
{/* Footer */}
<Grid container spacing={1}>
<Grid item flexGrow={1} >
disabled={!characterKey || generatingBuilds || !optimizationTarget || !totBuildNumber || !objPathValue(data?.getDisplay(), optimizationTarget)}
color={(characterKey && totBuildNumber <= warningBuildNumber) ? "success" : "warning"}
startIcon={<FontAwesomeIcon icon={faCalculator} />}
>Generate Builds</Button>
<DropdownButton disabled={generatingBuilds || !characterKey}
title={<span><b>{maxBuildsToShow}</b> {maxBuildsToShow === 1 ? "Build" : "Builds"}</span>}>
<Typography variant="caption" color="info.main">
Decreasing the number of generated build will decrease build calculation time for large number of builds.
<Divider />
{maxBuildsToShowList.map(v => <MenuItem key={v}
onClick={() => buildSettingsDispatch({ maxBuildsToShow: v })}>{v} {v === 1 ? "Build" : "Builds"}</MenuItem>)}
<DropdownButton disabled={generatingBuilds || !characterKey}
title={<span><b>{maxWorkers}</b> {maxWorkers === 1 ? "Thread" : "Threads"}</span>}>
<Typography variant="caption" color="info.main">
Increasing the number of threads will speed up build time, but will use more CPU power.
<Divider />
{range(1, defThreads).reverse().map(v => <MenuItem key={v}
onClick={() => setMaxWorkers(v)}>{v} {v === 1 ? "Thread" : "Threads"}</MenuItem>)}
onClick={() => cancelToken.current()}
startIcon={<Close />}
<Grid item>
<span>Optimization Target: </span>
setTarget={target => buildSettingsDispatch({ optimizationTarget: target })}
{!!characterKey && <Box >
<BuildAlert {...{ totBuildNumber, generatingBuilds, generationSkipped, generationProgress, generationDuration, characterName, maxBuildsToShow }} />
{tcMode && <Box >
<ChartCard disabled={generatingBuilds} chartData={chartData} plotBase={plotBase} setPlotBase={setPlotBase} />
<Box display="flex" alignItems="center" gap={1} mb={1} >
<Typography sx={{ flexGrow: 1 }}>
{builds ? <span>Showing <strong>{builds.length}</strong> Builds generated for {characterName}. {!!buildDate && <span>Build generated on: <strong>{(new Date(buildDate)).toLocaleString()}</strong></span>}</span>
: <span>Select a character to generate builds.</span>}
<Button disabled={!builds.length} color="error" onClick={() => buildSettingsDispatch({ builds: [], buildDate: 0 })} >Clear Builds</Button>
<Grid container display="flex" spacing={1}>
<Grid item><HitModeToggle size="small" /></Grid>
<Grid item><ReactionToggle size="small" /></Grid>
<Grid item flexGrow={1} />
<Grid item><SolidToggleButtonGroup exclusive value={compareData} onChange={(e, v) => characterDispatch({ compareData: v })} size="small">
<ToggleButton value={false} disabled={!compareData}>
<small>Show New artifact Stats</small>
<ToggleButton value={true} disabled={compareData}>
<small>Compare against equipped artifacts</small>
<BuildList {...{ buildsArts, character, characterKey, characterSheet, data, compareData, mainStatAssumptionLevel, characterDispatch, disabled: !!generatingBuilds }} />
Example #13
Source File: ArtifactEditor.tsx From genshin-optimizer with MIT License | 4 votes |
export default function ArtifactEditor({ artifactIdToEdit = "", cancelEdit, allowUpload = false, allowEmpty = false, disableEditSetSlot: disableEditSlotProp = false }:
{ artifactIdToEdit?: string, cancelEdit: () => void, allowUpload?: boolean, allowEmpty?: boolean, disableEditSetSlot?: boolean }) {
const { t } = useTranslation("artifact")
const artifactSheets = usePromise(ArtifactSheet.getAll, [])
const { database } = useContext(DatabaseContext)
const [show, setShow] = useState(false)
const [dirtyDatabase, setDirtyDatabase] = useForceUpdate()
useEffect(() => database.followAnyArt(setDirtyDatabase), [database, setDirtyDatabase])
const [editorArtifact, artifactDispatch] = useReducer(artifactReducer, undefined)
const artifact = useMemo(() => editorArtifact && parseArtifact(editorArtifact), [editorArtifact])
const [modalShow, setModalShow] = useState(false)
const [{ processed, outstanding }, dispatchQueue] = useReducer(queueReducer, { processed: [], outstanding: [] })
const firstProcessed = processed[0] as ProcessedEntry | undefined
const firstOutstanding = outstanding[0] as OutstandingEntry | undefined
const processingImageURL = usePromise(firstOutstanding?.imageURL, [firstOutstanding?.imageURL])
const processingResult = usePromise(firstOutstanding?.result, [firstOutstanding?.result])
const remaining = processed.length + outstanding.length
const image = firstProcessed?.imageURL ?? processingImageURL
const { artifact: artifactProcessed, texts } = firstProcessed ?? {}
// const fileName = firstProcessed?.fileName ?? firstOutstanding?.fileName ?? "Click here to upload Artifact screenshot files"
const disableEditSetSlot = disableEditSlotProp || !!artifact?.location
useEffect(() => {
if (!artifact && artifactProcessed)
artifactDispatch({ type: "overwrite", artifact: artifactProcessed })
}, [artifact, artifactProcessed, artifactDispatch])
useEffect(() => {
const numProcessing = Math.min(maxProcessedCount - processed.length, maxProcessingCount, outstanding.length)
const processingCurrent = numProcessing && !outstanding[0].result
outstanding.slice(0, numProcessing).forEach(processEntry)
if (processingCurrent)
dispatchQueue({ type: "processing" })
}, [processed.length, outstanding])
useEffect(() => {
if (processingResult)
dispatchQueue({ type: "processed", ...processingResult })
}, [processingResult, dispatchQueue])
const uploadFiles = useCallback((files: FileList) => {
dispatchQueue({ type: "upload", files: [...files].map(file => ({ file, fileName: file.name })) })
}, [dispatchQueue, setShow])
const clearQueue = useCallback(() => dispatchQueue({ type: "clear" }), [dispatchQueue])
useEffect(() => {
const pasteFunc = (e: any) => uploadFiles(e.clipboardData.files)
allowUpload && window.addEventListener('paste', pasteFunc);
return () => {
if (allowUpload) window.removeEventListener('paste', pasteFunc)
}, [uploadFiles, allowUpload])
const onUpload = useCallback(
e => {
e.target.value = null // reset the value so the same file can be uploaded again...
