@prisma/client#Block TypeScript Examples

The following examples show how to use @prisma/client#Block. You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example #1
Source File: blocks-transactions.service.ts    From ironfish-api with Mozilla Public License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
async upsert(
    prisma: BasePrismaClient,
    block: Block,
    transaction: Transaction,
  ): Promise<BlockTransaction> {
    return prisma.blockTransaction.upsert({
      create: {
        block_id: block.id,
        transaction_id: transaction.id,
      update: {
        block_id: block.id,
        transaction_id: transaction.id,
      where: {
        block_id_transaction_id: {
          block_id: block.id,
          transaction_id: transaction.id,
Example #2
Source File: blocks-transactions.service.ts    From ironfish-api with Mozilla Public License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
async findBlocksByTransaction(transaction: Transaction): Promise<Block[]> {
    const blocksTransactions = await this.prisma.blockTransaction.findMany({
      where: {
        transaction_id: transaction.id,
      include: {
        block: true,
    return blocksTransactions.map((blockTransaction) => blockTransaction.block);
Example #3
Source File: blocks-transactions.service.ts    From ironfish-api with Mozilla Public License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
async findTransactionsByBlock(block: Block): Promise<Transaction[]> {
    const blocksTransactions = await this.prisma.blockTransaction.findMany({
      where: {
        block_id: block.id,
      include: {
        transaction: true,
    return blocksTransactions.map(
      (blockTransaction) => blockTransaction.transaction,
Example #4
Source File: transactions.service.ts    From ironfish-api with Mozilla Public License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
async find(
    options: FindTransactionOptions,
  ): Promise<Transaction | (Transaction & { blocks: Block[] }) | null> {
    const networkVersion = this.config.get<number>('NETWORK_VERSION');
    const { withBlocks } = options;

    const where = {
      hash: standardizeHash(options.hash),
      network_version: networkVersion,

    const transaction = await this.prisma.transaction.findFirst({

    if (transaction !== null && withBlocks) {
      const blocks =
        await this.blocksTransactionsService.findBlocksByTransaction(
      return { ...transaction, blocks };

    return transaction;
Example #5
Source File: transactions.service.ts    From ironfish-api with Mozilla Public License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
async list(
    options: ListTransactionOptions,
  ): Promise<Transaction[] | (Transaction & { blocks: Block[] })[]> {
    const networkVersion = this.config.get<number>('NETWORK_VERSION');
    const orderBy = { id: SortOrder.DESC };
    const direction = options.before !== undefined ? -1 : 1;
    const limit =
      direction * Math.min(MAX_LIMIT, options.limit || DEFAULT_LIMIT);
    const withBlocks = options.withBlocks ?? false;

    if (options.search !== undefined) {
      const where = {
        hash: standardizeHash(options.search),
        network_version: networkVersion,
      return this.getTransactionsData(orderBy, limit, where, withBlocks);
    } else if (options.blockId !== undefined) {
      const blocksTransactions = await this.blocksTransactionsService.list({
        blockId: options.blockId,
      const transactionsIds = blocksTransactions.map(
        (blockTransaction) => blockTransaction.transaction_id,
      const where = {
        id: { in: transactionsIds },
        network_version: networkVersion,
      return this.getTransactionsData(orderBy, limit, where, withBlocks);
    } else {
      return this.getTransactionsData(orderBy, limit, {}, withBlocks);
Example #6
Source File: transactions.service.ts    From ironfish-api with Mozilla Public License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
private async getTransactionsData(
    orderBy: { id: SortOrder },
    limit: number,
    where: Prisma.TransactionWhereInput,
    includeBlocks: boolean,
  ): Promise<Transaction[] | (Transaction & { blocks: Block[] })[]> {
    const transactions = await this.prisma.transaction.findMany({
      take: limit,

    if (includeBlocks) {
      const transactionsWithBlocks = [];
      for (const transaction of transactions) {
        const blocks =
          await this.blocksTransactionsService.findBlocksByTransaction(
      return transactionsWithBlocks;

