@testing-library/dom#createEvent TypeScript Examples
The following examples show how to use
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Example #1
Source File: sagas.test.ts From pybricks-code with MIT License | 6 votes |
test('monitorBeforeInstallPrompt', async () => {
const saga = new AsyncSaga(app);
fireEvent(window, createEvent('beforeinstallprompt', window));
const action = await saga.take();
await saga.end();
Example #2
Source File: sagas.test.ts From pybricks-code with MIT License | 6 votes |
test('appShowInstallPrompt', async () => {
const userChoice = {
outcome: <'accepted' | 'dismissed'>'accepted',
platform: 'web',
const saga = new AsyncSaga(app);
// mock registration as if service worker was register on app startup
const event = createEvent('beforeinstallprompt', window);
Object.assign(event, <Partial<BeforeInstallPromptEvent>>{
prompt: () => Promise.resolve<void>(undefined),
userChoice: Promise.resolve(userChoice),
fireEvent(window, event);
const action = await saga.take();
const action2 = await saga.take();
await saga.end();