const { old, oldType }: { old: ICachedArtifact | undefined, oldType: "edit" | "duplicate" | "upgrade" | "" } = useMemo(() => {
const databaseArtifact = dirtyDatabase && artifactIdToEdit && database._getArt(artifactIdToEdit)
if (databaseArtifact) return { old: databaseArtifact, oldType: "edit" }
if (artifact === undefined) return { old: undefined, oldType: "" }
const { duplicated, upgraded } = dirtyDatabase && database.findDuplicates(artifact)
return { old: duplicated[0] ?? upgraded[0], oldType: duplicated.length !== 0 ? "duplicate" : "upgrade" }
}, [artifact, artifactIdToEdit, database, dirtyDatabase])
const { artifact: cachedArtifact, errors } = useMemo(() => {
if (!artifact) return { artifact: undefined, errors: [] as Displayable[] }
const validated = validateArtifact(artifact, artifactIdToEdit)
if (old) {
validated.artifact.location = old.location
validated.artifact.exclude = old.exclude
return validated
}, [artifact, artifactIdToEdit, old])
// Overwriting using a different function from `databaseArtifact` because `useMemo` does not
// guarantee to trigger *only when* dependencies change, which is necessary in this case.
useEffect(() => {
if (artifactIdToEdit === "new") {
artifactDispatch({ type: "reset" })
const databaseArtifact = artifactIdToEdit && dirtyDatabase && database._getArt(artifactIdToEdit)
if (databaseArtifact) {
artifactDispatch({ type: "overwrite", artifact: deepClone(databaseArtifact) })
}, [artifactIdToEdit, database, dirtyDatabase])
const sheet = artifact ? artifactSheets?.[artifact.setKey] : undefined
const reset = useCallback(() => {
dispatchQueue({ type: "pop" })
artifactDispatch({ type: "reset" })
}, [cancelEdit, artifactDispatch])
const update = useCallback((newValue: Partial<IArtifact>) => {
const newSheet = newValue.setKey ? artifactSheets![newValue.setKey] : sheet!
function pick<T>(value: T | undefined, available: readonly T[], prefer?: T): T {
return (value && available.includes(value)) ? value : (prefer ?? available[0])
if (newValue.setKey) {
newValue.rarity = pick(artifact?.rarity, newSheet.rarity, Math.max(...newSheet.rarity) as ArtifactRarity)
newValue.slotKey = pick(artifact?.slotKey, newSheet.slots)
if (newValue.rarity)
newValue.level = artifact?.level ?? 0
if (newValue.level)
newValue.level = clamp(newValue.level, 0, 4 * (newValue.rarity ?? artifact!.rarity))
if (newValue.slotKey)
newValue.mainStatKey = pick(artifact?.mainStatKey, Artifact.slotMainStats(newValue.slotKey))
if (newValue.mainStatKey) {
newValue.substats = [0, 1, 2, 3].map(i =>
(artifact && artifact.substats[i].key !== newValue.mainStatKey) ? artifact!.substats[i] : { key: "", value: 0 })
artifactDispatch({ type: "update", artifact: newValue })
}, [artifact, artifactSheets, sheet, artifactDispatch])
const setSubstat = useCallback((index: number, substat: ISubstat) => {
artifactDispatch({ type: "substat", index, substat })
}, [artifactDispatch])
const isValid = !errors.length
const canClearArtifact = (): boolean => window.confirm(t`editor.clearPrompt` as string)
const { rarity = 5, level = 0, slotKey = "flower" } = artifact ?? {}
const { currentEfficiency = 0, maxEfficiency = 0 } = cachedArtifact ? Artifact.getArtifactEfficiency(cachedArtifact, allSubstatFilter) : {}
const preventClosing = processed.length || outstanding.length
const onClose = useCallback(
(e) => {
if (preventClosing) e.preventDefault()
}, [preventClosing, setShow, cancelEdit])
const theme = useTheme();
const grmd = useMediaQuery(theme.breakpoints.up('md'));
const element = artifact ? allElementsWithPhy.find(ele => artifact.mainStatKey.includes(ele)) : undefined
const color = artifact
? element ?? "success"
: "primary"
return <ModalWrapper open={show} onClose={onClose} >
<Suspense fallback={<Skeleton variant="rectangular" sx={{ width: "100%", height: show ? "100%" : 64 }} />}><CardDark >
<UploadExplainationModal modalShow={modalShow} hide={() => setModalShow(false)} />
title={<Trans t={t} i18nKey="editor.title" >Artifact Editor</Trans>}
action={<CloseButton disabled={!!preventClosing} onClick={onClose} />}
<CardContent sx={{ display: "flex", flexDirection: "column", gap: 1 }}>
<Grid container spacing={1} columns={{ xs: 1, md: 2 }} >
{/* Left column */}
<Grid item xs={1} display="flex" flexDirection="column" gap={1}>
{/* set & rarity */}
<ButtonGroup sx={{ display: "flex", mb: 1 }}>
{/* Artifact Set */}
artSetKey={artifact?.setKey ?? ""}
setArtSetKey={setKey => update({ setKey: setKey as ArtifactSetKey })}
sx={{ flexGrow: 1 }}
{/* rarity dropdown */}
<ArtifactRarityDropdown rarity={artifact ? rarity : undefined} onChange={r => update({ rarity: r })} filter={r => !!sheet?.rarity?.includes?.(r)} disabled={disableEditSetSlot || !sheet} />
{/* level */}
<Box component="div" display="flex">
<CustomNumberTextField id="filled-basic" label="Level" variant="filled" sx={{ flexShrink: 1, flexGrow: 1, mr: 1, my: 0 }} margin="dense" size="small"
value={level} disabled={!sheet} placeholder={`0~${rarity * 4}`} onChange={l => update({ level: l })}
<ButtonGroup >
<Button onClick={() => update({ level: level - 1 })} disabled={!sheet || level === 0}>-</Button>
{rarity ? [...Array(rarity + 1).keys()].map(i => 4 * i).map(i => <Button key={i} onClick={() => update({ level: i })} disabled={!sheet || level === i}>{i}</Button>) : null}
<Button onClick={() => update({ level: level + 1 })} disabled={!sheet || level === (rarity * 4)}>+</Button>
{/* slot */}
<Box component="div" display="flex">
<ArtifactSlotDropdown disabled={disableEditSetSlot || !sheet} slotKey={slotKey} onChange={slotKey => update({ slotKey })} />