    return transactions;
Example #7
Source File: blocks.controller.spec.ts    From ironfish-api with Mozilla Public License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
describe('BlocksController', () => {
  let app: INestApplication;
  let blocksDailyService: BlocksDailyService;
  let blocksService: BlocksService;
  let graphileWorkerService: GraphileWorkerService;
  let prisma: PrismaService;

  beforeAll(async () => {
    app = await bootstrapTestApp();
    blocksDailyService = app.get(BlocksDailyService);
    blocksService = app.get(BlocksService);
    graphileWorkerService = app.get(GraphileWorkerService);
    prisma = app.get(PrismaService);
    await app.init();

  afterAll(async () => {
    await app.close();

  const seedBlock = async () => {
    const hash = uuid();
    const sequence = faker.datatype.number();

    const block = await prisma.block.create({
      data: {
        main: true,
        timestamp: new Date(),
        transactions_count: 0,
        graffiti: uuid(),
        previous_block_hash: uuid(),
        network_version: 0,
        size: faker.datatype.number(),
        difficulty: faker.datatype.number(),

    return { block };

  describe('POST /blocks', () => {
    describe('with a missing api key', () => {
      it('returns a 401', async () => {
        const { body } = await request(app.getHttpServer())


    describe('with missing arguments', () => {
      it('returns a 422', async () => {
        const { body } = await request(app.getHttpServer())
          .set('Authorization', `Bearer ${API_KEY}`)
          .send({ blocks: [{}] })


    describe('with too many blocks', () => {
      it('returns a 422', async () => {
        const blocks = [];
        for (let i = 0; i < 3001; i++) {
            hash: uuid(),
            difficulty: faker.datatype.number(),
            type: BlockOperation.CONNECTED,
            sequence: faker.datatype.number(),
            timestamp: new Date(),
            transactions_count: 0,
            graffiti: uuid(),
            previous_block_hash: uuid(),
            size: faker.datatype.number({ min: 1 }),
            transactions: [
                hash: uuid(),
                fee: faker.datatype.number(),
                size: faker.datatype.number(),
                notes: [{ commitment: uuid() }],
                spends: [{ nullifier: uuid() }],
        const payload: UpsertBlocksDto = { blocks };

        const { body } = await request(app.getHttpServer())
          .set('Authorization', `Bearer ${API_KEY}`)


    describe('with a valid payload', () => {
      it('upserts blocks', async () => {
          .spyOn(graphileWorkerService, 'addJob')
        const payload: UpsertBlocksDto = {
          blocks: [
              hash: uuid(),
              difficulty: faker.datatype.number(),
              type: BlockOperation.CONNECTED,
              sequence: faker.datatype.number(),
              timestamp: new Date(),
              graffiti: uuid(),
              previous_block_hash: uuid(),
              size: faker.datatype.number(),
              transactions: [
                  hash: uuid(),
                  fee: faker.datatype.number(),
                  size: faker.datatype.number(),
                  notes: [{ commitment: uuid() }],
                  spends: [{ nullifier: uuid() }],
        const block = payload.blocks[0];
        const { body } = await request(app.getHttpServer())
          .set('Authorization', `Bearer ${API_KEY}`)

        const { data } = body;
        expect((data as unknown[]).length).toBeGreaterThan(0);
        expect((data as unknown[])[0]).toMatchObject({
          id: expect.any(Number),
          hash: block.hash,
          difficulty: block.difficulty,
          sequence: block.sequence,
          timestamp: block.timestamp.toISOString(),
          transactions_count: 1,
          previous_block_hash: block.previous_block_hash,
          size: block.size,

  describe('GET /blocks/head', () => {
    it('returns the heaviest block', async () => {
      const { body } = await request(app.getHttpServer())

        id: expect.any(Number),
        main: true,

  describe('GET /blocks/status', () => {
    it('returns information about the main chain', async () => {
      const { body } = await request(app.getHttpServer())

