@testing-library/dom#getByText TypeScript Examples
The following examples show how to use
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Example #1
Source File: index.test.ts From d3-render with MIT License | 4 votes |
describe('Render', () => {
it('should return empty selection', () => {
expect(render('.test', [])).toEqual({ _groups: [], _parents: [] });
it('should render text element in svg with multiple attributes', () => {
const svg = getExampleDOM('svg');
const data = [
append: 'text',
text: 'test',
x: 5,
y: 5,
onClick: () => {},
render(svg, data);
expect(getByText(svg, 'test')).toBeTruthy();
data.forEach(d => {
Object.keys(d).map(key => {
const keyType = getKeyType(key);
if (keyType === 'attribute') {
const realValue = d[key];
const testValue = svg.querySelector('text').getAttribute(key);
it("should render rect of class 'rect1' with inline styles", () => {
const svg = getExampleDOM('svg');
const data = [
append: 'rect',
class: 'rect1',
fill: 'red',
style: {
stroke: 'black',
fillOpacity: 0.5,
render(svg, data);
const rect = svg.querySelector('.rect1');
'stroke: black; fill-opacity: 0.5;'
it("should render group of id '#group1' with children", () => {
const svg = getExampleDOM('svg');
const data = [
append: 'g',
id: 'group1',
children: [
append: 'circle',
r: 10,
render(svg, data);
const group = svg.querySelector('#group1');
const circle = group.querySelector('circle');
it('should render rect with initial width from transition object', () => {
const svg = getExampleDOM('svg');
const data = [
append: 'rect',
width: { enter: 100, exit: 0 },
render(svg, data);
const rect = svg.querySelector('rect');
it('should render rect with an onClick handler', () => {
const svg = getExampleDOM('svg');
const onClick = jest.fn();
const data = [
append: 'rect',
width: 100,
height: 100,
render(svg, data);
const rect = svg.querySelector('rect');
fireEvent(rect, new MouseEvent('click'));
isTrusted: false,
append: 'rect',
it('should render ellipse with a function attribute value', () => {
const svg = getExampleDOM('svg');
const rxMock = jest.fn();
const data = [
append: 'ellipse',
rx: (d, i) => {
rxMock(d, i);
return 100;
ry: 50,
render(svg, data);
const ellipse = svg.querySelector('ellipse');
expect(rxMock).toBeCalledWith(data[0], 0);
it('should render div with text', () => {
const body = getExampleDOM('body');
const data = [
append: 'div',
text: 'Text in div',
render(body, data);
const div = body.querySelector('div');
expect(getByText(body, 'Text in div')).toBeTruthy();
it('should render div with html', () => {
const body = getExampleDOM('body');
const data = [
append: 'div',
html: '<p>Text in paragraph</p>',
render(body, data);
const div = body.querySelector('div');
const paragraph = div.querySelector('p');
expect(getByText(paragraph, 'Text in paragraph')).toBeTruthy();
it('should render data with null values', () => {
const body = getExampleDOM('body');
const data = [null];
// @ts-ignore
render(body, data);
// const div = body.querySelector('div');
// const paragraph = div.querySelector('p');
it('should render data with a call function', () => {
const mockCall = jest.fn();
const svg = getExampleDOM('svg');
const data = [
append: 'g',
call: mockCall,
render(svg, data);
const g = svg.querySelector('g');
expect(mockCall).toBeCalledWith({ _groups: [[g]], _parents: [null] });
it('should render svg with viewBox attribute instead of view-box', () => {
// Ensure certain svg attributes are not converted from camel to kebab case.
const div = getExampleDOM('div');
const data = [
append: 'svg',
viewBox: '0 0 100 100',
render(div, data);
const svg = div.querySelector('svg');
expect(svg.getAttribute('viewBox')).toEqual('0 0 100 100');