<CardLight sx={{ p: 1, ml: 1, flexGrow: 1 }}>
<Suspense fallback={<Skeleton width="60%" />}>
<Typography color="text.secondary">
{sheet?.getSlotName(artifact!.slotKey) ? <span><ImgIcon src={sheet.slotIcons[artifact!.slotKey]} /> {sheet?.getSlotName(artifact!.slotKey)}</span> : t`editor.unknownPieceName`}
{/* main stat */}
<Box component="div" display="flex">
<DropdownButton startIcon={element ? uncoloredEleIcons[element] : (artifact?.mainStatKey ? StatIcon[artifact.mainStatKey] : undefined)}
title={<b>{artifact ? KeyMap.getArtStr(artifact.mainStatKey) : t`mainStat`}</b>} disabled={!sheet} color={color} >
{Artifact.slotMainStats(slotKey).map(mainStatK =>
<MenuItem key={mainStatK} selected={artifact?.mainStatKey === mainStatK} disabled={artifact?.mainStatKey === mainStatK} onClick={() => update({ mainStatKey: mainStatK })} >
<CardLight sx={{ p: 1, ml: 1, flexGrow: 1 }}>
<Typography color="text.secondary">
{artifact ? `${cacheValueString(Artifact.mainStatValue(artifact.mainStatKey, rarity, level), KeyMap.unit(artifact.mainStatKey))}${KeyMap.unit(artifact.mainStatKey)}` : t`mainStat`}
{/* Current/Max Substats Efficiency */}
<SubstatEfficiencyDisplayCard valid={isValid} efficiency={currentEfficiency} t={t} />
{currentEfficiency !== maxEfficiency && <SubstatEfficiencyDisplayCard max valid={isValid} efficiency={maxEfficiency} t={t} />}
{/* Image OCR */}
{allowUpload && <CardLight>
<CardContent sx={{ display: "flex", flexDirection: "column", gap: 1 }}>
{/* TODO: artifactDispatch not overwrite */}
<Suspense fallback={<Skeleton width="100%" height="100" />}>
<Grid container spacing={1} alignItems="center">
<Grid item flexGrow={1}>
<label htmlFor="contained-button-file">
<InputInvis accept="image/*" id="contained-button-file" multiple type="file" onChange={onUpload} />
<Button component="span" startIcon={<PhotoCamera />}>
Upload Screenshot (or Ctrl-V)
<Grid item>
<Button color="info" sx={{ px: 2, minWidth: 0 }} onClick={() => setModalShow(true)}><Typography><FontAwesomeIcon icon={faQuestionCircle} /></Typography></Button>
{image && <Box display="flex" justifyContent="center">
<Box component="img" src={image} width="100%" maxWidth={350} height="auto" alt="Screenshot to parse for artifact values" />
{remaining > 0 && <CardDark sx={{ pl: 2 }} ><Grid container spacing={1} alignItems="center" >
{!firstProcessed && firstOutstanding && <Grid item>
<CircularProgress size="1em" />
<Grid item flexGrow={1}>
Screenshots in file-queue: <b>{remaining}</b>
{/* {process.env.NODE_ENV === "development" && ` (Debug: Processed ${processed.length}/${maxProcessedCount}, Processing: ${outstanding.filter(entry => entry.result).length}/${maxProcessingCount}, Outstanding: ${outstanding.length})`} */}
<Grid item>
<Button size="small" color="error" onClick={clearQueue}>Clear file-queue</Button>
{/* Right column */}
<Grid item xs={1} display="flex" flexDirection="column" gap={1}>
{/* substat selections */}
{[0, 1, 2, 3].map((index) => <SubstatInput key={index} index={index} artifact={cachedArtifact} setSubstat={setSubstat} />)}
{texts && <CardLight><CardContent>
{/* Duplicate/Updated/Edit UI */}
{old && <Grid container sx={{ justifyContent: "space-around" }} spacing={1} >
<Grid item xs={12} md={5.5} lg={4} ><CardLight>
<Typography sx={{ textAlign: "center" }} py={1} variant="h6" color="text.secondary" >{oldType !== "edit" ? (oldType === "duplicate" ? t`editor.dupArt` : t`editor.upArt`) : t`editor.beforeEdit`}</Typography>
<ArtifactCard artifactObj={old} />
{grmd && <Grid item md={1} display="flex" alignItems="center" justifyContent="center" >
<CardLight sx={{ display: "flex" }}><ChevronRight sx={{ fontSize: 40 }} /></CardLight>
<Grid item xs={12} md={5.5} lg={4} ><CardLight>
<Typography sx={{ textAlign: "center" }} py={1} variant="h6" color="text.secondary" >{t`editor.preview`}</Typography>
<ArtifactCard artifactObj={cachedArtifact} />
{/* Error alert */}
{!isValid && <Alert variant="filled" severity="error" >{errors.map((e, i) => <div key={i}>{e}</div>)}</Alert>}
{/* Buttons */}
<Grid container spacing={2}>
<Grid item>
{oldType === "edit" ?
<Button startIcon={<Add />} onClick={() => {
database.updateArt(editorArtifact!, old!.id);
if (allowEmpty) reset()
else {
}} disabled={!editorArtifact || !isValid} color="primary">
</Button> :
<Button startIcon={<Add />} onClick={() => {
if (allowEmpty) reset()
else {
}} disabled={!artifact || !isValid} color={oldType === "duplicate" ? "warning" : "primary"}>
<Grid item flexGrow={1}>
{allowEmpty && <Button startIcon={<Replay />} disabled={!artifact} onClick={() => { canClearArtifact() && reset() }} color="error">{t`editor.btnClear`}</Button>}
<Grid item>
{process.env.NODE_ENV === "development" && <Button color="info" startIcon={<Shuffle />} onClick={async () => artifactDispatch({ type: "overwrite", artifact: await randomizeArtifact() })}>{t`editor.btnRandom`}</Button>}
{old && oldType !== "edit" && <Grid item>
<Button startIcon={<Update />} onClick={() => { database.updateArt(editorArtifact!, old.id); allowEmpty ? reset() : setShow(false) }} disabled={!editorArtifact || !isValid} color="success">{t`editor.btnUpdate`}</Button>
</CardDark ></Suspense>
Example #14
Source File: EXPCalc.tsx From genshin-optimizer with MIT License | 4 votes |
export default function EXPCalc() {
const [{ mora, level, curExp, goUnder, books, books: { advice, experience, wit } }, setState] = useDBState("ToolDisplayExpCalc", initExpCalc)
let milestoneLvl = milestone.find(lvl => lvl > level)!