        chain_height: expect.any(Number),
        percentage_marked: expect.any(Number),
        unique_graffiti: expect.any(Number),

  describe('GET /blocks', () => {
    describe('with no query parameters', () => {
      it('returns a list of blocks in descending order', async () => {
        for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
          const hash = uuid();
          const testGraffiti = `graffiti ${i}`;
          await prisma.block.create({
            data: {
              main: true,
              sequence: i,
              timestamp: new Date(),
              transactions_count: 0,
              graffiti: testGraffiti,
              previous_block_hash: uuid(),
              network_version: 0,
              size: faker.datatype.number(),
              difficulty: faker.datatype.number(),
        const { body } = await request(app.getHttpServer())

        const { data } = body;
        expect((data as unknown[]).length).toBeGreaterThanOrEqual(10);
        expect((data as unknown[])[0]).toMatchObject({
          id: expect.any(Number),
          hash: expect.any(String),
          difficulty: expect.any(Number),
          sequence: expect.any(Number),
          timestamp: expect.any(String),
          transactions_count: expect.any(Number),
          previous_block_hash: expect.any(String),
          size: expect.any(Number),
        expect(((data as unknown[])[0] as Block).id).toBeGreaterThan(
          ((data as unknown[])[1] as Block).id,

      describe('with main chain parameter set to false', () => {
        it('returns only non-main chain blocks', async () => {
          for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
            const hash = uuid();
            const testGraffiti = `graffiti ${i}`;
            await prisma.block.create({
              data: {
                main: i < 5,
                sequence: i,
                timestamp: new Date(),
                transactions_count: 0,
                graffiti: testGraffiti,
                previous_block_hash: uuid(),
                network_version: 0,
                size: faker.datatype.number(),
                difficulty: faker.datatype.number(),

          const { body } = await request(app.getHttpServer())
            .query({ main: false })

          const { data } = body;
          expect((data as unknown[]).length).toBeGreaterThanOrEqual(5);
          expect((data as unknown[])[0]).toMatchObject({
            id: expect.any(Number),
            hash: expect.any(String),
            difficulty: expect.any(Number),
            main: false,
            sequence: expect.any(Number),
            timestamp: expect.any(String),
            transactions_count: expect.any(Number),
            previous_block_hash: expect.any(String),
            size: expect.any(Number),

    describe('with invalid sequence_gte and sequence_lt parameters', () => {
      describe('when sequence_gte and sequence_lt are not at least 1', () => {
        it('returns a 422', async () => {
          const { body } = await request(app.getHttpServer())
            .query({ sequence_gte: -1, sequence_lt: -1 })


      describe('when sequence_gte > sequence_lt', () => {
        it('returns a 422', async () => {
          const { body } = await request(app.getHttpServer())
            .query({ sequence_gte: 2, sequence_lt: 1 })


      describe('when the range is too long', () => {
        it('returns a 422', async () => {
          const { body } = await request(app.getHttpServer())
            .query({ sequence_gte: 1, sequence_lt: 1002 })


    describe('with a valid sequence range', () => {
      it('returns blocks within the range', async () => {
        // Seed some blocks
        for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
          const hash = uuid();
          const testGraffiti = `graffiti ${i}`;
          await prisma.block.create({
            data: {
              main: true,
              sequence: i,
              timestamp: new Date(),
              transactions_count: 0,
              graffiti: testGraffiti,
              previous_block_hash: uuid(),
              network_version: 0,
              size: faker.datatype.number(),
              difficulty: faker.datatype.number(),

        const { body } = await request(app.getHttpServer())
          .query({ sequence_gte: 1, sequence_lt: 420 })