let expReq = -curExp
for (let i = level; i < Math.min(milestoneLvl, levelExp.length); i++) expReq += levelExp[i]
let bookResult = calculateBooks(wit, experience, advice, expReq, goUnder) || []
let [numWit = 0, numExperience = 0, numAdvice = 0] = bookResult
let bookResultObj = { advice: numAdvice, experience: numExperience, wit: numWit }
let expFromBooks = numWit * 20000 + numExperience * 5000 + numAdvice * 1000
let moraCost = expFromBooks / 5
let expDiff = expReq - expFromBooks
let finalMora = mora - moraCost
let finalExp = expFromBooks + curExp
let finalLvl = level
for (; finalLvl < Math.min(milestoneLvl, levelExp.length); finalLvl++) {
if (levelExp[finalLvl] <= finalExp) finalExp -= levelExp[finalLvl]
else break;
if (finalLvl === milestoneLvl) finalExp = 0
let invalidText: Displayable = ""
if (finalMora < 0)
invalidText = <span>You don't have enough <b>Mora</b> for this operation.</span>
else if (bookResult.length === 0)
invalidText = <span>You don't have enough <b>EXP. books</b> to level to the next milestone.</span>
else if (level === 90)
invalidText = "You are at the maximum level."
return <CardDark>
<Grid container sx={{ px: 2, py: 1 }} spacing={2} >
<Grid item>
<ImgIcon src={booksData.wit.img} sx={{ fontSize: "2em" }} />
<Grid item flexGrow={1}>
<Typography variant="h6">Experience Calculator</Typography>
<Grid item>
<Button color="primary" disabled={!goUnder} onClick={() => setState({ goUnder: false })}>Full Level</Button>
<Button color="primary" disabled={goUnder} onClick={() => setState({ goUnder: true })}>Don't fully level</Button>
<Divider />
<Grid container spacing={1}>
<Grid item>
<span>This calculator tries to calculate the amount of exp books required to get to the next milestone level. </span>
{goUnder ? "It will try to get as close to the milestone level as possible, so you can grind the rest of the exp without any waste." :
"It will try to calculate the amount of books needed to minimize as much exp loss as possible."}
<Grid item xs={6} md={3} >
<ButtonGroup sx={{ display: "flex" }}>
<TextButton>Current Level</TextButton>
<CustomNumberInputButtonGroupWrapper sx={{ flexBasis: 30, flexGrow: 1 }}>
onChange={(val) => setState({ level: clamp(val, 0, 90) })}
sx={{ px: 2 }}
</CustomNumberInputButtonGroupWrapper >
<Grid item xs={6} md={3} >
<ButtonGroup sx={{ display: "flex" }}>
<TextButton>Current EXP.</TextButton>
<CustomNumberInputButtonGroupWrapper sx={{ flexBasis: 30, flexGrow: 1 }}>
onChange={(val) => setState({ curExp: clamp(val, 0, (levelExp[level] || 1) - 1) })}
endAdornment={`/${levelExp[level] || 0}`}
sx={{ px: 2 }}
<Grid item xs={6} md={3} ><CardLight>
<Box sx={{ p: 1, display: "flex", justifyContent: "space-between" }}>
Next Milestone Level:
<Grid item xs={6} md={3} ><CardLight>
<Box sx={{ p: 1, display: "flex", justifyContent: "space-between" }}>
EXP. to milestone:
<span><strong>{expFromBooks}</strong> / <strong>{expReq}</strong></span>
{Object.entries(books).map(([bookKey]) => {
return <Grid item xs={12} md={4} key={bookKey}>
<BookDisplay bookKey={bookKey} value={books[bookKey]} setValue={b => setState({ books: { ...books, [bookKey]: b } })} required={bookResultObj[bookKey]} />
<Grid item xs={12} md={4} >
<ButtonGroup sx={{ display: "flex" }}>
<TextButton>Current Mora</TextButton>
<CustomNumberInputButtonGroupWrapper sx={{ flexBasis: 30, flexGrow: 1 }}>
onChange={(val) => setState({ mora: Math.max(val ?? 0, 0) })}
sx={{ px: 2 }}
<Grid item xs={12} md={4} ><CardLight>
<Box sx={{ p: 1, display: "flex", justifyContent: "space-between" }}>
<Typography>Mora Cost: </Typography>
<Grid item xs={12} md={4} ><CardLight>
<Box sx={{ p: 1, display: "flex", justifyContent: "space-between" }}>
<Typography>EXP {!goUnder ? "Waste" : "Diff"}: </Typography>
<Typography><b><ColorText color={expDiff < 0 ? `error` : `success`}>{expDiff}</ColorText></b></Typography>
<Grid item xs={12} md={4} ><CardLight>
<Box sx={{ p: 1, display: "flex", justifyContent: "space-between" }}>
<Typography>Final Mora: </Typography>
<Typography><b><ColorText color={finalMora < 0 ? `error` : `success`}>{finalMora}</ColorText></b></Typography>
<Grid item xs={12} md={4} ><CardLight>
<Box sx={{ p: 1, display: "flex", justifyContent: "space-between" }}>
<Typography>Final Level: </Typography>
<Typography><b><ColorText color="success">{finalLvl}</ColorText></b></Typography>
<Grid item xs={12} md={4} ><CardLight>
<Box sx={{ p: 1, display: "flex", justifyContent: "space-between" }}>
<Typography>Final EXP: </Typography>
<Typography><b><ColorText color={finalExp < 0 ? `error` : `success`}>{finalExp}</ColorText></b></Typography>
<Divider />
<CardContent sx={{ py: 1 }}>
<Grid container spacing={2}>
<Grid item flexGrow={1}>
{!!invalidText && <Alert variant="filled" severity="error" >{invalidText}</Alert>}
<Grid item xs="auto"><Button disabled={!!invalidText}
onClick={() => setState({
level: finalLvl,
curExp: finalExp,
books: objectMap(bookResultObj, (val, bookKey) => books[bookKey] - val) as any,
mora: finalMora
startIcon={<Check />}
sx={{ height: "100%" }}
</CardDark >
Example #15
Source File: SubstatInput.tsx From genshin-optimizer with MIT License | 4 votes |
export default function SubstatInput({ index, artifact, setSubstat }: { index: number, artifact: ICachedArtifact | undefined, setSubstat: (index: number, substat: ISubstat) => void, }) {