        const { data } = body;
        expect((data as unknown[]).length).toBeGreaterThan(0);
        expect((data as unknown[])[0]).toMatchObject({
          id: expect.any(Number),
          hash: expect.any(String),
          difficulty: expect.any(Number),
          sequence: expect.any(Number),
          timestamp: expect.any(String),
          transactions_count: expect.any(Number),
          previous_block_hash: expect.any(String),
          size: expect.any(Number),

    describe('with search parameters', () => {
      describe('when string is a valid partial hash', () => {
        it('returns block(s) with a match', async () => {
          const testBlockHash = uuid();
          const testSequence = faker.datatype.number();
          const testGraffiti = `graffiti ${testSequence}`;
          await prisma.block.create({
            data: {
              hash: testBlockHash,
              main: true,
              sequence: testSequence,
              timestamp: new Date(),
              transactions_count: 0,
              graffiti: testGraffiti,
              previous_block_hash: uuid(),
              network_version: 0,
              size: faker.datatype.number(),
              difficulty: faker.datatype.number(),

          const { body } = await request(app.getHttpServer())
            .query({ search: testBlockHash })

          const { data } = body;
          expect((data as unknown[]).length).toBeGreaterThan(0);
          expect((data as unknown[])[0]).toMatchObject({
            id: expect.any(Number),
            hash: testBlockHash,
            difficulty: expect.any(Number),
            sequence: expect.any(Number),
            timestamp: expect.any(String),
            transactions_count: expect.any(Number),
            previous_block_hash: expect.any(String),
            size: expect.any(Number),

      describe('when string is a valid sequence', () => {
        it('returns block(s) with a match', async () => {
          const testBlockHash = uuid();
          const testSequence = 12345;
          const testGraffiti = `graffiti ${testSequence}`;
          await prisma.block.create({
            data: {
              hash: testBlockHash,
              main: true,
              sequence: testSequence,
              timestamp: new Date(),
              transactions_count: 0,
              graffiti: testGraffiti,
              previous_block_hash: uuid(),
              network_version: 0,
              size: faker.datatype.number(),
              difficulty: faker.datatype.number(),

          const { body } = await request(app.getHttpServer())
            .query({ search: testSequence })

          const { data } = body;
          expect((data as unknown[]).length).toBeGreaterThan(0);
          expect((data as unknown[])[0]).toMatchObject({
            id: expect.any(Number),
            hash: expect.any(String),
            difficulty: expect.any(Number),
            sequence: testSequence,
            timestamp: expect.any(String),
            transactions_count: expect.any(Number),
            previous_block_hash: expect.any(String),
            size: expect.any(Number),

    describe('with a transaction ID', () => {
      it('returns block(s) that contain said transaction', async () => {
        const notes = [{ commitment: uuid() }];
        const spends = [{ nullifier: uuid() }];
        const transaction = await prisma.transaction.create({
          data: {
            hash: uuid(),
            network_version: 0,
            fee: faker.datatype.number(),
            size: faker.datatype.number(),
        for (let i = 0; i < 9; i++) {
          const { block } = await seedBlock();
          await prisma.blockTransaction.create({
            data: {
              block_id: block.id,
              transaction_id: transaction.id,

        const { body } = await request(app.getHttpServer())
          .query({ transaction_id: transaction.id, with_transactions: true })

        const { data } = body;
        expect((data as unknown[]).length).toBeGreaterThan(0);
        for (const serializedBlock of data as SerializedBlockWithTransactions[]) {
          for (const tx of serializedBlock.transactions) {

  describe('GET /blocks/find', () => {
    describe('with a valid hash', () => {
      it('returns the block with the correct hash', async () => {
        const testBlockHash = uuid();
        const testSequence = faker.datatype.number();
        const testGraffiti = `graffiti ${testSequence}`;
        await prisma.block.create({
          data: {
            hash: testBlockHash,
            main: true,
            sequence: faker.datatype.number(),
            timestamp: new Date(),
            transactions_count: 0,
            graffiti: testGraffiti,
            previous_block_hash: uuid(),
            network_version: 0,
            size: faker.datatype.number(),
            difficulty: faker.datatype.number(),