const { t } = useTranslation("artifact")
const { mainStatKey = "", rarity = 5 } = artifact ?? {}
const { key = "", value = 0, rolls = [], efficiency = 0 } = artifact?.substats[index] ?? {}
const accurateValue = rolls.reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0)
const unit = KeyMap.unit(key), rollNum = rolls.length
let error: string = "", rollData: readonly number[] = [], allowedRolls = 0
if (artifact) {
// Account for the rolls it will need to fill all 4 substates, +1 for its base roll
const rarity = artifact.rarity
const { numUpgrades, high } = Artifact.rollInfo(rarity)
const maxRollNum = numUpgrades + high - 3;
allowedRolls = maxRollNum - rollNum
rollData = key ? Artifact.getSubstatRollData(key, rarity) : []
const rollOffset = 7 - rollData.length
if (!rollNum && key && value) error = error || t`editor.substat.error.noCalc`
if (allowedRolls < 0) error = error || t("editor.substat.error.noOverRoll", { value: allowedRolls + rollNum })
return <CardLight>
<Box sx={{ display: "flex" }}>
<ButtonGroup size="small" sx={{ width: "100%", display: "flex" }}>
startIcon={key ? StatIcon[key] : undefined}
title={key ? KeyMap.getArtStr(key) : t('editor.substat.substatFormat', { value: index + 1 })}
color={key ? "success" : "primary"}
sx={{ whiteSpace: "nowrap" }}>
{key && <MenuItem onClick={() => setSubstat(index, { key: "", value: 0 })}>{t`editor.substat.noSubstat`}</MenuItem>}
{allSubstatKeys.filter(key => mainStatKey !== key)
.map(k => <MenuItem key={k} selected={key === k} disabled={key === k} onClick={() => setSubstat(index, { key: k, value: 0 })} >
<CustomNumberInputButtonGroupWrapper sx={{ flexBasis: 30, flexGrow: 1 }} >
float={unit === "%"}
value={key ? value : undefined}
onChange={value => setSubstat(index, { key, value: value ?? 0 })}
px: 1,
sx: { textAlign: "right" }
{!!rollData.length && <TextButton>{t`editor.substat.nextRolls`}</TextButton>}
{rollData.map((v, i) => {
let newValue = cacheValueString(accurateValue + v, unit)
newValue = artifactSubstatRollCorrection[rarity]?.[key]?.[newValue] ?? newValue
return <Button key={i} color={`roll${clamp(rollOffset + i, 1, 6)}` as any} disabled={(value && !rollNum) || allowedRolls <= 0} onClick={() => setSubstat(index, { key, value: parseFloat(newValue) })}>{newValue}</Button>
<Box sx={{ p: 1, }}>
{error ? <SqBadge color="error">{t`ui:error`}</SqBadge> : <Grid container>
<Grid item>
<SqBadge color={rollNum === 0 ? "secondary" : `roll${clamp(rollNum, 1, 6)}`}>
{rollNum ? t("editor.substat.RollCount", { count: rollNum }) : t`editor.substat.noRoll`}
<Grid item flexGrow={1}>
{!!rolls.length && [...rolls].sort().map((val, i) =>
<Typography component="span" key={`${i}.${val}`} color={`roll${clamp(rollOffset + rollData.indexOf(val), 1, 6)}.main`} sx={{ ml: 1 }} >{cacheValueString(val, unit)}</Typography>)}
<Grid item xs="auto" flexShrink={1}>
<Trans t={t} i18nKey="editor.substat.eff" color="text.secondary">
Efficiency: <PercentBadge valid={true} max={rollNum * 100} value={efficiency ? efficiency : t`editor.substat.noStat` as string} />
</CardLight >
Example #16
Source File: ArtifactCard.tsx From genshin-optimizer with MIT License | 4 votes |
export default function ArtifactCard({ artifactId, artifactObj, onClick, onDelete, mainStatAssumptionLevel = 0, effFilter = allSubstatFilter, probabilityFilter, disableEditSetSlot = false, editor = false, canExclude = false, canEquip = false, extraButtons }: Data): JSX.Element | null { const { t } = useTranslation(["artifact", "ui"]); const { database } = useContext(DatabaseContext) const databaseArtifact = useArtifact(artifactId) const sheet = usePromise(ArtifactSheet.get((artifactObj ?? databaseArtifact)?.setKey), [artifactObj, databaseArtifact]) const equipOnChar = (charKey: CharacterKey | "") => database.setArtLocation(artifactId!, charKey) const editable = !artifactObj const [showEditor, setshowEditor] = useState(false) const onHideEditor = useCallback(() => setshowEditor(false), [setshowEditor]) const onShowEditor = useCallback(() => editable && setshowEditor(true), [editable, setshowEditor]) const wrapperFunc = useCallback(children => <CardActionArea onClick={() => artifactId && onClick?.(artifactId)} sx={{ flexGrow: 1, display: "flex", flexDirection: "column" }} >{children}</CardActionArea>, [onClick, artifactId],) const falseWrapperFunc = useCallback(children => <Box sx={{ flexGrow: 1, display: "flex", flexDirection: "column" }} >{children}</Box>, []) const art = artifactObj ?? databaseArtifact if (!art) return null const { id, lock, slotKey, rarity, level, mainStatKey, substats, exclude, location = "" } = art const mainStatLevel = Math.max(Math.min(mainStatAssumptionLevel, rarity * 4), level) const mainStatUnit = KeyMap.unit(mainStatKey) const levelVariant = "roll" + (Math.floor(Math.max(level, 0) / 4) + 1) const { currentEfficiency, maxEfficiency } = Artifact.getArtifactEfficiency(art, effFilter) const artifactValid = maxEfficiency !== 0 const slotName = sheet?.getSlotName(slotKey) || "Unknown Piece Name" const slotDesc = sheet?.getSlotDesc(slotKey) const slotDescTooltip = slotDesc && <InfoTooltip title={<Box> <Typography variant='h6'>{slotName}</Typography> <Typography>{slotDesc}</Typography> </Box>} /> const setEffects = sheet?.setEffects const setDescTooltip = sheet && setEffects && <InfoTooltip title={ <span> {Object.keys(setEffects).map(setNumKey => <span key={setNumKey}> <Typography variant="h6"><SqBadge color="success">{t(`artifact:setEffectNum`, { setNum: setNumKey })}</SqBadge></Typography> <Typography>{sheet.setEffectDesc(setNumKey as any)}</Typography> </span>)} </span> } /> return <Suspense fallback={<Skeleton variant="rectangular" sx={{ width: "100%", height: "100%", minHeight: 350 }} />}> {editor && <Suspense fallback={false}> <ArtifactEditor artifactIdToEdit={showEditor ? artifactId : ""} cancelEdit={onHideEditor} disableEditSetSlot={disableEditSetSlot} /> </Suspense>} <CardLight sx={{ height: "100%", display: "flex", flexDirection: "column" }}> <ConditionalWrapper condition={!!onClick} wrapper={wrapperFunc} falseWrapper={falseWrapperFunc}> <Box className={`grad-${rarity}star`} sx={{ position: "relative", width: "100%" }}> {!onClick && <IconButton color="primary" disabled={!editable} onClick={() => database.updateArt({ lock: !lock }, id)} sx={{ position: "absolute", right: 0, bottom: 0, zIndex: 2 }}> {lock ? <Lock /> : <LockOpen />} </IconButton>} <Box sx={{ pt: 2, px: 2, position: "relative", zIndex: 1 }}> {/* header */} <Box component="div" sx={{ display: "flex", alignItems: "center", gap: 1, mb: 1 }}> <Chip size="small" label={<strong>{` +${level}`}</strong>} color={levelVariant as any} /> <Typography component="span" noWrap sx={{ backgroundColor: "rgba(100,100,100,0.35)", borderRadius: "1em", px: 1 }}><strong>{slotName}</strong></Typography> <Box flexGrow={1} sx={{ textAlign: "right" }}> {slotDescTooltip} </Box> </Box> <Typography color="text.secondary" variant="body2"> <SlotNameWithIcon slotKey={slotKey} /> </Typography> <Typography variant="h6" color={`${KeyMap.getVariant(mainStatKey)}.main`}> <span>{StatIcon[mainStatKey]} {KeyMap.get(mainStatKey)}</span> </Typography> <Typography variant="h5"> <strong> <ColorText color={mainStatLevel !== level ? "warning" : undefined}>{cacheValueString(Artifact.mainStatValue(mainStatKey, rarity, mainStatLevel) ?? 0, KeyMap.unit(mainStatKey))}{mainStatUnit}</ColorText> </strong> </Typography> <Stars stars={rarity} colored /> {/* {process.env.NODE_ENV === "development" && <Typography color="common.black">{id || `""`} </Typography>} */} </Box> <Box sx={{ height: "100%", position: "absolute", right: 0, top: 0 }}> <Box component="img" src={sheet?.slotIcons[slotKey] ?? ""} width="auto" height="100%" sx={{ float: "right" }} /> </Box> </Box> <CardContent sx={{ flexGrow: 1, display: "flex", flexDirection: "column", pt: 1, pb: 0, width: "100%" }}> {substats.map((stat: ICachedSubstat) => <SubstatDisplay key={stat.key} stat={stat} effFilter={effFilter} rarity={rarity} />)} <Box sx={{ display: "flex", my: 1 }}> <Typography color="text.secondary" component="span" variant="caption" sx={{ flexGrow: 1 }}>{t`artifact:editor.curSubEff`}</Typography> <PercentBadge value={currentEfficiency} max={900} valid={artifactValid} /> </Box> {currentEfficiency !== maxEfficiency && <Box sx={{ display: "flex", mb: 1 }}> <Typography color="text.secondary" component="span" variant="caption" sx={{ flexGrow: 1 }}>{t`artifact:editor.maxSubEff`}</Typography> <PercentBadge value={maxEfficiency} max={900} valid={artifactValid} /> </Box>} <Box flexGrow={1} /> {probabilityFilter && <strong>Probability: {(probability(art, probabilityFilter) * 100).toFixed(2)}%</strong>} <Typography color="success.main">{sheet?.name ?? "Artifact Set"} {setDescTooltip}</Typography> </CardContent> </ConditionalWrapper> <Box sx={{ p: 1, display: "flex", gap: 1, justifyContent: "space-between", alignItems: "center" }}> {editable && canEquip ? <CharacterAutocomplete sx={{ flexGrow: 1 }} size="small" showDefault defaultIcon={<BusinessCenter />} defaultText={t("ui:inventory")} value={location} onChange={equipOnChar} /> : <LocationName location={location} />} {editable && <ButtonGroup sx={{ height: "100%" }}> {editor && <Tooltip title={<Typography>{t`artifact:edit`}</Typography>} placement="top" arrow> <Button color="info" size="small" onClick={onShowEditor} > <FontAwesomeIcon icon={faEdit} className="fa-fw" /> </Button> </Tooltip>} {canExclude && <Tooltip title={<Typography>{t`artifact:excludeArtifactTip`}</Typography>} placement="top" arrow> <Button onClick={() => database.updateArt({ exclude: !exclude }, id)} color={exclude ? "error" : "success"} size="small" > <FontAwesomeIcon icon={exclude ? faBan : faChartLine} className="fa-fw" /> </Button> </Tooltip>} {!!onDelete && <Button color="error" size="small" onClick={() => onDelete(id)} disabled={lock}> <FontAwesomeIcon icon={faTrashAlt} className="fa-fw" /> </Button>} {extraButtons} </ButtonGroup>} </Box> </CardLight > </Suspense> }
Example #17
Source File: WeaponCard.tsx From genshin-optimizer with MIT License | 4 votes |