        const { body } = await request(app.getHttpServer())
          .query({ hash: testBlockHash })

          id: expect.any(Number),
          hash: testBlockHash,
          difficulty: expect.any(Number),
          sequence: expect.any(Number),
          timestamp: expect.any(String),
          transactions_count: expect.any(Number),
          previous_block_hash: expect.any(String),
          size: expect.any(Number),

    describe('with a valid sequence', () => {
      it('returns the block with the correct sequence', async () => {
        const hash = uuid();
        const testBlockSequence = faker.datatype.number();
        const testGraffiti = `graffiti ${testBlockSequence}`;
        await prisma.block.create({
          data: {
            main: true,
            sequence: testBlockSequence,
            timestamp: new Date(),
            transactions_count: 0,
            graffiti: testGraffiti,
            previous_block_hash: uuid(),
            network_version: 0,
            size: faker.datatype.number(),
            difficulty: faker.datatype.number(),

        const { body } = await request(app.getHttpServer())
          .query({ sequence: testBlockSequence })

          id: expect.any(Number),
          hash: expect.any(String),
          difficulty: expect.any(Number),
          sequence: testBlockSequence,
          timestamp: expect.any(String),
          transactions_count: expect.any(Number),
          previous_block_hash: expect.any(String),
          size: expect.any(Number),

    describe('with neither a matching hash nor sequence', () => {
      it('returns a 404', async () => {
        const hash = uuid();
        const sequence = faker.datatype.number();
        const testGraffiti = `graffiti ${sequence}`;

        await prisma.block.create({
          data: {
            main: true,
            timestamp: new Date(),
            transactions_count: 0,
            graffiti: testGraffiti,
            previous_block_hash: uuid(),
            network_version: 0,
            size: faker.datatype.number(),
            difficulty: faker.datatype.number(),

        const { body } = await request(app.getHttpServer())
          .query({ hash: uuid(), sequence: faker.datatype.number() })


    describe('with neither a valid hash nor sequence', () => {
      it('returns a 422', async () => {
        const hash = uuid();
        const sequence = faker.datatype.number();
        const testGraffiti = `graffiti ${sequence}`;
        await prisma.block.create({
          data: {
            main: true,
            timestamp: new Date(),
            transactions_count: 0,
            graffiti: testGraffiti,
            previous_block_hash: uuid(),
            network_version: 0,
            size: faker.datatype.number(),
            difficulty: faker.datatype.number(),

        const { body } = await request(app.getHttpServer())


  describe('POST /blocks/disconnect', () => {
    describe('with a missing api key', () => {
      it('returns a 401', async () => {
        const { body } = await request(app.getHttpServer())


    describe('with missing arguments', () => {
      it('returns a 422', async () => {
        const { body } = await request(app.getHttpServer())
          .set('Authorization', `Bearer ${API_KEY}`)


    describe('wtih a valid sequence', () => {
      it('disconnects blocks after the sequence', async () => {
        const disconnectAfter = jest.spyOn(blocksService, 'disconnectAfter');
        const sequenceGt = 2;
        await request(app.getHttpServer())
          .set('Authorization', `Bearer ${API_KEY}`)
          .send({ sequence_gt: sequenceGt })


  describe('GET /blocks/metrics', () => {
    describe('with missing arguments', () => {
      it('returns a 422', async () => {
        const { body } = await request(app.getHttpServer())


    describe('with invalid granularity', () => {
      it('returns a 422', async () => {
        const start = '2021-06-01T00:00:00.000Z';
        const end = '2021-07-01T00:00:00.000Z';
        const { body } = await request(app.getHttpServer())
          .query({ start, end, granularity: MetricsGranularity.LIFETIME })


    describe('with start after end', () => {
      it('returns a 422', async () => {
        const start = new Date().toISOString();
        const end = new Date(Date.now() - 1).toISOString();
        const { body } = await request(app.getHttpServer())
            granularity: MetricsGranularity.DAY,


    describe('with a time range longer than the supported range', () => {
      it('returns a 422', async () => {
        const start = '2021-06-01T00:00:00.000Z';
        const end = '2021-10-01T00:00:00.000Z';
        const { body } = await request(app.getHttpServer())
            granularity: MetricsGranularity.DAY,


    describe('with a valid request', () => {
      it('returns daily snapshots', async () => {
        const start = '2021-06-01T00:00:00.000Z';
        const end = '2021-07-01T00:00:00.000Z';
        await blocksDailyService.upsert({
          averageBlockTimeMs: 0,
          averageDifficultyMillis: 0,
          blocksCount: 0,
          blocksWithGraffitiCount: 0,
          chainSequence: 0,
          cumulativeUniqueGraffiti: 0,
          date: new Date(start),
          transactionsCount: 0,
          uniqueGraffiti: 0,

        const { body } = await request(app.getHttpServer())
            granularity: MetricsGranularity.DAY,

        const { data } = body;
        expect((data as unknown[]).length).toBeGreaterThan(0);
        expect((data as unknown[])[0]).toMatchObject({
          object: 'block_metrics',
          average_block_time_ms: expect.any(Number),
          average_difficulty: expect.any(Number),
          blocks_count: expect.any(Number),
          blocks_with_graffiti_count: expect.any(Number),
          chain_sequence: expect.any(Number),
          cumulative_unique_graffiti: expect.any(Number),
          date: expect.any(String),
          transactions_count: expect.any(Number),
          unique_graffiti_count: expect.any(Number),
Example #8
Source File: blocks-transactions-loader.ts    From ironfish-api with Mozilla Public License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
async bulkUpsert({
  }: UpsertBlocksDto): Promise<(Block & { transactions: Transaction[] })[]> {
    const deleteBlockMinedPayloads: DeleteBlockMinedEventOptions[] = [];
    const upsertBlockMinedPayloads: UpsertBlockMinedEventOptions[] = [];

    const previousHashes = new Map<string, BlockDto>();
    for (const block of blocks) {
      previousHashes.set(block.hash, block);

    const records: (Block & { transactions: Transaction[] })[] = [];

    for (const block of blocks) {
      let timeSinceLastBlockMs: number | undefined = undefined;
      if (block.previous_block_hash !== undefined) {
        const seenPreviousBlock = previousHashes.get(block.previous_block_hash);
        if (seenPreviousBlock) {
          const prevTimestamp = seenPreviousBlock.timestamp;
          timeSinceLastBlockMs =
            block.timestamp.getTime() - prevTimestamp.getTime();
        } else {
          const unseenPreviousBlock = await this.prisma.block.findFirst({
            where: {
              hash: block.previous_block_hash,
          if (unseenPreviousBlock) {
            timeSinceLastBlockMs =
              block.timestamp.getTime() -

      await this.prisma.$transaction(
        async (prisma) => {
          const {
            block: createdBlock,
          } = await this.blocksService.upsert(prisma, {
            previousBlockHash: block.previous_block_hash,
            transactionsCount: block.transactions.length,

          if (deleteBlockMinedOptions) {

          if (upsertBlockMinedOptions) {

          const transactions = await this.transactionsService.bulkUpsert(

          for (const transaction of transactions) {
            await this.blocksTransactionsService.upsert(
          records.push({ ...createdBlock, transactions });
          // We increased this from the default of 5000 because the transactions were
          // timing out and failing to upsert blocks
          timeout: 20000,

    for (const payload of deleteBlockMinedPayloads) {
      await this.graphileWorkerService.addJob(
          queueName: 'delete_block_mined_event',

    for (const payload of upsertBlockMinedPayloads) {
      await this.graphileWorkerService.addJob(
          queueName: 'upsert_block_mined_event',

    await this.graphileWorkerService.addJob(
        date: await this.blocksDailyService.getNextDateToSync(),

    return records;