export default function WeaponCard({ weaponId, onClick, onEdit, onDelete, canEquip = false, extraButtons }: WeaponCardProps) { const { t } = useTranslation(["page_weapon", "ui"]); const { database } = useContext(DatabaseContext) const databaseWeapon = useWeapon(weaponId) const weapon = databaseWeapon const weaponSheet = usePromise(weapon?.key ? WeaponSheet.get(weapon.key) : undefined, [weapon?.key]) const filter = useCallback( (cs: CharacterSheet) => cs.weaponTypeKey === weaponSheet?.weaponType, [weaponSheet], ) const wrapperFunc = useCallback(children => <CardActionArea onClick={() => onClick?.(weaponId)} >{children}</CardActionArea>, [onClick, weaponId],) const falseWrapperFunc = useCallback(children => <Box >{children}</Box>, []) const equipOnChar = useCallback((charKey: CharacterKey | "") => database.setWeaponLocation(weaponId, charKey), [database, weaponId],) const UIData = useMemo(() => weaponSheet && weapon && computeUIData([weaponSheet.data, dataObjForWeapon(weapon)]), [weaponSheet, weapon]) if (!weapon || !weaponSheet || !UIData) return null; const { level, ascension, refinement, id, location = "", lock } = weapon const weaponTypeKey = UIData.get(input.weapon.type).value! const stats = [input.weapon.main, input.weapon.sub, input.weapon.sub2].map(x => UIData.get(x)) const img = ascension < 2 ? weaponSheet?.img : weaponSheet?.imgAwaken return <Suspense fallback={<Skeleton variant="rectangular" sx={{ width: "100%", height: "100%", minHeight: 300 }} />}> <CardLight sx={{ height: "100%", display: "flex", flexDirection: "column", justifyContent: "space-between" }}> <ConditionalWrapper condition={!!onClick} wrapper={wrapperFunc} falseWrapper={falseWrapperFunc}> <Box className={`grad-${weaponSheet.rarity}star`} sx={{ position: "relative", pt: 2, px: 2, }}> {!onClick && <IconButton color="primary" onClick={() => database.updateWeapon({ lock: !lock }, id)} sx={{ position: "absolute", right: 0, bottom: 0, zIndex: 2 }}> {lock ? <Lock /> : <LockOpen />} </IconButton>} <Box sx={{ position: "relative", zIndex: 1 }}> <Box component="div" sx={{ display: "flex", alignItems: "center", gap: 1, mb: 1 }}> <ImgIcon sx={{ fontSize: "1.5em" }} src={Assets.weaponTypes?.[weaponTypeKey]} /> <Typography noWrap sx={{ textAlign: "center", backgroundColor: "rgba(100,100,100,0.35)", borderRadius: "1em", px: 1 }}><strong>{weaponSheet.name}</strong></Typography> </Box> <Typography component="span" variant="h5">Lv. {level}</Typography> <Typography component="span" variant="h5" color="text.secondary">/{ascensionMaxLevel[ascension]}</Typography> <Typography variant="h6">Refinement <strong>{refinement}</strong></Typography> <Typography><Stars stars={weaponSheet.rarity} colored /></Typography> </Box> <Box sx={{ height: "100%", position: "absolute", right: 0, top: 0 }}> <Box component="img" src={img ?? ""} width="auto" height="100%" sx={{ float: "right" }} /> </Box> </Box> <CardContent> {stats.map(node => { if (!node.info.key) return null const displayVal = valueString(node.value, node.unit, !node.unit ? 0 : undefined) return <Box key={node.info.key} sx={{ display: "flex" }}> <Typography flexGrow={1}>{StatIcon[node.info.key!]} {KeyMap.get(node.info.key)}</Typography> <Typography>{displayVal}</Typography> </Box> })} </CardContent> </ConditionalWrapper> <Box sx={{ p: 1, display: "flex", gap: 1, justifyContent: "space-between", alignItems: "center" }}> {canEquip ? <CharacterAutocomplete size="small" sx={{ flexGrow: 1 }} showDefault defaultIcon={<BusinessCenter />} defaultText={t("inventory")} value={location} onChange={equipOnChar} filter={filter} /> : <LocationName location={location} />} <ButtonGroup> {!!onEdit && <Tooltip title={<Typography>{t`page_weapon:edit`}</Typography>} placement="top" arrow> <Button color="info" onClick={() => onEdit(id)} > <FontAwesomeIcon icon={faEdit} className="fa-fw" /> </Button> </Tooltip>} {!!onDelete && <Button color="error" onClick={() => onDelete(id)} disabled={!!location || lock} > <FontAwesomeIcon icon={faTrashAlt} className="fa-fw" /> </Button>} {extraButtons} </ButtonGroup> </Box> </CardLight> </Suspense> }
Example #18
Source File: WeaponEditor.tsx From genshin-optimizer with MIT License | 4 votes |
export default function WeaponEditor({
weaponId: propWeaponId,
footer = false,
}: WeaponStatsEditorCardProps) {
const { t } = useTranslation("ui")
const { data } = useContext(DataContext)
const { database } = useContext(DatabaseContext)
const weapon = useWeapon(propWeaponId)
const { key = "", level = 0, refinement = 0, ascension = 0, lock, location = "", id } = weapon ?? {}
const weaponSheet = usePromise(WeaponSheet.get(key), [key])
const weaponDispatch = useCallback((newWeapon: Partial<ICachedWeapon>) => {
database.updateWeapon(newWeapon, propWeaponId)
}, [propWeaponId, database])
const setLevel = useCallback(level => {
level = clamp(level, 1, 90)
const ascension = ascensionMaxLevel.findIndex(ascenML => level <= ascenML)
weaponDispatch({ level, ascension })
}, [weaponDispatch])
const setAscension = useCallback(() => {
const lowerAscension = ascensionMaxLevel.findIndex(ascenML => level !== 90 && level === ascenML)
if (ascension === lowerAscension) weaponDispatch({ ascension: ascension + 1 })
else weaponDispatch({ ascension: lowerAscension })
}, [weaponDispatch, ascension, level])
const characterSheet = usePromise(location ? CharacterSheet.get(location) : undefined, [location])
const weaponFilter = characterSheet ? (ws) => ws.weaponType === characterSheet.weaponTypeKey : undefined
const initialWeaponFilter = characterSheet && characterSheet.weaponTypeKey
const equipOnChar = useCallback((charKey: CharacterKey | "") => id && database.setWeaponLocation(id, charKey), [database, id])
const filter = useCallback(
(cs: CharacterSheet) => cs.weaponTypeKey === weaponSheet?.weaponType,
const [showModal, setshowModal] = useState(false)
const img = ascension < 2 ? weaponSheet?.img : weaponSheet?.imgAwaken
//check the levels when switching from a 5* to a 1*, for example.
useEffect(() => {
if (!weaponSheet || !weaponDispatch || weaponSheet.key !== weapon?.key) return
if (weaponSheet.rarity <= 2 && (level > 70 || ascension > 4)) {
const [level, ascension] = lowRarityMilestoneLevels[0]
weaponDispatch({ level, ascension })
}, [weaponSheet, weapon, weaponDispatch, level, ascension])
const weaponUIData = useMemo(() => weaponSheet && weapon && computeUIData([weaponSheet.data, dataObjForWeapon(weapon)]), [weaponSheet, weapon])
return <ModalWrapper open={!!propWeaponId} onClose={onClose} containerProps={{ maxWidth: "md" }}><CardLight>
<WeaponSelectionModal show={showModal} onHide={() => setshowModal(false)} onSelect={k => weaponDispatch({ key: k })} filter={weaponFilter} weaponFilter={initialWeaponFilter} />
<CardContent >
{weaponSheet && weaponUIData && <Grid container spacing={1.5}>
<Grid item xs={12} sm={3}>
<Grid container spacing={1.5}>
<Grid item xs={6} sm={12}>
<Box component="img" src={img} className={`grad-${weaponSheet.rarity}star`} sx={{ maxWidth: 256, width: "100%", height: "auto", borderRadius: 1 }} />
<Grid item xs={6} sm={12}>
<Grid item xs={12} sm={9} sx={{ display: "flex", flexDirection: "column", gap: 1 }}>
<Box display="flex" gap={1} flexWrap="wrap" justifyContent="space-between">
<Button onClick={() => setshowModal(true)} >{weaponSheet?.name ?? "Select a Weapon"}</Button>
{weaponSheet?.hasRefinement && <DropdownButton title={`Refinement ${refinement}`}>
<MenuItem>Select Weapon Refinement</MenuItem>
<Divider />
{[...Array(5).keys()].map(key =>
<MenuItem key={key} onClick={() => weaponDispatch({ refinement: key + 1 })} selected={refinement === (key + 1)} disabled={refinement === (key + 1)}>
{`Refinement ${key + 1}`}
<Box display="flex" gap={1} flexWrap="wrap" justifyContent="space-between">
<ButtonGroup sx={{ bgcolor: t => t.palette.contentLight.main }} >
<CustomNumberInputButtonGroupWrapper >
<CustomNumberInput onChange={setLevel} value={level}
startAdornment="Lv. "
inputProps={{ min: 1, max: 90, sx: { textAlign: "center" } }}
sx={{ width: "100%", height: "100%", pl: 2 }}
{weaponSheet && <Button sx={{ pl: 1 }} disabled={!weaponSheet.ambiguousLevel(level)} onClick={setAscension}><strong>/ {ascensionMaxLevel[ascension]}</strong></Button>}
{weaponSheet && <DropdownButton title={"Select Level"} >
{weaponSheet.milestoneLevels.map(([lv, as]) => {
const sameLevel = lv === ascensionMaxLevel[as]
const lvlstr = sameLevel ? `Lv. ${lv}` : `Lv. ${lv}/${ascensionMaxLevel[as]}`
const selected = lv === level && as === ascension
return <MenuItem key={`${lv}/${as}`} selected={selected} disabled={selected} onClick={() => weaponDispatch({ level: lv, ascension: as })}>{lvlstr}</MenuItem>
<Button color="error" onClick={() => id && database.updateWeapon({ lock: !lock }, id)} startIcon={lock ? <Lock /> : <LockOpen />}>
{lock ? "Locked" : "Unlocked"}
<Typography><Stars stars={weaponSheet.rarity} /></Typography>
<Typography variant="subtitle1"><strong>{weaponSheet.passiveName}</strong></Typography>
<Typography gutterBottom>{weaponSheet.passiveName && weaponSheet.passiveDescription(weaponUIData.get(input.weapon.refineIndex).value)}</Typography>
<Box display="flex" flexDirection="column" gap={1}>
<CardDark >
<CardHeader title={"Main Stats"} titleTypographyProps={{ variant: "subtitle2" }} />
<Divider />
{[input.weapon.main, input.weapon.sub, input.weapon.sub2].map((node, i) => {
const n = weaponUIData.get(node)
if (n.isEmpty || !n.value) return null
return <NodeFieldDisplay key={n.info.key} node={n} component={ListItem} />
{data && weaponSheet.document && <DocumentDisplay sections={weaponSheet.document} />}
{footer && id && <CardContent sx={{ py: 1 }}>
<Grid container spacing={1}>
<Grid item flexGrow={1}>
<CharacterAutocomplete showDefault defaultIcon={<BusinessCenter />} defaultText={t("inventory")} value={location} onChange={equipOnChar} filter={filter} />
{!!onClose && <Grid item><CloseButton sx={{ height: "100%" }} large onClick={onClose} /></Grid>}
</CardLight ></ModalWrapper>
Example #19
Source File: websiteCardNew.tsx From Search-Next with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
WebsiteCardNew: React.FC<WebsiteCardNewProps> = (props) => {
const { datasource } = props;
const { name, intro, color, url } = datasource;
const onAdd = () => {
const res = addSite({
url: url.substring(0, url.lastIndexOf('/')),
if (res) toast.success('添加成功');
const onCopy = () => {
if (navigator.clipboard) {
toast.success(`已复制 ${name} (${url})`);
} else {
const copy = new Clipboard(`.copy-button_${name}`);
copy.on('success', (e) => {
toast.success(`已复制 ${name} (${url})`);
copy.on('error', function (e) {
const onMore = () => {
return (
'cursor-pointer shadow-md rounded border-b-2',
--tw-shadow: 0 1px 3px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1),
0 1px 3px 0 ${hexToRgba(color ?? '#000', 0.45).rgba} !important;
border-bottom-color: ${color};
<Tooltip title={intro || '暂无介绍'}>
<div className="p-3 flex gap-3" onClick={() => window.open(url)}>
// style={{ backgroundColor: color }}
<div className="flex-grow overflow-hidden">
<p className="font-bold text-base whitespace-nowrap overflow-x-hidden">
<Overflow>{(intro as any) || ('暂无介绍' as any)}</Overflow>
'w-full h-full flex',
justify-content: flex-end;
button {
height: 100%;
border-right: 0px !important;
<Tooltip title="添加到首页">
<Button onClick={onAdd}>
<Add />
<Tooltip title="复制网站链接">
<CopyAll />
{false && (
<Tooltip title="更多">
<Button onClick={onMore}>
<MoreHoriz />